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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: August 13th, 2010

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*MinceR_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 13 04:51
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsAug 13 05:05
*balrog ( has joined #techrightsAug 13 05:29
schestowitz " WTF? you are part of the #techrights community or not?"Aug 13 07:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter / Marti van Lin: @openuniverse: WTF? you ar ... .::. Size~: 11.89 KBAug 13 07:17
MinceRtwitter fails, they don't have the "in context" linkAug 13 07:18
schestowitzYeah, I fail to see context tooAug 13 07:21
schestowitzBut Twitter does have some context optionAug 13 07:21
schestowitzOnly if you use the Web Front EndAug 13 07:21
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 13 07:48
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsAug 13 07:49
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsAug 13 08:21
oiaohm  Seen this schestowitzAug 13 08:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Oracle sues Google over intellectual property - MarketWatch .::. Size~: 92.71 KBAug 13 08:24
schestowitz 13 08:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Screw It, You're Dead Anyway : Discovery News .::. Size~: 58.02 KBAug 13 08:36
schestowitzInnovationAug 13 08:36
schestowitzoiaohm: what do you think about ORCL?Aug 13 08:36
MinceRis cremation not good enough anymore?Aug 13 08:42
schestowitz"But WOT about the SOUL?"Aug 13 08:44
oiaohmschestowitz: what google did with android is the same class as what Microsoft tried todo with java.  So fall out should have happened.Aug 13 08:44
MinceRgoogle tried to kill java by creating an incompatible variant under the same brand? that's newAug 13 08:47
MinceRlol @ comments >> 13 08:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: A Screw-In Coffin is Clever and Economical .::. Size~: 78.38 KBAug 13 08:47
MinceRoh, (javascript)Aug 13 08:47
schestowitzMinceR: running low on spaceAug 13 09:13
schestowitzEven for burialAug 13 09:13
schestowitzMaybe we can go back to making people fossil fuelAug 13 09:13
schestowitzLike people did until hundreds/thousands years agoAug 13 09:13
schestowitzI mean, people need your tomb for like, what? Hundreds of yearsAug 13 09:14
schestowitzThen nobody even knows your nameAug 13 09:14
schestowitzLet alone visits the graveAug 13 09:14
schestowitzImmortalising 'sould'Aug 13 09:14
schestowitz*soulsAug 13 09:14
MinceRindeedAug 13 10:15
MinceRif only we could get rid of religionsAug 13 10:15
oiaohmInteresting thing about the orcale move against google is winning it could lay down the legal foundations to attack MS over .Net again.  schestowitzAug 13 10:19
*balrog_ ( has joined #techrightsAug 13 10:22
MinceRi thought those foundations were already pretty firmAug 13 10:23
*balrog has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Aug 13 10:24
oiaohmOpen the means for a direct attack against the .net bytecode engine.  MinceRAug 13 10:26
oiaohmNow that also could leave Mono critical exposed as well.Aug 13 10:27
MinceRyou mean m$ could be sued?Aug 13 10:28
oiaohmOrcal winning against google would open up the door wider for orcale to attack MS MinceRAug 13 10:29
oiaohmYesAug 13 10:29
MinceRthat would be awesome.Aug 13 10:30
MinceRbut how?Aug 13 10:30
oiaohmRemember the bytecode ending google java is using is very much like what MS Java support for .net does.Aug 13 10:31
oiaohmending/engineAug 13 10:31
oiaohmI would not be game to say MS is isolated at this time.Aug 13 10:31
MinceRthat would only take j# out of .net, wouldn't it?Aug 13 10:32
oiaohmThat is as far as a current day attack could reach.Aug 13 10:33
MinceRthat isn't muchAug 13 10:33
MinceRnobody cares about j# anywayAug 13 10:33
