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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: January 17th, 2011

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*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 17 00:08
*Quadrescence has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 17 01:06
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 01:07
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 17 02:49
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 03:45
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 17 05:15
*qu1j0t3 has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.2.6)Jan 17 05:26
*Quadrescence has quit (Quit: omghaahhahaohwow)Jan 17 05:30
*BobJonkman ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 05:46
*BobJonkman has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 17 07:01
schestowitz 17 07:55
TechrightsBot-sc@gpietersz: @schestowitz it looks more like people who have traumatic experiences need spirituality. Logical to expect religious LESS obedient.Jan 17 07:55
schestowitzMinceR: ^Jan 17 07:55
schestowitzHow trueJan 17 07:55
schestowitz 17 07:56
TechrightsBot-sc@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz That's a true statement. You apply it only in part to your vaunted GNU heroes like FSF(E), Moglen where they're partial/bought.Jan 17 07:56
schestowitz 17 07:57
TechrightsBot-sc@schestowitz: @FOSSpatents you haven't read far enough then.Jan 17 07:57
schestowitzBy The Simpsons' standard  not only are men dump but religious people are super nice too. I've just realised it's consistent there...Jan 17 08:30
MinceRdunno, it seems a traditional lesson of abrahamic religions that you must obey or elseJan 17 09:35
MinceRand christianity was heavily used to enforce obedience to supposedly god-supported rulers, afaikJan 17 09:35
schestowitzPeople define God as having their agenda and then preach for this God, selling it to othersJan 17 09:43
schestowitzMinceR: "My God says you should give me money. Can I have a minute from you to explain why you should worship me God?"Jan 17 09:44
MinceR:>Jan 17 09:44
schestowitzSome people branch off their previous employer and so a startup/spinoff called denomination, trying to get some clients off their previous 'employer'Jan 17 09:45
schestowitzYesterday I chatted to a lady around my age who quit the weapons industry to do some computer vision applied to healthcareJan 17 09:46
schestowitzI think I helped reinforce her decisionJan 17 09:46
schestowitzPeople need to popularise (as in "make hip") the act of leaving unethical jobs and organised obedience (army, religion, etc)Jan 17 09:46
MinceRhow can that be achieved?Jan 17 09:47
MinceRespecially targeting people who are in such jobs nowJan 17 09:47
MinceR(also, having a great supply of ethical jobs would help)Jan 17 09:47
schestowitzMinceR: it's hardJan 17 09:49
schestowitzSome tears...Jan 17 09:49
schestowitz:-)Jan 17 09:49
schestowitzMaybe they'll examine what they do laterJan 17 09:50
schestowitzI recently questioned a GE employee about the history of the company and its founder :-)Jan 17 09:50
MinceR:>Jan 17 09:50
schestowitzMy next project is ERC fundedJan 17 09:51
schestowitzSo no corporate $$Jan 17 09:51
MinceRthe Emacs IRC client? :>Jan 17 09:51
schestowitz 17 09:51
TechrightsBot-scTitle: ERC: European Research Council .::. Size~: 21.38 KBJan 17 09:51
MinceRicJan 17 09:51
*schestowitz listens to French rap :-)Jan 17 09:52
MinceRdo you understand it? :)Jan 17 09:52
schestowitzNoJan 17 09:53
schestowitzThat's a feature, not a bugJan 17 09:53
schestowitzOtherwise it's classical of Portuguese or somethingJan 17 09:53
schestowitzI have Ukranian pop...Jan 17 09:53
schestowitzAnd JapaneseJan 17 09:53
schestowitzUkranian music is awesomeJan 17 09:54
schestowitz"Jan 17 09:57
schestowitzFYI - Inside report on wikileaks and Tunisia, I may have to correct my stance ...Jan 17 09:57
