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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 6th, 2010

schestowitzHEy, _Goblin_Mar 06 00:03
*phIRCe-BNc (~b0t@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 00:03
phIRCe-BNcHello World!Mar 06 00:03
schestowitzIn wonder what crashed the program...Mar 06 00:05
schestowitz_Goblin_: Mar 06 00:05
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- cveitch's Channel .::. Size~: 90.63 KBMar 06 00:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Magnatune Likes #GNOME Desktop, Sends Money Gtk stuff: [News] Magnatune Likes GNOME Desktop, Sends MoneyMar 06 00:12
phIRCe-BNcTitle: buckman's magnatune blog: Magnatune sends check to GNOME Foundation thanks to Rhythmbox .::. Size~: 28.37 KBMar 06 00:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Choices with #GNU #Linux and Distribution Poll (One Third Uses #Ubuntu ) 06 00:16
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Choices Choices & ·  Jeremy Billett .::. Size~: 11.98 KBMar 06 00:16
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Which Linux distribution do you use most frequently? | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 101.02 KBMar 06 00:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "NEW #PCLinuxOS Magazine" is Announced, Opens for Submissions 06 00:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Arch #GNU #Linux Gets Excellent Review, #Igelle Tested by Linux Planet 06 00:18
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Arch Linux Reviewed .::. Size~: 22.85 KBMar 06 00:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Ok, User timeline also works ok on #elmdentica, just trying it out with an account with no difference between user and friends timelines.Mar 06 00:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Elive Reaches Big Major 2.0 and Other Distros Are Out 06 00:20
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Where Debian meets Enlightenment .::. Size~: 14.97 KBMar 06 00:20
phIRCe-BNcTitle: PC/OS: PC/OS OpenWorkstation 10.1 GNOME Released .::. Size~: 85.09 KBMar 06 00:20
phIRCe-BNcTitle: PLoP - Home          .::. Size~: 17.48 KBMar 06 00:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #RedHat Does Exceptionally Well in the Market #gnu #linuxMar 06 00:21
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Options Intelligence Report: Red Hat, Inc. (RHT) & United Technologies Corp. (UTX) | Unusual Activity | The Options Insider .::. Size~: 21.51 KBMar 06 00:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux Gets #Rhythmbox Indicator Applet, New #PHP 06 00:23
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Little Things That Matter: Rhythmbox Indicator Applet | OMG! Ubuntu! .::. Size~: 103.77 KBMar 06 00:23
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Shiney new PHP for 10.04. « > /dev/null .::. Size~: 11.32 KBMar 06 00:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Theme in #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux Stirs up Debate 06 00:24
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Is operating system beauty skin deep? - SmartPlanet .::. Size~: 54.54 KBMar 06 00:24
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Mark Shuttleworth  » Blog Archive   » Light: the new look of Ubuntu .::. Size~: 69.68 KBMar 06 00:24
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Element Developer Blog  » Blog Archive   » Ubuntu has new themes  but what is up with those window buttons? .::. Size~: 29.64 KBMar 06 00:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Canonical CEO Speaks About #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux Future 06 00:26
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Ubuntu: Canonical's New CEO Discusses Top Priorities | The VAR Guy .::. Size~: 229.62 KBMar 06 00:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Another Type of Motorcycles Runs #Linux 06 00:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Electric Green School motorcycle shows its rebel nature by running Linux -- Engadget .::. Size~: 120.84 KBMar 06 00:36
Diablo-D3Hmm.Mar 06 00:37
Diablo-D3I just had a strange ideaMar 06 00:37
Diablo-D3what if free software became a religionMar 06 00:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #SFLC Man Explains How #Freedom and Mobile #Linux Interact 06 00:37
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Musings on Software Freedom for Mobile Devices - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn ) .::. Size~: 33.36 KBMar 06 00:37
schestowitzDiablo-D3: it can'tMar 06 00:37
Diablo-D3I dunnoMar 06 00:38
*Diablo-D3 should go investigate scientology a little moreMar 06 00:38
schestowitzIt's like saying that atheism can become a religionMar 06 00:38
schestowitzNo deitiesMar 06 00:38
Diablo-D3what worked for them could work for us.Mar 06 00:38
schestowitzMaking stuff upMar 06 00:38
schestowitzThem using viral idiocyMar 06 00:38
schestowitzAnd it's the people that keep it goingMar 06 00:38
schestowitzit's like an organism, a creatureMar 06 00:38
schestowitzDidn't the founder's kid commit suicide?Mar 06 00:38
schestowitzJust show how happy they must be in this cultMar 06 00:39
Diablo-D3he died of a drug overdose iircMar 06 00:39
schestowitzGoodMar 06 00:39
schestowitzIs that part of the religion?Mar 06 00:39
schestowitzIf so, then they'll go extinctMar 06 00:39
Diablo-D3schestowitz: dont put words in my mouthMar 06 00:40
Diablo-D3Im talking about how scientology came out of nowehere and then ended up with a few thousand membersMar 06 00:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Android / #Linux Targets the Future Because Desktops Are Dying 06 00:41
phIRCe-BNcTitle:                     Pcs will be dead in three years - The Inquirer          .::. Size~: 78.16 KBMar 06 00:41
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Will Chrome OS deliver us the disposable PC? | News | TechRadar UK .::. Size~: 63.91 KBMar 06 00:41
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Google: Desktops Will Be Irrelevant in Three Years Time .::. Size~: 88.18 KBMar 06 00:42
schestowitzDiablo-D3: just thousands?Mar 06 00:42
Diablo-D3yeah, they only have like 20k worldwideMar 06 00:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux / #Android Lands on More Devices, Becomes hacker Friendly 06 00:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Company puts Android on laptop with China-backed chips - LinuxWorld .::. Size~: 35.12 KBMar 06 00:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Leaked 2.1 Droid Eris Rom Ported to HTC Hero | AndroidGuys .::. Size~: 32.99 KBMar 06 00:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Reasons for Root | AndroidGuys .::. Size~: 53.71 KBMar 06 00:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Sub-notebooks with #GNU #Linux Looking Great 06 00:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Taking Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix out for a Spin .::. Size~: 33.54 KBMar 06 00:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle:    Leeenux Review – Linux OS for Asus Eee 701  : Netbook and Mini Laptop Reviews .::. Size~: 44.27 KBMar 06 00:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Top 5 Netbook Linux Distros: 2010 Edition (with Gallery) | Internetling .::. Size~: 46.2 KBMar 06 00:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Meego #GNU #Linux to Come Out Later This Month 06 00:46
phIRCe-BNcTitle: MeeGo build for N900 & Atom by end of March 2010 - SlashPhone .::. Size~: 45.23 KBMar 06 00:46
MinceRDiablo-D3: don't forget the part where they're hated by everyone with a clue :>Mar 06 00:49
Diablo-D3yes, and I'm going to do the oppositeMar 06 00:50
Diablo-D3name several famous scientists in history saints.Mar 06 00:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Google Supports Tor, #Android Offers #Tor #Anonymity 06 00:50
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Tor on Android | The Tor Blog .::. Size~: 20.82 KBMar 06 00:50
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Google and the Tor Project - Google Open Source Blog .::. Size~: 68.17 KBMar 06 00:50
schestowitzDiablo-D3: Tom Cruise still with them?Mar 06 00:51
schestowitzI heard their new cult leader is disliked and will get cannedMar 06 00:51
Diablo-D3yes, tom cruise is still oneMar 06 00:51
schestowitzYuckMar 06 00:51
Diablo-D3scientology would be at war with my religion Mar 06 00:52
Diablo-D3since I think I'd support science as the true worship of GodMar 06 00:52
schestowitzIs Katie Holmes still with him?Mar 06 00:53
schestowitzI don't follow so-called "celebs" anymoreMar 06 00:53
schestowitzGod with a capital G?Mar 06 00:53
schestowitzDogMar 06 00:53
schestowitzDawg !!Mar 06 00:53
schestowitzThe God Pound Flava!Mar 06 00:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] #unexpected and #weird ♺ @schestowitz: #Google Supports Tor, #Android Offers #Tor #Anonymity 06 00:54
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Tor on Android | The Tor Blog .::. Size~: 20.82 KBMar 06 00:54
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Google and the Tor Project - Google Open Source Blog .::. Size~: 68.17 KBMar 06 00:54
schestowitzIf it's female, then creator of the universe is a bitch :-)Mar 06 00:54
schestowitzWhy oh why are you doing this to me, biatch," shouted the mamed man to the skyMar 06 00:55
schestowitzMamed people go to HellMar 06 00:56
schestowitzAdding insult to mutilationMar 06 00:56
schestowitzCause they can't prayMar 06 00:56
*_Goblin_ has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Mar 06 00:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] So what is a Digital Agenda? Questions about what the Throne Speech really meant. 06 00:59
phIRCe-BNcTitle: So what is a digital agenda? «  Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 87.17 KBMar 06 00:59
*magentar has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 01:00
*ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 01:02
*bruce89 has quit (Quit: What's this button do?)Mar 06 01:06
schestowitztired, gnMar 06 01:09
MinceRgnMar 06 01:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Any photo nuts reading this with a micro 4/3? How is it compared to the much larger low-end SLRs?Mar 06 01:11
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 06 01:19
*ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 06 01:23
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 01:24
Diablo-D3damnitMar 06 01:24
Diablo-D3david needs to hang out in here more often'Mar 06 01:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] .@GilesCoren writes the greatest restaurant reviews ever. #babbo #london #uk #mayfairMar 06 01:49
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  Giles Coren reviews Babbo review | Giles Coren restaurant reviews | Times Online Food & Drink  .::. Size~: 107.73 KBMar 06 01:49
*shreddar (~4c16e5e1@gateway/web/freenode/x-znwzeyblngfunnya) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 01:52
shreddarI read those linked articles about the PC being irrelevant in 3 years and lot of comments were like, 'no way'.Mar 06 01:55
cubezzzI heard the same thing 10 years agoMar 06 01:56
shreddarI for one think it could happen.Mar 06 01:56
*cubezzz looks aroundMar 06 01:56
cubezzzstill surrounded by PCsMar 06 01:56
shreddarWe'll I bet you use PCs alot more than regular people.Mar 06 01:56
cubezzzthat's trueMar 06 01:57
cubezzzplus it's unlikely I'd program on anything elseMar 06 01:57
cubezzzI program _for_ PDAs but while on my PCMar 06 01:58
cubezzzmaybe when skynet gets activated :)Mar 06 01:58
shreddarYeah I bet people who do production type stuff will use PC's for a little longer than 3 years from now.Mar 06 01:58
cubezzzsomeone has to do the development workMar 06 01:59
shreddarregular people who just use the internet won't be using the PC for long though.Mar 06 01:59
cubezzz10 years ago I heard talk of "convergence"Mar 06 01:59
cubezzzthe tv and the computer would become oneMar 06 02:00
shreddarYeah convergence on the PC. I heard that to.Mar 06 02:00
cubezzzbut.... I am bound to say it didn't really happenMar 06 02:00
cubezzzmy TV is still a TV and my computer is everything elseMar 06 02:01
shreddarYep it seems like the opposite is happening.Mar 06 02:01
shreddarMore devices are coming out that do things better than a PC would do them.Mar 06 02:02
cubezzzif PDAs had 24 hour battery life then they would be more popularMar 06 02:02
shreddarHow long do PDAs typically last without recharge?Mar 06 02:03
cubezzzusing a scanner? not going to happen on a PDA :)Mar 06 02:03
cubezzzwell, some are really badMar 06 02:03
cubezzzlike 3 hours or lessMar 06 02:03
cubezzzsometimes an hourMar 06 02:03
shreddarWow that sucks.Mar 06 02:03
cubezzzthe batteries aren't very big you seeMar 06 02:04
cubezzzin fact the older PDAs lasted longer than the new onesMar 06 02:04
cubezzzthey had slower cpus and smaller screensMar 06 02:04
cubezzzif they could make the battery bigger that would helpMar 06 02:05
cubezzzI guess it's not too bad if you can plug in somewhereMar 06 02:05
shreddarI don't think anything will replace the PC entirely within 3 years. Just that more and more devices will replace the PC in specific functions. (eg Game consoles)Mar 06 02:06
cubezzzwell it's different for GNU/Linux types, often they like to program Mar 06 02:07
cubezzzI tried surfing on a PDA, and I didn't like itMar 06 02:07
cubezzzbasically I used it to play some chess and listen to musicMar 06 02:08
cubezzzmostly it just sits on my desk like a tiny computer :)Mar 06 02:09
cubezzzbut having a portable linux based PDA is niceMar 06 02:11
cubezzzit can stream a ton of different internet radio stationsMar 06 02:11
shreddarI don't really use PDA's but I don't doubt they suck at doing some things.Mar 06 02:14
cubezzzthe old sharp organizers were goodMar 06 02:14
cubezzzthey could run a long time on batteryMar 06 02:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Dear Mark Shuttleworth, as tempting a construction as it seems, "fontographer" is not a word. It may however be a ™. #typography #ubuntuMar 06 02:14
shreddarAccording to those articles though people in japan primarily use smartphone for research.Mar 06 02:15
cubezzzanyways PDAs are passéMar 06 02:15
Diablo-D3uhMar 06 02:15
Diablo-D3Fontographer is the name of a piece of softwareMar 06 02:15
cubezzzyeah, it's mostly smartphones nowMar 06 02:15
Diablo-D3its called fontlab nowMar 06 02:16
Diablo-D3its really popular for fontography ;)Mar 06 02:16
shreddarI think that their Chrome OS is them basically making a move toward a dedicated internet console.Mar 06 02:17
cubezzzf and ph in the same word?Mar 06 02:17
cubezzzsounds like it would break some rule of EnglishMar 06 02:19
Diablo-D3yeah, but we dont install phonts.Mar 06 02:19
cubezzzI'm still trying to come up with a real exampleMar 06 02:21
cubezzzwhen Ancient Roman grammarians translated Greek into Latin, they spelled it "ph" to distinguish it from the regular "p", because they didn't have the letter for it.Mar 06 02:22
cubezzzLatin or Greek I thinkMar 06 02:22
shreddar 06 02:23
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 02:23
cubezzzthe Greek letter phi got transcripted to phMar 06 02:25
cubezzzno normal words outside of scientific terms I'd sayMar 06 02:30
cubezzzwith both ph and f in one wordMar 06 02:30
cubezzzsure, I could use a word like "phenolsulfonate"Mar 06 02:31
cubezzzbut that's out of a science dictionaryMar 06 02:31
*oiaohm is now known as mhoaioMar 06 02:33
*mhoaio is now known as oiaohmMar 06 02:33
*oiaohm is now known as mhoaioMar 06 02:40
*mhoaio is now known as oiaohmMar 06 02:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] #wtf ! no hindi ? at translatewiki - 06 02:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Translating:WikiReader/stats/trunk - .::. Size~: 16.13 KBMar 06 02:44
*Agent-Smith (~bb179c1e@gateway/web/freenode/x-yiyueeqfkaowxcdt) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 03:20
Agent-SmithGood night folksMar 06 03:20
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Mar 06 03:20
Agent-SmithFolks, Jono here in this chat... Is the JONO BACON ???Mar 06 03:21
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: he left, but yes Jono Bacon comes hereMar 06 03:22
Agent-SmithOhhh, and he's the JONO BACON from Ubuntu fame ???Mar 06 03:22
sebsebsebyesMar 06 03:22
Agent-SmithAhhh...Mar 06 03:22
Agent-SmithHe works at Canonical, isn't it ???Mar 06 03:22
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: comes here, even though  people talk bad about Ubuntu in here very now and againMar 06 03:22
sebsebsebyes he works for CanonicalMar 06 03:23
sebsebsebvery now and again, was meant to be, every now and againMar 06 03:23
Agent-SmithWell, i am another one to bad mouth UbuntuMar 06 03:23
sebsebsebWhy?Mar 06 03:23
Agent-SmithAnd i would like to tell some truths to any one from CanonicalMar 06 03:23
sebsebsebsuch as?Mar 06 03:23
Agent-SmithMan, Where's Inittab ???Mar 06 03:23
Agent-SmithCan't make that shit log in text modeMar 06 03:24
Agent-SmithAtrocius to maintain in CLIMar 06 03:24
Agent-SmithThen...Mar 06 03:24
Agent-SmithNowMar 06 03:24
Agent-SmithHad to configure a video cardMar 06 03:24
Agent-SmithWhere's XORG.Conf ???Mar 06 03:24
