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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: June 18th, 2010

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cubezzzssh from basic linux to fc1 takes at least 2 minutes to connectJun 18 00:03
cubezzzrather painfulJun 18 00:03
cubezzzyes, I'm detecting a recurring theme hereJun 18 00:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Now with whitewash alert! ♺ @anassahmed: Dell removed "safer than Microsoft Windows" from their #Ubuntu Top Ten list: 18 00:04
cubezzzDell just sucksJun 18 00:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The ‘New’ #Xbox360 is Dead on Arrival as #Microsoft Copies Mistakes, Fixes Nothing, Bribes Journalists #xboxJun 18 00:06
TechrightsTitle: The New Xbox 360 is Dead on Arrival as Microsoft Copies Mistakes, Fixes Nothing, Bribes Journalists | Techrights .::. Size~: 95.48 KBJun 18 00:06
*Wulf-is-not-here is now known as WireWulfJun 18 00:07
cubezzzdudes, we need to talk about the good stuff, not just the badJun 18 00:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] ♺ @anassahmed: Dell removed "safer than Microsoft Windows" from their #Ubuntu Top Ten list: > was it relocated?Jun 18 00:13
gizmo_According to industry reports, Ubuntu is unaffected by the vast majority of viruses and spywareJun 18 00:15
gizmo_ha!Jun 18 00:15
schestowitzwatered downJun 18 00:21
DaemonFC"unlike Operating System X, oh wait..."Jun 18 00:21
DaemonFC:DJun 18 00:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Those who cursed me for the Dell article can now apologise. Dell _DID_ change the #Ubuntu page (see update #2) 18 00:22
TechrightsTitle: Did Microsoft Threaten to Retaliate Against Dell for Telling the Truth About GNU/Linux? (Updatedx2) | Techrights .::. Size~: 97.41 KBJun 18 00:22
schestowitz 18 00:24
TechrightsTitle: Slashdot News Story | AOL Dumps $1.2 Billion Worth of Acquisitions .::. Size~: 144.94 KBJun 18 00:24
DaemonFCschestowitz: They bought Bebo for $850 millionJun 18 00:25
DaemonFCand sold it for $10 millionJun 18 00:25
DaemonFC:PJun 18 00:25
gizmo_I mean, I would problably get fired for wasting 5000$... but 840M$ ???Jun 18 00:26
gizmo_roy - Those who cursed me for the Dell article can now apologise - curse about what?Jun 18 00:27
schestowitzThey claimed I was wrongJun 18 00:28
schestowitzI quotes from PC ProJun 18 00:28
gizmo_lolJun 18 00:28
schestowitzAnd it was rightJun 18 00:28
schestowitz*quoutedJun 18 00:28
schestowitz*quotedJun 18 00:28
gizmo_link?Jun 18 00:28
schestowitz 18 00:30
TechrightsTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.46 KBJun 18 00:30
schestowitz 18 00:30
TechrightsTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.04 KBJun 18 00:30
schestowitz 18 00:31
TechrightsTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 15.05 KBJun 18 00:31
schestowitzI said something that's not good for Ubuntu, so they blame meJun 18 00:31
DaemonFC 18 00:33
TechrightsTitle: Beachfront landowners lose in Supreme Court split decision - .::. Size~: 79.87 KBJun 18 00:33
schestowitz 18 00:35
TechrightsTitle:   Today We are 448310 at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 26.52 KBJun 18 00:35
schestowitzWe're 1500th :-)Jun 18 00:35
schestowitz "probably to /dev/null at the request of Microsoft. "Jun 18 00:36
TechrightsTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.6 KBJun 18 00:36
schestowitz 18 00:37
DaemonFCschestowitz: Get off my beach!!!Jun 18 00:37
DaemonFCand take your damned waterjet with you!Jun 18 00:37
schestowitzbiat**Jun 18 00:37
DaemonFC:DJun 18 00:37
schestowitzAre you on caffeine again?Jun 18 00:38
schestowitzOr just sniffing the fridge?Jun 18 00:38
DaemonFCno, I'm drinking Kool-AidJun 18 00:38
DaemonFCWatermelon-Kiwi, sweetened with Sucralose :DJun 18 00:39
DaemonFC"Invisible" Kool-Aid evenJun 18 00:39
DaemonFC(no food coloring, probably freaks little kids out and makes them believe in magic and Jesus)Jun 18 00:40
DaemonFC 18 00:41
TechrightsTitle: Governor rejects stay request; inmate awaits high court ruling - .::. Size~: 47.35 KBJun 18 00:41
DaemonFCthe last proper execution in UtahJun 18 00:41
DaemonFCpossibly even the entire countryJun 18 00:41
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jun 18 00:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] So predicable, since the MS office news, its all about trying to downplay OpenOffice or other alternatives.... #mvp #microsoft #windowsJun 18 00:47
schestowitzI posted a link about itJun 18 00:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Why not try OpenOffice before buying any MS office package? #microsoft #mvp #office #windows #xp #vista #msofficeJun 18 00:49
TechrightsTitle: - The Free and Open Productivity Suite .::. Size~: 13.36 KBJun 18 00:49
schestowitzDaemonFC: they made a celebrity out of the criminalJun 18 00:50
schestowitzMoreover, they offer public sympathy to himJun 18 00:50
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 00:50
DaemonFCschestowitz: The only part about his argument I agree with is that they never should have left him in prison for 25 years before carrying out the execution.Jun 18 00:50
DaemonFCHowever, that still doesn't mean they shouldn't carry it outJun 18 00:51
DaemonFCIt means they should change their laws to set a more reasonable "deadline" for appeals.Jun 18 00:51
DaemonFCso shoot the bastard and make the maximum appeals length 10 years from here on outJun 18 00:52
DaemonFC:DJun 18 00:52
tessierJust out of curiosity, anyone in here Muslim?Jun 18 00:52
DaemonFCand then shoot those bastards tooJun 18 00:52
tessierI'm having a fun little religious debate with some cousins on Facebook.Jun 18 00:52
DaemonFCtessier: I'm a devout MuslimJun 18 00:52
tessierOddly enough, I'm defending the position that not all Muslims want to kill all of the non-believers.Jun 18 00:52
tessierDaemonFC: No shit?Jun 18 00:52
gizmo_what about simply abolishing deathrow?Jun 18 00:52
*DaemonFC hides the alcohol, cigarettes, porn, marijuana and grows a "beard" made of shaving cream and makes a turbin from a pillow caseJun 18 00:53
schestowitztessier: trueJun 18 00:53
DaemonFCAllahu Ackbar!!!Jun 18 00:53
schestowitzThere's also "Islamist" and MuslimJun 18 00:53
schestowitzMany Muslims won't practice religionJun 18 00:53
DaemonFC"religion" is a broad classification of phoney balogny superstitious nonsenseJun 18 00:54
DaemonFCa catch all wordJun 18 00:54
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 00:54
tessierI wish I could find a good and reasonable Muslim friend to invite to my cousin's facebook wall to help out. Jun 18 00:54
schestowitzReligion is one dimension onlyJun 18 00:54
schestowitzThere's nationality, place of birth, genetics, language, religion (in any)Jun 18 00:55
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jun 18 00:55
tessierI think I've done a pretty good job so far but I really don't know that much about Islam. Dated a Muslim for a while, had a few friends, that's it.Jun 18 00:55
tessierThese people have been so brainwashed.Jun 18 00:55
DaemonFCJesus dies for us and if you spill the salt, throw it over your shoulder and you'll win a million dollarsJun 18 00:55
DaemonFCit's all the same crapJun 18 00:55
schestowitztessier: too much Fox News?Jun 18 00:55
tessierI need to save this facebook convo. It is epic.Jun 18 00:55
tessierschestowitz: Oh yes.Jun 18 00:55
schestowitzI think it's a lookout for "outside enemy"Jun 18 00:56
schestowitzthe US has major class divideJun 18 00:56
schestowitzSo people who are upset need to find others to point the fingers at (scapegoat)Jun 18 00:56
schestowitzDaemonFC loves blaming MexicansJun 18 00:56
gizmo_A mythology is someone else's religion, different enough from your own for its absurdity to be obvious.Jun 18 00:57
schestowitzThere's science thoughJun 18 00:57
schestowitzWhat we call "laws of nature"Jun 18 00:57
schestowitzmythology sometimes contradicts with it, esp. intolerant dogmasJun 18 00:58
schestowitz 18 00:58
*jono_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 00:59
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 18 00:59
DaemonFC"I think it's kind of a funny coincidence that they had time to do a complete underground mineral survey, and they can't find a six foot four inch tall Arab that has to undergo kidney dialysis twice a week." -meJun 18 01:02
DaemonFC:DJun 18 01:02
DaemonFCI don't hate Mexicans, I just hate the entire concept of Mexican superiorityJun 18 01:02
DaemonFCyou can't evict them and if you end up in court against one, you're fuckedJun 18 01:03
DaemonFCeven though they have no legal basis to be hereJun 18 01:03
schestowitzI can still remember Red Hat in 2000. I was impressed by it, but it was more like a programmer's toolbox, not the type of thing I'd let my parents work with. When you see the change as it happens, it's easy to miss the transitions and appreciate the gradual improvement.Jun 18 01:03
DaemonFCThe United States could best be described as the ant that seeks out the waspJun 18 01:04
schestowitzDaemonFC: you evicted themJun 18 01:04
DaemonFCon the immigration policy anywayJun 18 01:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] , that'd be cynicalBoris Johnson in SA for the WC bid? Wouldnt have anything to do with free England tickets would it? Course notJun 18 01:04
tessierCrap. Scraping the convo off of Facebook is a real PITA.Jun 18 01:05
DaemonFCyou know what, schestowitzJun 18 01:05
DaemonFCI have nothing but contempt for the landlords that rent to those peopleJun 18 01:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Boris Johnson in SA for the WC bid? Wouldnt have anything to do with free England tickets would it? Course not, that'd be cynical - evenJun 18 01:05
DaemonFCso it's kind of funny in a way that they end up in the court system over tenants that haven't paid rentJun 18 01:05
DaemonFCthen have the courts drag it out so long that they live there indefinitely rent-freeJun 18 01:06
DaemonFCbut it kind of makes me wonder why the landlord doesn't jsut get sick and tired of the nonsense and torch the fucking place one nightJun 18 01:06
DaemonFCmake it look like an accident, and get a nice big fat insurance checkJun 18 01:06
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 01:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Prince Charles lobbied City Hall over Chelsea site, emails reveal - He thinks he's above the law 18 01:08
TechrightsTitle:  Prince Charles lobbied City Hall over Chelsea site, emails reveal | UK news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 76.83 KBJun 18 01:08
DaemonFCI can't put up with petty bullshit for five minutes without snapping, I'd be damned if I'd let someone publicly castrate me in the court system for this longJun 18 01:08
DaemonFCWe're damned lucky the whole world doesn't think like I'd do because there'd be total anarchy and nobody would ever not know warJun 18 01:10
DaemonFCand I'll leave it thereJun 18 01:10
DaemonFC*I doJun 18 01:10
gizmo_you guys havnt ban royalty in england yet?Jun 18 01:10
DaemonFCbad neighbors? shoot themJun 18 01:10
DaemonFClandlord pissing you off? shoot himJun 18 01:11
DaemonFCsomeone cut you off in traffic? shoot them multiple timesJun 18 01:11
DaemonFCsomeone steals from you, shoot themJun 18 01:11
DaemonFCsomeone lies to you, shoot them if you feel justifiedJun 18 01:11
DaemonFCthe mail is running late today, shoot the courier for incompetenceJun 18 01:12
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 01:12
gizmo_yeah! lets head to redmond thenJun 18 01:12
DaemonFCthe problem with the system is that they also have the right to try and kill youJun 18 01:12
DaemonFCbut in the end, I think evolution would be best served in that systemJun 18 01:13
DaemonFCchild molesters? Don't send them to jail, don't put them on a web siteJun 18 01:14
DaemonFCjust crucify them upside down and put them in public view as a warning to the othersJun 18 01:14
DaemonFCMy loyal subject: "My lord, the prisoner is requesting an appeal." Me: "Can anyone tell me why he's still alive. Guards!!! Kill the prisoner *AND* this underling at once!"Jun 18 01:16
DaemonFC:DJun 18 01:16
DaemonFCI'd have the insanity of Caligula and the ruthlessness of NeroJun 18 01:17
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 01:18
DaemonFCspeaking of incompetent mail couriers, now they're dumping everything in my box, but a subset of that includes everything addressed to meJun 18 01:20
DaemonFCso we're seeing progressJun 18 01:20
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 01:20
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jun 18 01:20
DaemonFCschestowitz: My mom's current neighbors appear to beat all of mine put togetherJun 18 01:22
DaemonFCsome kind of polygamist wiccans I thinkJun 18 01:22
DaemonFCwhich I find funny as all hellJun 18 01:22
DaemonFCthe only thing that could make that funnier is if it happened to my grandmotherJun 18 01:26
gizmo_so what is everyone bet in the bilski case?Jun 18 01:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @mind_booster: Liked "IMPORTANT: twitter is postponing the OAuth switch over to august 16, 2010 18 01:26
TechrightsTitle: IMPORTANT: twitter is postponing the OAuth switch... - Bruno Pedro - FriendFeed .::. Size~: 7.02 KBJun 18 01:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] Just a suggestion for shoulder to shoulder insert together. The media operates on seemingly compulsory cliches for too long.Jun 18 01:36
*malacoda ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 01:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] Bugger that last post was habbit, this was an apologyJun 18 01:38
*gizmo_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)Jun 18 01:56
*malacoda has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jun 18 01:57
*WireWulf is now known as Wulf-is-not-hereJun 18 01:59
cubezzzhey this is pretty goodJun 18 02:06
cubezzzjust tried icewm on the 486Jun 18 02:06
cubezzzwow, an irc client in 2kJun 18 02:19
cubezzzthat's frugalJun 18 02:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] A boost for legally shared media – new TV & movie titles! #filesharing #tpb #movies #pioneerone #ccl #freeJun 18 02:25
TechrightsTitle: A boost for legally shared media  new TV & movie titles! « OpenBytes .::. Size~: 41.15 KBJun 18 02:25
DaemonFC(1.62 US cups) * 96 (kilocalories per US cup) = 155.52 kilocaloriesJun 18 02:34
DaemonFCthere are 155.52 Calories in one gallon of Kool Aid made with 1.62 cups of SplendaJun 18 02:34
DaemonFC:PJun 18 02:34
*DaemonFC loves Google CalculatorJun 18 02:34
DaemonFC(1.62 US cups) * 770 (kilocalories per US cup) = 1 247.4 kilocaloriesJun 18 02:35
DaemonFC1,247.4 Calories with sugarJun 18 02:35
cubezzzthe human body can't make vitamin CJun 18 02:38
cubezzztherefore the healthiest drink is orange juiceJun 18 02:38
cubezzzI need a headphone/mouse switcherJun 18 02:39
cubezzzwonder if anybody makes thoseJun 18 02:39
DaemonFCand with Aspartame (before the revised FDA guidelines that enabled serving sizes of less than 1 gram to be labeled Zero Calorie), you would get 38.88 Calories in one gallon of Kool Aid Jun 18 02:39
DaemonFCusing the approximation chart given of 2 tsp per packet's worth in sugar sweetnessJun 18 02:39
DaemonFCSo one gallon of Kool Aid at my desired 1.62 cups sugar sweetness equivalent contains 1,247 Calories with sugar, 155 with Sucralose/Splenda, and 39 with Aspartame/NutrasweetJun 18 02:40
DaemonFCbut Aspartame tastes like shit and I find it to be of questionable "benign for you" statusJun 18 02:41
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 02:41
DaemonFCand that much sugar will kill anything that's ever livedJun 18 02:41
DaemonFCso I guess Sucralose it is thenJun 18 02:42
DaemonFC:DJun 18 02:42
cubezzzsugar is fine as long as your burning it offJun 18 02:42
DaemonFCno it's notJun 18 02:42
DaemonFCdiabetes for $100, BobJun 18 02:42
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 02:42
cubezzzyou know how much sugar an athelete can handle?Jun 18 02:43
cubezzza lotJun 18 02:43
DaemonFCI still figure that neither of the three options are exactly "good for you", but sugar is probably more dangerous than any FDA approved artificial sweetenerJun 18 02:43
cubezzzwhat is gatorade?Jun 18 02:43
DaemonFCbased on the whole diabetes, obesity causing principleJun 18 02:43
DaemonFC:DJun 18 02:43
cubezzzit's not sucraloseJun 18 02:43
DaemonFCOr to put it another way, sugar is proven to add to the risk of obesity and diabetes II.Jun 18 02:44
cubezzzyour brain needs sugar to functionJun 18 02:44
DaemonFCartificial sweeteners are not proven to cause anythingJun 18 02:44
DaemonFCthe detractors use scare tactics based on pseudo-scientific claimsJun 18 02:44
cubezzzgatorade has sucroseJun 18 02:45
DaemonFCof course it doesJun 18 02:45
cubezzzin other words table sugarJun 18 02:45
DaemonFCdo you figure Gatorade gives a shit if an athlete becomes diabetic 20 years from now?Jun 18 02:45
DaemonFCor do you figure they can give him a sugar rush now and he'll really pay for that later?Jun 18 02:46
DaemonFC(his problem)Jun 18 02:46
DaemonFC:DJun 18 02:46
cubezzzhmmm, there's a verson of gatorade that actually uses sucraloseJun 18 02:46
DaemonFCI'd go with thatJun 18 02:46
cubezzznot sure why that would happen DaemonFCJun 18 02:46
DaemonFCelectrolytes and hydration are what you needJun 18 02:46
DaemonFCnot tons of sugarJun 18 02:47
cubezzzwhy would an athelete develop diabetes?Jun 18 02:47
DaemonFCI'm not saying the Gatorade is the prime cause were it to happenJun 18 02:47
cubezzzit seems unlikelyJun 18 02:47
DaemonFCI just believe that it would be a contributing factorJun 18 02:47
DaemonFCif you up your intake of cholesterol by X amount from any source over years and years, you're more likely to have heart disease than if you hadn'tJun 18 02:48
cubezzzDaemonFC, In 2010, Gatorade switched from high fructose corn syrup to a sucrose-dextrose mixJun 18 02:48
DaemonFCwouldn't you agree?Jun 18 02:48
cubezzzcholesterol is not sucroseJun 18 02:48
DaemonFCif you up your intake of sodium a bit, you're more likely to end up with hypertensionJun 18 02:48
cubezzznot if your an atheleteJun 18 02:48
cubezzzyou'reJun 18 02:48
cubezzzyou need the extra salt thenJun 18 02:49
DaemonFCif you increase your average intake of sugar, you're more likely to develop diabetes IIJun 18 02:49
DaemonFCit's not Gatorade hazard specificallyJun 18 02:49
cubezzzagain, not if you are burning it upJun 18 02:49
DaemonFCjust the fact that it has that much sugar in itJun 18 02:49
cubezzzI suppose you could dilute itJun 18 02:49
DaemonFCyou can, to a pointJun 18 02:49
DaemonFCbut people want sweet things to drinkJun 18 02:50
DaemonFCand it's not an occasional 8 ounce serving of gatorade in a dixie cupJun 18 02:50
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 02:50
cubezzzwith a bit of effort you could probably make your Ideal DrinkJun 18 02:50
DaemonFCit's a liter of CokeJun 18 02:50
cubezzzno, I don't drink Coke Jun 18 02:50
cubezzzstopped a long time agoJun 18 02:50
DaemonFCor whatever, you know what I meanJun 18 02:50
cubezzzno soda at allJun 18 02:50
cubezzzapple, pear or orange juiceJun 18 02:51
DaemonFCWhat people consume and what a serving suggestion is are totally differentJun 18 02:51
DaemonFCdifferent area codeJun 18 02:51
cubezzzor pomengranateJun 18 02:51
cubezzzmore expensive than pop, but a million times better for youJun 18 02:51
DaemonFCI'm saying if they banned these megasized drinks with sugar, and replaced it with SucraloseJun 18 02:51
DaemonFCall kinds of public health problems could be avoidedJun 18 02:52
cubezzzaren't people drinking less pop nowadays?Jun 18 02:52
DaemonFCWater would be better, but I'm being pragmatic hereJun 18 02:52
DaemonFCnopeJun 18 02:52
DaemonFCmore and moreJun 18 02:52
DaemonFCand sugary evenJun 18 02:52
cubezzzwow, that's not goodJun 18 02:52
DaemonFCthe cheap sugary crap is coming in 3 liters nowJun 18 02:52
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 02:53
DaemonFCDiabetes in a bottleJun 18 02:53
DaemonFCyou ever notice that shit targeted at poor people always does this the most?Jun 18 02:54
DaemonFCFaygo cola 3 literJun 18 02:54
DaemonFCthere you goJun 18 02:54
DaemonFC70 centsJun 18 02:54
DaemonFCthere you goJun 18 02:54
DaemonFCexterminate the poor with copius dosages of sugarJun 18 02:54
DaemonFCMedicare will pay the drug companies for the meters and test strips and drugsJun 18 02:54
DaemonFCbefore they die at the ripe old age of "Not getting Social Security old age checks"Jun 18 02:55
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 02:55
DaemonFCwhy do you think Splenda isn't cheap?Jun 18 02:55
DaemonFCit's not a product designed to kill the poor at enormous taxpayer expenseJun 18 02:55
cubezzzI just use sugar in low amountsJun 18 02:55
cubezzztea, no sugarJun 18 02:56
cubezzzcereal, no sugarJun 18 02:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] To someone who cannot be named: I read your MS Office comments with interest..remind me what did you say about the cloud on Openbytes?Jun 18 02:56
cubezzzno added sugar anywayJun 18 02:56
*malacoda ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 02:57
DaemonFCcubezzz: The best way to look at things is not by "scientific journals" or "testimonials" or anything of the sortJun 18 02:57
DaemonFCthe best way to decide for yourself which way to go is who has the msot to gain by fucking you overJun 18 02:57
DaemonFC:DJun 18 02:57
DaemonFCnever failsJun 18 02:57
DaemonFCmoney corrupts medical journalsJun 18 02:58
DaemonFCmoney made from "testimonials" peddles snake oilJun 18 02:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Of course Cloud computing is the thing of the far future....unless it's something #microsoft is pushing....then, buy, buy!Jun 18 02:58
DaemonFCoftentimes, the level of quackery coming from the "scientific community" equals the amount of quackery coming straight from the quacksJun 18 02:59
DaemonFCI'll call this Ryan's LawJun 18 02:59
DaemonFCsugar is the drug company's best friendJun 18 03:00
DaemonFCcheap junk food with tons of cheap sugarJun 18 03:00
