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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 14th, 2010

oiaohmSaying person had old drivers.  Would force them to admit they failed to check.Feb 14 00:00
oiaohmI had to replace the motherboard in the SBS server because there was no new drivers.Feb 14 00:00
yuhongoiaohm: MS always blames malware? Really?Feb 14 00:00
oiaohmFor this kind of thing yes.  yuhongFeb 14 00:01
cubezzzagain, yet another reason not to use dozeFeb 14 00:01
yuhongAnd it is hard to believe that Windows would always disable drivers over 12 months old.Feb 14 00:02
oiaohmEven when I ring them.  I think by now they would have put on my file don't lie to him.  I  always have full audit reports out of dead machines listing what has changed.Feb 14 00:02
oiaohmThey don't disable them.  yuhongFeb 14 00:02
yuhongAnd it is hard to believe that Windows would magically disable drivers over 12 months old that worked before?Feb 14 00:02
yuhongAnd it is hard to believe that Windows would magically disable drivers over 12 months old that worked before.Feb 14 00:02
oiaohmIn the last 18 months they altered sections of the driver ABI. yuhongFeb 14 00:02
cubezzzwouldn't it be nice to have open source drivers? :)Feb 14 00:03
cubezzzthen we could avoid these stupid problemsFeb 14 00:03
oiaohmResults are that simply lots of drivers are no longer compadible.  yuhongFeb 14 00:03
yuhongoiaohm: What were the alterations?Feb 14 00:03
oiaohmTo fix secuirty holes in the Windows OS.  yuhongFeb 14 00:03
yuhongoiaohm: Technical details?Feb 14 00:03
oiaohmLike how the tcp/ip stack works.Feb 14 00:03
yuhong Technical details?Feb 14 00:03
yuhong Technical details please?Feb 14 00:04
oiaohmIn the ndis drivers about 8 functions drivers use to use no longer exist.  yuhongFeb 14 00:04
oiaohmDue to no secure way to code them.Feb 14 00:04
yuhongNames?Feb 14 00:04
oiaohmThey are NT4 functions.Feb 14 00:05
oiaohmThere has been replacements since windows 2000Feb 14 00:05
oiaohmYet driver makers kept on using them yuhongFeb 14 00:05
yuhongI know.Feb 14 00:05
oiaohmBasically they were replaced marked depeacted.Feb 14 00:06
oiaohmAnd MS just removed them.Feb 14 00:06
yuhongI get it now.Feb 14 00:06
yuhongBut it is quite different from what happened in this case.Feb 14 00:06
oiaohmThe infected drivers.Feb 14 00:06
oiaohmWere also using nt4 functions.Feb 14 00:07
yuhongNope.Feb 14 00:07
yuhongSee this comment:Feb 14 00:07
yuhong 14 00:07
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Slashdot Comments | Windows Patch Leaves Many XP Users With Blue Screens .::. Size~: 41.23 KBFeb 14 00:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Back from curry & chat with some of the @uupc people.Great evening,but @Daviey was missed.There'll be a new season.. sooner than you think.Feb 14 00:07
oiaohmGet a NT4 sdk yuhong.  Read it.Feb 14 00:08
yuhongOK.Feb 14 00:09
oiaohmDriver developers were told they were allowed to use that.Feb 14 00:09
yuhongYep.Feb 14 00:09
yuhongSome vendors indeed eventually remove deprecated functions.Feb 14 00:09
oiaohmSo you tell someone else they are allowed to use it then you use it yourself what else do you expect to happen.Feb 14 00:09
oiaohmThat is not the only change by the way yuhongFeb 14 00:10
oiaohmthere were changes for motherboard dependant memory controllers interface as well.Feb 14 00:10
yuhongNope, I mean this is probably a different case from what you are talking about.Feb 14 00:11
oiaohmThey all generated the same looking system.Feb 14 00:11
oiaohmUnless you looked closely.Feb 14 00:11
oiaohmIe one would blue screen from video.Feb 14 00:11
yuhongNope, I mean this is probably a different case from what I am talking about.Feb 14 00:11
oiaohmI have cleaned up about 12 different dead XP's.Feb 14 00:11
oiaohmThey all died in slight different locations. Due to different drivers.Feb 14 00:12
yuhong 14 00:12
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Slashdot Comments | Windows Patch Leaves Many XP Users With Blue Screens .::. Size~: 41.23 KBFeb 14 00:12
yuhongDid you see this comment?Feb 14 00:12
oiaohmThat is not the only cause.Feb 14 00:12
oiaohmIts 1.Feb 14 00:12
yuhongNow, was KTHREAD::Spare0[0]  ever has be documented for use in drivers.Feb 14 00:13
yuhongNow, was KTHREAD::Spare0[0]  ever has be documented for use in drivers?Feb 14 00:13
cubezzzI always felt that when wink2k came out a ton of win9x stuff stopped workingFeb 14 00:13
yuhongYep.Feb 14 00:13
oiaohmYes NT 4 documentation.Feb 14 00:13
cubezzza way for manufacturers to sell more hardware maybe?Feb 14 00:13
oiaohmWas removed from Windows 2000 SDK documentation yuhongFeb 14 00:13
cubezzzwash, rinse, repeat with each new dozeFeb 14 00:13
oiaohmOpps DDKFeb 14 00:14
oiaohmwhat is up with me todya I Have SDK and DDK mixed up.Feb 14 00:14
yuhongWhere? I am talking specifically this field only.Feb 14 00:14
shreddarWell officially 2000 was the successor to their NT line.Feb 14 00:14
shreddarME was the successor the 98 I think.Feb 14 00:14
yuhongI don't have the NT 4 DDK.Feb 14 00:14
oiaohmIt was even used in a example driver in the NT4 DDKFeb 14 00:14
shreddarThough nobody really rembers it.Feb 14 00:15
cubezzzand naturally almost no one has driver source codeFeb 14 00:15
oiaohmBasically this should give you a clue how old some of the driver code still in use is yuhongFeb 14 00:15
yuhongI know, but was KTHREAD::Spare0[0] one of them?Feb 14 00:16
oiaohmThat was used in a driver example for making a base vesa driver for NT4 DDK.  yuhongFeb 14 00:16
yuhongOK.Feb 14 00:17
oiaohmThat was shipped with the NT4 DDK.Feb 14 00:17
yuhongOK.Feb 14 00:17
yuhongYea, I think NT 4 driver support is waning over time.Feb 14 00:17
oiaohmNo a lot of new drivers are created off old code bases.Feb 14 00:17
oiaohmSo since the NT4 driver did that the 2000 XP and so on updates do it the same way since it still works.Feb 14 00:18
oiaohmOk still works until MS changes things.Feb 14 00:18
cubezzzsounds like trouble :)Feb 14 00:18
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.7/20091221164558])Feb 14 00:19
cubezzzlike I want to learn windows driver codeFeb 14 00:19
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 00:20
yuhongoiaohm: One last thing, any links you can provide describing all this?Feb 14 00:20
oiaohmWhen I hit with problems I dig back threw our achives of DDK's here to see what was going on.Feb 14 00:21
yuhongGood idea, I think.Feb 14 00:21
oiaohmParticularly when my audit reports told my the drivers had not been.Feb 14 00:21
oiaohmchanged.Feb 14 00:21
oiaohmAnd the machines had been working perfectly.Feb 14 00:22
oiaohmIe still matched clean install.Feb 14 00:22
yuhongYep, so you really used WinDbg or KD to do debugging?Feb 14 00:22
oiaohmI don't but windows guy here does.Feb 14 00:23
yuhongYep, so you really used WinDbg or KD to do debugging on the kernel?Feb 14 00:23
yuhongGood.Feb 14 00:23
oiaohmMy job is debug the Linux systems.Feb 14 00:23
oiaohmMost of the time.Feb 14 00:23
oiaohmBoth are different debuggers. Feb 14 00:24
*shreddar has quit (Quit: Page closed)Feb 14 00:24
yuhongSo you mean that security updates do break depreciated functions?Feb 14 00:24
oiaohmYep and depreciated ways of doing things.Feb 14 00:25
oiaohmOk 10 year depreciated stuff.Feb 14 00:25
DaemonFCschestowitz, Publishing now :)Feb 14 00:25
cubezzzone customer of mine has win95 but it's not connected to anything, LAN or internetFeb 14 00:25
cubezzzno updates, no problemsFeb 14 00:26
cubezzzalthought I doubt win95 gets any updates nowFeb 14 00:26
oiaohmMS could have started off with monitoring first and displayed warnings if anything in system was using stuff it should not have been.  But that would have been too much common sence.  yuhongFeb 14 00:26
DaemonFC 14 00:26
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Comcast screw-up of the century. Apparently I live in Bothell, Washington! « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 33.18 KBFeb 14 00:26
yuhongWell, warning about them does make sense.Feb 14 00:27
cubezzzthis could be the opportunity to nudge people towards GNU/LinuxFeb 14 00:27
cubezzzmaintainance problems like this...Feb 14 00:28
yuhongI am going to ask Larry Osterman of MS about this.Feb 14 00:28
yuhongI just sent email to Larry Osterman of MS about this.Feb 14 00:28
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.7/20091221164558])Feb 14 00:28
cubezzzseriously, it's easier to maintainFeb 14 00:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Lovely. Brand new install of Ubuntu on Mumbuntu desktop, did all updates, reboot, (initramfs) prompt. Magic.Feb 14 00:29
cubezzzI'd rather not do reinstalls of doze over and overFeb 14 00:30
cubezzzwhat is that, a make work project? :)Feb 14 00:30
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 00:31
Diablo-D3BUT BUT BUT BUTFeb 14 00:31
Diablo-D3as do fat bottomed girls.Feb 14 00:31
yuhongoiaohm: Interestingly, that was listed as one of the excuses why Linux can't have a stable kernel API/ABI.Feb 14 00:31
cubezzzQueen, old song too :)Feb 14 00:31
oiaohmyuhong: It not a excuse it True.  No matter how hard you try to keep a ABI stable at some point you will have to change it.  And if you don't do it carefully everything goes to hell.Feb 14 00:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] I hit bug 358654,"restart" prompt appears before updates are finished. Teach me not to read the entire screen! :| 14 00:32
cubezzzyeah, AVG keeps the cpu nice and warmFeb 14 00:32
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Bug #358654 in devmapper (Ubuntu): “udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured” .::. Size~: 140.87 KBFeb 14 00:32
oiaohmBasically MS slipped up this time yuhongFeb 14 00:33
oiaohmAnd have been doing so on different OS's for the last 18 months.Feb 14 00:33
cubezzzyou can run old Linux thoughFeb 14 00:33
yuhongAny security updates notable for doing this other than this one?Feb 14 00:34
cubezzzno one is forcing you to updateFeb 14 00:34
yuhongAny security updates notable for doing this other than this one? Do you have a listFeb 14 00:34
yuhongAny security updates notable for doing this other than this one? Do you have a list?Feb 14 00:34
oiaohmThe network driver stack correction in 2003 and vista and 2008.Feb 14 00:34
yuhongLink?Feb 14 00:34
oiaohmCaused low performance or no network connection.  yuhongFeb 14 00:34
yuhongLink?Feb 14 00:34
oiaohmSBS adviser from MS warns you about the problem after the fact.Feb 14 00:35
oiaohmSo MS could detect the problem.Feb 14 00:35
oiaohmBut the update did not include detection.Feb 14 00:35
yuhongLink?Feb 14 00:35
oiaohmThe patch should have failed to apply.Feb 14 00:35
oiaohmI don't have the KB numbers here.Feb 14 00:36
oiaohmThere are 4 KB numbers linked to it include hacks to tell 2003 and 2008 not to interface with network drivers particular ways.Feb 14 00:36
oiaohmBut cost performance.Feb 14 00:37
yuhongAre you referring to the Scalable Networking Pack?Feb 14 00:37
oiaohmThese are stock standard server.Feb 14 00:37
oiaohmNo extras.  yuhongFeb 14 00:38
oiaohmWorse was in december when a intel matrix raid controler driver was blocked from working due to a windows update.Feb 14 00:38
oiaohmFun is there was no update to driver so the driver still does not reinstall.Feb 14 00:38
Diablo-D3and people wonder why I want windows 100% functioning in virtualboxFeb 14 00:39
Diablo-D3I dont trust windows to use the hardwareFeb 14 00:39
Diablo-D3linux is needed as a security layerFeb 14 00:39
yuhongWhich year December, I am trying to find bulletins.Feb 14 00:40
oiaohm2009 yuhongFeb 14 00:40
cubezzzI guess you don't want to completely give up dozeFeb 14 00:41
oiaohmEven more fun the server was set not to take updates.  It was a forced secuirty update.  yuhongFeb 14 00:41
yuhongI can't find any that affect the kernel, the closest is MS09-069, but that affected LSASS, no the kernel.Feb 14 00:42
yuhongI can't find any that affect the kernel, the closest is MS09-069, but that affected LSASS, not the kernel.Feb 14 00:42
yuhongOr was it really in November?Feb 14 00:42
oiaohmThe splat happen 10 of December 2009Feb 14 00:43
oiaohmof the matrix driver.Feb 14 00:43
yuhongBut I can't find any december security update that affect the kernel.Feb 14 00:43
oiaohmCould have been a November one applied late.Feb 14 00:44
yuhongMS09-065?Feb 14 00:44
oiaohmYep that one sound right.Feb 14 00:44
yuhongI am going to try google search now.Feb 14 00:45
oiaohmAll these driver layer change are causing unexpected effects.Feb 14 00:45
oiaohmIe due to change then check latter.Feb 14 00:45
oiaohmWhen it needs to be check first then change.Feb 14 00:46
yuhong!google kb969947 matrix storageFeb 14 00:46
yuhongI tried Google and can't find any changes.Feb 14 00:47
yuhongI tried Google and can't find anything much on this.Feb 14 00:47
oiaohmNot like we bother posting for help when we know what the problem is.Feb 14 00:48
oiaohmFirst thing you do with drivers is check for updates then contact the maker.Feb 14 00:49
oiaohmWith server room stuff.Feb 14 00:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] Guess I'm getting nothing done for a week or so - #winterolympicsFeb 14 00:50
yuhongschestowitz: 14 00:51
oiaohmI guess us server room guys let MS think there means of operation was working.  So they thought it was fine todo to XP users.Feb 14 00:51
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Slashdot News Story | Yale Switching To Gmail, Not Without Opposition .::. Size~: 170.93 KBFeb 14 00:51
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.7/20091221164558])Feb 14 00:52
oiaohmPeople with the idea that google answers all.Feb 14 00:55
oiaohmLot of the things I know about windows you google for they are not there.  For the simple point it a waste of time posting randomally about it.Feb 14 00:56
MinceR:>Feb 14 00:58
oiaohmI am really sick of the MS one its malware or its thrid party driver makers.Feb 14 01:04
oiaohmSo they don't have to take reposnablity for there patch nailing system to wall.Feb 14 01:04
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Feb 14 01:05
