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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 20th, 2009

cubezzzreally that's funnyOct 20 00:00
schestowitzGates is like those USian mercenaries who committed acts of terror across America... but Gates is more smiley and he fights with 'solutions' (not the napalm-type)Oct 20 00:00
schestowitz 20 00:01
Ender2070"Linux is not in the public domain. Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches. That's the way that the license works." BalmerOct 20 00:01
cubezzzor Microsoft itself is the cancer, it all depends on your point of viewOct 20 00:02
schestowitz"Ballmer is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches. That's the way that the Ballmer works." LinuxOct 20 00:02
schestowitzthereOct 20 00:02
phIRCeTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 20 00:02
schestowitzFixed it for ya! :-)Oct 20 00:02
MinceR:DOct 20 00:02
schestowitzEarthTime has moved from press release to flamy blogs now...,test-windows-7-better-than-mac-os-x-and-linux.htmlOct 20 00:03
phIRCeTitle: Test: Windows 7 better than Mac OS X and Linux : Internet Technology .::. Size~: 111.9 KBOct 20 00:03
cubezzzI have to think a big part of the reason why Microsoft took over PCs (for a while) was the fact that people are lazyOct 20 00:03
schestowitzEarthTime maybe begs for attention, who knowsOct 20 00:03
schestowitzThey usually just aggregate prneswireOct 20 00:03
schestowitz*prnewswireOct 20 00:04
MinceRnahOct 20 00:04
cubezzzand Gates targeted schoolsOct 20 00:04
MinceRm$ product doesn't let people be lazyOct 20 00:04
schestowitzcubezzz: but we know betterOct 20 00:04
MinceRi think the main reason is that ibm allowed them to play their gamesOct 20 00:04
schestowitzSee ComesOct 20 00:04
schestowitzit's not luckOct 20 00:04
MinceRwhile ibm sleptOct 20 00:04
schestowitzIt's sheer aggression and corruptionOct 20 00:04
MinceRand provided probably the first open personal computing architectureOct 20 00:04
schestowitzThat's what the US concluded in the lawsuits vs MicrosoftOct 20 00:04
MinceR(other hw manufacturers could produce PC clones)Oct 20 00:05
schestowitzThat's why they compensate states for overchargingOct 20 00:05
schestowitzThough it's just a drop (spit) in the buketOct 20 00:05
schestowitz*bucketOct 20 00:05
schestowitzSee BeOS for detailsOct 20 00:05
schestowitz 20 00:05
MinceRwell, there's an element of luckOct 20 00:05
phIRCeTitle: Not a web page! Aborting application/pdf type .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 20 00:05
schestowitzMicrosoft’s Brad Silverberg: “Cut Those F*ckers Off”Oct 20 00:06
schestowitz"“Microsoft retaliated against industry participants that supported DR-DOS. For example, when Z-Nix Inc. bundled DR-DOS 6.0 and Microsoft Windows 3.1, proclaiming no incompatibilities, Microsoft’s Brad Silverberg wrote: “look what znix is doing! cut those fuckers off.” Within three weeks, Microsoft demanded an audit of Z-Nix’s entire business and then commenced a copyright and trademark infringement action. Z-Nix was Oct 20 00:06
schestowitzforced to file for bankruptcy in or around 1995″"Oct 20 00:06
cubezzzwe had a pre-windows computer industry, and windows just creeped along...Oct 20 00:06
MinceRwhen they've managed to get their hands on a CP/M-86 clone based on stolen CP/M-86 code and managed to con IBM into buying itOct 20 00:06
cubezzzthen BeOS failed, Commodore failed, and what else...Oct 20 00:06
MinceRhad to be in the right place at the right timeOct 20 00:06
cubezzzKildare was off doing something Oct 20 00:06
schestowitzMinceR: With the wrogn ethicsOct 20 00:06
MinceRthat's not "wrong ethics", that's a lack of ethicsOct 20 00:07
schestowitzY4sOct 20 00:07
schestowitzBut it was reversalOct 20 00:07
schestowitz[00:06] <MinceR> had to be in the right place at the right timeOct 20 00:07
*Tallken has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 20 00:07
MinceRIn Soviet Russia, ethics ignore YOU?Oct 20 00:07
MinceRor something.Oct 20 00:07
schestowitzIn YOU, Russia ignores ethicsOct 20 00:07
MinceRlolOct 20 00:07
schestowitzUncle sam wants PRISON!Oct 20 00:08
MinceRlolOct 20 00:08
MinceRon behalf of b$a and the MAFIAAOct 20 00:08
schestowitz“If users never turn on Windows and it satisfies users' needs, then it could happen,” said Wong. 20 00:09
phIRCeTitle: Acer reveals Android-powered netbook | IT PRO .::. Size~: 45.11 KBOct 20 00:09
schestowitzMinceR: and WIPO (Basel IIRC) and NWOOct 20 00:09
schestowitzaka WTOOct 20 00:09
MinceRthat tooOct 20 00:09
schestowitzGive us your seedsOct 20 00:10
schestowitzWe give you access to our patentsOct 20 00:10
schestowitzGive us your metalsOct 20 00:10
MinceRgnOct 20 00:10
schestowitzWe give you old computers with toxins to use your continent as a garbage dumpOct 20 00:10
schestowitz 20 00:11
phIRCeTitle:  » Blog Archive   » Exploiting the Poor and Then Throwing Garbage at Them .::. Size~: 28.53 KBOct 20 00:11
schestowitz :-DOct 20 00:12
phIRCeTitle: Uruguay becomes first nation to provide a laptop for every primary school student .::. Size~: 138.74 KBOct 20 00:12
schestowitzMIT to the rescureOct 20 00:12
schestowitzNo quarterly profit and sunkOct 20 00:12
schestowitz"@schestowitz alas, no: it was written before CC licences even existed, so I couldn't ask for that in the negotiations..."Oct 20 00:24
schestowitzPublishers vs. authorsOct 20 00:24
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 00:25
schestowitz 20 00:27
phIRCeTitle: Dell refunds PC user for rejecting Windows • The Register .::. Size~: 23.8 KBOct 20 00:27
schestowitzkarma point for Dell, for a changeOct 20 00:27
schestowitz 20 00:29
phIRCeTitle: UK cops to be kitted out with smartphones • Register Hardware .::. Size~: 20.28 KBOct 20 00:29
schestowitzThe Register feeds Microsoft shill Thomas' FUD nowOct 20 00:29
schestowitzShame, shame....Oct 20 00:29
*Xarver ( has left #boycottnovellOct 20 00:31
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @evgenymorozov now that Kaspersky has called for the end to anonymity, his recent appointment to Russia's Public Chamber makes senseOct 20 00:32
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @evgenymorozov now that Kaspersky has called for the end to anonymity, his recent appointment to Russia's Public Chamber makes senseOct 20 00:32
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT@glynmoody RT @manekd RT @jonhoneyball: speechless RT @dhmorton: This is just heartbreaking stuff 20 00:34
phIRCeTitle: current work .::. Size~: 5.3 KBOct 20 00:34
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @glynmoody Vedanta, the new Trafigura? - shameful story of UK company (via @monkchips)Oct 20 00:35
phIRCeTitle: Vedanta Resources, mining firm .::. Size~: 10.56 KBOct 20 00:35
tessierBwahahahaOct 20 00:40
tessier 20 00:40
phIRCeTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 20 00:41
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] What to do with mysql? I'm with Monty on this one, based on what I know.Oct 20 00:41
phIRCeTitle:  More Mudslinging in the MySQL Debate  .::. Size~: 37.05 KBOct 20 00:41
schestowitzWhat's Mozilla doin'? :-o 20 00:41
phIRCeTitle: Slashdot Technology Story | Mozilla Unblocks Microsoft's .NET Addon .::. Size~: 159.43 KBOct 20 00:41
tessierUncle Fester! That's totally what he looks like.Oct 20 00:43
schestowitzDepends on the occasionOct 20 00:43
schestowitzHe and his wife paid Obama $50k eachOct 20 00:43
schestowitz!google fester ritz ballmerOct 20 00:44
phIRCe[1] - MacDailyNews - Microsoft CEO Ballmer laughs at Apple iPhone | 20 00:44
phIRCe[3] - Indian Latest News : Blog Profile - | 20 00:44
phIRCe[4] - Caption Contest: Win Vista and Office! | Betanews | 20 00:44
schestowitz!google fester ritz ballmer youtubeOct 20 00:44
phIRCe[1] - My Cultural Landscape: March 2009 | 20 00:44
phIRCe[2] - a aa aaa aaaa aaacn aaah aaai aaas - MIT | 20 00:44
phIRCe[3] - 2786361 ENGLISH 2248585 ONE 2238143 TWO 2211882 DATE 2167660 MORE ... | 20 00:44
phIRCe[4] - 11/01/2008 - Hullabaloo | 20 00:44
schestowitz!google putting on the ritz ballmer youtubeOct 20 00:44
phIRCe[1] - YouTube - Young FrankenSteve | 20 00:44
phIRCe[2] - YouTube - Young Frankenstein - Funniest Scene (Old Hermit Scene) | 20 00:44
phIRCe[3] - Puttin on the Ritz - Young Frankenstein | 20 00:44
phIRCe[4] - Ballmer: Apple logo costs $500 | The Apple Core | | 20 00:44
schestowitzThere it isOct 20 00:44
schestowitzYoung BallmersteinOct 20 00:44
schestowitzYou may have already seen it. If not, go for it. "Super duper!!!"Oct 20 00:45
phIRCeTitle: YouTube - Young FrankenSteve .::. Size~: 130.5 KBOct 20 00:45
trmanco!quit phIRCeOct 20 00:47
*phIRCe has quit ("Exiting! phIRCe - I told you so! .::.")Oct 20 00:47
trmancogn everybodyOct 20 00:47
schestowitz 20 00:51
*Xarver ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 00:52
schestowitz 20 00:57
schestowitzWhat a silly idea: (Oracle: Preparing Unbreakable MySQL?)Oct 20 01:02
*ambroff ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 01:04
schestowitzThundrBird 3.0: 20 01:04
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Goodbye, Darl. It all happened so fast. (Darl McBride quotes) Good day for Linux.Oct 20 01:12
schestowitz 20 01:13
qsheetstoo many liknsOct 20 01:14
schestowitz:-> I was just going to actually post manyOct 20 01:16
*Lns has quit ("Φ")Oct 20 01:19
*DaemonFC (i=Ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 01:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Parody: #Linux is "Too" Open #gnuOct 20 01:48
DaemonFCI lose $100 a month next year starting in MayOct 20 01:48
DaemonFCthere's no cost of living allowance, but my Medicare premiums will be $100 a monthOct 20 01:48
DaemonFCsweetOct 20 01:48
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] UNO General Secretary Contacted about #Linux #Nanorobot 20 01:49
DaemonFCI guess I'll be eating canned cat food but I'll have insuranceOct 20 01:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Austria Tells a #GNU #Linux Success Story from #Schools 20 01:51
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] What Comes on October 23rd? Everything #Linux Store (ELS)! 20 01:53
schestowitzDaemonFC: lose, eh?Oct 20 01:54
schestowitzFrom the wage?Oct 20 01:54
schestowitzIt's like alimonyOct 20 01:54
DaemonFCschestowitz: They say inflation has gone down, so nobody living on social security retirement or disability gets an increaseOct 20 01:54
schestowitzDaemonFC: canned food is OK. Not cats'Oct 20 01:54
DaemonFCbut I have to go on Medicare, no choice, so they'll take $100 / mo for that starting in MayOct 20 01:54
Ender2070gotta love the good old us of aOct 20 01:55
schestowitzHow's canada w/ healthcare?Oct 20 01:55
Ender2070excellentOct 20 01:55
DaemonFCI don't see inflation going downOct 20 01:55
schestowitzMoore says CUba outpaces the US :-)Oct 20 01:55
DaemonFCI don't see the price of food, rent, or gasoline or electricity going downOct 20 01:55
DaemonFCwhere is this negative inflation they speak of?Oct 20 01:55
Ender2070cuba does but thats because they save money not putting people through trialsOct 20 01:56
DaemonFCluxury cars aren't selling, so they take it out of the ass of people on disability?Oct 20 01:56
DaemonFCthat's the only thing I can think ofOct 20 01:56
DaemonFCthe price of a lot of things I don't ever buy must be what's going downOct 20 01:56
Ender2070DaemonFC - cant even get into politics seriously unless you are rich, you surprised?Oct 20 01:56
DaemonFCEnder2070, They don't WANT me in politics, because I've lived through their bullshit for years and I am pissedOct 20 01:57
DaemonFCthat's why they block the everyman from politicsOct 20 01:57
Ender2070its a little easier in canadaOct 20 01:57
Ender2070you vote for seats, not the leaderOct 20 01:57
*wallc (i=62a521f3@gateway/web/freenode/x-wbcjpsicmjtybkpb) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 01:58
Ender2070each area has its own leader who gets a seat in the house of commonsOct 20 01:58
Ender2070the most seats determins the ruling partyOct 20 01:58
Ender2070determines*Oct 20 01:58
DaemonFCif they put some poor and middle class people in the house and senate, our government would start looking a hell of a lot differentOct 20 01:58
mutxit's called the "westminster system"Oct 20 01:58
Ender2070it also meansOct 20 01:58
Ender2070independants will never become leadersOct 20 01:58
Ender2070because they can only get a single seatOct 20 01:58
DaemonFCI'm honestly too pissed at those drug and insurance cartels to take their bribesOct 20 01:59
DaemonFCI'd be out for their headsOct 20 01:59
DaemonFCthat's why they don't want people like me in the governmentOct 20 01:59
Ender2070money is evil, it corrupts everyoneOct 20 01:59
mutxand at least in Aus, independents often get the deciding votes in a hung parliment so they get all the power.Oct 20 01:59
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #WashingtonTimes Writer Likes #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux 20 02:00
mutxpeople can be evil, things cantOct 20 02:00
Ender2070our system isnt called the westminster systemOct 20 02:00
Ender2070though yours is probably based on oursOct 20 02:00
mutxin canada ?Oct 20 02:00
Ender2070our government was set up when England gave up on usOct 20 02:00
Ender2070yeahOct 20 02:00
DaemonFCObama is trying to make up for the no cost of living increase by giving social security recipients $300 checksOct 20 02:01
DaemonFCthat'll be gone in no timeOct 20 02:01
Ender2070that was before their queen gave up their country tooOct 20 02:01
DaemonFCwhen you live on disability income, things you need end up piling up on the back burner cause of things you need worseOct 20 02:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Suggestions for Increasing Penetration of #GNU #Linux in the Desktop 20 02:02
*Will_ (i=4c724679@gateway/web/freenode/x-pbrgaigmpeexdagb) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 02:02
DaemonFCthis computer represents all my spending money from this entire yearOct 20 02:02
DaemonFCprobably moreOct 20 02:02
Will_schestowitz: 20 02:02
DaemonFCglad I had a rainy day fund or I wouldn't have had a working PC for monthsOct 20 02:02
Will_DaemonFC: what happened to you PC?Oct 20 02:03
Will_s/you/yourOct 20 02:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Suggestions for Upgrading from #MacOSX to #GNU #Linux 20 02:03
DaemonFCWill_, The one I had before? Motherboard failureOct 20 02:03
Will_ouchOct 20 02:03
DaemonFCthe PSU fried the motherboard on its way outOct 20 02:03
DaemonFCWill_, That's why I didn't go with Intel stuff this timeOct 20 02:04
mutxin australia, they gave everyone a $1300 cheque if they are on a pension, or disability, then they increased the pension payment and method, they subsidise rent, pay all medical, and subsidise prescriptions, so you pay $5.00 each no matter the real cost.Oct 20 02:04
DaemonFCI've had nothing but crap from their CPUs and motherboards anywayOct 20 02:04
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU #Linux on #Mainframe #Servers to Benefit from #Hardware Boost 20 02:05
DaemonFCNo Intel system I've had has lasted more than 3 yearsOct 20 02:05
Will_And as much as you talk about audio encoding, you probably need something at least moderately beefy.Oct 20 02:05
DaemonFCWill_, This system hasn't been bothered by anything I've thrown at it so farOct 20 02:06
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux Gets Drivers for More Scanners, 2.6.32 in Review #kernelOct 20 02:07
Ender2070In Canada there is a second career program for those who are laid off. The government will pay for school and pay you living expenses while you attend. Up to 2 years @ 28K per year CNDOct 20 02:07
schestowitzHey, wallcOct 20 02:07
wallcHiya!Oct 20 02:07
Will_schestowitz: I think we are starting to see the first non-bribed reviews of 7 trickling outOct 20 02:08
mutxwe have NEIS in Australia, it's a small business course, with certification, they pay you to start you're own business, and give you ongoing support, they also have training schemes and work incentive schemes. and no 2 year limit.Oct 20 02:08
schestowitzWill_: indeedOct 20 02:08
Will_schestowitz: see previous link.  Gaming site pretty much says "meh" to Windows 7 upgrade for gaming.Oct 20 02:09
schestowitzLike the PC World editorOct 20 02:09
schestowitzHe wrote "oh s*! Not again"Oct 20 02:09
schestowitzWhere he said Vista 7 is another VistaOct 20 02:09
schestowitzI actually think Vista had A LOT more hype and marketingOct 20 02:10
schestowitzMicrosoft is losing the plotOct 20 02:10
schestowitzAnd I'm not seeing the trollfloods that I saw back then (every time there is a major release)Oct 20 02:10
