tacone | intel says that the anti-trust fine violates its human-rights http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/07/intel-tells-eu-court-antitrust-fine-violated-its-human-rights.ars lol ! | Jul 25 00:03 |
yuhong | Yep, does EU recognize corporate personhood? | Jul 25 00:05 |
*Balrog__ (n=Balrog@pool-173-59-71-109.phlapa.east.verizon.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 00:06 | |
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox-3.5 3.5.1/20090716164652]") | Jul 25 00:07 | |
tacone | .. | Jul 25 00:07 |
Balrog__ | come on, Intel | Jul 25 00:08 |
*yuhong (n=chatzill@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 00:09 | |
schestowitz | tacone: Intel has no human rights | Jul 25 00:16 |
*tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 00:16 | |
schestowitz | Companies want to be perceived as humans | Jul 25 00:16 |
tacone | because they're not humans | Jul 25 00:16 |
schestowitz | But they are tyrannies, by structure | Jul 25 00:16 |
tacone | they're droids :-] | Jul 25 00:16 |
schestowitz | So Intel has its rights even as a diabled person | Jul 25 00:17 |
schestowitz | Or mentally deranged | Jul 25 00:17 |
schestowitz | Or too tall | Jul 25 00:17 |
schestowitz | Intel demands its rights as a lesbian | Jul 25 00:17 |
schestowitz | ping tessier | Jul 25 00:17 |
tacone | nobody ever won with that claim | Jul 25 00:17 |
tacone | seems like they're not the first ones that try | Jul 25 00:17 |
tacone | basically: fine too high = human rights violated | Jul 25 00:18 |
tacone | which is bullshit | Jul 25 00:18 |
tacone | they're everywhere. even your wooden table has intel processors hidden somewhere. the fine is right. | Jul 25 00:19 |
yuhong | Yep, does Europe even recognize corporate personhood? | Jul 25 00:19 |
tacone | dunno | Jul 25 00:20 |
*tessier_ is a lesbian trapped in a man's body | Jul 25 00:20 | |
tessier_ | schestowitz: Hey there. How's it going? | Jul 25 00:20 |
schestowitz | Great, thanks | Jul 25 00:20 |
schestowitz | Trolling has calmed down | Jul 25 00:20 |
tacone | in italy you have physic person and juridic person | Jul 25 00:20 |
schestowitz | We now requires all to register | Jul 25 00:20 |
tessier_ | great | Jul 25 00:20 |
schestowitz | I have a minor issue | Jul 25 00:20 |
tessier_ | What is it? | Jul 25 00:20 |
schestowitz | ogv is sent as plain text | Jul 25 00:20 |
schestowitz | I modified /etc/mime.type to no avail | Jul 25 00:21 |
schestowitz | I don't know if I did this right and it Apache took effect without a restart (??) | Jul 25 00:21 |
schestowitz | I used to just do this in cpanel | Jul 25 00:21 |
tessier_ | What is ogv? | Jul 25 00:21 |
schestowitz | ogg video | Jul 25 00:21 |
tessier_ | oh | Jul 25 00:22 |
tessier_ | let me see... | Jul 25 00:22 |
schestowitz | Some people use this extension | Jul 25 00:22 |
*Balrog_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 00:22 | |
schestowitz | tessier: thanks. | Jul 25 00:22 |
yuhong | MIME type should be video/ogg. | Jul 25 00:23 |
*Balrog_ (n=Balrog@pool-173-59-65-33.phlapa.east.verizon.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 00:23 | |
tessier_ | schestowitz: Looks like you did it right. You might need an apache restart. | Jul 25 00:23 |
schestowitz | No urgency | Jul 25 00:25 |
schestowitz | yuhong repoted it | Jul 25 00:25 |
schestowitz | About a video of RMS from last week | Jul 25 00:25 |
yuhong | Yep. | Jul 25 00:25 |
schestowitz | It didn't autoplay in FF 3.5 | Jul 25 00:25 |
fewa | I figured out the problem | Jul 25 00:29 |
*Balrog__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 00:29 | |
schestowitz | I've just upgraded wordpress smoothly from the CLI | Jul 25 00:29 |
schestowitz | cp -r * ../public_html/ | Jul 25 00:29 |
yuhong | And I verified it by telnetting to port 80 of boycottnovell.com and doing a HEAD command. | Jul 25 00:31 |
Balrog_ | yuhong: telnet!? | Jul 25 00:34 |
Balrog_ | ahh, port 80 | Jul 25 00:34 |
*_Goblin has quit ("Lost terminal") | Jul 25 00:35 | |
*Diablo-D3 (n=diablo@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 00:37 | |
*tacone has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Jul 25 00:42 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Patents Roundup: Why Microsoft’s Patents Are Useless; More Patent Failure News http://ping.fm/nUHMa | Jul 25 00:48 | |
*silentivm has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) | Jul 25 00:48 | |
*Balrog__ (n=Balrog@pool-173-59-64-81.phlapa.east.verizon.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 00:51 | |
*twitter (n=willhill@97-113-221-139.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 00:51 | |
schestowitz | http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8168235.stm "Microsoft has made a new proposal to European competition regulators that it hopes will end their row over the firm's Internet Explorer web browser." | Jul 25 00:52 |
*silentivm (n=renan@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 00:52 | |
schestowitz | Microsoft 'punishes' itself | Jul 25 00:52 |
schestowitz | In the same vein: I will 'punish' myself by delivering a computer to me without Windows preinstalled | Jul 25 00:52 |
schestowitz | That'll SHOW me !! | Jul 25 00:53 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft airbrushes anti-Apple ad http://ping.fm/6NjNK | Jul 25 00:55 | |
Balrog__ | schestowitz: microsoft is feeling the pain (monetarily) | Jul 25 00:57 |
Balrog__ | well, their anti-Apple ad was deceptive practices | Jul 25 00:57 |
Balrog__ | it stated that the cheapest 15" Apple laptop costs $2000, which wasn't true for about a month now | Jul 25 00:58 |
Balrog__ | and they just continued airing it :\ | Jul 25 00:58 |
*Balrog_ has quit (Connection timed out) | Jul 25 00:59 | |
yuhong | Well, in this it was really EU trying to punish MS, forcing MS to do this, unlike the Google Japan Pay Per Click disaster. | Jul 25 01:02 |
schestowitz | Well done to the Commission for keeping the pressure up. http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2009/07/24/microsoft-gives-in-on-ie-bundling-issue | Jul 25 01:08 |
M$ has been fined by the EU. Have they ever paid any of those fines or will they do like Exxon did to Alaskans? | Jul 25 01:09 | |
-> European buyers of its new Windows 7 operating system will be offered a list of potential browsers when they first install the software. | Jul 25 01:10 | |
schestowitz | Just delay | Jul 25 01:10 |
schestowitz | Appeals and extensions to deadlines | Jul 25 01:10 |
how about people will be able to chose the OS they like? | Jul 25 01:10 | |
schestowitz | Not yet | Jul 25 01:10 |
The EU had better press for their money, or it won't be there. | Jul 25 01:11 | |
schestowitz | "Bezos apology is wonderful, and a great leadership example that is to be welcomed. It doesn't change the fact, however, that the Kindle/DRM combination is orthogonal to freedom. What happens when Bezos and his like are not the boss? I still don't want a Kindle (etc)." http://blogs.sun.com/webmink/entry/links_for_2009_07_241 | Jul 25 01:11 |
"orthogonal" LOL. | Jul 25 01:12 | |
FSF said it better. | Jul 25 01:12 | |
schestowitz | Has Twitter ((the Web site) just 'cleaned up' by removing obvious spam accounts? | Jul 25 01:12 |
silentivm | schestowitz, seems that yes | Jul 25 01:13 |
twitter does not use Twitter. | Jul 25 01:13 | |
schestowitz | silentivm: good. | Jul 25 01:13 |
silentivm | yep | Jul 25 01:13 |
schestowitz | Overnight last night | Jul 25 01:13 |
schestowitz | "nicephones4you" is now following you...'' | Jul 25 01:13 |
schestowitz | "RebbeccaTheHottie has just added your Twit to her favourites.." | Jul 25 01:14 |
schestowitz | More Microsoft layoffs likely | Jul 25 01:17 |
FSF response -> The real issue here is Amazon's use of DRM and proprietary software. They have unacceptable power over users, and actual respect necessitates more than an apology -- it requires abandoning DRM and releasing the Kindle's software as free software." | Jul 25 01:17 | |
schestowitz | Are there more layoffs in Microsoft's future? < http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=3491 > | Jul 25 01:18 |
replace Amazon with Microsoft or any other non free software company. | Jul 25 01:18 | |
cubezzz | kindle is just too expensive | Jul 25 01:19 |
yuhong | twitter: Well, I would not go that far, DRM and proprietary software are different issues. | Jul 25 01:21 |
yuhong | Amazon BTW just bought Zappos which is good at using Twitter. | Jul 25 01:22 |
-> I don’t see any potential for us to [inaudible] this year. | Jul 25 01:23 | |
fill in the blanks! | Jul 25 01:23 | |
schestowitz | Did Bozo buy Zappos on Amazon? | Jul 25 01:23 |
yuhong | FSF also mentioned the fact that Amazon has been a good example in premoting DRM-free music. | Jul 25 01:24 |
schestowitz | " I don’t see any potential for us to survive (??) this year." | Jul 25 01:24 |
schestowitz | " I don’t see any potential for us to kick the CEO out (??) this year." | Jul 25 01:24 |
fire the shills? | Jul 25 01:24 | |
schestowitz | " I don’t see any potential for us to massage revenue (??) this year." | Jul 25 01:24 |
yuhong | Both Zappos and Amazon always had good customer service, I have heard. | Jul 25 01:24 |
hide our massive swindle | Jul 25 01:25 | |
:) | Jul 25 01:25 | |
schestowitz | " I don’t see any potential for us to actually pay taxes outside Ireland (??) this year." | Jul 25 01:25 |
avoid regulatory implosion | Jul 25 01:25 | |
maintain control of OEMs | Jul 25 01:26 | |
survive is my favorite though | Jul 25 01:26 | |
schestowitz | Let's make a post from that | Jul 25 01:26 |
schestowitz | Have fun with readers | Jul 25 01:26 |
What do the tell these people when they lay them off? "I'm sorry, Bob, but Ballmer's new mansion comes first around here." | Jul 25 01:28 | |
"We don't want someone else to have the world's biggest boat, now do we?" | Jul 25 01:28 | |
fewa | sorry we dont have enough money for big profits around here | Jul 25 01:28 |
fewa | so we will have to let you go | Jul 25 01:29 |
5,000 little contributions from 60k/year salaries help make these things possible. | Jul 25 01:29 | |
Wow, 8% flunk in a day. http://www.google.com/finance?q=NASDAQ:MSFT | Jul 25 01:31 | |
It won't be long before that stock is back under it's $20 rock. | Jul 25 01:31 | |
Huge sell off. 10 million shares. | Jul 25 01:31 | |
all day long | Jul 25 01:32 | |
It's like a fire at the toilet paper warehouse! | Jul 25 01:32 | |
It looks like what's bad for M$ is good for HP, Intuit, Google, Apple, Yahoo, Symantic, IBM, Adobe and many others that rose today. | Jul 25 01:34 | |
Not so good for Novell. | Jul 25 01:34 | |
M$'s Gozallez speaks well of Imaginary Property - > we are focused on creating pragmatic solutions to real-life problems that matter to real customers. Intellectual property licensing is and will continue to be part of those solutions. | Jul 25 01:37 | |
pragmatism, paying extortion money rather than calling the police. | Jul 25 01:37 | |
schestowitz | Intel Celeron Dual-Core Linux Performance < http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_celeron_e1400&num=1 > | Jul 25 01:37 |
no, sorry that's cowardice | Jul 25 01:37 | |
schestowitz | Microsoft: GPL Linux code release not due to violation < http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9135887/Microsoft_GPL_Linux_code_release_not_due_to_violation?source=rss_opsys > | Jul 25 01:38 |
yuhong | BTW, when are you going to restart apache? Because yes it does look like you did it right | Jul 25 01:39 |
schestowitz | When the server is restarted, I guess | Jul 25 01:39 |
schestowitz | Unless tessier chooses to do it now | Jul 25 01:40 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] I'm being defended here, along with RMS: http://ping.fm/WuCw0 | Jul 25 01:47 | |
schestowitz | Microsoft Linux code originally violated GPL < http://www.itwire.com/content/view/26473/1090/ >\ | Jul 25 01:47 |
schestowitz | Microsoft says "no", but who can trust its word? | Jul 25 01:47 |
the mono team has faith! | Jul 25 01:49 | |
schestowitz | Believe without evidence | Jul 25 01:51 |
yuhong | Ars just posted this article. | Jul 25 01:54 |
yuhong | http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009/07/bill-gates-the-blogger-reminisces-about-microsoft-in-1979.ars | Jul 25 01:54 |
yuhong | Perhaps we should bring up the issue of how MS got evil again. | Jul 25 01:54 |
Ignore decades of evidence for the sake of their belief in mono, M$ and Novell. | Jul 25 01:54 | |
yuhong | Some more links: | Jul 25 01:55 |
yuhong | www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000845.html | Jul 25 01:55 |
yuhong | http://boycottnovell.com/2007/12/01/antitrust-letters-doj/ | Jul 25 01:55 |
schestowitz | gn | Jul 25 01:58 |
yuhong | I heard that Gates was an aggressive businessman, that may be one of the causes. | Jul 25 01:58 |
amarsh04 | night, schestowitz | Jul 25 01:59 |
cubezzz | I can remember in the 80's I didn't think of microsoft as evil | Jul 25 02:00 |
cubezzz | they probably were, but I didn't think so at the time :) | Jul 25 02:01 |
fewa | thats a decent article by Atwood | Jul 25 02:01 |
fewa | mentions that Mike Gunderloy stuff | Jul 25 02:02 |
fewa | that i brought up before | Jul 25 02:02 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Jul 25 02:03 | |
*Will___ (i=45f51f72@gateway/web/freenode/x-0ec6512a301af539) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 02:04 | |
cubezzz | the doj didn't really reel in microsoft though | Jul 25 02:05 |
cubezzz | all the talk about breaking up microsoft, then nothing happened | Jul 25 02:05 |
fewa | the advance of technology | Jul 25 02:06 |
fewa | its really the internet | Jul 25 02:06 |
yuhong | That was a different story | Jul 25 02:08 |
yuhong | http://boycottnovell.com/2009/06/15/2000-character-assassination-personal-attack/ | Jul 25 02:08 |
fewa | no its the same story | Jul 25 02:08 |
cubezzz | I still can't walk into a store and get a linux computer or a linux pda, so although things have really improved, there's still room for more improvement | Jul 25 02:08 |
fewa | the internet allow the collaboration of thousands and millions of developers in a bazzar manner | Jul 25 02:09 |
yuhong | The GNU Manifesto was written ten years after Gates wrote the Open Letter to Hobbyists. | Jul 25 02:10 |
Will___ | Has Roy changed things so that one can't add new comments to an older article after a certain amount of time/new posts? | Jul 25 02:12 |
cubezzz | I miss amiga, I miss beos, I'm not going to miss microsoft, if they ever finally go | Jul 25 02:13 |
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-147-46.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 02:13 | |
fewa | http://www.paulgraham.com/microsoft.html | Jul 25 02:14 |
Diablo-D3 | yay paul graham! | Jul 25 02:15 |
cubezzz | microsoft sort of killed off the hobbyist programming with the win32 stuff | Jul 25 02:15 |
cubezzz | say from 1993 to 2000 | Jul 25 02:16 |
Diablo-D3 | linux came out in 1993, no? :D | Jul 25 02:16 |
cubezzz | but how many people were using it in 1993? that's the thing | Jul 25 02:17 |
Diablo-D3 | at least 5. | Jul 25 02:17 |
cubezzz | ;-) | Jul 25 02:18 |
cubezzz | before 1993 a lot of people liked Amiga, which was a pretty open system | Jul 25 02:19 |
Here's an obvious thought about the RMS slime. What makes these losers think that only men can strip the Virgin of Emacs of her ignorance? | Jul 25 02:20 | |
This duffus says that kind of thing here, http://mjg59.livejournal.com/113408.html | Jul 25 02:21 | |
Will___ | twitter : I finally found a video of the IGNUcios act. | Jul 25 02:21 |
Will___ | I didn't see what all the fuss was about. | Jul 25 02:22 |
The fuss will soon go away, like most marketing efforts. | Jul 25 02:22 | |
Will___ | In context, it looked like it was more just poking light fun at religions in general, rather than anything overtly against women. | Jul 25 02:23 |
cubezzz | microsoft isn't dead, the OEM's all are still kowtowing to microsoft | Jul 25 02:23 |
cubezzz | maybe not as much as before, but still... | Jul 25 02:23 |
Will___ | But then I tend to take things like that lightly anyway. Didn't seem like he meant anything by it. | Jul 25 02:24 |
fewa | Will___, exactly, noone cares | Jul 25 02:25 |
fewa | cubezzz, not SheevaPlug, not NAS, not phones, and nothing else that runs or will run ARM | Jul 25 02:26 |
OEMs that continue to kowtow will go out of business. | Jul 25 02:27 | |
yuhong | Or stop kowtowing, likely when the market share for Windows gets smaller. | Jul 25 02:28 |
Will___ | fewa : as long as he doesn't sing. (No offense, rms) | Jul 25 02:28 |
cubezzz | heh, RMS knows if he acts like a normal boring guy no one will pay any attention to him | Jul 25 02:33 |
cubezzz | it's partly because of his eccentric behaviour that he gets so much attention | Jul 25 02:34 |
*WIll____ (i=45f51f72@gateway/web/freenode/x-0105c2c892779f0e) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 02:34 | |
*Will___ has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) | Jul 25 02:35 | |
*WIll____ has quit (Client Quit) | Jul 25 02:38 | |
fewa | IBM still needs to sue the shit out of Windows for abusing the PC trademark | Jul 25 02:39 |
fewa | *Microsoft | Jul 25 02:39 |
Diablo-D3 | man | Jul 25 02:39 |
Diablo-D3 | who cares | Jul 25 02:39 |
Diablo-D3 | PC is overrated anyhow | Jul 25 02:39 |
Diablo-D3 | ALL computers are personal | Jul 25 02:39 |
Diablo-D3 | do we have computers that exist for other computers to use? no | Jul 25 02:40 |
yuhong | Well, PC was a generic word before the IBM PC. | Jul 25 02:40 |
Diablo-D3 | they all exist to do some human task | Jul 25 02:40 |
fewa | im not really that adamant about it | Jul 25 02:40 |
Diablo-D3 | PC existed because mainframes once roamed the wild ... plains... of ... a DC | Jul 25 02:40 |
Diablo-D3 | or something | Jul 25 02:40 |
fewa | and i guess its generic | Jul 25 02:41 |
Diablo-D3 | its generic | Jul 25 02:41 |
fewa | actually they started using it after Apple started using the term | Jul 25 02:41 |
cubezzz | well, I wouldn't call a mainframe a PC :) | Jul 25 02:41 |
yuhong | And most of today's x86 PCs are still IBM PC compatible. | Jul 25 02:41 |
Diablo-D3 | IBM PC just referred to specifically IBM's | Jul 25 02:41 |
Diablo-D3 | Macs are PCs | Jul 25 02:41 |
fewa | you can put 16-bit OS's on them | Jul 25 02:41 |
fewa | :P | Jul 25 02:41 |
Diablo-D3 | people like to bitch loudly when you say that | Jul 25 02:41 |
Diablo-D3 | but they're PCs | Jul 25 02:41 |
yuhong | Yes, nowadays Intel Macs are PC compatible. | Jul 25 02:42 |
Diablo-D3 | Apple likes to use the word PC to refer to John Hodgman's character | Jul 25 02:42 |
fewa | Diablo-D3, yet Apple buys the hardware cheap, and then forced its customers to buy over-priced stuff | Jul 25 02:42 |
Diablo-D3 | but its pretty dumb | Jul 25 02:42 |
Diablo-D3 | fewa: well | Jul 25 02:42 |
Diablo-D3 | I like Apple stuff for one reason | Jul 25 02:42 |
yuhong | You don't get much choice with x86 processors anyway. | Jul 25 02:42 |
Diablo-D3 | shortly after Apple innovates... everyone else steals it and makes it better | Jul 25 02:42 |
cubezzz | some lawyer said "Don't say WIndows, say PC so you don't get sued" :) | Jul 25 02:42 |
Diablo-D3 | cubezzz: yet PC runs Windows | Jul 25 02:43 |
fewa | Diablo-D3, what? firewire? | Jul 25 02:43 |
Diablo-D3 | fewa: iphone -> everything that runs android | Jul 25 02:43 |
Diablo-D3 | fewa: thin laptops -> everyone else's thin laptops | Jul 25 02:43 |
Diablo-D3 | fewa: lcd imacs -> everyone else's imac clone | Jul 25 02:43 |
Diablo-D3 | fewa: osx's really shiny UI -> vista in aero mode | Jul 25 02:43 |
yuhong | I mean today's x86 procesors anyways. | Jul 25 02:43 |
fewa | Vista shitty gui.... | Jul 25 02:44 |
fewa | shut a shitty rip off | Jul 25 02:44 |
Diablo-D3 | ehh | Jul 25 02:44 |
Diablo-D3 | I actually like aero's look | Jul 25 02:44 |
Diablo-D3 | well, in 7 | Jul 25 02:44 |
Diablo-D3 | 7 makes it classier than in vista | Jul 25 02:44 |
Diablo-D3 | I never thought a black ui could work, but it does | Jul 25 02:45 |
Diablo-D3 | now, the only problem is EVERYTHING ELSE IN 7 SUCKS | Jul 25 02:45 |
fewa | you mean Vista | Jul 25 02:45 |
yuhong | You can still replace the BIOS, but with today's chipsets you have no choice but to use PC-compatible port addresses and hardware. | Jul 25 02:45 |
fewa | Vista 7 | Jul 25 02:45 |
Diablo-D3 | fewa: no, because Im going to start calling vista 6 | Jul 25 02:45 |
Diablo-D3 | since it is | Jul 25 02:45 |
fewa | NT 6.1 | Jul 25 02:45 |
M$ death watch updated. http://slashdot.org/~twitter/journal/213707 | Jul 25 02:45 | |
Diablo-D3 | and 2k/xp are 5 :D | Jul 25 02:45 |
yuhong | And Server 2008 R2. | Jul 25 02:46 |
M$ Patent Extortion timeline updated http://slashdot.org/~twitter/journal/219107 | Jul 25 02:46 | |
fewa | yuhong, aka anti-features http://www.fsf.org/bulletin/2007/fall/antifeatures/ | Jul 25 02:46 |
cubezzz | if Dell or HP stopped with the "XXX recommends WIndows Vista" crap... I mean, do they really recommend it? | Jul 25 02:46 |
fewa | cubezzz, the deals leaked, its MSFT money | Jul 25 02:47 |
yuhong | In fact there is a move to replace the traditional IBM PC compatible BIOS with either EFI or coreboot. | Jul 25 02:47 |
Roy has published the extortion behind "recommends Windows" | Jul 25 02:47 | |
cubezzz | aha | Jul 25 02:47 |
fewa | http://boycottnovell.com/2008/12/01/leaked-oem-vista-ad-incentives/ | Jul 25 02:47 |
cubezzz | well, still shame on Dell & HP | Jul 25 02:47 |
yuhong | What are you referring as anti-features, just to clarify? | Jul 25 02:48 |
OEMs are price punished of anything M$ decides is not good enough for them, essentially pushing Windoze as the best Evar. | Jul 25 02:48 | |
fewa | yuhong, difference between "server" and "desktop" Windows versions | Jul 25 02:48 |
yuhong | I know, there are many differences. | Jul 25 02:49 |
fewa | the article points out the sole difference between NTW and NTS | Jul 25 02:49 |
fewa | anti-features | Jul 25 02:49 |
yuhong | between server and desktop windows. | Jul 25 02:49 |
fewa | "desktop" == crippleware | Jul 25 02:49 |
yuhong | Yep, that is well know. | Jul 25 02:49 |
yuhong | Yep, that is well known. | Jul 25 02:49 |
you can say that again, fewa. | Jul 25 02:50 | |
yuhong | Anyway, gn. | Jul 25 02:50 |
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox-3.5 3.5.1/20090716164652]") | Jul 25 02:50 | |
Without html, ssh, or even samba, how is anyone supposed to share anything with their friends? | Jul 25 02:50 | |
sneaker net? | Jul 25 02:50 | |
Welcome back to the 80s. | Jul 25 02:50 | |
fewa | twitter, they just use non-MS software, works better too | Jul 25 02:51 |
fewa | but then there is the 10-connection anti-feature | Jul 25 02:51 |
Of course, but can you imagine trying to get things done with nothing but a Vista Family Pack? | Jul 25 02:51 | |
fewa | no | Jul 25 02:52 |
cubezzz | we had "Fish Disks" in the old days, you could download them from BBS :) | Jul 25 02:52 |
cubezzz | although it's a bit ridiculous to say the 80's were "old days" | Jul 25 02:52 |
30 years ago in dog/computer years is dead. | Jul 25 02:53 | |
cubezzz | I can certainly remember before Windows | Jul 25 02:53 |
cubezzz | before PCs even | Jul 25 02:53 |
cubezzz | we are in the tail end of the dark ages of computing in my opinion | Jul 25 02:55 |
cubezzz | I had make choices at computer stores in the 80's for operating systems than I do now | Jul 25 02:57 |
cubezzz | make = more | Jul 25 02:57 |
cubezzz | AmigaDOS, GEM, TRS80 DOS, MS DOS, and what ever Apple used | Jul 25 02:59 |
*Balrog__ has quit () | Jul 25 03:00 | |
cubezzz | I hate to say it but computers were more fun back then | Jul 25 03:03 |
*yuhong (n=chatzill@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 03:18 | |
yuhong | I said that before, but in case you still hasn't seen it, this was posted only hours after MS's Hyper-V Linux patch. | Jul 25 03:19 |
yuhong | http://lkml.org/lkml/2009/7/20/425 | Jul 25 03:19 |
*yuhong has quit (Client Quit) | Jul 25 03:21 | |
fewa | cubezzz, could they do this: http://www.double.co.nz/video_test/video.svg | Jul 25 03:22 |
cubezzz | we dodm | Jul 25 03:26 |
cubezzz | we didn't have www we had rubik's cubes :) | Jul 25 03:26 |
notzed | well they could do something equivalent, without tearing and better sound fx too ... | Jul 25 03:30 |
fewa | notzed, your right :P | Jul 25 03:31 |
fewa | waiting for somebody to say that | Jul 25 03:31 |
Oh wow, just wow. -> The deal covers four main areas of collaboration for Microsoft and Sun: selling OEM Windows Server hardware, ensuring that Solaris is supported as a guest operating system on Microsoft's virtualization products including Virtual PC. | Jul 25 03:37 | |
After M$ killed, " a world of thin clients running Java backed up by expensive Sun servers " Sun suffered the ultimate ignominy of being a M$ OEM. | Jul 25 03:39 | |
and having Solaris "supported" as a guest on top of M$ crap. | Jul 25 03:39 | |
and the gnu/linux world is supposed to now jump for joy at being made the same offer? Ha! | Jul 25 03:39 | |
http://arstechnica.com/hardware/news/2007/09/sun-to-sell-windows-server-boxes.ars | Jul 25 03:39 | |
Comes vrs M$ is filled with their plots to derail both java and thin clients. | Jul 25 03:40 | |
fewa | we welcome any offers by microsoft that will allow Windows to run as a better guest to KVM, VirtualBox, etc | Jul 25 03:40 |
Sun should have sued M$ for all of that. | Jul 25 03:40 | |
