Comments on: Microsoft OOXML Corruption Watch — Jason Matusow Goes Batting with FUD and Deception (Updated) Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andre Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:24:01 +0000 They offer a bad deal:

a) YES vote == current ECMA standard relabeled ISO standard

b) YES mit comments == current ECMA standard relabeled as ISO standard, and some suggestions

c) conditional disapproval == current ECMA standard has a change to get improved and technical comments get fixed. Microsoft will need to offer more.

d) rejection of the standard == no ISO approval, but ECMA standard is here to stay

No rational player, even when you are a partner of Microsoft or “really want” OOXML’s ISO approval can support options a) and b). No player risks anything except Microsoft. We know that the current ECMA standard is broken, and full of errors. so even when you want OOXML you should disapprove as a matter of negotiation strategy.

The only explanaition for a YES vote (which is just not rational) is either an “idealistic” agenda to support Microsoft’s monopoly or the existance of other means that compensate your self-interest.

A Yes or a “Yes with Comments” (which is formally non-existing) is a very bad business decision.
