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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: December 14th, 2010

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*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 01:45
Ender2070 14 02:01
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Belt-Tightening for U.S. Foreign Policy - Council on Foreign Relations .::. Size~: 56.3 KBDec 14 02:01
Ender2070lolDec 14 02:01
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 02:04
*gnufreex has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Dec 14 03:08
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 03:28
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 14 04:12
*TechrightsBot-sc has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 14 04:52
*Ender2070 has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 14 04:52
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 04:54
*Ender2070 has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 14 04:57
*MinceR has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)Dec 14 04:58
*schestowitz has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)Dec 14 04:58
*MinceR ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 04:58
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 04:58
*MinceR is now known as 5EXABW7TLDec 14 04:58
*5EXABW7TL is now known as MinceRDec 14 06:36
*MinceR has quit (Changing host)Dec 14 06:36
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 06:36
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Dec 14 06:45
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 07:19
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*malacoda ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 07:55
*sebsebseb has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 14 08:58
schestowitz_log 14 10:32
*TechrightsBot-sc (~b0t@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 10:32
TechrightsBot-scHello World!Dec 14 10:32
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Main Page - Techrights .::. Size~: 38.2 KBDec 14 10:32
schestowitz_log 14 10:32
TechrightsBot-sc@Nick "Dhraakellian" Tryon (dhraak)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Dec-10 06:19:45 UTC - @schestowitz Be careful, however, that this doesn't morph into "the innocent should have nothing to hide" (applies to proponents of !wl)Dec 14 10:32
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 10:33
*malacoda has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 14 10:33
*Ender2070 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 14 10:42
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 10:43
schestowitz 14 11:34
TechrightsBot-sc@Freedom <3 Freedom (freetard)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Dec-10 08:54:38 UTC - I'm glad that Novell is gone so that we can pick something else to boycott!Dec 14 11:34
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: nice news about GreenwaldDec 14 11:40
gnufreexSchestowitz: lol. That guy is way too fake.Dec 14 12:04
gnufreexDid you flagg him?Dec 14 12:05
schestowitzNot really cause I don't know enoughDec 14 12:13
schestowitzI hardly notice the trollsDec 14 12:13
schestowitzAnyway, I'll dent now, then do some postsDec 14 12:13
*gnufreex has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 14 12:17
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 12:27
schestowitz < wonder if he'll die soon :-9Dec 14 12:41
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Christopher Hitchens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 209.23 KBDec 14 12:41
schestowitz:-(Dec 14 12:41
schestowitzTypoDec 14 12:41
schestowitzWeird bio...Dec 14 12:43
schestowitz"In November 1973, Hitchens' mother committed suicide in Athens in a suicide pact with her lover, a former clergyman named Timothy Bryan,[11] in what was initially thought to be a murder scene, after overdosing on sleeping pills in adjoining hotel rooms with Bryan slashing his wrists in the bath to be sure. "Dec 14 12:43
schestowitz"Hitchens left Oxford with a third class degree.[20] His first job was with the London Times Higher Education Supplement, where he served as social science editor. Hitchens admits that he hated the job and was later fired, recalling that "I sometimes think if I'd been any good at that job, I might still be doing it.""Dec 14 12:43
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 13:22
schestowitz 14 13:39
TechrightsBot-sc@everton137: is back! - redirecting to @schestowitz)Dec 14 13:39
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 14 14:19
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 14 14:47
MinceR 14 15:55
