_Hicham_ | MinceR : what the two bits are for ? Windows Vista and Windows 7 ? | Aug 18 00:00 |
MinceR | it's probably a bit more complicated than that | Aug 18 00:00 |
MinceR | hm, i see rumors that the next nokia internet tablet, n900, will have cellular voice capability (in other words, it will be a phone) | Aug 18 00:02 |
DaemonFC | my bank finally upgraded to Windows XP :P | Aug 18 00:04 |
DaemonFC | last time I was in there they were using Windows 2000 | Aug 18 00:04 |
MinceR | http://forum.dailymobile.se/index.php?topic=10390.0 | Aug 18 00:04 |
DaemonFC | probably figured that Windows 2000 was getting a little too stuffy but wanted no part of Vista I'd imagine | Aug 18 00:04 |
DaemonFC | they're a huge company though, so they probably got XP as part of their Software Assurance subscription | Aug 18 00:05 |
DaemonFC | I think it's funny that everything in this branch is new, they just built the damned thing while taking TARP bailout money with the other hand, and all their new systems run XP | Aug 18 00:06 |
_Hicham_ | great, now try to penetrate into their system | Aug 18 00:06 |
_Hicham_ | you may steal a large amount of money | Aug 18 00:06 |
DaemonFC | Windows 2000 was probably safer | Aug 18 00:06 |
_Hicham_ | and escape to mexico | Aug 18 00:07 |
Will_ | But can they even get 2000 now? | Aug 18 00:07 |
_Hicham_ | since you re living in nowhere | Aug 18 00:07 |
Will_ | At least they aren't running Vista or Vista 7 | Aug 18 00:07 |
DaemonFC | yeah, Windows 2000 is still available through Software Assurance | Aug 18 00:07 |
DaemonFC | it's only supported til July of next year though | Aug 18 00:07 |
DaemonFC | XP keeps going til 2014 | Aug 18 00:07 |
Will_ | sounds like XP was the best Windows choice then. | Aug 18 00:08 |
DaemonFC | yeah, Vista Business is supported til 2017, but those systems would never handle Vista | Aug 18 00:08 |
DaemonFC | XP was their only option without buying new machines | Aug 18 00:08 |
Will_ | Another thing I love about open source: good software is never made extinct just to serve a business interest. | Aug 18 00:08 |
DaemonFC | I couldn't get a look at what precise version of XP was running on the teller terminal | Aug 18 00:09 |
MinceR | at least not by its developers | Aug 18 00:09 |
DaemonFC | there were a lot of them | Aug 18 00:09 |
MinceR | (see also: software patents) | Aug 18 00:09 |
Will_ | Very true MinceR. Good catch. | Aug 18 00:09 |
DaemonFC | they don't do Linux, their big database servers are all running Solaris | Aug 18 00:09 |
schestowitz | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yMca0bFAdQ&NR=1 | Aug 18 00:10 |
DaemonFC | http://searchdns.netcraft.com/?restriction=site+contains&host=wellsfargo.com&lookup=wait..&position=limited | Aug 18 00:10 |
Will_ | DaemonFC well that's their loss. | Aug 18 00:10 |
DaemonFC | mix of Solaris 8-10, their less important stuff is on Windows 2003 | Aug 18 00:11 |
*Xarver_ (n=quassel@cpe-76-173-101-172.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 00:11 | |
DaemonFC | Windows 2003 is trusted to host the company blog, lol | Aug 18 00:11 |
Will_ | I've never messed with Solaris, but it's UNIX based so it can't be very bad. | Aug 18 00:12 |
DaemonFC | hmmmwellsconnect is running Linux but looks like they farmed that out to some consultant | Aug 18 00:12 |
DaemonFC | Slowlaris | Aug 18 00:12 |
DaemonFC | the only good thing in the entire OS is their file system, and FreeBSD supprots that now (ZFS) | Aug 18 00:13 |
Will_ | Does it kinda make you wonder that a lot of banks run Windows (sometimes even on the backend) when the NYSE is running Linux? | Aug 18 00:15 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft used to host their stuff on FreeBSD, wouldn't surprise me if they still do and rig it to report "Windows Server + IIS" | Aug 18 00:15 |
DaemonFC | I couldn't imagine Windows Server running anything that big | Aug 18 00:15 |
MinceR | (the point of the n900 rumor is, of course, is that it runs maemo) | Aug 18 00:15 |
DaemonFC | Will_: Not really, Windows is still a client OS, it's useless as a server unless the laod is fairly light and you don't need nearly 100% uptime | Aug 18 00:16 |
DaemonFC | you're going to have to reboot the server at least once a month, that's if it doesn't crash | Aug 18 00:16 |
DaemonFC | then there's maintainence downtime for defragging and cleaning up the hard disk | Aug 18 00:16 |
DaemonFC | if you combine all that into a monthly chore, you'll only be down about 3-5 hours once per month, better have a backup server ready | Aug 18 00:17 |
schestowitz | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90TWpYkMj0I&NR=1 | Aug 18 00:17 |
Will_ | Well, that's kinda my point. I would make more sense for banks to not run Windows. | Aug 18 00:17 |
DaemonFC | ecommerce backend systems almost never trust Windows for that reason alone, you have too much downtime even if everything goes well | Aug 18 00:18 |
Will_ | Hospitals too, for that matter, but we've gone through that point many times here. | Aug 18 00:18 |
DaemonFC | they don't use Windows for most stuff, just client systems (like tellers and kiosks) | Aug 18 00:18 |
DaemonFC | they usually use something like SteadyState to dispose of the account when you log out and not permit any system changes | Aug 18 00:19 |
DaemonFC | it makes it hard for persistent malware infections, you log out and it's gone | Aug 18 00:19 |
Will_ | Seems to me that Linux would be the perfect OS for any public kiosk though. | Aug 18 00:19 |
*Will_ has quit ("Page closed") | Aug 18 00:20 | |
DaemonFC | Will_: You can use Linux as a public kiosk, but there's less people trained to maintain it and Microsoft practically gives Windows away for libraries and big businesses | Aug 18 00:20 |
DaemonFC | volume licensing is the only thing keeping them competitive with Red Hat or others | Aug 18 00:21 |
schestowitz | LMAO. CNN fail. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egx1hP0fMmQ&NR=1 | Aug 18 00:23 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft makes sure to have a very comprehensive training program made available to community colleges and such, the Red Hat equivalent is the only thing that you're really going to be offered on the Linux side, but it's also pretty thorough which is probably why they get more sales than other Linux companies | Aug 18 00:24 |
DaemonFC | price doesn't even matter if nobody knows how to use your software, so Red Hat is probably at an advantage over less thorough or non-existent training from other companies | Aug 18 00:25 |
*Xarver has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 00:26 | |
*Xarver_ is now known as Xarver | Aug 18 00:26 | |
DaemonFC | http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,540029,00.html?test=latestnews | Aug 18 00:27 |
DaemonFC | Explorers Discover Giant Rat-Eating Plant, Name it After Famed Scientist | Aug 18 00:27 |
DaemonFC | nice | Aug 18 00:27 |
DaemonFC | "Feed me, Seymour!!!" | Aug 18 00:27 |
DaemonFC | uhhhm, I'm usually not for pillaging the environment | Aug 18 00:28 |
DaemonFC | but I think this calls for some aerial herbicide drops | Aug 18 00:28 |
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-202-47.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 00:49 | |
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_Hicham_ | wb oiaohm | Aug 18 00:59 |
oiaohm | Just passing through _Hicham_ | Aug 18 01:03 |
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*Lns has quit ("Φ") | Aug 18 01:07 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Ralph Nader "Now Make Me Do It": Obama's sellout of real #healthcare reform http://ur1.ca/9hvp #singlepayer #hr676 #publicoption | Aug 18 01:16 | |
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-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] Off to bed with the preview of the latest @uupc to sleep to.. :) | Aug 18 01:28 | |
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*neighborlee__ is now known as neighborlee | Aug 18 02:38 | |
lol, SJVN -> if Microsoft hadn't insisted on shoving its own proprietary Open XML standard down users' throats and had whole-heartily supported the truly open ODF (Open Document Format), Word would have an option for its users that would have avoided the i4i patent mess. Oh well, too late now! | Aug 18 02:54 | |
I love the i4i suit because of all the M$ evil it exposes. M$ is left with two messy options. They can pay toll to the troll or they can ditch OOXML and DOCX, which no one is really using anyway. This would be great for GNU/Linux users because the old binary formats are pretty much conquered. | Aug 18 02:55 | |
M$ thought they could screw over i4i, which they stole when GWB was shifting through 9/11 stuff. Now it and many other sins dependent on OOXML have all come back to haunt them. | Aug 18 02:57 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | Aug 18 02:57 | |
Without their phony "Open" document standard, they are out of the running in most government purchases too. | Aug 18 02:58 | |
It's just beautiful how the company who loved to threaten others with patents has been so totally foiled with a real case of abusive corporate espionage and patent violation. | Aug 18 03:00 | |
neighborlee | yes I was so pleased to hear this ;) | Aug 18 03:25 |
neighborlee | so sad ... | Aug 18 03:25 |
neighborlee | after reading sam's article on gnome3 and mono,, im increasingly glad I made the jump to 'just use kde' | Aug 18 03:26 |
neighborlee | its so liberating..and to think gnome was hailed as the oss alternative...o_0<oh the irony> | Aug 18 03:27 |
*Xarver has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Aug 18 03:28 | |
*Xarver (n=quassel@cpe-76-173-101-172.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 03:29 | |
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*jono has quit ("Later, Skater") | Aug 18 03:39 | |
*thenixedreport (n=thenixed@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 04:12 | |
*desu (i=desu@i.hate.your.vhosts.shellium.org) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 04:12 | |
thenixedreport | Hey everyone. | Aug 18 04:12 |
thenixedreport | How goes it? | Aug 18 04:12 |
Diablo-D3 | twitter: I dont even get why microsoft hasnt been sued on the name alone | Aug 18 04:13 |
Diablo-D3 | its not open | Aug 18 04:13 |
Diablo-D3 | thats clearly false adveritsing | Aug 18 04:13 |
thenixedreport | :) | Aug 18 04:14 |
thenixedreport | Got CentOS working on my Aspire One netbook. | Aug 18 04:14 |
thenixedreport | :D | Aug 18 04:14 |
Diablo-D3 | thenixedreport: thats... not really a big thing | Aug 18 04:15 |
Diablo-D3 | all those atom netbooks based on that design run linux fine | Aug 18 04:15 |
Diablo-D3 | its also arguably the only thing worth running on them since they suck in the cpu power department | Aug 18 04:16 |
thenixedreport | Yes, but CentOS required some tweaking. | Aug 18 04:16 |
Diablo-D3 | I mean, they max out at 2gb of memory and you need atleast 2 to run xp reliably | Aug 18 04:16 |
thenixedreport | http://www.thenixedreport.com/blog/?p=88 | Aug 18 04:17 |
Diablo-D3 | otoh 2 is fucking awesome for, say, ubuntu's default gnome destkop | Aug 18 04:17 |
thenixedreport | For wireless, I chose to compile the madwifi drivers myself. | Aug 18 04:17 |
Diablo-D3 | wow | Aug 18 04:17 |
Diablo-D3 | I havent compiled madwifi in yeeaaaarrrs | Aug 18 04:17 |
thenixedreport | CentOS 5.3. | Aug 18 04:18 |
thenixedreport | It's based on RHEL. | Aug 18 04:19 |
thenixedreport | So naturally, it wasn't going to have the latest apps and drivers. | Aug 18 04:19 |
thenixedreport | :) | Aug 18 04:19 |
Diablo-D3 | yeah, its kinda sad its behind debian | Aug 18 04:19 |
thenixedreport | Not really. | Aug 18 04:26 |
thenixedreport | Considering what it's meant for. | Aug 18 04:26 |
thenixedreport | Red Hat Enterprise was designed for stability. | Aug 18 04:27 |
thenixedreport | They're far from bleeding edge. | Aug 18 04:27 |
thenixedreport | CentOS is a simple rebuild with branding removed. | Aug 18 04:27 |
Diablo-D3 | stability doesnt mean what most people think it does | Aug 18 04:27 |
*DaemonXP (i=Ryan@c-69-245-224-210.hsd1.in.comcast.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 04:53 | |
DaemonXP | http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,539900,00.html | Aug 18 05:22 |
DaemonXP | "In addition to refashioning common Microsoft Corp. software into a cyber-weapon, hackers collaborated on popular U.S.-based social-networking sites, including Twitter and Facebook Inc., to coordinate attacks on Georgian sites, the U.S. Cyber Consequences Unit found." | Aug 18 05:23 |
DaemonXP | The Russians were exploiting Windows vulnerabilities in their attack on Georgia | Aug 18 05:23 |
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 05:33 | |
DaemonXP | "As you can see, a massive and disturbing number of organizations rely on insecure and indefensible Microsoft software to handle critical and sensitive information about you and millions of other customers. this essentially becomes an "all-you-can-eat" buffet for attackers, and so many organizations depend on Microsoft software that nobody who uses a credit card is really safe." | Aug 18 05:54 |
DaemonXP | from a blog posting I'm writing | Aug 18 05:54 |
DaemonXP | "This essentially becomes an "all-you-can-eat" buffet for attackers, some based in countries rife with fraud where the government doesn't care what happens to Americans (like Russia), and so many organizations depend on Microsoft software that nobody who uses a credit card is really safe." | Aug 18 05:55 |
DaemonXP | I'll go with that | Aug 18 05:55 |
*DaemonFC` (i=DaemonFC@c-69-245-224-210.hsd1.in.comcast.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 05:58 | |
*DaemonXP has quit (Nick collision from services.) | Aug 18 06:00 | |
*DaemonFC` is now known as DamonFC | Aug 18 06:00 | |
*DamonFC is now known as DaemonFC | Aug 18 06:00 | |
DaemonFC | hmmm | Aug 18 06:01 |
DaemonFC | someone is being cute | Aug 18 06:01 |
thenixedreport | Who me? | Aug 18 06:04 |
thenixedreport | lol | Aug 18 06:04 |
thenixedreport | :) | Aug 18 06:05 |
thenixedreport | http://www.thenixedreport.com/blog/?p=90 | Aug 18 06:05 |
DaemonFC | thenixedreport: You'll like the post I'm about to make | Aug 18 06:08 |
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 06:08 | |
DaemonFC | "Sure these three men in who used Microsoft vulnerabilities to help commit their crimes will probably be sent to prison (assuming the US has jurisdiction to arrest or try them), 7/11 Corporation or some banks may be sued, but as long as there are no serious ramifications in this for Microsoft, they'll continue churning out software where "quantity is job #1"." | Aug 18 06:09 |
thenixedreport | Oh look! | Aug 18 06:13 |
thenixedreport | I'm installing Pidgin! | Aug 18 06:13 |
thenixedreport | Woo! | Aug 18 06:13 |
thenixedreport | CentOS 5.3. | Aug 18 06:14 |
DaemonFC | "If Microsoft put half as much work into securing your private and confidential information as they do circle jerking their pals over at the RIAA/MPAA, then maybe there wouldn't be so much identity theft." | Aug 18 06:15 |
thenixedreport | lol | Aug 18 06:16 |
thenixedreport | And pidgin is working. | Aug 18 06:16 |
thenixedreport | Woo! | Aug 18 06:16 |
thenixedreport | Now granted, the icon isn't painted in the menu. | Aug 18 06:17 |
thenixedreport | But it does run. | Aug 18 06:17 |
thenixedreport | Never mind. | Aug 18 06:20 |
thenixedreport | Now it's showing. | Aug 18 06:20 |
DaemonFC | and done | Aug 18 06:21 |
thenixedreport | That was a bit delayed. | Aug 18 06:22 |
DaemonFC | adding some flair | Aug 18 06:22 |
DaemonFC | :P | Aug 18 06:22 |
DaemonFC | fixing a few typos | Aug 18 06:23 |
DaemonFC | it's this typing that makes me wish voice dictation actually worked | Aug 18 06:23 |
DaemonFC | it wouldn't take me half as long to dictate this | Aug 18 06:24 |
DaemonFC | thenixedreport: http://izanbardprince.wordpress.com/2009/08/18/what-is-microsoft-talking-about-when-they-mention-security/ | Aug 18 06:24 |
DaemonFC | "Redbox DVD vending machines. (Running XP Embedded, I saw the logo as the kiosk crashed before I could select my DVD)" | Aug 18 06:28 |
DaemonFC | hehe | Aug 18 06:28 |
thenixedreport | You may want to correct a part of your blog post. | Aug 18 06:32 |
thenixedreport | "Malicious hackers." | Aug 18 06:32 |
DaemonFC | oh? | Aug 18 06:32 |
thenixedreport | If the person does identity theft, they aren't a true hacker. | Aug 18 06:32 |
thenixedreport | Hackers are against that sort of thing. | Aug 18 06:32 |
thenixedreport | They desire technical understanding, not destroying peoples' lives. | Aug 18 06:34 |
DaemonFC | thenixedreport: Making an updated Windows XP x64 (Windows 2003) disc the other day, there was this unbelievable number of patches I had to integrate | Aug 18 06:36 |
DaemonFC | my guess is that Microsoft didn't do an SP3 last year because then they would have to have XP x64 in mainstream support til the middle of 2010 and in extended support til 2015 | Aug 18 06:37 |
DaemonFC | so it gets left with enough free-floating hotfixes to almost be a third service pack, without the convenience of being put into a rollup bundle | Aug 18 06:37 |
DaemonFC | that kind of angered me | Aug 18 06:38 |
DaemonFC | http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6400 | Aug 18 06:40 |
DaemonFC | there's a list of everything in the post-SP2 integration pack there, plus there's 15 more hotfixes from last week on top of that | Aug 18 06:40 |
DaemonFC | just keep scrolling down and you'll see what I mean, it's unreasonable | Aug 18 06:41 |
fewa | DaemonFC, Faux News is a no fact zone | Aug 18 06:41 |
DaemonFC | I don't really prefer fox news | Aug 18 06:42 |
DaemonFC | some things they don't really have any reason to lie about | Aug 18 06:42 |
DaemonFC | those rat-eating pitcher plants | Aug 18 06:42 |
DaemonFC | :D | Aug 18 06:42 |
DaemonFC | I mean, yeah, they left out the part where Ann Coulter is the leader of the reat-eating pitcher plants, but it was still fascinating | Aug 18 06:43 |
DaemonFC | *rat | Aug 18 06:43 |
fewa | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVxDNJ6RZQw | Aug 18 06:43 |
fewa | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKuJvYh6h9I | Aug 18 06:44 |
DaemonFC | I don't know what schestowitz's beef is with Net Applications | Aug 18 06:45 |
DaemonFC | they're not portraying Microsoft in a positive light. you'd think if they were spinning stats for Microsoft, they may put Vista higher than 25% share after 3 years | Aug 18 06:45 |
fewa | DaemonFC, why do you beg the question? | Aug 18 06:45 |
fewa | *why must you? | Aug 18 06:46 |
DaemonFC | Because, if I was paying a consultant to cook stats for me, my latest product would have at least half the market after 3 years | Aug 18 06:47 |
fewa | DaemonFC, maybe that is because people would see right through that, presenting the image that people you use your products is the most important thing to present? | Aug 18 06:48 |
DaemonFC | 25% after 3 years is not good enough to be fabricated, XP had over 40% by the third year | Aug 18 06:48 |
fewa | Did you read what I said? | Aug 18 06:49 |
DaemonFC | so they pay the consultant to only make them look slightly less bad than they're actually doing? | Aug 18 06:49 |
fewa | You still havn't addressed what I said | Aug 18 06:50 |
DaemonFC | I don't think it's worth paying a consultant to fan the flames of the people that hate your product | Aug 18 06:50 |
fewa | still havn't addressed | Aug 18 06:51 |
DaemonFC | I think if Microsoft was really behind all the statistics from every company, and organization, including the World Wide Web Consortium | Aug 18 06:51 |
DaemonFC | that they could do better than this | Aug 18 06:51 |
fewa | DaemonFC, go troll somewhere else | Aug 18 06:52 |
DaemonFC | You probably see Microsoft in your soup | Aug 18 06:52 |
DaemonFC | it's a fine line between valid criticism and ludicrous paranoia | Aug 18 06:53 |
fewa | And what have I said? or are you just shoving words into my mouth? | Aug 18 06:53 |
DaemonFC | they're not omniscient, if they were, they wouldn't have to pay PR firms to eavesdrop on web chatter about them | Aug 18 06:55 |
fewa | ...shoving words into my mouth | Aug 18 06:55 |
DaemonFC | No, I don't think that people would see right through the statistics unless one was an outlier from the others | Aug 18 06:56 |
DaemonFC | but the fact is that none of them are outliers, so Microsoft is either paying all of them off and it's a conspiracy, or they're not getting a lot in return for their money | Aug 18 06:56 |
DaemonFC | or the third option, none of them are particularly biased | Aug 18 06:57 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft is a pretty big company, they have an awful lot of managers and employees, and not all of them want to work there for life I'm sure | Aug 18 06:58 |
DaemonFC | so are you going to boycott every company that picks up anyone who's ever worked for Microsoft? | Aug 18 06:59 |
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*p_masho (n=mash@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 06:59 | |