schestowitzJanJan 17 09:57
schestowitz-------- Original Message --------Jan 17 09:57
schestowitzSubject: <nettime> Revolution in Tunisia and WikileaksJan 17 09:57
schestowitzResent-Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 10:32:43 +0100Jan 17 09:57
schestowitzResent-From: nettime@kein.orgJan 17 09:57
schestowitzResent-To: Nettime <>Jan 17 09:57
schestowitzDate: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 10:30:00 +0100Jan 17 09:57
schestowitzFrom: nettime's avid reader <>Jan 17 09:57
schestowitzTo: nettime-l@kein.orgJan 17 09:57
schestowitz"Jan 17 09:57
MinceRi like J-Trance and some of J-PopJan 17 09:58
schestowitzYou're SO not mainstream!! Do you have no friends, PUNK ?!Jan 17 09:59
schestowitzAll de kool ppl are like listening to riannnnah and stuff LOLJan 17 09:59
MinceRlolJan 17 09:59
MinceRwell, i've been called a punk once :>Jan 17 09:59
*schestowitz looks up defJan 17 10:00
schestowitz 17 10:00
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Punk subculture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 101.5 KBJan 17 10:00
schestowitz"The punk subculture emerged in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia in the mid-1970s. Exactly which region originated punk has long been a major controversy within the movement."Jan 17 10:00
schestowitz*THAT* sort of punk?Jan 17 10:00
schestowitzDepends on context...Jan 17 10:01
MinceRnopeJan 17 10:01
MinceRjust a rebel :>Jan 17 10:01
MinceRnot mainstreamJan 17 10:01
schestowitzGeek and nerd are also interwined nowJan 17 10:01
schestowitzWith "weird" tooJan 17 10:01
schestowitzDeviating from society's Gaussian dist.Jan 17 10:01
MinceRoh, another factor was anarchism :>Jan 17 10:02
schestowitzwhich type of ot?Jan 17 10:05
schestowitzThere are branchesJan 17 10:05
schestowitzChoose yours carefullyJan 17 10:05
MinceRmost likely the "anarchism without adjectives" branchJan 17 10:06
schestowitzFor example, it turns out my cousin too believes in personal freedom, but that alone may be the weakest form of what you might call anarchismJan 17 10:06
MinceRcertainly not anarcho-communism, i don't think it's wise to eliminate propertyJan 17 10:06
schestowitzwhat is property?Jan 17 10:06
schestowitzExcept your own body?Jan 17 10:06
MinceRwhat you ownJan 17 10:06
schestowitzWhich is attached anywayJan 17 10:06
schestowitzYou own what's connected to youJan 17 10:07
MinceRyour clothes, your equipment, your vehicles, your homeJan 17 10:07
MinceRyour implants :>Jan 17 10:07
schestowitzA car is not connected to people... not yet anywayJan 17 10:07
MinceRyet it's very personalJan 17 10:07
schestowitzI think Einstein once asked about his little sister, why was she not born with wheels?Jan 17 10:07
MinceRand you can't expect others to take good care of itJan 17 10:07
*schestowitz surprises nature never had an animal with wheels evolveJan 17 10:07
schestowitzBearing balls :-)Jan 17 10:08
MinceRbearings might not be so easy to evilveJan 17 10:08
MinceRs/vil/vol/Jan 17 10:08
MinceRespecially if you're trying to supply both parts with nutrientsJan 17 10:08
schestowitzThere are animals that rollJan 17 10:08
schestowitzLike certain insecsJan 17 10:08
MinceRthat's how i rollJan 17 10:08
MinceRbut they don't have wheels rotating on an axleJan 17 10:09
schestowitzIt took Babylonians, they say...Jan 17 10:09
schestowitzMaybe predated, thoughJan 17 10:09
MinceRnow if they could pick up a nonliving object, say a snail shell and use that as a wheel, that could workJan 17 10:09
MinceRbut such things really aren't guaranteed to evolve :>Jan 17 10:09
schestowitzWhy not?Jan 17 10:09
schestowitzYou could have bones evolve that wayJan 17 10:10
MinceRseems to require more circumstancesJan 17 10:10
schestowitzAnd hard shells for wheelsJan 17 10:10
schestowitzLike turtles'Jan 17 10:10
MinceRafaik all shells and exoskeletons and endoskeletons on earth animals are at least attached to living tissue that generates themJan 17 10:10
