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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 7th, 2010

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schestowitzMcDonalds keeps better tracks of its beefAug 07 00:00
schestowitz*trackAug 07 00:00
sebsebsebRead this! :) 07 00:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Is Ubuntu becoming more of a pain to set up than Windows? « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 85.52 KBAug 07 00:03
*FurnaceBoy has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Aug 07 00:04
*FurnaceBoy ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 00:04
sebsebseboh the guy that gave me the link, said it came from the ublogAug 07 00:04
GoblinRFDSo a difficult set up for an alpha version of Ubuntu?Aug 07 00:08
GoblinRFDand the surprise for the blogger was?Aug 07 00:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] Sswweeet! RT @zareason: AMD Quad or Hex Core desktop now available with Ubuntu 07 00:08
TechrightsBotTitle: Limbo 6000A :: Desktops :: ZaReason, Inc. :: Laptops, Desktops, Servers, and Peripherals Designed for Ubuntu Linux .::. Size~: 28.72 KBAug 07 00:08
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: its notAug 07 00:08
sebsebsebI didn't finnish reading that just yetAug 07 00:09
sebsebsebalso Ubuntu really is going down hill now, but most users have no idea.Aug 07 00:09
GoblinRFDits funny because whilst I havent kept up to date with Ubuntu and its goings on....that blog post (if it refered to the RC) would prove something Ive been saying for a while.Aug 07 00:09
GoblinRFDthat being, Windows and its failures are largely the responsibility of the end-user...that being Microsoft trying to please everyone by stuffing it full and providing one click fixes for one click fixes.Aug 07 00:11
GoblinRFDas well as using it as a platform to sell you more MS gear.Aug 07 00:12
GoblinRFDthis is why Ive always been of the opinion that mass migration to the Linux platform may be harmful to it.Aug 07 00:12
GoblinRFDI don't want someone turning up in the Wolvix forums hounding people as to why they "can't get the spinny cube thing" working like they saw it on Youtube.Aug 07 00:12
GoblinRFDand imagine that multiplied hundreds of thousands of times over if there was a mass migration.Aug 07 00:13 of the most reliable distro's I used was Ubuntu 8.04LTSAug 07 00:14
GoblinRFDand I still have a deployment of it....I have had 0 issues from it.Aug 07 00:14
GoblinRFD* deployment is on a rig that the wife uses.Aug 07 00:15
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: depends on how a distro does itAug 07 00:15
GoblinRFDvery true...Aug 07 00:15
sebsebsebif it is a good or bad thing for it to have most Desktop Linux usersAug 07 00:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] RT @fsfe: Software Freedom Day 2010 is just around the corner, 18th Sept.! 07 00:15
TechrightsBotTitle: Software Freedom Day .::. Size~: 17.37 KBAug 07 00:15
sebsebsebbefore 9.04, and to be fair 9.04 as well, except for one little default change that really got at meAug 07 00:15
GoblinRFDalthough if you are trying to cater for millions of people, I think thats where the problems start...Aug 07 00:15
sebsebsebIt was ok for Ubuntu to have most users on the desktop,  well I thought soAug 07 00:16
sebsebseband then uh, things really started going bad with 9.10, and 10.04 is rather horrible indeed, but yeah most users have no ideaAug 07 00:16
GoblinRFDI would like to see the FOSS ethos "mainstream" and in the public eye...Aug 07 00:16
GoblinRFDbut taking Windows market share onto the shoulders of just Linux? not sure....Aug 07 00:16
cubezzzit is, chapters has Linux magazines on displayAug 07 00:16
cubezzzstaples sells linux routersAug 07 00:16
cubezzzit's out thereAug 07 00:16
sebsebsebaltough two of the things that really get me about 9.10 and 10.04 are actsaully upstream Gnome's fault, but Ubuntu just makes one of them worse, by not giving it a proper default nice looking background, that is for GDM 2.Aug 07 00:17
GoblinRFDI'd like to see an equal balance of all platforms.  It makes for better competition.Aug 07 00:17
sebsebseband yeah no icons in the syste menu, but easy to put those back :DAug 07 00:17
cubezzzall platforms including what?Aug 07 00:17
sebsebsebUbuntu is a jokeAug 07 00:17
sebsebsebthe hardware support is horribleAug 07 00:17
sebsebsebhang around in #ubuntu long enough and you'll seeAug 07 00:17
cubezzzAROS? Haiku? CP/M? :)Aug 07 00:17
GoblinRFDI never had a problem with Ubuntu.Aug 07 00:17
GoblinRFDalthough admittedly Ive not tried the latest versionsAug 07 00:18
sebsebsebwireless issues, ATI,  and sound, and what not,  it seems distros such as PC Linux OS and Mandriva have less issues, when it comes to that kind of thingAug 07 00:18
GoblinRFDhang on...yes I have...I believe peppermint is 10.04....that is very good.Aug 07 00:18
cubezzza lot of people seem to like MintAug 07 00:18
sebsebsebcubezzz: yes, butAug 07 00:19
sebsebsebI also read comments on their site,  that said thatAug 07 00:19
sebsebsebthat basically said that the latest version wasn't that good, because of how its based on 10.04, and so the Plymouth issue for exampleAug 07 00:19
sebsebsebalso  I was told about three or four weeks ago, that 8.04 wasn't even being offered 10.04 as an upgrade,  untill 8.04.1 which is out now I guessAug 07 00:20
sebsebsebwell yeah as far as I know its out nowAug 07 00:20
sebsebsebso I guess that was Canonical saying that 10.04 wasn't really stable enough yetAug 07 00:20
GoblinRFDjust a random thought here.....Aug 07 00:21
GoblinRFDand shoot me for it.....Aug 07 00:21
GoblinRFDbut I don't think I will ever get on with KDE....Aug 07 00:21
GoblinRFDI just don't like it.Aug 07 00:22
sebsebseband people think Ubuntu is so user friendly,  uh no its not,  I mean Mandriva and PC Linux OS have a nice proper graphical  control centre for configuring the system.  Does Ubuntu?  Nah, but theres some sort of 3rd party project, altough last time I read something about that, it seems to just open up programs that are already on the system.Aug 07 00:22
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: No problem buddy :)  I am not much of a KDE fan eitherAug 07 00:22
sebsebsebhowever I do mix appsAug 07 00:22
GoblinRFDI had a terrible experience with Mandriva.....Aug 07 00:22
sebsebseband sometimes use KDE 4Aug 07 00:22
GoblinRFDand yes I mix appsAug 07 00:22
sebsebsebyeah Gnome or KDE apps, on their own, don't really cut itAug 07 00:23
sebsebsebso using KDE apps  sometimes in Gnome :)  or Gnome apps in KDE sometimes :)  ,but  then there are these people who have a right thing with that.Aug 07 00:23
GoblinRFDmy binary NG software is KDE...Aug 07 00:23
sebsebseband  say stuff like, if I install a KDE app in Gnome, I install half of KDE with it.Aug 07 00:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Want to make Ubuntu better for those with accessibility needs? Be part of the solution: #ubuntuAug 07 00:23
GoblinRFD(Klibido)Aug 07 00:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Links 6/8/2010: The Linux Desktop More Responsive, Android Succeeds on Smartphones 07 00:23
TechrightsBotTitle:                   Making Ubuntu More Accessible | jonobacon@home                     .::. Size~: 26.11 KBAug 07 00:23
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 6/8/2010: The Linux Desktop More Responsive, Android Succeeds on Smartphones | Techrights .::. Size~: 105.4 KBAug 07 00:23
sebsebsebso what, if they don't have a stupidly sized partition,  Linux distros aren't WIndows, where things are likely to slow down, with to many apps installedAug 07 00:24
FurnaceBoycubezzz: well, for a start, linux, os x, windows, opensolaris, *bsdAug 07 00:24
FurnaceBoycubezzz: then perhaps other things like reactos, etc, shall gain as well...Aug 07 00:24
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: Have you tired Gnome Shell yet?Aug 07 00:24
FurnaceBoycubezzz: HaikuAug 07 00:24
GoblinRFDyep.Aug 07 00:24
sebsebsebits quite nice, altough I don't have the latest version, but the version I have isn't really oldAug 07 00:24
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: right.Aug 07 00:24
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: there's no 'linux rot'.Aug 07 00:24
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: uhmm  not quite sure what your getting at, but for example you woudn't normally need to defrag a Linux file system, altough it is possibleAug 07 00:25
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: rightAug 07 00:25
GoblinRFDtalking of the shell....been tarting up some of my scripts with the cracking dialog command.Aug 07 00:25
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: but i am referring to what you said.Aug 07 00:25
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: Windows rot.Aug 07 00:25
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: reboot every week, reinstall every few monthsAug 07 00:25
sebsebseboh your saying that things don't slow downAug 07 00:25
sebsebsebyou were agreeing with me?Aug 07 00:25
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: yes, there's no equivalent to 'windows rot', yes.Aug 07 00:25
cubezzzwhat causes windows rot?Aug 07 00:26
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: I am agreeingAug 07 00:26
sebsebsebok :)Aug 07 00:26
GoblinRFDgoing onlineAug 07 00:26
cubezzzjust fragmentation?Aug 07 00:26
FurnaceBoycubezzz: all kinds of things. people don't even expect a windows installation to last a year.Aug 07 00:26
FurnaceBoycubezzz: I don't even expect to *reboot* every year.Aug 07 00:26
GoblinRFDWindows is great if you don't install things, don't tinker with it and don't connect it to the net.Aug 07 00:26
cubezzzyeah, I don't understand why alternatives aren't more popularAug 07 00:26
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: :)Aug 07 00:26
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: well sureAug 07 00:26
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: and..don't use it much.Aug 07 00:26
GoblinRFDyep that aswell!Aug 07 00:26
cubezzzand don't click on any icons? :)Aug 07 00:26
sebsebsebyeah its a major security risk to have onlineAug 07 00:26
GoblinRFDyou can look at it though...Aug 07 00:26
sebsebseb,but most people don't know thatAug 07 00:26
FurnaceBoycubezzz: the market is distorted. information is distorted. all deliberately.Aug 07 00:27
GoblinRFDjust don't touchAug 07 00:27
FurnaceBoy+1Aug 07 00:27
sebsebseband loads that do know its a secuirty risk, either don't reloize the seriousness,  or don't really careAug 07 00:27
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: yesAug 07 00:27
sebsebsebmost computer users aboveAug 07 00:27
FurnaceBoymost don't even know. it's terribly sad.Aug 07 00:27
sebsebseband people tend to think that their own Windows install is secure enough,  I mean computer peopleAug 07 00:27
cubezzzI just don't like dozeAug 07 00:27
FurnaceBoycubezzz: who could?Aug 07 00:27
FurnaceBoycubezzz: there's no point to it.Aug 07 00:28
cubezzzStockholders? :)Aug 07 00:28
FurnaceBoycubezzz: it's like liking your jailer's shirt.Aug 07 00:28
sebsebsebso yeah  all those security risk for Windows, but other then that, it can  be ok, reallyAug 07 00:28
FurnaceBoycubezzz: not too long from now, stockholders are going to hate microsoft a great deal. :DAug 07 00:28
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: oh?Aug 07 00:28
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: and the rot.Aug 07 00:29
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: that's a bit inconvenient. I'm more of a 'install once' kind of guy.Aug 07 00:29
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: and I don't like rebooting either.Aug 07 00:29
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: yeah sameAug 07 00:29
sebsebseband same  againAug 07 00:29
sebsebseband well i'll re install  if I want to change distro or file system :DAug 07 00:29
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: I don't do that, as a rule.Aug 07 00:29
sebsebsebthats the only time I want to be re installnig a Linux distro on a computer reallyAug 07 00:29
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: I find reinstalls to be dead time.Aug 07 00:30
cubezzzor hard drive failure? :)Aug 07 00:30
sebsebsebhowever not so much now, but more so for the older days, something could mess up for example Grub, and if to newbie, yep rei nstallAug 07 00:30
FurnaceBoycubezzz: backupsAug 07 00:30
cubezzzyeah I suppose you could keep going forever if you just replaced parts when neededAug 07 00:30
FurnaceBoycubezzz: I intend to.Aug 07 00:30
FurnaceBoycubezzz: I just put an SSD in my dual G5 as boot disk for this reasonAug 07 00:31
sebsebsebits asahme really that  a properly good distro, no longer has most of the users, when it comes to Desktop LinuxAug 07 00:31
sebsebsebI mean Ubuntu used to be a properly good distro didn't it?Aug 07 00:31
*magentar has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 07 00:32
cubezzznever liked Ubuntu myselfAug 07 00:32
FurnaceBoyit was recommendable. but i don;'t use it so i don't know how bad it's gottenAug 07 00:32
cubezzzAROS is my current projectAug 07 00:32
sebsebsebcubezzz: Why not?Aug 07 00:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Alan also tells me a real block that needs fixing is this segfault bug in Dasher - - any takers? #ubuntuAug 07 00:32
cubezzzwell it didn't seem to have the su command for one thingAug 07 00:32
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 00:32
sebsebsebcubezzz: well you can do the root account yourself, but  doing so is well,  The Big No Of Ubuntu!Aug 07 00:33
sebsebsebcubezzz: and you could sudo -iAug 07 00:33
cubezzzjust didn't seem Unixy enough for meAug 07 00:33
sebsebsebwell  sureAug 07 00:33
sebsebsebUbuntu isn't reallyAug 07 00:33
sebsebseban alternative to UnixAug 07 00:33
sebsebsebwell it is technically, but  its not as such, I mean its a distro that wants to be an alternative to Windows and Mac OS XAug 07 00:34
cubezzzI use Fedora and Vector and BL3Aug 07 00:34
sebsebsebthey aren't trying to compete against Unix  or  other distros reallyAug 07 00:34
sebsebsebthey already have most users on the desktop, and now yeah trying to get more WIndows and Mac OS X usersAug 07 00:35
cubezzzI'd run Unix System V again if I could find itAug 07 00:35
sebsebsebsadly thing is,  a lot of their potential users, will get hardware issues,  and most of them  will just leave the distro if it doesn't just workAug 07 00:35
cubezzzbut there's no FOSS Unix System V.....?Aug 07 00:35
sebsebsebI have said it before, but probably more users who have tried Ubuntu, went back to WIndows or Mac OS X,  than what stayed as Ubuntu users, or users that went to another distro.Aug 07 00:36
cubezzzbut in Linux you don't have to worry about drivers not working that used to workAug 07 00:36
sebsebsebcubezzz: uhmm yes and noAug 07 00:36
sebsebsebI meanAug 07 00:36
cubezzzat least, I've never encountered a case like thatAug 07 00:36
sebsebsebwith UbuntuAug 07 00:36
sebsebsebwhat is happening more recently is this:  Hardware that used to work fine in a previous version, no longer does in a later version.Aug 07 00:36
cubezzzthat's not goodAug 07 00:37
sebsebsebindeedAug 07 00:37
FurnaceBoyhey any Common Lispers here?Aug 07 00:37
cubezzzno, APL :)Aug 07 00:37
sebsebsebAny what?Aug 07 00:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @BoingBoing: Massive ice island 4x size of Manhattan separates from Greenland glacier 07 00:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Massive ice island 4x size of Manhattan separates from Greenland glacier - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 23.08 KBAug 07 00:37
cubezzzso no one steals my code :)Aug 07 00:37
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: Common Lisp. a standard dialect with many implementations.Aug 07 00:38
cubezzzno, mainly boring ol' C for meAug 07 00:38
sebsebsebcubezzz: I can't exatly promote Ubuntu to anyone anymore, the distro really does suck at the moment, maybe when it does Gnome 3 as the default, I can promote it to peple again and such, but untill then, nah.Aug 07 00:38
sebsebseband its sad, people try Ubuntu, mainly, because of all the hype, and then yeah issues.Aug 07 00:39
sebsebsebI even bought an  old Ubuntu magazine  at the air port the other day, and another Linux magazine also old.  Anyway,  so this  Ubuntu magazine was for 9.10.Aug 07 00:39
cubezzzold? that's not old :)Aug 07 00:40
sebsebseband it said how Linux is good and Ubuntu and Ubuntu and blah de blah, but there was also a little section about issues they had when they tried like  the alpha of what would be 10.04, or whatever, on some computers.Aug 07 00:40
sebsebsebcubezzz: Both magazines were from like March or something, so yeah old.Aug 07 00:40
cubezzzanyways, back laterAug 07 00:40
cubezzzversion me sometime :)Aug 07 00:40
FurnaceBoyMarch is old? heck I even remember March 2009Aug 07 00:40
sebsebsebcubezzz: version me?Aug 07 00:41
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: well when we are on about Linux distros,  who have a new version in AprilAug 07 00:41
sebsebseband magazines that maybe do a new version every month?Aug 07 00:41
sebsebsebthen sure March is oldAug 07 00:41
sebsebsebthis is AugustAug 07 00:41
sebsebsebwe are in AugustAug 07 00:41
cubezzz-cubezzz- VERSION xchat 2.0.7 Linux 2.4.22-1.2199.nptlsmp [i686/551.76MHz/SMP]Aug 07 00:41
sebsebseboh your on noobchatAug 07 00:41
FurnaceBoycubezzz: nice!Aug 07 00:41
GoblinRFDThe only danger I see with Ubuntu is if people think Ubuntu = Linux...theres so much more on offer and its not just Ubuntu which is userfriendly.Aug 07 00:42
sebsebsebthats what I call it as a jokeAug 07 00:42
sebsebsebsince most of the Ubuntu newbies and such use NoobchatAug 07 00:42
sebsebsebthat use IRCAug 07 00:42
FurnaceBoycubezzz: it would be worth running my friend's SE/030 (3 bogomips) just so ppl could get thatAug 07 00:42
cubezzzI also use naim, does that make me less a noob? :)Aug 07 00:42
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Aug 07 00:42
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: bingo exactly, indeedAug 07 00:42
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: well saidAug 07 00:42
sebsebsebhit the nail on the head, as I belive the  saying goesAug 07 00:42
FurnaceBoywe need a credible, slick entry distro.Aug 07 00:42
FurnaceBoyUbuntu was that. Aug 07 00:42
*magentar has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 07 00:42
FurnaceBoymaybe that's changedAug 07 00:42
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: yes the key word here "was"Aug 07 00:42
GoblinRFDI personally think Wolvix is user friendly...I don't think Ive done anything with it that would be complicated for a new user......Aug 07 00:43
cubezzzwhat's wrong with xchat?Aug 07 00:43
FurnaceBoycubezzz: weechat ftw!!!Aug 07 00:43
sebsebsebUbuntu was pretty great really, I could recommend it to loads and loads  of people, sadly not anymore!Aug 07 00:43
GoblinRFDcubezzz: You do know what you can't be "l33t" unless you use IRSSI?Aug 07 00:43
sebsebsebcubezzz: Konversation :)  and  what not, and yeah IRSSI and Weechat for those that want to do the terminalAug 07 00:43
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: have you written up your objections somewhere?Aug 07 00:43
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 00:43
GoblinRFDcubezzz: (which I am of course)Aug 07 00:43
sebsebsebcubezzz: I just don't like Xchat much, and know most of the Ubuntu newbies use it , that use IRC, so yeah I joke about it a bit :DAug 07 00:43
*FurnaceBoy wants to do the terminal. i'm over xchat.Aug 07 00:43
cubezzzsheesh, I compile my own ncurses proggies :)Aug 07 00:43
FurnaceBoycubezzz: so try weechatAug 07 00:43
cubezzzand X proggiesAug 07 00:43
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: I have told people on IRC quite a few times, about what I didn't like about Ubuntu since 8.04Aug 07 00:44
FurnaceBoycubezzz: i don't think you'll look back.Aug 07 00:44
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: right, but...Aug 07 00:44
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: that doesn't help me see a summary :)Aug 07 00:44
GoblinRFDcubezzz: yep thats l337 ;)Aug 07 00:44
cubezzzFurnaceBoy, on the 486 I use naimAug 07 00:44
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: and no I don't have a blogAug 07 00:44
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: i dunno how i can get an overview of your gripes then.Aug 07 00:44
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: of course i don't expect you to type in 300 words right now...Aug 07 00:44
sebsebsebanyway uhmm at the moment its a bit pointless for loads of new users to be going to any distroAug 07 00:44
sebsebsebwell if going to be using GnomeAug 07 00:45
sebsebsebsince yeah Gnome 3 is around the corner,  delayed untill March next year now though, it was going to be out this September, delayed from AprilAug 07 00:45
sebsebseband  yeah Gnome 3 will change things a lot,  and people start getting used to something, and not all of them, will just want to change to something elseAug 07 00:46
sebsebsebhowever yeah since how things are,  not really that many people will be going to distros at the moment,  oh sure maybe like two million or so before Gnome 3, but thats nothing when we talk about Desktop Operating System market share as a wholeAug 07 00:46
sebsebseband also loads of those will go to Ubuntu, and then back to Windows or Mac OS X, since their hardware didn't just work, I mean wireless for example,  or ATI graphics card, or sound issue.  Yep what I was on about earlier.Aug 07 00:46
sebsebseband thats how it is!Aug 07 00:47
sebsebsebLike it or not.Aug 07 00:47
*magentar has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 07 00:47
FurnaceBoyyes, it has to 'just work',.Aug 07 00:47
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: exactly, and a lot of the time, Ubuntu really doesn'tAug 07 00:48
sebsebseband configuring hardware in Ubuntu to get it working, isn't exactly easyAug 07 00:48
sebsebsebuseuallyAug 07 00:48
FurnaceBoyit has to work as well as windows in this area.Aug 07 00:48
sebsebsebindeedAug 07 00:48
FurnaceBoyos x they can never match, because that is fully integrated.Aug 07 00:48
FurnaceBoybut windows, they can match.Aug 07 00:48
sebsebsebwell yes and noAug 07 00:48
sebsebsebsince hardware manufactures don't just provide drivers for LinuxAug 07 00:48
FurnaceBoyright.Aug 07 00:48
FurnaceBoythat's a problem,it's part of the microsoft tax.Aug 07 00:48
GoblinRFDI think its horses for courses....I had more trouble with Mandriva than with Gentoo....just luck of the draw as with any software written for hardware it has no control over.Aug 07 00:48
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 00:48
FurnaceBoygentoo has been pretty ok for me, but it requires technical ability.Aug 07 00:49
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: also yeah certain distros, are better than others, with certain hardware,  and for a partiuclar userAug 07 00:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] The History Of Haystack... And Why Online Censorship Will Remain Difficult 07 00:49
TechrightsBotTitle: The History Of Haystack... And Why Online Censorship Will Remain Difficult | Techdirt .::. Size~: 21.01 KBAug 07 00:49
GoblinRFDand I think the wealth of distro's is the bonus...afterall if you want Windows and can't install it, what options do you have?  At least with Linux if one gives problems you can bet there are hundreds that wont.Aug 07 00:50
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: yes, but,  what you mentioned earlierAug 07 00:51
sebsebsebUbuntu = LinuxAug 07 00:51
sebsebsebthingAug 07 00:51
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: plus their is a lot of ignorance about distrosAug 07 00:51
GoblinRFDtrue....Aug 07 00:51
sebsebsebpeople don't want to just try another, because they think  loads of the apps that worked in Ubuntu, won't in another, and what notAug 07 00:51
GoblinRFDbut then there is alot of ignorance in the computing world in general...Aug 07 00:51
sebsebsebor they think they are basically changing to a completly differnet OSAug 07 00:52
sebsebsebwhen really  another distro such as  Mandriva or PC Linux OS or OpenSuse even,  or Fedora,  and what not, are all quite similar to Ubuntu, under the hood and what notAug 07 00:52
GoblinRFDmany users simply use thier PC as a tool and have no interest in what they are running, who makes it, if its FOSS or not...they just want to do their tasks....if they have problems they tend to work around them since they use their PC like a toaster...Aug 07 00:52
sebsebseband yes exactly a lot of ignorance in the computing world in general, which is also  one of the reasons as to why Ubuntu has most Desktop Linux users at the moment.Aug 07 00:52
sebsebsebsince they read the hype and yeahAug 07 00:53
sebsebsebor  was told to use it by someoneAug 07 00:53
sebsebsebthey didn't really pick a distro properly, like what I had to do in 2004Aug 07 00:53
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: right, toaster.Aug 07 00:53
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: which is where Apple succeedsAug 07 00:53
GoblinRFDI think though Ubuntu gained it popularity off the back of honest held belief and a fantastic LTS in 8.04Aug 07 00:53
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: no it was already rather popular when 8.04 came outAug 07 00:54
GoblinRFDyep but I mean the reputation for the new users now to choose linux and 10.04Aug 07 00:54
sebsebsebin fact it was pretty popular in 2005 as wellAug 07 00:54
GoblinRFD9.04 was not particularly well recievedAug 07 00:54
GoblinRFDand neither (if memory serves) was 9.10Aug 07 00:54
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: "many users simply use thier PC as a tool and have no interest in what they are running" <-- this is ignorance, but not in a pejorative way, it's the kind of 'ignorance' that has to be catered to, accommodatedAug 07 00:54
sebsebsebaltough I think it was around Ubuntu 6.06Aug 07 00:55
sebsebsebthat people started saying it was ready for people that didn't really know computers muchAug 07 00:55
GoblinRFDhow do you cater for ignorance? you can't force a user to care about what they are running.Aug 07 00:55
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: it's simply that most ppl aren't interested in the guts of it. it just 'has to work'. geeks should thrill at the challenge of building stuff that 'just works' for other kinds of people.Aug 07 00:55
sebsebsebI remember in like 2005,  I had this friend who I later fell out with, and I was using Ubuntu, and he wasn't technicalAug 07 00:55
sebsebsebhis first computerAug 07 00:55
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: rightAug 07 00:55
GoblinRFDI was SUSE prior to 8.04Aug 07 00:55
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: if f/oss starts demanding that ppl get involved beyond a comfort level, ppl will walk awayAug 07 00:55
sebsebseband he asked me if he could use Ubuntu,  and  I didn't recommend it, becasue I had read that it wasn't really for not so technical peopleAug 07 00:55
FurnaceBoyIt has to be grandma-compatible.Aug 07 00:56
FurnaceBoythe sad thing is that windows drags people into a world of shit, but initially it doesn't seem so.Aug 07 00:56
FurnaceBoymalware.Aug 07 00:56
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: well you can sometimes, try to force a user to care about what they are using,  but it probably won't end wellAug 07 00:56
FurnaceBoyflakiness.Aug 07 00:56
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: exactly....and I think people don't like being told "you can't use that" Aug 07 00:56
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: they had enough of that from MicrosoftAug 07 00:56
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: yesAug 07 00:56
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: yeah and people blame the malware on well the malware writters not MicrosoftAug 07 00:57
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: --> this is the kind of challenge that geeks have to get enthused by. not building stuff for other geeks, but building stuff that ORDINARY PEOPLE can use and love.Aug 07 00:57
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: until devs think this way... Aug 07 00:57
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: altough slightly more technical people, start to blame it on Microsoft :DAug 07 00:57
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: I had hoped that Canonical thought this way.Aug 07 00:57
sebsebseband then there are the people who don't care, that htere computer has malware on itAug 07 00:57
sebsebsebas long as they can still use the computer for what they want to doAug 07 00:58
GoblinRFDI thoroughly support my use of proprietary gfx drivers...I have not seen a compelling argument for me to change and I couldn't hand on heart advocate a new user to avoid them either.Aug 07 00:58
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: online banking.Aug 07 00:58
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: it's painful even to have your MSN account stolen (happens all the time to windows users)Aug 07 00:58
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: well loads of people doing that I guess, on computer, that mas malware on itAug 07 00:58
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: I don't see any reason why ppl should have to endure that.Aug 07 00:58
sebsebsebpeople are stupid at computerAug 07 00:58
sebsebsebloads don't careAug 07 00:58
sebsebsebso loads just put up with the problemsAug 07 00:59
FurnaceBoyright, but to say we can't solve this problem is absurd.Aug 07 00:59
FurnaceBoyit's just a question of focus, mission, priorities, attitude.Aug 07 00:59
sebsebsebuntill things get rather bad, then just  get someone to help them with computer, or buy a new oneAug 07 00:59
FurnaceBoyI thought Canonical had this nailed.Aug 07 00:59
FurnaceBoyI thought they understood what was needed to get there.Aug 07 00:59
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: we cannot change 'people'.Aug 07 01:00
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: 9.04 was greatAug 07 01:00
GoblinRFDand why should they? Everyone here (I assume) has a genuine interest in computing, but I know for a fact if I wasn't interested I would not be interested in what I was running as long as it reasonably did the job.Aug 07 01:00
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: but we have TOTAL control over hte product we ask them to use.Aug 07 01:00
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: for most Ubuntu users at that timeAug 07 01:00
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: 9.10 was like Canonicals Vista :DAug 07 01:00
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: rightAug 07 01:00
sebsebsebwell not :D as in happy, but asi n grinAug 07 01:00
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: I'm technical but I have a certain 'don't care' factor for some things.Aug 07 01:00
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: I don't want to be debugging a web browser. I just want it to work. it's 2010Aug 07 01:00
FurnaceBoyI don't expect to be debugging my C compiler or my video card driver.Aug 07 01:01
FurnaceBoyI have sh*t to get done.Aug 07 01:01
GoblinRFDfunny you should say that....MS decided to leave out cut and paste from Mobile 7 as the platform will be allowed to settle in first.Aug 07 01:01
FurnaceBoylulzAug 07 01:01
GoblinRFDcut and paste must be an advanced feature.Aug 07 01:02
GoblinRFD;)Aug 07 01:02
FurnaceBoya day late, a dollar short -- it might as well be their motto.Aug 07 01:02
GoblinRFDmultitaskings also out....its only 2010 so lets give it time to settle before Microsoft thinks of complex ideas like that.Aug 07 01:02
FurnaceBoyLOL!Aug 07 01:02
FurnaceBoyit took them a long time to get 1975-vintage memory protection.Aug 07 01:02
GoblinRFDoh and forget about connecting to private wifi too...Aug 07 01:03
FurnaceBoyoh, yeah. iPod did that since 2007Aug 07 01:03
GoblinRFDbut hey.....its Windows.....Aug 07 01:03
*FurnaceBoy 's iPod touch is on a private wifi right nowAug 07 01:03
GoblinRFD"Im a Windows Mobile 7 and it was my idea"Aug 07 01:03
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: yeah same here, I just want my computer to be working, with great software, that legally I didn't have to pay for as well :)  and that ideally  was made by unpaid volunters from all over the world, out of the goodness of their hearts :) and using that kind of software makes me feel better,  than if I was using well freewareAug 07 01:03
GoblinRFDit will be a brave person to admit that.Aug 07 01:03
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: right. And I'm with RMS here. Free software CAN and HAS changed the world.Aug 07 01:04
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: and oh sure eventaully I may try some more complex distro  and not just in a vm,  like Arch or Gentoo, but  I am happy to have the basic OS  stuff already configured  for me in a distro.Aug 07 01:04
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: we're only a tiny way done on this journey.Aug 07 01:04
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: indeed it has, but most computer users don't know thatAug 07 01:04
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: rightAug 07 01:04
sebsebseblets take Apache for exampleAug 07 01:04
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: well, we have work to do :DAug 07 01:04
sebsebsebmost used web serverAug 07 01:05
FurnaceBoyyes.Aug 07 01:05
sebsebsebyes that really  did change the worldAug 07 01:05
FurnaceBoy:)Aug 07 01:05
sebsebseboh and yep that tends to run on Linux distrosAug 07 01:05
FurnaceBoymysqlAug 07 01:05
