IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: May 12th, 2009

schestowitzWhy Windows is Less Secure Than Linux: 404 Error (But Found) < >May 12 00:19
schestowitzAondo: any info on that?May 12 00:19
schestowitzBlender?May 12 00:19
schestowitzI thought it was about OOXML last yearMay 12 00:19
Aondo 12 00:21
Aondo 12 00:21
schestowitz - Microsoft’s ‘ODF Patent’ as Vacuous as Its Promise of InteroperabilityMay 12 00:21
Aondoi think that is the start, an the end of itMay 12 00:21
AondoheheMay 12 00:21
*Balrog ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 00:36
*mib_2j4ll7 (i=c352a48c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 00:46
*Balrog__ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 00:48
*Balrog has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))May 12 00:49
*tessier_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 00:59
*mib_daxf83 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 01:01
*mib_daxf83 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 12 01:10
schestowitzConfirmed: Microsoft Tries to Turn Regulators Against Google (Again) < >May 12 01:17
*tessier_ has quit ("Lost terminal")May 12 01:21
*Balrog__ has quit ()May 12 01:34
schestowitzgnMay 12 01:44
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 02:20
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 02:22
*mib_2j4ll7 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 12 02:31
*neonfloss has quit ("Leaving")May 12 03:19
*the_mad_hatter (i=63ee03e6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 03:20
the_mad_hatterRoy, Charlie Demerjian has a new article in The InquirerMay 12 03:20
the_mad_hatter 12 03:20
the_mad_hatter"You have no rights, so buy Windows 7"May 12 03:21
the_mad_hatterHe called it a "cynical scam"May 12 03:21
the_mad_hatterI think he was kinder than he should have been, but they wouldn't have printed what I think of it.May 12 03:22
the_mad_hatterAnother good quote, "If you buy Windows 7, or even use it, you are an idiot."May 12 03:23
the_mad_hatterHe also says that some of the press are paid off.May 12 03:24
the_mad_hatterQuote "The public is too stupid to actually read a second article on a topic, and no one in the trade press updates their old stories or puts up a story about how they were used. If they even get it."May 12 03:27
the_mad_hatterI like Charlie.May 12 03:27
twitterhis article is interesting and informative.May 12 03:42
twitterIt's people like him that allow people like me to be able to criticize the finer points of an OS I would never actually use.May 12 03:43
twitterI just note how stupid the new version of Windows has become and point back to someone who's been there and saw it.May 12 03:43
twitterThe entire Vista Failure log was written this way.  The closest I ever came to running that shit was to watch friends and relatives struggle with it. 12 03:45
twitterIt's just an aggregation but a well informed one.May 12 03:45
the_mad_hatterYes, Charlie does a good job, and since I'll never run Windows 7, as you said, it gives you the information you need to argue against the fanboisMay 12 03:48
the_mad_hatterDid you see the comments?May 12 03:48
twitterI have not read all of it yet, thanks. Anything good?May 12 03:49
the_mad_hatterfanbois out in droves. I left a comment agreeing with Charlie, I'll send him an email later.May 12 03:54
twitterthe usual.May 12 03:55
the_mad_hatterYeah. Hey, read this: 12 03:56
the_mad_hatterthe idiot in Best Buy is probably still thinking of buying windows 7May 12 04:01
twitterI'm not sure people will be dumb enough to buy into Windows 7.  Vista is still a flop, even though it's the only way you can buy a computer without "knowing someone" or jumping through hoops.May 12 04:09
twitterOK, I read both of those articles.May 12 04:14
twitterYou are right about the astroturf, but I'm not sure about the Geek Squad going out of business jab.May 12 04:15
twitterGeek Squad and other service companies may do just as well doing nice things for people with GNU/Linux as it does fixing broken Windows shit.May 12 04:16
twitterThe beauty of free software is that it's infinitely configurable so that it really does match individual needs.May 12 04:17
twitterPeople will still want and need help setting things up and they will be willing to pay for it.May 12 04:18
twitterThere may not be as large a demand for this kind of work, but it will be much more enjoyable for everyone involved.May 12 04:20
twitterIt's better to constructively engage people than to be gruff.  They are victims of a billion dollars a month worth of brainwashing advertisement.May 12 04:22
twitterGood responses to common objections:May 12 04:22
twitter"You get what you pay for."  "Sometimes you just pay for the CEO's yacht."May 12 04:23
twitter"It's too good to be true.  No one works for free."  "IBM makes billions a year off it.  I'll be happy to install free software for you for $50, and so will Geek Squad."May 12 04:24
the_mad_hatterI think Geek Squad would die without Windows. Most of their work at present is fixing Windows boxes that have died due to virii, trojans, registry, etc. That doesn't happen with Linux.May 12 04:24
twitterSome kind of service organization will take their place then.May 12 04:25
twitterEveryone needs help.May 12 04:25
twitterTen years ago, I paid someone $50 to set up a free software gateway for my network.  I considered that a better way to spend my money and equipment than a commercial router.May 12 04:26
twitterGeek Squad can do that kind of work if they want to.May 12 04:26
twitterPeople have forever paid premiums for home audio advice, they will do the same with computer equipment.May 12 04:28
twitterWhere "out of the box" breaks down, service takes over.May 12 04:28
the_mad_hatterThey can, but once it's set up, it tends to stay set up, where as Windows deteriorates, and needs regular maintenance.May 12 04:29
the_mad_hatterHave you seen this: 12 04:29
twitterSure.May 12 04:29
twitterhave not seen article yetMay 12 04:30
twitterOh yes I did.May 12 04:30
twitterIt's true that Geek Squad is a parasitic organization.  They make money off flaws and push flawed software to do it.  That does not mean that there is no room for free software service.May 12 04:32
twitterThough, it may mean there is less room for it.May 12 04:32
twitterha ha.May 12 04:32
twitterMoney wasted on Windows could be put to much more productive things.May 12 04:33
twitterLike better hardware.May 12 04:33
twitterConfiguration services for networks, printers and other stuff.May 12 04:33
the_mad_hatterYou have to consider that every cent spent on Microsoft software could have been used to provide jobs in other industries.May 12 04:33
the_mad_hatterA lot of johnsMay 12 04:33
the_mad_hatterSorry, jobs.May 12 04:34
twitteryesMay 12 04:34
twitterreplacing broken windows is a wasteMay 12 04:34
*mib_kvfmhn (i=c0a314e8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:34
twitterMost computer stores earn money on service.  They could get the same kind of money helping people with free software.May 12 04:35
twitterYou have to realize that the difficulty people experience with M$ turns them off.  They resent being raped and do their best to avoid computers afterwards.May 12 04:36
twitterSome abandon computers all together.  This is why Vista is a huge, stinking flop.  No one wants to buy another computer - it's something that happened before the recession started.May 12 04:37
the_mad_hatterCompare computers to cars. If cars ran like Windows, they'd be in the shop all the time. There's competition in the auto market though, and reliability is a big selling point.May 12 04:37
twitterYes, US automakers so abused their customers that they are going bankrupt.May 12 04:38
twitterWindows 7 will convince people that Windows is a dead end.May 12 04:39
twitterGNU/Linux will rise after that, if not before.May 12 04:39
twitterM$ has broken their basic model:  a cheap computer that works "good enough" and is not too hard to use.May 12 04:40
the_mad_hatterBut other manufacturers didn't. That's why I like Honda.May 12 04:40
*mib_uhl8yb (i=62f0385b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:40
mib_uhl8ybheyMay 12 04:40
twitterThe changes to Windows and Office have alienated M$'s core customers beyond repair.May 12 04:40
mib_uhl8ybHow come I can't choose my name anymore?May 12 04:41
twitterGo register with freenode.May 12 04:41
*twitter is now known as go_register_withMay 12 04:42
mib_uhl8ybOh, that's okay.May 12 04:42
*go_register_with is now known as twitterMay 12 04:42
twitteror use "/nick name"May 12 04:42
*mib_uhl8yb is now known as shreddarMay 12 04:42
shreddarthanksMay 12 04:42
twitterno problemMay 12 04:43
*twitter is now known as cheddarMay 12 04:43
*cheddar is now known as twitterMay 12 04:43
shreddarOK what about MS office?May 12 04:43
twitterwhat about it?May 12 04:43
the_mad_hatterIt's over priced.May 12 04:43
shreddarYeah, and so unusableMay 12 04:44
twitterthey eliminated their shortcutsMay 12 04:44
*dsmith_ (n=dsmith@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
twitterso that their big fans curse when running itMay 12 04:44
the_mad_hatterI started with Star Office 5.1, and then moved to Open Office when Sun open sourced it.May 12 04:44
shreddarYou just can't fingure out how to do most of the feature unless you take a classMay 12 04:44
twitterit has always been that way, you might as well learn something free and stable like Open Office or Latex.May 12 04:45
the_mad_hatterWas still running Windows then. Have Open Office on every computer here except the two ancient Macs which run OS9May 12 04:45
twitterKword was nice for quick stuff under Sarge.  Something happened to it under Etch.  I'm not sure how it's doing now.May 12 04:46
twitterit was my favorite for a whileMay 12 04:46
shreddarI don't even need a Word proccessorMay 12 04:46
the_mad_hatterEvery other OS we run has an Open Office version for it, Ubuntu, Fedora, OSX, and yes, we still have two machines running Winodws.May 12 04:46
shreddarI'm not writing a book or making a websiteMay 12 04:46
twitterIt's nice to be able to exchange documents.May 12 04:47
shreddarI also just like having my notebookMay 12 04:47
twitterWord processors are still useful if you haveMay 12 04:47
twitterto do reports.May 12 04:47
the_mad_hatterHeh. We have a lot of writes in the family. Mother in Law is the Poet Laureate where she lives.May 12 04:47
twitterYou might try a journal program if all you want is notes.May 12 04:48
shreddarLike what I've never heard of thatMay 12 04:48
twitterKontact has a very nice journal.May 12 04:48
the_mad_hatterWife is a song writer, one son writes poems, daughter writes poems, other son is working on three novels, and I'm working on a novel.May 12 04:48
twitterI still take notes on paper.  I convert to html later, if I have the time.  Sometimes I just take a picture of my notes and make a gallery of that.May 12 04:49
twitterBecause people don't need to print as much M$ is having a hard time selling their word processor.May 12 04:50
the_mad_hatterEverything is electronic here. We have a couple of printers, but they hardly ever get used.May 12 04:50
twitterCollaborative software like Google Office and other web based stuff is obviously superior.May 12 04:50
the_mad_hatterIf you are online.May 12 04:51
twitterwhen is that not the case?May 12 04:51
the_mad_hatterWhen I go sit in the park to get peace and quiet.May 12 04:51
the_mad_hatterI take the laptop with me.May 12 04:51
twitterIt's easy enough to make an ODF and upload it later.May 12 04:52
shreddarYeah I do use Google Docs.May 12 04:52
shreddarI like it.May 12 04:52
shreddarBut still my notebook gets all of my freash ideas latelyMay 12 04:52
twitterI have not needed it myself, but I can see how it's a lot easier and better than the old way of emailing crap back and forth.May 12 04:52
shreddarIt's just more confortableMay 12 04:52
the_mad_hatterWhat os do you run?May 12 04:52
shreddarWindowsMay 12 04:53
twitterWhat kind of ideas do you have?May 12 04:53
shreddarWell I'm making a comicMay 12 04:53
shreddarcharacter, placesMay 12 04:53
shreddarplot scenesMay 12 04:53
the_mad_hatterXP?May 12 04:54
shreddarYesMay 12 04:54
twitterI don't know enough about the tools used for that to tell you anything that's better than paperMay 12 04:54
shreddarI've used linux thoughMay 12 04:54
*oiaohm_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:54
Omar87schestowitz: 12 04:54
twitterI hate XP more than most versions of windowsMay 12 04:54
shreddarReally what about Vista?May 12 04:55
twitterVista is worse than XP.May 12 04:55
shreddarI thought so.May 12 04:55
twitterbut I have not had to use it myself, so I don't hate it personally :)May 12 04:55
shreddarOh I've never used it eitherMay 12 04:56
twitterIt's everything Windows is, only more so.May 12 04:56
the_mad_hatterThe last decent version of Windows was 3.1, everything since has been going downhill.May 12 04:56
shreddarWasn't the first decent version?May 12 04:57
twittermore controlling, more invasive, more malicious, more obtuse ...May 12 04:57
** Netsplit
twittermore controlling, more invasive, more malicious, more obtuse ...May 12 04:37
twittermore expensiveMay 12 04:37
*oiaohm has quit (Nick collision from services.)May 12 04:37
oiaohm_Even windows 3.1 had it issues.May 12 04:37
shreddarYeah that's why I'm not a huge fan of MicrosoftMay 12 04:38
the_mad_hatterVista is the slowest piece of crap in existence. I'm using a 2 1/2 year old Acer laptop, and it runs great with the newest version of UbuntuMay 12 04:38
twitterwhat keeps you on windows?May 12 04:38
shreddarAnticompetive practicesMay 12 04:38
oiaohm_Most are held by lack of intergration between applications.May 12 04:38
the_mad_hatterMy neighbor has a year old Core 2 Duo desktop, that runs like molassesMay 12 04:38
shreddarnothing works on anything elseMay 12 04:38
twitterhardware?May 12 04:39
the_mad_hatterMost things run on Wine.May 12 04:39
twitterwhat do you need to work?May 12 04:39
shreddarYeah but It like play roulettMay 12 04:39
oiaohm_Video level of X11 makes X11 appear slugish.May 12 04:39
the_mad_hatterI've helped several people migrate, and Wine (or DOSEMU) have always saved the day.May 12 04:39
shreddarYou never know what going to be Window onlyMay 12 04:39
oiaohm_Some of Linux problem is appearance.May 12 04:39
shreddarAnd I've never gotten a Wireless card to work rightMay 12 04:39
twittermost of the big wifi chip makers are hostileMay 12 04:40
shreddarEither with a native driver or the NDis WrapperMay 12 04:40
twitterdon't use NDIS, it is an insecure waste of time.May 12 04:40
twitterruns like crap if you do make it work.May 12 04:40
twitterIt is better to use an older card that works well.May 12 04:41
shreddarI might start going back to linux though just because I miss the control and experience I had on it.May 12 04:41
twitterAn easy distro to try is Mepis.May 12 04:41
twitterhttp://mepis.orgMay 12 04:41
shreddarMy last distro was sabayonMay 12 04:42
shreddarThat was pretty good.May 12 04:42
twitterI'm not familiar with that.May 12 04:42
shreddarIt gentooMay 12 04:42
shreddarbut pre compiledMay 12 04:42
twitterI've stuck to Debian.  It's easier.May 12 04:42
twitterMepis is even easier and it now comes directly through Debian.May 12 04:42
twitterIt also uses a KDE interface.  Gnome makes me crazy.May 12 04:43
*dsmith_ has quit ( 12 04:43
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shreddarYeah Gnome is so old fasionedMay 12 04:43
shreddarAnd not ver customizableMay 12 04:43
twitterfor a while, Mepis was based on Ubuntu.May 12 04:44
shreddarFunny enough I never used ubuntu.May 12 04:44
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*the_mad_hatter (i=63ee03e6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*dsmith_ (n=dsmith@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*oiaohm_ (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*mib_kvfmhn (i=c0a314e8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*bgtr4 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*balzac ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*macabe ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*MinceR (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*conley (n=ibcliffo@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*zoobab01 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*Aondo (i=stian@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
*ct (n=ct@fsf/member/ct) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:44
* gives channel operator status to schestowitzMay 12 04:44
shreddarI heard I was goodMay 12 04:44
shreddaritMay 12 04:44
oiaohm_Everyone loves to forget numbers of devices that no longer work when windows versions change too.May 12 04:44
the_mad_hatterWhat happened?May 12 04:44
twitterIt is better to start with an easier distro like that.May 12 04:45
twitterI'm not sure what happened.May 12 04:45
twitterHere's how I'll fix it.May 12 04:45
shreddarI started with Mandrake a loongg time agoMay 12 04:45
*twitter ( has left #boycottnovellMay 12 04:45
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 04:45
shreddarThen slackwareMay 12 04:45
twitterlook everyone is still hereMay 12 04:46
oiaohm_A split.May 12 04:46
the_mad_hatterall the user names went away, then came back.May 12 04:46
oiaohm_Yep.May 12 04:46
shreddarOh I thought every one dropped out or somethingMay 12 04:46
twitterI'm not sure what happened there.  Very strange.May 12 04:46
oiaohm_Basicallly the server you were connected was not connected to tha main network for a short mopment.May 12 04:47
shreddarIRC is funMay 12 04:47
oiaohm_I was connected to main so I saw you left than join.May 12 04:47
oiaohm_IRC is a decentralised network it does happen from time to time.May 12 04:47
twitterUnless you want to spend a lot of time with our computer, you should use one of the easier distributions first.May 12 04:47
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)May 12 04:48
the_mad_hatterUbuntu, Fedora, Sabayon, and Mandrake are all pretty good.May 12 04:48
twitterAvoid distro hopping.May 12 04:48
oiaohm_Everyone loves to forget the numbers of devices that no longer work when windows version change.May 12 04:48
shreddarThat's what I kept doing until I made my own from scatchMay 12 04:49
shreddarscratchMay 12 04:49
the_mad_hatterDistro hopping is fun. I'm a member of the OS of the month club.May 12 04:49
shreddarI called it cybertron linuxMay 12 04:49
oiaohm_I am waiting before I start making my own distribution.May 12 04:49
oiaohm_Few features are still missing.May 12 04:49
twitterevery distro will have some drawbackMay 12 04:50