schestowitzGood one: 14 01:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @sunil_abraham: LOL RT: @evgenymorozov why can't we see Sergey and Larry's lists of followers on Google Buzz? don't they like their own pFeb 14 01:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] Canadian woman's hockey team is leading Slovakia 1-0, go Canada! #winterolympicsFeb 14 01:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] Canadian woman's hockey team is leading Slovakia 3-0, go Canada! #winterolympicsFeb 14 01:20
DaemonFC 14 01:24
DaemonFC 14 01:31
*phIRCe-BNc has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 14 01:32
*phIRCe-BNc (~b0t@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 01:32
phIRCe-BNcHello World!Feb 14 01:32
schestowitztesting 14 01:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- Terminator 3 Sergent Candy Scene .::. Size~: 118.6 KBFeb 14 01:33
schestowitzOK, I've just updates phIRCe-BNc to the latest versionFeb 14 01:33
schestowitztrmanco made some fixes to it that I have on my machine but not on the serverFeb 14 01:33
schestowitz 14 01:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- terminator 2 deleted scenes (High Quality) .::. Size~: 109.29 KBFeb 14 01:33
schestowitzDaemonFC: 14 01:34
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- Conservative FAIL: Pwnage .::. Size~: 144.52 KBFeb 14 01:34
DaemonFC"Sounds to me like you're saying that some people deserve to die because they aren't hard enough workers. THAT sounds like Communism to me, that sounds like something Stalin would have done."Feb 14 01:53
DaemonFClolFeb 14 01:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Bah, this machine for Mumbuntu has an Nvidia NV6 Vanta/Vanta LT card, not supported by nvidia for some time. 14 01:53
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 8.10 Release Notes | Ubuntu .::. Size~: 45.49 KBFeb 14 01:53
DaemonFC"done picking on Rain Man"!!!!! HAHA!!!!!Feb 14 01:56
DaemonFC 14 02:00
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- Computer Bug .::. Size~: 127.21 KBFeb 14 02:00
DaemonFCschestowitz, Someone found a use for a MacFeb 14 02:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why #GNU #Linux is Beneficial to #Audio Production 14 02:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux Today - Editor's Note: Professional Audio Production on Linux .::. Size~: 82.77 KBFeb 14 02:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Mandriva Celebrates Another #GNU #Linux Win 14 02:07
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Delta Informatique looks to Mandriva Linux 2009 for its core banking system in Société Générale's Albania subsidiary | Mandriva linux .::. Size~: 16.86 KBFeb 14 02:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Reasons for #GNU #Linux to be Chosen 14 02:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Dell Still Needs to Improve Options #failFeb 14 02:10
phIRCe-BNcTitle: The Linux Box .::. Size~: 32.25 KBFeb 14 02:10
phIRCe-BNcTitle:   Dell and Standards at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 24.46 KBFeb 14 02:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Release of #Linux 2.6.33 is Imminent and The H Reviews Architecture and #Virtualisation 14 02:11
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Kernel Log: Coming in 2.6.33 (Part 4) - Architecture and virtualisation - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 125.14 KBFeb 14 02:11
DaemonFC"While I was in there and initially thinking it was my account, I panicked when I saw the auto-billing turned ON, as Comcast is the last company on Earth I trust to suck out whatever they want now and THEN leave me to dispute it, not realizing I wasn't turning off Ryan Farmer's bill pay, which was off the whole time, but rather Ryan Farmer's bill pay who turned it on deliberately. No sir, I don't imagine Ryan Farmer would be veFeb 14 02:13
DaemonFCry happy with Ryan Farmer over causing Ryan Farmer to owe Comcrap a late fee. I think Ryan Farmer would be very mad at Ryan Farmer indeed!"Feb 14 02:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #RedHat 's Virtualisation Story, New #Fedora 12 Released 14 02:13
DaemonFCheheheFeb 14 02:13
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Fedora 12 installation media updated - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 29.97 KBFeb 14 02:13
DaemonFC"I can only imagine the case of Ryan Farmer v. Ryan Farmer in small claims court..."Feb 14 02:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] What #Distrowatch .org Says About Comparative "Popularity" of #GNU #Linux Distributions 14 02:15
phIRCe-BNcTitle: mylog2u -: Top 5 Linux Distributions 2010 .::. Size~: 106.94 KBFeb 14 02:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #KDE SC 4.4 a Reason to Party in Denmark, System Settings in Review 14 02:17
phIRCe-BNcTitle: KDE SC 4.4 Release Party  Copenhagen «  The Blog is Hot .::. Size~: 18.06 KBFeb 14 02:17
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Raiden's Realm: The KDE 4.3 System Settings - Part 4 - Advanced User Settings .::. Size~: 31.67 KBFeb 14 02:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Looking forward to seeing Jerry Springer host Raw this monday..... #wwe #wrestlingFeb 14 02:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] And now Im off to some posts to publish tomorrow, providing that O2 remains well behaved. Night all.Feb 14 02:24
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Feb 14 02:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Debian Conference Coming, Two Derivatives Also ( #Mepis , #Parsix ) 14 02:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: DebConf feed .::. Size~: 7.21 KBFeb 14 02:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux Mania: Simply Mepis 8.5 beta4 review .::. Size~: 96.88 KBFeb 14 02:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Parsix 3.0r2 review .::. Size~: 68.45 KBFeb 14 02:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux Dancing with the Stars, 10.4 Looks Promising 14 02:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Ubuntu Linux Used in the Making of Avatar | Jordan Open Source Association .::. Size~: 22.97 KBFeb 14 02:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: [Phoronix] Ubuntu 10.04's Nouveau Stack Gets Ready .::. Size~: 16.4 KBFeb 14 02:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: My (Updated) Experiences with Ubuntu 9.10 .::. Size~: 56.06 KBFeb 14 02:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Oops, I meant 10.04, not 10.4Feb 14 02:34
schestowitzHeh.Feb 14 02:35
schestowitz"I can only imagine the case of Ryan Farmer v. Ryan Farmer in small claims court..."Feb 14 02:35
schestowitzI know which one would winFeb 14 02:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Ubuntu Derivatives #Crunchbang and #LinuxMint in Review 14 02:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Raiden's Realm: Review: Crunchbang Linux 9.04.01 .::. Size~: 29.9 KBFeb 14 02:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux Mint 8 Fluxbox and KDE64 Editions Out Now - Based on Ubuntu 9.10 - Softpedia .::. Size~: 47.05 KBFeb 14 02:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #NetGear #Router Runs #Linux 14 02:37
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 3G router serves both wired and wireless users - News - Linux for Devices .::. Size~: 61.07 KBFeb 14 02:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Android / #Linux is Taking Over Everything 14 02:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Garmin and Asus Show nüvifone with Android - Linux Magazine Online  .::. Size~: 31.76 KBFeb 14 02:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 18 Essential Apps For Your Android Phone  - Make Tech Easier .::. Size~: 53.58 KBFeb 14 02:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Would some kind lass or fellow please hoover up all the dross from the Ubuntu-users and sounder mailing lists and flush them away? Thanks.Feb 14 02:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #HP Goes with #Linux ( #Android ) for Future Sub-notebooks 14 02:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #KDE 4.4 Works Nicely on Netbooks,1000000567,10015109o-2000498448b,00.htmFeb 14 02:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: HP tips more details on Android netbook - News - Linux for Devices .::. Size~: 59.92 KBFeb 14 02:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Community on ZDNet UK .::. Size~: 112.64 KBFeb 14 02:43
*gnufs ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 02:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #iFreeTablet Similar to #OLPC , with #FreeSoftware 14 02:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Cafu #3D Set Free ( #GNU #GPL ) 14 02:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: iFreeTablet, interview with Carlos de Castro, project | Make My Logic .::. Size~: 47.44 KBFeb 14 02:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Thousands sign up to anti-iPad petition  - Pocket-lint .::. Size~: 41.82 KBFeb 14 02:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Cafu 3D graphics engine goes GPL - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 28.57 KBFeb 14 02:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #FreeSoftware Advantages Explained 14 02:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle:    Open Source  May the source be with You - Brajeshwar .::. Size~: 32.07 KBFeb 14 02:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[anivar] Happy Valentines Day ! Show your Love for Free Software ! 14 02:45
phIRCe-BNcTitle: I ♥ Free Software - Valentine's Day 2010 - FSFE .::. Size~: 8.23 KBFeb 14 02:45
gnufsschestowitz, i have uploaded the fully free gnu/linux distro talk i gave at an fsfe meeting: 14 02:48
phIRCe-BNcTitle: GLOG / Fully Free GNU/Linux Presentation .::. Size~: 29.57 KBFeb 14 02:48
gnufshah, smart bot...Feb 14 02:51
schestowitzHey, gnufsFeb 14 02:52
gnufso/Feb 14 02:53
schestowitzgnufs: yes, I noticed the talkFeb 14 02:53
schestowitzI've just linked to it and twitted itFeb 14 02:53
schestowitz*tweetedFeb 14 02:53
schestowitzFrom FS DailyFeb 14 02:53
schestowitzWhere I found itFeb 14 02:53
gnufsgreat! i can go to sleep in peace then... :)Feb 14 02:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #LinuxOutlaws Has New Episode, #OpenSource #ThinkTank 2010 Opens 14 02:55
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux Outlaws 135 - So Good, They Tried to Patent Him | Linux Outlaws .::. Size~: 20.27 KBFeb 14 02:55
schestowitzgnufs: :-)Feb 14 02:55
schestowitzSounds like the "now I can die happy" proverbFeb 14 02:56
gnufshopefully not before a new gNewSense release :PFeb 14 02:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #FSF / #FSFE / #GNU Promoting Freedom and Making Headway 14 02:57
phIRCe-BNcTitle: I ♥ Free Software - Valentine's Day 2010 - FSFE .::. Size~: 8.23 KBFeb 14 02:57
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 2010-01-31 .::. Size~: 5.88 KBFeb 14 02:57
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Richard Stallman @ RIT February 23rd 2010 | .::. Size~: 24.74 KBFeb 14 02:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #OpenOffice .org Compared to #Microsoft 's Fat Office 14 02:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: vs. Microsoft Office | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 80.29 KBFeb 14 02:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Open Office 3.2: Faster, More Office Compatibility — .::. Size~: 67.08 KBFeb 14 02:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Free #Databases Can be Managed with #FreeSoftware #SchemaCrawler 14 03:00
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Database developers - take a walk with SchemaCrawler .::. Size~: 22.98 KBFeb 14 03:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Government of #CzechRepublic Increasingly Moving Towards #FreeSoftware 14 03:01
phIRCe-BNcTitle: CZ: Open source to fix mandatory e-government's service —  .::. Size~: 31.65 KBFeb 14 03:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] GNUgle Wins at Microsoft's Expense in #Australia 14 03:03
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Why Gmail is killing Exchange in Australia .::. Size~: 156.34 KBFeb 14 03:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Iceland a World Hero for Defending Justice Seekers 14 03:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Icelandic Modern Media Initiative .::. Size~: 4.14 KBFeb 14 03:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Iceland aims to become haven for investigative journalism |Media | .::. Size~: 120.46 KBFeb 14 03:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Wikimedia Helps Good Causes 14 03:05
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Wikimedia donates servers to deserving non-profits. « Wikimedia Technical Blog .::. Size~: 32.81 KBFeb 14 03:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #MAFIAA Loses Again (Pubs win court battle over recorded music charges)Feb 14 03:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 88.38 KBFeb 14 03:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Shows the Way to #GNU #Linux 14 03:07
phIRCe-BNcTitle:   M$ Wants You To Use GNU/Linux at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 23.88 KBFeb 14 03:07
schestowitzgnFeb 14 03:08
gnufsgnFeb 14 03:10
*gnufs ( has left #boycottnovell ("WeeChat")Feb 14 03:10
DaemonFC 14 03:19
phIRCe-BNcTitle: History's Worst Software Bugs  .::. Size~: 53.36 KBFeb 14 03:19
oiaohmschestowitz: What happens in Australia is important to MS future.  Thinking Australia still has the highest percentage of MS product usage out of any country.Feb 14 03:42
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 14 03:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] I can't believe I saw "In the Mood For Love" & "Valentine's Day" in the same week & almost the same city block. Whiplash. #cinema vs #moviesFeb 14 03:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Ahhhh un-following is so satisfying. Like deleting code.Feb 14 04:00
DaemonFC 14 04:13
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- Babylon 5 - Nightwatch Meeting .::. Size~: 88.67 KBFeb 14 04:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Rare that I agree with a #US position, but Beijing can shove it up their a**. #chinaFeb 14 04:14
