IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: July 23rd, 2009

*ThistleWeb has quit ("Ex-Chat")Jul 23 00:03
Mr_Skittlezwow, its very quiet in hereJul 23 00:04
Diablo-D3yeah, we're busy sacrificing kittens in RMS"s nameJul 23 00:04
Mr_SkittlezhahahaJul 23 00:04
oiaohmWhy kittens why not copies of windows we don't need.Jul 23 00:08
Diablo-D3because I hate peeling those stickers offJul 23 00:08
Diablo-D3they leave sticky resedueJul 23 00:08
fewaand talk about the certificate stickersJul 23 00:09
Diablo-D3that, and I can't find the sticker on my powerbook eitherJul 23 00:09
oiaohmThing I hate about cerfiticate stickersJul 23 00:10
Mr_Skittlezim on windows... just because i had the urge to push the limits of an asus eeepc 1000heJul 23 00:10
oiaohmIs they rub off over time.Jul 23 00:10
Mr_Skittlezoh yeahJul 23 00:10
oiaohmie the ink.Jul 23 00:10
Mr_Skittlezthat suxJul 23 00:10
oiaohmMS released a self destructing product.Jul 23 00:10
oiaohmThat then has a self destructing install key.Jul 23 00:11
oiaohmNice of them.Jul 23 00:11
Mr_SkittlezlolJul 23 00:12
Diablo-D3soJul 23 00:12
Diablo-D3self destructing product with a self destructing key by a self destructing companyJul 23 00:12
oiaohmAll it takes would have been a little bit of clear plasic over the paper to stop it from self destructing.Jul 23 00:12
Diablo-D3sounds about rightJul 23 00:12
oiaohmOr a solid plastic token.Jul 23 00:13
oiaohmMost people are too dumb to see they have been given a self destructing product.Jul 23 00:13
oiaohm  << Hello patent cluster bomb.Jul 23 00:14
Mr_Skittlezdang, let's all just start sueing everyone for patent infringementJul 23 00:16
oiaohm  Ok windows 7 has entered production stage.Jul 23 00:19
Mr_Skittleztime to let the pirates do their thingJul 23 00:19
oiaohmI expect some people to by windows 7 but I still expect it to be slow.Jul 23 00:20
oiaohmLot of us as simply not interested.Jul 23 00:20
fewaits such a slow release cycle, and so little gets doneJul 23 00:20
oiaohmI am really not looking forward to windows 7Jul 23 00:20
oiaohmA new set of windows bugs to learn.Jul 23 00:21
fewamore anti-featuresJul 23 00:21
Mr_SkittlezI'd be happy w/ linux if intel released gfix cards w/ good opengl supportJul 23 00:21
oiaohmI really don't care what one Mr_SkittlezJul 23 00:21
oiaohmATI or Intel.Jul 23 00:21
oiaohmAs long as it works.Jul 23 00:21
oiaohmI will just buy hardware to match.Jul 23 00:21
oiaohmI have a few 8 year old machines here that should be replaced.Jul 23 00:22
fewaIntel stuff works well for basic stuff, support compiz and compositingJul 23 00:22
Diablo-D3I like my radeonJul 23 00:22
oiaohmMost of the issue is the new framework.Jul 23 00:23
Mr_Skittlezwell.. I'm on an asus eeepcJul 23 00:23
oiaohmDRI2 and KMS and galluim3d.Jul 23 00:23
Mr_Skittlezand it has a 950gmaJul 23 00:23
*krenso ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 00:23
Mr_Skittlezso basically, i can do more stuff using d3d than openglJul 23 00:23
krensohelloJul 23 00:24
Diablo-D3not reallyJul 23 00:24
oiaohmOnce the low level alterations are done Linux might move away from X11.Jul 23 00:24
Mr_Skittlezn the 965 had dx10 support but not opengl2Jul 23 00:24
Mr_Skittlezbut can someone explain how a card can support dx10 but not opengl2Jul 23 00:24
oiaohmHi krensoJul 23 00:24
Diablo-D3btw, wtf do you think your eeepc is supposed to be doing?Jul 23 00:24
Mr_SkittlezI like to push itJul 23 00:24
Diablo-D3its not like its some 3d power houseJul 23 00:24
krenso Tomboy depends upon, a number of libraries which are 'standard' in the sense that they're under C#'s "System" namespaceJul 23 00:24
Mr_SkittlezIt can run psx emus quite nicelyJul 23 00:24
krenso but somewhat pointedly excluded from the ECMA specifications.Jul 23 00:25
Mr_Skittlezand Guild Wars tooJul 23 00:25
Mr_Skittlezand a few other gamesJul 23 00:25
krensodo you know what libraries tomboy uses, that arenJul 23 00:25
krenso't covered by ecmaJul 23 00:25
krenso?Jul 23 00:25
krensoi found list of mono libraries 23 00:26
krenso 23 00:26
oiaohmecma lists to functions in libraries.Jul 23 00:27
oiaohmSo way more complex krensoJul 23 00:27
oiaohmIt don't just divide at library level.Jul 23 00:27
thenixedreport 23 00:29
oiaohmBasically you would have to go function by function used by tomboy and check that is in ECMA.Jul 23 00:29
oiaohmgnote is a lot less work to prove patent safe krensoJul 23 00:29
krensooiaohm, i just want to list those libraries on wikipediaJul 23 00:31
krensoso others will knowJul 23 00:31
oiaohmIts also in a mother of a xml file with the standard.Jul 23 00:32
krensook, i have done so farJul 23 00:33
krensogit clone git:// 23 00:33
krensocd tomboyJul 23 00:33
krensogrep -ir "using System" *Jul 23 00:33
krensohere i see link to ecma 23 00:34
krenso 23 00:35
oiaohmYep that xml fileJul 23 00:35
oiaohmlists all the functions from System and the like you are allowed to use to have patent coverage.Jul 23 00:35
oiaohmIf they use 1 function in System that is not listed they are not covered.Jul 23 00:36
oiaohmMs has basically made implementing .net a bug.Jul 23 00:37
oiaohmThere is no coverage for future versions of .net and there is no coverage for winforms or either.Jul 23 00:37
Diablo-D3wow, thats lameJul 23 00:38
Diablo-D3I'm glad Im using javaJul 23 00:38
oiaohmExactly what I was thinking.Jul 23 00:39
oiaohmI more use php than java but still.Jul 23 00:39
Diablo-D3perl > php AND YOU KNOW ITJul 23 00:39
oiaohmDepends.Jul 23 00:39
oiaohmI could be worse and using perl coverted to CJul 23 00:40
Diablo-D3speed? code reuse? memory usage?Jul 23 00:40
oiaohmDebuging Diablo-D3Jul 23 00:40
Diablo-D3and the fact fastcgi on perl actually worksJul 23 00:40
Diablo-D3oh that too, debugging perl is much easierJul 23 00:40
oiaohmNo building to test if I have fixed it yet.Jul 23 00:40
Diablo-D3I dont need to do that eitherJul 23 00:41
oiaohmjava down side is its bytecode.Jul 23 00:41
Diablo-D3java's upside is it's bytecode tooJul 23 00:41
oiaohmNot really.Jul 23 00:41
Diablo-D3compile once run on your mom.Jul 23 00:41
oiaohmAOT on a script would give equal performance.Jul 23 00:41
Diablo-D3yes, but, I hate phpJul 23 00:42
oiaohmEach to there own.Jul 23 00:42
oiaohmpython web pages are warped.Jul 23 00:42
Diablo-D3python * is warpedJul 23 00:43
Diablo-D3so is RoRJul 23 00:43
oiaohmThe bytecode was a good middle step until we started getting better compliers.Jul 23 00:43
oiaohmAnd faster cpus.Jul 23 00:43
krensounzip Ecma-335-xml.zipJul 23 00:43
Diablo-D3but its still great for not having to compile lots of timesJul 23 00:44
krensogrep -i 'Type Name="' CLILibraryTypes.xmlJul 23 00:44
oiaohmbytecode had it place in the under 600 mhz.Jul 23 00:44
Diablo-D3I can create a linux "binary" and it runs on all linuxes, not just ia32+amd64Jul 23 00:44
Diablo-D3not only that, hotspot can runtime optimize the program based on usageJul 23 00:44
oiaohmThere are ways to hotspot native code.Jul 23 00:45
Diablo-D3yes, but it sucksJul 23 00:45
*Amicus_curious has quit ("Page closed")Jul 23 00:45
Diablo-D3and lets say python switches to llvmJul 23 00:45
Diablo-D3all they're doing is javaing the problem.Jul 23 00:45
oiaohmNot really.Jul 23 00:45
Diablo-D3compile to bytecode, optimize the hell out of itJul 23 00:45
oiaohmllvm allows hotspotting on native code.Jul 23 00:45
Diablo-D3llvm's internal representation is bytecodeJul 23 00:46
oiaohmAll compliers these days have a internal bytecode of optimizing.Jul 23 00:46
oiaohmIncluding gccJul 23 00:46
Diablo-D3gcc kinda sucks thoughJul 23 00:46
Diablo-D3llvm was designed as the new gcc backend, and politics killed gccJul 23 00:46
oiaohmNot realy.Jul 23 00:46
oiaohmgcc is a mess internally.Jul 23 00:47
Diablo-D3yes, and llvm solved a lot of that mess in the backendJul 23 00:47
oiaohmclean up has taken ages.Jul 23 00:47
Diablo-D3its also faster, smarter, and applicable to things not gccJul 23 00:47
oiaohmllvm has been working on building new front ends.Jul 23 00:47
Diablo-D3no, apple hasJul 23 00:47
Diablo-D3apple has a prototype gcc replacement that uses llvmJul 23 00:47
Diablo-D3compiles c, c++, and objcJul 23 00:47
Diablo-D3its already powerful enough to compile dragonbsd's kernel and basic userlandJul 23 00:47
oiaohmGcc frount ends use directly by passes the bytecode and talk straight to the back end.Jul 23 00:48
Diablo-D3you can do that with llvm tooJul 23 00:48
oiaohmReally.Jul 23 00:48
Diablo-D3you dont have to deal with llvm's internal representationJul 23 00:48
Diablo-D3llvm has stuff for thatJul 23 00:48
oiaohmAll the nightmares of gcc are caused by that.Jul 23 00:48
Diablo-D3what Im saying is llvm has an API to directly talk to itJul 23 00:49
Diablo-D3it internally generates bytecodeJul 23 00:49
Diablo-D3but you never see it and never have to deal with itJul 23 00:49
oiaohmFrount end should not be sending instructions out of line with optimisers.Jul 23 00:49
oiaohmOther wise optimisers can make major goofs.Jul 23 00:49
Diablo-D3llvm _is_ the optimizerJul 23 00:49
Diablo-D3llvm is the low level optimizerJul 23 00:50
Diablo-D3optimization is a two stage processJul 23 00:50
oiaohmLike the recent one removing if statements incorrectly.Jul 23 00:50
oiaohmIn the Linux kernel.Jul 23 00:50
Diablo-D3you optimize all the high level stuff, llvm optimizes all the low level stuffJul 23 00:50
Diablo-D3you talk to llvm using a machine code-like bytecode language.Jul 23 00:50
oiaohmSame as gcc.Jul 23 00:50
*conley has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 23 00:50
Diablo-D3yup, just like gccJul 23 00:50
Diablo-D3just like most compilersJul 23 00:50
oiaohmThe goof in gcc recently.Jul 23 00:50
Diablo-D3the frontend obviously should not be generating machine code itselfJul 23 00:51
oiaohmwas causes by front end being able to send instructions to the back end that the optimise could not see.Jul 23 00:51
Diablo-D3it can generate hints, sureJul 23 00:51
oiaohmSo the back end altered something.Jul 23 00:51
Diablo-D3yeah, thats just bad designJul 23 00:51
oiaohmThat the optimiser was depend on.Jul 23 00:51
Diablo-D3the low level optimizer should not be out-thoughtJul 23 00:52
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 00:52
Diablo-D3I wonder who let that patch inJul 23 00:52
oiaohmFront end should have no way to by pass optimiser.Jul 23 00:52
Diablo-D3yeah exactlyJul 23 00:52
Diablo-D3the front end should talk to the backend, periodJul 23 00:52
Diablo-D3not specific parts of it bypassing othersJul 23 00:52
oiaohmFrontend to optimiserJul 23 00:53
oiaohmTo backend.Jul 23 00:53
oiaohmNo other path.Jul 23 00:53
Diablo-D3the backend optimizer is part of the backendJul 23 00:53
oiaohmbackend that makes native platform bits.Jul 23 00:53
Diablo-D3thats part of the backend too =PJul 23 00:53
Diablo-D3the backend also has multiple stagesJul 23 00:53
oiaohmIts really 3 parts.Jul 23 00:53
oiaohmoptimistion is part frontend part backend.Jul 23 00:54
Diablo-D3frontend = { syntax parser, high level optimization, bytecode creation }Jul 23 00:54
Diablo-D3backend = { bytecode parsing, low level optimization, machine code production }Jul 23 00:54
Diablo-D3thats how its supposed to work.Jul 23 00:54
oiaohmCentral optmiser processed the bytecode removing lots of stuff.Jul 23 00:54
Diablo-D3oiaohm: see aboveJul 23 00:54
oiaohmBefore the bytecode it passed to backend for native output.Jul 23 00:54
Diablo-D3thats how a sanly designed compiler worksJul 23 00:55
oiaohmBasicaly its become 3 stages.Jul 23 00:55
Diablo-D3its 2 stagesJul 23 00:55
oiaohmThe bytecode processing stage is a new stage.Jul 23 00:55
Diablo-D3it just has complex stages with stages of their ownJul 23 00:55
Diablo-D3but its still frontend/backendJul 23 00:55
Diablo-D3frontend is everything to do with the languageJul 23 00:55
Diablo-D3backend is everything to do with the machineJul 23 00:56
Diablo-D3theres no middle stepJul 23 00:56
oiaohmBut the bytecode stage is language independant and machine independant for a block of processing.Jul 23 00:56
Diablo-D3with bytecode oriented languages, theres a "middle step" that just stores/retrieves the bytecodeJul 23 00:56
oiaohmLike loop solving.Jul 23 00:56
Diablo-D3oiaohm: "no"Jul 23 00:56
oiaohmAnd static state solving.Jul 23 00:56
Diablo-D3you have to loop solve twiceJul 23 00:56
Diablo-D3unrolling loops is part of the languageJul 23 00:57
Diablo-D3er, front endJul 23 00:57
Diablo-D3at least, it should beJul 23 00:57
Diablo-D3I have no clue how gcc does itJul 23 00:57
*sebsebseb () has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 00:57
oiaohmgcc unrolling is language independantJul 23 00:57
Diablo-D3yes, but that doesnt mean its not part of the frontendJul 23 00:57
oiaohmFront end does not bother with it.Jul 23 00:57
krensook, i have found this list 23 00:58
Diablo-D3if gcc has gone into three stages, its doing it really wrongJul 23 00:58
krensoafter grepping tomboy source, i can't say what exactly libraries it usesJul 23 00:58
Diablo-D3krenso: look for all the use statementsJul 23 00:58
oiaohmMostly because unrolling of C and C++ and Java ... and many other langauges are basically the same Diablo-D3Jul 23 00:58
krensobecause there is often "using System;"Jul 23 00:58
Diablo-D3oiaohm: yup, but that would be exposed as a generic language "library" that plugs into frontendsJul 23 00:59
Diablo-D3so common tasks can be sharesJul 23 00:59
krensoso i think there should be deeper look at functionsJul 23 00:59
Diablo-D3krenso: you can only using System; for things that are in SystemJul 23 00:59
oiaohmalso gcc is design to accept bytecode input for merging two bytecodes into 1 Diablo-D3Jul 23 00:59 splits bigger chunks outJul 23 00:59
Diablo-D3you you specifically have to load themJul 23 00:59
Diablo-D3oiaohm: mehJul 23 01:00
oiaohmWhere unrolling between bytecodes still would have to be performed Diablo-D3Jul 23 01:00
Diablo-D3oiaohm: lets go back to the part where I said java is awesomeJul 23 01:00
Diablo-D3because it isJul 23 01:00
oiaohmJava split it into 3 too.Jul 23 01:00
Diablo-D3enoughJul 23 01:00
krensoWhat is in system?Jul 23 01:00
Diablo-D3no more talking about optimizationJul 23 01:00
Diablo-D3krenso: the small boring shitJul 23 01:01
krensonot all other libraries?Jul 23 01:01
krensois system covered by ecma?Jul 23 01:01
Diablo-D3I would hope soJul 23 01:01
Diablo-D3for example, Object is in systemJul 23 01:01
oiaohmsome of.Jul 23 01:01
oiaohmNot all of system.Jul 23 01:01
oiaohmNever versions of .net added extra functions to system.Jul 23 01:01
Diablo-D3I hate how .net has an illogically split base libraryJul 23 01:01
oiaohmI can see llvm waking up there will have to move unrolling back to common.Jul 23 01:02
krensoso if some files has line using System; i have to search all it functions and check from which library it is?Jul 23 01:03
krensoso far i get this list 23 01:03
oiaohmThe 3 stage comes from intel and suns complier designs that allowed prebuild dyanmic files to be turned into static.  Diablo-D3.Jul 23 01:03
Diablo-D3whateverJul 23 01:04
Diablo-D3oiaohm: Im not writing a compilerJul 23 01:04
Diablo-D3as long as the shit works fast, I dont careJul 23 01:04
oiaohmdynamic binary to static binary conversion is nice.Jul 23 01:05
oiaohmAlso the means to patch binaries that some of the closed have.Jul 23 01:06
oiaohmIs that a list of things not in the Ecma krenso in tomboyJul 23 01:09
krensoNo, it is list of libraries that Tomboy is usingJul 23 01:10
Diablo-D3krenso: heyJul 23 01:10
krensoexcluding "using System;"Jul 23 01:10
Diablo-D3you may want to grep for something like Foo*(Jul 23 01:10
oiaohmSystem.Windows.Forms  << 100 percent not krensoJul 23 01:10
Diablo-D3where foo is things in SystemJul 23 01:10
oiaohmThat is no covered by the ECMAJul 23 01:11
oiaohmSystem.Xml.XPath also not.Jul 23 01:11
oiaohmHmm they cannot read there safe file how nice.Jul 23 01:11
*Mr_Skittlez ( has left #boycottnovellJul 23 01:12
oiaohmSystem.Xml.XslJul 23 01:12
oiaohmSystem.Xml is there so major rewirte fun krensoJul 23 01:13
oiaohmSystem.Web is also not there so no sync with webservers either krensoJul 23 01:14
oiaohmAs soon as you remove the bits that are not covered tomboy is less functional than gnote.Jul 23 01:14
oiaohmSystem.Security.Cryptography no encryption either.  Hopefully you have no private notes.Jul 23 01:15
oiaohmSystem.Runtime.Remoting is also not there.Jul 23 01:17
oiaohmI think that should be a good enough start krensoJul 23 01:18
oiaohmIts basically busted.Jul 23 01:18
krensoi have updated postJul 23 01:18
oiaohmI did not do the full list.Jul 23 01:18
oiaohmI just picked out the bits I suspected most not to be there.Jul 23 01:19
*wallclimber has quit ("Ex-Chat")Jul 23 01:30
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jul 23 01:44
thenixedreportDarn.Jul 23 01:48
thenixedreportRoy's not there.Jul 23 01:48
thenixedreport:)Jul 23 01:48
Diablo-D3roy is everywhereJul 23 01:48
Diablo-D3he is all knowningJul 23 01:48
Diablo-D3ROY IS GODJul 23 01:49
Diablo-D3I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!Jul 23 01:49
*crunchy135711 has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.1/20090715083437]")Jul 23 01:59
*krenso has quit ("Leaving")Jul 23 02:06
*Balrog_ has quit ()Jul 23 02:13
thenixedreportSorry.Jul 23 02:23
thenixedreportRMS is my god.Jul 23 02:23
thenixedreportAnd I have been saved by the Church of Emacs.Jul 23 02:23
thenixedreportThough to be honest, I do like the graphical interface for Emacs.Jul 23 02:24
twitterA heretic.  There are no gods in the church of emacs.Jul 23 02:30
twitterand I'd hope you are honest all the timeJul 23 02:31
thenixedreportlolJul 23 03:01
thenixedreportHe said "yet"Jul 23 03:01
thenixedreport:)Jul 23 03:01
thenixedreportAnyhoo.Jul 23 03:02
thenixedreport:)Jul 23 03:02
thenixedreportThanks to a friend of mine, I may have fixed my Phenom 9600 problem.Jul 23 03:02
thenixedreport64-bit systems would crash or just freeze.Jul 23 03:02
thenixedreportI turned TLB Fix off.Jul 23 03:02
thenixedreportAnd it hasn't froze yet.Jul 23 03:02
thenixedreport:DJul 23 03:02
*tkmorris ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 03:11
*conley has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 23 03:40
*Trials ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 04:09
*wayne has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 23 04:21
*notzed has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 23 04:59
*wallclimber ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 05:16
wallclimberAfter a lot of thought, today, and after having a conversation with a distinctly dislike-able Gnome person, I've decided to no longer use Gnome.  I'm downloading Kubuntu and Mandriva right now.  Any other suggestions of KDE distros to try?Jul 23 05:24
*twitter has quit ("Leaving.")Jul 23 05:26
*wayne (n=teddy2@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 05:37
wallclimberI'm downloading Kubuntu and Mandriva right now.  Any other suggestions of KDE distros to try?Jul 23 05:40
*wallclimber has quit ("Ex-Chat")Jul 23 05:41
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Public debate launches the Canadian DMCA Why not the #ACTA ?Jul 23 05:48
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Churches, mosques: broadband beyond luxury, a critical public utility necessary for public discourse 23 05:48
*Trials has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 23 05:50
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard this is it 23 05:50
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Apollo 11 Produces Free Software 23 06:00
*Lefty_ (i=447ed9e6@gateway/web/freenode/x-4a9f5ec6067bbf40) has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 06:11
Lefty_Hm. Quiet here, too.Jul 23 06:11
Lefty_Have I been discouraging you folks?Jul 23 06:11
Lefty_I wanted to see how WIllyJul 23 06:11
Lefty_is doing with his dossier.Jul 23 06:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] OpenOffice Renaissance Shows Future Directions 23 06:11
Lefty_see if he had any quiestions he wanted to ask.Jul 23 06:12
Lefty_So, Roy, is it true that you're _afraid_ to go to conferences?Jul 23 06:12
Lefty_I've gotta tell you, Roy, the polite debate thing is fine with me, but I think it'skilling your core constituency.Jul 23 06:13
Lefty_oh, and thanks for all the nice quotes from the IRC log on Sunday,desu!Jul 23 06:14