DaemonFC | it raises an eyebrow, but it's not enough to say ytou can't trust anything that company does | Aug 18 06:59 |
DaemonFC | every company tries to turn the menial chores you do for them day in and day out into a religion | Aug 18 07:02 |
thenixedreport | Not everyone who works for that company is evil. | Aug 18 07:02 |
DaemonFC | it's how management theory teaches managers to act | Aug 18 07:02 |
thenixedreport | It's mainly the executives in suits you need to worry about. | Aug 18 07:03 |
DaemonFC | I worked at Walmart for over 4 years and even tried to get a union to start signing people | Aug 18 07:03 |
DaemonFC | while keeping my head down of course | Aug 18 07:03 |
ThistleWeb | nobody is evil | Aug 18 07:04 |
ThistleWeb | their actions can be evil though | Aug 18 07:04 |
DaemonFC | I was talking to the SEIU through email, they decided not to try and organize that store thoug | Aug 18 07:04 |
DaemonFC | so I dropped it | Aug 18 07:04 |
ThistleWeb | well, a few can be I guess | Aug 18 07:04 |
ThistleWeb | but most are not | Aug 18 07:05 |
ThistleWeb | just motivated to get what they want without any conscience on how it affects others | Aug 18 07:05 |
DaemonFC | most of them are just trying to be paid that week so they can feed their family, the decisions go way above the middle management | Aug 18 07:08 |
DaemonFC | if someone on Microsoft's board of directors ends up someplace else, I'd be real suspicious | Aug 18 07:08 |
thenixedreport | Precisely. | Aug 18 07:08 |
thenixedreport | It's the board of directors and the Steve Ballmers that are the problem. | Aug 18 07:08 |
thenixedreport | I talked to an individual who once worked for Microsoft. | Aug 18 07:09 |
thenixedreport | Those who believe in the company won't hear of criticism of it. | Aug 18 07:09 |
DaemonFC | that's how management turns the workplace into religion | Aug 18 07:09 |
DaemonFC | they remind you every day how lucky you are to work for them | Aug 18 07:10 |
DaemonFC | team meetings and all that lovely crap | Aug 18 07:10 |
DaemonFC | incentive bonuses | Aug 18 07:10 |
ThistleWeb | plenty have that mentality | Aug 18 07:11 |
DaemonFC | sometimes an incentive bonus is there but they set it so high that nobody can routinely get it | Aug 18 07:11 |
DaemonFC | and if you do, they fire you cause they don't want to pay anyone that much money | Aug 18 07:11 |
ThistleWeb | where their wages (or job) depends on them defending the company against all criticism, legit or not | Aug 18 07:11 |
DaemonFC | a lot of that comes from their own conscience | Aug 18 07:12 |
DaemonFC | they don't want to believe they are part of a corrupt organization that hurts people | Aug 18 07:12 |
DaemonFC | people define the world around them on terms they can deal with | Aug 18 07:13 |
DaemonFC | nobody wants to be working for a company that abuses child labor in third world countries, so they'll tell you it's better than if those kids assembling Kathy Lee Gifford handbags were child prostitutes | Aug 18 07:15 |
DaemonFC | then suddenly Walmart is the good guys | Aug 18 07:15 |
thenixedreport | Precisely. | Aug 18 07:17 |
ThistleWeb | plenty of peeps have been there so long that they still think it's a lil upstart company | Aug 18 07:17 |
ThistleWeb | so they think any dirty tricks to win are fine | Aug 18 07:18 |
ThistleWeb | that it's the exception rather than the rule | Aug 18 07:18 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft needs a better skunkworks division | Aug 18 07:18 |
ThistleWeb | that others also do the dirty tircks | Aug 18 07:18 |
DaemonFC | they try to start every new sector out with layers of management | Aug 18 07:18 |
ThistleWeb | when they're stopped by regulators from doing them , that they're bing victimised | Aug 18 07:18 |
ThistleWeb | being* | Aug 18 07:18 |
ThistleWeb | they see life from the inside | Aug 18 07:19 |
ThistleWeb | where all their knowledge is centered around them | Aug 18 07:19 |
DaemonFC | Google lets every employee spend a certain amount of time at work doing whatever they want to do each week | Aug 18 07:19 |
ThistleWeb | rather than what's really going on | Aug 18 07:19 |
DaemonFC | and some neat ideas have come from that | Aug 18 07:19 |
ThistleWeb | plenty of MS peeps no doubt believe that a lot of the MS apps are unique because they've never seen any alternatives to them, and the use of the MS apps are just "how things happen" | Aug 18 07:20 |
DaemonFC | from what I've seen of the Windows development hierarchy, there's too many teams, not enough communication, and too much management to get a good product | Aug 18 07:20 |
DaemonFC | that's what's killing them | Aug 18 07:21 |
thenixedreport | Then there are those who know what's happening on the inside, but can't do anything. | Aug 18 07:21 |
thenixedreport | Because they learned a long time ago to keep quiet. | Aug 18 07:21 |
ThistleWeb | not to mention that using non-MS apps at MS where MS have their own apps would be a no-no | Aug 18 07:21 |
thenixedreport | There's a dark side to the company. | Aug 18 07:21 |
ThistleWeb | you dont use openoffice at MS | Aug 18 07:21 |
thenixedreport | Watch the movie Antitrust. | Aug 18 07:21 |
thenixedreport | You'll get a good idea of what I'm referring to. | Aug 18 07:22 |
ThistleWeb | exactly, plenty of peeps are just employees who could be working for anyone, and have no loyalty to their employer | Aug 18 07:22 |
ThistleWeb | thats a decent movie | Aug 18 07:22 |
ThistleWeb | employee loyalty is not just an MS thing | Aug 18 07:22 |
ThistleWeb | it happens to all large companies | Aug 18 07:23 |
ThistleWeb | most workers are just worker bees in the hive | Aug 18 07:23 |
ThistleWeb | the ones you need to watch (and judge) are the leaders, who make the decisions, and steer the ship | Aug 18 07:24 |
ThistleWeb | like Ballmer | Aug 18 07:24 |
ThistleWeb | I heard Bradley Khun pointing out that Ramji can play nice all he wants with OSS, it's nice but pointless when peeps like Ballmer still do what they do | Aug 18 07:25 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft should give up right now and re-release XP | Aug 18 07:25 |
DaemonFC | it's what people seem to be demanding | Aug 18 07:25 |
ThistleWeb | what Ballmer and the board do is what matters | Aug 18 07:25 |
DaemonFC | have you ever seen any other company put so much development into things their customers don't want and survive? | Aug 18 07:26 |
DaemonFC | if your customers want your last product continued, you'd better damned well listen and not go off chasing butterflies :P | Aug 18 07:26 |
*silentivm has quit ("leaving") | Aug 18 07:27 | |
DaemonFC | Microsoft seems to be off in some fantasy world where they have the same customers Apple does | Aug 18 07:28 |
DaemonFC | not the unwashed masses that jsut want something that works | Aug 18 07:28 |
*magentar (n=magentar@ip-95-223-205-92.unitymediagroup.de) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 07:29 | |
ThistleWeb | like any large company, they have so many different departments all doing different things, all contradicting each other | Aug 18 07:30 |
schestowitz | Ramji is a tool | Aug 18 07:31 |
schestowitz | He knows it | Aug 18 07:31 |
schestowitz | The people who run the company just hate FOSS | Aug 18 07:31 |
schestowitz | Ramji is PR clown | Aug 18 07:31 |
ThistleWeb | Ramji seems to be the official flamebait | Aug 18 07:31 |
ThistleWeb | he's there to take flack | Aug 18 07:31 |
schestowitz | More luke punch bag | Aug 18 07:31 |
ThistleWeb | draw fire away from what really matters | Aug 18 07:32 |
schestowitz | He's like the women PR Rep whom you can't insult | Aug 18 07:32 |
ThistleWeb | that too | Aug 18 07:32 |
schestowitz | Got a problem with the bully, speak to Sam | Aug 18 07:32 |
schestowitz | Oldest trick from the book | Aug 18 07:32 |
schestowitz | He succeeds Hilf and Taylor | Aug 18 07:32 |
schestowitz | ANd he doesn't understand FOSS | Aug 18 07:32 |
ThistleWeb | I don't doubt he's a nice bloke, but what he says is irrelevant, it's what the MS board do that counts | Aug 18 07:32 |
schestowitz | He spreads lies about the GPL | Aug 18 07:33 |
schestowitz | He came from SaaS | Aug 18 07:33 |
schestowitz | Nobody else seems to want this job | Aug 18 07:33 |
DaemonFC | they want to make open source software work better on Windows than it can on Linux | Aug 18 07:33 |
DaemonFC | you've seen some of that already if you use Firefox | Aug 18 07:33 |
DaemonFC | Debian fixed a lot of what was wrong with the Linux Firefox build, but it still works better on Windows | Aug 18 07:34 |
DaemonFC | especially if you have the official Mozilla build on Linux | Aug 18 07:34 |
MinceR | (nsfw) http://media.fukung.net/images/18272/apple.jpg | Aug 18 07:34 |
DaemonFC | That's what all the "Come over and we'll teach you all about Vista" thing is about | Aug 18 07:35 |
thenixedreport | I see. | Aug 18 07:42 |
thenixedreport | So there will be a need for a new web browser. | Aug 18 07:42 |
DaemonFC | only about 500 of them, and none that work right | Aug 18 07:43 |
DaemonFC | :P | Aug 18 07:43 |
DaemonFC | that's why Firefox is still the defacto standard on Linux | Aug 18 07:43 |
thenixedreport | If only there was a way to convince Opera to open their code. | Aug 18 07:43 |
fewa | DaemonFC, yeah Konquorer is nothing | Aug 18 07:43 |
fewa | DaemonFC, its not like is what created web kit and the most promising HTML engine out there | Aug 18 07:44 |
MinceR | opera works already, even if it's proprietary | Aug 18 07:44 |
MinceR | and chromium has been under development for a while already | Aug 18 07:44 |
DaemonFC | yeah, Opera works alright | Aug 18 07:44 |
MinceR | also, no browsers work right | Aug 18 07:45 |
DaemonFC | Chrome will at some point | Aug 18 07:45 |
fewa | Chrome==Webkit==Konquorer | Aug 18 07:45 |
MinceR | not exactly, fewa | Aug 18 07:45 |
fewa | ==KDE=GNU/Linux | Aug 18 07:45 |
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | Aug 18 07:45 | |
MinceR | the big thing about chromium is the process-based model, afaik :) | Aug 18 07:45 |
fewa | DaemonFC is just spreading shit | Aug 18 07:46 |
MinceR | (and khtml) | Aug 18 07:46 |
DaemonFC | nope, it's already starting to fall apart | Aug 18 07:46 |
DaemonFC | Kubuntu is shipping somthing weird now, Konqueror is still there though | Aug 18 07:46 |
DaemonFC | Arora.....they're still trying to figure out how to build an ad blocking extension for it | Aug 18 07:49 |
MinceR | more likely too few people are working on it | Aug 18 07:49 |
>ChanServ<op #boycottnovell schestowitz | Aug 18 07:50 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz | Aug 18 07:50 | |
*schestowitz gives channel operator status to fewa | Aug 18 07:50 | |
*schestowitz removes channel operator status from schestowitz | Aug 18 07:50 | |
DaemonFC | It's kind of pointless, Konqueror already does everything they're trying to figure out how to make Arora do | Aug 18 07:50 |
thenixedreport | But they refuse to use webkit. | Aug 18 07:52 |
DaemonFC | hmmm, other than that, it looks like Kubuntu Karmic Alpha 4 is starting to look like soup | Aug 18 07:52 |
DaemonFC | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/Alpha4/Kubuntu | Aug 18 07:52 |
DaemonFC | all the straggler apps are finally being ported to QT 4 | Aug 18 07:53 |
DaemonFC | it's probably feasible to use it without QT 3 | Aug 18 07:53 |
*jono has quit ("Later, Skater") | Aug 18 07:55 | |
fewa | Firefox on GNU/Linux is more stable IMHO because the OS is more stable | Aug 18 07:57 |
fewa | On OSX they had trouble IIRC because of undocumented graphics APIs | Aug 18 07:58 |
fewa | And I see Firefox as amazing in its cross-platform portability | Aug 18 07:59 |
fewa | you can literally copy a profile folder and then take it from Windows to Linux to OSX, and everything works exactly the same. | Aug 18 07:59 |
*BNc has quit ("malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLI...") | Aug 18 08:00 | |
fewa | For this reason using Firefox is one of the best ways to be ready to move to GNU/Linux | Aug 18 08:00 |
DaemonFC | but what about on GNU/GNU? | Aug 18 08:03 |
DaemonFC | :P | Aug 18 08:03 |
MinceR | there's no GNU/GNU | Aug 18 08:03 |
MinceR | there's GNU/Linux and GNU/Hurd | Aug 18 08:03 |
fewa | GNU/Solaris | Aug 18 08:03 |
fewa | GNU/kfreeBSD | Aug 18 08:04 |
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 08:04 | |
MinceR | probably some microkernel-based linux versions too | Aug 18 08:04 |
MinceR | L4Linux and others | Aug 18 08:04 |
DaemonFC | that was a joke actually | Aug 18 08:05 |
MinceR | it was a weak joke, then | Aug 18 08:05 |
*DaemonFC doesn't take the GNU spammers seriously | Aug 18 08:06 | |
*MinceR doesn't take the trolls seriously | Aug 18 08:06 | |
fewa | http://pastebin.com/m8cabca4 | Aug 18 08:09 |
DaemonFC | GNU doesn't make a distribution of Linux | Aug 18 08:09 |
fewa | ^^ RE: spammers | Aug 18 08:10 |
DaemonFC | that's clever | Aug 18 08:10 |
fewa | more complete: http://pastebin.com/m36d02764 | Aug 18 08:12 |
DaemonFC | "There are lots of people on this bus; I don't hear a clamor of support that GNU is more essential than many of the other components; can't take a wheel away, and end up with a functional vehicle, or an engine, or the seats. I recommend you be happy we have a bus." | Aug 18 08:12 |
DaemonFC | http://lkml.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/9904.0/0497.html | Aug 18 08:12 |
fewa | Look, you've played the exact same slant before: | Aug 18 08:19 |
fewa | # | Aug 18 08:19 |
fewa | # | Aug 18 08:19 |
fewa | 2009 May 30 13:57:21 PDT<DaemonFC> if anything, VLC works better on Windows | Aug 18 08:19 |
fewa | # | Aug 18 08:19 |
fewa | 2009 May 30 13:58:24 PDT<DaemonFC> even Canonical asked for a crippled copy of the Windows version of VLC so they could distribute it on their old "Open CD" | Aug 18 08:19 |
DaemonFC | fewa: That's all well and good, but how about this? | Aug 18 08:19 |
DaemonFC | http://pastebin.com/m7dbacf0b | Aug 18 08:19 |
fewa | ^^ nice | Aug 18 08:21 |
DaemonFC | now.....I *did* see a Canonical employee ask how to compile VLC for Windows without libdvdcss to distribute on The Open CD | Aug 18 08:22 |
fewa | Shall I paste it for posterities sake? | Aug 18 08:22 |
DaemonFC | which got me thinking, why would anyone do that when they can download a copy that works right straight from videolan.org? | Aug 18 08:22 |
DaemonFC | The Open CD didn't go over well and eventually was discontinued | Aug 18 08:25 |
DaemonFC | and with a DVD player that couldn't play DVDs, an antivirus scanner that couldn't automatically scan, and a word processor that crashes when you open a document with nested tables, that's probably for the best | Aug 18 08:26 |
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Ex-Chat") | Aug 18 08:30 | |
*BNc (n=twitfolk@cg131a.halls.manchester.ac.uk) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 08:46 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Reminder of What Microsoft Did in Denmark and What It’s Up to Now http://ping.fm/eh4vS | Aug 18 08:47 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft People Promote Microsoft Moonlight Again http://ping.fm/exW9C | Aug 18 08:47 | |
*twitter has quit (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) | Aug 18 08:53 | |
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maxstirner | are we on the front page for google "novell" now or is it just me? | Aug 18 08:59 |
maxstirner | congratulations roy :D | Aug 18 09:00 |
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-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Xbox Show Crashes, Vista 7 Crashing Too http://ping.fm/0DYkf | Aug 18 09:15 | |
DaemonFC | thenixedreport: Where was that page at where the guys were wondering if store level management at Best Buy would hear their plea to stock Linux systems? | Aug 18 09:16 |
DaemonFC | was that you that sent me that link? | Aug 18 09:16 |
DaemonFC | Dell and Best Buy are in two different businesses, Best Buy loves Windows because it generates a lot of volume | Aug 18 09:17 |
DaemonFC | by volume I mean, you end up buying more software to run on it and their "geek squad" can charge your clueless grandmother $200 to install antivirus software | Aug 18 09:18 |
DaemonFC | they really are quite crooked | Aug 18 09:18 |
DaemonFC | Best Buy is like a car lot that sells cars knowing they have problems because they can gouge you for after sales support that way | Aug 18 09:20 |
fewa | DaemonFC, your full of shit | Aug 18 09:23 |
fewa | the whole point of netbooks on a market basis is volume | Aug 18 09:23 |
DaemonFC | how do you figure? | Aug 18 09:23 |
fewa | (+ a new market) | Aug 18 09:23 |
DaemonFC | there's no volume in Linux | Aug 18 09:23 |
fewa | and it uses Linux | Aug 18 09:23 |
DaemonFC | there's the initial sale | Aug 18 09:23 |
DaemonFC | that's all Dell would care about, but Best Buy can't profiteer on it | Aug 18 09:23 |
fewa | You can't have volume when you change $100 for the friggen OS | Aug 18 09:24 |
DaemonFC | nobody buys software to run on Linux and very few people pay for support | Aug 18 09:24 |
fewa | and just yesterday Dell had numbers that 1/3 of their systems have Linux | Aug 18 09:24 |
DaemonFC | Best Buy can double what they made off the sale of a Windows computer in software and support contracts | Aug 18 09:24 |
thenixedreport | Forget Best Buy. | Aug 18 09:25 |
DaemonFC | it's like, "your grandmother" goes to Best Buy, she buys a computer with Windows, they sell her an extended warranty, "Geek Squad" gouges the poor woman for $200 to install antivirus and "tune up" the system | Aug 18 09:26 |
DaemonFC | a week later she comes back and buys Microsoft Office | Aug 18 09:26 |
fewa | and then she talk to here neighbors about how she hates Microsoft | Aug 18 09:27 |
DaemonFC | they just made over $400 in after sales revenue where a Linux PC would have only got them the sale price of the PC | Aug 18 09:27 |
fewa | and then I end up installing Linux on her PC | Aug 18 09:27 |
DaemonFC | there's an old joke, marriage is like the army, everyone complains, and then they re-enlist | Aug 18 09:27 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft is like that too | Aug 18 09:27 |
*fewa has kicked DaemonFC from #boycottnovell ( stop trolling) | Aug 18 09:28 | |
*DaemonFC (i=DaemonFC@c-69-245-224-210.hsd1.in.comcast.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 09:28 | |
thenixedreport | @fewa: That wasn't necessary. | Aug 18 09:28 |
thenixedreport | He was trying to illustrate a point. | Aug 18 09:28 |
thenixedreport | Not troll. | Aug 18 09:28 |
thenixedreport | He wasn't trolling. | Aug 18 09:28 |
DaemonFC | it happens | Aug 18 09:28 |
fewa | Well i never see that | Aug 18 09:28 |
thenixedreport | He has an understanding of human nature. | Aug 18 09:28 |
fewa | I never went back to microsoft | Aug 18 09:29 |
thenixedreport | You're not everyone else. | Aug 18 09:29 |
thenixedreport | That's the difference. | Aug 18 09:29 |
DaemonFC | well, I have that grandmother, and that aunt | Aug 18 09:29 |
fewa | I don't see that nature | Aug 18 09:29 |
DaemonFC | and they buy Microsoft system after Microsoft system | Aug 18 09:29 |
fewa | Alot of people around me have ditched them | Aug 18 09:29 |
DaemonFC | and I get to go fix it for them repeatedly | Aug 18 09:29 |
thenixedreport | Sure. | Aug 18 09:29 |
thenixedreport | But keep in mind. | Aug 18 09:29 |
thenixedreport | There are plenty of people who will stick with what they know. | Aug 18 09:29 |
fewa | They arent addicted | Aug 18 09:29 |
thenixedreport | Gates didn't care if his company was convicted of being a monopoly. | Aug 18 09:30 |
thenixedreport | He needed the company to stay in the position it was in long enough for people to get used to their way of thinking. | Aug 18 09:30 |
fewa | only cared if he lost money | Aug 18 09:30 |
thenixedreport | It's like this. | Aug 18 09:30 |
thenixedreport | Many people are creatures of habit. | Aug 18 09:30 |
fewa | thenixedreport, your right | Aug 18 09:30 |
thenixedreport | When they're used to something, they don't want to change. | Aug 18 09:30 |
thenixedreport | That's the issue at hand. | Aug 18 09:30 |
DaemonFC | people take it for granted that you have to unload that kind of money to own a PC | Aug 18 09:31 |
thenixedreport | At the end of the day, too many want their systems to simply work. | Aug 18 09:31 |
fewa | You are still only talking about one segment | Aug 18 09:31 |
DaemonFC | it's a bigass segment | Aug 18 09:31 |
thenixedreport | But that segment is a very powerful one at that. | Aug 18 09:31 |
fewa | alot of people new to computers don't see it that way anymore | Aug 18 09:31 |
fewa | They get a cell phone with a contract | Aug 18 09:32 |
fewa | its a differn't business model | Aug 18 09:32 |
DaemonFC | cell phone contracts appeal to the same mindset | Aug 18 09:32 |
fewa | They see a firefox icon in Linux and they are at home | Aug 18 09:32 |
DaemonFC | have to sign my soul to AT&T so I can get an "iPhone" | Aug 18 09:32 |
fewa | go to Facebook | Aug 18 09:32 |
DaemonFC | maybe there's other phones that do the same thing where I don't even need a contract | Aug 18 09:32 |
