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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: May 4th, 2010

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-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[aondo] @schestowitz: i got inspired by an article on a guy running archlinux for his audio setup. so thought to gain experience.May 04 00:15
*Ziomatrix ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 00:17
schestowitz 04 00:18
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Peter Popoff - sue me, I dare you, I double dare you! .::. Size~: 89.23 KBMay 04 00:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: check it outMay 04 00:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: which guy, the ex-con?May 04 00:19
DaemonFCyeahMay 04 00:19
DaemonFChe's been blasting me out latelyMay 04 00:19
schestowitz*LOL* you rascal youMay 04 00:19
DaemonFCI got some earplugs to drown him outMay 04 00:19
DaemonFC:)May 04 00:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Nice to see Gordon Brown show his principles and beliefs three days before he's fired.May 04 00:20
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Gordon Brown's speech to Citizens UK .::. Size~: 88.88 KBMay 04 00:20
DaemonFCschestowitz: I have the speakers right above his bedroomMay 04 00:20
DaemonFCtwo down firing subwoofersMay 04 00:20
DaemonFCplaying Godsmack albumsMay 04 00:20
DaemonFClolMay 04 00:20
DaemonFCschestowitz: I also downloaded some Barney musicMay 04 00:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] My traitor of a 3 year old son, Sam, is in bed tightly cuddling a green plush SUSE Lizard from #oggcamp! #Ubuntu needs a cuddly mascot!May 04 00:21
DaemonFCI heard they used these CDs at Guantanemo BayMay 04 00:21
DaemonFCI can kind of see whyMay 04 00:21
DaemonFCMetallica's Black Album is up next thoughMay 04 00:23
DaemonFCschestowitz: I may sleep with these ear plugs from now on, with or without that moron downstairsMay 04 00:26
DaemonFCbest sleep I've had in yearsMay 04 00:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] "We are for the Big Society. You are in the Little Society."May 04 00:34
schestowitzBarney?May 04 00:37
schestowitzMaybe he likes itMay 04 00:37
schestowitz[00:26] <DaemonFC> schestowitz: I may sleep with these ear plugs from now on, with or without that moron downstairsMay 04 00:37
schestowitzI've always used some for 10 yearsMay 04 00:37
schestowitzBecause the hard-drives doing backups make a lot of noiseMay 04 00:38
DaemonFCschestowitz: Custom molded or disposables?May 04 00:38
DaemonFCI've been wondering who can make me some good custom molded onesMay 04 00:38
schestowitz 04 00:42
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Poet dream of the Creator .::. Size~: 83.08 KBMay 04 00:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] I know! Let's set up minority rule and pretend it's majority rule so that nobody notices! 04 00:43
TechrightsBotTitle: I know! Let's set up minority rule and pretend... - Toby Thain - FriendFeed .::. Size~: 6.59 KBMay 04 00:43
schestowitzHehe. Watch a so-caleld 'truther' getting owned. 04 00:53
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Atheists vs. 9/11 Truther! .::. Size~: 88.46 KBMay 04 00:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Fixed the tumble dryer today by replacing the heater and thermostat unit I bought off ebay.Quite an achievement for someone like me anti-DIYMay 04 01:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Daily news links (for those who are interested I post these daily) 04 01:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 3/5/2010: Lubuntu 10.04 Released; Peppermint OS Reviewed | Techrights .::. Size~: 115.87 KBMay 04 01:12
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)May 04 01:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Interesting - @fivethirtyeight predicts a *completely* hung parliament, likely with a Tory minority govt 04 01:24
TechrightsBotTitle: FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Conservatives Climb To 308 in UK Seats Projection; Labour 198, LibDems 113 .::. Size~: 204.41 KBMay 04 01:24
*neighborlee ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 01:25
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 23.1.1)May 04 01:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @davidgerard Interesting @fivethirtyeight predicts a *completely* hung parliament, likely with a Tory minority govt 04 01:40
TechrightsBotTitle: FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Conservatives Climb To 308 in UK Seats Projection; Labour 198, LibDems 113 .::. Size~: 208.12 KBMay 04 01:40
schestowitz "@schestowitz If you are looking to have a closed conversation with no discussion or debate, you picked the wrong medium #swpat #patent"May 04 01:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Twitter / Richard Almon: @schestowitz If you are lo ... .::. Size~: 11.09 KBMay 04 01:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Wal-Mart Removes #Microsoft #Zune From Shelves — Source new Zune-like phones fail to impress anyoneMay 04 01:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Wal-Mart Removes Microsoft Zune From Shelves  Source | Techrights .::. Size~: 79.93 KBMay 04 01:42
schestowitzWHat an annoying guy, probably an 'IP' lawyerMay 04 01:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] I've begun extending a Web page about "Companies That Harm Software Freedom" lots of work left...May 04 01:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Companies That Harm Software Freedom - Techrights .::. Size~: 11.15 KBMay 04 01:48
schestowitz "May 04 01:53
TechrightsBotTitle: حالة menn (openuniverse)  في يوم Tuesday, 04-May-10 00:28:51 UTC - 280 .::. Size~: 7.54 KBMay 04 01:53
schestowitzopenuniverseMay 04 01:53
schestowitz@schestowitz i'm surprised that instead of "innovating" an "original" product without building on other ideas, microsoft would "steal" apple's "intellectual property" by making a phone that plays mp3's - don't they know "piracy" doesn't pay? :PMay 04 01:53
schestowitzSeems as though Microsoft claims (still!) that Apple 'stole' their idea of a PMP when making hypePodsMay 04 01:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Walmart stops stocking Zune after MSFT stop paying a fortune to buy it in 04 01:55
TechrightsBotTitle: Wal-Mart Removes Microsoft Zune From Shelves  Source | Techrights .::. Size~: 79.93 KBMay 04 01:55
schestowitz "Whomever first made portable cassette players should send both of them lawyer letters. I hate that game, but those who love it should eat the fruit of it."May 04 02:08
TechrightsBotTitle: حالة Walt  Hucks (lnxwalt280)  في يوم Tuesday, 04-May-10 00:42:17 UTC - 280 .::. Size~: 8.04 KBMay 04 02:09
schestowitz 'well they stole dos from digital, mem management from quarterdeck, gui from xerox, web browsing from cern, tabs from mozilla, and it's just to be expected nowadays- we live in a sea of corporate "piracy"'May 04 02:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 10.6 KBMay 04 02:09
schestowitzI think Opera is attributed for the tabs, though (well, for Web browsers anyway). I doesn't take a genius. Arrrrrr....May 04 02:10
schestowitzDaemonFC: 04 02:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Mexico's migrants gaze north – and no 'racist' law will stop them |World news |The Observer .::. Size~: 187.5 KBMay 04 02:12
schestowitz"I think Opera first implemented real tabs, but K-meleon and Maxthon simulated tabs by binding separate browser Windows into one. That may have been earlier than Opera." 04 02:20
TechrightsBotTitle: حالة Walt  Hucks (lnxwalt280)  في يوم Tuesday, 04-May-10 01:00:55 UTC - 280 .::. Size~: 7.91 KBMay 04 02:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RE: @newser @ Gus- doesn't actually matter. #Fox+#Palin exist to distract from any substantive issue or debate. Rupe's… 04 02:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND .::. Size~: 0 KBMay 04 02:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RE: @newser @ Gus Hedges - Murdoch just delivers the distractions his clients want. Who wins is immaterial when both c… 04 02:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND .::. Size~: 0 KBMay 04 02:24
*ThistleWeb ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 02:39
*ThistleWeb has quit (Changing host)May 04 02:39
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 02:39
*neighborlee has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 04 03:13
*Ryan_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 03:19
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 03:21
DaemonFCthe primaries are tomorrowMay 04 03:22
DaemonFCtime to go pick the least bad Republican then turn around and vote for the Democrat in the FallMay 04 03:22
DaemonFC:PMay 04 03:22
*Ryan_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)May 04 03:24
*neighborlee (~neighborl@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 03:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] LOL! Anyone checked the image at #Google's main page today? :D #BdayUmKulthumMay 04 03:39
*Ziomatrix has quit ()May 04 03:44
*enthymeme ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 03:46
*Jose_X ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 03:48
*Jose_X has quit (Client Quit)May 04 03:48
DaemonFChow much does a Segway cost?May 04 03:48
DaemonFCguy on Pawn Stars is selling hisMay 04 03:48
DaemonFCseems to me that my electric bike is a better dealMay 04 03:48
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 03:49
*DeadSuperHero ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 03:56
DeadSuperHeroHiya, folks.May 04 03:57
DaemonFCmorningMay 04 04:06
DaemonFC-ishMay 04 04:06
DeadSuperHeroHaha.May 04 04:07
DeadSuperHeroI guess it's morning to somebody.May 04 04:07
DaemonFC11 PM anyway :PMay 04 04:16
cubezzzI saw a guy on an electric bike todayMay 04 04:18
cubezzzI bet they are getting more commonMay 04 04:18
DaemonFCprobablyMay 04 04:20
DaemonFCthey're usually sufficient for running around townMay 04 04:20
DaemonFCas long as you do't need to bring a (heavy/odd shaped/lots of) stuff with youMay 04 04:21
DaemonFC:)May 04 04:21
DaemonFC*anyMay 04 04:21
cubezzza full load of groceries might be trickyMay 04 04:22
DaemonFCbut it can reduce your dependence on your carMay 04 04:22
cubezzzor you could just make more trips with lessMay 04 04:22
DaemonFCat least half my running around is doable on the bikeMay 04 04:22
DaemonFCeven now that my car works, I will continue to use the bike for running errandsMay 04 04:22
DaemonFCsaves a lot of gasMay 04 04:22
cubezzzgas is a significant expenseMay 04 04:23
cubezzzit's around a dollar per litre here :)May 04 04:23
DaemonFC$2.88 a gallonMay 04 04:23
cubezzz$3.78 a gallon :-/May 04 04:24
cubezzzactually your gas is relatively cheapMay 04 04:24
DaemonFCyikesMay 04 04:24
cubezzzeven higher in Europe DaemonFCMay 04 04:24
DaemonFCyeah, I was pissed when it got over $3 a gallonMay 04 04:24
DaemonFClivid actuallyMay 04 04:24
DaemonFCdoesn't surprise meMay 04 04:25
DaemonFCprobably all that carbon tax bullshitMay 04 04:25
cubezzzthe problem with the bike is people stealing themMay 04 04:25
cubezzzlike if you go to the mall...May 04 04:25
cubezzzbut that is probably safe enoughMay 04 04:26
DaemonFCwhen I go to Walmart, I park it inside the store, right next to where the greeter sitsMay 04 04:26
cubezzzah :)May 04 04:26
DaemonFCthrow the batteries in my shopping cartMay 04 04:26
DaemonFClolMay 04 04:26
cubezzzplus you could remove both wheels :)May 04 04:27
cubezzzbut that would be a painMay 04 04:27
DaemonFCif they steal it, they have a big heavy bike that they need $260 worth of batteries forMay 04 04:27
DaemonFCway to go, huh? :)May 04 04:27
DaemonFC1. They'd need one battery to make it work at all. ($130) 2. They'd have a used bike that's $400 new WITH a battery which is now used and not with battery.May 04 04:29
DaemonFCIf they wanted to sell it as a used bike, they'd get $200, after buying $130 battery and net about $70May 04 04:29
DaemonFCit's not even worth stealing at that pointMay 04 04:29
cubezzzpeople do steal bikes thoughMay 04 04:30
DaemonFCthere's easier ways to make more money illegally, fasterMay 04 04:30
DaemonFCyes, could be some idiot not thinking out what he is doingMay 04 04:30
DaemonFCI knowMay 04 04:30
cubezzzpeople break into computer stores a lotMay 04 04:31
DaemonFCan entry-level model electric bike without the batteries is not the best heist you could makeMay 04 04:31
DaemonFCis what I'm sayingMay 04 04:31
cubezzzand government offices, colleges...May 04 04:31
cubezzzyeah you're probably safe May 04 04:32
DaemonFCcubezzz, I think I might cancel my cable TVMay 04 04:33
DaemonFCjust go with NetflixMay 04 04:33
cubezzzgood idea May 04 04:33
cubezzzor even get an AntennaMay 04 04:33
DaemonFCspend everything I was for my TV on something I want to watchMay 04 04:33
DaemonFCno commercials even :DMay 04 04:33
cubezzzhow much does it cost?May 04 04:33
DaemonFCcubezzz, I'm on the 3 DVDs out at a time + unlimited streaming planMay 04 04:34
DaemonFC$16 a month I thinkMay 04 04:34
cubezzzmy Antenna is $0 per month :)May 04 04:34
DaemonFCadd blu ray to your account and it's another $4May 04 04:34
DaemonFCI ordered a blu ray playerMay 04 04:34
DaemonFC:DMay 04 04:34
cubezzzare you using torrents?May 04 04:35
DaemonFCtorrents aren't worth itMay 04 04:35
DaemonFCthe stuff I tend to look for don't have lots of seeds and are low quality and done up by idiots usuallyMay 04 04:35
cubezzzI kind of like RTNMay 04 04:37
cubezzzold shows like Mannix and Kojak :)May 04 04:37
cubezzzactually it's RTV now, they changed the nameMay 04 04:39
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)May 04 04:39
DaemonFCyeah, I'm going to either cancel my cable TV or move to the cheapest planMay 04 04:39
DaemonFCif I get rid of it, they up my internet price by $15 a monthMay 04 04:39
DaemonFCtheir cheapest TV package is $30May 04 04:40
cubezzzI'm lucky, I have access to probably the best Antenna location in North America plus Im on a freenet for internetMay 04 04:40
cubezzzso you save $15 May 04 04:40
DaemonFCyeahMay 04 04:41
DaemonFCis it worth losing all those channels?May 04 04:41
DaemonFCmaybeMay 04 04:41
cubezzzFTA satellite or Antenna thenMay 04 04:41
cubezzzboth free after your initial investmentMay 04 04:42
*amarsh04_ (~amarsh04@2406:a000:f0ff:fffe::f31) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 04:42
cubezzzno way I'd go back to Rogers nowMay 04 04:42
cubezzzI see more and more UHF Antennas every dayMay 04 04:43
cubezzzstill wish I kept the big VHF Antenna though, it made an excellent radio antennaMay 04 04:43
*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)May 04 04:44
DaemonFChmmm, I think if I have Limited Basic for $19.99 a month, I still get to keep my current internet priceMay 04 04:45
*DeadSuperHero has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 04 04:46
DaemonFCbasically lets me keep a few local channels and only pay $4 a month more than internet alone :PMay 04 04:47
DaemonFCmay just do that, $46.95 for both that way vs the $90-ish I pay for what I get nowMay 04 04:48
DaemonFCbblMay 04 04:48
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 04 04:53
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04May 04 04:56
Ender2070[23:25] <DaemonFC> is it worth losing all those channels?May 04 04:58
Ender2070hell yesMay 04 04:58
Ender2070not worth having so many channels when theres only a few things to watchMay 04 05:00
Ender2070the good networks even have online shows for freeMay 04 05:00
Ender2070a&e, discovery, showcase, etcMay 04 05:00
Ender2070theres commercials, but way way way less than on paid cable/satelliteMay 04 05:01
Ender2070ill probably end up watching even less tv as time goes onMay 04 05:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Top 10 reasons why you should STOP using #Facebook: (Plz retweet & spread everywhere!)May 04 05:02
TechrightsBotTitle: Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook - Facebook - Gizmodo .::. Size~: 81.63 KBMay 04 05:02
Ender2070NBC admitted it was putting commercials into their shows, product placement 2.0May 04 05:02
Ender2070facebook is going to get sued if they dont fix their problemsMay 04 05:02
Ender2070they have till this summer before the canadian government doesMay 04 05:06
*neighborlee has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 04 05:06
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 04 05:07
Ender2070oh wow firefox uses too much ram I noticedMay 04 05:07
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2406:a000:f0ff:fffe::eb9) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 05:07
Ender2070100+MbMay 04 05:08
cubezzzthat's why I use lynxMay 04 05:18
cubezzzcheck stocks? lynxMay 04 05:19
cubezzzcheck weather? lynxMay 04 05:19
cubezzzmuch faster than firefox or any GUI May 04 05:19
*neighborlee (~neighborl@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 05:24
*Ryan_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 05:27
*Ryan_ is now known as DaemonFCMay 04 05:27
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Today is International day against DRM : 04 05:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Day Against DRM: Sign-up Now to Help the Effort! | .::. Size~: 15.58 KBMay 04 05:27
DaemonFCcubezzz, Since when did SpikeTV start airing Japanese wrestling matches?May 04 05:29
DaemonFCthat American guy is kicking that Japanese guy's ass thoughMay 04 05:30
*DaemonFC keeps watchingMay 04 05:30
DaemonFCwoohoo!!!!May 04 05:31
DaemonFCknockout!May 04 05:31
DaemonFCerrr boxing I meantMay 04 05:31
DaemonFC:DMay 04 05:31
neighborlee 04 05:36
DaemonFCgood news though, Cinergy is going into the TV, Phone, Cable businessMay 04 05:39
DaemonFCand laying a bunch of fiber around hereMay 04 05:39
DaemonFCso AT&T and Comcast are in deep shitMay 04 05:39
DaemonFCas soon as this goes operationalMay 04 05:39
DaemonFCyou'll see both of them trying to drop costs to keep customers from bailingMay 04 05:40
DaemonFCit will be greatMay 04 05:40
*TechrightsBot has quit (*.net *.split)May 04 05:41
cubezzzI dont watch spiketvMay 04 05:54
*Thrae has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)May 04 06:04
DaemonFC"When a loser joins forces with the coward...what can they accomplish?"May 04 06:12
DaemonFCfrom the movie I'm watching :)May 04 06:12
cubezzzI don't need cableMay 04 06:16
cubezzzat allMay 04 06:16
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 04 06:17
*neighborlee (~neighborl@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 06:18
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)May 04 06:25
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 23.1.1)May 04 06:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Regarding your questions about homosexuality, hopefully this is an adequate answer: @GodDebate #NARTHMay 04 06:38
cubezzzthere's some interesting anti-cable commercials on youtube from the 1960'sMay 04 06:43
cubezzzwhen cable tv first appearedMay 04 06:44
*Omar87 has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 04 06:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @omar_s_hafez: Fuck you and your fucking god. Motherfucker. :) How's that? Btw, nice link to a pseudoscientific nutcase.May 04 06:53
