Comments on: Microsoft Spin Kicks in to Daemonise Google Because Android Grows Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Fri, 18 Nov 2011 16:53:47 +0000 But do you think Google is going to drop their law suits?

If not, are you going to hold on to your double standard of what is evil of Microsoft and Apple is just dandy for Google and Samsung and HTC and companies you are not biased against?

Why not decide what you think is right and wrong and then apply it equally to all of these companies? When you go so far against doing so it is clear you just have a vendetta against them and are not even trying to be reasonable.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Fri, 18 Nov 2011 14:58:59 +0000 I have an article and wiki page coming about MOSAID. Microsoft plans a trolls war.

By: saulgoode Fri, 18 Nov 2011 11:46:19 +0000 It will be interesting to see whether, after their acquisition of Motorola Mobility becomes final, Google abandons the patent lawsuits which have been initiated by that company. Doing so would certainly send a powerful message about where they stand with regard to offensive usage of patents.

By: Michael Fri, 18 Nov 2011 01:28:05 +0000 FUD:

It is being reported that tablets running Android, especially ones from Samsung and Amazon, are selling or going to sell very well. It is likely that Apple just recognises what’s coming and prepares to price “Apple”-branded products based on value and not brand value. Apple increasingly colludes with Microsoft against Android and we see this in the CPTN and Nortel arrangements.

Can you *try* to reduce your bias? Please?

By: mcinsand Thu, 17 Nov 2011 23:01:57 +0000 When MS welded DOS and Windows together to make Windows 95, they shut down Digital Research, Geoworks, and any other DOS/kernel or desktop manager companies by raising the entry barriers above the level of any *single* startup company. Since then, they have continued the process, first with Netscape and then with several other utility functions on the way; they have copied, bought, and integrated to basically make it effectively impossible for competition in the general, commodity PC market. Where this is biting MS is that, with the complexity of a modern operating system, their monolithic, antimodular (globular?) architecthure has insecurity and instability outpacing the features that they add (copy, rather).

Today, this has MS facing their worst nightmare. Competition is not an effective option, so they can only hope to suppress. If Android/Linux gains critical mass, their goose is cooked. In other words, if the average Joe or Joanne wakes up to realize that there is an option that offers choice AND reliability AND security AND broad hardware support AND rapid evolution/innovation, then MS and Apple are toast. So, these anticompetitive options are the only cards they have to play. I take that back; I don’t think Apple would fade completely, because they do serve a niche by putting together shiny systems from higher end parts. And, those systems are shaken down and offered with their (illegally bundled) OSx. Granted OSx is a castrated BSD, but it works well enough for a certain slice of appliance operators. Else, Macintoys would have faded into oblivion long ago.

MS hasn’t really had to compete since the early ’90′s, and they may well have waited too late to restart. There is a healthy, growing, innovated ecosystem around Linux, and it is driven to a great extent by the GPL. The GPL, unlike the BSD license, forces a reinvestment of ideas. So, rather than paying in money, a company will pay in new ideas to contribute to that ecosystem. Apple tried to participated in this halfheartedly with the Webkit project. Although it did end up with an upgrade to the Konqueror rendering engine, it was hell for the development team; Apple has no ability or track record for playing well with others.
