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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 29th, 2009

shreddarI just want something that won't break programs with updates.Oct 29 00:00
shreddarAlso, I've been having problem with Ubuntu repositories not having some packages I want. (emulators mostly)Oct 29 00:01
oiaohmswap partitions dont' show for pritty direct reasons.Oct 29 00:03
*shreddar has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)Oct 29 00:06
*shreddar (i=62f0385c@gateway/web/freenode/x-xfzvojsneqcembvf) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 00:07
shreddarmaybe root and swap are my only partitions because I don't see /home or /optOct 29 00:07
shreddarin fstabOct 29 00:07
shreddarWhen KDE warned me about my disk space I did the Computer Janitor and it got rid of some of my programs and dependencies.Oct 29 00:08
shreddarI know that it was unnecessary because I have about 60 GB of space in this partition. (70 GB total)Oct 29 00:09
shreddarSome of the dependencies I needed for FCEUX. (I had to compile it to get the latest one)Oct 29 00:13
shreddarAnd Gens was just plain removed.Oct 29 00:13
shreddarWho knows what other dependencies I'm missing now. I forgot all the ones I had installed. (most of them were for compiling other apps)Oct 29 00:15
*merriam_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 29 00:19
*merriam_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 00:19
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] lol @harlem & @nikolaidis - nice use of the @uupc theme there ;)Oct 29 00:19
shreddarIt's funny the reason I installed KDE4 (other than curiosity) was because GNOME's file manager started crashing for some reason every time I went to the picture folder.Oct 29 00:20
shreddarI just didn't want to figure it out.Oct 29 00:20
shreddarAlso, I've always liked KDE more.Oct 29 00:21
shreddarGNOME looks so outdated to me.Oct 29 00:21
shreddarIt's always looked outdated to me.Oct 29 00:22
shreddarThe defaults on it make it look that way.Oct 29 00:23
shreddarI'm sure you can customize and make it look like something out of Minority Report but I don't think my hardware will do it. And anyway it's the icons more than anything.Oct 29 00:24
shreddarThat's not true the 'Human' icons are okay.Oct 29 00:26
shreddarThe default icons are inhumane.Oct 29 00:26
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 00:29
shreddarI notice them every time I use the Synaptic Package Manager. Apparently root doesn't have the nice theme that my user session has.Oct 29 00:30
shreddarI don't know if other distro's break apps with updates but I've never had to deal with such problems until Ubuntu. Sabayon seemed fine (this was years ago on my 1st computer) with updates. Though I can't remember doing them. hmmmOct 29 00:37
shreddarI guess I really wanted Ubuntu to be the best distro ever and though it has surpassed my expectations I alot of areas. I think Sabayon worked better. Anyway, I'll find out. I might end trying install Gentoo again.Oct 29 00:40
PetoKrausbloody hellOct 29 00:41
PetoKrausreinstalling windows vista is painOct 29 00:41
shreddarHow much of a pain is it?Oct 29 00:42
PetoKrausquite a lotOct 29 00:45
PetoKrausfirst, my customer dropped the PCOct 29 00:45
PetoKrausthe HDD was knackered, but readableOct 29 00:46
PetoKrausso i ddrescued the contents to new oneOct 29 00:46
PetoKrausdamaged registry, without backup - no way to get it up and running.Oct 29 00:46
PetoKrausso I tried the inbuilt partition for dell recovery to factory imageOct 29 00:46
PetoKrausthat doesn't work either. the restored image is borked, i thinkOct 29 00:47
PetoKrausso I installed genuine windows vista home premium, just to end on a phone to pakistanOct 29 00:47
PetoKrausnot being able to activate the system with the OEM licenseOct 29 00:47
PetoKrauswhat a joke.Oct 29 00:47
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Top #Windows Executive Quits #Microsoft Upon #Vista7 Release 29 00:47
phIRCe-localTitle: Top Windows Executive Quits Microsoft Upon Vista 7 Release | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 109.9 KBOct 29 00:48
schestowitzPetoKraus: come to GNU :-)Oct 29 00:49
schestowitzWhat were you doin' outside Arch/gentoo in the first place?Oct 29 00:49
PetoKraushttp://www.geeksonbikes.netOct 29 00:49
PetoKrausmy new box is firmly Arch linux, don't worryOct 29 00:49
phIRCe-localTitle: Geeks On Bikes .::. Size~: 6.45 KBOct 29 00:49
shreddarMe?Oct 29 00:49
schestowitzWindows Me2Oct 29 00:50
schestowitz=VistaOct 29 00:50
shreddarNo, were you talking to PetoKraus or me?Oct 29 00:50
shreddarI want to try Gentoo someday but I know better.Oct 29 00:51
shreddarI go back to Sabayon and if that works out maybe I'll see what Gentoo is like.Oct 29 00:51
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 00:57
shreddarThe last time I tried to install Gentoo (years ago) the farthest I got was a system where I couldn't use my keyboard and some other issues I can't remeber. But that was before I did LFS so maybe I would have as much of a problem this time.Oct 29 00:58
*hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 00:58
shreddarwouldn'tOct 29 00:58
*_Hicham_ has quit (Client Quit)Oct 29 00:59
*hicham_ is now known as _Hicham_Oct 29 01:00
_Hicham_hi oiaohmOct 29 01:00
shreddarSo is that the real jono on here?Oct 29 01:02
_Hicham_yes, it is himOct 29 01:03
_Hicham_are u a member of ubuntu community ?Oct 29 01:04
shreddarNo.Oct 29 01:04
shreddarI have Ubuntu though.Oct 29 01:04
_Hicham_how do u know him ?Oct 29 01:04
_Hicham_goodOct 29 01:04
_Hicham_karmic ?Oct 29 01:04
shreddarI listend to the podcast.Oct 29 01:05
shreddar9.04Oct 29 01:05
shreddarI don't know which one that is.Oct 29 01:05
_Hicham_did u like that release ?Oct 29 01:06
shreddarAt first I did.Oct 29 01:06
_Hicham_and now u don't ?Oct 29 01:06
shreddarI started having problems with some programs breaking.Oct 29 01:07
_Hicham_which programs ?Oct 29 01:07
shreddarnautilusOct 29 01:07
_Hicham_nautilus is broken ?Oct 29 01:08
shreddarWhen I went to my pictures directory it kept crashing the whole systemOct 29 01:08
shreddarI was frozenOct 29 01:08
shreddaritOct 29 01:08
shreddarit was frozenOct 29 01:09
_Hicham_did u file a bug ?Oct 29 01:09
shreddarnoOct 29 01:09
_Hicham_why ?Oct 29 01:09
shreddarI was too focused on fixed the immediate problem.Oct 29 01:11
_Hicham_maybe it is not nautilusOct 29 01:11
_Hicham_just the thumbnailer programOct 29 01:11
shreddarYeah I think some kind of program that it uses was doing it.Oct 29 01:12
shreddarI did a search on it but could not find a solution.Oct 29 01:12
shreddarI think it might have happened in a update or something.Oct 29 01:13
_Hicham_did u clean the thumbnails directoryOct 29 01:13
_Hicham_?Oct 29 01:13
_Hicham_or try disabling thumbnails in Edit>Preferences>PreviewOct 29 01:14
shreddarI don't know if it was the thumnails. I think it was a process that nautilus uses to show thumbnails.Oct 29 01:16
*Balrog_ has quit ()Oct 29 01:16
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #LosAngeles Officially Dumps #Novell , #Microsoft to Pay the Bill 29 01:16
phIRCe-localTitle: Los Angeles Officially Dumps Novell, Microsoft to Pay the Bill | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 112.68 KBOct 29 01:17
shreddarI think the problem's gone now. I just check it.Oct 29 01:17
shreddarIt wasn't just nautilus I somehow filled up 60GB of space and ran Computer Janitor which ended up removing some of my apps and dependencies.Oct 29 01:19
shreddarI still don't know why I had to do that to clear up the space.Oct 29 01:19
shreddaror even what was taking up that much space.Oct 29 01:20
_Hicham_other than that everything was fine ?Oct 29 01:21
shreddarYes.Oct 29 01:22
shreddarI think it would all be great if I never did updates.Oct 29 01:22
shreddarI'm still not sure, though.Oct 29 01:23
shreddarIt has great hardware detection.Oct 29 01:25
shreddarThe first time I ever have my wireless care work out of the bos.Oct 29 01:25
shreddarwireless cardOct 29 01:25
_Hicham_what wireless card do u have ?Oct 29 01:26
shreddarNetgear wg111v2Oct 29 01:26
shreddarI wouldn't recommend it though.Oct 29 01:26
_Hicham_why ?Oct 29 01:26
shreddarI works but not very fully.Oct 29 01:26
shreddarI think the driver works but the card itself is very badly made.Oct 29 01:27
_Hicham_does it have a proprietary driver ?Oct 29 01:28
shreddarI can't remember. You know the command to look at modules?Oct 29 01:29
_Hicham_lsmodOct 29 01:29
shreddarI think it works with a open source driver.Oct 29 01:31
shreddarI can't find the module though.Oct 29 01:31
*shreddar_ (i=62f0385c@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 01:33
shreddar_I'm not using NDISWrapper.Oct 29 01:33
*shreddar has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)Oct 29 01:34
shreddar_What happendOct 29 01:34
shreddar_You know I forgot I'm not using the card anymore.Oct 29 01:37
shreddar_That's why it's does not show up in the lsmod.Oct 29 01:37
shreddar_I've been using my wireless repeater for internet.Oct 29 01:38
shreddar_Ok it uses the rtl8187 driver.Oct 29 01:39
shreddar_moduleOct 29 01:40
shreddar_it's usbOct 29 01:41
shreddar_Am I connected to the chat stream thing still?Oct 29 01:43
*shreddar_ has quit ()Oct 29 01:44
*shreddar (i=62f0385c@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 01:45
shreddarOk, is my text coming through?Oct 29 01:45
*shreddar echoesOct 29 01:47
*lordtoran has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 29 01:48
voltronwshreddar: nope, nothingOct 29 01:49
shreddarLOLOct 29 01:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Some Perceive Toddlers as Emerging Markets, a Business #windows #fsfe #germanyOct 29 01:54
phIRCe-localTitle: Some Perceive Toddlers as Emerging Markets, a Business | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 109.19 KBOct 29 01:55
*jono has quit ("Ex-Chat")Oct 29 01:57
shreddar 29 02:06
phIRCe-localTitle: Voice recognition gets "cloudy," but is it the "new touch"? - Ars Technica .::. Size~: 44.94 KBOct 29 02:06
shreddarI know MS will probably limit it in some way or tie it to Windows but the futurist in me can't help but pay attention.Oct 29 02:08
shreddarThis will not just be for those people who will never learn to type.Oct 29 02:10
shreddarI imagine when they put web browser in tv's and set-top boxes that voice recognition can be a more convenient alternative to the on-screen keyboard.Oct 29 02:11
oiaohmThere is a downside to voice recording.Oct 29 02:12
*krenso has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 29 02:13
oiaohmI remember the dilbert in shower.  Where dog bert in a trouble making mode tricks dilbert into saying things he don't want.Oct 29 02:13
oiaohmLike 4000 degrees COct 29 02:13
_Hicham_what is the downside ?Oct 29 02:13
shreddarYeah, I saw that one.Oct 29 02:14
oiaohmNow at least with tv remote you can make sure there is only one person in room with it.Oct 29 02:14
shreddarI think for doing searches this will be helpful.Oct 29 02:14
_Hicham_oiaohm : delta rpms are really greatOct 29 02:14
_Hicham_an update was reduced by 85 % !Oct 29 02:15
oiaohmdelta good idea does have some weaknesses for the server side.Oct 29 02:15
oiaohmAnd can have some weaknesses on the client side as well.Oct 29 02:15
oiaohmwe should see it in ubuntu at some stage _Hicham_  Simple issue of numbers of users vs bandwidthOct 29 02:18
shreddarI know one thing that could also help is if keyboard were in alphabetical order instead of qwerty.Oct 29 02:18
_Hicham_oiaohm : is there a draft for it on ubuntu ?Oct 29 02:19
oiaohmThere is another solution that avoids deltas too. 29 02:21
phIRCe-localTitle: zsync .::. Size~: 7.26 KBOct 29 02:21
*PetoKraus has quit ("Leaving")Oct 29 02:21
oiaohmAt some point delta or something like zsync will have to be used.Oct 29 02:22
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 02:22
oiaohm  based off it _Hicham_Oct 29 02:24
phIRCe-localTitle: apt-sync - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 33.94 KBOct 29 02:24
oiaohmCurrently cannot be used due to apt not being able to validate the deb.Oct 29 02:24
*shecky (i=92737d17@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 02:28
*shecky has quit (Client Quit)Oct 29 02:29
oiaohm   PC gamers become secound rate cits.Oct 29 02:31
phIRCe-localTitle: Games you can't play: the early copies of Borderlands - Ars Technica .::. Size~: 43.5 KBOct 29 02:31
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 29 02:33
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Oct 29 02:36
DaemonFCPC gamers are being stiffedOct 29 02:38
DaemonFCthe huge profit market is the console nowOct 29 02:38
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] !emacs !haskell mode for !fedora review request updated to version 2.5.1 29 03:24
phIRCe-localTitle: Bug 517366 – Review Request: emacs-haskell-mode -  Haskell editing mode for Emacs .::. Size~: 52.46 KBOct 29 03:24
DaemonFCthis game is so stupidOct 29 03:25
DaemonFCyou tell the NPC to stay down and she walks right in front of you while you're shooting at a terrorist and you loseOct 29 03:25
DaemonFCI mean, I know if I was the unarmed civilian, I'd walk right out in the middle of a crossfire Oct 29 03:26
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] ம்ம்ம்ம் நல்ல மழை. வட கிழக்கு பருவ மழைOct 29 03:29
DaemonFC 29 03:37
phIRCe-localTitle: FBI Agents Kill Suspect, Luqman Ameen Abdullah, During Detroit-Area Raid - ABC News .::. Size~: 60.16 KBOct 29 03:37
DaemonFCanother scumbag downOct 29 03:37
DaemonFCat least this one won't cost us money to warehouse in our revolving door justice system :)Oct 29 03:38