DaemonFCthey get to reap the benefits when you get sick and unable to work and tax money is buying their drugs for youJun 18 03:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Time for bed. Remember before you part with any cash, check out OpenOffice (its free) #microsoft #mvp #msofficeJun 18 03:01
TechrightsTitle: - The Free and Open Productivity Suite .::. Size~: 13.19 KBJun 18 03:01
DaemonFCIt almost makes you wish the government would just take all your money and give it straight to these bastards for doing nothingJun 18 03:01
DaemonFCbecause then at elast they wouldn't be using it to murder you by proxy of food and drinkJun 18 03:02
DaemonFC:DJun 18 03:02
DaemonFCbut then there's population control to considerJun 18 03:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast"Jun 18 03:02
DaemonFCso government steals from you, lets companies kill you at obscene profit margins, and they both winJun 18 03:02
DaemonFCThe governments of the world and the UN are nothing more than the "ruling class" who consider "population growth" to be an explosion of "useless eaters" consuming "their" wealthJun 18 03:03
DaemonFCextermination is the only thing that comes to mindJun 18 03:03
DaemonFCyou notice how few CEOs eat Hot Pockets and Honey Nut Cheerios?Jun 18 03:04
DaemonFCthey know it's poisonJun 18 03:04
DaemonFCthey go buy all the non-toxic organic stuff you couldn't afford if you did know enough to careJun 18 03:05
DaemonFC:DJun 18 03:05
DaemonFCcubezzz: I don't believe for a second that any of the upper management at Coca Cola drink CokeJun 18 03:06
DaemonFCthey might drink a liquid that looks Coke-ish for PRJun 18 03:06
DaemonFCthat's about itJun 18 03:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[yoonkit] Argh! Band Pass Filters #fail! RT: @benjamin_wss: The worst idea in gaming. #worldcup 18 03:06
TechrightsTitle: The worst idea in gaming. #worldcup - Holy Kaw! - Benjamin Wong's Posterous .::. Size~: 20.5 KBJun 18 03:06
cubezzzno, I think they do drink itJun 18 03:08
cubezzzCharlie Rose drinks itJun 18 03:09
cubezzzimpossible to say for sureJun 18 03:09
DaemonFCMaybe the cane sugar versionJun 18 03:09
DaemonFCoddly enough, the Mexicans get thatJun 18 03:09
DaemonFCthe Americans and Canadians get High Fructose Corn SyrupJun 18 03:10
DaemonFCwhich is even worse apparentlyJun 18 03:10
cubezzzonly if you drink pop thoughJun 18 03:10
cubezzzwhich I don'tJun 18 03:10
DaemonFCI do sometimesJun 18 03:11
DaemonFCI buy Mexican Coke if I'm going to drink a regular CokeJun 18 03:11
DaemonFCthey sell those at the "ethnic" grocery storesJun 18 03:11
cubezzzinterestingJun 18 03:11
DaemonFCtastes better anywayJun 18 03:11
cubezzzI wonder if they sell that in CanadaJun 18 03:12
DaemonFCmaybeJun 18 03:12
DaemonFCdo you have a lot of illegal Mexicans?Jun 18 03:12
DaemonFClook at the "Latin Foods" aisleJun 18 03:12
DaemonFCbig chains have Mexican Coke there in the US storesJun 18 03:12
DaemonFCthere's a separate sticky label on all the bottles that's in EnglishJun 18 03:13
cubezzzbut as you pointed out, ove comsumption of sugar can lead to diabetesJun 18 03:13
DaemonFCit doesJun 18 03:13
cubezzzso I don't drink pop at allJun 18 03:13
DaemonFCbut HFCS is worseJun 18 03:13
cubezzzyesJun 18 03:13
DaemonFCand we have better social healthcare than MexicansJun 18 03:13
DaemonFCsee where I'm going?Jun 18 03:13
cubezzzWNED showed a documentary called "Food INC"Jun 18 03:13
DaemonFCyou need pills in Mexico, you go buy a bottle for $1Jun 18 03:14
cubezzzthey use Corn in almost everythingJun 18 03:14
DaemonFCno profit in itJun 18 03:14
DaemonFCyou buy them in the US, they slap you for $300Jun 18 03:14
DaemonFCsometimesJun 18 03:14
DaemonFCsame stuffJun 18 03:14
cubezzzit sounds wrongJun 18 03:14
DaemonFCthey want Americans to be less healthy because they sell drugs more expensively here than anywhere else in the world, and Medicare pays for itJun 18 03:14
DaemonFCif they "disable" youJun 18 03:14
cubezzzI don't think it's like that in CanadaJun 18 03:14
DaemonFCUS Medicare/Medicaid = Corporate windfall for the companies who go to great lengths to poison AmericansJun 18 03:15
DaemonFCthere's not as much profit motive to kill a MexicanJun 18 03:15
DaemonFCor to kill him slowlyJun 18 03:15
cubezzzDaemonFC, did you know that in the 1950's that slaughterhouse workers were well paid?Jun 18 03:15
DaemonFCthere's probably slightly less priority to kill CanadiansJun 18 03:16
cubezzznow they get starvation wagesJun 18 03:16
DaemonFCsince you guys negotiate pill pricesJun 18 03:16
DaemonFCbut it's still a priorityJun 18 03:16
DaemonFCsince they can milk your social insurance programJun 18 03:16
DaemonFCand you still pay 50 times more for the same pills than Mexicans doJun 18 03:16
DaemonFCdisabling a Mexican and letting him die a slow painful death is not a priority to the drug cartels because they practically donate their drugs there anywayJun 18 03:17
DaemonFCMexican public health is lower because they're an honest to goodness shithole third world country:DJun 18 03:18
DaemonFCnot because they're being murdered for profit through what they eatJun 18 03:18
DaemonFCif you notice, the population growth there is being contained the same way the UN tells every other country to contain itJun 18 03:19
DaemonFCat least the birth prevention programs are all the sameJun 18 03:19
DaemonFCcontraceptives, abortion, etc.Jun 18 03:19
DaemonFCbut there's no profit in a Mexican man dying a lingering death that requires many expensive drugsJun 18 03:20
DaemonFCcubezzz: The powers that be don't give a shit if a Mexican dies, but with us Gringo countriesJun 18 03:21
DaemonFCthere's gold in them there hills! :)Jun 18 03:21
DaemonFCcubezzz: I found something unusual in Wal-Mart today, so I saved itJun 18 03:23
DaemonFCreally bizarreJun 18 03:23
DaemonFChaven't seen anything like it in yearsJun 18 03:23
DaemonFCkind of horrified me at firstJun 18 03:23
DaemonFC 18 03:24
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 03:24
DaemonFCEither the machines are taking over, or Americans are really willing to accept Walm-Mart supplier level payJun 18 03:25
DaemonFCeither way, not goodJun 18 03:25
DaemonFCwas probably made in the South if the 2nd possibility is trueJun 18 03:26
DaemonFCclose enough to a third world country, some of those statesJun 18 03:27
DaemonFCit's where all the most Republicans areJun 18 03:27
DaemonFCleast worker safety and environmental lawsJun 18 03:27
DaemonFCWage and Hour laws are more like suggestionsJun 18 03:28
DaemonFCcubezzz: The only good thing about the southern United States is that they're closer to Mexico than I amJun 18 03:28
DaemonFCyou'd think they'd get alongJun 18 03:29
DaemonFCwhat with all they have in commonJun 18 03:29
DaemonFC:DJun 18 03:29
*DaemonFC hates the SouthJun 18 03:31
*DaemonFC would rather go to Somalia than AlabamaJun 18 03:31
DaemonFCThat's where you start making economic comparisons based on "Teeth in mouth per capita"Jun 18 03:32
DaemonFCschestowitz: I put our mayor on some pogs I bought in bulkJun 18 03:36
DaemonFCtossing them in urinals across townJun 18 03:36
DaemonFC:PJun 18 03:36
DaemonFCit was just on the evening newsJun 18 03:37
DaemonFChe's calling them "tasteless"Jun 18 03:37
DaemonFC:DJun 18 03:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[harishpillay] Filtering out the Vuvuzela buzz via Fedora/Linux! #fbJun 18 04:03
TechrightsTitle: Create Digital Music » Page not found .::. Size~: 19.99 KBJun 18 04:03
*malacoda_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 04:14
*malacoda has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 18 04:14
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Jun 18 04:41
DaemonFCApparently ATI Catalyst 10.6 on Linux supposedly fixes the terrible Compiz performance on ATI cardJun 18 04:58
*DaemonFC will believe it when he sees it, because Compiz has run like shit on all ATI cards for yearsJun 18 04:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] About to jam with a potential #severedfifth drummer.Jun 18 05:05
*sebsebseb was just called quite coolJun 18 05:05
cubezzzthe possible future of memory:Jun 18 05:06
cubezzz 18 05:06
TechrightsTitle: Z-RAM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 26.31 KBJun 18 05:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[yoonkit] Burst pipe in Glenmarie - all of Subang no water.Jun 18 05:27
*malacoda_ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 18 05:47
*malacoda ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 05:47
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellJun 18 05:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[yoonkit] Egads! Kastam Diraja Malaysia needs IE6 to do searches on duties and tax rates! blegh.Jun 18 06:01
TechrightsTitle: Customs Master .::. Size~: 48.01 KBJun 18 06:01
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 06:28
DaemonFC"The usual array of internet applications, including Firefox, and a bittorent client for all those movies the MPAA so kindly won't let you view from DVD. "Jun 18 06:33
DaemonFClolJun 18 06:33
DaemonFC 18 06:33
TechrightsTitle: Fedora 13 .::. Size~: 6.92 KBJun 18 06:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[doctorow] Dear coffee: we had a deal. i'd put you in my body, you would give me super powers. WTF happened?Jun 18 06:44
DaemonFC 18 06:46
TechrightsTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 06:46
DaemonFC 18 06:48
TechrightsTitle: dear alcohol, I thought we had a deal - Google Search .::. Size~: 39.57 KBJun 18 06:48
DaemonFCSixth result down B-)Jun 18 06:48
DaemonFCDick Cheney hunting incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJun 18 06:48
DaemonFC 18 06:51
TechrightsTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 06:51
DaemonFC 18 06:55
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 06:55
DaemonFCcubezzz: Is that your computer? :)Jun 18 06:55
cubezzzhmmm?Jun 18 06:58
cubezzzno, i never owned a kayproJun 18 06:58
DaemonFCahhhJun 18 06:59
DaemonFCno 486 models?Jun 18 06:59
DaemonFCcubezzz: Does yours have the "Turbo" button on it? :)Jun 18 06:59
cubezzzcouldn't afford $1800 in 1982Jun 18 06:59
cubezzzactually this 486 doesn't have a turbo buttonJun 18 07:00
cubezzzit's 1993, not 1982...Jun 18 07:00
cubezzzit's old but it's not _that_ oldJun 18 07:00
DaemonFCI had an old Packard Bell 486 systemJun 18 07:01
DaemonFCwhopping 8 MB of RAMJun 18 07:01
cubezzzhadJun 18 07:01
cubezzzmine not only works but I use it every day :)Jun 18 07:01
DaemonFCthrew it outJun 18 07:01
DaemonFCit still workedJun 18 07:02
cubezzzfoolishnessJun 18 07:02
cubezzzI actually like old computersJun 18 07:03
DaemonFCmehJun 18 07:03
DaemonFCnothing it could do besides be a paperweightJun 18 07:03
schestowitz "phipps should make it clearer that he wants more cooperation from both sides- i'm STILL trying to make sure he's not simply repackaging old fud about the free software movement (haven't given up on him yet, but frequently skeptical)"Jun 18 07:06
TechrightsTitle: حالة menn (openuniverse)  في يوم Friday, 18-Jun-10 01:30:28 UTC - 280 .::. Size~: 8.01 KBJun 18 07:06
*malacoda_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 07:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[doctorow] #Ariely's UPSIDE OF IRRATIONALITY - making your #cognitive blind-spots work for you 18 07:07
TechrightsTitle: Ariely's UPSIDE OF IRRATIONALITY: using irrational cognitive blindspots to your advantage - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 12.37 KBJun 18 07:07
*malacoda has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jun 18 07:07
schestowitz 18 07:15
schestowitzwth?Jun 18 07:15
TechrightsTitle: UFOs in the European Parliament « Sköne Oke .::. Size~: 18.81 KBJun 18 07:15
schestowitz 18 07:18
TechrightsTitle: EUROPA  -  Press Releases -  European Commission signs 210 million newcontract to create safer EU IT network .::. Size~: 16.61 KBJun 18 07:18
DaemonFCschestowitz: Do you know if merchants can tell the difference between a prepaid Visa and a real one?Jun 18 07:21
cubezzzfor recurring payments I would think soJun 18 07:29
DaemonFCI want to sign up for one of those coffee dealsJun 18 07:30
DaemonFCbut I hear horror stories from some peopleJun 18 07:30
DaemonFC:DJun 18 07:30
schestowitz 18 07:35
TechrightsTitle: Twitter Brings Ads To Trending Topics| paidContent .::. Size~: 28.75 KBJun 18 07:35
schestowitz 18 07:47
TechrightsTitle:  When Do We Get to Hear About Oracle's Real Plans for Sun?  .::. Size~: 28.64 KBJun 18 07:47
schestowitzOracle is still developing OOo, let's hope that doesn't changeJun 18 07:48
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 07:53
*jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jun 18 08:00
schestowitzDaemonFC: UK keeps three times as many patents secret as the USJun 18 08:01
schestowitz 18 08:01
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- James Randi Speaks: Carl Sagan .::. Size~: 91.76 KBJun 18 08:01
schestowitzShow this to your chiroJun 18 08:01
DaemonFCthe UK has a very backwards legal systemJun 18 08:02
DaemonFCif big business doesn't like something, they can get the government to block you from seeing it, periodJun 18 08:03
schestowitzDaemonFC: wrong pasteJun 18 08:03
schestowitzIt was the videoJun 18 08:03
schestowitzYou subscribe to pseudoscienceJun 18 08:03
DaemonFChow so?Jun 18 08:03
schestowitz 18 08:05
TechrightsTitle: The North American Union .::. Size~: 33.65 KBJun 18 08:05
schestowitzToo much of a brain tumour (silliness) among peopleJun 18 08:05
DaemonFCschestowitz: The black helicopters are comingJun 18 08:05
*schestowitz looks out window :-)Jun 18 08:08
DaemonFCschestowitz: I ended up enrolling in that coffee by mail thingJun 18 08:09
DaemonFCwith the intention that I'll cancel once the free coffee pot gets here with the first orderJun 18 08:09
DaemonFC:PJun 18 08:09
DaemonFCI noticed my aunt had one of the damned thingsJun 18 08:10
DaemonFC:PJun 18 08:10
*DaemonFC wonders how those people make money if so many people cancel after getting the coffee makerJun 18 08:11
DaemonFCschestowitz:, how many people do you figure do that?Jun 18 08:11
DaemonFCfew enough that they consider that it will happen and is worth the promotional expense?Jun 18 08:12
schestowitzcoffee maker?Jun 18 08:12
schestowitzGet instant coffeeJun 18 08:12
DaemonFCyeahJun 18 08:12
schestowitzYou don't need a whole ritual to make a cuppaJun 18 08:12
DaemonFCschestowitz: 18 08:12
DaemonFCthat dealJun 18 08:12
TechrightsTitle: Coffee from Gevalia Kaffe at Home .::. Size~: 153.18 KBJun 18 08:12
schestowitz*LOL*Jun 18 08:13
DaemonFCtheir margin from the coffee must be enough to absorb what amounts to giving away free coffee makers to the occasional moochJun 18 08:14
DaemonFCright?Jun 18 08:14
schestowitzImagine every person buying oneJun 18 08:14
schestowitzI have a friend who has an expensive coffee machine... in a one-man apartmentJun 18 08:14
schestowitzIt's an advanced one like they have in coffee shop, but he hardly uses itJun 18 08:14
DaemonFCthey use those damned cone filtersJun 18 08:15
schestowitzThere are some people with more money than senseJun 18 08:15
DaemonFCbut you can mash down the regular ones to fitJun 18 08:15
DaemonFC:PJun 18 08:15
schestowitzSome buy iJunkJun 18 08:15
schestowitzSome buy equipment for foods they likeJun 18 08:15
schestowitzDaemonFC: filters, eh?Jun 18 08:15
DaemonFCinstant coffee is terribleJun 18 08:15
schestowitzDo you know how much work is to refill and clean these?Jun 18 08:15
DaemonFCclean what?Jun 18 08:16
DaemonFCthey're paper, you dump them in the trash :)Jun 18 08:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Clogwog send me this email "I would have thought AIDS would have killed you by now. :-)". This is Microsoft Egvangelism? LOL :-)Jun 18 08:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Ugh. Head like a box of frogs. Morning - be gentle with me today please.Jun 18 08:24
DaemonFCschestowitz: Who in the hell is applying British spellings to Wikipedia articles dealing in exclusively American topics?Jun 18 08:26
*DaemonFC huggles his en-US dictionary for helping him search and destroy :)Jun 18 08:27
*DaemonFC applies for a patent describing an apparatus made mandatory in all keyboards to shock the shit out of anyone doing thatJun 18 08:28
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 08:28
DaemonFC 18 08:29
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Canadian Bacon - In French, please! .::. Size~: 85.38 KBJun 18 08:29
sebsebseb 18 08:32
TechrightsTitle: Linux Today - Mono is a disease. Why spread it? .::. Size~: 80.96 KBJun 18 08:32
*Diablo-D3 (~diablo@ has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 08:34
sebsebseb 18 08:34
TechrightsTitle: Linux Today - Mono is a disease. Why spread it? .::. Size~: 80.96 KBJun 18 08:34
sebsebseb 18 08:34
TechrightsTitle: New ATI Linux Video Driver Has OpenGL 4.0 and RHEL 5.5 Support - OpenGL 3.3 is also supported - Softpedia .::. Size~: 49.9 KBJun 18 08:34
DaemonFCschestowitz: Regarding French Canadians.....Jun 18 08:35
DaemonFCI've been giving it a lot of thoughtJun 18 08:35
DaemonFCand have decided we should move the UN headquarters somewhere where the French Canadians will have to deal with hundreds of misbehaving diplomats who are immune from local lawsJun 18 08:36
*malacoda_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 18 08:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Changing my email signature to "Sent from my iPhone4" on all my machines for a Friday giggle.Jun 18 08:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @popey: Isn't Ubuntu getting close enough for the joke to lose much of its meaning? :)Jun 18 08:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Peter Brown (OASIS) pushing for software patents in standards, bashing OSS "misunderstanding surrounding open source" 18 08:49
TechrightsTitle: EurActiv - Letters to the Editor  » Blog Archive   » Kroes: Finding right balance between open source and open standards .::. Size~: 36.57 KBJun 18 08:49
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) supports terrorism Texas, vote this fucker out of office before its too late!Jun 18 08:49
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Rep. Joe Barton to BP: "I apologize." .::. Size~: 97.38 KBJun 18 08:49
cubezzzI don't quite understand these ati numbersJun 18 08:50
cubezzzI think it's radeon 9550Jun 18 08:51
DaemonFCcubezzz: oldJun 18 08:52
DaemonFC:PJun 18 08:52
DaemonFChow's that DirectX 8 support treating you? :)Jun 18 08:52
DaemonFCI think I had an All-In-Wonder 9850 or something like that at one pointJun 18 08:54
DaemonFCwith a mind boggling 128 MB of RAMJun 18 08:54
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 08:54
cubezzznot old for me thoughJun 18 08:54
cubezzzwhat directx support? I never use itJun 18 08:54
DaemonFCcubezzz: You're so old you measure in rippled from the first EpochJun 18 08:55
DaemonFCyour opinion doesn't count :PJun 18 08:55
DaemonFC*ripplesJun 18 08:55
DaemonFCugggh, cat attack!!!Jun 18 08:56
DaemonFC:PJun 18 08:56
DaemonFCcubezzz: Why do you suppose cats can't figure out that there's a bed in the other room regardless of what time you want to go to sleep? :PJun 18 08:57
DaemonFCand that they must pester yo-u until they doJun 18 08:57
*DaemonFC is getting ready to throw them in the other room and lock the door so they'll quit biting his anklesJun 18 08:58
DaemonFCschestowitz: I'm cat sitting :PJun 18 08:59
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Hitler finds out about the BP Oil Spill 18 09:04
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Disney, Pixar, and BP present "Finding Nemo 2: Escape from Oilglobs" 18 09:04
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] BP security guards attack Reporters in public area 18 09:04
TechrightsTitle: Hitler finds out about the BP Oil Spill - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 22.31 KBJun 18 09:04
TechrightsTitle: Disney, Pixar, and BP present "Finding Nemo 2: Escape from Oilglobs" - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 12.8 KBJun 18 09:04
TechrightsTitle: Reporters clash with Coast Guard, BP security - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 133.51 KBJun 18 09:04
DaemonFCDiablo-D3: That was a good movieJun 18 09:07
DaemonFCthe guy playing Hitler did a terrific jobJun 18 09:07
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 09:07
DaemonFC 18 09:13
TechrightsTitle: Opera Desktop Team - The setting Sun .::. Size~: 48.84 KBJun 18 09:13
DaemonFCOpera team realizes that Solaris is a dead end :)Jun 18 09:13
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] BP CEO Tony Hayward refuses to answer US Congress's questions 18 09:14
TechrightsTitle: Hayward deflects questions about well design, safety | NewsWatch: Energy | - Houston Chronicle .::. Size~: 70.78 KBJun 18 09:14
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] BP is not aware of any reason for share price movement 18 09:19
TechrightsTitle: interdictor: LOL .::. Size~: 18.58 KBJun 18 09:19
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] FGLRX Catalyst 10.6 has slight bug 18 09:29
TechrightsTitle:   FGLRX Catalyst 10.6 has slight bug » Ad Terras Per Aspera .::. Size~: 13.95 KBJun 18 09:29
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellJun 18 09:34
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Lightspark, a new upcoming open source Flash plugin looks promising 18 09:39
TechrightsTitle: Lightspark, an innovative FLOSS Flash player, reaches Beta Status | Technology Temple .::. Size~: 85.48 KBJun 18 09:39
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Jun 18 09:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Dell repeats the mistakes of history by harbouring censorship and fearing to pass judgment about #Microsoft #ubuntuJun 18 09:49
TechrightsTitle: The Changing of History | Techrights .::. Size~: 92.28 KBJun 18 09:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] The conference dealt mostly with software protection topics such as software patents, open source software and standards 18 10:05
