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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: November 2nd, 2010

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*Ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 02 00:21
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 02 01:15
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 02:26
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Nov 02 02:26
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 02:26
*malacoda ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 04:26
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 04:44
*malacoda has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 02 05:33
schestowitz> I am curious. In biomedical engineering, were you required to study andNov 02 06:29
schestowitz> learn the functions of all of the organs of the body?Nov 02 06:29
schestowitzNo, I develop new algorithms and do protoyping. This does not require anatomy.Nov 02 06:29
schestowitz> I ask because you never mentioned anything about your knowledge of theNov 02 06:29
schestowitz> internals of human body.Nov 02 06:29
schestowitzI was never a biologist. :-)Nov 02 06:29
schestowitz"Nov 02 06:29
schestowitz> I am curious. In biomedical engineering, were you required to study andNov 02 06:30
schestowitz> learn the functions of all of the organs of the body?Nov 02 06:30
schestowitzNo, I develop new algorithms and do protoyping. This does not require anatomy.Nov 02 06:30
schestowitz> I ask because you never mentioned anything about your knowledge of theNov 02 06:30
schestowitz> internals of human body.Nov 02 06:30
schestowitzI was never a biologist. :-)Nov 02 06:30
schestowitzOoopsNov 02 06:30
oiaohmBiomedical engineering is more biochemoistiry.Nov 02 06:47
schestowitzNo, physics and mathsNov 02 06:52
schestowitzStatistics inc.Nov 02 06:52
*Quadrescence has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Nov 02 10:12
*Ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 02 10:22
schestowitzGood news, I was given permission to work more from homeNov 02 12:29
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 02 12:33
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 12:38
oiaohmI was able to download eposide 1Nov 02 12:40
oiaohmI have not retried eposide 0Nov 02 12:40
oiaohm  Its back for another round the blender game engine in browser.Nov 02 13:13
schestowitzFurnaceBoy:  "@schestowitz: Check out #qtoctave ☛, gives you a nice GUI for #octave ☛"   @matjan installing... :-)Nov 02 13:47
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  » Blog Archive   » Moving From MATLAB to Octave .::. Size~: 51.63 KBNov 02 13:47
schestowitzoiaohm: neatNov 02 13:47
schestowitzoiaohm: 02 13:47
schestowitzI love this songNov 02 13:47
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  » Blog Archive   » I Move On (Sintels Song) .::. Size~: 31.14 KBNov 02 13:47
schestowitzListened to it like 500 timesNov 02 13:47
schestowitzANd I got other people to love and share the film with othersNov 02 13:48
schestowitzIt would be nice if they got hundreds of millions of viewsNov 02 13:48
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: exceeds my expectations. I tried it 5 years ago.Nov 02 13:58
schestowitzI can use just FOSS, I hopeNov 02 13:58
schestowitzIt's all in the reposNov 02 13:58
schestowitz"@schestowitz enjoy! #octave ☛ #gnuplot ☛ and #graphviz ☛ where the very stuff of my PhD… not to mention #LaTeX ☛"Nov 02 13:58
schestowitz"@schestowitz don't forget to try out R if you need to do any statistical work"Nov 02 14:06
