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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 2nd, 2010

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DaemonFC 02 00:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Memories | BNET  .::. Size~: 10.58 KBAug 02 00:04
DaemonFClolAug 02 00:04
DaemonFC"Billg typically has his eyes closed and he’s rocking back and forth.  He could be asleep; he could be thinking about something else; he could be listening intently to everything you’re saying.  The trouble is all are possible and you don’t know which.  Obviously, you have to present as if he were listening intently even though you know he isn’t looking at the PowerPoint slides you spent so much time on."Aug 02 00:04
*jweyrich (~jweyrich@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 00:07
DaemonFChmmm, the splogs are now pushing that Mono runs on OS XAug 02 00:09
DaemonFCbarely giving Linux a mentionAug 02 00:09
DaemonFC"The original Mono Tools for Visual Studio was focused on building applications to run as appliances using SUSE Studio. But since then the focus has been on broadening the market, so a version for Red Hat shipped with Version 2.7 and one for Ubuntu is in the works."Aug 02 00:10
DaemonFCjoyAug 02 00:10
schestowitzMonoMonoMonoMonoMonoMonoMonoMonoMonoMonoMonoMonoAug 02 00:19
MinceRanother gnome-do replacement >> 02 00:19
TechrightsBotTitle: kupfer (ett program) .::. Size~: 9.33 KBAug 02 00:19
schestowitzDaemonFC: how would KDE4 cope with 512MB of RAM?Aug 02 00:20
schestowitzI want to experiment with PCLOS on another machineAug 02 00:20
DaemonFCyou'd be looking at quite a lot of swap usageAug 02 00:20
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 00:20
schestowitzCPU around 2.2Ghz (one core)Aug 02 00:21
schestowitzDaemonFC: tolerable for use?Aug 02 00:21
DaemonFCdoubtfulAug 02 00:21
schestowitzLike Firefox and mail...Aug 02 00:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Behind the WikiLeaks scoop | Guardian 02 00:21
TechrightsBotTitle:  Media Talk: Wikileaks, HBO and Five | Media |  .::. Size~: 80.82 KBAug 02 00:21
DaemonFCit regularly uses over a GB for meAug 02 00:21
DaemonFCnot counting cacheAug 02 00:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Support WikiLeaks - WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 19.24 KBAug 02 00:21
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:c08:3700:ffff::46d3) has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 00:22
cubezzz3I try to see how little ram I can do things inAug 02 00:22
cubezzz3256 + 64 meg on this boxAug 02 00:22
cubezzz3I'd just switch to 486 for IRC except for the clipboardingAug 02 00:24
cubezzz3as for 512 meg, it's not really necessaryAug 02 00:25
cubezzz3384 meg is fineAug 02 00:25
cubezzz3just don't use KDE 4 or higherAug 02 00:26
cubezzz3there's features in older Linux that don't even exist in newer LinuxAug 02 00:26
cubezzz3the only way to see all the features is to run lots of different Linuxes from different erasAug 02 00:27
cubezzz3Show_Memory     Shift-ScrollockAug 02 00:28
cubezzz3not in newer Linux AFAIKAug 02 00:28
schestowitzWhich one would you run for half a gig of RAM?Aug 02 00:29
schestowitzNeeds modern browserAug 02 00:29
schestowitzNeeds qt+gtkAug 02 00:29
schestowitzThat fattens it a bitAug 02 00:29
schestowitzOK, feelin' tired.Aug 02 00:29
cubezzz3hmmm? links for oneAug 02 00:30
cubezzz3part of the trouble is the browser you're usingAug 02 00:30
cubezzz3for KDE I would probably use either 3.5.10 or if you wanted to save more ram 3.4.2Aug 02 00:30
schestowitzNot secureAug 02 00:31
schestowitzI think crackers and hackers don't feel like exposing hole in KDE more oftenAug 02 00:31
schestowitzIt would just upset volunteersAug 02 00:31
cubezzz3what's not secure about it specifically?Aug 02 00:32
cubezzz3btw, my 2.2 box is the most secure box I have Aug 02 00:32
cubezzz3no script languages like perl, or pythonAug 02 00:32
tessier_What do perl or python have to do with security of your box?Aug 02 00:33
MinceRgnAug 02 00:33
cubezzz3less stuff to worry aboutAug 02 00:34
cubezzz3no lwp-download for startersAug 02 00:34
cubezzz3no lwp-rgetAug 02 00:35
tessier_I still don't see what that has to do with security.Aug 02 00:35
cubezzz3those are ways for hackers to get a file on your boxAug 02 00:36
tessier_From remote?Aug 02 00:36
cubezzz3yesAug 02 00:36
tessier_I have both of those. Put a file on my system.Aug 02 00:36
tessier_http://tracyreed.orgAug 02 00:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 00:36
cubezzz3I don't hack boxes thoughAug 02 00:37
cubezzz3not my thingAug 02 00:37
tessier_I think you are confused.Aug 02 00:37
tessier_In order to be able to use those libraries the attacker must already be on or control your system.Aug 02 00:37
tessier_At which point it does not matter what library you have installed.Aug 02 00:37
tessier_If you lack anything they would like to have they can just install it themselves.Aug 02 00:38
tessier_telnet 80Aug 02 00:38
tessier_GET /hackertools.tar.gz HTTP/1.1Aug 02 00:38
tessier_Done.Aug 02 00:38
MinceRthey could just paste the file into your shellAug 02 00:38
tessier_No need for fancy libraries.Aug 02 00:38
MinceRor use netcatAug 02 00:38
tessier_RightAug 02 00:38
MinceRor paste a base64 decoder shell script, and then paste a base64 encoded fileAug 02 00:38
cubezzz3shell account tessierAug 02 00:38
MinceRwhich could of course be wget :>Aug 02 00:38
cubezzz3they could be a user alreadyAug 02 00:38
tessier_cubezzz3: What about a shell account?Aug 02 00:38
tessier_So if they have a shell account on your system how would lack of lwp stop them?Aug 02 00:39
cubezzz3they can't steal your net bandwidth Aug 02 00:39
tessier_They have a shell already right? So why couldn't they?Aug 02 00:39
cubezzz3no access to a compiler, no acces to net softwareAug 02 00:40
cubezzz3no access to telnetAug 02 00:40
tessier_They can easily install any of that stuff if they want it.Aug 02 00:41
cubezzz3how could they do that?Aug 02 00:41
tessier_From a shell? A million different ways. Heck, they could type it in by hand if they had to!Aug 02 00:41
tessier_Not that they would ever have to do that.Aug 02 00:41
tessier_They could upload straight via the terminalAug 02 00:41
cubezzz3yet people do offer free shell accountsAug 02 00:42
tessier_cat > telnetAug 02 00:42
tessier_uploadAug 02 00:42
tessier_doneAug 02 00:42
tessier_Sure they do. Aug 02 00:42
tessier_Nothing wrong with people on your shell account using lwp to download stuff.Aug 02 00:42
tessier_Or using telnet or compiling.Aug 02 00:42
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 02 00:42
tessier_Removing that stuff is far more likely to piss off your users than inconvenience any attacker.Aug 02 00:42
cubezzz3I think most people wouldn't offer that for free tessier_Aug 02 00:43
tessier_I'm not sure what free shell accounts have to do with anything.Aug 02 00:43
tessier_All I'm saying is that crippling your box is not making it more secure.Aug 02 00:43
cubezzz3years ago there was no perlAug 02 00:45
cubezzz3crippling is a nisnomerAug 02 00:45
tessier_Years ago there was no cable TV either. What's your point?Aug 02 00:46
cubezzz3I'd rather not have perl on some systemsAug 02 00:47
tessier_If it's just a personal preference thing that's fine. Let's just not go around telling people it has anything to do with security.Aug 02 00:53
*DaemonFC (~ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 00:55
DaemonFCI may try OpenSuse 11.3 GNOME out of curiosityAug 02 00:55
DaemonFC /home on its own partition makes life better :)Aug 02 00:56
DaemonFCwho is the narrator on this Shark Week programAug 02 00:58
DaemonFC?Aug 02 00:58
DaemonFCsounds like Malcolm McDowellAug 02 00:58
DaemonFC:PAug 02 00:58
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 00:59
DaemonFCschestowitz, Why do people dive in shark infested waters then wonder why they get attacked?Aug 02 01:05
DaemonFC:PAug 02 01:05
DaemonFCseems to me that if you know the danger and go in anyway, it's your fault whatever happens :)Aug 02 01:06
DaemonFCoh well, at least BP cleared them all out of the gulf for a whileAug 02 01:06
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 01:07
DaemonFCheh, I was right, Malcolm McDowell :PAug 02 01:07
DaemonFChas OpenSuse bought into Empathy yet?Aug 02 01:08
DaemonFCcraptacular as it may be?Aug 02 01:08
DaemonFCat least it finally supports file transfersAug 02 01:09
DaemonFCI can't believe anyone would have merged it without even that :PAug 02 01:09
DaemonFCbut they didAug 02 01:09
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 02 01:12
cubezzz3tessier_, ok I respect your opinionAug 02 01:30
*malacoda ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 01:52
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Aug 02 02:18
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Aug 02 02:21
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 02:42
cubezzz3speaking of security:Aug 02 02:46
cubezzz3 02 02:46
TechrightsBotTitle:             Linux Today Blog             .::. Size~: 95.24 KBAug 02 02:46
DaemonFC 02 02:48
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Twilight vs. Blade! .::. Size~: 116.65 KBAug 02 02:48
DaemonFChmmm, OpenSuse GNOME is fairly fast tooAug 02 02:48
*DaemonFC thinks cubezzz3 could fill in for Justin Bieber in these clipsAug 02 02:49
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 02:49
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 03:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] Is Microsoft too stuck on the desktop form to make the switch to touch tablets? via @mkaporAug 02 03:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Ballmer (and Microsoft) still doesn't get the iPad .::. Size~: 37.63 KBAug 02 03:25
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Aug 02 03:31
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 03:34
*Judas_PhD has quit (Client Quit)Aug 02 03:34
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 03:38
DaemonFC 02 03:50
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Allstate TV Ad: Mayhem is Coming Teen Driver .::. Size~: 90.07 KBAug 02 03:50
DaemonFC 02 03:54
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Allstate - Mayhem is coming! .::. Size~: 101.09 KBAug 02 03:54
DaemonFCschestowitz, OpenSuse does have a very nice distributionAug 02 03:55
DaemonFCI have to give them that muchAug 02 03:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] New data on the Nangar Khel massacre 02 03:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Wikileaks report details Nangar Khel "massacre" - Warsaw Business Journal - Online Portal - .::. Size~: 18.75 KBAug 02 03:59
DaemonFChmmm, OpenSuse is even optimizing their test builds of FirefoxAug 02 04:02
DaemonFCniceAug 02 04:02
amarsh04 02 04:07
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Quashed Effort to Boost Online Privacy - .::. Size~: 171.55 KBAug 02 04:07
*cubevector ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 04:08
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 04:19
DaemonFCthat's the problem with these companies like CanonicalAug 02 04:23
DaemonFCthey're using Ubuntu as a carrot on the stickAug 02 04:23
DaemonFConce you're there, Ubuntu's job it to trick you into buying proprietary servicesAug 02 04:24
DaemonFC*isAug 02 04:24
DaemonFConce your information is on someone else's server, you've forfeited your privacyAug 02 04:25
DaemonFCyou can tell their server to delete it and it may even tell you that it didAug 02 04:25
DaemonFCbut they can keep a copy as long as they wantAug 02 04:25
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 04:57
*jweyrich has quit (Quit: pwned by centos.)Aug 02 05:09
DaemonFChmmmAug 02 05:15
DaemonFCthat didn't take them longAug 02 05:15
DaemonFCBanshee now depends on all that crap Microsoft added to MonoAug 02 05:15
DaemonFC 02 05:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 05:28
DaemonFC I had God pinned for an Otep fanAug 02 05:29
DaemonFCjust goes to show you that you're never too old to learn somethingAug 02 05:29
oiaohmWhat license.Aug 02 05:35
oiaohmSome of that crap was fine to link to some was not.Aug 02 05:35
DaemonFCMS-PLAug 02 05:37
DaemonFCso yeah, those parts have an irrevocable patent licenseAug 02 05:37
DaemonFCbut they still depend on parts that don'tAug 02 05:37
DaemonFCbut it's not like the licensing situation has gotten worse I guess :PAug 02 05:37
DaemonFCit just hasn't gotten better and now there is actual Microsoft code as a dependency of BansheeAug 02 05:38
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 05:38
oiaohmI really don't care who has produced the code DaemonFCAug 02 05:40
oiaohmAs long as there are no legal teeth there.Aug 02 05:40
DaemonFCright, if they grant you an irrevocable patent licenseAug 02 05:40
DaemonFCwho cares who it came from, I agreeAug 02 05:40
DaemonFCif all of Mono were like that, there'd be no problem with itAug 02 05:40
oiaohmExactly.Aug 02 05:41
oiaohmAll I want for me to be happy with mono to a point is the legal side cleared up.Aug 02 05:41
DaemonFCI'm strongly tempted to stay on OpenSuse nowAug 02 05:41
DaemonFCthis has to be the best GNOME distribution I've seenAug 02 05:41
oiaohmI have been on debian for over 10 yearsAug 02 05:41
oiaohmI am not moving any time soon.Aug 02 05:41
DaemonFCoiaohm, Everything works well, it's very fast, it has all the software I use, and none of it is failing in bizarre waysAug 02 05:42
oiaohmOne set of patches VFS scalablity up coming in 2.6.36 kernel should be intersting.Aug 02 05:42
DaemonFCso I don't doubt that Novell has their shit together when it comes to putting a competent distro togetherAug 02 05:43
oiaohmOpenSuse is mostly run by old Suse staff.Aug 02 05:43
oiaohmReally I see no new staff since novell took over suse working on it.Aug 02 05:44
DaemonFCyeah, Ubuntu reeks of having been put together backwards by retarded intern-level patch monkeysAug 02 05:44
DaemonFCyou can tell OpenSuse was done up by some experienced peopleAug 02 05:44
oiaohmUbuntu was formed from a revolt against debian.Aug 02 05:44
oiaohmAnd its not like debian was perfect to start off with.Aug 02 05:44
DaemonFCwell, Ubuntu started off wellAug 02 05:44
DaemonFCbut years of me too rubbernecking have derailed itAug 02 05:45
DaemonFCslowly but surelyAug 02 05:45
oiaohmNo the signs of trouble where there from the start.Aug 02 05:45
oiaohmdebian maintains too many not upstreamed patches.Aug 02 05:45
DaemonFCI was with them from 4.10 to 8.04 no questions askedAug 02 05:45
DaemonFCthen around 8.10 it really started to fall apartAug 02 05:45
oiaohmThe rouges that left to form Ubuntu were some of the worst at doing it.Aug 02 05:46
oiaohmSo it was only a matter of time before Ubuntu would start coming appart due to failing to work well with upstream.Aug 02 05:46
DaemonFCwell, if something has no future upstream, you should drop itAug 02 05:46
DaemonFCbefore the number of patches you have to apply out of tree snowballsAug 02 05:46
DaemonFCand becomes a messAug 02 05:46
oiaohmYep exactly what is happing to ubuntu.Aug 02 05:47
oiaohmWhen ubuntu was new the snowball was small.Aug 02 05:47
oiaohmBut its growing.Aug 02 05:47
DaemonFCright, now they have that indicator crappletAug 02 05:48
DaemonFCand all the stuff that came before itAug 02 05:48
DaemonFCand not all of it was badAug 02 05:48
DaemonFCUpstart had meritAug 02 05:48
oiaohmRedhat made the same mistake early on.Aug 02 05:48
DaemonFCbut I strain to think of anything else that Ubuntu has done that's been a positive for the stack as a wholeAug 02 05:49
oiaohmNow they have strict upstreaming rules.Aug 02 05:49
DaemonFCYeah, Red Hat 8.0 was a messAug 02 05:49
oiaohmTo prevent snow balls.Aug 02 05:49
DaemonFCand they tried to reduce KDE and GNOME down to a lowest common denominatorAug 02 05:49
oiaohmYep RedHat 8.0 the hair ball from hell.Aug 02 05:49
DaemonFCand they ended up ruining both desktopsAug 02 05:49
DaemonFC9.0 got a lot betterAug 02 05:50
DaemonFCbut it was short lived, officially anywayAug 02 05:50
oiaohm9.0 was the first redhat with upstream first policy.Aug 02 05:50
DaemonFCI used it for several years because of Fedora Legacy thoughAug 02 05:50
oiaohmFedora when it branched off did not have it enfored for the first 6 cores.Aug 02 05:50
DaemonFCFedora just hasn't been something to settle down on since Fedora Legacy went awayAug 02 05:50
oiaohmRemember the Fedora core 5 hair ball.  DaemonFCAug 02 05:51
DaemonFCit used to be you could pick a version of Fedora and sit there for years and get backportsAug 02 05:51
DaemonFCand now if you don't upgrade at least once a year, you're out of supportAug 02 05:51
oiaohmall bar basic auth would not work.Aug 02 05:51
oiaohmQuestion is when will ubuntu hair ball bad enough they have to take the upstream first policy.Aug 02 05:52
DaemonFCwell, Fedora is having some issues againAug 02 05:52
DaemonFCand it's with binary drivers so I know they don't give a shitAug 02 05:52
oiaohmNo where near a hair ball.Aug 02 05:52
DaemonFCand that's why I'm not using FedoraAug 02 05:52
oiaohmThat is hardware compadiblityAug 02 05:52
DaemonFCI don't want to play broken, fixed, broken, fixed, do some voodoo I can't possibly repeat, get it working, they break it againAug 02 05:52
DaemonFCit's just not coolAug 02 05:52
oiaohmAnd legal department at redhat has been a bit bussy.Aug 02 05:52
oiaohmIe the drivers can be added.  DaemonFCAug 02 05:53
oiaohmYes mess but the core applications are not hairballed.Aug 02 05:53
DaemonFCwell, they change things gratuitouslyAug 02 05:53
oiaohmSo if you get it working it will work fine.Aug 02 05:53
DaemonFCjust to fuck with people who depend on binary driversAug 02 05:53
DaemonFCespecially with ATIAug 02 05:53
DaemonFClike, they'll change where init goes to look for a module so that the standard ati installer doesn't get it quite right and the system becomes unbootableAug 02 05:54
DaemonFCtell me that's not intentionalAug 02 05:54
DaemonFC:PAug 02 05:54
oiaohmRemember Fedora is ment to be a development branchAug 02 05:54
oiaohmFor trying out the new code base features.Aug 02 05:54
oiaohmSo yep hardware compadiblity being upset goes with it.Aug 02 05:54
DaemonFCThe Early Look ATI support for OpenSuse 11.3/Catalyst 10.7 has been smooth as silkAug 02 05:55
DaemonFCfast, glitch freeAug 02 05:55
DaemonFCit's very niceAug 02 05:55
oiaohmNot exactly intentional.Aug 02 05:55
DaemonFCwith Mandriva I got the fast part but then windows started blacking out on meAug 02 05:55
DaemonFCin patches and title bars disappeared sometimesAug 02 05:55
oiaohmFedora introducted parall loading of drivers.Aug 02 05:55
oiaohmThat kinda kill ATIAug 02 05:56
DaemonFCand it just got too weirdAug 02 05:56
DaemonFCto speed up the boot process you mean?Aug 02 05:56
oiaohmYep.Aug 02 05:56
oiaohmSomething other distributions most likely will pick up in time DaemonFCAug 02 05:56
DaemonFCkeep the system busy instead of having idle CPU cores and wasted disk I/O while you load things one at a timeAug 02 05:56
oiaohmThen ATI drivers will catch up again.Aug 02 05:56