TechrightsTitle: Should governments encourage open source? | TechnoLlama .::. Size~: 93.66 KBJun 18 10:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Certified Partner Supports #Mono Infragistics adds its weight to Mono #novellJun 18 10:11
TechrightsTitle: Microsoft Certified Partner Supports Mono | Techrights .::. Size~: 92.04 KBJun 18 10:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] China plans to put out its coalfield fires - finally #china #coalJun 18 10:20
TechrightsTitle: China plans to put out its coalfield fires - environment - 18 June 2010 - New Scientist .::. Size~: 45.21 KBJun 18 10:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Upgraded blog to wordpress 3.0. Just worked. Nice #wordpressJun 18 10:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Finding Nemo 2 (amongst the oil spill) - nice demonstration of satiric use of copyright materials #copyrightJun 18 10:25
TechrightsTitle: EL BLOG DE CHIBIBOTO: Imágenes de Buscando a Nemo 2 (Finding Nemo 2) .::. Size~: 147.66 KBJun 18 10:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Significant Objects Becomes A Book... More Infinite Goods Creating New Scarcities - useful example #scarcity #abundanceJun 18 10:28
TechrightsTitle: Significant Objects Becomes A Book... More Infinite Goods Creating New Scarcities | Techdirt .::. Size~: 83.48 KBJun 18 10:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Why can’t journalists handle public criticism? - "the typical blogger has more experience dealing with criticism": yupJun 18 10:30
TechrightsTitle: Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard  » Blog Archive   » Why cant journalists handle public criticism?  .::. Size~: 32.46 KBJun 18 10:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] From Microsoft to Nuclear, 10 Questions for Nathan Myhrvold - weak piece failing to challenge super-troll IVJun 18 10:36
TechrightsTitle:   From Microsoft to Nuclear, 10 Questions for Nathan Myhrvold .::. Size~: 71.01 KBJun 18 10:36
MinceRgeekingsJun 18 10:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Tricky Sea Ice Predictions Call for Scientists to Open Their Data - that would be good #opendataJun 18 10:45
TechrightsTitle: Tricky Sea Ice Predictions Call for Scientists to Open Their Data | Wired Science | .::. Size~: 73.05 KBJun 18 10:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] MP in talks over Birmingham 'terror cameras' - ACPO part of the problem again: needs reform #surveillanceJun 18 10:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #FSF Hostility From #Novell 's Former Managers Amid Fight Against #ACTA #gnu #swpatsJun 18 10:56
TechrightsTitle: BBC News - MP in talks over Birmingham 'terror cameras' .::. Size~: 48.57 KBJun 18 10:56
TechrightsTitle: FSF Hostility From Novells Former Managers Amid Fight Against ACTA | Techrights .::. Size~: 97.65 KBJun 18 10:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Saw 'svg-edit' and thought of you @doctormo @lordmauveJun 18 10:58
TechrightsTitle: SVG-edit .::. Size~: 21.37 KBJun 18 10:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[yoonkit] Going thru 3 weeks of snail mail on my desk. arg.Jun 18 10:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] HTTPS Everywhere - Firefox extension "encrypts your communications with a number of major websites" #EFF #torJun 18 11:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Fragmentation: 7 Editions of Vista/7 and No Less Than 6 Different Operating Systems for Mobile Phones 18 11:05
TechrightsTitle: HTTPS Everywhere | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 10.65 KBJun 18 11:05
TechrightsTitle: Microsoft Fragmentation: 7 Editions of Vista/7 and No Less Than 6 Different Operating Systems for Mobile Phones and Devices | Techrights .::. Size~: 90.43 KBJun 18 11:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Snorted with laughter hearing @mollywood shouting "Shut The Front Door!" on Buzz Out Loud. I am clearly easily pleased.Jun 18 11:07
*Murloc (4d6912a0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 11:14
MurlocHi people!Jun 18 11:14
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 11:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Can You Make Money from Free Stuff? - course, but it's not easy, as the Getty Images/Flickr tie-up shows #cc #licensingJun 18 11:42
TechrightsTitle: Can You Make Money from Free Stuff? - Community - ComputerworldUK .::. Size~: 77.13 KBJun 18 11:42
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Jun 18 11:44
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 11:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] European Commission Still Lobbied by Microsoft, OASIS Does Not Support Software Freedom #swpats #standards #odfJun 18 11:58
TechrightsTitle: European Commission Still Lobbied by Microsoft, OASIS Does Not Support Software Freedom | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.79 KBJun 18 11:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] What the UK Intellectual Property Office and the EPO ought to learn now that software patents are failing #swpatsJun 18 12:12
TechrightsTitle: Lessons to the UK-IPO and EPO, Courtesy of USPTO Failure | Techrights .::. Size~: 91.93 KBJun 18 12:12
schestowitzzoobab: did andre post you re OASIS?Jun 18 12:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Lightspark, an innovative FLOSS Flash player, reaches Beta Status < > for legacy compatibilityJun 18 12:24
TechrightsTitle: Lightspark, an innovative FLOSS Flash player, reaches Beta Status | Technology Temple .::. Size~: 85.48 KBJun 18 12:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] EU to abandon its powers of harmonization of patent laws in favor of an autonomous international patent system: 18 12:30
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 18 12:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] British Computer Society EGM: It's Time To Vote For Transparency - if this is you, vote, vote, vote #bcsJun 18 12:53
TechrightsTitle: BCS EGM: It's Time To Vote For Transparency - Community - ComputerworldUK .::. Size~: 73.11 KBJun 18 12:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] ISO promoting software patents in standards, anti-free software weapon: 18 13:06
TechrightsTitle: Front-page: Alan Bryden in Brussels .::. Size~: 20.43 KBJun 18 13:06
schestowitzzoobab: 18 13:18
TechrightsTitle: Bryden and the Sheep | Techrights .::. Size~: 92.75 KBJun 18 13:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] Back in MUC. Stupid soccer shit at airport made me miss the S-Bahn. Wasting another 20 min.Jun 18 13:37
*Murloc has quit (Quit: Page closed)Jun 18 13:59
schestowitz 18 14:07
TechrightsTitle: Ubuntu set sights on iPad ; TechHeads .::. Size~: 50.9 KBJun 18 14:07
schestowitzit's not true, but they keep repeating itJun 18 14:07
MinceRasay might well have multiple hypePads alreadyJun 18 14:12
*nawi ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 14:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] UK deficit and government borrowing - how has it changed since 1946? - yikes - the graph says it all #ukJun 18 14:23
TechrightsTitle:  UK deficit and government borrowing - how has it changed since 1946? | News |  .::. Size~: 205.36 KBJun 18 14:23
*Ziodotmatrix ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 14:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] EU's Standard Failure on Standards - disgraceful bias against #opensource #standards #euJun 18 14:29
TechrightsTitle: open...: EU's Standard Failure on Standards .::. Size~: 66.72 KBJun 18 14:29
ZiodotmatrixMS. is going compatibility crazy in the mobile market: 18 14:30
TechrightsTitle: Microsoft outs Windows Embedded Handheld platform, Motorola ES400 is the first to get it -- Engadget .::. Size~: 221.09 KBJun 18 14:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] International Free and Open Source Law Review: 3rd issue - not light, but full of good stuff #law #opensourceJun 18 14:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] So far only 1 of 3 #wordpress upgrades failed due to broken 'podcasting' plugin. Easily rectified.Jun 18 14:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Police Raids Tear Apart Hungarian BitTorrent Scene - but hydra-like, it will probably regenerate #hungaryJun 18 14:33
TechrightsTitle:    Police Raids Tear Apart Hungarian BitTorrent Scene | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 34.53 KBJun 18 14:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] There Is No Such Thing As Search Neutrality, Because The Whole Point Of Search Is To Recommend What's Best - hypocritesJun 18 14:36
TechrightsTitle: There Is No Such Thing As Search Neutrality, Because The Whole Point Of Search Is To Recommend What's Best | Techdirt .::. Size~: 28.45 KBJun 18 14:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] CO2 has controlled climate for millions of years - interesting use of seabed cores from around world #climatechangeJun 18 14:39
schestowitzJun 18 14:39
TechrightsTitle:  CO2 has controlled climate for millions of years | TG Daily .::. Size~: 46.73 KBJun 18 14:39
schestowitz[14:12] <MinceR> asay might well have multiple hypePads alreadyJun 18 14:39
schestowitzFor testing?Jun 18 14:39
schestowitz"I'm just tasting it"Jun 18 14:39
MinceRyes, publicly only for testingJun 18 14:40
schestowitzZiodotmatrix: just less compatibilityJun 18 14:42
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: but lets see they now have the Kin, Zune, Winmo 6.5.3 and 7Jun 18 14:43
ZiodotmatrixMinceR: multiple Hypepads?Jun 18 14:44
schestowitzhydrapadJun 18 14:46
schestowitzFor multitaskingJun 18 14:46
MinceRindeedJun 18 14:47
schestowitzBut..Jun 18 14:47
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: when I mentioned compatibility I meant trying to support so many OSs including 2 legacy platforms.Jun 18 14:47
schestowitzAs long as no task involves pr0nJun 18 14:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] The Continuing Incompetence of Terrorists - pity it's matched by the counterproductive scaremongering of the WestJun 18 14:47
TechrightsTitle: Schneier on Security: The Continuing Incompetence of Terrorists .::. Size~: 28.16 KBJun 18 14:47
MinceRor anything Blow would disapprove ofJun 18 14:48
MinceRfreedom from dissentJun 18 14:48
MinceRfreedom from making your own decisionsJun 18 14:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Pena :( ♺ @presidencia: Presidente da República enviou condolências pela morte do escritor José Saramago 18 14:49
TechrightsTitle: MENSAGENS - Página Oficial da Presidência da República Portuguesa .::. Size~: 18.32 KBJun 18 14:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @glynmoody: EU's Standard Failure on Standards - disgraceful bias against #opensource #standards #euJun 18 14:51
TechrightsTitle: open...: EU's Standard Failure on Standards .::. Size~: 66.72 KBJun 18 14:51
schestowitzZiodotmatrix: they keep trying to start afresh and fail every timeJun 18 14:54
schestowitzIt's like Nokia with Maemo and MeeGo or Motorola with Linux, then AndroidJun 18 14:54
MinceRmotorola failed with android?Jun 18 14:55
ZiodotmatrixMinceR: Motorola tried Linux with BREW beforeJun 18 14:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody: EU's Standard Failure on Standards - disgraceful bias against #opensource #standards #euJun 18 14:57
TechrightsTitle: open...: EU's Standard Failure on Standards .::. Size~: 66.72 KBJun 18 14:57
schestowitzAnd JavaJun 18 14:57
schestowitz 18 14:58
TechrightsTitle: Opera pushes out 10.6 preview • The Register .::. Size~: 29.94 KBJun 18 14:58
schestowitzI reckon MinceR is back to FFJun 18 14:59
schestowitzOr chr0meJun 18 14:59
schestowitzFF is very stable, just a tad fat soemtimesJun 18 14:59
schestowitzOlder versions were more bloated and unpredictable, in my experienceJun 18 14:59
MinceRi'm back to FFJun 18 15:00
MinceRi sometimes do miss the Links sidebar thoughJun 18 15:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] This is just amazing! IDG makes a GNU/Linux distro look like a Windows app !! 18 15:03
TechrightsTitle: Parted Magic 4.11 (ISO) from  - Download - .::. Size~: 85.76 KBJun 18 15:03
schestowitz 18 15:06
TechrightsTitle: Nokia Lowers Second Quarter Expectations - PCWorld Business Center .::. Size~: 58.13 KBJun 18 15:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[harishpillay] ♻ @sankarshan a simple tool that makes reading on the Web enjoyableby removing the clutter #fbJun 18 15:07
TechrightsTitle: Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment .::. Size~: 12.23 KBJun 18 15:07
schestowitz 18 15:12
TechrightsTitle: PC World .::. Size~: 124.37 KBJun 18 15:12
schestowitz 18 15:13
TechrightsTitle: Adobe halts Labs program for 64-bit Linux Flash Player - News - Digital Arts .::. Size~: 45.37 KBJun 18 15:13
schestowitzSee why Flash is malevolent? :-DJun 18 15:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Damn #worldcup not over yet? Sigh...Jun 18 15:13
schestowitzAdobe TrashJun 18 15:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ruiseabra I know what you meanJun 18 15:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Stalin's harvest - if yhouJun 18 15:25
TechrightsTitle: Kyrgyzstan: Stalin's harvest | The Economist .::. Size~: 46.59 KBJun 18 15:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Stalin's harvest - if you are confused about what is happening in #Kyrgyzstan (like me) read this excellent pieceJun 18 15:26
TechrightsTitle: Kyrgyzstan: Stalin's harvest | The Economist .::. Size~: 46.59 KBJun 18 15:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Agenda For Round Nine of ACTA Talks Posted - this sounds bad #actaJun 18 15:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] EU promoting the RAND term, aims to get rid of Free Software: 18 15:36
TechrightsTitle: open...: EU's Standard Failure on Standards .::. Size~: 66.72 KBJun 18 15:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[harishpillay] Interesting milestone in RHEL being mentioned in a *comic* strip! #fbJun 18 15:38
TechrightsTitle: Bert blogt » First Linux to appear in Flemish comic series ? .::. Size~: 15.95 KBJun 18 15:38
schestowitz 18 15:40
TechrightsTitle: Beware the WordPress white screen of death .::. Size~: 114.91 KBJun 18 15:40
*ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 15:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @harishpillay Interesting milestone in RHEL being mentioned in a *comic* strip! 18 15:44
TechrightsTitle: Bert blogt » First Linux to appear in Flemish comic series ? .::. Size~: 15.95 KBJun 18 15:44
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz_log: Adobe has completely bent over for Google to release Flash 10.1 for Froyo while there they claim they still need to "work" on the WebOS version for Palm and it will be out soon. All the while Adobe has been testing it on WebOS since even before Android and even let the potential for it to come out Q1 of this year be Palm's selling point at CES 09.Jun 18 15:53
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz_log: they purely follow profit over standardization and adoption when it comes to distributing their languages for platforms.Jun 18 15:54
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz_log: Adobe's PR only assumes the latter when they feel in danger, otherwise it's shifty business as usual.Jun 18 15:54
schestowitzThey make binariesJun 18 15:54
schestowitzNot languagesJun 18 15:54
schestowitzThey use activescriptJun 18 15:55
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz_log: thanks for the correction.Jun 18 15:55
*jono_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 15:55
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz_log: would flash be considered an almost virtual platform like Java?Jun 18 15:55
schestowitz 18 15:56
TechrightsTitle: MIT Abandons Kuali Open-Source Software Project - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education .::. Size~: 31.78 KBJun 18 15:56
schestowitzZiodotmatrix: noJun 18 15:57
*gargoyle-grin (~randerson@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 15:57
schestowitzJavaFX maybeJun 18 15:57
schestowitzOracle kills oitJun 18 15:57
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: did Project Lookingglass use JavaFX?Jun 18 15:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] RT @rtaibah: BP is doing to US is pretty much what US companies have done & are doing to the rest of the world 18 16:02
TechrightsTitle: Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs .::. Size~: 33.88 KBJun 18 16:02
*Ziodotmatrix ( has left #boycottnovellJun 18 16:04
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 16:05
schestowitzIDG lets blackduck employees promote their own products. "If you want more detail, I highly recommend a webinar on open source basics later this month with the attorneys for the Open Source Initiative and the Linux Foundation. "Jun 18 16:05
schestowitz 18 16:05
TechrightsTitle: “Not All Open Source is Created Equal” Redux | Community .::. Size~: 76.69 KBJun 18 16:05
*jono_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 18 16:05
schestowitzSo much self-promotional stuff thereJun 18 16:06
nawischestowitz, how does the EPO system work?Jun 18 16:07
nawiif EPO grants a patent, is it automatically accepted in member countries?Jun 18 16:08
nawithe problem is that the Finnish law says that software patents are not accepted (And PRH (finnish patent office) accepts this point). however, PRH also claims that EPO patents maybe be granted in Finland, even though such a patent is not patentable under a finnish applicationJun 18 16:08
nawiso the only solution that makes sense is that the PRH is breaking the law in a massive scaleJun 18 16:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] EMI Rjig Gives Faxon Control Of Rights-Hungry Label - this augurs nothing good #emi #copyrightJun 18 16:11
TechrightsTitle: EMI Rejig Gives Faxon Control Of Rights-Hungry Label| paidContent:UK .::. Size~: 28.52 KBJun 18 16:11
nawimore information: Effi claims that PRH is breaking the law by accepting software patentsJun 18 16:12
nawithings are crazy and corruptedJun 18 16:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Android Keeps Growing, But iPhone Remains King with Developers - coming along #android #iphoneJun 18 16:13
TechrightsTitle: Android Keeps Growing, But iPhone Remains King with Developers [REPORT] .::. Size~: 79.14 KBJun 18 16:13
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] ♺ @schestowitz: This is just amazing! IDG makes a GNU/Linux distro look like a Windows app !! 18 16:14
TechrightsTitle: Parted Magic 4.11 (ISO) from  - Download - .::. Size~: 86.08 KBJun 18 16:14
*DaemonFC (~Ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 16:22
DaemonFCschestowitz: Office 2010 does work on Windows XP x64Jun 18 16:23
DaemonFCyou have to use the same debugger program that gets MSE and Windows Live Essentials to think it's Vista or 7Jun 18 16:23
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 16:23
DaemonFCschestowitz: 18 16:24
TechrightsTitle: Prescription Drug Abuse Plagues Huntington | Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and My Network| Local & Regional .::. Size~: 75.68 KBJun 18 16:24
schestowitz*LOL* > 18 16:24
DaemonFCsee, what was I telling you the other day?Jun 18 16:24
TechrightsTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 16:24
schestowitzThis is funny for many reasonsJun 18 16:24
DaemonFC" In the past two and a half weeks three people from Huntington County have died as a result of prescription drug overdoses."Jun 18 16:25
schestowitz[16:09] <nawi> so the only solution that makes sense is that the PRH is breaking the law in a massive scaleJun 18 16:25
DaemonFCWhereas none have died from seeing the chiropractorJun 18 16:25
schestowitzyeah, they don't obey many lawsJun 18 16:25
DaemonFCthe chiropractor doesn't hand out deadly addictive pain killers like PezJun 18 16:26
DaemonFCwho do you think kills more patients, him or the guys that do?Jun 18 16:26
DaemonFC 18 16:27
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 16:27
DaemonFCThe MDs should pass these out for kids who don't want to take their RitalinJun 18 16:27
DaemonFCwhat could go wrong?Jun 18 16:27
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 16:28
schestowitz[16:26] <DaemonFC> the chiropractor doesn't hand out deadly addictive pain killers like PezJun 18 16:28
schestowitzWhat are you on about?Jun 18 16:28
DaemonFCcovering everything with pain pills is what thew MDs doJun 18 16:28
schestowitzBacks doesn't need pills, not an overdose for sureJun 18 16:28
DaemonFCand people just shop around until they have their cocktail that gives them the "right fix"Jun 18 16:28
schestowitzDaemonFC: back to quacklandJun 18 16:28
*pupnik ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 16:28
*pupnik just saw the post on novelL+meeGoJun 18 16:29
schestowitzUS had no health insurance, so many people there appeal to quacks and recommend quacks to their friendsJun 18 16:29
DaemonFCschestowitz: I was in to see the MD yesterday, schestowitzJun 18 16:29
DaemonFCnew oneJun 18 16:29
DaemonFCthis one is the same as the old oneJun 18 16:29
DaemonFCtotally cluelessJun 18 16:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Australia's toxic net filters 'shelved until after election' - that probably provides voters with a hint #censorshipJun 18 16:29
TechrightsTitle: Toxic net filters 'shelved until after election' .::. Size~: 128.41 KBJun 18 16:29
DaemonFCfigures everyone makes $500 an hour like her and can afford the shit she passes outJun 18 16:29
DaemonFCor just doesn't care if you canJun 18 16:29
schestowitzIt has nothing to do with costJun 18 16:30
DaemonFCshe was having trouble grasping why I can't afford to go see the Psychiatrist for $100 an hourJun 18 16:30
DaemonFCgee, I fucking wonder ladyJun 18 16:30
schestowitzWhat you try to say is that real medicine is "bad" cause it's expensiveJun 18 16:30
DaemonFCand no matter how I tried explaining it to her, she still didn't "get it"Jun 18 16:30
schestowitzPsychiatrist?Jun 18 16:30