Agent-SmithXorg.Conf no moreMar 06 03:24
Agent-SmithJeeezus...Mar 06 03:24
Agent-SmithWhat are they smoking in Canonical ???Mar 06 03:25
Agent-SmithManure mixed with grass ???Mar 06 03:25
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: Which distro do you use?Mar 06 03:25
Agent-SmithPCLOS and Vector and Puppy and used DebianMar 06 03:26
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: ok wellMar 06 03:26
Agent-SmithBut started in my loved ConectivaMar 06 03:26
sebsebsebthe recent thing when it comes to Ubuntu is  regarding the next one, currently in developmentMar 06 03:26
sebsebseband new themesMar 06 03:26
sebsebsebwell  i'll give you a link,  which also goes to jono's annoucment and  the page on Ubuntu website regarding the new brandingMar 06 03:27
sebsebsebthen i'll give you also a link that I was given earlier which is making their new GDM theme into a bit of a jokeMar 06 03:27
Agent-SmithMan, they're trying to make Ubuntu XP but it's failing...Mar 06 03:27
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: not anymoreMar 06 03:27
sebsebsebnow they are trying to make Ubuntu OS XMar 06 03:27
Agent-SmithhahaahahahahahaMar 06 03:27
Agent-Smith:-DMar 06 03:27
sebsebsebin fact they probably weren't  trying to make Ubuntu like XP reallyMar 06 03:28
Agent-SmithCracking out loudMar 06 03:28
sebsebsebanyway yeah linksMar 06 03:28
Agent-SmithMan, That cannot be...Mar 06 03:28
Agent-SmithEven Puppy Linux is better...Mar 06 03:28
Agent-SmithJeezus MercifulMar 06 03:28
Agent-SmithSo, how does one log to CLI in Ubuntu ???Mar 06 03:29
sebsebseb 06 03:29
phIRCe-BNcTitle: My thoughts on the Ubuntu branding refresh « Benjamin Humphrey .::. Size~: 49.11 KBMar 06 03:29
sebsebsebMandriva has a few little issues, but default themwise it's great.Mar 06 03:29
Agent-SmithTo make a simple fsck ???Mar 06 03:29
Agent-SmithConectiva was gr8.Mar 06 03:29
Agent-SmithKurumin was gr8Mar 06 03:29
sebsebsebMandriva default themes :)Mar 06 03:29
sebsebsebanyway check out the above linkMar 06 03:29
Agent-SmithUbuntu, as time goes by, is going crappyer every time...Mar 06 03:30
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: you seem like an experienced Desktop Linux user,  so why did you join on the free node thing?Mar 06 03:30
Agent-SmithI 'm in the Linux wagon since 2003Mar 06 03:30
sebsebsebyep starting with Ubuntu 9.04  it started going badMar 06 03:30
sebsebsebof course their new users or still quite new users, don't reolize thisMar 06 03:31
Agent-SmithWell, i'm here because i like to talk to the folks hereMar 06 03:31
sebsebsebwell they don't knowMar 06 03:31
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: your new hereMar 06 03:31
sebsebsebit seemsMar 06 03:31
Agent-SmithNo...Mar 06 03:31
Agent-SmithI am friends with Furnace BoyMar 06 03:31
sebsebsebwho are you then?Mar 06 03:31
sebsebsebohMar 06 03:31
Agent-SmithAnd Mr. SchwtowitzMar 06 03:31
Agent-SmithSchestowitzMar 06 03:32
Agent-SmithBut, never mindMar 06 03:32
sebsebsebbeen on the above link yet?Mar 06 03:32
Agent-SmithIt was not to talk about Ubuntu i came hereMar 06 03:32
Agent-SmithIn a minuteMar 06 03:32
sebsebsebwell no one else seems to be about at the momentMar 06 03:32
Agent-SmithHummm... Well, i came here to see what the folks think about an article i saw in the net...Mar 06 03:33
shreddarYeah iBuntu is kinda funny.Mar 06 03:33
Agent-SmithScared the shit out of meMar 06 03:33
Agent-SmithApple is going to buy Adobe...Mar 06 03:33
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: Are they?Mar 06 03:33
Agent-Smith 06 03:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  7 Reasons For Apple To Acquire Adobe .::. Size~: 91.93 KBMar 06 03:33
shreddarI think they said they wanted to have a strong identity like Mac.Mar 06 03:34
Agent-SmithCheck it outMar 06 03:34
sebsebsebwell it would make sense for Apple to buy Adobe I guessMar 06 03:34
Agent-SmithMan, if it comes to fruitionMar 06 03:34
sebsebseb,but  then they would be like MicrosoftMar 06 03:34
sebsebsebreally bigMar 06 03:34
Agent-SmithNo more FlashMar 06 03:34
Agent-SmithOnly for crAppleMar 06 03:34
shreddarBut they just came off as Mac's uglier friend.Mar 06 03:34
Agent-SmithSo... Scary huhhh ???Mar 06 03:35
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: anyway that's your link?Mar 06 03:35
Agent-SmithYupMar 06 03:35
Agent-SmithBut... Is this a newbie chat room ???Mar 06 03:35
sebsebsebhere's the edited/joke  GDM that someone gave me link to earlier 06 03:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 03:36
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: A newbie chatroom?Mar 06 03:36
Agent-SmithYup...Mar 06 03:36
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: Most of us are experienced Linux users that chat here.Mar 06 03:36
Agent-SmithAhhh, okMar 06 03:36
Agent-SmithThat's what i thoughtMar 06 03:37
Agent-SmithAnd you type:Mar 06 03:37
Agent-Smith so why did you join on the free node thing?Mar 06 03:37
sebsebsebanyway I assume you like The Matrix, hence having that nickMar 06 03:37
Agent-SmithThat confused meMar 06 03:37
sebsebseband I  type what?Mar 06 03:38
Agent-SmithYupMar 06 03:38
sebsebsebI am using auto completeMar 06 03:38
Agent-SmithYou typed: Why did you join the free chat room ?Mar 06 03:38
sebsebsebwhen it does :Mar 06 03:38
sebsebsebyou should be getting high lights when I do that as wellMar 06 03:38
sebsebsebwhen I use your nameMar 06 03:38
Agent-SmithHum HumMar 06 03:38
Agent-SmithAnyway, i always like to drop by and see what folks thinkMar 06 03:39
Agent-SmithIn the first months of this year, we talked about M$ disclosing it bought Novell...Mar 06 03:39
Agent-SmithWellMar 06 03:40
Agent-SmithProphetic, huhhhh???Mar 06 03:40
Agent-Smith;-)Mar 06 03:40
Agent-SmithAhhh, saw the links and the pics...Mar 06 03:41
Agent-SmithThey're copying KDE 4Mar 06 03:41
Agent-SmithKDE 4 looks like thatMar 06 03:41
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: The GDM and default background, reminded me a bit of Hannah Montana OS based on KubuntuMar 06 03:42
Agent-SmithAhahahahahah... Yup... I saw that once...Mar 06 03:42
Agent-SmithHello Kitty...Mar 06 03:43
Agent-SmithGr8!!!Mar 06 03:43
Agent-Smith:-DMar 06 03:43
Agent-SmithI also comment a lot in BNMar 06 03:44
sebsebsebokMar 06 03:44
Agent-SmithBut... There's one Troll, Robotron... That guy must be paid to comment like thatMar 06 03:44
Agent-SmithIt would be laughable if it was not tragical...Mar 06 03:45
Agent-SmithWell, the news are delivered...Mar 06 03:49
Agent-SmithI thought perhaps you folks would know better if a thing like that (Apple buying Adobe) would, could happen...Mar 06 03:49
Agent-SmithBut seems you are in the dark like me...Mar 06 03:50
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: not anyMar 06 03:50
sebsebsebtime soonMar 06 03:50
sebsebsebif it's going to happenMar 06 03:50
sebsebsebalso takeMar 06 03:50
sebsebsebOracale buying Sun Microsystems for example which was recentlyMar 06 03:50
sebsebsebfor a  while they coudn't just do that, because they had to make the US justice department happy, but also the European CommisionMar 06 03:51
oiaohmAt adobe current price its right in the price range of Orcale to aquire as well.Mar 06 03:51
Agent-SmithBut i thought Adobe was BIG SHOT for crApple to buy...Mar 06 03:51
sebsebseboiaohm: Oracle probably don't have much interest in  buying AdobeMar 06 03:51
sebsebseboiaohm: if anyMar 06 03:52
sebsebsebif Google bought Adobe, well that would be something I expectMar 06 03:52
Agent-SmithI guess Oracle has the upper hand with the buying of SunMar 06 03:52
sebsebsebmay even end up with a native version of Photoshop for example, quite soon after woulds, if that was to happenMar 06 03:52
sebsebsebGoogle buying Adobe that isMar 06 03:53
sebsebseband native as in for Linux distros of courseMar 06 03:53
Agent-SmithWell, Google buying Adobe would be TERRIFIC... Mar 06 03:53
Agent-SmithPerhaps then, Flash would work well on LinuxMar 06 03:53
oiaohmInterest from Oracle would be direct control of PDF format.Mar 06 03:53
sebsebseboiaohm: Why?Mar 06 03:54
Agent-SmithRight now, it only works ok...Mar 06 03:54
oiaohmThey have ODF sebsebseb.   So holding the 2 most common support achrive formats.Mar 06 03:54
sebsebseboiaohm: support?  what you mean support in that context?Mar 06 03:55
sebsebsebthe two major open standards for documents?Mar 06 03:55
oiaohmsupported Mar 06 03:55
oiaohmMost digatal archives used ODF and PDFMar 06 03:55
Agent-SmithWell, folks, changing a little the subjectMar 06 03:55
oiaohmNot only are the standard but they are important.Mar 06 03:56
Agent-SmithIf i may, of courseMar 06 03:56
sebsebseband Google would become a web design and graphics design and such company, if they bought out AdobeMar 06 03:56
oiaohmAlso lot of orcale solutions depend on PDF not becoming broken.Mar 06 03:56
sebsebsebthey could really do a MicrosoftMar 06 03:56
sebsebsebbecome a bit of  nearly every technology market that mattersMar 06 03:56
oiaohmSo basically aquiring adobe would be protecting there intrests.Mar 06 03:56
sebsebseboiaohm: ok, but PDF is also open source now isn't it?Mar 06 03:57
Agent-SmithNoMar 06 03:57
Agent-SmithIt's openMar 06 03:57
Agent-SmithBut belongs to AdobeMar 06 03:57
Agent-SmithOpen but closed... :PMar 06 03:57
oiaohmYep so adobe could break the format on orcale if they were assholes.Mar 06 03:57
oiaohmNow if apple lined up to aquire adobe orcale would have to think about there ass.Mar 06 03:58
sebsebseboiaohm: Why?Mar 06 03:58
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 03:58
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: this Diablo-D3 guy doesn't like Ubuntu that much these days, by the wayMar 06 03:58
oiaohmis apple known for long term stable fileformats.  sebsebsebMar 06 03:58
oiaohmThat work well cross platform.Mar 06 03:58
sebsebseboiaohm: no I guess notMar 06 03:58
sebsebseboiaohm: and noMar 06 03:58
Agent-SmithAhhh...Mar 06 03:59
sebsebsebto the cross platform bitMar 06 03:59
oiaohmYep the problem.Mar 06 03:59
sebsebseb,but  I started typing before I got thatMar 06 03:59
oiaohmOrcale depends on the cross platform bit.Mar 06 03:59
sebsebsebDiablo-D3: whoops messed up auto completeMar 06 03:59
sebsebsebagainMar 06 03:59
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: I meant to put DaemonFCMar 06 03:59
Agent-SmithAhhhMar 06 03:59
Agent-SmithHe works at Canonical too ???Mar 06 04:00
sebsebsebAgent-Smith: noMar 06 04:00
Agent-SmithIf so, i want to complainMar 06 04:00
Diablo-D3I dont like ubuntu either.Mar 06 04:00
Agent-SmithAhhhMar 06 04:00
Diablo-D3Just to be clear.Mar 06 04:00
Agent-SmithGoodMar 06 04:00
Diablo-D3Lots of people hate UbuntuMar 06 04:00
Agent-SmithIt makes us 2 thenMar 06 04:00
sebsebsebDiablo-D3: Which distro/s you use?Mar 06 04:00
Agent-SmithPuppyMar 06 04:00
Diablo-D3DebianMar 06 04:00
Agent-SmithVectorMar 06 04:00
Diablo-D3have so for 12 years.Mar 06 04:00
Agent-SmithDebianMar 06 04:00
Agent-SmithPCLOSMar 06 04:00
sebsebsebI am starting to dislike Ubuntu more starting with 9.04Mar 06 04:00
sebsebseband now even more since these recent 10.04 changes hrmMar 06 04:01
sebsebsebin the developmentMar 06 04:01
sebsebsebDiablo-D3: see links above if you wantMar 06 04:01
oiaohmOracle is only one of many companies that it would be seen as possible hostile.  For apple to take adobeMar 06 04:01
Agent-SmithWell, tell me, if any1 knows...Mar 06 04:01
Agent-SmithHow to get to the CLI in Ubuntu ???Mar 06 04:01
Agent-SmithNo more InittabMar 06 04:01
oiaohmSo apple taking adobe is unlikely to happen.Mar 06 04:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] Mesa 7.8 has been branched and Master trunk is now labeled 7.9! :) 06 04:01
phIRCe-BNcTitle: mesa/mesa - The Mesa 3D Graphics Library .::. Size~: 14.63 KBMar 06 04:01
Diablo-D3Agent-Smith: ?Mar 06 04:02
Diablo-D3you get to it like everything elseMar 06 04:02
Diablo-D3open an xterm.Mar 06 04:02
Agent-SmithNoMar 06 04:02
Agent-SmithI mean runlevel 3Mar 06 04:02
Diablo-D3single user?Mar 06 04:02
Agent-SmithYupMar 06 04:03
Diablo-D3uh, I'd assume by using the grub entry for it.Mar 06 04:03
Agent-SmithNo more inittab to tinker withMar 06 04:03
Agent-SmithHummmmm...Mar 06 04:03
Agent-SmithWell, i would give a tooth to know who comes with these ideas at Canonical...Mar 06 04:04
Agent-SmithIs it the former M$ Guy ???Mar 06 04:04
Agent-SmithAhhh...Mar 06 04:05
Agent-SmithThere's one i really have a fond love, but for the average joe user, it's complicatedMar 06 04:05
Agent-SmithIt's SiduxMar 06 04:05
Agent-SmithA very good distro tooMar 06 04:05
Agent-SmithBut one must have a careful eye on apt-get updateMar 06 04:06
oiaohmI run a very mixed debian it part stable part testing part sidMar 06 04:07
Agent-SmithWell, i used Debian etch for a long timeMar 06 04:07
Agent-SmithBut then, Lenny broke itMar 06 04:07
Agent-SmithSo...Mar 06 04:08
Agent-SmithI gave a try to SiduxMar 06 04:08
Agent-SmithGood, but breaks very easilyMar 06 04:08
DaemonFCWoot! Caprica in HDMar 06 04:08
Agent-SmithAhhhMar 06 04:09
Agent-SmithAnother linkMar 06 04:09
Agent-SmithI was readingMar 06 04:09
Agent-Smith 06 04:09
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC - BBC Internet Blog: BBC iPlayer Content Protection Enhancements .::. Size~: 82.68 KBMar 06 04:09
Agent-SmithThe chap wants to explain, but if he would remain silent... Would be better...Mar 06 04:09
Agent-SmithAs Lincoln once said...Mar 06 04:10
DaemonFCWith malice towards none and charity for all?Mar 06 04:10
DaemonFC:PMar 06 04:10
DaemonFCthat didn't stick did it?Mar 06 04:10
Agent-SmithIt is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubtMar 06 04:11
DaemonFCI'm not sure that was LincolnMar 06 04:11
*shreddar has quit ()Mar 06 04:11
Agent-SmithWell, i have it for Lincoln's...Mar 06 04:11
DaemonFCSolomon's ProverbsMar 06 04:13
oiaohmBoy the bbc don't get it yet.Mar 06 04:13
Agent-SmithBlessed wikipedia... ;-)Mar 06 04:13
DaemonFCmmhmMar 06 04:13
oiaohmYou will not stop people from keeping content longer than they should.Mar 06 04:13
oiaohmAll they risk doing is pushing the content into the hands of pirates.Mar 06 04:14
Agent-SmithThis iPlayer issue is all about DRMMar 06 04:14
oiaohmA flawed DRM.Mar 06 04:15
oiaohmWe send a ping you answer right we send content.Mar 06 04:15
Agent-SmithI guess they sell their shows via DVD, don't they ???Mar 06 04:15
oiaohmThey do.Mar 06 04:15
Agent-SmithWanna see ??? Ok... Wanna keep ??? BuyMar 06 04:15
oiaohmYep.Mar 06 04:16
Agent-SmithBut the explanation is laughableMar 06 04:16
Agent-SmithThe guy just uses jargon and technobable and says nothingMar 06 04:16
Agent-SmithBla, bla, blaMar 06 04:16
oiaohmNo guy is attempting to dig self out of problem.Mar 06 04:16
oiaohmOnly one problem digging self in deeper.Mar 06 04:16
Agent-SmithWell, i saw a guy trying to explain, but at the end, i was more confused than at the beginingMar 06 04:17
Agent-Smith(O.o)Mar 06 04:17
oiaohmWhat I call normal trying to dig self out out of problem.Mar 06 04:17
Agent-SmithYep...Mar 06 04:18
oiaohmOnly problem digging the wrong way.Mar 06 04:18
oiaohmThe thing they have to accept is content protection is not going to work.Mar 06 04:19
oiaohmInstead they need to look at casing and signatures and the like on the dvdsMar 06 04:19
oiaohmSomething that makes the item special.Mar 06 04:19
Agent-SmithWell, my good fellowsMar 06 04:20
Agent-SmithI 'm calling it a nightMar 06 04:20
Agent-SmithSee you aroundMar 06 04:20
Agent-SmithGood night for allMar 06 04:20
Agent-SmithByeMar 06 04:20
*Agent-Smith has quit (Quit: Page closed)Mar 06 04:21
DaemonFCheh, Dominos lets you use a coupon for an American Legends pizza and rebuild the damned thing the way you want it for the coupon priceMar 06 04:21
DaemonFCsweetMar 06 04:21
oiaohmNormal.Mar 06 04:23
oiaohmDominos here as done it for years.  As long it does not equal more ingredents they will do.Mar 06 04:23
DaemonFCwell, saves me like $5 vs building the same pizzaMar 06 04:24
DaemonFCglad I thought of thatMar 06 04:24
oiaohmI still remember using a 2 for 1 of there coupons to get a double topping pizza for price of 1Mar 06 04:24
DaemonFCthat works?Mar 06 04:25
DaemonFCniceMar 06 04:25
DaemonFCo if they have a 2 large 3 topping coupon, I can get a large 6 topping instead?Mar 06 04:25
oiaohmThis is the australian end of courseMar 06 04:25
oiaohmHere that would work DaemonFCMar 06 04:26
oiaohmReally they are ahead they saved 1 pizza baseMar 06 04:26
DaemonFCthis is trueMar 06 04:27
DaemonFCit's usually like 75 cents a toppingMar 06 04:27
DaemonFCso you may be ahead to just get the large 6 toppingMar 06 04:27
DaemonFCsebsebseb, the new window controls aren't as bad as I thought they would beMar 06 04:28
DaemonFCthought that I would fumble them for a whileMar 06 04:28
DaemonFCoiaohm, I just wish they wouldn't consider hot sauce a toppingMar 06 04:30
DaemonFC:(Mar 06 04:30
DaemonFCyou have to sacrifice a real topping to get hot sauceMar 06 04:30
oiaohmAgain that depends on shop.Mar 06 04:30
*DaemonFC likes hot sauce and jalepenos on the pizzaMar 06 04:30
oiaohmSome you can give up the tomato paste for the hot sauseMar 06 04:31
oiaohmDominos is a real trade game.Mar 06 04:31
DaemonFCI really don't have an opposition to high Scoville rating in my foodMar 06 04:32