sebsebsebso yeah  another example, and yeah sure MySQLAug 07 01:05
GoblinRFDI think platforms will become less relevant in the future with the increase in cloud apps/data won't make a difference to Linux.  It will be the killer for Apple and MS.Aug 07 01:05
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: I think mobile computing will hit off moreAug 07 01:05
sebsebseband then yeahAug 07 01:06
sebsebsebwhat OS someone uses won't be as relivent, as it is today, for geeksAug 07 01:06
sebsebsebonly thing with that is wellAug 07 01:06
GoblinRFDI mean, with the exception of some games, what can a windows user do that we can't?Aug 07 01:06
sebsebsebthey won't just tell you that your running Linux or whatever, on these mobile devicesAug 07 01:06
sebsebsebalso even with Android, these mobile devices, are rather popritary reallyAug 07 01:06
sebsebseband  I have never used Android by the wayAug 07 01:06
sebsebsebapparently the Android browser pretends to be Safari :(Aug 07 01:07
sebsebsebor whatever that guy said :( @ thatAug 07 01:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] #inception was brilliant. nuff said.Aug 07 01:07
sebsebseblets not help with Safari market share :)  yes, better than helping with IE market share of course,  but  I would like user agents for browses to be honestAug 07 01:07
sebsebseband yeah Inception was a great filmAug 07 01:07
sebsebseband Chromeium says its Chrome not Chromeium,  I would rather they had a differnet user agent stringAug 07 01:08
sebsebsebthen Chrome and Chromium market share can be measuredAug 07 01:08
GoblinRFDproprietary is not a bad my line of work we use some rather unique tools...theres no way a foss package on the net would cater for them and sure as hell no employee within my organization that could code one....what do we do? outsource and pay for support and updates...we can't wait around on sourceforge on the off chance someone makes the app we need.  There will always be a home for proprietary even if it is only cAug 07 01:09
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: ideally most software should be opensource/freesoftware and cross platform as in the major three platforms, so yeah,  Windows,  Mac OS X, and Desktop LinuxAug 07 01:09
sebsebsebhoweverAug 07 01:09
GoblinRFDsebsebseb: oh yes...ideally....Aug 07 01:10
sebsebsebI think thats a good thing for Desktop Linux to have quite a few more Linux only apps :) since its the underdog as people sayAug 07 01:10
sebsebseband good Linux distro  only apps, can help Linux distros gain  more market share against Windows and Mac OS XAug 07 01:10
GoblinRFDsebsebseb: but then say with would you recoup the production costs of say GTA with a FOSS model?Aug 07 01:10
sebsebseband  gaming well,  if they stpped making for WindowsAug 07 01:11
sebsebsebthis PC games problem we have, would be solvedAug 07 01:11
sebsebsebI mean if they stopped making for Windows, but still for games consolesAug 07 01:11
GoblinRFDbut then that would be proprietary would it not?Aug 07 01:11
sebsebseband well people can run more than one OS, thats okAug 07 01:11
sebsebsebideally we would want people to be mainly using a Linux distro though, well I would :)Aug 07 01:11
GoblinRFDI differ....Aug 07 01:12
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: and propritary software isn't really a bad thing,  it can help win users to Desktop Linux, depending on what was made for itAug 07 01:12
GoblinRFDagreed...Aug 07 01:12
sebsebsebalso at the very beginning of Linux distros, most apps were commercial, Netscape and what notAug 07 01:12
GoblinRFDI voted photoshop should get a native linux verAug 07 01:12
GoblinRFDthats about the only package my collegues stay with windows for.Aug 07 01:12
sebsebsebso yeah ideally, most apps should be opensource/freesoftware, but will it happen any time soon?  Of course not,  most of this world is well capitalist with its consumerism, and very much so about money as a result, so yeah, so much for most computer software to be opensource/freesoftware any time soon.Aug 07 01:13
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: Also what does happen  is opensource/freesoftware community gets a gift every now and again,  a program that was closed source stop being so, Blender for example.Aug 07 01:13
sebsebseband yeah some great apps will start off as commercial/propritarysoftware and then later become opensource/freesoftwareAug 07 01:14
sebsebsebLaunchpad isn't exactly a great app I guess, but thats an example also of an app that was closed source, that late became opensource/freesoftwareAug 07 01:14
GoblinRFDyep.....Aug 07 01:14
sebsebsebas for games wellAug 07 01:15
GoblinRFDand thats a good suggestion for copyright laws.....Aug 07 01:15
cubezzzwe don't even need drivers, just programming documentationAug 07 01:15
sebsebsebgames should become opensource/freesoftware when they are no longer sold really I thinkAug 07 01:15
sebsebsebnot just no longer sold,  and yeah probably some where on the web for people to download still, but with that not being 100% legal I guessAug 07 01:15
sebsebsebor if not opensource/freesoftwareAug 07 01:16
GoblinRFDnot strictly on topic but I have another observation.....Aug 07 01:16
sebsebsebat least Freeware, thats what I thinkAug 07 01:16
GoblinRFDopen standards and closed file formats....Aug 07 01:16
sebsebsebsame thing ideally for any other program, that used to be sold, I guessAug 07 01:16
GoblinRFDis it really an issue to worry about (let me explain)Aug 07 01:16
sebsebseband it should include any version of the program that was sold as well, ideallyAug 07 01:16
cubezzzyou can get game code in some casesAug 07 01:17
cubezzzbut it's not easyAug 07 01:17
sebsebsebmaybe I mean a bit like copyrightAug 07 01:17
sebsebseb70 years, and it goes public domainAug 07 01:17
cubezzzummmAug 07 01:17
sebsebsebso in the case of software,  stops being sold, and any version is free to download of it legally, as freewareAug 07 01:17
cubezzztoo long :)Aug 07 01:17
sebsebseb,but as soon as it  stops being soldAug 07 01:17
sebsebsebnot 70 years laterAug 07 01:17
GoblinRFD25 years ago I wrote a program on the ZX spectrum and in basic....I saved it to tape.  Now by todays tech that would be pretty "closed" and not very open....however someone out there wrote an emulator that lets me load that data (and run it) on my too much of a big deal made about "data being held to ransom" with "closed" file formats and "standards"?Aug 07 01:18
cubezzzwell they won't do thatAug 07 01:18
sebsebsebwell yeahAug 07 01:18
sebsebsebthey don't careAug 07 01:18
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: I believe Adobe will eventually port Photoshop to Linux. THe fact they haven't, is just myopia and arrogance.Aug 07 01:18
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: yeah as some sort of web appAug 07 01:18
sebsebsebin fact I think there might be something nowAug 07 01:18
cubezzzGoblinRFD, printouts solve that problemAug 07 01:18
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: it exists. http://photoshop.comAug 07 01:19
TechrightsBotTitle: .::. Size~: 21.31 KBAug 07 01:19
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: yeah cut down PhotoshopAug 07 01:19
cubezzzI print out all my programsAug 07 01:19
GoblinRFDsorry it was an off topic observation, but I just wanted to see what others thought.Aug 07 01:19
cubezzzbut tokenized basic is rather closed :)Aug 07 01:19
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: no, data obsolescence is a critical issue.Aug 07 01:19
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: Domesday.Aug 07 01:19
GoblinRFDif we can have emulators written which will run Arcade PCB's from the 80's, I can't see any difficulty in 5 years time with a program to read an MSoffice doc.Aug 07 01:20
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: is a case study on how it bites in just a few short years.Aug 07 01:20
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: it's much harder than that.Aug 07 01:20
cubezzzI have CDRs from 1995Aug 07 01:20
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: the links can literally be severedAug 07 01:20
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: ideally open formatsAug 07 01:20
cubezzzstill workAug 07 01:20
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: so you know for sureAug 07 01:20
FurnaceBoycubezzz: LOL!Aug 07 01:20
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: that in 40 years timeAug 07 01:20
FurnaceBoycubezzz: 1995 is recentAug 07 01:20
cubezzzyeahAug 07 01:20
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: you can probably still open it with somethingAug 07 01:20
FurnaceBoycubezzz: booksAug 07 01:20
FurnaceBoycubezzz: Trajan's ColumnAug 07 01:20
FurnaceBoycubezzz: pyramidsAug 07 01:20
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: also emulaters wellAug 07 01:20
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: the emulaters will stop being made eventualleyAug 07 01:20
cubezzzFurnaceBoy, I have basic printouts from 1981, is that more impressive? :)Aug 07 01:20
FurnaceBoycubezzz: Cuzco Aug 07 01:21
FurnaceBoycubezzz: printouts.Aug 07 01:21
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: I'd agree but the point I was making was my spectrum data was pretty inconcient to say the least, despite that though, its not locked away forever.Aug 07 01:21
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: however open formats, will live on and on and on and onAug 07 01:21
FurnaceBoycubezzz: the point is, we're really bad at this for digital data.Aug 07 01:21
sebsebseband the more software the support the open formatAug 07 01:21
FurnaceBoycubezzz: it takes planning.Aug 07 01:21
sebsebsebwell the more software you have as an option to open it withAug 07 01:21
*cubezzz breaks out the marble and chiselsAug 07 01:21
FurnaceBoycubezzz: and the first step is it MUST NOT be proprietaryAug 07 01:21
GoblinRFDsebsebseb: and so has my spectrum data...Aug 07 01:21
sebsebsebGoblinRFD: open format is about sharingAug 07 01:21
GoblinRFDsebsebseb: I can even run it on a Nintendo DS.....Aug 07 01:21
sebsebsebjust like opensource/freesoftware isAug 07 01:21
sebsebseband yeah being able to use stuff easilly without hassle, well thats the  general ideaAug 07 01:22
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: right, but introduce any proprietary element and BOOM< gone. I hang aruond the retrocomputing community and it's really really hard to keep stuff accessible.Aug 07 01:22
cubezzzyour spectrum program should be ported to a newer OSAug 07 01:22
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: the operating systems, the programs, are just nowhere to be found.Aug 07 01:22
GoblinRFDsebsebseb: oh I agree and Im not disputing open standards is the way forward...what Im saying is that the worry of locked away forever data is grossly overstated.Aug 07 01:22
sebsebsebGoblinRFD:ideally  most software shoudl be opensource/freesoftware and most file formats, should be in an open format ideallyAug 07 01:22
sebsebseband yeah emulaters or virtual machinesAug 07 01:22
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD:  example... Multics. Will never run again. We don't know enough about the hardware platform.Aug 07 01:23
sebsebsebfor older appsAug 07 01:23
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: I can.... code written in Lamos (sic)_for the A500.Aug 07 01:23
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: the hardware doesn't exist any more.Aug 07 01:23
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: that's recent.Aug 07 01:23
cubezzzAmiga 500 still existsAug 07 01:23
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: Domesday was (nearly?) lost , that 's just 25 years.Aug 07 01:23
FurnaceBoyAmiga 500 is very recent.Aug 07 01:23
cubezzzheck, you could probably get a working PDP-11 if you had enough moneyAug 07 01:23
FurnaceBoycubezzz: I own quite a fewAug 07 01:23
FurnaceBoycubezzz: hang out in #classiccmpAug 07 01:24
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: ok....the wordprocessor for the ZXspectrum...I could still access any data via emu...Aug 07 01:24
cubezzzI'm not sure I'm classic enough :)Aug 07 01:24
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: yes, but ZX SPectrum is quite modern....Aug 07 01:24
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: and there was no fat Microsoft toad sitting in the pictureAug 07 01:24
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: proprietary is the kryptonite for data retention.Aug 07 01:24
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: it's ahrd enough with 100% openAug 07 01:24
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD:  I wrote an open source PSD parser. Want to know how good/complete the Adobe public doc for that is?Aug 07 01:25
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: there must be Petabytes of private/commercial data in PSD, held to ransom.Aug 07 01:25
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: but I think the issue here is "was the platform mainstream"...if it was then theres little worry and I think MSoffice was mainstream enough to mean that in years to come MS docs (regardless of what happens to MS) will still be accessable.Aug 07 01:25
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: "sort of". "with luck".Aug 07 01:25
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: A LOT can go wrong.Aug 07 01:25
GoblinRFDtrue, but then if your data is valuable enough, you would be saving in multiple formats anyway.Aug 07 01:26
GoblinRFDsurely?Aug 07 01:26
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: you're familiar with the Domesday project / and the efforts to recover it?Aug 07 01:26
GoblinRFDnot really no.Aug 07 01:26
GoblinRFDsorry.Aug 07 01:26
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: well yes, that's my point-- WITH a lot of careful planning, you can navigate this.Aug 07 01:26
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: but proprietary is an element you don't want to tangle with, when it comes to data retention.Aug 07 01:27
GoblinRFDbut then theres a difference between something like the doomday project and say a MSoffice doc...surely?Aug 07 01:27
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: most of the time backwards compatibility just doesn't exist.Aug 07 01:27
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: which means, not only do you have to preserve the APPLICATIONS,Aug 07 01:27
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: you have to preserve the RUNTIMES for them,Aug 07 01:27
GoblinRFDof course....Aug 07 01:27
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: and that often means preserving the HARDWARE.Aug 07 01:27
FurnaceBoyit goes on and on.Aug 07 01:27
FurnaceBoyand preserving the hardware is not easy, let alone the rest of the layers.Aug 07 01:27
FurnaceBoyit's a huge effort.Aug 07 01:28
GoblinRFDbut as I say... MSoffice is a little different to the Doomsday project....Aug 07 01:28
FurnaceBoyno, it's not.Aug 07 01:28
FurnaceBoyi explained why above--Aug 07 01:28
FurnaceBoy1) backwards compatibility is often absentAug 07 01:28
FurnaceBoy2) which leads you into a ramifying tree of requisrements, which rapidly become very hard to meet.Aug 07 01:28
GoblinRFDso you are saying a PC of the future would have issue with a file format of the past?Aug 07 01:28
FurnaceBoymore concrete example... 68K mac applications. PowerPC Mac applications. Who even owns this hardware in working form now? Who has the apps?Aug 07 01:29
GoblinRFDand the doc format has no relationship to hardware....its a fileformat it can be read.Aug 07 01:29
FurnaceBoyI have a doc in Fullwrite Professional, say. How do i get at it?Aug 07 01:29
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: not.Aug 07 01:29
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: i just explained why that's not the case.Aug 07 01:29
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: it's the dependence all the way down to hardware which makes this so damned expensive and difficult.Aug 07 01:29
FurnaceBoynot only does backwards compat often not exist, emulators often do not exist, and *cannot* be constructed.Aug 07 01:30
GoblinRFDand I said backwards comp is irrelevant....we are talking about a file format which a future generation of PC might have difficulty with? a .doc file?Aug 07 01:30
FurnaceBoyone example, Multics.Aug 07 01:30
FurnaceBoywill never run again.Aug 07 01:30
FurnaceBoythe knowledge is gone.Aug 07 01:30
GoblinRFD*irellevant in case of .docAug 07 01:30
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: DOC? no, these issues affect DOC profoundly.Aug 07 01:30
FurnaceBoyvery profoundly. it's the poster child for this problem.Aug 07 01:31
FurnaceBoywhy? because even microsoft cannot describe the format. see: OOXML.Aug 07 01:31
FurnaceBoythere is not true backwards compat for doc.Aug 07 01:31
FurnaceBoyso already you're in strife.Aug 07 01:31
FurnaceBoynow fast forward 10 years,Aug 07 01:31
FurnaceBoyand you won't have the hardware, the app, or the runtime, to read your DOC.Aug 07 01:31
FurnaceBoyunless you;re very lucky, and you don't need much fidelity.. then you might scrape thru.Aug 07 01:32
FurnaceBoymost likely with some open source converter.Aug 07 01:32
GoblinRFDyes I understand that...but the point I make is that the data is NOT completely unrecoverable.....and as I said in the early stages of debate, if you do have concerns you can save in a different format...last time I looked MS office allowed quite a few file formats...Aug 07 01:32
FurnaceBoythis is why i laugh when ppl say open source tools live in the past. that's what can save your life.Aug 07 01:32
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: it gets exponetnially harder over time, that's all.Aug 07 01:32
FurnaceBoywithout really really meticulous planning.Aug 07 01:32
FurnaceBoyand using open standards is step #1Aug 07 01:32
GoblinRFDwell my 25 year spectrum example was not hard at all.....from analog (tape).Aug 07 01:33
FurnaceBoyyou can get lucky. but we can find counterexamples. let me get you the domesday link; that is 25 year spanAug 07 01:33
GoblinRFDI'd suggest in 20 years if people have fears about the way the winds blowing, they quickly re-save into the format of their choice at the time.Aug 07 01:33
GoblinRFDand then worry about another new format in another 20 years.Aug 07 01:33
FurnaceBoythere was a happy ending to Domesday, but it looked very grimAug 07 01:34
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: yes, you're right, that works, migrating up all the time.Aug 07 01:34
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: but again, takes planning and foresightAug 07 01:34
FurnaceBoyand it costs.Aug 07 01:34
FurnaceBoyimagine the costs of doing that for a governmentAug 07 01:34
GoblinRFDand to be fair, I can say now, I have no data that would be required in 20 years.Aug 07 01:34
FurnaceBoypublic data (!!)Aug 07 01:34
FurnaceBoyimagine keeping something for a statutory 50 years!Aug 07 01:34
FurnaceBoyvery unusual, in digital realm.Aug 07 01:34
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: and that could be of benefit to those who don't what long term stored data of civilians.Aug 07 01:35
GoblinRFD*wantAug 07 01:35
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: sort of. but those people have a motive and means to keep it retainedAug 07 01:35
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: not, for example, your local council that migh thave a statutory requirement but no means to do  it.Aug 07 01:35
FurnaceBoyor knowledgeAug 07 01:35
GoblinRFDthe upgrading data you mentioned earlier...ive seen first hand....Aug 07 01:35
GoblinRFDour microfiche records onto databasesAug 07 01:36
FurnaceBoy 07 01:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot | 1086 Domesday Book Outlives 1986 Electronic Rival .::. Size~: 148.93 KBAug 07 01:36
FurnaceBoythis is a very good writeup: 07 01:36
TechrightsBotTitle: U of L Personal Web Sites .::. Size~: 60.75 KBAug 07 01:36
FurnaceBoyit covers retentuion issues better than i canAug 07 01:36
FurnaceBoy"Many of the preservation problems facing the Domesday Project stem from its heavy reliance on specific proprietary (and often customized) hardware and software"Aug 07 01:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Pentagon Takes Head In Sand Approach To Wikileaks: Blocks All Access To Troops... Though Everyone Else Can Get In 07 01:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Pentagon Takes Head In Sand Approach To Wikileaks: Blocks All Access To Troops... Though Everyone Else Can Get In | Techdirt .::. Size~: 21.35 KBAug 07 01:37
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: re: doomsday.... the MSoffice point can run on any PC/Mac and not so "custom" as the doomsday project...interesting article though...never really paid much interest in the doomsday proj....I assume data was held on something similar to laser disk???? I have a player! quite a few movies for it too...I think its in the loft!Aug 07 01:40
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: don't think my laser disk player is compat with the doomsday proj thoughAug 07 01:41
GoblinRFDAn interesting point in that article...(not really in respect of Doomsday)Aug 07 01:42
GoblinRFD"Avoid unnecessary technical innovation"Aug 07 01:42
GoblinRFDwho deems what unnecessary? what is unnecessary? how is one to second guess what is unnecessary or will be defacto in the future?Aug 07 01:42
GoblinRFDif we lived by the ethos of "Avoid unnecessary technical innovation" would our PC's have progressed past 640k mem?Aug 07 01:43
GoblinRFDor would we have even moved off tape?Aug 07 01:44
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: the fact that DOC is 'common' doesn't avoid these issues. sorry to repeat myself.Aug 07 01:44
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: it's seductive thought, leads to false sense of safetyAug 07 01:44
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: no need to say sorry! its a really interesting debate!Aug 07 01:44
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: I think in balance.....common makes the risk less...would you agree on that common ground?Aug 07 01:45
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: it's true that DOC has a better chance than most. but what about the rest? PSD?Aug 07 01:45
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: yes I agree with that.Aug 07 01:45
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: but unfortunately we have to deal with much more than DOC.Aug 07 01:45
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: here's a good example: MathematicaAug 07 01:45
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: thousands of institutions, 10,000s of researchers, encode their work in MmaAug 07 01:45
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: it's proprietary.Aug 07 01:45
GoblinRFDyes, but I think people are aware of the risks and don't need forced open standards...Aug 07 01:45
GoblinRFDor indeed a campaignAug 07 01:46
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: you can't easily run a CURRENT version .. need licence, right hw, etcAug 07 01:46
FurnaceBoyimagine trying to recreate an experiemnt with an OLD version!!!Aug 07 01:46
FurnaceBoyalmost impossible for an archivist.Aug 07 01:46
FurnaceBoysee the scale of the issue? it's HUGE.Aug 07 01:46
FurnaceBoydecades of work WILL be lost.Aug 07 01:46
GoblinRFDwhat I will say (in support of your opinion)Aug 07 01:46
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: no, people are not aware at all.Aug 07 01:46
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: people use what works today. they don't consider the plight of somebody recreating their work in 3, 30, 300 years.Aug 07 01:47
FurnaceBoyever.Aug 07 01:47
GoblinRFDif their data is me they are aware....Aug 07 01:47
FurnaceBoyand proprietary sw kills the chance stone dead.Aug 07 01:47
GoblinRFDor trust me, in my experiencesAug 07 01:47
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: examples above. researchers in teh sciences.Aug 07 01:47
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: they are not preparing for this.Aug 07 01:47
FurnaceBoyGoblinRFD: they have no time, tools or training to ensure survival or reproducibilty of their work.Aug 07 01:47
GoblinRFDok granted...but Im talking far more sensitive data...Aug 07 01:47
FurnaceBoygovernment? at best, it's in DOC.Aug 07 01:48
FurnaceBoywhat about stuff not in DOC?Aug 07 01:48
FurnaceBoyremote sensing data?Aug 07 01:48
FurnaceBoydo you remember the story of the Apollo/Viking/etc tapes that can't be decoded?Aug 07 01:48
GoblinRFDfurnaceboy: government in doc?Aug 07 01:48
GoblinRFDfurnaceboy: what, the "sensitive stuff"?Aug 07 01:48
FurnaceBoythat's your area, not mine; but i am only saying that the bulk of data we can access today won't survive without careful planning. no matter how valuable it is.Aug 07 01:49
GoblinRFDfurnaceboy: can I dm you?Aug 07 01:49
FurnaceBoyof course...Aug 07 01:49
GoblinRFDcould you DM me first...I can't open another window...damn my l337ness and hosing this IRSSIAug 07 01:50
FurnaceBoyi have to rush out for dinner, wife yelling, can i get to your PM when i get back?Aug 07 01:50
GoblinRFD(tried to customize it and ended up messing it up)Aug 07 01:50
GoblinRFDyep no probs.Aug 07 01:50
GoblinRFDits just a quick one.Aug 07 01:50
FurnaceBoyok, i'll grab you in an hour.Aug 07 01:50
FurnaceBoyi don't think she'l wait for that. :)Aug 07 01:51
GoblinRFDlol....Aug 07 01:51
FurnaceBoybbsAug 07 01:59
GoblinRFDFurnaceBoy: I may be gone by the time you get back its 0155! ....i'll look forward to our discussion tomorrow though!Aug 07 02:04
GoblinRFDand I think on that note I will go...Aug 07 02:05
GoblinRFD"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast"Aug 07 02:05
*GoblinRFD has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Aug 07 02:05
*WireWulf is now known as Wulf-is-not-hereAug 07 02:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Making A High Quality Film On The Cheap With A Digital SLR 07 02:58
TechrightsBotTitle: Making A High Quality Film On The Cheap With A Digital SLR | Techdirt .::. Size~: 22.91 KBAug 07 02:58
*Wulf-is-not-here is now known as WireWulfAug 07 03:09
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:c08:3700:ffff::f8c1) has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 03:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] Every1 uses Craigslist. No1 is gonna believe @craignewmark or Craigslist is evil. CNN just severely compromised ts credibilityAug 07 03:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] Every1 uses Craigslist. No1 is gonna believe @craignewmark or Craigslist is evil. CNN just severely compromised its credibilityAug 07 03:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] Old Media CNN is scared of @craignewmark & Craigslist. Their "reporting" is biased as a result.Aug 07 03:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] Ppl who use Craigslist will continue. Ppl who didn't will ck it out. @craignewmark will gain more customers as a result. Cool!Aug 07 03:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] CNN basically just gave @craignewmark & Craigslist millions in free advertising.Aug 07 03:25
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: Oh. My. God. Did you see the TIME cover?Aug 07 03:42
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: "WHat happens if we leave Afghanistan?"Aug 07 03:42
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it's just unfrackingbelievableAug 07 03:42
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: exploiting one disfigured woman to defend a campaign that kills and maims dozens every dayAug 07 03:42
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: they are getting very brazenAug 07 03:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #Data preservation is a difficult problem: media, applications, runtimes, hardware. Proprietary software is kryptonite for preservation.Aug 07 03:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] We have systems, even source code, that we don't know how to build an emulator for, any more. #MulticsAug 07 03:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[techdirt] Abundance And Scarcity In Privacy 07 04:02
TechrightsBotTitle: Abundance And Scarcity In Privacy | Techdirt .::. Size~: 24.46 KBAug 07 04:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@ericgrant A state senator from AZ just said the #14thAmendment to Constitution is un-Constitutional // his election was undemocratic, tooAug 07 04:04
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 04:32
DaemonFCschestowitz, NoScript 2.0 now has anti-adblock detection script scripts B-)Aug 07 04:39
DaemonFCarms race ftwAug 07 04:39
DaemonFCJabba is playing vicious predator with a bottle capAug 07 04:41
DaemonFChehAug 07 04:41
DaemonFCcheap entertainmentAug 07 04:41
*JesseTS (~Jesse@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 04:43
DaemonFCschestowitz, I may install Debian/kFreeBSD at some point on my other system and make a screenshot tourAug 07 04:43
DaemonFC:PAug 07 04:43
DaemonFCit doesn't seem to get much attentionAug 07 04:44
FurnaceBoyif you do, try zfs, which is one serious value add for freebsd over linuxAug 07 04:45
*JesseTS has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 07 04:50
*JesseTS (~Jesse@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 04:50
*JesseTS has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 07 04:57
*JesseTS (~Jesse@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 04:57
DaemonFCI don't think I could live with the Ports systemAug 07 04:58
DaemonFCbut Debian's kFreeBSD has the same Apt package system as the Linux versionAug 07 04:59
DaemonFCThe Ports system is not really a great thing on a desktop OSAug 07 04:59
DaemonFCin fact, it was one of the first things PC-BSD changed about FreeBSD :)Aug 07 04:59
DaemonFCof course pkg_add has switched to binaries for a lot of stuffAug 07 05:00
DaemonFCthe average user is more concerned with slapping a program onto the system than messing around with compiler flagsAug 07 05:00
DaemonFCand waiting for hours while it buildsAug 07 05:00
FurnaceBoyon today's machines, nothing takes an hour.Aug 07 05:02
FurnaceBoynot even gcc.Aug 07 05:02
FurnaceBoybut, i mean if you try DEBIAN/freebsd, do try zfsAug 07 05:02
DaemonFCit takes about an hour to compile LinuxAug 07 05:03
FurnaceBoynonsense.Aug 07 05:03
DaemonFCit takes several hours to compile FirefoxAug 07 05:03
FurnaceBoyon my 6yo machine, the kernel builds in like < 10minAug 07 05:03
DaemonFCI doubt thatAug 07 05:03
FurnaceBoyhehAug 07 05:03
FurnaceBoyok, i'll time it for you.Aug 07 05:03
FurnaceBoyhow often do you build kernels?Aug 07 05:03
DaemonFCeven if you disabled all modules and had a Core i7, it would take longer than 10 minutesAug 07 05:03
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 05:03
FurnaceBoyobviously you don't build kernels.Aug 07 05:04
DaemonFCobviously I haveAug 07 05:04
FurnaceBoy'have'? when?Aug 07 05:04
DaemonFCand a Core 2 Duo or a Phenom II X4 can't get it done in less than 45-ish minutes to an hourAug 07 05:04
FurnaceBoyit's not a very large programAug 07 05:04
FurnaceBoyLOL!Aug 07 05:04
FurnaceBoywhen did you last benchmark that?Aug 07 05:04
DaemonFCI think the last time I built a kernel it was Linux 2.6.29Aug 07 05:05
FurnaceBoyand how long did it take?Aug 07 05:05
DaemonFCroughly 45 minutes or soAug 07 05:05
DaemonFCthen after that was done I had to wait while it was being packaged into neat little DEB filesAug 07 05:05
DaemonFCThe kernel is just not something that builds quicklyAug 07 05:06
FurnaceBoyLOL!Aug 07 05:06
DaemonFCespecially if you need quite a few modulesAug 07 05:06
FurnaceBoyback in 2002, a guy with an IBM POWER SMP box built it in 12 seconds.Aug 07 05:08
DaemonFCwell, he probably trimmed it down to exactly the minimum that was needed to run HIS machineAug 07 05:09
DaemonFCwhich is not always so clear cutAug 07 05:09
DaemonFCbecause there are thousands of config options and thousands of modulesAug 07 05:09
FurnaceBoyit's pretty dumb, on the other hand, to enable everything.Aug 07 05:09
DaemonFCand it's easier to just build whatever your distro kernel had than to realize you disabled the wrong module laterAug 07 05:09
DaemonFC:PAug 07 05:09
DaemonFCbbiabAug 07 05:09
DaemonFCbackAug 07 05:15
DaemonFCanyway, I just spend a few minutes whacking the arrow keys and the space bar when configuring a kernelAug 07 05:16
DaemonFCIf I can't tell right away whether I need it or not, I just leave it aloneAug 07 05:16
DaemonFCI basically disable all the stuff I obviously don't need, debugging crap, and enable a few processor specific optimizationsAug 07 05:16
DaemonFCand then exitAug 07 05:16
DaemonFC:PAug 07 05:16
*magentar has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Aug 07 05:17
DaemonFCit takes a lot longer going through 1,000 random poorly documented modules and trying to decide whether or not each one of them applies to you than to just hit OK and let the damned thing build :)Aug 07 05:17
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: 10 minutes 30 seconds, on this P4 3.2Aug 07 05:18
FurnaceBoysix years oldAug 07 05:18
DaemonFCI've never had it build that fastAug 07 05:18
DaemonFCon anythingAug 07 05:18
FurnaceBoy2.6.31Aug 07 05:18
DaemonFCabout half the modules give you a good idea of what they do just by lookingAug 07 05:21
DaemonFC"Oh, Crapple Cinema display and Minix file system drivers!"Aug 07 05:21
DaemonFC"Don't need those!"Aug 07 05:21
DaemonFCabout another 20% will say something like "Disable this if unsure" or "Enable this if unsure"Aug 07 05:22
DaemonFCok, then the remaining 30% or so are just a total grab bagAug 07 05:22
DaemonFC"This makes sure the primary EPS conduits are functional and misconfiguring it will cause a feedback loop in the tertiary plasma array!"Aug 07 05:23