fewa | and they are free to use the open documentation to use the virt-IO driver | Jul 25 03:41 |
It's clear that the only way out of the madhouse is to walk out, not strap a gang of lunatics onto your back for "support" | Jul 25 03:41 | |
cubezzz | seems an incredibly bad move for Sun :-/ | Jul 25 03:41 |
fewa | no need for multiple frameworks to do the same thing in the Linux Kernel | Jul 25 03:42 |
fewa | as even though it is implamented as hardware, virtual hardware is just software | Jul 25 03:42 |
fewa | why cant they write to the existing API? | Jul 25 03:43 |
Who needs them? | Jul 25 03:43 | |
*dsmith_ (n=dsmith@c-76-114-142-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 03:43 | |
I've been running free software exclusively for almost a decade. The further you get from the loony bin, the more you realize that you never needed any of it. | Jul 25 03:44 | |
What M$ does and says only makes sense when you are an inmate and everywhere you look you see more M$. | Jul 25 03:45 | |
*silentivm (n=renan@ has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving") | Jul 25 03:45 | |
When you get out, you realize what a confining little word the M$ universe was and how much nicer it is in the sunshine. | Jul 25 03:45 | |
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 03:47 | |
*twitter has quit ("Leaving.") | Jul 25 03:51 | |
*twitter (n=willhill@97-113-221-139.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 03:51 | |
comparing M$ to a prison or loony bin. | Jul 25 03:52 | |
he he | Jul 25 03:52 | |
*ugufjhfj has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | Jul 25 03:52 | |
A place with its own strange logic and rules enforced by people who pretend they mean well but who loath being there almost as much as they loath the inmates. | Jul 25 03:53 | |
*twitter has quit (Client Quit) | Jul 25 03:54 | |
oiaohm | Prison is a good way to put it. | Jul 25 03:54 |
*wayne (n=teddy2@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 04:00 | |
*twitter (n=willhill@97-113-221-139.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 04:10 | |
*Trials has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 04:10 | |
tessier | schestowitz: I just restarted httpd. Check if your mime change has taken effect. | Jul 25 05:08 |
tessier | Restarting http takes just a second. Nobody generally notices. | Jul 25 05:09 |
fewa | tessier, restarts can actually work without downtime | Jul 25 05:10 |
fewa | i dont know if apache does it however | Jul 25 05:10 |
fewa | you just start the new ones up with a spinlock on the ports, before you shut the origional down | Jul 25 05:11 |
dsmith_ | wow twitter | Jul 25 05:12 |
dsmith_ | you are so right | Jul 25 05:12 |
dsmith_ | :) | Jul 25 05:12 |
dsmith_ | i get agitated when someone tells me "I need Windows"...or "I need to have Microsoft on my computer" | Jul 25 05:13 |
dsmith_ | reminds me of a crack addict | Jul 25 05:14 |
fewa | dsmith_, http://lwn.net/Articles/90619/ | Jul 25 05:14 |
fewa | " As long as they are going to steal it, we want them to steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade . | Jul 25 05:15 |
fewa | " | Jul 25 05:15 |
*Trials (n=teddy2@CPE-58-164-16-203.nsw.bigpond.net.au) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 05:15 | |
dsmith_ | lol | Jul 25 05:15 |
dsmith_ | wow | Jul 25 05:15 |
dsmith_ | yea | Jul 25 05:15 |
dsmith_ | that was I was referring to | Jul 25 05:16 |
*wayne has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 05:17 | |
oiaohm | What it is dsmith_ is Stockholm Syndrome. Read up about it a lot of people who say the need windows are following it. | Jul 25 05:19 |
oiaohm | Its not really addicted it something far worse. | Jul 25 05:20 |
fewa | Check out the history here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribbon_(computing)#Controversy | Jul 25 05:21 |
fewa | Check out the history here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribbon_(computing) | Jul 25 05:21 |
fewa | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Ribbon_%28computing%29#Conflict_of_Interest | Jul 25 05:21 |
fewa | while someone else got out: http://openworld2010.wordpress.com/2008/07/28/veteran-developer-ditches-microsoft-for-open-source/ http://web.archive.org/web/20070911055336/http://www.afreshcup.com/2006/12/9/what-s-going-on-here | Jul 25 05:22 |
dsmith_ | hmmmmmmmmmmm | Jul 25 05:24 |
fewa | same event | Jul 25 05:24 |
*wallclimber (i=44e625da@gateway/web/freenode/x-52eaed93d4dcbc7e) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 05:26 | |
*twitter has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 05:26 | |
*twitter (n=willhill@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 05:27 | |
dsmith_ | i forgot about the MS ribbon thing | Jul 25 05:27 |
dsmith_ | thats crazy | Jul 25 05:27 |
*dsmith_ tries to think of an anaology | Jul 25 05:28 | |
fewa | "Microsoft itself represents a grave threat to the future of software development through its increasing inclination to stifle competition through legal shenanigans." | Jul 25 05:28 |
*Tallken (n=Tallken@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 05:30 | |
Increasing M$ Flail | Jul 25 05:31 | |
Tallken | i wasn't expecting any1 online now lol | Jul 25 05:32 |
*yuhong (n=chatzill@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 05:34 | |
:) | Jul 25 05:34 | |
yuhong | Now the MIME type is fixed, this <video> works for me now. | Jul 25 05:35 |
yuhong | http://boycottnovell.com/2009/07/17/richard-m-stallman-on-c-sharp/ | Jul 25 05:35 |
ha ha, another "emergency patch" http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9135904/Microsoft_to_rush_out_emergency_IE_patch | Jul 25 05:40 | |
*dsmith_ doesn;t have those issues anymore | Jul 25 05:40 | |
fewa | which ones? | Jul 25 05:41 |
dsmith_ | Windows updates | Jul 25 05:41 |
Diablo-D3 | whos hosting these videos? | Jul 25 05:42 |
dsmith_ | LOL...Microsoft didn't give a reason for the rushed update but it may be trying to stay ahead of any public disclosure at next week's Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas. | Jul 25 05:43 |
fewa | lol | Jul 25 05:43 |
*homer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 05:43 | |
dsmith_ | funny it takes a conference for them to ACT | Jul 25 05:43 |
*dsmith_ wonders if IE7 and IE8 would be in existance if Firefox had never come about | Jul 25 05:44 | |
*Tallken has quit ("Leaving.") | Jul 25 05:44 | |
fewa | probably not | Jul 25 05:45 |
fewa | where would they get the feature ideas from? | Jul 25 05:45 |
dsmith_ | hah true | Jul 25 05:45 |
dsmith_ | why i the hell would someone pay a license for a gui ribbon | Jul 25 05:47 |
tessier | http://usairsucks.org | Jul 25 05:59 |
tessier | I just put that up. They really screwed me over. | Jul 25 05:59 |
*twitter has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 06:02 | |
*twitter (n=willhill@97-113-221-139.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 06:04 | |
*twitter has quit ("Leaving.") | Jul 25 06:10 | |
*twitter (n=willhill@97-113-221-139.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 06:10 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Jul 25 06:19 | |
dsmith_ | wow tessier, thats sucks | Jul 25 06:20 |
oiaohm | http://www.osnews.com/story/21890/Microsoft_To_Offer_Browser_Ballot_Caves_to_EU_Pressure << I see MS is slowing seeing there is no such thing as argue with the EU regulators and win. | Jul 25 06:21 |
tessier | dsmith_: Indeed | Jul 25 06:22 |
privacy considered national security threat in Russia http://yro.slashdot.org/story/09/07/25/0015250/Skype-Apparently-Threatens-Russian-National-Security | Jul 25 06:23 | |
dsmith_ | A lot of people do not know about different browsers, they don't even know what a browser is. "The blue E is the internet"(I deleted the internet!) | Jul 25 06:24 |
tessier | Well, that's Russia. They've never been all that sane about freedoms or anything. | Jul 25 06:24 |
dsmith_ | anyone get skype to work with an external phone or headset on linux? | Jul 25 06:26 |
have not tried. Works out of the box on 701SD EEEPC. | Jul 25 06:26 | |
with normal microphone. | Jul 25 06:26 | |
and webcam | Jul 25 06:26 | |
blue tooth headset would be nice, if it will work around the house. | Jul 25 06:27 | |
otherwise talk loud. | Jul 25 06:27 | |
*wallclimber has quit ("Page closed") | Jul 25 06:27 | |
spell check your email, selectively quote it, and strip headers. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/09/07/24/2243209/IBM-Seeks-Patent-On-Digital-Witch-Hunts?art_pos=7 | Jul 25 06:28 | |
your boss is using stenography to track you. | Jul 25 06:28 | |
nasty | Jul 25 06:28 | |
ha ha. iPhone encryption of data is a farce. http://it.slashdot.org/story/09/07/24/2218201/iPhone-3Gs-Encryption-Cracked-In-Two-Minutes | Jul 25 06:30 | |
oiaohm | Ok that is getting up there. Almost as bad a the lost dog in the air craft luguage that end up half way around the world form where it was going with its transport id lost. | Jul 25 06:30 |
and they did not talk about ATT back doors that are probably there too. | Jul 25 06:30 | |
duh | Jul 25 06:30 | |
fewa | most software is like that | Jul 25 06:33 |
oiaohm | iphone encryption is not designed to keep data in by the sound of it. But designed to get money to get data back when the phone breaks. | Jul 25 06:34 |
fewa | ^^ | Jul 25 06:34 |
oiaohm | Nice secoundary business apple. | Jul 25 06:34 |
fewa | its iTunes | Jul 25 06:37 |
fewa | lol | Jul 25 06:37 |
oiaohm | Yep exactly fewa | Jul 25 06:37 |
fewa | why would someone even encrypt that except to lock themselves out of their own data? | Jul 25 06:37 |
oiaohm | So when phones die Apple gets to sell more copies of the same songs. | Jul 25 06:38 |
fewa | thats a joke | Jul 25 06:38 |
fewa | when was music private? | Jul 25 06:38 |
oiaohm | For secure devices where you do want data not recoverable when device dies you do what apple did in iphones. | Jul 25 06:39 |
music is private when you have it on a device in your pocket. | Jul 25 06:40 | |
oiaohm | Makes devices simpler to junk. | Jul 25 06:40 |
people encrypt their email, contacts and other jazz on iPhone, I suppose. | Jul 25 06:40 | |
The problem is that the device's software has owners. Even if it were difficult for your neighbors to crack it open, you never know if the owner is really locked out. When the owner is as disrespectful as Apple or ATT, you can be sure your privacy is zero. | Jul 25 06:42 | |
fewa | twitter, no its iTunes specific i believe | Jul 25 06:42 |
fewa | meaning its useless | Jul 25 06:42 |
fewa | its just lock-in | Jul 25 06:42 |
fewa | its against you | Jul 25 06:42 |
ok | Jul 25 06:42 | |
I don't care to own an iphone | Jul 25 06:42 | |
oiaohm | Apple just wrapped it up in words to make it sound good to end users. | Jul 25 06:43 |
fewa | its a joke | Jul 25 06:43 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[tracyrreed] I finally wrote about what those idiots did to me: http://usairsucks.org | Jul 25 06:43 | |
oiaohm | Its very much like people and bitlocker. | Jul 25 06:43 |
oiaohm | Most people don't need it yet I still get people who never use bitlocker who tell me they got Windows Vista Business for it. | Jul 25 06:44 |
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | Jul 25 06:44 | |
fewa | i hear bitlocker uses TPM | Jul 25 07:01 |
fewa | oiaohm, you mean they got the less crippled version.... | Jul 25 07:03 |
oiaohm | If its not a feature you are ever going to use. Why would it be a valid reason to buy it fewa. | Jul 25 07:13 |
oiaohm | Yes I am too logical. | Jul 25 07:13 |
fewa | :P | Jul 25 07:13 |
Trials | because its supplied with other features thagt you will (may) use. | Jul 25 07:14 |
fewa | Put windows in a virtual machine, qcow2 supports encryption, or use loopback | Jul 25 07:14 |
oiaohm | truecrypt also offers full encryption with windows even in a stealth partition. | Jul 25 07:15 |
Trials | Obviously if it is a feature you do use, then you would want it, or you can do the VM, qcow2 and so on. | Jul 25 07:15 |
oiaohm | Its just something that annoys me. | Jul 25 07:15 |
fewa | http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ForbiddenItems#TrueCrypt | Jul 25 07:16 |
Trials | your car probably goes faster than is legal for you to travel, but yet you still pay for the feature you may never use. | Jul 25 07:16 |
fewa | supposedly it is a very good product | Jul 25 07:19 |
fewa | cross platform | Jul 25 07:19 |
oiaohm | As I said too logical. Trials. I would not give speed as a reason that I got a car in most cases. Maybe faster accelreation. | Jul 25 07:20 |
*homer (n=unknown@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 07:20 | |
oiaohm | I do give the fedora guys that the truecrypt licence is a mess. | Jul 25 07:20 |
fewa | its not just fedora | Jul 25 07:20 |
*homer is now known as Guest20623 | Jul 25 07:20 | |
fewa | every distrobution has decided that | Jul 25 07:20 |
oiaohm | http://www.truecrypt.org/legal/license | Jul 25 07:21 |
fewa | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TrueCrypt#Licensing | Jul 25 07:21 |
fewa | I wish it was better | Jul 25 07:21 |
oiaohm | Product great license is only fine in some countries. | Jul 25 07:21 |
*yuhong has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 07:24 | |
Trials | I just read a great idea, about making the GPL expire after 5 years allowing GPL'd code over 5 years to go to the public domain. This would show that FOSS is willing to reform their own system, like they want to be done with Patents. | Jul 25 07:26 |
fewa | Trials, the problem is if propritary vendors can take that code, change it a little, and basically recopyright it | Jul 25 07:26 |
oiaohm | That is the dumb pirate bay idea. | Jul 25 07:27 |
fewa | aka eternal copyright | Jul 25 07:27 |
fewa | Microsoft only changed the (c) notivce for Vista 7 like a week ago | Jul 25 07:27 |
Trials | but you've had 5 years to make your profit and benifit from it, its your patent protection. | Jul 25 07:27 |
fewa | cause they didn't really change it, but they still upgraded the eternal copyright | Jul 25 07:27 |
Trials | if you cant do something with it in 5 years, you're too slow | Jul 25 07:27 |
oiaohm | You are badly wrong Trials | Jul 25 07:27 |
fewa | Trials, you dont get it | Jul 25 07:28 |
Trials | thats right, you give up copyright after 5 years, its public domain after that. | Jul 25 07:28 |
oiaohm | Most great projects take 10 years to get a foot hold. | Jul 25 07:28 |
fewa | Trials, no its not | Jul 25 07:28 |
Trials | That is free software right. | Jul 25 07:28 |
fewa | Trials, as the propritary vendors will never release the code | Jul 25 07:28 |
oiaohm | So you would have killed most open source Trials | Jul 25 07:28 |
Diablo-D3 | http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/07/17/AR2009071701785_pf.html | Jul 25 07:28 |
fewa | and then can just "extend" the APIs they control to force people to upgrade | Jul 25 07:28 |
Trials | most project do not take that long, this is the computer age ~~ | Jul 25 07:28 |
fewa | aka downgrade | Jul 25 07:28 |
fewa | to something imcompatible | Jul 25 07:28 |
oiaohm | There is a reason why patent coverage is 20 years Trials | Jul 25 07:28 |
oiaohm | 5 years is basically not workable. | Jul 25 07:29 |
Trials | dont you want patent reform ? | Jul 25 07:29 |
fewa | Trials, copyrights, patents, which are you talking about | Jul 25 07:29 |
fewa | Trials, two differnt topics, pick one | Jul 25 07:29 |
oiaohm | Patents also take massive ammount of paper work each one. | Jul 25 07:29 |
Trials | seems workable, but it seems FOSS would have to give up other's freedom to do it. | Jul 25 07:29 |
oiaohm | Where copyrights are cheep. | Jul 25 07:29 |
fewa | Trials, which are we talking about? | Jul 25 07:29 |
oiaohm | You are talking at least 15 thousand dollars to take out a patent Trials | Jul 25 07:30 |
oiaohm | So you have effectively killed open source. | Jul 25 07:30 |
fewa | Trials hasn't been clear on what he is talking about | Jul 25 07:30 |
Trials | we'll for an international patent yes, | Jul 25 07:30 |
fewa | and believes that binaries count as "public domain" | Jul 25 07:30 |
oiaohm | No that is just for an Australian patent. | Jul 25 07:30 |
Trials | im talking about copyright, and FOSS GPL expiring after a time period. | Jul 25 07:30 |
oiaohm | International add another 20 thousand Trials | Jul 25 07:30 |
Trials | then the software goes to public domain for all to FREELY use. | Jul 25 07:30 |
fewa | Trials, xcept that its binary | Jul 25 07:31 |
fewa | so noone has any idea what it actually does | Jul 25 07:31 |
oiaohm | Closed source software would also have to be required to give up source code. | Jul 25 07:31 |
oiaohm | Or you have created a completely miss blanced field. | Jul 25 07:31 |
oiaohm | So open source will end. | Jul 25 07:31 |
fewa | Trials, binaries shouldn't be copyrightable, they are purely functional | Jul 25 07:31 |
Trials | closed source are not promoting their product as FREE | Jul 25 07:32 |
oiaohm | MS does with IE. | Jul 25 07:32 |
oiaohm | Sorry Trials | Jul 25 07:32 |
fewa | Trials is _Mutex_ | Jul 25 07:32 |
oiaohm | Lot of closed soruce programs out there are called free. | Jul 25 07:32 |
Trials | Free use, not free source. | Jul 25 07:32 |
fewa | * [Trials] (n=teddy2@CPE-58-164-16-203.nsw.bigpond.net.au): ttf | Jul 25 07:32 |
fewa | kickban | Jul 25 07:32 |
fewa | schestowitz, | Jul 25 07:32 |
oiaohm | GPL is not free source and does not claim to be Trials | Jul 25 07:32 |
Trials | my argument too strong for you fewa ? | Jul 25 07:32 |
oiaohm | If companies don't ahve the protection of GPL they might as well return to closed soruce. | Jul 25 07:33 |
Trials | Rule: 0 of the GPL disagrees with you, but whatever. | Jul 25 07:33 |
oiaohm | Linus could basically closed source Linux in 5 years with your change. | Jul 25 07:33 |
oiaohm | Same with everything else. | Jul 25 07:33 |
oiaohm | See the BSD disaster all over again. | Jul 25 07:33 |
Trials | No because I said it goes public domain, thats public domain thats not proprietary. | Jul 25 07:34 |
Trials | you know the difference between public domain and closed ? | Jul 25 07:34 |
oiaohm | public domain and BSD licence are basically the same. | Jul 25 07:34 |
oiaohm | You can take embed it in a closed source program and tell no one. | Jul 25 07:34 |
oiaohm | So thank for ending open source. | Jul 25 07:34 |
Trials | BSD are on Macs, there are far more BSD licenses than GPL licenses | Jul 25 07:34 |
oiaohm | Unix world shows you what happens. | Jul 25 07:35 |
oiaohm | Macs have closed bits up. | Jul 25 07:35 |
oiaohm | BSD birthed most of the closed source Unixes. | Jul 25 07:35 |
Trials | bsd hasnt though | Jul 25 07:35 |
oiaohm | Before Macs existed. | Jul 25 07:35 |
oiaohm | I have see the result of too open of licence. | Jul 25 07:35 |
Trials | like what ? | Jul 25 07:36 |
fewa | Trials, what have you seen? | Jul 25 07:36 |
Trials | popularity ? | Jul 25 07:36 |
oiaohm | Each of the Unixes become incompadible with each other. | Jul 25 07:36 |
oiaohm | Even that they had the same base code. | Jul 25 07:36 |
oiaohm | In ways that full compadiblity could not be restored. | Jul 25 07:36 |
Trials | apache is open source license its use by google and its big, BSD used by Apple its big. it's open source its not GPL sure. | Jul 25 07:36 |
Trials | MIT is an open source license as well, there are lots of them. | Jul 25 07:37 |
oiaohm | Most open soruce licences have the restriction that you must give back your alterations. | Jul 25 07:37 |
oiaohm | That was a lession from the BSD mess. | Jul 25 07:38 |
Trials | must dont, list the ones that do ?? apart from the GPL | Jul 25 07:38 |
Trials | what ones require you to return code ? | Jul 25 07:38 |
Trials | none, apart from the GPl gthats right | Jul 25 07:38 |
oiaohm | You missed firefox's | Jul 25 07:39 |
oiaohm | Most of the major project licences require source code return. | Jul 25 07:39 |
oiaohm | Older licences formed in the time of the Unix mess like BSD and MIT don't have it. | Jul 25 07:39 |
Trials | firefox is a browser, not a license, its probably licensed under the mozilla license ? | Jul 25 07:39 |
fewa | Trials, you missed Oracle DB | Jul 25 07:40 |
oiaohm | Mozilla's licence. | Jul 25 07:40 |
oiaohm | Sun even has licences that require code return. | Jul 25 07:40 |
fewa | Berkely DB* | Jul 25 07:40 |
oiaohm | MS even has licences that require code return. | Jul 25 07:40 |
oiaohm | These are modern created licences Trials | Jul 25 07:40 |
Trials | Oracle DB is a database, what is the licenses, seems you are having lots of trouble listing them. | Jul 25 07:40 |
fewa | Trials, you came here to troll | Jul 25 07:40 |
oiaohm | mozilla public licence | Jul 25 07:41 |
fewa | Trials, Sleepycat Public License | Jul 25 07:41 |
oiaohm | Most end in the words Public Licence Trials | Jul 25 07:41 |
oiaohm | Because the code return is designed to protect the public from company close sourcing. | Jul 25 07:41 |
Trials | mozilla is licenses undes the GPL for the code modifications section. | Jul 25 07:41 |
oiaohm | No Trials | Jul 25 07:41 |
fewa | Its licenced under the Mozilla Public Licence | Jul 25 07:42 |
Trials | What ones oiaohm, ?? has a return code like the GPL why cant you list them ? | Jul 25 07:42 |
oiaohm | mozilla public licence is GPL incompadible. | Jul 25 07:42 |
oiaohm | It is a compeltely independant document Trials | Jul 25 07:42 |
Trials | License MPL/GNU GPL/GNU LGPL/Mozilla EULA (for binary redistribution) | Jul 25 07:42 |
Trials | Firefox's source code is free software, released under a tri-license GNU GPL/GNU LGPL/MPL.[10] Official versions are distributed under the terms of a proprietary EULA.[11][12] | Jul 25 07:42 |
oiaohm | MPL | Jul 25 07:43 |
fewa | Trials, are you going to read the document, or keep spouting misinformation and false incompetence? | Jul 25 07:43 |
oiaohm | Mozilla Public Licence. | Jul 25 07:43 |
oiaohm | Its not GPL> | Jul 25 07:43 |
oiaohm | Its another licence. | Jul 25 07:43 |
Trials | but it IS ALSO the GPL and as such by the GPL it has to return code, so whats your point. | Jul 25 07:43 |
oiaohm | Some mozilla projects are pure MPL. | Jul 25 07:44 |
Trials | Firefox's source code is free software, released under a tri-license GNU GPL/GNU LGPL/MPL.[10] Official versions are distributed under the terms of a proprietary EULA.[11][12] | Jul 25 07:44 |
oiaohm | You asked for another licence. | Jul 25 07:44 |
fewa | Trials, you can choose any one licence | Jul 25 07:44 |
Trials | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Firefox | Jul 25 07:44 |
oiaohm | Read carefully it reads tri-licence. | Jul 25 07:44 |
Trials | dont argue with me, that says your wrong sorry. | Jul 25 07:44 |
fewa | Trials, you are contradicting youself, and pretending to cite authority | Jul 25 07:44 |
oiaohm | Code has 3 licences you can ship under. | Jul 25 07:44 |
oiaohm | GPL LGPL and MPL. | Jul 25 07:44 |
Trials | and is one of those TRI licenses the GPL ?????? | Jul 25 07:44 |
oiaohm | Yet due to tri licence you could choose to ship under MPL only. | Jul 25 07:45 |
fewa | of GPL only | Jul 25 07:45 |
fewa | *or | Jul 25 07:45 |
oiaohm | Basically you can ship it in 3 forms. | Jul 25 07:45 |
Trials | does not matter how many forms there are, as long as one of them is the GPL what I said holds true. as you know. | Jul 25 07:46 |
oiaohm | http://www.sun.com/cddl/cddl.html is another | Jul 25 07:46 |
oiaohm | Solarias ships purely under cddl without GPL. | Jul 25 07:46 |
oiaohm | Sorry what you said does not hold true. | Jul 25 07:47 |
oiaohm | Also worse fact here the most dominate open source licence is GPL. | Jul 25 07:47 |
Trials | I did not say there were not other licenses in use, just very very few that force the return of code like the GPL, thats all I was saying, and so far you have not changed that fact. | Jul 25 07:47 |
oiaohm | No you said no others. | Jul 25 07:48 |
oiaohm | There are other licences. | Jul 25 07:48 |
oiaohm | All of them modern. | Jul 25 07:48 |
Trials | How is the GPL most dominate ? | Jul 25 07:48 |
oiaohm | BSD and MIT are old licences. | Jul 25 07:48 |
oiaohm | Most projects using GPL compared to any other licence Trials. | Jul 25 07:48 |
Trials | OSX is bsd based there are alot more BSD OS's than GPL | Jul 25 07:49 |
oiaohm | Wrong. | Jul 25 07:49 |
fewa | Dead wrong | Jul 25 07:49 |
oiaohm | BSD comes in second. | Jul 25 07:49 |
oiaohm | By are large margin. | Jul 25 07:49 |
Trials | you saying OSX is not bsd based ? | Jul 25 07:49 |
fewa | _Mutex_, Trials, who pays you? | Jul 25 07:49 |
oiaohm | OSX is bsd based but in project numbers its nothing. | Jul 25 07:50 |
Trials | what are my questions too hard for you ? why not just answer them ? | Jul 25 07:50 |
fewa | _Mutex_, Trials, who pays you? | Jul 25 07:50 |
oiaohm | Even section that ship with OSX are GPL. | Jul 25 07:50 |
Trials | everone know there are far more OSX's than linux's. | Jul 25 07:50 |
fewa | Who pays you to seed lies? | Jul 25 07:50 |
fewa | Trials, there are only 5 OSX's | Jul 25 07:50 |
Trials | what lies Fewa ? | Jul 25 07:51 |
Trials | prove me wrong please, and ill shut up. | Jul 25 07:51 |
fewa | _Mutex_ is it Microsoft? Apple? | Jul 25 07:51 |
Trials | no one pays me, I do not work for anyone either. | Jul 25 07:51 |
oiaohm | Apple desktop is small compared to Linux's super computer and embed numbers. | Jul 25 07:51 |
fewa | _Mutex_ do you do this in your basement? | Jul 25 07:51 |
