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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: September 24th, 2010

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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dpic/@dpic] Awesome digital media primer for geeks from the Xiph foundation: !fsf !gnu !webmSep 24 00:00
*twitter ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 00:01
twitterho ho, even MJF can't hide her gloom on this one. 24 00:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Oslo modeling platform unravels further; M's future remains vague | ZDNet  .::. Size~: 113.94 KBSep 24 00:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] Sorry Foursquare, your time is up. Account deleted...interesting whilst it lasted.Sep 24 00:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] ... use the link in your blog.Sep 24 00:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] ♻ @creativecommons: Massive new remix contest from @indabamusic and @Metric! $10k in prizes - submissions are CC-licensed: 24 00:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mohanpram/@mohanpram] Ah feels good to be back on campus after 6 months away from it, but it's good I am not taking any classes. ;)Sep 24 00:05
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 24 00:05
twitterVF calls BP "Chernobyl".  I agree, but they miss the political comparison - Big fail to bring political unrest. 24 00:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Oil and the Turtles | Culture | Vanity Fair .::. Size~: 99.99 KBSep 24 00:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @openbytes Hi Tim, How's going on Open Bytes ?Sep 24 00:06
*jono ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 00:07
*jono has quit (Changing host)Sep 24 00:07
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsSep 24 00:07
twitterFlorida Oilspill Law is doing a god job of blogging the Big Pollution 24 00:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Florida Oil Spill Law .::. Size~: 136.33 KBSep 24 00:08
*_Goblin has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Sep 24 00:10
*Chips_B_Malroy ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 00:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] Recent Unity releases in Maverick are getting nice and speedy. Rocking! I dig it! :-) #ubuntuSep 24 00:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Like Teaching Children to 'Smoke' Safely to Reduce Risk of Cancer #securitySep 24 00:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Like Teaching Children to Smoke Safely to Reduce Risk of Cancer | Techrights .::. Size~: 104.18 KBSep 24 00:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] Just installed the uPnP Rhythmbox plug-in, checked it to turn it on, and now listening to metal via PS3. Awesome work!Sep 24 00:18
Chips_B_Malroy 24 00:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Chrome OS Netbooks | Samsung, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, HP | Graphics .::. Size~: 104.39 KBSep 24 00:20
Chips_B_MalroyGoogle prepares laptop assault on Apple, MicrosoftSep 24 00:21
Chips_B_Malroy"Having shaken up the mobile phone market, Google is now preparing to compete head-on with Apple and Microsoft in laptop computers with a range of Google-based "netbooks" due out this year."Sep 24 00:21
Chips_B_Malroy"Glen Murphy, the Australian lead designer on Google's Chrome operating system (OS) and web browser projects, said the first Chrome computers would go on sale this year. The big vendors have signed up including Samsung, Acer, Asus, Toshiba and HP"Sep 24 00:22
Chips_B_MalroySo its finally going happen, someone (google) is going to put up a challege to the the monopoly controlled desktop.Sep 24 00:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] A controversial deportation 24 00:23
Chips_B_Malroy 24 00:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 400 Bad Request .::. Size~: 0.3 KBSep 24 00:24
Chips_B_MalroyIE captain flees Microsoft for GoogleSep 24 00:24
*bruce89 (~bruce89@ has joined #techrightsSep 24 00:24
Chips_B_MalroyMore leaving the MS sinking shipSep 24 00:24
Chips_B_Malroy 24 00:25
Chips_B_MalroyMicrosoft - Worst Performing Dow ComponentSep 24 00:25
bruce89god, I wish I had bought some ARMH sharesSep 24 00:26
Chips_B_Malroy"The Dow's worst performers include Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) that is trading at $24.48 or -2.66% from the previous close. Shares of Microsoft, the maker of Windows operating software have defined support at $23.32 and resistance at $25.53."Sep 24 00:26
Chips_B_Malroyyes, me tooSep 24 00:26
Chips_B_Malroy 24 00:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft at terms with no longer being a growth company? .::. Size~: 70.15 KBSep 24 00:27
bruce89just a silly wee competiton I had with the family, ARM has made a lotSep 24 00:27
Chips_B_Malroy 24 00:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle:                     Microsoft has another go at bing bribes  - The Inquirer          .::. Size~: 57.6 KBSep 24 00:28
Chips_B_Malroy 24 00:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Steve Ballmer: PubliCola's 'biggest hypocrite' of the day .::. Size~: 81.06 KBSep 24 00:28
Chips_B_Malroy"After yesterday's news that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has given $100,000 to the Defeat I-1098 campaign, Seattle news site PubliCola declared him "biggest hypocrite" of the day. Why? Because Ballmer has spoken time and time again about the need for more education funding in Washington state."Sep 24 00:29
Chips_B_Malroy"Initiative 1098 would establish an income tax on individuals who make more than $200,000 a year (and couples who make $400,000 a year) and use most of the money to fund ... wait for it ... education."Sep 24 00:30
Chips_B_MalroyYes I hope ARM tablets and Laptops with Android or GNU/Linux are successful.Sep 24 00:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] @agentsmith Yeah good...been very busy with work etc so had not much time to dedicate to it...hopefully a few new things coming!Sep 24 00:31
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 24 00:33
*_Goblin ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 00:33
Chips_B_MalroyIt would seen that the only way MS can increase marginally the share of Bing in the USA, is to bribe users or pay OEM's to make it the default search.Sep 24 00:33
schestowitzHiSep 24 00:34
Chips_B_MalroyAnd that will only work short termSep 24 00:34
Chips_B_MalroyHi RoySep 24 00:34
*schestowitz reads upSep 24 00:34
Chips_B_Malroythought you be sleeping by nowSep 24 00:34
schestowitz<twitter> ho ho, even MJF can't hide her gloom on this one. 24 00:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Oslo modeling platform unravels further; M's future remains vague | ZDNet  .::. Size~: 113.53 KBSep 24 00:34
schestowitzYeah, was about to post about itSep 24 00:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] RT @reality I put all the remaining gin in one drink.Sep 24 00:35
Chips_B_Malroyyes, I figured you probably had seen most of the links I haveSep 24 00:35
*schestowitz overloaded... give me 5 minutesSep 24 00:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[firefoxmilestones/@firefoxmilestones] #Firefox reached 1397 million downloads on 2010-09-23 23:38 UTCSep 24 00:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] ♻ @robconnolly: ♺ @arnebab: ♻ @satipera: Re advertising #Linux how about we all change our WLAN ssid to "I use GNU/Linux" people do notice.Sep 24 00:40
Chips_B_Malroyyes, Oslo, another dead or dieing project as Microsoft cuts projects and people to keep the profits up as volume decreases.Sep 24 00:42
Chips_B_MalroyAt some point killing projects means layoffs.Sep 24 00:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Buying a Mac First ,Then Deciding to 'Leave' !GNU !Linux (on the Mac) #apple #fud !kde #fudSep 24 00:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Buying a Mac First ,Then Deciding to Leave GNU/Linux (on the Mac) | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.78 KBSep 24 00:43
twitteraccording to mjf it was some kind of magic glue to !net, vb and all the other wrappers around wrappers of the win95 api you can imagineSep 24 00:43
Chips_B_Malroyits always MS magic when it vaporwareSep 24 00:44
Chips_B_Malroy>twitter>  are you the same twitter that used to post here months ago and did the MS deathwatch?  I was a big fan of that.Sep 24 00:45
*scientes has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Sep 24 00:46
*Thrae ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 00:48
twitteryes, that's me.  I took a little time off.Sep 24 00:48
*Thrae has quit (Client Quit)Sep 24 00:49
Chips_B_Malroy<twitter> welcome back, good to see you backSep 24 00:50
twitterI had lots of work to do and my family was really distressed by some of the slime people were writting about me.Sep 24 00:50
twitterI still have lots to do but my family is more comfortable.Sep 24 00:51
twitterI've continued to work with Roy by email.  Thanks Roy!Sep 24 00:51
Chips_B_MalroyI can see that after what happen to Ender, and the troll or possibly trolls/shills commenting on Goblin's siteSep 24 00:51
twitterMy birthday is coming up and my present to myself is hang out here some more.Sep 24 00:52
Chips_B_Malroythey go after people who defend GNU/LinuxSep 24 00:52
Chips_B_Malroyon a personal levelSep 24 00:52
twitterThey have been doing that to me for the better part of ten years.Sep 24 00:52
twitterA job took me away from home for more than a year, which also distressed my family.  There's a limit to how much I can ask of the people who love me.Sep 24 00:53
twitterThey asked me to drop out of sight here for a while, so I did.Sep 24 00:54
twitterI did not want to say so because I did not want to give the trolls the satisfaction or to know what was effective until it was no longer so.Sep 24 00:54
twitterThanks for the welcome back.Sep 24 00:54
Chips_B_MalroyyesSep 24 00:54
cubevectorthere's far more negativity around Microsoft than there is around GNU/LinuxSep 24 00:55
twitterMicrosoft has nothing but negativity.Sep 24 00:55
Chips_B_Malroyand it needs to be exposedSep 24 00:55
Chips_B_Malroywhich is what you guys do bestSep 24 00:56
cubevectorif you trace their history back to the Altair you'll find Gates went dumpster diving to get BASIC source codeSep 24 00:56
twitterThey do not improve their software, they sabotage and steal from their competitors.Sep 24 00:56
Chips_B_Malroythey are parasitesSep 24 00:56
Chips_B_Malroyif I could only spellSep 24 00:57
twitterhypocritical parasitesSep 24 00:57
*Thrae ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 00:57
twitteruse pidgin's right click spell checker and no one will know that you can'tSep 24 00:57
twitterat that point, you will stop caring wen others can't spell either.Sep 24 00:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] ♻ @2600: Congrats to the New Pornographers for making it onto the Google Blacklist! 24 00:58
twitterThe KDE planet attack has a common theme, "I got engaged which made me think about the future and how I spent my time a bit more."Sep 24 00:58
twitterThis is silly talk.  GNU/Linux saves me lots of time over non free software.Sep 24 00:59