DaemonFCprison convert Muslims who want to murder people and stage an insurrection against the governmentOct 29 03:40
DaemonFCour tax dollars at workOct 29 03:40
*shreddar has quit ("television")Oct 29 03:40
voltronwDaemonFC: innocent until proven guilty?Oct 29 03:41
DaemonFCvoltronw, If you shoot at law enforcement, they have the right to fire backOct 29 03:41
DaemonFCI think that pretty much tells us everything we need to know about that guyOct 29 03:42
DaemonFChe got exactly what he deservedOct 29 03:42
DaemonFCthe law provides for harsh penalties for cop killers because if they do that to the police, what will they do to unarmed civilians?Oct 29 03:43
voltronwDaemonFC: the article doesn't say that the suspect was shooting at law enforcement officersOct 29 03:43
DaemonFCthese guys are one of the worst kinds of criminalOct 29 03:44
DaemonFCvoltronw, It said he was prepared for a shoot outOct 29 03:44
DaemonFCit stands to reason that he fired firstOct 29 03:44
DaemonFCvoltronw, Luckily, Indiana provides for a lifetime concealed carry permitOct 29 03:45
voltronwwhy is that lucky?Oct 29 03:46
DaemonFCI usually carry a .40 S&W on meOct 29 03:46
DaemonFCit's not pretty, but it works well enoughOct 29 03:46
voltronwever shot anyone?Oct 29 03:47
DaemonFCvoltronw, No. I hope I never have to.Oct 29 03:47
voltronwme tooOct 29 03:47
DaemonFCIf I feel like my life is being threatened or someone elses is, I'll use itOct 29 03:47
DaemonFCvoltronw, The criminals all have guns, I figure I probably should tooOct 29 03:49
DaemonFCit takes the police at least 10 minutes to get anywhere and a lot can happen in 10 minutesOct 29 03:49
DaemonFCjust trusting that the police will save you is naive at bestOct 29 03:50
DaemonFCvoltronw, Indiana law also allows for a citizens arrest if you witness a felonyOct 29 03:51
voltronwhow many citizens arrests end in convictions per year?Oct 29 03:51
DaemonFCvoltronw, It's not widely usedOct 29 03:52
DaemonFCIf they're pointing a gun at someone or breaking into my home, it'll be my word against a corpseOct 29 03:53
DaemonFCif you get meOct 29 03:53
DaemonFCvoltronw, It's not worth them finding some slick lawyer or technicality in the law and suing you for false arrestOct 29 03:54
DaemonFCJust shoot them and say it was self defense or defense of anotherOct 29 03:54
DaemonFCsimplest way to do itOct 29 03:54
DaemonFCI don't think anyone around would testify against you in that situation if the family of that person sued for wrongful death or somethingOct 29 03:55
voltronwclearly, you've thought through this issueOct 29 03:56
DaemonFCyeah, you don't get a gun for self defense unless you know you're prepared to use it if needs beOct 29 03:57
voltronwi never really understood the effectiveness of a firearm as a deterrent, in what scenario would a concealed firearm allow me to escape a dangerous situation?Oct 29 03:57
voltronwsay, an armed carjacking where i'm confronted with a gun pointed at me from outside the carOct 29 03:58
DaemonFCvoltronw, I don't usually conceal itOct 29 03:58
voltronwdo i ask the attacker to hang on a sec while i remove my firearm from my holster?Oct 29 03:58
DaemonFCvoltronw, I've been in that situation beforeOct 29 03:58
DaemonFCI rolled up the window on his arm and floored itOct 29 03:58
DaemonFCdragged him down the street for about a block and let him goOct 29 03:59
DaemonFCcourse he had a knifeOct 29 03:59
voltronwso... not the situation i described thenOct 29 03:59
DaemonFCvoltronw, I usually have it laying in the seat beside meOct 29 03:59
DaemonFCif I'm driving through a bad areaOct 29 04:00
DaemonFCsimple, keep your eyes open, if anyone tries to carjack you, just shoot through the glass if you need toOct 29 04:01
voltronwbut by reaching for your it, grasping it, chambering a round, and aiming it, you're hoping to call the attackers bluff that he never intended to shoot you for non complianceOct 29 04:01
DaemonFCI have a pair of shooting glassesOct 29 04:01
DaemonFCwould probably protect me from glass fragmentsOct 29 04:01
DaemonFCvoltronw, you could always jsut keep the first round chamberedOct 29 04:01
DaemonFCand the safety onOct 29 04:01
voltronwright, forgot about the safetyOct 29 04:02
voltronwDaemonFC: so you drive around with a loaded gun on the passenger seat with a round chambered, the safety off, while wearing shooting glasses?Oct 29 04:02
DaemonFCjust don't store it like thatOct 29 04:02
DaemonFCvoltronw, depends on where I amOct 29 04:02
DaemonFCI don't find myself in that situation muchOct 29 04:02
voltronwi would, uh, hope notOct 29 04:03
DaemonFCthere's some bad parts of Fort WayneOct 29 04:03
voltronwbut the real issue here is that even with your... elevated level of preparation, a carjacker with a gun would still be able to kill youOct 29 04:03
DaemonFCwho says they wouldn't anyway?Oct 29 04:04
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 04:04
DaemonFCat least I have a chanceOct 29 04:04
voltronwso rather than exiting your vehicle you will reach for your gun, with the knowledge that in the time it takes you to do so the attacker will have enough time to shoot you?Oct 29 04:06
DaemonFCprobably best to just keep a foot on the accelerator reallyOct 29 04:07
voltronwthe what purpose do the gun (and, for that matter, the glasses) serve?Oct 29 04:07
DaemonFCwell, they're polarizedOct 29 04:08
DaemonFCthey make decent sunglassesOct 29 04:08
voltronwah, so they protect against uv rays and glass that was shattered by incoming roundsOct 29 04:09
voltronwthat's pretty versatileOct 29 04:09
DaemonFCthey're fairly toughOct 29 04:09
voltronwclearlyOct 29 04:09
DaemonFCI used to wear the same kind of glasses to spot weldOct 29 04:09
DaemonFCthey're OSHA approved for that kind of workOct 29 04:10
DaemonFCso I'm pretty sure they could deflect a small flying piece of glassOct 29 04:11
voltronwlet's hopeOct 29 04:12
voltronwi've got to go. i wish you the best of luck.Oct 29 04:12
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 04:17
*_Hicham_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 29 04:24
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Rep Rick Larsen (D-WA2) sells out to telecoms #NetNeutralityOct 29 05:17
phIRCe-localTitle: Rick Larsen opposes net neutrality « Uncle Mikes Weblog .::. Size~: 12.79 KBOct 29 05:18
*Ender2070 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 29 05:30
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving")Oct 29 05:41
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Texas Governor Rick Perry interferes in #death row case, shakes up state government to cover up evidence @GovernorPerryOct 29 06:00
phIRCe-localTitle: Will Texas Execute Another Innocent Man? The Case of Reginald Blanton .::. Size~: 46.57 KBOct 29 06:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Texas @GovernorPerry interferes with #death row, no physical evidence linking executed Reginald Blanton to crime 29 06:07
phIRCe-localTitle: Will Texas Execute Another Innocent Man? The Case of Reginald Blanton .::. Size~: 46.57 KBOct 29 06:08
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Rep Rick Larsen (D-WA2) sells out to telecoms #NetNeutralityOct 29 06:33
phIRCe-localTitle: Rick Larsen opposes net neutrality « Uncle Mikes Weblog .::. Size~: 12.78 KBOct 29 06:34
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 07:08
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] New Low Power FM stations has unanimous support of #FCC cosponsor @USRepMikeDoyle interviewed #hr1147Oct 29 07:19
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - FCC: Unanimous, bipartisan support for LPFM .::. Size~: 143.29 KBOct 29 07:20
phIRCe-localTitle: House Advances Measure to Create Hundreds of New Low Power FM Radio Stations .::. Size~: 39.97 KBOct 29 07:20
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 29 07:50
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 07:59
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 08:34
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Guidance for Putting #Vista / #Vista7 Alongside a #GNU #Linux Installation 29 08:42
phIRCe-localTitle: Dual-Booting Linux And Windows: Easier Said than Done — .::. Size~: 71.13 KBOct 29 08:43
*iKonaK (n=user-0@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 08:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Desktop #GNU #Linux Gains #iPhone and #iPod Touch Sync 29 08:44
phIRCe-localTitle: Unofficial iPhone and iPod touch Sync Coming to Linux | The iPhone Blog .::. Size~: 54.95 KBOct 29 08:45
phIRCe-localTitle: iPhone and iPod Touch Unofficial Sync coming to Linux » Phone Reviews .::. Size~: 31.54 KBOct 29 08:45
*iKonaK has quit (Client Quit)Oct 29 08:47
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Kernel Space #Benchmarking Facility May Add #Windows Support to Show Its Weaknesses 29 08:51
phIRCe-localTitle: [Phoronix] Phoronix Test Suite 2.2 Enters Beta .::. Size~: 19.45 KBOct 29 08:52
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Showcase for Graphics Applications in #GNU #Linux 29 08:54
phIRCe-localTitle: Learn image manipulation and create a glassy wallpaper on GIMP  LINUX For You Magazine .::. Size~: 87.84 KBOct 29 08:55
phIRCe-localTitle: Penguin Pete's Blog .::. Size~: 23.64 KBOct 29 08:55
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNOME Desktop Environment Looks for Marketing Opportunities 29 08:56
phIRCe-localTitle: paul cutlers blog  » Blog Archive   » GNOME Marketing Hackfest .::. Size~: 29.4 KBOct 29 08:57
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Slackware Steps up to #KDE4 , More Good #KDE News 29 09:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Sabayon #Gnu #Linux 5.0 Works and Looks Good 29 09:03
phIRCe-localTitle: KDE 4.3.2 now official in Slackware | Tuxopia .::. Size~: 18.24 KBOct 29 09:04
phIRCe-localTitle: Gluon Sprint Wrap-Up | .::. Size~: 27.36 KBOct 29 09:04
phIRCe-localTitle: A Window: E17 vs KDE 4.3.1 .::. Size~: 90.65 KBOct 29 09:04
phIRCe-localTitle: Raiden's Realm: Review: Sabayon Linux 5.0 .::. Size~: 29.78 KBOct 29 09:04
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Endian #Firewall 2.3 (GNU/Linux Distribution) is Released 29 09:05
phIRCe-localTitle: Endian Firewall 2.3 Includes Lots of New Features - An open source firewall distribution - Softpedia .::. Size~: 49.05 KBOct 29 09:06
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Debian #GNU #Linux Installed on 15W PC 29 09:06
phIRCe-localTitle: just:imho: Building a 15W Debian GNU/Linux system .::. Size~: 83.29 KBOct 29 09:07
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 09:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #RedHat Gets Postgres-savvy 29 09:18
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Guardian Reviews #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux, Compares it to #Vista7 29 09:18
phIRCe-localTitle:  With eye on Oracle and MySQL, Red Hat invests in EnterpriseDB .::. Size~: 137.5 KBOct 29 09:19
*jono (n=jono@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 09:19
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] #NetNeutrality again on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart old video two years ago 29 09:20
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New #Interviews with #Ubuntu People lisati and Francis Lacoste 29 09:20
phIRCe-localTitle: Video: From Here to Neutrality | The Daily Show | Comedy Central .::. Size~: 68.6 KBOct 29 09:21
phIRCe-localTitle: Video: Net Neutrality Act | The Daily Show | Comedy Central .::. Size~: 55.92 KBOct 29 09:21
phIRCe-localTitle: An Interview With lisati « Joe Blog's .::. Size~: 36.16 KBOct 29 09:21
phIRCe-localTitle: Launchpad Blog .::. Size~: 9.64 KBOct 29 09:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Screenshots of #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux 9.10 and Better Themes 29 09:22
phIRCe-localTitle: Screenshots: Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Photo  in Operating systems Reviews at - Page 1 .::. Size~: 97.98 KBOct 29 09:23
phIRCe-localTitle:   Download Karmic Nights Theme | Ubuntu Geek .::. Size~: 37.9 KBOct 29 09:23
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Heaps of Coverage About #Ubuntu 9.10 Release 29 09:24
phIRCe-localTitle: Ubuntu Ready for Another Crack at Netbooks | Mobility Site .::. Size~: 80.09 KBOct 29 09:25
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux Gets Attention as a #Server 29 09:25
phIRCe-localTitle: Canonical Prepares Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud Training for VARs | The VAR Guy .::. Size~: 53.1 KBOct 29 09:26
oiaohm,2817,2354848,00.asp  Cheeper computers ?Oct 29 09:31
phIRCe-localTitle: Xerox Claims Printable Electronics Breakthrough - Reviews by PC Magazine .::. Size~: 82.56 KBOct 29 09:31
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] "public" radio opposes public radio @NPR almost sole opposition local community low power FM 29 09:39
phIRCe-localTitle:  H.R. 1147: Local Community Radio Act of 2009 ( .::. Size~: 39.62 KBOct 29 09:40
phIRCe-localTitle: Support Low Power FM Radio | Free Press .::. Size~: 20.13 KBOct 29 09:40
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux Targeted by 100-Core Beast 29 09:43
phIRCe-localTitle: 100-Core Processor on Tap - Getting Started and Choosing a Distro News Story .::. Size~: 42.1 KBOct 29 09:43
phIRCe-localTitle: New company promises 100 core CPUs by next year .::. Size~: 37.89 KBOct 29 09:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Nokia 's Linux Phones Show Promise as #Smartphones Market Grows 29 09:44