DaemonFC | maybe I don't need those features | Aug 18 09:33 |
DaemonFC | but I've been told I do :) | Aug 18 09:33 |
thenixedreport | It's a form of mental laziness that we're fighting against. | Aug 18 09:33 |
DaemonFC | and the other great hits that never get played in the minds of people trying to fit in or don't know any better | Aug 18 09:33 |
fewa | Most people I see don't even realize Linux is differn't | Aug 18 09:34 |
DaemonFC | in a lot of ways, it's not | Aug 18 09:34 |
DaemonFC | a lot of the same concepts, different implementation | Aug 18 09:34 |
fewa | DaemonFC, we are talking interface, not implamentation | Aug 18 09:35 |
thenixedreport | There are people I know who want Windows, because it's what they know. | Aug 18 09:35 |
thenixedreport | When they hear Linux, they think command line. | Aug 18 09:35 |
DaemonFC | the interface can be made to resemble anything | Aug 18 09:35 |
fewa | thats the minority | Aug 18 09:35 |
fewa | "power users" | Aug 18 09:35 |
DaemonFC | GUIs for Linux are kind of a dime a dozen | Aug 18 09:35 |
fewa | DaemonFC, GUIs for Linux are all compatible | Aug 18 09:36 |
DaemonFC | XP's theming engine is quite customizable | Aug 18 09:36 |
fewa | going back years | Aug 18 09:36 |
fewa | 1985 | Aug 18 09:36 |
thenixedreport | GUIs for linux? | Aug 18 09:36 |
fewa | X11 | Aug 18 09:37 |
DaemonFC | I don't know why people care about what the system looks like other than for vanity reasons | Aug 18 09:37 |
thenixedreport | You mean KDE, XFCE, GNOME, etc, right? | Aug 18 09:37 |
thenixedreport | X11? | Aug 18 09:37 |
thenixedreport | That's not a part of linux. | Aug 18 09:37 |
DaemonFC | yeah, that, and skins | Aug 18 09:37 |
thenixedreport | Linux is a kernel. | Aug 18 09:37 |
thenixedreport | Nothing more, nothing less. | Aug 18 09:37 |
thenixedreport | :) | Aug 18 09:37 |
DaemonFC | GNOME GTK+ engines are probably more customizable than other desktop environments | Aug 18 09:38 |
DaemonFC | I've even seen some fairly convincing OS X and Vista themes for Ubuntu | Aug 18 09:38 |
DaemonFC | sickeningly similar really | Aug 18 09:38 |
thenixedreport | X11 has ports for the *BSD's, etc.... | Aug 18 09:39 |
fewa | ummm it _was_ for the BSDs etc | Aug 18 09:39 |
fewa | and was ported to Linux | Aug 18 09:39 |
DaemonFC | damned Nvidia won't release a proper x86-64 driver for FreeBSD | Aug 18 09:39 |
DaemonFC | more like Linux was ported to X11 | Aug 18 09:40 |
DaemonFC | if you read the documentation from that era | Aug 18 09:40 |
DaemonFC | in fact I think that's why it took forever to get from Linux 0.99 to 1.0 | Aug 18 09:41 |
DaemonFC | they were having such a damned time trying to get it to where it could run X reliably | Aug 18 09:41 |
*thenixedreport has quit ("Leaving") | Aug 18 09:42 | |
*Tallken (n=Tallken@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 09:48 | |
MinceR | DaemonFC: well, you can thank android for making the designation "GNU/Linux" important. :> | Aug 18 09:50 |
DaemonFC | that depends largely on how important you figure Android is | Aug 18 09:50 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Good Morning, Bom Dia, Guten Morgen, Bonjour, Buon giorno, Bună dimineaţa, Καλημέρα, Buenos días, Goedemorgen, God morgon #morningtweet | Aug 18 09:50 | |
MinceR | the fact that it sucks is important | Aug 18 09:51 |
MinceR | :> | Aug 18 09:51 |
DaemonFC | Android strikes me as one of those shiney things that gets your attention for 5 minutes and then it really never comes up again | Aug 18 09:51 |
MinceR | it was supposed to be the first open, linux-based smartphone/pda-phone OS | Aug 18 09:52 |
DaemonFC | I'm kind of thinking Chrome OS might share the fate, I hope I'm wrong though | Aug 18 09:52 |
MinceR | turned out to be crap | Aug 18 09:52 |
MinceR | chrome os starts badly: with a claim that they're going to use a different windowing system | Aug 18 09:52 |
DaemonFC | you mean a from scratch one? | Aug 18 09:53 |
MinceR | i just hope it will help break the winblows hegemony | Aug 18 09:53 |
MinceR | i don't know, they didn't say | Aug 18 09:53 |
MinceR | but it sounded a lot like "we won't use x" at the time | Aug 18 09:53 |
MinceR | maybe i'm just pessimistic | Aug 18 09:53 |
DaemonFC | hmmmm | Aug 18 09:53 |
DaemonFC | well, the only bad part about ditching X is all the compatibility you'll lose | Aug 18 09:54 |
DaemonFC | other than that, burn it | Aug 18 09:54 |
MinceR | not really | Aug 18 09:54 |
DaemonFC | I was hopeful that Y would catch on, it didn't | Aug 18 09:54 |
DaemonFC | that was dead almost immediately | Aug 18 09:54 |
MinceR | you'll lose most importantly the idea of separating policy from mechanism | Aug 18 09:54 |
MinceR | and a lot of functionality | Aug 18 09:54 |
MinceR | all the other windowing system projects i've seen just don't get it | Aug 18 09:55 |
DaemonFC | they're sort of hacking in a lot of what Y was supposed to be into X though | Aug 18 09:55 |
DaemonFC | so it could all end up OK | Aug 18 09:55 |
MinceR | and they want to lump everything and the kitchen sink together | Aug 18 09:55 |
MinceR | so you get another windows or osx | Aug 18 09:55 |
DaemonFC | well, for a long time X was what you loaded when you wanted your system to be slower than Windows 95 | Aug 18 09:55 |
MinceR | a limited windowing system, a half-assed window manager and a limited gui toolkit lumped together, all forced on you | Aug 18 09:56 |
DaemonFC | and then it improved and systems got faster, mostly systems got faster | Aug 18 09:56 |
DaemonFC | and now it's just an amazingly complex and bug prone security hazard | Aug 18 09:56 |
MinceR | strange, when i started using x it was already faster than winblows nt | Aug 18 09:56 |
DaemonFC | but that's being worked on, or so I've heard | Aug 18 09:56 |
MinceR | you're just amazingly ignorant | Aug 18 09:56 |
DaemonFC | X would scare the hell out of anyone with 16 megs of RAM at that point in time | Aug 18 09:57 |
DaemonFC | while Windows 95 ran fine | Aug 18 09:57 |
MinceR | you have an interesting idea of "fine" | Aug 18 09:57 |
DaemonFC | well, working at all is what I'm getting at here | Aug 18 09:58 |
MinceR | well, X did that too | Aug 18 09:58 |
DaemonFC | X required about the same level of hardware as NT | Aug 18 09:58 |
DaemonFC | which wasn't cheap | Aug 18 09:58 |
MinceR | but we all know NT wasn't windows | Aug 18 09:59 |
MinceR | oh, wait | Aug 18 09:59 |
DaemonFC | right off the bat you needed at least double the RAM and a faster CPU | Aug 18 09:59 |
DaemonFC | it cost almost as much for an extra 16 megs then than it does for an extra 16 gigs now | Aug 18 10:00 |
DaemonFC | so X can use all the memory it wants now and it really doesn't matter unless you're on some kind of mobile phone :P | Aug 18 10:00 |
MinceR | some pdas run x now :> | Aug 18 10:00 |
DaemonFC | which is where the idea for Android came about I'm reasonably sure | Aug 18 10:00 |
DaemonFC | it's not the full blown X, it's a subset | Aug 18 10:01 |
DaemonFC | AtomicX or whatnot | Aug 18 10:01 |
MinceR | hm, so does openmoko | Aug 18 10:01 |
DaemonFC | I haven't looked into that in a while | Aug 18 10:01 |
fewa | yeah openmoko == X | Aug 18 10:02 |
fewa | right? | Aug 18 10:02 |
fewa | or at least the important parts | Aug 18 10:02 |
DaemonFC | if you go to load X on a Game Boy Advance you need AtomicX, there's about as much memory in one of those as a lot of cell phones | Aug 18 10:02 |
DaemonFC | of course if you're talking $500 cell phone, then **** yeah, bring it! :P | Aug 18 10:03 |
DaemonFC | hehe | Aug 18 10:03 |
fewa | you mean retail | Aug 18 10:03 |
fewa | not actual cost | Aug 18 10:03 |
fewa | considering that netbooks have all sorts or RAM and hertz for <$300 | Aug 18 10:03 |
MinceR | you can get a pda/phone for less than $500 now :> | Aug 18 10:03 |
DaemonFC | well sure, just bust out the soldering board and melt down a few barbie dolls | Aug 18 10:03 |
DaemonFC | hstle over to radio shack | Aug 18 10:04 |
DaemonFC | you'll do yourself up something that runs Linux with X and has GPS in it I'm sure | Aug 18 10:04 |
MinceR | i still can't recall what windows i was using when i switched to linux | Aug 18 10:05 |
DaemonFC | hmmm, decent Blackbery will run you $250-ish | Aug 18 10:05 |
DaemonFC | iPhone will run about $500 with subsidy | Aug 18 10:05 |
MinceR | the hypePhone doesn't qualify anyway | Aug 18 10:05 |
*Tallken has quit ("Leaving.") | Aug 18 10:05 | |
MinceR | it's less open than j2me | Aug 18 10:06 |
DaemonFC | iPhone is what 14 year old spoiled brats wave around | Aug 18 10:06 |
DaemonFC | "Lookie what mommy got me!" | Aug 18 10:06 |
fewa | i don't believe that the iPhone actually costs that much however | Aug 18 10:07 |
DaemonFC | and then you think "Now I need to kill myself because I'm working and balancing a checkbook and that little **** has a $500 phone" | Aug 18 10:07 |
DaemonFC | $500 with contract, since you can't get them without one, who knows what Apple is making per unit? | Aug 18 10:08 |
DaemonFC | $700 is my guess, something like that | Aug 18 10:09 |
DaemonFC | it's ridiculous whatever it is | Aug 18 10:09 |
fewa | Congress has started to question the exclusivity arrangement | Aug 18 10:09 |
fewa | and such deals in general | Aug 18 10:09 |
DaemonFC | well, Apple may just get a slap on the wrist three years from now | Aug 18 10:10 |
DaemonFC | go feds! | Aug 18 10:10 |
DaemonFC | :P | Aug 18 10:10 |
fewa | Well if they were pushed on it.... | Aug 18 10:10 |
fewa | We could get comprehensive network neutrality | Aug 18 10:10 |
fewa | If it included the EMS it would greatly reduce cell phone costs | Aug 18 10:10 |
DaemonFC | I've always said monopoly is more than just market share, you have to look at hardware/software lock-in, about how many people are using them both out of choice, etc. | Aug 18 10:11 |
DaemonFC | I doubt anyone has any love for AT&T | Aug 18 10:11 |
DaemonFC | I sure as hell hate them | Aug 18 10:11 |
fewa | DaemonFC, read the definition to monopoly | Aug 18 10:11 |
fewa | DaemonFC, as you are totally uneducated about it | Aug 18 10:11 |
fewa | both in the context of the sherman anti-trust act | Aug 18 10:11 |
DaemonFC | I'd say if 90% of people use something out of choice, it's not a bad thing | Aug 18 10:12 |
fewa | and also in relation to standard english usage | Aug 18 10:12 |
DaemonFC | if they've been manipulated, it is a bad thing | Aug 18 10:12 |
fewa | Cause you are calling "monopoly abuse" "monopoly" | Aug 18 10:12 |
fewa | two differnt things | Aug 18 10:12 |
DaemonFC | a free market will usually sort things out, not always, it's always evil when the government interferes, but sometimes it's a necessary evil | Aug 18 10:13 |
fewa | DaemonFC, false | Aug 18 10:13 |
DaemonFC | too much of that leads to a planned economy where there is no competition and no improvement | Aug 18 10:13 |
fewa | a free market will always become a monopoly market, and creates so many externalities that it becomes unsustainable | Aug 18 10:13 |
DaemonFC | so the government should tell all the factories what they'll make this year and what you will buy this year? | Aug 18 10:14 |
DaemonFC | this sounds horribly familiar | Aug 18 10:14 |
fewa | without adequate regulation | Aug 18 10:14 |
fewa | for example look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_asymmetry | Aug 18 10:14 |
fewa | Joseph Stiglitz nobel prize | Aug 18 10:15 |
DaemonFC | I'd say the ideal is a mostly-free market where the government has the minimal amount of regulation to keep comeptition going | Aug 18 10:15 |
fewa | When two parties have differn't access to information, their their deals are unbalanced. So unless everyone has access to the same information the free market does not function correctly. | Aug 18 10:16 |
DaemonFC | too far to either side and the system collapses | Aug 18 10:16 |
fewa | Well thats not bad | Aug 18 10:16 |
fewa | thats essentially the Sherman anti-trust act | Aug 18 10:16 |
DaemonFC | the government should manipulate the market jsut enough to cause intense fighting among all corporations in that market | Aug 18 10:17 |
DaemonFC | that would get prices down, quality up, and improvements in technology coming regularly | Aug 18 10:17 |
fewa | But it doesn't work if it isn't enforced | Aug 18 10:17 |
DaemonFC | where the operating system market is now is the opposite of that | Aug 18 10:17 |
DaemonFC | Windows is hundreds of dollars, it's full of holes, and people are stranded on the version released 8 years ago | Aug 18 10:18 |
cubezzz | I'd like to know exactly how much OEMs pay for Windows | Aug 18 10:18 |
DaemonFC | I'd say someone is not doing their job to regulate Microsoft, and that Microsoft has done what any company would in such a vaccuum | Aug 18 10:18 |
fewa | And GNU, Linux, and free software are a free market compared to the Microsoft cartel | Aug 18 10:18 |
cubezzz | it seems like it would be around $30 per machine | Aug 18 10:19 |
DaemonFC | $50 was the going rate for XP Home Edition to bulk OEMs | Aug 18 10:19 |
cubezzz | well, it's largely the DOJ's fault I would say | Aug 18 10:19 |
DaemonFC | I think Vista Home Premium is about that much | Aug 18 10:19 |
fewa | Obama's change should include presecuting the clearly anti-competitive netbook market manipulation deals of Microsoft | Aug 18 10:20 |
DaemonFC | but right there, it makes small PC makers non-competitive | Aug 18 10:20 |
DaemonFC | if I have to compete with Dell but my OEM copies of Windows cost $100 while theirs cost $50, I can't compete | Aug 18 10:20 |
DaemonFC | and then if a consumer goes out and makes their own system and wants the same version of Windows from the retail channel, it could be $200 | Aug 18 10:21 |
fewa | Microsoft can sell it to differn't prices to differnt people | Aug 18 10:21 |
DaemonFC | there's something deeply wrong here | Aug 18 10:21 |
cubezzz | it's really bad, I don't think I've ever seen a non-windows laptop in a store | Aug 18 10:21 |
cubezzz | online yes, store no | Aug 18 10:21 |
fewa | but they can't anti-competitively prevent people from executing their first-sale doctrine priviliages | Aug 18 10:21 |
fewa | Which they do | Aug 18 10:21 |
MinceR | turns out winxp didn't exist when i switched to red hat so i must have been using win98se | Aug 18 10:22 |
MinceR | and linux didn't perform badly at all :) | Aug 18 10:22 |
MinceR | win98se or plain win98, i'm not sure | Aug 18 10:22 |
cubezzz | redhat > win98 easily | Aug 18 10:22 |
DaemonFC | Windows 98.....uggghhh | Aug 18 10:22 |
fewa | If any OEM tried to execute those rights Microsoft would "cut those f**kers off" | Aug 18 10:22 |
MinceR | i preferred dos+win3.1, i got win98 because Total Annihilation required it :> | Aug 18 10:23 |
DaemonFC | if it came with IE 4 and DirectX 5, it was 98, if it came with IE 5 and DirectX 6, it was 98SE | Aug 18 10:23 |
MinceR | i'm not sure, i've probably upgraded both | Aug 18 10:23 |
DaemonFC | there wasn't anything in 98SE that you couldn't download for free | Aug 18 10:23 |
MinceR | i had a lot of time to play games and i think i did use IE back then | Aug 18 10:23 |
cubezzz | well, there are whitebox builders, they don't force windows on you for PCs, but laptops, I've never seen anyone sell blank laptops | Aug 18 10:23 |
DaemonFC | you were basically buying a service pack disc | Aug 18 10:23 |
DaemonFC | Windows 98 first edition users could buy the 98SE disc for $29 | Aug 18 10:24 |
DaemonFC | lots of people didn't have fast internet or a CD burner then | Aug 18 10:24 |
MinceR | in fact, prboom was easily faster on linux than on windows | Aug 18 10:25 |
cubezzz | no Amiga folks here? :) | Aug 18 10:25 |
DaemonFC | depends on hardware and if you were actually jsut running the MS-DOS version of DOOM within Windows | Aug 18 10:25 |
MinceR | despite it using software synthesis for midi as opposed to windows which could use my awe32 already | Aug 18 10:25 |
MinceR | no, i was running the same version of prboom | Aug 18 10:25 |
MinceR | cubezzz: no, i started in zx spectrum and went to i386 from there | Aug 18 10:26 |
DaemonFC | the 386 was just good enough for Doom | Aug 18 10:26 |
DaemonFC | :P | Aug 18 10:26 |
MinceR | at the time i used win98 and red hat 7.0 i had a pentium 120 though, iirc | Aug 18 10:26 |
DaemonFC | I remember playing it in monochrome on my old laptop | Aug 18 10:27 |
MinceR | with 32MB RAM | Aug 18 10:27 |
MinceR | hm, not sure about that | Aug 18 10:27 |
MinceR | i think it's correct | Aug 18 10:27 |
DaemonFC | I had a 550 Mhz K6/2 and 384 megs of RAM | Aug 18 10:27 |
DaemonFC | and a Voodoo 5 5500 | Aug 18 10:27 |
MinceR | i had no 3d accelerator back then | Aug 18 10:27 |
DaemonFC | so nothing I really did could slow Windows down, hehe | Aug 18 10:27 |
MinceR | my next pc did have one, though | Aug 18 10:27 |
MinceR | (it was a p4/2.4, 512MB RAM, Ti4200-8x) | Aug 18 10:28 |
MinceR | (and audigy 2 platinum) | Aug 18 10:28 |
DaemonFC | Pentium 4 was pretty awful | Aug 18 10:28 |
MinceR | it was a large step up for me :> | Aug 18 10:28 |
DaemonFC | I ended up getting a dual socket motherboard and running two Pentium 3's | Aug 18 10:28 |
DaemonFC | and Windows 2000 | Aug 18 10:28 |
cubezzz | too bad Amiga didn't really survive, it isn't totally dead but 99% dead | Aug 18 10:28 |
MinceR | how much did your apps like that? | Aug 18 10:28 |
DaemonFC | Windows 2000 supports SMP | Aug 18 10:29 |
MinceR | multithreading wasn't too popular back then | Aug 18 10:29 |
MinceR | i said apps, not os | Aug 18 10:29 |
DaemonFC | multithreading wasn't | Aug 18 10:29 |
DaemonFC | multitasking improved a hell of a lot | Aug 18 10:29 |
cubezzz | NT 4.0 did too I think | Aug 18 10:29 |
DaemonFC | if one CPU bogged down, Windows would shift other apps that needed run time to the other CPU | Aug 18 10:30 |
DaemonFC | which was the reason you wanted two CPUs really :) | Aug 18 10:30 |
MinceR | still didn't help much with gaming | Aug 18 10:30 |
MinceR | one CPU would sit mostly unused | Aug 18 10:30 |
DaemonFC | no, but it meant that I didn't have to shut down background apps to run my games | Aug 18 10:30 |
cubezzz | I imagine it would help a bit | Aug 18 10:30 |
DaemonFC | I could dedicate an entire CPU just for them | Aug 18 10:30 |
MinceR | well, if you had lots of ram, you didn't :> | Aug 18 10:30 |
DaemonFC | hey, it's me, I always do overkill with the RAM | Aug 18 10:31 |
DaemonFC | :D | Aug 18 10:31 |
MinceR | then again, i didn't get used to running a lot of apps simultaneously until i switched to linux | Aug 18 10:31 |
MinceR | well yeah, windows eats a lot of ram so it's pretty much necessary :> | Aug 18 10:31 |
DaemonFC | Windows 9x had no SMP supprot at all, totally inappropriate for dual socket motherboards | Aug 18 10:31 |
MinceR | my first dual-core machine was my dell laptop | Aug 18 10:32 |
DaemonFC | I was pissed that I had to go buy a copy of Windows 2000 to get that | Aug 18 10:32 |
DaemonFC | I tried initially just reusing Windows 98 | Aug 18 10:32 |
cubezzz | what about earlier Linux? When did it start supporting multi-cpu? | Aug 18 10:32 |
DaemonFC | Linux has supported that since 1996 I think | Aug 18 10:32 |
DaemonFC | version 2.0 | Aug 18 10:32 |
DaemonFC | it wasn't great SMP support, but it had it | Aug 18 10:33 |
DaemonFC | around 1998 and version 2.2 thigns got a lot smoother | Aug 18 10:33 |
DaemonFC | it wasn't really until 2.6 though that SMP got first rate support, that was 2003 I think | Aug 18 10:33 |
DaemonFC | the kernel suffered lots of latency before 2.6, that kills SMP performance | Aug 18 10:34 |
DaemonFC | now it actually does better than Windows :P | Aug 18 10:34 |
DaemonFC | took it a while to catch up to Windows, but it's been doing better for about 6 years now | Aug 18 10:35 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] /me is using Swiftweasel | Aug 18 10:37 | |
DaemonFC | the tide seems to be turning on the Windows 7 press | Aug 18 10:40 |
DaemonFC | it's gone from all good to "Windows 7 is here, ho-hum" | Aug 18 10:41 |
DaemonFC | that was fast | Aug 18 10:41 |
MinceR | well, of course | Aug 18 10:41 |
MinceR | now not only the people they've bribed with laptops know/care about it | Aug 18 10:41 |
MinceR | they had to leak more info, so now everyone knows it's just another SP for vista | Aug 18 10:41 |
MinceR | with a new skin | Aug 18 10:42 |
DaemonFC | it's worse than Vista in some ways | Aug 18 10:42 |
DaemonFC | Vista didn't try to DRM my cable TV | Aug 18 10:42 |
MinceR | it wouldn't be a m$ product if it wasn't worse in its predecessor in some ways | Aug 18 10:42 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Visible Technologies Spies on Microsoft Brands Using TruCast/TruPulse, to Control Perception http://ping.fm/l4S9l | Aug 18 10:44 | |
DaemonFC | hmmm | Aug 18 10:45 |
schestowitz | http://boycottnovell.com/wiki/index.php/Visible_Technologies | Aug 18 10:46 |
schestowitz | Can anyone help me google Visible Technologies to see if others exposed them for similar things? | Aug 18 10:49 |
*fewa has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | Aug 18 10:49 | |
schestowitz | http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Total_Information_Awareness | Aug 18 10:50 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: I ended up with two hits from them yesterday | Aug 18 10:50 |
