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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: September 26th, 2009

-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft and Its Buddy #GE (of #MSNBC Bias) Lobby for #IntellectualMonopolies 26 00:00
phIRCeTitle: open...: More Evil from the Intellectual Monopolies Mob .::. Size~: 94.31 KBSep 26 00:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Samba Lawyer #CarloPiana Criticises #Microsoft for Abuse with #Patents 26 00:04
phIRCeTitle: Let's keep our eye on the ball | Carlo Piana :: Law is Freedom :: .::. Size~: 19.39 KBSep 26 00:04
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Analysts: #Vista7 Will Not Increase Sales 26 00:05
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 00:06
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))Sep 26 00:20
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Is Microsoft saying “Please use our products”? – MS pleads for support? #microsoft #windows7 #fail #silverlightSep 26 00:30
phIRCeTitle: Is Microsoft saying “Please use our products”? – MS pleads for support? «  OPEN BYTES – cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 40.92 KBSep 26 00:30
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] I've seen some tragic things in my life, Ive seen some cringeworthy things...The #Microsoft #Windows party ad has to be the worst IMO. #failSep 26 00:33
*Balrog ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 00:35
cubezzzI used to talk to microsoft canada in the 80'sSep 26 00:43
cubezzzI was got a bad vibe from themSep 26 00:43
cubezzzSCO (this being old SCO Unix) was much better to deal withSep 26 00:44
cubezzzwas=alwaysSep 26 00:44
cubezzzanyways... back to the present...Sep 26 00:46
Diablo-D3you know whats funny?Sep 26 00:47
cubezzzhmm?Sep 26 00:47
Diablo-D3like half of apache's java projects came from donated sun codeSep 26 00:47
cubezzzlike GlassFish?Sep 26 01:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @ramkrsna Got a piece of Python software not in fedora yet. Get it along to PyCon India at 1545 hrs, 26 01:13
phIRCeTitle: Pycon India 2009 .::. Size~: 12.62 KBSep 26 01:13
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] My place is crowded with ppl 4 #pycon . @santhoshtr, @hfactor @gnuanu , jaisen are here. @ragasagar and jinesh were on their waySep 26 01:17
*Tallken has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 26 01:19
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 26 01:22
trmanco!quit phIRCeSep 26 01:25
*phIRCe has quit ("Exiting!")Sep 26 01:25
cubezzzok, I sometimes like to listen to 26 01:26
cubezzzbut it's got this silly flash frontendSep 26 01:26
cubezzzguess I'll go through the codeSep 26 01:26
Diablo-D3 26 01:27
Diablo-D3bwhahahahahSep 26 01:27
cubezzzdare I ask what's bad about it? :)Sep 26 01:28
Diablo-D3well, winmo really is pretty failSep 26 01:28
cubezzzBallmer was dancing for WinME so Windows Mobile must be utterly garbage :)Sep 26 01:31
cubezzz"Give it up for MEEEE!!!!"Sep 26 01:32
cubezzz:-PSep 26 01:33
schestowitzJust finished watching . It's brilliantSep 26 01:39
*twitter1 ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 01:40
schestowitzDiablo-D3: 26 01:41
schestowitzgnSep 26 01:41
cubezzzhey, I can't kick the bad guys :)Sep 26 01:42
Diablo-D3cubezzz: actually, he was really saying "give it up for balmer"Sep 26 01:54
cubezzzare you sure?Sep 26 01:55
*lis` has quit ("baibai<3")Sep 26 01:57
_goblinHe does clearly shout "Give it up for me...."Sep 26 02:00
cubezzzok, lolSep 26 02:01
Diablo-D3_goblin:++Sep 26 02:03
*amarsh04__ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 02:03
*Balrog has quit ()Sep 26 02:11
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 02:18
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] #dreamhost #fails . Most of my sites are downSep 26 02:21
*vcent (i=79d81b05@gateway/web/freenode/x-sccuezwtxqjvlxta) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 02:24
*_goblin has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 02:48
*jono has quit ("Later, Skater")Sep 26 03:04
*Omar87 has quit ( 26 03:04
*Python1320 has quit ( 26 03:04
*Aondo has quit ( 26 03:04
*Balrog_ has quit ( 26 03:04
*benJIman has quit ( 26 03:04
*trmanco has quit ( 26 03:04
*Xarver has quit ( 26 03:04
*sebsebseb has quit ( 26 03:04
*Diablo-D3 has quit ( 26 03:04
*trmanco (n=trmanco@unaffiliated/trmanco) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 03:05
*Xarver ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 03:05
*Omar87 ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 03:05
*sebsebseb (n=sebastia@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 03:05
*Python1320 (i=Python13@unaffiliated/python1320) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 03:05
*Diablo-D3 (n=diablo@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 03:05
*Balrog_ (n=BRBT@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 03:05
*Aondo (i=stian@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 03:05
*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 03:05
* gives channel operator status to trmancoSep 26 03:05
*Diablo-D3 has quit ("do coders dream of sheep()?")Sep 26 03:35
*wallclimber ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 03:55
*BarryManilow ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 04:13
*wallclimber has quit ("wallclimber's wandered off again...")Sep 26 04:22
*kevin009 ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 04:55
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] Reached @ iisc for pycon .what is the hashtag for event?Sep 26 05:02
*Will (i=4c724679@gateway/web/freenode/x-qpegatslmodyjdfq) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 05:26
cubezzzde-obfuscated w00tSep 26 05:31
cubezzznext I try on embedixSep 26 05:33
WillGoblin found this Win7 party video.  One of the most cringe-worthy things I've seen in a while.  Bill Gates and Seinfeld ads were much better than this: 26 05:35
BarryManilowto dj goblin !Sep 26 05:35
WillI'd like to see someone go to the party with a Kubuntu live CD and sneak it into the laptop before the demo starts.Sep 26 05:37
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 05:37
*Will_ (i=4c724679@gateway/web/freenode/x-iqugrxlcklowagba) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 05:40
*Will has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)Sep 26 05:41
*Xarver ( has left #boycottnovellSep 26 05:43
*amarsh04__ has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))Sep 26 05:53
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 06:06
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 06:07
DaemonFC 26 06:11
DaemonFCthe police found four guns after finding a hit list yesterdaySep 26 06:11
*BarryManilow has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Sep 26 06:12
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] Missed #inpycon keynote by prabhu. i was in a chat with @playingwithsid and @santhoshtr at iisc teaboardSep 26 06:14
*amarsh04__ (n=amarsh04@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 06:15
*Will_ has quit ("Page closed")Sep 26 06:16
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 06:21
*amarsh04__ is now known as amarsh04Sep 26 06:25
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 06:29
DaemonFC 26 06:33
DaemonFCFrom Smiling Coffee Vendor to Terror SuspectSep 26 06:34
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] now in Buildout for Development & Deployment talk by @baijum . hall is full #inpycon slides here 26 06:34
DaemonFCI looked at the so called "Linux patents" earlier that OIN boughtSep 26 06:50
DaemonFCmost of them are totally bogus and would be next to impossible to defend in courtSep 26 06:51
DaemonFCcause everyone with an OS or web browser does the things describedSep 26 06:51
DaemonFCfinding prior art wouldn't be a problem at all for more than half of themSep 26 06:51
DaemonFClooks to me like a set of junk patents that Microsoft knew were not even worth havingSep 26 06:54
*moshe_ (i=182e557a@gateway/web/freenode/x-hkecxsaqmaakynmh) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 07:13
moshe_Hey Roy...I posted some YouTube links (big band stuff) in COLA for you...enjoy...Sep 26 07:13
moshe_what's a CTP Version?Sep 26 07:15
*moshe_ has quit (Client Quit)Sep 26 07:16
*sebsebseb has quit (Connection timed out)Sep 26 07:34
DaemonFC 26 08:03
DaemonFCschestowitz, Think I was too kind on them? :)Sep 26 08:10
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 08:20
schestowitzWOn't the proce repossess guns?Sep 26 08:28
DaemonFC?Sep 26 08:29
DaemonFCmy main point was that the $50,000 spent fighting to keep that bible trailer could have put metal detectors in all our schoolsSep 26 08:29
schestowitzUnder what circumstance might a person really need firearms?Sep 26 08:29
DaemonFCschestowitz, Children are never legally in possession of a handgunSep 26 08:30
schestowitzI've only just looked at the postSep 26 08:30
DaemonFCyou have to be 21 or over and have a valid carry permitSep 26 08:30
DaemonFC18 for a shotgunSep 26 08:30
DaemonFCanything fully automatic is always illegal except for police and suchSep 26 08:31
DaemonFCgun laws don't do anything to slow the criminals downSep 26 08:32
DaemonFCthey just penalize law abiding citizensSep 26 08:32
DaemonFCyou see how those kids got ahold of four handguns easily enoughSep 26 08:33
DaemonFCthe fact that having them was illegal wouldn't have stopped them from murdering other kids at the high schoolSep 26 08:33
DaemonFCand they could easily be back with more tomorrowSep 26 08:33
DaemonFCgun laws pretty much just take guns away from the people who should have themSep 26 08:34
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 08:34
DaemonFCand they allow criminals an unfair advantage and superior firepowerSep 26 08:34
DaemonFCI do honestly believe that if most people carried guns, the crime rate would go down a lotSep 26 08:35
DaemonFCwould you knock over a store if everyone in there was armed?Sep 26 08:35
DaemonFCcriminals gt to function because gun control laws make it easier for them to overpower other peopleSep 26 08:36
DaemonFC*getSep 26 08:36
*PetoKraus has quit (Client Quit)Sep 26 08:36
DaemonFCthe crime rate goes up as we pass more and more anti-gun lawsSep 26 08:37
DaemonFChave you ever stopped to consider that there is a reason?Sep 26 08:37
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Employees Caught #AstroTurfing Again? 26 08:38
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 08:38
DaemonFCI believe that the handgun ownership age should be 18 and that the carry permit should be free or a minimal processing chargeSep 26 08:39
DaemonFCinstead you have these ultra liberals that are like a disease, punishing law abiding peopleSep 26 08:39
DaemonFCpeople get so caught up on one extreme or anotherSep 26 08:40
DaemonFCthey never stop to think that far left is just as bad as far rightSep 26 08:40
DaemonFCschestowitz, I'm sending my 360 in againSep 26 08:41
DaemonFCit's been laying there dead for a few monthsSep 26 08:41
DaemonFCI got burned out on itSep 26 08:41
DaemonFCschestowitz, the red ring of death is so common that their automated system can now authorize the repair order for youSep 26 08:42
DaemonFC:PSep 26 08:42
DaemonFCso what does that t ell you?Sep 26 08:43
DaemonFC*tellSep 26 08:43
DaemonFCI'm sure there will be another XBOX no matter how much they eat on the 360Sep 26 08:44
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Analysts Say That #Vista7 Will Fail to Spur Sales 26 08:56
DaemonFCschestowitz, For people that want Windows and ask me about the express upgrade, I always just tell them wait til it's shippingSep 26 09:00
DaemonFCcause with the express upgrade, you never know what Microsoft will decide to send youSep 26 09:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @Gauravonomics: Livemint Story on Twitter Etiquette 26 09:33
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 09:38
vcentjust what we need 300 million mike tyson or OJ's running around with handguns,, geee I feel safer allready  !Sep 26 09:40
vcent"Here is your gun, it has the usual "point and click" interface.Sep 26 09:42
*jono has quit ("Later, Skater")Sep 26 09:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #RichardStallman is Not the Bad Guy 26 10:03
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 10:05
*Tallken has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 26 10:09
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 10:10
*ziggyfish ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 10:15
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] i dont want to miss post teabreak sessions in #inpycon . It seems i will miss jamilla knowles talk in CIS. 26 10:20
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 10:21
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 10:48
trmancoRandom Fortune: When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*". -- Linus TorvaldsSep 26 11:04
trmancoheh :)Sep 26 11:04
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Abuse with #SoftwarePatents Carries on 26 11:12
_goblinLOL....Poor Lily the filesharing filly. 26 11:18
oiaohmtrmanco: a sad but true joke.Sep 26 11:18
_goblinI thought Lily Allen would have taken a lesson from what happened to Indiana GreggSep 26 11:20
schestowitz_goblin: good oneSep 26 11:20
schestowitz_goblin: great lyrics tooSep 26 11:23
magentar seems like wm7 will be just another vistaSep 26 11:24
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] RT: An open letter to Lilly Allen, In song form. #lily allen #fact #music #failSep 26 11:24
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] The worst Microsoft ads of all time | Technology | 26 11:24
schestowitzBrilliant one. Bull makes fans.Sep 26 11:24
_goblinI think my headline is cool though...."Silly Lily the filesharing filly" - its my latest article to be posted soon...Sep 26 11:25
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Judge upholds retirement at 65 but says age should change | Does this apply to Judges and Politicians too? 26 11:25
schestowitzmagentar: yes, it's screwed 26 11:28
oiaohmNow I wish that dear lily had the mp3 somewhere.Sep 26 11:29
schestowitz_goblin: does she really quit? As I understand it, shortly after she wroe this she blew up her blogSep 26 11:29
oiaohmOr oggSep 26 11:29
schestowitz_goblin: I'll add this view as <embed> to Daily LinksSep 26 11:29
schestowitzTwitter still falls flat. 26 11:30
schestowitzMaybe the point of plateau.Sep 26 11:30
magentarinteresting that even ballmer admits that wm6.5 is screwedSep 26 11:32
oiaohmNo option magentarSep 26 11:33
oiaohmwm6.5 is bleeding market.Sep 26 11:33
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @achitnis: Hashtag for is #cisugcSep 26 11:33
schestowitzWTF? 26 11:33
schestowitzMore libel there, tooSep 26 11:33
schestowitzoiaohm: Microsoft went to Nokia trying to sweep up some remanantsSep 26 11:34
schestowitz 26 11:36
schestowitz"A purported message from Osama bin Laden to Europeans urges them to distance themselves from the United States, noting that Americans are losing the war in Afghanistan." 26 11:37
schestowitz"Once again, we see that those who can't compete, sue." 26 11:39
schestowitz^re: FB lawsuit I wrote about an hour agoSep 26 11:39
schestowitzIt's sad how they try to sue the giantsSep 26 11:39
schestowitzTexas Instruments Goes Legal On Calculator Hackers: How Dare You Make Our Product Better! < >Sep 26 11:39
schestowitzThis guy is delusional: 26 11:42
*Omar871 ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 11:45
oiaohmschestowitz: that is author stupidty.Sep 26 11:45
schestowitzxJournalist: Oh No! Student Journalists Will Destroy Journalism! < >Sep 26 11:47
oiaohmI have been mean to tell you this schestowitz.  The moblin getting silverlight from MS gets funnier.   Ubuntu Netbook remix can run moblin applications.Sep 26 11:48
oiaohmSo why now does Ubuntu need to ship moonlight.Sep 26 11:49
oiaohmEffectively MS has slapped Novell in face.Sep 26 11:49
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Sep 26 11:49
_goblinSorry Roy...her blog appears to have had its entries deleted...maybe her anti-piracy crusade was the result of a weeklong bender that she hadn't quite sobered up from?Sep 26 11:52
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @latelyontime: Jamillah Knowles (BBC) talking abt User Generated Content & news @cis_india, Bangalore. Follow #cisugcSep 26 11:54
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, like I said.Sep 26 11:55
schestowitzMoon Lie may be deadSep 26 11:55
schestowitzSome would say it's the 'FOSS version'Sep 26 11:55
schestowitzLike gnash for FlashSep 26 11:55
schestowitzBut Moon Lie has the patent issuesSep 26 11:55
schestowitzAnd binary codecsSep 26 11:56
schestowitzThat's why I said, if Microsoft just ported it at the start, then they concede the whole legal messSep 26 11:56
oiaohm  HMM secuiry guyes gettting desperateSep 26 11:56
schestowitz_goblin: she said she's quit musicSep 26 11:56
schestowitz"I will never release an album again," she said (not exact quoteSep 26 11:57
schestowitzKind of sadSep 26 11:57
schestowitzShe's misledSep 26 11:57
schestowitzShe'll carry on this reputationSep 26 11:57
schestowitzI thought it was a good pulicity stunt for her at firstSep 26 11:57
schestowitzBut some people say that this is how artists kill their career for goodSep 26 11:58
oiaohmThe is a issue here can we be sure she even wrote it.Sep 26 11:58
schestowitzLike getting caught with drugs, perdophelia, violent crime, etc.Sep 26 11:58
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @dhempe: #cisugc BBC user generated content's official twitter acct is @BBC_HaveYourSaySep 26 11:58
oiaohmLot of media companies put up ghost writers..Sep 26 11:58
schestowitzI was not sure it's herSep 26 11:58
schestowitzBut if it wasn't, she'd say soemthing (the real one)Sep 26 11:58
