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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: December 28th, 2010

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*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 28 01:17
sebsebsebHiDec 28 01:17
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 28 05:31
schestowitzHelloDec 28 06:15
oiaohmHiDec 28 06:16
oiaohm  Nice event.Dec 28 06:16
TechrightsBot-scTitle: open...: Putin Orders Russian Move to GNU/Linux .::. Size~: 99.6 KBDec 28 06:16
schestowitz:-)Dec 28 06:23
schestowitzI got retweeted on it over a dozen times :)Dec 28 06:24
oiaohmQuestion do you have a country list anywhere with countries planing or doing this.Dec 28 06:31
oiaohmBecause this is kinda the fall of Microsoft in progress.Dec 28 06:32
oiaohmIe business have to deal with goverment so have to be compadible with what ever goverment is using.Dec 28 06:32
schestowitzIn south America there are severalDec 28 06:39
schestowitzVietnam keeps talking about it tooDec 28 06:39
schestowitzIt's like a coke machineDec 28 06:39
schestowitzRock is back and forth a bitDec 28 06:39
schestowitzMicrosoft can prevent it from falling over a few times, but eventually it'll happenDec 28 06:39
schestowitzI wonder hot Putin views this in the context of Wikileaks with the Chinese getting access to source and the govt. using Windows for control over other contries.Dec 28 06:40
schestowitz*counriesDec 28 06:40
schestowitzIndia speaks about making its own new OSDec 28 06:41
oiaohmReally sane person would work out with Linux you don't have to make a new OSDec 28 06:50
oiaohmJust run you own repo with the files you have audited in it.Dec 28 06:50
oiaohmSame with Freebsd and others.Dec 28 06:51
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 28 09:54
MinceR 28 11:53
TechrightsBot-scNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeDec 28 11:53
schestowitzTax increases here:Dec 28 12:11
schestowitz> Hope you had a great Christmas and are busy making lots of new year’sDec 28 12:11
schestowitz> resolutions. We just wanted to let you know about two things that areDec 28 12:11
schestowitz> happening in 2011 at catalyst2.Dec 28 12:11
schestowitz>Dec 28 12:11
schestowitz> 1 ) From January 4th 2011, VAT in the UK will increase from the currentDec 28 12:11
schestowitz> 17.5% to 20%. Any invoices we generate from that date will thereforeDec 28 12:11
schestowitz> reflect the new VAT rate. For more information, click here:Dec 28 12:11
schestowitz> 28 12:11
TechrightsBot-scTitle: HM Revenue & Customs: Increase in the standard rate of VAT to 20 per cent .::. Size~: 22.01 KBDec 28 12:11
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, but India said Linux was "bugged"Dec 28 12:12
schestowitzAs in tempered wthDec 28 12:12
schestowitzAlthough they can inspect the source codeDec 28 12:12
schestowitzMinceR: but they like boys,not girlsDec 28 12:12
MinceR:>Dec 28 12:14
schestowitzI'm consolidating all my domains todayDec 28 12:16
schestowitz6 of themDec 28 12:16
schestowitz> I currently have 3 account for 3 domainsDec 28 12:17
schestowitz>Dec 28 12:17
schestowitz> iuroncom for iuron.comDec 28 12:17
schestowitz> othello for othellomaster.comDec 28 12:17
schestowitz> schestow for schestowitz.comDec 28 12:17
schestowitz>Dec 28 12:17
schestowitz> Each has a different corresponding mail account (2 underDec 28 12:17
schestowitz> and 1 under, so merging them would beDec 28 12:17
schestowitz> great, all under the address 28 12:17
schestowitzThat ought to make life easier, at lastDec 28 12:17
oiaohmschestowitz: Linux is not as bugged as Windows.Dec 28 12:17
schestowitzMy host is in Ireland, though. Bailout catastropheDec 28 12:18
schestowitzoiaohm: they said both are "bugged"Dec 28 12:18
oiaohmReally windows can be bugged threw the update system or even disabled.Dec 28 12:18