oiaohmThis google move has them reaching past the conversion to the vitural machine it self.Aug 13 10:33
oiaohmWinning against google in this case opens up orcale to attack the core engine of .net.Aug 13 10:34
oiaohmBecause there JIT and AOT patents would have been apllied against a non Java vm.Aug 13 10:34
MinceRicAug 13 10:35
oiaohmAlso the attack is good for google. MinceRAug 13 10:59
oiaohmI know that might sound strange.Aug 13 11:00
MinceRdepends on their prospects, imoAug 13 11:00
oiaohmIt gives google a chance to prove past question that they will protect companies making Android against attack.Aug 13 11:00
MinceRif it's ok with them to ship SE standard class libraries and the .net attack will work, it indeed isAug 13 11:00
MinceRor if they can win, it's good for themAug 13 11:01
oiaohmWin or Lose Google wins.Aug 13 11:01
MinceRis that a real impediment to android?Aug 13 11:01
oiaohmWinning most likely not harm Android.Aug 13 11:02
oiaohmMinor distruption at worst.Aug 13 11:02
MinceRi expect oracle will demand SE (or ME?) class libraries shippedAug 13 11:02
oiaohmThat will bring GPL into the android stack.Aug 13 11:03
oiaohmSo making the legal difference in requirements between android and meego less.Aug 13 11:03
oiaohmYep over all good outcome for all. MinceRAug 13 11:03
MinceRexcept that it probably already weakens javaAug 13 11:04
oiaohmNot reallyAug 13 11:04
MinceRthe m$ java case was defense against an attack on javaAug 13 11:04
MinceRthis is not an attack on javaAug 13 11:04
oiaohmAndroid it self is.Aug 13 11:04
oiaohmHaving a implementation that has no requirement to return code.Aug 13 11:05
MinceRhow can those who rely on (and even improve) java trust that they'll be safe from lawsuits now?Aug 13 11:05
oiaohmWeakens the development of java.Aug 13 11:05
oiaohmRemember openjdk is gplv2  Android stack is not.Aug 13 11:05
oiaohmIf you use the openjdk and follow the licence you are safe from lawsuits MinceRAug 13 11:05
MinceRbut i can't implement my own java RE?Aug 13 11:06
oiaohmEven items like classpath are also safe due to being under a licence orcale are happy with.Aug 13 11:06
oiaohmgcj is also safe MinceRAug 13 11:06
oiaohmNotice something there.  You want to create you own java RE make it GPL or else.Aug 13 11:07
MinceRi'm not sure how that worksAug 13 11:07
MinceRi don't own the patents, oracle does -- therefore they can license them, i can'tAug 13 11:07
oiaohmPatent grant applies to GPL licenced code.Aug 13 11:07
oiaohmSun/Oracle patent grant MinceRAug 13 11:07
MinceRso oracle has a patent license to all java patents that applies to all GPL-ed code?Aug 13 11:07
MinceRwhat versions of GPL?Aug 13 11:08
oiaohmv2 on.Aug 13 11:08
oiaohmNotice that orcale is not calling for payment for the infriging code.Aug 13 11:09
oiaohmBut istead calling for the complete destruction of infringing code.Aug 13 11:10
MinceRhuh?Aug 13 11:11
MinceRthat doesn't sound reassuring at allAug 13 11:11
oiaohmFor anyone that orcale could target after google I would be scared.  MinceRAug 13 11:12
oiaohmLegally its been a question mark if you can call for complete destruction or not.Aug 13 11:13
MinceRwhich means that java users are threatenedAug 13 11:13
MinceRnot goodAug 13 11:13
oiaohmYou are thinking too small.Aug 13 11:13
oiaohmIf orcale wins this GPL enforcement could have a new highly company killing weapon.  MinceRAug 13 11:14
oiaohmBasically everyone is at threat not just java users MinceRAug 13 11:15
MinceRoracle wasn't suing "everyone" with java sw patents, thoughAug 13 11:17
oiaohmThe weapon oracle is trying to create would allow patent attacks against microsoft to slowly dismantal their software.Aug 13 11:18
oiaohmSame with other closed source companies.Aug 13 11:19
oiaohmThis could bring about the end to the patent system as we know it.Aug 13 11:19