phIRCe-BNcTitle: US refuses to cancel Obama's Dalai Lama meeting - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 102.41 KBFeb 14 04:14
DaemonFC 14 04:20
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBFeb 14 04:20
DaemonFC:)Feb 14 04:20
DaemonFC 14 04:22
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 2 + 2 = 5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 42.66 KBFeb 14 04:22
DaemonFC"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows." Feb 14 04:23
DaemonFC:)Feb 14 04:23
DaemonFC 14 04:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Google Translate .::. Size~: 0.83 KBFeb 14 04:31
*DaemonFC proposes replacing all human languages with InterlacFeb 14 04:34
DaemonFC:)Feb 14 04:34
DaemonFC 14 04:34
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Interlac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 43.91 KBFeb 14 04:34
DaemonFCEnglish is probably one of the harder languages to manipulate like we see in "Newspeak" in Nineteen Eighty-FourFeb 14 04:36
DaemonFCmany more words would need to be removed from English than most any other languageFeb 14 04:36
DaemonFCI know they've compressed English into a "Basic English" form, which is laughable and misses all fluidityFeb 14 04:37
tessier__ 14 05:24
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Bill Gates: We need global 'energy miracles' - .::. Size~: 48.21 KBFeb 14 05:24
tessier__One of the very few things on which I agree with BillFeb 14 05:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #mintty looks like a very nice complement to #cygwin - if you have to use it 14 05:28
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  mintty -  Project Hosting on Google Code .::. Size~: 12.8 KBFeb 14 05:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] To clarify that, #mintty is a better terminal emulator for #cygwin 14 05:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  mintty -  Project Hosting on Google Code .::. Size~: 12.8 KBFeb 14 05:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] @ wilw I played two games with their designers today // THIRD STRIKE. You're un-followedFeb 14 05:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@DesignerDepot Top 10 Things that #JavaScript Got Wrong: // mostly trivial, irrelevant list, unfortunatelyFeb 14 05:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Top 10 Things that JavaScript Got Wrong | Nettuts+ .::. Size~: 123.7 KBFeb 14 05:36
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Pictures from yesterdays #24camp 14 05:57
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Picasa Web Albums - cnu - 24camp 1 .::. Size~: 44.14 KBFeb 14 05:57
*Thrae has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Feb 14 05:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] hm, #apple #osx #nerd wisdom: system_profiler command; looks useful.Feb 14 05:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Also, for completeness: sw_vers #osx #nerd wisdomFeb 14 06:03
*fewa_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 06:41
fewa_whats a good alternative for f-spotFeb 14 06:43
fewa_I need a good photo manager for my digi cameraFeb 14 06:43
DaemonFCg-spot?Feb 14 06:47
DaemonFCI hear it's really good if you can find itFeb 14 06:47
DaemonFCseriously though, there's gthumb and PicasaFeb 14 06:48
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 07:02
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:03
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 14 07:07
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 07:10
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:13
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*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:15
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 07:19
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:21
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 07:21
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:26
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*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:31
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 07:33
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:35
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 07:44
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:46
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 07:46
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:48
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 07:49
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:51
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 07:52
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 07:55
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 08:04
*_Goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 08:07
_Goblinmorning allFeb 14 08:08
*kecskebak ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 08:14
kecskebakMorningFeb 14 08:14
*kecskebak has quit (Quit: kecskebak)Feb 14 08:21
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] RT @sup3rkiddo: Ayyyaayoooo.. Ajit's Aalwar in Hindi, Star Gold - 5 PM... Inda Annyaayatha kayka yaarum illayaa?Feb 14 09:27
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Dry cough thing is freaking me out - back to zombie mode with medication :(Feb 14 09:32
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 09:47
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 09:48
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Feb 14 09:49
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 09:49
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 09:51
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 09:52
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 09:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Makes it Hard to Buy and Use #Windows promotes exploration with GNU/LinuxFeb 14 10:12
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Microsoft Makes it Hard to Buy and Use Windows | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 84.71 KBFeb 14 10:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Novell Keeps Being Dumped for #Google Novell #GroupWise is being abandoned and removed from over 70,000 seatsFeb 14 10:25
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Novell Keeps Being Dumped for Google | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 85.2 KBFeb 14 10:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Mentioned Concorde Crash of 2000 to Wifey. 'It crashed!?'. Checked notes, it happened 1 month before we got married. Her brain was occupied.Feb 14 10:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] To those asking, Mumbuntu machine is a compaq evo with a semi-onbard video card, but has two PCI slots. Need an old PCI NV card I guess.Feb 14 10:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] I realise that I could go and buy a fairly cheap new machine,but not knowing if Mum will take to computing,trying out this old machine firstFeb 14 10:36
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 10:39
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Feb 14 10:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Wifey just went out of the room and came back in with a valentines card. 'Did you just write that?'. *smirk*. She's as bad as me.Feb 14 10:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Novell Market Start is Virtually Dead; Novell’s Meeks Disses #JavaFX , #OpenSUSE 11.2 is Broken 14 10:51
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Novell Market Start is Virtually Dead; Novells Meeks Disses JavaFX, OpenSUSE 11.2 is Broken | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 89.39 KBFeb 14 10:51
*amarsh04 has just been reading "The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse" 14 11:07
phIRCe-BNcTitle: The Ethical Barometer   » About Marianne .::. Size~: 14.16 KBFeb 14 11:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] .@neilgaiman gently tries to explain freedom of speech to the hard of thinking 14 11:16
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Neil Gaiman's Journal: Why defend freedom of icky speech? .::. Size~: 60.53 KBFeb 14 11:16
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 12:00
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRFeb 14 12:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Novell promotes #Microsoft #Silverlight , .NET, and other negative endeavours while demoting the #GPL 14 12:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Novell More of a Reflection of Microsoft as Weeks Go By | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 99.15 KBFeb 14 12:04
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Geeqie works really well as an image viewer !xfceFeb 14 12:17
schestowitzamarsh04: 14 12:28
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | Australian Judge Rules Facts Cannot Be Copyrighted .::. Size~: 132.87 KBFeb 14 12:28
schestowitzhere I was thinking that copyrights were made to encourage more creation :-)Feb 14 12:28
schestowitzMaybe we need more laws then :-) :-)Feb 14 12:28
amarsh04hadn't seen that one before, schestowitzFeb 14 12:30
schestowitz 14 12:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Microsoft volume licensing site serves up customer details • Channel Register .::. Size~: 19.1 KBFeb 14 12:31
schestowitzamarsh04: it's new in /.Feb 14 12:31
schestowitz 14 12:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BT revenues down • The Register .::. Size~: 21.8 KBFeb 14 12:33
schestowitzcubezzz: 14 12:34
phIRCe-BNcTitle: US judges leave definition of obscenity to Amish, Kansas • The Register .::. Size~: 23.43 KBFeb 14 12:34
schestowitzamarsh04: there's also this, which surely you've heard about by now: 14 12:35
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Aussie anti-censor attacks strafe gov websites • The Register .::. Size~: 22.39 KBFeb 14 12:35
amarsh04yes, a group called "Anonymous" quite confusingFeb 14 12:35
amarsh04I've forwarded that Sensis story on to 14 12:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: ACCAN - Australian Communications Consumer Action Network .::. Size~: 8.59 KBFeb 14 12:36
amarsh04 14 12:37
amarsh04linked from 14 12:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 404 Not found .::. Size~: 0 KBFeb 14 12:38
amarsh04goodnight, been a long day todayFeb 14 12:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @jwildeboer Warning [explicit] but a telling story on Google #buzz #fail. 14 12:58
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Protected Blog › Login .::. Size~: 2.49 KBFeb 14 12:58
Diablo-D3schestowitz: that google buzz story is lockedFeb 14 12:59
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 13:00
sebsebseb Feb 14 13:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Thinking I should just dump this old crap desktop for Mumbuntu and get her an Acer aspire revo. Only £150Feb 14 13:00
schestowitz*LOL* [IMG]Feb 14 13:01
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBFeb 14 13:01
schestowitzDiablo-D3: Damn. 14 13:04
schestowitzBlack **ck Software in ECT (free platform to spout out stuff: 14 13:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux News: Mobile: Open Source: Fuel for the Smartphone Explosion .::. Size~: 60.79 KBFeb 14 13:06
schestowitz"Tim Yeaton is president and CEO of  Black Duck Software, a provider of products and services for automating the management, governance and secure use of open source software in multisource development at enterprise scale.. "Feb 14 13:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] How about a TB of data up your nostril? #atom #ssdFeb 14 13:17
phIRCe-BNcTitle:             Toshiba invents a tiny 1tb ssd - The Inquirer          .::. Size~: 69.72 KBFeb 14 13:17
schestowitz 14 13:19
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Google Buzz Automatically Exposes Gmail Information - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 97.54 KBFeb 14 13:19
schestowitz"And if that's not bad enough, the default setting allows anyone who connects with you to see your most frequent contacts. You can disable that setting, but then those contacts won't be accessible for sharing photos, links and daily witty updates. "Feb 14 13:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Oops, two revos being delivered tomorrow.Feb 14 13:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Sooo, how badly does XP react these days to being lifted from one machine to another? Does it still have a hissy hardware fit?Feb 14 13:31
MinceRapparently there's 3d support in nouveau now >> 14 13:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: [Phoronix] NVIDIA Has Gallium3D Support In Fedora 13 .::. Size~: 16.64 KBFeb 14 13:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Patent Escalations in Europe, #SAP Pretense, #CCIA Goes Wrong, and #IETF Opens Up 14 13:40
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Patents Roundup: Escalations in Europe, SAP Pretense, CCIA Goes Wrong, and IETF Opens Up | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 100.47 KBFeb 14 13:40
oiaohmOk MinceR its good enough to kick the old NV drivers but.  But kicking the closed source driver not good enough yet.Feb 14 13:42
MinceR:)Feb 14 13:43
schestowitzQuite a headline: 14 13:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Warner Music Shoots Self In Head; Says No More Free Streaming | Techdirt .::. Size~: 127.9 KBFeb 14 13:44
oiaohmThinking the old open source NV driver has no 3d support its not hard to beat.  MinceRFeb 14 13:44
schestowitzI almost took it literallyFeb 14 13:44
MinceRi knowFeb 14 13:44
MinceRbut afaik nouveau didn't have 3d support until recently eitherFeb 14 13:44
oiaohmIt did.Feb 14 13:44
oiaohmFor about 8 months.Feb 14 13:45
oiaohmBut it was very touchy.Feb 14 13:45
MinceR:)Feb 14 13:45
schestowitz "The Anti-Mike" I see Masnick is being trolled alreadyFeb 14 13:51
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Would A Moron In A Hurry Be Confused By The Difference Between A High School And A Pickup Truck? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 166.27 KBFeb 14 13:51