DaemonFCright, I get thatAug 02 05:56
oiaohmFedora is a good place to look to see what is coming in the next 1 to 2 years in other distributions.Aug 02 05:57
DaemonFCOpenSuse has gotten faster at booting up since the last time I tried itAug 02 05:57
DaemonFCwhich was like 11.1Aug 02 05:57
oiaohmAll of them will.Aug 02 05:57
oiaohmVFS change upcoming should change things massively.Aug 02 05:57
oiaohmBKL gone from VFSAug 02 05:58
oiaohmI might even throw a party for it.Aug 02 05:58
DaemonFCcan gstreamer read Apple Lossless?Aug 02 06:00
DaemonFCtell me before I waste my time, please :)Aug 02 06:01
DaemonFCI only need decode support good enough to transcodeAug 02 06:01
DaemonFChmmmAug 02 06:02
DaemonFCboth are two parts, one is WAVAug 02 06:02
DaemonFCRapidshare counts downloads, not sizeAug 02 06:02
*DaemonFC goes for the WAVAug 02 06:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] ♺ @severedfifth: A write-up of some companies that have supported Severed Fifth - #severedfifthAug 02 06:08
TechrightsBotTitle: Companies That Have Supported Severed Fifth  |  Severed Fifth .::. Size~: 22.39 KBAug 02 06:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Another #Microsoft Cancellation as #Xbox Struggles, Loses #Windows Games Compatibility 02 06:46
TechrightsBotTitle: Another Microsoft Cancellation as Xbox Struggles, Loses Windows Games Compatibility | Techrights .::. Size~: 82.67 KBAug 02 06:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Severed Fifth Update - #severedfifthAug 02 06:58
TechrightsBotTitle:                   Severed Fifth Update | jonobacon@home                     .::. Size~: 25.64 KBAug 02 06:58
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 02 07:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] I'm at London Luton Airport (LTN) (Airport Way, Prentice Way, Luton). 02 07:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Folks, let's start getting some Ubuntu Global Jam events going! #ubuntu #locoteamsAug 02 07:01
TechrightsBotTitle: foursquare    :: London Luton Airport (LTN)    :: Luton, Bedfordshire/UK   .::. Size~: 23.29 KBAug 02 07:01
TechrightsBotTitle:                   Ubuntu Global Jam: We Need Your Events! | jonobacon@home                     .::. Size~: 23.56 KBAug 02 07:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Samsung Captivate Code Released, Novell’s #AppArmor May Enter #Linux 2.6.36 Some #Ballnux news from last weekAug 02 07:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Samsung Captivate Code Released, Novells AppArmor May Enter Linux 2.6.36 | Techrights .::. Size~: 80.64 KBAug 02 07:13
DaemonFCschestowitz, Apparently this month is being particularly unkind to Internet ExplorerAug 02 07:17
DaemonFCit could go below 50% of web traffic by next monthAug 02 07:17
DaemonFC:DAug 02 07:17
DaemonFC 02 07:21
TechrightsBotTitle: StatCounter Global Stats - Browser, OS, Search Engine including Mobile Market Share .::. Size~: 10.3 KBAug 02 07:21
DaemonFCThere's how much effect Bing has had on Google over the last 2 yearsAug 02 07:21
DaemonFCGoogle is that red line that hasn't gone downAug 02 07:21
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 07:21
DaemonFCWalmart would have canned Ballmer years agoAug 02 07:22
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 02 07:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] RT @schestowitz Another #Microsoft Cancellation as #Xbox Struggles, Loses #Windows Games Compatibility 02 07:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Another Microsoft Cancellation as Xbox Struggles, Loses Windows Games Compatibility | Techrights .::. Size~: 82.67 KBAug 02 07:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] I just heard the Mel Gibson recordings. I have never in my entire life heard anything so vile. He needs some serious help.Aug 02 07:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Having had a collection of issues with Opera, I'm beginning to think that my Android default browser is a better choice. #androidAug 02 07:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] _ @pramode_ce I will purchase some ! specially some gas sensor because my nose does not seems to work properly ;)Aug 02 07:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Headed to bed. Night everyone!Aug 02 07:58
*malacoda has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 02 08:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft's 'American EDGI' Comes to Florida, Fog Computing to US Government #edgi #fogcomputingAug 02 08:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsofts American EDGI Comes to Florida, Fog Computing to US Government | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.89 KBAug 02 08:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Sorry Deathhackers; Life Is Short, And So It Should Be - nicely-written puncturing of a dangerous ideaAug 02 08:21
TechrightsBotTitle:   NSFW: Sorry Deathhackers; Life Is Short, And So It Should Be  .::. Size~: 114.54 KBAug 02 08:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #FUD About #Android and Other #FreeSoftware Projects #IDS #Suricata #idgAug 02 08:34
TechrightsBotTitle: FUD About Android and Other Free Software Projects | Techrights .::. Size~: 79.1 KBAug 02 08:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_goblin I'm going to Luton in 2+ weeksAug 02 08:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fosspatents] Western civilization runs on the #mainframe. 25% of IBM revenues, 40%+ of IBM profits. #antitrust #euAug 02 08:49
TechrightsBotTitle: FOSS Patents: Western civilization runs on the mainframe .::. Size~: 53.46 KBAug 02 08:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fosspatents] Western civilization runs on the #mainframe. 25% of IBM revenues, 40%+ of #IBM profits. #antitrust #euAug 02 08:52
TechrightsBotTitle: FOSS Patents: Western civilization runs on the mainframe .::. Size~: 53.46 KBAug 02 08:52
*cubevector has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 02 08:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] 3 people editing on #etherpad using the hotspot from my froyo powered #android phone to solve issues - #priceless.Aug 02 09:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] RT @newsbrooke I am so fed up with UK public bodies STILL using pdf when they give public data. Not an accident - wilful obstruction>>yupAug 02 09:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fsmag] free software will win, but will you actually ever own the hardware you need to run it? #android #linux 02 09:35
TechrightsBotTitle: 10 years on: free software wins, but you have nowhere to install it  .::. Size~: 50.99 KBAug 02 09:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Adoption of #Vista7 is Poor and SP1 Not Out Until Next Year So predictable, yet so sadAug 02 09:40
TechrightsBotTitle: Adoption of Vista 7 is Poor and SP1 Not Out Until Next Year | Techrights .::. Size~: 85.79 KBAug 02 09:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT@glynmoody @newsbrooke fed up with UK public bodies STILL using pdf when they give public data. Not an accident - wilful obstructionAug 02 09:43
schestowitzMinceR: 02 09:46
TechrightsBotTitle: 70-gigapixel panorama of Budapest becomes worlds largest digital photograph | Tripple Tech .::. Size~: 45.45 KBAug 02 09:46
schestowitz 02 09:47
TechrightsBotTitle: 70 Billion Pixels Budapest - The largest photo on Earth - created by     .::. Size~: 30.55 KBAug 02 09:47
schestowitzNeed Silver LieAug 02 09:48
schestowitzSponsored by Micro LieAug 02 09:48
schestowitzMicrosoft has conquered Absurdistan('s imagery)Aug 02 09:49
schestowitzLots of Microsoft adverts in /. this weekend, e.g. 02 09:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot Hardware Story | Microsoft Tech Can Deblur Images Automatically .::. Size~: 155 KBAug 02 09:50
MinceRis that "micro$oft tech" in the same sense as photosynth which they bought after it was completed and then they made it winblows-only?Aug 02 09:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] NYT and WashPo make it sound like they acknowledge a depression 02 09:59
TechrightsBotTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.11 KBAug 02 09:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Greenspan: Modest economic recovery 'in a pause' .::. Size~: 95.54 KBAug 02 09:59
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Aug 02 10:01
schestowitzMinceR: yeah :-)Aug 02 10:04
schestowitzFor NASA tooAug 02 10:04
schestowitz"Usually Microsoft doesn't develop products, we buy products." --MicrosoftAug 02 10:04
MinceRgeekingsAug 02 10:08
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 10:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz meet up?Aug 02 10:15
schestowitz 02 10:17
TechrightsBotTitle: site - Announcement - Illumos Project .::. Size~: 5.19 KBAug 02 10:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] "Android smart phone shipments grow 886% year-on-year in Q2 2010" #android now at 34% market share in Q2/2010 #impressedAug 02 10:18
TechrightsBotTitle: Android smart phone shipments grow 886% year-on-year in Q2 2010 (Canalys press release: r2010081) .::. Size~: 14.76 KBAug 02 10:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_goblin sure, see E-mailAug 02 10:39
schestowitz"If this is true it undermines the whole transparency case Assange is making and shames everyone involved. Investigative journalism is not about enabling the enemy to kill more people, regardless of the war disgrace being exposed" 02 10:39
TechrightsBotTitle: ☞ Paved With Good Intentions « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 37.32 KBAug 02 10:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Firefox Loses Market Share Again: Is That a Problem? - nope; here's why #firefox #chrome #ie #browsersAug 02 10:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Firefox Loses Market Share Again: Is That a Problem? - Community - ComputerworldUK .::. Size~: 75.54 KBAug 02 10:42
schestowitzAt least he doesn't cite "NetApps"Aug 02 10:44
schestowitz 02 10:55
TechrightsBotTitle:  Protecting child 'witches' in Africa | Joachim Theis | Comment is free |  .::. Size~: 115.63 KBAug 02 10:55
schestowitzChild 'witches'Aug 02 10:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Protests in Greece contribute to further finance risk 02 10:55
TechrightsBotTitle:  Greece's national strike threatens chaos for British tourists | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 73.08 KBAug 02 10:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Space Cadets - interesting, as ever: "space colonization is implicitly incompatible with both libertarian ideology"Aug 02 10:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Space Cadets - Charlie's Diary .::. Size~: 30.4 KBAug 02 10:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Could the EU Walk Away From ACTA? - too much to hopefor, surely? #eu #actaAug 02 10:59
schestowitzRNC Embraces Breitbart’s Extremism  - "Sarah Palin treated us more than once this month to extremism and intolerance astounding from a leader of a mainstream political party. It’s more than a little disturbing that the party itself is so eager to join her short-sighted embrace of fear tactics and baseless smears."Aug 02 10:59
schestowitz 02 10:59
TechrightsBotTitle: RNC Embraces Breitbart’s Extremism  | People For the American Way Blog .::. Size~: 23.6 KBAug 02 10:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody they can just rebrand and reshuffle to pass those same laws, /eventually/ (it's the Golden Rule)Aug 02 11:01
schestowitz 02 11:02
TechrightsBotTitle: Iraqis to sue US firm at Abu Ghraib - Americas - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 50.23 KBAug 02 11:02
schestowitzRMS: "The US government is an expert on bloody hands. US embassy staff just killed a few Afghans in Kabul with a car, and set off bloody riots. " 02 11:02
schestowitz"The useless and unwinnable war will kill more Afghans the longer it continues. Since the Wikileaks revelations have a good chance of ending the war sooner, they will tend to prevent more Afghan casualties than they might cause. "Aug 02 11:02
schestowitz 02 11:03
TechrightsBotTitle:  US economy shows signs of slowdown as consumer spending falters | Business | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 184.82 KBAug 02 11:03
schestowitzSecond dipAug 02 11:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] HTC wildefire at 15299 (free shipping) COD - #flipkartAug 02 11:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Chinese entrepreneurs in Africa, land of a billion customers - fascinating, and surely hugely important, stuff #africaAug 02 11:04
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 11:05
TechrightsBotTitle: Chinese entrepreneurs in Africa, land of a billion customers .::. Size~: 100.21 KBAug 02 11:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] Fighting with dig, nslookup to find out whodunnit with DNS probs.Aug 02 11:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz sorry, which laws (there's not link back to post)?Aug 02 11:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Day One: AFACT v iiNet BitTorrent Piracy Appeal - copyright is about keeping lawyers employed... #piracy #copyrightAug 02 11:07
TechrightsBotTitle:    Day One: AFACT v iiNet BitTorrent Piracy Appeal | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 36.14 KBAug 02 11:07
schestowitz 02 11:10
TechrightsBotTitle:  Afghanistan war logs: Task Force 373 – special forces hunting top Taliban | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 93.9 KBAug 02 11:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody ACTA as their containment. The Golden Rule is that those who have the gold (Geffen et al.) make the rulesAug 02 11:13
schestowitz 02 11:14
TechrightsBotTitle:  Arizona's immigration law blocked by judge | Richard Adams | World news |  .::. Size~: 176.66 KBAug 02 11:14
schestowitzUS turns rather hard coreAug 02 11:14
oiaohmschestowitz: the Afghan war is winnable but not using USA ways of doing things.Aug 02 11:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] WikiLeaks and the Brit lies in Ireland | Guardian 02 11:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Legal bid against UK after Afghan leak | AFP 02 11:21
TechrightsBotTitle:  WikiLeaks and British lies in Ireland | Gerry Adams | Comment is free |  .::. Size~: 165.93 KBAug 02 11:21
TechrightsBotTitle: AFP: British campaigners in legal bid after US file leak .::. Size~: 10 KBAug 02 11:21
schestowitzThe war is against a gang of extremistsAug 02 11:21
schestowitzIt's not against AfghanistanAug 02 11:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Afghan defense minister: "It is good now that everyone knows about it." | AFP 02 11:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Leaked war files no surprise to Afghans .::. Size~: 80.33 KBAug 02 11:22
schestowitzjono... heh. 02 11:24
schestowitz,2817,2367202,00.aspAug 02 11:28
TechrightsBotTitle:         Why the Desktop Gets No Respect, and Should | John C. Dvorak |     .::. Size~: 77.33 KBAug 02 11:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] The sooner NATO leaves, the better | Toronto Star 02 11:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Siddiqui: Afghanistan: It’s even worse than you thought - .::. Size~: 82.2 KBAug 02 11:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Okey, then who is 'Sultan Mirza' for OpenSource ?? #robinhoodAug 02 11:33
oiaohmcorrect method train the locals good enough to deal with there own local problem schestowitzAug 02 11:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] The Golden Age of Open Source - refreshingly upbeat analysis (via opensourcerer @WeWebU) #opensourceAug 02 11:40
TechrightsBotTitle: The Golden Age of Open Source - Ixxus .::. Size~: 17.46 KBAug 02 11:40
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Aug 02 11:49
-NickServ-roy__ has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Aug 02 11:49
*roy__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 11:49
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to roy__Aug 02 11:49
*roy__ is now known as schestowitzAug 02 11:49
schestowitzOOps. I pulled the plug by accidentAug 02 11:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] No OS/DE looks better than #KDE 4 now: 02 12:04
TechrightsBotTitle: Beautiful Screenshots «  Martins Blog .::. Size~: 13.41 KBAug 02 12:04
schestowitz'Aug 02 12:24
schestowitzI was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a software developer standing on the edge, about to jump off. I immediately ran over and said "Stop! Don't do it!"Aug 02 12:24
schestowitz"Why shouldn't I?" he said.Aug 02 12:24
schestowitzI said, "Well, there's so much to live for!"Aug 02 12:24
schestowitz"Like what?"Aug 02 12:24
schestowitz"Well ... do you develop free software or proprietary?"Aug 02 12:24
schestowitz"Free."Aug 02 12:24
schestowitz"Me too! Are you BSD or GPL?"Aug 02 12:24
schestowitz"GPL."Aug 02 12:24
schestowitz"Me too! Are you GPL v2 or GPL v3?"Aug 02 12:24
schestowitz"GPL v3!"Aug 02 12:24
schestowitzTo which I said, "Die, heretic scum!" and pushed him off.Aug 02 12:24
schestowitz'Aug 02 12:24
Diablo-D3schestowitz: WTFAug 02 12:30
Diablo-D3I just read that on slashdotAug 02 12:30
Diablo-D3wtfAug 02 12:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] RT @sixtus WikiLeaks jetzt auch flattrbar: 02 12:31
TechrightsBotTitle:   WikiLeaks Gets A Funding Model: Flattr, A Pirate Bay Founders Startup  .::. Size~: 33.03 KBAug 02 12:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] I've favourited a YouTube video -- POP MOONWALK's WAL-MART 02 12:32
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- POP MOONWALK's WAL-MART .::. Size~: 94.48 KBAug 02 12:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age - as they should: time to end the demonisation of #copying #sharingAug 02 12:33
TechrightsBotTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.12 KBAug 02 12:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] German ministries flout IT open interoperability requirements - das ist nicht sehr fair #interoperability #odfAug 02 12:34
TechrightsBotTitle: German ministries flout IT open interoperability requirements .::. Size~: 6.85 KBAug 02 12:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Man Who Claims Ownership Over Facebook Willing To Hire Zuckerberg To Run It - will make a great comedy film one dayAug 02 12:37
TechrightsBotTitle:   Man Who Claims Ownership Over Facebook Willing To Hire Zuckerberg To Run It  .::. Size~: 47.59 KBAug 02 12:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Open data and the voluntary sector - great to see people starting to explore this #opendata #voluntarysectorAug 02 12:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Open Knowledge Foundation Blog  » Blog Archive   » Open data and the voluntary sector .::. Size~: 34.63 KBAug 02 12:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Links 2/8/2010: Linux 2.6.35 Released, AppArmor in Linux 2.6.36 02 12:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 2/8/2010: Linux 2.6.35 Released, AppArmor in Linux 2.6.36 | Techrights .::. Size~: 114.95 KBAug 02 12:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] $200 Textbook vs. Free. You Do the Math. - "Curriki, an online hub for #free #textbooks and other course material"Aug 02 12:42
TechrightsBotTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.01 KBAug 02 12:42
*Disconnected ().Aug 02 12:46
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Aug 2 12:46:50 2010
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Aug 2 12:46:59 2010
*Now talking on #boycottnovellAug 02 12:46
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialAug 02 12:46
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:18:08 2010Aug 02 12:46
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelAug 02 12:47
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz.Aug 02 12:47
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_logAug 02 12:47
schestowitzDiablo-D3: I got that by E-mailAug 02 12:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Negative Equity in Underwater Homes - "The total negative equity is $771 billion." that's a lot of H20... #economicsAug 02 12:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Marginal Revolution: Negative Equity in Underwater Homes .::. Size~: 39.46 KBAug 02 12:47
Diablo-D3 02 12:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot Comments | Linux Kernel 2.6.35 Released .::. Size~: 95.08 KBAug 02 12:48
Diablo-D3schestowitz: ^Aug 02 12:48
*schestowitz removes channel operator status from schestowitz schestowitz_logAug 02 12:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Handmade Models Of London Tube Stations - the unbearable melancholy of model tube stations #londonAug 02 12:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Handmade Models Of London Tube Stations - Londonist .::. Size~: 35.78 KBAug 02 12:59
MinceR 02 13:00
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 13:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Garbage islands threaten China's Three Gorges dam - "in places so think people can stand on it" #china #pollutionAug 02 13:04
TechrightsBotTitle: Garbage islands threaten China's Three Gorges dam-ET Cetera-News By Industry-News-The Economic Times .::. Size~: 52.59 KBAug 02 13:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Greg DeKoenigsber Backtracks in Case of Canonical Critique #ubuntu #gnu #linux #redhatAug 02 13:17
TechrightsBotTitle: Greg DeKoenigsber Backtracks in Case of Canonical Critique | Techrights .::. Size~: 78.43 KBAug 02 13:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] ♺ @andyc: My wife asked about WikiLeaks last night. Sort of. 'Have you heard of these people typing classified documents into Wikipedia ?'Aug 02 13:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Novell hires one of KDE’s marketing public faces #suse #opensuse #marketingAug 02 13:29
TechrightsBotTitle: Jos Poortvliet Joins Novell as Staff | Techrights .::. Size~: 75.39 KBAug 02 13:29
MinceRi have a bad feeling about thisAug 02 13:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Is The "Open Source Bubble" Over? - thought provoking: I wonder how it will be received #opensource (via @danicar)Aug 02 14:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Is The "Open Source Bubble" Over? - Community - ComputerworldUK .::. Size~: 73.63 KBAug 02 14:10
schestowitz "the battle between !linux distributions is inofficious"Aug 02 14:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.42 KBAug 02 14:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody ASHLEE VANCE: "leaving Mr. McNealy without a job." > but he didn't work there anymore #nyt #failAug 02 14:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz well, he was chairman of the board: doesn't that count?Aug 02 14:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody I know, but not full-time job AFAIK. He had already moved on to books.Aug 02 14:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz could have been clearer, but probably not a major fail...Aug 02 14:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody his last article misquoted O'Reilly or put that out of context. It's a pattern. Vance also did this in El Reg.Aug 02 14:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody His style is just not suitable for #nyt level. He makes Scott look like some unemployed git.Aug 02 14:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody See his article on Ubuntu (~2008) as well. It's not reporting, it's more like comedy.Aug 02 14:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] I would say #insightful wrt #tribalism and other stuff.Aug 02 14:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Mark Shuttleworth   » Page not found .::. Size~: 14.95 KBAug 02 14:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz nice description...Aug 02 14:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @jwildeboer I would say #insightful wrt #tribalism and other stuff.Aug 02 14:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Mark Shuttleworth   » Page not found .::. Size~: 14.95 KBAug 02 14:43
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 02 14:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] RT @newsbrooke Local council that spied on family 21 times over school catchment area has lost in court. >>quiteAug 02 14:45
TechrightsBotTitle: BBC News - Poole council loses school catchment 'spying' tribunal .::. Size~: 53.39 KBAug 02 14:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] "none of them were 'Ubuntu' features at all, but made (typically) by Red Hat employees." - #tribalism #ubuntuAug 02 14:46
TechrightsBotTitle: Open source: A hardy few do all the work • The Register .::. Size~: 27.49 KBAug 02 14:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Microsoft to launch Office 2011 for Mac in October - so we can expect a GNU/Linux version soon, then? #msoffice #linuxAug 02 14:49
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft to launch Office 2011 for Mac in October | ZDNet  .::. Size~: 93.58 KBAug 02 14:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Who gives a tweet? - "Get feedback from followers." er, I already do: isn't that what it's all about? (via @alexwied)Aug 02 14:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Who Gives A Tweet? .::. Size~: 5.35 KBAug 02 14:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] Also #insightful It's not Red Hat v Canonical, it is "sharing by default" v "not invented here" IMHO.Aug 02 14:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Mark Shuttleworth   » Page not found .::. Size~: 14.95 KBAug 02 14:54
*Wulf-is-not-here is now known as WireWulfAug 02 14:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Apple ’s and #Microsoft ’s Robbery of Knowledge Using Patents, #i4i Case Might Reach #SCOTUS #swpats #patentsAug 02 15:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Apples and Microsofts Robbery of Knowledge Using Patents, i4i Case Might Reach SCOTUS | Techrights .::. Size~: 95.51 KBAug 02 15:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Can Day Software Propel Adobe Towards a More Open Business Strategy? - Nuxeo's @ebarroca dreams on #opensourceAug 02 15:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Can Day Software Propel Adobe Towards a More Open Business Strategy?, Eric's Nuxeo Blog .::. Size~: 33.87 KBAug 02 15:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Can You Make Money from Open Source+Open Data? - answers on the back of an (e-)postcard... #opendata #opensourceAug 02 15:23
TechrightsBotTitle: Can You Make Money from Open Source+Open Data? - Community - ComputerworldUK .::. Size~: 73.68 KBAug 02 15:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] SAP warms to open source - that's good; now drop the support for EU software patents, please... #sap #swpatsAug 02 15:26
TechrightsBotTitle: SAP warms to open source .::. Size~: 94.99 KBAug 02 15:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] RT @jwildeboer: "Android smart phone shipments grow 886% year-on-year in Q2 2010" #android now at 34% market shareAug 02 15:45
TechrightsBotTitle: Android smart phone shipments grow 886% year-on-year in Q2 2010 (Canalys press release: r2010081) .::. Size~: 14.76 KBAug 02 15:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Morning everyone! How are we today?Aug 02 15:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] gregdek...respect: and Mark's response: 02 15:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] I'll get an iPhone when it can do this. 02 15:57
TechrightsBotTitle: Old Wounds «  Greg DeKoenigsberg Speaks .::. Size~: 24.72 KBAug 02 15:57
TechrightsBotTitle: Mark Shuttleworth  » Blog Archive   » Healing old wounds .::. Size~: 20.75 KBAug 02 15:57
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- ARM Powered Android LEGO MultiCuber 777 .::. Size~: 102.02 KBAug 02 15:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Android Sales Overtake iPhone in the U.S. - just look at that graph #android #iphone #usAug 02 16:11
TechrightsBotTitle:   Android Sales Overtake iPhone in the U.S. .::. Size~: 63.98 KBAug 02 16:11
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 16:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] NAMCO Demands Takedown Of Pacman Game Created By Kid Using MIT's Scratch Programming Language - terrible threat to co.Aug 02 16:14
TechrightsBotTitle: NAMCO Demands Takedown Of Pacman Game Created By Kid Using MIT's Scratch Programming Language | Techdirt .::. Size~: 27.83 KBAug 02 16:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fsmag] !Android is great but what if the hardware it runs on isn't free? !fmag !freesoftware !htcAug 02 16:15
TechrightsBotTitle: 10 years on: free software wins, but you have nowhere to install it  .::. Size~: 53.68 KBAug 02 16:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Donate Books, Help African School Kids - it's good to share (only in London, alas) #books #africaAug 02 16:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Donate Books, Help African School Kids - Londonist .::. Size~: 33.11 KBAug 02 16:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] the future of the app - er, apps are evil, actually: que la bête meure... #apps #html5Aug 02 16:20
TechrightsBotTitle: if:book: the future of the app .::. Size~: 28.5 KBAug 02 16:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fsmag] Crimperman's Debian dog takes criticism to heart and has donned his #Fedora hat to nswer his critics #freesoftware #fsmag #cartoonsAug 02 16:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fsmag] Crimperman's Debian dog takes criticism to heart and has donned his #Fedora hat to answer his critics. #freesoftwareAug 02 16:28
TechrightsBotTitle: The Bizarre Cathedral - 76  .::. Size~: 31.08 KBAug 02 16:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @einfeldt @jwildeboer: "Android smart phone shipments grow 886% year-on-year in Q2 2010" #android now at 34% market..Aug 02 16:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[fsmag] If you're confused by !FOSS jargon Terry Hancock has a guide for the perplexed at #fsmag: and 02 16:45
TechrightsBotTitle: Android smart phone shipments grow 886% year-on-year in Q2 2010 (Canalys press release: r2010081) .::. Size~: 14.76 KBAug 02 16:45
TechrightsBotTitle: The Jargon of Freedom: 60 Words and Phrases with Context  .::. Size~: 59.48 KBAug 02 16:45
TechrightsBotTitle: Defending the Free Commons: Another 30 Words in Context  .::. Size~: 50.81 KBAug 02 16:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] I've favourited a YouTube video -- ARM Powered Android LEGO MultiCuber 777 02 16:46
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- ARM Powered Android LEGO MultiCuber 777 .::. Size~: 102.79 KBAug 02 16:46
schestowitz "@schestowitz i don't think that he backtracked on Canonical contribution, he reaffirmed position while apologizing for manner of criticism"Aug 02 16:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 10.66 KBAug 02 16:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[rcweir] I've created a corpus of over 3 million tweets, random sample from public tweets Dec 2009 to today. Any ideas what to do with them?Aug 02 16:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] ""Microsoft built [IE8] so that users must deliberately turn on privacy settings every time they start up the software." 02 16:52
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Quashed Effort to Boost Online Privacy - .::. Size~: 175.62 KBAug 02 16:52
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Aug 02 16:53
schestowitzAdvetisers first, customers laterAug 02 17:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] The huge scale of Pakistan's complicity | Globe and mail 02 17:28
TechrightsBotTitle: The huge scale of Pakistan's complicity - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 87.52 KBAug 02 17:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Financial Situation at Microsoft: An Opener #Pequot #fraud #finance #accountingAug 02 17:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Financial Situation at Microsoft: An Opener | Techrights .::. Size~: 86.68 KBAug 02 17:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] More on WikiLeaks airport detainment. SAY NO 02 17:48
TechrightsBotTitle:   Key WikiLeaks Figure Detained, Phones Seized by US Customs --   News from .::. Size~: 29.35 KBAug 02 17:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Support WikiLeaks - WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 19.24 KBAug 02 17:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Free speech isn't free! Keep WikiLeaks strong! 02 17:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Support WikiLeaks - WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 19.24 KBAug 02 17:50
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 02 17:53
schestowitz "haven't read it, but "tribal" is related to diversity and p2p, and fighting it is to make things top-down or hierarchal, so if mark thinks he's anti-tribal, he's just trying to build another pyramid, most likely with him on top"Aug 02 18:01
TechrightsBotTitle: حالة menn (openuniverse) في يوم Monday, 02-Aug-10 16:34:58 UTC - 280 .::. Size~: 8.02 KBAug 02 18:01
schestowitzLinux got that done tooAug 02 18:01
*_Goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 18:04
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 18:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Department Of Outlandish Ideas: Build Solar Roadways - cool #solarpower #energy #roadsAug 02 18:19
TechrightsBotTitle:   Department Of Outlandish Ideas: Build Solar Roadways  .::. Size~: 38.93 KBAug 02 18:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why Microsoft’s Mobile Business Collapsed and There is No Future Haven For It, Either #kin #microsoft #windowsAug 02 18:23
TechrightsBotTitle: Why Microsofts Mobile Business Collapsed and There is No Future Haven For It, Either | Techrights .::. Size~: 105.72 KBAug 02 18:23
*Chips_B_Malroy ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 18:25
Chips_B_MalroyHi everyone!Aug 02 18:26
*amd-linux (5439349c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 18:27
Chips_B_MalroyWhy has Microsoft failed so badly at Mobile phones (CE) and Tablets?  Windows Seven desktop is a power hog, it will never run long on tablets, using up all sorts of extra CPU cycles with all its DRM checks.Aug 02 18:28
Chips_B_MalroyAlso, it should be clear, that CE cannot be sold anymore, as MS is competing against free software that is well written.  Google Android uses a linux kernel.  Aug 02 18:29
_GoblinHi Chips!Aug 02 18:30
Chips_B_MalroyGoogle has already won the battle on the Mobile market.  check out the amazing graph on this link!Aug 02 18:30
TechrightsBotTitle:   Googles Mobile Search Market Share: An Estimated, Whopping 98.29%  .::. Size~: 84.37 KBAug 02 18:30
amd-linuxNot sure if this was already disscussed, but Android seems to have taken over the pole position in the US on smartphones already: Aug 02 18:30
Chips_B_MalroyHi GoblinAug 02 18:31
amd-linux 02 18:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Android smart phone shipments grow 886% year-on-year in Q2 2010 (Canalys press release: r2010081) .::. Size~: 14.76 KBAug 02 18:31
amd-linuxAndroid now has 34% of US market - amazing, if trueAug 02 18:31
_GoblinAndroid = more freedom than Apple or anything else...customization is what drives the desire for the new smart phones...its no surprise.Aug 02 18:32
Chips_B_Malroycheck that link, its more than thatAug 02 18:32
Chips_B_MalroyTechcrunch has a few good articles, will have to add them to my linksAug 02 18:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] From journalists to interpreters - is data changing the way we work? - great question, great post #opendata #journalismAug 02 18:33
TechrightsBotTitle: From journalists to interpreters - is data changing the way we work? | London DataStore .::. Size~: 21.42 KBAug 02 18:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Hey NY Times: Can You Back Up The Claim Of $200 Billion Lost To Counterfeiting? - so much for the journal of recordAug 02 18:34
TechrightsBotTitle: Hey NY Times: Can You Back Up The Claim Of $200 Billion Lost To Counterfeiting? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 31.58 KBAug 02 18:34
Chips_B_Malroy 02 18:34
TechrightsBotTitle: Only Bill Gates Can Fire His BFF Steve Ballmer .::. Size~: 120.1 KBAug 02 18:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Britain must get serious about protecting its intellectual property - creative industries flourishing, so hardly neededAug 02 18:35
TechrightsBotTitle: Britain must get serious about protecting its intellectual property - Telegraph .::. Size~: 49.09 KBAug 02 18:35
Chips_B_MalroyI believed this is true.  Gates, Ballmer, and his buddies, probably control 20% of the voting stock.  It would be hard to get rid of Ballmer as long as his friends remain loyal.Aug 02 18:36
Chips_B_MalroyHowever, Ballmer is clearly incompendant.Aug 02 18:36
Chips_B_MalroyEveryone seems to understand that now, with the exception of Gates maybe.Aug 02 18:37
Chips_B_MalroySo my opinion here, is Ballmer will be forced out (resign) sometime after Xmas, if Windows Seven Phone is the big failure we expect it to be, and Office does not generate revenue.Aug 02 18:38
Chips_B_MalroyWhile we should want Ballmer to stay at the helm of the sinking ship, as long as possible, there is some good to come out of this, if he leaves.  The next CEO will probably abandon most of the failing products, and only concentrate on Windows and Office.Aug 02 18:40
_GoblinChips_B_Malroy: I don't think he will...not yet...I think they will not want to loose any more investor confidence, especially with the launch of Windows 7 Mobile....they (IMO) will wait until the phone has settled in, then change....I think any major changes now would only damage further the chances of sucess this year.Aug 02 18:40
