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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: November 21st, 2009

-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft ’s Hosted Payroll Closes Down #failNov 21 00:03
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Microsofts Hosted Payroll Closes Down | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 99.68 KBNov 21 00:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Host with #Windows Azure in complete confidence! 21 00:18
sebsebsebpopey: Good Ubuntu Developer Sumit?  I assume your back in UK nowNov 21 00:18
*Declination (n=ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 00:25
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #SUSE Takes Your Rights Away With ‘Trusted’ Computing (TC) #tpmNov 21 00:51
phIRCe-BNcTitle: SUSE Takes Your Rights Away With Trusted Computing (TC) | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 102.59 KBNov 21 00:51
*lis` has quit ("baibai<3")Nov 21 00:56
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04Nov 21 00:57
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Mono : Deaf to the Facts #novellNov 21 01:15
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Mono: Deaf to the Facts | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 103.74 KBNov 21 01:15
_goblinJust saw some interesting videos "Everything is OK"Nov 21 01:35
Aondoquite fun :DNov 21 01:36
_goblinlol...Nov 21 01:36
_goblinreally?Nov 21 01:36
_goblinlets argue a point of law with someone who has no power to change it and an obligation to enforce it.Nov 21 01:36
_goblinthe same obligation which kicks in when someone wants an offender arrested for a crime against them.Nov 21 01:37
_goblinwas interesting though....Nov 21 01:38
_goblinhaving said that, incorrect (or indeed misleading) use of powers should be exposed. That helps nobody.Nov 21 01:39
_goblinwell I thought it was interesting anyway....Nov 21 01:41
*Declination has quit ("Leaving")Nov 21 01:43
Aondoyea... making alot of noise around arguing, getting attention and then... lets hug... :PNov 21 01:48
_goblinsorry afk thereNov 21 01:49
_goblinagreed..Nov 21 01:49
schestowitz_goblin: yes, how you find that video?Nov 21 01:50
schestowitzThere's hours of themNov 21 01:50
schestowitzI put it in my blog last week after my dad had told me about itNov 21 01:50
_goblinyour site...Nov 21 01:50
_goblinbut the ones Im interested in were linked off that...Nov 21 01:50
_goblinits funny how that which he protests against, he facilitates with Youtube/mobile phones and megaphones...Nov 21 01:51
schestowitzYes, I saw all of them, eventuallyNov 21 01:51
schestowitzCharlie Veich went cuckoo Nov 21 01:51
schestowitzNow he's just spouting ALex Jones and Icke BSNov 21 01:52
schestowitzSome people reported him tot he British PoliceNov 21 01:52
ender2070the reptilians want us to use monoNov 21 01:52
_goblinno surprise....Nov 21 01:52
schestowitzHahaha!Nov 21 01:52
schestowitzBlue-blooded Novellers... :-pNov 21 01:52
ender2070c# has subroutines for their 9th dimensionNov 21 01:53
Aondothe same nine dimensions that Street can do? Nov 21 01:53
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Nov 21 01:53
schestowitzGoogle Earth can do 3Nov 21 01:54
_goblinRoy, before I forget, you and many others are on a new Twitter list.Nov 21 01:54
schestowitzSome say there are 11.Nov 21 01:54
schestowitzBut they can't quite tell what if which and how or why...... *panting*Nov 21 01:54
schestowitzI never learned how Twitter lists workNov 21 01:55
_goblinits really just like a favourites....Nov 21 01:55
_goblinthe results shown are merely the twits of the people followed in that group....Nov 21 01:55
schestowitzI'm too old now to learn new things like "Lists" :-pNov 21 01:56
_goblinits called the boycottboys or something similar.Nov 21 01:56
_goblinIm in it!Nov 21 01:56
_goblinits been very useful since there were many names I hadn't heard of and it enabled me to follow some more people with similar views/interests.Nov 21 01:57
_goblinorchestrated by Lin%% of course....Nov 21 01:57
_goblinoh and also, I saw that picture of you....have you dyed your hair?Nov 21 01:58
_goblinare you not supposed to be blonde?Nov 21 01:58
ender2070I think some of them even went to Bohemiam GroveNov 21 01:59
ender2070I think some of them even went to Bohemian*Nov 21 01:59
_goblin?Nov 21 01:59
_goblintoo slow for that one....Nov 21 02:00
ender2070its a place where they conduct human sacrificeNov 21 02:00
ender2070mock human sacrificeNov 21 02:00
_goblinahNov 21 02:00
_goblinsounds rather unpleasantNov 21 02:00
ender2070Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Nov 21 02:01
ender2070 Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.Nov 21 02:01
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 02:02
schestowitz[01:58] <_goblin> oh and also, I saw that picture of you....have you dyed your hair?Nov 21 02:02
schestowitzNo, why?Nov 21 02:02
ender2070 21 02:02
_goblinIn the picture your hair looks brown....Nov 21 02:02
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Bohemian Grove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 98.19 KBNov 21 02:02
_goblinI thought you had blonde hair.Nov 21 02:02
schestowitzHad, yesNov 21 02:03
schestowitzWhen I was younger or if I go to a sunny holidayNov 21 02:03 of a difference...Nov 21 02:03
oiaohmI am getting tired today.  I just killed internet connection pluged phone into wrong port.Nov 21 02:03
schestowitzIf I grow a goatee it's blondNov 21 02:03
_goblin....Roy.....its GnuteeNov 21 02:03
schestowitzI know~!Nov 21 02:03
_goblin:)Nov 21 02:04
schestowitzWhich picture though?Nov 21 02:04
_goblinit was the one on I think...Nov 21 02:04
_goblinhang on Ill find it again...Nov 21 02:04
oiaohmSo are you like me go swiming in salt watter and up pure blond  schestowitzNov 21 02:04
oiaohmup pure blond/end up pure blondNov 21 02:04
_goblin 21 02:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  » Blog Archive   » Rowing: Second Place .::. Size~: 32.51 KBNov 21 02:05
schestowitzI found a beautiful picture of Murdoch. Check it out.Nov 21 02:05
schestowitzoiaohm: no, huesNov 21 02:05
schestowitzIt doesn't matter though. It's just hairNov 21 02:05
schestowitzI cut it very short recentlyNov 21 02:05
oiaohmMy hair color is temporarly.Nov 21 02:05
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] What Makes Mr. #Murdoch Tick 21 02:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: What Makes Mr. Murdoch Tick | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 104.97 KBNov 21 02:06
oiaohmcurrently I have very dark hear having not been swimming in 6 years.Nov 21 02:06
_goblinlolNov 21 02:06
_goblinits his double...!Nov 21 02:06
_goblinhe's looking well...Nov 21 02:06
oiaohmIf you were like me I would say grow a beard and first few times it will be light but it will get darker schestowitzNov 21 02:07
ender2070beards and goatees grant psychic powersNov 21 02:08
_goblinvery true...Nov 21 02:09
_goblinand also the Spartans had them....we all saw that movie...Nov 21 02:11
cubezzzgoatee = evil spock :)Nov 21 02:12
_goblinlol...Nov 21 02:12
_goblindid you see the "evil" alternate universe of Enterprise?Nov 21 02:12
cubezzzactually noNov 21 02:13
cubezzzI'm more of a classic trek expert Nov 21 02:13 probably would have agreed that the evil version was better......Nov 21 02:13
cubezzzevil spock wasn't even that evilNov 21 02:14
_goblinare you refering to mad spock or alternate universe spock?Nov 21 02:14
cubezzzISS EnterpriseNov 21 02:14
cubezzzso alternative universe spockNov 21 02:15
_goblinif you are a classic fan, I hope you hated the new movie....Nov 21 02:15
cubezzznever saw itNov 21 02:15
_goblingood...dontNov 21 02:15
cubezzzand I doubt I would have liked itNov 21 02:15
_goblinit completely destroys the timeline.....Nov 21 02:15
cubezzzwell I realize they have to try new thingsNov 21 02:15
_goblinyes but it means now everything we were brought up on never happened.Nov 21 02:16
_goblinVulcan no longer exists....Nov 21 02:16
_goblinCaptain whatever his name was (memory blank) no longer gets crippled and put into that robotic chair...Nov 21 02:17
cubezzzoh you mean Christopher PikeNov 21 02:17
_goblinthats him...!Nov 21 02:17
_goblinso presumably he keeps the Enterprise.Nov 21 02:17
cubezzzjeffery Hunter died young in RLNov 21 02:17
cubezzznever did science fiction again as far as I knowNov 21 02:18
cubezzzwell, there was the animated series... filmation which played around with concepts in the 70'sNov 21 02:18
cubezzzhere's something not too many people know...Nov 21 02:19
_goblinand there will also presumably be no Bird of Prey to fly back in time to save the whales when the floating poo turns up to talk to them.....Nov 21 02:19
cubezzzin the 2nd pilot... they used the navigation console for the transporter console :)Nov 21 02:19
_goblinso earths a gonner too.Nov 21 02:19
cubezzzthe same thing happens in every serial with a long history like Star TrekNov 21 02:20
cubezzzdifferent writers want to put their own spin on itNov 21 02:20
_goblinthey could have done it differently....and kept faithful to the longterm fans....Nov 21 02:20
_goblinthe new movie was like Beverly Hills 90210 in space.Nov 21 02:20
cubezzzMatt Jefferies was probably the one who soldified the look of the seriesNov 21 02:21
cubezzzyeah, well... that's why I don't bother :)Nov 21 02:21
_goblinsensible.....Nov 21 02:21
_goblinhow did we get onto startrek again?Nov 21 02:21
cubezzzdidn't really like LOTR movies eitherNov 21 02:21
_goblinIm looking forward to The Hobbit...Nov 21 02:21
cubezzzgoatee = evil spock :)Nov 21 02:22
_goblinI read the book Silmarilion which explains much......the rings Sauron...etc....very very good.Nov 21 02:22
cubezzzthe thing is I've been watching the original series since 1972.. maybe even earlyNov 21 02:22
_goblinremember "The Invaders" from around that time?Nov 21 02:23
cubezzzbut I remember being scared as a little kid by "The Doomsday Machine" in 1972Nov 21 02:23
