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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: December 20th, 2010

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*riu (~riu@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 01:54
*riu (~riu@ has left #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 01:56
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 20 03:16
FurnaceBoyschestowitz:!/qu1j0t3/status/16685414945390592Dec 20 03:17
TechrightsBot-sc@qu1j0t3: Biden: US seeks 2 halt #WikiLeaks // Oh gosh, we didn't realise you wanted to shut down Wikileaks, Joe. #whoTheFuckKnewDec 20 03:17
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Biden: US seeks to halt WikiLeaks - Joe Biden - .::. Size~: 61.79 KBDec 20 03:17
*Quadrescence has quit (Quit: omghaahhahaohwow)Dec 20 03:37
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: no surpriseDec 20 05:48
schestowitzI think it's just the same old plot, but now it's Biden who commentsDec 20 05:49
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: exactlyDec 20 05:51
FurnaceBoysee that McCain /Palin would have followed the same pattern.Dec 20 05:51
FurnaceBoyPalin hired to shoot her mouth off as a distractionDec 20 05:51
*FurnaceBoy prepares to devour a disturbingly large croissantDec 20 05:52
FurnaceBoyheh, should you have said, "Just another average Joe" ?Dec 20 05:52
schestowitzI approached it differentlyDec 20 05:53
schestowitzBut anyway, Joe speaks about the prosecution thingDec 20 05:53
schestowitzNo news thereDec 20 05:53
schestowitzAs I initially thoughDec 20 05:53
schestowitzAs I initially thoughtDec 20 05:53
schestowitzThe use of the word "terrorist" by him is disgusting and hypocriticalDec 20 05:54
FurnaceBoy!/CarlosQC/status/16732149872852992Dec 20 05:54
TechrightsBot-sc@CarlosQC: The U.S. Military Empire is a curse to humanity: South Korea starts live-fire drill - #cnn #war #WarNobelDec 20 05:54
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Defense Ministry: South Korea starts live-fire drill - .::. Size~: 46.07 KBDec 20 05:54
FurnaceBoydamn, you make a good point.Dec 20 05:59
FurnaceBoylive fire means "they're spending money on us!"Dec 20 05:59
FurnaceBoyit's Christmas.Dec 20 05:59
schestowitz 20 06:02
TechrightsBot-sc@cazacub: @schestowitz :)) something like that! :))Dec 20 06:02
schestowitz 20 06:03
TechrightsBot-sc@kattekrab: @schestowitz - sadly - merely 'implied' hasn't been getting the message across. Seems we need overt statements to make sure it's clear.Dec 20 06:03
schestowitzre " @linuxconfau] #lca2011 is dedicated to a harassment-free conference experience for everyone: /new trend?! Not implied?"Dec 20 06:03
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  Anti-Harassment Policy - 2011 | 24 - 29 Jan | Follow the Flow  .::. Size~: 14.95 KBDec 20 06:04
FurnaceBoygoodDec 20 06:04
schestowitz 20 06:04
TechrightsBot-sc@schestowitz: @kattekrab  fair enough. It just surprised meDec 20 06:04
schestowitz 20 06:05
TechrightsBot-sc@themidnightace: @schestowitz you proprietary software manipulator tsk tsk tsk *shakeshand I like the double sex leak Assange media dish served c(s)old ;)Dec 20 06:05
MinceR 20 06:06
TechrightsBot-scTitle: xkcd: Sickness .::. Size~: 8.13 KBDec 20 06:06
schestowitzMeh. How do they come up with that stuff?Dec 20 06:23
schestowitz 20 06:23
TechrightsBot-sc@Claes Wallin (clacke)'s status on Monday, 20-Dec-10 06:18:21 UTC - I once confused Joes Lieberman and Biden. Confusion over, the latter joining the former's nonsense. /via @schestowitzDec 20 06:23
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Biden: US seeks to halt WikiLeaks - Joe Biden - .::. Size~: 61.83 KBDec 20 06:23
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: sigh!/Boi1da/status/16650050553778176Dec 20 06:26
TechrightsBot-sc@Boi1da: we should all be praying for North and South Korea not to go to warDec 20 06:26
schestowitzPray? melaughs.Dec 20 06:27
FurnaceBoyor we could pray that the US stops pushing them into one. See how powerful ignorance is in preserving the status quo.Dec 20 06:27
schestowitzWe need to do something substantialDec 20 06:27
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: but CHina tooDec 20 06:27
schestowitzI think cables showed itDec 20 06:27
FurnaceBoyWL is our last hope, Obi WanDec 20 06:28
FurnaceBoyhaha, nobody wants to RT this:!/qu1j0t3/status/16705063858733056Dec 20 06:29
TechrightsBot-sc@qu1j0t3: In #war, technology is always on the coward's side.Dec 20 06:29
schestowitzI don't get itDec 20 06:36
schestowitzI don't think I do anywayDec 20 06:36
schestowitzThe hero's side uses hydrogen bombsDec 20 06:36
schestowitzOr enriched uraniumDec 20 06:36
FurnaceBoytechnology has the central role in the US/israeli method of war. which is the ultimate coward's war.Dec 20 06:36
FurnaceBoyit's about mass killing with no risk. it is predicated on invulnerability.Dec 20 06:37
FurnaceBoythat's why anything and everything shall be sacrificed to maintain superiorityDec 20 06:38
FurnaceBoyfirstly, their own populations' rightsDec 20 06:38
FurnaceBoyreally, the american people don't matter a damn to the people running this showDec 20 06:38
FurnaceBoythey're like pets, who make moneyDec 20 06:38
FurnaceBoyif you thin kof the GDP as a bank accountDec 20 06:39
FurnaceBoythe public pays into itDec 20 06:39
FurnaceBoythe oligarchy withdraws and overdrawsDec 20 06:39
FurnaceBoythe public has to pay all the debtsDec 20 06:39
FurnaceBoyover generationsDec 20 06:39
FurnaceBoyit's exactly like the old monarchyDec 20 06:39
FurnaceBoythe oligarchy doesn't workDec 20 06:39
