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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: January 26th, 2011

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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: EgyGurl> on jazeera tv, the sound of tear gas bombs can be heard live!Jan 26 00:00
schestowitz 26 00:00
TechrightsBot-tr@FFII: #Groklaw on SCOII - the return of the #mobbyist #androidJan 26 00:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Groklaw - How Not to Get Snookered by Claims of "Proof" of Copyright Infringement - Updated .::. Size~: 200.44 KBJan 26 00:00
*Judas_PhD has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 26 00:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Watching programme about USA moonshots, what does Germany have to do to get a credit?Jan 26 00:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ FFII: pj: "It's a funny theory, if true" #mobbyistJan 26 00:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Groklaw - Digging for Truth .::. Size~: 28.39 KBJan 26 00:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Tomorrow will be more active day. Today has been disrupted a lot by unexpected issues we might write about soon.Jan 26 00:08
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 00:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Bullet points for #ACTA debate in the EU #europe #monopolyJan 26 00:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: IP Policy Committee blog  » Blog Archive   » Bullet points for ACTA debate in the EU .::. Size~: 12.7 KBJan 26 00:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Commission’s lost answer to Schaake question arrived "Commission arrogant as ever simply disputes the substance." #actaJan 26 00:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Commission’s lost answer to Schaake question arrived | ACTA .::. Size~: 19.96 KBJan 26 00:15
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #techrightsJan 26 00:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @schestowitz Your friend Mr.Fauxpatents is becoming the boy who cried wolf. No credibility at all. And it's getting worse.Jan 26 00:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Certainly, the professors should know better via @ffiiJan 26 00:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @agentsmith We agreed on this yesterday how could it be worse?Jan 26 00:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Certainly, the professors should know better | ACTA .::. Size~: 14.76 KBJan 26 00:18
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 00:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @agentsmith lucky for him, it's a generic name, like Joe Smith. So no reputation to hurtJan 26 00:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @satipera PJ wrote a comment addressing his actions. It's getting worse 4 him, I mean. Community is watching him more closelyJan 26 00:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @ender2070 Prove it. Show me where they wanted to tax 'air'Jan 26 00:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @agentsmith I read some GL but not as much as I shouldJan 26 00:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @schestowitz: ♺ FFII: pj: "It's a funny theory, if true" #mobbyistJan 26 00:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @schestowitz Ha, I believe the community won't forget him...Jan 26 00:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Groklaw - Digging for Truth .::. Size~: 28.39 KBJan 26 00:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @Vrijschrift #ACTAEC Commission: Still not clear whether ACTA will be mixed agreementJan 26 00:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @agentsmith he does a massive disservice to thousands of Austrians & Germans who share the same nameJan 26 00:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @satipera Take a look Very interestingJan 26 00:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @schestowitz Indeed... ;-DJan 26 00:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] RT @telecomix EgyGurl> Chasing the Egyptian riot police : 26 00:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Groklaw - Digging for Truth .::. Size~: 28.39 KBJan 26 00:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - Chasing the Egyptian riot police    .::. Size~: 124.98 KBJan 26 00:25
schestowitz 26 00:26
TechrightsBot-tr@metacode: Uganda’s ban on refurbished computers sparks the law of unintended consequences (@emeka_okafor) (cc @schestowitz) #FOSSJan 26 00:26
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Uganda’s ban on refurbished computers sparks the law of unintended consequences | .::. Size~: 39.78 KBJan 26 00:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] #corrupcao #saicaro , #portugal 26 00:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] A metered Internet is a regulatory failure #UBB #canada #Internet #NetNeutralityJan 26 00:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Repórter TVI: «Abutres» retrata a corrupção no seio do Estado >          Sociedade > TVI24                  .::. Size~: 41.11 KBJan 26 00:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: A metered Internet is a regulatory failure - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 90.44 KBJan 26 00:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] @schestowitz sorry mate, been very busy....things should be sorted in the next few days.Jan 26 00:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @agentsmith Yes mate as I said FM burned brightly found out ignored/forgotten.Jan 26 00:28
*ziggyfish ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 00:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @satipera Hope the cash is worth the burnout process, once marked, marked 4 life.Jan 26 00:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Zeinobia: Tomorrow there will be a protest in Abbas Akkad at 12 PM according to some tweet I got /@telecomixJan 26 00:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @agentsmith There will be whole battalions to replace him it is not a personal issue with him more like agency.Jan 26 00:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] Bunga Bunga? 26 00:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Zeinobia: The security is the one that set that car on fire according @waelabbas who saw them by his own eyes /@telecomixJan 26 00:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] I didn’t know that “Boycott Novell” was mentioned in !techrightsJan 26 00:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Berlusconi's "Rubygate" in Italy: Private Vices, Public Virtues - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 47.01 KBJan 26 00:35
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 404 Not FoundJan 26 00:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Zeinobia: Tomorrow there will be another protest in MansouraJan 26 00:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @openbytes OK, looking forwards to itJan 26 00:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @schestowitz url not workingJan 26 00:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] My Netbook running #Pardus 2011 nice catsJan 26 00:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mandriva Linux Chronicles: My Netbook running Pardus 2011 .::. Size~: 85.77 KBJan 26 00:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Zeinobia: There are reportedly clashes in Suez again between security and people (in arbien quarter) despite curfew #jan25 /@telecomixJan 26 00:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #MeeGo - QT based UI running on AAVA's Moblin 2.1 Smartphone #linux !playoggJan 26 00:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @satipera which one?Jan 26 00:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: MeeGo - QT based UI running on AAVA's Moblin 2.1 Smartphone .::. Size~: 5.46 KBJan 26 00:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @bencnn: Police rounding up beating protesters on corniche near 6 October bridge...burnng tires blocking the road. #Jan25 #EgyptJan 26 00:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] You're a bad countryman when @leinir watches the #sotu address but you don't ;)Jan 26 00:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @schestowitz the one after urban dictionary in the same dent.Jan 26 00:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @nmoawad: RT: @alaa: great shots from Pierre who lives high above tahrir square this is revolution #Jan25 /@telecomixJan 26 00:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Login | Facebook .::. Size~: 16.04 KBJan 26 00:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Budzaya: Does tear gas hurt skin too? My hands sting like hell! /@telecomixJan 26 00:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @3arabawy: VIDEO Injured man shot by Cairo police taken away #Jan25Jan 26 00:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - Injured man shot by police    .::. Size~: 107.45 KBJan 26 00:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Zeinobia: #Tahrir means liberation in Arabic by the way #Jan25 /@telecomixJan 26 00:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Links 25/1/2011: Pardus 2011 and Quick Look at Dreamlinux 3.5 GNOME 26 00:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 25/1/2011: Pardus 2011 and Quick Look at Dreamlinux 3.5 GNOME | Techrights .::. Size~: 142.15 KBJan 26 00:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 25/1/2011: #Pardus 2011 and Quick Look at #Dreamlinux 3.5 GNOME !techrightsJan 26 00:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 25/1/2011: Pardus 2011 and Quick Look at Dreamlinux 3.5 GNOME | Techrights .::. Size~: 142.15 KBJan 26 00:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Zeinobia: FB status : tomorrow protests all over Egypt from 9 AM #Jan25 /@telecomixJan 26 00:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @rysiek ♻ @Zeinobia: FB status : tomorrow protests all over Egypt from 9 AM #Jan25 /telecomixJan 26 00:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Zeinobia: Egyptian rumor : a near reshuffle !! seriously Mubarak you are walking on the same footsteps of #ZABA #Jan25 /@telecomixJan 26 01:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: amazing photos from #Tahrir - (for those without FB; courtesy kringell) #jan25Jan 26 01:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] That is funny Sheldon sat on the bottom stair playing nobody knows the trouble I have seen on a theremin.Jan 26 01:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Tahrir Square Cairo Jan 25 2010  - Minus .::. Size~: 25.53 KBJan 26 01:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @ender2070 The CarbonJan 26 01:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @ender2070 A Carbon Tax doesn'Jan 26 01:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @ender2070 Crap, lying down on couch and typing is a pain.Jan 26 01:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @ender2070 A Carbon Tax isn't a tax on air, it's a tax on burning hydrocarbon fuels. Get your definitions right.Jan 26 01:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[stumbles/@stumbles] Promoting our End Software Patents Australia campaign at !lca2011 in Brisbane: 26 01:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: End Software Patents Australia - End Software Patents .::. Size~: 18.03 KBJan 26 01:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @bencnn: My ears are ringing with today's protests. Cornishe is empty. Cairo sleeps at last #Jan25 #egyptJan 26 01:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: One more mirror of the photos from #Tahrir - #jan25, Retweet and share!Jan 26 01:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Egypt .::. Size~: 8.95 KBJan 26 01:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Zeinobia: Egyptian rumor : Ahmed Ezz has left the country that weasel /@telecomixJan 26 01:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Seriously BBC reported Egyptians wanted less corruption in government, not no corruption. BBC #failJan 26 01:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harvalah/@harvalah] * schestowitz Do you ever send "ThankYou" notes to people who send comments re: your web log postings? Up till now, I have not.Jan 26 01:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Help get to 3500 Twitter followers + get a chance to win sweet t-shirt! Happy 1st anniversary!Jan 26 01:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Anniversary edition t-shirt giveaway: Follow us on Twitter or | .::. Size~: 48.65 KBJan 26 01:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @ender2070 I don't exhale hydrocarbons.Jan 26 01:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @schestowitz no, converted to Linux is fine. liberated would be applicable to GNU/Linux-libre ;-)Jan 26 01:51
*abeNd-org1 ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 01:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @herrmann: @lxoliva google should just auto-convert everything uploaded to youtube to WebM. The html5 test in current form is a joke.Jan 26 01:56
*abeNd-org has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 26 01:56
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 01:58
*abeNd-org1 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 26 01:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] RD @harishpillay: Help @opensourceway get to 3500 Twitter... /RD ...sheep. coherence is too much to ask of !opensource, I guess :-(Jan 26 02:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Max arrived, and @rbergeron tells MKTG FAD stories about why I'm single. #fmylife #badmemories #whyimsingleJan 26 02:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Watching POTUS deliver his SOTUA #fbJan 26 02:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] @fabsh: to paraphrase Bruce Dickinson: "Doctor, Linux Outlaws f*cked up my hearing for good" !lo 26 02:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Live After Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 86.65 KBJan 26 02:16
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 26 02:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovruni/@ovruni] Investigadores militares no encuentran conexión entre Bradley Manning y WikiLeaks: !wikileaksJan 26 02:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Investigadores militares no encuentran conexión entre Bradley Manning y WikiLeaks | Cubadebate .::. Size~: 151.18 KBJan 26 02:30
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 26 02:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] Quickie Updates - 26 02:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Quickie Updates | Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 17.89 KBJan 26 02:36
*DaemonFC ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 02:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ender2070/@ender2070] @themadhatter @psquid not teaming up on me are you?Jan 26 02:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Chevenga: Philosopher in Arms 423 : I let Farnias serve me. #Chevenga #weblit #reading #scifi #fantasyJan 26 02:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 423 - The almost that lost an Empire | C H E V E N G A • L I V E S • H E R E .::. Size~: 50.38 KBJan 26 02:58
*Ender2070 ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 03:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] Online expression at risk: 26 03:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: House Subcommittee Revives Mandatory Data Retention Debate...With a Surprise Attack on EFF | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 22.1 KBJan 26 03:08
*Ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 26 03:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @lxoliva I dunno, google obviously doesn't have the kind of raw computing power you need to convert videos, obv ;PJan 26 03:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] The State of the Union has degenerated from a report on the nation's condition to an hour-long campaign speech. No, this isn't new. #sotuJan 26 03:30
*hemimaniac has quit (Quit: I was raided by the FBI and all I got to keep was this lousy quit message!)Jan 26 03:32
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 03:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @howardknopf: RT @wseltzer: "We will fix rules that put an unnecessary burden on innovation." You mean like copyright/DMCA and patents?Jan 26 03:35
DaemonFCWhere has Mono Bacon been hiding? :)Jan 26 03:48
DaemonFCWhen wasn't the State of the Union a campaign speechJan 26 03:48
DaemonFCI distinctly remember a fellow named Bush, I believe, telling me we were winning in the War on Terror in such a speech, roughly 7 years agoJan 26 03:49
DaemonFCI thought the idea of winning a war against an intangible concept sounded rather catchy, but then my pesky frontal lobes kicked back in and I turned away from the TV set and stopped droolingJan 26 03:50
DaemonFCit was nice until this guy named Obama came along and polluted YoutubeJan 26 03:50
DaemonFCNow whenever I go to watch Chris Crocker videos, I get that stupid banner that says I can ask Obama a question, and maybe if it's politically expedient for him, I can get verbally masturbated by him until something else catches his attentionJan 26 03:51
*Ender2070 ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 03:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] oh !heybuddy 0.2.1 seems to be OK on the !n810Jan 26 04:11
ziggyfishSo what is this 26 04:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] chorizo tacos will be taking the place of haggis on this Burns nightJan 26 04:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Cool beans, had dinner with kanarip from @kolabsys tonight. I love foss sometimes :)Jan 26 04:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ender2070/@ender2070] Parallel Lives - #kealey #nwoJan 26 04:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - Parallel Lives    .::. Size~: 113.7 KBJan 26 04:43
Ender2070ziggyfish - its the socialist twitterJan 26 04:45
ziggyfishEnder2070: oh, thanksJan 26 04:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ender2070/@ender2070] @themadhatter 26 05:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CBC News - British Columbia - RCMP tried to 'smear' kicked man: advocate .::. Size~: 41.5 KBJan 26 05:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] "I'd take her to Rivendell and back again</just sayin'>"Jan 26 05:26
*Ender2070 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 26 05:27
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: This is a quitting message)Jan 26 05:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxconfau/@linuxconfau] !lca2011 attendees interested in holding a BoF, please choose a room & time & record it in the wiki. Details: 26 05:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  [lca-announce] lca2011 - BoF Details     .::. Size~: 2.98 KBJan 26 05:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @harvalah no, that would be too muchJan 26 06:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RT @ircpresident: Residents by Cairo's Tahrir Sq removed wifi passwords so protesters could get phones online #Jan25Jan 26 06:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Egypt: Night Falls, After Day of Rage · Global Voices  .::. Size~: 139.85 KBJan 26 06:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RT @CaireneGirl "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable"-JFK #jan25 #Cairo #Egypt #tahrirJan 26 06:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Bah. Off to work...Jan 26 06:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♻ @jwildeboer RT @CaireneGirl "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable"-JFK #jan25 #Cairo #EgyptJan 26 06:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♻ @bavatar incredible “The Whirlpool Galaxy in Infrared Dust” #APoD #M51 #Star.Formation 26 06:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  APOD: 2011 January 26 - The Whirlpool Galaxy in Infrared Dust   .::. Size~: 5.28 KBJan 26 06:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ES: Grupos de Presión por Patentes en Europa #swpats #eu #lobbying #mobbyistsJan 26 06:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] ES: Grupos de Presión por Patentes en Europa #swpats #eu #lobbying #mobbying #patentsJan 26 06:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] ES: El Sistema de Patentes – #USPTO en Particular – Bajo Fuego #swpats #unrestJan 26 06:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ES: Grupos de Presión por Patentes en Europa | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.79 KBJan 26 06:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ES: Grupos de Presión por Patentes en Europa | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.79 KBJan 26 06:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ES: El Sistema de Patentes – USPTO en Particular – Bajo Fuego | Techrights .::. Size~: 103.81 KBJan 26 06:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ES: El Sistema de Patentes – #USPTO en Particular – Bajo Fuego [more in ]Jan 26 06:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ES: El Sistema de Patentes – USPTO en Particular – Bajo Fuego | Techrights .::. Size~: 103.81 KBJan 26 06:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Español - Techrights .::. Size~: 40.48 KBJan 26 06:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @ender2070 I never saw a solution that didn't involve huge benefits to Joe Average. Some corps might suffer. Corporate Darwinism is good.Jan 26 06:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RT @CaireneGirl: You know the days of the tyrant are numbered when he orders troops to shoot at their own people. #jan25 #Cairo #tahrirJan 26 06:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Vryka: EC 424 Stump speeches! #weblit #webfic #fantasy #politics #kissingbabies #readingJan 26 06:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Eclipse Court .::. Size~: 166.58 KBJan 26 06:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Vryka: RT @FagHagMom:#proudtosay Gay son, bisexual daughter, & three straight kids & I love them all the way they are! #LGBT #EqualityJan 26 06:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Vryka: Look guys, it's not us and them. It is 'co-evolved' species. We change them, they change us. Our wanted and our unwanted species.Jan 26 06:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♻ @TheOnion Obama's hair noticeably grayer than when #SOTU beganJan 26 06:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @mikkelpaulson: GRAMMATICAL ERROR IN XKCD! *world falls apart* 26 06:51
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJan 26 06:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @lnxwalt140 37 Signals gives up on #OpenID #37signals #RubyOnRailsJan 26 06:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter / DHH: I've just removed the opti ... .::. Size~: 9.68 KBJan 26 06:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] A lot of people predict doom & gloom for !Java based on what is being said by this firm #Forrester #fudJan 26 06:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Forrester - Techrights .::. Size~: 13.43 KBJan 26 06:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] What’s up with SUMO – Jan. 24 what's with the old Mac, TV, and phone at the back? ☺ #mozilla #sumoJan 26 07:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @jdub: Using a Mac with OS X at is like wearing a Justin Bieber t-shirt to a Radiohead concert. HOW EMBARRASSMENTJan 26 07:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: SUMO Blog » What’s up with SUMO – Jan. 24 .::. Size~: 21.6 KBJan 26 07:05