oiaohmNot exactly true.Sep 26 11:59
oiaohmIt would all depend on contract if she could.Sep 26 11:59
schestowitzoiaohm: it makes a good story line, but how effective is it reallySep 26 12:00
schestowitzFancy descriptions like "Extreme programming"Sep 26 12:00
oiaohmThe ants idea is nothing new.Sep 26 12:00
oiaohmThey were first called counter worms.Sep 26 12:00
schestowitzMaybe the analogy isSep 26 12:00
oiaohmThey got banned in 1996 due to the fact counter worms could be just as harmful as a normal wormSep 26 12:01
schestowitzIt would work well alongside the Dancign Bear algorithm and the Flying Giraffe security suite.....Sep 26 12:01
oiaohmants idea is attempt to do counter worms without let loss a nuke.Sep 26 12:01
oiaohmProblem is attacker wanting a ddos now only has to trick the ants.Sep 26 12:02
oiaohmIts desperation.Sep 26 12:02
oiaohmSignature detection systems are running to the end of there functional life.Sep 26 12:02
schestowitz 26 12:02
oiaohmSo they have to find something else or except we have to change OS's.Sep 26 12:03
oiaohmIE kill off the problem OS.Sep 26 12:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] teams presentation on Python in science and engineering education in india started, hall full #inpycon #nmeictSep 26 12:06
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] #nmeict funding prerequesits related to education, inter institutional, opensource/ content #inpyconSep 26 12:08
Omar871schestowitz: You once asked me to inform you about any good videos that I come accross.Sep 26 12:10
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] Mhrd's #nmeict funds iit bombays foss projects . Fossee project works on python and on scilab #inpythonSep 26 12:13
_goblin"she said she's quit music" - Maybe filesharing is a good thing afterall....I might have to change my stance on it.Sep 26 12:13
Omar871schestowitz: Here's this series of 51 episodes that I thought you might enjoy: 26 12:14
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] #inpycon Foss for science and engineering education (fossee) targets #python teaching for science and engineering educationSep 26 12:17
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] #inpycon #fossee current goal: converting existing cources with python tools. Longterm goal change syllabusSep 26 12:18
schestowitz_goblin: of _legal_ filesSep 26 12:21
schestowitzI now listen to over 1000 tracks that artists gave away at SxSWSep 26 12:21
schestowitzI get exposed to singers I would have NEVER heard of if I had stuck to MTV, Chart Show TV, etc.Sep 26 12:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] good to see 2 active foss activists from fsugbangalore in fossee team @madhusudhan and @santoshvattomSep 26 12:22
schestowitzThey are all that I listen to these days unless I'm at the gym or something. They are better off with exposure than none at all... names you never heard ofSep 26 12:22
_goblin" of _legal_ files"Sep 26 12:25
_goblinI was being flippant...of course...Sep 26 12:26
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] #inpycon fossee team produced released a live cd called livepython with all python toolsSep 26 12:26
_goblinbut I think if the piracy question is going to be answered, it should be done by people with no financial interest in it....Sep 26 12:26
schestowitz_goblin: 26 12:26
schestowitzThere is no "piracy" questionSep 26 12:27
schestowitzIllegal coping/downloadingSep 26 12:27
Omar871schestowitz: Did you see my link?Sep 26 12:27
schestowitzCOpyright violation as it stands, being the lawSep 26 12:27
_goblinRoy, that link....whats in that torrent...?Sep 26 12:28
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] #inpycon #fossee First Scipy conference is announced. From dec 12-17 th in thiruvanathapuramSep 26 12:28
_goblinindi music?Sep 26 12:28
schestowitzOmar871: it's the whole "illuminai' conspiracySep 26 12:28
schestowitzI don't take that seriouslySep 26 12:28
Omar871schestowitz: You won't loose anything if you watch it. :)Sep 26 12:29
Omar871schestowitz: Trust me, give this documentary a chance.Sep 26 12:30
Omar871schestowitz: If not for the "Illuminati" thing, at least for so many other frightening truths.Sep 26 12:30
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 12:32
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] #inpycon #fossee first scipy conf in india is announced. From december 12-17th in thiruvanathapuramSep 26 12:32
*phIRCe (n=b0t@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 12:32
phIRCeTitle:  .::. Size~: 53.76 KBSep 26 12:32
_Hicham_senior oiaohm : good morningSep 26 12:32
oiaohmHi _Hicham_Sep 26 12:32
oiaohmIts a good night here so farSep 26 12:32
schestowitzThe oiaohm fan club is hereSep 26 12:33
schestowitzOmar871: I saw part 1, thanks.Sep 26 12:33
Omar871schestowitz: welcome.Sep 26 12:34
_Hicham_and schestowitz fan club tooSep 26 12:34
_Hicham_viva schestowitzSep 26 12:34
_Hicham_السلام على الأخ عمر و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاتهSep 26 12:34
Omar871_Hicham_: و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاتهSep 26 12:35
_Hicham_twitter and twitter1 my friendsSep 26 12:36
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] #inpycon #fossee @debayan proposed a outsourced and certification model for instead of depending on teachers and trainingSep 26 12:36
trmancoI followed MinceR's suggestion, only people with their cloak added to the bot's array are allowed to control itSep 26 12:36
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] #inpycon pichai answers that fossee goal is to improve academic quality using python tools . Mhrd money isnot for outsourced certification,Sep 26 12:39
oiaohmJust remember either to add users alt user names with there cloak or remind users must login with correct user name trmancoSep 26 12:39
schestowitzThe gnashing of teeth began shortly after this hit the forums. And Colleen O'Keefe, senior vice president of teleweb and operations for Novell's services group, jumped on the Novell forums with a post that tried to clarify, explaining that this change would not affect SUSE Linux products. These are distributed for free, given their open source nature, but they require a subscription already to get patches and updates other than theSep 26 12:39
schestowitzfreebie security patches.Sep 26 12:39
schestowitzO'Keefe added that the change in maintenance requirements did not apply to NetWare, to any products that have moved beyond "the general support phase of the product lifecycle," or to customers with ALA/SLA licenses in academia, who get all kinds of breaks from Novell.Sep 26 12:39
_goblinSorry Roy, AFK...the piracy question was meant in the sense of providing a solutions that benefits both fans and artists......although downloading isn't illegal in itself....its the sharing.....Sep 26 12:39
oiaohmI have a few different handles trmanco.Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz 26 12:40
phIRCeTitle: Novell forces customers to pay for maintenance • Channel Register .::. Size~: 26.47 KBSep 26 12:40
schestowitzNovell messed upSep 26 12:40
schestowitz_goblin: 26 12:40
phIRCeTitle: Lily Allen incites mails • The Register .::. Size~: 26.81 KBSep 26 12:40
schestowitzOrlowski  is trolling for the MAFIAA againSep 26 12:40
trmancookSep 26 12:40
*ziggyfish_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 12:41
*Krenso ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 12:41
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] Fossee is not intented at python programmig teaching for cs . It is for supporting science education using python tools. #inpyconSep 26 12:41
KrensoHelloSep 26 12:41
ziggyfish_helloSep 26 12:41
*ineiev ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 12:42
Krensowhy ms is promoting .net implementation made by intel and not by novell?Sep 26 12:42
schestowitzRather:Sep 26 12:44
_Hicham_because intel is stronger than novellSep 26 12:44
schestowitzWhy is Intel promoting XAML?Sep 26 12:44
schestowitzThat's obviousSep 26 12:44
schestowitzIntel helps Microsoft hereSep 26 12:44
schestowitzAs Novell didSep 26 12:45
schestowitzIntel has wide distribution channelSep 26 12:45
schestowitzThey put their stuff in hardware productsSep 26 12:45
Krensoi think intel's won't be cross-platformSep 26 12:46
Krensointel's .net implementation won't be cross platformSep 26 12:46
Krensoonly x86, so they can stop arm and othersSep 26 12:47
oiaohmIntel also produces arm chipsSep 26 12:47
Krensobut he doesn't want to compete with arm netbooksSep 26 12:47
oiaohmArm is a design company.  They don't produce chips themselves.Sep 26 12:48
schestowitz 26 12:48
phIRCeTitle: ongoing &#xb7; &#x5cf6;&#x6839; September &#x2014; Canal Farewell .::. Size~: 6.83 KBSep 26 12:48
oiaohmSo they don't really compete with Intel.Sep 26 12:48
oiaohmIntel is one of the production companies that produce arm chips.Sep 26 12:48
schestowitzFreescaleSep 26 12:48
schestowitzKrenso: good pointSep 26 12:49
ziggyfish_I love some of those patents that microsoft releasedSep 26 12:49
schestowitzBut Silver Lie hardly gets used anywaySep 26 12:49
schestowitzNot on phones and stuffSep 26 12:49
ziggyfish_Virtual Address Translation - in the 386Sep 26 12:50
schestowitz 26 12:50
phIRCeTitle:   The First Moblin Version 2 Netbook Comes From Dell  .::. Size~: 37.24 KBSep 26 12:50
oiaohmIntel XScale chips are arm.Sep 26 12:50
trmancoUptime: 1 days, 1 hours and 31 minutesSep 26 12:50
trmancokonversation is greatSep 26 12:51
schestowitzIt never crashed on meSep 26 12:51
trmancothese built in commands are a good ideaSep 26 12:51
trmancosame hereSep 26 12:51
schestowitzAnd it's an alphaSep 26 12:51
trmancowhat has crashed on me though was kopeteSep 26 12:51
schestowitzsebsebseb told me to use itSep 26 12:51
trmancoI think it has a built in tinyurlSep 26 12:53
oiaohmReally I like arm64 bit chips over x86 base onces.Sep 26 12:53
trmanco 26 12:53
trmancoyesSep 26 12:53
phIRCeTitle:   The First Moblin Version 2 Netbook Comes From Dell  .::. Size~: 37.26 KBSep 26 12:53
oiaohmarm64  includes a nice commands to switch between 32 64 an 16 bit bytecodes and processing on fly without having to context switch.Sep 26 12:54
trmancoBeer load [    \                ] 20%Sep 26 12:54
trmancoLOLSep 26 12:54
KrensoWith 2 Ghz arms coming (maybe 2 cores) and four times more energy efficient (read somewhere)Sep 26 12:54
oiaohm2Ghz with 8 core dia designs exist for arm KrensoSep 26 12:55
oiaohmCurrently being looked at for server rooms.Sep 26 12:55
oiaohmarm chips are insane at just sipping power.Sep 26 12:56
trmanco 26 12:56
phIRCeTitle: [KDE] Contents of /branches/extragear/kde3/network/konversation/scripts/tinyurl .::. Size~: 7.98 KBSep 26 12:56
oiaohmMostly because sections of cpu not need to process current machine code instruction get powered off.Sep 26 12:57
vcentoiaohm, that is why they will be so good in server farms, and "on demand" computing.Sep 26 12:57
oiaohmx86 chips are screwed up design.Sep 26 12:57
oiaohmthese days.Sep 26 12:57
schestowitz# Licensed under GPL v2 or later at your optionSep 26 12:57
oiaohmThey have a instruction process that takes the x86 code and covert into a internal risc based instruction set.Sep 26 12:58
oiaohmYep bloat in the cpu design.Sep 26 12:58
trmancoI wonder if they will accept an adapted versionSep 26 12:58
trmancofor is.gdSep 26 12:58
trmancotinyurl is getting oldSep 26 12:58
oiaohmMost likely trmancoSep 26 12:59
oiaohmMost people did not get Linus call to arms over bloat.  In 2.6.32 monitoring will appear that can tell you exactly where all the cpu time went.Sep 26 13:00
oiaohmSo a bloat hunt can begin.Sep 26 13:00
Omar871schestowitz: You might wanna watch the second part too. It has a scene from one of George Carlin's shows.Sep 26 13:02
trmancotinyurl is getting oldSep 26 13:05
trmancomehSep 26 13:05
Omar871trmanco: Is there better alternative to TinyURL?Sep 26 13:06
trmancomanySep 26 13:06
Omar871trmanco: Such as/Sep 26 13:06
Omar871?Sep 26 13:06
trmancois.gdSep 26 13:06
trmancoIt won't workSep 26 13:08
Omar871What won't work?Sep 26 13:08
trmancomy adapted version of the tinyurl scriptSep 26 13:08
_Hicham_this channel is pretty well monitoredSep 26 13:10
_Hicham_I didn't know thatSep 26 13:11
Omar871monitored?Sep 26 13:11
schestowitzOmar871: I do right nowSep 26 13:12
schestowitzPart 3 nowSep 26 13:12
schestowitzIT's a mashup of stuffSep 26 13:12
schestowitzThe Carlin stuff I've seen beforeSep 26 13:12
schestowitzOmar871: they poison it with Ike's "Fremason" BSSep 26 13:13
schestowitz*freeSep 26 13:13
*_Hicham_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 26 13:14
Omar871schestowitz: Don't listen a lot to Icke, 'coz he himself is a part of the same conspiracy he's trying to expose.Sep 26 13:14
Omar871schestowitz: Just keep watching. :)Sep 26 13:15
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Obsolete Microkernel Dooms Mac OS X to Lag Linux in Performance: 26 13:20
phIRCeTitle: Obsolete Microkernel Dooms Mac OS X to Lag Linux in Performance .::. Size~: 132.57 KBSep 26 13:20
trmancothis is oldSep 26 13:21
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 13:22
trmancoI wonder is this still appliesSep 26 13:22
Omar871What a cute bot this phIRCe is. :)Sep 26 13:22
trmanco:)Sep 26 13:23
Omar871Is it written with Python?Sep 26 13:23
trmanconoSep 26 13:23
trmancophpSep 26 13:24
Omar871Oh, yeah. It's evident from its name. :)Sep 26 13:24
schestowitztrmanco: see phoronix for benchmarksSep 26 13:25
oiaohmLinux kernel is slowly getting microkernel features.Sep 26 13:25
schestowitzOmar871: prpaganda is everywhereSep 26 13:25
schestowitzThe film too is propagandaSep 26 13:25
schestowitzEvery nation has itSep 26 13:25
schestowitzThe issue is, can population realise this?Sep 26 13:25
schestowitzToo hard, there are incentives to pull people into it. It's the way it has always been,.Sep 26 13:25
oiaohmPeople forget cuse and fuse in the Linux kernel are basically microkernel in design.Sep 26 13:26
Omar871True. But most of the propagandas around the world, in my opinion, are there to serve a much bigger and more frightening propaganda.Sep 26 13:27
trmancofuse?Sep 26 13:27
trmancoI didn't know thatSep 26 13:27
oiaohmUserspace filesystem drivers are fuse.Sep 26 13:27
oiaohmcuse are userspace char drivers.Sep 26 13:28
Omar871Look at how media companies around the planet, not just in the US use women as a tool to market their products, for example.Sep 26 13:28
oiaohmThen the network stack of Linux supports userspace drivers in there as well.Sep 26 13:28
schestowitzPeople should be indocrinated into understanding inxdocrination :-) :-) :-)Sep 26 13:28
schestowitzThen they'll become more resistant to itSep 26 13:28
oiaohmBasically block devices of Linux are the last major hold out to Linux being heavly able to operate as a microkernel.Sep 26 13:29
*Krenso has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 13:29
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Nate Silver busts Strategic Visions 26 13:29
phIRCeTitle: FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Strategic Vision Polls Exhibit Unusual Patterns, Possibly Indicating Fraud .::. Size~: 428.18 KBSep 26 13:29
Omar871Also, look at how people are becoming more and more materialistic each and every single day.Sep 26 13:29
oiaohmLinux these days is part way between monolithic and microkernel.Sep 26 13:29
oiaohmSeams to be the best location really.Sep 26 13:30
Omar871schestowitz: This documentary can be considered as a counter-propaganda.Sep 26 13:30
Omar871schestowitz: Just like anti-biotic medications. A bacteria to fight bacteria.Sep 26 13:31
Omar871schestowitz: Another thing: Why do we keep finding ignorants like DaemonFC all around the internet, and even off the internet, yapping about Muslims being terrorists and should be killed, slaughtered, exterminated.. etc.?Sep 26 13:34
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @kiruba: "We should join in conversations wherever they are happening rather than expect people to come to us" #BBC #cisUGCSep 26 13:35
Omar871schestowitz: Did you know that Arabs and Muslims are the most attacked and humiliated people in Hollywood and Disney movies.Sep 26 13:36
Omar871?Sep 26 13:36
oiaohmThat changes over time Omar871Sep 26 13:36
Omar871schestowitz: That would never change over time unless people wake up to see the truth.Sep 26 13:37
MinceRi think it's because that's what the most vocal muslims and arabs are likeSep 26 13:38
Omar871schestowitz: Mass-Hypnosis. It's all around us Roy. Even MS, the most hated company in this channel, uses it evidently.Sep 26 13:38
MinceRand otherwise the western world is mostly unfamiliar with both.Sep 26 13:38
Omar871Oh, I should've directed that to you oiaohm, sorry. :)Sep 26 13:38
oiaohmGo threw Hollywood history.Sep 26 13:39
oiaohmAt one point people with black skin were picked on.Sep 26 13:39
oiaohmThey would not dream of doing that today.Sep 26 13:39
Omar871MinceR: True. It's like an empty cup. If you don't fill it with something good. Other people can easily fill it with poison.Sep 26 13:40
oiaohmType casting unfortunally makes script writing simple.Sep 26 13:40
*ineiev ( has left #boycottnovellSep 26 13:40
Omar871oiaohm: Oh, regarding the "Black and White thing", I still don't believe that the discrimination against black is over today,Sep 26 13:41
oiaohmBlack and white is not 100 percent over that is right.Sep 26 13:42
Omar871oiaohm: For example, the KKK clan is still there. Although very few are listening to them, there are still people who follow them nevertheless.Sep 26 13:42
oiaohmI was refering to the level of discrimination in the media Omar871Sep 26 13:42
oiaohmIn time someone else will be found to be picked on and the Muslims and Arabs will be left alone again.Sep 26 13:43
Omar871oiaohm: Until today, discrimination agains Arabs and Muslims is very evident.Sep 26 13:43
Omar871oiaohm: Listen to comedians like Carlos Mecia and Jeff Dunham for example.Sep 26 13:43