oiaohm | Basically compared to Linux its numbers are nothing Trials | Jul 25 07:52 |
Trials | LOL, thats funny fewa, hay here's an idea why not answer the questions instead of avoiding them by personal insults ?? | Jul 25 07:52 |
fewa | Trials, what questions? | Jul 25 07:52 |
oiaohm | The types of platforms Linux covers is larger than Apples. | Jul 25 07:52 |
fewa | What questions have not only begged false pretenses? | Jul 25 07:53 |
Trials | ok oiaohm no point in talking to someone who thinks linux is more popular than apple | Jul 25 07:53 |
oiaohm | Basically desktop market is not everything. | Jul 25 07:53 |
oiaohm | Apple is only more popular in a few restricted markets Trials | Jul 25 07:53 |
Trials | sure, but its huge and something. | Jul 25 07:53 |
oiaohm | Most people have linux devices and don't even know it. | Jul 25 07:53 |
Trials | I would not call the desktop "restricted" but ok. | Jul 25 07:53 |
fewa | Trials, "huge and something", is that a number? quantifiable? | Jul 25 07:54 |
oiaohm | Even people using windows who will not touch Linux. | Jul 25 07:54 |
oiaohm | Linux has go into homes invistably. | Jul 25 07:54 |
Trials | fewa, huge means alot yes.. | Jul 25 07:54 |
oiaohm | Like adsl modems. | Jul 25 07:54 |
fewa | Trials, your router runs Linux | Jul 25 07:54 |
Trials | sure, i know that. | Jul 25 07:54 |
oiaohm | So in compared of numbers of devices sold. | Jul 25 07:54 |
fewa | Trials, freenode, this IRC server, runs Linux | Jul 25 07:54 |
oiaohm | Apple is nothing. | Jul 25 07:55 |
oiaohm | MS barely registers against Linux. | Jul 25 07:55 |
oiaohm | Just the desktop is what people see. | Jul 25 07:55 |
oiaohm | Damage the GPL licence and other licences like CDDL forced code returnes you will have massive effects. | Jul 25 07:56 |
oiaohm | That you cannot see. | Jul 25 07:56 |
oiaohm | Like adsl modems being more expensive and more feature limited. | Jul 25 07:56 |
oiaohm | So you will pay for it. | Jul 25 07:56 |
oiaohm | Do you dispute that Trials | Jul 25 07:57 |
Trials | sorry, was not listening, yes sure what you said. | Jul 25 07:57 |
fewa | Trials, lol | Jul 25 07:57 |
oiaohm | So you are a troll. | Jul 25 07:57 |
fewa | Trials, you a laughing stock | Jul 25 07:58 |
oiaohm | There is a lot more to the computer world than desktops. | Jul 25 07:58 |
Trials | if that is what you call someone you dont agree with I guess I am | Jul 25 07:58 |
oiaohm | I work in the world of embeded. | Jul 25 07:58 |
Trials | So do i oiaohm. | Jul 25 07:58 |
oiaohm | It out number desktop. | Jul 25 07:58 |
oiaohm | By a large number. | Jul 25 07:58 |
Trials | and most "real" embedded, well the stuff that really matters does NOT run linux either. | Jul 25 07:59 |
oiaohm | Remember even nokia phone OS is under GPL. | Jul 25 07:59 |
Trials | as you well know oiaohm | Jul 25 07:59 |
oiaohm | Linux is not alone in the embed market. | Jul 25 08:00 |
Trials | yes, I agree phones, and routers and bridges, DSL modems and GPS's and so on run a cut down GPLd code, I know that. | Jul 25 08:00 |
oiaohm | That is where large section of GPL code is. | Jul 25 08:01 |
oiaohm | In the stuff you cannot see. | Jul 25 08:01 |
fewa | Powering everyday activities | Jul 25 08:01 |
oiaohm | And its growning. | Jul 25 08:01 |
oiaohm | Basically MS went after desktop. Linux went after suppers. | Jul 25 08:02 |
oiaohm | Linux got suppers and MS got desktop. | Jul 25 08:02 |
oiaohm | Now Linux is going after embedded. | Jul 25 08:02 |
fewa | superior development model | Jul 25 08:02 |
Trials | as oiaohm knows SCADA systems are where most embedded processors are for each person on earth, in 2000 it was about 13 CPU's per person on earth. not more and they NO NOT USE FOSS or GPL. | Jul 25 08:02 |
oiaohm | Depends on the SCADA system. | Jul 25 08:02 |
oiaohm | There are GPL SCADA systems. | Jul 25 08:02 |
Trials | Yes, it does, but nonoe are GPL linux, OK you would be able to show me where then I would be interested to see that. | Jul 25 08:03 |
oiaohm | I was talking about GPL numbers. | Jul 25 08:03 |
fewa | Trials, what Linux is not GPL, _Mutex_ the troll? | Jul 25 08:03 |
oiaohm | Not Linux alone. | Jul 25 08:04 |
Trials | who said linux is not GPL ? | Jul 25 08:04 |
oiaohm | Linux makes up a large section. | Jul 25 08:04 |
oiaohm | both there are other blocks. | Jul 25 08:04 |
oiaohm | both/but | Jul 25 08:04 |
Trials | what systems oiaohm and what is the supervisory application that they use ? | Jul 25 08:04 |
fewa | Trials, I thought you worked in embedded? | Jul 25 08:04 |
Trials | what control protocol does it use, DNP, Symax ?? or something else ? | Jul 25 08:05 |
fewa | Trials, and therefor you shouldnt have to ask redundant questions? | Jul 25 08:05 |
Trials | what do the PLC's run ? | Jul 25 08:05 |
fewa | Trials, there are even Ethernet UDP offload cards, cause Windows is so incapable of doing UDP/IP and TCP/IP | Jul 25 08:06 |
fewa | They run Linux/netfilter | Jul 25 08:07 |
Trials | good for them :) | Jul 25 08:07 |
oiaohm | Trials since PLC have a standard for programing them some systems don't even bother with platform dependant code and just run java on a client OS. | Jul 25 08:09 |
Trials | oiaohm, you've not worked in the SCADA industry have you ? but thats ok, | Jul 25 08:10 |
fewa | Trials, what did we say about personal attacks earlier? | Jul 25 08:10 |
oiaohm | SCADA has many different reasons and many different requirements. | Jul 25 08:11 |
Trials | im just saying its clear his expertise is not in that area, | Jul 25 08:11 |
oiaohm | I guess you have been in a limited area of it Trials | Jul 25 08:11 |
Trials | which im sure oiaohm understands | Jul 25 08:11 |
oiaohm | My experise is designing systems from scratch to do particular tasks. SCADA it self is not black and white. | Jul 25 08:13 |
Trials | I worked for a SCADA company that did everything, including designing building and programming the PLC's the RTU's for industry and for our own use nation wide. one of the largest SCADA companies on the planet !! | Jul 25 08:13 |
oiaohm | Mine monitoring I guess you have not done Trials | Jul 25 08:14 |
oiaohm | Different time frame requirements. | Jul 25 08:14 |
oiaohm | It is still a SCADA | Jul 25 08:14 |
Trials | My training is electronics engineering and software and ive build scientific instrumentation systems (custom) mostly, but spent 6 years working in SCADA | Jul 25 08:14 |
oiaohm | There are a lot of different forms of SCADA | Jul 25 08:15 |
Trials | mine monitoring, yes i have, they have a system here that got into some trouble because its called MAC | Jul 25 08:15 |
Trials | used in long wall coal mining scada systems here, and intrinsicly safe. | Jul 25 08:15 |
oiaohm | Coal is a different beast to solid rock mines. That I was dealing with. | Jul 25 08:16 |
Trials | we have lots of those here too, and long wall is different to anything | Jul 25 08:16 |
oiaohm | Even more fun when the Mine is humanless all bar the transport trucks. | Jul 25 08:17 |
Trials | again, thats what long wall is | Jul 25 08:17 |
oiaohm | Humanless for repair. | Jul 25 08:18 |
schestowitz | Hey | Jul 25 08:18 |
oiaohm | Those are true sport Trials | Jul 25 08:18 |
oiaohm | Hi schestowitz | Jul 25 08:19 |
fewa | Sup | Jul 25 08:19 |
schestowitz | SO trials is like the 10th nymshift of Mutex... | Jul 25 08:25 |
schestowitz | It figures (I knew he was a troll, but not the Mutex troll) | Jul 25 08:25 |
*schestowitz sets ban on *!*@CPE-58-164-16-203.nsw.bigpond.net.au | Jul 25 08:25 | |
*schestowitz has kicked Trials from #boycottnovell (schestowitz) | Jul 25 08:25 | |
schestowitz | I forgot to add an op | Jul 25 08:26 |
*Guest20623 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 08:40 | |
oiaohm | No problem Trials run out of fight schestowitz | Jul 25 08:42 |
schestowitz | It took us days... to just do a quick WHOIS | Jul 25 08:45 |
schestowitz | Bear in mind he supported other people who trolled this channel during the week | Jul 25 08:45 |
schestowitz | And I suspect he leaves comments in BN under "nemesis" (the one to kill Hubris) | Jul 25 08:45 |
oiaohm | I guess he worked out the side I work on. | Jul 25 08:47 |
oiaohm | Robotics. | Jul 25 08:47 |
Diablo-D3 | om nom nom hubris | Jul 25 08:48 |
oiaohm | SCADA in them is way different. | Jul 25 08:48 |
*BRBT_ (n=BRBT@livecd.ist.temple.edu) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 08:53 | |
oiaohm | http://www.codeweavers.com/about/general/press/20090724/ << I love codeweavers sence of fun. | Jul 25 08:53 |
oiaohm | Projecting when there income will beat MS. | Jul 25 08:56 |
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-183-244.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 08:59 | |
*Balrog has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 09:04 | |
oiaohm | Hmm something funny is going on netcraft has not released a july web server survey | Jul 25 09:06 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 09:14 | |
schestowitz | oiaohm: maybe on break | Jul 25 09:15 |
Diablo-D3 | netcraft confirms netcraft is dying | Jul 25 09:15 |
oiaohm | netcraft normally never takes a break schestowitz | Jul 25 09:18 |
*pk (n=pk@host-84-9-255-89.dslgb.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 09:18 | |
schestowitz | Hm... something happened to the server... | Jul 25 09:19 |
Diablo-D3 | and my joke slips by =/ | Jul 25 09:19 |
oiaohm | If it gets to the end of month without one it will be really strange. Normally the latter in the month worse the report is. | Jul 25 09:19 |
oiaohm | For MS. | Jul 25 09:19 |
schestowitz | Weird. It just froze there for a sec (BN) | Jul 25 09:19 |
schestowitz | oiaohm: you mean towards month's end? | Jul 25 09:19 |
schestowitz | I've been thinking about it an hour ago | Jul 25 09:20 |
schestowitz | Microsoft's next report will show another fall by a third or so | Jul 25 09:20 |
schestowitz | There have _no_ new products | Jul 25 09:20 |
schestowitz | What happened to Office 2009? | Jul 25 09:20 |
schestowitz | Is it Office 2010 now/ | Jul 25 09:20 |
oiaohm | When the report is good for MS its out on the start of the month schestowitz | Jul 25 09:22 |
oiaohm | When it bad it slips back latter in the month that as been normal for netcraft for a while. | Jul 25 09:22 |
oiaohm | They only have 6 days left in the month to release the July web servey. | Jul 25 09:23 |
oiaohm | That is really cutting it late. | Jul 25 09:23 |
*tessier has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | Jul 25 09:32 | |
*tessier (n=treed@mail.copilotco.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 09:32 | |
*tessier has quit (K-lined) | Jul 25 09:32 | |
schestowitz | oiaohm: their stats are not reliable | Jul 25 09:35 |
schestowitz | The Chinese folks run circles around them | Jul 25 09:35 |
schestowitz | And then there's the Microsoft follis | Jul 25 09:35 |
schestowitz | *ies | Jul 25 09:35 |
schestowitz | I used to think Netcraft meant much. Now I mostly ignore it | Jul 25 09:35 |
schestowitz | Hehe. Technorati has scientology.org commercials | Jul 25 09:55 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Hit some high stats in the COLA figures released. A great newsgroup: comp.alt.linux.advocacy get yourself over to it! #xp #microsoft #linux | Jul 25 10:04 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Just put some idea's to the Wolvix forum for the next release. Great distro, check it out http://www.wolvix.org #linux #wolvix | Jul 25 10:17 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] So its off to the village fete today (after I have got a new exhaust for the car) Maybe some Twitpics later??? | Jul 25 10:18 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] New slogan for my site: "Openbytes – The blog for people with a GNUtee beard!" now thats creative thinking! #linux #windows #microsoft | Jul 25 10:23 | |
*Guest123 (n=IceChat7@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 10:40 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] White House Bans Twitter? < http://ping.fm/XIZ1U > | Jul 25 11:09 | |
oiaohm | schestowitz: I know there stats are not reliable but is really bad when they cannot been it. | Jul 25 11:20 |
schestowitz | They can't change definitions now | Jul 25 11:26 |
schestowitz | It would make figures no longer compatible | Jul 25 11:26 |
schestowitz | Basically, it's like someone reverse-engineered their encryption | Jul 25 11:27 |
schestowitz | If they 'fix' it now, that would invalidate what it already out there (media rendered not playable) | Jul 25 11:27 |
schestowitz | Benchmarks are similar | Jul 25 11:27 |
benJIman | cj: Why have you commented out the irclog you posted? | Jul 25 11:28 |
schestowitz | Companies can optimise specifically to ace benchmarks (e.g. acid tests, JavaScript speed) | Jul 25 11:28 |
schestowitz | This makes the benchmarks less valuable and meaningful | Jul 25 11:28 |
*schestowitz knows that benJIman and cj are here just to stir up rouble | Jul 25 11:29 | |
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 11:31 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] EFF's new lawsuit, and how the NSA is into social networking < http://ping.fm/VhpaK > | Jul 25 11:50 | |
schestowitz | "Leland Yee, the Senator who sponsored the twice-failed California gaming law, has filed an amicus brief in support of Governor Schwarzenegger's appeal to the Supreme Court. Violent video games are apparently a very pressing issue in California." http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2009/07/sensationalist-legal-brief-aims-to-revive-ca-game-law.ars | Jul 25 11:51 |
Guest123 | ofcourse get rid of video games and they might be able to pay their bills. | Jul 25 11:53 |
ThistleWeb | not if you work int he games industry | Jul 25 11:57 |
ThistleWeb | since it's comparable in size to Hollywood, there's more than a handful of these peeps | Jul 25 11:57 |
ThistleWeb | so many of these conservative campaigns stem from the Church losing it's appeal to other pursuits. If the peeps don't come to Church, they can't be led, controlled and indoctrinated. Things like sale of alchahol on Sundays was brought in because working men preferred to get wasted on their day off, rather than get up and go to Church | Jul 25 12:00 |
ThistleWeb | typical, target the effect, not the cause ie the Chucrh gets more and more irrelevant by the day, with more and more peeps seeing a discord between it's bile and discrimination and the modern world they live in | Jul 25 12:02 |
ThistleWeb | the more they fail to draw into their sects by choice, the more they feel the need to get their small minded views enacted into law to enforce the peeps who didn't willingly accept them | Jul 25 12:03 |
ThistleWeb | the moral minority, by proxy | Jul 25 12:04 |
ThistleWeb | *ban on the sale of alcahol on Sundays | Jul 25 12:05 |
ThistleWeb | if working men can't buy booze, they will be sober and more mailable by their wives to get up and go to church | Jul 25 12:05 |
*Tallken (n=Tallken@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 12:06 | |
schestowitz | Alcohol can help | Jul 25 12:06 |
schestowitz | Might calm people down in anticipation for a binge | Jul 25 12:06 |
ThistleWeb | yeah, any time you have to spend time listeing to BS, it certainly can | Jul 25 12:06 |
*fewa has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | Jul 25 12:06 | |
ThistleWeb | careful not to slide off the pew | Jul 25 12:06 |
ThistleWeb | lol | Jul 25 12:06 |
schestowitz | It's like the effect of drugs in medicine (including forms of heavy drugs... not just for anesthetic) | Jul 25 12:06 |
Guest123 | laws should not be bound by any particular or ANY religion for that matter. | Jul 25 12:07 |
schestowitz | Actually, wasn't LSD developed for these purpose? | Jul 25 12:07 |
schestowitz | [Before it went outside the confinement of the few] | Jul 25 12:07 |
schestowitz | Same with booze and religion to an extent | Jul 25 12:07 |
schestowitz | Let me show you a debate I've watched since yesterday... | Jul 25 12:07 |
schestowitz | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShzphSB7E5A&NR=1 | Jul 25 12:08 |
schestowitz | Around part 6 Hitchens claims that he doesn't want religion to go away | Jul 25 12:08 |
schestowitz | Guest123: laws are about morality | Jul 25 12:08 |
ThistleWeb | plenty of campaigns from conservative groups are all about banning or limiting things peeps have chosen to do instead of going to church. They believe that by removing that pursuit, the peeps will naturally come back to the flock to be indoctrinated and controlled | Jul 25 12:08 |
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 12:08 | |
schestowitz | Laws in some countries don't separate church and state | Jul 25 12:08 |
Guest123 | yes, morality, not religion | Jul 25 12:08 |
schestowitz | Or mosque and state or whatever for that matter | Jul 25 12:09 |
schestowitz | But still, you don't see people running around naked | Jul 25 12:09 |
schestowitz | That's less to do with morality and more with tradition | Jul 25 12:09 |
Guest123 | thats because of morals, not religion | Jul 25 12:09 |
schestowitz | It works fine in some cultures | Jul 25 12:09 |
ThistleWeb | even some countries who do supposedly separate church and state have some very permanant ties | Jul 25 12:09 |
schestowitz | Others take the other extreme, which is that flesh need not be visible, esp. for women | Jul 25 12:09 |
Guest123 | as well different cultures and countries have different morals as well. | Jul 25 12:10 |
ThistleWeb | there's also a huge difference between religion, faith and belief | Jul 25 12:10 |
schestowitz | Imagine a culture where you have to dress up your cat :-D | Jul 25 12:10 |
Guest123 | yes, | Jul 25 12:10 |
Guest123 | they exist, and dogs and cows, | Jul 25 12:11 |
ThistleWeb | the first is a man made organisation concerned with it's own man made rules and continuing the status quo using the excuse of "god's will" | Jul 25 12:11 |
ThistleWeb | "thou must wear a dress and accept a pringle" | Jul 25 12:11 |
schestowitz | "though shall redeem emacs virgins" | Jul 25 12:11 |
Guest123 | which god, is the problem, and its hard to find anything not man made or natural. | Jul 25 12:11 |
schestowitz | *thou | Jul 25 12:11 |
ThistleWeb | yeah, if every nutter who attacks someone on the instructions of God is telling the truth, then God must be a sadist as he backs all sides | Jul 25 12:12 |
ThistleWeb | of course, calling God himself to the witness stand is kinda difficult | Jul 25 12:13 |
ThistleWeb | even the top peeps don't have a phone number for him | Jul 25 12:13 |
Guest123 | thats because they "are" him, if you ask them. | Jul 25 12:13 |
oiaohm | The greatest trick the devil could produce is tricking everyone into believing the existance of a god. | Jul 25 12:13 |
ThistleWeb | despite claiming to commune regularly with him, they seem to keep forgetting to mention that "he bug guy, there's a lot of peeps here who doubt you exist, any chance you could put that to rest with an appearance?" | Jul 25 12:14 |
ThistleWeb | big* | Jul 25 12:14 |
schestowitz | MPs urge 'pay as you drive' to counter road tax scepticism < http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/jul/24/pay-as-you-drive-tax > | Jul 25 12:15 |
ThistleWeb | maybe a Q&A listing all the peeps who claimed to be killing in his name, "do you know this person?" "did you insturct him to strap a bomb to himself and visit a roadblock?" | Jul 25 12:15 |
schestowitz | I based it on evidence, ThistleWeb | Jul 25 12:15 |
schestowitz | I'll believe the other side... when I see proof of a so-called 'God' | Jul 25 12:15 |
Guest123 | ofcourse, they have the answer for all that, if you are not a true believer you dont get to see him, bad luck. | Jul 25 12:15 |
schestowitz | Until then I see people trying to mix science and magic to confuse | Jul 25 12:15 |
schestowitz | Saying things like "God made the big bang" | Jul 25 12:16 |
schestowitz | Which escapes the issues of who created this creator in the first place | Jul 25 12:16 |
schestowitz | All of this is based on superstition from times when a wheelbarrow was considered "innovation" | Jul 25 12:16 |
ThistleWeb | yeah, as Douglas Adams said "science and ideas are honed through debate, where any weak argument will be shot down quickly, but with any religion, it has so many holes that it'd be debunked in minutes.....yet it's immune from being questioned" | Jul 25 12:17 |
Guest123 | or the big bang in the first place. | Jul 25 12:17 |
schestowitz | And books that got modified over thousands of years (broken telephone effect) | Jul 25 12:17 |
schestowitz | ThistleWeb: yes, immune to questining | Jul 25 12:17 |
schestowitz | Using words like "Sacred" and "blasphemy" | Jul 25 12:17 |
schestowitz | But why not produce evidence? | Jul 25 12:17 |
ThistleWeb | sad that Ireland now has legalised blashpemey a few days ago | Jul 25 12:18 |
oiaohm | Faith is a part of human nature in many ways. | Jul 25 12:18 |
schestowitz | That's like me saying you can't insult my football team because the FLying Spaghetti Monster blessed it | Jul 25 12:18 |
ThistleWeb | some peeps are hell bent on taking their communities backwards | Jul 25 12:18 |
oiaohm | You lend people items at times on blind faith in them. | Jul 25 12:18 |
schestowitz | Whoa. Weird stuff in the Vista Sucks blog | Jul 25 12:19 |
schestowitz | It's like it turned into a VIsta7 marketing blog | Jul 25 12:19 |
ThistleWeb | when someone's life is shit, every day with all sorts of man made hardships, they turn to faith that in the next life they will be rewarded, if they only obey the preacher | Jul 25 12:19 |
schestowitz | I have no explanation for it | Jul 25 12:19 |
schestowitz | Unsubscribed | Jul 25 12:19 |
ThistleWeb | it's a welcoming promise, even if it's BS | Jul 25 12:19 |
schestowitz | http://www.allgambian.net/NewsDetails.aspx?id=53 (AFRICA: Food production to halve by 20200 | Jul 25 12:19 |
ThistleWeb | hence poverty and hardship are ideal recruiting grounds for all sorts of religious fanatics | Jul 25 12:20 |
schestowitz | These are based on national issues | Jul 25 12:20 |
schestowitz | Religions are often not the problem | Jul 25 12:20 |
oiaohm | Buddhist not so much ThistleWeb | Jul 25 12:20 |
schestowitz | National problems are only justified and tackled using religion as a setting | Jul 25 12:20 |
ThistleWeb | oiaohm: yeah Buddhism does seem to be more peacefull and accepting than the others | Jul 25 12:21 |
schestowitz | Biggest atrocities are in Congo... not related to religion | Jul 25 12:21 |
oiaohm | Under Buddhist its optional to believe in gods. | Jul 25 12:21 |
schestowitz | Socio-economic issues drive fanaticism like 9/11 | Jul 25 12:21 |
oiaohm | They follow the core of take resonsablity for your actions. | Jul 25 12:21 |
Guest123 | biggest attrocities was the inquisition, and that was religious | Jul 25 12:21 |
schestowitz | In part | Jul 25 12:22 |
schestowitz | Narrow world view | Jul 25 12:22 |
oiaohm | No such thing as just asking for forgiveness under Buddhists you deserve it. | Jul 25 12:22 |
schestowitz | Competing beliefs | Jul 25 12:22 |
oiaohm | inquisition is funny. | Jul 25 12:22 |
schestowitz | Na | Jul 25 12:22 |
oiaohm | The bible forbids killing. | Jul 25 12:22 |
schestowitz | Nope | Jul 25 12:22 |
schestowitz | It encourages it | Jul 25 12:22 |
oiaohm | Yet the inquisition did hell load of it. | Jul 25 12:22 |
schestowitz | Provided it's the 'Bad Guy' | Jul 25 12:22 |
schestowitz | Where bad can be "gentile", "gay", whatever... | Jul 25 12:22 |
schestowitz | Bible is a very genocidal book | Jul 25 12:22 |
oiaohm | The pure bible never directly supports killing. | Jul 25 12:22 |
schestowitz | Esp. Old Testament | Jul 25 12:22 |
Guest123 | who what that guy, that killed that other guy in the bible, ,oh yea, Moses. | Jul 25 12:22 |
oiaohm | New testment. | Jul 25 12:23 |
Guest123 | why, because the other guy hit a slave. | Jul 25 12:23 |
oiaohm | That was been used in the inquisition. | Jul 25 12:23 |
schestowitz | Remember the idea of Noah's arc | Jul 25 12:23 |
schestowitz | Basically, 'God' wipes all human kind for being evil | Jul 25 12:23 |
oiaohm | That is what is wrong about lots of these so called religion caused problems. | Jul 25 12:23 |
Guest123 | capital punishment for punching someone, and that was the profit Moses you remember him from the bible, the one that got the 10 commandments. | Jul 25 12:23 |
oiaohm | Miss translation schestowitz | Jul 25 12:23 |
schestowitz | But if s/he controls them all, why make them evil int he first place and then drown them? | Jul 25 12:23 |
schestowitz | That's masochistic | Jul 25 12:24 |
Guest123 | I wonder why god wanted to tell moses "thou shallt not KILL". | Jul 25 12:24 |
Guest123 | Unless its his own son. | Jul 25 12:24 |
oiaohm | Yep 10 commandments. | Jul 25 12:24 |
oiaohm | Rules that should over ride all actions. | Jul 25 12:24 |
oiaohm | Rules with no execeptions. | Jul 25 12:24 |
schestowitz | Hehe. 10 rules | Jul 25 12:24 |
schestowitz | So what happened before them? | Jul 25 12:24 |
Guest123 | which 10 commandments ?? do you refer too ?? | Jul 25 12:25 |
schestowitz | Did people kill and rape everyone? | Jul 25 12:25 |
schestowitz | No? | Jul 25 12:25 |
ThistleWeb | is it the Catholics who believe we're all born sinners and have to live live by all sorts of rituals to clense? | Jul 25 12:25 |
oiaohm | A bit. | Jul 25 12:25 |
schestowitz | And if not, does it not show that morality come from within? | Jul 25 12:25 |