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 26 07:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @aseigo ooh, retweets and favouriting is now in the microblogging plasmoid! go go marco! << I used to use it, #choqok miles ahead, #qt tooJan 26 07:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[appelond/@appelond] “5 open source security projects to watch - TrueCrypt, security, open source, firewalls, encryption - CIO”: 26 07:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 5 open source security projects to watch - TrueCrypt, security, open source, firewalls, encryption - CIO .::. Size~: 116.7 KBJan 26 07:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Obama nominates former #RIAA lawyer for Solicitor General spot would “serve ably.” --Obama //I'm sure he will, but who?Jan 26 07:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Obama nominates former RIAA lawyer for Solicitor General spot .::. Size~: 31.3 KBJan 26 07:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @wikileaks2 Swedish PM refuses to apply easy to use political veto to Assange US extradition !wlJan 26 07:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011-01-23 Swedish PM denies political role in Assange extradition case | WL Central .::. Size~: 22.58 KBJan 26 07:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[appelond/@appelond] “Will it Blend? A Look at !Blender 's New User Interface |”: !FedoraJan 26 07:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Some time late last year I reached the point where I read #identica more than I read RSS feeds. How rapidly times are changing...Jan 26 07:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @fabsh Interestingly enough, non-natives usually understand eachother better. I understand my English Spanish-Speaking friends better.Jan 26 07:13
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 26 07:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @fabsh It also helps if you like the subject, and they are both Geeks so it's good material.Jan 26 07:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @wikileaks2 Assange extradition hearing scheduled for Feb 7-8, Belmash Magistrates Court, London. !wl // prosecuting _reporters_ of crimeJan 26 07:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @gbraad #rms just made people loose the game or make them think it was all over by a PM announcement ;-)Jan 26 07:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxconfau/@linuxconfau] Live streaming is available at !lca2011, to see which awesome talk is on right now: 26 07:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[appelond/@appelond] Thanks @tzk I'll remember, I think I played a little with it some time ago, but ended up using !EncFSJan 26 07:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] PdF Presents: A Symposium on !Wikileaks and Internet Freedom (II) v. important issue.Jan 26 07:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LCA2011 Streaming - F509 .::. Size~: 1.57 KBJan 26 07:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PdF Presents: A Symposium on Wikileaks and Internet Freedom (II) | Personal Democracy Forum .::. Size~: 20.98 KBJan 26 07:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @gotunandan Google Chrome works, and it's free, just like non-free wireless drivers and non-free graphic card drivers. Chromium is buggy.Jan 26 07:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovruni/@ovruni] Frustrado por el tratamiento de la gran prensa, Julian Assange entregará todos los cables a otros 60 medios: !wikileaksJan 26 07:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @gotunandan RT @jonkulp Memo to people responsible for websites that play any audio or video upon visiting your pages. Disable that crap.Jan 26 07:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Frustrado por el tratamiento de la gran prensa, Julian Assange entregará todos los cables a otros 60 medios  | Cubadebate .::. Size~: 149.57 KBJan 26 07:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @laurelrusswurm When Internet UBB is implemented we'll be paying 4 bandwidth on the sites we visit.Automatic audio &video inflate our costJan 26 07:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @laurelrusswurm I'm curious, what OS are you using?Jan 26 07:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @gotunandan Google Chrome is better. No crashes, no slow-down. I also use proprietary Nvidia drivers, and non-free wireless. #ifitworksJan 26 07:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] More troops lost to suicide "the U.S. military has lost more troops to suicide than it has to combat"Jan 26 07:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "Jaspersoft open sources Big Data connectors" 26 07:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Good morning !identiverse :)Jan 26 07:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Support the troops, return them home to their family & friends.Jan 26 07:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - News : More troops lost to suicide .::. Size~: 19.08 KBJan 26 07:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jaspersoft open sources Big Data connectors • The Register .::. Size~: 21.23 KBJan 26 07:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Security incident on Fedora infrastructure on 23 Jan 2011 — Don’t Panic more info @ 26 07:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Security incident on Fedora infrastructure on 23 Jan 2011 — Don’t Panic « Free Your Software/Culture and the Rest Will Follow .::. Size~: 75.69 KBJan 26 07:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: A security incident on Fedora infrastructure [] .::. Size~: 10.22 KBJan 26 07:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] @richslxh honestly I found the devel versions of chromium to be buggy too. But I'm now using the latest beta from the Launchpad ppa. WorksJan 26 07:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] @richslxh and essentially they are the same thing. Devel versions & daily builds of Google chrome will also be buggy.Jan 26 07:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Microsoft Critique: Resources old but still relevantJan 26 07:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Critique: Resources | Techrights .::. Size~: 154.85 KBJan 26 07:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @maymaym American political hypocrisy on parade: supporting #Tunisia while scapegoating Bradley Manning. !wikileaksJan 26 07:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] @richslxh and I do want to make an effort to use as much FaiF software as possible. I use skype, dropbox, etc as well ;) I'm no rms :)Jan 26 07:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bradley Manning and Mohamed Bouazizi | Informed Comment .::. Size~: 119.09 KBJan 26 07:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] /me LOLed while hearing on the radio that the US encourages Egypt to permit protests. Same as when Clinton said they support open Internet.Jan 26 07:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "We support peace" (except when we carpet-bomb nations) #collectivepunishment #hyporcrisy #spreadingDemocracyJan 26 07:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "What's So Bad About Microsoft?" 26 07:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @wikileaks2 RT @Amnesty: US must end inhumane treatment of #WikiLeaks soldier Bradley Manning !wlJan 26 07:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "We support human rights" (oh, and #Gitmo is not part of the United States) :-)Jan 26 07:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @gotunandan Well, I use Beta and Unstable versions, no problems at all. Only bug is the https connection problem, but not a show-stopper.Jan 26 07:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: What's So Bad About Microsoft? .::. Size~: 56.59 KBJan 26 07:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Inhumane Treatment of WikiLeaks Soldier Bradley Manning | Human Rights Now - Amnesty International USA Blog .::. Size~: 108.96 KBJan 26 07:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "We support democracy" (but only corporations breed parties that they fund to further their own agenda, at people's expense)Jan 26 07:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @gotunandan I understand. Me too, but I need things to work nowadays, so the free/non-free thing isn't a priority for me. :)Jan 26 07:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @creativecommons RT @flat_world: It's On! Free Online Texts, that is! Bertelsmann & Bessemer invest $15M in FWK - 26 07:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "We stress that no child should be left behind" (but we use #intellectualmonopolies to limit access to knowledge to the affluent)Jan 26 07:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments and Bessemer Venture Partners Invest $15 Million in Flat World Knowledge  .::. Size~: 17.08 KBJan 26 07:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @gotunandan I could apply that line to Debian and Ubuntu ;)Jan 26 07:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] !WikiLeaks , hackers and conspiracy theories 26 07:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "We strongly condemn ethnic cleansing" (and our history textbooks ensure young adults cannot face our hypocrisy)Jan 26 07:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: WikiLeaks news: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hacker conspiracy theories | Crikey .::. Size~: 88.2 KBJan 26 07:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #FUDCon Tempe 2011 #fedora #redhat #gnu #linux #hackingJan 26 07:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FUDCon Tempe 2011 in Tempe, AZ | Eventification .::. Size~: 33.03 KBJan 26 07:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Joining the army is a symbol of patriotism" (but we force/coerce some people to enlist, sometimes making jail|army prisoner situations)Jan 26 07:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "We are very transparent" (but we throw in cell the biggest advocates of this policy)Jan 26 07:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Religion is a threat in that foreign govt. (with imminent WoMD)" (but only *we* have WoMD and we use our religion to sell/excuse a war)Jan 26 07:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "We recognise the importance of unions" (but assign PR agencies and infiltrator-spies to crush them)Jan 26 07:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Will our Internet Rates Suddenly Climb? #canada #Internet #NetNeutrality #bwcapsJan 26 07:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Will our Internet Rates Suddenly Climb? «  Jane Mitchell’s Blog .::. Size~: 16.4 KBJan 26 07:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Developing the #MeeGo community one of the most free/open #linux platforms we have for mobile devicesJan 26 07:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Developing the MeeGo community « Tabula Crypticum .::. Size~: 41.58 KBJan 26 07:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @ender2070 Thanks, I'll add that to Police State Watch. If you have the time, could you add them? There's so damned much I can't keep up.Jan 26 07:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @richslxh I wonder if Al Jazeera will get there website and dns shutdown like !wikileaks 26 07:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  The story behind the Palestine papers | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 98.17 KBJan 26 07:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ACS:Law Can’t Take The Pressure, Quit Chasing File-Sharers #acslaw #copyright #outlaw #legalterrorismJan 26 07:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle:    ACS:Law Can’t Take The Pressure, Quit Chasing File-Sharers | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 78.66 KBJan 26 07:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @glynmoody re "Thieves use Google Earth to find and steal lead-lined Church roofing" > and kitchen knives sometimes used to murderJan 26 07:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @richslxh When you die, get your ashes pressed into vinyl. I choose "Stairway to heaven" :) 26 07:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: And Vinyly - Press your ashes in a vinyl record .::. Size~: 0.84 KBJan 26 07:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Nokia #MeeGo Device Based on ST Ericsson U8500 Platform hopefully can attract devs and stay freedom-respectingJan 26 07:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nokia MeeGo Device Based on ST Ericsson U8500 Platform .::. Size~: 57.25 KBJan 26 07:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] LQDN at the EU Commission's Ad Hoc Meeting on #ACTA 26 08:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 12 politicians and executives blocking progress on global warming "1. Rupert Murdoch: No one does more..than Murdoch."Jan 26 08:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LQDN at the EU Commission's Ad Hoc Meeting on ACTA | La Quadrature du Net .::. Size~: 27.51 KBJan 26 08:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Rolling Stone names 12 politicians and executives blocking progress on global warming «  Climate Progress .::. Size~: 73.79 KBJan 26 08:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @maymaym In !Wikileaks debate, @zittrain exposes #libertarian #hypocrisy embodied by @PayPal founder @PeterThiel: 26 08:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - WikiLeaks, the Internet and Democracy    .::. Size~: 136.51 KBJan 26 08:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @glynmoody Was Genghis Khan history's greenest conqueror? - "scrubbed nearly 700 million tons of carbon.."Jan 26 08:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] @richslxh yup true. But there's an argument that says debian unstable is stable for most others ;)Jan 26 08:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @DaHammerstein #ACTAEU EC: Cynical play on words! "No change in existing EU law, but changes in EU member states laws"Jan 26 08:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Was Genghis Khan history's greenest conqueror? | MNN - Mother Nature Network .::. Size~: 110.98 KBJan 26 08:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Jane Wakefield wrote for the MSBBC: "Law firm ACS: Law stops 'chasing illegal file-sharers'" - article does not say "pirate"/"piracy". +1Jan 26 08:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @N900_Drips: NewsFlow: Google Reader app for Nokia N8 / C7 / E7 / N900 and MeeGo #Nokia #N900Jan 26 08:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It is too easy for corporate journalists to be carried away by stigmas that daemonise people but not corporations.Jan 26 08:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NewsFlow: Google Reader app for Nokia N8 / C7 / E7 / N900 and MeeGo - on Drippler Nokia N900 Updates .::. Size~: 29.53 KBJan 26 08:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I've just checked in at NetCologne GK-Büro Bonn #4sqJan 26 08:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @My_Maemo: FastSMSEvo - use FastSMS as N900's virtual keyboard: 26 08:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] China plans city 'twice the size of Wales' New South Wales (NSW) or New East Wales? #china #chinarisingJan 26 08:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: foursquare       :: NetCologne GK-Büro Bonn       :: Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia        .::. Size~: 21.62 KBJan 26 08:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Nokia N900 / Maemo 5 Software and News .::. Size~: 27.81 KBJan 26 08:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: China plans city 'twice the size of Wales' • The Register .::. Size~: 20.18 KBJan 26 08:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] The #tiananmen square moment in Cairo yesterday - #Jan25 This guy is a hero IMHO.Jan 26 08:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Mysterious Non-Company 'Helping' ACS:Law Collect Fines Now Says Forget The Whole Thing #acsoutlaw #acslaw #uk #abuseJan 26 08:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - ‫أشجع شاب فى مظاهرات يوم الغضب‬‎    .::. Size~: 122.63 KBJan 26 08:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mysterious Non-Company 'Helping' ACS:Law Collect Fines Now Says Forget The Whole Thing | Techdirt .::. Size~: 44.06 KBJan 26 08:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @gotunandan Debian unstable is actually a lot more stable than some other distros :)Jan 26 08:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @piracy 40 former #Guantanamo detainees formed a committee calling for the quick release of fellow Afghans remaining 26 08:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] @schestowitz That'll be rich (specially considering their ghost towns: ) #chinaJan 26 08:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Canadian Press: Index .::. Size~: 6.5 KBJan 26 08:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: And Now Presenting: Amazing Satellite Images Of The Ghost Cities Of China  .::. Size~: 439.81 KBJan 26 08:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "We fight terrorism" (but we do exactly what helps terrorists recruit more members) #clashofcultures #eternalwarJan 26 08:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Watch this for #25jan info. #ushahidi helps egypt too. The Open Generation at work. 26 08:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @silner If #Camron caves in to #Murdoch we won't forget and we won't forgive him 26 08:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 25 يناير .::. Size~: 31.39 KBJan 26 08:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: RPT-UPDATE 3-UK gives Murdoch last chance to avoid BSkyB probe | Reuters  .::. Size~: 68.9 KBJan 26 08:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺@rysiek "If there's a task that must be done/Don't turn your tail and run/Don't pouch/don't sob/Just do a half-assed job" Shary Bobbins !qJan 26 08:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @rysiek you left out the chorus of that tune: "it's the American way"Jan 26 08:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "The Electronic Frontier Foundation (@EFF) has created this Surveillance Self-Defense site..." 26 08:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The SSD Project | EFF Surveillance Self-Defense Project .::. Size~: 9.9 KBJan 26 08:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #SCOracle Nominates Bruno Souza of SouJava to JCP EC !javaJan 26 08:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Oracle Nominates Bruno Souza of SouJava to JCP EC (Henrik on Java) .::. Size~: 24.7 KBJan 26 08:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] RT @chrisjung So ein beschissenes iPhone muss man neu aktivieren, wenn es ZU LANGE AUS ist? o.O #crappleJan 26 08:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Malegaon: Additional DC burnt alive, 7 arrested disgusting thing to happen in any society. Fscked up world :|Jan 26 08:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] RT @jwildeboer The #tiananmen square moment in Cairo yesterday - #Jan25 This guy is a hero IMHO.Jan 26 08:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: IBNLive News: Breaking News, Latest News, Current Affairs, India News .::. Size~: 11.94 KBJan 26 08:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - ‫أشجع شاب فى مظاهرات يوم الغضب‬‎    .::. Size~: 123.28 KBJan 26 08:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Basque Government will make other institutions benefit from successful Open Source experience "field of free software"Jan 26 08:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ES: Basque Government will make other institutions benefit from its successful Open Source experience —  .::. Size~: 30.49 KBJan 26 08:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Hungary's New Media Law Faces Opposition in the EU helping Hungarians oppose #orban abuse of powerJan 26 08:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Hungary's New Media Law Faces Opposition in the EU | OpenNet Initiative .::. Size~: 19.28 KBJan 26 08:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @gotunandan Back to using Mozilla Firefox recently after several months using !Chromium . Guess what, I still prefer !Firefox :)Jan 26 08:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Chevron , under pressure for destruction Of Amazon, was top oil lobbyist last quarter lobbying = "legalised corruption"Jan 26 08:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @opensourceway Reflections on one year of by @JWhitehurst | 26 08:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Chevron, under pressure for destruction Of Amazon, was top oil lobbyist last quarter «  Climate Progress .::. Size~: 53.46 KBJan 26 08:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Reflections on one year of  | .::. Size~: 54.9 KBJan 26 08:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody all free sw on the Brazilian Public Software portal released under Licença Pública de Marca (LPM) [br] - 26 08:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @satipera British economy contracts by 0.5%. Tories are doing to economy what Howe did 30 years ago. #economicsJan 26 08:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Todo software público brasileiro terá licença LPM - Tecnologia - COMPUTERWORLD .::. Size~: 49.67 KBJan 26 08:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I've just checked in at dm #4sqJan 26 08:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @trmanco: CBC News - Ottawa - Ont. won't reveal payment to Samsung 26 08:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxnews/@lxnews] Debian Squeeze Release Update 26 08:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: foursquare       :: dm       :: Bonn, Germany        .::. Size~: 21.65 KBJan 26 08:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CBC News - Ottawa - Ont. won't reveal payment to Samsung .::. Size~: 38.18 KBJan 26 08:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Debian Squeeze Release Update .::. Size~: 26.57 KBJan 26 08:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @linuxtoday: It took a little more than a year.... but Novell crumbled nevertheless ... 26 08:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Scary Online Games 26 08:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux Today - It took a little more than a year.... but Novell crumbled nevertheless .::. Size~: 77.85 KBJan 26 08:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Scary Games at  .::. Size~: 28.85 KBJan 26 08:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh Loving #CyanogenMod 7 on my #NexusOne! :D >> well done, Fab, encourage people to free their Android phones!Jan 26 08:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] In 6 days from now I'll move from my current private lab to a more modern lab. Looking forward to it.Jan 26 08:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @carlopiana Oh, I've been elected President of Protocol Freedom Foundation. Sounds cooler than it is, but a President's always a pres...Jan 26 08:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @opensourceway happy birthday. My criticisms were hopefully all constructive.Jan 26 08:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The Fantastical Promise of Reversible Computing 26 08:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] My new lab has a 3-D scanner and a new supercomputer with many GPUs. Might have to switch distros.Jan 26 08:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Fantastical Promise of Reversible Computing  - Technology Review .::. Size~: 26.26 KBJan 26 08:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I've just checked in at Lubig #4sqJan 26 08:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxnews/@lxnews] Australian Government Switching to OOXML 26 08:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: foursquare       :: Lubig       :: Bonn, Germany        .::. Size~: 21.57 KBJan 26 08:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Australian Government Switching to OOXML .::. Size~: 27.56 KBJan 26 08:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Multi-touch Ubuntu using a webcam and your hands [Video] #ubuntu #multitouch #linuxJan 26 09:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #WebUpd8: #Zeitgeist For !Gnome Shell Goes Public [Video] 26 09:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh Somehow the new black UI elements make Android look a lot more 3D. Looks sharp! :D #GingerbreadJan 26 09:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Multi-touch Ubuntu using a webcam and your hands [Video] .::. Size~: 56.2 KBJan 26 09:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Zeitgeist For Gnome Shell Goes Public [Video] ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 52.42 KBJan 26 09:01