DaemonFCNARTH is Pseudoscience on many fronts, even if you ignore the fact that practically all their funding comes from churches that want to perpetuate the ex-gay mythMay 04 06:55
DaemonFC"The Lala service will be shut down on May 31st.May 04 06:57
DaemonFCIn appreciation of your support over the last five years, you will receive a credit in the amount of your Lala web song purchases for use on Apple's iTunes Store."May 04 06:57
DaemonFCHow nice of them...May 04 06:57
DaemonFCthey won't refund you your money, they'll give you "credits" to use on iTunesMay 04 06:58
DaemonFCeven if you liked Lala and hate AppleMay 04 06:58
cubezzzI don't use itunes :)May 04 06:58
cubezzz"The industry strongly lobbies against federal "family tier" and "a la carte cable television" bills which would provide consumers the option of purchasing individual channels rather than a broad tier of programming"May 04 06:59
DaemonFCcubezzz, I've wanted that for yearsMay 04 06:59
DaemonFCthey package their channels such that for every channel you want, you have to subscribe to 20 you don'tMay 04 07:00
DaemonFCand pay for the entire packageMay 04 07:00
cubezzzDaemonFC, do you know how old cable tv is?May 04 07:00
cubezzzwe first got cable tv in canada in 1952May 04 07:00
DaemonFCso I get bullshit like Black Entertainment in order to get SyfyMay 04 07:00
DaemonFCthat's not an accidentMay 04 07:00
cubezzzI get chinese tvMay 04 07:01
cubezzzbut it's free :)May 04 07:01
cubezzzOMNI 2 has chinese and italianMay 04 07:01
DaemonFCI hate cableMay 04 07:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] just noticed that I have crossed 3000+ tweets #twitter #nsisodiyaMay 04 07:02
DaemonFCI watch 2-3 channels regularly and 40 or so neverMay 04 07:02
DaemonFCand have to pay for all of themMay 04 07:02
cubezzzin the beginning there was only CBC :)May 04 07:04
cubezzzevery channel was therefore a CBC affiliateMay 04 07:04
DaemonFCthat explains a lotMay 04 07:05
cubezzzbut I think we even got Buffalo TV before thatMay 04 07:05
cubezzzin the late 1940'sMay 04 07:05
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 07:05
cubezzz"In 1948, there were 325 television sets in Canada." ;-)May 04 07:06
cubezzzI bet people got more work done too :)May 04 07:06
cubezzzto get people to buy the first tvs they had easy credit termsMay 04 07:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] SchoolOS now have ComputerMasti Ebooks on DesktopMay 04 07:08
*enthymeme ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 07:11
oiaohmNot really cubezzzMay 04 07:12
oiaohmPeople have to do the same ammout of not more that we have TV.May 04 07:13
oiaohmProblem is TV gives us less time todo it so hello more stress.May 04 07:13
oiaohm 04 07:14
*tessier_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)May 04 07:16
*tessier_ (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 07:28
DaemonFCcubezzz, Highlander 2 is pure shitMay 04 07:30
DaemonFCNetflix popped that up for me to rateMay 04 07:30
DaemonFCI gave it 1 starMay 04 07:30
DaemonFC:)May 04 07:30
*tessier_ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)May 04 07:32
MinceRyou sure showed 'emMay 04 07:36
cubezzzI just realized my LCD won't handle all the video modes of the Amiga 1200May 04 07:38
MinceRwhy?May 04 07:38
cubezzzit needs to sync down to 15 KhzMay 04 07:38
cubezzzworkbench will work, but most games won'tMay 04 07:39
cubezzzunless there's some LCD which can do that, which I doubtMay 04 07:40
MinceRor you could just emulate that amiga 1200 :>May 04 07:43
cubezzzit's just not the sameMay 04 07:44
MinceRindeed -- one of them can drive an LCD, the other can't. :>May 04 07:44
cubezzzwell I'm open to suggestionsMay 04 07:45
cubezzzI want a computer like the Amiga 1200 which is fully documented to the register levelMay 04 07:45
cubezzzanyways, there's a video board you can add to the Amiga 1200 which will make it work with a modern LCDMay 04 07:46
MinceRyou could use a CRTMay 04 07:46
MinceRor look for an LCD that can do what you needMay 04 07:46
cubezzzhmmmMay 04 07:47
Ender2070awesome, im starting to like the toriesMay 04 07:47
cubezzzI like the LCD idea the bestMay 04 07:47
Ender2070 04 07:47
MinceRthough i'm not sure if scanline-using effects will work with an LCD anyway (or how much amigas used those)May 04 07:47
*tessier_ (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 07:48
Ender2070"Shut the fuck up on this issue ... If you push it, there will be more backlash. This is now a political football. This is not about women’s health in this country."May 04 07:48
cubezzzmaybe it's safer just to find the right CRTMay 04 07:48
Ender2070bamMay 04 07:48
cubezzzI'll rather not use a KVM that's for sureMay 04 07:49
DaemonFCcubezzz, My best option for getting rid of cable TV is to just get their Limited Basic package I thinkMay 04 07:49
Ender2070DaemonFC - you paid money to see highlander 2 ?May 04 07:49
DaemonFCkeeps my $15 "discount" on internet and gives me several local channels May 04 07:50
DaemonFCdifference amounts to $4 for those channels considering thatMay 04 07:50
MinceRsaying "shut the fuck up" means having a tongue like a sailor? i thought there was more to 'swearing like a sailor' than that...May 04 07:50
Ender2070lolMay 04 07:50
DaemonFCreminds me of the phone company making dry DSL lines available but rigging up "discounts" so you only save a few dollars vs. a basic phone line tooMay 04 07:51
Ender2070i think thats awesomeMay 04 07:51
Ender2070harper was pretty much like "kill your own babies"May 04 07:51
MinceRwhich they shouldMay 04 07:51
Ender2070yeahMay 04 07:51
cubezzzyou can do family planning without killing babiesMay 04 07:52
Ender2070exactlyMay 04 07:52
Ender2070its just some of these people really dont want the foreigners having kids at all so planned parenting will lean towards abortion in almost every case they come acrossMay 04 07:53
cubezzzunless you're a first nations or intuit you're not a native :)May 04 07:53
cubezzzI'm an immigrant myselfMay 04 07:54
Ender2070i was born hereMay 04 07:54
Ender2070i was really putting it in terminology daemonfc might understandMay 04 07:54
Ender2070ill try to rephraseMay 04 07:54
DaemonFCabortions are more profitableMay 04 07:55
DaemonFCplanned parenthood spends money if they just pass out contracetivesMay 04 07:55
cubezzzto me abortion is a last resortMay 04 07:55
DaemonFCbut if they can charge hundred of dollars per abortion, it becomes the front line option May 04 07:55
MinceRabortions cost money, tooMay 04 07:55
Ender2070they cost the victim money instead thoughMay 04 07:56
DaemonFCMinceR, That's the thing, they don't mention the free contraceptivesMay 04 07:56
DaemonFCthey pep talk teenage girls into getting an abortionMay 04 07:56
Ender2070condoms cost planned parenthood money, arbortions make them moneyMay 04 07:56
DaemonFCbecause someone is paying them toMay 04 07:56
DaemonFCyes, exactlyMay 04 07:56
MinceRicMay 04 07:57
Ender2070theres even quotas in places like chinaMay 04 07:57
oiaohmEither way it costs.May 04 07:57
oiaohmQuestion is what.May 04 07:57
Ender2070they want it to be canadian tax payers moneyMay 04 07:57
oiaohmNot like having extra people costs nothing.May 04 07:57
DaemonFCI believe a few things here...May 04 07:58
Ender2070theres only 32 million people in canada, with a land mass nearly the size of russiaMay 04 07:58
DaemonFC1. Government should pay for condoms.May 04 07:58
Ender2070i dont think we need to pay for someone elses abortionsMay 04 07:58
DaemonFC2. Government should pay for birth control pills.May 04 07:58
DaemonFC3. Government should pay for sterilizations.May 04 07:58
DaemonFC4. Government should make YOU pay for any kids you haveMay 04 07:58
DaemonFC:)May 04 07:58
cubezzzthere's still baby bonuses isn't there?May 04 07:59
Ender2070actually I think they pay some people who get sterilizedMay 04 07:59
DaemonFCcubezzz, Through the welfare system you mean?May 04 07:59
DaemonFCyeah, all kindsMay 04 07:59
DaemonFCthe government even sends their kids to federal kindergartenMay 04 07:59
Ender2070we still need the baby bonusMay 04 07:59
DaemonFCcalls it Head StartMay 04 07:59
Ender2070if canadian citizens can't keep up with the 1% population growth they have to let more foreigners in, factMay 04 08:00
cubezzzbirth rate = death rate seems a good ideaMay 04 08:01
DaemonFChmmmmMay 04 08:01
DaemonFCyeahMay 04 08:01
Ender2070people are coming into this country for as little as 5 years and getting full pensionMay 04 08:01
Ender2070retardedMay 04 08:01
DaemonFCCanada is still playing the tough immigration rules that the United States should haveMay 04 08:01
Ender2070we're not tough at allMay 04 08:01
DaemonFCbut it makes no sense for them with an aging population that's not growingMay 04 08:01
Ender2070you can come here and not even be a citizen, your entire life pretty muchMay 04 08:02
Ender2070nobody will kick you outMay 04 08:02
Ender2070in the states you get 5 years, if they catch youMay 04 08:02
DaemonFCEnder2070, They're deporting all the US soldiers that are going up there to keep from being stop-lossedMay 04 08:02
DaemonFCexplain thatMay 04 08:02
cubezzzdoes that mean if they don't kick you out after 5 years you can stay in the US?May 04 08:02
Ender2070not allMay 04 08:02
Ender2070cubezzz - noMay 04 08:02
Ender2070cubezzz - they have to catch you i thinkMay 04 08:03
Ender2070might be a different number tooMay 04 08:03
DaemonFCcubezzz, What I mean is that the US government turns a blind eyeMay 04 08:03
DaemonFCand the companies that hire illegals don't want a way for them to become citizensMay 04 08:03
cubezzzI thought there was some sort of amnesty after a whileMay 04 08:03
DaemonFCit's like a Don't Ask Don't Tell for illegal immigration and employmentMay 04 08:03
DaemonFCcubezzz, NoMay 04 08:04
Ender2070i think most would get marriedMay 04 08:04
DaemonFCa friend of mine had to fight them for over 2 yearsMay 04 08:04
DaemonFCand she has been in the US for 26 years nowMay 04 08:04
DaemonFC:)May 04 08:04
DaemonFCsince just after birthMay 04 08:04
Ender2070the only thing tougher here is employmentMay 04 08:05
Ender2070for non-citizensMay 04 08:05
DaemonFCI mentioned in court that for all anyone could prove, she was Puerto Rican and a US citizen by birth anywayMay 04 08:05
DaemonFC:DMay 04 08:05
DaemonFCthey eventually ruled that she could stayMay 04 08:05
Ender2070theres no such thing as an illegal immigrant hereMay 04 08:06
cubezzzwhat do they call it then? :)May 04 08:06
Ender2070its not illegalMay 04 08:06
cubezzzI can get an amiga monitor for $100May 04 08:07
cubezzzonly problem will be shipping itMay 04 08:07
DaemonFCif Canada had the proposed US system I would say "I have no skills, I don't plan to work, my family plans to abuse your welfare and healthcare  system...when can we come in?"May 04 08:07
Ender2070then we would put you through college tooMay 04 08:07
cubezzzdon't forget mentally ill and alocoholic too :)May 04 08:08
DaemonFCsweetMay 04 08:08
Ender2070any 2 year program with good career prospectsMay 04 08:08
cubezzz$100 for the monitor plus $100 for shipping :-/May 04 08:10
DaemonFCEnder2070, I did deduct the cost it took to go through that CNA program from my taxes that yearMay 04 08:10
DaemonFChere, the government really only pays for college for minoritiesMay 04 08:10
Ender2070oh dudeMay 04 08:10
DaemonFCif you're white, you could get lucky and get a grant approvedMay 04 08:10
DaemonFCbut it's not as likelyMay 04 08:10
cubezzzok, it's back to the indivision 1200 thenMay 04 08:10
Ender2070its that racist against white peopleMay 04 08:10
DaemonFCracial quotasMay 04 08:11
Ender2070sounds racistMay 04 08:11
DaemonFCthey have to have half the grants going to minorities that make up less than 15% of the populationMay 04 08:11
DaemonFCit's ridiculousMay 04 08:11
Ender2070yeah it isMay 04 08:12
Ender2070nobody condems pro-amnesty groupsMay 04 08:14
DaemonFCEnder2070, I'm all for equality, I really amMay 04 08:15
DaemonFCbut these programs are jsut reverse discrimination against white peopleMay 04 08:15
Ender2070i agree with youMay 04 08:15
DaemonFCwhy not have a pool where people put in their names and SAT scores and go from there?May 04 08:16
DaemonFCcall it a merit system May 04 08:16
Ender2070not even namesMay 04 08:16
Ender2070use nicknames for anon.May 04 08:16
DaemonFCif some black dude gets a higher SAT than me and that's why he gets a grant and I don't, I'm OKMay 04 08:16
Ender2070that way they cant say "this guy sounds like a black guy"May 04 08:16
DaemonFCat least it was fairMay 04 08:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Good moring everybody, today is the day against DRM: 04 08:17
DaemonFCthe military doesn't punish the recruits that finish the obstacle course firstMay 04 08:17
DaemonFCthen pick up and carry the slackers to the finish lineMay 04 08:17
DaemonFCwhy does the grant system do this?May 04 08:17
DaemonFC"All the minority recruits automatically finish basic, all the white ones have to claw each others eyes out for the remaining slots"May 04 08:18
DaemonFClolMay 04 08:18
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 08:21
*DaemonFC slaps jono with Windows XPMay 04 08:21
DaemonFCB-)May 04 08:21
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 08:22
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 04 08:22
Ender2070you probably listen to David DukeMay 04 08:23
DaemonFCEnder2070, noMay 04 08:23
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2406:a000:f0ff:fffe::eb9) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 08:23
DaemonFCI just don't think the grant system is fairMay 04 08:23
DaemonFCit should pay no consideration to raceMay 04 08:23
DaemonFCnot weighting minorities so as to give special treatmentMay 04 08:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Canadians don't want "to be boiled like frogs" in #Harper's cynical, backwards 'incremental conservatism'... 04 08:27
DaemonFCEnder2070, I went to the chiropractorMay 04 08:27
DaemonFCit's nice being insured againMay 04 08:27
Ender2070:)May 04 08:28
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 04 08:30
*schestowitz () has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 08:31
DaemonFC"I'm just going to give your neck a little push here" *craaaaaaack!!!*May 04 08:31
DaemonFCMe: "That was some little push!" :PMay 04 08:31
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)May 04 08:54
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)May 04 08:56
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 08:59
schestowitzHey, I've just realist they we should call lawyers "trollawyers" when it comes to "IP"May 04 09:02
schestowitz*realisedMay 04 09:02
schestowitzMinceR: are you there?May 04 09:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Red Hat on Patent Trolls; Apple Antitrust; Microsoft Attacks Theora, Which is Needed to Save Our Video Culture 04 09:04
schestowitz"As of last Friday, Opera Browser has a new EULA aimed to make easier it's inclusion into Linux and other Open Source operating systems. " 04 09:10
*TechrightsBot (~b0t@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 09:10
TechrightsBotHello World!May 04 09:10
DaemonFCschestowitz: I noticed that the noise reduction rating is lower on those custom fit earplugsMay 04 09:17
DaemonFCand they're damned expensiveMay 04 09:17
DaemonFC$50 to have yourself fitted, and $130 for the earplugsMay 04 09:17
DaemonFCyou could get a lot of disposables for that priceMay 04 09:17
MinceRschestowitz: yesMay 04 09:19
MinceRearplugs suckMay 04 09:20
DaemonFCnoise sucks worseMay 04 09:20
DaemonFCI'm sure it's illegal to shoot the guy downstairsMay 04 09:21
DaemonFCnobody will stop himMay 04 09:21
DaemonFCso, earplugsMay 04 09:21
schestowitzMinceR: any way of mailing that stuff? It's mostly a 10-hour period that I was absent forMay 04 09:21
MinceRschestowitz: i can't even extract it from the logMay 04 09:22
MinceRit's all merged in daily log files under ~/irclogs/freenode/ named like *.2010-04-28 (yes, with a literal asterisk)May 04 09:23
schestowitzThat's OkMay 04 09:23
schestowitzLet's see if others have itMay 04 09:23
schestowitzzoobab: do you keep logs in this channel?May 04 09:23
schestowitzMinceR: I reckon nothing happened in the other two channelsMay 04 09:24
schestowitzThis one is like 100 time more activeMay 04 09:24
DaemonFCMinceR, figure the temporary insanity plea would stick?May 04 09:24
DaemonFCif I were to shoot him that isMay 04 09:24
MinceRschestowitz: so little happened on those two i could just /lastlog them to a fileMay 04 09:25
schestowitzAondo or amarsh04 might also have full logs (has any of you got channel logs for the 29th and 30th of April)?May 04 09:25
schestowitzping amarsh04May 04 09:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] ISO pushing for a patent-free video codec, committee stuffing, yes you can do it: 04 09:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Rob Glidden  » MPEG Issues Resolution on Type-1 (Royalty-Free) Standardization .::. Size~: 47 KBMay 04 09:28
MinceRlastlog worked so i can send you the logs of #boycottnovell-social and #techrights from those days (without colors and such codes though)May 04 09:28
schestowitzPlease do send  :-)May 04 09:28
MinceRto what address?May 04 09:29
schestowitzr @ schestowitz comMay 04 09:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] The analysis of patents is outside of the scope and competence of ISO and MPEG: 04 09:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Rob Glidden  » MPEG Issues Resolution on Type-1 (Royalty-Free) Standardization .::. Size~: 47.43 KBMay 04 09:30
MinceRschestowitz: mail sentMay 04 09:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] MPEG believes that 20 years after its publication some technology will become royalty-free: 04 09:35
TechrightsBotTitle: Rob Glidden  » MPEG Issues Resolution on Type-1 (Royalty-Free) Standardization .::. Size~: 47.88 KBMay 04 09:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Morning all, how are things with you good folks today?May 04 09:37
*neighborlee has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)May 04 09:37
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 23.1.1)May 04 09:39
schestowitzMinceR: THANKS!May 04 09:45
schestowitzHandy: 04 09:48
DaemonFC 04 09:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Senator: 'BP says it'll pay for this mess. Baloney.' - .::. Size~: 54.21 KBMay 04 09:50
DaemonFCI 04 09:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Local Man Sentenced In Murder-for-Hire Scheme | Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and My Network| Local & Regional .::. Size~: 70.06 KBMay 04 09:51
schestowitz"Will sharpshoot for food"May 04 09:56
MinceRschestowitz: npMay 04 09:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] How to make an ‘Obama’ HOPE Poster in GIMP Very nice, the #GIMP is greatMay 04 10:01
TechrightsBotTitle: How to make an Obama HOPE Poster in GIMP | Scott Photographics | Photography & Graphic Design Resources .::. Size~: 65.22 KBMay 04 10:01
schestowitz 04 10:01