FurnaceBoythe public worksDec 20 06:39
FurnaceBoyand it's not just expending peopleDec 20 06:39
FurnaceBoyit's expending the nation's resourcesDec 20 06:39
schestowitz> My friend if I have no time during the week:Dec 20 06:39
schestowitz>Dec 20 06:39
schestowitz> Have a Merry Christmas you, your family & everyone who makes TechrightsDec 20 06:40
schestowitz> possible!Dec 20 06:40
schestowitz>Dec 20 06:40
schestowitz> God Bless you!Dec 20 06:40
MinceRdon't blame technology for making the US cowardlyDec 20 06:40
schestowitzI know what you meant nowDec 20 06:40
FurnaceBoyMinceR: it's a self-reinforcing mentalityDec 20 06:40
schestowitzyes, I know people who work in such companiesDec 20 06:40
schestowitz"I only do tech" while helping kill peopleDec 20 06:40
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: yes, but even they are being exploitedDec 20 06:40
schestowitzHow so?Dec 20 06:41
MinceRFurnaceBoy: those who don't, lose.Dec 20 06:41
FurnaceBoythe same way every other worker.Dec 20 06:41
schestowitzAnd if they say "no", the same jobs go to CHina or IndiaDec 20 06:41
FurnaceBoyMinceR:  as I said in the run-up to Iraq: what the US needs is a military defeat.Dec 20 06:41
MinceRthat's true.Dec 20 06:41
FurnaceBoyuntil they get one, they're going to be a problemDec 20 06:41
FurnaceBoyi am not sure they'll ever sober up any other wayDec 20 06:42
FurnaceBoyChalmers JOhnson said it allDec 20 06:44
schestowitzThe Pandora's box openedDec 20 06:49
schestowitzSo now they attack, making things only worseDec 20 06:49
FurnaceBoyyesDec 20 06:49
FurnaceBoydefending the systemDec 20 06:50
schestowitzPeople openly talk about the coupsDec 20 06:50
FurnaceBoyof course it lashes out, do u think it would surrender?Dec 20 06:50
schestowitzRemember most people in the US don't know thisDec 20 06:50
schestowitzAs it's not taught in school, at least not properlyDec 20 06:50
schestowitz 20 06:50
TechrightsBot-sc@Pablo Sepulveda P. (psep)'s status on Monday, 20-Dec-10 06:41:33 UTC - ♻ @schestowitz Wikileaks/Cablegate Sheds Bad Light on Bill Gates’ Rogue Patent Investments bring out the cables.Dec 20 06:50
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Wikileaks/Cablegate Sheds Bad Light on Bill Gates’ Rogue Patent Investments | Techrights .::. Size~: 92.33 KBDec 20 06:50
schestowitzAmerican business also in riskDec 20 06:50
schestowitzNigeria is going to kick some arse nowDec 20 06:50
schestowitzI have some Nigerian friendsDec 20 06:51
schestowitzSome are angry activists who know damn well what the Rich Uncle from America is up toDec 20 06:51
schestowitzBut the newspapers there are PR for these companies, set up by the West to appease and soften the populationDec 20 06:51
schestowitzGo to Sahara ReprterDec 20 06:51
FurnaceBoyLOL @!/Ziggy_Daddy/status/16750117298118656Dec 20 07:03
TechrightsBot-sc@Ziggy_Daddy: Crooks & Liars │ Kristol Claims DREAM Act Was Political Ploy by Reid and Obama to Make Republicans Appear Anti-Hispanic 20 07:03
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Kristol Claims DREAM Act Was Political Ploy by Reid and Obama to Make Republicans Appear Anti-Hispanic | Video Cafe .::. Size~: 75.19 KBDec 20 07:04
FurnaceBoy"But you made us look like the racist shitheads we really are! NO FAIR!"Dec 20 07:04
MinceR:)Dec 20 07:05
FurnaceBoy!/Remroum/status/16750389592326144Dec 20 07:05
TechrightsBot-sc@Remroum: 52% to 48%: 'Israeli War Crimes' signs to go on Metro buses. Vote YES in support on online poll: 20 07:05
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title:  'Israeli War Crimes' signs to go on Metro buses | | Seattle Area Local News  .::. Size~: 300.52 KBDec 20 07:05
*gnufreex has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 20 07:27
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 07:27
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: ok, but what will it take to put the perpetrators in jail?Dec 20 07:35
schestowitzTHink about it... in US+UK too people have struggled to find ways of putting those accountable in prison/trialDec 20 07:35
schestowitzUK does betterDec 20 07:35
schestowitzWith Chiloc inquiryDec 20 07:36
FurnaceBoyChilcot... hasn't been very effective.Dec 20 07:43
FurnaceBoynobody's in jailDec 20 07:43
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: "what will it take"Dec 20 07:43
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: that's the trillion dollar question.Dec 20 07:43
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: will it take more than WikiLeaks?Dec 20 07:43
schestowitzYes, chilcotDec 20 07:46
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: is there any public will in UK to see prosecutions? There doesn't seem to be much in the US.Dec 20 07:47
schestowitzWell, maybe Blair with his book tour can outsell wikileaks :-)Dec 20 07:47
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: "look forward, not backward" -- if only all criminals could pull this one.Dec 20 07:47
schestowitzDoesn't cut itDec 20 07:47
schestowitzThey could say that about Kissinger, but he's still doing damage as "Advisor"Dec 20 07:48
schestowitzYou can't just say "bad kid, he won't do that again"Dec 20 07:48
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: look at what happened with the criminal (in the proper sense, with conviction) called NetanyahuDec 20 07:49
schestowitzCriminals can come back when a new generation emerged and forgets/doesn't know the crimeDec 20 07:49
schestowitzRinse gloves, repeatDec 20 07:49
schestowitzWith Blair, he's young enough to do more damageDec 20 07:49