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jan 26 09:08:30 2011
*Now talking on #techrightsJan 26 09:08
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedomJan 26 09:08
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Wed Sep 22 21:19:38 2010Jan 26 09:08
schestowitz 26 09:10
TechrightsBot-tr@Metztli_IT: ♺ @schestowitz My new lab has 3-D scanner & a new supercomputer w/many GPUs. Might have to switch distros|May I suggest #GNU #Linux #Debian?Jan 26 09:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @schestowitz Will do. Although, arguably, CM isn't any freer than stock Android... At least not with GApps and proprietary drivers....Jan 26 09:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Arrgh.... That should've been "stuff" of course...Jan 26 09:11
MinceRyawningsJan 26 09:12
schestowitz 26 09:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: @Metztli_IT their download pages baffle me a little 26 09:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title:  » Blog Archive   » Trying Linux Mint for Running GNU Octave .::. Size~: 42.67 KBJan 26 09:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] RT @xsteadfastx @fabsh: ich lach mich gerade schlapp...#crapple sollte das hashtag des jahres werdenJan 26 09:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @jwildeboer: The #tiananmen square moment in Cairo yesterday - #Jan25 This guy is a hero IMHO.Jan 26 09:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - ‫أشجع شاب فى مظاهرات يوم الغضب‬‎    .::. Size~: 122.73 KBJan 26 09:13
schestowitzPING :sendak.freenode.netJan 26 09:14
schestowitz:TRIdentica!~twitfolk@ NOTICE #techrights :[toros/@toros] #XKCD: Local g 26 09:14
TechrightsBot-trTitle: xkcd: Local g .::. Size~: 8.21 KBJan 26 09:14
schestowitz:schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz JOIN :#techrightsJan 26 09:15
schestowitz:TRIdentica!~twitfolk@ NOTICE #techrights :[toros/@toros] Jorge Castro: !Unity Bitesize Bug Report for 25 January 26 09:15
schestowitz:TRIdentica!~twitfolk@ NOTICE #techrights :[fabsh/@fabsh] I've just checked in at Clara-Schumann-Gymnasium #4sqJan 26 09:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Unity Bitesize Bug Report for 25 January .::. Size~: 13.33 KBJan 26 09:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Working on a Windows server. Oh the joy! Where the hell is my shell access, Microsoft??? #bingmyassJan 26 09:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Seif Lotfy: First public !GNOME Shell #Zeitgeist efforts 26 09:15
schestowitz:TRIdentica!~twitfolk@ NOTICE #techrights :[lxnews/@lxnews] First Stable LibreOffice Version Released 26 09:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: foursquare       :: Clara-Schumann-Gymnasium       :: Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia        .::. Size~: 21.58 KBJan 26 09:15
schestowitz[for the log]Jan 26 09:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Seilo @ Geeky Ogre  » Blog Archive   » First public GNOME Shell Zeitgeist efforts .::. Size~: 23.55 KBJan 26 09:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   First Stable LibreOffice Version Released .::. Size~: 27.14 KBJan 26 09:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[appelond/@appelond] @lxnews Anybody know if the libreoffice is in some !Fedora 13 repo yet 26 09:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Vincent Untz: Results of the App Installer meeting, and some thoughts on cross-distro collaboration 26 09:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   First Stable LibreOffice Version Released .::. Size~: 27.14 KBJan 26 09:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Results of the App Installer meeting, and some thoughts on cross-distro collaboration - journal zen - par Vincent .::. Size~: 18.45 KBJan 26 09:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody A question: is #Brazil's Licença Pública de Marca (#LPM) compatible with the GPL? It seems based on it - is that right?Jan 26 09:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @appelond Ehh.... Not sure. But I'm betting it will be in F15!Jan 26 09:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Lucas Rocha: Selection in The Board !gnomeJan 26 09:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Selection in The Board | .::. Size~: 8.1 KBJan 26 09:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Thinking of getting rid of the Twitter in my life. I really isn't giving me a lot usefulness...Jan 26 09:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !Canonical Design blog: The #Natty Wallpaper contest – an important update! 26 09:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Natty Wallpaper contest – an important update! «  Canonical Design .::. Size~: 16.47 KBJan 26 09:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody OK, to clarify: Brazil's Licença Pública de Marca (LPM) is a clever kind of open licensing for trademarks(v @herrmann @webmink)Jan 26 09:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @fabsh cmd.exe ;-)Jan 26 09:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] I need a #nescaféJan 26 09:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] FI: Municipalities increasingly interested in open source software #finland #autonomyJan 26 09:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FI: Municipalities increasingly interested in open source software  —  .::. Size~: 30.66 KBJan 26 09:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @nickbilton The Onion should get a Pulitzer for this: "Gap Between Rich & Poor Named 8th Wonder Of The World” 26 09:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] ♺ @schestowitz: FI: Municipalities increasingly interested in open source software #finland #autonomyJan 26 09:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Gap Between Rich And Poor Named 8th Wonder Of The World | The Onion - America's Finest News Source .::. Size~: 36.08 KBJan 26 09:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FI: Municipalities increasingly interested in open source software  —  .::. Size~: 30.66 KBJan 26 09:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] FR: City of Rennes opens up its data to the public /via @glynmoodyJan 26 09:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FR: City of Rennes opens up its data to the public   —  .::. Size~: 34.22 KBJan 26 09:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @themadhatter RT @PreemptDissent: RT @jilliancyork "Twitter Is Blocked In #Egypt Amidst Rising Protests" ( )Jan 26 09:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Twitter Is Blocked In Egypt Amidst Rising Protests  .::. Size~: 70.46 KBJan 26 09:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ECMAScript 5 strict mode in Firefox 4 FF4 out real soon nowJan 26 09:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jezra washing the sleep from my eyes with some coffee; figurativelyJan 26 09:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   ECMAScript 5 strict mode in Firefox 4 ✩         Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog   .::. Size~: 82.09 KBJan 26 09:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] Hmmm, off to an Australia Day BBQ tonight :)Jan 26 09:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] ♺ @aprica: RT @Berlaymont: EU Observer: Kroes issues Hungary ultimatum on media law 26 09:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: EUobserver / Kroes issues Hungary ultimatum on media law .::. Size~: 19.18 KBJan 26 09:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] IT/EU: Emilia Romagna Region shares findings on open source usage in public administrations #OSOR very active recentlyJan 26 09:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] New York Times, Al-Jazeera Do An End-Run Around !WikiLeaks will New York Times staff also be proposed for hanging? !wlJan 26 09:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: IT/EU: Emilia Romagna Region shares findings on open source usage in public administrations —  .::. Size~: 34.62 KBJan 26 09:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  New York Times, Al-Jazeera Do An End-Run Around WikiLeaks: Tech News and Analysis « .::. Size~: 70.44 KBJan 26 09:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Protests in Egypt and unrest in Middle East – as it happened this is not necessarily a bad thingJan 26 09:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Protests in Egypt and unrest in Middle East – as it happened | World news |  .::. Size~: 308.66 KBJan 26 09:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Human Rights Watch Film Festival Comes To Washington D.C. 26 09:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Human Rights Watch International Film Festival .::. Size~: 10.39 KBJan 26 09:43
MinceR"Ms Kroes also warned the Mr Orban's government that if they "fail to satisfy" the requests, she may take legal action against Hungary."Jan 26 09:44
MinceRwow, what an "ultimatum"Jan 26 09:44
MinceRaction, EU styleJan 26 09:44
MinceRthey're in a lot more of a rush to sign the ACTA, that's for sureJan 26 09:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Story hardly reported by the corporate press: 10,000+ citizens protesting against #government #racism and #fascism in #IsraelJan 26 09:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Will Tunisia's 'Internet revolution' endure? the Internet changes everything, more POV pluralismJan 26 09:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Will Tunisia's 'Internet revolution' endure? - Internet - Committee to Protect Journalists .::. Size~: 38.9 KBJan 26 09:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @wikileaks2 US Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act: ask your senator “did you kill this bill?” | !wlJan 26 09:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Blow the Whistle!   - WNYC .::. Size~: 309.41 KBJan 26 09:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Surprise: press owned by those in power daemonises !Wikileaks - that which helps expose those in power. #cablegate #classwarJan 26 09:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I love this wallpaper. !android 26 09:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 8.47 KBJan 26 09:48
schestowitz 26 09:49
TechrightsBot-tr@Metztli_IT: @schestowitz Slightly challenging, plain vanilla #debian flavor flexibility☛superb. Install to 2nd part./learn gradually 26 09:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Debian -- Network install from a minimal CD  .::. Size~: 14.46 KBJan 26 09:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Brazil's New Trademark License "decree by new President of Brazil that open source software is preferred by the govt"Jan 26 09:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @jwildeboer Yeah, but I can't access that from another machine on the LAN...Jan 26 09:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Brazil's New Trademark License - Simon Says... .::. Size~: 59.73 KBJan 26 09:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @fabsh Screenshots of !CyanogenMod 7 Nightly Build 15 running on my !NexusOne: !LOJan 26 09:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] .@neeliekroesEU you rock. Nuff said. #hungary #censorshipJan 26 09:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @fabsh LOL! :D HTML Cheetah Balls < funny things in there!Jan 26 09:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CyanogenMod 7 - Fabian A. Scherschel's Photos .::. Size~: 33.27 KBJan 26 09:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: EUobserver / Kroes issues Hungary ultimatum on media law .::. Size~: 19.18 KBJan 26 09:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: This is the web right now - The Oatmeal .::. Size~: 16 KBJan 26 09:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @themadhatter TheStar Police officers guilty of assaulting disabled man - added to http://policestatewatch.caJan 26 09:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Police officers guilty of assaulting disabled man -  .::. Size~: 100.28 KBJan 26 09:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  .::. Size~: 0.59 KBJan 26 09:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @linuxquestions: 15 open source projects you should know about... #MongoDB #nginx #RoR #django #drupal #wordpressJan 26 09:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Royal Pingdom  » 15 open source projects you should know about as a web developer .::. Size~: 47.94 KBJan 26 09:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @satipera How much free publicity does the BBC give to the film industry each year? << they are both broadcasting, conflict of interestJan 26 10:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Tunisia: Keeping a Tab on Dissidents Egypt: Twitter Blocked as Demonstrations Continue #dissentJan 26 10:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Tunisia: Keeping a Tab on Dissidents  · Global Voices  .::. Size~: 130.49 KBJan 26 10:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Egypt: Twitter Blocked as Demonstrations Continue · Global Voices  .::. Size~: 146.5 KBJan 26 10:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Tunisian State Secretary Says #Censorship Is Fine Because The West Does It Too somebody, tell this to Clinton. !wlJan 26 10:03
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyJan 26 10:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The West never resorts to censorship. It's just westorship. Western politics is never corrupt, but there's this thing called "lobbing".Jan 26 10:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] EU to Get Feedback on Its Public Procurement Policy #eu #procurementJan 26 10:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: EU to Get Feedback on Its Public Procurement Policy - PCWorld Business Center .::. Size~: 70.4 KBJan 26 10:05
schestowitz 26 10:05
TechrightsBot-tr@Jacob Barkdull (jacobwb)'s status on Wednesday, 26-Jan-11 09:58:13 UTC - @schestowitz @gotunandan WebKit just really sucks, I think they did a good job on the front-end, though. !firefoxJan 26 10:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] When "they" do it we call it "bribery". When "we" do it, well... it's called "campaign contributions" (and same for intl' terrorism)Jan 26 10:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @rysiek "no twitter in #Egypt" -> use proxies, e.g.: /please rt #jan25 /go @telecomixJan 26 10:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] ♺ @schestowitz: ♺ @rysiek "no twitter in #Egypt" -> use proxies, e.g.: /please rt #jan25 /go @telecomix < or!!Jan 26 10:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: My Proxy Server .::. Size~: 2.72 KBJan 26 10:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: My Proxy Server .::. Size~: 2.72 KBJan 26 10:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @rysiek *BREAKING*: #Egyptian president's son anf family fled to UK: #jan25Jan 26 10:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Egypt: President's son and family 'have fled to the UK' -  Adnkronos Security .::. Size~: 42 KBJan 26 10:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @satipera British weather forecasters criticise Osborne for blaming snow for 0.5% fall in GDP. #leavesonthelineJan 26 10:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @rysiek] Restaurants in Tahrir square are giving away food for free to protesters. More reasons to join the protest: Free meals #Jan25Jan 26 10:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♻ @jwildeboer ♺ @schestowitz: ♺ @rysiek "no twitter in #Egypt" -> use proxies, e.g.: /pleas... 26 10:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @satipera Here in Britain we are replacing some skilled; well educated and obviously specialist librarians with volunteers. > "new deal"?Jan 26 10:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] «Tunisian State Secretary Says #Censorship Is Fine Because The West Does It Too» somebody, tell this to Clinton.Jan 26 10:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @rysiek Egyptian protestors In downtown... Toronto, Canada #Egypt #Jan25 26 10:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Weathermen hit back at Osborne blaming snow  |  Liberal Conspiracy .::. Size~: 65.89 KBJan 26 10:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: My Proxy Server .::. Size~: 2.72 KBJan 26 10:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Carlo Piana (cpiana)'s status on Wednesday, 26-Jan-11 10:07:38 UTC - piana .::. Size~: 8.81 KBJan 26 10:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tunisian State Secretary Says Censorship Is Fine Because The West Does It Too | Techdirt .::. Size~: 92.85 KBJan 26 10:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Egyptian protestors In downtown toronto chanting: ثورة ث... on Twitpic  .::. Size~: 12.08 KBJan 26 10:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @hazzy "2011-01-25 Revolution Day in Egypt" // !wl !wikileaksJan 26 10:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011-01-25 Revolution Day in Egypt | WL Central .::. Size~: 20.91 KBJan 26 10:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @rysiek I think the danger is that more religious -- not secular -- regime will be formedJan 26 10:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @hazzy "Jesse Ventura slams #TSA with lawsuit" 26 10:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jesse Ventura slams TSA with lawsuit - .::. Size~: 39.12 KBJan 26 10:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] /me glad to see @glynmoody having the guts to write "whaddya say to that, #Apple fanbois?"Jan 26 10:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @glynmoody you could lose some subs over it ;-)Jan 26 10:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Apple’s technological and industrial design prowess can help to prop up dying business models." --Timothy LeeJan 26 10:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Law to Shutdown P2P Sites Resurrected By Spanish Coalition s/coalition/corporation/ s/Spanish/Hollywoodian/Jan 26 10:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle:    Law to Shutdown P2P Sites Resurrected By Spanish Coalition | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 48.08 KBJan 26 10:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @telecomix: We are now saving videos from youtube on #Jan25 for possible blackout tomorrow. Save->mirror http://streisand.meJan 26 10:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Streisand me ! .::. Size~: 4.1 KBJan 26 10:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Reclaim Deleted Files and Repair Filesystems on #Linux 26 10:30
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 26 10:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody #Palestine papers reveal MI6 drew up plan for crackdown on #Hamas - another utter fiasco from Tony #BlairJan 26 10:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Palestine papers reveal MI6 drew up plan for crackdown on Hamas | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 234.45 KBJan 26 10:31
schestowitz 26 10:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Why You Hate Comic Sans .::. Size~: 73.8 KBJan 26 10:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] GOOGLE “NOT HAPPY” WITH !ANDROID MARKET PAID-APP PERFORMANCE 26 10:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] how do you disable the Startler notifications in #Crunchbang? the fun wears thin very quickJan 26 10:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 'Darwin talk' at Turkish school goes to court, sparks new debate "teacher 4 talking about Darwinian evolutionary theory"Jan 26 10:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @joabj #Fedora 14 for #IBM System z 64bit official release 26 10:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google “not happy” with Android Market paid-app performance | Android Community .::. Size~: 48.98 KBJan 26 10:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 'Darwin talk' at Turkish school goes to court, sparks new debate - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review .::. Size~: 86.85 KBJan 26 10:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fedora 14 for IBM System z 64bit official release .::. Size~: 118.45 KBJan 26 10:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @Zeinobia: 77 injured in the city of Suez #Jan25 /@telecomixJan 26 10:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #WebUpd8: #BlueGriffon: A New WYSIWYG Editor Which Supports CSS3 And #HTML5 26 10:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BlueGriffon: A New WYSIWYG Editor Which Supports CSS3 And HTML5 ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 55.39 KBJan 26 10:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Banks Return With a Goal: Pushing Back nice photo. Revealing. #bank #finance #economicsJan 26 10:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Bad news: Australian Government Switching to #OOXML 26 10:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bankers to Lobby Against New Rules - .::. Size~: 138.38 KBJan 26 10:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Australian Government Switching to OOXML .::. Size~: 27.81 KBJan 26 10:38
*ajkls (c16123fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 26 10:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Newt Gingrich proposes abolishing EPA /v @glynmoodyJan 26 10:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Newt Gingrich proposes abolishing EPA «  Climate Progress .::. Size~: 69.57 KBJan 26 10:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The race to overthrow tyrannies in North Africa & ME is reminiscent of the south American race to independence, which the US crushed #dejavuJan 26 10:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @satipera Burlusconi phones in to telly show to exchange insults. #primeministerial?Jan 26 10:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Ancient puzzle gets new lease of 'geomagical' life by Jacob AronJan 26 10:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle:                  TV show stings Berlusconi into action -                     Europe, World - The Independent .::. Size~: 111.44 KBJan 26 10:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ancient puzzle gets new lease of 'geomagical' life - physics-math - 24 January 2011 - New Scientist .::. Size~: 56.07 KBJan 26 10:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #NYT reinvests itself as !wikileaks wannabe (NYC Installs Virtual Suggestion Box) by @joabjJan 26 10:45