schestowitz 14 13:55
phIRCe-BNcTitle: If You're A Terrorist, You're Not Allowed To Use iTunes | Techdirt .::. Size~: 56.22 KBFeb 14 13:55
schestowitzWell, that rules out the Apple cult, doesn't it? :-)Feb 14 13:55
MinceR:>Feb 14 13:55
MinceRdepends on whose definition of "terrorist" we're usingFeb 14 13:55
schestowitz 14 13:56
phIRCe-BNcTitle: No joke: South Carolina now requires subversives to register |  Raw Story .::. Size~: 41.03 KBFeb 14 13:56
schestowitz 14 14:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Wall Street on the Tundra | .::. Size~: 79.92 KBFeb 14 14:04
schestowitzIcelanders are terrorists, according to BrownFeb 14 14:04
schestowitzThey protested in the Uk, so they are  terroristsFeb 14 14:04
schestowitz 14 14:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Who are you calling terrorists, Mr Brown? -Europe, World - The Independent .::. Size~: 108.98 KBFeb 14 14:04
schestowitz 14 14:04
schestowitz 14 14:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Iceland aims to become an offshore haven for journalists and leakers » Nieman Journalism Lab .::. Size~: 70.79 KBFeb 14 14:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Iceland Wants To Become A Hub For Free Speech Journalism Protection | Techdirt .::. Size~: 76.75 KBFeb 14 14:04
schestowitzRevenge time for the "terrorists"Feb 14 14:05
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Wow, OLPC unveils Tablet XO at 75$ - This is for real ? 14 14:07
phIRCe-BNcTitle: News : OLPC Unveils Tablet XO Computer at $75 - Erodov Forums .::. Size~: 78.66 KBFeb 14 14:07
*kecskebak ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 14:14
kecskebak 14 14:14
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised  | Mail Online .::. Size~: 74.9 KBFeb 14 14:14
*malloc_ (~4e69053d@gateway/web/freenode/x-djaqftwmrtfshyry) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 14:15
*malloc_ has quit (Client Quit)Feb 14 14:17
kecskebakI read a good article about sovereign debt the other day - I've already said I think it should be written off, but here's a very interesting new twist as to why: 14 14:18
phIRCe-BNcTitle: The U.S "Odious Debts" used to Finance Illegal Wars  .::. Size~: 47.04 KBFeb 14 14:18
schestowitz 14 14:20
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Statement on the closure of the legal case for Iraq in Spain | Bikya Masr .::. Size~: 38.63 KBFeb 14 14:20
schestowitzkecskebak: 14 14:20
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Wars sending U.S. into ruin  | Eric Margolis | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun .::. Size~: 60.81 KBFeb 14 14:20
kecskebakBush and Blair could be personally liable for the debt run up for these wars under international lawFeb 14 14:20
kecskebakRather than the US and UKFeb 14 14:20
schestowitztyranny has its costFeb 14 14:21
schestowitz 14 14:21
phIRCe-BNcTitle: China jails investigator into Sichuan earthquake schools |World news | .::. Size~: 72.73 KBFeb 14 14:21
kecskebakI know someone who thinks that quake was caused by HAARP, due to the odd colours that were visible in the sky before it. That's real tin foil hat stuff.Feb 14 14:22
kecskebak 14 14:23
phIRCe-BNcTitle: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 87.28 KBFeb 14 14:23
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 14 14:23
schestowitzkecskebak: they wouldn't kill so many for many, regardless of optionsFeb 14 14:25
schestowitzAnd there's no evidence I've seen, eitherFeb 14 14:25
schestowitzNow, if someone published scientific, peer-reviewed papers, then there's something to actually work withFeb 14 14:25
schestowitzOtherwise it's pure speculationFeb 14 14:25
schestowitz 14 14:26
phIRCe-BNcTitle: FBI wants records kept of Web sites visited | Politics and Law - CNET News .::. Size~: 192.35 KBFeb 14 14:26
kecskebakThat's why I said it's tin foil hat stuff - I don't believe it eitherFeb 14 14:27
schestowitz 14 14:27
phIRCe-BNcTitle: EU leaders reach Greek bailout deal |Business | .::. Size~: 209.94 KBFeb 14 14:27
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] #24camp video - seqfault (via @ideamonk)Feb 14 14:27
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- #24Camp HackFuck! .::. Size~: 92.68 KBFeb 14 14:27
kecskebakWell, they agreed to do nothing yet.Feb 14 14:27
kecskebakProf Michael Hudson has been on Guns and Butter again, this time answering in very plain English questions about the current crisis - it's very illuminatingFeb 14 14:28
kecskebak 14 14:28
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Guns and Butter - The New Junk Economics:  From Democracy to Neoliberal Oligarchy - February 10, 2010 at 1:00pm | KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley: Listener Sponsored Free Speech Radio .::. Size~: 21.26 KBFeb 14 14:28
kecskebakIt goes through so many current issues and explains them so clearly.Feb 14 14:29
kecskebakProbably the best background piece you can have - you should link to it in your news sectionFeb 14 14:29
schestowitz 14 14:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: If you're going to do good science, release the computer code too |Technology | .::. Size~: 220.07 KBFeb 14 14:31
*_Goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 14:31
schestowitzkecskebak: thanks, will listen to it tonightFeb 14 14:31
kecskebakBeen really enjoying BN recently - congratulations on 9000+ posts schestowitzFeb 14 14:32
Diablo-D3OVER NINE THOUSAND?!Feb 14 14:33
kecskebak 14 14:34
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Post #9,000 Reached | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 86.96 KBFeb 14 14:34
MinceR:DFeb 14 14:34
kecskebakAbsolutely fantastic achievement - deserves a PulitzerFeb 14 14:34
Diablo-D3unfortunately, quantity is not a replacement for qualityFeb 14 14:35
MinceRthe post could have used more dragonball references though :>Feb 14 14:35
schestowitz 14 14:35
phIRCe-BNcTitle: ACLU:  .::. Size~: 23.97 KBFeb 14 14:35
schestowitzMinceR: dragonball?Feb 14 14:35
MinceR(nsfw?) 14 14:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Over 9000 - Encyclopedia Dramatica .::. Size~: 76.73 KBFeb 14 14:36
schestowitz 14 14:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: University of Oregon .::. Size~: 18.73 KBFeb 14 14:36
Diablo-D3 14 14:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: File:Over9000stockmarket.jpg - Encyclopedia Dramatica .::. Size~: 22.68 KBFeb 14 14:38
Diablo-D3hahFeb 14 14:38
schestowitz*LOL* 14 14:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: File:Phelps2.gif - Encyclopedia Dramatica .::. Size~: 22.53 KBFeb 14 14:38
Diablo-D3 14 14:39
phIRCe-BNcTitle: File:Ated economy bush.jpg - Encyclopedia Dramatica .::. Size~: 23.18 KBFeb 14 14:39
schestowitz 14 14:40
phIRCe-BNcTitle: File:Phelps2.gif - Encyclopedia Dramatica .::. Size~: 22.53 KBFeb 14 14:40
schestowitz"Feb 14 14:41
schestowitzDue to hosting costs,Feb 14 14:41
schestowitzEncyclopedia DramaticaFeb 14 14:41
schestowitzmay not have long to live...Feb 14 14:41
schestowitz"Feb 14 14:42
schestowitzWhat issues?Feb 14 14:42
schestowitzOffensive content?Feb 14 14:42
Diablo-D3their bill is over $9000 a monthFeb 14 14:42
schestowitzHmmmm.. BN's Netcraft ranking is higher than  Encyclopedia Dramatica'sFeb 14 14:42
schestowitzDiablo-D3: maybe they lieFeb 14 14:42
schestowitzOr maybe like Wikileaks they need legal wallsFeb 14 14:43
schestowitz 14 14:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: EU Oracle Sun Investigation: Carlo Piana’s Feedback .::. Size~: 36.92 KBFeb 14 14:43
Diablo-D3schestowitz: ed is really popularFeb 14 14:44
Diablo-D3and its also a ddos magnetFeb 14 14:44
schestowitz 14 14:46
phIRCe-BNcTitle: A World Without Walls... : In A World Without Walls, Who Needs Windows? .::. Size~: 51.58 KBFeb 14 14:46
MinceRin a world without fences and walls, who needs gates and windows?Feb 14 14:47
schestowitz 14 14:47
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 88.65 KBFeb 14 14:47
schestowitzMinceR:  in a world, who needs gates and windows?Feb 14 14:47
MinceR:>Feb 14 14:48
Diablo-D3in a world, who neeedsFeb 14 14:48
schestowitzOccam's razorFeb 14 14:48
schestowitzI likeFeb 14 14:48
schestowitz 14 14:49
schestowitz"Serious break-down of trust here, as seemingly the fusion of pragmatism and secrecy at Google is leading them to treat their community responsibilities as a low priority. We'll see much more of this from corporate FOSS users in the future, which is why I'm convinced we need to grade projects on more than just their license choice (or the warmness towards the FOSS communities of their out-of-band programmes)."Feb 14 14:49
schestowitz 14 14:49
phIRCe-BNcTitle: ☞ Community Matters [on Simon Phipps, SunMink] .::. Size~: 31.3 KBFeb 14 14:49
MinceRin a, whoFeb 14 14:50
Diablo-D3aFeb 14 14:50
MinceR Feb 14 14:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Neat: Create some fun images (needs JS)Feb 14 14:51
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Sketchpad - Online Paint/Drawing application .::. Size~: 176.1 KBFeb 14 14:51
*schestowitz ☞Feb 14 14:51
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] #ACTA absurdity continues, may only get worse #douchebag tag is for our governmentFeb 14 14:52
schestowitzI was giving the finger BTWFeb 14 14:52
MinceR:>Feb 14 14:52
MinceR"how about i give you the finger and you give me my phone call?"Feb 14 14:52
schestowitzASCII/unicode.... it has EVERYTHING!Feb 14 14:52
Diablo-D3Mister Anderson, what good is a phone call when you are unable to speak?Feb 14 14:53
MinceR"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson."Feb 14 14:54
Diablo-D3I wonder whatever happened to machinae supremacyFeb 14 14:54
MinceRsomething happened to them?Feb 14 14:55
MinceRthe website indicates they're still aroundFeb 14 14:55
schestowitz 14 14:55
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Study links soda, pancreatic cancer |  Raw Story .::. Size~: 40.19 KBFeb 14 14:55
Diablo-D3yeah, but they stopped being popularFeb 14 14:55
schestowitzOpposite of Michael Jackson thenFeb 14 14:56
schestowitzNow they just need a good traumatic deathFeb 14 14:56
*fewa_ has quit (Quit: fewa_)Feb 14 14:56
MinceR:/Feb 14 14:56
Diablo-D3GET THE BLENDER!Feb 14 14:56
*MinceR gets the 3d modeling/rendering appFeb 14 14:56
schestowitzIn music, death sells, manFeb 14 14:57
MinceRdeath also keeps more music from being madeFeb 14 14:57
schestowitzIt doesn't matterFeb 14 14:57
MinceRit does matter to meFeb 14 14:57
schestowitzCopyright is for Sony to own MJ's worksFeb 14 14:57
schestowitzSo it can squeeze money while he's rotting in the casketFeb 14 14:57
MinceRi don't care about MJ's "works"Feb 14 14:57
schestowitzIt's not hisFeb 14 14:57
schestowitzIt's Quincy Jones'Feb 14 14:58
schestowitzAnd Motown'sFeb 14 14:58
schestowitzAnd Teddy Riley'sFeb 14 14:58
schestowitz.....Feb 14 14:58
schestowitzHe's just a productFeb 14 14:58
schestowitzHe dances and singsFeb 14 14:58
schestowitzAnd molests kidsFeb 14 14:58
MinceRnot anymore :>Feb 14 14:58
schestowitzTrue...Feb 14 14:58
MinceRat least until they cast Animate Dead on him againFeb 14 14:58
schestowitzThriller.Feb 14 14:59
MinceRhm, maybe it won't work againFeb 14 14:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The following OOo figures neglect to account for the erosion of MSOffice margins, caused by OOo 14 15:01
phIRCe-BNcTitle: News: International OpenOffice market shares - Portal - Tutorials, Tipps und Tricks für Webmaster auf .::. Size~: 28.99 KBFeb 14 15:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] It's sad to see Sun's CEO reduced to "just another WordPress blog"^TM 14 15:03
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  What I Couldn't Say& .::. Size~: 85.37 KBFeb 14 15:03
Diablo-D3fire the rt canonFeb 14 15:05
schestowitz&rt; ?Feb 14 15:06
schestowitz 14 15:07
phIRCe-BNcTitle: It's Not The Hokey Cokey; OpenOffice BACK In Ubuntu Netbook Edition After User Outcry | OMG! Ubuntu! .::. Size~: 102.89 KBFeb 14 15:07
schestowitzPhipps: "I should think so too. Not all Netbook use-cases are online. Connectivity on the train to London is unusable, and giving presentations in most auditoria would be impossible if a reliable connection was mandatory. I was beginning to lose confidence in the judgment of the UNR developers, hope this is a sign they will listen to users a little more from now on."Feb 14 15:07
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] ♺ @schestowitz: It's sad to see Sun's CEO reduced to "just another WordPress blog"^TM 14 15:07
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  What I Couldn't Say& .::. Size~: 85.37 KBFeb 14 15:07
schestowitzDiablo-D3: Johnny couldn't even host the blog in a domain he owns????Feb 14 15:08
Diablo-D3he might not own tFeb 14 15:08
schestowitzI see he exported from his Sun blog.... like some teenage n00b writing about basketball in blogspotFeb 14 15:08
schestowitzAnd then saying, "meh, blogspot sucks fish... I'm outta here... let's check out this other free account thingie"Feb 14 15:09
Diablo-D3well, he could just point his domain at the wordpress blogFeb 14 15:09
schestowitzWordPress does it properlyFeb 14 15:10
schestowitzLike OStaticFeb 14 15:10
schestowitzIt's one of their servicesFeb 14 15:10
schestowitzhe's just doing it wrong, IMHOFeb 14 15:10
schestowitzI like himFeb 14 15:10
Diablo-D3yes a CEOFeb 14 15:10
schestowitzBut this is belittleing himFeb 14 15:10
Diablo-D3what would he know about computersFeb 14 15:10
schestowitzYou could just troll him in his hosted blog, to which he'd forget him passwordFeb 14 15:10
schestowitz*hisFeb 14 15:10
schestowitzSutor runs his own blogFeb 14 15:11
schestowitzHe's not completely out of touch, being a VPFeb 14 15:11
schestowitzMany of them know better how to WRITE about technology ("going forward..." "innovation..." "federating...") than WRITING _the_ technologyFeb 14 15:12
schestowitzLike at Novell... look at Jaffe and DragoonFeb 14 15:12
schestowitz"What I Couldn't Say…"......Feb 14 15:12
schestowitzProvocative blog nameFeb 14 15:13
schestowitzMaybe he'll blow the whistle on Ellison cheating on another wifeFeb 14 15:13
schestowitz 14 15:13
