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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: December 1st, 2010

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*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 01 00:53
schestowitz[23:22] <ThistleWeb> digital cold managementDec 01 00:58
schestowitz[23:37] <schestowitz> 01 00:58
TechrightsBot-scTitle: TechBytes - Techrights .::. Size~: 15.41 KBDec 01 00:58
schestowitz[23:38] <_Goblin> 01 00:58
TechrightsBot-scTitle: .::. Size~: 0.43 KBDec 01 00:58
schestowitz[23:45] <ThistleWeb> bkDec 01 00:58
schestowitz[23:52] <ThistleWeb> 01 00:58
TechrightsBot-scTitle: PC Mag Responds To Legacy Recording Industry's 'Complaint' Letter | Techdirt .::. Size~: 164.47 KBDec 01 00:58
schestowitz[23:53] <_Goblin> 01 00:58
schestowitz[00:04] <ThistleWeb> fifaDec 01 00:58
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Google exec: 60% of businesses could dump Windows for Chrome OS | ZDNet  .::. Size~: 131.35 KBDec 01 00:58
schestowitz[00:12] <ThistleWeb> die asporaDec 01 00:58
schestowitz[00:18] <_Goblin> 01 00:58
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Hands-on: a first look at Diaspora's private alpha test .::. Size~: 35.45 KBDec 01 00:58
schestowitz[00:28] <_Goblin> 01 00:58
schestowitz[00:35] <_Goblin> 01 00:58
TechrightsBot-scTitle:    After Police Raid, Mulve File-Sharing App Operator Cleared Of Wrong Doing | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 58.32 KBDec 01 00:58
schestowitzDec 01 00:58
schestowitz[00:53] <_Goblin> 01 00:58
TechrightsBot-scTitle:             Pc sales slow to tablet and smartphone onslaught- The Inquirer          .::. Size~: 59.9 KBDec 01 00:59
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Righthaven Victims .::. Size~: 88.82 KBDec 01 00:59
schestowitz[00:55] <ThistleWeb> 01 00:59
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Judge Asks Righthaven To Explain Why Reposting Isn't Fair Use... Even When Defendant Didn't Claim Fair Use | Techdirt .::. Size~: 71.39 KBDec 01 00:59
schestowitz[00:56] <ThistleWeb> close the show as far as I;m concernedDec 01 00:59
oiaohmschestowitz: the mulve one is no way near over.Dec 01 01:03
oiaohmI did put a post there on torrentfreak they have not shown.  Simple fact its no where near over.Dec 01 01:04
oiaohmSimple fact now that Eric is 100 percent sure informed of possible illegal activitly taking part on a domain he owns he is legally required to take action.Dec 01 01:06
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 01 01:26
*Ender2070 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Dec 01 02:43
sebsebsebanyone here?Dec 01 04:31
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: ?Dec 01 04:31
sebsebseboiaohm:  ?Dec 01 04:31
oiaohmI am here. sebsebsebDec 01 04:35
sebsebseboiaohm: 01 04:35
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Law enforcement officer left loaded gun magazine on plane - .::. Size~: 36.16 KBDec 01 04:35
sebsebsebtheres a video as well :)Dec 01 04:36
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: ohaiDec 01 04:51
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: yes, saw that about a week ago.Dec 01 04:51
FurnaceBoyit's dated 23 NovDec 01 04:52
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: you might like this, as well. 01 04:53
TechrightsBot-scTitle: TSA's double standard - Ask the Pilot - .::. Size~: 61.53 KBDec 01 04:53
FurnaceBoy"Although the X-ray and metal detector rigmarole is mandatory for pilots and flight attendants, many other airport workers, including those with regular access to aircraft -- to cabins, cockpits, galleys and freight compartments -- are exempt. That's correct. Uniformed pilots cannot carry butter knives onto an airplane, yet apron workers and contract ground support staff -- cargoDec 01 04:54
FurnaceBoyloaders, baggage handlers, fuelers, cabin cleaners, caterers -- can, as a matter of routine, bypass TSA inspection entirely.Dec 01 04:54