schestowitz | COmpassion and all? | Jul 25 12:25 |
schestowitz | ThistleWeb: so born to be guilty | Jul 25 12:25 |
ThistleWeb | yep | Jul 25 12:25 |
oiaohm | Thou shallt not kill exists in most rellitions under differnet wordings. | Jul 25 12:25 |
schestowitz | ANd to pray | Jul 25 12:25 |
ThistleWeb | if that's the case, then no matter what I do, I'm going to hell, so I may as well enjoy it | Jul 25 12:26 |
oiaohm | Yet extreamists love disobeying it. | Jul 25 12:26 |
schestowitz | To pray for someone whose universe is like 10^10000000000000~ bigger than us | Jul 25 12:26 |
schestowitz | We sure get A LOT of attention for the small planet that we are !! :-) | Jul 25 12:26 |
ThistleWeb | anyone seen the George Carlin - Religion Is Bullshit clip on youtube? | Jul 25 12:26 |
Guest123 | you know there is more than 1 version of the 10 commandments, one is duteronomy and there are 2 others, so which one do you refer to :) | Jul 25 12:27 |
oiaohm | If everyone following a religion followed it correctly there would be less problems. | Jul 25 12:27 |
schestowitz | But it gets modified | Jul 25 12:27 |
oiaohm | Why do all religions have thou shall not kill. | Jul 25 12:27 |
schestowitz | For example, how many people harmonise with evolution now? | Jul 25 12:27 |
schestowitz | How many believe Earth is 6000 years old? | Jul 25 12:28 |
schestowitz | How many people would stone a gay person? | Jul 25 12:28 |
schestowitz | SOme still assassinate abortionists. | Jul 25 12:28 |
oiaohm | Because if you have shall kill you will not have a population for long. | Jul 25 12:28 |
oiaohm | So every religion with shall kill disappears sooner or latter threw self caused destruction. | Jul 25 12:29 |
ThistleWeb | I would stone a gay person, or a straight person...in fact I've gotten stoned with a lot of people over the years without even wondering who they like in the sack, as long as they roll a good joint and can have a laugh, they're cool by me | Jul 25 12:29 |
ThistleWeb | although I;m guessing it's a different meaning of "stone" | Jul 25 12:29 |
Guest123 | everyone knows religion is a money making scheme and a way to subdue and control the populus | Jul 25 12:29 |
schestowitz | http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2009/07/22/mass_graves/index.html | Jul 25 12:30 |
ThistleWeb | Guest123: not everyone | Jul 25 12:30 |
ThistleWeb | peeps still fall for it | Jul 25 12:30 |
oiaohm | That is the issue with reading old documents ThistleWeb. Meanings of words change. | Jul 25 12:30 |
Guest123 | yes, sorry not everyone thats right | Jul 25 12:30 |
oiaohm | Best is the define world. | Jul 25 12:30 |
oiaohm | Smallest valid define is as far as you can see. | Jul 25 12:30 |
Guest123 | all drug takers should be stoned | Jul 25 12:30 |
ThistleWeb | if they knew, it'd make them REAL stupid, best weeded out of the gene pool before they can breed | Jul 25 12:30 |
oiaohm | Story of the flood in the bible does not sound that great if you take the smallest valid define of world. | Jul 25 12:31 |
oiaohm | And the size ship is right. | Jul 25 12:31 |
oiaohm | For a world that size. | Jul 25 12:31 |
ThistleWeb | judging by some people's actions though, it does make you wonder if you're seeing living, breathing proof that someone somewhere pissed in the gene pool | Jul 25 12:31 |
Guest123 | noah's flood was the first example of copyright theft :) | Jul 25 12:31 |
ThistleWeb | Guest123: every dope smoker should be stoned, or be given a refund on bad weed | Jul 25 12:32 |
Guest123 | its word for word from another bood. | Jul 25 12:32 |
Guest123 | ThistleWeb, yes, :) | Jul 25 12:32 |
Guest123 | boook. | Jul 25 12:32 |
schestowitz | Hamlet too | Jul 25 12:33 |
schestowitz | Back then it was common to do mashup | Jul 25 12:33 |
schestowitz | You read and you seam together bits you like | Jul 25 12:33 |
Guest123 | im trying to think of the title of the book, | Jul 25 12:33 |
schestowitz | Mass publishing did not really exist before Gutenberg | Jul 25 12:33 |
*crunchy135711 (n=chatzill@dslb-084-062-045-178.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 12:33 | |
schestowitz | You could perform and you could pass stories by scrolls and word of mouth | Jul 25 12:34 |
schestowitz | When copying stories by hand you could make your own rendition on the fly | Jul 25 12:34 |
schestowitz | [Since you do it manually anyway] | Jul 25 12:34 |
schestowitz | What people write is still the product of what they read and blend together | Jul 25 12:34 |
schestowitz | Everything from choice of words to ideas | Jul 25 12:34 |
schestowitz | "You are what you eat" | Jul 25 12:35 |
ThistleWeb | for a long time (compared to modern history) the only peeps who could read or write were the elite | Jul 25 12:35 |
ThistleWeb | even the bible was in latin | Jul 25 12:35 |
schestowitz | "You write what you read" | Jul 25 12:35 |
ThistleWeb | so you needed an official preist to interpret (and put their spin on) what it held | Jul 25 12:35 |
ThistleWeb | when the Queen (cant remember who) wanted peeps to be able to read the bible in English, the church was outraged | Jul 25 12:36 |
ThistleWeb | it removed a layer of their control over their flock | Jul 25 12:36 |
ThistleWeb | as far as stories are concerned, there are no totally new stories | Jul 25 12:37 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Someone called Nicholas Kolakowski carried on in Microsoft Watch. | Jul 25 12:37 | |
ThistleWeb | everything is influenced by other stuff, with a new angle, or perspective mixed with another idea | Jul 25 12:37 |
ThistleWeb | not just stories | Jul 25 12:37 |
Guest123 | gilgamesh thats right | Jul 25 12:37 |
ThistleWeb | when you see that, and understand it, it grates to see hefty copyright / IP claims on evolutions of ideas, not totally new ideas | Jul 25 12:38 |
ThistleWeb | star wars was a blend of a lot of classic stories and characters, with the only twist being that it's set in space | Jul 25 12:39 |
ThistleWeb | the twist was new, but not the component parts | Jul 25 12:40 |
Guest123 | star wars was a modern day pirate movie, but its still star wars and its what it is, its copyrighted and it cost alot of money to make, money the copyright protect, | Jul 25 12:42 |
ThistleWeb | every story is a new take or combination on something(s) done before in a way that feels new | Jul 25 12:43 |
ThistleWeb | in every medium | Jul 25 12:43 |
Guest123 | thats right, they all use words and actions and things, there is a | Jul 25 12:44 |
ThistleWeb | everything has an inspiration, either conscious or subconscious | Jul 25 12:44 |
schestowitz | http://linuxlock.blogspot.com/2009/07/time-to-share-wealth.html (Time to Share the Wealth) | Jul 25 12:44 |
Diablo-D3 | schestowitz: what is your time zone | Jul 25 12:45 |
ThistleWeb | the bad stortytellers dont have a unique way of expressing that insperation and end up plagerising their muse in their own words | Jul 25 12:45 |
ThistleWeb | the good ones are held as artists who offer something new | Jul 25 12:45 |
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04 | Jul 25 12:45 | |
*schestowitz is at GMT | Jul 25 12:46 | |
Guest123 | plagerising "in their own words" eh :) | Jul 25 12:46 |
ThistleWeb | Guest123: I mean a rip off, but done in their own words | Jul 25 12:46 |
ThistleWeb | where the story is all but the same, with few changes. Written honestly but with no imagination | Jul 25 12:47 |
Guest123 | ok what was star wars "all but the same" as ? | Jul 25 12:47 |
ThistleWeb | like writing a book where a female witch finds she's the chosen one, and goes to a school for witches | Jul 25 12:48 |
ThistleWeb | bascily, harry potter with a female lead | Jul 25 12:48 |
ThistleWeb | with star wars, it's the character types who were all well established, the crazy old man, the pirate, the princess etc | Jul 25 12:50 |
ThistleWeb | rescue the princess | Jul 25 12:50 |
ThistleWeb | save the base from destruction | Jul 25 12:50 |
*sjkdf (i=5496b416@gateway/web/freenode/x-839dbd5bbf9563ac) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 12:51 | |
ThistleWeb | rebuild in hiding | Jul 25 12:51 |
Guest123 | and that is "all but the same as " what ? | Jul 25 12:51 |
ThistleWeb | "rescue the princess" has been done a million times in a million ways, starting with fairytales | Jul 25 12:51 |
ThistleWeb | but not set in space, until star ware | Jul 25 12:52 |
ThistleWeb | wars* | Jul 25 12:52 |
Guest123 | the rescue the princess in star wars was a very small sub-plot at best, its still not saying what Star wars is all but the same as? | Jul 25 12:52 |
Guest123 | sure there are lots of rescue to princess movies, (not that i can think of ANY right now,, ,can you ?) | Jul 25 12:53 |
ThistleWeb | it was the first half of ep4 yes | Jul 25 12:53 |
ThistleWeb | it was part of the story | Jul 25 12:53 |
ThistleWeb | a component | Jul 25 12:54 |
ThistleWeb | like the others, cherry picked and moulded into a new story | Jul 25 12:54 |
ThistleWeb | if that'd been the whole movie peeps would have noticed it was an obvious plot | Jul 25 12:54 |
ThistleWeb | not just movies, stories in general, regardless of their medium | Jul 25 12:55 |
Guest123 | I still do see any movie or book that is "all but the same as" anything like star wars. | Jul 25 12:56 |
ThistleWeb | the point is that all stories are inspired by others, but with new twists or angles, even combining 2 ideas nobody has thought to combine before | Jul 25 12:56 |
ThistleWeb | "all but the same as" refers to the compnents, not the overall story, that's what I'm trying to explain | Jul 25 12:57 |
ThistleWeb | the princess is a well used char | Jul 25 12:57 |
ThistleWeb | the wise old man too | Jul 25 12:57 |
ThistleWeb | the pirate | Jul 25 12:57 |
ThistleWeb | the hero with a sword | Jul 25 12:58 |
ThistleWeb | these are all very well worn components | Jul 25 12:58 |
schestowitz | Microsoft desperately look for new ways of making money.. this time selling PCs: http://www.techflash.com/microsoft/Report_Is_this_the_first_look_inside_the_Microsoft_store_experience51643372.html | Jul 25 12:58 |
ThistleWeb | joined together in a story, set in space | Jul 25 12:58 |
ThistleWeb | plenty of ghost stories, or magic stories but none until harry potter thought about having a school for magic, with ghosts as part of the regular staff | Jul 25 12:59 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] EA holds "Harass a Booth Babe" contest http://bit.ly/q0SHV WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE WRONG WITH THIS GREAT IDEA | Jul 25 13:00 | |
Guest123 | yes, I know, and all great books are made of component words, movies are made of component characters, people, times, places, actions, things and so on, like saying Star wars was based on world war 1 or 2 or whatever, things happen and they are stylised and acted out in movies and books and so on. | Jul 25 13:00 |
ThistleWeb | exactly, so nothing is new. It's all inspired from something, twisted into a new telling or angle | Jul 25 13:01 |
*tacone has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Jul 25 13:01 | |
Guest123 | lots of things are new, new things happen all the time. | Jul 25 13:01 |
ThistleWeb | yes, new mashups of other ideas | Jul 25 13:02 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] If anyone ever tells you #wikipedia is "too deletionist": http://is.gd/1LXnU (HT @mike_peel) | Jul 25 13:02 | |
Guest123 | you can create a new peice of music, it can be based on common scales, rythems, notes and progressions but it can be unique as well. | Jul 25 13:02 |
ThistleWeb | when entertainment peeps whine about their "unique creations" needing to be protected from others copying them, they don't seem to get that it's not that unique, it's just their twist on stuff already in existence | Jul 25 13:03 |
Guest123 | still unique | Jul 25 13:03 |
ThistleWeb | peeps will be inspired by their work, just as they were inspired by others to create it | Jul 25 13:03 |
Diablo-D3 | ThistleWeb: you know what? | Jul 25 13:04 |
ThistleWeb | which is why CC seems like a very apt licence | Jul 25 13:04 |
Diablo-D3 | I intend on making a movie thats a rip off of all movies ever... | Jul 25 13:04 |
Diablo-D3 | and in a mind blowing move | Jul 25 13:05 |
ThistleWeb | go for it, you wont be the first with that idea | Jul 25 13:05 |
Diablo-D3 | make DRM so strong you can only buy the disc, you cant ever watch it | Jul 25 13:05 |
ThistleWeb | plenty of spoofs exist from that very idea | Jul 25 13:05 |
ThistleWeb | some better than others | Jul 25 13:05 |
ThistleWeb | the difference with a spoof is they WANT the references to be noticed | Jul 25 13:06 |
ThistleWeb | they twist comedy into them | Jul 25 13:06 |
Diablo-D3 | nope, no comedy | Jul 25 13:06 |
Diablo-D3 | in fact, I may not even film anything | Jul 25 13:06 |
ThistleWeb | and bank on the recognition of the original | Jul 25 13:06 |
Diablo-D3 | its just going to be random scenes from other movies | Jul 25 13:06 |
Diablo-D3 | randomly cut | Jul 25 13:06 |
ThistleWeb | that's easy to do on a Mac I hear, so it shouldn't take you too long | Jul 25 13:07 |
Diablo-D3 | man, I could be rich doing this | Jul 25 13:07 |
Diablo-D3 | since no one can watch it, they cant sue me for copyright infringement | Jul 25 13:07 |
ThistleWeb | who said anything about the ability to watch it? if money changes hands it counts | Jul 25 13:07 |
Diablo-D3 | but they cant prove it | Jul 25 13:08 |
Diablo-D3 | in fact, I may just cat /dev/urandom into the disc | Jul 25 13:08 |
ThistleWeb | lol | Jul 25 13:08 |
Diablo-D3 | and just _say_ I have shit on it | Jul 25 13:08 |
Diablo-D3 | THIS PLAN IS BRILLIANT | Jul 25 13:09 |
ThistleWeb | and in the reality you live in, people will actually give you money for this? | Jul 25 13:09 |
ThistleWeb | let alone enough money to make you rich | Jul 25 13:09 |
ThistleWeb | lol | Jul 25 13:09 |
Diablo-D3 | if I wear black, grow a goatee, and fake a french accent | Jul 25 13:09 |
Diablo-D3 | it will work | Jul 25 13:09 |
Diablo-D3 | people _are_ that stupid | Jul 25 13:09 |
Guest123 | for you to really make the big money you need to give it away for free :) | Jul 25 13:10 |
Diablo-D3 | ThistleWeb: I mean, look at the whacko that had bags of trash as art | Jul 25 13:10 |
ThistleWeb | yeah, people are stupid, but they need to be convinced it's a good deal | Jul 25 13:10 |
Diablo-D3 | or the people who paid a shitload of money for paintings done by elephants (while being told they were done by some famous non-existant artist) | Jul 25 13:10 |
ThistleWeb | anyhoo, we appear to be derailing the IRC, sorry schestowitz | Jul 25 13:11 |
*Tallken has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 13:17 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Phoronix looks for help keeping the site going. http://ping.fm/NRuot | Jul 25 13:27 | |
schestowitz | Again: Microsoft's next operating system may start from BSD http://www.advogato.org/article/1013.html | Jul 25 13:31 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Phoronix (Linux hardware site) needs $$$ http://ping.fm/NRuot | Jul 25 13:33 | |
oiaohm | History of BSD and Linux GPL is a nasty one. | Jul 25 13:35 |
schestowitz | http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/doc/2009/07/21/a-jovian-black-eye/ | Jul 25 13:36 |
Guest123 | thats a big hole, | Jul 25 13:38 |
trmanco | http://www.codeweavers.com/about/general/press/20090724/ | Jul 25 13:42 |
trmanco | LOOL | Jul 25 13:42 |
trmanco | see the video | Jul 25 13:42 |
*_Goblin (n=root@94-193-188-104.zone7.bethere.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 13:49 | |
_Goblin | Hello all. | Jul 25 13:49 |
schestowitz | _Goblin: MS Watch is back | Jul 25 13:49 |
_Goblin | ? LOL..... | Jul 25 13:50 |
schestowitz | ANd my DNS server is SOOOOOOOOOO laggy | Jul 25 13:50 |
_Goblin | I wonder if Andre knows.... | Jul 25 13:50 |
_Goblin | :( | Jul 25 13:50 |
schestowitz | I'll sod off in a moment unless it picks up speed | Jul 25 13:50 |
schestowitz | _Goblin: nobody knows | Jul 25 13:50 |
schestowitz | No comments there | Jul 25 13:50 |
schestowitz | RSS feed just been updated | Jul 25 13:50 |
schestowitz | The new guy is not competent from what I've seen | Jul 25 13:50 |
schestowitz | Just another MS PR rep | Jul 25 13:50 |
schestowitz | Like the one in Seattle P-I | Jul 25 13:51 |
_Goblin | Nicholas Kolakowski | Jul 25 13:51 |
schestowitz | The DNS server here is painfully slow since hal;f an hour ago | Jul 25 13:51 |
schestowitz | I'm gonna go for a few hours | Jul 25 13:51 |
_Goblin | I would put money on a mentioning of something other than MS will get them crawling out of the woodwork | Jul 25 13:51 |
_Goblin | ok mate, see you later | Jul 25 13:52 |
schestowitz | "...an article that was brought to my attention by blade206 that was posted two months ago by Roy Schestowitz stating how Microsoft is still operating at a loss." http://www.gamekicker.com/Xbox-360/Will-Microsoft-Introduce-A-New-Console-Next-Generation | Jul 25 13:53 |
trmanco | schestowitz, change to opendns | Jul 25 13:53 |
schestowitz | trmanco: naaa.. | Jul 25 13:53 |
schestowitz | Double-spying | Jul 25 13:53 |
trmanco | on what? | Jul 25 13:53 |
schestowitz | http://www.gamesonsmash.com/?p=8164 | Jul 25 13:53 |
schestowitz | BN cited on XBox matters too | Jul 25 13:54 |
schestowitz | trmanco: pages visited | Jul 25 13:54 |
schestowitz | There's also Google, Alexa, Netcraft.. | Jul 25 13:54 |
trmanco | no big deal | Jul 25 13:54 |
schestowitz | bbl | Jul 25 13:55 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] #Microsoft Watch is back up! Lets see if it returns to its former glory under Joe Wilcox. So far comments == 0. #linux #microsoft | Jul 25 14:02 | |
*Tallken (n=Tallken@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 14:24 | |
*Tallken has quit (Client Quit) | Jul 25 14:25 | |
oiaohm | http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2009/07/plasma-in-kde-44.html KDE 4.4 plans are a interesting read. | Jul 25 14:32 |
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Jul 25 14:50 | |
*Guest20623 (n=unknown@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 15:09 | |
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Ex-Chat") | Jul 25 15:20 | |
*ugufjhfj (n=ugufjhfj@modemcable213.226-56-74.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 15:29 | |
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-217-225.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 15:39 | |
Diablo-D3 | http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/LREBOIPSqFU/Network-Solutions-Suffers-Massive-Data-Breach | Jul 25 15:43 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 15:53 | |
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04 | Jul 25 15:54 | |
schestowitz | It's a good thing I have nuttin' to do with Network Solutions | Jul 25 16:02 |
schestowitz | This would stain them for good | Jul 25 16:02 |
Diablo-D3 | schestowitz: uh, hello? | Jul 25 16:03 |
Diablo-D3 | they've been stained for good since the dawn of the internet | Jul 25 16:03 |
schestowitz | Network No-lussion | Jul 25 16:05 |
Diablo-D3 | Network Final Solution amirite | Jul 25 16:05 |
*fewa (n=fewa@174-21-110-3.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 16:16 | |
schestowitz | I've shifted to opendns now | Jul 25 16:17 |
schestowitz | Much better. The Windows zombies must be hammering on DNS here or something | Jul 25 16:17 |
schestowitz | Destroying beauty because you can afford it < http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2009/07/destroying_beauty_because_you.php > | Jul 25 16:18 |
trmanco | schestowitz, :-P | Jul 25 16:27 |
schestowitz | "Everyone wants to know how my month offline was. They ask it casually, like “How’s work going?” or “What’d you do this weekend?” But it’s not a casual question. It was a huge, incredible, transformative experience. Those 30 days felt like six months." http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/offline2 | Jul 25 16:31 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Russia may ban Skype - shocka http://ping.fm/vCiqN | Jul 25 16:36 | |
*sjkdf has quit ("Page closed") | Jul 25 16:36 | |
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | Jul 25 16:38 | |
schestowitz | http://spittoon.23andme.com/2009/07/24/direct-genetic-link-between-australia-and-india-provides-new-insight-into-the-origins-of-australian-aborigines/ | Jul 25 16:40 |
schestowitz | Let's look at some MSFT news. This week it should be fun. | Jul 25 16:41 |
NYT notices that the US Cellphone market is craven, greedy, anticompetitive and suck. http://mobile.slashdot.org/story/09/07/25/1438217/The-Irksome-Cellphone-Industry | Jul 25 16:42 | |
schestowitz | Yahoo!-Microsoft Pact: Alive Again? < http://online.barrons.com/article/SB124847524170080159.html?ru=yahoo#mod=yahoobarrons > | Jul 25 16:44 |
schestowitz | US cellphone market = shared monopoly | Jul 25 16:44 |
schestowitz | Cartel/collusion/price-fixing | Jul 25 16:44 |
schestowitz | "Don't give it too cheap, we won't either..." | Jul 25 16:44 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "It's nice of Bill to make these available in a Microsoft-only video format" < http://ping.fm/LxzNT > | Jul 25 16:45 | |
schestowitz | Microsoft respond to Obama’s request to ‘put away the Xbox’ http://www.beefjack.com/blog/news/360/microsoft-respond-obamas-request-put-xbox/ | Jul 25 16:45 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz i'm sure banning it will work just fine and no-one will ever use voice over ip again | Jul 25 16:47 | |
schestowitz | Yahoo profit rises. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Yahoo-2Q-profit-rises-8-pct-apf-1808658808.html?x=0&.v=23 | Jul 25 16:47 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Freda fanclub pics: F on her new chair! http://twitpic.com/bkllu http://twitpic.com/bkm12 http://twitpic.com/bklt7 | Jul 25 16:48 | |
http://slashdot.org/submission/1044751/Helios-Shares-the-Wealth | Jul 25 16:48 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Our DNS server here has been down on its knees for over 3 hours now (maybe Windows zombies). Must use OpenDNS *sigh*... | Jul 25 16:49 | |
I think the correct term is collective oligarchy -> schestowitz: US cellphone market = shared monopoly | Jul 25 16:49 | |
INGSOC | Jul 25 16:49 | |
Ignorance is strength. | Jul 25 16:50 | |
schestowitz | Yahoo shares recover following weak earnings report http://www.marketwatch.com/story/yahoo-shares-drop-on-weak-forecast?siteid=yhoof | Jul 25 16:50 |
schestowitz | Yahoo! still disappoints | Jul 25 16:50 |
schestowitz | There the old Yahoo, which should have sued Microsoft for aggravation | Jul 25 16:51 |
schestowitz | Then there's the new one that Microsoft sort of took over | Jul 25 16:51 |
I think every tech company but M$ is doing well right now. | Jul 25 16:51 | |
Here's an interesting image I found on Wikipedia last night http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Crossroads_Able_Goats.jpg | Jul 25 16:51 | |
*_Goblin has quit ("Lost terminal") | Jul 25 16:51 | |
schestowitz | twitter: rejoice the success of the 'Free market' | Jul 25 16:52 |
schestowitz | Bow to the Invisible Hand | Jul 25 16:52 |
schestowitz | And come to realise that political scientist will humbly say that the US was never a democracy and neither was industry | Jul 25 16:52 |
schestowitz | It's run for the responsible men, since inception | Jul 25 16:52 |
Government monopoly guided free hand must be better than real free market. I love big brother. | Jul 25 16:53 | |
schestowitz | The industry is run for the Big Blues and Exxons | Jul 25 16:53 |
Cleptocracy | Jul 25 16:53 | |
Peers of Exxon. Lords of International Business Machines. Bow. | Jul 25 16:54 | |
kowtow | Jul 25 16:54 | |
schestowitz | The press fails to capture the Yahoo! story | Jul 25 16:54 |
schestowitz | It's frustrating that they fail to see or say what Microsoft did there | Jul 25 16:54 |
schestowitz | They peels off the skin first | Jul 25 16:55 |
schestowitz | Waiting to eat the prey | Jul 25 16:55 |
schestowitz | *eeled | Jul 25 16:55 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard As the saying goes, in Soviet Russia, Sykpe bans government | Jul 25 16:56 | |
schestowitz | VMware profits down, but shares u[ | Jul 25 16:57 |
schestowitz | *up | Jul 25 16:57 |
schestowitz | Red Hat, IBM, GOOG all up | Jul 25 16:58 |
schestowitz | Apple up too of course | Jul 25 16:59 |
schestowitz | CIT to Shrink to Avoid Bankruptcy Court < http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124818532000868603.html?ru=yahoo#mod=yahoo_hs > | Jul 25 16:59 |
The CIT story is bad news. | Jul 25 17:03 | |
more fraud fall out. | Jul 25 17:03 | |
schestowitz | Good news: XBox is drowning. | Jul 25 17:03 |
schestowitz | "The EDD division's quarterly loss overall was $130 million, slightly decreased compared to a $171 million loss in the same quarter, a year prior." http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=24561 | Jul 25 17:03 |
schestowitz | Revenue down by 25% | Jul 25 17:03 |
Yahoo was killed when M$ blocked the Yahoo Google rescue. | Jul 25 17:03 | |
schestowitz | It used to be profitable for a while, not it loses money | Jul 25 17:03 |
schestowitz | Yes, that GOogle deal too | Jul 25 17:04 |
schestowitz | Microsoft used the strings at DOJ | Jul 25 17:04 |
schestowitz | Now it wants the very same type of deal | Jul 25 17:04 |
schestowitz | Wait. Fraud at CIT? | Jul 25 17:04 |
schestowitz | I missed that | Jul 25 17:04 |