Lefty_Helps prove my point about "sexism in the community".Jul 23 06:14
Lefty_you guys are a great "bad example".Jul 23 06:14
Lefty_oh--you might want to check out my latest blog post, if you haven't yet.Jul 23 06:15
Lefty_seems like it gave mono-nono Jason a kind of conniption.Jul 23 06:15
Lefty_Roy, did that comment of yours about "Penguin Pete" get back to him yet...?Jul 23 06:16
Lefty_you do have this bad habit of talking smack about people behind their backs...Jul 23 06:16
Lefty_He probably talks about _you_ guys behind _your_ backs... =DJul 23 06:18
Lefty_Hey, here's an interesting story: 23 06:22
Lefty_Some developer who was working on EMACS with RMS had a baby right around the time that RMS wanted a lot of code refactored....Jul 23 06:22
Lefty_Other people on the project congratulated him on the birth...Jul 23 06:23
Lefty_RMS wrote "      It doesn’t take special talents to reproduce—even plants can do it. On the other hand, contributing to a program like Emacs takes real skill. That is really something to be proud of. It helps more people, too."Jul 23 06:23
Lefty_So, when Jose suggests that I should have written him "differently", I'm skeptical that I would have gotten a different result.Jul 23 06:24
Lefty_I want you bozos to note that I have _not_ blasted this far and wide.Jul 23 06:25
Lefty_which sort of blows a hole in your thesis that I''m "out to get RMS" by any means, I suppose.Jul 23 06:25
Lefty_Them's the breaks, boys.Jul 23 06:25
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 06:33
twitterGnomes say, "Hi, Bill",8599,1911626,00.html?cnn=yesJul 23 06:34
twitterTime.Jul 23 06:35
twittera troll ->  The gnome's creator, German artist Ottmar Hörl, says he never intended to offend anyone, and can't understand what all the fuss is about.Jul 23 06:36
twitterWait, it's rather rich ->  Each of the gnomes has the word poisoned inscribed at its base. "People everywhere in the world can be ideologically poisoned, just as Germans were by the Nazis," says Hörl.Jul 23 06:37
twitterPoisoned Gnome!Jul 23 06:37
MinceR"German criminal law, which forbids the use of symbols from unconstitutional organizations" -- i hope they forbid the use of symbols that were left over from monarchy :>Jul 23 06:40
twitterno pictures of GWB please.Jul 23 06:41
MinceR:DJul 23 06:41
twitterBush watches his family 23 06:43
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 23 07:06
*thenixedreport has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Jul 23 07:08
*tkmorris has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 23 07:19
Lefty_Oh, tjhere's the fellow I've been wanting to see!Jul 23 07:28
Lefty_Mr. Hil!Jul 23 07:29
Lefty_I gather you're putting together some sort of dossier on me?Jul 23 07:29
Lefty_I haven't gone back through the IRC logs to see exactly what "as much as you could find" you dumped in here a few days ago.Jul 23 07:30
Lefty_want to share?Jul 23 07:30
Lefty_or do yo have any questions?Jul 23 07:30
Lefty_Huh, I guess posting that stuff from the other day must've embarassed you guys or something...Jul 23 07:32
Lefty_maybe you're just feeling demoralized....Jul 23 07:32
*Trials (n=teddy2@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 07:40
*wayne has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 23 07:54
*ThistleWeb ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 08:27
*notzed ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 08:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Are we not due for some figures from #Microsoft ? Lets see what sort of spin can be put on that... Heres to waiting. #windows #vista #xpJul 23 08:47
*crunchy135711 ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 09:05
TrialsMS figues are going to be down, just after the development of their next flagship product but before the release of it, and in this depressed market. Its hard for it to be anything else but down.Jul 23 09:26
Diablo-D3I agree with TrialsJul 23 09:27
Diablo-D3microsoft is going to have bad numbersJul 23 09:27
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 09:41
*thenixedreport (n=thomas@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 09:45
thenixedreport@Lefty_: Penguin Pete actually libelled Ken Starks over Tux500.Jul 23 09:51
thenixedreportYou may want to do some research into that.Jul 23 09:52
thenixedreportPP also quashes criticism if it's heavy enough by deleting comments.Jul 23 09:52
thenixedreportI've got the screenshots to prove it.Jul 23 09:55
thenixedreportHe's only "standing up" for Roy to drive traffic to his blog.Jul 23 09:55
Diablo-D3thenixedreport: thats a brilliant ideaJul 23 10:00
Diablo-D3wait, hold up, no it aintJul 23 10:00
Diablo-D3I stood up for java vs c#Jul 23 10:01
Diablo-D3and the only traffic I got was a bunch of fucktards and microsoft shillsJul 23 10:01
Diablo-D3Im not sure if I want that sort of trafficJul 23 10:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Are Speakers for FOSS Actually FOSS Supporters? 23 10:10
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] More Self-serving, Lockin-oriented GPL Code from Microsoft 23 10:35
crunchy135711have there been any suggestions to fork gnome into a mono free branch?Jul 23 10:36
Ngwouldn't that be exactly the same, just with tomboy removed?Jul 23 10:39
crunchy135711not sure, but the number of apps like tomboy is growingJul 23 10:40
crunchy135711as far as I understand the idea is to slowly shift whole of gnome to monoJul 23 10:41
Ngtomboy is the only Mono based app in the official GNOME module listJul 23 10:41
Ng 23 10:41
Ngsome distributions choose to change that list or add things to it, which may include mono apps, but that's nothing to do with GNOME per-seJul 23 10:42
Ngcrunchy135711: where do you have that understanding from? most of the core gnome developers are very firmly wedded to C/ValaJul 23 10:43
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 11:06
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-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz yeah. linux av scanners are useful to protect windows boxes on the same network. but clamav is plenty good enough.Jul 23 11:32
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fewaim always amazed how all these GNOME C apps can be such resource hogsJul 23 11:53
fewaall the little applets use like 15-20MB of RAM and tend to burn CPUJul 23 11:54
crunchy135711isnt kde even worse in this regard?Jul 23 11:54
fewaidkJul 23 11:55
Ngfewa: it's surprisingly hard to get a good answer of how much memory something is using, but there is certainly room for improvementJul 23 12:01
fewanot reallyJul 23 12:01
fewainstall htopJul 23 12:01
Ngwhich columns are you looking at though? :)Jul 23 12:01
fewaRES and SHRJul 23 12:01
fewacant get virt memory usedJul 23 12:02
Ngfewa: are you sure you know what RES means? :)Jul 23 12:04
fewaKDE4 default on fedora amd64 seems much better than gnomeJul 23 12:04
fewawell how do i get something better?Jul 23 12:05
fewawhat about TRS, DRS, LRS and DT ?Jul 23 12:05
fewacause SIZE is obviously just what has been mapped but not neccicarily been usedJul 23 12:06
fewaresident is still importantJul 23 12:06
fewaand GNOME apps often use 15MB RESJul 23 12:06
NgRES includes bits of SHRJul 23 12:07
fewaahh well share is generally useless unless you notice a multiprocessor app is using itJul 23 12:08
fewalets you correct how much ram the total is usingJul 23 12:09
NgSHR means shared objects, so mostly that's going to be librariesJul 23 12:09
Ngbut the pages of those libraries that a process cares about, will be included in its RES count afairJul 23 12:09
Ngand VIRT includes the entire address space of the process, so it's completely useless as a number ;)Jul 23 12:10
fewai know thatJul 23 12:11
fewaie SIZEJul 23 12:11
fewameh kde4 seems a little better on the rediculous ram used applets, xcept for kde's printer-applet which has 17 MB RESJul 23 12:12
fewawhile GNOME mixer_applet2: 17, update-notifier: 15, gnome-power-manager: 13, gnome-volume-control-applet: 11, gnome-session: 9, seahorse-daemon: 7Jul 23 12:13
Ngif I add up the RSS column from ps I get 1326128 on my running system, but free shows I only have 1076552 bytes of memory being used for things that aren't buffers/cache, so there's 300MB in the RSS column that's being shared among the processesJul 23 12:13
fewaseahorse-agent: 6Jul 23 12:14
fewai guess alot of this could be glib shared stuffJul 23 12:14
NgyupJul 23 12:14
fewamaybe ~5/processJul 23 12:14
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why Linux Did Not Need Microsoft’s Code Injection 23 12:14
fewaever tried to use GNOME or KDE4 on a 256MB system?Jul 23 12:15
fewabut i guess there are not many of those left...Jul 23 12:15
Ngnope :)Jul 23 12:16
NgI don't really care about old, low power systems. nobody has taken the old code away from those peopleJul 23 12:16
fewaeven on 1GB its quite constrainedJul 23 12:16
Ngif RH5 ran fine on such a system, run RH5 on itJul 23 12:16
fewai run debian w/ lxdeJul 23 12:17
Ngby far the largest memory users I have are my browser and mail client, and that will always be trueJul 23 12:17
fewaI dont see why we should put our resources into the chromeJul 23 12:17
fewait should be for the real appsJul 23 12:17
fewamail client?Jul 23 12:17
fewathat should be all cacheJul 23 12:17
crunchy135711ng - thunderbird?Jul 23 12:17
crunchy135711I use it, and dont get why it nees 100 mbJul 23 12:18
*fewa uses evolutionJul 23 12:18
*fewa doesnt like thunderbirdJul 23 12:19
crunchy135711why notJul 23 12:19
fewaits doesnt like plain textJul 23 12:19
Ngcrunchy135711: yep, I have thunderbird talking to three IMAP accounts with several gigs of mail, so I don't really feel it's being unreasonable by having a large RAM footprint ;)Jul 23 12:20
trmancowaht?Jul 23 12:20
trmancothunderbird loves plain textJul 23 12:21
trmancoevolution's html engine is pure crap compared to thunderbird's btwJul 23 12:22
fewawell of courseJul 23 12:22
fewaits got xulrunnerJul 23 12:22
fewabut they are going to switch evolution over to gtk-webkitJul 23 12:22
Ngthey've only just ported evolution off bonobo ;)Jul 23 12:23
trmancoFirefox 3.6 will come by the end of tis year as a major update to FF 3.5Jul 23 12:24
trmancothey should have changed to webkit long agoJul 23 12:24
fewa3.5 already was a big updateJul 23 12:24
fewathey would have to give up MPL thenJul 23 12:25
trmancoI'm talking about evolutionJul 23 12:26
fewaahh yesJul 23 12:27
fewathat makes more senseJul 23 12:27
trmanco:-PJul 23 12:28
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 12:32
oiaohm  << Anyone else getting the feeling MS is desperate.Jul 23 12:36
crunchy135711not sure about desperate :)Jul 23 12:37
crunchy135711they still have 90% of the marketJul 23 12:38
fewacrunchy135711, really?Jul 23 12:38
fewai mean, you sure?Jul 23 12:38
crunchy135711 23 12:39
fewawhat makes you believe their numbers?Jul 23 12:39
crunchy135711I have seen similar numbers elsewhereJul 23 12:40
fewaeven microsoft's nubers are differnt 23 12:40
fewaand all of these numbers are desktops onlyJul 23 12:40
crunchy135711ballmer means the server market I thinkJul 23 12:41
crunchy135711yesJul 23 12:41
fewano "Economic effect on home and business PC's"Jul 23 12:41
fewathose are desktopsJul 23 12:41
Trialsthose figures seem about right with others and personal experienceJul 23 12:41
fewalook at the graphcJul 23 12:41
fewa*graphJul 23 12:41
oiaohmEbox a server distribution is now looking at desktop intergration with ubuntu that will make the process of deploying Ubuntu desktops simpler.Jul 23 12:42
oiaohmOnce ads lands for samba there is going to be a nice battle.Jul 23 12:42
oiaohmAlso why its funny with the moodle plugin is openchange is planing to have the first demo of a really basic exchange clone.Jul 23 12:58
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schestowitzoiaohm: not desperate (Microsoft)Jul 23 14:34
schestowitzThink of it as plan BJul 23 14:34
schestowitzfewa says it rightJul 23 14:34
schestowitzWhat I said last year (or 2007) about using Xen/VMs in general as a gatewayJul 23 14:34
schestowitzMicrosoft is putting a hook in Linux with which to demote LinuxJul 23 14:35
fewaThey want to control the hardware side of Linux through virtualizationJul 23 14:35
schestowitzRemember: it's PART OF THE DEAL WITH NOVELJul 23 14:35
schestowitzLook under "virtualization" [sic]Jul 23 14:35
fewaXen + (now) HVJul 23 14:35
schestowitzALso VMwareJul 23 14:35
schestowitzImagine people having to buy servers with SLES of WindowsJul 23 14:35
schestowitzLenovo already does thatJul 23 14:36
schestowitzAnd you get Linux running under WindowsJul 23 14:36
schestowitzoiaohm: tonight should be good for Linux moraleJul 23 14:36
schestowitzMicrosoft will spin somehow. DOn't let them get away with itJul 23 14:36
schestowitzAlso, don't expect them to use the "L" worl.Jul 23 14:36
schestowitzThey'll blame economy|small computers|Bing 'investment\|R&D (INNOVA~1) etc./Jul 23 14:37
fewaKVM-style virtualization: 1 device, 1 driverJul 23 14:44
fewacoreboot also minimizes the BIOS so it doesnt require drivers xcept for RAM, CPU, and EEPROMJul 23 14:45
fewaLinux drivers do the restJul 23 14:45
*wallclimber ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 14:46
schestowitzwallclimber: we finished a phase in Comes. Just need to post that last bunch o' 3Jul 23 14:46
wallclimbervery good!Jul 23 14:47
schestowitzThen we can organise the Wiki beterJul 23 14:47
schestowitzAnd I have some exec-ascribed exhibitsJul 23 14:47
schestowitzProgress was a lot faster than I imaginedJul 23 14:47
wallclimberI'm still reading the new BN articles for this morningJul 23 14:48
schestowitzAre you still on Digg? Top 10 Most Dugg Stories on Digg < >Jul 23 14:49
schestowitzDigg lost many people like me when their servers scaled badly.Jul 23 14:49
schestowitzTwitter is at risk of the same problem... pages load too slowly which puts people off for goodJul 23 14:49
schestowitzwallclimber: see the links. LOADS of catchup done.Jul 23 14:49
wallclimberI'm looking nowJul 23 14:50
schestowitzTonight the big news shall come... from MSFT Corp.Jul 23 14:50
schestowitzHeh. Just quotes in CNET: "Roy Schestowitz, perhaps predictably, argued that Microsoft only did it because Linux can't be ignored. " < >Jul 23 14:51
schestowitz*otedJul 23 14:53
wallclimberI do check digg still, but I rarely stay there for long these daysJul 23 14:53
schestowitzByfield reposted: 23 14:53
schestowitzThere is pro-Mono bias from him. He usually takes the opposite view from us, except KDE and some other things. Jul 23 14:54
schestowitzwallclimber: When someone posts a URL to Linux items from Digg I usually see the linsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx crowd thereJul 23 14:55
schestowitzBN comments are like mostly (>50%) from opposers of the site, too.Jul 23 14:55
schestowitzThey dress themselves up and try to reverse the debateJul 23 14:55
wallclimber"open source eats its young"???  lol  wow.  THAT'S a little hostile, for sureJul 23 14:55
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why 2024 Will Be Like Nineteen Eighty-Four < >Jul 23 14:56
schestowitzwallclimber: it goes way backJul 23 14:57
schestowitzAsay and I don't agree on some things.Jul 23 14:58
schestowitzBut we respect each other in a way. He's sensitive to criticism IMHOJul 23 14:58
wallclimberhe's one that tends more towards "open source" than "free software" - yes?Jul 23 14:58
schestowitzYes, where open source also means AppleJul 23 14:59
MinceRhe's the one who pretends to be a FLOSS supporter while only supporting crAppleJul 23 14:59
schestowitzAnd he's a Chamberlain type. Jul 23 14:59
wallclimberlol...should I ever admit publically that i love apple stuff?Jul 23 14:59
schestowitzHaving lunch with MikysoftJul 23 14:59
MinceRand crApple's FLOSS support is "we took all we wanted from you, now die"Jul 23 15:00
MinceRwallclimber: no, you should admit it to your psychiatrist and look for a solutionJul 23 15:00
schestowitzwallclimber: forget to buy apples this afternoonJul 23 15:00
schestowitz*forgotJul 23 15:00
wallclimberthe reason is that I got a LOT of my most annoying friends and family (annoying regarding computer help) to buy Macs.  I haven't had to help them, i love macsJul 23 15:01
schestowitzI like apple... when it fresh and red.Jul 23 15:01
MinceRewJul 23 15:01
wallclimber:)Jul 23 15:01
MinceRi like apple in juice and cookie formJul 23 15:01
MinceRand in jam formJul 23 15:01
wallclimberi like apple pie with ice creamJul 23 15:01
schestowitzMinceR: that's gelatin.Jul 23 15:01
MinceRhuh?Jul 23 15:02
MinceRnot all gelatin has apple scent and taste :)Jul 23 15:02
wallclimberi've often wanted to throw rotten apples at my ex mother in lawJul 23 15:02
schestowitzYou know who doesn't make substandard products? PhilipsJul 23 15:02
MinceRthey do tooJul 23 15:02
schestowitzI've had the same Philishave for like 10 years. No need for battery change either.Jul 23 15:03
MinceRthey make writable optical media with its center of mass in the wrong placeJul 23 15:03
MinceRand headphones that are way too fragile to useJul 23 15:03
MinceRnow the philishave is nice stuffJul 23 15:03
MinceRi have one tooJul 23 15:03
schestowitzMinceR: they put some apple portion in thereJul 23 15:03
schestowitzLike with those 'natural' orange juiceJul 23 15:03
schestowitz"May ACTAULLY contain REAL fruit"Jul 23 15:04
MinceRdepends on the productJul 23 15:04
MinceRi've had homemade apple jamJul 23 15:04
schestowitzThey always have preservativesJul 23 15:04
schestowitzSome have acids Jul 23 15:04
MinceRapple naturally contains acidsJul 23 15:04
schestowitzLook what they got their OSJul 23 15:04
MinceRway too much, in fact -- that's one of the reasons why i don't like it rawJul 23 15:04
schestowitzKids on acidJul 23 15:04
MinceRthat's an unrelated appleJul 23 15:04
schestowitzj/KJul 23 15:05
schestowitz[The BSD stereotype]Jul 23 15:05
MinceRi've heard jobs came up with the mac (or something) on LSDJul 23 15:05
schestowitzMaybeJul 23 15:05
schestowitzIt was around that timeJul 23 15:05
MinceRperhaps that's how their products can be viewed as good-lookingJul 23 15:05
MinceRon acid.Jul 23 15:05
schestowitzI watched a program about it... on TV 2 weeks agoJul 23 15:05
schestowitzAbout the HippiesJul 23 15:05
schestowitzTHey interviewed Woz there, tooJul 23 15:05
wallclimberhey, be careful what you say about hippiesJul 23 15:06
MinceRpftJul 23 15:06
schestowitzwallclimber: why? I like emJul 23 15:06
wallclimberthat's my generationJul 23 15:06
wallclimber: )Jul 23 15:06
MinceRi doubt those two have anything to do with hippiesJul 23 15:06
schestowitzThey doJul 23 15:06
schestowitzIt's the Softers that ain'tJul 23 15:06
MinceRthey're the same crap in different packagingJul 23 15:07
wallclimberwoz and jobs were university hippies - groovy manJul 23 15:07
schestowitzThe 'poor' spoiled Seattle kid and a nutter from Detroit, MIJul 23 15:07
schestowitzWhere's Allen from?..Jul 23 15:07
schestowitzwallclimber: yes.Jul 23 15:07
schestowitzThey also built themselves based on this image IIRCJul 23 15:08
schestowitzI think many programmers at the time were free thinkersJul 23 15:08
schestowitzRMS came a lot laterJul 23 15:08
MinceRwhat has free thinking have to do with crApple?Jul 23 15:08
schestowitzA Hippie awoken after his time, maybe influenced by the CHomskies of MITJul 23 15:08
MinceR"do what jobs says/does" doesn't sound like "free thinking" to me at allJul 23 15:08
MinceRs/does/wants/Jul 23 15:08
schestowitzTHink DifferentJul 23 15:09
schestowitz1984 ad...Jul 23 15:09
schestowitzStanding out fromt he crowdJul 23 15:09
MinceRthat's just propagandaJul 23 15:09
MinceRnone of it is trueJul 23 15:09
schestowitzAs a fashion statement for the Benays propaganda industry to addres with diversityJul 23 15:09
schestowitz*rnayJul 23 15:09
MinceReven windows is more flexible than osxJul 23 15:10
schestowitziPhone comes in many coloursJul 23 15:10
schestowitzOops. THat would be iPodJul 23 15:10
schestowitzAnd Macs come in one 'edition'Jul 23 15:10
schestowitzAnd I never see anyone deviating fro Aqua/Bruished MetalJul 23 15:10
schestowitzNot since 2002Jul 23 15:10
wallclimberlol  okay, that's the last time i mention the words apple or mac here, even in jestJul 23 15:10