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Software Developer: Even the Vatican is a Pirate .::. Size~: 47.98 KBDec 14 15:55
schestowitzYeahDec 14 16:00
schestowitzBut it also uses some gnu linuxDec 14 16:00
schestowitz"@satipera] Did I hear Al Jazeera right? Russia to spend 900 billion US dollars over 10 years to modernise armed forces? #force #aggression"Dec 14 16:03
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: does the bio mention the Hitchens/Amis connections?Dec 14 16:11
FurnaceBoyfor a long time, he and Martin Amis were joined at the hip. i think there may have been a family link in the previous generation too but i don't recall exactlyDec 14 16:11
schestowitzwho's amis?Dec 14 16:18
schestowitzFriend?Dec 14 16:18
schestowitzmsDec 14 16:18
schestowitzamisDec 14 16:18
MinceRAmish?Dec 14 16:18
schestowitzamish mashDec 14 16:19
MinceR:)Dec 14 16:19
MinceRmashed cultists?Dec 14 16:19
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: Martin Amis ..Dec 14 16:20
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: famous British novelist/essayist. Son of Kingsley Amis.Dec 14 16:20
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: iirc, he and Hitchens joined the communist party together at one time.Dec 14 16:20
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it would be an understatement to say they've led "colourful lives" :)Dec 14 16:21
schestowitzI see...Dec 14 16:24
FurnaceBoyJA seems popular with the london glitterati. :)Dec 14 16:29
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: easy to forget that WL has been around, what, 4 years now?Dec 14 16:29
schestowitz2006, so yes..Dec 14 16:30
schestowitzOne in tens of thousands of wikis reallyDec 14 16:31
schestowitzIt got Baer coverageDec 14 16:31
schestowitzGave lots of trouble but coverage tooDec 14 16:31
schestowitzIIRC the bank tried to get WL off DNS tooDec 14 16:31
FurnaceBoyhhaaDec 14 16:31
schestowitzBut all the major ones are Bradley'sDec 14 16:32
FurnaceBoyi'm sure the banks are really sweating nowDec 14 16:32
MinceRbanksters?Dec 14 16:32
schestowitzBanksterUSADec 14 16:34
schestowitzLike the site..Dec 14 16:34
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: but banksters don't swatDec 14 16:34
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: but banksters don't sweat. They're not human. :-)Dec 14 16:34
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: then why do they need money?Dec 14 16:35
schestowitzTHey don'tDec 14 16:35
schestowitzNot currency anywayDec 14 16:35
schestowitzJust powerDec 14 16:35
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: Humans need humans.. not moneyDec 14 16:35
schestowitztwitter's  full of spamDec 14 16:37
schestowitzIt's annoying..Dec 14 16:37
schestowitz 14 16:37
TechrightsBot-sc@KandisVail: We're Hiring Blog Posters NOW! @schestowitz @rybakit_ua @bptips @adams_putraDec 14 16:37
TechrightsBot-scNot a web page! Aborting  typeDec 14 16:37
schestowitznew accountDec 14 16:37
schestowitzI get lots of spam like this each day... used to be clean until around this month.Dec 14 16:38
FurnaceBoyright, this past week has seen a bit more.Dec 14 16:39
FurnaceBoyI got about 5 yesterdayDec 14 16:39
schestowitzI gather that you don't like Christopher for his Jihad against IraqDec 14 16:49
FurnaceBoyhe went insaneDec 14 16:54
FurnaceBoybut no, one could never again trust a man who acted like he did during that period.Dec 14 16:55
schestowitzMaybe tries hard to be a contrarianDec 14 17:03
schestowitzTo sell him booksDec 14 17:03
schestowitzI can't explain his 180 re warsDec 14 17:03
FurnaceBoyi can't explain it either, but it's not my problem :)Dec 14 17:10
FurnaceBoyi did see an amazing video of him up against one of Bush Sr's thickheaded fan boys, back in the 1980sDec 14 17:11
FurnaceBoydid you see that? the polish dude with the stupid orange goggle glasses?Dec 14 17:11
FurnaceBoyi'd prefer to remember Hitchens like thatDec 14 17:11
schestowitzBut was he servicing him?Dec 14 17:41
FurnaceBoyi guess i'd have to find the video :)Dec 14 17:44
schestowitzthanksDec 14 17:48
FurnaceBoyi did tweet itDec 14 17:50
FurnaceBoymonths agoDec 14 17:50
schestowitz 14 18:32
TechrightsBot-sc@NumberedHumanIndustries (nhi)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Dec-10 18:06:39 UTC - ♻ @schestowitz: Disabled Wheelchair Protester 2010 Police Incident: Digitally Enhanced strong languageDec 14 18:32
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title:  YouTube - Disabled Wheelchair Protester 2010 Police Incident: Digitally Enhanced  .::. Size~: 102.07 KBDec 14 18:32
schestowitzThese guys are excellent: 14 18:36