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: yeah there was that one or something ilke it on identicaDec 01 04:56
FurnaceBoyyes schestowitz probably rt'd itDec 01 04:56
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: anyway I was trying to catch up a bit with identica, but theres a lot, and uh,  I been awake a pretty long time now anyway, with hardly any sleep before this,  so I am thinking   go to bed soon, do that laterDec 01 04:57
oiaohmCareless had to happenDec 01 05:10
oiaohmIts a bit like a lost taser here.Dec 01 05:10
oiaohmNot fired but the police office taser had traveled all over brisbane.Dec 01 05:11
oiaohmIt was left in a boot of a taxi.Dec 01 05:11
oiaohmsebsebseb: part of the problem this could be general weapon carrying process.Dec 01 05:16
oiaohmClip + gun equals something of a serous threat.  Some of the old carrying procdures you were ment to put spare clips in the seat pockets.Dec 01 05:18
oiaohmSo if they got you they would only have a gun with 1 clipDec 01 05:18
oiaohmOf course you are ment to check that you got all your clips before you leave the aircraft.  sebsebsebDec 01 05:19
sebsebseboiaohm: uh right I guess, anyway I am on the verge of going to bedDec 01 05:22
*sebsebseb has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 01 06:23
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: "You know that anyone can blog for the Huffington Post? Really. Anyone. As long as they are a multi-millionaire." 01 06:23
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Not Even Oprah Winfreys Fake Endorsements Can Save Microsofts Vista Phony 7 | Techrights .::. Size~: 101.05 KBDec 01 06:23
MinceR 01 06:46
TechrightsBot-scTitle: I see what you did there. : pics .::. Size~: 401.33 KBDec 01 06:46
MinceR 01 06:49
TechrightsBot-scTitle: TIL that 40 years ago, The NY Times leaked the Pentagon papers under the argument: "that the press had a First Amendment right to publish information significant to the people's understanding of their government's policy." : todayilearned .::. Size~: 255.51 KBDec 01 06:49
schestowitzuser://bigbrovarDec 01 06:57
schestowitz 01 06:58
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / Bobby: RT @jaom7 Some notes about ... .::. Size~: 13.32 KBDec 01 06:58
schestowitz "@schestowitz :It seems...& they forget it will mutate & we(those who involve w/ it) inject that in2 their brain gradually but surely..yup we dont need any specific marketng model..we dont care thing stand apart always.."Dec 01 06:59
TechrightsBot-scTitle: @schestowitz :It seems...& they forget it will mutate & we(those who involve w/ it) inject that in2 .::. Size~: 5.68 KBDec 01 06:59
schestowitzMinceR: both dentedDec 01 07:00
oiaohm 01 07:17
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Lightworks Video Editor Open Sourced | BlenderNation .::. Size~: 87.97 KBDec 01 07:18
oiaohmFirst stage for windows next stage port it everywhere else.Dec 01 07:18
oiaohmNow It will be interesting to see what effect this has on sony vagasDec 01 07:18
schestowitzoiaohm: dented... to prod developers to portDec 01 07:22
schestowitzWindows Live Spaces Doubles Signups from #Windows ☛ to !gnu ☛ !linux ☛ with #wordpress ☛Dec 01 08:11
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Windows Live Spaces Doubles Signups  Blog .::. Size~: 105.57 KBDec 01 08:11
schestowitzoiaohm: see? Still moving in the right direction...Dec 01 08:11
schestowitzThe caveats: With Scribus you need to keep the Scribus file or else you are going to have to start over from scratch.  You canNOT reopen the PDF you created in Scribus for editing.Dec 01 08:14
schestowitzOh, right, Adobe Acrobat Pro will run you 450 dollars.  Scribus is available free for Windows/Mac or for Ubuntu.Dec 01 08:14
schestowitz 01 08:14
TechrightsBot-scTitle: gQuigs' View: Scribus, How close is it to replacing Adobe Acrobat Pro? .::. Size~: 25.78 KBDec 01 08:14
schestowitz"It seems like Fauxpatents Florian will no longer have access to ZDNet's pseudopen-source blog now that @sjvn runs it" > "How did you come to that conclusion?"!/janstedehouder/status/9887150099140608  > see new banner at the top :-)Dec 01 08:45