schestowitz | Or fallout from other frauds? | Jul 25 17:05 |
other fraud | Jul 25 17:05 | |
general, pervasive banking and investment fraud. | Jul 25 17:05 | |
schestowitz | Some other fraudsters seem to have committed suicide | Jul 25 17:05 |
schestowitz | I truly wonder sometimes what the suicide curves look like these days | Jul 25 17:05 |
I'd think it looks like murder. | Jul 25 17:06 | |
schestowitz | Many people loses houses and go under great pressure. One FOSS guy killed himself some days ago | Jul 25 17:06 |
schestowitz | I know him by name only | Jul 25 17:06 |
schestowitz | He left a wife and kids | Jul 25 17:06 |
schestowitz | twitter: Yes, sometimes it looks like they are suicided | Jul 25 17:06 |
I do not understand suicide. | Jul 25 17:06 | |
schestowitz | For things they may know | Jul 25 17:06 |
as the blog of helios shows, the joy of life is not in material things. | Jul 25 17:07 | |
schestowitz | I can understand suicide int he euthanasia sense. If PHYSICAL suffering is too great | Jul 25 17:07 |
schestowitz | Or if chances of survival become slim anyway | Jul 25 17:07 |
schestowitz | To ruin perfectly-fine bodies for psychological burden makes no sense | Jul 25 17:08 |
schestowitz | Then you have the embryo conundrum | Jul 25 17:08 |
schestowitz | THe whole thing about when life really begins and ends | Jul 25 17:08 |
schestowitz | We kill mature animals allt he time | Jul 25 17:08 |
schestowitz | Even calf or deers | Jul 25 17:09 |
schestowitz | Helios enjoys life more than most people | Jul 25 17:09 |
yes | Jul 25 17:09 | |
schestowitz | He's there with kids... and fighting cancer sadly | Jul 25 17:09 |
cancer is sad whenever people get it. | Jul 25 17:09 | |
schestowitz | I lost two family members to it in the past decade | Jul 25 17:10 |
schestowitz | But it's not an illness in the usual sense | Jul 25 17:10 |
schestowitz | Cellular issue | Jul 25 17:10 |
schestowitz | We can reduce probability of it | Jul 25 17:10 |
schestowitz | Radiation and all... | Jul 25 17:10 |
Smoking, diet, pollution. | Jul 25 17:11 | |
schestowitz | Illness is more of a bacterial issue. Biological outside one's own growth. | Jul 25 17:11 |
schestowitz | Had Helios (Ken) been wealthier he would probably be in good shape now | Jul 25 17:11 |
schestowitz | US healthcare is criminally broken | Jul 25 17:11 |
yes | Jul 25 17:12 | |
disease - An alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the vital functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness | Jul 25 17:13 | |
[1913 Webster] | Jul 25 17:13 | |
schestowitz | A friend of mine wants to built a live USB Ubuntu.. | Jul 25 17:13 |
schestowitz | Has anyone done this? | Jul 25 17:13 |
I'm sure | Jul 25 17:14 | |
schestowitz | I swear I never did it. Has anyone tried PCLinuxOS? I was gonna make last month. | Jul 25 17:14 |
schestowitz | It can't be hard to make live USB keys | Jul 25 17:14 |
any distribution will work on USB if you simply change boot and fstab | Jul 25 17:14 | |
schestowitz | They must be a lot faster than Live CD (access speed/latency) | Jul 25 17:14 |
schestowitz | There are many howtos out there | Jul 25 17:15 |
schestowitz | My friend wanted me to build him one | Jul 25 17:15 |
schestowitz | He should be able to sort one out with an howto | Jul 25 17:15 |
the fastest are distributions like Puppy, which load completely into RAM. | Jul 25 17:15 | |
Most distributions already have USB key versions. | Jul 25 17:15 | |
distrowatch sells them pre loaded. | Jul 25 17:15 | |
or an advertiser does. | Jul 25 17:16 | |
I posted it here a few days ago. | Jul 25 17:16 | |
schestowitz | Oh my god... | Jul 25 17:16 |
schestowitz | No headline at all about Vista this week | Jul 25 17:16 |
schestowitz | None | Jul 25 17:16 |
ha ha | Jul 25 17:16 | |
schestowitz | Among 800 headlines | Jul 25 17:16 |
schestowitz | "Dows 7" => 28 matches | Jul 25 17:16 |
schestowitz | V4p0rv4r3 | Jul 25 17:16 |
schestowitz | RTM intended to obscure bad results | Jul 25 17:17 |
schestowitz | Change the subject of coversation | Jul 25 17:17 |
seems to be spin about it, Roy, http://news.google.com/news?um=1&ned=us&hl=en&q=Vista | Jul 25 17:17 | |
don't be blindsided. | Jul 25 17:17 | |
schestowitz | You know somehting..? | Jul 25 17:18 |
schestowitz | Vista RTM generated TONS more buzz | Jul 25 17:18 |
schestowitz | Maybe it's because it wasn't summer | Jul 25 17:18 |
schestowitz | But STILL... | Jul 25 17:18 |
schestowitz | THis RTM met lackluster reception | Jul 25 17:18 |
Forrester pushing bullshit here http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009/07/forrester-vista-and-mac-os-gaining-in-the-enterprise.ars | Jul 25 17:18 | |
schestowitz | I remember Vista RTM | Jul 25 17:18 |
schestowitz | Forrester=anti Linux/FOSS | Jul 25 17:18 |
schestowitz | Microsoft pays them | Jul 25 17:18 |
schestowitz | Also IDC | Jul 25 17:18 |
schestowitz | The usual 'Vista 7 to boost eonomy nonsense" | Jul 25 17:19 |
With release of Vista7, Vista will be pushed on idiot businesses as "stable" or something dumb like that. | Jul 25 17:19 | |
schestowitz | They can take the VIsta report and just change names and numbers, republish" | Jul 25 17:19 |
schestowitz | They likely do | Jul 25 17:19 |
schestowitz | Vista 7 is not even SP1 | Jul 25 17:19 |
schestowitz | It's unreliable | Jul 25 17:19 |
schestowitz | It was RTMed prematurely | Jul 25 17:19 |
schestowitz | As usual | Jul 25 17:19 |
98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Vista7 | Jul 25 17:19 | |
schestowitz | Wait until the /real-life' stories | Jul 25 17:19 |
schestowitz | Dick and Harry putting it on a 2Ghz PC | Jul 25 17:20 |
schestowitz | Since core.. | Jul 25 17:20 |
schestowitz | Single | Jul 25 17:20 |
Guest123 | he's saying xp is being pushed out by vista, that is my experience as well | Jul 25 17:20 |
schestowitz | Going back to XP | Jul 25 17:20 |
schestowitz | Or shouting at the slowness when they try to virtualise XP on Vista7 | Jul 25 17:20 |
You have to love the image Ars used. http://static.arstechnica.com/vista_small.png | Jul 25 17:21 | |
schestowitz | I see just many advertisements disguised as articles about Vista 7 | Jul 25 17:21 |
schestowitz | IOW, same old stuff | Jul 25 17:21 |
It reminds me of Beck lyrics, "a giant dildo crushing the sun" | Jul 25 17:21 | |
schestowitz | Many journos never even ran the thing | Jul 25 17:21 |
Let me dig up the big journalist "vista sucks log" http://slashdot.org/~twitter/journal/192990 | Jul 25 17:23 | |
It is still a minority of suckers who run Vista. | Jul 25 17:24 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Even the Daily Mail's commenters think the paper's gone a step too tasteless http://is.gd/1MdEF (warning: Daily Mail) | Jul 25 17:24 | |
Despite nearly three years of people not being able to buy computers with anything but Vista, nearly no one uses it. | Jul 25 17:25 | |
You can say Vista is pushing XP out, but it would be more correct to say that GNU/Linux or OSX has done the same. | Jul 25 17:25 | |
I'm sure there are more GNU/Linux users in the world than there are Vista users. | Jul 25 17:26 | |
Guest123 | really ? !!! | Jul 25 17:27 |
yeah, really. | Jul 25 17:27 | |
*pk has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | Jul 25 17:27 | |
schestowitz | The same lies from IDC about Microsoft 'saving' the economy: http://www.bnamericas.com/news/technology/Microsoft_expects_partners_to_generate_over_US*20_per_dollar_of_Windows_7_sales | Jul 25 17:28 |
schestowitz | No word about the impact of Linux | Jul 25 17:28 |
I run into GNU/Linux people all the time in public places but almost never see Vista. | Jul 25 17:28 | |
schestowitz | These analysts should be shunned | Jul 25 17:28 |
schestowitz | They are advertising companies | Jul 25 17:29 |
schestowitz | Hardly even hiding it | Jul 25 17:29 |
trmanco | http://www.lukesurl.com/archives/916 | Jul 25 17:29 |
GNU/Linux use is much higher outside of the English speaking world. | Jul 25 17:29 | |
anyway, my point was that despite nearly unanimous press apology and rejection of Vista, they still echo M$ friendly bullshit and there's a constant drizzle of Vista stories in the news. | Jul 25 17:30 | |
schestowitz | trmanco: LOL | Jul 25 17:32 |
fewa | ROFL | Jul 25 17:32 |
Studies done a few weeks ago showed that all but a tiny minority of businesses were going to skip vista7. | Jul 25 17:32 | |
the Ars article is damage control | Jul 25 17:32 | |
but there's lots more damage where that came from. | Jul 25 17:32 | |
schestowitz | Lots of money at stake | Jul 25 17:33 |
schestowitz | See what happened to BN | Jul 25 17:33 |
schestowitz | It said this | Jul 25 17:33 |
Vista7 capable is a predictable sham http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/169037/free_windows_7_upgrade_may_not_reach_298_laptop_buyers.html | Jul 25 17:33 | |
schestowitz | So a Microsoft TE secretly came to spin it | Jul 25 17:33 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why it's useful to know IRC abbreviations. http://ping.fm/rm5ci | Jul 25 17:33 | |
schestowitz | Later it did a while smear job on BN, after a complaint was put with the FTC | Jul 25 17:33 |
schestowitz | Microsoft PR: http://www.infoworld.com/d/open-source/microsoft-maintains-openness-push-539 | Jul 25 17:36 |
a dear Vista letter. http://www.pcworld.com/article/168938/dear_vista_its_time_to_part_ways.html | Jul 25 17:36 | |
does not mention gnu/linux | Jul 25 17:36 | |
PCWorld slams M$'s bad attitude http://www.pcworld.com/article/169030/redmonds_bad_attitude_brings_bad_earnings.html | Jul 25 17:37 | |
-> Microsoft had not cut spending by $3 billion more than it had forecast last year. | Jul 25 17:39 | |
fewa | Its in take over stage | Jul 25 17:39 |
better quote -> the profit picture would have been even worse if Microsoft had not cut spending by $3 billion more than it had forecast last year. The savings came at the expense of thousands of laid-off Microsofties. | Jul 25 17:39 | |
Ouch! | Jul 25 17:39 | |
Guest123 | Not the companies you want in the same headline: "Red Hat, Chevron: Money Flow Leaders (RHT, CVX) " | Jul 25 17:42 |
schestowitz | Don't link to Bill Snyder | Jul 25 17:42 |
schestowitz | He's a Microsoft troll | Jul 25 17:42 |
schestowitz | And investor | Jul 25 17:42 |
schestowitz | http://boycottnovell.com/2009/06/03/bill-snyder-agent-provocateur/ | Jul 25 17:43 |
schestowitz | Many Vista eulogies are just Vista7 ads | Jul 25 17:44 |
fewa | yep | Jul 25 17:44 |
fewa | evangalism | Jul 25 17:44 |
schestowitz | Try to find analysis that show this for what it is -- dead end for WIndows codebase | Jul 25 17:44 |
schestowitz | Vista 7 is lots of PE | Jul 25 17:44 |
schestowitz | *PR | Jul 25 17:44 |
schestowitz | And TEs | Jul 25 17:44 |
fewa | in face oftough competition, evangalism of $NEXT_VERSION start immeditely | Jul 25 17:44 |
schestowitz | Vista was more hyped up than Vista 7 | Jul 25 17:45 |
The fact was worth sharing, even if the source is unreliable. Did M$ really cut their budget $3 billion more than forecast? | Jul 25 17:45 | |
It's impossible to say because M$ cooks the books. | Jul 25 17:45 | |
schestowitz | Be careful around IDF (PCWorld). | Jul 25 17:45 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] NotN: Michael Jackson "news value missing" at autopsy http://notnews.today.com/?p=569 | Jul 25 17:45 | |
fewa | try to focus attention off of Microsoft | Jul 25 17:45 |
schestowitz | They are Microsoft folks, even with money in Microsoft | Jul 25 17:45 |
fewa | and their inepitude of making anything worth using | Jul 25 17:45 |
schestowitz | The whole budget talk is distraction | Jul 25 17:45 |
schestowitz | Old storyline | Jul 25 17:45 |
schestowitz | "Microsoft is SO SO rich' | Jul 25 17:46 |
schestowitz | "Untouchable" | Jul 25 17:46 |
fewa | bullshit | Jul 25 17:46 |
schestowitz | "Linux has 0.000000001% market share, so it's not worth talking about it" | Jul 25 17:46 |
fewa | what was the other computer company that dropped like a fly? | Jul 25 17:46 |
schestowitz | "Microsoft's worst enemy is Microsoft" | Jul 25 17:46 |
schestowitz | "Vista 7 will fix everything' | Jul 25 17:46 |
schestowitz | "It's just a weak economy' | Jul 25 17:46 |
schestowitz | Anyway, the talking points should be avoided like the plague | Jul 25 17:47 |
schestowitz | They are PR | Jul 25 17:47 |
Guest123 | "history is the best predictor of the future" | Jul 25 17:47 |
fewa | Guest123, when you have as bad of a track record as Microsoft who can possibly believe their talking points? | Jul 25 17:47 |
Ha ha, Todd Bishop did the M$ conference in New Orleans http://www.techflash.com/microsoft/51051037.html | Jul 25 17:47 | |
schestowitz | More proof of the Apple-MS relationship: Microsoft Hires Ex-Apple Exec for Retail Operations < http://www.pcworld.com/article/168769/microsoft_hires_exapple_exec_for_retail_operations.html > | Jul 25 17:48 |
Makes big fun of Vista and Vista7 | Jul 25 17:48 | |
Guest123 | all you can believe is what is | Jul 25 17:48 |
schestowitz | "Zune will klill iPod" | Jul 25 17:48 |
cj | benJIman: someone I quoted without permission requested that I take it down. since I did not ask permission to post the log, and since it was taken from a channel that does not have public logs, I complied. | Jul 25 17:48 |
schestowitz | "XBox 360 is great, wii is a "kids's toy"" (yes, Microsoft called it that in 2006/7) | Jul 25 17:48 |
schestowitz | "Bing will be the next great thing" | Jul 25 17:49 |
schestowitz | [it's already dying] | Jul 25 17:49 |
fewa | dead | Jul 25 17:49 |
schestowitz | "Vista will be the last nail on Linux's coffin" | Jul 25 17:49 |
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 17:49 | |
schestowitz | Haha1 | Jul 25 17:49 |
fewa | It was the biggest gif | Jul 25 17:49 |
schestowitz | I wonder if they blew the $100ml marketing budget of Bong in just 6 weeks | Jul 25 17:49 |
schestowitz | Nobody bothers covering it anymore | Jul 25 17:50 |
cj | benJIman: thanks for reading | Jul 25 17:50 |
fewa | “Save Vista” campaign gathers momentum http://notnews.today.com/2009/05/05/save-vista-campaign-gathers-momentum/ | Jul 25 17:50 |
schestowitz | So it's old news and the only ones using it are redirected from Live/MSN | Jul 25 17:50 |
fewa | schestowitz, good Bong :P | Jul 25 17:50 |
schestowitz | <Guest123> = Mutex | Jul 25 17:51 |
schestowitz | The shills never get tired | Jul 25 17:51 |
fewa | they are paid... | Jul 25 17:51 |
Bishop swallows the M$ spin in the end of that article. | Jul 25 17:51 | |
cj | schestowitz: I saw a moderately attractive person wearing a Bing shirt in the grocery store. I wonder if they were given the shirt for marketing reasons ;) | Jul 25 17:52 |
nonsense about transitioning from Vista to Vista 7 not going to be as hard as transition from XP to Vista as if that had happened. | Jul 25 17:52 | |
schestowitz | twitter: Bishop? | Jul 25 17:52 |
cj | I've not used bing, so I cannot comment on its worth... | Jul 25 17:52 |
schestowitz | Where? | Jul 25 17:52 |
schestowitz | Todd writes just for the Bing-sponsored TechFLash | Jul 25 17:53 |
http://www.techflash.com/microsoft/51051037.html | Jul 25 17:53 | |
right | Jul 25 17:53 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard: Vista in 2006 generated more hype than Vista 7. You'll need another campaign soon. http://ping.fm/93FfA | Jul 25 17:53 | |
he talks about M$ trying to forget Vista | Jul 25 17:53 | |
schestowitz | VIsta will be expensive to patch and maintain | Jul 25 17:53 |
but he's all spun | Jul 25 17:53 | |
schestowitz | Big mistake | Jul 25 17:53 |
schestowitz | They'll try to do a free upgrade and put it in he ditch | Jul 25 17:53 |
schestowitz | The margins meanwhile eroded | Jul 25 17:54 |
cj | ... I don't think Windows 7 is called 'Vista 7' is it? | Jul 25 17:54 |
schestowitz | So VIsta was successful at harming the monopoly | Jul 25 17:54 |
schestowitz | Erosion of margins, not just market share | Jul 25 17:54 |
*** twitter ignores cj | Jul 25 17:54 | |
schestowitz | cj: piss off. | Jul 25 17:54 |
cj | perhaps XP should be called Vista 6? | Jul 25 17:54 |
schestowitz | For those who don't know, cj participates in smear campaigns against us | Jul 25 17:54 |
schestowitz | He also worked for Microsoft | Jul 25 17:55 |
benJIman | Oh noes. | Jul 25 17:55 |
cj | schestowitz: why the rancor? | Jul 25 17:55 |
benJIman | Somebody call a whaaaaambulance. | Jul 25 17:55 |
schestowitz | We don't need to waste space on trolls, sorry | Jul 25 17:55 |
*cj waves. | Jul 25 17:55 | |
schestowitz | I don't visit #windows channel | Jul 25 17:55 |
***twitter ignores benJIman | Jul 25 17:55 | |
rude people | Jul 25 17:55 | |
cj | schestowitz: thoughts on opengl/mesa? | Jul 25 17:56 |
anyway, Bishop went to New Orleans for the big Vista 7 love fest and seems less than impressed. | Jul 25 17:57 | |
Vista 7 is going to fizzle like Vista did. | Jul 25 17:58 | |
maybe worse, and not because of the economy. | Jul 25 17:58 | |
Guest123 | time will tell, as it did with Vista | Jul 25 17:58 |
schestowitz | It'sthe same | Jul 25 17:58 |
cj | how is the campaign to reemove GLX from default desktop package sets in popular distros going, out of curiosity? | Jul 25 17:58 |
schestowitz | I keep asking, what's the selling point? | Jul 25 17:58 |
Most Windows users, especially gamers, are still on XP. They are going to have the same migration issues they did with Vista. | Jul 25 17:58 | |
schestowitz | Some new GUI? | Jul 25 17:59 |
XP emulation ! | Jul 25 17:59 | |
schestowitz | More ribbons in *cough* notepad? | Jul 25 17:59 |
schestowitz | Wow! | Jul 25 17:59 |
Looks like KDE! | Jul 25 17:59 | |
schestowitz | It's the SAME as Vista underneath | Jul 25 17:59 |
schestowitz | It'll fail | Jul 25 17:59 |
schestowitz | Expected Vista adoption was higher than Vista 7 AFAIK | Jul 25 17:59 |
fewa | It has no security http://www.pretentiousname.com/misc/win7_uac_whitelist2.html | Jul 25 18:00 |
schestowitz | The PR and bribed bloggery successfully brainwashed many people who never tried for selved | Jul 25 18:00 |
fewa | Broken by design | Jul 25 18:00 |
schestowitz | *selves | Jul 25 18:00 |
Sweatly B once said that M$ would never do better than Vista. Ha ha. | Jul 25 18:00 | |
schestowitz | So you'll see statements like, "many people like VIsta 7" | Jul 25 18:00 |
fewa | Vista 7's calc.exe runs with Administrator priviliages | Jul 25 18:00 |
schestowitz | COming from people who never tried it | Jul 25 18:00 |
schestowitz | And Microsoft uses TEs to gag critica | Jul 25 18:00 |
fewa | because Microsoft coders are incompetent | Jul 25 18:00 |
schestowitz | There are no laws against it | Jul 25 18:00 |
They did the same with Vista and had to apologize. | Jul 25 18:01 | |
*_Goblin (n=root@94-193-188-104.zone7.bethere.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 18:01 | |
_Goblin | hi all! | Jul 25 18:01 |
schestowitz | "[W]e're not going to have products that are much more successful than Vista has been." --Steve Ballmer | Jul 25 18:01 |
schestowitz | From http://www.microsoft-watch.com/content/vista/windows_vista_no_longer_matters.html | Jul 25 18:02 |
schestowitz | OK | Jul 25 18:02 |
schestowitz | So Vista 7 will be as 'successful' as Vista | Jul 25 18:02 |
schestowitz | Thanks for the info, Steve | Jul 25 18:02 |
cj | schestowitz: should I stop my efforts to integrate an opengl drawing surface into gtk+ core? IYHO? | Jul 25 18:02 |
cj | hiya, _Goblin! | Jul 25 18:03 |
schestowitz | _Goblin: it's a trolll | Jul 25 18:04 |
schestowitz | Don't reply | Jul 25 18:04 |
schestowitz | Guest123 is Mutex also | Jul 25 18:04 |
trmanco | http://bluwiki.com/go/Ipodhash/Takedown | Jul 25 18:04 |
schestowitz | With his illy tagline "that's true" | Jul 25 18:04 |
schestowitz | Wghich he repeated here to mock groupthink | Jul 25 18:05 |
schestowitz | Some people justify trolling as "adding balance" or something, which means adding PR or ruining discussion fora | Jul 25 18:05 |
trmanco | http://mdeslaur.blogspot.com/2009/07/goodbye-apple.html | Jul 25 18:05 |
schestowitz | trmanco: http://www.informationweek.com/news/personal_tech/ipod/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=218600244 | Jul 25 18:05 |
schestowitz | trmanco: yes, seen it. | Jul 25 18:06 |
schestowitz | "For the longest time, I could use gtkpod to seamlessly access my iPods from my Ubuntu desktop. It initially took some reverse-engineering effort to understand the iPod's data format to be able to access it from non-iTunes software, but it was possible. All of a sudden, Apple is trying everything they can to prohibit interopability." | Jul 25 18:06 |
cj | _Goblin: meh, I'd argue that schestowitz is the troll. ;) | Jul 25 18:06 |
trmanco | ah ok | Jul 25 18:06 |
schestowitz | Visual search engine Searchme goes offline < http://sanjose.bizjournals.com/sanjose/stories/2009/07/20/daily107.html?ana=yfcpc > | Jul 25 18:07 |
cj | but srsly, schestowitz, what are your thoughts on opengl? do you refuse to comment? | Jul 25 18:07 |
Added a comment to Todd's M$ blog. I hope he's got more than Bing funding to keep that comment up. | Jul 25 18:12 | |
schestowitz | Let me get something right... did MSO09 become Office 10? | Jul 25 18:12 |
schestowitz | Is the story as simple as that? | Jul 25 18:12 |
schestowitz | Was it pushed back, as usual? | Jul 25 18:12 |
rebranded in the face of strong opposition? | Jul 25 18:13 | |
schestowitz | MAybe rebranded again | Jul 25 18:13 |
schestowitz | They shouls try Kumo next time | Jul 25 18:13 |
schestowitz | If they have energy left to try | Jul 25 18:13 |
schestowitz | “It’s not the first entry for Microsoft, They do this about once a year. From Bing’s perspective, they have a bunch of new ideas and there are some things that are missing. We think search is about comprehensiveness, freshness, scale and size for what we do. It’s difficult for them to copy that.” --Google CEO, regarding Bing | Jul 25 18:13 |
there's not a lot left of "office 2009" at M$ | Jul 25 18:14 | |
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=site%3Amicrosoft.com+%22office+2009%22&aq=f&oq=&aqi= | Jul 25 18:14 | |
was there ever anything more? | Jul 25 18:14 | |
schestowitz | Microsoft Jack: The need for Microsoft.net < http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/askjack/2009/jul/23/dotnet-microsoft-net >> | Jul 25 18:15 |
schestowitz | He would be better off learning Linux | Jul 25 18:15 |
schestowitz | Let me read up on the Wiki | Jul 25 18:15 |
schestowitz | http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&search=office+2009 | Jul 25 18:15 |
schestowitz | I reckon it's just delayed | Jul 25 18:16 |
schestowitz | Microsoft CTO spoke about it | Jul 25 18:16 |
schestowitz | They have NOTHING until next report | Jul 25 18:16 |
schestowitz | October's end | Jul 25 18:16 |
schestowitz | They'll be screwed again (-33% or so) | Jul 25 18:16 |
schestowitz | Their business model is running out of time. Shelf life soon to end. | Jul 25 18:16 |
schestowitz | Silver Lie (anti-Linux weapon) never caught on | Jul 25 18:17 |
schestowitz | THey bribed companies to accept it, but no volunteers seem to adopt it | Jul 25 18:17 |
schestowitz | Just kickbacks | Jul 25 18:17 |
schestowitz | Google still reigns | Jul 25 18:17 |
schestowitz | The Fog Computeing thing is all Linux and LAMP | Jul 25 18:17 |
schestowitz | Azure is GONE from the news | Jul 25 18:17 |
schestowitz | As is Bong | Jul 25 18:17 |
schestowitz | And OS/Office suites are commofdity | Jul 25 18:18 |
schestowitz | People use online tools for docs, increasingly | Jul 25 18:18 |
schestowitz | Normal people, not office workers | Jul 25 18:18 |
schestowitz | Publishers use LaTeX | Jul 25 18:18 |
schestowitz | And many move to OOo too | Jul 25 18:18 |
schestowitz | Download pace doubled | Jul 25 18:18 |
cj | schestowitz: so, could it be said that you are avoiding the subject of opengl because your tacit acceptance of the use of this technology is too difficult to address, considering your vehement rejection of other patent-laiden technology? | Jul 25 18:18 |
schestowitz | From 1.3ml/week in 2007 to about 3ml/week some months agho | Jul 25 18:18 |
*wallclimber (i=44e625da@gateway/web/freenode/x-ef94d8ec3fec573c) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 18:19 | |
schestowitz | wb, wallclimber | Jul 25 18:19 |
wallclimber | Hi! | Jul 25 18:19 |
schestowitz | I'll do COmes soon. I caught up with all the news, finally | Jul 25 18:19 |
cj | I would love to hear how you resolve this cognative dissonance | Jul 25 18:19 |
schestowitz | Microsoft's cash cows tremble, so we need to put them out there ASAP | Jul 25 18:20 |
schestowitz | wallclimber: we even have Microsoft trolls here, like cj | Jul 25 18:20 |
wallclimber | I noticed - they're hard to miss | Jul 25 18:20 |
schestowitz | Mutex is back | Jul 25 18:20 |
schestowitz | He's called Guest123 | Jul 25 18:20 |
schestowitz | Sounds like a real person | Jul 25 18:20 |
schestowitz | Real name: "thats right' | Jul 25 18:20 |
schestowitz | Using his favourite client | Jul 25 18:21 |
schestowitz | IceCat | Jul 25 18:21 |
cj | perhaps it is because opengl was developed outside of microsoft and the patents later purchased, rather than having been developed in-house? | Jul 25 18:21 |
schestowitz | Strong week in Wall Street ruined by Microsoft: http://money.cnn.com/2009/07/24/markets/markets_newyork/ | Jul 25 18:22 |
schestowitz | Everyone up, up, up. Microsoft down by a third | Jul 25 18:22 |