oiaohmschestowitz: I don't see it as neatNov 02 14:06
schestowitzgot graphviz nowNov 02 14:06
schestowitzoiaohm: sintel?Nov 02 14:06
oiaohmEach time they have tried a form of DRM with in browser blenderNov 02 14:06
schestowitzOr the song/Nov 02 14:06
oiaohmThe sintel song find the geta3d.comNov 02 14:07
oiaohmfind/fineNov 02 14:07
oiaohmBasically each time there is a in browser from of blender trouble follows.Nov 02 14:07
oiaohmBy the 4 attempt you would think lessons would be learnt by now.Nov 02 14:07
schestowitzITworld review: !fedora ☛ 14 is leading-edge !linux ☛ "includes the newest version of the KDE desktop, !KDE ☛ 4.5.2"Nov 02 14:08
TechrightsBot-scTitle: ITworld review: Fedora 14 is leading-edge Linux | ITworld .::. Size~: 93.6 KBNov 02 14:08
schestowitzHelpful chaps in Twitter....!/therealpadams/status/29473100146 "within graphviz, dot gives quick results, neato gives prettier results but takes much longer…. it is O(n!)"Nov 02 14:15
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter .::. Size~: 41.61 KBNov 02 14:15
schestowitz"A worker in a Venezuelan state-owned petrochemical company was told, "We are going to deduct one day's salary to give to the socialist party." He objected to this and was fired. His article (in Spanish) condemns this arbitrary practice as typical of right-wing regimes and incompatible with the professed ideals of Chavez and his party. "Nov 02 14:16
oiaohmFedora 14 is the first of the meego distributions.Nov 02 14:16
schestowitz 02 14:16
oiaohmRemember I said meego would be different to android and past distrobutions.Nov 02 14:17
oiaohmInstead meego will be like a middle ground between distrobutions.Nov 02 14:17
oiaohmmeego could become what MS has feared.  Unified source for applications for Linux.Nov 02 14:18
oiaohmI expect to see gnome users rally around fedora 14Nov 02 14:21
oiaohmSome will be insulting to KDE users of fedoraNov 02 14:21
oiaohmThank you ubuntu you just gave fedora a user injection.Nov 02 14:22
schestowitzYup!Nov 02 14:24
schestowitzubuntu should give half its users to fedora, ideallyNov 02 14:24
schestowitzbetter for Linux  growthNov 02 14:25
oiaohmI started my KDE addiction on fedoraNov 02 14:28
oiaohmto be correct on redhat 9Nov 02 14:28
oiaohmThen grew more on fedora coreNov 02 14:28
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: i've played a little with graphvizNov 02 14:30
schestowitzi installed itNov 02 14:33
schestowitzCan't run it from cli thoughNov 02 14:33
schestowitzI didn't know octave had a good gui for kde, eitherNov 02 14:33
schestowitzI have a matlab licence anywayNov 02 14:33
schestowitzSo I'll try both tonightNov 02 14:33
schestowitzmaybe I'll use them in tandem for a whileNov 02 14:34
oiaohmThe octave one is too simple to find.  So simple in fact most miss it exists qtoctave nicely covers all its features 02 14:39
TechrightsBot-scTitle: -What is QtOctave? « QtOctave: a front-end for Octave/un Front-End para Octave .::. Size~: 97.44 KBNov 02 14:39
schestowitzoiaohm: yeahNov 02 14:44
schestowitzI thought I'd have to be CLI only+kdevelopNov 02 14:44
oiaohmgraphviz is a far harder one to find a gui for.Nov 02 14:48
oiaohmSince it does so many different things.Nov 02 14:48
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 14:49
FurnaceBoyQuadrescence: ohaiNov 02 14:49
QuadrescencehiNov 02 14:49
schestowitzQuadrescence: 02 15:17
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  » Blog Archive   » Moving From MATLAB to Octave .::. Size~: 51.63 KBNov 02 15:17