DaemonFCOK...better leave that one alone, beam me up!Aug 07 05:23
DaemonFC:PAug 07 05:23
DaemonFClooking at Ubuntu's kernel config, you can see how it is obviously bloated to hellAug 07 05:26
DaemonFCwhich some of that is explainable by the fact that they can't tell exactly what it will end up running onAug 07 05:26
DaemonFCand all distributions have that problemAug 07 05:26
DaemonFCbut some of it it things that slow the kernel down like building it wit hall the debugging optionsAug 07 05:26
DaemonFC*with allAug 07 05:26
DaemonFC1,000 modules you don't need don't really affect the kernel's performance at all, just how long it takes to build and maybe a few MB of disk spaceAug 07 05:27
DaemonFCthere's only really a few settings in there that affect performance in any sort of measurable wayAug 07 05:27
DaemonFCand quite often, whenever there's a recommendation that you do or don't do something, Ubuntu does the opposite of whatever the recommendation saidAug 07 05:28
*JesseTS has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 07 05:28
*JesseTS (~Jesse@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 05:28
*JesseTS has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 07 05:30
*JesseTS (~Jesse@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 05:30
*JesseTS has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 07 05:39
*JesseTS (~Jesse@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 05:40
*JesseTS has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Aug 07 05:48
*sebsebseb has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 07 05:59
*WireWulf is now known as Wulf-is-not-hereAug 07 06:22
DaemonFC 07 06:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Just who is doing what in GNOME? Does the Census provide a reasonable assessment? « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 52.26 KBAug 07 06:36
DaemonFC"So here we have three proprietary software companies and a bankrupt KDE distro that all give more of themselves to GNOME than Canonical’s Ubuntu, a profitable corporation that sees GNOME the same way they see all the other Free and Open Source Software they rely on. An all you can eat buffet of work that other people have done, that they can give back minimally to and go forth and make tons of money from."Aug 07 06:42
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 06:42
cubezzzit wouldn't be too hard to make a distroAug 07 06:54
cubezzztime consuming, but not too hardAug 07 06:54
DaemonFCas evidenced by the fact that there are so many of themAug 07 06:57
cubezzzsureAug 07 06:57
DaemonFCabout the only thing that's costing Canonical any money is bandwidth to host their siteAug 07 06:57
DaemonFCand whatever they've put into developing LaunchpadAug 07 06:57
DaemonFC 07 07:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Ubuntus community manager gratuitously advertising for Microsoft « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 40.38 KBAug 07 07:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Children are walking away from #Microsoft based on a new report which downgrades Microsoft’s stock 07 07:11
TechrightsBotTitle: Why Bill Gates Needs to Abduct School Children | Techrights .::. Size~: 85.92 KBAug 07 07:11
cubezzzI've used ustream tooAug 07 07:12
cubezzzand sopcast and a million other thingsAug 07 07:12
cubezzzthere's almost always a way to get streams and/or videosAug 07 07:13
*JesseTS (~Jesse@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 07:21
DaemonFC 07 07:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Local Charity Organization Sees Rise In Need | Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and My Network| Local .::. Size~: 49.54 KBAug 07 07:22
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 07:25
DaemonFCschestowitz, 07 07:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Windows 7 dinged by new zero-day vulnerability | ZDNet  .::. Size~: 124.62 KBAug 07 07:32
DaemonFC:PAug 07 07:32
cubezzzwow, I'm receiving PBS from Erie, PennsylvaniaAug 07 07:32
DaemonFC"which could be exploited by malicious users to crash an affected system or potentially execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges."Aug 07 07:32
DaemonFCsweetAug 07 07:32
cubezzzthat's pretty far awayAug 07 07:33
DaemonFCcubezzz made an antenna out of coat hangers, aluminum folder, and real Canadian maple syrupAug 07 07:33
DaemonFCB-)Aug 07 07:33
DaemonFCit runs LinuxAug 07 07:34
DaemonFC*foilAug 07 07:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Supreme Court Watch: Elena Kagan's Policy on #Patents Scarcely Known #SCOTUS #ElenaKagan #swpatsAug 07 07:34
TechrightsBotTitle: Supreme Court Watch: Elena Kagans Policy on Patents Scarcely Known | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.43 KBAug 07 07:34
DaemonFCI still don't see how Canada makes money on maple syrupAug 07 07:34
DaemonFCthe fake stuff with maple flavoring tastes exactly the sameAug 07 07:34
DaemonFCand is 90% cheaperAug 07 07:35
cubezzzit's weird, I shouldn't be receiving usable signals from that distanceAug 07 07:35
DaemonFCit's the syruopAug 07 07:35
DaemonFC*syrupAug 07 07:35
DaemonFCthe syrup is amplifying the signalAug 07 07:35
DaemonFCCanadian syrup is so good it defies the laws of physicsAug 07 07:36
DaemonFC:PAug 07 07:36
cubezzzchecking how many miles/kms that is nowAug 07 07:36
DaemonFCprobably at least a few hundred milesAug 07 07:36
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 07:36
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: the fake syrup tastes nothing like the real thing.Aug 07 07:37
DaemonFCit tastes exactly the same to meAug 07 07:37
FurnaceBoyi think we;ve discussed this beforeAug 07 07:37
FurnaceBoyyou're just weirdAug 07 07:37
cubezzzthat's just .... very oddAug 07 07:37
FurnaceBoyit's not true, cubezzz Aug 07 07:37
cubezzzhmm?Aug 07 07:37
oiaohmNot all people have the same taste buds FurnaceBoyAug 07 07:37
DaemonFCthe syrup is a lieAug 07 07:37
FurnaceBoyi've surveyed a number of people, including myself - the real syrup is far and away more desirableAug 07 07:38
DaemonFCheheAug 07 07:38
FurnaceBoyin fact, i sent 1 litre of it to my sister overseas yesterdayAug 07 07:38
cubezzzlet me check the tv againAug 07 07:38
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: I think that's DaemonFC's problemAug 07 07:38
oiaohmAlso some people can see more colours than the rest of us as well.Aug 07 07:38
cubezzzseems impossibleAug 07 07:38
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: but, the real stuff is far, far better than any synthetic crap.Aug 07 07:38
DaemonFCthe fake stuff is $1 a bottle and tastes the same as the Canadian stuffAug 07 07:38
DaemonFCwhich is like $7-8Aug 07 07:38
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: except. it doesn't.Aug 07 07:38
oiaohmWhat are we talking about ie what syrupAug 07 07:39
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: also, it's not a uniquely canadian product. other countries produce real maple syrup.Aug 07 07:39
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: MAPLE SYRUPAug 07 07:39
DaemonFCmaple syrup vs imitation syrup with maple flavoringAug 07 07:39
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: that's expensive in AustraliaAug 07 07:39
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: which is why i send it by the litre to my relatives thereAug 07 07:39
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: I think you pay at least $100/litreAug 07 07:39
FurnaceBoy(last time i checked, a few months ago)Aug 07 07:40
cubezzzyeah, I guess it's possible, I'm watching it :-0Aug 07 07:40
FurnaceBoy(and it's not easy to find)Aug 07 07:40
oiaohmOk the syrup I use in small ammounts.Aug 07 07:40
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: hehAug 07 07:40
oiaohmI find it fairly simple to get.Aug 07 07:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Sex workers 'named and shamed' on Met police website - those brave Boys in Blue tacklkngAug 07 07:40
TechrightsBotTitle:  Sex workers 'named and shamed' on Met police website | Society | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 69.31 KBAug 07 07:40
oiaohmBut price is ouch.Aug 07 07:40
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: right, depends where you are.Aug 07 07:40
oiaohmIe I am in AustraliaAug 07 07:40
oiaohmQueenslandAug 07 07:40
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: yes. you pay about four times what we pay here.Aug 07 07:40
DaemonFCmargarine and fake maple syrup on frozen blueberry pancakes made in the toasterAug 07 07:41
DaemonFCftwAug 07 07:41
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 07:41
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: ...which is why I sent my sister a litre of it yesterday.Aug 07 07:41
cubezzzFurnaceBoy, I'm getting TV from PA :)Aug 07 07:41
oiaohmAlso I live right near area that produces suger based syrupAug 07 07:41
DaemonFCWalmart sells frozen silver dollar pancakesAug 07 07:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Sex workers 'named and shamed' on Met police website - those brave Boys in Blue tackling deadly criminals again...Aug 07 07:41
TechrightsBotTitle:  Sex workers 'named and shamed' on Met police website | Society | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 69.19 KBAug 07 07:41
DaemonFCthey say make them in the microwaveAug 07 07:41
oiaohmWe have tones of suger based syrup cheep.Aug 07 07:41
DaemonFCbut I throw them in the toasterAug 07 07:41
DaemonFCthey come out crunchy :)Aug 07 07:41
DaemonFCsometimes I put bananas, peanut butter, and imitation maple syrup on themAug 07 07:42
DaemonFCand whipped creamAug 07 07:42
DaemonFCyou can make them into sandwiches like thatAug 07 07:42
oiaohmFunny thing is I have never seen imitation maple syrup on shelves here.Aug 07 07:43
amarsh04I've seen both, oiaohmAug 07 07:44
cubezzzthere's maple trees all over the place around hereAug 07 07:44
oiaohmWe have golden syrup what is the suger based that is dirt cheep and true Canadian maple syrup for the up market and that is the end of it.Aug 07 07:45
*JesseTS has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 07 07:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] OLPC India want to purchase 1 million laptop from Govt of India 07 07:45
TechrightsBotTitle:         OLPC India want to purchase 1 million laptop from Govt of India - LUG@IITD Community Blog     .::. Size~: 29.29 KBAug 07 07:45
oiaohmThinking here items that USA people would use maple syrup on most of us here use golden syrup.  But it has way different taste.Aug 07 07:46
Diablo-D3oiaohm: hold upAug 07 07:46
Diablo-D3most of the maple syrup in the US isntAug 07 07:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Making A High Quality Film On The Cheap With A Digital SLR - "how will we make $200 million movies?" - we don't have toAug 07 07:46
amarsh04I never had much of a taste for golden syrupAug 07 07:46
TechrightsBotTitle: Making A High Quality Film On The Cheap With A Digital SLR | Techdirt .::. Size~: 39.4 KBAug 07 07:46
Diablo-D3most maple syrup in the US is really HFCS with brown food coloring and fake maple tasteAug 07 07:47
oiaohmIts a aquired tasted amarsh04Aug 07 07:47
Diablo-D3its difficult and expensive to get the real stuffAug 07 07:47
Diablo-D3if it isnt made in maine, nh, vermont, or canada, its not the real thingAug 07 07:47
amarsh04we tended to use honey insteadAug 07 07:47
Diablo-D3and if its a brand you've heard of, its not the real thingAug 07 07:47
Diablo-D3that saidAug 07 07:47
Diablo-D3I have a tiny little jarAug 07 07:47
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Dear memcached users, I want to punch you all in the nuts for this 07 07:47
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Police doing part to help economy by advertising for prostitutes on their police website 07 07:47
Diablo-D3wellAug 07 07:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot IT Story | Cache On Delivery &mdash; Memcached Opens an Accidental Security Hole .::. Size~: 63.78 KBAug 07 07:47
Diablo-D3a tiny little bottleAug 07 07:47
TechrightsBotTitle:  Sex workers 'named and shamed' on Met police website | Society | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 65.2 KBAug 07 07:48
Diablo-D3really smallAug 07 07:48
Diablo-D3that cost me like $10Aug 07 07:48
Diablo-D3and I use it very sparinglyAug 07 07:48
amarsh04all this talk is making me want to cook pancakes (-:Aug 07 07:49
cubezzz136 miles, that has to be near the limitAug 07 07:49
oiaohmI guess you have not had molasses either amarsh04Aug 07 07:49
*_Goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 07:50
amarsh04no, only golden syrup. I've seen molasses and treacle for sale, but only seen molasses used in horse feedAug 07 07:50
cubezzzhehAug 07 07:50
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: no, there's also fake syrup for sale there.Aug 07 07:50
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: 'imitation'Aug 07 07:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Marking and Tagging the Public Domain: Call for Comments - "allows works already in the public domain to be marked"Aug 07 07:50
TechrightsBotTitle:   Marking and Tagging the Public Domain: An Invitation to Comment - Creative Commons .::. Size~: 15.82 KBAug 07 07:50
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: and it is cheaper. because it's crap.Aug 07 07:50
cubezzznow I got to check maple syrup prices around hereAug 07 07:50
FurnaceBoycubezzz: a litre is about CAD $29Aug 07 07:51
cubezzzwow, as much as that?Aug 07 07:51
cubezzzmore pricey than I thoughtAug 07 07:51
FurnaceBoyA litre is quite a bit.Aug 07 07:51
FurnaceBoymost jars are smaller, 200 mlAug 07 07:51
FurnaceBoytable jars.Aug 07 07:51
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: molasses is what we feed horses. :)Aug 07 07:52
cubezzzyou can get Heinz beans with molassesAug 07 07:52
Diablo-D3cubezzz: yes butAug 07 07:53
Diablo-D3you heat heinz baked beans, out of the can, cold.Aug 07 07:53
Diablo-D3or camplesAug 07 07:53
Diablo-D3er, camblesAug 07 07:53
Diablo-D3no wait I was rightAug 07 07:53
oiaohmmolasses that you feed to horses or cattle can be used to make some really nice baked cookies and the like.Aug 07 07:53
cubezzzyeah I always heat itAug 07 07:53
oiaohmIe the taste for golden syrup lot comes from those cookies based on molassesAug 07 07:54
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: Anzacs ftw:)Aug 07 07:54
cubezzzI'm actually trying to cut down the sugar intakeAug 07 07:54
FurnaceBoycubezzz: good idea. zero soda is a start.Aug 07 07:54
cubezzzhaven't drunk pop in yearsAug 07 07:55
Diablo-D3not everyone drinks non-diet sodaAug 07 07:55
oiaohmAnzacs are some of the worst of the molasses biscets. Aug 07 07:55
FurnaceBoycubezzz: at 30-50g sugar per bottle, it's a good idea to avoid.. and diet is worseAug 07 07:55
FurnaceBoyoiaohm: golden syrup, usually...Aug 07 07:55
Diablo-D3diet isnt worse.Aug 07 07:55
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: unless you like aspartameAug 07 07:55
Diablo-D3just dont drink shit with aspartame in itAug 07 07:55
oiaohmReason Anzacs were design to not rot simply.Aug 07 07:55
Diablo-D3see above.Aug 07 07:55
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: the popular ones use aspartame.Aug 07 07:56
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: do any use natural sweeteners?Aug 07 07:56
cubezzzhad some ultra-sugary ocean spray fruit drink the other dayAug 07 07:56
Diablo-D3pepsi one and coke zero arent popular?Aug 07 07:56
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: what does Coke Zero use?Aug 07 07:56
cubezzzit said "no sugar added" on the labelAug 07 07:56
Diablo-D3both use splenda.Aug 07 07:56
Diablo-D3coke zero also sucks, but thats imoAug 07 07:56
cubezzz35 grams of sugar per servingAug 07 07:56
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: aspartame isn't the only toxin - nutrasweet/sucralose/splenda is just as bad.Aug 07 07:56
Diablo-D3FurnaceBoy: nopeAug 07 07:56
FurnaceBoyanother excitotoxin.Aug 07 07:56
FurnaceBoyyes, look it up.Aug 07 07:56
Diablo-D3aspartame is a neurotoxinAug 07 07:57
Diablo-D3splenda merely can cause cancer.Aug 07 07:57
FurnaceBoyboth are toxic.Aug 07 07:57
cubezzzI try to avoid all those fake sugar thingsAug 07 07:57
oiaohmThere is 1 natural one.Aug 07 07:57
Diablo-D3its the level of toxicisty thats the problemAug 07 07:57
oiaohmin the fake sugersAug 07 07:57
FurnaceBoyaspartame is murder.Aug 07 07:57
Diablo-D3splenda meets the legal minimum, aspartame doesnt.Aug 07 07:57
oiaohmBut eat too much you will have the runs of the natural one.Aug 07 07:57
FurnaceBoyyes, i've heard that. i am still not sure why anyone would willingly ingest poison. what's the payoff?Aug 07 07:57
Diablo-D3aspartame, by the way the federal law is now and when it was "passed" by the fda, it did NOT meet the law.Aug 07 07:57
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: i know.Aug 07 07:57
Diablo-D3thank you president bush.Aug 07 07:58
cubezzzyou get cancer you lose weight? :)Aug 07 07:58
oiaohmcancer more often than not you gain weight cubezzzAug 07 07:58
Diablo-D3and before anyone bitches about that, good ole rummy is the one that shoved it through the FDAAug 07 07:58
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: actually it was "passed" long before bush.Aug 07 07:58
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: ReaganAug 07 07:58
DaemonFC 07 07:58
TechrightsBotTitle: Fort Wayne Car Dealer Indicted for Fraud | Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and My Network| Local .::. Size~: 45.63 KBAug 07 07:58
Diablo-D3FurnaceBoy: rumsfeld did it.Aug 07 07:59
Diablo-D3seriousylAug 07 07:59
FurnaceBoycubezzz: diet soda doesn't lead to weight loss.Aug 07 07:59
FurnaceBoycubezzz: at least, not aspartame based ... quite the contrary.Aug 07 07:59
Diablo-D3the guy is a fucking faggotAug 07 07:59
cubezzzI heard about that actuallyAug 07 07:59
FurnaceBoycubezzz: it's just a comforting, and profitable, lie.Aug 07 07:59
cubezzzFurnaceBoy, I don't drink soda of any sortAug 07 07:59
Diablo-D3secretary of defense twice, chief of staff once, he was a congrassmanAug 07 07:59
Diablo-D3and hes a fucking republicanAug 07 07:59
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: amenAug 07 07:59
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: he's a nasty piece of workAug 07 08:00
cubezzzwhat's he doing nowadays?Aug 07 08:00
FurnaceBoycubezzz: nor meAug 07 08:00
FurnaceBoycubezzz: counting his moneyAug 07 08:00
FurnaceBoycubezzz: like all those killersAug 07 08:00
Diablo-D3hes hanging out with that dead guy, cheneyAug 07 08:00
Diablo-D3oh, and it gets even btterAug 07 08:00
FurnaceBoydeath is a little too good for themAug 07 08:00
Diablo-D3he worked for searleAug 07 08:00
cubezzztoo bad he didn't actually dieAug 07 08:00
Diablo-D3which was bought by monsantoAug 07 08:01
Diablo-D3which then merged with pharmacia (which bought out upjohn)Aug 07 08:01
Diablo-D3and then pharmacia merged with pfizerAug 07 08:01
Diablo-D3but the fun part isAug 07 08:01
Diablo-D3searle invented aspartameAug 07 08:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Mr A Raja (Union Minister for IT & Communications, GoI) appreciated in OLPC 07 08:02
TechrightsBotTitle:         Mr A Raja (Union Minister for IT & Communications, GoI) appreciated in OLPC - LUG@IITD Community Blog     .::. Size~: 28.79 KBAug 07 08:02
Diablo-D3the FDA finally allowed it's use in 1981, even though it was invented in 1965Aug 07 08:02
Diablo-D3and rumsfeld worked for these guys.Aug 07 08:03
Diablo-D3he was CEO, president, and chairman, all during a span of 77 to 85Aug 07 08:03
Diablo-D3he stopped being the US representative to NATO in 74, he stopped being the chief of staff in 85, he stopped being the secretary of defense in 77Aug 07 08:04
Diablo-D3he takes up that jobAug 07 08:04
Diablo-D3then he dicks around being rich for a few yearsAug 07 08:04
Diablo-D3while hes part of reagan's complete absolute fuckupAug 07 08:05
Diablo-D3he helps fuck over the middle east under reaganAug 07 08:05
Diablo-D3then he continues fucking it up working for the carlyle groupAug 07 08:05
Diablo-D3and then in 2001, he becomes the secretary of defense againAug 07 08:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Novell News Roundup: Another Quiet Week Goes By 07 08:06
TechrightsBotTitle: Novell News Roundup: Another Quiet Week Goes By | Techrights .::. Size~: 85.88 KBAug 07 08:06
Diablo-D3and you guys know the history after thatAug 07 08:07
Diablo-D3oh sorry, I mean you know the known knownsAug 07 08:07
Diablo-D3and you might know the known unknownsAug 07 08:07
cubezzzgee, I wonder what other bad stuff he didAug 07 08:07
Diablo-D3but no one knows the unknown unknownsAug 07 08:07
*Diablo-D3 snarksAug 07 08:07
Diablo-D3cubezzz: wellAug 07 08:07
Diablo-D3that searly merger chain is nastyAug 07 08:08
Diablo-D3all of them have nasty shit doneAug 07 08:08
Diablo-D3I mean, I doubt rumsfeld was part of it allAug 07 08:08
Diablo-D3but hes one of those kind of peopleAug 07 08:08
FurnaceBoyand he'll get away with it all.Aug 07 08:08
Diablo-D3he'll GET away with it?Aug 07 08:08
Diablo-D3dudeAug 07 08:08
Diablo-D3he GOT away with itAug 07 08:08
FurnaceBoyjust like the rest. Kissinger will cheat the gallows.Aug 07 08:08
Diablo-D3multiple timesAug 07 08:08
Diablo-D3FurnaceBoy: you know why religion exists?Aug 07 08:09
Diablo-D3so mass riots dont break out in the streetsAug 07 08:09
FurnaceBoy:)Aug 07 08:09
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: they're too ignorant to riot.Aug 07 08:09
Diablo-D3seriouslyAug 07 08:09
Diablo-D3someone farts the wrong wayAug 07 08:09
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: this doesn't exactly make the news.Aug 07 08:09
Diablo-D3and they'red be riotsAug 07 08:09
FurnaceBoyif only.Aug 07 08:09
Diablo-D3FurnaceBoy: too many people know what rummsfeld didAug 07 08:09
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: there are one hundred just as bad.Aug 07 08:10
FurnaceBoyDiablo-D3: start w/ Kissinger.Aug 07 08:10
Diablo-D3but we all have to hope that hell exists, and he has a first class ticketAug 07 08:10
*FurnaceBoy waves niteAug 07 08:11
Diablo-D3nightAug 07 08:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] _ @abhaga I was about to phone you. I will be in Banglore this sunday. I am free from 3pm to 11pmAug 07 08:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon: Congrats on Severed Vista7. 07 08:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Companies That Have Supported Severed Fifth  |  Severed Fifth .::. Size~: 27.43 KBAug 07 08:12
cubezzzyou might think Cheney has no heart:Aug 07 08:14
cubezzz"In early July 2010, Cheney was outfitted with a left-ventricular assist device (LVAD) at Inova Fairfax Heart and Vascular Institute to compensate for increasing congestive heart failure.[132] The device pumps blood continuously through his body, so he now has no pulse"Aug 07 08:14
FurnaceBoywe need him aliveAug 07 08:14
cubezzzhe must have the record for heart attacksAug 07 08:14
cubezzzhis heard must be like the bionic man's by nowAug 07 08:14
cubezzzheartAug 07 08:15
cubezzzI hear they're getting close to making organs nowAug 07 08:15
oiaohmReally we have not got to the point that suger out blood stream can power bionic parts.Aug 07 08:18
oiaohmLot of work is being done to try to make organic organs because they require less repair work.Aug 07 08:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @telecomix: New Zealand Law Society says Internet suspension of file sharers is not enough, they want them banned. 07 08:20
TechrightsBotTitle:    Internet Ban Proposed for Serial Copyright Infringers | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 77.69 KBAug 07 08:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] My comment on OLPC India at my blogs are personal views, Please do not treat as Official statement from OLPC India. now editing blogsAug 07 08:29
DaemonFC 07 08:34
TechrightsBotTitle: Features/systemd - FedoraProject .::. Size~: 25.64 KBAug 07 08:34
DaemonFCFedora is ditching Ubuntu's UpstartAug 07 08:34
oiaohmOk that systemd full support for cgroups is going to be nice.Aug 07 08:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Incorrect report says that "The [Android] OS is based on the Linux kernel and GNU software." Google, add #GNUAug 07 08:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] - When Mr. Rogers moonwalked...Aug 07 08:45
TechrightsBotTitle: The Poop  : When Mr. Rogers moonwalked ... .::. Size~: 53.24 KBAug 07 08:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] My Modified Blog on OLPC - - #olpcAug 07 08:46
TechrightsBotTitle: Narendra Sisodiya's weblog: OLPC should purchase 1 million laptop from Govt of India .::. Size~: 86.25 KBAug 07 08:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] - Two Muslims charged with hate crimes for shouting anti-gay slurs at a woman they were mugging.Aug 07 08:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] - Hating rap music is now a hate crime. I must be Public Enemy number 1.Aug 07 08:55
TechrightsBotTitle: Teen faces hate-crime charge for rap music attack - Florida AP - .::. Size~: 79.26 KBAug 07 08:55
schestowitz[03:42] <FurnaceBoy> schestowitz: Oh. My. God. Did you see the TIME cover?Aug 07 08:57
schestowitzI saw that 2 days agoAug 07 08:57
schestowitzTime also published Gates propagandaAug 07 08:57
schestowitzLike 5 page article from the CEO's husbandAug 07 08:57
schestowitzIt's CNNAug 07 08:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] tomorrow, Sunday, I will be at Bangalore. 8pm I will be Forum Mall Bangalore, Please contact and collect SchoolOS.Aug 07 08:58
schestowitzDaemonFC: re 07 08:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Just who is doing what in GNOME? Does the Census provide a reasonable assessment? « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 53.14 KBAug 07 08:59
schestowitzAFAIK, Canonical is not profitableAug 07 08:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] GM crop escapes into the American wild - thus allowing Monsanto to sue the entire US ecosystem (via @Eaterofsun @dmcar)Aug 07 08:59
TechrightsBotTitle: GM crop escapes into the American wild : Nature News .::. Size~: 31.34 KBAug 07 08:59
DaemonFCShuttleworth cited $30 million in revenues last yearAug 07 08:59
DaemonFCand proclaimed that Ubuntu is now self-sufficient at that levelAug 07 09:00
DaemonFCalso, libgail is on that chartAug 07 09:01
DaemonFCit's been deprecatedAug 07 09:01
DaemonFCwhy is it on the chart?Aug 07 09:01
DaemonFCGlade is deprecatedAug 07 09:02
DaemonFCGconf is in the process of being deprecatedAug 07 09:02
oiaohmWhat is replacing GladeAug 07 09:03
DaemonFCnot sureAug 07 09:04
DaemonFCI just noticed in one of their roadmaps that they are deprecating itAug 07 09:04
DaemonFCmaybe they're just referring to Glade 2Aug 07 09:05
DaemonFCare things still depending on that?Aug 07 09:05
DaemonFChmm, there's not much in Fedora that depends on Xulrunner anymoreAug 07 09:06
DaemonFCremoving Xulrunner will take Firefox (obviously) and yelpAug 07 09:07
DaemonFCand Simple Scan (which is a dumbed down XSane from Ubuntu)Aug 07 09:07
DaemonFCoiaohm, Do you know of anyone who maintains an adblock list in filterset.g format?Aug 07 09:13
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Aug 07 09:13
schestowitz[08:59] <DaemonFC> Shuttleworth cited $30 million in revenues last yearAug 07 09:16
schestowitzURL?Aug 07 09:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @glynmoody GM crop escapes into the American wild - thus allowing Monsanto to sue the entire US ecosystemAug 07 09:16
TechrightsBotTitle: GM crop escapes into the American wild : Nature News .::. Size~: 31.35 KBAug 07 09:16
DaemonFC 07 09:16
TechrightsBotTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.07 KBAug 07 09:17
schestowitzThat's old and it says revenue, not profitAug 07 09:17
schestowitzI saw that at the time and wrote about itAug 07 09:17
schestowitzLater they said they were not profitableAug 07 09:17
schestowitz 07 09:18
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.28 KBAug 07 09:18
schestowitz"@schestowitz Is it not? I was under the impression that it used at least some GNU software (maybe BASH, binutils, coreutils, GTK+, or make?)"Aug 07 09:18
schestowitzWait, does ANdroid use some GNU?Aug 07 09:18
schestowitzMaybe things have changed since 2008 when it did not have GNUAug 07 09:19
tessier_I am bummed that Android is only Linux kernel and no GNU userspace.Aug 07 09:25
tessier_All JVM and Java stuff.Aug 07 09:25
tessier_Hopefully someone will come up with a compatible distro that fixes thatAug 07 09:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] The next wave in scholarly word processors? - more deep thoughts on future directions #wordprocessors #researchAug 07 09:30
TechrightsBotTitle: The next wave in scholarly word processors? «  ptsefton .::. Size~: 22.21 KBAug 07 09:30
oiaohmtessier_:  Android has a BSD binary userspace that include its own strange version of libc.Aug 07 09:31
DaemonFCthere's lots of standard C libraries out thereAug 07 09:33
DaemonFCthat's why licensing GNU's libc under GPL would make no senseAug 07 09:33
DaemonFCit would be no problem for proprietary software to just go link to another C library insteadAug 07 09:34
oiaohmThe android one is unique to android DaemonFCAug 07 09:34
oiaohmglibc does include extentions outside the standard libc by the way DaemonFCAug 07 09:34
oiaohmSo LGPL protection on glibc does make sence.  DaemonFCAug 07 09:34
DaemonFCLGPL does, yesAug 07 09:35
oiaohmNote gnu libc was the first lib under LGPLAug 07 09:36
DaemonFCLGPL is intended to be used on free software that has functional equivalents in proprietary softwareAug 07 09:36
DaemonFCwhere the GPL would make the free software library less attractive to proprietary software Aug 07 09:37
schestowitztessier_: thanks, that's what I thoughtAug 07 09:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Florian Mueller cannot say that he's not paid by Microsoft. #swpats #ibm #sco #microsoft #turbohercules #lobbyingAug 07 09:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Groklaw Responds to Latest FUD from Florian Müller | Techrights .::. Size~: 121.15 KBAug 07 09:37
oiaohmWrong DaemonFCAug 07 09:37
oiaohmLGPL is not only about proprietraryAug 07 09:37
DaemonFC 07 09:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Why you shouldn't use the Lesser GPL for your next library - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) .::. Size~: 16.84 KBAug 07 09:38
oiaohmLGPL allows other open source licences to mix as well.  DaemonFCAug 07 09:38
DaemonFC"There are reasons that can make it better to use the Lesser GPL in certain cases. The most common case is when a free library's features are readily available for proprietary software through other alternative libraries. In that case, the library cannot give free software any particular advantage, so it is better to use the Lesser GPL for that library."Aug 07 09:38
oiaohmGPL is very exclusive.Aug 07 09:38
Diablo-D3wellAug 07 09:38
Diablo-D3arguablyAug 07 09:38
Diablo-D3if you're going to LGPL Aug 07 09:38
Diablo-D3you could just step down to BSDAug 07 09:38
DaemonFCnot trueAug 07 09:38
DaemonFCLGPL still makes them release their patches to the covered software itselfAug 07 09:39
oiaohmBSD code can use a LGPL libAug 07 09:39
DaemonFCit just doesn't make them GPL whatever they attach it toAug 07 09:39
oiaohmWhere BSD code could not use a GPL libAug 07 09:39
oiaohmFully safely.Aug 07 09:39
DaemonFCfor example, Foobar2000 uses some code from mpg123 and carious gstreamer codecsAug 07 09:39
DaemonFCand has source code available for all of Foobar2000's patches to themAug 07 09:40
DaemonFCbut Foobar2000 itself is proprietaryAug 07 09:40
DaemonFCif the libraries were BSD licensed, then the whole thing could be proprietaryAug 07 09:40
DaemonFCincluding the forked librariesAug 07 09:41
DaemonFCso LGPL ensures that the modifications made to the library itself must be sharedAug 07 09:42
oiaohmMPL used by Firefox also would have issues without LGPL in places as well.Aug 07 09:42
DaemonFCeven though you can link them to proprietary softwareAug 07 09:42
oiaohmLGPL is a good halfway point.Aug 07 09:42
DaemonFCyeah, you can link to proprietary code but you can't run off with your own fork of the libraryAug 07 09:42
DaemonFCso it is better than using a BSD licenseAug 07 09:42
DaemonFCit prevents everyone from simply taking the library, forking it, and then you have 100 different proprietary versions of your library out thereAug 07 09:43
DaemonFCwith varying levels of compatibilityAug 07 09:43
DaemonFChmmm, and oddly enough, the BSD crowd does refer to Apple OS X as a BSDAug 07 09:44
DaemonFChehAug 07 09:44
DaemonFCit isAug 07 09:45
DaemonFCbut it also isn'tAug 07 09:45
DaemonFC:PAug 07 09:45
oiaohmAnd LGPL does not restict people on how the licence there own code.Aug 07 09:46
oiaohmSo allows items like MPL and others to exist with it.Aug 07 09:46
DaemonFCrightAug 07 09:46
oiaohmLot of poeple hold GPL up as the golden licence of open source.  But to me LGPL is due the freedom it gives.Aug 07 09:47
DaemonFCdoes ATI support the BSDs at all?Aug 07 09:47
Diablo-D3oiaohm: I think you missed the pointAug 07 09:47
DaemonFCor should I slap my Nvidia card back into the old system before setting off to play with FreeBSD?Aug 07 09:48
oiaohmI like veration DaemonFCAug 07 09:48
oiaohmOpps Diablo-D3Aug 07 09:48
DaemonFC 07 09:48
TechrightsBotTitle: The FreeBSD Forums - View Single Post -  Pulseaudio doesn't work ! .::. Size~: 6.27 KBAug 07 09:48
DaemonFClolAug 07 09:48
DaemonFCOSS 4 has per application volume controlsAug 07 09:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] A tale of two prosecutions: Same facts, different result - good analysis of a bad situation (via @jackofkent) #uk #lawAug 07 09:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Heresy Corner: A tale of two prosecutions: Same facts, different result .::. Size~: 113.58 KBAug 07 09:50