schestowitz*Hehe. Brushed, not bruised metalJul 23 15:11
MinceRwell, afaik the tools that let you deviate from Brushed Metal/Drops of Water on Paper cost moneyJul 23 15:11
schestowitzYesJul 23 15:11
schestowitzYou can darken themJul 23 15:11
schestowitzBut the base is the sameJul 23 15:11
MinceR(it's funny that they couldn't decide which one to use)Jul 23 15:11
schestowitzApple employs decent artists.. icons tooJul 23 15:11
MinceRi wouldn't call that look decentJul 23 15:12
schestowitzIt looks neatJul 23 15:12
schestowitzBut Linux has the same thingJul 23 15:12
MinceRit looks Fisher-PriceyJul 23 15:12
schestowitzAnd goes futher with desktop effectsJul 23 15:12
schestowitzMinceR: no, that Axe-PeeJul 23 15:12
MinceRgnu/linux desktops look a lot better than eitherJul 23 15:12
MinceRyes, xp/luna is Fisher-Price tooJul 23 15:12
schestowitzMany kids use WIndowsJul 23 15:13
MinceRand many kids use osxJul 23 15:13
schestowitzRanding from 4 to ~ (infJul 23 15:13
schestowitz"Hi, I'm 4 and I use a PC"Jul 23 15:13
schestowitz*Guy walks into the officeJul 23 15:13
schestowitzI use Windows... and I'm proud... like that 4 -yo on telly.Jul 23 15:14
schestowitzThat's how they advertise itJul 23 15:14
schestowitz'Nichery'Jul 23 15:14
schestowitzANd for Apple...Jul 23 15:14
wallclimberI just tell people that if they DON'T want to learn about their computers, to buy Macs, if they're willing to learn, use GNU/Linux.  I'm glad Apple is available for peopleJul 23 15:14
schestowitzIf yuo're a businessman using it you're symbolised by some arrogant chapJul 23 15:14
schestowitzBut they did their market studies...Jul 23 15:14
schestowitzTHey figures out rich young people would buy with this image in mindJul 23 15:15
schestowitzwallclimber: Apple is glad bsd is available for people :-)Jul 23 15:15
schestowitz[And that it ain't advertised properly]Jul 23 15:15
schestowitzIBM+Linux is similarJul 23 15:16
schestowitz"COme to us, you'll be safe. We have patents."Jul 23 15:16
schestowitzThat's why many business would choose RHTIBM rather than DebianJul 23 15:16
wallclimberso, what will be the ms news today?  how will they spin it?Jul 23 15:16
schestowitzNot sure...Jul 23 15:16
schestowitzLast time they eclipsed Ubuntu releaseJul 23 15:16
MinceRubuntu works for those who don't want to learnJul 23 15:16
schestowitz26th of April IIRCJul 23 15:17
schestowitzThey'll do it again in Oct.Jul 23 15:17
MinceRand someone knowledgeable can configure it for them if necessaryJul 23 15:17
wallclimberMinceR: no it doesn'tJul 23 15:17
MinceRand once the user decides he does want to learn, he can do so immediately under gnu/linuxJul 23 15:17
MinceRif he used crApple, he gets to throw it away and start overJul 23 15:17
schestowitzLearn what?Jul 23 15:17
MinceRhow to do more with ITJul 23 15:17
schestowitzWhat do you need to learn in Ubuntu that yuo needn't learn in OS XJul 23 15:18
MinceRpersonalize his environment, write scripts, etc.Jul 23 15:18
schestowitzEven installed s/w in Linux is easierJul 23 15:18
wallclimbersome learning is required for Macs too, it's just that new mac owners get help from AppleJul 23 15:18
schestowitzPCLOS has SynapticJul 23 15:18
schestowitzwallclimber: ahh..Jul 23 15:18
MinceRyou need to learn some computing to use a general-purpose computer fullyJul 23 15:18
schestowitzwallclimber: my grandpa keeps calling meJul 23 15:18
MinceRwallclimber: and there's no IRC, there are no forums, no web, etc.Jul 23 15:18
MinceRi seeJul 23 15:18
schestowitzHe wants me to sort out him hotmail issuesJul 23 15:18
wallclimberI'm too new myself to be helping impatient newbies to learnJul 23 15:18
schestowitzForgotten passwordJul 23 15:18
schestowitzAnd question fallbacks tooJul 23 15:18
schestowitzHe should harass Microsoft.Jul 23 15:19
wallclimberheck, i just figured out late last night that i can change from Gnome to KDE without installing a whole new systemJul 23 15:19
wallclimberlol - duhJul 23 15:19
MinceRsee, you're learningJul 23 15:19
schestowitzThey must be staring at the screens tonight like air control people at NASA watching the lander crashing on MarsJul 23 15:19
MinceRalso, you did something osx can't doJul 23 15:19
schestowitzwallclimber: yeah, you could run 10 DEsJul 23 15:20
wallclimberI just needed to get SOME people off my back every time they had a Windows problemJul 23 15:20
schestowitzwallclimber: you can still run your gnome apps in kdeJul 23 15:20
wallclimberothers, I've found are willing to learn along with meJul 23 15:20
MinceRthe windows problem is easy to solvedJul 23 15:20
MinceRbasically bomb redmond. :>Jul 23 15:20
schestowitzgnome apps like tomb0iJul 23 15:20
MinceRs/ved/ve/Jul 23 15:20
schestowitzMinceR: enough with the BCJul 23 15:21
schestowitzYou're harming the messageJul 23 15:21
MinceRpftJul 23 15:21
schestowitzEvil smileyJul 23 15:21
MinceRwhat's BC, btw?Jul 23 15:21
schestowitzRedmond can be used for good thingsJul 23 15:21
schestowitzThey can be used as a museumJul 23 15:21
schestowitzHow bad engineering is doneJul 23 15:21
MinceRyes, actually only One Microsoft Way needs to be turned into a crater :>Jul 23 15:21
MinceRor thatJul 23 15:22
schestowitzSecurity Response team... how to hide flaws.Jul 23 15:22
*lefty_ (i=447ed9e6@gateway/web/freenode/x-a8e49893aeb16462) has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 15:22
MinceRit could be the Museum of Bad EngineeringJul 23 15:22
MinceRoh, look what the wind brought in through the doorJul 23 15:22
lefty_hey, I was hoping that your licesning and IP expert, Mr. Goblin, would be around.Jul 23 15:22
MinceRand i was hoping that we won't get any trolls todayJul 23 15:22
lefty_I have some questions I'd like to ask him about his interpretation of the Microsoft submission.Jul 23 15:23
MinceRbut we can't get everything we wish for, i guessJul 23 15:23
lefty_Tough, pal.Jul 23 15:23
lefty_Learn to live with disappointment.Jul 23 15:23
MinceRmaybe i'll have toJul 23 15:23
lefty_Hey, did you know that Greg K-H works for _Novell_?Jul 23 15:23
lefty_Trust me on this, MinceR.Jul 23 15:23
MinceRany other _news_? :>Jul 23 15:23
lefty_This is the current event, MinceR.Jul 23 15:24
lefty_Look at the front page of the site.Jul 23 15:24
MinceRno, actually gregkh has been working for them for a while.Jul 23 15:24
lefty_This _is_ the news, or at least Roy thinks so.Jul 23 15:24
lefty_Yes, I'm well aware of that. I know Greg.Jul 23 15:24
lefty_But it's Goblin's legal expertise I'm really interested in.Jul 23 15:25
MinceRi don't think it's new for him either.Jul 23 15:25
MinceRwhy, your friends from redmond don't have enough legal expertise already?Jul 23 15:25
lefty_After all, Jose has already wondered out loud, in his equivocal fashion, whether Greg is a "Trojan".Jul 23 15:25
lefty_Oh, they've got plenty, but they're not particularly my friends, MinceR.Jul 23 15:25
TrialsHay Lefty, welcome back.Jul 23 15:25
lefty_Got some support for that statement, or did you just think it sounded good?Jul 23 15:26
MinceRemployers, then?Jul 23 15:26
lefty_Sorry?Jul 23 15:26
lefty_Oh, I see.Jul 23 15:26
lefty_You're claiming I work for Microsoft.Jul 23 15:26
lefty_That's humorous.Jul 23 15:26
MinceRi expect your irc client has a buffer that you can readJul 23 15:26
lefty_Stupid, but humorous.Jul 23 15:26
lefty_Got a pont?Jul 23 15:26
MinceRsorry, i guess i've sunk to your level for a moment.Jul 23 15:26
lefty_Uh huh.Jul 23 15:27
lefty_I haven't claimed that you work for Microsoft, even though you guys do more tomake FLOSS look bad than they do.Jul 23 15:27
MinceRthen i guess it's my turn to ask for some support for that claim.Jul 23 15:28
lefty_I guess that means I haven't descended to your level.Jul 23 15:28
MinceRit's kind of difficult to descend upwards, yes.Jul 23 15:28
lefty_Go ask folks like Dave Neary, or Greg, or any of the folks on the GNOME Board what they thing of BN as a "news resource"Jul 23 15:28
TrialsSupport for what claim MinceR ?Jul 23 15:28
lefty_or of your advocacy.Jul 23 15:28
MinceRi don't really care what greg or any of your pals thinks.Jul 23 15:28
lefty_Look at the coments on my latest blog posting.Jul 23 15:28
lefty_I see. you don't care what the maintainers of the kernel think.Jul 23 15:29
lefty__you_ know better.Jul 23 15:29
MinceRsorry, i didn't know only your pals mattered in the whole world.Jul 23 15:29
MinceRthat's one or two maintainersJul 23 15:29
MinceRwho happen to work for novellJul 23 15:29
MinceRso novell employees don't like that we expose their dirty dealings, what a shock.Jul 23 15:30
MinceRstop the presses.Jul 23 15:30
Trialswhat dirty dealings ?? compile the kernel ?Jul 23 15:30
lefty_Feel free to ask _any_ of them.Jul 23 15:30
MinceRlook it upJul 23 15:30
lefty_Are you accusing Greg K-H of "dirty dealings"?Jul 23 15:31
Trialsyou made the statement, I would expect you to back it up with you know,,, facts..Jul 23 15:31
lefty_Just want to be clear here.Jul 23 15:31
MinceRno, i'm accusing novell.Jul 23 15:31
lefty_Well, what's the relevsnce to this situation?Jul 23 15:31
MinceRand i'm afraid i'll have to accuse you of failing at reading comprehension.Jul 23 15:31
lefty_Novell doesn't maintain the kernel.Jul 23 15:31
lefty_you can accuse me of anything you like.Jul 23 15:32
oiaohmI class MS as desperate.Jul 23 15:32
lefty_I'm still not persuaded you have any idea what you're talking about.Jul 23 15:32
oiaohmMain reasons.Jul 23 15:32
popeyMinceR: actually you said "novell employees don't like that we expose their dirty dealings" implying quite strongly that it was the novell employees who were doing the dirty dealingsJul 23 15:32
lefty_Indeed.Jul 23 15:32
MinceRlefty_: i won't try to persuade you against your religion.Jul 23 15:32
lefty_So, again: is Greg K-H involved in dirty dealings?Jul 23 15:32
MinceRpopey: i've already clarifiedJul 23 15:32
Trialswhat dirty dealings are you referring too ?Jul 23 15:32
lefty_What "religion" would that be, MinceR?Jul 23 15:32
popeyokJul 23 15:32
MinceRlefty_: your irc client has a buffer. learn to use it.Jul 23 15:32
lefty_I'm a Buddhist, myself.Jul 23 15:32
oiaohmBy releasing drivers in Linux has really made Linux appear to more hardware makers as a platform of interest.Jul 23 15:33
lefty_kiss my ass, Mincer.Jul 23 15:33
TrialsIRC only buffers if you are loged on MinceRJul 23 15:33
MinceRlefty_: is this the "polite debate" you've claimed to be doing?Jul 23 15:33
MinceRTrials: which he seems to be.Jul 23 15:33
lefty_That's on the site, there's no such rule in IRC.Jul 23 15:33
Trialslook up your log please, and correct yourself.Jul 23 15:33
oiaohmMS has always wanted dominance lefty_Jul 23 15:34
lefty_So, when you guys get polite, I will, tooo.Jul 23 15:34
MinceRlefty_: i was polite, you weren't. so you've lost.Jul 23 15:34
oiaohmIt has been documented in too many cases to be questioned lefty_Jul 23 15:34
lefty_So you say, oiaohm.Jul 23 15:34
Trialsoiaohm, and they got that dominance as well. so ?Jul 23 15:34
MinceRTrials: what point are you trying to make?Jul 23 15:35
lefty_I'm talking specifically about the Hyper-V drivers.Jul 23 15:35
oiaohmStarts with sun back with SMB.Jul 23 15:35
oiaohmAgain with intel in 2000 with Linux support.Jul 23 15:35
oiaohmIts a repeating theme.Jul 23 15:35
lefty_If the drivers are a trap, and given that Greg's taking them into the tree, is he a co-conspirator or a pawn?Jul 23 15:35
oiaohmMS has made a mistake.Jul 23 15:35
oiaohmJust they don't know it yet.Jul 23 15:35
lefty_Don't tell me your theory of history.Jul 23 15:35
MinceRlefty_: fallacy of no third option.Jul 23 15:35
lefty_Talk about this specific situation.Jul 23 15:35
MinceRthough he's likely a co-conspirator of sorts.Jul 23 15:36
oiaohmThey should read the patent agreement carefully.Jul 23 15:36
MinceR(being on novell payroll and all)Jul 23 15:36
TrialsIt's GPL'd code, that should be the end of the story.Jul 23 15:36
MinceRand yet it isn't the end of the story.Jul 23 15:36
oiaohmIf lets say Linux builds a test case to test the hyper-v drivers.Jul 23 15:36
Trialsshould beJul 23 15:36
lefty_Ok, thanks for clearting up your thinking on that, MinceR.Jul 23 15:36
oiaohmThat just happens to allow Linux kernel to run windows contained.Jul 23 15:36
lefty_More evidence of how far out in left field you are.Jul 23 15:36
Trialsunless you want to devalue the GPLJul 23 15:36
MinceRmy thinking has always been clear.Jul 23 15:36
oiaohmThere is nothing MS can legal do now lefty_.Jul 23 15:36
MinceRTrials: it's not a silver bullet.Jul 23 15:36
Trialsread the GPL, it in fact IS.Jul 23 15:37
oiaohmMS has done it for domination.Jul 23 15:37
lefty_who _cares_ waht it allows? _Greg_ doesn't mind.Jul 23 15:37
oiaohmBut they have written there own doom.Jul 23 15:37
MinceRTrials: get a clue, it in fact isn't.Jul 23 15:37
oiaohmGreg is smart enough to know that.Jul 23 15:37
lefty_People _do_ run Linux, virtualized, on Server 2008 systems you know.Jul 23 15:37
lefty_A lot of them do.Jul 23 15:37
MinceRGPLv3 tries to help with the patent mess, but even that can't fix everything.Jul 23 15:37
oiaohmLot don't lefty_Jul 23 15:37
lefty_GPL v3 is unusable in the kernel, and will always be.Jul 23 15:37
oiaohmFor cost reasons and stablity.Jul 23 15:37
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] just back from job int. went nicely. *pint* to hirez! here's to mates of mates ;-)Jul 23 15:37
TrialsI can read the GPL just as well as you can, would you like me to cut and paste the relavent part for you to read, or would that make you look silly ?Jul 23 15:38
MinceRlefty_: or so you hope.Jul 23 15:38
oiaohmNever claim never lefty_Jul 23 15:38
lefty_I could do the same, Trials.Jul 23 15:38
MinceRTrials: are you a lawyer?Jul 23 15:38
lefty_MinceR you haven't got a clue what you're babbling about.Jul 23 15:38
oiaohmLinus as not ruled out conversion in future to GPLv3Jul 23 15:38
oiaohmJust he sees no need to do it now lefty_Jul 23 15:38
lefty_Do any of you understand section 7 of the GPL v 2?Jul 23 15:38
TrialsIt's not brain scienceJul 23 15:38
TrialsI do :)Jul 23 15:38
MinceRlefty_: do you?Jul 23 15:39
lefty_He's ruled it out for the foreseeable future.Jul 23 15:39
oiaohmIf there were good enough alterations worth while changing Linux kernel to gplv3 Linus would do it lefty_Jul 23 15:39
oiaohmSome people are foolish in this reguard.Jul 23 15:39
lefty_That's an "if" the size of the Grand Canyon.Jul 23 15:39
TrialsLinus does, greg does, I do and i can think of anyone else whoJul 23 15:39
oiaohmIf you had been following the debate on gplv3 in the Linux mailing list you would no that.  lefty_Jul 23 15:39
lefty_I figured you understood it, Trials.Jul 23 15:39
Ngoiaohm: 23 15:40
lefty_I don't think any of these _other_ bozos, and that incliudes Goblin, do.Jul 23 15:40
twitter*** twitter ignores trolls lefty and TrailsJul 23 15:40
oiaohmThat simple hole makes never impossiable lefty_Jul 23 15:40
lefty_How's that dossier coming, Lefty?Jul 23 15:40
MinceRnow he's talking to himse.fJul 23 15:40
MinceRs/\.f/lf./Jul 23 15:40
lefty_Sorry, that was directed at Mr. Hill.Jul 23 15:41
oiaohmNg that is not the only argument on it.Jul 23 15:41
lefty_He's been collecting "as much information as he could find" on me.Jul 23 15:41
oiaohmYou are looking for the 2007 one NgJul 23 15:41
lefty_I wondered if he needed help with that.Jul 23 15:41
Trialsthats right gathering all the information he could on you lefty for Roy, I saw thatJul 23 15:41
lefty_So, oiaohm, want to explain how sect. 7 relates to this situation for me?Jul 23 15:42
oiaohmWhere linus was asked if there could be any condition that would make GPLv3 conversion happen Ng.Jul 23 15:42
lefty_I wonder if they;d like to harass my manager a little more.Jul 23 15:42
*twitter has quit ("Leaving.")Jul 23 15:42
Trialstoo hard basketJul 23 15:43
lefty_that's a tangent, you certainly can't use GPL v3 in the kernel now.Jul 23 15:43
lefty_Man, what a coward that twit is.Jul 23 15:43
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 15:43
lefty_Cut and run.Jul 23 15:43
MinceRstrange, i had the impression that some parts were already v2/v3 dual-licensed or v2+-licensedJul 23 15:43
lefty_Oh, hi, Willy.Jul 23 15:43
lefty_I just called you a coward for bailing out.Jul 23 15:43
lefty_That was wrong of me.Jul 23 15:43
Ngoiaohm: he doesn't sound wildly positive there either ;)Jul 23 15:44
lefty_I sincerely apologize and will endeavor not to make such irresponsible statements again in the future.Jul 23 15:44
MinceR(by v2+ i mean 'v2 or later')Jul 23 15:44
twitterI'm on my way to work.  I have set this one to ignore lefty, Trails and other tribulations too.Jul 23 15:44
MinceR:DJul 23 15:44
TrialsIf you change the Kernel to V3 what is stopping you from changing to v4 or v5 or v6 depending on how Stallman feels or depending on whatever cause he is pushing now, that creates uncertainty in the industry, that FOSS can ill affordJul 23 15:44
lefty_Willy, got questions you want to ask me for my dossier?Jul 23 15:44
twitter***twitter ignores trolls lefty and TrailsJul 23 15:44
lefty_My mom's address? My SSID?Jul 23 15:44
lefty_Credit rating?Jul 23 15:45
lefty_how convenient, WIlly.Jul 23 15:45
oiaohmThat is part way threw NgJul 23 15:45
lefty_I guess "invasion of privacy" is all good fun, huh?Jul 23 15:45
oiaohmI never said the out come was possive.Jul 23 15:45
MinceRTrials: it depends on the decision of the copyright holders, as usual.Jul 23 15:45
lefty_Well, back to the Hyper-V submission.Jul 23 15:45
oiaohmEnd result conversion in case of need was not ruled out Ng.Jul 23 15:45
*schestowitz gives channel operator status to MinceRJul 23 15:46
schestowitzbblJul 23 15:46
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 15:46
lefty_All 35,000 of them,, MinceR.Jul 23 15:46
twitterplease don't feed that one MinceR.  I don't like filtering through it all manually.Jul 23 15:46
twitterbblJul 23 15:46
tacone 23 15:46
oiaohmLike if Solaris coverted GPLv3  intergration option would be worth it Ng.Jul 23 15:46
*Krenso ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 15:47
lefty_It's probably true. That doesn't change the current licensing status of those drivers, which is the Right THing.Jul 23 15:47
*Krenso has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 23 15:47
lefty_As everyone, except the collective geniuses of Boycott Novell, agrees.Jul 23 15:47
lefty_I'm still not satisfied that you guys even understand the GPL.Jul 23 15:48
MinceRthat's your problem, not ours.Jul 23 15:48
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 15:48
lefty_I'd like to see a demonstration of that understanding.Jul 23 15:48
*Krenso ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 15:48
lefty_Tell me how section 7 applies here.Jul 23 15:48
*amarsh04 has quit ( 23 15:48
*zoobab01 has quit ( 23 15:48
*Ng has quit ( 23 15:48
MinceRconsult your lawyer.Jul 23 15:48
MinceRyou were bragging about taking legal action anywayJul 23 15:49
lefty_There's a clue in the Preamble, if that helps you with your analysis.Jul 23 15:49
KrensoHelloJul 23 15:49
lefty_Relevance?Jul 23 15:49
MinceR(or threatening)Jul 23 15:49
lefty_I'm still going to be taking legal action against Roy and this site.Jul 23 15:49
oiaohmThere is a problem.Jul 23 15:49
*zoobab01 ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 15:49
thenixedreport@lefty_: Go ahead.Jul 23 15:49
MinceRthen you have a lawyer at hand.Jul 23 15:49
thenixedreportDon't just talk about it.Jul 23 15:49
thenixedreportDo it!Jul 23 15:49
lefty_(Yes, "" will be named as a defendant)Jul 23 15:50
TrialsMinceR i think he was (rightly) implying that mabey you do not understand the GPl and the protection it offers.Jul 23 15:50
MinceRhat domain isn't even registered.Jul 23 15:50
lefty_I'm in the process of doing it right now.Jul 23 15:50
MinceRTrials: and i think that maybe you shouldn't be so sure about your ideas of what it can and can't do.Jul 23 15:50
TrialsI think mabey you dont want too believe it becfause it does not help your "bias" against MS or NevellJul 23 15:50
oiaohmDoes Roy have the documents to prove that you being a turfer by MS be rightly suspected.   Answer yes lefty_.Jul 23 15:50
wallclimber(Trials is the old Mutex, I'm pretty sure)Jul 23 15:50
oiaohmSo go ahead.Jul 23 15:50
lefty_thanks for the typo flame, none.Jul 23 15:50
MinceRTrials: and there are issues beyond licensing.Jul 23 15:50