Chips_B_MalroyGoblin>agreedAug 02 18:41
Chips_B_Malroyafter the release of WP7 and the holiday seasonsAug 02 18:41
_Goblinbut whenever Ballmer leaves its win win for him....Aug 02 18:41
_GoblinI don't expect he will go with merely a handshake and a parker pen.Aug 02 18:42
Chips_B_Malroyhe already has 14 or 16 billion in net worthAug 02 18:42
_Goblinand just like when Gordon Brown took over from Tony Blair.....Microsoft is a poison challace for whoever steps up to the mark.Aug 02 18:42
Chips_B_MalroyThe more he gets from MS to leave, the weaker he leaves MSAug 02 18:42
Chips_B_MalroyGates will not want it, IMO.  But might do it short term.Aug 02 18:43
_GoblinI can't think who has the personality to take the company into the future.....Aug 02 18:44
Chips_B_MalroyThere will be little difference between MS run by Ballmer and Gates.  Except the meanness and efficency could be higher with Gates.Aug 02 18:44
Chips_B_MalroyMS needs someone who will actually fix the long term problems of its products.  Like Malware for example.  Its why Apple can sell a computer for 3x the price using virtually the same intel hardware.Aug 02 18:46
Chips_B_MalroyBallmer has stuck out his neck by taking personal control of the Mobile lineAug 02 18:47
Chips_B_MalroyIf WP7 fails, he fails now.Aug 02 18:47
Chips_B_MalroyTurmoil at Redmond, is not entirely a bad thing;  I always said that one of my points was I wanted MS to fix the malware security problems of windows.  If they do this, which is needed, if they want to keep market share, many windows users will be some better off.  I figure, at least 20% of windows users will never change to something else.Aug 02 18:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] El Pueblo Unido... - are less likely to be falsely accused by the police #video #policing #ukAug 02 18:51
TechrightsBotTitle: open...: El Pueblo Unido... .::. Size~: 66.97 KBAug 02 18:51
Chips_B_MalroyGoblin> no doubt I made that point a few times on MS WatchAug 02 18:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] FT chief sees paywalls as 'morally' necessary to protect journalism - good takedown of lazy argument #newspapersAug 02 18:54
TechrightsBotTitle: open...: El Pueblo Unido... .::. Size~: 66.97 KBAug 02 18:54
Chips_B_MalroyFrom the TechCrunch link:  "Google currently boasts a mobile search market share of 98.29%, with it closest competitor Yahoo taking up just over 0.8% of market share and Microsoft?s Bing barely touching even half that, according to recent data from StatCounter as relayed by Pingdom."Aug 02 18:55
Chips_B_Malroy"As you can tell from the graph, put together using global visitor stats for more than three million websites, Google?s near-100% piece of the mobile search pie is even a good deal larger than their still impressive share of the overall search engine market. Note that the red bars represent non-mobile search market share, not a combination of both."Aug 02 18:57
Chips_B_MalroyThe is not a USA only graphAug 02 18:57
Chips_B_MalroyA sane CEO of MS would realize that it cannot compete with Google on search or Mobile.  And MS can only pour more money down the drain trying to do so.Aug 02 18:59
Chips_B_MalroyI don't actually know anyone that uses Bing.Aug 02 19:00
_Goblinits going to need someone with personality, sincerity and a fixed business plan......MS need to loose the sinister image, admit defeat and start an new era of openness.Aug 02 19:00
Chips_B_MalroyYes Goblin, but they won't hire you or me to run it.Aug 02 19:01
Chips_B_Malroyat least not me.Aug 02 19:01
amd-linuxthe longer Ballmer stays, the better for FOSS - he will digg MS even deeper in its hole. Aug 02 19:01
Chips_B_MalroyagreedAug 02 19:01
amd-linuxDont think that MS without Ballmer will be less evil as long as his puppet master has anything to sayAug 02 19:02
Chips_B_MalroyThis is more of an effort of looking into the cystal ball and seeing what the future would be.Aug 02 19:02
amd-linuxand this is still Gates who hates FOSS as we know from MS beginningsAug 02 19:02
Chips_B_Malroyyes, Ballmer is only the apprentise Aug 02 19:02
Chips_B_MalroyGates hates anything that doesn't give him all the marblesAug 02 19:03
amd-linuxBallmer is stuck in his old world, as lomg he is in charge, MS will be no competitive threat to anyoneAug 02 19:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Patent Litigation Weekly: Data Shows That Troll Problem Persists - surprise! (via @patentlyo @davidaop) #trollsAug 02 19:04
TechrightsBotTitle: Patent Litigation Weekly: Data Shows That Troll Problem Persists .::. Size~: 35.79 KBAug 02 19:04
amd-linuxso this is basically a win-win situation for the FOSS camp - Ballmer being fired will be seen as a deafeat, but Ballmer staying will drive MS even deeper in its mess Aug 02 19:05
Chips_B_MalroyGates and Ballmer run MS like they were still releasing MSDOS versions.  People would put up with the bugs back then, computer and Dos were kind of new, its was to be expected.  But not anymore.  MS releases Windows (vista) full of bugs, and thought it would not be a problem.Aug 02 19:06
Chips_B_MalroyThat is the mindset at the top of MSAug 02 19:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] [correct URL] FT chief sees paywalls as 'morally' necessary to protect journalism - good takedown of lazy argumentAug 02 19:06
TechrightsBotTitle: Financial Times chief sees paywalls as 'morally' necessary to protect journalism  - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 39.3 KBAug 02 19:06
Chips_B_MalroyIs it any wonder the Kin did not work?  Is it any wonder, that Ballmer is already saying not to expect too much from WP7?Aug 02 19:07
Chips_B_MalroyThis is not 1995, its 16 years into the future and Windows is still a malware target.  Cellphones users will not give MS the same monopoly to put Windows CE Malware target on that.Aug 02 19:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] WaPo calls for kidnapping on EU soil to destroy WikiLeaks STOP THEM: 02 19:09
Chips_B_Malroy16 years have passed since W95 and MS has failed to fix the sercurity of Windows.  Aug 02 19:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Marc A. Thiessen - WikiLeaks must be stopped .::. Size~: 99.24 KBAug 02 19:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Support WikiLeaks - WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 19.24 KBAug 02 19:10
Chips_B_MalroyAnd Windows 8 will be based on the same modelAug 02 19:10
Chips_B_MalroyMalware and Botnets, that is the Gates legacy.Aug 02 19:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] WikiLeaks must be stopped - "US can arrest Assange on [EU] territory without their knowledge or approval": er, pardon?Aug 02 19:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Marc A. Thiessen - WikiLeaks must be stopped .::. Size~: 99.24 KBAug 02 19:16
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 19:18
*nsisodiya (79f5e20e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 19:20
schestowitzHi, Chips_B_MalroyAug 02 19:24
schestowitzhi, _Goblin :-)Aug 02 19:25
schestowitzJust to let you know, the other problem is no longer here after I dared to disagree with conspiracy theoriesAug 02 19:26
schestowitz[18:30] <Chips_B_Malroy> Google has already won the battle on the Mobile market.  check out the amazing graph on this link!Aug 02 19:27
TechrightsBotTitle:   Googles Mobile Search Market Share: An Estimated, Whopping 98.29%  .::. Size~: 84.37 KBAug 02 19:27
schestowitzYeah, I'm writing about this at the moment (another very long post)Aug 02 19:27
Chips_B_MalroyHi RoyAug 02 19:29
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 19:32
schestowitz[18:59] <Chips_B_Malroy> A sane CEO of MS would realize that it cannot compete with Google on search or Mobile.  And MS can only pour more money down the drain trying to do so.Aug 02 19:34
schestowitzThey can'tAug 02 19:34
schestowitzThis way Android goes up the scale (tablets, PCs, Chrome OS maybe come in here)Aug 02 19:35
schestowitzAnd with those whole Fog Computing hype the margins of Windows and Office will be cut too thinAug 02 19:35
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 19:37
Chips_B_Malroyyes, I don't see a way for MS to make money on phones right off.  Who will pay for CE based OS, when Droid is better and free.Aug 02 19:38
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Aug 02 19:38
schestowitzNobody will be for Vista Phone 7Aug 02 19:39
schestowitzThe phone makers won't touch it either, unless compensatedAug 02 19:39
schestowitzit's seen as too riskyAug 02 19:39
schestowitzVerizon got burned by KINAug 02 19:39
schestowitzT-mobile got bruised eternally by SideKINAug 02 19:39
schestowitzANd dumped it a couple of months ago for goodAug 02 19:40
Chips_B_Malroyeven Apple did not put Bing on it's Iphone Aug 02 19:41
Chips_B_Malroyit had to be tempting for Apple to take MS cash to do that too.  But how many people would not buy an Iphone if Apple did that?Aug 02 19:42
Chips_B_MalroyCost cutting (layoffs) are now the norm at Microsoft, even with a supposedly good quarter, MS has a layoff.  By cutting costs, Ballmer can show greatly profit next quarter, he hopes.  If MS Office contines to sell badly, and WP7 fails, once past the Xmas season, heads will roll at Redmond.Aug 02 19:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Former Bush speech writer calls for destruction of free speech laws to better destroy WikiLeaks 02 19:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Shut Down WikiLeaks’ Icelandic Safe Haven «  The Enterprise Blog .::. Size~: 31.52 KBAug 02 19:48
Chips_B_MalroyShame on Ballmer 02 19:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Steve Ballmer Discusses Android Competition .::. Size~: 22.26 KBAug 02 19:50
Chips_B_Malroyquote Ballmer:  ?If with the application base, with the tools that we have, with the user understanding and momentum and everything going on, we can?t compete with?whatever the weird collection of Android machines is going to look like, shame on us.?Aug 02 19:51
Chips_B_MalroyBallmer was worth a few laughs, in some ways we will miss him.Aug 02 19:52
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRAug 02 19:53
MinceR203502 < Chips_B_Malroy> it had to be tempting for Apple to take MS cash to do that too.  But how many people would not buy an Iphone if Apple did that?Aug 02 19:55
MinceRnoneAug 02 19:55
MinceRthey buy any piece of turd with a crApple logoAug 02 19:55
Chips_B_MalroyNot so sure.  Even Apple users mostly dislike MS.  But Bing, I think most people will not be forced to use it.Aug 02 19:57
MinceRthey buy anything they dislike as long as it has a crApple logoAug 02 19:57
Chips_B_MalroyI don't know anyone who uses Bing at all.  And this is in the USA where Bing is supposed to be its strongestAug 02 19:58
MinceRor even better, crApple putting bing-o in there would make the crApple cult immediately love bing-oAug 02 19:58
Chips_B_Malroyno, it wouldn'tAug 02 19:58
MinceRthey would suddenly decide that it's the best search engine ever and it always wayAug 02 19:58
MinceRdon't underestimate the zealotry of crApple fanboysAug 02 19:58
Chips_B_Malroyit would actually become defective for some Apple users to buyAug 02 19:58
MinceRthey've thrown away reason long agoAug 02 19:58
Chips_B_MalroyThey are not all without reasonAug 02 19:59
MinceRall crApple products ever have been severely defective, at least for about 30 years alreadyAug 02 19:59
MinceRdoes this impede the fanboys in buying them all and filling the Internet with stupid bullshit? no.Aug 02 19:59
Chips_B_Malroydefective, some.  Overpriced, yesAug 02 19:59
Chips_B_MalroyLisa was defectiveAug 02 19:59
MinceRcrApple III was defectiveAug 02 20:00
MinceRall versions of macos are defectiveAug 02 20:00
MinceRmost of their gimmicks are also defectiveAug 02 20:00
schestowitzAug 02 20:00
schestowitz[19:41] <Chips_B_Malroy> even Apple did not put Bing on it's Iphone Aug 02 20:00
schestowitzIt alienates the usersAug 02 20:00
MinceR(MagUnsafe connector, the stupid mouse that pretends a right click if you touch it somewhere, smoking hypeMacs, etc.)Aug 02 20:00
schestowitz"Who put a *****ing Bong in my phone?"Aug 02 20:00
MinceRschestowitz: "Steve Jobs." "Oh. Bing is the bestest forever!"Aug 02 20:01
MinceRif crApple officially forced bing-o on their users, that would provide the greatest possible boost to the bing-o market shareAug 02 20:01
Chips_B_MalroyIts one thing if Ballmer goes, but its more likely that Jobs will go first.  And that has bigger ramifacations than Ballmer leavingAug 02 20:01
MinceRbecause Blow will go along with his liver?Aug 02 20:02
Chips_B_MalroyJobs clearly has his share of health problems, yes.Aug 02 20:02
MinceRalso, crApple and m$ have been stuck together since the beginningAug 02 20:02
MinceRthey pretend to hate each other, but it's a very shallow pretenseAug 02 20:02
MinceRm$ used to own part of crApple and they advertised itAug 02 20:02
MinceRmaybe they still own itAug 02 20:03
Chips_B_MalroyBut Jobs is the guy with even more greed than Gates, overchargingAug 02 20:03
MinceRand of course they're staunch allies against freedom (for DRM and sw patents and against Free Software)Aug 02 20:03
schestowitzHey, transplants *Are* pricey!Aug 02 20:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @wikileaks Former Bush speech writer calls for destruction of free speech laws to better destroy WikiLeaks 02 20:03
MinceRschestowitz: especially crApple brand transplantsAug 02 20:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Shut Down WikiLeaks’ Icelandic Safe Haven «  The Enterprise Blog .::. Size~: 31.52 KBAug 02 20:03
schestowitzI  mean, *good* ones.... like ones from 'fresh' kidsAug 02 20:03
Chips_B_MalroyApple will always be a niche computer as long as Jobs is there.Aug 02 20:03
MinceRbut it's really worth it for the crApple logo burned into itAug 02 20:04
MinceRChips_B_Malroy: and it will be a nonexistent one after jobsAug 02 20:04
schestowitzAn apple a day didn't keep the doctor awayAug 02 20:04
MinceRit seems to take Blow's special kind of insanity to keep the cult goingAug 02 20:04
Chips_B_MalroyApple sells Mac's for many of the same reasons people use Linux.Aug 02 20:04
MinceRpeople use Linux for money?Aug 02 20:04
*tessier_ gets paid to use LinuxAug 02 20:04
*MinceR used to be paid for it, now he sadly isn'tAug 02 20:05
_Goblinschestowitz: sorry mate I was afk....just read your previous.Aug 02 20:05
MinceR(though i rebel and i've put a GNU/Linux VM on that machine and use it most of the time)Aug 02 20:05
schestowitz_Goblin: cool.Aug 02 20:05
schestowitzBTW, remember what I told you about getting attacked if I intervene?Aug 02 20:05
MinceRremember how obscure crApple was while Blow was goneAug 02 20:05
_Goblinschestowitz: any particular conspiracy?Aug 02 20:05
schestowitzThat's just what happenedAug 02 20:05
schestowitz_Goblin: doesn't matterAug 02 20:05
_Goblinschestowitz: I think I can guess.Aug 02 20:06
schestowitzBut it was the same with all sorts of people who misrepresented the siteAug 02 20:06
_Goblinschestowitz: Roy, did you get my last email?Aug 02 20:06
Chips_B_Malroybecause free BSD powered the Mac OS X underneath the hood, which is a close cousin to Linux, it does not have the Malware problems of Windows.  IMO this is the number one reason why most people buy Macs.Aug 02 20:06
schestowitzYes, was about to respond, then saw you hereAug 02 20:06
_Goblinschestowitz: so now you know my surname (and address)Aug 02 20:06
schestowitzYeah :-)Aug 02 20:06
schestowitzForwarded to the CIAAug 02 20:07
schestowitzWith subject line "public enema #1"Aug 02 20:07
schestowitz:-)(]Aug 02 20:07
_Goblinschestowitz: lol.... I think you are in for a little shock when you meet me!Aug 02 20:07
schestowitzNopeAug 02 20:07
_Goblinschestowitz: maybe not....I think you may have guessed what I do.Aug 02 20:07
_Goblinschestowitz: not CIA thoughAug 02 20:07
schestowitzI wanted to have all sorts of funny jobsAug 02 20:08
schestowitzI don't work money, just for what's fun and fascinatingAug 02 20:08
schestowitzNever had a job I hated IIRC, and I had like 12 jobsAug 02 20:08
_Goblinschestowitz: since the net is full of dodgy people, I am sending my job and pars to you, so you can check em out prior to meeting me....Aug 02 20:08
MinceRChips_B_Malroy: if people wanted BSD, they'd use BSDAug 02 20:09
MinceRosx takes away most of the advantages of BSDAug 02 20:09
schestowitz_Goblin: yes, I knowAug 02 20:09
_Goblinschestowitz: and as I say, Ive checked with the wife, you can stay here prior to flying if you wish.Aug 02 20:09
schestowitzFunny thing is, secret agencies treat IP addresses like secret infoAug 02 20:09
schestowitzLike IP rangesAug 02 20:09
schestowitzIn Germany tooAug 02 20:09
Chips_B_MalroyMinceR>  I am not promoting Aug 02 20:09
MinceRpeople use macs because they're iDiotsAug 02 20:09
Chips_B_MalroyMacAug 02 20:09
schestowitz_Goblin: thanks a lotAug 02 20:09
MinceRof course they like to say that it's omg-secure because DURR HURR BSDAug 02 20:10
MinceRthen they neglect to mention what crApple did to that code base and how much delay they put into each security updateAug 02 20:10
schestowitzI might get to see many Linux rigs tooAug 02 20:10
schestowitzANf the BP rigAug 02 20:10
MinceRafter all, security updates aren't marketing-compliantAug 02 20:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Discovery, rediscovery, and open access - fine piece, finely written #openaccess #scienceAug 02 20:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Peter Suber, SPARC Open Access Newsletter, 8/2/10 .::. Size~: 83.47 KBAug 02 20:10
MinceRhacking Mach into the kernel and claiming that it's a "microkernel" now is marketing-compliantAug 02 20:10
schestowitzbrbAug 02 20:11
MinceRstealing BSD code and claiming that now it magically makes the entire system perfectly secure forever is also marketing-compliantAug 02 20:11
MinceRsecurity is not a feature, it's a processAug 02 20:11
Chips_B_MalroyMinceR>  what I am saying, is Mac is selling more expensives computers in the USA, because its more secure than Windows.  (yes Linux would be even more secure and free)Aug 02 20:11
MinceRor at least they say it's more secure than winblowsAug 02 20:11
MinceRand that's not why it's selling more of the expensive sectorAug 02 20:12
Chips_B_MalroyBut if Jobs left, would the next Apple CEO decide to lower the price of Macs, and compete with Microsoft desktop share?Aug 02 20:12
MinceRit's because Jesuslandians are stupid, like to waste money (even if they don't have it) and they can actually blow that much cash on a device they don't even know how to useAug 02 20:12
MinceRdoesn't matter, crApple would be doomed anywayAug 02 20:13
Chips_B_MalroyIn the long run, I agreeAug 02 20:13
Chips_B_MalroyBut in the short run, not so sureAug 02 20:13
MinceRthe next CEO would only get to decide what the punchline will beAug 02 20:13
Chips_B_MalroyWhat if Mac reduced its price enough to gain 20 or 25% of the USA desktop market?Aug 02 20:15
Chips_B_MalroyIt has 9 or 10% maybe nowAug 02 20:15
