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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 7th, 2010

*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 07 00:01
cubezzzperhaps the last computer documented to the register level: Amiga 4000TApr 07 00:01
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 00:07
schestowitz 07 00:08
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- Buoyancy and Density .::. Size~: 78.81 KBApr 07 00:08
_goblinde Icazza seems to have lost his sense of politeness.....Apr 07 00:09
schestowitzYes, he received "MVP"Apr 07 00:10
_goblinrather patronizing comment towards OmarApr 07 00:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Extreme Floods, landslides near Rio kill 90, shut down transport #brasil #climatechangeApr 07 00:10
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 88.73 KBApr 07 00:10
sebsebseb_goblin: where?Apr 07 00:10
_goblinFunny how its always Mono that generates this behaviorApr 07 00:10
_goblin...stand by link...Apr 07 00:10
_goblin 07 00:11
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Miguel de Icaza (migueldeicaza) on Twitter .::. Size~: 41.78 KBApr 07 00:11
_goblinsixth comment downApr 07 00:11
_goblin"You seem like a nice kid, but you should not talk about things you dont know about, you just look stupid."Apr 07 00:12
_goblinNice kid?Apr 07 00:12
_goblinhow insulting......Apr 07 00:12
_goblinMind you from a contact of Jo Shields...I would have expected alot worse.Apr 07 00:13
_goblinwe should probably be thankful it wasn't Jo making the comment at Omar......who knows what he would have put.Apr 07 00:13
sebsebsebSo what you guys think to Songbird getting rid of their Linux support?Apr 07 00:15
schestowitz_goblin: typical Microsoft techniqueApr 07 00:15
schestowitzFox uses that tooApr 07 00:15
schestowitzCall your opposition "boy" or "kid"Apr 07 00:15
schestowitzSometimes by invoking "momma"Apr 07 00:16
schestowitzIt's a way of daemonising someone in a debate without it being too apparentApr 07 00:16
_goblinGood effort their by de Icazza....because Ive always found him polite/restrained.Apr 07 00:16
schestowitzRed Herring and Straw Men are other tricksApr 07 00:16
_goblinhe's let himself down...Apr 07 00:16
schestowitzHe called Jeremy Allison namesApr 07 00:16
schestowitzHe's off the hookApr 07 00:17
_goblinI think though it does have an interesting point....if he really believes that Omar is a "kid" then surely he must be worried about perception of the Mono product?  If he doesn't then he used the word "kid" to try to insult.....either way it looks rather bad for the Mono image.Apr 07 00:18
_goblinWhatever the truth about Mono and whatever intentions there may be for it, it matters not if perception turns people away.......Apr 07 00:18
_goblinThe "gift to the world" seems to me to be a little bit like the one Tony Blair handed over to Brown......Apr 07 00:19
_goblina bit of a poison challice.Apr 07 00:19
schestowitztessier_: ping?Apr 07 00:19
_goblinpongApr 07 00:19
schestowitz:-pApr 07 00:20
_goblinSaw that US footage roy.Apr 07 00:20
schestowitzI registered another domainApr 07 00:20
schestowitz.comApr 07 00:20
_goblinI am waiting for you to ask me for my view.Apr 07 00:20
schestowitzTo block trollsApr 07 00:20
schestowitz_goblin: were they armed?Apr 07 00:20
schestowitzI tried to find something refuting it, to no availApr 07 00:21
_goblinIt was completely wrong........but then having worked side by side with the US before, it doesn't surprise me.Apr 07 00:21
schestowitzThe Al-Jazeera coverage makes it clear it's authenticApr 07 00:21
_goblin*wrong as in US actions were wrong.Apr 07 00:21
*magentar has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 07 00:21
schestowitz_goblin: were the people armed?Apr 07 00:21
_goblindon't believe so...Apr 07 00:21
schestowitzExcept the camera which they though was a weapon...Apr 07 00:21
_goblinyep....Apr 07 00:21
schestowitz_goblin: I know another similar videoApr 07 00:21
schestowitzVery similarApr 07 00:21
schestowitzAlso apacheApr 07 00:21
schestowitzhold on...Apr 07 00:21
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayApr 07 00:22
_goblinbut as I respect of US forces, this is not a surprise.Apr 07 00:22
_goblinremember these are the people who paint faces on hellfires.....Apr 07 00:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] School sets up 1 prom for intolerant bigots, another for lesbian? ...! 07 00:22
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Followup: Constance McMillens classmates confirm prom ruse, the fact that theyre bigoted .::. Size~: 28.17 KBApr 07 00:22
schestowitzHere: 07 00:22
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- Analysis of Apache Gunship killing Iraqis Ploughing a field .::. Size~: 77.52 KBApr 07 00:22
_goblinyeah Ive seen that and another "engagement" in a street.Apr 07 00:23
_goblinany coincidence that the same is not seen by UK forces?Apr 07 00:24
_goblinour rules of engagement are different.Apr 07 00:24
schestowitzDoes the UK make advanced helicopters?Apr 07 00:24
_goblinnope.....Apr 07 00:24
schestowitzFew countries doApr 07 00:25
schestowitzThey importApr 07 00:25
_goblinI was disgusted by the delight that was taken in taking human life....."enemy" or not, to end anothers life is always a tragedy.Apr 07 00:25
_goblinI tried telling daemonfc this a while ago.....Apr 07 00:26
_goblinwhen he was off on one of his firearm rants.Apr 07 00:26
_goblinand I hate that term "Light em up".......disgusting.Apr 07 00:27
schestowitzYeah, he's in rant mode these daysApr 07 00:27
schestowitzUpset at his mayorApr 07 00:27
_goblinSo am I.Apr 07 00:27
schestowitz 07 00:27
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Post for Huntington, Indiana residents concerned with trash pickup. « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 37.98 KBApr 07 00:27
_goblinI want red ken back!Apr 07 00:27
schestowitzI find the work "engagement" annoyingApr 07 00:28
_goblinas in warfare or marrage?Apr 07 00:28
schestowitzThey compare death to wedding, association-wiseApr 07 00:28
schestowitzThen there's "rendition"Apr 07 00:28
schestowitzMr. Sinatra shall offer us a nice rendition...Apr 07 00:28
_goblinfor want of a better engage the enemy.....meeting the enemy on ground in full knowledge of a combat situation.Apr 07 00:28
schestowitzAnd for his next act, Mr. Cheney has a sweet rendition for us...Apr 07 00:29
_goblinotherwise it would be an "encounter"Apr 07 00:29
schestowitzEnemy combatantApr 07 00:29
_goblinbut I see what you mean.Apr 07 00:29
_goblinnot all "enemy" combat thoughApr 07 00:29
schestowitzterrorist for themApr 07 00:29
schestowitzIt's shrewdApr 07 00:29
schestowitzHow to use vocabularyApr 07 00:29
schestowitzYou control the press this wayApr 07 00:30
schestowitzMany papers write "piracy"Apr 07 00:30
schestowitzOr "theft"Apr 07 00:30
schestowitzThey say "intellectual property"Apr 07 00:30
schestowitzThey should say "monopoly"Apr 07 00:30
_goblin_Maven_ is dead btwApr 07 00:30
_goblinoverdose apparently in his cellApr 07 00:30
schestowitzAs in, the file sharer infringed on the monopolyApr 07 00:30
schestowitzRather than:Apr 07 00:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] .@ryanmcgreal yeah makes your head spin doesn't it. :) I just loved the naïvete of "first rule of blacklist is don't mention the blacklist"Apr 07 00:30
schestowitzTHe theif stole intellectual propertyApr 07 00:30
schestowitzSame story, different wordingApr 07 00:30
schestowitz_goblin: overdose of what?Apr 07 00:31
schestowitzBlown up bladdr from water?Apr 07 00:31
_goblinanti-depressants I believe....he died todayApr 07 00:31
schestowitzWho's _Maven_?Apr 07 00:31
_goblinpeople think it may be suicide....rather than accidental overdose.Apr 07 00:31
_goblinRoy? Whose Maven?Apr 07 00:32
schestowitz*who's?Apr 07 00:32
_goblinone of the biggest CAM players in the scene....Apr 07 00:32
_goblinand yeah fair comment.Apr 07 00:32
schestowitzThere are many mavenApr 07 00:32
schestowitz'the' maven?Apr 07 00:32
_goblinreleased alot of TS and CAM warezApr 07 00:32
_goblingot caught filming in a cinema.....hunted down by police and arrested.Apr 07 00:33
_goblinoh yeah and almost forgot.....Apr 07 00:33
schestowitz 07 00:33
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: The maven is dead, long live the maven. | MetaFilter .::. Size~: 29.43 KBApr 07 00:33
_goblinwas selling the stuff he was infringing.......Apr 07 00:33
_goblinso what makes him different from the "evil" companies that produce the stuff?Apr 07 00:34
schestowitzI don't come in much contact with Hollywood 'content'Apr 07 00:34
_goblinyou are wise....Apr 07 00:34
_goblinI try to avoid it too......Apr 07 00:34
schestowitzIt makes me less averageApr 07 00:34
*Tallken has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 00:34
schestowitzAvrage/normal/'in'Apr 07 00:34
_goblinWent to the cinema to see Avatar.......Apr 07 00:34
schestowitzI used to keep track of TV showsApr 07 00:34
schestowitzNow I'm rather oblivious to manyApr 07 00:35
_goblinI would rather have spent an evening at a Windows 7 party hosted by Andre Da Costa.Apr 07 00:35
schestowitzHahaApr 07 00:35
_goblinwith de Icazza serving the punchApr 07 00:35
schestowitzImagine what he'd say while drunkApr 07 00:35
schestowitzEwww...Apr 07 00:35
schestowitzThis starts to sound not like the kind of party I thought ofApr 07 00:35
schestowitzStop it, please!Apr 07 00:35
_goblinwhat happened with the DEB today?  George Galloway says on his twitter he was unable to vote on it.Apr 07 00:36
_goblinthis is good....Apr 07 00:37
_goblinwritten on Twitter by the ex editor of Neowin site .....Apr 07 00:37
_goblin"Finding @adacosta to be the most annoying voice on my steam today. Does being an MS MVP mean you have to be such a troll?"Apr 07 00:37
_goblinsimple answer.....yes....Apr 07 00:38
_goblincomplex answer yes, but the idea is you are never found out because you nymshift.Apr 07 00:38
schestowitz_goblin: where is this from?Apr 07 00:40
schestowitzDa Costa is a twit in twitterApr 07 00:40
schestowitzI guess he's like "MJ", trying to appear like someone elseApr 07 00:41
_goblinI'll link you....Apr 07 00:41
_goblin 07 00:41
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Twitter / Michael Stanclift: Finding @adacosta to be th ... .::. Size~: 10.39 KBApr 07 00:41
_goblinschestowitz: please can you consider getting rid of "watching and reporting maneuvers of our adversaries" .... to me it makes us look paranoid..Apr 07 00:44
_goblinlike the people who think theres aliens in area 51#Apr 07 00:44
scientes_goblin, does free software have adversaries?Apr 07 00:45
scientesbut yeahApr 07 00:45
scientesthey are generally working towards what they believe is their own self interestApr 07 00:45
_goblinor do we?Apr 07 00:45
_goblineven if I did consider our MS faithful to be "against us".....I think "adversary" gives them far too much credit as I don't think they are a challenge at all.Apr 07 00:46
scientes_goblin, exactlyApr 07 00:46
_goblinmaybe instead it should be:Apr 07 00:46
_goblin"Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those less fortunate than ourselves"Apr 07 00:46
scientesEFF's is good "defending your rights in the digital world"Apr 07 00:47
_goblinI think my slogan is the bestApr 07 00:47
scientes_goblin, no need for shaudenfreudeApr 07 00:47
_goblinlolApr 07 00:47
_goblinyou got that off the simpsons didn't youApr 07 00:47
scientesno, its a common wordApr 07 00:47
scientessimpson's is just a projection of the larger worldApr 07 00:47
scientesthey don't create cultureApr 07 00:47
*Eruaran has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 07 00:47
_goblinbut you know the simpsons episode I mean though...don't you?Apr 07 00:48
schestowitzWe need to show this to daemonfox: 07 00:48
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- The Racist Test .::. Size~: 73.83 KBApr 07 00:48
scientesno i dontApr 07 00:48
scientesbecause i havn't watched that show since it stopped being funnyApr 07 00:48
_goblinI jest of course...Apr 07 00:48
scientesin fact, i don't watch TV anymoreApr 07 00:48
_goblinTo be fair, I hadn't heard the term much....Apr 07 00:48
scientesahhApr 07 00:48
schestowitz_goblin: you're the only person having an issue with that sentence so farApr 07 00:48
_goblinit was a recent simpsons re-run that reminded me of it.Apr 07 00:49
scientesI like itApr 07 00:49
scientesit's edgyApr 07 00:49
scientesand conjures up a unified frontApr 07 00:49
schestowitz_goblin: change to "Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those less fortunate than ourselves"?Apr 07 00:49
schestowitzIt's belittling other peopleApr 07 00:49
_goblinno its not...Apr 07 00:49
scienteswhich is important for free software: which is compramized by alot of individual self-motivated peopleApr 07 00:50
_goblinDo you agree FOSS is the far less restrictive model than say a Microsoft one?Apr 07 00:50
scientes*which is createdApr 07 00:50
_goblinfor the end user.Apr 07 00:50
scientesI like itApr 07 00:50
_goblinBecause if you truly agree that Linux/FOSS is the far better software environment to be in, rather than a proprietary Microsoft one, then I think its fair to see that you would see someone stuck in a Windows lockin life as being less fortunate....I would say its a compassionate statement.Apr 07 00:52
_goblinNot belittling......charitable.....and it doesn't state who is less fortunate.....Apr 07 00:52
_goblinof course Im being flippant.....but the point I was making was I really think that slogan is a bad idea.Apr 07 00:53
_goblinthis is not a war....its about enlightenment and supporting the best products for the end users needs......Apr 07 00:53
_goblinand who knows, someone today who is an adversary could be a real contributor in the future.Apr 07 00:54
schestowitz_goblin: how about changing to "Free software adversaries"?Apr 07 00:54
schestowitzRather than "our"Apr 07 00:55
_goblinnah....still making a war out of it and feeding the myth that we as Linux/FOSS users are zeolots engages in some battle in our heads.Apr 07 00:55
schestowitzadversaries for hijacked by US DODApr 07 00:55
schestowitzThey misuse the wordApr 07 00:55
schestowitzLike Maverick+PalinApr 07 00:55
_goblinhey....Apr 07 00:55
_goblinyou leave Palin aloneApr 07 00:56
schestowitz_goblin: look up def of adversariesApr 07 00:56
_goblinshe's lovelyApr 07 00:56
schestowitzNaApr 07 00:56
_goblin;)Apr 07 00:56
schestowitzShe's dangerousApr 07 00:56
_goblinI'd forgive that.Apr 07 00:56
_goblinhow about....Apr 07 00:56
_goblinFree Software Sentry – watching and reporting unfair practices from those threatened by Free SoftwareApr 07 00:57
schestowitzIt was a suggestion from RMSApr 07 00:57
schestowitzSo not my wordingApr 07 00:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] wait a sec, i'll ask @god what he meant... yup... he said, leave all your gold in the temple in a box with my name on itApr 07 00:57
_goblingot it...Apr 07 00:57
_goblinFree Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by free softwareApr 07 00:58
schestowitzI'll change it for nowApr 07 00:58
_goblinYes...I like my last suggestion.Apr 07 00:58
_goblinperception management.....I'm probably better than Microsoft at it....Apr 07 00:58
schestowitzOK, doneApr 07 00:59
schestowitzI'll change the logo tooApr 07 00:59
_goblindo you see what I mean?Apr 07 00:59
schestowitzI'll wait actuallyApr 07 01:00
schestowitzOne reader wants to prepare oneApr 07 01:00