TechrightsBotTitle: Facebook: Friend, or Frenemy? - Linux Magazine Online  .::. Size~: 31.03 KBMay 04 10:01
MinceRjust plain enemy, imoMay 04 10:02
*Thrae has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)May 04 10:06
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)May 04 10:08
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 10:10
cubezzzoh wellMay 04 10:13
cubezzzAROS keeps crashingMay 04 10:14
cubezzzit looks interesting but it's not readyMay 04 10:14
cubezzzguess Linux is still the best :)May 04 10:15
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 04 10:21
cubezzzand my old router works better than my new one, oddMay 04 10:21
cubezzzit just seems like most of the best dev is on LinuxMay 04 10:22
cubezzzand I still say older Linux is better, at least in some waysMay 04 10:23
oiaohmDid you try the windows manager form of AROS cubezzzMay 04 10:26
*pawel_123 (~pawel@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 10:27
pawel_123hiMay 04 10:27
pawel_123did you read:May 04 10:27
pawel_123 04 10:27
TechrightsBotTitle: [Phoronix] Towards A Real Business Model For Open-Source Software .::. Size~: 24.57 KBMay 04 10:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @schestowitz: How to make an ‘Obama’ HOPE Poster in GIMP Very nice, the #GIMP is greatMay 04 10:28
pawel_123some guy is propagating *bsd licenses over GPL, because it will help Linux and open source to gain some bussines attentionMay 04 10:28
TechrightsBotTitle: How to make an Obama HOPE Poster in GIMP | Scott Photographics | Photography & Graphic Design Resources .::. Size~: 65.14 KBMay 04 10:28
pawel_123he calls the GPL a communist license in Phoronix forumMay 04 10:28
MinceRsure, it will gain the attention of m$ and crApple -- more code for them to rip offMay 04 10:28
pawel_123exactlyMay 04 10:29
cubezzzoiaohm, noMay 04 10:29
MinceRGNU/Linux already has the attention of other businessesMay 04 10:29
MinceRand so does free softwareMay 04 10:29
cubezzzactually the live cd ran better than linux hostedMay 04 10:29
pawel_123I wonder why such thing appeared at Phoronix? :)May 04 10:29
cubezzzbut couldn't get the network stuff goingMay 04 10:29
MinceRbecause of IDG, i presumeMay 04 10:29
pawel_123the guy hates fsf tooMay 04 10:29
MinceRthey also had a rather trolling article on benchmarking ubuntu vs vista7May 04 10:29
pawel_123yesMay 04 10:29
MinceRstarting full of FUD and then getting to inconclusive resultsMay 04 10:30
pawel_123they just measured graphic drivers performanceMay 04 10:30
oiaohmMinceR:  Laugh at them.May 04 10:30
cubezzzI should mention AROS on it's own didn't crashMay 04 10:30
pawel_123but those drivers are differentMay 04 10:30
MinceRi think i'll remove them from my feed listMay 04 10:30
MinceRi'm going to switch news sources anywayMay 04 10:30
oiaohmDon't they get it head to head benchmarking is really the start of the Linux move on desktop.May 04 10:30
MinceRsince /. is a m$/crApple fanboy base now and is openly advertising m$May 04 10:30
oiaohmUp until now benchmarks directly comparing correctly has not been done.May 04 10:30
oiaohmAnd will force Linux quality to match or better windows.May 04 10:30
pawel_123MinceR: I did the same, I stoped at Phoronix long time ago, but it's time to switch probablyMay 04 10:31
schestowitzpawel_123: why not just ignore him?May 04 10:31
MinceR( is advertising IE8 on every page they have)May 04 10:31
schestowitzThere are always people like that, nothing particularly newMay 04 10:31
pawel_123schestowitz: this is what I'm thinking about ;)May 04 10:31
schestowitzI didn't notice itMay 04 10:31
MinceRapparently what i predicted about phoronix is happening nowMay 04 10:31
schestowitzand I read Linux news VERY exhaustivelyMay 04 10:31
oiaohmphoronix has been useful to main kernel development since they started benchmarking May 04 10:31
MinceR(perhaps it's too soon to say, though)May 04 10:31
oiaohmIe lot of regressions have been detected before they are too code deep.May 04 10:32
cubezzzLinux really is the best, most portable OSMay 04 10:32
pawel_123oiaohm: except some fud spreaded May 04 10:32
MinceRis reddit a good source of tech news and international news?May 04 10:32
oiaohmPrice pawel_123May 04 10:32
cubezzzummMay 04 10:32
schestowitzcubezzz: pingMay 04 10:32
oiaohmEverything has its price.  pawel_123May 04 10:32
oiaohmDoing benchmarks always risk it used against you.May 04 10:32
pawel_123oiaohm: there were intendet changes in kernel, but Phoronix claims those were regressions ;)May 04 10:32
schestowitzcubezzz: have you got IRC logs for the 29th and 30th that you can e-majl me?May 04 10:32
schestowitzFor this channel I meanMay 04 10:32
cubezzzprobably doMay 04 10:32
schestowitzCool!May 04 10:32
cubezzzlet me check thoughMay 04 10:33
oiaohmpawel_123: Some were required fixes with high costs.  Yes they were bugs at those regression points that did get fixed in time.  Ie locking.May 04 10:33
cubezzzEnder2070, all the amiga vids on youtube have guys with British accents too :)May 04 10:33
cubezzzNorth America is like dozerlandMay 04 10:33
schestowitzAUstralia and UK tooMay 04 10:34
cubezzz29 megs, woof :)May 04 10:34
schestowitzIf it speaks English, then it speaks with Ballmer in a native langMay 04 10:34
cubezzzyes, that is trueMay 04 10:34
pawel_123oiaohm: there are always some bugs :), but imagine, Phoronix tested many kernels some time ago, but there were different mount options usedMay 04 10:34
schestowitzcubezzz: can you crop 29/4 - 30/4 out and mail it to r at schestowitz com please?May 04 10:35
pawel_123oiaohm: cause defaults mount options changed :)May 04 10:35
cubezzzschestowitz, OKMay 04 10:35
schestowitzI'd be grateful, we keep these logs for people who read them without joining IRC (there are quite a lot)May 04 10:35
cubezzzmy log goes back to Jan 30thMay 04 10:35
cubezzz2010May 04 10:35
schestowitzIn 2009 we one made a log of 1.5 MB in one dayMay 04 10:36
schestowitz*onceMay 04 10:36
cubezzzok, looks like I do have apr 29May 04 10:36
schestowitzand 30th... I was offline installing Linux, so I missed half a dayMay 04 10:37
cubezzzumm you only want 29th and 30th right?May 04 10:37
schestowitzYes, please :-)May 04 10:37
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 10:37
cubezzzd1G or something May 04 10:37
cubezzztrying to remember my vim commandsMay 04 10:37
oiaohmAnd those mount options changes had far higher price then they should have as well pawel_123May 04 10:37
cubezzzI backed it up first :)May 04 10:38
oiaohmOver time the price of those mount options has reduced in line with Block device management improvements pawel_123May 04 10:38
cubezzzwow, we talk a lot May 04 10:39
cubezzzand there's a lot of me in there :)May 04 10:39
schestowitzOver 100MB in my logs :-)May 04 10:39
oiaohmAlso be aware that the developer of that filesystem changed the pattern of mount options to hide the fact of the regression as well before he was forced to change to back for stablity.  pawel_123May 04 10:39
cubezzzok, what's the email address?May 04 10:40
pawel_123oiaohm: it's something messed up :) devs chose safer mount options for default thus benchmark results were lowerMay 04 10:40
schestowitzr at schestowitz comMay 04 10:40
schestowitzthanks!May 04 10:40
pawel_123oiaohm: if you test kernels they should use exactly the same optionsMay 04 10:40
oiaohmDeveloper first chose unsafe ones. Due to the speed effects.May 04 10:41
oiaohmSo hiding regression pawel_123May 04 10:41
oiaohmIt aways comes back and bites at some point.May 04 10:41
pawel_123oiaohm: how safer otpions which lowered benchmar results hid regressions?May 04 10:41
cubezzzsending....May 04 10:41
oiaohmNo pawel_123 the unsafe options had never been there in ext2 and I think ext3 by default.  Developer due to speed hit turned them off on ext4 so giving speed gainMay 04 10:42
oiaohmSo making ext4 unsafe.  pawel_123May 04 10:43
cubezzztwo days was 200K :)May 04 10:43
oiaohmAt some point that has to be corrected.  pawel_123May 04 10:43
pawel_123oiaohm: ok :)May 04 10:43
cubezzzso we blabber about 100K per dayMay 04 10:43
oiaohmThere was a regression in those options.  pawel_123May 04 10:43
oiaohmThe developer hid.  The issue.  So when phoronix said it was a regression it was.  Worst kind developer hidden regression.May 04 10:44
cubezzzvim is awesome but I can't remember all the commandsMay 04 10:44
oiaohmBenchmarking of kernel with default options should always basically stay thing same or get faster unless something was hidden or done wrong.  pawel_123May 04 10:45
MinceRyou don't have to remember all the commandsMay 04 10:45
pawel_123oiaohm: you're missing the point. Phoronix benchmarked kernel with different options used, so this is not meaningfull. I bet they didn't even know defaults changedMay 04 10:45
pawel_123oiaohm: not trueMay 04 10:45
oiaohmThey did pawel_123.  May 04 10:45
oiaohmWhat reason would you have for a speed hit other than fixing a error.  pawel_123May 04 10:46
pawel_123oiaohm: Ext4 is safer then ntfs, but if you want it to be faster you've got to use different mount optionsMay 04 10:46
oiaohmNow yes pawel_123May 04 10:46
pawel_123oiaohm: to make it better for specified marketMay 04 10:46
oiaohmEarly Ext4 with wrong options was faster and less safe than ntfsMay 04 10:47
cubezzzbtw does anyone know the name of the mouse driver in 2.4?May 04 10:47
pawel_123oiaohm: where data must be flushed imediatly to disk, for desktop you rather do not need thisMay 04 10:47
pawel_123oiaohm: possiblyMay 04 10:47
oiaohmBut unsafe path should not be default ever.May 04 10:47
oiaohmPerson should have to change for unsafe.May 04 10:47
cubezzzok, I'll just read the docs :)May 04 10:48
oiaohmNote the Ext4 current options do not force imediat flush to disk.  But they do reduce file nuking.  Ie if a file was just part written turning it into a zero size file.  pawel_123May 04 10:49
schestowitzcubezzz: thanks!May 04 10:49
cubezzznpMay 04 10:49
pawel_123oiaohm: "But unsafe path should not be default ever." that's for sure :)May 04 10:50
oiaohmFile nuking provides means of skipping over journalling and other tracking of what you are doing in the filesystem.  Ie faster. pawel_123May 04 10:50
oiaohmSo ext4 was benchmarking way faster than it ever should have.May 04 10:50
cubezzzI think I'll stick with ext2 and ext3 :)May 04 10:50
cubezzztried and trueMay 04 10:51
oiaohmOn defaults.  And of course when the problems came home to roust the defaults had to be changed back to like ext3May 04 10:51
oiaohmAnd then the fact that journalling on ext4 was running like a snail came to light.  pawel_123May 04 10:51
oiaohmIe slower than ext3 on the same size filesystem.May 04 10:52
pawel_123oiaohm: why it's that?May 04 10:52
oiaohmThe code had not be fully redone to cope with ext4 supporting larger filesystems.May 04 10:53
oiaohmInstead just hacked up so it would work.  pawel_123May 04 10:53
oiaohmIe performance work was badly lacking.May 04 10:53
oiaohmYes the developer had hid where he had not been working and that it was in a bad state by changing defaults.May 04 10:53
oiaohmLot of Linux developers were up in arms at the change in defaults at the time as well.May 04 10:54
oiaohmIe change to the unsafe.May 04 10:54
oiaohmSo the case you have for fud from phoronix over filesystems is badly wrong pawel_123May 04 10:55
oiaohmOk some wine developers would say the phoronix over sells open source video card drivers.May 04 10:55
oiaohmOk most of the wine developers says phoronix over sells open source video card drivers.May 04 10:56
oiaohmNote the ext4 defaults change to unstable only go threw due to ext 4 being classed as unstable when they were changed.  Ie the regression was not changing them back before production status.May 04 10:58
oiaohmAnd then finding out that there were more regressions.May 04 10:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @litemeter: ERT @anand_bala ‘Politician behind diversion of PDS foodgrains' #UID will plug the leak; what abt ..May 04 11:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[anivar] act for justifying an authority? RT @economic_times #Govt to introduce bill to regulate #UID project-ITeS-Infotech- 04 11:06
TechrightsBotTitle: Govt to introduce bill to  regulate unique ID project-ITeS-Infotech-The Economic Times .::. Size~: 44.05 KBMay 04 11:06
MinceRr4wrMay 04 11:10
pawel_123oiaohm: ok, I've got your point :)May 04 11:12
oiaohmDevelopers need watch dogs just as much as anyone else.  pawel_123 benchmarking is one of those watch dogs.May 04 11:12
*MinceR hates dogsMay 04 11:13
oiaohmI quite like them.  Thinking I work with quite a few.  MinceR  May 04 11:14
pawel_123oiaohm: if some watch dogs are meaningull it's another case May 04 11:15
oiaohmThe simplest thing is to blame a benchmark for finding a issue.  pawel_123 The question should always be why was the issue thier in the first place.May 04 11:16
pawel_123oiaohm: the question is if there is an issueMay 04 11:18
pawel_123you've got only one mode for ntfsMay 04 11:18
pawel_123and at least three for ext4May 04 11:18
pawel_123then how would you know which is a correct one for desktop?May 04 11:19
pawel_123which is an equivalent of ntfs mode etc?May 04 11:19
oiaohmntfs has 12 modes infact.  pawel_123May 04 11:19
oiaohmOnly 1 most people know.May 04 11:19
oiaohmjournalling on is ntfs.May 04 11:20
oiaohmdefault.May 04 11:20
oiaohmIt is possiable to run ntfs without journalling and without caching and with out permissions.May 04 11:20
pawel_123oiaohm: only this one which is known should be taken into account in this caseMay 04 11:20
oiaohmUnder windows what does run a lot faster but god darn unsafe.May 04 11:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Seeking LessWrongers to descend on this article in disgust and make it better 04 11:21
TechrightsBotTitle: LessWrong - RationalWiki .::. Size~: 20.47 KBMay 04 11:21
oiaohmIe the one you know is the maker default.  pawel_123May 04 11:21
oiaohmSo the default of the Linux kernel should match up.  Ie safe in most cases.May 04 11:22
pawel_123oiaohm: yepMay 04 11:22
oiaohmMain reason to turn permissions and cache and journalling is running windows doing real time work.  May 04 11:22
oiaohmCatch was ext4 was not safe in most cases before the correction to defaults that caused a speed cost. pawel_123May 04 11:23
pawel_123oiaohm: then maybe that's why there were no so safe options as defaults for ext4 before?May 04 11:23
oiaohmDeveloper pushed it threw claiming his work would remove the need for the safe options.  pawel_123May 04 11:24
oiaohmIe was not the case.May 04 11:24
oiaohmSo the developer did not work on fixing up the long term known safe methods.  So leading to the massive speed hit.May 04 11:24
pawel_123oiaohm: no safe ext 4 options maybe matched default ntfs optionsMay 04 11:24
oiaohmThere are.  pawel_123May 04 11:24
pawel_123oiaohm: so those options are enough for desktopsMay 04 11:25
oiaohmext4 with journalling enabled does line up quite well to ntfs in stablity.May 04 11:25
oiaohmBut of course you pay speed for it.May 04 11:25
pawel_123oiaohm: and phoronix benchamarking unsafe options against safe ones wasn't fair claiming there's some regressionMay 04 11:25
pawel_123it's an expected behaviourMay 04 11:26
oiaohmCatch is that the defaults were wrong.  And a person may have been depending on that performance it was a regression.May 04 11:26
oiaohmWine makes functions work that never did before applications die those applications are classed as regressions in support.May 04 11:28
oiaohmYes making functions work can make applications use other functions that don't work that when the other functions did not work they would never have touched.May 04 11:28
oiaohmYes the evil side of regressions.  May 04 11:28
oiaohmJust because its expected behaviour does not mean its not a regression.May 04 11:29
oiaohmIf I could claim that I could delete about 80 percent of wine regression reports.  pawel_123May 04 11:29
pawel_123oiaohm: why defaults were wrong while probably exactly the same defaults are still in ntfs?May 04 11:30
oiaohmNo ext4 defaults that were wrong were way worse than ntfs defaults.May 04 11:30
pawel_123oiaohm: then it's a different thingMay 04 11:31
oiaohmIe no journal no safe guards.  Basically pray that power does not drop out.  May 04 11:31
oiaohmOr kernel lock up for some reason.May 04 11:31
oiaohmExt4 was running down right dangerous until the defualts were corrected.  pawel_123May 04 11:31
pawel_123okMay 04 11:32
oiaohmBasically is a screw up of screwup.May 04 11:32
oiaohmNever should happen.  Nicest thing phoronix could say was that it was a regression and leave it at that.May 04 11:33
oiaohmTo say the truth the developer has gone past safe limits and provided way more performance than what ever should have been there.May 04 11:33
schestowitz[11:13] * MinceR hates dogsMay 04 11:33
schestowitzWould you at last keep them in a zoo?May 04 11:33
oiaohmSo leading to the current performance drop.  would ahve been nasty.  pawel_123May 04 11:34
MinceRschestowitz: i wish people didMay 04 11:34
schestowitzThey are our domesticated mammalsMay 04 11:34
MinceRor in well-closed kennels on their own private propertyMay 04 11:34
schestowitzDogs are probably more disciplined and domesticated then childrenMay 04 11:34
schestowitzYou see, many people make children for 'God'; people, on the other hand, breed to sellMay 04 11:35
MinceRi'm not exactly fond of children either, but at least some of those grow upMay 04 11:35
MinceReventuallyMay 04 11:35
oiaohmDepends on the Dog. I have no trouble with working dogs.  I know a guy who as a small dog that makes a good roof cable puller.May 04 11:35
schestowitz*breed cats/dogs I meanMay 04 11:35
oiaohmYes well trained woffMay 04 11:35
oiaohmwoofMay 04 11:35
schestowitzThere are fighting/racing dogsMay 04 11:35
oiaohmAlso have a painter with a dog that will get his brushes and the like.May 04 11:36
schestowitzThese are uselessMay 04 11:36
MinceRoiaohm: there's no reason to let them out where they can endanger others.May 04 11:36
schestowitzIt's like an udderless cowMay 04 11:36
oiaohmWorking dogs don't roam all over the place.May 04 11:36
schestowitzDingo!May 04 11:36
schestowitzoiaohm: you still have Dingo(!!)?May 04 11:37
schestowitzAnd boxing roos?May 04 11:37
oiaohmI had a half Dingo kelpyMay 04 11:37
schestowitz"Man! I just left the house and got knocking by this roo with no gloves!"May 04 11:37
oiaohmYet annoying we are not allowed to keep full blood dingosMay 04 11:37
oiaohmIts understandable thinking you have to take the pup before its eyes open.May 04 11:38
oiaohmOther wise it will never obey you.May 04 11:38
schestowitz 04 11:38
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Maybe the Dingo Ate Your Baby .::. Size~: 87.14 KBMay 04 11:38
oiaohmDingo's are some of the most loyol dogs you can have.May 04 11:38
oiaohmSo what do you think of guide dogs and the like MinceRMay 04 11:40
schestowitz 04 11:40
TechrightsBotTitle: Hey Steve!  Fighting Porn on Android& Theres an App for That! | AndroidGuys .::. Size~: 36.05 KBMay 04 11:40
oiaohmIe working dogs. MinceRMay 04 11:40
MinceRoiaohm: playing with fire.May 04 11:42
MinceRonly others get burnt tooMay 04 11:42
MinceRbblMay 04 11:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] How can I empty Kate's undo/redo stack without restrating it? Can't find answer, e.g. #kdeMay 04 12:01