MinceRi'm not sure if a reduction in price would gain a significant market share for themAug 02 20:16
Chips_B_Malroythe increase would come from windows usersAug 02 20:16
Chips_B_MalroyI believe it wouldAug 02 20:16
MinceRwell, i guess it depends on how the fanboys will rationalize itAug 02 20:16
Chips_B_Malroyat least in the USA marketAug 02 20:16
MinceRbut i suspect that some of its attraction comes from blowing so much cash on a "computer" and suchAug 02 20:17
MinceRif it isn't expensive, it isn't a status symbolAug 02 20:17
Chips_B_MalroyThat why my thinking is if Jobs leaves, this is more important than Ballmer leavingAug 02 20:17
MinceRif the barrier to entry is low, the cult is worth less than it is nowAug 02 20:18
MinceRwell yes, i doubt that ballmer leaving will change much about m$Aug 02 20:18
MinceRexcept that maybe they'll have a less funny CEOAug 02 20:18
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Aug 02 20:18
Chips_B_MalroyI am not a Mac fan, or a Mac OS X fan.  But I will say this, for many users, who cannot bother to maintain a virus scanner, they would be better off with Mac, if the only two choices were Mac and WindowsAug 02 20:19
*amd-linux has quit (Quit: Page closed)Aug 02 20:19
MinceRbut there aren't only two choicesAug 02 20:19
MinceRpeople with a clue know thisAug 02 20:19
MinceRpeople with no clue will buy winblows or crApple as usual :>Aug 02 20:20
Chips_B_MalroyMinceR>  for most people who are not as computer literate as us, these are the only two choices.  They go do to Best Buy (that MS ownes some of the stock in) and buy a computer.  Do you see Linux there?Aug 02 20:21
MinceRdunnoAug 02 20:21
MinceRnetbooks did provide a boost to GNU/Linux market share, afaikAug 02 20:21
Chips_B_MalroyI had a friend that did this a few years back when XP failed to boot upAug 02 20:22
MinceRbut it's certainly possible that the hype will be only about macs being omg-secureAug 02 20:22
MinceReven if many motherboards are sold with quick-boot GNU/Linux on themAug 02 20:22
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Aug 02 20:22
Chips_B_MalroySecure is relative.Aug 02 20:22
Chips_B_MalroyAs in more secure than windows, but what isn't?Aug 02 20:22
_GoblinBTW, Ive been running GhostBSD....Ive been quite impressed.....Aug 02 20:23
MinceRthen again, while crApple lags with updates, m$ has designed winblows update to make users disable itAug 02 20:23
draoan65555555555554~33333333333333330+9999993~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~1Aug 02 20:23
MinceR_Goblin: what's GhostBSD about?Aug 02 20:23
MinceRdraoan: cleaning the keyboard? :>Aug 02 20:23
MinceRor is that a cat talking? :>Aug 02 20:24
Chips_B_MalroyGoblin>does GhostBSD run well on laptops?Aug 02 20:24
_Goblinits based on freebsd on laptops....not sure...Aug 02 20:24
_Goblinthe DE is Gnome so its an auto winner with me.Aug 02 20:24
MinceRoh, it's a FreeBSD livecdAug 02 20:24
_GoblinyeahAug 02 20:24
MinceRfocused on selling gnome to bsd users :>Aug 02 20:25
_Goblinjust wanted to run a distro for Openbytes that was not Ubuntu derived.Aug 02 20:25
MinceRthere are so many distros that aren't ubuntu-derived :>Aug 02 20:25
_Goblinyeah I suppose, but they seem to get mass coverage...I jump on the new ubuntu derived ones and get the "scoop" for Openbytes....i.e Peppermint.Aug 02 20:26
_Goblinwhich is very good...Aug 02 20:26
_GoblinI still keep meaning to go back to #!CBL...I was a user a few years ago and very happy with it.Aug 02 20:27
Chips_B_Malroy<MinceR> then again, while crApple lags with updates, m$ has designed winblows update to make users disable it"   Agreed, the first thing I would do is disable auto updates if I still used it.  Letting it run is a sure way to bork the system or have MS phone home all the time.  Let someone else beta test all the patches first.Aug 02 20:27
MinceRnot only thatAug 02 20:27
MinceRit also steals the focus, tears apps out of full screen mode and reboots the machine if you aren't there to hold its handsAug 02 20:27
Chips_B_MalroyPeppermint is interestingAug 02 20:27
Chips_B_Malroyit reboots the machine in the middle of burning disks, file transferrs, large downloads, playing movies, etcAug 02 20:28
Chips_B_Malroyin Vista anywayAug 02 20:29
MinceRbut not peppermint :>Aug 02 20:29
Chips_B_Malroyno, I meant Vista/Seven did thoseAug 02 20:30
MinceRi know but it could be misleading :)Aug 02 20:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Google Drains Microsoft's Coffers, Gets Attacked by #Microsoft Through Regulators (Again) 02 20:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Google Drains Microsofts Coffers, Gets Attacked by Microsoft Through Regulators (Again) | Techrights .::. Size~: 102.49 KBAug 02 20:31
Chips_B_MalroyMyself, when I used to use windows, would rather download the updates and burn them to a disk.  That way I did not have to try up the internet on the next reinstall of windows, to patch it up.Aug 02 20:32
Chips_B_Malroy*tieAug 02 20:32
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 20:33
Chips_B_MalroyAlso the day will come when the mighty M$ servers will go down for goodAug 02 20:33
schestowitzThe fatpigbear is backAug 02 20:33
MinceRmanbearpig?Aug 02 20:33
schestowitzYeah, something like thatAug 02 20:34
schestowitzIt's not a man thoughAug 02 20:34
MinceRrightAug 02 20:34
DaemonFCJabba?Aug 02 20:34
schestowitzJabba beansAug 02 20:35
schestowitzChop chop chopAug 02 20:35
MinceRwhat does that mean in Huttese?Aug 02 20:36
DaemonFC 02 20:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 20:36
DaemonFCHo Ho Ho!!!Aug 02 20:36
DaemonFCRahsa Dabba Goa Nola Wookie Nipple Pinchy!!!Aug 02 20:36
DaemonFCB-)Aug 02 20:37
DaemonFCBring me Solo and a cookie!Aug 02 20:37
DaemonFC:DAug 02 20:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Great to see @abock and his work on Banshee and the Amazon MP3 store - #gnome #bansheeAug 02 20:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Banshee, GNOME, & Amazon MP3 « Aaron Bockover .::. Size~: 24.15 KBAug 02 20:38
DaemonFChehAug 02 20:38
DaemonFCschestowitz, Now jono is advertising Banshee and Mono and an MP3 store with a Microsoft patent dealAug 02 20:39
DaemonFCin your roomAug 02 20:39
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 20:39
schestowitz*LOL*Aug 02 20:39
schestowitzWhaoAug 02 20:39
schestowitz1)Aug 02 20:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Interview with Lennart about Pulseaudio and systemd - 02 20:39
schestowitzMp3 = mpeg cartelAug 02 20:39
schestowitzAmazon- rhel taxAug 02 20:39
TechrightsBotTitle: TBFKAYIBYNYAAYB    .::. Size~: 5.59 KBAug 02 20:39
schestowitz3) Fog computinghAug 02 20:40
DaemonFCthere's nothing wrong with RHELAug 02 20:40
schestowitz4) MAFIAA 'content'Aug 02 20:40
schestowitz5) NovellAug 02 20:40
DaemonFCRed Hat's not paying the tax on itAug 02 20:40
DaemonFCAmazon isAug 02 20:40
schestowitz6) Mono trap (Banshee)Aug 02 20:40
schestowitz...Aug 02 20:40
schestowitzANd so on...Aug 02 20:40
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, same effectAug 02 20:40
schestowitzAmazon plays along with itAug 02 20:40
schestowitzIt doesn't have toAug 02 20:40
schestowitzBut it does cause it's filled with Microsoft cronies after some hiresAug 02 20:40
DaemonFCwell, how does that make Red Hat responsible for something Amazon chooses to pay?Aug 02 20:40
schestowitzLet me write to jono...Aug 02 20:41
Chips_B_Malroy 02 20:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Ballmer dismisses "weird collection" of Android tablets - Rethink Wireless .::. Size~: 39.44 KBAug 02 20:41
DaemonFCschestowitz, I got a couple of free MP3 of the day things out of Banshee from Amazon :PAug 02 20:41
Chips_B_Malroy"Windows 7 tablets are expected from various vendors in time for the holiday buying season, but the upcoming Windows Phone 7 has not, as yet at least, been targeted as a slate OS. Ballmer said it was suited to devices with screens of four inches or less, not tablets."Aug 02 20:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon you promote MPEG-LA, RHEL Microsoft patent tax (Amazon), Fog computing, MAFIAA 'content', Nov … 02 20:42
Chips_B_MalroyFAILAug 02 20:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Monday, 02-Aug-10 19:34:46 UTC - .::. Size~: 8.29 KBAug 02 20:42
schestowitzI just posted "@jonobacon you promote MPEG-LA, RHEL Microsoft patent tax (Amazon), Fog computing, MAFIAA 'content', Novell and Mono patent trap all at once"Aug 02 20:42
schestowitzDaemonFC: you could tell him something too via TwitterAug 02 20:43
MinceRit's just "amazon m$ patent tax"Aug 02 20:43
MinceRRH has nothing to do with itAug 02 20:43
DaemonFCrightAug 02 20:44
schestowitzMinceR: I didn't pay careful attention to itAug 02 20:44
MinceRunlike canonical, they actually resist that patent FUD and monoAug 02 20:44
schestowitzJust quickly pasted my thoughts from IRC cause he ain't hereAug 02 20:44
DaemonFCMinceR, If I sell you a car and then you choose to pay a finance company that had nothing to do with the deal a monthly feeAug 02 20:44
DaemonFCwell, same dealAug 02 20:44
Chips_B_MalroyAs usual, MS waits for Intel to bail them out.  "Ballmer said the future release of Intel's Atom system-on-chip, Oak Trail, which will reach OEMs in early 2011, will be important to tablet progress as it promises a 50% reduction in power on key apps like HD video, and will enable lighter, smaller devices. These Oak Trail products will initially run Windows 7 or the Intel/Nokia OS MeeGo, but other expected targets are Aug 02 20:44
Chips_B_MalroyGoogle's Chrome OS, which aims to spawn a new wave of 'devices as browsers' called cloudbooks."Aug 02 20:44
DaemonFCwhy is it my fault you're stupid enough to pay someone else on a car you bought from me and own?Aug 02 20:44
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 20:44
DaemonFCit's notAug 02 20:45
DaemonFCand why should I care what you do?Aug 02 20:45
MinceRi thought there already was a CloudbookAug 02 20:45
DaemonFCyeah, Microsoft is already telling 3rd party developers to hook into the Microsoft MPEG 4 Directshow filterAug 02 20:46
DaemonFCthat way Microsoft's "patent license" extends to their now Windows-only softwareAug 02 20:46
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 20:46
DaemonFCit also means that any security problems in Directshow are now your problemAug 02 20:47
DaemonFCand you can't fix themAug 02 20:47
DaemonFCB-)Aug 02 20:47
DaemonFCMicrosoft points out that they've been working the bugs out of that codec for years and it's fine nowAug 02 20:47
DaemonFCbut it's not just the codec that could be a security problemAug 02 20:48
DaemonFCit's the entire frameworkAug 02 20:48
schestowitzOh noes, DaemonFC floods the channel with MS product namesAug 02 20:49
schestowitzThings I hardly even heard of...Aug 02 20:49
DaemonFCBobAug 02 20:49
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 20:49
schestowitzkesAug 02 20:49
DaemonFCBob is a vibrant platformAug 02 20:50
_GoblinHi DaemonFC !Aug 02 20:50
DaemonFCwith lots of third party developer supportAug 02 20:50
DaemonFCit's also quite stableAug 02 20:50
schestowitzDaemonFC: third class you mean?Aug 02 20:50
schestowitzBob had a successorAug 02 20:50
schestowitzThe dog in XP searchAug 02 20:50
DaemonFCdoes Bob run on Wine?Aug 02 20:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Inventions which rely on embedded software [...] should remain patentable: 02 20:50
DaemonFCyeahAug 02 20:50
MinceRthird-rateAug 02 20:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Commerce minister clarifies position on patentability of computer programs - International Law Office .::. Size~: 18.13 KBAug 02 20:50
schestowitzI think Microsoft put that dog 'to sleep'Aug 02 20:50
MinceRturd party developer supportAug 02 20:50
DaemonFCyeah, the dog was disappeared as of VistaAug 02 20:51
schestowitzANd around Vista time Microsoft also boasted some attractive female as interface Aug 02 20:51
schestowitzNothing came out of that, everAug 02 20:51
DaemonFCMicrosoft is offering a rewardAug 02 20:51
DaemonFCeven though they know what happened to it Aug 02 20:51
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 20:51
schestowitzJust vapourware, I think voice input stuffAug 02 20:51
schestowitzMicrosoft is offering a reward - Windows uninstall option?Aug 02 20:51
DaemonFCyou notice how voice input is barely even mentioned anywhere in Windows 7?Aug 02 20:51
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 20:51
DaemonFCthey couldn't fix it so they buried itAug 02 20:51
schestowitzHey, does Microsoft give guidance on how to remove Windows?Aug 02 20:51
schestowitzIt does that with LinuxAug 02 20:51
schestowitzBut it wants people to assume Windows is part of the "PC"Aug 02 20:52
DaemonFCbut the support files are still there because they have to support their mistakeAug 02 20:52
schestowitzLet's see if I can find instructionsAug 02 20:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: not really, I was promoting an awesome end-user experience for listening to music in Banshee. :-)Aug 02 20:52
schestowitz 02 20:52
TechrightsBotTitle: how to remove windows - Google Search .::. Size~: 49.41 KBAug 02 20:52
schestowitz*LOL*Aug 02 20:52
DaemonFCyeah, the KB article where it's like how to remove Linux and go to Windows XPAug 02 20:52
schestowitzremove... and INSTALL WIndows<version>Aug 02 20:52
MinceRthankfully GNU/Linux install images tend to offer help with disinfecting a PC of winblowsAug 02 20:52
MinceR"use entire disk"Aug 02 20:53
Chips_B_MalroyDBAN is best way to remove WindowsAug 02 20:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Have any other Maverick users noticed that Gwibber has lost it's scrollbars?Aug 02 20:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] A program that is not tied to a machine might not be patentable, but you should be safe if it's tied to a computer 02 20:53
TechrightsBotTitle:    Bilski:   Perhaps Not Much Of A Game Changer After All   .::. Size~: 31.3 KBAug 02 20:53
Chips_B_Malroycleans out those nasty boot virusesAug 02 20:53
Chips_B_Malroy*nasty windows boot virusesAug 02 20:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon why not something that is not co-developed with Microsoft (Mono) and has Microsoft's MCP threaten its existence in Ubuntu?Aug 02 20:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon apt-get purge mono-commonAug 02 20:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: do you have another solution to find the same catalog of music available in Ogg format in a non-Mono app?Aug 02 20:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon apt-get purge lazy then buy the CD B-)Aug 02 20:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon: Can you direct me to the nearest used MP3 store? :)Aug 02 21:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Thanks for all the feedback re: ACS:Law....appreciated.Aug 02 21:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon they have those $5 specials on Amazon as a gimmick, but they're almost always crap.Aug 02 21:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] To clarify folks, I mean a vertical scroll bar at the right of each stream...Aug 02 21:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon Ubuntu had a nice drive you led for free culture (IIRC). There are good sites/services for CC content worth promotingAug 02 21:03
DaemonFCfree culture is a front at Ubuntu designed to trap them in proprietary software like Ubuntu OneAug 02 21:04
DaemonFCwatch what happens if you fork Ubuntu and have Ubuntu in the nameAug 02 21:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon I think it's OK to have options like Skype/Amazon for people who demand these, but to promote/publicise them isn't worth timeAug 02 21:05
DaemonFCor use some of their artworkAug 02 21:05
schestowitzNot the trademarked logoAug 02 21:06
DaemonFCthey can't do anything to you for taking the code because they didn't produce even 1% of it themselvesAug 02 21:06
DaemonFCand are bound by the original licensesAug 02 21:06
Chips_B_Malroy 02 21:07
TechrightsBotTitle: Ballmer dismisses "weird collection" of Android tablets - Rethink Wireless .::. Size~: 39.44 KBAug 02 21:07
Chips_B_MalroyI don't know DaemonFC.  But I give Mark Shuttleworth the benefit of the doubt, and think he really does want to do something for people.  Not all rich people are evil.Aug 02 21:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: you didn't answer my question: tell me a comparable service and catalog availability that prevents the issues you raised...Aug 02 21:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: my point is...where can I download the new Iron Maiden album within my media player and avoid the problems you listed?Aug 02 21:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon RIAAbuntu?Aug 02 21:09
Chips_B_Malroy 02 21:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Won't Get Into The Tablet Game For Another Whole Year (MSFT, INTC, GOOG, AAPL) .::. Size~: 113.33 KBAug 02 21:10
MinceR220203 -BNtwitter:#boycottnovell- [jonobacon] @schestowitz: my point is...where can I download the new Iron Maiden album within my media player and avoid the problems you listed?Aug 02 21:10
MinceRBitorrent.Aug 02 21:10
MinceRBitTorrent.Aug 02 21:10
DaemonFCthey're waiting for Intel to hardware accelerate proprietary codecs and optimize the CPU for WindowsAug 02 21:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Folks, come and join us in the #severedfifth IRC channel - some awesome Free Culture folks there - 02 21:10
MinceR;)Aug 02 21:10
DaemonFCyayAug 02 21:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Severed Fifth  |  Chat .::. Size~: 9.04 KBAug 02 21:10
Chips_B_Malroy"Aug 02 21:11
Chips_B_MalroyBecause Oak Trail isn't coming until early 2011, Mary Jo Foley at ZDNet points out, that means it's going to be a few quarters before hardware makers are putting Oak Trail chips in devices.Aug 02 21:11
Chips_B_MalroyRead more: 02 21:11
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Won't Get Into The Tablet Game For Another Whole Year (MSFT, INTC, GOOG, AAPL) .::. Size~: 108.34 KBAug 02 21:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon fair point, but a red herring; I think we should say to users, "hey, there's this cool service for lesser-know bands, CC"Aug 02 21:11
Chips_B_Malroy"Aug 02 21:12
Chips_B_MalroyBecause Oak Trail isn't coming until early 2011, Mary Jo Foley at ZDNet points out, that means it's going to be a few quarters before hardware makers are putting Oak Trail chips in devices.Aug 02 21:12
Chips_B_Malroylate to the partyAug 02 21:12
Chips_B_MalroyBallmer isAug 02 21:12
DaemonFCa day late and $5 billion in imaginary sales later?Aug 02 21:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon what we want to do is advance ambitious bands like yours and cut the middlemen. We can't do it by defending the Old Guard.Aug 02 21:13
DaemonFCEnron the software companyAug 02 21:13
