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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 15th, 2011

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*abeNd-org has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 14 23:44
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 07:38
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 15 11:33
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 11:35
MinceRgeekingsJan 15 13:37
schestowitz0/Jan 15 13:46
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 13:55
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 15 15:31
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 15 16:58
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 16:59
*m4n1sh (~manish@ubuntu/member/m4n1sh) has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 17:17
schestowitz 15 17:57
TechrightsBot@qu1j0t3: @tidewaters Yeah this is the impression I get. But probably some institutions are worse and some are better? @schestowitzJan 15 17:57
schestowitz 15 17:58
TechrightsBot@qu1j0t3: @tidewaters Exiting the toxic environment, where did you decide to go, to recover balance and move forward personally? @schestowitzJan 15 17:58
schestowitz 15 17:58
TechrightsBot@tidewaters: @qu1j0t3 Yes, but all hve  ego probs, both the profs & re inst'l identities. In both, less concern 4 teaching thn w/ own reps @schestowitzJan 15 17:58
schestowitzYes, I heard it all before. It's one big ego-cockfight there.Jan 15 17:58
*abc_ (185baa56@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 18:11
schestowitz> Dear Doctor Roy,Jan 15 18:36
schestowitz> Jan 15 18:36
schestowitz> Here it goes: mirroring pr stories Spanish. I'm happy I was able toJan 15 18:36
schestowitz> put most of the links to other articles in SpanishJan 15 18:36
schestowitz> Jan 15 18:36
schestowitz> Have a great day!Jan 15 18:36
*abc_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)Jan 15 18:43
schestowitzJust got another translation... we're picking up speed this month :-)Jan 15 18:55
schestowitz> My Doctor Roy,Jan 15 18:55
schestowitz> Jan 15 18:55
schestowitz> After I send you the last 2 works I went back to sleep. After that IJan 15 18:55
schestowitz> woke up and came across this one that I couldn't read Yesterday. ItJan 15 18:55
schestowitz> really made glad that these companies don't want to keep on doing MSJan 15 18:55
schestowitz> dirty work!Jan 15 18:55
schestowitz> Jan 15 18:55
schestowitz> Anyway here it goes: bsa_looses_key_members_ESJan 15 18:55
schestowitz> Jan 15 18:56
schestowitz> #I got to catch up with my twins and two girls todayJan 15 18:56
schestowitz> Jan 15 18:56
schestowitz> Have a nice SaturdayJan 15 18:56
schestowitzThank you so much!! If there's a way I can make translation easier for you, please tell me. The site gets many links (e.g. in Twitter) from people in EU/Spain and SA -- those to whom this information is new... and they spread it further to their Spanish-speaking followers.Jan 15 18:56
schestowitzSomeone keeps mailing me links to his blog too, this time: 15 18:58
TechrightsBotTitle: Expotera: Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!! .::. Size~: 54.24 KBJan 15 18:58
schestowitzthat person keeps pinging me... 15 19:51
TechrightsBot@azuthian (azuthian)'s status on Saturday, 15-Jan-11 19:47:41 UTC - @manish stop harassing me.  /cc @schestowitz #mono apologists don't quit, do they?Jan 15 19:51
m4n1shschestowitz: I think you are getting too many replies from @azuthianJan 15 20:02
m4n1shyou need to make a blog post stating that he does not represent your viewsJan 15 20:02
*cubezzz2 ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 20:41
*cubezzz has quit (*.net *.split)Jan 15 20:49
schestowitzm4n1sh: that would only give him attentionJan 15 20:55
schestowitzI don't go there...Jan 15 20:55
m4n1shah.. well yes. correctJan 15 20:55