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] !Firefox is making >3000 wakeups per second on my machine, as opposed to below 100 (with nothing active running) according to powertopAug 07 09:57
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] !Firefox >6000 wakeups per second, Firefox is causing 72% of them 07 10:02
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 07 10:08
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 10:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @diablod3 #Firefox >6000 wakeups per second, Firefox is causing 72% of them 07 10:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] RT @belledejour_uk: ...idly wondering if the time has come for me to "name and shame" ex-clients in the Met...? #BadSexLaw >>sounds fairAug 07 10:26
schestowitz 07 10:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Murdoch predicts iPads all round • The Register .::. Size~: 24.89 KBAug 07 10:39
schestowitzScarcityAug 07 10:51
schestowitzThat's why those promote this thing so much in the mediaAug 07 10:51
schestowitz"Remember back in the day when Google was only activating 100,000 Android units a day? You should — it was May. By June, that number had jumped to 160,000 units a day. And today it now stands at 200,000 Android units activated a day. That’s pretty incredible."Aug 07 10:53
schestowitz 07 10:53
TechrightsBotTitle:   Schmidt: Google Now Activating 200,000 Android Units A Day [Video]  .::. Size~: 116.52 KBAug 07 10:53
schestowitzMany people from c.o.l.a. seem to end up with AndroidAug 07 10:53
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Aug 07 10:55
DaemonFCschestowitz not only recommends libimobiledevice, he's their #1 customerAug 07 11:01
DaemonFC:DAug 07 11:01
*Python1320 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 07 11:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Ubuntu’s community manager gratuitously advertising for #Microsoft 07 11:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Ubuntus community manager gratuitously advertising for Microsoft « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 41.96 KBAug 07 11:03
schestowitzDaemonFC: you got a lot of visitors on that last onAug 07 11:04
schestowitzI shared it in and it was promoted to the front pageAug 07 11:04
DaemonFCI'm suspicious of them latelyAug 07 11:04
DaemonFCtheir community manager is writing love letters to MicrosoftAug 07 11:05
DaemonFCtheir Netbook Remix is adding Mono apps like BansheeAug 07 11:05
DaemonFCthey're including their own Mono CIL files in the default installationAug 07 11:05
DaemonFCthey're selling "patent protection"Aug 07 11:05
DaemonFCand they're congratulating themselves for doing work that really only makes sense in their own distributionAug 07 11:06
DaemonFCschestowitz, You can output from a mixer deck to your sound card's 3.5mm input jack, route it through Pulseaudio, and onto Flash appsAug 07 11:10
DaemonFCit may not be the cleanest way to hook it all up, but it's not difficultAug 07 11:10
DaemonFCI'd like him to tell me why he needs Windows 7 to do thatAug 07 11:10
DaemonFCthe main problem in this situation is Flash itselfAug 07 11:11
DaemonFCschestowitz, in fact, it's the same "analog hole" that Microsoft is trying to closeAug 07 11:12
DaemonFCnotice how all of a sudden you need to have an "all digital" end to end connection to do things like play Blu Ray movies?Aug 07 11:13
DaemonFCHDCP DRM and ilkAug 07 11:13
schestowitzThe argument with Florian is taking up all morning.. 07 11:14
TechrightsBotTitle: Groklaw Responds to Latest FUD from Florian Müller | Techrights .::. Size~: 153.2 KBAug 07 11:14
DaemonFCschestowitz, DRM doesn't stop "piracy", but it has killed entire new formatsAug 07 11:15
DaemonFCsuch as DVD-Audio and the Super Audio CDAug 07 11:15
DaemonFC:PAug 07 11:15
DaemonFCI looked into both formats when they were introduced and avoided buying into them just because of thatAug 07 11:16
DaemonFCI'd rather just keep using CDs than deal with some new disc format that I can't rip fromAug 07 11:17
DaemonFCeven if it might be technically betterAug 07 11:17
DaemonFCschestowitz, I noticed jono doesn't use BittorrentAug 07 11:19
DaemonFCon his band's websiteAug 07 11:19
DaemonFCNine Inch Nails and Radiohead were distributing FLAC file at DVD-A resolutionAug 07 11:20
DaemonFCand they used Bittorrent to do itAug 07 11:20
DaemonFCI don't blame themAug 07 11:21
DaemonFCI wouldn't want to pay the bandwidth for thousands of downloads at >1GB eachAug 07 11:21
*Python1320 (Python1320@2002:50dc:2053::50dc:2053) has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 11:22
*Python1320 has quit (Changing host)Aug 07 11:22
*Python1320 (Python1320@unaffiliated/python1320) has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 11:22
DaemonFCoh wow, he can't even name the files properly eitherAug 07 11:22
DaemonFCwhat a messAug 07 11:22
DaemonFCschestowitz, 07 11:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting audio/ogg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 07 11:23
DaemonFCCookie Monster on the vocalsAug 07 11:23
DaemonFC 07 11:24
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Sesame Street: Cookie Monster Sings C is for Cookie,&lrm; .::. Size~: 100.73 KBAug 07 11:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] The Inordinately Strange Life of Dyce Sombre by Michael H Fisher - literally extraordinary (via @carlmalamud) #indiaAug 07 11:27
TechrightsBotTitle:  The Inordinately Strange Life of Dyce Sombre by Michael H Fisher | Book review | Books | The Observer  .::. Size~: 90.27 KBAug 07 11:27
DaemonFCschestowitz, On second thought, maybe letting him advertise that he made these with Windows 7 is not a bad ideaAug 07 11:31
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 07 11:36
*_Goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 11:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Since I didn't have a trip away this weekend. Ive moved my main rig to another location in the house!....not too griefy either..Aug 07 11:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Now Im sitting in far more comfortable room, alot done this weekend, Im quite pleased with myself.Aug 07 11:43
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 11:47
*DaemonFC is having fun with his headset and AudacityAug 07 11:48
DaemonFCdoing my own versions of System of a DownAug 07 11:49
DaemonFC:PAug 07 11:49
schestowitz 07 11:56
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *system of a down,&lrm; .::. Size~: 115.77 KBAug 07 11:56
DaemonFC 07 11:57
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *System Of A Down - B.Y.O.B.,&lrm; .::. Size~: 128.43 KBAug 07 11:57
DaemonFC 07 11:59
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Fountains Of Wayne - Stacy's Mom,&lrm; .::. Size~: 128.64 KBAug 07 11:59
DaemonFCthere's always thatAug 07 11:59
schestowitz 07 12:00
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux rises most but SQL, Java, C, C#, .Net and ASP skills most demanded - Inside Outsourcing .::. Size~: 29.03 KBAug 07 12:00
*schestowitz thinks DaemonFC will remix "Stacy's dad"Aug 07 12:01
DaemonFClmaoAug 07 12:01
schestowitzThis video is sickAug 07 12:02
schestowitzThe cartoon ones are betterAug 07 12:02
schestowitzHEre you see underage kidsAug 07 12:02
schestowitzSo if he got Stacy's mom, she'd be in prisonAug 07 12:02
DaemonFC 07 12:02
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *acdc-big balls,&lrm; .::. Size~: 94.89 KBAug 07 12:02
schestowitzSquared and balls are bad wordsAug 07 12:04
schestowitz"Circles" are still safeAug 07 12:04
DaemonFCjugs, hooters, and knockers are also badAug 07 12:05
DaemonFCor so I understandAug 07 12:05
DaemonFCschestowitz, did I tell you my neighbor called the cops on me yesterdayAug 07 12:06
DaemonFC:PAug 07 12:06
DaemonFCI was out there in the back yard with a potato cannon :PAug 07 12:07
schestowitzSo?Aug 07 12:11
schestowitzWhat did you shoot, jabba's big things?Aug 07 12:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] It sometimes seems like Linus, a Finn, helped make Android stronger, which in turns devastates his country's pride (Nokia)Aug 07 12:11
schestowitzMaybe he thought it was a real gunAug 07 12:11
schestowitzLike the one you *do* haveAug 07 12:11
schestowitzGun-loving kid struck in a grown up's body... still playing with potato gunsAug 07 12:12
DaemonFCheheAug 07 12:15
DaemonFCit's not actually illegal to fire a potato gunAug 07 12:15
DaemonFCschestowitz, There's a candidate for Sheriff that's fundraising here by having a shooting contestAug 07 12:16
DaemonFChe's got fully automatic assault rifles on the rangeAug 07 12:16
DaemonFCincluding AK-47sAug 07 12:16
schestowitzSo..?Aug 07 12:17
DaemonFCso...Aug 07 12:18
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 12:18
schestowitzIt's still a kid's game when you practice with potato fibreAug 07 12:18
schestowitzI used these when I was about 10Aug 07 12:19
DaemonFC 07 12:19
TechrightsBotTitle: The Gary Snyder Show on FM 100.1 Talks: Come and help "The Major" shoot holes in the status quo .::. Size~: 55.41 KBAug 07 12:19
schestowitzHolesAug 07 12:20
DaemonFCIt's a holey weaponAug 07 12:21
DaemonFCyou shoot something and it leaves a rather large holeyAug 07 12:21
DaemonFChaAug 07 12:21
DaemonFChaAug 07 12:21
DaemonFChaAug 07 12:21
schestowitz 07 12:21
schestowitz""It's not dissimilar to the early days of Linux," Crenshaw said. "There was a lot of experimentation under the radar before Linux moved to the big screen. Customers have been experimenting with the cloud for two to three years." "Aug 07 12:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Cloud Computing Moving Behind Hype To Real-World Use - IT Channel - IT Channel News by CRN .::. Size~: 74.73 KBAug 07 12:21
schestowitzWhat the heck is "cloud"Aug 07 12:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] BS watch: "The potential downside was that the platform could splinter, a concern that’s plagued the Linux community" 07 12:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Android getting its platform act together | Unfiltered .::. Size~: 43.05 KBAug 07 12:21
DaemonFCschestowitz, Who is Peter Webb?Aug 07 12:27
DaemonFCtroll?Aug 07 12:27
DaemonFCwell, obviouslyAug 07 12:27
DaemonFCbut who is he trolling for?Aug 07 12:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "The Linux community" as I know it is actually concerned that one distro will make the rest go away, which leads to lack of choiceAug 07 12:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Dutch TV turns Pink this weekend (Google translation, see collum 3 Nederland 3) #lgbtq #lgbt #glbtAug 07 12:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Dutch TV turns Pink this weekend (Google translation, see collum 3 Nederland 3) !lgbtq !lgbt !glbtAug 07 12:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux big in SA going north, not down southAug 07 12:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Google Vertaling .::. Size~: 0.95 KBAug 07 12:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Google Vertaling .::. Size~: 0.95 KBAug 07 12:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux big in SA .::. Size~: 36.89 KBAug 07 12:30
DaemonFCschestowitz, akismet lists all your pingbacks as spamAug 07 12:34
schestowitzMine?Aug 07 12:34
schestowitzOdd.Aug 07 12:34
DaemonFCyeahAug 07 12:35
DaemonFCthen there's a guy that commented the site is hard to read on his ipadAug 07 12:36
schestowitzWhich one?Aug 07 12:36
schestowitzYours?Aug 07 12:37
DaemonFCso I left him a comment that he should go get a real web browser with proper small screen renderingAug 07 12:37
DaemonFClike OperaAug 07 12:37
DaemonFCyesAug 07 12:37
schestowitzhypePad *LOL*Aug 07 12:37
schestowitzIt's for gamesAug 07 12:37
DaemonFC"This blog is hard to read on an iPad (FYI)."Aug 07 12:37
DaemonFC"Yeah, I avoid using styles that are hypedevice friendly on purpose in favor of ones that can render properly in a real mobile web browser that can do proper small screen rendering. I think they might make Opera for hypedevices though." -meAug 07 12:37
schestowitzwhat is iPaddd?Aug 07 12:37
schestowitz 07 12:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Netflix: Would Be Stupid of Us to Ignore Androids Continued Growth | Android Phone Fans .::. Size~: 44.21 KBAug 07 12:38
DaemonFC"Some fair points but the snarky axe grinding tone suggest a young man with more time to spend customising than most people. An article praising Debian would have been more persuasive, but I guess you are too young to have figured that out."Aug 07 12:41
DaemonFC"On the other hand, I’m not too young to figure out that OS X is a toy and its users even pay $29 to register a program (Fetch) that does something banal like downloading files from an FTP server. (And it can’t do HTTP or SFTP like wget or curl can). :) I think you’re a miserable old fart with too much money." -meAug 07 12:41
oiaohmHmm I just saw something odd.  TV add for MSN messager.Aug 07 12:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why #Android App Security Is Better Than for the #iPhone Go, Katherine!Aug 07 12:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Why Android App Security Is Better Than for the iPhone - PCWorld Business Center .::. Size~: 63.43 KBAug 07 12:42
DaemonFC 07 12:43
TechrightsBotTitle: About Fetch .::. Size~: 10.4 KBAug 07 12:43
DaemonFCWow, it can do almost 10% of what Konqueror canAug 07 12:43
DaemonFCand only $24!Aug 07 12:43
DaemonFC:DAug 07 12:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] TalkTalk becomes StalkStalk - detailed analysis of DPI fiasco #talktalk #dpi #ukAug 07 12:43
TechrightsBotTitle: TalkTalk becomes StalkStalk | No Deep Packet Inspection .::. Size~: 29.22 KBAug 07 12:43
DaemonFCI don't get itAug 07 12:46
DaemonFCwith all the open source code Apple ripped off, why can't they package wget or curl?Aug 07 12:47
schestowitz "yes, it's truly AWFUL that people can make their own custom versions, that's NEVER been helpful- good thing that never happens with cars or we'd really be in trouble (?)"Aug 07 12:47
TechrightsBotTitle: حالة menn (openuniverse) في يوم Saturday, 07-Aug-10 11:14:57 UTC - 280 .::. Size~: 7.95 KBAug 07 12:47
DaemonFCWho cares if mobile operating systems splinter?Aug 07 12:48
DaemonFCThey're all proprietary DRM encrusted gulags anywayAug 07 12:49
schestowitz "@schestowitz: Absolutely agree! Choice is important. Its pretty evident with whats happening with android base phones outselling the iPhone"Aug 07 12:49
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 8.78 KBAug 07 12:49
DaemonFCschestowitz, I found the master key to unlock my phone, including it's internal storageAug 07 12:50
DaemonFCand I can mark unsigned apps as signed by AT&TAug 07 12:50
DaemonFC:PAug 07 12:50
DaemonFCI did that with a few just so it would stop pestering me about the app not being signed every time I tried to go online with itAug 07 12:50
schestowitz "@schestowitz it's kind of like worrying that a single party system might splinter into more, forcing people to vote"Aug 07 12:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.94 KBAug 07 12:51
schestowitzHeh. Exactly.Aug 07 12:51
DaemonFCSimple Scan probably won't get into GNOMEAug 07 12:53
DaemonFCthey're trying to get away from XulrunnerAug 07 12:53
DaemonFCnot closer to itAug 07 12:53
schestowitz 07 12:53
TechrightsBotTitle:  Mexico looks to legalisation as drug war murders hit 28,000 | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 70.1 KBAug 07 12:53
DaemonFClegalization is the only way to put an end to the organized crimeAug 07 12:55
schestowitz 07 12:57
TechrightsBotTitle:  Elena Kagan and the sharia charge | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free |  .::. Size~: 206.18 KBAug 07 12:57
schestowitzUS sharia, DaemonFCAug 07 12:58
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 12:58
schestowitzHEH. 07 13:02
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 07 13:02
schestowitz 07 13:03
schestowitzCIA violates Nuremburg CodeAug 07 13:03
oiaohmandroid has 2 things on it side.Aug 07 13:04
oiaohmNumber 1 its more open than iphonesAug 07 13:04
oiaohmNumber 2 it allows what other wise would be selling clone items in the market to sell legally.Aug 07 13:05
oiaohmclone items ie fakesAug 07 13:05
*JesseTS (~Jesse@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 13:08
*magentar ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Aug 07 13:15
*JesseTS has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Aug 07 13:17
schestowitzGoogle is now 'bribing' devs too: 07 13:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Developers Can Get Unlocked Nexus One | Muktware .::. Size~: 15.81 KBAug 07 13:24
oiaohmGoogle can afford to schestowitzAug 07 13:25
DaemonFC 07 13:25
TechrightsBotTitle: SFC wins default judgement against GPL violator - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 34.28 KBAug 07 13:25
DaemonFCI have a Westinghouse monitorAug 07 13:25
DaemonFC:pAug 07 13:25
schestowitzsmash it!Aug 07 13:25
schestowitz>?-Aug 07 13:26
DaemonFCnoAug 07 13:26
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 13:26
schestowitzShow it with potato peelsAug 07 13:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Google CEO Eric Schmidt on privacy video worth spreadingAug 07 13:33
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: Google CEO Eric Schmidt on privacy .::. Size~: 5.25 KBAug 07 13:33
schestowitz "I doubt that'll happen, as that distro must then push all development on it's own and we know how well that goes :D"Aug 07 13:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 11.2 KBAug 07 13:44
schestowitzOpensuse's managerAug 07 13:45
schestowitzcommunityAug 07 13:45
DaemonFC 07 13:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux Today - Linus Weighs in on Red Hat 7 Compiler Issues .::. Size~: 100.03 KBAug 07 13:53
DaemonFC:DAug 07 13:53
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Aug 07 13:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] RT @tuhl Android will be the most dominant phone platform soon (OSS rulez): 07 13:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Android Phone Sales Outpace iPhone Sales .::. Size~: 25.91 KBAug 07 13:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Links 7/8/2010: #GNU #Linux Big in South Africa, #Acer Android Netbook, #Thunderbird 3.1.2 07 13:57
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 7/8/2010: GNU/Linux Big in South Africa, Acer Android Netbook, Thunderbird 3.1.2 | Techrights .::. Size~: 117.94 KBAug 07 13:57
DaemonFC 07 14:03
TechrightsBotTitle: The Fedora Legacy Project .::. Size~: 5.97 KBAug 07 14:03
DaemonFCThis page last modified December 31st, 1969 07:00 PM EST Aug 07 14:03
DaemonFC:PAug 07 14:03
oiaohmLOLAug 07 14:05
schestowitzMoon landingAug 07 14:12
schestowitzMono landingAug 07 14:12
DaemonFCWhy does Noscript block Firefox's internal Ogg Theora player?Aug 07 14:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Russia Today Uses #AstroTurfing Group to Make Case Against #Google #ConsumerWatchdogAug 07 14:18
TechrightsBotTitle: Russia Today Uses AstroTurfing Group to Make Case Against Google | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.32 KBAug 07 14:18
DaemonFCheh "Forbis audio/video" is defaultAug 07 14:19
DaemonFClovelyAug 07 14:19
DaemonFC*ForbidAug 07 14:19
oiaohmIt does save bandwidth.Aug 07 14:19
oiaohmFor sites running video adveristing.Aug 07 14:19
oiaohmIts a feature of noscript I like DaemonFCAug 07 14:20
DaemonFC 07 14:26
TechrightsBotTitle: IE9's Acid, speed and HTML5 trip to land lost surfers • The Register .::. Size~: 27.81 KBAug 07 14:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] @schestowitz: I find #android security to suck a lot with huge clear examples of false sense of security!Aug 07 14:30
oiaohmBoy MS still does not get it.Aug 07 14:32
oiaohmThey don't have the right to pick and choose standards to support in a web browser.Aug 07 14:32
oiaohmIf others are implementing so do they.Aug 07 14:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Sorry to All, I am directly going to Delhi from Hyd. Bangalore journey cancelled. #urgentAug 07 14:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] There is some biblical analogy here... ♺ @pietercolpaert: @jonobacon - ... dude? What the... 07 14:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Ubuntus community manager gratuitously advertising for Microsoft « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 40.81 KBAug 07 14:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Western Digital is Bad for Your Freedom (and for #GNU #Linux #WesternDigital #seagate #drm #hardwareAug 07 14:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Awesomeness ♺ @rejon: EndlessYouTube Ben <b>Nanonote</b> running Abiword 07 14:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Western Digital is Bad for Freedom (and for GNU/Linux | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.17 KBAug 07 14:47
TechrightsBotTitle: EndlessYouTube - Ben Nanonote running Abiword .::. Size~: 48.93 KBAug 07 14:47
DaemonFChehAug 07 14:52
DaemonFCJono actually uses GwibberAug 07 14:52
DaemonFCI'd like to see what becomes of Gwibber when Firefox 4 has AppTabsAug 07 14:52
DaemonFCand you can just leave Twitter running in an AppTabAug 07 14:53
DaemonFCit doesn't seem to make much sense to keep another app open that has a full instance of Webkit running if you have something like AppTabs availableAug 07 14:53
schestowitzDaemonFC: I am writing about jono ATMAug 07 15:02
schestowitzNot happy with him daemonising my work based on false statementsAug 07 15:02
DaemonFCwhat did he say?Aug 07 15:13
*DaemonFC was out getting some mt dew :PAug 07 15:13
DaemonFCoiaohm, How much performance hit would you say forcing XAA over EXA would give me?Aug 07 15:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Vista7 is Under Attack and No Patches Are Available; #Ubuntu Community Manager Uses It 07 15:17
TechrightsBotTitle: Vista 7 is Under Attack and No Patches Are Available; Ubuntu Community Manager Uses It | Techrights .::. Size~: 90.25 KBAug 07 15:17
oiaohmIn theory no worse than 5 to 10 percent.  DaemonFCAug 07 15:21
schestowitz 07 15:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft - Dead Divisions or Products - Techrights .::. Size~: 21.68 KBAug 07 15:21
schestowitzNew addition now...Aug 07 15:21
DaemonFCoiaohm, The black box problem with EXA on Catalyst came back for some reasonAug 07 15:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #IronRuby is officially dead, says a Program Manager from #Microsoft #EmbraceAndExtend 07 15:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft is Finally Leaving Ruby Alone | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.78 KBAug 07 15:21
DaemonFCand I've heard forcing XAA fixes it for sureAug 07 15:21
oiaohmLot of the functions in XAA are 1 to 1 maps.Aug 07 15:22
oiaohmto EXAAug 07 15:22
oiaohmAnd vice verserAug 07 15:22
DaemonFCso where are the black splotchy annoying things coming from?Aug 07 15:23
oiaohmNote A lotAug 07 15:24
oiaohmIts not 100 percent of all functions.Aug 07 15:25
oiaohmthe 5 to 10 percent both ways is for emulation of some functions.  DaemonFCAug 07 15:25
schestowitzI've been putting out there what I thought would be useful for answers to be obtained from Florian. He clearly cannot answer the question about Microsoft which he's so reluctant to address (even after 100 comments).Aug 07 15:28
schestowitzPWNED, I thinkAug 07 15:28
oiaohmI wounder if all the Iron languages will die.Aug 07 15:29
schestowitz "You misspelled ‘Windows 7’."Aug 07 15:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.15 KBAug 07 15:31
schestowitzoiaohm: probablyAug 07 15:31
schestowitzI thought Ruby was a leader among themAug 07 15:31
oiaohmI don't see lot of uses of ironpython or ironphp either.Aug 07 15:32 idea was one engine running many different langs.Aug 07 15:32
oiaohmIf that fails completley it leaves .net really in a bad place.Aug 07 15:32
schestowitz 07 15:35
TechrightsBotTitle: Twitter / eringrrl: RT @schestowitz: #Ubuntu ’ ... .::. Size~: 12 KBAug 07 15:35
schestowitzoiaohm: c#Aug 07 15:35
oiaohmFinal nail would be C# with a native complier.Aug 07 15:36
schestowitzFinal nail would be Microsoft basing next WIndows on BSD codeAug 07 15:38
schestowitzg2g bblAug 07 15:39
oiaohmWhy would that be wrong schestowitzAug 07 15:43
oiaohmEarly windows did contain lots of BSD code blocks.  schestowitzAug 07 15:44
oiaohmNext Windows containing large blocks of GPL and LGPL would be more of a final nail.  schestowitzAug 07 15:44
DaemonFCyeah, Apple gave up trying to maintain their OSAug 07 15:54
DaemonFCafter the Copland vaporware turned into a total disasterAug 07 15:55
DaemonFCnow it's just 95% FOSS and 5% Apple crap to make sure that an OS X application isn't a standard UNIX applicationAug 07 15:55
DaemonFCwhich is typical of proprietary UNIX (the forced incompatibility)Aug 07 15:56
DaemonFCWe're UNIX, and we're UNIX, and so are we....Aug 07 15:56
DaemonFCbut you can't actually run a program from their UNIX on our UNIXAug 07 15:57
DaemonFC:DAug 07 15:57
DaemonFCbecause our UNIX has "different features" than THEIR UNIXAug 07 15:57
DaemonFCbut it's UNIXAug 07 15:57
DaemonFCwe have the Seal of Approval right here!Aug 07 15:57
DaemonFCpaid $10 million for it and everything!Aug 07 15:58
Diablo-D3[10:27:47] <oiaohm> Final nail would be C# with a native complier.\Aug 07 15:58
oiaohmI was meaning for .net  Diablo-D3Aug 07 15:58
Diablo-D3you mean the one microsoft has that eats a dielect of c# and shits out kernels?Aug 07 15:58
oiaohmNot for C#Aug 07 15:58
DaemonFCthe UNIX mark stopped meaning _anything_ long agoAug 07 15:58
DaemonFCPOSIX means somethingAug 07 15:58
DaemonFCPOSIX is at least a baseline level of feature supportAug 07 15:58
DaemonFCthat's guaranteed to be there in every POSIX compliant OSAug 07 15:59
DaemonFCbut it's still a problem when different operating systems start building a mountain of their own features onto thatAug 07 15:59
DaemonFChell, forget Linux vs. FreeBSDAug 07 16:00
Diablo-D3it isAug 07 16:00
DaemonFCit's Linux vs. LinuxAug 07 16:00
Diablo-D3it doesnt produce normal bytecode thoughAug 07 16:00
Diablo-D3and its... kinda nativeAug 07 16:00
DaemonFCRed Hat is still hauling around the nonstandard GCC 2.96 compatibility libraries from their broken Red Hat 7 bullshitAug 07 16:01
Diablo-D3the whole thing is a limited subset, but it does workAug 07 16:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Sometimes you have to wonder at the sanity of some decisions 07 16:01
TechrightsBotTitle:  Sex workers 'named and shamed' on Met police website | Society | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 69.71 KBAug 07 16:01
DaemonFChmmm, free advertising for prostitutesAug 07 16:03
DaemonFCprovided by the government?Aug 07 16:03
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] ♺ @schestowitz: Western Digital is Bad for Your Freedom (and for !GNU !Linux #WesternDigital #seagate #drm #hardwareAug 07 16:08
TechrightsBotTitle: Western Digital is Bad for Freedom (and for GNU/Linux | Techrights .::. Size~: 85.87 KBAug 07 16:08
oiaohmDepends on a prostitutes DaemonFCAug 07 16:09
oiaohmHigh end ones there clients don't want to be known to be with a prostituteAug 07 16:09
oiaohmSo that adveristing would ruin them.Aug 07 16:09
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 16:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[sjvn] RT @AshevilleFM: SATURDAY SAGE is on and giving up a few guilty pleasures! #avlmusic #avlfm #avlent Me: Good musicAug 07 16:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Asheville FM | Community Radio .::. Size~: 26.7 KBAug 07 16:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] The article currently being spun about WikiLeaks source protection legalities is false.Aug 07 16:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] ♺ @garylsnyder: RT @policygal: GM announces major investment in auto plant (in Mexico) 07 16:34
TechrightsBotTitle: American Thinker Blog: GM announces major investment in auto plant (in Mexico) .::. Size~: 15.86 KBAug 07 16:34
DaemonFC"Lieblein said General Motors has invested $4.1 billion in Mexico over the last four years.Aug 07 16:35
DaemonFCUS taxpayers bailed out GM, next came the Volt, and now this is the payback.Aug 07 16:35
DaemonFCOn the bright side, at least there may be fewer Mexicans crossing the border."Aug 07 16:35
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 07 16:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] A few quotes in this article are untrue or misleading: ; it is not endorsed.Aug 07 16:57
TechrightsBotTitle: AP Interview: WikiLeaks to publish new documents - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 138.82 KBAug 07 16:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] WikiLeaks v. Pentagon (video satire) 07 17:04
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Wikileaks Hitler Satire part 2,&lrm; .::. Size~: 91.27 KBAug 07 17:04
DaemonFC 07 17:15
TechrightsBotTitle: Thoughts on Internet Explorer 9& « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 43.33 KBAug 07 17:15
DaemonFCerrAug 07 17:15
DaemonFCshould be 07 17:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Thoughts on Internet Explorer 9& « Ryans Blog .::. Size~: 44.29 KBAug 07 17:16
DaemonFCI saw Paul Thurrott talking about IE 9Aug 07 17:16
DaemonFCand thought it was worth mentioning that IE 9 is lugging around 3 obsolete IE engines, and their javascript interpreters as COM objectsAug 07 17:16
DaemonFCand major sites will just continue to stick a "this site is broken" tag on all their pagesAug 07 17:17
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: your comment about Fetch is misguided. Aug 07 17:19
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: it's something you 'heard' that you use to write off the platform, but it's absurd.Aug 07 17:20
DaemonFC$29 for a crippled proprietary wget with half the featuresAug 07 17:20
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: OS X ships with curl; you can build wget easily; and GUI FTP clients like cyberduck are free, and support all flavours of ftp Aug 07 17:20
DaemonFCwhere do I fork over my money?Aug 07 17:20
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: see? your remark is irrelevantAug 07 17:20
DaemonFCI mean, FTP clients are so rareAug 07 17:20
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: aer you READING?Aug 07 17:20
DaemonFCthey're like goldAug 07 17:20
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: You're Not READING.Aug 07 17:20
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: ^^Aug 07 17:20
FurnaceBoyYou're just wallowing in ignorance and error.Aug 07 17:20
DaemonFCyou have to sign up with an Apple account to download GCC to build wgetAug 07 17:21
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: no, you don't.Aug 07 17:21
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: another mistake.Aug 07 17:21
DaemonFCpossible, but not something an average user is competent enough to doAug 07 17:21
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: gcc ships with the computerAug 07 17:21
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: the machine comes with curl pre-installedAug 07 17:21
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: if you want a GUI ftp client, there are full featured free ones. Download Cyberduck, take a look.Aug 07 17:22
DaemonFCOK, stuff has changed since I used one apparentlyAug 07 17:22
FurnaceBoysighAug 07 17:22
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: none of this is newAug 07 17:22
DaemonFCbecause Panther had no curlAug 07 17:22
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: it *always* shipped with curl;  the system ALWAYS came with gcc.Aug 07 17:22
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: not true.Aug 07 17:22
DaemonFCPanther had no GCCAug 07 17:22
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: not true.Aug 07 17:22
DaemonFCPanther had no wgetAug 07 17:22
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: it still doesn't have wget out of the box. Aug 07 17:22
DaemonFCand Panther made you sign up with Apple to get GCC to build wgetAug 07 17:22
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: but it *always* had curl; it always came with gcc.Aug 07 17:22
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: incorrect.Aug 07 17:22
FurnaceBoyYou're not READING.Aug 07 17:22
DaemonFCthen why was there no GCC on the systemAug 07 17:23
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: it's on the DVD. Always was.Aug 07 17:23
DaemonFCand nothing that provided a C compiler?Aug 07 17:23
DaemonFCoh, it's on the DVDAug 07 17:23
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: go check out Cyberduck's site. that's a free, excellent ftp client.Aug 07 17:23
DaemonFCthat explains everythingAug 07 17:23
DaemonFCall 5 MB of disk space was too much to include it in the OS?Aug 07 17:23
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: and curl has always been bundled in the base install...Aug 07 17:23
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: it's not 5MB, sadly. it's a gig or so.Aug 07 17:23
DaemonFCI mean 500 MB for iTunesAug 07 17:24
DaemonFCand no GCC by default?Aug 07 17:24
DaemonFCI thought those were real computers nowAug 07 17:24
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: it's on the dvd.Aug 07 17:24
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: that's not a big hurdle for an intelligent man like youAug 07 17:24
DaemonFCif you want to call it UNIX, at least piss on me and tell me it's rainingAug 07 17:24
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: ubuntu doesn't install gcc by default, does it?Aug 07 17:24
DaemonFCand throw compiler tools inAug 07 17:24
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: Windows doesn't come with a compiler.Aug 07 17:24