DaemonFC | I'm still trying to figure out what else they looked at | Aug 18 10:50 |
schestowitz | http://www.commoncraft.com/visible-technologies-playing-fire Visible Technologies is Playing with Fire | Aug 18 10:51 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, those kinds of people are the reason I turned on comment moderation for all comments | Aug 18 10:55 |
DaemonFC | default for wordpress is that after you aprrove one comment, anything else they post automatically gets added, so I had people make one innocent comment then spew a bunch of crap while I wasn't looking | Aug 18 10:56 |
DaemonFC | *approve | Aug 18 10:56 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, http://www.wpp.com/WPP/Companies/CompanyDetail.htm?id=462 | Aug 18 10:58 |
DaemonFC | new address | Aug 18 10:58 |
DaemonFC | no street view for this one, looks like it's out in the middle of nowhere | Aug 18 11:00 |
DaemonFC | probably one of those blank buildings that comapny headquarters use | Aug 18 11:00 |
DaemonFC | *company | Aug 18 11:00 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, company blog visinsights.com | Aug 18 11:01 |
DaemonFC | Chris Pirillo is associated with them | Aug 18 11:03 |
DaemonFC | http://www.visinsights.com/thoughts-on-social-media-from-chris-pirillo/329/ | Aug 18 11:03 |
DaemonFC | Pirillo has been a Microsoft shill for a while | Aug 18 11:05 |
DaemonFC | they send him Windows shirts and baseball hats and free copies of all their stuff | Aug 18 11:05 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, another visible technologies site trureputation.com | Aug 18 11:07 |
DaemonFC | Phone 425.957.6100 | Aug 18 11:08 |
schestowitz | The Seattle Times says it best: "Clients pick an “author” or opt for anonymity. Visible [Technologies] also has a virtual army — thousands of personas registered with online forums." | Aug 18 11:09 |
schestowitz | Thankls. | Aug 18 11:09 |
DaemonFC | oh, sockpuppets | Aug 18 11:10 |
DaemonFC | so many to choose from | Aug 18 11:10 |
DaemonFC | I wonder how many postings on forums are the same person from Visible Technologies replying to themselves | Aug 18 11:11 |
DaemonFC | as of August 2006, they only had 28 employees | Aug 18 11:12 |
DaemonFC | so either they did some hiring or those 28 employees are each 10 different people on every forum they "monitor" | Aug 18 11:12 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, http://chris.pirillo.com/visible-technologies/ | Aug 18 11:13 |
DaemonFC | Pirillo blogs about them | Aug 18 11:13 |
DaemonFC | good video, seems to explain what they do | Aug 18 11:14 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, this reminds me.... | Aug 18 11:16 |
DaemonFC | Digsby is dumping distributed computing foistware on users, right? | Aug 18 11:16 |
DaemonFC | the foistware says that it may be using your system to conduct web searches, stock market analyzing, etc. | Aug 18 11:17 |
DaemonFC | you don't suppose Visible Technologies is one of the ones behind the foistware Digsby is placing on people's computers? | Aug 18 11:17 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Added the Pilch summary on the SSP page: http://stopsoftwarepatents.org/start | Aug 18 11:17 | |
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 11:27 | |
DaemonFC | http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9132041/Hands_on_Running_Windows_7_on_a_netbook | Aug 18 11:33 |
schestowitz | I'm not done yet with "visible" | Aug 18 11:35 |
schestowitz | They have other victims | Aug 18 11:35 |
schestowitz | Yes, SJVN said the truth | Aug 18 11:36 |
schestowitz | Not the W-E-bribed bloggers | Aug 18 11:36 |
DaemonFC | it would be nice if Microsoft would just fix the problems people were complaining about | Aug 18 11:36 |
DaemonFC | instead of trying to buy their silence with trinkets | Aug 18 11:36 |
schestowitz | WTF?? http://www.visinsights.com/about/ | Aug 18 11:38 |
DaemonFC | I remember when all the bad PR about the Windows Vista Release Candidate was going around, Microsoft started passing out free high end laptops to influential bloggers | Aug 18 11:38 |
schestowitz | http://www.visinsights.com/buzz-marketing-techniques-to-become-illegal-in-uk/232/ Buzz Marketing techniques to become illegal in UK? | Aug 18 11:38 |
oiaohm | DaemonFC: Microsoft has proven past question money cannot buy everything. | Aug 18 11:45 |
DaemonFC | well, so what if they shut up a couple dozen bloggers with free toys? | Aug 18 11:46 |
DaemonFC | people see that and stop trusting that blogger | Aug 18 11:46 |
oiaohm | I was not refering to just the bloggers think how much money they spent development vista. | Aug 18 11:47 |
DaemonFC | it would have gone a lot smoother if they had just based it on Windows 2003 to begin with | Aug 18 11:50 |
DaemonFC | or at least had some idea of where they were going before they started running in that direction | Aug 18 11:51 |
DaemonFC | paying people for the first 3 years of wasted effort was the biggest part of what Vista cost them | Aug 18 11:51 |
schestowitz | OMG | Aug 18 11:52 |
schestowitz | They are funded by Microsoft | Aug 18 11:52 |
schestowitz | Via the Ignition shall | Aug 18 11:52 |
schestowitz | *shell | Aug 18 11:52 |
schestowitz | http://www.seattlepi.com/business/332829_visible24.html | Aug 18 11:53 |
schestowitz | OK, I'm done. Lots for next post | Aug 18 12:04 |
schestowitz | What a small world it is in Seattle area | Aug 18 12:04 |
schestowitz | Top Ad Sales Exec on West Coast Departs Yahoo < http://kara.allthingsd.com/20090817/top-ad-sales-exec-on-west-coast-departs-yahoo/ > | Aug 18 12:08 |
schestowitz | US man 'stole 130m card numbers' < http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8206305.stm > | Aug 18 12:11 |
cubezzz | I'm glad I don't live in Microsoftland | Aug 18 12:12 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, I mentioned that in a post I made | Aug 18 12:13 |
schestowitz | Goldman Shakes Off ‘Negative Press’ < http://dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/08/17/goldman-shakes-off-negative-press/ > | Aug 18 12:13 |
DaemonFC | I think Microsoft should be sued for allowing their software to ship like that | Aug 18 12:13 |
schestowitz | How? | Aug 18 12:13 |
schestowitz | Bad state technically? | Aug 18 12:13 |
schestowitz | Liability is a tricky issue | Aug 18 12:13 |
DaemonFC | yeah, defective merchandise | Aug 18 12:13 |
schestowitz | When applied to FOSS | Aug 18 12:13 |
schestowitz | Yes, but LF would take the same position | Aug 18 12:14 |
schestowitz | They can't be held liable | Aug 18 12:14 |
schestowitz | Difference is, people are FORCED to pay for defective WIndows | Aug 18 12:14 |
schestowitz | People are not forced to pay for Linux | Aug 18 12:14 |
DaemonFC | well, that's different, you can't complain when somethign was given to you for free with no warranty and they even made sure you knew there were no guarantees | Aug 18 12:14 |
schestowitz | SO people could in theory sue OEMs for forcing them to buy PCs saddled with nastyware | Aug 18 12:14 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft is selling you a product | Aug 18 12:14 |
schestowitz | Software that lets your personal data leak to the Web | Aug 18 12:14 |
cubezzz | well, even if it is defective, at least you have the source code | Aug 18 12:14 |
schestowitz | cubezzz: still a tricky isuse | Aug 18 12:15 |
cubezzz | at least for FOSS :) | Aug 18 12:15 |
schestowitz | It was proposed before. | Aug 18 12:15 |
DaemonFC | http://izanbardprince.wordpress.com/2009/08/18/what-is-microsoft-talking-about-when-they-mention-security/ | Aug 18 12:15 |
schestowitz | "Several large Wall Street firms that had underwriting operations, including Merrill Lynch & Co., Citigroup Inc., J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., UBS AG and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., have settled with regulators, agreeing to buy back more than $60 billion in auction-rate securities from customers." | Aug 18 12:16 |
schestowitz | http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2009/08/17/high-noon-approaching-for-cuomo-charles-schwab/ | Aug 18 12:16 |
DaemonFC | I argue there that XP is still the most important and demanded version of Windows, and that even though it's two versions old almsot nobody is using Vista | Aug 18 12:16 |
cubezzz | I'm trying to get people off of windows | Aug 18 12:16 |
cubezzz | just as a support issue | Aug 18 12:16 |
DaemonFC | well, my argument is that even if they did make Vista more secure, the kind of machines that are running XP Embedded can't handle Vista anyway | Aug 18 12:17 |
schestowitz | You link to rubbish numberd | Aug 18 12:17 |
cubezzz | they resist because sometimes there's an office file that open office can't handle :-/ | Aug 18 12:17 |
schestowitz | US-only stats from a Microsoft-sponsored entity | Aug 18 12:17 |
cubezzz | the other day I was talking to this staples guy and he says "I don't support MAC and I don't support Linux" | Aug 18 12:18 |
cubezzz | pretty bad | Aug 18 12:18 |
DaemonFC | if people would just use Office 2000 formats, anything can open or save to them, pretty much | Aug 18 12:18 |
schestowitz | http://www.growthology.org/growthology/2009/08/why-dont-more-entrepreneurs-want-to-be-entrepreneurs.html Why Don’t More Entrepreneurs Want to Be Entrepreneurs? | Aug 18 12:19 |
cubezzz | a lot of people use Office XP these days | Aug 18 12:19 |
DaemonFC | I have that on disc | Aug 18 12:19 |
cubezzz | of course I tell them not to, but that has little effect | Aug 18 12:20 |
DaemonFC | I have I try not to use any XML formats | Aug 18 12:20 |
DaemonFC | because then there's a good chance it's screwed no matter what everyone else is using | Aug 18 12:20 |
cubezzz | if I sell a laptop, I give them XP and Fedora 10 with dual boot | Aug 18 12:20 |
cubezzz | keeps them happy | Aug 18 12:21 |
cubezzz | most people don't like Vista, that is very common | Aug 18 12:22 |
cubezzz | so Linux has an opportunity for sure | Aug 18 12:22 |
MinceR | http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/08/17/2349241/In-the-UK-a-Plan-To-Criminalize-Illegal-Downloaders?from=rss | Aug 18 12:25 |
MinceR | "The data would be anonymous, but serious repeat infringers would be tracked down through their computer ID numbers." | Aug 18 12:25 |
schestowitz | Siegels win a round in epic battle for Superman < http://www.thresq.com/2009/08/superman-lawsuit-warner-bros.html > He seems to have just adapted ubermench from Nietzsche | Aug 18 12:26 |
MinceR | sounds like the meaning of the word "anonymous" is unknown in the UK | Aug 18 12:26 |
schestowitz | This doesn't tell the whole story | Aug 18 12:28 |
cubezzz | ummm, is the guy who invented superman still alive? | Aug 18 12:28 |
schestowitz | Mandelson has just met some old MAFIAA guy | Aug 18 12:28 |
cubezzz | that was a long time ago | Aug 18 12:28 |
schestowitz | So his moves are likely related | Aug 18 12:28 |
schestowitz | Hollywood tells politicians what to do | Aug 18 12:28 |
oiaohm | MS Office format is screwed. | Aug 18 12:28 |
schestowitz | Some American billionaire in this case | Aug 18 12:28 |
oiaohm | To be correct all .doc formats DaemonFC | Aug 18 12:28 |
schestowitz | Maybe he can reward a meager $million after his term | Aug 18 12:28 |
schestowitz | [to Mandelson | Aug 18 12:29 |
oiaohm | Printer information is used to encode layout so change printer you document screws up. | Aug 18 12:29 |
oiaohm | Openoffice does a good job of guessing it way out of the error in the MS doc format. | Aug 18 12:29 |
schestowitz | "Bitter pill for fanboys to swallow?" http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2009/08/18/apple_ipod_event_nonsense/ | Aug 18 12:46 |
*DaemonFC is still happy enough with the Sansa | Aug 18 12:51 | |
*DaemonFC rigged it so that XP x64 can kind of see it as an external hard disk, it syncs, hell with it | Aug 18 12:51 | |
DaemonFC | :P | Aug 18 12:51 |
schestowitz | This site seems iffy... http://www.nillabyte.com/blog.php?u=7&blogcategoryid=23 | Aug 18 12:52 |
DaemonFC | Ubuntu One seems to be their reaction to Mandriva's online backup | Aug 18 12:52 |
DaemonFC | and VLC is the best program ever :P | Aug 18 12:53 |
DaemonFC | replaces all kinds of crapware | Aug 18 12:53 |
DaemonFC | captures my webcam, my TV tuner card, has codecs for everything, probably tons of stuff I still don't know that it can do | Aug 18 12:54 |
schestowitz | Geez. Some people don't get "Fun". "Hannah Montana Makes Sure No One Takes Linux Seriously" < http://www.switched.com/2009/08/15/hannah-montana-makes-sure-no-one-takes-linux-seriously/ > | Aug 18 12:55 |
*MinceR captures DaemonFC's webcam and holds it for ransom | Aug 18 12:55 | |
schestowitz | THat's like saying that being able to dress as a clown makes a gentleman an eternal dunce | Aug 18 12:55 |
*DaemonFC encapsulates MinceR into an ASF container | Aug 18 12:55 | |
schestowitz | rm -f *.asf | Aug 18 12:56 |
*MinceR is incompatible with ASF | Aug 18 12:56 | |
schestowitz | http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.examiner.com%2Fx-9438-SF-Business-Tech-Examiner~y2009m8d15-Lost-in-Linux&usg=AFQjCNEjTwPg4CEmQAtKP9wd19bf_Bcjjg "The word on the Net is that Ubuntu is not for geeks. I believe that’s true." | Aug 18 12:57 |
*DaemonFC copy protects MinceR, one is more than enough, thank you | Aug 18 12:57 | |
DaemonFC | :P | Aug 18 12:57 |
MinceR | copies will be mutated :> | Aug 18 12:57 |
cubezzz | it looks like Palm Pre is the best Linux PDA now | Aug 18 12:58 |
MinceR | it isn't | Aug 18 12:58 |
MinceR | it spies on its users | Aug 18 12:58 |
MinceR | also, its only sdk is html5/javascript | Aug 18 12:59 |
DaemonFC | needs more cowbell | Aug 18 12:59 |
schestowitz | "We do hope to see Dell offer a similar configuration with Ubuntu Linux as the operating system of choice in the future to keep the price low sometime in the future." http://www.ubergizmo.com/15/archives/2009/08/dell_inspiron_mini_10_gets_2gb_ram_option.html | Aug 18 12:59 |
cubezzz | MinceR, what would you recommend instead? | Aug 18 12:59 |
MinceR | not sure... i was researching and chose the Nokia N97 | Aug 18 12:59 |
MinceR | it isn't linux, mind you | Aug 18 12:59 |
DaemonFC | most embedded devices aren't | Aug 18 12:59 |
MinceR | i think i'll wait until october and see how the Maemo-based N900 turns out | Aug 18 12:59 |
cubezzz | weren't the older Nokia tablets linux-based? | Aug 18 13:00 |
MinceR | they were, but they aren't phones | Aug 18 13:00 |
cubezzz | ah, I see | Aug 18 13:00 |
DaemonFC | unless there's a flash ROM and someone on the internet that got bored and made a Linux firmware for it | Aug 18 13:00 |
MinceR | it's rumored that the N900 will have GSM, UMTS and "cellular voice" support | Aug 18 13:00 |
MinceR | i'm still wondering about PIM apps though | Aug 18 13:01 |
MinceR | and the mockups presented didn't have call/end buttons | Aug 18 13:01 |
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 13:01 | |
cubezzz | wow, there's a ton of Palm Pre stuff on ebay | Aug 18 13:01 |
DaemonFC | tocuhscreens have to be the most overrated thing ever | Aug 18 13:01 |
DaemonFC | *touchscreens | Aug 18 13:02 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, to be fair, that guy has a point, with the ipv6 gripe anyway | Aug 18 13:03 |
DaemonFC | it's compiled into the kernel in Ubuntu now for no reason at all | Aug 18 13:03 |
MinceR | they're nice for doodling | Aug 18 13:04 |
oiaohm | Define no reason. | Aug 18 13:04 |
DaemonFC | so if it causes problems, you can't blacklist it | Aug 18 13:04 |
MinceR | and more advanced (wacom) touchscreens would be nice for drawing | Aug 18 13:04 |
oiaohm | DaemonFC: some forms of windows networking plays up without ipv6 | Aug 18 13:04 |
MinceR | but the former is noncritical and the latter is expensive :) | Aug 18 13:04 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: there's a reason to support ipv6 now | Aug 18 13:05 |
DaemonFC | support yes, mandatory, no | Aug 18 13:05 |
MinceR | ipv4 addresses are running out -- everything should be in place to start migrating | Aug 18 13:05 |
DaemonFC | it should still be a module | Aug 18 13:05 |
MinceR | you aren't forced to use ipv6 | Aug 18 13:05 |
MinceR | not even to bring up an ipv6 interface | Aug 18 13:05 |
DaemonFC | just having the driver loaded can cause problems | Aug 18 13:05 |
MinceR | you aren't even forced to use ubuntu with a stock ubuntu kernel | Aug 18 13:05 |
schestowitz | MinceR: maybe the global warming will take care of IPv4 | Aug 18 13:06 |
oiaohm | Not that I have found DaemonFC | Aug 18 13:06 |
oiaohm | the ipv6 if you disable if from all network cards it no longer findable to applications DaemonFC | Aug 18 13:06 |
oiaohm | Note all network cards include loop back. | Aug 18 13:06 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: if it was in a module, it would still most likely have to be loaded by default | Aug 18 13:06 |
DaemonFC | maybe revoking and reclaiming all the ipv4 addresses from the countries who base their entire economy on spamming Americans would solve the problem | Aug 18 13:07 |
DaemonFC | :D | Aug 18 13:07 |
schestowitz | I's no embarrassment to say the planet is overpopulated because it cannot contain so much pollution. Prominent people say this. IPv6 has room for other planet in the address space | Aug 18 13:07 |
schestowitz | As if we'll explore another home | Aug 18 13:07 |
MinceR | because there's no n00b-friendly way to enable it | Aug 18 13:07 |
MinceR | which means it would impede adoption of ipv6 otherwise | Aug 18 13:07 |
MinceR | which is unacceptable | Aug 18 13:07 |
MinceR | i keep saying the planet is overpopulated | Aug 18 13:07 |
schestowitz | Birth control | Aug 18 13:07 |
MinceR | i even have some proposed solutions | Aug 18 13:07 |
schestowitz | Contraception in every home.. but religions don't permit it | Aug 18 13:08 |
cubezzz | yeah, things were "better" 200 years ago :) | Aug 18 13:08 |
DaemonFC | http://www.theonion.com/content/video/spam_crackdown_threatens | Aug 18 13:08 |
MinceR | late abortion! | Aug 18 13:08 |
oiaohm | Nature will catch up with us MinceR | Aug 18 13:08 |
cubezzz | how about making the birth rate = death rate ? | Aug 18 13:08 |
MinceR | oiaohm: or it will die and take us with itself | Aug 18 13:08 |
oiaohm | We are preventing chidren from dieing who should have due to dna faults. | Aug 18 13:08 |
schestowitz | The planet is underpopulated.... but trees and wild life | Aug 18 13:08 |
schestowitz | here's an idea | Aug 18 13:08 |
MinceR | we are also keeping particularly harmful criminals alive and well-fed | Aug 18 13:09 |
schestowitz | Encourage families to raise vixen and rabbits | Aug 18 13:09 |
DaemonFC | how about executing rapists, murderers, and other violent criminals? | Aug 18 13:09 |
oiaohm | Increasing numbers of defective dna will work as birth control sooner or latter. | Aug 18 13:09 |
DaemonFC | hmmmm | Aug 18 13:09 |
schestowitz | ANd to planet tree | Aug 18 13:09 |
schestowitz | *plant trees | Aug 18 13:09 |
schestowitz | Make it fashionable | Aug 18 13:09 |
schestowitz | People will come home from work to greet gardens | Aug 18 13:09 |
schestowitz | It's either that or forces re-popultion havoc | Aug 18 13:10 |
oiaohm | rapists kill because they can increase population give murderers a free hand and it would get under control quite quicky. | Aug 18 13:10 |
schestowitz | Countries no longer need to glamorise birth (like 10 kids per couple) for cannon fodder reasons | Aug 18 13:10 |
schestowitz | Man count does not equate security anymore | Aug 18 13:10 |
schestowitz | THat was exceeded over 60 years ago (atomic weapons) | Aug 18 13:10 |
schestowitz | So IMHO, either we dead with it or nature it | Aug 18 13:11 |
schestowitz | *deal | Aug 18 13:11 |
oiaohm | Metal storm tech is also going down that path too. | Aug 18 13:11 |
DaemonFC | knocked up teenagers | Aug 18 13:11 |
DaemonFC | :P | Aug 18 13:11 |
schestowitz | *nature will | Aug 18 13:11 |
oiaohm | Without the atomic radition problem. | Aug 18 13:11 |
oiaohm | ie robots with very big guns. | Aug 18 13:11 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: it's partly a social isue | Aug 18 13:11 |
schestowitz | *issue | Aug 18 13:11 |
oiaohm | Either nature will get us. Or we will get our selves. | Aug 18 13:11 |
*MinceR wants robots with very big guns | Aug 18 13:12 | |
schestowitz | In the US, these girls often get welfare or the church forbids abortion | Aug 18 13:12 |
oiaohm | The questions is what way do you want to go. | Aug 18 13:12 |
MinceR | including one that can be controlled from the inside | Aug 18 13:12 |
DaemonFC | well, the laws in a lot of states requires parental permission to get an abortion if you're under 18 | Aug 18 13:12 |
schestowitz | This leads to miseducation in some quarters (neglectful parents), crime, and so on. | Aug 18 13:12 |
DaemonFC | I'd say the grandparents should have to deal with it if they force you to have it | Aug 18 13:12 |
oiaohm | MinceR: sorry these are more like terminator robots. | Aug 18 13:12 |
MinceR | too small | Aug 18 13:12 |