TechrightsBotTitle: dhaumann: Kate Internals: The Undo/Redo System .::. Size~: 97.75 KBMay 04 12:01
pawel_123bye everyone :)May 04 12:03
*pawel_123 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 04 12:03 foolishly links to 04 12:13
schestowitzSo you'd think it's some Linux SWMay 04 12:13
TechrightsBotTitle: OpenDLP aims to detect potential data loss - The H Security: News and Features .::. Size~: 34.95 KBMay 04 12:13
schestowitz"OpenDLP 0.1 is released under the GPLv3 "May 04 12:13
schestowitzWINDOWS ONLY *LOL*May 04 12:13 editors for news suckMay 04 12:14
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)May 04 12:17
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 12:17
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzMay 04 12:17
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-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] A decade on from the ILOVEYOU bug - "Bug"? They know it's a virus, so why "bug" in the title? 04 12:19
TechrightsBotTitle: BBC News - A decade on from the ILOVEYOU bug .::. Size~: 51.71 KBMay 04 12:19
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)May 04 12:20
*schestowitz removes channel operator status from schestowitz_logMay 04 12:25
*schestowitz has kicked BNi from #boycottnovell (User terminated!)May 04 12:26
*schestowitz has kicked BNtwitter from #boycottnovell (User terminated!)May 04 12:26
schestowitzI'm trying something....May 04 12:26
*BNi (~twitfolk) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 12:26
oiaohm 04 12:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Google acquires BumpTop: Will Android get a 3D facelift?  | VentureBeat .::. Size~: 48.23 KBMay 04 12:31
oiaohmI was going to try the server side of opendlp to see if it would run from Linux.May 04 12:32
*BNtwitter (~twitfolk) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 12:36
*BNtwitter has quit (Quit: Caught SIGINT, bye.)May 04 12:38
*BNi has quit (Quit: Caught SIGINT, bye.)May 04 12:38
schestowitzoiaohm: it's a Windows proggyMay 04 12:38
MinceRreMay 04 12:39
schestowitz 04 12:42
TechrightsBotTitle: [Phoronix] It's The End Of The Month, New Ad Testing .::. Size~: 16.28 KBMay 04 12:42
schestowitzI'd hate adsMay 04 12:42
schestowitzIf techrights was ever to make a penny to help writing, that would be a huge challengeMay 04 12:42
schestowitzI doubt many people would be willing to donate based on what michael larabel told meMay 04 12:42
schestowitz"@openuniverse re: "hold down ctrl+z for a while?" won't do, cause of redo. Kate takes up 400mb of ram ATM"May 04 12:49
oiaohmFeatures it appears to use server side seam to line up to what samba can do.  schestowitzMay 04 12:53
*BNtwitter (~twitfolk@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 12:53
oiaohmYes I am plaining other trouble making with opendlpMay 04 12:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @morphix happy anti-drm day !May 04 12:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] IIRC, Kate in kde3 could offer the option to change undo/redo stack sizeMay 04 12:54
MinceRupgrade to vim :>May 04 12:54
*BNi (~twitfolk@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 12:56
schestowitzI'm using it nowMay 04 12:57
schestowitzI hate itMay 04 12:57
Aondolol one guys music i've been listening to is having a talk at lac2010May 04 12:57
Aondoah not.. looked just like him... strange :P May 04 13:03
schestowitzWHich artist?May 04 13:08
schestowitzWow. The TechrightsBot had 1.5 GB of archivesMay 04 13:08
schestowitzURLs fetched for their titledMay 04 13:09
schestowitz*titlesMay 04 13:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] Twitter's new 'embed tweet' feature launches today 04 13:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Twitter's new 'embed tweet' feature launches today |Media | .::. Size~: 95.81 KBMay 04 13:09
Aondohis name is kim åke. May 04 13:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Aavepyörä » Melodic electronic music in the footprints of oldschool goa, chiptunes and tracker music » trance, psychedelic, sid, suomisaundi, suomistyge, electro, taika-kim .::. Size~: 13.83 KBMay 04 13:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Things I did not know: the name "brontosaurus" has been deprecated since *1903* 04 13:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Taxonomy: Fly in the ointment | The Economist .::. Size~: 58.68 KBMay 04 13:12
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] RT @quotme: "The open source developer contributes even his failures" - Tim O'Reilly/@timoreillyMay 04 13:21
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 04 13:23
*schestowitz () has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 13:24
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)May 04 13:27
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)May 04 13:27
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 13:27
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzMay 04 13:27
*schestowitz has changed the topic to: Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedomMay 04 13:28
Tcl interface unloadedMay 04 13:28
Python interface unloadedMay 04 13:28
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellMay 04 13:29
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedomMay 04 13:29
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz!~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Tue May 4 13:12:43 2010May 04 13:29
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelMay 04 13:29
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 13:30
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellMay 04 13:31
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedomMay 04 13:31
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz!~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Tue May 4 13:12:43 2010May 04 13:31
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelMay 04 13:31
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_logMay 04 13:31
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellMay 04 13:32
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedomMay 04 13:32
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz!~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Tue May 4 13:12:43 2010May 04 13:32
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelMay 04 13:32
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_logMay 04 13:32
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 04 13:37
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Python interface unloadedMay 04 13:40
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellMay 04 13:41
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedomMay 04 13:41
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz!~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Tue May 4 13:12:43 2010May 04 13:41
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelMay 04 13:41
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_logMay 04 13:41
*BNtwitter has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)May 04 13:42
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*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 04 13:46
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*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzMay 04 13:47
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellMay 04 13:48
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedomMay 04 13:48
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz!~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Tue May 4 13:12:43 2010May 04 13:48
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelMay 04 13:48
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_logMay 04 13:48
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzMay 04 13:50
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue May 4 13:52:17 2010
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-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] This picture of Theodore Roosevelt is not photoshopped. 04 13:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBMay 04 13:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @anand_bala: #UID will also get the Miss Universe title aftr it solves the problems of world poverty, wars, and hunger @litemeter @anivarMay 04 14:19
*schestowitz removes channel operator status from schestowitz_logMay 04 14:24
*schestowitz removes channel operator status from schestowitzMay 04 14:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Will almost all papers (old-style news) be gone in 2 years? 04 14:40
TechrightsBotTitle: Sumner Redstone Says Murdoch’s Newspapers Will Fail (Update3) - BusinessWeek .::. Size~: 45.2 KBMay 04 14:40
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)May 04 14:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] A two-party system plays right into the hands of fanatics like #Harper. Strong independents are his Kryptonite.... 04 14:56
TechrightsBotTitle: A two-party system plays right into the hands of... - Toby Thain - FriendFeed .::. Size~: 6.93 KBMay 04 14:57
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 14:59
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 15:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Just posted a disapointing comment to this review of gNewSense on OpenBytes: 04 15:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Page not found « OpenBytes .::. Size~: 22.26 KBMay 04 15:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] With all the fun at #oggcamp we didn't notice that @uupc has hit 1 Million downloads in 26 episodes! Thanks for listening.May 04 15:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Hartmut Pilch estimates that RedHat has spent nearly 1 million USD to get rid of a bogus patent lawsuit, unaffordable: 04 15:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Redhat and Novell lose on less bad patents .::. Size~: 5.33 KBMay 04 15:36
*lyle (~185ba80d@gateway/web/freenode/x-wemvtulfsndflbvj) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 15:43
lyle 04 15:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Canonical licenses H.264  Theora out for the count? | OMG! Ubuntu! .::. Size~: 87.33 KBMay 04 15:43
lyle!?!?!?!?May 04 15:43
lylecrap, I got 3 minutes to get to classMay 04 15:44
lylebblMay 04 15:44
*lyle has quit (Client Quit)May 04 15:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] @DaemonFC Thanks for proving my point Ryan. You stupid atheists have no morals, no ethics, and no humanity. Simply, pathetic creatures. :)May 04 15:59
*Omar87 (~omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 16:00
*gargoyle-grin (~randerson@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 16:11
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Client Quit)May 04 16:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] @DaemonFC Cussing and cursing only indicate how much of a big fat loser and pathetic ignorant you are. :-)May 04 16:13
*gargoyle-grin (~randerson@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 16:13
amarsh04schestowitz, I can check my log... give me UTC time ranges and I can send it to you if you give me an email addressMay 04 16:14
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 16:16
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 04 16:20
*BNtwitter has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)May 04 16:21
*BNtwitter (~twitfolk@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 16:22
Ender2070fucking canonicalMay 04 16:27
MinceRwhat did they do this time?May 04 16:28
Ender2070look aboveMay 04 16:28
Ender2070 04 16:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Canonical licenses H.264  Theora out for the count? [Updated] | OMG! Ubuntu! .::. Size~: 87.85 KBMay 04 16:28
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)May 04 16:29
MinceRwell, i guess novell #2 has arrived.May 04 16:29
MinceRguess who's one of the licensors in the h.264 patent poolMay 04 16:30
*BNtwitter has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 04 16:31
*BNtwitter (~twitfolk@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 16:31
Ender2070novell?May 04 16:32
MinceRit seems to me that canonical is the new novellMay 04 16:32
MinceRoh, the answer to that question was m$May 04 16:32
MinceRbut crApple is in the cartel tooMay 04 16:32
Ender2070oh i already knew they wereMay 04 16:32
MinceR:)May 04 16:32
Ender2070i've been following the theora debateMay 04 16:32
Ender2070steve jobs is big brotherMay 04 16:33
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2406:a000:f0ff:fffe::e1b) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 16:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @anand_bala: !!! #UID RT @guptar: Deviation between UIDAI PR Speak and actions/intentions (scroll to the bottom) 04 17:01
TechrightsBotTitle: UID Resources « Bourgeois Inspirations .::. Size~: 61.24 KBMay 04 17:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] Ubuntu glitch. For no apparent reason all text became garbled but otherwise system functioned normally. On reboot all is now normal.May 04 17:08
*Python1320 has quit (Quit: Quti!!)May 04 17:16
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)May 04 17:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] Burqa, I am all for cultural sensitivity but worry that the burqa can become a physical and psychological hiding place.May 04 17:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Connected to the internet via my #freerunner with GPRS, thank you #shrprojectMay 04 17:35
*_Ender_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 17:36
_Ender_remember the computer duster girl?May 04 17:37
_Ender_ 04 17:37
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Walking on sunshine, Towlie - South Park .::. Size~: 77.17 KBMay 04 17:37
*neighborlee (~neighborl@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 17:51
schestowitz[16:14] <amarsh04> schestowitz, I can check my log... give me UTC time ranges and I can send it to you if you give me an email addressMay 04 17:56
schestowitzThanks, it's already doneMay 04 17:56
amarsh04I noticed that as I read further through the backlog schestowitz - #boycottnovell is the only one of your channels that I'm inMay 04 17:57
_Ender_cout > printfMay 04 17:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] Laptop dead. Woe is me.May 04 17:58
*Python1320 (Python1320@unaffiliated/python1320) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 17:58
schestowitzamarsh04: join #techrights maybeMay 04 17:58
schestowitzCanonical has patented these patents for a whileMay 04 17:59
schestowitzNot newsMay 04 17:59
amarsh04ok...May 04 17:59
schestowitz 04 17:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.1 KBMay 04 17:59
_Ender_canonical patented patents?May 04 18:01
_Ender_jesus i think ibm was badMay 04 18:01
*WireWulf-away is now known as WireWulfMay 04 18:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] I bought most of the pixies albums, just :)May 04 18:04
Omar87Hi all.May 04 18:06
Omar87schestowitz, 'sup!May 04 18:06
schestowitzEnder2070: 04 18:14
TechrightsBotTitle: MS Buys Codecs from MS | Techrights .::. Size~: 436 KBMay 04 18:14
schestowitzI found out in 2007 from someone who spoke to markMay 04 18:16
schestowitzOmar87: hello, friendMay 04 18:19
schestowitz 04 18:26
TechrightsBotTitle:                     Linux tablet arrives in the uk - The Inquirer          .::. Size~: 72.89 KBMay 04 18:26
schestowitzIt looks quite decent. Windows is too chucky for thoseMay 04 18:27
schestowitz*chunkyMay 04 18:27
_Ender_anyone want to learn C++ ?May 04 18:29
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)May 04 18:29
_Ender_ 04 18:29
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- C++ Tutorial - 7 - Arguments in Functions .::. Size~: 89.13 KBMay 04 18:29
*BNtwitter has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 04 18:30
_Ender_theres 40+ lessonsMay 04 18:30
*BNtwitter (~twitfolk@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 18:30
_Ender_if anyone wants to learn java I have video links for Standford U's lessonsMay 04 18:30
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayMay 04 18:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Age terrorists develop homeopathic bomb Too funny, homoeopathy is a fraudMay 04 18:33
TechrightsBotTitle: New Age terrorists develop homeopathic bomb  | NewsBiscuit .::. Size~: 31.63 KBMay 04 18:33
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 18:34
_Ender_um lolMay 04 18:37
_Ender_you know thats a joke rightMay 04 18:37
_Ender_homoeopathy is as much a fraud as medicine, btwMay 04 18:38
_Ender_that shouldnt be news here though ;)May 04 18:38
_Ender_lolMay 04 18:38
*Chips_B_Malroy (~b80104e8@gateway/web/freenode/x-sbmjkaqkcpnxchxc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 18:40
Chips_B_MalroyHi all, I was going post this comment then decided to post it here in irc instead:May 04 18:40
Chips_B_MalroyMost of us do disdain software patents.  They only help the monopolies.  They do not promote science or innovation.  But there is a worse form of software patents, its software patents on codecs.  This should never have been allowed in any reasonable world.  Software patents on multimedia codecs are basically a patent on sight and sound, two inalienable senses of the human experience.  So it is a tax and a form of cMay 04 18:41
Chips_B_MalroyBeyond that the monopolies (MS and Apple) want to use software patents as a way to block free operating systems ,to control the web, and to profit by taxing those who have to use these multimedia video and sound software patents.May 04 18:41
Chips_B_MalroyMultimedia software patents are completely against the idea of standards, or even standards that can be freely used on the web.  We must try to educate those in power to reject software patents on video and audio codecs and to get free standards on these codecs for a free web.  Not a web that will be controlled and taxed further by unnecessary Microsoft and Apple lockin. May 04 18:41
Chips_B_MalroyAs far as IBM and Google with their support of software patents.  While we would be better off without the patents, in the meantime, Google has to play the patent game in some countries, as that is the law of the land in the USA.  To be able to sue those who come against you, is a weapon that we should not say to Google;  "do not sue MS or Apple."  In fact, I am all for Google to go after both companies, often in a May 04 18:42
*WireWulf-away is now known as WireWulfMay 04 18:43
Chips_B_MalroyIt is not enough to just have Theora or the new free Google codec.  All of these video and audio software codecs should be free if used on the web, as the web should be free.  Free standards for a free web, should be the call.May 04 18:47
schestowitz 04 18:48
Chips_B_MalroyInvaliadate the software patents on these video and audio codecs, and make them public domain.May 04 18:48
schestowitzEnder2070: yes, there are many other frauds I'm learning about these daysMay 04 18:49
schestowitzThe sceptics societies are keen on exposing themMay 04 18:49
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: indeedMay 04 18:50