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: your objection is absolutely irrelevantAug 07 17:25
DaemonFCWindows isn't UNIXAug 07 17:25
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: if you want gcc, you Put The DVD In.Aug 07 17:25
DaemonFCMicrosoft doesn't want you to know how to build softwareAug 07 17:25
DaemonFCthey want you to push buttons they give youAug 07 17:25
DaemonFCUbuntu doesn't want you to grow, they want you to click on Ubuntu Software StoreAug 07 17:25
DaemonFCthey were too bust stuffing the CD with imitation .NET to include something stupid and pointlessAug 07 17:26
DaemonFClike GCCAug 07 17:26
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 17:26
DaemonFCor the GimpAug 07 17:26
DaemonFCI figure they'll remove the link to launch a BASH terminal eventuallyAug 07 17:27
DaemonFCit's UbuntuAug 07 17:27
FurnaceBoyi think there's an intelligent middle ground here.Aug 07 17:28
DaemonFCfrog and the boiling water thing going on at UbuntuAug 07 17:28
FurnaceBoyfor example, they could put the full developer package on the dvd and tell ppl where to find it if they need it.Aug 07 17:28
neighborleeDaemonFC: they want you to know how to compile, just with .net LOLAug 07 17:28
DaemonFCyou have to turn up the heat gradually or else the frog will hop outAug 07 17:29
FurnaceBoyneighborlee: well, we're discussing "bundled dev tools" issueAug 07 17:29
neighborleeI know Aug 07 17:29
FurnaceBoyneighborlee: widnows definitely doesn't bundle anyAug 07 17:29
DaemonFCUbuntu is making less pretenses of giving a shit about FOSS than they used toAug 07 17:29
neighborleeFurnaceBoy: I know.Aug 07 17:29
neighborlee:)Aug 07 17:29
DaemonFCthey're cheap imitation Macdows nowAug 07 17:29
FurnaceBoyneighborlee: and the obstacles are a lot higher than for os x or ubuntuAug 07 17:29
DaemonFCthey've even had a sex change operationAug 07 17:29
FurnaceBoyI liked the days when Apple pushed OS X as a dev platformAug 07 17:29
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 17:29
FurnaceBoyfor java, for all languages. Aug 07 17:29
FurnaceBoysebsebseb was talking about ubuntu's decline, but unfortunately he couldn't post a cite to a blog post or something that summarises why he thinks it's dying.Aug 07 17:30
FurnaceBoyoh oh oh i have a question for you geniuses, and schestowitz Aug 07 17:31
FurnaceBoyhow do i find one of my very first tweets?Aug 07 17:31
DaemonFCclick on thingsAug 07 17:32
DaemonFCyou'll get there eventuallyAug 07 17:32
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 17:32
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: the web ui doesn't seem to allow this.Aug 07 17:32
DaemonFChmmmAug 07 17:32
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: not in a practical way for 11,000+ tweets.Aug 07 17:32
DaemonFCI usually update from my phone's browserAug 07 17:33
DaemonFCor my phone's twitter appAug 07 17:33
DaemonFCor PinoAug 07 17:33
FurnaceBoyneighborlee: ola, nice to meet you. what do you do?Aug 07 17:33
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: yeah, but what kind of history access do they give?Aug 07 17:33
neighborleeFurnaceBoy: farmingAug 07 17:33
DaemonFCyes, neighborlee is very neighborlee Aug 07 17:33
DaemonFCa very neighborlee farmerAug 07 17:33
neighborleeloAug 07 17:33
FurnaceBoyneighborlee: then you have a good use for DaemonFC 's fertiliserAug 07 17:34
DaemonFCand everything neighborlee does was mighty neighborlee of himAug 07 17:34
neighborleeFurnaceBoy: lolAug 07 17:34
FurnaceBoy:)Aug 07 17:34
DaemonFCI'll make an offer to jono next time I see himAug 07 17:34
DaemonFCif he makes a video on Youtube of him smashing the free Vista7 disc into piecesAug 07 17:35
DaemonFCin a way that amuses meAug 07 17:35
DaemonFCI will send him one of my old Sound Blaster cardsAug 07 17:35
DaemonFCfree of chargeAug 07 17:35
DaemonFCB-)Aug 07 17:35
DaemonFCso that he can use the 3.5 mm jackAug 07 17:35
DaemonFCsince apparently he doesn't have one with this advanced, nigh futuristic alien Reptilian shape-shifting technologyAug 07 17:36
DaemonFCB-)Aug 07 17:36
*DaemonFC wonders if jono has an ISA slotAug 07 17:37
*DaemonFC would hate to send him one that's less than 20 years oldAug 07 17:37
DaemonFCJono isn't stupid. There's no way that such an easy task escaped him.Aug 07 17:38
DaemonFCHis promotion of Vista 7 was deliberate.Aug 07 17:38
DaemonFCAchieving what he claimed takes a $2 cord and a few mouse clicksAug 07 17:39
DaemonFCeven on UbuntuAug 07 17:39
DaemonFCI'd be scared if their community manager didn't know how to use the Pulseaudio volume control tray appletAug 07 17:39
FurnaceBoy+1Aug 07 17:47
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: but then, you talk about windows an awful lot, as if it still matters.Aug 07 17:48
DaemonFCit matters if Ubuntu's community manager actively promotes it flippantlyAug 07 17:48
DaemonFCat least in the way of, he shouldn't be doing that and holding the position he's inAug 07 17:48
DaemonFCIf I were Mark Shuttleworth, I'd pull Jono by the collar over to the water cooler and have a one on oneAug 07 17:49
DaemonFCbut that's my managerial style :)Aug 07 17:49
DaemonFCI don't see how any boss would tolerate his employees recommending the competition and exaggerating minor defects in their product to provide an excuseAug 07 17:51
DaemonFC"Hey, Ubuntu is crap, use Windows 7!"Aug 07 17:51
DaemonFChe should have just said thatAug 07 17:51
DaemonFCwell, he did, but in more wordsAug 07 17:51
DaemonFCPulseaudio is a mixed blessingAug 07 17:53
DaemonFCin that it covers up 10 years of bad ALSA design decisions (when it decides it wants to work)Aug 07 17:53
DaemonFCbut ALSA should be fixed by fixing ALSAAug 07 17:53
ThistleWebso he needed windows for some specialist hardware, big deal. The only criticism I have is that he chose to mention it to some windows person he knows, who then pulled some strings and gave him a free copy, which he was obligated to mention in the donators pageAug 07 17:53
DaemonFCnot pancaking the sound systemAug 07 17:54
DaemonFCit's not really "specialist"Aug 07 17:54
DaemonFCif you think about itAug 07 17:54
ThistleWebfor me, what he should never have asked or hinted to get that free copy, thereor wouldnt need to mention Microsoft on the siteAug 07 17:54
DaemonFCthe 3.5mm jack can be used for all kinds of inputAug 07 17:55
ThistleWebif he needs windows, so be it, but a copy and use itAug 07 17:55
ThistleWebbuy*Aug 07 17:55
DaemonFCimplying that there's something horribly wrong where Linux can't let you use the 3.5mm jack on your sound card is a "bad thing"Aug 07 17:55
DaemonFCit's not just amateur Limp Bizkit wanna-be assclowns recording something in their mother's basement that use thisAug 07 17:56
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 17:56
DaemonFCbut even they should be properly supported in doing soAug 07 17:56
ThistleWebas I understand it, it's not the jacks, it's the firmware in some of the equipment being heavily built for windows, or only windows software being able to recognise itAug 07 17:56
DaemonFCbecause the feature goes beyond themAug 07 17:56
DaemonFCan analog out needs firmware?Aug 07 17:56
ThistleWeblisten to the tllts ep with him froma few weeks ago, he goes into great depth about his setupAug 07 17:56
DaemonFCwhen it comes to audio connections, I prefer analogAug 07 17:57
DaemonFCnot because it always gives The BEST resultsAug 07 17:57
ThistleWebhe needs midi for some stuffAug 07 17:57
DaemonFCbut because it's never more complicated than plugging something inAug 07 17:57
*_Goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 17:57
DaemonFCand digital connections have this funny way of not working half the timeAug 07 17:58
DaemonFCand requiring hours of troubleshootingAug 07 17:58
ThistleWebhence the need for windowsAug 07 17:58
DaemonFCI'd find something that had a kernel driverAug 07 17:58
DaemonFCeven if it meant scouring ebay and importing one from Abu Dhabi Aug 07 17:58
ThistleWeba lot of linux advocates have to use windows for some things, it's totally different from endorsing windowsAug 07 17:58
DaemonFCwell, liking to and having to are different thingsAug 07 17:59
ThistleWebhow many FOSS advocates work in places where they have to use XP and MS office, even IE because their employers are sucked into the MS mindsetAug 07 17:59
DaemonFCI can understand "This is my job and it really does require me to use Windows if I want my next paycheck"Aug 07 17:59
DaemonFCyou know?Aug 07 17:59
DaemonFCbut I'd like him to explain why his setup can't be done with LinuxAug 07 18:00
ThistleWebso you'd rather he'd just abandon his free culture music project if it cant be done in linux?Aug 07 18:00
ThistleWebhe does, listen to tlltsAug 07 18:00
DaemonFCand why he couldn't have chosen hardware that did support LinuxAug 07 18:00
ThistleWebhe goes into great depth about  itAug 07 18:00
FurnaceBoyThistleWeb: I port my GPL code to WindowsAug 07 18:00
FurnaceBoyThistleWeb: and support itAug 07 18:00
DaemonFCno, I mean he should have made every effort to avoid needing WindowsAug 07 18:00
ThistleWebgood for youAug 07 18:00
FurnaceBoyThistleWeb:  i despise the platform, not its users :)Aug 07 18:01
DaemonFCand not promoting Windows even if he did need itAug 07 18:01
ThistleWebDaemonFC: try listening to tllts with jono explaining itAug 07 18:01
DaemonFCif he said "Damn it, I need Windows for this, that sucks, oh well" I'd understandAug 07 18:01
ThistleWebwhat else can I say?Aug 07 18:01
ThistleWeb"if" "if" he already HAS, but you have no intention of checking it out, it's much easier to just assume he hasn'tAug 07 18:02
DaemonFCwell, it's like taking a leak in publicAug 07 18:02
DaemonFCeveryone's had to do itAug 07 18:02
DaemonFCbut you try to hide behind a tree or somethingAug 07 18:02
DaemonFCyou don't just whip it out and shout "HEY, I'M TAKING A PISS!!! HAHAHA!!!!"Aug 07 18:02
ThistleWebI have no probs with him using windows to record or whatever if his hardware needs it, my issue is the blagging a copy and therefor being duty bound to mention it in the supporters pageAug 07 18:03
DaemonFCan animal typically doesn't shit where it sleepsAug 07 18:03
DaemonFCwhy do humans?Aug 07 18:03
DaemonFChehAug 07 18:04
DaemonFCI would have just grabbed an evaluation copy of Windows ServerAug 07 18:04
DaemonFCyou can keep that going for a year without punching in a serial numberAug 07 18:04
ThistleWebyeah and that helps him long term how exactly?Aug 07 18:04
DaemonFChe doesn't owe Microsoft an endorsementAug 07 18:04
DaemonFCand they don't get his moneyAug 07 18:04
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: ughAug 07 18:05
ThistleWebI'd imagine he'd wanna be sensible and set it up as a (hopefully) permenant install that he can switch on when he needs to record and have it just work exactly as he expectsAug 07 18:05
DaemonFCformatting and re-installing Windows once a year is a given anywayAug 07 18:05
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 18:05
ThistleWebhe could have done it a different way I agree, like using donated money from fans to buy a copyAug 07 18:05
DaemonFCbacking up user data is a trivial taskAug 07 18:05
ThistleWebor having a fan donate a copy, then thanking the fanAug 07 18:06
ThistleWebboth of those would avoid having to credit MicrosoftAug 07 18:06
DaemonFCthere's legal ways to use Windows without paying for itAug 07 18:06
DaemonFCif he's a student somewhere he could get it at DreamsparkAug 07 18:06
DaemonFChe could have asked me for a copy of itAug 07 18:07
DaemonFCwith a valid licenseAug 07 18:07
DaemonFCof course not that he would know thatAug 07 18:07
ThistleWebyou're incredibly judgemental for someone who refuses to listen to the man explain huh?Aug 07 18:08
DaemonFCI just didn't like his explanation, it wasn't an explanationAug 07 18:08
DaemonFCit was an advertisementAug 07 18:08
FurnaceBoyThistleWeb: meet DaemonFC Aug 07 18:08
ThistleWebyou've not heard his explanation, you refuse to listenAug 07 18:08
ThistleWebdespite the minor transgression of having to use windows because his hardware needs it, he does everything he can to make the project as open as possibleAug 07 18:09
ThistleWebhe can't control the makers of his equipmentAug 07 18:10
DaemonFCok, I see he needs a USB sound cardAug 07 18:10
ThistleWeball he can do is try to get it workingAug 07 18:10
DaemonFCthere are many of those with 100% Linux supportAug 07 18:10
DaemonFCon a laptop, many of which run LinuxAug 07 18:10
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 18:10
DaemonFChe needs to stream it via Flash, which Pulseaudio can route toAug 07 18:11
DaemonFCI'm not seeing where this diagram breaks down because of LinuxAug 07 18:11
ThistleWebFurnaceBoy: this channel is often interesting, often people who have very valid points debate things, often with people who have some real insights into stuff, but sometimes people just melt a balance cicuit in their mind and turn into pitbulls who attack without knowing the reasonAug 07 18:12
DaemonFCI gave up trying to use Windows for anything audio related a while backAug 07 18:12
FurnaceBoyThistleWeb: DaemonFC has some very fixed ideas. see above re: OS X + FTPAug 07 18:12
DaemonFCit's wholly unsuitable Aug 07 18:12
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: I am not sure why you bother with Windows period.Aug 07 18:12
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: or talk about it so much.Aug 07 18:13
FurnaceBoyThistleWeb: I guess that's irc :DAug 07 18:13
ThistleWebwe can all be drawn into arguments without understanding all of the details, I've done it myselfAug 07 18:13
FurnaceBoyyes. it's hard to tell who has a reasoned, thoughtful positionAug 07 18:13
FurnaceBoyor one based on actual experience and knowledgeAug 07 18:13
FurnaceBoyirc gives few clues. :)Aug 07 18:13
ThistleWebbut it shows poor form to do it and put words into someones mouth when they have already spoken for themselevs and you refuse to listenAug 07 18:14
FurnaceBoybut then there's blog. which is why i asked sebsebseb for a cite on his objections to ubuntu..Aug 07 18:14
DaemonFCIt just struck me as odd on a few levels is allAug 07 18:14
DaemonFChis "predicament"Aug 07 18:14
FurnaceBoyThistleWeb: I've found it difficult to dislodge DaemonFC's preconceptions.Aug 07 18:14
DaemonFCconsidering how lulzy I think Windows' audio stack isAug 07 18:14
ThistleWebFurnaceBoy: he can be very insightful on stuffAug 07 18:15
FurnaceBoyThistleWeb: well i guess it's not a crime to be opinionated. but one does need to accept gentle pointers to factsAug 07 18:15
FurnaceBoyThistleWeb: i think he relented on the os x ftp thing.Aug 07 18:15
*FurnaceBoy gigglesAug 07 18:15
ThistleWebfine, criticise someone when it's valid, but don't have a go at someone for wrongs you've placed on themAug 07 18:16
DaemonFCI don't use OS XAug 07 18:16
DaemonFCit's been years since I've had to use OS XAug 07 18:16
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: right, but some of us do, which is why i had to cite cyberduck and the dvd thing to you :)Aug 07 18:16
DaemonFCI was making a statement of fact as I knew it based on my last interaction with OS XAug 07 18:16
DaemonFCand I observed that Fetch still exists for some reasonAug 07 18:16
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: your memory has had some bit rot.Aug 07 18:16
ThistleWebin an ideal world it'd be great to buy and use all FOSS stuff, but we're nowhere close to that yet for a whole variety of reasons, we need to be pragmaticAug 07 18:17
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: the fact that there 'exists' a $29 shareware ftp client deosn't demonise the platformAug 07 18:17
FurnaceBoyruh roh, sorry i hijacked the conversationAug 07 18:17
DaemonFCusually when something like that pops up and has a market, it's filling a gapAug 07 18:17
ThistleWebor you live like RMS who has made the ethical decision to cut himself off from everything which does not conform to his idea of freeAug 07 18:17
FurnaceBoythat's important tooAug 07 18:18
DaemonFCI guess I can understand thatAug 07 18:18
DaemonFCFlash is proprietary crapAug 07 18:18
DaemonFCI use it because it's popularAug 07 18:18
DaemonFCif I had the choice to get rid of it, I'd delete itAug 07 18:19
DaemonFCgood riddance to a security cesspoolAug 07 18:19
ThistleWebI watch youtube vids, but I refuse to build flash into any sites I buildAug 07 18:19
DaemonFCwell, HTML 5 is still draft, but I would use it and tell people to come back when they had a real web browserAug 07 18:19
DaemonFC:DAug 07 18:19
ThistleWebif I do audio or video I offer ogg and ogv versions, while understanding the world uses mp3 mp4 / aviAug 07 18:20
DaemonFCI've avoided MP3 for a while unless I'm just toying with LAME to see what they've done with it latelyAug 07 18:20
DaemonFCI don't like having them aroundAug 07 18:20
ThistleWebogg seems to be as good as (if not better) for the same settings, slightly smaller file and slightly better soundAug 07 18:21
DaemonFChugely better soundAug 07 18:21
DaemonFCof course LAME has vastly improved a bad format (MP3)Aug 07 18:22
ThistleWebas I understand it, the same can't be said for ogvAug 07 18:22
DaemonFCbut there's a lot of crap the encoder can't work aroundAug 07 18:22
DaemonFCTheora?Aug 07 18:22
ThistleWebI believe it varies depending on the quality settingsAug 07 18:22
ThistleWebyeaAug 07 18:22
DaemonFCTheora 1.1 is on par with DivX/XviDAug 07 18:23
DaemonFCtake that for what you willAug 07 18:23
ThistleWebpossibly WebM is the answer for videosAug 07 18:23
DaemonFCWebM, depends on what encoder you useAug 07 18:23
schestowitz[17:31] <FurnaceBoy> how do i find one of my very first tweets?Aug 07 18:23
schestowitzTwitter is a messAug 07 18:23
DaemonFCI'd be hard pressed to tell you which was h.264 and which was FFMPEG encoded WebMAug 07 18:24
schestowitzDon't bet on being able to pull old stuff from it, let alone find it (I have 20k tweets)Aug 07 18:24
DaemonFCbut Theora would stick out like a sore thumb next to h.264Aug 07 18:24
DaemonFCwhich is why we should be glad for VP8Aug 07 18:24
DaemonFCTheora isn't bad, it's just not greatAug 07 18:24
ThistleWeb<DaemonFC> but Theora would stick out like a sore thumb next to h.264  << that's my point, it's not comparable to what people expectAug 07 18:25
ThistleWebogg vorbis stands on it's own and competes on meritAug 07 18:25
DaemonFCrightAug 07 18:25
DaemonFCeven Microsoft uses itAug 07 18:25
DaemonFCto avoid $50,000 license fees in each video game they publish for MP3Aug 07 18:25
DaemonFCthere's plenty of time to FUD free software in public while they secretly use it behind the scenesAug 07 18:26
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: i have 11kAug 07 18:26
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: third parties MUST have themAug 07 18:26
ThistleWebwhen there's a comparable FOSS version which stands on it's own merits, you can realistically encourage people to switch, while that's not the case, they won'tAug 07 18:26
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: this is such an obvious needAug 07 18:26
schestowitzMicrosoft tooAug 07 18:26
schestowitzI use identicaAug 07 18:26
schestowitzTwitter is secondaryAug 07 18:26
ThistleWebidentica is another great example, it's comparable to twitter but freeAug 07 18:27
schestowitzGoogle scans them for Mr. PATRIOT :-) and indexes them :-)Aug 07 18:27
DaemonFCright, the problem with all other formats that have tried to claim they were an upgrade from MP3, is that they are/were all more closed than MP3Aug 07 18:27
DaemonFCor were obviously infringing patentsAug 07 18:27
schestowitzSheriff Obama: "OK, Eric, scam for me something to do with that person and.... Al Jazeera..."Aug 07 18:27
DaemonFClike MPC doesAug 07 18:27
FurnaceBoyThistleWeb: there are hundreds of such examples. in many cases the F/oSS product is superior, e.g. apache vs iss, firefox vs ie, etcAug 07 18:27
schestowitzVoila. Proof.Aug 07 18:27
ThistleWebFurnaceBoy: exactlyAug 07 18:27
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: did you see the TIME cover.Aug 07 18:28
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: I am..speechlessAug 07 18:28
schestowitz[18:00] <ThistleWeb> he does, listen to tlltsAug 07 18:28
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it tells you everything u need to knowAug 07 18:28
schestowitzI used to listen to them for a few monthsAug 07 18:28
schestowitzVery low signal, esp. if you listen to all 3 hoursAug 07 18:28
ThistleWebthe key is not to delude ourselves into thinking something which doesn't stand up to the competition, really doesAug 07 18:28
DaemonFCFurnaceBoy, IE 6 lingered a long time because Microsoft was in denial over web appsAug 07 18:28
DaemonFCand what that means for WindowsAug 07 18:28
ThistleWebthat's not to say we give up, just that we need to wait a while yetAug 07 18:29
DaemonFCthey denied it, then they tried to hijack it, and I'm not terribly convinced they're done trying to hijack itAug 07 18:29
schestowitz[18:28] <FurnaceBoy> schestowitz: did you see the TIME cover.Aug 07 18:29
schestowitzyes, 3 days agoAug 07 18:29
schestowitzOr 2Aug 07 18:29
schestowitzI told you alreadyAug 07 18:30
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: of course they're not done.Aug 07 18:30
schestowitzMaybe you weren't hereAug 07 18:30
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: Gates/Microsoft is against everything that makes the web succeed.Aug 07 18:30
DaemonFCChrome represents everything Microsoft feared that Netscape was going to do to themAug 07 18:30
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: their business model requires destroying it.Aug 07 18:30
DaemonFCand moreAug 07 18:30
schestowitzWhen you asked me about "TIME" I was sure they did another Gates advert in the front pageAug 07 18:30
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: more or lessAug 07 18:30
ThistleWebschestowitz: yeah tllts is just a 2hr 30min block of people chating with lots of silence and inane stuff, like any group of people sitting chattingAug 07 18:30
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: have you seen it?Aug 07 18:30
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it's beyond outrageousAug 07 18:30
schestowitzLike they did for his foundanatal group and the one with Bono tooAug 07 18:30
ThistleWebthe difference is they record it and post it in fullAug 07 18:30
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it's obsceneAug 07 18:30
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: i saw the bottom part, and i thought, ok must be newsweek (we knwo they are corrupted)Aug 07 18:31
schestowitzThe girl is sentimental blackmailAug 07 18:31
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: that's the nicest interpretation.Aug 07 18:31
schestowitzHow many girls get like that in the US from bad nose jobs?Aug 07 18:31
schestowitzThey just buy a replacementAug 07 18:31
schestowitzEven Miss Michael bought oneAug 07 18:31
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: this is the most disgusting piece of propaganda i've seen, it beats riefenstahlAug 07 18:31
schestowitzShe dropped it in a live concert :-)Aug 07 18:31
ThistleWebone of the hardest things for writers is to write realistic dialog, because realistic dialog (the way people talk)....tllts is a great exampleAug 07 18:31
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: this is the Big Lie write largeAug 07 18:31
FurnaceBoywrit*Aug 07 18:31
schestowitzSometimes we in the West can't let things beAug 07 18:32
schestowitzLike in AfricaAug 07 18:32
schestowitzWe try to interveneAug 07 18:32
schestowitzWe give them guns :-)Aug 07 18:32
schestowitzAnd "IP"Aug 07 18:32
schestowitzAnd then they shoot each otherAug 07 18:32
schestowitzAnd serve imperialists, betraying their brothersAug 07 18:32
DaemonFCand that's a problem because?Aug 07 18:32
DaemonFC*problem for meAug 07 18:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] TIME cover is the Big Lie, writ large. I am simply speechless at the obscenity of it. #war #afghanistanAug 07 18:32
schestowitzBut anyway, the thing about feeding them is, they'll just make more babies if they have more foodAug 07 18:32
schestowitzSo it's an unresolvable issueAug 07 18:32
DaemonFCschestowitz, I'm neutralAug 07 18:33
schestowitzWe in the West are very good at one thingAug 07 18:33
DaemonFCI'm not shooting themAug 07 18:33
schestowitzConsuming the Earth quicklyAug 07 18:33
DaemonFCnor am I feeding themAug 07 18:33
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 18:33
schestowitzTo an outside body (alien) we're just some things on the surface of the planet digging and moving some material aroundAug 07 18:33
schestowitzmessing up the planet for other living organismsAug 07 18:33
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: waitAug 07 18:33
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: stop and thinkAug 07 18:33
schestowitzWe extract fossils from nearer to the magma and put them in the c02Aug 07 18:33
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: how many women and children do the occupying forces kill and maim every day?Aug 07 18:34
DaemonFCschestowitz, it's easier to wag your finger than to contemplate that they probably caused a lot of their own suffering I guessAug 07 18:34
schestowitzWe burn up all the fossil remains (sun's energy+oxygen and feel the atmosphere with gasesAug 07 18:34
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: they're no better than this spectre/straw man conjured by the photo.Aug 07 18:34
DaemonFCthat's what really pisses me off about these European hippiesAug 07 18:34
schestowitzAnd not we went to help Africa do that tooAug 07 18:34
DaemonFCand their American wannabe counterpartsAug 07 18:34
schestowitz"Give us you oil"Aug 07 18:34
schestowitz"Have trians"Aug 07 18:34
schestowitz"Higher mortality"Aug 07 18:34
schestowitz...Aug 07 18:34
DaemonFCsink or swimAug 07 18:35
DaemonFCfind a jobAug 07 18:35
DaemonFCshit, go kill a moose and roast it over a spit or somethingAug 07 18:35
DaemonFCI don't really careAug 07 18:35
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: look at Wikipedia for many examples of propaganda postersAug 07 18:35
schestowitzThose war pieces are intended to shockAug 07 18:35
schestowitzPortrayal of enemiesAug 07 18:35
DaemonFCschestowitz, caricatures Aug 07 18:36
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: I've seen a few :) this is perhaps the most vile piece of propaganda I have ever seenAug 07 18:36
schestowitzIn this case it's like the propaganda poster with the Kong and the girlAug 07 18:36
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: they're getting dangerously rashAug 07 18:36
schestowitzI think it was an anti-Nazi posterAug 07 18:36
schestowitzin the USAug 07 18:36
schestowitzWhere the girl who represent liberrty is taken by the bruteAug 07 18:36
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it's the Big Lie in his most perfect formAug 07 18:36
FurnaceBoyits*Aug 07 18:36
DaemonFCI don't like MuslimsAug 07 18:36
DaemonFCbut I also dislike JewsAug 07 18:36
DaemonFCand ChristiansAug 07 18:36
DaemonFCand ScientologistsAug 07 18:37
schestowitzThe girl with defacement is like, "I can't show you "them", but here's what they all do"Aug 07 18:37
schestowitzI don't buy the Iran thing, eitherAug 07 18:37
schestowitzI heard that only 4 women have been executed in decadesAug 07 18:37
schestowitzI don't know it it's true thoughAug 07 18:37
schestowitzIt came from an Iranian academicAug 07 18:37
DaemonFCI tolerate the hell out of all of them thoughAug 07 18:37
*Thrae has quit (Quit: Restarting client or some sort...)Aug 07 18:37
schestowitzThey have more female students there than men, I heardAug 07 18:37
DaemonFCjust like you have to live with a bad head cold or a stubbed toe sometimesAug 07 18:37
schestowitzDaemonFC: all cults have a negative sideAug 07 18:38
DaemonFCnothing you can do to get rid of them, nothing you can say will make them realize that they're a bunch of morons and assholesAug 07 18:38
schestowitzI never trust people who follow ancient booksAug 07 18:38
schestowitzOr sci-fi books from Hubbold [spelling]Aug 07 18:38
DaemonFCmight as well just live and minimize your dealings with themAug 07 18:38
DaemonFCbe civilAug 07 18:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Listening to Linux Outlaws ep 161 - - greatstuff! #linuxoutlawsAug 07 18:38
schestowitzTHey have brains, they can use itAug 07 18:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux Outlaws | We aim to misbehave. .::. Size~: 13.25 KBAug 07 18:38
DaemonFCschestowitz, I think sometimes lashing out is just because you haven't lost all hope for themAug 07 18:39
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 18:39
DaemonFCyou know?Aug 07 18:39
DaemonFCI say "Dammit, you're a f**** moron!" because I *do* careAug 07 18:39
DaemonFClolAug 07 18:39
schestowitzBut it doesn't helpAug 07 18:40
schestowitzIf you really care, then you'd be constructive about itAug 07 18:40
DaemonFCno, it doesn'tAug 07 18:40
schestowitzBeing offensive drives them further awayAug 07 18:40
schestowitzBTW...Aug 07 18:40
schestowitzEarlier today I spoke to a friend who also reached the conclusion that the new world is AsiaAug 07 18:40
DaemonFCschestowitz, well, you can't winAug 07 18:40
schestowitzTaiwan and such placesAug 07 18:40
schestowitzThat's where they have all the moneyAug 07 18:41
DaemonFChaving the discussion with them means you've lostAug 07 18:41
schestowitzAnd little of religionAug 07 18:41
DaemonFCeither you bite their head off and you're the bad guyAug 07 18:41
DaemonFCor you try not to have the argument and they bring it to you insteadAug 07 18:41
schestowitzSo the religious countries of the West (esp. one) may have to work for the 'non believers'Aug 07 18:41
DaemonFCso what do you do?Aug 07 18:41
schestowitzBut they won't listen, DaemonFCAug 07 18:41
schestowitzIt's like taliking to woodAug 07 18:41
DaemonFCrightAug 07 18:41
schestowitzOr knocking on itAug 07 18:41
schestowitzIt's hollowAug 07 18:41
schestowitzAnd also...Aug 07 18:41
schestowitzIf you give them the turthAug 07 18:42
schestowitzThen they pauseAug 07 18:42
schestowitzThey know you're rightAug 07 18:42
schestowitzBut they know the textbook denialsAug 07 18:42
schestowitzAnd they prepare to throw them back with a blank stareAug 07 18:42
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: they can't show you 'them', because the enemy is 'us'.Aug 07 18:42
DaemonFCI believe in FSMAug 07 18:42
DaemonFCand his noodley appendageAug 07 18:42
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: the back cover has a picture of a wedding party with 50 corpses dead of DU rounds Aug 07 18:42
schestowitzThey know it's nonsense and they smile forcibly like idiots to defend what they must for their own sakeAug 07 18:42
schestowitzTo pretend they didn't waste their livesAug 07 18:42
DaemonFClife is meaningless in the long termAug 07 18:43
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: no, sometimes Fox shows 'them' with RPGsAug 07 18:43
schestowitz[made in U.S.A]Aug 07 18:43
schestowitz:-)Aug 07 18:43
DaemonFCa lot of it involves living to die of old age, you hopeAug 07 18:43
DaemonFC:PAug 07 18:43
schestowitzMe? No.Aug 07 18:44
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 18:44
schestowitzLife it too short, and that's goodAug 07 18:44
DaemonFCschestowitz, It would be better if it was still the British Empire doing it, right?Aug 07 18:44
schestowitzAfter a while it gets tediousAug 07 18:44
DaemonFCkilling people and occupying landAug 07 18:44
schestowitzImagine life for eternityAug 07 18:44
DaemonFCand then taxing the shit out of themAug 07 18:44
schestowitzImagine 1000 yearsAug 07 18:44
schestowitzYou'd be bored to deathAug 07 18:44
schestowitzAlmost literally :-)Aug 07 18:44
DaemonFCor the RomansAug 07 18:44
DaemonFCI know, it'll be better when it's the Chinese doing itAug 07 18:44
schestowitzThey built your rail systemAug 07 18:45
DaemonFCLord of the FliesAug 07 18:45
DaemonFCthat's all this isAug 07 18:45
schestowitzYou should thank them for assembling your PC tooAug 07 18:45
DaemonFCit's all this will ever beAug 07 18:45
schestowitzCreate a religion where each morning you kneel to the PCsAug 07 18:45
schestowitzTo thank those kids who proceed ewaste and build that nice machine that connects to the Net for youAug 07 18:46
schestowitzDaemonFC: work hardAug 07 18:46
DaemonFCfuck noAug 07 18:46
DaemonFC:PAug 07 18:46
schestowitzMaybe one day you'll get a $1000/month job in BeijingAug 07 18:46
schestowitzMaybeAug 07 18:46
schestowitzMaybe you'll be the one sweeping bodies off the floor at FoxconnAug 07 18:47
DaemonFCshould I mop up the blood first?Aug 07 18:47
*schestowitz wonders if China eats corpses yetAug 07 18:47
DaemonFCso I don't slip in it while I'm hauling the body to the soylent factory?Aug 07 18:47
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 18:47
schestowitzh-wasteAug 07 18:47
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: what's interesting is yuo think this is all a jokeAug 07 18:48
DaemonFCFurnaceBoy, It isAug 07 18:48
schestowitzIt's notAug 07 18:48
schestowitzI'm not in a joke tone hereAug 07 18:48
FurnaceBoyDaemonFC: that's the profound difference between you, and these 'european hippies'Aug 07 18:48
FurnaceBoywe are serious about this.Aug 07 18:48
schestowitzI'm trying to have you face your externalitiesAug 07 18:48
DaemonFCOK, so humans kill and exploit humansAug 07 18:48
DaemonFCin other breaking news...Aug 07 18:48
DaemonFC?Aug 07 18:48
schestowitzIt doesn't have to be like thisAug 07 18:48
FurnaceBoy+1Aug 07 18:49
schestowitzYou could grow vegetablesAug 07 18:49
DaemonFCWhy would I do that?Aug 07 18:49
schestowitzSpace doesn't care if you have an electric toothbrushAug 07 18:49
schestowitzTechnology improved a great dealAug 07 18:49
schestowitzHappiness has not, not necessarilyAug 07 18:49
schestowitzI recently learned thisAug 07 18:49
schestowitzDepends how it's measuredAug 07 18:50