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Linux and Open Source | ZDNet .::. Size~: 90.26 KBDec 01 08:45
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter .::. Size~: 41.27 KBDec 01 08:45
oiaohmLightworks is going to be ported to Linux by a hardware maker of custom video control consoles for the likes of tv stations schestowitzDec 01 09:18
oiaohmBut we have to wait until the end of 2011 for it.Dec 01 09:18
oiaohmeditshare was considering delaying lightworks release open source until it worked on Linux but that was decided it would take too long.Dec 01 09:22
MinceR 01 10:47
TechrightsBot-scTitle: "Put Saturn back in Saturday" is the response to "Put Christ back in Christmas." : atheism .::. Size~: 371.34 KBDec 01 10:47
schestowitzoiaohm: and mac os?Dec 01 10:52
oiaohmI have seen no annoncement about mac osDec 01 10:53
oiaohmThat way i brought it here I though i was forgeting to check something.Dec 01 10:53
schestowitzMinceR: "As soon as you put Thor back in Thursday!"Dec 01 10:53
schestowitzIntresting.Dec 01 10:54
schestowitzMaybe they wait fr his sainthood steve to make the ann.Dec 01 10:55
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 01 11:15
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Dec 01 11:17
schestowitzGNOME Shell 2.91.3 released !gnome ☛ !gnu ☛Dec 01 11:18
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRDec 01 11:18
schestowitzPainting whistleblowers as "criminals" or "terrorists" is saying that we reward conspiracy and engagement in illegal activity. Self hate?Dec 01 12:01
MinceRno, just government as usualDec 01 13:03
MinceRclaiming to be invested with power by the common people and serving them while serving themselves and keeping their deals hiddenDec 01 13:03
MinceRthe usual "it's for your own good" bullshitDec 01 13:03
MinceRlike i say, the social contract is bullshitDec 01 13:04
schestowitzwell, wikileaks discedits them nowDec 01 13:04
schestowitzOnly good can come out of it...... unless you're in these leaksDec 01 13:04
MinceRthe bullshit machine is running on max, trying to smear wikileaks and AssangeDec 01 13:08
MinceRit might result in disasterDec 01 13:08
MinceRthe sheeple don't understand that it is in their best interest to have transparency in government mattersDec 01 13:08
schestowitzyeahDec 01 13:09
schestowitzThe calls for assassination also jump back to politicians who make themDec 01 13:10
schestowitzNow harper's advisor (I pinged FurnaceBoy about it)Dec 01 13:10
schestowitzFurnaceBoy will distribute the message to other Canadians, I hopeDec 01 13:10
schestowitz♺ @fabsh Never thought of the web comic gadget of KDE as a killer feature, but apparently it is one...Dec 01 13:20
schestowitz 01 13:53
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / Marc Lijour: RT @schestowitz: Amazon ch ... .::. Size~: 10.11 KBDec 01 13:53
schestowitz "@schestowitz That cloud over Death Mountain looks strange! Maybe you should check it out!"Dec 01 14:13
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / Navi: @schestowitz That cloud ov ... .::. Size~: 12.9 KBDec 01 14:13
schestowitzContext?Dec 01 14:13
schestowitzI think they have spam account problem in twitterDec 01 14:14
schestowitz "@schestowitz @fosspatents It was an interesting interchange today. It seems we agree on this issue: IT-journalism should be independent ."Dec 01 14:14
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / Jan Stedehouder: @schestowitz @fosspatents  ... .::. Size~: 13.12 KBDec 01 14:14
schestowitz "@schestowitz @fosspatents ... Albeit within understandable boundaries. "Dec 01 14:14
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / Jan Stedehouder: @schestowitz @fosspatents  ... .::. Size~: 12.99 KBDec 01 14:14
schestowitzMewh.Dec 01 14:14
schestowitzBiasDec 01 14:14
schestowitzIn IT like in politics reallyDec 01 14:14
oiaohmReally politics is nicer.Dec 01 14:25