cubezzzummmNov 21 02:23
_goblinthe aliens that looked human but had a sticky out little finger and glowed red and vanished when you killed them?Nov 21 02:24
_goblina classic...Nov 21 02:24
cubezzznot a Gerry Anderson I don't think....Nov 21 02:24
cubezzzso I don't think I saw itNov 21 02:24
cubezzzthat's uh, a bit before my time :)Nov 21 02:25
_goblin 21 02:25
cubezzzI remember the Time TunnelNov 21 02:26
cubezzzin re-runsNov 21 02:26
_goblinI think BBC2 ran that over here.Nov 21 02:26
cubezzzthere was a movie I remember which dealt with a mirror earthNov 21 02:27
_goblinyep....that was......Nov 21 02:28
_goblinother side of the sun....or something...Nov 21 02:28
cubezzzyeah!Nov 21 02:28
*ender2070 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 21 02:28
_goblinI remember the bloke in a wheelchair, driving himself into a mirror......Nov 21 02:29
cubezzzthat's itNov 21 02:29
_goblincant remember why..or why that stuck in my mind.Nov 21 02:29
cubezzzthe very endNov 21 02:29
cubezzz"Journey to the far side of the Sun"Nov 21 02:29
_goblinthats it!Nov 21 02:29
cubezzzvery BritishNov 21 02:30
_goblinPandorum looks quite good (coming out soon)Nov 21 02:30
_goblinsort of a Event HorizonNov 21 02:30
_goblinloved that movieNov 21 02:30
cubezzzI can remember stuff that I can't even findNov 21 02:31
cubezzzthis one guy can use telekinetic powersNov 21 02:31
cubezzzuses it to get a high score on a pinball machineNov 21 02:31
cubezzzprobably 1970's...Nov 21 02:32
cubezzzanother scence: he gets his foot stuck in railroad tracks and a train is comingNov 21 02:32
cubezzzuses powers to stop the trainNov 21 02:32
_goblinmmmmNov 21 02:32
_goblinnot Scanners was it?Nov 21 02:33
cubezzzcould be made for tvNov 21 02:33
cubezzzno, before scannersNov 21 02:33
_goblin...mmmNov 21 02:33
_goblinwas it UK?Nov 21 02:34
_goblinSaphire and Steel?Nov 21 02:34
cubezzzummm, I can't remember the titleNov 21 02:35
_goblinif it was british, it might have been Saphire and Steel...Nov 21 02:35
cubezzzmaybe :)Nov 21 02:36
_goblinotherwise Im stumped!Nov 21 02:36
cubezzzanother one I remember vaguely: an android with super-strengthNov 21 02:36
cubezzzhe can teleport... it's really dramaticNov 21 02:37
cubezzzhe fades out really slow... big dramatic music playsNov 21 02:37
cubezzzfunny the stuff I rememberNov 21 02:37
_goblin..thats definately got me...Nov 21 02:37
_goblinone of the classics of UK SciFI: 21 02:38
cubezzzyeah, probably obscureNov 21 02:38
_goblinalthough you probably have to be british....Nov 21 02:38
cubezzzcan you remember the one with H128?Nov 21 02:38
cubezzzsurrounded by gold?Nov 21 02:38
_goblinH128?Nov 21 02:38
cubezzzCity Beneath the Sea 1971Nov 21 02:39
_goblinnever saw that!Nov 21 02:39
cubezzzyeah really unstable unless it's surrounded by gold :)Nov 21 02:39
cubezzzalso pretty obscureNov 21 02:39
_goblinwhat about "The Tripods"Nov 21 02:40
_goblinanother classic UK scifiNov 21 02:40
cubezzzmakes me think of ... ummmNov 21 02:41
cubezzzWar of the WorldsNov 21 02:41
_goblinyeah.....sort of...Nov 21 02:41
_goblinvery good...ran for 2 seriesNov 21 02:41
_goblinnever was resolved....Nov 21 02:41
_goblinabsolutely excellent...Nov 21 02:41
cubezzzwhat about Terrahawks? :)Nov 21 02:42
cubezzzI think that's what it was called... hmmmNov 21 02:42
cubezzz 21 02:42
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Terrahawks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 59.74 KBNov 21 02:42
cubezzzanother Gerry Anderson oneNov 21 02:42
_goblinyeah....Nov 21 02:44
_goblinloved that...with the O's X's at the end....Nov 21 02:44
cubezzzyou've saw almost everything :)Nov 21 02:44
_goblinyep...Nov 21 02:45
_goblinno life...Nov 21 02:45
_goblinand then later in life I got the wife to buy them for me and sit through them again.Nov 21 02:45
_goblinhow about......Nov 21 02:45
_goblinVNov 21 02:45
cubezzzyesNov 21 02:46
cubezzz80's I thinkNov 21 02:46
_goblinfantastic.....intelligent......Nov 21 02:46
_goblinnotice how the alien flag looked similar to the Nazi one..?Nov 21 02:46
_goblinvery thought provoking series....Nov 21 02:46
_goblinand Diana....what a pleasant looking lady....Nov 21 02:47
cubezzzhmm, been a while since I saw itNov 21 02:47
cubezzzI remember the rather gruesome birth scenceNov 21 02:47
cubezzzbirth sceneNov 21 02:47
_goblinnot gruesome by todays standards....Nov 21 02:48
_goblinI remembered it being alot worse...Nov 21 02:48
_goblingot the box set of everything recently....Nov 21 02:48
_goblinalthough even that series wasn't concluded properly.Nov 21 02:48
cubezzzhow about the spider monster in Space 1999?Nov 21 02:48
_goblinlol...Nov 21 02:48
cubezzzhey, that was pretty scaryNov 21 02:49
_goblinand the all time most original monster in a sci-fi show......was......Nov 21 02:49
_goblinthe Mutton Vindaloo Curry Monster from RDIV (1/2 man 1/2 extra indian curry)Nov 21 02:49
cubezzzyean I must have missed that one :)Nov 21 02:50
cubezzzRed Dwarf?Nov 21 02:50
_goblin"I cant believe Im running away from a psycopathic curried man" - Arnold RimmerNov 21 02:50
_goblinyepNov 21 02:50
cubezzzI liked series 1Nov 21 02:50
_goblinthey kill it with lager in the end...Nov 21 02:50
cubezzznaturallyNov 21 02:50
_goblinafter turning Lister into a 1 foot tall robocop.Nov 21 02:51
_goblinyou missed a great episode...Nov 21 02:51
_goblinits called DNANov 21 02:51
_goblinjust beaten my daily reader record again today......Nov 21 02:52
_goblinvery pleased...Nov 21 02:52
_goblin2700+ UIP'sNov 21 02:53
_goblin30 pieces of hate email....Nov 21 02:53
_goblin6 threats....Nov 21 02:53
cubezzzsurely you never saw "The Starlost" ?Nov 21 02:53
_goblin1 twitter insult...Nov 21 02:53
_goblin..mmmNov 21 02:54
_goblinyes!Nov 21 02:54
_goblinThere was a Startrek book that I believe they based this on...Nov 21 02:54
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #CodePlex is Not Great: How #Microsoft Poisons Everything 21 02:55
phIRCe-BNcTitle: CodePlex is Not Great: How Microsoft Poisons Everything | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 107.01 KBNov 21 02:55
_goblindifference being that in the book the station was headed towards a black hole....Nov 21 02:55
_goblinand it was called.....Nov 21 02:55
_goblinmmm...Nov 21 02:55
cubezzzyeah yeah Microsoft poisions everything :)Nov 21 02:55
_goblinGalactic WhirlpoolNov 21 02:55
schestowitzcubezzz: it's a book titleNov 21 02:55
cubezzzit was Noah's Ark in Space kind ofNov 21 02:55
schestowitz"God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everyting"Nov 21 02:55
_goblinyep, where they forget that they on board a ship....Nov 21 02:56
cubezzzit had this computer guy who would always say "Can I Be of Assistance?"Nov 21 02:56
cubezzzI watched the whole thing not too long ago :)Nov 21 02:56
schestowitzI was having a game with words, comparing Microsoft to "Religion"Nov 21 02:56
_goblintalking of religion....2012 is rubbish....Nov 21 02:57
schestowitzIt isNov 21 02:57
cubezzzI just think of Microsoft has ummmNov 21 02:57
schestowitzAnnual eventNov 21 02:57
schestowitzBut they try to hype up for the filmNov 21 02:57
_goblinpsuedo religious rubbish....can't believe anyone hasn't noticed....Nov 21 02:57
schestowitzAnd there are enough idiots on the Net to carry itNov 21 02:57
cubezzzI just think of Microsoft as a "Prison for the Mind"Nov 21 02:57
_goblintheres a blatant Noahs Ark ripoff at the end...Nov 21 02:57
_goblinjust like "The Knowing" had a "adam and eve" type ending.Nov 21 02:58
cubezzzArthur C Clarke?Nov 21 02:58
cubezzzoh you mean the new movie?Nov 21 02:58
schestowitzNeil deGrasse Tyson - World to End In 2012...or Not 21 02:58
_goblinyeah...Nov 21 02:58
_goblin2001 great movieNov 21 02:58
_goblin3001 an even better bookNov 21 02:58
_goblinexplains what the monolith is...Nov 21 02:59
cubezzzthere was 2010 inbetween I thinkNov 21 02:59
_goblinyeah and 2060 (i think) which was a book that has them landing on Europa.Nov 21 02:59
_goblinIm not in our study/library so I can't tell you atm.Nov 21 03:00
_goblinIve all the books.Nov 21 03:00
cubezzzwe are way behind :)Nov 21 03:00
cubezzzno Hal 9000 yetNov 21 03:00
cubezzzno Moon baseNov 21 03:00
_goblinoh and that sounded = room with all my books. a messy desk and 2 pcs....nothing fancy....Nov 21 03:00
_goblinHal 9000....isn't that a quad core running Vista....sure its got the power, but the software causes it to go screwy.....Nov 21 03:02
_goblin"Im sorry Dave I can't let you do that" - was just a futuristic BSOD.Nov 21 03:02
_goblinmy quote of the day "Do unto others as they do unto Gnu""Nov 21 03:05
_goblinyesterdays was good "Give a man a fish he will eat for a day, give him a free laptop and he'll shill for life" - I was quite proud of that.Nov 21 03:05
sebsebseb_goblin: got the thing now in my Mandriva 2010 vm,  said newer version and it asks if I want to get Mandriva 2009 Spring yepNov 21 03:13
_goblinyeah, Roy commented it was a known bug....Nov 21 03:14
sebsebsebit's a stupid bugNov 21 03:14
_goblinfor me that Mandriva just didn't cut it....Nov 21 03:14
_goblinthe DE was very unstable too (on my rigs)Nov 21 03:14
_goblinbut the worst part was it wouldn't let me change the res...Nov 21 03:15
sebsebseb2008  something is meant to be a good one,  I haven't done previous oensNov 21 03:15
schestowitz_goblin: Tux Machines reported the bug (Susan)Nov 21 03:15
_goblinfor an "out of the box" distro, I spent less time fiddling with Gentoo.Nov 21 03:15
sebsebsebthere graphical software management tool is ok, but  Ubuntu Software Centre is betterNov 21 03:15
sebsebsebschestowitz: what commands would I need to install stuff and uninstall  for that matter using the shell?Nov 21 03:16
_goblinwhat in Ubuntu?Nov 21 03:16
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 03:16
sebsebseb_goblin: no MandrivaNov 21 03:17
_goblinahNov 21 03:17
_goblinurpml command I believeNov 21 03:18
_goblinprefixed with SU (obviously)Nov 21 03:18