oiaohmI would suspect MS started the myth that Linux is bugged.Dec 28 12:18
oiaohmSecurity is part dependant on how much control you have.Dec 28 12:19
oiaohmPart on how well audited everything is.Dec 28 12:19
oiaohmBig thing Linux or freebsd or openbsd offers is source code that can be independant audited.Dec 28 12:21
MinceRor netbsdDec 28 12:21
schestowitzjust not openbsd :-)Dec 28 12:22
schestowitzOpen to the FBIDec 28 12:22
schestowitzHope n' BSDDec 28 12:23
schestowitzKnock on w00dDec 28 12:23
MinceRwideopenbsdDec 28 12:23
schestowitzRapeMyCodeBSDDec 28 12:26
schestowitz[then gimme the bill for Mac OS X+Apple-branded PC to run my code]Dec 28 12:29
oiaohmThe audit so far as found nothing matching the size hole made out.Dec 28 12:34
oiaohmLets think carefully lets say for a second every country world wide did change over to software with low bug numbers.Dec 28 12:35
oiaohmThis does not only hurt malware writers.Dec 28 12:35
oiaohmThis hurts spys as well.Dec 28 12:35
schestowitzoiaohm: 28 12:49
TechrightsBot-sc@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Dec-10 12:47:03 UTC - #Russia approves ODF, days later Putin calls for move to !GNU !Linux . Russian officials should pay attention to #cablegate re Windows code.Dec 28 12:49
schestowitz"jargon: for the next UK #snowpocalypse:"Dec 28 12:52
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Buy a Fucking Shovel .::. Size~: 4.11 KBDec 28 12:52
oiaohmschestowitz: something funny is going on this year.  We have flooding as well.Dec 28 12:53
schestowitz 28 13:37
TechrightsBot-sc@Claudio (claudiom)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Dec-10 13:11:48 UTC - Yup, frost in Miami. Taken by a friend of mine in Hialeah at 5:30 AM this morning. 28 13:37
TechrightsBot-scNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeDec 28 13:37
schestowitzThat's VERY rareDec 28 13:37
schestowitzKeir Thomas  on 28 13:39
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Why Nokia Is in Deep Trouble With MeeGo - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 175.82 KBDec 28 13:39
schestowitz"@glynmoody:  Simple rebuttals to denier talking points, with links to the full climate science - from Aug, but worth noting for 2011"Dec 28 13:40
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Rebutting climate science disinformer talking points in a single line «  Climate Progress .::. Size~: 194.04 KBDec 28 13:40
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 28 13:44
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 28 13:49
schestowitz“C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg.” --Bjarne StroustrupDec 28 14:01
schestowitzHehDec 28 14:01
schestowitz 28 14:03
TechrightsBot-sc@glynmoody: @schestowitz that's a relief, since I didn't understand it...Dec 28 14:03
oiaohmReally nokia is not in as deep of trouble as it seams with meego.Dec 28 14:06
oiaohmmeego is already a selling product in many markets.Dec 28 14:06
MinceRunless nokia drops it in favor of kin7Dec 28 14:06
schestowitzthat won't happenDec 28 14:08
schestowitzThey wishDec 28 14:08
schestowitzBut it's like choosing to take the suicidal route to stay with familyDec 28 14:08
oiaohmAndroid has many weaknesses.Dec 28 14:08
schestowitzCan you be specific?Dec 28 14:09
oiaohmLike iphone can be used as a audio special effects generator.Dec 28 14:09
oiaohmmeego can use the Linux existing stack of audio effects software.Dec 28 14:10
oiaohmTo provide those features.Dec 28 14:10
oiaohmNow if Nokia really wants to push the limit.  They could setup what the hardware truly allows.Dec 28 14:10
schestowitzDamn. I need to document all my code this weekDec 28 14:12
oiaohmMeego phone docking into a full sized screen and keyboard and other usb devices by its usb port.Dec 28 14:12