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  YouTube - schmoyoho's Channel  .::. Size~: 115.89 KBDec 14 18:36
schestowitzFurnaceBoy:Dec 14 18:55
schestowitzurgentDec 14 18:55
schestowitzCould your modified script leave too many files open?Dec 14 18:56
FurnaceBoyhmDec 14 19:20
FurnaceBoyunlikelyDec 14 19:21
FurnaceBoyi don't think i've made any change that could cause thatDec 14 19:21
FurnaceBoywas it an issue with an older version?Dec 14 19:21
schestowitzNever mindDec 14 19:22
schestowitzIt's something on the proxy cacheDec 14 19:22
schestowitzToo many files openDec 14 19:22
FurnaceBoykDec 14 19:25
schestowitz!google trmancoDec 14 19:27
TechrightsBot-sc[1] - Tony Manco (trmanco) - | 14 19:27
TechrightsBot-sc[2] - YouTube - trmanco's Channel | 14 19:27
TechrightsBot-sc[3] - Tony Manco in Launchpad | 14 19:27
TechrightsBot-sc[4] - Google's Orkut Drops Support for IE6 | 14 19:27
schestowitzTHe changes you've made are fantastic, so thanksDec 14 19:27
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: it was a clip from this program-- not this clip exactly but probably this one 14 19:27
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  YouTube - Christopher Hitchens on Tipper Gore and Henry Kissinger - News Review Part 9 (1988)  .::. Size~: 127.45 KBDec 14 19:27
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  YouTube - Christopher Hitchens on Al Gore and Ronald Reagan - News Review Part 3 (1988)  .::. Size~: 139.39 KBDec 14 19:27
schestowitzBeen using them like 10 times today aloneDec 14 19:27
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: oh, I heard about him being harassed  for trying to put Henry where he belongsDec 14 19:28
schestowitzHe wrote some book about iDec 14 19:28
schestowitz*itDec 14 19:28
FurnaceBoyhehDec 14 19:30
FurnaceBoyno shitDec 14 19:30
*schestowitz watches the videosDec 14 19:31
FurnaceBoyand now Holbrooke is the Great Statesman.Dec 14 19:31
FurnaceBoywait for the eulogies when Kissinger croaks.Dec 14 19:31
schestowitzUnless they invite HitchensDec 14 19:32
schestowitzLike when Forwell diedDec 14 19:32
schestowitzFolwell... whatever...Dec 14 19:32
schestowitz 14 19:33
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  YouTube - Christopher Hitchens on Jerry Falwell  .::. Size~: 124.51 KBDec 14 19:33
schestowitzkeywords: enema, matchbox :-)Dec 14 19:33
FurnaceBoythis guy is worth following, seems!/MichaelShatzDec 14 19:33
TechrightsBot-scNot a tweet?Dec 14 19:33
schestowitzmany in pageDec 14 19:42
schestowitzLike threadsDec 14 19:42
schestowitz]Dec 14 19:42
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: with your word, I added himDec 14 19:43
FurnaceBoyi only found him yesterday but i liked what i sawDec 14 19:44
schestowitzOracle: Bull in the FOSS China ShopDec 14 19:57
schestowitz 14 19:57
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Linux News: Community: Oracle: Bull in the FOSS China Shop .::. Size~: 61.29 KBDec 14 19:57
*schestowitz has just watched 14 19:58
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  YouTube - Christopher Hitchens Goes After Rabbi Harold Kushner re: Circumcision  .::. Size~: 142.85 KBDec 14 19:58
schestowitzHahaDec 14 19:58
schestowitzApologists for mutilationDec 14 19:58
FurnaceBoy!/GregMitch/status/14771506278043648Dec 14 20:01
TechrightsBot-sc@GregMitch: As I predicted.  RT @postpolitics: Holbrooke aide: He was making a joke when he asked doctor to 'stop this war' 14 20:01
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title:  Checkpoint Washington - Holbrooke's last words on the Afghan war  .::. Size~: 38.25 KBDec 14 20:01
schestowitz 14 20:08
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  YouTube - George Galloway's GREAT Point on BILL Maher Show !!!!!!  .::. Size~: 122.56 KBDec 14 20:08
schestowitz 14 20:11
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Linux: Tux Goes to Church « The ERACC Web Log .::. Size~: 104.81 KBDec 14 20:11
FurnaceBoyhah, Galloway. They let him back into Canada - probably to avoid having to defend a suit.Dec 14 20:41
schestowitz The FBI Arbitrarily Covers Up Evidence of Misconduct: Is This the Transparency Obama Promised?Dec 14 20:47
TechrightsBot-scTitle: The FBI Arbitrarily Covers Up Evidence of Misconduct: Is This the Transparency Obama Promised? | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 30.2 KBDec 14 20:47
*gnufreex has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Dec 14 21:53
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 21:54
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 23:39
sebsebsebhiDec 14 23:39
FurnaceBoyhiDec 14 23:41
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: hiDec 14 23:41

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