DaemonFCyeah, I liked how Microsoft dealt with plugging up the drop off in Windows Vista sales by having those $50 preorders for Windows 7Aug 02 21:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: agreed, but we can't just point to CC bands, much as that would be cool - users want content from mainstream acts and (1/2)Aug 02 21:14
DaemonFCthen deferring the revenue until Windows 7 launched so it looked like all those sales came at onceAug 02 21:14
schestowitzSame in Vista 7Aug 02 21:15
schestowitzRevenue/profit down 40%Aug 02 21:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: you criticized the service Banshee offers while providing no alternative, so what do users do? not access the content? (2/2)Aug 02 21:15
schestowitzThen the following quarter: "BOOM!!! Wow, it SellsLikeHotCakes(R)"Aug 02 21:15
schestowitzTheir lousy booster in CNET says itAug 02 21:15
schestowitzIna FriedAug 02 21:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon is there really no other front end for it? How about B?Aug 02 21:17
schestowitz 02 21:17
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux News: Community: Ubuntu's Wild Ride on the Dell Roller Coaster .::. Size~: 55.46 KBAug 02 21:17
schestowitzUbuntu- if you don't like it, you still have a coaster with semi-naked people in it :-)Aug 02 21:18
Chips_B_MalroyMost of the increase in Profits are not from Windows Seven selling like hotcakes, it is from Cost Cutting Layoffs and discontinued projects/software.Aug 02 21:19
schestowitz 02 21:19
TechrightsBotTitle: Android rootkit demonstrated - The H Security: News and Features .::. Size~: 36.9 KBAug 02 21:19
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: "if hot cakes were sold like VIsta 7........."Aug 02 21:19
schestowitzYou would cook them and wait another 2 months before selling themAug 02 21:20
schestowitzUnlike say... Ubuntu which was released hours within last, final changed (or shortly after 90th-minute fix)Aug 02 21:20
schestowitzYou would stop selling any cakes for a month before a new type comesAug 02 21:21
schestowitzIf you order a bagel it still counts as a hot cakeAug 02 21:21
schestowitzBut you don't need to buy it eitherAug 02 21:21
Chips_B_MalroyMS cannot seem to move off XPAug 02 21:21
schestowitzIf you buy a bottle of milk, then a cup cake comes with itAug 02 21:21
MinceRrather, m$'s customers can'tAug 02 21:21
schestowitzAnd you're already paid for itAug 02 21:21
schestowitzAnd if you choose not to have it, then it's the same priceAug 02 21:22
schestowitzThe cup cake is said to be more secureAug 02 21:22
schestowitzAnd it's like debt really... you don't own the cake you eatAug 02 21:22
schestowitzIt's taken from the futureAug 02 21:22
schestowitzAnd extrapolates so as to tell you how much you'd eat if you had worked for another 10 years :-)Aug 02 21:23
schestowitzMicrosoft- the mortgage of softwareAug 02 21:23
Chips_B_MalroyCould it be that DRM is the root of all evil in Vista/7 that helps keep users on XP?  Where are all the cpu cycles going in Vista/7, if not for DRM?  The fact that Vista/7 is a power and memory hog is giving Android and Apple the Tablet market.Aug 02 21:23
schestowitz"DRM is the future."- BallmerAug 02 21:24
schestowitzJust make sure Ballmer staysAug 02 21:24
schestowitzThen "Cancer" will take overAug 02 21:24
Chips_B_MalroyBut Ballmer is not the future.Aug 02 21:24
_GoblinHe's about the only entertaining thing with Microsoft though....Aug 02 21:25
MinceRit's more than just DRMAug 02 21:25
Chips_B_MalroyIts too later for Ballmer, as much as we would like him to stay and kill MS.Aug 02 21:25
MinceRmost users don't seem to care about DRMAug 02 21:25
_GoblinI will be sorry to see him go...Aug 02 21:25
Chips_B_MalroyYes, he is worth a few laughs.Aug 02 21:25
_Goblinhe's sort of the Duke of Edinburg of MicrosoftAug 02 21:25
Chips_B_MalroyHe will not go far, not to worryAug 02 21:25
_Goblinalways dropping a clangerAug 02 21:25
Chips_B_MalroyWasn't it Bush that was going offer Ballmer a job as an Ambassator?Aug 02 21:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: while I am all in favor of advancing bands like #severedfifth, the original music industry is not going awayAug 02 21:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: front end for what?Aug 02 21:26
Chips_B_MalroyAt least that way we could get Ballmer out of the countryAug 02 21:27
MinceRit was McBushAug 02 21:27
Chips_B_MalroyahAug 02 21:27
MinceRand if you want ballmer out of the company, offer him a job as an astronautAug 02 21:27
MinceRand forget to bring him backAug 02 21:27
MinceR(that's what they should have done to simonyi too)Aug 02 21:27
MinceRs/company/country/Aug 02 21:27
MinceR(not that there's a lot of a difference)Aug 02 21:27
Chips_B_MalroyWe could send him to Britain?Aug 02 21:27
MinceRThe United States of America People Control Company -- Controlling Underlings So You Don't Have To!Aug 02 21:28
MinceRbut then he'd be in britainAug 02 21:28
MinceRand in europeAug 02 21:28
Chips_B_Malroybetter than hereAug 02 21:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] KDE SC4 Architecture and What it Means for the Future 02 21:28
TechrightsBotTitle: KDE SC4 Architecture and What it Means for the Future .::. Size~: 26.93 KBAug 02 21:28
Chips_B_MalroyNo, on second thought, its better that the USA sends him to a country without NukesAug 02 21:29
MinceRand then nukes that country?Aug 02 21:29
Chips_B_MalroyBallmer will just screw up and get is in another warAug 02 21:30
MinceRwait, no nuking, just bombingAug 02 21:30
schestowitz[21:27] <MinceR> it was McBushAug 02 21:30
schestowitzMacBAINAug 02 21:30
MinceRplain old-fashioned bombingAug 02 21:30
MinceRMcBane?Aug 02 21:30
MinceR 02 21:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 21:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jonobacon that's what they said about slavery and gender inequality (and the GNU system). #theyalllaughedAug 02 21:30
Chips_B_MalroyBallmer has a future, he has too much money.  Money is power, and he will be a part of the gov.Aug 02 21:31
schestowitz"Bom Bom Bom Bom Bomb Lucowsky" *throws chairAug 02 21:31
MinceRand he will be a puppet of the megacorps thereAug 02 21:31
schestowitzThe name of my machine at work is "baine"Aug 02 21:32
schestowitzI guess I could use hackintosh on itAug 02 21:32
Chips_B_MalroyHe will promote MS where ever he goes, because he ownes so much of its stockAug 02 21:32
schestowitzand call it mcbaineAug 02 21:32
MinceRthe name of my machine at work is its service idAug 02 21:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Currently listening to Slave by The Rolling Stones 02 21:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Slave from the Ubuntu One Music Store .::. Size~: 0.84 KBAug 02 21:32
MinceRschestowitz: that would be too costly for a punAug 02 21:32
schestowitzMinceR: Microsoft owns AbsurdistanAug 02 21:32
schestowitzNow go get a mapAug 02 21:32
schestowitzInstall mono-common firstAug 02 21:33
Chips_B_MalroyThat would make an interesting article, "The future of Steve Ballmer, life after Microsoft."Aug 02 21:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Purchase SchoolOS DVD - #foss #fossDistro #linuxAug 02 21:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Always Stay Updated...!: Request SchoolOS DVD . .::. Size~: 76.1 KBAug 02 21:33
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: most likely a coronary diseaseAug 02 21:34
Chips_B_MalroyMaybe the Queen would Knight him like she did Gates?Aug 02 21:34
schestowitzEwwww...Aug 02 21:34
schestowitzDisgracefulAug 02 21:34
Chips_B_MalroyyepAug 02 21:34
schestowitzAnyway, I doubt he has coronary issuesAug 02 21:34
schestowitzPeople without hearts can't have thatAug 02 21:35
MinceRthey knight all sorts of criminals nowAug 02 21:35
schestowitzIt's like saying that Miss South Carolina has a brain tumourAug 02 21:35
MinceRin Airstrip OneAug 02 21:35
schestowitz 02 21:36
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question .::. Size~: 97.81 KBAug 02 21:36
MinceRbut those despots can afford itAug 02 21:36
Chips_B_MalroySo what is the current reason for leaving MS when you are forced out?  Oh, its: "I want to spend more time with my family."  Might work for the sweaty one also.Aug 02 21:36
Chips_B_MalroyIs there a cost to pay for being Knighted by the Queen?Aug 02 21:37
Chips_B_Malroya fee of any sort?Aug 02 21:37
schestowitz"I want to spend more time with my family." *LOL* classicAug 02 21:37
Chips_B_MalroyIt worked for Robbie BachAug 02 21:37
schestowitzmany people at Microsoft has started "spending time with their family" in recent yearsAug 02 21:38
MinceRm$ has many ways to "pay" for such a PR stuntAug 02 21:38
Chips_B_Malroyyes, a bunch of top level bossesAug 02 21:38
schestowitzCan't ever attack "I want to spend more time with my family."Aug 02 21:38
Chips_B_MalroySir Steve Ballmer, has a ring to it, don't you think?Aug 02 21:38
schestowitzIt's like saying, "this is done for charity"Aug 02 21:38
MinceRoops, "despot" -- there's only one thereAug 02 21:38
schestowitzMicrosoft is now bribing Bong usersAug 02 21:39
MinceRChips_B_Malroy: yes, it has a sort of "fuck UK" ring to it :>Aug 02 21:39
schestowitzFor charity, of courseAug 02 21:39
schestowitzDon't say anything bad about itAug 02 21:39
MinceRjust like in gate$' caseAug 02 21:39
schestowitzCOde |RED|Aug 02 21:39
schestowitzWith DellAug 02 21:39
schestowitzTo 'fight AIDA'Aug 02 21:39
schestowitz[and make Dell richer]Aug 02 21:39
schestowitz*AIDSAug 02 21:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] WikiLeaks as World Asset | Huffpost 02 21:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Robert Weller: Wikileaks As A World Asset .::. Size~: 138.48 KBAug 02 21:39
MinceRdo free winblows licenses cure aids now?Aug 02 21:39
MinceR"free"Aug 02 21:40
schestowitzThey are NOT freeAug 02 21:40
schestowitzYou pay for themAug 02 21:40
schestowitzBallmer says ch-chaingAug 02 21:40
MinceRi knowAug 02 21:40
MinceRbut they say it's a "donation"Aug 02 21:40
schestowitzAnd then  farts a cents into Africa's cupAug 02 21:40
schestowitz"Donation" is a front/shieldAug 02 21:40
schestowitzLike sending gay|trans|female|minority|super old person for PR speechAug 02 21:41
schestowitzObama is perfectAug 02 21:41
schestowitzUbsulting the pesident is now "racism"Aug 02 21:41
schestowitz*InsultingAug 02 21:41
schestowitzHillary would have had another defense. With Bush you'd be safe ciriticisingAug 02 21:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] AFACT v iiNet – An appeal with no hope or something to be encouraged? #piratepartyuk #tpb #piracyAug 02 21:42
TechrightsBotTitle: AFACT v iiNet  An appeal with no hope or something to be encouraged? « OpenBytes .::. Size~: 44.1 KBAug 02 21:42
schestowitzMost defensible president would probably be lesbian black prsidentAug 02 21:43
MinceR:>Aug 02 21:43
schestowitzIn her 80s :-)Aug 02 21:43
MinceRthey must be building one as we speakAug 02 21:43
MinceRor twoAug 02 21:43
MinceRone for each side of the gangAug 02 21:43
schestowitzIf they don't die firstAug 02 21:43
MinceR(the red side and the blue side)Aug 02 21:44
schestowitzYou don't want to groom someone too oldAug 02 21:44
MinceRthey could put it on life supportAug 02 21:44
schestowitzYour PR investment can be wastedAug 02 21:44
schestowitzThe Clintons are still activeAug 02 21:44
MinceRor even perform taxidermyAug 02 21:44
schestowitzClinton is lobbying with gates againAug 02 21:44
schestowitzI have an article about this comingAug 02 21:44
schestowitzBill Gates, not his wifeAug 02 21:44
schestowitzOopsAug 02 21:44
schestowitzBill ClintonAug 02 21:44
MinceRlolAug 02 21:44
schestowitzBill & BillAug 02 21:44
schestowitzLobbyistsAug 02 21:44
schestowitzBill & Bill Co.Aug 02 21:44
MinceRSteve&Steve, Bill&BillAug 02 21:44
schestowitzFighting for patents in AfricaAug 02 21:45
MinceRwhat a disgusting companyAug 02 21:45
schestowitzYou know what Bill (C) would tell youAug 02 21:45
schestowitz"You can suck my cigar.."Aug 02 21:45
MinceR:>Aug 02 21:45
schestowitz 02 21:46
TechrightsBotTitle: Red Hat Leads Corporate Contributions to GNOME Desktop Project | Business Wire .::. Size~: 66.59 KBAug 02 21:46
schestowitz 02 21:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Red Hat announces senior management appointments  .::. Size~: 142.73 KBAug 02 21:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Wow. #RedHat issued a press release to brag about is #GNOME position. 02 21:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Red Hat Leads Corporate Contributions to GNOME Desktop Project | Business Wire .::. Size~: 66.59 KBAug 02 21:47
MinceRi would welcome a new DEAug 02 21:47
MinceRnot MacOS DE, not ShinyCrash DE, not MacOS DE Lite, but something newAug 02 21:48
DaemonFCI had a t-shirt that said I don't trust President Clinton or her husbandAug 02 21:48
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 21:48
MinceRhmAug 02 21:48
MinceRthat reminds me of somethingAug 02 21:48
MinceReven if only loosely relatedAug 02 21:49
MinceR 02 21:49
TechrightsBotTitle: Penny Arcade! - Rubies:  Not Just For Slippers .::. Size~: 7.35 KBAug 02 21:49
DaemonFC 02 21:49
TechrightsBotTitle: BBC News - Microsoft issues 'critical' patch for shortcut bug .::. Size~: 46.67 KBAug 02 21:49
schestowitz 02 21:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Sabayon 5.3 LXDE Screenshots | .::. Size~: 35.87 KBAug 02 21:50
schestowitzDaemonFC: Microsoft gave a shortcut to crackersAug 02 21:50
schestowitzHow kind of BallmerAug 02 21:50
DaemonFCAutorun.inf on a USB driveAug 02 21:51
DaemonFCwas a great gift to malware writersAug 02 21:51
schestowitzDaemonFC: it was hard for herAug 02 21:51
schestowitz(Clinton)Aug 02 21:51
schestowitzDaemonFC: also to the new KGBAug 02 21:52
schestowitzIn fact, Microsoft has received a gift for this lovely transactuonAug 02 21:52
schestowitzRussia sent Microsoft a man to test the software for a sufficient number of holes :->Aug 02 21:52
*nsisodiya has quit (Quit: Page closed)Aug 02 21:53
schestowitzDa, da....Aug 02 21:53
schestowitzIn Soviet Russia, Microsoft ships codeAug 02 21:53
schestowitzIn Russian Federation, ships attack Microsoft codeAug 02 21:53
DaemonFC,0,7400099.storyAug 02 21:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Hundreds of illegal immigrants jailed in Ind. - .::. Size~: 125.59 KBAug 02 21:54
schestowitzIn Soviet Russia, nuke attacks BallmerAug 02 21:54
schestowitzIn Russian Federation, Ballmer goes NUCLARAug 02 21:54
schestowitzDaemonFC: to be put in slave camps and make military helmets?Aug 02 21:55
DaemonFCheheAug 02 21:55
DaemonFCI hopeAug 02 21:55
schestowitz 02 21:55
TechrightsBotTitle: LVM, RAID, XFS, EXT3 tuning for small files parallel I/O on Debian / Linux blog / Tech Force - Linux Blog .::. Size~: 31.44 KBAug 02 21:55
schestowitzDaemonFC: have a nice cupAug 02 21:55
DaemonFCOpenSuse's installer still warns that it may not boot on XFSAug 02 21:56
schestowitzOpenSUSE is still around?Aug 02 21:56
DaemonFCbut the 256 byte inode patch for Ext4 is the same one that allows GRUB to deal with XFS nowAug 02 21:56
MinceRsomeone still cares about opensuse?Aug 02 21:56
schestowitzOpenSUSE employees (Novell)Aug 02 21:56
schestowitzBoth of them who are leftAug 02 21:57
DaemonFChehAug 02 21:57
schestowitzUbuntu is also a tag-team actAug 02 21:57
DaemonFCI just fed Jabba a pepperoniAug 02 21:57
Chips_B_MalroyWhen you have 16 billion US dollars, is more money really important to you?  With people like Ballmer and Gates they cannot spend that much on themselves, so it becomes about power and respect.  Money can it seems, buy both to a degree.Aug 02 21:57
schestowitzMac Asay as the old man's guard dogAug 02 21:57
schestowitzAnd jono as Joe PeshiAug 02 21:58
schestowitz[spelling?]Aug 02 21:58
DaemonFCPesciAug 02 21:58
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: respec' (speaking of Peshi)Aug 02 21:58
schestowitzDaemonFC: peskyAug 02 21:59
MinceRworship the Sun but pray to Joe Pesci?Aug 02 21:59
DaemonFC 02 21:59
DaemonFCjono?Aug 02 21:59
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- 21FUCKs in 2mins .::. Size~: 90.73 KBAug 02 21:59
Chips_B_MalroySpeaking of Ballmer and respect, he is like the Rodney Dangerfield of CEO's.  Except not near as funny or human.Aug 02 21:59
schestowitz 02 22:00
TechrightsBotTitle: DOJ Pushing to Expand Warrantless Access to Internet Records | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 17.56 KBAug 02 22:00
schestowitzDaemonFC: jono pesciAug 02 22:00
schestowitzMark's sidekickAug 02 22:00
MinceRthat isn't very niceAug 02 22:00
schestowitz:-pAug 02 22:00
schestowitzJoke..Aug 02 22:00
DaemonFChe meant that ain't very fuckin' nice, palAug 02 22:00
DaemonFClearn some fuckin' respect you jew!Aug 02 22:00
DaemonFClolAug 02 22:00
MinceRlolAug 02 22:00
schestowitzHeheAug 02 22:01
DaemonFCEnglish to Joe Pesci translatorAug 02 22:01
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 22:01
DaemonFC 02 22:02
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- 8 Heads in A Duffel Bag-Throwing Grandma out .::. Size~: 92.58 KBAug 02 22:02
MinceRew, fucking rtl klub uses silver lieAug 02 22:03
DaemonFCThe goin rate's ten thousand, you can owe me!Aug 02 22:03
DaemonFClolAug 02 22:03
DaemonFC 02 22:04
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Funny court scene from My cousin Vinny .::. Size~: 93.83 KBAug 02 22:04
DaemonFCMy Cousin JonoAug 02 22:04
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 22:04
schestowitzDear Abby,Aug 02 22:05
schestowitz 02 22:07
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: COP IS BUSTED STEALING WEED-VERY FUNNY! .::. Size~: 5.25 KBAug 02 22:07
schestowitz*LOL*Aug 02 22:07
DaemonFC"Everything that guy just said was bullshit, thank you!"Aug 02 22:08
DaemonFCheheAug 02 22:08
DaemonFCthat sound like jonoAug 02 22:09
DaemonFCin fewer wordsAug 02 22:09
DaemonFCand more to the pointAug 02 22:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] @schestowitz: are you really comparing slavery to the availability of music online? not sure they are well connected...Aug 02 22:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon: Banshee says all their MP3 store money goes to the GNOME project, where is the Ubuntu One money going? Break it down please. :)Aug 02 22:13
DaemonFCIs Debian 6 going to have Pulseaudio by default?Aug 02 22:14
MinceRwill they fix pulseaudio by then?Aug 02 22:15
DaemonFCdefine fixAug 02 22:15
Chips_B_MalroyI hope notAug 02 22:15
DaemonFCI thought calling everyone else an idiot and insisting that you are God does fix a problem.Aug 02 22:15
Chips_B_Malroythat Debian does pulseaudio that isAug 02 22:15
DaemonFC:DAug 02 22:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The WIki meme spreads: TYT On MSNBC: WikiProtest Launch (Share Your Ideas!) 02 22:15
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: TYT On MSNBC: WikiProtest Launch (Share Your Ideas!) .::. Size~: 5.27 KBAug 02 22:15
DaemonFCI am really in trouble this monthAug 02 22:19
DaemonFCI'm glad I get paid tomorrowAug 02 22:19
DaemonFCit's been one disaster after anotherAug 02 22:19
DaemonFC:PAug 02 22:20
DaemonFCthe cat represents most of my assets at this momentAug 02 22:20