schestowitzThey say he'll try to be EU president or somethingDec 20 07:50
schestowitzAnd then you have Gates... don't get me started...Dec 20 07:50
FurnaceBoy!/pmross/status/16761787999326208Dec 20 07:50
TechrightsBot-sc@pmross: UK officials put in place measures to protect US interests in Iraq War inquiry. Proof Blair lying? Item #10 20 07:50
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Wikileaks - CableGate .::. Size~: 28.91 KBDec 20 07:50
FurnaceBoyvery timely. he tweeted that just now.Dec 20 07:51
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: That's what bothers me about Kissinger. He presided over carnage even bigger than Iraq.Dec 20 07:51
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: but nobody even remembers himDec 20 07:51
FurnaceBoyexcept as 'great statesman' and 'peace prize winner'Dec 20 07:53
FurnaceBoyBlair, same.Dec 20 07:53
FurnaceBoy'man of peace'Dec 20 07:53
FurnaceBoy'negotiator'Dec 20 07:53
FurnaceBoy'diplomat'Dec 20 07:53
FurnaceBoy'tireless worker for peace'Dec 20 07:53
*FurnaceBoy rolls eyesDec 20 07:53
*FurnaceBoy considers going to bedDec 20 07:53
FurnaceBoyniteDec 20 07:56
schestowitzDentedDec 20 07:56
FurnaceBoysawDec 20 07:57
schestowitz 20 08:48
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  Oracle releases open office 3.3 and mysql 5.5 - The Inquirer  .::. Size~: 61.57 KBDec 20 08:48
schestowitz 20 09:01
TechrightsBot-sc@janstedehouder: @schestowitz For providing jobs, goods, services, income for people and governments, just to name a few reasons.Dec 20 09:01
schestowitzSighDec 20 09:01
schestowitzre: "Some people promote liberties for people, some promote liberties for corporations, which are not people. Why should companies have rights?"Dec 20 09:02
schestowitz 20 09:03
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / FFII e.V.: @migueldeicaza You are the ... .::. Size~: 15.47 KBDec 20 09:03
schestowitzLMAODec 20 09:03
schestowitz 20 09:31
TechrightsBot-sc@Metztli_IT: @schestowitz "Why should ☛companies☚ have rights?"pillars of modern capitalism & financial inst. its foundations…to be saved even if corruptDec 20 09:31
MinceR 20 09:34
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Death Star PR: 10 Totally Justifiable Reasons For Murdering Someone This Christmas .::. Size~: 136.33 KBDec 20 09:34
schestowitz 20 09:39
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Airport security - Big Brother Watch .::. Size~: 39.81 KBDec 20 09:39
schestowitz SSFWDec 20 09:40
TechrightsBot-scTitle: The Miss TSA Pinup Calendar - *UPDATED* | .::. Size~: 91.75 KBDec 20 09:40
schestowitz*NSDec 20 09:40
schestowitzCheck out her pelvisDec 20 09:40
schestowitzThough it could be a dude in high heelsDec 20 09:41
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: Air Force Is Through With Predator Drones 20 10:20
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Air Force Is Through With Predator Drones | Danger Room | .::. Size~: 97.77 KBDec 20 10:20
schestowitzmore twitter spam.. 20 10:42
TechrightsBot-sc@8pgvhp: @schestowitz u like ipods! :) What do you use to convert music? Check this out - 20 10:42
TechrightsBot-scError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDec 20 10:42
schestowitz 20 10:42
TechrightsBot-sc@Metztli_IT: ♻ @schestowitz ♻ @jwildeboer More indications wrt US involvement in #Assange case #Wikileaks |Courtesy of #GOP Karl #RoveDec 20 10:42
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Andrew Kreig: Rove Suspected In Swedish-U.S. Political Prosecution of WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 251.18 KBDec 20 10:42
schestowitz 20 10:42
TechrightsBot-sc@Metztli_IT: Hyphenated American:Karl #Rove is still running US gov… #Obama is nothing more than his puppet {@schestowitz @jwildeboer}Dec 20 10:42
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Andrew Kreig: Rove Suspected In Swedish-U.S. Political Prosecution of WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 251.18 KBDec 20 10:42
schestowitzAnd yet more spam: 20 10:43
TechrightsBot-sc@PoliticsNow2011: @schestowitz Thought you might be interested in a political social network. Hope to see you there!Dec 20 10:43
schestowitzTwitter's a messDec 20 10:43
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: iPolitics360 - Global Politics, Politics Videos, Political Photos, Social Media and Politicians .::. Size~: 112.01 KBDec 20 10:43
schestowitz 20 11:02
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Air Force In Super Denial Mode: Blocks Access To News Sites Covering Wikileaks | Techdirt .::. Size~: 67.62 KBDec 20 11:02
schestowitz"Drone Force" :-)Dec 20 11:02
schestowitzNo consciousness= more effectievDec 20 11:02
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 12:06
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 13:06
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 13:25
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Dec 20 13:25
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 13:25
*Quadrescence has quit (Quit: omghaahhahaohwow)Dec 20 13:27
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 13:28
schestowitzRe: Old news if you missedDec 20 13:34
schestowitz> 20 13:35
TechrightsBot-scTitle: U.S. Air Force begins migrating 600,000 systems to Windows 7 .::. Size~: 81.97 KBDec 20 13:35
schestowitzThanks! I'll know what to blame for the next crash.Dec 20 13:35
oiaohm19,000  Mother of what.   19000 applications internally  schestowitzDec 20 13:44
oiaohmKinda makes you wonder how many secuirty holes they had due to lack to time to audit all that.Dec 20 13:45