twitterI would never have gotten my thesis work done without it and it saves me lots of time every day at work.Sep 24 01:00
Chips_B_Malroycould never go back to windows myselfSep 24 01:01
twitterFooling with an Apple is low on my list of things to do, unless I read a good gnu/linux review of it.Sep 24 01:01
Chips_B_Malroyso many reasonsSep 24 01:01
twitterI'm a fan of used thinkpadsSep 24 01:01
Chips_B_Malroyme too have an old R52Sep 24 01:01
twitterI had to use Windows at work all last year ... it really sucked.Sep 24 01:02
twitterthis place lets me use what I want, that makes me happy.Sep 24 01:02
twitteremail clients that do threading, search and encryption right ...Sep 24 01:02
twittermultiple virtual screens and desktopsSep 24 01:03
twittermulti month uptimes for place keepingSep 24 01:03
twitterthe list of benefits is long and I hardly have to touch it to keep it workingSep 24 01:03
twitterAbout six months ago, I put in some more memory and a bigger hard drive.Sep 24 01:04
Chips_B_MalroyMac's just cost too much.  For about 1/3 the price I can get an acceptable OEM machine and put GNU/Linux on it and have a better freer system and a right click button.Sep 24 01:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Finally, landed in sg. Good to be home! #fbSep 24 01:05
twitterThanks to LVM, I was able to dd my old disk and extend the encrypted partition.  The move took an hour or so.Sep 24 01:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dpic/@dpic] Walt Disney's Chicken Little predicted Glenn Back in 1943 24 01:06
twitterBasically, I've had this computer since 2006 and I migrated the old drive from an even older thinkpad, so I've had the same home partition for about seven years.Sep 24 01:07
bruce89LVM is niceSep 24 01:08
twitterThe settings in the original came from a desktop, so I've enjoyed compete settings continuity for the last ten years without having to lift a finger - try that with Windows.Sep 24 01:08
Chips_B_MalroyI just move the hard drive on my newer laptops, as long as its 32 bits about the only thing I have to do is copy the xorg.conf file off the live cd once I move the hdSep 24 01:09
Chips_B_MalroyeasySep 24 01:09
twitteryeah, that's about it.Sep 24 01:10
Chips_B_Malroybut windows is a nightmare to do thatSep 24 01:10
twitterWindows users typically have to start from scratch every two years.Sep 24 01:10
Chips_B_Malroyunlikely it will work evneSep 24 01:10
Chips_B_MalroyevenSep 24 01:10
twitterSome people rebuild from scratch every six months, losing almost all of their settings.Sep 24 01:10
Chips_B_Malroysome do it every 6 monthsSep 24 01:10
twitterand it takes months for them to get all of those settings back!Sep 24 01:11
twittertalk about a waste of time.Sep 24 01:11
twitterbbl, got some work to do.Sep 24 01:11
Chips_B_Malroyonly way to install xp is inside of virtualbox with Linux as the host.  Now you can move it.Sep 24 01:11
Chips_B_Malroyok, good chatting with youSep 24 01:12
twitterI'll stick around for virtualization talk.Sep 24 01:12
twitter:)Sep 24 01:12
twitterI've been using tsclient a lot.Sep 24 01:12
twitterthere are plenty of legacy systems hereSep 24 01:13
twitterit would be very nice to run those in virtual boxSep 24 01:13
twitterwhat hardware do you use for that and how well does it work?Sep 24 01:13
Chips_B_MalroyI think I only keep xp in virtualbox anymore just to show windows converts how easy it is to move the vdi to another machine and how easy it is to backup the vdi and overwrite one that is hosed.  Hosed probably meaning infected.Sep 24 01:14
Chips_B_Malroyvirtualbox will run on low end hardwareSep 24 01:14
Chips_B_Malroyeven my laptopsSep 24 01:14
Chips_B_Malroyits fine on the R52Sep 24 01:15
Chips_B_Malroybut I don't run major windows bloatware like Vista or SevenSep 24 01:15
Chips_B_Malroythe message to windows converts is, "you don't need to spend days reinstalling xp and all the programs, just keep a copy of your vdi."Sep 24 01:16
Chips_B_Malroyit lets them gradually get used to GNU/Linux and the programs in Linux.  It can take time to convert people over from what they knew and were used to.Sep 24 01:17
Chips_B_MalroyI don't have any experience with tsclient?Sep 24 01:18
*Thrae has quit (Quit: Restarting client or something...)Sep 24 01:18
twittercoolSep 24 01:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Subservient governments block needed reforms 24 01:25
Chips_B_MalroyThe next MS quarter results must be out soon?  Maybe next week?Sep 24 01:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[osamak/@osamak] آر تي @stumbles Now running !Trisquel GNU/Linux for business and pleasure.Sep 24 01:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Key #Microsoft Figure (Internet Explorer Platform Architect) Quits Microsoft, Joins #Google #msie #ie9Sep 24 01:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Key Microsoft Figure (Internet Explorer Platform Architect) Quits Microsoft, Joins Google | Techrights .::. Size~: 100.11 KBSep 24 01:28
cubevectorhehSep 24 01:28
cubevectorthere go the chairs againSep 24 01:29
Chips_B_MalroyBallmer might forget to let go of one of those chairs he throws soon, and go out the door with it.Sep 24 01:29
Chips_B_Malroyfrom a new comment at Mini MSFT:  "Hearing lots of rumors of more layoffs next week or the week after."Sep 24 01:30
*Chips_B_Malroy has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 24 01:42
*scientes ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 01:51
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: This is a quitting message)Sep 24 01:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] More Microsoft Debt. “This Could be a High-class Ponzi Scheme.” #debt #cashcowSep 24 01:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: More Microsoft Debt. “This Could be a High-class Ponzi Scheme.” | Techrights .::. Size~: 101.76 KBSep 24 01:53
twitterYou said "high class" and "microsoft" in the same sentence.Sep 24 01:56
*scientes has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Sep 24 01:58
*Thrae ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 02:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] ♻ @schestowitz: More Microsoft Debt. “This Could be a High-class Ponzi Scheme.” #debt #cashcowSep 24 02:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: More Microsoft Debt. “This Could be a High-class Ponzi Scheme.” | Techrights .::. Size~: 101.76 KBSep 24 02:01
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Sep 24 02:08
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 24 02:14
*malacoda ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 02:19
twittergood bunch of stories, Roy, thanks.Sep 24 02:24
twittergnSep 24 02:24
*twitter ( has left #techrightsSep 24 02:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] MPAA's efforts become increasingly insane 24 02:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[stevenrosenberg/@stevenrosenberg] 'Bohemian Rhapsody' on one ukulele - yep, it's Jake Shimabukuro 24 02:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: .::. Size~: 3.72 KBSep 24 02:28
*jweyrich (~jweyrich@ has joined #techrightsSep 24 02:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[firefoxmilestones/@firefoxmilestones] #Firefox reached 1398 million downloads on 2010-09-24 01:28 UTCSep 24 02:30
*bruce89 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 24 02:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Linspire/Ballnux in Tablets; #HP Possibly Experiments With #Vista7 in Slate After Abandoning It, Then Hiring From MS 24 02:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: More Microsoft Debt. “This Could be a High-class Ponzi Scheme.” | Techrights .::. Size~: 101.76 KBSep 24 02:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Linspire/Ballnux in Tablets; #HP Possibly Experiments With #Vista7 in Slate After Abandoning It, Then Hiring From MS 24 02:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linspire/Ballnux in Tablets; HP Possibly Experiments With Vista 7 in Slate After Abandoning It, Then Hiring From Microsoft | Techrights .::. Size~: 103.23 KBSep 24 02:37
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 02:48
*jweyrich has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Sep 24 02:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Earlier today the !techrights wiki front page passed half a million pageviews 24 02:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Main Page - Techrights .::. Size~: 38.23 KBSep 24 02:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] An hour ago someone told me I'm the 4th most prolific denter in I bet @glynmoody is ~3rdSep 24 03:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] Everything you ever wanted to know about Pac-Man: 24 03:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Personal Web Pages .::. Size~: 0.15 KBSep 24 03:03
*jweyrich ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 03:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Today's SCO Bankruptcy Hearing is Called Off, Potential Suitors Named Not much is left of #SCOSep 24 03:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Todays SCO Bankruptcy Hearing is Called Off, Potential Suitors Named | Techrights .::. Size~: 102.29 KBSep 24 03:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] A license to kill civilians 24 03:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] just made the TV interpret some garbled data over UPnP and it rebooted...Sep 24 03:35
*jono ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 03:55
*jono has quit (Changing host)Sep 24 03:55
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsSep 24 03:55
*cubevector has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 24 04:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] I'm just hearing about 'Angelgate'. 24 04:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   So A Blogger Walks Into A Bar&  .::. Size~: 47.96 KBSep 24 04:03
*cubevector ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 04:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Installing OpenAtrium !DrupalSep 24 04:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Atrium .::. Size~: 9.66 KBSep 24 04:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[firefoxmilestones/@firefoxmilestones] #Firefox reached 1399 million downloads on 2010-09-24 03:08 UTCSep 24 04:10
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: This is a quitting message)Sep 24 04:16
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 04:19
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrightsSep 24 04:19
*oiaohm ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 04:26
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Sep 24 04:26
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsSep 24 04:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Government looks to indigenous people for ideas on conservation 24 04:27