sebsebsebI notice little things like,  there not being any icons for anything on the system menu,  in  Ubuntu 9.10,  and Fedora 12,  as well as there not being an icon for Connect to Server or Search for Files in the places menu anymore, any idea why that is?  Mandriva 2010 has them :)Nov 21 03:20
sebsebseb_goblin: I got wolvix and stuff like that to vm yetNov 21 03:20
_goblinyou'll like Wolvix Im sure...Nov 21 03:21
sebsebseb_goblin: well probably if it comes with nice eye candy by default, and a text boot up mode when it's loading upNov 21 03:21
_goblinIts a little cracker...although Im disturbed that it still isn't out of Beta2 and have a horrible feeling it may be a dying project....Nov 21 03:22
sebsebsebthe most  good looking distro I have tried so far is  Vector LinuxNov 21 03:22
_goblinmaybe if that happens, I'll take it on....Nov 21 03:22
_goblinVector?Nov 21 03:22
sebsebsebyepNov 21 03:22
_goblinstandby....have to refresh my memoryNov 21 03:22
_goblinjust themes and wallpapers make it eyecandy....Nov 21 03:23
sebsebsebthe  vm  was  old though when I tried in Virtualbox, but  I really liked it.  Thing is that distro does Open Office on it's paid for add on CD,  but people can install them selves anyway it seems.  It's Slackware based.Nov 21 03:23
_goblinlook at my 30 minute knocked up Ubuntu 9.10:Nov 21 03:23
sebsebseb_goblin: well screensavers count as eye candy, and Ubuntu has removed loads from the default install,  in 9.10Nov 21 03:24
_goblin 21 03:24
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Shot from Karmic (9.10) its Gnome loveliness... on Twitpic .::. Size~: 7.17 KBNov 21 03:24
sebsebseb_goblin: the compiz Cube?Nov 21 03:26
_goblinyeah...Nov 21 03:27
_goblinand a nifty little skydome that gives a 3d effectNov 21 03:28
_goblinI have to keep some of my rigs looking pretty for the rest of the family to use..Nov 21 03:28
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] “Microsoft Seems to be Patenting Stuff Like Crazy” 21 03:30
phIRCe-BNcTitle: “Microsoft Seems to be Patenting Stuff Like Crazy” | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 105.31 KBNov 21 03:30
sebsebseb_goblin: Mandriva 2010 has the old GDM and  GrubNov 21 03:30
sebsebsebwell that's good really :)Nov 21 03:30
sebsebsebsince that means I can put some sound on the GDM :)  and  change the colours easilly for Grub as wellNov 21 03:30
schestowitzAh.. 21 03:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Just switched windows manager from Kwin to Compiz...Kubuntu 9... on Twitpic .::. Size~: 7.35 KBNov 21 03:33
schestowitzOk, time for zzzzz'sNov 21 03:35
*Diablo-D3 (n=diablo@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 03:38
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] #Microsoft #Silverlight has #Windows-centric features. Reeeeeaaallllyyy? 21 03:46
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] #Android running #iTablet killer before the iTablet is even out #appleNov 21 03:46
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Slashdot Technology Story | New Microsoft Silverlight Features Have Windows Bias .::. Size~: 145.78 KBNov 21 03:46
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Camangi WebStation: 7 Inches of Android Tablet for $400 - Camangi WebStation - Gizmodo .::. Size~: 63.46 KBNov 21 03:46
*_goblin has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Nov 21 03:52
*Winstrons ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 04:03
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] RD: @schestowitz: #Microsoft Still Shamelessly #Patents Other People's Ideas 21 04:16
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 21 04:18
DaemonFC!seen jonoNov 21 04:54
DaemonFCthat doesn't work here?Nov 21 04:54
*zer0c00l (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 04:59
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 05:02
DaemonFCschestowitz: 21 05:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle:   Free books used as tools to fight evolution  | .::. Size~: 104.13 KBNov 21 05:06
*ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 05:40
DaemonFCender2070: I'm in hellNov 21 05:50
DaemonFCmy neighbor woke me up blasting music, and it wasn't even good musicNov 21 05:50
DaemonFCit was Que Sera Sera by Doris DayNov 21 05:50
DaemonFCI pounded on her door and asked her if she had been hired to work at Guantanamo and needed the practice Nov 21 05:51
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Lost terminal")Nov 21 06:01
*ender2070 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 21 06:13
*zer0c00l` (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 06:23
oiaohmCould have been worse DaemonFC.  Could have been a jackhammer.Nov 21 06:33
*zer0c00l has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 21 06:35
DaemonFCnot a lot betterNov 21 06:41
DaemonFCoiaohm: It looks like MSE does keep malware off a PC after allNov 21 06:41
DaemonFCI went over to my mom's neighbor's house and took a look at their XP system I disinfected a couple months agoNov 21 06:42
DaemonFCstill cleanNov 21 06:42
oiaohmIts young DaemonFCNov 21 06:46
oiaohmI remember when malware bytes was the be all and end all then it stoped working.  I could go on for about 500 different applications.Nov 21 06:46
oiaohmWhen they are new the malware and virus writers don't have sitting in there tool chest disabling systems.Nov 21 06:47
oiaohmWhen MSE has a bit more age on it we will find out how good or bad it is DaemonFCNov 21 06:47
oiaohm  Interesting disk io benchmarksNov 21 06:54
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Kernel Log: Coming in 2.6.32 (Part 3) - Storage - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 65.6 KBNov 21 06:54
oiaohmCutting 12 seconds of what was a 48 second operation is impressive.Nov 21 06:56
oiaohm  InterestingNov 21 06:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Sony Ericsson unveils Cross-platform development environment for Android & Symbian - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 33.63 KBNov 21 06:59
DaemonFCoiaohm: Do you figure it's a better deal to buy a 32" 720p LCD for $400 or a 32" 1080p LCD for $750?Nov 21 07:02
DaemonFCI'm window shopping for a new TV, I may just go ahead and buy one if I get that "stimulus check"Nov 21 07:02
DaemonFCthis one I'm on now weighs about 100 pounds, it's massive, no HDMI, I'm tired of looking at itNov 21 07:03
oiaohmDepends how close you are going to be to the TV.Nov 21 07:04
oiaohmWhen you are far enough back even the most picky person cannot pick the difference.  Human eyes are not good enough.Nov 21 07:05
DaemonFChmmmmNov 21 07:06
DaemonFCprobably six feet between the couch and the TVNov 21 07:06
DaemonFCthe room isn't all that bigNov 21 07:06
DaemonFCanother thing I was interested in is doubling it as a PC monitor, I know I'd want the 1080p model for thatNov 21 07:07
oiaohmPC monitor 720p is going to sux.Nov 21 07:07
oiaohmEvent the 1080p can sux.Nov 21 07:07
oiaohmBe aware lot of tv LCD's have limited resultions on offer for the computer and will black screen if you choose a resultion they don't know.Nov 21 07:09
Diablo-D31080/1200p for a monitor is fineNov 21 07:09
Diablo-D3oiaohm: no, not reallyNov 21 07:09
oiaohmReally.Nov 21 07:09
Diablo-D3learn how dvi and hdmi workNov 21 07:09
Diablo-D3if you use a resolution that isnt returned by the TV, then yes, it can do whatever it wantsNov 21 07:09
oiaohmIt should tell the computer resultions it can display.Nov 21 07:09
Diablo-D3it does.Nov 21 07:09
Diablo-D3and it has done so for a very very long time.Nov 21 07:10
oiaohmThere are some that have  crappy controller.Nov 21 07:10
oiaohmThat returns a stack of resultions they cannot do.Nov 21 07:10
Diablo-D3then the television is brokenNov 21 07:10
oiaohmLCD screens have all there resultions tested.Nov 21 07:10
oiaohmIf they are for PC.Nov 21 07:10
Diablo-D3also, running an LCD panel at non-native res sucks.Nov 21 07:10
DaemonFCoiaohm: My mom's TV is weird. Sometimes you have to push OK/Exit. OK/Exit, 5-6 times when you're trying to start an HD movie from On DemandNov 21 07:10
Diablo-D3tv or notNov 21 07:10
DaemonFCcause it will pop up an error message that says "Not Support!!!"Nov 21 07:11
oiaohmYou have one DaemonFCNov 21 07:11
DaemonFCeventually the movie will startNov 21 07:11
DaemonFCI don't know if it's a TV problem, or a cable box problemNov 21 07:11
oiaohmDiablo-D3: Real world and theory are different.Nov 21 07:12
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Since when was the blindingly obvious considered "news"? 21 07:12
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC News - Banks 'are charging sneaky fees' claims Which? .::. Size~: 56.29 KBNov 21 07:12
DaemonFCoiaohm: She has no idea what she's doing. She buys something for $1,000 that could be crap (sometimes she gets lucky and it isn't)Nov 21 07:12
DaemonFCthen the next time I'm over, she has no idea how to use it, but she's excited that she bought something expensiveNov 21 07:12
Diablo-D3oiaohm: huh? no, it really does suckNov 21 07:12
Diablo-D3also, I dont buy cheap TVsNov 21 07:12
Diablo-D3you guys apparently doNov 21 07:13
oiaohmDiablo-D3: I have had it on a sony in the manual it was even noted as a non function.Nov 21 07:13
DaemonFCDiablo-D3: I don't know that I'd call 720p crapNov 21 07:13
Diablo-D3I dont buy cheap _or_ crap TVs.Nov 21 07:13
oiaohmWhen used it returns a message to OS that it cannot switch to the resultion Diablo-D3Nov 21 07:13
DaemonFCit wasn't THAT long ago that we were happy with VHS at 1/3rd that resolutionNov 21 07:13
DaemonFCand DVDs are all 480pNov 21 07:13
oiaohmEven that it told the OS it could do it Diablo-D3Nov 21 07:13
Diablo-D3oiaohm: [02:08:45] <Diablo-D3> also, running an LCD panel at non-native res sucks.Nov 21 07:14
DaemonFCat this rate, it'll be 3-4 years before a video game console can really surpass 720p without upscaling a lower resolution Nov 21 07:14
DaemonFCor about 5 years until cable TV even catches up to 720p fully Nov 21 07:14
oiaohmDiablo-D3: I know that but having OS try a res 8 times then panel shutoff.  Is a pain in ass having to turn off to come back on line.Nov 21 07:15