DaemonFCheheMar 06 04:32
oiaohmWe have the option of barbue or normal tomato paste here.Mar 06 04:33
DaemonFC 06 04:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 04:33
DaemonFCI want to get my hands on one of thoseMar 06 04:33
oiaohmNo difference in charge  DaemonFCMar 06 04:33
DaemonFC342 times hotter than TobascoMar 06 04:34
DaemonFCbet if you bit into one of those you'd die of a heart attackMar 06 04:34
oiaohm  << So you might be able to eat this.Mar 06 04:37
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Worlds Greatest Hamburger Blog  » Blog Archive   » Worlds Hottest Burger& and its in Brisbane, Australia .::. Size~: 27.19 KBMar 06 04:37
oiaohmIt time to worry when you need rubber gloves to pick you burger up in the first place.Mar 06 04:38
DaemonFCI have my credit card number memorizedMar 06 04:52
DaemonFC:PMar 06 04:52
DaemonFCaren't they supposed to change it too often for that to happen? I've had the same number since 2001Mar 06 04:52
oiaohmNopMar 06 04:55
oiaohmTabasco sauce is rated at 4000 SHU and this megadeath sauce is rated at around 500,000 SHU  << this is the sauce in the australian mega death buggerMar 06 04:55
Diablo-D3whats metallica rated at?Mar 06 04:57
Diablo-D3dohohohohohohohohohoohMar 06 04:57
DaemonFCI got a free Redbox rental code cause the machine was busted and I called them :)Mar 06 05:21
Diablo-D3niceMar 06 05:22
DaemonFCI like those Redbox kiosksMar 06 05:24
DaemonFCquite a lotMar 06 05:25
DaemonFC 06 05:27
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Residents react to Levco's Redbox decision - 14 News, The Tri-State's News and Weather Leader- .::. Size~: 40.81 KBMar 06 05:27
DaemonFCclueless prosecuting attorney on a moral crusadeMar 06 05:27
DaemonFCHow many minors have credit cards, really?Mar 06 05:27
Diablo-D3noneMar 06 05:28
Diablo-D3they have to be authorized users on an adult's account.Mar 06 05:29
*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Mar 06 05:30
DaemonFC,0,2006657.storyMar 06 05:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Redbox Movies: Indiana prosecutor thinks Redbox Movies allows underage kids to rent R-rated movies - WXIN .::. Size~: 63.34 KBMar 06 05:33
DaemonFCDiablo-D3, Indiana Family Institute funded thisMar 06 05:33
DaemonFCthey're an anti-gay hate groupMar 06 05:33
DaemonFClocal chapter of Focus on the FamilyMar 06 05:33
Diablo-D3ahhMar 06 05:33
Diablo-D3so they're anti-american terroristsMar 06 05:33
DaemonFCterrorists who use the legal system to hurt people instead of bombs I guessMar 06 05:34
DaemonFC:PMar 06 05:34
Diablo-D3so?Mar 06 05:34
Diablo-D3its no differentMar 06 05:34
Diablo-D3attacking an american company for fun and profit is still terrorismMar 06 05:35
DaemonFCDiablo-D3, I'd compare them to when the Ku Klux Klan controlled the Indiana state government all the way up to the governorMar 06 05:35
DaemonFCback in the 1920sMar 06 05:35
Diablo-D3that is also terrorismMar 06 05:35
Diablo-D3and a lot of traitors should have been brought to justice during those daysMar 06 05:35
DaemonFChow do you stop an unlawful group when they ARE the law?Mar 06 05:36
DaemonFCthat's the problemMar 06 05:36
Diablo-D3if they dont follow the constitution, they arent the lawMar 06 05:36
DaemonFCthey control judges, lawyers, politicians, and police officersMar 06 05:36
Diablo-D3and we have a duty to our founding fathers to make sure the constitution is always first.Mar 06 05:36
DaemonFCthey're basally just under half our state governmentMar 06 05:37
Diablo-D3if they raise their fist to americans, then you raise a bigger fist to squash their rebellion.Mar 06 05:37
DaemonFCinfiltration terrorist group is how I'd describe the Indiana Family InstituteMar 06 05:37
Diablo-D3DaemonFC: you destroy them like any otherMar 06 05:38
Diablo-D3anyone who acts unlawfully should be delt with swiftly.Mar 06 05:38
DaemonFCDiablo-D3, They'e nearly 100% of out local governmentMar 06 05:38
Diablo-D3So?Mar 06 05:38
Diablo-D3That means nothing.Mar 06 05:38
DaemonFCthey use the police to harass and bully peopleMar 06 05:38
Diablo-D3There is no such thing as an enemy too large.Mar 06 05:38
Diablo-D3DaemonFC: noMar 06 05:38
Diablo-D3they use people who pretend to policeMar 06 05:38
Diablo-D3There are federal laws against this.Mar 06 05:39
DaemonFCthere is your problemMar 06 05:39
Diablo-D3I would take myself and thousands of my countrymen to quell this rebellion if I lived in your state.Mar 06 05:39
Diablo-D3Order must be restored.Mar 06 05:39
DaemonFCthey don't have to be card carrying avowed membersMar 06 05:39
DaemonFCso how do you prove they are conspiring?Mar 06 05:39
Diablo-D3Do they wear a badge?Mar 06 05:39
Diablo-D3If so, they are in on the conspiracy.Mar 06 05:39
DaemonFCsome of themMar 06 05:39
DaemonFCour local judge is real big with themMar 06 05:40
Diablo-D3Anyone who doesn't join your cause is a terrorist.Mar 06 05:40
DaemonFCso is the sheriffMar 06 05:40
DaemonFCI find it funny that the same people in the teabagger movement that want small government was to enact laws to beat people like me senselessMar 06 05:41
DaemonFCis that a state interest?Mar 06 05:41
Diablo-D3The teabagger movement is a false flag attack on civil liberties.Mar 06 05:41
Diablo-D3They are the same as the Republican partyMar 06 05:41
Diablo-D3a vile anti-American group that has spread even to the largest seats of powerMar 06 05:42
DaemonFCthey havethe Republicans screaming and running awayMar 06 05:43
DaemonFCthat should tell you how far right they areMar 06 05:43
Diablo-D3DaemonFC: you're slightly confused on thatMar 06 05:43
Diablo-D3they have "normal" Republicans running awayMar 06 05:44
Diablo-D3they have the kind known as neo-cons joining their ranksMar 06 05:44
DaemonFCthey're trying to smearthe non-teabagger Republicans in the local primariesMar 06 05:44
Diablo-D3Bush is one of the best examples of a neoconMar 06 05:44
DaemonFCthat's what's scaryMar 06 05:44
Diablo-D3YupMar 06 05:44
Diablo-D3its like its a wholey new party inside the republican partyMar 06 05:44
Diablo-D3its starting to split anyhowMar 06 05:44
Diablo-D3you have ron paul's movement rapidly gaining speedMar 06 05:44
Diablo-D3a lot of republicans are starting to side with himMar 06 05:45
DaemonFClike the face huggers in AlienMar 06 05:45
DaemonFC:PMar 06 05:45
DaemonFCthe Republican party is a host to gestate inMar 06 05:45
Diablo-D3ron paul, imo, represents whats right with the republican partyMar 06 05:45
Diablo-D3a lot of people used to call him crazyMar 06 05:45
Diablo-D3but hes notMar 06 05:45
Diablo-D3he saw this coming long before anyone didMar 06 05:45
DaemonFCBad news: Siberian methane leakage will kill us all. Good news: "Us all" includes the Indiana Family InstituteMar 06 06:18
DaemonFCI'm not all negativeMar 06 06:18
DaemonFCDiablo-D3, To borrow from MinceR, I live in a miniature Absurdistan (town and county government)Mar 06 06:30
DaemonFConly one partyMar 06 06:30
DaemonFCand choose the least bad RepublicanMar 06 06:30
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 06:30
DaemonFCso I get to vote for some Republicans this year because the Primary is the only deciderMar 06 06:30
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 06:40
DaemonFC 06 06:48
phIRCe-BNcTitle: The Associated Press: Recalls: McCormick mixes, spinach dips, soup .::. Size~: 9.1 KBMar 06 06:48
DaemonFCSoup anyone?Mar 06 06:48
DaemonFC,9171,1967702,00.htmlMar 06 06:51
phIRCe-BNcTitle: The Incredible Shrinking Europe - TIME .::. Size~: 47.45 KBMar 06 06:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Google 's FOSS-oriented Event Sold Out 06 07:03
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 07:03
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  Registration for Google I/O Conference Closed; Event Sold Out  .::. Size~: 30.68 KBMar 06 07:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux and FOSS Coverage from #CeBIT 06 07:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Psion Announced “Open Source Mobility” Move 06 07:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux New Media Awards 2010 Presented at CeBIT / News / Online / Home - Ubuntu User .::. Size~: 25.14 KBMar 06 07:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: CeBIT 2010: Linux Successes, Challenges / News / Online / Home - Ubuntu User .::. Size~: 25.29 KBMar 06 07:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux New Media Awards 2010 Presented at CeBIT - Linux Magazine Online  .::. Size~: 30.34 KBMar 06 07:05
phIRCe-BNcTitle: CeBIT 2010: BIND 10 is coming - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 32.32 KBMar 06 07:05
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Psion Launches “Ingenuity Working,” an Online Open Community for Customers, Partners and Developers .::. Size~: 16.8 KBMar 06 07:05
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Psion Launches the New Workabout Pro 3 &ndash; the Fastest and Most Modular Device on the Market .::. Size~: 56.79 KBMar 06 07:05
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 07:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Women in #FreeSoftware Get New 'Umbrellas' 06 07:06
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 07:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  PHPWomen Pairs with FOSS Projects to Encourage Diversity  .::. Size~: 33.06 KBMar 06 07:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: SCALE 8x: Moving the needle [] .::. Size~: 35.21 KBMar 06 07:06
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 07:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Web Standards Make Progress, Beat Flash 06 07:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: HTML5 WG Working Drafts published - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 32.48 KBMar 06 07:31
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Virgin America Ditches Adobe Flash for New Site .::. Size~: 82.83 KBMar 06 07:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #FBI 'Pulls a Microsoft' (Employs Shills to Disrupt Forums) 06 07:32
phIRCe-BNcTitle: FBI paid racist shock jock Hal Turner in excess of $100,0002 |  Raw Story .::. Size~: 45.64 KBMar 06 07:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #LibDems Push to Make 'Chinese Censorship' in the UK 06 07:34
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Open Rights Group | Conservatives and Lib Dems push web blocking .::. Size~: 43.85 KBMar 06 07:34
phIRCe-BNcTitle: 25 Lib Dem PPCs sign letter asking Lib Dem Parliamentarians to think again on Digital Economy Bill .::. Size~: 85.31 KBMar 06 07:35
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Urgent: Please Help Head Off Website Blocking in UK - Community - ComputerworldUK .::. Size~: 75.52 KBMar 06 07:35
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Francis Davey: New amendment gives copyright owners a blank cheque for web censorship .::. Size~: 82.42 KBMar 06 07:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #DMCA Done More Harm Than Good in the US, UK 06 07:35
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Unintended Consequences: Twelve Years Under the DMCA | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 13.67 KBMar 06 07:35
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Pirate Party UK - The UK's DMCA; Clause 17 falls, but at what cost? .::. Size~: 27.33 KBMar 06 07:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #NewZealand and #Germany Resist Parts of #ACTA 06 07:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Ti Point Tork  » Blog Archive   » NZ Doing Good in ACTA Negotiation .::. Size~: 23.36 KBMar 06 07:38
*indark (~indark@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 08:01
schestowitz everything is being renamed "Cloud"Mar 06 08:30
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Twitter / Joseph Tartakoff: Ballmer says 70% of MSFT e ... .::. Size~: 10.06 KBMar 06 08:30
Diablo-D3clouds are dead.Mar 06 08:33
DaemonFCDiablo-D3, You can make a bong out of a Sobe bottleMar 06 08:37
DaemonFCclouds are not deadMar 06 08:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Gates Foundation's Head Gags Academic Researchers, Forbes Magazine Calls Gates Vaccination “Utterly Repellent” 06 08:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] - Beer and Clamato. For those times you want to throw up before you're drunk?Mar 06 08:41
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Gates Foundations Head of Global Health Gags Academic Researchers With Threats, Forbes Magazine Calls Gates Vaccination “Utterly Repellent” | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 90.81 KBMar 06 08:41
DaemonFCDiablo-D3, Does that look like anything you'd drink?Mar 06 08:42
DaemonFCbeer, tomato juice, clam juiceMar 06 08:43
DaemonFCmmmmMar 06 08:43
DaemonFCwith salt and limeMar 06 08:43
Diablo-D3I dont drink, DaemonFC.Mar 06 08:43
DaemonFCmust be awful thirstyMar 06 08:43
DaemonFC:pMar 06 08:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] After 3 days with #Konquerer I come back to #FirefoxMar 06 09:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Angers the World by Asking for a Form of Security Bailout #windows #taxMar 06 09:16
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Microsoft Angers the World by Asking for a Form of Security Bailout, More Fundamental Windows Flaws Found | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 92.93 KBMar 06 09:16
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 06 09:53
Diablo-D3schestowitz: konq, seriously?Mar 06 10:01
Diablo-D3go use midori if you're that hardup for an alternativeMar 06 10:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] David Kappos Does Not Understand Why the #USPTO is Broken #swpat #peer2patentMar 06 10:02
phIRCe-BNcTitle: David Kappos Does Not Understand Why the USPTO is Broken | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 90.65 KBMar 06 10:02
tessier__Yarro deal odd.Mar 06 10:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @paulopedroso: A ler. RT @vascocampilho: Li e Gostei: The Portuguese economy is more flexible than the U.S. 06 10:23
phIRCe-BNcTitle: .::. Size~: 4.09 KBMar 06 10:23
oiaohmBoy just reading threw the links lot of people don't get why a PC will be dead in 3 years.Mar 06 10:26
oiaohmAll keep on thinking phones will be stuck to the same size screen that will fit on the device.Mar 06 10:27
oiaohmHave they not see the devices appearing with in built projectors.Mar 06 10:27
schestowitz"try chromium-browser ♻ @schestowitz: After 3 days with #Konquerer I come back to #Firefox" "@jepong it's too close to #Google IMHO #doknowevil"Mar 06 10:33
schestowitzI guess I'll stay with Firefox thenMar 06 10:34
schestowitzoiaohm: or tabletsMar 06 10:34
oiaohmTablets are still limited size screen compared to projection.Mar 06 10:37
oiaohmPhone + docking station + network storage could be a nasty combinationMar 06 10:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Apple Uses #USPTO / #ITC Protectionism to Fight Desktop #GNU #Linux the problem is #swpatMar 06 10:41
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Apple Uses USPTO/ITC Protectionism to Fight Desktop GNU/Linux | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 88.98 KBMar 06 10:41
*omar_ (~omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 10:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Q: How many Bill Gateses does it take to change the lightbulb?? A: None. He just calls a meeting and make darkness the standard!Mar 06 10:56
*omar_ has quit (Client Quit)Mar 06 10:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A look at what goes on in #Mono , #Moonlight , and #Yahoo , which relays users to #Microsoft 06 11:24
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Novell and Yahoo! Gifts to Microsoft | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 87.05 KBMar 06 11:24
Diablo-D3HAHAHAH wowMar 06 11:26
Diablo-D3I think that do right os video is now #18Mar 06 11:26
Diablo-D3the system is still updating howeverMar 06 11:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] Now sitting at #srijan at #html5workshop , vivek khurana is speaking now.Mar 06 11:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] 99 bitches and a problem ain't one 06 11:55
phIRCe-BNcTitle: And I Am Not Lying  » Blog Archive   » Types of Bitches .::. Size~: 219.92 KBMar 06 11:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Tragic! Nexuiz getting a nonfree fork and stealing the name: #gnu #freesoftwareMar 06 12:04
phIRCe-BNcTitle: View topic - IllFonic's Nexuiz &bull; .::. Size~: 137.24 KBMar 06 12:04
*indark has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 06 12:17
schestowitz 06 12:27
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Why Microsoft Cant Afford To Let Novell Die | eWEEK Europe UK .::. Size~: 28.14 KBMar 06 12:27
schestowitz 06 12:32
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Google China Hack Stole Source Code | eWEEK Europe UK .::. Size~: 28.16 KBMar 06 12:32
schestowitz "My main, personal, concern is that squabbles over this kind of amount of money are keeping open-source software out of the K-12 education system."Mar 06 12:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Elliott Associates and Novell:  All About a Game of Cat and Mouse - .::. Size~: 49.36 KBMar 06 12:33