phIRCe-localTitle: Analyst: Nokia planning Maemo iPhone competitor  - FierceWireless .::. Size~: 42.08 KBOct 29 09:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Android Grows Fast at the Expense of #Windows 29 09:47
phIRCe-localTitle: Linux News: Mobile: Droid Steps Out of the Shadows .::. Size~: 64.06 KBOct 29 09:48
phIRCe-localTitle: Microsoft, Google and the Bear - Bits Blog - .::. Size~: 70.35 KBOct 29 09:48
phIRCe-localTitle: Mot, Verizon announce Android phone - News - Linux for Devices .::. Size~: 67.53 KBOct 29 09:48
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] watch out for small fast space rocks 29 09:51
phIRCe-localTitle: Asteroid blast reveals holes in Earth's defences - space - 26 October 2009 - New Scientist .::. Size~: 109.56 KBOct 29 09:52
phIRCe-localTitle: Asteroid explosion over Indonesia raises fears about Earth's defences - Telegraph .::. Size~: 52.93 KBOct 29 09:52
*Diablo-D3 has quit ("do coders dream of sheep()?")Oct 29 09:54
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] AGPLv3-licensed's Owners Hit the Jackpot 29 09:55
phIRCe-localTitle:   StatusNet (Of Fame) Raises $875,000 To Become The WordPress Of Microblogging  .::. Size~: 92.3 KBOct 29 09:56
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #FreeSoftware Embraced by #Voting Systems Industry 29 09:59
phIRCe-localTitle: In Industry First, Voting Machine Company to Publish Source Code | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 80.65 KBOct 29 10:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Europe is Gradually Moving to #FreeSoftware , Latest Wins... 29 10:00
phIRCe-localTitle: LT: Government considers switching to open source —  .::. Size~: 26.9 KBOct 29 10:01
phIRCe-localTitle: IS: One in four secondary schools to join open source project —  .::. Size~: 27.19 KBOct 29 10:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #SeaMonkey 2.0 is Released and #Mozilla Makes Huge Gains 29 10:01
phIRCe-localTitle: Mozilla releases SeaMonkey 2.0 - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 31.08 KBOct 29 10:02
phIRCe-localTitle: Firefox gains 30 million users in eight weeks | Webware - CNET .::. Size~: 154.15 KBOct 29 10:02
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #RichardStallman to #Present at #GCOS funny: 29 10:06
phIRCe-localTitle: Geek And Poke: Evereybody Loves Windows 7 - Part 2 (RMS Error) .::. Size~: 41.38 KBOct 29 10:07
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] United States #Government (DoD) Writes Memo in Favour of #FreeSoftware 29 10:08
phIRCe-localTitle: Finally!  SecDef signs Clarifying Guidance Regarding Open Source Software | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 37.36 KBOct 29 10:09
phIRCe-localTitle: David A. Wheeler's Blog    .::. Size~: 9.3 KBOct 29 10:09
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Government of #Indonesia Pushed by Its People to Embrace #FreeSoftware 29 10:09
phIRCe-localTitle: Indonesian Government Urged to Move to Open Source Software - The Jakarta Globe .::. Size~: 34.45 KBOct 29 10:10
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #FreeSoftware Ideals Keep Inspiring Freedom of Data 29 10:10
phIRCe-localTitle: Open Knowledge Foundation Blog  » Blog Archive   » Open data on cities: an international round up .::. Size~: 30.22 KBOct 29 10:11
phIRCe-localTitle: open...: Biophysical Economics: A Different View .::. Size~: 94.15 KBOct 29 10:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Another Huge Win for #Ogg #Theora, #Mozilla Jubilant #playoggOct 29 10:11
phIRCe-localTitle: Christopher Blizzard · another top 20 website supports Theora .::. Size~: 51.2 KBOct 29 10:12
oiaohm  LOL What webserver.Oct 29 10:16
phIRCe-localTitle: White House goes Open Source - Netcraft .::. Size~: 16.43 KBOct 29 10:16
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #FreeSoftware Project Sued by Intellectual Monopolist 29 10:21
phIRCe-localTitle: Google Sued Over Patents On Open Source Code | Techdirt .::. Size~: 74.7 KBOct 29 10:22
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @picturecool What Kind of Artist are You? [pic] #photo 29 10:26
phIRCe-localTitle: 2.jpg (image) .::. Size~: 0.34 KBOct 29 10:27
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Despite Pressure from #MI5 , #IntellectualMonopolies Earn Right to UK Internet 29 10:27
phIRCe-localTitle:  MI5 comes out against cutting off internet pirates - Times Online  .::. Size~: 112.54 KBOct 29 10:27
phIRCe-localTitle: Open Rights Group | Mandelson gives go ahead to ‘three strikes’ .::. Size~: 21.62 KBOct 29 10:28
*wallc (i=62a521f3@gateway/web/freenode/x-jbebaetzcghnmdiv) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 10:36
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #RedOffice Ported to #GNU #Linux 29 10:36
wallcWide awake at 3:33AM...just shoot me...Oct 29 10:36
phIRCe-localTitle: 500 Internal Server Error .::. Size~: 0.71 KBOct 29 10:37
schestowitzwallc: daemonfc has a pistol, I don'tOct 29 10:43
oiaohmSo don't send you some great stay awake techno to listern to wallcOct 29 10:44
oiaohm  Like the new whitehouse web server anwser schestowitzOct 29 10:48
phIRCe-localTitle: Netcraft Ltd - Internet Research, Anti-Phishing and PCI Security Services .::. Size~: 45.9 KBOct 29 10:48
wallc:)  Daemon with a pistol is such a reassuring thought.  Oct 29 10:49
wallcoiaohm, listening to techno might just be enough to put me back to 29 10:50
oiaohmI have some nasties.  Varablle beat versions.  Very hard to sleep with.Oct 29 10:52
wallcI think my problem is that tomorrow is my birthday...uge.Oct 29 10:54
wallcI'm still trying to adjust to old age...Oct 29 10:55
wallcmakes me grumpy...lolOct 29 10:55
wallc:)Oct 29 10:55
wallctoo grumpy to sleep.Oct 29 10:56
fewaServer: White HouseOct 29 10:57
wallcOn average, GNU/Linux users paid almost double the amount as MS Windows users. 29 11:08
oiaohmalso note the percentages.Oct 29 11:10
fewafor what? software :POct 29 11:10
fewao waitOct 29 11:11
fewa:0Oct 29 11:11
*chm ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 11:16
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, I saw the Netcraft thingOct 29 11:18
schestowitzwallc: links added: 29 11:19
phIRCe-localTitle: OEM hit list - Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 26.27 KBOct 29 11:19
wallcThat wiki page looks nice, great links on the HP quote: "If we had the choice of another supplier, based on your actions in this area, I assure you would not be our supplier of choice."Oct 29 11:22
oiaohm  This makes what happen to boycottnovell look like a minor pest.Oct 29 11:25
phIRCe-localTitle: troubles | BlenderNation .::. Size~: 25.35 KBOct 29 11:25
wallcDid anyone ever find that $10,000 that MS "buried" on the Internet? Oct 29 11:26
oiaohmIf they did no one owned up to it.Oct 29 11:30
wallcI've been searching to see if there were any announcements of anyone finding it.  So far, nothing.Oct 29 11:33
oiaohmReally who would want to own up to using IE.Oct 29 11:33
wallcthat's what i was thinking too.Oct 29 11:34
oiaohm  Now this has to be the strangest form of computer golf I have found.Oct 29 11:34
phIRCe-localTitle:  Megagolf - Blender Artists Forums .::. Size~: 149.69 KBOct 29 11:34
*Tallken has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 29 11:35
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #OpenDocument Format ( #ODF ) Now Officially a #Malaysian Standard 29 11:45
phIRCe-localTitle: OpenDocument Format (ODF) Now Officially a Malaysian Standard | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 119.87 KBOct 29 11:46
oiaohm HmmmOct 29 11:46
phIRCe-localTitle: It's On! Ubuntu and Microsoft Going to the Mat - Window and Desktop Managers News Story .::. Size~: 57.53 KBOct 29 11:46
schestowitzoiaohm: BN was never crackedOct 29 11:47
schestowitzJust DDoSedOct 29 11:47
oiaohmI know schestowitzOct 29 11:47
schestowitzBlender seems to have other issuesOct 29 11:47
schestowitzMaybe spam evenOct 29 11:47
oiaohmgraphic all is blenders test bed for new versions.Oct 29 11:47
oiaohmIt being disrupted is a major problem.Oct 29 11:47
oiaohm  This should make windows gamers worry.Oct 29 11:50
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] younger teen just came in showing off her home snakebite labret piercings, done herself at 3:30 last night. AGH KIDS.Oct 29 11:50
phIRCe-localTitle: Games you can't play: the early copies of Borderlands - Ars Technica .::. Size~: 43.54 KBOct 29 11:50
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] oh, and said younger teen has looked up aftercare etc so is doing stupid things smartly. claire's have proper surgical steel backs etc.Oct 29 12:01
wallcI'm glad I didn't have to deal with piercings when my kids were growing up...but they do have a few tattoos.Oct 29 12:05
wallcit was funny, my youngest tried to hide his tattoos for years...he thought i didn't already know about them.Oct 29 12:06
wallc:)  moms know everything.Oct 29 12:06
*chm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 29 12:18
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Tries to Use #Eclipse for Microsoft Lock-in #silverlieOct 29 12:27
phIRCe-localTitle: Microsoft Tries to Use Eclipse for Microsoft Lock-in | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 113.4 KBOct 29 12:28
oiaohm  This is a worring idea.Oct 29 12:37
phIRCe-localTitle: Technology Review: Software That Fixes Itself .::. Size~: 67.39 KBOct 29 12:37
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Honoring the dead @AlanGrayson Part 1. 2. 3. 4. #hc #singlepayerOct 29 13:00
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Congressman Alan Grayson Honors the Dead: Part One .::. Size~: 172.37 KBOct 29 13:01
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Congressman Alan Grayson Honors the Dead: Part Two .::. Size~: 171.94 KBOct 29 13:01
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Congressman Alan Grayson Honors the Dead: Part Three .::. Size~: 173.52 KBOct 29 13:01
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Congressman Alan Grayson Honors the Dead: Part Four .::. Size~: 171.85 KBOct 29 13:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] HOWTO: Hackintosh a Mini 10v to OS X 10.6, step by step 29 13:11
phIRCe-localTitle: How To: Hackintosh a Dell Mini 10v Into the Ultimate Snow Leopard Netbook - Dell mini 10v hackintosh - Gizmodo .::. Size~: 76.78 KBOct 29 13:12
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] NotN: Drugs chairman controversially states the bleeding obvious (HT @ciphergoth for title)Oct 29 13:22
phIRCe-localTitle: Drugs chairman controversially states the bleeding obvious - News of the News .::. Size~: 34.66 KBOct 29 13:23
wallcAlan Grayson's videos are quite painful to watch...i haven't had health insurance for 15 years. Oct 29 13:28
oiaohm  Hmm depends on your define of crap.Oct 29 13:30
phIRCe-localTitle: Microsoft selling crapware-free PCs in its stores - Ars Technica .::. Size~: 47.01 KBOct 29 13:30
wallcdoes that mean Microsoft is now in the hardware business?Oct 29 13:32
wallc(I just read it, apparently they have partners)Oct 29 13:32
wallcI'm hoping to visit the Scottsdale store this weekendOct 29 13:33
oiaohmMS is basically one step off fully double crossing there partnersOct 29 13:33
wallc(among other stores, of course)Oct 29 13:33
oiaohmLot of stores are partners to MS.Oct 29 13:34
oiaohmWith adveristing and other things.Oct 29 13:34
schestowitzLet them...Oct 29 13:35
schestowitzAlso, Microhard will bleed just building those stores, like DCsOct 29 13:36
schestowitzThey built DCs, but nobody comesOct 29 13:36
schestowitzBong didn't make any gains reallyOct 29 13:36
oiaohmBig thing that people are not noticing is stuff like this.  Web integration focused on collabOct 29 13:38
phIRCe-localTitle: AbiWord .::. Size~: 7.7 KBOct 29 13:38
treestrumpBING "Bing Is No Google"Oct 29 13:39
oiaohmBING equals dead.Oct 29 13:39
oiaohm  Also like this.  akonadi will not suffer from the problems of exchange and owa.Oct 29 13:42
phIRCe-localTitle: Akonadi goes Web2.0 « Steveires Blog .::. Size~: 31.45 KBOct 29 13:42
oiaohm  LOL Dell is still having site problems.Oct 29 13:47
phIRCe-localTitle: Dell unveils exclusive Microsoft-branded Ubuntu OS • The Register .::. Size~: 29.01 KBOct 29 13:47
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Comes : #Microsoft’s Push-Polling in Order to Exclude Rival Web #Browsers from #Windows 29 13:47
phIRCe-localTitle: Comes: Microsofts Push-Polling in Order to Exclude Rival Web Browsers from Windows | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 133.62 KBOct 29 13:48
wallcwell, I'm going to get my work finished early today and take the rest of the weekend off.Oct 29 13:49
wallcbye for nowOct 29 13:49
schestowitzThanksOct 29 13:49
wallc:)Oct 29 13:49
schestowitzoiaohm: it's not newsOct 29 13:49
*wallc has quit ("Page closed")Oct 29 13:49
schestowitzMicrosoft still uses the same tricks and here we've shown that Bill Gates et al are at least partly accountable for the push-polling strategyOct 29 13:52
schestowitzMicrosoft used this poll trickery against ODF/for OOXML, against Novell deal opposition (it conducted the survey), and against the Yahoo/Google deal.Oct 29 13:53
schestowitz"There is also an option to install to USB device using the 'USBOct 29 13:55
schestowitzstartup disk creator'. A safer option if you don't want to mess withOct 29 13:55
schestowitzyour system", davers232Oct 29 13:55
schestowitz"I use the USB install option to have a portable installation thatOct 29 13:55
schestowitzwill run on any Intel-based computer. However, I haven't got it toOct 29 13:55
schestowitzwork on 9.10 yet. I hope it works again with the proper release onOct 29 13:55