Omar871Mencia*Sep 26 13:43
oiaohmBasically human nature we have to pick on some else to make us fell more powerful.Sep 26 13:43
oiaohmIts a sad world really.Sep 26 13:44
Omar871True.Sep 26 13:44
oiaohmPeople in lots of mulsim countries rage against USA people.Sep 26 13:44
oiaohmAlso totally bias they are not all bad.Sep 26 13:44
Omar871oiaohm: right.Sep 26 13:44
Omar871oiaohm: But there is no propaganda again USA people from the Arab world.Sep 26 13:45
oiaohmNot exactly true.Sep 26 13:45
oiaohmSome reglious leaders in the Arab world spread it even that it is against there religion.Sep 26 13:46
*_goblin has quit ("Ex-Chat")Sep 26 13:46
Omar871oiaohm: In fact, USA ppl get much better jobs in Arab countries that the original residents of that country.Sep 26 13:46
oiaohmDepends on country that does.Sep 26 13:46
Omar871oiaohm: Why? Because they are followers of the American propaganda.Sep 26 13:47
oiaohmNot exactly.Sep 26 13:47
Omar871oiaohm: Not really.Sep 26 13:47
oiaohmLot of Australians work in arab countries as well.Sep 26 13:47
oiaohmIn higher jobs.Sep 26 13:47
Omar871oiaohm: Yes.Sep 26 13:47
oiaohmSome of this is education issue.Sep 26 13:47
oiaohmIf people don't have the education they cannot do particular jobs.Sep 26 13:48
oiaohmSad part is some of the poor education problem comes from propaganda base schools teaching only the Muslim holy documents.Sep 26 13:49
Omar871oiaohm: For example my father used to work in Aramco(Saudi Arabia) as a Math teacher for about 12000 Rayals/month, and his mate, and American Physical Instructor, use to take abore 32000 Rayals/month!Sep 26 13:49
Omar871oiaohm: Also, my cousin used to work as Math teacher in a school (She's got a masters degree in Math) for about 2500 Rayals.Sep 26 13:50
oiaohmSo sport was more important that maths no wonder the place suxed.Sep 26 13:51
oiaohmFor getting people at times.Sep 26 13:51
Omar871oiaohm: Here mate, a Muslim American teacher used to take about 7000 Riyals even though she only had a highschool degree.Sep 26 13:51
oiaohmMaths is an extermally important skill.Sep 26 13:51
Omar871Her* mateSep 26 13:51
schestowitzOmar871: agreedSep 26 13:51
schestowitzJust catching up with the aboveSep 26 13:52
schestowitzHollywood is "indocrination for toddlers" :-) :-)Sep 26 13:52
schestowitzDisney I meanSep 26 13:52
schestowitzNot HollwoodSep 26 13:52
Omar871schestowitz: Hollywood is indoctrination for adults. :)Sep 26 13:52
oiaohmNot really Omar871Sep 26 13:53
schestowitzHollywood is an unbrellaSep 26 13:53
schestowitzdiney alsoSep 26 13:53
schestowitzDisneySep 26 13:53
schestowitzBut Hollywood is a bit of  a symbol. It emcompasses west coast tooSep 26 13:53
Omar871oiaohm: Believe me.Sep 26 13:53
oiaohmAdults have most of there treatment of other races set .Sep 26 13:53
oiaohmFrom there childhood.Sep 26 13:53
schestowitzEast, west... but it's cultutalSep 26 13:53
oiaohmTo change a Adults treatment of other races is extreamlly hard.Sep 26 13:54
oiaohmYou normally have to break them to build them back up to change it.Sep 26 13:54
oiaohmMovies cannot change an Adult.Sep 26 13:54
schestowitzNot just for racesSep 26 13:54
schestowitzClasses, ages, etc.Sep 26 13:54
Omar871oiaohm: True. But look at the adult-targeted movies and t.v shows like Indiana Jones and 24.Sep 26 13:54
schestowitzIt's embedded in the mind ata  young ageSep 26 13:54
schestowitzWith determination it can be cleaned a bitSep 26 13:54
schestowitzKids are a blank sheet, so it's easierSep 26 13:55
oiaohmrememmber 14 to 16 year olds will watch that Omar871Sep 26 13:55
Omar871oiaohm: Movies can make sure the adult doesn't change.Sep 26 13:55
oiaohmWhile brain is still not locked Omar871Sep 26 13:55
oiaohmNo Omar871Sep 26 13:55
oiaohmOnce the brain is locked at about 21 at the lasted.Sep 26 13:55
oiaohmNo matter the videos you show once its locked unless its targets to break them it will change nothing.Sep 26 13:56
Omar871oiaohm: So, you do agree with me about the indoctrination issue, right?Sep 26 13:56
oiaohmLike the blue eye expermint movies where you see people being picked on just for having blue eyes.Sep 26 13:56
oiaohmThat can crack some.Sep 26 13:56
oiaohmYes it takes extreams to even stand a chance of changing the mind set.Sep 26 13:57
oiaohmindoctrination has happened for ever.Sep 26 13:57
oiaohmMost religions do it.Sep 26 13:57
schestowitz 26 13:58
phIRCeTitle: stock.xchng - Caged Lizard (stock photo by sarahsbleu) .::. Size~: 23.04 KBSep 26 13:58
*wallclimber ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 13:58
oiaohmBuddhists is about the only religion that teachs tollerance of others truly in there indoctrination.Sep 26 13:58
oiaohmEven that all religion books include it.Sep 26 13:58
oiaohmGood Samaritan story every christian has normally been told.  The most important bit.   A Samaritan was neither christian, jew or any other liked religion but they did the right thing anyhow.Sep 26 14:01
oiaohmAnyone here who is a christian who has heard the Good Samaritan story remember there religion leaders point out the fact that anyone christian or not could be a good samaritan.Sep 26 14:02
oiaohmTollerance issue has it roots in miss teaching of things Omar871Sep 26 14:03
Omar871oiaohm: Might be true, but it's not the whole picture.Sep 26 14:03
oiaohmIt is really.Sep 26 14:05
oiaohmAll the minor errors stack up.Sep 26 14:05
oiaohmThey get embed in the writers so the movies come out wrong.Sep 26 14:05
Omar871oiaohm: Nope. :)Sep 26 14:05
oiaohmLot of the lack of tollerence to muslims dates to the CrusadesSep 26 14:07
Omar871oiaohm: That's right.Sep 26 14:07
oiaohmHeck they bend the religion at that time for killing the ones that did not follow christian.Sep 26 14:07
oiaohmEven that killing is stricty forbin.Sep 26 14:08
oiaohmThen that same bend got used to justify killing witches.Sep 26 14:08
oiaohmSingle error in teaching got used to kill lots and lots of people.Sep 26 14:08
oiaohmThe sad bit Muslims at the times of the Crusades embed the killing of non Muslims without mercy.Sep 26 14:10
oiaohmThat has also been abused many times over.Sep 26 14:10
Omar871oiaohm: Where did you get that information from?Sep 26 14:10
Omar871oiaohm: About the Muslims during the crusades?Sep 26 14:10
oiaohmThere are documents from both sides of the crusades.Sep 26 14:11
oiaohmWith the battles between them.Sep 26 14:11
Omar871oiaohm: How did you make sure these documents are correct?Sep 26 14:11
oiaohmNote the killing of non Muslims without mercy was an order from a general.Sep 26 14:12
oiaohmIt was the valid move at one stage of the war.Sep 26 14:12
Omar871oiaohm: For example, when Muslims used to take prisoners of war, they treated them like guests. No torture, no killing. did the same happen to Muslims who fell in the hands of the crusades?Sep 26 14:13
Omar871oiaohm: What was the reason?Sep 26 14:13
oiaohmTo hold a city with low food reserves.Sep 26 14:13
Omar871oiaohm: Because those non-muslims were soldiers.Sep 26 14:13
Omar871oiaohm: No.Sep 26 14:14
oiaohmThe person who did it was punshed hard.Sep 26 14:14
Omar871oiaohm: Which person?Sep 26 14:15
oiaohmthe commander who ordered it.Sep 26 14:15
Omar871The Muslim commander?Sep 26 14:15
oiaohmYep.Sep 26 14:15
oiaohmWhat should be a war crime.Sep 26 14:15
Omar871What was the order again?Sep 26 14:15
oiaohmIs used by some of the raditals to justify monderday bombings.Sep 26 14:15
oiaohmYes how miss teaching sneeks in.Sep 26 14:16
*Diablo-D3 (n=diablo@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 14:16
oiaohmSomething that was wrong gets used to justify even more wrong.Sep 26 14:16
Omar871That's right.Sep 26 14:16
oiaohmWhen you know the history of where all the problems are coming from its really sad.Sep 26 14:17
Omar871And by the way, the Illuminati thing is real.Sep 26 14:19
oiaohmIt is really simple as a proper muslim or christians not to see how the raditicals come into existing.Sep 26 14:19
oiaohmNot exactly the Illuminati is not exactly real.Sep 26 14:19
Omar871It's not only embedded not only on the Dollor paper.Sep 26 14:19
oiaohmThe Illuminati groups are the biggest theifs of symbols.Sep 26 14:20
Omar871You can find in so many unexpected places.Sep 26 14:20
Omar871You can even find it in the Church.Sep 26 14:20
oiaohmLets make our selfs appear powerful by using long forgoten symbols.Sep 26 14:20
Omar871Dollar*Sep 26 14:20
Omar871oiaohm: I don't think so.Sep 26 14:20
oiaohmSorry to say lot of the symbols in Churchs that people call Illuminta are older.Sep 26 14:21
oiaohmLike the eye or ra.Sep 26 14:21
oiaohmof raSep 26 14:21
oiaohmAt one point all approved religions in egypt had to have that on wall.Sep 26 14:21
Omar871oiaohm: Unless they believe and are dedicated to the origins of those symbols, they won't use them. They're not that stupid.Sep 26 14:21
Omar871That's right.Sep 26 14:22
oiaohmOf course after egypt kings are no more.Sep 26 14:22
Omar871are no more?Sep 26 14:22
oiaohmPeople forget what the symbol was for a long time.Sep 26 14:22
oiaohmSo groups that people call the Illimuna started using it to give them fake historic power.Sep 26 14:23
Omar871Why do you find it in the Dumbo (the elephant) movie?Sep 26 14:23
Omar871What is it doing on the back of Maddona's jacket?Sep 26 14:23
Omar871Madonna*Sep 26 14:23
oiaohmEye of ra was also common used as a status symbol.Sep 26 14:24
oiaohmOr for showing having the power to see the future by fortune tellers ie being all seeing.Sep 26 14:24
oiaohmNote use by fortune tellers is old.Sep 26 14:25
oiaohmLot of use of the eye or ra is not Illuminati.Sep 26 14:25
Omar871Ok, and what is the star of David doing on the Dollar paper? (above the eagle).Sep 26 14:25
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Acho que vou fazer uma wiki no open maniaSep 26 14:26
oiaohmThat is always an interesting one Omar871Sep 26 14:27
oiaohmStar of David was used around early christian as well.Sep 26 14:27
Omar871Judaism is way older than Christianity, afaik. :)Sep 26 14:28
oiaohmYou find it in russian and greek autherdox churches.Sep 26 14:28
oiaohmBecause the family of David link straight to the christian story.Sep 26 14:29
twitter1belief in paper money is a matter of faith, you had better load it with as many ancient and mysterious symbols as you canSep 26 14:29
Omar871oiaohm: I can never understand how that can be a coincidence.Sep 26 14:29
oiaohmIts not pure coincidenceSep 26 14:30
oiaohmAs twitter said money has a habit of containing symbols people creating the money think are either interesting or important.Sep 26 14:31
oiaohmLike we could make a big deal that USA money contains arab numbers.Sep 26 14:32
Omar871LOLSep 26 14:32
Omar871Of course it does.Sep 26 14:32
oiaohmNow is that a coincidence as well.Sep 26 14:32
Omar871oiaohm: The numbers you use everyday are Arab numbers. Whereas the ones we use are Indians.Sep 26 14:33
Omar871"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.." ---> Arab numbers, that you can find in very ancient scripts that belong to ancient Arab and Muslim scientists.Sep 26 14:34
vcentit's not the star of david on the dollar bill it's the seal of solomonSep 26 14:35
Omar871 26 14:36
phIRCeTitle: Arabic numerals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 82.67 KBSep 26 14:36
oiaohmNow if you follow the Illuminati means of operation.  You would wait for people to what the Arabic numerals mean.Sep 26 14:36
oiaohmThen use the old documents to prove that you are prehistory.Sep 26 14:36
oiaohmSo making yourself appear powerful.Sep 26 14:36
Omar871oiaohm: What?Sep 26 14:36
oiaohmThe seal of solomon  Very interestingSep 26 14:38
phIRCeTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBSep 26 14:38
oiaohmOmar871: the Illuminati is not that old.Sep 26 14:38
oiaohmWe are talking something under 200 years old.Sep 26 14:39
oiaohmThat makes themselves appear older using old symbols.Sep 26 14:39
Omar871oiaohm: Can you provide some resources?Sep 26 14:39
oiaohmIf you want something old.Sep 26 14:40
oiaohmMasonsSep 26 14:40
oiaohmOne of the first unions.Sep 26 14:40
Omar871oiaohm: That's right. Masons came way before the Illuminati.Sep 26 14:42
oiaohmMay 1, 1776  << founding date of the first Illuminati Ok little off last time I was talking about this was in the 1990s.Sep 26 14:42
Omar871oiaohm: However, the concept of the Illuminati is extremely old.Sep 26 14:42
oiaohmNoSep 26 14:42
Omar871oiaohm: YewsSep 26 14:42
Omar871Yes*Sep 26 14:42
oiaohmReally it is not.Sep 26 14:42
Omar871oiaohm: Absolutely ys.Sep 26 14:43
Omar871yes.Sep 26 14:43
Omar871oiaohm: Absolutely it is.Sep 26 14:43
oiaohmYou are refering to cloud stories.Sep 26 14:43
oiaohmI have not found one that has lived threw proper investation.Sep 26 14:43
oiaohmBasically all Illuminati stories pre 1776 are normally a distort of history.Sep 26 14:44
Omar871oiaohm: It's based on a group of people who consider themselves the elite, who take control of every aspect of the nation's life. From money, to religion, to media.. etc.Sep 26 14:44
oiaohmYou are refering to masons.Sep 26 14:44
Omar871oiaohm: And the rest of the people are merely slaves of the system.Sep 26 14:44
Omar871oiaohm:  NoSep 26 14:44
oiaohmNot IlluminatiSep 26 14:44
oiaohmand other religions.Sep 26 14:45
Omar871oiaohm: I'm referring to the illuminati.Sep 26 14:45
Omar871oiaohm: And that concept has been around since the Pharoahs.Sep 26 14:45
oiaohmPre the illuminati that the illuminati tryed to link themselves to so to become powerful.Sep 26 14:45
oiaohmWrong.Sep 26 14:45
Omar871oiaohm: Right.Sep 26 14:45
oiaohmIn the time of the Pharoahs the Pharoahs was ablsote.Sep 26 14:45
oiaohmThere is no direct link between the illuminati and Pharoahs.Sep 26 14:46
Omar871oiaohm: I'm not linking here.Sep 26 14:46
oiaohmThe masons had the seal of the PharoahsSep 26 14:46
oiaohmand some churches.Sep 26 14:47
Omar871oiaohm: I'm just saying, they are many different faces of one single coin.Sep 26 14:47
vcentmasons are christianSep 26 14:47
Omar871vcent: Not really.Sep 26 14:47
oiaohmYou are joining up stories with different histories.Sep 26 14:47
vcentthey are required to memorise passages of the biblefor promotionSep 26 14:47
Omar871oiaohm: The history is one.Sep 26 14:47
oiaohmThe single coin argument is Illuminati arguement.Sep 26 14:48
oiaohmEven that the Pharoahs are known to joke about the sun just being a symbol to them.Sep 26 14:48
oiaohmYou can tack a whole stack of histories to write any story you like.Sep 26 14:49
vcentand all it is is a storySep 26 14:50
oiaohmIf I joined the right stories toeghter I could say the native americains were in control of everything.Sep 26 14:50
oiaohmNow is that telling correct history no.Sep 26 14:50
Omar871oiaohm: That's impossible.Sep 26 14:50
oiaohmIts abusing history for own ends.Sep 26 14:50
oiaohmNo its not Omar871Sep 26 14:51
oiaohmYou just leave out a lot of key details.Sep 26 14:51
Omar871oiaohm: Actually I agree.Sep 26 14:51
oiaohmWhen you start reading the complete histories you start finding problems.Sep 26 14:51
oiaohmThat kinda rip the Illuminati stories to bits.Sep 26 14:52
Omar871oiaohm: Many nations have deliberately mangled and manipulated history for shape the future for their own evil ambitions.Sep 26 14:52
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Make your PolyDay party a success! 26 14:52
Omar871oiaohm: I totally agree.Sep 26 14:52
phIRCeTitle: YouTube - It's Party Time! .::. Size~: 140.25 KBSep 26 14:52
oiaohmIlluminati is just the most recent con job of history Omar871Sep 26 14:53
oiaohmThat a lot of people believe absolutely.Sep 26 14:53
Omar871oiaohm: True.Sep 26 14:53
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] NotN: Windows 7 party video snatches defeat from the jaws of victory 26 14:53
phIRCeTitle: Windows 7 party video snatches defeat from the jaws of victory - News of the News .::. Size~: 33.64 KBSep 26 14:53
Omar871oiaohm: You can prove that the most Illumanti's are masons.Sep 26 14:53
oiaohmNo Omar871Sep 26 14:54
oiaohmThat is another case of history bending.Sep 26 14:54
oiaohmMasons were powerful.Sep 26 14:54
Omar871oiaohm: You might also come to a conclusion that the history between your hands is a big huge lie.Sep 26 14:54
oiaohmso we link selfs to important MasonsSep 26 14:54
Omar871oiaohm: So are the Illuminati.Sep 26 14:54
oiaohmSo make ourselves important.Sep 26 14:55
Omar871oiaohm: Freemasons are still powerful until now.Sep 26 14:55
oiaohmExactly.Sep 26 14:55
oiaohmMasons are the ones of interest.Sep 26 14:55
Omar871oiaohm: George Washington himself was a Mason.Sep 26 14:55
oiaohmNot the Illuminati.Sep 26 14:55
oiaohmIf anything the Illuminati is a destraction so people don't look at Masons.Sep 26 14:56
Omar871oiaohm: Yeah, maybe.Sep 26 14:56
oiaohmFake history is a nice way to hide.Sep 26 14:56
vcentfew if any are looking at the illumanti either.Sep 26 14:56
oiaohmOne of the bigest clue is some of not possiable illumanti was massons called illumanti who were dead before the illumanti movement formed.Sep 26 14:57
Omar871oiaohm: Maybe the Illuminati like a mask under which the Masons hide their true face.Sep 26 14:57
vcentyou cant fake history, it a fact if something happend it happend, everything else is a lie.Sep 26 14:57
twitter1so, vcent is always rightSep 26 14:58
Omar871oiaohm: Some resources also point to the British royal family as being the head of the Illuminati.Sep 26 14:58
twitter1;-)Sep 26 14:58
vcentno, history is always right, the reporting or recording of it might be a lieSep 26 14:58
oiaohmOmar871: Britch royal Family is german.Sep 26 14:58
Omar871oiaohm: So?Sep 26 14:58
oiaohmWhat chruch did they go to before being taken to england.Sep 26 14:59
Omar871vcent: Yes. That's what I said. The history we have at hand now is the lie. Not the actual history.Sep 26 14:59
Omar871oiaohm: The Vatican?Sep 26 14:59
oiaohmGreek Orthorx.  Remember German and rome was at war at one point.Sep 26 15:00