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 24 05:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] Severed Fifth's 'Nightmares By Design' release date set! #severedfifthSep 24 05:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] will be clearing out my old distro CDs today, unsupported old versions, mandriva 2005, ubuntu 7.04 etcSep 24 05:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle:                   Severed Fifths Nightmares By Design Release Date Set | jonobacon@home                     .::. Size~: 27.65 KBSep 24 05:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] @schestowitz Yes I'm with red hat in SingaporeSep 24 05:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[firefoxmilestones/@firefoxmilestones] #Firefox reached 1400 million downloads on 2010-09-24 04:48 UTCSep 24 05:50
*malacoda has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 24 05:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mohanpram/@mohanpram] xkcd: debian-main 24 06:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: xkcd: debian-main .::. Size~: 7.98 KBSep 24 06:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kernellogauthor/@kernellogauthor] RT @fenrus75: Some screenshots of early code of the new PowerTOP: 24 06:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Some screenshots of early code of the new PowerTOP «  Arjan van de Ven's blog .::. Size~: 10.25 KBSep 24 06:15
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 24 06:16
*jono ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 06:19
*jono has quit (Changing host)Sep 24 06:20
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsSep 24 06:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Brilliant "Is that a real HP tablet running !Win7 We hope not" 24 06:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Is that a real HP tablet running Windows 7? We sincerely hope not | Technology |  .::. Size~: 133.83 KBSep 24 06:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] WTF is a 400 rate limiting error in Pino?Sep 24 06:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] I stand corrected, it's the shortening serviceSep 24 06:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Every attempt to shorten it is failing so 24 06:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Is that a real HP tablet running Windows 7? We sincerely hope not | Technology |  .::. Size~: 133.83 KBSep 24 06:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Urgent: Demand good jobs, equal justice, and public education for all 24 06:28
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsSep 24 06:44
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Sep 24 06:45
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRSep 24 06:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Another coder quits .net... except he somehow ends up with Ruby instead !Java #chunkybaconSep 24 06:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 1.93 KBSep 24 06:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Leaving .net .::. Size~: 55.14 KBSep 24 06:50
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 24 06:51
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: This is a quitting message)Sep 24 07:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[firefoxmilestones/@firefoxmilestones] #Firefox reached 1401 million downloads on 2010-09-24 06:18 UTCSep 24 07:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Amid Tension, China Blocks Vital Exports to Japan - it's starting, people #china #rareearths #softpowerSep 24 07:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.03 KBSep 24 07:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @glynmoody: Mozilla Seabird – A Community-driven Mobile Phone Concept - ooh, want #mozilla #android #opensourceSep 24 07:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mozilla Labs » Concept Series  » Blog Archive   » Concept Series: Seabird  A Community-driven Mobile Phone Concept .::. Size~: 39.45 KBSep 24 07:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: Guards tried "blocking me from giving handouts to people who were passing by" -Richard Stallman 24 07:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Another coder quits .net... except he somehow ends up with Ruby instead of !Java #chunkybaconSep 24 07:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: New Richard Stallman Interview About Software Patents | Techrights .::. Size~: 101.59 KBSep 24 07:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Leaving .net .::. Size~: 55.1 KBSep 24 07:28
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 24 07:30
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 07:38
*TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Sep 24 07:51
*TRIdentica has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Sep 24 07:53
*TRIdentica (~twitfolk@ has joined #techrightsSep 24 07:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] ACTA: A new obstacle for human rights? - "reversing the public interest approach that underpinned IPR originally" #actaSep 24 07:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Bombshell Study: Heavily Litigated NPE Patents Overwhelmingly Lose at Trial - fascinating stats #swpats #patenttrollsSep 24 08:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: Links 23/9/2010: #RedHat Inc. Climbs, #FCC Adopts #Drupal !techrightsSep 24 08:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] A Digital Media Primer for Geeks - 30' video explaining "technical foundations of modern digital media" #videoSep 24 08:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Richard #Stallman interview about software patents #rms #software #gnu #linuxSep 24 08:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @glynmoody: ACTA: A new obstacle for human rights? - #actaSep 24 08:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Android 2.2.1 pour le Nexus One 24 08:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Huawei expérimente les liaisons DSL à très haut débit - , alternative à la fibreSep 24 08:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Synchronize Your OpenOffice Documents With Google Docs, Zoho And WebDAV Servers Using Ooo2gd 24 08:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] FCC approves Super WiFi 24 08:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Advanced Computer Worm Was Specifically Designed to Attack Iranian Nuclear Reactor, Experts Say 24 08:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[firefoxmilestones/@firefoxmilestones] #Firefox reached 1402 million downloads on 2010-09-24 07:28 UTCSep 24 08:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♺ @rms: MPAA's efforts become increasingly insane < Cory Doctorow reportingSep 24 08:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] RT @scrawford: Tim berners-lee: net neutrality should be an amendment to the constitution - it's that important #stppICTconfSep 24 08:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Saw @macno's new Nexus 1 and felt an urgency to buy it. But where?Sep 24 08:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #CRN Tracks Microsoft's Management Exodus 24 08:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @rms: MPAA's efforts become increasingly insane 24 08:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] @flameeyes yep. I am working to a similar, tenfold bigger project in Bologna, fingers crossed. Interesting times.Sep 24 08:44
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Sep 24 08:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Sunt eu singurul român care e de acord cu petiția de la ? #romania #pdfreadersSep 24 08:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] The iPad is not so much a portable computing device as much as it is something that reduces the need to actually have such a device...Sep 24 08:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[osamak/@osamak] آر تي @zaher ♺ @zaherg: شر البلية ما يضحك : 24 09:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[osamak/@osamak] In English, the first prisoners asks "Murder or theft?" the second says "blogging without a license" !fosSep 24 09:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] John Cleese on the Origin of Creativity - have to say, I'm with @stevenbjohnson on this one #creativity #montypythonSep 24 09:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Olympic marathons - ever wondered why the marathon is exactly 26 miles and 385 yards? UK's fault, as usual #sportSep 24 09:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Introducing the Mesh - good to see that #sharing meme spreading far and wideSep 24 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Stuxnet - The worlds first and most dangerous Cyber missile. Advanced, heavily encrypted, ready for war. !linuxSep 24 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[osamak/@osamak] it's the last day of summer vacation. Had great experiences in the past 3 months but you know, going back isn't the happiest feeling ever :)Sep 24 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Anti-mainstream "Fei Zhu Liu" fashion - the other #ChinaSep 24 09:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] debian-main - gotta love the unashamedly geeky in-joke-ness of this stuff #xkcd #debianSep 24 09:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Jorno Pocket Folding Keyboard for Android Unveiled - strongly tempted by this #android #keyboardSep 24 09:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Novell Down 7% Today, Buyers Deemed Unsuitable, and Sale Value Estimated at $2.8 Billion 24 09:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] How to get your package into !debian-main: 24 09:52
MinceRj0h0h0Sep 24 09:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] George Lucas Stole Chewbacca, But It’s Okay - course, all art builds on the past #copying #artSep 24 09:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The world's lungs - hopeful signs - good to see The Economist covering this #trees #conservationSep 24 10:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @toros Rofl! :-)Sep 24 10:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !Ubuntu 9.04 reaches end-of-life on October 23, 2010 24 10:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Tech Drive-in: Track Your Apps Usage Patterns in !Ubuntu Using #Wakoopa 24 10:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !OMG Ubuntu: Popper – Feature-filled e-Mail notification applet for Ubuntu 24 10:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Gareth Bale has been nominated for the PFA Fans' Player of the Month award for August/September. - !spurs !footballSep 24 10:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] HOWTO: Adjust your monitor backlight from command line in Linux at Black God 24 10:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Survey shows one in four Americans want Android tablets - wonder how they phrased the question #android #tabletSep 24 10:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @davidallengreen "Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough! It isn't fit for humans now." #TwitterJokeTrial Please RT >>absurd caseSep 24 10:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Uzbekistan: mothers with little kids are sent for cotton works in Kokand - worse and worse #uzbekistan #cottonSep 24 10:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kernellogauthor/@kernellogauthor] RT @acmel My GUUG Linux-kongress 2010 perf slides, some screenshots for the varios TUI phases also there #lk2010Sep 24 10:29