_goblinI had an idea for April the 1st where I was going to pretend that I was now a Microsoft employee......Apr 07 01:01
_goblinI changed my mind at the last minute....Apr 07 01:01
_goblinthe confusion it would have caused.....and the "joke" probably would have got lost.....Apr 07 01:01
_goblinI am still waiting for Torrentfreak to respond to my email.Apr 07 01:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Opera for Android is really rather good......I think it may be the browser of choice on my HTC very soon.Apr 07 01:04
schestowitzYou're an MPAA shill :-)Apr 07 01:06
_goblinyep...Apr 07 01:07
_goblindid I tell you I have an HTC?Apr 07 01:08
_goblinvery good....Apr 07 01:08
_goblinis this how I get freebies?Apr 07 01:08
_goblinI will have to pimp T-mobile too because I got a very good deal/contract on it when I renewed...Apr 07 01:09
_goblinWhat about RIAA?Apr 07 01:09
oiaohmThat could have backfired bady _goblinApr 07 01:12
oiaohmWise move.Apr 07 01:12
_goblinoiaohm: Yeah...trying to explain it was all an april fools gag would have been difficult.Apr 07 01:17
oiaohmMy years april first post has grown legs.Apr 07 01:20
oiaohmStill got to follow it up this weekend with HTML 5 standard construction.Apr 07 01:20
oiaohmYes I know this is wrong.  I forgot it was april first until after I posted.Apr 07 01:21
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 01:23
_goblinRight....time for bed....Apr 07 01:27
_goblinSmoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast.Apr 07 01:27
*_goblin has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Apr 07 01:27
*WireWulf-away is now known as WireWulfApr 07 01:36
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 01:37
schestowitzWe need a decimal time systemApr 07 01:49
schestowitzThis would simplify the science of physicsApr 07 01:50
cubezzzbase 60 works for me :)Apr 07 01:51
cubezzzwe do have a digital time systemApr 07 01:51
WireWulfa earthday is really only like 23:57 hours longApr 07 01:52
WireWulfi hate daylight savings timeApr 07 01:52
cubezzzshould we have a decimal based year too?Apr 07 01:52
cubezzzyou can see the problems...Apr 07 01:52
cubezzzyeah DST is a painApr 07 01:53
WireWulfdecimal base year Apr 07 01:53
cubezzzand computer types don't need DSTApr 07 01:53
WireWulfhmm 2010.4.89 ?Apr 07 01:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Mono Team Develops More #Windows Software and Mocks Critics 07 01:53
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Mono Team Develops More Windows Software and Mocks Critics | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.18 KBApr 07 01:53
cubezzzyou can't reduce everything to base 10Apr 07 01:53
WireWulfyou could use base 16 on a year :PApr 07 01:54
schestowitzCould do something like UNIX timeApr 07 01:54
cubezzze.g. we don't talk about deci-yearsApr 07 01:55
schestowitzJust with more connection to nature cyclesApr 07 01:55
schestowitzLike tuning in a day to a 1000000 unitApr 07 01:55
WireWulfschestowitz unix time is still better then M$ rimeApr 07 01:55
cubezzz1 year, 1 day, 1 monthApr 07 01:55
schestowitzcubezzz: not decimalApr 07 01:55
schestowitz365, 1, 30Apr 07 01:56
schestowitzNot even constantApr 07 01:56
schestowitzRounded up with leaps to correctApr 07 01:56
schestowitzI finally found out where 1 gram comes fromApr 07 01:56
schestowitzHistorically it's based on water weightApr 07 01:56
schestowitzBut I still don't know where meter came fromApr 07 01:56
schestowitzTime comes from Earth's revolution, then divided into 24,60,60Apr 07 01:57
WireWulfhowever time is far from right :PApr 07 01:57
cubezzzwell get rid of DST for startersApr 07 01:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft has found ‘creative’ ways of preventing people from actually choosing a Web browser 07 01:58
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Microsoft is Still Cheating in Browser Ballot  Claim | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.17 KBApr 07 01:58
schestowitzWireWulf: no time LEFTApr 07 01:58
WireWulfall DST is to do is help fix the issue with the 4min uncounted by are math on timeApr 07 01:58
schestowitzQuartz can just be readjustedApr 07 01:59
schestowitzThere will be 'old minute' and 'new minute'Apr 07 01:59
schestowitzBut better to just  move to decimalApr 07 01:59
schestowitzKelvin for temperature Apr 07 02:00
*Ziodotmatrix ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 02:00
schestowitzWe have 10 fingersApr 07 02:00
WireWulfum year,day,hour:min:sec.etc.etc.etc.nanosecApr 07 02:00
schestowitzIt'll be easier to teach kids about timeApr 07 02:00
schestowitzYeah, so why not kilosecond?Apr 07 02:01
WireWulfi dont think time would really do good on base 10Apr 07 02:01
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: your toes aren't something you use often these days.Apr 07 02:01
schestowitzMegaseconds, etc.Apr 07 02:01
WireWulfas we seem to be more to a 32 or 64bit clockApr 07 02:01
schestowitzLight speed is always the sameApr 07 02:01
schestowitzCan derive time from thatApr 07 02:02
schestowitzUniversalApr 07 02:02
schestowitzNot dependent on any one planet, which can change course or speed anywayApr 07 02:02
WireWulfs a base 16 clock would work betterApr 07 02:02
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: then make a new form of time and make it FOSS, something you can install into any OS or even BIOSApr 07 02:02
schestowitzZiodotmatrix: we could evolve to have toesApr 07 02:03
schestowitzJust need to breed mutationsApr 07 02:03
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: umm you don't have toes?Apr 07 02:03
schestowitzMaybe IBM will invent decimal time and apply for a patent on itApr 07 02:03
schestowitzFree for independent developers, of courseApr 07 02:03
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: miliseconds, decisecondsApr 07 02:04
schestowitzZiodotmatrix: I do actually. 10Apr 07 02:04
schestowitzBut I wear shoesApr 07 02:04
cubezzzyeah we should use base 20 :)Apr 07 02:04
schestowitzClassrooms would stink if kids were taught base 20Apr 07 02:04
schestowitzcubezzz: better take natural unitsApr 07 02:05
WireWulfcubezzz why use base 20 if we use computersApr 07 02:05
schestowitz2^aApr 07 02:05
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: If time became a real issue quantum, atro and nano physicists would let us know.Apr 07 02:05
schestowitzThe universe is binaryApr 07 02:05
schestowitzAlthough at a fine level it's all crazyApr 07 02:05
WireWulfthe universe is no where near binaryApr 07 02:05
schestowitzWith quantum physics we could make non-binary machinesApr 07 02:05
WireWulfschestowitz the US military has beat you thereApr 07 02:06
schestowitzBut there's uncertainty involved, and particles being in two positions at the same timeApr 07 02:06
schestowitzWireWulf: not when you get down to sub-atomic physicsApr 07 02:06
schestowitzBut we abstract thatApr 07 02:06
schestowitzFor example, you can't change the route of an electron's orbitApr 07 02:07
schestowitzIt's a non-discrete process, which is counter-intuitiveApr 07 02:07
*jweyrich has quit (Quit: bbl, or not.)Apr 07 02:08
WireWulfschestowitz the mircoverse could be binary however the macroverse to omiverse is illogicalApr 07 02:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Saw District 9 last night. Subtexts even more poignant as racial violence simmers again in South Africa (and elsewhere).Apr 07 02:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #District9 reminds me of Starship Troopers 2. Blomkamp and Tippett both superb technicians oddly paired with subtext-charged scripts.Apr 07 02:13
*Balrog_ has quit (Quit: bye)Apr 07 02:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@StopBeck self-serving Mil+Prison Industrial Complexes foster disparity bw rich/poor //humans R raw materials; poor kill poor, rich profitApr 07 02:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #District9 also comparable to Starship Troopers the first. #moviesApr 07 02:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #District9's lead character not quite complex enough. Too much material for 2 hours. Ugly Psych of #Xenophobia mostly unexplored, but hoversApr 07 02:19
*Ziodotmatrix ( has left #boycottnovellApr 07 02:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Safe to say most #District9's western audience did not recognise the icons of oppression (Haven't read "Politics of Cruelty" either) #sowetoApr 07 02:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] A lot of work for just a little insight. While apparently fundamental themes, #District9 isn't going to change the world. Nor is #Avatar.Apr 07 02:21
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 02:22
yuhong 07 02:23
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Sorting it all Out : The game is over, people! .::. Size~: 86.83 KBApr 07 02:23
yuhong"Yea, it is an unfortunate curse of non open-source software and the Microsoft development process that a simple option like this would be so hard to add."Apr 07 02:23
cubezzzuh, i don't use windows Apr 07 02:27
cubezzzI know not to use itApr 07 02:27
schestowitzyuhong: I'm not interested in MSDNApr 07 02:27
schestowitzThey writes for a corporationApr 07 02:27
schestowitzSo it's not humanApr 07 02:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #IBM ’s dark side shown to the public #swpat #monopolistApr 07 02:27
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBMs Day of Shame | Techrights .::. Size~: 83.26 KBApr 07 02:27
yuhongYes.Apr 07 02:27
schestowitzThey are paid to absorb doctrinedApr 07 02:27
schestowitz*nesApr 07 02:27
yuhong"Yea, it is an unfortunate curse of non open-source software and the Microsoft development process that a simple option like this would be so hard to add."Apr 07 02:28
cubezzzuse the programmer as a revenue source...Apr 07 02:28
yuhong 07 02:28
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Sorting it all Out : The game is over, people! .::. Size~: 86.83 KBApr 07 02:28
cubezzzright, so don't use it :)Apr 07 02:28
cubezzzsimpleApr 07 02:28
cubezzzyou have convinced me :)Apr 07 02:29
yuhongBut what do you think of the quote.Apr 07 02:29
cubezzzit's pretty self evident I'd sayApr 07 02:29
yuhongMSDN Blogs is human I think, but the docs are not.Apr 07 02:29
cubezzzI thought windows was crap in the 80's :)Apr 07 02:30
yuhongOk.Apr 07 02:30
yuhongMSDN Blogs is human I think, but the docs are not.Apr 07 02:30
cubezzzI haven't changed my mind Apr 07 02:30
yuhongschestowitz: MSDN Blogs is human I think, but the docs are not.Apr 07 02:30
yuhongBTW, IBM is fighting against Hercules services.Apr 07 02:31
yuhongIBM's fight against clone mainframes and unapproved mainframe emulaiton has a long history.Apr 07 02:32
yuhongIncluding being the topic of anti-trust lawsuits, and more.Apr 07 02:32
cubezzzLinux, although it's not perfect, is the best OS so farApr 07 02:33
schestowitzyuhong: stop repeatingApr 07 02:33
schestowitzIt looks retarded sometimesApr 07 02:33
yuhongOk.Apr 07 02:33
cubezzzI'm really really unhappy with bloggerApr 07 02:33
schestowitzblubber??Apr 07 02:34
cubezzzgive me an alternative :)Apr 07 02:34
cubezzztheir ftp service is the worst everApr 07 02:34
yuhong 07 02:34
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 07 02:34
yuhongHow about WordPressApr 07 02:34
yuhongHow about WordPress?Apr 07 02:34
yuhongThere is also TechNet Blogs, BTW.Apr 07 02:35
cubezzzyeah, I'm considering itApr 07 02:35
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayApr 07 02:35
*schestowitz tired, yawns, drops outApr 07 02:36
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.5/20091028153816])Apr 07 02:36
*satipera has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 02:47
*Balrog_ (~Balrog@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 02:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @rayvelline Court: OK to #Taser Pregnant Women (multiple times) // even worse than it sounds; failure on every levelApr 07 03:15
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Court Rules it is Perfectly Reasonable to Taser Pregnant Women | Women's Rights  | .::. Size~: 70.91 KBApr 07 03:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@FineGirlB Sometimes life gives you lemons, I say fuck lemonade go buy some vodka! // caipirosca #ftwApr 07 03:35
cubezzzwow, I forget all my mysql stuffApr 07 03:45
cubezzzand it's too old :-/Apr 07 03:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@rww @Twitter Introduces #Gizzard Distributed Datastore Framework // #nih #branding #nosql everybody's got oneApr 07 03:45
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Twitter Introduces Gizzard Distributed Datastore Framework .::. Size~: 51.86 KBApr 07 03:45
cubezzzmy mysql is too old, damn Apr 07 03:45
cubezzztonight has been crapApr 07 03:46
cubezzzendless upgradesApr 07 03:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@TheStory It's a pity I won't last forever... // channeling Roy Batty? :)Apr 07 03:47
cubezzzBlade Runner refApr 07 03:47
cubezzzimagine me trying to do this stuff on Amiga thoughApr 07 03:50
cubezzzit would be even harderApr 07 03:50
*WireWulf-away is now known as WireWulfApr 07 03:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] James Gannon Presentation - Copyright Viewed By A Lawyer - Correct Legally But Wrong - Part 1 07 03:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] In a civilised country, #Taser would be outlawed and Taser International shuttered. #kthxbaiApr 07 03:52
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: James Gannon Presentation  Copyright Viewed By A Lawyer  Correct Legally But Wrong  Part 1 «  Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 85.02 KBApr 07 03:52
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 23.1.1)Apr 07 04:06
*scientes_ (~scientes@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 04:28
scientes_any good audio/mp3 players for realy, really cheap?Apr 07 04:28
scientes_that can play ogg as wellApr 07 04:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] I hope #firefox' popularity doesn't make them lose edge. There's a lot of de-bloating still to do.Apr 07 04:29
scientes_ 07 04:29
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Vorbis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 159.14 KBApr 07 04:29
*Balrog_ has quit (Quit: bye)Apr 07 04:33
*WireWulf is now known as layne-staleyApr 07 04:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] On reflection yes, #District9 tried to do too much, too fast. It would have been a better miniseries. #moviesApr 07 04:52
*layne-staley is now known as WireWulfApr 07 04:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] via @sandrabuarque "No doubt, [Cameron] has already sensed..parallels bw..Pandora & Amazon" err that's the WHOLE POINT?Apr 07 04:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @nataliecastoro Q:how many kids do you wanna have A:i dont know .. but ive always wanted 4 //protip: start with ONE &see how that goesApr 07 04:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Right wing focus on #Obama The Man is ridiculous, not to mention a deliberate distraction... Spokesmen are perfectly replaceable.Apr 07 05:14
*enthymeme ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 05:27
*neighborlee (~neighborl@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 05:46
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayApr 07 05:54
cubezzzscientes_ get a zaurus sl-5500Apr 07 06:10
cubezzzthey are Linux based, programmable, and not very expensiveApr 07 06:10