oiaohm_openvz to the point that I can run  X11 inside so I can run every distribution on 1 kernel.May 12 04:50
oiaohm_Kinda anti draw back move.May 12 04:51
shreddarIt was just to see if I could build linux from scratch. But then I grew to love my baby.May 12 04:51
shreddarSadly I had to abadon it. :(May 12 04:51
twitterIs there anything in your distro that you can't find in Debian?May 12 04:51
shreddarNo it was bare bonesMay 12 04:51
twitterwhat did you want it to do?May 12 04:52
oiaohm_There are items that Debian don't ship.May 12 04:52
oiaohm_Yes scary but true.May 12 04:52
shreddarI don't know I just did it for fun.May 12 04:52
** Netsplit merge
twittermore expensiveMay 12 04:57
*oiaohm has quit (Nick collision from services.)May 12 04:57
oiaohm_Even windows 3.1 had it issues.May 12 04:57
shreddarYeah that's why I'm not a huge fan of MicrosoftMay 12 04:57
the_mad_hatterVista is the slowest piece of crap in existence. I'm using a 2 1/2 year old Acer laptop, and it runs great with the newest version of UbuntuMay 12 04:57
twitterwhat keeps you on windows?May 12 04:57
shreddarAnticompetive practicesMay 12 04:58
oiaohm_Most are held by lack of intergration between applications.May 12 04:58
the_mad_hatterMy neighbor has a year old Core 2 Duo desktop, that runs like molassesMay 12 04:58
shreddarnothing works on anything elseMay 12 04:58
twitterhardware?May 12 04:58
the_mad_hatterMost things run on Wine.May 12 04:58
twitterwhat do you need to work?May 12 04:58
shreddarYeah but It like play roulettMay 12 04:58
oiaohm_Video level of X11 makes X11 appear slugish.May 12 04:58
the_mad_hatterI've helped several people migrate, and Wine (or DOSEMU) have always saved the day.May 12 04:58
shreddarYou never know what going to be Window onlyMay 12 04:59
oiaohm_Some of Linux problem is appearance.May 12 04:59
shreddarAnd I've never gotten a Wireless card to work rightMay 12 04:59
oiaohm_Most people don't understand how much work OEMs with windows go into choosing the right hardware.May 12 04:59
oiaohm_Random pot luck hardware causes random pot luck operation Windows is no better there.May 12 05:00
oiaohm_I guess a chipset where you have to use ndiswrapper shreddarMay 12 05:01
*twitter has quit ( 12 05:03
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*dsmith_ (n=dsmith@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:04
*the_mad_hatter (i=63ee03e6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:04
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:04
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:04
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:04
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:04
*shreddar (i=62f0385b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:04
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:04
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:04
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*tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:04
* gives channel operator status to ChanServMay 12 05:04
oiaohm_Everyone loves to forget numbers of devices that no longer work when windows versions change too.May 12 05:04
shreddarI heard I was goodMay 12 05:04
the_mad_hatterWhat happened?May 12 05:04
shreddaritMay 12 05:04
twitterIt is better to start with an easier distro like that.May 12 05:05
twitterI'm not sure what happened.May 12 05:05
twitterHere's how I'll fix it.May 12 05:05
shreddarI started with Mandrake a loongg time agoMay 12 05:05
*twitter ( has left #boycottnovellMay 12 05:05
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 05:05
shreddarThen slackwareMay 12 05:05
twitterlook everyone is still hereMay 12 05:05
oiaohm_A split.May 12 05:05
the_mad_hatterall the user names went away, then came back.May 12 05:05
oiaohm_Yep.May 12 05:05
shreddarOh I thought every one dropped out or somethingMay 12 05:05
twitterI'm not sure what happened there.  Very strange.May 12 05:06
oiaohm_Basicallly the server you were connected was not connected to tha main network for a short mopment.May 12 05:06
shreddarIRC is funMay 12 05:06
oiaohm_I was connected to main so I saw you left than join.May 12 05:06
oiaohm_IRC is a decentralised network it does happen from time to time.May 12 05:07
twitterUnless you want to spend a lot of time with our computer, you should use one of the easier distributions first.May 12 05:07
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)May 12 05:07
the_mad_hatterUbuntu, Fedora, Sabayon, and Mandrake are all pretty good.May 12 05:08
twitterAvoid distro hopping.May 12 05:08
oiaohm_Everyone loves to forget the numbers of devices that no longer work when windows version change.May 12 05:08
shreddarThat's what I kept doing until I made my own from scatchMay 12 05:08
shreddarscratchMay 12 05:08
the_mad_hatterDistro hopping is fun. I'm a member of the OS of the month club.May 12 05:08
shreddarI called it cybertron linuxMay 12 05:09
oiaohm_I am waiting before I start making my own distribution.May 12 05:09
oiaohm_Few features are still missing.May 12 05:09
twitterevery distro will have some drawbackMay 12 05:09
oiaohm_openvz to the point that I can run  X11 inside so I can run every distribution on 1 kernel.May 12 05:10
oiaohm_Kinda anti draw back move.May 12 05:10
shreddarIt was just to see if I could build linux from scratch. But then I grew to love my baby.May 12 05:10
shreddarSadly I had to abadon it. :(May 12 05:11
twitterIs there anything in your distro that you can't find in Debian?May 12 05:11
shreddarNo it was bare bonesMay 12 05:11
twitterwhat did you want it to do?May 12 05:11
oiaohm_There are items that Debian don't ship.May 12 05:11
oiaohm_Yes scary but true.May 12 05:11
shreddarI don't know I just did it for fun.May 12 05:11
twitterwhat do you want windows to do?May 12 05:12
shreddarI like knowing every aspect of my system too.May 12 05:12
the_mad_hatterOhh crap, it's after midnight, I gotta run.May 12 05:12
shreddarBasic things not crash on my brocken computerMay 12 05:13
shreddarbad ramMay 12 05:13
the_mad_hatterBye all.May 12 05:13
shreddarsee yaMay 12 05:13
twitterby mhMay 12 05:13
*the_mad_hatter has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 12 05:13
twitteris it really bad ram, or bad software?May 12 05:13
shreddarbad ram I had it testedMay 12 05:13
shreddarIt's both ram too.May 12 05:13
twitterif that's true, not much will work.May 12 05:14
twitterbetter buy some more.May 12 05:14
oiaohm_twitter: I do nothing with windows personally.May 12 05:14
oiaohm_I have to manage windows networks.May 12 05:14
twitteryet you so often recommend it.May 12 05:14
shreddarYeah It'll cost more then I spent on the computer to replace them. I should just get a new one but I'm brock.May 12 05:15
twitterI can't believe you tried to sell me M$VC last night.May 12 05:15
shreddarbrokeMay 12 05:15
twitteroh.May 12 05:15
oiaohm_twitter  simple point here.   I compare stuff fairly.May 12 05:15
twitteryou say bad things about GNU and good things about Windows.May 12 05:16
oiaohm_Somethings are better at this stage on the windows side.May 12 05:16
shreddarIn what way?May 12 05:16
twitterNothing could be worse than running XP, except Vista.May 12 05:16
oiaohm_Central management of users and machines.   Something that freeipa is working on addressing on Linux BSD Solarias and Mac.May 12 05:17
twitterEvery technical advantage is negated by poor networking, instability and lack of freedom.May 12 05:17
oiaohm_Do you think freeipa is about giving freedom twitterMay 12 05:17
shreddarWell I'll be happy when PDA's, cell phone, sub-notebook/desktops replace standard PC'sMay 12 05:17
twitterI think you don't care about freedomMay 12 05:17
shreddarThey'll have way more veriety in OS'sMay 12 05:17
oiaohm_Freedom is a myth.   No one can have complete freedom to do anything.May 12 05:18
twitterPeople can have software freedom, ohm.May 12 05:18
shreddarFreedom is real I'm sure of it.May 12 05:18
oiaohm_freeipa is about placing restructions on users.May 12 05:19
oiaohm_Even that the source code is open.May 12 05:19
twitterWho do you work for ohm?May 12 05:19
oiaohm_selinux can also be used to place restrictions on users.May 12 05:19
twitteryou should make that clear every so often, so people know where you are coming from.May 12 05:19
oiaohm_Part of the network world is not about freedom twitterMay 12 05:19
twitterfreedom is something you have to demand, ohm.May 12 05:20
twitternetwork freedom is important too.May 12 05:20
twitternow tell us who you work for.May 12 05:20
shreddarTrue, a lot of people will give away freedom for something else.May 12 05:20
twitterThey don't understand what they give up, but people are becoming better informed.May 12 05:21
oiaohm_I work as a contractor to many companies doing network secuirty, system administation.May 12 05:21
twitterXP, Vista and Windows 7 are teaching them lessons.May 12 05:21
twitterIs one of those companies M$, ohm?May 12 05:21
oiaohm_From a secuirty point of view i don't like windows because I cannot audit source.May 12 05:21
oiaohm_Not one of those companies is M$.May 12 05:22
twitterinsecurity is part of non freedom.May 12 05:22
twitteryou have to trust without verificationMay 12 05:22
oiaohm_Its funny twitter by open source supports as a MS support and by MS supporters as a freetard.May 12 05:22
shreddarWhat?May 12 05:23
oiaohm_I get call both.May 12 05:23
oiaohm_Simple reason I am netrual.May 12 05:23
oiaohm_I look at the advantages and disavantages and make selections.May 12 05:23
twitterWhen you recommend specific M$ stuff constantly, you are less than fair.May 12 05:23
twitteryou overlook advantagesMay 12 05:24
oiaohm_When it comes to web servers and firewalls Linux wins.May 12 05:24
oiaohm_When I get ADS in samba I will happly get rid of quite a few Windows servers.May 12 05:24
twitterfor instance, you neglected the tremendous portability advantage GCC offers when you were trying to sell me M$VC for "performance"May 12 05:24
twitterIf you get rid of Windows, you won't need SMB, a distinct advantage of getting rid of Windows.May 12 05:25
twitterWindows is like an anchor on networks, requiring "lowest common denominators" to work.May 12 05:25
oiaohm_Lot of people I deal with want per user controls managed effectively.May 12 05:25
twitterThat is a misguided effort.May 12 05:26
oiaohm_This is your problem.  The people I deal with don't want freedoms.   They want restrictions and secuirty.May 12 05:26
twitterbut one you can roll yourself in free software just as well as you can with non free software.May 12 05:26
twitterEveryone wants their freedom, including those who would enslave others.May 12 05:27
oiaohm_Name the one problem from secuirty of rolling your own.May 12 05:27
twitterWindows desktops have no security.May 12 05:27
twitterCustomers who believe it does are ignorant.May 12 05:28
oiaohm_Default configuration has no secuirty.May 12 05:28
twitterAs you said, you can't audit the source code and the community can't fix it.  The sad result is the unending stream of Windows flaws we see all the time.May 12 05:29
twitterplease don't pretend you can secure Windows.May 12 05:29
Omar87Is there any difference between Cloud Computing and ordinary hosting solutions, in terms of freedom? (e.g.: All your files, programs and computing is hosted on a server that you have almost not control over.)May 12 05:29
twitterYou can't do any better than M$, Adobe or any of the other big companies who have tried and failed.May 12 05:30
oiaohm_Most of those windows flaws are no where near as effective when the default configuration is set to something sane.May 12 05:30
twitterYes, Omar.  With a normal host, you upload normal files that can be transfered to another normal host.May 12 05:31
twitterThis is not always true with cloud services like facebook.May 12 05:31
Omar87Oh.May 12 05:31
oiaohm_Linux major advantage in secuirty comes in sane default settings twitter.May 12 05:31
twitterSane defaults, good code and other advantages come from freedom, ohm.May 12 05:32
oiaohm_Secondary advantage in patching speed.   But that is still not above blunders like debain screwing up the random generation on openssl.May 12 05:32
Omar87How do I find out whether or not this service I'm using is a Cloud Service?May 12 05:32
twitterI'm not sure what a Cloud Service is.  If you can get your data on and off of it, you have some measure of freedom.May 12 05:33
Omar87But that's not because Cloud Computing itself is bad, is it?May 12 05:34
twitterThere is, of course, nothing like owning your own machine and paying for nothing but network services.May 12 05:34
oiaohm_All OS's will blunder from time to time.  Secuirty people accept this.   Configuration of the security frameworks is keep risk reduction.   There are even distrobutions out there that ship with crippled secuirty system.May 12 05:34
twitterEverything you put into someone else's hands is control you give up.May 12 05:34
oiaohm_Good example is ubuntu using apparmor.May 12 05:34
oiaohm_Apparmor is documented as broken.May 12 05:34
twitterOhm, are you still trying to convince me that Windows can be secured?May 12 05:35
twitterAll I hear you talking about is free software problems as if they were a big deal.May 12 05:35
oiaohm_I am trying to point out if you stick head in sand about flaws in Linux people end up using them in spades.May 12 05:35
Omar87oiaohm_: That's like trying to prove that aMay 12 05:35
Omar87sorry, by mistake..May 12 05:35
oiaohm_Windows secuirty is more secure than apparmor.May 12 05:36
twitterI think, ohm, that you are trolling.May 12 05:36
oiaohm_I am not.May 12 05:36
oiaohm_There are flaws on both sides.May 12 05:36
twittersaying bad things about free software and good things about free software on a free software discussion boardMay 12 05:36
oiaohm_MS fans stick head in sand over theres.May 12 05:36
oiaohm_Open Soruce fans stick head in sand over theres.May 12 05:37
oiaohm_So I end up in disputes with both.May 12 05:37
oiaohm_If you tried push MS against I would equal rip it to bits.May 12 05:37
shreddarI don't have a clue about networking.May 12 05:37
twitteryou pay attention to flaws on one side and try to equate the two.  the developer community is well aware of problems you talk about and they discuss things in the correct place.May 12 05:37
oiaohm_What I do.May 12 05:37
oiaohm_I have had a lot of things corrected over time.May 12 05:38
oiaohm_Biggest recent one was blocking secound level of file monitoring added to the Linux kernel for anti-virus usage.May 12 05:38
twitterwhat do you want to know?May 12 05:38
oiaohm_and sending the work into correcting the file monitoring in Linux.May 12 05:38
shreddarNothing, it just I can barely keep up.May 12 05:39
twitterthat's intentional.  M$ tries to replace simple network protocols with their own complex and broken ones.May 12 05:39
oiaohm_people like you focus on that.May 12 05:40
oiaohm_instead of what features the end company wants.May 12 05:40
twitterI've read M$'s email.May 12 05:40
twitterwhere they admit doing this.May 12 05:40
oiaohm_Companies want the means to protect research data from leaking out.May 12 05:40
twittersome companies want that.May 12 05:41
oiaohm_Windows does not do that job perfectly.May 12 05:41
twitterLOLMay 12 05:41
oiaohm_Linux lack the tools to do it well.May 12 05:41
twitterWindows is a data sieve.  It gives the illusion of control.May 12 05:41
twitteryet corporate networks that buy the snake oil are home to some of the biggest botnetsMay 12 05:42
oiaohm_My corporates are hybred.May 12 05:42
twitterthe herders suck up what they wantMay 12 05:42
twitterusers are screwed on both endsMay 12 05:42
oiaohm_Linux systems do offer great network filtering and other controlls.May 12 05:43
twitterthey also lack nightmares like Outlook and IE.May 12 05:43
oiaohm_So do my windows networks.May 12 05:43
twitterha ha.May 12 05:43
oiaohm_IE is removable. just pain in but.May 12 05:44
twitterpleaseMay 12 05:44
oiaohm_I never said that I am using anywhere near stock standard twitterMay 12 05:44
twitterwhat company would go to all of that trouble instead of installing free software?May 12 05:44
twitterYou fight for freedom and control where the software owners say you can't have it.May 12 05:45
twitterwhat's the point?May 12 05:45
twitterby the time you make a Windows network look like a free network, you might as well have used free software.May 12 05:46
oiaohm_Windows will disappear out my networks over time as feature requirements are ment.May 12 05:47
twitterYou would get your features faster by working with free software.May 12 05:47
shreddaroiaohm_ What features are not met?May 12 05:47
oiaohm_This is where I am netural.  I have a checklist of items I need to pass the companies placed requirements.May 12 05:47
twitterAt some point, you have to come to the same conclusion that the Red Hat founders came to.May 12 05:48
shreddaroiaohm_ When do they need to get met?May 12 05:48
twitterIt's easier to work in freedom than it is to bolt free software onto non free OS.May 12 05:48
oiaohm_  when complete will fill in the last major secuirty features missing.May 12 05:48
twittergood questions shreddarMay 12 05:48
oiaohm_KDE working on windows will also allow me to setup a gradual migratation plan.May 12 05:49
oiaohm_So people don't notice the change over that bad.May 12 05:49
twittergradual is a loser.  M$ will always break you.May 12 05:49
twitterLet's look up freeipa 12 05:50
twitterwoopsMay 12 05:50
*Omar87 has quit ("Leaving.")May 12 05:50
twitter 12 05:50
oiaohm_  Basically everything that makes up version 2.May 12 05:51
twitterwhen someone who'd recommend M$VS pushes something, I take it with a large grain of salt.May 12 05:52
oiaohm_What is the major differices between MSVC and GCCMay 12 05:52
oiaohm_Link time optimisation.May 12 05:53
oiaohm_Without it no optimisation can work correctly twitterMay 12 05:53
oiaohm_Gcc will either come up to speed or be replaced by llvm.May 12 05:53
twitterportability and freedomMay 12 05:54
oiaohm_llvm is BSD licenced.May 12 05:54
twitteras RMS once said, "fuck speed"May 12 05:54
oiaohm_So in freedom Gcc could be classed as lossing.May 12 05:54
oiaohm_llvm is almost as portable as gcc.May 12 05:55
twitterplease don't BSD trollMay 12 05:55
oiaohm_Claiming that gnu tools to me are good is a joke.May 12 05:55
oiaohm_Some are some are crap.May 12 05:55
twitterplease don't GNU trollMay 12 05:55
oiaohm_Its not troll its the truth.   Linux kernel developers hate gcc for its internal errors.   It broke Linux's module compadible inside the 1 version of kernel.May 12 05:57