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 22:20
DaemonFCI'm going to start giving the bills to himAug 02 22:20
DaemonFChe can be in charge of getting them paidAug 02 22:21
DaemonFCbesides it'll be fun to say "Hold on while I talk to my financial consultant"Aug 02 22:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Links 2/8/2010: Ubuntu Studio 2.1, “Open Source Bubble” 02 22:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 2/8/2010: Ubuntu Studio 2.1, “Open Source Bubble” | Techrights .::. Size~: 94.55 KBAug 02 22:22
schestowitz 02 22:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Mandriva One 2010 Spring KDE | Muktware .::. Size~: 17.33 KBAug 02 22:24
schestowitzDaemonFC: you can sell Jabba in ChinatownAug 02 22:25
schestowitzLook at the menu to find our market worthAug 02 22:25
schestowitz*outAug 02 22:25
schestowitzDon't be ripped off like JabbaAug 02 22:25
DaemonFCpeople who eat cats...ughAug 02 22:26
DaemonFCdisgustingAug 02 22:26
schestowitz"Will work fore (cat) food"Aug 02 22:26
schestowitzIn China, "cat food" means something elseAug 02 22:26
MinceRi hope that if debian does PA at least they 1) configure and patch it properly by default and 2) let me turn it off, unlike ubuntuAug 02 22:26
DaemonFCMinceR, Autospawn!Aug 02 22:27
DaemonFCyay!Aug 02 22:27
schestowitz 02 22:27
MinceRand yes, eating cats is blasphemyAug 02 22:27
schestowitzAfter life, cat eats YOUAug 02 22:27
schestowitzYouTube has some videos of big cats mauling peopleAug 02 22:28
schestowitzDaemonFC: I was only jokingAug 02 22:28
schestowitzI'm sure your cat is deliciousAug 02 22:28
schestowitz[If you feed it better] :-pAug 02 22:28
schestowitz5 year old (from the mouth of babes!): "My dog is tastier than your dog!!"Aug 02 22:29
schestowitz-Kim LeeAug 02 22:29
MinceRlolAug 02 22:29
MinceRKen LeeAug 02 22:30
schestowitzPeople feed cows this wayAug 02 22:30
schestowitzAre cows so much stupider?Aug 02 22:30
schestowitzThey are domesticated, but stillAug 02 22:30
schestowitzI think that with sheep we cross-bred based on stupidityAug 02 22:30
schestowitzWe inversed evolutionAug 02 22:30
DaemonFCI think the pipes are cloggedAug 02 22:30
DaemonFCkind of makes me want to keep flushing the toilet until they burstAug 02 22:31
schestowitzSelecting based on idiocy and willingness to eat and be slaughteredAug 02 22:31
DaemonFCand hopefully ruin the downstairs neighbors furnitureAug 02 22:31
schestowitz[22:30] <DaemonFC> I think the pipes are cloggedAug 02 22:31
schestowitzTake her to the gynaecologist thenAug 02 22:31
Chips_B_Malroykinect for xbox360 is not selling wellAug 02 22:31
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: it's notAug 02 22:31
schestowitzSince a while backAug 02 22:32
schestowitzMicrosoft named one shop where preoders make top 10Aug 02 22:32
schestowitzFor _now_Aug 02 22:32
schestowitzAnd another claimed #1Aug 02 22:32
schestowitzAlthough I found just one article claiming the latterAug 02 22:32
schestowitzThe earlier oneAug 02 22:32
schestowitzIt's like when Microsoft announced massive discount and then claims "amazing demand" (in a week's period) for that something which it discountedAug 02 22:33
Chips_B_Malroymaybe the $150 price tag is a bit much for an accessory during a depression for a console with an extremely high failure rate?Aug 02 22:33
Chips_B_Malroyno, it couldn't be thatAug 02 22:33
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: people wil buy a toasterAug 02 22:33
schestowitz"LEt me just have my taoster..."Aug 02 22:33
Chips_B_MalroyThe fans are waiting for Xmas to buy is allAug 02 22:33
schestowitz 02 22:34
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Network- I'm Mad as Hell .::. Size~: 109.13 KBAug 02 22:34
Chips_B_Malroywell, toaster is better dealAug 02 22:34
schestowitzI'm Mad as Hell  and Microsoft banned me from xbox live!!!!Aug 02 22:34
cubezzz3lolAug 02 22:35
cubezzz3please, ban meAug 02 22:35
cubezzz3someone in IRC told me they never used MIcrosoft SoftwareAug 02 22:37
cubezzz3forget who thoughAug 02 22:37
DaemonFC 02 22:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux drivers that require binary firmware &mdash; Free Software Foundation &mdash; working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.55 KBAug 02 22:37
DaemonFCWell, there goes every modern PCAug 02 22:37
cubezzz3no, there's corebootAug 02 22:37
MinceRnot all nonfree sw is m$ :>Aug 02 22:38
schestowitzSome people grew up with MacsAug 02 22:38
schestowitzThan Jobs put IE in itAug 02 22:38
cubezzz3Lemote, probably others I don't know aboutAug 02 22:38
schestowitzHey, where is Jobs' old organ?Aug 02 22:39
schestowitzI mean, what do they do with the old ones?Aug 02 22:39
schestowitzI reckon they just have it rot, but Jobs' they could auction on ebayAug 02 22:39
cubezzz3no, there's probable a rule against selling body parts :)Aug 02 22:39
MinceRmaybe they just have it rot as they should have done to the whole thing :>Aug 02 22:39
schestowitzSend the money to Africa or something.... the Africa Foundation... sponsored by used liver of Steve Jobs :0-)Aug 02 22:40
DaemonFCwell, they banned selling Nazi stuffAug 02 22:40
schestowitz[22:39] <cubezzz3> no, there's probable a rule against selling body parts :)Aug 02 22:40
schestowitzBut this one was deadAug 02 22:40
MinceRwell, they could encase it in acryl, emboss a crApple logo in it and auction it to the cultistsAug 02 22:40
schestowitzIt was like memorabiliaAug 02 22:40
schestowitzThey put it in a jarAug 02 22:40
schestowitzthey call it iOrgan or somethingAug 02 22:40
MinceRmaybe also an iLiver title on itAug 02 22:40
schestowitzThen make some nice marketing logo and put it on ebayAug 02 22:41
schestowitzThere are enough idiots who would be the "original" Jobs body partAug 02 22:41
cubezzz3you can't sell human skulls eitherAug 02 22:41
MinceRor have m$ pay a few billions and make it "Windows iLive!"Aug 02 22:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] It was so predictable that "PCPro" would be hostile towards Richard Stallman... #gnu #fsfAug 02 22:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Richard Stallman: GNU do you think you are? | PC Pro blog .::. Size~: 43.49 KBAug 02 22:41
schestowitzMinceR: Live diedAug 02 22:41
schestowitzThey renamed a lot of itAug 02 22:42
DaemonFCif the firmware is binary-only and proprietary and is in the device itself, it's OK apaprentlyAug 02 22:42
MinceRall of it?Aug 02 22:42
schestowitzNopeAug 02 22:42
DaemonFCthat makes no senseAug 02 22:42
schestowitzThere's that live drive thinguiAug 02 22:42
schestowitzAsk DaemonFCAug 02 22:42
schestowitzHe's the Microsoft cultist among usAug 02 22:42
MinceR:>Aug 02 22:42
DaemonFChuh?Aug 02 22:42
MinceRschestowitz: besides Blow's liver died tooAug 02 22:42
MinceRso it's fitting :>Aug 02 22:42
schestowitzMinceR: it's OK, he had a spare oneAug 02 22:42
DaemonFC"Windows Live Essentials"Aug 02 22:43
MinceR:>Aug 02 22:43
cubezzz3well Stallman was tactlessAug 02 22:43
MinceRlolAug 02 22:43
schestowitzIt came from "somewhere"Aug 02 22:43
DaemonFCit's getting more bloated and full of spam, spyware, and advertising this yearAug 02 22:43
cubezzz3he's better at being polite nowAug 02 22:43
DaemonFCI won't even touch the thing on WindowsAug 02 22:43
schestowitzcubezzz3: he still isAug 02 22:43
schestowitzVery rude sometimesAug 02 22:43
DaemonFCStallman is a tactless bombastic oaf whoAug 02 22:43
schestowitzcubezzz3: he went to Anger Management, I thinkAug 02 22:43
DaemonFCfinish this sentenceAug 02 22:43
cubezzz3I don't think he's quite as bad now though schestowitzAug 02 22:43
DaemonFCsomething involving the GNU/Linux spam/renaming campaignAug 02 22:44
MinceRpcpro intentionally misrepresents RMS's answerAug 02 22:44
schestowitzcubezzz3: as long as you don't tell him certain thingsAug 02 22:44
cubezzz3like what? :)Aug 02 22:44
schestowitzYou would know how to push his buttonsAug 02 22:44
MinceRhe mentions that he admitted that he shouldn't have behaved like only as an asideAug 02 22:44
schestowitzcubezzz3: making money working on blobsAug 02 22:44
schestowitzOr the whole "Linux" (I prefer to call it that)Aug 02 22:44
schestowitz"The kernel is all that matters"Aug 02 22:44
cubezzz3nah I wouldn't do thatAug 02 22:45
MinceRjust another anti-free asshole who tries to discredit Free Software so that m$ and crApple can steal more codeAug 02 22:45
DaemonFCif the kernel is so trivial, why doesn't GNU have one?Aug 02 22:45
MinceRit doesAug 02 22:45
DaemonFCand just end the debate forever?Aug 02 22:45
MinceRit's called GNU MachAug 02 22:45
cubezzz3gcc was very very important, so I agree with him thereAug 02 22:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Moscow media play up US leaks while ignoring Russian ones | Georgian Voice 02 22:45
schestowitzMinceR: possibly quote-minedAug 02 22:45
cubezzz3I remember paying big bucks for a C compilerAug 02 22:45
schestowitzI'd like to see the video with contextAug 02 22:45
schestowitzHe can get him vexed up firstAug 02 22:46
schestowitzAnd omit thatAug 02 22:46
DaemonFCMinceR, and can their kernel work on my PC?Aug 02 22:46
DaemonFCand access all the hardware?Aug 02 22:46
DaemonFCand is it stable?Aug 02 22:46
MinceRalso, knowing that RMS is a hacker, it's no surprise that he puts great emphasis on using the correct wordsAug 02 22:46
schestowitzI reckon that's what Mel Gibson had done to himAug 02 22:46
DaemonFCdoes it perform well?Aug 02 22:46
schestowitzOn that call or previous callsAug 02 22:46
cubezzz3yeah RMS is more polite than Mel :)Aug 02 22:46
cubezzz3that's not saying much thoughAug 02 22:46
MinceRDaemonFC: if the hardware makers who made the parts of your PC cared to support it just like they support winblows, then yes it canAug 02 22:46
DaemonFCI just presume that anyone talking about GNU Linux is talking about the Gnewsense Linux distributionAug 02 22:47
schestowitzcubezzz3: Mellow Gibson.. awwwwwwwww ;-)Aug 02 22:47
DaemonFCcause that's the only context it makes sense inAug 02 22:47
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 22:47
MinceRDaemonFC: so to you Debian is the same thing as Android?Aug 02 22:47
MinceRDaemonFC: since apparently GNU doesn't matter to youAug 02 22:47
DaemonFCit doesn't really matterAug 02 22:47
cubezzz3no, I use all sorts of GNU partsAug 02 22:47
cubezzz3but I haven't tried Gnewsense yetAug 02 22:47
DaemonFCyou could use FreeBSD's userspace on the Linux kernel I'm sureAug 02 22:47
schestowitzAndroids have no soulsAug 02 22:47
MinceRand why only GNewSense? there are other distros that use only free sw and Linux LibreAug 02 22:47
DaemonFCit hasn't been done thoughAug 02 22:47
MinceRDaemonFC: so?Aug 02 22:48
schestowitzWhen Android takes over it won't be goodAug 02 22:48
MinceRDaemonFC: what's your point?Aug 02 22:48
MinceRs/GNe/gNe/Aug 02 22:48
schestowitzSociety dominated by "Androids"... kinds of like TerminatorAug 02 22:48
schestowitz*kindAug 02 22:48
DaemonFCthey want to talk source lines of codeAug 02 22:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] RT: @karlrove Will President Obama stop WikiLeaks -- or sit back and do nothing? 02 22:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Twitter / Karl Rove: Another good read @marcthi ... .::. Size~: 11.71 KBAug 02 22:48
DaemonFCthey count lines of white spaceAug 02 22:48
DaemonFCand commentsAug 02 22:48
cubezzz3comments are importantAug 02 22:49
DaemonFCand most of it is unimportant and not even included with most Linux distrosAug 02 22:49
MinceRonce your boss gives you a piece of code without comments, you'll start to value themAug 02 22:49
MinceReven if you're just a clueless m$ fanboy now :>Aug 02 22:49
cubezzz3believe me, comments are good to haveAug 02 22:49
DaemonFCyeah, but you could include foo.c and have 1 million lines of foofoofoofoofoo......Aug 02 22:49
DaemonFCand easily get to a "million line" programAug 02 22:50
DaemonFCB-)Aug 02 22:50
schestowitzNopeAug 02 22:50
MinceRso you're claiming now that's GNU?Aug 02 22:50
cubezzz3people usually don't write enough commentsAug 02 22:50
schestowitzThe program is compiledAug 02 22:50
MinceRi wonder why all distros are using it thenAug 02 22:50
cubezzz3just write your own OS ;-)Aug 02 22:50
cubezzz3then you'll be happyAug 02 22:51
MinceRwhy does GNU/Linux have a larger market share than the free BSD-s if it's just filler?Aug 02 22:51
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellAug 02 22:51
DaemonFCwhy does Windows have 100 times as many users as Linux?Aug 02 22:51
cubezzz3I have to say it's the GPLAug 02 22:51
schestowitzMinceR: BSD would use Apple to say it's themAug 02 22:51
MinceRor did someone lie to us and a C compiler and libc and Unix commandline utilities are unnecessary?Aug 02 22:51
DaemonFCWindows is obviously betterAug 02 22:51
DaemonFCbecause people use itAug 02 22:51
DaemonFCB-)Aug 02 22:51
MinceRDaemonFC: you're an idiot.Aug 02 22:51
schestowitzAnd parts of Windows tooAug 02 22:51
schestowitznetworkingAug 02 22:51
cubezzz3no, not this argument, please...Aug 02 22:51
MinceRDaemonFC: but go on, make a distro that has extra .c files with only empty lines in themAug 02 22:51
schestowitzDaemonFC: many people also use prostitutesAug 02 22:52
MinceRor /* DaemonFC wrote this line */ a few million timesAug 02 22:52
cubezzz3I'll talk about xlib programming if you keep on going :)Aug 02 22:52
MinceRi'm sure it will be exactly the same as the GNU ProjectAug 02 22:52
MinceRoh, waitAug 02 22:52
schestowitzIt doesn't make them better; au contraireAug 02 22:52
DaemonFCthen the FSF is fairly Hitleresque with their softwareAug 02 22:52
MinceRlolAug 02 22:52
DaemonFCand brings a lot of forks on themselvesAug 02 22:52
MinceRDaemonFC: congratulations, you've lostAug 02 22:52
DaemonFCwhich they proceed to complain ofAug 02 22:52
DaemonFCdaemonf.cAug 02 22:52
DaemonFCB-)Aug 02 22:53
MinceRor even better, daemonfc.hAug 02 22:53
cubezzz3people say they hate this and they hate than but they never seem to be able to say they like anythingAug 02 22:53
MinceR9001 billion lines of that commentAug 02 22:53
DaemonFCthat's some good head.....erAug 02 22:53
DaemonFClolAug 02 22:53
MinceRinclude it in every object code you make a package forAug 02 22:53
MinceRand then call it the DaemonFC Aug 02 22:53
MinceRsince you've written most of the lines of codeAug 02 22:53
DaemonFCGNU Linux spam is spamAug 02 22:53
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 22:53
MinceRand then watch the entire Free Software community point at you and laughAug 02 22:54
DaemonFCand it's even more arrogant and unwieldy than just calling the whole thing LinuxAug 02 22:54
DaemonFCbecause it's really KDE/X/GNU/LinuxAug 02 22:54
cubezzz3time for DaemonFC to switch to MenuetOS :)Aug 02 22:54
DaemonFCand you're still leaving people outAug 02 22:54
MinceRespecially on headless servers, right?Aug 02 22:54
MinceRthere's so much X on thereAug 02 22:54
MinceRand especially KDE and GNOMEAug 02 22:54
schestowitzcubezzz3: it's still developed?Aug 02 22:54
cubezzz3I think so Aug 02 22:54
DaemonFCthen GNU Linux is claiming that Linux is a product of GNUAug 02 22:55
schestowitzAndroid just uses LinuxAug 02 22:55
MinceRDaemonFC: no it isn'tAug 02 22:55
DaemonFCthus inferring they have something that's self-hosting and works wellAug 02 22:55
MinceRDaemonFC: "GNU/Linux" means "the GNU system with the Linux kernel"Aug 02 22:55
cubezzz3you use gcc? then you're using GNUAug 02 22:55
DaemonFCLinux/GNUAug 02 22:55
MinceRAndroid has just as much Linux as DebianAug 02 22:55
MinceRyet Android is a crippled piece of shitAug 02 22:56
DaemonFCI'm using Linux with some GNU stuff in towAug 02 22:56
schestowitzcubezzz3: without gcc you can't quite compile LinuxAug 02 22:56
cubezzz3there's a video for MenuetOS... I'll post the URLAug 02 22:56
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 22:56
schestowitzSo without GNU there's no LinuxAug 02 22:56
cubezzz3rightAug 02 22:56
DaemonFCclang can compile LinuxAug 02 22:56
schestowitzIt doesn't thoughAug 02 22:56
MinceRi wonder how LLVM is going to run a kernelAug 02 22:56
schestowitzYou could also use prprietary compilers to link and compile itAug 02 22:57
schestowitzMaybe even make it work faster that wayAug 02 22:57
schestowitzIIRC RHEL uses some other good compilerAug 02 22:57
MinceRICC?Aug 02 22:57
cubezzz3you might be able to use ICC yeah :)Aug 02 22:57
schestowitzMinceR: depends on arch?Aug 02 22:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Rules to curb civilian casualties lead to fewer attacks on US troops | Tribune 02 22:57
TechrightsBotTitle: Bellingham, Whatcom County Life, Travel, Books | Bellingham Herald .::. Size~: 67.06 KBAug 02 22:57
cubezzz3schestowitz, - "24.06.2010 M64 0.94B released - More supported TV-tuners & MPlayer 0.50"Aug 02 22:58
cubezzz3that's pretty recentAug 02 22:58
schestowitzJulian become quite a celeb by just leaks army stuffAug 02 22:58
schestowitz*cameAug 02 22:58
schestowitz*leakingAug 02 22:58
MinceRit's important work thoughAug 02 22:58
MinceRyou can't have democracy without accountabilityAug 02 22:58
MinceRyou can't have accountability without opennessAug 02 22:59
MinceRthis is also one of the reasons why freedom of speech is importantAug 02 22:59
DaemonFCmmhmAug 02 22:59
DaemonFCwhen will the CIA off him?Aug 02 22:59
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 22:59
MinceRof course it wouldn't matter in Airstrip One because there's no democracy thereAug 02 22:59
MinceRand soon there won't be any here eitherAug 02 22:59
MinceRDaemonFC: do you have a bottle of champagne for the occasion?Aug 02 23:00
schestowitzIn Soviet Russia, CIA arms TalibanAug 02 23:00
schestowitzBefore they 'rebrand'Aug 02 23:00
DaemonFCMinceR, no, but I am taking bets on what kind of accident he hasAug 02 23:00
DaemonFCfalling down the stairs?Aug 02 23:01
DaemonFCslipping in the shower?Aug 02 23:01
schestowitzHey, maybe Julian will get older docsAug 02 23:01
DaemonFCoverdosing on pills?Aug 02 23:01
DaemonFCcar wreck?Aug 02 23:01
schestowitzThen we can put "peace Nobel pricze winner" Kissinger in prisonAug 02 23:01
schestowitzTony Blair already has his behind on fireAug 02 23:01
schestowitzThat "peace champion"Aug 02 23:01
schestowitzBut Julian doesn't have the British intelligence docs yetAug 02 23:02
schestowitzDaemonFC: maybe he already gets death threats from fans of Bush :-)Aug 02 23:02
schestowitzNot enough funds for private guardsAug 02 23:02
DaemonFChe's going to be suicidedAug 02 23:02
DaemonFCor somethingAug 02 23:02
DaemonFCjust waitAug 02 23:02
schestowitzIt won't helpAug 02 23:03
schestowitzHe has a circle of friendsAug 02 23:03
schestowitzOne of whom (Applebaum of something) just got arrestedAug 02 23:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Mass spying on US-250Mil IPs: Project Vigilant | Salon 02 23:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Project Vigilant and the government/corporate destruction of privacy - WikiLeaks - .::. Size~: 143.74 KBAug 02 23:03
schestowitzHe went into the rogue stateAug 02 23:03
MinceRDaemonFC: he is not the last non-redneck left in YankeestanAug 02 23:03
