Comments on: HOWTO: Poison the World Against ODF Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Thu, 24 Jul 2008 16:19:26 +0000 I’m aware Slashdot accounts that are used for Linux bashing and/or Microsoft marketing (in other sites and USENET too). I even have it confirmed by them.

If you search this site, you’ll find more evidence and analysis of Slashdot. The editorial team is a problem also.

I personally got attacked there in the comments before, even just for having articles of mine in the front page. Those who attacked are Munchkins and stalkers.

The site is, in general, being poisoned.

By: twitter Thu, 24 Jul 2008 14:37:52 +0000 Astroturf at Slashdot is really bad now. Members of the Baton Rouge LUG quit reading the comments years ago. Lately, it has become more brazenly abusive and there is way more of it. The favorite technique is to crapflood a first comment with name calling and spin. I can’t imagine a normal person taking the time to read through it, much less join the conversation. That, of course, is their goal.

Over the years, I’ve tracked and identified a few of the more obvious ones. I recently collected that work into a Slashdot journal article, the url link above. The M$ people give themselves away when they talk about microsoft, so Google searches for the user name and things like “XP”, “Vista” “Office” turn up the Steve Barkto pattern. The classic troll also has plenty of venom for Slashdot itself as well as everything related to free software and M$ competitors. It is not as easy to pull the M$ people out of the crowd as you might think because they use hundreds of accounts and many hundreds of others are genuinely deceived by M$’s marketing.

Scripts would be nice for proving sockpuppets. Once again, Google is your friend for dredging up comments by username.

The problem is sustainability. Mistakes and inconveniences push away people who’s cooperation you need to build the site. Trolls using TOR and botnets can sign themselves up for an infinite number of user accounts, so elimination of false positives will eventually eliminate all of your legitimate users.