oiaohmJust because someone by mistake changed resultions Diablo-D3Nov 21 07:15
DaemonFCconsumer electronics are only meant to have a service life of about 5 years topsNov 21 07:15
DaemonFCthere's still people slugging it out on 10 year old PCs or old console TV sets built in the 80sNov 21 07:16
oiaohmBasically make sure the LCD screen has a good controller DaemonFC prevents lots of head aches latter.Nov 21 07:16
DaemonFClots of them from the circumstantial evidenceNov 21 07:16
Diablo-D3or dont buy a TVNov 21 07:16
DaemonFC(XP with 70% usage share)Nov 21 07:16
Diablo-D3they make 42" and larger computer monitorsNov 21 07:16
oiaohmDiablo-D3: yep  computer monitors all resultions work as they should.Nov 21 07:17
DaemonFCoiaohm: I may buy a Samsung TVNov 21 07:17
oiaohmNo controller short cutting.Nov 21 07:17
DaemonFCI haven't had problems with their stuff beforeNov 21 07:17
oiaohmI don't know if Samsung do controller evil.Nov 21 07:17
DaemonFCthe other brans I'm considering are Toshiba and PhilipsNov 21 07:17
DaemonFC*brandsNov 21 07:17
DaemonFCI won't buy anything that says Proscan, RCA, GE, or SonyNov 21 07:18
DaemonFCI may consider buying a Vizio setNov 21 07:18
DaemonFCnot sure who makes them, but my aunt and uncle bought one at Walmart while I was with them one night, it's a nice TVNov 21 07:19
oiaohmReally the controller board is all important to how annoying it is.Nov 21 07:19
DaemonFCWalmart has a 26 inch Vizio LCD on sale for $246 this weekNov 21 07:20
oiaohmFew cases I have seen the cheepest of the cheep LCD's with good boards.Nov 21 07:20
DaemonFCoiaohm: They have had no problems with theirsNov 21 07:20
oiaohmComputer hooked up to it.Nov 21 07:20
oiaohmAnd resultion answer checked.Nov 21 07:20
DaemonFCactually, my blacklist is Proscan, GE, RCA, Sony, and Polaroid Nov 21 07:20
oiaohmIe that is what will drive you nuts with a PC if that is wrong.Nov 21 07:21
DaemonFCProscan, GE, and RCA are all one company, and they fired all the people working for them in the USA including my dadNov 21 07:21
oiaohmEven worse are ones that don't answer screen sizes at All to the OS.Nov 21 07:21
DaemonFCso I will never buy from themNov 21 07:21
DaemonFCI knew a lot of the people they fired when they went off to China, they axed over 10,000 in total just at the Marion plantNov 21 07:22
oiaohmOld Proscan CRT's were solid.Nov 21 07:22
DaemonFCI know that any TV I buy will probably be made in ChinaNov 21 07:22
DaemonFCbut I have a particular disgust of Thomson Consumer ElectronicsNov 21 07:22
DaemonFCnot just for that, but for their Microsoft deals and MP3 patent trollingNov 21 07:22
DaemonFCThomson is heavy users of Microsoft software, and Intel processorsNov 21 07:23
DaemonFCexclusive customers on bothNov 21 07:23
DaemonFCthats how I got my hands on Windows NT 4 and Windows 2000 though, my dad copied the image discs they kept on siteNov 21 07:24
DaemonFClolNov 21 07:24
DaemonFCPolaroid seems to have slow and buggy firmwareNov 21 07:24
DaemonFCSony is Sony, enough said, laundry list of grievances against themNov 21 07:24
DaemonFCToshiba, I've never used a TV from them, but their laptops are top notchNov 21 07:25
zer0c00l`DaemonFC: howdy Nov 21 07:25
DaemonFCPhilips usually makes good stuffNov 21 07:25
DaemonFCSamsung makes good TVsNov 21 07:26
DaemonFChello zer0c00l`Nov 21 07:26
DaemonFCI haven't bought a single thing made by Thomson in over 10 yearsNov 21 07:26
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Feeling sick x(Nov 21 07:26
DaemonFCmy dad used to sign up to get prototypes of new consumer hardwareNov 21 07:26
DaemonFCwas always bringing home new stuff, from VCRs to cordless phones (pretty neat at the time) including one with Caller ID (new then)Nov 21 07:27
DaemonFChe got me a free RCA Lyra back in like 1999Nov 21 07:27
DaemonFCit was chitzy, ate batteries, and only had 256 megs on itNov 21 07:28
DaemonFCit was free though B-)Nov 21 07:28
zer0c00l`ஓவரா தான் பேசுரானுங்கNov 21 07:28
*zer0c00l` is now known as zer0c00lNov 21 07:29
DaemonFCI may just get a 37"Nov 21 07:41
DaemonFCthey all seem to be 1080p and about the same price as a 32" 1080pNov 21 07:41
DaemonFChmm, Amazon knows what music I like, what books I read, what tea flavors I drink, that I've been shopping for TVs, and that I may be interested in cat productsNov 21 07:45
DaemonFC:PNov 21 07:45
DaemonFCthey probably know more about me than the federal governmentNov 21 07:45
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 07:53
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] LOL #hallofshame total failure of Public distribution sys RD: @the_hindu A ration card in the name of Mahatma Gandhi! 21 07:56
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] #ROLF "In June, a ration card issued to one Laxmi of Vizianagaram district with a photograph of tennis star Sania Mirza was detected."Nov 21 07:56
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] I asked @ubuntuslave "whats up man?" he replied "ceiling fan" :DNov 21 07:56
DaemonFCI got tickets to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra on Dec 23rdNov 21 08:02
DaemonFCoiaohm: 21 08:03
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Samsung LN37B530 37" Diagonal 1080p LCD HDTV - .::. Size~: 119.51 KBNov 21 08:03
DaemonFCWhat do you say about this one?Nov 21 08:03
DaemonFCdamnNov 21 08:14
DaemonFCtwo state trooper cars outside my houseNov 21 08:15
DaemonFChave someone pulled overNov 21 08:15
DaemonFCI may go spyNov 21 08:15
DaemonFCbrbNov 21 08:15
*zer0c00l has quit ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)")Nov 21 08:16
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Lost terminal")Nov 21 08:28
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 08:28
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Finch is not as scary as I once thought as a PM clientNov 21 08:36
DaemonFChmmm, Walmart is having $198 laptops in the Black Friday saleNov 21 08:44
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] has anyone managed to run Computer Janitor and have a working system afterwards?Nov 21 09:14
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] what is happening with the Gizmo Project? Now you have to be a member to download the client?Nov 21 09:34
*tuxfan12 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 09:40
*tuxfan12 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 21 09:42
oiaohmDaemonFC: Over the years I have got careful.   Never had the luck of being close in it.  Most Samsung stuff is good.Nov 21 10:20
oiaohmWarnity on the Samsungs is normally very good.Nov 21 10:20
oiaohmFew minor questions and they do swap over replacement.Nov 21 10:20
oiaohmIf anything goes wrong.Nov 21 10:20
oiaohmNone of the crap of taking it to repair and waiting for another one to come back.Nov 21 10:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #KDE 4.3 Demo, as #Ogg 21 10:29
phIRCe-BNcTitle: KDE 4.3 Demo, as Ogg | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 98.63 KBNov 21 10:29
schestowitzoiaohm: avoid SamsungNov 21 10:32
schestowitzIt has a Linux patent deal with MicrosoftNov 21 10:32
schestowitzSome idiot here says I run the Linux Haters site..... liars. 21 10:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: I'm a pop star! - journal zen - par Vincent .::. Size~: 25.98 KBNov 21 10:33
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Why are O2 DNS servers so hopeless? use an OpenDNS. The one I recommend is: ..its very fast!Nov 21 10:35
oiaohmschestowitz: They might but good hardware is good hardware.   I really wish these deals were not secret.Nov 21 10:35
oiaohmBecause I would like to see what else was bundled up with the deal over Linux schestowitzNov 21 10:35
oiaohmI suspect items they really needed.Nov 21 10:36
oiaohmThat pop star guy just spoiled my favorate pic of a dragon.Nov 21 10:38
oiaohm  This here is a pure repeat of what MS did to JavaNov 21 10:39
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Microsoft Silverlight - now with hidden Windows bias • The Register .::. Size~: 31.75 KBNov 21 10:39
oiaohmSo far I have seen no techical reason why google os could not run a data drive for web cache.Nov 21 10:40
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] "Give a man a fish he will eat for a day, give him a laptop and he will shill for life" - Goblin http://www.openbytes.wordpress.comNov 21 10:41
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  OPEN BYTES  cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 107.72 KBNov 21 10:41
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] "Do unto others as they do unto Gnu" - Goblin #linux #foss #gnu #microsoft #windows #vista #xp #windows7Nov 21 10:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  OPEN BYTES  cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 107.75 KBNov 21 10:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] DW/LJ: Ladytron. 21 10:45
phIRCe-BNcTitle: reddragdiva | Ladytron. .::. Size~: 29.53 KBNov 21 10:45
phIRCe-BNcTitle: reddragdiva: Ladytron. .::. Size~: 22.17 KBNov 21 10:45
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 10:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] New Blog Post - System Restore Partition On Linux | The Digital Prism 21 10:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: System Restore Partition On Linux | The Digital Prism .::. Size~: 13.25 KBNov 21 10:59
schestowitz 21 10:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: IBM  - United States .::. Size~: 36.88 KBNov 21 10:59
schestowitz[10:39] <oiaohm>  This here is a pure repeat of what MS did to JavaNov 21 10:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Microsoft Silverlight - now with hidden Windows bias • The Register .::. Size~: 31.75 KBNov 21 10:59
schestowitzHow so?Nov 21 10:59
schestowitzSL is going nowhereNov 21 11:00
schestowitzScarce adoptionNov 21 11:00
oiaohmAdding platform depend extentions to try to limit it range schestowitzNov 21 11:00
schestowitzAhNov 21 11:00
schestowitzExpectedNov 21 11:00
