Comments on: Bill Gates Tells World Health Organization (WHO) What to Do, Still Pushing for Spendings on His Patents Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: twitter Sun, 06 Nov 2011 07:19:44 +0000 Gates friendly media is also hyping up another Gates pet project, but the reality of malaria vaccines is not as encouraging as Gates and GKS would have everyone believe.

Despite the hype and fanfare, many experts at the Seattle meeting said this experimental vaccine (known as RTS,S) actually so far represents only incremental progress — a scientific achievement which may still turn out to have little practical utility in the real world.

They cite the low demonstrated effectiveness, cost and real world effectiveness. Cost is probably the big one.

The second reason this halfway effective malaria vaccine may not work is cost. The manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline has refused to say what it thinks it will have to charge for the vaccine, other than to say it would be “at cost” plus 5 percent. Neither the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, which is working with GSK on the malaria vaccine trial, or the Gates Foundation (which funds the PATH initiative) will say what price they think is feasible. Many say anything over a dollar might be too much for poor countries.

No cost will be too great as long as Mr. Gates can funnel tax money into his pockets with it.