schestowitzDid you post this as comment"?May 04 18:50
Chips_B_MalroyI was going to, but lost my passwordMay 04 18:50
Chips_B_Malroyhave to look it up againMay 04 18:51
Chips_B_Malroysince its here in irc now, I will not post the commentMay 04 18:51
Chips_B_Malroyuse it, if you like the ideas, or rewrite it to make better senseMay 04 18:52
_Ender_schestowitz - yes, people who critically think are +1May 04 18:52
schestowitzLet me give you linksMay 04 18:53
schestowitz I've listened to all 200+ episodesMay 04 18:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Skeptoid Episode Guide .::. Size~: 94.61 KBMay 04 18:53
_Ender_not skeptoid plz, i dont really trust that guyMay 04 18:53
schestowitzCurrently going though , which is less funMay 04 18:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Podcast Archive - The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe .::. Size~: 202.6 KBMay 04 18:54
schestowitz_Ender_: he annoys me only on a  few subjects like GMOMay 04 18:54
_Ender_is he pro-gmo?May 04 18:54
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: yeah, I was gonna quote you in a  coming long post re mpeg cartelMay 04 18:54
schestowitz_Ender_: veryMay 04 18:55
_Ender_ugh, lolMay 04 18:55
schestowitzAnd he attacks opponents with straw menMay 04 18:55
schestowitzI sort of responded to him in the comment even though I never commentMay 04 18:55
_Ender_yeah thats the problem with relying on any sourceMay 04 18:55
_Ender_you get their bias eventuallyMay 04 18:55
schestowitzANd also here, by cite: 04 18:55
TechrightsBotTitle: Monsanto Investor Bill Gates Finds Way for Taxpayers to Fund His Patents (on Dangerous Life Forms) | Techrights .::. Size~: 118.86 KBMay 04 18:55
_Ender_hes probably pro-flouride tooMay 04 18:56
schestowitzHe claims GMO 'environmentalists' are against it cause they hate corpsMay 04 18:56
schestowitzUtter nonsenseMay 04 18:56
schestowitzIt's not corps and crops to meMay 04 18:56
schestowitzIt's patents and ownership with them, for the most partMay 04 18:57
_Ender_gmo foods put the little guy underMay 04 18:57
_Ender_they have to go along with it or file bankrupcyMay 04 18:57
*Alessandro___ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 18:57
schestowitzThen there's BGH and other cancerous stugg, PROVABLY cancer-inducingMay 04 18:57
schestowitzI don't like it when people 'decide' for my position what it is and misepresent itMay 04 18:57
schestowitzReligions do this a lotMay 04 18:57
_Ender_everyone has an agenda tooMay 04 18:58
_Ender_they twist facts to support themMay 04 18:58
schestowitzGMO is needed under the assumption we went to reach 20 bil people on this EarthMay 04 18:58
Alessandro___what GNU/Linux distribution do you use?May 04 18:58
schestowitzOr something like thatMay 04 18:58
_Ender_we're notMay 04 18:58
_Ender_the pop is going to cap at 9 billion and stay thereMay 04 18:59
schestowitzCapacity of crops, bar pesticides and draughts, would be fine if we didn't just mess about with plants to treat them like food, not plantsMay 04 18:59
_Ender_if we stopped eating so much beef, the land could be better used for vegtablesMay 04 18:59
_Ender_growing vegtables helps the environmentMay 04 19:00
schestowitzAlessandro___: many people here are distro 'singers' I think :-)May 04 19:00
schestowitz*'swingers' I meantMay 04 19:00
schestowitzhoppers being the less ambiguous termMay 04 19:00
schestowitz_Ender_: yes, xo2May 04 19:00
schestowitz*co2May 04 19:00
_Ender_yeahMay 04 19:00
schestowitzBTW, I recently learned we might not need much ematMay 04 19:00
_Ender_emat?May 04 19:01
schestowitzThe meat industry may have us believe otherwiseMay 04 19:01
schestowitzProtein absorption has its limitsMay 04 19:01
_Ender_well the thing about meatMay 04 19:01
Alessandro___schestoitz: I tried Kongoni, because it looks the only one decent KDE distro endorsed by the FSF, but it's too hard to set upMay 04 19:01
Alessandro___*schestowitz:May 04 19:01
schestowitzBut still, it needs a consultation with dietitians (not "nutritionist" which is the QUACK parallel)May 04 19:01
schestowitz"Allergy testing"May 04 19:02
_Ender_people need to get their nutrition and at least with meat you get the nutrients the animal ateMay 04 19:02
schestowitzSo many junk paddlers out thereMay 04 19:02
_Ender_the meat industry is bad though right nowMay 04 19:02
schestowitzAlessandro___: how about Fedora?May 04 19:02
_Ender_thanks to McDonaldsMay 04 19:02
schestowitzIts kDE part is OK, it's mostly freeMay 04 19:02
Alessandro___schestowitz: yeah?May 04 19:03
Omar87schestowitz, I think that's one big reason why we should fight consumerism.May 04 19:03
schestowitzNot FSF approved but not a Ubuntu either (many blobs)May 04 19:03
_Ender_McDonalds buys the most meat in the USA, so they get to say how its prepared and even if you dont eat at McDonalds, you're getting the same shitMay 04 19:03
schestowitz_Ender_: ojMay 04 19:03
schestowitzohMay 04 19:03
schestowitzDunning is also a junk food apologistMay 04 19:03
schestowitzTelling you how good the tomatoes and mayo and stuff areMay 04 19:03
schestowitzAnd how restaurants fill you up even moreMay 04 19:03
_Ender_vegans need to eat candy to replace meatMay 04 19:03
_Ender_lolMay 04 19:03
Alessandro___schestowitz: I was actually thinking about it, but the one with KDE 4 goes out after 2 weeks, and I'm using KUbuntu nowMay 04 19:03
_Ender_mayo is nothing but fatMay 04 19:04
_Ender_tomatoes are okMay 04 19:04
Omar87Huge companies don't want people to ask and think of what they're consuming. Just consume, and worry about consequences later.May 04 19:04
_Ender_you're better off eating garlicy potatoes for healthMay 04 19:04
schestowitzmayo on salad is funnyMay 04 19:04
schestowitzWhen people want no fat but add the fat separatelyMay 04 19:04
_Ender_my mom used to make mashed potatoes every dinner with margarine and garlicMay 04 19:05
_Ender_i never got sick for very longMay 04 19:05
schestowitzYou can wait for mayo to sort of congeal and look less white, more like spreadable fatMay 04 19:05
_Ender_flu's would last a day or twoMay 04 19:05
schestowitzI've not had  flu since I was 14 or 15May 04 19:05
schestowitzANd the garlic stuff is  old wives' tale, IIRCMay 04 19:06
_Ender_no its notMay 04 19:06
schestowitzBut there are many other urbans mythsMay 04 19:06
_Ender_garlic is very good for youMay 04 19:06
schestowitzMaybeMay 04 19:06
schestowitzI'm not sure, any paper on that?May 04 19:06
_Ender_my gf is taking a nutrition course on her road to becoming a teacherMay 04 19:06
schestowitzSearch the journal for a study on itMay 04 19:06
schestowitzEnder2070: dietitian is the more proper thingMay 04 19:07
schestowitzThe teachings are differentMay 04 19:07
schestowitzOne thing where I'm skeptical about sceptics is reading in the darkMay 04 19:07
schestowitzIs it true that other than eye sore is causes no damage?May 04 19:07
schestowitzOr PC use without surrounding lightsMay 04 19:07
*Omar87 has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 04 19:08
_Ender_they used garlic to treat gangrene in ww2May 04 19:08
schestowitzMany con artists and charlatans spread so much junk that now it's hard to trust word of mouth on what's healthy and what's notMay 04 19:08
schestowitzEnder2070: but what was a long time agoMay 04 19:08
schestowitzDays of mustard gasMay 04 19:09
schestowitzNo DNA even...May 04 19:09
schestowitzAt the time, drug research was a lot more retardedMay 04 19:09
_Ender_Groppo, F.; Ramacciato, J.; Motta, R.; Ferraresi, P.; Sartoratto, A. (2007) "Antimicrobial activity of garlic against oral streptococci." Int. J. Dent. Hyg., 5:109–115.May 04 19:09
schestowitzHeck, the Swiss guy who invented/composed LSD didn't even do his studies at the timeMay 04 19:10
_Ender_its also something a doctor might tell you to consume if you have broncitis May 04 19:10
schestowitzEnder2070: I see.May 04 19:10
schestowitz 04 19:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Antimicrobial activity of garlic against oral streptococci .::. Size~: 17.45 KBMay 04 19:10
schestowitz"It was concluded that the garlic clones have antimicrobial properties in vitro against streptococci and anticariogenic properties against oral microorganism in spite of its adverse effects."May 04 19:10
_Ender_a lot of old wives tales are in fact correct, just because the old wives weren't scientists doesn't mean they didn't properly observe an effectMay 04 19:11
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 19:11
schestowitzEnder2070: as long as it's a real doctor and not some chiro/equiv :-)May 04 19:11
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 19:11
_Ender_look up chinese herbal medicineMay 04 19:11
schestowitzEnder2070: rememebr the one about drinking a lot of waterMay 04 19:11
schestowitzOur school nurse told me to so thisMay 04 19:11
schestowitz6 cups per dayMay 04 19:11
schestowitzIt can actually do more harm than good, utter nonsenseMay 04 19:12
_Ender_oh that kind of stuff is crazyMay 04 19:12
_Ender_everyones body needs different quantities of different thingsMay 04 19:12
schestowitzANd that's a medical person who recited the nonsenseMay 04 19:12
DaemonFCeight eight-ounce glasses of waterMay 04 19:12
_Ender_yeah thats bsMay 04 19:12
DaemonFCthat won't do any harm to youMay 04 19:12
schestowitzEnder2070: just small quantities... like 10^-30May 04 19:12
schestowitzNo molecules leftMay 04 19:12
_Ender_you just need to drink water until your pee isn't yellowMay 04 19:13
Chips_B_MalroyThere are many natural forms of healing and help.  Look at the affects of Boswellin for example as it relates to arthrightisMay 04 19:13
_Ender_then you know the toxins are out of your systemMay 04 19:13
DaemonFCschestowitz: Too much water is bad, but 64 ounces in a day won't hurt youMay 04 19:13
schestowitzDaemonFC: unless you're on the radio competiting over who's keeping his bladder fullest for the longest timeMay 04 19:13
DaemonFCI drink two 48 ounce fountain pops each day sometimesMay 04 19:13
DaemonFCand then someMay 04 19:13
_Ender_schestowitz - there was a water drinking contest for a Nintendo Wii, and the winner diedMay 04 19:14
DaemonFCschestowitz: I didn't hold my wee for a wiiMay 04 19:14
DaemonFC:DMay 04 19:14
DaemonFCI paid for itMay 04 19:14
schestowitzThe show?May 04 19:14
schestowitzOr the wee[sic]?May 04 19:14
DaemonFCbut $199, not my deathMay 04 19:14
DaemonFCI think I did better than she didMay 04 19:14
schestowitzThe radio man got sackedMay 04 19:15
_Ender_her autopsy probably cost more than $199May 04 19:15
DaemonFCyeah, and the family sued and got a bunch of moneyMay 04 19:15
schestowitz_Ender_: yeah, in the US there's no national insuranceMay 04 19:15
schestowitzEven death os costlyMay 04 19:15
schestowitz*isMay 04 19:15
_Ender_death is costly in socialist canada tooMay 04 19:15
_Ender_they dont pay for that stuffMay 04 19:15
DaemonFCschestowitz: It's not really that costlyMay 04 19:16
DaemonFCthey can't force anyone to pay to bury youMay 04 19:16
_Ender_i want to be cremated and baked into a yummy cake for my enemiesMay 04 19:16
DaemonFCbut if nobody pays, you get cremated or buried in a cheap graveMay 04 19:16
DaemonFCI don't care what they doMay 04 19:16
DaemonFCI've already instructed my family to do whatever costs the least moneyMay 04 19:17
DaemonFCI'll be dead, I won't careMay 04 19:17
_Ender_im not paying thousands of dollars for a hole in the groundMay 04 19:17
DaemonFCthese funeral homes and cemetaries try to guilt trip the family into buying exorbitant coffins and graves and funeralsMay 04 19:18
_Ender_yeahMay 04 19:18
DaemonFCthey're the wraithsMay 04 19:18
DaemonFC:PMay 04 19:18
DaemonFC"Wouldn't he/she have WANTED the oak cofin with gold trim and plush velvet interior?May 04 19:18
DaemonFCI don't care, throw me in a pine box and nail it shutMay 04 19:19
DaemonFCI'm deadMay 04 19:19
DaemonFC:PMay 04 19:19
_Ender_yeah like i give a shit where my body ends upMay 04 19:19
_Ender_i just want to make sure none of my organs are donated to anyoneMay 04 19:19
DaemonFC_Ender_, There's also some place that can cremate you and make a diamond out of the residual carbonMay 04 19:20
DaemonFC:PMay 04 19:20
DaemonFCwear your dead loved ones as a piece of jewelryMay 04 19:20
_Ender_im not donating a liver so some rich fuck can live even longer and steal even more moneyMay 04 19:20
_Ender_LOLMay 04 19:20
_Ender_i read an article about a cremation process that allows you to use the output in your gardenMay 04 19:21
_Ender_"just sprinkle grandma on those tomatoes and they should grow very ripe"May 04 19:21
DaemonFCsoylant tomatoMay 04 19:21
DaemonFC:DMay 04 19:21
_Ender_lolMay 04 19:21
Chips_B_Malroy 04 19:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Clarifies Position on Flash | Infrastructure | .::. Size~: 73.61 KBMay 04 19:22
_Ender_let me guess, ms is okay with flashMay 04 19:22
Chips_B_Malroy"Microsoft has clarified its position on Flash, after a blog post from Dean Hachamovitch, Microsoft's general manager of Internet Explorer, sparked speculation that Internet Explorer 9 will not support Flash.     Hachamovitch issued a follow-up post in which he clarifies that IE9 will support a range of plug-ins, including Flash. "May 04 19:22
DaemonFC_Ender_, Before you know it, you're possessed by your grandmothers soul after eating a saladMay 04 19:22
DaemonFCand have an uncontrollable urge to crochetMay 04 19:22
schestowitzThe Robotron 2084 AstroTurfer shows up here 04 19:23
TechrightsBotTitle: Penguin Pete's Blog .::. Size~: 23.41 KBMay 04 19:23
Chips_B_MalroyLook for MS to make Flash harder in IE9, but not impossible.  As it trys to make Silverlight replace Adobe Flash.May 04 19:23
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayMay 04 19:23
_Ender_ms would be dumb to make plugins hard in IEMay 04 19:24
DaemonFCChips_B_Malroy, Flash will work, same as alwaysMay 04 19:24
DaemonFCthey're not stupidMay 04 19:24
schestowitz[19:19] <_Ender_> i just want to make sure none of my organs are donated to anyoneMay 04 19:24
schestowitzI;'m the oppositeMay 04 19:24
DaemonFCFlash is valuable, Silverlight not so muchMay 04 19:24
Chips_B_MalroyIts not all about Google vs Bing, the other half of the online advertising battle is Flash vs SilverlightMay 04 19:24
DaemonFCplus they'd be suedMay 04 19:24
schestowitzNot only charlatans like Steve Jobs take other people's bodypartsMay 04 19:24
_Ender_schestowitz - i used to be but i dont know who they will go to (Steve Jobs)May 04 19:24
_Ender_if i could pick the recipient, i would but thats not doableMay 04 19:25
DaemonFC_Ender_, sameMay 04 19:25
_Ender_i wont know in advance who will need whatMay 04 19:25
Chips_B_MalroyDaemonFC> I said make it harder to use.  Or slightly break it.  The old ms tricks like with wordperferectMay 04 19:25
DaemonFC_Ender_, They don't like to issue driver's licenses like mine, but they have toMay 04 19:25
schestowitz_Ender_: so basically, you view it like sperm banksMay 04 19:25
DaemonFCnot an organ donor and no social security number on itMay 04 19:25
_Ender_schestowitz - i dont think sperm banks let you choose eitherMay 04 19:26
schestowitz 04 19:26
TechrightsBotTitle: CLI on the Web - Miguel de Icaza .::. Size~: 18.75 KBMay 04 19:26
schestowitzrunning Mono directly into the browse..May 04 19:26
_Ender_if they did i'd donate my sperm to a high iq female just out of principalMay 04 19:26
schestowitz_Ender_: they do the opposite wauMay 04 19:26
Chips_B_Malroydoes being an organ donor mean they pull the plug faster on you, so some rich person, like Steve Jobs can buy your organ faster?May 04 19:27
DaemonFC_Ender_, Federal law says you have to have your social security number on your license to make it REAL ID compliant, but Indiana state law says you don't have to put your social security number on itMay 04 19:27
DaemonFCodd huh?May 04 19:27
schestowitzThe couple/lady checks profile of donatorMay 04 19:27
DaemonFCso you can still force your driver'slicense out of complianceMay 04 19:27
_Ender_they dont put organ bullshit on our drivers licenseMay 04 19:27
*schestowitz ponders if Steve points at dead body like he does at a lobster at a restaurantMay 04 19:27
_Ender_but they do ask when u fill out the app i thinkMay 04 19:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[anivar] Mathrubhumi Eves - maruvakku,articles,ശശി തരൂര്‍ സ്വന്തം പുസ്തകം വായിക്കേണ്ടതെങ്ങനെ? 04 19:27
_Ender_[14:11] <Chips_B_Malroy> does being an organ donor mean they pull the plug faster on you, so some rich person, like Steve Jobs can buy your organ faster?May 04 19:27
_Ender_+1May 04 19:27
_Ender_thats another reasonMay 04 19:27
DaemonFC_Ender_, There's a red heart icon on your license if you're a donorMay 04 19:28
_Ender_they might not save your life if they really need your liverMay 04 19:28
DaemonFClike those health powerups in ZeldaMay 04 19:28
DaemonFCB-)May 04 19:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] How I was able to convince to move NCERT for Open Video Format #ogg #open-standard-advocacy 04 19:28
TechrightsBotTitle:         How I was able to convince to move NCERT for Open Video Format #ogg #open-standard-advocacy - LUG@IITD Community Blog     .::. Size~: 27.73 KBMay 04 19:28
schestowitz_Ender_: "look at dat liva'!"May 04 19:28
schestowitz"should we let him die?"May 04 19:29
schestowitzMan #2: "sure, I get kickbacks"May 04 19:29
Chips_B_Malroyyou can't sell an organ, but you can buy the services to put it in for big bucks.  Who is making all the money?  The doctors, the hospitals, the organ middlemen?May 04 19:29
DaemonFC 04 19:29
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBMay 04 19:29
Chips_B_Malroyseems like only the donors are getting screwed hereMay 04 19:29
DaemonFCold license styleMay 04 19:30
DaemonFCmine doesn't have the SSN or the red heart under DONORMay 04 19:30
schestowitzAsay exposed his family to the public.. 04 19:30
_Ender_just like the blood donation ads hereMay 04 19:30
TechrightsBotTitle: AC/OS: ...and success .::. Size~: 68.83 KBMay 04 19:30
TechrightsBotTitle: AC/OS: Failure .::. Size~: 61.15 KBMay 04 19:30
_Ender_lolMay 04 19:30
_Ender_"Blood: It's in you to give"May 04 19:30
schestowitzI wonder how the kids will feel about it when they grow upMay 04 19:31
_Ender_fuck you, its in me to LIVE!May 04 19:31
DaemonFC 04 19:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBMay 04 19:31
DaemonFCthere's the new licensesMay 04 19:31
DaemonFCI don't have to renew mine until April 2012 thoughMay 04 19:31
schestowitz[19:31] <_Ender_> fuck you, its in me to LIVE!May 04 19:31
DaemonFCso I still have the pre-2007 oneMay 04 19:31
schestowitzBut you can produce moreMay 04 19:31
schestowitzIt's mostly waterMay 04 19:31
_Ender_lolMay 04 19:31
_Ender_im not giving my blood unless they want to pay me for itMay 04 19:31
schestowitzDaemonFC: that's strong red May 04 19:32
schestowitzMakes it seem like the 4 "S"s in flight/borading tickets of passengers who are on 'the' listMay 04 19:32
DaemonFCschestowitz: Then there's plasma donation. You can donate if you're an alcoholic, a drug user, a pimp, a prostitute, a wastoid, or a college studentMay 04 19:32
schestowitzCODE red!May 04 19:32
DaemonFCbut if you have a bad head cold that triggers an immune response, you're banned for lifeMay 04 19:32