oiaohm | Ones that don't need humans MinceR. | Aug 18 13:12 |
MinceR | can't carry big enough guns! | Aug 18 13:12 |
oiaohm | Yes we are as dumb as dish water. | Aug 18 13:12 |
oiaohm | You need small enough to go into buildings and weed out the humans MinceR | Aug 18 13:13 |
oiaohm | So you can get 100 percent kill rate in a area. | Aug 18 13:14 |
MinceR | nah | Aug 18 13:14 |
oiaohm | No lucky human hiding anywhere. | Aug 18 13:14 |
MinceR | just blow a hole in the side of the building | Aug 18 13:14 |
MinceR | or blow it up completely | Aug 18 13:14 |
DaemonFC | somehow those people don't work, have 10 kids, they all smoke, they're alcoholics, and somehow they manage to survive | Aug 18 13:14 |
DaemonFC | welfare checks | Aug 18 13:14 |
oiaohm | You could still miss people in underground sections MinceR | Aug 18 13:14 |
MinceR | better blast your way into them, then | Aug 18 13:15 |
oiaohm | Yes they are targeting ways to get 100 percent kill out of a area. | Aug 18 13:15 |
MinceR | there's no problem a bigger gun can't solve ;) | Aug 18 13:15 |
oiaohm | To a point you don't what to be blowing up you own units by mistake either. | Aug 18 13:15 |
DaemonFC | don't worry, India and Pakistan may still nuke each other yet | Aug 18 13:15 |
DaemonFC | that solves most of the overpopulation | Aug 18 13:15 |
DaemonFC | but it still subjects neighboring areas to fallout | Aug 18 13:15 |
DaemonFC | it could mutate MinceR into something resembling human | Aug 18 13:16 |
DaemonFC | :D | Aug 18 13:16 |
MinceR | that would be horrible | Aug 18 13:16 |
oiaohm | Also would risk setting of some major fault lines too DaemonFC | Aug 18 13:16 |
oiaohm | So out come would be nicely unpredicatable. | Aug 18 13:16 |
MinceR | i prefer to remain above human standards. | Aug 18 13:16 |
oiaohm | Get them nuke disabled give them metal storm class weapons and wait a few months DaemonFC would really get rid of the population problem without the fall otu. | Aug 18 13:17 |
DaemonFC | as horrible as Pakistan is, at least they have a government that doesn't like the Taliban and probably isn't crazy enough to piss off the neighbors beyond rhetoric | Aug 18 13:18 |
oiaohm | Pakistan is internaly unstable. | Aug 18 13:19 |
DaemonFC | if there is a war I'm totally hoping India wins | Aug 18 13:19 |
schestowitz | Google Caffeine: What it really is (Hype) http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2009/08/14/google_caffeine_truth/ | Aug 18 13:19 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: no-one would win, they have nuclear weapons | Aug 18 13:19 |
schestowitz | Nuclear winters | Aug 18 13:19 |
schestowitz | You could lose half a billion of people | Aug 18 13:19 |
DaemonFC | there's the possibility of neither one of them really having the stomach to go nuclear | Aug 18 13:19 |
schestowitz | Starvation | Aug 18 13:20 |
DaemonFC | there's a possibility for conventional war | Aug 18 13:20 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: it's the apocalyptic ones that are scary | Aug 18 13:20 |
schestowitz | "Let's nuke the place up, we go to heaven anyway' | Aug 18 13:20 |
oiaohm | Nukes have reduced wars. | Aug 18 13:20 |
DaemonFC | yeah, which is why I said Pakistan's government at least isn't the Taliban, or Iran | Aug 18 13:20 |
oiaohm | Nukes are one of our major causes of population growth. | Aug 18 13:21 |
schestowitz | Study: hypePhone is a detriment to carriers http://blog.internetnews.com/mmegna/2009/08/study-iphone-is-a-loser-detrim.html | Aug 18 13:21 |
schestowitz | oiaohm: that's insane | Aug 18 13:21 |
DaemonFC | because you can't have a war without the threat of nuclear war | Aug 18 13:21 |
schestowitz | And IBM says software patents helped FOSS | Aug 18 13:21 |
DaemonFC | unless you go kick someone's ass and nobody really did like them | Aug 18 13:21 |
DaemonFC | :D | Aug 18 13:21 |
DaemonFC | and they aren't advanced enough to stop you | Aug 18 13:22 |
DaemonFC | kind of takes all the fun out of it | Aug 18 13:22 |
schestowitz | Population growth is sometimes motivated by need for troops | Aug 18 13:22 |
schestowitz | Nukes reduce need for troops | Aug 18 13:22 |
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-136-17.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 13:22 | |
DaemonFC | right, if the enemy outnumbers us 10 to 1, we nuke each other, everybody dies, so they don't invade us to begin with | Aug 18 13:23 |
DaemonFC | I understand the idea | Aug 18 13:23 |
MinceR | well, now it's motivated by fundamentalism and nationalism | Aug 18 13:23 |
DaemonFC | the Russians | Aug 18 13:24 |
DaemonFC | what was that crazy ex-KGB guys name? | Aug 18 13:24 |
MinceR | putin? | Aug 18 13:24 |
DaemonFC | the one that said America would split into six countries cause of gay people? | Aug 18 13:24 |
MinceR | then again, who isn't ex-kgb there? | Aug 18 13:24 |
DaemonFC | like there aren't any of them in Russia.... | Aug 18 13:24 |
oiaohm | Think of all the wars we had pre nukes schestowitz. | Aug 18 13:24 |
DaemonFC | uh huh | Aug 18 13:24 |
DaemonFC | it's the FSB now, new name, same friendly service | Aug 18 13:25 |
DaemonFC | :D | Aug 18 13:25 |
DaemonFC | Mexico is the most corrupt place on this continent, I remember joking about the hotel I stayed at | Aug 18 13:26 |
DaemonFC | "The rooms are comfortable, the staff is friendly, and the food is delicious" | Aug 18 13:27 |
*amarsh04__ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-173-66.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 13:27 | |
DaemonFC | guy I was talking to "So the rooms are roach infested, the food will make you sick, and the staff will knife you in the back" | Aug 18 13:27 |
schestowitz | Wow. http://www.greenercomputing.com/news/2009/08/07/developing-nations-may-reuse-more-electronics-thought | Aug 18 13:27 |
DaemonFC | yeah, pretty much | Aug 18 13:27 |
schestowitz | "”Did I mention to you that after the layoffs, people have been resigning right and left? Always the same story, going to do something else, not sure what, but something else. Two weeks notice, see ya." | Aug 18 13:27 |
schestowitz | Microsoft exodus | Aug 18 13:27 |
schestowitz | oiaohm: ww1, ww2 (had nukes in it already), and....? | Aug 18 13:28 |
schestowitz | You'd have to go well back in the 19th century for large wars | Aug 18 13:29 |
DaemonFC | no, what big companies do is call your about half your vacation times "personal time" because then they don't have to pay it out if you leave | Aug 18 13:29 |
schestowitz | None of the same scale | Aug 18 13:29 |
DaemonFC | law says they owe you vacation pay but not sick or personal time | Aug 18 13:29 |
schestowitz | The cycle says one in about 50 years | Aug 18 13:29 |
DaemonFC | so make sure you call in sick or use up all your paid time off that isn't "vacation" before you leave | Aug 18 13:29 |
DaemonFC | most of the wars of the last 50 years were proxy wars | Aug 18 13:30 |
DaemonFC | the US and the Soviet Union did not want to fight each other, so we armed and trained third parties | Aug 18 13:30 |
DaemonFC | :D | Aug 18 13:30 |
DaemonFC | that way we could have our war without having to nuke each other | Aug 18 13:31 |
DaemonFC | the Soviets would pass out cash and AK-47s to just about any country that said they were communists | Aug 18 13:31 |
DaemonFC | doesn't sound like such a bad deal, right? | Aug 18 13:32 |
schestowitz | The X.Org 7.5 Release Day, But With No Release < http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzQ2Mg > | Aug 18 13:33 |
DaemonFC | actually, about 15% of the nuclear power in the United States comes from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads | Aug 18 13:33 |
DaemonFC | they get to save face, we dismantle all the nukes they can't afford to maintain, and there's one less of them threatening the world | Aug 18 13:34 |
DaemonFC | and more "clean" electricity here | Aug 18 13:34 |
DaemonFC | instead of being able to destroy the world 50 times over, we can now only destroy it 40 times over | Aug 18 13:35 |
DaemonFC | I sleep better at night :D | Aug 18 13:35 |
MinceR | :D | Aug 18 13:35 |
schestowitz | What's *this* about. "Zend Technologies has announced the latest version of its open-source framework for PHP, offering improved support for Microsoft and Novell environments. The changes are part of what Zend called m... " http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvdXmZtqegE Video seems unrelated | Aug 18 13:35 |
schestowitz | Nope, DaemonFC | Aug 18 13:36 |
schestowitz | The Russian dismantled *their* weapons | Aug 18 13:36 |
DaemonFC | they don't dismantle anyhting | Aug 18 13:36 |
schestowitz | It took a while for for US to reciprocate | Aug 18 13:36 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: they bury it | Aug 18 13:36 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Network is unreachable) | Aug 18 13:36 | |
schestowitz | Arsenal underground | Aug 18 13:36 |
DaemonFC | they scuttle nuclear subs that they can no longer maintain and you have a nuclear reactor at the bottom of the ocean | Aug 18 13:36 |
schestowitz | Just takes longer to recommission | Aug 18 13:37 |
MinceR | also known as "missile silo"? :> | Aug 18 13:37 |
DaemonFC | that's how they dispose of their waste | Aug 18 13:37 |
MinceR | (re "arsenal underground") | Aug 18 13:37 |
DaemonFC | the Russians are a very depressing people | Aug 18 13:37 |
DaemonFC | they really are | Aug 18 13:37 |
schestowitz | Are you Russian then? | Aug 18 13:37 |
DaemonFC | nope | Aug 18 13:37 |
DaemonFC | just lucky I guess | Aug 18 13:38 |
schestowitz | Cause you're provoking a lot | Aug 18 13:38 |
schestowitz | That would be insulting to Russia | Aug 18 13:38 |
MinceR | well, that's what trolls do | Aug 18 13:38 |
schestowitz | My friends from there are not trolls, unlike you | Aug 18 13:38 |
schestowitz | Which implies Indiana folks are an issue | Aug 18 13:38 |
DaemonFC | depends on what parts | Aug 18 13:39 |
MinceR | i doubt this issue is related to location | Aug 18 13:39 |
MinceR | unless we forget to factor internet penetration out of our data :> | Aug 18 13:39 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Eurovision: SRS BUZNESS http://is.gd/2mKXB (HT @glynmoody) | Aug 18 13:39 | |
MinceR | (and possibly other factors, language for example) | Aug 18 13:40 |
DaemonFC | English, Bad English, and some colorful Spanish euphemisms for certain situations | Aug 18 13:40 |
DaemonFC | every winter without fail there's at least one Mexican family (of 50) living in an efficiency apartment, that manages to torch the building by heating it with the stove | Aug 18 13:42 |
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 13:42 | |
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-4-116.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 13:44 | |
MinceR | at least that family doesn't come here to troll | Aug 18 13:44 |
schestowitz | ANd to insult populations | Aug 18 13:44 |
MinceR | so they aren't any worse than you after all :> | Aug 18 13:44 |
schestowitz | Notice that the demon does this all the time | Aug 18 13:44 |
schestowitz | Insulting Muslim, Russians, Mexicans, x-ians | Aug 18 13:45 |
MinceR | couldn't help noticing | Aug 18 13:45 |
schestowitz | Alienating everyone | Aug 18 13:45 |
schestowitz | Except the gay | Aug 18 13:45 |
DaemonFC | comes from dealing with them | Aug 18 13:45 |
DaemonFC | society rewards cheaters and lawbreakers | Aug 18 13:45 |
MinceR | no, it comes from your rampant nationalism | Aug 18 13:45 |
schestowitz | "USA"-banded tshirt | Aug 18 13:45 |
schestowitz | I saw that | Aug 18 13:45 |
schestowitz | *branded | Aug 18 13:46 |
MinceR | somehow you've bought the propaganda that usians are better than everyone else | Aug 18 13:46 |
DaemonFC | they thrive here because they break the law and mooch off the social welfare system | Aug 18 13:46 |
schestowitz | Thrive? | Aug 18 13:46 |
schestowitz | In the US/ | Aug 18 13:46 |
MinceR | (which is ridiculous, considering that usians are mostly a mix of people from europe) | Aug 18 13:46 |
DaemonFC | yeah, nobody ever does anything about them | Aug 18 13:46 |
schestowitz | Education system and health care has lots of room for improvement. | Aug 18 13:46 |
DaemonFC | even when they commit felonies | Aug 18 13:46 |
MinceR | well, didn't you know the usa has such an extensive social welfare system to mooch off? :> | Aug 18 13:46 |
schestowitz | American intellectuals talk about how over half their students comes from abroad, esp. in the sciences | Aug 18 13:47 |
schestowitz | And they too may no longer come | Aug 18 13:47 |
MinceR | best place to do so, really! | Aug 18 13:47 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: same in the UK | Aug 18 13:47 |
MinceR | well, they'll scare off the scientists | Aug 18 13:47 |
schestowitz | It's not a localised problem | Aug 18 13:47 |
DaemonFC | yeah, well, that's not really the sample that represents the whole | Aug 18 13:47 |
schestowitz | You're just seeing parts of them that affect you | Aug 18 13:47 |
MinceR | after burning some of them in the name of "the Lord" | Aug 18 13:47 |
DaemonFC | most of them are like a plague of locusts | Aug 18 13:47 |
schestowitz | Locusts are OK | Aug 18 13:48 |
schestowitz | They don't exterminate the earth | Aug 18 13:48 |
MinceR | that's an insult to locusts | Aug 18 13:48 |
DaemonFC | they move in, destroy everything, and then move on | Aug 18 13:48 |
schestowitz | Noe | Aug 18 13:48 |
schestowitz | There's regulation terms in nature | Aug 18 13:48 |
MinceR | locusts aren't powerful enough to really destroy everything | Aug 18 13:48 |
MinceR | humans are | Aug 18 13:48 |
schestowitz | Animals that feed on locust will thrive | Aug 18 13:48 |
schestowitz | Humans can break equilibriums because they exceed their evolution's capacity | Aug 18 13:49 |
schestowitz | Mortality rate, age, medicine, electric power, etc. | Aug 18 13:49 |
DaemonFC | yes, in nature there is symmetry, that's why I don't think humans are a natural thing | Aug 18 13:49 |
schestowitz | Humans have been here for 150k years | Aug 18 13:49 |
schestowitz | That's a tiny fraction of the Earth's age | Aug 18 13:49 |
schestowitz | Dinosaurs are about 150 million years old | Aug 18 13:49 |
schestowitz | That's 1000 times the duration humans have been here | Aug 18 13:50 |
MinceR | including the bird-only part? :> | Aug 18 13:50 |
schestowitz | Including former incarnations of humans | Aug 18 13:50 |
oiaohm | 150 million years of Dinosaurs are pre bird MinceR | Aug 18 13:50 |
schestowitz | Humans kill things that not only feed on | Aug 18 13:50 |
DaemonFC | humans arem ore of an exotic invader | Aug 18 13:50 |
schestowitz | Like trees | Aug 18 13:50 |
DaemonFC | *are more | Aug 18 13:50 |
MinceR | ic | Aug 18 13:50 |
schestowitz | For furniture and heat | Aug 18 13:50 |
MinceR | humans are a product of nature though | Aug 18 13:51 |
oiaohm | Humans are teraformers. | Aug 18 13:51 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Unfortunately | Aug 18 13:51 |
schestowitz | Other animals don't harm what they don't consume for the biological/nutritional value | Aug 18 13:51 |
oiaohm | We are way different to most other creatures. | Aug 18 13:51 |
DaemonFC | belligerent design | Aug 18 13:51 |
DaemonFC | that must explain it all | Aug 18 13:51 |
MinceR | nah | Aug 18 13:51 |
MinceR | just archetypal evil | Aug 18 13:52 |
schestowitz | oiaohm: they grew wings when falling from trees. They could glide | Aug 18 13:52 |
schestowitz | Then fly | Aug 18 13:52 |
schestowitz | Have we extincted all glider spicies yet/ | Aug 18 13:52 |
schestowitz | *species | Aug 18 13:52 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: also believe we're in the centre of the univ | Aug 18 13:52 |
schestowitz | Natural choice | Aug 18 13:53 |
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Aug 18 13:53 | |
schestowitz | God made in our own image or we in his/theirs | Aug 18 13:53 |
schestowitz | Sun moves around us just for are benefitr | Aug 18 13:53 |
MinceR | man made god in his own image. | Aug 18 13:53 |
DaemonFC | well, when we throw off the balance of nature far enough and cause the inevitable cascade of die-offs ending of course with ourselves, then the planey may have a chance to do better | Aug 18 13:53 |
DaemonFC | until then, it's kind of stuck with us | Aug 18 13:53 |
MinceR | well, gods. | Aug 18 13:53 |
schestowitz | And the Sun being just a tiny lamp and stars not being suns but something to guide us sacred humans at night | Aug 18 13:53 |
DaemonFC | *planet | Aug 18 13:53 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: it isn't so simple, we have the capacity to destroy the biosphere | Aug 18 13:54 |
DaemonFC | something may be able to evolve in the toxic hell we leave behind | Aug 18 13:54 |
DaemonFC | :P | Aug 18 13:54 |
schestowitz | THe Africans treat animals like part of their own environment | Aug 18 13:54 |
schestowitz | Same with the native Indians | Aug 18 13:54 |
schestowitz | We treat them like food while they are alive | Aug 18 13:54 |
schestowitz | "They were created _For Us_" | Aug 18 13:54 |
MinceR | if something lives in it. otherwise it's 'start over from amino acids and the like' | Aug 18 13:54 |
schestowitz | By "God"... whom we created to look like us! :-) | Aug 18 13:55 |
MinceR | which might not happen again here | Aug 18 13:55 |
schestowitz | WHy do you slaughter this animal? Cause God said I can, of course !! :-) | Aug 18 13:55 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: Eating a hamburger is not something I'd feel particularly bad about | Aug 18 13:55 |
oiaohm | We could aways turn earth into like mars if we screw up bad enough. | Aug 18 13:55 |
oiaohm | Or venus | Aug 18 13:55 |
schestowitz | Does God eat? | Aug 18 13:55 |
schestowitz | His he a vegan? | Aug 18 13:55 |
schestowitz | Or.... | Aug 18 13:55 |
schestowitz | Why did he create the uni? | Aug 18 13:55 |
schestowitz | Universe for amusement/ | Aug 18 13:55 |
schestowitz | How many universes? | Aug 18 13:56 |
DaemonFC | Whatever the case may be, humans are omnivorous | Aug 18 13:56 |
schestowitz | Why just one? | Aug 18 13:56 |
DaemonFC | these PETA whackos really piss me off | Aug 18 13:56 |
schestowitz | And if we don't know for certain where the univ comes from, then why create another level of complexity? | Aug 18 13:56 |
schestowitz | Who created God? | Aug 18 13:56 |
schestowitz | If the question is unanswerable... | Aug 18 13:56 |
schestowitz | Why not save a step/ | Aug 18 13:56 |
*amarsh04__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 13:56 | |
schestowitz | And ask where the universe came from | Aug 18 13:56 |
schestowitz | Which may in itself be an unanswerable question (fingers crossed for LHC) | Aug 18 13:57 |
schestowitz | Does the universe have 7 days? | Aug 18 13:57 |
schestowitz | And if so, what are cycles defined by? | Aug 18 13:57 |
*DaemonFC is hoping it opens a black hole or really is the stargate to hell or something else that's really cool | Aug 18 13:57 | |
schestowitz | To us, time is derived from circulation of Earth | Aug 18 13:57 |
DaemonFC | I love conspiracy theorists | Aug 18 13:57 |
schestowitz | Divide by 24, then 60, and 60 again | Aug 18 13:57 |
schestowitz | In the universe there is no yardstick | Aug 18 13:58 |
schestowitz | It's expanding | Aug 18 13:58 |
schestowitz | There may be invisible dimensions | Aug 18 13:58 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: black holes are nothing too mysterious | Aug 18 13:58 |
schestowitz | They just suck in light | Aug 18 13:58 |
oiaohm | What if time and space are just a joke. | Aug 18 13:58 |
schestowitz | At 1 G we humans are OK | Aug 18 13:58 |
schestowitz | At 2 or 3 G we're tied to the ground | Aug 18 13:58 |
oiaohm | And everythign we can see out in space is just us at a different time. | Aug 18 13:59 |
schestowitz | At 1000G, trees flatted | Aug 18 13:59 |
schestowitz | and at some stage rocks will be crushed too | Aug 18 13:59 |
schestowitz | At over 100,000 or so even light gets trapped | Aug 18 13:59 |
schestowitz | So the question is then down to quanta-mechanics to answer questions like what happens to mass that got sucked in onto itself | Aug 18 13:59 |
DaemonFC | or we could be a type 13 planet and be reduced to the size of a pea by scientists trying to determine the mass of the Higgs-Boson particle | Aug 18 14:00 |
DaemonFC | (Lexx) | Aug 18 14:00 |
schestowitz | We as humans don't understand these things because we're simple 3-d creatives | Aug 18 14:00 |
oiaohm | 2 or 3 G depends on the human 5 G would be extreamally rare if someone is strong enough to lift 5 times there weight. | Aug 18 14:00 |
schestowitz | *creatures | Aug 18 14:00 |
schestowitz | oiaohm: not really | Aug 18 14:01 |
schestowitz | Lifting would be a stretch | Aug 18 14:01 |
schestowitz | You can hardly stand | Aug 18 14:01 |
schestowitz | It's like squatting twice your bodyweight | Aug 18 14:01 |
schestowitz | Yay. http://www.h-online.com/open/GIMP-to-go-L-GPL3--/news/114024 | Aug 18 14:01 |
schestowitz | Take that Linus | Aug 18 14:02 |
MinceR | :) | Aug 18 14:02 |