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsSep 24 10:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RP @glynmoody: Uzbekistan: mothers with little kids sent for cotton works in Kokand worse and worse #uzbekistan #cottonSep 24 10:47
*binky (3e32ea94@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsSep 24 10:51
binkyHey Dr. Roy.  have you looked into Change of Control clauses with the MSFT - NOVL deal?  What happens to the deal if NOVL splits / gets  bought / goes private?  And more importantly, what happens to those patents?Sep 24 10:53
binkyJust sayingSep 24 10:54
*TechrightsBot-tr (~b0t@ has joined #techrightsSep 24 10:54
TechrightsBot-trHello World!Sep 24 10:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Main Page - Techrights .::. Size~: 37.79 KBSep 24 10:54
binkyand other options for NOVL  --  if they sold off the legacy stuff ( netware , groupwise etc.. ) you could make a ton of money just collecting the maintenance revenue and doing nothing with the products.  Sell SLES, then take the remains i.e the Workload management stuff private.  That might work.  Be interesting.  I'd expect the VMware deal to be annouced at VMworld EMEA in Oct if it happensSep 24 10:57
binkyinterested to hear your and groups thoughts.  I'm more concerned on the patents and where they end up.  that's the gold in novell pocket.Sep 24 10:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Back online :-) Ready for #wiesngauditv to forget about welsh countryside :-)Sep 24 10:59
*binky has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Sep 24 11:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] » @glynmoody: Survey shows 1 in 4 Americans want Android tablets wonder how they phrased the question #android #tabletSep 24 11:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Survey shows one in four Americans want Android tablets | chrissmith | Androinica .::. Size~: 57 KBSep 24 11:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Exploit published 2009-04 - MSFT fix 2010-09 #fail IMHOSep 24 11:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] @glynmoody @schestowitz There was a time when @bugabundo and I were the forerunners - long ago - bet he still holds the record though :)Sep 24 11:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] Just been playing Urban Terror. Quite good! !linux !gaming !fpsSep 24 11:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft confirms it missed Stuxnet print spooler 'zero-day' - Computerworld .::. Size~: 84.54 KBSep 24 11:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @openbytes I have to run the 32 bit version 64 will not run, many people have same problem.Sep 24 11:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] @satipera I had no probs...64bit works fine here!Sep 24 11:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] @silner WTF, I am just no.247 in #denticator, #fail: 24 11:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Denticator .::. Size~: 4.38 KBSep 24 11:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[flameeyes/@flameeyes] @carlopiana you think it might be a good thing to write to Sindaco and ask about it in light of EUPL? Last I wrote about it I had no resultsSep 24 11:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[bkuhn/@bkuhn] RT @nyergler Open source is not a verb, and community takes work; my thoughts on !diaspora: 24 11:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Source is not a Verb; thoughts on Diaspora .::. Size~: 24.33 KBSep 24 11:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @openbytes Not all, but it is fairly common, devs are working on next release.Sep 24 11:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] @bkuhn That's a good account. I must admit I just think some teams are better than others. Open Source won't change that.Sep 24 11:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] @bkuhn I think open source IS a verb though. Same as people who recoil when u use pathetic 2 mean stupid: opposing idiom is playing CanuteSep 24 11:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] @bkuhn And I know Canute wasn't really that stupid, but his bad press gives me useful noun :)Sep 24 11:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] RT @methoddan @rpcutts That would be nice, the only PA I'm used to has speakers :)Sep 24 11:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] last redented in error.Sep 24 11:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Why is Dell UK Making it so Difficult? - I go through hell and high water, but fail to buy an #Ubuntu system #dellSep 24 11:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Why is Dell UK making it so difficult? - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 37.92 KBSep 24 11:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] @carlopiana oh well, I dropped to #67 since going to #Beijing in June :-sSep 24 11:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Good news day! Seems we hired an interesting guy!Sep 24 11:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] “Alliance for Education [Used] to Fabricate the Astroturf “Our Schools Coalition” [For] Reforms...” #billgates #prSep 24 11:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: “Alliance for Education [Used] to Fabricate the Astroturf “Our Schools Coalition” [For] Reforms That the Gates-puppet Alliance is Pushing” | Techrights .::. Size~: 126.34 KBSep 24 11:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RMS: "The Gates Foundation has funded many news organizations to cover its work" #propaganda #billgates #prSep 24 11:56
schestowitzSo RMS took my pointers ;-)Sep 24 11:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Thierry Carrez: The real problem with Java in !Linux distros 24 11:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The real problem with Java in Linux distros « Seeing the fnords .::. Size~: 33.79 KBSep 24 11:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] @toros Except I can squash that guy's entire argument with apt-get install sun-java6-jre/jdkSep 24 12:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @agentsmith Novell wants to sell, but only the whole thing, not in parts. 24 12:02
*cubevector has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 24 12:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @creativecommons Massive new remix contest from @indabamusic and @Metric! $10k in prizes-submissions are CC-licensed 24 12:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Studio Access: Metric- Fantasies - Album Remix - Indaba Music .::. Size~: 19.15 KBSep 24 12:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @openbytes Sorry Foursquare, your time is up. Account deleted...interesting whilst it lasted. >what took so long? 'Free' spying? :-)Sep 24 12:06
Diablo-D3foursquare sounds stupidSep 24 12:13
Diablo-D3why the fuck would I want to know where people are?Sep 24 12:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: RT @agentsmith Novell wants to sell, but only the whole thing, not in parts. 24 12:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Chips_B_Malroy: from a new comment at Mini MSFT: "Hearing lots of rumors of more layoffs next week or the week after."Sep 24 12:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @firefoxmilestones #Firefox reached 1400 million downloads on 2010-09-24 04:48 UTCSep 24 12:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kernellogauthor/@kernellogauthor] hdparm 9.32 released; "Upgrade is RECOMMENDED. Apparently a number of commands in hdparm have been b0rked since 9.27+" 24 12:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Gmane Loom .::. Size~: 0.46 KBSep 24 12:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @thistleweb HP should know that #Vista7 requires heavy h/w (battery/heat)Sep 24 12:36
*cubevector ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 12:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @glynmoody the NYT has just paywall'ed or spywall'ed on your china-japan link. Avoid NYT links when possible... FT too. They have 'moods'..Sep 24 12:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Updated to the possibly final version of beloved Drupal 5. Time to think using Drupal 6 :-/Sep 24 12:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @scrawford: Tim berners-lee: net neutrality should be an amendment to the constitution - it's that important #stppICTconfSep 24 12:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @ilovetheopenweb Concept Series: Seabird – A Community-driven Mobile Phone Concept #MozillaLabsSep 24 12:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Concept Series: Seabird – A Community-driven Mobile Phone Concept | i < 3 theopenweb  | a community mozilla Drumbeat project promoting the open web & the federated social web .::. Size~: 27.76 KBSep 24 12:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: RT @scrawford: Tim berners-lee: net neutrality should be an amendment to the constitution - it's that important #stppICTconfSep 24 12:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] @schestowitz: In Romania, too :-) !Sep 24 12:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] I've just realised that Firefox 3.6 allocates memory in quite a decent way that takes account of a PC's overall RAM. Well done, MozillaSep 24 13:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] links for 2010-09-24: Guess What, You Don’t Own That Software You Bought It turns out that software publishers re... 24 13:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: links for 2010-09-24 « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 43.27 KBSep 24 13:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] @schestowitz I hate to say it but I've noticed Opera and FF playing catchup to Chromium with Mem usage. Looks like IE just can't be botheredSep 24 13:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] @schestowitz Explorer is now so far behind the others it's getting ridiculousSep 24 13:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] @schestowitz Midori is the fastest of all right now. I've read loads of reports of it being crashy, but it's rock solid for meSep 24 13:12
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 13:22
gnufreexschestowitz: Microsoft Florian is officialy anti FOSS advocate. Read his latest post: 24 13:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FOSS Patents: Red Hat's financials are an argument for software patents .::. Size~: 57.13 KBSep 24 13:25
gnufreexHe calls Red Hat a destructive companySep 24 13:25
gnufreexBecause it replaces expensive propriatary software on 10:1 ratioSep 24 13:26
gnufreexHe calls that "destruction ration"Sep 24 13:26
gnufreex* ratioSep 24 13:26
schestowitzLike nobody knew... :-)Sep 24 13:27
schestowitzHe gave up the markSep 24 13:27
schestowitzSee  his twitter feedSep 24 13:27
gnufreexNow we can just quote his shit when he shows up.Sep 24 13:27
schestowitzHe even boosts Miguel's Mono junkSep 24 13:27
gnufreexBye bye credibilitySep 24 13:28
schestowitzgnufreex: I don't think it's necessarySep 24 13:28
schestowitzPeople know who he is alreadySep 24 13:28
schestowitzThey know he's on Microsoft's foldSep 24 13:28
gnufreexThere are lots of deluded peopleSep 24 13:28
schestowitzAnd he no longer pretends otherwiseSep 24 13:28