*Ng ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 15:51
oiaohmMost you can get is a public sorry. lefty_Jul 23 15:51
lefty_Anyone want to share their GPL expertise?Jul 23 15:51
TrialsSorry MinceR but I can read the GPL and I have, would you like a lesson on it ?Jul 23 15:51
lefty_Trials and I are, I think, dying to hear all about it.Jul 23 15:51
Krensohave you read this 23 15:51
oiaohmGPL v2 does not cover patents explicically lefty_Jul 23 15:51
KrensoThere should be some changeJul 23 15:52
TrialsReally oiaohm, are you sure ??Jul 23 15:52
oiaohmReason why major submits to the Linux kernel by a company require a extra document lefty_.Jul 23 15:52
Krensohow aarticles are promoted on the webJul 23 15:52
oiaohmI am sure TrialsJul 23 15:52
MinceRTrials: i'd like a lesson on it from someone who has a clue, not someone who only has a big mouth.Jul 23 15:52
oiaohmGPLv2 was written before the wide use of software patents.Jul 23 15:52
lefty_Is that so, oiaohm? You know something everybody else doeesn't.Jul 23 15:52
Trialsso if I sent you the relavent section of the GPLv2 that covers patent encumbered code you would say its not true ?Jul 23 15:53
MinceRpeer-reviewed independent analysises would be even better.Jul 23 15:53
lefty_No, Trials, he wouldn't.Jul 23 15:53
oiaohmYes realy why MS had to give a public statement on that they would not push patents over the submited drivers.Jul 23 15:53
lefty_He'd ignore it, or spout the same sort of nonsense we've been seeing.Jul 23 15:53
lefty_Ir tell you that you have a "big mouth".Jul 23 15:53
lefty_Maybe all of the above.Jul 23 15:54
MinceRTrials: if you believe that only the literal text of the license in itself is enough to fully understand its legal consequences then i don't think i need to hear about anything more from you. :>Jul 23 15:54
oiaohmIts part of the normal submit process IBM had to do the same thing when they did a large submit to the linux kernel.Jul 23 15:54
Trialswith a name like OHM he's bound to have some resistanceJul 23 15:54
lefty_Well,MinceR, that shows your ignorance.Jul 23 15:54
oiaohmLinux kernel has internal policies on top of there licence lefty_Jul 23 15:54
MinceRoiaohm: did they give that public statement alreadyJul 23 15:54
MinceRlefty_: actually it shows yours.Jul 23 15:54
lefty_The literal text of the license is absolutely the only part a judge would pay attention to.Jul 23 15:54
MinceRhere's a hint: there are laws you can't override at all in any sort of agreement or license.Jul 23 15:55
oiaohmMS has given the required public statement on the hyper-v drivers.Jul 23 15:55
Ngoiaohm: IANAL, but GPL-2 clearly mentions patents in more than one section?Jul 23 15:55
Trialscertainly not "politics" or "morals"Jul 23 15:55
lefty_Oh, MinceR? How?Jul 23 15:55
TrialsNg yes it does, im glad you can read too.Jul 23 15:55
lefty_You _do_ know that I;'m recognized as being an expert in open source and free software licensing.Jul 23 15:55
MinceRprobably all legal systems know the concept of "inalienable rights", for example.Jul 23 15:55
lefty_At least I hope you do.Jul 23 15:55
MinceRlefty_: i don't and you aren't making a good impression.Jul 23 15:56
oiaohmNote I said before software patents.Jul 23 15:56
oiaohmNot before hardware patents.Jul 23 15:56
oiaohmThere are issues with wordings of those sections.Jul 23 15:56
lefty_Well, I'm a member of the FSF-Europe Legal and Licensing Network, MinceR.Jul 23 15:56
lefty_Invitiation-only group.Jul 23 15:56
TrialsI can see lefty has displayed considerable balance and knowledgeJul 23 15:56
lefty_All lawyers, except for me.Jul 23 15:56
MinceRlefty_: and you can show proof of it too, right?Jul 23 15:56
oiaohmIt would be nice if someone would take GPLv2 into court and end some of the grey.Jul 23 15:57
lefty_What are your credentials, MinceR?Jul 23 15:57
Krensois lefty_ david "lefty" from gnome foundation?Jul 23 15:57
TrialsyesJul 23 15:57
MinceRlefty_: i didn't claim to be a legal expert, you did.Jul 23 15:57
MinceRlefty_: my credentials won't help prove your claims.Jul 23 15:57
oiaohmIssue with GPLv2 is since is create is pre software patents.Jul 23 15:57
lefty_Yes, it is Lefty, but I'm not "from the GNOME FOundation".Jul 23 15:57
lefty_I'm on the Ad Board.Jul 23 15:57
oiaohmCan its patent wording apply to latter invention.Jul 23 15:57
lefty_But that's irrelevant here, I don't represent them.Jul 23 15:58
oiaohmIe latter invention software patents.Jul 23 15:58
oiaohmIt might apply or it might not.Jul 23 15:58
lefty_A patent is a patent, oiaohm.Jul 23 15:58
lefty_there's no distinction in the law, as prosecution goes, of software vs. non-software patents.Jul 23 15:58
MinceRdepends on the country :>Jul 23 15:59
oiaohmThat is what the hoped outcome would be lefty_Jul 23 15:59
oiaohmAnd yes it does depend on country too lefty_Jul 23 15:59
lefty_MinceR, you can write Adriaan de Groot or Shane Michael Coughlan and ask them.Jul 23 15:59
oiaohmIts just a shade of grey until its tested.Jul 23 15:59
Trialsand yes a patent wording can be applied to a new invention, thats what a patent is, but if the "new invention" is based on the patent "wording" its not a new invention by definition, its a copy of someone elses patent.Jul 23 15:59
MinceRlefty_: i don't know their credentials eitherJul 23 15:59
MinceRlefty_: i don't even know if they exist. :>Jul 23 15:59
MinceRbut i guess citing a few names is supposed to be proof. :>Jul 23 16:00
lefty__What_ depends on country? Wheher the Hyper-V drivers should be accepted into the driver tree?Jul 23 16:00
lefty_What are you saying?Jul 23 16:00
Trialsthe GPL is not a strong license, its mainly based on copyright law that contract lawJul 23 16:00
oiaohmHyper-v has a statement overing the patents.Jul 23 16:00
MinceR171834 < lefty_> there's no distinction in the law, as prosecution goes, of software vs. non-software patents.Jul 23 16:00
MinceRthat, for example.Jul 23 16:00
oiaohmSo its not a issue.Jul 23 16:00
lefty_I stand by that.Jul 23 16:01
oiaohmIssue is does Linux really need hyper-v supporting drivers.Jul 23 16:01
lefty_show me the exception you claim.Jul 23 16:01
MinceRi'm not sure about the hyper-v thing at all.Jul 23 16:01
Ngwhat is the actual issue here? Microsoft setting up a patent trap by putting their drivers into Linux and then saying "aha! they violate our patents!"?Jul 23 16:01
MinceRfor example, why add paravirtualization support that's specific to one productJul 23 16:01
oiaohmNo patent trap MinceRJul 23 16:01
MinceRlooks like design that would be normally frowned upon.Jul 23 16:01
oiaohmMs has already released the statement preventing that.Jul 23 16:01
lefty_THat seems to be the claim they're heading toward, Ng.Jul 23 16:01
MinceRand i thought linux had paravirtualization support for xen alreadyJul 23 16:01
TrialsminceR thats right, as there is no distinction between software patents and "normal" patents. they are just patents, whats more its the law of the day you have to abide by the existing laws no matter how much you dont like them.Jul 23 16:01
MinceRso whe not use that?Jul 23 16:01
oiaohmAs they were required to do by Linux kernel submiting policy.Jul 23 16:01
Trialsor think they should be reformedJul 23 16:02
Ngperhaps I missed the start of the argument, but I really can't see what the point you're debating isJul 23 16:02
lefty_I know that oiaohm.Jul 23 16:02
MinceRTrials: afaik in the EU there are no software patents, legally. i'd say that's a pretty strong distinction.Jul 23 16:02
MinceRs/whe /why /Jul 23 16:02
oiaohmIncorrect on the no difference between software and normal patents.Jul 23 16:02
lefty_because it's an important product, one which is widely used in virtualizing Linux globally, MinceR?Jul 23 16:02
lefty_Just guessin'.Jul 23 16:02
oiaohmProblem here in Australia they are differnet legal documents.Jul 23 16:02
*pk is now known as PeterKrausJul 23 16:02
MinceRlefty_: that doesn't answer the question.Jul 23 16:02
TrialsNG there is no point, the argument is about GPLv2 covering patents, as you said it does.Jul 23 16:02
lefty_presumably the differences are to account for Oz law, and the net effect is the same.Jul 23 16:03
lefty_the boys here are skeptical, Ng.Jul 23 16:03
fewageeze yahoo answers is a zoo, so many people trying to pitch their AV warez for WIndows, and voting you down if you suggest Linux to an exasperated Windows userJul 23 16:03
lefty_they think the whole kernel needs to go GPL 3 to avoid problems.Jul 23 16:03
TrialsMinceR yes, mabey that is true in the EU, that does not stop software patents from being applied there, is not TOMTOM from the EU ?Jul 23 16:03
oiaohmAlso mp3 patents would not exist if gplv2 was enforacable against software patents.Jul 23 16:03
lefty_or so it seems.Jul 23 16:03
MinceRlefty_: well, sorry for not taking the word of someone who rushes in trolling, threatening and disparaging as the authority of truth.Jul 23 16:04
oiaohmThere is a problem no one has been prepaired to test it lefty_.Jul 23 16:04
lefty_Indeed, Trials. It depends on where you sell the allegedly infringing device, not where the company's based.Jul 23 16:04
MinceRTrials: iirc there was a quote from ballmer regarding that they still register sw patents because they can't tell the difference.Jul 23 16:04
TrialsMinceR what "untruth" has he said ?Jul 23 16:04
MinceRTrials: don't make me list that. :>Jul 23 16:04
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] "Technical support should never be necessary" - a laudable goal, but, uhm. 23 16:04
lefty_I was wondering that,too.Jul 23 16:05
fewaindeed, the united states will scare away all the companies who develop and improve computingJul 23 16:05
MinceRalso, i didn't say it was "untruth", i said that it needed more support/proof.Jul 23 16:05
fewaby forcing them out of business with software patentsJul 23 16:05
lefty_I'd suggest that I'm not the troll here....Jul 23 16:05
Trialsand as the US is the biggest market and they have software patents, they are basically international.Jul 23 16:05
lefty_just the guiy asking very inconvenient questions.Jul 23 16:05
MinceRlefty_: just like any troll would. :>Jul 23 16:05
lefty_exactly right, Trials.Jul 23 16:05
KrensoLefty_, i'm suprised you are here.Jul 23 16:05
MinceRi'd like to see which part of "kiss my ass" is considered an "inconvenient question"Jul 23 16:06
lefty_Why, are you surprised, Krenso?Jul 23 16:06
oiaohmThe question with GPLv2 is time.   Ie now can a contract apply to rules that did not exist when it was created.Jul 23 16:06
lefty_The part where you're an insolent bitch, MinceR. Happy now?Jul 23 16:06
oiaohmThat is a nice grey section of contract law that has never been tested.Jul 23 16:06
*MinceR sets ban on *!*=447ed9e6@gateway/web/freenode/x-a8e49893aeb16462Jul 23 16:06
*MinceR has kicked lefty_ from #boycottnovell (that's enough, then.)Jul 23 16:06
Trialsthe contract IS the rules oiaohmJul 23 16:06
MinceRi think lefty really doesn't get what "polite" means.Jul 23 16:07
fewaTrials, where is the consideration?Jul 23 16:07
*lefty_ (i=447ed9e6@gateway/web/freenode/x-ecabb2071dab97be) has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 16:07
lefty_buncha cowards.Jul 23 16:07
wallclimberMinceR: Yay!Jul 23 16:07
*MinceR sets ban on *!*=447ed9e6@gateway/web/freenode/x-ecabb2071dab97beJul 23 16:07
*MinceR has kicked lefty_ from #boycottnovell (ban evasion)Jul 23 16:07
oiaohmIt is the rules but how those rules can be applied to other rules created latter are a legal black hole.Jul 23 16:07
oiaohmSome cases say yes it can.Jul 23 16:07
oiaohmOther cases say no it cannot.Jul 23 16:07
*lefty_ (i=447ed9e6@gateway/web/freenode/x-db1d0bccf0f71025) has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 16:08
*MinceR sets ban on *!?=447ed9e6@*Jul 23 16:08
oiaohmInside the usa it self.Jul 23 16:08
*MinceR has kicked lefty_ from #boycottnovell (ban evasion)Jul 23 16:08
*MinceR removes ban on *!*=447ed9e6@gateway/web/freenode/x-a8e49893aeb16462Jul 23 16:08
oiaohmSo gplv2 is basically grey on patents until someone puts it before a court and its test cased.Jul 23 16:08
*MinceR removes ban on *!*=447ed9e6@gateway/web/freenode/x-ecabb2071dab97beJul 23 16:08
oiaohmHopefully it goes the way we want.Jul 23 16:08
MinceRi wonder if lefty will start demonstrating what the ip range he can access is. :>Jul 23 16:09
schestowitz`Plot thickens in the case of Apple worker 'suicide'  < >Jul 23 16:10
wallclimberI dunno, they seem a little like cockroaches, they always seem to find a way inJul 23 16:10
schestowitz"Foxconn has said that it has suspended a security official after the death of a Chinese worker.Jul 23 16:10
schestowitzSun Danyong, 25, reported a missing Iphone 4G phone prototype and was beaten by Foxconn employees who were terrified of the wrath of Steve Jobs."Jul 23 16:10
oiaohmTrials: I wish things in USA contract law were pure black and white and judges over time had not cause contradictions.Jul 23 16:10
Krensolefty_, i'm suprised that you are here so long without being kicked. Your opionions are quite opposite to that of BN communityJul 23 16:12
Trialsfew laws are black and write, thats why people create contracts and more laws. if your hoping for less laws I have my doubts that will happen.Jul 23 16:12
MinceRit's not a matter of opinionJul 23 16:12
MinceRand he isn't here.Jul 23 16:12
Trialsyes, bye bye free speech.Jul 23 16:12
oiaohmBasically gplv2 would be fine if the time issue did not exist TrialsJul 23 16:12
fewaTrials, laws need to be clear, and then the grey space filled with rational thoughtJul 23 16:13
oiaohmAnd did not require a court case to sort it out or a change of licence.Jul 23 16:13
TrialsTime issue ?Jul 23 16:13
MinceRTrials: yes, if trolling and being impolite are the only thing you can use them for.Jul 23 16:13
*PeterKraus has quit ("Leaving")Jul 23 16:13
MinceRTrials: also, you can still speak freely elsewhereJul 23 16:13
TrialsThe GPL is a written contract, its posted everywhere and it is clear.Jul 23 16:13
popeyKrenso: is it the case that anyone who has opposing views should not be here or will be kicked?Jul 23 16:13
oiaohmDifferent judges over time have ruled different on latter created laws and contracts.Jul 23 16:13
MinceRyou can even start your own channel, your own website.Jul 23 16:13
TrialsMinceR not the same thing,Jul 23 16:13
oiaohmSome judges have rules that contract applies to the new created laws.  Some have ruled it don't.Jul 23 16:13
MinceRTrials: it doesn't mean we have to listen to your trolling and slurs.Jul 23 16:13
MinceRTrials: it doesn't mean we have to let you obstruct discussion here with threadcrapping.Jul 23 16:14
oiaohmSo USA contract law is nicely screwed up because of it TrialsJul 23 16:14
TrialsIt also does not mean we have to expect someone to "filter" what is being said, because you dont agree with it.Jul 23 16:14
KrensoI don't want to /kick anybody, but after lefty_ blog posts it seems weird that he is tolerated hereJul 23 16:15
taconeit was about more about the offencesJul 23 16:15
MinceRTrials: also, in a likewise manner, BN (or any other website) isn't obligated to publish whatever you want to publish there by some sort of twisted notion of "free speech".Jul 23 16:15
oiaohmGPLv3 is fine because it was latter created.Jul 23 16:15
taconehe doesn't seem able to stay politeJul 23 16:15
oiaohmSo time issue does not apply Trials.Jul 23 16:15
MinceRKrenso: schestowitz wanted to keep him aroundJul 23 16:15
taconeotherwise it would have been kicked before.Jul 23 16:15
popeyKrenso: ah, ok, i thought you were implying that _anyone_ with opposing views was not welcome.Jul 23 16:16
oiaohmNow here is the kicker.   If GPLv2 gets ruled protecting against software patents.   So might MIT licence have to be.Jul 23 16:16
schestowitzTrials: people used this channel not only to troll but also lie about me and intimidate. THis is not acceptable, sorry.Jul 23 16:16
TrialsIt does seem that wayJul 23 16:16
Trialswas lefty lying and intimidating you ?Jul 23 16:16
schestowitzYesJul 23 16:17
TrialsokJul 23 16:17
schestowitzThat's not fairJul 23 16:17
schestowitzRespect is a mutual thing.Jul 23 16:17
oiaohmOn software licences and patents and the time issue there has not been a test case.Jul 23 16:17
Trialsill have to re read the logs, but I thought he was talking about the GPL and not youJul 23 16:17
MinceRTrials: he made threats of suing schestowitz, iirc (earlier)Jul 23 16:17
schestowitzAlso by mailJul 23 16:18
Trialsbut not now and here at some other time.Jul 23 16:18
schestowitzHe should learn to be a gentlemanJul 23 16:18
MinceRTrials: he did start doing it here and now, tooJul 23 16:18
oiaohmIts also how enforcable GPL is.Jul 23 16:18
oiaohmVery few people have dared test it in court.Jul 23 16:18
Trialsim reading the log, trying to find it ..Jul 23 16:18
schestowitzThat's beside the point anyway. We're being distracted by all this.Jul 23 16:19
oiaohmSo we don't really know how much damage it can do.Jul 23 16:19
*ksbjf (i=5496eb8f@gateway/web/freenode/x-d9fa97b771900514) has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 16:19
schestowitzI don't want to talk about people...Jul 23 16:19
schestowitzLet's talk ideas.Jul 23 16:19
oiaohmBSD was down right scary when it was court tested TrialsJul 23 16:19
oiaohmNovel with BSD could not pay in cash.Jul 23 16:19
oiaohmThey had to pay in code and permiate assests.Jul 23 16:20
schestowitzRememeber when someone asked about mysql downtime yesterday?Jul 23 16:20
schestowitz OutageJul 23 16:20
schestowitz9:30GMT or so Microsoft will post resultsJul 23 16:21
schestowitzThe 'big' press will publish distractionsJul 23 16:21
schestowitzBecause of the Microsoft PRJul 23 16:21
oiaohmThe time issue is really simple to over look Trials.Jul 23 16:21
schestowitzWe need to delve into earnings and post that ASAP to beat the PR/difufsion to itJul 23 16:21
schestowitzI wonder...Jul 23 16:22
schestowitzCOuld VIsta 7 RTM be related to tonight's results?Jul 23 16:22
schestowitzCOuld they time it so as to intersect and allow them to say, "yes, it's down sharply, but the 'best os ever' is out realsoonnow(R)"Jul 23 16:23
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jul 23 16:23
schestowitzOracle has big flaws now. So much for security by obscurity...Jul 23 16:24
Ngschestowitz: it could be related to being released in 3 months ;)Jul 23 16:25
schestowitz <--Linux basedJul 23 16:25
schestowitzNg: well, dugJul 23 16:25
schestowitz*duh, but it's not carved in stoneJul 23 16:25
schestowitzThey could make RTM on MondayJul 23 16:25
schestowitzYou'll see the pitchJul 23 16:26
Ngsure, it's pretty normal to try to bunch up press releases over a few days to try to stay in the headlinesJul 23 16:26
schestowitzSee the video here: 23 16:26
schestowitzHe mentioned just ONE product.Jul 23 16:26
schestowitzNg: yes, but they organise themJul 23 16:27
schestowitzTHey make strategic timing happen. AlwaysJul 23 16:27
schestowitz"When to release bad news..." How to p00p on someone party (E.g. GOoogle Wave announcment..)Jul 23 16:27
schestowitzThis is how it's done. Watch COmes documents...Jul 23 16:27
schestowitz*someone'sJul 23 16:27
wallclimberI think Win7 release was purposely pushed up to October to drown out the KoalaJul 23 16:28
wallclimberwasn't 7 originally set to come out in 2010?Jul 23 16:29
schestowitzMicrosoft to post 4Q results after market closes < > "AFTER..."Jul 23 16:29
schestowitzThey drop it like they exit the scene of the crimeJul 23 16:29
schestowitzNovell threw out the embarrassing docs to investors just before Easter 2007Jul 23 16:30
schestowitzPeople were on vacation, so not many bothered to lookJul 23 16:30
schestowitzNovell document dump makes it look like a scandal < >Jul 23 16:30
schestowitzShane and I said the sameJul 23 16:30
schestowitzwallclimber: no, not 2010Jul 23 16:31
schestowitzThat would make it more polishedJul 23 16:31
schestowitzA standard too high for Mcirosoft WindowsJul 23 16:31
schestowitzThey need Service Perks [sic]Jul 23 16:31
Ngdon't people generally post results after the close of the market?Jul 23 16:31
Ngapple did the other dayJul 23 16:31
fewameh its just Vista 7Jul 23 16:32
wallclimberhmm, i thought I'd read that 7 was originally scheduled for release in early 2010Jul 23 16:32