schestowitz | "Sorry folks, but Microsoft (MSFT Quote) ain't what it once was. The software giant is losing its edge, as we saw with yesterday's earnings report." http://www.thestreet.com/story/10552230/1/todays-outrage-who-cares-about-microsoft.html?cm_ven=GOOGLEN | Jul 25 18:22 |
schestowitz | The Street are obviously some Linux fanatics, "anti-Microsoft"{Tm} | Jul 25 18:23 |
wallclimber | Did MS ever really have an "edge" to lose? | Jul 25 18:23 |
cj | schestowitz: interesting that you consider free software developers to be trolls whil you do not consider those who contribute nothing other than puditry to be part of the /one true/ community | Jul 25 18:23 |
schestowitz | wallclimber: did you see the NAscom article? | Jul 25 18:23 |
schestowitz | I have another one coming | Jul 25 18:23 |
cj | s/not // | Jul 25 18:23 |
wallclimber | i'm reading now | Jul 25 18:24 |
schestowitz | I figured out the details of Gates' latest business trip to India | Jul 25 18:24 |
schestowitz | I found about 9 articles, so there's a followup coming | Jul 25 18:24 |
schestowitz | wallclimber: mindshare edge, not technical edge | Jul 25 18:24 |
cj | schestowitz: do you dispprove of using opengl in free software? | Jul 25 18:25 |
schestowitz | Welcome to FOSS, cj. I see you're still at Washington after losing that job with Microsoft | Jul 25 18:25 |
schestowitz | Trust takes time to build | Jul 25 18:25 |
schestowitz | Given your many recent smears against BN, your road to trust is long | Jul 25 18:25 |
cj | schestowitz: I grew up in WA | Jul 25 18:26 |
schestowitz | Sorry to hear that... | Jul 25 18:26 |
cj | why? | Jul 25 18:26 |
schestowitz | I was joking | Jul 25 18:27 |
schestowitz | Tell me this | Jul 25 18:27 |
schestowitz | If you are here, I assume you negotiate | Jul 25 18:27 |
schestowitz | But at the same time in other site (inc. Microsoft TEs) you mock us | Jul 25 18:27 |
schestowitz | Which is it, cj? | Jul 25 18:27 |
schestowitz | Can you blame others for not trusting you? | Jul 25 18:27 |
schestowitz | You're listed among the Mono people in the Mono Web site | Jul 25 18:27 |
schestowitz | STOCKS NEWS US-Microsoft shares surge ahead of results < http://www.iii.co.uk/news/?type=afxnews&articleid=7438651&subject=markets&action=article > SOmeone with inside information must have made a bundle pumping up the stock, methinks :-) | Jul 25 18:29 |
schestowitz | Cramer....? | Jul 25 18:29 |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_IceCat only works with i386. Why would people use that instead of IceWeasel which works with almost everything Debian uses? | Jul 25 18:29 | |
wallclimber | well, you know what they say, buy low, sell high | Jul 25 18:30 |
there were a lot of general pump stories, M$ was just riding with the rest. | Jul 25 18:30 | |
cj | schestowitz: I have recently heard some disturbing things about you and yours, including that personal attacks have been made on the employment of at least one free software contributor. My regard for those in question has diminished greatly, true. | Jul 25 18:30 |
trmanco | *sigh* | Jul 25 18:31 |
before the rise, Bill Gates was selling millions of shares at less than $20. | Jul 25 18:31 | |
cj | schestowitz: the blog? check again. | Jul 25 18:31 |
cj | schestowitz: but back to my question. opengl? | Jul 25 18:31 |
M$FT took an 8% dump yesterday. | Jul 25 18:31 | |
big big sell off. | Jul 25 18:32 | |
schestowitz | Fresh fines: http://www.clintonnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090723/NEWS/90723001 http://www.sunherald.com/218/story/1494872.html | Jul 25 18:32 |
schestowitz | http://www.clarionledger.com/article/20090723/BIZ/90723024/Miss.+cashes+in+on+Microsoft+settlement http://www.ago.state.ms.us/index.php/press/releases/ag_receives_40_million_from_microsoft/ | Jul 25 18:32 |
schestowitz | cj: I made no such attack | Jul 25 18:33 |
schestowitz | If some idiot who reads BN did something, that's not my responisbility | Jul 25 18:33 |
schestowitz | Stop accusing me of things I have nothing to do with | Jul 25 18:33 |
cj | is there a reason opengl developers are not being harrassed as other community members are? | Jul 25 18:33 |
trmanco | yes | Jul 25 18:34 |
schestowitz | Richard Waters wrote so much in praise of Microsoft this week | Jul 25 18:35 |
schestowitz | To spin the bad results | Jul 25 18:35 |
schestowitz | He has been boosting Microsoft for years in FT | Jul 25 18:35 |
cj | schestowitz: tell lefty. he seems to believe that you transmitted messeges approving of the actions. if you do not approve, it would do your reputation good (in my eyes at the very least) if you were to publicly condemn the actions. | Jul 25 18:36 |
*hklsfd (i=5496b416@gateway/web/freenode/x-ee923dbfc6204347) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 18:38 | |
schestowitz | Photo Gallery: U.S. Layoffs Mount < http://www.thestreet.com/_yahoo/story/10459283/1/photo-gallery-us-layoffs-mount.html?cm_ven=YAHOO&cm_cat=FREE&cm_ite=NA > | Jul 25 18:38 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] NZ Post dumps Microsoft Office for Google... http://ping.fm/TUy43 | Jul 25 18:40 | |
schestowitz | Microsoft woes weigh on Dow < http://www.ifaonline.co.uk/ifaonline/news/1495256/microsoft-woes-weigh-dow > | Jul 25 18:41 |
fewa | schestowitz, does that include StarOffice still? | Jul 25 18:42 |
schestowitz | I see heaps of coverage about the death of Microsoft's YouTUbe challenger | Jul 25 18:42 |
schestowitz | fewa: it would be separate | Jul 25 18:43 |
schestowitz | I don't think StarOffice offers much more anymore | Jul 25 18:43 |
fewa | or in the NZ zealand government storing all their documents on Google's servers? | Jul 25 18:43 |
schestowitz | SOme artwork and indemnification | Jul 25 18:43 |
schestowitz | fewa: NZ Post | Jul 25 18:43 |
schestowitz | Besides, with Microsoft Office it's the same | Jul 25 18:43 |
schestowitz | Microsoft turned Widnows to total spyware in 2004 | Jul 25 18:43 |
fewa | really? why the hell would companies want to store their documents on Microsoft's servers? | Jul 25 18:44 |
schestowitz | With Google and Mcirosoft it's push versus pull | Jul 25 18:44 |
schestowitz | fewa: digi-masochism | Jul 25 18:44 |
fewa | but one is clearly illegal, and the other is only semi-illegal | Jul 25 18:44 |
fewa | and harder to catch | Jul 25 18:44 |
schestowitz | 07/23/2009 09:15 PM: Microsoft to cut 5,000 jobs | Jul 25 18:44 |
schestowitz | Appeared by mistake | Jul 25 18:44 |
schestowitz | Restracted | Jul 25 18:44 |
fewa | Companies and governments should use OpenOffice.org or another desktop ODF application | Jul 25 18:45 |
fewa | or host web applications themselves | Jul 25 18:45 |
schestowitz | It gete more comlicated at war time | Jul 25 18:45 |
schestowitz | Imagine what if the US went to war with Iran | Jul 25 18:45 |
schestowitz | They could suspend all the computing there remotely | Jul 25 18:45 |
fewa | Doing your business on anothers server's is ridiculous | Jul 25 18:45 |
schestowitz | Nations are naive about the effect of ownership of computer in digital ages | Jul 25 18:45 |
fewa | clearly | Jul 25 18:46 |
schestowitz | fewa: GOogle does ODF | Jul 25 18:46 |
schestowitz | Well enough for basics | Jul 25 18:46 |
fewa | but its on their servers | Jul 25 18:46 |
schestowitz | Yes | Jul 25 18:46 |
fewa | not yours | Jul 25 18:46 |
schestowitz | Not open source either | Jul 25 18:46 |
schestowitz | Unlike Wave | Jul 25 18:46 |
fewa | big difference | Jul 25 18:46 |
fewa | schestowitz, not yet for Wave | Jul 25 18:46 |
schestowitz | So you can't pull it to your when it grows | Jul 25 18:46 |
fewa | but they did promise | Jul 25 18:46 |
schestowitz | There's Google Appliance | Jul 25 18:46 |
schestowitz | But it's for enterprise search | Jul 25 18:47 |
schestowitz | Not for Apps | Jul 25 18:47 |
schestowitz | Hs. | Jul 25 18:47 |
schestowitz | Microsoft Terminates Financing Relationship With CIT < http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aqFBToQmMpX0 > | Jul 25 18:47 |
fewa | http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1315097&cid=28820119 | Jul 25 18:47 |
schestowitz | I didn't know there was a tie there... same with Nortel that went titsup | Jul 25 18:47 |
schestowitz | k00kie policy | Jul 25 18:48 |
fewa | they want to track users like google does | Jul 25 18:49 |
schestowitz | Microsoft: "Quick! Give us money!! We need it now!!!!1" Microsoft wins piracy lawsuit < http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2009-07/20/content_8449721.htm > | Jul 25 18:49 |
fewa | *copyright infringement | Jul 25 18:49 |
fewa | you get these long articles completely about copyright infringement but they dont even mention the term | Jul 25 18:50 |
fewa | instead the bullshit about IPR | Jul 25 18:50 |
fewa | and pirating, which 50 years ago meant the polar opposite of what it means today | Jul 25 18:51 |
fewa | "piracy" | Jul 25 18:51 |
schestowitz | Arrrrrrrr | Jul 25 18:51 |
fewa | ARRRRRR | Jul 25 18:51 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft Sues Google For OS Color Infringement http://ping.fm/ztPMi Satire of course | Jul 25 18:51 | |
fewa | lol just point to Apple v Microsoft, and have it thrown out | Jul 25 18:52 |
fewa | Microsoft claimed "look and feel" is not copyrighted | Jul 25 18:52 |
fewa | and that image makes no sense, its begging a question which is irrelevent | Jul 25 18:54 |
fewa | satire.... | Jul 25 18:54 |
schestowitz | Nice mug: http://www.reuters.com/article/ousiv/idUSN2445033320090724 | Jul 25 18:55 |
trmanco | how can they sue about something that does not yet exist? | Jul 25 18:55 |
fewa | lol Ballmer looks like golem | Jul 25 18:55 |
schestowitz | "Shares of Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) fell as much as 11% Friday, erasing much of the company's pre-earnings stock gains, after the software titan reported disappointing results for its fourth fiscal quarter because of a sharp slowdown in software sales." | Jul 25 18:55 |
_Goblin | Sorry afk there.. | Jul 25 18:55 |
schestowitz | http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20090724-710067.html | Jul 25 18:55 |
schestowitz | fewa: waa? | Jul 25 18:55 |
schestowitz | It's not Ballmer. Who is Ballmer | Jul 25 18:56 |
fewa | the mug shot | Jul 25 18:56 |
schestowitz | Reuters just used stock photos | Jul 25 18:56 |
schestowitz | Uncle Fester | Jul 25 18:56 |
fewa | Steve Balmer | Jul 25 18:56 |
fewa | however its spelled | Jul 25 18:56 |
schestowitz | Wooz dat? | Jul 25 18:56 |
schestowitz | Wait a second.. | Jul 25 18:56 |
schestowitz | Are you telling me it's not the guy from The Adams family that inherited Microsoft from the Witch of the North>? | Jul 25 18:56 |
fewa | developers, developers, developers, developers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMU0tzLwhbE | Jul 25 18:57 |
schestowitz | It's really fun going though MSFT news today | Jul 25 18:59 |
schestowitz | Later you go through "Linux" and see the sharp contrast | Jul 25 19:00 |
schestowitz | Linux is unaffected by slowdown. It needs no PR budget, either | Jul 25 19:00 |
fewa | "we would have had more innovation if we had less competition" 2nd half http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR8SAFRBmcU | Jul 25 19:01 |
schestowitz | Barron's: " Microsoft (ticker: MSFT) is arguably the greatest tech stock of all time and one of the greatest technology companies of the 20th century." http://online.barrons.com/article/SB124847500662380143.html | Jul 25 19:03 |
schestowitz | Typical Barron's | Jul 25 19:04 |
schestowitz | http://boycottnovell.com/2009/07/11/eric-savitz-and-microsoft/ | Jul 25 19:04 |
*sebsebseb (n=sebastia@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 19:04 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Jul 25 19:04 |
fewa | thats not even spin, its downright lies | Jul 25 19:04 |
schestowitz | Yes | Jul 25 19:06 |
schestowitz | " greatest tech stock of all time" | Jul 25 19:06 |
schestowitz | " greatest technology companies of the 20th century" | Jul 25 19:06 |
schestowitz | Yeah, makers of Vista | Jul 25 19:06 |
schestowitz | Greatest technology | Jul 25 19:06 |
schestowitz | Racketeering tchnology | Jul 25 19:07 |
schestowitz | They pump up Microsoft | Jul 25 19:07 |
schestowitz | Since 2006 when I first noticed it (See BN post) | Jul 25 19:07 |
schestowitz | http://boycottnovell.com/index.php?s=barron%27s | Jul 25 19:07 |
schestowitz | "Microsoft Corp. Is Declining Following Q4 Report" | Jul 25 19:08 |
schestowitz | Erik Jorgensen talks about the demise of another unit of his | Jul 25 19:08 |
schestowitz | He's new on the job IIRC | Jul 25 19:08 |
schestowitz | He'll probably quit like in predecessors sooner or l;ater. They jumped shp very fast in MSN/Live. | Jul 25 19:09 |
schestowitz | Some spin goes like this: | Jul 25 19:09 |
schestowitz | lump in Amazon with MSFT, selectievbly | Jul 25 19:10 |
schestowitz | Then say the technology giants in egenral stagnate | Jul 25 19:10 |
schestowitz | BUT....... | Jul 25 19:10 |
schestowitz | This ignores all of Microsoft's big rivals, whose profits increased | Jul 25 19:10 |
schestowitz | Here we go.. another Vista 7 compatibility failure: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2350455,00.asp | Jul 25 19:12 |
*tacone1 (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 19:13 | |
*schestowitz removes channel operator status from schestowitz | Jul 25 19:18 | |
cj | schestowitz: should I take your lack of response to the request to condemn the actions taken against lefty as tacitly condoning them? | Jul 25 19:19 |
cj | schestowitz++ | Jul 25 19:19 |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz | Jul 25 19:20 | |
schestowitz | If Microsoft falters, who will step up? < http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/editorials/2009533642_edit25economy.html > | Jul 25 19:22 |
schestowitz | Linux...? | Jul 25 19:22 |
fewa | junk | Jul 25 19:23 |
fewa | Stockholm Syndrome | Jul 25 19:23 |
schestowitz | "NZ Post unit to ditch Outlook, Exchange and probably SharePoint for 2,100 workers" http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/tech/28C1A6D0FAAF2B3ECC2575F9001536DA | Jul 25 19:24 |
schestowitz | Google executives' fighter jet poised to target climate change http://www.marketwatch.com/story/google-execs-fighter-jet-to-combat-climate-change?siteid=yhoof | Jul 25 19:25 |
schestowitz | Dollar falls vs euro; data, earnings spur optimism http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsNews/idINN2448246020090724?rpc=44 | Jul 25 19:27 |
Lumber, shipping, seafood and other honest things. | Jul 25 19:28 | |
replace M$. | Jul 25 19:28 | |
schestowitz | twitter is a neighbour of the Myhrvold troll in Kirkland | Jul 25 19:29 |
schestowitz | :-p | Jul 25 19:29 |
schestowitz | Dollar mixed on disappointing earnings < http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5g8xN5q0b0X5GBVkEEfWfxdWKr6FAD99L2E880 > | Jul 25 19:30 |
The main problem the dollar should have right now is the massive amount that was spent last year. | Jul 25 19:32 | |
schestowitz | Whoa. "Charter, which is controlled by Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) co-founder Paul Allen, filed for bankruptcy protection in March, buckling under the weight of $21.7 billion in debt, but said at the time it had reached agreements with key stakeholders that would allow it to exit bankruptcy in a matter of months." http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsNews/idINN2122365420090721?rpc=44 | Jul 25 19:32 |
schestowitz | I wonder (Still) why Microsoft is borrowing money http://digitaldaily.allthingsd.com/20090720/blow-a-sad-trombone-for-microsoft/?reflink=ATD_yahoo_ticker Blow a Sad Trombone for Microsoft | Jul 25 19:34 |
schestowitz | Broadcom profit tumbles, shares follow < http://www.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idUSTRE56N0C020090724 > IIRC, Broadcom is in the LF now, but it was very Linux hostile | Jul 25 19:35 |
Stallman blogged on the insanity of bailout spending a month ago http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2009/06/bailout-costs-vs-big-historical-events/ | Jul 25 19:35 | |
_Goblin | keep getting distracted.....everyone ok? | Jul 25 19:36 |
_Goblin | I hit the COLA charts! Quite pleased with myself. | Jul 25 19:36 |
schestowitz | "Microsoft is dying" < http://distorted-loop.com/2009/07/24/microsoft-is-dying/ > | Jul 25 19:36 |
schestowitz | _Goblin: yeah.. well, just don't feed (quote) troll stuff | Jul 25 19:37 |
cj | schestowitz: any comment on actions against David Schlesinger which allegedly received approval from you? Schlesinger has claimed that these actions are tantamount to terrorism. Do you deny that you approved of these actions? | Jul 25 19:37 |
schestowitz | _Goblin: speaking of trolls...... ^^ | Jul 25 19:37 |
*tacone has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Jul 25 19:38 | |
_Goblin | lol | Jul 25 19:38 |
_Goblin | you can tell by its questions.....a very bad attempt to trap you down an avenue. | Jul 25 19:39 |
because more money was spent on the bank bailouts than the race to the moon, WW2, the Louisiana purchase, New Deal, Vietnam War and other events COMBINED, We should all expect the dollar to assume the value of toilet paper. | Jul 25 19:39 | |
_Goblin | my advice- "No comment" or for the US people here - "The 5th" | Jul 25 19:39 |
This will precipitate a depression in much the same way WWI and the UK abandonment of the gold standard precipitated the last big depression. | Jul 25 19:40 | |
schestowitz | Indeed. Bailout is massive robbery | Jul 25 19:40 |
*wallclimber has quit ("Page closed") | Jul 25 19:41 | |
schestowitz | The trillionaires don't get enough.. they want some more with which to wage intl' wars of power | Jul 25 19:41 |
As a famous economist once put it, the laws of supply and demand are not to be conned. | Jul 25 19:41 | |
schestowitz | China has huge power and wealth now | Jul 25 19:41 |
schestowitz | London and NY must be shakin' | Jul 25 19:41 |
_Goblin | bless them...times are hard...they can only afford to clean their moats twice a week. | Jul 25 19:41 |
US mergers are ending with Chinese ownership. | Jul 25 19:42 | |
This is the price paid for two decades of non free trade | Jul 25 19:42 | |
schestowitz | Just 2? | Jul 25 19:43 |
I think the real sell out happened under Clinton in the early 90s | Jul 25 19:44 | |
schestowitz | Cherish the marvels of Friedman's 'Free' market. LOL | Jul 25 19:44 |
cj | schestowitz: should I assume that you have "no comment" as _Goblin has recommended? | Jul 25 19:44 |
Unchecked, it will result in Chinese Communist style wealth and power distribution. We see it now in the L curve but things can and will get worse. | Jul 25 19:44 | |
_Goblin | CJ - If you understood UK Law you could give him a special warning.....lol...You are rather poor, I am doing your job for you. | Jul 25 19:45 |
_Goblin | CJ - Why are you trying to bait Roy? | Jul 25 19:45 |
_Goblin. Please ignore the cj troll. | Jul 25 19:46 | |
_Goblin | aw. | Jul 25 19:46 |
cj | although you are not American, you have the right to avoid commenting on the ground that the answers that would be given could be used as evidence against | Jul 25 19:46 |
_Goblin | ok | Jul 25 19:46 |
thank you :) | Jul 25 19:46 | |
cj | _Goblin: I am not trying to bait him. I am trying to get an answer to a very serious question. | Jul 25 19:46 |
_Goblin | np | Jul 25 19:46 |
_Goblin | Moving on..... | Jul 25 19:46 |
lunch time | Jul 25 19:47 | |
bbl | Jul 25 19:47 | |
_Goblin | see ya. | Jul 25 19:47 |
cj | schestowitz: I'm writing up a blog post on the subject, and I would like to get your comment on a few questions. | Jul 25 19:47 |
cj | 1) do you condone, condemn or have no feeling on the actions taken against Schlesinger? | Jul 25 19:48 |
cj | 2) What are your thoughts about patent-laden mesa code in the default desktop releases of many popular distributuions? | Jul 25 19:48 |
_Goblin | Roy, finally got PClos up on one of my rigs. | Jul 25 19:48 |
_Goblin | You were right, its a pretty neat little distro. I was going to do a feature but its been reviewed to death. | Jul 25 19:49 |
_Goblin | Same with Mepis. | Jul 25 19:49 |
cj | schestowitz: if I don't hear anything from you, I'll ask to see the message Lefty claims to have seen about your approval of the actions. | Jul 25 19:50 |
_Goblin | I am a total Wolvix convert now. Its probably the punchiest distro I have ever used. | Jul 25 19:50 |
cj | 3) have you or do you plan to contribute to the Software Freedom Law Center? | Jul 25 19:52 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: interesting | Jul 25 19:52 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: I was trying it a bit in vm last night, Fluxbox one yeah | Jul 25 19:52 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: ,but what if I was to install it, I can then just install Gnome myself? | Jul 25 19:52 |
_Goblin | default is Xfce | Jul 25 19:53 |
schestowitz | ASUS with Linux next week \0/ "First Garmin-Asus smartphones due out next week:" http://news.idg.no/cw/art.cfm?id=AC464D71-1A64-6A71-CE17A329F7D564CE | Jul 25 19:53 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: I was thinking maybe going VectorLinux or maybe this Wolvix | Jul 25 19:53 |
_Goblin | mmm,no... I dont think you could easily have Gnome running... | Jul 25 19:54 |
sebsebseb | thing with Volvix is I got root by default when I was trying, which I wasn't so keen about | Jul 25 19:54 |
*tacone1 has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Jul 25 19:54 | |
_Goblin | Vector, I have necer used...and yep you are root after install, however a terminal command away from creating another one. | Jul 25 19:54 |
cj | schestowitz: I'll be offline for a few hours while I take the family to the beach. I'll read the /lastlog scrollback when I get back to the internets, so take your time in responding and please include 'cj' in anything you would like me to read. | Jul 25 19:55 |
_Goblin | in your Wolvix control panel there is an option (I believe) for creating a new user. | Jul 25 19:56 |
_Goblin | sebsebseb: I have found Wolvix gives far better performance than any of the mainstream distros... | Jul 25 19:57 |
_Goblin | with it being a beta there are still a few issues but these are so minor it is not even important to fix them if you dont want to. | Jul 25 19:58 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: issues such as? | Jul 25 19:58 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: yeah I been trying a lot of distros out recently in vm, sadly a lot aren't up to date enough at the moment :( | Jul 25 19:58 |
_Goblin | a mysterious window that opens up upon login....simply needs to be closed.....easy to sort out though... | Jul 25 19:59 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: ,but give it some time, and I think there will be loads more distros that are up to date enough, to choose from, that are all good | Jul 25 19:59 |
_Goblin | true. | Jul 25 19:59 |
sebsebseb | PCLinuxOS kind of interesting distro really | Jul 25 19:59 |
sebsebseb | 2009 version not ready yet, but I think in August it may be | Jul 25 19:59 |
_Goblin | yep, its very good.... | Jul 25 19:59 |
_Goblin | Quite a few people have commented about it. | Jul 25 19:59 |
schestowitz | A known Linux-hostile writer (Joab) writes some weird article for OpenSolaris: http://gcn.com/articles/2009/07/27/gcn-interview-foxwell-opensolaris.aspx | Jul 25 20:00 |
sebsebseb | it's hard to convert to another distro, when Fedora 11 won't install, Gentoo and what not I probably don't really want to run yet, since the complexityies | Jul 25 20:00 |
schestowitz | Basically, the future of OpenSolaris under Oracle is uncertain | Jul 25 20:00 |
_Goblin | Gentoo is overated as being complicated... | Jul 25 20:00 |
sebsebseb | and when what I am currently using Ubuntu, is actsaully more up to date than many other distros at the oment | Jul 25 20:00 |
sebsebseb | moment | Jul 25 20:01 |
_Goblin | if it works for you then its the best distro. | Jul 25 20:01 |
_Goblin | I know many "hardcore" Linux users that love Ubuntu. | Jul 25 20:01 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] DW/LJ: Numbers. http://reddragdiva.dreamwidth.org/11568.html http://reddragdiva.livejournal.com/525484.html | Jul 25 20:02 | |
sebsebseb | oh | Jul 25 20:02 |
_Goblin | I certainly won't go back to it though. | Jul 25 20:02 |
sebsebseb | well yeah it can be good for more advanced users as well | Jul 25 20:02 |
sebsebseb | what are you currently running as your main distro? | Jul 25 20:02 |
sebsebseb | wolvix? | Jul 25 20:02 |
_Goblin | I think if a distro is "fit for purpose" its the best one for you. | Jul 25 20:02 |
_Goblin | and yes. | Jul 25 20:02 |
_Goblin | on my main rig. | Jul 25 20:02 |
sebsebseb | I want to do an LPI | Jul 25 20:03 |
_Goblin | I have Mepis 8 running on the 2nd machine on my desk | Jul 25 20:03 |
sebsebseb | I think I can study that at home, and then just go some where for exams | Jul 25 20:03 |
sebsebseb | not exactly sure | Jul 25 20:03 |
_Goblin | and then AROS and a plethos of other distro's on the rest | Jul 25 20:03 |
_Goblin | *plethora | Jul 25 20:03 |
sebsebseb | when used one distro for a few years, and only that distro properly, so in my case Ubuntu, well it kind of dumbs you down, because your used to doing sudo apt-get install or sudo aptitude and such. When I ran Fedora Core 2 and 4, I didn't have Internet since stupid wireless device | Jul 25 20:04 |
sebsebseb | and this is one reason why Debian hmm, I think not, since then I will be using apt-get/aptitude as well | Jul 25 20:04 |