MinceRicAug 13 11:20
MinceRi wonder if the public will see it like thatAug 13 11:20
MinceRor if even oracle has that in mind at allAug 13 11:20
oiaohmEven if orcale does not have it in mind taking the case they have layed out to court and winning could open the pandora any how.Aug 13 11:22
oiaohmIf I was Microsoft right now I would be hoping Orcale and Google could settle out of court.Aug 13 11:22
MinceRit seems likelyAug 13 11:22
MinceRunless oracle turns out to have a weak caseAug 13 11:23
oiaohmNot impossible.Aug 13 11:23
oiaohmLinux Foundation could possible act as mediator.Aug 13 11:23
oiaohmSo resolve a fight between members.Aug 13 11:23
oiaohmBut at this stage Microsoft idiots don't seam to be appling presure for that to happen.Aug 13 11:24
schestowitz[10:19] <oiaohm> Interesting thing about the orcale move against google is winning it could lay down the legal foundations to attack MS over .Net again.  schestowitzAug 13 11:29 used patents against .NETAug 13 11:30
MinceRsalesforce is m$'s bitch now, afaikAug 13 11:30
schestowitzNopeAug 13 11:33
schestowitzAnd they didn't pay for LinuxAug 13 11:33
oiaohmschestowitz:  with the weapon orcale could create could have made that patent distute MAD.Aug 13 11:33
schestowitzSalesforce hates MicrosoftAug 13 11:34
schestowitzBeinoffAug 13 11:34
schestowitzoiaohm: interestingAug 13 11:34
schestowitzBut /would/ they?Aug 13 11:34
schestowitzDidn't Sun sign a patent deal with Microsoft over .NET?Aug 13 11:34
schestowitzLegally binding?Aug 13 11:34
oiaohmThe agreement fell apart.  schestowitzAug 13 11:35
oiaohmMS and Sun disputed what should be covered and what each should pay.Aug 13 11:35
oiaohmSun did not have the money then to go after Microsoft schestowitzAug 13 11:35
oiaohmHello they are now orcale.Aug 13 11:35
MinceRdidn't salesforce sign a deal with m$ recently?Aug 13 11:36
schestowitzYes, after being sued by MicrosoftAug 13 11:43
schestowitzOver SaaSAug 13 11:43
schestowitzThat was godAug 13 11:43
schestowitz*goodAug 13 11:43
schestowitzShowed Microsoft as bully for 4th timeAug 13 11:43
schestowitzSuing without provocation to cause itAug 13 11:43
MinceRwhat sw patents was it about?Aug 13 12:52
schestowitzRe: Flash is best says BBCAug 13 13:28
schestowitz> “Our use of Flash is not a case of BBC favouritism, rather itAug 13 13:28
schestowitz> currently happens to be the most efficient way to deliver a highAug 13 13:28
schestowitz> quality experience to the broadest possible audience," said BBC newAug 13 13:28
schestowitz> media boss Erik Huggers in a blog post this morning.Aug 13 13:28
schestowitz>Aug 13 13:28
schestowitz> 13 13:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC new media boss defends iPlayer Flash, slaps Microsoft • The Register .::. Size~: 25.54 KBAug 13 13:28
schestowitz>Aug 13 13:28
schestowitz> Do you have any links to online media streaming that is as good if not better ?Aug 13 13:28
schestowitzMinceR: see the last post about OracleAug 13 13:28
schestowitzIt says which case, links therein have patent numbers tooAug 13 13:29
oiaohmReally if all patent cases were done out in the open we would have less problems.Aug 13 13:31
oiaohmMs never wants to say what patents are th issue.Aug 13 13:32
MinceRif they refuse to tell specifics then they should be ignoredAug 13 13:33
MinceRbecause that's FUDAug 13 13:33
schestowitzRed Hat could work around patentsAug 13 13:40
schestowitzThat's what it saidAug 13 13:41
oiaohmAnd RedHat has done that a few times as well. schestowitzAug 13 13:41
MinceRif patents can be worked around then what's the point to them? :>Aug 13 13:41
oiaohmThe work arounds normally don't work ideal.Aug 13 13:42
oiaohmRemember freetype and autogenerated hinting.  MinceRAug 13 13:42
oiaohmBecause file include hinting was off limits due to patent.Aug 13 13:42