schestowitzLHC delayed again.. "Leaks have been found in the vacuum of the Large Hadron Collider's insulating layer, causing yet another postponement of its restart from October to November." 23 16:32
schestowitzAT least it's just gasl. Not their Linux PCs there...Jul 23 16:32
schestowitzNg:  some doJul 23 16:32
schestowitzHad it been routine, it would not be worth headlines]Jul 23 16:33
schestowitzMidday is possib;eJul 23 16:33
schestowitz"The same factors depressed Microsoft's earnings in the two previous quarters. In January, after a weak holiday season, Microsoft resorted to its first companywide layoffs.'Jul 23 16:34
schestowitzThey already lowered forecastsJul 23 16:34
schestowitzSo they can say something like, "Woah! Look at us! We beat the forecast" But that's decoyJul 23 16:34
schestowitzAnother is to ignore profitability and talk about revenue, which can include borrowings, AFAIKJul 23 16:35
*Omar87 ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 16:36
Omar87Hi guys.Jul 23 16:36
Omar87Did you Dell give up on Linux already?Jul 23 16:36
*wallclimber has quit ("Ex-Chat")Jul 23 16:36
schestowitzI've seen their tricks for a while. Here is the report from july 2008: 23 16:36
schestowitzOmar87: no, lieJul 23 16:36
schestowitzThey change modelsJul 23 16:36
MinceRhas dell ever really been _for_ linux?Jul 23 16:36
schestowitzTHe Astrosofters seem to claim something else. Dell denies.. and McKenzie said the same here the other dayJul 23 16:37
schestowitzDell is crumblingJul 23 16:37
fewaOmar87, 23 16:37
MinceRi guess they could have been until some suits arrived from m$ and had a little discussion of licensing feesJul 23 16:37
NgMinceR: define "for linux"?Jul 23 16:37
MinceRschestowitz: literally.Jul 23 16:37
MinceRat least my dell laptop is.Jul 23 16:37
MinceRNg: acting for the success of gnu/linux and for supporting its users.Jul 23 16:37
NgMinceR: like encouraging hardware makers to provide better drivers for linux?Jul 23 16:38
MinceRlike thatJul 23 16:38
schestowitzNot literallyJul 23 16:38
NgMinceR: then yes, they have :)Jul 23 16:38
schestowitzHe's only in his 50s I thinkJul 23 16:38
MinceRand like providing viable alternatives to paying the m$ taxJul 23 16:38
MinceRletting customers to not pay one dollar to m$ while getting dell hardware.Jul 23 16:38
MinceRof their choice.Jul 23 16:39
*ksbjf has quit ("Page closed")Jul 23 16:39
schestowitzFor a decent priceJul 23 16:39
Ngwell their linux support has been expanding across their hardware rangeJul 23 16:39
schestowitzNo preinstalled junkJul 23 16:39
schestowitzNg:  true.Jul 23 16:39
MinceRNg: also it would be nice if they didn't hide their linux models, especially outside the US.Jul 23 16:39
MinceRthen again it doesn't matter for me, since i've had enough of their "roadready" build quality.Jul 23 16:40
Ngsure, parity across geographic regions would be nice from all of the OEMsJul 23 16:40
NgHP only have one model of their Mini Mi netbook here in the UK and it's a fashion version that comes with a designer handbag ;)Jul 23 16:40
MinceRwhich was supposed to stand even "the most extreme" physical usage yet it broke from normal everyday use.Jul 23 16:40
Ngbut a thinkpad :)Jul 23 16:42
Ng-t+yJul 23 16:42
schestowitzObama Backs Off August Health Care Deadline < >Jul 23 16:42
schestowitzThey still bet for insurance companies and private power. Shameful. Most important subject int he eyes of US citizensJul 23 16:43
MinceRi've bought a thinkpad recentlyJul 23 16:43
MinceR2 weeks ago, iircJul 23 16:43
Ngthey rock, and the linux support tends to be excellentJul 23 16:43
Ngif unofficialJul 23 16:43
schestowitzNow you just need to find the "think" :-)Jul 23 16:43
MinceRso far it seems nice.Jul 23 16:43
Ngwhich one did you get?Jul 23 16:43
MinceR(but for that much money it had better be :> )Jul 23 16:44
Ngit would take some kind of epic shift in laptop hardware for me to leave the Thinkpad X series :)Jul 23 16:44
MinceRi prefer the W series :)Jul 23 16:45
schestowitzSince when does /. put images in the FP? 23 16:46
MinceRthey've been doing it for a whileJul 23 16:47
MinceRoccasionallyJul 23 16:47
schestowitzomg poniesJul 23 16:49
MinceRfor pony!Jul 23 16:49
MinceRit's sad that lenovo supports m$ FUD nowadaysJul 23 16:50
MinceRand provides no way around the m$ taxJul 23 16:50
schestowitzHahah: 23 16:50
MinceRlolJul 23 16:51
schestowitzyes, Microsoft took Lenovo from IBMJul 23 16:51
schestowitzMetaphorically speaking of courseJul 23 16:51
fewaNg, thunderbird cant seem to handle my large archive folderJul 23 16:55
schestowitzForget Clickthrough EULAs; Are There Really Walkby EULAs For NYC Parks? 23 16:56
fewageezeJul 23 17:00
fewawhat has the world come toJul 23 17:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "UK cops threaten to bust woman who videos her boyfriend's search on terrorism charges " 23 17:00
fewa" KataphraktosJul 23 17:04
fewa[#226]Jul 23 17:04
fewaWow, the Shake Shack menu really has grown up. In a Macaulay Culkin kind of way."Jul 23 17:04
schestowitzOmar87: see update in 23 17:05
schestowitz"UPDATE, July 23, 8:42 a.m. eastern: ComputerWorld reported on July 9 that Dell was sticking with Ubuntu desktops and simply refreshing the PC line. But as of today, the new offering has yet to debut on Dell’s web site."Jul 23 17:05
fewawhat FUDJul 23 17:06
schestowitzGamer Says Sony Violated His 1st Amendment Rights By Banning Him < >    <--- Sounds like some of our trollsJul 23 17:06
schestowitzCivility is importantJul 23 17:06
*ThistleWeb ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 17:07
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Apple PR scrambles to rescue the company from a big gaffe: 23 17:09
*pk ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 17:25
Krensois there any programmer?Jul 23 17:26
Krensoi want to find what libraries not covered by ecma tomboy is usingJul 23 17:27
Krensonow i do only simple grep "using System"Jul 23 17:28
*faux ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 17:29
MinceRi'm a sw developer but i don't code in c#Jul 23 17:30
*tacone has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jul 23 17:31
*Krenso has quit ()Jul 23 17:31
*Krenso ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 17:32
schestowitzHi, faux Jul 23 17:32
schestowitzKrenso: noneJul 23 17:33
schestowitzBanshee is the elephant in the roomJul 23 17:33
schestowitzDoes Jim Zemlin always come across as a Charlatan, or does it only seem so to particular people? .. 23 17:35
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft will report abysmal results tonight, so racketeering versus Red Hat is still on the table. 23 17:39
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Glyn Moody showed s series of misconduct from Microsoft and Microsoft, in response, totally neglects to address them. 23 17:42
KrensoMinceR, what is sw? I think c# is similar to java, c++. So such skills will helpJul 23 17:44
MinceRsw stands for softwareJul 23 17:45
Krensodirect3d sugested me to search for foo(Jul 23 17:45
MinceRand such skills don't help that much when you're enumerating parts of the "standard" libraryJul 23 17:45
schestowitz"That pretty much sums it up. The day Microsoft quits carrying on like a fanatic, paranoid Taliban is the day that other companies and organizations will have an easier time getting along with them. After all, let's not forget who the problem is. It isn't Linux that the US and EU have to keep bringing antitrust actions against."Jul 23 17:48
Krensobut also objects can be importedJul 23 17:48
schestowitzThey canJul 23 17:49
schestowitzThe above is from Jul 23 17:50
Krensoclasses and functions, what else can be used from libraries?Jul 23 17:50
schestowitz 23 17:50
schestowitzJust so that you guys know, sebsebseb is here for Mono (Unity) for all I can tell and he used the link above to daemonise us in front of ByfieldJul 23 17:50
schestowitz<sebsebseb> [20:41] <bruce89> that is tasteless and insultingJul 23 17:50
schestowitz<sebsebseb> [20:42] <sebsebseb> bruce89: why do you think that?  and guess where I got the link fromJul 23 17:50
schestowitz<sebsebseb> [20:42] <bruce89> 1. The Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11Jul 23 17:50
schestowitz<sebsebseb> [20:42] <sebsebseb> yep I was thinking that as wellJul 23 17:50
schestowitztoxins in this channel... "cj" tooJul 23 17:51
schestowitzAlways seems to sneak in some smears against us in some sitesJul 23 17:51
MinceRso according to byfield, the talibans are good guys now?Jul 23 17:52
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04Jul 23 17:53
ThistleWebSadaam has been both sides of the friend / enemy divide with the US without doing anything differentJul 23 17:54
schestowitz 23 17:54
schestowitzOh oh...Jul 23 17:54
schestowitz"Henry Kingman"Jul 23 17:54
schestowitzIs he not editing Linux Devices anymore?Jul 23 17:54
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 17:54
schestowitzThistleWeb: not trueJul 23 17:54
schestowitz[sarcasm] he has always been a friendJul 23 17:55
schestowitz[sarcasm] first as puppetJul 23 17:55
ThistleWeblolJul 23 17:55
schestowitz[sarcasm] then as useful idiotJul 23 17:55
schestowitz[sarcasm] then as scapegoatJul 23 17:55
schestowitz(taking thew blame for 9/11)Jul 23 17:55
Trialssame with bin ladin, who do you think financed and trained him ?Jul 23 17:55
ThistleWebyeah having the Rumsfeild / Sadaam video don't help when Rumssfeild was in charge of sending the troops inJul 23 17:55
schestowitzTrials: you're not supposed to know thatJul 23 17:56
schestowitzThe public sure doesn'tJul 23 17:56
Trialsjust as sadam did lots of business with Bush Snr and WJul 23 17:57
ThistleWebthe US has a habit of making allies with anyone who can promote their agenda regardless of how it impacts on the localsJul 23 17:57
ThistleWebeven if they need to back that puppet's enemies later onJul 23 17:57
Trialsand picking the wrong peopleJul 23 17:58
ThistleWebthey always doJul 23 17:58
ThistleWebyou have to wonder at the collective wisdom in the US govt circles, with 2 failed wars in living memoryJul 23 17:58
schestowitzLetter of Protest to ASUS <,1000000567,10013256o-2000498448b,00.htm >Jul 23 17:58
schestowitzJust two?Jul 23 17:59
schestowitzWhat about Afghanistan?Jul 23 17:59
ThistleWebmost countries learn from their own mistakes and the mistakes of others, yet the US seem oblivious to learning anythingJul 23 17:59
ThistleWebI guessJul 23 17:59
ThistleWebmost failures don't happen twice in one lifetimeJul 23 18:00
ThistleWebhuge failures*Jul 23 18:00
ThistleWebfromt he same countryJul 23 18:00
ThistleWebbut, well, we need to look at them for examples of how the world should beJul 23 18:00
schestowitzWell, here's the thinkJul 23 18:00
schestowitzPeople need choice in electionJul 23 18:01
schestowitzThe problem is that there is no opposition partyJul 23 18:01
ThistleWebmake up BS excuses to invade a country you fancy the resources of, and call it self defense......."I hit him back first"Jul 23 18:01
schestowitz[Well... Nader.. ha!Jul 23 18:01
Trialsnot to mention the lost war on drugs, war on terror, war on anything we dont like. and the many many totally failed missions.Jul 23 18:01
ThistleWebyeah, war on words never go wellJul 23 18:01
schestowitz"Mission Accomplished"Jul 23 18:03
schestowitz--GWB, 2004 (2003?)Jul 23 18:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @moltke: Read the sample, want to buy book. I get Kindle for iPhone, sign in, click 'buy'. Error: non-us Visa. Geodiscrimination=>piracyJul 23 18:04
ThistleWebthe problem with a political system built by the elite for the elite, is that the elite will find the solutions to the problems, and fix things yet again in their favour.....and the public get screwed all over againJul 23 18:04
schestowitzHealthcare is important Jul 23 18:04
schestowitzUS healthcare makes even the NHS look very decentJul 23 18:04
ThistleWebUS healthcare for those who can afford it must be greatJul 23 18:05
ThistleWebpity for those who can'tJul 23 18:05
KrensoI'm going to ask on #mono about my concernsJul 23 18:05
Krensoi'm curious would they help meJul 23 18:06
ThistleWebat least in the UK you know you get medical treatment when you need it regardless of your ability to payJul 23 18:06
Trialstrouble with the US Govmnt is they dont like to increase taxes, and they dont like to decrease spending so they borrow and spend, then borrow some more. to the tune of 10 Trillian and counting.Jul 23 18:07
ThistleWebthe US govt / corps all like to hold the carrot of "it could be you that's super rich one day, so don't go too hard on us" knowing that the peeps will NEVER be one of them, but will go through life obsessed with the carrotJul 23 18:09
schestowitz 23 18:09
*Krenso has quit ("mIRGGI meni puis")Jul 23 18:09
schestowitzI cam across this video this morning: 23 18:11
Trialsyes, and if they simply removed MONEY from being necessary to campain, then it would not be owned by the elite class. If all parties get equil time to put their caseJul 23 18:11
*schestowitz Been watching lots of astronomy videos recentlyJul 23 18:11
ThistleWebthe US is (or at least was) a place where the super rich flaunted their moneyJul 23 18:12
ThistleWebit was a badge of honourJul 23 18:12
ThistleWebthe UK, the super rich know not to flaunt it too much, the public don't like itJul 23 18:12
ThistleWebnot to mention a chain of stores all over the US, is in a whole different league wealth wise to a chain of stores all over the UKJul 23 18:13
Trialsyes, its not like the beckoms are loud and showoffyJul 23 18:14
Trialsor the queen,Jul 23 18:14
ThistleWebthe recession, with peeps like madoff being exposed has maybe changed things a little in the US, for a while at least they're showing some restraintJul 23 18:14
ThistleWeblolJul 23 18:14
ThistleWeblike the car bosses, flying in on private jets looking for handouts, which didnt go down wellJul 23 18:15
Trialsgood name for that guy, madoffJul 23 18:15
ThistleWebyeah lolJul 23 18:15
Trialswho's that virgin guy ??Jul 23 18:15
ThistleWebexcept he didn't, he got caughtJul 23 18:15
ThistleWebbransonJul 23 18:15
ThistleWebnot to be confused with the sauceJul 23 18:16
Trialsyes, thats him, but its maddoff when he was caught he was actually proud of getting away with it for so long, destroying so manyies livesJul 23 18:16
ThistleWebit's all greed, me me meJul 23 18:17
Trialsand ofcourse there is that enron guy(s) as well,Jul 23 18:17
ThistleWebwhere you can never have enough moneyJul 23 18:17
Trialsgreed, yes exactlyJul 23 18:18
ThistleWebkenny boyJul 23 18:18
TrialsMonty burns, "yes, ive got lots of money, but I would give it all up for a little more".Jul 23 18:18
Trialsken star ?Jul 23 18:18
ThistleWebken leighJul 23 18:18
ThistleWebof enronJul 23 18:19
Trialsahh okJul 23 18:19
ThistleWebaka kenny boy (dubya's name for him)Jul 23 18:19
ThistleWebthey were matesJul 23 18:19
Trialsken star is someone as well, mabey something to do with the OJ trial.Jul 23 18:19
ThistleWebbefore and during dubya's 8 years of destructionJul 23 18:19
ThistleWebken star was one of the republican hounds going after clintonJul 23 18:20
schestowitzThistleWeb: here is where a lot of British wealth is centralised: 23 18:20
ThistleWebhe was the lead attack dog trying to impeach clintonJul 23 18:20
Trialsahh ok, so right time frame, wrong thing, your right,Jul 23 18:20
ThistleWebschestowitz: the west has developed like that, around us is the world the elite created for themselves, we're just the pawns living in itJul 23 18:21
schestowitzRothschild wealth was estimated at over $6 billion US in 1850.Jul 23 18:22
ThistleWeba govt for the people by the people is exactly what we have; except the "people" they had in mind are not usJul 23 18:22
ThistleWebit's "people like them"Jul 23 18:22
ThistleWebwho can be relied on not to shake the apple cartJul 23 18:22
ThistleWebbecause they'd lose tooJul 23 18:22
ThistleWeba world of favoursJul 23 18:23
ThistleWeband loyaltyJul 23 18:23
ThistleWebover actual talent and skillJul 23 18:23
ThistleWebwhere ideas are only good if they further the causeJul 23 18:23
schestowitzat 8% interest that's $491,409.0 trillion  todayJul 23 18:23
Trialswhere can you get 8% on your investments ??Jul 23 18:24
Trials(if your name is not maddoffJul 23 18:24
schestowitz"today the family grooms the inaudibility and invisibility of its presence as a result, some believe that little is left apart from a great legend - and the Rothschilds are quite content to let legend be their public relations."Jul 23 18:25
schestowitzTrials: at 5% it's $7.8 trillionJul 23 18:25
schestowitzStill a lot of moneyJul 23 18:25
Trialsyes, it is, I wish i could find a calculator that gives the equivalent worth of money over time. im sure $1000 in 1890 was worth alot more than $1000 today, I know it does.Jul 23 18:26
TrialsMy parents pays $2000 Pound for their first house in 1960Jul 23 18:27
schestowitzBut commodities countJul 23 18:27
schestowitzSo the comprisons are irrelevantJul 23 18:27
schestowitzYou would be better off measuring in units like capita/world capitaJul 23 18:27
ThistleWebbblJul 23 18:28
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Ex-Chat")Jul 23 18:28
TrialsI think the best way would be to look at the avarage wage at any time, for a comparison, how long it takes to earn a specific sum of money.Jul 23 18:28
schestowitzBut population size changeJul 23 18:29
TrialsThat tells you how much it would cost to employ someone to make something.Jul 23 18:29
schestowitzGlobe's resources stay the same pretty muchJul 23 18:29
schestowitzSo you need to normalise the numbers sensibly. I don't know how.....Jul 23 18:29
schestowitzNever thought about it.Jul 23 18:29
schestowitzPopulation in 1850 was like, what? Half a billion? Maybe 1?Jul 23 18:30
Trialsits all tied up with inflation,Jul 23 18:30
schestowitzInflation is an incentive to saversJul 23 18:30
schestowitz[and those who hold wealth rather than debt]Jul 23 18:30
Trialsinfaltion simply means wages and prices go up in time. its how much is a percentageJul 23 18:30
schestowitzTilt rich people upwards, poor people downwards.Jul 23 18:31
Trialsinflation means over time your money loses value, so saving does not help.Jul 23 18:31
schestowitzTrials: not sure...Jul 23 18:31
schestowitzBy that definition, there's no inflationJul 23 18:31
schestowitzWages are stagnant, prices go up unless you shop at Wal-Mart or something.Jul 23 18:32
taconeinflation is the bigger and smarter tax ever conceived.Jul 23 18:32
schestowitzTrials: no, it doesJul 23 18:32
Trialsthere is always inflation, sure sometimes the value is zero, but it usually is around 2 or 3%Jul 23 18:32
schestowitzBut...Jul 23 18:32
schestowitzYou need to put it in savings accountsJul 23 18:32
taconeit also encourages people to invest and not save money, as it will become worthless in no timeJul 23 18:32
schestowitzNot under the bricksJul 23 18:32
taconebank interest usually roughly equal inflations when they aren't lessJul 23 18:33
schestowitzIt's actually a neat way for people to ensure others come to depend on banksJul 23 18:33
Trialsso you father was paid the same amount as you are ?? I dont think so im sure he got alot less.Jul 23 18:33
Trialsbut it still had the same purchasing power as the higher number you get today.Jul 23 18:33
taconeif there's a dirty plot, is inflaction.Jul 23 18:33
Trialsinflation is not created by anyone or any group or any government its just something that naturally happens.Jul 23 18:35
taconean hidden ~3-4% tax on your saved moneyJul 23 18:35
schestowitzCustomers don't want Oracle.. 23 18:35
taconeit happens when you produce moneyJul 23 18:35
schestowitztacone: do what Gates doesJul 23 18:36
schestowitzSet up a 'charity'Jul 23 18:36
schestowitzTake some photos with kids in AfricaJul 23 18:36
schestowitzInvest the moneyJul 23 18:36
schestowitzPay no taxJul 23 18:36
taconei'd rather set up a political partyJul 23 18:36
schestowitzWorks for Warren & BillJul 23 18:36
taconea good business here in italy.Jul 23 18:36
Trialsthe charity or any charity does not get him out of paying income tax.Jul 23 18:36
schestowitzWhat income?Jul 23 18:37
schestowitzHe's pretending to be semi-retiredJul 23 18:37
schestowitzJust having teas with world leaders telling them the wonders of Vista7Jul 23 18:37
Trialsinterest off his $$$$ and from his stocks and investmentsJul 23 18:37