oiaohmSo of course they have historic symbols of eygpt in places.Sep 26 15:00
oiaohmThis is the problem.   All the link up of Illuminati is symbol based with symbols that are old that a lot of people got valid ways.Sep 26 15:02
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 15:02
oiaohmPeople forget the Britch royal family had to be replaced because they went genically insnae.Sep 26 15:03
oiaohmAnd scary part my blood line is linked to that insane familly.Sep 26 15:03
twitter1mankind is insane -> oiaohm: And scary part my blood line is linked to that insane familly.Sep 26 15:04
Omar871Ok, I really need to run now.Sep 26 15:04
Omar871We'll talk l8er. :)Sep 26 15:05
Omar871Buh-bye. :DSep 26 15:05
*Omar871 ( has left #boycottnovellSep 26 15:05
twitter1ohm, emperor of OceanaSep 26 15:05
oiaohmHopefully I am far enough removed.Sep 26 15:06
oiaohmSometimes it does not pay to know ones familly tree.Sep 26 15:07
oiaohmtwitter1: also the insane ones had a lot of sex out of marage.  So lot of people will be releated to them.   Mine is just formal.Sep 26 15:08
Tcl interface unloadedSep 26 15:35
Python interface unloadedSep 26 15:35
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Sep 26 15:35:38 2009
Omar871oiaohm: Yeah, maybe.Sep 26 14:14
oiaohmFake history is a nice way to hide.Sep 26 14:14
vcentfew if any are looking at the illumanti either.Sep 26 14:14
oiaohmOne of the bigest clue is some of not possiable illumanti was massons called illumanti who were dead before the illumanti movement formed.Sep 26 14:15
Omar871oiaohm: Maybe the Illuminati like a mask under which the Masons hide their true face.Sep 26 14:15
vcentyou cant fake history, it a fact if something happend it happend, everything else is a lie.Sep 26 14:15
twitter1so, vcent is always rightSep 26 14:16
Omar871oiaohm: Some resources also point to the British royal family as being the head of the Illuminati.Sep 26 14:16
twitter1;-)Sep 26 14:16
vcentno, history is always right, the reporting or recording of it might be a lieSep 26 14:16
oiaohmOmar871: Britch royal Family is german.Sep 26 14:16
Omar871oiaohm: So?Sep 26 14:16
oiaohmWhat chruch did they go to before being taken to england.Sep 26 14:17
Omar871vcent: Yes. That's what I said. The history we have at hand now is the lie. Not the actual history.Sep 26 14:17
Omar871oiaohm: The Vatican?Sep 26 14:17
oiaohmGreek Orthorx.  Remember German and rome was at war at one point.Sep 26 14:18
oiaohmSo of course they have historic symbols of eygpt in places.Sep 26 14:19
oiaohmThis is the problem.   All the link up of Illuminati is symbol based with symbols that are old that a lot of people got valid ways.Sep 26 14:20
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 14:20
oiaohmPeople forget the Britch royal family had to be replaced because they went genically insnae.Sep 26 14:21
oiaohmAnd scary part my blood line is linked to that insane familly.Sep 26 14:21
twitter1mankind is insane -> oiaohm: And scary part my blood line is linked to that insane familly.Sep 26 14:22
Omar871Ok, I really need to run now.Sep 26 14:23
Omar871We'll talk l8er. :)Sep 26 14:23
Omar871Buh-bye. :DSep 26 14:23
*Omar871 ( has left #boycottnovellSep 26 14:23
twitter1ohm, emperor of OceanaSep 26 14:23
oiaohmHopefully I am far enough removed.Sep 26 14:25
oiaohmSometimes it does not pay to know ones familly tree.Sep 26 14:25
oiaohmtwitter1: also the insane ones had a lot of sex out of marage.  So lot of people will be releated to them.   Mine is just formal.Sep 26 14:26
*roy_ () has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 14:41
roy_[15:22] <schestowitz> oiaohm: is that related to their breeding experiments?Sep 26 14:42
roy_[15:22] <schestowitz> Or was that a long time later?Sep 26 14:42
oiaohmDo you mean the royals maring royals leading to dna stuff up.Sep 26 14:43
oiaohmIf so yes Mine branches off just before the dna turned completely screwed.Sep 26 14:43
roy_They believed intellect was hereditary and they cross- or in-bred only t find high defect rates in birth.Sep 26 14:44
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to roy_Sep 26 14:45
oiaohmMy line is charles just before nuts MR henry the 8Sep 26 14:45
oiaohmThere is only so many cross breads before you screw it completely.Sep 26 14:46
roy_Something with the connection went bad. Hold ob.Sep 26 14:47
twitter1screw it royally ?Sep 26 14:47
oiaohmMore than correct twitter1Sep 26 14:47
roy_Seems like freenode isuesSep 26 14:48
*Xarver ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 14:50
*kevin009 has quit ("Leaving.")Sep 26 14:52
roy_Something in Freenode seems to have gone bad. Hold on..Sep 26 14:53
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 14:54
*roy_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 26 14:54
*schestowitz () has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 14:54
*schestowitz_ () has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 14:54
*schestowitz_log has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 14:55
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Sep 26 15:36:38 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 26 15:36
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software [publicly logged]Sep 26 15:36
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri Jun 12 18:24:05 2009Sep 26 15:36
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 26 15:36
*schestowitz_log has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 15:37
*You are now known as schestowitz_logSep 26 15:37
schestowitzSeems to be OK now.Sep 26 15:38
*BNc has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 15:38
schestowitzArgh...Sep 26 15:38
*BNc () has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 15:39
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 26 15:40
trmancololSep 26 15:44
trmancoit kinda stinks when everything starts crashing on you :-PSep 26 15:45
schestowitzIt's either connectivity here or at Freenode. Never mind, it seems to be stable nowSep 26 15:47
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Wikimedia blog: So what does Flagged Revisions actually feel like? 26 15:48
phIRCeTitle: David Gerard  &raquo; Blog Archive   &raquo; So what does Flagged Revisions actually feel like? .::. Size~: 12.95 KBSep 26 15:49
trmancoyou made front page redditSep 26 15:49
trmanco 26 15:51
phIRCeTitle: Richard Stallman is Not the Bad Guy : linux .::. Size~: 70.85 KBSep 26 15:51
twitter1PR Watch got spun by NYT tobacco article.  They wrongly assert that smokeless tobacco does not cause cancer and fail to mention some the obvious downsides of tobacco candy that should keep those products off the market.Sep 26 15:51
twitter1nicotine is toxic, so tobacco candy will kill people 26 15:52
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 15:52
phIRCeTitle: Nicotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 225.68 KBSep 26 15:52
twitter1tobacco candy will pose a significant danger to children.  infants will die of overdoses and school children will goad each other into the same.Sep 26 15:53
twitter1smokeless tobacco also transfers cancer risk to other regions.  there may be less risk because you eliminate smoke but people who repeatedly insult themselves with insecticide still get cancer.Sep 26 15:55
twitter1oral tobacco leads to jaw and throat cancer, for example.Sep 26 15:56
*wallclimber has quit ()Sep 26 15:56
_Hicham_hi twitter1 my friendSep 26 15:57
twitter1nicotine, like caffeine, is essentially an insecticide.Sep 26 15:57
twitter1hello _Hicham_Sep 26 15:57
_Hicham_do u smoke twitter1?Sep 26 15:57
twitter1noSep 26 15:57
twitter1I once did but quitSep 26 15:58
twitter1it was very stupid of meSep 26 15:58
twitter1did it as an undergraduate.Sep 26 15:58
amarsh04the best way to discourage the granddaughter from ever thinking of taking up smoking was to tell he that it would harm her singingSep 26 15:59
twitter1so, I can tell you about nicotine addictionSep 26 15:59
schestowitzamarsh04: negative marketing of sortsSep 26 16:00
schestowitzAssociation with bad imagesSep 26 16:00
twitter1the best way to avoid smoking in children is to have it be completely foreign.  like eating raw fish.Sep 26 16:00
twitter1out of sight, out of mindSep 26 16:00
schestowitzAs a child there were these ads where cigarettes turn to worms that moveSep 26 16:00
_Hicham_schestowitz : cigarettes ads must be bannedSep 26 16:01
twitter1agreedSep 26 16:01
amarsh04yes, but at least more truthful than "smoking stunts your growth"Sep 26 16:01
amarsh04they are banned in .auSep 26 16:01
twitter1all smoking ads are harmful, even those that discourage.  they normalize the conceptSep 26 16:01
amarsh04and the you can't see cigarettes on sale except when they display pictures of clogged ateries, infected tarred lung tissue, gangrenous feet and the likeSep 26 16:02
twitter1children are not able to associate disease with themselves, so these ads do not have a deterrent effect on themSep 26 16:03
schestowitzWhat about smoking in films?Sep 26 16:03
schestowitzHow do the regulations vary?Sep 26 16:03
schestowitz 26 16:04
amarsh04but the granddaughter can remember seeing her great-grandmother (a smoker) with similar foot problemsSep 26 16:04
phIRCeTitle: HP&#039;s new--kind of, sort of--Linux support - Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 138.91 KBSep 26 16:04
twitter1stories are not something that should be regulated.  advertisements are.Sep 26 16:04
schestowitzLinux is DYING.*s_Q2_net_profits_increase_37* (Red Hat's Q2 net profits increase 37%)Sep 26 16:04
phIRCeTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error .::. Size~: 0 KBSep 26 16:04
twitter1paying for placement of smoking ruins stories anywaySep 26 16:04
amarsh04films are crazy, you'd think sexually transmitted diseases didn't happenSep 26 16:04
schestowitztwitter1: not storiesSep 26 16:05
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] 4chan /v/: If Top Gear reviewed video games (NSFW advertising!!)Sep 26 16:05
phIRCeTitle: 4chanarchive - /v/ - TopGear game reviewers .::. Size~: 189.42 KBSep 26 16:05
schestowitzJust placements of heroic figures smokingSep 26 16:05
twitter1films are storiesSep 26 16:05
schestowitzLike ordering "Coke"Sep 26 16:05
schestowitztwitter1: fictional sometimesSep 26 16:05
twitter1that's product placement advertising and it is something that can be regulatedSep 26 16:06
schestowitzOK, right..Sep 26 16:06
schestowitz 26 16:07
phIRCeTitle: Michael Moore&#8217;s New Movie Was Brought to You by Goldman Sachs -- Daily Intel .::. Size~: 58.22 KBSep 26 16:07
Diablo-D3the food on your table was brought to you by goldman sachsSep 26 16:07
schestowitz 26 16:08
phIRCeTitle: Goldman Sachs at CGI: Women Offer the &quot;Highest ROI&quot; | Leading Companies for Good | Fast Company .::. Size~: 43.86 KBSep 26 16:08
schestowitz 26 16:09
phIRCeTitle: Local Business Digest: Carlyle Hires Goldman Adviser to Help Run Buyout Arm - .::. Size~: 90.63 KBSep 26 16:09
schestowitz"Carlyle Group, the world's second-largest private-equity firm, hired Gregory L. Summe from Goldman Sachs Group to help run its global buyout business."Sep 26 16:09
schestowitzCarlyse->SCO->MSFT?Sep 26 16:09
schestowitzCarlyle -- old news... old corruptionSep 26 16:09
amarsh04plenty of matches on Carlyle Group on's searchSep 26 16:14
schestowitzThis debate is not over yet (over sexism): 26 16:14
phIRCeTitle: Linux Today - Editor&#39;s Note: Sexism and Other -isms Hold Back FOSS, part 2 .::. Size~: 98.37 KBSep 26 16:14
schestowitzI want out of it...... a lot of bits and byte flying in the wrong directionSep 26 16:14
schestowitzamarsh04: 26 16:15
phIRCeTitle: Carlyle - Google Search .::. Size~: 23.41 KBSep 26 16:15
amarsh04I haven't read the most recent talk-backs but it seemed like it was calming down... mainly in the spirit of not being deliberately obnoxious to others in FLOSSSep 26 16:16
twitter1PRWatch takes comments but their spam filter is set high and they don't like the name "twitter"Sep 26 16:19
schestowitz 26 16:19
phIRCeTitle: Google shutting down independent Android image developers? [] .::. Size~: 17.78 KBSep 26 16:19
schestowitzDo Know Evil?Sep 26 16:19
twitter1it seems that someone has registerd the name twitterSep 26 16:19
twitter1this is triggered their spam filter -> <a href="">Nicotine is extremely toxic</a> (LD50 0.1 mg/kg) and not something that should be sold as candy. Children and infants will die of overdoses if tobacco candy is ever as prevalent as other forms of tobacco are.  Smokeless tobacco also causes cancer.Sep 26 16:20
phIRCeTitle: Nicotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 225.68 KBSep 26 16:20
schestowitztwitter1: I started reading PR Watch a year agoSep 26 16:20
twitter1RMS has been pointing to it.Sep 26 16:20
twitter1good stuff thereSep 26 16:20
schestowitzHe reads it tooSep 26 16:20
schestowitzBut..Sep 26 16:20
schestowitzTHe main site is SourceWatchSep 26 16:20
schestowitzPR Watch is the blogSep 26 16:20
schestowitzOf CMDSep 26 16:20
twitter1right, good stuffSep 26 16:21
schestowitzBoycott Novell can hopefully make better use of the Wiki over timeSep 26 16:21
twitter1it willSep 26 16:21
twitter1it's a matter of search.Sep 26 16:21
twitter1google will catch up to it if the built in search tools don'tSep 26 16:22
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 16:26
_Hicham_TrollTech has comeSep 26 16:27
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Some people work way too hard 26 16:28
phIRCeTitle: Not a web page! Aborting... .::. Size~: Too big!Sep 26 16:28
*wallclimber (n=ozma@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 16:32
twitter1the sexism thing is one of those pots that M$ will hypocritically stir.  the firm that brought us developers as pawns and one night stands does not waste much time inspecting itself for the same.Sep 26 16:34
twitter1and it is something they seek to pin on free softwareSep 26 16:34
twitter1it's insane, of course.Sep 26 16:34
twitter1free software is one of the most accessible movements in historySep 26 16:35
twitter1yet all they have to do is point to one or two blog posts and say, "see what a revolting bunch those people are"Sep 26 16:36
twitter1Yet we know, thanks to court produced documents and emails, that sexism is endemic and encouraged at Microsoft.Sep 26 16:37
twitter1that it is not expressed more frequently is only because the company is run like a prison camp, with all communications monitoredSep 26 16:39
wallclimberare there documanted instances where MS reps said those things in public, at a conference for instance? (not arguing, just wondering)Sep 26 16:39
twitter1yesSep 26 16:39
twitter1see the slog document, for exampleSep 26 16:39
wallclimberbut the slog document was originally intended to be private, not public...Sep 26 16:40
twitter1it expresses their attitudeSep 26 16:40
twitter1 26 16:40
phIRCeTitle: &quot;white picket fence&quot; - Google Search .::. Size~: 21.17 KBSep 26 16:40
twitter1this how they treat themselves and othersSep 26 16:41
wallclimberi understand what you are saying, i just think it would become a point if mentioned in comparison in an article.Sep 26 16:41
twitter1?Sep 26 16:41
twitter1from the doc ->  You’re going out with a girl, what you really want to do is have a deep, close and intimate relationship, at least for one night. And, you know, you just can’t let her feel like that, because if you do, it ain’t going to happen, right. So you have to talk long term and white picket fence and all these other wonderful things, or else you’re never going to get what you’re really looking for.Sep 26 16:42
wallclimbersorry, it's hard to express thoughts clearly on IRC, i'm still not quite used to it yet...Sep 26 16:42
wallclimberWhen i was reading your commentsSep 26 16:42
wallclimberit occured to me that it might be a good article for Roy toSep 26 16:42
twitter1he's done a couple of them about the RMS sexism nonsenseSep 26 16:43
twitter1it's better to let that die nowSep 26 16:43
wallclimbercompare the many ways that people are ill-treated by MS, andSep 26 16:43
wallclimberother companiesSep 26 16:43
wallclimberI know he has, but this last bit of craziness seems to make a HUGE deal out of small comments...Sep 26 16:44
twitter1that's all the non free software people have leftSep 26 16:44
wallclimberthe comments may have been unfortunate ones, but they weren't as horrendously dis-respectful as the Slog comments were...Sep 26 16:45
wallclimberbut then i always try to think how things can be twistedSep 26 16:45
twitter1I missed the latest attack.Sep 26 16:45
twitter1which are you referring to?Sep 26 16:45
twitter1linuxjournal did not come up for meSep 26 16:46
wallclimberand figured trolls would point out that at least MS doesn't do those things in i wondered if they ever had...Sep 26 16:46
wallclimberwell, Mark Shuttleworth apparently made some sort of off-the-cuff remark that upset some peopleSep 26 16:46
wallclimberat a conferenceSep 26 16:47
wallclimberit got blown out of proportion, of courseSep 26 16:47
schestowitzHi, wallclimberSep 26 16:47
schestowitzGosh, I hate having to do web development with viSep 26 16:47
wallclimbergood morning!Sep 26 16:47
schestowitzfish:// mysteriously times out today, so I'm left with the CLI onlySep 26 16:48
twitter1correction, linuxtoday, not working for me.  thanks for the summarySep 26 16:48
amarsh04that's why I still run kde 3.5.X schestowitz... I like quanta too muchSep 26 16:48
schestowitzOh!!Sep 26 16:48
schestowitztrmanco: good newsSep 26 16:48
schestowitzKonversation is up to beta nowSep 26 16:48
schestowitzSo the marker line worksSep 26 16:48
amarsh04although some people run quanta under kde 4.3.XSep 26 16:48
schestowitzOur bug reportSep 26 16:49
twitter1thanks to ssh -X, it's easy to get the best of both 3.5 and 4.3Sep 26 16:49
trmancoschestowitz: I posted the link here a couple of days agoSep 26 16:49
twitter1this laptop is going to stay 3.5 until I get the hang of 4.3Sep 26 16:50