gnufreexThis breaks last ilusions.Sep 24 13:28
schestowitzMicrosoft is worried about Red HatSep 24 13:28
schestowitzHigh valueSep 24 13:28
schestowitzANd IBM backingSep 24 13:29
gnufreexAnd real free software.Sep 24 13:30
gnufreexNot fauxpen sourceSep 24 13:30
gnufreexor fauxpen coreSep 24 13:30
gnufreexMicrosoft Florian here shows that he doesn't even get open developmen.Sep 24 13:31
gnufreexHe thinks that moeny equals develompenSep 24 13:31
gnufreextSep 24 13:31
gnufreexThat bigger R&D budget equals better software.Sep 24 13:32
gnufreexLike nobody contributesSep 24 13:32
gnufreexLike open source is same as propriatary.Sep 24 13:32
gnufreexHe compares 4Bn oracle's R&D budged to Red Hat'sSep 24 13:33
gnufreexBut Oracle is propriatary and Red Hat does all in the open.Sep 24 13:33
gnufreexIn reality, Red Hat's 100m beats Oracle/Microsoft bilion.Sep 24 13:34
gnufreexBecase people jump in from nowhere.Sep 24 13:34
gnufreexAnd start hacking.Sep 24 13:34
gnufreexHalf of expense on propriatary development are testers.Sep 24 13:35
gnufreexYou get testers for free in open source.Sep 24 13:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @eightyeight this video was made entirely from !freesoftware and built in #html5. i find the content interesting too http://www.xiph. ...Sep 24 13:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBSep 24 13:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @silner true, I thought about changing Firefox with Chromium on old PCsSep 24 13:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] [Old] If It's May It's Time For The Press To Parrot Bogus Stats Announcement From The BSA via @webminkSep 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: If It's May It's Time For The Press To Parrot Bogus Stats Announcement From The BSA | Techdirt .::. Size~: 67.63 KBSep 24 13:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] ♻ @rms: A practical look at recording the police 24 13:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Are We Entering the Golden Age of Forks? - the community strikes back #forks #opensource #communitySep 24 13:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Are We Entering the Golden Age of Forks? - Open Enterprise .::. Size~: 58.17 KBSep 24 13:47
schestowitz"unlike Chrome which blows up on low memory conditions" unlike Chrome which blows up on low memory conditionsSep 24 13:48
schestowitz 24 13:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter / fcassia: @schestowitz unlike Chrome ... .::. Size~: 9.06 KBSep 24 13:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ender2070/@ender2070] Leaving .NET (LOL) 24 13:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Leaving .net .::. Size~: 56.79 KBSep 24 13:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Stuxnet virus may be aimed at Iran nuclear reactor - they control it with *Windows*? we're doomed #stuxnet #iranSep 24 13:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Stuxnet virus may be aimed at Iran nuclear reactor - .::. Size~: 73.64 KBSep 24 13:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[opensourceway/@opensourceway] Barriers to #openscience: From big business to Watson and Crick 24 13:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Barriers to open science: From big business to Watson and Crick | .::. Size~: 47.37 KBSep 24 13:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @webmink Dinosaur sighting? "the business case for open source has not been demonstrated yet": >>er, what?Sep 24 14:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: eGov monitor - A Policy Dialogue Platform  | Promoting Better Governance .::. Size~: 9 KBSep 24 14:06
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Sep 24 14:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Coders must reprogram how they write for Wall Street - Computerworld 24 14:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @glynmoody well, open source is not a business model, just like swimming is not means of transportation.Sep 24 14:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[flameeyes/@flameeyes] !gentoo #ModSecurity users now have a split package for the Core Rule Set, which can be updated between release as well. Have fun!Sep 24 14:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] New features for the Chrome Web Store developer preview: Google Checkout integration - as in, selling stuff #chromeSep 24 14:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Coders must reprogram how they write for Wall Street - Computerworld .::. Size~: 84.04 KBSep 24 14:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Chromium Blog: New features for the Chrome Web Store developer preview: Google Checkout integration & previewing for your apps .::. Size~: 25.56 KBSep 24 14:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Why I gave up on Digg (CNET) 24 14:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Database design slowed Chase online banking fix - Computerworld 24 14:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Why I gave up on Digg | Web Crawler - CNET News .::. Size~: 94.84 KBSep 24 14:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Oracle database design slowed Chase online banking fix - Computerworld .::. Size~: 82.04 KBSep 24 14:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @schestowitz But, one better know how to swim, if only to just float... ;-)Sep 24 14:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] RT @nyergler Open source is not a verb, and community takes work; my thoughts on !diaspora: 24 14:14
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Source is not a Verb; thoughts on Diaspora .::. Size~: 27.1 KBSep 24 14:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Facebook Outage Caused by Database Glitch (PCWorld) 24 14:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook Outage Caused by Database Glitch - PCWorld Business Center .::. Size~: 59.84 KBSep 24 14:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @FFII the #mobbying was later lobbying for Monty, who paid him for the work. He did not stop #mobbying in 2007.Sep 24 14:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Afghanistan's first female army officers - brave people given the threats afghanistan #womenSep 24 14:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @FFII Gallo: "socialists and their allies launched a real campaign of misinformation" 24 14:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Zeremonie in Kabul: Afghanistans weibliche Offiziere - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik .::. Size~: 17.59 KBSep 24 14:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Online piracy: Victory of a responsible approach. Marielle Gallo - 22/09/2010 - EPP Group .::. Size~: 29.79 KBSep 24 14:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Statement on Tibet at the Human Rights Council - damning stuff (via @asteris) #tibet #chinaSep 24 14:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft Florian has revealed that he is actually a #mobbying /for/ #swpats or #rand , preteding to do the very oppositeSep 24 14:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Statement on Tibet at the Human Rights Council | Human Rights Watch .::. Size~: 26.87 KBSep 24 14:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft loves the lobbying techique of pretending to represent the opposite side, like Zuck/ACT pretending to be for small bizSep 24 14:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] JavaOne debate: Java EE vs. Spring (InfoWorld) 24 14:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: JavaOne debate: Java EE vs. Spring  | Developer World - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 93.53 KBSep 24 14:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[loophole87/@loophole87] Enter Dog of Pavlov - Soilwork (The Panic Broadcast) #NowListeningSep 24 14:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[peterb/@peterb] RT @brettcsmith USPTO is preparing post-Bilski guidance for issuing patents—tell them to leave software out of it! Due Monday. http://ur ...Sep 24 14:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] HP Slate video shows all that's wrong with Windows 7 on tablets (Ars) 24 14:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: HP Slate video shows all that's wrong with Windows 7 on tablets .::. Size~: 34.88 KBSep 24 14:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Birth of a legend: Little Bobby Tables (xkcd): 24 14:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @FFII "Never-before seen glimpses into Manning's Facebook account" #US #wikileaksSep 24 14:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: xkcd: Exploits of a Mom .::. Size~: 8.52 KBSep 24 14:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Exclusive: The Real Bradley Manning Revealed  .::. Size~: 20.04 KBSep 24 14:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] ♻ @glynmoody Statement on Tibet at the Human Rights Council - damning stuff (via @asteris) #tibet #chinaSep 24 15:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Statement on Tibet at the Human Rights Council | Human Rights Watch .::. Size~: 26.87 KBSep 24 15:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] ACTA: Game Over? - "ACTA is an experiment in the circumvention of democracy" let's hope it's the nadir #actaSep 24 15:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ACTA: Game Over? | La Quadrature du Net .::. Size~: 22.58 KBSep 24 15:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @monkchips Showmedo is a peer-produced video-tutorials and screencasts site for free and open-source software 24 15:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 406 Not Acceptable .::. Size~: 0.67 KBSep 24 15:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[loophole87/@loophole87] Night Comes Clean - Soilwork (The Panic Broadcast) #NowListeningSep 24 15:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] A collaborative proposal on research metrics - help needed #research #metrics #barcampSep 24 15:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Statement on Tibet at the Human Rights Council damning stuff via @asteris @harishpillay @glynmoody #tibet #chinaSep 24 15:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Science in the Open  » Blog Archive   » A collaborative proposal on research metrics .::. Size~: 66.14 KBSep 24 15:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Statement on Tibet at the Human Rights Council | Human Rights Watch .::. Size~: 26.87 KBSep 24 15:22