schestowitzWhen it's released, pick up the financial result and splatter it aroundOct 20 02:10
schestowitzMake it be seen for the truly pathetic defeat that it is (the date of VIsta 7 launch)Oct 20 02:11
DaemonFCI collected all the Chaos Emeralds and beat Sonic The Hedgehog again todayOct 20 02:11
DaemonFCyayOct 20 02:11
DaemonFClolOct 20 02:11
Will_schestowitz:  I think it did too.  Even Wal-mart was hyping Vista up. Oct 20 02:11
schestowitzMicrosoft wishes it didn't have to tell investors about resultsOct 20 02:11
schestowitzDaemonFC: Sonic is still going?Oct 20 02:11
schestowitzI played like all of them when it was young.Oct 20 02:11
DaemonFCthere's new games out, I've been replaying all the old Genesis ones thoughOct 20 02:12
schestowitzI still have my portable Sega somewhereOct 20 02:13
schestowitzIt ought to work, with Shinobi and stuffOct 20 02:13
DaemonFCschestowitz: Gens compiles on LinuxOct 20 02:13
DaemonFCit's mainly a Windows thing thoughOct 20 02:13
Will_schestowitz:  If the results are bad, it should be interesting to see if it gets blamed on "the economy" considering that Apple just posted their best quarter everOct 20 02:16
schestowitzTHey willOct 20 02:17
schestowitzThey already haveOct 20 02:17
schestowitzballmer did the prelude b/f the w/eOct 20 02:17
schestowitz"It's a tough economy... it won't improve any time soon, yada yada"Oct 20 02:17
schestowitzMicrosoft execs sold as much stock as they could. Turner, Liddel, Turner, and Gates are the ones I know about for sure. They dumped Oct 20 02:18
schestowitz /Turner/Mundie/Oct 20 02:19
schestowitzMundie sold _a THIRD_ of his shares 1-2 months goOct 20 02:19
schestowitzI guess he ain't so "Vixited!" about Vista7Oct 20 02:19
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #iMagic #GNU #Linux Distribution in Review , There's Something for Everyone 20 02:22
schestowitzBTW, Microsoft can see those "non-bribed" reviews, but "non-bribed" usually means "not MSDN subscriber" or "WIndows fanboy"Oct 20 02:22
schestowitzAverage users never tried the thing, just techiesOct 20 02:22
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #RedHat 's CEO Explains How to Make Money from Giving Away Software 20 02:24
Will_schestowitz:  Here's the thing:  in some ways, Win7 might just present an even better opening than Vista did/should have.  Here's why:  there is no upgrade-in-place for XP-->7.  It requires a clean install.  Having installed Win7 RC in a VM, I can say that the process isn't much different from a modern Linux install (though the Win7 install takes longer).  If the user can upgrade to Windows 7, they are equally capable of upOct 20 02:25
*moshe_ (i=182e557a@gateway/web/freenode/x-wdyczpaluqhlotku) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 02:25
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Review of the New #Parsix #GNU #Linux #iran #schoolOct 20 02:26
Will_This of course doesn't apply to people that only change the OS when they change the computer, and it won't be of any help if they still don't know about other options.Oct 20 02:27
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New #Linux #Google #Phones from #Motorola and #EBook Readers Also 20 02:28
Will_Not to mention that anyone capable of successfully navigating the Windows SKU paths should be plenty capable of learning Linux :)Oct 20 02:29
schestowitzWhen is Ubuntu release?Oct 20 02:29
schestowitz26th?Oct 20 02:29
schestowitz28th?Oct 20 02:29
Will_Oct 29Oct 20 02:30
schestowitzThere's time to beat that drum too? As for myself, I'm on the beta ATM. Been on it since alphaOct 20 02:30
Will_according to the websiteOct 20 02:30
schestowitzSome say that Apple and Google will throw party p00persOct 20 02:30
schestowitzNo idea whatOct 20 02:30
schestowitzGoogle has products to unveilOct 20 02:30
schestowitzTo steal thunder in the newsOct 20 02:30
Will_Rumor is Apple might be announcing a refresh to their desktop line soon.Oct 20 02:32
mutx;range=my;compare=goog+orcl+ibm+aapl+rht;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefinedOct 20 02:34
mutxinteresting comparison.Oct 20 02:34
DaemonFC 20 02:34
Will_The big problem is and always has been that 7 doesn't just have to be as good as XP.  It has to be compellngly better than XP.Oct 20 02:34
DaemonFCcan't go wrong for $5Oct 20 02:34
*Balrog_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 20 02:36
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #WebOS and #Linux : How it All Fits #palmOct 20 02:37
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux Phones Mock Apple's #HypePhone ? 20 02:39
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU #Linux Sub-notebooks Spread Widely, with Sugar 20 02:40
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #CrunchPad #GNU #Linux Tablet Might Come This Year 20 02:41
Will_schestowitz:  Hot off /. 20 02:41
schestowitzMicrosoft? LyingOct 20 02:43
schestowitz?Oct 20 02:43
schestowitzCan't beOct 20 02:43
Ender2070never!Oct 20 02:43
schestowitzWho said "If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good"?Oct 20 02:43
moshe_re:will....that's the problem Linux can't be as good as Windows it has to be much betterOct 20 02:43
moshe_in some ways it isOct 20 02:44
Ender2070in most ways it isOct 20 02:44
schestowitzMary PR Foley and others spread those liesOct 20 02:44
moshe_not most...someOct 20 02:44
schestowitzVery enthusiastically, tooOct 20 02:44
schestowitzBishop alsoOct 20 02:44
moshe_think applications and Linux failsOct 20 02:45
Will_moshe_: toucheOct 20 02:45
Ender2070moshe_ - video games maybeOct 20 02:45
schestowitzPiss off, GaryOct 20 02:45
moshe_truth hurts Roy?Oct 20 02:45
Will_depends on the app, though.  And even then, is it the OS's fault, or the app dev's faultOct 20 02:45
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzOct 20 02:46
Ender2070most of the important apps have alternativesOct 20 02:46
moshe_doesn't matter whose fault it is. people care much less about the os than the applicationsOct 20 02:46
*schestowitz sets ban on moshe_!*@*Oct 20 02:46
*schestowitz has kicked moshe_ from #boycottnovell (User terminated!)Oct 20 02:46
schestowitzThat's the guy who libels meOct 20 02:46
Ender2070oh really?Oct 20 02:46
schestowitzWho pretends to be me and attacks me in all sorts of wayOct 20 02:46
schestowitzHe's a criminalOct 20 02:46
schestowitzNeeds to be locked up reallyOct 20 02:46
Ender2070i wonder if he has anything to do with someone trying to frame meOct 20 02:47
schestowitzNo, why?Oct 20 02:47
Ender2070someone was here "impersonating" lefty, using my first name in their identOct 20 02:48
Ender2070im Brandon LozzaOct 20 02:49
schestowitzSilvio Berlusconi's TV company filmed bribery case judge 20 02:49
schestowitz"Italian magistrates and the opposition have complained after a TV channel owned by Silvio Berlusconi secretly filmed a judge who ruled against him in a bribery case."Oct 20 02:49
Will_Here's the problem with the "doesn't matter whose fault it is" answer:  if we don't look for the source of the problem, how to we fix it?  And if the problem isn't Linux, then what are the Linux devs expected to do about it?  I mean, I don't see people saying that the Xbox or PS3 are at fault because they can't play Mario games.  Oct 20 02:49
schestowitzEnder2070: yeah, well... we don't want psychopaths hereOct 20 02:50
schestowitzEspecially the malicious ones that break the rulesOct 20 02:50
schestowitzSuch as issuing threatsOct 20 02:50
schestowitzOr attacking othersOct 20 02:50
mutxhe did neither here just then.Oct 20 02:50
Ender2070yeah but i've been trying to find out if the person shows up again so i can get themOct 20 02:50
schestowitzmutx: he didOct 20 02:51
schestowitzNot hereOct 20 02:51
schestowitzBeen doing it _For years_Oct 20 02:51
schestowitzmany thousands of timesOct 20 02:51
schestowitz 20 02:52
schestowitz"Today, billionaire hedge fund manager Raj Rajaratnam was arrested on insider-trading charges. The SEC filed a formal complaint in court alleging that Rajaratnam tapped into his network of friends and close business associates to obtain insider tips."Oct 20 02:52
schestowitzSEC produces many criminalsOct 20 02:52
schestowitzMaybe Madoff will be envious of this chapOct 20 02:52
schestowitz 20 02:52
schestowitz'Wall Street banks have had profitable quarters. JPMorgan Chase reported $3.6 billion in profit (more than $1 billion per month). Goldman Sachs was only slightly behind, at $3.2 billion. These profits supposedly came from “trading.” I asked a friend who has worked in the money business how this was possible."Oct 20 02:52
schestowitzRobert Khuzami and the Securities and Exchange Commission's enforcement division have a new chief operating officer, according to Bloomberg News. Adam Storch, a 29-year-old former Goldman Sachs manager, joined the SEC staff Tuesday, and the agency announced his new post in a statement Friday. His primary task will be to make the division more efficient.""Oct 20 02:53
schestowitz 20 02:53
*noname (i=ad7d4f8a@gateway/web/freenode/x-herlnkgzmapvqftp) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 02:54
*noname is now known as Guest7655Oct 20 02:54
Guest7655Nice try Roy, but there is nothing you can are owned. So how is Jon treating you?Oct 20 02:54
Guest7655You really got your clock cleaned on that interview.Oct 20 02:54
Guest7655In fact you sounded like an effiminate asshole.Oct 20 02:55
Guest7655Bye.....Oct 20 02:55
*Guest7655 has quit (Client Quit)Oct 20 02:55
Ender2070lolzOct 20 02:55
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #MySQL Should be Set Free and Sold by #Oracle , Says #Monty 20 02:57
ThistleWebcharmingOct 20 02:57
Will_You sure have a way with trolls, schestowitz.Oct 20 02:57
ThistleWebmaybe that was a shy declaration of lustOct 20 02:58
*tomas_ (i=182e557a@gateway/web/freenode/x-nbhzfanqyovtyaud) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 02:58
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #OpenBSD 4.6 is Released #bsdOct 20 02:59
ThistleWebin and out before any response could come in case he was turned downOct 20 02:59
ThistleWebgotta luv them brave peepsOct 20 02:59
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Firefox Goes with #FreeSoftware Mobile Platforms 20 03:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Interview with #FSF 's #Mako 20 03:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Goes #Orwellian #upyournostrilOct 20 03:03
schestowitzWill_:!!Oct 20 03:03
schestowitz:-D it's like those 15-y-o gals phoning someone and then hanging upOct 20 03:04
schestowitz"I just wanted to tell, I'm like sssssssssssooooooooo over you *clink!*"Oct 20 03:05
*Ender2070 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 20 03:06
tomas_What would a guy, Schestowitz, who had his testicles removed for Linux know about females?Oct 20 03:06
tomas_Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11Oct 20 03:06
tomas_ByeOct 20 03:06
*tomas_ has quit ("Page closed")Oct 20 03:06
schestowitzIt's garyOct 20 03:07
schestowitzThe guy whom I kickedOct 20 03:07
schestowitzSee the libel he spreads?Oct 20 03:07
schestowitzThat's why I banned himOct 20 03:07
schestowitz[02:58] --> tomas_ has joined this channel (i=182e557a@gateway/web/freenode/x-nbhzfanqyovtyaud).Oct 20 03:07
ThistleWeband these people think this infantile stuff is in any way helping peeps take their side?Oct 20 03:07
schestowitz[02:25] --> moshe_ has joined this channel (i=182e557a@gateway/web/freenode/x-wdyczpaluqhlotku).Oct 20 03:08
ThistleWebI guess they must think they're winning some debate somewhereOct 20 03:08
schestowitzNotice the IP: 182e557aOct 20 03:08
*Twisted_Mentat (n=Sul_Trew@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 03:08
schestowitzhex for...Oct 20 03:08
schestowitzdo the math, but he's probably on his usual honeypot/proxy/zombieOct 20 03:08
ThistleWebhow do you covert masked IPs to normal ones?Oct 20 03:08
schestowitzThistleWeb: it's hexadecimalOct 20 03:09
schestowitzI have a converter on my palm, I thinkOct 20 03:09
schestowitzMinceR has a perl script for itOct 20 03:09
ThistleWebis there an app to paste in and get a readout?Oct 20 03:09
ThistleWebkOct 20 03:09
DaemonFC 20 03:11
DaemonFCSCO fires CEO McBride as it tries to emerge from bankruptcyOct 20 03:11
*qsheets (n=qsheets@wikimedia/qsheets) has left #boycottnovellOct 20 03:11
schestowitzroy@roy:~$ whois 20 03:11
schestowitzOptimum Online NETBLK-OOL-3BLK (NET-24-44-0-0-1)Oct 20 03:11
schestowitz                         - 20 03:11
schestowitzOptimum Online (Cablevision Systems) OOL-CPE-CTMHNY-24-46-84-0-22 (NET-24-46-84-0-1)Oct 20 03:11
schestowitz                         - 20 03:11
schestowitz 20 03:12
schestowitzLooks about rightOct 20 03:12
schestowitzThat's roughly where "flatfish" livesOct 20 03:12
schestowitzEmerald Ct.Oct 20 03:13
schestowitzYou can zoom in to his home addressOct 20 03:13
schestowitzAnd send him a court order, to that perpOct 20 03:13
ThistleWebthe last 2 quick dropins I saw just came across like some child bursting into a room, shouting a few nonsensical sentences then running awayOct 20 03:14
ThistleWebwhich would just get ignored by the rest of the people in the room as a child bursting inOct 20 03:14
wallcor like neighbor kids running up to ring the doorbell then running off.Oct 20 03:14
ThistleWebso I don't see what he thinks he's gainingOct 20 03:15
ThistleWebhe's not gonna convince anyone of anything other than the fact that he has the soacial skills of a turnipOct 20 03:15
*chance (i=44f784b2@gateway/web/freenode/x-fktvgruazffrluem) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 03:15
*chance is now known as Guest46112Oct 20 03:16
wallcthistleweb, you're insulting turnips...they are perfectly good vegetables...  :)Oct 20 03:16
ThistleWeblol, was was being vegist, my badOct 20 03:16
wallcwhile the trolls are merely rotten...Oct 20 03:16
wallci love my veggies!Oct 20 03:16
ThistleWebthen again, being a good vegetable is different from being a sociable vegetableOct 20 03:17
wallcyes, you have a point thereOct 20 03:17
ThistleWebwhen was the last time you held a two way conversation with one?Oct 20 03:17
wallcwhy...just yesterday I was discussing the state of the economy with my mashed potatoesOct 20 03:17
ThistleWebsome peeps talk to plants, it's when the plants talk back that gets you funny looksOct 20 03:17
wallc(the older you get, the less people notice when you talk to your food :)Oct 20 03:18
mutxhe obviously knew he would be quickly kicked for saying anything contrary, so I would assume that is why he did what he did. to beat the censor.Oct 20 03:18
schestowitzwallc: I got recycling facilities today. Vegetables are not the easy ones to dispose of ;-)Oct 20 03:18
ThistleWebwallc: yeah they assume you're talking to yourselfOct 20 03:18
wallcmutx, don't be silly.  he did what he did because he's a nutcaseOct 20 03:19
schestowitzmutx: no, you don't know the personOct 20 03:19
schestowitzHe should be behind barsOct 20 03:19
mutxno i dont, but I know your reaction to him, and his comments, which were not that bad, Oct 20 03:19
wallcThistleweb, talking to myself is fun, i never argue...Oct 20 03:20
schestowitzIronically, lots of the libel jono referred to comes form himOct 20 03:20
mutxsaying Linux apps need to be better is a common argument.Oct 20 03:20
wallcand am always agreeableOct 20 03:20
ThistleWebyou know you have problems when you talk yourself into a cornerOct 20 03:20
wallcthat's why i live in a round house :)Oct 20 03:20
ThistleWeblolOct 20 03:20
schestowitzmutx: if a pedo comes to your house and talks polite you still don't leave him to babysit your kidsOct 20 03:21
schestowitz*politelyOct 20 03:21
ThistleWeb"nobody fucks wit da Jesus" - the Big LebowskiOct 20 03:22
ThistleWebas he has to go door to door to inform the localsOct 20 03:22
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Cannot Really Restore #Sidekick Data, Not Quite 20 03:24
wallcok, it's dinnertime here at the old roundhouse - have to go talk to my peas and carrots.Oct 20 03:24
*Will_ has quit ("Page closed")Oct 20 03:24
wallc:)Oct 20 03:24
*wallc has quit ("Page closed")Oct 20 03:24
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Mono Proponents Don't Listen to Warning Signs 20 03:25
Guest46112I'll tell ya'll right now, there is nothing Roy can do to silence us., What I would strongly suggest is that ya'll sit back and take a long look at how roy is using you to fill his pockets.Oct 20 03:25
Guest46112That is why he fears us so much...Jon knows what is going on..he was politeOct 20 03:26
Guest46112Think about it...a student on here 24x7 without compensation? are you that ignorant?Oct 20 03:26