schestowitzAnd write manuals for itDec 28 14:12
oiaohmCurrnetly you can do that with android phones if you root them and add back a stack of drivers.  schestowitzDec 28 14:13
oiaohmYes Nokia could in theory put the phone head to head with the netbook.Dec 28 14:13
schestowitzThey have a netbookDec 28 14:13
schestowitzIt runs XP!!Dec 28 14:13
schestowitz2009 news iircDec 28 14:13
schestowitzappalling, never really seen in the markets I know of...Dec 28 14:14
MinceR150818 < schestowitz> But it's like choosing to take the suicidal route to stay with familyDec 28 14:14
MinceRisn't that what m$'s entryism is all about?Dec 28 14:14
schestowitzYesDec 28 14:19
schestowitzSuicicrosoftDec 28 14:19
schestowitzToday I did some scary work on the roofDec 28 14:19
schestowitzBad weather harmed tiles... had to walk around tiles with siliconDec 28 14:19
schestowitzUsually my biggest risk of die laughing in front of screen :-)Dec 28 14:20
schestowitz /of/is/Dec 28 14:20
schestowitz 28 14:21
TechrightsBot-scTitle: A mom from Minnesota uses Facebook to find her daughter a kidney .::. Size~: 97.62 KBDec 28 14:21
schestowitz"@qu1j0t3: .@timbl I'm curious, do you have a critique of @twitter's /#!/... pseudo-URL scheme?"Dec 28 14:22
schestowitzHDec 28 14:22
schestowitz 28 14:22
TechrightsBot-sc@yoonkit: 17% savings. RT @schestowitz Buy a Dell WITHOUT windows SG$887 without; SG$1045 same machine with ‘doze @harishpillayDec 28 14:22
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: How to buy a Dell WITHOUT windows « life one degree north, one-o-three degrees east .::. Size~: 181.75 KBDec 28 14:22
schestowitz 28 14:22
TechrightsBot-sc@seraphine: @yoonkit @schestowitz @harishpillay throw ubuntu on it!Dec 28 14:22
schestowitztimbl: you don't tweet much. You Must Be New[b] Here(R)Dec 28 14:24
abeNd-org That was the birth of the Utah County Job Club, which meets on Wednesdays at 8 a.m. at the Novell cafeteria conference room - is that Novell trying to help it's people find jobs?Dec 28 14:25
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Networking is crucial to finding a new job | Deseret News .::. Size~: 55.43 KBDec 28 14:25
schestowitzabeNd-org: "Utah County Job Club, which meets on Wednesdays at 8 a.m. at the Novell cafeteria conference room, 1800 S. Novell Place."Dec 28 14:26
schestowitzabeNd-org: yeah, I'm reading it...Dec 28 14:26
abeNd-orgthat could just be a large freely available place to hold meetingsDec 28 14:26
schestowitzIt isDec 28 14:26
schestowitzThey do a lot of this in ProvoDec 28 14:26
schestowitzAlmost every month in the newsDec 28 14:26
schestowitz 28 14:28
TechrightsBot-sc@adhimitra_india: @schestowitz I think #Microsoft is doing the same with openSUSE that #FBI did with BSD. They put backdoors and they are putting licensing..Dec 28 14:28
abeNd-orgno biggie thenDec 28 14:31
abeNd-orgwhat is odd is my usually spam free gmail inbox is getting slammed todayDec 28 14:32
schestowitzGoogle NEws?Dec 28 14:32
schestowitzAlerts I meanDec 28 14:32
schestowitz"@themadhatter: @glynmoody: #Groklaw will continue. A lot of us support PJ in her efforts. It all comes down to ethics. Something Bill Goat doesn't get."Dec 28 14:33
schestowitzabeNd-org: 28 14:33
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Man quits job, makes living suing e-mail spammers - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 160.5 KBDec 28 14:33
abeNd-orgyea, i saw that the other day, wonder if he just makes $ off payoffs, or if he actually gets them closed downDec 28 14:34
oiaohmabeNd-org: there are pay offs either way.Dec 28 14:36
oiaohmRemember some spammers pay for there competition to be shut down.Dec 28 14:36
schestowitzoiaohm: 28 14:36
TechrightsBot-scTitle: CBC News - Nova Scotia - Maritimes offered federal storm relief .::. Size~: 41.78 KBDec 28 14:36