MinceRoiaohm: if you think that, you should see hungaryDec 01 14:26
MinceRspecifically the dictatorship viktor orban has installedDec 01 14:26
oiaohmHe is truthful about it.Dec 01 14:26
MinceRnopeDec 01 14:27
schestowitzIs VIctor written in QTDec 01 14:27
oiaohmNot like Microsoft trying to pretending that competition.Dec 01 14:27
oiaohmCan exist.Dec 01 14:27
oiaohmBut due to there actions it had been mad near impossible.Dec 01 14:27
MinceRorban pretends to run a democracy, pretends to have support of 2/3 of the voters, etc.Dec 01 14:27
schestowitzdemo-cracyDec 01 14:27
schestowitzIt's a demoDec 01 14:27
schestowitzFor showDec 01 14:27
schestowitzLeads to demonstration in the streets, tooDec 01 14:28
MinceRthe nazis (fidesz) lie all the time and when they were in power, the commies (mszp) lied all the time tooDec 01 14:28
schestowitzUnless the cops are out to playDec 01 14:28
schestowitzThen they arrest protesters tooDec 01 14:28
schestowitzFreedom of bi*chDec 01 14:28
MinceRwe had cases of severe police brutality in 2006Dec 01 14:28
schestowitzA poliemen told me that psychopaths or something join the policeDec 01 14:29
MinceRwhen an audio recording where the commie leader confessed that he lied to win the election was leaked and this caused riotsDec 01 14:29
schestowitzLegalised violanceDec 01 14:29
schestowitz*lenceDec 01 14:29
MinceRnow of course the nazis turned out to lie tooDec 01 14:29
MinceRbut somehow the sheeple don't mind this timeDec 01 14:29
schestowitzMeh.Dec 01 14:29
MinceRorban has taken authority away from the constitutional court and there's practically no protestingDec 01 14:30
MinceRhe has stolen a big chunk of our pension money and nobody protests loudlyDec 01 14:30
MinceR(well, basically all the money that was set aside ahead of time, as opposed to redistributed)Dec 01 14:32
schestowitzAbolish OrBanDec 01 14:33
MinceRthe only real way to completely get rid of shit would be if sheeple stopped voting for the nazis and commiesDec 01 14:33
MinceRwhich won't happenDec 01 14:34
schestowitzmatch made in haven [sic]Dec 01 14:34
MinceRit's the same kind of switching back-and-forth as in yankeestan, only the parties are a lot more unscrupulous about itDec 01 14:34
MinceRand it seems that not the same rich people are behind both parties, like in yankeestanDec 01 14:35
MinceR(they haven't learned that way of doing things yet)Dec 01 14:35
schestowitzwho hasn't?Dec 01 14:35
schestowitzThe public?Dec 01 14:35
schestowitzThe pollies?Dec 01 14:36
MinceRhungarian oligarchsDec 01 14:36
MinceRthey seem to take sidesDec 01 14:36
schestowitzYou made SOrosDec 01 14:36
schestowitzExported to the UKDec 01 14:36
MinceRyanks have realized long ago that taking sides is unnecessaryDec 01 14:36
schestowitzat least he funds EFFDec 01 14:36
MinceRthey can just pay both of the big parties and ensure that others don't get to playDec 01 14:36
schestowitzMaybe some other not-so-bad things...Dec 01 14:36
schestowitzBut Palin something tooDec 01 14:36
schestowitzSo Soros->GOPDec 01 14:36
schestowitzMinceR: right...Dec 01 14:37
schestowitzAnd they don't call foulDec 01 14:37
schestowitzThe publiDec 01 14:37
schestowitzLike, "Amazon is <political side>"Dec 01 14:37
schestowitzThey just sponsor the election :-)Dec 01 14:37
schestowitzI.e. buy the next admin.Dec 01 14:37
MinceRmore like buy bothDec 01 14:39
MinceRand so they don't need to care about who winsDec 01 14:39
schestowitzand no public bashlashDec 01 14:41
schestowitzCause the idiots call it "balance"Dec 01 14:41
MinceRindeedDec 01 14:41
schestowitzMicrosoft pays Obama AND GOPDec 01 14:41
schestowitzSo it's OK then :-)Dec 01 14:41
schestowitzSee my latest dentDec 01 14:41
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 01 15:03
*FurnaceBoy has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.3)Dec 01 15:06
*FurnaceBoy ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 01 15:06
schestowitzLinux finally gets winamp in a way. (Winamp for Android beta with SHOUTcast integration and improved UI released)Dec 01 15:15