schestowitzIt would only fuel fools who see a connection that does not existJan 15 20:56
m4n1shpeople misunderstandJan 15 20:56
schestowitzm4n1sh: as I said, ignore himJan 15 20:56
schestowitzIt's people who interact with abuse that ask for itJan 15 20:56
schestowitzI think you're like the only pro-Mono person I reply ttJan 15 20:57
schestowitz*to . Jo called my mate Tim a "cunt" for defending against Mono... totally uninivited abuseJan 15 20:57
schestowitzAnd he told me "fuck you"Jan 15 20:57
m4n1shschestowitz: to be clear, i am not a pro-mono person as the whole world thinksJan 15 20:57
m4n1shI write more python codeJan 15 20:57
schestowitzI knowJan 15 20:58
MinceR"pro-mono" does not mean "doesn't write python code"Jan 15 20:58
m4n1shand my mono code is more of writing bridge codeJan 15 20:58
m4n1shmeans writing wrappers to help banshee and tomboyJan 15 20:58
MinceRbanshee and tomboy don't need to be helpedJan 15 20:58
m4n1shmost of my mono code is basically extensionsJan 15 20:58
MinceRnovell2.0 helps them more than enough already, do they not?Jan 15 20:58
m4n1shMinceR: i scratch my itchJan 15 20:59
schestowitzm4n1sh: novell is helped by MicrosoftJan 15 20:59
schestowitz$300,000,000+Jan 15 20:59
schestowitzslush fundsJan 15 20:59
MinceRit did them so much good :>Jan 15 20:59
m4n1shsame goes for amazonJan 15 20:59
schestowitzSmall money for hurting FOSS and getting Novell's UNIxy patentsJan 15 20:59
m4n1shIIRC salesforce tooJan 15 21:00
m4n1shHTC tooJan 15 21:00
m4n1shas opposed to most peopleJan 15 21:00
m4n1shI dont think novell did something very wrongJan 15 21:01
m4n1shby that dealJan 15 21:01
m4n1shthey had to save the company from collapsingJan 15 21:01
m4n1shfrom patent lawsuits from MSJan 15 21:01
m4n1shremember the order -- Shareholders > Paying Customers > Employees > CommunityJan 15 21:01
MinceRthey didn't save the company from anythingJan 15 21:01
m4n1shthis is the orderJan 15 21:01
m4n1shthey did saveJan 15 21:01
MinceRthey merely stopped doing anything usefulJan 15 21:01
MinceRand became a tool to m$Jan 15 21:02
m4n1shthe company would have collapsed under patent lawsuitJan 15 21:02
MinceRwhich m$ used and then threw awayJan 15 21:02
m4n1shanyway novell wasnt doing well finanicallyJan 15 21:02
MinceRnovell is being broken up and soldJan 15 21:02
MinceRdon't you read the news?Jan 15 21:02
MinceRthen again, novell did not do much useful before eitherJan 15 21:03
MinceRnetware and netware lite were hideous crapJan 15 21:03
m4n1shbtw the top management of novell to be blamedJan 15 21:03
m4n1shschestowitz: one more thing i would like to askJan 15 21:03
MinceRyes, i know your story, always the top managementJan 15 21:03
m4n1shknow about RedHat - Acacia deal?Jan 15 21:03
MinceReveryone else has lost their free willJan 15 21:03
MinceRor never even had itJan 15 21:03
MinceRi don't know that dealJan 15 21:03
m4n1shgo educate yourself thenJan 15 21:03
MinceRgo link it thenJan 15 21:04
m4n1shgoogle itJan 15 21:04
MinceRno, you google itJan 15 21:04
m4n1shu wanted me to search the logs of boycoot novellJan 15 21:04
m4n1shright?Jan 15 21:04
MinceRi don't really care whether you do or notJan 15 21:04
m4n1shlolJan 15 21:04
MinceRyou're the one who prides themselves on proving everything they ever claimJan 15 21:04
m4n1shneither do I if you know or notJan 15 21:04
MinceRexcept of course answers to questions, because those magically aren't claimsJan 15 21:05
MinceRor so you sayJan 15 21:05
m4n1shMinceR: right from the horse's mouthJan 15 21:05
m4n1shfrom your god's blogJan 15 21:05
m4n1sh 15 21:05
TechrightsBotTitle: Details Needed About New Red Hat-Acacia Patent Settlement (Updated) | Techrights .::. Size~: 119.86 KBJan 15 21:05
MinceRthat's not my blogJan 15 21:05
MinceRand the only god i have is myselfJan 15 21:05
m4n1shgo readJan 15 21:05
m4n1shNovell was better in this reguardJan 15 21:06