schestowitzwheels would be good for survivalJan 17 10:10
MinceRactually there are no natural roads :>Jan 17 10:10
schestowitzno needJan 17 10:11
MinceRwheels don't work so well on rough terrainJan 17 10:11
schestowitzsavannah?Jan 17 10:11
MinceRmaybe on a salt plainJan 17 10:11
MinceRyou don't see people drive racing cars on the savannahJan 17 10:11
schestowitz 17 10:12
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Posthuman Blues: Sinkers, floaters and hunters .::. Size~: 127.71 KBJan 17 10:12
schestowitzMinceR: north of itJan 17 10:12
schestowitzMy current department blocks IRC ports and SSHJan 17 10:14
schestowitzHow foolish. I'm moving to another one in two weeks...Jan 17 10:14
schestowitzUnhappy people don't invent fun stuff...Jan 17 10:15
MinceR:>Jan 17 10:21
schestowitz 17 10:43
TechrightsBot-sc@schestowitz: @nisshh yeah, it's addictive. @laurelrusswurm recently caught the bug too ;-)Jan 17 10:43
schestowitz 17 10:43
TechrightsBot-sc@Ryan Macnish (nisshh)'s status on Monday, 17-Jan-11 10:27:17 UTC - @schestowitz Has anyone ever told you you dent a LOT? :)Jan 17 10:43
schestowitz 17 10:43
TechrightsBot-sc@Luke Slater (reality)'s status on Monday, 17-Jan-11 10:25:35 UTC - @schestowitz I'm going to write a script to replace all your dents with 'SCIENCE!'Jan 17 10:43
schestowitz 17 10:44
TechrightsBot-sc@carwinb: @schestowitz You bet!  cc: @laurelrusswurmJan 17 10:44
schestowitz 17 11:01
TechrightsBot-sc@d0od: @humphreybc Did you read any of the stuff on about us?Jan 17 11:01
schestowitz 17 11:01
TechrightsBot-sc@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Monday, 17-Jan-11 10:59:31 UTC - @d0od @humphreybc I have been mostly polite and I link to you a lot. Detractors try to incite you against me w/ hyperbolas.Jan 17 11:01
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 17 11:36
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 11:38
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 11:43
schestowitz 17 12:16
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  Microsoft launches Windows Phone in swipe at rivals | Technology |  .::. Size~: 173.14 KBJan 17 12:16
schestowitzI can't decide what's uglier... the phone of the man holding itJan 17 12:16
oiaohmIs it me or is there a little bunny rabit in white on the phone he is holding.  schestowitzJan 17 12:38
schestowitzI once saw him when he's Energized(R)Jan 17 12:38
schestowitzANd it wasn't a pretty sightJan 17 12:39
schestowitzMinceR: I'm in the Hungarian news... 17 12:39
TechrightsBot-scTitle: - Óriáscégek hagyták ott a BSA-t .::. Size~: 32.51 KBJan 17 12:39
schestowitz"A dr. Roy Schestowitz által üzemeltetett Techrights érdekes felfedezést tett: az elmúlt két esztendőben jelentős tagcserék történtek a BSA támogatóinak táborában. A Techrights működtetője egyszerűen megvizsgálta a 2008-as és a 2010-es taglistát. A szervezethez csatlakozott az AVG, a Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation és a Kaspersky. A távozók listáján azonban igazi nagyágyúk, például aJan 17 12:39
schestowitzBorland, a Cisco Systems, az EMC Corporation, az IBM és a Hewlett-Packard találhatók."Jan 17 12:39
schestowitz 17 12:52
TechrightsBot-sc@Kev Macphail (kevie)'s status on Monday, 17-Jan-11 12:47:48 UTC - The right to bear arms inspired by @schestowitzJan 17 12:52
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: family_guy_right_to_bear_arms.mp4 video by Rahman1937 - Photobucket .::. Size~: 58.24 KBJan 17 12:52
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 12:57
sebsebsebhiJan 17 12:57
schestowitz0/Jan 17 12:57
sebsebsebschestowitz: hiJan 17 12:58
schestowitzWow: 17 13:04
TechrightsBot-scTitle: DoctorMo's Blog » Blog Archive  » Bashing .::. Size~: 33.33 KBJan 17 13:04
schestowitzRead the commentsJan 17 13:04
schestowitzFrom Canonical devsJan 17 13:04
schestowitzThey don't want to participateJan 17 13:04