schestowitzOr code RED! as Microsoft/Dell called itMay 04 19:32
DaemonFCcould be HIVMay 04 19:32
DaemonFCfuckersMay 04 19:32
schestowitzWhatever happened to that Vista scamMay 04 19:33
schestowitzUsing agony in African to sell Windows and more Dell junkMay 04 19:33
_Ender_a school mate of mine had a mom who got HIV from a blood transfusionMay 04 19:33
_Ender_sad storyMay 04 19:33
schestowitzDaemonFC: they test themMay 04 19:33
DaemonFCschestowitz: They have lots of potentil donors, so they just use the "quick" cheap HIV test, which can be set off by over 70 things that are not HIVMay 04 19:33
DaemonFCso I was permanently banned for having a head cold that day "just to be sure"May 04 19:34
schestowitzSo make yo' own bloodMay 04 19:34
schestowitzGood luckMay 04 19:34
_Ender_nah daemonfcMay 04 19:35
schestowitzVenezuela leader Hugo Chavez takes to Twitter 04 19:35
TechrightsBotTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 91.66 KBMay 04 19:35
_Ender_they found out you were gayMay 04 19:35
schestowitzThe Beeb is pimping XP in thereMay 04 19:35
_Ender_they didnt want any 'gay' bloodMay 04 19:35
schestowitz'blood'May 04 19:35
DaemonFC_Ender_, That's a posibility tooMay 04 19:35
schestowitzSome people think it's the bloodMay 04 19:35
_Ender_lol u know im kidding but people ARE like thatMay 04 19:35
schestowitzRemember so-called Aryan bloodMay 04 19:36
schestowitzThey didn't know DNAMay 04 19:36
_Ender_ummMay 04 19:36
_Ender_DNA makes everyone differentMay 04 19:36
schestowitz_Ender_: yes, like the average Joe and "don't get gay people near my children, they might get 'infected'"May 04 19:36
schestowitzSome people think like animalsMay 04 19:37
schestowitzThey think hat DNA works like urination in a public place of somethingMay 04 19:37
schestowitzANd that Obama must be working for the 'terrorist' cause of his middle nameMay 04 19:37
schestowitzANd that he has no birth certificateMay 04 19:37
schestowitzAnd it doesn't matter if you show it to themMay 04 19:37
_Ender_hawaii just passed a law allowing them to deny requests for obama's birth certificateMay 04 19:38
schestowitz*LOL*May 04 19:38
schestowitzWHat's it called?May 04 19:38
_Ender_they're tired of providing it to peopleMay 04 19:38
schestowitzTHose who ask for it will never be happyMay 04 19:38
schestowitzTHey have to be demented not to accept them in the first placeMay 04 19:38
Chips_B_Malroythey should just raise the fee to provide the certificateMay 04 19:38
_Ender_oh its a considerationMay 04 19:38
_Ender_ 04 19:39
schestowitzProbably the same people who believe that 500 ninjas planed TNT in WTC on Sept. 20thMay 04 19:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Hawaii considers law on Obama's birth certificate  - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency .::. Size~: 24.19 KBMay 04 19:39
schestowitz*10thMay 04 19:39
tessier_That is old news. May 04 19:39
tessier_I heard they had already passed that law.May 04 19:39
schestowitzOn USENET I spoke to one guy who insisted that Obama was not born in the USMay 04 19:39
DaemonFC""You don't necessarily need a billion-dollar guided missile destroyer to chase down and deal with a bunch of teenage pirates wielding AK-47s," he said."May 04 19:39
DaemonFClolMay 04 19:39
schestowitzThey are surrounded by the echo chamber of people who watch Beck and stuff, I reckonMay 04 19:39
_Ender_schestowitz - the problem is that obama's aunt went around telling people he was lying and people bought itMay 04 19:40
_Ender_schestowitz - the people who bought it never bothered to keep themselves up to dateMay 04 19:40
schestowitzOr maybe they are not scepticsMay 04 19:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] @Omar_S_Hafez Calling us atheists stupid does not progress your point of view, please put your case in a positive way.May 04 19:40
schestowitzPeople say a lot of thingsMay 04 19:40
_Ender_well yeahMay 04 19:40
schestowitzMany are falseMay 04 19:40
_Ender_they kept repeating the false facts not checking their validity over timeMay 04 19:41
schestowitzTestable ideas are not the same as some word from someone who claims authorityMay 04 19:41
schestowitz 04 19:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Rush Limbaugh blames environmentalist wackos for massive oil spill |  Raw Story .::. Size~: 53.21 KBMay 04 19:41
schestowitz:-DMay 04 19:41
schestowitzIt's those so-called environmentalist who urge for nuclear energyMay 04 19:42
Chips_B_MalroyRush promotes the richMay 04 19:42
schestowitzIt's the Bush Ilk that lobbies for Big OilMay 04 19:42
schestowitzBush LimbaughMay 04 19:42
tessier_Check out the comments. Nutjobs.May 04 19:42
schestowitz 04 19:42
TechrightsBotTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 91.66 KBMay 04 19:42
_Ender_yeah rush is an idiotMay 04 19:42
schestowitzLinux userbase=Linux userbase+500,000;May 04 19:43
_Ender_fedora has 20+ millionMay 04 19:43
*tessier_ is an environmentalist who supports nuclear energyMay 04 19:43
schestowitz"Love Rush. He's obviously a double agent; his job is to keep all those sickos in a tizzy so they can't actually do anything constructive, or, as the case may be, destructive. Yep, CIA all the way this guy is. But hey, who really cares?"May 04 19:43
_Ender_i support nuclear energy too but i dont consider myself an environmentalistMay 04 19:44
schestowitz"I agree with Rush. In fact, I believe it was the same wackos that caused Limbaugh's anal cyst that kept him out of the military where he could have fought bravely for his country. sniff LEAVE RUSH ALONE!!"May 04 19:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Microwaved iPad for sale! 04 19:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Microwaved iPad for sale on eBay | .::. Size~: 47.92 KBMay 04 19:44
_Ender_if we keep burning coal and oil, the UN has a reason to clamp down on usMay 04 19:44
schestowitzFrance builds some nucelar plantsMay 04 19:44
schestowitz3rd and 4th generations are totally safe and the energy and waste recyclableMay 04 19:45
schestowitzWe've already generated most of the waste that will ever need to be geenratedMay 04 19:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] @schestowitz Homeopathic bomb? Is that a 1000 kilo bomb with 1 gram of explosive material?May 04 19:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] @satipera Excuse me sir., but calling us Muslims "terrorists, extremists" or cussing and cursing pointlessly doesn't progress yours either.May 04 19:45
schestowitzChernobyl was a massive human error at so many level and an ancient class of facilityMay 04 19:45
tessier__Ender_: I am more concerned about China and others burning coal.May 04 19:46
tessier_schestowitz: Indeed. It was a very good demonstration of how stupid the Soviets were. They should not have been doing any of the things they were doing.May 04 19:46
_Ender_tessier_ make _them_ pay for carbon credits, not us thenMay 04 19:46
tessier__Ender_: How do you make a foreign super-power pay for anything they don't want to?May 04 19:47
tessier_We can't even make them treat their own people decently.May 04 19:47
_Ender_tarrifsMay 04 19:47
_Ender_eliminate free tradeMay 04 19:47
_Ender_tax everything coming out of chinaMay 04 19:47
tessier_How much is that going to hurt us?May 04 19:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @satipera No, dilution of 10^{-30} ;-)May 04 19:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @omar_s_hafez I think @satipera didn't make such a claimMay 04 19:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] @satipera If an atheist would like to start a positive, polite and informative debate with me, he'll have my full attention and respect.May 04 19:47
tessier_And traditionally protectionism hasn't been a good plan.May 04 19:47
_Ender_im not talking about protectionismMay 04 19:48
_Ender_im talking about punishing china for being cheapMay 04 19:48
tessier_What is the difference?May 04 19:48
schestowitzPunish them?May 04 19:48
schestowitzAre they not punished enough already (people, not regime)?May 04 19:48
_Ender_they burn coal and oil because its cheaperMay 04 19:48
schestowitzThey are our slaves... for the West I emanMay 04 19:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] @schestowitz along the same lines :)May 04 19:48
schestowitz*meanMay 04 19:48
_Ender_they've had plenty of time to revolt against their governmentMay 04 19:48
schestowitzHeheMay 04 19:49
_Ender_the UN is proping the communists upMay 04 19:49
schestowitzGood luck with thatMay 04 19:49
schestowitzNow they also get isolated and brainwashedMay 04 19:49
schestowitzSo they can't organiseMay 04 19:49
schestowitzMicrosoft helps their regimeMay 04 19:49
schestowitzBut you know this.....May 04 19:49
_Ender_the same techniques are used everywhere with sucsessMay 04 19:49
schestowitz_Ender_: it also props the super-rich upMay 04 19:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] @schestowitz I know he didn't. I was just responding to his message.May 04 19:49
_Ender_social approval/disapproval creationMay 04 19:50
Chips_B_MalroyThe Soviets revolted (mostly peacefully) because conditions became so bad.  In China conditions are becoming better for most people.May 04 19:50
DaemonFCmy blu ray player is shipped, will arrive tomorrowMay 04 19:50
Chips_B_MalroyThe Soviets=economic colaspeMay 04 19:50
schestowitzCOmparablyMay 04 19:50
schestowitzChina doesn't live in debtMay 04 19:51
tessier_The Chinese had nowhere to go but up.May 04 19:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] @Omar_S_Hafez I do not call Muslims terrorists or extremists. It is better to separate the light from the heat.May 04 19:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @omar_s_hafez many scientists that brought you medicine didn't do it for a deityMay 04 19:51
tessier_So they are happy.May 04 19:51
_Ender_[14:35] <schestowitz> China doesn't live in debtMay 04 19:51
_Ender_exactlyMay 04 19:51
_Ender_they can afford to stop pollutingMay 04 19:51
tessier_They have the opposite problem.May 04 19:51
tessier_They have been used to scarcity and turmoil for so long they save everything.May 04 19:51
tessier_That is bad for the economy also.May 04 19:51
_Ender_instead the world bank wants us to be buying them carbon credits to continue as they areMay 04 19:51
Chips_B_MalroyCoal is going be burned.  May 04 19:51
Chips_B_Malroybut lets hope not the the amount of the 19th centuryMay 04 19:52
_Ender_buying carbon credits doesn't reduce pollutionMay 04 19:52
schestowitzIt creates an incentiveMay 04 19:52
_Ender_not evenMay 04 19:52
*Omar87 (~omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 19:52
_Ender_it creates profit for the world bank who dishes them outMay 04 19:52
_Ender_its like how banks make money off of credit cardsMay 04 19:53
Chips_B_MalroyHow about the 30,000 nuclear tests the US did, and the 20,000 the Soviets did?  Now there is some massive pollution, and maybe a cause for the general increase in cancer rates.May 04 19:53
_Ender_you wonder why so many elite groups fund environmentalists? you assume they are being good people?May 04 19:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] @schestowitz My point was, before blaming me for using the word "stupid", please blame @DaemonFC for his shameless childish attitude.May 04 19:54
_Ender_nobody funds anyone if they dont expect to get something out of itMay 04 19:54
tessier_Chips_B_Malroy: Nuclear was misunderstood at the beginning. US and Russia don't do nuclear tests anymore.May 04 19:55
tessier_The vast majority of the nuclear tests were underground and well contained. The above ground tests were certainly bad.May 04 19:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] @schestowitz so what does that prove?May 04 19:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Great post from @czajkowski about how to participate remotely with #Ubuntu Developer Summit next week! 04 19:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] @satipera I'm not talking about you personally. I'm talking about atheists in general.May 04 19:56
Chips_B_MalroyTessier> thats not the point, the tests created lots of radiactive particlesMay 04 19:56
tessier_Why are certain kinds of people so afraid of the UN/World Bank/One World Government? May 04 19:57
tessier_Chips_B_Malroy: Er...that is the point and that is exactly what I just said. The above ground tests were very polluting.May 04 19:57
_Ender_its a bad ideaMay 04 19:57
Chips_B_Malroylook at the cancer rates for ST. George UtahMay 04 19:57
tessier__Ender_: But it isn't happening. I'm wondering why certain kinds of personalities are obsessed with it.May 04 19:57
_Ender_tessier_ those certain kinds of personailities belong to people who dislike surface data and dig deeperMay 04 19:58
Chips_B_MalroyBecause the UN/One World gov is not an elected one.  They have even less control over it than the corporate govs they have nowMay 04 19:59
_Ender_its part of the survival instinct being taken away from peopleMay 04 19:59
Chips_B_Malroyplus the massive corruption in the UNMay 04 19:59
_Ender_theres what chips mentioned tooMay 04 19:59
_Ender_the UN is non-electedMay 04 19:59
_Ender_the EU is non-electedMay 04 19:59
_Ender_Canada is signed on in the event there is a one world government, already in the books.May 04 20:00
_Ender_tessier - ill find agenda 21 for youMay 04 20:01
*Alessandro___ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 04 20:01
_Ender_ 04 20:01
TechrightsBotTitle: DSD :: Resources - Publications - Core Publications .::. Size~: 27.22 KBMay 04 20:01
_Ender_most governments in the UN have agenda 21 plansMay 04 20:02
_Ender_not all of them call it by that nameMay 04 20:02
_Ender_some call it simply LA21May 04 20:02
_Ender_some refer to "sustainability"May 04 20:02
tessier_But of course you suspect a sinister ulterior motive.May 04 20:03
_Ender_read it, nothing to 'suspect'May 04 20:03
tessier_Why would I want to read this? What is it? May 04 20:03
_Ender_read the DOD's "Out to 2040"May 04 20:03
_Ender_i never said sinisterMay 04 20:03
_Ender_people wont think anything is sinister at allMay 04 20:04
_Ender_people like socialist ideas cause they are great on paper, nobody thinks communism always leads to tyrannyMay 04 20:04
tessier_Everyone I know in the US knows communism leads to tyrannyMay 04 20:05
_Ender_but they will tell you communism != socialismMay 04 20:05
_Ender_and thats wrong because they are the sameMay 04 20:05
tessier_We have been brainwashed with anti-communism/socialism rhetoric for decades.May 04 20:05
Chips_B_MalroyLooks at how the UN is partly controlled by Bill Gates and his foundation, the health stuff.   Do we really want a non-elected, even more controlled by the rich, one world gov?May 04 20:05
tessier_They are different but related and both bad. May 04 20:05
_Ender_we have also been brainwashed with pro-socialist ideals in school and in the media (in canada at least)May 04 20:06
Chips_B_MalroyA UN gov, would be even easier for the ultra rich to controlMay 04 20:06
tessier__Ender_: The opposite in the US. We are scared to death of socialists. That's why some people are so upset with the healthcare reforms.May 04 20:06
_Ender_[14:50] <Chips_B_Malroy> A UN gov, would be even easier for the ultra rich to controlMay 04 20:06
_Ender_yes, and they EXPECT thisMay 04 20:07
_Ender_ 04 20:07
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting application/pdf type .::. Size~: 0 KBMay 04 20:07
Chips_B_MalroyI think the defining moment for most Americans was when Krusheif pounded his boot on the un table and said "we will bury you."  Its why communism is so hated hereMay 04 20:08
DaemonFCheh, Frost/Nixon arrivedMay 04 20:08
tessier_Representatives to the UN are appointed by the President.May 04 20:08
Chips_B_Malroysorry for the spellingMay 04 20:08
tessier_Who is elected.May 04 20:08
*DaemonFC wonders why he rented thisMay 04 20:08
_Ender_ 04 20:08
TechrightsBotTitle: The Business of Giving | A conversation with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon | Seattle Times Newspaper .::. Size~: 58.94 KBMay 04 20:08
_Ender_in this interviewMay 04 20:08
_Ender_Bill & Melinda Gates is namedMay 04 20:09
*Will (~4c724679@gateway/web/freenode/x-lfrwhrmvcpkttwjo) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 20:09
Will 04 20:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot Developers Story | Microsoft .NET Libraries Not Acting "Open Source" .::. Size~: 121.66 KBMay 04 20:09
*Will has quit (Client Quit)May 04 20:09
_Ender_the communists already demoralized the statesMay 04 20:11
MinceR 04 20:12
TechrightsBotTitle: The Certified DBA - The Daily WTF .::. Size~: 22.32 KBMay 04 20:12
*Ender2070_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 20:13
*Ender2070 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)May 04 20:15
DaemonFCthere are no communists really if you think about itMay 04 20:15
DaemonFCisn't it their stated goal to eliminate socioeconomic class barriersMay 04 20:15
DaemonFCmake everyone equalMay 04 20:16
_Ender_thats one of the things marx talked aboutMay 04 20:16
DaemonFCthey've failed at that remarkably, but they have set up an efficient dictatorshipMay 04 20:16
_Ender_they did that in ukraine, cost millions of livesMay 04 20:16
_Ender_making everyone equalMay 04 20:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Wow Open Source Cyber cafe in India.. #india http://www.cyberbuzz.inMay 04 20:17
TechrightsBotTitle: Cyber Buzz - Internet Cafe | Open Source Software Distributor at Fazilka .::. Size~: 3.55 KBMay 04 20:17
_Ender_instead of helping the poor become middle class, he just killed them off, it costs the government less moneyMay 04 20:17
MinceRdidn't the official propaganda say that this dictatorship was magically supposed to lead to anarcho-capitalism?May 04 20:18
_Ender_he = stalinMay 04 20:18
MinceR(which is obviously absurd)May 04 20:18
_Ender_anarcho-capitalism is absurdMay 04 20:18
_Ender_capitalism requires a government for regulationMay 04 20:18
_Ender_if you want anarchy, take anarchyMay 04 20:18
MinceRoopsMay 04 20:19
MinceRi wanted to say anarcho-communismMay 04 20:19
_Ender_in a anarcho-capitalist USA, microsoft wouldn't have had any lawsuits against itMay 04 20:19
MinceRbut all these flavors of anarchism differ in what they expect people to do on their ownMay 04 20:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @omar_s_hafez I was just implying, no use lambasting good people for their understanding of the universe; behaviour is separate from dogmaMay 04 20:19
_Ender_ohhh anarcho-communismMay 04 20:19
MinceR_Ender_: in an anarcho-capitalist usa, m$ would have ended up in a civil warMay 04 20:20
MinceRif it was even allowed to exist in the first placeMay 04 20:20
_Ender_nah i think they would be worse right nowMay 04 20:20
_Ender_no regulation to keep them in lineMay 04 20:20
_Ender_no laws to have to obey other than consumer demandMay 04 20:20
_Ender_and they can make the consumer demand stuffMay 04 20:21
MinceRno regulation to keep wronged people from fixing the situation, eitherMay 04 20:21
_Ender_yupMay 04 20:21
MinceRso it isn't so badMay 04 20:21
MinceRbut on the previous topic, expecting a dictatorship to give up power on its own is absurdMay 04 20:21