trmancothe beta ain't in the ppa yet :(Sep 26 16:50
twitter1the 4.3 interface is beautiful.  I wish that I had time to give it E16 type pagersSep 26 16:51
schestowitzI don't have x on the serverSep 26 16:52
DaemonFCI'm going to be going to the monthly Democrats meeting here in town and bring up this gun threat in our high schoolSep 26 16:52
twitter1I have x on my "server" which happens to be my desktop....Sep 26 16:53
DaemonFCI'd like to press the mayor's incompetence in spending $50,000 of taxpayer money trying to defend those "bible trailers" at the expense of student safetySep 26 16:53
DaemonFCthat could have bought quite a few metal detectorsSep 26 16:53
DaemonFC(the mayor is a Republican)Sep 26 16:53
twitter1well, I have things to do today.  bblSep 26 16:54
*twitter1 has quit ("Leaving.")Sep 26 16:54
schestowitz 26 16:54
trmancowow, guns?Sep 26 16:54
_Hicham_that is the american dreamSep 26 16:54
DaemonFCtrmanco, That mayor is a moronSep 26 16:54
DaemonFCa total and complete fucktardSep 26 16:55
trmancowell, he may be, but, gun threat?Sep 26 16:55
trmancocmonSep 26 16:55
DaemonFCthey found four guns in the lockersSep 26 16:55
DaemonFCafter a hit list was found carved into the bathroom wall at a Big Lots storeSep 26 16:55
schestowitzI've added more styling to the logs. Did some stuff in Python to add logo too....Sep 26 16:55
trmancololSep 26 16:55
_Hicham_schestowitz is a python masterSep 26 16:55
trmancosounds like a movieSep 26 16:55
schestowitz_Hicham_: 26 16:56
phIRCeTitle: IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 16th, 2009 .::. Size~: 223.35 KBSep 26 16:56
schestowitzTomorrow it'll have a button with logo at the topSep 26 16:56
trmancono wonder Hollywood make some great shooting moviesSep 26 16:56
trmancowhat are bible traders?Sep 26 16:57
trmancotrailers*Sep 26 16:57
schestowitzExpecting to Fail < >Sep 26 16:58
DaemonFCthe church parked trailers outside the middle schoolSep 26 16:58
schestowitzbblSep 26 16:58
*wallclimber has quit ("wallclimber has wandered away")Sep 26 16:58
trmancofor what?Sep 26 16:58
trmancosell bibles?Sep 26 16:58
DaemonFCand the school was dismissing children from real classes to go to a "bible class" in the trailersSep 26 16:58
trmancoah, I seeSep 26 16:59
DaemonFCa federal judge ordered them to stopSep 26 16:59
DaemonFCbecause they were violating the establishment clause of the US constitutionSep 26 16:59
_Hicham_so that they learn sthg usefulSep 26 16:59
DaemonFCnoSep 26 17:00
_Hicham_DaemonFC is the head of the local churchSep 26 17:00
DaemonFCthe establishment clause prevents the government of the United States or any state or local government from promoting any religionSep 26 17:00
DaemonFCrightfully soSep 26 17:00
DaemonFCstate religions are oppressive and lead to really bad thingsSep 26 17:01
_Hicham_but America is christianSep 26 17:01
DaemonFCnoSep 26 17:01
DaemonFCAmerica has no official religionSep 26 17:01
DaemonFCthe government is secular per the constitutionSep 26 17:01
_Hicham_why do u use the bible to swear in the congress ?Sep 26 17:02
_Hicham_?Sep 26 17:02
DaemonFCyou don't have toSep 26 17:02
_Hicham_isn't that anti-constitutionalSep 26 17:02
_Hicham_u do have toSep 26 17:02
DaemonFCand "so help me God " is not a part of any oath of officeSep 26 17:02
_Hicham_all congress members should swear using the bibleSep 26 17:03
DaemonFCthat can optionally be added by the person being sworn inSep 26 17:03
DaemonFC_Hicham_, no they don'tSep 26 17:03
DaemonFCKeith Ellison used Thomas Jefferson's Qur'anSep 26 17:03
DaemonFCsome senators being sworn in have done it on a bound copy of the US constitutionSep 26 17:04
DaemonFCthere is no requirement of the Christian bible or swearing an oath to the Christian godSep 26 17:04
DaemonFCor any godSep 26 17:05
DaemonFCthere cannot be any religious tests as a precondition of holding public office eitherSep 26 17:05
DaemonFCunconstitutionalSep 26 17:05
DaemonFC_Hicham_, One of the institutions that the founders of the United States wanted rid of was the Church of EnglandSep 26 17:06
DaemonFCthey were afraid that if they didn't constitutionally outlaw state religion, the same thing would happen hereSep 26 17:07
DaemonFCthe other major institution they wanted rid of was the Bank of EnglandSep 26 17:07
DaemonFCwhich we ended up getting the Federal Reserve which will ruin us the same way the Bank of England ruined themSep 26 17:08
DaemonFConce a government turns over its sovereign right to control its money system to a third party, all hell is guaranteed to break looseSep 26 17:09
DaemonFCthey have to go beg the banks to finance pretty much everything they doSep 26 17:09
DaemonFCyou end up with unelected bank officials setting the economic policies of the whole countrySep 26 17:10
vcentmore probably another government, gthat the US owes all it's money tooSep 26 17:10
DaemonFCvcent, What typically happens when a government becomes insolvent is that another government sets up there, declares all the debts of its predecessor void, and starts overSep 26 17:11
DaemonFCif that happens to the US, it will mean a worldwide crash, China will be one of the hardest hitSep 26 17:11
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 17:12
vcentThe US though is a "cut tax, and spend and borrow to do it " you can only do that to buy votes for so long then the system will collapseSep 26 17:12
DaemonFCvcent, George W. Bush has been the very worst offenderSep 26 17:13
DaemonFCin decadesSep 26 17:13
vcentagreed.Sep 26 17:13
DaemonFC$2 trillion on Iraq aloneSep 26 17:13
DaemonFCand he's giving tax cuts to rich people that don't even need them, right and leftSep 26 17:14
DaemonFCone of the reasons I voted for Obama is cause he said he'd work to repeal thatSep 26 17:14
DaemonFCand so far he's not done anything other than say "Well, I may let them expire in 2010"Sep 26 17:14
vcentyes, I hope he got the nads to cut tax, and cut spending, try to wipe a bit off that 10 trillian defecit he inherited.Sep 26 17:15
DaemonFCthat's like saying "I'll just let us bleed so those assholes can get tens of thousands of dollars in tax breaks and buy another yacht"Sep 26 17:15
DaemonFChe needs to cut them nowSep 26 17:15
DaemonFCend these gimmick "tax breaks" for those who need them the leastSep 26 17:16
vcentHe'll wait until his second term to do the really hard things.Sep 26 17:16
DaemonFCevery study I've seen says that would pay for most of a national healthcare system by itselfSep 26 17:16
DaemonFCjust taxing the rich at 38% instead of 35%Sep 26 17:16
DaemonFChe needs to be bold now, that's what the people elected him to doSep 26 17:16
DaemonFCif he doesn't, he may not get a second termSep 26 17:17
vcenthe has to be bold enough to satify the likes of your who elected him to be bold, but not too bold that you upsets the Middle/Upper too much for his support next electionSep 26 17:18
vcentPollies think in terms of "terms".Sep 26 17:18
DaemonFCI'd consider him a failure if he doesn't do most of these things in his first term. Repeal the Bush tax cuts on the rich, pass a comprehensive health reform bill, sign the Employee Free Choice Act into law, pull out of IraqSep 26 17:19
vcentgitmo should be history by now for example.Sep 26 17:19
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving")Sep 26 17:19
vcentyes, I agree, he needs and is in the position to be great, or a real loser.Sep 26 17:20
DaemonFCwell, to be honest it never should have been there at all and good luck getting rid of it nowSep 26 17:20
DaemonFCthey have some very wicked people being warehoused there and the idiots of the Bush administration torpedoed their cases against many of themSep 26 17:20
DaemonFCthey should have tried them in the civilian court system from the beginningSep 26 17:22
DaemonFClet a jury of peers hear their case just like anyone else accused of a crimeSep 26 17:22
DaemonFCthese military tribunals could never be considered legitimateSep 26 17:22
vcentthat would have been fair and constitutional, thats why bush wormed around itSep 26 17:23
vcentor tried too.Sep 26 17:23
DaemonFCactually, nothing we do no matter how fair it is would ever be seen as legitimate by some people who are bound determined to hate the United States and trump up reasons to justify their hatredSep 26 17:23
DaemonFCbut we don't have to make it so easy for themSep 26 17:23
DaemonFCbut if they didn't think they had enough evidence to send it to a jury trial in the United States, they should have turned those people loose in the country they found them inSep 26 17:24
vcentyes,Sep 26 17:24
DaemonFCthey could have held them for say, a week, and gathered evidenceSep 26 17:24
DaemonFCand there would be no "Where do we send them now?" messSep 26 17:24
DaemonFCif they end up in a local militia later and start shooting at us, shoot themSep 26 17:25
DaemonFCthey had their chanceSep 26 17:25
DaemonFCthere's already thousands of militia or more in places like Afghanistan, one or two more won't make a difference so I don't buy that lineSep 26 17:26
vcentalot were complety innocent but were pickup because there was a bounty paid for the amount you caught, so the just took people off the streets.Sep 26 17:27
DaemonFCwhile they are in custody, fingerprint them if they're suspicious and put them on the immigration blacklist so they never get into the USSep 26 17:27
DaemonFCproblem is solved for us at that point, right?Sep 26 17:27
*Krenso ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 17:28
KrensoHello againSep 26 17:28
DaemonFCI've always supported some kind of tag and release type deal like fingerprintingSep 26 17:28
DaemonFCgive the data to all the police and border patrol and customs checkpointsSep 26 17:28
DaemonFCstill, they did good work on the Zazi case, I'll give them thatSep 26 17:30
DaemonFCI wonder what Dickhead Cheney will say about thatSep 26 17:30
Krensogartner's man said that arm design is not good for netbooks, because dram is bottleneck and arm chips don't have big cache like intel's or amd's 26 17:30
phIRCeTitle: Welcome to TechNewsWorld .::. Size~: 3.28 KBSep 26 17:30
DaemonFCthey even got a real search warrant and still apprehended them in plenty of timeSep 26 17:31
KrensoMaybe just apps need to be more optimizedSep 26 17:31
vcentwas it that Cheney guy who went on about "known knowns and unknown knows"?Sep 26 17:31
DaemonFCthe guy is an idiotSep 26 17:31
DaemonFC9/11 was a failure for the BushiesSep 26 17:32
vcentthe bushes were a failure for the US (all of em)Sep 26 17:32
DaemonFCthe FBI acting constitutionally, stopped Zazi and his guys from carrying out the bombing attack a few weeks ago in New York CitySep 26 17:32
DaemonFCimagine thatSep 26 17:32
DaemonFCthat's what I meant, how will he criticize Obama and the FBI for stopping the terrorists?Sep 26 17:33
DaemonFCHe and Bush had the intelligence reports about what would happen 9/11/01 in August of that yearSep 26 17:33
DaemonFCsat on them and let things happenSep 26 17:33
DaemonFCBush was on vacation at his ranch and couldn't be bothered by a brewing national emergencySep 26 17:34
vcentSomeone said (on telly) that Bush's legacy was that a second 9/11 did not happen on his watch, but they failed to mention that the first one did !Sep 26 17:34
DaemonFCsplitting firewood while the report detailing what the terrorists would do sat on his deskSep 26 17:34
DaemonFCI wonder if the 9/11 families are pissed off about that?Sep 26 17:34
DaemonFCI would be if my parents were killed and the president knew it would happen a month in advance and was too busy vacationingSep 26 17:35
*Krenso has quit ("mIRGGI meni puis")Sep 26 17:35
DaemonFCwell, 9/11/01 was not the first time the terrorists tried to blow up the WTC buildingsSep 26 17:35
vcentI still cant help but think there is more too 911 than meets the eye, like why did the building's fall so controlled, and that building 7 just "falling down". ? (the cia building).Sep 26 17:35
DaemonFCin 1993, they had a van full of explosives go off in the underground parking areaSep 26 17:36
vcentI know I was there a year after the first one.Sep 26 17:36
DaemonFCI agreed with that (joke) plan for a new set of towers there at that siteSep 26 17:37
DaemonFCin the shape of a hand with the middle finger extendedSep 26 17:37
DaemonFCpointing eastSep 26 17:37
vcentit's not like the US has had the last laugh, by all accounts they won,Sep 26 17:37
vcentthey achieved what they set out to achieve, cause terror and fear.Sep 26 17:38
DaemonFCI'm not afraid as suchSep 26 17:38
vcentif you dont think they won, to go an airport and yell "Bomb".Sep 26 17:39
DaemonFCprobably not the smartest thing to doSep 26 17:39
vcentnot the mention the libities and freedoms' you've given for the sake of "security".Sep 26 17:40
DaemonFCvcent, I still say the answer is more gunsSep 26 17:40
DaemonFCand more people trained on how to use themSep 26 17:40
vcentI dont think putting guns in the hands of 300 million americans is such a great idea :)Sep 26 17:41
DaemonFCnot all of themSep 26 17:41
DaemonFCpeople with criminal records or considerable mental illness shouldn't have themSep 26 17:41
DaemonFCchildren shouldn't have themSep 26 17:41
DaemonFCeveryone else should be carrying a handgunSep 26 17:42
vcentive used guns alot, and I only know one use for them.Sep 26 17:42
DaemonFCvcent, There's two uses for a handgunSep 26 17:42
DaemonFCcrime and shooting the bastard before he can commit the crimeSep 26 17:42
DaemonFCsay I'm in a gas station that's being robbed at gunpointSep 26 17:43
DaemonFCwithout a handgun, I'm a potential victim at bestSep 26 17:43
DaemonFCwith a handgun I unload a few shots into the guy, he falls over deadSep 26 17:43
DaemonFCself defenseSep 26 17:43
vcentso if you were shot dead for commiting the crime of pre-emptive justice, you would be ok with tha t?Sep 26 17:43
DaemonFCno paperwork, few questionsSep 26 17:43
DaemonFCjust a dead bad guySep 26 17:43
_goblinno, you would be dead.Sep 26 17:44
_goblinI don't think being ok with anything would be the first thing on your mind.Sep 26 17:44
DaemonFC_goblin, I'd shoot the guySep 26 17:44
DaemonFCin that situationSep 26 17:44
vcentthat will teach that kwiki-mart attendent short changing you.Sep 26 17:44
_goblinI'd personally tell him to check his till....I think shooting him would be a little extremeSep 26 17:45
DaemonFCvcent, I said I'd shoot the thief that was pointing a gun at her head when I walked in the storeSep 26 17:45
DaemonFChow is this scenario a bad thing?Sep 26 17:45
vcentbecause it's a movie set and you did not know it, or it's an attendent training session, and you mis-read it.Sep 26 17:46
vcentYou just killed an innocent person who was trying to show people how to deal with a hold up.Sep 26 17:46
DaemonFCI usually carry a Hi-Point .40 S&W on meSep 26 17:46
_goblinsorry, am I in the same dimension as you?Sep 26 17:46
DaemonFCI think that could stop someone :)Sep 26 17:46
_goblinthis conversation doesnt seem to make sense......Sep 26 17:47
DaemonFCmuch better than the 9mmSep 26 17:47
DaemonFCI'd say about half again as much stopping power with only slightly more kickSep 26 17:47
_goblinI think I will go back to reading COLA..Sep 26 17:47
vcentmilitary prefer the 9mm for it's stopping powerSep 26 17:47
vcentand the same round goes into the F1 machine gunSep 26 17:48
DaemonFCvcent, Law enforcement is replacing their 9mm with the .40 S&WSep 26 17:48
_goblinI prefer the cerebral bore as featured in Turok Dino Hunter.....Sep 26 17:48
DaemonFCit's just such a better handgunSep 26 17:48
DaemonFCshoot both and tell me which one you like betterSep 26 17:49
DaemonFCI have a Hi-Point 9mm and I don't really like itSep 26 17:49
DaemonFCthat's why I went to the .40 S&WSep 26 17:49
vcentIm guessing the S&W 38 is not a recoiless design, tha tis why it has more kick than a 9mm autoSep 26 17:49
_goblinRoy, has that channel changed to "Boycott Reality" or am I just being thick?Sep 26 17:49
_goblin*thisSep 26 17:49
DaemonFC_goblin, You're always thickSep 26 17:49
DaemonFCbut we love youSep 26 17:49
DaemonFC:)Sep 26 17:50
_goblinvcent, who on earth are you talking to?Sep 26 17:50
vcent:) try to keep up LOLSep 26 17:50
_goblinwith what?Sep 26 17:51
DaemonFCthe 9mm is a toy compared to the .40 S&WSep 26 17:51
_goblinwho are you talking to?Sep 26 17:51
DaemonFCthe 9mm is the next best thing to a pellet gunSep 26 17:51
_goblinyou seem to be having a conversation with yourself.Sep 26 17:51
_goblinah hang on....Sep 26 17:51
_goblinyou talking with Daemon?Sep 26 17:51
DaemonFCyou have to shoot someone 3 or 4 times to get them down, it gives them plenty of time to shoot youSep 26 17:51
_goblinif you are then that explains it....I have him on ignore.Sep 26 17:51
vcentyou have him on ignore ?Sep 26 17:51
vcent:)Sep 26 17:51
DaemonFCthe 9mm carbine is fun to target shoot withSep 26 17:51
_goblinyeahSep 26 17:51
_goblinah......Sep 26 17:52
_goblinit all comes clear....Sep 26 17:52
DaemonFCthe handgun is uselessSep 26 17:52
vcentall the same the purpose for guns, is to kill the thing you point it at,Sep 26 17:52
DaemonFCyou get no stopping power and really shitty accuracySep 26 17:52
vcentIt has a simple point and click interface.Sep 26 17:52
DaemonFCwell, you don't want the 9 mm thenSep 26 17:52
DaemonFCthe 9mm is to piss off the enemySep 26 17:52
DaemonFCthe .40 S&W is to kill the enemy :)Sep 26 17:53
vcentYes, 9mm was not the most accurate, but what do you expect from a short barrelSep 26 17:53
DaemonFCwell, I suppose if you were close enough and got them just right it may kill in one or two shotsSep 26 17:53
vcentbut if you have a 9mm F1 who cares :)Sep 26 17:54
DaemonFCI want something that will probably kill in one shotSep 26 17:54
DaemonFCmy word vs a corpseSep 26 17:54
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Getting Started With Linux | The Digital Prism 26 17:56