schestowitzBallmer said soNov 21 11:00
oiaohmMS is not even creative about it.Nov 21 11:04
oiaohmDirect X support was one of the bits of crap they added to java.Nov 21 11:05
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] BBC News - Facebook acts on follower trade 21 11:17
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC News - Facebook acts on follower trade .::. Size~: 50.32 KBNov 21 11:17
schestowitzDid they...?Nov 21 11:37
schestowitzANyway, was on the phone for half an hour. I'm gonna do some SUSE posts......Nov 21 11:37
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Got two jobs today..Babysitting of a relative, but has threatened that I won't eat tonight otherwise.Nov 21 11:49
_goblinsorry about the Twitter pimp...its for a friend.....Nov 21 12:09
_goblinit will be twitted here in a minuteNov 21 12:09
*Omar87_ (n=quassel@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 12:12
_goblinor maybe it won'tNov 21 12:17
*_goblin has quit ("Ex-Chat")Nov 21 12:18
DaemonFCoiaohm: According to Opera, they're going to do the same acceleration stuff as Microsoft has in mind for IE 9Nov 21 12:24
DaemonFConly in Opera, it will use DirectX on Windows and OpenGL on anything elseNov 21 12:24
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 21 12:31
*zer0c00l (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 12:33
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellNov 21 12:43
oiaohmDaemonFC: Firefox has it as well if they get the cairo running.Nov 21 12:43
oiaohmUsing opengl.Nov 21 12:44
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #OpenSUSE 11.2 Reviews, Board Elections, OpenSUSE 11.3 in the Details 21 12:48
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Novell News Summary  Part I: OpenSUSE 11.2 Reviews, Board Elections, OpenSUSE 11.3 in the Details | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 114.72 KBNov 21 12:48
*zer0c00l` (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 12:50
*zer0c00l has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 21 12:51
oiaohmschestowitz:  You saw the two performance graphics on this site  One before one after..Nov 21 12:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Kernel Log: Coming in 2.6.32 (Part 3) - Storage - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 65.6 KBNov 21 12:59
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] #Tesla IPO coming soon 21 13:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Tesla Motors IPO coming 'any day' now, says report -- Engadget .::. Size~: 100.04 KBNov 21 13:06
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Goddamnit !Debian, who put Mono dependencies in the #gnome metapackage? Quit poisoning my distro!Nov 21 13:11
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, I saw thatNov 21 13:17
cubezzzTelsa ftw!Nov 21 13:26
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 13:27
amarsh04the managing director of the isp I use has a telsla car: 21 13:45
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Internode Blog .::. Size~: 48.26 KBNov 21 13:45
oiaohm Light news day.Nov 21 13:45
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Does Linus Torvalds Hate Freedom? - Linux Servers and Apache News Story .::. Size~: 53.33 KBNov 21 13:45
schestowitz 21 13:45
schestowitz"Nov 21 13:45
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Groklaw - Digging for Truth .::. Size~: 23.81 KBNov 21 13:45
schestowitzAs far as I know, there has been no significant uptick in Mono development, justNov 21 13:45
schestowitzStallman voicing his (very authoritative) opinion on Mono, one that most of theNov 21 13:45
schestowitzcommunity seems to share (I uninstalled Mono on my Ubuntu system, and lost twoNov 21 13:45
schestowitzprograms. I have installed a bunch of programs, none of which require it).Nov 21 13:45
schestowitzNow, everyone in the M$/Mono camp is going nuts, with official releases andNov 21 13:45
schestowitzastroturfers and misrepresenting facts about sites like Boycott Novell.Nov 21 13:45
schestowitz"Nov 21 13:45
schestowitzoiaohm: it's HessNov 21 13:46
schestowitz2007 called. They want their news back.Nov 21 13:46
schestowitzTorvalds does not hate freedomNov 21 13:46
schestowitzHe's just more indifferent towards itNov 21 13:46
schestowitzThat's fineNov 21 13:46
schestowitzWe need both the Linuses and RMSesNov 21 13:47
oiaohmBoth of the comments there are 8 years old schestowitzNov 21 13:47  Most don't read this right.Nov 21 13:49
oiaohm 21 13:49
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Microsoft Azure set to capture open source revenue streams | Open Source - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 82.05 KBNov 21 13:49
oiaohmMS needing mysql and appache to be sure of making money from Azure.  Basically says MS has lost.Nov 21 13:49
trmancowhy the fuck am I on this trolls list -> 21 13:53
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Twitter / @verofakto/BoycottBoys .::. Size~: 43.02 KBNov 21 13:53
trmancoso I get the ideaNov 21 13:54
trmancoI hang around in the irc channelNov 21 13:54
trmancoI'm part of you guysNov 21 13:55
oiaohm  buggerNov 21 13:56
phIRCe-BNcTitle: University of Arkansas - Daily Headlines .::. Size~: 15.23 KBNov 21 13:56
*zer0c00l` is now known as zer0c00lNov 21 13:56
*zer0c00l has quit ("brb")Nov 21 13:56
oiaohmThere is no such thing as bad advertising trmancoNov 21 13:57
oiaohm  schestowitz when copyright goes wrong.Nov 21 14:28
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Liberian Laws Are A Secret Due To Copyright; Even The Gov't Doesn't Have Them | Techdirt .::. Size~: 39.53 KBNov 21 14:28
schestowitztrmanco: no-one pays attention to it. It means Mono proponents worry about you.Nov 21 14:31
cubezzzI got a Linux TV :)Nov 21 14:42
cubezzzKDL-40V4100Nov 21 14:43
cubezzzsource code under GPLNov 21 14:43
schestowitzTuner?Nov 21 14:43
schestowitzOr cable?Nov 21 14:43
cubezzzantenna and it looks greatNov 21 14:43
schestowitzNeither is intractive enough. I enjoy HD YouTube on this 100Mbit/sec connection (no caps)Nov 21 14:43
cubezzzcan you get 1080p? Nov 21 14:44
cubezzzyeah youtube is pretty neatNov 21 14:45
cubezzzSONY could mention their TVs run Linux Nov 21 14:45
cubezzzto me, that's a nice feature to haveNov 21 14:45
schestowitzcubezzz: Neuros does YouTUbeNov 21 14:46
schestowitzIt's 100% FOSS, i think.I'm not sure about the h/w side, but it's a company to support, definitely...Nov 21 14:46
Diablo-D3lolNov 21 14:47
Diablo-D3cubezzz: dudeNov 21 14:47
Diablo-D3dont captialize sonyNov 21 14:47
Diablo-D3its not an acronymNov 21 14:47
schestowitzAs for Sony, it's not just them. It's like most Asian TV makers, according to Morton (needs verification)Nov 21 14:47
Diablo-D3Sony is not a premium brandNov 21 14:47
schestowitzMark Shuttleworth capitalises SONYNov 21 14:47
Diablo-D3mark shuttleworth is a dickheadNov 21 14:47
Diablo-D3its Sony.Nov 21 14:47
schestowitzMaybe I can come up with a funny acronym for NovellNov 21 14:48
Diablo-D3anyhow, Sony no longer manufactures LCD panelsNov 21 14:48
Diablo-D3and they never manufactured computer sized onesNov 21 14:48
cubezzzright you areNov 21 14:48
Diablo-D3all their monitor and laptop panels have been samsung or sharpNov 21 14:48
Diablo-D3and usually the higher grade onesNov 21 14:49
cubezzzthe analog tv had to go :)Nov 21 14:49
Diablo-D3their TV panels now are manufactured by Sharp, or technically, a jointly owned sub-company that Sony owns a small share of.Nov 21 14:49
Diablo-D3Sharp and Sony consume most of the A grade panels from that fabNov 21 14:50
Diablo-D3Toshiba consumes the restNov 21 14:50
schestowitzNefarious Organisation Vilifies Every Linux LawNov 21 14:50
Diablo-D3schestowitz: ...Nov 21 14:50
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 21 15:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] What #NOVELL Stands For 21 15:08
phIRCe-BNcTitle: What NOVELL Stands For | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 99.15 KBNov 21 15:08
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 15:40
*Winstrons has quit ()Nov 21 15:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Telepathy a Plugin Away from #Mono (Non- #ECMA Parts) 21 15:47
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Telepathy a Plugin Away from Mono (Non-ECMA Parts) | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 102.93 KBNov 21 15:47
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] today i am googling "php", prompted by @techpractical 21 16:03
phIRCe-BNcTitle: php - Google Search .::. Size~: 24.28 KBNov 21 16:03
*zer0c00l (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 16:18
*Declination ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 16:23
*asdf_ (i=5496fb26@gateway/web/freenode/x-rbgzntbdntzmitda) has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 16:26
*Tallken has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 21 16:34
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 16:34
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #European #Commission Keeps Getting Filled with #Microsoft Cronies 21 16:35
phIRCe-BNcTitle: European Commission Keeps Getting Filled with Microsoft Cronies | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 105.87 KBNov 21 16:35
*Tallken has quit (Client Quit)Nov 21 16:39
schestowitzbblNov 21 16:44
cubezzzwhat did they use ncurses for I wonderNov 21 17:15
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] NotN: Shroud of Turin proven genuine after Large Hadron Collider switched on 21 17:22
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Shroud of Turin proven genuine after Large Hadron Collider switched on - News of the News .::. Size~: 36.19 KBNov 21 17:22
Diablo-D3hahNov 21 17:24
*tuxfan12 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 17:45
*tuxfan12 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 21 17:46
*sebsebseb (n=sebastia@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 17:47
sebsebsebhiNov 21 17:47
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 17:52