schestowitzno wonder there's just loads of Fedora devs in identica and almost none from CanonicalJan 17 13:05
*sebsebseb has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 17 13:09
MinceRschestowitz: congrats :)Jan 17 13:10
MinceRit's really weird to see HP step down from thereJan 17 13:11
MinceRthey were big m$ flunkies before -- what happened?Jan 17 13:11
schestowitzThey bought Palm, among other thingsJan 17 13:13
schestowitzThey need to stick with the winning teamJan 17 13:13
schestowitzMicrosoft ain't it anymore... HP needs to chase Blows' cult, tooJan 17 13:13
MinceR:>Jan 17 13:15
oiaohmHp has a bad habit of leaving it to the last min then changing plans.Jan 17 13:15
schestowitzUNIX/HPUXJan 17 13:15
oiaohmLook at the feature annonncements and release announcements of that some time.  schestowitzJan 17 13:16
oiaohm Its a go.Jan 17 13:19
TechrightsBot-scTitle: 2011 | 24 - 29 Jan | Follow the Flow .::. Size~: 21.78 KBJan 17 13:19
oiaohmNow let the fun start checking accomandation and booking transport to brisbane.Jan 17 13:19
schestowitzNiceJan 17 13:21
schestowitzSee my latest dentJan 17 13:21
schestowitz 17 13:21
TechrightsBot-sc@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Monday, 17-Jan-11 13:18:52 UTC - #LCA < > is on, says oiaohm. !linux #australia - defying disasterJan 17 13:21
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: 2011 | 24 - 29 Jan | Follow the Flow .::. Size~: 21.78 KBJan 17 13:21
oiaohmReally it would have been Australian nature to attempt to defy it anyhow.Jan 17 13:22
schestowitz 17 13:40
TechrightsBot-sc@Claudio (claudiom)'s status on Monday, 17-Jan-11 13:35:19 UTC - @schestowitz Saw it mentioned by some1 on FB, then saw the /. post about it. All I can say is WTF?Jan 17 13:40
schestowitzre "Has everyone seen this? #facebook is setting itself up as the enemy of individuals' #privacy."Jan 17 13:40
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Platform Updates: New User Object fields, Edge.remove Event and More - Facebook Developers .::. Size~: 16.79 KBJan 17 13:40
schestowitz 17 13:56
TechrightsBot-sc@ender2070: @schestowitz stop being a liberal media shill #Palin #fox #teaparty #notEvenFunnyJan 17 13:56
TechrightsBot-sc@ender2070: @schestowitz invade CanadaJan 17 13:56
schestowitz"@ender2070 for tar sands"Jan 17 13:56
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 17 14:01
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 14:10
sebsebsebhiJan 17 14:10
MinceRhayJan 17 14:10
sebsebsebMinceR: hiJan 17 14:12
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 14:40
*qu1j0t3 (~qu1j0t3@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 14:43
*sebsebseb has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 17 15:10
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 16:19
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 16:32
*qu1j0t3 has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.2.6)Jan 17 18:12
*qu1j0t3 (~qu1j0t3@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 17 18:17
qu1j0t3schestowitz: worth reading 17 20:56
TechrightsBot-scTitle: King Institute Resources .::. Size~: 102.65 KBJan 17 20:56
qu1j0t3schestowitz: in particular the paragraph on the 'white moderate', in which we recognise all the familiar obstructionist arguments and excuses to maintain the status quo, from apparently intelligent peopleJan 17 20:57
MinceR 17 20:58
TechrightsBot-scTitle: xkcd: 3D .::. Size~: 8.03 KBJan 17 20:58
qu1j0t3schestowitz:!/davidsirota/status/27104294679355392Jan 17 21:00
TechrightsBot-sc@davidsirota: MUST READ: Devastating piece on corruption of Gates/Broad foundations & Education-Industrial Complex #RealJournalismJan 17 21:00
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Dissent Magazine - Winter 2011 Issue - Got Dough? Public Scho... .::. Size~: 45.49 KBJan 17 21:00