schestowitzIt it's consistentAug 07 18:50
DaemonFCtechnology reduces the need for labor, population continues to rise anywayAug 07 18:50
DaemonFCyes, problem!Aug 07 18:50
schestowitzSemantics dependent, geography too (changes in power centres over time)Aug 07 18:50
DaemonFC:)Aug 07 18:50
schestowitzWe automate moreAug 07 18:50
schestowitzIt's supposed to make life easierAug 07 18:50
DaemonFClife without an income is certainly not easierAug 07 18:50
schestowitzBut American work 2 jobs sometimes and the jobs are mechanicalAug 07 18:50
schestowitzNo room for creativityAug 07 18:50
DaemonFCespecially when everything costs moneyAug 07 18:50
schestowitzMachinisationAug 07 18:51
schestowitzDaemonFC: income like currency is a human inventionAug 07 18:51
schestowitzFood isn'tAug 07 18:51
schestowitzYou don't comprehend the founations of economyAug 07 18:51
DaemonFCcurrency is just a rationing systemAug 07 18:51
schestowitzBTW..Aug 07 18:52
schestowitzCommunism is practiced in the UKAug 07 18:52
schestowitz*USAug 07 18:52
schestowitzANd currently it's controlled and exploited by few Aug 07 18:52
DaemonFCnoAug 07 18:52
schestowitzTo whom same ruies don't applyAug 07 18:52
schestowitzIt's a mixtureAug 07 18:52
schestowitzLike in CHinaAug 07 18:52
DaemonFCthe communists would never have bailed out GM to have GM move to MexicoAug 07 18:52
DaemonFCour system is even more fuckedAug 07 18:52
schestowitzNationalising the risk, privatising gainAug 07 18:52
DaemonFCcrony capitalismAug 07 18:53
schestowitzYesAug 07 18:53
schestowitzExactlyAug 07 18:53
schestowitz 07 18:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Apple iPhone app patent claim 'doesn't feel right' • The Register .::. Size~: 26.72 KBAug 07 18:53
schestowitzPaul Thurrott is still working his way to crony statsusAug 07 18:54
schestowitzSucking us to the owners of the systemAug 07 18:54
schestowitz[For example]Aug 07 18:55
schestowitz 07 18:59
TechrightsBotTitle:   Why We Need To Abolish Software Patents  .::. Size~: 92.19 KBAug 07 18:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Typical example of Apple's 'inovation' 07 18:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Apple iPhone app patent claim 'doesn't feel right' • The Register .::. Size~: 26.72 KBAug 07 18:59
DaemonFC 07 19:01
TechrightsBotTitle:  LL_10.04 has **not** exited low.beta status - Phoronix Forums .::. Size~: 58.39 KBAug 07 19:01
DaemonFC"I don't think Canonical ever promised their LTS releases were more stable or reliable or functional than any other release. They just promised to "support" it for a longer interval than the others."Aug 07 19:01
DaemonFCActually, it's kind of implied that LTS is more stableAug 07 19:01
DaemonFCthey don't add major features and they pull from Debian Testing instead of SidAug 07 19:01
DaemonFCof course what they do from there means that it could be better or worse than the last release anywayAug 07 19:02
DaemonFCit's looking like Debian Squeeze, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and RHEL 6 will be pretty similar to each otherAug 07 19:03
DaemonFCin major components anywayAug 07 19:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Why We Need To Abolish Software Patents - another voice, same compelling reasons #swpatsAug 07 19:08
TechrightsBotTitle:   Why We Need To Abolish Software Patents  .::. Size~: 103.9 KBAug 07 19:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] AKA RIM gave them the ability to monitor their encrypted traffic in Saudi Arabia 07 19:09
TechrightsBotTitle:  Saudi Arabia and BlackBerry agree deal to avert a ban on the smartphone | World news |  .::. Size~: 66.39 KBAug 07 19:09
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 07 19:15
schestowitz ???Aug 07 19:20
TechrightsBotTitle: Maxtor is now Seagate .::. Size~: 0.58 KBAug 07 19:20
Diablo-D3thats old news dudeAug 07 19:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Global boiling fuels disasters in nuclear nations - luckily, it's just a spot of bad weather #climatechangeAug 07 19:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Global boiling fuels disasters in nuclear nations  «  Climate Progress .::. Size~: 66.7 KBAug 07 19:31
schestowitz 07 19:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Novell/Microsoft Mono Poison (Banshee) Put in Ubuntu 10.10 NBE by Default | Techrights .::. Size~: 90.94 KBAug 07 19:32
schestowitzJono again...Aug 07 19:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] I am being stared at by four legged mammals. They know who is really the master of the house.Aug 07 19:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Open Source Adoption Reaches Tipping Point Interesting coming from a [former?] Microsoft partnerAug 07 19:52
TechrightsBotTitle: Open Source Adoption Reaches Tipping Point | eWEEK Europe UK .::. Size~: 34.34 KBAug 07 19:52
FurnaceBoy:)Aug 07 20:01
schestowitzLoads of headlines about it ATMAug 07 20:03
schestowitzMicrosoft: "but we're open source, TOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"Aug 07 20:04
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: can I ask personal questions?Aug 07 20:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] RT @schestowitz Open Source Adoption Reaches Tipping Point Interesting coming from a [former?] Microsoft partnerAug 07 20:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] RT @glynmoody Why We Need To Abolish Software Patents - another voice, same compelling reasons #swpatsAug 07 20:07
TechrightsBotTitle: Open Source Adoption Reaches Tipping Point | eWEEK Europe UK .::. Size~: 34.34 KBAug 07 20:07
TechrightsBotTitle:   Why We Need To Abolish Software Patents  .::. Size~: 114.96 KBAug 07 20:07
schestowitzHow long have you been an active person in world affairs and such?Aug 07 20:08
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: shoAug 07 20:08
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: define activeAug 07 20:08
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: you mean actively interested?Aug 07 20:08
schestowitzActively involvedAug 07 20:09
schestowitzSome people are well read, but it's read-only for themAug 07 20:09
FurnaceBoyi read a lot. in terms of political/historical reading - sya 25 years?Aug 07 20:09
schestowitzOKAug 07 20:10
schestowitzYou should keep your month shut to be a "Good" Canadian citizenAug 07 20:10
schestowitzVocal=badAug 07 20:10
FurnaceBoyi started early with stuff like the Gulag ArchipelagoAug 07 20:10
FurnaceBoywell, yes, of course.Aug 07 20:10
schestowitzActivist=the new terror~1Aug 07 20:10
FurnaceBoyyes, I know. :)Aug 07 20:10
schestowitz 07 20:11
TechrightsBotTitle:  New York man accused of using Twitter to direct protesters during G20 summit | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 74.8 KBAug 07 20:11
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: i dislike the risks of twitter.Aug 07 20:11
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: they concern me a lotAug 07 20:11
schestowitzIf you oppose something, then you're a very very naughty personAug 07 20:11
schestowitzRemember VietnamAug 07 20:12
schestowitzAt first zero opoositionAug 07 20:12
schestowitzVirtually noneAug 07 20:12
schestowitzOnly when the opposition became popular it was acceptable to join itAug 07 20:12
schestowitz 07 20:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Media's response to the hacker != cracker open letter | - Free Software News .::. Size~: 27.92 KBAug 07 20:12
schestowitzHacker is the new crackerAug 07 20:13
schestowitzModifying your tools=badAug 07 20:13
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 20:13
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: that's why they're fighting back with lies on TIME covers and suchAug 07 20:13
schestowitz""Why don't you just accept what the Big Brother gives you?"Aug 07 20:13
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: they know wikileaks hit a soft spotAug 07 20:13
schestowitz"Wikileaks are terror~1"Aug 07 20:13
FurnaceBoyyesAug 07 20:13
schestowitzI heard adults brainwashed by the press"Aug 07 20:13
schestowitz"Blood in their hands etc."Aug 07 20:14
schestowitzSpot the hypocrisyAug 07 20:14
FurnaceBoyoh, i can't see it -- can you point it out?!Aug 07 20:14
_GoblinWikileaks....interesting question it poses....Aug 07 20:14
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: same obscene hypocrisy in the time coverAug 07 20:14
schestowitzWait until they make Julian look like a anarcho-promitivistAug 07 20:14
schestowitz*itAug 07 20:14
schestowitz_Goblin: sucks for for the USAug 07 20:15
schestowitzIts its covert intelligenceAug 07 20:15
_Goblinwhen does information become of public interest and when is its secrecy operationally required in order not to compromise an operation.Aug 07 20:15
schestowitzCause it gives advantage to the US power centresAug 07 20:15
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: yes this a talking point of the pro-war groupAug 07 20:15
schestowitz_Goblin: it doesn't include info on how to make bombsAug 07 20:15
_Goblinvery fine line between the two...and who decides?Aug 07 20:15
_Goblinand who are they accountable to?Aug 07 20:15
schestowitzAFAIK it's more of an historical record of how one side viewed thingsAug 07 20:15
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: humanityAug 07 20:15
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: the pro-war group is accountable to noneAug 07 20:16
_GoblinFurnaceBoy: humanity in general or a select few?Aug 07 20:16
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: well, let's start with your positionAug 07 20:16
_Goblinlol....Aug 07 20:16
schestowitz:-)Aug 07 20:16
FurnaceBoywhich 'public'Aug 07 20:17
*schestowitz thinks wikileaks material was supposed to be make public (public domain) too when it was writtenAug 07 20:17
FurnaceBoywhose 'public interest'Aug 07 20:17
_GoblinDon't get me wrong,I share your concerns....secrecy exists at many levels and theres much Im not privy to in my line of work.Aug 07 20:17
schestowitzThe government is paid by the peopleAug 07 20:17
schestowitzIt's there to inform people what's going onAug 07 20:17
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: as far as I know, the material is not particularly secret, this has been concededAug 07 20:17
_Goblinschestowitz: and bought by industryAug 07 20:17
schestowitzNot to lie to its voter and shareholderAug 07 20:17
schestowitz_Goblin: yeah :-)Aug 07 20:17
schestowitzThat tooAug 07 20:17
_Goblinschestowitz: FACT for starters.Aug 07 20:18
_Goblinschestowitz: a civie operation with the ear of government bodies.Aug 07 20:18
schestowitzIMHO, the intrusion into Mel GIbson's calls it worseAug 07 20:18
schestowitzThat's just his private lifeAug 07 20:18
schestowitzThe leaks are not about intimate livesAug 07 20:18
schestowitzIt's about big stories like a mom with 6 kids being hit by a half-ton bombAug 07 20:18
_Goblinmoney = position of power, position of power = more influence with government.Aug 07 20:18
schestowitzAnd no adult male casualtiesAug 07 20:19
_Goblinthats why a CEO is more important than a single mother in a housing estate...(not my view, just my view of government)Aug 07 20:19
schestowitzYeahAug 07 20:19
schestowitzWhen it's a school in Finland, it's big newsAug 07 20:19
schestowitzWhen dams in India burst, it's detailsAug 07 20:20
schestowitzEven if many dieAug 07 20:20
schestowitzCause it's not called "Kartina" or some other Western nameAug 07 20:20
schestowitz*KatrinaAug 07 20:20
*schestowitz makes many typos be todayAug 07 20:20
_GoblinI get to see first hand much foul an individual all I can do is the best job I can being fair and impartial....there can't be change since much of the system is rotten to the core.Aug 07 20:20
schestowitzSome more than orhersAug 07 20:21
schestowitzIndia does badlyAug 07 20:21
schestowitzLots of corruptionAug 07 20:21
_GoblinI think in that respect the UK is quite lucky.Aug 07 20:21
_GoblinOn a frontline level corruption is a very rare thing.Aug 07 20:21
FurnaceBoyditto hereAug 07 20:21
_GoblinI think frontline government workers are in the same "boat" as everyone else...Aug 07 20:23
_Goblinalthough they get done twice, one with living with government actions (like everyone else) and secondly having to help impliment them.Aug 07 20:23
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: i sent a link to your other nickAug 07 20:28
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: by memoAug 07 20:28
*FurnaceBoy looks for itAug 07 20:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Im on the PC with the lad, while we have the third episode (in a row) of Mr Tumble. Buying that DVD seemed like a good idea at the time.Aug 07 20:28
_GoblinFurnaceBoy: ok...Aug 07 20:32
_GoblinFurnaceBoy: which other nick?Aug 07 20:33
_GoblinFurnaceBoy: twitter/facebook?Aug 07 20:33
_GoblinFurnaceBoy: twitter/* 07 20:33
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: other nick hereAug 07 20:33
_GoblinI havent got another one here.Aug 07 20:34
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: i 'll give nowAug 07 20:34
FurnaceBoyhm, okAug 07 20:34
_GoblinThe "goblin" nick is not mineAug 07 20:34
_Goblinthats why I have to use "_"Aug 07 20:34
_Goblinwhat was the link?Aug 07 20:34
_Goblin....Aug 07 20:40
_Goblina watched pot never boilsAug 07 20:40
schestowitzPot?Aug 07 20:40
_Goblinlol...Aug 07 20:40
schestowitzYou boil pot?Aug 07 20:40
schestowitzAh.. that's what the back garden it for :-pAug 07 20:41
*schestowitz never tried potAug 07 20:41
_Goblinhow do you boil veg?Aug 07 20:41
schestowitzNor potty (AFAIK)Aug 07 20:41
schestowitz_Goblin: I do at this very momentAug 07 20:41
schestowitzBut pot potAug 07 20:41
_Goblinpot pot....Aug 07 20:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] AP is publishing a correction to misquoted article within the hour.Aug 07 20:41
_GoblingearAug 07 20:41
_Goblinwacky backyAug 07 20:41
schestowitz 07 20:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Pol Pot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 196.46 KBAug 07 20:42
_Goblina zootAug 07 20:42
schestowitzEnglish.. funny langAug 07 20:42
_GoblinskunkAug 07 20:42
_Gobliner...Aug 07 20:42
schestowitzSame word for so many thingsAug 07 20:42
schestowitzLike "Free"Aug 07 20:42
schestowitz:-pAug 07 20:42
schestowitzPot..Aug 07 20:42
_Goblingnu/PotAug 07 20:42
schestowitz"whacha doin'?Aug 07 20:42
schestowitz"Just pot"Aug 07 20:42
schestowitz"Oh carry on, then lads..."Aug 07 20:42
schestowitz"Honey, the kids are cooking vegies"Aug 07 20:42
_GoblinI'll tell you what, this link of Furnace Boy has me interested....Aug 07 20:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Argh #needbeer but all they have here is #sagres.Aug 07 20:43
_Goblinmaybe he's building up the suspense?Aug 07 20:43
_GoblinI need something to take my mind off this Mr Tumble DVD.Aug 07 20:44
_GoblinIm now on my 4th episodeAug 07 20:44
schestowitzNot Red Dwarf?Aug 07 20:44
schestowitzNow many episodes are there?Aug 07 20:44
_Goblinwe are at the sea with Mr Tumble....(and his spotty bag)Aug 07 20:44
_Goblinand too manyAug 07 20:44
schestowitz"We" as in the toddlers too, I take it...Aug 07 20:45
_Goblin"wheres the chair, its somewhere here, when you see it wave or cheer"Aug 07 20:45
schestowitzSounds like WWFAug 07 20:45
schestowitzOr WCWAug 07 20:45
_Goblinlol...Aug 07 20:45
_Goblinor Redmond?Aug 07 20:45
schestowitzNoAug 07 20:45
schestowitzJust one office thereAug 07 20:45
schestowitzIt has a sign on the doorAug 07 20:46
schestowitzIt says... you go first...........Aug 07 20:46
_Goblinlol..Aug 07 20:46
schestowitz"Do not feed the chimps"Aug 07 20:46
schestowitz"conceal the hypePod"Aug 07 20:46
schestowitz"don't say Google"Aug 07 20:47
schestowitzI reckon you read the articleAug 07 20:47
schestowitzFrom the 'Microsoft press'Aug 07 20:47
schestowitzAt Microsoft meetings, they confess, you can't say the G wordAug 07 20:47
schestowitzAmongst other thingAug 07 20:47
schestowitzIf you're  a partner visiting you must avoid talking about such subjectsAug 07 20:47
_GoblinWe have a similar rule (not in regards to Google)Aug 07 20:47
schestowitzI can't recall the reports' headlineAug 07 20:48
_Goblinwe are not allowed to say the "quiet" word at work...Aug 07 20:48
_Goblinotherwise it jinx's the day.....Aug 07 20:48
_Goblinsort of a superstition we observe when the day in not busy.Aug 07 20:48
schestowitz_Goblin: I found someone for you to put in a cellAug 07 20:48
schestowitzSomeone who turned rather mad....Aug 07 20:48
schestowitzHe keeps getting arrestedAug 07 20:49
schestowitzThrow a chair at itAug 07 20:49
schestowitzYou should report him to the police :-)Aug 07 20:49
schestowitzSome people have...Aug 07 20:49
schestowitzcveichAug 07 20:49
_GoblinTrial by Openbytes first....Aug 07 20:49
schestowitzRemember those two guys?Aug 07 20:49
schestowitz"everything is OK"Aug 07 20:49 know his "partner"Aug 07 20:49
schestowitzWell, one of them bailed outAug 07 20:49
_Goblinhis old partner that is....Aug 07 20:49
schestowitzthe other turned all Alex Jones/Davis Ike-maniacAug 07 20:50
schestowitz*DavidAug 07 20:50
_Goblinwell he lives about a mile from where I work.Aug 07 20:50
schestowitzDanny Shine?Aug 07 20:50
_Goblinand one of his vids.....I know the chap he filmed.Aug 07 20:50
schestowitzI bet the metro know them wellAug 07 20:50
_Goblinsmall worldAug 07 20:50
schestowitz"the ones with the cameras and megaphones"Aug 07 20:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Nice security feature of my #freerunner wifi driver is that it won't connect to WEP networks #SHR unstable current.No problem with WPA2+AESAug 07 20:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] What to do about WikiLeaks? Not much can be done | AP 07 20:50
_Goblinschestowitz: He went to court for a Sec 5 on the Tube I beleive.Aug 07 20:50
TechrightsBotTitle: What to do about WikiLeaks? Not much can be done - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 145.43 KBAug 07 20:50
schestowitz_Goblin: I knowAug 07 20:51
schestowitzIn TorontoAug 07 20:51
schestowitzIt's amusing to watch itAug 07 20:51
_Goblinno not him...the other chap...Aug 07 20:51
schestowitzIt's like watching experiments in civic engineering the social wayAug 07 20:51
_Goblinhe was arrested central london (according to his blog)Aug 07 20:51
schestowitzCharlieAug 07 20:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Today's RW rant: #wikipediaAug 07 20:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @wikileaks I would suggest "some proper investigative journalism, you lazy arses."Aug 07 20:51
TechrightsBotTitle: GNU Free Documentation License - RationalWiki .::. Size~: 18.56 KBAug 07 20:51
_GoblinI forget his name...Aug 07 20:51
schestowitzdavidgerard is in LondonAug 07 20:52
_GoblinIve seen him on his bike a few times.Aug 07 20:52
schestowitzThey lost their waysAug 07 20:52
schestowitzDanny didn'tAug 07 20:52
schestowitzDanny was gentleAug 07 20:52
schestowitzBut sometimes they turn into nastry raving modeAug 07 20:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Argh not only no beer, but apparently they think I particularly like soccer putting it louder than the background music #cacophonyAug 07 20:52
schestowitzLike the Texan typesAug 07 20:52
schestowitzTHe anti-government/taxes/etcAug 07 20:52
schestowitzI found some nicer YouTube channelsAug 07 20:53
schestowitzYou can see which ones I'm subscribed toAug 07 20:53
schestowitzIt's more entertaining than read-only TVAug 07 20:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] We have over 100,000 twitter followers now. Welcome!Aug 07 20:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @wikileaks as demonstrated by the ridiculously lazy writing in that report. Good Lord, they really are a net negative.Aug 07 20:53
_Goblinthis is the chap, I sort of know: 07 20:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBAug 07 20:54
schestowitzDanny is coolAug 07 20:54
schestowitzHe's niceAug 07 20:54
schestowitzHe is the one who inspired the other guyAug 07 20:54
schestowitzBefore he had gone into the nutty sideAug 07 20:54
schestowitzThey were popular one years agoAug 07 20:54
schestowitzBecause of some videos people told me aboutAug 07 20:55
schestowitzDownhill since thenAug 07 20:55
_Goblinfurnaceboy: Did you send me the link?Aug 07 20:55
schestowitzAnd never quite entertainingAug 07 20:55
_Goblinschestowitz: It was you who told me about themAug 07 20:55
schestowitzYeahAug 07 20:55
_Goblinschestowitz: imagine my surprise when I see someone I know being interviewed by them!Aug 07 20:55
schestowitzOne year ago in summer they made some videos that made my laughAug 07 20:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Moved to the official table where that horrid sound can't be heard. Much, at least.Aug 07 20:55
_Goblinand the chap living so close.Aug 07 20:55
schestowitzIn Canary Wharf tooAug 07 20:55
schestowitzI was there in July BTWAug 07 20:56
_GoblinIve never liked London!Aug 07 20:56
_Goblinfar too much concreteAug 07 20:56
schestowitzThe tourists' london?Aug 07 20:56
schestowitzOr the real one?Aug 07 20:56
_Goblinboth....I see it with different eyes to most.Aug 07 20:56
schestowitzLike Queen's Park, Chelsea, etc.Aug 07 20:56
schestowitzThe "BigCity(C)"Aug 07 20:57
schestowitz"Only Big people live in Big City"Aug 07 20:57
schestowitzLet's move to Beijing!Aug 07 20:58
schestowitzOr Mexico City!Aug 07 20:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @rahulsundaram: #fs dev model involves tradeoff between participation/control. Unilateral copyright assignment workarounds this unfairly.Aug 07 20:58
_GoblinIm very happy in Slip End.....nice little village.Aug 07 20:58
schestowitz_Goblin: see Mr. MJ's comment inAug 07 20:59
schestowitz 07 20:59
_Goblin1 shop 2 pubs and no asbAug 07 20:59
schestowitzMe Deeeeeeeeeeeee.Aug 07 20:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Negroponte: You really can give a kid a laptop | Beyond Binary - CNET News .::. Size~: 85.24 KBAug 07 20:59
schestowitz*MrAug 07 20:59
schestowitzPraying to the sky Aug 07 20:59
schestowitzWhile Ina Ballmer Fried plays 'charity' tuneAug 07 20:59
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: so GoblinRFD isn't you?Aug 07 20:59
schestowitzNot mentioning WIndows on OLPC for a changeAug 07 20:59
FurnaceBoyAWKWARD!Aug 07 20:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @slashdot: CIA Software Developer Goes Open Source, Instead 07 20:59
schestowitzLike it usually doesAug 07 20:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot News Story | CIA Software Developer Goes Open Source, Instead .::. Size~: 48.23 KBAug 07 20:59
_GoblinNot was yesterdayAug 07 21:00
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: so if i had a link for GoblinRFD I can send to you?Aug 07 21:00
_GoblinI changed my nick because I kept getting DM'd by people who thought I was someone else....Aug 07 21:00
schestowitzRobotron hit techirghts todayAug 07 21:00
schestowitz_Goblin fed the perpAug 07 21:01
schestowitzSo he came to other sites for moreAug 07 21:01
schestowitzAfter months of inactivityAug 07 21:01
schestowitzTrolling me againAug 07 21:01
_Goblinhe's been on my site for a whileAug 07 21:01
_GoblinI always feed him...Aug 07 21:01
schestowitzOh dear..Aug 07 21:01
schestowitzNot he got all fatAug 07 21:01
schestowitzAnd he can troll me without feeding him Aug 07 21:01
_Goblinyou forget roy, my site is read by people who are not tech savvy too....if I leave comments unchallenged they will believe themAug 07 21:01
schestowitz*nowAug 07 21:01
_Goblinpeople who are casual users tend to believe what they read (hence MS dominance)....IMOAug 07 21:02
_Goblinthats why I always challengeAug 07 21:03
_Goblinand stand by everything I say 100%Aug 07 21:03
_Goblinfurnaceboy: what was this link?Aug 07 21:04
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: just about the data archiving issueAug 07 21:05
schestowitz_Goblin: OK, but do they not do ad hominem?Aug 07 21:05
schestowitzAlso, they can put off some regular readers of yours by trolling them or drowning out the signal like in COLAAug 07 21:05
_Goblinschestowitz: Ive been talking to him on my site for the past few months...the only reason I can think he chose now to come onto yours is that he called my bluff and I provided photograph evidence for him.Aug 07 21:06
_Goblinschestowitz: infact if memory serves, he appeared at the beginning of the year and comments on most of the MS related posts.Aug 07 21:07
schestowitz_Goblin: marti links to your blog here: 07 21:09
TechrightsBotTitle:   comp.os.linux.advocacy |  Google Groups   .::. Size~: 28.03 KBAug 07 21:09
schestowitzThe trolls started this thread Aug 07 21:09
schestowitzAnd played "yes men"Aug 07 21:09
schestowitz 07 21:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Configure Wine Ubuntu For Running Windows Based Games .::. Size~: 62.34 KBAug 07 21:12
_Goblinschestowitz: Marti's a good man....I have alot of time for him..Aug 07 21:16
schestowitz_logYeahAug 07 21:16
schestowitzWrong windowAug 07 21:16
_Goblinschestowitz: Im hoping he will visit the UK...Aug 07 21:17
_GoblinGot a really good interview coming up on Openbytes...Aug 07 21:18
_GoblinRomeo Knight...Aug 07 21:19
_Goblina rather big name from the A500 demo scene days.Aug 07 21:19
_Goblinand (im hoping) an interview with a large cracking/warez crew for a chat on the subject of IP/cracking/warez and everything inbetween.Aug 07 21:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why would *anyone* wish to run Safari and IE 8 under GNU/Linux? 07 21:21
schestowitz_Goblin: i c.....Aug 07 21:21
schestowitzYoung gamers like me aren't into thatAug 07 21:22
_GoblinQuote (from your link) "games will be plague..." Plague eh? if they are going to FUD you would at least think they would spell correctly.Aug 07 21:22
schestowitz_Goblin: played quests?Aug 07 21:22
schestowitzSome people treat Linux like WindowsAug 07 21:22
schestowitzFair nuffAug 07 21:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Tech Comics: "Have You Fixed the Bug?" 07 21:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Tech Comics: "Have You Fixed the Bug?" &mdash; .::. Size~: 82.19 KBAug 07 21:22
_GoblinI think many people look at the PC as a tool....if it works they could care less whats running.Aug 07 21:23
_Goblin*just a toolAug 07 21:23
_Goblinits different for some, but I think as tech interested we are in the minority....Aug 07 21:23
schestowitz_Goblin: your buddy? 07 21:24
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Speech Control is Thought Control (1 of 2),&lrm; .::. Size~: 103.52 KBAug 07 21:24
schestowitz"Have you seen this man?"Aug 07 21:24
_GoblinI think he lost it a while ago...Aug 07 21:25
_Goblinsaw his Canada diariesAug 07 21:25
schestowitzIt's funny how he starts yelling in the streets a load of nonsense and people treat him accordingly (the parts at the end)Aug 07 21:25
schestowitz_Goblin: I tried to understand itAug 07 21:25
_Goblinthere is something rather sinister in his speeches of late. (IMO)Aug 07 21:25
schestowitzBasically he liesAug 07 21:25
schestowitzhe said he didn't show IDAug 07 21:25
schestowitzThat this is why they arrested himAug 07 21:25
schestowitzbut he actually pretended to be an uindercover copAug 07 21:25
schestowitzThat part he's keeping to himself :-)Aug 07 21:26
_GoblinI think his problem is that he has previously been so outspoken and "risque" he has nowhere to go now and he is getting more and more bizarre in an effort to draw attention to his view.Aug 07 21:27
_GoblinSort of like the WWE when they are short of ideas...they go to the extreme just for the effect.Aug 07 21:27
schestowitzI miss DannyAug 07 21:27
schestowitzHe was the one doin it rightAug 07 21:28
schestowitz_Goblin: The undertaker?Aug 07 21:28
_GoblinI don't know if you saw but the WWE sunk to very low levels to attract attention.Aug 07 21:28
_Goblinincluding (but not limited to) a storyline about necrophiliaAug 07 21:28
_Goblininvolving HHH...Aug 07 21:29
schestowitz 07 21:29
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *my top 5 tallest wrestlers,&lrm; .::. Size~: 91.34 KBAug 07 21:29
_GoblinBTW Roy...that vid you linked...Aug 07 21:29
_Goblinsee the female PC that seems a little baffled by him?Aug 07 21:30
_Goblinshe's a special constable not a "real" PC.Aug 07 21:30
_Goblinher shoulder number is 4 digits.....Aug 07 21:30
_Goblinregular officers only have 3Aug 07 21:30
schestowitzYeahAug 07 21:30
_Goblinsgt's have 2Aug 07 21:31
schestowitzDanny says they have same uniform...Aug 07 21:31
_Goblinand you don't have numbers any higher than that.Aug 07 21:31
schestowitzIdidn't knowAug 07 21:31
schestowitz"Costumes"Aug 07 21:31
_GoblinSpecial constables have the power of a constable.....(not like PCSO's) however the specials are sort of like the TA....they do it in their spare time.Aug 07 21:31
schestowitzThey have a numbering system better than that of Linux distrosAug 07 21:32
_Goblinlol.Aug 07 21:32
schestowitzNumbers are hard to rememberAug 07 21:32
schestowitz"Agent Bond"Aug 07 21:32
schestowitz007Aug 07 21:32
schestowitz"Agent Linspire"Aug 07 21:32
schestowitz"Agent Puppy"Aug 07 21:32
schestowitz!Aug 07 21:32
_GoblinCharlie is quite mad.Aug 07 21:33
schestowitzIf you don't behave, agent DSL will COMPILE a report on youAug 07 21:33
schestowitz_Goblin: he's appealing to the nasty folks nowAug 07 21:33
schestowitzThat's why Danny leftAug 07 21:34
schestowitzBasically, the whole "freemasonic illuminati WNO shill" crowdAug 07 21:34
schestowitz*NWOAug 07 21:34
_GoblinIve no problem with exposing truths and asking for justification...but his claims are outlandish at best...Aug 07 21:34
schestowitzHe shoots his own footAug 07 21:34
schestowitzThat's why I stopped watching it long agoAug 07 21:35
_Goblinschestowitz: theres only one place his conspiracy theory has yet to take him...(and mark my words it will)......Aliens.Aug 07 21:35
schestowitzBut once in a few weeks I get curious and can't help checking if he's in jail/courtAug 07 21:35
schestowitz_Goblin: the Telegraph has just fueled themAug 07 21:35
schestowitzUnsealed docs from ChruchillAug 07 21:35
_GoblinlolAug 07 21:35
schestowitzDid you read it this week?Aug 07 21:36
_Goblinyeah I did.Aug 07 21:36
schestowitzOKAug 07 21:36
schestowitzCause be sure, I though... oh boy... , why do they publish this?Aug 07 21:36
schestowitzNow they'll have "proof" of a "coverup"Aug 07 21:36
_Goblinmy grandfather was an engineer during WW2 on the experimental craft.....there are no aliens.Aug 07 21:36
schestowitzSkeptoid has some episodes debunking these UK incidentsAug 07 21:37
_Goblinwhat he did always say though was that military tech is always 10 years ahead of what people think it is.Aug 07 21:37
_Goblinlike the Stealth Bomber was responsible for so many ufo sightings.Aug 07 21:37
schestowitzMaybe this one: 07 21:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Aliens in Roswell .::. Size~: 37.61 KBAug 07 21:37
schestowitzCan't recall which episode it wasAug 07 21:37
_GoblinMind would explain Ballmer...his behaviour is certianly like no human I have seen before.Aug 07 21:38
schestowitzI saw an alien once.... my brother's dog!!Aug 07 21:38
schestowitzHe does look alienAug 07 21:38
schestowitzThey call him thatAug 07 21:38
_GoblinI always thought Cliff Richard looked a little AlienesqueAug 07 21:39
schestowitz_Goblin: I reckon Ballmer-- being a marketer-- believes a lot of quacksAug 07 21:39
schestowitz 07 21:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Spock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 133.7 KBAug 07 21:39
_Goblinbtw one piece of advice I can give you, which you should listen to:Aug 07 21:39
schestowitz"I saw an alien... I know cause he looked like us and has point ears" :-)Aug 07 21:40
schestowitz*pointyAug 07 21:40
_GoblinNever diss cliff Richard....I recieved 2 months of hate email because of a tongue in cheek remark about him....Cliff Richard fans are quite mad.Aug 07 21:40
schestowitz 07 21:40
TechrightsBotTitle: Cliff Richard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 143.96 KBAug 07 21:40
_Goblinand aggressiveAug 07 21:40
schestowitzHe's 70Aug 07 21:40
_Goblinall I said was that his callender was so cheesy I had to buy it for a joke.Aug 07 21:41
schestowitzMaybe he has aggressive PR managersAug 07 21:41
_Goblinmy wife can't stand cliff so I bought her the 2010 callender as a xmas present.Aug 07 21:41
schestowitzI call them "reputation bullies"Aug 07 21:42
schestowitzThey either defend someone's reputation for a wageAug 07 21:42
schestowitzOr the aggressive ones... those are the ones who defame those who are critic of the paymasterAug 07 21:42
_Goblinschestowitz: If these people were PR managers then MS should employ them...I will never tweet about Cliff again.Aug 07 21:42
schestowitzWe have those on techirghts showing up habituallyAug 07 21:42
_Goblinlooking at part2 of the vidAug 07 21:43
_Goblincharlie says people get their information from the news...where does he get his then?Aug 07 21:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Does Cliff Richard have "reputation bullies" or just hardcore fans? Curious minds want to know.Aug 07 21:44
_Goblinlol, you've done it now!Aug 07 21:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] How #Android is turning the smartphone into a commodity and why that’s desirable scarcity is hardwareAug 07 21:45
TechrightsBotTitle: How Android is turning the smartphone into a commodity and why thats desirable | The Educated New Village Boy .::. Size~: 37.93 KBAug 07 21:45
schestowitzI want to see if something happens from that dentAug 07 21:46
_GoblinI think you have to knock his callenderAug 07 21:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz Not mine! I think Cliff Richard is the greatest man on the planet! ;)Aug 07 21:46
_GoblinMaybe I'll delete my tweet...see what happens.Aug 07 21:47
