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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 9th, 2011

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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 00:28
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 09 00:56
*Python1320 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 09 11:02
*benJIman has quit (*.net *.split)Jan 09 11:10
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*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 09 14:54
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schestowitz> #BTW please take a look to:Jan 09 18:11
schestowitz> # 09 18:11
TechrightsBotTitle: Internet Identity System Said Readied by Obama Administration - BusinessWeek .::. Size~: 60.54 KBJan 09 18:11
schestowitz> #Google is going to be part of it. It looks it's more advanced  &Jan 09 18:11
schestowitz> Orwellian as I previously thoughtJan 09 18:11
schestowitz^^ from reader, via E-mailJan 09 18:11
schestowitz> Dear Doctor Roy,Jan 09 18:22
schestowitz> Jan 09 18:22
schestowitz> Since we cannot name and shame one publication at the time becauseJan 09 18:22
schestowitz> there are just so many of them (who are paid by Gates) at least letsJan 09 18:22
schestowitz> start creating a separated page i.e : "Journalism House Of Shame" &Jan 09 18:22
schestowitz> start filling them up:Jan 09 18:22
schestowitz> Jan 09 18:22
schestowitz> 1. - Washington Post.Jan 09 18:22
schestowitz> 2. - NYTJan 09 18:22
schestowitz> 3. - So on ....Jan 09 18:22
schestowitz> Jan 09 18:22
schestowitz> With links that will show their bad behavior under the Microsoft Monitor list.Jan 09 18:22
schestowitz> Jan 09 18:23
schestowitz> Jan 09 18:23
schestowitz> Well, my friend, have a nice Sunday.Jan 09 18:23
schestowitzThe plan is to accommodate the site with a lot of material on a mixture of topics and later aggregate these in the wiki. It's rather efficient. Of course, it's possible for anyone to add these to the wiki, we just need more volunteers to edit.Jan 09 18:24
schestowitz 09 20:39
TechrightsBot@matjan: @schestowitz: I see. Anyhow, I got my webcam to work in Skype. But you're right, it should work out of the box, also with old ones like mineJan 09 20:39
schestowitzYeah, webcams work for me well... in Free software, not skypeJan 09 20:39
schestowitz 09 20:40
TechrightsBot@m4n1sh: @schestowitz I never said you never did. But I would be glad if you start a project  and lead it which would be an alternative of monoJan 09 20:40
TechrightsBot@m4n1sh: @schestowitz You can look at David post to find what needs to be done. It would be more productive than mono bashingJan 09 20:40
TechrightsBot-> Title: Five straightforward steps to vanquish Mono < The Plenitude of Arboreal Beauty .::. Size~: 107 KBJan 09 20:40
schestowitzWe already have projects that can replace Mono... Java, Python, Parrot to name just a fewJan 09 20:40
schestowitz 09 20:41
TechrightsBot@waltercool: @schestowitz Seems like SofiaSip can do this job fine :) (on empathy)Jan 09 20:41
schestowitz 09 21:02
TechrightsBot@m4n1sh: @schestowitz I feel Java is more dangerous than Mono. Oracle is pretty aggressive against Android even though it's never claimed to be JavaJan 09 21:02
schestowitz 09 21:02
TechrightsBot@m4n1sh: @schestowitz Secondly mono developers need a statically typed language with a full JIT runtime where Python fails. Replacement? Really?Jan 09 21:02
*gnufreex has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 09 21:59
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 22:01
*wraithmonk ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 23:42
*wraithmonk ( has left #boycottnovellJan 09 23:42
schestowitz 09 23:51
TechrightsBot@hardknoxfirst: RT @schestowitz: ♺ @dbostrom Giffords' opponent held target-shooting events to "target" her during election. //#p2Jan 09 23:51
TechrightsBot-> Title: Daily Kos :: Comments  Rep. Gabrielle Giffords shot in Arizona .::. Size~: 137.71 KBJan 09 23:51

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