qu1j0t3schestowitz: "I have tried to say that this normal and healthy discontent can be channeled into the creative outlet of nonviolent direct action. And now this approach is being termed extremist."Jan 17 21:10
qu1j0t3"... So the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. Will we be extremists for hate or for love? Will we be extremists for the preservation of injustice or for the extension of justice?"Jan 17 21:11
schestowitzqu1j0t3: good linksJan 17 21:28
schestowitz"I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than toJan 17 21:28
schestowitzjustice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "moreJan 17 21:28
schestowitzconvenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."Jan 17 21:28
schestowitzI added the Gates thing for use laterJan 17 21:28
qu1j0t3yes that last bit seems to apply to wikileaks...Jan 17 21:30
qu1j0t3there was also a line that it is wrong to use immoral means to 'moral ends'.Jan 17 21:31
qu1j0t3but it doesn't go far enough to condemn what we see done in foreign policy and inhumane systemsJan 17 21:31
qu1j0t3since the ends are not moralJan 17 21:32
schestowitzThey are More$Jan 17 21:32
schestowitz[21:21] <MinceR> as if the gate$ foundation was pro-human rights :>Jan 17 21:41
schestowitzHeheJan 17 21:41
schestowitz 17 21:42
TechrightsBot-sc@Manish Sinha (manish)'s status on Monday, 17-Jan-11 19:17:19 UTC - @schestowitz Crying? LOL! Dude, you need to take your head out of your sand. Don't have shame in taking everything out of context?Jan 17 21:42
MinceRwhat's that troll doing on identica now?Jan 17 21:42
schestowitzI was not talking about that at allJan 17 21:42
MinceRlet's see...Jan 17 21:42
schestowitz 17 21:43
TechrightsBot-sc@Manish Sinha (manish)'s status on Monday, 17-Jan-11 19:19:19 UTC - @schestowitz Dude. You cannot blame someone else for your own mistakes. You cannot blame opium farmers if you are addicted to this shit.Jan 17 21:43
schestowitzheheJan 17 21:43
MinceRrightJan 17 21:43
MinceR"its impossible to have a rationale discussion with people on identica"Jan 17 21:44
MinceRfits manish like a gloveJan 17 21:44
schestowitz 17 21:44
TechrightsBot-sc@brettglass: @schestowitz I'm an ISP, and you are a liar. Bandwidth is expensive. We can't afford hogs. #NetNeutralityJan 17 21:44
schestowitzqu1j0t3: 17 21:45
TechrightsBot-sc@ender2070: @schestowitz then #socialists will raise the costs via #green #eco feesJan 17 21:45
schestowitz[21:44] <MinceR> fits manish like a gloveJan 17 21:45
schestowitzHead glove?Jan 17 21:45
MinceRdunno what that is, but it sounds like something that would improve his brain functionJan 17 21:46
MinceRhm, didn't he say he left identica?Jan 17 21:46
schestowitzMinceR: that's twitterJan 17 21:58
schestowitzThey don't like identica cause identica doesn't like monoJan 17 21:58
schestowitzIdentica has smart people, not shiiiny-shiny-braincell typesJan 17 21:58
MinceR   and   look awfully identica-like to meJan 17 21:58
TechrightsBot-sc@Manish Sinha (manish)'s status on Monday, 17-Jan-11 19:17:19 UTC - @schestowitz Crying? LOL! Dude, you need to take your head out of your sand. Don't have shame in taking everything out of context?Jan 17 21:58
TechrightsBot-sc@Manish Sinha (manish)'s status on Monday, 17-Jan-11 19:19:19 UTC - @schestowitz Dude. You cannot blame someone else for your own mistakes. You cannot blame opium farmers if you are addicted to this shit.Jan 17 21:58
schestowitzMinceR: that's me replying to himJan 17 21:59
schestowitzoh wait..Jan 17 21:59
schestowitzI look at the wrong placeJan 17 21:59
schestowitzYou're rightJan 17 21:59
schestowitzI look at ender and @brettglass (ISP shill)Jan 17 21:59
MinceRehh, the parody accounts on are inactiveJan 17 22:00
gnufreexEnder2070 is buddy with mobbyists now... it seems.Jan 17 22:01
MinceRnot surprisingJan 17 22:01
MinceRafter his blog post against free softwareJan 17 22:01
gnufreexHe was saying sorry affter that.. I thnkJan 17 22:02