schestowitz | GNU powa http://www.thezimbabweindependent.com/index.php/local/23250-tsvangirai-army-in-deal-to-save-gnu | Aug 18 14:02 |
schestowitz | 'In 2008 and early 2009, Ameren paid Elmendorf Strategies $120,000 to lobby on "energy issues, global warming and greenhouse gas legislation, energy taxes."' http://www.prwatch.org/node/8490 | Aug 18 14:06 |
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-25-59.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 14:08 | |
*amarsh04__ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-218-153.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 14:13 | |
schestowitz | bbl | Aug 18 14:14 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) | Aug 18 14:24 | |
*amarsh04 (i=amarsh04@ppp150-101-64-134.as1.adl6.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 14:25 | |
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*Will_ (i=423b7e61@gateway/web/freenode/x-smcxcompaqtyrtdz) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 14:29 | |
*Will_ has quit (Client Quit) | Aug 18 14:29 | |
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MinceR | http://technologizer.com/2009/08/18/press-releases/5/ | Aug 18 14:37 |
MinceR | http://kep.index.hu/1/0/106/1065/10655/1065511_1c88f9579cd23a712038c68758c583d8_wm.jpg | Aug 18 14:40 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 14:43 | |
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*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-7-154.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 14:47 | |
oiaohm | schestowitz: when back backing at times I have carried over my body weight. So between 2G to 3G I can walk. | Aug 18 14:56 |
oiaohm | 5 for sure I would be screwed. I am not the strongest person. Its part method. schestowitz. | Aug 18 14:56 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 14:57 | |
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*amarsh04__ is now known as amarsh04 | Aug 18 14:58 | |
*Will_ (i=423b7e61@gateway/web/freenode/x-vmcfujgevymdnhdl) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 14:58 | |
Will_ | Here's a link for schestowitz: | Aug 18 14:58 |
Will_ | http://kotaku.com/5339555/report-xbox-360-failure-rate-over-50-percent | Aug 18 14:58 |
MinceR | well, 2g means carrying yourself normally + 1x your body weight, mounted in probably the most convenient way possible :) | Aug 18 14:58 |
Will_ | That link is from today, too. After 4 motherboard redesigns. | Aug 18 15:00 |
oiaohm | + 1x your body weight placing you feat stable is critical. | Aug 18 15:00 |
MinceR | now that's original MICROS~1 quality hardware. :> | Aug 18 15:01 |
Will_ | http://consumerist.com/5338852/xbox-360-failure-rate-is-542-percent-game-informer-finds | Aug 18 15:03 |
Will_ | What I don't get is why people keep buying them. If last 6 went RROD on you within a few months, why do you think your chances will be better on the next one? | Aug 18 15:04 |
Will_ | s/If last/If the last/ | Aug 18 15:05 |
Will_ | Not to mention that these days, unless the game was developed by a Microsoft-owned studio, "Exclusively for Xbox 360" translates to "Wait about a year and it will be on the PS3 in a Special Edition version with extra content." | Aug 18 15:07 |
MinceR | http://technologizer.com/2009/08/18/press-releases/7/ | Aug 18 15:12 |
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 15:14 | |
oiaohm | Will_: Basically 1 in about 7 xbox 360's appear to work so far. | Aug 18 15:27 |
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 15:31 | |
Will_ | And even if it works, it still has the chance of scratching the game discs, rendering them permanently unplayable. | Aug 18 15:33 |
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*Will_ has quit ("Page closed") | Aug 18 15:37 | |
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 15:40 | |
Omar87 | Hi | Aug 18 15:40 |
Omar87 | Is it true that Hotmail uses RedHat servers? | Aug 18 15:40 |
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-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz i think we should rename it "Microsoft Moonshine" | Aug 18 16:05 | |
cubezzz | zaurus is interesting but I can see why some folks didn't like it | Aug 18 16:16 |
cubezzz | great for linux geeks though | Aug 18 16:16 |
schestowitz | MinceR: I don't trust technologizer | Aug 18 16:43 |
schestowitz | XBox is improving | Aug 18 16:45 |
schestowitz | It was reportedly 66% | Aug 18 16:45 |
schestowitz | They even fired an employee who revealed it | Aug 18 16:45 |
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 16:46 | |
Omar87 | Is it true that Hotmail uses RedHat servers? | Aug 18 16:52 |
schestowitz | Nope | Aug 18 16:52 |
schestowitz | It might be behind Akamai, which I doubt | Aug 18 16:52 |
schestowitz | Akamai probbaly uses a customised Linux | Aug 18 16:52 |
schestowitz | They are patent aggressors leeching off Linux | Aug 18 16:53 |
cubezzz | wasn't zune also a lemon? | Aug 18 16:53 |
cubezzz | when does microsoft ever make anything decent | Aug 18 16:53 |
schestowitz | Yes | Aug 18 16:55 |
schestowitz | Let me show you s/t | Aug 18 16:55 |
schestowitz | New: http://www.greenercomputing.com/news/2009/08/07/developing-nations-may-reuse-more-electronics-thought | Aug 18 16:56 |
schestowitz | Oops. | Aug 18 16:56 |
schestowitz | http://www.roughlydrafted.com/2009/08/18/letters-from-microsoft-an-employee-tosses-his-zune/ | Aug 18 16:57 |
neighborlee | hmm | Aug 18 16:57 |
schestowitz | Dual monitors in Gentoo http://www.viren.ca/blog/2009/08/dual-monitors-in-gentoo/ | Aug 18 16:58 |
schestowitz | Torture | Aug 18 16:58 |
neighborlee | my friend has a zune, not sure its by choice, as much as only thing at the time she could get | Aug 18 16:58 |
neighborlee | lol | Aug 18 16:58 |
schestowitz | I haven't had to edit x.org files in ages | Aug 18 16:58 |
neighborlee | ditto | Aug 18 16:58 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: they should put a warning on it | Aug 18 16:58 |
neighborlee | cant say I miss it | Aug 18 16:58 |
schestowitz | Soemthing like "may contain squirting" (that what Microsoft call it) | Aug 18 16:58 |
neighborlee | sounds weird ;) | Aug 18 16:59 |
neighborlee | really weird | Aug 18 16:59 |
schestowitz | In 2003 I spent over 3 hours (or more!) writing a good xorg file for me (dual head in SuSE) | Aug 18 16:59 |
neighborlee | CNET-style gushing review of the me-too player < lol | Aug 18 17:01 |
schestowitz | Jeremy Zawodny still writes for Linux Mag: http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7473/1.html | Aug 18 17:01 |
MinceR | well, m$ succeeded at | Aug 18 17:01 |
schestowitz | CNET goes both ways | Aug 18 17:01 |
schestowitz | Apple and Microsoft | Aug 18 17:01 |
MinceR | crApple made a crap PMP, then m$ made a crap PMP | Aug 18 17:01 |
schestowitz | Both pay it a lot, but Paul Allen was the big VC back in the days | Aug 18 17:01 |
MinceR | Mission "Me Too" Accomplished. | Aug 18 17:02 |
*Xarver (n=quassel@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 17:02 | |
schestowitz | mPhone | Aug 18 17:02 |
MinceR | don't get me started on winblows mobile. | Aug 18 17:02 |
schestowitz | You praise it | Aug 18 17:02 |
Xarver | :P | Aug 18 17:02 |
*schestowitz spits | Aug 18 17:02 | |
MinceR | not anymore | Aug 18 17:02 |
schestowitz | :-p | Aug 18 17:02 |
schestowitz | Why? | Aug 18 17:03 |
schestowitz | No good clockign anymore? | Aug 18 17:03 |
MinceR | there were some fundamental ideas they got right that their competition didn't | Aug 18 17:03 |
Xarver | It's windows :P | Aug 18 17:03 |
MinceR | but the execution sucks a lot | Aug 18 17:03 |
schestowitz | Alarm clocks... heh. I;'ve had the same one for 8 years | Aug 18 17:03 |
schestowitz | Clock-Radio from TEC | Aug 18 17:03 |
MinceR | sure, you can multitask and run your own stuff on it | Aug 18 17:03 |
Xarver | >.> | Aug 18 17:03 |
Xarver | I use my phone as an alarm clock | Aug 18 17:03 |
MinceR | but it's useless if the PIM functionality fails | Aug 18 17:03 |
schestowitz | I have another that my grandma bought me 12 years ago. Still works... quite sophisticated without stupid phone around it that needs recharging | Aug 18 17:04 |
MinceR | Xarver: i try to, too. nowadays i set two alarms (the built-in and StopTime) and at least one works | Aug 18 17:04 |
MinceR | i had to remove GAlarm though | Aug 18 17:04 |
Xarver | who's the owner of boycottnovell. ( schestowitz?) | Aug 18 17:04 |
schestowitz | People use their phone and not PCs | Aug 18 17:04 |
schestowitz | You otherwise need to tell the boss you're late cause you woke up to a BSoD | Aug 18 17:04 |
schestowitz | Xarver: do whois | Aug 18 17:04 |
MinceR | it's slow and unreliable as a phone, its timekeeping sucks, the alarm is unreliable, the tethering is unreliable | Aug 18 17:05 |
MinceR | boots take forever | Aug 18 17:05 |
Xarver | nothing :P | Aug 18 17:05 |
MinceR | and about half the time most Today Screen applets don't appear | Aug 18 17:05 |
schestowitz | My Tungsten turns 5 in Oct. | Aug 18 17:07 |
schestowitz | I remember this cause it's the same time I spent too much time on it rather than my g/f | Aug 18 17:08 |
schestowitz | I left her a month later (not cause of the Palm though :-p ) | Aug 18 17:08 |
MinceR | my tungsten e2 died 13 months after purchase | Aug 18 17:09 |
schestowitz | omg!ubuntu http://d0od.blogspot.com/2009/08/gnome-weather-docklet-widget.html | Aug 18 17:09 |
MinceR | and before that, i could experience the colossal failure that is palm os 5 | Aug 18 17:09 |
schestowitz | They advocate the only worthy app that's Mono encumbered | Aug 18 17:09 |
MinceR | where memory management means "Oops, you've run out of memory. Click here to reset." | Aug 18 17:09 |
MinceR | schestowitz: gnome-do? :> | Aug 18 17:09 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: it has been quiet on the Mono front for a while | Aug 18 17:10 |
schestowitz | It's good that way | Aug 18 17:10 |
schestowitz | MinceR: I know you use it | Aug 18 17:10 |
neighborlee | lol | Aug 18 17:10 |
MinceR | not at the moment | Aug 18 17:10 |
MinceR | debian failed to install the plugins | Aug 18 17:10 |
schestowitz | We now know the new turf anyway, and they get no publicity | Aug 18 17:10 |
neighborlee | I meant to ask ,,anymore on the news about this new MS 'promise' thing .. | Aug 18 17:10 |
MinceR | or rather, the official gnome-do package looks for the plugins in one place and the official plugins package puts them in another | Aug 18 17:10 |
schestowitz | New turf = patent trap, FSF disapproves, Fedora cleans up, gnote replaces tomboy.. | Aug 18 17:10 |
MinceR | not what i expected after all the debian praise i've heard. | Aug 18 17:11 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: no news. And that's good news. | Aug 18 17:11 |
neighborlee | schestowitz, nice,and thx for info | Aug 18 17:11 |
neighborlee | schestowitz, yeah..rms weighting in REALLY helped | Aug 18 17:11 |
schestowitz | Microsoft, in general, will not do anything further, despite the FSF asking them to | Aug 18 17:11 |
neighborlee | weighing | Aug 18 17:11 |
neighborlee | o_0 | Aug 18 17:11 |
schestowitz | The FSF asked them to expand the promise as suitable | Aug 18 17:11 |
schestowitz | Microsoft stayed mum | Aug 18 17:11 |
neighborlee | hm | Aug 18 17:11 |
schestowitz | Conpiracion [sic] of silence | Aug 18 17:12 |
MinceR | i can't really tell which of palm os 5 and winmo 5 sucks harder | Aug 18 17:12 |
schestowitz | fspot killah: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/digikam.html | Aug 18 17:13 |
schestowitz | (new BTW) | Aug 18 17:13 |
neighborlee | I hear digikam referred to aLOT yes re fspot | Aug 18 17:13 |
Xarver | palm os is linux based ;) | Aug 18 17:13 |
schestowitz | MinceR: at least palm works | Aug 18 17:13 |
MinceR | digiKam isn't that new afaik :> | Aug 18 17:13 |
schestowitz | And I can use it on lInux with jpilot | Aug 18 17:13 |
MinceR | Xarver: nope. ALP is linux-based. | Aug 18 17:13 |
Xarver | DX | Aug 18 17:13 |
MinceR | schestowitz: i wouldn't go that far. | Aug 18 17:13 |
schestowitz | Does WinMob connect well by now? | Aug 18 17:13 |
MinceR | not really | Aug 18 17:13 |
schestowitz | IIRC Ubuntu could do some and Mandriva (Adam) worked on it | Aug 18 17:13 |
schestowitz | But I didn't know if they use Evolution to integrate | Aug 18 17:14 |
schestowitz | gpilot sucked | Aug 18 17:14 |
schestowitz | I had to just edit memos with a TEXT EDITOR | Aug 18 17:14 |
MinceR | Xarver: palm os 5 is based on some crappy proprietary kernel palmsource licensed from someone else | Aug 18 17:14 |
Xarver | :( | Aug 18 17:14 |
MinceR | Xarver: and they haven't licensed it for multitasking | Aug 18 17:14 |
schestowitz | KPilot was better, but I can't make it work on here | Aug 18 17:14 |
MinceR | so the kernel could do multitasking, but your apps can't. | Aug 18 17:14 |
Xarver | Wow.... | Aug 18 17:14 |
schestowitz | With KPilot it worked in Kalendar | Aug 18 17:14 |
schestowitz | And I could export as ical | Aug 18 17:14 |
MinceR | palm os 5 was what made me try winmo 5. | Aug 18 17:15 |
schestowitz | MinceR: it does pseudo-multirasking | Aug 18 17:15 |
schestowitz | Saving states | Aug 18 17:15 |
schestowitz | And playing audio in bg | Aug 18 17:15 |
MinceR | schestowitz: which is useless crap. | Aug 18 17:15 |
MinceR | and playing audio is interrupt-handler hack. | Aug 18 17:15 |
schestowitz | I know, BUT.. | Aug 18 17:15 |
schestowitz | THis is mobile | Aug 18 17:15 |
schestowitz | THe notion of multitasking on small device is silly | Aug 18 17:15 |
MinceR | not something that's acceptable from an OS someone is trying to sell in the 3rd millennium. | Aug 18 17:15 |
schestowitz | Not much space to do stuff that's complex anyway | Aug 18 17:15 |
MinceR | no, it isn't silly at all | Aug 18 17:15 |
schestowitz | No peripheral, either | Aug 18 17:16 |
MinceR | try viewing a pdf in one app and taking notes in another | Aug 18 17:16 |
schestowitz | I can stil copy and paste and move between apps quickly | Aug 18 17:16 |
MinceR | in palm os 5, that's a colossal wait-fest. | Aug 18 17:16 |
schestowitz | MinceR: why? | Aug 18 17:16 |
MinceR | symbian os and winmo both do multitasking | Aug 18 17:16 |
schestowitz | Do you take notes on PDFs? | Aug 18 17:16 |
schestowitz | I just used them to read lecture notes | Aug 18 17:16 |
schestowitz | In 2002/3 | Aug 18 17:16 |
MinceR | schestowitz: because they'll restore their state -- the pdf viewer will render the page again | Aug 18 17:16 |
schestowitz | On my Palm M130 | Aug 18 17:16 |
MinceR | each time you "switch" to it | Aug 18 17:16 |
MinceR | and that can take minutes | Aug 18 17:17 |
schestowitz | MinceR: why take notes | Aug 18 17:17 |
schestowitz | It's a PDA | Aug 18 17:17 |
MinceR | because i was on a lecture? | Aug 18 17:17 |
schestowitz | Wanna get work done? Get a real PC. | Aug 18 17:17 |
MinceR | because PDAs are for taking notes? | Aug 18 17:17 |
MinceR | well, eventually i did get a real pc | Aug 18 17:17 |
schestowitz | MinceR: but a second PDA! :-) | Aug 18 17:17 |
schestowitz | *Buy | Aug 18 17:17 |
MinceR | but getting a real pda/phone solved the situation too | Aug 18 17:17 |
MinceR | i have a better idea | Aug 18 17:17 |
MinceR | don't buy palm os 5 | Aug 18 17:17 |
Xarver | XD | Aug 18 17:18 |
schestowitz | One for PDFs and one for notes | Aug 18 17:18 |
MinceR | btw, that pda had hardware that was more powerful than my first pc | Aug 18 17:18 |
MinceR | and my first pc did multitasking too. | Aug 18 17:18 |
schestowitz | Like VIsta 7 and XP | Aug 18 17:18 |
schestowitz | It's great, isn't it? | Aug 18 17:18 |
schestowitz | It runs not 1 OS, but TWO.... which are, well.... both Windows | Aug 18 17:18 |
schestowitz | I hear Fedora 12 will Run Fedora 9 too ... and Linux 2.4 | Aug 18 17:19 |
*yuhong (n=chatzill@pool-173-64-154-25.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 17:21 | |
yuhong | Well, personally I run a dual-boot with Vista and Ubuntu and don't plan on upgrading to 7 anytime soon. | Aug 18 17:21 |
schestowitz | Are computers addictive? http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/locutus/are-computers-addictive-33507 | Aug 18 17:22 |
schestowitz | yuhong: yeah, Ubuntu 7 is old | Aug 18 17:22 |
schestowitz | Wait until 10 | Aug 18 17:22 |
yuhong | I am talking about Windows 7, not Ubuntu. | Aug 18 17:23 |
schestowitz | Nice boot screen. "Improving pxe boot menus" http://blog.linuxbox.co.nz/2009/08/improving-pxe-boot-menus.html | Aug 18 17:23 |
schestowitz | yuhong: I know. It's a joke. Laugh :-) | Aug 18 17:23 |
yuhong | But personally with Ubuntu I am looking forward to the 9.10 release. | Aug 18 17:24 |
Xarver | I'm looking forward to Mandriva 2010 | Aug 18 17:24 |
schestowitz | Yeah, 2010 has 4.3 | Aug 18 17:24 |
schestowitz | I'm still on 2008, which is supported | Aug 18 17:25 |
schestowitz | Receiving patches and all | Aug 18 17:25 |
schestowitz | jono will be happy to know that I have Ubuntu on all of my 3 PCs | Aug 18 17:25 |
Xarver | that's right, you're too lazy to upgrade :D | Aug 18 17:25 |
schestowitz | Actually, one has Kubuntu, not Ubuntu | Aug 18 17:26 |
schestowitz | Xarver: well, it works. Why change? | Aug 18 17:26 |
Xarver | More updated things :) | Aug 18 17:26 |
Xarver | :3 | Aug 18 17:26 |
schestowitz | We need to support these guys. http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/238/why-adbard-is-not-getting-enough-support-from-free-software-websites | Aug 18 17:26 |
Xarver | And I upgraded KDE4.2 to KDE4.3 on this :) | Aug 18 17:26 |
schestowitz | Not safe | Aug 18 17:26 |
schestowitz | Better to stick with what's prepackaged | Aug 18 17:27 |
neighborlee | #kde recommended 4.3 to me so maybe not | Aug 18 17:27 |
Xarver | Meh it works for me and it's already done >.> | Aug 18 17:27 |
schestowitz | ANd probably a clean install when moving from kde3 to kde4, based on what Lehrbaum DeviceGuru wrote | Aug 18 17:27 |
Xarver | KDE4.3 fixes THOUSANDS of bugs :) | Aug 18 17:27 |
neighborlee | and if my expereince with 4.2.2 in fedora is any proof...he's right. | Aug 18 17:27 |
schestowitz | He left KDE after a long time with it | Aug 18 17:27 |
schestowitz | Same with SJVN and Linus | Aug 18 17:27 |
schestowitz | KDE people need to covert them back | Aug 18 17:28 |
neighborlee | what is linus using now LOL | Aug 18 17:28 |
schestowitz | GNOME | Aug 18 17:28 |
Xarver | KDE | Aug 18 17:28 |
Xarver | :P | Aug 18 17:28 |
Xarver | It's personal preference | Aug 18 17:28 |
neighborlee | schestowitz, oh brother | Aug 18 17:28 |
schestowitz | knuth just uses fvwm or somehting | Aug 18 17:28 |
Xarver | KDE is for the looks :3 | Aug 18 17:29 |
neighborlee | schestowitz, if true it would seem linus can't make up his mind... | Aug 18 17:29 |
neighborlee | heh | Aug 18 17:29 |
schestowitz | Yeah, old news though | Aug 18 17:29 |
neighborlee | :) | Aug 18 17:29 |
Xarver | KDE rox | Aug 18 17:29 |
schestowitz | Look up the historical importance of it | Aug 18 17:29 |
Xarver | :P | Aug 18 17:29 |
neighborlee | well I dont like gnome menu layout..I prefer ONE menu ;)( | Aug 18 17:29 |
neighborlee | 3 is overkilll to me | Aug 18 17:29 |
schestowitz | Auto-hide | Aug 18 17:29 |
schestowitz | It's GNU | Aug 18 17:30 |
neighborlee | dont like that feature | Aug 18 17:30 |
schestowitz | You control everything | Aug 18 17:30 |
neighborlee | thankfiulll yes | Aug 18 17:30 |
schestowitz | Or move to something like icevm and blackbox or fluxbox | Aug 18 17:30 |
neighborlee | thankfully | Aug 18 17:30 |
schestowitz | *wm | Aug 18 17:30 |
neighborlee | cant stand any of those wm's | Aug 18 17:30 |
yuhong | BTW, Vista was preloaded at the factory, with a recovery disc shipped with the system. | Aug 18 17:30 |
Xarver | I don't like auto-hide anyway | Aug 18 17:30 |
neighborlee | well I do kidna like fluxbox... | Aug 18 17:30 |
neighborlee | the othres just seem so 50's | Aug 18 17:30 |
neighborlee | ....others | Aug 18 17:30 |
schestowitz | It's about applications | Aug 18 17:30 |
MinceR | you can make gnome use 1 menu | Aug 18 17:30 |
yuhong | I was able to resize the Vista partition and make room for a Linux partition, which is 10 GB BTW. | Aug 18 17:31 |
*MinceR switched DE-s and WM-s all the time | Aug 18 17:31 | |
Xarver | the only thing I don't like about KDE4 is how the desktop 2 shows desktop 1 windows in the task manager | Aug 18 17:31 |
schestowitz | Flip-floppa! | Aug 18 17:31 |
yuhong | That preload had Vista RTM, with Vista SP1 installed later. | Aug 18 17:32 |
neighborlee | schestowitz, has linus ever weighed in on mono ? | Aug 18 17:32 |
MinceR | (the gnome panel has 2 menu applets, one of them is that 3-menu thing, the other is a normal-looking button with one menu containing everything popping up if you click) | Aug 18 17:32 |
Xarver | MONO DIE | Aug 18 17:32 |
MinceR | STEREO DICE | Aug 18 17:32 |
Xarver | :P | Aug 18 17:32 |
schestowitz | Exploring Ubuntu Recovery Mode http://unixlab.blogspot.com/2009/08/exploring-ubuntu-recovery-mode.html | Aug 18 17:32 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: he probably knows too little about it | Aug 18 17:33 |
neighborlee | yeah | Aug 18 17:33 |
MinceR | i think the DE/WM i've used the most so far is KDE | Aug 18 17:33 |
MinceR | (within that, kde3) | Aug 18 17:33 |