*hemimaniac has quit (Quit: I was raided by the FBI and all I got to keep was this lousy quit message!)Jan 26 10:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle:       NYC Installs Virtual Suggestion Box                      .::. Size~: 106.83 KBJan 26 10:45
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 10:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @JustAmira Word has it that Egyptian TV has been showing nothing but the protests in Lebanon since morning! Hello??? #Jan25Jan 26 10:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Justice Department seeks mandatory data retention first they came for the #historyJan 26 10:48
TechrightsBot-trconnect() timed out! ( )Jan 26 10:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Intel hires from Black Eyed Peas as Director of creative innovation. Will we now get better jingles in Intel commercials? #ROTFLJan 26 10:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Who needs search warrant when you can have secret subpoenas? @TheJusticeDept - shame on you. #privacy #constitution #tyrannyJan 26 10:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @rassdwehda: #Egypt Interior Minister orders security forces to shoot at any rallied assemblies after 11:15 pm local time #jan25Jan 26 10:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @♻ rysiek ♻ @Zeinobia: Curfew imposed in Suez following report of 2nd death #Jan25 #EgyptJan 26 10:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] AP Interview: !WikiLeaks seeking more media partners needs more exposure, people deserve to know what reps are doingJan 26 10:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: AP Interview:WikiLeaks seeking more media partners - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 156.44 KBJan 26 10:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @rysiek ♻ @Alshaheeed: Destroying Mubarak's photo in Mansoura Man in background saying Photo Only Not NDP buildingJan 26 10:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @andreateti: best tweet of the day "Yesterday we were all Tunisian. Today we are all Egyptian. Tomorrow we'll all be free" #Jan25 #EgyptJan 26 10:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody RT @KathViner tried to read a piece on the Kiev Times website, but blocked in protest at awful libel laws: 26 10:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Kyiv Post .::. Size~: 2.08 KBJan 26 10:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RT @awizahwa Photo > Protesters carry wounded riot police in #Egypt RT @iDhooom #Jan25 #Police #Cairo #SolidarityJan 26 11:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @DemocracyCanada: Britain's senior counter-terrorist CLARIFIES: Yes, in we DO covertly infiltrate green groups: #G20Jan 26 11:01
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJan 26 11:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Met counter-terrorism chief to take over protest spy unit | UK news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 87.33 KBJan 26 11:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @Alshaheeed: Police started very hard breakdown on #Egypt protesters. Police is using criminal thugs again to attack protestersJan 26 11:03
*ziggyfish has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 26 11:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ jmcesteves @telecomix: Looking for radio amateurs connection to or from #Egypt. Could you help us with info? #jan25Jan 26 11:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody US child appeals against being tried for murder as an adult "..shotgun designed specifically for children"Jan 26 11:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  US child appeals against being tried for murder as an adult  | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 87.94 KBJan 26 11:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh ♺ @netzturbine: #Egypt Twitter blocked on all ISP's in Egypt #jan25 -- USE IDENTICA!!!Jan 26 11:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: .::. Size~: 4.45 KBJan 26 11:13
*ajkls has quit (Quit: Page closed)Jan 26 11:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Today is the big day. Tonight at the BUSC VV, Project Pirate will either sink or totally rock. We will see... #piratesJan 26 11:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @themadhatter RT @thetecheye: “The great advantage of telling the truth is that nobody ever believes it” - Dorothy L. Sayers #quoteJan 26 11:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] "Bodhi Linux is NOT yet another Ubuntu based !Linux" distro Well it clearly is, but it looks interestingJan 26 11:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bodhi Linux Review - An Incredibly Good, Lightweight, Very Minimal Ubuntu Derivative | Tech Drive-in .::. Size~: 49.94 KBJan 26 11:23
schestowitz 26 11:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: ♺ @gotunandan Back to using Mozilla Firefox recently after several months using #Chromium . Guess what, I still prefer #Firefox :)Jan 26 11:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @mgeist ♺ @twitterglobalpr: We can confirm Twitter was blocked in Egypt around 8am PT today. Impacting both & apps.Jan 26 11:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ender2070/@ender2070] @themadhatter Yeah I can help outJan 26 11:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Not a story the MPAA want to gather pace; they can be bypassed successfully #KevinSmithJan 26 11:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Red State's Kevin Smith marches on with his loyal legion of fans behind him | Film |  .::. Size~: 134.89 KBJan 26 11:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] -- LOL. Just re-rediscovered this. Makes me laugh every time.Jan 26 11:45
TechrightsBot-tr@Fabian Scherschel (fabsh)'s status on Tuesday, 03-Aug-10 21:39:34 UTC - Something I did ages ago and just rediscovered. For a laugh: #BSG !loJan 26 11:45
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJan 26 11:45
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsJan 26 11:52
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 26 11:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Wow.... The much TWiT-hyped Ford Focus 2012 looks like an Audi from ten years ago. #FAILJan 26 11:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Pardus 2011 review "Enjoy a few more screenshots from my test installations of Pardus 2011."Jan 26 11:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Tommy Sheridan gets 3 yrs for perjury; gotta be a new record, a politician actually punished for lying instead of rewardedJan 26 11:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Pardus 2011 review .::. Size~: 82.74 KBJan 26 11:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] System 76 brings Sandy Bridge to Ubuntu with Gazelle and Serval laptops 26 11:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: System 76 brings Sandy Bridge to Ubuntu with Gazelle and Serval laptops -- Engadget .::. Size~: 68.75 KBJan 26 11:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle:            System76's 'Serval Professional Serves Up a Powerful Ubuntu Laptop | News & Opinion  |       .::. Size~: 81.78 KBJan 26 11:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 5 Best Video Game Console Emulators for #Linux 26 12:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 5 Best Video Game Console Emulators for Linux | TechSource .::. Size~: 99.78 KBJan 26 12:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Review: #LinuxMint 10 Julia Gnome – With Screenshots "Linux Mint 10 is worth a try." #gnu #linuxJan 26 12:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Review: Linux Mint 10 Julia Gnome – With Screenshots - Tech .::. Size~: 82.18 KBJan 26 12:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Oracle, LibreOffice: ideally a co-opetition, not competition of course, but will Novell folks use #ooxml as selling pnt?Jan 26 12:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Oracle, LibreOffice: ideally a co-opetition, not competition | ZDNet  .::. Size~: 121.38 KBJan 26 12:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Linux is a win-win for education #linux #educationJan 26 12:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #VirtualBox 4: First Impressions under #scoracle stewardship nowJan 26 12:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Mozilla Releases #Firefox 4 Beta 10 #mozilla deliversJan 26 12:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux is a win-win for education | ZDNet UK .::. Size~: 43.95 KBJan 26 12:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle:    VirtualBox 4: First Impressions |     Linux Magazine .::. Size~: 49.74 KBJan 26 12:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mozilla Releases Firefox 4 Beta 10 | ConceivablyTech .::. Size~: 36.17 KBJan 26 12:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] EXCLUSIVO: Brasileiros entrevistam Julian Assange | !wlJan 26 12:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Natalia Viana | Em parceria com CartaCapital, conteúdo do WikiLeaks em primeira mão .::. Size~: 83.81 KBJan 26 12:10
*Karthik (7aac7c5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 26 12:12
*Karthik is now known as Guest2633Jan 26 12:12
Guest2633Any one please tell me how to bootable disk from compressed ISO?Jan 26 12:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Tips and tricks to help you do more with #OpenSSH #sshJan 26 12:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tips and tricks to help you do more with OpenSSH | TechRepublic .::. Size~: 111.35 KBJan 26 12:13
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRJan 26 12:14
schestowitzhi, karthikJan 26 12:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #mageia warming up - rebuilding perl packages coming soon. #mandriva #fork #gnu #linuxJan 26 12:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jerome Quelin: mageia warming up - rebuilding perl packages .::. Size~: 45.33 KBJan 26 12:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Preparing for the Future of Open Source !fsJan 26 12:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Samba 4 'will break desktop monopoly' #samba #linux #smb #unix #protocol #lockinJan 26 12:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Preparing for the Future of Open Source | 2011 Future of Open Source Forum .::. Size~: 31.98 KBJan 26 12:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Future Of Java | Forrester Blogs .::. Size~: 84.65 KBJan 26 12:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The Moods Project #fedora #moods #feelinggoodJan 26 12:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: nicu - a window to my sucky life: The Moods Project .::. Size~: 104.38 KBJan 26 12:18
*Guest2633 (7aac7c5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #techrightsJan 26 12:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Intelligent Design instead of Evolution it's actually about #gnu #linux - really!Jan 26 12:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Appropriation – and the kingdom did not fall | Linux User .::. Size~: 47.67 KBJan 26 12:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Appropriation – and the kingdom did not fall "sequencing human genome was an early triumph for #Linux and free software"Jan 26 12:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Human Love, Probe - Two New Short Films Using #Blender for VFX[Video Trailer] for those who loved #silnerJan 26 12:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Appropriation – and the kingdom did not fall | Linux User .::. Size~: 47.67 KBJan 26 12:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Human Love, Probe - Two New Short Films Using Blender for VFX[Video Trailer] | Tech Drive-in .::. Size~: 45.96 KBJan 26 12:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Open Source and Open Research Computation #research #gpu & #cpu time is all about #linux and #foss these daysJan 26 12:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Unix dynamic duo awarded Japan Prize • The Register .::. Size~: 22.29 KBJan 26 12:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Unix dynamic duo awarded Japan Prize #Apple & #Linux make #UNIX a standard while #Symbian and Win32 die grduallyJan 26 12:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 2011 Day Two #linux revolution brewing down under and flooding the market with #lcaJan 26 12:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Unix dynamic duo awarded Japan Prize • The Register .::. Size~: 22.29 KBJan 26 12:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011 Day Two | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 46.82 KBJan 26 12:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 2011 kicks off: photos can Tux the penguin beat that mechanic cousin called "android"? #lcaJan 26 12:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kernellog2/@kernellog2] Coming in 2.6.38 (Part 1) – #Graphics #linux #kernel #2638 #drivers #nvidia #fermi #amd #fusion #intel #powerJan 26 12:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011 kicks off: photos - Communications - News .::. Size~: 113.78 KBJan 26 12:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Kernel Log: Coming in 2.6.38 (Part 1) – Graphics - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 45.13 KBJan 26 12:28
*the_hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 12:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #GNOME Shell + Zeitgeist !playogg #gnu #linuxJan 26 12:33
*hemimaniac has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 26 12:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: GNOME Shell + Zeitgeist .::. Size~: 5.4 KBJan 26 12:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kernellogauthor/@kernellogauthor] Heads up for those not following @kernellog or @kernellog2: The first parts of the "Coming in 2.6.38" series are now on / The HJan 26 12:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] Zuckerberg's #Facebook page got #deFaced. You want to entrust this guy/company with your personal and private data? 26 12:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  The wrong kind of sharing: Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page hacked | Technology |  .::. Size~: 151.84 KBJan 26 12:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] where are the systemwide openbox themes usually stored?Jan 26 12:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Love the new "respond inline" function in the Android mail client! #Gingerbread #CyanogenModJan 26 12:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] [$] LCA: IP address exhaustion and the end of the open net 26 12:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Isaac Asimov's "Science and Beauty" #Science #cosmology #videoJan 26 12:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] it's ok, I found the install optionJan 26 12:50
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved TemporarilyJan 26 12:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - Isaac Asimov's "Science and Beauty"    .::. Size~: 131.09 KBJan 26 12:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] I've really neglected my online presence over the last week or so...beginning of the year is always a busy time for me.Jan 26 12:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] @schestowitz you sure you posted the right URL? Speaks Java != sambaJan 26 12:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @themadhatter Ah sorry cross dent confusion. After he had regained composure he told me that he was doing research for a book. Very funny.Jan 26 12:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] ♻ @schestowitz 5 Best Video Game Console Emulators for #Linux 26 12:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 5 Best Video Game Console Emulators for Linux | TechSource .::. Size~: 99.78 KBJan 26 12:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] ♻ @schestowitz ♺ @fabsh ♺ @netzturbine: #Egypt Twitter blocked on all ISP's in Egypt #jan25 -- USE IDENTICA!!!Jan 26 13:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 26/1/2011: Mageia Comes Soon, Fedora Hack Explained !techrightsJan 26 13:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @themadhatter This is re government spying on political groups and pressure groups.Jan 26 13:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Links 26/1/2011: #Mageia Comes Soon, Fedora Hack Explained #techrightsJan 26 13:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[docufoundation/@docufoundation] LibreOffice 3.3 Release-Party on February 11th in Munich: !libo !tdfJan 26 13:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: .::. Size~: 4.45 KBJan 26 13:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 26/1/2011: Mageia Comes Soon, Fedora Hack Explained | Techrights .::. Size~: 172.36 KBJan 26 13:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 26/1/2011: Mageia Comes Soon, Fedora Hack Explained | Techrights .::. Size~: 172.36 KBJan 26 13:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Release Party in Munich « The Document Foundation Blog .::. Size~: 24.48 KBJan 26 13:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] [CORRECTED URL] Samba 4 'will break desktop monopoly' #samba #linux #smb #unix #protocol #lockin / HT @carlopianaJan 26 13:05
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 26 13:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @fabsh Yes! ACK! Google indexing all my mail is like so cool and stuff! :-)Jan 26 13:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @boycottnovell: Links 26/1/2011: #Mageia Comes Soon, Fedora Hack Explained #techrightsJan 26 13:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @schestowitz: [CORRECTED URL] Samba 4 'will break desktop monopoly' #samba #linux #smb #unix #protocol #lockin ...Jan 26 13:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 26/1/2011: Mageia Comes Soon, Fedora Hack Explained | Techrights .::. Size~: 172.36 KBJan 26 13:10
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 26 13:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @jwildeboer I have no problem with Google indexing that, obviously. Also, I was talking about the client.Jan 26 13:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @schestowitz: #Unix dynamic duo awarded Japan Prize #Apple & #Linux make #UNIX a standard while #Symbian and Win32 dieJan 26 13:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @schestowitz: Human Love, Probe;Two New Short Films Using #Blender for VFX[Video Trailer] for those who loved #silnerJan 26 13:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Unix dynamic duo awarded Japan Prize • The Register .::. Size~: 22.29 KBJan 26 13:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Human Love, Probe - Two New Short Films Using Blender for VFX[Video Trailer] | Tech Drive-in .::. Size~: 45.96 KBJan 26 13:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @schestowitz: Mozilla Releases #Firefox 4 Beta 10 #mozilla deliversJan 26 13:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @schestowitz: Review: #LinuxMint 10 Julia Gnome – With Screenshots "Linux Mint 10 is worth a try." #gnu #linuxJan 26 13:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @schestowitz: 5 Best Video Game Console Emulators for #Linux 26 13:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mozilla Releases Firefox 4 Beta 10 | ConceivablyTech .::. Size~: 36.17 KBJan 26 13:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Review: Linux Mint 10 Julia Gnome – With Screenshots - Tech .::. Size~: 82.93 KBJan 26 13:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 5 Best Video Game Console Emulators for Linux | TechSource .::. Size~: 99.78 KBJan 26 13:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] #Samba 4 'will break desktop monopoly' v @schestowitz #linuxJan 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 26 13:15
*jwildeboer (~jwildeboe@nat/redhat/x-bsbkymshcubtaklp) has joined #techrightsJan 26 13:16
schestowitzPreparing for the Future of Open Source....Jan 26 13:16
jwildeboerHad to giggle.Jan 26 13:17
jwildeboer"Florian Mueller, an intellectual property activist who has thoughtfully declined to declare himself an expert"Jan 26 13:17
jwildeboer 26 13:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Everything You Need to Know About Oracle v. Google  |  Analysis  |  The Mac Observer .::. Size~: 69.62 KBJan 26 13:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] @schestowitz definitely better ;-) Glad that this is in part due to the commitment we agreed w/ Microsoft following T-201/04 :-)Jan 26 13:21
schestowitzjwildeboer: he is linked in Apple sitesJan 26 13:23
schestowitzI think he linked to one earlier todayJan 26 13:23
schestowitzThe hypePhone fans may like his wordJan 26 13:23
schestowitzEd Bought et al. do tooJan 26 13:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] “Open Collaboration” Symposium Hosted by #Microsoft bossing International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration?Jan 26 13:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] “Open Collaboration” Symposium Hosted by #MSFT bossing International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration?Jan 26 13:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: “Open Collaboration” Symposium Hosted by Microsoft | Techrights .::. Size~: 97.69 KBJan 26 13:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: “Open Collaboration” Symposium Hosted by Microsoft | Techrights .::. Size~: 97.69 KBJan 26 13:23
jwildeboerFlorian has to move along. He is a kind of WamBamThankYouMam guy. One shot max per recipient. When they do their due diligence they notice how fake it all is.Jan 26 13:25
jwildeboer 26 13:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle:              Mueller is forced to back off android copyright infringement claims- The Inquirer           .::. Size~: 70.03 KBJan 26 13:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] Getting ready for talk on Free Software policy issues at Univ. of Trento, Italy. Starts at 16:00 26 13:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] The talk is open to the public, so join us if you're close by.Jan 26 13:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[maymaym/@maymaym] "Bradley Manning situation exposes wanton #homophobia of those on the right" /via @Asher_Wolf !GLBT #FreeBrad !wikileaksJan 26 13:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Events .::. Size~: 272.48 KBJan 26 13:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bradley Manning situation exposes wanton homophobia of  those on the right «  SpeakEasy .::. Size~: 46.9 KBJan 26 13:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] European Parliament wants new Web TV system Will we finally be able to view streams in #freesoftware?Jan 26 13:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] "Mueller is forced to back off Android copyright infringement claims" "Echos Microsoft's message " #nuffsaidJan 26 13:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Service contract - 25468-2011 - TED Tenders Electronic Daily .::. Size~: 76.2 KBJan 26 13:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle:              Mueller is forced to back off android copyright infringement claims- The Inquirer           .::. Size~: 70.03 KBJan 26 13:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @karsten If we ask for it. Loud enough.Jan 26 13:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] Working of #community stuff, see it being translated in #Chinese on #piratepad. Wow... continues learning for meJan 26 13:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] "[Mueller, ] The noisy proprietary software advocate [...]" 26 13:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] Too bad #piratepad is too heavy for the #n810Jan 26 13:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle:              Mueller is forced to back off android copyright infringement claims- The Inquirer           .::. Size~: 70.03 KBJan 26 13:31