*Kuifje111 has quit (Quit: Got root?)Sep 24 15:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] E-book Numbers Hint at Amazon Domination - not good: remember how Amazon disappeared "1984"? #amazon #kindleSep 24 15:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: E-book Numbers Hint at Amazon Domination: Tech News « .::. Size~: 46.63 KBSep 24 15:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] MPAA: ACTA's censoring firewalls will help governments avoid Wikileaks embarrassments #mafiaa vs #wikileaksSep 24 15:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] RT @lespetitescases: Petit dossier très pédagogique sur le #semWeb et le #linkedData sur le site de la BnF 24 15:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: MPAA: ACTA's censoring firewalls will help governments avoid Wikileaks embarrassments  - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 49.84 KBSep 24 15:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BnF - Web sémantique, Web de données : présentation .::. Size~: 39.01 KBSep 24 15:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] "Your Oracle reps are coming..You'll be eaten alive, your costs will go up & you’ll be locked-in for a decade!" #fbSep 24 15:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @planetfedora Richard W.M. Jones: Tip: my procedure for cloning a Fedora VM: To clone a Fedora VM by hand you need a mixture of ... h ...Sep 24 15:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Help! My vendor’s Oracle and I'm locked in! | Community .::. Size~: 77.29 KBSep 24 15:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @glynmoody ACTA: Game Over? - "ACTA is an experiment in the circumvention of democracy" let's hope it's the nadi ...Sep 24 15:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ACTA: Game Over? | La Quadrature du Net .::. Size~: 22.58 KBSep 24 15:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] 7 of the Best Free !Linux Photo Management Software - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site 24 15:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] How do you copy 60m files? • The Register 24 15:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How do you copy 60m files? • The Register .::. Size~: 22.55 KBSep 24 15:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Carrez: The real problem with Java in Linux distros 24 15:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Carrez: The real problem with Java in Linux distros [] .::. Size~: 6.34 KBSep 24 15:42
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: This is a quitting message)Sep 24 15:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] OK it looks a lot like #Facebook works with !Gwibber Daily #PPA againSep 24 15:49
*jono ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 15:49
*jono has quit (Changing host)Sep 24 15:49
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsSep 24 15:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Ok I take that back. I can read from Facebook but I can't post too itSep 24 15:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] No I'm gonna have to back-pedal again. It does post, but very very slowly, unbearably slowly...Sep 24 15:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] Off work today to finish the Severed Fifth 'Nightmares By Design' album which just needs to solos recording. \m/Sep 24 15:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Stuxnet worm is the 'work of a national government agency' 24 15:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Stuxnet worm is the 'work of a national government agency' | Technology |  .::. Size~: 87.8 KBSep 24 15:56
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrightsSep 24 15:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Open Services: Sustainable ICT for UK Schools - the best thing I have seen on the subject: do read it #education #ossSep 24 16:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Services: Sustainable ICT for UK Schools | Open Source Schools .::. Size~: 67.54 KBSep 24 16:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #ARM Rises as #Oracle’s Ellison Says Company May Buy a Chipmaker - eeeek (via @monkchips @davejohnson @newsycombinator)Sep 24 16:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mohanpram/@mohanpram] Say It Isn’t So! Verizon Shifting to Tiered Data Plans #Boooo!Sep 24 16:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle:             ARM Rises as Oracle’s Ellison Says Company May Buy a Chipmaker - Bloomberg           .::. Size~: 47.31 KBSep 24 16:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Say It Isn't So! Verizon Shifting to Tiered Data Plans | webOSroundup .::. Size~: 27.02 KBSep 24 16:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] I realise !linuxoutlaws would really prefer an Android phone, but if you only had the choice of an iPhone or a Blackberry,which would it be?Sep 24 16:09
MinceRi thought there were other phone OSes around... :>Sep 24 16:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[opensourceway/@opensourceway] Daniel James on open source for designing next-generation digital hearing aids 24 16:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found .::. Size~: 0 KBSep 24 16:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[opensourceway/@opensourceway] Daniel James on pen source for designing next-generation digital hearing aids 24 16:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open source for designing next-generation digital hearing aids | .::. Size~: 41.73 KBSep 24 16:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @opensourceway Daniel James on pen source for designing next-generation digital hearing aids 24 16:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @seeds Facebook Is The New Microsoft – Rebooting Fixes The Outage | 24 16:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open source for designing next-generation digital hearing aids | .::. Size~: 41.75 KBSep 24 16:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook Is The New Microsoft  Rebooting Fixes The Outage | .::. Size~: 130.57 KBSep 24 16:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] lá vou eu pra São Carlos palestrar 24 16:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Grupo PET Computação USP - Programa de Educação Tutorial .::. Size~: 6.84 KBSep 24 16:22
schestowitzMinceR: openmokoSep 24 16:22
MinceRalso, Maemo, MeeGo, and even Symbian OS existSep 24 16:26
MinceRand there are othersSep 24 16:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[stickster/@stickster] Just spent way too long fixing up a mail server problem just so I can get my domain whitelisted. I hate spam too, but... sigh.Sep 24 16:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] At a time where belts need to be tightened, and money spent on the right things; "let's have another new enquiry" 24 16:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @joabj Birth of a legend: Little Bobby Tables (xkcd): 24 16:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Due to some schedule changes I Will *not* make it to #Oktoberfest this evening. Hrmpf.Sep 24 16:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Cabinet Office orders investigation into leaked quangos document | Politics |  .::. Size~: 114.57 KBSep 24 16:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: xkcd: Exploits of a Mom .::. Size~: 8.52 KBSep 24 16:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsf/@fsf] USPTO is preparing post-Bilski guidance for issuing patents—tell them to leave software out of it! Due Monday. !fsf !gnuSep 24 16:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Encourage the USPTO to stop issuing software patents; deadline September 27 &mdash; Free Software Foundation &mdash; working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.09 KBSep 24 16:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[johnsu01/@johnsu01] Great to see all the new users registered at in the last week, and all the !lp !fsfSep 24 16:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] ♻ @seeds: Facebook Is The New Microsoft – Rebooting Fixes The Outage | 24 16:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] ♻ @fsf: USPTO is preparing post-Bilski guidance for issuing patents—tell them to leave software out of it! Due Monday. 24 16:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] ♻ @schestowitz: Michael Tiemann Explains How #FreeSoftware Grows Revenue and Increases #Innovation #playoggSep 24 16:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBSep 24 16:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 1.93 KBSep 24 16:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook Is The New Microsoft  Rebooting Fixes The Outage | .::. Size~: 130.57 KBSep 24 16:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Encourage the USPTO to stop issuing software patents; deadline September 27 &mdash; Free Software Foundation &mdash; working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.09 KBSep 24 16:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Michael Tiemann Explains How Free Software Grows Revenue and Increases Innovation | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.38 KBSep 24 16:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @glynmoody but there are other reasons to avoid Amazon; they continue to amass former Microsoft executives and put #swpats tax on GNU/LinuxSep 24 16:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Oracle focusing MySQL development on the enterprise, rather than community, edition (El Reg): 24 16:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @harishpillay the irony of this article about Oracle lockin coming from Microsoft's cheerleading blogSep 24 16:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: MySQL's non-heroic future runs Castle Oracle • The Register .::. Size~: 31.03 KBSep 24 16:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] ♻ @Valleywag: Stephen Colbert Testifies Before Congress, Despite Being Asked to Leave 24 16:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Stephen Colbert Testifies Before Congress, Despite Being Asked to Leave .::. Size~: 84.49 KBSep 24 16:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @silner re "How do you copy 60m files?" > no problem with UNIX/Linux, the article is focused on the other OSSep 24 16:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Look at the links at the bottom of the "United States House Page Association of America" page - Why w7xxx?Sep 24 16:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: United States House Page Association of America .::. Size~: 12.83 KBSep 24 16:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Sinar Mas gets ultimatum from RSPO over palm oil and deforestation - about time (via @Ethical_Corp) #deforestationSep 24 16:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Sinar Mas gets ultimatum from RSPO over palm oil and deforestation | Greenpeace UK .::. Size~: 24.75 KBSep 24 16:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @fsf USPTO is preparing post-Bilski guidance for issuing patents—tell them to leave software out of it! Due Monday. ...Sep 24 16:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Simpsons Movie (Widescreen Edition): Dan Castellaneta, David Silverman: Movies & TV .::. Size~: 392.2 KBSep 24 16:56
schestowitz[16:26] <MinceR> also, Maemo, MeeGo, and even Symbian OS existSep 24 16:57
schestowitzWMobSep 24 16:57
schestowitzBut Mob just makes a lot of noiseSep 24 16:57
schestowitzIt only has like 5% market share, I reckon...Sep 24 16:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] @silner none :D I'd prefer my samsung/nokia dumbphone :)Sep 24 16:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] RT @ubuntustatus Please help test Ubuntu Netbook 10.04 to Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 upgrades now, if you can. :)Sep 24 16:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: My experience upgrading UNE 10.04 to Maverick (and yours!) « Lets test Ubuntu NOW! .::. Size~: 16.9 KBSep 24 16:57
