Comments on: Novell Could Lose Access to at Least 15% of Its Codebase Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 01 Apr 2007 06:52:54 +0000 @Chris:

Everything I write is based on and backed by the references I provide. Sometimes, as we have seen in the past, inaccurate facts are being digested. That’s where we need the readers’ help and I appreciate your feedback.

It would be nice if this Web site never had a reason to exist. But since Novell made this irrevocable patent deal (Andreas Jaeger said this to us in the mailing list, way back in November), the site needed to be born. It wasn’t the only one. It it weren’t Shane and I, it would be somebody else.

By: shane Sat, 31 Mar 2007 22:16:59 +0000 Chris, feel free to email me (shane at if you would like us to post one of your "fact-filled" articles… we do a decent job of getting things right here, in my opinion, and are always willing to retract/admit when we are wrong.

Novell has indeed stated multiple times they will change their deal to comply with GPLv3, in fact early on they said it was the covenant being reworked, then Stafford Masie promised, then it was Bruce Lowry just the other day.

Now, let’s see them do what they have said… if they are allowed.

By: Chris Cox Sat, 31 Mar 2007 20:44:47 +0000 The escape strategy is to DO exactly WHAT Novell HAS always said it would do and that is to alter the terms of the deal with Microsoft should any license they are using prevent them from BEING a business.

Look… I know it’s hip and somehow trendy to take shots at Novell armed with ABSOLUTE FUD… after all Microsoft has been slinging it for years. But all of you REALLY need to get your facts straight before you attempt to attack more free software developers. Which is about all you are doing with this. And at the end of the day Microsoft is applauding your efforts.

So PLEASE, let’s stop the FUD and lies. Novell has stated publicly MANY times (apparently people here CANNOT read??) that they are NOT about to throw away their Linux business so they can be best friends with Microsoft. In fact, they HAVE said things that are exactly the opposite. Attacking Microsoft as a competitor and promoting the benefits of free software. Look… you can call it whatever you want. But what you’ve written here is FUN… just like Microsoft FUD… it’s FUD… FUD, FUD and more FUD. In fact it’s actually lies and more lies.

Get your facts straight and then post.

So… the facts (truth rather than a typical boycott Novell post):

1. Novell has stated publicly that they are 100% behind free software and the technologies behind SUSE and Linux.

2. Novell contributes a VERY large sum of money to free software developers… putting their money where their mouth is.

3. Novell has stated publicly many times that if new licensing (e.g. GPLv3) means that they have to change the terms of their deal with Microsoft, that they WOULD DO SO (in case you’re hard of hearing).

4. Novell IS NOT going to kill their company because of the lies and attacks made at or other places.

5. Novell’s Microsoft deal, whether you like or not, has meant that Linux has entered into some enterprises where it was previously not found. So, if you don’t like that… then by all means, we should kill them all.

6. Mono is an attempt to bring a .Net environment to Linux. Simply put, it means that in MIXED operating system environments, Mono helps Linux to participate in EXTRA ways with that environment, and often it means displacing that other guy.

So… if you hate the idea of Linux in your shops. If you hate the idea of free software. If you hate the FSF and RMS… they please continue spreading the FUD.

Finally, if any of you truly want to engage in a MEANINGFUL conversation about the Novell and Microsoft deal (of which I’m one of the greatest OPPONENTS… but don’t believe in spreading lies or FUD), then I welcome opportunity.

’nuff said…