schestowitzTalk to JabbaJun 18 16:31
DaemonFCyeah, she won't fill my Lithium and I'm about to go bat shit crazyJun 18 16:31
schestowitzPsychiatrists are for people without friendsJun 18 16:31
DaemonFCI'll just buy it from the god damned Mexicans and tell her she can either order a lab draw every 6 months or let me overdose on it and sue herJun 18 16:31
DaemonFCwhat a bitchJun 18 16:31
schestowitzOr with ignorant friendsJun 18 16:31
DaemonFCI'm so mad at her I can't see straightJun 18 16:32
schestowitzMaybe you have another seizureJun 18 16:32
DaemonFCprobably drove off after work yesterday in a Cadillac Escallade Jun 18 16:32
DaemonFCwith a 12 liter V16 engineJun 18 16:33
schestowitzWhat does it have to do with it?Jun 18 16:33
DaemonFCsipping her StarbucksJun 18 16:33
DaemonFCplaying with her iPhoneJun 18 16:33
DaemonFCand wondering why me, as a mere mortal, can't afford a Psychiatrist referralJun 18 16:33
schestowitzit's an insultJun 18 16:33
DaemonFCthat's how those people areJun 18 16:33
schestowitzWhen people refer you for consultationJun 18 16:33
schestowitzBut sometimes people misinterpret adviceJun 18 16:34
DaemonFCit's not even mainly intended as an insult I'm guessingJun 18 16:34
schestowitzI heard a good episode about how nutty people take offence when such advice is offereedJun 18 16:34
DaemonFCshe's probably too afraid I'll sue her if she prescribes the medicine Jun 18 16:34
schestowitzAnyway, what would you need to speak to a prson for and _PAY FOR IT_?Jun 18 16:34
DaemonFCand she'll lose the EscalladeJun 18 16:34
schestowitzAre they like some 'magic mouths'?Jun 18 16:35
DaemonFCand the StarbucksJun 18 16:35
DaemonFCand the iPhoneJun 18 16:35
schestowitzAre they like.. famous?Jun 18 16:35
DaemonFCand the $600,000 house in the gated communityJun 18 16:35
DaemonFCwhere the contract specifies you will keep pristine St. Augustine grass in your lawnJun 18 16:35
schestowitzSue for /what/?Jun 18 16:35
DaemonFCand trim it to 1/4 of an inchJun 18 16:35
DaemonFCschestowitz: AnythingJun 18 16:36
schestowitzYou seem to just hate the medical professionJun 18 16:36
schestowitzDaemonFC: seems like you just have an inferity complexJun 18 16:36
DaemonFCif she treated me for Bipolar disorder, as an MD, and not a Psychiatrist, and I had an episode and shot someone 14 timesJun 18 16:36
schestowitzWhat does her card have anything to do with it?Jun 18 16:36
DaemonFCshe's worried she could be "liable"Jun 18 16:36
DaemonFCworried about her own assJun 18 16:36
schestowitzShe trained as a doctor for many eyarsJun 18 16:36
schestowitz 18 16:37
TechrightsTitle: Bipolar disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 310.65 KBJun 18 16:37
schestowitzThat explains you trolling tiradesJun 18 16:37
DaemonFCworried about her own ass more than any or all of her patients livesJun 18 16:37
DaemonFCtypical MDJun 18 16:37
schestowitz*yourJun 18 16:37
schestowitzI know some other people on the Web who go k00ky like this sometimesJun 18 16:37
schestowitzI reckon they take pillsJun 18 16:37
DaemonFCschestowitz: You know what my last doctor (MD) told another of his patientsJun 18 16:38
DaemonFCPatient: "I need mt insulin, don't you care if I die?"Jun 18 16:38
schestowitzTo suck on an icecream cone?Jun 18 16:38
DaemonFCDoctor Mathew: "No, your Medicare is only paying me $40"Jun 18 16:38
DaemonFCtypical doctorJun 18 16:38
schestowitz"Just"Jun 18 16:38
DaemonFCyou're better off not even having a "family doctor"Jun 18 16:39
DaemonFCyou're better off going to RediMed if you possibly canJun 18 16:39
schestowitzSome MDs go to Asia to rescue lives where there's no doctorJun 18 16:39
schestowitzHumanitariansJun 18 16:39
DaemonFCmercenary doctors that admit they are mercenaries Jun 18 16:39
schestowitzWhat's that?Jun 18 16:40
DaemonFCschestowitz: You want psychotropics? Go to RediMed.Jun 18 16:40
DaemonFCBreak your ankle? Go to RediMed.Jun 18 16:40
DaemonFCyou pay them, they treat it, the endJun 18 16:40
nawischestowitz, are the "IRC log" blog posts really necessary?Jun 18 16:40
DaemonFCthey don't even care if your ankle is brokenJun 18 16:40
DaemonFCyou pay them and they'll put a fucking splint on it cause you told them toJun 18 16:40
schestowitzWearing khakis, uzi, and a syringe?Jun 18 16:40
schestowitznawi: been going on for 2 years+Jun 18 16:41
DaemonFCschestowitz: Most employers won't even take RediMed absence excuse slipsJun 18 16:41
nawischestowitz, you shouldn't do something just because it's been done for a long timeJun 18 16:41
nawiI just don't see many reasons for themJun 18 16:41
DaemonFCcause they know that all you have to do is pay to see a RediMed doctor and they'll write you one just because you askedJun 18 16:41
schestowitznawi: okay, that's fineJun 18 16:42
DaemonFCschestowitz: Then there's the Family MD as a Nazi Jun 18 16:42
DaemonFCdenying you treatment even when the disease is spreading because they know more than youJun 18 16:43
schestowitzNational socialist?Jun 18 16:43
schestowitzBut waitJun 18 16:43
schestowitzYou don;'t have neo-Nazi doctorsJun 18 16:43
DaemonFC"That's not cancer, I went to med school for 8 years."Jun 18 16:43
schestowitzSo stop people from invoking Godwin's lawJun 18 16:43
DaemonFCYou go to a different doctor "Zomg! You need surgery now, how did they miss this!?"Jun 18 16:43
schestowitzCheapening the N wordJun 18 16:43
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 16:44
DaemonFCschestowitz: If my mom had listened to her MD, she would have probably died of the melanoma before I was bornJun 18 16:44
DaemonFChe told her it was a benign moleJun 18 16:44
DaemonFCjust because someone has a degree doesn't mean they know what they're talking aboutJun 18 16:44
schestowitzNothing is perfectJun 18 16:44
DaemonFCMD's fuck up Jun 18 16:44
schestowitzNot even diagnosis. Some people visit multiple dictorsJun 18 16:44
DaemonFCMDs leave people to die because it doesn't impact their own livesJun 18 16:45
DaemonFCthere's a million reasons why your MD could be lying to you or misleading youJun 18 16:45
DaemonFCfrom not caring to gross incompetenceJun 18 16:45
DaemonFCbut they have the degree, so what do you know?Jun 18 16:45
oiaohmNot exactly true.  There is a test being developed here to use finger nails DaemonFC to detect many forms of cancerJun 18 16:45
schestowitzSome people lost their life, but take it statisticallyJun 18 16:45
oiaohmSomething so simple.Jun 18 16:46
oiaohmBut it has better results at finding if a person has the likes of melanoma than inspecting moles.Jun 18 16:46
DaemonFCoiaohm: They need to have the Indiana Dept of Health randomly check practicing MDsJun 18 16:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] pirates v paying customers | vote with your wallet 18 16:46
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting application/xml type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 16:46
DaemonFCsend people in who obviously have cancer or something and see what the MD saysJun 18 16:46
DaemonFCother states do thisJun 18 16:47
oiaohmProblem with cancer its not always clear cut.Jun 18 16:47
DaemonFCdoctors can have their license pulled for doing less than what Dr. Botkin did to my mom in 1983Jun 18 16:47
DaemonFCin OhioJun 18 16:47
oiaohmThe different between benign and canser does not have to be much.Jun 18 16:47
oiaohmInteresting thing is the waste chemicals cancers produce.Jun 18 16:47
oiaohmThat end up in finger nails and hair.Jun 18 16:48
DaemonFCbut since he's a retard and practising in Indiana, it's OKJun 18 16:48
DaemonFChe still knows more than you because Indiana says he has a licenseJun 18 16:48
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 16:48
oiaohmBasically if we can get good quality tests doc judgement gets removed from problem.Jun 18 16:48
DaemonFCbut then you move over to Illinois, and you're on your third set of medical board rules in what could be as little as 200 milesJun 18 16:49
DaemonFCthat's why bad doctors are always one state line ahead of a malpractice claimJun 18 16:49
oiaohmHeck the hair and nails tests are detecting some cancers 2 years before there is anything to see.Jun 18 16:49
oiaohmIe before it is possible to detect any other way.Jun 18 16:49
DaemonFCoiaohm: I don't think you're getting me hereJun 18 16:50
DaemonFCit doesn't matterJun 18 16:50
oiaohmI don't think you are getting me.Jun 18 16:50
DaemonFCthe doctor is a control freak Nazi and won't LET you get the test even if your insurance will pay for itJun 18 16:50
DaemonFCthat happens all the timeJun 18 16:50
oiaohmThink of the day you take a few samples from your self and the machine tells you if you are fine or not.Jun 18 16:50
DaemonFCthe doctor isn't up on their training and doesn't know the test existsJun 18 16:50
DaemonFCthat happens all the timeJun 18 16:50
oiaohmI am more looking at doctor out loop.Jun 18 16:51
oiaohmPerson knows what is being hunted for before they even go to doc.Jun 18 16:51
DaemonFCthe doctor is 96 years old and thinks they still prescribe Kwell lotion and it doesn't exist anymoreJun 18 16:51
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 16:51
DaemonFCand the last bottle sold was in 1990Jun 18 16:51
DaemonFCwhoopsJun 18 16:51
DaemonFCgee, glad I didn't go see that doctor in 2004Jun 18 16:51
DaemonFCoh waitJun 18 16:51
oiaohmOk what in heck is that stuff.Jun 18 16:52
oiaohmNever heard of it.Jun 18 16:52
DaemonFCmy mom's ex husband, Gonad The BarbarianJun 18 16:52
DaemonFChis family is a bunch of trailer trashJun 18 16:52
DaemonFCand gets Scabies all the timeJun 18 16:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] EFF announces Web encryption add-on for Firefox 18 16:52
TechrightsTitle: EFF announces Web encryption add-on for Firefox .::. Size~: 25.68 KBJun 18 16:52
DaemonFCso naturally I was over there while we were all packed in to eat Thanksgiving dinnerJun 18 16:52
DaemonFCand everyone there comes down with it at onceJun 18 16:53
DaemonFCabotu a week laterJun 18 16:53
DaemonFChmmmmmJun 18 16:53
DaemonFCso I go to the RediMed because my doctor said it was DermatitisJun 18 16:53
DaemonFC(Idiot)Jun 18 16:53
DaemonFCthe redimed doctor was older than God and prescribed me Lindane lotion (Kwell as trademark)Jun 18 16:54
oiaohmOk 18 16:54
TechrightsTitle: Lindane Lotion (Lindane Lotion) Drug Information: Uses, Side Effects, Drug Interactions and Warnings at RxList .::. Size~: 96.4 KBJun 18 16:54
DaemonFConly they don't even make it anymore because one treatment will poison 400 gallons of ground waterJun 18 16:54
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 16:54
oiaohmI have only seen Kwell lotion as its generic name even from before 1990Jun 18 16:54
DaemonFCand they use Permethrin cream nowJun 18 16:54
DaemonFCand he even put it down as "Kwell"Jun 18 16:55
DaemonFCwhich is probably how they prescribed itJun 18 16:55
DaemonFCin 1972Jun 18 16:55
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 16:55
oiaohmMost likely Kwell never made it to AustraliaJun 18 16:56
DaemonFCand schestowitz is having a shit fit over me going to see the chiropractor rather than intoxicating myself with MD-prescribed bologny that's killing thousands of people a year, that we can prove, while the FDA does nothingJun 18 16:56
DaemonFCbecause schestowitz believes, however misguided he is, that if someone has a license in what ideally would be described as a "scientific practice", that they are always rightJun 18 16:57
DaemonFCand that you are an idiot to question themJun 18 16:57
oiaohmchiropractors here still have to be a MD.Jun 18 16:57
DaemonFCeven though they almost killed your mom and seem to be trying their damndest to kill you too (MDs that is)Jun 18 16:58
oiaohmJust there focus is different to a general doc.  There job is to make sure bone state has to be good.Jun 18 16:58
oiaohmchiropractors had to be MD after one here did kill a person.Jun 18 16:58
DaemonFCMDs like to either hack off a body part or give you a pillJun 18 16:58
DaemonFCschestowitz: says these pills are "murder via patents"Jun 18 16:58
oiaohmIe forget to check bone density first.Jun 18 16:58
DaemonFChe's rightJun 18 16:58
oiaohmNot good.Jun 18 16:58
DaemonFCthe newest medicines are the least effective and most toxicJun 18 16:59
DaemonFCthey prescribe them because they're heavily patentedJun 18 16:59
DaemonFCand very profitableJun 18 16:59
oiaohmNot all.Jun 18 16:59
oiaohmAustralia is a little different.Jun 18 16:59
DaemonFCthat's already a hell of a conflict of interest between you and the M<DJun 18 16:59
oiaohmWe have the PBS.Jun 18 16:59
oiaohmPhamusical Benifits Scheme.Jun 18 16:59
oiaohmThat number 1 for a drug to get listed on there it better god darn work for at least some people better than what the old listed drugs did.Jun 18 17:00
DaemonFCthe chiropractor does an adjustment, charges me about $30, and I'm good for a year sometimes before I even need to go backJun 18 17:00
DaemonFCthe MD just prescribes toxic waste that needs to be refilled each monthJun 18 17:00
DaemonFCcharges you $70 a month in office visitsJun 18 17:00
DaemonFCand $30 a month for pain pills that say "don't drive your car" on themJun 18 17:00
DaemonFCwhich one is the racket here?Jun 18 17:01
DaemonFChmm, I wonderJun 18 17:01
oiaohmHere for long term pain MD are required to send people to Chiropractor or what is the other medical pyhsico somethign like that.Jun 18 17:01
oiaohmReason MD are not allowed to prescribe pain killers long term.Jun 18 17:01
DaemonFCthe only time the chiropractor ever made a suggestion that I buy anything he said "You can buy it from me, but they sell the same thing at Wal-Mart much cheaper"Jun 18 17:02
oiaohmIe they can give you 2 repeats that is it.Jun 18 17:02
DaemonFCan MD would never have done thatJun 18 17:02
DaemonFCMDs give you "free samples"Jun 18 17:02
DaemonFCnever to treat an acute conditionJun 18 17:02
oiaohmNot here.Jun 18 17:02
DaemonFCbut only "free samples" to treat something chronicJun 18 17:02
oiaohmMD cannot give out free samples.Jun 18 17:02
DaemonFCit's to get you hookedJun 18 17:02
DaemonFClike a damned crack dealer on the cornerJun 18 17:03
oiaohmNot allowed.Jun 18 17:03
oiaohmYour system suxs.Jun 18 17:03
DaemonFCyes, it doesJun 18 17:03
oiaohmHeck even drug companies running confs here have to watch back.Jun 18 17:03
DaemonFCI would never argue that it worksJun 18 17:03
DaemonFCor that it has my interests in mindJun 18 17:03
oiaohmThey can get sued for not saying the best drug to treat conditions.Jun 18 17:03
DaemonFCoiaohm: Not hereJun 18 17:03
oiaohmIe even if it is there competitor they have to say it.Jun 18 17:03
DaemonFCI'll tell you another storyJun 18 17:03
DaemonFCchronic condition, oiaohmJun 18 17:04
oiaohmFor a country that sues so much Jun 18 17:04
DaemonFCwhat do you think the MD prescribed?Jun 18 17:04
DaemonFCthe $240 a month patented pillsJun 18 17:04
DaemonFCor the $4 generic that was equally effective that they used back in the 1980s?Jun 18 17:04
oiaohmDoes not happen.Jun 18 17:04
oiaohmHere.Jun 18 17:04
DaemonFCif you guessed $240 horsepills with more side effects, then ding ding dingJun 18 17:05
DaemonFCwhat do we have for him, Johhny?Jun 18 17:05
oiaohmRemember here when you go to pick up your drugs here if there is a pill with the same chemical.Jun 18 17:05
DaemonFCwelcome to AmericaJun 18 17:05
oiaohmBut cheeper the person behind the counter is required by law to tell you about it when you go to get the drug.Jun 18 17:05
DaemonFCoiaohm: Not hereJun 18 17:05
oiaohmThat is Australian law.Jun 18 17:05
DaemonFCdrug companies instruct the doctors here, oiaohmJun 18 17:05
DaemonFCthey send them flyersJun 18 17:05
DaemonFCinstructing them to sign "Dispense as Written"Jun 18 17:06
oiaohmDrug companies here try to.Jun 18 17:06
DaemonFCnot "May Substitute"Jun 18 17:06
oiaohmDispense as Written is not binding here.Jun 18 17:06
DaemonFCoiaohm: I've left and found a different doctor every time  one has tried that on me, oiaohmJun 18 17:06
DaemonFCit's binding hereJun 18 17:06
oiaohmDispense in does rate is allowed.Jun 18 17:06
DaemonFCgo find another doctor if they do it to youJun 18 17:07
oiaohmIe cannot use a different size pill.Jun 18 17:07
DaemonFCthat's all you can doJun 18 17:07
DaemonFCand should doJun 18 17:07
oiaohmBasically we don't have the problem ehre.Jun 18 17:07
oiaohmour laws fixed it.Jun 18 17:07
DaemonFCif your doctor ever signs something Dispense as Written, they're an agent of the CartelJun 18 17:07
oiaohmWe use to have the problem.Jun 18 17:07
DaemonFCa lot of them also write May Substitute on things that have no generic even though there's another drug for the same condition that is genericJun 18 17:08
DaemonFCthat way it looks like they're on your side and nothing they can do to help you :)Jun 18 17:08
DaemonFCcaught one doing that tooJun 18 17:08
DaemonFCI'd say 80% of doctors in the US are agents of the CartelJun 18 17:09
DaemonFCknowingly or notJun 18 17:09
oiaohmThe funny thing it was the pharmacies here that pushed for the policy to allow swaping.Jun 18 17:09
oiaohmIt was a stock issue.  DaemonFCJun 18 17:09
oiaohmLot of them were getting shelfs stacked with like 20 different boxes with the same tables in them from different makers.Jun 18 17:10
DaemonFCoiaohm: I never take prescription drugs if I have to pay for brand name or turn it over to my insurance poolJun 18 17:11
DaemonFCI see brand name drugs as highly unethicalJun 18 17:11
oiaohmThey were truthful ie less profit for them.  But less cases of risking people life who might lead to them being sued.Jun 18 17:11
DaemonFCit's up there with bid riggingJun 18 17:11
oiaohmSo in their eyes it would work out in the end.Jun 18 17:11
oiaohmSome drug companies went as far as pulling out of australia in protest.Jun 18 17:12
DaemonFCschestowitz: 18 17:12
TechrightsTitle: Home - RediMed .::. Size~: 38.52 KBJun 18 17:12
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 17:12
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 17:12
*_goblin has quit (Client Quit)Jun 18 17:12
oiaohmMind you the goverment at the time had balls.Jun 18 17:12
DaemonFCoiaohm: In Australia, you have price controls for a reasonJun 18 17:12
DaemonFCthe government is picking up the tab, right?Jun 18 17:13
oiaohmPart of the tab.  DaemonFCJun 18 17:13
DaemonFCI doubt they want to explain to the people that they're taxing you heavily to pay for unnecessary brand name crapJun 18 17:13
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 17:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] 'Over seventy cases studies on Open Source Observatory and Repository just the beginning' - #eu #opensourceJun 18 17:13
TechrightsTitle: 'Over seventy cases studies on OSOR just the beginning' &mdash;  .::. Size~: 29.19 KBJun 18 17:13
oiaohmHeck some drugs in the PBS the goverment charges more for then what the drug is worth.Jun 18 17:13
oiaohmIe cheep ones.Jun 18 17:13
DaemonFCbrand name meds in many cases are like an elective surgeryJun 18 17:13
oiaohmyes it all works out in the end.Jun 18 17:14
DaemonFCthere's no medical need to take a brand name pill over a genericJun 18 17:14
DaemonFCeverJun 18 17:14
DaemonFCunless the entire drug class is so new there are no genericsJun 18 17:14
oiaohmThere is.Jun 18 17:14
oiaohmHere at least.Jun 18 17:14
nawiI heard sometimes they are physically differenyJun 18 17:14
oiaohmWhen a drug is new and it pill forms have not been full tested.  DaemonFCJun 18 17:14
oiaohmIe brand names help to track screwups.Jun 18 17:15
oiaohmLike some drugs don't like being with lactose.Jun 18 17:15
DaemonFCnawi: The US FDA says that a generic pill must have the same amount of the active ingredient with the same proven level of bioavailabilityJun 18 17:15
nawimaybe in the USAJun 18 17:15
DaemonFCthe only things that change are pill shape, inert ingredients, and food dyeJun 18 17:15
nawiUSA is not the whole planetJun 18 17:15
oiaohmSame here in Australia.Jun 18 17:15
nawieven though you often assume thatJun 18 17:15
oiaohmnawi: were are you do the laws there sux.Jun 18 17:16
nawiI'm from Finland, and there're many crappy laws and may good onesJun 18 17:16
DaemonFCwell, third world countries like to cut corners to mass produce reverse engineered copies of a drugJun 18 17:16
DaemonFCI wouldn't feel safe downing thoseJun 18 17:16
nawias a whole I don't know a better country to live in, but that question is extremely difficultJun 18 17:16
DaemonFCyou are rightJun 18 17:16
DaemonFCabout that muchJun 18 17:16
oiaohmProblem is fakes.Jun 18 17:17
oiaohmHeck fakes of drugs have even got onto USA shelves.Jun 18 17:17
oiaohmAustralia has a lot of local drug production for a reason.  Ie drugs coming in from overseas causes questions.Jun 18 17:18
DaemonFCreverse engineered pills from a foreign country are a crapshootJun 18 17:18
DaemonFChell, even buying something that looks like and says it's the same thing from a foreign pharmacy could be fakesJun 18 17:18
oiaohmFakes try not to look foreign.Jun 18 17:18
DaemonFCalthough I doubt drugs from a reputable Canadian pharmacy would hurt meJun 18 17:18
oiaohmUSA is not above it.Jun 18 17:18
DaemonFClots of people buy internet Viagra from MexicoJun 18 17:19
DaemonFCand who the hell knows what that is?Jun 18 17:19
oiaohmI don't think Canadian have ever had a case.Jun 18 17:19
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 17:19
oiaohmSwap Viagra for speed who would notice the difference.Jun 18 17:19
oiaohmYes sorry to say some did try that.Jun 18 17:19
DaemonFCyep, was in the newsJun 18 17:20
MinceR"Just Works" >> 18 17:20
TechrightsTitle: So an iPod Touch 3rd Gen will not function in any way until it has been set up through iTunes? Have I been living in a cave or is does this seem crazy to anyone else? : technology .::. Size~: 536.61 KBJun 18 17:20
DaemonFCMinceR: It's the Electronic Kool Aid Acid TestJun 18 17:20
DaemonFCdontcha know?Jun 18 17:20
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 17:20
DaemonFCmaking sure that anyone crazy enough to buy an iPod is crazy enough to buy a MacJun 18 17:21
DaemonFCor at least crazy enough to install Apple software on WindowsJun 18 17:21
DaemonFCwhich is even crazierJun 18 17:21