twitterI think I get your spiel, ohm.  You say bad things about free software and good things about M$.May 12 05:57
oiaohm_MS is a major problem in costs due to cals.   Major problems due to poor default configerations.May 12 05:58
twitteras you've come back to the same shit you were saying last night, I think I've exhausted your repertoire and now you bore me.May 12 05:58
oiaohm_twitter: you more take the line.   That MS has to be all bad.   So I point out areas were its not all bad.May 12 05:59
twitterfreedom is good.  there is no freedom on Windows.May 12 05:59
oiaohm_Even the worse built program can give information to make other program better.May 12 05:59
twitterthere are better example in the free software world, but you won't say anything good about them.May 12 06:00
oiaohm_That is the difference twitter.  I am not just about freedom.  I want something of quality.May 12 06:00
twitterYou advocate M$.May 12 06:00
twitterand shit on GNU.May 12 06:00
oiaohm_That is where you are wrong.May 12 06:00
oiaohm_You class point out where MS has got it right as advocating.May 12 06:01
twitterIf you've got bug reports for free software, go make them.  That's not what this place is for.May 12 06:01
oiaohm_I have done bug reports on them.May 12 06:01
twitterGreat.  If I'm interested I'll know where to find them, if they don't get deleted as trollsMay 12 06:01
oiaohm_If you want to get rid of MS truely.May 12 06:01
twitterI have gotten rid of M$ where I can.May 12 06:02
oiaohm_You must close the feature gaps.May 12 06:02
oiaohm_That does not mean clone MS.May 12 06:02
twitterFree software will never be good enough for you.May 12 06:02
oiaohm_That is wrong.May 12 06:02
oiaohm_If everything sticks to current time table most likely by end of year.May 12 06:03
twitterIt's been better than Winblows by far for me and my family.  It would be better for my place of work.  There is no place I can think of where Windows would be useful.May 12 06:03
twitterFree software has been more than good enough for me for over 8 years.May 12 06:04
oiaohm_I see not like me.  You look at it as a whole block.  Not as something where segments give ideas and guidence to get improvements.May 12 06:04
twitterFreedom has been more important for me than features or performance, but now I enjoy all of these things.May 12 06:04
twitterYes, I see the whole thing.May 12 06:05
oiaohm_I see it as segments to meat requirements.May 12 06:05
oiaohm_Something you don't have to work to.May 12 06:05
twitterI could never, for example, replace Debian with XP, because you think I'd get better C optimization.May 12 06:05
oiaohm_I cannot do a change in a business that will cripple there operations.May 12 06:05
twitterWindows routinely cripples operations.May 12 06:06
twitterThat's the whole story.May 12 06:06
twitterNo one deploys it without meeting some major data loss or network failure.May 12 06:07
oiaohm_gcc optimisation and linux kernel  failures leads to people trying firefox on Linux finding it slower linux then not wanting to go the Linux path.May 12 06:07
shreddarMS will leave because of their crimes against the consumer are increasing eponentially and no amount of astroturffing and bribery will keep people from finding alternative as soon as their available.May 12 06:07
twitterFirefox sucks because it's optimized around Windows.May 12 06:07
oiaohm_Nice myth.May 12 06:08
twitterI got it from Roy, and he cited sources.May 12 06:08
shreddarAnd it's hacked together over and over.May 12 06:08
shreddarI'm using chrome.May 12 06:08
oiaohm_Most of Firefox performance issues comes from sqlite hitting fsync error in Linux kernel.May 12 06:08
twitterAnd it does not matterMay 12 06:08
oiaohm_Second thing is profile based optimsation don't work in gcc.May 12 06:09
oiaohm_effectively.May 12 06:09
twitterthe small speed improvement you might see for FF on Windows does not justify the entire Windows disasterMay 12 06:09
oiaohm_Problem here if you have a MS fan demo that against you it becomes a problem.May 12 06:09
twitterI don't have FF problems because I use KonqMay 12 06:09
shreddarkonquer how is that working lately?May 12 06:10
twitterworks great, why?May 12 06:10
oiaohm_Reason why I want those problems gone.  Kong don't fly because lot of internal business sites don't support it.May 12 06:10
shreddarIt was completely inferior to firefox when I used it years ago.May 12 06:10
oiaohm_You have better olds with firefox working with it.May 12 06:10
twitterIt would be better and easier to rip out IISMay 12 06:10
oiaohm_None of the business I deal with run IIS at all other than for windows update service.May 12 06:11
twitterthe big picture is that my dinky PIII laptop runs rings around better hardware running Windows.May 12 06:11
twitterMy FF works better than theirs, but I prefer another browser.May 12 06:12
twitterI've got a light window manager, so all of my apps fly.May 12 06:12
twitterXP can't hold a candle to it.May 12 06:12
oiaohm_Issue is also migration path.May 12 06:12
shreddarChrome is great I wish Mozilla would make something like it. Simple and Fast.May 12 06:13
twitterthe bottom line issue is that I've got freedom and performance.May 12 06:13
oiaohm_Deal with business is a lot harder than home.May 12 06:13
oiaohm_I have run Linux at home for years.May 12 06:13
oiaohm_I know what it can do.May 12 06:13
twitterit's harder with people like you around telling them they just can't go thereMay 12 06:13
oiaohm_I don't tell them not to go there.May 12 06:13
twitterbusiness after business have migrated and saved big money.May 12 06:14
oiaohm_To be correct I recommend it more often than not.May 12 06:14
twitterChrysler, Lowes etc.May 12 06:14
twitterEveryone who moves does well.May 12 06:14
oiaohm_But there have been some equal bad splats.  There are risk migrating to the like of Vista or Windows 7.   Businesses don't migrate without need or true gains.May 12 06:15
twitterThe freaking French National Police even, sheesh.May 12 06:15
oiaohm_If they already own XP they are not as interest to move if you drop features.May 12 06:15
twitterWhat did they save?  75% of their budget from dumping Windows?May 12 06:16
twitterXP is featurelessMay 12 06:16
oiaohm_Yet its what you have to bet in every field.May 12 06:16
twitterNot for long.May 12 06:17
twitterand it's better gone.May 12 06:17
oiaohm_Linux laptop using a network user when not connect to the network?May 12 06:17
shreddaroiaohm_ every field?May 12 06:17
oiaohm_That does not work well.May 12 06:17
twitterEvery field he thinks of.May 12 06:17
shreddarIn buisness?May 12 06:18
shreddarLike advertising?May 12 06:18
twitterin his dreamsMay 12 06:18
oiaohm_Soon the cachefs will be here for Linux allows that to work.May 12 06:18
oiaohm_In business.May 12 06:18
oiaohm_There are gaps.May 12 06:18
oiaohm_most will be filled by end of year.May 12 06:19
twittermonkey boy business and monkey boy revenue gapsMay 12 06:19
twitterthe revenue gap will expand and expandMay 12 06:19
twitteruntil poof, Enron part 2May 12 06:19
oiaohm_X11 server that was Open source equal to Enron.May 12 06:19
oiaohm_Complete internal disaster zone.May 12 06:20
oiaohm_Sticking head in sand about its flaws allowed it to happen twitterMay 12 06:20
shreddarEnron what open source? or what X11 a scam that costed peoples retirement.May 12 06:21
shreddarreplace what with wasMay 12 06:21
shreddarI Saying type was ment don'tMay 12 06:22
shreddarfrom now on I keep my hand of [shift] too.May 12 06:24
shreddaroffMay 12 06:24
twitterM$ is EnronMay 12 06:25
twitterShreddar, let's talk about how to get something useful out of Konq.May 12 06:26
shreddarOkMay 12 06:26
shreddarHow?May 12 06:26
twitterKonq has problems with some M$ and non free pages, you should try to right click open those with FF, like you might have once done with IE on windows.May 12 06:27
twitterOnce you get around that limitation, the cool stuff Konq has to offer pays off.May 12 06:27
twitterlike VI motion commands.May 12 06:27
twitteryou don't have to take your hands off the keyboard to scroll through web pages with Konq.May 12 06:28
twitterj is down, k is up, h is left, l is right.  That's one of my favorite features.May 12 06:28
twitterKonq is probably the best file manager you will find.May 12 06:29
twittersplit screens and excellent protocol support make it that way.May 12 06:29
shreddarWell I don't know if this has change since KDE 3 or not but I found the interface wasn't as nice as Firefoxes. And it didn't have any speed advanteges either.May 12 06:30
shreddarKonq is the best file manage thoughMay 12 06:30
twitterI'm using 3.5 and there's a speed advantage for all but a few pages I look at.May 12 06:30
twitterthe pages that slow it down are non standards compliant junk for the most part.May 12 06:31
twitterand vi motion commands make up for the speed difference.May 12 06:32
twitterI can read the page faster because I can scroll through it better.May 12 06:32
shreddarWell, memory usage was a issue back then now I bet it wouldn't matter.May 12 06:32
twitterI get good performance out of 512 MB of RAM.May 12 06:33
twitterE16 helpsMay 12 06:33
twitterKonq does bookmarks wellMay 12 06:34
twitterthe book mark bar is very flexible and most edits happen on the fly, without calling up a bookmark managerMay 12 06:35
twitterI've got bookmark sub folders for news, manuals, host locations, my system and various other often referenced material.  It's very easy to use.May 12 06:36
shreddarI don't even use Firefox anymore. I use Chrome now. I love the interface and speed.May 12 06:36
twitterI have not tried Chrome.  What about the interface do you like?May 12 06:36
shreddarIt's simpleMay 12 06:36
shreddarIt's what a browser should be.May 12 06:37
twitterwhat did you not like about Konq that was not simple?May 12 06:37
shreddarIt stays out of your wayMay 12 06:37
twitterI did not like the side bar, and I got rid of it.May 12 06:37
shreddarI haven't used Konq in forever.May 12 06:37
twittermy bookmarks and the buttons I have are things I use a lot and want.May 12 06:38
shreddarI feel like I have to show it too you to explain.May 12 06:39
shreddarI just like the speed and interface alot.May 12 06:40
shreddarEven though it's still missing alot of features I used on firefox alot.May 12 06:41
shreddarI just keep automatically using it.May 12 06:41
shreddarIt was ment to be.May 12 06:41
twitterIt looks a lot like IE7, ick. 12 06:43
shreddarNuh Uhh!May 12 06:43
twitterI'm sure it works better than IE7, but I'd miss my bookmarksMay 12 06:43
shreddarIE7's interface sucks.May 12 06:44
shreddarIt's completely unusable.May 12 06:44
shreddarThe most unusable.May 12 06:44
shreddarTo me.May 12 06:44
shreddarChrome is just so transparentMay 12 06:45
shreddarIE7 is not by a long shot.May 12 06:45
twittercomparing to 12 06:46
twitterwith Konq's nice split screen view.May 12 06:46
twitterfunny how Chrome has Vista's ugly buttons on the window decoration and Cnet has XP.May 12 06:47
twitterChrome has put the tabs on top, which is backward from what I'd want.  I more often bounce between tabs than I hit the address bar.May 12 06:47
twitterIE7 is more cluttered but the basic buttons are the same.May 12 06:48
twitterI doubt either of them do pdf integration as well as Konq does through kpdf (I know IE7 sucks eggs)May 12 06:48
twitterboth Crome and IE7's book marks look like a blast from the past, sort of like what you can get from Dillo.May 12 06:49
shreddarI know what you mean Opera did tap on top and it did not work for me but with in chrome it's perfect.May 12 06:50
twitterthough it is unfair of me to judge Chrome by appearance alone, I know that IE 7 sucks.May 12 06:50
twitterhow is it easier for you in Chrome but not in Opera?May 12 06:50
shreddarChrome was designed for it.May 12 06:51
shreddarWith Opera they just kind of made it that way.May 12 06:51
twitterthe "one box for everything" is something that drives me crazy the way IE did it.May 12 06:51
shreddarTabs are on the top in Chrome because you are going to use them alot.May 12 06:52
shreddarIn opera they are just above the bar but not really on topMay 12 06:52
twitterI like having a search box distinct from an address bar.May 12 06:52
shreddarThat one thing I love about Chrome actuallyMay 12 06:53
twitterIf you use the a lot they should be closer, so you don't have to mouse as far.May 12 06:53
shreddarThey are in plane siteMay 12 06:53
shreddarThe tabs define how you're using it.May 12 06:54
twitteryou can see them in either place.May 12 06:54
twitterI like chrome's new tab with page previews.  That's a good idea.May 12 06:54
twittera little heavy but nice.May 12 06:54
shreddarIn Chrome you have two bars the Tabs and the location bar.May 12 06:55
twitterI still prefer my bookmarks because it organizes more information.May 12 06:55
shreddarIt just makes sence in chrome to have the Tabs on topMay 12 06:55
twitterand is always where I left it.May 12 06:55
shreddarYeah, bookmarks is one of the things in chrome that need to be improvedMay 12 06:56
twitterdetachable tabs is something konq has done for a long time.  it's a good feature.May 12 06:56
twitterwhen you have a new research aim, you usually want to detach it.May 12 06:57
shreddarI wish they have a new tab page like interface for bookmarks that you could add and remove links.May 12 06:57
twitterin konq you add and remove links by right click.May 12 06:57
twitterjust open your book marks to where you want the link to go and right click it in there.  this is a very useful feature.May 12 06:58
shreddarYeah chrome does that but the menu thing dissabppear afterward which is anyoying.May 12 06:58
twitteryou can also right click edit your existing book marks in case the site moves on you.May 12 06:58
shreddarThe bookmarks manager works fine thoughMay 12 06:59
shreddarBut I haven't used those in firefox in foreverMay 12 06:59
twitterI like having my bookmarks organized the way I like them and out front all of the time.May 12 06:59
twitterI also like how I don't have to call a manager to arrange them.May 12 07:00
shreddarI don't really use bookmarks like I used to.May 12 07:02
shreddarThe location bar has made it easier to get to places since Firefox 2May 12 07:03
shreddarIt's only gotten better since.May 12 07:03
shreddarNow it's just hard to find stuff I bookmarkMay 12 07:04
shreddarOr stuff I want to rememberMay 12 07:04
shreddarI mean I only bookmark stuff that's hard to findMay 12 07:05
shreddaror rememberMay 12 07:05
twitterKonq's bookmark subfolders are good for organizing the obscure stuff.May 12 07:06
twitterI mostly use book marks for frequent use things.May 12 07:06
twitterthey stand right up frontMay 12 07:06
twittermore obscure stuff sits nested.May 12 07:06
twitterthings like other hosts I have accounts on go into a "hosts" bookmark folderMay 12 07:07
twitterI hit that one a lot.May 12 07:07
shreddarI don't even use folders anymore. I'm a bit of a minimalist though.May 12 07:08
twitterI like Chrome's talk about tab independence, but I avoid that problem by avoiding pages with nasty javascript in the first place.May 12 07:08
twitterI'm lazy.May 12 07:08
shreddarI only have  four icon on the desktopMay 12 07:08
twitterfolders help me with thatMay 12 07:08
twitterI have no icons on my desktop.May 12 07:08
twitterjust kicker and E16's icon box with a few common running appsMay 12 07:09
twitterIf I want it, I leave it running in a different virtual window.May 12 07:09
twitterI hibernate of suspend so everything I'm doing is always where I left it, but that's not really a browser issue.May 12 07:10
shreddarHave you used KDE4?May 12 07:10
twitternot yetMay 12 07:10
twitterThe other way to get around the sad tab problem is to just open new browser windows for new projects.May 12 07:11
twitterI end up with lots of tabs when I get busy.May 12 07:12
twitterI'm way not busy now and only have one browser with 9 tabs.  I could almost do that on Windows, ha ha.May 12 07:12
shreddarTabs can be abused.May 12 07:12
shreddarI still rember what it was like before tabs thoughMay 12 07:12
twitterby who?May 12 07:12
twitterThere's nothing like having lots of tabs to be able to read a lot of pdfs in Konq for research.May 12 07:13
shreddarAnything above 18 Tab is just incorectMay 12 07:13
shreddarincorrectMay 12 07:13
shreddar****May 12 07:14
twitterI generally don't go beyond 10.  At that point, I spawn a new copy of Konq and put it on a new desktop.May 12 07:14
shreddaroh yeah I forgot about doing that. But still it hard to manages that many things.May 12 07:15
twitterI've had as many as six desktops, each with 9 virtual windows to organize my work.  Each of those six desktops had at least one copy of Konq in it.May 12 07:15
twitterA good window manager makes things easy.May 12 07:15
shreddarYou have to clean out the attic every now an thenMay 12 07:15
twitterI ran for months like this.May 12 07:15
shreddarWowMay 12 07:15
twitterIt was very good for productivity because I never had to shut down my work.May 12 07:16
twitterThis is what E16 is best at:  Place Keeping.May 12 07:16
twitterEach desktop was devoted to some part of my work:  coding, paper writing, data analysis, email and so on.May 12 07:16
*benJIman tends to use a few hundred windows with lots of tabs in many of them.May 12 07:17
twitterall with Novel porn.May 12 07:17
twitter:)May 12 07:17
twitterI went for months without using FF on that machine too.  Stability was paramount, so questionable browsing took place on other machines.May 12 07:19
twitterThe one thing that would blow me up was forgetting about SD in a Card Slot and shutting the lid.  APM did not deal gracefully with that for some reason.May 12 07:20
twitterIn any case, the memory issue Chrome talks about is not something that I saw much of using Konqueror.May 12 07:21
twitterclosing tabs really did free the memory if I got too much going.May 12 07:22
shreddarYeah firefox was what really had the problem there.May 12 07:22
shreddarBut firefox had lots of memory issuesMay 12 07:23
shreddarStill does compare to acouple of other browsersMay 12 07:23
shreddarChrome Safari Opera all use less memoryMay 12 07:23
shreddarThe only thing I didn't like about KDE was their browserMay 12 07:25
twitterI find Konq indispensable.May 12 07:26
shreddarYou'd think it'd be faster than firefox because it uses the same libraries but I could really tell.May 12 07:26
shreddarcouldn'tMay 12 07:26
twitterKonq has it's own librariesMay 12 07:26
shreddarIt uses QTMay 12 07:27
shreddarfirefox uses QTKMay 12 07:27
shreddarGTKMay 12 07:27
twitterIt took me a while to learn how to use Konq.May 12 07:27
shreddarrunning Konq in KDEMay 12 07:27
shreddarit's jus tQTMay 12 07:27