schestowitzThursday", KevinAndersonOct 29 13:55
schestowitz 29 13:55
schestowitz- unquote -Oct 29 13:55
schestowitzIs this true, get hold of Ubuntu 9.10 and see if it will install to a USB Oct 29 13:55
schestowitzHas anyone tried?Oct 29 13:55
*zer0c00l (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 13:56
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Congress Financial Services committee with banker insider Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner live on @CSPAN3 29 13:56
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Congress Financial Services committee with banker insider Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner live on @CSPAN 3 #bailoutOct 29 13:59
schestowitzoiaohm: 29 14:00
phIRCe-localTitle: In re Bilski - Let us get back to work - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 35.34 KBOct 29 14:00
schestowitzIf swpats die, Microsoft might tooOct 29 14:00
schestowitzNo FUDOct 29 14:00
oiaohmSwpats live MS might die too.Oct 29 14:01
fewathey will still sell their inferior softwareOct 29 14:01
oiaohmSimple problem here in a patent war the stock pile open source supports have is scary.Oct 29 14:01
oiaohmA patent war with the current stock piles would be a mad event.Oct 29 14:02
oiaohmEven with all MS billions there may not be enough money or time to cover the case.Oct 29 14:03
fewaoiaohm, a patent war is an suicide wishOct 29 14:04
oiaohmIts exactly what MS is risking using there patents against open source.Oct 29 14:05
fewait will self destruct the systemOct 29 14:05
fewashould how absurd it isOct 29 14:05
fewathe lawyers dont want itOct 29 14:05
fewathey just want to allude to a threat of itOct 29 14:06
fewajob securityOct 29 14:06
oiaohmNokia vs Apple at the moment is a minor powered keg.Oct 29 14:07
*gmzlj ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 14:16
schestowitz[14:05] <oiaohm> Its exactly what MS is risking using there patents against open source.Oct 29 14:19
schestowitzIt's already using themOct 29 14:19
schestowitzFor FUD, not legal attacksOct 29 14:19
schestowitzAlso for extortions behind closed dootsOct 29 14:20
schestowitz*doorsOct 29 14:20
schestowitz*from companies they use LinuxOct 29 14:20
schestowitzThey must say "No". Microsoft would not sue them as that would go public and lead to a riotOct 29 14:20
oiaohmSooner or latter someone will call MS.Oct 29 14:21
oiaohmThe problem with playing a bluff you only get to do it for so long.Oct 29 14:21
schestowitz 29 14:22
phIRCe-localTitle: Microsoft and Eclipse form partnership for improved interoperability - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 10.43 KBOct 29 14:22
oiaohmdesperation.Oct 29 14:22
schestowitzHmmm... I didn't know it had print layout. I would link to that nowOct 29 14:22
oiaohmRemember for a long time MS would not support open source ide's.Oct 29 14:23
schestowitzThey can't spread Silver LieOct 29 14:23
schestowitzPeople don't make content for itOct 29 14:23
schestowitzUnless Microsoft pays for some videos to go under itOct 29 14:23
oiaohmEven then they are resistant to doing it.Oct 29 14:24
schestowitz 29 14:24
phIRCe-localTitle: Embedded and Real Time Linux Training - Development and AdministrationClasses .::. Size~: 13.83 KBOct 29 14:24
oiaohmI have been around too long.  I saw the fall of apple and OS.Oct 29 14:24
oiaohmOS/2Oct 29 14:24
schestowitzBut Apple was never dominantOct 29 14:24
oiaohmApple was dominate in video and graphical work schestowitzOct 29 14:25
oiaohmAnd music.Oct 29 14:25
oiaohmOk not total domination like MS has but still segment of market domination.Oct 29 14:25
oiaohmOS/2 and Apple both fell from there position of power because they were too expensive and got undercut.Oct 29 14:27
schestowitz 29 14:28
phIRCe-localTitle: Microsoft Linux: Why one free software advocate wants it | Community .::. Size~: 115.1 KBOct 29 14:28
oiaohmNote he is a X MS personal schestowitz.Oct 29 14:28
schestowitz"free software advocate"= Microsoft employeeOct 29 14:28
schestowitzoiaohm: I knowOct 29 14:28
schestowitzThat's why I'm suspicious of these peopleOct 29 14:29
schestowitzThis music track I listen to now has played almost 1000 times in one week, according to amarok. Going for a record...Oct 29 14:30
schestowitzNot intolerable yet.Oct 29 14:30
oiaohmNo its more worring for MS what they are saying.Oct 29 14:30
schestowitzI guess soOct 29 14:31
oiaohmThey all have the same words.  They don't think the internals of windows is fixable.Oct 29 14:31
*Tallken (n=f2f93bf5@2001:690:2380:7770:21b:24ff:fed0:3f98) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 14:31
schestowitz 29 14:31
schestowitzoiaohm: they aren'tOct 29 14:31
oiaohmBig question is should we doubt that.Oct 29 14:31
*Will (i=4c724679@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 14:32
schestowitzMicrosoft admits Vista screwed - report 29 14:32
schestowitzThe new uber-OS hasn't even been officially launched to the mass market but Microsoft admits it has high impact issues and has already started work on Vista SP1, which is now due in the second half of this year. 29 14:32
schestowitzHehe.Oct 29 14:33
schestowitzThey called VIsta "uber-OS"Oct 29 14:33
schestowitzJust after it was released :-) :-)Oct 29 14:33
schestowitzSounds familiar?Oct 29 14:33
WillWell, considering all the upgrade/install problems with 7, I think we can officially say that Win7 is harder to install than LInux.Oct 29 14:33
schestowitzWill: BUT...Oct 29 14:33
schestowitzIt was YOUR ideaOct 29 14:33
oiaohmIn the next 12 month cycle presure on MS will get extream.Oct 29 14:34
schestowitzNa... waste of PR moneyOct 29 14:34
schestowitzThey have already exhausted itOct 29 14:34
oiaohmMost closed source game companies are stoping making games for windows.Oct 29 14:34
schestowitzVista 7 gets no special coverage anymore.Oct 29 14:34
schestowitzVista got tons more, for weeksOct 29 14:34
schestowitzoiaohm: consoles instead?Oct 29 14:34
oiaohmClosed source game companies are moving to the consoles and phones.Oct 29 14:34
Willschestowitz:  lol!  You know, the sad thing is, this is yet one more example of Microsoft copying and mangling something from their competitors.  In a sense, Linux actually IS the users' ideas.Oct 29 14:34
WillSince the users are also the developersOct 29 14:35
schestowitzBungie, Ensemble, Flight Simulator, FASA.... kaputOct 29 14:35
schestowitzTHey can make OK games, but no profitOct 29 14:35
Willwhy bother for PC anymore when you can just make it for Xbox?Oct 29 14:35
oiaohmThe issue with releasing on windows is too may pirates and cheats.Oct 29 14:35
schestowitzWill: KDE4 has done the taskbar thing for agesOct 29 14:35
schestowitzIt's a direct copy, but kde4 does it betterOct 29 14:35
oiaohmAlso people are missing something else.Oct 29 14:36
schestowitzIt's not a major feature eitherOct 29 14:36
schestowitzI don't use the taskbar, hardlyOct 29 14:36
schestowitzI use virtual desktops to swap appsOct 29 14:36
oiaohmLook at the closed source games being released how many are being designed to take mods.Oct 29 14:36
schestowitztaskbar is good for grouping of windows and togglingOct 29 14:36
oiaohmMost are not.Oct 29 14:36
schestowitzBut Windows [[l]users minimise and mazimiseOct 29 14:36
oiaohmWorld of closed source PC gaming is ending.Oct 29 14:36
schestowitzThe idea of workspaces is alien to themOct 29 14:36
schestowitzLonghorn had them.... got too piggy, then droppedOct 29 14:36
oiaohmWhat is Windows biggest selling point.  Games.Oct 29 14:36
schestowitzMaybe it's not X-like... so too messayOct 29 14:37
schestowitz*messyOct 29 14:37
Willschestowitz:  I saw some microblogs putting forth the "Win7 was my idea" theme before the commercials even came out.  Thought it odd at the time.  Makes sense now.Oct 29 14:37
schestowitzEven Leopard got SpacesOct 29 14:37
schestowitzAnd in Vista 7 Microsoft STILL offered nothing newOct 29 14:37
schestowitzIt had 2-3 years to retry WinFSOct 29 14:37
oiaohmThey don't have 2-3 years to get WinFS out.Oct 29 14:37
schestowitzWill: Shill Andre Thomas tooOct 29 14:38
schestowitzMicrosoft worked with AndrewOct 29 14:38
schestowitzHe bragged about itOct 29 14:38
oiaohmThe systems being intergrated into KDE at current rate will pass what WinFS offers.Oct 29 14:38
schestowitzLike, "Office 2010 is MY idea"Oct 29 14:38
*gargoyle-grin (n=randerso@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 14:38
schestowitzThis is a good way to buy shill sites masquerading as newOct 29 14:38
schestowitzNow we have Andrew attacking Linux, to defend 'his' ideaOct 29 14:39
schestowitzoiaohm: does V7 has Nepomuk-like functionalityOct 29 14:39
schestowitzStringiOct 29 14:39
oiaohmNepomuk functionality is modeled off what WinFS promised to offer.Oct 29 14:40
schestowitzBut WinFS was not the first conceptOct 29 14:40
*desudesudesu (n=desu@unaffiliated/desu) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 14:40
oiaohmAll it needs it to be combind with a filesystem like btrfs.Oct 29 14:40
schestowitzJust more inheritance of ideas that Linux had before thaOct 29 14:40
oiaohmWinFS idea dates from nt 4.0Oct 29 14:40
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, I knowOct 29 14:40
schestowitzbtrfs will have time slider tooOct 29 14:41
schestowitzlike zfsOct 29 14:41
oiaohmWindows 2000 was meant to have WinOct 29 14:41
oiaohmWinFSOct 29 14:41
schestowitzMicrosoft's "idea" is to stick with NTFSOct 29 14:41
schestowitzEven Apple is hiring FS engineers nowOct 29 14:41
schestowitzThey intend to actually develop somethingOct 29 14:41
schestowitzNot just nick 'free' codeOct 29 14:41
WillR.I.P ZFS... Oct 29 14:41
Willand long live btrfsOct 29 14:42
schestowitzAad put Aqua 'crust' on itOct 29 14:42
oiaohmZFS had design flaws so who cares.Oct 29 14:42
schestowitzWithout patents, Linux would use zfsOct 29 14:42
schestowitzThere would be no btrfs probablyOct 29 14:42
oiaohmBoth way endlin screwed zfsOct 29 14:42
oiaohmReally no schestowitz orcale was prepaird to document and build zfs clean.Oct 29 14:43
schestowitzThis shows you that software patents are ALL ABOUT INNOVATIONOct 29 14:43
schestowitzINNOVA~1 INNOVA~1 INNOVA~1Oct 29 14:43
oiaohmBut as the worked out how zfs worked they decided better built a new filesystem.Oct 29 14:43
oiaohmSUN had made some bad selections for performance.Oct 29 14:43
oiaohmOk who is really going to use 2 different cpu endlin types with a filesystem.Oct 29 14:44
oiaohmOn a non removeable drive.Oct 29 14:44
*desu has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 29 14:44
schestowitzINNOVA~1Oct 29 14:45
Willschestowitz:  kinda makes you wonder how the first wheel was ever invented without a patent system to spur innovation, huh?Oct 29 14:45
schestowitz 29 14:45
phIRCe-localTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 76.86 KBOct 29 14:45
gmzljschestowitz, i don't know. zfs is also one of the few things going for solaris vs linuxOct 29 14:45
schestowitzAND DTRACEOct 29 14:45
schestowitzOops.Oct 29 14:45
schestowitzCaps accidentalOct 29 14:46
oiaohmDtrace and container tech called zones that solaris had were its key advantages.Oct 29 14:46
oiaohmBut after 2.6.32 ie next Linux kernel most of the advantage of Dtrace will be gone.Oct 29 14:47
oiaohmperf system in the Linux kernel will be providing even more details than Dtrace does.Oct 29 14:47
schestowitz 29 14:48
phIRCe-localTitle: Report Outlines 'Harmonizing' Regulation of Securities, Futures | Blogs | .::. Size~: 80.98 KBOct 29 14:48
oiaohmcontainer in linux called cgroups are going to take longer to catch solarias zones.  Particularly the branded class for cloning other OS's.Oct 29 14:48
Willnew Ubuntu's out now.  Server's are getting hammered as usual.Oct 29 14:49
*desudesudesu is now known as desuOct 29 14:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] Official Ubuntu 9.10 release announcement:- 29 14:51
oiaohm  Now that will be interesting to test if 256 megs is workable.Oct 29 14:53
phIRCe-localTitle: 9.10 Release Notes | Ubuntu .::. Size~: 63.04 KBOct 29 14:53
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 14:54
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 29 15:01
*Tallken has quit (Operation timed out)Oct 29 15:12
schestowitzFraudStreet goes 'social' 29 15:14
phIRCe-localTitle: Google FeedBurner .::. Size~: 11.44 KBOct 29 15:14
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @popey Official Ubuntu 9.10 release announcement:- 29 15:15
*gmzlj has quit ("Leaving")Oct 29 15:19
*Will has quit ("Page closed")Oct 29 15:21
DaemonFC 29 15:22
phIRCe-localTitle: House Health Bill Has Compromise on Public Option - .::. Size~: 111.38 KBOct 29 15:22
DaemonFCHouse passes fraudulant healthcare reformOct 29 15:23
DaemonFCbend over for the insurance companies, now you HAVE to buy their insuranceOct 29 15:23
DaemonFCoh, they didn't pass it, my mistakeOct 29 15:23
DaemonFCoh well, with all the Republicrats in the House, it will pass immediatelyOct 29 15:23
schestowitz 29 15:24
phIRCe-localTitle: Eurostar frustrated by 'illegal' e-Borders scheme • The Register .::. Size~: 28.13 KBOct 29 15:24
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, health care it a bummerOct 29 15:24
schestowitzEspecially to people with conditionsOct 29 15:25
schestowitzMeta-industry = insurance companiesOct 29 15:25
schestowitzIndustry = medical equimentOct 29 15:25
DaemonFCschestowitz, This so-called "reform" is just the government putting a gun to your head and making you give the insurance cartel all the money they wantOct 29 15:25
schestowitzKnowledge workers = doctorsOct 29 15:25
DaemonFCit's bullshitOct 29 15:25
schestowitzMedical ads = medical taxOct 29 15:25