schestowitz 07 21:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Red Hat the Top Company to Contribute to the GNOME Project - Linux Magazine Online  .::. Size~: 30.3 KBAug 07 21:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_goblin But I'm not sure Cliff Richard is from this planet! Maybe he's an artful alien ;)Aug 07 21:48
schestowitzMicrosoft Jack: 07 21:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Jack Schofield (jackschofield) on Twitter .::. Size~: 50.75 KBAug 07 21:48
_GoblinBREAKING NEWS: TechRIGHTS brought down by the Cliff Richard Hardcore - Roy Schestowitz said "Ive come to the realization Cliff Richard is the most powerful man on the planet"Aug 07 21:49
_Goblin;)Aug 07 21:49
schestowitzLet's see if someone respondsAug 07 21:49
schestowitzMaybe someone among my followers is his fanAug 07 21:49
_Goblinthey are everywhereAug 07 21:49
schestowitzHe got an OBEAug 07 21:50
schestowitzSo did my older bossAug 07 21:50
_Goblintheres a conspiracy....who's the cliff richard could be anyone..Aug 07 21:50
schestowitzThey come from other planetsAug 07 21:50
schestowitzThey dent by telepathyAug 07 21:50
_Goblinthat it is acertAug 07 21:50
schestowitzThe other day a friend of mine told me he thought telepathy might one day be realisedAug 07 21:50
_Goblinor subliminal messages in Mistle Toe and Wine song..Aug 07 21:50
schestowitzI think he taps bad sourcesAug 07 21:50
schestowitzSmart people can believe the darnest thingAug 07 21:50
_GoblinMind you....I did like this:Aug 07 21:51
schestowitzhe also told me about microwaves being banned in SwedenAug 07 21:51
schestowitzThat's a common myth for anti-microwave folksAug 07 21:51
schestowitzVariation with RussiaAug 07 21:51
_Goblin 07 21:51
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Cliff Richard & The Young Ones - Living Doll - (Full!),&lrm; .::. Size~: 111.58 KBAug 07 21:51
*schestowitz listensAug 07 21:51
schestowitzOMG I feel like class outcastAug 07 21:52
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 21:52
schestowitzpeople listened to this?Aug 07 21:53
schestowitzOnly yuhong would!!Aug 07 21:53
yuhongFinally booted back into Linux, after a long time in Windows.Aug 07 21:53
schestowitzyuhong: run uname -aAug 07 21:53
schestowitzpaste the output hereAug 07 21:53
yuhongLinux bob-pc 2.6.32-22-generic-pae #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 14:57:29 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/LinuxAug 07 21:53
schestowitzShow us yo' kerNAL!!Aug 07 21:53
yuhongI never thought it was a bad OS.Aug 07 21:53
yuhongIn fact I think it is a good OS.Aug 07 21:54
yuhongSee what I mean by being neutral?Aug 07 21:54
schestowitzCan you run all your tasks on it?Aug 07 21:54
_Goblinlo9lAug 07 21:54
_GoblinlolAug 07 21:54
_Goblinwell I don't know about anyone else....Im convinced.Aug 07 21:54
schestowitz"I like Linux but"Aug 07 21:54
schestowitz"I tried Linux but" =more credibilityAug 07 21:54
_Goblinthe "buts" laterAug 07 21:54
schestowitz"I used Linux for a while but" =more credibilityAug 07 21:54
_Goblinor even better "I write Linux apps but"Aug 07 21:55
schestowitz"I use Linux  at work but" =more credibilityAug 07 21:55
schestowitz"I grew up on Linux for a while but" =more credibilityAug 07 21:55
yuhongI never criticised Linux that much.Aug 07 21:55
_Goblin"My mother is a Linux distro but...."Aug 07 21:55
schestowitz"I am Linus' dad, but" =more credibilityAug 07 21:55
schestowitzLinus' parents use WindowsAug 07 21:55
schestowitzMaybe not anymoreAug 07 21:55
schestowitzSince the WSJ report ~2007Aug 07 21:55
_GoblinLinus' parents use windows but...?Aug 07 21:55
_Goblin;)Aug 07 21:56
yuhongFunny, huh, it does led to more credibilityAug 07 21:56
yuhongLinux is not perfect, but is a good OS.Aug 07 21:56
schestowitzSee?Aug 07 21:56
FurnaceBoyyuhong: ...Aug 07 21:56
schestowitz:-)Aug 07 21:56
FurnaceBoyyuhong: nice to see you againAug 07 21:56
yuhongYes.Aug 07 21:56
_Goblinyuhong: and windows is perfect?Aug 07 21:57
schestowitz"Your but is not fat, it's just big and round"Aug 07 21:57
yuhongNo, not either, I did admit some flaws too.Aug 07 21:57
FurnaceBoyyuhong: oh, that's good.Aug 07 21:57
yuhongNo, not either, I did admit some flaws.Aug 07 21:57
_Goblinso then Windows and Linux are on a par?Aug 07 21:57
FurnaceBoyyuhong: you realise that the worst problems with windows ARE NOT TECHNICAL?Aug 07 21:57
FurnaceBoyyuhong: subtle , but important point.Aug 07 21:57
_Goblincome on yuhong don't beat around the bush.....Aug 07 21:57
schestowitzSome people confuse that with MicrosoftAug 07 21:57
schestowitzLike the Linux FoundationAug 07 21:57
schestowitz"Respect Microsoft"Aug 07 21:57
schestowitzNot "repsect Windows"Aug 07 21:57
schestowitzHeheAug 07 21:57
schestowitz200607Aug 07 21:57
schestowitz*2006-7Aug 07 21:58
_Goblin"Its a shame Michael Jackson didn't live to see Windows 7 " - Andre Da Costa 2010 on Twitter.Aug 07 21:58
yuhongYea, I never read or believed Andre Da Costa.Aug 07 21:59
_Goblinreally?Aug 07 21:59
schestowitz 07 21:59
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 23),&lrm; .::. Size~: 99.85 KBAug 07 21:59
schestowitzWatch itAug 07 21:59
_Goblinyou don't think its a shame?Aug 07 21:59
schestowitzWatch how it startsAug 07 21:59
schestowitz"the first stage is expressing absolute support"Aug 07 21:59
schestowitz"It is necessary to get behind someone before you stab them in the back"Aug 07 21:59
_GoblinYou don't think the Jackson family are devasted that their son never lived to have a go on Windows 7?Aug 07 21:59
_GoblinAndre is an MVP you know.Aug 07 21:59
yuhongYes, I know.Aug 07 22:00
_Goblinthat makes him "better" than you.Aug 07 22:00
_GoblinapparentlyAug 07 22:00
_Goblinhe's "Most Valuable"Aug 07 22:00
yuhongI know.Aug 07 22:00
yuhongAnyway, I will describe XSAVE now.Aug 07 22:00
_Goblinmust you?Aug 07 22:00
yuhongRemember the Pentium III and SSE, when they introduced XMM registers?Aug 07 22:01
yuhongThey introduced FXSAVE to save these registers on context switches.Aug 07 22:01
yuhongMS added support to 98 and 2000.Aug 07 22:01
_Goblinwheres this going?Aug 07 22:01
schestowitzyuhong: MJ didn't see to live UbuntuAug 07 22:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @fontana @bkuhn agreed, idea that @rms is extremist is a myth; historical record one of pragmatismAug 07 22:01
_Goblinschestowitz: or the HTC desireAug 07 22:02
schestowitz_Goblin yuhong FurnaceBoy seen the video?Aug 07 22:02
schestowitzTook me a while to find it to make the point about "I like Linux, but.."Aug 07 22:02
_Goblinlooking now.Aug 07 22:02
yuhongNow AVX is coming which will extend them to 256-bit and call them YMM registers.Aug 07 22:02
yuhongCreating another new state the OS must save.Aug 07 22:03
_Goblinschestowitz: "YOu need to get behind someone before you stab them in the back" - How trueAug 07 22:03
_Goblin"I like Linux but"Aug 07 22:03
yuhongXSAVE introduce a bitfield of the state the OS can choose to save.Aug 07 22:04
schestowitz"Darwin was a brilliant man...... but"Aug 07 22:04
yuhongCurrently bit 0 saves the state saved by FXSAVE, bit 1 saves the new YMM state.Aug 07 22:04
_Goblinyuhong: are you ok?Aug 07 22:04
schestowitzMaybe classesAug 07 22:05
yuhongIt also introduces the XCR0 registers, which contain a bitfield of state the OS promises to save.Aug 07 22:05
schestowitzyuhong: MMX?Aug 07 22:05
schestowitzOr XMM?Aug 07 22:05
schestowitzWhat's XMM?Aug 07 22:05
_Goblinyuhong: or are you partially existing in some wierd paralell universe where people are engaging in your conversation?Aug 07 22:05
yuhongThe name of the SSE registers.Aug 07 22:05
schestowitzAnd how is MMX relevant? It's ancient stuffAug 07 22:05
schestowitzBesides, Intel is a criminal companyAug 07 22:06
yuhongMMX is not relevant.Aug 07 22:06
_GoblinHe's cutting and pasting from tech manuals to sound knowledgableAug 07 22:06
schestowitzI buy nothing from IntelAug 07 22:06
yuhongI am talking about SSE.Aug 07 22:06
_Goblinwant to talk 68k yuhong?Aug 07 22:06
yuhongNo.Aug 07 22:06
schestowitz_Goblin: karma++Aug 07 22:06
_GoblinlolAug 07 22:06
yuhongAMD will also implement AVX too.Aug 07 22:06
schestowitzMMX+UbuntuAug 07 22:06
yuhongI am not cutting ans pasting.Aug 07 22:06
schestowitzyuhong FTW!Aug 07 22:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] partay!Aug 07 22:06
yuhongBased on the value of the XCR0 registers, the CPU will enable processor features.Aug 07 22:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ruiseabra enjoyAug 07 22:07
_GoblinMy name is Dr Hilgarth Lambstrong and I am quite, quite mad.Aug 07 22:07
yuhongThis registers can be accessed by using XSETBV and XGETBV instruction.Aug 07 22:08
_GoblinRoy, that vid you linked is very interesting.Aug 07 22:08
_GoblinIts a goodieAug 07 22:08
schestowitzIt's part of a long seriesAug 07 22:09
schestowitzFrom thunderf00t, he's excellent... a Brit in the USAug 07 22:09
yuhongFor example, for the processor to access AVX instructions, bit 1 of that registers must be set to 1.Aug 07 22:09
_GoblinI saw an interesting theory about metorites seeding the universe....Aug 07 22:09
schestowitzyuhong: are you looking for work in a semi-conductors giant?Aug 07 22:10
yuhongNo.Aug 07 22:10
_Goblinhe is ....but.....Aug 07 22:10
schestowitzyuhong: chip making is bit in AsiaAug 07 22:10
schestowitzThe US is losing itAug 07 22:10
yuhongAnyway back on topic.Aug 07 22:10
schestowitzWindows?Aug 07 22:10
_Goblintwo bites meet in a bar, one byte says to the other..."you look a little unwell" to which he replies "Yeah, Im a bit off"Aug 07 22:10
schestowitzLike you did the last time?Aug 07 22:11
_Goblinboom boom.Aug 07 22:11
_Goblin*bytesAug 07 22:11
yuhongCurrently on WIndows 7 SP0, it uses XSAVE but XCR0 only bit 0 is set.Aug 07 22:11
schestowitzOpenByes editionAug 07 22:11
schestowitzEnterpriseBytes is Open CoreAug 07 22:11
schestowitzI.e. fakeAug 07 22:11
FurnaceBoyyuhong: ...Aug 07 22:11
_Goblinwhat website is most viewed by sheep?Aug 07 22:11
yuhongSP1 will set bit 1, allowing use of AVX instructions.Aug 07 22:11
_GoblinewetubeAug 07 22:11
yuhongI know.Aug 07 22:11
yuhongI am just an x86 expert.Aug 07 22:12
schestowitz^_^Aug 07 22:12
yuhongAnd yes most of this comes from Intel's docs.Aug 07 22:12
_Goblinoh really.Aug 07 22:12
schestowitzyuhong: you're humble, tooAug 07 22:12
schestowitzWe love you!Aug 07 22:12
_Goblincould you help me with a asm rasterbar routine then?Aug 07 22:12
yuhong 07 22:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Intel® AVX - Intel® Software Network .::. Size~: 41.34 KBAug 07 22:12
yuhongI know a lot on x86.Aug 07 22:12
schestowitzWhat's this "R" thing?Aug 07 22:12
schestowitzDoes it mean "Rah rah"?Aug 07 22:12
_Goblinyuhong: could you help me with a asm rasterbar routine then?Aug 07 22:12
yuhongYes.Aug 07 22:13
_GoblinIm sure...Aug 07 22:13
yuhongLikely I can.Aug 07 22:13
FurnaceBoyyuhong: do you participate on c.l.a.x86Aug 07 22:13
yuhongSometimes I read it.Aug 07 22:13
FurnaceBoyyuhong: do you do hugi comp?Aug 07 22:13
_Goblinany examples of work?Aug 07 22:13
yuhongWhat is it.Aug 07 22:13
FurnaceBoy+1Aug 07 22:13
FurnaceBoyyuhong: can you point us to some of your code?Aug 07 22:13
yuhonghugi?Aug 07 22:13
*schestowitz needs to fix TechrightsBot to sanitise bad symbols like ®Aug 07 22:14
yuhongNo, most of it is stored on my own computer.Aug 07 22:14
yuhongBut I play with inline asm a lot.Aug 07 22:14
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: http//microsoft.comAug 07 22:14
FurnaceBoyyuhong: is it good enough to publish?Aug 07 22:14
FurnaceBoyyuhong: hhow about GPL?Aug 07 22:14
schestowitz:-pAug 07 22:14
yuhongHasn't bothered.Aug 07 22:14
yuhongMost are short, BTW.Aug 07 22:14
FurnaceBoyyuhong: want to read some of my assembler? Aug 07 22:14
yuhongNot really.Aug 07 22:14
FurnaceBoyyuhong: short is goodAug 07 22:14
schestowitzSeriously though, yuhong, how's your MSN Spaces blog coming along?Aug 07 22:14
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what problems do you solve?Aug 07 22:15
FurnaceBoyyuhong: in assemblerAug 07 22:15
schestowitzYou haven't ben posting updates in a whileAug 07 22:15
schestowitz*beenAug 07 22:15
yuhongI have moved it to blogspot.Aug 07 22:15
schestowitzAh, goodAug 07 22:15
schestowitzGoogleAug 07 22:15
schestowitzThey work with the CIA nowAug 07 22:15
schestowitzMade more official about 8 days agoAug 07 22:15
yuhonghttp://yuhongbao.blogspot.comAug 07 22:15
TechrightsBotTitle: Yuhong Bao's blog .::. Size~: 54.83 KBAug 07 22:15
schestowitzyuhong: do you trust Google?Aug 07 22:15
FurnaceBoyyuhong: does this have your assembler work?Aug 07 22:15
schestowitzI mean, with your data and all..Aug 07 22:15
FurnaceBoyyuhong: do you ever branch out to other instruction sets?Aug 07 22:15
yuhongNo.Aug 07 22:15
yuhongI do trust Google.Aug 07 22:16
schestowitzyuhong: good links there 07 22:16
yuhongI sometimes read 68k, but not really that familiar.Aug 07 22:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Yuhong Bao's blog: Artificial Scarcity - Bibliography .::. Size~: 37.64 KBAug 07 22:16
FurnaceBoyyuhong: how do you feel about human-written risc code?Aug 07 22:16
FurnaceBoyyuhong:  how do you feel about VLIW architectures?Aug 07 22:16
schestowitzYou must be preparing some essayAug 07 22:16
yuhongNot sure, I am not familiar with RISC.Aug 07 22:16
*schestowitz studies RISCAug 07 22:16
yuhongIt is not an essay, it is a series of blog articles.Aug 07 22:16
FurnaceBoyyuhong:  you never studied MIPS in a computer architecture course? Patterson and Hennessy?Aug 07 22:16
yuhongNot yet.Aug 07 22:16
_Goblinand I work with RISK as a daily event.Aug 07 22:16
*schestowitz knows the guy who started some of it, Sir Stephen FurberAug 07 22:17
FurnaceBoythat's a good book, yuhong . Computer Architecture, a Quantitative ApproachAug 07 22:17
yuhongx86 is what I am most familiar.Aug 07 22:17
_GoblinwithAug 07 22:17
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what do you solve in x86 assembler?Aug 07 22:17
yuhongA lot.Aug 07 22:17
_GoblinlolAug 07 22:17
FurnaceBoysuch as?Aug 07 22:17
_Goblingreat answerAug 07 22:17
yuhongI play often with CPUID instruction.Aug 07 22:17
FurnaceBoyoh.Aug 07 22:17
FurnaceBoyis that useful?Aug 07 22:17
schestowitzyuhong: I have a debugger for youAug 07 22:17
yuhongCPUID is very useful.Aug 07 22:17
FurnaceBoyit sounds a bit like masturbationAug 07 22:17
squarepegschestowitz: RISC processors? Aug 07 22:17
yuhongI often read assembly.Aug 07 22:17
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what can you do with CPUID?Aug 07 22:17
schestowitz 07 22:18
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what challenges interest you?Aug 07 22:18
yuhongA lot, get information on features, vendor ID.Aug 07 22:18
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what is that good for?Aug 07 22:18
FurnaceBoyyuhong: people don't run programs to find out who made their cpuAug 07 22:18
schestowitzI was paid to write GPLed codeAug 07 22:18
FurnaceBoyyuhong: they already know, it's written on it.Aug 07 22:18
yuhongNo.Aug 07 22:18
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: :)Aug 07 22:18
yuhongThey use it often to get what features their CPU have.Aug 07 22:18
FurnaceBoyyuhong: can you make money with these CPUID programs?Aug 07 22:18
_Goblinwasn't the clue in the name?Aug 07 22:18
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: JMP off a cliff! ;-)Aug 07 22:19
_Goblinlol.Aug 07 22:19
yuhongI don't plan to.Aug 07 22:19
FurnaceBoyyuhong: so it's just a hobby. writing CPUID and running it.Aug 07 22:19
yuhongI am also very familar with C and program with it most of the time.Aug 07 22:19
FurnaceBoyyuhong: oh.Aug 07 22:19
yuhongYes, it is a hobby.Aug 07 22:19
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what problems do you solve in C?Aug 07 22:19
_GoblinFurnaceBoy: Im going to POP an AX in your bottom.Aug 07 22:19
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: HALT this nonsense.Aug 07 22:19
_GoblinNOPAug 07 22:19
FurnaceBoy_Goblin: don't PUSH meAug 07 22:20
_GoblinDamn.....wait a second,.....Aug 07 22:20
yuhongA lot of problems, it is what I program with most of the time.Aug 07 22:20
_Goblinpresures on....Aug 07 22:20
FurnaceBoyhaahhahahaAug 07 22:20
FurnaceBoyyuhong: SUCH AS????Aug 07 22:20
schestowitzMost of the work was done by Brej though. 07 22:20
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a Number .::. Size~: 58.54 KBAug 07 22:20
_Goblinok FurnaceBoy you won that one!Aug 07 22:20
yuhongI read x86 assembly a lot.Aug 07 22:20
yuhongI do reverse-engineering.Aug 07 22:20
schestowitzI read BrailleAug 07 22:20
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what programs in C do you write? what did the last one do? asm { CPUID } ?Aug 07 22:21
_GoblinIve read alot of Harry Potter but I can't teleport myself yet.Aug 07 22:21
schestowitzyuhong: I read your mom's neurons!Aug 07 22:21
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: I snooped your mom's cache linesAug 07 22:21
yuhongCalling APIs.Aug 07 22:21
FurnaceBoyyuhong: which APIs?Aug 07 22:21
_Goblinwith CURL?Aug 07 22:21
yuhongExperimenting with Win32 APIs using Windows.Aug 07 22:21
FurnaceBoyyuhong: wowAug 07 22:21
FurnaceBoyyuhong: this should be very useful when windows takes over the world.Aug 07 22:21
yuhongYes, I am very familiar with Win32.Aug 07 22:21
FurnaceBoyyuhong: very far sighted.Aug 07 22:21
FurnaceBoyyuhong: how you doin' with Win64?Aug 07 22:21
schestowitzyuhong: when you boot into Windows I'll grab your browser history!Aug 07 22:21
yuhongDon't have a 64-bit version of Windows, only 32-bit.Aug 07 22:22
*schestowitz needs MOAR da-ta!!Aug 07 22:22
yuhongAnd I trust and love Google.Aug 07 22:22
FurnaceBoyyuhong: Damn!Aug 07 22:22
schestowitzYou love a brand?Aug 07 22:22
FurnaceBoywowAug 07 22:22
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it's a cultural thingAug 07 22:22
schestowitzyuhong: I'll find your 'stashAug 07 22:22
schestowitzfind | grep gle.jpgAug 07 22:23
yuhongI know some Unix APIs too, but hasn't paid attention to things like GTK and Qt yet.Aug 07 22:23
yuhongI learned a lot about Carbon, but don't have a Mac so...Aug 07 22:23
FurnaceBoyyuhong: get a Mac ASAP.Aug 07 22:23
yuhongI won't.Aug 07 22:23
FurnaceBoyyuhong: sell your sister's nubile formAug 07 22:23
schestowitzNoooooooooooo!!!!!1 :-(Aug 07 22:23
FurnaceBoyyuhong: well, that's definite.Aug 07 22:23
yuhongI am not likely to buy a Mac.Aug 07 22:23
FurnaceBoyyuhong: have you used BSD or Solaris?Aug 07 22:23
yuhongNo, not really.Aug 07 22:24
yuhongI play mostly with Linux.Aug 07 22:24
squarepegWhat do you want? Information. You won't get it. By hook or by crook, we will...Aug 07 22:24
schestowitz"Play:"Aug 07 22:24
schestowitzkey word is "Play"Aug 07 22:24
schestowitzIt's "just a toy"Aug 07 22:24
FurnaceBoyyuhong: have you used Java, Perl, PHP, Python, bash, awk, POP-11, Prolog, Lisp, or SMalltalk-80?Aug 07 22:24
schestowitzI play Windows backwardsAug 07 22:24
yuhongNot really.Aug 07 22:24
schestowitzThen I heard Ballmer speechesAug 07 22:24
yuhongI focus on C.Aug 07 22:24
FurnaceBoyah. good.Aug 07 22:24
FurnaceBoyvery forward looking.Aug 07 22:24
FurnaceBoyC is becoming very relevant.Aug 07 22:25
FurnaceBoyit could be the language of the future!Aug 07 22:25
schestowitzLinux is the futureAug 07 22:25
yuhongC is still very relevantAug 07 22:25
FurnaceBoyyuhong: when you say C, do you mean C, or C++?Aug 07 22:25
schestowitzAndroid uses some Java too, thoughAug 07 22:25
FurnaceBoyyuhong: tell me moreAug 07 22:25
yuhongMostly good old C.Aug 07 22:25
schestowitzC shar *spit*Aug 07 22:25
FurnaceBoyyuhong: yes, in fact, C is growing! it's ideal for today's challenges. FAST! FAST! FAST AS YOUR MOM!Aug 07 22:25
FurnaceBoyyuhong: today we need to squeeze EVERY CYCLE out of hte damn things.Aug 07 22:25
FurnaceBoyyuhong: EVERY CYCLE out of EVERY CORE. C is perfect for this.Aug 07 22:25
yuhongI am not that familiar with C++'s additional features, and hasn't played with it much.Aug 07 22:26
FurnaceBoyyuhong: ergo, it's the only important lagnuage.Aug 07 22:26
yuhongI never claimed that.Aug 07 22:26
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: not reusableAug 07 22:26
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: ORLY!Aug 07 22:26
schestowitzNo encapsulationAug 07 22:26
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: I want to see your credentials.Aug 07 22:26
yuhongI know.Aug 07 22:26
schestowitzYeah RLY!Aug 07 22:26
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: how can C be .. somehow less than perfect/??????Aug 07 22:26
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: Visual C++ FTW.Aug 07 22:26
schestowitzYou sound like Torvalds nowAug 07 22:26
FurnaceBoyyuhong: how do you feel about CLR?Aug 07 22:26
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: for Windows only?Aug 07 22:27
yuhongI hasn't played much with it beyond VB.NET.Aug 07 22:27
FurnaceBoyyuhong: do you prefer static or dynamically typed languages?Aug 07 22:27
schestowitzYou program for a skateboardAug 07 22:27
schestowitzIn an age of carsAug 07 22:27
yuhongAnd C++/CLI, and don't play with it much anymore.Aug 07 22:27
FurnaceBoyyuhong: have you played with ML, Haskell, Ocaml or Erlang? F#?Aug 07 22:27
yuhongNo.Aug 07 22:27
FurnaceBoyyuhong: do you like using exceptions?Aug 07 22:27
yuhongNot yet.Aug 07 22:27
schestowitzF#???Aug 07 22:27
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: :)Aug 07 22:27
yuhongI am Ok with exceptions.Aug 07 22:27
schestowitzF* F#Aug 07 22:27
FurnaceBoyyuhong: in which languages have you used exceptions?Aug 07 22:28
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: +1Aug 07 22:28
schestowitzF* F* F* F* F* F* F* F* ... oops, sorry. Got distractedAug 07 22:28
yuhongC/C++, Windows SEH and C++ exceptions I know.Aug 07 22:28
yuhongC/C++, Windows SEH and C++ exceptions I know how to use.Aug 07 22:28
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: fun(Is) -> {Not,Using} = anything(Microsoft).Aug 07 22:28
FurnaceBoyyuhong: do you write NMAKE makefiles?Aug 07 22:29
yuhongNo, I don't write makefiles.Aug 07 22:29
schestowitzYou can autogenerate themAug 07 22:29
schestowitzAs I doAug 07 22:29
yuhongYes.Aug 07 22:29
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: do you write code in your area of qualification any more?Aug 07 22:29
schestowitzUnless you hack on existing onesAug 07 22:29
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what do you think about DSLs like make?Aug 07 22:29
FurnaceBoyyuhong: should we have more, or fewer of these?Aug 07 22:29
schestowitzI move into teaching moreAug 07 22:29
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100423140709])Aug 07 22:29
FurnaceBoywow.Aug 07 22:30
schestowitzProgramming takes place where labour is cheapAug 07 22:30
FurnaceBoycpu overheatedAug 07 22:30
FurnaceBoy /cpuid yuhongAug 07 22:30
schestowitzScarcities is where you need to aimAug 07 22:30
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: hm... food for thought while i go outAug 07 22:30
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: he vanishes like this a lotAug 07 22:30
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: laterAug 07 22:30
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: overloadAug 07 22:30
schestowitzIt's normal for him... he'll be backAug 07 22:30
FurnaceBoyyaAug 07 22:30
schestowitzSometimes the coders are importedAug 07 22:31
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 22:31
schestowitzOjn visasAug 07 22:31
schestowitzThank your overloads Gates&AbramoffAug 07 22:31
yuhongOne last thing, I was once going to reverse engineer something, unless I realized someone already did.Aug 07 22:31
schestowitzGates uses Canada as extortion card in US congressAug 07 22:31
yuhongIt was 16-bit decompression code at the beginning of Vista's bootmgr.Aug 07 22:31
schestowitzHe brings workers from China to Vancouver and then pressure the govt. to raise vias #sAug 07 22:31
schestowitzFor US labourAug 07 22:32
schestowitzGates&AbramoffAug 07 22:32
schestowitz 07 22:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Noted: The Microsoft-Abramoff Connection | Techrights .::. Size~: 152.72 KBAug 07 22:32
yuhongThe most painful was that 32-bit operations were simulated using 16-bit code.Aug 07 22:32
schestowitzI have a lot more posts about this paidAug 07 22:32
schestowitze.g. 07 22:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft to Grassley re Abramoff Visas: STFU | Techrights .::. Size~: 102.23 KBAug 07 22:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @rejon: Open letter to the media about the misuse of the term "hacker" 07 22:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Open letter to the media about the misuse of the term "hacker" | - Free Software News .::. Size~: 29.09 KBAug 07 22:32
yuhongBesides no symbols.Aug 07 22:33
schestowitzAbramoff is out of jail nowAug 07 22:33
schestowitzHe works in a Pizzeria Aug 07 22:33
yuhongI had to figure out and label helper routines for 32-bit multiply, divide, and shift operations.Aug 07 22:33
yuhongI managed to figure out one routine and convert it to C.Aug 07 22:33
schestowitz 07 22:34
TechrightsBotTitle: Latest Linux kernel debuts with Google technology - Software - News .::. Size~: 58.47 KBAug 07 22:34
schestowitzyuhong: do you like c?Aug 07 22:34
schestowitzwhat editor do you use?Aug 07 22:34
yuhongI was going to do more when I began Googling and eventually found out someone already did it.Aug 07 22:34
yuhongI like C.Aug 07 22:34
yuhongOn Windows the VC built-in editor, on Linux I use gedit.Aug 07 22:34
yuhongAnd yes I know MS's attempt to be a "friend" of open source.Aug 07 22:35
FurnaceBoy...Aug 07 22:35
FurnaceBoyyour attempt to be a "friend" of MSAug 07 22:35
FurnaceBoyis what?Aug 07 22:35
yuhongBasically tying them to their proprietary software.Aug 07 22:35
FurnaceBoyhonest? or a trojan attack!Aug 07 22:35
FurnaceBoyATTACK!Aug 07 22:35
yuhongI am not trying to be a friend of MS.Aug 07 22:35
FurnaceBoyoh.Aug 07 22:35
FurnaceBoybut you use windows.Aug 07 22:36
yuhongI did admit the problem.Aug 07 22:36
schestowitzYou are, yuhongAug 07 22:36
FurnaceBoywhich problem?Aug 07 22:36
yuhongI did admit problems with Windows.Aug 07 22:36
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what kind of problems?Aug 07 22:36
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what's the #1 problem?Aug 07 22:36
schestowitz 07 22:36
TechrightsBotTitle: What is This& Munchkins Again? | Techrights .::. Size~: 104.57 KBAug 07 22:36
yuhongI admit Windows if not open source.Aug 07 22:36
schestowitzAbout yuhongAug 07 22:36
yuhongI admit Windows is not open source.Aug 07 22:36
_GoblinlolAug 07 22:36
_GoblinI admit I am a manAug 07 22:36
yuhongI admit Windows registry can be painful.Aug 07 22:36
_Goblinthats big of  youAug 07 22:36
yuhongI personally experienced it.Aug 07 22:37
_Goblinold newsAug 07 22:37
_Goblineveryone whinges about regAug 07 22:37
yuhongI know.Aug 07 22:37
_Goblinso its hardly a groundbreaking admition is it?Aug 07 22:37
yuhongI use both Windows and Linux.Aug 07 22:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @timoreilly: Why We Need To Abolish Software Patents by @vwadhwa 07 22:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @rejon: RMS Speech on The Danger of Software Patents - Beijing, China - August 04, 2010 07 22:37
TechrightsBotTitle:   Why We Need To Abolish Software Patents  .::. Size~: 107.28 KBAug 07 22:37
TechrightsBotTitle: RMS Speech on The Danger of Software Patents - Beijing, China - August 04, 2010 | - Free Software News .::. Size~: 28.55 KBAug 07 22:37
_Goblinyeah...Aug 07 22:37
_Goblinso whats better about Linux?Aug 07 22:38
_Goblinsince you use both.Aug 07 22:38
*schestowitz subscribed to yuhong's blogAug 07 22:38
yuhongIt is open source.Aug 07 22:38
_Goblinand thats it?Aug 07 22:38
yuhongNo.Aug 07 22:38
_Goblinok..continueAug 07 22:38
*squarepeg has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Aug 07 22:38
schestowitz[22:37] <yuhong> I use both Windows and Linux.Aug 07 22:39
schestowitzYou use WindowsAug 07 22:39
yuhongYes.Aug 07 22:39
schestowitzYou dabble in LinuxAug 07 22:39
schestowitzThen you bash LinuxAug 07 22:39
_GoblinIm still waiting yuhong, what else is better.Aug 07 22:39
schestowitzOr create Windows buzzAug 07 22:39
yuhongI don't bash Linux.Aug 07 22:39
schestowitzYou spent a lot of time here in IRC praising VistaAug 07 22:39
yuhongYes.Aug 07 22:39
schestowitzSince 2008Aug 07 22:39
_GoblinlolAug 07 22:39
_GoblinVista?Aug 07 22:39
yuhongYes.Aug 07 22:39
schestowitzYeahAug 07 22:39
schestowitzAll alongAug 07 22:39
yuhongBut I didn't bash Linux.Aug 07 22:40
schestowitzI would not go that farAug 07 22:40
_Goblinyuhong: what else is better about Linux...I am still waiting.Aug 07 22:40
schestowitz"it's free"Aug 07 22:40
schestowitz[like a puppy]Aug 07 22:40
_Goblinhe said that.Aug 07 22:40
_Goblinand also said it wasn't the only thingAug 07 22:40
schestowitzDid he?Aug 07 22:40
*schestowitz scrolls upAug 07 22:40
_Goblinso Im waiting for what else.Aug 07 22:40
_GoblinCome on yuhong:Aug 07 22:40
yuhongTrying to think.Aug 07 22:40
_GoblinlolAug 07 22:40
schestowitzIt's hardAug 07 22:41
_Goblinyou just said it wasn't the only thing.....Aug 07 22:41
schestowitzyuhong: google it, quicklAug 07 22:41
_Goblinso why do you have to think now?Aug 07 22:41
yuhongIt has better command line than WIndows.Aug 07 22:41
_GoblinlolAug 07 22:41
schestowitzheheheAug 07 22:41
schestowitzIt's good for servers, yuhong?Aug 07 22:41
schestowitz1.Aug 07 22:41
yuhongYes, commonly used for servers.Aug 07 22:41
_Goblinanother thing which won't threaten Windows...after all MS likes to use the C/L in order to frighten people off LInuxAug 07 22:41
schestowitzFreeAug 07 22:41
schestowitz2. open sourceAug 07 22:41
schestowitz3. good for programmer (says Dell)Aug 07 22:42
yuhongNot that I ever believed it.Aug 07 22:42
schestowitz4. used in serverzzAug 07 22:42
yuhong_Goblin: Not that I ever believed it.Aug 07 22:42
_Goblinreally.Aug 07 22:42
_Goblinso why do you run Linux yuhong?Aug 07 22:42
yuhongI like it.Aug 07 22:42
schestowitzWhy?Aug 07 22:42
_Goblinbut you have to "think" why?Aug 07 22:42
schestowitzYou already paid for VistaAug 07 22:42
schestowitzSo the price doesn't matter not,does it?Aug 07 22:42
yuhongYes, as part of my computer purchase.Aug 07 22:43
schestowitzAre you using the command line for IRC?Aug 07 22:43
yuhongNope.Aug 07 22:43
schestowitzOh...Aug 07 22:43
_Goblinso why don't you use AROS? thats free.Aug 07 22:43
schestowitzYou run a server software on the desktop?Aug 07 22:43
schestowitzYou hack on Linux code?Aug 07 22:43
yuhongNope, Linux is desktop software too.Aug 07 22:43
yuhongSometimes, I hack on Linux code.Aug 07 22:43
schestowitzCool!!Aug 07 22:43
schestowitzWhich program?Aug 07 22:43
yuhongLinux kernel.Aug 07 22:43
yuhongI post on lkml.Aug 07 22:44
schestowitzPatchesAug 07 22:44
schestowitz?Aug 07 22:44
yuhongNot much.Aug 07 22:44
_Goblinlol.Aug 07 22:44
schestowitzI remember when Microsoft employee posted thereAug 07 22:44
yuhongYes.Aug 07 22:44
schestowitzAnnoyed the hell out of subscribersAug 07 22:44
schestowitzPushing Mono into lkmlAug 07 22:44
yuhongI read it often.Aug 07 22:44
yuhongI read it often, and sometimes reply.Aug 07 22:44
schestowitzThat's intelligent [pun]Aug 07 22:44
yuhongIt uses text files for configuration.Aug 07 22:45
schestowitzyuhong: you wanna be a Linux hacker?Aug 07 22:45
_Goblinyuhong: Whatever you are trying to achieve here, your foundations are rather transparent.Aug 07 22:45
schestowitzyuhong: Aug 07 22:45
schestowitzshow us patchesAug 07 22:45
yuhongI can be one.Aug 07 22:45
schestowitzIf you posted themAug 07 22:45
yuhongI am not a hacker yet.Aug 07 22:45
schestowitzDo you use your modified kernel atm?Aug 07 22:45
yuhongI don't compile kernels much yet either.Aug 07 22:46
schestowitz<yuhong> Linux bob-pc 2.6.32-22-generic-pae #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 14:57:29 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/LinuxAug 07 22:46
_Goblinlol..this will be goodAug 07 22:46
schestowitzFair enoughAug 07 22:46
schestowitzI don't compile mine much eitherAug 07 22:46
schestowitzHow often do you do yours?Aug 07 22:46
_GoblinBob-pc? morelike sideshow bob.Aug 07 22:46
yuhongI spend much of my time do research.Aug 07 22:46
schestowitzI mean, to test your modifications and all?Aug 07 22:46
FurnaceBoyyuhong: research on CPUID?Aug 07 22:46
yuhongI don't do patches much yet either.Aug 07 22:46
yuhongA lot more, on tech in general.Aug 07 22:47
schestowitzBut you saud you modified code :-( Aug 07 22:47
yuhongAnd some other topics.Aug 07 22:47
*schestowitz slightly disappointedAug 07 22:47
yuhongBut I often help others on lkml.Aug 07 22:47
FurnaceBoyyuhong | I admit Windows is not open source.Aug 07 22:47
_GoblinRoy, will you please stop confusing Yuhong with facts...Aug 07 22:47
_Goblin;)Aug 07 22:47
schestowitzyuhong: which module/s?Aug 07 22:47
FurnaceBoy^^ that must have hurt, yuhong Aug 07 22:47
schestowitzWhich subsystems for example?Aug 07 22:47
yuhongIn general.Aug 07 22:47
yuhongI know some facts about Windows.Aug 07 22:48
FurnaceBoysuch as?Aug 07 22:48
_Goblinthat I can believeAug 07 22:48
schestowitzyuhong: the general subsystem?Aug 07 22:48
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: Major Subsystem's brotherAug 07 22:48
schestowitzCool!Aug 07 22:48
yuhongNope.Aug 07 22:48
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: he's married to Miss SuperstructureAug 07 22:48
yuhongAnd I do know some problems.Aug 07 22:48
FurnaceBoyyuhong: such as?Aug 07 22:48
FurnaceBoyyuhong: you must be a pile of fun on mailing lists.Aug 07 22:49
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: you sound like Miss South CarolinaAug 07 22:49
yuhongYes.Aug 07 22:49
schestowitz"Such as l, such as.."Aug 07 22:49
FurnaceBoy"I know the answer to a question. Unfortunately it's not your question, and I won't tell you."Aug 07 22:49
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: Pish poshAug 07 22:49
schestowitz 07 22:49
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- *Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question,&lrm; .::. Size~: 94.66 KBAug 07 22:49