twitterIt's been a while since I've used the KDE desktop.May 12 07:28
shreddarrunning KDE and firefox use QT and GTKMay 12 07:28
twitterMy wife loves it.May 12 07:28
twitterI like E16 better.May 12 07:28
twitterThe pagers make things work for me.May 12 07:28
twitterand it's light.May 12 07:28
shreddarE16 is a fine window managerMay 12 07:28
shreddarI used it tooMay 12 07:29
twitterit takes a little getting used to.May 12 07:29
shreddarI was really swankyMay 12 07:29
shreddareye candyMay 12 07:29
twitterand a little, easy customiazation.May 12 07:29
shreddarIt worked wellMay 12 07:29
twitterthat's what matters mostMay 12 07:29
shreddarbut it was oldMay 12 07:30
shreddarand well...May 12 07:30
twitterI like the kicker, which is KDE's system bar.May 12 07:30
twitterit works well with E16May 12 07:30
shreddarWhy?May 12 07:31
twitterIt looses the transparency but it's system tray holds things like pidgin's icon.May 12 07:31
twitterkpowersave also lives thereMay 12 07:31
shreddarOh.May 12 07:32
twitterkmix, klipper and kdictMay 12 07:32
twitterKDE's menu organization is nice sometimesMay 12 07:32
twitterkweather and a few application launchers are also good to haveMay 12 07:33
shreddarI actually settled on blackbox after awhile.May 12 07:33
twitterI tried that for a while but probably did not give it a fair chance.May 12 07:33
shreddarAll window managers are about the same.May 12 07:34
shreddarSome work better than others.May 12 07:34
twitterdoes it have E16 quality pagers?May 12 07:34
shreddarNo.May 12 07:34
twitterthat's a big deal for meMay 12 07:34
twitterand anyone who has a lot of projects in the air would use them if they had them.May 12 07:35
twitteranother nice thing about E16 - all applications are equal.May 12 07:36
tacone 12 07:36
twitterthe button bar and icons get overlaid when you ant them to be.May 12 07:36
twitterfunnyMay 12 07:36
twitterwhat a major league embarrassmentMay 12 07:37
twitterLMAO ->  "baseball wanted Microsoft to make it possible for users to download Silverlight without having to possess administrative rights. When people are at work, it's often the company that possesses those rights"May 12 07:40
twitter-> "  baseball considered Silverlight too unstable. There were some high-profile glitches, "May 12 07:40
shreddarYeah, I'm sure offices are happy about their workers watching baseball too.May 12 07:41
shreddarWhen you need to the mostMay 12 07:41
twitterM$ will surely fix that hole by pushing Silverblight as a Windows Update.May 12 07:42
twitterbut they won't be able to fix the stability problems.May 12 07:42
shreddarAutomatic updateMay 12 07:42
twitter->" Silverlight was also suspected by many Netflix users of being the cause for a recent series of glitches that occurred with Netflix's streaming-video service. Microsoft appeared to acknowledge that its player was the cause "May 12 07:42
twitterservice pack, whatever.May 12 07:43
twitterbut they fight ogg with all of their might.May 12 07:43
twitterthe more the push this crap, the more broken they areMay 12 07:44
shreddarIs video streaming apart of the HTML 5 standard? or is it just video.May 12 07:44
twitterI'm not sure of the differenceMay 12 07:45
twitterKonq already handles theora beautifully.May 12 07:45
twitterperhaps not in page, but in a new tab perfectly.May 12 07:46
shreddarDidn't know that.May 12 07:46
twitterright click opening it pulls an embedded kmplayer for me.May 12 07:46
twitteryou might have a different media playerMay 12 07:46
twitterthis is something that's worked well for a while.  EEEPC has it and that's Xandros from 2006May 12 07:47
twitterI like how the baseball people noticed that Silverlight only works with IE.May 12 07:48
shreddardoes the <video> player only play after downloading?May 12 07:48
twitterlocks out iphone, Mac and GNU/Linux.May 12 07:48
twitterI'm not sure about the mechanics, it seems to play right away.May 12 07:48
twitterlet me go test it out again to be sureMay 12 07:49
oiaohm_video tag can be used for stream playing  but it will come down to browser how exactly it does it.May 12 07:50
shreddarAlright the first thing I tried to use was safari's (a webkit build) implementation and the whole file had to download first.May 12 07:50
oiaohm_That is a implementation selection.May 12 07:51
oiaohm_ogg flv and the like files can play partly downloaded.May 12 07:51
twitteryes, that seems to be the way it works.May 12 07:51
twitterif the site bandwith is sucky, you are better off waiting for it anyway.May 12 07:52
shreddarI can't wait till safari 4 and Firefox 3.5 come out to support it.May 12 07:52
twitterISP interference with YouTube is one reason I prefer to use clive over gnash or flash.May 12 07:52
twitterYes, it will be cool to have better web video.May 12 07:53
twittertwitter is sleepy, must sleep.  good nightMay 12 07:53
oiaohm_whole file download is simpler to implement.  No predictive downloading feature required.May 12 07:53
shreddargood nightMay 12 07:53
oiaohm_good night twitterMay 12 07:54
oiaohm_X11 failure I was refering to crippled unix so it could not compete with Windows in the early days and proceed through to only recently turning around.  On scale of damage in compare enron is nothing.May 12 07:56
oiaohm_The failure to care about lower parts of the OS leads to stalled progress.May 12 07:57
shreddarWell, it's late here too. I'll talk to you guy's again some other time. Good night.May 12 08:02
*shreddar (i=62f0385b@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellMay 12 08:02
*mib_ivjlfi (i=5857393c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 08:20
*oiaohm_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)May 12 08:28
schestowitzMorning.May 12 08:37
taconemorning.May 12 08:42
schestowitzI have  a questionMay 12 08:53
schestowitzFirst, let me restart KDEMay 12 08:58
schestowitzIt says too much (what I just sent), right?May 12 09:01
schestowitzAre Yahoo Investors Now Tuning Ballmer Out? < >May 12 09:04
schestowitzTurning Out The Lights: Aspen Medtech Inc. < >May 12 09:05
schestowitzTim Anderson (of Microsoft fans) seems to be sort of advertising bashing of Google: 12 09:21
schestowitz "Just as in “reallife” bullying and stalking are very distressing, but then in real life we cant just hit the power button (unlike in the computing world) If you are an adult and find any of the above happening, then Id suggest either making an anon handle or simply not using your computer."May 12 09:24
schestowitz"In the case of children that is different, but then I wouldnt let mine on ANY computer unless they were fully supervised at all times."May 12 09:24
*benkai ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 09:30
*iwmw ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 09:32
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 09:34
_Hicham_Hi All!May 12 09:34
_Hicham_good morning schestowitz!May 12 09:34
schestowitzHeyMay 12 09:39
schestowitztacone: I sent you a sort of quick draftMay 12 09:40
taconeschestowitz: i am replying in prvMay 12 09:40
schestowitzI'll fix itMay 12 09:40
_Hicham_no prv pleaseMay 12 09:40
schestowitzMicrosoft to raise $3.75B in first debt offering < >May 12 09:45
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 10:05
schestowitzObama vows antitrust crackdown < >May 12 10:05
schestowitz"Among the bigger cases, Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) was fined $1.2 billion by the European Commission in February 2008 after it was found to be pricing out rivals and refusing to comply with the court's previous antitrust decision."May 12 10:06
schestowitzUbuntu Muslim Edition Is Now Known as Sabily < > Canonical goes around with its trademarkMay 12 10:07
oiaohm  Strange company combination.May 12 10:13
schestowitz < Tech firms could see fallout from antitrust shift >May 12 10:17
schestowitzoiaohm: indeedMay 12 10:17
schestowitzDoes Nokia even have any x86 devices?May 12 10:17
oiaohmNot as far as I know.May 12 10:17
ushimitsudoki The anti-trust news is interesting and encouraging. It's the first sign I've seen out of the Obama camp that he may be making some right moves against corporate power in the US. Here's hoping, at least, for now.May 12 10:18
oiaohmIntel does produce a range of arm chips.May 12 10:18
schestowitzMobile Internet Has Grown by 74% in 2 Years < >May 12 10:20
schestowitzushimitsudoki: it's easy to say soMay 12 10:22
ushimitsudokischestowitz: indeed. we will see what actions are actually takenMay 12 10:22
schestowitzYesterday I saw the claim that national debt is $56 trillion. Have you come across this before?May 12 10:22
ushimitsudokiIf the "national debt clock" is accurate its 11T: 12 10:23
schestowitzReporter Questions Why The NY Times Erased All His Work For The International Herald Tribune < >May 12 10:24
schestowitzushimitsudoki: that's the thing, it's notMay 12 10:24
schestowitz (56 Trillion Dollar Debt). Can we find another independent source to verify?May 12 10:24
ushimitsudokiThat's the same number (roughly) the US Treasury gives ($11T)May 12 10:25
schestowitzThe 56 Trillion Dollar Plus Question < >May 12 10:25
schestowitzUS Treasury is as reliable as the employment offices and Federal reserveMay 12 10:25
schestowitzThey change what they measure over the yearsMay 12 10:25
schestowitz'\According to USA Today,(1), 221 days from the day this article was published, the reality for the American Taxpayer is this - May 12 10:26
schestowitz "Bottom line: Taxpayers are now on the hook for a record $59.1 trillion in liabilities, a 2.3% increase from 2006. That amount is equal to $516,348 for every U.S. household. By comparison, U.S. households owe an average of $112,043 for mortgages, car loans, credit cards and all other debt combined." 'May 12 10:26
_Hicham_Hi oiaohmMay 12 10:26
schestowitzTaxpayers on the hook for $59 trillion < >May 12 10:27
schestowitzI guess it's likely to be true, then.May 12 10:27
ushimitsudokischestowitz: the USA Today article that the whole thing is based on looks like a political attack from the Republicans. I wouldn't throw a whole lot of stock into that just yetMay 12 10:27
schestowitzI wonder how the UK compares to that (not an apple-to-oranges assessment)May 12 10:27
schestowitzushimitsudoki: OK, let me see more sourcesMay 12 10:27
ushimitsudokischestowitz: not that I'm holding up the Treasury numbers as perfection or anything, but that USA Today article is the base for the article, and the USA Today article is awful thin on facts - that's allMay 12 10:28
schestowitz 12 10:28
oiaohmHi _Hicham_May 12 10:28
schestowitzushimitsudoki: what about the video I've just shown you?May 12 10:29
schestowitz "On March 17, 2009, CBS News reported the national U.S. debt hit a record $11 trillion."May 12 10:29
_Hicham_oiaohm : do u consider kernel 2.6.30 a significant milestone ?May 12 10:30
schestowitz"However The Real National Debt with unfunded liabilities included is about $56.4 trillion. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates the U.S. population at 305.5 million."May 12 10:30
oiaohm2.6.31 will be more significate by what I am allready being setup for it.May 12 10:30
schestowitzLinks to: 12 10:30
oiaohm2.6.30 will be a good improvement.May 12 10:31
schestowitz 12 10:31
schestowitzI think it's the same dude from the Maher showMay 12 10:32
ushimitsudokischestowitz: that is a political organization. they are counting medicare and social security as public debt for starters, which is a redefining of what "national debt" means. that's why they call it the "real national debt". They may or may not have a point - but it's certainly not true that "the national debt" in the sense it is commonly understood is $56TMay 12 10:32
oiaohm2.6.30 introduces generical filesystem cache support to Linux that will be great for network filesystem and other slow media like cdroms.May 12 10:33
schestowitzushimitsudoki: thanks, that makes senseMay 12 10:34
ushimitsudokischestowitz: the "peter g peterson" is a fiscal conservative, ex-Commerce Secretary: 12 10:34
schestowitzAt least I found out where it all comes fromMay 12 10:34
ushimitsudokiAgain, they may or may not have a point, but it is definately a political issueMay 12 10:34
schestowitzMore on the loss in Australia: Linux pioneer dies in tragic circumstances < >May 12 10:35
schestowitzushimitsudoki: where does the money come from?May 12 10:35
ushimitsudokiwhat money?May 12 10:36
schestowitzIt's a zero-sum situation, right?May 12 10:36
schestowitzushimitsudoki: borrowed moneyMay 12 10:36
ushimitsudokishit man i'm not an economistMay 12 10:36
schestowitzMe neitherMay 12 10:36
schestowitzThat's why I askedMay 12 10:36
ushimitsudokibut no, i don't think a national economy is a zero-sum situationMay 12 10:36
schestowitzThe Fedral Reserve is very secrectiveMay 12 10:36
ushimitsudokifor one thing, over time the stock market has averaged like 11% annual gain, even including the great depression and so forthMay 12 10:37
schestowitzIt's established as a private body more secretive than the secret services, which must disclose docs after a period of time (I think it's called info freedom of transparency act)May 12 10:37
oiaohm  I reallly hope his shop keeps running schestowitz.May 12 10:37
ushimitsudokiI think that large economies are able to "create wealth", meaning they are not zero-sumMay 12 10:37
ushimitsudokiBut, again man, I haven't studied economics since freshman college, ages agoMay 12 10:37
oiaohmThere is a difference.   The great depression was built out of.   Production creates gain.May 12 10:40
oiaohmThis may be the first event that breaks the 11% rule.May 12 10:41
schestowitzoiaohm: maybe you can help himMay 12 10:41
schestowitzContact the familyMay 12 10:41
schestowitzAssuming no partner of his will carry on running the shopMay 12 10:41
schestowitzHe has a 8-y-o :-(May 12 10:42
schestowitzVery tragicMay 12 10:42
oiaohm11% rule was never designed to cope with a market being fueled on fake money.May 12 10:42
ushimitsudokiWell, economic theory is both complex and not interesting to me, so I can't really speak on it too much.May 12 10:42
schestowitzushimitsudoki: since when has the USD not been tied to gold?May 12 10:42
schestowitzOne source says early 70sMay 12 10:42
schestowitzSo it's perceptual valueMay 12 10:42
schestowitzAs one person put it, trading in USD is a matter of timeMay 12 10:43
oiaohmThat is what causes this mess currently people used economic theory.May 12 10:43
oiaohmNot common sence.May 12 10:43
schestowitzTo trade in USD "never made political sense to them, but nor does it make economic sense (soon)"May 12 10:43
oiaohmA fraud will always been shown in time.May 12 10:43
schestowitzMicrosoft debt offering raises questions about plans for funds < >May 12 10:43
schestowitzMicrosoft debtMay 12 10:44
schestowitzit claims to have money in the bankMay 12 10:44
schestowitzWhy debt?May 12 10:44
schestowitzAre they faking?May 12 10:44
schestowitzWere we right all along? Who the heck knows...May 12 10:44
ushimitsudokiOfficially, the US came off in 1971 under NixonMay 12 10:44
schestowitzBush challenges him for "worst president " :-DMay 12 10:45
oiaohmIf you look at the rate MS eats through money 25 billion is not a lot of money.May 12 10:46
schestowitzBruce Jaffe lands here something to watch out for because they could serve MSMay 12 10:48
schestowitzoiaohm: see military budget aloneMay 12 10:48
schestowitzExceeding one trillion dollars per year almostMay 12 10:49
schestowitzA lot of it is dark. It's never shown to the public and  some goes to nuclear programsMay 12 10:49
schestowitzEuropean Commission pushes for software patents via a trusted court < >May 12 10:50
oiaohm  Notice net income at bottom.  Its the reason why MS is cutting staff.  Last time around there were under 3 billion dollars off going backwards.May 12 10:55
oiaohmOppsMay 12 10:55
oiaohmOk that works.May 12 10:55
schestowitztacone: "Update: I wrote that AFTER going to #ubuntuone to ask about the source code. Apparently people that don't have apt or .deb on their machine are not very well received, as they get told to download the .deb with apt." 12 10:57
taconeyes, that's obviousMay 12 10:58
taconewhat Hub doesn't figure out, is that it's unlikely for canonical to put out a beta service on every platformMay 12 10:58
taconethey support only Jaunty at the moment. not even Intrepid or Hardy LTSMay 12 10:59
taconethat does make senseMay 12 10:59
schestowitz 12 10:59
oiaohm  Something that is over due.May 12 10:59
schestowitz<yeahMay 12 11:00
ushimitsudokiCalifornia and Texas pretty much set the standard for text books across the entire US. If both were to adopt Arnold's plan - or something like it - it could be a major eventMay 12 11:01
schestowitzDid Martin LaMonica leave CNET? I've just realised that he sort of vanished.May 12 11:01
schestowitzCNET is a messMay 12 11:01
ushimitsudokiThere are a ton of politics behind textbooks though - especially science ones, so it's hard to see what might happen there just yetMay 12 11:01
schestowitzWindows posts get tagged as "open source"May 12 11:02
schestowitzI wonder if it's deliberateMay 12 11:02
oiaohmSize of mess there I would not suspect deliberate.May 12 11:05
oiaohmMore new person getting use to the ropes.May 12 11:06
schestowitzCNET you mean?May 12 11:15
oiaohmYes cnetMay 12 11:15
oiaohm  << Hmm not sure I want this to be the next generation of computers.May 12 11:16
_Hicham_Windows is Open Source?May 12 11:18
_Hicham_MaybeMay 12 11:18
taconethey'll even release windows as gpl3 in the future, provided is just a client for their WindowsOne cloud service :PMay 12 11:18
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 11:22
_Hicham_If Microsoft starts coding for Linux, is that a Victory?May 12 11:22
schestowitztacone: LOLMay 12 11:23
oiaohmNo the day Microsoft open admits as coding for Linux.May 12 11:23
schestowitzWhy does hubert even mind UbuntuOne?May 12 11:23
oiaohmWithout MS support Novell would be a non existant company right now.May 12 11:23
schestowitzDoes it relate to tasking?May 12 11:23
taconebecause he's a FOSS supporterMay 12 11:24
taconethe very same reason why he ported tomboy.May 12 11:24
schestowitzoiaohm: they don't get much real support anymoreMay 12 11:24
schestowitzThey get injectionsMay 12 11:24
schestowitzThey had no major contractMay 12 11:24
schestowitzIn like 6 monthsMay 12 11:24
schestowitzTheir results later this months cannot be goodMay 12 11:24
_Hicham_Ubuntu tries to be a Windows CloneMay 12 11:24
schestowitzMacMay 12 11:25
_Hicham_they are just experiencing ways to have moneyMay 12 11:25
_Hicham_sooner of later they will go all Linux companies wayMay 12 11:25