schestowitzThe tens of billions they spend on advertising are paid by /YOU/Oct 29 15:26
schestowitzYou pay for all those adsOct 29 15:26
schestowitzIt comprises... well, it's like 25% of the price of drugs you buyOct 29 15:26
DaemonFCschestowitz, You remember Lexx?Oct 29 15:26
schestowitzWhen you buy a drug to keep alive, you find ADVERTISERSOct 29 15:26
schestowitzWelcome to reality :-)Oct 29 15:26
DaemonFCthat episode where Kai accidentally kills Stan and they have to go to that space hospitalOct 29 15:26
schestowitzs/find/fund/Oct 29 15:27
DaemonFCand the hospital refuses to treat him until they are paidOct 29 15:27
DaemonFCI always figured that was a swipe at our medical systemOct 29 15:27
schestowitzThere is too much waste in this systemOct 29 15:27
schestowitzIt's also provatisedOct 29 15:27
schestowitzSo you pay for people to do needles paperworkOct 29 15:28
schestowitzWaste, waste, watse...Oct 29 15:28
DaemonFCthe head surgeon is just a money grubber that performs a lot of unnecessary surgeries on people til they run out of moneyOct 29 15:28
schestowitzBureaucracyOct 29 15:28
DaemonFCthen he throws them out an airlockOct 29 15:28
schestowitzLife or bankruptcyOct 29 15:28
DaemonFCto hell with themOct 29 15:29
DaemonFCI'm not payingOct 29 15:29
schestowitz 29 15:29
phIRCe-localTitle: Reanimated Picsel lays off staff, plots with Samsung • The Register .::. Size~: 27 KBOct 29 15:29
DaemonFCthey'd be saving both of us a lot of trouble to just write it off nowOct 29 15:29
schestowitz 29 15:30
phIRCe-localTitle: Yahoo! Microsoft! deal! delayed! • The Register .::. Size~: 25.81 KBOct 29 15:30
schestowitzBong is stuvckOct 29 15:30
schestowitzDaemonFC: they would take your kidney while you're asleepOct 29 15:31
schestowitzEven StevenOct 29 15:31
schestowitzMicrosoft has just killed another productOct 29 15:32
schestowitz 29 15:32
phIRCe-localTitle: Microsoft ditches MSN Direct • The Register .::. Size~: 28.04 KBOct 29 15:32
schestowitz Sued Over Patents On Open Source CodeOct 29 15:37
schestowitz 29 15:37
phIRCe-localTitle: Why Young Workers Don’t Care About Computer Science .::. Size~: 36.99 KBOct 29 15:37
schestowitz"Parents, drop the Disney fantasies and encourage your kids in the areas in which they show exceptional talent. If science and math are among those areas, let them know they can succeed and have fulfilling careers in related areas."Oct 29 15:37
schestowitzFancy PR BS... people want to be athletes and celebsOct 29 15:38
schestowitzDaemonFC: 29 15:40
phIRCe-localTitle: Lots of drivers challenging red-light camera tickets in KC - .::. Size~: 69.98 KBOct 29 15:40
*desu has quit ("Leaving")Oct 29 15:41
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Twitter to ban parody-intended fakers 29 15:42
phIRCe-localTitle: Twitter Banning Satirical 'Fake' Versions Of Politicians? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 57.11 KBOct 29 15:42
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] IBM's letter with the "software patents enables open source and open standards" fallacy quoted here: 29 15:43
phIRCe-localTitle: Abstractions and transformations - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 33.97 KBOct 29 15:44
schestowitz 29 15:44
phIRCe-localTitle: RIAA's Main Anti-Piracy Partner Appears Clueless About BitTorrent | Techdirt .::. Size~: 45.71 KBOct 29 15:44
DaemonFCschestowitz, I talked to the "financial assistance counselor" at the hospitalOct 29 15:52
DaemonFCI told her that they're going to have to write it off in the end, even if they sued me, so they may as well just work with meOct 29 15:52
DaemonFCthey gave in after thatOct 29 15:53
schestowitz 29 15:53
phIRCe-localTitle: powdermonkey: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE NEW GUIDANCE ON OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE .::. Size~: 40.35 KBOct 29 15:53
schestowitzDaemonFC: poor doctotsOct 29 15:54
schestowitz*doctorsOct 29 15:54
DaemonFC 29 15:54
phIRCe-localTitle: Social Security payment are safe from debt collectors .::. Size~: 9.22 KBOct 29 15:55
DaemonFC"If you look at what you own and your sources of income, it may be that everything you have is exempt.  In that case, even if an unpaid creditor sued you, got a judgment and tried to use the law to collect its money, that creditor will get nothing."Oct 29 15:55
DaemonFC"Most retirement plans, pensions, and 401(k) plans are also exempt from collection."Oct 29 15:55
DaemonFCthey were asking me if I had any retirement plan I could pay them out ofOct 29 15:56
DaemonFCI just told them "no"Oct 29 15:56
DaemonFCthey asked me what kind of car I droveOct 29 15:56
DaemonFCa whole bunch of stuff, trying to size me up for a lawsuit to see if there's anything else they can takeOct 29 15:57
DaemonFCI got really sarcastic at that point and told her "If you just wait another year or so, you might get someone to haul it away and pay you $50 for the scrap metal"Oct 29 15:58
schestowitzGet ill, lose consciousness, lose carOct 29 15:58
DaemonFCschestowitz, I don't think they're going to try to take my 1995 Ford TaurusOct 29 15:58
DaemonFCsomething just tells meOct 29 15:58
schestowitz!google 50 cent sued by doctorOct 29 15:59
phIRCe-local[1] - 50 CENT - DR DRE AND 50 CENT SUED | 29 15:59
phIRCe-local[2] - 50 Cent Sued For $5 Million After Backing Out Of Show - News Story ... | 29 15:59
phIRCe-local[3] - Dr. Dre sued for copyright infringement | 29 15:59
phIRCe-local[4] - Woman Sues Dr. Phil McGraw for Alleged Sexual Harassment ... |,2933,562620,00.htmlOct 29 15:59
DaemonFCit must burn those people up that there's nothing they can sue me forOct 29 15:59
schestowitzHmmmm... I can't quite find the right articlOct 29 15:59
DaemonFCit won't look good on my credit reportOct 29 16:00
*zer0c00l is now known as zer0c00l|AwayOct 29 16:00
schestowitzSome doctor who treated 50 cent  after he had been shot demanded payments years later, when he became famousOct 29 16:00
DaemonFCbut neither will the other things it's listed afterOct 29 16:00
DaemonFC:)Oct 29 16:00
DaemonFCschestowitz, After they turn it over to a collection agency, it's not even worth paying unless you think they can sue you and take it anywayOct 29 16:01
schestowitz 29 16:01
phIRCe-localTitle: FOSS FAQ .::. Size~: 38.42 KBOct 29 16:01
DaemonFCpaying a debt off after it's already in collections and hurt your credit rating won't fix your credit ratingOct 29 16:02
schestowitzYou should have gone to Guantanamo for treatmentOct 29 16:03
schestowitzIt's free thereOct 29 16:03
DaemonFCschestowitz, in my case, sending it to collections just makes me feel relaxed that they can't do anything elseOct 29 16:03
schestowitzRendition tooOct 29 16:03
DaemonFCschestowitz, My neighbor is so damned stupidOct 29 16:03
DaemonFCgot divorced, ended up with $60,000 debt, right?Oct 29 16:03
schestowitzWhy?Oct 29 16:04
DaemonFCso isntead of immediately filing bankruptcy, she pulls $20,000 out of her retirement, pays off some of the debt, now she's broke, $40,000 in debt, and missed the rent this weekOct 29 16:04
DaemonFCthat was like the worst thing she could possibly have doneOct 29 16:04
schestowitzThe financial situation in the US is alarmingOct 29 16:05
schestowitzWell, no for everyoneOct 29 16:05
schestowitz!google goldman sachs bonusesOct 29 16:05
phIRCe-local[1] - Business & Technology | Goldman Sachs bonus bonanza | Seattle ... | 29 16:05
phIRCe-local[2] - The Goldman Sachs Bonuses - Richard A. Posner | 29 16:05
phIRCe-local[3] - Goldman Sachs Bonuses: Columnist Says Analysts Predict $23 Billion ... | 29 16:05
phIRCe-local[4] - Bonuses Put Goldman in Public Relations Bind - DealBook Blog ... | 29 16:05
schestowitzThey love your bailout ;-)Oct 29 16:05
DaemonFCschestowitz, If I was her, I would have pulled out enough money to pay off my car, and enough to file bankruptcyOct 29 16:05
DaemonFCthat would have been about $4,000 on the car and $1,000 for bankruptcyOct 29 16:05
DaemonFCthen the court can't take her car cause it's needed so she can go to workOct 29 16:06
DaemonFCand they can't touch the rest of the $15,000 in the 401(k)Oct 29 16:06
schestowitzDidja tell her?Oct 29 16:06
schestowitzDon'y.Oct 29 16:06
DaemonFCtoo lateOct 29 16:06
schestowitzDon't. It's too lateOct 29 16:06
DaemonFCshe already fucked herself over before she moved in and I met herOct 29 16:07
schestowitzWould only lead to regrets and miseryOct 29 16:07
DaemonFCyep, she's only lived here threee weeksOct 29 16:07
DaemonFCno money to pay the rent this weekOct 29 16:07
DaemonFCsick with the swine fluOct 29 16:07
schestowitzWell, support each otherOct 29 16:07
DaemonFChas to go to work anywayOct 29 16:07
schestowitzMeet thy neighboursOct 29 16:07
schestowitzAlways good in tough timesOct 29 16:07
schestowitzDaemonFC: physical work?Oct 29 16:08
DaemonFCwell, she works as a waitress, that's the problemOct 29 16:08
DaemonFCshe was too sick to do that so they had her washing dishesOct 29 16:08
DaemonFCnow she's caused a swine flu outbreakOct 29 16:08
DaemonFCand all the people she works with are getting itOct 29 16:08
schestowitzoiaohm was blogging today (rare) 29 16:08
phIRCe-localTitle: Oiaohm Battle Ground: No More Secrets. .::. Size~: 61.95 KBOct 29 16:08
DaemonFCschestowitz, I'm not eating much of anything that isn't shrink wrappedOct 29 16:09
schestowitzScaryOct 29 16:09
DaemonFCI've been to McDonalds like twice in the last monthOct 29 16:09
schestowitzYesterday I watched a WW1 docuOct 29 16:09
DaemonFC:POct 29 16:09
schestowitzTHey speak of deaths from fluOct 29 16:09
DaemonFCschestowitz, If I make it to Monday without getting Swine Flu, I'm in the clearOct 29 16:10
schestowitzLike 10% of the trained people died in the US trainingOct 29 16:10
schestowitzFlu break in the training camps before anti-bioticsOct 29 16:10
DaemonFCI got the vaccine on MondayOct 29 16:10
DaemonFCit takes a week to kick in fullyOct 29 16:10
schestowitzHere: 29 16:10
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Secrets of World War I (3 of 5) .::. Size~: 135.72 KBOct 29 16:10
DaemonFCschestowitz, antibiotics won't kill fluOct 29 16:10
DaemonFCinfluenza is a virusOct 29 16:11
DaemonFCthorough handwashing or those alcohol gels will both kill it Oct 29 16:11
DaemonFCI've been pretty good about washing my hands or using GermX after touching anything suspiciousOct 29 16:12
schestowitzArgue with the History ChannelOct 29 16:12
DaemonFCjust trying to hold it off while I develop the immunityOct 29 16:12
DaemonFCI have a fairly strong immune system anywayOct 29 16:13
*schestowitz been hardly ill since age 15Oct 29 16:13
DaemonFCschestowitz, No harm in getting the vaccineOct 29 16:13
DaemonFCshowing it what to killOct 29 16:13
schestowitz 29 16:13
DaemonFC:)Oct 29 16:13
schestowitzIt's easier for me to avoid infectionOct 29 16:14
schestowitzI also have my own apartment, so...Oct 29 16:14
schestowitzI became ill just once since age 15Oct 29 16:14
schestowitzHere: 29 16:14
phIRCe-localTitle: Grand Hotel Zermatterhof - Home .::. Size~: 17.16 KBOct 29 16:14
DaemonFCschestowitz, it's painless, it's quick, it's free, why take chances?Oct 29 16:14
DaemonFC*shrugs*Oct 29 16:15
schestowitzThere was an illness passing thereOct 29 16:15
DaemonFCschestowitz, Yes, the 1918 flu was unusually virulantOct 29 16:15
schestowitzI was among the victims, too. Suffered immensely for about 24 hours. Couldn't sleep even.Oct 29 16:15
DaemonFCkilled 20 million peopleOct 29 16:15
DaemonFCthat's more than the Nazis and Communists put togetherOct 29 16:15
DaemonFCthey say between 20-50 millionOct 29 16:15
schestowitzWW1 had 9 million soldier fatalitiesOct 29 16:15
schestowitzI thought it was moreOct 29 16:16
DaemonFCso people can laugh at the flu all they wantOct 29 16:16
schestowitzAnd China slaughtered like 60 millionOct 29 16:16
DaemonFCwell, I should specifyOct 29 16:16
schestowitzI think cleansing in Stalin's Russian was 40 millionOct 29 16:16
DaemonFCmore than the Nazis and the USSR put togetherOct 29 16:16
DaemonFChmmmOct 29 16:16
schestowitzBut illness is another matter, DaemonFCOct 29 16:16
schestowitzIt's not natural causesOct 29 16:17
DaemonFCwell, still, the high end of the estimate still outdoes them bothOct 29 16:17
schestowitzIllness is preventableOct 29 16:17
DaemonFCbut it's a lot of people dead of flu in any eventOct 29 16:17
schestowitzAssuming the crooks who invest in patent cartels for drugs are pushed outOct 29 16:17
DaemonFCschestowitz, War is usually preventable Oct 29 16:17
schestowitzOr put behind bars or somethingOct 29 16:17
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, exactluyOct 29 16:17
schestowitzThat's the point I was makingOct 29 16:17
DaemonFCout of all the wars the US has fought, the last one where we were actually attack was WWIIOct 29 16:18
DaemonFC*attackedOct 29 16:18
schestowitz'Attacked'Oct 29 16:18
schestowitzSunk shipOct 29 16:18
schestowitzThe real attack on the US was 9/11Oct 29 16:18
schestowitzTHe US is usually the initiator of aggression in the name of "defence"Oct 29 16:18
DaemonFCthe Japanese attack on Peral Harbor killed more than 3,000 peopleOct 29 16:18
DaemonFC*Pearl HarborOct 29 16:19
schestowitzIn South America it was "the Red Threat" which was used as excuse for expansionOct 29 16:19
schestowitzDaemonFC: oh yahOct 29 16:19
schestowitzPearl HarborOct 29 16:19
DaemonFCand destroyed several very expensive battleships in preparation for a much larger Japanese offensiveOct 29 16:19
schestowitzforgot that oneOct 29 16:19
DaemonFCwe had every right to enter that warOct 29 16:19
schestowitzAlas, No excuse for atomic genocideOct 29 16:19
DaemonFCschestowitz, Yes, their war machine was pretty much destroyed by the time we used the A-bombOct 29 16:20