_Goblin | One of the issues I have with Ubuntu is performance. | Jul 25 20:05 |
sebsebseb | I want to use something a little bit more complex than Ubuntu now really, but which distro, is the problem | Jul 25 20:05 |
_Goblin | Why? | Jul 25 20:05 |
sebsebseb | ,because a lot of distros aren't up to date enough at the moment | Jul 25 20:05 |
_Goblin | what the packages or the kernel? | Jul 25 20:05 |
sebsebseb | both | Jul 25 20:05 |
_Goblin | Ubuntu packages are poor....last time I checked I think Wine was about 5 versions behind the current. | Jul 25 20:06 |
_Goblin | (IMO) | Jul 25 20:06 |
sebsebseb | yeah, but | Jul 25 20:06 |
_Goblin | why not compile? | Jul 25 20:06 |
sebsebseb | can get the winehq.org repo for Ubuntu, then keep on getting later ones :) | Jul 25 20:06 |
_Goblin | a myth is that its difficult.....its not. | Jul 25 20:06 |
sebsebseb | and for later kernels and such, ppa's | Jul 25 20:06 |
sebsebseb | I am not so keen on the ppa thing, but anyway | Jul 25 20:07 |
_Goblin | you've reminded me...Ill just check which version of Wine Im running. | Jul 25 20:07 |
sebsebseb | and I have compiled stuff before of course | Jul 25 20:07 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: your using WIne hmm | Jul 25 20:07 |
_Goblin | 1.1.25 | Jul 25 20:07 |
_Goblin | not atm... | Jul 25 20:07 |
_Goblin | I used to use it for WOW | Jul 25 20:07 |
sebsebseb | well Linux distros are really meant to be alternatives to Unix :) | Jul 25 20:08 |
_Goblin | and now simply demoscene stuff. | Jul 25 20:08 |
sebsebseb | just certain distros such as Ubuntu are catered more at Windows users, tha want to get away from Windows | Jul 25 20:08 |
_Goblin | I think thats true...but then theres nothing wrong with that in itself... | Jul 25 20:08 |
sebsebseb | I think this | Jul 25 20:09 |
sebsebseb | native Linux app :) | Jul 25 20:09 |
_Goblin | I think though if Ubuntu tries to play the MS game (being jack of all trades) it will end up as the Vista of Linux. | Jul 25 20:09 |
sebsebseb | isn't one that does what you want, ok Wine, still no good, how about a vm | Jul 25 20:09 |
_Goblin | of course a native Linux app is always preferable, but until the demoscene mainstay convert to Linux, I still have a need of Wine. | Jul 25 20:10 |
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 20:10 | |
sebsebseb | Wine and vm no good since some stupid Windows 3D game or something? You really want to play that game hmm, ok fine do it in a psycial Windows install, but maybe you should also consider buying a games console :) and not an Xbox of course :D | Jul 25 20:10 |
_Goblin | Wine is great and especially since the Demoscene often uses nastly little DX hacks to achieve results..... | Jul 25 20:11 |
sebsebseb | ideally what I said, but the more stuff that works well in Wine the better :) | Jul 25 20:11 |
sebsebseb | since that will help with market share | Jul 25 20:11 |
_Goblin | I'm not a gamer so it doesnt have much appeal.....although I did like WOW... | Jul 25 20:11 |
sebsebseb | and we need about 20% or so, for all hardware and software companies, to take us seriously | Jul 25 20:11 |
_Goblin | in respect of market share, I think the PC is dying as a gaming platform. | Jul 25 20:11 |
sebsebseb | all/most even | Jul 25 20:11 |
_Goblin | Consoles and piracy are what will kill off the mainstream PC gaming scene (IMO) | Jul 25 20:12 |
sebsebseb | when I said more stuff working well in Wine, I didn't mean just games | Jul 25 20:12 |
sebsebseb | I meant anything | Jul 25 20:12 |
sebsebseb | except Wndows viruses and such of course, heh heh :) | Jul 25 20:12 |
_Goblin | I know....but I was suggesting for many the appeal of Wine will be for games. | Jul 25 20:13 |
sebsebseb | yep it is | Jul 25 20:13 |
sebsebseb | and sadly it won't cut it yet, for many games | Jul 25 20:13 |
sebsebseb | or people have to configure the game to work, and the average user, dosn't know how to do that | Jul 25 20:13 |
_Goblin | couldnt comment, but then I would never recommend Linux to a PC gamer. | Jul 25 20:13 |
sebsebseb | I would | Jul 25 20:13 |
sebsebseb | ,but depending on their games, I may recommend they dual boot with Windows as well | Jul 25 20:14 |
sebsebseb | also Linux does have some pretty good native games as well :) | Jul 25 20:14 |
_Goblin | I mean PC gamer in the sense that they don't use their PC for anything else. | Jul 25 20:14 |
sebsebseb | Wine and virtualization is getting there though :) | Jul 25 20:14 |
sebsebseb | for gaming | Jul 25 20:14 |
sebsebseb | 3D gaming | Jul 25 20:14 |
_Goblin | like I say, consoles and piracy on the PC will kill of the PC gaming scene. | Jul 25 20:14 |
sebsebseb | well if that happens, a lot of these gamers that won't convert to Linux yet | Jul 25 20:15 |
sebsebseb | will do so | Jul 25 20:15 |
_Goblin | I always said games were "the last bastion of salvation for the windows platform" | Jul 25 20:15 |
sebsebseb | quite a lot of gamers would go Linux, if there games would work well with it | Jul 25 20:15 |
_Goblin | true. | Jul 25 20:15 |
_Goblin | but then I have reservations of mass migration to Linux... | Jul 25 20:15 |
sebsebseb | what was that? | Jul 25 20:15 |
sebsebseb | what did you mean? | Jul 25 20:16 |
_Goblin | ok....prepare for rant...!>!> | Jul 25 20:16 |
_Goblin | I believe Vista is sole fault of the average user.... | Jul 25 20:16 |
_Goblin | their demands for one click solutions to on click solutions... | Jul 25 20:16 |
sebsebseb | sole fault of the average user??? | Jul 25 20:16 |
_Goblin | resulted in the bloated binary slug we see in Vista. Microsoft tried to appeal to everyone for all things. | Jul 25 20:17 |
sebsebseb | Vista is ok, but would have also been much better, if most Windows users, actsaully knew certain things about Windows and Microsoft and computing in general | Jul 25 20:17 |
_Goblin | Linux is something that is better but requires effort on behalf of the new user...its not just handed on a plate. | Jul 25 20:17 |
sebsebseb | Microsoft get away with a lot really, because a lot of people that don't know computers that well, rely on them | Jul 25 20:17 |
_Goblin | I can see the forums now..... | Jul 25 20:17 |
_Goblin | "Ive just installed Linux, how do I get the spinny cube thing working?" | Jul 25 20:18 |
_Goblin | I also think that ANY platform having majority market share is bad for innovation. | Jul 25 20:18 |
sebsebseb | Linux distros are really meant to be better pretty much all the time, the problem at the moment though is, a lot of programs that people want to run, won't work natively with Linux, and may need configuring in Wine, or not work there at all | Jul 25 20:19 |
_Goblin | and I always ask....what programs are these? | Jul 25 20:19 |
_Goblin | forgetting games for a minute | Jul 25 20:19 |
_Goblin | I cannot think of a Windows util that either hasnt got an equally good Linux equivilant, a linux port or runs through Wine. | Jul 25 20:20 |
sebsebseb | well sometimes people want to run freeware apps that technically aren't that great, but usabilitywise and such, result in users likeing the program | Jul 25 20:20 |
_Goblin | yes, but like what? I can never pin anyone down to an answer with this.... | Jul 25 20:21 |
sebsebseb | Ebay Turbo Lister | Jul 25 20:21 |
sebsebseb | that's an example of a program, that a woman wanted to run on Ubuntu | Jul 25 20:21 |
sebsebseb | problem was, Wine woudn't do it, or it needed configuring for it, and we didn't know how | Jul 25 20:22 |
_Goblin | Ebay? thats it? | Jul 25 20:22 |
sebsebseb | and she didn't have enough RAM so virtual machines were out | Jul 25 20:22 |
sebsebseb | another example Kodek Easyshare, another woman | Jul 25 20:22 |
_Goblin | Im sure there are alternatives. | Jul 25 20:23 |
sebsebseb | we didn't have any luck in Wine, and at the time, didn't have enough RAM to virtual machine it, in fact she has tried that now even, but there were some issues | Jul 25 20:23 |
sebsebseb | sure f-spot digikam etc, but none of those will upload to the kodek gallery | Jul 25 20:23 |
_Goblin | If Ebay/Kodak are the two reasons why people are not migrating them microsoft is certainly doomed. | Jul 25 20:23 |
sebsebseb | sure it's games | Jul 25 20:24 |
sebsebseb | and silly little apps | Jul 25 20:24 |
sebsebseb | why people aren't converting | Jul 25 20:24 |
_Goblin | yes but what silly apps....? | Jul 25 20:24 |
sebsebseb | the two I just mentioned for example | Jul 25 20:24 |
ThistleWeb | peeps have been conditioned to know they need anti-spyware, anti-virus etc | Jul 25 20:24 |
_Goblin | yes but I refuse to believe that those two are responsible for the MS market share. | Jul 25 20:24 |
ThistleWeb | while those don't exist on linux they will feel hesitant | Jul 25 20:25 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: no they don't, if they know how to secure Windows properly :) | Jul 25 20:25 |
ThistleWeb | even thouugh they dont need them, they wont accept it | Jul 25 20:25 |
ThistleWeb | you can;t secure windows properly | Jul 25 20:25 |
_Goblin | dont plug it in to the wall....thats about the only way to secure Windows. | Jul 25 20:25 |
sebsebseb | it's not needed in Windows either, if people truely know how to secure it :) | Jul 25 20:25 |
ThistleWeb | it;'s impossible | Jul 25 20:25 |
_Goblin | bury it in concrete. Its pretty secure then. | Jul 25 20:25 |
sebsebseb | don't use admin all the time, that's a start | Jul 25 20:26 |
_Goblin | IE has another hole that is to be patched on tues (critical) | Jul 25 20:26 |
fewa | sebsebseb, http://www.pretentiousname.com/misc/win7_uac_whitelist2.html | Jul 25 20:26 |
fewa | sebsebseb, how can you secure windows if its insecure by design? | Jul 25 20:26 |
_Goblin | concrete | Jul 25 20:26 |
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 20:26 | |
_Goblin | honestly, you wont have a problem. | Jul 25 20:27 |
_Goblin | hi tacone | Jul 25 20:27 |
sebsebseb | ideally people in general need to be educated more when it comes to computers, but security companies won't just do it for example, because they make money selling virus scanners and such | Jul 25 20:27 |
tacone | hi | Jul 25 20:27 |
fewa | although i admit most people who get malware do so by running some randoms person's code | Jul 25 20:27 |
fewa | however, that is the only way to install software in WIndows | Jul 25 20:27 |
fewa | there is no secure way | Jul 25 20:28 |
tacone | these days malware comes via websites | Jul 25 20:28 |
_Goblin | like Windows 7 RC | Jul 25 20:28 |
ThistleWeb | with windows there is only "more secure" not "secure" | Jul 25 20:29 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: yep pretty much | Jul 25 20:29 |
sebsebseb | altough no OS is 100% secure, but non Microsoft OS's tend to be much more secure by default :) | Jul 25 20:29 |
_Goblin | not tend.....are. | Jul 25 20:30 |
fewa | Windows is designed to be insecure by default | Jul 25 20:30 |
fewa | it makes Microsoft alot of money | Jul 25 20:30 |
fewa | and insecure by design | Jul 25 20:30 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: in fact there is one distro that was designed to be really insecure, but that's for educational purpouses | Jul 25 20:31 |
_Goblin | yep and gains support from 3rd party devs since they can make a buck out of its users too. | Jul 25 20:31 |
fewa | sebsebseb, thats not a "tend" or "trend" however | Jul 25 20:31 |
sebsebseb | fewa: in general non Microsoft OS's are usaully more secure by default | Jul 25 20:32 |
sebsebseb | or get rid of the usaully if you like | Jul 25 20:32 |
_Goblin | and the "in general"? | Jul 25 20:32 |
sebsebseb | wait no | Jul 25 20:32 |
_Goblin | ;) | Jul 25 20:32 |
sebsebseb | usually is correct | Jul 25 20:33 |
sebsebseb | not all non Microsoft OS's are going to be more secure by default, but most will be :) | Jul 25 20:33 |
fewa | the vast majority | Jul 25 20:33 |
fewa | aka all | Jul 25 20:33 |
_Goblin | name one..... | Jul 25 20:33 |
_Goblin | that was to sebsebseb | Jul 25 20:33 |
_Goblin | Mojave ;) | Jul 25 20:34 |
schestowitz | I get an empty page for this: http://www.smartbrief.com/news/comptia/storyDetails.jsp?issueid=C5B2E3E0-758F-40C2-B0EB-327B78A19707 Does it work for anyone else? | Jul 25 20:34 |
ThistleWeb | Windows cant afford to be secure, because they'd piss off their partners in the security software industry, who exist soley to fix the holes MS leave behind | Jul 25 20:34 |
_Goblin | blank page here Roy. | Jul 25 20:34 |
_Goblin | Thistleweb: As Moshe would say Bingo! | Jul 25 20:35 |
tacone | me aither | Jul 25 20:35 |
tacone | s/a/e/ | Jul 25 20:35 |
ThistleWeb | pissing off the partners is some reward for covering your ass for all these years | Jul 25 20:35 |
fewa | ThistleWeb, you mean Security theatre business | Jul 25 20:35 |
fewa | neither secure, nor industry | Jul 25 20:35 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: there's one you can find on distrowatch that was purpously designed to be as insecure as possible, because it's for security reasearch | Jul 25 20:35 |
ThistleWeb | windows only holds together for more than a few days at a time BECAUSE of the help from anti-virus etc | Jul 25 20:36 |
_Goblin | yes but then thats different. | Jul 25 20:36 |
ThistleWeb | if it wasn;t for thse programs Windows would have fallen years ago | Jul 25 20:36 |
fewa | ThistleWeb, thats not a operating system, thats a test case | Jul 25 20:36 |
_Goblin | sebsebseb: I put it to you that you cannot find a distro less secure than Windows. | Jul 25 20:36 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: well my example :) | Jul 25 20:36 |
_Goblin | sebsebseb: No because thats intentional, | Jul 25 20:36 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: and maybe some random distro is made by someone that is insecure | Jul 25 20:36 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: ,but in general Linux distros are more secure :) | Jul 25 20:37 |
_Goblin | sebsebseb: Maybe youre just guessing? | Jul 25 20:37 |
fewa | sebsebseb, great heresay | Jul 25 20:37 |
_Goblin | lol | Jul 25 20:37 |
_Goblin | Oh hang on sebsebseb.... | Jul 25 20:37 |
ThistleWeb | actually there is a linux distro designed to be insecure | Jul 25 20:37 |
_Goblin | Ive found an "allegedly" non MS OS insecure.... | Jul 25 20:37 |
ThistleWeb | it's built with security holes | Jul 25 20:37 |
fewa | ThistleWeb, thats on purpose though | Jul 25 20:37 |
ThistleWeb | to be fair, it's designed as a trainign distro | Jul 25 20:37 |
ThistleWeb | fewa: exactly | Jul 25 20:38 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] I hear rumours of a ~£120 (~$200) ARM based laptop running Ubuntu in time for UK launch at Christmas.. | Jul 25 20:38 | |
ThistleWeb | to train peeps how to secure it | Jul 25 20:38 |
_Goblin | Mojave | Jul 25 20:38 |
_Goblin | that would be pretty insecure. | Jul 25 20:38 |
sebsebseb | not Mojave | Jul 25 20:40 |
sebsebseb | since it's not on distrowatch | Jul 25 20:40 |
sebsebseb | I found another one when I went down the distrowatch list | Jul 25 20:41 |
_Goblin | I was being flippant. | Jul 25 20:41 |
sebsebseb | the whole list that is :D | Jul 25 20:41 |
_Goblin | ok...go for it. | Jul 25 20:41 |
sebsebseb | here and there, during a period of 2 or 3 weeks, and now I don't remember which one it is :( | Jul 25 20:41 |
_Goblin | oh dear... | Jul 25 20:41 |
_Goblin | well its certainly not one we are going to come across is it? ;) | Jul 25 20:42 |
_Goblin | why dont we simply give this distro a name........er..... | Jul 25 20:42 |
sebsebseb | got it | Jul 25 20:42 |
sebsebseb | http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=dvl | Jul 25 20:42 |
_Goblin | since I am a fan of Wolvix......maybe we should call your insecure distro.....Bolix? | Jul 25 20:43 |
ThistleWeb | that'd be fun, a distro called Mojave | Jul 25 20:43 |
_Goblin | the one you link to is intentional. | Jul 25 20:43 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: that's what I said before | Jul 25 20:43 |
ThistleWeb | bollux? sounds British | Jul 25 20:43 |
_Goblin | yep....a good name for seb's insecure linux theory? | Jul 25 20:44 |
_Goblin | its Bollix though. | Jul 25 20:44 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: I said in general Linux distros will be more secure than Windows, unless some random person who dosna't really know how to make a distro ends up making some insecure one, or they are purpously designed to be insecure such as the example just now | Jul 25 20:44 |
schestowitz | Boolux has not been updated in AGES | Jul 25 20:44 |
schestowitz | Since 2007 IIRC | Jul 25 20:44 |
_Goblin | so sebsebseb, let me get this straight you are saying "generally" linux is more secure on the basis of one intentionally exploitable distro? | Jul 25 20:44 |
schestowitz | *Boll | Jul 25 20:44 |
sebsebseb | that's something else, if OS's are really old | Jul 25 20:45 |
sebsebseb | ,because they are not maintined anymore | Jul 25 20:45 |
_Goblin | lol... | Jul 25 20:45 |
_Goblin | 95 | Jul 25 20:45 |
_Goblin | 98 | Jul 25 20:45 |
_Goblin | ME | Jul 25 20:45 |
sebsebseb | or it's the old version of an OS | Jul 25 20:45 |
_Goblin | Workbench 1.3 | Jul 25 20:45 |
schestowitz | V7 | Jul 25 20:45 |
sebsebseb | well then naturally XP may be more secure | Jul 25 20:45 |
_Goblin | Gem desktop | Jul 25 20:45 |
_Goblin | rubbish. | Jul 25 20:45 |
_Goblin | according to MS vista is more secure. | Jul 25 20:46 |
_Goblin | than XP | Jul 25 20:46 |
_Goblin | lol. | Jul 25 20:46 |
ThistleWeb | I just thought of something for the Brits to cheer about, we have a damn good Linux distro now | Jul 25 20:46 |
_Goblin | what Bollix? | Jul 25 20:46 |
sebsebseb | what was that distro one of the first. ydresiul? | Jul 25 20:46 |
ThistleWeb | actually 2 | Jul 25 20:46 |
sebsebseb | uh spelling | Jul 25 20:46 |
_Goblin | ;) | Jul 25 20:46 |
ThistleWeb | no, crunchbang, and mint | Jul 25 20:46 |
_Goblin | CBL...mmmm | Jul 25 20:46 |
sebsebseb | y something one of the first distros, can that go online? well if so, maybe XP is more secure then that distro | Jul 25 20:46 |
_Goblin | its good.....although overkill on the pre-packaged apps. | Jul 25 20:46 |
ThistleWeb | crunchbang is english, mint is irish | Jul 25 20:47 |
ThistleWeb | compared to the US or Germany it's still small fry | Jul 25 20:47 |
ThistleWeb | but we're on the map | Jul 25 20:47 |
ThistleWeb | whooohooo | Jul 25 20:47 |
_Goblin | never used Mint. | Jul 25 20:47 |
ThistleWeb | mint is very nice | Jul 25 20:47 |
_Goblin | had CBL 8.10 running for a while..... | Jul 25 20:48 |
*ThistleWeb is using crunchbang 9.04 now | Jul 25 20:48 | |
_Goblin | sorry, time to get l337 - #!CBL | Jul 25 20:48 |
_Goblin | nice distro though... | Jul 25 20:48 |
sebsebseb | mint was uhmm to green for my likeing by default | Jul 25 20:48 |
sebsebseb | and stuff like that | Jul 25 20:48 |
_Goblin | should really give 9.04 a proper go. | Jul 25 20:48 |
ThistleWeb | mint is a more polished ubuntu | Jul 25 20:48 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: Ubuntu 9.04 Gnome isn't that great really | Jul 25 20:48 |
_Goblin | Mints theme puts me in mind of Opensuse. | Jul 25 20:49 |
_Goblin | no seb, CBL 9.04.1 | Jul 25 20:49 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: 8.10 is better in certian ways, but 9.10 should be better so :) | Jul 25 20:49 |
_Goblin | its openbox | Jul 25 20:49 |
sebsebseb | yes | Jul 25 20:49 |
sebsebseb | I know crunchbang | Jul 25 20:49 |
sebsebseb | I tried in vm | Jul 25 20:49 |
ThistleWeb | sheesh, the peeps hwo judge a distro on it's default theme knowing it can be changed with a click | Jul 25 20:49 |
sebsebseb | and heard about it before | Jul 25 20:49 |
_Goblin | vm? | Jul 25 20:49 |
_Goblin | u windows? | Jul 25 20:49 |
sebsebseb | virtual machine | Jul 25 20:49 |
_Goblin | yes I know what VM means. | Jul 25 20:49 |
*tacone has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Jul 25 20:50 | |
_Goblin | why bother...just run a live CD.... | Jul 25 20:50 |
sebsebseb | no I done my recant vm trying with Ubuntu as host :) | Jul 25 20:50 |
ThistleWeb | I rarely keep the default theme / icons etc but the last mint 6 had real nice icons | Jul 25 20:50 |
sebsebseb | ,because if I am trying nearly every distro on distrowatch | Jul 25 20:50 |
_Goblin | why? | Jul 25 20:50 |
sebsebseb | that's in Engilsh and maybe worth trying as a desktop distro | Jul 25 20:50 |
_Goblin | whats wrong with the one you are using? | Jul 25 20:50 |
sebsebseb | I am not going to burn loads of cd's | Jul 25 20:50 |
ThistleWeb | mint xfce 6 was the first time in ages I've stuck with the default icons | Jul 25 20:50 |
ThistleWeb | sebsebseb: remember to add pardus to your list | Jul 25 20:51 |
_Goblin | Ive just finally got around to updating Xfce | Jul 25 20:51 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: Ubuntu 9.04 is alright, except for one feature in particular | Jul 25 20:51 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: oh I been down the whole distro watch list :) | Jul 25 20:51 |
sebsebseb | recently | Jul 25 20:51 |
_Goblin | whats that? | Jul 25 20:51 |
ThistleWeb | pardus looks damn nice | Jul 25 20:51 |
_Goblin | isnt it Greek or soemthing> | Jul 25 20:52 |
ThistleWeb | I'm suspicious of any distro developed by any govt | Jul 25 20:52 |
_Goblin | or Turkish | Jul 25 20:52 |
ThistleWeb | turkey yes | Jul 25 20:52 |
_Goblin | cool. | Jul 25 20:52 |
ThistleWeb | it's a dual languagfe distro | Jul 25 20:52 |
ThistleWeb | very ggod english and turkish support | Jul 25 20:52 |
_Goblin | what wrong with 9.04 sebsebseb? | Jul 25 20:52 |
*ThistleWeb has been drinking, so forgive the typos | Jul 25 20:52 | |
_Goblin | * Goblin hasn't he's just thick. | Jul 25 20:53 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Computers with GNU/Linux May become Libre and Gratis Too http://ping.fm/47bGl | Jul 25 20:53 | |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: nope didn't do that one, since partly the distrowatch description I guess, but it will have been since the website is not in English, and I don't see a link for English | Jul 25 20:53 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: oh there it is hmm | Jul 25 20:53 |
_Goblin | bbl....shower time.... | Jul 25 20:54 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Powerhouse Behind Wine for GNU/Linux Desktops Sees Revenue Hike http://ping.fm/VIT6l | Jul 25 20:54 | |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: well don't see a screenshot link | Jul 25 20:54 |
sebsebseb | when I was saying Y something distro before I meant Yggdrasil | Jul 25 20:54 |
ThistleWeb | sebsebseb: apparently it;s a dual language distro, so anything other than english or turkish and you maybe on your own. It's gnome in case you were wondering | Jul 25 20:54 |
ThistleWeb | I think | Jul 25 20:55 |
ThistleWeb | it's not based on anything, it has a lot of unique apps like it's own package manager | Jul 25 20:55 |
sebsebseb | shame PCLinuxOS 2009 isn't ready yet and such | Jul 25 20:55 |
ThistleWeb | it's getting a lot of good reviews | Jul 25 20:55 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: I am stuck with Ubuntu for now, unless I do something that isn't mainstreame as such | Jul 25 20:56 |
*crunchy135711 has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Jul 25 20:56 | |
pcolon | Pardus is KDE4.2 - Parsix is GNOME | Jul 25 20:56 |
sebsebseb | I really don't like that KDE 4 thing | Jul 25 20:57 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Truly Free Software 3D Driver for ATI/AMD Gets Better http://ping.fm/0Ly0M | Jul 25 20:57 | |
sebsebseb | except for how many of the apps got better, but I can run those in Gnome anyway :) | Jul 25 20:57 |
ThistleWeb | I stand corrected then | Jul 25 20:57 |
*sebsebseb Long live KDE 3! | Jul 25 20:57 | |
schestowitz | +1 | Jul 25 20:57 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: yeah your a fan as well? | Jul 25 20:57 |
cj | by 'truly' do you mean unencumbered by opengl? | Jul 25 20:57 |
ThistleWeb | pclinuxos 2007 was sweet | Jul 25 20:57 |
schestowitz | I liked kde4 too | Jul 25 20:57 |
schestowitz | I haven't used it much though | Jul 25 20:57 |
ThistleWeb | not tried 2009 | Jul 25 20:58 |
schestowitz | Just not on my PCs yet. | Jul 25 20:58 |
sebsebseb | kde4 is to differnet to kde3 | Jul 25 20:58 |
*ThistleWeb has grown out of QT since then | Jul 25 20:58 | |
sebsebseb | so as a gui no thanks | Jul 25 20:58 |
sebsebseb | ,but it's apps in Gnome, sure :) | Jul 25 20:58 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: yeah if I remember correctly I vm'd that as well recently PCLinuxOS 2007 | Jul 25 20:59 |
sebsebseb | ,but yeah I remember at the time | Jul 25 20:59 |
sebsebseb | good reviews and everything, but Ubuntu was the one that kept on hitting off properly | Jul 25 20:59 |
sebsebseb | Ubuntu may be like the new Windows one day! As in the one with most of the market | Jul 25 21:00 |
ThistleWeb | peeps commented on an army of pclinuxos fans swamping forums, blogs etc.....I was one of them, not spamming, but chipping in every time someone recommended ubuntu with "you could also try pclinusos" | Jul 25 21:00 |
sebsebseb | oh heh | Jul 25 21:00 |
schestowitz | PCLOS does KDE3 still | Jul 25 21:01 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] Scale of 1-10, how gross is it that I just picked the now-solid melted cheese off the grill pan after cheese on toast? | Jul 25 21:01 | |
ThistleWeb | it was the first distro that worked with my hardware | Jul 25 21:01 |