Guest46112bye for now.........Oct 20 03:26
schestowitzFill my pockets, eh?Oct 20 03:26
*Guest46112 has quit ("Page closed")Oct 20 03:26
schestowitzWith $20 per month to pay for hosting...Oct 20 03:27
ThistleWebwell, that's us told ROFLOct 20 03:27
schestowitzThat line is another "flatfish"Oct 20 03:27
schestowitzHe keeps coming back with new namesOct 20 03:27
schestowitzAngry that he got bannedOct 20 03:27
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Google and #Apple Steal #Vista7 's Thunder That Never Was 20 03:30
*enema (i=483f5770@gateway/web/freenode/x-dbffcpvcihpsrtjq) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 03:40
enemaso where am i now Roy?  you can't stop us.....Oct 20 03:40
enematry as u might we own uOct 20 03:40
*enema has quit (Client Quit)Oct 20 03:40
*schestowitz shivers in his bootsOct 20 03:41
schestowitzI don't like enemaOct 20 03:41
*Twisted_Mentat has quit ("Leaving")Oct 20 03:42
ThistleWebenema's do have a close affinity with shitOct 20 03:49
ThistleWebmaybe he's trying to tell us somethingOct 20 03:49
*Izzy (i=ad725c4a@gateway/web/freenode/x-qzzaiiwabdhgsdro) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 03:51
IzzySo where am I now Roy?Oct 20 03:51
IzzyHahaha!Oct 20 03:51
ThistleWebpatheticOct 20 03:52
IzzyYour efforts to corrupt the cola sheep are futile....they know what you are about althought they won't admit itOct 20 03:52
IzzyYou are getting paid to SPAM...plain and simple and anyone who doesn't believe that is an idiotOct 20 03:52
IzzyChow for now....roy...say hello to the FSF....ooops did i let the cat out of the bag....guess i didOct 20 03:53
ThistleWebcoming from someone who shifts names and comes in to act like a childOct 20 03:53
*schestowitz has kicked Izzy from #boycottnovell (User terminated!)Oct 20 03:53
schestowitz 20 03:53
ThistleWebyou could ban his IP for a whileOct 20 03:54
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @kiruba: If you are an Internet or IT professional in the Gulf, do join Middle East Internet & New Media Association. 20 03:55
schestowitzHe'd changeOct 20 03:58
ThistleWebyeah, no doubtOct 20 03:59
ThistleWebat least the IRC is logged and publicly posted so all his stuff is publicOct 20 03:59
*schestowitz watches 20 04:09
schestowitzHitchens really gives it to that war criminal KissingerOct 20 04:09
*mrsteveman1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 04:12
*Xarver has quit ("Leaving.")Oct 20 04:14
*AftabSingh (i=182e557a@gateway/web/freenode/x-vkssxqwnfoqaeyii) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 04:18
*AftabSingh has quit (Client Quit)Oct 20 04:18
*fewa (n=fewa@unaffiliated/fewa) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 04:20
*schestowitz gives channel operator status to fewaOct 20 04:23
*schestowitz gives channel operator status to tessierOct 20 04:23
schestowitzgnOct 20 04:23
schestowitzI opped just in case the "flatfish" criminal comes backOct 20 04:23
*P|scean has quit ("KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: , sources date: 20090115, built on: 2009/03/07 02:39:30 UTC")Oct 20 04:26
*mrsteveman1 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 20 04:43
*TipeX (n=tipex@unaffiliated/tipex) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 05:00
*TipeX (n=tipex@unaffiliated/tipex) has left #boycottnovellOct 20 05:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] BBC NEWS | Technology | Security scams: Your views 20 05:21
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 20 05:43
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Lost terminal")Oct 20 05:55
*fewa has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Oct 20 06:01
*ejonny has quit ("Page closed")Oct 20 06:07
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 07:26
*qsheets (n=qsheets@wikimedia/qsheets) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 07:44
*asdf_ (i=5496fed4@gateway/web/freenode/x-sysgjsuboinqqkyj) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 08:14
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 20 08:23
*chm ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 08:38
*chm has quit ()Oct 20 08:48
*skreuzer has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Oct 20 08:56
*skreuzer (n=skreuzer@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 08:56
*voltronw_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 08:57
*voltronw has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 20 09:00
*voltronw_ is now known as voltronwOct 20 09:00
asdf_Hi guys, I just read and I have to say I had a great laugh. Thanks for that one :)Oct 20 09:20
*asdf_ has quit ("Page closed")Oct 20 09:21
*chm ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 09:42
schestowitzhehe. See the comments here: 20 09:45
*schestowitz watches 20 09:56
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Currently running Chromium build ....Ive been very happy with the package, nearly ready to remove FF completely. #chromium #fossOct 20 10:04
*chm has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Oct 20 10:10
qsheetsanyone alive in here?Oct 20 10:10
*chm_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 10:11
schestowitzYes, what's up?Oct 20 10:17
*schestowitz removes channel operator status from schestowitzOct 20 10:17
qsheetsschestowitz: I LOVE .htaccess FILES!!Oct 20 10:18
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Confirmed: #DarlMcBride Termination is a Sacking #scoOct 20 10:21
qsheetsno index file > shows dir;  blank index file > queries root index;  else > runs scriptOct 20 10:24
qsheetsschestowitz: is there a reason for this?Oct 20 10:25
Diablo-D3uh royOct 20 10:30
Diablo-D3schestowitz: the entire board of directors was firedOct 20 10:30
Diablo-D3schestowitz: two people basically own the majority of sco stockOct 20 10:32
schestowitzqsheets: ysOct 20 10:36
qsheetsand?Oct 20 10:36
schestowitzIt's OKOct 20 10:36
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 10:39
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 10:41
oiaohm  This should worry MS.Oct 20 10:41
Diablo-D3why? no one takes mysql seriouslyOct 20 10:44
oiaohmDoes anyone really in there right mind take mssql seriously either Diablo-D3Oct 20 10:45
Diablo-D3oiaohm: good pointOct 20 10:45
oiaohmYou have to think the stack of software oracle can bundle with mysql.Oct 20 10:47
oiaohmMS seriously could have a SBS competitor on there door.Oct 20 10:48
*asdf_ (i=5496fed4@gateway/web/freenode/x-xypqdnfszjkzxeam) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 10:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Dvorak Slams #Vista7 , New Benchmark Shows It’s a Hog, Kotaku Says It’s Bad for Gaming 20 10:50
*phIRCe ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 10:51
phIRCeHello World!Oct 20 10:51
qsheetsgoodbye sentienceOct 20 10:52
qsheetslmao... Windows seven already has a DoS bugOct 20 11:01
qsheets 20 11:01
phIRCeTitle: Kurzinfo CB-K09/0315 Update 1 .::. Size~: 10.37 KBOct 20 11:01
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 11:01
_Hicham_Hi All!Oct 20 11:02
_Hicham_good morning schestowitzOct 20 11:02
*_Hicham_ has quit (Client Quit)Oct 20 11:03
oiaohmqsheets: That was known over 1 month before release.  But MS was not prepared to repress the disks.Oct 20 11:08
qsheetslolOct 20 11:09
qsheetsthey never areOct 20 11:09
oiaohmIt would have ment delaying release by 2 week.Oct 20 11:09
qsheetsschestowitz: nice site, lolOct 20 11:10
qsheetsimho, it needs some major workOct 20 11:13
oiaohm  Nice to see the troll tech spirt is still alive and well.Oct 20 11:15
phIRCeTitle: Happenings: Qt Developer Days 2009 - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 28.77 KBOct 20 11:15
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Monsanto : The #Microsoft of Food 20 11:17
phIRCeTitle: Monsanto: The Microsoft of Food | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 101.91 KBOct 20 11:17
oiaohmSo true on Monsanto they have long history of bad things.Oct 20 11:18
schestowitzqsheets: what site?Oct 20 11:26
qsheetsyoursOct 20 11:26 20 11:26
qsheetsyeaOct 20 11:26
qsheetsit's similar to multimedia presentations given by high school students, where every slide is completely different from the one before itOct 20 11:29
oiaohm  HmmmOct 20 11:31
phIRCeTitle: Slashdot Technology Story | Windows 7 Released Early In UK .::. Size~: 62.91 KBOct 20 11:31
qsheetsschestowitz: logo should never be the only thing that remains the same throughout the site, there should be a common theme throughout each (sub)domainOct 20 11:32
mutxand correct the errors in your cv. Oct 20 11:32
schestowitzoiaohm: wow, just WOW!! :-) *yawn*Oct 20 11:33
schestowitzqsheets: there's historical reasoning for it. :-)Oct 20 11:33
qsheetsperfect example: versus 20 11:33
phIRCeTitle: NASA - Science@NASA .::. Size~: 42.93 KBOct 20 11:33
qsheetsschestowitz: what html 1.0 v. 2.0Oct 20 11:33
schestowitzALl sorts of thingsOct 20 11:34
schestowitzI don't maintain it anymoreOct 20 11:34
qsheetsis that the reason for HTML v. PHP too?Oct 20 11:34
qsheetsschestowitz: why not?Oct 20 11:34
schestowitzIt still gets thousands of pageviews per day, but there's not much to expand onOct 20 11:34
schestowitzqsheets: there's like 9 different CMSs thereOct 20 11:35
schestowitzIt's a lot of isolated bits here and thereOct 20 11:35
qsheetsyou can still combine them with one common CSSOct 20 11:35
schestowitz 20 11:35
phIRCeTitle: silner (silner) 's status on Tuesday, 20-Oct-09 09:49:48 UTC - .::. Size~: 7.14 KBOct 20 11:36
schestowitz"The strangest thing I found about #windows #7 is it seems to run far slower on #AMD hardware @schestowitz?"Oct 20 11:36
qsheetslolOct 20 11:36
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @silner The strangest thing I found about #windows #7 is it seems to run far slower on #AMD hardware #vista7Oct 20 11:38
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Mono , #OpenCore , and Other Bizarre Forms of #OpenSource #novell #trojanOct 20 11:43
phIRCeTitle: Mono, Open Core, and Other Bizarre Forms of Open Source | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 104.86 KBOct 20 11:43
*chm_ has quit ("see you guys!")Oct 20 11:43
*chm ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 11:44
*chm has quit (Client Quit)Oct 20 11:47
*chm ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 11:48
*chm has quit (Client Quit)Oct 20 11:50
*JPerlow has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 20 11:54
*P|scean ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 12:01
*jono has quit ("Ex-Chat")Oct 20 12:09
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Recovers #Sidekick Data? Not So Fast! 20 12:10
phIRCeTitle: Microsoft Recovers Sidekick Data? Not So Fast! | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 103.31 KBOct 20 12:10
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 12:22
qsheetsold newsOct 20 12:23
oiaohmMS recovers data asks some questions.Oct 20 12:30
oiaohmWas it just a stunt to undermine the cloud movement.Oct 20 12:30
schestowitzI joked by saying thisOct 20 12:32
schestowitzBut they would have to be insane to try thatOct 20 12:32
schestowitzTo say that Sidekick failure was a Microsoft setup is like saying that 9/11 was organised by Bush and CHeneyOct 20 12:33
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Why did newspapers start losing money in the 1990s, exacerbated now? Well, because the journalism sucks. 20 12:33
phIRCeTitle: First Read: Follow the Breadcrumbs : CJR .::. Size~: 44.17 KBOct 20 12:33
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @davidgerard Why did newspapers start losing money in the 1990s, exacerbated now? Well, because the journalism sucks. 20 12:35
phIRCeTitle: First Read: Follow the Breadcrumbs : CJR .::. Size~: 44.17 KBOct 20 12:35
oiaohmschestowitz: MS be sane all the time.  When you think about all the illegal things they have done temporally miss placing data would not be that far up there.Oct 20 12:35
cubezzzweird, can't access googleOct 20 12:36
schestowitzuse another IP addressOct 20 12:40
MinceRuse scroogleOct 20 12:40
cubezzzdns resolution seems bad at the momentOct 20 12:43
cubezzzodd, I can ping, but don't get the html Oct 20 12:45
cubezzzis visible?Oct 20 12:46
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Patents Roundup: #Microsoft Patent Tax, #FireStar - #RedHat Revisited, US Patent Crisis #swpatOct 20 12:49
phIRCeTitle: Patents Roundup: Microsoft Patent Tax, FireStar-Red Hat Revisited, US Patent Crisis | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 111.25 KBOct 20 12:49
schestowitzMinceR: scroogle would make a nice name for a baby boy Oct 20 12:52
schestowitz!google parents name kid googleOct 20 12:52
phIRCe[1] - - The Kid Safe Search Engine - V9.09 | 20 12:52
phIRCe[2] - Common Sense Media and Google Team Up to Help Parents Keep Kids ... | 20 12:52
phIRCe[3] - The Associated Press: AP Poll: Third of parents oppose swine flu ... | 20 12:52
phIRCe[4] - UrbanBaby - 'Fess up: Even Google the other kid's pa... - Talk | 20 12:52
*asdf_ has quit ("Page closed")Oct 20 12:52
schestowitzHmmmm... well, it's true that some stupid couple called their child "Google"Oct 20 12:52
schestowitzWhen he grows up he'll get abuse in schoolOct 20 12:53
MinceRnamed after the first thing he said? :>Oct 20 12:53
*jono has quit ("Ex-Chat")Oct 20 12:54
oiaohmgoogle as a name would kinda make person hard to find online.Oct 20 12:56
MinceR:DOct 20 12:57
schestowitzI think of Stooges when I visit ScroogleOct 20 12:57
MinceRGoogle SmithOct 20 12:57
schestowitzIs there still a toolbar for it?Oct 20 12:57
schestowitzGoogle sort of blocked it the last time I tried (around 2005)Oct 20 12:57
MinceRwhat for? most browsers have search support built-in already :>Oct 20 12:57
oiaohmChange last name to LinuxOct 20 12:57
oiaohmThen finding would be a art in impossable.Oct 20 12:58
MinceRi've never seen scroogle get blocked when i used itOct 20 12:58
MinceRor to PageOct 20 12:58
schestowitz!google baby called LinusOct 20 12:58
phIRCe[1] - Who has written the story of TV series called "linus the lionhearted"? | 20 12:58
phIRCe[2] - The Seattle Times: One Year Later | 20 12:58
phIRCe[3] - Project Linus National Headquarters | 20 12:58
phIRCe[4] - The Linus Letters | 20 12:58
schestowitzOops.Oct 20 12:58
schestowitz!google baby called LinuxOct 20 12:58
phIRCe[1] - :: A baby named Linux | 20 12:58
phIRCe[2] - Taking your first Linux baby steps | 20 12:58
phIRCe[3] - Desktop Linux: You've got a long way to go, baby | The Open Road ... | 20 12:58
phIRCe[4] - A Baby Named Linux - GameDev.Net Discussion Forums | 20 12:58
schestowitz"My daughter is named Benedikte (after Linus Benedict Torvalds) - the closest I could get with a daughter - Linux/Linus are typical boys names. Benedikte was born in May 1998."Oct 20 12:59
schestowitz 20 13:01
phIRCeTitle: Wikileaks publishes BNP 'member list' (again) • The Register .::. Size~: 21.77 KBOct 20 13:01
schestowitz*LOL*Oct 20 13:01
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 13:02
schestowitzHi, jonoOct 20 13:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Support a free and independent mysql. pass aroundOct 20 13:03
phIRCeTitle: Monty says: Press release concerning Oracle/Sun .::. Size~: 93.85 KBOct 20 13:03
schestowitzSorry about twitter's attacks yesterdayOct 20 13:03
jonohi schestowitzOct 20 13:03
schestowitzAgain, I'm not in a position to tell people offOct 20 13:03
schestowitzHe was rudeOct 20 13:03
jonoschestowitz no worries, it's not your faultOct 20 13:03
schestowitzI stayed out of itOct 20 13:03
jonoprobably wise, pal :)Oct 20 13:04
schestowitzIf I take someone's side, someone gets upsetOct 20 13:04
jonosorry, I can't chat now, onto four hours of phone calls :)Oct 20 13:04
jonono worries schestowitz :)Oct 20 13:04
schestowitznpOct 20 13:04
schestowitz 20 13:04
phIRCeTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 85 KBOct 20 13:04
oiaohm  Anyone else think wishfull thinking.Oct 20 13:05
phIRCeTitle: IT Spending Will Rebound in 2010: Gartner .::. Size~: 97.54 KBOct 20 13:05
schestowitzHeh: 20 13:06
phIRCeTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 84.97 KBOct 20 13:06
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "Snoop Dogg - Gangsta Luv (Ft. The Dream) (Dirty) EXCLUSIVE 2009 DOWNLOAD LINK" ♫ 20 13:06
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 13:06
*kecskebak ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 13:06
schestowitzMaybe they should stop worrying about what liquids people carry on train/car/plane and look at the source of the issues that lead to resentment and terrorismOct 20 13:06
schestowitztrmanco listens to hardcore rapOct 20 13:07