schestowitzGoing back home to campusAug 02 23:03
MinceRDaemonFC: there still are a few people left who respect freedomAug 02 23:04
MinceR(not just their own)Aug 02 23:04
schestowitzHeheAug 02 23:04
schestowitzUephemismsAug 02 23:04
schestowitz"Project Vigilant "Aug 02 23:04
DaemonFCfreedom is a euphemismAug 02 23:04
DaemonFCa pernicious oneAug 02 23:04
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 23:05
MinceRDaemonFC is an euphemismAug 02 23:05
schestowitz"Eternal vigilance" is the price of our suppressionAug 02 23:05
schestowitz*EuphemismsAug 02 23:05
MinceRDaemonFC: no, only authoritarianists like to hijack the termAug 02 23:05
MinceRthat doesn't change its meaningAug 02 23:05
MinceRschestowitz: eternal warAug 02 23:05
MinceRoopsAug 02 23:06
MinceRperpetual war.Aug 02 23:06
schestowitz"We've always been in war with Absurdistan"Aug 02 23:06
cubezzz3right :)Aug 02 23:06
MinceRWar is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is StrengthAug 02 23:06
MinceRschestowitz: there's no oil in Absurdistan, afaikAug 02 23:06
DaemonFCAll animals are equalAug 02 23:06
DaemonFCsome are more equal than othersAug 02 23:07
DaemonFCB-)Aug 02 23:07
MinceRat least not in places that are worth exploiting yetAug 02 23:07
schestowitzDid you see that "Jap" poster?Aug 02 23:07
schestowitzAbout taking days off?Aug 02 23:07
MinceRDaemonFC: four legs good, two legs betterAug 02 23:07
cubezzz3I heard a positively Orwellian comment the other dayAug 02 23:07
schestowitzThey used wars to take people's days offAug 02 23:07
schestowitzAlways some war|depression to overwork peopleAug 02 23:07
cubezzz3"The most humane thing to do to the aquatic animals is to use lethal traps"Aug 02 23:07
schestowitzEnter their houses and open drawers as part of "War on drugs"Aug 02 23:07
cubezzz3referring to Urban wildlifeAug 02 23:07
DaemonFC 02 23:07
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 23:07
MinceRWar on Liberty^WTerrorAug 02 23:07
DaemonFCda comrade!Aug 02 23:07
DaemonFCheheAug 02 23:08
cubezzz3We have net freedom thoughAug 02 23:08
MinceRWar on Privacy^WDrugsAug 02 23:08
MinceRcubezzz3: for a whileAug 02 23:08
schestowitzDaemonFC: commie!Aug 02 23:08
MinceR 02 23:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Perpetual war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 40.44 KBAug 02 23:09
DaemonFC 02 23:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 23:09
DaemonFCheheAug 02 23:09
schestowitzDaemonFC: lolAug 02 23:09
DaemonFC 02 23:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 23:10
DaemonFCB-)Aug 02 23:10
schestowitzDaemonFC: next thing you know he'll be coming 'round your house to dine with JabbaAug 02 23:10
schestowitzDaemonFC: you have a small gunAug 02 23:11
MinceRlolAug 02 23:11
DaemonFC 02 23:12
schestowitz 02 23:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Time To End A Monopoly? | Muktware .::. Size~: 18.94 KBAug 02 23:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 23:12
DaemonFC 02 23:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 23:12
schestowitzDaemonFC: we know. You like Vista 7Aug 02 23:12
MinceRmoar boring winblows screenshotsAug 02 23:12
MinceRbuzz marketing, you're doing it wrongAug 02 23:12
schestowitzDaemonFC lives in a flat with 4 itemsAug 02 23:13
schestowitzbed, gun, Jabba, PCAug 02 23:13
MinceRwhat happened to all the winblows boxes?Aug 02 23:13
cubezzz3converted perhaps?Aug 02 23:13
schestowitzThere's oneAug 02 23:13
MinceRif m$ thinks the Yahoo!-Google deal in japan is anticompetitive, what does it think about the Yahoo!-m$ deal everywhere else?Aug 02 23:14
schestowitzMinceR: when DaemonFC h can't bring anythingAug 02 23:14
DaemonFC 02 23:14
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 02 23:14
MinceR"that's different, because are allowed to do everything, that's right"Aug 02 23:14
DaemonFC"Hello Ryan, back again I see!"Aug 02 23:14
DaemonFCheheAug 02 23:14
MinceR"it's ok if we do it, you see"Aug 02 23:15
schestowitzNot a laptop, no guns on planes, no bed, no catsAug 02 23:15
MinceRooh, moar winblows screenshotsAug 02 23:15
MinceRjust the thing this channel needsAug 02 23:15
cubezzz3just out of curiousity, is anyone here using not Linux and not windows?Aug 02 23:15
schestowitzBuzz marketingAug 02 23:15
MinceRdepends on the deviceAug 02 23:15
DaemonFCI'm on SuseAug 02 23:15
DaemonFCthat's something in between, right?Aug 02 23:15
DaemonFC:)Aug 02 23:15
schestowitzBallnuxAug 02 23:15
*MinceR is using Symbian on his PDA/PhoneAug 02 23:15
schestowitzSybian is getting Silver LieAug 02 23:16
schestowitzSoon you might be able to view the area with itAug 02 23:16
MinceRyayAug 02 23:16
MinceRit already got Qt, i think that's more interesting :>Aug 02 23:16
schestowitzKan't wait, kan you?Aug 02 23:16
MinceRi can't wait to get a decent pda/phone with a truly open OSAug 02 23:16
cubezzz3hrmmmAug 02 23:16
DaemonFChmmmAug 02 23:17
DaemonFCOblivion installer fails on Wine 1.3Aug 02 23:17
cubezzz3zaurus, for PDAAug 02 23:17
MinceRwith a digital compass and a wired stereo headset adaptorAug 02 23:17
schestowitzWhat is SymbianAug 02 23:17
MinceRthough Nokia is killing the latter apparentlyAug 02 23:17
MinceRZaurus is deadAug 02 23:17
MinceRschestowitz: a mobile OSAug 02 23:17
schestowitzIs that what Murodck call when he married Simba?Aug 02 23:17
MinceRlolAug 02 23:17
schestowitzHe's still working on Solaris, AFAIKAug 02 23:18
cubezzz3486 is dead, and I still use it :)Aug 02 23:18
schestowitzHe's very quiet in Sun and ORCLAug 02 23:18
DaemonFCWhy does Zypper have to refresh repositories to delete software?Aug 02 23:18
MinceRSlow Larry'sAug 02 23:18
MinceRFTFYAug 02 23:18
schestowitzcubezzz3: get MMX!!Aug 02 23:18
schestowitzIt's really, really fastAug 02 23:18
schestowitzYou can play larger videos at 15 fpsAug 02 23:19
cubezzz3whoa, MMX, that's fancy stuff! :)Aug 02 23:19
schestowitzYeahAug 02 23:19
schestowitzI remember when I got oneAug 02 23:19
Chips_B_Malroyyeah and MP3's will play better on that 486 than when Vista first came outAug 02 23:19
MinceRlolAug 02 23:20
cubezzz3I can't wait for Vista 486 editionAug 02 23:20
MinceRlolAug 02 23:20
MinceRit won't arrive before Vista ARM editionAug 02 23:20
MinceR(and i'm not talking about winblows Phone 7 :> )Aug 02 23:20
schestowitzit does run.. on a cluster of themAug 02 23:20
Chips_B_MalroyVista (clean) slateAug 02 23:20
schestowitzClusterfunk EditionAug 02 23:20
DaemonFCwhy is OpenSuse so damned fast?Aug 02 23:21
MinceRit's deleted so damned quicklyAug 02 23:21
MinceRto get rid of the stupidAug 02 23:21
schestowitzDaemonFC: It runs away from novell?Aug 02 23:21
MinceRschestowitz: nah, clusters are Rocket Science to m$Aug 02 23:21
DaemonFCNovell should move to IowaAug 02 23:21
DaemonFCso they can watch OpenSuse run away for weeksAug 02 23:21
MinceRit won't happen until they steal the necessary code from FreeBSDAug 02 23:21
DaemonFC:DAug 02 23:21
schestowitzDaemonFC: or DetroitAug 02 23:22
schestowitzIts stock will go HIGHAug 02 23:22
MinceRthere's weed in detroit?Aug 02 23:22
schestowitzIt's a STEALAug 02 23:22
schestowitzFor the kidsAug 02 23:27
MinceRwait, wrong kind of highAug 02 23:27
schestowitzCookies and all...Aug 02 23:27
schestowitz 02 23:27
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: COP IS BUSTED STEALING WEED-VERY FUNNY! .::. Size~: 5.25 KBAug 02 23:27
schestowitz "@schestowitz I defend Stallman a lot but man... I'm 14. I could see that happen to me man, if that really happened?"Aug 02 23:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 10.3 KBAug 02 23:27
schestowitz\ "I don't see how one could possibly defend that :/"Aug 02 23:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 10.3 KBAug 02 23:27
schestowitzvAug 02 23:27
schestowitzhe's often quoted our of context by those who daemonise/trap/vex him up, you need to see the full videoAug 02 23:27
*schestowitz never did drugs, except alcohol and caffeine and "legal" stuffAug 02 23:27
schestowitzDid you know that Carl Sagan lobbied for legalising pot?Aug 02 23:27
DaemonFChmmmAug 02 23:27
DaemonFCOblivion setup crashes in Wine on OpenSuseAug 02 23:27
DaemonFCGCC 4.5 strikes again I thinkAug 02 23:27
DaemonFCmaybe Crossover Games will run itAug 02 23:27
schestowitzTurns out he smoked it a lot in his homeAug 02 23:27
schestowitzWhile doing his work and all, as a professor. Anonymously he also published articles about legalisationAug 02 23:27
schestowitzNot that I ever used the thing....Aug 02 23:27
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[ender2070/@ender2070] Hoping to test out Calculate Linux Desktop (Based on Gentoo). I'll see how nice it is and report back. 02 23:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Calculate Linux Desktop (CLD) .::. Size~: 13.22 KBAug 02 23:27
schestowitzWhy is allcohol legal?Aug 02 23:27
schestowitzImagine if it were not...Aug 02 23:27
MinceRbecause it's the western narcotic of choiceAug 02 23:27
MinceRalong with nicotineAug 02 23:27
schestowitz$$Aug 02 23:27
MinceRsince other (different, therefore evil) people used different drugs, those drugs must be different, therefore evilAug 02 23:28
schestowitzYummy... nicotine,... lots of money.. easy to tax tooAug 02 23:28
MinceRso they must be bannedAug 02 23:28
MinceRwhile ethanol and nicotine can be taxedAug 02 23:28
schestowitzYesAug 02 23:28
schestowitzI hard that too, that it became a classes-based decisionAug 02 23:28
MinceRnevermind that they all fuck up brain chemistry and other thingsAug 02 23:28
schestowitzClassification of drugs depended on the class (in society) that used themAug 02 23:29
schestowitzMinceR: that's a feature thoughAug 02 23:29
schestowitzIt makes people dumb and make them die before they reach pension agewAug 02 23:29
MinceRnevermind that those two are among the worse drugs, according to data that were published in The LancetAug 02 23:29
schestowitzBig feature to those in powerAug 02 23:30
MinceR"makes"?Aug 02 23:30
schestowitzYesAug 02 23:30
MinceRwith most of the kids, it would be quite the feat to make them stupidAug 02 23:30
schestowitzLess inclined to absorb knowledgeAug 02 23:30
schestowitzThen you give them page 3 of the Sun and some footballAug 02 23:30
MinceRindoctrination and teaching them to be assholes already does thatAug 02 23:30
schestowitzThey memorise names of athletes and celebs, not names of elementsAug 02 23:31
MinceRslightly older kids do much of the latterAug 02 23:31
MinceRmaking sure that most humans will be unable to behave in a civilized mannerAug 02 23:31
schestowitzBut this way you have an excuse to send more canon fodder tot he armyAug 02 23:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Should the US kidnap WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange? | Time Vote no: 02 23:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Should The U.S. Kidnap WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange?   - Swampland - .::. Size~: 63.09 KBAug 02 23:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Support WikiLeaks - WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 19.24 KBAug 02 23:31
MinceRindoctrination into not valuing intelligence and knowledge starts earlyAug 02 23:31
MinceRespecially in "religious" familiesAug 02 23:32
MinceRnot just cannon fodderAug 02 23:32
MinceRideal wage slaves and ideal consumersAug 02 23:32
MinceR 02 23:32
TechrightsBotTitle: File:Rational scale to assess the harm of drugs (mean physical harm and mean dependence).svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 70.15 KBAug 02 23:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @wikileaks Should the US kidnap WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange? | Time Vote no: 02 23:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Should The U.S. Kidnap WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange?   - Swampland - .::. Size~: 62.59 KBAug 02 23:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Support WikiLeaks - WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 19.24 KBAug 02 23:33
schestowitzMinceR: interesting graph, bookmarked Aug 02 23:35
DaemonFCI can probably nab a copy of Wine built for OpenSuse 11.2Aug 02 23:35
Chips_B_MalroyI got wine 1.3 for Mepis, but haven't installed it yetAug 02 23:36
DaemonFCthe build for Suse 11.2 likely uses GCC 4.4 or earlierAug 02 23:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Users are sticking to Windows XP - #microsoft #mvp #mvpbuzz #windows #vista #windows7 #xpAug 02 23:36
TechrightsBotTitle:                     Users are sticking to windows xp - The Inquirer          .::. Size~: 85.95 KBAug 02 23:36
DaemonFCversion of GCC used to build Wine can cause problems with the software you try to load in WineAug 02 23:36
schestowitzDaemonFC advertises not staying with XPAug 02 23:37
Chips_B_MalroyNot sure what this uses, its for Mepis 8.5.  But the 1.2 version, some users said it worked ok on 8.0 kde 3.5Aug 02 23:37
schestowitzHe even posts screenshots here.... "l;ook at me, I use VIsta7"Aug 02 23:37
MinceR"look how 1337 my vista7 desktop is!" *show utterly boring and retarded screenshot*Aug 02 23:39
MinceR"derp derp" *shows an even more boring vista7 screenshot*Aug 02 23:39
schestowitzBetter than "I would not go that far"Aug 02 23:40
Chips_B_MalroyI had to fix XP recently at a relatives house.  It was weird, no malware, no corrupted files, it was just broken, no taskbar or icons, did a repair install and it fixed.  It was on a dual boot system with LinuxAug 02 23:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] When is it right to leak "national security" secrets? 02 23:40
TechrightsBotTitle:         WikiLeaks: When is it 'right' to leak national security secrets? -     .::. Size~: 64.86 KBAug 02 23:40
MinceR"i would not go far" is still better than *joins* "hay, look at my m$ apologist comments on a former nerd news site now overrun by m$ and crApple apologists!" *quits*Aug 02 23:41
schestowitz,news-7408.htmlAug 02 23:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Sighted: Nexus One Running Ubuntu .::. Size~: 71.88 KBAug 02 23:41
Chips_B_MalroyThe better question is, what is a national secret.Aug 02 23:41
schestowitz"national security" - what is the translation of the term?Aug 02 23:41
Chips_B_Malroyor rather what should beAug 02 23:41
MinceRwhat's this "nation" business?Aug 02 23:41
DaemonFCreporting bugs isn't productiveAug 02 23:41
DaemonFCif it's not something affecting a developer, they brush it offAug 02 23:41
Chips_B_Malroyyes, ms knows thisAug 02 23:41
MinceR"a random group of people we tell are similar to each other but different from others with no rational basis so we can send them to kill those others and take their stuff for us"?Aug 02 23:41
schestowitz[23:41] <MinceR> what's this "nation" business?Aug 02 23:42
schestowitzEarth was divided into nationsAug 02 23:42
schestowitzNot continentsAug 02 23:42
MinceRor "a random team we make up so we can deal with our insecurity together"?Aug 02 23:42
schestowitzOne species drew out a mapAug 02 23:42
schestowitzThen it displaced and relocated some elements with many electronsAug 02 23:42
schestowitzIt dubbed them metalsAug 02 23:43
MinceR 02 23:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Sinfest .::. Size~: 7.3 KBAug 02 23:43
schestowitzANd it used them to obstruct animals' movementAug 02 23:43
MinceRanimals of its own species or of other species?Aug 02 23:43
schestowitzMinceR: nation is a large cultAug 02 23:43
schestowitzLike Catholicism and Judaism are cultsAug 02 23:44
MinceR"nation", tribe, cult, all the same bullshitAug 02 23:44
schestowitzIf you managed to get past a certain size threshold then you shed off the "cult" statusAug 02 23:44
schestowitz[23:43] <MinceR> animals of its own species or of other species?Aug 02 23:44
schestowitzIt's all the sameAug 02 23:44
schestowitzJust watch the DNAAug 02 23:44
schestowitzEven vegetation is very similarAug 02 23:45
schestowitzIt can pollinate beyond borders thoughAug 02 23:45
schestowitzThe only nations we need are continentsAug 02 23:45
schestowitzNatually defined barriers Aug 02 23:45
schestowitz"we're always been in war with eurasia"Aug 02 23:45
schestowitz5/6 continents are also good for avoiding monopolyAug 02 23:46
MinceRthose small differences are significantAug 02 23:46
schestowitzA market with 5 competitors would be goodAug 02 23:46
schestowitzAnd use Antarctica for reguilatorsAug 02 23:46
MinceRthey seem to mean being able to function in an ecosystem vs destroying itAug 02 23:46
schestowitzMinceR: not to an alienAug 02 23:46
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 02 23:47
schestowitzMinceR: thriving lead to perishmentAug 02 23:47
schestowitzNot just nuclear weaponAug 02 23:47
schestowitzLike overeatingAug 02 23:47
schestowitzSee Easter Island for exampleAug 02 23:47
schestowitzYou grow and grow and grow and then everyone dies all at onceAug 02 23:47
schestowitzA long-sustaining population would have social control against inflationAug 02 23:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Theissen is a torture advocate, but in TIME jargon, he's just a "harsh interrogation booster" 02 23:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Warning! | There might be a problem with the requested link .::. Size~: 5.98 KBAug 02 23:48
schestowitz[23:48] <TechrightsBot> Title: Warning! | There might be a problem with the requested link .::. Size~: 5.98 KBAug 02 23:50
schestowitzConspiracy! The government !!Aug 02 23:50
MinceRyes, humanity grows and grows and grows and then everything dies all at onceAug 02 23:52
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[ender2070/@ender2070] RT @schestowitz RT @wikileaks Should the US kidnap WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange? | Time Vote no: ...Aug 02 23:52
TechrightsBotTitle: Should The U.S. Kidnap WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange?   - Swampland - .::. Size~: 70.15 KBAug 02 23:52
TechrightsBotTitle: | Basic | a simple URL shortener .::. Size~: 9.95 KBAug 02 23:52
MinceR"I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not.Aug 02 23:53
MinceRYou move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is?Aug 02 23:53
MinceRA virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure."Aug 02 23:53
cubezzz3but Smith was a virus too :)Aug 02 23:53
cubezzz3pot kettle blackAug 02 23:54
schestowitzBut now we have contraceptionAug 02 23:54
schestowitzWe also have bankersAug 02 23:54
cubezzz3we've had it since the 60'sAug 02 23:54
schestowitzAnd to pay back debt population size must increaseAug 02 23:54
cubezzz3half a centuryAug 02 23:54
MinceRcubezzz3: Send a maniac to catch one.Aug 02 23:54
cubezzz3"are you a programmer?" ;-)Aug 02 23:55
MinceR(better quote: Send a maniac to catch a maniac.)Aug 02 23:55
cubezzz3anti-virus virus?Aug 02 23:55
schestowitzAVIVAAug 02 23:55
cubezzz3you need real AV software to combat your fake AV software :)Aug 02 23:56
cubezzz3sometimes I wonder if botnets are as bad as they sayAug 02 23:56
schestowitzWindows Update is a botnetAug 02 23:57
MinceRskype is a botnetAug 02 23:58

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