enthymemehow much, cubezzz?Apr 07 06:15
cubezzzaround $75-$80Apr 07 06:15
enthymemeniceApr 07 06:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #RMS: 'singing telegram [rejecting #debill] might make impression, but hurry be4 they extend © on the song' via @toxi 07 06:26
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Digital economy bill: One clown giveth and the other clown taketh away | Richard Stallman |Technology | .::. Size~: 185.4 KBApr 07 06:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] "#Murdoch..effectively..member of Cabinet; No big decision [made at] No.10 w/o taking account [his]reaction" @crikey_newsApr 07 06:37
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Beecher: Why Murdoch defies gravity while other owners have to play by the rules  Crikey .::. Size~: 55.42 KBApr 07 06:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] That #Murdoch calls political shots in #UK is hardly news (haha). Which doesn't make it any less outrageous. #oligarchy abetted by #mediaApr 07 06:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @NikDarlington @tomcallow - @GilesCoren "will set up a website & post my stuff free" - good man! // talent will out! in ya face RupertApr 07 06:43
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 06:48
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 06:51
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 07:24
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 07:27
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 07:27
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 07:29
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: No route to host)Apr 07 07:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @terrycojones Friedman-why we (i.e.,the US) need a "job creator's visa" //LOL! That shithead cracks me up evry timeApr 07 07:30
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Op-Ed Columnist - Start-Ups, Not Bailouts - .::. Size~: 50.11 KBApr 07 07:30
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 07:31
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 07:32
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 07:34
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 07:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #Microsoft's Mundie terrified that “our standard of living will eventually revert to global mean" (warning: Friedman)Apr 07 07:36
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Op-Ed Columnist - Start-Ups, Not Bailouts - .::. Size~: 50.08 KBApr 07 07:36
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 07:36
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 07:38
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 07:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] The concern put about by America's billionaires over evry1 else's standard of living is truly touching. Trickle-up effect waning? #microsoftApr 07 07:40
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 07:40
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 07:42
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 07:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@njr0 if you send 2 Content-Type headers, #Firefox, #Chrome and Opera use 2nd; #Safari uses 1st. Who knew? // & #IE just crashes? :PApr 07 07:43
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 07:47
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 07:48
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 07:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] It's probably not coincidental that Friedman chooses to quote, of all things, TOP GUN in his latest column. #dickwadApr 07 07:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Patents Roundup: #USPTO Changes, New Zealand’s Law Ambiguity, #Facebook and #Apple Sued 07 08:24
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Patents Roundup: USPTO Changes, New Zealands Law Ambiguity, Facebook and Apple Sued | Techrights .::. Size~: 91.72 KBApr 07 08:24
*neighborlee has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Apr 07 09:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @ImPaolo Former #GITMO Guard meets Former Inmates via #facebook, seeking closure #news //Wow, MUST READ #tiptonthreeApr 07 09:13
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: How a Former GITMO Guard Reached out to Two Former Inmates on Facebook and Found Closure | Civil Liberties | AlterNet .::. Size~: 97.57 KBApr 07 09:13
*scientes_ has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Apr 07 09:45
*iKonaK (~iKonaK@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 09:46
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 09:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft is spinning security problems and uses the press to pressure people to buy a newer version of Windows 07 09:54
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Aggressive Marketing for Vista 7 | Techrights .::. Size~: 97.71 KBApr 07 09:54
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Apparently black people aren't allowed to buy #Apple laptops 07 09:58
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Apple Store Goes CODE RED After MacBook Pro Request - Apple Store - Gizmodo .::. Size~: 68 KBApr 07 09:58
*satipera (~satiperaq@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 10:02
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Texas has a huge sodium sulfur battery, approximately 8 hours of power for a small town !scienceApr 07 10:03
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] iPad's A4 is just a customized ARM Cortex A8. only marginally faster than 3GS's A8 on 3D tasks 07 10:03
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Back to the Future II concept art 07 10:03
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: In Texas, One Really Big Battery : NPR .::. Size~: 43.88 KBApr 07 10:03
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: iPad tech specs reveal Cortex A8, 256MB Ram, PowerVR SGX 535 .::. Size~: 89.84 KBApr 07 10:03
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: 'Back to the Future II' Concept Art - See What Didn't Make the Film - Cinematical .::. Size~: 64.34 KBApr 07 10:03
zoobabRead this one:Apr 07 10:04
zoobab 07 10:04
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBM patent claims show open source has arrived | The Open Road - CNET News .::. Size~: 114.14 KBApr 07 10:04
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Hmm, some people really can't differentiate between a joke and a spam :|Apr 07 10:08
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] West Virginia mine company could have prevented collapse, government fucked up 07 10:08
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Groklaw to be archived by the Library of Congress 07 10:08
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Mine Co. Had 57 Safety Violations in March - The Daily Beast .::. Size~: 293 KBApr 07 10:08
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Groklaw - Do You Want Groklaw to Be Included in the Library of Congress's  Historic Internet Materials Collections? .::. Size~: 449.87 KBApr 07 10:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] You cannot just ignore the wishes of your friends and co-worke... More for Aquarius 07 10:12
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 301 Temporary Redirect .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 07 10:12
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Story of the photographer who took iPad's default background 07 10:13
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: With the Push of the iPad, a Photograph Goes Global - .::. Size~: 23.92 KBApr 07 10:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] Funny user comment. Yes you could have a new application that would allow you to stream stolen Murdoch content You could call it ShitTorrentApr 07 10:13
schestowitzzoobab: I don't care about Mac AsayApr 07 10:19
schestowitz*LOL*Apr 07 10:20
schestowitz"s Gartner's Brian Prentice puts it:"Apr 07 10:20
schestowitzHe's still a buddy of this sw pat boosterApr 07 10:20
schestowitzHe even brought him to FOSS eventsApr 07 10:20
schestowitzThis is the man who will kill UbuntuApr 07 10:20
schestowitzzoobab: Ubuntu/Canonical is an IBM partnerApr 07 10:21
schestowitzThey do the African computing thingieApr 07 10:21
schestowitzNo disclosure in his post I see...Apr 07 10:21
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Is it a bad habit to write a blog post with two lines? what is your opinion?Apr 07 10:23
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] @sagarun Isn't that what Identica is for?Apr 07 10:28
zoobabRedhat is also a good IBM partnerApr 07 10:37
zoobabThat's why they are trying to defend IBMApr 07 10:37
*kevin009 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 10:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @wikileaks Calls 4 inquiry re gunship slaughter of Iraqi civilians //how about calls for STOP THE KILLING #war #iraqApr 07 10:50
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Calls for inquiry into Apache attack on Iraqi civilians  - Telegraph .::. Size~: 58.87 KBApr 07 10:50
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 23.1.1)Apr 07 11:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Microsoft – Put up or shut up / Rudeness is the remit of Mono? #microsoft #linux #foss #novell #monoApr 07 11:12
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Microsoft  Put up or shut up / Rudeness is the remit of Mono? «  OPEN BYTES  cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. .::. Size~: 34.02 KBApr 07 11:12
schestowitzzoobab: who tried to defend them? Jan?Apr 07 11:17
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 11:18
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 11:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Why would an analog meter have the value of Pi marked on it?Apr 07 11:42
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 11:50
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 11:54
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 11:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] Misconception about FOSS/Open Source 07 11:56
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:         Misconception about FOSS/Open Source - LUG@IITD Community Blog     .::. Size~: 32.43 KBApr 07 11:56
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 11:58
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 11:59
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 12:02
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 12:04
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 12:09
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 12:12
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 12:12
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 12:14
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-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] Going back to Delhi from Bhopal on Bhopal Express tonight. #journeyApr 07 12:22
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 12:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The World According to Gates: Constructing a System of Profitable Philanthropy #monsanto #gmo #patent #africa #indiaApr 07 12:26
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 12:26
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: The World According to Gates: Constructing a System of Profitable Philanthropy | Techrights .::. Size~: 123.36 KBApr 07 12:26
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 12:28
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 12:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Oops. Mac [sic] Asay is an IBM partner, but he forgot to point this out in his piece of apologism.... 07 12:30
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBM patent claims show open source has arrived | The Open Road - CNET News .::. Size~: 114.95 KBApr 07 12:30
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 12:31
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 12:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Ubuntu's Matt Asay: "TurboHercules is violating IBM's patents, shame on it": Does Ubuntu/Canonical is now pro swpat?Apr 07 12:34
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBM patent claims show open source has arrived | The Open Road - CNET News .::. Size~: 111.76 KBApr 07 12:34
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 12:35
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 12:39
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 12:41
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 12:42
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 12:46
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 12:51
*rights (~569db6b4@gateway/web/freenode/x-gogazyrmpjouveyk) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 13:11
rightsthe TechRights stuff is interesting,Apr 07 13:12
*rights would like to read that background stuff mostly separate from the boycott - is that the plan ?Apr 07 13:13
*rights also wonders if TechRights is supporting the fight vs. the new Digital stupidity act from Mandleson (in the UK)Apr 07 13:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Pieter Hintjens, FFII ex-President: "Matt, shame on you, every OSS project infringe IBM patents somewhere" 07 13:20
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Comment on: IBM patent claims show open source has arrived .::. Size~: 52.52 KBApr 07 13:20
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 13:28
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 13:30
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 13:31
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sebsebsebRootkit thing and now this, well this confirms it to me Sony are a bad company. 07 13:37
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 07 13:37
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Sony Steals Feature From Your PlayStation 3 | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 20.52 KBApr 07 13:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] RT @glynmoody An Open Letter to Siôn Simon, Pete Wishart, David Lammy, Peter Luff, John Robertson, Stephen Timms - 07 13:37
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Tumbled Logic - An Open Letter to Siôn Simon, Pete Wishart, David Lammy, Peter Luff, John Robertson, Stephen Timms .::. Size~: 24.76 KBApr 07 13:37
sebsebsebI don't have a PS3, so it doesn't effect me much.Apr 07 13:37
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 13:38
sebsebsebno one is hereApr 07 13:38
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 13:38
sebsebseb?Apr 07 13:39
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 13:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] RT @bbctech: Digital election start overshadowed by digital economy bill 07 13:40
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: BBC - dot.Rory: Digital election day one .::. Size~: 44.15 KBApr 07 13:40
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 13:41
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 13:43
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] RT @zoobab: Ubuntu's Matt Asay: "TurboHercules is violating IBM's patents, shame on it": Does Ubuntu/Canonical is now pro sApr 07 13:43
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBM patent claims show open source has arrived | The Open Road - CNET News .::. Size~: 113.61 KBApr 07 13:43