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Ex-mistress puts Oracle executive on the spot| Reuters .::. Size~: 47.52 KBFeb 14 15:13
schestowitz"Ellison has been married four times." 14 15:14
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Larry Ellison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 66.73 KBFeb 14 15:14
schestowitz"His first three marriages ended in a divorce. He was married to Adda Quinn from 1967 to 1974. He was married to Nancy Wheeler Jenkins between 1977 and 1978. From 1983 to 1986, he was married to Barbara Boothe: two children were born of this marriage, a son and daughter named David and Megan."Feb 14 15:14
schestowitz"During the 1970s, Ellison worked for Ampex Corporation. One of his projects was a database for the CIA, which he named "Oracle"."Feb 14 15:16
schestowitzhe's about 66 now... much older than the "thieves of Silicon Valley", one of whom he's friends withFeb 14 15:16
*kecskebak has quit (Quit: kecskebak)Feb 14 15:16
schestowitzOracle has roots in the CIA thenFeb 14 15:18
schestowitzSpook-yFeb 14 15:18
schestowitzbblFeb 14 15:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz no worse than the many, many geeks on blogger or livejournalFeb 14 15:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz having numbers around 20% makes OOo Serious Competition. And the OOo 3.2 startup time needs trumpeting around the world.Feb 14 15:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Best made plans and all that......still got some stuff to publish on Openbytes...sisters birthday meal though so it will have to wait.Feb 14 15:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Maybe I am missing sommat.1st user on Ubuntu uses ecryptfs, no subsequent users setup do? No easy way to encrypt 2nd user home..Feb 14 16:18
*jweyrich ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 16:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Indian Patent Office granted on “System for Creating an Application Program Package’” to IBM (n176178): 14 16:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Leveraging Through Software Patents « All things software .::. Size~: 22.68 KBFeb 14 16:31
*Thrae has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 16:34
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 16:35
*Thrae has quit (Client Quit)Feb 14 16:36
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] RT @zoobab: Indian Patent Office granted on “System for Creating an Application Program Package’” to IBM (n176178): 14 16:52
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Leveraging Through Software Patents « All things software .::. Size~: 22.68 KBFeb 14 16:52
*jweyrich has quit (Quit: work.)Feb 14 16:57
MinceR 14 17:03
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | Still Remains In China .::. Size~: 76.24 KBFeb 14 17:03
MinceRthey say censorship is enabled again -- not speaking chinese, i can't really verify thatFeb 14 17:04
MinceRthis confirms it: 14 17:05
phIRCe-BNcTitle: tiananmen - Google 搜索 .::. Size~: 14.35 KBFeb 14 17:05
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] #Apache #Ivy 2.2.0-svn finally fixed this bug so embedded #Glassfish apps work right nowFeb 14 17:12
phIRCe-BNcTitle: [#IVY-1146] Cannot find the correct version of dependencies in pom that doesn't list versions - ASF JIRA  .::. Size~: 38.53 KBFeb 14 17:12
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Next #24camp in (MIT ?) dates: 19-20 Feb 14 17:17
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 24camp | Camp / 19-20 Feb 2010  .::. Size~: 7.12 KBFeb 14 17:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] I just took action to support two anti-whaling activists who face up to 10 yrs in jail for exposing corruption 14 17:45
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Whale Trial Pledge | Greenpeace International .::. Size~: 12.07 KBFeb 14 17:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] DW/LJ OpenOffice 3.2 is actually good and usable 14 17:46
phIRCe-BNcTitle: reddragdiva | OpenOffice 3.2 is actually good and usable. .::. Size~: 27.56 KBFeb 14 17:46
phIRCe-BNcTitle: reddragdiva: OpenOffice 3.2 is actually good and usable. .::. Size~: 19.09 KBFeb 14 17:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Trying out clonezilla. It's a bit good. This free software lark is good fun y'know.Feb 14 17:49
schestowitzInteresting: 14 17:52
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux Outlaws 135 - So Good, They Tried to Patent Him | Linux Outlaws .::. Size~: 20.18 KBFeb 14 17:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[aondo] #rawstudio is really starting to shine, exciting project to follow as i edit my images with it.Feb 14 17:52
schestowitztessier__: did something change on the server around the 4th-5th of the month?Feb 14 17:55
schestowitzThe compressed DB size for WordPress declined about 5 MB between those data. Maybe DB cache? Something else? Different compressor (Gz)?Feb 14 17:55
*tomsdale ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 18:02
tomsdaleI want to watch the olympics on linux. All sites here in Canada use Silverlight which is bad enough however moonlight suggests that you can watch the olympics using moonlight.Feb 14 18:03
tomsdale    first point on the rightFeb 14 18:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Moonlight .::. Size~: 5.4 KBFeb 14 18:04
tomsdalewell, can you? I installed moonlight on arch and ubuntu, you can't view videos on 14 18:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: RDS olympiques | Jeux olympiques d'hiver de 2010 à Vancouver   .::. Size~: 86.43 KBFeb 14 18:06
tomsdalesry, or the english verision   Do you know of any other site where this promise is true?Feb 14 18:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 2010 Winter Olympics - Watch Online - News, Results, Photos and Video - CTV Olympics  .::. Size~: 93.53 KBFeb 14 18:06
cubezzzI'm watching the olympics on Linux, off my tv cardFeb 14 18:07
MinceRi'm not watching the olympics :>Feb 14 18:07
tomsdalelucky you !! I don't have TV.Feb 14 18:07
cubezzza million times better than streaming off the net :)Feb 14 18:07
cubezzzor using moonlightFeb 14 18:08
Aondoyou get it in 720p? Feb 14 18:09
Aondoon your card?Feb 14 18:09
tomsdaleI believe you but my point is really about the suggestion on the moonlight website. And if I would get a TV card now next time I would use it is probably 2012 :-)Feb 14 18:10
Aondodont you know, the world ends at 2012. :PFeb 14 18:11
tomsdaleWell, that's just me. If the world would end tomorrow I would still plant a tree today :-)Feb 14 18:11
Aondo:)Feb 14 18:11
cubezzzCTV is always anti-linux btwFeb 14 18:11
cubezzzthey are the worst of the worstFeb 14 18:12
tomsdaleI think I'm a step further - you will have to install a preview version of moonlight which is considered "alpha", downloading now - 10MBFeb 14 18:12
cubezzzin this case antenna beats internetFeb 14 18:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Is it normal for a MySQL database (sqldump) to shrink by about 10% overnight? Maybe cache?Feb 14 18:14
tomsdalemy poor fresh arch install - not even 24 hours old and already I'm installing ms crap. Feb 14 18:15
tomsdaleah, with the 2.9xxx version something seems to be happening.Feb 14 18:18
cubezzzboo :)Feb 14 18:18
tomsdalecomes up with a popup, give it a shot - might not work but well - now I'm getting a pictureFeb 14 18:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Just ordered another Ortek-1100 basic IR remote control for the pending Revo \o/Feb 14 18:19
tomsdalewell, I would not call it a videostream, more of a picture slide show, pretty unusable the feed.Feb 14 18:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Sex and the Off-Label Use of Our Bodies HT @apiphileFeb 14 18:27
phIRCe-BNcTitle:    [Greta Christina] Sex and the Off-Label Use of Our Bodies | Blowfish Blog .::. Size~: 35.31 KBFeb 14 18:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Wonder if I can use clonezilla to do a kind of p2v, convert real install to a virtual machine in vboxFeb 14 18:34
schestowitz "So last night I noticed this particular post by Calacanis on Buzz, where he effectively spells the death knell for FaceBook. So I replied to this Buzz, telling him that his stupid pre-iPad launch stunt diminished his political capital with his fellow Weberati and he should quit on predicting FaceBook’s death spiral while he was ahead."Feb 14 18:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: What the Buzz? Get Me Off This Crazy Thing!!! | Tech Broiler | .::. Size~: 113.6 KBFeb 14 18:43
schestowitzI actually agree with Perlow on this oneFeb 14 18:43
schestowitzBN wrote about Calacanis and the bribeFeb 14 18:43
schestowitztomsdale: hey :-)Feb 14 18:43
schestowitzSIlver Lie and (MS)NBC,,,,,,Feb 14 18:44
schestowitzIt's back to 2003.... pre-Flash on Linux days when Web videos was /maybe/ accessible to Linux with RealPlayerFeb 14 18:44
schestowitzBeen there, done that.Feb 14 18:44
schestowitzMicrosoft wants Linux to go back to those dark agesFeb 14 18:44
tomsdalehi schestowitz, absolutely true. I thought I could catch them at a lie but I guess you could consider the slideshow they present me on linux as "viewing the olympics"Feb 14 18:46
schestowitzMicrosoft's ambassador to Linux, MSMVP Miguel de Icaza, says we should buy patents and use Silver LieFeb 14 18:46
schestowitzIf it doesn't work, then goodFeb 14 18:47
schestowitzIt's doing what it's supposed toFeb 14 18:47
schestowitzMakjng Linux look bad while keeping regulators off Bill and StsveFeb 14 18:47
schestowitzThose who are helping Microsoft here Only-Do-it-For-a-Paycheck(TM)Feb 14 18:47
schestowitzBunch of cronies...Feb 14 18:47
tomsdalewell, it does sort of. If it wouldn't have worked at all I would have wrote them an email and demanded that they remove it.Feb 14 18:48
schestowitzWIntel journos crow about how wonderful it is that Silver Lie run on LinuxFeb 14 18:48
schestowitzThey don't use LinuxFeb 14 18:48
schestowitzSo they don't test it for themselvesFeb 14 18:48
schestowitzThey repeat press reelases and "promises" where Microsoft gives illusion of no patent issuesFeb 14 18:48
tomsdaleI think to get the contracts with the TV studios they had to show a remote possiblity to view it also on linux to compete with flash.Feb 14 18:49
schestowitztomsdale: yesFeb 14 18:49
schestowitzExclusivesFeb 14 18:49
tomsdaleBut you can't really call it "watching" on Linux, it's pathetic.Feb 14 18:49
schestowitzSome of the uglist most anticompetitve nuclear watse of ITFeb 14 18:49
schestowitzPunishijng throughn exclusion instead of offering valueFeb 14 18:50
schestowitztomsdale: just Microosft codecsFeb 14 18:50
schestowitzIt's proprietaryFeb 14 18:50
schestowitzPatents tooFeb 14 18:50
tomsdaleI guess it's really the videocontent delivery they are after. MS understood that the futuer distribution model will be based on the internet so they are fighting hard.Feb 14 18:51
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Dumb Labels, Laws (Not Google) To Blame for Music Blog Deletions 14 18:57
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Dumb Labels, Laws (Not Google) To Blame for Music Blog Deletions | Epicenter | .::. Size~: 99.07 KBFeb 14 18:57
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Feb 14 19:00
cubezzzeh?Feb 14 19:01
cubezzzjust use a TV card dudeFeb 14 19:01
cubezzzinternet can't compete with tv coverageFeb 14 19:01
MinceRit may yet changeFeb 14 19:02
MinceRm$ must not be allowed to win this warFeb 14 19:02
cubezzzdon't waste your time with sliver lie or whatever the heck it's called :)Feb 14 19:03
cubezzzyeah eventually we'll be all using fiberFeb 14 19:04
cubezzzbut 1080i off Antenna is better than internet for OlympicsFeb 14 19:05
cubezzzplus i'm using Linux stillFeb 14 19:06
cubezzzyes, it's disappointing that CBC and CTV are using silverlight for the OlympicsFeb 14 19:08
cubezzzthe internet is crudded up with all sorts of crapFeb 14 19:08
cubezzzyou might have better luck with BBC for Olympics on the netFeb 14 19:10
cubezzzthey tend to be less under the influence of the Big MFeb 14 19:11
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 19:11
schestowitzMcDonalds?Feb 14 19:13
cubezzzMicrosoft in this caseFeb 14 19:13
schestowitzI have a question. The compressed DB size (for WordPress) declined about 5 MB between two dates (overnight). Maybe DB cache? Something else? Is this normal?Feb 14 19:14
schestowitzcubezzz: I know, was jokingFeb 14 19:14
schestowitzDoes the new WordPress purse drafts or post revision after some while?Feb 14 19:14
schestowitzI seem not to lose loss of data, but the database become a lot smaller a week agoFeb 14 19:14
schestowitzdown to 425MBFeb 14 19:15
cubezzzbz2 rather than gz maybe?Feb 14 19:15
schestowitzNoFeb 14 19:18
schestowitzI uncompressedFeb 14 19:18
schestowitzIt did get smallerFeb 14 19:18
schestowitzI speculate that WordPress did something to shrink itFeb 14 19:18
schestowitzThere's no error or missing data that I can't seeFeb 14 19:18
schestowitzBut I want to be sureFeb 14 19:19
schestowitzI've never before seen my CMS DBs getting smaller from one day to anotherFeb 14 19:19
schestowitzI'll check with tessier__ when he's aroundFeb 14 19:20
schestowitzI'm also asking in #wordpress IRCFeb 14 19:20
schestowitzGoogle produces no results of much relevance at allFeb 14 19:20
schestowitzQuestion though:Feb 14 19:21
schestowitzIn MYSQL....Feb 14 19:21
schestowitzIf there is cache...Feb 14 19:21
schestowitzIs it appended to the DB?Feb 14 19:21
schestowitzOr peripheral to it?Feb 14 19:21
schestowitzWhat is a good graphical UI for interpreting mysql?Feb 14 19:23
schestowitzHmmmmm... 14 19:23
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Ubuntu -- Details of package mysql-gui-tools-common in hardy .::. Size~: 9.65 KBFeb 14 19:23
schestowitzmysql-admin is 22mbFeb 14 19:24
cubezzzyou know what Microsoft is doing to media in general is worrisomeFeb 14 19:28
schestowitzMedia formats/protocols or the content?Feb 14 19:28
cubezzzmsnbc and suchFeb 14 19:28
schestowitzAs in deceptionFeb 14 19:28
schestowitzYesFeb 14 19:28
schestowitzWelcome to to the US of AdvertisingFeb 14 19:28