schestowitzI got an almost-OK for it. Might use both for a while, see how it goesNov 02 15:18
schestowitzI got a CD at the hopital today, need to check performance loading up DICON in octaveNov 02 15:18
schestowitz*COMNov 02 15:18
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 15:52
*Quadrescence has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 02 15:58
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 02 16:07
schestowitz[Notice] -TRIdentica to #techrights- [fabsh/@fabsh] Still don't get the fact that people think my accent is Indian. What's that all about? OoNov 02 18:03
FurnaceBoyhehNov 02 18:08
FurnaceBoysome people don't get out very much, that's what it's about.Nov 02 18:09
FurnaceBoypassport challengedNov 02 18:09
schestowitzTRIdentica to #techrights- [fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @JavaGlobalPR: Sorry for the lack of updates, we are preparing lawsuits against Java users to improve our quarter numbers #FreedomCostsNov 02 18:59
FurnaceBoylolNov 02 18:59
schestowitz-TRIdentica to #techrights- [thistleweb/@thistleweb] I wonder if the phrase "people are running away from Ubuntu and back to Linux" will become the norm in a few years?Nov 02 19:28
gnufreexGuys, did you see this? Monsters are FUDing Java, AND riping it off at the same time.Nov 02 19:40
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / Miguel de Icaza: Java developers can use Sh ... .::. Size~: 12.59 KBNov 02 19:40
gnufreexOracle could sue them for this.Nov 02 19:40
FurnaceBoyughNov 02 19:44
FurnaceBoyde Icaza is such a worthless prickNov 02 19:44
FurnaceBoymakes me want to stop using GNOMENov 02 19:45
MinceRSCOracle won't sue them, they want java to dieNov 02 19:46
schestowitzNaa...Nov 02 19:53
schestowitzThey want to grab as much $$ out if it while they hold itNov 02 19:53
FurnaceBoyyesNov 02 19:53
FurnaceBoylarry's a fuckhead but as often gets pointed out, he knows how to make a buckNov 02 19:54
MinceRif that's what they expect from their behavior then they're completely insaneNov 02 19:54
FurnaceBoyMinceR: it's counterintuitive but some of this stupid shit is good for the bottom lineNov 02 19:54
FurnaceBoyMinceR: i have trouble believing it as wellNov 02 19:54
MinceRunless "a quick buck" means "some profit now, no profit later, therefore current profit is a lot more than later profit (which is 0)"Nov 02 19:54
FurnaceBoyshort term thinking is everywhereNov 02 19:55
FurnaceBoySchwartz had a viable, sustainable open strategy for Sun.Nov 02 19:55
FurnaceBoyLarry shot it to pieces, set it on fire, and flushed that down the toilet.Nov 02 19:55
FurnaceBoythen he poured nitric acid into the sewer systemNov 02 19:56
MinceRthis isn't even thinking, it's blindly flailing around, destroying thingsNov 02 19:57
FurnaceBoyexcept it's not blindNov 02 19:57
FurnaceBoyi know, to ppl like you and I it looks insane.Nov 02 19:57
MinceRor even a conscious campaign to destroy everything of value that has just been boughtNov 02 19:57
FurnaceBoybut it's not -- it's a strategy -- just an extremely vicious, shortsighted, and damaging oneNov 02 19:58
FurnaceBoysureNov 02 19:58
FurnaceBoybut Larry doesn't see the world like you and I do.Nov 02 19:58
FurnaceBoydifferent goals.Nov 02 19:58
MinceRwhat is this strategy supposed to result in?Nov 02 19:58
FurnaceBoysee also: GatesNov 02 19:58
MinceRthere was some point to what gates didNov 02 19:59
MinceRi see no point to what Law Suit Larry is doingNov 02 19:59