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 21 17:57
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Batshit insane YouTube review of Modern Warfare 2. NSFW. Time to ban video games and webcams.Nov 21 18:04
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 18:10
*Balrog_ (n=Balrog@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 18:16
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 21 18:29
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 18:39
*Diablo-D3 has quit ("do coders dream of sheep()?")Nov 21 18:49
schestowitzJust listened to... 21 18:54
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux Outlaws 122 - In a Gnome Shell | Linux Outlaws .::. Size~: 21.3 KBNov 21 18:54
schestowitzThey're not as drunk this weekNov 21 18:54
cubezzzdamn, what a painNov 21 18:55
cubezzzstill can't flash the damned zaurusNov 21 18:55
schestowitzmoon itNov 21 18:55
cubezzzfine, I'll go back to 2.4.6Nov 21 18:55
cubezzzstupid technologyNov 21 18:55
schestowitz'IT;Nov 21 18:56
schestowitz'IT'...Nov 21 18:56
cubezzzno one sells the old style compact cardsNov 21 18:56
schestowitzPeople who program reduced to consumerismNov 21 18:56
schestowitzHot install app?Nov 21 18:57
schestowitztransaction in  "store"Nov 21 18:57
cubezzzI don't want to be reduced to consumerismNov 21 18:57
schestowitz 21 18:57
phIRCe-BNcTitle: If they dont spot him, were doomed. « FAIL Blog: Epic Fail Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments .::. Size~: 288.18 KBNov 21 18:57
cubezzzI'm a customer :)Nov 21 18:58
schestowitzNopeNov 21 18:58
cubezzzI just don't get treated goodNov 21 18:58
schestowitzGo back to your coop ! Lay eggsNov 21 18:58
cubezzzwhen I said zaurus the store guy goes "Is that like torrents?"Nov 21 18:58
cubezzzanyways....Nov 21 18:59
schestowitz 21 18:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 85.76 KBNov 21 18:59
schestowitzDisgustingNov 21 18:59
schestowitzPeople buy 'friends'Nov 21 18:59
cubezzzsharp, you let me down Nov 21 18:59
schestowitzSame in Twitter btwNov 21 19:00
schestowitzfake #sNov 21 19:00
cubezzzyou notice you can't get much service these days?Nov 21 19:00
schestowitzSe SharpNov 21 19:00
cubezzzand no one answers their phone eitherNov 21 19:00
schestowitzCe SharpNov 21 19:00
schestowitzCE SharpNov 21 19:00
schestowitzC SharpNov 21 19:00
*cubezzz WinCEsNov 21 19:00
schestowitzpeh [spit]Nov 21 19:01
*zer0c00l has quit (Read error: 148 (No route to host))Nov 21 19:01
schestowitzIf you see a hash in Linux, runNov 21 19:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Looking forward to the traditional Xmas movie.....Home that now part of a UK Xmas?Nov 21 19:02
cubezzzno one writes docsNov 21 19:02
cubezzzexcept me it seemsNov 21 19:02
schestowitzThe European Croniession is disappointing tooNov 21 19:02
cubezzzor at least write some comments in the damned codeNov 21 19:02
schestowitzCox says code documents selfNov 21 19:03
schestowitzIf elegantNov 21 19:03
cubezzzschestowitz, you know I spent 5 years getting one of my scanners to work on Linux?Nov 21 19:03
cubezzzI did it.... lots of willpowerNov 21 19:03
schestowitzSome people tried this with VIsta for 2 7yearsNov 21 19:05
schestowitzThey are still tryingNov 21 19:05
schestowitz 21 19:07
phIRCe-BNcTitle: eBay Completes Skype Sale | WebProNews .::. Size~: 33.95 KBNov 21 19:07
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 19:09
Ender2070I don't think there is any doubt paint.mono was ported by MiguelNov 21 19:11
Ender2070hes the project owner on the official siteNov 21 19:11
Ender2070 21 19:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] NHS fail 21 19:12
phIRCe-BNcTitle: If they dont spot him, were doomed. « FAIL Blog: Epic Fail Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments .::. Size~: 288.25 KBNov 21 19:12
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 19:12
*_goblin has quit (Client Quit)Nov 21 19:13
Ender2070someone mentioned in comments that shipping digikam would require shipping kde stuff (kdelibs) but those are still smaller than monoNov 21 19:16
Ender2070andNov 21 19:17
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Excellent chat over on - I must admit to loving those podcasts even those not relevant to me...!Nov 21 19:17
Ender2070fedora ships gtk stuff with the kde spin too, its not a big issueNov 21 19:17
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Oops. In that last one I meant DHS, not NHS.Nov 21 19:31
schestowitz 21 19:32
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Triumph in Geneva! LHC beams up and running again • The Register .::. Size~: 29.02 KBNov 21 19:32
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 19:35
schestowitz 21 19:37
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Apache MyFaces Trinidad 1.2 Web Application Groundwork: Part 1 .::. Size~: 54.76 KBNov 21 19:37
schestowitzHey, _goblin. Nov 21 19:37
schestowitzYou about...?Nov 21 19:37
_goblinhiNov 21 19:38
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 19:42
schestowitz 21 19:48
phIRCe-BNcTitle: [Phoronix] Intel Linux Graphics Shine With Fedora 12 .::. Size~: 19.01 KBNov 21 19:48
schestowitz_goblin: any explanation you might have for anti-Linux (and those who slander me) abandoning COLA?Nov 21 19:49
_goblinah....yes.....Nov 21 19:50
_goblinI think its for a few reasons....Nov 21 19:50
schestowitzYou hard..?Nov 21 19:50
schestowitzI think you did postNov 21 19:50
_goblinsorry?Nov 21 19:50
_goblinlol...Nov 21 19:50
schestowitzI saw you postingNov 21 19:50
schestowitzSo I figured you sawNov 21 19:50
_goblinyeahNov 21 19:50
Ender2070hency why fedora is superiorNov 21 19:50
schestowitzI'll tell you this:Nov 21 19:50
schestowitzI've been in COLA for 4 yearsNov 21 19:50
schestowitzThey never abandoned like thisNov 21 19:51
schestowitzSo we _must_ have done something rightNov 21 19:51
schestowitzEnder2070: yes...Nov 21 19:51
_goblinI think they have realized that attacking merely causes more support....Nov 21 19:51
schestowitz"Lastly, we have the results from Urban Terror. Fedora 12 was the clear winner here where it offered much better performance than 10 and 11. In fact, the frame-rate for Urban Terror in Fedora 12 was doubled of where it was at in Fedora 11."Nov 21 19:51
schestowitzNot bad for 6 months of workNov 21 19:51
_goblinI wouldn't have found BN if it hadn't been for the attacks...Nov 21 19:51
Ender2070most if it is simply having the absolute latest xorgNov 21 19:52
cubezzzwhen you attack something you can make it strongerNov 21 19:52
schestowitzNo such thing as bad publicity, said oiaohm to trmancoNov 21 19:52
schestowitzMicrosoft would be better off ignoring Like, Apple does thatNov 21 19:52
schestowitzThe spying on PJ got her only more powerNov 21 19:53
schestowitzNovell employees still attack meNov 21 19:53
schestowitzjono hopefully pays attentionNov 21 19:53
schestowitzNovell employee used to comment with nyms in BNNov 21 19:53
jonoI try to :)Nov 21 19:53
schestowitzNow they get exposed, so they use other sites to attack meNov 21 19:54
schestowitzCarla Schroder exposed themNov 21 19:54
schestowitzNot by nameNov 21 19:54
schestowitzBut she said many who slime me have IPsNov 21 19:54
schestowitzThey also reteweet and twit stuff against me, which is well... blatantly from Novell, which is just peopleNov 21 19:54
schestowitz 21 19:56
cubezzzit's drivers that worry meNov 21 19:56
schestowitz 21 19:57
cubezzzwe have most of the source, but not allNov 21 19:57
schestowitzHas anyone tried it yet? Chrome OS.Nov 21 19:57
cubezzznope, I spent the last week trying new stuff and now I'm tired :)Nov 21 19:57
schestowitz 21 19:57
phIRCe-BNcTitle: ARM excited by Chrome OS | News | TechRadar UK .::. Size~: 53.53 KBNov 21 19:57
schestowitzI'm excited by ARMNov 21 19:58
schestowitzcubezzz: 21 19:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Nokias Maemo OS  The next big wave | The Maemo .::. Size~: 58.75 KBNov 21 19:59
schestowitzMaybe this one is decent for hackingNov 21 19:59
schestowitzAlas, Nokia loves DRM and stuff like thatNov 21 19:59
schestowitz 21 20:00
phIRCe-BNcTitle: iPhone App Developer Backlash Growing | Techdirt .::. Size~: 83.89 KBNov 21 20:00
Ender2070i have chromeosNov 21 20:01
Ender2070but you need a specific computer to run itNov 21 20:01
Ender2070i did read that theres a guide to getting it run in a vm thoughNov 21 20:01
Ender2070to run*Nov 21 20:01
Ender2070when its almost done you're going to see people removing the blockers so it runs on all pcsNov 21 20:02
Ender2070I checked out the video, you will be able to store data on the unit itself and not the cloudNov 21 20:03
MinceRprobably only via google gears :>Nov 21 20:03
Ender2070its also encrypted, and the os sits on a read only filesystem so that if something messes ups you can just reboot itNov 21 20:03
Ender2070people will just hack the end productNov 21 20:04
Ender2070its open sourceNov 21 20:04
Ender2070take all the evil google stuff outNov 21 20:04
Ender2070make it operate on regular hdd'sNov 21 20:05
Ender2070i think its based on maemo too, so you can probably get those apps running on itNov 21 20:05
Ender2070iircNov 21 20:05
schestowitzEnder2070: how will you reflash for flaws?Nov 21 20:21
schestowitzOr is it assumed that a defect before next boot is "OK"?Nov 21 20:22
schestowitzEnder2070: you can ask jonoNov 21 20:22
schestowitzCanonical cooperates with Chrome OS team on stuffNov 21 20:22
schestowitzMaemo is Debian/NokiaNov 21 20:23
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 20:23
schestowitzGoogle is all cuddly... 21 20:24
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Blogger outs back-end Google tech • The Register .::. Size~: 27.27 KBNov 21 20:24
schestowitzThere was fake SCO toilet paperNov 21 20:24
schestowitzBut this one is for Microsoft employeesNov 21 20:25
schestowitz 21 20:26
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Potty-mouths charged for Comcast hijack • The Register .::. Size~: 25.43 KBNov 21 20:26