schestowitzFo' shizzle!Oct 20 13:07
trmancoTwitter is partially b0rked again, I haven't received updates in 20 minsOct 20 13:07
trmancohahaOct 20 13:07
trmancoIt's actually a nice musicOct 20 13:07
schestowitzI've listened to him from the startOct 20 13:07
schestowitzSince "what's your name" (When I was about 15)Oct 20 13:08
trmancomy sister "introduced" me to Snoop DoggOct 20 13:08
schestowitzI think Dr. Dre discovered him, but I'm not sureOct 20 13:08
trmancoabout 5 years ago, I've never heard of him beforeOct 20 13:08
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Symphony of #Science - 'We Are All Connected' (ft. #Sagan, #Feynman, #Tyson & #Nye) 20 13:09
phIRCeTitle: YouTube - Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected' (ft. Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye) .::. Size~: 147.38 KBOct 20 13:09
*cubezzz2 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 13:10
schestowitztrmanco: you should give 2pac a tryOct 20 13:10
trmancoI didOct 20 13:10
cubezzz2bahOct 20 13:10
trmancolong time agoOct 20 13:10
trmancolong time agoOct 20 13:10
*trmanco plays it againOct 20 13:10
schestowitzHe dies when you were like 10Oct 20 13:10
MinceRin a galaxy far, far awayOct 20 13:10
schestowitz*diedOct 20 13:10
*kecskebak thinks he'll stick to Barclay James Harvest ;)Oct 20 13:11
schestowitzActually, maybe 7Oct 20 13:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Great music! ♫ 20 13:11
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 13:11
trmancoyeahOct 20 13:11
trmancobut he is still a legend I guessOct 20 13:11
schestowitzMinceR: have any people chosen to go to a galaxy far away when they died? I seem to recall something like thatOct 20 13:12
trmancoah twitter is backOct 20 13:12
schestowitzThey would probably disintegrate from space dust by the time they reach another galaxy though, or latch into the gravity field of another planet and 'kick into orbit'. It's funny how NASA prints discs with 'images' that it sends in obsolete ships that they sent to explore planets. As if some 'al1enz' will  open up the 1970s technology and watch it in the Star Trek-like living roomOct 20 13:15
schestowitzUK ISP Shows Why Kicking People Off The Internet Based On An IP Address Is Dumb 20 13:15
phIRCeTitle: UK ISP Shows Why Kicking People Off The Internet Based On An IP Address Is Dumb | Techdirt .::. Size~: 66.58 KBOct 20 13:15
cubezzz2well star trek isn't really that good SF-wiseOct 20 13:16
cubezzz2I liked the original series, but...Oct 20 13:16
trmanco:)Oct 20 13:16
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "2Pac- Ghetto Gospel" ♫ 20 13:17
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 13:17
cubezzz2everyone talks english, now that is really far-fetchedOct 20 13:19
*cubezzz has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Oct 20 13:21
*cubezzz2 is now known as cubezzzOct 20 13:21
oiaohmcubezzz: it was mean to be solved  by universal translatorOct 20 13:21
oiaohmNow making something like that work would be a art in evil.Oct 20 13:22
cubezzzTrelane speaking English made a little bit more senseOct 20 13:22
cubezzzhe was studying Earth, so it's plausible that he knows EnglishOct 20 13:22
cubezzzI think the only alien that didn't speak english was the HortaOct 20 13:23
cubezzzThe only Universal Translator I saw was used by the GornOct 20 13:24
oiaohmIt was mentioned in the cartoon series.Oct 20 13:24
oiaohmCannot remember the exposode but it was on the glitch.Oct 20 13:25
cubezzzah yes, Filmation :)Oct 20 13:25
cubezzzI rememberOct 20 13:25
oiaohmHow star trek was doing it was not mentioned often.Oct 20 13:26
schestowitz 20 13:26
phIRCeTitle: An Unwelcome Afterlife for a Long-Dead Blacklist .::. Size~: 50.58 KBOct 20 13:26
schestowitzcubezzz: they are so un-advanced that they need to use vocal output to communicateOct 20 13:28
schestowitzIt's slowOct 20 13:28
schestowitzAlso, they all use the same protocols for audio-visualOct 20 13:28
cubezzzhehOct 20 13:28
schestowitzAnd still, they sometimes get distortion and lagOct 20 13:28
cubezzzno DRM on Star Trek I guessOct 20 13:28
schestowitz"Data. On screen," "But captain, they use their own Martian codecs"Oct 20 13:29
cubezzzyeah, even Tholian video is compatibleOct 20 13:29
schestowitz"Mr. Data. apt-get install mars-codecs"Oct 20 13:29
schestowitz"Sudo captain !!"Oct 20 13:29
schestowitz"very well.Oct 20 13:30
schestowitz"Now go make me a sandwich"Oct 20 13:30
schestowitz"Err... no..."Oct 20 13:30
schestowitz"Sudo !!"Oct 20 13:30
schestowitz"Oh, OK"Oct 20 13:30
schestowitz"Beam me up, Scotty" "Cancel | Allow ?"Oct 20 13:31
cubezzzno Vista pleaseOct 20 13:31
schestowitz"USS Star Enterprise crew, we ask you not to use the lavatory while we reboot the system. It's patch Tuesday again"Oct 20 13:31
schestowitz*StarshipOct 20 13:32
schestowitz 20 13:33
phIRCeTitle: The Open Sourcerer  » Is Ubuntus Koala going to be popular? .::. Size~: 38.35 KBOct 20 13:33
schestowitz "glad @rms signed it and not !fsf  I don't buy the argument. #MySQL has many forks out there that Oracle cannot kill'em"Oct 20 13:34
phIRCeTitle: Stefano Maffulli (smaffulli) 's status on Tuesday, 20-Oct-09 09:58:26 UTC - .::. Size~: 7.66 KBOct 20 13:34
phIRCeTitle: Letter to the EC opposing Oracle's acquisition of MySQL | Knowledge Ecology International .::. Size~: 26.25 KBOct 20 13:34
kecskebakKarmic is looking very good indeedOct 20 13:34
oiaohmThe one after karmic should be intersting.Oct 20 13:35
schestowitz 20 13:35
phIRCeTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 20 13:35
oiaohmLot of historic defects of the open source world should be gone.Oct 20 13:35
schestowitzBN was right all along, since 2006Oct 20 13:35
schestowitzoiaohm: I never had a crash in 9.10Oct 20 13:36
schestowitzNot in alpha or betaOct 20 13:36
oiaohmI am more after performance.Oct 20 13:36
schestowitzI can just assumed after months of use that only power failure is the riskOct 20 13:36
oiaohmIe gcc that works.Oct 20 13:36
oiaohmSo I don't have to use pgroup or equal to get performance.Oct 20 13:36
kecskebakI'm looking forward to seeing Gnome Shell - I've never played with it so Lucid should be interestingOct 20 13:37
oiaohmAlso booting under 20 seconds are not a challage.Oct 20 13:37
kecskebakThe only thing that worries me about Ubuntu is how keen Canonical is on Mono.Oct 20 13:37
oiaohmUnder 10 that the next one is targeting should be interesting.Oct 20 13:37
schestowitz 20 13:37
phIRCeTitle: Submit your nominations for the 2009 Free Software Awards - Free Software Foundation .::. Size~: 27.27 KBOct 20 13:37
schestowitzGroklaw won it beforeOct 20 13:38
schestowitzHeh. and de Icaza and de RaadyOct 20 13:38
schestowitz*RaadtOct 20 13:38
schestowitzThe FSF must be kicking itself over theseOct 20 13:38
kecskebakMono would be useful to have, in the same way as WINE if it wasn't pushed as a development platformOct 20 13:39
trmancowine can run some .net appsOct 20 13:41
schestowitzwine just contains old appsOct 20 13:42
schestowitzLegacyOct 20 13:42
schestowitzNo change appliedOct 20 13:42
schestowitzBut...Oct 20 13:42
schestowitzI reckon most businesses with legacy apps have computers strong enough to put windows in virtualbox or whateverOct 20 13:42
schestowitzSo wine is not as crucialOct 20 13:42
schestowitzEven an old copy of win98 (I have one) would do for just an app to run without networking (security)Oct 20 13:43
schestowitzAnd windows can be resoldOct 20 13:43
schestowitz!google autodesk resold caseOct 20 13:43
phIRCe[1] - Judge Hears Case of Man Who Resold Used Software | 20 13:43
phIRCe[2] - Autodesk, eBay Seller in Court Over Reselling Software > Comments | 20 13:43
phIRCe[3] - Autodesk case tests whether software can be resold ... | 20 13:43
phIRCe[4] - Court Says Reselling Software Is Okay | Techdirt | 20 13:43
kecskebakI also worry at the links between Gnome and EvolutionOct 20 13:45
kecskebakI've never seen a convincing argument as to why Evolution should be so hard to uninstallOct 20 13:46
schestowitz 20 13:46
phIRCeTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 20 13:46
trmancowtfOct 20 13:46
trmanco 20 13:46
phIRCeTitle: Google Chrome 5, Not 4, Will Support Windows 7 - Chrome available for download - Softpedia .::. Size~: 48.87 KBOct 20 13:47
trmanco:)Oct 20 13:47
kecskebakI use Evolution, so it doesn't affect me, but it seems to go against the Linux philosophy of the user choosing which apps they useOct 20 13:47
oiaohmWhat do you mean kecskebakOct 20 13:51
oiaohmFor years I have used mix of kde and gnome to get things done.Oct 20 13:51
kecskebakIf you have a GNOME desktop, try removing EvolutionOct 20 13:51
kecskebakYou cannot completely remove all the packages it installsOct 20 13:51
oiaohmThat is distribution thing.Oct 20 13:51
kecskebakIt's a bit of a IE/Windows situationOct 20 13:52
kecskebakoiaohm: So Gnome can work with no Evolution packages?Oct 20 13:52
oiaohmslackware you can always remove all of it.Oct 20 13:52
oiaohmRemember slackware also allows you to break applications if you wish.Oct 20 13:52
oiaohmGnome can be told to use different email client.Oct 20 13:53
kecskebakoiaohm: I've been able to use a different email client with GNOME, but I've never been able to remove all of evolution's packagesOct 20 13:53
oiaohmYou will find little bits here and there depend on it.Oct 20 13:55
oiaohmThat have to be removed before the final packages can go.Oct 20 13:55
oiaohmgnome-panel is badly packaged in a lot of distributions.Oct 20 13:55
oiaohmSo that applets that depend on evolution cannot be removed without takeing gnome-panel with it.Oct 20 13:56
kecskebakoiaohm: Thanks for explaining that - I've always wondered what the problem wasOct 20 13:56
kecskebakoiaohm: I'd always assumed it was the GNOME project itself at faultOct 20 13:56
oiaohmPartly.Oct 20 13:57
oiaohmGNOME project default packages have it stuck that way.Oct 20 13:57
kecskebakAnd now Evolution has a mono dependency. Curiouser and curiouser ;)Oct 20 13:58
oiaohmDoes not bother me too much I changed my core over to KDE 4.3Oct 20 13:59
kecskebakI have always liked the usability of GNOME. I used to work on computer based training (10 years+) and from a usability point of view I think GNOME does an incredible job.Oct 20 13:59
MinceRusability dogma? :>Oct 20 13:59
kecskebakNo, when you have to help loads of users who are new to computing it is not dogma - it means you can take your lunchbreaksOct 20 14:00
kecskebakAnd drink less cold coffee ;)Oct 20 14:00
kecskebakMy wife only ever uses a computer under protest but even she noticed how much easier GNOME was than WindowsOct 20 14:01
MinceRthe kind of user who gets confused if additional functionality he doesn't use is present?Oct 20 14:01
oiaohmI jumped from kde 3.5 to 4.3Oct 20 14:01
MinceRso did iOct 20 14:01
MinceRthough i think i'll keep kde3 around at least in a chrootOct 20 14:01
kecskebakThere are a lot of users who think "If I don't need it, why is it there - I just want to x"Oct 20 14:02
oiaohmThe stuff in the middle was had signs of being good in time.Oct 20 14:02
MinceRi miss the old search in konquerorOct 20 14:02
oiaohmkecskebak: kde can be configured that way.Oct 20 14:02
MinceRkecskebak: i'd ask them what do they plan on doing if a new task requires additional functionalityOct 20 14:02
oiaohmMain advantage I find with KDE is the levels of intergration.Oct 20 14:02
kecskebakoiaohm: I'll take another look at KDEOct 20 14:02
oiaohmSo you need a basic email client you use kmail.Oct 20 14:02
oiaohmAnd so on.Oct 20 14:03
MinceRalso, if they really used on their first day of computer usage all the functionality they use nowOct 20 14:03
kecskebakMinceR: The users I used to deal with didn't think like thatOct 20 14:03
oiaohmWhen the day comes and you find you need a full PIM you load up kontact and everything is ready to go.Oct 20 14:03
oiaohmThe intergration that you can progressively expand is what I like about KDE.Oct 20 14:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "Snoop Dogg - Gangsta Luv (Ft. The Dream) (Dirty) EXCLUSIVE 2009 DOWNLOAD LINK" ♫ 20 14:04
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 14:04
kecskebakI was dealing with a load of aged 50+ cookery instructors once. It's a real eye opener to see how real users cope with thingsOct 20 14:04
oiaohmReal users and touchy printers kecskebakOct 20 14:04
oiaohmNow that is a sport.Oct 20 14:04
schestowitztrmanco: that SoftPedia link had an accidental dot at the endOct 20 14:04
trmancoyeahOct 20 14:04
trmancoI saw itOct 20 14:05
oiaohmYou know the ones kecskebak paper must be loaded just right or they jam.Oct 20 14:05
schestowitz[14:01] <MinceR> though i think i'll keep kde3 around at least in a chrootOct 20 14:05
schestowitzWhat do you do with it?Oct 20 14:05
MinceRlogically, those users should get a blank screen as the GUI, as that's the only way nothing that can confuse them will be present :>Oct 20 14:05
schestowitzI can't think of any use case, except maybe knodeOct 20 14:05
kecskebakoiaohm: The ones that print on both sides of the paper are the worst :)Oct 20 14:05
MinceRschestowitz: i'll try to run konqueror from it, for exampleOct 20 14:05
schestowitzI can't find what's missing/omittedOct 20 14:06
schestowitzMaybe some macro-ish things like image gallery generationOct 20 14:06
schestowitzI still use KonqOct 20 14:06
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Microsoft says royalties do not conflict with the "free" business model: 20 14:07
MinceRalso, i'm looking for a tray applet mixer, as the new kmix refuses to show upOct 20 14:07
MinceRor i'll use plasma for the second panel tooOct 20 14:07
oiaohmOk you are having some strange problems MinceROct 20 14:07
oiaohmI have Kmix up here.Oct 20 14:07
MinceRbut for that i'll probably need a more compact clock appletOct 20 14:07
MinceRoiaohm: i'm currently using the gnome system tray appletOct 20 14:07
MinceRbut i can't really tell why do some tray applets have to insist on having the plasma systray appletOct 20 14:08
MinceRlock-in?Oct 20 14:08
MinceRmeanwhile klipper and kteatime run fine on the gnome systrayOct 20 14:08
oiaohmBecause they are coded in plasmaOct 20 14:08
MinceRhuh?Oct 20 14:08
MinceRplasma applets are supposed to be coded in plasma, but not tray appletsOct 20 14:09
MinceRthere's a freedesktop standard for the latter, isn't there?Oct 20 14:09
oiaohmSome of kde  tray applets are plasma.Oct 20 14:09
MinceRi've already replaced powerdevil with guidance-power-managerOct 20 14:09
MinceRoiaohm: now that's really brokenOct 20 14:09
oiaohmNo it is not.Oct 20 14:09
MinceRyes it isOct 20 14:10
oiaohmPlasma is designed as a framework.Oct 20 14:10
MinceRit's a systray applet because it will run in any systray, whether that's provided by plasma, gnome-panel or some random window managerOct 20 14:10
oiaohmKind cannot if it need the plasma engines to work.Oct 20 14:11
MinceRthen it shouldn't use the plasma engines.Oct 20 14:11
MinceRif it uses them, it should be a regular plasma applet.Oct 20 14:11
MinceRa plasmoid.Oct 20 14:11
MinceRthen it can still appear on the plasma panel or the desktop.Oct 20 14:11
schestowitz"The Center for International Business & Education at Raritan Valley Community College hosted a unique event connecting consular officials from over 20 countries with business, education and government officials for collaboration and commerce." 20 14:12
phIRCeTitle: PatientOS Urges Trade Ministers to Encourage Adoption of Open Source Solutions at the Sixth Annual Consul Program for New Jersey Life Sciences .::. Size~: 29.54 KBOct 20 14:12
schestowitzMinceR: plasma is explained b y Seigo here....:Oct 20 14:12
*kecskebak has quit ("Don't do anything I wouldn't do...")Oct 20 14:12
schestowitz 20 14:12
phIRCeTitle: The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte .::. Size~: 22.83 KBOct 20 14:12
schestowitzIt's just the desktop basically, obviouslyOct 20 14:13
schestowitzPeople think of it as more than it isOct 20 14:13
MinceRnope, it's the desktop and the panelsOct 20 14:13
schestowitzlike kwin or kdm or LinuxOct 20 14:13
schestowitzplasma-desktop is an appOct 20 14:13
schestowitzYou could just run without itOct 20 14:13
schestowitzOpen CLIOct 20 14:13
schestowitzkill plasma-desktopOct 20 14:13
schestowitzlaunch apps from CLIOct 20 14:13
schestowitzkwin runs OKOct 20 14:13
MinceRand the plasma panel goes away with itOct 20 14:13
schestowitzYesOct 20 14:14
MinceRand kwin won't draw the root windowOct 20 14:14
schestowitzBut you cajn run another panelOct 20 14:14
MinceRkwin doesn't work right if you aren't running plasmaOct 20 14:14
oiaohmkwin and plasma will merge.Oct 20 14:14
MinceRyayOct 20 14:14
