Comments on: The War Against USENET Symbolises an Assault on Free Speech Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Tue, 03 Jan 2017 02:48:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lauren Tue, 05 May 2009 17:41:28 +0000 or we could kill all women so there wouldn’t be any left for men to rape

By: aeshna23 Fri, 03 Apr 2009 02:39:14 +0000 I get so angry that the fight against child pornography is held to justify any stupidity or evil imaginable. I’m a moral pluralist, that is, I believe that there are many values and that these values can’t just be reduced to single (unidimensional) yardstick. We have to make rational decisions among different values that can’t be weighed a single scale against each other. We must balance our needs for freedom and economic and technological progress against the possibility that a child will be molested (that is, if we grant the rather questionable assumption that child pornography causes molestation when paedophilia could be causing both child pornography and molestation).

Here’s a concrete example of how preventing child molesting doesn’t trump everything: we could just castrate all men above 18 and keep the semen of 17 years old boys to fertilize women. I’m sure this would reduce child molestation.