abeNd-orgi think the only time i heard a spammer really get shutdown is when the russian mafia got shutdown (they found the spammer offed mob execution style)Dec 28 14:37
abeNd-orgnot that im endorsing mass spammer extermination in that wayDec 28 14:38
oiaohmabeNd-org: Most likely because he did not pay the mafia.Dec 28 14:42
oiaohmCrime is crime.Dec 28 14:42
MinceRfor the record, it doesn't seem all that likely that the fbi really backdoored the ipsec implementation of openbsdDec 28 14:46
MinceR(flash) (animated) (audio) 28 14:47
TechrightsBot-scTitle: ScientLOLojyuuichi!! or Tom Cruise vs. The Internet | Flash Videos .::. Size~: 13.75 KBDec 28 14:47
oiaohmThere were some intresting bugs found just the same.  So it was not a complete waste of time.  MinceRDec 28 14:47
MinceRauditing seems to be rarely a complete waste of timeDec 28 14:48
MinceRalso, that microhoo article is about as clueless as it getsDec 28 14:52
MinceR"derp derp derp proprietary software is the silver bullet that delivers perfect software immediately herp herp herp"Dec 28 14:53
schestowitzIt's APDec 28 15:00
schestowitzYahoo doesn't produce much newsDec 28 15:00
schestowitz"fabsh: Fuck. This !LO episode is gonna be MASSIVE. Like 3hrs! All @opensourcegeek's fault.'Dec 28 15:01
schestowitzI hate it when people add "fuck" to pretend they are coolDec 28 15:01
schestowitzLike shoving one's penis into a sentenceDec 28 15:01
MinceRwhat if they add fuck because they are cool?Dec 28 15:04
schestowitzfuck! I'm fucking tired of them! fahfahfah!!Dec 28 15:06
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 28 15:31
schestowitzreplyto://61190085Dec 28 15:42
schestowitz 28 16:25
TechrightsBot-sc@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Dec-10 15:55:05 UTC - 12 Commands Every !Linux Newbie Should Learn 28 16:25
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: 12 Commands Every Linux Newbie Should Learn - PCWorld Business Center .::. Size~: 78.56 KBDec 28 16:25
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 28 19:17
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 28 19:18
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 28 19:23
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 28 19:26
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 28 19:41
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 28 20:16
sebsebsebhiDec 28 20:16
schestowitzHelloDec 28 20:27
schestowitzFormer Microsoft programmer has just mailed me..Dec 28 21:03
schestowitzRe: Draft of an email I plan to send to the LKMLDec 28 21:03
schestowitz"Dec 28 21:03
schestowitz> Hi;Dec 28 21:03
schestowitz>Dec 28 21:03
schestowitz> I'm thinking of sending this mail to the LKML. Do you have any feedback?Dec 28 21:03
schestowitz> 28 21:03
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Faster Linux world domination &#8211; GC Lingua Franca « .::. Size~: 65.53 KBDec 28 21:03
schestowitz>Dec 28 21:03
schestowitz> Thanks!Dec 28 21:03
schestowitz>Dec 28 21:03
schestowitz> -KeithDec 28 21:03
schestowitz"Dec 28 21:03
schestowitzI reckon he doesn't want me to criticise him afterwardDec 28 21:03
schestowitz*wardsDec 28 21:03
schestowitzBut I don't plan to reply, it's nothing to do with me..Dec 28 21:03
schestowitz 28 21:10
TechrightsBot-sc@theMindjuggler: @laurelrusswurm @padowi @MsFrankieB @Arnie3000 @schestowitz Thank you for the RTs guys.Wish your holidays will ooze with smiling loved ones.Dec 28 21:10
schestowitz 28 21:11
TechrightsBot-sc@efa_oz: Electronic Frontiers Australia News is out! ▸ Top stories today by @schestowitz @pumabydesign001 @ealz @noise36Dec 28 21:11
MinceRsmiling jellified loved ones?Dec 28 21:11
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Electronic Frontiers Australia News .::. Size~: 109.95 KBDec 28 21:11

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