schestowitzGangster Group says Mob has about 8% market share, but Gangster only roams the US for data, I reckon...Sep 24 16:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] I wonder why "Lee's Law: how Singapore crushes dissent" is only in the reference section? #fbSep 24 17:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Full Record .::. Size~: 17.35 KBSep 24 17:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] It rains cats, dogs and I think some frogs too #WTFSep 24 17:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] If !Linux is "just a platform", Microsoft Windows is a platfoamSep 24 17:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Barriers to open science: From big business to Watson and Crick - "no one said open science would be easy" #opennessSep 24 17:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Barriers to open science: From big business to Watson and Crick | .::. Size~: 47.41 KBSep 24 17:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @harishpillay Look at the links at the bottom of the "United States House Page Association of America" Why w7xxx?Sep 24 17:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] RT @fsf USPTO is preparing post-Bilski guidance for issuing patents—tell them to leave software out of it! Due Monday. ...Sep 24 17:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: United States House Page Association of America .::. Size~: 12.83 KBSep 24 17:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Simpsons Movie (Widescreen Edition): Dan Castellaneta, David Silverman: Movies & TV .::. Size~: 381.64 KBSep 24 17:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] lol! “what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is none of your business.” #fbSep 24 17:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: What Oracle has not learned about open source | ZDNet  .::. Size~: 135.75 KBSep 24 17:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @joabj what I see in The Reg is a longtime Microsoft proponent spinning MySQL as a Windows tool; that's why I distrust today's RegisterSep 24 17:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @nhi Colbert would have better methods to make himself heardSep 24 17:12
*jweyrich has quit (Quit: aye! bailing out.)Sep 24 17:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] @schestowitz Nature of the beast: Trade pubs in general tend to see news value in some OSS project being fitted to Windows. Old habits, etc.Sep 24 17:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @joabj yes, is a lot lot thisSep 24 17:27
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 24 17:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] Wish @sil was over here so we could go and have a few pints. I miss my best pal.Sep 24 17:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] @jonobacon you sound like an advert fro iPhone's face to face app ;) Maybe a slo-mo movie airport fearful farewell on youtube too lolSep 24 17:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Why You Should Cover The Keypad When Using an ATM (Gawker) 24 17:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Why You Should Cover The Keypad When Using an ATM .::. Size~: 82.87 KBSep 24 17:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lessig/@lessig] A letter to #FixCongressFirst: Where we are, where we're going. 24 17:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Lawrence Lessig: A letter to FixCongressFirst.Org: Where we are, where we're going .::. Size~: 138.4 KBSep 24 17:47
*Kuifje111 (~None@unaffiliated/kuifje111) has joined #techrightsSep 24 17:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Virtual machines need regular defragging too (Computerworld) 24 17:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Virtual machines need regular defragging, researcher says - Computerworld .::. Size~: 82.3 KBSep 24 17:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] How To Integrate ClamAV Into PureFTPd For Virus Scanning On Fedora 13 24 17:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How To Integrate ClamAV Into PureFTPd For Virus Scanning On Fedora 13 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials .::. Size~: 36.91 KBSep 24 17:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Leaving .net "Microsoft: so cleverly changing just fast enough to keep developers from solving problems themselves" 24 18:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Thailand activist arrested after #IAL2010 needs your support! 24 18:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Leaving .net .::. Size~: 57.33 KBSep 24 18:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Global Voices Advocacy » Thailand activist arrested after #IAL2010 needs your support! .::. Size~: 53.85 KBSep 24 18:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Why is Dell UK making it so difficult? - The H Open Source: News and Features 24 18:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Why is Dell UK making it so difficult? - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 37.95 KBSep 24 18:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Mozilla Plans Firefox Home for Symbian - Softpedia 24 18:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mozilla Plans Firefox Home for Symbian - Softpedia .::. Size~: 45.9 KBSep 24 18:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] UNetbootin - Bootable Linux USB Flash Drives Made Easy - ZDNet UK 24 18:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Error 404 : Not Found - ZDNet UK .::. Size~: 19.1 KBSep 24 18:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatteron/@themadhatteron] New article - Microsoft Death Watch 24 18:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Microsoft Death Watch .::. Size~: 148.06 KBSep 24 18:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] Can we have 140char feedback on the #iRail mobile web user interface please? Anything that needs to change? #dareToAsk (RT=nice)Sep 24 18:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 24/9/2010: #RedHat Passes $40.00, !GNU !Linux 'Laptop Assault' on Apple, Microsoft !techrightsSep 24 18:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] The mobile #iRail web interface is still at http://iRail.beSep 24 18:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 24/9/2010: Red Hat Passes $40.00, GNU/Linux Laptop Assault on Apple, Microsoft | Techrights .::. Size~: 148.7 KBSep 24 18:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle:             iRail         .::. Size~: 18.41 KBSep 24 18:27
MinceR 24 18:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Scenes from China - The Big Picture - .::. Size~: 74.3 KBSep 24 18:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dpic/@dpic] RT @fsf USPTO is preparing post-Bilski guidance for issuing patents—tell them to leave software out of it! Due Monday. ...Sep 24 18:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Martin Albisetti's blog: !UbuntuOne does not infringe any licenses 24 18:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dpic/@dpic] RT @candrews #Facebook went down yesterday, taking 1,000s of sites down with it. Is this single point of failure really worth it? http:/ ...Sep 24 18:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dpic/@dpic] RT @nyergler Open source is not a verb, and community takes work; my thoughts on !diaspora: 24 18:39
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Simpsons Movie (Widescreen Edition): Dan Castellaneta, David Silverman: Movies & TV .::. Size~: 400.5 KBSep 24 18:39
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Martin Albisetti  » Blog Archive   » No, we are not infringing any licenses .::. Size~: 8.96 KBSep 24 18:39
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Source is not a Verb; thoughts on Diaspora .::. Size~: 31.07 KBSep 24 18:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mohanpram/@mohanpram] A photo tour of the Mozilla offices in Mountain View, California 24 18:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: A photo tour of the Mozilla offices in Mountain View, California .::. Size~: 62.99 KBSep 24 18:41
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsSep 24 18:42
sebsebsebHiSep 24 18:42
MinceRhaySep 24 18:42
schestowitzo/Sep 24 18:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[osamak/@osamak] #is_down.Sep 24 18:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[johnsu01/@johnsu01] Spent some time gardening on LibrePlanet: adding semantic properties to groups, started to help people find them. !lpSep 24 18:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Download music, movies, games, software! The Pirate Bay - The world's most resilient BitTorrent site .::. Size~: 11.66 KBSep 24 18:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Group list - LibrePlanet .::. Size~: 17.58 KBSep 24 18:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Friday's security advisories 24 18:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] If you ever wonder what is the cause of most US problems, look: 24 18:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @glynmoody The point is, some companies have more of them and some put them in CEO, COO, GM positions.Sep 24 18:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Friday's security advisories [] .::. Size~: 5.83 KBSep 24 18:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 49.83 KBSep 24 18:49
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 24 18:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] #GCHQ #spooks top UK !Linux installations - 24 18:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: GCHQ spooks top UK Linux installations  | .::. Size~: 33.19 KBSep 24 18:51
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsSep 24 18:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] I have just sat through 20 minute Windows phone 7 video at Engadget. The GUI is crude and ugly ugly ugly. Can't see Google loosing any sleepSep 24 19:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] FSF says: USPTO should publish guidelines excluding software patents 24 19:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FSF says: USPTO should publish guidelines excluding software patents [] .::. Size~: 6.15 KBSep 24 19:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Hearing Lots of Rumors of More [Microsoft] Layoffs Next Week or the Week After." got around to posting about it...Sep 24 19:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Beta Testers On GNOME 2.30, Making Progress 24 19:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It has only been 2 months since Microsoft's last round of layoffs 24 19:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Hearing Lots of Rumors of More [Microsoft] Layoffs Next Week or the Week After. | Techrights .::. Size~: 101.22 KBSep 24 19:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dave Richards - City of Largo Work Blog: Beta Testers On GNOME 2.30, Making Progress .::. Size~: 17.03 KBSep 24 19:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: News Reports About Microsofts Confirmation of Layoffs | Techrights .::. Size~: 107.38 KBSep 24 19:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Quick Mention: More Microsoft Layoffs | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.31 KBSep 24 19:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Ceph: A distributed alternative to Hadoop (Usenix Login): 24 19:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dpic/@dpic] RT @osamak New main page for !WomensCaucus at !wfs !fsSep 24 19:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] intro of CC CTO @nyergler serving on @cnxorg technical committee #OERSep 24 19:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBSep 24 19:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Connexions Rhaptos Developer Blog: Introducing Nathan Yergler .::. Size~: 36.49 KBSep 24 19:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dpic/@dpic] Advancing Women in free software, join us for our next IRC meeting on Tuesday! !wfs !fsf !gnu !lp !linuxchixSep 24 19:19