MinceRperhaps the mobbyists didn't hear thatJan 17 22:02
gnufreexIt seems he is not sorry.Jan 17 22:02
MinceRor were told to ignore itJan 17 22:03
MinceRor he didn't even mean itJan 17 22:03
schestowitzgnufreex: it's not so simpleJan 17 22:04
schestowitzhe mailed me the other day and his signature shed light on the nature of it,I think:Jan 17 22:04
schestowitz"Jan 17 22:04
schestowitzMCITP, MCTS, MCPJan 17 22:04
schestowitzA+ CERTIFIEDJan 17 22:04
schestowitzNETWORK+ CERTIFIEDJan 17 22:04
schestowitz"Jan 17 22:04
MinceRrotflJan 17 22:05
gnufreexhahaJan 17 22:05
gnufreexlololololJan 17 22:05
MinceRwhen did he get all that toilet paper?Jan 17 22:05
MinceRs/get/buy/Jan 17 22:05
gnufreexThat was my first knee-jerk response to his Anti-FOSS postJan 17 22:05
gnufreexHe even edited post to include my responseJan 17 22:05
gnufreex"ender works for Microsoft now"Jan 17 22:05
schestowitz 17 22:08
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Linux Today - OMG!Ubuntu! Likes Mono .::. Size~: 77.85 KBJan 17 22:08
schestowitz"Jan 17 22:08
schestowitz.Jan 17 22:08
schestowitz'The message' was that a lot of other 'internetJan 17 22:08
schestowitzcowards' with all kinds of axes to grinds publishedJan 17 22:08
schestowitzthe standard set of defamatory statements aboutJan 17 22:08
schestowitzSchestowitz. I don't necessarily generally completelyJan 17 22:08
schestowitzagree with him or with this article in particular butJan 17 22:08
schestowitznone of the Reddit-comments contain somethingJan 17 22:08
schestowitznoteworthy regarding the content of anythingJan 17 22:08
schestowitzSchestowitz has ever written. Some people don't likeJan 17 22:08
schestowitzthat he published his opinions on certain topics.Jan 17 22:08
schestowitzTherefore, they try to smear him. Since they wouldJan 17 22:08
schestowitzrun the risk of a defamation lawsuit otherwise,Jan 17 22:08
schestowitzthey 'hide' behind all kinds of fake cutesy names.Jan 17 22:08
schestowitzThis is similar to anonymous graffiti on walls ofJan 17 22:08
schestowitzthe 'xyz stinks and is a lying bankert' styleJan 17 22:09
schestowitz(German word used here in order to not have itJan 17 22:09
schestowitzstarrted out).Jan 17 22:09
schestowitz"Jan 17 22:09
schestowitzSmears from the usual trolls and nicks. 17 22:09
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Linux Today - OMG!Ubuntu! Likes Mono .::. Size~: 85.67 KBJan 17 22:09
schestowitzLOLJan 17 22:09
schestowitzharlows_monkeys 10 pointsJan 17 22:09
schestowitzTim SmithJan 17 22:09
schestowitzAKA The stalkerJan 17 22:09
qu1j0t3"We can't afford hogs" has nothing to say about whether hogs exist.Jan 17 22:10
schestowitzI just saw many smily comments about me in reddit too, coming from the same people who typically do so (anonymously with recognisable nicks)Jan 17 22:12
qu1j0t3called in by friendsJan 17 22:24
qu1j0t3this happens on irc as wellJan 17 22:24
qu1j0t3!/atomitron/status/27128943916089344Jan 17 22:31
TechrightsBot-sc@atomitron: Bill Gates Wants to Register All New Babies on the Planet For Vaccines 17 22:31
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title:   Bill Gates Wants to Register All New Babies on the Planet For Vaccines :  .::. Size~: 37.89 KBJan 17 22:31
qu1j0t3presumably using SQL ServerJan 17 22:31
schestowitzLOLJan 17 22:34
schestowitzPoppa Bill, Don't PreachJan 17 22:34
MinceRso the privacy of babies are saved, after allJan 17 22:34
MinceRs/are/is/Jan 17 22:36
MinceR(since they'll run out of RAM before the thousandth)Jan 17 22:36
gnufreexThe manish troll responded to oiaohm. And he dared not to be polite!Jan 17 22:40
qu1j0t3lolJan 17 23:09
qu1j0t3yeah i noticed the rudeness in the supposed isp dude's off-target responseJan 17 23:09
qu1j0t3schestowitz: 17 23:16
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Don't go blaming guns - This Modern World - .::. Size~: 55.04 KBJan 17 23:16

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