MinceRso they'll ruin kde completely?Oct 20 14:15
oiaohmNo.Oct 20 14:15
MinceRwhy not go ahead and merge it with x and the kernel while they're at it?Oct 20 14:15
MinceRand call it "windows"Oct 20 14:15
oiaohmIt will see kwin use the same theming engine everywhere as plasma.Oct 20 14:15
MinceRi guess i'll go back to an uncomposited desktop thenOct 20 14:16
MinceRbetween a bug-ridden compiz and a monolithic kdeOct 20 14:16
MinceRthere's a tiny little chance that e17+ecomorph or metisse will work though; or they'll fix compizOct 20 14:16
oiaohmplasme theme engine does not need composited desktop.Oct 20 14:16
MinceRi don't need plasmaOct 20 14:17
MinceRit's nice for an extra, autohiding panel, that's pretty much itOct 20 14:17
oiaohmCurrently there are 2 theme engines.Oct 20 14:17
oiaohmIe kwin and plasmasOct 20 14:17
oiaohmThere is really one room for one.Oct 20 14:17
oiaohmSo kwin plasma merge then resplit.Oct 20 14:17
MinceRthat's like saying "there are so many processes, but there's only room for one"Oct 20 14:18
MinceRthey could split the theme engine into a library.Oct 20 14:18
oiaohmIts desktop consistance.Oct 20 14:18
MinceRit's breaking the unix/x model.Oct 20 14:18
oiaohmBasically what will happen MinceROct 20 14:18
MinceRand losing most of the flexibility of the gnu/linux desktopOct 20 14:18
oiaohmNo its not MinceROct 20 14:18
MinceRyes it is, if i can't choose my window manager, desktop manager and panel separatelyOct 20 14:19
oiaohmIts simpler to split a common theme lib out.Oct 20 14:19
oiaohmIf you can get everyone on the same page.Oct 20 14:19
oiaohmAnd simplest way to do that is temporay merge them into 1 project.Oct 20 14:19
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Nokia is slipping in the US. This is probably good news for Linux, Nokia loves #swpatOct 20 14:20
phIRCeTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.74 KBOct 20 14:20
oiaohmEven X11 is doing the same thing at moment MinceROct 20 14:20
oiaohmMerging all its drivers back into 1 project so they can redesign and optimise them.Oct 20 14:20
trmancoanybody here use akregegatorOct 20 14:20
trmancoAkregator*Oct 20 14:21
MinceRdrivers are an entirely different issueOct 20 14:21
oiaohmThe issue is the same MinceROct 20 14:21
MinceRno, it isn'tOct 20 14:21
oiaohmgetting everyone on the same page.Oct 20 14:21
MinceRdo users switch window managers? yes they do.Oct 20 14:21
oiaohmIf they are divided off in independant project syncing becomes hard.Oct 20 14:21
MinceRdo users switch drivers for the same hw? no they don't.Oct 20 14:21
oiaohmYes they do MinceROct 20 14:21
oiaohmvesa nv ....Oct 20 14:22
MinceRdo drivers typically depend on each other? no they don't.Oct 20 14:22
oiaohmYes they do MinceROct 20 14:22
oiaohmCommon back end code MinceROct 20 14:22
MinceRare you saying i can't choose the mouse driver independently from the video driver?Oct 20 14:22
MinceRthat's not what my experience shows.Oct 20 14:22
oiaohmvideo drivers share a common backend.Oct 20 14:22
oiaohmusb based video drivers share backend with some input devices not handled by kernel.Oct 20 14:23
MinceRcommon backend is no excuse for the window manager to depend on the desktop manager.Oct 20 14:23
MinceRneither do your glib-based apps depend on each other, do they?Oct 20 14:23
oiaohmIf you were redesign glib you might want to merge them.Oct 20 14:23
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "Armin Van Buuren - Fine Without You Feat Jennifer Rene" ♫ 20 14:24
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 14:24
oiaohmWhile you do it so you can keep every alteration synced MinceROct 20 14:24
MinceRalmost everything depends on libc - so go ahead and propose that we merge all the apps into one big blobOct 20 14:24
MinceRnot even windows is that monolithic.Oct 20 14:24
oiaohmlibc is not altered from standard because if you did you would have a house of nightmares.Oct 20 14:24
MinceRand of course libc depends on the kernel, so you can put everything into the kernel!Oct 20 14:25
MinceRand then you get a system nobody can maintain.Oct 20 14:25
oiaohmkernel has a standard to userspace that don't change.Oct 20 14:25
MinceRthere's a reason standard interfaces and protocols exist.Oct 20 14:25
oiaohmThere are very big evil reasons for this.Oct 20 14:25
oiaohmkwin merge with plasma is because they are about to do a big possiable major trouble causing alteration.Oct 20 14:25
MinceRthere's a reason for the x protocol, x11lib, xcb and there's a reason for the freedesktop standards.Oct 20 14:26
oiaohmWhat would be worse than a full theme failure so nothing renders MinceROct 20 14:26
MinceRi've never seen such failuresOct 20 14:26
MinceRperhaps they can be avoided without turning the whole system into a blob, then.Oct 20 14:26
trmancoBSoD frenzy -> Oct 20 14:26
phIRCeTitle:   Microsoft to Open Own Stores .::. Size~: 50.5 KBOct 20 14:26
oiaohmHistory says no MinceROct 20 14:26
MinceRhistory?Oct 20 14:26
MinceRwhere's that one-blob system you're referring to?Oct 20 14:27
oiaohmNot when you are going to a single theme solution.Oct 20 14:27
oiaohmPeople don't notice that enlightnement and others have gone threw the one blob solution at times.Oct 20 14:27
MinceRmy desktop has done pretty well with multiple themes so far.Oct 20 14:27
oiaohmTheme engine change MinceROct 20 14:27
MinceRenlightenment lets you use the panel of your choiceOct 20 14:27
oiaohmNot just changing themes.Oct 20 14:27
MinceRand gnome let you use enlightenment or another wm of your choiceOct 20 14:28
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "Michael Feiner - must be the music (extended mix)" ♫ 20 14:28
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 14:28
MinceRand no "theme failures" happenedOct 20 14:28
MinceRmust have been magicOct 20 14:28
oiaohmHow many of those panels are theme matched MinceROct 20 14:28
MinceRi don't care if they're theme matched.Oct 20 14:28
MinceRin the worst case i'll find something that fits.Oct 20 14:28
oiaohmSorry to say lots of people do MinceROct 20 14:28
MinceRthen they can use the distro default. :>Oct 20 14:28
MinceRit's no reason to glue everything together.Oct 20 14:29
oiaohmCurrently there are a lot of complaints about plasma desktop and kde applications been themed differently.Oct 20 14:29
MinceRactually you could even use your widget toolkit to do the themingOct 20 14:29
MinceRfor example, i'm using the qtcurve decorator for kwinOct 20 14:29
MinceRand qtcurve as my qt and gtk engine.Oct 20 14:29
MinceRwhich of course means that gnome-panel is also rendered via qtcurveOct 20 14:30
*skreuzer (n=skreuzer@ has left #boycottnovellOct 20 14:30
MinceRyet i could still switch out a lot of this if i wantedOct 20 14:30
MinceRdespite the slight brokenness in kde4's designOct 20 14:30
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @judsondunn RT @ryanblock: Un-freaking-believable shots of Saturn: 20 14:31
phIRCeTitle: Saturn at equinox - The Big Picture - .::. Size~: 108.74 KBOct 20 14:31
*P|scean has quit ("KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: , sources date: 20090115, built on: 2009/03/07 02:39:30 UTC")Oct 20 14:32
oiaohmplasma theme engine does more than qt engine currently does MinceR.   Guess were the enhancements from plasma will end up eventually. MinceROct 20 14:32
oiaohmBasically its the move game but carefully.Oct 20 14:33
MinceRthey should think more about cases when the user only wants to use some of the componentsOct 20 14:34
oiaohmAlso KDE 4.4 also has the full offical support for plasmoids in the systray.Oct 20 14:36
MinceRyayOct 20 14:36
MinceRso they're dead set on breaking their desktop environment after all.Oct 20 14:36
oiaohmNo.Oct 20 14:37
oiaohmThose plasmoids also will work in gnome systray.Oct 20 14:37
MinceRlet's go and put plasmoids on the text consoles too, then we'll have an excuse to merge the whole stack from the kernel to the apps!Oct 20 14:37
MinceRwill they also work in the blackbox/openbox/fluxbox wms' systray?Oct 20 14:37
MinceRwill they also work in the enlightenment systray?Oct 20 14:37
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Does Linux Suck?: 20 14:38
*MinceR can't recall if fvwm or icewm offered a systray of their ownOct 20 14:38
phIRCeTitle: - Does Linux Suck? .::. Size~: 79.96 KBOct 20 14:38
oiaohmPlasma script engine and plasma theme engien is independant.Oct 20 14:38
oiaohmIe Plasma theme engine merged with kwin so making things more costant.Oct 20 14:38
MinceRthen that might fix the current breakageOct 20 14:38
schestowitz 20 14:38
phIRCeTitle: Linux Today - Mozilla blocks then unblocks Microsoft add-ons for Firefox .::. Size~: 75.47 KBOct 20 14:38
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz which handset maker with US market share doesn't?Oct 20 14:39
schestowitztrmanco: "I use Linux every day and like it a lot. I use Windows every day and like it, too (though detest Vista). "Oct 20 14:39
schestowitz 20 14:40
phIRCeTitle: Not a web page! Aborting application/pdf type .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 20 14:40
schestowitzYou will find the same terms from ACT copy/pasted from the MicrosoftOct 20 14:40
schestowitzletter, such as:Oct 20 14:40
schestowitz"respecting the owner's IPR, implement clear, transparent and balancedOct 20 14:40
schestowitzIPR policies which do not discriminate and allow competition amongOct 20 14:40
schestowitzdifferent business models, and which seek to ensure the effectivenessOct 20 14:40
schestowitzof procedures for IPR disclosures".Oct 20 14:40
schestowitzIt would be nice to draw a table between the two to see how theyOct 20 14:40
schestowitzmanaged to use the same terms.Oct 20 14:40
schestowitzOops.Oct 20 14:40
schestowitzHow did that happen?Oct 20 14:40
oiaohmMinceR: basically plasma desktop was used to test out theming.  In a way not to break the complete system at once.  But at some point you have to merge the test space out of existance.Oct 20 14:40
trmancololOct 20 14:40
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard OpenMokoOct 20 14:41
schestowitztrmanco: "Linux sucks" is a trolling headlineOct 20 14:41
trmancoyeahOct 20 14:41
schestowitzSimilar to the Linsux people... BOTH of them! :-)Oct 20 14:41
trmancoanother one to catch attentionOct 20 14:41
schestowitz"Does Linux suck?"Oct 20 14:43
Diablo-D3yesOct 20 14:43
schestowitz"is Kissinger not a war criminal?"Oct 20 14:43
Diablo-D3does it suck less than everything else out there?Oct 20 14:43
Diablo-D3yesOct 20 14:43
schestowitz"Is ballmer molesting kids?"Oct 20 14:43
oiaohmBoy that is a troll and a half schestowitz with that Linux SuxOct 20 14:43
schestowitz"Is there any global warming?"Oct 20 14:43
schestowitz"Is the world really round?"Oct 20 14:43
oiaohmRedhat Linux is certified to hold all classifications of data at once.  Windows is not certified to do that.Oct 20 14:43
oiaohmOf course with selinux enabled and configured.Oct 20 14:44
schestowitzVista 7's cool. 20 14:46
phIRCeTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 20 14:46
schestowitzZune's cool, too 20 14:46
phIRCeTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 20 14:46
schestowitzSee comments: 20 14:49
phIRCeTitle: Linux Today - MikeeUSA's code, now available on .::. Size~: 86.44 KBOct 20 14:49
schestowitz 20 14:50
schestowitzoiaohm: in Aussie, this shop seems to be trying to steal V7's thunder:,everything-linux-store-set-for-opening-on-friday.aspxOct 20 14:51
schestowitzTiming can't be a coincidence, can it? There are other things that GOogle plans to unveil to steal the thunder of v7Oct 20 14:52
mutxwhen ? and how can an obscure shop in Aus steal Win7's thunder ? :)Oct 20 14:53
schestowitzmutx: some time this weekOct 20 14:55
schestowitz 20 14:55
phIRCeTitle: Google limbers up for Windows 7 with Apps billboard onslaught • Channel Register .::. Size~: 23.88 KBOct 20 14:55
schestowitz^^ not my assertionOct 20 14:55
oiaohmNice to see them coming back in business schestowitzOct 20 14:56
oiaohmHopefully the same spirt they were good to get hardware that worked with Linux.Oct 20 14:57
mutxdont think it's doing to make much difference, the big chain stoes are advertising here in every add slot for Win7, giving away a free keyboard or a Office07 pack Oct 20 14:57
*magentar has quit ("Verlassend")Oct 20 14:58
oiaohmYep the have to clear the Office 07 stock for the 2010 stock next year mutxOct 20 14:59
schestowitzThey can't monetise like thisOct 20 15:00
schestowitzLet them devalue OfficeOct 20 15:00
schestowitzAnd Windows tooOct 20 15:00
schestowitzThey shoot theselves in the footOct 20 15:00
schestowitzThey can either choose margins (and lost empire) or large userbaseOct 20 15:00
schestowitzThey choose the latter while seeing their profits sink at unprecedented ratesOct 20 15:01
schestowitzLet themOct 20 15:01
oiaohmLot of Linux Haters don't get it yet.Oct 20 15:01
oiaohmLinux improvements are only a tip of a very large iceberg rising.Oct 20 15:02
*jono has quit ("Ex-Chat")Oct 20 15:02
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] #MikeeUSA hates #women and hates #nexuiz, what a douche 20 15:04
phIRCeTitle: Linux Today - MikeeUSA's code, now available on .::. Size~: 88.28 KBOct 20 15:04
*Diablo-D3 has quit ("do coders dream of sheep()?")Oct 20 15:05
mutxI dont really know too many people who are "anti-linux" I know alot of computer users who just dont care, but most computer users dont have a clue about what their OS is. just as long as their favorate apps workOct 20 15:05
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 15:06
*Slated has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Oct 20 15:08
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 15:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz "with US market share". openmoko will take an approximately negligible portion of the % nokia has lost.Oct 20 15:13
schestowitz 20 15:15
phIRCeTitle: Linux Today - MikeeUSA's code, now available on .::. Size~: 75.11 KBOct 20 15:15
trmancohehOct 20 15:20
trmancoI know why Twitter would block meOct 20 15:20
trmancoI was making to many requests in an hourOct 20 15:20
trmancoI'm only allowed to do 150 per how and I was doing 240 (or at least trying to do)Oct 20 15:21
trmancohour*Oct 20 15:21
MinceRoiaohm: is the kde wallet tray icon plasma-only, too?Oct 20 15:21
oiaohmI did not think it was MinceROct 20 15:22
oiaohmBut I have not dug in that code for a while.Oct 20 15:22
schestowitz 20 15:22
phIRCeTitle: Monty Widenius asks Oracle to sell MySQL - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 25.74 KBOct 20 15:22
schestowitztrmanco: 60/hour I thought was maxOct 20 15:23
schestowitz 20 15:24
phIRCeTitle: Linux News: Exploits & Vulnerabilities: Firefox Locks Out Microsoft's App Dev Tech .::. Size~: 57.63 KBOct 20 15:24
phIRCeTitle: Linux News: Exploits & Vulnerabilities: Firefox Locks Out Microsoft's App Dev Tech .::. Size~: 57.02 KBOct 20 15:24
schestowitz"...blocking two Microsoft plug-ins after the discovery that Microsoft's .Net 3.5 SP1 install silently adds a plug-in to Firefox allowing the surreptitious launch of a malicious XAML browser application that could take over infected machines."Oct 20 15:25
schestowitzThose bunch of gangsetsOct 20 15:25
schestowitzImposing XAML on peopleOct 20 15:25
schestowitzECIS should sueOct 20 15:25
schestowitzThose gangsters from Redmond think they not only own their OS but also applications that run on it, like FirefoxOct 20 15:25
schestowitzThat's trespassingOct 20 15:26
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Best postal code ever -> 20 15:26
phIRCeTitle: v4g 1n4 - Google Maps .::. Size~: 106.24 KBOct 20 15:26
trmancoanybody get it?Oct 20 15:27
schestowitzYesOct 20 15:28
trmancololOct 20 15:29
schestowitzSee this,-95.677068&sspn=50.02446,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=British+Columbia+V4G+1N4,+Canada&t=h&z=16Oct 20 15:29
phIRCeTitle: v4g 1n4 - Google Maps .::. Size~: 103.7 KBOct 20 15:29
schestowitzSee what google proposesOct 20 15:29
schestowitzIt calls me an idiot if I put it wrong postcodesOct 20 15:30
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] right, off to third interview of the day! then home to die. ps: please kill me. and GIVE ME MONEY.Oct 20 15:31
*Slated (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 15:31
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to SlatedOct 20 15:31
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 15:31
*jono_ (n=jono@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 15:33
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 20 15:34
trmanco 20 15:35
phIRCeTitle: Red Hat passes Microsoft’s stock price, now what? - financial results, Microsoft, Red Hat, stocks - CIO .::. Size~: 114.49 KBOct 20 15:35