taconei'm still wondering why gates didn't jump yet in politicsJul 23 18:37
schestowitzHe mightJul 23 18:37
taconemy guess was he'll try to get in in 2012 or 2016Jul 23 18:37
Trialsim sure he gets an income, and he would certainly have to pay tax on that, all the charity does is get him out of paying tax on the money he gives away.Jul 23 18:38
schestowitzIf there's much leftJul 23 18:38
taconei thought he was about to, because his presence in MS spotsJul 23 18:38
schestowitzThat would be horrificJul 23 18:38
schestowitzGiven the criminal pastJul 23 18:38
schestowitzBUT..Jul 23 18:38
schestowitzWatch Clinton...Jul 23 18:38
schestowitzAnd many other presidents or PMsJul 23 18:38
schestowitzCastroJul 23 18:38
taconei thought he's intent in building public awareness about himJul 23 18:38
schestowitzBetanyahuJul 23 18:38
schestowitzBushJul 23 18:38
schestowitz[reelected]Jul 23 18:38
taconethe charity also will helpJul 23 18:38
schestowitzSome convicted for crimesJul 23 18:39
taconeand leaving MS also helpsJul 23 18:39
schestowitzWell, the public relations industry runs elections in the US< so....Jul 23 18:39
Trialsthats why its called public office, and they are public servants. and are elected by the publicJul 23 18:42
Trials"I did not have public relations with that girl, monica leewinski"Jul 23 18:43
*tacone has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 23 18:57
schestowitzI never heard that joke before ("That's why its called public office"). Good one.Jul 23 18:59
Trialsyou forgot nixonJul 23 19:02
schestowitzConviction?Jul 23 19:02
Trialsand its "bush's"Jul 23 19:03
Trialshe was pardoned, was castro convicted ?Jul 23 19:03
schestowitz 23 19:03
Trialsneither was clinter convictedJul 23 19:04
TrialsclintenJul 23 19:04
schestowitz 23 19:04
schestowitzTrials: my uncle said there was a Clinton scandal in the pastJul 23 19:04
schestowitzThey usually find s/t if they look deep enoughJul 23 19:04
Trialsyes I know about watergate. I know trickie nickie resigned over it, and the new pres pardoned him.Jul 23 19:04
schestowitz"The Watergate scandal was an American political scandal during the presidency of Richard Nixon that resulted in the indictment and conviction of several of Nixon's closest advisors, and ultimately in the resignation of the President himself, on August 9, 1974."Jul 23 19:05
fewathere have been over 40 publically documented attempts at castro's headJul 23 19:05
fewaby the CIAJul 23 19:05
Trialsyes, I know about the watergate thing,Jul 23 19:05
Trialsive even seen the movie,Jul 23 19:05
Trialswoodward and bernsteenJul 23 19:05
Trialsand all that,Jul 23 19:05
Trialsmusky, and "nixon tapes", CIA, the illegal slush funds.Jul 23 19:06
schestowitzfewa: they got CheJul 23 19:06
schestowitzThey assisted some people in Bolivia IIRCJul 23 19:07
schestowitzWhether it was justified or not is another question altogetherJul 23 19:07
fewaFormer Clinton aids are being hired to support the coup in HondurasJul 23 19:08
schestowitzTwittttttter is sloooooooooooowJul 23 19:09
schestowitzaides?Jul 23 19:09
fewayesJul 23 19:09
schestowitzMaybe they got aids from Monica tooJul 23 19:09
fewayes Clinton has aidesJul 23 19:09
schestowitzHillary would tooJul 23 19:09
schestowitzIt's venerealJul 23 19:09
Trialswhat other president has left office with the country in surplus ??Jul 23 19:10
fewaWe joke about Clinton, but we are jokingJul 23 19:11
fewalets seeJul 23 19:11
fewagetting a blow job vs. 2 bloody endless warsJul 23 19:11
fewafiring of anybody that says anythingJul 23 19:12
TrialsI would hope so, because he was an alter boy compared to JFK, and he did a good job at running the place.Jul 23 19:12
fewaNSA warrentless wiretappingJul 23 19:12
fewaYou could talk about ClintonJul 23 19:13
fewabut there was every attempt to prevent people from talking about BushJul 23 19:13
schestowitzDo they matter much?Jul 23 19:13
schestowitz[The head]Jul 23 19:13
fewa^^^^^^^^^^^^^Jul 23 19:13
schestowitzThey are surrounded by a factionJul 23 19:13
schestowitzClinton had a better teamJul 23 19:13
TrialsI dont so much care about wire taps, if you dont do anything wrong you have little to worry about, its the "special renditions" and backhand Gitmo tricks that stink up the placeJul 23 19:13
fewaTrials, they go hand in handJul 23 19:14
TrialsClinton had a 3 figure IQJul 23 19:14
fewawiretapping is differnt from having the data on the recordJul 23 19:14
fewathey can come up with whatever account they wantJul 23 19:14
fewaand then pretend like their stuff is evidenceJul 23 19:14
fewawe saw this all happen with HADOPI politicsJul 23 19:15
Trialsofcourse, its the high tech method of trumping up charges, but its the same old thing.Jul 23 19:15
fewaBut yes, the effects, the secret prisons and suspension of habeas corpus, are the hallmarkJul 23 19:16
Trialsso is paying people to "find the baddies" and not expecting to just get as many people off the streets as they can find to get their "reward".Jul 23 19:17
fewathe "reward" is etting lumped in with the othersJul 23 19:18
TrialsLike the iraqi taxi driver, who was driving his taxi and ended up in gitmo for 6 years.Jul 23 19:18
schestowitzDaniel gives another lad the clown/jester hat: 23 19:18
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] plan to go to vagabonds on saturday. am poor. anyone got a *pint* or several to spare? (big drunk puppy dog eyes)Jul 23 19:39
*dfhk (i=5496eb8f@gateway/web/freenode/x-0ffd2578fc4f4976) has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 19:48
*Omar87 has quit ("Leaving.")Jul 23 19:52
schestowitzByron again shows his long-shown hatred of FOSS: 23 20:01
schestowitzThe other day he joked about MIT choosing ExcahngeJul 23 20:01
schestowitzLater he pretends to be 'in FOSS'... more poison.Jul 23 20:01
*sebsebseb (n=sebastia@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 20:03
sebsebsebhiJul 23 20:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] freda said a sentence! "plane gone away" the speech therapy should come through by the time she gets a first in englishJul 23 20:05
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] now playing kaiser chiefs. franz ferdinand wanted to be gang of four when they grew up, bloc party wanted to be ff and kc wanted to be bpJul 23 20:06
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 20:06
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard: I was gonna ask before, who's Freda?Jul 23 20:08
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Daily Mail in example of political correctness gone stupid: 23 20:10
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz my 2yo daughter :-) the smartest, cutest and most charming child ever in history (of course)Jul 23 20:12
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard: does she also edit Wikipedia?Jul 23 20:26
Balrogschestowitz: did you see the slashdot article about M$' code drop into Linux?Jul 23 20:26
schestowitzSlashdot?Jul 23 20:27
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz at present she just pulls keys off laptops and draws on the screenJul 23 20:28
schestowitzHasn't anyone? did /, point to s/t unusual?Jul 23 20:28
Balrog 23 20:28
schestowitzYes, I knowJul 23 20:28
Balrog...?Jul 23 20:28
schestowitzSeen it days agoJul 23 20:28
schestowitzMore articles about it appearJul 23 20:28
Balroghmm ok.Jul 23 20:28
Balrogyeah, it wasn't a goodwill gesture after allJul 23 20:28
schestowitz 23 20:29
schestowitzThe Microsoft folks wrote about it by citing the blog with the original claim.Jul 23 20:29
schestowitzMicrosoft: master of spinJul 23 20:31
schestowitz"We didn't commit a violation"Jul 23 20:31
schestowitz"We're just... generous"Jul 23 20:31
fewahow do i see the announcement? where does it get posted?Jul 23 20:32
fewaQ4Jul 23 20:34
schestowitzAt 9:30GMTJul 23 20:35
schestowitzI thinkJul 23 20:35
schestowitzMarket closeJul 23 20:35
schestowitzMaybe just afterJul 23 20:35
fewait said 4ESTJul 23 20:35
fewawhich is right nowJul 23 20:35
fewaon Google FinanceJul 23 20:35
schestowitzSo in about an hour. Do a Google News search on 'microsoft'Jul 23 20:35
schestowitzLet me know if you see it before me Jul 23 20:35
schestowitzWe need earnings number.Jul 23 20:35
schestowitzCause Mirosoft will spin to deceiveJul 23 20:36
schestowitzI'll make a placeholder post for live-blogging itJul 23 20:37
*magentar has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Jul 23 20:38
fewawait EDTJul 23 20:39
fewaso right nowJul 23 20:39
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 20:39
schestowitzPlaceholder: 23 20:48
schestowitzThe press already has articlesJul 23 20:49
schestowitzBut they are embargoedJul 23 20:49
*crunchy135711 has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.1/20090715083437]")Jul 23 20:58
schestowitzNothing in the news yetJul 23 21:00
*schestowitz checks 23 21:01
schestowitzOh, it's therJul 23 21:01
schestowitz 23 21:01
schestowitzWhoa!!!!!!1Jul 23 21:01
schestowitz" Microsoft Corp. today announced revenue of $13.10 billion for the fourth quarter ended June 30, 2009, a 17% decline from the same period of the prior year."Jul 23 21:01
schestowitzRevenue down VERY sharplyJul 23 21:01
schestowitzLet's see earningsJul 23 21:01
schestowitz"Operating income, net income and diluted earnings per share for the quarter were $3.99 billion, $3.05 billion and $0.34 per share, which represented declines of 30%, 29% and 26%, respectively, when compared with the prior year period."Jul 23 21:02
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 21:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] According to the Press Release, Microsoft Operating Income Down 30%, Income Down 29%, and Earnings Down 26%.Jul 23 21:15
schestowitz <-response to it was fastJul 23 21:15
schestowitzHow I make my Ubuntu more beautiful and (even more) usable < >Jul 23 21:18
*wallclimber ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 21:23
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 21:27
*krenso ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 21:28
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @AnthonySteele Geeky ice cube trays 23 21:30
schestowitzWhy do smart people act like an idiot behind a PC? 23 21:30
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz the world's smallest violin appears to be playing "roll out the barrels" at the newsJul 23 21:31
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard that violin ought to get a big sweaty gorilla dancing and prancingJul 23 21:32
schestowitzwallclimber: we need to hurry up with Comes :-) ... before the Microsoft in "COmes vs Microsoft" is goneJul 23 21:32
wallclimberIs there something I still need to do?Jul 23 21:33
wallclimberoh...i get it :)Jul 23 21:33
wallclimbermaybe Microsoft will follow SCO out the doorJul 23 21:34
krensohello againJul 23 21:35
krensoi was talking with guys on 23 21:36
krensoand they say ms community promise covers .net from 2 to 3.5Jul 23 21:37
krensoand that it is written somewhere on ms siteJul 23 21:37
*Diablo-D3 (n=diablo@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 21:38
krensohere is my next tomboy investigation 23 21:40
taconeso you think tomboy's safe ?Jul 23 21:41
Diablo-D3tomboy is "safe" in the sense that USE GODDAMN VIM YOU LAZY BASTARDSJul 23 21:42
krensoi haven't said thatJul 23 21:42
Diablo-D3seriously, all those postit note apps suckJul 23 21:43
*jocaferro (i=55f0146a@gateway/web/freenode/x-f19469a262da7760) has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 21:43
krensoi have updated note, added people namesJul 23 21:43
Diablo-D3you know what I should do to just end this now?Jul 23 21:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Novo design, o que acham? -> 23 21:44
Diablo-D3write an entire desktop environment in javaJul 23 21:44
trmancooh boyJul 23 21:44
jocaferroRoy, I think I made an error in my last coment.Jul 23 21:44
Diablo-D3or somethingJul 23 21:44
taconekrenso: you copy pasted multiple time here 23 21:44
Diablo-D3if gnome dies, mono cant hang onto itJul 23 21:44
Diablo-D3and I already have a toolkit interfaceJul 23 21:44
Diablo-D3eclipse'sJul 23 21:45
jocaferroProbably due to my horrible laptop I miss a close bracketJul 23 21:45
Diablo-D3I just have to make yet another plugin for itJul 23 21:45
jocaferroCould you please correct it or delete it?Jul 23 21:45
jocaferroThanks.Jul 23 21:46
schestowitz updated with reportsJul 23 21:47
schestowitzGood day for Linux. Microsoft's loss is the gain of Linux in places where Macs don't exist (most of the world)Jul 23 21:47
krensotacone, thanks, it's this stupid wordpress editorJul 23 21:47
schestowitzjocaferro: let me lookJul 23 21:48
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] NotN: WHO declares swine flu an end in itself (with pic lifted from @utku )Jul 23 21:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz "OEMs! OEMs! OEMs! OEMs!"Jul 23 21:50
schestowitzjocaferro: I see what you mean. I'll fix the markupJul 23 21:50
krensohere is this famous promise (i'm sure you know this url) 23 21:50
krensopromise is only for ecma334 4th edition, ecma335 4th edition, ui automation 1.0Jul 23 21:51
schestowitzjocaferro:: fixedJul 23 21:51
krensobut as we know there are differences with what ms has standarised and their implementation (ms ooxml)Jul 23 21:52
jocaferroThanksJul 23 21:53
krensomono people say there is only one condition, that ms could broke promise. "Community Promise cannot be revoked unless you sue Microsoft with a patent claim regarding that technology"Jul 23 21:54
jocaferroThis is great - Microsoft was (still is?) violating GPLJul 23 21:54
MinceR230352 < Diablo-D3> write an entire desktop environment in javaJul 23 21:54
MinceRand call it zero :>Jul 23 21:54
*dfhk has quit ("Page closed")Jul 23 21:54
krensobut what if you implemenation of ecma334 and ecma335 isn't fullJul 23 21:54
jocaferro 23 21:55
MinceRkrenso: then it isn't covered by the CPJul 23 21:55
schestowitzLike Looking GLassJul 23 21:55
schestowitzJava bloatJul 23 21:55
MinceRit isn't a "conforming implementation" or wtf they call it then.Jul 23 21:56
schestowitzThat's what you get from a frameowrk called "monkey"Jul 23 21:56
schestowitzAspiring to be more primitive species than us homo sapiensJul 23 21:56
schestowitzMaybe Mono is a tribute to Microsoft's CEO, who knows...Jul 23 21:57
krenso"any implementation, to the extent it conforms to one of the Covered Specifications"Jul 23 21:57
Diablo-D3MinceR: well, I very well couldJul 23 21:58
*pk has quit (Client Quit)Jul 23 21:58
Diablo-D3MinceR: zero stalled because I never found the right languageJul 23 21:59
MinceRlolJul 23 21:59
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 22:00
schestowitzoiaohm: margins.Jul 23 22:00
schestowitz 23 22:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Great Summer for GNU/Linux 23 22:01
Diablo-D3Im not going to respond to thatJul 23 22:02
Diablo-D3you know why?Jul 23 22:02
Diablo-D3actually, I might, nmJul 23 22:02
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] UK #wikipedia fans: BBC Radio 4 "Bigipedia" starts in 40 mins (11pm BST, 10pm UTC) 23 22:03
oiaohmThe Income Statement 4q is a scary read schestowitz.Jul 23 22:04
oiaohmI do mean scary.Jul 23 22:04
schestowitzDid you see revenue?Jul 23 22:04
schestowitzHuge fallJul 23 22:04
schestowitzMore than previous qtrJul 23 22:04
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A Look Back at How GNU/Linux Came to Being and Succeeding 23 22:05
oiaohmIncome to share holders halved in the income statement.Jul 23 22:05
schestowitzNothing till next reportJul 23 22:05
schestowitzNot even VIsta 7Jul 23 22:05
schestowitzSo another similar dropJul 23 22:05
schestowitzOct 2xthJul 23 22:06
oiaohmAs I said a long time go windows 7 has to be a hit.Jul 23 22:06
*crunchy135711 ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 22:06
oiaohmOr MS is in big trouble.Jul 23 22:06
schestowitzYs, see Ballmer's talk the other dayJul 23 22:07
oiaohmThe thing I find funny Linux guys are not in full attack yet.Jul 23 22:07
schestowitzAbout Vista 7... semi psychoticJul 23 22:07
*ugufjhfj ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 22:07
schestowitzoiaohm: how so?Jul 23 22:07
oiaohmADS on samba and openchange are not in the market yet.Jul 23 22:07
schestowitzIBM should start pushing moreJul 23 22:07
schestowitzLinux to comerceJul 23 22:07
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Linux Journal on the Evolution of One GNU/Linux Geek 23 22:08
oiaohmIe ADS and exhcange done in open source.Jul 23 22:08
oiaohmThat would be a major attack on MS server market.Jul 23 22:08
oiaohmThe attack is coming.  Once the Linux guys have control of the business server room complete the battle for business desktop will start.Jul 23 22:10
crunchy135711I hope it will happen before I retire :)Jul 23 22:11
schestowitzoiaohm: sharep*int tooJul 23 22:11
schestowitzBuilt to lock in from the centreJul 23 22:11
oiaohmsharepoint is already covered.Jul 23 22:11
schestowitzOKJul 23 22:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft is Falling Behind and Can't Come Back -- Opinion 23 22:12
schestowitzAlfresco and others I guessJul 23 22:12
oiaohmAlfesco is a very good equal to sharepoint.Jul 23 22:13
schestowitzThere are two more I know ofJul 23 22:13
schestowitzBut I can't recall their namesJul 23 22:13
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Linux Gets Air Cursor 23 22:13
oiaohmAlfesco is also know for its rock solid stablity.Jul 23 22:14
oiaohmThat sharepoint and the others are not known for schestowitz.Jul 23 22:15
schestowitzSharepoint (latest) is built for what platforms?Jul 23 22:16
schestowitzWIndows 2008?Jul 23 22:16
schestowitz(which is less stable than win2003, says Yankee Groups (Microsoft puppet))Jul 23 22:16
oiaohmWindows 2008 and 2003Jul 23 22:16
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Another Professional Audiocast from Linux Format People 23 22:16
oiaohmsharepoint it self is depending on a MS database that kinda fails the same way exchange does.Jul 23 22:17
oiaohmBasically both exchange and sharepoint are not known for there stablity.Jul 23 22:17
schestowitzAsk LSE...Jul 23 22:17
oiaohmADS and Office intergration is what has been holding both upJul 23 22:18
oiaohmMS is a huge house of cards.Jul 23 22:18
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why Desktop GNU/Linux Beats Vista 7 (Ahead of Arrival Even) 23 22:19
schestowitzHavr you yet seen breakdown by units for MSFT?Jul 23 22:19
schestowitzEntertainment and Web must be losing billiobsJul 23 22:19
krensoafter more talks at #mono, they changed mind, and now ecma334 and ecma335 is equivalent only for .net 2Jul 23 22:20
krensonot .net 3, .net 3.5Jul 23 22:20
krensowhat a messJul 23 22:21
taconekrenso: that was knownJul 23 22:21
schestowitzWishful thinkingJul 23 22:21
MinceRexactly the kind of certainty i look for when searching for a language of choice!Jul 23 22:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] NASA BigView Software Works Only on GNU/Linux Desktops 23 22:21
oiaohmThat is why I was laughing about the patent promise krensoJul 23 22:22
taconemiguel says clarification is slow but on the wayJul 23 22:22
taconei won't hope that much, thoughJul 23 22:22
taconei like the CP, thoughJul 23 22:22
MinceRi think duke nukem forever will run on the phantom console before that clarification arrivesJul 23 22:22
oiaohmCP on the ECMA335 is very limiting.Jul 23 22:22
taconelolJul 23 22:22
taconeduke nukem forever rocks.Jul 23 22:22
MinceRand it will use the glaze3d gpuJul 23 22:22
MinceRand it will store the savegames on winfsJul 23 22:22
schestowitzglaze?Jul 23 22:22
MinceRit was an example of vaporwareJul 23 22:23
schestowitzWInFS -- real soon now!! Promise.Jul 23 22:23
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft's Grip on OEMs Increasingly Weakenes 23 22:25
oiaohmNot only OEM weakness.Jul 23 22:37
oiaohmOEM are fighting on the price they are prepared to pay.Jul 23 22:37
*tacone has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 23 22:37
MinceRstrange, the recend asus and lenovo issues would make me think that grip has actually increasedJul 23 22:37
schestowitzHardlyJul 23 22:38
schestowitzJust proportionally unchangedJul 23 22:38
schestowitz"In after hours trading, Microsoft has lost over 7% of their value. "Jul 23 22:40