*dyfet ( has left #boycottnovell ("Ex-Chat")Apr 07 13:46
schestowitzHey, rightsApr 07 13:48
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 13:48
schestowitz[13:14] * rights also wonders if TechRights is supporting the fight vs. the new Digital stupidity act from Mandleson (in the UK)Apr 07 13:48
schestowitzYes, see our daily links, they cover a broad range of issues. I can't do posts on everything though, due to lack of timeApr 07 13:49
schestowitzFeel free to contribute posts and we'll publish themApr 07 13:49
oiaohm  Now that is a batteryApr 07 13:51
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: BOB, America's Biggest Sodium Sulfur Battery, Powers a Texas Town | Inhabitat .::. Size~: 123.08 KBApr 07 13:51
schestowitzoiaohm: 07 13:51
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- How It's Made - Solar Panels .::. Size~: 79.15 KBApr 07 13:51
schestowitzLots of energy requires to make theseApr 07 13:51
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 13:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Pieter Hintjens, FFII ex-President: "Matt [Asay], shame on you, every OSS project infringe IBM patents somewhere" 07 13:52
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Comment on: IBM patent claims show open source has arrived .::. Size~: 53.5 KBApr 07 13:52
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 13:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @mmasnick So for all the people now saying they're ditching their Kindle for their iPad, what happens to all the "books" you "bought"?Apr 07 13:56
schestowitz"@glynmoody feeding the advertising industry to fight DEBIll is soemthing a debill would do, IMHO"Apr 07 13:57
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 13:57
schestowitzThose people think ads as tools to counter an attack on democracyApr 07 13:58
schestowitzLike those "atheist bus" thingiesApr 07 13:58
schestowitz 07 13:59
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Yfrog - ikeo  - Uploaded by tim .::. Size~: 68.4 KBApr 07 13:59
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 14:01
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 14:03
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 14:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @glynmoody @Joscelyn @alecmuffett: - This is the chamber debating #debill - basically empty.Apr 07 14:04
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: This is the chamber debating #debill - basically empty.  Is y... on Twitpic .::. Size~: 8.55 KBApr 07 14:04
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 14:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @glynmoody @wikileaks has blocked outgoing links to (but not as yet, .com)Apr 07 14:06
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 14:06
oiaohm  Makes sence.  IBM saber rattling to see what it draws out.Apr 07 14:08
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBM Denies Breaking Its Open-Source Promise - Linux and Open Source from eWeek .::. Size~: 117.96 KBApr 07 14:08
*rights has quit (Quit: Page closed)Apr 07 14:11
schestowitz 07 14:12
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:   Swedish Company, People Of Lava, Creates An Android-Based TV    .::. Size~: 29.28 KBApr 07 14:12
schestowitzoiaohm: I saw thatApr 07 14:12
schestowitzoiaohm: that's no different from attackingApr 07 14:13
oiaohmThere is a difference.  schestowitz    IBM has not sued yet.Apr 07 14:17
oiaohmMiguel de Icaza, founder of the Mono effort to deliver an open-source implementation of Microsoft's .NET, said, "It is all fun and games until IBM sues your open-source project for patent infringement." << Stupid of him.Apr 07 14:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Having IBM at your side in the land of Open Source is sort of like having a large carnivore as a pet: 07 14:18
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: FOSS Patents: Roundup of coverage of yesterday's post .::. Size~: 76.09 KBApr 07 14:18
oiaohmTurboHercules  started this mess off.Apr 07 14:19
oiaohmWhat did TurboHercules think would happen starting off a anti-trust claim against IBM.Apr 07 14:19
oiaohmWorst part of TurboHercules is that the anti-trust claim might have voided its rights to use IBM patents.Apr 07 14:20
amarsh04the hercules ibm360 emulator has a long historyApr 07 14:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] What the h--? "The New Busy"??? How can that not suck? #microsoft #hotmailApr 07 14:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @lshelby @SaraLang Palin & Bachmann pairing up for rally may be sign of #apocalypse // A purely man-made one, thoughApr 07 14:25
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Palin to Attend Bachmann Rally -- Political Wire .::. Size~: 24.59 KBApr 07 14:25
EruaranMiguel De Icaza has got some nerve tweeting about IBM's behaviour given his own activities...Apr 07 14:28
oiaohmschestowitz: there is defensive.  TurboHercules started the attack now have to live with the out come.  That IBM will be asking a lot of questions about TurboHercules.Apr 07 14:28
oiaohmI see this is self causes.  IBM has every right to keep a OS closed source if they so wish and limited to a particular bit of hardware.Apr 07 14:29
oiaohmThere are somethings you don't do.  One is prod IBM with a pointy stick.Apr 07 14:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Mueller can in turn be linked to Microsoft, because he joined forces with Microsoft to oppose the Oracle-Sun deal 07 14:30
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Open-source Advocate Enters IBM Antitrust Fray - PCWorld Business Center .::. Size~: 58.81 KBApr 07 14:30
oiaohmIBM providing TurboHercules with a list of possiable patents.  IF they screw up now and destroy thier patent protection attacking IBM they are up for tripple damages.Apr 07 14:31
Eruaran"TurboHercules is a member of organizations founded and funded by IBM competitors such as Microsoft to attack the mainframe. We have doubts about TurboHercules' motivations"Apr 07 14:31
EruaranOnce mention of Microsoft enters the picture you can expect IBM to go on the attack.Apr 07 14:32
oiaohmYep IBM is still kinda touchy about any company linked to MS as well.Apr 07 14:33
oiaohmI was finding it strange that IBM was acting without provication.Apr 07 14:34
oiaohmThat is just not IBM.  They are normally a large sleeping beast.Apr 07 14:35
EruaranWhen it comes to Microsoft, even the faintest smell of a proxy attack will provoke IBM.Apr 07 14:35
oiaohmIBM has been on the reciveing end of many MS proxy attacks as well.Apr 07 14:36
EruaranIBM is asking, "On who's behalf are you acting?"Apr 07 14:36
*harrytuttle (~528c0ab2@gateway/web/freenode/x-aodxllljmycdxlcj) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 14:36
oiaohmNot like a open source project should care about access to stuff.Apr 07 14:36
oiaohmOpen source nature should be just to clone and do better.Apr 07 14:36
oiaohmSomething is wrong with TurboHercules actions.Apr 07 14:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@seanodotcom read on free #Kindle app for #iPhone/#iPad. purchases are tied to account, not device //great if it works that way. #amazonApr 07 14:37
harrytuttlewhat is wrong with TurboHercules?Apr 07 14:37
oiaohmNot like samba anti-trust was asking for MS to hand over code or binaries.  They were asking for working docks.Apr 07 14:37
oiaohmharrytuttle: what they asked the anti-trust regulator for.Apr 07 14:38
harrytuttleso what did they ask for? sry i wasnt following this closelyApr 07 14:38
oiaohmThat causes a lot of questions.  IBM refused to licence particular versions of their OS/s to them.Apr 07 14:38
oiaohmSo they have gone anti-trust.  harrytuttleApr 07 14:38
EruaranI'm not sure IBM would behave this way if they didn't think there was something more to this. Apr 07 14:38
oiaohmReally they are IBM closed source OSs so IBM has the right to do what ever they like with them.Apr 07 14:39
oiaohmNot like IBM was blocking them from cloning them.Apr 07 14:39
EruaranIndeed, not a peep from IBM until now... There has to be more to it.Apr 07 14:40
harrytuttleso why didnt they simply point to their copyright of their OS when they wouldnt want to block cloning them?Apr 07 14:40
oiaohm"IBM is preventing customers from using Hercules (TurboHercules' open-source software) by tying IBM's mainframe operating system with IBM hardware," Roger Bowler, TurboHercules chairman, said in a statement. Apr 07 14:40
harrytuttlewhy patents?Apr 07 14:40
oiaohmBecause IBM has them.  harrytuttleApr 07 14:41
oiaohmAnd if TurboHercules is working against the interests of open source they don't have the right to be using the patents.  harrytuttleApr 07 14:41
harrytuttleyou think they are?Apr 07 14:41
oiaohmIBM is suspecting.Apr 07 14:42
schestowitz[14:19] <oiaohm> TurboHercules  started this mess off.Apr 07 14:42
schestowitzNoApr 07 14:42
schestowitzYou lost trackApr 07 14:42
schestowitzAFAIK they complained AFTER IBM had sent the nastygramApr 07 14:42
oiaohmThey requested quite bluntly for access to IBM OS's before the nastygram.Apr 07 14:43
oiaohmThat is what caused the nastygram schestowitzApr 07 14:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@johnleesandiego that @glennbeckgirl22 is posting confidential info ; could she be an identity thief? // Profile says: certainly a nutjobApr 07 14:43
oiaohmSome thing you don't do is try to have IBM hand over its very costly developed OS's for nothing.Apr 07 14:44
oiaohmOr to assist competitors.Apr 07 14:44
harrytuttleso isnt Turbohercules working without that OS? isnt it built in? or is it like an emulator without the roms?Apr 07 14:44
oiaohmThere are particular OS's that are fine for Turbohercules to use like linux built for the platform.Apr 07 14:46
oiaohmAnd IBM even provides these  "The IBM public domain operating systems OS/360, DOS/360, DOS/VS, MVS, VM/370, and TSS/370 run under the emulator."Apr 07 14:47
harrytuttlespeaking of copying and emulating OS: I have started a little distro clone myself, copying Ubuntu and ripping out Mono and adding WINE default insteadApr 07 14:47
oiaohmBut IBM holds back these.  OS/390, z/OS, VSE/ESA, z/VSE, VM/ESA, and z/VM  for their own hardware alone.Apr 07 14:47
harrytuttleits called 'Netrunner'Apr 07 14:47
harrytuttlerunning ubuntu NET (without mono ;-)Apr 07 14:47
oiaohmIBM is perfectly in their rights todo this.Apr 07 14:48
oiaohmNot like the case against apple over the same kind of thing ever got anywhere.Apr 07 14:48
EruaranIf you're going to make claims against IBM, you don't want any ties to Microsoft. IBM will view your actions with extreme suspicion. They know how Microsoft operates.Apr 07 14:48
schestowitzoiaohm: I need to confirm the chronologyApr 07 14:49
schestowitzAs I understand it, Turbo filed the complaint AFTER there were some patent threat and stuffApr 07 14:50
schestowitzWhen they joined the anti-IBM lobby there was already talk about "IP" in the pressApr 07 14:50
schestowitzzoobab linked to itApr 07 14:50
schestowitzSo I assume this letter (about a month old) maybe predates the restApr 07 14:50
schestowitz "@glynmoody the newspaper ad seems misguided IMHO"Apr 07 14:51
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 10.17 KBApr 07 14:51
schestowitzAnd either way, IBM must NOT use patentsApr 07 14:51
schestowitzI don't care what the other company didApr 07 14:51
oiaohmThey have avoid posting the letter they sent to ibm.  schestowitzApr 07 14:51
schestowitzIts patents should be euthanisedApr 07 14:51
harrytuttleyeah, only need for copyrightApr 07 14:51
sebsebsebIn photos/pictures 07 14:51
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: A Look At All Ubuntu Mascots (Code Names) ~ Web Upd8 .::. Size~: 101.66 KBApr 07 14:51
schestowitzIBM is like the man with the pistol that he won't ever use... unless he's very angryApr 07 14:52
Diablo-D3and you wont like IBM when hes angryApr 07 14:52
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 14:52
schestowitzOr a country that has nukes just for defence... until it feels "threatened" and must proactively attackApr 07 14:53
EruaranI think the fact that IBM mentioned Microsoft tells you where they're coming from.Apr 07 14:53
schestowitzUS 'defence' forces entering Iraq...Apr 07 14:53
oiaohmBy the way IBM allows all thoses z platform OS's to be used for research reasons.  But not for commerical reasons.Apr 07 14:53
schestowitzWhy not?Apr 07 14:53
oiaohmSo IBM really was not getting in the way of cloning.Apr 07 14:53
schestowitzIs IBM restricting software use?Apr 07 14:53
schestowitzoiaohm: IBM has a history of being jerks with sw patsApr 07 14:54
schestowitzThis one is just a last straw, that's allApr 07 14:54
schestowitzYou insist on defending themApr 07 14:54
oiaohmSimple point here schestowitz.  Lets say Turbo wins.  And now you cannot restrict how software is used.Apr 07 14:54
oiaohmHow long before someone trys to force GPL into being like BSD.Apr 07 14:55
schestowitz[14:41] <oiaohm> And if TurboHercules is working against the interests of open source they don't have the right to be using the patents.  harrytuttleApr 07 14:55
schestowitzHahaApr 07 14:55
schestowitzNoApr 07 14:55
schestowitzThat's like saying you acknowledge the patentsApr 07 14:56
schestowitzKill the patents, solve the problemApr 07 14:56
schestowitzIBM wants to be in controlApr 07 14:56
harrytuttleoiaohm maybe on to somethingApr 07 14:56
schestowitzAs in, IBM to decide who is allowed and who's notApr 07 14:56
EruaranIBM should not use patents but if they suspect Microsoft involvement, they won't care.Apr 07 14:56
schestowitzCut the middleman, toss IBMApr 07 14:56
EruaranAs long as there is a Microsoft in the world, IBM won't lay down their patent weapons.Apr 07 14:57
schestowitzThey put barbwire of theirs around code which they claim to be FreeApr 07 14:57
schestowitzThat's not Free(dom) softwareApr 07 14:57
oiaohmschestowitz: IBM is one of the few companies that might be able to get software patents destroyed.Apr 07 14:58
schestowitz 07 14:58
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: "Roger Bowler" microsoft - Google Search .::. Size~: 26.92 KBApr 07 14:58
oiaohmSomeone has to abuse them plubically to pull that off.Apr 07 14:58
schestowitzoiaohm: noApr 07 14:58
schestowitzThey don't want toApr 07 14:58
schestowitzIBM loves software patentsApr 07 14:58
schestowitzAnd it helps expand them to EuropeApr 07 14:58
schestowitzWhy would IBM do that?Apr 07 14:58
schestowitzIf it wants to defend FS, the  it would help keep them out of Europe and clean up at home (US)Apr 07 14:59
oiaohmYou are not getting the only way to destroy them.Apr 07 14:59
harrytuttlewhich is?Apr 07 14:59
schestowitz 07 14:59
oiaohmSomeone has to love them and abuse them to a point that no regulator anywhere will tollerate them.Apr 07 14:59
oiaohmNow MS is the one that truly loves them.  They don't want to risk publically making a mess with them.Apr 07 15:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Just booted Linux Minte off a micro SD card on EEE to fsck Ubuntu on 32GB USB stick. Reminded how nice Mint looks.If very green.Apr 07 15:00
oiaohmInstead operate by stealth.Apr 07 15:00
oiaohmYou cannot say IBM use of patents are very stealth.Apr 07 15:01
EruaranIBM views their patent portfolio as a very powerful offensive weapon against Microsoft. Don't underestimate their grim determination not to allow the corporation their view as a mortal enemy to enter 'their' market space. IBM will believe themselves to be acting not only in their interests but in everyone's.Apr 07 15:01
