Comments on: ACTA Leak Reveals Upcoming Intellectual Monopoly War? Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jose_X Mon, 13 Apr 2009 19:31:52 +0000 Anyone want to create an IP: Intellectual Ptheft logo?

By: Jose_X Mon, 13 Apr 2009 19:26:06 +0000 The ad at the top of this page says: “Protect Your Intellectual Property\n Trademarks, Patents, and Copyrights” by some company or other.

This is an appeal to greed. It pretends that “you” will benefit from this protection. Individually, it seems you would, but collectively you end up losing a lot more.

Alternatively, it encourages fear. It says to protect your stuff because everyone else is doing the same thing.

Unlike with limited resources. When you “propertize” things to which you ordinarily had access, you end up losing a lot of things to which you ordinarily had access. You gain 10 patents but lose 5 million patents.

If you learn something new and powerful tomorrow, you will find you can’t do much with it legally because a few of those that learnt it yesterday got a monopoly over you and everyone else coming in after them.

We need a marketing campaign (because those working against us are marketing to those likely to “create” intellectual property) that talks about everything that is being taken from everyone by forced government monopolies. .. as if only one person or a very narrow group were able to make contributions in a certain way. This set of laws puts monopoly power into the hands of the wealthy and business savvy. It’s a power that belonged to everyone and which the majority of people have been empowered to tap only recently with the growth of the Internet and more sophisticated computing power.

Create Linux distros to teach about these issues and make it easy for users to take action. Then spread these distros by word of mouth.

IP stands for Intellectual Ptheft.

Reverse Robin Hood: impoverish everyone to give to the rich.

We need to press to have these unconstitutional laws struck down (in the US) and have fair laws replace them.

Create Linux distros to spread this message.. and spread the word, folks.

By: Doug Mon, 13 Apr 2009 12:42:54 +0000 Your depiction of a European ‘socialism’ bares no relation to reality, as does the rest of your spiel ..

By: aeshna23 Mon, 13 Apr 2009 12:10:51 +0000 Roy, you should stick with facts and not paranoid fantasies of world conditions that are far from patent law.

Just to be clear, we don’t live in the world of 1890 with Eurpoean colonial powers controlling the world. We live in 2009 where those former colonies have much power, a multilateral world. Meanwhile, socialism has made Europe too spineless and politically correct to even defend itself much less commit aggression. And Obama is busy making the United States Europe.
I just get so tired of people who think that the Society for Creative Anarchism is how one should play politics. Here in the United States they want to fight racism, when it would be a quest equivalent to finding the Holy Grail to find an actual racist. At least, in America, the left wants to refight the 1950′s for the next 500 years. It’s better than European left refighting the 1890′s.