DaemonFC:DJun 18 17:21
DaemonFCMinceR: SOMEONE had to replace AOL as the crappiest pile of foistware on WindowsJun 18 17:27
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 17:27
DaemonFCApple fits the bill nicelyJun 18 17:27
DaemonFCthey're not even proper portsJun 18 17:28
DaemonFCthey've ported over so much Crapple stuff, including GUI widgetsJun 18 17:28
DaemonFCthe programs are slower than shitJun 18 17:28
DaemonFCand often destroy Windows itselfJun 18 17:29
DaemonFCand they bring in unrelated Apple software you never asked forJun 18 17:29
pupnika recent study found iPad buyers much more likely to purchase online products from advertisementsJun 18 17:29
pupnikthan baselineJun 18 17:29
DaemonFCit explains all the free ipod adsJun 18 17:30
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 17:30
DaemonFCthis free ipod is yours *click* if you buy the cruise tickets to Bermuda, this lovely food processor, and agree to attend a 12 hour seminar on how you too can own a timeshareJun 18 17:30
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 17:30
DaemonFC*free ipod is actually a 1 GB ShuffleJun 18 17:31
DaemonFC*MSRP $100Jun 18 17:31
DaemonFC:DJun 18 17:31
DaemonFChurry jono, it's getting away!Jun 18 17:32
DaemonFChit the mosquito, jono!!!Jun 18 17:32
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 17:32
MinceRwell, hypePad buyers are losersJun 18 17:33
ender2070not just losersJun 18 17:33
ender2070idiotsJun 18 17:33
DaemonFCMinceR: I've had two of them, but one wasn't bought, it was actually wonJun 18 17:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] The New OS/2 Rumours Could Be Interesting - a real zombie meme, this one #os2 #ibmJun 18 17:33
TechrightsTitle: The New OS/2 Rumours Could Be Interesting | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 56.22 KBJun 18 17:33
DaemonFCand the other was a cheap refurb that was sitting there at ALDIJun 18 17:33
pupniklol @ foistwareJun 18 17:33
pupnikgotta get back to ##antiwarradio - ttylJun 18 17:34
DaemonFCI don't consider myself the ipod demographic because (1) I would never pay $300 for an overglorified MP3 player and (2) the first thing I look to do to them is lobotomize the firmware and install RockboxJun 18 17:34
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 17:34
ender2070:)Jun 18 17:35
ender2070generally all apple stuff is made for idiotsJun 18 17:35
ender2070only idiots would buy their bullshitJun 18 17:35
MinceRDaemonFC: well, at least if you don't pay for crApple products, you don't have to worry about losing the warranty if you jailbreak themJun 18 17:36
MinceR(since you won't lose money)Jun 18 17:36
DaemonFCender2070: Once you get past the terrible firmware, the hardware quality is at least as good as the $30 ebay knockoffsJun 18 17:37
DaemonFChow do you fuck up a 160 GB hard drive and an MPEG decoder chip?Jun 18 17:37
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 17:37
ender2070yeahJun 18 17:37
ender2070like i said its for idiotsJun 18 17:37
ender2070it works great with itunesJun 18 17:37
ender2070stupid people use itunesJun 18 17:37
MinceRi think crApple will find a wayJun 18 17:37
MinceRactually the battery might already be an explosive deviceJun 18 17:37
ender2070itunes only works with ipods, right?Jun 18 17:37
ender2070and ipadsJun 18 17:38
DaemonFCMinceR: Rockbox actually makes the ipod into something reasonably coolJun 18 17:38
DaemonFCOgg Vorbis, FLAC, and you get to play Doom II?Jun 18 17:38
DaemonFCnot badJun 18 17:38
MinceRender2070: also hypePhonesJun 18 17:38
ender2070the only thing worse than itunes, is windows media playerJun 18 17:38
DaemonFCnahJun 18 17:38
MinceRDaemonFC: i can play UT1 on my netbookJun 18 17:38
DaemonFCWindows Media Player is more flexible than iTunesJun 18 17:38
DaemonFCbut both are pretty limitedJun 18 17:38
pupniki still like the nokia n810Jun 18 17:39
ender2070both are shitJun 18 17:39
pupnikand n900 has high quality line-out if you're into thatJun 18 17:39
ender2070both dont support ogg or flacJun 18 17:39
DaemonFCthe Directshow codecs for FLAC and Vorbis work better than the Quicktime codecsJun 18 17:39
ender2070i'd rather just use something that doesnt suckJun 18 17:39
DaemonFCthe Quicktime codecs break every time Apple rushes out a patch for QuicktimeJun 18 17:39
ender2070i wouldnt even attempt to get them working in either productJun 18 17:40
DaemonFCtakes about 5 minutes to make Vorbis and FLAC integrate with WMP 12 Jun 18 17:40
ender2070i'd just use something that doesnt eat up insane ramJun 18 17:40
DaemonFCcomplete with tag editingJun 18 17:40
DaemonFCbut with 5 minutes, you can install VLC or Foobar 200 :)Jun 18 17:40
ender2070i wouldnt want to even if i ran windowsJun 18 17:40
DaemonFC*2000Jun 18 17:40
ender2070foobar2000 is probably the best audio player for windowsJun 18 17:41
DaemonFCthe only reason to install the DirectShow codecs is if you want to use ImgBurn to make audio CDs out of FLAC or Vorbis filesJun 18 17:41
DaemonFCthen you may as well put in the whole K-Lite Codec PackJun 18 17:41
DaemonFCheheJun 18 17:41
ender2070why not lolJun 18 17:41
DaemonFCCDBurnerXP has integrated FLAC and Vorbis support nowJun 18 17:42
ender2070good stuffJun 18 17:42
DaemonFCI had requested it at one pointJun 18 17:42
ender2070I think k3b works on windows too nowJun 18 17:42
ender2070kde 4 for windowsJun 18 17:42
DaemonFCyes, K3B worksJun 18 17:42
DaemonFCthere's no reason to buy NeroJun 18 17:42
DaemonFCeverJun 18 17:42
DaemonFCbut people doJun 18 17:42
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 17:42
DaemonFCsuch is lifeJun 18 17:43
MinceRor you could upgrade to GNU/Linux in a little more time and use AudaciousJun 18 17:43
DaemonFCmost people could get as much done with CDBurnerXP and Paint.Net as they could by pirating 500 GB worth of Nero and PhotoshopJun 18 17:43
DaemonFCI was laughing when Nero released "BackItUp", because I could almost hear the "beep beep beep" that a garbage truck makes when it's backing upJun 18 17:44
DaemonFC:DJun 18 17:44
MinceRi get more done with K3B and Gimp than most people could with Nero and Photoshop :>Jun 18 17:44
ender2070thats why I say: stupid peopleJun 18 17:45
DaemonFC"It's backup software that rips AAC files, edits your photos, installs IE toolbars, and makes Julian fries!"Jun 18 17:45
ender2070these people buy something they can get for free which works betterJun 18 17:45
MinceR"I wonder if this thing could cut through a tin can and still make Julienne fries"Jun 18 17:45
DaemonFCender2070: Everything suites usually do a little bit of everything and none of it wellJun 18 17:45
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 17:45
ender2070reminds me of digsbyJun 18 17:45
DaemonFCNero is zomg badJun 18 17:45
DaemonFCdidn't used to beJun 18 17:46
DaemonFCDigsby is spywareJun 18 17:46
DaemonFCand it tries to crap up Windows with other bundled malwareJun 18 17:46
DaemonFCtons of itJun 18 17:46
ender2070digsby is basicly webkit+libpurple+spyware, and the source code is closedJun 18 17:46
DaemonFCthank youJun 18 17:46
ender2070my ex friend freaked out on me for complaining about itJun 18 17:47
DaemonFChehJun 18 17:47
ender2070hes like "not everything is going to be open source"Jun 18 17:47
DaemonFChe's right, but did you point out that not everything has to be spyware and most software serves some purpose?Jun 18 17:47
ender2070he trusts them with his passwordsJun 18 17:47
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 17:47
DaemonFCof course that doesn't work on Apple fanboysJun 18 17:48
ender2070he didnt care about the spywareJun 18 17:48
ender2070he just claimed they didnt put it in anymoreJun 18 17:48
DaemonFCthat's what they tell youJun 18 17:48
ender2070and that the setup dialog is good enough to avoid itJun 18 17:48
DaemonFCwhy would you trust any outfit that even used toJun 18 17:48
ender2070yeah he believes everything he is toldJun 18 17:48
ender2070he even believed Gator!Jun 18 17:48
DaemonFCor defended themselves for it when they didJun 18 17:48
ender2070he used their software to store his passwords beforeJun 18 17:48
MinceRlolJun 18 17:49
DaemonFCGator stores your passwords and comes bundled with Viagra popupsJun 18 17:49
MinceRdid he also rely on m$'s supposed "anti-spyware" which m$ modified to not catch gator/claria?Jun 18 17:49
DaemonFCIdiot: "Gee, I guess I can give it my Visa card number"Jun 18 17:49
ender2070he uses a pirated version of nod32Jun 18 17:50
*DaemonFC head desksJun 18 17:50
DaemonFCthere's no hopeJun 18 17:50
ender2070even though the freeware avira is betterJun 18 17:50
DaemonFCthey have his shit in Abu Dhabi by nowJun 18 17:50
MinceRand the free software ClamAV is even better :>Jun 18 17:50
DaemonFCMinceR: Not reallyJun 18 17:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[harishpillay] Nice! Red Hat makes it to No. 22 in the Bloomberg Businessweek 50! (pardon their wrong use of Tux!) #fbJun 18 17:50
ender2070i cant back that upJun 18 17:50
TechrightsTitle: The Bloomberg Businessweek 50: No. 22 Red Hat  - BusinessWeek .::. Size~: 35.12 KBJun 18 17:50
DaemonFCClam is spyware nowJun 18 17:50
MinceRwhatJun 18 17:50
DaemonFCon Windows anywayJun 18 17:50
DaemonFCClamWin is still OK as far as I knowJun 18 17:50
DaemonFCbut the official ClamAV for Windows is closed source spywareJun 18 17:51
MinceRicJun 18 17:51
ender2070clam isnt the best anywaysJun 18 17:51
DaemonFCClamAV for Windows is a renamed "Immunet"Jun 18 17:51
DaemonFCmore "cloud antivirus crap"Jun 18 17:51
ender2070its detection rates suckJun 18 17:51
MinceRso it isn't even a port?Jun 18 17:51
DaemonFCnoJun 18 17:51
DaemonFCClamWin is an unrelated project that's a frontend to the official ClamAV engine Jun 18 17:51
DaemonFCyou can trust them I guessJun 18 17:52
DaemonFCtheirs is all GPLJun 18 17:52
ender2070when I was cleaning shit off of windows pcs (viruses and spyware), i used avira, spybot and autorunsJun 18 17:52
ender2070thats why I hate windows so muchJun 18 17:52
DaemonFCMicrosoft Security Essentials is not all that badJun 18 17:52
ender2070stupid shit like virusesJun 18 17:52
ender2070yes it isJun 18 17:52
DaemonFCthe reason it has a low footprint though is because it shuts off DefenderJun 18 17:52
MinceRso is avira better than the usual winblows AV apps?Jun 18 17:52
DaemonFCother antivirus programs don'tJun 18 17:53
ender2070yeahJun 18 17:53
ender2070avira has the highest detection rate, and its freewareJun 18 17:53
DaemonFCMinceR: It's adwareJun 18 17:53
DaemonFC(Avira)Jun 18 17:53
ender2070yeahJun 18 17:53
MinceRicJun 18 17:53
MinceRthat's pretty badJun 18 17:53
DaemonFCbut you can tell Windows not to let avnotify.exe open Jun 18 17:53
ender2070it pops up once a day when doing updatesJun 18 17:53
DaemonFCthen those go away :)Jun 18 17:53
MinceRlolJun 18 17:53
ender2070you can buy it cheaper than nortonJun 18 17:53
ender2070or just do what I didJun 18 17:53
ender2070get the fuck off windowsJun 18 17:53
DaemonFCremove read and execute flags from avnotify.exeJun 18 17:54
DaemonFC(Home)Jun 18 17:54
ender2070because of viruses and spyware, ill NEVER trust proprietary software againJun 18 17:54
DaemonFCor use a Software Restriction Policy on itJun 18 17:54
DaemonFC(Pro/Ultimate/etc)Jun 18 17:54
oiaohmviruses have existed for Linux ender2070Jun 18 17:54
DaemonFCit still updates itselfJun 18 17:54
oiaohmspyware that is another matter.Jun 18 17:54
DaemonFCyou just don't get the nagware pop upsJun 18 17:54
MinceRoiaohm: and they can do a lot lessJun 18 17:54
MinceRpractically ineffective in the wildJun 18 17:54
ender2070oiaohm - ppl arent running as root 24/7 or clicking yes to every popupJun 18 17:55
oiaohmThere is the odd one that is effective.  MinceRJun 18 17:55
DaemonFCLinspireJun 18 17:55
DaemonFCweeeeeeeJun 18 17:55
MinceRoiaohm: which one?Jun 18 17:55
DaemonFCLinspire ran everyone as rootJun 18 17:55
MinceRso does SLAX :/Jun 18 17:55
ender2070needed an A/V for Linspire tooJun 18 17:55
MinceRit's a pity because their LiveUSB installer rocksJun 18 17:55
DaemonFCuntil version 6, which was rebadged Ubuntu for $100Jun 18 17:55
DaemonFC:DJun 18 17:55
oiaohmThe old cheese worm is still floating around.  MinceRJun 18 17:56
MinceRAlex, I'll take Rebadged Ubuntu for $100Jun 18 17:56
MinceRoiaohm: where?Jun 18 17:56
ender2070actually mono will enable some of those nice C# write once run anywhere virusesJun 18 17:56
ender2070on linuxJun 18 17:56
ender2070thanks miguelJun 18 17:56
DaemonFCno it won'tJun 18 17:56
ender2070yeah it willJun 18 17:56
DaemonFCMono is so bad even virus writers will need to modify things to make their shit workJun 18 17:56
ender2070their goal is 100% compatiblity, it'll HAVE to be compatible with virusesJun 18 17:57
ender2070lol daemonJun 18 17:57
DaemonFCender2070: CDBurnerXP project even said as muchJun 18 17:58
DaemonFCit doesn't run in Mono and it never willJun 18 17:58
oiaohmCheese is not that harmful it most spreeds between users who leave stupid flaws existing.  MinceRJun 18 17:58
MinceRwhat flaws?Jun 18 17:58
DaemonFCthey were quite insistent that it wasn't worth the pain to port CDBurnerXP to MonoJun 18 17:58
DaemonFCwhich if Mono was decently compatible, there would be no "port"Jun 18 17:58
DaemonFCor "pain"Jun 18 17:58
MinceRmaybe you'll have a virus you have to buy a patent license from m$ to runJun 18 17:59
ender2070Mincer - ROFLMAOJun 18 17:59
MinceRon gnu/linuxJun 18 17:59
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[serk01/@serk01] Iceland passes full-packaged law for Freedom of Expression ! 18 17:59
ender2070package management pretty much kills the viral risk anywaysJun 18 18:00
ender2070if you stick to it for your softwareJun 18 18:00
ender2070or compile from source codeJun 18 18:00
DaemonFCender2070: Mono and .NET are about as compatible as English and SpanishJun 18 18:00
ender2070no daemonJun 18 18:00
ender2070Spanish and Portugese Jun 18 18:00
ender2070better comparisonJun 18 18:01
DaemonFCwell, what I mean is they're close enough that you can understand what the program is meant to do and port it with "less effort" than something in C or whateverJun 18 18:01
DaemonFCbut it's not write once run anywhereJun 18 18:01
ender2070thats the goalJun 18 18:02
DaemonFCJAVA or Python give you thatJun 18 18:02
DaemonFCno .NET runtime doesJun 18 18:02
ender2070they want it to run ms compatible .net codeJun 18 18:02
DaemonFCit's not the goalJun 18 18:02
ender2070sure it isJun 18 18:02
ender2070otherwise its pointlessJun 18 18:02
DaemonFCthe last thing Microsoft wants is to have you running unmodified Windows apps on LinuxJun 18 18:02
DaemonFCin any capacityJun 18 18:02
ender2070no but team mono wants those devs using monoJun 18 18:03
DaemonFCthey're up to something, and that's why it doesn't already offer real compatibility with .NETJun 18 18:03
DaemonFCotherwise it wouldJun 18 18:03
DaemonFCyou know MS and Novell have the means to make it 100% .NET compliantJun 18 18:03
ender2070it doesnt right now because they are chasing moving targetsJun 18 18:04
DaemonFCespecially after this many yearsJun 18 18:04
ender2070mono is likely everything in .NET up to C# 3.0 (4.0 came out just now)Jun 18 18:04
ender2070they are behindJun 18 18:04
DaemonFCBanshee is still the only-semi-useful Mono app I see anyone talking aboutJun 18 18:04
ender2070they want to be as good as MS's .NETJun 18 18:04
DaemonFCeven after 4 years of Miguel going "OMG I'm gonna cum!"Jun 18 18:05
DaemonFCover every new .NET or SilverlightJun 18 18:05
ender2070that just shows you how much of a failure mono isJun 18 18:05
ender2070its always behind microsoft for oneJun 18 18:05
ender2070so nobody will ever really be able to port to linux instantlyJun 18 18:05
DaemonFCyeah, Silverlight 3 isn't even fully working yet in MoonlightJun 18 18:05
DaemonFCand Microsoft is already on 4Jun 18 18:05
DaemonFCMoonlight is worthlessJun 18 18:06
ender2070yeahJun 18 18:06
DaemonFCit crashes Firefox more often than it loads anythingJun 18 18:06
ender2070they had to get help from microsoft to fix it for Obama's speechJun 18 18:06
DaemonFCwhen?Jun 18 18:07
DaemonFCwaitJun 18 18:07
DaemonFCan Obama speech should be on CSPANJun 18 18:07
DaemonFCthey use FlashJun 18 18:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Clickwrap invalid in UK! RT @struan99 FSA backs OFT ban on 'read and understood' contract declarations 18 18:07
TechrightsTitle: FSA backs OFT ban on 'read and understood' contract declarations | Pinsent Masons LLP .::. Size~: 26.2 KBJun 18 18:07
DaemonFCdo you mean some Microsoft-controlled Silverlight site airing a speech?Jun 18 18:07
ender2070his inaggeration Jun 18 18:07
DaemonFCoh, I didn't notice any Silverlight on thatJun 18 18:08
DaemonFCit was only on every TV channelJun 18 18:08
DaemonFCand every Flash siteJun 18 18:08
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 18:08
oiaohmReally I am waiting for lightworks open source at moment.Jun 18 18:08
ender2070it was aired officially using silverlightJun 18 18:08
*DaemonFC must remember to visit moreJun 18 18:08
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 18 18:09
ender2070re-airing is possibleJun 18 18:09
ender2070tv wouldnt be silverlightJun 18 18:09
DaemonFCwell, it's when something is only aired in Silverlight is when you notice on how few devices you can watch it onJun 18 18:09
DaemonFCthe Olympics were bought for that reasonJun 18 18:09
ender2070yeahJun 18 18:10
DaemonFCto get people to install Silverlight and then forget they had itJun 18 18:10
DaemonFCand MS has this huge installed base nowJun 18 18:10
DaemonFC 18 18:10
TechrightsTitle: Killer executed by Utah firing squad - .::. Size~: 45.98 KBJun 18 18:10
DaemonFCyayJun 18 18:10
DaemonFCgo Utah!Jun 18 18:11
nawideath penalty is primitiveJun 18 18:11
nawibut so is united statesJun 18 18:11
MinceRand so are humansJun 18 18:11
nawiit's a developing countryJun 18 18:11
DaemonFCno, the death penalty is awesomeJun 18 18:11
nawiyeah, for losers and far-right nazis maybeJun 18 18:12
DaemonFConce you rape and decapitate a child, I don't give a fuck about your "rights"Jun 18 18:12
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 18:12
DaemonFCwe'll leave it thereJun 18 18:12
nawiyeah, you're emotions blur your intelligence, hence you're primitiveJun 18 18:12
DaemonFCnoJun 18 18:12
DaemonFCson of a bitch must payJun 18 18:12
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 18:12
nawirevenge is even more primitiveJun 18 18:13
DaemonFCif not the death penalty, put him in with the maximum security prisonersJun 18 18:13
DaemonFCmake sure they all know what he didJun 18 18:13
DaemonFCand tur naround and whistleJun 18 18:13
DaemonFC:DJun 18 18:13
MinceRthe possibility of revenge can keep people at bayJun 18 18:14
MinceRand people are indeed primitive in most casesJun 18 18:14
DaemonFCMinceR: damned rightJun 18 18:14
DaemonFCtthere will be no ripping off peoples heads and shitting down their neckJun 18 18:14
DaemonFCor we'll rip off YOUR head and shit down YOUR neckJun 18 18:14
DaemonFCthat makes more of an impact than these EU countriesJun 18 18:15
MinceRthe problem with death penalty is letting authorities use itJun 18 18:15
DaemonFC"We'll give you counseling and a token jail term"Jun 18 18:15
DaemonFCthey're the damned idiotsJun 18 18:15
DaemonFCand they're getting their way more and more hereJun 18 18:15
DaemonFC:(Jun 18 18:15
DaemonFCthe prisoner has more rights than the victimsJun 18 18:16
DaemonFCleftiesJun 18 18:16
DaemonFClefties love that systemJun 18 18:16
DaemonFC"Poor Charles Manson, did those mean jurors hurt your feelings?"Jun 18 18:16
DaemonFC"We'll get you out!"Jun 18 18:16
DaemonFC"And there's gonna be state-purchased marijuana for all to celebrate"Jun 18 18:17
DaemonFCheheJun 18 18:17
DaemonFCMinceR: I think child molesters should have to identify themselves somehowJun 18 18:18
DaemonFCmake them tattoo it on their foreheadJun 18 18:18
DaemonFCand if they can find somewhere where society lets them live, good for themJun 18 18:18
DaemonFC(California)Jun 18 18:19
MinceRthat could work. the problem is, who do you trust to decide who's a child molester and who isn't?Jun 18 18:19
DaemonFCwell, a guy taking a piss out in the woods, under my system, MinceR would have a maximum punishment of a $1 fine and no criminal recordJun 18 18:19
DaemonFCthe actual child molesters would be executedJun 18 18:19
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 18:19
MinceRthat doesn't answer the question. :>Jun 18 18:20
DaemonFCMinceR: Well, in cases of no-consent, that's always rapeJun 18 18:20
DaemonFCtherefore, executionJun 18 18:20
DaemonFCso we can get all those out of the way by asking the person did they consentJun 18 18:21
DaemonFC:DJun 18 18:21
MinceRproving consent or lack thereof is problematicJun 18 18:21
DaemonFCthen we can move onto if they could reasonably be expected to have been able to give consentJun 18 18:21
DaemonFCpassed out on a mickey doesn't countJun 18 18:21
DaemonFCfry the bastardJun 18 18:21
DaemonFC:DJun 18 18:21
MinceR"Gotcha now, you bastard! Now we're gonna fry your ass!"Jun 18 18:22
DaemonFCthat's the spiritJun 18 18:22
*DaemonFC is reforming Hungary, one MinceR at a timeJun 18 18:22
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 18:22
MinceRi hope you know where that quote is from :>Jun 18 18:22
DaemonFCMinceR: I also believe we should treat born again Christians with a special degree of care and dignity.Jun 18 18:23
DaemonFCI call this the "Born again? Fry him twice!" policyJun 18 18:23
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 18:23
MinceRlolJun 18 18:23
DaemonFCby that I mean, have the doctor revive them so we can actually execute them againJun 18 18:25
MinceRif the doctor can revive them then the execution was unsuccessfulJun 18 18:25
DaemonFCand make sure everyone thinking about using that excuse knows this policyJun 18 18:25
MinceRunless you can resurrect the deadJun 18 18:25
DaemonFCwell, can't say we won't tryJun 18 18:25
DaemonFCelectrocution is a funny thing, MinceR Jun 18 18:26
DaemonFC:DJun 18 18:26
DaemonFC"We'll just play with this switch until you admit you're a total bastard, then we'll let you die"Jun 18 18:26