oiaohmNote USAF has advantage over normal user of Windows 7 schestowitzDec 20 13:45
oiaohmThey have the source code and the rights to rebuilt it to there specs.  schestowitzDec 20 13:45
schestowitz 20 13:47
TechrightsBot-sc@jmcesteves: [2008] RT @schestowitz #censorship big business  (Cisco Leak:‘Great Firewall’ of China Was a Chance to Sell More Routers)Dec 20 13:47
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Cisco Leak: ‘Great Firewall’ of China Was a Chance to Sell More Routers | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 101.29 KBDec 20 13:47
schestowitzoiaohm: ^^Dec 20 13:48
schestowitzYou do cisco cerfDec 20 13:48
schestowitz*certDec 20 13:48
oiaohmcisco cert is kinda a doing business requirement.Dec 20 13:49
oiaohmSince cisco will not hand over master passwords to devices unless you have certification with them.Dec 20 13:49
oiaohmOf course that does not mean there devices are secure.Dec 20 13:50
*Quadrescence has quit (Quit: omghaahhahaohwow)Dec 20 13:51
oiaohmReally I agree with cisco systems assessment of the problem schestowitzDec 20 13:51
oiaohmThey could either sell china there routers or have china make clone devices to do there work that would be sold as competitors.  schestowitzDec 20 13:52
oiaohmEither way the great china firewall would have came into existance.Dec 20 13:52
schestowitzIt's not just themDec 20 13:55
schestowitzEveryone gets censorship, Aussie tooDec 20 13:55
schestowitzYou know what they say...Dec 20 13:55
schestowitzCHina is ahead of the curve ;-)Dec 20 13:55
schestowitzOr Japan :-pDec 20 13:55
oiaohmReally what cisco did was give china the most breakable form.Dec 20 13:57
schestowitzre USAFDec 20 13:59
schestowitz:Dec 20 13:59
schestowitz> I'll know what to blame for the next crash.Dec 20 13:59
schestowitz> What you mean about this?Dec 20 13:59
schestowitzI'll spend some time next week catching up witg MSFT newsDec 20 13:59
schestowitzI want to see which products they killed whilst I wasn't paying attentionDec 20 14:00
oiaohmHmmDec 20 14:00
oiaohmReally lot of MS dead products don't get adverstised any more.Dec 20 14:00
oiaohmInstead they just fade out.Dec 20 14:00
schestowitzLike ZuneDec 20 14:01
schestowitzBut Zooner or later they have to inform the wife the husband diedDec 20 14:01
oiaohm 20 14:03
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Zune - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 215.41 KBDec 20 14:03
oiaohmNotice how the avoided saying this is dead.Dec 20 14:03
oiaohmThey just merged it into Xbox and Windows phoneDec 20 14:04
oiaohmBasically MS is getting better at hiding there dead.Dec 20 14:05
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 14:05
MinceRthey get a lot of practiceDec 20 14:05
oiaohmReally we should get warped and run a little competition on the most creative way to hide the death of product.Dec 20 14:06
oiaohmDone by MS.Dec 20 14:06
oiaohmThe person who finds the most creative one gets something.Dec 20 14:07
schestowitzSilver Lie tooDec 20 14:07
schestowitzThey pretend it lives in Vista Phony 7Dec 20 14:07
oiaohmYes that is another creative grave make.Dec 20 14:07
schestowitz[which makes no news anymore]Dec 20 14:07
oiaohmReally I wonder how they will hide the Windows Moble 7 death.Dec 20 14:08
schestowitzoiaohm: how did they say it? Re Zune...Dec 20 14:08
MinceRprobably "lives on" as kin7Dec 20 14:08
oiaohmStopped making Zune devices and merged it into Windows Phone 7Dec 20 14:08
MinceR"Brezhnyev is dead but his body lives on"Dec 20 14:08
oiaohmAnd Xbox 360Dec 20 14:08
oiaohmAs a music store.  schestowitzDec 20 14:08
oiaohmIe no longer the intended product usage.Dec 20 14:09
oiaohmZune intended usage was a Music playing device.Dec 20 14:09
oiaohmAnd the Music store that Zune used at first was not called Zune.Dec 20 14:10
schestowitzHmmm..Dec 20 14:11
schestowitzI really need to read MSFT news againDec 20 14:11
schestowitzSurely something happened there and I missed itDec 20 14:11
schestowitzoiaohm: see identica, I've just quoted you in 3 partsDec 20 14:13
oiaohm  everyone forgets this.Dec 20 14:14
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Microsoft PlaysForSure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 75.21 KBDec 20 14:14
oiaohmThis is a patent I have seen MS do repeatedly.Dec 20 14:15
oiaohmFrom MS Office.Dec 20 14:15
oiaohmCreate common format RTF get everyone using it.Dec 20 14:15
oiaohmCreate exculsive format normally going over someone elses extention.  Ie .doc  ( before MS used it they were normal text files)Dec 20 14:15
oiaohmThen attempt to kill of the common and take control of the market.Dec 20 14:16
oiaohmIe MS Office was the first.Dec 20 14:16
oiaohmThat I saw it in.Dec 20 14:16
oiaohmhtml in IE was the next.Dec 20 14:16
oiaohmPlaysForSure to Zune was the next I saw and it failed at a laughable level.Dec 20 14:17
schestowitzthey also killed MSN MusicDec 20 14:17
schestowitzWith another DRM gen.Dec 20 14:17
oiaohmMS for some reason has lost there touch at doing there stunts in recent years.Dec 20 14:17
schestowitzLifecycle of a Microsoft DRM is shortDec 20 14:18
oiaohmNormally ending with open source kicking it tail one way or another.  schestowitzDec 20 14:19
oiaohmI am off to bedDec 20 14:20
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 20 14:20
schestowitzSimon Phipps: "Really excellent article by Richad Stallman points out that the individuals arriving en masse to protest about the treatment of Wikileaks are no different from any othe form of consume protest and would be a great wrong to rac against hem in a way we would not treat a picket lne."Dec 20 14:23