FurnaceBoyi suppose it's meant to leverage the lockin that exists as hard and fast and long as possible until everything collapses. which is identical to Microsoft 's trajectoryNov 02 19:59
gnufreexIf Larry means good for Java, he will sue Monsters too.Nov 02 20:04
gnufreexSo they can pretend they are fine.Nov 02 20:05
gnufreex*can'tNov 02 20:05
schestowitzmaybe he just wanted to frost mysqlNov 02 20:06
gnufreexMinceR: I see point in what Larry is doing: Fighting fragmentation in some quriky way.Nov 02 20:06
schestowitzIt sure isn't heard so much anymorNov 02 20:06
MinceRwell, if there's no java, it won't be fragmentedNov 02 20:06
MinceRgood plan!Nov 02 20:06
schestowitzWOrth paying $7bn to ruin #1 rivalNov 02 20:06
gnufreexHahaNov 02 20:06
schestowitzEllison is almost retiredNov 02 20:07
schestowitzHe'll fragment soon anywayNov 02 20:07
gnufreexEllison won't retire himself, they will need to fire him.Nov 02 20:08
FurnaceBoygnufreex: exactly!Nov 02 20:08
gnufreexThey say nobody has any say in decision making, it is all Larry.Nov 02 20:08
FurnaceBoygnufreex: i was about to say, expect him to leave soonNov 02 20:08
FurnaceBoyanyone see the parallel to MS?Nov 02 20:08
FurnaceBoyLarry and Gates are peas in an pod.Nov 02 20:09
FurnaceBoya*Nov 02 20:09
FurnaceBoycaptains who abandon sinking ships.Nov 02 20:09
gnufreexEllison first thought that Gates is unethical and that he will never do such things.Nov 02 20:09
FurnaceBoyhaNov 02 20:09
gnufreexThere is Youtube videoNov 02 20:09
gnufreexBut it is ruinedNov 02 20:10
FurnaceBoywell, who knows what he really thinks? people this dishonest will say anythingNov 02 20:10
gnufreexNo autioNov 02 20:10
gnufreex*audioNov 02 20:10
gnufreexno, seriously, I heard some Oracle employees confirming that he really thought so at that time. 2002 or so.Nov 02 20:11
gnufreexIt is interesting that Youtube video is broken.Nov 02 20:11
gnufreex 02 20:12
TechrightsBot-scTitle:     YouTube        - Larry Ellison on  Microsoft   .::. Size~: 120.73 KBNov 02 20:12
gnufreexIt is good videoNov 02 20:12
gnufreexI mean, "It was a good video"Nov 02 20:12
gnufreexMaybe Larry wanted to take back what he said.Nov 02 20:20
gnufreexIt got broken soon after Sun aquistion closedNov 02 20:20
schestowitzthe video?Nov 02 20:23
schestowitzI have it as ogg IIRCNov 02 20:23
schestowitzlocally storedNov 02 20:23
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 20:30
gnufreexschestowitz: This larry vide?Nov 02 20:31
gnufreexo?Nov 02 20:31
schestowitzstoopid cats 02 20:32
TechrightsBot-scTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: Fatboy Slim - The Joker .::. Size~: 5.22 KBNov 02 20:32
Ender2070seriouslyNov 02 20:32
schestowitzgnufreex: yeahNov 02 20:32
Ender2070my site, can anyone get on itNov 02 20:32
schestowitz[root@boycottnovell ~]# ping pwnage.netNov 02 20:33
schestowitzPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.Nov 02 20:33
schestowitz64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=154 msNov 02 20:33
schestowitz64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=49 time=154 msNov 02 20:33
schestowitz64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=49 time=154 msNov 02 20:33
FurnaceBoyredirects to sedo.comNov 02 20:34
FurnaceBoydomcollect, indeedNov 02 20:34
FurnaceBoydid it expire?Nov 02 20:34 (PWNAGE.NET) is for saleNov 02 20:35
Ender2070pwnage.caNov 02 20:35
MinceRseems to be downNov 02 20:35
Ender2070the domain side is fine, my email works but its on another serverNov 02 20:35
Ender2070it seems to be my vpsNov 02 20:36
Ender2070I can ping it, it reponds slowNov 02 20:36