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Great Minds Think Alike: How Makara and Red Hat will Open Up the Cloud | Makara Cloud Application Platform .::. Size~: 28.23 KBDec 01 15:15
MinceRi prefer AudaciousDec 01 15:16
MinceRi even preferred XMMS to WinAMPDec 01 15:16
schestowitz " Does Pravda still exist?"Dec 01 15:18
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / Jan Stedehouder: @schestowitz Does Pravda s ... .::. Size~: 12.95 KBDec 01 15:18
schestowitzDoes it?Dec 01 15:18
schestowitzMinceR: yeah, xmms was greatDec 01 15:18
schestowitzI used it a lot in suseDec 01 15:18
MinceRwell, i think i've heard someone mention leaving an issue of Pravda visible as one of the means of signaling to the cops not to fuck with a particular parking carDec 01 15:20
MinceRrecentlyDec 01 15:20
MinceRthat would suggest that it still existsDec 01 15:20
FurnaceBoyPravda doesn't only still exist, they have a web site (and in English too).Dec 01 15:25
*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 01 15:25
FurnaceBoywith a liberal leaning, would you believe (like Ha'aretz)Dec 01 15:25
FurnaceBoythe NYT has taken over the role of the Soviet Pravda :)Dec 01 15:26
schestowitzHehDec 01 15:35
schestowitzOrBan would love an NYT.huDec 01 15:36
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 01 15:36
MinceRthe nazis control enough "news"papers and tv channels alreadyDec 01 15:42
MinceRno need for any of them to be named after nytDec 01 15:43
MinceRoh, and they've just pushed through a law to "regulate" the mediaDec 01 15:43
MinceR(i.e. censorship)Dec 01 15:43
MinceRafaik they even want to censor the internetDec 01 15:43
schestowitzMurdoch's rags have many namesDec 01 15:44
schestowitzMinceR: they already doDec 01 15:44
schestowitzvia ICANN/DHSDec 01 15:44
schestowitzFirst copyright-related sitesDec 01 15:45
MinceRi mean here in absurdistanDec 01 15:45
schestowitzThat tooDec 01 15:45
schestowitzIt'd intl'Dec 01 15:45
schestowitzYou didn't knowDec 01 15:45
schestowitzUS censor for whole world nowDec 01 15:45
schestowitzat root levelDec 01 15:45
MinceRi knowDec 01 15:47
MinceRbut i've realized that i prefer the tyranny of usian megacorps to the tyranny of orbanDec 01 15:48
MinceRthe latter leads to even less freedomDec 01 15:48
schestowitzwowDec 01 16:10
MinceRwhat orban is doing is a lot like what rakosi didDec 01 17:56
MinceR(who is the most reviled commie tyrant in absurdistani history)Dec 01 17:56
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 01 18:25
sebsebsebHiDec 01 18:25
FurnaceBoyhiDec 01 18:30
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: hiDec 01 18:31
MinceRhayDec 01 18:32
sebsebsebMinceR: heyDec 01 18:34
schestowitz Dec 01 18:34
MinceR Dec 01 18:34
schestowitzGot held up by the irc logs+identica todayDec 01 18:34
schestowitzAnd I need to do coding later, it's so late and no posts today in TechrightsDec 01 18:35
sebsebsebschestowitz: oh why?Dec 01 18:35
sebsebsebcoding as well?Dec 01 18:35
schestowitzI'll make some time for catchup tomorrowDec 01 18:36
sebsebsebschestowitz: you got addicted to identica to much today?Dec 01 18:36
schestowitzBut in general, it's easy to do what some others do and microblog a little at the expense of bloggingDec 01 18:36
schestowitzsebsebseb: not just todayDec 01 18:36
schestowitzI just participate moreDec 01 18:36
sebsebsebyeah you do a lot of dents on there like every dayDec 01 18:37
FurnaceBoyhe's like #3Dec 01 18:39
MinceR 01 18:40
schestowitzFOr the week I'm first....Dec 01 18:40
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Good answer kid. : atheism .::. Size~: 379.03 KBDec 01 18:40
schestowitz[18:35] <sebsebseb> coding as well?Dec 01 18:41
schestowitzI'll blog about it laterDec 01 18:41
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: hahaDec 01 18:44
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: congratsDec 01 18:44
schestowitzThanks, I enjoyed reaching that, but then I lose interestDec 01 18:52