schestowitz 07 15:01
harrytuttlepopey: Netrunner is actually based on Linux Mint :-)Apr 07 15:01
schestowitz"IBM also accuses TurboHercules of cooperating with Microsoft. Bearing in mind that Hercules works very well indeed on both Linux and Windows, not to mention the Macintosh, we are indeed quite happy to cooperate with Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Unisys, Dell, Intel, AMD or anyone else who wants to work with us."Apr 07 15:01
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: TurboHercules ::  .::. Size~: 23.43 KBApr 07 15:01
harrytuttlenetrunner-os.comApr 07 15:01
harrytuttleand its mono-freeApr 07 15:01
schestowitzI can't find any link between Roger Bowler and MicrosoftApr 07 15:02
schestowitzEither way, they did join Microsoft's actionApr 07 15:02
schestowitzOnly later we saw either what it led to it or what happened afterwardsApr 07 15:03
schestowitzWhat's the letter dated?Apr 07 15:03
schestowitzWhat's the antitrust complaint dated?Apr 07 15:03
schestowitzThat's what will give the answer, assuming IBM didn't warn Turbo before sending the actual letter, in which case it gets complicatedApr 07 15:03
Ender2070 07 15:04
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: The C# Programming Language - Popularity | .::. Size~: 7.56 KBApr 07 15:04
schestowitz 07 15:05
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBM: Mainframe emulator part of a conspiracy • The Register .::. Size~: 39.49 KBApr 07 15:05
schestowitz"Roger Bowler, the Brit who created the emulator was smart enough to headquarter his company in Paris, France, where the European Union's antitrust authorities could be brought to bear and antitrust was arguably taken more seriously than in the United States; particularly when it comes to large IT giants such as IBM and Microsoft. So when TurboHercules filed a complaint earlier this week with the European Commission's competition Apr 07 15:05
schestowitzdirectorate general in Brussels, alleging that Big Blue is illegally tying the licensing of its mainframe software to its mainframe hardware, the only surprise was what took so long."Apr 07 15:05
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 15:05
Eruaranhmm... Apr 07 15:06
Ender2070im waiting for some more info before I decide for myself on the IBM vs TurboHercules lawsuitApr 07 15:06
schestowitzThe Reg's Tim is an IBM fanApr 07 15:06
schestowitzLongtime, since IT JungleApr 07 15:06
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 15:06
schestowitzSo I'm careful taking his wordApr 07 15:06
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] @diablod3 yes :-), i ended up writing a blog post with 2 lines, bleh some one marked it as spam :|Apr 07 15:08
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] @sagarun LOL, screw themApr 07 15:08
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 15:08
Ender2070schestowitz - offtopic, but Fedora has been seperating non-free linux firmware into seperate packagesApr 07 15:08
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 15:09
Ender2070schestowitz - its not 100% right now, but once its complete a spin can be made by a volunteer which excludes the "linux-firmware" packageApr 07 15:09
Ender2070could make a GNU supported spinApr 07 15:09
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 15:10
schestowitzgedoraApr 07 15:11
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 15:11
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 15:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] European Commission trying to promote High Quality software patents with the PATQUAL study: 07 15:13
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: EU. Survey on the quality of the European patent system :: IPR-Helpdesk .::. Size~: 18.64 KBApr 07 15:13
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 15:14
Ender2070i was thinking GNU/Fedora lolApr 07 15:15
Ender2070i found this out when i was talking to them about making a linux-libre spinApr 07 15:15
Eruaran"The misuse of power is the very essence of tyranny"Apr 07 15:18
*harrytuttle has quit (Quit: Page closed)Apr 07 15:19
amarsh04Victorian police commissioners and ex-commissioners aren't doing too wellApr 07 15:19
amarsh04current commissioner had taken ammunition on a flight and previous commissioner had gone out for a meal on the evening of that state's worst bush-firesApr 07 15:20
schestowitz 07 15:24
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: AusGamers Files - OpenOffice v3.2.0 for Windows .::. Size~: 36.49 KBApr 07 15:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @zoobab #swpat not explicitly mentionedApr 07 15:26
schestowitz 07 15:39
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Sri Lanka's Tamils freed – but future bleak for those who backed Tigers |World news |The Guardian .::. Size~: 70 KBApr 07 15:39
*gargoyle-grin (~randerson@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 15:40
schestowitz 07 15:40
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Killings in Iraq raise fears of renewed sectarian violence :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east ::  [vs-1] .::. Size~: 52.61 KBApr 07 15:41
schestowitz 07 15:42
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Federal judge finds N.S.A. wiretapping program illegal | Democracy for New Hampshire .::. Size~: 34.36 KBApr 07 15:42
Ender2070wasn't that april fools?Apr 07 15:45
*neighborlee (~neighborl@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 15:45
Ender2070oh thats the real oneApr 07 15:45
Ender2070thats the secret AT&T spy room I was talking aboutApr 07 15:46
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 15:46
Ender2070I hope the whole program gets shut down nowApr 07 15:47
Ender2070in effect they are monitoring anything connecting to a us serverApr 07 15:48
Ender2070non americans too, like some of usApr 07 15:48
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 15:53
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 15:53
schestowitzUK alsoApr 07 15:54
schestowitzIn some waysApr 07 15:54
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 15:55
Ender2070yeahApr 07 15:56
*kishkes (~d984bad5@gateway/web/freenode/x-tjmjojbzwdemjgsp) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 15:57
*kevin009 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Apr 07 16:02
*kevin009 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 16:09
schestowitz"Apparently a few folks are attempting to file a lawsuit against Sony. Currently, there is no actual suit as it has been all talk up to this point." 07 16:09
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Legal take: lawsuit against PS3 v3.21 does not hold water in court? - GAMER.BLORGE .::. Size~: 84.99 KBApr 07 16:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Test 1,2,3. Checking out if Microsoft A$troturfer Scarecrow Hans van Raaij (Clogwog and 200 nyms) has disabled my Twitter account yet...Apr 07 16:10
Ender2070the funny thing is the firmware removes the ability to play games tooApr 07 16:10
*kevin009 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Apr 07 16:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] Those crazy Dutch, this is unusual architecture. 07 16:15
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Inntel Zaandam/The Blue House, WAM architecten, world architecture news, architecture jobs .::. Size~: 23.86 KBApr 07 16:15
Ender2070i just tore someone apart on pokemon battle revolutionApr 07 16:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Obviously not. Who'd da thunk it :-pApr 07 16:30
*scientes_ (~scientes@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 16:38
Ender2070jesus that battle was tightApr 07 16:39
Ender2070lolApr 07 16:39
Ender2070i had like 5 hp left on my legendaryApr 07 16:39
Ender2070ripped apart his whole teamApr 07 16:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Hum ho, sommige berichten komen gewoon niet door, schreef net een antwoord op @shwartz_p. Maar is schijnbaar in /dev/null verdwenen :-/Apr 07 16:44
*Aondo has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Apr 07 16:52
*TheMadHatter (~63ee03e6@gateway/web/freenode/x-avkitbrfoedmbkrz) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 17:00
TheMadHatterGood Morning. At least it is here. Good Afternoon Roy.Apr 07 17:00
Ender2070goodmorning mad hatterApr 07 17:02
*magentar has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 07 17:06
TheMadHatterHas Goblin been here today?Apr 07 17:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] @_Goblin In the IRC at BN if you have time right now.Apr 07 17:18
schestowitzoiaohm: 07 17:22
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBM and the labors of TurboHercules [] .::. Size~: 30.96 KBApr 07 17:22
schestowitzThat explains itApr 07 17:22
schestowitz:-)Apr 07 17:22
schestowitzTheMadHatter: he was here earlierApr 07 17:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #TurboHercules case explained very well at LWN: 07 17:23
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBM and the labors of TurboHercules [] .::. Size~: 31.69 KBApr 07 17:23
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] #inspiring story: "if she can do it i can do" #geekfeminism #gsoc #opensource 07 17:28
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:   If She Can Do It, I Can Too | Geek Feminism Blog .::. Size~: 37.96 KBApr 07 17:28
*Aondo (stian@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 17:28
schestowitz 07 17:32
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Prefab Gives the Sourceless Source Codes, Kind Of - Industry News - Overclockers Club .::. Size~: 18.41 KBApr 07 17:32
schestowitzI suppose you've heard of,news-6386.htmlApr 07 17:33
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Hey, Nokia is Working On a Tablet Too .::. Size~: 84.05 KBApr 07 17:33
Ender2070nokia had a tablet out years agoApr 07 17:36
schestowitzMac [sic] Asay defends iPad. 07 17:38
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Apple's iPad: A beginning, not end, to innovation | The Open Road - CNET News .::. Size~: 112.06 KBApr 07 17:38
schestowitzBoy, did Shuttleworth drop the ball by hiring this guyApr 07 17:38
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] RD: @schestowitz: #TurboHercules case explained very well at LWN: 07 17:43
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBM and the labors of TurboHercules [] .::. Size~: 31.61 KBApr 07 17:43
schestowitzMAFIAA at the Guardian: 07 17:55
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: We need a Bill to torpedo the internet pirates - Telegraph .::. Size~: 147.58 KBApr 07 17:55
*Omar87 (~omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 18:22
Omar87Howdy everyone.Apr 07 18:22
TheMadHatterSorry, got sidetracked - dog wanted out...Apr 07 18:26
TheMadHatterBTW, new article up on copyright, working on second half now.Apr 07 18:27
Ender2070i've seen itApr 07 18:28
Ender2070good stuffApr 07 18:28
schestowitzWhich article?Apr 07 18:31
schestowitzTheMadHatter: thanks for the mention the other day BTWApr 07 18:31
TheMadHatterJames Gannon Presentation - Copyright Viewed By A Lawyer - Correct Legally But Wrong - Part 1Apr 07 18:32
TheMadHatter 07 18:32
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: James Gannon Presentation  Copyright Viewed By A Lawyer  Correct Legally But Wrong  Part 1 «  Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 86.93 KBApr 07 18:32
TheMadHatterI'm at 800 words on part 2 right now, and I think it's going to hit 2000 before I'm done. I suspect that my popularity in Ottawa is going to reach an all time low.Apr 07 18:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Google just can't help sharing data 07 18:35
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | Google Gives the US Government Access To Gmail .::. Size~: 135.28 KBApr 07 18:35
MinceR 07 18:45
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 07 18:45
*WireWulf-away is now known as WireWulfApr 07 18:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Joggling with my O2 Joggler :DApr 07 18:52
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 18:52
TheMadHatterActually I'm going to cut this sucker at a thousand words, and make it into three sections. It's more fun that way.Apr 07 18:54
TheMadHatterBesides, I love messing with lawyers minds...Apr 07 18:54
Ender2070lolApr 07 18:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Need more time to play with this O2 Joggler, tonight is curry night though, so another day :)Apr 07 18:58
DaemonFC 07 19:03
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Prosecutor: Teach sex ed, go to jail - Broadsheet - .::. Size~: 54.5 KBApr 07 19:03
DaemonFC"letters warning five different school districts that following a new law requiring schools with sex ed programs to teach students about STDs and pregnancy prevention could lead to criminal charges for contributing to the delinquency of minors."Apr 07 19:04
DaemonFC:PApr 07 19:04
Diablo-D3yeah, which means he just lost his jobApr 07 19:07
Diablo-D3you can't compel somebody to break the lawApr 07 19:07
TheMadHatterIdiots.Apr 07 19:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] James Gannon Presentation - Copyright Viewed By A Lawyer - Correct Legally But Wrong - Part 2 07 19:18
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: James Gannon Presentation  Copyright Viewed By A Lawyer  Correct Legally But Wrong  Part 2 «  Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 91.28 KBApr 07 19:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Obama simply authorizes the assassination of any human-being, especially Muslims, even if they were not guilty. 07 19:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Nice video showing off iPhone support in Ubuntu 10.04Apr 07 19:19
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Confirmed:  Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 69.43 KBApr 07 19:19
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- iPhone support in Ubuntu 10.04 beta1 .::. Size~: 77.23 KBApr 07 19:19
Omar87schestowitz, ping.Apr 07 19:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Just started to read #Daemon by Daniel Suarez.Apr 07 19:23
Omar87schestowitz, we're currently planning on bringing Jan Wildeboer down to Jordan.Apr 07 19:24
*iKonaK has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 07 19:27
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 19:31
*enthymeme ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 19:32
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] +100 RT @ManishSinha Finally a step in forward direction: Live-in and pre-martial sex isn't public matter 07 19:43
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Finally a step in forward direction: Live-in and pre-martial sex isn't public matter - Manish Sinha's posterous  .::. Size~: 23.88 KBApr 07 19:43
MinceRpre-martial? :>Apr 07 19:43
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayApr 07 19:44
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Apr 07 19:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Gwenview is indisputably the best. That's what I believe at least. @WebUpd8Apr 07 19:44
satiperalol it can up martial after a few yearsApr 07 19:45
MinceR:>Apr 07 19:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] “Gates has created a huge blood-buying operation that only cares about money, not about people.” ~ CAOM 2009 (New York Times)Apr 07 19:48