Diablo-D3weeMar 06 12:34
Diablo-D3its #17Mar 06 12:34
schestowitz"i agree... hopes firefox-kde comes to kubuntu ASAP ♻ @schestowitz: @jepong it's too close to #Google IMHO #doknowevil " 06 12:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Jeffrey Seguerra (jepong) 's status on Saturday, 06-Mar-10 10:35:27 UTC - .::. Size~: 8.32 KBMar 06 12:36
Omar87Microsoft is participating the W3C HTML working group.Mar 06 13:00
Omar87*in* the W3C working group..Mar 06 13:00
schestowitzGNOME devs with macs? wtf? 06 13:03
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Stopped Clock Blog .::. Size~: 37.92 KBMar 06 13:03
schestowitzOmar87: YESMar 06 13:03
Omar87schestowitz, I really wonder what kind of web standards organization lets the most notorious company when it comes to standards.. :-)Mar 06 13:05
Omar87W3C is pathetic, imho.Mar 06 13:06
oiaohmReally its better for anti-trust.Mar 06 13:12
oiaohmMS cannot claim they did not know what the standards were.  Omar87Mar 06 13:13
Omar87oiaohm, of course. They are fully aware of the standards yet they blatantly brag about breaking them.Mar 06 13:14
oiaohmThat blatantly brag about breaking them lead to the browser ballet in the EUMar 06 13:16
oiaohmEverything has its price Omar87Mar 06 13:16
Omar87oiaohm, that's right.Mar 06 13:17
schestowitz 06 13:19
phIRCe-BNcTitle: European Wafaa | Symbian vs Android .::. Size~: 23.83 KBMar 06 13:19
schestowitzOmar87: small priceMar 06 13:19
schestowitzThe nuisance they cause to Linux users by breaking web standards is greatMar 06 13:20
oiaohmReally the nuisance caused to Linux pails into compare to the nuisance caused to doing business.Mar 06 13:42
MinceR135544 < schestowitz> GNOME devs with macs? wtf? 06 13:52
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Stopped Clock Blog .::. Size~: 37.92 KBMar 06 13:52
MinceRthat explains everything.Mar 06 13:52
oiaohm  Interesting.Mar 06 14:37
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Hardware attack on RSA implementation - The H Security: News and Features .::. Size~: 35.31 KBMar 06 14:37
MinceRi'd love to see such an attack succeed on the TPMMar 06 14:41
MinceRit's much easier than dissolving the casing and poking around inside :>Mar 06 14:42
MinceR(also, it won't leave any marks afterward)Mar 06 14:42
oiaohmYep it messing with powersupply.Mar 06 14:44
oiaohmProblem is a suspect powersupply can happen normally.Mar 06 14:45
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 06 14:45
*MinceR hopes that's not what just happened :>Mar 06 14:45
schestowitz 06 14:46
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Clinton: US will help resolve Falklands oil row |UK news | .::. Size~: 70.53 KBMar 06 14:46
schestowitzMinceR: 06 14:47
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Ok, Be Afraid if Someone's Got a Voltmeter Hooked to Your CPU - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn ) .::. Size~: 22.29 KBMar 06 14:47
schestowitzOMG!Mar 06 14:47
schestowitzSomeone got my CPU in a lab!Mar 06 14:47
schestowitzI think they can get data from it :-)_Mar 06 14:48
schestowitz 06 14:49
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 200 ok .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 14:49
schestowitzA amazingMar 06 14:49
schestowitz 06 14:49
phIRCe-BNcTitle: World's coral reefs could disintegrate by 2100 |Environment | .::. Size~: 191.83 KBMar 06 14:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Spideroak for backup on Ubuntu.. good or bad?Mar 06 14:58
schestowitz 06 15:03
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Beta Test This: Swype! | AndroidGuys .::. Size~: 36.39 KBMar 06 15:03
*omar_ (~omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 15:05
schestowitz 06 15:07
phIRCe-BNcTitle: HTC: Don't Carry Your Nexus One In Your Pocket - Htc nexus one screen - Gizmodo .::. Size~: 64.69 KBMar 06 15:07
MinceRthat's what carrying cases are for, duhMar 06 15:08
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Mar 06 15:08
*Omar87 has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Mar 06 15:09
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Just back from office cultural's "Wings" . Had good time with folks. Danced for "variyaaa" song from "puthupettai" :D #wingsMar 06 15:27
schestowitzSlashdot repeats Microsoft LIES: 06 15:34
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Slashdot News Story | Microsoft Spends $9 Billion On Research, Focuses On Cloud .::. Size~: 147.87 KBMar 06 15:34
schestowitz 06 15:45
phIRCe-BNcTitle: I, Cringely  » Blog Archive   » Fire in the Hole! Another New Gig for Bob - Cringely on technology  .::. Size~: 47.18 KBMar 06 15:45
schestowitz"Until leaving PBS at the end of 2008 I could claim I had been fired from every job I ever held, which isn’t nearly as bad as it sounds. Leaving PBS after 11 years broke that pattern, but not for long. Now I have been fired from Home-Account, my mortgage startup. How does one found a company and then get fired from it? That’s easy: you get in a fight with the CEO. At least that’s how I tend to do it."Mar 06 15:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] New Blog Post: Which Podcasts? - let me know what podcasts I should be listening to..Mar 06 15:45
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Which Podcasts? | blog .::. Size~: 21.48 KBMar 06 15:46
schestowitz 06 15:57
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Guerrilla Sticker of the Week - Big Brother Watch .::. Size~: 36.97 KBMar 06 15:57
schestowitz 06 16:01
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 16:01
schestowitzI remember when Linux made the FP like 7 times a dayMar 06 16:01
schestowitzDigg is not a tech site anymoreMar 06 16:02
MinceRit stopped being a tech site when the crApple cultists swarmed itMar 06 16:05
schestowitz 06 16:06
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux Today - Firm Behind Novell Bid Has Shady Past, Could be Tied to Microsoft .::. Size~: 72.61 KBMar 06 16:06
schestowitzMinceR: sort ofMar 06 16:06
schestowitz 06 16:42
phIRCe-BNcTitle: AC/OS: Not my will... .::. Size~: 56.16 KBMar 06 16:42
schestowitz"Each night I muster all the faith I have to plead with God to let me sit around with my family, doing absolutely nothing for anyone else."Mar 06 16:42
schestowitzHe's religious then.Mar 06 16:42
schestowitzNot in the Apple sense.Mar 06 16:42
schestowitz 06 16:50
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Letter to the Editor(s) of The New York Times - SFLC Blog - Software Freedom Law Center .::. Size~: 14.77 KBMar 06 16:50
schestowitzbblMar 06 16:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] it's 5pm. if i'm going out i need to haul arse. otoh sitting here doing 0 is lovely. i just *might* have become terminally dull.Mar 06 17:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] "The Globe made a mistake to write about #Kissinger as man of vision" Mistake? It's an outrage! #war #crime #cia #deathMar 06 17:10
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Where are the Kissingers for the 21st century? - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 83.87 KBMar 06 17:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺@samadeu: Proposta antipirataria do Governo inglês é derrotada na Câmara dos Lordes 06 17:15
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC News - Lords force rethink of government's online piracy plans .::. Size~: 55.2 KBMar 06 17:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @mjnalmeida: "HACKED BY NEO" 06 17:24
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Miguel Almeida: "HACKED BY NEO" .::. Size~: 7.37 KBMar 06 17:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] #elmdentica now allows choosing your preferred browser and supports public, user and friends timelines. Also a bit faster, uses more EFL.Mar 06 17:26
*Palkia ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 17:27
MinceR(flash) (video) (audio) 06 17:34
phIRCe-BNcTitle: A Trailer for Every Academy Award Winning Movie Ever - Funny Videos | .::. Size~: 51.89 KBMar 06 17:34
MinceRschestowitz: well, there are some religions that aren't mutually exclusiveMar 06 17:34
MinceRsuch as Money Worship, crApple Cultism and Catholicism.Mar 06 17:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Making pancakes a-la-delia for Sam and me whilst Mummy and Sophie are out.. shhhMar 06 17:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] If they are doing it, so can we? – RIAA v File sharers (again) #piracy #tpb #riaaMar 06 17:58
phIRCe-BNcTitle: If they are doing it, so can we?  RIAA v File sharers (again) «  OPEN BYTES  cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 32.88 KBMar 06 17:59
PalkiaHave you guys heard of Van RompuyMar 06 18:10
PalkiaDictator of the EUMar 06 18:10
MinceRi haven'tMar 06 18:11
MinceRyetMar 06 18:11
Palkiayou should look him upMar 06 18:12
Palkianobody voted for himMar 06 18:12
MinceRinterestingMar 06 18:14
Palkiacorrect it is interestingMar 06 18:21
Palkiathe european union isn't a democracyMar 06 18:22
Palkiagbrainy seems to be a rip off of nintendo's brain ageMar 06 18:23
Palkiaexcept brain age doesn't suck and isn't infected with monoMar 06 18:24
MinceRthe way Van Rompuy was elected seems to be reminiscent of how we elect the presidentMar 06 18:24
MinceRi don't yet know the significance of thisMar 06 18:24
MinceRbrain age is also proprietary and in addition non-gratis, though :>Mar 06 18:25
MinceR(well, i'm not sure if i'd want to call mono and mono-dependent stuff "proprietary", but mono itself is certainly non-free)Mar 06 18:25
*_Goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 18:26
_Goblinhi allMar 06 18:26
*Palkia has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 18:26
*Palkia ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 18:28
Palkiayou caught me :PMar 06 18:28
Palkiamincer, where are you fromMar 06 18:28
MinceRhungaryMar 06 18:28
Palkiaim unfamiliar with your electoral processMar 06 18:29
MinceRhere the president is elected by the parliament after the parliament is elected, iircMar 06 18:29
Palkiaas for brainage, i dont mind proprietary games as long as they are isolated from my work pc'sMar 06 18:29
MinceRand the EC seems to consist of the prime ministers of the member countriesMar 06 18:30
Palkiano amount of advocacy will free consoles, too much controlMar 06 18:30
MinceRnot only that, but the console business model depends on closednessMar 06 18:30
PalkiayesMar 06 18:30
MinceRso it's doomed to suckMar 06 18:30
Palkiaif they released the console nobody would buy gamesMar 06 18:30
MinceRpeople would, but the manufacturer of the console wouldn't recoup their costsMar 06 18:31
Palkiadreamcast failed when people found out how to rip the code needed for the isos, no mod chip requiredMar 06 18:31
_GoblinI disagree, I think the closedness of the consoles will be their salvation in respect of gaming.Mar 06 18:31
MinceR_Goblin: how so?Mar 06 18:31
_Goblinjust to the PC for the plethora of problems associated with installing/playing a new game....whatever you think of the closedness of consoles, they are "plug in and play" and at the end of the day, simplicity is what the end user wants.Mar 06 18:32
_Goblin*just lookMar 06 18:32
Palkiapc games have an advantage thoughMar 06 18:32
_Goblinwhats that?Mar 06 18:32
Palkiabetter hardwareMar 06 18:32
_Goblinyes, but thats part of the problem....Mar 06 18:32
_Goblinmost end users do not want to constantly upgrade just to play games.Mar 06 18:33
PalkiaI doubt we'd have compiz and kwin 3d compositing effects if gamers didn't push the hardwareMar 06 18:33
_GoblinI think we would....Mar 06 18:33
_GoblinI don't think the average desktop PC has followed the gaming market.Mar 06 18:33
Palkiasignificantly less advancedMar 06 18:33
_Goblinthe average buyer wants a family PCMar 06 18:34
_Goblinits only the hardcore gamers now that keep the PC speced up.Mar 06 18:34
Palkiaif I let my gpu throttle itself on low power my 3d effects sometimes get laggyMar 06 18:34
Palkiaand vista/win7Mar 06 18:34
PalkiaLOLMar 06 18:34
Palkiavista/win7 is pushing hardware limitsMar 06 18:34
_GoblinI think if we are to apportion "blame" for the high specs of PC's these days, it would be attributed to Windows and its associated bloatware.Mar 06 18:34
Palkiait's doing it for the wrong reasonsMar 06 18:34
Palkiayeah microsoft is the biggest abuser of needlessly pushing hardwareMar 06 18:35
_Goblinthats my 10p worth anyway!Mar 06 18:35
Palkiai have a pentium 2 laptop that stills runsMar 06 18:35
Palkianot on windowsMar 06 18:36
MinceRPC games have lots of advantagesMar 06 18:36
_GoblinI have often stated that I think the PC is on borrowed time in terms of proprietary off the shelf games.Mar 06 18:36
_Goblinyep...but none for the devs.Mar 06 18:36
MinceRhomebrew, modding, better controllers, better hardwareMar 06 18:36
_Goblinthats also the issueMar 06 18:36
Palkia_Goblin - i'll have to disagree stillMar 06 18:36
MinceRas you can see, some of these are for the devsMar 06 18:36
Palkiafor mincers reasonsMar 06 18:36
MinceRalso, there's a lower cost to enter into competitionMar 06 18:36
PalkiaandMar 06 18:36
_Goblinpiracy, patches, compat probs....none of which the devs need to worry about with a console release.Mar 06 18:36
MinceRand online sales of PC games works betterMar 06 18:36
MinceRwrong againMar 06 18:36
MinceRthey do need to worry about piracy on consolesMar 06 18:36
Palkiathere are types of games you can't play on consoles yetMar 06 18:37
_Goblinyes...but hardly to the extent of PCMar 06 18:37
MinceRand they do release buggy code on consoles that needs to be patched laterMar 06 18:37
MinceRand in fact being easy to patch is an advantage for the publisherMar 06 18:37
_Goblinand look at MS and their recent purge of hacked machines.Mar 06 18:37
MinceRbecause it means they can release earlier and worry less about patchingMar 06 18:37
MinceRm$ could only "purge" them from suxbox liveMar 06 18:37
Palkiathey can release buggy console games and use updates to fix them for paying customersMar 06 18:37
_GoblinWhich platform do you think looses more money through piracy? PC or console?  (proportionally)Mar 06 18:37
MinceRdunnoMar 06 18:38
_Goblinand with console dev, they are coding for the same platform specs.....less headacheMar 06 18:38
PalkiaconsolesMar 06 18:38
Palkiai think consoles are losing more moneyMar 06 18:38
_Goblinof course.Mar 06 18:38
MinceRpc has probably a higher rate of piracy, but consoles depend on platform licensing moreMar 06 18:38
_Goblinthats why its being seen as desirable.Mar 06 18:38
_Goblinwe have even had devs in here saying the same thing/Mar 06 18:38
Palkiaconsoles are plug and play piracy, you get a mod chip and you can play all the copied games your heart desiresMar 06 18:38
_Goblinand look what MS did.Mar 06 18:39
Palkiaon pc you have to break each one individuallyMar 06 18:39
Palkiaon pc, you can have a mix of hacked games and legal games and still play the legal ones onlineMar 06 18:39
_Goblinand how easy is it to get into a BT swarm rather than chip your console?Mar 06 18:39
Palkiaon console, if you want to play hacked games you might have to give up online gamingMar 06 18:39
Palkiai know people who purchased their console twiceMar 06 18:40
MinceRsame is true for PC gamesMar 06 18:40
Palkiaone xbox360 for hacked games, one for xbox liveMar 06 18:40
MinceRfor most MMOs the only servers are owned by the publisher.Mar 06 18:40
_Goblinpalkia: Look how desperate PC devs are getting in terms of trying to combat piracy.  You think this can go on? 06 18:40
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Why PC gaming has its days numbered «  OPEN BYTES  cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 60.29 KBMar 06 18:40
MinceRthey're Doing It WrongMar 06 18:40
_Goblineven the end users are now saying....hell I'll go with the console version instead.Mar 06 18:41
MinceRas soon as they realize that DRM is not the answer, it will all be solvedMar 06 18:41
MinceRwho the hell says that?Mar 06 18:41
_Goblinreally? and what is?  they can't stop piracy with it, they can't stop it without it.....what on earth can they do?Mar 06 18:41
Palkiaubisoft make bad gamesMar 06 18:41
_GoblinMincer: Look at any of the review sites comments (or my article)Mar 06 18:42
MinceRsane prices and removing DRM (that inconveniences legitimate users)Mar 06 18:42
_Goblinand thats never going to happenMar 06 18:42
MinceRalso, making games that don't suck would help tooMar 06 18:42
Palkiagames are becomming a rip off anywaysMar 06 18:42
MinceRwell then proprietary pc gaming is going to dieMar 06 18:42
Palkiahow many games are released, for all consoles, incomplete, and have download content you need to buy sepratelyMar 06 18:42
_Goblinas I say, move to the consoles only....maximize profits...look at the examples GTA, COD.....more money in console gaming than in Hollywood allegedly.Mar 06 18:42
Palkiathey are hardly sufferingMar 06 18:42
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 18:42
MinceRmeanwhile there will be more pressure to make FLOSS games betterMar 06 18:43
_GoblinMincer: Ive been saying that ever since the console became a more generic entertainment system in the living room.Mar 06 18:43