Ender2070I can telnet in and sometimes get an error from apacheNov 02 20:36
Ender2070that takes 5 minutesNov 02 20:36
FurnaceBoyseems to hang.Nov 02 20:37
FurnaceBoyDDos? did yuo piss off 4chan again?Nov 02 20:37
FurnaceBoy:)Nov 02 20:37
Ender2070I think its DDosNov 02 20:38
Ender2070I can't even sshNov 02 20:38
FurnaceBoyis there any reason to think so?Nov 02 20:38
Ender2070trollsNov 02 20:39
FurnaceBoydid yuo do anything controversial?Nov 02 20:39
Ender2070yesNov 02 20:39
FurnaceBoyhahahahahaNov 02 20:39
FurnaceBoygood workNov 02 20:39
FurnaceBoywhat?Nov 02 20:39
Ender2070the vlc censorship articleNov 02 20:39
Ender2070i was also on roys showNov 02 20:39
Ender2070got that onto lxerNov 02 20:40 worksNov 02 20:40
MinceRhm, apparently crApple fanboys can DDoS tooNov 02 20:40
Ender2070I e-mailed my host to let him know that might be the caseNov 02 20:41
MinceRwho gave them idiotproof tools for that?Nov 02 20:41
Ender2070microsoftNov 02 20:41
Ender2070visual studioNov 02 20:41
Ender2070lolNov 02 20:41
MinceRVS is hardly idiotproofNov 02 20:42
MinceRit's idiotic, yes, but not idiotproofNov 02 20:42
Ender2070it is when its or c#Nov 02 20:42 isn't so easy to use, actuallyNov 02 20:42
Ender2070how do you think they code all the bot nets?Nov 02 20:42
MinceRit's a shoddy, partial copy of java with documentation that's somewhere between crappy and nonexistentNov 02 20:43
Ender2070easier than c or c++Nov 02 20:43
Ender2070plus its guaranteed to be there for vista/7Nov 02 20:43
MinceRperhaps a more advanced drone copy-pastes it together from code he finds on the net?Nov 02 20:43
Ender2070yesNov 02 20:43
Ender2070copy pastaNov 02 20:43
MinceRor an indian randomly modifies the code until it compiles and works?Nov 02 20:43
Ender2070nah i'd say its teenagersNov 02 20:44
MinceRbut there's no .net for OSuX, is there?Nov 02 20:44
Ender2070monoNov 02 20:44
MinceRtrying to get .net crap to work there is pure lottery thoughNov 02 20:45
MinceRisn't it?Nov 02 20:45
Ender2070hardlyNov 02 20:46
Ender2070they package it on their websiteNov 02 20:46
Ender2070 02 20:46
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Download - Mono .::. Size~: 9.55 KBNov 02 20:46
MinceRi mean afaik there are compatibility problems between .net and monoNov 02 20:47
MinceRsomeone even mentioned a binary incompatibility on one of the TR channelsNov 02 20:47
Ender2070well generally we run into windows botnets anywaysNov 02 20:50
MinceRi expected more of a desktop GUI drool-and-DDoS tool hereNov 02 20:51
schestowitzDDoS-and-drool?Nov 02 20:54
schestowitzWon't/would you not drool /after/ ddos?Nov 02 20:54
MinceRthey can't hold the drool back that longNov 02 20:56
MinceRthen again, maybe it's a web/javascript-based ddos thingNov 02 20:56
schestowitz[root@boycottnovell ~]# ping pwnage.caNov 02 21:04
schestowitzPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.Nov 02 21:04
Ender2070we got it back upNov 02 21:06
MinceRthat's what she said.Nov 02 21:07
FurnaceBoylolNov 02 21:09
FurnaceBoyMinceR++Nov 02 21:09
Ender2070database errorNov 02 21:09
gnufreex[21:44:48] <MinceR> someone even mentioned a binary incompatibility on one of the TR channelsNov 02 21:14
gnufreexsimple, Mono apps work on .NET, but not other way around.Nov 02 21:14
Ender2070there we goNov 02 21:14
schestowitz[21:09] <Ender2070> database errorNov 02 21:15
schestowitzSlowness?Nov 02 21:15
MinceRthe issue i think i remember was that there was a program which would run on .net but not on mono if you compiled it with vs, and it would run on mono but not on .net if you compiled it with monoNov 02 21:15
