Comments on: Links 04/02/2008: OLPC Award, Red Hat in Asia, Summed Up Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Fink Mon, 04 Feb 2008 15:51:00 +0000 Excellent!

By: Roy Schestowitz Mon, 04 Feb 2008 15:47:36 +0000 Just moments ago I was told about this:

Microsoft is ready to oust Yahoo! board to achieve swift takeover

Suzy Jagger in New York, Jonathan Richards and Siobhan Kennedy

“Microsoft is threatening to launch a boardroom coup at Yahoo! within six weeks if the internet search engine fails to accept its $45 billion (£23 billion) hostile takeover proposal or start serious merger talks, The Times has learned.”

There you go… msft business as usual…

My immediate and hurried response was:

This is similar to what Microsoft does in committees that votes on OOXML, it’s similar to the way Microsoft ‘killed’ ISO (veterans escaped it), it’s similar to what Microsoft did in MA (maybe Finland as well… where ODF supporters got pushed out), and probably XenSource too… (they put a Microsoft GM in charge before XenSource sold out).

Someone tells me they try to put Trojan horses (ex-Softies) in Google as well. They spread the diseases beyond enemy borders.

Quite a long time ago I wrote this:

I tried to find out more about Steinman’s past as well, but without success. A reliable source told me that he’s partly (or mainly) responsible for the mess Novell is in and he has already said that he spends time pretty much in both companies.

Sam Varghese writes about it in the ‘mainstream’ press (ITWire) and I’ve just published an article in Datamation and it touches these issues as well (albeit very gently).

As Sam said some months ago, “someone is not telling us the whole story.”

Can someone do some digging into Steinman’s employment history?

By: Mark Fink Mon, 04 Feb 2008 15:29:48 +0000 A MONO-loving co-worker of mine has pointed out to me that MONO is continuing to spread. As you know, there are more and more GNOME applications being built on top of MONO and it would even appear that the video gaming industry is starting to take notice of MONO, or at least that’s what this link suggests:

As you can see from that link as well, Cogmation is also now using MONO.

This needs to stop before it is too late. I’m worried about which video games have been contaminated with MONO! Have some Wii or PS3 video games become tainted (who cares about XBOX?). Or is it just PC games that have become tainted (I’m less worried about those since I don’t typically play Windows games)?

What’s wrong with the world? Don’t they see that Microsoft, and, by association, Novell are evil? Don’t they see that Miquel De Icaza is trying to destroy us? WTF!?!?

I can’t even buy video games anymore for fear of getting the MONO.

I’ve tried explaining to my co-worker and others that MONO is riddled with patents that Microsoft is just waiting to gleefully use in order to destroy free software after Miquel has had his way by contaminating as much free software with MONO as he can, but I’m just ignored!

I’ve pointed them at this site and they simply shrug it off. What more can be done?

This site needs to be more widely heard. You need to push your articles further into the mainstream to make sure the WORLD knows about Miquel and Novell’s subversion! It has got to stop! We can’t let Microsoft and MONO win, it could be the end of freedom as we know it!

Bush doesn’t know terrorism if it was under his nose (it is! right under his nose in the US in the form of Miquel and his MONO developers!). We need to fight this terrorism!