schestowitzThanks to Steve "we're shaemless about stealking" JobsAug 13 13:44
MinceRwhat if i include hinting in a separate file?Aug 13 13:44
oiaohmApple patents covered that as well MinceRAug 13 13:48
oiaohmYes thank god they are expired now.Aug 13 13:48
MinceRcrApple must dieAug 13 13:49
oiaohmIBM patents are worse.Aug 13 13:50
oiaohmIBM has mastered the art of what they call barbed wiring.Aug 13 13:50
oiaohmTake out patent making sure it covered all possible even logically insane ways of doing the task.Aug 13 13:51
oiaohmHeck IBM even took out a patent for being a patent troll.Aug 13 13:52
schestowitz < scroll down to imagesAug 13 13:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Initial Thoughts on Oracle vs Google Patent Lawsuit - Miguel de Icaza .::. Size~: 22.9 KBAug 13 13:53
schestowitzSeems like the stalkker is buddies with the Microsoft MVPAug 13 13:53
MinceRfunny how C++ has none of these patent issuesAug 13 13:56
oiaohmBoy they don't know orcale. schestowitzAug 13 13:57
oiaohmorcale in there history has never settled a patent case for cash that they started.Aug 13 13:58
schestowitzThe thing is, I don't want to knock OracleAug 13 14:37
schestowitzIt has too many FOSS projectsAug 13 14:37
MinceRit also has a bad attitudeAug 13 14:37
schestowitzI think I'll not cover this news much, I'll let others do itAug 13 14:37
schestowitzMinceR: well, it has TheLarry :-)Aug 13 14:37
MinceRyeahAug 13 14:37
MinceROne Rich Asshole Called Larry EllisonAug 13 14:37
oiaohmI will say it will be interesting to see how this plays out.Aug 13 14:38
MinceRindeed.Aug 13 14:38
oiaohmScary thing would be if google and orcale walks out of this laughing as best friends.Aug 13 14:38
schestowitzoiaohm: In Search of the Perfect KDE4 Distro – 4 Linux Mint 9? 13 14:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: In Search of the Perfect KDE4 Distro  4 Linux Mint 9? - Tech .::. Size~: 39.16 KBAug 13 14:40
schestowitzMinceR too, I guessAug 13 14:40
schestowitzHe seems to be Soul-searching distrosAug 13 14:40
MinceRindeedAug 13 14:40
schestowitzoiaohm: so why damage Java in the first place?Aug 13 14:40
MinceRis Linux Mint 9 still ubuntu-based?Aug 13 14:41
schestowitzOracle shoots its own asset in the footAug 13 14:41
schestowitzMinceR: maybe debian soonAug 13 14:41
schestowitzClem hasn't decided AFAIKAug 13 14:41
MinceRuntil then Mint is not for me :>Aug 13 14:42
oiaohmschestowitz:  You are not getting it Android was already damaging JavaAug 13 14:43
oiaohmAndroid related system allows people to extend and keep secret.Aug 13 14:43
oiaohmFor core frameworks that can be damaging long term.Aug 13 14:44
oiaohmIn Oracle eyes they could be taking a harm now of the latter good.Aug 13 14:44
MinceRor they could be killing java out of mercy? :>Aug 13 14:45
oiaohmNo Oracle depends on java for too much.Aug 13 14:45
oiaohmKilling java completely would take out about 40 percent of there core business  MinceRAug 13 14:46
schestowitzThe KDE desktop keeps getting better, and so does its Plasmoids. The two you have been shown here are only a tiny portion of an ever-expanding set of tools available for the KDE desktop.Aug 13 14:46
schestowitz 13 14:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Two cool KDE Plasmoids .::. Size~: 29.69 KBAug 13 14:46
schestowitzoiaohm: SAP tooAug 13 14:46
schestowitzCompetitorsAug 13 14:46
schestowitzBut OOoAug 13 14:47
oiaohmOOo is used internally for document conversion by some of Oracle data storage products.  schestowitzAug 13 14:47
oiaohmYes before Orcale aquired sun they were using lots of sun parts.Aug 13 14:48
schestowitz 13 14:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] Well, Fedora 14 Will Not Ship On Time .::. Size~: 17.69 KBAug 13 14:56
oiaohmSady predicatable schestowitzAug 13 14:57