_Ender_yeahMay 04 20:22
_Ender_governments dont get smallerMay 04 20:22
DaemonFCMinceR, They will under two circumstancesMay 04 20:22
_Ender_1) being invaded ?May 04 20:22
DaemonFC1. When there isno way to keep the government going financially.May 04 20:22
DaemonFC2. Peasant revolt, perhaps brought by #1May 04 20:22
DaemonFC_Ender_, He said willinglyMay 04 20:22
_Ender_yeahMay 04 20:23
MinceRDaemonFC: that's not on its own and not something that can be expected to happenMay 04 20:23
DaemonFCMinceR, a centrally planned economy always results in mass povertyMay 04 20:23
MinceRthere's no willingness in those casesMay 04 20:23
MinceRDaemonFC: i knowMay 04 20:23
DaemonFChow long that goes on is up to the peopleMay 04 20:23
_Ender_and that depends on how good your propaganda isMay 04 20:24
DaemonFCpoverty will exist as long as money exists, and as long as resources are in short supply in respect to needMay 04 20:24
DaemonFCCommunism doesn't fix this, it just dictates who gets what according to what someone else thinks they needMay 04 20:25
DaemonFCit ends up being an engine for poverty that free market capitalism could never matchMay 04 20:25
_Ender_i agreeMay 04 20:25
_Ender_plus with communism, big corps still existMay 04 20:25
DaemonFCyes they doMay 04 20:26
_Ender_they often have deals with the governmentsMay 04 20:26
DaemonFCthe USSR had government contractors evenMay 04 20:26
DaemonFCthere's a big problem on its ownMay 04 20:26
_Ender_china was taking land away from people for businesses to build stuff in their placeMay 04 20:26
Chips_B_MalroyDaemonFC> Communism only creates a new "rich" class.  Those in power, and the black market.May 04 20:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] @schestowitz That is from your own perspective sir., because my perspective says otherwise.May 04 20:26
_Ender_people who owned their homes had to leave, without reparitionsMay 04 20:26
MinceRi'm not sure if they called that state "communism", iirc they called it "socialism"May 04 20:27
_Ender_same shitMay 04 20:27
Chips_B_Malroytrue the name matters little what they call itMay 04 20:27
MinceRreferring to Omar87's twitter message: "yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."May 04 20:27
Chips_B_Malroyexample bingMay 04 20:27
_Ender_people know the USSR was communistMay 04 20:28
_Ender_and what did the 'USSR' stand forMay 04 20:28
_Ender_United Soviet Socialist RepublicMay 04 20:28
MinceRthere you go, "socialist"May 04 20:28
_Ender_you know what the nazi party was also called?May 04 20:28
DaemonFChealthcare is one of the few things that should be socialized, and by that I mean they should have expanded Medicare to cover everyone and charge sliding scale premiumsMay 04 20:28
Chips_B_Malroybut Webster's Dictionary defines socialism as owning everything.  People here think that is comunism.May 04 20:28
_Ender_nazi's are "National Socialists"May 04 20:29
DaemonFCnot route it through an existing for-profit insurancecompany clusterfuck :)May 04 20:29
MinceR_Ender_: i knowMay 04 20:29
MinceRfunny how all these totalitarian groups are all the same despite vigorously claiming that they're polar oppositesMay 04 20:29
_Ender_people just need to read more and to stop listening to the news guy on tvMay 04 20:29
_Ender_yeah it is funnyMay 04 20:30
_Ender_stalin killed more people than hitler tooMay 04 20:30
_Ender_he was just on 'our' side so we covered it upMay 04 20:30
Chips_B_Malroy_Ender_> nazi's are "National Socialists"  Correct me if I am wrong, they believed in controlling the industies for the good of the state.  Which is almost if not, what most western countries do now.May 04 20:30
_Ender_their class war was also racistMay 04 20:31
_Ender_adolf had respected marx a lot and borrowed from him a lot, and borrowed from stalin a lotMay 04 20:31
_Ender_stalin gave hitler his ideas on extermination but hitler picked the wrong 'class' to eliminateMay 04 20:32
_Ender_theres a really good documentary on the two of themMay 04 20:32
_Ender_'The Soviet Story'May 04 20:32
Chips_B_MalroyHitler came very close to winningMay 04 20:33
Aondo May 04 20:33
TechrightsBotTitle: The Humble Indie Bundle (pay what you want for five awesome indie games) .::. Size~: 62.38 KBMay 04 20:33
_Ender_ 04 20:36
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- George Bernard Shaw Defends Hitler, Mass Murder .::. Size~: 97.72 KBMay 04 20:36
schestowitzEnder2070_: 04 20:36
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- A&E Biography - Hitler & Stalin Pt.1 .::. Size~: 84.26 KBMay 04 20:36
_Ender_people are banning 'the soviet story' all over the place tooMay 04 20:39
_Ender_validates it even moreMay 04 20:39
_Ender_ 04 20:41
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- The Soviet Story - trailer ( ten minutes) .::. Size~: 94.79 KBMay 04 20:41
_Ender_weird coincidence:May 04 20:43
_Ender_stalin drafted his ukraine extermination plans on sept 11 1932May 04 20:44
Chips_B_Malroy 04 21:00
TechrightsBotTitle:   Microsofts top secret Menlo project could replace Windows CE for phones, tablets .::. Size~: 28.65 KBMay 04 21:00
_Ender_ 04 21:00
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Walking on sunshine, Towlie - South Park .::. Size~: 76.45 KBMay 04 21:00
Chips_B_Malroyvaporware?  or something from M$ for ARM?May 04 21:00
Diablo-D3 04 21:02
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot Developers Story | Microsoft .NET Libraries Not Acting "Open Source" .::. Size~: 136.14 KBMay 04 21:02
Chips_B_MalroyI don't think MS can just give up the ARM market that is coming online now.  CE is a joke on these products.  There are no real apps for an ARM laptop beyond the CE officeMay 04 21:02
MinceR"While Bill Gates and company pioneered the tablet PC space about 10 years ago" -- bullshitMay 04 21:02
MinceR 04 21:02
TechrightsBotTitle: Pen computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 77.14 KBMay 04 21:02
MinceRis liliputing a m$ slave too?May 04 21:03
Chips_B_Malroy<MinceR> "While Bill Gates and company pioneered the tablet PC space about 10 years ago" -- bullshit   Total agreement here.  The OEM's did the pioneering, MS just leeched on with windows.May 04 21:03
MinceRand it happened 20 years ago, not 10 years agoMay 04 21:04
MinceRit seems that tablet pcs are the thing that everybody likes to "invent" 10 years after somebody else invented it alreadyMay 04 21:04
Chips_B_Malroyright off, I cannot think of much MS pioneeredMay 04 21:04
Chips_B_Malroypirated yesMay 04 21:04
MinceRthey pioneered ripping off users and strangling an entire industryMay 04 21:05
Chips_B_Malroyand stealing codeMay 04 21:05
MinceRthat tooMay 04 21:05
Chips_B_Malroyremember Stac?May 04 21:05
MinceRfaintlyMay 04 21:05
MinceRbut they stole code before thatMay 04 21:05
MinceRm$-dos, for exampleMay 04 21:05
Chips_B_Malroymost likelyMay 04 21:06
MinceRlol @ menloMay 04 21:07
_Ender_there used to be a company that would turn macbooks into tabletsMay 04 21:07
MinceRmenlo can apparently be summed up as "let's just ignore that NT doesn't scale and force it on low-power devices anyway!"May 04 21:07
DaemonFCon phone with DirectvMay 04 21:08
Chips_B_MalroyCPM?  DRDOS came about as a lawsuit against MS and IBM by the maker of CPM.  He showed the copyright screen in a couple of msdos keystokes of CPM. and won the court case.  MS bargained for a gag order of how much to pay.  And they won the right to make a clone of MSDOS also, called DRDOS in the case.May 04 21:09
*Tallken has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 04 21:10
Chips_B_MalroyMinceR>even XP (NT) would not scale on most of the ARM devices.  Maybe if MS goes back to W2000 it might have a shotMay 04 21:10
Chips_B_Malroynewer windows is too bloated for ARM, most likely even XPMay 04 21:11
MinceRmaybe if they steal the entirety of freebsd this time and call it "windows" they might have a shotMay 04 21:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @satipera also see 04 21:11
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 303 See Other .::. Size~: 0 KBMay 04 21:11
Chips_B_Malroy  by Mary Jo Micro$oftMay 04 21:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Could 'Menlo' signal a change in Microsoft's mobile strategy? | All about Microsoft | .::. Size~: 107.99 KBMay 04 21:13
Chips_B_Malroyvaporware?May 04 21:13
MinceRmost likelyMay 04 21:14
Chips_B_MalroyStill, I think this is something they want and need to do.  Its their only chance of staying on these devices.  WinCE/Phone7 is dead or stillbornMay 04 21:15
MinceRit's only a question of how long do they want to prolong their thrashing on mobile devicesMay 04 21:15
_Ender_the lack of multitasking and the creation of a ms-store signaled its deathMay 04 21:15
MinceRand the lack of copy/pasteMay 04 21:16
Chips_B_MalroyTablets are now off limit to windows as well,  OEM's will not run to CE since the IpadMay 04 21:16
MinceRand the lack of native appsMay 04 21:16
Chips_B_MalroyCE was never might to be a computer OS.  And its a poorly done phone OS.May 04 21:16
Chips_B_Malroy*meantMay 04 21:16
_Ender_CE is a jokeMay 04 21:17
Chips_B_MalroyMinceR> "and the lack of native apps"   +1 yes you have nailed itMay 04 21:17
Chips_B_Malroy  quote from the seller;  "7 Inch Netbook running Android OS,Direct downloads no ActiveSync needed!WiFi !!Browse the web Music and Video player .watch the video to see it in action.We have over 50 hours of use on one of these devices with out a problem,This is a huge improvement over the WinCe version."May 04 21:19
TechrightsBotTitle: 7 Inch Netbook Android OS WiFI - eBay (item 250613070369 end time  May-10-10 12:25:03 PDT) .::. Size~: 72.99 KBMay 04 21:19
Chips_B_Malroyhuge improvement over the WinCe versionMay 04 21:20
Chips_B_MalroyAndroid is still an phone OSMay 04 21:21
Chips_B_MalroyIt will be interesting when Google Chrome OS comes out for these ARM laptops.May 04 21:21
Chips_B_Malroythese are cheap at $120, but only 5 hours max battery, so going wait for the better stuff coming out maybe at end of yearMay 04 21:23
_Ender_ill be looking forward to google chrome osMay 04 21:23
Chips_B_MalroyWhat I see is it hard to change the OS on one of these ARM laptops so farMay 04 21:23
Chips_B_Malroydon't think it uses a bios similar to intel based, that you can select an external cd/dvd usb device to install fromMay 04 21:24
*Thrae has quit (Quit: leaving)May 04 21:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Thing I didn't know about Hogan's Heroes (which I watched all the time as a kid): Carter was a Sioux! 04 21:25
MinceRit will be interesting when people get a clue and GNU/Linux tablets will be widespread. :>May 04 21:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Andrew Carter - Hogan's Heroes .::. Size~: 53.26 KBMay 04 21:25
Chips_B_Malroy$100 Tablets?May 04 21:26
Chips_B_Malroyfor me I prefer LaptopsMay 04 21:26
Chips_B_Malroy$100 computers sold in the USA will hit MS in the wallet hardMay 04 21:27
Chips_B_MalroyIFMay 04 21:27
Chips_B_Malroythey have a decent OS on themMay 04 21:27
Chips_B_Malroynot CEMay 04 21:28
Chips_B_Malroynotice that the pictures in CE on the ebay auctions use XP wallpaper?  Some have started to post in their auctions that CE is not XP and cannot run the same programsMay 04 21:28
Chips_B_Malroyas most likely people were returning the laptops when they found out it could not run xp appsMay 04 21:29
*BNtwitter has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 04 21:30
Chips_B_Malroyworse, as one person put it, its very hard to install a CE app on these ARM laptopsMay 04 21:30
*BNtwitter (~twitfolk@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 21:30
Chips_B_Malroyneed to get on a letter writting campaign and ask these sellers to put Linux or Android/chrome on them, as CE sucks bad.May 04 21:31
Chips_B_Malroyon ebay that isMay 04 21:31
DaemonFCI could get satellite and DSL for less than I pay for both on cable :PMay 04 21:31
DaemonFCso I'm finally ditching Comcast this weekMay 04 21:32
DaemonFC:)May 04 21:32
Chips_B_MalroyDeamonFC> satellite really badMay 04 21:32
Chips_B_Malroyfor internetMay 04 21:32
Chips_B_Malroyok for tvMay 04 21:33
MinceRwell, i'd prefer convertible tabletsMay 04 21:37
Chips_B_Malroyas ebook readers they might be ok.  An ARM tablet that does that could be very cheapMay 04 21:44
DaemonFCdsl for internetMay 04 21:44
DaemonFCI get $10 off for having DirectvMay 04 21:44
DaemonFCyeah, they have satellite internet for people in the sticksMay 04 21:44
Chips_B_MalroyDirecway sucksMay 04 21:44
DaemonFC512 kbps down / 128 up for $50 a monthMay 04 21:45
Chips_B_Malroyinternet by Hughs which is also DirectvMay 04 21:45
DaemonFCnot really a deal if you can get 6 mbps dsl for $35May 04 21:45
Chips_B_MalroyDSL is better, yesMay 04 21:45
Chips_B_MalroyDirecway limits your downloads and uploads to 180mbMay 04 21:46
Chips_B_Malroyfor $60 per monthMay 04 21:46
Chips_B_Malroyeach day 180mbMay 04 21:46
Chips_B_Malroyor was that every two daysMay 04 21:46
Chips_B_Malroyand they really don't spell that figure out in the contract eitherMay 04 21:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] The H.264 pool represents 1,135 patents from 26 companies in 44 countries: 04 21:47
TechrightsBotTitle: H.264 patents: how much do they really cost? | Ed Botts Microsoft Report | .::. Size~: 95.12 KBMay 04 21:47
Chips_B_Malroyaudio and video codecs and the patents on them, are in some ways, an attack on the right of free speechMay 04 21:48
Chips_B_MalroyEd Bott=major M$ ShillMay 04 21:48
schestowitz 04 21:49
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Dawkins debunks dowsing .::. Size~: 91.46 KBMay 04 21:49
schestowitz[21:03] <MinceR> is liliputing a m$ slave too?May 04 21:49
schestowitzNo way.May 04 21:49
schestowitzBut it's a lie... about Microsoft and 'invention'May 04 21:49
schestowitzApple invests everything... with a light and shady apple logo on itMay 04 21:49
sebsebsebDaemonFC: well I enjoyed two good Ubuntu Open Week sessions todayMay 04 21:50
sebsebsebalso Mono got mentioned by the guy  a bit in the Wine one and so on from thereMay 04 21:50
schestowitzThis Menlo is the Singularity/Slate/Courier/others I reckonMay 04 21:50
schestowitzVapoursoftMay 04 21:50
DaemonFCschestowitz: I got free of one evil empire at leastMay 04 21:51
DaemonFC:PMay 04 21:51
Chips_B_Malroyits certainly vaporware for now.  But it must be something that MS wants and needs.  An XP like OS for ARM.  Just somehow, not sure they can pull that off.May 04 21:51
schestowitzDone. Posted: 04 21:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 4/5/2010: Opera EULA Tweaked for GNU/Linux, PlayOnLinux 3.7.6, KDE 4.5 Teaser, and Fedora 14 Names | Techrights .::. Size~: 121.64 KBMay 04 21:51
DaemonFCDirectv can't possibly be worse than ComcastMay 04 21:51
schestowitzI'll do some posts later... about 10 of them.. maybe tomorrowMay 04 21:51
schestowitz[21:13] <Chips_B_Malroy>  by Mary Jo Micro$oftMay 04 21:51
sebsebsebIt seems Ubuntu want to have chomeium as the default browser :(May 04 21:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Could 'Menlo' signal a change in Microsoft's mobile strategy? | All about Microsoft | .::. Size~: 109.49 KBMay 04 21:51
DaemonFCsatellite ftwMay 04 21:52
sebsebsebChrome/Chromium fan boys ah!May 04 21:52
schestowitzI liked her when she ran MS WatchMay 04 21:52
schestowitzway back 2006-07May 04 21:52
schestowitzShe actually dared to question the liarsMay 04 21:52
sebsebsebWorse than Ubuntu fan boys, quite a lot are both.May 04 21:52
schestowitzNow she works for CBSoftMay 04 21:52
schestowitzShe has a personal site you know... as a fallbackMay 04 21:52
Chips_B_MalroyDaemonFC> Directv is better than Comcast.  TV.  But Direcway, (internet satellite) sucks badMay 04 21:52
schestowitzIt might come handy if she dares not to be a PR person and then gets the pink slip for itMay 04 21:52
DaemonFCI'm stuck with Comcast until May 12May 04 21:53
schestowitz[21:17] <_Ender_> CE is a jokeMay 04 21:53
DaemonFCeven though my Directv gets installed on the 6thMay 04 21:53
schestowitzIt's hardly promoted anymoreMay 04 21:53
DaemonFCcause they can't hook up my DSL til the 12thMay 04 21:53
schestowitzMicrosoft is busy trying to 'own' LinuxMay 04 21:53
schestowitzw/ swpatsMay 04 21:53
sebsebsebThey also seem to think that Wine and Mono working  together more is a good thing.May 04 21:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] @schestowitz: 3rd and last time.Having a little network trouble. Will watch shortly ta for link.May 04 21:53
DaemonFCyou better believe I'll be in Comcast's office on the 12th telling them to take their shit backMay 04 21:53
DaemonFCand cut my "service"May 04 21:53
schestowitzMicrosoft Corp-> Microsoft HoldingsMay 04 21:54
schestowitzApple Computers->AppleMay 04 21:54
*sebsebseb no one here at the moment, seems to care about what I am saying, ah well I guess thenMay 04 21:54
schestowitzApple is no longer about computingMay 04 21:54
schestowitzIt's a cultMay 04 21:54
schestowitzMicrosoft is not incorporating productsMay 04 21:54
schestowitzIt's likes MPEG LA, dual-trolling/licensingMay 04 21:54
Chips_B_MalroyRoy, I said this back when the Psystar vs Apple case was going, if Apple wins, there will be repercussionsMay 04 21:55
Chips_B_MalroyWe know see an Apple that is becoming a tyrant in court.  That wants to own everything.  MS is not far behind, they will learn how to limit their users even more thanks to this case.May 04 21:56
Chips_B_Malroyexpect the use of efi chips to become more widespread for oneMay 04 21:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Only 6 days left to pay what you want for the Humble Indie Bundle! 04 21:57
TechrightsBotTitle: The Humble Indie Bundle (pay what you want for five awesome indie games) .::. Size~: 62.36 KBMay 04 21:57
Chips_B_MalroyWhy does Intel graphics suck so bad on Linux but not Windows?  Is it the wintel cartel again?May 04 21:57
MinceRit sucks so bad?May 04 21:58
schestowitzsebsebseb: heyMay 04 21:58
Chips_B_Malroynewer Intel graphicsMay 04 21:58
schestowitzjono wrote about it earlierMay 04 21:58
sebsebsebschestowitz: hiMay 04 21:58
schestowitzI think he's off for drinksMay 04 21:58
sebsebsebschestowitz: wrote about which?May 04 21:58
schestowitz[21:55] <Chips_B_Malroy> Roy, I said this back when the Psystar vs Apple case was going, if Apple wins, there will be repercussionsMay 04 21:58
schestowitzJobs: what do _I_ care? I'm rich!May 04 21:59
sebsebsebschestowitz: Got a link?May 04 21:59
schestowitzsebsebseb: the WeekMay 04 21:59
schestowitzsebsebseb: scroll up maybe?May 04 21:59
sebsebseboh about Open WeekMay 04 21:59
schestowitzI'm doing some links at the momentMay 04 21:59
schestowitzI'll post some in identica now...May 04 21:59
schestowitzI enjoy Linux news these daysMay 04 21:59
schestowitzMicrosoft gives me reasons to smileMay 04 22:00
schestowitzGod bless them, killing 2 products in 2 daysMay 04 22:00
sebsebsebIf anyone is interested, well the log of the wine and desktop  sessions  that  happended today, are  worth reading.May 04 22:00
Chips_B_MalroyJobs ownes 6% of Disney/ABC as a result of selling Pixair to them in exchange for stock.  He also sits on the board of Disney.May 04 22:00