jwildeboerRead the comments on that inquirer article.Jan 26 13:33
jwildeboer[littlefloodwarn]Jan 26 13:33
jwildeboerMueller: what is your relationship with M. McLoughlinJan 26 13:33
jwildeboerDirect question for F. Mueller, will you describe your relationship with MSFT's M. McLoughlin:Jan 26 13:33
jwildeboerI did a screen cap in Feb. 2010 of twitter friends of Kevin McBride (the lawyer brother of SCO's Darl McBride).Jan 26 13:33
jwildeboerHe had 2 friends: you (Florian Mueller) and Microsoft's McLoughlin.Jan 26 13:33
jwildeboerMcLoughlin's bio is:Jan 26 13:33
jwildeboerMichael McLoughlin. McLoughlin isJan 26 13:33
jwildeboer* Director, Enterprise Markets, Office ofJan 26 13:33
jwildeboerStrategic Relations at MicrosoftJan 26 13:33
jwildeboer* Board Member atJan 26 13:33
jwildeboerOpen Computing AllianceJan 26 13:33
jwildeboer[/littleFloodWarn]Jan 26 13:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] @jwildeboer I'd love to see a bunch of Free Software offers submitted for thisJan 26 13:35
schestowitzjwildeboer: hiJan 26 13:40
*schestowitz reads aboveJan 26 13:40
schestowitzbtw, see 26 13:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mono Vs Fedora: More Facts, less opinions | Cleiton Lima .::. Size~: 46.25 KBJan 26 13:40
schestowitz[13:25] <jwildeboer> Florian has to move along. He is a kind of WamBamThankYouMam guy. One shot max per recipient.Jan 26 13:41
schestowitzPatented Florian Mullet algo:Jan 26 13:41
schestowitzOpen gmail, log inJan 26 13:41
schestowitz1. copy and paste template, add name of journalist from long list, mailJan 26 13:41
schestowitzChange name of recipient, add quote for "quick addition" to article, change name after "dear"Jan 26 13:42
schestowitz2. Repeat (1)Jan 26 13:42
schestowitzGo to ArsJan 26 13:42
schestowitzPost some troll comment, fuel blogspot FUDJan 26 13:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] @jwildeboer I still can't bring myself to give him publicity by responding.Jan 26 13:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @karsten let's try to get the right peeps together at FOSDEM for that!Jan 26 13:43
schestowitzList={ars|lwn|/..|other|to_be_extended.asp}Jan 26 13:43
schestowitzpop(list)Jan 26 13:43
schestowitzRepeat above, change phrasing in troll replyJan 26 13:44
schestowitz3. See chaos in blogsJan 26 13:44
schestowitz4. Profit! (Ballmer ka-ching)Jan 26 13:44
schestowitz5. if {credibility_lost();} client.makeChange;Jan 26 13:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Fanless 3-watt PC with Dual Core ARM CPU, HDMI and !Linux !green >> I hope it not manufactured on annexed West bank landJan 26 13:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fanless 3-watt PC with Dual Core ARM CPU, HDMI and Linux - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 40.91 KBJan 26 13:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #WebUpd8: Y !PPA Manager 0.0.5, Released 26 13:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Y PPA Manager 0.0.5, Released ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 54.08 KBJan 26 13:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kirschner/@kirschner] looking forward to see you at #fosdem Will also giva a talk !fsfe !gnu See you there!Jan 26 13:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: .::. Size~: 23.91 KBJan 26 13:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @rejon Very cool! !Ostatus for wordpress plugin! via @evan@evan.status.netJan 26 13:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: WordPress › OStatus for WordPress « WordPress Plugins .::. Size~: 20.77 KBJan 26 13:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Using Twitter to unblock #Twitter! : How to log in to blocked twitter in #Egypt < Damn clever via @Selnadeem @guybergerJan 26 14:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   how to log in to blocked twitter in egypt .::. Size~: 44.25 KBJan 26 14:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[opensourceway/@opensourceway] What does Google's management change say about the open source way? | #opensourceJan 26 14:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: What does Google's management change say about the open source way? | .::. Size~: 46.64 KBJan 26 14:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Good News for #Linux : #Apple Annoys Everyone and #Microsoft Cannot Catch up With Apple #androidJan 26 14:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Good News for #Linux : #Apple Annoys Everyone and #Microsoft Cannot Catch up With Apple #mobile #eu #drm #antirustJan 26 14:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Michael McLoughlin, Kevin McBride, and Florian Müller #mobbyist #sco #swpats #android #linuxJan 26 14:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Michael McLoughlin, Kevin McBride, and Florian Müller #mobbyist #sco #swpats also see 26 14:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] The letter @neeliekroesEU wrote to hungarian government - #neelieRocksJan 26 14:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Good News for Linux: Apple Annoys Everyone and Microsoft Cannot Catch up With Apple | Techrights .::. Size~: 103.01 KBJan 26 14:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Good News for Linux: Apple Annoys Everyone and Microsoft Cannot Catch up With Apple | Techrights .::. Size~: 103.01 KBJan 26 14:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Michael McLoughlin, Kevin McBride, and Florian Müller | Techrights .::. Size~: 101.83 KBJan 26 14:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Michael McLoughlin, Kevin McBride, and Florian Müller | Techrights .::. Size~: 101.83 KBJan 26 14:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Florian Müller - Techrights .::. Size~: 17.18 KBJan 26 14:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Szolgáltató: Google Dokumentumok .::. Size~: 43.46 KBJan 26 14:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @jwildeboer: "Mueller forced to back off Android copyright infringement claims" "Echos Microsoft's message " #nuffsaidJan 26 14:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Given an interview to #ITA financial newspaper on wi-fi security after abolition of restraints. One of the dullest topics ever ;-)Jan 26 14:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle:              Mueller is forced to back off android copyright infringement claims- The Inquirer           .::. Size~: 70.03 KBJan 26 14:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @karsten: European Parliament wants new Web TV system Will we finally be able to view streams in #freesoftware?Jan 26 14:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Service contract - 25468-2011 - TED Tenders Electronic Daily .::. Size~: 76.31 KBJan 26 14:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Because I don't have enough distraction, I grew an habit of leaving my web logs rolling in bckgrnd. How many bots are out there?!Jan 26 14:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Probably the worst !Ubuntu !Unity reladed article ever false statements & nonsense by Jack M. Germain on Technology NewsJan 26 14:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Welcome to TechNewsWorld .::. Size~: 3.33 KBJan 26 14:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] RT @markey ♺ @sebas: !KDE releases 4.6.0: Activities, mobile profile, faceted browsing, and more! ...Jan 26 14:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: KDE - KDE Puts You In Control with New Workspaces, Applications and Platform .::. Size~: 18.78 KBJan 26 14:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] Invitation to W3C Germany and Austria Office Opening 26 14:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle:           W3C News Archive: 2011        W3C    .::. Size~: 24.25 KBJan 26 14:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @mwkn: Announce: FastSMSEvo: system-wide #Maemo virtual portrait keyboard #maemoJan 26 14:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Apparently a good mariachi band should be able to play at least a 1000 tunes on demand. impressive. #musicJan 26 14:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty - - Talk .::. Size~: 67.19 KBJan 26 14:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jankusanagi/@jankusanagi] ♻ @jrepin: #KDE software compilation 4.6 released! → !elotroladoJan 26 14:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: KDE - KDE Puts You In Control with New Workspaces, Applications and Platform .::. Size~: 18.78 KBJan 26 14:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Dear Ubuntu, why the windows grab area is just 1px wide? Can't we have 10px, mabe only near the corners?Jan 26 14:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I've just checked in at Clara-Schumann-Gymnasium #4sqJan 26 14:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] #GPU accelerated #SSL #Proxy 26 14:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Patent Cartels Galore: #RPX IPO, #Acacia Moves Racketeering Operation to Texas #swpats #cartelJan 26 14:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Patent Cartels Galore: #RPX IPO, #Acacia Moves Racketeering Operation to Texas #uspto #microsoftJan 26 14:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: foursquare       :: Clara-Schumann-Gymnasium       :: Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia        .::. Size~: 21.58 KBJan 26 14:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  SSLShader - GPU-accelerated SSL Proxy  .::. Size~: 8.01 KBJan 26 14:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Patent Cartels Galore: RPX IPO, Acacia Moves Racketeering Operation to Texas | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.82 KBJan 26 14:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Patent Cartels Galore: RPX IPO, Acacia Moves Racketeering Operation to Texas | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.82 KBJan 26 14:38
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 14:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] "Gesäßvioline" - made my day. #nerdcoreJan 26 14:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   More LULZ from the Eurowebz: Zweite Abmahnung for nothing - Crackajack .::. Size~: 68.38 KBJan 26 14:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @carlopiana Good point it does make it a bit fiddly.Jan 26 14:53
*draoan has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jan 26 14:56
*draoan ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 14:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] @schestowitz The New York Times May Start Its Own Version of WikiLeaks 26 15:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The New York Times May Start Its Own Version of WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 85.65 KBJan 26 15:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Michael Arrington Says Someone Is Ruining His Blog (Valleywag): 26 15:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Michael Arrington Says Someone Is Ruining His Blog .::. Size~: 96.59 KBJan 26 15:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] A forger of my identity in #reddit has finally been terminated (after I filed a complaint) That's the second time.Jan 26 15:10
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyJan 26 15:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @joabj @schestowitz The New York Times May Start Its Own Version of WikiLeaks 26 15:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The New York Times May Start Its Own Version of WikiLeaks .::. Size~: 85.65 KBJan 26 15:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @joabj Michael Arrington Says Someone Is Ruining His Blog (Valleywag): 26 15:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[torproject/@torproject] Dear DOJ, thanks for promoting Tor via mandatory data retention, it's worked well in other countries like Sweden, UK, France, and Germany.Jan 26 15:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @joabj Michael Arrington used 2 run stealthy ads,whereby he'd plant some reference 2 a company and pretend it was content,e.g."people-ready"Jan 26 15:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Michael Arrington Says Someone Is Ruining His Blog .::. Size~: 96.59 KBJan 26 15:13
schestowitz 26 15:13
TechrightsBot-tr@Sander (sandersch)'s status on Wednesday, 26-Jan-11 15:08:12 UTC - @schestowitz You mean he is RIP?Jan 26 15:13
schestowitz 26 15:13
TechrightsBot-tr@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Wednesday, 26-Jan-11 15:10:21 UTC - @sandersch probably more nyms to comeJan 26 15:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harvalah/@harvalah] * schestowitz Yes! That was my feeling and that's why I never respond to comments; not even to direct questions.Jan 26 15:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] com ms-silverlight? NÃO OBRIGADO! Mas esta gente desconhece que existem novos browsers com suporte a #HTML5 #ogg?Jan 26 15:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  .::. Size~: 16.91 KBJan 26 15:20
jwildeboerHehe. How I would describe Florian: "It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." (Mark Twain)Jan 26 15:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Windows and #SUSE a Pair 26 15:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] #Windows and #SUSE a Pair #ballnux #dell #swpatsJan 26 15:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Windows and SUSE a Pair | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.74 KBJan 26 15:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Windows and SUSE a Pair | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.74 KBJan 26 15:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @harvalah you cannot assume the readers will return to check for responsesJan 26 15:23
schestowitzjwildeboer: if in doubt, check the manualJan 26 15:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] And yet another #Android #Fail - - no SNI support. Hrmbl.Jan 26 15:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Issue 12908 -   android -    Https websites that support Server Name Indication (SNI) don't work - Project Hosting on Google Code .::. Size~: 16.82 KBJan 26 15:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !OMG: !Ubuntu 10.10 Software Center to add ratings and reviews in February 26 15:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ubuntu 10.10 Software Center to add ratings and reviews in February .::. Size~: 62.48 KBJan 26 15:36
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 26 15:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] @karsten hope the talk is going well, I need to talk to you ASAP WRT what we spoke about in December...Jan 26 15:41
*jwildeboer has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 26 15:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Doubts in #OpenSUSE #novell #suse #microsoft #gnu #linux #sepatsJan 26 15:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Doubts in #OpenSUSE #novell #suse #swpatsJan 26 15:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Doubts in OpenSUSE | Techrights .::. Size~: 104.41 KBJan 26 15:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Doubts in OpenSUSE | Techrights .::. Size~: 104.41 KBJan 26 15:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ender2070/@ender2070] THE #US is pissed, #UN Expert says it covered up 9/11 attack - 26 15:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] RT @lstench !Linux is a win-win for !education | Blogs | ZDNet UK - 26 15:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: AFP: US fury over UN expert's 9/11 'cover-up' claims .::. Size~: 11.19 KBJan 26 15:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux is a win-win for education | Blogs | ZDNet UK .::. Size~: 11.6 KBJan 26 15:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] what's the point in taxing big corps, they use creative accounting to avoid paying it anyway 26 16:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - MSPs vote down 'Tesco tax' plan ahead of budget vote .::. Size~: 61 KBJan 26 16:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] where would we be without GNU insisting on the language we must use? the world would fall apart and my shoelaces would untie ZOMG!!!Jan 26 16:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Anime Distributor Launches Piracy Assault, Sues 1337 BitTorrent Users - "made their way into the generally very liberal anime industry"Jan 26 16:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[opensourceway/@opensourceway] State of the Union: Is collaboration boring? | #sotuJan 26 16:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: State of the Union: Is collaboration boring? | .::. Size~: 42.8 KBJan 26 16:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Amazon Launches Its Collection Of Short Works, Kindle Singles - the $4.99 price of some is crazy #ebooksJan 26 16:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Amazon Launches Its Collection Of Short Works, Kindle Singles  .::. Size~: 62.21 KBJan 26 16:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] ♻ @piracy 40 former #Guantanamo detainees formed a committee calling for the quick release of fellow Afghans remaining 26 16:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Canadian Press: Index .::. Size~: 6.49 KBJan 26 16:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Transparency In The State of The Union address - interesting analysis from unusual point of view #usJan 26 16:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Transparency In The SOTU - Sunlight Foundation .::. Size~: 22.54 KBJan 26 16:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Musical Chairs At The Major Record Labels - musical chairs on the deck of the Titanic, that is...Jan 26 16:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Musical Chairs At The Major Record Labels | Techdirt .::. Size~: 58.62 KBJan 26 16:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Data markets aren't coming. They're already here - and they're gonna be big #dataJan 26 16:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Dubai's artificial islands "sinking" - symbolic much? #dubaiJan 26 16:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @TonyClement_MP: Standing beside @ariannahuff by the coffee bar, awaiting an interview with Indian TV Station...#wef momentJan 26 16:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Data markets aren't coming. They're already here - O'Reilly Radar .::. Size~: 51.12 KBJan 26 16:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dubai's artificial islands "sinking" - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 44.09 KBJan 26 16:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @thetecheye: Royal Household faces the Fax - Dragging itself kicking and screaming into the 19th century #hardwareJan 26 16:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Comment: Royal Household faces the Fax - Dragging itself kicking and screaming into the 19th century  | TechEye .::. Size~: 23.14 KBJan 26 16:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] From #UNIX Battles to .NET Battles #dotnet #mono #novell #scoJan 26 16:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] From #UNIX Battles to .NET Battles #dotnet #mono #novell #sco #swpatsJan 26 16:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @schestowitz: My new lab has a 3-D scanner and a new supercomputer with many GPUs. Might have to switch distros.Jan 26 16:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: From UNIX Battles to .NET Battles | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.11 KBJan 26 16:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: From UNIX Battles to .NET Battles | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.11 KBJan 26 16:23
schestowitz 26 16:24
