Comments on: Boycott GoDaddy Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Needs Sunlight Mon, 26 Dec 2011 11:35:01 +0000 GoDaddy lost 21,000 domains in a single day:

The real boycott is scheduled for the 29th.

GoDaddy has until the 29th to grow a pair and openly oppose SOPA.

By: Michael Mon, 26 Dec 2011 01:24:56 +0000 Thought you might like to know:

Domain registrar Go Daddy lost over 21,000 domains yesterday. It could be a coincidence–or it could be the result of the company’s p.r. debacle over its support for the Stop Online Piracy Act.

By: walterbyrd Sat, 24 Dec 2011 18:39:23 +0000 The story was also discussed on slashdot, there where some great comments posted.

There are indeed many reasons to boycott godaddy (as I did years ago). Below is a slashdot post that lists more reasons:


Here are more reasons. These are stories about GoDaddy on Slashdot, in order by date, to 2010-09-11:

Go Daddy Usurps Network Solutions [] (2005-05-04)

GoDaddy Serves Blank Pages to Safari & Opera [] (2005-12-08) Dumps Linux for Microsoft [] (2006-03-23)

GoDaddy Holds Domains Hostage [] (2006-06-17)

GoDaddy Caves To Irish Legal Threat [] (2006-09-16)

MySpace and GoDaddy Shut Down Security Site [] (2007-01-26) That incident prompted this web site:
Exposing the Many Reasons Not to Trust GoDaddy with Your Domain Names [].

Alternative Registrars to GoDaddy? [] (2007-02-03)

GoDaddy Bobbles DST Changeover? [] (2007-03-11)

850K RegisterFly Domains Moved To GoDaddy [] (2007-05-29)

According to this March 11, 2008 story in Wired, GoDaddy shut down an entire web site of 250,000 pages because of one archived mailing list comment: GoDaddy Silences Police-Watchdog Site []. See below for Slashdot’s story about

GoDaddy Silences [] (2008-03-12)

ICANN Moves Against GoDaddy Domain Lockdowns [] (2008-04-08)

GoDaddy VP Caught Bidding Against Customers [] (2008-06-29)

KnujOn Updates Top 10 Spam-Friendly Registrars List [] (2009-02-06, 80 comments) GoDaddy is on the list.

R.I.P. FTP [] (2009-07-13, 359 comments) The GoDaddy web site is extremely complicated. Quote: “In that case, why don’t more people switch to administering their sites via SFTP instead of FTP? Here are the steps it took me to enable SFTP on my GoDaddy hosting account. Feel free to use this as a reference, but the obvious point is that as long as this many steps are required, it’s safe to say that most users won’t be switching: 1) Go to the ‘Hosting’ menu and pick ‘My Hosting Account.’ 2) Next to the name of your website, pick ‘Manage Account.’ This will open the Hosting Control Center. 3) In Hosting Control Center, click to expand the ‘Settings’ options. 4) In the ‘Settings’ control panel, click the ‘SSH’ icon. 5) You will see a page saying ‘SSH is not set up’, and prompting you to enter a phone number so that their automated service can call you with a PIN number. After you enter your phone number, the phone rings a second later, and you enter the PIN in a form on the GoDaddy website. 6 ) You will then see a page which says: Current Hosting Account Status: Pending Account Change — Your request to enable SSH is being processed. This upgrade may take up to 24 hours.” [Punctuation and emphasis changed for clarity.]

Registrars Still Ignoring ICANN Rules [] (2009-07-22, 122 comments) Quote: “GoDaddy (and their reseller arm, Wild West Domains) have a different problem: They still block transfers for 60 days after a registrant’s contact update, even after the ICANN update specifically prohibited doing so. They freely admit it, too.”

GoDaddy Wants Your Root Password [] (2010-02-24, 236 comments)

Massive Number of GoDaddy WordPress Blogs Hacked [] (2010-04-26, 112 comments)

GoDaddy Up For Auction [] (2010-09-11, 191 comments) [] The Ascendancy of .co []

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sat, 24 Dec 2011 14:45:27 +0000 This is still being debated in IRC, where there are no trolls. Someone has just brought up:
Title: Brave GoDaddy CEO Says He’s Neither For Nor Against SOPA

So he is for it, but his wallet is not.

iophk says: “He’s for it, but perhaps only working behind the scenes.”

DaemonFC says “they’re just being less stupid now… they probably never figured on this kind of blowback”

There have been other reasons to boycott GoDaddy, but this post did not focus on those other reasons. This was merely the last straw.

By: DaemonFC Sat, 24 Dec 2011 14:03:50 +0000 What he’s said is….

With the abundance of companies that do not want SOPA to pass and have spoken out against it, why should we do business with a company that wants it to pass and shouted out their glowing support for turning the US internet into something that more closely resembles China’s?

GoDaddy still wants it to pass, they just realized that the louder they were about that, the more trouble they were going to bring down on themselves in customers becoming disgusted and leaving. Hiding under a rock (deleting your posts in favor of SOPA and shutting up, for now) is not the same thing as having given up.

This is not the first sleazy thing GoDaddy has done. Google it and you’ll find tons of horror stories. From GoDaddy bending over for ICE, selling domains to spammers without giving the owner a chance to renew, to their CEO shooting that elephant, to those borderline pornographic television commercials that portray women as sex objects.

There’s plenty of hosting companies that charge about the same or less and have the same reliability or better that aren’t run by slimy unethical toads.

By: George Hostler Sat, 24 Dec 2011 13:19:11 +0000 Roy, I see you’ve been having some malicious trolling going on from what appears to be a few c.o.l.advocacy Usenet trolls.

I just wanted to say, keep up the good work of keeping the public informed on Linux advocacy and on opponents to Linux.

Merry Christmas, George Hostler

By: Michael Sat, 24 Dec 2011 01:58:01 +0000 It is not good enough that they back down, as asked, they *must* work to do as Roy wishes or they are evil. Unless they are Google… then they are good no matter how much evil they do.

Welcome to Techrights… where technology is rarely discussed and what is deemed “right” is based on Roy’s religion. :)

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sat, 24 Dec 2011 01:28:15 +0000 We already took that into account. It was not sincere and they still do not oppose SOPA.

By: Adrian Malacoda Sat, 24 Dec 2011 01:20:42 +0000 GoDaddy has since backed down

By: Michael Fri, 23 Dec 2011 22:14:45 +0000 I use GoDaddy… with Linux hosting.

They serve me very, very well… great tech support, excellent prices, etc.