DaemonFC"The Huntington County Community School Corporation spent over $50,000 to defend the unconstitutional bible trailers this year. With the gun threat of Friday at the high school, one has to wonder how many metal detectors that $50,000 would have bought. Does anyone care to ask the mayor?"Sep 26 18:03
DaemonFCmy letter to the editor of the local paperSep 26 18:03
Diablo-D3goddamnit people piss me offSep 26 18:04
DaemonFCI'm going to call the mayor on MondaySep 26 18:05
DaemonFCask him about that and record it to upload to YoutubeSep 26 18:05
*Omar87 ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 18:05
Omar87Hi all.Sep 26 18:05
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 18:17
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] true colour photo of Io wow, a moon that really is made of cheese!Sep 26 18:47
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Sep 26 18:48
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 18:55
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] currently banging my head against sexist cluelessness on #ubuntu sounder. funnily enough, it was a previous case that first led me there.Sep 26 19:00
*PetoKraus has quit ("Leaving")Sep 26 19:11
ThistleWebanyone wanna read through my latest blog post to see if it makes sense? I'm too close now to see confusionSep 26 19:12
vcentyesSep 26 19:14
_goblinIm really pleased, my latest blog article has had 308 independent IP hits in the last 6 hours......Sep 26 19:18
Diablo-D3urlSep 26 19:18
_goblinI think Tuxmachines has alot to do with it.Sep 26 19:18
Diablo-D3_goblin: urlSep 26 19:18
_goblinsorry, I thought you were talking to thistleweb....Sep 26 19:19
_goblinstandby...Sep 26 19:19
_goblin 26 19:19
phIRCeTitle: Is Microsoft saying &#8220;Please use our products&#8221;? &#8211; MS pleads for support? &laquo;  OPEN BYTES &#8211; cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 46.96 KBSep 26 19:19
_goblinsorry no tinyurlSep 26 19:19
*Diablo-D3 linksSep 26 19:20
_goblinand this one has had over the last 4 hourseSep 26 19:21
_goblin 26 19:21
phIRCeTitle: Nintendo Emulation w/ Linux! &#8211; All you need to know! (and a little more) &laquo;  OPEN BYTES &#8211; cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 49.48 KBSep 26 19:21
Diablo-D3lololSep 26 19:22
Diablo-D3you know who ported zsnes to linux, right?Sep 26 19:22
_goblinyep....looking at you there....Sep 26 19:22
Diablo-D3:DSep 26 19:22
_goblinIf you would like to make some comments for the site....Id love to feature you.Sep 26 19:22
Diablo-D3naw, I quit zsnes dev shortly after I ported itSep 26 19:23
Diablo-D3pagefault (the current head dev) really loves windowsSep 26 19:23
_goblinwe may disagree on some topics but in respect of your work in Zsnes you have my (and many of my collegues) eternal thanks.Sep 26 19:23
Diablo-D3and does everything he can to discredit the zsnes linux port, including committing code that makes it buggySep 26 19:24
Diablo-D3I quit like, eh, 5 years ago or somethingSep 26 19:24
Diablo-D3the guy is a nutjobSep 26 19:24
_goblinah....ever consider getting involved with Dolphin?Sep 26 19:24
Diablo-D3the SDL code path was meant to be used on windows too, btwSep 26 19:24
Diablo-D3since SDL's 2D code with ddraw is much faster than pagefault's ddraw codeSep 26 19:25
Diablo-D3_goblin: eh, not reallySep 26 19:25
Diablo-D3I wish people would quit writing C/C++/whatever altogetherSep 26 19:25
Diablo-D3you don't have to port things if you use java to begin witSep 26 19:25
Diablo-D3*withSep 26 19:25
_goblinI never really moved from 68k asm......I still try to recapture my youth every now and then, yet don't have the interest to complete a project....Sep 26 19:26
Diablo-D3I used C for 15 yearsSep 26 19:26
Diablo-D3I never want to use it againSep 26 19:26
_goblinI did dabble with Python in an attempt to get back into coding with a highlevel language...I'm still dablling although with 3 kids its challenging......Sep 26 19:27
schestowitz 26 19:28
phIRCeTitle: The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte .::. Size~: 22.78 KBSep 26 19:28
Diablo-D3_goblin: learn java.Sep 26 19:30
_goblinif only I had the time.....! Unfortunately my only other experience is with Delphi.....Sep 26 19:32
_goblinI was bought some Python books which I am going through slowly when time permits...Sep 26 19:32
schestowitzLars got me into GPL -- LinusSep 26 19:35
schestowitz 26 19:35
phIRCeTitle: The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte .::. Size~: 22.78 KBSep 26 19:35
schestowitzFLOSS Weekly invited me for a show. I declined for now.Sep 26 19:35
Omar87_goblin: I'm trying to learn Python as well.Sep 26 19:36
schestowitzI might change my mindSep 26 19:36
Omar87_goblin: I've been desperately looking for Python ppl I can work with/ learn from.Sep 26 19:36
Omar87schestowitz: On what?Sep 26 19:37
_goblinI think Roy may remember when my Python project disrupted this channel and nackered by blog....Sep 26 19:37
_goblinIm interested in PyopenGLSep 26 19:37
schestowitz_goblin: sliverblight, eh?Sep 26 19:39
schestowitzI thought I invented itSep 26 19:39
schestowitzMaybe simultaneous discoveries :-)Sep 26 19:40
schestowitz_goblin: it didn't disrupt the channelSep 26 19:40
schestowitzThat Linus interview had interestiing bits in itSep 26 19:40
schestowitzHe was unprepared for itSep 26 19:40
schestowitzDone it in some hotel room of somethingSep 26 19:40
schestowitzAnd they asked about his pastSep 26 19:41
_goblinWill mentioned Silverblight...Sep 26 19:41
schestowitzNew stuff he spoke about, which he at first fell uncomfortable aboutSep 26 19:41
schestowitz_goblin: yes, but the name goes a long way backSep 26 19:41
schestowitzAround 2006/7Sep 26 19:41
_goblinah...Sep 26 19:41
schestowitzCause people told me it's Silver and Light which tends to sound goodSep 26 19:41
schestowitzShane told me (not Coyle)Sep 26 19:41
_goblinI personally prefer Silversh*teSep 26 19:42
schestowitzThen I played with variationsSep 26 19:42
schestowitzNow I go with Silver LieSep 26 19:42
schestowitzIt's  gentle and it's trueSep 26 19:42
schestowitzSilver Lie is a lie about cross-platformSep 26 19:42
schestowitzMaybe until now with MoblinSep 26 19:42
vcentsilverfishSep 26 19:42
schestowitzThat tooSep 26 19:42
schestowitzI saw others calling it that in 2007, then repeated it for a whileSep 26 19:43
schestowitz 26 19:43
phIRCeTitle: schestowitz silverfish - Google Search .::. Size~: 26.83 KBSep 26 19:43
vcentslaverblightSep 26 19:43
schestowitz 26 19:43
phIRCeTitle: schestowitz silverblight - Google Search .::. Size~: 28.48 KBSep 26 19:43
schestowitz 26 19:43
phIRCeTitle: silverblight - Google Search .::. Size~: 29.66 KBSep 26 19:43
schestowitzResult #3 is BNSep 26 19:44
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Ex-Chat")Sep 26 20:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] DW/LJ: Jacques Brel: The twenty-four greatest hits. 26 20:02
phIRCeTitle: reddragdiva | Jacques Brel: The twenty-four greatest hits. .::. Size~: 27.61 KBSep 26 20:02
phIRCeTitle: reddragdiva: Jacques Brel: The twenty-four greatest hits. .::. Size~: 19.06 KBSep 26 20:02
schestowitzDoes anyone want to nominate BN? :-p 26 20:04
phIRCeTitle: IT Blog Awards 2009: Open Source | 20 Sep 2009 | .::. Size~: 57.36 KBSep 26 20:05
schestowitz,39024667,39534330,00.htmSep 26 20:17
phIRCeTitle: Open source API to aid cloud-hopping businesses  - Networks - Breaking Business and Technology News at .::. Size~: 69.06 KBSep 26 20:18
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 20:18
Diablo-D3hey _goblinSep 26 20:19
Diablo-D3you should mention the nes used a 6502Sep 26 20:19
_goblinoops...Sep 26 20:19
Diablo-D3thats what it was, a custom slightly incompatible 6502Sep 26 20:19
Diablo-D3which is extremely famousSep 26 20:19
schestowitzDj Walker-Morgan made some mistakes... Open Source Speak is a new resource that (as its name denotes) deals with Open Source considerations of every type. On the site you can read information regarding enterprise open source applications, and more than 150,000 are currently featured.Sep 26 20:19
schestowitz 26 20:20
phIRCeTitle: Re:&nbsp;AST&nbsp;is&nbsp;not&nbsp;an&nbsp;NPE! | Patently&nbsp;Opaque&nbsp;-&nbsp;What&nbsp;were&nbsp;those&nbsp;22&nbsp;&quot;op... | Open Source News Forums .::. Size~: 22.29 KBSep 26 20:20
schestowitzI doidn't know Heise even did commentsSep 26 20:20
_goblin...ill make some modifications to the post....Sep 26 20:20
Diablo-D3_goblin: get this, the snes was supposed to have backwards compatSep 26 20:20
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 20:20
_goblinlol.Sep 26 20:20
Diablo-D3_goblin: they chose the 65816 in the snes for a reasonSep 26 20:20
Diablo-D3_goblin: you were supposed to be able to plug NES carts into itSep 26 20:20
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 20:20
Diablo-D3the snes video hardware can emulate nes video hardware using a thin software layerSep 26 20:21
Diablo-D3and the spc700 is very powerful, so nes audio would be really easySep 26 20:21
_goblinwas it ever implimented via a homebrew package?Sep 26 20:21
Diablo-D3dunnoSep 26 20:22
Diablo-D3I do know someone wrote a C64 SID emulator for the spc700 thoughSep 26 20:22
_goblinIve been impressed with the DS emu of snes titles....Sep 26 20:22
Diablo-D3almost the entire emulation is ran on the spc700Sep 26 20:22
Diablo-D3_goblin: there isnt anySep 26 20:22
Diablo-D3the DS cannot emulate the snesSep 26 20:22
Diablo-D3it actually has enough hardware to do it... but the screen is too small.Sep 26 20:23
_goblinI would beg to differ but Im gonna double check my facts.Sep 26 20:23
Diablo-D3all the snes games on the DS are portsSep 26 20:23
_goblinwhat about the GBA...didnt that have a snes emu?Sep 26 20:24
Diablo-D3nopeSep 26 20:24
Diablo-D3GBA ports required a lot of redoingSep 26 20:24
Diablo-D3most GBA ports required new graphicsSep 26 20:24
Diablo-D3DS ports don'tSep 26 20:24
_goblinhere, found it....Sep 26 20:25
_goblin 26 20:25
DaemonFCI really lost a lot of interest in console games since Sega went underSep 26 20:25
phIRCeTitle: SNEmulDS homepage &raquo; SNEmulDS 0.5 beta .::. Size~: 122.41 KBSep 26 20:25
_goblinI believe that is what Ive seen running Snes rom files on DSSep 26 20:25
Diablo-D3_goblin: thats homebrewSep 26 20:25
Diablo-D3Im talking commercial titlesSep 26 20:25
_goblinahhSep 26 20:25
_goblinsorrySep 26 20:25
_goblinI thought we were talking in generalSep 26 20:25
Diablo-D3the wii has a snes emulator officially, btwSep 26 20:25
_goblinnever knew that either....Sep 26 20:26
Diablo-D3its not perfect thoughSep 26 20:26
_goblinNintendo are mad if they dont cash in on the retro craze,Sep 26 20:26
Diablo-D3and its not technically a full emulatorSep 26 20:26
Diablo-D3they _are_ cashing in on itSep 26 20:26
Diablo-D3have you somehow ignored the wii store?Sep 26 20:26
_goblinyep, but they never did before....Sep 26 20:26
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 20:26
Diablo-D3the wii was designed with that in mind.Sep 26 20:26
_goblinand the WII 26 20:26
_goblinI have little interest in gaming....Sep 26 20:27
Diablo-D3the wii, for example, has a built in gamecube emulatorSep 26 20:27
Diablo-D3the gamecube has a fully 100% functional N64 emulator written by one of the emuscene guysSep 26 20:27
Diablo-D3they hired someone who knew more about the n64 than they did to write their emuSep 26 20:27
Diablo-D3its used on the gamecube zelda64 discSep 26 20:27
_goblinofficial?Sep 26 20:27
Diablo-D3officialSep 26 20:28
Diablo-D3the gamecube zelda64 disc is hilariousSep 26 20:28
_goblinI think I'll make a followup post....Sep 26 20:28
Diablo-D3it has the actual zelda64 rom on it as a fileSep 26 20:28
_goblinlol...Sep 26 20:28
Diablo-D3you can replace the rom with almost any other n64 game as long as the emulator supports those featuresSep 26 20:28
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04Sep 26 20:28
Diablo-D3the first rom everyone changed it with: goldeneyeSep 26 20:29
_goblinI think I have a vague memory of reading something about that.....Sep 26 20:29
Diablo-D3the only shitty part is you have to use a modified gamecubeSep 26 20:29
Diablo-D3and homebrew stuff on gamecubes is ickySep 26 20:29
_goblinQuestion: In your opinion if the N64 had been CD based like the PS1 do you think Nintendo would have grabbed the market from Sony?Sep 26 20:29
Diablo-D3your question implies things that aren't entirely trueSep 26 20:30
Diablo-D3the n64 was not a failureSep 26 20:30
_goblinoh I know...Sep 26 20:30
_goblinit certainly was anything but....Sep 26 20:30
Diablo-D3the playstation was fucked up anyhowSep 26 20:30
Diablo-D3you know where it came from, right?Sep 26 20:30
_goblingo on...Sep 26 20:30
Diablo-D3sony and nintendo co-produced the snesSep 26 20:31
_goblinthat I didn't know...Sep 26 20:31
Diablo-D3ever see the funny slot on the bottom of super nintendos?Sep 26 20:31
_goblin* casting mind back......Sep 26 20:31
Diablo-D3both US and JPN snes had themSep 26 20:31
Diablo-D3it looked like a snes cart plug but wasntSep 26 20:31
_goblinah yesSep 26 20:31
Diablo-D3newer models removed itSep 26 20:32
Diablo-D3well, it was to plug into expanded hardwareSep 26 20:32
_goblinwas it intended to sit ontop of a CD drive...?Sep 26 20:32
Diablo-D3it plugged right into the snes bus like carts didSep 26 20:32
Diablo-D3yup.Sep 26 20:32
Diablo-D3sony actually had a fully done prototype of the snes cdSep 26 20:32
Diablo-D3it expanded the snes's hardware like carts did tooSep 26 20:32
Diablo-D3(ie, superfx, etc etc)Sep 26 20:32
Diablo-D3nintendo, after seeing the horror of the sega cd, decided to ditch itSep 26 20:33
Diablo-D3sony got pissed, so they replaced the super nintendo in the designSep 26 20:33
_goblinI think though, the restrictive storage capacity of the N64 cartidge was what prevented it being the definative console since in the time of PS1/N64 people were hungry for cut footage and media within their games....Sep 26 20:33
Diablo-D3the spc700 in the snes was a sony chip, the spc1000 in the psx was the grandson of that chipSep 26 20:34
Diablo-D3they took out the 65816 and replaced it with a MIPS solution that had two math units...Sep 26 20:35
Diablo-D3the second math unit played the role of the superfx chip on 3D titles, in that it ran all the math for the 3D calcsSep 26 20:35
Diablo-D3the psx video hardware was just an advanced blitter, it didnt actually do any 3D workSep 26 20:35
Diablo-D3it basically did no more than the snes video hardware didSep 26 20:35
DaemonFCthe world's most violent religion makes threats against Germany nowSep 26 20:36
_goblinI will have to use some of this in my Sony emu article.....!Sep 26 20:36
DaemonFC 26 20:36
phIRCeTitle: The Associated Press: Merkel ignores Islamic threats before German vote .::. Size~: 18.83 KBSep 26 20:36
Diablo-D3the psx is rather a piece of shit internallySep 26 20:36
Diablo-D3its both brilliant and impossible to use effectivelySep 26 20:36
Diablo-D3the ps2 also inherited this designSep 26 20:36
Diablo-D3the ps2 has no real 3D hardwareSep 26 20:37
Diablo-D3it's video hardware can blit really fast and do very basic polygon setupSep 26 20:37
Diablo-D3all the special effects and anything beyond doing really really really basic 3D is done using softwareSep 26 20:37
Diablo-D3the gpu and cpu have a very wide and fast bus between themselves due to thisSep 26 20:38
Diablo-D3the ps2 is actually uglier than the ps1 isSep 26 20:38
Diablo-D3the ps3 AGAIN inherited this designSep 26 20:38
Diablo-D3instead of having a mips with two math units (both the ps1 and ps2 have this), the ps3 has a cellSep 26 20:39
Diablo-D3and the nvidia gpu the ps3 has _no one ever uses_Sep 26 20:39
schestowitzAsay and chums used RMS' word to slam FSFSep 26 20:39
schestowitzWhat a surprise... notSep 26 20:39
Diablo-D3virtually all games use the nvidia gpu for polygon setup and boring 3D stuff and then copy stuff back and forth and run special effects on the cell's SPUsSep 26 20:39
Diablo-D3_goblin: but yeah, the n64 had no upper rom limit that would have caused problemsSep 26 20:40
Diablo-D3_goblin: it was generally mismanagement of the hardware through developers that caused problemsSep 26 20:40
_goblinDiablo-D3 - You know anything about DSP on some of the SNES titles?Sep 26 20:40
schestowitzopen source is for suckers... long live Free software. 26 20:40
Diablo-D3_goblin: yeah, why?Sep 26 20:40
phIRCeTitle: Free software is dead. Long live open source | The Open Road - CNET News .::. Size~: 163.52 KBSep 26 20:40
MinceRwhy feed asay with attention?Sep 26 20:41
_goblinI was very interested in the dev of starfox...Sep 26 20:41
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] angelic tech support HT @jnievleSep 26 20:41
_goblinor starwing.....Sep 26 20:41
phIRCeTitle: (Image) - Meine Soup .::. Size~: 15.01 KBSep 26 20:41
Diablo-D3_goblin: btw, re n64, look at the last factor5 gamesSep 26 20:41
Diablo-D3_goblin: they showed off the n64's power very well, its more powerful than the ps1 wasSep 26 20:41
*twitter1 (n=willhill@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 20:41
Diablo-D3_goblin: but they had to use a custom microcode blob for the 3D hardware because nintendo was being a bunch of dicks about itSep 26 20:41
_goblindiablo-d3 - I have a game from Japan that is like Space Harrier which is VERY impressive........Ill have find out the name.Sep 26 20:42
Diablo-D3_goblin: you want to know about the superfx, I assumeSep 26 20:42
_goblinyep....Sep 26 20:42
schestowitzMinceR: sorry, couldn't help oitSep 26 20:42
schestowitzHe also messaged me some days agoSep 26 20:43
Diablo-D3_goblin: its a 65816, the same as the cpu in the snesSep 26 20:43
twitter1I had a look at the Quickly write up.  I'm not too impressed.  The quickest way to get an application is not to start from scratch, it's to get one from deb-srcSep 26 20:43
schestowitzHe's crabby... doesn't know how to accept criticismSep 26 20:43
Diablo-D3_goblin: its tied into the snes bus and ran independently from the entire system (its not smp and its not master/slave)Sep 26 20:43