*schestowitz does post on monoNov 02 21:15
gnufreexThat is a bug thenNov 02 21:16
MinceRIn Soviet Russia, post does YOU on mono!!Nov 02 21:16
MinceRit was something about different interpretation of specs or somethingNov 02 21:16
gnufreexMono is subset of .NET and everything that runs on Mono should work on .NET.Nov 02 21:16
MinceRin theory.Nov 02 21:17
gnufreexAnd it is by desing, to make people move to Windows.Nov 02 21:17
Ender2070i dont know what was causing the slownessNov 02 21:17
Ender2070when I rebooted it I had to repair the databaseNov 02 21:17
Ender2070it was damaged hours ago, i kept getting that error while everything was slowNov 02 21:17
gnufreexNone of .NET apps work on without recompile.Nov 02 21:17
Ender2070it could've been exploited and left damagedNov 02 21:17
gnufreexEven if use only small fraction of .NET, you can't run it on Mono.Nov 02 21:18
gnufreexSo when Monsters start crap about "Mono is like Wine", they are lying.Nov 02 21:19
gnufreexYou need to recompile .NET apps to work on Mono.Nov 02 21:19
gnufreexIf Wine was like that, it would be useless.Nov 02 21:19
MinceRoh, now i know what you mean by "Monster"Nov 02 21:21
FurnaceBoygnufreex: or if java was.Nov 02 21:21
FurnaceBoywell anybody who hasnt worked out Mono is useless... what hope is there...Nov 02 21:22
FurnaceBoywe could sell them land on the moon, maybe.Nov 02 21:22
Ender2070 02 21:30
Ender2070 02 21:30
Ender2070 02 21:30
Ender2070ring any bells?Nov 02 21:30
gnufreexNoNov 02 21:30
Ender2070 02 21:31
Ender2070 02 21:31
Ender2070 02 21:31
Ender2070one of them exploited the serverNov 02 21:31
schestowitz 02 21:31
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Reverse DNS Lookup .::. Size~: 5 KBNov 02 21:31
gnufreexEnder2070: Nice show yesterday, but one thing: Fedora + Autoten gets you propriatary goodies. No need for Fusion Linux or making your spins.Nov 02 21:32
Ender2070I just follow the instructions on rpmfusion's siteNov 02 21:32
Ender2070i dont like autotenNov 02 21:32
Ender2070it installs the adobe repoNov 02 21:32
Ender2070which likes to force proprietary reader down my throatNov 02 21:33
gnufreex*goodies = crap (propriatary cant be good)Nov 02 21:33
Ender2070i use flash64 from adobe's site tooNov 02 21:33
MinceRnot only if you choose to install reader?Nov 02 21:33
Ender2070adobe has it configured to ram reader down as a dependencyNov 02 21:33
MinceRoh.Nov 02 21:33
MinceRwith adobe, it's malware all the wayNov 02 21:33
Ender2070so I just add rpmfusion manuallyNov 02 21:34
gnufreexThat didn't happen to me.Nov 02 21:34
Ender2070and install flash64 from adobes siteNov 02 21:34
MinceRon winblows, they stuff mcafee malware down your throatNov 02 21:34
Ender2070i dont use stupid wrappers for 32bit shitNov 02 21:34
MinceRand mozilla assists them with thatNov 02 21:34
MinceRadobe needs to fucking die alreadyNov 02 21:34
gnufreexI use Autoten and poppler based PDF reader.Nov 02 21:34
gnufreexNo conflicts. What am I doing wrong?Nov 02 21:34
Ender2070autoten is also more gnome centricNov 02 21:34
Ender2070it installs gnome stuff on my kdeNov 02 21:35
Ender2070mind you this was back in F11 daysNov 02 21:35
gnufreexDon't know about that.Nov 02 21:35
gnufreexI use GNOME>Nov 02 21:35
gnufreex.Nov 02 21:35
Ender2070it installed that gnome media player thing on meNov 02 21:37
Ender2070anywaysNov 02 21:37
gnufreexTotem?Nov 02 21:37
Ender2070perhapsNov 02 21:37
gnufreexThat one is crappy.Nov 02 21:38
Ender2070yeah it isNov 02 21:38
Ender2070however personally I have my own scripts and stuffNov 02 21:38