schestowitz 20 15:38
phIRCeTitle: Tux Wears Fedora: Thoughts from 6-month-old Gentoo user .::. Size~: 109.65 KBOct 20 15:38
schestowitztrmanco: price of stack means nothingOct 20 15:39
schestowitz 20 15:42
schestowitz"Developers have also released a patch for the free Xpdf PDF reader that fixes four security problems in version 3.02. Exploits for a buffer overflow and a null pointer dereference hole are already in circulation. Problems in Xpdf usually cause a whole string of vulnerabilities in other applications that are based on its code, for example poppler, CUPS , Gpdf and KPDF."Oct 20 15:42
phIRCeTitle: Vulnerabilities in several PDF applications - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 26.57 KBOct 20 15:42
mutxim seeing a 6-month old baby, in a nappy explaing the benifits of Gentoo :)Oct 20 15:42
*jono has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Oct 20 15:43
schestowitzNativity: "I remember a time, recent enough ago that I scarcely need to read the articles that discussed it, when people were saying that Linux shouldn't care about what Microsoft (or whoever) does, and just make the best OS possible. I think I've said the same thing myself a few times as well."Oct 20 15:46
*DaemonFC (i=Ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 15:46
schestowitzHaha. And when SCO and trolls sue you with Microsoft patents pretend it can be ignored...;jsessionid=YTI0COEPV0ALLQE1GHPSKH4ATMY32JVNOct 20 15:46
DaemonFCgood news/bad newsOct 20 15:46
phIRCeTitle: No Linux Finger Pointing, Please - Open Source Blog - InformationWeek .::. Size~: 88.71 KBOct 20 15:46
schestowitzI love how some people think they can just ignore the company that constantly attack LinuxOct 20 15:47
DaemonFCI had to get a new tire, but they prorated the replacement and I only paid $40Oct 20 15:47
schestowitzThey think that if they don't pay attention to Microsoft, then Microsoft will leave them aloneOct 20 15:47
DaemonFCwhile I was at Walmart I went and took my blood pressure though and it was 146/90Oct 20 15:47
DaemonFCthat machine has to be wrongOct 20 15:47
schestowitzLinus is among those peopleOct 20 15:47
schestowitz146 pulse?Oct 20 15:48
DaemonFCsystolic pressureOct 20 15:48
schestowitzYou're living on the fast laneOct 20 15:48
schestowitzOhOct 20 15:48
DaemonFCpressure when the heart beatsOct 20 15:48
schestowitzPressureOct 20 15:48
schestowitzThat's high. IIRC mine was like 110Oct 20 15:48
DaemonFC90 was the diastolic, which is between beatsOct 20 15:48
schestowitzCan't remember though..Oct 20 15:48
DaemonFCpulse was 76 bpmOct 20 15:49
DaemonFCyeah, it's reading it high thoughOct 20 15:49
schestowitzOverclock itOct 20 15:49
schestowitzThe EULA of life permits itOct 20 15:49
DaemonFCthey have a small cuff which is innapropriateOct 20 15:49
DaemonFCboth of those numbers should read about 10 lowerOct 20 15:49
DaemonFCthat's assuming the machine itself is reading it properlyOct 20 15:50
schestowitzUnderclock it thenOct 20 15:50
schestowitzJust don't forget the screwdriver in your rib cage :-)Oct 20 15:50
DaemonFCI don't really trust automatic blood pressure machines Oct 20 15:50
schestowitzPace makers?Oct 20 15:50
DaemonFCno, those blood pressure machines that doctors offices use nowOct 20 15:51
DaemonFCdon't trust themOct 20 15:51
cubezzzwhy not?Oct 20 15:51
DaemonFCit's not uncommon for them to be high or low by a significant marginOct 20 15:51
DaemonFCthe size of the cuff being wrong only adds to that problemOct 20 15:52
DaemonFCI wouldn't accept a hypertension diagnosis based on just thatOct 20 15:53
cubezzzschestowitz, of course Microsoft should be watched as I've said beforeOct 20 15:53
DaemonFCI'd tell them to use a manual cuffOct 20 15:53
cubezzzany computer person is going to have a tough time avoiding Microsoft completelyOct 20 15:53
DaemonFCI went to the beauty college today for a haircut and the student just did not get the concept of a "fade" and at first it looked like a mini-afroOct 20 15:54
DaemonFCwhat is wrong with those people?Oct 20 15:55
*jar has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Oct 20 15:55
DaemonFCthe instructor always fixes it though even though I tell the student what to doOct 20 15:55
*jar ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 15:55
cubezzzI used one of the machines at the pharmacy and it said I have 0 blood pressureOct 20 15:55
cubezzzso yeah, the machines aren't too greatOct 20 15:56
DaemonFCyou were pronounced dead?Oct 20 15:56
DaemonFCwell, it must be true, a machine said itOct 20 15:56
mutxcubezzz did you put a coin in LOLOct 20 15:56
cubezzzno, it just said "000"Oct 20 15:56
cubezzzmutx, it was free, no coin slotOct 20 15:56
schestowitz 20 15:59
phIRCeTitle: FOSSline » Blog Archive   »  Get the Most out of Vim with Filetype Detection .::. Size~: 18.52 KBOct 20 15:59
schestowitzDaemonFC: maybe you look at the machine upside downOct 20 15:59
schestowitzIt said 000, not 000Oct 20 15:59
*jono_ is now known as jonoOct 20 16:00
mutxhas piratebay been taken down ?Oct 20 16:03
*kecskebak ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 16:03
schestowitz 20 16:04
phIRCeTitle: TechRepublic Blogs: For IT professionals, by IT professionals .::. Size~: 79.97 KBOct 20 16:04
schestowitzmutx: that's like asking is sco is deadOct 20 16:04
cubezzzI see there web page is upOct 20 16:05
schestowitz 20 16:06
phIRCeTitle: I stumbled upon Sexism this week. « Free Trader Beowulf .::. Size~: 63.94 KBOct 20 16:06
mutxthanks thats all I was asking, I was not trying to be meterphorical or anything.Oct 20 16:06
schestowitz!google thepirategoogleOct 20 16:06
phIRCe[1] - Torrent File Search Using Google Custom Search - Scour the Entire ... | 20 16:06
phIRCe[2] - ThePirateGoogle | 20 16:06
phIRCe[3] - The Pirate Google (ThePirateGoogle) on Twitter | 20 16:06
phIRCe[4] - - Quarkbase, Easier way to find website ... | 20 16:06
*chm ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 16:14
*benJIman has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Oct 20 16:26
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*zer0c00l (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 16:30
schestowitzHey, zer0c00lOct 20 16:31
zer0c00lschestowitz: Hi ;)Oct 20 16:31
*Python1320 has quit (Client Quit)Oct 20 16:32
*jono_ (n=jono@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 16:33
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Oct 20 16:34
*P|scean ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 16:41
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Mr. @SJVN Explains How to Approach #GNU #Linux as New Users 20 16:42
phIRCeTitle: How to give Linux a try | ITworld .::. Size~: 95.09 KBOct 20 16:42
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New #Audiocasts About #GNU #Linux: #LinuxBasement and #LinuxOutlaws 20 16:44
phIRCeTitle: LB - Episode 44 - Jay and Friends by Linux Basement | Linux Basement .::. Size~: 28.87 KBOct 20 16:44
phIRCeTitle: Linux Outlaws 117 - May the Schwartz Be With You | Linux Outlaws .::. Size~: 15.55 KBOct 20 16:44
*jono has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Oct 20 16:44
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU / #Linux #Gamers Gets Great #Games Easily 20 16:47
phIRCeTitle:  |  .::. Size~: 88.04 KBOct 20 16:47
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #KDE 4 Already Ahead of #Vista7. What's a #Microsoft to Do? 20 16:49
phIRCeTitle: Who Needs Windows 7 When You've Got KDE? &mdash; .::. Size~: 71.58 KBOct 20 16:49
phIRCeTitle: Cause its gonna be the future soon « ChaniBlog .::. Size~: 33.75 KBOct 20 16:49
phIRCeTitle: Virtuoso, here I come! « :: sebas' blog .::. Size~: 21.89 KBOct 20 16:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Parsix #GNU #Linux 3.0 in #Review Again 20 16:53
phIRCeTitle: Parsix Linux 3.0 | Desktop Linux Reviews .::. Size~: 66.75 KBOct 20 16:53
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Releases of #GNU #Linux: GParted 0.4.7-1, Caos 1.0.25, Baltix 4.1 - going strong :-)Oct 20 16:54
*zer0c00l is now known as zer0c00l|AwayOct 20 16:54
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #RedHat Performs Extraordinarily Well Even in Tough Market #gnupowaOct 20 16:55
phIRCeTitle: Red Hat passes Microsoft’s stock price, now what? - financial results, Microsoft, Red Hat, stocks - CIO .::. Size~: 114.48 KBOct 20 16:55
*gargoyle-grin (n=randerso@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 16:56
*asdf_ (i=5496ee06@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 17:00
*wallc (i=62a521f3@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 17:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Review of a #Linux -Powered #Linksys #Router 20 17:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Android 's Closed Parts Getting Worked Around 20 17:01
phIRCeTitle: Raiden's Realm: Review: Linksys WRT160NL Linux Powered Wireless-N Router .::. Size~: 35.05 KBOct 20 17:01
phIRCeTitle: Toward a freer Android [] .::. Size~: 57.89 KBOct 20 17:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #REvolution #R Adds #GNU #Linux Support 20 17:03
wallcI realized this morning that, even after two years away from Windows, I am still (apparently) suffering from "Windows-itis".  It's a common infirmity that targets ex-Windows users. Oct 20 17:04
wallcIts  symptoms include the expectation for everything to be FAR more difficult than it needs to be. Causing the "Windows-itis" sufferer to feel uneasy, distrustful, and confused when faced with actual (possible) simplicity.Oct 20 17:04
wallcOld addictions are hard to kick...Oct 20 17:04
schestowitz"Windows-itis".Oct 20 17:05
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Preview of #Kubuntu #GNU #Linux 9.10, Other #Ubuntu News 20 17:05
schestowitzI remember reading about itOct 20 17:05
phIRCeTitle: Preview of Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala  Make Tech Easier .::. Size~: 47.97 KBOct 20 17:05
phIRCeTitle: NetworkManager Gets Facelift for Karmic | WorksWithU .::. Size~: 46.51 KBOct 20 17:05
phIRCeTitle: Meet the Platform Team Managers: Robbie Williamson / Amber Graner: You in Ubuntu / Blogs / Online / Home - Ubuntu User .::. Size~: 37.12 KBOct 20 17:05
schestowitzSome funny blog posts at the timeOct 20 17:05
schestowitzwallc: what kind of addictions?Oct 20 17:05
schestowitzIn Win98 I tamed some thingsOct 20 17:05
wallcto old Windows habitsOct 20 17:06
schestowitzLike their awful, awful menusOct 20 17:06
schestowitzI just set up keyboard shortcutsOct 20 17:06
schestowitzInstead of mousing, programs, vendor name, program nameOct 20 17:06
wallcWell, I'm having a problem and would like to ask a potentially stewpid question.  (not that it would be the first time that's happened, but it's the first time I'm actually aware that the question is likely pure-noob-stewpid, *before* I ask it).  Oct 20 17:06
schestowitzWindows habit: save file every minuteOct 20 17:07
schestowitz!google those who do not ask are stupidOct 20 17:07
phIRCe[1] - • View topic - Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer! | 20 17:07
phIRCe[2] - WikiAnswers - Why do people ask stupid questions | 20 17:07
phIRCe[3] - Ovi Magazine : Ask a Stupid Question Day by Jack Wellman | 20 17:07
phIRCe[4] - Ask a Stupid Question: The Irrelevance of Relevance - Jeff ... | 20 17:07
wallcok, here's the old "wallclimber" irc nick stopped working a couple of weeks ago.  I had never registered it, so it was my own fault. However, I'd like to register now.  And yes, I have read the registration instructions over and over again on the Freenode FAQ page. Oct 20 17:07
schestowitzThere's this quote I can't rememberOct 20 17:07
*kecskebak has quit ("Don't do anything I wouldn't do...")Oct 20 17:07
schestowitzAbout people who never ask questions and thus sufferOct 20 17:08
schestowitzThere's also silence id gold, but that's oppositeOct 20 17:08
wallcMy confusion is that the FAQ does not clearly say where, exactly, to put the nick and email information.  I'm sure it must be quite simple and obvious (I mean, even trolls can apparently figure it out, right?)Oct 20 17:08
schestowitzwallc: I registered just once, I can't remember howOct 20 17:08
wallcBut, as an ex-Windows user, I keep looking for a secure registration page, or a "wizard" of some's ok to laugh), but I'm thinking that (maybe?) the information just goes into the chat that it really something that simple?Oct 20 17:08
schestowitzSomeone helped me w/ itOct 20 17:08
schestowitzwallc: it's usually some commandsOct 20 17:09
schestowitzWhere you give an E-mail address IIRCOct 20 17:09
wallcI did try doing that once, but (to my absolute horror and profound embarrasment) I only ended up posting my nick, email and password in plain text, in front of everyone on the Ubuntu irc channel...(making a grandma-grimmace here)Oct 20 17:09
wallcso, what am i missing? Oct 20 17:10
wallci know this has got to be something so simple i'm going to laugh when i figure it outOct 20 17:11
cubezzz"/msg nickserv identify password"Oct 20 17:13
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Free #VoIP Software Good Enough for #IBM to Sell to Clients #asteriskOct 20 17:15
phIRCeTitle: IBM to offer open source VoIP for small business - .::. Size~: 117.27 KBOct 20 17:15
phIRCeTitle:  Study shows open-source code quality steadily improving .::. Size~: 131.29 KBOct 20 17:15
wallcthank you, cubezzz, but *where*, exactly, should i type that?Oct 20 17:17
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Apache Carries on Growing 20 17:18
cubezzzwallc, right in here, without the quotesOct 20 17:19
wallcok...will try it :)Oct 20 17:19
cubezzzsomeone's really hammering port 22 on my boxOct 20 17:20
*jono_ is now known as jonoOct 20 17:21
*jono is now known as Guest86059Oct 20 17:21
schestowitzwallc: or within another channel like FreenodeOct 20 17:22
schestowitzWhere you don't have other people, it's more of a meta-channel with service noticesOct 20 17:22
*Guest86059 is now known as jonoOct 20 17:22
*wallc has quit ("Page closed")Oct 20 17:22
schestowitzcubezzz: must be the KGBOct 20 17:23
*zer0c00l|Away is now known as zer0c00lOct 20 17:23
cubezzzkireev.kraslan.ruOct 20 17:23
cubezzzit is russian :)Oct 20 17:24
schestowitzHehe.Oct 20 17:24
schestowitzIn Soviet Russia, port 22 hammers on YOUOct 20 17:24
cubezzzI need to tighten up securityOct 20 17:26
zer0c00lcubezzz: Disable root login via ssh, if possible disable password auth too;Oct 20 17:26
cubezzzroot login was disabled years agoOct 20 17:26
zer0c00lcubezzz: add the in iptables block list ;)Oct 20 17:27
*zer0c00l has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 20 17:28
*zer0c00l (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 17:29
cubezzzzer0c00l, yes also doneOct 20 17:29
cubezzzI've never seen this many sshd processesOct 20 17:30
zer0c00lcubezzz: ;)Oct 20 17:30
cubezzzbeen a lot of junk the last few daysOct 20 17:32
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New #Interview with #LarryAugustin 20 17:38
phIRCeTitle: City Brights: Yobie Benjamin  :  .::. Size~: 35 KBOct 20 17:38
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Parliamentary Communications Group Shoots Down Apparent Mandelson|Geffen #Collusion 20 17:39
phIRCeTitle:    Parliamentary Comms Group Says No to UK 3-Strikes | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 61.77 KBOct 20 17:39
*Python1320 (i=Python13@unaffiliated/python1320) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 17:40
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Latest Evils of #IntellectualMonopolies Cartels 20 17:41
phIRCeTitle: Hey, showbiz folks: Check your contract before your next tweet--The Hollywood Reporter | Esq. | Entertainment and Media Law .::. Size~: 45.92 KBOct 20 17:41
phIRCeTitle: Copyright Law Blog: Exclusive Rights .::. Size~: 61.27 KBOct 20 17:41
*fewa (n=fewa@unaffiliated/fewa) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 17:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #gNewSense 2.3 Gets Rid of Microvell's #Mono #trojanOct 20 17:48
phIRCeTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 20 17:48
phIRCeTitle: Slashdot Submission | New gNewSense release get rids of mono programs .::. Size~: 46.91 KBOct 20 17:48
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Warning: #Vista7 is RUBBISH for Gamers 20 17:51
phIRCeTitle: Windows 7: What Happened to Gaming? - windows 7 - Kotaku .::. Size~: 66.96 KBOct 20 17:51
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Again Lies About Its Marker Share/Sales Numbers 20 17:52
phIRCeTitle:  Is Microsoft's SharePoint unstoppable, or mostly smoke and mirrors? .::. Size~: 135.54 KBOct 20 17:52
*PeterKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 17:54
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Safe Commerce/Banks Require #GNU #Linux 20 17:56
phIRCeTitle: Windows unsafe for online banking? Shopping? | ITworld .::. Size~: 85.1 KBOct 20 17:56
phIRCeTitle: Welcome to LinuxInsider .::. Size~: 3.05 KBOct 20 17:56
*chm has quit ("see you guys!")Oct 20 17:59
trmanco 20 18:05
phIRCeTitle: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain this to you [dive into mark] .::. Size~: 30.43 KBOct 20 18:05
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] ♻ @chrisblizzard: Web Open Font Format for Firefox 3.6 - new format to support web designers and font creators - 20 18:06
phIRCeTitle: Web Open Font Format for Firefox 3.6 at .::. Size~: 36.44 KBOct 20 18:06
schestowitzzer0c00l: I'll add you to aggregatorOct 20 18:06
schestowitzHold on..Oct 20 18:06
zer0c00lschestowitz: ?Oct 20 18:08
zer0c00lschestowitz: Blog feeds?Oct 20 18:08
trmanco 20 18:12
zer0c00lschestowitz: never mind ;)Oct 20 18:19
phIRCeTitle: boycottnovell (boycottnovell)  - .::. Size~: 11.73 KBOct 20 18:19
*chm ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 18:20
schestowitzLinus Pauling at 92: 20 18:23
phIRCeTitle: YouTube - Linus Pauling on vitamin C in urine (1993) .::. Size~: 139.92 KBOct 20 18:23
schestowitzzer0c00l: for IRCOct 20 18:24
schestowitz 20 18:28
phIRCeTitle: YouTube - Linus Pauling .::. Size~: 116.5 KBOct 20 18:28
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 18:28
Omar87Hi all.Oct 20 18:28
Omar87How's everyone?Oct 20 18:28
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Some happy bunny called Alex Brown is very busy today #ooxml #odfOct 20 18:30
*Lns (n=lns@pdpc/supporter/professional/lns) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 18:34
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] 'Big brother is watching situation' in india, now gov wants all wifi users to be registered 20 18:34
phIRCeTitle:   Indian Government Wants Telcos To Register WiFi Users Within 60 Days | MediaNama     .::. Size~: 68.74 KBOct 20 18:34
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Big Moose: 20 18:38
phIRCeTitle: Know Why: Big Moose .::. Size~: 23.21 KBOct 20 18:38
*Python1320 has quit (Client Quit)Oct 20 18:40
schestowitzMoG channels Darl McBride 20 18:48
phIRCeTitle: Fired SCO CEO Fires Back | .NET Developer's Journal .::. Size~: 130 KBOct 20 18:48
schestowitzHow does she know?Oct 20 18:48
schestowitzIs he her boyfriend?Oct 20 18:48
*Python1320 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 18:53
*zer0c00l has quit ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)")Oct 20 18:56
schestowitzcubezzz: 20 19:01
phIRCeTitle: YouTube - Natural Cure for Depression, Bipolar, ADHD, Schizophrenia.. .::. Size~: 104.08 KBOct 20 19:01
schestowitzSkip to minute 6:00Oct 20 19:01
schestowitzRants about CA healthcareOct 20 19:01
mutxdamn, my Atypical dissociative Disorder !!Oct 20 19:03
*chm has quit ("see you guys!")Oct 20 19:04
*PeterKraus has quit ("Leaving")Oct 20 19:07
tessierBut, if you disagree with me and feel that I should step down as CEO, then I would propose that you shift my role to be the senior licensing executive over the SCOsource program. I would agree to a comp plan that would be heavy on performance incentives and much lower on base salary. Oct 20 19:10
tessierhrmm....Darl is willing to put his own personal money where his mouth is.Oct 20 19:10
tessierHe must really believe in this SCOsource stuff.Oct 20 19:10
*merriam (n=merriam@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 19:11
*asdf_ has quit ("Page closed")Oct 20 19:15
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 19:15
schestowitzg2g bblOct 20 19:17
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 20 19:19
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 19:22
*DaemonFC (i=Ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 19:23
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "Snoop Dogg - Gangsta Luv (Ft. The Dream) (Dirty) EXCLUSIVE 2009 DOWNLOAD LINK" ♫ 20 19:27
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 19:27
*Omar87 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 20 19:32
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] "i go hard baby yes kissin on ya chest & im diggin out your stress "Oct 20 19:32
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 19:38
DaemonFCI'm going on Crestor nowOct 20 19:40
DaemonFCit can't be a bad medicine, it had Patrick Stewart in the commercialOct 20 19:40
DaemonFC:POct 20 19:40
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "Linkin Park - "New Divide"" ♫ 20 19:41
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 19:41
DaemonFCwould Picard lie to you?Oct 20 19:41
DaemonFC:DOct 20 19:41
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "Mark'Oh - United (official video)" ♫ 20 19:43
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 19:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "Mark'Oh - United (official video)" ♫ 20 19:44
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 19:44
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] "Maybe one day we`ll be united. And our love won`t be divided"Oct 20 19:46
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] "Baby one day we`ll be united And our love won`t be divided" -> this is how I understand it :-P Makes more sense...Oct 20 19:46
*qsheets (n=qsheets@wikimedia/qsheets) has left #boycottnovellOct 20 19:48
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "Nixon - Be with you" ♫ 20 19:53
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 19:53
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] "You are like fire inside my mind,[...] you have a boyfriend but what to do ... all the time I wanna be yours [...] baby what can I dooo"Oct 20 20:01
mutxtrmaco ??Oct 20 20:02
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] "to be with yooouuuuuuuuuu, be with yoou"Oct 20 20:03
trmancololOct 20 20:04
trmancomusicOct 20 20:04
mutxwords, strange ones, not music.Oct 20 20:04
trmancothey are lyricsOct 20 20:05
mutxwe guessed that, but it's lyrics, not music.Oct 20 20:06
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] oh dear lord, another site i have to read the entirety of. http://www.whoinventedfoxes.comOct 20 20:06
phIRCeTitle: Who Invented Foxes? .::. Size~: 25.8 KBOct 20 20:06
trmancoif you click the link it will redirect you to the musicOct 20 20:06
mutxbut I dont care for your music, if you like it fine, listen to it.Oct 20 20:06
trmancothat's what I was doingOct 20 20:07
_Hicham_!google trmanco musicOct 20 20:08
phIRCe[1] - | trmanco | Armin Van Buuren – Fine Without You Feat ... | 20 20:08
phIRCe[2] - trmanco subscriptions - | 20 20:08
phIRCe[3] - The Windows Song | | 20 20:08
phIRCe[4] - IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: September 7th, 2009 | 20 20:08
trmancostop stalking :-POct 20 20:08
trmanco!google HichamOct 20 20:10
phIRCe[1] - Hicham El Guerrouj - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 20 20:10
phIRCe[2] - Prince Moulay Hicham of Morocco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 20 20:10
phIRCe[3] - YouTube - Hicham El Guerrouj sets a world record in the mile | 20 20:10
phIRCe[4] - Chami, Hicham | 20 20:10
trmanco:-POct 20 20:10
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @docbrite Letters of Note: Hunter S. Thompson - This is why I don't get involved w/potential films of my work.Oct 20 20:10
trmanconone of them are youOct 20 20:10
phIRCeTitle: Letters of Note: Hunter S. Thompson  |   Disinformation .::. Size~: 62.55 KBOct 20 20:10
_Hicham_trmanco : how do u know ?Oct 20 20:10
trmancojust a guessOct 20 20:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "The Prodigy - Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix)" ♫ 20 20:13
phIRCeTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 28.31 KBOct 20 20:13
_Hicham_trmanco : listen to free software song remixOct 20 20:13
mutxjust dont tell us about it :)Oct 20 20:15
*Slated has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 20 20:28
*[H]omer_ (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 20:28
DaemonFC 20 20:31
phIRCeTitle: Vatican welcome to Anglicans boldest move since Reformation | .::. Size~: 83.08 KBOct 20 20:31
DaemonFCCatholic church welcomes back gay bashers and misogynistsOct 20 20:32
DaemonFC:POct 20 20:32
DaemonFCis how that should readOct 20 20:32
MinceRdoesn't sound like much of news that way :>Oct 20 20:33
*Omar87 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 20 20:35
DaemonFCMinceR, Yeah, suppose notOct 20 20:43
*jono has quit ("Ex-Chat")Oct 20 20:46
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] RT @EFF "U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets" 20 20:49
phIRCeTitle: Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets | Danger Room | .::. Size~: 85.13 KBOct 20 20:49
fewageeze 20 21:04
phIRCeTitle: Trafigura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 72.13 KBOct 20 21:04
fewaWTFOct 20 21:04
fewaWho wrote the injunction?Oct 20 21:05
fewaMr Justice TugendhatOct 20 21:08
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Daily Mash: Everyone to run everything past @stephenfry 20 21:12
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Coming up in about half an hour: Instrumental Version of my Trance/Club house editon of the Free Software Song. Feat RMS speech samplesOct 20 21:34
*sebsebseb (n=sebastia@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 21:57
sebsebsebhiOct 20 21:57
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 22:01
*chm ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 22:08
*jono has quit ("Ex-Chat")Oct 20 22:09
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Instrumental Trance/Club version of the Free Software Song, Feat. speech samples of RMS released under GPLv3: 20 22:13
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ml2mst cool, post a linkOct 20 22:13
phIRCeTitle: OSGEEX: The Free Software Song (Instrumental) .::. Size~: 69.4 KBOct 20 22:13
schestowitzDaemonFC: m2mst is your fanOct 20 22:13
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] @schestowitz ok it done, posted it a few secconds ago ;-)Oct 20 22:15
DaemonFCschestowitz: I'm on Crestor nowOct 20 22:16
DaemonFCturns out that I'm poor enough that AstraZeneca will give it to me 90 days at a time for freeOct 20 22:16
DaemonFCI won't argue with thatOct 20 22:16
DaemonFCif they ever won't give it to me, there's plenty of cheap generic statins out thereOct 20 22:17
DaemonFCI'm not going to pay $100 a bottle for CrestorOct 20 22:17
DaemonFCIn theory, it's more effective than some of the genericsOct 20 22:18
DaemonFCeither way, it's free for nowOct 20 22:18
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ml2mst brilliant! On track loop.Oct 20 22:19
DaemonFCThose programs exist for two reasons, schestowitz.Oct 20 22:19
DaemonFC(1) So that they can point to them if people say they're denying lifesaving medicationOct 20 22:19
DaemonFC(2) Establishes future potential customer when they get on insurance or Medicaid or MedicareOct 20 22:19
schestowitzSome friends of mine had their phd funded by AstraZenecaOct 20 22:20
DaemonFCI'd imagine they also get some kind of tax writeoffOct 20 22:20
schestowitzNo, it's to give you trial versionOct 20 22:20
DaemonFCschestowitz: The drug companies are like Microsoft in that way, or maybe MS is like the drug companiesOct 20 22:20
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @wikileaks Trafigura: anatomy of a super-injunction - Guardian analyzes its own gag (order also in WL) 20 22:21
DaemonFCthey "adjust" their prices based on who will pay what in any circumstanceOct 20 22:21
DaemonFClike I said, they're hoping that when you can pay or have insurance, you'll know to tell the doc that you take CrestorOct 20 22:21
DaemonFCI'll take Crestor for free, if it's ever not free, I'll take the $4 genericsOct 20 22:22
DaemonFCeither way I get about equal resultsOct 20 22:22
DaemonFCschestowitz: There's a lot more blatant drug industry fraud going aroundOct 20 22:23
schestowitzRed Hat share price passes Microsoft's 20 22:23
DaemonFCthere's generics for $4 a month for both Prozac and Zyprexa, so Eli Lilly makes a combination pill called Symbyax and charges $214 a bottleOct 20 22:24
DaemonFCyou can get the same effect for $8Oct 20 22:24
schestowitzYes, it's like EDGIOct 20 22:24
schestowitzThat's what happens when it costs next to nothing to duplicateOct 20 22:25
schestowitzMaking pills is cheapOct 20 22:25
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @wikileaks Trafigura: anatomy of a super-injunction - Guardian analyzes its own gag (order also in WL) 20 22:25
schestowitzR&D is the harder partOct 20 22:25
schestowitzSo tiered pricing is what they attemptOct 20 22:25
DaemonFCschestowitz: Exactly. Without "patient assistance programs" they would lose millions of customers, permenantly, to cheap generics of older drugsOct 20 22:26
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] @schestowitz It needs more work, it's too monotone now. Also working on a edition with the text using Ktts ManagerOct 20 22:26
DaemonFClast thing they want, and the pills only cost pennies to makeOct 20 22:26
schestowitzA friend of mine got a live USB with GNU/Linux on itOct 20 22:26
schestowitzI was surprised Oct 20 22:26
DaemonFCit's worth it to give you theirs for free for nowOct 20 22:26
schestowitzAnother friend made it for himOct 20 22:26
schestowitzSo he might move to it from XPOct 20 22:26
schestowitzHe's not into computers, but just see how far Linux comes under people's nosesOct 20 22:26
DaemonFCschestowitz: I've never taken brand name medicine unless I got it for free anyway, even when I had insuranceOct 20 22:27
DaemonFCI just consider it wrong to take name brand medicine when a generic does the same jobOct 20 22:27
schestowitz"Microsoft sees what's coming. Things like Word and Excel  sort of like a drug now getting ready to go generic."Oct 20 22:28
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ml2mst needs more voiceover (more than twice)Oct 20 22:28
schestowitz 20 22:28
phIRCeTitle: State by state, Microsoft responds to assault on its dominance - MarketWatch .::. Size~: 83.78 KBOct 20 22:28
schestowitzThat's when Microsoft did a lot of crimesOct 20 22:28
schestowitzTo fight the 'generic' stuffOct 20 22:28
schestowitzTHey never went to prisonOct 20 22:28
schestowitzThat's how those cartels workOct 20 22:29
schestowitzThey're above the lawOct 20 22:29
schestowitzPrisons are for shoplifers and stuff :0)Oct 20 22:29
schestowitzThe little crimes that cost society very little and usually involved people who were screwed BY society to the point of hunger in the first placeOct 20 22:29
schestowitzI find *that* unethical and brokenOct 20 22:29
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] @schestowitz You mean RMS, should be louder?Oct 20 22:30
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ml2mst no, it's just that most of the track of devoid of speechOct 20 22:33
DaemonFCschestowitz: I just see supporting a company that takes pills that cost $2 a bottle to make and sell them for $200 a bottle as unethical if you have any choice in the matterOct 20 22:33
DaemonFCunethical on the part of the person buying the meds, cause the company pushing a 1000% markup is just being a companyOct 20 22:33
schestowitzDepends on their marginsOct 20 22:34
schestowitzIMHOOct 20 22:34
schestowitzand only my opinion...Oct 20 22:34
schestowitzCertain parts of industry should be nationalisedOct 20 22:34
schestowitzLike r&d over drugsOct 20 22:34
DaemonFCschestowitz: Their defense is that they need the outrageous pricing to compensate them for R&DOct 20 22:34
schestowitzIt's unethical to get monopolies (for PROFIT! As in maximisation thereof) on saving lifeOct 20 22:34
schestowitzYou let shareholder in Connecticut decide who lives and liesOct 20 22:35
DaemonFCit doesn't take 100 million people on your patented meds for 17 years to turn a profitOct 20 22:35
schestowitz!google novartisOct 20 22:35
DaemonFCor to recoup R&D expensesOct 20 22:35
phIRCe[1] - Novartis, an innovative healthcare products company with ... | 20 22:35
phIRCe[2] - Careers | 20 22:35
phIRCe[3] - Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation | 20 22:35
phIRCe[4] - Novartis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 20 22:35
schestowitz!google youtube novartis protestOct 20 22:35
phIRCe[1] - YouTube - Novartis, Stop It (AIDS Patent) | 20 22:35
phIRCe[2] - YouTube - Novartis HQ smashed & painted during HLS march in Barcelona | 20 22:35