m4n1shthey atleast told the FOSS community about the dealJan 15 21:06
m4n1shno one knows about Acacia dealJan 15 21:06
m4n1shschestowitz: I just wanted to know if you consider RedHat's action to be more valid than Novell's ?Jan 15 21:07
MinceRyou don't even know what red hat's action isJan 15 21:07
m4n1shyesJan 15 21:07
m4n1shthen didnt even tellJan 15 21:07
m4n1shhid behind everythingJan 15 21:07
m4n1shatleast novell had the balls to tell everyoneJan 15 21:08
MinceRit seems to be a horribly weak patent, thoughJan 15 21:09
m4n1shso you can even judge patents?Jan 15 21:09
m4n1shpatent attorney?Jan 15 21:09
MinceRi can even judge trollsJan 15 21:09
MinceRand i see one i'm tired ofJan 15 21:09
m4n1shyou meant me? right?Jan 15 21:09
*m4n1sh folds hands and waitsJan 15 21:10
schestowitz[21:01] <m4n1sh> from patent lawsuits from MSJan 15 21:17
schestowitzHuh?Jan 15 21:17
schestowitzYou misunderstand the Novell dealJan 15 21:18
schestowitzNovell came *to Microsoft*Jan 15 21:18
schestowitz[21:02] <m4n1sh> the company would have collapsed under patent lawsuitJan 15 21:18
schestowitzNo.Jan 15 21:18
schestowitzpatently falseJan 15 21:18
schestowitzNovell *could* become a profitable patent troll, thoughJan 15 21:18
m4n1shwell, wasnt they being threatened?Jan 15 21:18
MinceRwell, he's the man who prides himself over never claiming anything he couldn't prove*Jan 15 21:19
m4n1shlike MS does to every other companyJan 15 21:19
MinceR* with exceptionsJan 15 21:19
schestowitzm4n1sh: no, no threatsJan 15 21:19
m4n1shwhat with HTC?Jan 15 21:19
schestowitzm4n1sh: like Red Hat? :-)Jan 15 21:19
m4n1shschestowitz: no opinion on any companyJan 15 21:19
m4n1shesp the one which are out for making profitJan 15 21:19
schestowitzHTC is 2009Jan 15 21:19
schestowitzNot 2006Jan 15 21:19
schestowitzAnd Novell has patent ArsenalJan 15 21:19
m4n1shas if dates matter?Jan 15 21:19
schestowitzHTC is young and Taiwanese, also an MS partner for WinMobJan 15 21:20
schestowitz[21:19] <m4n1sh> as if dates matter?Jan 15 21:20
schestowitzThey doJan 15 21:20
schestowitzI warned about Mono 5 years agoJan 15 21:20
m4n1shI dont think novell could have fought MS, esp when a company's finanical situation is not so goodJan 15 21:20
schestowitzOnly in 2009 Microsoft started suing Linux directly (FAT)Jan 15 21:20
m4n1shschestowitz: mono first came in 2003 IIRCJan 15 21:20
m4n1shunder XimianJan 15 21:20
schestowitzCorrectJan 15 21:21
m4n1shit didnt start at NovellJan 15 21:21
m4n1shNovell was historically been a proprietary companyJan 15 21:21
schestowitzCorrectJan 15 21:21
m4n1shSUSE division brought all the FOSS peopleJan 15 21:21
schestowitzCorrectJan 15 21:21
m4n1shs/all/mostJan 15 21:21
schestowitzCorrectJan 15 21:21
schestowitzCorrectJan 15 21:21
schestowitzCorrectJan 15 21:22
schestowitzCorrectJan 15 21:22
schestowitzoopsJan 15 21:22
schestowitzgot carried away there :-DJan 15 21:22
m4n1shso if they never supported FOSS, they could have made the deal with MS without any problemsJan 15 21:22
m4n1shand with no one complainingJan 15 21:22
m4n1shdidnt they pay the price for supporting FOSS?Jan 15 21:23
m4n1shi dont believe in any for-profit companyJan 15 21:23
m4n1shfor promoting FOSSJan 15 21:23
MinceRexcept m$, of courseJan 15 21:23
m4n1shMinceR: i dont believe anyJan 15 21:23
m4n1shthey will always put shareholders before youJan 15 21:23
m4n1shand paying customers before youJan 15 21:23
MinceRyet you love their dronesJan 15 21:24
MinceRand want everyone to be super nice to themJan 15 21:24
schestowitzTolerantJan 15 21:25
schestowitzI amJan 15 21:25
schestowitzBut..Jan 15 21:25
schestowitzNot their workJan 15 21:25
schestowitz"I can insult your religion..."Jan 15 21:25
schestowitz"I can insult your football team..."Jan 15 21:25
schestowitzThat's not insulting the personJan 15 21:26
schestowitzUnless the person is a cultistJan 15 21:26