PalkiaI purchased Fallout 3, only to find out that I needed to buy the rest of the game 4 different timesMar 06 18:43
DaemonFCMinceR, I've borrowed that "Absurdistan" termMar 06 18:43
MinceRDaemonFC: i've seen itMar 06 18:43
DaemonFCto refer to the local single party governmentMar 06 18:43
MinceRDaemonFC: i don't mind... also, i've borrowed it myself.Mar 06 18:43
_GoblinMincer: Agreed, conversley I think the FLOSS section will already is.Mar 06 18:43
DaemonFCI just wrote a thing for the paper and used it, got a kick out of thatMar 06 18:44
PalkiaFLOSS could easily make an MMO, and use a system close to what those free to play ones useMar 06 18:44
MinceRtrueMar 06 18:44
PalkiaPeople could use real money to buy in game items, with that money being used to fund FLOSSMar 06 18:44
MinceRand free FPS-es and RTS-es already exist and they're greatMar 06 18:44
PalkiayeahMar 06 18:45
_Goblinwhere I think the consoles lack, is as was said earlier "open" development.  I believe that if you have a 360 project you want to release, it will cost you to do so and its on MS's terms.Mar 06 18:45
MinceR(well, at least the code is free)Mar 06 18:45
_Goblinpalkia: MMO?Mar 06 18:45
PalkiayeahMar 06 18:45
Palkialike world of warcraftMar 06 18:45
_GoblinMMO?Mar 06 18:45
PalkiaMMORPGMar 06 18:45
MinceRMMORPGMar 06 18:45
_Gobliner palkia.....theres loads alreadyMar 06 18:45
PalkiaFLOSS?Mar 06 18:46
_GoblinI wrote an article on 4...some of which are open.Mar 06 18:46
_Goblin 06 18:46
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux Gaming  The RPG question. «  OPEN BYTES  cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 50.27 KBMar 06 18:46
_GoblinI believe Planeshift is.Mar 06 18:46
DaemonFCMy letter mainly criticizes the recent "study" done by "unnamed volunteers" that presented us with the budget cut proposals. I allege that the "panel" does not exist and may even by the administration itself until I see names.Mar 06 18:46
_Goblinand I could be wrong, but so is Eternal Lands.Mar 06 18:47
PalkiainterestingMar 06 18:47
DaemonFCI don't suppose many of the local government like me very muchMar 06 18:47
Palkiaill check it out thanksMar 06 18:47
DaemonFC*beMar 06 18:47
PalkiaI heard of planeshift but it requires replacing all the artworkMar 06 18:47
Palkiaor using their serversMar 06 18:47
_Goblincouldn't tell you...Mar 06 18:48
_GoblinI think though, for most end users, the fact that its free is all that matters.Mar 06 18:49
Palkiaanyone familiar with Maplestory?Mar 06 18:50
PalkiaI marvel at how simple of a game it is and it's insanely popularMar 06 18:50
Palkia2D MMORPGMar 06 18:50
Palkiaits proprietary/free though, not FLOSSMar 06 18:50
_Goblinsorry afk there...Mar 06 18:53
_Goblintrue but as I the majority (or mainstream gameplayer) they could care less as long as its freeMar 06 18:53
_Goblinif GTA 4 was released under the GPL would the majority of players of it care if the source was available or not?Mar 06 18:54
_Goblinand since games are aimed at entertaining the gamer more than they are to satisfy the needs of other coders whats the problem with closed source free software?Mar 06 18:54
Palkiaend users might notMar 06 18:55
Palkiaunless devs added new features the original developers didnt think ofMar 06 18:55
_Goblinseriously? You are saying the end-users who are gamers DONT completely outnumber those that MIGHT be interested in the source code.Mar 06 18:55
_Goblincan you say out of the millions who bought GTA 4 wanted the source?  I bet the majority of them wouldn't even know what "src" meant.Mar 06 18:56
_Goblingames are for entertaining the massing (I presume thats why someone would code one)Mar 06 18:56
_Goblin*massesMar 06 18:56
_Goblinthe benefit of src would be only of benefit to a very small few.Mar 06 18:57
_Goblin(IMO)Mar 06 18:57
PalkianonoMar 06 18:57
Palkiaim saying end users might be interested in what the devs do with the codeMar 06 18:57
_Goblinhow so?Mar 06 18:57
_Goblinreally?Mar 06 18:57
Palkiaif it adds to their playabilityMar 06 18:57
_Goblinhow many gamers do you know that would even know about coding?Mar 06 18:58
_Goblinor even want to see how something works.Mar 06 18:58
Palkiaif being open source it adds a gameplay enhancing featureMar 06 18:58
_Goblinnot true....devs include mod kits for that exact purpose.Mar 06 18:58
_GoblinMorrowindMar 06 18:58
Palkialets say someone adds multiplayer support, thats significant to get the average joe interestedMar 06 18:58
_Goblinfor example.Mar 06 18:58
PalkiaI don't think the end users themselves will care about the code at allMar 06 18:59
_Goblinand you really believe that someone would take the GTA (and effetively) re-rewrite most of it to accomodate multiplay?Mar 06 18:59
_Goblinif it was open source?Mar 06 18:59
_Goblincan you imagine how many lines of code are contained within GTA 4Mar 06 18:59
_Goblinmaybe if we were using ZX 48k's I would agree...Mar 06 19:00
Palkiapeople did it with previous gta's without the codeMar 06 19:00
*desu has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Mar 06 19:00
_Goblinbut now you are talking about reverse engineering?Mar 06 19:00
_GoblinI presume?Mar 06 19:00
Palkiathats how they did it pre-gta4 yesMar 06 19:00
_Goblinhave you a link?Mar 06 19:01
Palkia 06 19:01
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Multi Theft Auto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 74.16 KBMar 06 19:01
_Goblinand wheres the freedom for the dev to release it in anyway they want?  Its all well and good talking about users "freedom" but where is the freedom of a software house NOT to have its products changed if it doesnt want them so.Mar 06 19:02
Palkiareleasing code of older games has helped increase the number of ports tooMar 06 19:02
_GoblinIf I wrote a game which was closed source and it was reverse engineered to perform in a way I had not intended, I'd be a bit unhappy.Mar 06 19:02
Palkiaduke3d being played on everything from handhelds to high end pcsMar 06 19:02
Palkiaoriginally an MS-DOS gameMar 06 19:02
_Goblinbut then freedom only seems to stretch to the end user....also in respect of an MS-DOS game we are talking significantly smaller code than recent titles are we not?Mar 06 19:03
Palkiamore recent I can think of Quake3's engineMar 06 19:04
PalkiaNexuis :)Mar 06 19:04
_Goblintalk about freedom to the author of Crayon Physics, the one man bedroom coder who tried to earn himself some money only for his product to be cracked and spread.Mar 06 19:04
PalkianexuizMar 06 19:04
_Goblingood gameMar 06 19:04
_GoblinIve covered it on my site a while ago.Mar 06 19:04
PalkiayeahMar 06 19:05
_Goblinalthough I prefered Alien Arena.Mar 06 19:05
Palkiait would just be a mod if the code wasn't releasedMar 06 19:05
_GoblinIm sure it would....but then theres plenty of choice about anyway.Mar 06 19:05
PalkiayesMar 06 19:05
_Goblinalso its not all good having all this code knocking about....Mar 06 19:06
_Goblinlook at the highlevel dev packages like Gamemaker....Mar 06 19:06
Palkiai think people could still make money off opensource engines + proprietary artwork/contentMar 06 19:06
_Goblinyou give someone the tools to create some software and you get clone upon clone of the same thing and the decent work gets lost in a miasma of duplicates and bad coding where people think because they can copy and paste they are leet coders.Mar 06 19:07
Palkiai'm pretty sure that's why people like wriitng c#Mar 06 19:08
_Goblinpalkia: Im sure they could and thats a decision for each I say the same "freedom" end-users want should be extended to the people who actually code the stuff.Mar 06 19:08
Palkialots of code to copy and paste for their programsMar 06 19:08
_Goblinalthough in the case of c# its still struggling to get that killer app and failing to compete against similar titles written with more traditional languages.Mar 06 19:09
Palkiayeah gnote shows how bad tomboy really isMar 06 19:09
_Goblinvery true.Mar 06 19:09
Palkiamore resources, more c02 usedMar 06 19:10
_GoblinNovell's "Gift to the world" only seems to be being used by Novell employee's who are struggling to convince people to use it.Mar 06 19:10
PalkiaNovell and CanonicalMar 06 19:10
_GoblinCanonical?Mar 06 19:10
PalkiayeahMar 06 19:10
PalkiaUbuntuMar 06 19:10
_Goblinits a tool for Canonical...not an ongoing project/concern.Mar 06 19:11
Palkiaas long as novell people are steering itMar 06 19:11
_GoblinI'm quite sure Ubuntu will pull the plug on it if they have concerns or get bad feedback from the end-user.Mar 06 19:11
_Goblinafterall, we have plenty of alternative mature DE's to use instead.Mar 06 19:12
PalkiaUbuntu does not honour user input, they decide whats best for the user.Mar 06 19:12
_GoblinOpen Office?Mar 06 19:12
_Goblinthat was returned because of feedback.Mar 06 19:12
_Goblinthe GIMP is another matter....Mar 06 19:12
Palkiayes seeMar 06 19:12
PalkialolMar 06 19:12
Palkiathey use it sureMar 06 19:12
_Goblinand there is a concret issue behind its removal.Mar 06 19:12
Palkiahowever, ultimately they may decide against it thinking its not in the users best interestMar 06 19:13
_Goblinthat was not the reason for removal.Mar 06 19:13
omar_Palkia, yeah, I totally agree with you about that.Mar 06 19:13
Palkiagimps being removed for the cd space issueMar 06 19:13
_GoblinIve had a telephone conversation with Jono about that.Mar 06 19:13
Palkiathey could take mono, tomboy and gnote offMar 06 19:13
_Goblinyes they could...Mar 06 19:14
Palkiai dont know how useful your notes will be on a livecd that doesnt save dataMar 06 19:14
Palkiai dont know how useful your images are too, being ready onlyMar 06 19:14
_Goblinbut since Ubuntu has shipped with them, users feedback says keep them, I can see why GIMP got the chop in respect of space.Mar 06 19:14
omar_Palkia, they least they could about injecting Mono into the distro is to at least run a small and simple poll to see if users want it or not.Mar 06 19:14
_GoblinI believe they did.Mar 06 19:15
Palkiathey plan to switch everyones default search in firefox to yahoo, even if upgradingMar 06 19:15
Palkiajono said they ignore user defaults, but does that mean they kill firefox bookmarks too?Mar 06 19:15
_Goblinnow if that raised money for Canonical, I could care less if the money is MS or anyone else?Mar 06 19:15
Palkiaif they kill firefox bookmarks, fine ill believe itMar 06 19:15
_Goblinwith FF I end up changing the default search/homepage anyway...I guess most users do.Mar 06 19:16
_Goblinand infact I don't use FF so the whole thing is a moot point for me anyway.Mar 06 19:16
MinceRthere's no "cd space issue", there's only a "mono pushing issue".Mar 06 19:16
omar_MinceR, true.Mar 06 19:16
Palkiajono said yahoo would be default even after an upgrade if you had another option setMar 06 19:17
_GoblinI would disagree, many people in Canonical I have spoken with infact are Python fans/users.  Why would Canonical want to put their eggs in a mono basket unless it is of benefit to them and the users they have feedback from?Mar 06 19:17
MinceRm$ is an ubuntu user?Mar 06 19:18
Palkiain my experience its harder to change the search engine option, than it is to delete the .mozilla directory and restore defaultsMar 06 19:18
_GoblinI think the harsh reality (and its a shame) but the vast majoirity of users don't even know what Mono is, let alone want it off....I certainly would like MOno to get the boot, but I think "those in the know" make up a very small minority...unless we are suggesting that every Ubuntu user has more than the "average" knowledge of computing.Mar 06 19:19
Palkiaif a ubuntu 10.04 upgrade doesnt destroy all your firefox settings to configure Yahoo as search, then they are lyingMar 06 19:19
DaemonFCit does change you to YahooMar 06 19:20
Palkiadoes it kill your bookmarks?Mar 06 19:20
_Goblinyou can always change it back.Mar 06 19:20
_Goblinno it doesnt.Mar 06 19:20
Palkiathen they lie :)Mar 06 19:20
_Goblinwhy would it kill your bookmarks?Mar 06 19:20
_Goblinwhy?Mar 06 19:20
Palkiajono said they ignore user defaultsMar 06 19:20
_Goblinin respect of what? default search?Mar 06 19:21
Palkiathat means their upgrade tool has to go through the users firefox settings to change it to yahooMar 06 19:21
Palkiawhich isnt the easy solutionMar 06 19:21
Palkiayeah default searchMar 06 19:21
Palkiaits easier to leave the default search aloneMar 06 19:22
_Goblincome on, is this really a problem?  whats the issue with simply changing it back if you feel that strongly? and whats wrong with Canonical making a revenue stream for itself?  it has provided as accessable OS to millions of people for free over the years.Mar 06 19:22
Palkiaits a problemMar 06 19:22
Palkiait shouldnt be changing my settings for profitMar 06 19:22
_Goblinshame on them for trying to survive in the real world.Mar 06 19:23
_Goblin?Mar 06 19:23
Palkiaif im doing a new install fineMar 06 19:23
_Goblinyou are talking upgrade?Mar 06 19:23
Palkiabut if i already have it installed, i dont want it changed to Yahoo/bingMar 06 19:23
Palkiaupgrade talkMar 06 19:23
_GoblinI can't answer for upgrade...Mar 06 19:23
_GoblinI did a fresh install of Alpha 3Mar 06 19:23
Palkiajono didMar 06 19:23
Palkiait ignores whatever you have setMar 06 19:23
Palkiaand changes it to YahooMar 06 19:23
_Goblinso then change least you know.Mar 06 19:24
Palkiameaning they had to code it to do thatMar 06 19:24
DaemonFCthey probably get more money if they override your preferencesMar 06 19:24
DaemonFCand foist YahooMar 06 19:24
PalkiaexactlyMar 06 19:24
_Goblinof course they will.Mar 06 19:24
Palkiai dont want to accidently earn Yahoo/Bing income by using itMar 06 19:24
_Goblinthats the real are they to pay their employees? goodwill?Mar 06 19:24
_Goblinkind words?Mar 06 19:24
_Goblinand canonicalMar 06 19:24
_Goblinmoney is money..Mar 06 19:24
DaemonFCBing extension worksMar 06 19:24
MinceR_Goblin: since when does "survival in the real world" require screwing users?Mar 06 19:25
Palkiayeah exactlyMar 06 19:25
_GoblinI don't like or want Bing....but if it makes Canonical money to better their product and keep people employed then fine...Mar 06 19:25
PalkiaMincer +1Mar 06 19:25
Palkiaif Canonical contributed anything other than new users i'd agreeMar 06 19:26
_GoblinMincer: I hardly think changing a default search on upgrade of a user who is getting a very good product for free is much of an issue.  If it is either change it back or use something else...theres plenty of choice.Mar 06 19:26
MinceR_Goblin: forcing bingo on the users means m$ gets more visits and more user data and that mozilla gets less money.Mar 06 19:26
Palkiathey hardly contribute codeMar 06 19:26
DaemonFCwell, is Yahoo actually just a Bing frontend, or do they just use the same software?Mar 06 19:26
MinceR_Goblin: "use something else" is my suggestion then.Mar 06 19:26
Palkia_Goblin - I will use something elseMar 06 19:26
_GoblinMincer: then you change it back if you want to use Ubuntu w.o bing....its hardly a major issue.Mar 06 19:27
DaemonFCalso, AdBlock Plus takes the income away anywayMar 06 19:27
omar_MinceR, exactly thank you.Mar 06 19:27
DaemonFCand who doesn't use that?Mar 06 19:27
_GoblinI don't.Mar 06 19:27
MinceR_Goblin: until the next time canonical decides to screw with my settings to warm up to m$ a little more?Mar 06 19:27
_GoblinChromium here.Mar 06 19:27
Palkiamincer, omar_ - yes +1Mar 06 19:27
omar__Goblin, to be honest, the only way Linux can get to the masses is if it fights the menace of Microsoft.Mar 06 19:27
Palkiai dont want to accidently earn yahoo or ms income by forgetting to change the search engineMar 06 19:27
*omar_ is now known as Omar87Mar 06 19:28
MinceRi also don't want to recommend bingo/microhoo to other users implicitly by recommending *ubuntu to them.Mar 06 19:28
_GoblinMincer: but as is the case here, you are well aware of those changes and have been for some time...this is not some covert secret operation...I was blogging about the Yahoo deal (like everyone else) when the Alpha was still on Google.Mar 06 19:28
MinceR_Goblin: i am, but not all users are, far from itMar 06 19:28
MinceR_Goblin: and the intention is still clearMar 06 19:28
MinceRand so are canonical's prioritiesMar 06 19:29
Omar87I know, the fight against Microsoft wouldn't be easy, it might take a pretty long time, but hey.. It's the final result that matters at the end of the day.Mar 06 19:29
_Goblinand for those that are not aware, do they have an interest in the first I cited earlier with my Mono example and the mainstream Linux user.Mar 06 19:29
MinceRthe mainstream gnu/linux user doesn't need monoMar 06 19:29
MinceRand unless m$ gets their way, they never willMar 06 19:29
MinceRif the mainstream gnu/linux user needs mono, m$ can start the FUD and/or the lawsuitsMar 06 19:29
*Palkia has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 19:30
MinceRand asking all those mainstream users to pay up (and to pay more than the most expensive version of boxed winblows would be)Mar 06 19:30
Omar87It's really amazing how fast we can forget who we're really dealing with..Mar 06 19:30
_Goblinmincer: completely agree, but the point I am making is that they will not be aware of it or its existance...or even care...The Mono critics (myself included) make up a small minority....not because we are mad but because the general apethy to it by the mainstream user.Mar 06 19:30