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: @schestowitz my withers are unwrungJan 26 16:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @jwildeboer: ♺ @aprica: RT @Berlaymont: EU Observer: Kroes issues Hungary ultimatum on media law 26 16:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: EUobserver / Kroes gives Hungary an ultimatum on media law .::. Size~: 19.19 KBJan 26 16:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laforge/@laforge] working on e-mail backlog dating back as far as early december 2010. I really need some clones to keep upJan 26 16:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @schestowitz: ♺ @hazzy "Jesse Ventura slams #TSA with lawsuit" 26 16:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jesse Ventura slams TSA with lawsuit - .::. Size~: 39.15 KBJan 26 16:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] US fury over UN expert's 9/11 'cover-up' claims I do not agree with him, but sacking and cursing are never the answerJan 26 16:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: AFP: US fury over UN expert's 9/11 'cover-up' claims .::. Size~: 11.19 KBJan 26 16:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] There is a sort of 'Streisand effect' where by trying to squash a certain bad *opinion* you only make it stronger, add mystique to itJan 26 16:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Retaliation against people for *opinions* is a form of (self)censorship, which harms people's freedom through threat/fear.Jan 26 16:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] People can be discredited for saying that they saw Elvis alive in 2011 but not for saying that they feel presence of "God" or speak to it.Jan 26 16:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @debbieohi: My iPad keeps trying to change the word 'patdown' to 'putdown' :-D - Joy of TSA #TSAJan 26 16:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] People's whose opinions are silly are discrediting themselves. There is no need to prosecute or to silence them. #censorship brings flak.Jan 26 16:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Logistic is bugging me and I am unable to come to #FOSDEM. That sucks :-/Jan 26 16:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Naxos Guitar Collections on #Spotify - 48 hours of guitar music: what a frightening thought...Jan 26 16:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Basque Parliment using #Drupal \o/ 26 16:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Kroes gives Hungary an ultimatum on media law #orban #tyranny #censorship #mediagagJan 26 16:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] Pre-Paid Legal Services®, Inc. is really trying to kill their reputation by using Twitterspam. Stupid Twitterspam at that.Jan 26 16:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Spotify Classical Playlists: Naxos Guitar Collections on Spotify .::. Size~: 82.44 KBJan 26 16:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Basque Parliament using Drupal | Dries Buytaert .::. Size~: 11.46 KBJan 26 16:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: EUobserver / Kroes gives Hungary an ultimatum on media law .::. Size~: 19.19 KBJan 26 16:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] There is no need to illegalise senility or lies. Liars take themselves out of the 'gene pool', fugitively speaking.Jan 26 16:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] @carlopiana That really sucks, Carlo. Now who will keep me out of jail?Jan 26 16:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Playing for health .via @ffiiJan 26 16:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] Visa investigation has found no proof that Wikileaks is breaking the law - will they send Wikileaks money? 26 16:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Playing for health | euronews, futuris .::. Size~: 47.79 KBJan 26 16:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: No proof WikiLeaks breaking law, inquiry finds .::. Size~: 81.43 KBJan 26 16:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @FFII Does #Egypt also block ? >> not AFAIK, people with accounts should use them too (use "Connect" feature to merge)Jan 26 16:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @ender2070 That would be great. The more, the merrier.Jan 26 16:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @thistleweb: Tommy Sheridan gets 3 yrs for perjury; gotta be a new record, a politician actually punished for lying instead of rewardedJan 26 16:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @schestowitz I think even if they did it wouldn't be an issue if identica was blocked, you just set up your own serverJan 26 16:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @satipera There's a lot of that going on. We believe the people who trashed the cop car at the G20 were cops. #G8 #G20Jan 26 16:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #RedHat reports deal with Denmark's Sparbank #jboss #denmarkJan 26 16:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @jwildeboer: "[Mueller, ] The noisy proprietary software advocate [...]" 26 16:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Red Hat reports deal with Denmark's Sparbank  .::. Size~: 28.92 KBJan 26 16:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle:              Mueller is forced to back off android copyright infringement claims- The Inquirer           .::. Size~: 69.45 KBJan 26 16:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] I completely feel your pain (thanks to @lilbernie) ♺ @carlopiana: Logistic is bugging me and I am unable to come to #FOSDEM. That sucks :-/Jan 26 16:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @jwildeboer Don't you mean 'Mueller, The suspected ADTI staffer'Jan 26 16:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @ender2070: THE #US is pissed, #UN Expert says it covered up 9/11 attack - 26 16:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: AFP: US fury over UN expert's 9/11 'cover-up' claims .::. Size~: 11.19 KBJan 26 16:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #RedHat upgraded 26 16:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Top Analyst Upgrades & Downgrades (BP, CIEN, IGT, JASO, MRO, MBI, RHT, CRM, STX, STM, STRA, TLAB, TSO, VZ, WDC) - 24/7 Wall St. .::. Size~: 66.03 KBJan 26 16:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT) was upgraded to Buy from Hold at Stifel Nicolaus and set a price target of $49." 26 16:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle:    Wednesday’s Upgraded Stocks (ERIC, INTC, CRM, RHT) .::. Size~: 25.25 KBJan 26 16:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @tekk it would be interesting to have a decntralised which can serve HTTP traffic directly from the user's PC to evade blacklistsJan 26 16:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Good news: Facebook provides HTTPS option (turn it on!) and intends to make it the default (ASAP, we hope!) 26 16:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: A Continued Commitment to Security | Facebook .::. Size~: 28.16 KBJan 26 16:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @themadhatter ADTI? Naah, you can do better ;-)Jan 26 17:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @schestowitz definitely. I'd help them out with my freenet node but apparently our isp is now throttling for thatJan 26 17:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @schestowitz and not just that port, all of the connection from this IPJan 26 17:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] RT @eff Good news: Facebook provides HTTPS option (turn it on!) and intends to make it the default (ASAP, we hope!) 26 17:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: A Continued Commitment to Security | Facebook .::. Size~: 28.16 KBJan 26 17:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] Indemnity Article Available/Disponível em Português: My article on the problem of indemnity requirements for ope... 26 17:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Why Is Civil Discourse So Important - Yet So Difficult #democracy #dissidenceJan 26 17:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Indemnity Article Available/Disponível em Português « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 53.86 KBJan 26 17:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Irving Wladawsky-Berger: Why Is Civil Discourse So Important - Yet So Difficult .::. Size~: 48.87 KBJan 26 17:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @webmink: Indemnity Article Available/Disponível em Português: My article on the problem of indemnity requirements... 26 17:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] I wonder if people think I use !fedora because I'm from #north_carolina ... hmmm ...Jan 26 17:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺@schestowitz:"Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT) was upgraded to Buy from Hold at Stifel Nicolaus and set a price target of $49." 26 17:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ☂ Indemnity Article Available/Disponível em Português « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 51.67 KBJan 26 17:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle:    Wednesday’s Upgraded Stocks (ERIC, INTC, CRM, RHT) .::. Size~: 25.25 KBJan 26 17:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] GlobaLeaks Wants To Be The #Bittorrent To #WikiLeaks’ Napster - "submissions through the anonymity service #Tor"Jan 26 17:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   GlobaLeaks Wants To Be The Bittorrent To WikiLeaks’ Napster - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes .::. Size~: 102.77 KBJan 26 17:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 2011: The Year of the #Linux #Tablet #hypepad #androidJan 26 17:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   2011: The Year of the Linux Tablet .::. Size~: 32.66 KBJan 26 17:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @ludost Envious place! Gives insights to move up north... RT @mvc: now that's a datacentre: 26 17:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Cisco Updates Small Business Networking Gear gradually getting more Penguin-friendlyJan 26 17:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Movie Studio Tells #BitTorrent Users: Turn Yourselves In! - well, at least they're trying something novelJan 26 17:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 500 Internal Server Error .::. Size~: 0.65 KBJan 26 17:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cisco Updates Small Business Networking Gear - .::. Size~: 66.76 KBJan 26 17:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle:    Movie Studio Tells BitTorrent Users: Turn Yourselves In! | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 32.63 KBJan 26 17:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @schestowitz How GPL compliant is Cisco ? Btw, Acronis has a tool(among others, I suppose) based on Linux. And they charge good $$$ 4 it.Jan 26 17:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] How a “Welded-to KDE3.5 User” Began a Move to KDE4.4 Part III “Konquering the Dolphin” !kdeJan 26 17:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LXer: How a “Welded-to KDE3.5 User” Began a Move to KDE4.4  Part III “Konquering the Dolphin” .::. Size~: 36.77 KBJan 26 17:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Buh Bye - "This Site Has Been Suspended" SCOwboys again. #scoJan 26 17:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Groklaw - Buh Bye - "This Site Has Been Suspended" .::. Size~: 34.53 KBJan 26 17:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Samba 4 'will break desktop monopoly' - "biggest shift in the development of the software"Jan 26 17:36
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 26 17:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @hypatiadotca Toronto Awesome Foundation on the cover of today's Star, including @hacklabto denizen Eric Boyd: 26 17:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Awesome Foundation offers cash for crazy ideas -  .::. Size~: 109.83 KBJan 26 17:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] @webmink hold on, I might have found an ubercool solution ;-)Jan 26 17:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @laurelrusswurm *gives tea* I forgot you were sick D:Jan 26 17:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #WindRiver teams with BMW and Magneti Marelli on infotainment system "based on the open source Genivi Alliance spec."Jan 26 17:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Wind River teams with BMW and Magneti Marelli on infotainment system - News - Linux for Devices .::. Size~: 56.59 KBJan 26 17:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @schestowitz Back in dread XP to get debut novel complete to keep fonts/formatting consistent w/1st proof... second novel will be UbuntuJan 26 17:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk thx ... i am finally getting betterJan 26 17:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rt @MarietjeD66 #EU needs to help amend #Tunisia's repressive laws, establish an ombudsman, & build Rule of Law and democratic institutionsJan 26 17:51
gnufreexcouldn't help but ask!/gnufreex/status/30321321137143808Jan 26 17:53
TechrightsBot-tr@gnufreex: @fosspatents do you plan on spewing some patent FUD? Just curious, since your copyright FUD backfired so badly.Jan 26 17:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Introducing TEDBooks - "less than 20,000 words each", priced at $2.99 each. Interesting #ebook short form emergingJan 26 17:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺@glynmoody: GlobaLeaks Wants 2 B The #Bittorrent 2 #WikiLeaks’ Napster - "submissions through the anonymity srvc #Tor"Jan 26 17:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @laurelrusswurm Nice to hear you are feeling better. If you put garlic near your xp comp rumour has it that it will run better.Jan 26 17:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: TED Blog | Introducing TEDBooks .::. Size~: 39.1 KBJan 26 17:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   GlobaLeaks Wants To Be The Bittorrent To WikiLeaks’ Napster - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes .::. Size~: 102.68 KBJan 26 17:53
*Quadrescence has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 26 17:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @laurelrusswurm guess I was a bit late then, wasn't I? :PJan 26 17:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @satipera @laurelrusswurm Nice to hear you are feeling better. If you put garlic near your xp comp rumour has it that it will run better.Jan 26 17:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @satipera like a vampire protection :DJan 26 17:58
*Quadrescence ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @laurelrusswurm Yes, it makes the malware nervous :)Jan 26 18:01
*Quadrescence has quit (Changing host)Jan 26 18:01
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jankusanagi/@jankusanagi] !elotroladoJan 26 18:01
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJan 26 18:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @satipera @laurelrusswurm There's an easy solution to malwares: 26 18:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk nope. Tea is still good anyway. Very soothing. Normally I take milk w/tea (neutralize tannic acid) but still on honey regimenJan 26 18:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Download | Ubuntu .::. Size~: 60.69 KBJan 26 18:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @agentsmith Yes mate but Laurel needs xp for font continuity, second novel will be written on #FlossJan 26 18:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] I Have Been Summoned to Appear Before a Grand Jury innocent people who oppose #warcrime get witch-hunted in the USJan 26 18:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Maureen Murphy: I Have Been Summoned to Appear Before a Grand Jury .::. Size~: 151.35 KBJan 26 18:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Report Condemns Widespread Tolerance for Torturers inquisition under a new bannerJan 26 18:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @glynmoody Sounds good except $2.99 is a reasonable retail price for full length novel.Jan 26 18:08
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URLJan 26 18:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] !android phone is having a mad 15 minutes. Sound dead then rebooted of its own accord.Jan 26 18:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @trmanco Visa's investigation has found no proof that Wikileaks is breaking the law -- a report by AP's Raphael Satter 26 18:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @laurelrusswurm ah, I normally take mine straightJan 26 18:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @satipera Good, glad to hear that. I also use XP, because of job. But in a VM. ;-DJan 26 18:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @qu1j0t3: @trashbird1240 M$ are pretty relevant when everybody expects me to use their software // that's not "relevance", it's coercionJan 26 18:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: No proof WikiLeaks breaking law, inquiry finds .::. Size~: 83.4 KBJan 26 18:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] My #visa card is cancelled. I cancelled it.Jan 26 18:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @trmanco: Obama may get power to shut down Internet without court oversight | Raw Story 26 18:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @kov: Usa NET ou Claro? Pare de dar dinheiro a quem não respeita seu direito à informação, troque de operadora 26 18:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Obama may get power to shut down Internet without court oversight |  Raw Story .::. Size~: 45.59 KBJan 26 18:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   A Claro, o CMI, a justiça e eu | Trezentos .::. Size~: 14.41 KBJan 26 18:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Huzzah phone can process sound again, I have music.Jan 26 18:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Canada regulator OKs metered Internet billing bits are not water... bad precedence in #canadaJan 26 18:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      Canada regulator OKs metered Internet billing | Canada | Reuters  .::. Size~: 30.11 KBJan 26 18:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Canada: Where Innovation Comes To Die .::. Size~: 25.57 KBJan 26 18:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk I used to, but I've gotten older ( !silver ) , better care of my digestive tract is called for :(Jan 26 18:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @lxoliva É o limite de download ? Se for tem dica.Jan 26 18:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @trmanco: Two Toronto Police Officers Guilty Of Assaulting A Disabled Man - 26 18:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #policestate: ♺ @schestowitz: ♻ @trmanco: #Obama may get power to shut down Internet without court oversight | Raw Story 26 18:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @agentsmith I never thought of recommending that, oh well the main thing is another MS install is on its way out.Jan 26 18:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Two Toronto Police Officers Guilty Of Assaulting A Disabled Man - CityNews .::. Size~: 58.2 KBJan 26 18:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Obama may get power to shut down Internet without court oversight |  Raw Story .::. Size~: 45.59 KBJan 26 18:15
*Quadrescence has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 26 18:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #tips: ♺ @climagic: echo $(( $( date +%s ) / 86400 )) # Show the current epoch day. ;-)Jan 26 18:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Civil liberty campaigners fear 'control orders lite' regime #uk crushes even pro-rights groupsJan 26 18:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Civil liberty campaigners fear 'control orders lite' regime | Law | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 127.66 KBJan 26 18:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @laurelrusswurm ah....still nice to know that you can use milk to neutralize the tannic acid thoughJan 26 18:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @trmanco why not use the identica account? use the "Connect" option (it links the two accounts). @qu1j0t3 should too.Jan 26 18:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @satipera Oh, at least tell her to write her next novel in Libre Office, and, start to get used to LO.Jan 26 18:20
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Germany urges drug companies to boycott US executions profiting from the controversial death penaltyJan 26 18:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Germany urges drug companies to boycott US executions | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 25.01.2011 .::. Size~: 35.8 KBJan 26 18:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] enough slacking off, to #schoolwork !Jan 26 18:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] "...leaves us wondering if we will be prosecuted for our work to promote peace and freedom"~ President Carter #Speech !qJan 26 18:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Unix inventor Ken Thompson wins prestigious Japan Prize (Network World): 26 18:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] CS pioneer Donald Knuth releases long-awaited volume 4 of "The Art of Computer Programming" (Network World): 26 18:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Maureen Murphy: I Have Been Summoned to Appear Before a Grand Jury .::. Size~: 151.35 KBJan 26 18:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Inventors of Unix win prestigious Japan Prize .::. Size~: 123.01 KBJan 26 18:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CS pioneer Knuth releases long-awaited textbook .::. Size~: 119.16 KBJan 26 18:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Climate sceptic 'misled Congress over funding from oil industry' #enemiesofsearth #climate #bigoilJan 26 18:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Climate sceptic 'misled Congress over funding from oil industry' | Environment |  .::. Size~: 209.98 KBJan 26 18:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] When a government is run by Big Oil people (e.g. Rice, Cheney, Bush), does it matter to them if they get deceived by the Kochs? A feature?Jan 26 18:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] TechRights: Leaked Government Document Shows Investigative Journalists Classed Among “Terrorists” #techr #FreeSpeechJan 26 18:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Leaked Government Document Shows Investigative Journalists Classed Among “Terrorists” | Techrights .::. Size~: 104.66 KBJan 26 18:30
*Quadrescence has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 26 18:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rt @elizabethkarr When Churchill was asked to cut arts funding in favor of the war effort, he replied, "Then what are we fighting for?"Jan 26 18:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] PISD is attacking Open Access Are they PISseD? Science is all about sharing knowledge? #OpenAccessJan 26 18:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PISD: Partnership for Integrity in Scientific Dis-semination .::. Size~: 10.96 KBJan 26 18:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Why are Intel buying further into a declining MS market? #securityJan 26 18:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rt @exiledsurfer ♺ @AustinHeap Austin Heap Well known activist & colleague #AhmedSalah arrested today in #Egypt following mass demos #Jan25Jan 26 18:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Intel wins conditional EU approval for McAfee deal | Reuters  .::. Size~: 73.45 KBJan 26 18:35
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @agentsmith 1st novel written in OpenOffice, on Ubuntu laptop, but had to convert on XP computer to be able to upload 2 internet ..Jan 26 18:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @agentsmith 2nd novel is fully OO right now, but will be fully Ubuntu & LibreOffice when done.Jan 26 18:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Could be taken wrong way, I am fed up of hearing about the holocaust, it has been used to excuse bad behaviour since. 26 18:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google widens access to Israel's Holocaust archives | Reuters  .::. Size~: 72.04 KBJan 26 18:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Despite !WikiLeaks drama, State Dept promotes documentary celebrating Pentagon Papers leaker #hypocrisyJan 26 18:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Canadian Press: Despite WikiLeaks drama, State Dept promotes documentary celebrating Pentagon Papers leaker .::. Size~: 10 KBJan 26 18:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 6 Popular VOIP Software for #Linux that You Might Not Know 26 18:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 6 Popular VOIP Software for Linux that You Might Not Know .::. Size~: 47.77 KBJan 26 18:50
*the_hemimaniac has quit (Quit: I was raided by the FBI and all I got to keep was this lousy quit message!)Jan 26 18:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @satipera No one remembers the OTHER 6 million... We must remember and LEARN from history; but you're right ⇒1 Evil does NOT excuse anotherJan 26 18:51
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @laurelrusswurm Gr8!!! Glad to hear it!!!Jan 26 18:53
*hemimaniac has quit (Client Quit)Jan 26 18:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @themadhatter @glynmoody Does Microsoft know what a wiki is?Jan 26 18:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] "Oracle Financial Data Warehouse" (Oracle): 26 18:55