DaemonFC"Jesus is not in your heart, IS HE!?!?"Jun 18 18:27
DaemonFC:PJun 18 18:27
MinceRi sure hope notJun 18 18:27
MinceRhe would seriously interfere with the blood flowJun 18 18:28
DaemonFCJesus was in my appendixJun 18 18:28
DaemonFCthey had to cut it out, it was me or himJun 18 18:28
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 18:28
DaemonFCHis dinner included steak, lobster, 7-Up, apple pie and vanilla ice cream.Jun 18 18:30
DaemonFCwell, it's a good thing there are no poor people starving to death on park benches who haven't done anything wrong.Jun 18 18:31
DaemonFCOh......Jun 18 18:31
DaemonFC:PJun 18 18:31
MinceR"She has God inside her. It would have been easier to deal with a tumor"Jun 18 18:31
DaemonFCMinceR: Here's what I'd do, right.Jun 18 18:31
DaemonFCI mean after all the punitive prison beatingsJun 18 18:31
DaemonFCand turning the guy over to the sodomites while I pretended not to know what was happening to himJun 18 18:32
DaemonFCI'd starve him for about 3-4 days then ask what he wanted for his last mealJun 18 18:32
DaemonFCthen I'd make him watch as a homeless person ate it in front of himJun 18 18:32
DaemonFCthen I'd send the bastard off to be hanged in a manner designed to prolong the suffocationJun 18 18:33
DaemonFCand that's how rapists and child molestors would be dealt with in my systemJun 18 18:33
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 18:33
DaemonFCfew would be stupid enough to even try it after a while Jun 18 18:34
DaemonFCmaybe nawiJun 18 18:34
DaemonFC:PJun 18 18:34
DaemonFCthe PRC would toss their cookies at my prison systemJun 18 18:34
nawiluckily the justice system is flawless, and no innocent person would have to go throught thatJun 18 18:35
DaemonFCI'm sorry, all I heard was you confessing to the Jon Benet Ramsey abductionJun 18 18:35
DaemonFCcould you speak up? :)Jun 18 18:35
DaemonFCMinceR: Liberals are what cold case files would be used for in my system I guessJun 18 18:36
MinceRwhatJun 18 18:36
DaemonFCthe really annoying ones like nawiJun 18 18:37
DaemonFCpin all the old stuff that's never going to be solved anyway on themJun 18 18:37
DaemonFCas a warning to the others to keep their damned mouths shutJun 18 18:37
DaemonFC:DJun 18 18:37
MinceRright, anyone who doesn't want to be oppressed by youJun 18 18:37
DaemonFCpretty muchJun 18 18:37
DaemonFCare we up to the Soviet Union yet?Jun 18 18:37
DaemonFCor just Mexico?Jun 18 18:38
DaemonFCin Mexico the police are all bought by the drug cartelsJun 18 18:39
DaemonFCthe police are actually the hitmen in drug warsJun 18 18:39
DaemonFCnot working for the state, just faction against factionJun 18 18:39
DaemonFCthere's no justice in Mexico at allJun 18 18:40
DaemonFCbut nawi would hand them a pardonJun 18 18:40
DaemonFCbecause the EU humans are so much better than the Mexican human sJun 18 18:40
nawiDaemonFC, shut the fuck upJun 18 18:40
DaemonFCoh, no, it's not their fault they're uncivilized naqJun 18 18:40
DaemonFC*nawJun 18 18:40
nawiIf you have nothing intelligent to say, but only false claims about me then don't say anythingJun 18 18:40
DaemonFCyou're just better than themJun 18 18:40
nawiDaemonFC, shut the fuck upJun 18 18:41
DaemonFCthat's essentially what you were saying earlierJun 18 18:41
DaemonFCanyone different than you is uncivilizedJun 18 18:41
*Animeking ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 18:41
DaemonFCand deserves to be mockedJun 18 18:41
DaemonFCMexicoJun 18 18:41
DaemonFCget crackingJun 18 18:41
DaemonFCnawi: I want to know why your local politicians tell you that you're at the peak of civilizationJun 18 18:42
DaemonFCbecause it's not like that's never happened beforeJun 18 18:42
nawiDaemonFC, I haven't heard thatJun 18 18:42
nawiand I of course don't agree with thatJun 18 18:42
DaemonFCwhat was the old saying, Rome is only three meals away from a revolutionJun 18 18:42
nawiso shut the fuck upJun 18 18:42
DaemonFCsame in any societyJun 18 18:43
DaemonFCpeople are only civilized because civilization is a convenienceJun 18 18:43
DaemonFCa byproduct of being well-fedJun 18 18:44
MinceRpeople in general aren't civilizedJun 18 18:44
DaemonFCMinceR: Civilization is an illusionary byproduct of a people that are well-fedJun 18 18:44
DaemonFCis that a better way to say it?Jun 18 18:44
MinceRcivilization is something reasonable people strive for while the unreasonable masses hold them backJun 18 18:45
DaemonFCif nawi was starving, do you think he'd beat someone over the head to steal their food?Jun 18 18:45
DaemonFCof course he wouldJun 18 18:45
DaemonFCbecause he's superiorJun 18 18:45
DaemonFC:DJun 18 18:45
ender2070[13:32] <DaemonFC> are we up to the Soviet Union yet?Jun 18 18:45
MinceRthat's not the only possible way to solve starvationJun 18 18:45
ender2070most countries are socialist, so yes we're getting thereJun 18 18:46
DaemonFCMinceR: Well, he could beat them over the head and eat themJun 18 18:46
nawicommunism is a good goal, but technology allows it properly only after 30-100 yearsJun 18 18:46
DaemonFCbut I'd search them for food firstJun 18 18:46
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 18:46
ender2070communism isnt a good goalJun 18 18:46
ender2070its what the bankers wantJun 18 18:46
MinceRDaemonFC: still not the only possible wayJun 18 18:47
DaemonFCyou mean Chinese communismJun 18 18:48
MinceRDaemonFC: protip: people is often stored in one's own house; it can also often be bought or producedJun 18 18:48
ender2070your government will write you down as collateral for their loan from the world bank, and then they are the collection agency which taxes you to pay for itJun 18 18:48
MinceRmaybe you go to the street killing people when you're really hungry...Jun 18 18:48
MinceRcommunism isn't a good goal, as it abolishes propertyJun 18 18:49
DaemonFCanyone will go feral and do horrible things when they're starvingJun 18 18:49
DaemonFCthat's not very civilized, is it?Jun 18 18:49
ender2070collectivism is bad for humanityJun 18 18:50
DaemonFCIn the episode entitled "White Hole" of the British TV series Red Dwarf, the characters plead with the hologram Rimmer to sacrifice himself by agreeing to be turned off, comparing the act to that of Oates. Rimmer simply dismisses him as a "prat", suggesting instead that since the only record of Oates' sacrifice was from Scott's journal, it's likely that Scott had eaten Oates to avoid starvation after he had "whacked him over the head with aJun 18 18:50
DaemonFCfrozen husky" (which is what Rimmer said he'd do, had he been there). Saying that for Scott it was "Better to say 'Oates made the supreme sacrifice' while you're wiping up his gravy with the last slice of crusty bread".Jun 18 18:50
DaemonFC 18 18:50
DaemonFCheheJun 18 18:50
TechrightsTitle: Lawrence Oates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 49.94 KBJun 18 18:50
ender2070the liberal party in canada was founded by communistsJun 18 18:52
ender2070funny stuffJun 18 18:52
ender2070trudeu, pearson = ardent communistsJun 18 18:52
schestowitz[16:58] <DaemonFC> schestowitz: says these pills are "murder via patents" >>>>. I meant the opposite of what you say. Withdraweal of patents (medicine) is what killsJun 18 18:53
ender2070CominternJun 18 18:53
ender2070trudeu went to Comintern all the timeJun 18 18:53
*jono_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 18:54
DaemonFCschestowitz: No, the lust to get patented medicine is what killsJun 18 18:54
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 18 18:54
DaemonFCthe patent system encourages the least effective, most toxic medicine to hit the shelves if it's also the most highly profitable (due to the patents)Jun 18 18:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] TO (NOSUG) - Hey, you can use my new flat(at Malviya Nagar) for meetings and hacking. but not more then 10 at a time.Jun 18 18:55
DaemonFCthat's murder by patentsJun 18 18:55
pupnikhave you read Stephan Kinsella?Jun 18 18:55
pupnikhas done the best work summarizing the anti-ip position imoJun 18 18:56
DaemonFC 18 18:57
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Holly divulges the captains remarks to Rimmer - Red Dwarf - BBC comedy .::. Size~: 87.38 KBJun 18 18:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] 20 milhões de Euros em Tinteiros? E a crise, pá? 18 18:57
TechrightsTitle:         Base - Ajuste Directo nº149751       .::. Size~: 17.22 KBJun 18 18:57
ender2070yummy DaemonFC, still running windowsJun 18 18:57
DaemonFC 18 18:58
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Elvis introduces Rimmer to his batallion - Red Dwarf - BBC comedy .::. Size~: 90.41 KBJun 18 18:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] I hate, twitter is not giving me Retweet button on list page. Ex - #lazyweb #geasemonkey anyone?Jun 18 18:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] 10.6 Milhões de Eur em impressoras, respectivos acessórios, consumíveis e assistência? E a crise, pá? 18 18:59
TechrightsTitle: Twitter / @nsisodiya/open-tech-world .::. Size~: 58.55 KBJun 18 18:59
TechrightsTitle:         Base - Ajuste Directo nº150347       .::. Size~: 17.7 KBJun 18 18:59
ender2070 18 19:00
TechrightsTitle:     UN´s  Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change: Communist World Government without Steaks and Global Unity Religion without God » Euro-med .::. Size~: 61.65 KBJun 18 19:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] 8 milhões de Eur para passear num navio? Mais 16 Milhões 1 mês depois? E a crise, pá? 18 19:01
TechrightsTitle:         Base - Ajuste Directo nº146730       .::. Size~: 18.15 KBJun 18 19:01
TechrightsTitle:         Base - Ajuste Directo nº141302       .::. Size~: 18.13 KBJun 18 19:01
ender2070"“Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced, a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective Jun 18 19:06
ender2070decision-making at every level.”Jun 18 19:06
ender2070 18 19:06
TechrightsTitle: -- Agenda 21 - Introduction - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) -- .::. Size~: 52.57 KBJun 18 19:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Did anyone else also received emails from "George Hostler" today? I have the idea they are forged.Jun 18 19:10
schestowitzpupnik: I know Kinsella from the NetJun 18 19:11
schestowitzHe commented in techrights beforeJun 18 19:11
*nawi has quit (Quit: nawi)Jun 18 19:11
*pupnik is now known as AntiPuddingJun 18 19:11
AntiPuddingi find nothing to criticise in his arguments or presentation schestowitz Jun 18 19:13
*DaemonFC wonders if the Updikes are in on Agenda 21Jun 18 19:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] The Microsoft Munchkins are obviously totally freaking out and resort to personal attacks. Whassup?Jun 18 19:17
DaemonFCMinceR: The violent uprising to remove the dictator by "the people" is now being violently protested by an uprising of "the people"Jun 18 19:18
DaemonFC 18 19:19
TechrightsTitle: Kyrgyz leader estimates 2,200 dead as humanitarian crisis grows .::. Size~: 104.79 KBJun 18 19:19
DaemonFC"The government sent benefit checks to 20,000 departed Americans over three years, totaling more than $180 million ? a remarkable number that provoked the Obama administration to create a government-wide "do not pay" list as part of its brainstorming for ways to save taxpayer money."Jun 18 19:22
*Wulf-is-not-here has quit (Quit: PARTY TIME)Jun 18 19:22
DaemonFCheheheJun 18 19:22
DaemonFC 18 19:22
TechrightsTitle: The Associated Press: Obama to agencies: Don't pay dead people .::. Size~: 9.69 KBJun 18 19:22
*AntiPudding is a nice smooth daquiri with clawsJun 18 19:22
*WireWulf (ASTRO-PUNK@gateway/shell/ has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 19:24
*ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 18 19:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] German Publishers Want More Monopoly Rights - "monopoly protection for sentences" - and beyond #germany #copyrightJun 18 19:31
TechrightsTitle: open...: German Publishers Want More Monopoly Rights .::. Size~: 67.3 KBJun 18 19:31
*ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 19:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] quase 5 Milhões de Eur em Licenças Microsoft só para os Correios? E a crise, pá? 18 19:32
TechrightsTitle:         Base - Ajuste Directo nº86879       .::. Size~: 17.1 KBJun 18 19:32
schestowitzAntiPudding: 18 19:42
TechrightsTitle: Anti-IP Post on .::. Size~: 54.43 KBJun 18 19:42
ender2070 18 19:46
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Professor Griff discussing occult rituals in hip hop part 1 .::. Size~: 92.25 KBJun 18 19:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #SharePoint Crashes Fine new examples of the fragility of #Microsoft lock-in systemsJun 18 19:46
TechrightsTitle: SharePoint Crashes | Techrights .::. Size~: 88.69 KBJun 18 19:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Google's Street View Wi-Fi data included passwords, email - yeah, definitely no #privacy implications #googleJun 18 19:50
TechrightsTitle: Google's Street View Wi-Fi data included passwords, email | Networking - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 98.14 KBJun 18 19:50
AntiPuddingi haven't seen that  tyJun 18 19:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A Story of Monopoly: #Microsoft Accuses #Google Again, This Time Directly #antitrustJun 18 19:58
TechrightsTitle: A Story of Monopoly: Microsoft Accuses Google Again, This Time Directly | Techrights .::. Size~: 93.43 KBJun 18 19:58
ender2070 18 20:10
TechrightsTitle: Prince of Wales calls for population control in developing world - Telegraph .::. Size~: 60.23 KBJun 18 20:10
ender2070 18 20:11
TechrightsTitle: Jacob M. Appel: Beyond Fluoride:  Pharmaceuticals, Drinking Water and the Public Health .::. Size~: 182.79 KBJun 18 20:11
ender2070LOLJun 18 20:11
ender2070lithium in the waterJun 18 20:11
ender2070if you people accept that you're fucking idiotsJun 18 20:11
ender2070they give that to schizophrenics to calm them down and make them easier to manageJun 18 20:12
DaemonFCender2070: I wouldn't be opposed to thatJun 18 20:13
DaemonFCyeah, I've been on Lithium for yearsJun 18 20:13
ender2070yeah, your schitzoJun 18 20:14
DaemonFCender2070: It does change your thought pattern, just not the way the psychiatrists seem to thinkJun 18 20:14
DaemonFCand no I'm notJun 18 20:14
ender2070yes you areJun 18 20:14
DaemonFCnoJun 18 20:14
DaemonFCI'm notJun 18 20:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Finally think my lad has settled to sleep. He's had a off stomach today, so has the wife....its been a challenging day.Jun 18 20:14
DaemonFCBipolar Disorder is not the same thing as Schizophrenia Jun 18 20:14
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[ender2070/@ender2070] Lithium in the Water supply? 18 20:14
TechrightsTitle: Jacob M. Appel: Beyond Fluoride:  Pharmaceuticals, Drinking Water and the Public Health .::. Size~: 182.79 KBJun 18 20:14
DaemonFCof course a lot of idiots like to lump them togetherJun 18 20:15
DaemonFCyou're not an idiot are you? :)Jun 18 20:15
DaemonFCI'll assume you were simply mistaken and that the clarification has brought a ray of sunshine into your day :)Jun 18 20:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Shouldn't really come on Twitter.....Ive no interest in the football. Does that make unpatriotic? I hope not....Jun 18 20:15
ender2070sometimes you are Rush Limbaugh, sometimes you are Glen Beck, sometimes you are David DukeJun 18 20:15
ender2070we can all see itJun 18 20:16
DaemonFCnoJun 18 20:16
ender2070we know why you're on lithiumJun 18 20:16
DaemonFCI'm notJun 18 20:16
DaemonFCLimbaugh is a corporate pussyJun 18 20:16
DaemonFCso is BeckJun 18 20:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Now Ive some time to myself....I think I will publish a few pending articles....Jun 18 20:16
ender2070you are schizophrenicJun 18 20:16
DaemonFCnopeJun 18 20:16
DaemonFC 18 20:17
TechrightsTitle: Bipolar disorder - .::. Size~: 26.95 KBJun 18 20:17
ender2070you can lie to us all day longJun 18 20:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Microsoft Mobile Strategy – Clear as mud? #microsoft #mobile #winmob #wm7 #7 #mobilephone #apple #androidJun 18 20:17
TechrightsTitle: Microsoft Mobile Strategy  Clear as mud? « OpenBytes .::. Size~: 44.16 KBJun 18 20:17
DaemonFCender2070: Got his education at the Miracle Whip ClinicJun 18 20:17
ender2070we'll never see your health records, and will never really knowJun 18 20:17
DaemonFCit's the Canadian analogyJun 18 20:17
MinceRthe mayo clinic, where they heal everything with mayo!Jun 18 20:18
DaemonFCender2070: bipolar disorder is not schizophrenia god damn itJun 18 20:18
ender2070im not saying its the sameJun 18 20:19
DaemonFCIf I was schizophrenic, I'd probably strip naked and swim in the coin pond at the mallJun 18 20:19
DaemonFCand not go to jailJun 18 20:19
ender2070im saying you dont have bipolar disorder, you have schizophreniaJun 18 20:19
*DaemonFC wonders if the police are as stupid as ender2070Jun 18 20:19
ender2070you probably did thatJun 18 20:19
DaemonFCmaybe I can convince themJun 18 20:19
ender2070you talk about threatening people all the timeJun 18 20:19
ender2070schizophrenics do thatJun 18 20:20
DaemonFCender2070: Machiavellian Jun 18 20:20
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 20:20
ender2070i know someone with bipolar disorder and they didnt threaten people all the timeJun 18 20:20
DaemonFCIt's best to be loved and fearedJun 18 20:20
DaemonFCbut if you can only manage one, be fearedJun 18 20:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] The unthinkable has happened. I have eaten too much pizza.Jun 18 20:20
ender2070the over hostility is one of the symptomsJun 18 20:21
DaemonFCpromises made in peace tend not to hold up in adverse situations, but people who are too afraid to double cross you usually complyJun 18 20:21
ender2070you lost sense of realityJun 18 20:21
DaemonFCNope, I see things how they are. Most people are either ignorant, stupid, selfish, hostile, or a combinationJun 18 20:22
DaemonFCthe rest just don't give a shitJun 18 20:22
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 20:22
MinceRmore civilized methods don't work with most peopleJun 18 20:22
DaemonFCMinceR: I deploy mixed adaptive tacticsJun 18 20:23
DaemonFCgoes something like Directive 1. "Keep your damned head down"Jun 18 20:23
ender2070anyways you derailed this far enoughJun 18 20:23
DaemonFCDirective 2. "If Directive 1 cannot be satisfied, open fire!"Jun 18 20:23
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 20:23
ender2070no reason to make regular people consume lithiumJun 18 20:24
MinceRi don't have enough tanks :/Jun 18 20:24
DaemonFCMinceR: If they're going to get you and not taking prisoners, you might as well just shoot wildly and hope you take a few of them with you.Jun 18 20:24
DaemonFCright?Jun 18 20:24
ender2070if too many people are killing themselves its probably cause something is wrong with societyJun 18 20:24
MinceRi guess soJun 18 20:25
MinceRender2070: there are lots of things wrong with societyJun 18 20:25
ender2070exactlyJun 18 20:25
DaemonFCevade, if outnumbered, take as many of them with you as possibleJun 18 20:25
DaemonFCspiteJun 18 20:25
DaemonFCpass it on B-)Jun 18 20:25
MinceRbut not enough people are killing themselvesJun 18 20:25
ender2070it also contradicts population control to save livesJun 18 20:25
ender2070by trying to reduce the suicide rate with lithiumJun 18 20:25
ender2070its more or less to make us more obedientJun 18 20:25
DaemonFCsuicide makes about as much sense as lifeJun 18 20:26
DaemonFCthe programming is hardwired to make us averted to the thought of dyingJun 18 20:26
DaemonFCeven when there is no reasonable expectation of life improvingJun 18 20:26
ender2070reptilian brainJun 18 20:26
DaemonFCit's a survival programJun 18 20:26
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 20:26
ender2070survival instinctJun 18 20:26
MinceRone way or another, the "programming" must be overcomeJun 18 20:26
DaemonFCyesJun 18 20:26
ender2070I think homeless people lost itJun 18 20:27
DaemonFCa hardwired low-level bit of codeJun 18 20:27
DaemonFCleft over from before humans even evolvedJun 18 20:27
ender2070its a good thing to haveJun 18 20:27
ender2070the will to surviveJun 18 20:27
DaemonFCyes, but when survival mode engages, the Friend or Foe system no longer appliesJun 18 20:27
MinceRit's a bad thing for most people to have itJun 18 20:28
DaemonFCyou do what you have to do to ensure your own survivalJun 18 20:28
DaemonFCat any cost to othersJun 18 20:28
DaemonFCat least I suspect that's how it's supposed to functionJun 18 20:28
ender2070the friend or foe system is flawed when it comes to survivalJun 18 20:28
ender2070because you can be exploitedJun 18 20:28
DaemonFCright, the survival program knows that the Friend or Foe concept is flawedJun 18 20:29
ender2070higher level functions are easier to manipulate covertlyJun 18 20:29
DaemonFCwhy doesn't the higher level OS that is engaged most of the time? :)Jun 18 20:29
ender2070there were animals which evolved to trick our friend or foe systemJun 18 20:29
DaemonFChumans use it to be duplicative Jun 18 20:30
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 20:30
DaemonFCas it suits themJun 18 20:30
MinceRduplicitousJun 18 20:30
ender2070but basicly, its being robbed of usJun 18 20:30
DaemonFCof less, aware, humansJun 18 20:30
ender2070people die all around us and we adapt to itJun 18 20:30
DaemonFCender2070: The backstabber is more evolved I guessJun 18 20:30
ender2070we're being poisonedJun 18 20:31
DaemonFCrealizes that nobody around him is his true friendJun 18 20:31
ender2070theres a little bit of poison in everything you getJun 18 20:31
DaemonFCand any projected illusions designed to satisfy others are a means to an endJun 18 20:31
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 20:31
ender2070that way nothing ever has enough to be a harmful effect but they all add upJun 18 20:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Freda is really enjoying the Big and Small game on the Cbeebies website. Dutch cartoon revoiced in Brum accent by Lenny Henry.Jun 18 20:31