schestowitz | Seven things Windows 7 can learn from Linux http://www.techworld.com.au/node/315257 | Aug 18 17:34 |
schestowitz | MinceR: use kde[4.]3 | Aug 18 17:34 |
schestowitz | It's the same as kde3 | Aug 18 17:34 |
MinceR | i'll give it a try later | Aug 18 17:34 |
schestowitz | with a 4 stuck in the middlke | Aug 18 17:34 |
schestowitz | Vista 7 is like Vista with "Mojave" replaced by a digit | Aug 18 17:35 |
schestowitz | UbuntuOne: Sync Or Sink? http://www.nillabyte.com/blog.php?b=193 | Aug 18 17:36 |
schestowitz | http://www.h-online.com/open/GPL-possibly-violated-by-satellite-receivers--/news/114022 | Aug 18 17:36 |
yuhong | I don't think so. But yes, I still do remember Windows "Mojave". | Aug 18 17:36 |
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]") | Aug 18 17:39 | |
schestowitz | If only it existed | Aug 18 17:40 |
schestowitz | It was GREAT proof that perception means a lot, so people can be persuaded that VIsta 7 is radically different from VIsta, which it ain't | Aug 18 17:40 |
schestowitz | You printer doesn't work in VIsta? Well, it won't work in VIsta 7, either | Aug 18 17:41 |
schestowitz | This is silly when they pressure kids: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/tayside_and_central/8206984.stm ( Students battle for Bafta award) | Aug 18 17:49 |
schestowitz | Blackberry 'fastest-growing firm' < http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8206906.stm > Still going... unlike iPhone they have some substance too | Aug 18 17:49 |
schestowitz | Nice!! Using multiple window managers with nested Xserver < http://unixlab.blogspot.com/2009/08/using-multiple-widow-managers-with.html > | Aug 18 17:52 |
schestowitz | http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1529419/adult-gamers-run-fat | Aug 18 17:56 |
MinceR | getting older? oh no! i must stop gaming immediately! | Aug 18 17:58 |
MinceR | i didn't know aging was so easy to stop. | Aug 18 17:59 |
schestowitz | Most gamers fat and miserable, finds study < http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2009/08/18/cdc_gaming_report/ > | Aug 18 18:00 |
schestowitz | Study might prove opposite thing | Aug 18 18:00 |
schestowitz | Gaming does not make one fat | Aug 18 18:00 |
schestowitz | .It could | Aug 18 18:01 |
schestowitz | But it's the other way around sometimes | Aug 18 18:01 |
schestowitz | Same with other so-called studie | Aug 18 18:01 |
schestowitz | Make a nice headline for a paper and then look for something to substantiate it in the paper's body | Aug 18 18:01 |
schestowitz | Here we have AstraZenaca funding post-docs | Aug 18 18:01 |
schestowitz | Idea is for AstraZeneca to want to prove something and then hire someone to just do it.. like analysts | Aug 18 18:02 |
schestowitz | Not exactly honest | Aug 18 18:02 |
schestowitz | That's what happens when even academic research is run by corporate funds | Aug 18 18:02 |
schestowitz | VERY serious issue these days | Aug 18 18:02 |
schestowitz | Turning professors to the shill-task mentality circle | Aug 18 18:03 |
schestowitz | Zombie plague analysed by Canadian maths prof < http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/08/18/zombie_plague_paper/ > No, not Windows zombies, just zombies. | Aug 18 18:05 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Dawkins' website forum hacked to send spam < http://ping.fm/4PynZ > I hope it at least does not promote superstition. | Aug 18 18:05 | |
neighborlee | schestowitz, linus does say he will retry kde..he switched due to inpart a broken 'mouse' :))EEKEEK lol | Aug 18 18:07 |
MinceR | url? | Aug 18 18:07 |
neighborlee | http://www.networkworld.com/news/2009/012209-open-source-identity-linux-founder.html?page=6 < right there | Aug 18 18:07 |
neighborlee | " I'll revisit it when I reinstall the next machine which tends to be every six to eight months. " | Aug 18 18:08 |
neighborlee | door not closed. | Aug 18 18:08 |
MinceR | and where does he say the broken mouse thing? | Aug 18 18:09 |
schestowitz | Dell denies dPhone debut < http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2009/08/18/dell_phone_concept_only/ > | Aug 18 18:11 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: REALLY? | Aug 18 18:11 |
schestowitz | url? | Aug 18 18:11 |
neighborlee | ^^ | Aug 18 18:11 |
schestowitz | Oops | Aug 18 18:11 |
schestowitz | beat me to it | Aug 18 18:11 |
neighborlee | heh | Aug 18 18:11 |
schestowitz | Hehe. | Aug 18 18:11 |
neighborlee | lol | Aug 18 18:11 |
schestowitz | I hate when it happens | Aug 18 18:12 |
schestowitz | EMbarrassing | Aug 18 18:12 |
schestowitz | MinceR: +1 | Aug 18 18:12 |
schestowitz | Where is the mouse story coming from? | Aug 18 18:12 |
schestowitz | Linux made a GNOME patch after the whole "GUI nazis" incident | Aug 18 18:12 |
neighborlee | right mouse button issue < | Aug 18 18:13 |
schestowitz | Linus buys from Apple *Weeps* | Aug 18 18:13 |
neighborlee | well and kde4 not working as he expected in fedora..shrug>> | Aug 18 18:13 |
neighborlee | ha ;)) | Aug 18 18:13 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: we can all chip in and buy Linus a new mouse | Aug 18 18:13 |
neighborlee | mabye he was using a puck mouse ?? | Aug 18 18:13 |
neighborlee | LOL | Aug 18 18:13 |
schestowitz | Heck, I can give him my secondary one if it puts him on KDE4 | Aug 18 18:13 |
schestowitz | I always keep separate kb and mouse around for backup. I also have a secondary PC or two | Aug 18 18:14 |
neighborlee | :) | Aug 18 18:14 |
jono | schestowitz, glad you run Ubuntu :) | Aug 18 18:14 |
schestowitz | And two Internet connections, so I never miss any IRC interaction | Aug 18 18:14 |
schestowitz | jono: it saved me from SUSE | Aug 18 18:14 |
neighborlee | well im not..but hey you gotta get the bro his right to choose <wink> | Aug 18 18:14 |
schestowitz | But I also used 4.10 at work | Aug 18 18:15 |
jono | schestowitz, heh | Aug 18 18:15 |
schestowitz | MCC | Aug 18 18:15 |
schestowitz | Do you know Owen? | Aug 18 18:15 |
neighborlee | yeah I miss mandriva/ake LOL | Aug 18 18:15 |
neighborlee | but I wont touch their stance on mono with a 9000ft poll | Aug 18 18:15 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: it would be heavy | Aug 18 18:16 |
neighborlee | to me mcc is superior on all levels to anything ubuntu has | Aug 18 18:16 |
neighborlee | hehe indeed ;)) | Aug 18 18:16 |
schestowitz | [the 9000ft poll] | Aug 18 18:16 |
neighborlee | yup :)rofl | Aug 18 18:16 |
neighborlee | space age materials! ;) | Aug 18 18:16 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: MCC has not been maintained for over 12 years | Aug 18 18:16 |
schestowitz | *17 even | Aug 18 18:16 |
neighborlee | yes sadly they have lost much ground... | Aug 18 18:17 |
neighborlee | firing founder was PROB n ot smart. | Aug 18 18:17 |
schestowitz | I fixed the entry in Wikipedia on it back in the days | Aug 18 18:17 |
neighborlee | maybe fincially necesssary I dont recall..but smart I dunno | Aug 18 18:17 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: yeah, Gael and I still correspond sometimes. No word from his new distro in ages. | Aug 18 18:17 |
neighborlee | and their releases not stellar | Aug 18 18:17 |
neighborlee | yup ive noticed that | Aug 18 18:17 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Hackers exploiting weak job market http://ping.fm/avIB2 | Aug 18 18:17 | |
schestowitz | Ulteo has become some kind of Windows addon in a way, to distinguish itself | Aug 18 18:17 |
schestowitz | It used to be Ubuntu-based | Aug 18 18:18 |
neighborlee | eek | Aug 18 18:18 |
neighborlee | hm | Aug 18 18:18 |
schestowitz | Maybe it is Kubuntu-based now, I have't kept track | Aug 18 18:18 |
schestowitz | * ' based' (no dash) | Aug 18 18:18 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: MCC was the first distro | Aug 18 18:19 |
schestowitz | Created by him: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/owen-le-blanc/5/94b/b92 | Aug 18 18:19 |
neighborlee | when I said mcc I meant mandriva control center | Aug 18 18:20 |
neighborlee | not sure if its just becuase im used to windows slick way of doing it,,or just that I LIke things in ONE place efficiently organed..or both ;) | Aug 18 18:21 |
schestowitz | For those who actually see ads: Google Tweaks AdSense Fonts for Better Performance < http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2009/08/18/google-tweaks-adsense-fonts-for-better-performance > | Aug 18 18:21 |
neighborlee | and no I dont like gnome's conrtrol center<gcc> | Aug 18 18:21 |
schestowitz | neighborlee: mcc also means something in matlab (the compiler) | Aug 18 18:21 |
neighborlee | hm | Aug 18 18:21 |
schestowitz | gnome's control centre was changed at Novell | Aug 18 18:22 |
schestowitz | The layout | Aug 18 18:22 |
schestowitz | I haven't paid much attention to KDE, but they made it hierarchical in later versions of 3.x | Aug 18 18:22 |
schestowitz | Or maybe it was a SUSE thing | Aug 18 18:22 |
schestowitz | Novell changed the SuSE thing | Aug 18 18:22 |
schestowitz | YaST was amazing.. maybe still is, but they are more GNOME-oriented in business (SLE*) | Aug 18 18:23 |
schestowitz | trmanco: http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2009/08/18/street-view-adds-images-from-switzerland-taiwan-portugal | Aug 18 18:24 |
neighborlee | yes I think its a suse thing | Aug 18 18:24 |
neighborlee | ive not used suse in ages..though I did really like their installer, felt it was amount THE best | Aug 18 18:24 |
neighborlee | the rest of the OS,,not so much. | Aug 18 18:25 |
neighborlee | I never felt it was reliable | Aug 18 18:25 |
schestowitz | MinceR: Asay no longer promotes FOSS. Just Macs, SAAS (Fog) and COre, which is hybrid under a new name (mixed source): http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-10311819-16.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=TheOpenRoad | Aug 18 18:26 |
schestowitz | SUSE is release quite often | Aug 18 18:27 |
schestowitz | Red Hat is good for desktops if it's just some business task | Aug 18 18:27 |
schestowitz | Also long-term support | Aug 18 18:27 |
schestowitz | Russian departments tested it | Aug 18 18:27 |
neighborlee | schestowitz, curious if you've had any issues at all with pulseaudio or if its just a few of us unlucky saps ? ;)) | Aug 18 18:30 |
schestowitz | Rarely | Aug 18 18:31 |
schestowitz | If an app crashes badly (hangs, which Amarok might once ina few weeks when handling bad files), then killing it can affect arts and the sound server | Aug 18 18:31 |
schestowitz | Like a device not closing | Aug 18 18:31 |
schestowitz | Windows 98 had this issue too | Aug 18 18:32 |
schestowitz | Facebook Faces Civil Lawsuit for Privacy Violations < http://www.itbusinessedge.com/cm/blogs/bentley/facebook-faces-civil-lawsuit-for-privacy-violations/?cs=35006 > | Aug 18 18:32 |
neighborlee | Ihad horrible issues with it in fedora..id try to play a sound and the audio slider would go way down and I couldn't hear the sample being played very well at all...friends I know who use ubuntu get rid of it | Aug 18 18:33 |
neighborlee | so I was curious | Aug 18 18:33 |
neighborlee | I mean rid of pulse | Aug 18 18:33 |
neighborlee | but im willing to see it could just be fedoras use of pulse I dont know | Aug 18 18:33 |
schestowitz | Which version? | Aug 18 18:34 |
neighborlee | OR my audio chip | Aug 18 18:34 |
neighborlee | no clue | Aug 18 18:34 |
neighborlee | ive since had to reinstall | Aug 18 18:34 |
neighborlee | oh wait | Aug 18 18:34 |
neighborlee | fedora 11 64bit | Aug 18 18:34 |
schestowitz | AICPA Appeals for Break From Red Flag Rules < http://www.complianceweek.com/blog/whitehouse/2009/08/12/aicpa-appeals-for-break-from-red-flag-rules/ > | Aug 18 18:34 |
schestowitz | I rarely use Fedora, so I don't know. I never used it after F10 | Aug 18 18:35 |
neighborlee | " You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that if Mono did not exist then there would still be plenty of open source programmes. " < that seems often missing from debates,,well go figure :) | Aug 18 18:37 |
neighborlee | from our canadianl inux friend ;) | Aug 18 18:37 |
neighborlee | canadian | Aug 18 18:37 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Fry responds to the smears against microblogging: http://ping.fm/HXBrH (Pointless babble) | Aug 18 18:42 | |
schestowitz | Tr.im to Become Open Source; Has a Lot to Say About Everyone < http://erictric.com/?p=4025 > | Aug 18 18:52 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] i'm sure there's something to be said here about "can" versus "should" http://is.gd/2n4Dn | Aug 18 18:52 | |
trmanco | heh | Aug 18 18:53 |
trmanco | schestowitz, thats neat | Aug 18 18:53 |
trmanco | btw, have you tried Swiftweasel? | Aug 18 18:54 |
trmanco | it's better then firefox | Aug 18 18:54 |
trmanco | it has level 3 optimization and it's also pgo optimized | Aug 18 18:54 |
schestowitz | Dell seems to deny this one: http://blogs.computerworld.com/14566/dell_developing_first_mini_3i_phone_for_china?source=rss_blogs | Aug 18 18:54 |
schestowitz | Swiftweasel has a shady past | Aug 18 18:55 |
schestowitz | Google it | Aug 18 18:55 |
*Lns (n=lns@pdpc/supporter/professional/lns) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 18:55 | |
schestowitz | Open Source: the Ultimate Insurance Policy http://www.computerworlduk.com/community/blogs/index.cfm?entryid=2449&blogid=14 | Aug 18 18:55 |
schestowitz | "Nambu was quite prepared just to shut down tr.im; it only chose open source when it recognised that there was a responsibility to its users to provide some continuity, and that open source was a perfect fit. It enables the software to continue to develop, but only as long as there is interest in doing so. If and when the software truly dies, so will the open source project." | Aug 18 18:56 |
*Diablo-D3 (n=diablo@pool-64-222-234-120.port.east.myfairpoint.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 18:57 | |
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 18:57 | |
schestowitz | Open Source Software Growing Faster Than Expected: IDC < http://www.itjungle.com/fhs/fhs081809-story09.html > IBM probably pays for this, maybe Novell | Aug 18 18:57 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] is it just me, or does the list of startup names on http://is.gd/2n52r look like a comedy take on web 2.0? | Aug 18 18:58 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] #lazyweb need a GNOME temperature app, like ktemperature - just DISPLAY the TEMPERATURE in the SYSTRAY | Aug 18 19:00 | |
*tacone has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Aug 18 19:09 | |
*_goblin (n=goblin@94-193-188-104.zone7.bethere.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 19:13 | |
_goblin | hello all | Aug 18 19:15 |
_goblin | nick _Goblin | Aug 18 19:15 |
*_goblin is now known as _Goblin | Aug 18 19:15 | |
schestowitz | Ha! | Aug 18 19:20 |
schestowitz | So you real name is nick | Aug 18 19:20 |
schestowitz | Missing slash exposed you, nick!! | Aug 18 19:20 |
_Goblin | :) | Aug 18 19:22 |
_Goblin | Nick Cotton actually | Aug 18 19:22 |
_Goblin | Mums name is Dorothy..... | Aug 18 19:22 |
_Goblin | Sort of good timing....Eastenders has just started..... | Aug 18 19:22 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Vista 7 Has A LOT to Learn from GNU/Linux http://ping.fm/Wn6mf | Aug 18 19:24 | |
_Goblin | Schestowitz: Re: your latest article, Ive had similar referals....when Ive noticed them (or can be bothered) Ive highlighted them on the relevant post. | Aug 18 19:26 |
schestowitz | _Goblin: it's still going? *sigh* How many years already? Or decades? | Aug 18 19:27 |
schestowitz | _Goblin: there's part 2 coming :-) | Aug 18 19:27 |
schestowitz | Next part will show where the money comes from | Aug 18 19:27 |
_Goblin | thats one of the reasons Im extra careful about what I allege. | Aug 18 19:27 |
_Goblin | golden rule (as I'm sure you will know).....always use "allegedly" and "in my opinion" and you are untouchable. | Aug 18 19:28 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Union Pacific Railroad Moves to GNU/Linux Servers http://ping.fm/j61iD | Aug 18 19:28 | |
*amarsh04__ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-199-190.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 19:30 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Illustration of the Power and Flexibility of Xserver http://ping.fm/a2rfS | Aug 18 19:30 | |
schestowitz | _Goblin: no need when there is press coverage | Aug 18 19:31 |
schestowitz | If the press is not correct, the trolls should complain to them | Aug 18 19:31 |
*schestowitz gets tea | Aug 18 19:33 | |
_Goblin | true...although I like the "allegedly" route since if the source turns out to be false then I havent suggested it as fact.... | Aug 18 19:33 |
schestowitz | _Goblin: trolls tell lies about me allthe time. Trying to set them straight is a waste of time | Aug 18 19:33 |
_Goblin | it annoys me though when I see the lies they post about you. | Aug 18 19:34 |
_Goblin | There is no truth in what is said about you by Wintrolls. | Aug 18 19:34 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] KMS Page-Flipping Comes to 2.6.32 http://ping.fm/dU32r | Aug 18 19:34 | |
*magentar (n=magentar@ip-94-79-137-101.unitymediagroup.de) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 19:35 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] KMS Page-Flipping Comes to 2.6.32 http://ping.fm/MCgmd | Aug 18 19:35 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] digiKam Works Great and KMyMoney 1.0 is Koming! http://ping.fm/S1GQQ http://ping.fm/p9lMq | Aug 18 19:36 | |
schestowitz | _Goblin: there are some truths sometimes | Aug 18 19:37 |
schestowitz | They mix and match | Aug 18 19:37 |
schestowitz | The secret is for them to make some statements to gain trust and then slip in lies deliberately | Aug 18 19:37 |
schestowitz | Like saying that I use sockpuppets (I never did) | Aug 18 19:37 |
schestowitz | Or the whole gay|transsexual big lie | Aug 18 19:38 |
schestowitz | There are many other examples | Aug 18 19:38 |
schestowitz | Then comes along a Microsoft TE like Wong and cites them | Aug 18 19:38 |
schestowitz | "Look! Look what 'Linux people' say about Roy" he explains, pointing to Linsux, flatfish and other anti-Linux scum | Aug 18 19:39 |
schestowitz | That's why Microsoft needs the vehemently anti-Linux crowd | Aug 18 19:39 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 19:43 | |
*amarsh04__ is now known as amarsh04 | Aug 18 19:43 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Multimedia Applications for GNU/Linux in Review http://ping.fm/fyJL4 | Aug 18 19:43 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] GIMP for Beginners as PDF http://ping.fm/sTZz7 | Aug 18 19:44 | |
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 19:50 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] CentOS Releases Newsletter for This Month (Back to Work) http://ping.fm/k0vqi | Aug 18 19:52 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New GNU/Linux User Compares Fedora 11 and Mandriva 2009.1 http://ping.fm/gFtvK | Aug 18 19:54 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Amazon Kindle: Linux Good, DRM Very Bad http://ping.fm/mQOZb | Aug 18 19:57 | |
MinceR | schestowitz: so asay is at least honest now? | Aug 18 19:58 |
schestowitz | Where? | Aug 18 20:00 |
schestowitz | Oh, I get it | Aug 18 20:00 |
schestowitz | No posturing | Aug 18 20:00 |
schestowitz | I was gonna mail him, about s/t else though | Aug 18 20:00 |
MinceR | :) | Aug 18 20:01 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] In Praise of Mobile Linux (Wireless Week) http://ping.fm/A0L1r | Aug 18 20:02 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Pakistan Computer Association May be Training for GNU/Linux http://ping.fm/g1uQ5 | Aug 18 20:11 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Tr.im Becomes Free Software http://ping.fm/LV9wF , GIMP Chooses GPLv3 http://ping.fm/94zPz | Aug 18 20:14 | |
*Eruaran (n=quassel@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 20:16 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] GNU/GPL Software So Good Even Satellite Receivers Must have It http://ping.fm/6Zt5Y | Aug 18 20:16 | |
*Balrog_ (n=Balrog@pool-173-59-73-101.phlapa.east.verizon.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 20:23 | |
*Xarver has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Aug 18 20:26 | |
*Xarver (n=quassel@cpe-76-173-101-172.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 20:27 | |
*Xarver_ (n=quassel@cpe-76-173-101-172.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 20:32 | |
*Xarver__ (n=quassel@cpe-76-173-101-172.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 20:32 | |
*Xarver has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | Aug 18 20:32 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft Minions and Microsoft-Paid 'Analysts' Like Burton and Gartner Proven Wrong on ODF http://ping.fm/2VYyf | Aug 18 20:32 | |
*Xarver_ has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Aug 18 20:32 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] XBox 360 About 10 Times More Likely to Die Than Wii http://ping.fm/TGZV7 | Aug 18 20:35 | |