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting Application/pdf typeJan 26 18:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @laurelrusswurm: You put it much better than I did.Jan 26 18:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Tunisia plants country-wide keystroke logger on #Facebook #windows #malwareJan 26 19:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tunisia plants country-wide keystroke logger on Facebook • The Register .::. Size~: 24.54 KBJan 26 19:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Police State Watch !Canada is a nonpartisan resource wiki re: policing and justice concerns #cdnpoliJan 26 19:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  .::. Size~: 0.59 KBJan 26 19:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Police State Watch Canada | Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 24.67 KBJan 26 19:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] !KDE 4.6.0 Has Arrived 26 19:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @trmanco @ender2070 fair enough, but if you use the "Connect" option, it need not take more time to post in both.Jan 26 19:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Much use leads me to question just how random the !android standard music player is in random mode. It seems to get stuck in grooves.Jan 26 19:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] KDE 4.6.0 Has Arrived .::. Size~: 16.6 KBJan 26 19:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] This unwanted interruption is brought to you by the #RIAA "The influences that shape new musical trends are diffuse..."Jan 26 19:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Fortnightly Review › This unwanted interruption is brought to you by the RIAA. .::. Size~: 34.44 KBJan 26 19:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Security advisories for Wednesday 26 19:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Security advisories for Wednesday [] .::. Size~: 6.62 KBJan 26 19:15
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJan 26 19:18
sebsebseboh who is mandybuntu ?Jan 26 19:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] zen blog: Results of the App Installer meeting, and some thoughts on cross-distro collaboration 26 19:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Results of the App Installer meeting, and some thoughts on cross-distro collaboration - journal zen - par Vincent .::. Size~: 27.87 KBJan 26 19:20
sebsebsebgnufreex:  MinceR schestowitz Heh heh in a way at all these people who think Jono Bacon is so great,  just had a little of that kind of thing again I guessJan 26 19:20
gnufreexWho cares about Mono bacon?Jan 26 19:21
sebsebsebgnufreex: uhmm well many people I guess, since his ustream gets a lot of viewersJan 26 19:22
sebsebsebplus quite a lot read his blogJan 26 19:22
sebsebsebanyway his ustream isn't on this week, and again we don't know whyJan 26 19:22
gnufreexFOSSpatens gets lots of hits, but not because anyone likes himJan 26 19:22
sebsebsebwho's that?Jan 26 19:22
MinceRFlorid MuppetJan 26 19:22
MinceRsebsebseb: what was that "little of that kind of thing" about mono bacon?Jan 26 19:23
sebsebsebsomeone was like to me,  but he doesn't get paid to do his ustream and its after workJan 26 19:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] KDE 4.6 released 26 19:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: KDE 4.6 released [] .::. Size~: 6.68 KBJan 26 19:23
sebsebseband I was like uhmm its at 11am his time, which is working hours for may peopleJan 26 19:23
sebsebseband I also said thatJan 26 19:23
sebsebsebalso there are many people who do great things when it comes to opensource/freesoftware :)  who never get paid for any of itJan 26 19:24
MinceR:>Jan 26 19:24
sebsebsebI guess this person didn't know what I meant really,  I meant like,  you know all those amazing volunters for software and other distrosJan 26 19:24
sebsebsebI didn't explain what I meant, but yeah, so many people sucked into all the Ubuntu hypeJan 26 19:24
sebsebsebthat don't really know much about opensource/freesoftware in general hmmJan 26 19:24
sebsebsebkind of sad reallyJan 26 19:25
sebsebsebwell it is reallyJan 26 19:25
sebsebsebplus if more people actsually knew about things,  I think all the popular distros, would have nearly about the same amount of usersJan 26 19:25
MinceRcanonical is accumulating people who "don't really know much about opensource/freesoftware in general"Jan 26 19:25
sebsebsebMinceR: you mean catering for them, providing a distro for them?Jan 26 19:25
MinceRno, employing themJan 26 19:26
sebsebseboh? examples?Jan 26 19:26
MinceRand supporting them in trolling attemptsJan 26 19:26
gnufreexMono bacon don't even know what software is. He said on usteam that it is exteme and such.Jan 26 19:26
MinceRwell, there's mac asay, for exampleJan 26 19:26
sebsebsebgnufreex: every now and again people ask what other distros he would use instead of UbuntuJan 26 19:26
sebsebseband I have done it myself even in ustream beforeJan 26 19:26
sebsebseband he's like  if its not Debian, Fedora or OPenSuseJan 26 19:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] I installed Fuduntu on my EeePC for testing. I kinda like it, it looks nice and everything, but... well, it's just a Fedora, nothing specialJan 26 19:26
sebsebsebI wonder what I would have to ask before he says MandrivaJan 26 19:26
sebsebsebgnufreex: he said what on ustream?Jan 26 19:27
MinceRand even if some top executives profit from supporting m$'s plans (mono & etc.), most of the drones never willJan 26 19:27
sebsebsebI slightly wonder how technical he really is, because he doesn't want technical questions on his ustream for a startJan 26 19:27
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 19:27
gnufreexWhen they asked him difference between Free Software and Open Source, he was spining. Puting down FSF.Jan 26 19:27
MinceRmy impression was that he isn't technical at all :>Jan 26 19:27
sebsebsebplus he does community stuff,  which doesn't mean, he will know loads about the actsual programsJan 26 19:27
schestowitz[19:27] <sebsebseb> I slightly wonder how technical he really is, because he doesn't want technical questions on his ustream for a startJan 26 19:27
schestowitzhe's quite technicalJan 26 19:28
sebsebseband he has programmed before,  but  things didn't go that well I guess, or whatever, from some of what he has been saying on ustreamJan 26 19:28
gnufreexLike for example "FSF says that hardware shouldn work"Jan 26 19:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @schestowitz: 6 Popular VOIP Software for #Linux that You Might Not Know 26 19:28
sebsebsebhe did make Lemid though,  for open week and that,   if I remember correctly thats what its caleld, anyway I am quite sure I am correctJan 26 19:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 6 Popular VOIP Software for Linux that You Might Not Know .::. Size~: 47.73 KBJan 26 19:28
schestowitzgnufreex: he wouldn't say itJan 26 19:28
schestowitzWithin context maybe the end of it would say "...if it's non-free"Jan 26 19:28
sebsebsebthere's a video I haven't seen yet properly, about distros working together, so got to see it :)Jan 26 19:28
schestowitzJono is not the problemJan 26 19:29
schestowitzWeapon of Mass DistractionJan 26 19:29
gnufreexYeah, those people who are not exactly the problem make big problem when problematic types use them for their gain.Jan 26 19:29
sebsebsebJono Bacon seems like a nice guyJan 26 19:30
sebsebsebhowever really he is also the major Ubuntu hype guyJan 26 19:30
MinceRit's possible to be a part of the problem while being a nice guyJan 26 19:30
MinceRalso, that whole politeness/respect thing seems suspect to meJan 26 19:31
MinceRmaybe not due to what bacon doesJan 26 19:31
*sebsebseb will sometimes do Mint support :DJan 26 19:31
sebsebsebIRCJan 26 19:31
sebsebsebnot just for my distro family :DJan 26 19:31
tessierschestowitz: I created the public_html/techbytes dir and pointed the apache virtual host at it but I haven't restarted apache. We need to figure out what to copy into that dir and how it should be structured so the links work.Jan 26 19:31
*MinceR sometimes does GNU/Linux support regardless of distro, offlineJan 26 19:31
sebsebsebI mean, I like helping newbies, and Mint is okJan 26 19:32
gnufreexTO put it simply, OpenRespect goes like this: I you say Mono is problem. You are crazy! That is fact! All who criticize mono are crazy!Jan 26 19:32
sebsebsebMinceR: I won't do Ubuntu support anymoreJan 26 19:32
sebsebsebMinceR: or useually I won'tJan 26 19:32
MinceR:>Jan 26 19:32
sebsebsebclosest i'll get to doing Ubuntu support will be  Linux Mint nowJan 26 19:32
MinceRgnufreex: that's my impression tooJan 26 19:32
MinceRor at least part of itJan 26 19:32
gnufreexIf you say person who defends mono has obvious agenda. Then you re disrespectful!Jan 26 19:32
gnufreexShame on youJan 26 19:32
gnufreexwe should be respectfulJan 26 19:32
gnufreexAnd be blindJan 26 19:32
gnufreexWhen people has obvious anti FS agendaJan 26 19:33
gnufreexjust close you eyesJan 26 19:33
sebsebsebMinceR: gnufreex  Also last time I was chatting in ustream,  in teh chat to people, when there was one actsaully going on I mean,  I told someone about Linux Mint,  jcastro didn't seem to like that at allJan 26 19:33
gnufreexAnd think happyJan 26 19:33
sebsebsebMinceR: gnufreex then I was like to him, but really it is Ubuntu, just with some changesJan 26 19:33
MinceRwho's jcastro?Jan 26 19:33
gnufreexOr else you don't have UbuntuJan 26 19:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @schestowitz: !KDE 4.6.0 Has Arrived 26 19:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Linux News: Reviews: !Ubuntu Unity Plays a Frustrating Shell Game 26 19:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] No opting out from Facebook turning your check-ins, likes into ads (Ars): 26 19:33
MinceRsome canonical guy?Jan 26 19:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] KDE 4.6.0 Has Arrived .::. Size~: 16.61 KBJan 26 19:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux News: Reviews: Ubuntu Unity Plays a Frustrating Shell Game .::. Size~: 57.41 KBJan 26 19:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: No opting out from Facebook turning your check-ins, likes into ads .::. Size~: 32.36 KBJan 26 19:33
sebsebsebMinceR: Jorge CastroJan 26 19:33
sebsebsebMinceR: yep a Canonical guy on Jono's teamJan 26 19:33
MinceRicJan 26 19:33
gnufreexAnd Ubuntu is word for awsomenessJan 26 19:33
MinceRmaybe they're angry because Mint is experimenting with DebianJan 26 19:33
sebsebsebthis whole thing about them wanting people to only be using Ubuntu really, be that Canonical or people from the community, I totally disagree with it nowJan 26 19:34
MinceRit seems to be part of a sinister agendaJan 26 19:34
sebsebsebI am 100% sure for giving users distro choice, and then letting them choose their own distro :)Jan 26 19:34
sebsebseb100% for aboveJan 26 19:34
MinceRthere are some people whom a GNU/Linux desktop monoculture would supportJan 26 19:34
MinceRbut none of them are in the Free Software communityJan 26 19:34
MinceRrather, in m$Jan 26 19:35
sebsebsebplus by suggesting a few distros, and even giving at times, won't look like a big fan boy or something :DJan 26 19:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. .::. Size~: 142.07 KBJan 26 19:35
sebsebsebas for Ubuntu well,  they lost meJan 26 19:35
sebsebsebas a support personJan 26 19:35
MinceRin that monoculture thing, i meant a monoculture of one distro, of courseJan 26 19:35
sebsebsebsome of the things I did as well for Ubuntu,  well not many other people will be doing, but  for most of it, well there should be replacements reallyJan 26 19:35
gnufreexANd if you say Mono sucks, then shame on you. Mono is awesome, and it is greatest development flamework evar!!!1 De Icaza said so. So it must be true.Jan 26 19:36
sebsebsebyeah things I did for Ubuntu that other people won't just be doing, for example helping people for hours with partitiningJan 26 19:36
sebsebsebbe that an install, or sorting out a partition messJan 26 19:36
gnufreexOf all FlameWorks so far, Mono is best!!11Jan 26 19:37
sebsebsebUbuntu really lost one of their best helpers, when I decided to no longer do Ubuntu support,  most of the Ubuntu people won't know this thoughJan 26 19:37
gnufreexIt generates even more flames than COBOLJan 26 19:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Thinking of running a design an avi for @gnufreex competition :-)Jan 26 19:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rt @KnowledgeEmpire Use lemon juice or vinegar soaked bandannas to help breath in #TearGas. #Egypt #anonops #opegyptJan 26 19:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Domsch: Consistent Network Device Naming coming to Fedora 15 26 19:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tear Gas Exposure - How to Deal with Tear Gas .::. Size~: 24.07 KBJan 26 19:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Domsch: Consistent Network Device Naming coming to Fedora 15 [] .::. Size~: 7.58 KBJan 26 19:38
sebsebsebUbuntu is a productJan 26 19:38
sebsebseba commerical distroJan 26 19:38
sebsebsebthat will make other people money as wellJan 26 19:38
sebsebsebwith a direction that is going all hmm nowJan 26 19:39
sebsebsebso yeah I will not just help people with that distro anymore :)Jan 26 19:39
MinceRi don't mind commercial distros, as long as they don't actively harm free softwareJan 26 19:39
MinceRi prefer community-maintained distros thoughJan 26 19:39
sebsebseband I feel happyer since that other distro that I want to be more invovled with :)  and happyer since I decided to stop helping loads of people online with UbuntuJan 26 19:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gnufreex/@gnufreex] @satipera Huh?Jan 26 19:40
sebsebsebMinceR: yeah bingoJan 26 19:40
sebsebsebalso yeah exactly 100% community distros :)Jan 26 19:40
sebsebsebMinceR: also Ubuntu harms free software now reallyJan 26 19:40
sebsebsebits starting to lock people in really as wellJan 26 19:40
sebsebsebto UbuntuJan 26 19:40
sebsebsebUbuntu One, and so on,  the Unity interface even, if other distros don't just provide it, or a fork, and it becomes popular enoughJan 26 19:41
gnufreexUbuntu is making lock-in an art.Jan 26 19:41
sebsebsebhowever in general people are also locked in to Ubuntu, because many haven't even tried other distros, or they have, but never properlyJan 26 19:41
sebsebsebsome even think Ubuntu = LinuxJan 26 19:41
gnufreexIt shows that they don't beleive in Free Softwar at all, and they see that they don't have any integrity either.Jan 26 19:41
MinceRthere's so much ubuntu hype that many newbs don't even know that other distros existJan 26 19:42
gnufreexSo they lock people inJan 26 19:42
sebsebsebgnufreex: if they belived in free software properly, surely they woudn't have their commercial copyright assingments on Unity for a startJan 26 19:42
sebsebsebMinceR: exactly and it's a problemJan 26 19:42
MinceRand then any hw issues they get they assume are gnu/linux issues even though some of them are ubuntu-specificJan 26 19:42
sebsebsebMinceR: this whole, Ubuntu this that and hte other, its an issue, for those of us, who actsaully know and care properly about Linux distrosJan 26 19:42
gnufreexThey contribute 0, and onlyJan 26 19:42
sebsebsebMinceR: an issue I am hoping Mageia will start to solve as time goes on :)Jan 26 19:42
gnufreexlook for ways to diferiantateJan 26 19:43
gnufreex*diff... that thingJan 26 19:43
MinceRdifferentiateJan 26 19:43
gnufreexyeahJan 26 19:43
gnufreexwhat he saidJan 26 19:43
sebsebsebI worry about UnityJan 26 19:43
sebsebsebI worry a lot about itJan 26 19:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #RedHat Pops On Upgrade almost $50 nowJan 26 19:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @AndroidDev @IanSkerrett Android 3.0 Platform Preview and Updated SDK Tools: #androidJan 26 19:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Red Hat Mogul Sued for $30 Million Matthew Szulik of course...Jan 26 19:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rt @PopeShakey How are there more arrests of peaceful demonstrators in Toronto @ #g20 than Cairo during full-blown revolt? #onpoli #cdnpoliJan 26 19:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @laurelrusswurm goggles and vinegar soaked bandanas, got make sure you raid a chip shop and a pool store, uk protesters ;PJan 26 19:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Home Accounting: Your Personal Accountant On #Ubuntu #gnu #linux "If you are a GNU/Linux user, then it's easier, too."Jan 26 19:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Red Hat Pops On Upgrade - Eric Savitz - Tech Musings - Forbes .::. Size~: 89.56 KBJan 26 19:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Android Developers Blog: Android 3.0 Platform Preview and Updated SDK Tools  .::. Size~: 79.27 KBJan 26 19:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Courthouse News Service .::. Size~: 17.23 KBJan 26 19:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Home Accounting: Your Personal Accountant On Ubuntu | Muktware .::. Size~: 28.85 KBJan 26 19:43
sebsebsebUnity may = vender lock in big timeJan 26 19:43
MinceRif people consider it important enough, that isJan 26 19:44
sebsebseboh and even if other distros provide it, well they are still providing a Canonical thing,  unless they fork it, but even then,  it will still be seen as a Canonical thing really by people so hmmJan 26 19:44
sebsebsebMinceR: exactly and that may happenJan 26 19:44
sebsebsebMinceR: so I am not going to help people using Ubuntu 10.10 in the mean time, since they will end up using UNity most of themJan 26 19:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The Other Side of the Road: #Ubuntu #Linux "I've been a Mac user since 2006... Ubuntu is great."Jan 26 19:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @gnufreex I thought it would be nice if you had an avi. Translates.. please get an avi :-)Jan 26 19:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Other Side of the Road: Ubuntu Linux .::. Size~: 44.67 KBJan 26 19:45
sebsebsebalso if Canonical are going to play upstream, why can't they do so nicely, and drop copyright assignemnts on Unity for a startJan 26 19:45
sebsebsebpeople worry about Copyright assignments, when its from a for profit company, simple as thatJan 26 19:45
sebsebsebMinceR: gnufreex  Canonical are like Apple really,  usce opensource  to make money, but never give back properly to it eitherJan 26 19:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Fanless 3-watt PC with Dual Core ARM CPU, #HDMI and #Linux #arm #embeddedJan 26 19:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk made me laugh... now i've got to get back to work! :DJan 26 19:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @torproject: Dear DOJ, thanks for promoting Tor via mandatory data retention, it's worked well in Sweden, UK, France, and GermanyJan 26 19:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] 3.3.0 final released (The H) 26 19:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @laurelrusswurm same, stupid geometry >>Jan 26 19:46
sebsebseband no Webkit doesn't count in the case of Apple as giving back properly, since they could have helped KHTML instead of forking Webkit surely?Jan 26 19:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fanless 3-watt PC with Dual Core ARM CPU, HDMI and Linux - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 41.11 KBJan 26 19:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 3.3.0 final released (The H) [] .::. Size~: 7.3 KBJan 26 19:46
MinceRindeedJan 26 19:47
schestowitz 26 19:47
TechrightsBot-tr@mattjhodgkinson: @schestowitz PISD is a spoof of PRISM. "some academics would rather cut and run into dinosaur mayhem" is a clue! #openaccessJan 26 19:47
sebsebsebMinceR: gnufreex plus now of course Ubuntu itself is starting to look more like Mac OS XJan 26 19:47
MinceRbut canonical is also like novell, pushing trapped and defective m$ technologyJan 26 19:47
MinceRindeedJan 26 19:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rt @openattitude !Canada wages war on YouTube against #UBB. | Ars Technica !stopubbJan 26 19:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Canada wages YouTube war against metered Internet billing .::. Size~: 35.83 KBJan 26 19:48
sebsebsebMinceR: sure plus even though, they know that Mono gets at a lot of people, because they are worried about the possible future legal issues with it,  yep they still put Mono apps by default in the distro,  because no one has been sued over it yetJan 26 19:48
schestowitztessier: Thanks. As it's mostly the new episode which get downloaded, I reckon I'll just put the new ones in the sub[dir|site]Jan 26 19:49
gnufreexwhats wrong with satipera? He wnts some avi.Jan 26 19:49
MinceRit would be a rather clueless and naive stance if they only did it because nobody has been sued over it yetJan 26 19:49
sebsebsebvery much so since 10.04, Ubuntu is for those who don't really know that much about computers,  so is Linux Mint though, but the difference is Linux Mint is still actsualley rather good :)Jan 26 19:49
tessierschestowitz: Ok. But if I restart apache now I think the links to the old ones will break.Jan 26 19:49
MinceRiirc shuttleworth's position was something like 'if they start suing, we'll just rewrite our code'Jan 26 19:49
MinceRsure, rewrite the entire desktopJan 26 19:50
MinceRor the entire OSJan 26 19:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk you might want to pay attention on geometry ... to help with Blender ;DJan 26 19:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gnufreex/@gnufreex] @satipera I really don't get. What AVI, what translates?Jan 26 19:50
MinceRno limit was proposed on how much mono they'd let inJan 26 19:50
schestowitz[19:32] <gnufreex> TO put it simply, OpenRespect goes like this: I you say Mono is problem. You are crazy! That is fact! All who criticize mono are crazy!         << it's more like saying, discrediting mono may hurt some people's feelings, so stop criticising it. Just be passive.Jan 26 19:50
sebsebsebMinceR: gnufreex  Ubuntu is a product, from a for profit company, and I don't know about you lot, but I don't trust for profit companies 100%,  that they are doing the right thing I meanJan 26 19:50
MinceRsure, but there's more to this oneJan 26 19:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @laurelrusswurm I do and I seem to do well enough in it(unlike algebra, I have literally purged those years from my memory cuz of the pain)Jan 26 19:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @laurelrusswurm mental that is.....Jan 26 19:51
gnufreexI don't get why canonical even needs those proMono peopleJan 26 19:51
schestowitz[19:43] <sebsebseb> Unity may = vender lock in big timeJan 26 19:52
schestowitzUbuntu fontJan 26 19:52
gnufreexThey can't satisfy everybody.Jan 26 19:52
MinceRi suspect they'll never tell us, with good reasonJan 26 19:52
gnufreexAnd tomorow, those people will ask for C# kernelJan 26 19:52
sebsebseband comapnies can mess up a good distro,  Mandriva is still good, but  it has a bad reputation from many people, because of the company issues.   Ubuntu used to be a great distro, untill Canonical started to mess it up.Jan 26 19:52
gnufreexSo they are going to be buthurted anywaysJan 26 19:52
MinceRgnufreex: that's what i expect tooJan 26 19:52
gnufreexUnless Canonical decides to drop Linux and go with SharpOSJan 26 19:52
schestowitztessier: oh, I see what you mean. I think it was not all lowercase...Jan 26 19:52
MinceRafter all, pushing mono into the kernel would mean that m$ got to attack the coveted server market as wellJan 26 19:53
sebsebsebschestowitz: Ubuntu Font made with Mac OS X, by propritary software as far as I know,  and paid to be made, but released under a open lisenseJan 26 19:53
sebsebsebas far as I knowJan 26 19:53