ender2070individual testing doesnt uncover shitJun 18 20:31
DaemonFCender2070: I have a stronger aversion towards harm coming to my cat than most other humans.Jun 18 20:32
DaemonFCWhy is that?Jun 18 20:32
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 20:32
DaemonFCI know what you're going to say.Jun 18 20:32
ender2070you love your catJun 18 20:33
DaemonFCif someone was going to kill my cat or all of my neighbors put together, and left the choice to meJun 18 20:33
ender2070it's part of your tribeJun 18 20:33
DaemonFCwell, I hate the neighbors anywayJun 18 20:33
DaemonFCeasy choiceJun 18 20:33
DaemonFCwaste themJun 18 20:33
DaemonFCthanks btwJun 18 20:33
DaemonFC:DJun 18 20:33
MinceRcats are cool, most humans aren'tJun 18 20:33
ender2070cats used to be very reveredJun 18 20:34
ender2070the Egyptians would kill you if you you looked away first in a staring contestJun 18 20:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] How Bill Gates Uses #Microsoft and the “Megatrolls” to Get Even Richer #patents #fraudJun 18 20:34
TechrightsTitle: How Bill Gates Uses Microsoft and the “Megatrolls” to Get Even Richer | Techrights .::. Size~: 93.38 KBJun 18 20:34
DaemonFCcats are useful for pest controlJun 18 20:35
ender2070yesJun 18 20:35
DaemonFCa cat has a fairly good chance against a snakeJun 18 20:35
ender2070bugs too lolJun 18 20:35
DaemonFCthe Egyptians noticed both of thoseJun 18 20:35
DaemonFCender2070: Sometimes I take a belt and move it around like a snakeJun 18 20:36
DaemonFCand watch Jabba attack itJun 18 20:36
DaemonFCit's amusingJun 18 20:36
DaemonFCI'Jun 18 20:36
DaemonFCI'd feel sorry for the snake :)Jun 18 20:36
ender2070lolJun 18 20:36
DaemonFCthen there's the hand under the blanket trickJun 18 20:37
DaemonFCtrick it to move fast before the cat gets a good bite Jun 18 20:37
DaemonFC:DJun 18 20:37
DaemonFC*isJun 18 20:38
DaemonFCwhat I've always thought was weird about Jabba's behavior, most of all, is that he has a fixation on the bathroomJun 18 20:38
DaemonFChe'll wake up on the other side of the house and come to the bathroom if he hears me go in thereJun 18 20:39
DaemonFCI tried shutting the door and he figured out how to open itJun 18 20:39
AntiPuddinghmmJun 18 20:40
DaemonFChe sits up, wraps his paws around the knob, twists, and then leans his weight in on the doorJun 18 20:40
DaemonFChe figured out that's how all doors open, and he can move around freely even if I shut every door in the houseJun 18 20:40
AntiPuddingwe  should duplicate the body and do a brain transplantJun 18 20:41
DaemonFCif the door opens inward, he leans back to open itJun 18 20:41
DaemonFChe's intelligent for a catJun 18 20:41
DaemonFCI also tried getting him one of those cat food bowls that you pour an entire bag in then use a cord to dispense it with laterJun 18 20:42
DaemonFCand he figured out how to get himself more food when he's out :PJun 18 20:42
MinceR:>Jun 18 20:42
DaemonFChe also turns the TV onJun 18 20:43
DaemonFCin my bedroomJun 18 20:43
DaemonFCthen lays there and watches itJun 18 20:43
DaemonFChe hasn't figured out the channel system yet, but I leave it on Animal Planet for himJun 18 20:43
DaemonFChe seems to prefer itJun 18 20:43
MinceRis it a CRT or LCD or some other kind of TV?Jun 18 20:44
DaemonFCa CRT HDTV in the bedroomJun 18 20:44
DaemonFColder 1080i model with NTSC tunerJun 18 20:44
MinceRis that not too slow for cats? :)Jun 18 20:44
DaemonFChave to have the HD boxJun 18 20:44
DaemonFCwhich I haveJun 18 20:44
DaemonFChe doesn't seem to like my LCD as muchJun 18 20:45
schestowitz " Who are they to talk about monopoly of the search engine market ??? LOL"Jun 18 20:45
TechrightsTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.03 KBJun 18 20:45
DaemonFCMinceR: I about died laughing one day because I had left a bag of cat treats on the recliner in my bedroomJun 18 20:45
schestowitzThis dirty bastard has copyright law censoring... not allow use of his imageJun 18 20:46
DaemonFCand Jabba turned the TV on then hopped on the recliner, tore open the bag and sat there and ate all the treats while watching Animal PlanetJun 18 20:46
DaemonFCI really think we're in trouble if cats evolve much furtherJun 18 20:46
MinceR:DJun 18 20:46
DaemonFCthey're going to overthrow usJun 18 20:46
MinceRdon't worry, you'll be useful to them until they evolve opposable thumbsJun 18 20:46
MinceRor can openers that don't require them ;)Jun 18 20:47
MinceRs/can/develop &/Jun 18 20:47
ender2070LOLJun 18 20:48
ender2070lumpy even trolled the church of subgenius in 1990Jun 18 20:48
DaemonFCwell, I've heard about credit card companies that screw up and send cards to petsJun 18 20:48
ender207020 years of confirmed trollingJun 18 20:48
*DaemonFC wonders what his cat would do with a $10,000 limitJun 18 20:49
DaemonFCMinceR: That's what we call team workJun 18 20:50
DaemonFCI drive the cat to Walmart and he lets me have half the balanceJun 18 20:50
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 20:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] people complain me about- "Not attending meetings of various LUGs " - Dude I am very busy now. working on massive FOSS deployment projectJun 18 20:50
DaemonFCthose opposable thumbs are quite usefulJun 18 20:51
MinceR:)Jun 18 20:51
DaemonFC"An iPod? You want an.....*hiss!!!!* Alright, alright, alright..... show off!"Jun 18 20:52
DaemonFC:DJun 18 20:52
DaemonFCMinceR: You can operate an iPod with a less advanced brain, no opposable thumbs, and a huge credit card limitJun 18 20:54
DaemonFChe's all setJun 18 20:54
DaemonFC:DJun 18 20:55
DaemonFCby design!Jun 18 20:55
MinceRi doubt he's dumb enough to be satisfied with a hypePodJun 18 20:55
AntiPuddingthat is a great cat story DaemonFC Jun 18 20:55
AntiPuddinggot a pic of Jabba online?Jun 18 20:56
DaemonFChehJun 18 20:58
DaemonFCI just got oneJun 18 20:58
DaemonFC 18 20:58
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 20:58
DaemonFC 18 20:59
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 20:59
DaemonFChehJun 18 21:00
DaemonFC 18 21:01
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 21:01
*DaemonFC loves taking screenshots :PJun 18 21:01
DaemonFC 18 21:02
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 21:02
DaemonFCMint is what Ubuntu should beJun 18 21:02
DaemonFC:PJun 18 21:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] "Apple's friendlier to OSS than the FSF" - Having read as many articles/blogs/devlogs as I have, I would agree.Jun 18 21:02
DaemonFC 18 21:04
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 21:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Having said that, the FSF makes one hell of a contribution and I think the software world would be a poorer place without them.Jun 18 21:04
DaemonFCold computer when I was playing Need For Speed Most Wanted, Fedora 10 I believeJun 18 21:04
DaemonFChit the nitrous to show off that Wine has decent support for D3D9 blur effectsJun 18 21:05
DaemonFC:DJun 18 21:05
DaemonFCMinceR: Hot Pursuit had a glitch where you could manage to shove the cop off a bridgeJun 18 21:06
DaemonFClolJun 18 21:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] I think all parties need to be careful (during their discussions) that the "average user" is not alienated. No project, FOSS or not couldJun 18 21:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] survive without end users wanting to use their products.Jun 18 21:06
MinceR:)Jun 18 21:06
DaemonFCthat was a fun move that didn't cost you much time if you were up over 100 MPH anywayJun 18 21:07
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 21:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] and in that respect I would say the end-user is more important than the coder...if everyone could code, who would you write software for?Jun 18 21:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] After Harbouring OOXML Corruption, Alan Bryden Can Promote/Inhibit Software Patents in Europe #swpats #odf #ooxmlJun 18 21:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[yoonkit] Happened to wake up for #eng #alg but should have stayed in bed.Jun 18 21:07
TechrightsTitle: After Harbouring Microsofts OOXML Corruption, Alan Bryden Can Promote/Inhibit Software Patents in Europe | Techrights .::. Size~: 94.18 KBJun 18 21:07
DaemonFCMinceR: The nicest car I had in real life was a 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix GTPJun 18 21:07
DaemonFCit was repossessed :(Jun 18 21:08
DaemonFCbut I did manage to get rid of the ECM speed governorJun 18 21:08
DaemonFCthe car stock without the governor could get just over 160 miles per hourJun 18 21:08
DaemonFCaround that point I was close to shitting myself anywayJun 18 21:08
MinceRbut once you got rid of it, you successfully shat yourself?Jun 18 21:09
DaemonFC:PJun 18 21:09
DaemonFCthe car I have now is a joke, it's meant to get Grandma to church and the grocery storeJun 18 21:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] #England looking ropey, surprise surprise......not. And they still delude themselves that they're one of the favourites rofl #worldcupJun 18 21:09
DaemonFCthe speedometer ends at 85 MPHJun 18 21:09
DaemonFC:PJun 18 21:09
MinceRthe car i have now is 12 years oldJun 18 21:10
MinceRand it showsJun 18 21:10
DaemonFCmine is 16Jun 18 21:10
DaemonFC:PJun 18 21:10
DaemonFCold enough to drive itself :PJun 18 21:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Sounds like almost a witchhunt in respect of proprietary: 18 21:10
TechrightsTitle: Trausch’s Little Home » Ubuntu One is not a proprietary service .::. Size~: 15.02 KBJun 18 21:10
DaemonFCluckily all the really expensive wear parts failed when I still had access to a shop and about $80,000 worth of toolsJun 18 21:11
DaemonFCso there is thatJun 18 21:11
DaemonFC:PJun 18 21:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] You shouldn't need to write an article justifying a service, if you don't want it fine,if its proprietary so what? Good luck to Canonical.Jun 18 21:11
DaemonFCI took it to Gonad The Barbarian's shop right away when I found out mom was divorcing himJun 18 21:12
DaemonFCand ripped out anything that was looking questionable at that timeJun 18 21:12
DaemonFC(2007)Jun 18 21:12
DaemonFChe was mad that I left a stack of old rusted parts for him laying thereJun 18 21:12
DaemonFCheheJun 18 21:12
DaemonFCanything that doesn't have a core chargeJun 18 21:13
MinceRlolJun 18 21:13
MinceR"Gonad the Barbarian"Jun 18 21:13
DaemonFCmmhmJun 18 21:13
DaemonFCsums him upJun 18 21:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[yoonkit] "French born players of #alg origin" - they importing Zidane?Jun 18 21:13
DaemonFCMinceR: I suspect what pissed him off the most was the old radiatorJun 18 21:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] #FollowFriday @stonemirror @tobyw7 @sazzlerock @moldor @schestowitz @Thistleweb @agente_smitheJun 18 21:14
DaemonFCand gallons of old green coolant all over the floor of his shopJun 18 21:15
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 21:15
DaemonFCwho says I never get any kicks? :PJun 18 21:15
DaemonFC 18 21:17
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 21:17
DaemonFCThe AntichristJun 18 21:17
AntiPuddingThe rise in applications that exploit, or even assume, GPU acceleration makes it increasingly important to expose the physical graphics hardware in virtualized environments. Jun 18 21:21
AntiPuddingoopJun 18 21:21
schestowitz>> [_goblin] #FollowFriday @stonemirrorJun 18 21:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Developing Countries Versus Patents, #Qualcomm #Antitrust Probe for Patent Abuse, Massive Lawsuits #swpatsJun 18 21:21
schestowitz???/Jun 18 21:21
TechrightsTitle: Patents Roundup: Developing Countries Versus Patents, Qualcomm Antitrust Probe for Patent Abuse, Massive Lawsuits | Techrights .::. Size~: 97.72 KBJun 18 21:21
DaemonFC 18 21:22
TechrightsTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBJun 18 21:22
DaemonFCI been a bad DaemonJun 18 21:22
DaemonFC:PJun 18 21:22
schestowitzWhose house is this?Jun 18 21:22
schestowitzGonad the nomad?Jun 18 21:23
DaemonFChere, now?Jun 18 21:23
DaemonFCmineJun 18 21:23
DaemonFCI moved out of that shit when I was 17Jun 18 21:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[doctorow] RT @dangillmor: moving ranks up there with root canals in the having fun category <<amenJun 18 21:23
DaemonFClived in my car for a whileJun 18 21:23
DaemonFCnot this car, that carJun 18 21:24
DaemonFC:PJun 18 21:24
DaemonFCnot the nice carJun 18 21:24
DaemonFCthe crap car before the nice car before this crap carJun 18 21:24
DaemonFCmy life has had less than predictable turnsJun 18 21:25
DaemonFCI guessJun 18 21:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Looking towards the 3ds I am very interested in seeing it in the "flesh"... Nintendo always manages to get the handheld sorted...Jun 18 21:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] and I think if ever there is a reason for someone to have more than one device in the pocket, Nintendo manages to prove the reason.Jun 18 21:26
DaemonFCI suppose it's better to just pick a plan that gets you behind the slowest than to give all your money to the Jew that says you're guaranteed double your money back.Jun 18 21:26
DaemonFCBernard Madoff teaches us thisJun 18 21:27
DaemonFCwe should all be his studentsJun 18 21:27
schestowitzSpeaking if firing lines ^Jun 18 21:28
DaemonFCput Madoff in front of oneJun 18 21:29
DaemonFCand the thousands of others like him that haven't done anything technically illegalJun 18 21:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Deployed Peppermint recently for a user that wanted to a tight, solid, old laptop friendly OS. Great results! #peppermintJun 18 21:29
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 21:29
schestowitzDaemonFC: I know what you meanJun 18 21:31
DaemonFCschestowitz: Why is it always like that? Every group says "We're not really like that, relax!" Then you find an archetype like that that so perfectly embodies every negative stereotype? Jun 18 21:31
schestowitzMany like him do the same thingJun 18 21:31
schestowitzBut they get insured by bailout moneyJun 18 21:31
DaemonFCit's comical but then you feel racist for laughingJun 18 21:31
DaemonFCit's all very confusingJun 18 21:31
schestowitzLike Ponzi?Jun 18 21:31
DaemonFCyeahJun 18 21:32
DaemonFCand MadoffJun 18 21:32
DaemonFCI mean, I'm sure that greed knows no bounds, and that there have been others who have stolen moreJun 18 21:32
schestowitzLloyd fom GSJun 18 21:32
DaemonFCit's always a Jew that makes the headlinesJun 18 21:32
schestowitz 18 21:32
TechrightsTitle: Google Urged To Let Personal Data Fade Away | eWEEK Europe UK .::. Size~: 33.49 KBJun 18 21:32
DaemonFCand sticks in the public memoryJun 18 21:32
DaemonFCyou notice that?Jun 18 21:32
schestowitzDaemonFC: historically there were many bankers among themJun 18 21:33
schestowitzGoing back to the old ages, accroding to TJ (Amazing Atheist)Jun 18 21:33
DaemonFCso the "greedy Jew" stereotype is because there's more Jews who are bankers and not because they're unusually greedy and unethical as far as bankers go.Jun 18 21:34
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 21:34
schestowitzIt's like the "black felon" stereotypeJun 18 21:35
DaemonFCI guess that makes senseJun 18 21:35
schestowitzYou need to look at othr factorsJun 18 21:35
schestowitzLike their economic and environmental conditionsJun 18 21:35
schestowitzThen, if you hear about many black people involved in problems in prisons, you need to remember proportionsJun 18 21:36
DaemonFCI just don't get it, I guess I'm not supposed to.Jun 18 21:36
schestowitzOtherwise your statistics look at the wrong thingJun 18 21:36
DaemonFCFirst they have nothing, so they break the law to get things.Jun 18 21:36
DaemonFCThen the public overreacted and gave them all kinds of welfare and now they're hooked.Jun 18 21:36
DaemonFCthat's kind of how I see itJun 18 21:36
DaemonFCtoo far to both extremesJun 18 21:36
schestowitzThe reparations are a separate thingJun 18 21:37
schestowitzDon't mix thatJun 18 21:37
DaemonFCreparations issue is beating a dead horseJun 18 21:37
schestowitzBlack people are not more criminal and violentJun 18 21:37
DaemonFCI doubt anyone cares what happened to their great x 5 grandfatherJun 18 21:37
DaemonFCI know I don'tJun 18 21:37
schestowitzIt just happens to be the case that for historical reasons black people in the US are poorJun 18 21:37
DaemonFCbut if I could get money for his pain and suffering, I might stoop so low as begging and calling what I was asking for "reparations"Jun 18 21:38
schestowitzHistorical reasons=slaveryJun 18 21:38
DaemonFC(depends on how much money we're talking)Jun 18 21:38
ender2070roflJun 18 21:38
DaemonFCthat's where the issue of black reparations comes fromJun 18 21:38
DaemonFCnobody gives a fuck what happened in 1860Jun 18 21:38
DaemonFCbut there's moneyJun 18 21:38
DaemonFCso they doJun 18 21:38
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 21:39
ender2070check this outJun 18 21:39
ender2070 18 21:39
ender2070LOLJun 18 21:39
TechrightsTitle:   Kevin...Threat or Menace? (Was Re: Biff...Man or Beast?) -  alt.flame |  Google Groups   .::. Size~: 20.85 KBJun 18 21:39
DaemonFCthey'll keep picking at that scab til money bleeds out of the old woundJun 18 21:39
schestowitz 18 21:39
TechrightsTitle: Slashdot Mobile Story | Sleeping iPhones Send Phantom Data .::. Size~: 149.49 KBJun 18 21:39
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 21:39
schestowitzI need to log in to read Google Groups??Jun 18 21:40
schestowitzIs this a new thing?Jun 18 21:40
DaemonFCender2070:  If we had any damned sense, we would have made "No Reparations, ever." a part of the 14th AmendmentJun 18 21:40
DaemonFCnow it'll never heal because everyone figures they can get money for what happened 150 years agoJun 18 21:40
schestowitzYou can now listen to a pioneering patent troll: 18 21:41
DaemonFCit should have been paid to the people of that timeJun 18 21:41
DaemonFCor not at allJun 18 21:41
DaemonFCseeing as how it wasn't, it should ever be paid to anyoneJun 18 21:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Make sure you watch the free/legal to share Pioneer One: a really great new sci-fi series!Jun 18 21:41
TechrightsTitle: VODO presents: Pioneer One .::. Size~: 10.37 KBJun 18 21:41
AntiPuddingery interesting channelJun 18 21:41
AntiPuddingoopsJun 18 21:41
DaemonFCwe're not even talking about their children or grandchildrenJun 18 21:42
DaemonFCI find this issue so offensive that it should be destroyed somehow, once and for allJun 18 21:42
schestowitz 18 21:42
TechrightsTitle: NEEDS PIC Police to allow gun users renew licences with iPhone app - Telegraph .::. Size~: 55.55 KBJun 18 21:42
DaemonFCBURN THE BOOKS!!!!Jun 18 21:42
DaemonFC(no, not really!)Jun 18 21:42
DaemonFCYES, BURN THEM ALL!!!Jun 18 21:42
DaemonFC(No, not really)Jun 18 21:42
DaemonFC(No, teach the next generation to hate white people too)Jun 18 21:43
ender2070schestowitz - you probably do to read the archivesJun 18 21:43
DaemonFCender2070: That's the far right and the far left argumentJun 18 21:44
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 21:44
DaemonFCLeft: Make up shit we never even did so they hate us even more!Jun 18 21:44
DaemonFCRight: No, Jesus said that Thomas Jefferson never existed, or had children with a Negro!Jun 18 21:45
DaemonFCheheJun 18 21:45
DaemonFCLeft: Thomas Jefferson's great great great great great grandchildren who are white owe all the black ones money!Jun 18 21:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Been seeding Pioneer One for 24 hours and still the demand is high....over 2500 users downloading at the moment!Jun 18 21:45
DaemonFCRight: No, they don't. Thomas Jefferson never existed, he was more of a pen name.Jun 18 21:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] What Good Are The Patents On Oil-Eating Bacteria Doing Us? - telling marriage of past and present #patents #oilJun 18 21:46
TechrightsTitle: What Good Are The Patents On Oil-Eating Bacteria Doing Us? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 28.69 KBJun 18 21:46
AntiPuddingwhat?Jun 18 21:46
DaemonFCAntiPudding: Making fun of the left and the rightJun 18 21:47
DaemonFCthey're both fucking insaneJun 18 21:47
DaemonFCthey're like 0 and 9 on an odemeterJun 18 21:47
DaemonFCso close they don't even understand itJun 18 21:47
DaemonFC*odometerJun 18 21:47
DaemonFCthen both of them accuse the majority (who have opinions closer to either end, depending on the issue) of being a fascist and a commieJun 18 21:48
DaemonFCat the same timeJun 18 21:48
DaemonFCthose people are ones like ender2070 and cubezzzJun 18 21:48
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 21:48
ender2070you're a socialist shapeshifting facist reptilianJun 18 21:49
DaemonFCthe far left and far right demand that you are a cardboard cutout of their side or the other'sJun 18 21:49
AntiPuddingDaemonFC: do you mind telling me, briefly the first uncomfortable clothes you can remember wearing?Jun 18 21:49
DaemonFCyeah, a business suitJun 18 21:49
DaemonFCcomplete with tie that was strangling me Jun 18 21:49
ender2070too bad it didnt do the jobJun 18 21:49
DaemonFCwhy do they even make those for kids?Jun 18 21:49
AntiPuddingi think mine were sweaters, woolenJun 18 21:49
DaemonFCso you can go to funerals and prepare one for yourself if you can't get the tie offJun 18 21:50
AntiPuddingat least at the moment nothing else comes to mindJun 18 21:50
AntiPudding:)Jun 18 21:50
DaemonFCPastor says: "Let us pray"Jun 18 21:50
DaemonFC5 year old Ryan says: "Dear God, I'm 5 years old and not asking for much. Hell, I don't even know who died. Just let me out of this tie, please!"Jun 18 21:51
AntiPudding:)Jun 18 21:51
schestowitz :-)Jun 18 21:51
DaemonFCthat's where I learned to care about myself more than anything else in the worldJun 18 21:51