_Hicham_a supported product, and a community oneMay 12 11:25
taconethey already doMay 12 11:27
oiaohmRedhat and Ubuntu will face off at some point.May 12 11:27
schestowitz - Software Patents Want to Enter Europe from the Back DoorMay 12 11:28
schestowitzApple is an issueMay 12 11:29
schestowitzIf Microsoft goes down as a larger unisys we still have Apple to compete withMay 12 11:29
schestowitzApple, unlike MS, has marginsMay 12 11:29
schestowitzIt sells hardwareMay 12 11:30
schestowitzThat's where the money is. Servers and hardware.May 12 11:30
schestowitzDesktop O/Ses are like a freebie nowMay 12 11:30
schestowitzLike mustard on a sandwichMay 12 11:30
schestowitz Q&A: Disconnecting file-sharers < >. The BBC, as usual, plays ball for big media.May 12 11:31
oiaohmAlso OS X out performs Linux in a few placesMay 12 11:31
oiaohmTaking out OS X is going to be harder than windows.May 12 11:32
schestowitztacone: nice one. Is it in Digg's FP yet?May 12 11:32
taconeno, ~60 diggsMay 12 11:32
taconewell, you can help shouting to your digg friends, but i never make it to digg front page :(May 12 11:32
taconei sent it to linux today my self if you notice. they have been kind enough to publish it, that would bring me a fair share of traffic though.May 12 11:33
tacone 12 11:33
taconei've been the first, many people read my article, but nobody linked back.May 12 11:34
schestowitzCairo Dock 2.0.0 is Here (Linux Dock Menu)! < >May 12 11:36
schestowitzI don't shoutMay 12 11:36
schestowitzIt's a form of spammingMay 12 11:36
taconefair enough :)May 12 11:36
schestowitzpavs does this a lotMay 12 11:37
schestowitzDigg is messed upMay 12 11:37
schestowitzHadoop should target C++/LLVM, not Java (because of watts) 12 11:41
schestowitz"Does Technorati *ever* work these days?  Yesterday it said I had no links to my blog, today it's a blank Web page.... "May 12 11:44
taconeit has glitches latelyMay 12 11:45
*mib_fljpxv (i=55ad131d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 11:45
taconemostly works, and better than google blog search by the wayMay 12 11:45
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 11:46
oiaohmSame thing said about Hadoop and Java also applies to .netMay 12 11:47
schestowitzWordPress appears to have dropped TechnoratiMay 12 11:47
schestowitzThey use Google news in the Dashboard (by default anyway)May 12 11:47
*mib_fljpxv has quit (Client Quit)May 12 11:48
taconeyes, and google ruined their blog search by including text from the whole pageMay 12 11:48
*liberfiasco ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 11:49
schestowitzWe should find a path back to Technorati not that I track IBLs muchMay 12 11:49
schestowitzHi, liberfiasco May 12 11:50
schestowitzliberfiasco vs libervisco May 12 11:50
liberfiascoHiMay 12 11:50
*libervisco has quit (Nick collision from services.)May 12 11:50
*liberfiasco is now known as liberviscoMay 12 11:50
schestowitzOpen Mapping Considered Harmful < >May 12 11:51
*mib_ivjlfi has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 12 11:51
schestowitzIs Bruce Perens joining the boycott firefox campaigners? "Bruce Perens makes two arguments against web ad blocking in an LWN thread. First, users should comply with a norm that a user of an ad-supported resource will view the ads." 12 11:52
schestowitzHe shut down TechnocratMay 12 11:52
taconeworking with microsoft is innovation: 12 11:54
schestowitztacone: yeahMay 12 11:55
schestowitzInnovating EEEMay 12 11:55
schestowitzHe's arguing with me in USENET right nowMay 12 11:55
schestowitzAnd joining the kidsMay 12 11:55
schestowitzwith the "poo poo head" remarkMay 12 11:56
schestowitzA Business Model for a Better World - Ebook Draft < >May 12 11:56
schestowitz 12 11:57
*mib_l4td8l (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 11:57
*mib_l4td8l is now known as Ap0g33May 12 11:57
schestowitz 12 11:57
schestowitzRising superpower: Campaign for .中国 (China) domain kicks off < >May 12 11:58
schestowitzLook how quickly twitter is growing.. 12 12:03
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving.")May 12 12:05
*tacone ( has left #boycottnovell ("ERROR: crap-talking overflow - Aborting.")May 12 12:07
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schestowitzGoogle responds to that latest energy FUD against which ignores other SEs: Energy and the Internet < >May 12 12:08
*_Hicham_1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 12:10
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oiaohmAnd google still wants greener than what they are now.May 12 12:11
schestowitzWell, to save money, obviouslyMay 12 12:12
schestowitzNot to save the environmentMay 12 12:12
schestowitzJust economics disguised with PRMay 12 12:12
oiaohmMixture of both.   Bad environment don't do there staff any good so leading to less production.May 12 12:13
oiaohmSooner or latter miss treating the environment will come back and bite.May 12 12:13
schestowitzU.S. soldier in Iraq shoots, kills comrades < >May 12 12:14
kentmathere was a calculation made recently showing that avatars on 2nd life have a greater CO2 footprint than many (real) AfricansMay 12 12:14
schestowitzProbablyMay 12 12:14
schestowitzI saw a presentation which says people in the west pollute 30 times more than in Africa, per personMay 12 12:15
schestowitzNot just consumption of energy (cars, showers, TV, etc.)May 12 12:15
MinceRr4wrMay 12 12:15
kentmaagreed.  I know that my house could be significantly improved!May 12 12:15
schestowitzHere is the source: 12 12:15
kentmaI just thought it was an interesting turning point when a virtual person used more power than a real one.May 12 12:15
schestowitzkentma: to imporve houses costs energy tooMay 12 12:16
schestowitzToss and replace (disposal+creation)May 12 12:16
kentmaYou need to take the long-term perspective on these things.May 12 12:16
kentmaFor example, I have landrovers - it's a good idea because although you can buy a small car with better fuel consumption (I get about 30mpg), landrovers usually last around 30 years, so in terms of total energy and pollution, they are far better than several smaller cars which have to be built in the same lifetime.  Sadly, that's not well understood by most people!May 12 12:17
kentmaSame thing with houses - you need sustainable gains.May 12 12:18
schestowitzNortel confirms fire sale < >May 12 12:21
schestowitzThat's one for BT to stay away from then.May 12 12:22
oiaohmkentma: it depend on the small car.May 12 12:22
oiaohmLike the old vw beetle was well bult has better fuel usage than a landrovers and you still see them running quite well.May 12 12:23
oiaohmIf the small car is designed to last it will out do the land rover.May 12 12:23
kentmaoiaohm: no, it won't.  There just isn't enough metal on them.May 12 12:23
kentmaThere are around 70% of landrovers ever made still on the road.  For beetles?  I don't know, but I doubt it's any better than about 0.1%May 12 12:24
oiaohmold vm beetle was not what you call short of metal.May 12 12:24
oiaohmbeetle are also older.May 12 12:24
kentmaoiaohm: have you looked at them both?May 12 12:24
kentmalandrovers have ali bodywork, beetles don't - they rot.May 12 12:24
schestowitzMaybe Gary flatfish Stewart can be taken to prison now: 12 12:25
kentmaschestowitz: hey - fantastic idea :-)May 12 12:25
oiaohmInland where I am they don't rot.May 12 12:25
schestowitzJust redo itMay 12 12:25
kentmaoiaohm: perhaps not, but in most places they do.  Anywhere where roads get salted, you get rot, anywhere humid, you get rot.May 12 12:25
schestowitzThe comparison is not fair, tiehrrMay 12 12:26
kentmaI mean rust, of course :-)May 12 12:26
schestowitzDon't compre cars made in the 80s from ones made in 2005May 12 12:26
oiaohmI have seen the older land rovers rust out due to the same problem.May 12 12:26
kentmaschestowitz: the beetle design is from the 1940s, as is the landrover.May 12 12:26
kentmaoiaohm: not the bodywork, because it's ali.May 12 12:26
oiaohmEarly ones did have ali.May 12 12:26
kentmaoiaohm: they all do - I have a nearly new one, it's ali.May 12 12:27
kentmathey've always been ali, and they stilll are.May 12 12:27
oiaohmNot always.May 12 12:27
kentmaalways...May 12 12:27
oiaohmFirst few generatons of them.May 12 12:27
oiaohmwhere not.May 12 12:27
oiaohmMetal selection could have been done better on the bettles.May 12 12:27
kentmaoiaohm: series one landrover - the first, had ali bodywork.May 12 12:28
kentmaIt was made from 1948 onwards.May 12 12:28
oiaohmThe basic chassie of a bettle these days can be got in pure aluiminum.   Dune buggied based off them are 100 percent protecte from rust.May 12 12:29
kentmaoiaohm: don't misunderstand me, I rather like beetles, but they're just not built to anywhere near the same standard.  If you make your own, of course, then you can change all that.May 12 12:29
kentmasorry, they were...May 12 12:29
kentma"The first prototype Land-Rovers (1947) were actually built on Jeep chassis. The bodywork was made of an aluminium alloy called Birmabright [1,2]. "May 12 12:30
kentmaquote from S1 history page.May 12 12:31
kentmaThe reason, bizarrely, was a steel shortage in the UK after WW2 (have made all those tanks, planes, ships, bombs, bullets, guns, etc... :-)May 12 12:31
oiaohmI was thinking the main chassis the bit you don't want rusting.May 12 12:31
oiaohmIt breaks you die basically.May 12 12:32
kentmaoiaohm: main chassis repairs are easy - bodyworks the hard bit.May 12 12:32
oiaohmDepends if its a on road car or a bush basher.May 12 12:32
kentmachasses on landrovers are made of RSJs... they're really a light truck, rather than a road car (like a beetle).May 12 12:33
kentmaThere was a great part in my defender 110 county (a few years back) which explained how to replace the head gasket with prairie-grass in order to get home - heheMay 12 12:34
kentmasorry, in the handbook, I mean.May 12 12:34
kentmaA good friend of mine had an ageing 1100 beetle in the 1980s - I used to get a lift to work in it most days.May 12 12:35
oiaohmbeetle chassic design one of the standard dune buggy chasses.   It not what you call a weak design.May 12 12:35
kentmait's a road-car, though.  Landrovers were designed for off-road usage, it's a truck, not a car.  There isn't any comparison.  If you really want to see, try driving one into the other and see what's left...May 12 12:36
*mib_j9aock (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 12:38
oiaohmLandrovers and dune buggies are better in different off road usage.May 12 12:38
oiaohmIf you are going hit something land rover.May 12 12:38
oiaohmIf you risking sinking in the dune buggies.May 12 12:38
kentma 12 12:39
kentmaLandrovers have been used in deserts for many years.May 12 12:39
oiaohmBoth are for off road usage.May 12 12:39
kentmano... dune buggies are toysMay 12 12:39
kentmathey're great fun, but they are toys.May 12 12:39
_Hicham_what is the most used programming language?May 12 12:40
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kentmaI've no idea... why don't you try a google search on keywords and see how many hits you get?May 12 12:41
oiaohmkentma: Camel_Trophy is not the only hard race.  its closed not non 4x4.  Dakar is open to all classes.   Dune buggies and releations do quite well.  Moter cycles normally beat everything.  Dunes and releations next 4x4 last.May 12 12:42
_Hicham_I am asking the people in hereMay 12 12:42
oiaohmIts pure condtions you are going to be on sort out what one fit kentma.May 12 12:44
oiaohmNow running threw a forost stage in a light weight dune buggy would be insanity.May 12 12:45
kentmaoiaohm: dakar is a nice pre-defined course - camel trophy changed each year, afairc, in particular, in order to get different terrain.May 12 12:46
oiaohmdakar is not really pre-defined.May 12 12:46
kentmadakar's a great race, but of those I seens parts of, bikes drop out with significant regularity.May 12 12:47
oiaohmIts more defined by the path where the people are not going to end up dead.May 12 12:47
kentmaone camel requirement is that you carry all that you need... can't really see a beech buggy doing that...May 12 12:47
kentmaplus, you've got to cross france and spain... fun in the rain if you've no body on the car, or you're just in leathers.May 12 12:49
oiaohmbuggys are not required to be roof less.May 12 12:49
oiaohmThere are many different designs.   They are low weight designs.May 12 12:49
kentmaanyway, it's been fun chatting, but I've a call I must get onto - see you all soon.May 12 12:49
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")May 12 12:50
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schestowitz_Hicham_: javaMay 12 12:56
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schestowitzReport: FBI Mishandles Terror Watch List < >May 12 12:57
schestowitz"According to Dell's Ubuntu page in recent months, the number of machines that Dell has offered in the UK with Ubuntu Linux instead of Microsoft Windows has dwindled from three (a netbook, laptop and desktop) to, apparently, none." 12 12:57
schestowitzUbuntu (Jaunty) vs Windows (Vista) < > Linux wins.May 12 12:58
schestowitzA look at Linux in China: 12 12:58
schestowitzGood new reviews of GNU/Linux: - Linux Mint 7 (Gloria) RC: A Review - 12 12:59
schestowitzGNU/Linux still a success on sub-notebooks too: 12 12:59
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 13:00
Omar87Hi guys.May 12 13:01
oiaohmHi Omar87May 12 13:06
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Omar87On my way home today, I had an argument with a colleague of mine who works for a security technologies company call "Iris Guard".May 12 13:19
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))May 12 13:26
oiaohmShould have been interesting what ws the argument over Omar87May 12 13:31
*zer0c00l_ (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 13:35
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*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))May 12 13:39
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schestowitzHard times for Microsoft: (Microsoft Debt and Tax Evasion)May 12 13:54
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oiaohmGoing after google with anti trust is a really up hill battle.May 12 13:56
oiaohmMost of google business pracs avoid the normal requirements for anti-trust.  They don't do anything to directly block competition.   They give away sections of code that let them do what they do.May 12 13:57
oiaohmanti-trust person might quicky find themselves after microsoft because its a softer target.May 12 13:58
oiaohmProblem she has is that anti-trust threats against google blocked google sharing its advertising market with yahoo and others.May 12 14:01
schestowitzVery differnet nature of practicesMay 12 14:13
schestowitzSame with In telMay 12 14:13
schestowitzIntel bribes to excludeMay 12 14:13
schestowitzSo does MicrosoftMay 12 14:13
schestowitzMicrosoft also dumpsMay 12 14:13
schestowitzAlso sabotages, bullies, AstroTurfs, etc.May 12 14:14
schestowitzSo each is unqiueMay 12 14:14
schestowitzGoogle=service; MS =sw; Inte;=hwMay 12 14:14
oiaohmIntel has also dumped.May 12 14:14
oiaohmGoogle having an anti-trust investagation there is really nothing major to find.May 12 14:15
*zer0c00l_ (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 14:15
oiaohmIts just being far too good and unified competing.May 12 14:16
oiaohmAnd has been blocked from allowing other parties in.May 12 14:16
Eruaranhi allMay 12 14:17
EruaranMicrosoft checking for licensed MS-Office as part of Windows WGA backfired todayMay 12 14:18
EruaranWe had a customer who's system we fixed upMay 12 14:18
EruaranAfter doing updates it came up with the WGA logo saying his MS-Office wasn't licensedMay 12 14:19
schestowitzHehe.May 12 14:19
schestowitzGood advocacy of Linux for the VoleMay 12 14:19
EruaranI gave him a callMay 12 14:19
EruaranI explained to him what was happeningMay 12 14:19
EruaranThe customer said, "get rid of it" (he meant Office)May 12 14:19
EruaranHe now has OpenOffice 3.1May 12 14:20
EruaranMS-Office wasn't "unlicensed", it was a false positive.May 12 14:20
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 14:20
EruaranIts from 2002 and he can't even remember where his disks and key areMay 12 14:20
EruaranSo he just said get rid of itMay 12 14:21
EruaranMicrosoft is now using WGA as a way of scaming more revenue out of people I thinkMay 12 14:22
EruaranIf it says Office is unlicensed there are no options to resolve it, Microsoft will only link you to their web page that tells you how to buy OfficeMay 12 14:22
EruaranSo, WGA is now basically scamwareMay 12 14:23
EruaranOur company might end up working on our own distroMay 12 14:27
*Eruaran ponders the thoughtMay 12 14:27
EruaranIt would be aimed at servicing Windows systems that wont bootMay 12 14:27
Eruaranlive CD/usb keyMay 12 14:28
schestowitzDid Microsoft Bribe Its Way Into Kicking GNU/Linux out of South African Schools? < >May 12 14:28
Eruaranscripts to automate the drudgery of servicing Windows systems that wont bootMay 12 14:28
schestowitzEruaran: maybe scarewareMay 12 14:29
schestowitz"You're a pirate" sort of scareMay 12 14:29
EruaranI dunno about SA schools but getting Lenovo netbooks with Vista on them into Australian schools... man, you gotta be giving people kickbacks to get them to make decisions that are that horribleMay 12 14:29
schestowitzYou can branch from a well-established distroMay 12 14:29
schestowitzTheme it and rename itMay 12 14:29
schestowitzNeoWin does thisMay 12 14:29
schestowitzWith Ubuntu, IIRCMay 12 14:29
EruaranyesMay 12 14:29
schestowitzEruaran: there's an update on NSWMay 12 14:30
Eruaranit only needs to be simple, for servicing systemsMay 12 14:30
schestowitzSounds like rubbishMay 12 14:30
Eruaranwe had one last SaturdayMay 12 14:30
schestowitz 12 14:30
Eruaransomeone brought in a Lenovo with VistaMay 12 14:30
schestowitzGNU/Linux can be politicalMay 12 14:30
EruaranMy God... it was horribleMay 12 14:30
schestowitzAs in, get rid of corruptionMay 12 14:30
schestowitzPeople make deals based on kickbacks all the timeMay 12 14:30
schestowitz"You sign this, I owe you one"May 12 14:31
schestowitzGNU can't pay kickbacksMay 12 14:31
schestowitzWell..May 12 14:31
schestowitzI just enjoy exposing this corruptionMay 12 14:31
schestowitzMake people familiar with itMay 12 14:31
EruaranTurn on this little netbook and you're looking at a Vista startup thats about to take a half hour to boot up... all anyone heard was a technician saying, "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"May 12 14:31
schestowitzAt Microsoft, crime is a business parctice: 12 14:31