MinceR | so far all the stuff i could find about Linus and the right mouse button was a missing configuration option in Metacity, nothing about KDE | Aug 18 20:36 |
*Xarver__ is now known as Xarver | Aug 18 20:39 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] EveryBlock Swallowed by Microsoft's Indoctrination Network http://ping.fm/Mk4Qz | Aug 18 20:39 | |
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-61-201.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 20:40 | |
Diablo-D3 | http://idle.slashdot.org/story/09/08/18/1555234/Verizon-Sued-After-Tech-Punches-Customer-In-Face | Aug 18 20:44 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] MSFT snatches defeat from the jaws of victory: OVER HALF of XBox 360 die! http://is.gd/2nc8H | Aug 18 20:44 | |
Diablo-D3 | I only have one thing to say after this | Aug 18 20:44 |
Diablo-D3 | AN YOU HEAR ME NOW, BITCH?! | Aug 18 20:45 |
Diablo-D3 | er | Aug 18 20:45 |
Diablo-D3 | CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW, BITCH?! | Aug 18 20:45 |
Diablo-D3 | keyboard ate my glory :< | Aug 18 20:45 |
MinceR | lol | Aug 18 20:48 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 20:54 | |
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04 | Aug 18 20:54 | |
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 20:57 | |
*Tallken (n=Tallken@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 21:00 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] It seems you no longer need an invite to use #ubuntuone http://bit.ly/MdyPU | Aug 18 21:04 | |
*fewa (n=fewa@unaffiliated/fewa) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 21:08 | |
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-203-245.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 21:09 | |
*amarsh04__ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-51-206.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 21:12 | |
schestowitz | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxl6TOLxvuI (Tesseracts and Madeleine L'Engle) | Aug 18 21:22 |
cubezzz | sega genesis was pretty reliable :) | Aug 18 21:24 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) | Aug 18 21:25 | |
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-246-86.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 21:25 | |
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 21:30 | |
*DaemonFC (i=DaemonFC@c-69-245-224-210.hsd1.in.comcast.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 21:39 | |
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schestowitz | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pRZCoWY6TU&NR=1 | Aug 18 21:44 |
DaemonFC | http://surveys.polldaddy.com/s/0869C1A9561E42AC/ | Aug 18 21:45 |
DaemonFC | heh | Aug 18 21:45 |
schestowitz | omg. Hire this prof. LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob4IFTdMjQo&NR=1 | Aug 18 21:45 |
*Xarver has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Aug 18 21:48 | |
schestowitz | Could you do us a favour and textify this one? http://boycottnovell.com/comes-vs-microsoft/assorted-2009/PX09346.pdf | Aug 18 21:51 |
schestowitz | "Ask the partner to give you heads up on customer situations – bribe them!" | Aug 18 21:52 |
schestowitz | "Find and Lean on your insider friend, ‘the fox’. Having a trusted MSfriend in the account is critical. Some people (unix Bigots) can think of lots of reasons to not have a MS solution. MS folks may not be the strongest voice but they are true believers (Protect them, make them look good)." | Aug 18 21:52 |
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 21:52 | |
DaemonFC | I'm still wondering why Hormel needs a perception management company | Aug 18 21:58 |
DaemonFC | everyone knows SPAM isn't real food and that it causes explosive diarrhea and has no nutritional value | Aug 18 21:58 |
DaemonFC | :P | Aug 18 21:58 |
MinceR | just like everyone knows windows isn't a real operating system and causes severe performance loss and has severe vulnerabilities | Aug 18 21:59 |
DaemonFC | As for GM, it's nice to see Americans and Canadians pay tax money to buy the company jsut to find out that they use internet sockpuppets to suppress criticism | Aug 18 21:59 |
DaemonFC | As for Panasonic, what have they done? | Aug 18 22:00 |
DaemonFC | exploiting child labor overseas, polluting the environment, no worse than Sony or any other company | Aug 18 22:00 |
DaemonFC | I wish I could discover something like those rat eating pitcher plants | Aug 18 22:03 |
DaemonFC | I'd name them after Ann Coulter | Aug 18 22:03 |
*jono has quit ("Later, Skater") | Aug 18 22:03 | |
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 22:07 | |
schestowitz | LOL | Aug 18 22:07 |
DaemonFC | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQEdk7cK4vA | Aug 18 22:10 |
*amarsh04 was not particularly enamoured with matsushita electric co after purchasing a decent capacity battery and adaptor for a panasonic dvcam | Aug 18 22:10 | |
DaemonFC | I love that woman, I really do | Aug 18 22:10 |
DaemonFC | nobody else could manage to piss away 500,000 hardline conservative readers who would typically believe anything | Aug 18 22:11 |
DaemonFC | amarsh04, What I want to know is why people buy camcorders to record themselves committing crimes | Aug 18 22:12 |
DaemonFC | isn't that what the camcorder mounted on the dashboard in the police cruiser is for? | Aug 18 22:12 |
DaemonFC | people are stupid enough to not only commit crimes but leave video or photo evidence of themselves doing it | Aug 18 22:14 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft tells the cops what to seize when they take your computer by the way, nice long list | Aug 18 22:15 |
amarsh04 | I dunno either DaemonFC... some people like to video themselves doing drag races in front of police stations or the like | Aug 18 22:15 |
DaemonFC | sd cards, memory sticks, USB thumb drives, MP3 players, all the optical discs, your cell phone..... | Aug 18 22:16 |
MinceR | how nice of them | Aug 18 22:16 |
DaemonFC | yeah, if you have anything you shouldn't, hide t somewhere | Aug 18 22:16 |
DaemonFC | if they come in and see it, it's going with them | Aug 18 22:17 |
amarsh04 | some movie previews all patrons have to leave with security all cameras and mobile phones capable of taking photographs or video | Aug 18 22:17 |
MinceR | everybody has something to hide | Aug 18 22:17 |
MinceR | the police is corrupt everywhere | Aug 18 22:17 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I recommend those things that look like a can of mixed vegetables or a can of shaving cream | Aug 18 22:17 |
DaemonFC | the cops probably won't seize a can of mixed vegetables out of your pantry | Aug 18 22:18 |
MinceR | unless you tell them to | Aug 18 22:18 |
MinceR | i see the conspiracy here :> | Aug 18 22:18 |
DaemonFC | well, thing is, the fake can of shaving cream actually is partially full of shave cream | Aug 18 22:19 |
DaemonFC | it just has a false bottom | Aug 18 22:19 |
amarsh04 | that's a classic for drug smuggling | Aug 18 22:19 |
DaemonFC | yeah, but it won't look out of place in your medicine cabinet | Aug 18 22:19 |
DaemonFC | beats leaving your thumb drives laying out in the open | Aug 18 22:19 |
DaemonFC | the police are used to dealing with people who do | Aug 18 22:20 |
DaemonFC | it probably won't occur to them that you're smarter than that if you just play dumb til they're gone | Aug 18 22:21 |
DaemonFC | and if they do find something but it's encrypted, there's no law that says you have to give them the key | Aug 18 22:22 |
DaemonFC | actually, that would violate your fifth amendment right to not incriminate yourself | Aug 18 22:22 |
amarsh04 | depends where you live | Aug 18 22:22 |
DaemonFC | well, in the UK you can be sent to prison for 5 years for refusing to decrypt anything they suspect is evidence | Aug 18 22:23 |
DaemonFC | here they have to figure out how to decrypt it themselves or it's not evidence | Aug 18 22:23 |
DaemonFC | I've thought about claiming it wasn't encryption, it was a copy protection mechanism | Aug 18 22:24 |
DaemonFC | file a DMCA complaint against the cops? | Aug 18 22:24 |
DaemonFC | :D | Aug 18 22:24 |
tacone | nice idea | Aug 18 22:24 |
ThistleWeb | for some reason a mental image of a drag race popped into my head as a 100mtr sprint with blokes in dresses, make up and high heels | Aug 18 22:25 |
DaemonFC | ThistleWeb, that's on Saturdays | Aug 18 22:25 |
DaemonFC | this is Tuesday | Aug 18 22:25 |
DaemonFC | stripper night | Aug 18 22:25 |
DaemonFC | now Wednesday there's nothing going on so they have no cover charge and drink specials | Aug 18 22:26 |
ThistleWeb | and sports wigs to reduce.....uhm.....drag | Aug 18 22:26 |
DaemonFC | you can be bored and drunk, but it's a lot cheaper | Aug 18 22:26 |
amarsh04 | ThistleWeb, I suspected that whatever term I used for young drivers performing illegal driving practices would be lost in translation | Aug 18 22:26 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] quick san francisco question: what/where is the red light district? | Aug 18 22:26 | |
DaemonFC | Uhhhm, I don't think he wants that answered | Aug 18 22:28 |
DaemonFC | he could do worse though, Chicago is nastier | Aug 18 22:29 |
ThistleWeb | amarsh04: lol, nah I knew what you meant, it was meant as a joke | Aug 18 22:29 |
MinceR | well, people tend to ask questions because they want them answered | Aug 18 22:29 |
DaemonFC | yeah, well, there's some pretty depraved stuff I've seen in both places even by my standards | Aug 18 22:30 |
amarsh04 | yes, it can be funny that no matter what you say, it can be interpreted in a way not intended | Aug 18 22:30 |
*ThistleWeb will need to remember to add something like lol to the end of a sentence, IRC can be flat | Aug 18 22:30 | |
DaemonFC | so, yeah, I really don't think he wants to know | Aug 18 22:30 |
MinceR | ThistleWeb: add "LOL KTHXBYE!!11!11111!!!!11111!!11" to the end of every sentence | Aug 18 22:30 |
MinceR | ;) | Aug 18 22:31 |
ThistleWeb | lol | Aug 18 22:31 |
amarsh04 | like the old line "sometimes b sharp, never b flat, always b natural" | Aug 18 22:31 |
DaemonFC | or set your twitter account to broadcast snippets from /b/ | Aug 18 22:31 |
ThistleWeb | yeah B is a bugger on the guitar though | Aug 18 22:31 |
ThistleWeb | actually b sharp is c | Aug 18 22:32 |
MinceR | some moar tips: http://maxt.dk/lame/ | Aug 18 22:32 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: sounds like a nice prank | Aug 18 22:32 |
ThistleWeb | anyhoo, don't wanna side track the channel, so back to the point | Aug 18 22:32 |
amarsh04 | groklaw.net has some text just up on the i4i versus microsoft case | Aug 18 22:33 |
DaemonFC | http://encyclopediadramatica.com/MOAR | Aug 18 22:35 |
MinceR | that's the moar i meant :> | Aug 18 22:35 |
ThistleWeb | I like the i4i quote "we've looked at openoffice.org and it does not infringe on our patents", can't be much more explicit than that | Aug 18 22:35 |
DaemonFC | hmmmm | Aug 18 22:36 |
DaemonFC | more like Microsoft has more money, we'll sue them | Aug 18 22:36 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Hope everyone's looking forward to Summerslam! Next Sunday! | Aug 18 22:36 | |
DaemonFC | maybe they only had enough lawyers to sue one so they flipepd for it? | Aug 18 22:37 |
DaemonFC | *flipped | Aug 18 22:37 |
ThistleWeb | given office is one of the 2 MS flagships and a HUGE part of the reason they have the money they do, you could imagine i4i demanding a HUGE payoff from them | Aug 18 22:37 |
MinceR | maybe ooo really doesn't infringe on their patents? | Aug 18 22:37 |
DaemonFC | my guess is that if OOXML does, ODF does, I'm kind of leaning towards neither of them do | Aug 18 22:37 |
MinceR | i know it's a stretch | Aug 18 22:37 |
ThistleWeb | apparently it doesn't | Aug 18 22:37 |
MinceR | but at least consider it :> | Aug 18 22:37 |
DaemonFC | but if you'r egoing to have delusions of grandeur, they may as well be really good ones | Aug 18 22:37 |
MinceR | wasn't it about some method of processing xml? | Aug 18 22:37 |
ThistleWeb | not sure the details | Aug 18 22:38 |
DaemonFC | look where they sued Microsoft? east Texas | Aug 18 22:38 |
ThistleWeb | i4i have actually said it does not infringe | Aug 18 22:38 |
DaemonFC | that's where the RIAA and patent trolls like to file suit too | Aug 18 22:38 |
DaemonFC | that shit gets overturned 9 times out of 10 | Aug 18 22:38 |
ThistleWeb | it's not analysts who try to state it either way | Aug 18 22:38 |
MinceR | :> | Aug 18 22:39 |
ThistleWeb | or guess | Aug 18 22:39 |
DaemonFC | when you go after someone with money anyway | Aug 18 22:39 |
ThistleWeb | it's direct from the horses mouth, the patent owing horse in question | Aug 18 22:39 |
DaemonFC | takes lots of money to get it to the next level of court, that's why the RIAA harasses people from Texas | Aug 18 22:39 |
ThistleWeb | owning* | Aug 18 22:39 |
MinceR | i don't quite see why they'd say "ooo doesn't infringe" if it does | Aug 18 22:39 |
DaemonFC | the victims don't have the money to appeal | Aug 18 22:39 |
ThistleWeb | it may have been in either slashdot or BN | Aug 18 22:39 |
MinceR | unless they fear from the PR backlash | Aug 18 22:40 |
ThistleWeb | I read it earlier in one of my feeds | Aug 18 22:40 |
ThistleWeb | possibly groklaw | Aug 18 22:40 |
ThistleWeb | just today | Aug 18 22:40 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, PR is one thing, Microsoft is a juicier settlement is the other big reason | Aug 18 22:40 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: they won't get a juicier settlement for saying ooo doesn't infringe | Aug 18 22:40 |
DaemonFC | and they never said that once they're done with Microsoft, they won't double back and find that OOo doesn't infringe | Aug 18 22:40 |
MinceR | hm, actually they might | Aug 18 22:41 |
MinceR | i didn't consider that | Aug 18 22:41 |
DaemonFC | they probably just want to limit their enemies that they have to fight at once | Aug 18 22:41 |
ThistleWeb | http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20090817235436439 <<there | Aug 18 22:41 |
DaemonFC | if they stir the shit now, the OOo guys have time to prepare and are suddenly on the same side as Microsoft | Aug 18 22:41 |
MinceR | (m$ will feel more pressure if they're told their greatest competitor is safe) | Aug 18 22:41 |
ThistleWeb | i4i said it has looked at OpenOffice and found it doesn't infringe on its patents. | Aug 18 22:41 |
DaemonFC | right, get it in writing | Aug 18 22:41 |
DaemonFC | signed | Aug 18 22:42 |
DaemonFC | and notarized | Aug 18 22:42 |
MinceR | -- which could give i4i reason to turn back on that opinion -- but i'm not sure if that works legally | Aug 18 22:42 |
DaemonFC | it does | Aug 18 22:42 |
DaemonFC | they could say that their lawyers revisited the opinion and are now firmly convinced that OOo does infringe | Aug 18 22:42 |
DaemonFC | they haven't actually, legally committed to anything by stating they don't feel OOo infringes | Aug 18 22:43 |
DaemonFC | but that takes me back to, i4i is a patent troll and they're going after the deep pocketed company that is more inclined to settle | Aug 18 22:43 |
fewa | if they said it does not then they are held by that | Aug 18 22:43 |
DaemonFC | no they aren't | Aug 18 22:43 |
fewa | its called estoppel | Aug 18 22:44 |
MinceR | hm, someone said they weren't a patent troll | Aug 18 22:44 |
MinceR | but i don't know either way | Aug 18 22:44 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft's covenant not to sue actually protects you more than what i4i said | Aug 18 22:44 |
fewa | unless something new is added to OpenOffice.org after the fact | Aug 18 22:44 |
ThistleWeb | it also puts a cramp on the peeps trying to muddy the waters too | Aug 18 22:44 |
fewa | DaemonFC, Microsoft has not promised anything | Aug 18 22:44 |
fewa | you have to actually read it | Aug 18 22:44 |
DaemonFC | neither has i4i | Aug 18 22:44 |
fewa | it doesn't say anything | Aug 18 22:44 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft jsut said nothing and used more words | Aug 18 22:44 |
fewa | well I am only paraphrasing MinceR | Aug 18 22:45 |
MinceR | well, it all depends on how much Sun's lawyers are awake ;) | Aug 18 22:45 |
fewa | <fewa> if they said it does not then they are held by that | Aug 18 22:45 |
fewa | Microsoft the same, but they have not said it | Aug 18 22:45 |
DaemonFC | it's like fighting a war on two fronts, you want to avoid it if you can | Aug 18 22:45 |
fewa | while Google is completely capable of writing a clear licence http://www.waveprotocol.org/patent-license | Aug 18 22:45 |
ThistleWeb | why believe an interpreter who may or may not be accurate (either intentionally or not) when they can go to the source, and the source in this case is not using wording that can be interpreted many ways, they explicitly state it does not infringe | Aug 18 22:45 |
DaemonFC | take out one target at a time that nobody will stick their neck out over | Aug 18 22:45 |
fewa | shows Microsoft's malicious intent | Aug 18 22:46 |
DaemonFC | then come back for the rest | Aug 18 22:46 |
fewa | DaemonFC, thats why estoppel exists | Aug 18 22:46 |
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-55-151.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 22:46 | |
MinceR | it's pretty obvious m$ never had any intention whatsoever to make their specifications safe to use | Aug 18 22:46 |
MinceR | what's estoppel? | Aug 18 22:47 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] EveryBlock Swallowed by Microsoft's Indoctrination Network http://ping.fm/QgZUg | Aug 18 22:47 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Xbox 360 Failure Rate Reportedly 54.2%, Microsoft Exodus Reported by Insider http://bit.ly/2XDSio | Aug 18 22:47 | |
fewa | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estoppel | Aug 18 22:47 |
DaemonFC | well, under the patent laws Microsoft has lobbied for, they can't usetheir own specifications safely | Aug 18 22:47 |
DaemonFC | what makes you think you can? :D | Aug 18 22:47 |
fewa | basically: no take backsies | Aug 18 22:47 |
schestowitz | I was just writing about ODF | Aug 18 22:48 |
schestowitz | BN was right all along | Aug 18 22:48 |
schestowitz | ODF is safe and OOo too | Aug 18 22:48 |
schestowitz | The Gartner and Burton shills lies | Aug 18 22:48 |
MinceR | ugh | Aug 18 22:48 |
schestowitz | *lied | Aug 18 22:48 |
schestowitz | As one ought to expect | Aug 18 22:48 |
MinceR | this legalese drains me like a vampire | Aug 18 22:48 |
*MinceR closes the tab | Aug 18 22:48 | |
schestowitz | Heh | Aug 18 22:48 |
fewa | MinceR, if you say something that means something, then you can't sue saying that something is differn't than you said | Aug 18 22:49 |
fewa | This is why Microsoft can't sue anyone over copyright of "Look and Feel" | Aug 18 22:49 |
MinceR | ic | Aug 18 22:49 |
fewa | because of what they said in Apple v. Microsoft | Aug 18 22:49 |
fewa | thats why they try to patent these things | Aug 18 22:49 |
fewa | which is so absurd that senior programmers have left over the practice | Aug 18 22:50 |
schestowitz | http://boycottnovell.com/wiki/index.php/XBox_Reality_Log updated | Aug 18 22:50 |
fewa | http://openworld2010.wordpress.com/2008/07/28/veteran-developer-ditches-microsoft-for-open-source/ | Aug 18 22:50 |
DaemonFC | fewa: They claim they can | Aug 18 22:51 |
DaemonFC | the Windows 7 "About" dialog says their user interface is trademarked | Aug 18 22:51 |
fewa | trademarks and copyright are two differn't bodies of law | Aug 18 22:52 |
fewa | Apple v Microsoft was about copyright | Aug 18 22:52 |
DaemonFC | so what happens if I create a very Windows 7-ish skin for Ubuntu but don't use any Microsoft logos or references? | Aug 18 22:52 |
DaemonFC | do they still have grounds to sue? | Aug 18 22:53 |
fewa | This is another reason why they try to confuse all these disparate, totally differn't concepts | Aug 18 22:53 |
fewa | DaemonFC, you, and Microsoft are comparing Apple to Superman | Aug 18 22:53 |
fewa | to ask that you must understand trademark law | Aug 18 22:53 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] NotN: Wikipedia reaches 3 million articles, stalls and dies http://notnews.today.com/?p=610 | Aug 18 22:53 | |
*Lns has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 23:00 | |
*tacone has quit (Connection timed out) | Aug 18 23:01 | |
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*_goblin (n=goblin@94-193-188-104.zone7.bethere.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 18 23:14 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Aug 18 23:18 | |
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-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Retweet this awesome blog for losing weight off free products! http://cari-weightloss.net | Aug 18 23:50 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Eyes on Microsoft: Windows Disasters and Gagged Press; Microsoft/NBC Acquire More Press http://ping.fm/RXrnw | Aug 18 23:56 |
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