schestowitzUsually it's 2 in 2 weeksMay 04 22:00
MinceR"newer" as in GMA 500 or as in GMA X3xxx and GMA X4500?May 04 22:00
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: yesMay 04 22:00
schestowitzThey hate streamingMay 04 22:00
MinceRor GMA HD?May 04 22:00
Chips_B_MalroyThat stock at Disney Jobs ownes is worth 4 billion dollars aloneMay 04 22:00
schestowitzMaybe he'll turn Lala into MPEG lalaMay 04 22:00
schestowitzRenting from HollywoodMay 04 22:00
MinceRMPEG LAla?May 04 22:00
schestowitzYeahMay 04 22:00
schestowitzI made that joke beforeMay 04 22:01
schestowitzMPEG LALA LandMay 04 22:01
sebsebsebI guess Firefox isn't as cool as it used to be, but chromium as a default browser for the Desktop version of Ubuntu, eww no.May 04 22:01
MinceR:>May 04 22:01
schestowitzof swpatsMay 04 22:01
Chips_B_MalroyApple ownes part of, or some of the h.264 codec patentsMay 04 22:01
schestowitz"I own this matrix!"May 04 22:01
schestowitz"Get off my bitrate, thief!"May 04 22:01
schestowitzIt's all maths in codecsMay 04 22:01
MinceRillegal mathsMay 04 22:02
Chips_B_Malroyweb standard h.264 partly in the hands of Jobs, is something everyone should fearMay 04 22:02
*ianto (~Chris@fsf/member/pdpc.student.ianto) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 22:02
schestowitzThe Bott bot is becoming an anti-Ogg botMay 04 22:02
schestowitzThat bot needs to be sacked, but he works for HollywoodMay 04 22:02
schestowitzCBS pays himMay 04 22:02
schestowitzAnd he makes money selling Win32 booksMay 04 22:02
Chips_B_MalroyBott really likes his free laptops from MSMay 04 22:02
schestowitzYeah :-)May 04 22:03
schestowitzHe has to like itMay 04 22:03
schestowitzThis way he'll get anotherMay 04 22:03
Chips_B_Malroyhe says he gave it to charity after he got caught, I doubt thatMay 04 22:03
schestowitzHe has tough competition vs Da CostaMay 04 22:03
Chips_B_Malroyyes, somehow I trust Andre moreMay 04 22:03
schestowitzSteveB waves laptop from the roof of a buildingMay 04 22:04
Chips_B_Malroyor maybe Andre is just more likeableMay 04 22:04
schestowitz"jump for laptops, me [sic] fellow sheeplers"May 04 22:04
schestowitzAndre copy and pasta costa\May 04 22:05
Chips_B_Malroywhatever happened to Bott's twin?  George Oui?May 04 22:05
schestowitzAndre has the press release on quickdailMay 04 22:05
schestowitz*dialMay 04 22:05
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: Ou is goneMay 04 22:05
schestowitzFor the most partMay 04 22:05
Chips_B_MalroyyesMay 04 22:05
schestowitzNot seen him in 2009 much...May 04 22:05
schestowitzGoo!May 04 22:05
schestowitzGood!May 04 22:05
Chips_B_MalroyyesMay 04 22:05
Chips_B_Malroyanother useful idiot for M$ goneMay 04 22:06
schestowitzThere's more of us I guess... but most play ball for "Android" and "Ubuntu"May 04 22:06
schestowitzTHey don't do the Linux and GNU in brandingMay 04 22:06
schestowitzMaemo... WebOS...May 04 22:06
schestowitzRIPMay 04 22:06
schestowitzNow HP will rename itMay 04 22:06
Chips_B_MalroyPalm WebOS might take HP more out of the MS sphere, I hopeMay 04 22:06
schestowitzThen MeeGo overrised Intel'sMay 04 22:07
schestowitzLIPS->LIMO->trashMay 04 22:07
schestowitzWith ACCESS... send the submarinesMay 04 22:07
Chips_B_Malroyas HP is too close to MSMay 04 22:07
schestowitzMaybe the submarines can salvage BeOS from the bottom of the oceanMay 04 22:07
_Ender_lol!May 04 22:07
_Ender_too bad ACCESS killed BeOSMay 04 22:07
schestowitzHidden beneath the pagan du jour of anti-Android manMay 04 22:08
schestowitzTell him to turn to PoseidonMay 04 22:08
_Ender_lolMay 04 22:08
schestowitzHe seems to have already turned to just about any mumbo-jumbo deity on EarthMay 04 22:08
schestowitzSeriously thoughtMay 04 22:08
schestowitz*thoughMay 04 22:08
schestowitzhe didMay 04 22:08
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 22:09
schestowitzRetirement is nearMay 04 22:09
schestowitzWe can all chip in for a parents homeMay 04 22:09
schestowitzOr a mental clinicMay 04 22:09
schestowitzchip will chip inMay 04 22:09
schestowitzWon't be fair to fellow tenant... a man whouting at the wall "agghhhhDROID!!"May 04 22:10
_Ender_he wants world dominationMay 04 22:10
*gregotri has quit (Quit: leaving)May 04 22:10
_Ender_i was laughing but then I actually "heard" him say itMay 04 22:10
_Ender_"we're going to take over the world and put me in charge" - LeftyMay 04 22:11
Chips_B_MalroyLumpy is a nutcase, that Access uses to attack its revivalsMay 04 22:12
Chips_B_Malroyjust an attack dog of the worse kindMay 04 22:13
Chips_B_Malroymad, rabidMay 04 22:13
Chips_B_MalroyGoogle will crush Access as a side benefit to mankind when they envicion the cash cows of M$May 04 22:14
Chips_B_Malroyit will be hard for Access to sell its OS, when Google gives Android away for free, heheMay 04 22:16
MinceRif only android didn't suck so muchMay 04 22:16
Chips_B_Malroychrome tooMay 04 22:17
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 04 22:17
MinceRyeah, chrome with its own ideas on how to do font renderingMay 04 22:17
Chips_B_Malroywhat I am looking for is an easy way to put real Debain or Ubuntu on one of these CD ARM laptopsMay 04 22:17
Chips_B_Malroybut even Android or Chrome Beta is interestingMay 04 22:18
Chips_B_MalroyI like the idea of having a very cheap laptop, that you can actually have holding in your laptop, without frying something.  To surf, chat with, email etc.May 04 22:19
Chips_B_Malroywith good battery lifeMay 04 22:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] 04 22:21
TechrightsBotTitle:  .::. Size~: 23.39 KBMay 04 22:21
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 22:22
MinceRi already have that, except for the "very cheap" part :>May 04 22:23
*Ender2070_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)May 04 22:24
Chips_B_Malroyexpect ARM to win out on Intel on Tablets.  Ipad did ARM.  May 04 22:24
MinceRno, the hypePad did A4 or somethingMay 04 22:24
MinceRsome PA Semi thingMay 04 22:25
schestowitzProprietary h/wMay 04 22:26
schestowitzthe iCPUMay 04 22:26
_Ender_[17:01] <MinceR> yeah, chrome with its own ideas on how to do font renderingMay 04 22:26
_Ender_lol, you hate good looking fonts?May 04 22:27
MinceRno, i hate bad looking fontsMay 04 22:27
MinceRincluding broken hinting and refusal to antialiasMay 04 22:27
schestowitzApple has good font setsMay 04 22:27
schestowitzBut it also uses hardware for refining rendering of themMay 04 22:27
Chips_B_MalroyExpect Apple to now move into controlling the gov as MS has done.  Lobbying.  As Apple is about to surpass MS in overall profitsMay 04 22:31
schestowitz[22:14] <Chips_B_Malroy> Google will crush Access as a side benefit to mankind when they envicion the cash cows of M$May 04 22:33
Chips_B_Malroy "The A4 is an ARM processor featuring package-on-package construction to improve the speed and efficiency of internal processes."May 04 22:33
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 22:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Apple A4 Teardown - iFixit .::. Size~: 63.75 KBMay 04 22:33
schestowitzLots of arrrghndroid in the parents home...May 04 22:33
schestowitzWell, actually, I doubt he's a parents..May 04 22:33
schestowitzJust comes to show how nicely Darwinian theory worksMay 04 22:33
schestowitz[22:31] <Chips_B_Malroy> Expect Apple to now move into controlling the gov as MS has done.  Lobbying.  As Apple is about to surpass MS in overall profitsMay 04 22:34
Chips_B_MalroyI fear sorry for his kids if he has anyMay 04 22:34
schestowitzGoogle tooMay 04 22:34
schestowitzGoogle lobbies a loltMay 04 22:34
Chips_B_Malroythey have too, to combate the effect of MS that wants to kill themMay 04 22:34
schestowitzApple wants people to buy more Foxconn slavery produce with an Apple label to jack up the priceMay 04 22:34
schestowitzJacked up for Jobsians, not the factory workersMay 04 22:35
MinceRChips_B_Malroy: i see. i didn't know the A4 was ARMMay 04 22:36
Chips_B_Malroyyes, so Tablets, the war between ARM and Intel is basically overMay 04 22:36
schestowitzARMple?May 04 22:37
schestowitzWhat about Nokia?May 04 22:37
schestowitzIntel wooed them to use crap CPUsMay 04 22:37
schestowitzAtomic self destructionMay 04 22:37
Chips_B_MalroyApple wanted Ipad to be ARM based on their stripped down cell phone OS X so as not to canabalise its Macbook line.  May 04 22:38
Chips_B_MalroyCellphones are basically all ARMMay 04 22:38
schestowitzHeavy, disgusting, battery-guzzling with fancy European names for Intel code namesMay 04 22:38
schestowitzThey have those long new names I can't spellMay 04 22:38
schestowitzLG fell for it toMay 04 22:38
schestowitz*tooMay 04 22:38
schestowitzLinux is up in ARMSMay 04 22:39
Chips_B_MalroyThe Ipad was a way for Apple to get into the low end market, but charge middle range prices.May 04 22:39
Chips_B_MalroyThe price competes with Wintel laptops at $500May 04 22:40
Chips_B_MalroyJobs must be figuring that they will sell more Ipads to windows users in that price range than mac users who would have bought a macbook proMay 04 22:41
MinceRafaict nokia is still using ARM cpusMay 04 22:41
Chips_B_MalroyI believe he is right tooMay 04 22:41
MinceR 04 22:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Device Specifications .::. Size~: 52.58 KBMay 04 22:41
Chips_B_MalroyThis will impact MS again to some extentMay 04 22:41
MinceRi've checked some of the newestMay 04 22:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] Magnetic Fields "69 love songs" not crap like it sounds. More of an odyssey than a trip down the aisle. Pure genius.May 04 22:42
Chips_B_MalroyThe Ipad has some appeal to novice windows users, who don't know better.  First there is a lot of pain in Windowsland with malware.  Moving to Linux or Ipad (apple ARM) basically solves the problem.  A lot of the computer unsavvy, just go to a store here and buy something.  They only know Windows and Apple.May 04 22:44
Chips_B_MalroySo this $500 limited Ipad, still appeals to many users who get infected on windows and want secureMay 04 22:45
Chips_B_Malroyand they can just go to the store and buy it, no thinking about downloading and installing a GNU/Linux distro cd, that would work on the old infected windows machine, a lot better too.  And Free.May 04 22:46
Chips_B_MalroyThat is the market the Ipad mainly appeals tooMay 04 22:47
Chips_B_Malroyits not the only one, of courseMay 04 22:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] "Fixed" my bosses joggler by dding my joggler filesystem directly to his. Now to fudge out the personal bits about me. wonder where that isMay 04 22:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] I signed the petition to repeal the Digital Economy Act #DEBill #DEActMay 04 22:52
TechrightsBotTitle: Open Rights Group | Take action .::. Size~: 8.27 KBMay 04 22:52
Chips_B_MalroyApple is scared.  Ipad with ARM sells well.  But how about when ChromeOS comes out on cheap ARM laptops and Tablets?  $100 and up.  Will Ipad be able to compete with these, as the OS will have basic things, like copy and paste.  Removable batteries?May 04 22:56
Chips_B_MalroyI think notMay 04 22:57
Chips_B_MalroyUnless Apple buys ARMMay 04 22:58
Diablo-D3Chips_B_Malroy: when?May 04 22:59
Diablo-D3dudeMay 04 22:59
Diablo-D3I could buy ipad killers before the ipad came outMay 04 22:59
oiaohmAndroid and Meego are lining up to go head to head with ipad.May 04 23:00
oiaohmFun part is both could be sharing the same applications.May 04 23:00
Diablo-D3lining up?May 04 23:00
Diablo-D3dudeMay 04 23:00
Diablo-D3they already wonMay 04 23:00
Diablo-D3they were here first and are still strongMay 04 23:00
oiaohmWe still have not had the great marketing push from anyone over them. Diablo-D3May 04 23:01
oiaohmIt will come.May 04 23:01
Chips_B_Malroywhen it comes here, it will be on ebayMay 04 23:01
Diablo-D3why do they need marketing?May 04 23:02
Diablo-D3when all devices already run linux, linux isnt the one who needs to marketMay 04 23:02
Chips_B_Malroynot in the stores, as M$ seems to control most of the storesMay 04 23:02
Diablo-D3who goes to a store? lolMay 04 23:02
Chips_B_Malroyat least until the stores see it sellingMay 04 23:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] BREAKING NEWS: #PhillipaStroud believes in equality for the demons inside gay people. "Those demons are as Tory as anyone."May 04 23:02
Chips_B_MalroyDiablo-D3> who goes to a store? lol"    average windows usersMay 04 23:03
Diablo-D3average windows users hit May 04 23:04
oiaohmMarketing push is need for store kick backs.May 04 23:04
oiaohmYes the way the evil market works.May 04 23:04
Chips_B_MalroyWalmart, Best Buy, Office Max, Office Depot, are the main stores in USAMay 04 23:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] BBC News - Microsoft's Internet Explorer losing browser share 04 23:06
TechrightsBotTitle: BBC News - Microsoft's Internet Explorer losing browser share .::. Size~: 47.02 KBMay 04 23:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] I did it..on the train home I finally beat a difficult computer player on Midnight Bowling 2 I'm well chuffed...May 04 23:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] RT @ThistleWeb BBC News - Microsoft's Internet Explorer losing browser share 04 23:08
TechrightsBotTitle: BBC News - Microsoft's Internet Explorer losing browser share .::. Size~: 47.03 KBMay 04 23:08
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 23:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Terry Pratchett attacks 'ludicrous' Doctor Who | Books | - Pratchett, brilliant as ever 04 23:10
TechrightsBotTitle:  Terry Pratchett attacks 'ludicrous' Doctor Who | Books |  .::. Size~: 175.43 KBMay 04 23:10
*Thrae has quit (Client Quit)May 04 23:10
Chips_B_Malroyscifi fans here.  Was watching Dollhouse the other day, was ok.May 04 23:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Linusearch on the Success of #GNU #Linux in Building Companies also new: 04 23:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux and Whatever  » Blog Archive   » Another successful Company built around Linux .::. Size~: 11.61 KBMay 04 23:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux and Whatever  » Blog Archive   » Does free software create a challenge for Linux? .::. Size~: 14.91 KBMay 04 23:13
*gargoyle-grin (~randerson@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has left #boycottnovellMay 04 23:15
*_Ender_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 04 23:17
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 23:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Wearable Computers Run #GNU #Linux 04 23:20
TechrightsBotTitle: wearable linux computer, makes you feel like cap'n crunch | Handle With Linux .::. Size~: 30.04 KBMay 04 23:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU #Linux On The Desktop Enters from New Routes 04 23:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux On The Desktop? | Technology Solutions Live .::. Size~: 25.46 KBMay 04 23:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Virtualisation Gives More Room for #GNU #Linux on Desktops 04 23:23
TechrightsBotTitle: Virtual Linux: Platform and OS Linux Virtualization &mdash; .::. Size~: 79.23 KBMay 04 23:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU #Linux Better Than #Windows at System Updates 04 23:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Installing fresh operating systems, then updating them. .::. Size~: 81.04 KBMay 04 23:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] More GNU/Linux users coming to Texas..... Go Ken and Team!May 04 23:25
TechrightsBotTitle: The Blog of Helios: Austin Group Prepares for Linux Against Poverty. .::. Size~: 106.27 KBMay 04 23:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Inside #NASA 's World-Class Supercomputer Center: #GNU #Linux What else?May 04 23:29
TechrightsBotTitle: Inside NASA's world-class supercomputer center | Geek Gestalt - CNET News .::. Size~: 152.67 KBMay 04 23:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Examples of #Linux Prominence in Routing 04 23:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux (Kernel Space) 2.6.34-rc6,, and Released 04 23:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Stable kernels and [] .::. Size~: 5.53 KBMay 04 23:32
TechrightsBotTitle: [Phoronix] Linux 2.6.34-rc6 Kernel Released .::. Size~: 16.11 KBMay 04 23:32
*txdv (~5edcc577@gateway/web/freenode/x-zmvryyifcfiboucx) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 23:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux Compared to E. Coli 04 23:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux Versus E. coli | The Loom | Discover Magazine .::. Size~: 84.81 KBMay 04 23:33
MinceRgnMay 04 23:34
*bentkus ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 23:35
*txdv has quit (Client Quit)May 04 23:35
bentkushiMay 04 23:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Graphics Stack in #Linux Gets More Freedom 04 23:35
TechrightsBotTitle: A shout-out to nouveau « SmSpillaz Blog .::. Size~: 20.78 KBMay 04 23:35
TechrightsBotTitle: [Phoronix] LLVMpipe: OpenGL With Gallium3D on Your CPU .::. Size~: 21.08 KBMay 04 23:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] Another headline makes Ahmadinejad sound like a Batman villain. #goebbelsMay 04 23:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Ahmadinejad says sanctions won't stop Iran| Reuters .::. Size~: 54.04 KBMay 04 23:38
Ender2070i wanted to point something else out about ChinaMay 04 23:39
Ender2070unlike north korean oppression, you can actually leave the countryMay 04 23:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] @_Goblin How is the game console taking your win? :) I do hope its battery does not go flat.May 04 23:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] @_Goblin It's Internet Exploder if you want to be accurate :]May 04 23:44
Chips_B_MalroyFirst M$ will go down, then CrappleMay 04 23:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Opera Changes Its Proprietary Software EULA to Fit #GNU #Linux Needs 04 23:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Improved Tools for Running #Windows Games in GNU/Linux 04 23:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Ruari Ødegaard - EULA for Opera Desktop Browser for Open Source Operating Systems .::. Size~: 69.24 KBMay 04 23:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Thoughts on Technology: Some WINE with your Starcraft 2? .::. Size~: 97.4 KBMay 04 23:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] More Good #Games for #GNU #Linux (Native) 04 23:56
TechrightsBotTitle: LinuxGames - Embrace your inner penguin .::. Size~: 14.55 KBMay 04 23:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #KDE 4.5 in Pictures, KDE 4.4.3 "Awesome" on #Debian 04 23:57
TechrightsBotTitle: The New in KDE 4.5 with pictures | Linux Promise  | Linux Software | Free Linux Software Download | Linux Software Tutorials .::. Size~: 203.48 KBMay 04 23:57
TechrightsBotTitle: lefty.crupps' GNUski bacon: KDE 4.4.3 reached Debian Sid, and its awesome .::. Size~: 18.63 KBMay 04 23:57
TechrightsBotTitle: nowwhatthe: Who is KDE part XXX .::. Size~: 25.07 KBMay 04 23:57

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