schestowitzJust 7%?Jul 23 22:40
oiaohmIt will take 24 hours for the full effect to be known.Jul 23 22:41
oiaohmBut a 7 percent move quicky is a worry.Jul 23 22:42
trmanco 23 22:46
*Tallken has quit ("Leaving.")Jul 23 22:46
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] GNU/Linux Makes Good Progress at Gaming 23 22:47
krensoit was funny to talk with mono guysJul 23 22:48
*lis` has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 23 22:48
krensofirst they said ecma is equivalent of .net 2, .net 3, .net 3.5Jul 23 22:48
MinceRwe're all on the same side -- we all want to turn gnu/linux into another toy m$ owns and can sell to us! ...oh, waitJul 23 22:49
oiaohmMono guys have had there head in sand krensoJul 23 22:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] KDE 4.3 RC3 is Released 23 22:50
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Engineer: Microsoft Violated GPL Before Linux Code Release: 23 22:50
krensomono implements .net 2.x, ecma334 ecma335 covers .net[2-3.5], doesn't mono need to implement also .net3.5 to be compliant with all required parts?Jul 23 22:50
oiaohmNo matter how much yelling people have know better has been able to get ears out ground.Jul 23 22:50
oiaohmMono part implements 3.5Jul 23 22:50
oiaohmThat is the problem.Jul 23 22:51
krensobefore they were talking that .net >=3 is just addons to 2Jul 23 22:51
oiaohmMono is going to have to split there runtime.Jul 23 22:51
oiaohmLot of developers are not going to be happy stuck 2Jul 23 22:51
krensothen finally some said it:  i.e. ecma 335 version 4 is equivalent to .net 2.0 (since the "core" stuff in 2.0 is the same as in 3.5). ecma 334 version 4 is equivalent to c# version 2Jul 23 22:51
krensoand then i heard it:  mono is not explicitly covered against patent infringement calls from microsoft if its specific implementation of features from .net 3+ violates one of microsoft's method patents.Jul 23 22:52
Diablo-D3woah woah woahJul 23 22:52
Diablo-D3rewindJul 23 22:52
Diablo-D3[06:00:34] <schestowitz> "In after hours trading, Microsoft has lost over 7% of their value. "Jul 23 22:52
MinceRmono developers don't care, they'll just keep using everything and claim it's safeJul 23 22:52
Diablo-D3STOP! DONT BE A FAG! Ignore after hours trading!Jul 23 22:52
oiaohmIts cracking up MinceRJul 23 22:53
Diablo-D3take my advice peoplJul 23 22:53
oiaohmThe need for CP showed a lot that coverage was requiredJul 23 22:53
Diablo-D3after hours trading can go up and down very quickly because the rest of the US is not tradingJul 23 22:53
Diablo-D3its only really really rich people and institutions who have access to thatJul 23 22:54
MinceRthere's no need for CP, only for a proper patent licenseJul 23 22:54
MinceRbut that won't happenJul 23 22:54
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Fedora 12 Already Available for Testers (No Mono This Time) 23 22:54
oiaohmNot exactly.Jul 23 22:55
schestowitzDiablo-D3: stop using curse wordsJul 23 22:55
schestowitzYou spoil the channel this wayJul 23 22:55
oiaohmI am not really rich but I have access to rapid trading Diablo-D3.Jul 23 22:55
Diablo-D3schestowitz: then please, stop saying/repeating stupid thingsJul 23 22:55
Diablo-D3oiaohm: you dont have access to after hours, howeverJul 23 22:55
schestowitzYou doJul 23 22:55
oiaohmBut most people and institutions take 24 hours for blance sheets to sink in.Jul 23 22:55
*_Goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 22:56
_Goblinhi all...Jul 23 22:56
schestowitzHil, _Goblin Jul 23 22:56
Diablo-D3I can issue a trade at any time I wantJul 23 22:56
schestowitzYou have a demise to blog maybe?Jul 23 22:56
_Goblinjust got in from work :(Jul 23 22:56
Diablo-D3but its only executed when the market is openJul 23 22:56
Diablo-D3remember, Im the only one in here who regularly tradesJul 23 22:56
_Goblintrades what?Jul 23 22:56
oiaohmI have equal access to a big companies.   Reason I am in a major share trading group.Jul 23 22:56
schestowitz_Goblin: 23 22:56
Diablo-D3_Goblin: stocksJul 23 22:56
oiaohmIncorrect Diablo-D3Jul 23 22:56
_GoblinRoy: Cheers...Jul 23 22:56
*jocaferro has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)Jul 23 22:57
krensoi love this strategic move: <them>ecma equivalent of .net[2-3.5], <me>promise covers only implementations compliant with all of the required parts, but mono doesn't implements .net >2 <them>ecma is equivalent of .net 2. .net 3.x are just addonsJul 23 22:57
_Goblinyep...wrong Diablo....Ill explain (if you wish) when I return from reading the article.Jul 23 22:57
Diablo-D3wrong what?Jul 23 22:57
Diablo-D3after hours trading does not matterJul 23 22:57
Diablo-D3now, if its still the same price when the market opens tommorow, _then_ it mattersJul 23 22:58
oiaohmDirect trading.Jul 23 22:58
oiaohmI do have that option Diablo-D3Jul 23 22:58
schestowitzkrenso: yes, It'sATrap(C)Jul 23 22:58
schestowitzDiablo-D3: projectiveJul 23 22:58
schestowitzSee Yahoo Finance for exampleJul 23 22:58
_GoblinMicrosoft Operating Income Down 30%, Income Down 29%, and Earnings Down 26% - ouch...Jul 23 22:59
_Goblinlooks like Ballmers blown the chance to get his perspiration problem sorted at a private clinic.Jul 23 23:00
oiaohmFunny reason I am part of the share  group.   Is they are one of the few places here that give interest on a working account.Jul 23 23:00
krensoi'm very angry with what they've done in Russia with their parner BSIJul 23 23:00
_Goblinhe'll have to use the NHS with figures like that.Jul 23 23:00
oiaohmkrenso: its hurting them.Jul 23 23:00
Diablo-D3oiaohm: bahJul 23 23:00
Diablo-D3oiaohm: 99.9% of america cant do thatJul 23 23:00
oiaohmKeep on dumping software keep on slowly killing the company.Jul 23 23:01
oiaohmBecause people no longer value the software.Jul 23 23:01
schestowitzkrenso: yes, I wrote about itJul 23 23:01
Diablo-D3btw, to be honestJul 23 23:01
Diablo-D3microsoft was never worth investing inJul 23 23:01
Diablo-D3maybe 30 years agoJul 23 23:01
Diablo-D3but not nowJul 23 23:01
_Goblinoiaohm: I think though that could save them....too many fingers in too many pies..Jul 23 23:01
oiaohmThat is the funny part.Jul 23 23:01
_GoblinI think MS cant stand the thought of anyone doing anything better than them.Jul 23 23:01
_Goblinand thats maybe the problem.Jul 23 23:01
krensoand now this attack on rmsJul 23 23:01
schestowitzSony, Google, Apple..Jul 23 23:02
oiaohmDiablo-D3: we have some americans in our trading group.Jul 23 23:02
oiaohmBecause the usa trading groups don't offer it.Jul 23 23:02
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 23:02
Diablo-D3microsoft needs diplomacyJul 23 23:02
Diablo-D3even I'd worth for them if they gave me full control of the companyJul 23 23:02
oiaohmDiplomacy cannot undo pass mistakes that are in peoples mind.Jul 23 23:03
oiaohmMicrosoft name might be that far damaged that the name is not recoverable.Jul 23 23:03
Diablo-D3oiaohm: not at allJul 23 23:03
Diablo-D3I can use open source to save the companyJul 23 23:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Latest KDE4 Makes Kubuntu GNU/Linux Work Well 23 23:04
Diablo-D3which also means microsoft has to give up most of it's patent war chestJul 23 23:04
oiaohmDiablo-D3: lack of trust out there.Jul 23 23:04
Diablo-D3oiaohm: its no longer an issue of trustJul 23 23:04
oiaohmWill not go away simply.Jul 23 23:04
Diablo-D3microsoft will be forced to do certain actions, or they will dieJul 23 23:04
Diablo-D3no one in the company has the balls to do those actionsJul 23 23:04
oiaohmProblem is redhat and others could gain from any MS open source effort.Jul 23 23:04
krensoi think we also needs diplomacy: 23 23:04
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Review of Ubuntu One 23 23:04
oiaohmSo leaving MS still dead in the water Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:05
MinceRthe m$ brand is a liability nowJul 23 23:05
MinceRimoJul 23 23:05
oiaohmGood diplomacy you are looking at years to turn the damage they have done around Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:05
Diablo-D3oiaohm: good diplomacy means destroying your enemy and them loving you for it anyhowJul 23 23:05
oiaohmProblem is they should have started the good diplomacy about 4 years ago.Jul 23 23:05
schestowitzkrenso: we have nothing to do with that person who they want bannedJul 23 23:06
Diablo-D3I do believe Microsoft can be savedJul 23 23:06
schestowitzAs for GOogle Groups, I don't do thatJul 23 23:06
schestowitzIt's called USENETJul 23 23:06
MinceRDiablo-D3: what's the point?Jul 23 23:06
Diablo-D3but it does require removing people who simply are too old to lead.Jul 23 23:06
schestowitzGoogle can do as they pleaseJul 23 23:06
oiaohmI don't believe MS has the time to save self Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:06
MinceRDiablo-D3: what of value do they have?Jul 23 23:06
Diablo-D3MinceR: because with microsoft, the world can be ushered into a new era of efficiencyJul 23 23:06
Diablo-D3the name itself is a useful toolJul 23 23:06
oiaohmNot really Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:06
MinceRwhatJul 23 23:06
MinceRwhat has m$ have to do with efficiency?Jul 23 23:07
Diablo-D3MinceR: nothing. thats the great part.Jul 23 23:07
oiaohmGoogle and Orcale have stronger and better trusted brands Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:07
krensowhy is lefty comming here?Jul 23 23:07
schestowitzTo baitJul 23 23:07
MinceRand what's the name good for? only their cult believes that their products are any goodJul 23 23:07
schestowitzFor dirt to troll withJul 23 23:07
Diablo-D3imagine, a new version of windows that is based on linux or bsdJul 23 23:07
Diablo-D3and is 100% open sourceJul 23 23:07
MinceRDiablo-D3: pointless.Jul 23 23:07
oiaohmStill be hated.Jul 23 23:07
MinceRmight as well be called something that doesn't imply it's a sack of shit.Jul 23 23:07
oiaohmOther companies have tried that Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:07
Diablo-D3well yeah, I'd kill the windows brandJul 23 23:07
oiaohmOutcome is known.Jul 23 23:07
Diablo-D3I never liked the name windowsJul 23 23:07
MinceRi'd kill the m$ brand tooJul 23 23:07
oiaohmFailed distribution.Jul 23 23:07
MinceRsame thing as windowsJul 23 23:08
Diablo-D3the MS brand would stayJul 23 23:08
oiaohmall the tech nicked by the other distributions Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:08
Diablo-D3I'd rebrand it, sureJul 23 23:08
MinceRwhat for?Jul 23 23:08
Diablo-D3but I'd keep the nameJul 23 23:08
oiaohmMS brand is worthless.Jul 23 23:08
oiaohmWorse than worthless.Jul 23 23:08
MinceRin what way does the microsoft brand stand for something that isn't shitty and evil?Jul 23 23:08
Diablo-D3I'm not entirely biased atmJul 23 23:08
trmanco 23 23:08
Diablo-D3I'm thinking with my wallet hereJul 23 23:08
oiaohmYou have to remove its link to shitty and evil Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:08
Diablo-D3oiaohm: I could do that in 2 years.Jul 23 23:08
oiaohmFrom the brand.Jul 23 23:08
MinceRremoving that link costs resourcesJul 23 23:08
oiaohmYou only have about 1.Jul 23 23:09
Diablo-D3microsoft has a shitload of money to burnJul 23 23:09
MinceRand you can spare all that trouble by simply starting with a clean slate and a new nameJul 23 23:09
MinceRlike i said, it's a liabilityJul 23 23:09
MinceRit has negative valueJul 23 23:09
Diablo-D3MinceR: noJul 23 23:09
MinceRit's garbageJul 23 23:09
Diablo-D3to say its a liability alone is wrongJul 23 23:09
fewaexamplegood quoteJul 23 23:09
Diablo-D3most people run a microsoft productJul 23 23:09
MinceRthe most profitable way you can handle that brand is throwing it awayJul 23 23:09
Diablo-D3hated or notJul 23 23:09
fewa*good quoteJul 23 23:09
Diablo-D3they run itJul 23 23:09
Diablo-D3and they _keep_ running itJul 23 23:09
MinceRthey don't know, they don't careJul 23 23:09
oiaohmAt current fall rate they will not be making profit in 4 more quaters.Jul 23 23:09
MinceRthey never chose to do soJul 23 23:09
Diablo-D3those people have been locked inJul 23 23:10
krensois lefty so stupid, or he is connected with ms?Jul 23 23:10
Diablo-D3btw, this entire argument is a tad mootJul 23 23:10
oiaohmso if you cannot turn minds in 2 years you will not have any more money to be dumping to correct image Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:10
krensognome infected, ubuntu infectedJul 23 23:10
Diablo-D3microsoft will never hire someone with a clueJul 23 23:10
MinceRthose people aren't going to consciously buy your product just because you happen to be using a brand they never cared about, but were forced to buyJul 23 23:10
krensowhat about fedora?Jul 23 23:10
fewaLinux is a pragmatist, and refuses to deal with specific actions he doesn't like or are unproductive, he does not rate any groups of individuals simply by their affiliations.Jul 23 23:10
fewawell thats a little loftyJul 23 23:10
Diablo-D3oiaohm: it wont matter, we wont even have that many developers working for usJul 23 23:10
Diablo-D3oiaohm: if I ran microsoft, I'd fire at least half the employeesJul 23 23:10
oiaohmMS does not have enough developers that is part of the problem Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:11
MinceRLinus is naiveJul 23 23:11
Diablo-D3microsoft doesnt have enough _clueful_ developersJul 23 23:11
fewaBut he focuses on being productive, instead of morally rightJul 23 23:11
Diablo-D3I'd probably fire most of the developersJul 23 23:11
MinceRmicrosoft has developers?Jul 23 23:11
fewaMinceR, yes, many developers disagree with him tooJul 23 23:11
oiaohmMS is already doing that Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:11
fewaAlan Cox for exampleJul 23 23:11
Diablo-D3I'd start hiring people out of the foss realmJul 23 23:11
trmanco 23 23:11
Diablo-D3I'd probably buy redhat tooJul 23 23:11
oiaohmhave you not seen all the departments MS has been closing Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] 5 Reasons Why Linux-powered Phones Are Ahead of iPhone 23 23:11
MinceRgiving m$ more ways to attack FLOSS is not pragmatic in any wayJul 23 23:12
Diablo-D3oiaohm: yes, and its not enoughJul 23 23:12
fewaand the 30% revenue dropJul 23 23:12
oiaohmUnlikely you could pull a buy of redhat off.Jul 23 23:12
fewathe stock dropped 8% todayJul 23 23:12
Diablo-D3they need to fire people at the top tooJul 23 23:12
oiaohmBecause you would have to out bid IBM.Jul 23 23:12
MinceRDiablo-D3: that would kill red hatJul 23 23:12
Diablo-D3that reminds meJul 23 23:12
oiaohmIBM has tried a few times to by Redhat and decided not to go hostile.Jul 23 23:12
Diablo-D3I would have to call up IBMJul 23 23:12
oiaohmIBM hates MS.Jul 23 23:12
schestowitzThe Linus argument is flawedJul 23 23:13
Diablo-D3<me> Hi, IBM, I'm the new head of Microsoft. Lets be friends.Jul 23 23:13
oiaohmOnly uses MS for proft.Jul 23 23:13
schestowitzIBM does not attack LinuxJul 23 23:13
schestowitzMicrosoft doesJul 23 23:13
Diablo-D3<ibm> Do you like Linux?Jul 23 23:13
Diablo-D3<me> I lurrrrrrv Linux.Jul 23 23:13
oiaohmNop MS has already done that to IBM before and back stabed them.Jul 23 23:13
schestowitzSo his analogy is erroneousJul 23 23:13
Diablo-D3<ibm> best friends forever <3Jul 23 23:13
MinceRi doubt IBM would care in any wayJul 23 23:13
Diablo-D3oiaohm: noJul 23 23:13
oiaohmYou basically with the MS brand will have no trust Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:13
Diablo-D3bill gates back stabbed themJul 23 23:13
MinceRtheir attitude towards personal computing has always been "we don't give a fuck"Jul 23 23:13
Diablo-D3Im not bill gatesJul 23 23:13
MinceRDiablo-D3: they didn't careJul 23 23:13
oiaohmBaller did as well.Jul 23 23:13
Diablo-D3okay, thenJul 23 23:13
MinceRthey could have killed m$, yet they let m$ flourish and rake in the cashJul 23 23:14
Diablo-D3if you think microsoft is deadJul 23 23:14
Diablo-D3all of you can give me moneyJul 23 23:14
oiaohmSelling software at higher price to IBM than others they were competing with.Jul 23 23:14
Diablo-D3and Ill go start a new companyJul 23 23:14
MinceRwe can, but we won'tJul 23 23:14
oiaohmMS best option could be rebirth.Jul 23 23:14
Diablo-D3Ill put roy up somewhere in the upper management =PJul 23 23:14
oiaohmIe kill brand completely.Jul 23 23:14
Diablo-D3seriously thoughJul 23 23:14
Diablo-D3I do believe microsoft can be savedJul 23 23:14
Diablo-D3it _does_ start with firing nearly everything and killing all the known productsJul 23 23:15
oiaohmIt could be saved if you have 10 years to correct image.Jul 23 23:15
Diablo-D3it _also_ requires going 100% open sourceJul 23 23:15
oiaohmMS has to rebuild back up trust and it will take about that long.Jul 23 23:15
Diablo-D3and it _also_ requires hiring everyone.Jul 23 23:15
oiaohmEven going open source due to MS patent threats  MS will not be trust quicky.Jul 23 23:15
Diablo-D3I wonder if that rich dude behind ubuntu would work for meJul 23 23:15
Diablo-D3oiaohm: noJul 23 23:16
Diablo-D3the patents will be destroyedJul 23 23:16
oiaohmThere will be the thing in back of mind what is trick.Jul 23 23:16
Diablo-D3they're a liabilityJul 23 23:16
oiaohmAfter all the tricks MS has pulled removing that is going to be hard.Jul 23 23:16
Diablo-D3of course it will be hardJul 23 23:16
Diablo-D3but it can be doneJul 23 23:16
Diablo-D3problem is, microsoft _wants_ to dieJul 23 23:16
oiaohm2 years is way to short.Jul 23 23:16
oiaohmIt would be a 10 years slog.Jul 23 23:17
oiaohmto remove mind problem.Jul 23 23:17
oiaohmMS most likely does not have that long.Jul 23 23:17
Diablo-D3I think it could be done in 2.Jul 23 23:17
*parolang ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 23 23:17
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Microsoft 3Q profits drop 39% Shares drop 7.7% $1.97 in after hours Compare with RH 23 23:17
Diablo-D3I think I'd also have a long conversation with Steve Jobs as wellJul 23 23:17
Diablo-D3now, remember, I do say, atm, microsoft is not worth investing inJul 23 23:18
Diablo-D3this has to change.Jul 23 23:18
oiaohmYou are underestermating ammount of work required Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:18
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Hacao Linux Put to the Test on Sub-notebooks 23 23:18
schestowitzIs that a type?Jul 23 23:19
krensothere is also one interesting thing: after i showed them what i've greped from tomboy source 23 23:19
schestowitzShould say 29%Jul 23 23:19
schestowitzNot 39%Jul 23 23:19
oiaohmIBM HP and Orcale is not going to forgive simply.Jul 23 23:19
oiaohmAnd they are richer than MS.Jul 23 23:19
krensothey say: robertj: krenso: “using Something” does not break any patents and it does not need any patent covenant.Jul 23 23:19
krensodirecthex: krenso, the three ECMA libraries contain several namespaces. a “using” statement refers to a namespace, not a libraryJul 23 23:19
krensoare they right?Jul 23 23:19
Diablo-D3oiaohm: actually, I'd start business deals with oracle and sunJul 23 23:19
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Correction: Microsoft drop 29%. Blame on slowing computing market.Jul 23 23:19
Diablo-D3oiaohm: I'm very interested in sun's hardware platformJul 23 23:20
oiaohmSun will be gone Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:20
oiaohmMerged into Orcale.Jul 23 23:20
Diablo-D3not at all, noJul 23 23:20
oiaohmSo Orcale does not need you at all.Jul 23 23:20
Diablo-D3oracle isn't doing it that wayJul 23 23:20
oiaohmOrcale is going that way.Jul 23 23:20
Diablo-D3nopeJul 23 23:20
parolangschestowitz: Hey, I know this might be strange to ask, but can I write a post to your blog?  I want to provide a more moderate voice in defense of free software.  Of course I'll send it to you and you can do with it what you want.Jul 23 23:20
oiaohmIt is why Orcale aquired sun.Jul 23 23:20
Diablo-D3it seems oracle is actually shifting the other wayJul 23 23:20
oiaohmFor custom processor chips.Jul 23 23:20
oiaohmMatched to there database.Jul 23 23:20
Diablo-D3oiaohm: noJul 23 23:20
Diablo-D3for java.Jul 23 23:20
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Lighter and Better Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Only Are Coming 23 23:21
fewawhat about POWER7?Jul 23 23:21
Diablo-D3oracle is a very big java shopJul 23 23:21
oiaohmNo java is a smoke screen.Jul 23 23:21