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] T-Mobile it’s data & what do file sharers think? #p2p #piratebay #data #t-mobileNov 21 20:28
phIRCe-BNcTitle: T-Mobile its data & what do file sharers think? «  OPEN BYTES  cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 34.55 KBNov 21 20:28
schestowitz 21 20:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Nokia swings axe again • The Register .::. Size~: 27.57 KBNov 21 20:31
_goblinWordpress is a mess.Nov 21 20:32
_goblinI hate Wordpress.Nov 21 20:32
_goblinNot much to ask to have a smaller font for text under a picture?Nov 21 20:32
_goblinapparently it is for Wordpress.Nov 21 20:32
schestowitzYou use WYSIWYG?Nov 21 20:33
_goblinyepNov 21 20:33
schestowitzMehNov 21 20:33
schestowitzDon'tNov 21 20:33
_goblinabsolute crap..Nov 21 20:33
schestowitzNoNov 21 20:33
schestowitzUse templateNov 21 20:33
*jono has quit ("Ex-Chat")Nov 21 20:33
schestowitzLike I doNov 21 20:33
_goblinits not a difficult feature to expect...Nov 21 20:33
_goblinits not like an embedded shoutbox....Nov 21 20:34
schestowitzMake a post structure, then use itNov 21 20:34
DaemonFCschestowitz: I wonder how many people will get trampled to death over a $3 coffee pot this year at WalmartNov 21 20:34
schestowitzHehNov 21 20:34
MinceRWYSIWYG is overrated in generalNov 21 20:34
schestowitzWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezi WIG!Nov 21 20:34
_goblinI see Jono is still hovering about....who does he want to interview this time?Nov 21 20:34
MinceRwheezy wig?Nov 21 20:34
schestowitzThat's how it's pronouncedNov 21 20:35
schestowitzThe LaTexPhoba has them running scaredNov 21 20:35
schestowitz*biaNov 21 20:35
schestowitzOK, nap time...Nov 21 20:35
DaemonFCI just woke upNov 21 20:35
DaemonFCmy neighbor is playing Guantanamo prison employee again with her radioNov 21 20:36
Omar87_Is it true that GIMP is not safe?Nov 21 20:37
DaemonFCI don't get it at all. She's two weeks behind on her rent. (That I know of) and never paid her deposit. Why is she not evicted?Nov 21 20:37
*Declination ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Nov 21 20:37
DaemonFCthe repo people already took her carNov 21 20:38
DaemonFCI'd like to know how it is exactly, that she's getting to work and backNov 21 20:38
_goblinHi Omar87!Nov 21 20:39
Ender2070GIMP is being removedNov 21 20:39
Ender2070what the article saidNov 21 20:40
DaemonFCGIMP has an awful interfaceNov 21 20:41
Ender2070i also suspect subliminals at work tooNov 21 20:41
DaemonFCWatch them replace it with Paint-MonoNov 21 20:42
Ender2070thats what i thinkNov 21 20:42
MinceRgimp has a good interfaceNov 21 20:42
MinceRand soon even DaemonFC can have his retarded photoshopoid interface if he wants in it :>Nov 21 20:42
Ender2070gimp is only weird if your a teenage photoshop pirateNov 21 20:43
DaemonFCI'm actually a young adult Photoshop pirateNov 21 20:43
DaemonFCthank you muchNov 21 20:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Listening to Slay Radio! Retro scene music! #mp3 #amigaNov 21 20:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle: :: SLAY Radio - News :: .::. Size~: 75.16 KBNov 21 20:44
MinceRi think "adult" is really an overstatement there :>Nov 21 20:44
MinceRscene music ftwNov 21 20:44
Ender2070lolNov 21 20:44
Ender2070+1Nov 21 20:44
*MinceR is listening to: Scorpik - GuruNov 21 20:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Finally, a relatively decent small twitter client that is stable for me! Twitux 0.69 #linux #fossNov 21 20:46
schestowitzHey Omar87_, what's up?Nov 21 20:47
*schestowitz wakes upNov 21 20:47
*DaemonFC is actually listening to the Trans-Siberian OrchestraNov 21 20:47
*DaemonFC got a bunch of new FLAC files to listen to B-)Nov 21 20:48
MinceRTSO rules tooNov 21 20:48
schestowitz 21 20:48
schestowitzMinceR: TCO or Tso?Nov 21 20:49
DaemonFCIn my opinion, FLAC is probably the best thing to come from open sourceNov 21 20:49
schestowitz:-)Nov 21 20:49
DaemonFCthat will be disputed, I know. But it's the most useful thing to meNov 21 20:49
MinceRschestowitz: Trans-Siberian OrchestraNov 21 20:49
schestowitz Trans-Siberian Orchestra... me looks upNov 21 20:49
schestowitzI figuredNov 21 20:49
DaemonFCschestowitz: Get "The Lost Christmas Eve"Nov 21 20:49
MinceRmy favorite among their works is Wizards in WinterNov 21 20:49
DaemonFCgood albumNov 21 20:49
DaemonFCmmhmNov 21 20:49
schestowitzThe lamers mutex it in YT... 21 20:50
DaemonFCthe album is 501 megs as FLAC, lolNov 21 20:51
schestowitzTrans-Siberian Orchestra - Layla 21 20:51
schestowitz /mutex/muted/Nov 21 20:51
DaemonFCit does run 74.5 minutesNov 21 20:51
DaemonFCthat only leaves like 5.5 minutes on the CDNov 21 20:51
schestowitz Trans-Siberian Orchestra - "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo - 12/24"Nov 21 20:52
schestowitzOmar87_: have a look at 21 20:52
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Moonlight and Mono Not GNU/Linux Projects Anymore | - Free Software News .::. Size~: 28.83 KBNov 21 20:52
DaemonFCI hate it when an album leaves like a third of the CD empty thoughNov 21 20:52
DaemonFCyou always have to feel cheated when that happensNov 21 20:52
schestowitzDaemonFC: they can fill it up with c* like  MAFIAA doesNov 21 20:52
schestowitzOr rather, they can take one 3.5 min' single, then fill it up with garbageNov 21 20:52
DaemonFCschestowitz: Yeah, some albums are so bad that they only record one good song for the whole thingNov 21 20:53
schestowitzThen tell you it's a bargain...  a quid per trackNov 21 20:53
MinceRor they can take an empty CD and fill it up with garbage ;)Nov 21 20:53
DaemonFCschestowitz: They're pissed that they can't get away with it with online storesNov 21 20:53
schestowitzWe should trade the same.. :-)Nov 21 20:53
schestowitzMinceR: I'll send you a hard driveNov 21 20:53
schestowitzWith 10 KG og recyclable metal garbageNov 21 20:54
DaemonFCschestowitz: That's why the RIAA really dragged their feet with online sales. They still think this new format of theirs will foist the whole album on youNov 21 20:54
DaemonFClolNov 21 20:54
MinceRno thanks :)Nov 21 20:54
schestowitzat $30 per KGNov 21 20:54
DaemonFCthat genie is already out of the bottleNov 21 20:54
DaemonFCtrack by track sales are not going awayNov 21 20:54
DaemonFCif they do, "piracy" will go even higher, and they know thatNov 21 20:54
schestowitzWell, they fed it to the peopleNov 21 20:54
schestowitzOnce you give up the same you never get it backNov 21 20:55
DaemonFCschestowitz: I don't get why people would buy a full album of crappy music just to get one good song when you can get it track by track for like 89 centsNov 21 20:55
schestowitzNo more acapella of "never gonna give you up" in every pop albumNov 21 20:55
DaemonFCwhole album sales, with rare exception, are not worth itNov 21 20:55
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] excellent fonts for gamers (courtesy Sean Barrett)Nov 21 20:56
DaemonFCthey belong in the 1990sNov 21 20:56
schestowitzSome people want their plastic inside more plastic, DaemonFCNov 21 20:56
schestowitzAnd with a sheet or paperNov 21 20:56
DaemonFCschestowitz: Burn it to CD thenNov 21 20:56
schestowitzUsually not for lyricsNov 21 20:56
DaemonFCmake your own CD full of all the good stuff and skip that band's crapNov 21 20:56
schestowitzFor glamour photos of a bunch of dudes or girls too close...Nov 21 20:56
schestowitzLike Karen and her brotherNov 21 20:57
DaemonFCschestowitz: The RIAA knows that sales are being cut in half just for the reasons I've said, even among the people that buy musicNov 21 20:57
DaemonFCa slight and dwindling majorityNov 21 20:57
schestowitz 21 20:58
phIRCe-BNcTitle:    SXSW 2009 on BitTorrent: 6 GB of Free Music | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 55.8 KBNov 21 20:58
schestowitzThis is a decent collectionNov 21 20:58
DaemonFCthey're still not fixing the problem of bad filler tracks, they're jsut trying to conjure up more ways to force you to buy themNov 21 20:58
schestowitzHigh signal and legally gratisNov 21 20:58
schestowitzNow they set a timebomb on CDsNov 21 20:58
schestowitzNo backups allowedNov 21 20:59
schestowitzDefective optical plasticNov 21 20:59
*Ender2070 has quit ("Konversation terminated!")Nov 21 20:59
schestowitzNo more vinyl for kidsNov 21 20:59
schestowitzNo music inheritanceNov 21 20:59
schestowitz"Army tapes reveal motive in Iraq prisoner killings" 21 21:00
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Army tapes reveal motive in Iraq prisoner killings - .::. Size~: 68.18 KBNov 21 21:00
*ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 21:04
schestowitzMinceR: who would you send on such a vacation?  See picNov 21 21:05
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BLOGical Thoughts » Friday, 20 November, 2009 .::. Size~: 14.8 KBNov 21 21:05
MinceRlooks like a beautiful placeNov 21 21:06
schestowitzVertigoNov 21 21:06
MinceRthough it would probably be nicer on footNov 21 21:06
schestowitzSafer tooNov 21 21:07
schestowitzOr snaplingNov 21 21:07
*Balrog_ has quit ()Nov 21 21:07
schestowitz 21 21:08
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBNov 21 21:08
MinceR(flash) (video) (audio) 21 21:11
*Balrog_ (n=Balrog@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 21:16
MinceRbtw that sign isn't even wrong, there definitely is a right turn ahead :>Nov 21 21:17
_goblindaemonFC: whats your view on filesharing?Nov 21 21:18
schestowitz 21 21:30
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Knoppix rev'd - News - Linux for Devices .::. Size~: 60.97 KBNov 21 21:30
schestowitz_goblin: watch the video.Nov 21 21:30
schestowitzMonty PythonNov 21 21:30
trmanco 21 21:32
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Earth's Weather Like You Have Never Seen It Before - Earth weather - Gizmodo .::. Size~: 63.57 KBNov 21 21:32
trmanco"It's based on the Earth System Modeling Framework, an open source project ""Nov 21 21:32
schestowitzYum. open sauce..Nov 21 21:34
*schestowitz walks off to boil wata'Nov 21 21:34