EruaranI dont beat around the bush when customers ask about LinuxMay 12 14:33
EruaranEvery week i get asked if linux is any goodMay 12 14:33
EruaranI tells them what I think :)May 12 14:34
EruaranI had an interesting conversation with a lawyer the other dayMay 12 14:34
schestowitzThe Gralla shill is busyMay 12 14:34
EruaranIt was about M$ OfficeMay 12 14:34
schestowitzThey seed anti-Linux messagesMay 12 14:34
Eruaranschestowitz: I commented on his most recent articleMay 12 14:34
schestowitzThen all the MS lackeys jump up and down for dollarsMay 12 14:34
schestowitzThey link to the seeded FUD with hostile headlinesMay 12 14:35
schestowitzJust like in NPDMay 12 14:35
Eruaranmine is the comment that mentions Novell, Lenovo and Microsoft paid FUD orgies ;)May 12 14:35
schestowitzThis time it's some chap from Lenovo, whose management now has MS execsMay 12 14:35
schestowitzEruaran: don't comment on emMay 12 14:35
schestowitzIt feeds those trollsMay 12 14:35
schestowitzJust map the trollsMay 12 14:35
schestowitzLike clearing a minefieldMay 12 14:35
EruaranI can't help it *blush*May 12 14:35
Eruaran;PMay 12 14:35
EruaranI basically make fun of themMay 12 14:36
schestowitzGralla must be going brokeMay 12 14:36
schestowitzIDG fires massivelyMay 12 14:36
schestowitzAnd he only has Windows books which he tries floggingMay 12 14:36
EruaranheheMay 12 14:36
schestowitzHe find a new hobby in Enderle-wannabeismMay 12 14:36
EruaranlolMay 12 14:37
Eruaranhave a look at my commentMay 12 14:37
Eruaranits meant for laughsMay 12 14:37
schestowitzI can't open that pageMay 12 14:37
schestowitzI'd get annoyed just glancing at his mugMay 12 14:37
EruaranhehehMay 12 14:38
schestowitzI recognise his FUD from the headlineMay 12 14:38
EruaranI didnt' realise it was him till i opened the pageMay 12 14:38
Eruaranwhen I saw his pic I thought, "oh, its only Preston Gralla"May 12 14:38
schestowitzI see some "<Linux SUX> - ComputerWorld" headline in my RSS reader and before I click on it I say to myself, "Oh! That must be grallaMay 12 14:38
schestowitzAnd then I clickMay 12 14:39
Eruaranlook at the commentsMay 12 14:39
schestowitzCause I want to see that I'm rightMay 12 14:39
Eruaranhe's increasingly the butt of jokes nowMay 12 14:39
schestowitzHe attacks Google tooMay 12 14:39
schestowitzMicrosoft is very afraid of Google and LinuxMay 12 14:39
Eruarannot a lot of annoyed people, mostly people saying what an ass he isMay 12 14:39
schestowitzIt pulled a "Get the facts" on sub-notebooksMay 12 14:39
EruaranI thought Microsoft's response to the EC was hilariousMay 12 14:40
EruaranIt was like, "but... but... everyone will just use GOOGLE !"May 12 14:40
Eruaranbig bad goodleMay 12 14:40
EruaranerrMay 12 14:40
EruaranGoogleMay 12 14:40
Eruaranfreudian slip ?May 12 14:40
schestowitzPrrrrrrrrrrrrreeston GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRalaMay 12 14:42
schestowitzEruaran: yes, deflecting the issueMay 12 14:43
schestowitz"Let's all talk about Google"May 12 14:43
schestowitz"We'll get around to MS later"May 12 14:43
EruaranInformationWeek reporting that MS hopes to release Vista7 in AugustMay 12 14:43
schestowitzEruaran: trainwreckMay 12 14:43
schestowitzThe sooner, the betterMay 12 14:43
schestowitzThey bribed many reportersMay 12 14:43
schestowitzLike with VistaMay 12 14:43
MinceRm$ wishes they released it 5 years ago ;)May 12 14:43
EruaranI smell swiss cheeseMay 12 14:43
schestowitzWhen ma and pa try it on their Celron it'll be SO funnyMay 12 14:43
schestowitz"But my Quicken isn't compatible...... It's SOOOOOOOO slow... my printer doesn't work... etc."May 12 14:44
iwmwthe earlier they release vista7, the more negative feedbacks about bsods incomingMay 12 14:44
schestowitzWhen it's out it's hard to control what people sayMay 12 14:44
schestowitzIt's easy when you can bribe bloggers with a prealpha-loaded laptopMay 12 14:44
EruaranWe are winning Linux usersMay 12 14:45
schestowitzBusiness already ignore Vista7, which is goodMay 12 14:45
schestowitzMicrosoft is "Freezing the market now," to quote... MicrosoftMay 12 14:45
iwmwthey could as well ignore vistaMay 12 14:45
EruaranHad a guy order some stuff last week which he picked up today... He came to us because we could advise on what hardware will work well with Linux (he wanted a USB tv tuner etc)May 12 14:46
EruaranFreezing the market doesn't work when your competition is moving faster than you, and its Free.May 12 14:46
twitterThe terror watch lists are a horrible scam.May 12 14:47
EruaranWe are cultivating out Linux user baseMay 12 14:47
EruaranIts the futureMay 12 14:47
twitterIf someone is suspected of committing a crime they should be arrested.May 12 14:47
EruaranOur competitors wont give LInux users the time of dayMay 12 14:47
schestowitzIt would probably be worse had Vista 7 been released in 2011May 12 14:48
twitterThere is a normal process for that which protects people's rightsMay 12 14:48
schestowitzIt would then have more time for bakingMay 12 14:48
schestowitzThey rush it outMay 12 14:48
EruaranLinux customers are OUR customers, becuase our competitors are morons.May 12 14:48
schestowitzSo lots of bugs.. like VistaMay 12 14:48
oiaohmtwitter: its sometimes a little hard to prove guilt straight up.May 12 14:48
twitterthe terror watch lists violates people's rights without reasonable proofMay 12 14:48
oiaohmtwitter: if you just put all the suspected people in jail you would return to the war time camps of the past.May 12 14:49
twitterit is not very hard to get a warrant for arrest - you go to a grand jury and provide reasonable proof.May 12 14:49
oiaohmWere people were put in there purely based on race.May 12 14:49
schestowitztwitter: they can label you a "bad guy", put surveillance equipment in your house while you're out and even take you (abduct you) to prison or torture.May 12 14:49
oiaohmOr something else minor.May 12 14:49
schestowitzThey DON"T need court approvalMay 12 14:49
schestowitzIt's dangerousMay 12 14:49
twitterthat's exactly my point.May 12 14:49
oiaohmSurveillance is a needed evil.May 12 14:49
oiaohmTo sort out people who should and should not go to jail.May 12 14:49
twitterterror watch lists are arbitraryMay 12 14:50
twitterand unchecked.May 12 14:50
twitterThe FBI has used them for political purposes already, as has the UK.May 12 14:50
oiaohmI do agree there should be oversite to the effectiveness of targets choosen.May 12 14:50
oiaohmWatching people with no gulit at all is a waste of resources.May 12 14:50
twitterthe terror watch lists should be eliminatedMay 12 14:50
schestowitztwitter: here in the UK, Iceland citizens were "terrorists"May 12 14:50
schestowitzGreenpeace activists tooMay 12 14:51
schestowitzPeaceful oneMay 12 14:51
schestowitz*nesMay 12 14:51
oiaohmWatch lists have there places.May 12 14:51
oiaohmBut they should be reducing.May 12 14:51
twitterthe TSC might be useful for catching people on real wanted lists, but there were already mechanisms for that which worked.May 12 14:51
oiaohmAs people are ticked off.May 12 14:51
oiaohmAnd not gulity or arressed for being guility.May 12 14:51
twitterLet me dig up a couple of links to abuseMay 12 14:51
oiaohmI am taking a different line twitter.   Watch list is a need evil at times.    But oversite over watch list usage is required.May 12 14:52
schestowitzYEsMay 12 14:52
schestowitzAlso laws that require trialsMay 12 14:53
schestowitzNot "released without charges"May 12 14:53
schestowitzWhich means harassment, abuse or death of the innocentMay 12 14:53
schestowitzThey are too lazy to have protectionsMay 12 14:53
oiaohmSome watchlists in some countries have a max time that you can be on one for.May 12 14:53
EruaranWe are now promoting dual booting Linux to Windows usersMay 12 14:53
EruaranWindows won't boot ? No problem !May 12 14:54
schestowitzAll in a rush, all in urgency. "OMG!! The war on terror, the depression, the deadlines, those scary child-molesting Tabliban... etc etc"May 12 14:54
schestowitzAny excuse to give power to elite groupsMay 12 14:54
schestowitzIncluding the presidentMay 12 14:54
oiaohmUSA style watch list without required oversites I don't agree with.May 12 14:54
schestowitzEruaran: dual boot? HERESY!May 12 14:54
oiaohmAustralian and NZ style I have no issue with.May 12 14:55
schestowitzOn you go (on the watchlist)May 12 14:55
Eruaran:pMay 12 14:55
schestowitzFor promoting "commie oS"May 12 14:55
EruaranlolMay 12 14:55
EruaranI paint a scenario where the world is about to end becuase you can't boot Windows and retrieve that important documentMay 12 14:55
oiaohmThere is a limited ammount of time under Australian and NZ to build up at least some evidence to prove that person must stay on watch list or person has to be removed.May 12 14:55
EruaranThen I say, but if you had a dual boot...May 12 14:56
oiaohmDual boot can cure a lot of problems.May 12 14:56
schestowitzXOLive CDs being distributed in Germany in LOG-IN newspaper [PDF] < >May 12 14:56
EruaranindeedMay 12 14:56
twitterit will take a while longer to dig up links and I have to run to work.  I'll get them when I get back.May 12 14:56
oiaohmtwitter: I know there has been abuse in the USA system.  The require oversite is not there.May 12 14:57
Eruaranoiaohm: it makes servicing easier and quicker for us as wellMay 12 14:57
twitterbut basically, these lists amount to arbitrary accusations with real punishment - a violation of the US constitution.May 12 14:57
oiaohmIf watch lists are run right they are not a major problem.  USA ones are not.May 12 14:58
twitterThey have been used against activists, journalists and others.May 12 14:58
schestowitzRe: " Phony fixes will automatically install in test of Windows Update" [PJ: !? Whose computer is it, anyway? If they want to use my equipment to test their software, I think they might want to ask me and then pay me.]May 12 14:58
oiaohmSame here but requirement to find evidence that will hold up in a court of law sees those people removed from the lists in time twitterMay 12 14:58
schestowitzSo when you get RC you become a testerMay 12 14:58
twitterthey are punishment without trial, very unAmerican.May 12 14:58
schestowitzThey can mess about with your PCMay 12 14:58
EruaranI'm thinking of a dual boot that doesn't even mention Linux... you have a boot menu that goes like this: 1. Microsoft Windows 2. Click here if you can't use your computer ;)May 12 14:58
twitterbblMay 12 14:59
*twitter has quit ("Leaving.")May 12 14:59
oiaohmFun part is Linux can backup stuffed NTFS partitions when windows refuses to read them.May 12 14:59
schestowitzEruaran: like Presto/Splashtop?May 12 14:59
Eruaranschestowitz: no !May 12 14:59
schestowitzBeOS had a curious caseMay 12 14:59
schestowitzThey tried to dual-boot with WIndowMay 12 15:00
schestowitz*dowsMay 12 15:00
schestowitzMicrosoft screwed them overMay 12 15:00
EruaranyehMay 12 15:00
schestowitzGot suedMay 12 15:00
oiaohmPrestro is the same class in boot loader.May 12 15:00
Eruaranexcept that you couldn't boot BeOSMay 12 15:00
schestowitzThe cost would be the sameMay 12 15:00
oiaohmJust not a complete OS.May 12 15:00
schestowitzThink about itMay 12 15:00
schestowitzWhy wouldn't Dell ship a PC with 2 OSes?May 12 15:00
EruaranWe'd have a complete OSMay 12 15:00
schestowitzIt doesn't cost moreMay 12 15:00
schestowitzThose who don't want Linux will then delete the partitionMay 12 15:00
oiaohmDell does ship some laptops duel.May 12 15:00
schestowitzNot enoughMay 12 15:01
oiaohmArm processor runnign Linux x86 running windows.May 12 15:01
oiaohmI personally like that better.May 12 15:01
schestowitzHere in the Uk they stopped advertising Ubuntu at DellMay 12 15:01
EruaranA KDE distro with a folderview pointing to the customers Documents & Settings on their Windows partitionMay 12 15:01
schestowitzThey never really advertised itMay 12 15:01
schestowitzBut they make it unavilable nowMay 12 15:01
oiaohmI would love a dual arm x86 motherboard.May 12 15:01
Eruarandual arm x86 ?May 12 15:01
oiaohmJust for web surfing and the like the arm would be good enough.May 12 15:01
schestowitzLike, well... if you don't advertise it and hide it deep inside the site, blame yourself for low demandMay 12 15:01
Eruaranoh you mean ARM and x86 ?May 12 15:01
oiaohmYep.May 12 15:01
Eruaranis that available ?May 12 15:02
oiaohmNop.May 12 15:02
oiaohmReason why I would love one and don't have one.May 12 15:02
EruaranI'm thinking of promoting Linux in 'round about' waysMay 12 15:02
Eruaranpointing to benefits/advantagesMay 12 15:02
oiaohmI guess openoffice goes out on your machines.May 12 15:03
EruaranyesMay 12 15:03
*zer0c00l_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)May 12 15:03
EruaranSome people still buy MS OfficeMay 12 15:03
EruaranBut they had a choiceMay 12 15:03
oiaohmI hope koffice will be on windows soon.May 12 15:03
oiaohmIt fills a lot of the feature gaps in openoffice.May 12 15:03
EruaranI've been wondering how Kexi is goingMay 12 15:03
Eruarandon't hear muchMay 12 15:04
oiaohmKexi 99 euro for windows older version.May 12 15:04
EruaranKexi 2May 12 15:04
oiaohmRC 1May 12 15:04
EruaranohMay 12 15:04
oiaohmNot ready for deployment yet.May 12 15:04
EruaranI have a friend who is partners in a company that does Access based softwareMay 12 15:05
EruaranOne of their concerns is their dependency on AccessMay 12 15:05
EruaranShort / medium term things look good for themMay 12 15:06
EruaranBut they're thinking of long termMay 12 15:06
oiaohmOppsMay 12 15:06
EruaranDon't want proprietary dependenciesMay 12 15:06
oiaohmkexi 2 was not up to standard for koffice 2 rc1May 12 15:06
oiaohmShould appear before final release.May 12 15:06
EruaranyesMay 12 15:06
EruaranI have koffice 2 RC1May 12 15:06
EruaranIt didn't come with KexiMay 12 15:07
EruaranIts still very slow starting upMay 12 15:07
iwmwkde4 shouldn't be fastMay 12 15:08
EruaranI'll actually be glad when Vista 7 comes out I thinkMay 12 15:08
iwmwthey are always running for features and barely implement themMay 12 15:08
EruaranKDE4 is fastMay 12 15:08
oiaohmKPlato and krita are two key ones I was after.May 12 15:08
iwmwwhile no optimisation at allMay 12 15:09
EruaranKOffice is fast when its running... its just slow starting up for some reasonMay 12 15:09
oiaohmiwmw: it also depends on complier.May 12 15:09
MinceR(offtopic) 12 15:09
Eruaranoiaohm: krita is looking goodMay 12 15:09
oiaohmkplato to replace MS project.May 12 15:10
oiaohmis something I find important.May 12 15:10
schestowitzMinceR: "It still dont work." LOLMay 12 15:10
schestowitzNew Pattern Found in Prime Numbers < >May 12 15:11
iwmwoiaohm: optimisation is about different algorithms, no just compiler-related optimisationsMay 12 15:11
iwmwyou can solve some problem in interpreted and inefficient basic much better than another will do it with assembler and it will work plenty of time fasterMay 12 15:12
schestowitzMinceR: like "doctor, doctor, I have a problem....... it still hurts"May 12 15:12
schestowitzbblMay 12 15:13
oiaohmGcc is quite good at solving algorithms out as long as algorithem is all in 1 source file.May 12 15:13
oiaohmllvm is great at solving algorithems out application wide.May 12 15:14
iwmwgcc won't replace bubble-sort with quicksortMay 12 15:14
oiaohmI would not be 100 percent sure on that I would have to check that against new extentions.May 12 15:15
oiaohmThat are doing loop base optimisations.May 12 15:15
MinceRwill llvm replace bubblesort with quicksort?May 12 15:15
iwmwoiaohm: loop-based optimisations are quite differentMay 12 15:15
iwmwthere are plenty ways to optimise actually and it can't be just easily solved by some software optimizer of commonly used dumbosityMay 12 15:17
iwmwin some cases you will have to allow the optimizer to use all the available ram instead of cpu to solve problem plenty of ram faster <--- not an option actuallyMay 12 15:18
iwmw'cause you will end with unpredictably behaving codeMay 12 15:18
oiaohm  Its this new bit.  I have not been threw its limits of it solving and alterations.May 12 15:19
iwmwi'm pretty sure it does nothing about algorithm alterationMay 12 15:22
iwmwit only makes it cpu resources usage efficientMay 12 15:22
oiaohmThat is my problem.May 12 15:25
iwmwit's everybodys problemMay 12 15:25
oiaohmI am not 100 percent sure of its total effects.May 12 15:25
iwmwnoone optimises everything to the max, just critical parts of codeMay 12 15:25
iwmwand it takes much time actuallyMay 12 15:26
iwmwno, llvm doesn't replaces algorithms too, only with profile-driven optimisations may beMay 12 15:31
oiaohmOk bubble sort could end up as a merge sort with loop optmisations.May 12 15:34
oiaohmAlterations to multi thread.May 12 15:35
oiaohmI had quicksort and merge sort mixed up in head.May 12 15:35
iwmwno it won'tMay 12 15:36
iwmw'cause it wants additional ramMay 12 15:38
oiaohmmulti threading does not reduce ram usage.May 12 15:39
iwmwyup, but imagine you've got 512mb to sortMay 12 15:40
iwmwhow the f compilers knows how much you're gonna sortMay 12 15:40
oiaohmReason why You have override flag to stop something from being multithreaded.May 12 15:40
iwmwyou can't multi-thread a bubble-sortMay 12 15:41
iwmwleaving it as bubble-sort actuallyMay 12 15:42
oiaohmAcultally you can when you do loop optimisations working out where it can be cut up into different threads.May 12 15:42
iwmwcompiler will have to have semantics analysisMay 12 15:42
iwmwoiaohm: it places in different threads code that doesn't interfer with each otherMay 12 15:43
iwmwor suspected time until merging results will reduce due to threadingMay 12 15:43
iwmwit doesn't do miraclesMay 12 15:44
oiaohmOnly reason wny bubble-sort can end up as merge sort is they are releations in design.May 12 15:45
iwmwso unless compilers are about semantics optimisationMay 12 15:45
iwmwthey don't alter algorithms in commonMay 12 15:45
iwmwoiaohm: how do you imagine that?May 12 15:46
*benkai ( has left #boycottnovellMay 12 15:48
oiaohmIts 1am and I am mixing up my sorts.May 12 15:49
oiaohmI remember seeing one go threw loop optmisation end end up as the other.May 12 15:49
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iwmwgtg homeMay 12 15:53
*iwmw has quit ("Leaving")May 12 15:53
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*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 16:38
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schestowitzfirst time that I see sjvn in Reuters, which buys from IDG now: 12 17:39
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*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 17:41
schestowitzLinus in Forbes (and pigs fly): Migrating To Linux--Safely 12 17:44