DaemonFCthe suffocating tieJun 18 21:51
schestowitz Who are ryan and Dan? Wow, this site is oldJun 18 21:52
ender2070omg i found a funny oneJun 18 21:53
schestowitz 18 21:53
TechrightsTitle: Techdirt. .::. Size~: 68.82 KBJun 18 21:53
DaemonFCpeople either need to stop dying or stop making suits and ties for 5 year olds that have to go to funeralsJun 18 21:53
ender2070one where lumpy talks about beating someone with two by foursJun 18 21:53
DaemonFChitting a 5 year old with both barrels is just not rightJun 18 21:53
ender2070 18 21:53
TechrightsTitle:   Kevin loses his memory -  alt.flame |  Google Groups   .::. Size~: 280.67 KBJun 18 21:53
AntiPuddinggood grief Jun 18 21:53
DaemonFCAntiPudding: Good answer?Jun 18 21:54
ender2070Oh, I'm sured that when we get bored of beating you with these Jun 18 21:54
ender2070two-by-fours, there'll be plenty of other volunteers waiting to step in. After all, in the almost-a-year that this silliness has been going on, you have yet to make a single posting that didn't contain some statement so ludicrous that it was guaranteed to be challenged by virtually everyone in sight. Jun 18 21:54
AntiPuddingi don't want to lose my memory :(Jun 18 21:54
DaemonFCender2070: I volunteer to sit my ass in this executive chair drinking my coffee and watching TV with my feet propped up on my desk while occasionally pecking away at the keyboardJun 18 21:55
DaemonFCsee, I volunteeredJun 18 21:55
ender2070"Yes, as a matter of fact, "Lefty" _is_ on my birth certificate--it's a long story.  I went by "David" for a while, but it got tedious: every Tom, Dick and Harry is named "David" "Jun 18 21:56
DaemonFCender2070: The Christians endorse selfishness btw.Jun 18 21:57
DaemonFCThey say "Lead selfless lives" then the fine print says "But take care of yourself first." Why is that? "So you can help others."Jun 18 21:57
DaemonFCphew, thought I was going to have to put someone before myselfJun 18 21:57
DaemonFCthanks for clearing that up your holinessJun 18 21:58
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 21:58
MinceRactually Toms, Dicks and Harries are rarely called David.Jun 18 21:58
DaemonFCno, but maybe Tom's Harry Dick is named DavidJun 18 21:59
DaemonFCmen do that sometimes for no reasonJun 18 21:59
DaemonFC:PJun 18 21:59
MinceRlolJun 18 21:59
DaemonFCOr maybe Tom's Dick is named HarryJun 18 22:00
DaemonFCyou ever wonder if the people that make up these things had a Freudian slip they didn't notice?Jun 18 22:01
DaemonFCMinceR: Of course toilet humor is very basic, even children understand itJun 18 22:02
DaemonFCbefore sarcasm evenJun 18 22:02
DaemonFCI always called my child psychiatrist "Dick" for that very reasonJun 18 22:02
DaemonFCI thought it was funnyJun 18 22:02
DaemonFC"Whatever you say, Dick"Jun 18 22:03
DaemonFCof course his name was RichardJun 18 22:03
DaemonFCeven then I could tell that he was pretending not to notice that I was saying that to make him feel uncomfortableJun 18 22:04
schestowitz[21:56] <ender2070> "Yes, as a matter of fact, "Lefty" _is_ on my birth certificate--it's a long story.  I went by "David" for a while, but it got tedious: every Tom, Dick and Harry is named "David" "Jun 18 22:04
schestowitzHahaJun 18 22:04
DaemonFChe was probably writing down that I was a sociopath because I called him "Dick" in an attempt to gain the upper hand in the interrogationJun 18 22:04
schestowitzThey called him after how he was madeJun 18 22:05
DaemonFCand if that makes me a sociopath, then I am I guess :PJun 18 22:05
DaemonFCbother people in subtle ways that they'll try to avoid calling attention to and can't even decide for themselves whether you'Jun 18 22:06
DaemonFCwhether you're fucking with them or notJun 18 22:06
DaemonFCit keeps them on edge, they're trying to process that and it inserts a latency that they will trip over laterJun 18 22:07
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 22:07
ender2070lolJun 18 22:08
DaemonFC"There's something about him that bothers me, but I just can't tell what it is"Jun 18 22:08
DaemonFCif you want people to leave you alone, that's the best thing to make them think about youJun 18 22:09
DaemonFCthey're trying to decide if you're completely normal and they're imagining things, or if you really will rip their head off and shit down their neckJun 18 22:09
DaemonFCso they won't voluntarily approach you or engage in conversation with youJun 18 22:09
DaemonFCender2070: A sociopath also adapts other people to themJun 18 22:10
DaemonFCit's all in how you carry yourselfJun 18 22:10
AntiPuddingbeing unhappy or unsatisfied with the situation and stupidity mankind is sometimes deemed a pathology called 'sociopath'Jun 18 22:10
DaemonFCcarry yourself like a dumb hick and nobody expects anything from youJun 18 22:10
DaemonFCthey let their guard downJun 18 22:11
*Judas_PhD has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jun 18 22:11
DaemonFCbut you have to look the partJun 18 22:11
DaemonFCthat's usually why I dress in my pajamasJun 18 22:11
DaemonFCand wear the same shirt when I go out that I had on yesterday and the day before (for all they know)Jun 18 22:12
DaemonFCleads people to think you're borderline retarded and/or crazyJun 18 22:12
DaemonFCsometimes you half-tuck your shirt in and have a 5 o'clock shadow at noonJun 18 22:13
DaemonFCthat's always a good one tooJun 18 22:13
DaemonFCender2070: If you lived in this town, you'd learn how to get people to leave you aloneJun 18 22:13
DaemonFCnobody expects me to have a dollar they can borrowJun 18 22:14
DaemonFClet's say thatJun 18 22:14
MinceR:)Jun 18 22:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] The one bad thing about collegues think they can make libelous implication @funkydeams how about a "please allow" here?Jun 18 22:15
DaemonFCMinceR: Then there's the little things you can do to amuse yourselfJun 18 22:15
DaemonFCjump in front of the well-dressed lady at the cappucino machineJun 18 22:15
DaemonFCin your pajamasJun 18 22:16
MinceR:>Jun 18 22:16
DaemonFCwith your 5 o'clock shadowJun 18 22:16
MinceRi have more self-respect than thatJun 18 22:16
DaemonFCand scratch your butt while you're pouring yourself oneJun 18 22:16
DaemonFClaugh about it laterJun 18 22:16
DaemonFCdon't just grab a lid after thatJun 18 22:17
DaemonFCact like you're trying to find the best oneJun 18 22:17
DaemonFCrun your hand over all of themJun 18 22:17
MinceR:DJun 18 22:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Or maybe you and the "bus" would like to help when my lad next wakes up with a soiled nappy? Food for thought there. @funkydeamsJun 18 22:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Richard Stallman calls hypePad/iPad "iBad" 18 22:17
DaemonFCYeah, she'll think you're an animalJun 18 22:18
DaemonFCbut she's the one that decides not to get a cappucino in the endJun 18 22:18
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 22:18
MinceRall humans are animalsJun 18 22:18
DaemonFCyou have just ruined the start of someone's dayJun 18 22:18
DaemonFCtake pride in thatJun 18 22:19
DaemonFCthey've ruined plenty of your daysJun 18 22:19
MinceRof the multicellular kind :>Jun 18 22:19
DaemonFCMinceR: Learning how to make yourself sneeze is funJun 18 22:19
DaemonFCalmost as fun as deploying it strategicallyJun 18 22:19
schestowitzMinceR: you are SUCH an animal!! [now, go get me a beer :-) ]Check out the comments: 18 22:20
TechrightsTitle: Did Microsoft Pressure Dell to Change Ubuntu Linux Statement? | The VAR Guy .::. Size~: 59.97 KBJun 18 22:20
AntiPuddinghow does it owrk for you DaemonFC Jun 18 22:20
MinceRschestowitz: wutJun 18 22:20
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 22:20
schestowitz[22:18] <MinceR> all humans are animalsJun 18 22:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] How to take photo from command line from webcam - #goodone #fossJun 18 22:20
ender2070 18 22:20
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Eminem DISSED By D12, Canibus & DZK "Air Strike"(NEW) .::. Size~: 115.04 KBJun 18 22:20
schestowitzHow dare you? Many people found it demeaning when Darwin did his later publication on speciation connecting the apesJun 18 22:21
DaemonFCMinceR: Do you have the concept of a "Neighborhood Watch" in Hungary?Jun 18 22:22
schestowitzPeople were cool wit parrots being connected, even the bible proponentsJun 18 22:22
DaemonFCjust curious Jun 18 22:22
schestowitzBut your idea is insulting!Jun 18 22:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Right, moving on from un-caring work collegues, I'll be looking at a article involving a prediction for the file sharing world....hopefullyJun 18 22:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] I can make a start on it tonight and finish tomorrow......all being well...Jun 18 22:22
schestowitzEveryone know men are dirt women are a "Dirty rib"Jun 18 22:23
schestowitzIt says so in the Holy BookJun 18 22:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] It will be a look at a piece of UK legislation and how I think a similar piece will be brought in regarding YOUR net connection.Jun 18 22:23
DaemonFCneighborhood watch=mayor fired a bunch of cops and suggests that citizens band together and patrol their own neighborhoods for suspicious activityJun 18 22:23
DaemonFCwhat it really means is the neighborhood gets to sit back and watch all the crime :)Jun 18 22:24
DaemonFCthat's what's happening here nowJun 18 22:24
DaemonFCschestowitz: Updike strikes againJun 18 22:24
DaemonFCa gun isn't a bad idea where there are 3-4 police officers on duty in the entire city and one of them is the dispatcherJun 18 22:25
MinceRDaemonFC: afaik we don'tJun 18 22:26
DaemonFCthat's roughly one police officer per 10,000 peopleJun 18 22:26
DaemonFC20% of whom are unemployedJun 18 22:26
DaemonFCyou do the mathJun 18 22:26
MinceRDaemonFC: actually, i'd better check what it isJun 18 22:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] HP to spy on your printing output, for profit. 18 22:26
TechrightsTitle: HP partners with Yahoo for targeted ads - Computerworld .::. Size~: 78.01 KBJun 18 22:26
MinceRDaemonFC: we might have something of the sort, called "Polgarorseg" or whatever, but i'm not sure how similar they areJun 18 22:27
DaemonFCMinceR: What's funny is that the local police and the county sheriff are in different buildingsJun 18 22:28
DaemonFCand the sheriff's department is two doors down and won't respond to trouble calls if I dial 911Jun 18 22:29
DaemonFCbecause it's the city's jobJun 18 22:29
MinceRso what does the sheriff do?Jun 18 22:29
DaemonFCso I have to wait on them to get here from the other side of town maybe, several miles awayJun 18 22:29
DaemonFCsits on his fat ass and waits for the next "election" with no competitorJun 18 22:29
DaemonFChires his family members as deputiesJun 18 22:30
DaemonFCyou know, useful stuffJun 18 22:30
DaemonFCturns the jail car wash into his own private car wash for friends and familyJun 18 22:30
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 22:30
DaemonFCpetty things that can't be considered embezzlement but technically areJun 18 22:31
DaemonFClike driving across the state on personal business in his police carJun 18 22:31
DaemonFCletting his wife drive his police car without him even in itJun 18 22:31
DaemonFCcounty is paying for the gasJun 18 22:31
DaemonFCand the insuranceJun 18 22:31
DaemonFCand the maintainenceJun 18 22:31
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 22:31
MinceRicJun 18 22:31
schestowitz 18 22:32
TechrightsTitle: NARAL Pro-Choice America:  .::. Size~: 19.11 KBJun 18 22:32
schestowitzDaemonFC: did you hear about this?Jun 18 22:32
schestowitzThat's why MinceR calls it jesuslandJun 18 22:32
ender2070damn this is goodJun 18 22:32
ender2070 18 22:32
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Canibus - Poet Laureate Infinity V004 (w/ lyrics) .::. Size~: 96.18 KBJun 18 22:32
DaemonFCschestowitz: Actually, they're being deceptive about CPCJun 18 22:33
DaemonFCbut OKJun 18 22:34
schestowitz: -) For a moment there I thought Canibus became a Nobel LaureateJun 18 22:34
DaemonFCI don't see anything unethical about referring you to an adoption agency and passing out birth controlJun 18 22:35
DaemonFCif more people would adopt kids here instead of going baby shopping in foreign countries to look trendy, abortion would be less of an issueJun 18 22:35
MinceR"You're an inspiration for birth control."Jun 18 22:35
DaemonFC 18 22:36
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Bruno the  movie -- black baby on  talkshow (2009) .::. Size~: 89.4 KBJun 18 22:36
DaemonFCheheJun 18 22:36
DaemonFC 18 22:41
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Bruno Interviews Pastor Quinn, the 'Gay Converter' HQ .::. Size~: 86.1 KBJun 18 22:41
AntiPuddinghahahJun 18 22:42
AntiPuddingwe had some great open air preachers on campusJun 18 22:42
*DaemonFC (~Ryan@ has left #boycottnovellJun 18 22:44
*DaemonFC (~Ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 22:44
schestowitzMinceR: they brought ryan in front of the panel in the contrcepttion debate in congressJun 18 22:45
schestowitz*contraceptionJun 18 22:45
DaemonFChow is that?Jun 18 22:45
schestowitz"I rest me case, your honour" :p)Jun 18 22:45
DaemonFC 18 22:46
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Bruno Extended Scene - Second Gay Converter - Great Cool .::. Size~: 85.85 KBJun 18 22:46
MinceRschestowitz: :>Jun 18 22:47
DaemonFC 18 22:47
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Funkyzeit Mit Bruno || Gun Show || HQ .::. Size~: 77.33 KBJun 18 22:47
ender2070LOLJun 18 22:50
DaemonFC. 18 22:50
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- The Best Of Borat .::. Size~: 83.84 KBJun 18 22:50
ender2070 18 22:52
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Ali G - Buzz Aldrin .::. Size~: 88.77 KBJun 18 22:52
DaemonFC 18 22:53
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Borat - Throw the Jew Down the Well!! .::. Size~: 84.84 KBJun 18 22:53
DaemonFCender2070: my favoriteJun 18 22:53
schestowitzThose gun enthusiasts are madJun 18 22:54
ender2070lolJun 18 22:56
DaemonFC 18 22:56
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Borat Wants to Beat up the Jewish Matt Zaller? .::. Size~: 95.45 KBJun 18 22:56
schestowitz54 comments @ 18 22:57
TechrightsTitle: Mono is a disease. Why spread it? .::. Size~: 138.51 KBJun 18 22:57
schestowitzMono apologistaJun 18 22:57
DaemonFC 18 22:59
TechrightsTitle: YouTube- Borat and the Jew claw .::. Size~: 86.42 KBJun 18 22:59
DaemonFCI am like a movie star Dirty Harold!Jun 18 23:01
DaemonFCCome on Jew, make my day!Jun 18 23:01
schestowitz:-)Jun 18 23:01
DaemonFCB-)Jun 18 23:01
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jun 18 23:04
DaemonFCschestowitz: evening news, yayJun 18 23:04
DaemonFClocal BP stations are trying to avoid selling BP fuelJun 18 23:04
DaemonFCor so they sayJun 18 23:04
*AntiPudd1ng ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 23:04
MinceRlolJun 18 23:05
schestowitzWhat will they sell instead?Jun 18 23:05
schestowitzSand (with oil)?Jun 18 23:05
DaemonFCschestowitz: Hold on a secJun 18 23:05
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 18 23:07
*DaemonFC (~Ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellJun 18 23:08
*AntiPudding has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jun 18 23:09
DaemonFC 18 23:10
TechrightsTitle: RyanF on USTREAM: Whatever I feel like talking about.. Computers .::. Size~: 82.44 KBJun 18 23:10
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 23:10
*DaemonFC loves his DVRJun 18 23:11
MinceRTMIJun 18 23:12
ender2070did u guys catch RMS vs Miguel in March ?Jun 18 23:14
ender2070 18 23:15
ender2070 18 23:15
DaemonFC"Only Lassus Brand Fuel Sold Here"Jun 18 23:15
DaemonFClolJun 18 23:15
DaemonFCender2070: Take your damned geese backJun 18 23:16
DaemonFC:PJun 18 23:16
DaemonFCgod what a bunch of pussiesJun 18 23:17
DaemonFCthe geese are shitting in the lake so the e. coli levels are highJun 18 23:17
DaemonFCand we can't swim in itJun 18 23:17
DaemonFChaven't they ever heard of bird bombs?Jun 18 23:17
DaemonFCM-80s?Jun 18 23:17
DaemonFChell, poison the damned things, they're not endangeredJun 18 23:17
DaemonFCI want to swim dammitJun 18 23:18
AntiPudd1ngmaybe they can be fed to somethingJun 18 23:18
DaemonFCpigsJun 18 23:18
DaemonFCshoot the geese and feed them to pigsJun 18 23:18
AntiPudd1ngsounds okJun 18 23:20
DaemonFCI'm going to buy some illegal fireworksJun 18 23:20
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 23:20
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Jun 18 23:20
DaemonFCyearly tradition here in IndianaJun 18 23:20
DaemonFCanything that doesn't suck is illegal to set off, but not to possessJun 18 23:20
DaemonFCso they sell "Out of State" fireworksJun 18 23:21
DaemonFCyou have to sign a form saying you'll take them out of Indiana to set them offJun 18 23:21
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 23:21
DaemonFCnobody doesJun 18 23:21
DaemonFCWhy would you buy fireworks to take out of state where they sell those fireworks?Jun 18 23:22
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 23:22
MinceRwhat if someone happened to live in a smaller settlement where they don't sell fireworks and the closest settlement where they do happens to be in Indiana? :>Jun 18 23:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[yoonkit] "More than a game" - great documentary on Lebron and his 4 friendsJun 18 23:23
DaemonFCdamn you!Jun 18 23:23
DaemonFCI had a conspiracy going hereJun 18 23:23
MinceRso it was you!Jun 18 23:24
MinceRdamn conspirator.Jun 18 23:24
DaemonFCMinceR: Just like how you can't sell liquor in Indiana on a SundayJun 18 23:24
DaemonFCbut I live near the Ohio state line?Jun 18 23:24
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 23:24
MinceRblue law?Jun 18 23:24
DaemonFCMinceR: You also can't legally sell cars on a SundayJun 18 23:25
DaemonFCbut that's not for religious reasons anymoreJun 18 23:25
DaemonFCthe car dealerships lobbied to keep it illegalJun 18 23:25
DaemonFCbecause if they're allowed to sell cars on Sunday, then their competitors willJun 18 23:25
DaemonFCthen they have to :)Jun 18 23:25
MinceRyeah, cars are so urgent to buy, they just can't wait until mondayJun 18 23:26
DaemonFCyou also can't sell liquor on Election Day until the polls closeJun 18 23:26
DaemonFClike it would meaningfully alter the election in a one party systemJun 18 23:26
MinceRlolJun 18 23:27
DaemonFC"Go in there and pull the lever, drunk, you can't accidentally vote for the other guy cause there isn't one. I just want to see if you can stumble over there and manage to vote for me."Jun 18 23:27
DaemonFC"I already voted for myself, so I can't lose"Jun 18 23:28
DaemonFC"Knock yourself out"Jun 18 23:28
DaemonFCMinceR: What would happen if nobody voted for you in an uncontested election?Jun 18 23:29
DaemonFCdo you still win?Jun 18 23:29
DaemonFCor do you get a copy of the home game?Jun 18 23:29
MinceRdepends on the laws or practices or whateverJun 18 23:31
MinceRor who has the biggest gunJun 18 23:31
DaemonFCthat would be meJun 18 23:31
DaemonFCbut I wasn't on the ticketJun 18 23:31
DaemonFCdo I still win?Jun 18 23:31
MinceRif you kill everyone who disagrees, yesJun 18 23:32
DaemonFCworks for meJun 18 23:32
DaemonFC*click click*Jun 18 23:32
DaemonFCbrbJun 18 23:32
DaemonFC:DJun 18 23:32
MinceRworks for many peopleJun 18 23:32
DaemonFC"If a sex or violent offender who is required to register under IC 11-8-8 changes or obtains a new electronic mail address, instant messaging username, electronic chat room username, or social networking web site username, the sex or violent offender shall report in person to the local law enforcement authority having jurisdiction over the sex or violent offender's current principal address or location and shall provide the local lawJun 18 23:34
DaemonFCenforcement authority with the new address or username not more than seventy-two (72) hours after the change or creation of the address or username."Jun 18 23:34
DaemonFChehJun 18 23:34
DaemonFCwhat's this? the honor system for pedos?Jun 18 23:35
DaemonFC:)Jun 18 23:35
DaemonFC"According to Indiana Code 5-2-5-5, any person who misuses limited criminal history information commits a Class A misdemeanor."Jun 18 23:36
DaemonFCso they can tar and feather that idiot downstairs on the state websiteJun 18 23:36
DaemonFCbut I can't print it out and show anyoneJun 18 23:36
schestowitzOdd conflictJun 18 23:37
DaemonFC" Non-Compliance:Jun 18 23:38
DaemonFCA sex or violent offender who knowingly or intentionally:Jun 18 23:38
DaemonFC(1) fails to register when required to register under this chapter;Jun 18 23:38
DaemonFC(2) fails to register in every location where the sex or violent offender is required to register under this chapter;Jun 18 23:38
DaemonFC(3) makes a material misstatement or omission while registering as a sex or violent offender under this chapter;Jun 18 23:38
DaemonFC(4) fails to register in person as required under this chapter; orJun 18 23:38
DaemonFC(5) does not reside at the sex or violent offender's registered address or location;Jun 18 23:38
DaemonFCcommits a Class D felony."Jun 18 23:38
*DaemonFC wonders if he can call the sheriff and report the other idiotJun 18 23:38
DaemonFCthe one that isn't registered hereJun 18 23:38
DaemonFC 18 23:45
TechrightsTitle: Offender Details .::. Size~: 9.19 KBJun 18 23:45
DaemonFCThat's the one boinking my upstairs neighborJun 18 23:45
schestowitzRachel Maddow looked so weird with long hair!!Jun 18 23:50
AntiPudd1ngsounds fun DaemonFC Jun 18 23:50
AntiPudd1ngi need to make a 'sex offender' fashionwear lineupJun 18 23:52
DaemonFCthe Forceful Entry and Criminal Constraint collections?Jun 18 23:53
DaemonFC:PJun 18 23:53
DaemonFCthe plus sizes could be rates as double and triple damagesJun 18 23:58
DaemonFC:PJun 18 23:58
DaemonFC*ratedJun 18 23:58
AntiPudd1nghmmJun 18 23:58
AntiPudd1ngno i was thinking like partywear, clubbing and beach apparrellJun 18 23:59

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