MinceRthey reserve the right to insult youJan 15 21:26
m4n1shMinceR: they dontJan 15 21:26
m4n1shthey have no right tooJan 15 21:26
m4n1shno one has no right to insult anyoneJan 15 21:26
schestowitzWel...Jan 15 21:26
schestowitzWhat id there's scam like Glenn Beck?Jan 15 21:27
schestowitzNot all douchery is criticism-proofJan 15 21:27
schestowitzShould we also treat Obran like an innocent soul?Jan 15 21:27
m4n1shschestowitz: that identica person is now against meJan 15 21:27
m4n1shscreamingJan 15 21:27
m4n1shObran? no clue who he isJan 15 21:27
MinceRis he writing in all caps or something?Jan 15 21:28
MinceRorban is the dictator of hungaryJan 15 21:28
schestowitzm4n1sh: it's Hungary's "brave leader"Jan 15 21:28
MinceRhe dismantled the constitutional state, democracy and freedom of pressJan 15 21:28
schestowitzMinceR: whom the press worshipsJan 15 21:28
MinceRonly his press worships himJan 15 21:28
schestowitzOnly shots from below allowed (as in camshots)Jan 15 21:28
MinceRi'd prefer a headshotJan 15 21:28
schestowitzNo "liberal" press allowedJan 15 21:28
m4n1shwell, when did I say you need to workship that personJan 15 21:29
MinceRi don't think they'll dare prosecute the press until the eu presidency of hungary endsJan 15 21:29
MinceRbut then all hell will break looseJan 15 21:29
schestowitzWW1Jan 15 21:29
MinceRthen again, as incompetent as the EU always is, they might start earlyJan 15 21:29
schestowitzWW2.1Jan 15 21:29
schestowitz21st enturyJan 15 21:29
MinceRthere's a bit of complaining, nothing moreJan 15 21:29
schestowitzEpisode 1Jan 15 21:29
schestowitzThe Austro-Hugarban empireJan 15 21:30
MinceRthey let that asshole have eu presidency, even though they could have said "no presidency for you and you have 6 months to restore democracy or your ass is fired from the eu"Jan 15 21:30
MinceRbut the only thing the eu cares about is forcing all the laws on europe that the usian megacorporations buy from themJan 15 21:30
schestowitzThey work on itJan 15 21:30
MinceRthey're way too damn slowJan 15 21:30
schestowitzNeelie mentioned it, too, even though she's not in 'that department'Jan 15 21:31
MinceRthe damage is being done already and they just sit around and gawkJan 15 21:31
m4n1shschestowitz: look at this bullshitJan 15 21:31
m4n1sh 15 21:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 32.47 KBJan 15 21:31
m4n1shthe original conversation is hereJan 15 21:31
m4n1sh 15 21:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 26.27 KBJan 15 21:31
schestowitzm4n1sh: didn't see. Don't replyJan 15 21:31
schestowitzm4n1sh: he's troubleJan 15 21:31
schestowitzI won't click theseJan 15 21:32
m4n1shI did make one mistake when discussing.. GIMP replacement part.. i forgot that partJan 15 21:32
m4n1shbut he didnt reply at all to any of my questionsJan 15 21:32
schestowitzCause I don't wanna be tempted to get involvedJan 15 21:32
m4n1shit's non endingJan 15 21:32
schestowitzm4n1sh: it's endingJan 15 21:32
schestowitzIf you stop talkingJan 15 21:32
m4n1shsince it is week-end so I dedicated some times for havign this discussionJan 15 21:32
schestowitzI'm glad you didJan 15 21:33
m4n1shbut now I cant continueJan 15 21:33
m4n1shagainst that personJan 15 21:33
schestowitzAlthough you upset me by blaming smokers... rather than cig merchantsJan 15 21:33
schestowitzRemember the tobacco industry deniedthe obviousJan 15 21:33
m4n1sh99% of the blame goes on peopleJan 15 21:33
m4n1shand vig merchants have their share of responsibilityJan 15 21:33
m4n1shs/vig/cigJan 15 21:33
schestowitzSo many people got addicted to smoking while the liars who "needed to pay the mortgage" did what they could to ensure they kill some more people while they 'consume' packetsJan 15 21:34
m4n1shthis reminds me to nuclear technologyJan 15 21:34
m4n1shyou can use to blow up the worldJan 15 21:34