phIRCe[3] - Silobreaker: Animal Rights Activists Take Anti-Novartis Protest... | 20 22:35
phIRCe[4] - Protest Drug Companies Sanofi Aventis, Novartis, Bristol-Myers ... | 20 22:35
DaemonFCAventis also sets up plasma donation centers in poor areas of townsOct 20 22:36
DaemonFCthe donors tend to be college students and alcoholicsOct 20 22:36
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Thanks, a special "RMS" version comes in mind ;-) This is only a prerelease (sort of Alpha release). Updated the articleOct 20 22:37
DaemonFCI did that for a while because I wasn't making any real money at Walmart in 2004 and had to do something to eat and suchOct 20 22:37
DaemonFCthe first year I was at Wal-Mart, I was making $7 an hourOct 20 22:37
DaemonFCand the government still took taxes from me on thatOct 20 22:37
schestowitzWal-mart's badOct 20 22:38
DaemonFCthey have to take taxes out of the people that make $7 an hour, ruin them moreOct 20 22:38
schestowitzseller_liar had me watch this video the other dayOct 20 22:38
schestowitz!google story of stuffOct 20 22:38
phIRCe[1] - The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard | 20 22:38
phIRCe[2] - Story of Stuff | 20 22:38
phIRCe[3] - YouTube - Story of Stuff, Full Version; How Things Work, About Stuff | 20 22:38
phIRCe[4] - Take the 'The Story of Stuff' Quiz - Glenn Beck - |,2933,555065,00.htmlOct 20 22:38
DaemonFCthat way they can feed all the career welfare moms with 40 kidsOct 20 22:38
DaemonFCI don't think they should cover peoples kidsOct 20 22:39
DaemonFCI think they should offer free sterilizationOct 20 22:39
schestowitzThey could fund abortionsOct 20 22:39
schestowitzOr yeah... steralisationOct 20 22:40
DaemonFCI can't choose to have neurological disorders and psychiatric conditionsOct 20 22:40
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] LOL I'll be searching some more RMS videos. Then convert them to audio samples etc. Who said Free Software can't be used for serious work?Oct 20 22:40
schestowitzAs in, if you're seen as a "baby machine", that's enough then.Oct 20 22:40
DaemonFCI can choose to reproduce or notOct 20 22:40
schestowitzUnless you prove you can afford to raise themOct 20 22:40
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Ah yeah, Raylopez666 :-pOct 20 22:41
DaemonFCschestowitz: There's literally dozens of contraceptive methodsOct 20 22:41
DaemonFCgetting pregnant is always optionalOct 20 22:41
DaemonFCand abortion in those cases of optional pregnancy is murder for convenienceOct 20 22:41
DaemonFCI mean it doesn't take a damned rocket scientist to figure out that copulation results in pregnancyOct 20 22:42
schestowitzThat's what humans doOct 20 22:43
DaemonFCyet you see these people act as if pregnancy was like a lightning strikeOct 20 22:43
schestowitzTheir DNA replicates this wayOct 20 22:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ml2mst for contrast, maybe weave in some irrational McBrideballmerOct 20 22:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ml2mst FS can't be used for work... only REAL work like LHCOct 20 22:43
schestowitzIt's an uthical riddleOct 20 22:43
DaemonFClike you can't ever tell when or where it will happenOct 20 22:43
schestowitz*ethicalOct 20 22:43
schestowitzChina has quotas for birthOct 20 22:43
schestowitzin Japan the love llife stagnatesOct 20 22:43
schestowitzSo they are preoccupied with careers and sutffOct 20 22:44
schestowitz 20 22:46
phIRCeTitle: WordPress Lets Bloggers Help Make the Mobile Web Better | WebProNews .::. Size~: 31.3 KBOct 20 22:46
DaemonFCCrestor patents don't expire til 2016Oct 20 22:47
schestowitzEgh.......Oct 20 22:48
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Huh, What the hell are you saying LIAR. You will be schooled! :-)Oct 20 22:48
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ml2mst 20 22:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] @schestowitz cool, interesting. I had the idea you wrote about the HLC of COLA.Oct 20 22:51
DaemonFCthe pharmacist told me to take it an hour or two before bed for better resultsOct 20 22:51
DaemonFCcause the liver makes more cholesterol at nightOct 20 22:51
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] In respond to the usual troll nonsence.Oct 20 22:52
DaemonFCschestowitz: I may stay on Crestor after I'm on Medicare next May cause I looked at what my mom's neighbor had to pay for her insulinOct 20 22:52
DaemonFCit was $206 and with Medicare she paid $6Oct 20 22:52
DaemonFCit just depends on a number of things including side effects, how well it does work, how much my co-pay isOct 20 22:53
DaemonFCif it's gonna cost a fortune and I think I can get the same results from a generic, I'll ask the doctor for thatOct 20 22:54
DaemonFChopefully some kind of health reform law gets passed before thenOct 20 22:54
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 22:59
fewa 20 22:59
phIRCeTitle: YouTube - Ron Paul "If You Believe In the Constitution You Follow It!" .::. Size~: 146.54 KBOct 20 22:59
fewaAlot of truthful things Paul is saying thereOct 20 23:00
fewaspeaking for non-interventionismOct 20 23:03
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, a 'reform'Oct 20 23:03
schestowitzLike the patent one/sOct 20 23:03
fewamassive corporate welfareOct 20 23:04
schestowitzIf you think a reform will benefit the people without a popular struggle, fuh-get about itOct 20 23:04
fewabut paul does have many failingsOct 20 23:04
schestowitzThe proposed patent reform was just to eliminate trollOct 20 23:04
schestowitzSo as to make the bigger thugs like IBM immune to suitsOct 20 23:04
fewaschestowitz, they are all trollsOct 20 23:04
fewathey just dont want little guts doing itOct 20 23:04
fewaits the classic pirate aphorismOct 20 23:05
*schestowitz bokmarks yesterday's goodman showOct 20 23:05
fewayou are a pirate if you are weakOct 20 23:05
schestowitzfewa: yesOct 20 23:05
schestowitzBig ship vs small boat with 'pirates'Oct 20 23:05
schestowitz"Terrorist" as the little guy versus the bigOct 20 23:06
schestowitzBut never the massive one crushing the little guy/galOct 20 23:06
fewayep "war on terrorism"Oct 20 23:06
schestowitzWe need thatOct 20 23:06
schestowitzWar on terrorismOct 20 23:06
fewaone of those absolutely absurd statementsOct 20 23:06
schestowitzTo stop Kissinger and his fellow war criminals in South America for exampleOct 20 23:07
schestowitzI'm all in favour of a war or terrorism. It can be friendly war tooOct 20 23:07
schestowitzTrial and imprisonmentOct 20 23:07
fewawhere "terrorism" is what our puppets do, _after_ they are of no use to usOct 20 23:07
fewaor what they did when the US backed themOct 20 23:07
schestowitz Noriega?  Oct 20 23:08
fewaSaddam for exampleOct 20 23:08
fewawho only stayed in power because of the US sanctionsOct 20 23:08
fewaand who was instated in a vicious coupOct 20 23:09
fewawith US backingOct 20 23:09
schestowitzfewa: 20 23:10
phIRCeTitle: YouTube - Chalmers Johnson Oil, Blowback, and War .::. Size~: 129.37 KBOct 20 23:10
schestowitzIIRC, that's the one where they show Rumsfled and SaddamOct 20 23:10
schestowitzI like his theses a lot. 20 23:10
phIRCeTitle: YouTube - The Sorrows of Empire - Chalmers Johnson .::. Size~: 130.49 KBOct 20 23:10
schestowitz 20 23:13
phIRCeTitle: Bond's Dr. No dies at 91 • The Register .::. Size~: 21.57 KBOct 20 23:13
fewaNo shitOct 20 23:18
fewasuper important strategic holdingOct 20 23:18
fewathats why its so differn't from vietnamOct 20 23:18
fewathe US will never leaveOct 20 23:18
fewaunless driven outOct 20 23:18
fewaBritain was driven outOct 20 23:18
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Oct 20 23:19
*PetoKraus has quit ("Leaving")Oct 20 23:20
schestowitzfewa: in ref to what?Oct 20 23:23
fewaIt has so much oilOct 20 23:23
*_goblin has quit ("Ex-Chat")Oct 20 23:23
schestowitzI should show you videos where Chalmers speaks about the numbers of bases in Iraq and the swimming pools and stuffOct 20 23:23
fewaif you hold it you can prevent others from getting that oilOct 20 23:23
*chm has quit ("see you guys!")Oct 20 23:23
schestowitzIt's not as though they'll hand over the keys, say goodbye, and say "enjoy the luxury cinema and pools"Oct 20 23:23
schestowitzfewa: yes, 2nd largest old resourcesOct 20 23:24
schestowitzSaudi Arabia is #1 afaikOct 20 23:24
fewawhy its nothing like vietnamOct 20 23:24
fewavietnam ended largely due to having the mission completedOct 20 23:24
fewaand the country destroyedOct 20 23:24
schestowitzThat's why the Bush family was also so close to the Bin Laden family and others of affluent bg in SAOct 20 23:25
schestowitzPeople are not told the factOct 20 23:25
fewanever a strategic holdingOct 20 23:25
schestowitzAnd it makes them "bad citizens" for speaking about themOct 20 23:25
fewaCarlye groupOct 20 23:25
schestowitz:-)Oct 20 23:25
schestowitzConnected to SCO tooOct 20 23:25
schestowitzAnd Microsoft in a wayOct 20 23:25
fewaBush and Bin Laden top holdersOct 20 23:25
schestowitzviaNorrisOct 20 23:25
schestowitzI guess with Darl out, he and Norris can focus more on that lawsuit... fraud suit vs themOct 20 23:26
fewaIts a Republic, madam, if you can keep it.Oct 20 23:26
*gargoyle-grin (n=randerso@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has left #boycottnovellOct 20 23:29
schestowitz '60 militants dead' as Pakistan pushes into Taliban strongholdOct 20 23:29
schestowitzMoujahadin residue?Oct 20 23:30
schestowitzIt is too late to shut the door on GM foods 20 23:30
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] We have come to depend on #intellectualmonopolies in stuff we eat (It is too late to shut the door on GM foods)Oct 20 23:32
schestowitz 20 23:33
phIRCeTitle: Courage Campaign  |  Sign our letter to Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid .::. Size~: 12.17 KBOct 20 23:33
schestowitz"Sign our letter demanding they pass strong health care reform -- with a strong public option"Oct 20 23:33
MinceR 20 23:35
phIRCeTitle: Slashdot IT Story | Sneaky Microsoft Add-On Put Firefox Users At Risk .::. Size~: 171.14 KBOct 20 23:35
MinceRcan't beat the competition? alter his product after installation!Oct 20 23:35
tessierfewa: I agree about Vietnam.Oct 20 23:37
fewaThey destroyed the countryOct 20 23:37
tessierThe US left Vietnam. The Vietnamese then proceeded to destroy their own co untry.Oct 20 23:37
fewaand also Laos and CambodiaOct 20 23:38
tessierNot much we could have done about that.Oct 20 23:38
tessierYep.Oct 20 23:38
tessierSun Microsystems said it will cut 3,000 jobs over the next year, citing delays in its pending acquisition by Oracle, according to a regulatory filing released on Tuesday. - 20 23:38
phIRCeTitle: Sun Microsystems to cut 3,000 jobs - Oct. 20, 2009  .::. Size~: 64.04 KBOct 20 23:38
tessierSun is getting f'd in the aOct 20 23:38
fewaI just read from Chomsky that the declassified stuff on cambodia--_after_ the US annoubced that it stopped bombing cambodia is kept bombingOct 20 23:38
tessierNot sure how I feel about that. They weren't FOSS but they weren't half bad either.Oct 20 23:38
fewaand it bombed it extensivelyOct 20 23:38
fewaso much so that cambodia is the most bombed country in the worldOct 20 23:38
tessierfewa: More bombed than Vietnam?Oct 20 23:39
fewayesOct 20 23:39
tessierfewa: The cold war was a mess. Nobody came out of it with clean hands.Oct 20 23:39
tessierAbout once a week on average for the last 35 years someone in Vietnam has stumbled across unexploded ordinance.Oct 20 23:39
fewathe "cold war" was a propaganda termOct 20 23:39
tessierI'm surprised we don't hear more about it from Cambodia.Oct 20 23:39
fewathe fight was against any semblence of stable nationalismOct 20 23:39
tessierfewa: It seems apt to me. Oct 20 23:39
fewaoutside of the united statesOct 20 23:39
*Xarver ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 20 23:40
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving")Oct 20 23:40
fewathat was the "virus"Oct 20 23:40
tessiernah...we were perfectly fine with Nationalism in Israel, UK, most of Europe etc.Oct 20 23:41
tessierCommunism was the problem.Oct 20 23:41
tessierThat much of it was as described.Oct 20 23:41
fewaand "communists" was code word for actual national controlOct 20 23:41
fewatessier, Israel isn't nationalism, its US backed agressionOct 20 23:41
fewathats just what it is dressed up intoOct 20 23:42
tessierCommunism isn't a code word. Having been shaken down by communists myself personally I assure you it is quite real. And quite corrupt.Oct 20 23:42
tessierAnd I'm glad it was stopped.Oct 20 23:42
MinceR003656 <@tessier> Not sure how I feel about that. They weren't FOSS but they weren't half bad either.Oct 20 23:42
MinceRi'd argue they were at least one quarter bad. :.Oct 20 23:42
MinceR:>Oct 20 23:42
tessierMinceR: They engineered some good stuff. Yes, a quarter bad I can easily believe. :)Oct 20 23:42
fewabecause Israel was the only country that participated with the US's military aims against Arab secularismOct 20 23:42
tessierfewa: er....Arab secularism doesn' exist anywhere except Turkey as far as I can see.Oct 20 23:43
MinceRthey were hostile to linux in the futile hope that slowlaris may prosperOct 20 23:43
fewaIt did in the 50s 60sOct 20 23:43
tessierMinceR: Indeed. How wrong they were. But it was really Intel that cooked their goose.Oct 20 23:43
fewait ran Iraq b/f SaddamOct 20 23:43
tessierfewa: Have you seen "The Road to 9/11"? Very good. I think you would like it.Oct 20 23:43
tessierAll about WWI and the Caliphate and how the way the world was divided up after the Ottoman empire lost their lands to the west led to where we are now etc.Oct 20 23:44
fewaBush was al Quieda's biggest allyOct 20 23:45
tessierI wish more people (especially Americans) would watch it. It gives a good perspective on why some people are so messed up over religion etc.Oct 20 23:45
fewadestruction begets religious fanaticismOct 20 23:45
tessierExactlyOct 20 23:45
fewathe US backs the crazy Saudi Arabia societyOct 20 23:46
tessierI should upload that DVD. I have it. It needs to be shared.Oct 20 23:46
tessierYep.Oct 20 23:46
schestowitz+1Oct 20 23:46
tessierBut the average person isn't going to do without their car.Oct 20 23:46
fewaIran is the most democratic nation, that is why it is at our cross-hairsOct 20 23:46 20 23:46
tessierIran is far from democratic.Oct 20 23:46
fewain the middle eastOct 20 23:46
fewaneed a qualifierOct 20 23:46
schestowitzFar far AFIAKOct 20 23:46
tessierThat's a pretty low bar. :)Oct 20 23:46
schestowitz*AFAIKOct 20 23:46
fewayeah but its still betterOct 20 23:46
tessierStill far from being worthy of praise.Oct 20 23:47
schestowitzScandinavian countries do wellOct 20 23:47
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Busy week so far. Not been much time to do anything. I will be working until Sunday so Im going to be shattered...Oct 20 23:47
tessierWhen I have to stop running tor, freenet, and http proxies so the people of Iran can communicate with the outside world I'll consider them improved.Oct 20 23:47
fewaschestowitz, agreed scandinavia is greatOct 20 23:47
tessierI'm pretty sure the people of Iran didn't vote in favor of mass censorship and fraudulent elections.Oct 20 23:47
schestowitzUAE also censors a lotOct 20 23:47
schestowitzSO being filthy rich is not recipe for freedomOct 20 23:48
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Couple of observations, after watching only 2 episodes of Flash Forward on TV I think ive solved the mystery already.Oct 20 23:48
fewaBush and Cheny and the bunch got MIT to train Iranian nuclear engineersOct 20 23:48
fewauntil the revolutionOct 20 23:48
fewato get them access to nuclear energyOct 20 23:48
schestowitzWhat for?Oct 20 23:48
fewaenergyOct 20 23:49
fewaIran _imports_ oil right nowOct 20 23:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] and also I've come to the realization that UK TV has precious little entertainment on it.Oct 20 23:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] KDE article due soon + an unrelated look at BASH.Oct 20 23:49
schestowitzI heard that India/Pakistan nukes are intended to keep the area in quiet warOct 20 23:49
schestowitzNot from a good source thoughOct 20 23:49
fewapakistan in unstableOct 20 23:50
fewaand has nukesOct 20 23:50
fewawhat the US is doing in eastern Afghanistan, could destabilize PakistanOct 20 23:50
fewaTalibanOct 20 23:51
fewa 20 23:52
phIRCeTitle: Rethink Afghanistan: Filmmaker Robert Greenwald Launches Film Opposing Escalation of War  .::. Size~: 52.92 KBOct 20 23:52
*schestowitz bookmarksOct 20 23:53

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