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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: September 15th, 2010

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*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Sep 15 00:12
*Shadowww has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 15 02:25
*malacoda ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 03:18
*linuxevangelist (44d86aa9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 03:25
*linuxevangelist has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Sep 15 03:29
*linuxevangelist (44d09458@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 03:29
linuxevangelisthello free software brothersSep 15 03:30
linuxevangelistcheck out my blog. http://linuxevangelism.blogspot.comSep 15 03:32
TechrightsBotTitle: The Linux Evangelist .::. Size~: 57.77 KBSep 15 03:32
*linuxevangelist has quit (Quit: Page closed)Sep 15 03:35
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 15 03:47
*malacoda has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 15 06:18
*cubevector has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 15 07:46
*cubevector ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 07:47
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 13:20
*jweyrich has quit (Quit: aye, brain caught. bailing out.)Sep 15 14:23
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 14:31
*mitsuhiko (~mitsuhiko@ubuntu/member/mitsuhiko) has left #boycottnovell ("Verlassend")Sep 15 15:00
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 15 15:30
*Wulf-is-not-here is now known as WireWulfSep 15 17:37
*WireWulf is now known as CuanSep 15 18:24
*squarepeg has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Sep 15 18:44
*jweyrich ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 18:58
*Cuan is now known as Wulf-is-not-hereSep 15 20:20
*jweyrich has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Sep 15 22:17
*jweyrich (~jweyrich@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 22:23
*linuxevangelist (44d86aa9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 22:40
*linuxevangelist has quit (Client Quit)Sep 15 22:41
*linuxevangelist (44d86aa9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 22:43
linuxevangelisthi anyone know where I can find the official declaration of M$ as an illegal monopoly?Sep 15 22:43
linuxevangelistim trying to rebut some hatetards im debatingSep 15 22:44
cubevectorComes documentsSep 15 22:44
cubevectorthere should be some at groklaw and techrights.comSep 15 22:45
schestowitzlinuxevangelist: use USDOJ docsSep 15 22:47
schestowitz 15 22:47
*linuxevangelist_ (44d86aa9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 22:47
linuxevangelist_yeah ur probably rightSep 15 22:47
linuxevangelist_oh well it wont matterSep 15 22:48
cubevectordidn't Jackson declare Microsoft a monopolist?Sep 15 22:48
linuxevangelist_wintards always have a pretend funny argumentSep 15 22:48
linuxevangelist_lolzerz M$ helps little starving vchildren lolololol or somethingSep 15 22:49
linuxevangelist_they claim the judge never said M$ was an illegal monopolySep 15 22:49
linuxevangelist_yeah rightSep 15 22:49
cubevectorit was going to be broken upSep 15 22:50
cubevectorI remember the news reportsSep 15 22:50
linuxevangelist_yeah me tooSep 15 22:50
linuxevangelist_man they make me so angrySep 15 22:50
cubevectorthere was no doubt that it was a monopolySep 15 22:50
linuxevangelist_refuse to believe the truthSep 15 22:50
linuxevangelist_probably paid for itSep 15 22:50
*linuxevangelist has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Sep 15 22:50
cubevectorthere's another monopolist just as bad in Mexico: Carlos SlimSep 15 22:51
cubevectorcontrols like 90% of the telecom marketSep 15 22:51
linuxevangelist_wowSep 15 22:51
linuxevangelist_he probably has everything loggedSep 15 22:52
linuxevangelist_they have no laws over thereSep 15 22:52
linuxevangelist_whole government's bought offSep 15 22:52
linuxevangelist_drugs and stuffSep 15 22:52
cubevectorin Canada there's basically a duopoly for broadbandSep 15 22:53
cubevectorand in general in North America it's a closed marketSep 15 22:53
linuxevangelist_yeah one of the hatetards tried to use canada as an example of why monopolies were hot shit or somethingSep 15 22:54
cubevectorwell it's plainly bad for the customerSep 15 22:55
linuxevangelist_for sureSep 15 22:55
linuxevangelist_ever read the linux haters blog?Sep 15 22:55
cubevectornopeSep 15 22:55
linuxevangelist_terrifying how much they love M$Sep 15 22:55
linuxevangelist_and the concept of big companies in generalSep 15 22:56
linuxevangelist_the original poster quit a few months agoSep 15 22:57
linuxevangelist_ now there are maybe two or three guys posting under a few different aliasesSep 15 22:57
cubevectorI stopped using Microsoft products a long time agoSep 15 22:57
linuxevangelist_and they have a few spinoff blogsSep 15 22:57
linuxevangelist_and this stupid TM repository where they can whack off to Ballmer pornSep 15 22:58
cubevectorhmm, odd, you seem to be using a windows irc clientSep 15 22:59
linuxevangelist_library compSep 15 23:00
cubevectorI see :)Sep 15 23:00
linuxevangelist_stupid school doeesn't know about linuxSep 15 23:00
cubevectorwhere are you from?Sep 15 23:00
linuxevangelist_they "dont support" itSep 15 23:00
linuxevangelist_MNSep 15 23:01
cubevectoryou know when I was in school there was no windows :)Sep 15 23:01
linuxevangelist_luckySep 15 23:01
cubevectoryeah it's interesting, North America isn't as open to Linux as Europe isSep 15 23:02
cubevectorwe had Sun4's running SunOSSep 15 23:02
cubevectorbefore than we had Commodore PETs Sep 15 23:02
linuxevangelist_i suppose you didn't have all these dumbass retards running around the net that we do nowSep 15 23:03
cubevectorin the "old days" say mid-to-late 80's we had an internet with almost zero ads and zero people were using windows on the netSep 15 23:04
cubevectorit was almost entirely Unix basedSep 15 23:05
cubevectorstuff like SCO Unix System VSep 15 23:05
cubevectorI started to see windows creep into the picture in the early 90's, but not on the net, just on PCs in generalSep 15 23:05
cubevectorno wwwSep 15 23:06
cubevectorjust ftp, email, telnet and some other text based utilitiesSep 15 23:06
cubevectorpeople were more polite back then :)Sep 15 23:08
cubevectorbut there were stupid flamewars back then Sep 15 23:09
cubevectorstuff like Amiga Vs. AtariSep 15 23:09
linuxevangelist_yeah i heard of that stuffSep 15 23:10
schestowitz[22:55] <linuxevangelist_> ever read the linux haters blog?Sep 15 23:13
schestowitz[22:55] <linuxevangelist_> terrifying how much they love M$Sep 15 23:13
schestowitzMiguel de Icaze loves that blogsSep 15 23:14
schestowitzHe recommends it and knows the authorSep 15 23:14
cubevectorI think it's silly having a "hater's blog"Sep 15 23:14
*linuxevangelist_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Sep 15 23:14
cubevectorwhy would one want a closed source system of any sort?Sep 15 23:15
cubevectoroh well, I better cut the grass :)Sep 15 23:16
cubevectorback laterSep 15 23:16
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellSep 15 23:31
schestowitzoiaohm: thoughts about end of Novell?Sep 15 23:44
oiaohmReally does anyone want it.Sep 15 23:46
oiaohmWhat does it really have of any value.Sep 15 23:46
schestowitz 15 23:46
TechrightsBotTitle: Fedora defers systemd to F15 [] .::. Size~: 115.9 KBSep 15 23:46

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