_goblinwas it present in any other titles than Starfox and DK?Sep 26 20:44
twitter1I also thought that Kdevelop had all of those things too.Sep 26 20:44
Diablo-D3_goblin: the cart programmed the snes cpu to properly share a certain ram chip so they dont race each otherSep 26 20:44
schestowitzschestowitz: it doesn't hurt to at least know who's whoSep 26 20:44
Diablo-D3_goblin: DK didnt use the superfxSep 26 20:44
_goblinohSep 26 20:44
schestowitzAnd explaining things to him would have him sing LA LA LA with his ipod headphones on, the radiation off the iphone and the shiiiiiiiiiny dock on the MAKSep 26 20:45
_goblinso was it just StarfoxSep 26 20:45
Diablo-D3_goblin: btw, since that was a normal 65816, it could run anything, not just mathSep 26 20:45
MinceRlol ipod headphonesSep 26 20:46
schestowitzThere are many people who put ethics behind articificial superfiicial thingsSep 26 20:46
schestowitzI can see where he's coming ffromSep 26 20:46
MinceRhe believes he can ride crApple's cash flow?Sep 26 20:46
MinceRforever?Sep 26 20:46
schestowitz"I need to feed my family and stuff.... blah blah... so never mind ethics" [they'd find justifications]Sep 26 20:46
Diablo-D3_goblin: starr fox, doom, yoshi's island, stunt race fx, dirt trax fx, vortexSep 26 20:46
Diablo-D3_goblin: I cant think of anything else, there may be othersSep 26 20:47
MinceRi doubt jobs will outlive himSep 26 20:47
schestowitzIt doesn't help that RMS thinks that religion is a "brain virus" and Asay is a religious personSep 26 20:47
MinceRand then crApple can go only one way: downSep 26 20:47
schestowitzRMS is outspoken enough to make everyone resent him for s/tSep 26 20:47
Diablo-D3_goblin: wikipedia may have the entire listSep 26 20:47
Diablo-D3_goblin: anyhow, the thing with the cart bus is that was the main system busSep 26 20:47
Diablo-D3_goblin: the cart was plugged right into it... it wasnt just a memory busSep 26 20:48
schestowitzMinceR: Apple is not in a bad position actuallySep 26 20:48
*amarsh04_ (n=amarsh04@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 20:48
twitter1I don't think everyone resents RMSSep 26 20:48
MinceRwell it will be once jobs diesSep 26 20:48
schestowitztwitter1: heheheSep 26 20:48
MinceRor maybe soonerSep 26 20:48
twitter1people who do resent RMS have other problemsSep 26 20:48
Diablo-D3_goblin: so there was slots of chips they hadSep 26 20:48
schestowitzA lot of people doSep 26 20:48
MinceRpeople could get a clue anytimeSep 26 20:48
schestowitzCause he's demonisedSep 26 20:48
twitter1a lot of loud people doSep 26 20:48
twitter1ahSep 26 20:48
schestowitzThey try to daemonise him like they do ChavezSep 26 20:48
MinceRcrApple really doesn't rest in doing evil and screwing their own customersSep 26 20:48
MinceRi wonder how many iGrenades does it take to make people want no more of itSep 26 20:49
twitter1we should not weigh the opinions of ignorant peopleSep 26 20:49
schestowitzOr like the US would do to keep lower and middle class fightingSep 26 20:49
Diablo-D3_goblin: the superfx 1 was half the speed of the snes's 65816, the superfx 2 was the full speed of it (yes, this gave the snes twice the computational power)Sep 26 20:49
schestowitzShowing this characterisation of enemiesSep 26 20:49
schestowitzLike the "people who steal your welfare", "the guy who will rape your daughter", "the communism who will take your house...."Sep 26 20:49
Diablo-D3_goblin: capcom had a chip called the CX4 which was used heavily in megaman x2 and x3, that was just a pure math coprocessorSep 26 20:50
MinceRmost people probably don't even know what communism isSep 26 20:50
schestowitzGoogle: the 'open source' companySep 26 20:50
schestowitz 26 20:50
phIRCeTitle: Google hits Android dev with cease-and-desist letter • The Register .::. Size~: 24.34 KBSep 26 20:50
Diablo-D3_goblin: nintendo had another chip that was used to run the math for super mario kart and pilotwingsSep 26 20:50
schestowitzCan I modify and redistribute that letter? :-)Sep 26 20:50
MinceRwell, asay keeps calling crApple an "open source" company, doesn't he?Sep 26 20:51
MinceRgoogle is certainly more OS than thatSep 26 20:51
schestowitzMinceR: to most people it's that "Marx thing" and "Russia genocideSep 26 20:51
schestowitz"Sep 26 20:51
schestowitzThey also think the same of socialismSep 26 20:51
schestowitzAnd saying "anarchy" is almost like saying "Cannibalism" to themSep 26 20:51
MinceRyeah, they call socialism "communism"Sep 26 20:51
Diablo-D3_goblin: star ocean and street fighte ralpha 2 used this really powerful data decompression chip to shove tons of data onto the romSep 26 20:52
schestowitzNot Sweden/India?Sep 26 20:52
Diablo-D3_goblin: star ocean is basically the largest rom ever created due to the compressionSep 26 20:52
_goblinIll have to check that one out.....legally of course!Sep 26 20:52
schestowitz 26 20:52
phIRCeTitle: IT PRO: Blogs: Simon Bisson &amp;amp; Mary Branscombe:   There&acirc;€™s a reason smartphones are locked down .::. Size~: 142.29 KBSep 26 20:52
Diablo-D3_goblin: FEoEZ used a different compression chip for the same purpose (and was the last game to be emulated)Sep 26 20:53
Diablo-D3_goblin: super mario rpg uss another 65816 that is far less limited than the superfx, called the sa-1Sep 26 20:53
schestowitztrmanco: can html symbols can be parsed and transformed? (e.g. &amp; )Sep 26 20:54
schestowitzMono is not over yet. 26 20:55
Diablo-D3_goblin: btw, if you really wanna see the snes shown off, play star ocean and tales of phantasiaSep 26 20:55
schestowitz 26 20:55
phIRCeTitle: Branching for Mono 2.6 - Miguel de Icaza .::. Size~: 13.45 KBSep 26 20:55
schestowitzLinux 2.6........Sep 26 20:55
Diablo-D3_goblin: they're the most advanced games for the snesSep 26 20:55
_goblinthanks....Ill give them a look!Sep 26 20:56
trmancoschestowitz: I really have no clueSep 26 20:57
*Balrog ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 20:57
trmancoI haven't looked it upSep 26 20:57
Diablo-D3_goblin: btw, your article should mention zsnes doesnt do amd64Sep 26 20:57
Diablo-D3_goblin: it has really broken assemblySep 26 20:57
schestowitz I was just wondering today why he doesn't repeat and add error bars to the resultsSep 26 20:58
phIRCeTitle: [Phoronix] Statistical Significance In Benchmark Results .::. Size~: 17.16 KBSep 26 20:58
_goblinDiablo-D3 Ill update that on the article...thanks!Sep 26 20:59
*twitter1 has quit ("Leaving.")Sep 26 21:00
Diablo-D3_goblin: your dcc broken?Sep 26 21:02
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 26 21:02
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04Sep 26 21:02
amarsh04schestowitz... I've been looking at the GPL code on my adsl router that was provided without mention of licence, source code or offer of source code - at least the kernel and one of the other programs are known to have .au co-authorsSep 26 21:07
amarsh04this could make it easier to make a copyright infringement claim, assuming that the Australian authors would be prepared to take partSep 26 21:08
schestowitz "Mark Shuttleworth Calls Windows 7 A Nice Service Pack"Sep 26 21:09
phIRCeTitle: Canonical/Ubuntu CEO Mark Shuttleworth Visits Dell | WorksWithU .::. Size~: 46.5 KBSep 26 21:09
_goblinDiablo-D3: Ill private you..Sep 26 21:10
Diablo-D3schestowitz: sometimes I think mark is a dick, but I agree with himSep 26 21:14
*twitter1 (n=willhill@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 21:15
schestowitz 26 21:16
phIRCeTitle: YouTube - The Ultimate Hack. Get any file to your blocked office/school computers. Part 2/2 .::. Size~: 112 KBSep 26 21:16
schestowitzPoor people who bought Vista... or forced to buy it.....Sep 26 21:16
schestowitzDiablo-D3: he's not a d*ckSep 26 21:17
twitter1you can get files around the network by knowing the IP address of your homebox and using OpenSSH.  the problem is keeping your job and that you have a job in such a retarded place.Sep 26 21:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: don't use strong language here. Save it for 4chanSep 26 21:20
twitter1People would not be forced to buy Vista if XP worked for them...Sep 26 21:20
schestowitzXP doesn't workSep 26 21:20
twitter1obviously.Sep 26 21:20
schestowitzPeople rely on it because of some apps that were made for itSep 26 21:20
twitter1but people think it's their computer that does not workSep 26 21:21
schestowitzXP is a fantastic........ virus magnetSep 26 21:21
twitter1then they buy a new computer, which only comes with Vista.Sep 26 21:21
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 21:21
schestowitzIf it doesn't work, it's their faultSep 26 21:21
schestowitzThey should just buy a new PCSep 26 21:21
schestowitz:-pSep 26 21:21
trmancoschestowitz: found itSep 26 21:21
schestowitzBeat me to itSep 26 21:21
schestowitzjono: nice interview with Linus. Great questionsSep 26 21:22
jonothanks schestowitz :)Sep 26 21:22
schestowitzYou squeezes out of him information that I never heard him before sharing. He was uncomfortable at first.Sep 26 21:23
schestowitz*squeezedSep 26 21:23
twitter1link?Sep 26 21:24
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 21:25
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving")Sep 26 21:28
twitter1ho ho.  lots of comments, must be full of trolls 26 21:28
phIRCeTitle: DON&#8217;T Boycott Ubuntu | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 176.34 KBSep 26 21:28
schestowitztwitter1: 26 21:29
phIRCeTitle: The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte .::. Size~: 22.78 KBSep 26 21:29
schestowitzStarts around minute 7Sep 26 21:29
Diablo-D3manSep 26 21:29
Diablo-D3_goblin: I miss good gamesSep 26 21:29
Diablo-D3_goblin: what happenedSep 26 21:29
schestowitzMaybe childhoodSep 26 21:29
schestowitzGames seem better when you are youngSep 26 21:30
*DaemonFC (i=Ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 21:30
schestowitzGameplay is mostly lost, with some exception in FPSSep 26 21:30
twitter1flash?Sep 26 21:30
twitter1any transcript?Sep 26 21:30
schestowitztwitter1: nopSep 26 21:30
Diablo-D3schestowitz: thats not true at allSep 26 21:30
schestowitzThere's MP3Sep 26 21:30
Diablo-D3I could haul out, say, chrono triggerSep 26 21:31
Diablo-D3right nowSep 26 21:31
Diablo-D3and play it end to endSep 26 21:31
schestowitzJust skip the part where jono says Randall is all nakedSep 26 21:31
schestowitz:-)Sep 26 21:31
Diablo-D3and it'd be as fun as it was when I was a kidSep 26 21:31
Diablo-D3or super metroidSep 26 21:31
Diablo-D3or mario kartSep 26 21:31
Diablo-D3or any of the 2D mario brosSep 26 21:31
schestowitzMultiplayer on one keyboardSep 26 21:31
Diablo-D3or sonic 3Sep 26 21:31
schestowitzThe loser takes the QAZXXXSWEDC keysSep 26 21:31
jonoschestowitz, hahaSep 26 21:32
jonoschestowitz, think it sounds bad? it looks worse :PSep 26 21:32
schestowitzIf only it were trueSep 26 21:32
schestowitzI can imagine the three of you in a Finnish sauna with LinusSep 26 21:32
schestowitzLike that Maemo show of FLOSS WeeklySep 26 21:32
*Diablo-D3 facepalmsSep 26 21:33
*Diablo-D3 lights schestowitz on fire before he thinks of any other bad thingsSep 26 21:33
schestowitzDiablo-D3: you don't know what you're talking aboutSep 26 21:33
schestowitzThe former's a jokeSep 26 21:33
schestowitzthe latter is trueSep 26 21:33
schestowitzThe Maemo/Nokia guy did the interview from his sauna on the n880Sep 26 21:33
Diablo-D3I just like lighting people on fire :<Sep 26 21:33
schestowitzDiablo-D3: they don't burn wellSep 26 21:34
schestowitzAnd you'd end up arrestedSep 26 21:34
Diablo-D3put its so funny when they run around screamingSep 26 21:34
schestowitzSome parents teach their kids not the cross the roadSep 26 21:34
schestowitzOthers teach kids not to burn other kidsSep 26 21:35
schestowitzDiablo-D3: only if it's animatd like South parkSep 26 21:35
schestowitzKenny's internal combustionSep 26 21:36
trmanco!help phIRCeSep 26 21:39
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trmancogreatSep 26 21:40
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* gives channel operator status to [H]omer ChanServSep 26 21:40
trmanco!help phIRCeSep 26 21:40
Diablo-D3lawlsplitSep 26 21:41
trmancoit's still not stabilizedSep 26 21:41
trmancoI can't control me botSep 26 21:41
*twitter1 botSep 26 21:41
trmancolagSep 26 21:41
Diablo-D3jarlySep 26 21:41
Diablo-D3heh, its funnySep 26 21:42
Diablo-D3Im listening to micheal jacksonSep 26 21:42
Diablo-D3hes deadSep 26 21:42
Diablo-D3there is obviously something wrong hereSep 26 21:42
trmancoschestowitz: fixed itSep 26 21:42
trmanco!quit phIRCeSep 26 21:43
*phIRCe has quit ("Exiting!")Sep 26 21:43
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trmanco 26 21:44
phIRCeTitle: DONT Boycott Ubuntu | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 176.34 KBSep 26 21:44
trmanco 26 21:44
phIRCeTitle: The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte .::. Size~: 22.78 KBSep 26 21:44
trmanco 26 21:45
phIRCeTitle: IT PRO: Blogs: Simon Bisson & Mary Branscombe:   There’s a reason smartphones are locked down .::. Size~: 142.29 KBSep 26 21:45
trmanco:)Sep 26 21:45
schestowitzCool!Sep 26 21:45
twitter1 26 21:45
phIRCeTitle: Slashdot - News for nerds, stuff that matters .::. Size~: 105.95 KBSep 26 21:45
twitter1hmmm, wrong titleSep 26 21:45
twitter1bad Slashdot, badSep 26 21:46
trmancololSep 26 21:46
schestowitzSlashdot - News for Bill, stuff that used to matters .::. Size~: 0 KBSep 26 21:47
schestowitzSep 26 20:57:37 <amarsh04_>hmm... Freenode just dropped out momentarilySep 26 21:48
twitter1SLASHD~1.ORGSep 26 21:48
schestowitz:-)Sep 26 21:48
twitter1not that bad yet.Sep 26 21:48
schestowitz 26 21:48
phIRCeTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found .::. Size~: 0 KBSep 26 21:48
twitter1the bit about publishing email addresses really ticked me off.Sep 26 21:49
schestowitzSep 26 20:58:59 <trmanco>greatSep 26 21:49
twitter1trolls here rejoicedSep 26 21:49
twitter1"bye twitter!" one said.Sep 26 21:50
twitter1very niceSep 26 21:50
DaemonFCone of those horse ass comments that Shuttleworth made off the cuff before realizing how condescending it soundedSep 26 21:50
DaemonFChe's made a few I believeSep 26 21:50
DaemonFCUbuntu isn't something women would understand he saysSep 26 21:51
DaemonFCthat's funnySep 26 21:51
schestowitzDaemonFC: "Windows 7 didn't make Andrew Garcia's 64-bit migration easy. Ubuntu makes the journey easier, but Jason Brooks is surprised to find one fly in the ointment - courtesy of Adobe" 26 21:51
phIRCeTitle: 64-Bit Migration: Linux Also Has Troubles - News - .::. Size~: 23.21 KBSep 26 21:51
twitter1"Sound cannon" used on US protesters 26 21:51
phIRCeTitle: Slashdot Technology Story | G20 Protesters Blasted By "Sound Cannon" .::. Size~: 67.88 KBSep 26 21:51
schestowitzDaemonFC: well, he's not married yetSep 26 21:51
DaemonFCschestowitz, 64-bit Windows should be painless transitionSep 26 21:51
DaemonFCmany users already have it and are unawareSep 26 21:51
trmancoit is if you insist in using 32 bit appsSep 26 21:52
DaemonFCit works with every single program they were already usingSep 26 21:52
DaemonFCeven Flash :)Sep 26 21:52
trmancoif you go to the 64 bit side, there isn't much software you can choose fromSep 26 21:52
schestowitz 26 21:52
DaemonFCtrmanco, Not everything needs to beSep 26 21:52
phIRCeTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.66 KBSep 26 21:52
schestowitzUncle Sam wants you..... under CONTROLSep 26 21:52
twitter1is DaemonFC still talking about Windows?Sep 26 21:53
DaemonFCthe OS can natively access more RAM, thats 95% of t he point of going X86-64 anywaySep 26 21:53
DaemonFCa lot of video games have a 64-bit executable available, especially on SteamSep 26 21:53
trmancoyes, but what I'm saying is that there isn't much 64 bit apps to choose fromSep 26 21:53
DaemonFCthose are the only things a lot of home users will even care about anywaySep 26 21:53
DaemonFCtrmanco, Doesn't really matterSep 26 21:54
trmancowhen I mean apps, I don't mean gamesSep 26 21:54
twitter1Debian 64 is just like any other.Sep 26 21:54
DaemonFCeach application can access 3 GB of RAM, I don't think there's many apps that do that on a home PCSep 26 21:54
trmancosteam is a good exceptionSep 26 21:54
trmancomemory isn't everythingSep 26 21:54
trmanco64 bit software tend to be a lot fasterSep 26 21:54
DaemonFCthe overall limit of what the OS can access is much more importantSep 26 21:54
DaemonFCno it doesn'tSep 26 21:55
trmancoyes it doesSep 26 21:55
DaemonFCsome types areSep 26 21:55
schestowitzDaemonFC: not the stories I've heard. 64-bit Windows is a no-go areaSep 26 21:55
DaemonFCa 64-bit Firefox doesn't matter at allSep 26 21:55
trmancothe other types are poorly made portsSep 26 21:55
*Received a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connectSep 26 21:55
DaemonFCschestowitz, A lot of OEM PCs have been shipping with itSep 26 21:55
trmanco64 bit firefox does not have jitSep 26 21:55
DaemonFCand nobody is any the wiserSep 26 21:55
schestowitzFlash supports 64-bit Linux, not WIndowsSep 26 21:55
DaemonFCtherefore, painless transitionSep 26 21:55
schestowitzANd Linux has gnash tooSep 26 21:55
DaemonFCFlash doesn't need to be 64-bitSep 26 21:56
DaemonFCWindows is compatible with 32-bit appsSep 26 21:56
*amarsh04 has quit (Connection timed out)Sep 26 21:56
DaemonFCGNASH? You cannot be seriousSep 26 21:56
DaemonFCI give upSep 26 21:56
schestowitzI amSep 26 21:56
DaemonFC:PSep 26 21:56
schestowitzLet's forget the subjectSep 26 21:56
DaemonFCGNASH is broken and doesn't workSep 26 21:56
schestowitzYou're becoming more of that job candidate you spoke aboutSep 26 21:56
DaemonFCwhen I say broken, I mean broken in the sense that most FSF projects end upSep 26 21:56
schestowitzDaemonFC was willing to work for VoleStoreSep 26 21:56
DaemonFCperpetually incompleteSep 26 21:56
schestowitzLike WIndows?Sep 26 21:57
DaemonFCGNASH will never work rightSep 26 21:57
trmanconever say neverSep 26 21:57