oiaohmFedora is always good at biting off more than they can chew.Aug 13 14:57
MinceRbetter to release late than to release something half-doneAug 13 15:05
schestowitzsee Ubuntu for example :-)Aug 13 15:06
schestowitz6.06 the only exceptionAug 13 15:06
schestowitzDid that delay pay off?Aug 13 15:06
schestowitz6.10 Edgy was messy and edgyAug 13 15:06
MinceRhardy was most likely their only good release everAug 13 15:10
schestowitz8.04?Aug 13 15:10
schestowitzl k j i..Aug 13 15:11
MinceR8.04 LTSAug 13 15:12
schestowitziirc there was 8,.04.1Aug 13 15:14
schestowitzDue to bugsAug 13 15:14
MinceRi have yet to see a bug-free OS releaseAug 13 15:21
MinceRexcept for my mini-winblows, of course :>Aug 13 15:21
*balrog_ is now known as balrogAug 13 15:22
balroghi allAug 13 15:26
schestowitzHeyAug 13 15:33
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 13 15:38
schestowitzOMG. "the inventor of VBscript and OCX should be hanged by the balls. Twisted M*****F****R" Strong words from a lawyerAug 13 17:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Carlo Piana (carlopiana)'s status on Friday, 13-Aug-10 11:31:02 UTC - .::. Size~: 8.13 KBAug 13 17:41
MinceRmight be strong, but certainly trueAug 13 19:29
MinceRtwisted Micro$oFteRAug 13 19:30
MinceR;)Aug 13 19:30
schestowitzI hope he keeps it upAug 13 19:30
schestowitzSamba'a attorneyAug 13 19:31
schestowitzMy Java skills feel wastedAug 13 19:31
schestowitzMinceR: what do you code in for *eneral*?Aug 13 19:31
MinceRC++ with Qt, for nowAug 13 19:32
schestowitzMy sister does JavaAug 13 19:32
schestowitzOn OpenSUSEAug 13 19:33
MinceRewAug 13 19:33
MinceRat least it isn't winblowsAug 13 19:33
schestowitzMany Java devs are pi**sed off if they have tons of code in it  and a CV with thatAug 13 19:33
schestowitzLike those with Solaris experienceAug 13 19:33
schestowitzAnd imagine those devs for Android App StoreAug 13 19:33
MinceR:.Aug 13 19:33
MinceR:>Aug 13 19:33
schestowitzApp app app...Aug 13 19:34
schestowitzApeAug 13 19:34
MinceRthe joys of investing into a platform owned by a single companyAug 13 19:34
schestowitzI hate the wordAug 13 19:34
schestowitzWith a passionAug 13 19:34
schestowitzArtsy Apple devs... can't handle long wordsAug 13 19:34
schestowitzMinceR: the thing is, many platforms go this wayAug 13 19:34
schestowitzIt's in my interview to be published soonAug 13 19:34
MinceRit's just a shorthand for "application", hijacked by crAppleAug 13 19:35
schestowitzAbout how devs become slaves of some "Store" "somewhere"Aug 13 19:35
schestowitzIn the past you put your download in your own siteAug 13 19:35
schestowitzAppAug 13 19:35
schestowitzAppleAug 13 19:35
schestowitzI reckon no coincidence thereAug 13 19:35
schestowitzMaybe implicitAug 13 19:35
MinceRin crApple contexts, replace "App" with "crApp" ;)Aug 13 19:35
schestowitzImplying some generic app for low-res if Apple's own innova~1Aug 13 19:36
schestowitzMinceR: crepes are yummy thoughAug 13 19:36
schestowitzWith jam...Aug 13 19:36
*schestowitz droolsAug 13 19:36
MinceRindeedAug 13 19:37
*PingJocky ( has joined #techrightsAug 13 20:04
*PingJocky has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 13 20:23
*Balzac is now known as squarepegAug 13 20:43
schestowitz 13 22:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.25 KBAug 13 22:24
schestowitz"Germany's economy surged ahead in the second quarter, growing 2.2 percent -- the fastest pace for at least two decades and beating market forecasts -- as a global recovery fed demand for its exports."Aug 13 22:30
schestowitz 13 23:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Oracle sues Android hours after posing as open source advocate at LinuxCon this week | ZDNet  .::. Size~: 120.6 KBAug 13 23:07
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsAug 13 23:57

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