schestowitzmore twitter spam: 20 15:14
TechrightsBot-sc@WikileaksRT: @schestowitz ✪ Show your #Wikileaks support, get a shirt now! » » starts at 12.99$, US & EU shipmentDec 20 15:14
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: .::. Size~: 1.37 KBDec 20 15:14
schestowitz 20 15:15
TechrightsBot-sc@fredforfaen: @schestowitz  sry for asking out of the blue,do you know whats going on.My server gets overrun by requests when posting a link here, #bots ?Dec 20 15:15
schestowitz 20 15:15
TechrightsBot-sc@fredforfaen: @schestowitz I have to restart apache everytime I post a link to my webserver that I host , and I have 25 followers o.0Dec 20 15:15
schestowitzSupport forums?Dec 20 15:15
schestowitz 20 15:17
TechrightsBot-sc@schestowitz: @fredforfaen I'd check the logs to see what brings it down. It's the only way to debug this.Dec 20 15:17
schestowitzre wikileaks... 20 15:17
TechrightsBot-sc@PMCTechBlog: @schestowitz: Yea, I recently spent some time on the matter with people that only vaguely pay attention to news at all. Propaganda works.Dec 20 15:17
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: haha, my aggressive anti-drone, anti-war tweets lost me a few followers, for the first timeDec 20 15:36
FurnaceBoyheheheDec 20 15:36
FurnaceBoyThis might lose more:!/qu1j0t3/status/16879329724071936Dec 20 15:37
TechrightsBot-sc@qu1j0t3: Bradley Manning, Christ-like, suffering for the sins of his own government. (Assuming he's the one who transcribed the Gospel of #wikileaks)Dec 20 15:37
schestowitzCartoon: Thanks a Bunch, WikiLeaksDec 20 15:43
schestowitz 20 15:43
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  Cartoon: Thanks a Bunch, WikiLeaks  .::. Size~: 49.19 KBDec 20 15:43
schestowitzDrones don't kill people, bombs doDec 20 15:44
schestowitzStop blaming drones, you stupid DRONOPHOBE!!!Dec 20 15:44
FurnaceBoylolDec 20 15:44
FurnaceBoyI do drone on.Dec 20 15:44
schestowitz 20 15:45
TechrightsBot-sc@Spinchange: @schestowitz honestly, Assange has done more to make me think this about a person (himself) than anyone else.Dec 20 15:45
schestowitz 20 15:45
TechrightsBot-sc@schestowitz: @Spinchange like BradleyDec 20 15:45
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: I'm going nuts here cause Huffington is on some video I listen toDec 20 15:56
schestowitzI want to skip it, she's driving me insaneDec 20 15:56
schestowitzIt's a race debateDec 20 15:57
schestowitzWith black people in the panel and 'aunt Arianna' talking bolloxDec 20 15:58
schestowitzI cam't help wondering why she was invited at all, she adds nothing of value input-wiseDec 20 15:58
FurnaceBoyaaaaaarghDec 20 16:00
schestowitz@lnxwalt140] Everyone in the US should hear this: [smartpei_typepad_com]Dec 20 16:09
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Robert Paterson's Weblog: Lying is Not Patriotic RP Speaks Truth to Power .::. Size~: 76.83 KBDec 20 16:09
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: a first I thought it was a black lady in the panelDec 20 16:09
schestowitzBecause of the accent, but I switched to the video and saw Huffington explaining to me how  black people are discriminatedDec 20 16:10
schestowitzWhich I found strangeDec 20 16:10
schestowitz 20 16:12
TechrightsBot-sc@fredforfaen: @schestowitz thanks for the tip will do a test soon.Dec 20 16:12
schestowitzTwitter is a messDec 20 16:12
schestowitzToo big, includes bots and marketersDec 20 16:12
abeNd-orgtwitter & facebook have always been about marketing :PDec 20 16:13
schestowitzNot to the same extentDec 20 16:20
schestowitz 20 16:20
TechrightsBot-sc@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Monday, 20-Dec-10 16:16:51 UTC - Hmm.... surprised to see the @KDE identica/twitter account used for public relations from Novell/AttachMSFT. !kdeDec 20 16:20
schestowitzThat'll put pressure on themDec 20 16:20
schestowitzWow - what a mess. 20 17:06
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  YouTube - The Battle for Parliament Square - Student Riots 2010 London  .::. Size~: 134.13 KBDec 20 17:06
*FurnaceBoy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 20 17:36
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: I didn't know this person's professional background... 20 17:39
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Glenn Greenwald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 165.42 KBDec 20 17:39
schestowitz"In October 2010, he won the Online Journalism Award for Best Commentary, for his investigative article on the arrest of U.S. Army Private Bradley Manning as the alleged leaker to WikiLeaks."Dec 20 17:40
MinceR 20 19:11
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Abstruse Goose » Behold the pale horse… .::. Size~: 12.47 KBDec 20 19:11
*FurnaceBoy ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 19:32
*Ender2070 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 20 19:55
schestowitz 20 21:54
TechrightsBot-sc@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz The FFII/OFE kind of EIF spin is not shared by @glynmoody nor by French free software organization APRIL 20 21:54
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: La Commission s'éloigne de l'interopérabilité pour les services publics européens | April .::. Size~: 29.06 KBDec 20 21:54
schestowitz 20 21:54
TechrightsBot-sc@FFII: @FOSSpatents @schestowitz #FFII and #OFE knows the expected #eifv2 outcome for two month, and was positively impressed.Dec 20 21:54
schestowitz 20 21:54