Omar87schestowitz: Thanks for the dangerous article around Philanthro-Capitalism.Apr 07 19:49
*Thrae has quit (Quit: leaving)Apr 07 19:57
DaemonFCpost-marital sex is the good stuffApr 07 19:57
DaemonFCafter all that ime being pinned up with that one person you knowApr 07 19:57
DaemonFCthat's my theoryApr 07 19:57
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 19:58
DaemonFCMinceR: I take great offense to that "pre-marital sex" term anywayApr 07 19:58
DaemonFCit implies that you're going to get married laterApr 07 19:58
MinceRi still think that marriage is harmful and otherwise irrelevantApr 07 19:58
DaemonFCor that you MUSTApr 07 19:58
Omar87MinceR: So basically, the spread of HIV/AIDS and womb diseases among teenage girls isn't harmful?Apr 07 20:07
MinceRwhat does that have to do with marriage?Apr 07 20:08
*scientes_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Apr 07 20:08
Omar87MinceR, marriage is there to organize, refine and better conduct the sexual instinct of the human kind. Apr 07 20:09
MinceRyet it doesn't accomplish any of thatApr 07 20:09
MinceRit merely makes it more difficult for a couple who have grown to dislike each other harder and more expensive to part.Apr 07 20:10
MinceRalso, making sure that one's sexual partners are not infected has nothing to do with marriageApr 07 20:10
Omar87MinceR, it's because it's: a)Misinterpreted. and b)Disobeyed.Apr 07 20:10
Ender2070a harder task when everyone is demoralized to the point where promiscuity is not considered a bad thingApr 07 20:11
MinceRoh really?Apr 07 20:11
MinceRhow is it misinterpreted?Apr 07 20:11
*satipera has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Apr 07 20:11
Omar87MinceR, when you have sex a hundred times with your girlfriend and THEN say: "Okay! Let's get married!!", then that's not marriage. That's idiocy, imho.Apr 07 20:12
MinceRmarriage is idiocyApr 07 20:12
Ender2070you know what was really bad?Apr 07 20:13
Ender2070in medieval timesApr 07 20:13
Ender2070when you got married, the king had the option to bone your wife firstApr 07 20:13
Omar87MinceR, that's because you look at it from an "Idiot's" perspective. No offense.Apr 07 20:13
MinceREnder2070: indeedApr 07 20:13
Ender2070i think thats why the church made it a rule to not have sex until after marriageApr 07 20:13
Ender2070so the king could bone a virginApr 07 20:13
MinceROmar87: no, that's because i don't look at it from the religious zealot's perspective. no offense. :>Apr 07 20:13
Omar87Ender2070, that's tyranny. That's not marriange.Apr 07 20:13
Omar87MinceR, See? That's what I'm talking.Apr 07 20:14
Ender2070marriage was invented by religion, which had close ties with the governments at the timeApr 07 20:14
MinceRi don't care about how to organize the lives of people who can't be bothered to think for themselvesApr 07 20:14
Ender2070they often put the king in powerApr 07 20:14
MinceRbut i do take offense at people who can't be bothered to think for themselves trying to organize my lifeApr 07 20:14
MinceRreligion still has close ties with governmentsApr 07 20:14
Omar87MinceR, an idiot, in opinion, is someone who judges things based on how they look like, instead of studying the insides of an issue systematically and rationally. And now you're doing just that.Apr 07 20:15
MinceROmar87: no, it is you who are doing just thatApr 07 20:15
MinceROmar87: or you have no idea what marriage is.Apr 07 20:16
Omar87MinceR, no you.Apr 07 20:16
Ender2070omar87 - mincer is very intelligent and he knows his stuffApr 07 20:16
Omar87Ender2070, I fail to see what kind of an intelligence is this. That's intelligent idiocy, no offense.Apr 07 20:17
MinceRthat's an oxymoron.Apr 07 20:17
Ender2070im simply saying hes done enough research to have his own opinion on the matter and it seems like you're just saying hes wrongApr 07 20:18
Omar87Ender2070, I don't think he's done anything.Apr 07 20:18
Ender2070thats your opinionApr 07 20:19
MinceRbtw, if you add "no pre-marital sex" to the idea of marriage, you get something stupider, not smarter.Apr 07 20:19
Ender2070i doubt you're going to change his mindApr 07 20:19
Omar87Ender2070, people now have no value for the sexual relationship between male and female whatsoever. There are people who make love to dogs and pigs now.Apr 07 20:20
Ender2070sex is an important part of a relationship and if you put it off you may end up in an unhappy marriage, hiring hookersApr 07 20:20
Omar87Ender2070, I'm not saying we should stop having sex. That's stupid.Apr 07 20:20
Diablo-D3if you add "no pre-marital sex" to the idea of marriage, you end up with a high divorce rateApr 07 20:20
Ender2070omar87 - the problem is that sex is used everywhere to market stuff, its used flagrantly in shows and its promoted through predictive programming type of tv showsApr 07 20:21
MinceRand if you add "no divorces" on top of that, all hell breaks looseApr 07 20:21
Omar87I'm just saying, that sex is a very sensitive part of our humanity, and we have to organize it and refine it.Apr 07 20:21
MinceROmar87: no we don'tApr 07 20:22
MinceRat least not along arbitrary inhibitions.Apr 07 20:22
Omar87Ender2070, that's exactly where [Real] marriage come in.Apr 07 20:22
MinceRand not along vague, pointless religious ideas.Apr 07 20:22
Ender2070omar87 - the bachelor is a good example of promotion of bad behavior, a show about a guy who has to date a bunch of women at once and he has to pick oneApr 07 20:22
Omar87MinceR, they are only vague because you've never tried to understand them.Apr 07 20:23
MinceROmar87: they're vague, but you never tried to understand them.Apr 07 20:23
Ender2070you can be moral without religion and marriageApr 07 20:23
Ender2070religion and marriage are just forced moralsApr 07 20:23
*MinceR would love to see Omar87 attempt to argue that you can't be moral without religionApr 07 20:23
MinceRit would be the show of the dayApr 07 20:23
MinceRi doubt morals can be forcedApr 07 20:24
Ender2070religion does itApr 07 20:24
MinceRno, it attempts to do so and claims to succeedApr 07 20:24
Ender2070if you dont do it, you go to hellApr 07 20:24
MinceRsomeone who does the supposed Right Thing because he fears punishment in the afterlife, he isn't an altruist, he's selfishApr 07 20:25
Omar87MinceR, maybe you can. But you'll be lost.Apr 07 20:25
MinceR(he's also misled, but that's another issue)Apr 07 20:25
Ender2070religion was needed when people were selfishApr 07 20:25
MinceRpeople still are selfishApr 07 20:25
Ender2070yeah but now theres people who aren'tApr 07 20:26
MinceRbut religion doesn't solve the issue, it merely lets some people control the massesApr 07 20:26
Omar87MinceR, because being moral requires a set of rules to apply.Apr 07 20:26
MinceROmar87: no it doesn'tApr 07 20:26
Omar87MinceR, yes it does.Apr 07 20:26
Ender2070religion is just a basic form of mind control, as well as a basic form of governmentApr 07 20:26
MinceROmar87: doing the right thing isn't about predetermining every decision and putting them in a Big BookApr 07 20:26
Omar87MinceR, ever tried to read the Quran?Apr 07 20:26
MinceROmar87: doing the right thing involves _thinking_, making judgementsApr 07 20:26
MinceROmar87: nopeApr 07 20:26
MinceROmar87: got bored of other supposedly holy books before thatApr 07 20:26
Omar87MinceR, then stop yapping like an ignorant.Apr 07 20:26
MinceROmar87: take your own adviceApr 07 20:27
Omar87MinceR, read it first, and then come talk to me.Apr 07 20:27
Ender2070its a man made bookApr 07 20:27
Omar87Ender2070, can you prove it?Apr 07 20:27
Ender2070yesApr 07 20:27
MinceROmar87: talking off the high horse doesn't prove you right, it only proves you a religious zealot and an idiotApr 07 20:27
Ender2070can you prove it wasn't written by a human?Apr 07 20:27
Omar87Ender2070, then go ahead.Apr 07 20:27
Omar87Ender2070, yes.Apr 07 20:27
Ender2070ROFLApr 07 20:27
Ender2070okApr 07 20:27
MinceRthen do soApr 07 20:27
Ender2070and tomorrow, ill have a man made page that says your man made book is wrongApr 07 20:28
Ender2070whos man made stuff is the right stuff?Apr 07 20:28
*satipera (~satiperaq@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 20:28
MinceROmar87: can you prove the quran wasn't written by humans (regardless of how many they are)?Apr 07 20:29
Omar87Ender2070, The holy Quran appeared a 1400 years ago, and it talks about a number of complicated scientific theories, non of which with discovered any time before the 20'th century.Apr 07 20:29
Ender2070he would have to prove the existence of the supernaturalApr 07 20:29
Omar87Ender2070, Can you prove to me that there's a brain inside your skull?Apr 07 20:30
schestowitzsupernatural is like "small elephant"Apr 07 20:30
schestowitzIt's false by definitionApr 07 20:30
Ender2070Omar87 - sure, pay for an MRI scan on my headApr 07 20:30
Omar87Ender2070, do I have to?Apr 07 20:30
Ender2070you want proof rightApr 07 20:30
schestowitzIf it's observed any nature, then it's part of natureApr 07 20:30
Omar87Ender2070, can't I prove it just by talking to you right now?Apr 07 20:30
Diablo-D3[03:17:49] <schestowitz> supernatural is like "small elephant"Apr 07 20:30
Ender2070i could be a botApr 07 20:31
schestowitzWe have not a single example of the laws of nature being brokenApr 07 20:31
Diablo-D3actually, there was a species of midget elephants.Apr 07 20:31
schestowitz:-)Apr 07 20:31
Ender2070[15:17] <Omar87> Ender2070, The holy Quran appeared a 1400 years ago, and it talks about a number of complicated scientific theories, non of which with discovered any time before the 20'th century.Apr 07 20:31
Omar87schestowitz, I don't have to crack your skull open of even pay for an MRI to prove that there's a brain in there.Apr 07 20:31
Ender2070actually I was watching a show yesterday on history which showed several chinese inventions which predate ours, but were lostApr 07 20:31
schestowitzBrain is just a lot of tissueApr 07 20:31
schestowitzHow it's organised mattersApr 07 20:32
Diablo-D3there were many inventions that were invented, then lostApr 07 20:32
Diablo-D3this is not uncommonApr 07 20:32
schestowitzEnder2070: yes, print tooApr 07 20:32
Ender2070yes printApr 07 20:32
schestowitzThe Western version of history is very arrogantApr 07 20:32
Ender2070even a crossbowApr 07 20:32
schestowitzLike most history lessons that define things how they like itApr 07 20:32
cubezzzAmiga comes to mind :)Apr 07 20:32
cubezzzit's almost lost only 16 years laterApr 07 20:32
schestowitzThe Greek understood evolution or something close to it like 2k years agoApr 07 20:32
satiperawhats wrong with supernatural?Apr 07 20:32
schestowitzThey have a simpler model that deal with hierarchy but not diversityApr 07 20:33
Ender2070losing technology doesn't prove the existence of a dietyApr 07 20:33
schestowitzThey also theorised atomsApr 07 20:33
cubezzzwe lose stuff all the timeApr 07 20:33
schestowitzThey also estimated the world was roundApr 07 20:33
Omar87Ender2070, plus, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was illiterate. He couldn't read his own name. And he wasn't even a poet. So how could he possibly come up all these scientifically accurate verses?Apr 07 20:33
cubezzzshoes made in North America evenApr 07 20:33
schestowitzcubezzz: lots of stuff got lost by religious disruptionApr 07 20:33
Ender2070Omar87 - according to humansApr 07 20:33
schestowitzMany inventions came from IraqApr 07 20:33
MinceROmar87: who said only mohammed could have written that book?Apr 07 20:33
MinceRever heard of writing books under a false name?Apr 07 20:33
Ender2070Omar87 - likely he lied about being illiterate, or someone else didApr 07 20:33
schestowitzThe US forces ruined some important stuff in air strikes, tooApr 07 20:33
MinceRor adding to a book when copying it?Apr 07 20:34
Ender2070corrupted retranslationsApr 07 20:34
cubezzzknowledge is a bit like an onionApr 07 20:34
MinceRalso, how sound is the proof that he was illiterate?Apr 07 20:34
schestowitzMinceR: shakespeareApr 07 20:34
cubezzzusually we only experience the outermost layerApr 07 20:34
MinceR(if there's any to begin with)Apr 07 20:34
Omar87MinceR, non of the Arabs back then could've written any similar book. So, just go to sleep.Apr 07 20:34
MinceRLOLApr 07 20:34
schestowitzBell Witch?Apr 07 20:34
Omar87schestowitz, I don't even have to examine the nature of your brain in order to prove it's there.Apr 07 20:34
MinceRi don't need to comment on thatApr 07 20:34
schestowitzOmar87: brain can't be analysedApr 07 20:35
Omar87MinceR, plus. I think you should learn how to respect other people.Apr 07 20:35
schestowitzWe don't have the toolsApr 07 20:35
Ender2070Omar87 - thats because theres evidence already from people who have opened up headsApr 07 20:35
MinceROmar87: i think you should learn that.Apr 07 20:35
schestowitzWe can do basic stuff to test reactionsApr 07 20:35
Omar87MinceR, see? By calling me a "Zealot" you just proved how immoral you are.Apr 07 20:35
MinceROmar87: read your own buffer/log and see how respectful you were.Apr 07 20:35
schestowitzWe can't even r/w the brainApr 07 20:35
MinceROmar87: see what you called me before that.Apr 07 20:35
schestowitzJust brainwash through natural means like vision and electric shockaApr 07 20:36
cubezzzuh, we read/write the brain all the time :)Apr 07 20:36
schestowitz*cksApr 07 20:36
Omar87MinceR, you started.Apr 07 20:36
cubezzzI hope we do anywayApr 07 20:36
Ender2070sony has written to the brainApr 07 20:36
MinceROmar87: once again, read your buffer/log and get a clue already.Apr 07 20:36
Ender2070i read an article on itApr 07 20:36
schestowitzcubezzz: we can't copy a brainApr 07 20:36
schestowitzIt would be nice if we couldApr 07 20:36
Omar87MinceR, you read your own buffer as well!Apr 07 20:36
schestowitzHearts can be transplanted Apr 07 20:36
schestowitzNot brainsApr 07 20:36
schestowitzToo many nervesApr 07 20:36
Ender2070sony took apart a brain and were able to use parts of it to store dataApr 07 20:36
cubezzzif you mean "can we stick a human brain in a computer" <--- no we can't do thatApr 07 20:36
MinceROmar87: unlike you, i'm aware of what happenedApr 07 20:36
Omar87MinceR, part of my Islamic morality, I will apologize for what I called you.Apr 07 20:37
schestowitzEnder2070: fly's brain tooApr 07 20:37
schestowitzTo make roboticsApr 07 20:37
Ender2070oh yeah I read about thatApr 07 20:37
Omar87MinceR, will your Atheistic morality allow you to drop the "Zealot" word?Apr 07 20:37
Ender2070long time agoApr 07 20:37
schestowitzEnder2070: very primitive thoughApr 07 20:37
cubezzzwe are zealots though :)Apr 07 20:37
cubezzzthe good kindApr 07 20:37
Omar87MinceR, I don't think so.Apr 07 20:37
schestowitzBetter off even with junk like mono programmersApr 07 20:37
MinceROmar87: once i'm convinced that you aren't a zealot i'll drop it.Apr 07 20:37
Ender2070yeah but thats what we get to seeApr 07 20:37
Omar87MinceR, see? You're immoral, as expected.Apr 07 20:38
MinceROmar87: (your ignorance of what "morality" is notwithstanding)Apr 07 20:38
schestowitzbrbApr 07 20:38
Ender2070by the time they showed that fly thing they already had a patent for a working oneApr 07 20:38
Omar87MinceR, You are immoral and totally respectless.Apr 07 20:38
cubezzzcan't we just bitch about Microsoft?Apr 07 20:38
MinceROmar87: my morality includes being faithful to the truth, telling things the way they are.Apr 07 20:38
satiperamorality is not always good Apr 07 20:39
