Comments on: When Microsoft Corporation Met Debt Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: CoolGuy Sat, 01 Mar 2008 15:39:12 +0000 @Quantum Flux

So u feel threatened by FOSS. hum…

what kind of proprietor software do u work on that the FOSS is going to replace very soon…i guess u need to hate those FOSS developer…hum…very strange.

you kind of remind me of that bald guy in Matrix, who wanted to go back to the matrix and enjoy his fake life.

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 01 Mar 2008 15:17:17 +0000 Your rants and insults aside, I’ll address your point about Microsoft’s finances.

It appears as though the reality is more complicated than you wish to know. A company is able to move money between buckets and even borrow money from investors, pull money from its savings and shuffle wealth in a variety of ways in order to disguise losses. We have some evidence of this (articles from the mainstream press) and we write a lot about this in this site also, but you are certainly not interested. You have already made up your mind.

By: Quantum Flux Sat, 01 Mar 2008 15:04:12 +0000 Ah the rantings of the ignorant, paranoid, delusionals.

You guys keep praying and hoping that MSFT is “going out of business”. I guess it makes your apparently really sad and empty lives complete. I’m sure you have no opinions on real world problems, but it’s somehow important to you that, while you can own a Mac or run Linux and use DivX and Firefox, most people run Windows. That you folks see this as the greatest sin in human history and therefore obsess over attempting to spin anything into bad news for MSFT belies your insanity.

DOUGman… Keep dreaming that MSFT is on its way out of business. Shout it from the roof tops actually. If you shout it long and loud enough, people will realize the depth of your condition.

A company with $29B being spun as “nearly bankrupt and out of business” and yet still so dangerous, apparently, that govts need to fine it billions a year? Which is it deranged dreamers? Unstoppable juggernaut which must be brought to task, or beaten and broken down charlatan that is almost out?

I have to say that from a philisophical standpoint, I’m growing to despise the OSS movement. Like all other supposed “free thinker” movements designed to “save us”, it is more and more looking like a fascist wave of extremism that is designed to give you want THEY want like it or not. When was the vote on proprietary software having value and developer time being worth something? Oh thats right. You terrorists (following Stallman) simply decided that the rest of us were “idiots” and your way was THE way forward come hell or high water. Yep. That sounds like JUST the kind of “openness” I’m hoping for. And Im sure those of us in the enterprise space CONSUMING software will feel like we have won SUCH a victory when we are paying massive support costs to IBM, Sun, or some other OSS support titan. Because that will make SUCH a big difference in the day to day and lead to SO much more cost efficiency in our operation.

Anyone on the practical usage side of this argument sees it for the BS it is. And IF that sea change were to come, what will be the NEXT battle for you frothing maniacs? Because I suspect you wont then start devoting your basement dwelling time to cranking out code for “the good of mankind”… You’ll be on to your next effort in social engineering.

By: DOUGman Thu, 28 Feb 2008 00:38:09 +0000 After reading all the stories here, maybe I was being too generous when I mentioned the 2018 figure earlier, perhaps it’s more like 2010-2012??


By: Billy Wed, 27 Feb 2008 21:25:26 +0000 Matching Cliches

The bigger they are, the harder they fall!

Oh, how the mighty have fallen?