schestowitz | I used 2009 for a week | Jul 25 21:01 |
schestowitz | Just before .2 came out | Jul 25 21:01 |
ThistleWeb | 2007 I mean | Jul 25 21:01 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: it has KDE3 in the 2009 version? | Jul 25 21:01 |
schestowitz | And it has KDE4 in the repos | Jul 25 21:01 |
sebsebseb | sweet sounds good to me, KDE3 in the repo for 2009 as well :) | Jul 25 21:01 |
ThistleWeb | it allowed me to wipe my xp partition and move to linux full time | Jul 25 21:01 |
schestowitz | sebsebseb: yes | Jul 25 21:01 |
schestowitz | 3.5.10 IIRC | Jul 25 21:01 |
sebsebseb | what about file systems, Ext4 as an option and such? | Jul 25 21:01 |
schestowitz | Can't remember, didn't check | Jul 25 21:02 |
schestowitz | I used it as a live cd | Jul 25 21:02 |
schestowitz | So ramdisk | Jul 25 21:02 |
sebsebseb | I think 2009 is coming out at the end of August? | Jul 25 21:02 |
ThistleWeb | 2009 still have the XP style window decorations? | Jul 25 21:02 |
ThistleWeb | 2007 did, and they look better than XP | Jul 25 21:03 |
schestowitz | thenixedreport: PCLOS? | Jul 25 21:03 |
schestowitz | No. | Jul 25 21:03 |
schestowitz | It has translucent windows decoration | Jul 25 21:03 |
ThistleWeb | k | Jul 25 21:04 |
ThistleWeb | 2007 was a blatant attempt to mimic xp, but it looked so much better than xp | Jul 25 21:04 |
schestowitz | I figured Susan has many people read her site cause the toolbar in PCLOS (Firefox) links to tuxmachines | Jul 25 21:05 |
schestowitz | ThistleWeb: also the logos | Jul 25 21:05 |
schestowitz | The splash screen in 2009 shows logo evolution | Jul 25 21:05 |
ThistleWeb | it's been a while, I didn;t notice that | Jul 25 21:05 |
ThistleWeb | but the window decorations were XP, complete with XP minimise / maximise etc | Jul 25 21:06 |
ThistleWeb | but better | Jul 25 21:06 |
ThistleWeb | I'm not sure I could go back to kde now | Jul 25 21:06 |
ThistleWeb | I've grown too GTK | Jul 25 21:06 |
ThistleWeb | if I could PClinux would get first dibs at impressing me | Jul 25 21:07 |
ThistleWeb | even though it's .rpm | Jul 25 21:07 |
ThistleWeb | :/ | Jul 25 21:07 |
*sebsebseb thinks he should give Mandriva and then PCLinuxOS 2009 a try as host OS | Jul 25 21:07 | |
pcolon | Uses synaptic as package manager | Jul 25 21:07 |
sebsebseb | then maybe put karmic on hmm | Jul 25 21:08 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A Look at Scientific Linux 4.8 http://ping.fm/kwqT0 | Jul 25 21:08 | |
ThistleWeb | yep, synatpic is potentially it's saving grace | Jul 25 21:08 |
fewa | sebsebseb, KVM with virt-manager works well | Jul 25 21:08 |
ThistleWeb | sebsebseb: mandriva and pclinuxos are just 2 splits along the same bloodline | Jul 25 21:08 |
schestowitz | MAndriva's package manager is great too | Jul 25 21:08 |
ThistleWeb | they both have the same mandrake DNA | Jul 25 21:09 |
pcolon | Sorry uses apt, synaptic is gui for apt | Jul 25 21:09 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] http://ping.fm/AZMIc Red Hat Educates Professors -- News Observer | Jul 25 21:09 | |
sebsebseb | fewa: this computer does not have hardware virtualization so KVM is out | Jul 25 21:09 |
fewa | sebsebseb, then its not much of a host for any virtualization | Jul 25 21:09 |
fewa | unless its para-virt such as openVZ | Jul 25 21:10 |
sebsebseb | I wanted to do Fedora 11 as host OS really, but when I try and do a custom install keeping my partitions, I get an error from Ananonda that basically says it's probably a bug | Jul 25 21:10 |
ThistleWeb | mandriva was the official path, while pclinux was a fork by mandrake devs who didn't like the direction mandriva was going, so it's a pure mandrake | Jul 25 21:10 |
fewa | sebsebseb, virt extentions make a huge difference | Jul 25 21:10 |
ThistleWeb | mandrake as it would be | Jul 25 21:10 |
ThistleWeb | for good or ill | Jul 25 21:10 |
sebsebseb | yep I knew that PCLinuxOS is based on Mandriva | Jul 25 21:10 |
sebsebseb | fewa: whatever that is | Jul 25 21:10 |
ThistleWeb | based on mandrake | Jul 25 21:10 |
ThistleWeb | not mandriva | Jul 25 21:10 |
ThistleWeb | hence all the Drake apps | Jul 25 21:11 |
fewa | sebsebseb, try OpenVZ then if you want your virtual machines to have performance | Jul 25 21:11 |
ThistleWeb | like drakeinstall etc | Jul 25 21:11 |
sebsebseb | fewa: what's that? | Jul 25 21:11 |
sebsebseb | fewa: and Virtualbox works well enough for me :) | Jul 25 21:11 |
fewa | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVZ http://wiki.openvz.org/Main_Page | Jul 25 21:11 |
fewa | sebsebseb, it may, but with virt extentions it well work even better | Jul 25 21:12 |
ThistleWeb | as good as PCLinux is, the name is terrible | Jul 25 21:12 |
fewa | much faster | Jul 25 21:12 |
ThistleWeb | they really need a new name | Jul 25 21:12 |
fewa | ie native speed | Jul 25 21:12 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: well yes indeed it is, if your going to run the distro on a Mac | Jul 25 21:12 |
ThistleWeb | even when I was one of the PCLOS supporters I couldn;'t defend the name | Jul 25 21:12 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: the name sounds newbie friendly, and I guess that was the idea | Jul 25 21:13 |
ThistleWeb | hmmm | Jul 25 21:13 |
fewa | but OpenVZ can work at native speed even without virt-extentions | Jul 25 21:13 |
fewa | also native IO unlike other virtualiztion | Jul 25 21:13 |
ThistleWeb | maybe | Jul 25 21:13 |
ThistleWeb | they do have other cool stuff like SAM linux | Jul 25 21:13 |
ThistleWeb | sam was cool | Jul 25 21:14 |
ThistleWeb | an xfce distro fromt he ripper gang | Jul 25 21:14 |
sebsebseb | Ubuntu/Canonical have a major advantage though over other distros, the free offical CD's | Jul 25 21:14 |
ThistleWeb | most distros have no money | Jul 25 21:15 |
ThistleWeb | ubuntu does not have that problem | Jul 25 21:15 |
sebsebseb | well Shuttleworth bails them out each year | Jul 25 21:15 |
sebsebseb | ,but it's not like they have money to advertise Ubuntu on the TV and such | Jul 25 21:15 |
sebsebseb | or do they, but they just don't want to yet? hmm | Jul 25 21:15 |
ThistleWeb | they dont waste money | Jul 25 21:16 |
ThistleWeb | they're not an Apple etc in terms of promo | Jul 25 21:16 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: advertising it on the TV to the average consumer is a waste of money? | Jul 25 21:16 |
ThistleWeb | they dont make profits yet | Jul 25 21:16 |
sebsebseb | exactly hence no TV advert | Jul 25 21:16 |
fewa | sebsebseb, Microsoft wasted billions | Jul 25 21:16 |
fewa | and no profit | Jul 25 21:16 |
sebsebseb | fewa: well if they wasted money, they got it back later on | Jul 25 21:17 |
ThistleWeb | apparently shuttleworth has put a pencilled final date on his funding of ubuntu | Jul 25 21:17 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: when's that? | Jul 25 21:17 |
sebsebseb | pencilled, you mean so he can rub it out? change his mind? | Jul 25 21:17 |
fewa | the guy has alot of money | Jul 25 21:17 |
ThistleWeb | he knows that he;d need to fund it for X years before he expects it to be self sustaining | Jul 25 21:17 |
fewa | and he owes it to Linux | Jul 25 21:17 |
fewa | he whole business was based on it: VeriSign | Jul 25 21:18 |
ThistleWeb | hence all the efforts at competing with novell and redhat in corporate environments | Jul 25 21:18 |
sebsebseb | fewa: yeah he made his money when the Internet hit off or whatever, I don't really know the proper story | Jul 25 21:18 |
sebsebseb | uh Internet? | Jul 25 21:18 |
sebsebseb | the web | Jul 25 21:18 |
fewa | VeriSign | Jul 25 21:18 |
ThistleWeb | right now, ubuntu is costing him money | Jul 25 21:18 |
schestowitz | SOme refute | Jul 25 21:18 |
sebsebseb | yep | Jul 25 21:18 |
schestowitz | NYt | Jul 25 21:19 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Ubuntu Can't Measure Its Market Share http://ping.fm/udgHK | Jul 25 21:19 | |
schestowitz | Annual revenue $20ml | Jul 25 21:19 |
ThistleWeb | the less it loses him per lonth, the more he'll be likely to extend the cut off | Jul 25 21:19 |
ThistleWeb | month | Jul 25 21:19 |
fewa | Oh whoops | Jul 25 21:19 |
fewa | he founded Thawte, not VeriSign | Jul 25 21:19 |
fewa | sold it to VeriSign | Jul 25 21:19 |
ThistleWeb | the desktop is not his target | Jul 25 21:19 |
fewa | thats where he gets his money, it was all built on Linux | Jul 25 21:20 |
ThistleWeb | he wants ubuntu on corporate servers with support contracts ala RH | Jul 25 21:20 |
sebsebseb | yep server support and such, that's where the money is | Jul 25 21:20 |
sebsebseb | however really surely, Desktop Ubuntu, is what makes Ubuntu so popular? | Jul 25 21:20 |
ThistleWeb | desktop is the channel | Jul 25 21:21 |
sebsebseb | ThistleWeb: what do you mean? | Jul 25 21:22 |
fewa | free advertising | Jul 25 21:22 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] ASUS to Announce Linux Smartphones Next Week http://ping.fm/RW8Pw http://ping.fm/CcKgR | Jul 25 21:22 | |
ThistleWeb | server support is the goal | Jul 25 21:22 |
fewa | He wants to proove that it can be a good business | Jul 25 21:22 |
sebsebseb | well most Linux servers are run on Debian right? | Jul 25 21:22 |
sebsebseb | or Redhat or whatever? | Jul 25 21:22 |
fewa | and RH | Jul 25 21:22 |
ThistleWeb | he also wants corps to adopt ubuntu as their desktops with support packages | Jul 25 21:22 |
sebsebseb | fewa: a tiny confusing with the name maybe, since it has desktop in it, that servers are run with Redhat | Jul 25 21:23 |
sebsebseb | a tiny bit confusing maybe yep, same for Novell | Jul 25 21:23 |
fewa | ? | Jul 25 21:23 |
fewa | RedHat Linux | Jul 25 21:23 |
fewa | and Red Hat "Enterprise" Linux | Jul 25 21:24 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] GNU/Linux @ Dell is Back Cheaper Than Ever ($199 Sub-notebooks) http://ping.fm/p560o | Jul 25 21:24 | |
sebsebseb | Redhat Enterprise Desktop Linux? Redhat Enterprise Linux? | Jul 25 21:24 |
ThistleWeb | yep, RH is the king of corporate server linux's | Jul 25 21:24 |
sebsebseb | where did I get desktop from, if that's wrong? | Jul 25 21:24 |
fewa | perhaps they had that brand too | Jul 25 21:24 |
sebsebseb | servers and companies hmm, well if they can get educational establimsents running Ubuntu :D also a lot more home users | Jul 25 21:25 |
ThistleWeb | Debian may be just as good, but corps prefer a sueable FTSE brand to a global communtiy of peeps | Jul 25 21:25 |
ThistleWeb | hence RH | Jul 25 21:25 |
fewa | RH is on the S&P 500 | Jul 25 21:25 |
sebsebseb | yep I heard this kind of thing before, companies want someone to blame/sue if things go badly wrong | Jul 25 21:25 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Laptops Are Now Cheaper Than Vista 7 (or Why Microsoft's Business Model is Kaput) http://ping.fm/WHI6p | Jul 25 21:26 | |
ThistleWeb | it's the core of RH business | Jul 25 21:26 |
fewa | ThistleWeb, you mean they dont like populist control :P | Jul 25 21:26 |
ThistleWeb | the server market | Jul 25 21:26 |
sebsebseb | with some good education when it comes to computers, I can see Desktop Linux hitting off a lot more :) | Jul 25 21:26 |
fewa | sebsebseb, and less government MSFT money | Jul 25 21:27 |
fewa | They spend alot of tax-deductable dollars to make sure nothing changes | Jul 25 21:27 |
sebsebseb | yep Microsoft and it's vender lock in stuff | Jul 25 21:27 |
*hklsfd has quit ("Page closed") | Jul 25 21:27 | |
ThistleWeb | they like someone to call 24/7 when a prob happens and know they have someone there to fix it | Jul 25 21:28 |
sebsebseb | practices? is that a better word instead of stuff in that context? I think that's another word that can be used | Jul 25 21:28 |
ThistleWeb | something RH specialise in | Jul 25 21:28 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] GNU/Linux Finds LEGS While Windows Remains ARMless http://ping.fm/8KDsj | Jul 25 21:29 | |
fewa | schestowitz, nice pun | Jul 25 21:29 |
ThistleWeb | I've said it before, and I'll say it again, RH don;t get anywhere near enough credit for all they do for Linux in general | Jul 25 21:30 |
fewa | ThistleWeb, absolutely | Jul 25 21:30 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] Ok, cheese aside, the other guilty pleasure is You've Been Framed. Does that make me a bad man? | Jul 25 21:30 | |
fewa | i go throught copyright files and its full of Red Hat | Jul 25 21:30 |
fewa | all over Debian and Ubuntu | Jul 25 21:30 |
ThistleWeb | RH have their paws in a LOT of stuff peeps take for granted | Jul 25 21:30 |
ThistleWeb | across the Linux spectrum | Jul 25 21:30 |
fewa | RH contributes highly to Linux and the GNU/Linux platform | Jul 25 21:31 |
ThistleWeb | every time I hear an interview with someone from RH on a podcast it reminds me just how important RH are to Linux | Jul 25 21:32 |
fewa | hopefully a Ubuntu success will not come at the expense of RH | Jul 25 21:32 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why Exposing the Internals of Fog Computing is Important http://ping.fm/CbB5a | Jul 25 21:33 | |
ThistleWeb | RH also keep the larger Linux community in mind with corporate decisions too | Jul 25 21:34 |
ThistleWeb | like patent agreements | Jul 25 21:34 |
fewa | and they are steadfast on open source drivers | Jul 25 21:34 |
ThistleWeb | not just themselves | Jul 25 21:34 |
fewa | which benifits everyone | Jul 25 21:34 |
ThistleWeb | exactly | Jul 25 21:34 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Free Software Inherent in More Hardware http://ping.fm/ZfMGY | Jul 25 21:35 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Success in Indian Schools http://ping.fm/pGk9v Software Proving to be Great 131.html | Jul 25 21:39 | |
fewa | you messed up the link | Jul 25 21:40 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Free Software Proving to be Great Success in Indian Schools http://ping.fm/aEZDh | Jul 25 21:40 | |
schestowitz | fewa: yes, I fixed it | Jul 25 21:42 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Glyn Moody ( @glynmoody ) on Why the Triumph of GPLv3 is Wonderful News http://ping.fm/8eVJW | Jul 25 21:42 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The Importance of Freedom in Data, As Explained by Schindler http://ping.fm/YmZjF | Jul 25 21:44 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Free Software is Clearly Taking Over http://ping.fm/iDdRi | Jul 25 21:46 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Carla Schroeder Explains Why Choosing the GPL for Programming is Good, C++0x is Good http://ping.fm/L2IIn | Jul 25 21:48 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why Newspapers -- Like Proprietary Software -- Allow Themselves to Die http://ping.fm/nsOnj http://ping.fm/Bk403 http://ping.fm/Tmxe8 | Jul 25 21:51 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Publication: "Should Copyright Of Academic Works Be Abolished?" http://ping.fm/gFK8t | Jul 25 21:52 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RIAA -- Like Microsoft -- Discovers That Attacking/Illegalising Competitors is Easier Than Competing http://ping.fm/U17ME http://ping.fm ... | Jul 25 21:54 | |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: all those notices flooding the channal, get's a bit annoying, to be honest with you | Jul 25 21:55 |
schestowitz | You're here to bait us anyway | Jul 25 21:56 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: what? | Jul 25 21:56 |
schestowitz | You also complained about ops and daemonised us in other channels | Jul 25 21:56 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: and did what in other channals? | Jul 25 21:57 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Public Counter-strikes Against X-Strike Laws http://ping.fm/aXHk4 http://ping.fm/encnU http://ping.fm/cNMe1 | Jul 25 21:57 | |
schestowitz | You showed me | Jul 25 21:57 |
sebsebseb | oh | Jul 25 21:57 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: oh I think I know what your refering to | Jul 25 21:57 |
fewa | sebsebseb, its true | Jul 25 21:57 |
fewa | here to bait... | Jul 25 21:58 |
_Goblin | lol...he isn't very good though. | Jul 25 21:58 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: and that was in a tiny channal, in fact the one where I found out about this channal originalley, and where someone said something about trolls and this channal | Jul 25 21:59 |
sebsebseb | People here trolls? I don't think so, I have also had some pretty interesting discussions here so far | Jul 25 21:59 |
sebsebseb | I'll be clear again, I am not here to troll :) | Jul 25 21:59 |
_Goblin | Roy, what did he say? | Jul 25 21:59 |
sebsebseb | I just sometimes might say something slightly stupid or whatever | Jul 25 21:59 |
schestowitz | sebsebseb: no trolling | Jul 25 21:59 |
fewa | sebsebseb, you mean troll | Jul 25 21:59 |
schestowitz | it's funny when people say BN trolls | Jul 25 22:00 |
schestowitz | it expresses an opinion | Jul 25 22:00 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The Indoctrination Powerhouse Disney Deletes Its Own Commercials http://ping.fm/TFzrg | Jul 25 22:00 | |
schestowitz | In its OWN turf | Jul 25 22:00 |
schestowitz | Trolling is where you bother other people in their turf and ask for toilet paper | Jul 25 22:00 |
sebsebseb | heh | Jul 25 22:00 |
schestowitz | That's what some people do here... but they are not US! | Jul 25 22:00 |
schestowitz | They are here to disrupt | Jul 25 22:00 |
schestowitz | See "commenting policy" in the Wiki | Jul 25 22:01 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: the notice thing I guess is part of the channel, so fine fair enough | Jul 25 22:01 |
ThistleWeb | bbl | Jul 25 22:02 |
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Ex-Chat") | Jul 25 22:02 | |
sebsebseb | I have been in quite a few general chat type channels on this network, and not particulery liked them, but this one is pretty good :) | Jul 25 22:03 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | Jul 25 22:03 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Video Games Get Riddled with Software Patents http://ping.fm/PJwlA | Jul 25 22:04 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Attempts to Divide the Free Software Community Amid Microsoft's Demise http://ping.fm/d3WLI | Jul 25 22:07 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] More Microsoft Layoffs Possible as Coming Quarter Will be Poor (No New Products) http://ping.fm/on6T2 | Jul 25 22:09 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] European Commission Gets Its Way Against Convicted Monopolist Microsoft http://ping.fm/OlotQ | Jul 25 22:11 | |
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-217-225.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 22:12 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Vista 7 Compatibility Broken Before Arrival (or on RTM) http://ping.fm/ffEbD | Jul 25 22:14 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft is Losing Market Share in Phones (to Linux, Others) http://ping.fm/Kb0nf | Jul 25 22:15 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft Shows a Form of Treason in India http://ping.fm/L09Gb | Jul 25 22:18 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Company of Microsoft Cofounder Stuck in $21.7 Billion Debt http://ping.fm/eUoc0 | Jul 25 22:20 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft Software So Holey That Emergency Patches Are Coming http://ping.fm/ENBtZ | Jul 25 22:21 | |
fewa | *holy :P | Jul 25 22:21 |
schestowitz | No. :-) | Jul 25 22:21 |
schestowitz | Holes | Jul 25 22:21 |
fewa | if only you took the shills literally | Jul 25 22:22 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft Admits Microsoft Office Can't be Secured (File Formats to Blame) http://ping.fm/akeTq | Jul 25 22:24 | |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: why do you do the notices? tos how people where you get info for your articles? | Jul 25 22:24 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Apple Ditched for Its Hostility Towards Freedom, Choice, Competition http://ping.fm/pUXhv | Jul 25 22:25 | |
schestowitz | Some may like them in IRC, sebsebseb | Jul 25 22:25 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: do you use these links though for your stuff? | Jul 25 22:25 |
schestowitz | I might later | Jul 25 22:26 |
schestowitz | I otherwise don't have them as notes | Jul 25 22:27 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Apple and Microsoft Resolve Their Fight Over Mass PR(opaganda) http://ping.fm/a3MIw | Jul 25 22:28 | |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: oh put in here and use like a notepad as well? ok fine fair enough | Jul 25 22:28 |
schestowitz | I use Kate | Jul 25 22:29 |
schestowitz | But I share it here while it's new. Might take 1-2 days to blog | Jul 25 22:29 |
*fewa <= gedit | Jul 25 22:29 | |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: that makes sense | Jul 25 22:29 |
sebsebseb | fewa: same here | Jul 25 22:29 |
schestowitz | Church of Kate is better | Jul 25 22:30 |
schestowitz | emacs and vi are medieval | Jul 25 22:30 |
sebsebseb | Church of Kate hmm? well I heard of Church of Emacs before | Jul 25 22:30 |
schestowitz | In Church of Kate the leader of the cult is a female | Jul 25 22:30 |
*schestowitz even writes blog posts in Kate | Jul 25 22:31 | |
sebsebseb | oh | Jul 25 22:31 |
*schestowitz waits until Kate becomes an OS | Jul 25 22:31 | |
schestowitz | KateOS exists | Jul 25 22:31 |
sebsebseb | like Chrome? | Jul 25 22:31 |
schestowitz | But no updates in ages | Jul 25 22:31 |
sebsebseb | ah yes | Jul 25 22:31 |
sebsebseb | KateOS teh Slackware based one | Jul 25 22:31 |
sebsebseb | ? | Jul 25 22:31 |
sebsebseb | and it's Polish as well or whatever | Jul 25 22:33 |
*Balrog (n=Balrog@pool-173-59-64-81.phlapa.east.verizon.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 22:33 | |
schestowitz | Yes | Jul 25 22:34 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "Microsoft is Dying" http://ping.fm/ooz38 | Jul 25 22:35 | |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: ok | Jul 25 22:35 |
*BRBT_ is now known as Balrog_ | Jul 25 22:35 | |
sebsebseb | to the kate thing | Jul 25 22:35 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft Collapses After Worst Results Ever http://ping.fm/QQHDg | Jul 25 22:37 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] After Billions in Losses, Microsoft XBox Unit Continues to Bleed Money http://ping.fm/buuDI | Jul 25 22:37 | |
_Goblin | Xbox could never make any money (IMO) since it had so many hardware failures/returns..... | Jul 25 22:38 |
_Goblin | and just when it seemed to get itself sorted, along came the WII | Jul 25 22:38 |
schestowitz | THey sell it at a losss | Jul 25 22:39 |
schestowitz | Or else they would go nowhere when it comes to market share | Jul 25 22:39 |
schestowitz | Market share != profit | Jul 25 22:39 |
schestowitz | They could keep WIndows market share | Jul 25 22:40 |
schestowitz | But is they do, they could STILL lose money | Jul 25 22:40 |
schestowitz | Many people use mysql | Jul 25 22:40 |
schestowitz | It never made mysql AB rich | Jul 25 22:40 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft's Abusive Conduct Has It Pay Mississippi $40 Million in Vounchers http://ping.fm/rWTpl http://ping.fm/qKogS | Jul 25 22:41 | |
schestowitz | *Vouchers | Jul 25 22:41 |
*tacone (n=rooms@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 22:43 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why Microsoft Bong [sic] May Not Survive http://ping.fm/DppyI http://ping.fm/QSWTD | Jul 25 22:44 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Shortly After Terrible Results Microsoft Successfully Sues the World for Cash http://ping.fm/C0mXd | Jul 25 22:47 | |
*tacone has quit ("Rooms • iPhone IRC Client • http://rooms.derflash.de") | Jul 25 22:50 | |
*tacone (n=rooms@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 22:50 | |
schestowitz | This is brilliant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqNKD_nmXqM&feature=related (Bill Maher interviews Christoper Hitchens) | Jul 25 22:58 |
*tacone has quit ("Rooms • iPhone IRC Client • http://rooms.derflash.de") | Jul 25 23:10 | |
*tacone (n=rooms@ has joined #boycottnovell | Jul 25 23:10 | |
pcolon | Is logging into BN's opening page different from logging to comment? | Jul 25 23:19 |
*tacone has quit ("Rooms • iPhone IRC Client • http://rooms.derflash.de") | Jul 25 23:24 | |
schestowitz | Yes | Jul 25 23:26 |
schestowitz | Wiki and blog are separate | Jul 25 23:26 |
pcolon | Thanks | Jul 25 23:27 |
Balrog | schestowitz: what's this with Linus saying that what M$ did was ok ....? | Jul 25 23:27 |
schestowitz | It's not about that | Jul 25 23:28 |
schestowitz | It's more general | Jul 25 23:28 |
schestowitz | Linus never understood FS politics | Jul 25 23:28 |
schestowitz | He didn't pretend to, either | Jul 25 23:28 |
schestowitz | he's focused on engineering | Jul 25 23:28 |
schestowitz | That's fine | Jul 25 23:28 |
Balrog | hmm ok. | Jul 25 23:29 |
notzed | oh i think he understands it. he just doesn't agree with it. this whole 'he's only a pragmatist' stuff is nonsense. you don't get to effectively lead an organisation as big as the linux kernel devs without politics | Jul 25 23:49 |
Guest123 | understanding it and not having the same point of view are two different things, and Linus understands FS perfectly, few would understand FS politics less than Linus. | Jul 25 23:53 |
Guest123 | ** more than Linus :) | Jul 25 23:55 |
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