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: oh, no, that was painful enough to watch the first time.Aug 07 22:49
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: she knows some facts about Windows, though.Aug 07 22:49
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: she's cute thoughAug 07 22:50
schestowitzI'd take her to dinnerAug 07 22:50
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: not my type. I like Miss Surrey 2008Aug 07 22:50
schestowitz:-pAug 07 22:50
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100423140709])Aug 07 22:50
*stevensen (5870a204@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 22:50
schestowitzHe's gone rebooting into his new kerNALAug 07 22:50
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: no, reallyAug 07 22:50
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: i hope he misconfigured it.Aug 07 22:50
schestowitzLOLAug 07 22:50
schestowitzCore DUMPAug 07 22:50
schestowitzKernel OOPS I did it AGAINAug 07 22:51
stevensen 07 22:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Dude, you're a 35 year old with a neck beard | OMG! Ubuntu! .::. Size~: 80.83 KBAug 07 22:51
FurnaceBoyI wish he'd pretend to be useuflAug 07 22:51
FurnaceBoyful*Aug 07 22:51
schestowitzhi, stevensenAug 07 22:51
stevensencheck out the comments. seems like there is serious troll infestation in the ubuntu landAug 07 22:51
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 22:52
yuhongI even cursed Windows for not being open source in a MS blog.Aug 07 22:52
schestowitzstevensen: I don't like that site do muchAug 07 22:52
yuhongAnd MS's bureaucracy too.Aug 07 22:52
schestowitzAnd I can't see the commentsAug 07 22:52
schestowitzLuckilyAug 07 22:52
schestowitzNo JSAug 07 22:52
schestowitzstevensen: nasty troll or MarkS' idea of "tribalism"Aug 07 22:53
stevensenwell, this was the first time  I went to the site. but this was syndicated at planet ubuntu Aug 07 22:53
stevensenor the rss feed, ratherAug 07 22:53
schestowitzIt's funny to see Ubuntu complain about tribalismAug 07 22:53
FurnaceBoyI love that DilbertAug 07 22:53
stevensenit was deleted from planet ubuntu the website, probablyAug 07 22:53
FurnaceBoyand I don't normally love them muchAug 07 22:53
schestowitzyuhong: OK, in short you lied about coding LinuxAug 07 22:53
yuhongI didn't lie.Aug 07 22:53
yuhongI do code for Linux.Aug 07 22:54
FurnaceBoyyuhong: windows not being open source is a banal, irrelevant remark.Aug 07 22:54
_Goblinwhat do you code?Aug 07 22:54
_Goblinwhere is this code?Aug 07 22:54
stevensenwell, the whole article is a tremendous troll, and violating ubuntu's code of conduct like there is no tomorrowAug 07 22:54
schestowitz"Until we change this attitude where "M$ is the devil," and actually try to create something for them and not us, I fail to see free software taking off based on principle alone - that's if you want it to take off in the first place."Aug 07 22:54
FurnaceBoyyuhong: you need to take your brain out of neutral.Aug 07 22:54
yuhongSome API calls mostly.Aug 07 22:54
schestowitzWhat an insulting drossAug 07 22:54
yuhongAnd inline asm.Aug 07 22:54
_Goblinwhere?Aug 07 22:54
schestowitz_Goblin: it's like asking, "Where's Waldo?"Aug 07 22:55
_GoblintrueAug 07 22:55
yuhongOn my computer.Aug 07 22:55
yuhongSimple programs mostly.Aug 07 22:55
stevensenand the twitter comments are along the same line: 07 22:55
schestowitzstevensen: why did joey approve it?Aug 07 22:55
_Goblinthats the most tragic answer ive ever seen.Aug 07 22:55
TechrightsBotTitle: Benjamin Humphrey (humphreybc) on Twitter .::. Size~: 43.9 KBAug 07 22:55
FurnaceBoyyuhong: what do you want to do with your life?Aug 07 22:55
yuhongProgramming.Aug 07 22:55
schestowitzI reckon it's a young British person who runs the siteAug 07 22:55
FurnaceBoywhat kind?Aug 07 22:55
stevensenschestowitz: I think this was "disapproved" later on from planet ubuntuAug 07 22:55
stevensenluckilyAug 07 22:55
yuhongBoth Windows and Linux.Aug 07 22:55
_GoblinRoy, I meant to tell you...Ive written my own OS from scratch......Aug 07 22:55
stevensenbut the stench remains in the rss feed :-). at least in google readerAug 07 22:56
_Goblinonly problem is its only on my PCAug 07 22:56
_Goblinso I can't show anyoneAug 07 22:56
yuhongBut I never believed Vista is completely incompatible with XP.Aug 07 22:56
schestowitzstevensen: there's this blog, "Ubuntard"Aug 07 22:56
FurnaceBoyyuhong: are you interested in the politics of technology?Aug 07 22:56
yuhongYes.Aug 07 22:56
schestowitzWhich I reckon is like LinuxHatersAug 07 22:56
schestowitzJust attack blogs against LinuxAug 07 22:56
yuhongOr claims like that.Aug 07 22:56
stevensenhah, gotta check it outAug 07 22:56
schestowitzIdentica has troll accounts liike "Mark Shuttlecock"Aug 07 22:56
FurnaceBoyyuhong: can Microsoft survive? why? how?Aug 07 22:56
yuhongI think MS can be reformed.Aug 07 22:57
stevensenbut this blog seems to be an ubuntu developer of some sort. not a real developer but designer/whateverAug 07 22:57
yuhongBut anyway, I agree that most attacks against Linux are silly.Aug 07 22:57
schestowitz"Emails, comments and tweets flooding in. CoC complaints. I'm laughing so hard."Aug 07 22:57
schestowitzHe thinks it's a jokeAug 07 22:57
stevensenyeah. arrogance of youth I guessAug 07 22:57
schestowitzstevensen: oh waitAug 07 22:57
schestowitzIt's Canonical affiliatedAug 07 22:57
schestowitzWorking with U can be annoying tooAug 07 22:58
yuhongMany claims are indeed just FUD.Aug 07 22:58
schestowitzAttributing Linux features to CanonicalAug 07 22:58
FurnaceBoyyuhong: big jobAug 07 22:58
FurnaceBoyyuhong: its DNA is crime and extortion. how do you fix that?Aug 07 22:58
_Goblinlike what yuhong?Aug 07 22:58
stevensenwell, I'm a ubuntu fan myself. but I'd like to see canonical distance themselves from brats like thisAug 07 22:58
yuhongLinux is not a desktop OS.Aug 07 22:58
_Goblinwell duh.Aug 07 22:59
_GoblinIm running it on a desktopAug 07 22:59
_Goblinso can anyone...Aug 07 22:59
yuhongYep, FUD>Aug 07 22:59
yuhongYep, FUD.Aug 07 22:59
_Goblinstop being sly...Aug 07 22:59
_Goblinthats no admittion at all.Aug 07 22:59
_Goblinits FUD that nobody believes anyway.Aug 07 22:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Predictions - The enquiry will find the Officers did nothing wrong and have no case to answer 07 22:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "OMGUbuntu" is a troll site today. 07 22:59
TechrightsBotTitle:  Police smash pensioner's car window after chase | UK news |  .::. Size~: 66.05 KBAug 07 22:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Benjamin Humphrey (humphreybc) on Twitter .::. Size~: 43.9 KBAug 07 22:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Dude, you're a 35 year old with a neck beard | OMG! Ubuntu! .::. Size~: 80.83 KBAug 07 22:59
yuhongSCO FUD.Aug 07 22:59
yuhongI hate it too.Aug 07 23:00
_Goblinand MS can't exactly deny Linux is a desktop OS since many mainstream press outlets are talking about it.Aug 07 23:00
schestowitz "@schestowitz I bet religious fundies think freedom of/from religion & gender equality="extremist" views. How *dare* RMS demand freedom? :D"Aug 07 23:00
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 10.42 KBAug 07 23:00
schestowitzExactlyAug 07 23:00
_Goblinso you are not disputing any real fud at all.Aug 07 23:00
_Goblinjust stating the bloody obviousAug 07 23:00
yuhongAnd FUD against Boycott Novell too.Aug 07 23:00
*jweyrich ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 23:00
_Goblingo on, lets here it.Aug 07 23:00
_Goblin*hearAug 07 23:01
_Goblinwhat FUD against BN?Aug 07 23:01
schestowitzMichael Moore too was called an extremist for suggesting healthcare for the public. Pro-life=extremismAug 07 23:01
schestowitzstevensen: agreedAug 07 23:01
schestowitzTechrights is pro-UbuntuAug 07 23:01
yuhongBN is a front for Red Hat.Aug 07 23:01
schestowitzIn the sense that it defends it as at least a choiceAug 07 23:02
yuhongFUD.Aug 07 23:02
_Goblinoh come onAug 07 23:02
schestowitzI used Ubuntu since its very first releaseAug 07 23:02
_Goblinwho would believe that.Aug 07 23:02
_Goblinits like saying TechRIGHTS built the face on mars.Aug 07 23:02
_Goblinits obviously false and doesn't need disputing.Aug 07 23:02
schestowitzI'm also among the first people who promoted Ubuntu way back in the days when it was tinyAug 07 23:02
schestowitz[23:01] <yuhong> BN is a front for Red Hat.Aug 07 23:03
schestowitz???????????/Aug 07 23:03
yuhongFUD.Aug 07 23:03
schestowitzTHat must be sarcasmAug 07 23:03
yuhongI actually saw it.Aug 07 23:03
schestowitz[23:02] <_Goblin> its like saying TechRIGHTS built the face on mars.Aug 07 23:03
schestowitzThere's noi faceAug 07 23:03
schestowitzThey got high-res pics laterAug 07 23:03
_GoblinI wouldn't even go there....its so obviously false...but its "safe" for Yuhong to dispute that.Aug 07 23:03
schestowitzIt looks nothing like the first footageAug 07 23:03
_Goblinwhat?Aug 07 23:04
_Goblinno face?Aug 07 23:04
yuhongI know another example of FUD on Slashdot, I am finding it.Aug 07 23:04
schestowitzWHat's yuhong on??Aug 07 23:04
_GoblinI want someAug 07 23:04
_Goblinso does my wifeAug 07 23:04
schestowitzyuhong: no, you spread someAug 07 23:04
schestowitz_Goblin: "I'm his wife, too"Aug 07 23:04
yuhongWhat FUD?Aug 07 23:04
_GoblinlolAug 07 23:04
yuhongWhat FUD did I spread?Aug 07 23:05
schestowitzyuhong: what do you want?Aug 07 23:05
schestowitzYou pretend to run LinuxAug 07 23:05
yuhongI do.Aug 07 23:05
_GoblinbadlyAug 07 23:05
schestowitzBut you lie about working on itAug 07 23:05
_GoblinbadlyAug 07 23:05
schestowitzYou also can't name reaosnd for using itAug 07 23:05
yuhongDid I lie?Aug 07 23:05
yuhongReally?Aug 07 23:05
schestowitzAnd you spent a lot of the time here whitewashing Mcirosoft's crimes and mentioning Microsoft productsAug 07 23:05
schestowitzTelling us how good they arAug 07 23:05
schestowitz*areAug 07 23:05
schestowitzSo why do you find it worthwhile coming to a techrightrs forum? I'm curiousl.Aug 07 23:06
yuhongI did not try to whitewash crimes. I know some, and I admit MS has been convicted under anti-trust.Aug 07 23:06
schestowitzThat would be like me going to #neowinAug 07 23:06
yuhongDid I lie about working on Linux?Aug 07 23:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] I dislike the idea of pixel in web/HTML5 #danger #webgl #canvas XML can be used instead of WebGLAug 07 23:06
_Goblinhow can you "admit" if they have already been convicted?Aug 07 23:06
schestowitzYou pretend to like bothAug 07 23:07
schestowitzBut it's a facadeAug 07 23:07
yuhongWhy?Aug 07 23:07
_Goblinits not an admittion if they have already been found guilty is it?Aug 07 23:07
yuhongYes.Aug 07 23:07
schestowitzfaçadeAug 07 23:07
yuhongWhy?Aug 07 23:07
yuhongDid I lie about working on Linux?Aug 07 23:07
_Goblinyuhong, you would last 1 minute in a UK court.Aug 07 23:07
schestowitzYesAug 07 23:07
yuhongWhat are you referring to?Aug 07 23:07
yuhongAs lying?Aug 07 23:07
_GoblinI have watched as you have been taken appart by your own words...Aug 07 23:08
schestowitz 07 23:08
TechrightsBotTitle: Yuhong Bao's blog: Spamming comments with automated responses is a bad idea .::. Size~: 35.23 KBAug 07 23:08
MinceR235606 < schestowitz> WHat's yuhong on??Aug 07 23:08
schestowitzI'll have two!Aug 07 23:08
yuhongI was talking about Comcast.Aug 07 23:09
yuhongRemember?Aug 07 23:09
MinceRm$'s payroll? :>Aug 07 23:09
yuhongWhen I did this?Aug 07 23:09
_Goblinschestowitz: It makes me wonder if Yuhong posts in the way he/she does in order to keep us distracted...I can't believe anyone with so many holes in their POV would stayAug 07 23:09
yuhongWhen I was talking about COncast?Aug 07 23:09
schestowitzMinceR: no way, he's too close to Microsoft HQAug 07 23:10
yuhongWhen I was talking about Comcast?Aug 07 23:10
MinceR_Goblin: that side can't afford anyone with less holes in their POV :>Aug 07 23:10
schestowitz 07 23:11
TechrightsBotTitle: BLOGGERS BEWARE, CONFESS OR BE FINED. « OpenBytes .::. Size~: 45.61 KBAug 07 23:11
yuhongYes, I remember that.Aug 07 23:11
schestowitz"Aug 07 23:11
schestowitzYuhong BaoAug 07 23:11
schestowitzOctober 7, 2009Aug 07 23:11
schestowitz“In my opinion much pro-proprietary software opinion is based on gifts (or the possibility of recieving them)”Aug 07 23:11
schestowitzWell, do you mean just Microsoft?Aug 07 23:11
schestowitz“Honest opinion is not much to strive for is it? Maybe we will see the end of comments such as “Vista is loved”.”Aug 07 23:11
schestowitzI would not go that far.Aug 07 23:11
schestowitz"Aug 07 23:11
schestowitzOuch. Hit a spot thereAug 07 23:11
yuhongI know Vista was not loved.Aug 07 23:11
schestowitzI would not go that farAug 07 23:11
MinceRlolAug 07 23:11
schestowitzCTRL+IWNAug 07 23:11
schestowitzCTRL+IWwouldNotAug 07 23:12
yuhongI know Vista was not loved.Aug 07 23:12
schestowitzBut you loved itAug 07 23:12
MinceRbut it was only because of the name and the theme, right?Aug 07 23:12
schestowitzThe public didn't do it justice, right?Aug 07 23:12
yuhongYes, but I know the public didn't love it.Aug 07 23:12
schestowitzNot enougn PR like with Vista7.Aug 07 23:12
MinceRthey love mojave^W7 so muchAug 07 23:12
yuhongNot just because of that.Aug 07 23:12
stevensenare you guys still ramling on about microsoft? did you miss the memo about Apple being the most toxic influence around?Aug 07 23:12
schestowitzWHat else has it got, yuhong?Aug 07 23:13
schestowitzstevensen: so Microsoft would have us believeAug 07 23:13
yuhongVista had many problems indeed.Aug 07 23:13
schestowitzApple is another issueAug 07 23:13
MinceRstevensen: unlike you, we are not single-mindedAug 07 23:13
schestowitzHe ain't eitherAug 07 23:13
schestowitzHe's right, Apple too is a problemAug 07 23:13
yuhongMany has been fixed in 7, but I am fine with Vista.Aug 07 23:13
schestowitzTechrights writes about Apple almost every dauyAug 07 23:13
schestowitz*dayAug 07 23:13
MinceRone can't ignore a problem because there's anotherAug 07 23:13
yuhongYes, I know, the closed iPhone.Aug 07 23:14
yuhongThe App store.Aug 07 23:14
yuhongIt's secrecy.Aug 07 23:14
schestowitzNoAug 07 23:14
schestowitzIt's lack of freedomAug 07 23:14
schestowitzIt's tyrannyAug 07 23:14
stevensenwell, that's true... but MS has been somewhat boring in their evil pursuits latelyAug 07 23:14
yuhongYEs.Aug 07 23:14
schestowitzAnd it's not closed sourceAug 07 23:14
schestowitzOt's proprietaryAug 07 23:14
_Goblinso what type of app store will Win Mob 7 have Yuhong?Aug 07 23:14
schestowitzOr nonfreeAug 07 23:14
yuhongI don't pay attension to it.Aug 07 23:14
schestowitzclosed source implies open source rather than free(dom) as oppositeAug 07 23:14
MinceR_Goblin: a .net-only one :>Aug 07 23:15
yuhongYes, I know, I don't pay attension it, I pay more attension to the Mac side.Aug 07 23:15
MinceRi think "nonfree" and "non-open" are better words than "proprietary"Aug 07 23:15
_GoblinMincer: matters will flop.Aug 07 23:15
MinceRi hope soAug 07 23:15
MinceRthey're trying to outdo crApple in dumbing downAug 07 23:15
_Goblinforgetting about their last effort, Android and APple are what people want.Aug 07 23:16
yuhongYes, I know.Aug 07 23:16
stevensenwho cares about "proprietary" as far as app store goes. all commercial apps are proprietary. the problem with app store is that it's trying to lock developers to single platform developmentAug 07 23:16
MinceRthat's falseAug 07 23:16
yuhongYes, I know.Aug 07 23:16
stevensenenforging use of apple libs etcAug 07 23:16
stevensenenforcingAug 07 23:16
yuhongYes, I know.Aug 07 23:16
MinceRyou're conflating "commercial" with "proprietary"Aug 07 23:16
schestowitz "Do you realize this is an old copy-paste troll with "OS X" replacing "Windows?" Why would you take the word of some anonymous Slashdot troll from seven years ago? Did "always runs as root" being listed as an advantage not raise red flags for you or the "never runs code based on a file extension" which UNIX doesn't do either? "Aug 07 23:16
schestowitzIn reply in yuhongAug 07 23:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Would Copland have been more secure than Mac OS X? - Ars Technica OpenForum .::. Size~: 70.05 KBAug 07 23:16
stevensenand forbidding parallel development for other platformsAug 07 23:16
MinceRthere are more problems with app storesAug 07 23:16
MinceRand locking developers into a single platform isn't even the most intrinsic oneAug 07 23:17
yuhongI remember, yes.Aug 07 23:17
MinceR(it's crApple's special addition which came later than the crApp store itself)Aug 07 23:17
cubezzzright, you can have commercial open source tooAug 07 23:17
yuhongYes.Aug 07 23:17
schestowitz[23:16] <MinceR> you're conflating "commercial" with "proprietary" Aug 07 23:17
schestowitzBeat me to itAug 07 23:17
MinceRimo one of the greatest problems is the killswitchAug 07 23:17
schestowitzEsp. with app storesAug 07 23:17
MinceRanother is central control of what app gets inAug 07 23:17
schestowitzPeople would pay for an app that has source code on some given addressAug 07 23:17
yuhongLook at the other responses too.Aug 07 23:18
cubezzzit's not so much commercial your against, but closed sourceAug 07 23:18
cubezzzyou'reAug 07 23:18
stevensenI'm not against closed source at allAug 07 23:18
yuhongYep, debunked by the FSF.Aug 07 23:18
stevensenI don't care if someone keeps their fart app source code secretAug 07 23:18
stevensenyou just don't need to use the appAug 07 23:18
ThistleWebstevensen: really? what if it contains some nasty code that steals your private info?Aug 07 23:18
schestowitzApple gets to fart about 200,000 'apps'Aug 07 23:19
schestowitzBecause of 200 fart 'crapps'Aug 07 23:19
ThistleWebclosed means having to trust the developer that it does what it says it doesAug 07 23:19
stevensenwell, then it does steal it. as  Isaid you don't need to buy itAug 07 23:19
yuhongI know.Aug 07 23:19
cubezzzgiven it's a program you want to use would you prefer open or closed source? Aug 07 23:19
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100423140709])Aug 07 23:19
stevensenis that a trick question? open source of courseAug 07 23:19
ThistleWebopen means people with the skills and interest can examine it, so it's almost impossible to hide nasty code inside itAug 07 23:19
cubezzzno it's a ridiculous question :)Aug 07 23:20
_Goblinschestowitz: any fall out from Cliff Richard fans yet?Aug 07 23:20
MinceRopen is about more than examinationmAug 07 23:20
MinceRs/.$//Aug 07 23:20
schestowitz "to be fair red hat is probably a much bigger company than Canonical"Aug 07 23:20
TechrightsBotTitle: Twitter / motters: to be fair red hat is prob ... .::. Size~: 11.63 KBAug 07 23:20
schestowitzWho was motters?Aug 07 23:20
TechrightsBotTitle: Former Chair of Fedora: “Canonical is a Marketing Organization Masquerading as an Engineering Organization” | Techrights .::. Size~: 109.09 KBAug 07 23:20
schestowitzI forgotAug 07 23:20
cubezzzopen non-obfuscated sourcce code is even betterAug 07 23:20
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 23:20
MinceRthey also get to remove the nasty code and distribute the fixed versionAug 07 23:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] @schestowitz: it used to contain interesting stuff but it's harder nowadaysAug 07 23:20
yuhongWhat do you want me to admit about Windows.Aug 07 23:20
ThistleWebMinceR: exactlyAug 07 23:21
yuhongWhat do you want me to admit about Windows?Aug 07 23:21
MinceRyuhong: that it sucks so much it isn't even funnyAug 07 23:21
MinceRthat it's a combination of design flaws and implementation flawsAug 07 23:21
MinceR:>Aug 07 23:21
yuhongBe more specific.Aug 07 23:21
MinceRthat the only reason it wasn't forgotten yet is that m$ used anticompetitive practices to force it on usersAug 07 23:22
ThistleWebwith a closed platform, you can't fix it yourself, you're reliant on asking the devs to do it, and if they choose to include that fix in the next version....which you'll need to pay for again....that's all you can dooAug 07 23:22
stevensenThistleWeb: you are preaching to the choirAug 07 23:22
cubezzzright :)Aug 07 23:22
cubezzzI was going to say these arguments are oldAug 07 23:22
cubezzzyou need to warp back to 1995Aug 07 23:23
ThistleWebMS refuse to patch some stuff, because they want to increase the carrot / stick on you switching to windows 7Aug 07 23:23
*stevensen has quit (Quit: Page closed)Aug 07 23:23
yuhongThistleWeb: I know that Windows is closed.Aug 07 23:24
yuhongI admit it.Aug 07 23:24
schestowitzYou said it  timesAug 07 23:24
schestowitzNobody asked you about itAug 07 23:24
yuhongThistleWeb: I know that Windows is closed.Aug 07 23:24
schestowitzAwwwwwwwghhhhhhAug 07 23:24
yuhongMinceR: I know that Windows is closed.Aug 07 23:24
ThistleWebfor me it's about being reliant on a pusherAug 07 23:24
ThistleWebclosed source is about the pusherAug 07 23:25
yuhongYes.Aug 07 23:25
ThistleWebif you're at the mercy of that pusher for fixes or updates, it's not a good placeAug 07 23:25
cubezzzit's also about forced upgradesAug 07 23:25
MinceRtoday at 11: yuhong admits that water is wet!Aug 07 23:25
cubezzzwith Linux, you want to use an old box it's not a problemAug 07 23:25
ThistleWebyou're always gonna be at the mercy of that pushers needsAug 07 23:26
yuhongThistleWeb: I know.Aug 07 23:26
ThistleWebneed more money? release a new version and stop supporting the older oneAug 07 23:26
yuhongThistleWeb: I know.Aug 07 23:26
schestowitztoday at 11, yuhong swaps macrosAug 07 23:26
yuhongThistleWeb: Luckily many vendors have support lifecycles.Aug 07 23:26
MinceRmaybe he's got an x-keys professionalAug 07 23:27
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100423140709])Aug 07 23:27
MinceRkeys preprogrammed for so many phrasesAug 07 23:27
schestowitzemacs shortcutsAug 07 23:27
MinceRok, not so manyAug 07 23:27
cubezzzwhatever, it was a dumb conversation anyways :)Aug 07 23:27
schestowitzNah..Aug 07 23:27
schestowitzI kid.. surely a vi user!Aug 07 23:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] In Thunderbird, I just want to read todays blogs only. How I can do it ?Aug 07 23:27
schestowitzvi.exeAug 07 23:27
schestowitzvi.EXEAug 07 23:28
schestowitzImproper casesAug 07 23:28
MinceRi doubt that being a vi user is compatible with being a m$ apologistAug 07 23:28
ThistleWebwhat I like about the FOSS model generally, is that you can talk directly to the devs, suggest ideas, features, and if they're sensible enough or easy to implement, they arrive a while later in an update. You don't have to see them filtered through the "how can we monetize this idea"Aug 07 23:28
cubezzzthank you Mr. 8.3 :)Aug 07 23:28
schestowitzMinceR: vi can copy and pasteAug 07 23:28
schestowitzThat's illegalAug 07 23:28
schestowitzIt encourages plagiarism :-)Aug 07 23:28
schestowitzVista Phone 7 takes us a step into the futureAug 07 23:28
schestowitzOne retraction of feature at a timeAug 07 23:28
ThistleWebsince this IRC channel is logged.....Thunar needs tabs.....jus' sayin'Aug 07 23:28
MinceR:)Aug 07 23:29
ThistleWeb;PAug 07 23:29
MinceRdoes it have file search, open with... and breadcrumbs?Aug 07 23:29
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Aug 07 23:29
MinceRof not, then it needs those tooAug 07 23:29
ThistleWebopen with, yeahAug 07 23:29
cubezzzthe last thing to fix is the biosAug 07 23:29
MinceRtoday nautilus flooded my desktop with message boxes againAug 07 23:29
schestowitzIExplorer still crappy like it used to be?Aug 07 23:30
schestowitzI think Vista added some bloat to itAug 07 23:30
schestowitzEffects and stuffAug 07 23:30
ThistleWebthe one thing it REALLY needs is tabsAug 07 23:30
schestowitzKDE4-like tickboxesAug 07 23:30
ThistleWebapparently the network browsing leaves a lot to be desired tooAug 07 23:30
MinceRswitched to ROX-Filer as my "small" file managerAug 07 23:30
*schestowitz hardly uses file managersAug 07 23:30
schestowitzFolderview for the rescueAug 07 23:31
schestowitzWith hover to openAug 07 23:31
schestowitzAnd QuckFolder in the panelAug 07 23:31
ThistleWebI remember the Nautilus peeps said "well, tabs sounds easy but the codebase the way it is means a major overhall".......then BAM! a few months later it had tabsAug 07 23:31
*_Goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 23:31
ThistleWeband while we're on nautilus, why does it take over the desktop? I need to run it with the --no-desktop flag to keep my xfce stuffAug 07 23:32
ThistleWebit's like a file manager with diluusions of granduer thinking it's a WMAug 07 23:33
cubezzzI don't even use file managersAug 07 23:33
cubezzzno kfm or nautilusAug 07 23:33
ThistleWebanyhoo, didn't mean to derail, carry onAug 07 23:34
ThistleWebtried rox a few times, I can't seem to wrap my mind around itAug 07 23:34
*schestowitz uses konq and dolphin sometimesAug 07 23:35
schestowitzI put many of my files on my sitesAug 07 23:35
MinceRmy "big" file manager is Krusader nowAug 07 23:35
schestowitzThe Web makes file managers more obsolete or scarcely usedAug 07 23:35
cubezzzI even cross-test my bash scripts with older bash :)Aug 07 23:36
schestowitzMinceR: NC.exeAug 07 23:36
schestowitzI still have it BTW....Aug 07 23:36
MinceRbut i use mc for FISH since that hasn't blown up in my face yetAug 07 23:36
MinceRunlike nautilus and kioAug 07 23:36
schestowitzSince 1995ishAug 07 23:36
schestowitzI still remember NC shortcutsAug 07 23:36
ThistleWebemelFM2 is kinda cool too, but I'm not used to the whole 2 panel way of wrokingAug 07 23:36
schestowitzmemories of days when blue screens in the office were not blue screens of deathAug 07 23:37
MinceR:)Aug 07 23:37
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 23:38
yuhongWhat *specific* flaws about Windows do you want me to admit?Aug 07 23:38
yuhongI will admit it is true, provide a defense, or say I am not sure.Aug 07 23:38
*jweyrich has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 07 23:38
yuhongBecause I am willing to admit flaws.Aug 07 23:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] US military's ORSA exposed in today's Berlin FAZ. On the web, Monday.Aug 07 23:39
MinceRbut only small ones?Aug 07 23:40
yuhongDepends on whether it is true or not?Aug 07 23:40
yuhongDepends on whether it is true or not.Aug 07 23:40
MinceRhow small? registry, uac, autostart?Aug 07 23:40
MinceRwindowing system in kernel?Aug 07 23:40
yuhongUAC, I admit.Aug 07 23:40
yuhongYes.Aug 07 23:40
yuhongAutostart, I admit.Aug 07 23:40
yuhongRegistry I admit.Aug 07 23:41
yuhongAutostart caused a lot of pain.Aug 07 23:41
yuhongRegistry I personally suffered through.Aug 07 23:41
cubezzzhow about all the OEMs forced into only selling windows?Aug 07 23:41
yuhongYes, I admit it.Aug 07 23:42
_Goblinwell you can't exactly deny any them either can you?Aug 07 23:42
_Goblinthey are all pretty obviousAug 07 23:42
yuhongNo, and I won't.Aug 07 23:42
cubezzzI'm asking Dell for a AROS laptop :)Aug 07 23:42
_GoblinI know you won't...You can't, nobody can, they are stated facts...facts which EVERYONE already knows.Aug 07 23:43
yuhongSo what do you want me to admit?Aug 07 23:43
_Goblinyuhong: Im fed up with this, Ive seen your tricks played out by a thousand people before....fair enough not to do with IT...but you are as obvious to me as anyone I deal with on a daily basis.Aug 07 23:44
cubezzzi think we're doneAug 07 23:44
_Goblinyuhong: Im now beginning to take offense at your efforts.  You are not convincing anyone.  Give it up.Aug 07 23:44
cubezzzmostly I'm disappointed with the wimpy OEMsAug 07 23:44
yuhongYes, I know.Aug 07 23:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Conservapedia has actually finally lost it. Front page template just now: (screencap: ) o_0Aug 07 23:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Template:Mainpageleft - Conservapedia .::. Size~: 27.8 KBAug 07 23:44
TechrightsBotTitle: File:Capture 35301052496802926c4daffd58ff72cbabd104f3.png - RationalWiki .::. Size~: 20.96 KBAug 07 23:44
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100423140709])Aug 07 23:45
*jweyrich ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 23:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] And no, that was *not* a troll or vandalism. That is what passes for a valued contributor there. Seriously.Aug 07 23:45
schestowitzyuhong and daemonfc have something in commonAug 07 23:46
schestowitzThey both got canned the first day they came to the channel, within hoursAug 07 23:46
schestowitzFew people ever had that done, I didn't kick themAug 07 23:46
MinceRhidden fondness for vista? :>Aug 07 23:46
schestowitzOther admins didAug 07 23:46
schestowitzI kicked daemon though after others in the channel pressured me toAug 07 23:47
cubezzzno one's been kicked in ages, unless I missed itAug 07 23:47
schestowitzMinceR: fondne$$$Aug 07 23:47
schestowitzHe's living next to MicrosoftAug 07 23:47
schestowitzGeographicallyAug 07 23:47
schestowitzAnd when pointed out he ran awayAug 07 23:47
cubezzzdoes yuhong work at Microsoft?Aug 07 23:47
schestowitzHe also trolls RoughlyDrafted (pro-Apple)Aug 07 23:47
schestowitzRoughlyDrafted did a lot of damge to MicrosoftAug 07 23:48
schestowitzExposing its lies, crimes, fake numbers...Aug 07 23:48
schestowitzcubezzz: noAug 07 23:48
schestowitzMaybe an agency they hireAug 07 23:48
MinceRhe bravely turned his tail and fledAug 07 23:48
schestowitzBut I never found the smokign gunAug 07 23:48
schestowitzMinceR: but he got his wayAug 07 23:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] FOX roundtable on WikiLeaks: Tobacco: 07 23:48
schestowitzHe injected Microdoft content into the channelAug 07 23:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Newsday's Ellis Henican Compares Wikileaks to the Drudge Report | .::. Size~: 68.88 KBAug 07 23:48
schestowitzhe always does thatAug 07 23:48
MinceRyes, brave sir robin turned aboutAug 07 23:49
TechrightsBotTitle: Search results for "tobacco" - WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 55.87 KBAug 07 23:49
ThistleWeb<MinceR> he bravely turned his tail and fled  << for some reason I got an image of Brave Sir Robin from Monty Python's Holy GrailAug 07 23:49
MinceRand gallantly he chickened out.Aug 07 23:49
schestowitzOne moment we talk about Linux and then it's diluted with Vista stuff and why Linux is not as goodAug 07 23:49
MinceRyes, for some reason :>Aug 07 23:49
schestowitzHe'll be back in 2 minutesAug 07 23:49
schestowitzHe needs ideasAug 07 23:49
schestowitzExcuse to come backAug 07 23:49
MinceR 07 23:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] And yet more Tobacco: 07 23:49
TechrightsBotTitle: tobacco - Google Search .::. Size~: 40.22 KBAug 07 23:49
schestowitzAnd paste a long lineAug 07 23:49
schestowitzOr technobabble about Intel x86Aug 07 23:49
schestowitzEven if it's pastedAug 07 23:50
cubezzzok, I'm ready with "Can you compile the windows kernel"Aug 07 23:50
schestowitzTo show some pretense of knowledheAug 07 23:50
schestowitzOften he uses lines from history for thatAug 07 23:50
schestowitzcubezzz: he says he codes in LinuxAug 07 23:50
cubezzzor the always fun "Can you run Vista on 486?"Aug 07 23:50
schestowitzHe's just not sure what subsystemAug 07 23:50
schestowitzAnd he never compiles itAug 07 23:50
cubezzzoddAug 07 23:50
schestowitzSo I reckon he changes the code and submits it to the kernel mailing list untestedAug 07 23:51
schestowitzIf it's true that he maild on that kml, then he's wasting their timeAug 07 23:51
schestowitzLike Microsoft folks in UbuntuForuimsAug 07 23:51
cubezzzvery odd behaviourAug 07 23:51
cubezzzseems like a big waste of timeAug 07 23:52
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 07 23:52
yuhongOK going to another topic now.Aug 07 23:52
schestowitzcubezzz: He's technlogy illiterateAug 07 23:52
jweyrichLOL :-)Aug 07 23:52
schestowitzThat other guyAug 07 23:53
schestowitzyuhong: not you :-)Aug 07 23:53
yuhongI think a lot of the barrier to free phones is the carriers.Aug 07 23:53
*MinceR hands yuhong a copy of m$ comic chatAug 07 23:53
yuhongI know it is not me.Aug 07 23:53
cubezzzthere's linux phones Aug 07 23:53
*schestowitz runs awayAug 07 23:53
jweyrichMinceR: make him sign the EULA first.Aug 07 23:53
cubezzzMotorola made oneAug 07 23:53
cubezzz2.4 kernelAug 07 23:53
MinceRafaik openmoko's failure to support umts was due to licensing issuesAug 07 23:53
schestowitz 07 23:54
schestowitz"Aug 07 23:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Did I know where the Novell short file name behavior came from? - The Old New Thing - Site Home - MSDN Blogs .::. Size~: 71.05 KBAug 07 23:54
schestowitzFor example, more irrelevant chatter deleted.Aug 07 23:54
schestowitz[Apparently Yuhong doesn't realize that I was telling him to stop making irrelevant comments. -Raymond]Aug 07 23:54
schestowitz"Aug 07 23:54
schestowitzLOLAug 07 23:54
schestowitzEven Microsoft employees delete his commentsAug 07 23:54
cubezzzI wonder if PC-Z1 has come down in price yetAug 07 23:55
schestowitzRay Trent: "Raymond... please don't feed the trolls. They're like gremlins in swimming pools."Aug 07 23:55
schestowitzThat was days agoAug 07 23:55
yuhongYes, I remember.Aug 07 23:56
cubezzzstill expensive -> $510Aug 07 23:56
yuhongI admit it.Aug 07 23:56
yuhongI remember some of my blunders.Aug 07 23:56
yuhongMost of which was yes on this blog.Aug 07 23:57
yuhongBack on topic though.Aug 07 23:57
yuhongCarriers depends on things like carrier locking.Aug 07 23:57
schestowitzIIRC, Roughly Drafted banned you tooAug 07 23:57
schestowitzWe're the most tolerant towards youAug 07 23:57
schestowitzBut you take us off topicAug 07 23:58
yuhongRoughly Drafted banned me?Aug 07 23:58
schestowitzI thought soAug 07 23:58
schestowitzYou refuted thisAug 07 23:58
yuhongYes.Aug 07 23:58
yuhongI tried posting on his blog soon after and it worked.Aug 07 23:58
yuhongNot that I read it now though.Aug 07 23:59
yuhongSo I don't really care.Aug 07 23:59
yuhongI admit some of my blunders on the Raymond Chen blog was much bigger than that.Aug 07 23:59
yuhongOver time I have tried to get better.Aug 07 23:59

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