cubezzzpartnerships with broadcastersFeb 14 19:28
schestowitzWhere the companies own the newspapersFeb 14 19:28
schestowitzAnd companies can also fund candidates without boundaries now... installing croniesFeb 14 19:29
schestowitzLessig wrote a good article about itFeb 14 19:29
cubezzzwell, I can't get anything from NBC so they suck tooFeb 14 19:29
cubezzzshows the importance of Antenna thoughFeb 14 19:30
cubezzzNBC is using obfuscated URL tricksFeb 14 19:30
schestowitz 14 19:32
phIRCe-BNcTitle: AdamW on Linux and more  » Blog Archive   » From the freaking awesome department  3D support on nouveau .::. Size~: 24.89 KBFeb 14 19:32
cubezzzwell I think newspapers on paper are on the way outFeb 14 19:32
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[serk01/@serk01] Just subscribed to for access to a bunch of Android books for £25/year.Looks like a good deal to me!Feb 14 19:32
phIRCe-BNcTitle: CommonsWare .::. Size~: 3.62 KBFeb 14 19:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Does your religion see other religions as actually being religions? Whether you yourself do or not. Your feelings on the official position?Feb 14 19:32
*tomsdale has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 14 19:36
*Highres (~pawel@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 19:40
schestowitzcubezzz: unless they become state-sponsoredFeb 14 19:46
schestowitzI think that's what happened in HollandFeb 14 19:46
*fewa has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Feb 14 19:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Both #Skype and #Safari are sitting here using 65-70% of a CPU *each*, while doing nothing. This is not acceptable.Feb 14 19:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @quelsolaar #Love has a release date: 25th of march // #mmorpg I only wish it worked on my #Radeon X1650 Pro :(Feb 14 19:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@KatrinaNation How multimlnaire former Guv/charges 6 figs 4 speaking gigs+fleet of DC advisers/ claim 2 be "every-mom"? // Big Lies workFeb 14 19:54
HighreshelloFeb 14 20:00
*Highres is now known as pawel_123Feb 14 20:00
pawel_123 14 20:00
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Novell More of a Reflection of Microsoft as Weeks Go By | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 102.66 KBFeb 14 20:00
pawel_123Our reader Pawel shows us what he calls “another mono evangelist which is a gnome dev“:Feb 14 20:01
pawel_123the link is brokenFeb 14 20:01
pawel_123it links to: 14 20:01
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Onondaga County's No. 8 fugitive captured hours after Top Ten list released | News from The Post-Standard -  .::. Size~: 57.68 KBFeb 14 20:01
schestowitz"I have attached an article about Chevron. Which is being accused of creating what is called the worst oil related disaster on the planet in Ecuador, where it polluted the Ecuadorian rainforest by deliberately dumping 18 billion gallons of toxic crude oil and wastewater! "Feb 14 20:02
schestowitzHi, phIRCe-BNcFeb 14 20:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Impressively clonezilla successfully converted a phyical install to a virtual one. Ubuntu just booted. Now XP. Can't see this working.Feb 14 20:02
pawel_123it should be: 14 20:03
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Replicating memes  » Blog Archive   » Please dont rewrite softwares (that are) written in .NET .::. Size~: 18.73 KBFeb 14 20:03
schestowitzHeheFeb 14 20:03
schestowitzNovell the murdererFeb 14 20:03
pawel_123yep ;)Feb 14 20:03
cubezzz?Feb 14 20:04
schestowitzTry nowFeb 14 20:04
pawel_123btw. thank you for posting about thisFeb 14 20:04
schestowitznpFeb 14 20:04
pawel_123it's good nowFeb 14 20:05
pawel_123Icaza posted this at planet gnome: 14 20:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Valentine's Day Call to Action - Miguel de Icaza .::. Size~: 16.49 KBFeb 14 20:06
pawel_123monoFeb 14 20:06
cubezzzlolFeb 14 20:06
cubezzz"And yes, because I own the infrastructure that hosts this blog system (I really do) is it my right to ban you and remove your messages (please do go stand on your head and hate me for it, I don’t give a shit)."Feb 14 20:06
cubezzzfriendlyFeb 14 20:06
schestowitz[19:47] <schestowitz> Does WordPress delete post revisions to compact the database after some period of time? My database suddenly lost about 40 MB and and I fail to spot any difference at all in the site. What might be the cause?Feb 14 20:07
schestowitz[19:52] <hajii> .codex revision management > schestowitzFeb 14 20:07
schestowitz[19:52] <wp-doc-bot> schestowitz: 14 20:07
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Revision Management « WordPress Codex .::. Size~: 12.08 KBFeb 14 20:07
schestowitz[19:57] <schestowitz> DobreJoe , hajii: thanks so much. I've just read it. Doesm this suggest anywhere that revisions will be 'cleaned up' (removed) after some period of time without explicit invocation?Feb 14 20:07
schestowitz[19:58] <hajii> @schestowitz, they are not cleaned up automatically, especially if you've done none of thatFeb 14 20:07
schestowitz[19:58] <schestowitz> That's what I thought. How come the DB just shrank? The number of comments and posts seems right.. but I can't figure out what was trimmed.Feb 14 20:07
schestowitz[20:01] <hajii> @schestowitz - other than comparing to a backup version, no idea from meFeb 14 20:07
schestowitz[20:05] <schestowitz> hajii: thanksFeb 14 20:07
schestowitzANyone got an idea maybe?Feb 14 20:07
schestowitzcubezzz: where is that quote from?Feb 14 20:08
cubezzz 14 20:08
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Replicating memes  » Blog Archive   » Please dont rewrite softwares (that are) written in .NET .::. Size~: 18.73 KBFeb 14 20:08
schestowitzcubezzz: OKFeb 14 20:09
cubezzzthey seem to be defending .NETFeb 14 20:09
cubezzz 14 20:12
phIRCe-BNcTitle: .NET Framework - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 216.93 KBFeb 14 20:12
cubezzzheh, they don't want peeps reverse engineering their secrets ;-)Feb 14 20:13
pawel_123Btw. this Philip Van Hoof should be very well known - Senior GNOME developer Philip Van Hoof made the proposal in a post to the GNOME Foundation's mailing list. He was seconded in this by GNOME Foundation advisory board member David Schlesinger.Feb 14 20:14
cubezzzhe sounds like a dickFeb 14 20:15
pawel_123like IcazaFeb 14 20:16
cubezzzit's sad reallyFeb 14 20:16
pawel_123yes, it isFeb 14 20:17
cubezzzPhilip Van Hoof-in-mouth :)Feb 14 20:17
cubezzzwhy is he defending .NET?Feb 14 20:17
pawel_123he probably has some interest in thisFeb 14 20:18
cubezzz$$$ I supposeFeb 14 20:18
pawel_123exactly :)Feb 14 20:18
pawel_123I don't respect such peopleFeb 14 20:19
pawel_123and things they doFeb 14 20:19
cubezzzwell everyone wants money, I can understand it that farFeb 14 20:19
cubezzzbut .NET? I would never use thatFeb 14 20:20
pawel_123many people wants money, but the way they earn it counts Feb 14 20:20
pawel_123some spread fud, some other lobby etc.Feb 14 20:21
cubezzzwell, there's always going to be people you don't agree withFeb 14 20:23
cubezzzthe microsoft ads on linuxtoday are irksomeFeb 14 20:28
schestowitz 14 20:29
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Toward vs. Towards | Archived Blog | Bob Sutor .::. Size~: 70.57 KBFeb 14 20:29
schestowitz"In brief, use them interchangeably. If you are from the US, you probably say “toward,” while if you are from the UK you probably say “towards.” If you are from anywhere else, you get to choose."Feb 14 20:29
schestowitzInteresting to know...Feb 14 20:29
cubezzzin fact it's an ad-fest there Feb 14 20:29
cubezzzthis is part of the reason I still use fc1 actuallyFeb 14 20:30
cubezzzno mysterious updates to worry about, unless I do them myselfFeb 14 20:31
schestowitztessier , holler when you're around :-DFeb 14 20:32
pawel_123cubezzz: yes, I didn't care about such adds, because I thought MS pays much money for this and this money is for Linux, but I'm probably wrongFeb 14 20:33
cubezzzsimpler is betterFeb 14 20:33
pawel_123yesFeb 14 20:33
pawel_123btw. it's great you mentioned this: shuttleworth-quote-on-apiFeb 14 20:34
pawel_123there must some lobbyst in Ubuntu who lobby against monoFeb 14 20:35
pawel_123must be*Feb 14 20:35
schestowitzMaybe intimidates or marginalised, knowing how Team Mono operatesFeb 14 20:37
schestowitzThey play the "intolerant card"Feb 14 20:37
schestowitz"Microsoft hater!" etc.Feb 14 20:37
cubezzzis there a distro that comes with ALL it's own source?Feb 14 20:37
cubezzzLFS I suppose would Feb 14 20:37
cubezzzbut I *am* a Microsoft haterFeb 14 20:38
cubezzz;-)Feb 14 20:38
cubezzzI totally hate themFeb 14 20:38
schestowitzDo you hate Ted Bundy?Feb 14 20:38
cubezzzummmFeb 14 20:39
schestowitzDo you hate the Flu?Feb 14 20:39
schestowitzDon't be a haterFeb 14 20:39
schestowitzLove everything /sarcasmFeb 14 20:39
schestowitzIf you don't, you're a bad personFeb 14 20:39
MinceRdon't hate the idea of ballmer being killed?Feb 14 20:40
cubezzzit's the closed source I can't standFeb 14 20:40
schestowitzcubezzz: read 14 20:40
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Why Are Critics of Criminal Activity Portrayed as Bad Guys? | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 103.67 KBFeb 14 20:40
schestowitzMinceR: FalwelFeb 14 20:40
cubezzzI don't care about Ballmer one way or the otherFeb 14 20:40
cubezzzhe's just a goofballFeb 14 20:41
cubezzzhe has nothing of substance to sayFeb 14 20:41
MinceRand those who complain about haters hate haters, therefore they're haters too!Feb 14 20:41
schestowitz 14 20:41
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- Christopher Hitchens on Hannity & Colmes about Rev. Falwell's Death .::. Size~: 121.78 KBFeb 14 20:41
schestowitz 14 20:41
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 .::. Size~: 151.19 KBFeb 14 20:41
cubezzzrecursive haters :)Feb 14 20:42
cubezzzeven worseFeb 14 20:42
MinceRi'll be the hater-hater haterFeb 14 20:42
cubezzzWhat I don't like is when you get a Linux distro you don't really get all the sourceFeb 14 20:42
schestowitzHe blame gays for 9/11Feb 14 20:42
schestowitz*blamesFeb 14 20:43
schestowitzcubezzz: Fedora gives the sourceFeb 14 20:43
cubezzzok, let's just stick with the non-crazy people shall we? :)Feb 14 20:43
schestowitzEven on a CDFeb 14 20:43
schestowitzcubezzz: damn.Feb 14 20:43
cubezzzall of it?Feb 14 20:43
schestowitzSo we can't discuss anyone from Microsoft now?Feb 14 20:43
schestowitz:-pFeb 14 20:43
schestowitzcubezzz: yesFeb 14 20:43
schestowitzAFAIKFeb 14 20:43
schestowitzPaul Friels gave it away on CDs some years backFeb 14 20:44
cubezzze.g. I don't have rhgb-client source Feb 14 20:44
cubezzzI check itFeb 14 20:44
cubezzzschestowitz, shouldn't that be "Honoré de Balzac"?Feb 14 20:45
schestowitz 14 20:45
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Ultra-Precise Quantum-Logic Clock Trumps Old Atomic Clock | Wired Science | .::. Size~: 89.5 KBFeb 14 20:45
schestowitzcubezzz: probablyFeb 14 20:45
schestowitzbalzac?Feb 14 20:46
schestowitzWhat's up?Feb 14 20:46
schestowitzping balzacFeb 14 20:46
cubezzz“Behind every great fortune there is a crime.”Feb 14 20:46
cubezzz–Honor de BalzacFeb 14 20:46
schestowitzLet's ask himFeb 14 20:46
cubezzzhehFeb 14 20:46
pawel_123bye everyone :)Feb 14 20:47
*pawel_123 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 14 20:47
schestowitzDell hell: 14 20:50
phIRCe-BNcTitle: DELL COMMUNITY .::. Size~: 166.18 KBFeb 14 20:50
schestowitzcubezzz: anyway, depends on langFeb 14 20:50
*chm ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 20:51
schestowitz "s the copyright holder of Think Python, Allen has given me permission to change the book’s license from the GNU Free Documentation License to the more recent Creative Commons Attribution — Share Alike license.... Using the CC-BY-SA license maintains the book’s strong copyleft tradition while making it even more straightforward for new authors to reuse this Feb 14 20:51
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting application/octet-stream type .::. Size~: 0 KBFeb 14 20:51
schestowitzmaterial as they see fit. ..."Feb 14 20:51
*chm has quit (Client Quit)Feb 14 20:52
schestowitzInteresting comments: 14 20:53
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Matt Asay joins Canonical «   The .::. Size~: 58.98 KBFeb 14 20:53
cubezzzwhat is win16?Feb 14 20:53
cubezzz16-bit doze I supposeFeb 14 20:54
*chm ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 20:54
cubezzzok, there were 6 yarrow cds and I only have the first 3Feb 14 21:03
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 21:08
DaemonFCI love Facebook...Feb 14 21:08
DaemonFC"Randy Studt Happy VD to you and all you LOVE!" - "Ryan FarmerFeb 14 21:09
DaemonFCHappy VD, it hurts when I pee, I'll go to the doctor and get an IV. *grin*"Feb 14 21:09
cubezzzso Fedora 12 has a source DVDFeb 14 21:12
cubezzzhrmmm, that's going to take a whileFeb 14 21:12
schestowitz 14 21:13
phIRCe-BNcTitle:   Prop. 8 Defenders Say Plaintiffs Attacked Orthodox Religious Beliefs - Law Blog - WSJ .::. Size~: 83.08 KBFeb 14 21:13
schestowitzI'm tried of this whole "you can't criticise religion" bolloxFeb 14 21:13
DaemonFCand what's wrong with that?Feb 14 21:13
DaemonFCexactlyFeb 14 21:13
schestowitzIt's like me saying, I have my belief that my soap is a dinosaurFeb 14 21:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Looking forward to Against all Odds.Samoa Joe v AJ Styles will be a classic. Mr Anderson to become no1 contender (IMHO) #tna #wwe #wrestlingFeb 14 21:13
schestowitzAnd though shalt not ridicule me for it, or else I'll sue youFeb 14 21:14
_Goblindo unto others as they do unto Gnu.Feb 14 21:14
cubezzzyou can, no one is stopping youFeb 14 21:14
schestowitzNot true...Feb 14 21:14
*schestowitz searchesFeb 14 21:14
schestowitz 14 21:15
phIRCe-BNcTitle: UN resolution condemns 'defamation of religion' - The Irish Times - Fri, Mar 27, 2009 .::. Size~: 38.43 KBFeb 14 21:15
schestowitzAmong more such reportsFeb 14 21:15
schestowitzYou should be able to criticise religions like you do with political candidates and football teamsFeb 14 21:15