DaemonFCif we wanted to make a point, we should have targeted a large military facilityOct 29 16:20
treestrumpconventional bombing killed more in JapanOct 29 16:20
*lordtoran ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 16:21
schestowitz 29 16:21
DaemonFCthe fact that our bombers got through was a testimony to how week the Japanese air force must have been by that timeOct 29 16:21
DaemonFC*weakOct 29 16:21
schestowitzAir force=manned bombsOct 29 16:22
DaemonFCit's questionable how far they were from surrendering anywayOct 29 16:22
schestowitzKamikazeOct 29 16:22
schestowitzDaemonFC: maybe Manhattan needed a real good experiment, to test their work on and scare HitlerOct 29 16:22
schestowitzEither way.. the US is the only ever to attack with nukesOct 29 16:23
DaemonFCHitler was already deadOct 29 16:23
DaemonFCthe Germans had already surrenderedOct 29 16:23
schestowitzExcept the explosions in the atmosphere and other testsOct 29 16:23
treestrumpthats what I was thinking, VU had allready occuredOct 29 16:23
treestrumpVE * Oct 29 16:23
schestowitzDaemonFC: I sort of suspected this, but didn't check the datesOct 29 16:23
DaemonFCschestowitz, Germany surrendered in April of 1945Oct 29 16:24
DaemonFCJapan surrendered in September I believeOct 29 16:24
schestowitzWhen was the xbox account suspended?Oct 29 16:24
DaemonFCuggghOct 29 16:24
DaemonFCsaw that one did you?Oct 29 16:24
treestrump11/11 on the deck of the Massuri battleshipOct 29 16:24
schestowitzThere's another one, DaemonFCOct 29 16:25
schestowitzAbout AndroidOct 29 16:25
DaemonFCVistaOct 29 16:25
schestowitz 29 16:25
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Even Hitler is mad at Google for C&D order on Cyanogen Android .::. Size~: 131.44 KBOct 29 16:25
DaemonFCschestowitz, I stumbled onto a weird Windows 7 bugOct 29 16:25
DaemonFCsometimes it boots up and doesn't see my keyboard or mouseOct 29 16:26
DaemonFCno way to log inOct 29 16:26
DaemonFCdid it on my last system too sometimesOct 29 16:26
schestowitz 29 16:27
DaemonFCirritating when it decides to do thatOct 29 16:27
phIRCe-localTitle: Java development 2.0: Easy EC2 .::. Size~: 59.89 KBOct 29 16:27
schestowitzDaemonFC: anyone else w/ same bug?Oct 29 16:27
DaemonFCdon't knowOct 29 16:27
schestowitzThis is why people should stay away until sp1Oct 29 16:27
DaemonFCschestowitz, That's always been the party line beforeOct 29 16:27
DaemonFCschestowitz, There is alreayd a SP1 branch on "WinMain"Oct 29 16:28
*zer0c00l|Away is now known as zer0c00lOct 29 16:28
DaemonFCas to when it is released, who knows?Oct 29 16:28
DaemonFCprobably a year or soOct 29 16:28
treestrumpI see a bug in vista and sometimes (but not as often) in Win 7, where if you SHIFT DEL a file, it does not go away, but stays there until you log off or restart.Oct 29 16:28
DaemonFCtreestrump, hit F5 when it does thatOct 29 16:28
treestrumpSHIFT DEl does not bring up the "are you sure" thingOct 29 16:29
DaemonFCor back and forward arrowsOct 29 16:29
DaemonFChehOct 29 16:29
schestowitz 29 16:29
phIRCe-localTitle: What is OpenDocument Format? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary .::. Size~: 60.59 KBOct 29 16:29
DaemonFCI had a weird Vista filesystem bug onceOct 29 16:29
treestrumpive tried all sorts of things, but sometimes the file "goes away" but comes back when you F5 itOct 29 16:29
treestrumpyes, pisses me offOct 29 16:29
DaemonFCIt deleted the folder but the folder stayed, but if I tried to delete it, it would tell me it didn't existOct 29 16:29
treestrumpyes, thats the kind of thing i get. Oct 29 16:30
DaemonFCyou have to go to the command prompt and use dir /x to get the DOS 8.3 nameOct 29 16:30
DaemonFCand then use del <8.3 name>Oct 29 16:30
treestrumpI wonder if renaming the file would work, but it's still a bugOct 29 16:30
DaemonFCI don't know why Windows still makes an 8.3 nameOct 29 16:30
DaemonFCyeah, lots of Windows bugs survive between releasesOct 29 16:31
treestrumpit's usually very large file too, like several gigOct 29 16:31
DaemonFCXP is still the closest thing to a stable Windows systemOct 29 16:32
DaemonFCjust cause it's had a metric assload of patchesOct 29 16:32
DaemonFCXP was hell on wheels too when it was newOct 29 16:32
treestrumpI have no problems with stability, thats fine, thats the only bug ive noticed.Oct 29 16:32
DaemonFCnothing wanted to workOct 29 16:32
DaemonFCcrashed all the timeOct 29 16:32
DaemonFCslowOct 29 16:32
schestowitzSo even mutex is having issuesOct 29 16:36
schestowitzAnd we now know he uses Vista 7Oct 29 16:36
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] BBC - 24 hours with Ubuntu - Popey's blog post gets a response 29 16:36
phIRCe-localTitle: BBC - 24 hours with Ubuntu .::. Size~: 529.31 KBOct 29 16:37
schestowitzUbuntu is having IRC launch parties...... 29 16:40
phIRCe-localTitle: Ubuntu Opening The Doors | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 40.47 KBOct 29 16:40
schestowitzAnyway, gotta goOct 29 16:40
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Cool , Nice tamil translation :D (karmic kola) RD: @amachu: கருமிக் கோவாலா வந்தது..Oct 29 16:40
phIRCe-localTitle: Download Ubuntu | Ubuntu .::. Size~: 28.79 KBOct 29 16:40
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] ubuntu karmic kola features 29 16:45
phIRCe-localTitle: Ubuntu 9.10 Feature Tour | Ubuntu .::. Size~: 14.43 KBOct 29 16:45
DaemonFC 29 16:49
phIRCe-localTitle: GDP Grows By 3.5% - .::. Size~: 25.46 KBOct 29 16:49
DaemonFCyay, jobless recovery!Oct 29 16:49
*desu ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 16:52
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 16:59
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Ubuntu 9.10 released....Ubuntu IRC party gets over 1000 visitors to its chatroom. Way to go Ubuntu! #linuxOct 29 17:13
phIRCe-localTitle: Ubuntu Home Page | Ubuntu .::. Size~: 16.98 KBOct 29 17:13
*magentar has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 29 17:22
_goblinRoy, you going to look at Kubuntu 9.10?Oct 29 17:24
*zer0c00l has quit (Connection timed out)Oct 29 17:30
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 17:42
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] The praise for Ubuntu 9.10 is coming in thick and fast! Try it for yourself: #microsoft #windows #vista #xp #linuxOct 29 17:45
phIRCe-localTitle: Ubuntu Home Page | Ubuntu .::. Size~: 16.98 KBOct 29 17:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Ubuntu 9.10 released! – Windows 7 the slowest option? #linux #foss #windows #microsoft #vista #xpOct 29 18:05
phIRCe-localTitle: Ubuntu 9.10 released!  Windows 7 the slowest option? «  OPEN BYTES  cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 33.03 KBOct 29 18:06
*Lns (n=lns@pdpc/supporter/professional/lns) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 18:18
*Aondo has quit ("Lost terminal")Oct 29 18:27
*jono has quit ("Ex-Chat")Oct 29 18:43
*Rui (i=bd23455e@gateway/web/freenode/x-lsodhtdgbnqlmoiv) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 18:44
RuiHello gentlemenOct 29 18:45
RuiIs Mr. Schestowitz around ???Oct 29 18:45
RuiMr SchestowitzOct 29 18:47
RuiAre you around here ???Oct 29 18:47
RuiI have a linkOct 29 18:47
RuiTo the blog of Mr. Jomar SilvaOct 29 18:47
RuiI thought you should find it interestingOct 29 18:47
RuiVery enlightening articleOct 29 18:48
RuiAbout OOXMLOct 29 18:48
Rui 29 18:48
phIRCe-localTitle: OpenXML: What I havent told yet about the BRM | void life(void) .::. Size~: 26.36 KBOct 29 18:48
*Rui (i=bd23455e@gateway/web/freenode/x-lsodhtdgbnqlmoiv) has left #boycottnovellOct 29 18:49
*Rui (i=bd23455e@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 18:50
RuiWell, i hope the post to be useful for youOct 29 18:51
RuiHave to go nowOct 29 18:51
RuiPeaceOct 29 18:51
*Rui has quit (Client Quit)Oct 29 18:51
*Diablo-D3 (n=diablo@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 18:56
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] listening to "Krystof Kolesky - Cross The Line (OFFICIAL TUNE)" ♫ 29 19:09
phIRCe-localTitle: | What are you listening to? .::. Size~: 27.7 KBOct 29 19:10
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Oct 29 19:10
*_goblin has quit ("Ex-Chat")Oct 29 19:10
schestowitz"[opensuse-announce] openSUSE 11.2 Final Release Candidate"Oct 29 19:12
schestowitzAlex Brown exposed some moreOct 29 19:20
schestowitzWhen does shilling become a punishable crime?Oct 29 19:20
*gargoyle-grin (n=randerso@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 19:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Women! Put out or be condemned as a witch! in 2009 - 29 19:30
phIRCe-localTitle: Daily Devotional | Weekly Devotional | John Hagee Ministries .::. Size~: 41.86 KBOct 29 19:31
schestowitzI'm getting fatigued by the "Cloud " hype. 29 19:35
phIRCe-localTitle: Data Storage Today .::. Size~: 1.89 KBOct 29 19:35
*shreddar (i=62f0385c@gateway/web/freenode/x-wtxtxqirkpqiwffx) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 19:36
schestowitzSeveral years back with the same service it just wasn't *Called*  "cloud"Oct 29 19:36
shreddar 29 19:36
phIRCe-localTitle: HTC CEO says he could but won't make HD2 an Android phone, has to take care of Windows Mobile .::. Size~: 138.09 KBOct 29 19:36
shreddarHe didn't hold back on Google, however, saying that some of its actions can be "destructive" but that "we've worked with Microsoft for 13 years ... I also believe we can work with Google for a long time."Oct 29 19:37
DaemonFC 29 19:38
phIRCe-localTitle: How to evict a Tenant in Indiana .::. Size~: 21.96 KBOct 29 19:38
DaemonFClolOct 29 19:38
shreddarI wonder what he destructive actions he was talking about.Oct 29 19:38
DaemonFC"Indiana requires that anyone having a tenant evicted must post a temporary Bond to protect the County from a lawsuit if you have managed to present false evidence to the Court with the purpose of having the tenant evicted."Oct 29 19:43
DaemonFCinterestingOct 29 19:43
DaemonFCschestowitz, I had a summons to appear in court a while back (almost a year)Oct 29 19:45
shreddarDaemonFC were you evicted?Oct 29 19:46
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] My first twit from KDEuBlog on Kubuntu 9.10!Oct 29 19:46
DaemonFCa friend of mine whose 72 year old father was mentally and physcally incapable of taking care of himself was being neglected by my friend's motherOct 29 19:47
DaemonFCwho was mentally unfit to take care of anyone, including herselfOct 29 19:47
schestowitzDaemonFC: Goldman is happyOct 29 19:47
schestowitz 29 19:47
phIRCe-localTitle: The Essence of Politics: Goldman Sachs Executive are Primed to Get Lucrative Bonuses .::. Size~: 387.86 KBOct 29 19:47
schestowitz 29 19:47
phIRCe-localTitle: Benjamin Wachs: Behind the Goldman Sachs Recession - Canandaigua, NY - MPNnow .::. Size~: 47.16 KBOct 29 19:47
schestowitz 29 19:47
phIRCe-localTitle: Blogs For Victory  » Blog Archive   » Goldman Sachs and Your $70 Billion .::. Size~: 33.42 KBOct 29 19:47
DaemonFCso I was examined by the lawyers for both sides who asked me questions about the conditions of the home, my overall impression of his parents mental states, etcOct 29 19:48
DaemonFCwhat I witnessed going on thereOct 29 19:48
DaemonFCthe court awarded him custody of his father pretty quickly, we also had Adult Protective Services in agreement with usOct 29 19:48
DaemonFChis dad was so badly neglected that he almost diedOct 29 19:49
schestowitz"custody of his father"?Oct 29 19:49
DaemonFChe was in the hospital for weeks, had sepsisOct 29 19:49
schestowitzSounds invertedOct 29 19:49
DaemonFCschestowitz, yes, by court orderOct 29 19:49
DaemonFCschestowitz, it was a mess, he's a manager at the Walmart in that town and he had his mom's family coming in or callingOct 29 19:50
schestowitzshreddar: let htc die with WindowsOct 29 19:50
DaemonFCharassing him at workOct 29 19:50
schestowitzWIndows Mobile ratherOct 29 19:50
DaemonFChe had the police come there and he filed trespassing chargesOct 29 19:50
schestowitzOK, but why bring it up *here*?Oct 29 19:51
schestowitz 29 19:51
phIRCe-localTitle: Ratigan on Goldman Sachs: "Legalized Theft" .::. Size~: 20.01 KBOct 29 19:51
DaemonFCI don't know, just an interesting blip in a boring yearOct 29 19:52
DaemonFCschestowitz, eBay "sniping" programs are actually against Indiana state law as writtenOct 29 19:53
shreddarI was curious as to their motivation for doing that. I figured it had to do something with google's destructive actions.Oct 29 19:53
DaemonFCusing one is a Class A MisdemeanorOct 29 19:53
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz aaaand another one bites the dust 29 19:54
DaemonFCinteresting that we have a lot of stupid laws like this and no state law criminalizing spyware distributorsOct 29 19:55
DaemonFCI suppose you could stretch IC 35-43-2-3Oct 29 19:56
DaemonFCto cover spywareOct 29 19:56
shreddarI never even heard of MSN Direct.Oct 29 19:56
DaemonFCthe definition of "computer trespassing" seems loose enough to fitOct 29 19:56
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard aye. Was gonna write about it shortly. Ta.Oct 29 19:56
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @almightygod CBN: "Most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches." #poesLawOct 29 19:56
phIRCe-localTitle: The Danger of Celebrating Halloween: Spiritual Life in God .::. Size~: 47.62 KBOct 29 19:57
shreddarDaemonFC only when the computer belongs to someone wealthy enough to afford justice.Oct 29 19:57
DaemonFCI wonder if it involves desecretion using the semen of a defrocked priestOct 29 19:58
DaemonFCPat Robertson should die, but oh wellOct 29 19:58
*shreddar has to get goingOct 29 19:58