TechrightsBot-sc@FFII: @fosspatents @schestowitz  "It’s amazing that EU-Commissioner Šefčovič overcame indecision, and presents their ‘wet’ documents." #eifv2Dec 20 21:54
schestowitz 20 21:54
TechrightsBot-sc@FFII: @schestowitz He does not get that his position is not reflected in the #EIFv2.Dec 20 21:54
schestowitz 20 21:54
TechrightsBot-sc@FOSSpatents: @FFII @schestowitz That's fundamentally different from what serious and reliable sources say about the process and the evolution of the textDec 20 21:54
schestowitz 20 21:55
TechrightsBot-sc@FOSSpatents: @FFII cc: @schestowitz Moreover, if you had known that exact text for months, so would have APRIL.Dec 20 21:55
schestowitz 20 21:55
TechrightsBot-sc@FFII: @FOSSpatents @schestowitz You know - as we do - that the #eifv2 had to be rewritten and adoption was delayed in inter-service consultationsDec 20 21:55
schestowitz 20 21:55
TechrightsBot-sc@FFII: @FOSSpatents @schestowitz Strategically the outcome is good. Tactically stakeholders continue to raise concerns on the substance.Dec 20 21:55
schestowitz 20 21:55
TechrightsBot-sc@FOSSpatents: @FFII cc: @schestowitz You also said Bilski was a good outcome and the 1st post-Bilski CAFC decision proved you completely wrong. (+)Dec 20 21:55
schestowitz 20 21:55
TechrightsBot-sc@FOSSpatents: @FFII cc: @schestowitz I think @glynmoody and APRIL are simply more honest than you. Or more realistic. Or both.Dec 20 21:55
schestowitz 20 21:55
TechrightsBot-sc@FFII: @FOSSpatents @schestowitz Strategically it was a mistake of industry and gov critics last year to delay the adoption. #eifDec 20 21:55
schestowitz 20 21:55
TechrightsBot-sc@FFII: @fosspatents @schestowitz We didn't ask for a delay but improvements which were partially considered 20 21:55
TechrightsBot-scError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 301 MovedDec 20 21:55
schestowitz 20 21:55
TechrightsBot-sc@FOSSpatents: @FFII cc: @schestowitz The most important part did not get considered: your proposal to use EIFv1 language for the open stds definition.Dec 20 21:56
schestowitz 20 21:56
TechrightsBot-sc@FOSSpatents: @FFII cc: @schestowitz So how do you then explain Trond's famous "rats transmitting the RAND disease" post about RAND being reincorporated?Dec 20 21:56
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 20 22:36
sebsebsebHiDec 20 22:36
schestowitzHello.Dec 20 22:38
schestowitzsebsebseb: nice new avatarDec 20 22:38
schestowitzSeb SEB S E B !!!Dec 20 22:39
sebsebsebschestowitz: uhmm on Identica its a tempory avatarDec 20 22:39
sebsebsebthat I got at the momentDec 20 22:39
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: u can retry those linksDec 20 22:42
FurnaceBoysite is upDec 20 22:42
schestowitzsebsebseb: FurnaceBoy made a good one for you, he's always helping people around the WebDec 20 22:42
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: is it good? i dunno, he might hate itDec 20 22:43
schestowitz 20 22:43
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: uhmm I went on those links again last nightDec 20 22:43
TechrightsBot-scTitle: The Torture Papers .::. Size~: 66.22 KBDec 20 22:43
schestowitzDid you see this before?Dec 20 22:43
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: try nowDec 20 22:43
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: noDec 20 22:43
schestowitz (Is the DREAM Act a Military Recruiter's Dream, Too? (VIDEO))Dec 20 22:44
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Michelle Chen: Is the DREAM Act a Military Recruiter's Dream, Too? (VIDEO) .::. Size~: 165.87 KBDec 20 22:44
schestowitz"The DREAM Act sounds like a good way to offer illegal US resident minors a chance for citizenship; but it would have the side effect of pressuring them to join the army and help wars of conquest. "Dec 20 22:44
sebsebsebThe boys who are going to stay with us for new years, with their mother, might be a bit interested in Linux, if I get to show :DDec 20 22:44
schestowitz 20 22:44
TechrightsBot-scTitle: 2010: September - December Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 617.17 KBDec 20 22:44
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: cool!Dec 20 22:45
schestowitzsebsebseb: try mandriva/derivs on herDec 20 22:45
schestowitzIt's like drop-in XP replacementDec 20 22:45
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: however at the kind of age, where they are probably playing Windows games, and probably quite a few of them, so hmmDec 20 22:45
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: is moving closer to linux.Dec 20 22:45
schestowitzsebsebseb: mothers rarely play shootersDec 20 22:45
sebsebsebschestowitz: no its my Mum's friend from years agoDec 20 22:45
sebsebseband her sonsDec 20 22:45
schestowitz*if* they play it's usually games that Linux have tooDec 20 22:46
schestowitz Leaked cable: U.S. warned Germany against arrests in Masri caseDec 20 22:46
TechrightsBot-scTitle: NeoGAF - View Single Post - U.S. to Canada: WikiLeaks release may hurt relations .::. Size~: 9.23 KBDec 20 22:46
sebsebsebalso I wonder if my older brotheres new girl friend, got told, that what they were using earlier, wasn't Windows or not, hmmDec 20 22:47
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: give me the links againDec 20 22:48
FurnaceBoy 20 22:49
TechrightsBot-scError processing the URLDec 20 22:49
FurnaceBoy 20 22:49
TechrightsBot-scError processing the URLDec 20 22:49
FurnaceBoyhm...Dec 20 22:49
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: uhmmDec 20 22:50
sebsebsebyeah I went on those links last night or whateverDec 20 22:50
sebsebsebwell yeah last nightDec 20 22:50