*Palkia ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 19:30
MinceRif they aren't aware of it then they're even more screwedMar 06 19:31
MinceRthey'll be reliant on mono (and targets for the lawsuit) without being aware of itMar 06 19:31
_Goblinall the deployments of Linux I have made I can honestly say those users have no clue what Mono is (or care) they just want an OS thats stable and fast (and more importantly better than Windows)Mar 06 19:32
Omar87It never was about Mono itself. It's always been about the convicted monopolist company that's doing everything at hand to suppress innovation and shove junkware down people throats, only to keep Bill Gates rich.Mar 06 19:32
_GoblinRightly or wrongly thats the realityMar 06 19:32
_GoblinIMOMar 06 19:32
Palkia_Goblin - these are serious problems, as I can't trust users will change the default search or remove mono appsMar 06 19:32
MinceRmaybe next time they'll try to push mono into the linux kernel so that embedded, servers and supercomputers can be targeted tooMar 06 19:32
MinceR_Goblin: i'd like to see how being clueless is supposed to protect the users' interestsMar 06 19:33
_Goblinit doesntMar 06 19:33
Palkiaif mono made it into the kernel, linux wouldn't run on  a vast array of hardwareMar 06 19:33
_Goblinand its not right...Mar 06 19:33
_Goblinhowever, the reality is that people who speak out against Mono are "fighting" the advocates and the apethy of the general populas...Im not saying thats right because it isn't but that is how I see the reality....I have spoken with so many "average" Linux users and the typical one has not even heard of Mono.Mar 06 19:34
MinceRPalkia: why?Mar 06 19:34
MinceR_Goblin: you're seeing it wrong thenMar 06 19:34
_GoblinMincer: No, maybe differently to you.Mar 06 19:35
PalkiaMinceR - mono doesn't run on every CPUMar 06 19:35
_GoblinMincer: or are you suggesting that to be a linux user theres are generic understanding of Mono that comes with that.Mar 06 19:35
MinceRPalkia: that can yet be changedMar 06 19:35
MinceR_Goblin: no, i'm suggesting that everyone who doesn't avoid mono is walking into a trapMar 06 19:36
_Goblinand i'd agree.Mar 06 19:36
Omar87_Goblin, just because there are people out there who had never heard of Mono doesn't it make any less harmful.Mar 06 19:36
MinceR_Goblin: and that any distributor that pushes mono on its users is leading them into that trapMar 06 19:36
_Goblinmincer: but the issue is not if we are "right" or not, its if the understanding is there in the first place with the mainstream Linux user...Mar 06 19:36
_Goblinand I'd say its not.Mar 06 19:37
_Goblinbut worse than that apethy exists towards Mono in favor of the Linux experience "just working"Mar 06 19:37
Omar87_Goblin, and to fix this problem, we have to spread the awareness of the dangers of Mono.Mar 06 19:37
_Goblinomar87: completely agree , but my stance is that the general apethy is the barrier.Mar 06 19:38
_Goblinits why so many people have an Ipod.Mar 06 19:38
_Goblindo they care about the proprietary platform?Mar 06 19:38
_Goblinno.Mar 06 19:38
_Goblinthey simply like the product....>I suggest the same (in the main) is relevant to Linux.Mar 06 19:39
MinceRi think i misunderstood what your point was, thenMar 06 19:39
Omar87_Goblin, it's called "Consumerism".Mar 06 19:39
Palkiaalternatives need to be developed where nobody can question their superiority over the mono onesMar 06 19:39
Palkiaor if they already exist, they need to be advancedMar 06 19:40
Palkiaso the question of superiority cannot be questionedMar 06 19:40
_GoblinOmar87: and I cosumerism even relates to the most devotted FOSS user....since the hardware they use has the element there already.Mar 06 19:40
Omar87People are more than ready to fill their stomaches with junk food from McDonald's and Burger King, and they'll make fun of you if you try to tell them the truth about these poisons.Mar 06 19:40
_GoblinPalkia: I think that has already been proved...there is no Mono killer app.Mar 06 19:40
_GoblinPalkia: Until the day FF or OO is coded with c# I think that it will never offer anything more than a poor mans bloated dev tool chasing the tail of its better older brother from Microsoft.Mar 06 19:41
Palkiawhy is "best of breed" still keeping tomboy and f-spot inMar 06 19:41
_GoblinI think because these are "traditional" ubuntu apps.Mar 06 19:42
_Goblinthey have certainly been present from 8.04LTS (my first Ubuntu install, before that I had never tried Ubuntu)Mar 06 19:42
Omar87_Goblin, oh come on. FF is chasing the tail of IE? Are you serious?Mar 06 19:42
_Goblinomar87: no, you misunderstood, I didn;t say that.Mar 06 19:43
_Goblinomar87: Mono is chasing the tail of .netMar 06 19:43
Omar87_Goblin, actually, I'm not sure that's true.Mar 06 19:43
_Goblinreally?Mar 06 19:43
_Goblinso Mono has the functionality of its older brother?Mar 06 19:44
Omar87_Goblin, I think the only thing Mono is made for it basically to lead developers back to Windows.Mar 06 19:44
_GoblinI could have sworn De Icazza's blog keeps mentioning .net features which he hopes to bring to "us"Mar 06 19:44
_Goblinomar87: I would completely agree.Mar 06 19:44
Omar87By giving them what feels like a demo version of the virtual studio.Mar 06 19:45
_Goblinexactly what Ive said in the past.Mar 06 19:45
_GoblinA sickly sweet the drug pusher who gives the first hit for free.Mar 06 19:45
Omar87_Goblin, exactly.Mar 06 19:45
Omar87_Goblin, that's what happened to De Icazza.Mar 06 19:46
_Goblinbut as I say....all these things count for nothing if the general populas is apathetic towards Mono.....if that was not the case then BN IRC would have thousands of users instead of 30-40.Mar 06 19:46
_GoblinIm not being defeatist since I have spent many pages on my site saying why I think Mono is a horrible thing....I just think realistically we have to look at the bigger picture.Mar 06 19:48
_Goblinand instead of going against Mono, try merely promoting/advocating those products that DONT use it.Mar 06 19:48
_GoblinThose that know what Mono is have an opinion.  Those that don't in my experience, really don't care.Mar 06 19:49
Omar87_Goblin, What's worse than the general populas being apathetic, are the developers of Ubuntu themselves being sickeningly apathetic.Mar 06 19:49
Palkiaa little offtopic but if you guys wanted to publish a book, what would you useMar 06 19:50
_Goblinthe "good thing" about the Mono problem is that its not the end-users Novell needs to convince for its survival, its the devs.  If the devs don't use it then its merely sitting around redundant.Mar 06 19:50
Omar87Palkia, I would go with CC, for sure.Mar 06 19:50
PalkiaOmar87 - CC?Mar 06 19:51
Omar87Palkia, Creative Commons.Mar 06 19:51
_Goblinbrb ......Mar 06 19:51
Palkiaohh I thought you were talking about a publisherMar 06 19:51
Omar87_Goblin, tytMar 06 19:52
DaemonFCwhat would be interesting is how the CC fares in non-US legal systemsMar 06 19:55
DaemonFCit's has some amusing failures iircMar 06 19:55
DaemonFCwhen it has been tested outside the USMar 06 19:56
PalkiaI don't know if I would use CCMar 06 19:56
DaemonFCwell, as far as US law goes, you're safeMar 06 19:56
PalkiayeahMar 06 19:56
_Goblinright back.Mar 06 19:57
PalkiaI'd either dual release my book, paperback + CC download editionMar 06 19:57
DaemonFCnot all governments seem to recognize FOSS and free content licensesMar 06 19:57
Palkiaor wait for the sales to die down first before releasing a CC editionMar 06 19:57
DaemonFCbut things like GPL and CC have held up in US courtsMar 06 19:57
DaemonFCthat's the problem with distributing software though, it can end up in countries that don't respect your licenseMar 06 19:58
DaemonFCbefore I get flamed, let me go on for a secondMar 06 19:58
PalkiaokMar 06 19:58
schestowitz 06 19:58
phIRCe-BNcTitle: This Is What A Patent Thicket Looks Like [Updated] | Techdirt .::. Size~: 71.52 KBMar 06 19:58
DaemonFClike Russia, Russia is like the capital of "pirate software" or so the industry says, it is so because it doesn't recognize software licenses like most places doMar 06 19:58
schestowitzPalkia: use LyXMar 06 19:58
DaemonFCso it's easy to crack software or run a torrent tracker to distribute it, or spread MP3s, and nobody can stop youMar 06 19:59
DaemonFCbut the flip side of that is that Russia also therefore does not recognize GPL violations, right?Mar 06 19:59
Palkiaheh, latex tools are awesomeMar 06 19:59
DaemonFCso someone can violate the license to distribute software in a way that infringes the GPL, and Russia won't prevent thisMar 06 19:59
_GoblinI have another example for the apethy towards lockin or indeed .net/mono....take a look at the demoscene, the society where "warez", "freedom of data" are foremost...I don't see any of them moving to releasing their work under the addition even the demoscene now is embracing c#...if we can't convince these people, what hope for anyone else?Mar 06 20:00
DaemonFCand the thing about binaries is your mixed success in trying to figure out where the source came fromMar 06 20:00
DaemonFCthings like comments get discarded by the compilation process, etc.Mar 06 20:00
DaemonFCso it's still relatively easy to "steal" GPL code and base your proprietary software on itMar 06 20:01
DaemonFClawfully or not, PROVE ITMar 06 20:01
Palkiareverse engineeringMar 06 20:01
DaemonFCso I don't get why people say the BSD license makes it easier? The only difference is they can legally proclaim they used BSD-licensed codeMar 06 20:02
_GoblinDaemonFC: But by definition the GPL is lockin of sorts since its an agreement you have to abide by.  True freedom would be "do whatever you want with this code...I don't care"Mar 06 20:02
PalkiaBSD licenses make it easier to put open code into proprietary softwareMar 06 20:02
DaemonFCno they don'tMar 06 20:02
Palkiaproponents of BSD licenses usually boast this as a benefitMar 06 20:02
DaemonFCBSD licenses make it easier to do legallyMar 06 20:02
PalkiayesMar 06 20:02
Palkiawell im not talking illegallyMar 06 20:02
DaemonFCGPL software might be out there as proprietary apps from big companiesMar 06 20:02
PalkiaBSD lets them do itMar 06 20:02
DaemonFCwe'd never knowMar 06 20:03
_Goblinunlawfully....not illegally.Mar 06 20:03
Palkiaif you release BSD code you can't complain if MS borrows itMar 06 20:03
Palkiaunless they dont credit youMar 06 20:04
DaemonFCso if I find tens of thousands of source lines of code worth using in my proprietary app, I just take them, distribute the binary, nobody knows betterMar 06 20:04
DaemonFCand there has to be a way to obscure the paper trail, if any, right?Mar 06 20:04
PalkiaDaemonFC - look at Digsby :)Mar 06 20:04
PalkiaDaemonFC - its a IM app, uses all sorts of open source librariesMar 06 20:04
Palkiatotally proprietaryMar 06 20:04
DaemonFCDigsby is spywareMar 06 20:04
Palkiathey use libraries that allow itMar 06 20:04
DaemonFCyeah, like WebkitMar 06 20:04
Palkiait uses webkitMar 06 20:04
Palkiathe webkit guys dont give a shitMar 06 20:05
Palkiait uses various IM protocol libraries tooMar 06 20:05
DaemonFCwell, Webkit is BSD and LGPLMar 06 20:05
Palkiathey like itMar 06 20:05
Palkiai went on webkits irc, they said "so what"Mar 06 20:05
DaemonFCyeah, it's BSD and LGPLMar 06 20:05
PalkiayupMar 06 20:05
DaemonFCvery easy to use in a proprietary projectMar 06 20:05
Palkiaone guy said he didnt care if IE used itMar 06 20:06
DaemonFCwhy would he?Mar 06 20:06
Palkiait would benefit everyoneMar 06 20:06
DaemonFCwell, KDE licensed it this wayMar 06 20:06
DaemonFCgo talk to them?Mar 06 20:06
Palkianot entirelyMar 06 20:06
PalkiaQt is GPLMar 06 20:06
DaemonFCnot alwaysMar 06 20:06
Palkiayou can buy a version of Qt that isn'tMar 06 20:06
DaemonFCrightMar 06 20:07
Palkiabut only the GPL version is freeMar 06 20:07
Palkiai dont care about thatMar 06 20:07
Palkiai'd build off of the GPL versionMar 06 20:07
DaemonFCwell, if you use it to make FOSS, you get to use it freeMar 06 20:07
DaemonFCyou can't use the GPL'd QT to make proprietary applicationsMar 06 20:07
Palkiadude its not just like thatMar 06 20:07
Palkiayes you canMar 06 20:07
Palkiayou can't make properitary changes to Qt itselfMar 06 20:08
MinceR205551 < Palkia> if you release BSD code you can't complain if MS borrows itMar 06 20:09
MinceRlegally.Mar 06 20:09
Palkiaafaik you can still make a proprietary app that uses Qt, if you don't include Qt in your sourcesMar 06 20:09
MinceRit's possible to act immorally and unethically while following the laws.Mar 06 20:09
DaemonFC 06 20:09
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Qt 4.4.3: Nokia Corporation Qt GPL Exception Version 1.3 .::. Size~: 6.39 KBMar 06 20:09
PalkiaMincer - I always here about BSD folks wanting corporations to use their codeMar 06 20:09
MinceRnow that Qt is licensed under the LGPL, you can link it to proprietary apps without paying Nokia.Mar 06 20:09
MinceRPalkia: i wonder how many of BSDL users are like thatMar 06 20:10
MinceRPalkia: i suspect that's just a vocal minorityMar 06 20:10
PalkiayeahMar 06 20:10
Palkiathe vocal BSD is better than GPL peopleMar 06 20:10
Palkiai noticed some of them even made their own licenses thoughMar 06 20:10
MinceRmany of whom are m$ apologistsMar 06 20:10
PalkiayeahMar 06 20:11
DaemonFCStallman refuses to promote OpenBSD even though there's nothing non-free about itMar 06 20:11
DaemonFCone of them pointed out his hypocrisies quite thoroughlyMar 06 20:11
DaemonFCHe said that the Ports system, which is not even recommended or used by default has non-free software in it, which is a lieMar 06 20:12
_Goblinpalkia: in the past Ive released a few silly little bits of code under my own "do whatever you want with it" license.Mar 06 20:12
DaemonFCThey correctly pointed out that they link to it and help you get it if you use ports, they don't provide itMar 06 20:12
DaemonFCStallman counters with "Linking to it is as bad as promoting it"Mar 06 20:13
MinceRstrange, i remember OpenBSD/SSH developers complaining that they didn't get anything back from companies who used OpenSSH in products they soldMar 06 20:13
DaemonFCOpenBSD guys counter "Hosting Windows software on FSF websites tells people to use Windows"Mar 06 20:13
DaemonFCand I'd say the OpenBSD guys got him good thereMar 06 20:13
MinceRi'd say the OpenBSD guys should focus more on developing software than drama and then maybe people would care about them beyond OpenSSH :>Mar 06 20:14
_GoblinStallman for me is far to much "my way or not at all" don't get me wrong he is intelligent, interesting and a seemingly nice chap, but for me he seems to paint everything black and white, where the reality is usually a mixture of the two.Mar 06 20:14
DaemonFCFSF is promoting Windows as much as OpenBSD is recommending non-free softwareMar 06 20:14
MinceRalso, including software in Ports is equivalent to putting a link to it on a website now?Mar 06 20:15
MinceRthat's newMar 06 20:15
_Goblinand does a link really do much damage?  If I link to a Windows ad, are you really saying that people will click it and be sold Windows having never heard of it before?Mar 06 20:15
DaemonFCMinceR, The software itself isn't in portsMar 06 20:15
DaemonFCjust makefiles and suchMar 06 20:15
DaemonFChelps you build things they can't includeMar 06 20:15
DaemonFCRMS argues that helping people build it is as bad as promoting or providing itMar 06 20:15
MinceRand describing how to automatically download and build software is the same as pointing a link at it?Mar 06 20:16
DaemonFCI myself say that OpenBSD is completely free and if one chooses to go out and pollute their system, their faultMar 06 20:16
MinceRhow far do bsd apologists have to twist logic to make such statements?Mar 06 20:16
DaemonFCI can go out and get nonfree debs to install on GnewsenseMar 06 20:16
_GoblinDaemonFC: So where is the freedom of choice for the end user?  I should be free to choice either proprietary or open is not "bad" its just different.Mar 06 20:16
MinceRgo out and get != tell the package manager to install :>Mar 06 20:17
*Palkia has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 06 20:17
DaemonFC_Goblin, There's no non-free software in the OpenBSD system, nor in the kernel as drivers or binary firmware blobsMar 06 20:17
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 20:17
DaemonFCit's more free than most Linux distributionsMar 06 20:18
sebsebsebDaemonFC: What is? I just joinedMar 06 20:18
DaemonFCprobably equally free to Ututo or GnewsenseMar 06 20:18
DaemonFCOpenBSDMar 06 20:18
DaemonFCRMS stumbled onto one of their mailing lists and started a warMar 06 20:18
_Goblindaemonfc: Never said there wasn't I was talking generally in respect of open and closed source.Mar 06 20:18
DaemonFCsomeone had to tell him he was about to be banned before he calmed downMar 06 20:19
sebsebsebHi _Goblin :)Mar 06 20:19
_Goblinhi!Mar 06 20:19
_Goblinhow are you?Mar 06 20:19
DaemonFCand he never would talk to Theo de Raadt directlyMar 06 20:19
sebsebseb_Goblin: okMar 06 20:19
DaemonFCI think RMS is kind of petty, childish, ill temperedMar 06 20:19
sebsebsebyou?Mar 06 20:19
MinceRwho would want to talk to de Raadt anyway?Mar 06 20:19