cubezzzlike the olden daysApr 07 20:39
Omar87MinceR, the only thing that fits you best is something called "Ignore"Apr 07 20:39
satiperaimmorality is different from badApr 07 20:39
MinceROmar87: "part" and "disconnect" fit me better.Apr 07 20:39
Ender2070omar87 - you are being a zealot though, to be perfectly honestApr 07 20:39
MinceROmar87: and "quit"Apr 07 20:39
Omar87Ender2070, You both a immorals. You just proved it. :)Apr 07 20:39
satiperareligion and politics eh?Apr 07 20:39
Ender2070yup, im immoral cause you're a zealotApr 07 20:40
MinceRsatipera: more like a religious person confusing 'religion' with 'morality'Apr 07 20:40
satiperareligion does have moral valuesApr 07 20:40
Ender2070moral values can come without religion thoughApr 07 20:41
satiperabut as I said morality is not always a force for goodApr 07 20:41
MinceRsure, sometimes the stories refer to moral values or try to evaluate themApr 07 20:41
Ender2070you just have to be a good parentApr 07 20:41
MinceRthey often failApr 07 20:41
Ender2070and actually teach your kids stuffApr 07 20:41
satiperayou can be immoral and a better person than someone who thinks of themselves as a good person and thoroughly moralApr 07 20:42
satiperaIt is the values in the moralityApr 07 20:42
MinceRsure, an immoral person can believe himself to be moralApr 07 20:42
satiperanoApr 07 20:42
Ender2070they can thoughApr 07 20:43
Ender2070psychopaths do it all the timeApr 07 20:43
MinceRespecially if they're indoctrinated (usually via religion) to believe itApr 07 20:43
satiperathey can believe themselves to be goodApr 07 20:43
satiperaby definition not moralApr 07 20:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] I choose not to recognise the UK's Digital Economy Bill #whatdebill #debill http://whatdebill.orgApr 07 20:43
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: What Digital Economy Bill? #debill .::. Size~: 113.66 KBApr 07 20:43
satiperaThis is what I say it is all in the valuesApr 07 20:43
schestowitzGuy, pls be politeApr 07 20:44
schestowitz*GuysApr 07 20:44
MinceRRoy, you're late :>Apr 07 20:44
satiperaSomeone who carries out a killing could consider themselves moralApr 07 20:44
satiperamore so than someone who did notApr 07 20:45
MinceRit's possible to kill morallyApr 07 20:45
satiperayesApr 07 20:45
satiperabut many do notApr 07 20:45
Ender2070be carefulApr 07 20:46
satiperaagain moral does not mean goodApr 07 20:46
Ender2070psychopaths can kill mass amounts of people and consider themselves moralApr 07 20:46
satiperayesApr 07 20:46
Ender2070stalin, hitlerApr 07 20:46
MinceRthat's been discussed already :>Apr 07 20:46
satiperasomeone who has no morals is a very rare beastApr 07 20:47
satiperawe seem to have evolved with a self justification coping mechanismApr 07 20:48
cubezzzit's hard to believe Hitler thought himself as "good"Apr 07 20:48
MinceRiirc there are evolutionary advantages to altruismApr 07 20:48
satiperayesApr 07 20:48
Ender2070his extermination was moral in his eyesApr 07 20:48
satiperaone of a range of strategiesApr 07 20:48
satiperaexactly moral is not always goodApr 07 20:49
Ender2070thats why he did itApr 07 20:49
MinceRi don't understand that, satipera Apr 07 20:49
satiperaOne persons morality can be another person's psychopathic behaviourApr 07 20:50
satiperathis is what we have agreedApr 07 20:51
MinceRi'm not sure about the absolute vs. relative morality issueApr 07 20:51
satiperaEugene Terrablanche no doubt thought himself a moral and god fearing personApr 07 20:51
satiperathere are no absolutesApr 07 20:52
MinceRi don't know who that isApr 07 20:52
satiperaall life is relativeApr 07 20:52
satiperaHe was a S.African white supremacist who was killed recentlyApr 07 20:53
satiperaHe wanted a whites only homelandApr 07 20:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU and #Linux Both Required to Make an "Operating System" 07 20:53
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Linux is not an operating system, or is it? .::. Size~: 77.54 KBApr 07 20:53
satiperaThe rest of the world disagreedApr 07 20:53
MinceRdoesn't sound like a moral person to meApr 07 20:54
Ender2070moral to himselfApr 07 20:54
satiperaI believe very few of us have core values when it comes to itApr 07 20:54
Ender2070so much pride that it became racistApr 07 20:54
satiperaAt best we move around some fixed points as it suits usApr 07 20:55
satiperaYes racism was a big part of his make upApr 07 20:55
satiperaFew people have fixed core values that can stand up to scrutiny, often viewed as extremistsApr 07 20:56
satiperaha ha if there is one thing humans are good at it is adapting to new situations, then treating it as normal :)Apr 07 20:57
Ender2070yes we're very adaptableApr 07 20:58
*scientes_ (~scientes@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 20:58
Ender2070this is used to the governments advantage most of the timeApr 07 20:58
satiperayesApr 07 20:58
Ender2070its easier to adapt to change during war too, than it is during peace timesApr 07 20:58
satiperaI am thoroughly disenchanted with our system of governmentApr 07 20:59
Ender2070where are you fromApr 07 20:59
satiperawiltshireApr 07 20:59
satiperayou?Apr 07 20:59
Ender2070canadaApr 07 20:59
satiperaniceApr 07 20:59
Ender2070ontario, near TorontoApr 07 21:00
satiperaI am out in the country hereApr 07 21:00
Ender2070cool stuffApr 07 21:00
Ender2070i was in toronto the other day and I forgot my cameraApr 07 21:00
satiperaI envy you all the things a large city has to offerApr 07 21:01
Ender2070i was going to take pictures of a couple funny things i sawApr 07 21:01
Ender20701) The Church of ScientologyApr 07 21:01
Ender20702) Freemasonic LodgeApr 07 21:01
satiperanow there is a funny lotApr 07 21:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] North #Korea Uses #FreeSoftware to Put Surveillance in Red Star OS 07 21:01
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:                     Red star os spotted in north korea - The Inquirer          .::. Size~: 60.16 KBApr 07 21:01
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:  .::. Size~: 58.67 KBApr 07 21:01
Ender20703) Lenin statueApr 07 21:01
satiperado you usually always carry a camera?Apr 07 21:02
Ender2070noApr 07 21:02
Ender2070my backup was dead at the time tooApr 07 21:02
satiperaphone cam not good enoughApr 07 21:02
Ender2070it was deadApr 07 21:02
Ender2070ill probably go back again though, it was only one busApr 07 21:02
satiperaIt was loosing photo's that made me sort my back up system outApr 07 21:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] One Year With #GNU #Linux on the Desktop Teaches That Big Tech Media Lies 07 21:03
satiperaI read a hubbard book when I was a kidApr 07 21:03
Ender2070heres the thing that astounds meApr 07 21:04
*tessier_ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Apr 07 21:04
Ender2070people are so gullibleApr 07 21:04
satiperaHe gets a lot of flack but it is no worse than lots of other belief systemsApr 07 21:04
Ender2070hubbard was a sci-fi author, and he invents a religion which involves: aliens blowing up volcanoes with atomic weaponsApr 07 21:04
Ender2070why do people not put two and two togetherApr 07 21:04
satiperareligions are invented all the timeApr 07 21:05
satiperalook at JapanApr 07 21:05
Ender2070yes but he was a science fiction authorApr 07 21:05
Ender2070his job was to write fake storiesApr 07 21:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Power Servers Run #GNU #Linux , Not #Windows 07 21:05
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:       The Four Hundred--Mad Dog 21/21: When Price/Performance Outruns Elasticity     .::. Size~: 50.26 KBApr 07 21:05
satiperaIt does not exclude himApr 07 21:05
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:       The Four Hundred--IBM Promotion Cuts PowerVM Hypervisor Upgrade Fees     .::. Size~: 38.78 KBApr 07 21:05
Ender2070and asimov gave told him he could make a lot more money inventing a religionApr 07 21:05
Ender2070-gaveApr 07 21:06
satiperaSo he did it at asimovs suggestion?Apr 07 21:06
Ender2070yesApr 07 21:06
satipera:) live and learnApr 07 21:06
satiperaIt is getting in a lot of trouble in FranceApr 07 21:06
Ender2070theres documentaries and lots of websites out there exposing them as crooksApr 07 21:07
Ender2070and people are still joiningApr 07 21:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU #Linux and #FreeBSD Dominant in "Reliable Hosting" Survey (No Windows) #bsdApr 07 21:07
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Most Reliable Hosting Company Sites in March 2010 - Netcraft .::. Size~: 27.26 KBApr 07 21:07
satiperaA BBC reporter raved at a bloke from the cult and got in a lot of trouble it is probably on youtubeApr 07 21:07
satiperavery funnyApr 07 21:08
satiperaI thought he was going to attack himApr 07 21:08
Ender2070lolApr 07 21:08
satiperaI can see why he did the cult bloke was lawyer typeApr 07 21:08
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Apr 07 21:09
satiperaI will see if i can find the clip, nowApr 07 21:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @timberners_lee: Always been against snooping on net e.g. so #debill is major threatApr 07 21:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Ricoh , #Parallels , and #CUBRID Join the Kernel's Foundation 07 21:09
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:       No Snooping - Design Issues     .::. Size~: 5.67 KBApr 07 21:09
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Ricoh joins the Linux Foundation - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 34 KBApr 07 21:09
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Press - April 2010 | The Linux Foundation .::. Size~: 26.48 KBApr 07 21:09
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: CUBRID Joins Linux Foundation  .::. Size~: 54.31 KBApr 07 21:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "We're Linux" Video Contest is Back 07 21:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New #Linux #Metadata #Benchmarks 07 21:11
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: The "We're Linux" Super Bowl Ad Video Contest | The Linux Foundation Video Site .::. Size~: 78.13 KBApr 07 21:11
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:  The Linux Foundation Wants Your "We're Linux" Contest Videos  .::. Size~: 24.32 KBApr 07 21:11
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:    Harping on Metadata Performance: New Benchmarks |   Linux Magazine .::. Size~: 45.78 KBApr 07 21:11
Ender2070 07 21:12
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: ProGuard .::. Size~: 1.69 KBApr 07 21:12
satiperaEnder2070 here is the angry BBC reporter link  very funnyApr 07 21:13
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- BBC Reporter John Sweeney's Scientology Meltdown .::. Size~: 78.49 KBApr 07 21:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Even if they're not exactly repeating «Patently Absurd» the implicit threat is quite clear. Of course IBM now backs off...Apr 07 21:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Ideas for Making Multi-monitor VirtualDesktop #GNU #Linux 07 21:13
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Patently Absurd - .::. Size~: 40.35 KBApr 07 21:13
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Rms-Mit: VirtualDesktop & Multi-monitor simplification and merging .::. Size~: 82.03 KBApr 07 21:13
Ender2070satipera - remember a few years ago a cracker got the scientology documents and leaked them on slashdot?Apr 07 21:13
*fewa (~fewa@unaffiliated/fewa) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 21:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] How #GNU #Linux Workspaces Improve Productivity 07 21:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU #Linux in a Window|Windows good for new usersApr 07 21:15
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Boost Productivity with Workspaces | Layman Linux .::. Size~: 23.33 KBApr 07 21:15
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Portable Ubuntu 9.10 for Windows [Runs Ubuntu Inside Windows] | Kabatology ~ Open Source, Linux .::. Size~: 31.44 KBApr 07 21:15
satiperaI did not see them there, but have seen some documents on the web they would not liked to have been made publicApr 07 21:16
*fewa has quit (Client Quit)Apr 07 21:16
*tessier_ (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 21:17
Ender2070it was just like climategateApr 07 21:17
satiperait seems to be a pay as you study religion, the higher you go the more it costsApr 07 21:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Slideshow Proving That #GNU #Linux is Already Everywhere 07 21:17
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: The oddest places to find Linux  | ITworld .::. Size~: 88.21 KBApr 07 21:17
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Linux is watching you - PCWorld .::. Size~: 42.57 KBApr 07 21:17
satiperaThen some large evangelical churches have had their financial scandalsApr 07 21:18
Ender2070yes exactlyApr 07 21:18
satiperaWhen a church gets big enough it is about political powerApr 07 21:19
satiperathe social networking advantages that these institutions enjoyed are on the wane though.Apr 07 21:20
satiperaNight all have funApr 07 21:20
scientesno, they are on the riseApr 07 21:20
scientesbut not the evangelical onesApr 07 21:21
scientesthe more traditional onesApr 07 21:21
scientesie the local churchApr 07 21:21
amarsh04I thought that those accelerated/managed ethernet cards running linux in a windows server were an intriguing ideaApr 07 21:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] What on earth. Catholics bishops *actually blames sexy kids* for priest's rape of children 07 21:25
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:  Bishop of Tenerife blames child abuse on the children .::. Size~: 37.05 KBApr 07 21:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Miro 3.0 Comes Out, #Songbird for #GNU #Linux is Back as #Nightingale 07 21:26
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Miro 3.0 brings subtitle and external player support | Linuxers .::. Size~: 46.31 KBApr 07 21:26
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: We are singing a new tune «  Nightingale .::. Size~: 45.32 KBApr 07 21:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Application for File Indexing/event/metadats in #GNU #Linux Improves 07 21:29
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Shane Fagan » Making free smarter .::. Size~: 35.11 KBApr 07 21:29
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Rocking with Zeitgeist «  Seilo @ Geeky Ogre .::. Size~: 23.27 KBApr 07 21:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Hopefully going home soon.... then a few blog updates are in order.Apr 07 21:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Reviews of #CrossOver 9.0 Linux and #KeePassX 07 21:31
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: CrossOver 90 Linux Review Part 1 A - Online Best Latest CrossOver 90 Linux Review Part 1 A Price Reviews | Features in India .::. Size~: 102 KBApr 07 21:31
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Review: KeePassX .::. Size~: 36.06 KBApr 07 21:31
*scientes_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Apr 07 21:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #XFCE Enthusiasts Explain Why It is a Relevant Desktop Environment 07 21:39