schestowitz"Although NSA has indicated that it would be up to Microsoft to implement MAC on Windows, Red Hat may have come up with a way to do the next-best thing by way of its new virtualization software." 21 21:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Locking down Windows with virtualization -- Government Computer News .::. Size~: 67.74 KBNov 21 21:38
_goblinaft...yep Roy..Ill give it a watchNov 21 21:45
_goblinlolNov 21 21:47
_goblinIve worked around there.....Nov 21 21:47
DaemonFC_goblin: I think it doesn't matter what I think. It's here, the MAFIAA has not shut it down. They were stupid to give it so much attention without an actual business plan to counter it.Nov 21 21:48
DaemonFCif they lose money, it's their own fault for not competing with a better productNov 21 21:48
schestowitz_goblin: you worked up the wall?Nov 21 21:49
_goblinyepNov 21 21:49
schestowitzTell wallclimber. She does it all the timeNov 21 21:49
_goblinhave I some stories to tell from around that area...Nov 21 21:49
_goblinnot here though.Nov 21 21:49
schestowitzDaemonFC: some don't lose moneyNov 21 21:49
schestowitzThey are just maximalists, that's allNov 21 21:50
_goblinW5....Nov 21 21:50
schestowitzShareholders want to crush musicians ans listenersNov 21 21:50
schestowitzPay least, charge most, over and over againNov 21 21:50
_goblinstarted working in Hackney after that...Nov 21 21:50
_goblinthen Tottenham....]Nov 21 21:50
schestowitz_goblin: Oh, so you're from London. Now I know _who_ you areNov 21 21:50
_goblinyou do?Nov 21 21:51
schestowitzYes, the guy from LondonNov 21 21:51
_goblinI don't live in London...Nov 21 21:51
_goblinlive in BedfordshireNov 21 21:51
_goblinused to live in Hertfordshire...Nov 21 21:51
schestowitzThat makes you one of 50+ million thenNov 21 21:51
_goblinborn nr Sunderland......Nov 21 21:51
DaemonFCMozilla is pretty arrogant, they keep trying to make false accusations against other browsersNov 21 21:51
_goblinlived in Hetton Le Hole.Nov 21 21:51
schestowitz_goblin: did any of the Munchkins expose your identity?Nov 21 21:51
_goblinnoNov 21 21:51
schestowitzHow come?Nov 21 21:51
schestowitzNo wiretaps yet?Nov 21 21:52
DaemonFCnow they imply that anyone not using Firefox is ignorantNov 21 21:52
schestowitzThey usually have mates in ISPsNov 21 21:52
_goblinwiretap? - I could explain much about that one...Nov 21 21:52
_goblinvery hyped up...Nov 21 21:52
_goblinvery boring tech.Nov 21 21:52
schestowitz[21:52] <DaemonFC> now they imply that anyone not using Firefox is ignorantNov 21 21:52
schestowitzNo, that would be IENov 21 21:52
_goblinand very worthless unless RIPR authority has been granted....Nov 21 21:52
schestowitzEveryone that uses IE is a lazy buggerNov 21 21:52
schestowitzOr ignorantNov 21 21:52
DaemonFCAsa Dotzler, Mozilla's community coordinator said, "When we reached 20%, we became the favored browser for anyone who understood what a browser was."Nov 21 21:52
DaemonFCso he implies that Opera, Safari, Chome, etc. users are ignorant for having passed on FirefoxNov 21 21:53
schestowitzTrueNov 21 21:53
schestowitzThose are proprietaryNov 21 21:53
schestowitzAll of themNov 21 21:53
DaemonFCthat's fairly presumptuousNov 21 21:53
schestowitzKonqueror and Chromium are F/OSSNov 21 21:53 browser of choiceNov 21 21:54
DaemonFCwell, if open source is so great, why is Firefox so bloated even though it's totally featurelesss by itsefl?Nov 21 21:54
_goblinlolNov 21 21:54
schestowitzTo make matters worse, Safari nicks KHTMLNov 21 21:54
DaemonFCyou need to strap on external modules before it can do anythingNov 21 21:54
schestowitzJobs did a rebadging jobNov 21 21:54
_goblindon't be filthyNov 21 21:54
DaemonFCif Microsoft coded like Mozilla, DOS would have needed a Pentium 4 with 256 megs of RAMNov 21 21:55
_goblindoesn't it?Nov 21 21:55
schestowitz"Hey, Steve [Jobs], just because you broke into Xerox’s store before I did and took the TV doesn’t mean I can’t go in later and steal the stereo." -- PEarlyNov 21 21:55
_goblinI thought DOS lagged on a quad core ;)Nov 21 21:55
DaemonFC_goblin: That was an old joke about C++ in that fake interview with the creator of C++. In the joke interview he said something like, he made C++ to increase programmer salaries cause it was so damned hard to get anything useful with itNov 21 21:56
DaemonFChe said he managed to rewrite DOS in it and it needed a Pentium 233 and 64 megs of RAMNov 21 21:56
DaemonFCB-)Nov 21 21:56
DaemonFCand only took 8 times longer to writeNov 21 21:56
_goblinwhen I can encode a vid through Wine/Tmpenc faster than tmpenc through native windows, one has to wonder what on earth goes on over at the Redmond Coding ClubNov 21 21:57
DaemonFCWine is faster on a few select thingsNov 21 21:58
DaemonFCespecially if it's not calling DirectXNov 21 21:58
schestowitz 21 21:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Nvidia previews next-gen Fermi GPUs • The Register .::. Size~: 39.01 KBNov 21 21:59
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 22:00
*Declination ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 22:01
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 21 22:01
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellNov 21 22:01
_goblindaemonfc: I also found on the same machine WOW can 10fps better performance than natively in Windows.Nov 21 22:01
schestowitz 21 22:05
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Turnip Prize finalists 21 22:11
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 85.64 KBNov 21 22:11
*Balrog_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 21 22:29
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Lost terminal")Nov 21 22:31
schestowitz 21 22:52
schestowitzMiguel is loyal... to his "Microsoft religion"Nov 21 22:52
schestowitzChrome OS kind of sucks based on anything I've read. 21 22:55
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBNov 21 22:55
schestowitz"Different" is not enough to be successfulNov 21 22:55
Aondogood with competition :)Nov 21 22:56
trmanco an opera widget just froze XNov 21 23:02
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] The joy of codecs: Can't Get The File To Play by Tom Smith HT @glynmoodyNov 21 23:11
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Tom Smith Online - Lyrics: Can't Get The File To Play .::. Size~: 17.3 KBNov 21 23:11
schestowitz 21 23:15
schestowitztrmanco: In Chrome OS, x freezes widgets!!Nov 21 23:16
schestowitz 21 23:16
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Zero-day vulnerabilities in Firefox extensions discovered .::. Size~: 23.45 KBNov 21 23:16
schestowitz 21 23:23
phIRCe-BNcTitle: I' Been to Ubuntu: Karmic Issues That I've Faced .::. Size~: 75.41 KBNov 21 23:23
schestowitz 21 23:25
phIRCe-BNcTitle: The Google ChromeOS - Not the Linux messiah. | GHABUNTU .::. Size~: 99.4 KBNov 21 23:25
*asdf_ has quit ("Page closed")Nov 21 23:25
schestowitz"And Finally I think that Google's Chromium OS might not be able to replace the current Operating Systems but still is a really good option for businessmen, officials and for those who travel a lot and want their data to be safe and accessible from anywhere, what place better than Google :)."Nov 21 23:26
schestowitz 21 23:26
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Life with Chromium OS, good or tasteless!! | Linuxers .::. Size~: 40.39 KBNov 21 23:26
schestowitz 21 23:28
schestowitz"ChromeOS’s concept is simple; remove absolutely everything from GNU/Linux that is not essential for browsing the internet. That lets ChromeOS boot quickly, in about 10 seconds, a bit more time than of Moblin or the tuned-up version of Fedora by Intel. Google Chrome has still a lot of glitches, but I’m sure they will fix’em all in time for production."Nov 21 23:28
phIRCe-BNcTitle: XLAB Tech  » Blog Archive   » ChromeOS first impressions .::. Size~: 20.38 KBNov 21 23:28
schestowitzChrome OS ain't for many tech people, but there will sure be some ignorant folks with love "clouds" and "fluffy things" and buy ARM+ChromeNov 21 23:29
schestowitz 21 23:29
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Quirks with Opera « Kens Code Pit .::. Size~: 23.3 KBNov 21 23:29
MinceRit's better than buying x86+winblows, isn't it? :>Nov 21 23:30
schestowitzWhy not ARM+Ubuntu?Nov 21 23:30
schestowitzOr Fedora for that matterNov 21 23:30
MinceRthose would be even betterNov 21 23:30
MinceRfedora 13 is promisingNov 21 23:30
MinceRat least they're planning to allow install to btrfs, apparentlyNov 21 23:31
schestowitzWhen I hit CTRL+S I want a HDD-RW, not a phone-mother-ship fn.Nov 21 23:31
schestowitzYes, I saw that about btrfsNov 21 23:31
schestowitzI was gonna paste it here, tooNov 21 23:31
schestowitzHas Google renamed some GFS variant "cloud FS" or something yet?Nov 21 23:32
schestowitzI bet it's trademarked by someoneNov 21 23:32
MinceRhaven't heard of suchNov 21 23:32
schestowitzHow US public perceives nuclean "toys"... 21 23:32
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBNov 21 23:32
schestowitzJust seen it in some blogs recently..Nov 21 23:33
schestowitzCouldn't help itNov 21 23:33
schestowitzYay. Nuclear holocaut... with a smirkNov 21 23:33
schestowitzNuclear weapons are no toyNov 21 23:33
schestowitz 21 23:34
MinceRscary like clowns?Nov 21 23:35
schestowitzI'm not scared of clownsNov 21 23:37
schestowitzkramer is scared of clownsNov 21 23:38
schestowitz 21 23:39
schestowitz Unstable & Not Ready – Uninstalling Fedora 12 24-Hours LaterNov 21 23:42
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Unstable & Not Ready - Uninstalling Fedora 12 24-Hours Later | The Linux Experiment .::. Size~: 51.79 KBNov 21 23:42
schestowitz 21 23:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle: mjg59: Why SHMConfig is off by default .::. Size~: 25.55 KBNov 21 23:44
sebsebsebschestowitz: 21 23:54
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Richard Stallman (rms) 's status on Saturday, 21-Nov-09 23:29:19 UTC - .::. Size~: 8.07 KBNov 21 23:54

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