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 24 19:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] On the dire state of Free Software and Open Standards in the UK’s public sector - good summary (mine to follow) #ukSep 24 19:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Karsten on Free Software  » Get going already! On the dire state of Free Software and Open Standards in the UKs public sector .::. Size~: 32.29 KBSep 24 19:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mohanpram/@mohanpram] Samsung Galaxy Tab...uber sexy !android tablet 24 19:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle:     YouTube        - [HD] Galaxy Tab Official Live Demo   .::. Size~: 132.26 KBSep 24 19:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] Intro of series by @talniv on #research of CC's #econ & other welfare impact 24 19:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Introducing a series of posts investigating CCs welfare impact  - Creative Commons .::. Size~: 16.29 KBSep 24 19:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[flameeyes/@flameeyes] One defect of !gwibber is that even though I block spammers from twitter, the messages don't disappear from the "replies" tab :/Sep 24 19:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] RT @giallu RT @lwnnet: Carrez: The real problem with Java in Linux distros also applicable to !fedoraSep 24 19:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Carrez: The real problem with Java in Linux distros [] .::. Size~: 6.34 KBSep 24 19:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Why Are People Still Creating RSS Feeds? [Some interesting answers]Sep 24 19:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 301 Apple .::. Size~: 0 KBSep 24 19:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Microsoft Bribes and Tax Avoidance bribing for laws that exempt themselves from taxSep 24 19:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Bribes and Tax Avoidance | Techrights .::. Size~: 107.84 KBSep 24 19:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Microsoft Wants to Cut off Air Supply of Anti-virus Business #security #windows #avSep 24 20:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Wants to Cut off Air Supply of Anti-virus Business | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.68 KBSep 24 20:21
MinceRby dying? that would be nice.Sep 24 20:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] o hai !choqok! how's twitter/OAuth support after the #oauthpocalypse?.. which version is able, if any, to handle it?Sep 24 20:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] I Love America. Do You? 24 20:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: I Love America. Do You? - Six Bananas! .::. Size~: 33.85 KBSep 24 20:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Facebook Wants You To ‘Like’ More Stuff (TechCrunch): 24 21:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Facebook Wants You To Like More Stuff, Officially Launches Page Browser  .::. Size~: 45.88 KBSep 24 21:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] RT @randomcolour very light strong purpleSep 24 21:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] "Fire consumes wood, thinks Otane, and time consumes us"--David MitchellSep 24 21:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Who Needs #Windows Back Doors When It's So Insecure? #Stuxnet is allegedly part of a plan to infect systems in #IranSep 24 21:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Who Needs Windows Back Doors When Its So Insecure? | Techrights .::. Size~: 107.18 KBSep 24 21:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] ♻ @lh Check out this interview with Rear Admiral Grace Hopper on David Letterman 24 21:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle:     YouTube        - Grace Hopper   .::. Size~: 120.22 KBSep 24 21:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mohanpram/@mohanpram] Debating on weather or not to add my "spam" email account to my !PreSep 24 21:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Soap bubble printer 24 21:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Soap bubble printer - silner's posterous .::. Size~: 14.91 KBSep 24 21:44
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 21:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Judge puts hammer down on #Hurt Locker #P2P subpoena 24 21:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Judge puts hammer down on Hurt Locker P2P subpoena .::. Size~: 28.5 KBSep 24 21:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #WebUpd8: #Firefox 4.0 Removes The Statusbar But Adds A New Add-on Bar; New Stand-Alone Profile Manager On The Way 24 21:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Firefox 4.0 Removes The Statusbar But Adds A New Add-on Bar; New Stand-Alone Profile Manager On The Way ~ Web Upd8 .::. Size~: 70.62 KBSep 24 21:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[royhugo/@royhugo] Encore une heure pour envoyer Ma Grande Idée à la Commission Européenne #numérique #ueSep 24 22:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: My big idea for the Digital Agenda | Programme | Europa - Information Society .::. Size~: 21.51 KBSep 24 22:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dpic/@dpic] Intel now threatening legal action against people using the recently found master key for HDMI !dbd !fsf !gnu !lpSep 24 22:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[royhugo/@royhugo] #ff @libnum @bayartb @teolemon -- #thanks @taziden @clemsatSep 24 22:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Firefox for Android Is Growing Up Fast | Epicenter | 24 22:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Escaping #Microsoft Lock-in, Ditching .NET #mono #odf #ooxml #bristol #ruby #programmingSep 24 22:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Firefox for Android Is Growing Up Fast | Epicenter | .::. Size~: 75.45 KBSep 24 22:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Escaping Microsoft Lock-in, Ditching .NET | Techrights .::. Size~: 102.43 KBSep 24 22:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Apache hits millionth commit milestone - The H Open Source: News and Features 24 22:14
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Apache hits millionth commit milestone - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 33.68 KBSep 24 22:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] ♻ @dpic: Intel now threatening legal action against people using the recently found master key for HDMI 24 22:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Open APIs bring business opportunities (InfoWorld) 24 22:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Intel's latest DRM fiasco !fsfSep 24 22:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open APIs bring business opportunities | Open Source - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 97.19 KBSep 24 22:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Intel's HDMInsult | .::. Size~: 19.09 KBSep 24 22:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Sony Ericsson is backing away from Symbian, who else still uses it besides Nokia? Just Fujitsu and Sharp? /by @segphaultSep 24 22:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Sony Ericsson goes Android, leaves Nokia as only big Symbian fan .::. Size~: 29.55 KBSep 24 22:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsf/@fsf] Intel now threatening legal action against people using the recently found master key for HDMI !dbd !fsf !gnu !lpSep 24 22:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Who Put #Vista7 Back in HP's #Slate Strategy? Former #Microsoft staff seems like a possible reasonSep 24 22:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Who Put Vista 7 Back in HPs Slate Strategy? | Techrights .::. Size~: 102.79 KBSep 24 22:57
oiaohmSomething the reported missed.  Symbian is not only used in smart phones.  Entry level phones without lot of function are also SymbianSep 24 23:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[johnsu01/@johnsu01] RD @fsf Intel now threatening legal action against people using the recently found master key for HDMI 24 23:01
oiaohmSo sony will still be producing Symbian phones for a while yet. schestowitzSep 24 23:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Slyck News - ACS:Law Email Database Possibly Leaked onto The Pirate Bay 24 23:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Slyck News - ACS:Law Email Database Possibly Leaked onto The Pirate Bay .::. Size~: 9.83 KBSep 24 23:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[stevenrosenberg/@stevenrosenberg] Tried the fglrx driver in latest 2.6.34 kernel in Fedora 13. Works but extremely slowly. Back to open-source ati driver and 2.6.33Sep 24 23:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Open Source Versus Individual Rights In Networked Culture - PSFK 24 23:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Source Versus Individual Rights In Networked Culture - PSFK .::. Size~: 60.82 KBSep 24 23:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] @stevenrosenberg It sounds like you failed to compile the fglrx module, or use the right version that matches your driverSep 24 23:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Apple, Oracle, and Software Patents of Convenience on #swpats and buying #ARM HoldingsSep 24 23:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Apple, Oracle, and Software Patents of Convenience | Techrights .::. Size~: 104 KBSep 24 23:32
*bruce89 (~bruce89@ has joined #techrightsSep 24 23:42
gnufreexFloyd is spewing his "open source destruction" theory all over twitter 24 23:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter / FOSS Patents: @stefan_wenig There are tw ... .::. Size~: 9.38 KBSep 24 23:46
gnufreexI think I'm gona make twitter acount just to prove him that he is a dumb imbecilSep 24 23:47
gnufreexBut not today. I go to sleep now.Sep 24 23:48
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 24 23:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Furry things stuck to monitors: I just don't like it!Sep 24 23:52
*hazzy ( has joined #techrightsSep 24 23:58
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 24 23:59

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