_Goblindaemonfc: you see its this "our way or not at all" which sometimes can make FOSS advocates as bad as MS ones.Mar 06 20:20
_GoblinI use FOSS because its better software, not because of src, not because its free...because its better.Mar 06 20:20
sebsebseb_Goblin: Ubuntu is starting to go bad, have you seen any of the stuff for new Lucid themes?Mar 06 20:20
DaemonFCWell, I don't get it, RMS goes and shits on Theo de Raadt's front porch and runs around the lawn naked and won't stop to have a conversation or explain himselfMar 06 20:20
sebsebsebstarting to go bad, I mean starting to go even more badMar 06 20:20
DaemonFCis kind of how I interpret his behaviorMar 06 20:20
_Goblinsebsebseb: I been looking at the MACesque backdrop et al.Mar 06 20:21
sebsebseb_Goblin: MACesque?   et all?Mar 06 20:21
_Goblinsebsebseb: yeah the new backdrop looks like its comes from the Mac.Mar 06 20:21
DaemonFC_Goblin, You can tell who they're imitatingMar 06 20:21
DaemonFCUbuntu is an imitation OS X nowMar 06 20:22
DaemonFCbad message to spreadMar 06 20:22
_GoblinDaemonFC: but if it attracts new users, who cares?Mar 06 20:22
DaemonFCand the window controls are on the left on ANY themeMar 06 20:22
sebsebseb_Goblin: indeed the background is OS X like,  plus they put the window buttons on the left like OS XMar 06 20:22
sebsebseb_Goblin: and the two new themes suckMar 06 20:22
sebsebsebit seems Human is gone now thoughMar 06 20:22
sebsebsebClearlooks is still there :)  and it's easy to change colours on those kind of themesMar 06 20:22
_Goblinsebsebseb: I haven't had much time this week to keep up with all the happenings...Mar 06 20:22
DaemonFC 06 20:23
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 20:23
DaemonFCyayMar 06 20:23
sebsebsebDaemonFC: What's that?Mar 06 20:23
DaemonFCactually, thats before the window controls changedMar 06 20:24
sebsebseb_Goblin: This is a good one and from before  people started to actsually get the new theme stuff from the repo, but still good,  It also links to jono's announcement and the Ubuntu branding page.Mar 06 20:24
phIRCe-BNcTitle: My thoughts on the Ubuntu branding refresh « Benjamin Humphrey .::. Size~: 51.12 KBMar 06 20:24
sebsebsebAlso someone edited  the  new  GDM theme  or whatever   I was given that yesterday in the Ubuntu channel which currently is for Lucid.Mar 06 20:25
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 20:25
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Mar 06 20:27
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 20:30
DaemonFChehMar 06 20:31
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 20:32
schestowitzThis video is nice: 06 20:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- James Cameron: Before Avatar ... a curious boy .::. Size~: 149.05 KBMar 06 20:38
sebsebseb_Goblin: okMar 06 20:41
DaemonFC 06 20:42
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 20:42
DaemonFCso easy to turn it into a Mac clone nowMar 06 20:43
DaemonFCchange the wallpaper and start AWNMar 06 20:43
MinceRand imagine mac asay nodding approvinglyMar 06 20:44
DaemonFCmmhmMar 06 20:44
MinceRyou forgot to use the white-based theme thoughMar 06 20:45
MinceRblack is way to cool for crAppleMar 06 20:45
DaemonFCMinceR, 06 20:46
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 20:47
MinceRyeah, that's more crApplyMar 06 20:47
cubezzzI was just reading about Superman and the copyrights involvedMar 06 20:50
cubezzzIn 1998, the copyright was extended again with the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act. This time the copyright term was extended to 95 years with a further window for reclamation introduced.Mar 06 20:50
DaemonFC 06 20:50
phIRCe-BNcTitle: [SOLVED] How do I move the buttons back to the right?? - Ubuntu Forums .::. Size~: 96.69 KBMar 06 20:50
cubezzzinfinite copyright almostMar 06 20:51
cubezzzthe descendents of the original copyright holders keep getting moneyMar 06 20:52
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 06 20:53
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 20:58
DaemonFCfixed itMar 06 20:58
DaemonFC:PMar 06 20:58
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Mar 06 21:03
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 21:04
_Goblinmy service provider is playing up least this time I am getting some service instead of none at all....Today o2 has decided to give me a "retro" experience....Im down to dialup speeds....Mar 06 21:04
_Goblinthis retro computing is not all its cracked up to be.Mar 06 21:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon: Should someone put a sneeze guard over their sane GUI before upgrading to Lucid? Plans to let the user fix the nonsense easily?Mar 06 21:05
_Goblindidn't know you were on Twitter Daemonfc.Mar 06 21:06
DaemonFCyeahMar 06 21:06
_GoblinI'll follow you....Mar 06 21:07
_Goblinsolidarity and all that.Mar 06 21:08
DaemonFChehMar 06 21:08
DaemonFC:)Mar 06 21:08
_Goblinyou know though that you havent "made it" until you get onto the LinXXX Boycott Boys list... ;)Mar 06 21:09
DaemonFCwhat would the volume control applet in GNOME be called?Mar 06 21:11
DaemonFCUbuntu replaced it with indicator crappletMar 06 21:11
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 06 21:12
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 21:15
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Mar 06 21:22
DaemonFCwe should remove gnome-terminal :)Mar 06 21:22
DaemonFCpeople might find it and break stuffMar 06 21:22
DaemonFCand stop packaging gconf-editor, it's making it far too easy for users to revert things that make no senseMar 06 21:23
DaemonFCmuahaahahahaaaaa!!!!Mar 06 21:23
DaemonFC / Ubuntu DevelopersMar 06 21:23
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Mar 06 21:26
DaemonFC 06 21:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 21:33
DaemonFC 06 21:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Phone Scam Targeting The Elderly | Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and My Network| Local & Regional .::. Size~: 59.91 KBMar 06 21:36
DaemonFCCanadian 419 scamsMar 06 21:36
DaemonFC:PMar 06 21:36
DaemonFC 06 21:38
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Utah Fights for States' Rights with Land Push - ABC News .::. Size~: 66.87 KBMar 06 21:38
DaemonFCUtah asserts that it can seize federal propertyMar 06 21:38
DaemonFClulzMar 06 21:38
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 21:40
DaemonFC 06 21:42
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Roseanne Barr says Marie Osmonds son killed himself because of anti-gay Mormons .::. Size~: 22.66 KBMar 06 21:42
schestowitzThis is some /weird/ song 06 21:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- William S Burroughs on September Songs .::. Size~: 121.14 KBMar 06 21:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- Tom Waits-  What Keeps Mankind Alive .::. Size~: 110.01 KBMar 06 21:44
DaemonFCschestowitz, I think that we're going about the meth busts all wrong.Mar 06 21:46
DaemonFCWe should make sure they have easy access to defective supplies that WILL explode.Mar 06 21:46
DaemonFC:)Mar 06 21:46
DaemonFC 06 21:47
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Indiana police crack down on drunk driving .::. Size~: 66.19 KBMar 06 21:47
DaemonFCHow many years in a row have I heard this?Mar 06 21:47
DaemonFC"“Drunk driving is not a socially accepted norm"Mar 06 21:48
DaemonFCand if it was, you couldn't touch it buddyMar 06 21:48
DaemonFCno matter how many people it killedMar 06 21:48
DaemonFCThe drunks clearly need to establish a religion that also prescribes driving as an act of their faith.Mar 06 21:50
DaemonFCB-)Mar 06 21:50
DaemonFCschestowitz, Let's like, I don't know, TELL THEM WE'RE DOING IT!!! And when and where...Mar 06 21:50
DaemonFCidiotsMar 06 21:50
DaemonFChmmm, establish an alibi and then meet with the hitman in front of a security cameraMar 06 21:55
DaemonFC 06 21:55
phIRCe-BNcTitle: More Details In Darien Triple Murder - Chicagoist .::. Size~: 44.73 KBMar 06 21:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] The complete text of "Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman" by Richard Feynman I cannot recommend this highly enough.Mar 06 21:55
schestowitz[21:47] <phIRCe-BNc> Title: Indiana police crack down on drunk driving .::. Size~: 66.19 KBMar 06 21:57
schestowitzWell, they kept alcohol legalMar 06 21:57
schestowitzMaybe they should illegalise driving and criminalise that drug toMar 06 21:57
schestowitz*tooMar 06 21:57
schestowitzJust keep guns legal /sarcasmMar 06 21:57
DaemonFCschestowitz, The states with the toughest gun laws actually have the highest rates of violent crimeMar 06 21:58
schestowitzWashington?Mar 06 21:59
schestowitz(DC)Mar 06 21:59
DaemonFCevery state or city that bans guns has a higher crime rate than a place that size should haveMar 06 21:59
schestowitzWhen I was in Arlington I saw some banners about the gun crimes nearbyMar 06 21:59
DaemonFCDC banned them and has the highest murder and unsolved murder rates in the USMar 06 21:59
DaemonFCChicago isn't doing too goodMar 06 21:59
DaemonFCthey banned themMar 06 21:59
schestowitzNot the pointMar 06 21:59
schestowitzIt's too late when they go afloatMar 06 22:00
DaemonFClots of tough gun laws in California, and bank robbers wielding AK-47sMar 06 22:00
schestowitzJust illegalising them ain't enoughMar 06 22:00
schestowitzThey go inter-stateMar 06 22:00
schestowitzYou need to confiscate them all, IMHOMar 06 22:00
DaemonFCschestowitz, The kinds of guns used in most major crimes were never legally for saleMar 06 22:00
DaemonFCthey floo in through MexicoMar 06 22:00
DaemonFCthat's what you don't getMar 06 22:00
DaemonFC*floodMar 06 22:00
schestowitzWhere are they made?Mar 06 22:00
DaemonFCThe US doesn't make AK-47sMar 06 22:01
schestowitzI knowMar 06 22:01
DaemonFCor most of the other models the bad guys useMar 06 22:01
schestowitzI don't think it's Sovier, eitherMar 06 22:01
schestowitzIt's interesting to see the European brandsMar 06 22:01
schestowitzI hardly knew they existedMar 06 22:01
schestowitzBut we haven't had European wars in a long timeMar 06 22:01
DaemonFCCentral and South America is where they come fromMar 06 22:01
schestowitzNot even closeMar 06 22:01
DaemonFCwell, directly anywayMar 06 22:01
schestowitzWhere are they made though?Mar 06 22:02
schestowitzWho exports them?Mar 06 22:02
DaemonFCwell, there's a lot of ex-soviet gear down thereMar 06 22:02
schestowitzThat's the root causeMar 06 22:02
DaemonFCthe Chinese like to make copies Mar 06 22:02
schestowitzChina has many nukesMar 06 22:02
schestowitzIt doesn't need gunsMar 06 22:02
*Balrog_ is now known as BalrogMar 06 22:02
schestowitzI could, in theory, wipe out the USMar 06 22:02
schestowitzAnd they cope better with strikes, tooMar 06 22:02
schestowitzThey are not dependent on 'centricity' like the USMar 06 22:03
DaemonFCI wouldn't be surprised if Russia and China were flooding Central and South America with assault rifles and grenades and shitMar 06 22:03
DaemonFCjust knowing they'd find their way up hereMar 06 22:03
schestowitzIf the nearby water supply went bust and the power statioin too, there would be famineMar 06 22:03
schestowitzLand mines are now against Geveva Conv. right?Mar 06 22:03
schestowitz*nevaMar 06 22:04
DaemonFChave been for a while I thinkMar 06 22:04
schestowitzWhat a bunch of stupid creature we areMar 06 22:04
DaemonFCThe US hasn't used them widely since the Korean WarMar 06 22:04
schestowitzSo easy to plant, so hard to sweep up... and hurting kids, not soldiersMar 06 22:04
schestowitzOf course, some countries like the US and Israel can't give a ** about war crime rulesMar 06 22:04
DaemonFCwe don't use themMar 06 22:05
schestowitzThey are old weaponMar 06 22:05
schestowitzCan't harm tanksMar 06 22:05
schestowitzAnd wars are fought in airMar 06 22:05
DaemonFCyes they damned well canMar 06 22:05
DaemonFClolMar 06 22:05
schestowitzNot the old typeMar 06 22:05
schestowitzAnd the new tanksMar 06 22:06
DaemonFCanti-tank mines are still effectiveMar 06 22:06
schestowitzFrom when?Mar 06 22:06
DaemonFCyou don't really need to damage the composite armor ro disable a tankMar 06 22:07
DaemonFC*toMar 06 22:07
DaemonFCtanks still have the same weakness they did in World War 1, treadMar 06 22:07
DaemonFCif you can snap the tread, you disable the tankMar 06 22:07
MinceRgot to get a hovertankMar 06 22:08
schestowitzCould use banked beansMar 06 22:08
schestowitzIt's heavyMar 06 22:08
schestowitz*bakedMar 06 22:08
DaemonFCbesides, and explosion that size will score you some kills if an APV rolls over itMar 06 22:08
DaemonFC*anMar 06 22:08
MinceRAPC?Mar 06 22:09
DaemonFCyesMar 06 22:09
DaemonFCthank youMar 06 22:09
MinceRnpMar 06 22:09
DaemonFCand I'm still a fan of the sticky bomb idea myselfMar 06 22:09
MinceRut2004 has that :>Mar 06 22:09
DaemonFC 06 22:10
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Sticky bomb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 55.13 KBMar 06 22:10
DaemonFCsome of the most expensive, high tech weapons in the world can be countered with innovative use of cheap "off the shelf" crapMar 06 22:11
DaemonFCreally high tech stuff breeds a sense of overconfidence in the people using itMar 06 22:12
DaemonFCstill, I want an XM8Mar 06 22:12
DaemonFChow about you, MinceR? :)Mar 06 22:12
MinceRwhat's special about it?Mar 06 22:12
DaemonFCMinceR,!v=fOLUBvslsQ0&feature=relatedMar 06 22:13
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. .::. Size~: 1.85 KBMar 06 22:13
DaemonFC!v=63cxeEq5gUk&feature=relatedMar 06 22:14
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. .::. Size~: 1.86 KBMar 06 22:14
DaemonFCkind of says Starship Troopers to meMar 06 22:14
DaemonFCB-)Mar 06 22:14
MinceRif Starship Troopers then i'd rather get power armorMar 06 22:14
MinceR:>Mar 06 22:14
MinceRand some bigger gunsMar 06 22:15
DaemonFCno, look at itMar 06 22:15
DaemonFCStarship TroopersMar 06 22:15
DaemonFCAm I right? :)Mar 06 22:15
MinceRdunnoMar 06 22:15
MinceRthey look niceMar 06 22:15
DaemonFC 06 22:15
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 22:15
MinceRis that the "Human" version? :>Mar 06 22:16
DaemonFClmaoMar 06 22:16
DaemonFC 06 22:16
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 22:16
DaemonFC 06 22:16
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 06 22:16
DaemonFCsame rifle in different configsMar 06 22:17
MinceRwikipedia has a bigger version of this poster :>Mar 06 22:17
DaemonFCit can accept a 100 round drumMar 06 22:17
DaemonFCgahMar 06 22:17
DaemonFCwant an XM8 and some drum magazinesMar 06 22:18
DaemonFCgrenade launcher tooMar 06 22:18
DaemonFCwith a drum, full automatic becomes quite feasible B-)Mar 06 22:18
MinceR:>Mar 06 22:19
MinceRan ammo belt would be better, wouldn't it?Mar 06 22:19
DaemonFCnot in something that doubles as a carbineMar 06 22:19
DaemonFC:PMar 06 22:19
DaemonFCI'm thinking of this as a really futuristic, lightweight, reliable tommy gunMar 06 22:20
DaemonFCwith better accuracyMar 06 22:20
DaemonFCand a grenade launcherMar 06 22:20
DaemonFC 06 22:21
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- tommy gun .::. Size~: 110.59 KBMar 06 22:21
DaemonFCMinceR, You can still have full auto if it was pre-banMar 06 22:22
DaemonFCthe ATF tracks those quite closelyMar 06 22:22
DaemonFCif you don't report a sale, you're fuckedMar 06 22:22
DaemonFC 06 22:23
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- New Model Hi-Point (40 S&W). .::. Size~: 110.94 KBMar 06 22:23
DaemonFCI've had one of those for several yearsMar 06 22:24
DaemonFCthe trigger is the only thing they changed on this one Mar 06 22:24
DaemonFCI could pay a gun store to upgrade the trigger on mineMar 06 22:25
DaemonFCI may, but it's not a huge dealMar 06 22:25
DaemonFC$150, he's right about thatMar 06 22:26
DaemonFCgood dealMar 06 22:26
DaemonFCcheap and it worksMar 06 22:26
DaemonFCI don't think I paid that for mine, mine was $140 at that pointMar 06 22:27
DaemonFCthe lifetime carry license from the state cost me almost as much as this pistolMar 06 22:28
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 22:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Davenport & Lyons/ACS Law to get their very own warning letter? #p2p #riaa #fact #piracy #tpb #torrentMar 06 22:30
phIRCe-BNcTitle: If they are doing it, so can we?  RIAA v File sharers (again) «  OPEN BYTES  cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 33.76 KBMar 06 22:31
DaemonFCschestowitz, You suppose this is the auto captioning?!v=iRUGGy9RVrM&feature=relatedMar 06 22:32
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. .::. Size~: 1.85 KBMar 06 22:32
schestowitzI don't knowMar 06 22:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Davenport & Lyons/ACS Law to get their very own warning letter? #p2p #riaa #fact #piracy #tpb #torrentMar 06 22:33
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Davenport & Lyons/ACS Law to get their very own warning letter? «  OPEN BYTES  cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 33.92 KBMar 06 22:33
schestowitzI saw an article about it todauyMar 06 22:34
schestowitzHaven't tried it yetMar 06 22:34
schestowitzI watch YouTube for over 2 hours per day, so it's something I ought to check outMar 06 22:34
schestowitzGood for searchingMar 06 22:34