cubezzzor Microsoft :)Feb 14 21:15
schestowitzThere is nothing sacred in this worldFeb 14 21:16
DaemonFCschestowitz: The oppressed majority that somehow wins every time.Feb 14 21:16
schestowitzThe word "Sacred" is meaningless mumbo-jumbo, a shieldFeb 14 21:16
DaemonFC;)Feb 14 21:16
MinceRoh, there is one thing sacred in this worldFeb 14 21:16
MinceRmoney.Feb 14 21:16
cubezzzwell, I could say some of Stallman's utternaces were "Sacred"Feb 14 21:16
cubezzzno one would believe me though :)Feb 14 21:16
cubezzzyou should be allowed to criticize things...Feb 14 21:17
cubezzzthat is one way things can be improved evenFeb 14 21:17
DaemonFCWasn't he the guy that didn't understand what PC LOAD LETTER meant, blamed proprietary software, went off to start GNU, and couldn't write a kernel?Feb 14 21:18
*DaemonFC ducksFeb 14 21:18
schestowitz 14 21:19
phIRCe-BNcTitle:       ePresence Development     .::. Size~: 7.5 KBFeb 14 21:19
schestowitz"[PJ: Here's a living example of what can happen with the BSD license.]"Feb 14 21:19
schestowitz"Source: Legacy U of T source code is available from Subversion Please note that this code is fully retired and not maintained neither by UofT nor by the company. The current ePresence Code is proprietary and there is currently no use of the legacy UofT code. "Feb 14 21:19
cubezzzePresence sounds eBadFeb 14 21:19
schestowitziPad?Feb 14 21:20
schestowitziPay?Feb 14 21:20
cubezzzremember star wars...Feb 14 21:20
schestowitziBad?Feb 14 21:20
cubezzz"Use the Source Luke"Feb 14 21:20
DaemonFCI just can't see how the BSD people are happy that Microsoft and Apple are trucking off significant portions of their OS, re-implementing them, not paying them anything to use it, not giving their changes back, and not even crediting them anywhereFeb 14 21:20
DaemonFC:)Feb 14 21:20
schestowitz"use the sauce, Luke"--Svidish ChefFeb 14 21:20
DaemonFC"We're glad to be unpaid Microsoft and Apple employees"Feb 14 21:20
cubezzzyeah well... that's why people don't use the BSD licenseFeb 14 21:21
schestowitzwith attribution in invisible source codeFeb 14 21:21
schestowitzPeople doFeb 14 21:21
schestowitzMicrosoft peopleFeb 14 21:21
schestowitz"Cheap" codeFeb 14 21:21
DaemonFChell, Apple takes BSD licensed software and gives *some* back under the Apple Public Source LicenseFeb 14 21:21
schestowitz"freebie"Feb 14 21:21
cubezzzbut remember AT&T wasn't allowed to get into the computer software business...Feb 14 21:21
cubezzzwhich is why BSD even exists at allFeb 14 21:21
cubezzzthank you Anti-Trust guys, for getting things right _once_Feb 14 21:22
schestowitz 14 21:23
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 200  .::. Size~: 0 KBFeb 14 21:23
schestowitzComcastiX?Feb 14 21:24
schestowitzRyan says ******tasticFeb 14 21:24
schestowitzBased on BSD, built to monopolise up the stackFeb 14 21:25
_GoblinHi Roy! Hi all!Feb 14 21:25
_Goblinback for a bit...Feb 14 21:25
_Goblinalthough don't expect any sense out of me...its PPV night tonight.Feb 14 21:26
DaemonFCschestowitz: It is frightening, don't you agree, that you don't even have to TRY to break into someone's Comcast account. It *can* be an innocent mistake.Feb 14 21:26
_GoblinI read that article.Feb 14 21:27
_Goblininteresting.Feb 14 21:27
schestowitz 14 21:29
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Report Details Hacks Targeting Google, Others | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 96.2 KBFeb 14 21:29
schestowitz"[PJ: Why couldn't a law firm stop using Microsoft Office and Adobe Reader and IE? Is that too easy? I mean, use them in house if you want to, but why couldn't a law firm insist that everyone who has Internet access use a GNU/Linux computer for all Internet activity? Wouldn't that help?] -"Feb 14 21:30
schestowitzShe said GNU/LinuxFeb 14 21:30
schestowitzThat's rareFeb 14 21:30
schestowitzMaybe more people will adjust over time..Feb 14 21:31
schestowitzSome are shy to say GNU, like it's a dirty wordFeb 14 21:31
DaemonFC 14 21:35
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Google boots music blogs, claiming copyright fouls | Media Maverick - CNET News .::. Size~: 80.27 KBFeb 14 21:35
DaemonFCGoogle throws out blogs on the excuse that they may violate copyrightsFeb 14 21:36
DaemonFC:)Feb 14 21:36
DaemonFC 14 21:37
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Dell dropping its Ubuntu offerings? | Adventures in IT - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 71.18 KBFeb 14 21:37
DaemonFCDell hangs up on a customer for asking about LinuxFeb 14 21:37
schestowitzDaemonFC: noFeb 14 21:38
schestowitz 14 21:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Dumb Labels, Laws (Not Google) To Blame for Music Blog Deletions | Epicenter | .::. Size~: 98.88 KBFeb 14 21:38
schestowitz \o/Feb 14 21:41
phIRCe-BNcTitle: [Phoronix] NVIDIA Has Gallium3D Support In Fedora 13 .::. Size~: 16.57 KBFeb 14 21:41
schestowitz 14 21:41
phIRCe-BNcTitle: AdamW on Linux and more  » Blog Archive   » From the freaking awesome department  3D support on nouveau .::. Size~: 24.89 KBFeb 14 21:42
DaemonFCThe answer is for them to host their music blogs on foreign servers so that the auto-deletion policy of Google and presumably others) can't get themFeb 14 21:43
MinceRDaemonFC: perhaps you should read up on what software RMS has written so farFeb 14 21:44
DaemonFCMinceR: vi? :DFeb 14 21:44
MinceRget a clear picture before spewing m$ cultist nonsense :>Feb 14 21:44
MinceRDaemonFC: Emacs is one of themFeb 14 21:45
DaemonFCmehFeb 14 21:45
DaemonFCI mean like, something that I useFeb 14 21:46
MinceRmost gnu/linux commands?Feb 14 21:46
DaemonFCDid RMS write XFree86/ 14 21:46
DaemonFCI'd make an off hand guess that GNU actually wrote less than 15% of a typical Linux distributionFeb 14 21:47
schestowitzDaemonFC: the one who wrote nothing is GatesFeb 14 21:47
schestowitzHe plagiarisesFeb 14 21:47
DaemonFCless than that if you're using KDE or really do't consider GNOMEFeb 14 21:47
MinceRinstead of making guesses, you might want to check a few manpagesFeb 14 21:47
schestowitzAnd his colleague said he wrote cr*p codeFeb 14 21:47
MinceRman ls, for exampleFeb 14 21:47
schestowitzHe was no coderFeb 14 21:47
schestowitzJust charlatan with ambition of controlling everythingFeb 14 21:47
schestowitzScientists have ambitions of exploration, not just moneyFeb 14 21:47
DaemonFCMinceR: Can anyone tell how many source lines of code are in a Linux distribution like Ubuntu in total vs. how many the FSF wrote?Feb 14 21:48
schestowitzAs for Jobs, I think WOZ did a lot of the work for himFeb 14 21:48
DaemonFCI find the GNU Linux spam preposterous on those grounds aloneFeb 14 21:48
MinceRDaemonFC: if not, are you going to just proclaim that gates wrote more?Feb 14 21:48
schestowitzDaemonFC: in a distribution, OOo is usually the biggest packageFeb 14 21:48
schestowitzgnu makes up 15%Feb 14 21:48
MinceRDaemonFC: if you think that calling gnu/linux "gnu/linux", consider androidFeb 14 21:48
schestowitzLinux something like 3% in Debian IIRCFeb 14 21:49
MinceRs/,/ is "spam",/Feb 14 21:49
schestowitzDaemonFC: pls... don't say stupid thingsFeb 14 21:49
schestowitzIt makes this channel look silly :-)Feb 14 21:49
DaemonFCstill doesn't make sense to call it GNU Linux if the only thing that really defines it is Linux and together, they still only make 18% of the codeFeb 14 21:49
DaemonFCit would be like calling Windows "Notepad / Windows"Feb 14 21:49
MinceRDaemonFC: you alreaady question some of the m$ bullshit you've been fed, don't you? perhaps it's time to examine the rest of those claimsFeb 14 21:50
MinceRLinux is a kernelFeb 14 21:50
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Feb 14 21:50
MinceRbut call it GNU/Linux/X if it makes you feel betterFeb 14 21:50
MinceRiirc Yggdrasil did that :>Feb 14 21:50
schestowitz Heh. Robert PogsonFeb 14 21:51
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Jump to Debian GNU/Linux!  .::. Size~: 43.57 KBFeb 14 21:51
DaemonFCNo, I call it a X/Linux/GNU/OOo/GNOME/KDE/XFCE/LXDE/Pulseaudio/ALSA/Firefox/Pidgin distribution, with notable othersFeb 14 21:52
DaemonFCit doesn't have a friendly name you can say off the tip of your tongueFeb 14 21:52
DaemonFCthat would be impolite and discount everyone's hard work :)Feb 14 21:52
schestowitzI can't find the 2006 article I'm looking for. I give uFeb 14 21:52
MinceRwell, call it thatFeb 14 21:52
schestowitzCall it the free desktopFeb 14 21:53
schestowitzCovers BSD+KDE tooFeb 14 21:53
MinceRthough my home server doesn't even have X on itFeb 14 21:53
DaemonFCyeah, but then you can't be specificFeb 14 21:53
DaemonFCthe kernel does make a huge impact on how you interact with the systemFeb 14 21:53
DaemonFCyou have to specify that Linux is thereFeb 14 21:53
schestowitzb 14 21:53
phIRCe-BNcTitle: debian percentage gnu - Google Search .::. Size~: 30.99 KBFeb 14 21:53
MinceRso does the GNU stuffFeb 14 21:54
schestowitzIt's hard to find old articles...Feb 14 21:54
schestowitzDaemonFC: good luck without gcc and lsFeb 14 21:54
DaemonFCI'd rather just call it the name of the distribution so that everyone is on the same page and nobody has to argueFeb 14 21:54
schestowitzYou won't manage to even build Linux to begin withFeb 14 21:54
MinceRwhat if they don't know that distro?Feb 14 21:55
schestowitzWhat's the answer to the question what comiles GCC?Feb 14 21:55
schestowitz*compilesFeb 14 21:55
DaemonFCschestowitz: I imagine you could borrow BSD stuff to fill in the userland on a Linux systemFeb 14 21:55
DaemonFCright?Feb 14 21:55
schestowitzNoFeb 14 21:55
schestowitzCause then you're a BSD fanFeb 14 21:55
MinceRalso, what if you're talking about Debian, whose official name includes "GNU/Linux"? :>Feb 14 21:55
schestowitzAnd Microsoft will rape you with its wife Apple, says the legendFeb 14 21:55
MinceRyou could borrow bsd stuff, but it's always inferiorFeb 14 21:55
MinceRand you don't actually do itFeb 14 21:56
schestowitzMicrosoft will rape you ans vanish in the morningFeb 14 21:56
MinceRalso, they don't have a c compiler, they're using gcc all the sameFeb 14 21:56
schestowitzApple will rape you and leave you a $1 note on the counterFeb 14 21:56
MinceRi know it's fashionable among m$ drones to just blindly point at bsdFeb 14 21:56
schestowitzSun has those tools tooFeb 14 21:57
schestowitzThey are weird I heardFeb 14 21:57
schestowitzMinceR: trueFeb 14 21:57
DaemonFCschestowitz: It's technically possible to take FreeBSD components to replace GNU components in Linux, right?Feb 14 21:57
DaemonFCand legally?Feb 14 21:57
schestowitzThey want to weaken GPLFeb 14 21:57
MinceRit was funny hearing a bsd fanboy troll i know badmouth FSF and GNU, while he's an Emacs user :>Feb 14 21:57
schestowitzFirst stage is to distract from LinuxFeb 14 21:57
schestowitzSCO lawsuit...Feb 14 21:57
DaemonFCmy question is, is it technically and legally possible to run BSD userland on top of the Linux kernel?Feb 14 21:57
schestowitzGo for itFeb 14 21:58
schestowitzNot answering the questionFeb 14 21:58
DaemonFCno GNU at allFeb 14 21:58
MinceRDaemonFC: what libc would you use?Feb 14 21:58
schestowitzYou could also run GNU tools on BSDFeb 14 21:58
schestowitzOriginal q was:Feb 14 21:58
schestowitzIs GNU more relevant than LinuxFeb 14 21:58
DaemonFCMinceR: Well, it seems that if you can run GNU on top of the BSD kernel....Feb 14 21:58
schestowitzThen you bring up bsd userland rather than kerneklFeb 14 21:58
DaemonFCyou you do the opposite and run BSD stuff on Linux kernelFeb 14 21:58
MinceRyou can run GNU on top of most unixes, that's how it was used before LinuxFeb 14 21:59
schestowitzWindows could run stuff too..... found in garbage cansFeb 14 21:59
schestowitzMSDOS alsoFeb 14 21:59
DaemonFCis BSD too integrated to break it away from their kernel like that?Feb 14 21:59
MinceRi'm not sure what the piece of software that converts standard c calls into kernel API calls isFeb 14 21:59
MinceRi suspect it's in glibcFeb 14 21:59
schestowitzVB... found decades before.... for Microsoft to claim credit for something it had nickedFeb 14 21:59
MinceRwell, some bsd utils do run on gnu/linuxFeb 14 22:00
DaemonFCMinceR: One argument a FreeBSD user would make is that they have a more integrated system, whereas GNU and Linux are not. But seeing as how GNU has to make sure they work fine with Linux, I suspect this is bullshit.Feb 14 22:01
DaemonFCsome nebulous "we're better" claimFeb 14 22:01
MinceRi wonder why a unix user would wave the "integrated" buzzword aroundFeb 14 22:01
MinceRprobably because they don't get itFeb 14 22:02
MinceRwhich is pretty typical of bsd fanboys, actuallyFeb 14 22:02
DaemonFC 14 22:02
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Hi .::. Size~: 0.27 KBFeb 14 22:02
DaemonFCthere's an older exampleFeb 14 22:02
DaemonFC"BSD is what you get when a bunch of Unix hackers sit down to try to port a Unix system to the PC. Linux is what you get when a bunch of PC hackers sit down and try to write a Unix system for the PC"Feb 14 22:03
MinceRtypical bsd fanboy bullshitFeb 14 22:03
MinceRalso, that webserver is unusably slowFeb 14 22:03
MinceRperhaps he should learn to maintain a webserver before flamingFeb 14 22:03
DaemonFCthe sad thing is how dramatic the differences are between BSD systemFeb 14 22:04
DaemonFCa fork is really a fork, there is little cooperation, and functionality that exists in one might not be there in the othersFeb 14 22:05
MinceRthough i do feel a perverse curiosity as to how exactly RMS is a "PC hacker"Feb 14 22:05
DaemonFChe never gets to that pointFeb 14 22:05
DaemonFCMinceR: Or how Linux runs on a dozen architectures makes it a PC thingFeb 14 22:06
MinceRmore architectures than any bsd, in fact :>Feb 14 22:06
DaemonFCMinceR: Why does FreeBSD's Wikipedia page list PC98 as an arch?Feb 14 22:09
DaemonFC 14 22:09
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBFeb 14 22:09
DaemonFC"# A guideline of personal computers for Windows established by Microsoft and Intel in 1998 (see PC System Design Guide)"Feb 14 22:09
MinceRdunnoFeb 14 22:09
MinceRperhaps a clueless user edited the pageFeb 14 22:09
MinceRperhaps they were grasping at straws to list more architectures on a bullet-point listFeb 14 22:10