Ender2070i install fedora a lotNov 02 21:38
Ender2070I also do @development-tools vlc and some other stuffNov 02 21:39
Ender2070plus chromiumNov 02 21:39
Ender2070chromium works great with webmNov 02 21:39
Ender2070no need for firebloat 4.xNov 02 21:39
gnufreexDid you try FF 4.0 ?Nov 02 21:40
gnufreexI didn'tNov 02 21:40
Ender2070nopeNov 02 21:42
Ender2070I'm extremely happy with ChromiumNov 02 21:43
FurnaceBoyEnder2070: I ditched firefox a while back due to bloat, after using it since 1.0, i guess.Nov 02 21:47
schestowitzI sometimes try itNov 02 21:47
FurnaceBoygnufreex: friend on irc was looking for light pdf readers recently (for windows). i think they settled on evince because it was the only thing that would render their test pdf correctly (bitmap transparency)Nov 02 21:48
gnufreexFurnaceBoy: For Windwos... Foxit is good. It is non-free but who cares, it is windows anyways.Nov 02 21:50
FurnaceBoyhe tried that, apparently it didn't pass the test. also the distribution was largeNov 02 21:50
FurnaceBoyor, maybe it passed, but 45MB was too much to bother withNov 02 21:50
gnufreexFurnaceBoy: I have no idea what works best on Windows. I didn't install Windows on (any) computer since I quit working in computer shop :-)Nov 02 21:59
FurnaceBoyright.Nov 02 22:01
FurnaceBoyvery wiseNov 02 22:01
schestowitzWindows shopNov 02 22:08
schestowitzThe MSBBC teaches me that computer and WIndows are interchangeable thoughNov 02 22:09
schestowitz"@schestowitz how is the matlab->octave change?"Nov 02 22:10
schestowitzI am going to report on that tomorrowNov 02 22:10
Ender2070I use okularNov 02 22:12
Ender2070awesome pdf readerNov 02 22:12
FurnaceBoywindows? :()Nov 02 22:14
MinceRi, too use okularNov 02 22:14
MinceRit isn't too badNov 02 22:14
MinceRseems to be less bug-ridden than the othersNov 02 22:14
Ender2070I love its featuresNov 02 22:14
schestowitzokular is greatNov 02 22:23
schestowitzbetter than kpdf, can do lots moreNov 02 22:24
Ender2070yeahNov 02 22:25
Ender2070isn't kpdf kde3?Nov 02 22:26
MinceRit isNov 02 22:27
MinceRand i'm not sure which one i preferNov 02 22:27
MinceRfor one thing, while kpdf puts the page number in the sidebar, saving space but disappearing if the sidebar is turned off, okular wastes space by putting it on a toolbar of its ownNov 02 22:28
MinceRevince puts it on the main toolbar, but it has some very weird quirks sometimesNov 02 22:28
Ender2070you can turn it offNov 02 22:29
Ender2070I can't stand kde3 stuffNov 02 22:31
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 22:37
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Nov 02 22:37
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 22:37
Ender2070boooNov 02 22:38
Ender2070 02 22:38
TechrightsBot-scTitle: F-Spot 0.8.0 in Fedora 14 and in Fusion 14 | Fusion Linux .::. Size~: 26.87 KBNov 02 22:38
Ender2070its not default in FedoraNov 02 22:41
Ender2070butNov 02 22:41
Ender2070Fusion is using it as defaultNov 02 22:41
Ender2070another reason I wont recommend FusionNov 02 22:41
schestowitzFoo-shenNov 02 22:44
Ender2070I wish he announced that previouslyNov 02 22:45
Ender2070I would have mentioned the mono infectionNov 02 22:45
schestowitzf* potNov 02 22:46
schestowitzgnNov 02 22:46
schestowitz"And don't forget, children, never use f*pot"Nov 02 22:47
*Ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 02 22:59
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 02 23:25
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 02 23:40

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