schestowitzBEing second means you have a goalDec 01 18:52
*gnufreex has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 01 18:54
schestowitz ""@schestowitz: #BP Sued in Ecuadorian Court For Violating Rights of Nature GO Shiva" go #gaia earth worship"Dec 01 18:54
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / Brandon Lozza: "@schestowitz:  #BP Sued i ... .::. Size~: 13.27 KBDec 01 18:54
TechrightsBot-scTitle: BP Sued in Ecuadorian Court For Violating Rights of Nature .::. Size~: 37.93 KBDec 01 18:54
schestowitzI need to read up on this gaia thingDec 01 18:54
schestowitz "Now open for new submissions, just like your mom."Dec 01 19:00
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Uncyclopedia .::. Size~: 107.24 KBDec 01 19:00
schestowitzLOLDec 01 19:00
schestowitzSee top bannerDec 01 19:01
MinceR:>Dec 01 19:01
schestowitz 01 19:02
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBDec 01 19:02
schestowitz"Our north korean allies" [IMG] this mistake cost her.Dec 01 19:07
schestowitz"dents/day129"Dec 01 19:18
schestowitz 01 19:19
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Denticator .::. Size~: 4.96 KBDec 01 19:19
schestowitzI'm now 2nd overallDec 01 19:19
FurnaceBoyyou can quit any time, right?Dec 01 19:23
schestowitzsureDec 01 19:26
schestowitzBut that's where I put shorts and find newsDec 01 19:26
schestowitzSo it's convenientDec 01 19:26
schestowitzIt's also where people with same interests roam, so I can 'dm' them publicly and rapidly, have group discussions (identica does threading well)Dec 01 19:27
schestowitzTwitter to me is where copies go, but I still got over 1300 followers thereDec 01 19:27
schestowitztwitter has spamDec 01 19:30
schestowitzpeople who address you with spam URLsDec 01 19:30
schestowitzThey must resolve this, I can't report spam from y GUIDec 01 19:30
*Quadrescence has quit (Quit: omghaahhahaohwow)Dec 01 20:27
schestowitz!Linux ☛ kernel: 13 million lines, over 5 patches per hour 01 20:35
schestowitzDec 01 20:35
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Linux kernel: 13 million lines, over 5 patches per hour  .::. Size~: 31.85 KBDec 01 20:35
schestowitzschestowitz - 6 mins ago - ChoqokDec 01 20:35
schestowitzCan Linus keep up and audit ;-)Dec 01 20:35
schestowitz 01 21:36
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Irvin Kershner, 'Empire Strikes Back' director, dies at 87 .::. Size~: 87.38 KBDec 01 21:36
*MinceR has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 01 21:36
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 01 21:38
schestowitz> Hi Roy,Dec 01 22:51
schestowitz>Dec 01 22:51
schestowitz> This is really interesting. I saw your (automated?) tweet complainingDec 01 22:51
schestowitz> about me sending an unsolicited press release earlier in the day.Dec 01 22:51
schestowitz>Dec 01 22:51
schestowitz> There is an Australian journo who would probably interview you -- he'sDec 01 22:51
schestowitz> really interested in the 'death of email' but I don't think he's hadDec 01 22:52
schestowitz> many case studies in Australia of someone who has actually stopped usingDec 01 22:52
schestowitz> email.Dec 01 22:52
schestowitz>Dec 01 22:52
schestowitz> Let me know if you'd like me to give him your contact details -- good beDec 01 22:52
schestowitz> a good story that comes out of it (he's the Australian Lifehacker editor).Dec 01 22:52
schestowitz>Dec 01 22:52
schestowitz> Cheers,Dec 01 22:52
schestowitz>Dec 01 22:52
schestowitz> Vuki Vujasinovic | 0422 492 660 | 01 22:52
schestowitz> <> | 01 22:52
schestowitz> <> | 01 22:52
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / ? .::. Size~: 6.18 KBDec 01 22:52
schestowitz> <>Dec 01 22:52
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Click PR - A fast moving, proactive, online focused communications agency .::. Size~: 11.45 KBDec 01 22:52
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 01 23:27
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 01 23:54

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