DaemonFCSWFDEC stands a better chance than GNASHSep 26 21:57
DaemonFCwhich is why Fedora and Debian both use itSep 26 21:57
trmancoit would be better to just put all these efforts int oneSep 26 21:58
DaemonFClet the FSF infect a quality design process?Sep 26 21:58
DaemonFCwhy would you ever want that?Sep 26 21:58
DaemonFCthey can't get their own implementation even half functionalSep 26 21:58
cubezzzlet's not forget the gnu utilities and gcc, kind of important thoseSep 26 21:58
DaemonFCget them the hell away from SWFDEC at any costSep 26 21:58
DaemonFCthey're competent on a few particular projectsSep 26 21:59
DaemonFCapplications don't typically work for themSep 26 21:59
cubezzzgnubik was disappointingSep 26 21:59
trmancoit's still LGPLSep 26 21:59
DaemonFCthey become massively outdated or always semi-functional quite oftenSep 26 21:59
DaemonFCthey give you 48 text editors, lovelySep 26 22:00
DaemonFCyou know I love a good text editorSep 26 22:00
DaemonFCbut GNASH is crapSep 26 22:00
DaemonFCironically their only good text editor is NanoSep 26 22:01
*Xarver ( has left #boycottnovellSep 26 22:01
DaemonFCbecause VI and emacs are both quite unintuitiveSep 26 22:01
cubezzzvim ftw :)Sep 26 22:01
DaemonFCmicro emacs is goodSep 26 22:01
trmancovi is weirdSep 26 22:01
trmancoI can get the hand of it's strange key bindingsSep 26 22:02
DaemonFCvi is the most horrible editor there ever wasSep 26 22:02
trmancohang*Sep 26 22:02
trmancoit's a different ideaSep 26 22:02
trmancoyou can't expect everything to be like windows notepad do youSep 26 22:02
trmanco?Sep 26 22:02
cubezzzUnix is/was character orientedSep 26 22:03
twitter1hmmm, I did skip to the naked Randal.Sep 26 22:03
schestowitzamarsh04_: 26 22:03
DaemonFCactually, for graphical text editor, I usually use gEditSep 26 22:03
phIRCeTitle: FOSS license compliance in the consumer electronics market [] .::. Size~: 29.84 KBSep 26 22:03
DaemonFCwhich works just fine on Windows tooSep 26 22:03
DaemonFCsyntax highlighting, tabs, autosaving, spell checkSep 26 22:03
DaemonFChas everything I wantSep 26 22:03
DaemonFCsyntax highlighting is especially useful if you've forgotten to close a comment or something stupid like thatSep 26 22:04
*Xarver ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 22:05
DaemonFCthat way you don't need to go over the whole thing to find out what you did and why it won't compileSep 26 22:05
trmancook lets change subjectSep 26 22:05
trmancolets talk about IDE'sSep 26 22:05
trmanco:-pSep 26 22:05
DaemonFCGCC has never been my favorite compiler anywaySep 26 22:05
trmancomy vote goes for netbeansSep 26 22:05
DaemonFCI tend to use ICC whenever possibleSep 26 22:06
DaemonFCor MSVC on WindowsSep 26 22:06
trmancoyou can  say all this bad stuff about java, but netbeans proves otherwiseSep 26 22:06
DaemonFCI'm not automatically a fan of everything Microsoft does but there are some things they do wellSep 26 22:07
DaemonFCand I appreciate what worksSep 26 22:07
trmancoMSVC?Sep 26 22:07
trmancoevery IDE fater MSVC 6 is pure bloat bullshitSep 26 22:07
trmancoafter*Sep 26 22:07
cubezzzsociety has improved, we don't need closed source compilersSep 26 22:07
DaemonFCjust as often as I wonder why I can't get something done on Linux, I ask myself why Windows doesn't have something I've grown to like in Linux or OS XSep 26 22:07
DaemonFCI use pretty much every OS I can get my hands on that has proven its worth to meSep 26 22:08
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04Sep 26 22:08
cubezzzcan you compile the windows kernel?Sep 26 22:08
DaemonFCI don't careSep 26 22:08
DaemonFCI shouldn't have to recompile something that works in the beginningSep 26 22:08
cubezzzwell just remember some people doSep 26 22:08
trmancobut you care to have extra unecessary bloat on the kernel thenSep 26 22:09
trmancoit doesn't work at the "beginning"Sep 26 22:09
cubezzzyeah that's just itSep 26 22:09
amarsh04yes, I'd read that article schestowitzSep 26 22:09
DaemonFCif you care, then that's good and you shouldn't use WindowsSep 26 22:09
trmancoit kinda just works with it's generic driversSep 26 22:09
DaemonFCand I'm not going to say everyone should because it wouldn't be trueSep 26 22:09
*trmanco still remembers those good'ol Windows daysSep 26 22:09
cubezzzthere never was a "good old days"Sep 26 22:10
DaemonFCI rolled out Windows 7 and it immediately identified all my hardware and peripheralsSep 26 22:10
DaemonFCthere were a few updates available, but everything did work immediatelySep 26 22:10
twitter1I've had "good old days"Sep 26 22:10
DaemonFCthat is the first time that has happened, XP usually didn't even have network driversSep 26 22:11
trmancoI do not believe youSep 26 22:11
twitter1I'm having a good day right now.Sep 26 22:11
DaemonFCVista may have your network drivers, but everything else may be missingSep 26 22:11
cubezzzgood old days, maybe the Commodore PET era :)Sep 26 22:11
*sebsebseb (n=sebastia@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 22:11
trmancoI'll confirm myself one of these daysSep 26 22:11
cubezzzwhen computers first became home computersSep 26 22:11
DaemonFCthe RTM version of Windows 7 recognized my NIC, wireless adapter, Nvidia Geforce 9500 GT, my AverMedia M780 tuner card, and my Logitech Quickcam Communicate Deluxe webcam, before it even connected to the internetSep 26 22:12
twitter1"founder of open source ... linus torvalds" ?Sep 26 22:12
DaemonFCthere was updated Nvidia and Logitech drivers on Windows update, but that was itSep 26 22:12
trmancoyes, with generic driversSep 26 22:12
cubezzzopen source is too vague a termSep 26 22:12
trmancotry moving a windowSep 26 22:13
DaemonFCit also had drivers for my entire motherboard chipsetSep 26 22:13
DaemonFCAero was up and runningSep 26 22:13
DaemonFCit was, from a hardware POV, painlessSep 26 22:13
sebsebsebWindows 7 is Vista version 2, and it will be old news in about three years timeSep 26 22:13
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] The Haunted World of El Superbeasto is an insanely funny movie VERY NSFW 26 22:14
phIRCeTitle: The Haunted World of El Superbeasto (2009) .::. Size~: 57.02 KBSep 26 22:14
schestowitz 26 22:14
trmancoI do not believe thatSep 26 22:14
phIRCeTitle: Moving Up The Rings | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 36.98 KBSep 26 22:14
cubezzzI was telling my company in the 80's not to use windows 2.0Sep 26 22:14
sebsebsebtrmanco: don't belive what?Sep 26 22:14
cubezzzand they actually listened to me... ah the good ol' days :)Sep 26 22:15
trmancowindows having all those driver by defaultSep 26 22:15
trmanconon-generic onesSep 26 22:15
schestowitz[22:09] * trmanco still remembers those good'ol Windows daysSep 26 22:15
schestowitz"Good"?Sep 26 22:15
trmancoI forgot the wordSep 26 22:16
trmanco...Sep 26 22:16
schestowitzI actually think of "good Linux days"Sep 26 22:16
schestowitzAnd the time when computers were an unreliable annoying boreSep 26 22:16
trmanconot everthing from my windows days were badSep 26 22:16
schestowitzThat couldn't even back itself upSep 26 22:16
schestowitzAnd occasionally BSODed in the morningSep 26 22:16
trmancoyes that happed to meSep 26 22:16
schestowitzWith Windows, you don't know if it'll still work when you get upSep 26 22:16
trmancotrueSep 26 22:16
schestowitzI remember when I was 15 or 16 and couldn't get Internet Phone to workSep 26 22:17
schestowitzWindows is not as easy as people thinkSep 26 22:17
schestowitzAnd there's no CLI to debug, eitherSep 26 22:17
trmancowindows reminds me of those precious time wasting gamesSep 26 22:17
sebsebsebwell there's the command prompt, but  the one in a Linux/Unix distro is more powerfulSep 26 22:18
schestowitzIt's all clickidy-cluck... but you can't forgure out what to click to make the darn thing workSep 26 22:18
sebsebsebalso most computer users don't know how to use Windows properlySep 26 22:18
twitter1Windows if impossible to useSep 26 22:18
schestowitzSOmetimes you CAN'T make it work, sometimes it's just a bad driver or somethingSep 26 22:18
twitter1or fixSep 26 22:18
*DaemonFC (i=Ryan@ has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Sep 26 22:18
trmancoif it was impossible to use, nobody would e using it...Sep 26 22:18
twitter1It is much easier to use gnu/linuxSep 26 22:18
schestowitzdaemon ran awaySep 26 22:18
trmancoit is quite a painSep 26 22:19
schestowitzMaybe offended by Windows bashingSep 26 22:19
trmancowhen windows gets it 3 months of ageSep 26 22:19
trmancoeverthing starts getting slowSep 26 22:19
twitter1Windows is hostileSep 26 22:19
schestowitztrmanco: people don't set it upSep 26 22:19
schestowitzOEMs doSep 26 22:19
sebsebsebtrmanco: heh yeah  Windows installs tend to become slower after a whileSep 26 22:19
schestowitzAnd they FORCE you to buy itSep 26 22:19
trmancothat's the problemsSep 26 22:19
schestowitzAdding insult to injurySep 26 22:19
trmancothat why the say it all works for themSep 26 22:19
twitter1it does things for you that you do not want and won't do things you do wantSep 26 22:19
trmancosebsebseb: yeahSep 26 22:20
trmancoand after a year, then the bloated registry problemsSep 26 22:20
trmancoand it start getting slower and slower to just boot up the damn OSSep 26 22:20
trmancoeven if you deactivate all the uncesaary startup bloatSep 26 22:20
trmancoI even try to disable the search indexing when I canSep 26 22:21
trmancosometimes it tends to work faster, sometimes it doesn'tSep 26 22:21
twitter1better to overwrite the whole thingSep 26 22:21
trmancoand I know windows, I've used it a lot before 2007Sep 26 22:21
trmancosince about 97/ or soSep 26 22:22
trmanco10 years using NTSep 26 22:22
twitter1so sadSep 26 22:22
trmancoand windowsSep 26 22:22
twitter1it was around 98 that I started to dump WindowsSep 26 22:22
trmancowhatever windows 3.1 95 and 98 were calledSep 26 22:22
twitter1I got my first computer in 1989Sep 26 22:22
trmancoI still remember that year 2000 bugSep 26 22:22
twitter1DOS, Windows 3.1, 95 and 98Sep 26 22:23
trmancoI was a small kid and didn'y know what was going onSep 26 22:23
trmancoall I knew was "computers"Sep 26 22:23
twitter1that's the end of the road for me.Sep 26 22:23
trmancobut I never heard that it was Windows' faultSep 26 22:23
twitter1people had told me about Xenix but I could not get itSep 26 22:23
trmancoI did DOS tooSep 26 22:23
twitter1I learned C and Win95 API on Windows.Sep 26 22:23
trmancothat was my first interaction with a computerSep 26 22:23
trmancowell, with 3.1 you would have to dos and then start the damn windowsSep 26 22:24
twitter1things were much better on Red Hat 5.xSep 26 22:24
twitter1then that was itSep 26 22:24
sebsebsebHow to easilly  fix most Windows problems:  Re install the OS :DSep 26 22:25
trmancoyesSep 26 22:25
sebsebsebhow to prevent those problems in the future,  use a different OSSep 26 22:25
trmancopeople tend to escape from that, but it's inevitableSep 26 22:25
trmancosooner or later you will have to reinstall the whole thingSep 26 22:26
sebsebsebwell people are worried that they will lose their data and that kind of thingSep 26 22:26
sebsebsebor not want to set up programs againSep 26 22:26
sebsebsebor both evenSep 26 22:26
trmancoor they are simply not just willing to pay someone else competent enough to reinstall the osSep 26 22:28
sebsebsebtrmanco: trueSep 26 22:28
schestowitz 26 22:29
phIRCeTitle: On keynotes and apologies .::. Size~: 98.48 KBSep 26 22:29
schestowitz"Well, I was at the keynote too, and was paying attention, and it turns out that even with context applied, someone who talks about "explaining to girls what we actually do" when talking about free software really is saying something sexist, and buying into the noxious stereotype that women can't be developers or tech-savvy; that they'll never be a real part of our group, even if a few of them are brave enough to try in the face ofSep 26 22:29
schestowitzother people dismissing their efforts (and Mark certainly isn't the first to have done that)."Sep 26 22:29
*trmanco will add logging capabilities to hist botSep 26 22:29
sebsebsebtrmanco:  some of us will help with that kind of thing and more for free thoughSep 26 22:29
trmancoyesSep 26 22:29
trmancobut not manySep 26 22:29
sebsebsebI wouldSep 26 22:29
twitter1they are right to worry.  Windows has poor organization and back up facilites -> people are worried that they will lose their data and that kind of thingSep 26 22:29
schestowitzThey can use Home ServerSep 26 22:30
schestowitzAnd pray it won't delete their dataSep 26 22:30
schestowitzAs it did for almost a yearSep 26 22:30
schestowitzIt took MS like 8 months to patch this huge known problemSep 26 22:30
schestowitzAnd they still had this rubbish on the shelvesSep 26 22:30
schestowitzDefective out of the box, no patch available for agesSep 26 22:30
schestowitzData shredder DerverSep 26 22:30
schestowitz*ServerSep 26 22:31
schestowitztwitter1: 26 22:31
phIRCeTitle:  Five Linux-Compatible Online Backup and Storage Services  .::. Size~: 41.63 KBSep 26 22:31
twitter1grsync works for me, thanksSep 26 22:31
twitter1I imagine the backup services for windows use gnu/linux tooSep 26 22:32
trmancopeople are afraid to loose data because of the way windows has to be partitionedSep 26 22:32
twitter1people are afraid of losing their data on Windows because it happens so frequently when you use WindowsSep 26 22:46
trmancotrueSep 26 22:50
cubezzzI always love saying "Can you compile the kernel"Sep 26 22:55
cubezzzthat always gets a reaction :)Sep 26 22:55
cubezzzthat's the Linux KO punchSep 26 22:56
trmancohehSep 26 22:56
twitter1Linus Torvalds called Twitter and Facebook "crap"Sep 26 22:56
twitter1anyone can compile a kernelSep 26 22:56
twitter1but why bother?Sep 26 22:57
trmancotwitter might beSep 26 22:57
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux Innovation Centre Established in #Kazakhstan 26 22:57
phIRCeTitle: IBM opens a Linux innovation center in Kazakhstan | VentureBeat .::. Size~: 21.85 KBSep 26 22:57
trmancofacebook IMO isn'tSep 26 22:57
twitter1Facebook almost makes up for Windows and Mac network ineptitude but does not.Sep 26 22:58
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 26 22:58
twitter1If people were able to run webservers and other normal software on Windows, no one would need Facebook.Sep 26 22:59
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU #Linux Spreads Too Much to Microsoft's Liking 26 22:59
phIRCeTitle: The Linux insurgency - Community - ComputerworldUK .::. Size~: 80.94 KBSep 26 22:59
cubezzzFacebook isn't that goodSep 26 22:59
sebsebsebcubezzz: Facebook =  Consumerbook  :DSep 26 22:59
twitter1looks like a phone book to meSep 26 23:00
twitter1a phone book can be usefulSep 26 23:00
cubezzzsorry dudes, I don't want to see pics of your vacation :)Sep 26 23:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU #Linux Considered a Top Tool for #Development 26 23:00
phIRCeTitle: Learn Qt programming with our free tutorials | TuxRadar .::. Size~: 16.17 KBSep 26 23:00
sebsebsebcubezzz: I guess most people that use Facebook a lot also aren't that technical when it comes to computersSep 26 23:00
cubezzzsebsebseb, I guess it's ok for staying in contact with one's non-technie friendsSep 26 23:01
sebsebseband I think I have read something about Facebook malware before, or whatever it wasSep 26 23:01
sebsebsebcubezzz: true, and there's a Plugin for the IM in Pidgin :)Sep 26 23:02
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Mainframes with Virtualised #GNU #Linux Keep Dominance 26 23:02
sebsebsebcubezzz: for PidginSep 26 23:02
cubezzzmeh, I'm mainly IRCSep 26 23:03
cubezzzreason for compiling the Linux: make it support exactly what you want and only what you wantSep 26 23:03
cubezzzobvious example: PDA'sSep 26 23:04
twitter1that's a good reason.Sep 26 23:04
cubezzzcross-compiling ftwSep 26 23:04
twitter1ah.Sep 26 23:05
*PetoKraus has quit ("Leaving")Sep 26 23:05
sebsebsebcubezzz: I mainly use IRC for chat stuff these daysSep 26 23:05
twitter1I'm a module junkieSep 26 23:05
sebsebsebcubezzz: Is that what you were saying that you mainly use IRC?Sep 26 23:05
twitter1compiling a kernel is something I have not done in about five years.Sep 26 23:06
twitter1I'm lazy.Sep 26 23:06
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Interview with #LinusTorvalds at #LinuxCon 26 23:06
phIRCeTitle: The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte .::. Size~: 22.78 KBSep 26 23:06
twitter1this is nifty ->  Hurd supports several extensions to the ext2fs filesystem format. Foremost among these are ... a fourth set of permission bits for unknown users (users without an identity ...Sep 26 23:08
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #TransGaming Gets Half a Million Dollars to Bring Games to #GNU #Linux 26 23:08
phIRCeTitle: Gamasutra - News - Intel Invests $500K In 'Gaming On Demand' Dev TransGaming .::. Size~: 37.12 KBSep 26 23:08
twitter1a real guest account.Sep 26 23:08
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Wine 1.1.30 is Released #linux #unixSep 26 23:10
phIRCeTitle: WineHQ - Wine Announcement .::. Size~: 53.64 KBSep 26 23:10
trmanco!quit phIRCeSep 26 23:12
*phIRCe has quit ("Exiting!")Sep 26 23:12
trmancoI need to gotSep 26 23:12
trmancognSep 26 23:12
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #IanMurdock Releases Family Tree of #GNU #Linux 26 23:19
*wallclimber ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 23:25
*ziggyfish_ has quit ("Leaving")Sep 26 23:32
cubezzzno, I don't use zaurus/embedix for IRCSep 26 23:37
cubezzzI could, but I don't :)Sep 26 23:37
cubezzzembedix is doing internet radio and text based stuff via sshSep 26 23:38
*jono_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 23:39
*jono has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Sep 26 23:39
*wallclimber has quit ("wallclimber has wandered away")Sep 26 23:52

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