sebsebsebfirst one is the same as what I gotDec 20 22:50
sebsebsebsecond one looks differnetDec 20 22:50
FurnaceBoyyes i resized the first one smaller, remember?Dec 20 22:51
FurnaceBoyto see if it would give you better qualityDec 20 22:51
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: Games for Windows lock people into Windows, so hmmDec 20 22:52
FurnaceBoysureDec 20 22:52
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: is moving into linux gamesDec 20 22:52
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  .::. Size~: 0 KBDec 20 22:52
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: uhmm there was talk about that before, but then they woudn'tDec 20 22:52
FurnaceBoyno, they still are.Dec 20 22:52
FurnaceBoythey already sell linux titles.Dec 20 22:52
sebsebsebalso if I am to get the boys interested at all in Linux,  assuming they don't already know about it of course, uhmmm  I would have to explain in Swedish probably, which woudn't be that easy for meDec 20 22:53
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: good old confrontationDec 20 22:53
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  YouTube - Gord Perks gives David Peterson a very bad day  .::. Size~: 117.61 KBDec 20 22:53
sebsebsebso yeah just a thought, depends on what happens and so on though, of courseDec 20 22:53
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: schestowitz  They will have a lap top each with them, so that could mean they would be interestedDec 20 22:55
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: i've heard of those allegationsDec 20 23:00
schestowitz 20 23:01
TechrightsBot-scTitle: BP Sued in Ecuadorian Court for Violating Rights of Nature .::. Size~: 43.74 KBDec 20 23:01
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: ownageDec 20 23:01
schestowitzFavouritedDec 20 23:01
schestowitzfor twitterDec 20 23:01
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: the guy even looks like Harper. hippie confronts The Man.Dec 20 23:02
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: Canada (like Australia) used to be so much more British, note.Dec 20 23:02
schestowitzhippie?Dec 20 23:03
schestowitzNaa...Dec 20 23:03
schestowitzBTWDec 20 23:04
schestowitzA mate of mine from Wales went to Aussie after his PhDDec 20 23:04
schestowitzHe lost patience there after 2 years as postdocDec 20 23:04
FurnaceBoywhat part?Dec 20 23:04
FurnaceBoyit varies.Dec 20 23:04
schestowitzIt wasn't like in the soap operas I guesDec 20 23:04
FurnaceBoyi think u said he was in Queensland...Dec 20 23:04
schestowitzHe came back to Wales, did a MD on top of the PhDDec 20 23:05
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: yesDec 20 23:05
FurnaceBoythe south is rather different...Dec 20 23:05
schestowitzHow did you remember/know?Dec 20 23:05
FurnaceBoybc you mentioned it once beforeDec 20 23:05
schestowitzFor me too it's a case of typical postdocs with contracts never for more than 18 months at a timeDec 20 23:06
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: anyway the second avatar, looks ok,  and I haven't tried itDec 20 23:08
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: In October I started working with a Prof. that's a good match for my field and we had 3-month allocation of funds. We now apply for a European Union grant (I am a European citizen obviously) that can fund my research. This requires me to have 3 short references from people whom I worked with. I have a meeting about it Weds (!!), so close to Xmas... and I ended up asking colleagues for refs shortly before ChristmasDec 20 23:08
schestowitz.. this research grant has an imminent deadline and the references needed can be very short and maybe take a moment to prepare.Dec 20 23:08
schestowitzIt's a PITADec 20 23:09
schestowitzI want to spend less time on administrative drossDec 20 23:09
schestowitzBut that's my only complaint. I now have my own lab and I totally have freedom to implement what I think is a good ideaDec 20 23:10
schestowitzWorse case I decided to go to industry and thus sort of sell out.Dec 20 23:10
schestowitz*decideDec 20 23:10
FurnaceBoysebsebseb: it might need some adjustments. it may not be clear enoughDec 20 23:10
schestowitzMost of my jobs were within universities.. in fact, just Manchester U (like 3-4 jobs)Dec 20 23:11
FurnaceBoysounds good. good luck!Dec 20 23:11
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: why doesn't sebsebseb make an avatar too?Dec 20 23:11
sebsebsebFurnaceBoy: not tried that one as an avatar  as I said, but in a way I prefer the one I got,  however  lets check identicaDec 20 23:11
schestowitzHe's an adult :-)Dec 20 23:11
sebsebsebthat other guy said he was making me a Christmas TuxDec 20 23:11
schestowitzYou're his superhero :-)Dec 20 23:11
sebsebsebschestowitz: in many ways I am like a over grown, teenagerDec 20 23:12
FurnaceBoyheheDec 20 23:12
schestowitzI am a teenager+decadeDec 20 23:12
sebsebsebschestowitz: so much stuff I haven't done yet, so yeahDec 20 23:12
FurnaceBoynice shot: 20 23:13
TechrightsBot-scTitle: ice patterns, Platte Clove, NY | Flickr - Photo Sharing! .::. Size~: 88.11 KBDec 20 23:13
FurnaceBoy(i like abstract)Dec 20 23:13
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: did you see the moon today?Dec 20 23:13
sebsebsebschestowitz: that reminds me, I saw somethign on identica about your birthday, however by the time I did, your birthday had already been, for about a day or two or somethingDec 20 23:14
sebsebsebhow old are you now?Dec 20 23:14
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: oh yeah it's an eclipse.Dec 20 23:14