schestowitzAnd they along with Scam Extraordinaire Edward Bernays used "PR" to teach people "how to smoke"Jan 15 21:34
schestowitzi.e. how to dieJan 15 21:34
m4n1shjust because you can use to blow up the world, doesnt mean you shouldJan 15 21:34
MinceRpeople did have the choice not to get addicted to tobacco though, did they not?Jan 15 21:34
m4n1shand if a nuclear explosion happens, dont blame nuclear technologyJan 15 21:34
schestowitzHow to die a slow agonising death so that Bernie and his clients smoke a cuban and celebrate with brother orgiesJan 15 21:35
schestowitz*brothelJan 15 21:35
schestowitz[21:34] <MinceR> people did have the choice not to get addicted to tobacco though, did they not?Jan 15 21:35
schestowitz2 thingsJan 15 21:35
schestowitz1. PR (PEER PRESSURE)Jan 15 21:35
schestowitzOOPS. capsJan 15 21:35
schestowitz2. they were not told he factsJan 15 21:35
MinceRwhat were they told and by whom?Jan 15 21:36
schestowitzEasy to say after the act.. like cellphones in a few decades, maybe microwave ovens tooJan 15 21:36
schestowitzMinceR: nothingJan 15 21:36
MinceRas for (1), if they weren't smart enough to resist it, that's their own damn faultJan 15 21:36
schestowitzThey thought they were just puffing smokeJan 15 21:36
m4n1shpeer-pressure is a person's problemJan 15 21:36
m4n1shi see so many people smokingJan 15 21:36
m4n1shthey offer meJan 15 21:36
m4n1shI have to rejectJan 15 21:36
schestowitzThe generation of those in my family who died from itJan 15 21:36
schestowitzI'm talking about pre-WW2Jan 15 21:36
m4n1sheveryone took smoke?Jan 15 21:37
schestowitzI smoke salmon :0Jan 15 21:37
m4n1shsmoking / boozing and doping has been done since times immemorial.. weird humanityJan 15 21:37
m4n1shschestowitz: i dont smoke at allJan 15 21:37
schestowitzbrbJan 15 21:37
m4n1shonce in a while i tried, leave it everytime i truJan 15 21:37
m4n1shtryJan 15 21:37
schestowitzm4n1sh  rhymes with hashishJan 15 21:38
MinceR:>Jan 15 21:38
MinceRso that's what he's smoking :>Jan 15 21:38
schestowitz"m4n1sh, have some hashish, kapish?!"Jan 15 21:38
schestowitzthis due keeps highlighting meJan 15 21:39
schestowitz 15 21:40
TechrightsBot@Manish Sinha (manish)'s status on Saturday, 15-Jan-11 19:59:58 UTC - @azuthian I cannot harress you, esp when you can't answer simple questions thrown at you. Stop brining @schestowitz in the picture.Jan 15 21:40
TechrightsBot@azuthian (azuthian)'s status on Saturday, 15-Jan-11 20:50:22 UTC - @rrix showing that #mono proponents have habit of doing this. @schestowitz has documented this on his siteJan 15 21:40
TechrightsBot@azuthian (azuthian)'s status on Saturday, 15-Jan-11 21:12:02 UTC - @schestowitz explains alot: 15 21:40
TechrightsBot-> Title: Manish Sinha - LinkedIn  .::. Size~: 45.4 KBJan 15 21:40
schestowitz 15 21:40
TechrightsBot@Alexandre Oliva (lxoliva)'s status on Saturday, 15-Jan-11 21:32:35 UTC - ♻ @schestowitz: Welcome to the 21st century.  Leave rights at the door. // :-(Jan 15 21:40
m4n1shschestowitz: is not my profile. Jan 15 21:41
*schestowitz goes back to workoutJan 15 21:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Manish Sinha - LinkedIn  .::. Size~: 45.4 KBJan 15 21:41
m4n1shI am laughing out loudJan 15 21:41
schestowitzI didn't lookJan 15 21:41
m4n1shit isnt meJan 15 21:41
m4n1shhe has more than 20 yrs of expJan 15 21:42
m4n1shi have only 1.5-2Jan 15 21:42
schestowitzexperience in what though?Jan 15 21:47
schestowitzI have many years of experience breathing :-)Jan 15 21:47
m4n1shindustry experienceJan 15 21:47
schestowitzI breathe industrial waste, tooJan 15 21:47
m4n1shwhat else you expect in linkedin profiles?Jan 15 21:47
*cubezzz2 is now known as cubezzzJan 15 23:02
*m4n1sh has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 15 23:05
*gnufreex_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 23:51

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