schestowitzNew York Times -- Just Like Baseball -- Dumps Microsoft Silver Lie 12 17:50
schestowitzSome really valuable features will come in Firefox 3.5 (June): 12 17:54
kentmaIt's funny that the business world is just waking up to the greatest technological revolution since the invention of electronic valves.May 12 18:00
schestowitzlinux netbooks: 12 18:01
kentmareferring to the forbes thing, was I.May 12 18:01
schestowitzYeahMay 12 18:01
schestowitzthey importedMay 12 18:01
schestowitzBMightyMay 12 18:01
kentmaNetbooks are on the verge of transforming computing for normal people.  Oddly, they're the "mobile appliance" I was talking about a couple of years ago, when I was saying that the desktop is dead.May 12 18:02
kentmaBMighty?May 12 18:02
schestowitzLinux is a dirty word at ForbesMay 12 18:02
schestowitzUnless it's RHT ($$)May 12 18:02
schestowitzkentma: exactlyMay 12 18:03
schestowitzyou said itMay 12 18:03
schestowitzEven advocates laughedMay 12 18:03
schestowitzPeople don't need MSOMay 12 18:03
schestowitzApple, Dell and HP owners sue Nvidia 12 18:04
kentmaPeople don't like change, though, even "technology advocates" can be very attached to their own space.May 12 18:04
kentmaI know you don't like mobiles, but have you tried an Android phone?  I tried one - totally excellent!May 12 18:04
schestowitz"TROUBLED NETWORK KIT MAKER Nortel posted a half billion dollar first quarter loss claiming that phone companies and other telecom equipment buyers stopped buying its gear during the economic slowdown." --INQMay 12 18:05
schestowitzA friends has oneMay 12 18:06
schestowitz900% jump expectedMay 12 18:06
*schestowitz eats, can''t type muchMay 12 18:06
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 18:06
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schestowitzNEC records huge loss 12 18:07
schestowitzhuge companyMay 12 18:07
schestowitz"NEC HAS ANNOUNCED an operating loss of $3.05 billion for the year to March due to the global economic downturn."May 12 18:07
EruaranwoahMay 12 18:09
*mib_tfn7ht (i=c352a48c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 18:10
schestowitz Obituary: Anthony Rumble - Linux pioneer and enthusiast,1000000567,2000630136b,00.htmMay 12 18:12
kentmawow, $3bn is a vast sum - one could almost imagine that they were a bank.  Hmm, did they have a merchant banking arm at all?  perhaps staffed by people who thought that they were *really* clever?  did they think that they could manage risk by selling it on?May 12 18:16
schestowitzAdvertisers hate this guy:  Adblock Plus Maker Proposes Letting Publishers Plead For Revenue  < >May 12 18:18
schestowitzkentma: I think they just fired loads of people. I can recall from early in the yearMay 12 18:18
schestowitzScreenshots of New Android 1.5 (Cupcake) < >May 12 18:20
schestowitzRed Hat (RHT) Higher After Barron's Kicks-Up Takeover Talk Again < >May 12 18:26
schestowitzSo Microsoft isn't happy about what I write. Boo Hoo.. 12 18:32
zoobab01aspxMay 12 18:34
schestowitzYeah.May 12 18:34
schestowitzThey try  to individualise the debate and pretent that ODF stance is a matter of "company", not decision makers. Well companies <em>are</em> people. It's as simple as that. Peripheral people like shareholders count too.May 12 18:35
schestowitzSee how he also quotes Marbux and shumsMay 12 18:35
schestowitzChumsMay 12 18:35
schestowitzAnd Alex Brown, Jeliffe[sic]... May 12 18:35
bgtr4 omg... aspxMay 12 18:41
bgtr4it sounds like offention to this channelMay 12 18:41
bgtr4but only when i'm drunkMay 12 18:42
bgtr4when i'm sober... i just don't care about m$May 12 18:42
bgtr4but when i'm drunk... i'm just a bit (like 1%) not enough to become wolverine and destroy all the m$ wherever it isMay 12 18:43
schestowitzNot the opposite?May 12 18:43
schestowitzCollege Threatens Students Who Use College Initials In Private Email Addresses < >May 12 18:43
bgtr4schestowitz, it's just that i talk here mostly drunk... not when i talk at work thoughMay 12 18:44
bgtr4freenode is for drunk mostlyMay 12 18:44
bgtr4i won't even tell whyMay 12 18:44
schestowitzAretha Franklin Wants Royalties For That Hat She Wore... < >May 12 18:45
schestowitzHehe.May 12 18:45
schestowitzVodka?May 12 18:45
bgtr4i told alreadyMay 12 18:45
bgtr4may be not in this channelMay 12 18:45
bgtr4that i dislike vodkaMay 12 18:45
bgtr4pretty muchMay 12 18:45
*bgtr4 likes gin and beerMay 12 18:45
bgtr4in plentyMay 12 18:45
bgtr4i don't even like wine that much as ginMay 12 18:46
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")May 12 18:47
schestowitzMicrosoft insists debt issue not a prelude to SAP bid < > Maybe they just have no money.May 12 18:47
bgtr4m$ is not buying anything until it releases faulty v7 in summerMay 12 18:48
bgtr4or by the end of the yearMay 12 18:48
bgtr4'cause from what i read on boycottnovell and other sites... m$ is failingMay 12 18:48
bgtr4pretty much hardMay 12 18:49
bgtr4i talk here when drunk only because i can write english more good than while i'm soberMay 12 18:49
bgtr4gin+beer at least make me thinkMay 12 18:50
bgtr4when part of me doesn't wanna and the other one understand that thinking is better XDMay 12 18:50
bgtr4that's why i'm always drunkMay 12 18:50
bgtr4kinda controlled schizophrenia XDMay 12 18:51
bgtr4that makes it normal state of mindMay 12 18:51
schestowitzThe market waits for low-cost ARM netbooks? Q1 chip sales plunge reveals slowing demand for netbooks May 12 18:52
bgtr4arm netbooks? andoids?May 12 18:52
bgtr4androidsMay 12 18:52
schestowitzNopeMay 12 18:52
schestowitzAndroid=trademark violation :-)May 12 18:52
bgtr4mkayMay 12 18:53
schestowitzNever mind if it's in the English dictiuonaryMay 12 18:53
bgtr4vista7 wants to be arm compatibleMay 12 18:53
schestowitzYou can't even speak anymoreMay 12 18:53
bgtr4i know pretty much of english dictionaryMay 12 18:53
schestowitzPhoto Shop too is now a trademarkMay 12 18:53
schestowitzUbvuntu=African wordsMay 12 18:53
schestowitzDon't use itMay 12 18:53
schestowitzYou'll get C&D from CanonicalMay 12 18:53
bgtr4schestowitz?May 12 18:53
schestowitzIf you have a red hat, burn itMay 12 18:53
bgtr4mkay... i better burn m$blowoutMay 12 18:54
schestowitz (US teen pleads guilty over Scientology DDoS attacks)May 12 18:54
schestowitzBlowbackMay 12 18:55
schestowitzLike the CIA calls itMay 12 18:55
bgtr4scientology ddos attacks??? XDMay 12 18:55
schestowitzWhen the 'enemy' retaliates for imperialismMay 12 18:55
bgtr4cia sucksMay 12 18:55
schestowitz"we're gonna get some blowback"May 12 18:55
bgtr4i count english for functional languageMay 12 18:55
schestowitzunderstand(me);May 12 18:55
bgtr4so i just express myself via logics when i'm drunkMay 12 18:56
bgtr4it makes my english pretty tolerableMay 12 18:56
schestowitzThis is not good: "Overall, Mac OS X 10.5.6 already outpaces Ubuntu 9.04 when it comes to many respects of the desktop and server performance. With the introduction of Mac OS X 10.6.0 "Snow Leopard" in a few months, the Apple gains will likely widen" 12 18:57
bgtr4even though i can write without mistakes in english if i only wanted toMay 12 18:57
schestowitzIs Fedora better a performant May 12 18:57
bgtr4nopeMay 12 18:57
bgtr4fedora is the edgeMay 12 18:57
schestowitzYeah, proofreading is an exercise in patienceMay 12 18:57
bgtr4without the edge we will live in plenty of bugsMay 12 18:58
bgtr4it's quite good that fedora guys and plenty of others report themMay 12 18:58
bgtr4we all just choose different sides of the blade of linuxMay 12 18:59
schestowitzbrbMay 12 19:00
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 19:00
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bgtr4we could all just think that linux is a blade that's crossing proprietary way of making osesMay 12 19:12
bgtr4and itMay 12 19:12
bgtr4's rather good. 'cause it really doesMay 12 19:12
bgtr4and we see that it's even commercial market share is growingMay 12 19:13
bgtr4and we all know that there's freedom marketshareMay 12 19:14
trmancomy router went foobar today ...May 12 19:15
trmancogrrrMay 12 19:15
bgtr4that always is going to be separated by proprietary apps and platforms and stuff... but it still survives and even absurbs itMay 12 19:15
trmancoeverthing working ok nowMay 12 19:15
bgtr4just like that ^May 12 19:16
bgtr4(absurbs it) in a free wayMay 12 19:16
schestowitzDid you trying barfooing it?May 12 19:21
*schestowitz bardsMay 12 19:21
schestowitzI'll just post to COLA early today, I think. Colleague at work needs help..May 12 19:22
schestowitzFresh vs. rotten ext3 < >May 12 19:22
schestowitzHackers cry @ The X Window innovation: welcome to the new Xorg < >May 12 19:23
schestowitzLots of good Linux news today. Lots to laugh at Microsoft for. W00t.May 12 19:23
schestowitz*chuckles* "The Wi-Fi software switch was so damned annoying that it was actually one of the biggest factors in the decision to ditch Vista on this particular machine. Under Ubuntu I was able to get Wi-Fi working automatically on each boot, with no user intervention necessary, as I'll explain in Part Two of this series." 12 19:24
trmancobarfooing?May 12 19:27
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*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 19:32
schestowitztrmanco: undoing the foobarMay 12 19:36
schestowitzbarf-oooooingMay 12 19:36
schestowitzDuke Nukem material released  < >May 12 19:36
bgtr43rd?May 12 19:36
bgtr4or was it 2nd...May 12 19:36
bgtr4i almost didn't play it reallyMay 12 19:36
trmancoI did that, sort ofMay 12 19:36
bgtr4even though i'm capable of shooting the head off of every mobMay 12 19:37
schestowitzSweet nostalgia: Remembering Apogee & 3D Realms < >May 12 19:37
bgtr4in the gameMay 12 19:37
bgtr4lol, i remember almost every of apogee gameMay 12 19:37
schestowitz2ndMay 12 19:37
bgtr4is duke apogee?May 12 19:37
schestowitzThis one looks interesting: GloobusPreview - Quick Look For Ubuntu Jaunty!  < >May 12 19:38
schestowitzbgtr4: Apogee yeahMay 12 19:38
bgtr4i never even thought of that... 'cause i had 80286 when others had 486 dx2May 12 19:38
schestowitzI loved that gameMay 12 19:38
bgtr4hm...May 12 19:38
schestowitzI think there was also Duke 2May 12 19:38
bgtr4noMay 12 19:38
schestowitzPogo sticks and all..May 12 19:39
schestowitzLet's checkMay 12 19:39
bgtr4it's most likely ported to openglMay 12 19:39
bgtr4like quake1May 12 19:39
bgtr4that i lovedMay 12 19:39
schestowitz 12 19:39
*schestowitz can't be bothered to check ;-)May 12 19:39
bgtr4and i knew tricks from speedrunsMay 12 19:40
schestowitzMozilla starts a magazine! :-D 12 19:40
bgtr4'cause i played quake mega team fortress before i actually played quake at my compyMay 12 19:40
schestowitz"Compy"May 12 19:41
bgtr4yupMay 12 19:41
schestowitzWhat are we, 10 y-o again?May 12 19:41
bgtr4yupMay 12 19:41
bgtr4at least i'mMay 12 19:41
bgtr4i'm 18May 12 19:41
bgtr4and i can do what i wantMay 12 19:41
schestowitzOKMay 12 19:41
schestowitzEven rum and cokeMay 12 19:41
schestowitzHere in the UK they won't sell biooze for under 21sMay 12 19:41
bgtr4EighteenMay 12 19:42
bgtr4I just don't know what I wantMay 12 19:42
schestowitzThough the legal age ain't the same as in the US (where people ignore this law anyway)May 12 19:42
bgtr4EighteenMay 12 19:42
bgtr4I gotta get awayMay 12 19:42
schestowitz"Gotta get away"May 12 19:42
schestowitzLet me find that songMay 12 19:42
schestowitz2pacMay 12 19:42
bgtr4I gotta get out of this placeMay 12 19:42
bgtr4I'll go runnin in outerMay 12 19:42
bgtr4this placeMay 12 19:42
bgtr4but the second verse is about mehMay 12 19:42
bgtr4I got aMay 12 19:42
bgtr4baby's brain and an old man's heartMay 12 19:42
schestowitz 12 19:42
bgtr4Took eighteen years to get this farMay 12 19:43
bgtr4Don't always know what I'm talkin' aboutMay 12 19:43
bgtr4Feels like I'm livin in the middle of doubtMay 12 19:43
bgtr4Cause I'mMay 12 19:43
bgtr4(CHORUS)May 12 19:43
schestowitzI loved that song when I was like 16May 12 19:43
bgtr418!May 12 19:43
bgtr4lolMay 12 19:43
bgtr4it's not about the ageMay 12 19:43
bgtr4you don't even imagine what i listen toMay 12 19:43
bgtr4it's not the kind of musicMay 12 19:43
bgtr4that you will ever kome intaMay 12 19:44
bgtr4and it's not what u kan imagineMay 12 19:44
schestowitzMozilla Brings Webapps to the Desktop, Challenges AIR, Silverlight < >May 12 19:44
bgtr4but i can tell ya it in privateMay 12 19:45
bgtr4so you will go insane separately of common channelMay 12 19:45
bgtr4and i know what music is capable ofMay 12 19:46
bgtr4'cause i can make itMay 12 19:46
schestowitzWe have #boycottnovell-socialMay 12 19:47
bgtr4dudeMay 12 19:47
schestowitzfor OT discussionsMay 12 19:47
bgtr4no wayMay 12 19:47
schestowitzyes wayMay 12 19:48
bgtr4nope?May 12 19:48
bgtr4schestowitz, you gotta growMay 12 19:48
bgtr4and i won't say moreMay 12 19:49
bgtr4about itMay 12 19:49
bgtr4move to a diff levelMay 12 19:49
*lis` has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))May 12 19:50
schestowitzHuh?May 12 19:50
schestowitzI can't grow. I'm past the pinnacle :-)May 12 19:51
*schestowitz would need to eat excessively to growMay 12 19:51
bgtr4mkay, all of us are past the pinnacleMay 12 19:52
bgtr4mkay... i sense 2 or 3 no rather grown up enoughMay 12 19:52
bgtr4but they are still allrightMay 12 19:53
bgtr4schestowitz, you shouldn't grow in physical stateMay 12 19:54
bgtr4it's just up to youMay 12 19:54
bgtr4rather in conscious stateMay 12 19:54
bgtr4and not of mindMay 12 19:54
bgtr4'cause it's physicalMay 12 19:54
bgtr4and it had better be moved to privateMay 12 19:55
bgtr4'cause it has nothing to do with public channelMay 12 19:55
bgtr4but you startedMay 12 19:55
schestowitzI was being satiricalMay 12 19:56
schestowitzBut if you suggest dropping humour, that's counter-rpoductiveMay 12 19:56
schestowitzWe can have some fun in BN and now seem like a bunch of raving lunatics... or grumpy like NaderMay 12 19:57
schestowitzbalzac calls it "angstivism"May 12 19:57
bgtr4i can merge humour with anythingMay 12 20:01
bgtr4'cause i'm capableMay 12 20:01
schestowitzIf Microsoft product manager fails to understand some good humour, that's *his* problem, not mine.May 12 20:02
schestowitzIt's actually funny to see him angry at meMay 12 20:02
schestowitzFor pointing out what they doMay 12 20:02
bgtr4yupMay 12 20:02
bgtr4and i agree with datMay 12 20:02
bgtr4nobody should move anything far enough against me and he won't loseMay 12 20:03
schestowitzMinceR: Asayism is totally on the Apple side. Useless for op -ed on FOSS: 12 20:03
schestowitz"I was listening to MGMT's "Kids" today on iTunes..." Just visualise it..May 12 20:03
schestowitzLarry Augustin Appointed Interim CEO at SusarCRM. Wow.May 12 20:04
schestowitzSugarCRMMay 12 20:04
bgtr4so you just walk awayMay 12 20:04
schestowitzhe's a clever guyMay 12 20:05
schestowitzMe? No, why?May 12 20:05
bgtr4'cause i take any call personallyMay 12 20:05
bgtr4unless that's what i'm fighting againstMay 12 20:05
bgtr4and even that has problems with reasonsMay 12 20:06
schestowitzHere's a good message: Another Microsoft Ally bites the dustMay 12 20:09
schestowitz"Looks like Borland has finally joined the ranks of so many other former Microsoft Allies who bet the farm on Microsoft, and ended up being easy aquisition targets because their stock plummeted to almost nothing."May 12 20:10
schestowitz"MicroFocus isn't exactly a monster player either.  True, it's 15,000 customers are mostly larger companies big enough to have mainframes, but even this user base isn't exactly huge compared to Java or VB. It's sure good to know that the Microsoft monopoly hasn't hurt competition in the IT Industry."May 12 20:10
schestowitz"Borland did offer Kylix for Linux until Microsoft slapped them silly and issued a bunch of security updates that sent Borland scrambling to fix the now damaged code resulting from changes in Microsoft's DLLs. Borland cowered and eventually stopped doing much more than maintenance."May 12 20:10
schestowitz"MicroFocus does make a really nice Cobol product that is often used for prototyping Mainframe applications on Windows workstations. I wonder if MicroFocus will bring back TurboProlog, that was a really wild product, especially for doing business rules and security rules. Maybe they could do Prolog to LDAP?"May 12 20:10
schestowitzbgtr4: I don't PMMay 12 20:10
bgtr4schestowitz, your luckMay 12 20:11
bgtr4or i would smash someone's brains offMay 12 20:11
bgtr4'cause i'm capableMay 12 20:12
schestowitzDawson totally misses the point: "Sometimes those solutions might be open source. Sometimes, they’ll come from Apple, whether our biases like it or not." It's NOT about open source vs prproprietaryit's about STANDARDS, thus choice.May 12 20:13
bgtr4but you got the pm rightMay 12 20:13
schestowitzbgtr4: enough with that. Let's keep on channel's topic :-)May 12 20:13
bgtr4lol, for me topic is what's worthMay 12 20:14
schestowitzbgtr4: sorry, better to keep focused. Else it's just a random 'chat'May 12 20:17
bgtr4there's no random chatMay 12 20:18
bgtr4you're just incapable of talking in privateMay 12 20:18
bgtr4don't make me go any furtherMay 12 20:18
bgtr4and i'm not related to m$ in any wayMay 12 20:18
schestowitzbgtr4: I don't talk in private to anyoneMay 12 20:19
schestowitzUnless it's BN-related and must be kept confidentialMay 12 20:19
bgtr4niceMay 12 20:19
bgtr4but you get right my pm messagesMay 12 20:19
schestowitzYesMay 12 20:20
schestowitzAnd I don't agree. Novell does feel the heatMay 12 20:21
schestowitzIts employees do worry about Bn and respondMay 12 20:21
schestowitzSeniors tooMay 12 20:21
schestowitzThis doesn't need to be sealedMay 12 20:21
bgtr4for sureMay 12 20:22
bgtr4where novell cares about bn?May 12 20:25
schestowitzTodayMay 12 20:26
schestowitzFor exampleMay 12 20:26
schestowitzA Novell vice president argues with me in a formMay 12 20:27
schestowitz*forumMay 12 20:27
schestowitzNovell used to post comments in BNMay 12 20:27
schestowitzThey stopped when I started exposing them :-DMay 12 20:27
*stinkeye (n=glenfs@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 20:38
Balrog_well, iTunes University has no DRM ... true, it's a patented codec (MPEG-4 / AAC / h.264) but not DRMMay 12 20:41
Balrog_unless it's the app DRM, but talk to the app developers about that. They don't like Apple's control of apps, but they are not against that DRM (which has been proven very weak).May 12 20:41
bgtr4those app developersMay 12 20:42
bgtr4can only put on copyrights, no?May 12 20:42
bgtr4'cause you can't ban x264 and aacMay 12 20:43
bgtr4and mpeg4 container usageMay 12 20:43
Balrog_wait ... what do you mean by that?May 12 20:43
bgtr4x264 is freeMay 12 20:43
bgtr4acc? idkMay 12 20:43
Balrog_yes, but the h.264 algorithm has patentsMay 12 20:43