schestowitz 20 23:14
TechrightsBot-sc@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz When it comes to mass slaughter &carpet bombing of civilian populations, prevention tends to beat cure, too. #iraq #afghanistanDec 20 23:14
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: have you had any dreams? me and a few others have in recent nights.Dec 20 23:14
FurnaceBoyschestowitz I'm doing an unscientific survey of correlation between full / new moon and dreams!Dec 20 23:14
schestowitzdreams?Dec 20 23:14
schestowitzDREAM act?Dec 20 23:14
FurnaceBoyno. when you sleep. are you an android? :)Dec 20 23:14
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: there can't be anyDec 20 23:14
FurnaceBoycancelled?Dec 20 23:14
schestowitzUnless there's awarenessDec 20 23:15
FurnaceBoyoh. rigt.Dec 20 23:15
FurnaceBoyyesDec 20 23:15
schestowitzthe gravity of the moon and brightness levels are roughly the sameDec 20 23:15
FurnaceBoywell WL chips away at awareness.Dec 20 23:15
schestowitzOld myths about tide-related trends and moon gravity are overblown and quackyDec 20 23:15
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: i'm seeing a bit of a patternDec 20 23:15
FurnaceBoyhm wellDec 20 23:15
schestowitzIt's like astro(il)logyDec 20 23:15
FurnaceBoythere's a lot of anecdotal stuff about full moon time.Dec 20 23:15
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: talk to late night cashiers, ER staff, copsDec 20 23:16
schestowitzWhere you think a planet whose gravitational force on you is less than the doctor's can impact your lifeDec 20 23:16
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: but what would be an explanation for it?Dec 20 23:16
schestowitzAs for dreams, you have like a million per nightDec 20 23:16
schestowitzDepending what you define to be dream unitDec 20 23:17
schestowitzRandom neural signals having mental orgies and forming hardly a coherent storyDec 20 23:17
schestowitzPeople don't have one dream they can talk aboutDec 20 23:17
schestowitzThey only can describe the last bit of dream they haveDec 20 23:18
schestowitzAnd a story seeming to last an hour can be thought in under a minuteDec 20 23:18
schestowitz 20 23:18
TechrightsBot-sc@FFII: @schestowitz It may be very harmful to disclose information about financial institutions / investment banksDec 20 23:18
schestowitz 20 23:18
TechrightsBot-sc@FFII: @schestowitz Usually a bubble is well known among professionals, e.g. the #patent bubble but still procedural incentives may sustain itDec 20 23:18
schestowitz 20 23:20
TechrightsBot-sc@schestowitz: @FFII it's probably necessary to pop pyramid/Ponzi schemes when their # of nodes is small. Why delay the inevitable collapse?Dec 20 23:20
schestowitzANdre has an odd video on wikileaksDec 20 23:20
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: 20 23:25
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  Amnesty International say police bill will let war criminals go free | Law | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 87.79 KBDec 20 23:25
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: well it depends. -most- dreams i dont' remember any. -some- i remember pieces. -a few- i remember whole narratives.Dec 20 23:25
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: i am looking at variations in intensity  and recollectionDec 20 23:25
FurnaceBoybut not scientifically. it's just something i ask sometimes :)Dec 20 23:26
schestowitzDepends on sleeping cyclesDec 20 23:26
schestowitzNot moonDec 20 23:26
FurnaceBoyyes.Dec 20 23:26
schestowitzYou can't measure thoughtsDec 20 23:26
FurnaceBoywell, that's the _question_Dec 20 23:26
schestowitzYou can quantify in questionnaireDec 20 23:26
FurnaceBoyyou should ask ppl who work with public about full moonDec 20 23:26
schestowitzBut it's an artsy thingDec 20 23:26
schestowitzYou're a programmerDec 20 23:26
FurnaceBoyi've had a number of ppl claim full moon affects peopleDec 20 23:26
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: why are they contradictory?Dec 20 23:26
schestowitzWerewolfDec 20 23:26
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: but what's the hypothesis?Dec 20 23:27
schestowitzWhat can be the correlationDec 20 23:27
FurnaceBoyi don't know, i'm just looking at anecdotesDec 20 23:27
schestowitzB/w person's brain and a very distant object?Dec 20 23:27
FurnaceBoyi'm not a scientist :)Dec 20 23:27
schestowitzLEt me find you a video...Dec 20 23:27
FurnaceBoy"It may be very harmful to disclose information about financial institutions / investment" ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dec 20 23:27
FurnaceBoywtfDec 20 23:27
FurnaceBoyFUDDec 20 23:27
FurnaceBoyno noDec 20 23:28
FurnaceBoyno time for videosDec 20 23:28
schestowitzI'm thinking about 20 23:28
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  YouTube - Carl Sagan on Astrology  .::. Size~: 134.9 KBDec 20 23:28
FurnaceBoyi'm behind in workDec 20 23:28
schestowitzIt's shortDec 20 23:28
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: 20 23:48
TechrightsBot-scTitle: How the Oligarchs Took America | Mother Jones .::. Size~: 106.59 KBDec 20 23:48
schestowitzObushama 20 23:52
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  Barack Obama gives way to Republicans over Bush tax cuts | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 94.17 KBDec 20 23:52
schestowitzAnd Gates...? No tax at allDec 20 23:52
schestowitzTHere are special laws for the super-richDec 20 23:52

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