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:   Evolution of the Desktop at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 32.65 KBApr 07 21:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A Look at Next #Amarok and More K Desktop Environment ( #KDE SC) 07 21:40
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Something for Amarok 2.3.1+  - Amarok Blog .::. Size~: 41.4 KBApr 07 21:40
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Announcing Aurorae Designer «  Martins Blog .::. Size~: 17.95 KBApr 07 21:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A Look a #Gnome 2.30 and a Look Ahead at GNOME 3 07 21:41
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Welcome Gnome 2.30 «  Distrocheck .::. Size~: 16.81 KBApr 07 21:41
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: A sneak peak at GNOME 3 .::. Size~: 36.73 KBApr 07 21:41
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: GNOME 2.30: Waiting for the Big Release &mdash; .::. Size~: 65.2 KBApr 07 21:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A Look at "Enterprise"-Labelled #GNU #Linux Distributions 07 21:42
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Wazi  » Comparisons Highlight    » Comparison of Community Linux Distributions for the Enterprise .::. Size~: 83.2 KBApr 07 21:42
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] RT @schestowitz #XFCE Enthusiasts Explain Why It is a Relevant Desktop Environment 07 21:43
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:   Evolution of the Desktop at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 32.65 KBApr 07 21:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New #Gentoo Wiki Project 07 21:43
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Bits by Ben : Announcing the Gentoo Wiki Project .::. Size~: 43.86 KBApr 07 21:43
schestowitztessier: are you around?Apr 07 21:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Mandriva #Linux Enterprise Server 5.1 in #Review 07 21:44
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: First Glance at Mandriva Enterprise Server 5.1 .::. Size~: 33.54 KBApr 07 21:44
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Linux and Whatever  » Blog Archive   » Getting the most out of Mandriva Linux .::. Size~: 12.59 KBApr 07 21:44
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] ♺ @schestowitz: !XFCE Enthusiasts Explain Why It is a Relevant Desktop Environment 07 21:48
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:   Evolution of the Desktop at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 32.65 KBApr 07 21:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] well known International football company gets knocked out of champions league by Byern Munich FC.Apr 07 21:49
*scientes_ (~scientes@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 21:51
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellApr 07 21:52
Ender2070 07 21:57
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Madness Combat 6.5 .::. Size~: 70.07 KBApr 07 21:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #RedHat 's #GNU #Linux Proposition Improved, Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 07 21:57
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Red Hat Prepares Private Cloud Pitch for Wall Street | The VAR Guy .::. Size~: 46.9 KBApr 07 21:57
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:     Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 Trails RHEL 5.5 - InternetNews:The Blog - Sean Michael Kerner .::. Size~: 105.26 KBApr 07 21:57
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] The Big Lebowski: Porn Parody #ohgodwhatApr 07 21:58
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Does 'The Big Lebowski' Porn Parody Actually Look Good? - Cinematical .::. Size~: 70.2 KBApr 07 21:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A Look at New Features Found in #Fedora #GNU #Linux 13 07 21:59
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Fedora 13 - See What's New! | Shadowland .::. Size~: 62.54 KBApr 07 21:59
Ender2070F13!Apr 07 22:02
Ender2070wootApr 07 22:02
oiaohm  I guess I read this different to most.  VB droped more than C# gained.  It looks like MS is losing application development mind share.Apr 07 22:03
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: TIOBE Software: The Coding Standards Company .::. Size~: 2.8 KBApr 07 22:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux Thinks Bigger 07 22:03
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Ubuntu: Canonical Focuses on Wall Street | WorksWithU .::. Size~: 40.92 KBApr 07 22:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Variants of #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux Reviewed (Linux ‘LXDE’, Puredyne) 07 22:05
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Linux Mint 8 LXDE Edition Review | Linux Critic .::. Size~: 37.12 KBApr 07 22:05
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Ubuntuland, The Dream Valley: Puredyne USB-bootable GNU/Linux OS for creative media. .::. Size~: 236.67 KBApr 07 22:05
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, Ender2070 covered thatApr 07 22:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Drobo FS Network #Storage System Runs #Linux 07 22:08
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Drobo Unveils Drobo FS Network Storage System  |  Product News  |  The Mac Observer .::. Size~: 45.77 KBApr 07 22:08
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Data Robotics Drobo FS - Data Robotics Drobo FS announced .::. Size~: 30.07 KBApr 07 22:08
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Drobo Unveils Drobo FS Network Storage System  |  Product News  |  The Mac Observer .::. Size~: 46.1 KBApr 07 22:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux -based #Palm Phone Gets TV Application 07 22:09
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: SPB Software Supports Palm webOS Efforts by Bringing a Decent TV Application In .::. Size~: 44.22 KBApr 07 22:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Nokia to Bring #GNU #Linux -based Tablets 07 22:11
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Hey, Nokia is Working On a Tablet Too .::. Size~: 87.82 KBApr 07 22:11
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Nokia Plans Tablet to Take on iPad .::. Size~: 81.08 KBApr 07 22:11
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: | Nokia tablet rumoured for Autumn .::. Size~: 26.2 KBApr 07 22:11
MinceR 07 22:14
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Flickr Photo Download: Nokia N900 overclocked to 1.7 GHz .::. Size~: 4.56 KBApr 07 22:14
Ender2070i got the ubuntu 10.04 betaApr 07 22:17
Ender2070im gonna try it outApr 07 22:17
Ender2070brbApr 07 22:17
*Ender2070 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 07 22:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Android / #Linux Gains More Momentum, Works for Non-Geeks 07 22:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] More TV Sets Running #Linux 07 22:21
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Android for Non-geeks | AndroidGuys .::. Size~: 42.87 KBApr 07 22:21
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: ComScore Report Indicates Android Momentum in Full Swing | AndroidGuys .::. Size~: 30.63 KBApr 07 22:21
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Loewe TVs with Opera Software .::. Size~: 33.42 KBApr 07 22:21
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:   Swedish Company, People Of Lava, Creates An Android-Based TV    .::. Size~: 29.44 KBApr 07 22:21
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Welcome to TechNewsWorld .::. Size~: 3.15 KBApr 07 22:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Sub-notebooks Running #GNU #Linux Doing Fine 07 22:23
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:   Netbooks are Alive and Well at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 23.21 KBApr 07 22:23
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Hands-on: Ben NanoNote Micronotebook - Linux Magazine Online  .::. Size~: 35.33 KBApr 07 22:23
oiaohmschestowitz: I remembered another reason why IBM will be touchy about emulators of there platforms.   The NT OS/2 subsystem.Apr 07 22:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Comparison Between #Photoshop and The #GIMP 07 22:25
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Lets Enjoy Power of Linux: Photoshop VS. GIMP .::. Size~: 76.55 KBApr 07 22:25
DaemonFC 07 22:25
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 07 22:25
DaemonFCthe idea of making a Consumer Protection Bureau a part of the Federal Reserve is like trying to call a lion's stomach a safe zone for gazelleApr 07 22:30
satiperadigital economy bill live 07 22:30
DaemonFC:PApr 07 22:30
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Digital Economy bill: liveblogging the crucial third reading |Technology | .::. Size~: 187.81 KBApr 07 22:30
DaemonFCsatipera: What's that all about?Apr 07 22:30
DaemonFCACTA is the mother of all MAFIAA evilApr 07 22:31
DaemonFC:DApr 07 22:31
DaemonFCI assume this "Digital Economy Bill" is another "one country at a time" approach?Apr 07 22:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] How the #GPL Was Born, #GCC 4.5 Almost Here 07 22:39
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Emacs & the birth of the GPL - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 38.46 KBApr 07 22:39
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: [Phoronix] GCC 4.5 Release Candidate Is Finally Here .::. Size~: 15.86 KBApr 07 22:39
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Life at Eclipse  » Blog Archive   » EPL/GPL Commentary .::. Size~: 34.25 KBApr 07 22:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Mozilla Keeps Growing, Looking for Input 07 22:40
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Where and Whither Mozilla? - Community - ComputerworldUK .::. Size~: 76.71 KBApr 07 22:40
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:  Mozilla Wants Your Opinion on Open Web  .::. Size~: 23.55 KBApr 07 22:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Features in #PCBSD 8.1 and a New Review of 8.0 #bsdApr 07 22:42
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: New Features in PC-BSD 8.1 .::. Size~: 60.96 KBApr 07 22:42
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: PC-BSD 8.0 review - IT Reviews .::. Size~: 11.92 KBApr 07 22:42
*gargoyle-grin (~randerson@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has left #boycottnovellApr 07 22:53
*kishkes has quit (Quit: Page closed)Apr 07 22:55
DaemonFCif the weather is good tomorrow I might get out there and bust the lawn mower outApr 07 23:11
DaemonFCexcuse to trim $15 off my rent next weekApr 07 23:11
DaemonFC:DApr 07 23:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Nearly homeApr 07 23:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Hardware Freedom Group is Formed in the UK 07 23:23
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: OSHUG, new UK user group for open source hardware - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 33.78 KBApr 07 23:23
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Apr 07 23:24
cubezzza desktop computer with all the connectors in the front, which is 100% open and documented to the register levelApr 07 23:24
cubezzzthat's what I wantApr 07 23:24
cubezzzand the closest thing I see to that is... Amiga 4000Apr 07 23:25
cubezzzwe're almost even on the US dollar nowApr 07 23:33
scientes_on the front?Apr 07 23:33
scientes_why?Apr 07 23:33
MinceRprobably because he's too lazy to reach to the back ;)Apr 07 23:34
scientes_seriously, how many times are you going to touch the power cord?Apr 07 23:34
cubezzzguys :)Apr 07 23:34
cubezzzit's just a lot better Apr 07 23:34
cubezzznot the power cord... but the headphones, and usb devicesApr 07 23:35
scientes_ethernet?Apr 07 23:35
scientes_DVI?Apr 07 23:35
MinceRin the worst case, you could bring them forward with some extender cablesApr 07 23:36
scientes_pretty soon the front will start looking like the backApr 07 23:36
scientes_or how about you just turn your computer around?Apr 07 23:36
cubezzzMinceR, that's trueApr 07 23:36
scientes_and call the back the frontApr 07 23:36
MinceRyou could even build a break-out-box for themApr 07 23:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #NetNeutrality Injured by New Ruling 07 23:36
cubezzzscientes_, that's fine but what about the cdrom?Apr 07 23:36
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: U.S. court rules against FCC on Net neutrality - Security- .::. Size~: 53.61 KBApr 07 23:36
cubezzzit would be in the back thenApr 07 23:36
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Court: FCC has no power to regulate Net neutrality | Politics and Law - CNET News .::. Size~: 251.93 KBApr 07 23:36
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: An overview of what net neutrality means - by O. Konheim - Helium .::. Size~: 64.53 KBApr 07 23:36
MinceRthat belongs in a museum ;)Apr 07 23:36
scientes_cubezzz, who uses cd's anymore?Apr 07 23:36
scientes_<MinceR> that belongs in a museum ;)Apr 07 23:37
scientes_yepApr 07 23:37
cubezzzpart of my work is burning DVDsApr 07 23:37
scientes_I mean I have oneApr 07 23:37
scientes_but i never use itApr 07 23:37
MinceRthough if you really wanted you could take it out of the standard place and house it elsewhere or somethingApr 07 23:37
scientes_flash totally decimated optical mediaApr 07 23:37
cubezzzI did stop using 3.5" microdisks though :)Apr 07 23:37
MinceRor mod the case so that optical drives stick out to the sideApr 07 23:37
MinceRand so you can have an edge facing you, with the old backpanel on one side and the drive front on anotherApr 07 23:38
MinceR(i'm not sure if this is workable, though)Apr 07 23:38
cubezzzwhy did the stop making desktops I wonderApr 07 23:38
cubezzzit's all towers Apr 07 23:38
MinceRtoo little demandApr 07 23:38
MinceRoh, thoseApr 07 23:38
MinceRi think it's partly due to ergonomicsApr 07 23:38
MinceRyou were expected to put the monitor on top of themApr 07 23:38
MinceRwhich is often uncomfortableApr 07 23:39
MinceRotherwise i'm not sureApr 07 23:39
cubezzzmore desk space I guessApr 07 23:39
MinceReffects on cooling, more space in a towerApr 07 23:39
MinceRalso, towers are often put on the floorApr 07 23:39
MinceRgnApr 07 23:40
oiaohm 07 23:48
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: On the PlayStation 3: OtherOS Supported on "3.21OO" .::. Size~: 48.93 KBApr 07 23:48
oiaohmIts back.Apr 07 23:48
schestowitztessier: ?Apr 07 23:49
cubezzzmisuse of the word hackerApr 07 23:49
oiaohmDepends if turning 100000+ users into hackers looking for ways of defeating secuirty of the system is a bad thing.Apr 07 23:51
oiaohmWait I am thinking from my side of the problem not sony's.Apr 07 23:51
schestowitzBlankenhorn has enemies... 07 23:52
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Twitter / Angela Perry: @schestowitz I see you've  ... .::. Size~: 10.44 KBApr 07 23:52
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Victory! EuroDNS has removed's domain, it now points to One less pedophile-oriented site on the net.Apr 07 23:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Off to bed, trying not to think of #debill or the utter tools we have in the Ubuntu community. Hey ho.Apr 07 23:53
Aondohmm is there a video of that acta meeting 6th april? that .wmv file is kinda uselessApr 07 23:58

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