*shreddar has quit ("appointment")Oct 29 19:58
DaemonFCplenty of idiots waiting to replace him who are just as crazy or worseOct 29 19:58
DaemonFCschestowitz, The swine flu on the candy is God's punishment for trick or treatingOct 29 20:00
DaemonFCdontchaknow?Oct 29 20:00
schestowitz[19:58] <DaemonFC> Pat Robertson should die, but oh wellOct 29 20:02
schestowitzDon't make statements like that hereOct 29 20:02
schestowitz 29 20:02
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Classic:  Christopher Hitchens on The Death Of Jerry Falwell .::. Size~: 131.08 KBOct 29 20:02
DaemonFCnah, I mean they should find him slumped over in his oatmeal one morning like Jerry FalwellOct 29 20:02
DaemonFCnot that anyone should kill himOct 29 20:02
schestowitz: "If you gave falwell an enema he could be burried in a matchbox." Oct 29 20:02
DaemonFCkind of hard to make a martyr out of a guy that died of natural causes and fell face first into his bowl of oatmeal, right?Oct 29 20:04
schestowitzWell......Oct 29 20:04
schestowitzListen to the above videoOct 29 20:04
DaemonFCit just says an error has occurredOct 29 20:04
schestowitz>  fell face first into his bowl of oatmeal, right?Oct 29 20:05
schestowitzAt least he died happyOct 29 20:05
schestowitzAnd full.Oct 29 20:05
DaemonFChe was always full of somethingOct 29 20:05
Diablo-D3[04:00:02] <schestowitz> : "If you gave falwell an enema he could be burried in a matchbox." Oct 29 20:05
DaemonFCdoesn't that count?Oct 29 20:05
Diablo-D3_wow_Oct 29 20:05
Diablo-D3I lol'dOct 29 20:05
schestowitz 29 20:06
DaemonFCschestowitz, Pat Robertson is one of those frauds that uses Christianity and stupid people as a nice fake front to personally enrich himself, and the damage they do to society and the hate they instill into people lasts long after they're dead and buriedOct 29 20:07
schestowitz"matchbox" thing was the sound biteOct 29 20:08
schestowitzHe later spoke about preparing it and trying to sneak it in, which he did in several different showsOct 29 20:09
DaemonFCschestowitz, and even when they get called out or go to prison for fraude (Jim Bakker) or found having sex with a male prostituteOct 29 20:09
schestowitzIt's what people rememberOct 29 20:09
DaemonFCthey say they asked God for forgiveness, and they're right backOct 29 20:09
DaemonFC*fraudOct 29 20:09
schestowitz"male prostitute" sounds wrongOct 29 20:10
schestowitzGigoloOct 29 20:10
DaemonFCschestowitz, That idiot with the fake Creationism Museam had it seized by the feds cause he owed the IRS tens of thousands of dollars in back taxesOct 29 20:10
schestowitzLike "pregnant man"Oct 29 20:10
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, one crime goes with anotherOct 29 20:10
schestowitzOne lie leads to anotherOct 29 20:11
schestowitzAnd there's this good film about how religion is used to keep things in checkOct 29 20:11
schestowitzBut some people are sensitive to these issuesOct 29 20:11
schestowitzClergy is between leaders and peopleOct 29 20:11
schestowitzThey are the 'spiritual' leadersOct 29 20:12
schestowitzFew leaders are theistsOct 29 20:12
schestowitzSome fake itOct 29 20:12
schestowitzGWB didn'tOct 29 20:12
schestowitzBut they can better control the people and encourage "patriotism"/nationalism using phantom unifiers like "Bible"Oct 29 20:12
DaemonFC 29 20:13
phIRCe-localTitle: Dinosaur Creationism Theme Park Seized By The Government - pseudo-science - io9 .::. Size~: 66.37 KBOct 29 20:13
schestowitzThey can't just tell people, support me cause, well... cause I'm the leaderOct 29 20:13
schestowitzSo there needs to be common eneniesOct 29 20:13
schestowitzAlways on the outsideOct 29 20:13
schestowitzThe threat of peace is one where resentment will be made internalOct 29 20:13
DaemonFCKent Hovind] was found guilty in November 2006 on 58 counts, including failure to pay employee taxes and making threats against investigators.Oct 29 20:13
DaemonFCThe conviction culminated 17 years of Hovind sparring with the IRS. Saying he was employed by God and his ministers were not subject to payroll taxes, he claimed no income or propertyOct 29 20:13
DaemonFClulzOct 29 20:13
schestowitzRevolt of power inside the country is dealt with using the same methodology as applied to foreign enemiesOct 29 20:14
schestowitz"Saying he was employed by God and his ministers were not subject to payroll taxes, he claimed no income or property"Oct 29 20:14
schestowitzNo problemOct 29 20:14
schestowitzIt's not his faultOct 29 20:14
Diablo-D3[amsg] team fortress 2 is $2.49 until 2pm PDTOct 29 20:14
schestowitzThey should speak to his bossOct 29 20:14
schestowitzHis boss, God, may be accountableOct 29 20:14
schestowitzDaemonFC: if the hospital tries milking your family, say you're son of GodOct 29 20:15
schestowitzThey should ask God for payments. Or pray for one :DOct 29 20:15
DaemonFCschestowitz, How would they go after my family?Oct 29 20:16
schestowitzDon't knowOct 29 20:17
schestowitz,25197,26271153-15306,00.htmlOct 29 20:18
phIRCe-localTitle: Technology News  | IT News | Australian IT .::. Size~: 46.53 KBOct 29 20:18
DaemonFCschestowitz, if there is a pandemic flu, I believe it'll hit Christians harderOct 29 20:22
DaemonFCthe fundamentalist ones anywayOct 29 20:22
DaemonFCthey're basically the core of the anti-vaccine conspiracy theoriesOct 29 20:22
DaemonFCmaybe that's just wishful thinking, stupid people making stupid decisions that weed themselves out of the gene poolOct 29 20:23
MinceRi wonder what the clams' stance on vaccines isOct 29 20:23
DaemonFCno wonder I like the Darwin AwardsOct 29 20:23
schestowitzGood times for Free software.... 29 20:24
DaemonFCMinceR, The Christians have claimed that vaccines cause autism and suchOct 29 20:24
DaemonFCBlack Muslims claim the vaccine is a secret plot by the US government to kill black peopleOct 29 20:24
MinceRi see. clams aren't christians though :>Oct 29 20:24
schestowitz[20:23] <DaemonFC> no wonder I like the Darwin AwardsOct 29 20:25
DaemonFCeverything you can think of,t hese people will believe itOct 29 20:25
schestowitzDarwin is a good guyOct 29 20:25
schestowitzAnd he turned his back on his beliefsOct 29 20:25
MinceRthe Darwin Award is a good thing tooOct 29 20:25
DaemonFCthat's the retroactive claim by Christians anyway, schestowitz Oct 29 20:25
schestowitzHe inspired some mathematicians tooOct 29 20:25
DaemonFCI don't believe itOct 29 20:25
DaemonFCChristians will tell any lie to discredit anyone that goes against themOct 29 20:25
schestowitzCantor ... 29 20:26
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - BBC-Dangerous Knowledge (Part 4-10) .::. Size~: 133.7 KBOct 29 20:26
schestowitzGood programmeOct 29 20:26
schestowitz..Watched it 2 days ago..Oct 29 20:26
DaemonFCschestowitz, This Windows 7 shill made a funny typo...Oct 29 20:30
DaemonFC 29 20:30
phIRCe-localTitle: Five Things You Should Know About Windows 7 Security - Business Center - PC World .::. Size~: 40.43 KBOct 29 20:30
DaemonFC"You can download and use IE8 with other versions of Windows, so its not specific to Windows 7, but it does contain some security enhancements worth nothing."Oct 29 20:30
DaemonFCworth nothing?Oct 29 20:30
DaemonFCheheheOct 29 20:30
MinceR:)Oct 29 20:31
schestowitz 29 20:31
phIRCe-localTitle: China Mobile and AT&T use new Symbian Horizon apps platform - Rethink Wireless .::. Size~: 23.51 KBOct 29 20:32
schestowitzHeheOct 29 20:32
schestowitzOr.Oct 29 20:32
schestowitz"Windows 7, but it does contain some security"Oct 29 20:32
schestowitzSOMEOct 29 20:32
DaemonFCI still haven't used IE on this computer other than to download OperaOct 29 20:32
DaemonFCuggghOct 29 20:32
DaemonFCschestowitz, Freudian slips?Oct 29 20:33
schestowitzTony Bradley... don't know his nameOct 29 20:33
schestowitzMaybe he's trying to create buzzOct 29 20:33
schestowitzKeep the Vista*7 release floating along with fluffOct 29 20:33
schestowitz"Vista 7 blah blah..."Oct 29 20:33
schestowitz"Puppies love Vista 7"Oct 29 20:33
DaemonFCschestowitz, That just kind of tickled meOct 29 20:33
DaemonFC"IE 8 has new security features worth nothing"Oct 29 20:34
DaemonFC:)Oct 29 20:34
schestowitz"Enderle: Vista 7 to conquer world:"Oct 29 20:34
schestowitz"Kid dies in Burger king after Vista 7 meal"Oct 29 20:34
DaemonFCschestowitz, In some ways, it's worse than VistaOct 29 20:42
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Julie Bindel as wannabe transsexual? It's plausible. 29 20:43
phIRCe-localTitle: Adult Content Notice .::. Size~: 14.21 KBOct 29 20:43
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 20:45
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Team Fortress 2 is $2.49 until 2pm PDT todayOct 29 20:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] messing around with 9.10....first change: kwin to compiz...must have wobbly windows and cube! so far great work!Oct 29 20:45
DaemonFClmaoOct 29 20:47
DaemonFCschestowitz, Now they're saying statins lower flu deathsOct 29 20:47
DaemonFCunbelievableOct 29 20:47
DaemonFC 29 20:47
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] One thing Ive noticed...Kubuntu 9.10 is not quite as punchy with 512mb ram as previous version..maybe thats just Gnome being less CPU work.Oct 29 20:50
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Loathsome Julie Bindel odious grot Ideas wanted for a notnews on the theme, please. (email or DM)Oct 29 20:51
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] - Just switched windows manager from Kwin to Compiz...Kubuntu 9.10 in action, slowly customizing it to my liking!Oct 29 20:59
phIRCe-localTitle: Just switched windows manager from Kwin to Compiz...Kubuntu 9... on Twitpic .::. Size~: 7.11 KBOct 29 21:00
schestowitzDaemonFC: another new one from Tony Bradley 29 21:01
phIRCe-localTitle: Verizon Droid Success Limited by Android Market - Business Center - PC World .::. Size~: 40.08 KBOct 29 21:01
schestowitzAndroid bashing of sortsOct 29 21:01
_goblinhi roy!Oct 29 21:02
schestowitzHeyOct 29 21:02
_goblinhad a look at 9.10 yet?Oct 29 21:02
schestowitzCompiz in KDE, still?Oct 29 21:02
schestowitz_goblin: yes, where have you been?Oct 29 21:02
schestowitzI've used it since alphaOct 29 21:02
_goblinjust changed it over from kwinOct 29 21:02
schestowitzDaemonFC convinced me toOct 29 21:02
schestowitzI was gonna use Mandriva with 4.2.2.Oct 29 21:02
_goblinI didn't touch it until today.....was at the IRC party though!Oct 29 21:02
schestowitzWhat did you do in the party?Oct 29 21:02
_goblinnothing...lolOct 29 21:03
_goblinjust an announcement when there were over 1000 usersOct 29 21:03
_goblinthats it really...Oct 29 21:03
*schestowitz blows a trumpetOct 29 21:03
_goblindid you see the youtube speed comparisons?Oct 29 21:03
_goblinin regards to vista/7/ubuntu?Oct 29 21:04
_goblinUbuntu booted the fastest, however what was interesting was Vista booted quicker than 7Oct 29 21:04
schestowitzI want people to see kde4Oct 29 21:04
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @_goblin - Just switched windows manager from Kwin to Compiz...Kubuntu 9.10 in actionOct 29 21:05
phIRCe-localTitle: Just switched windows manager from Kwin to Compiz...Kubuntu 9... on Twitpic .::. Size~: 7.12 KBOct 29 21:05
schestowitzIt's more modern and fit as a worthy competitor to Snort[sic] LeopardOct 29 21:05
schestowitz_goblin: dont' worryOct 29 21:06
schestowitzVista 8 is out real soon nowOct 29 21:06
schestowitzIt will fix everything!Oct 29 21:06
DaemonFCand it'll even be 128-bitOct 29 21:06
_goblinit will be better next time.Oct 29 21:06
DaemonFCdon't forget thatOct 29 21:06
schestowitz 29 21:06
phIRCe-localTitle: Vista 8 Reality Log - Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 12.52 KBOct 29 21:06
schestowitzToday I had 3 firefox* processes running Oct 29 21:08
schestowitzTurns out this is why: 29 21:08
phIRCe-localTitle: Mozilla Firefox 3.5.4 Release Notes .::. Size~: 35.44 KBOct 29 21:08
_goblinff? Get over to Chromium....I made the move and haven't regretted it...Oct 29 21:09
_goblin:) One very happy puppy here.Oct 29 21:09
schestowitzI use ThunderBirdOct 29 21:10
schestowitzLike 90% of my browsingOct 29 21:11
schestowitzI use Firefox for videos and bloggingOct 29 21:11
schestowitz_goblin: so we run the same desktop nowOct 29 21:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] DW/LJ: Deep end. 29 21:11
phIRCe-localTitle: reddragdiva | Deep end. .::. Size~: 29.52 KBOct 29 21:12
phIRCe-localTitle: reddragdiva: Deep end. .::. Size~: 20.12 KBOct 29 21:12
schestowitz_goblin: 29 21:12
phIRCe-localTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 29 21:12
*shreddar (i=62f0385c@gateway/web/freenode/x-ujjhbukdlkggzruf) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 21:14
*shreddar is backOct 29 21:14
schestowitz!google Macky's back on townOct 29 21:16
phIRCe-local[1] - Lyrics Planet - Bobby Darin - Mack The Knife Lyrics | 29 21:16
phIRCe-local[2] - Mack The Knife | 29 21:16
phIRCe-local[3] - Nashville Arts - Macky's Back in Town - page 1 | 29 21:16
phIRCe-local[4] - Michael Buble - Mack The Knife Lyrics | 29 21:16
schestowitz 29 21:17
phIRCe-localTitle: Ubuntu Linux 9.10 'Karmic Koala' Starts Its Climb - .::. Size~: 147.9 KBOct 29 21:17
schestowitz 29 21:18
phIRCe-localTitle: Ubuntu 9.10: Linux for business - Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 141.53 KBOct 29 21:18
shreddarMack the knife?Oct 29 21:18
shreddar...Oct 29 21:18
schestowitz 29 21:19
phIRCe-localTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 29 21:19
shreddarOh, I googled it. Got a helpfull little previewOct 29 21:20
shreddarNevermind it was the album not the song.Oct 29 21:21
shreddarNevermind it was the song.Oct 29 21:23