bgtr4mpeg4 container, they are freely accessible via googlMay 12 20:44
bgtr4eMay 12 20:44
bgtr4h264?May 12 20:44
bgtr4wtf cares?May 12 20:44
Balrog_aac is 'Advanced Audio Coding', similar to MP3 but said to be superiorMay 12 20:44
bgtr4you've got x264May 12 20:44
bgtr4aac?May 12 20:44
bgtr4superiour?May 12 20:44
bgtr4wtf?May 12 20:44
bgtr4same old shitMay 12 20:44
Balrog_just use Vorbis then. it's at least as goodMay 12 20:44
bgtr4yupMay 12 20:45
bgtr4vorbis is THE SAME GOODMay 12 20:45
bgtr4if not betterMay 12 20:45
bgtr4wma... i can't say that it's betterMay 12 20:45
bgtr4but it's pretty good... i didn't find the differenciesMay 12 20:46
Balrog_but yeah ... DRM'ed media for iPod/iPhone is only available in the iTunes store, for purchase. Apple doesn't license that DRM everywhere, so it isn't very widespreadMay 12 20:46
Balrog_WMA is a compatibility nightmareMay 12 20:46
bgtr4lolMay 12 20:47
bgtr4apple can't be widespreadMay 12 20:47
Balrog_heh, un-DRMed AAC and h.264/MPEG-4 are widespreadMay 12 20:48
bgtr4it's just spread... it's incapable of taking major marketMay 12 20:48
bgtr4mkayMay 12 20:48
bgtr4but waht does it mean?May 12 20:48
Balrog_Apple somehow got its quicktime container format to become MPEG standard (MPEG-4 is derived from Quicktime)May 12 20:48
bgtr4quicktime is not a format actuallyMay 12 20:49
Balrog_well, unless the schools are using apps (which I don't know), the podcast RSS feeds should work fine with other playersMay 12 20:49
Balrog_Quicktime is software, but .MOV is QuickTime 'format'May 12 20:49
bgtr4do you know what mpeg is capable of?May 12 20:49 just sucksMay 12 20:49
Balrog_what do you mean?May 12 20:49 is a container, like oggMay 12 20:50
bgtr4it's still same old mpegMay 12 20:50
bgtr4wait, i gonna return in 2minsMay 12 20:50
*silentivm ( has joined #BoycottNovellMay 12 20:50
Balrog_ogg still has a bit to goMay 12 20:50
Balrog_thusnelda needs to be thoroughly stabilizedMay 12 20:50
Balrog_debugged etcMay 12 20:50
*stinkeye (n=glenfs@ has left #boycottnovellMay 12 20:51
bgtr4what about oggMay 12 20:52
bgtr4is it capable of storing video?May 12 20:53
Balrog_yeah, sure isMay 12 20:53
bgtr4coolMay 12 20:53
Balrog_though when it comes to editing, use mkv insteadMay 12 20:53
bgtr4yet another containerMay 12 20:53
Balrog_ogg is designed primarily for streamingMay 12 20:53
bgtr4so why mkv?May 12 20:53
Balrog_mkv is more powerfulMay 12 20:53
bgtr4is it proprietary?May 12 20:53
Balrog_nopeMay 12 20:53
Balrog_ 12 20:53
bgtr4mkayMay 12 20:54
bgtr4so ogg+x264 in matroska is the best choiceMay 12 20:55
Balrog_not for distribution ... DISTRIBUTE as ogg / theora / vorbisMay 12 20:56
Balrog_for [patent]-FREEMay 12 20:56
bgtr4why theora?May 12 20:56
Balrog_because it doesn't have those SW patents on itMay 12 20:56
bgtr4x264 isn't patent free?May 12 20:56
bgtr4x264?May 12 20:56
Balrog_x264 uses patented algorithmsMay 12 20:56
Balrog_the h.264 /standard/ has patented algorithmsMay 12 20:57
bgtr4so what kind theora is?May 12 20:57
Balrog_ANY h.264 encoder will have patented algorithmsMay 12 20:57
bgtr4what's it is better than?May 12 20:57
Balrog_the builds from SVN are almost as good as DivXMay 12 20:57
bgtr4what*May 12 20:57
bgtr4divx...May 12 20:57
bgtr4mkay... i can stand that against xvidMay 12 20:57
Balrog_more work needs to be done, obviously ... and it isMay 12 20:58
bgtr4'cause xvid really sucksMay 12 20:58
bgtr4so at least divx... it's much betterMay 12 20:58
bgtr4but it's theoraMay 12 20:58
Balrog_go ahead and use h.264 ... but if you want patent-free, it's no good.May 12 20:58
bgtr4does theora is better than divx?May 12 20:58
bgtr4quality-wiseMay 12 20:59
Balrog_no, it's at about the same levelMay 12 20:59
bgtr4so sameMay 12 20:59
Balrog_if you use the theora 1.1 betasMay 12 20:59
Balrog_it's slowly improvingMay 12 20:59
bgtr4i got itMay 12 20:59
Balrog_(or alphas)May 12 20:59
Balrog_you have to build from svnMay 12 20:59
bgtr4at least it's better that most of the ripped movies in xvidMay 12 20:59
bgtr4and it's freeMay 12 20:59
bgtr4THEORAMay 12 21:00
Balrog_hehMay 12 21:00
Balrog_ripped movies in xvid suck because of horrible bitrate settingsMay 12 21:00
Balrog_I use handbrake for my rippingMay 12 21:00
bgtr4if xvid had a gamma settingMay 12 21:01
bgtr4or brightnessMay 12 21:01
bgtr4AT LEASTMay 12 21:01
bgtr4but it has notMay 12 21:01
bgtr4so theora is even betterMay 12 21:01
bgtr4and it's free and it produces better moviesMay 12 21:01
Balrog_for better movies, increase bitrateMay 12 21:02
Balrog_obvious rule ;)May 12 21:02
bgtr4for sureMay 12 21:02
Balrog_an HD (720p)  movie at 450 kbps will look horribleMay 12 21:02
bgtr4yupMay 12 21:02
bgtr4i know datMay 12 21:02
Balrog_that's the worst problem when it comes to qualityMay 12 21:03
bgtr4and it will look horrible with ANY CODECMay 12 21:03
Balrog_yes.May 12 21:03
bgtr4it should be at least 1kbytespsMay 12 21:03
Balrog_?May 12 21:03
bgtr41mbpsMay 12 21:04
bgtr4bytespsMay 12 21:04
Balrog_ahMay 12 21:04
Balrog_well, depends on resolutionMay 12 21:04
bgtr4to be good enough to watchMay 12 21:04
bgtr4720pMay 12 21:04
Balrog_yeah ... with h.264May 12 21:04
Balrog_with other codecs it may have to be a little higherMay 12 21:04
bgtr4isn't x264 free?May 12 21:04
Balrog_the source code isMay 12 21:05
bgtr4so what is notMay 12 21:05
Balrog_the binaries are supposed to be, but you're supposed to pay royalties to the MPEG-LA if you distributeMay 12 21:05
Balrog_ 12 21:05
Balrog_ 12 21:06
Balrog_sw patents suck, but they existMay 12 21:06
Omar87Hi there.May 12 21:07
Omar87On my way home today, I had an argument with a colleague of mine who works for a security technologies company call "Iris Guard".May 12 21:07
Omar87He claimed that a company like that adopting the free open source approach in the their technologies is the easiest recipe for disaster, since those technologies must be very confidential because releasing their source code to the public will only make them exposed and useless.May 12 21:07
Balrog_doesn't make senseMay 12 21:07
bgtr4Omar87, why should we use theora ova x264?May 12 21:07
Balrog_use the lock analogyMay 12 21:07
Balrog_or the safe analogyMay 12 21:07
Balrog_it's basically 'security by obscurity' which doesn't workMay 12 21:08
bgtr4twas for Omar87May 12 21:08
bgtr4so what about me?May 12 21:08
Omar87bgtr4: I didn't get it.May 12 21:08
bgtr4mkayMay 12 21:08
bgtr4learn about it and tell usMay 12 21:08
bgtr4theora is freeMay 12 21:09
bgtr4x264 is notMay 12 21:09
Balrog_x264 (the encoder) isMay 12 21:09
bgtr4EVEN x264 is notMay 12 21:09
Balrog_h.264 isn't totally because of patentsMay 12 21:09
bgtr4i don't care about h264May 12 21:09
Balrog_BUT x264 is an implementation of an h.264 encoderMay 12 21:09
bgtr4i don't wanna use it if i have to pay for extra 50mbMay 12 21:09
bgtr4lolMay 12 21:10
bgtr4i knowMay 12 21:10
Omar87Balrog_: By 'security', I meant surveillance technologies, Iris recognition technologies.. etc.May 12 21:10
Balrog_don't worry; if it's private use you're okMay 12 21:10
bgtr4x264 and h264 are quite the sameMay 12 21:10
bgtr4but what's the differenceMay 12 21:10
Balrog_h264 is the set of standardsMay 12 21:10
bgtr4x264 is as wellMay 12 21:10
bgtr4so wahtMay 12 21:10
Balrog_x264 is one application that encodes video to fit those standardsMay 12 21:10
Omar87Balrog_: Do you think that those complex technologies can be open source and still succeed?May 12 21:11
bgtr4x264 is quite good at low bitrate encodingMay 12 21:11
Balrog_bgtr4: that's because h.264 is designed well when it comes to thatMay 12 21:11
bgtr4against divx or xvidMay 12 21:11
Balrog_certainly.May 12 21:11
bgtr4h264 or x264, Balrog_?May 12 21:11
*The_Mad_Hatter (i=63ee03e6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 21:12
Balrog_h264 isn't an encoder but a file formatMay 12 21:12
bgtr4which one of them are woth usingMay 12 21:12
bgtr4worth*May 12 21:12
Balrog_use the x264 encoder if you want to make h.264 videosMay 12 21:12
The_Mad_HatterRoy, here's an interesting oneMay 12 21:12
The_Mad_Hatter 12 21:12
Balrog_Omar87: I think it can succeed open sourceMay 12 21:12
The_Mad_HatterHave At You, Clip Art Pirates!May 12 21:13
bgtr4lol, so x264 is h264 compatible?May 12 21:13
Balrog_you don't get it? x264 is an IMPLEMENTATION of an h.264 encoderMay 12 21:13
bgtr4yupMay 12 21:13
Balrog_I said that three minutes agoMay 12 21:13
bgtr4i actualy get itMay 12 21:13
Omar87Balrog_: How?May 12 21:13
bgtr4i just want other competent people to say datMay 12 21:13
The_Mad_HatterAlso here's one from Dec. 2007 about the BSA and SIIA which is hilariousMay 12 21:14
The_Mad_HatterHow Pursuing Software Piracy Hurts Proprietary Software FirmsMay 12 21:14
The_Mad_Hatter 12 21:14
bgtr4The_Mad_Hatter, what do you think about x264 and h264?May 12 21:14
Balrog_Omar87: what would the main issues be?May 12 21:14
Balrog_stuff like TrueCrypt and GPG surviveMay 12 21:14
The_Mad_HatterI don't generally. I mean, I use VLC to play H264 formatted stuff.May 12 21:15
bgtr4lolMay 12 21:15
bgtr4vlc plays anythingMay 12 21:15
The_Mad_HatterExactly. It makes Quicktime and Windows Media look like shit.May 12 21:15
bgtr4x264 which should be capable of h264 and plenty of othersMay 12 21:15
bgtr4lolMay 12 21:15
The_Mad_HatterAnd I know shit real well, I grew up on a farm, and I shoveled a lot of it.May 12 21:15
bgtr4but they are shitMay 12 21:15
bgtr4lolMay 12 21:16
Balrog_Omar87: if they're afraid of competition, just use GPLMay 12 21:16
Balrog_(or AGPL if applicable)May 12 21:16
bgtr4i shoveled some shit on my grandma "farm"May 12 21:16
Omar87Balrog_: He claimed that, if those technologies became open source, they will be exposed to everyone, everyone can easily find out how they work and they won't be effective and secure anymore.May 12 21:16
bgtr4what's agpl?May 12 21:16
bgtr4lolMay 12 21:17
bgtr4effective and secure...May 12 21:17
bgtr4anymore!!!May 12 21:17
bgtr4lolMay 12 21:17
bgtr4Omar87May 12 21:17
bgtr4don't make me laught, they are already effectiveMay 12 21:17
bgtr4secure? only time will tellMay 12 21:18
bgtr4anymore?May 12 21:18
bgtr4wtf?May 12 21:18
bgtr4do you understand what platforms that people runMay 12 21:18
MinceR 12 21:19
Omar87Are their any open source security systems??May 12 21:19
bgtr4lolMay 12 21:19
bgtr4obaaamaaahMay 12 21:19
bgtr4none, dudeMay 12 21:20
bgtr4we actually all knowMay 12 21:20
bgtr4that obama as well as at least 3 president before him stole their electionMay 12 21:20
bgtr4and bush is yet another moronMay 12 21:20
bgtr4like in the most of the worldMay 12 21:21
The_Mad_HatterSorry, who claimed that making something open/free would make it less secure?May 12 21:21
bgtr4nope, dudeMay 12 21:21
Omar87The_Mad_Hatter: My friend.May 12 21:21
bgtr4none from this channelMay 12 21:21
bgtr4the thing right now is how much did they paid to steal electionsMay 12 21:22
The_Mad_HatterOK, just wanted to make sure I didn't have any investments in his company.May 12 21:22
bgtr4in usa at leastMay 12 21:22
bgtr4his whom company?May 12 21:22
The_Mad_HatterWhoever said that. They are obviously idiots.May 12 21:23
bgtr4mkayMay 12 21:23
bgtr4i don't know you you paint inMay 12 21:23
Omar87The_Mad_Hatter: It's not about Open Source itself. It's only that releasing the source code for those systems in particular will make them exposed, since everyone can see how their built and can easily get past them.May 12 21:23
bgtr4so i know what kind of idiot you areMay 12 21:23
Omar87The company is "Iris Guard", I'm not sure if you heard about it.May 12 21:23
The_Mad_HatterRight. Just like Linux is so easily hackableMay 12 21:24
bgtr4lolMay 12 21:24
bgtr4The_Mad_Hatter, try to hack linuxMay 12 21:24
bgtr4just tryMay 12 21:24
MinceRthat depends on what sense of "hack" do you meanMay 12 21:24
Balrog_bgtr4: it's not impossibleMay 12 21:24
bgtr4it's not impossibleMay 12 21:24
Balrog_to break-in that isMay 12 21:24
The_Mad_HatterNo, but it's harder than hacking Windows.May 12 21:25
bgtr4lolMay 12 21:25
bgtr4dudesMay 12 21:25
The_Mad_HatterAnyway, I don't have any money in that company, but I have doubts about how long they will last.May 12 21:25
bgtr4you're missing the thingMay 12 21:25
bgtr4who the f will hack linux unless he submits that problem!May 12 21:25
bgtr4i willMay 12 21:26
bgtr4even though i'm hackerMay 12 21:26
bgtr4i can hack systemsMay 12 21:26
Omar87The_Mad_Hatter: Are there any similar technologies that are open source?May 12 21:26
bgtr4The_Mad_Hatter, would you even want to hack linux?May 12 21:27
The_Mad_HatterNot as an integrated package.May 12 21:27
Omar87 12 21:27
bgtr4inregrated package?May 12 21:27
bgtr4what's datMay 12 21:27
The_Mad_HatterHowever this comes under the Breathalyzer rule, if you can't see the source, how do you know it works right?May 12 21:27
bgtr4...May 12 21:28
Omar87That's true.May 12 21:28
bgtr4doesn't make senseMay 12 21:28
bgtr4in case of breaking itMay 12 21:28
bgtr4so The_Mad_HatterMay 12 21:28
bgtr4answer my questionMay 12 21:28
bgtr4would you even want to hack linux?May 12 21:29
The_Mad_HatterIf I wanted to rob your identity, yes.May 12 21:29
bgtr4...May 12 21:29
bgtr4try to rob mineMay 12 21:29
bgtr4i'm almost insecureMay 12 21:29
bgtr4firewall comodo+windows xp x64 pro not really patchedMay 12 21:30
Balrog_Omar87: having the recognition algorithm as FOSS will make it betterMay 12 21:30
The_Mad_HatterMicrosoft raises 3.8 Billion in Bond SaleMay 12 21:30
The_Mad_Hatter 12 21:30
Omar87Balrog_: I tried to tell him that.May 12 21:30
bgtr4mkay...May 12 21:30
The_Mad_HatterYeah, but you're not running LinuxMay 12 21:30
Balrog_Give him the example of Windows vs. LinuxMay 12 21:30
bgtr4i'm not right nowMay 12 21:30
bgtr4i run debian 5.0.2May 12 21:31
bgtr4when i'm on linuxMay 12 21:31
The_Mad_HatterHere's the link from SlashdotMay 12 21:31
The_Mad_Hatter 12 21:31
bgtr4i just didn't rebootMay 12 21:31
Omar87Balrog_: Yeah, but as he claimes, Linux isn't as sensitive as an Iris recognition system used in sensitive places airports and banks.May 12 21:32
Balrog_Omar87: what about SELinux?May 12 21:33
Balrog_SELinux is designed for airports and banks ... and other maximum security environmentsMay 12 21:33
The_Mad_HatterAnyway I gotta run - dinner. Bye.May 12 21:33
*The_Mad_Hatter has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 12 21:33
bgtr4do u think airports and banks update linux rather fast?May 12 21:34
Omar87e7na 3enna mawad tanyeh.May 12 21:34
Balrog_bgtr4: not necessarily, but if it's properly locked down it shouldn't be a real problemMay 12 21:34
Balrog_Omar87: ?!?May 12 21:34
trmancoMicrosoft Office PowerPoint OutlineTextRefAtom Parsing Memory Corruption Vulnerability: 12 21:34
Balrog_ooxml I supposeMay 12 21:35
trmancoMicrosoft Office PowerPoint Notes Container Heap Overflow Vulnerability: 12 21:35
Balrog_heh, 'more secure'May 12 21:35
trmanco:)May 12 21:36
bgtr4lol, m$ office can't be secure at allMay 12 21:36
Balrog_Omar87: what is your employer worried about? Someone finding out how to fool the algorithm? Or something related to the networked portions of the app?May 12 21:36
Balrog_ahh ... it's very networked, apparentlyMay 12 21:37
bgtr4networked...May 12 21:38
bgtr4it's very netholedMay 12 21:38
bgtr4Balrog_, anyone who will be interested in crackingMay 12 21:39
bgtr4he will just take explitesMay 12 21:39
bgtr4epxloitsMay 12 21:40
bgtr4that's quite enoughMay 12 21:40
bgtr4especially for the first datMay 12 21:40
bgtr4and months moreMay 12 21:41
Omar87Balrog_: I believe both.May 12 21:41
Balrog_The algorithm itself would probably be the most useful to be open sourcedMay 12 21:42
Omar87Balrog_: Because, as security system it needs to be secure enough to make sure no body bypasses it.May 12 21:42
Balrog_(/ released as FOSS)May 12 21:42
Balrog_because that will allow it to be scrutinized and improvedMay 12 21:42
Balrog_now the database system is another story .... at least imoMay 12 21:42
Balrog_it would take more work to make FOSSMay 12 21:47
Balrog_and would have more potential security vulnerabilitiesMay 12 21:47
Balrog_remember, the fact that it's GPL doesn't mean it can't be soldMay 12 21:48
Omar87Balrog_: OF course.May 12 21:49
Balrog_does your employer understand those things?May 12 21:49
Omar87Balrog_: I don't really work their. My friend does.May 12 21:50
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)May 12 21:50
Balrog_or your friends *** .. sorryMay 12 21:50
Omar87I don't think they do. :)May 12 21:52
trmancoHackers steal UC Berkeley health records: 12 21:54
bgtr4oh wtfMay 12 21:56
bgtr4now they gonna be spammedMay 12 21:56
schestowitztrmanco: thanks, got themMay 12 22:00
*schestowitz posting to USENET, finished in a bitMay 12 22:00
trmancoyou're welcomeMay 12 22:00
*bgtr4 gonna sleepMay 12 22:03
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 22:04
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))May 12 22:04
schestowitzMinceR: they call votes sheep?May 12 22:19
schestowitzbgtr4: good nightMay 12 22:19
MinceRapparentlyMay 12 22:19
schestowitz*votersMay 12 22:19
schestowitzWhat's with the crown of thorn?May 12 22:20
schestowitz*sMay 12 22:20
MinceRallusion to jesus?May 12 22:20
schestowitzDoes Obama practice faith? I think he is. I trust him because he swore in God's name under oath. *rolls eyes*May 12 22:20
MinceRcan anyone even have a political career in Jesusland^Wthe USA without at least pretending to be a devout christian?May 12 22:23
trmancoThe X Window innovation: welcome to the new Xorg:_ 12 22:34
schestowitzMinceR: simple ansswer. No.May 12 22:37
schestowitzPR agencies learned this.May 12 22:38
schestowitzSome previous presidents pretendedMay 12 22:38
schestowitzJust to gain votesMay 12 22:38
schestowitzBush, however, never needed to fakeMay 12 22:38
schestowitzHe's naturally dumbMay 12 22:39
schestowitzHe won the love of men for just saying he speaks to God sometimes. Yes, he talks.May 12 22:39
MinceRit's just that i don't care if i hear him. :>May 12 22:40
trmancoThe Best KDE Twitter Client: 12 22:46
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellMay 12 22:55
schestowitz (Record UK debt announced (19Feb09))May 12 23:00
schestowitztrmanco: posted in colaMay 12 23:01
trmancoI'm reading icazas postsMay 12 23:01
trmancoand the replies to themMay 12 23:01
MinceRgnMay 12 23:04
schestowitz*LOL* 12 23:09
schestowitzMinceR: (Citing Atheists Offensive in Obama Inaugural Address?)May 12 23:19
schestowitzThis relates to this last discussionMay 12 23:19
*neighborlee (i=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellMay 12 23:35
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))May 12 23:41

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