schestowitzIf I recall hearing somehting in a video, but can't recall whichMar 06 22:34
schestowitzI've watched well over 30k vidsMar 06 22:35
schestowitzIt's time to be a twitMar 06 22:42
*ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 22:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] “The Paradox of Choice” and Why #GNU #Linux Ticks 06 22:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: DoctorMo's Blog » Blog Archive  » Software Choices, Blocking .::. Size~: 29.27 KBMar 06 22:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle: LXer: Contributing Upstream: An Editorial .::. Size~: 17.47 KBMar 06 22:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why #GNU #Linux Should be Option on Any New Desktop PC 06 22:47
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Letter: Computer choice |Technology |The Guardian .::. Size~: 72.71 KBMar 06 22:48
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux Today - Editor's Note: Windows is Easier, Just Like Stabbing Your Own Eyeballs is Easier .::. Size~: 95.06 KBMar 06 22:48
MinceR:DMar 06 22:48
MinceRbtw started a campaign to make the winblows tax avoidable in hungaryMar 06 22:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Qimo Introduces Children to Secure Computing with #GNU #Linux 06 22:48
phIRCe-BNcTitle: TechRepublic Blogs: For IT professionals, by IT professionals .::. Size~: 81.29 KBMar 06 22:49
MinceR234136 <@varna> why are pirates called pirates? because they ARRRR!Mar 06 22:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU #Linux Desktop for Senior People Has Competition: *Another* GNU/Linux Business 06 22:50
phIRCe-BNcTitle: PCs for technophobes go head-to-head | PC Retail Industry | PCR .::. Size~: 34.39 KBMar 06 22:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Malaysia Looking Like Hotbed for #GNU #Linux Desktop Adoption 06 22:53
phIRCe-BNcTitle:   What is Happening in Malaysia?! at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 23.11 KBMar 06 22:53
phIRCe-BNcTitle:   The Death of That Other OS at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 23.15 KBMar 06 22:54
MinceRimma chargin malaysiaMar 06 22:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "It is easy to see 21 of the top 36 hosters run #GNU #Linux and only 6 run that other OS." 06 22:55
phIRCe-BNcTitle:   GNU/Linux on Servers at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 22.46 KBMar 06 22:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Google 's Return to #Linux #Kernel Space (Mainline) Expected, Good Graphics New 06 22:55
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Google open source guru says Android code will be in Linux kernel in time | Open Source | .::. Size~: 100.7 KBMar 06 22:55
phIRCe-BNcTitle: [Phoronix] The Possibility Of Nouveau 1.0.0? .::. Size~: 15.8 KBMar 06 22:56
schestowitzNouveau is just for nvidia, right?Mar 06 22:56
schestowitzTuxRadar confused me when it said that any card would work with itMar 06 22:56
schestowitzSurely not Intel/AMD, right?Mar 06 22:56
_goblinI understood it was just for Nvidia....Mar 06 22:56
sebsebseba bit old now, but  it's kind of funny that the fake browser makers complain to the European Commission, because people may have to scroll to see their browsers mentionedMar 06 22:56
sebsebseb 06 22:56
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 89.22 KBMar 06 22:56
schestowitz_goblin: yeah, I reckon they just didn't do homeworkMar 06 22:57
schestowitzThey said any card would support 3d out of the box in 2.6.33Mar 06 22:57
sebsebsebaltough the browser choice page is random, so I guess the screen itself is as well,  when it comes to what order the browsers show inMar 06 22:57
schestowitzJust nvidia thoughMar 06 22:57
schestowitzWould be nice!Mar 06 22:57
_goblinsure would!Mar 06 22:57
schestowitzMy brother is still on MandrivaMar 06 22:57
_goblinbooo!Mar 06 22:57
schestowitzNoMar 06 22:57
schestowitzBut he uses an old versionMar 06 22:57
_goblinyou know me and Mandriva never got on.Mar 06 22:57
schestowitzI told him to use kde4Mar 06 22:57
_goblinElive.....Mar 06 22:58
schestowitzYeahMar 06 22:58
schestowitzTopazMar 06 22:58
_goblinEnlightenmentMar 06 22:58
schestowitzNew releaseMar 06 22:58
schestowitzLooks neatMar 06 22:58
_goblinfantastic distro.  Its finally replaced WolvixMar 06 22:58
schestowitzShould handle maybe even 486? Surely notMar 06 22:58
schestowitzBut Pentium 1 maybeMar 06 22:58
schestowitzSupport the dev, _goblinMar 06 22:58
schestowitzIt's not a gratis distroiMar 06 22:58
schestowitzJack Wallen loves it tooMar 06 22:58
schestowitzI reckon Mint has about a million or more users noMar 06 22:59
schestowitz*nowMar 06 22:59
schestowitzAnd many people making DE variants of itMar 06 22:59
*_goblin has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Mar 06 23:02
ender2070vector is good for old pcsMar 06 23:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] make install not warMar 06 23:04
MinceRif you're willing to pay for itMar 06 23:05
ender2070its not free anymore?Mar 06 23:05
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 23:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] There is about as much #sugar in a can of soda as in ONE LITRE of pure Canadian maple syrup. I checked. #diet #foodMar 06 23:05
MinceRlast time i checked it all the interesting editions required paymentMar 06 23:06
schestowitzYeahMar 06 23:06
schestowitzSame with eliveMar 06 23:06
schestowitzAnd mepisMar 06 23:06
ender2070oh nvm thenMar 06 23:06
ender2070mepis does?Mar 06 23:06
ender2070wthMar 06 23:06
MinceRand to some extent, mandrivaMar 06 23:06
schestowitzMandrivaMar 06 23:06
schestowitzBeat me to itMar 06 23:06
ender2070mandriva does fullyMar 06 23:06
ender2070they even lie about the contents of their powerpackMar 06 23:06
schestowitzUbuntu is sponsored by Bill Hilf :-)Mar 06 23:06
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 23:07
DaemonFCender2070, Where do they lie?Mar 06 23:07
DaemonFCThey admit it's mostly just codecs and trialwareMar 06 23:08
ender2070when they told me it had cedegaMar 06 23:08
ender2070and it didntMar 06 23:08
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 23:08
DaemonFCit says trial of CedegaMar 06 23:08
ender2070now its a trialMar 06 23:08
schestowitzYubontoo! searchMar 06 23:08
schestowitzIt's a trapMar 06 23:08
schestowitzMicrosoftMar 06 23:08
ender2070i got one version with a full cedegaMar 06 23:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] This is both beautiful and true. Steven Walling: Why Wikipedians Are Weird 06 23:08
phIRCe-BNcTitle: YouTube- Steven Walling - Why Wikipedians are the Weirdest People on the Internet .::. Size~: 95.16 KBMar 06 23:08
DaemonFCender2070, They used to have the full version until 2008Mar 06 23:08
DaemonFCthat's when it got droppedMar 06 23:09
ender2070they still advertised its inclusion, when they dropped itMar 06 23:09
schestowitzThere was a gaming versionMar 06 23:09
ender2070i have the isos to prove itMar 06 23:09
ender2070i paid for one powerpack edition and was happy with it and cedegaMar 06 23:09
ender2070i bought the next edition and that changedMar 06 23:10
DaemonFCshould have lookedMar 06 23:11
ender2070i didMar 06 23:11
DaemonFCit clearly says it's a trialMar 06 23:11
ender2070it was advertisedMar 06 23:11
DaemonFC30 dayMar 06 23:11
ender2070noMar 06 23:11
ender2070not back thenMar 06 23:11
ender2070i dont care what they do nowMar 06 23:11
ender2070i wouldnt pay for a distro that cant keep up to dateMar 06 23:11
ender2070regardlessMar 06 23:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @torontoist 1945: Harry Gairey Jr denied entry to #Toronto rink: “no coloured boys can come in here” // good articleMar 06 23:11
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Historicist: Icy Discrimination - Torontoist .::. Size~: 46.86 KBMar 06 23:11
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 23:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #KDE SC 4.5 Already Under Way - Innovative Features Explained 06 23:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@chonabo I was even going to tag it #hfcs ... 1 litre of maple syrup is *a lot* of maple syrup. Ppl have no idea of the awful shit in sodaMar 06 23:12
phIRCe-BNcTitle: aseigo: awesome pastebin workflows .::. Size~: 91.57 KBMar 06 23:12
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Worth Mentioning - Awesome Klipper Workflow .::. Size~: 20.68 KBMar 06 23:13
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Tale of a little pixel - Small systemtray change .::. Size~: 29.11 KBMar 06 23:13
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 23:13
ender2070hmmMar 06 23:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Nautilus With #Zeitgeist Gets Together in #GNOME Desktop 06 23:14
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Nautilus With Zeitgeist Integration Already Functional [How-to] ~ Web Upd8 .::. Size~: 100.73 KBMar 06 23:14
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Ubuntu blogspot: Nautilus + Zeitgeist .::. Size~: 162.43 KBMar 06 23:15
ender2070I tried setting chromium to be default in KDE and it opened a temp fileMar 06 23:15
ender2070:(Mar 06 23:15
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 23:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A Look at #aLinux 12.9, #Mandriva ONE 2010 06 23:15
phIRCe-BNcTitle: aLinux 12.9  A Blast From the Past «  OSTalks Open Source, Operating Systems, Offtopic Stuff! .::. Size~: 32.56 KBMar 06 23:16
phIRCe-BNcTitle: I did it! I found a Linux that works well with Laptops. - Scot's Newsletter Forums .::. Size~: 71.33 KBMar 06 23:16
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 23:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Comparison Between #GNU #Linux with #KDE and #BSD with KDE #kubuntu #pcbsdMar 06 23:17
phIRCe-BNcTitle: [Phoronix] PC-BSD 8.0 vs. Kubuntu 9.10 Benchmarks .::. Size~: 18.5 KBMar 06 23:17
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 23:18
ender2070the short: bsd got ownedMar 06 23:18
MinceRas usualMar 06 23:18
MinceRgnMar 06 23:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Early Look at #Elive Topaz 2.0 #debian #gnu #linuxMar 06 23:18
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Elive 2.0 Stable Finally Released - Codename Topaz - Softpedia .::. Size~: 46.74 KBMar 06 23:18
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Elive 2.0 Released into the Wild .::. Size~: 15.77 KBMar 06 23:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #RedHat Keeps Szulik, #Fedora 12 Works Where #Ubuntu struggles 06 23:19
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Szulik signs on to remain Red Hat chairman for a year :: Editor’s Blog at Local Tech Wire .::. Size~: 20.51 KBMar 06 23:19
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Red Hat extends Szulik's time as chairman - Technology - .::. Size~: 73.42 KBMar 06 23:20
phIRCe-BNcTitle: You know what's working on my laptop with Intel 830m video? Fedora 12, that's what - CLICK .::. Size~: 41.65 KBMar 06 23:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #SimplyMEPIS 8.5 Near Release, Its Parent #Debian Runs with #BSD 06 23:21
phIRCe-BNcTitle: SimplyMEPIS 8.5 RC2 is Available | MEPIS .::. Size~: 13.92 KBMar 06 23:21
phIRCe-BNcTitle: CeBIT 2010: Debian with BSD Kernel - Linux Magazine Online  .::. Size~: 31.15 KBMar 06 23:22
ender2070Elive 2.0 Stable?Mar 06 23:24
ender2070E17 is finally stable or no?Mar 06 23:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Pooh, another long tough day, working on Julian's thesis. Thanks to @schestowitz I was able to include some interesting benchmarks.Mar 06 23:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Debate About #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux Theme for 10.04 Carries on 06 23:26
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Ubuntu 10.04s UI  What Can Less Brown Do For You? | PCMech .::. Size~: 35.65 KBMar 06 23:26
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Hands-on: a close look at Ubuntu's new non-brown theme .::. Size~: 31.91 KBMar 06 23:27
phIRCe-BNcTitle: And Ubuntu changed again! | GHABUNTU .::. Size~: 94.81 KBMar 06 23:27
schestowitzender2070: Don't know myselfMar 06 23:27
sebsebseb  The amount of money schools waste on propritary junk!Mar 06 23:27
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC - dot.Rory: Are we building schools for the future? .::. Size~: 99.76 KBMar 06 23:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Mark Shuttleworth Bullish on Desktop #GNU #Linux , Other Good News 06 23:27
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Linux News: Distros: The Linux Desktop Will Have Its Day: Q&A With Canonical Founder Mark Shuttleworth .::. Size~: 50.67 KBMar 06 23:27
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Ubuntu 10.04 Light (Radiance) And Dark (Ambiance) Themes Are Now Available For All (Download) ~ Web Upd8 .::. Size~: 104.12 KBMar 06 23:27
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Is Ubuntu ready to run your business servers? | Open Source - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 80.87 KBMar 06 23:28
sebsebsebNo that's not the headline that was me.Mar 06 23:28
sebsebsebschestowitz: Both new themes suck!Mar 06 23:28
schestowitzKeeping the economy goingMar 06 23:30
schestowitzI don't like Rory URLsMar 06 23:30
schestowitzHe doesn't like me eitherMar 06 23:30
sebsebsebschestowitz: oh?Mar 06 23:30
schestowitzThe BBC generally dislikes meMar 06 23:30
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 06 23:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Very satisfied about today's results., aMSN and us make a great team. Reading the latest posts on @goblin and then off to bedMar 06 23:30
ender2070why is thatMar 06 23:31
schestowitzFor obvious reasons, I slam them too  much for bad reportingMar 06 23:31
schestowitzAnd the iPlayer fiasco, since 2006Mar 06 23:31
ender2070yeah but you bring them traffic sometimesMar 06 23:31
ender2070and its not like they careMar 06 23:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Tomorrow is another day ;-) Good night to all!Mar 06 23:31
ender2070they get enough money to "report" the newsMar 06 23:32
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 23:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Ubuntu 10.10 gets Releases Date, Develop Summit #gnu #linuxMar 06 23:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: [Phoronix] Ubuntu 10.10 To Be Released on 28th of October .::. Size~: 15.07 KBMar 06 23:36
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Announcing The 10.10 Ubuntu Developer Summit | The Fridge .::. Size~: 10.18 KBMar 06 23:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Issue of #LinuxMint Newsletter 06 23:37
phIRCe-BNcTitle: The Linux Mint Blog  » Blog Archive   »  The Mint Newsletter – issue 101 .::. Size~: 13.11 KBMar 06 23:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Linus Boots Very Fast and Gains Improved Hypervisor Support 06 23:39
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Analysis: How to get Linux to boot in one second - 04/03/2010 - Electronics Weekly .::. Size~: 65.95 KBMar 06 23:40
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Hypervisor supports Linux guests - News - Linux for Devices .::. Size~: 66.46 KBMar 06 23:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Meego Kicks Off - #GNU #Linux for #Phones 06 23:40
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Towards Day One | MeeGo .::. Size~: 70.12 KBMar 06 23:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] More Tablets to Run #Linux #Android 06 23:42
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Kogan promises a sub-$200, Android based iPad rival | Google Android Blog .::. Size~: 72.52 KBMar 06 23:42
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Resolved Kogan Promises $200 HD Pad | AndroidGuys .::. Size~: 34.86 KBMar 06 23:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle:   Another day, another e-reader: Gigabyte is working on one too  .::. Size~: 29.98 KBMar 06 23:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Hillary Clinton Endorses #OLPC (with #GNU #Linux ) 06 23:43
phIRCe-BNcTitle: Hillary Clinton Touts the Work of OLPC | One Laptop per Child .::. Size~: 25.87 KBMar 06 23:44
phIRCe-BNcTitle: | Indiana Daily Student |  .::. Size~: 93.18 KBMar 06 23:44
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 06 23:46
DaemonFCschestowitz, The One License Per Child laptop?Mar 06 23:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #BBC Under Pressure to Support #FreeSoftware Players #msbbcMar 06 23:47
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC - BBC Internet Blog: BBC iPlayer Content Protection Enhancements .::. Size~: 87.45 KBMar 06 23:48
phIRCe-BNcTitle: BBC claims angry iPlayer plugin mob 'conflated' open source term • The Register .::. Size~: 25.08 KBMar 06 23:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @Doris_Egan: What if Bertie Wooster were Batman? "I understand badgers can be quite nasty in a pinch." 06 23:57
phIRCe-BNcTitle:  » Post Topic   » What if Bertie Wooster, rather than being a mere layabout, was also Batman? .::. Size~: 78.34 KBMar 06 23:58

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