schestowitzparolang: sure, will be glad toJul 23 23:21
oiaohmSun has a java cpu Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:21
Diablo-D3man, where the fuck do you people get your informationJul 23 23:21
parolangschestowitz: email address?Jul 23 23:21
Diablo-D3seriouslyJul 23 23:21
oiaohmSeriouslyJul 23 23:21
Diablo-D3its like bizzaro land in here sometimesJul 23 23:21
schestowitzroy at schestowitz comJul 23 23:21
oiaohmOne of the best platform for speed of java owns to sun  Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:21
parolangokay, will see what I can doJul 23 23:21
schestowitzThanks.Jul 23 23:21
oiaohmOrcale is aquire eveyrthing for great java performance from top to bottom Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:22
Diablo-D3oiaohm: this is what I saidJul 23 23:22
oiaohmSo to Orcale MS has nothing to offer.Jul 23 23:22
Diablo-D3but oracle isnt killing the sun nameJul 23 23:22
oiaohmIncluding hardware.Jul 23 23:22
Diablo-D3if anything, they are bolstering itJul 23 23:22
fewadidnt they write a new java garbage collector?Jul 23 23:22
fewathat they are charging for?Jul 23 23:23
Diablo-D3fewa: no, sun didJul 23 23:23
oiaohmSun will become a sub department of OrcaleJul 23 23:23
Diablo-D3fewa: and its freeJul 23 23:23
oiaohmLike every other company Orcale has aquired Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:23
Diablo-D3fewa: the G1 GC is coming out in java 7 and future versions of java 6Jul 23 23:23
oiaohmThere will only be 1 upper management.Jul 23 23:23
krensocompare logs for tomboy and gnoteJul 23 23:23
krenso 23 23:23
Diablo-D3oiaohm: yes, there will be only 1 upper management BUTJul 23 23:23
Diablo-D3oiaohm: thats going to be a merged version of oracle's and sun's ANDJul 23 23:23
krenso 23 23:23
krensoone vs manyJul 23 23:23
oiaohmNo Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:24
Diablo-D3oiaohm: sun has a lot of departments that are being shuffled into the stack that has oracle'sJul 23 23:24
fewakrenso, wowJul 23 23:24
oiaohmOracle upper management is not taken on Sun personal.Jul 23 23:24
Diablo-D3oiaohm: sun keeps building sun servers, sun keeps making javaJul 23 23:24
Diablo-D3oiaohm: sun keeps doing solarisJul 23 23:24
Diablo-D3oiaohm: sun keeps doing virtualboxJul 23 23:24
oiaohmAs a sub department.Jul 23 23:24
Diablo-D3oiaohm: now, what I _hope_ dies is zfsJul 23 23:24
oiaohmLike sleepcatJul 23 23:24
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Linux CTO Recommends Linux-based EBook Readers 23 23:25
Diablo-D3brtfs is a superior solution to zfsJul 23 23:25
Diablo-D3I hope sun's new mysql dies tooJul 23 23:25
oiaohmLot 20 other companies Orcale has taken in Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:25
oiaohmlot/likeJul 23 23:25
Diablo-D3oracle never ate a company this bigJul 23 23:25
NgDiablo-D3: btrfs isn't stable yet, that's a pretty massively inferior point ;)Jul 23 23:25
oiaohmThey have eaten equal before Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:25
oiaohmJust made up of multiable small companies.Jul 23 23:25
Diablo-D3sun is bigger than most people realizeJul 23 23:26
Diablo-D3they just got a really damned good deal on itJul 23 23:26
*fewa wants brtfsJul 23 23:26
Diablo-D3Im kicking IBM for not buying SunJul 23 23:26
oiaohmAnd orcale has been eating a lot of companies.Jul 23 23:26
*MinceR wants the anti-linux sun people punishedJul 23 23:26
schestowitzPeoplesoftJul 23 23:26
Diablo-D3MinceR: there arent many anymoreJul 23 23:26
Diablo-D3look at who runs the opensolaris project nowJul 23 23:26
oiaohmThe aquirement is hiding how much income Orcale is really making Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:26
krensoi also want nilfsJul 23 23:26
Diablo-D3oiaohm: so?Jul 23 23:26
Ngopensolaris should definitely die ;)Jul 23 23:26
Diablo-D3opensolaris needs to be worked on harderJul 23 23:27
oiaohmOrcale has company intergation down to a fine art.Jul 23 23:27
MinceRDiablo-D3: i don't know who does, i don't care about slowlarisJul 23 23:27
Diablo-D3MinceR: the founder of Debian.Jul 23 23:27
oiaohmNumber 1 don't put aquire company in control.Jul 23 23:27
fewaMinceR, yeah they FUD linuxJul 23 23:27
oiaohmNumber 2 make aquired company sub department.Jul 23 23:27
Diablo-D3and btw, brtfs is "beta" in linux termsJul 23 23:27
oiaohmthis way you don't have board fights.Jul 23 23:27
MinceRi've put it in that box where i keep all the ancient, dead or dying unixes that are mostly notable because of their broken/outdated termcap databases ;)Jul 23 23:27
Diablo-D3its actually most worth usingJul 23 23:27
Diablo-D3its no worse than zfs fuse.Jul 23 23:27
MinceR("xterm? what's that? DURR")Jul 23 23:27
krensowhy google's chromium is in c++ not java/c#?Jul 23 23:27
krenso 23 23:28
oiaohmEach department has to make profit.Jul 23 23:28
Diablo-D3krenso: are you retarded? its webkit basedJul 23 23:28
taconeDiablo-D3: behave.Jul 23 23:28
oiaohmOnly the main board of orcale can do outside deals Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:28
MinceRkrenso: not c# nor java because one of its basic ideas is process magicJul 23 23:28
Diablo-D3oiaohm: I think you're missing somethingJul 23 23:28
MinceRcan't do that if you also have to mind a vm doing stuff under you :>Jul 23 23:28
taconei can't see google using mono anytime soonJul 23 23:28
krensoi'm not asking, i know whyJul 23 23:28
krensobut there are some nice answersJul 23 23:29
Diablo-D3oiaohm: if I was the head of micrsoft, I'd buy servers from sun and put microsoft linux/bsd/whatever on itJul 23 23:29
taconeit's not java because its main selling point is speedJul 23 23:29
NgDiablo-D3: xenix? ;)Jul 23 23:29
Diablo-D3Ng: something newJul 23 23:29
MinceRnahJul 23 23:29
Diablo-D3I'd also kill .netJul 23 23:29
oiaohmDiablo-D3: Orcale again.  Selling stuff don't make you there friend.Jul 23 23:29
Diablo-D3its worthless slow shitJul 23 23:29
MinceRmicrosoft linux is marketed under names like "suse" and "xandros" nowJul 23 23:29
Diablo-D3oiaohm: no, it makes you their best friendJul 23 23:29
oiaohmNo.Jul 23 23:29
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Openbytes 1st birthday is on August 8th.... Can't believe in a few weeks I have been running it for a year...Jul 23 23:29
Diablo-D3I'd be their largest customer.Jul 23 23:29
Diablo-D3oracle loves moneyJul 23 23:30
oiaohmEven if you spend most of MS worth you still would not be Orcales Largest customer.Jul 23 23:30
oiaohmThat is your problem.Jul 23 23:30
Diablo-D3I dont know about thatJul 23 23:31
oiaohmMS is big in IT .Jul 23 23:31
Diablo-D3oiaohm: seriously, quit thinking so negativeJul 23 23:31
Diablo-D3microsoft can be savedJul 23 23:31
Diablo-D3microsoft simply doesnt want itJul 23 23:31
fewano they cantJul 23 23:31
MinceRit simply isn't worth itJul 23 23:31
oiaohmBut Orcale sells to a lot of industrys with larger budgets than MS can put up.Jul 23 23:31
fewathey will make more money not being savedJul 23 23:31
Diablo-D3fewa: nopeJul 23 23:31
Diablo-D3microsoft will be dead in 10 yearsJul 23 23:31
Ngoiaohm: like governments :)Jul 23 23:32
oiaohmYou are thinking MS is big.Jul 23 23:32
Diablo-D3oiaohm: no, you're thinking my plan is smallJul 23 23:32
Diablo-D3Im not buying the servers for microsoftJul 23 23:32
fewathey can either run themselves into the ground or reformJul 23 23:32
oiaohmCompare to IBM and Orcale make MS look like small fish.Jul 23 23:32
Diablo-D3Im buying them to sell them to industries and governments.Jul 23 23:32
Ngthey won't be dead in 10 years, they have too much cash/revenue for thatJul 23 23:32
oiaohmNeither IBM or Orcale want middle men.Jul 23 23:32
Diablo-D3of course they dontJul 23 23:32
Ngthey'll just be like IBM, weak and irrelevant to most people :)Jul 23 23:32
oiaohmThey want to sell pure direct.Jul 23 23:32
Diablo-D3anyhow, Im tired of talking about thisJul 23 23:32
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Adobe's 'Open Source' Still Put to Doubt 23 23:32
oiaohmYou would just become a target to destory.Jul 23 23:32
Diablo-D3you're obviously too anti-microsoftJul 23 23:33
Diablo-D3I hate microsoft tooJul 23 23:33
Diablo-D3I hate .netJul 23 23:33
Diablo-D3I hate monoJul 23 23:33
krensotacone, how is solang?Jul 23 23:33
Diablo-D3I hate windowsJul 23 23:33
Diablo-D3I even hate the xboxJul 23 23:33
oiaohmNo I am not exact 100 anti.Jul 23 23:33
Diablo-D3but I do believe it can be salvagedJul 23 23:33
MinceRwhat is there to m$ to like?Jul 23 23:33
oiaohmThe tatic you are saying has no legs.Jul 23 23:33
Diablo-D3MinceR: the fact they control 90% of the desktopJul 23 23:33
Diablo-D3MinceR: windows is everywhere but enterpriseJul 23 23:33
MinceRthey're a parasite sucking the life out of the industry i work inJul 23 23:33
oiaohmMS has to go head to head with companies wanting to be a solution provide.Jul 23 23:33
oiaohmIe IBM and Orcale.Jul 23 23:33
MinceRDiablo-D3: what's good about that?Jul 23 23:34
oiaohmThey want to provide everything from 1 source.Jul 23 23:34
Diablo-D3MinceR: customer lock inJul 23 23:34
oiaohmNo money to anyone else Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:34
MinceRDiablo-D3: what's good about lock-in?Jul 23 23:34
Diablo-D3MinceR: these customers can upgrade to Linux, and be forced to do so.Jul 23 23:34
MinceRDiablo-D3: are you a jobs worshipper suddenly? :>Jul 23 23:34
MinceRthat's easyJul 23 23:34
MinceRlet windows die or kill itJul 23 23:34
Diablo-D3Microsoft OS 8Jul 23 23:34
MinceRthey'll have nowhere to goJul 23 23:34
oiaohmThat is your problem Diablo-D3 MS does not have a hardware department.Jul 23 23:34
Diablo-D3now with 100% more linuxJul 23 23:34
Diablo-D3oiaohm: wrongJul 23 23:34
Diablo-D3oiaohm: xbox is actually a hardware departmentJul 23 23:34
MinceRbut gnu/linuxJul 23 23:34
oiaohmNot a good hardware department Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:34
Diablo-D3it still existsJul 23 23:35
fewaMinceR, or free it, but the problem with that is there would be too many security holes, would be embareesingJul 23 23:35
MinceRit would be more useful if that hw department did nothingJul 23 23:35
oiaohmMS does not make its own chips Diablo-D3Jul 23 23:35
Diablo-D3fewa: nopeJul 23 23:35
fewaand loss profitJul 23 23:35
Diablo-D3I'd opne source windowsJul 23 23:35
oiaohmIt aquires them.Jul 23 23:35
MinceRthe xbox is about as reliable as windowsJul 23 23:35
oiaohmSo funding IBM.Jul 23 23:35
Diablo-D3after I kill itJul 23 23:35
fewaive thought open sourcing iwndows would be the best moveJul 23 23:35
fewaonly thing that would save itJul 23 23:35
oiaohmMS is funding there killers.Jul 23 23:35
Diablo-D3ENOUGHJul 23 23:35
Diablo-D3no more talking about thisJul 23 23:35
MinceRi'd release windows under GPLv3 so the wine team can dissect itJul 23 23:35
oiaohmCompanies that have good reason to hate MS.Jul 23 23:36
Diablo-D3I thought I could get through a day without hating microsoftJul 23 23:36
Diablo-D3Thanks for ruining that, guys.Jul 23 23:36
MinceRonce again, what is there not to hate about m$?Jul 23 23:36
oiaohmYou may be able to change MS.Jul 23 23:36
oiaohmThe problem is changing everyone else.Jul 23 23:36
Ngthere's no point hating a company, that's just ridiculousJul 23 23:36
oiaohmwho is also out for greed.Jul 23 23:36
Ngdisagree with them, don't use their products, but hate?Jul 23 23:36
MinceRyes, hateJul 23 23:36
fewa^Jul 23 23:36
fewawhoopsJul 23 23:36
MinceRall their efforts are focused on destroying something i likeJul 23 23:36
MinceRsimply because they can't do anything usefulJul 23 23:37
oiaohmIBM and Orcale are out for money.Jul 23 23:37
Ngso ignore them :)Jul 23 23:37
MinceRthey're criminalsJul 23 23:37
oiaohmKilling MS would be proftiable.Jul 23 23:37
MinceRcriminals shouldn't be ignoredJul 23 23:37
MinceRthey should be stopped and punishedJul 23 23:37
Ngthey have been punished for some thingsJul 23 23:37
MinceRnot adequatelyJul 23 23:37
MinceRthey were fined some lunch moneyJul 23 23:37
MinceRand they gleefully kept on doing the same thingJul 23 23:38
oiaohmIssue for IBM and Orcale they need a operational replcement.Jul 23 23:38
MinceRthey should be gleefully punished for it.Jul 23 23:38
Diablo-D3this is why I was rich btwJul 23 23:38
Diablo-D3I'd just buy microsoftJul 23 23:38
NgI want free software to win by being better and more popular, not because of revenge against nasty big microsoftJul 23 23:38
oiaohmOnce they have that MS is in big trouble.Jul 23 23:38
*faux ( has left #boycottnovell ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)")Jul 23 23:38
MinceRNg: are you implying that free software isn't better?Jul 23 23:38
oiaohmWhy will they keep on buying if they don't need it.Jul 23 23:38
NgMinceR: in some areas it is better, in others it isn'tJul 23 23:38
oiaohmRemember orcale and IBM are both lining up to target MS big market Small business.Jul 23 23:38
MinceRi don't want to take revenge on m$, i want to take revenge on the criminals who lead it that wayJul 23 23:38
MinceRand i want the others to lose their jobsJul 23 23:39
oiaohmThat is why you only have 12 months Diablo-D3.Jul 23 23:39
MinceRwith a bad cv ("i worked for microsoft")Jul 23 23:39
Ngoiaohm: what do IBM/Oracle have to sell to small business?Jul 23 23:39
Diablo-D3Ng: everythingJul 23 23:39
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] EU Government Funding for Free Software Explained 23 23:39
Diablo-D3and they have to capture the small business market nowJul 23 23:40
NgDiablo-D3: I mean specific productsJul 23 23:40
Diablo-D3because the economic downturn is overJul 23 23:40
Ngthere's staroffice and....?Jul 23 23:40
Diablo-D3Ng: servers, dudeJul 23 23:40
NgDiablo-D3: servers running what?Jul 23 23:40
MinceRunless we're heading towards the center of a W-shaped recession :>Jul 23 23:40
Diablo-D3ibm and sun have idiot proof easy to run serversJul 23 23:40
oiaohmIBM and Orcale are lining up to replace ADS server and the rest of MS server products on stuff running on Linux.Jul 23 23:40
Ngsmall businesses don't care about servers, they care about things that do what exchange/sharepoint/etc doJul 23 23:40
Diablo-D3anyhow, Im done caring about thisJul 23 23:41
Diablo-D3let microsoft dieJul 23 23:41
Diablo-D3its just not profitable for FOSS for this to happenJul 23 23:41
Diablo-D3FOSS grew because it had a foilJul 23 23:41
oiaohmYes exchange sharepoint... is what they are lining up to replace NgJul 23 23:41
Diablo-D3no foil, current FOSS projects become foils for new projectsJul 23 23:41
oiaohmMS to die is profitable for FOSS supporting companies.Jul 23 23:42
oiaohmAllows them to sell with less overhead.Jul 23 23:42
fewaNg, 23 23:42
MinceRDiablo-D3: you don't need foils for engineeringJul 23 23:42
Diablo-D3 23 23:42
MinceRyou need knowledge and expertiseJul 23 23:42
Diablo-D3MinceR: no, but you need hate in users to convince them to use somethingJul 23 23:42
Ngoiaohm: I've not seen anything about either IBM or Oracle doing anything on groupware and suchlike?Jul 23 23:43
MinceRnot reallyJul 23 23:43
Ngfewa: how is that relevant?Jul 23 23:43
MinceRusers have needs, those needs can be filled via technologyJul 23 23:43
Ngfewa: do you know what they replaced outlook *express* with? *squirrelmail*Jul 23 23:43
oiaohmIBM and Orcale already have the groupware NgJul 23 23:43
oiaohmThey lack the intergration bit ADS NgJul 23 23:43
Ngoiaohm: Notes? ;)Jul 23 23:43
MinceRDiablo-D3: if really only hate drives them then they shouldn't use anything.Jul 23 23:43
fewaNg, whats wrong with squirrelmail?Jul 23 23:43
MinceRit's not a good reason.Jul 23 23:43
oiaohmMS sells the bundle ie SBS server Ng.Jul 23 23:44
oiaohmThat is what holds MS.Jul 23 23:44
Ngfewa: it's really not great, but it's still not relevant to groupware and small business systemsJul 23 23:44
trmanco 23 23:44
trmancowowJul 23 23:44
Diablo-D3users have hatesJul 23 23:44
Diablo-D3you apparently havent met enough usersJul 23 23:44
fewaNg, Google Wave will eat MS "groupware" for breakfastJul 23 23:45
Ngoiaohm: I'd actually rather use SBS than some hideous car crash of star office and Notes and some ADS replacementJul 23 23:45
MinceRDiablo-D3: i know users have hates, i just don't think that's necessarily what drives technology.Jul 23 23:45
oiaohmDo you forget lotus from ibm  NgJul 23 23:45
Ngoiaohm: I've said Notes twice now, so no?Jul 23 23:45
Ngfewa: I highly doubt thatJul 23 23:45
MinceRthe IT industry isn't in a normal state, it's being poisoned by the likes of m$, crApple and adobe.Jul 23 23:46
Diablo-D3MinceR: dude, thats bullshitJul 23 23:46
MinceRtechnical decisions are made by clueless suits instead of engineers.Jul 23 23:46
Diablo-D3<ford> I HATE WALKINGJul 23 23:46
Diablo-D3TADA, THE CARJul 23 23:46
fewaDiablo-D3, you mean the horse and buggyJul 23 23:46
fewaget your facts straightJul 23 23:46
Diablo-D3you know what I mean damnitJul 23 23:46
MinceRyou're still wrongJul 23 23:47
fewa^Jul 23 23:47
oiaohmNg not everyone will choose like you.Jul 23 23:47
fewahistory doesnt work like thatJul 23 23:47
Diablo-D3no, history loves to gloss over shitJul 23 23:47
Diablo-D3this is the engineering spiritJul 23 23:47
Diablo-D3itches get scratchedJul 23 23:47
Ngoiaohm: history suggests that exchange is more compelling than notesJul 23 23:47
MinceRexactlyJul 23 23:47
Ngoiaohm: so it seems like people do choose the way I suggestJul 23 23:47
MinceRand that isn't about having some criminal to hate which forces crap on you every dayJul 23 23:47
fewaNg, it seems like the Ng the supreme leader tells people how to thinkJul 23 23:48
MinceRi'd say the solution that is a non-engineering solutionJul 23 23:48
oiaohmNot exact NgJul 23 23:48
MinceRkill the criminal, live happily ever after.Jul 23 23:48
oiaohmExchange and Outlook combination has been cheeper Ng.Jul 23 23:48
krensobyeJul 23 23:48
Ngoiaohm: and better integrated. I've been forced to use both in previous jobs and imho notes was far worse ;)Jul 23 23:48
oiaohmThe ADS link from Exhange provided better client support.Jul 23 23:48
oiaohmADS has been MS keystone NgJul 23 23:49
*krenso has quit ("Leaving")Jul 23 23:49
Ngfewa: you're welcome to think what you like :)Jul 23 23:49
oiaohmMS loses control of that.Jul 23 23:49
oiaohmResults not nice.Jul 23 23:49
Ngfewa: but if you express an opinion you should be able to justify it when I challenge it :)Jul 23 23:49
fewaNg, this goes both waysJul 23 23:49
Ngfewa: of course :)Jul 23 23:49
oiaohmIntergration is the issue NgJul 23 23:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft profits down by a third 23 23:49
oiaohmProblem is IBM and Orcale will be soon playing on the same level as MS.Jul 23 23:50
oiaohmAlong with others like cisco systems.Jul 23 23:50
Ngoiaohm: lotus has had a directory server too for years, DominoJul 23 23:50
oiaohmdoes not control clients.Jul 23 23:50
oiaohmNice big weakness.Jul 23 23:50
oiaohmADS is not just a directory server if it was it would have given MS no advantage.Jul 23 23:51
*crunchy135711 has quit (Client Quit)Jul 23 23:51
oiaohmWake up ADS is the keystone that holds the MS system together.Jul 23 23:52
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] @_Goblin: Great work Goblin! I love your site, visit it almost on a daily base. Keep up the good work!Jul 23 23:52
oiaohmLinux has not had a equal keystone for small business usage.Jul 23 23:53
sebsebseboiaohm: keystone?  userbase?  market share oppertunity?  or what did you mean?Jul 23 23:54
*tacone has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 23 23:54
fewaRed Hat has been working on itJul 23 23:55
fewacheck out freeipa.orgJul 23 23:55
fewaalso 23 23:56
Ngoiaohm: I'm not trying to downplay ADS, it's certain;y a very important part of microsoft's server offeringsJul 23 23:56
Nganything from ibm/oracle that hoped to take on SBS would have a lot of functionality to replace, including ADSJul 23 23:57
Ngbut I've not seen any real indication that they're doing those things. If you have read things I haven't where they talk about it, then fair enough :)Jul 23 23:57
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @ml2mst Cheers. If you ever want to contribute any articles please feel free to email me.Jul 23 23:58
Ngoracle is a database company, sun is a hardware vendor, ibm is a services companyJul 23 23:58
Ngwell oracle is in the services game tooJul 23 23:58

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