DaemonFCthe NEC PC-9800 is an old 5 Mhz x86 based PCFeb 14 22:10
schestowitz /s/edited/wordpadded.exe/Feb 14 22:10
schestowitzOr vandalised :-)Feb 14 22:10
schestowitzI once had my cousin edit a wiki of mineFeb 14 22:10
schestowitzhe pasted junk from word in it and broke the wikiFeb 14 22:11
schestowitzI never saw that happen beforeFeb 14 22:11
schestowitzI had to restore from backupFeb 14 22:11
schestowitzData loss and allFeb 14 22:11
schestowitz"Here's the home page of National Institute on Media and the Family, and the Wikipedia article tells you what's really going on. Minneapolis psychologist Dr. David Walsh, founder of the institute, seems like he's eager to fill Jack Thompson's shoes. You know, because we really, really needed another one of those!" 14 22:11
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Penguin Pete's Blog .::. Size~: 19.89 KBFeb 14 22:11
DaemonFCMinceR: I fixed it and removed that "arch"Feb 14 22:12
MinceR"wordpadded" is to editing text as "photoshopped" is to editing images? :>Feb 14 22:12
DaemonFC"(PC98 is not an architecture, it is some kind of bogus Microsoft Intel guide defining what they think a PC is. If someone can expand proving that it IS an arch, then please re-add after explaining.)"Feb 14 22:12
DaemonFC:DFeb 14 22:12
MinceRmy only contact with PC98 is their standard port colors :>Feb 14 22:13
DaemonFCyeah, that's the only thing that lasted from thatFeb 14 22:13
DaemonFCnifty as that is, it probably costs them $100 million to standardize what color my port colors areFeb 14 22:13
schestowitzweren't ingrams p ninety something?Feb 14 22:13
MinceRP90?Feb 14 22:13
schestowitzProbablyFeb 14 22:14
DaemonFChmmmmFeb 14 22:14
MinceRthey used those in Stargate SG-1 :>Feb 14 22:14
schestowitzDestroying innova~1Feb 14 22:14
schestowitzPissing bullets on computersFeb 14 22:14
MinceR:DFeb 14 22:14
DaemonFC 14 22:14
phIRCe-BNcTitle: PC System Design Guide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 35.24 KBFeb 14 22:14
DaemonFC"They were aimed to help manufacturers provide hardware that makes best use of the capabilities of the Microsoft Windows operating system, and to simplify setup and use of such computers."Feb 14 22:14
schestowitz 14 22:14
phIRCe-BNcTitle: FN P90 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 349.67 KBFeb 14 22:15
DaemonFCbahahahahaha!!!Feb 14 22:15
MinceRthat's the P90 i know aboutFeb 14 22:15
schestowitzMeh. Penguin Pete.... He is trolling gimp...  "Facebook just did the same thing. Are you saying they are being sabotaged by...what...MSN?" 14 22:15
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Penguin Pete's Blog .::. Size~: 27.58 KBFeb 14 22:15
schestowitz"Personal defense weapon"Feb 14 22:15
schestowitzWhy are weapons always for "defense"?Feb 14 22:15
schestowitzIt's all euphemisedFeb 14 22:15
schestowitzMissile /defense/ system...Feb 14 22:16
schestowitzDefences ForcesFeb 14 22:16
MinceRpeople don't like being seen as the aggressorFeb 14 22:16
MinceRso it's "defense"Feb 14 22:16
schestowitzDefendign democracyFeb 14 22:16
MinceR"he shot first!"Feb 14 22:16
schestowitzInsurgency........Feb 14 22:16
MinceR"it isn't my fault, he looked at me funny!"Feb 14 22:16
MinceRor the classic "it's coming right for us!"Feb 14 22:16
schestowitz"Irish Defence Forces"Feb 14 22:17
schestowitzMinceR: within 40 minutesFeb 14 22:17
schestowitzDeployment of biological weapon... "it could come in the form of a mushroom soup"Feb 14 22:17
schestowitzYummy!Feb 14 22:17
MinceRi'm partial to mushroom clouds, myself :>Feb 14 22:17
DaemonFCWe need to make the BIOS Y2K38 compliantFeb 14 22:17
schestowitzMinceR: naaaFeb 14 22:17
schestowitzClouds are just hypeFeb 14 22:17
DaemonFC 14 22:18
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Year 2038 problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 36.23 KBFeb 14 22:18
schestowitzWe've always had cloudsFeb 14 22:18
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 22:18
MinceRMushroom Cloud Computing?Feb 14 22:18
schestowitz 14 22:18
MinceRmaybe that's when you install winblows and IIS on the serversFeb 14 22:18
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- Larry Ellison - What The Hell Is Cloud Computing? .::. Size~: 119.23 KBFeb 14 22:18
schestowitz oh noes. they comes to  gets ousFeb 14 22:19
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 7 of the best anti-virus apps for Linux | News | TechRadar UK .::. Size~: 61.26 KBFeb 14 22:19
schestowitzMinceR: nopeFeb 14 22:20
schestowitzYou need to mix those two with dell Feb 14 22:20
schestowitzAnd Sony batteriesFeb 14 22:20
schestowitzThen you get clouds in the datacentresFeb 14 22:20
MinceRi've heard of a different idea of "Cloud Computing", where all sorts of computers and devices that have computers in them would form a network and automatically share their resources with each otherFeb 14 22:20
MinceRit sounds a lot more interesting, but i've only heard it from 1 person :)Feb 14 22:20
schestowitzMinceR: they say cloud computing smells badFeb 14 22:20
MinceRschestowitz: crApple could do those clouds tooFeb 14 22:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Lifehacker readers voted for best netbook OS Ubuntu dominates (it powers 3 of 5)Feb 14 22:20
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Five Best Netbook Operating Systems - NetBooks - Lifehacker .::. Size~: 68.01 KBFeb 14 22:20
schestowitzIt also sticks itself to chips like cigarettesFeb 14 22:21
schestowitzKeep cloudy computing outside the DC....Feb 14 22:21
DaemonFC"Using a (signed) 64-bit value introduces a new wraparound date in approximately 292 billion years, on Sunday, December 4, 292,277,026,596 AD."Feb 14 22:21
schestowitzArrays would sound betterFeb 14 22:21
DaemonFCsurely Jesus will rapture us before then :)Feb 14 22:21
schestowitz"Cloud" sounds messyFeb 14 22:21
schestowitzImagine a desk analogy called "cloud"Feb 14 22:21
MinceRlol @ OS suX being a "netbook operating system"Feb 14 22:21
schestowitz"Cloud GTD"Feb 14 22:21
schestowitzDaemonFC: Earth has not this lifetimeFeb 14 22:22
schestowitzAnd the Sun eitherFeb 14 22:22
schestowitzIn fact, Ellison just had a Sun for breakfastFeb 14 22:22
MinceR:>Feb 14 22:23
schestowitzIt blew his rectum the following dayFeb 14 22:23
MinceRLarry "Galactus" Ellison?Feb 14 22:23
DaemonFCschestowitz: Which is why Jesus has to rapture us before thenFeb 14 22:23
schestowitz"It's capitalism, I'm competing!!!" --EllisonFeb 14 22:23
DaemonFCare you proposing he do it AFTER the sun explodes?Feb 14 22:23
DaemonFC:)Feb 14 22:23
schestowitzI think he said that after ripping off RHAT/RHTFeb 14 22:23
schestowitzRHELFeb 14 22:23
schestowitzRHELlisonFeb 14 22:23
oiaohm  << last statement.  schestowitz  clamav is good enough.Feb 14 22:24
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 7 of the best anti-virus apps for Linux | News | TechRadar UK .::. Size~: 59.37 KBFeb 14 22:24
schestowitzDaemonFC: 44% of USians believe Jesus will come down from the cloud some time in the next 50 yerasFeb 14 22:24
schestowitz22% know this for sureFeb 14 22:24
schestowitzI bet their church told themFeb 14 22:24
schestowitzThe others say it's probablyFeb 14 22:25
DaemonFC500 foot Jesus will save us allFeb 14 22:25
MinceRany FLOSS anti-virus apps there besides ClamAV?Feb 14 22:25
DaemonFClanding on the mountainFeb 14 22:25
MinceRDaemonFC: Mecha Jesus?Feb 14 22:25
schestowitzIIRC, RObertson and the gangsters of his blamed gays for procrastinating Jesus' visitFeb 14 22:25
DaemonFCMinceR: MechaJesus vs. Satanazard!Feb 14 22:25
MinceRor perhaps Jesus is an Angel (in the NGE sense)?Feb 14 22:25
schestowitzYeah, Jesus who said, "slay them before me"Feb 14 22:25
DaemonFCbblFeb 14 22:25
schestowitzMinceR: he comes from the cloudsFeb 14 22:26
schestowitzNot starsFeb 14 22:26
MinceR:DFeb 14 22:26
schestowitzThey don't exist as objects in the bibleFeb 14 22:26
schestowitzJust lampsFeb 14 22:26
schestowitzTo guide God's vision at nightFeb 14 22:26
schestowitzThere's up and downFeb 14 22:26
schestowitzNot tangentsFeb 14 22:26
schestowitzDown=well, whatever... SatanFeb 14 22:26
DaemonFCWhat viruses exactly are on Linux that they are citing as their reason for being? :)Feb 14 22:27
schestowitzMany in the US do believe that Satan existsFeb 14 22:27
schestowitzReal people adultsFeb 14 22:27
schestowitzThe people you may even elect for congressFeb 14 22:27
DaemonFCor are these still for Windows files on a file server?Feb 14 22:27
schestowitzTheir view of the world has some man in Red (not Ellison) down there in some lairsFeb 14 22:27
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 14 22:27
MinceRprobably to scan email for clients sentenced to use winblowsFeb 14 22:27
MinceRand the likeFeb 14 22:28
schestowitz 14 22:28
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 Beta Supports New Intel Platforms - Also supports new AMD and IBM processors - Softpedia .::. Size~: 48.41 KBFeb 14 22:28
schestowitzThis headline sounds perverse to me: 14 22:28
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 22:28
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Red Hat projects to seed cloudy IT • The Register .::. Size~: 26.94 KBFeb 14 22:28
MinceRwell, Sidious II said that while Heaven is a metaphor, Hell truly existsFeb 14 22:28
oiaohmThere was  but its been neglected since 2004 MinceRFeb 14 22:28
MinceRicFeb 14 22:28
MinceR(also known as Darth Ratzinger)Feb 14 22:28
oiaohmMind you openantivirus and clamav would have been a good combination.  openantivirus is java and can run from web browser Feb 14 22:29
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 22:30
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 22:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Google Buzz's open approach leads to stalking threat | Technology | 14 22:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Google Buzz's open approach leads to stalking threat |Technology | .::. Size~: 111.93 KBFeb 14 22:31
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 22:35
oiaohm  MinceR problem is clamav signature system is really hard to compete againt.   And is going to get harder.Feb 14 22:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Clam AntiVirus .::. Size~: 14.19 KBFeb 14 22:36
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 22:36
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 22:39
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 22:40
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 22:41
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 22:42
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 22:47
schestowitz32% are still getting infectedFeb 14 22:48
schestowitzAnd /are/ still infectedFeb 14 22:48
schestowitzSays a new 'study'Feb 14 22:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] What I've done this evening: Prompted by @ciphergoth. Have at it.Feb 14 22:48
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 14 22:48
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Cryonics - RationalWiki .::. Size~: 32.98 KBFeb 14 22:48
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 22:50
*Eruaran has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 14 22:51
schestowitz 14 22:52
phIRCe-BNcTitle: KDE screen lock also flawed | GNOME screen lock ineffective in openSUS... | Open Source News Forums .::. Size~: 15.92 KBFeb 14 22:52
MinceRwhat sort of shell is supposed to be "easily reachable" via ctrl+alt+backspace?Feb 14 22:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] keep getting into email debates with smug know-it-all boomer-types. sigh.Feb 14 22:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Creative Commons devalues photography. Open source devalues programming. Love devalues prostitution.Feb 14 22:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] - Chocolate monster!!Feb 14 23:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Chocolate monster!! on Twitpic .::. Size~: 7.55 KBFeb 14 23:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Easiest way to tell I'm not a 'boomer: I belong to one of the first generations for whom university degrees were not affordableFeb 14 23:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Ahhh I must have forgotten to un-follow @ariannahuff ... goodbye, you unhelpful #Microsoft + Gates family sycophantFeb 14 23:10
schestowitz 14 23:21
phIRCe-BNcTitle: HOW TO: Make a Google Buzz Desktop App .::. Size~: 99.04 KBFeb 14 23:21
schestowitz 14 23:25
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Facing Chinese pressure, White House refuses to cancel Dalai Lama meeting |  Raw Story .::. Size~: 44.12 KBFeb 14 23:25
schestowitz 14 23:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: mysql database suddently shrinks - Google Search .::. Size~: 30.29 KBFeb 14 23:31
schestowitztessier__: are you around?Feb 14 23:31
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 23:31
*Thrae has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Feb 14 23:33
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 14 23:37
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 23:37
cubezzz"Valentine's day is just another merchant feeding frenzy and the poor deluded, star-crossed punters lay out big Dineros for roses with a life span of a few days, mega-cards that will add to the land fill pollution and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate sweets that will allow many dentists to swap their old banger for a 2010 Merc."Feb 14 23:38
cubezzzlolFeb 14 23:38
schestowitz 14 23:40
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 750,000 lost jobs? The dodgy digits behind the war on piracy .::. Size~: 32.56 KBFeb 14 23:40
schestowitzcubezzz: so like mini-xmasFeb 14 23:41
schestowitzConsumption of "Stuff" (not just physical)Feb 14 23:41
*chm has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Feb 14 23:57
schestowitzThis is interesting: 14 23:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Guns and Butter - The New Junk Economics:  From Democracy to Neoliberal Oligarchy - February 10, 2010 at 1:00pm | KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley: Listener Sponsored Free Speech Radio .::. Size~: 21.26 KBFeb 14 23:59

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