shreddarI don't listen to much music.Oct 29 21:23
schestowitz 29 21:25
phIRCe-localTitle: 5 Entertaining Chrome OS Fakes .::. Size~: 26.51 KBOct 29 21:25
shreddarI can see Ubuntu being a default alternative as far a businesses are concerned but as far as consumers are concerned they don't even I just don't think it has the stuff.Oct 29 21:28
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 29 21:29
shreddarI don't think Windows has the stuff to even stay in consumer computers.Oct 29 21:29
schestowitzshreddar: depends whereOct 29 21:29
schestowitzAnd Ubuntu has many derivatives\Oct 29 21:29
schestowitzIncluding localised onesOct 29 21:29
schestowitzOpea should go GPL........! 29 21:30
phIRCe-localTitle: Opera 10 Still an Innovative Web Browser .::. Size~: 47.4 KBOct 29 21:30
phIRCe-localTitle: 500 Internal Server Error .::. Size~: 0.71 KBOct 29 21:30
shreddarHow is Opera even still in business?Oct 29 21:31
shreddarThey don't have a pay browser anymore.Oct 29 21:31
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Found a bug with KDEuBlog and 9.10...friends don't show up on the timeline...No big deal though...Oct 29 21:31
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] This is going to sound really thick, but where are the screensaver options for Kubuntu 9.10?Oct 29 21:31
shreddarYou have to install screensaversOct 29 21:32
MinceRiirc they still sell browsers for mobile devicesOct 29 21:33
MinceRsome manufacturers ship opera preinstalledOct 29 21:33
shreddarNot for long I bet.Oct 29 21:33
shreddarI never knew they had computer with opera installedOct 29 21:34
MinceRiirc some mobile phones come with opera preinstalledOct 29 21:34
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] KDE 4.3.2 I must admit, I am beginning to grow fond of you! :)Oct 29 21:34
schestowitz 29 21:37
phIRCe-localTitle: Safely Restart a Frozen Linux System with Reisub .::. Size~: 45.64 KBOct 29 21:37
*Lns has quit ("Φ")Oct 29 21:37
schestowitzYes, mobileOct 29 21:37
schestowitzOpera's cow is the mobile version. VERY good browser I hearOct 29 21:38
schestowitzThe one dying there is IE for winmoOct 29 21:38
schestowitzNot OperaOct 29 21:38
schestowitzMobile Firefox is still a cubOct 29 21:38
shreddaroh yeah but I think webkit browsers will probably put an end to that.Oct 29 21:39
_goblinshreddar: thanks...I expected it to have at least one default......its Ubuntu afterall!Oct 29 21:40
shreddarkscreensaverOct 29 21:40
shreddarYeah I did too.Oct 29 21:40
shreddarSo did other people.Oct 29 21:40
_goblincheers!  D/L'ing now!Oct 29 21:41
schestowitz 29 21:42
phIRCe-localTitle: Who wishes we boycotted ubuntu /now/? | .::. Size~: 35.77 KBOct 29 21:42
shreddarI like #3 of the Chrome OS fakes (except for the out of place Icon bar)Oct 29 21:46
schestowitz_goblin: your FUD sibling: Making money with FLOSS, really? < >Oct 29 21:46
phIRCe-localTitle: Making money with FLOSS, really? «  LaserJock .::. Size~: 32.55 KBOct 29 21:46
_goblinTo be fair, I could live without Ubuntu, but can't we all just be 29 21:46
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Friends... .::. Size~: 131.68 KBOct 29 21:46
*wallc (i=62a521f3@gateway/web/freenode/x-vcgpadshpctxezmy) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 21:46
shreddarI think the Tabs would serve the same use as the docker.Oct 29 21:47
shreddarSo the docker just seems out of place.Oct 29 21:47
shreddarOther then that though it's a cool conceptOct 29 21:48
schestowitz 29 21:48
phIRCe-localTitle: SeaMonkey 2.0 - The Modern Internet Suite is Here! | We love Linux ! .::. Size~: 27.34 KBOct 29 21:48
shreddar 29 21:48
phIRCe-localTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBOct 29 21:48
shreddarIn case nobody knows what I was refering too.Oct 29 21:49
schestowitz 29 21:51
phIRCe-localTitle:  On Linux and random numbers .::. Size~: 133.69 KBOct 29 21:52
_goblinschestowitz: Maybe I inspired him?!?!? Oct 29 21:53
schestowitzWho?Oct 29 21:54
schestowitzWhat's the song anyway?Oct 29 21:54
schestowitzKinda queer...Oct 29 21:54
_goblin?Oct 29 21:55
schestowitzWeird song.Oct 29 21:55
_goblinAh,.,,,Oct 29 21:55
schestowitzNot gayOct 29 21:55
_goblinthe Doug Anthony All Stars...Oct 29 21:55
_goblinI was at that show....Oct 29 21:55
schestowitzThe word "queer" no longer means what it used to, I guessOct 29 21:55
schestowitzAnother weird song: 29 21:55
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Every Sperm is Sacred .::. Size~: 176.11 KBOct 29 21:55
_goblinlolOct 29 21:55
_goblinmonty pythonOct 29 21:55
shreddarHas anyone tried Reisub?Oct 29 21:56
*PetoKraus has quit ("Leaving")Oct 29 21:56
schestowitzI haven't heard of it till todayOct 29 21:56
schestowitz!.htmlOct 29 21:57
phIRCe-localTitle: Amarok Blog  .::. Size~: 55.69 KBOct 29 21:57
shreddarI think my power button probably does that if I hold it down long enough. I'm not sure though.Oct 29 21:57
shreddar 29 21:58
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Monty Python- I'm a lumberjack THE BEST VERSION by Eric Idle .::. Size~: 135.69 KBOct 29 21:58
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Who said Britney Speers career was over...she's sounding great.... 29 21:59
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - children of bodom - oops i did it again (cover) .::. Size~: 140.09 KBOct 29 21:59
shreddari wish Amarok had visualisationsOct 29 22:04
shreddari wish could use visualizations (along with music) as a screensaverOct 29 22:05
schestowitz \o/Oct 29 22:06
phIRCe-localTitle: 100.000.000 downloads - GullFOSS .::. Size~: 57.81 KBOct 29 22:06
schestowitz_goblin: wtf???Oct 29 22:07
*_goblin has quit ( 29 22:08
*schestowitz has quit ( 29 22:08
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-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Mmm I thought Koala would have opted for a more recent Python than 2.6.4..whilst there were changes I would have thought it'd go with 3Oct 29 22:08
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Another good thing about Kubuntu 9.10 is there are no "play once" games pre-installed.Oct 29 22:08
*[H]omer (n=[H]omer@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 22:10
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* gives channel operator status to [H]omer ChanServOct 29 22:10
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzOct 29 22:11
shreddarwhat happend?Oct 29 22:11
_goblinnet split?Oct 29 22:11
_goblinI didn't go anywhere....Oct 29 22:11
_goblinI don't think Roy did either.Oct 29 22:11 all from that address dropped offOct 29 22:11
shreddarohOct 29 22:11
schestowitz 29 22:11
phIRCe-localTitle: OMG! UBUNTU!: Did You Know Gnome Lets Anyone See Your Keyring Passwords (MSN, WiFi, Twitter, etc) Without Needing A Password? .::. Size~: 86.65 KBOct 29 22:11
schestowitz[22:09] <_goblin> ?Oct 29 22:12
schestowitz[22:09] <_goblin> did someone let one go?Oct 29 22:12
schestowitz 29 22:13
phIRCe-localTitle: IceWalkerZ :- Born Free Live Free !!: Ubuntu Karmic : Changes between Grub 1.x and Grub2 .::. Size~: 87.69 KBOct 29 22:13
schestowitzis 2.0 stable yet?Oct 29 22:14
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Vote for Sue Gardner, director of Wikimedia Foundation, as HuffPost media game-changer of the year #wikipediaOct 29 22:15
phIRCe-localTitle: HuffPost Game Changers: Who Is The Ultimate Game Changer In Media? .::. Size~: 92.48 KBOct 29 22:16
shreddaradvanced text editor?Oct 29 22:17
_goblinjust getting Chromium into 9.10....Oct 29 22:19
shreddarYou use Chromium?Oct 29 22:21
shreddarI've been using the dev buildOct 29 22:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Spiffing....Chromium now installed in 9.10....almost my wobbly windows, now just a few more bits and pieces....Oct 29 22:21
*Received a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connectOct 29 22:22
_goblinyeahOct 29 22:22
_goblincurrently running 29 22:22
_goblinI thinkOct 29 22:22
shreddarI wonder if gentoo has a ebuild of the latest snapshotOct 29 22:23
shreddarI gotta have atleast some form of Chrome.Oct 29 22:23
shreddarI just use it too much.Oct 29 22:24
schestowitz_goblin: I need to try it some timeOct 29 22:25
schestowitzIs Chromium all done?Oct 29 22:25
shreddarIt's works very well for alphaOct 29 22:25
schestowitzYou know what I mean..Oct 29 22:25
schestowitzAnd if so, why use it?Oct 29 22:25
schestowitzSpeed? The features?Oct 29 22:25
schestowitzMy friend uses it, I saw it in action, nothing interestingOct 29 22:25
schestowitzI also installed it for my sister to useOct 29 22:25
schestowitzJust to see what it's likeOct 29 22:26
shreddarIt still doesn't have the extensions from the Windows version.Oct 29 22:26
schestowitzI'd rather support MozillaOct 29 22:26
shreddarMozilla will have a similar browser in version 4Oct 29 22:26
shreddarFirefox 4's concept looks just like chrome.Oct 29 22:27
shreddarSafari already copied alot from it.Oct 29 22:28
shreddarThe only feature nobody copying is the unibar.Oct 29 22:28
MinceRwell, google said they wanted their ideas to be copied. :)Oct 29 22:28
MinceRiirc.Oct 29 22:28
shreddarI like the Unibar but the Awesome bar still works better.Oct 29 22:28
shreddarThe result are better in the Awesome bar.Oct 29 22:29
MinceRlolOct 29 22:29
shreddarIf they could give the Unibar the quality result that the Awesome bar has I'd love it.Oct 29 22:29
shreddarI forget what they call the Awesome bar now. I'm so used to calling it that.Oct 29 22:30
_goblinI think Chromium renders input boxes are less sluggish....I got hooked on Chromium when I went on holiday and had to use that XP netbook......Oct 29 22:32
shreddarHey guy should I upgrade to Kubuntu 9.10?Oct 29 22:33
shreddarMy update is asking.Oct 29 22:33
shreddarWho wants to take responsibility for my actions?Oct 29 22:34
MinceRyou!Oct 29 22:34
shreddarI'm gonna do it.Oct 29 22:35
MinceRthen it's only fair that you take responsibility for it :>Oct 29 22:36
_goblinI think you should!Oct 29 22:36
_goblinupgrade that is.Oct 29 22:36
_goblinclean install though....Oct 29 22:37
shreddarI I'm doing the upgrade thing right now. Not clean install.Oct 29 22:38
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shreddarAllright this will take about 2 hours.Oct 29 22:44
schestowitz 29 22:44
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Rothschilds need to save "The System" BBC .::. Size~: 130.03 KBOct 29 22:44
schestowitzFunny.Oct 29 22:44
schestowitz"It will pass through"Oct 29 22:44
schestowitzThey are above the law :-)Oct 29 22:44
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 29 22:44
_goblinaccording to the youtube benchmark on my latest article (filmed in realtime) theres a good deal of difference in boottime between 9.04 and 9.10....9.10 won hands down.Oct 29 22:47
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @wikileaks SirsiDynix restricted slanderous lobbying paper against Open Source technologies 29 22:49
phIRCe-localTitle: SirsiDynix Corp restricted lobby paper against Open Source technologies, Sep 2009 - Wikileaks .::. Size~: 17.49 KBOct 29 22:50
*shreddar has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)Oct 29 22:51
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*_goblin has quit ("Ex-Chat")Oct 29 23:06
schestowitzinteresting leakOct 29 23:07
schestowitzYikes. 29 23:08
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Barack Obama Makes Shocking confession!! .::. Size~: 98.13 KBOct 29 23:08
schestowitzHeh. 29 23:12
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Obama to Tennessee GOP: Lay Off My Wife .::. Size~: 186.55 KBOct 29 23:12
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellOct 29 23:17
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schestowitz*LOL* 29 23:22
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Kevin James and Chris Matthews on Appeasement .::. Size~: 128.33 KBOct 29 23:22
oiaohmThis up coming 12 months is going to be fun with Linux.  All most all the core frameworks are in place.  Its just finishing off the details.Oct 29 23:25
voltronwoiaohm: which core frameworks?Oct 29 23:26
oiaohmpolicykit and dbus those just need to be filled out to do proper system management.  There is the upcoming realtime kit for cpu control for time critical things like audio.  X11 newish core design.Oct 29 23:31
oiaohmBasically most of the areas people complain about Linux being weak.Oct 29 23:32
oiaohmBiggest remaining bug bear is the 2 sound servers but its a major improvement over the 15 there used to be.  pulseaudio and jack.Oct 29 23:33
schestowitzTHis one's good too:\Oct 29 23:33
phIRCe-localTitle: YouTube - Chris Matthews Smacks Down Birther Rep. Campbell; Makes Him Admit Obama is U.S. Citizen .::. Size~: 132.95 KBOct 29 23:33
oiaohmYou know what MS attacking crap ware is good for Linux.Oct 29 23:39
oiaohmThinking hardware makers use crapware to offset the price of windows until is negitative.Oct 29 23:40
oiaohmHmm media reporting companies are almost to the point of reporting as if Windows 7 don't exist.Oct 29 23:41
oiaohmHWposion in 2.6.32 is also going to be good.  Tollerence to bad ram ok you have to have more expensive ram to have it but it will be worth it.Oct 29 23:43
schestowitzDone *TADA* 29 23:45
phIRCe-localTitle: Links 29/10/2009: Ubuntu 9.10 Released, Android Momentum Noted, 100,000,000 Downloads of  | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 161.84 KBOct 29 23:45
schestowitzOops. I i forgot OOo version NUMBEROct 29 23:46
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, exactlyOct 29 23:46
schestowitzThey can't compete with a bad OS and price alsoOct 29 23:46
*schestowitz makes dinnerOct 29 23:47

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