Comments on: Novell Chooses to Turn from a Leader into a Follower Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Thu, 05 Jan 2017 01:24:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eric Gearhart Tue, 18 Sep 2007 12:41:50 +0000 Wow guys. More sensationalist FUD once again.

So… because Evolution can connect to Microsoft Exchange, it automatically means Novell is a Microsoft shill (even though as stated by other folks they have their own cross-platform messaging solution).

You are really not making a lot of sense here. Novell employs some of the biggest “personalities” in open source software – Nat Friendman, Miguel de Icaza, etc al and is the #2 contributor to, which is THE biggest, cross-platoform competitor to Microsoft Office.

I’m really starting to wonder if this blog is actually paid and sponsored by Microsoft, to try and get the community to “rebel” against Novell, and further split the Linux market up.

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 15 Sep 2007 09:03:56 +0000 Europe (among others) has been attempting to open up protocols, which never should have been closed in the first place.

By: Sebastiaan Veld Sat, 15 Sep 2007 06:53:30 +0000 I second that. If you want go get into a Microsoft orientated company with a Linux desktop the you better have good AD and Exchange integration.

By: Ian Sat, 15 Sep 2007 01:16:19 +0000 Actually, Novell has the only real cross platform enterprise groupware package available(GroupWise). GroupWise is the reason NetMail was sold to Messaging Architects(a partner), the precursor to which Novell dropped Hula because of a complete lack of interest from the community. Come on, Hula was never intended to be an exchange killer, nor did it even come close to comparing to GroupWise.

Novell’s just giving a route to be able to connect to exchange without having to use Outlook. Whether you or I want to accept it or not, exchange is the market leader, nobody comes close.