MinceRgnufreex: and then the hype engine would turn on people who prefer LinuxJan 26 19:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @gnufreex A picture of your choice on your otherwise drab and indistinguishable two dots and a line grey face. icon.Jan 26 19:53
sebsebsebalso opensource/freesoftware is mainly meant to be about those who do stuff as a volunter I thought?  well thats not the case with UbuntuJan 26 19:53
schestowitztessier: I see "TechBytes" but not "techbytes" and there are outside sites that link to the URLs as they used to beJan 26 19:54
schestowitzMaybe another subsite name is needed to avoid conflicts?Jan 26 19:55
sebsebsebgnufreex: MinceR  and then instea of using Gnome Shell, they do their own thing and uhJan 26 19:55
tessierschestowitz: We can put in redirects for everything to the old urls.Jan 26 19:56
MinceRsebsebseb: i think commercial contributions should be welcome, at least as long as there's no hidden agendaJan 26 19:56
schestowitztessier: for example or 26 19:56
tessierLike we did for some other stuff.Jan 26 19:56
MinceRor intent to harmJan 26 19:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @gnufreex not pressuring you it is a small thing.Jan 26 19:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @miguelsvieira: ♺ @arakinmonteiro [#MinCu] está em desacordo ao Plano Nac de Cultura aprovado por Lula 26 19:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @agentsmith é bloqueio de IPJan 26 19:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gnufreex/@gnufreex] @satipera Ah, an avatar. Sorry I didn't get at first. I will find something :-)Jan 26 19:56
schestowitztessier: oh, I see :-)Jan 26 19:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: L12343 .::. Size~: 163.11 KBJan 26 19:56
sebsebsebMinceR: Canonical's Unity is already doing harmJan 26 19:57
sebsebsebMinceR: for a start a lot of ignorance, if you look at omgubuntu for example, people who think  that Gnome are copying from UnityJan 26 19:57
sebsebsebfor exampleJan 26 19:57
MinceR:>Jan 26 19:57
schestowitzit's just that changing all the direct URLs to the files in sites outside techrights would not be possible, I wasn't sure whether just to post new files to the new designated directoryJan 26 19:57
MinceRmaybe gnome will come under fire tooJan 26 19:58
sebsebsebunder fire???Jan 26 19:58
MinceRunder attack by the munchkinsJan 26 19:58
gnufreex<MinceR> sebsebseb: i think commercial contributions should be welcome, at least as long as there's no hidden agendaJan 26 19:58
gnufreexProblem is that they accept even contributions with obvious agenda, and then flame those who point. Call them paranoid and dissrespectfujlJan 26 19:58
MinceRwell, that's the problemJan 26 19:59
gnufreexLook at basheJan 26 19:59
gnufreexbansheeJan 26 19:59
sebsebsebI am rather ok with Unity as a choice, but only if its provided as one properly, so yep no copyright assignments for a start,  meaning even GNome coudld adopt it.  and also having it made in a way for other distros to be able to support it  quite easilly really and provide in their repos and suchJan 26 19:59
sebsebseb,but right now, it seems they  providing Unity  wrongJan 26 19:59
gnufreexThey OMG MONO zealot David Nielsen is openly saying to UF that he wants to split GNOME from GNUJan 26 20:00
sebsebsebth copyright assingments yep, and people who have been trying to provide it optionally for Fedora, it seems have had a lot of issuesJan 26 20:00
gnufreexAnd they put him to be mouthpieceJan 26 20:00
gnufreexfor Ubuntu OMGJan 26 20:00
sebsebsebgnufreex: yeah, but thats been quite a while David writeeing for omgubuntuJan 26 20:00
MinceRno surprise that the munchkins like captain dildo's ideaJan 26 20:00
gnufreex 26 20:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Linus Torvalds' behavior towards Richard Stallman - Page 6 - Ubuntu Forums .::. Size~: 109.23 KBJan 26 20:01
gnufreexalso 26 20:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Linus Torvalds' behavior towards Richard Stallman - Page 5 - Ubuntu Forums .::. Size~: 109.55 KBJan 26 20:01
sebsebsebalso something else, there are people in the Ubuntu community probably in particular, who seem to think they have a right, to go and joke about Richard Stallman, who they should be very loyal to, because without him,  Ubuntu woudn't even existJan 26 20:01
MinceR"off the top of your head, name one platform besides Linux that uses glibc - no googling" -- HURD.Jan 26 20:01
sebsebsebpeople who use a Linux distro, shoudn't joke about Richard Stallman at all reallyJan 26 20:02
gnufreexBy his own definition, he is a terible person.Jan 26 20:02
MinceRGNU/kFreeBSDJan 26 20:02
MinceRCygwinJan 26 20:02
MinceRthat's only free, off the top of my headJan 26 20:02
MinceRs/f/th/Jan 26 20:02
MinceRtypical clueless munchkinJan 26 20:02
gnufreexYeah, but Debian are GNU/NeckbeardsJan 26 20:02
gnufreexSo they don't countJan 26 20:02
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 20:03
gnufreexIn the world of M$$$$Jan 26 20:03
MinceRdebian are doing most of the real work behind ubuntuJan 26 20:03
gnufreexthat isJan 26 20:03
MinceR:>Jan 26 20:03
gnufreexYeah, I knowJan 26 20:03
gnufreexBut in "real world"Jan 26 20:03
gnufreexPigs flyJan 26 20:03
MinceRbut really, it would be funny seeing canonical try to make it without debianJan 26 20:03
gnufreexAnd munchkins like Nielsen get to say shit about real hard workers.Jan 26 20:03
schestowitzVOluntary workJan 26 20:04
schestowitzUnlike the one funded by a(n almost) billionaireJan 26 20:04
sebsebsebalso some distros,  people in the community worship someone behind it, a bit to much,  Ubuntu is an example,  but so is PC Linux OS I guess here and thereJan 26 20:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] !TechBytes is currently being set up such that files get sent/streamed without the cache proxy getting in-between 26 20:05
sebsebsebmaybeJan 26 20:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: TechBytes - Techrights .::. Size~: 14.85 KBJan 26 20:05
sebsebseband we need a strong good alternative distro to Ubuntu on the desktop :)Jan 26 20:05
sebsebsebcurrently none existsJan 26 20:05
sebsebsebI mean one that is very suitable for newbies and all that as well, so yep not FedoraJan 26 20:05
sebsebsebwell I know which distro I think may become what I am talking about :D  after timeJan 26 20:06
sebsebsebmaybe two years or so yetJan 26 20:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mrdenticator/@mrdenticator] Yesterday top #statustician is schestowitz with 189 dents!Jan 26 20:06
sebsebsebotherwise we really do have this,  when it comes to most market shareJan 26 20:07
sebsebseband  OS's seen as their own OSJan 26 20:07
sebsebsebWindows, Mac OS X,  Ubuntu, other Linux distros, BSD,  other OS'sJan 26 20:07
sebsebsebor how about this instead?   Windows,  Mac OS X,  Ubuntu, Linux Mint,  other distros based on Ubuntu,  other Linux distros,  BSD,  and other OS'sJan 26 20:08
sebsebsebdoesn't look good does it? ^Jan 26 20:08
MinceRwhy is mint special?Jan 26 20:08
sebsebsebMinceR: according to Mint  themselves, they are the 4th most used OS for home usersJan 26 20:08
sebsebsebthat's after WIndows, Mac OS X, and UbuntuJan 26 20:08
MinceRicJan 26 20:09
sebsebsebMinceR: I can't quite remember, but I think  its probably both versions in the installer,  so 9 and 10, that said itJan 26 20:09
gnufreexAnother link 26 20:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Mutter and Compiz - Page 2 - Ubuntu Forums .::. Size~: 78.15 KBJan 26 20:09
gnufreexThis dude is all about propagandaJan 26 20:09
sebsebsebso yeah we need a good strong alternative distro ideally :) and one that isn't based on Ubuntu :)  and probably not Debian either reallyJan 26 20:09
gnufreexRepeats ad infinitumJan 26 20:10
sebsebsebafter all if Debian like it or not,  they help a lot now days, with Ubuntu, so yeah probably not Debain either, to what I was saying aboveJan 26 20:10
gnufreexAnd claims he is against all politics, only technologyJan 26 20:10
gnufreexyeah, like hellJan 26 20:10
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #techrightsJan 26 20:10
sebsebseband I belive I have picked wisely, when it comes to what distro to support more properly :)  ,but only time will tell me for sure or notJan 26 20:11
sebsebsebI mean what distro to support propery instead of Ubuntu :)Jan 26 20:11
MinceRthe one you choose for yourself to use :>Jan 26 20:11
sebsebsebMinceR: uh right now I am on PC Linux OSJan 26 20:11
sebsebsebMinceR: ,but this isn't the distro I want to do some proper community stuff forJan 26 20:12
MinceRwhat's david nielsen doing on omgubuntu, besides posting some of the posts?Jan 26 20:12
MinceRsebsebseb: why?Jan 26 20:12
sebsebsebMinceR: he used to be in the Fedora communityJan 26 20:12
sebsebseb,but then left, because Mono something or hte otherJan 26 20:13
sebsebseband went to UbuntuJan 26 20:13
MinceRicJan 26 20:13
sebsebsebsays on his blogJan 26 20:13
sebsebsebhe did loads of complainingJan 26 20:13
sebsebsebMinceR: I want a distro that has a chance at gaining a lot of users on the desktop,  the kind of amount of users that Ubuntu has at the moment,  those kind of numbersJan 26 20:13
sebsebseband users, as in from newbies, to more expereinced peopleJan 26 20:14
sebsebseband about the same amount for each as well reallyJan 26 20:14
sebsebseband I belive none of the current alternative distros can do thisJan 26 20:14
sebsebsebor not at the moment anyway, because of   how they are and so onJan 26 20:14
sebsebsebMinceR: and no Fedora hasn't done it either, and yes they may be the second most used distro after UbuntuJan 26 20:14
MinceRso you'll support none of them?Jan 26 20:14
sebsebsebthey aren't the second most used distro after Ubuntu or Linux Mint even,  for newbies thoughJan 26 20:15
sebsebsebMinceR: I am going to support Mageia :)Jan 26 20:15
sebsebsebhowverJan 26 20:15
sebsebsebhoweverJan 26 20:15
gnufreexsebsebseb: That shows that Fedora has good defence mechanism, while Ubuntu don'tJan 26 20:15
gnufreexThat meanst that Ubuntu will fall victim of entryism, wihle Fedora will not.Jan 26 20:15
sebsebsebi'll also help people on IRC here and there when I can, with  Mandriva, and PC Linux OSJan 26 20:15
sebsebseband Linux Mint even sometimesJan 26 20:15
MinceRicJan 26 20:15
MinceRwhy Mint?Jan 26 20:15
sebsebsebMinceR: since I am more impressed with Mint these days, than I was beforeJan 26 20:16
sebsebsebmuch more impressedJan 26 20:16
gnufreexThis one is most laughable.Jan 26 20:16
gnufreex 26 20:16
MinceRsebsebseb: which version?Jan 26 20:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Microsoft, Standards, and Incompatibility: 1991-2010 -- And a Novell Smoking Gun: - Page 2 - Ubuntu Forums .::. Size~: 118.81 KBJan 26 20:16
sebsebsebMinceR: well I like both 9 and 10Jan 26 20:16
gnufreex"Do I need to introduce evidence that Microsoft has grown as an Open Source community member"Jan 26 20:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @lxoliva Ah, se fosse limite de download, já descobri como consertar.Jan 26 20:16
sebsebsebMinceR: Linux Mint the Ubuntu based version is well,  differnet user agent string to say its Mint :)   nicer default backgrounds,  and a background for Grub 2 by default,  nice Mint menu,  nice log in sound,  set up in a good way really by default for newbiesJan 26 20:17
MinceRdoes it install mono by default?Jan 26 20:17
sebsebsebMinceR: they basically take what's good from Ubuntu, and then make things more user friendly and that for newbiesJan 26 20:17
sebsebsebalso codecs by defaultJan 26 20:17
sebsebsebMinceR: hmm don't quite remember now, but I think  it was either no Mono, or hardly any Mono by defaultJan 26 20:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] I just unwrapped a new CD and it has a BIG HUGE F'in FBI "anti-piracy" warning on the CD. This is INSANE!!!!Jan 26 20:18
sebsebsebbefore I would have been like, eww Mint no, to green for my likeingJan 26 20:18
sebsebsebto newbieJan 26 20:18
sebsebsebas wellJan 26 20:18
sebsebsebwhy not use the real thing Ubuntu?Jan 26 20:18
sebsebseb,but now that Ubuntu has gone down hill, and Linux Mint is still good, you see where I am coming from? :)Jan 26 20:19
MinceRas long as Mint is based on ubuntu, ubuntu will likely drag it downJan 26 20:19
sebsebsebMinceR: still haven't tried it, but LInux Mint Debian Edition sounds good from the siteJan 26 20:19
MinceRsure, but afaik it's officially just an experimentJan 26 20:19
sebsebsebnoJan 26 20:19
sebsebsebwell in a way yesJan 26 20:19
sebsebseb,butJan 26 20:19
sebsebseblast time I looked,  site mentions it with the other versions on the homepageJan 26 20:20
sebsebsebMinceR: Mint will be ok, things will work out for them, I thinkJan 26 20:21
sebsebsebhowever ideally I would like a distro such as Mageia to have most users after Ubuntu,  or instead of UbuntuJan 26 20:21
sebsebseb(of course no Mageia just yet, but yeah)Jan 26 20:22
MinceRwhy only after ubuntu?Jan 26 20:22
sebsebsebMinceR: I think it will be very difficult for another distro to become number one instead of Ubuntu,  because of all this stuff Canonical are starting to do, and all the ignorance that surrounds that distro, from the majority of usersJan 26 20:23
sebsebseband I kind of like the idea ofJan 26 20:23
sebsebsebwell in a wayJan 26 20:23
sebsebsebof a commerical distro being number one, because of how things are in general,  people trusting companies and all that you know, and then a community distro having  the next most amount of users :)Jan 26 20:23
sebsebsebidealy it should be community distro as number one, and then commerical as number 2 or whatever, but realisticlly we live in a world  whereJan 26 20:24
sebsebsebpeople trust companiesJan 26 20:24
sebsebsebpeople expect something to be good if its from a companyJan 26 20:24
sebsebsebUbuntu, Facebook, Twitter, Google, all examples of thisJan 26 20:24
sebsebsebanyway time for me to go away from computerJan 26 20:24
MinceRsebsebseb: if they go full novell, they might meet their doom like novell is doingJan 26 20:25
MinceRand if it has to be from a company, it could still be fedora instead of ubuntuJan 26 20:26
gnufreexThat is the problem, they shaped community that way so they don't care.Jan 26 20:29
gnufreexThay mostly have folks who don't beleive that Novell didn anything wrong.Jan 26 20:30
MinceRthey'll have to be more overt about serving m$ if they go that wayJan 26 20:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aseigo/@aseigo] ooooh yeah! 26 20:30
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJan 26 20:30
MinceRand commercial clients might not like itJan 26 20:30
gnufreexIf you show them evidence, they will say you are conspiracy theorist.Jan 26 20:30
gnufreexAnd it will heckle source of evidence.Jan 26 20:30
MinceRwe'll seeJan 26 20:30
gnufreexIf it is SEC filling, they will say you don't know how to read.Jan 26 20:31
gnufreexOr that they wrote it wrong.Jan 26 20:31
gnufreexOr they will argue semanticsJan 26 20:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @aseigo ooooh yeah! 26 20:31
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJan 26 20:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 26/1/2011: KDE 4.6.0 Arrives, Red Hat Upgraded !techrightsJan 26 20:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Links 26/1/2011: KDE 4.6.0 Arrives, Red Hat Upgraded 26 20:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 26/1/2011: KDE 4.6.0 Arrives, Red Hat Upgraded | Techrights .::. Size~: 144.44 KBJan 26 20:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 26/1/2011: KDE 4.6.0 Arrives, Red Hat Upgraded | Techrights .::. Size~: 144.44 KBJan 26 20:36
*Vizitor (52b5fb31@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 26 20:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "Americans (Including Some Who Might Surprise You) Are Losing Faith in All Major Institutions" 26 20:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Americans (Including Some Who Might Surprise You) Are Losing Faith in All Major Institutions | AlterNet .::. Size~: 68.04 KBJan 26 20:41
Vizitoris this channel more about being open and sharing everything or especially against proprietary companies?Jan 26 20:42
VizitorI mean is the tone focused negative and against rather than positive for sharing?Jan 26 20:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "News Corp. Admits Fox "News" Is Biased" #lolJan 26 20:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: News Corp. Admits Fox "News" Is Biased | AlterNet .::. Size~: 69.2 KBJan 26 20:43
*DaemonFC ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 20:43
*hemimaniac has quit (Quit: I was raided by the FBI and all I got to keep was this lousy quit message!)Jan 26 20:44
DaemonFCI think I just pwned my landlordJan 26 20:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aseigo/@aseigo] anyone in the vancouver area feeling like going out for drinks to celebrate the 4.6 !kde releases?Jan 26 20:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gnufreex/@gnufreex] @satipera Is it better now :-))))Jan 26 20:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] NYTimes does another self-serving smear.Facts wrong, top to bottom.Dark day for US journalism. !wlJan 26 20:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aseigo/@aseigo] a pinheiro interview on Behind KDE! 26 20:45
TechrightsBot-trSSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:Jan 26 20:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nuno Pinheiro | Behind KDE .::. Size~: 18.85 KBJan 26 20:45
*Vizitor (52b5fb31@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #techrightsJan 26 20:45
DaemonFChe wanted to charge me a $20 late fee for paying him on Saturday instead of Friday, so I asked him when exactly he planned to quit playing Daddy Warbucks to the Kabuki ghoul and her sons Beavis and Butthead downstairs and making them pay for the month behind they currently are :)Jan 26 20:45
DaemonFChe dropped that pretty quickJan 26 20:45
DaemonFCMinceR, I'll push for the US to agree to the International Criminal Court when a crazy cat lady coming out on her porch in curlers and a nightgown wearing pancake makeup with a cigarette in her hand qualifies as a crime against humanityJan 26 20:48
DaemonFCis that so much to ask? :)Jan 26 20:48
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 20:48
MinceRdunnoJan 26 20:48
DaemonFCall politics are localJan 26 20:49
DaemonFCseems Duke Energy is lobbying against wind turbines being installed on Lake Michigan nowJan 26 20:49
DaemonFCthey're worried they might have to sell their coal generated power at cheaper ratesJan 26 20:50
*DaemonFC wonders how much money it'll take to keep their monopolyJan 26 20:50
DaemonFCgoing green is a perennial bargaining chip that gets brought up to solicit bribes from the pollutersJan 26 20:51
DaemonFCnever seems to get much furtherJan 26 20:51
MinceRthat's because people don't careJan 26 20:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] House Subcommittee Revives Mandatory Data Retention Debate...With a Surprise Attack on EFF 26 20:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: House Subcommittee Revives Mandatory Data Retention Debate...With a Surprise Attack on EFF | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 22.1 KBJan 26 20:51
DaemonFCironically it's BP that's paying for some of the turbines currently installed in Indiana wind farmsJan 26 20:52
DaemonFCfrom their greenwashing campaign pre-oil spillJan 26 20:52
DaemonFCnow they aren't even bothering to provide more funding for thisJan 26 20:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Should !Techrights Watch #Facebook ? 26 20:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Should Techrights Watch #Facebook ? Some quick news/notes about Facebook and a question to readersJan 26 20:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Should Techrights Watch Facebook? | Techrights .::. Size~: 95.25 KBJan 26 20:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Should Techrights Watch Facebook? | Techrights .::. Size~: 95.25 KBJan 26 20:53
DaemonFCthe companies that make those turbines are trying to get the legislature to subsidize them with my tax money to make up for BP withdrawing their sponsorshipJan 26 20:53
DaemonFCthey also want Indiana taxpayers to pay for the infrastructure to serve this power to Illinois and KentuckyJan 26 20:54
*DaemonFC is real happy to see his state taxes spent serving other statesJan 26 20:54
DaemonFCthey spend local taxes on stupid shit that the federal government or other states should be paying for then complain that we're broke and taxes have to go up :)Jan 26 20:55
DaemonFCoh, and they use it as an excuse to attack Medicaid and Hoosier HealthwiseJan 26 20:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxfoundation/@linuxfoundation] Original: Five Best Alternative Window Managers for Linux from @jzb: #linuxJan 26 20:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[appelond/@appelond] I just made a test transfer via !F13 !Fedora on this !USB3 disk I ordered !Lenovo !Verbatim !W510 is this the maxJan 26 20:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Br Office 3.3 já está disponível para download. Já é a final ou é beta ainda ???Jan 26 20:56
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 26 20:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Imagebin - A place to slap up your images. .::. Size~: 2.81 KBJan 26 20:56
DaemonFCI'm convinced this wind turbine industry is just another special interest that gets preferential funding at the expense of things like low income health insurance programsJan 26 20:57
*ariendj_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 20:57
DaemonFCthey could insure about 20,000 Indiana citizens for 5 years with the money spent running power lines to other statesJan 26 20:58
DaemonFCthat's by my countJan 26 20:58
DaemonFCMinceR, I'll probably run for the state Senate next election cycleJan 26 20:59
DaemonFCI'm old enough now if I can get enough petition signaturesJan 26 20:59
MinceRwith which party?Jan 26 20:59
DaemonFCDemocraticJan 26 20:59
DaemonFCI'm on fairly good terms with the county branch of the party, I'm pretty sure they'd sponsor meJan 26 21:00
DaemonFCthe incumbent is not well liked, it's just that nobody ever bothers to challenge him, so if he gets 1 vote, he winsJan 26 21:01
DaemonFCMinceR, I had an idea for a bill to introduce which would explicitly ban Indiana courts from hearing copyright infringement claims, and would require them to refer all claims to federal courtJan 26 21:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @martinolivera: RT @gnueverton Por @Samadeu "Ana de Holanda e ECAD atacam política de Lula" 26 21:03
MinceRwhat is its purpose?Jan 26 21:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Carta Maior - Política - Sergio Amadeu: "Ana de Holanda e ECAD atacam política de Lula" .::. Size~: 66.8 KBJan 26 21:03
DaemonFCthe federal district courts in Indiana have historically been more favorable to the defendants in those casesJan 26 21:03
DaemonFCso the trolls try to shop our state courts as a form of abuseJan 26 21:03
DaemonFCat our expense I may addJan 26 21:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Hrmph. Project Pirate has sunk. :( But we'll be back.....Jan 26 21:05
DaemonFCit would also be possible to statutorily ban the use of state law enforcement in such casesJan 26 21:05
MinceRicJan 26 21:05
DaemonFCmeaning if the feds want it that bad, they'll have to use the FBI on every caseJan 26 21:05
DaemonFCbasically such a law would have the effect of telling the feds that if they want to pursue this crap, they can do it and pay for it themselvesJan 26 21:06
DaemonFCstate law enforcement is not required to enforce federal law, but they can if they choose toJan 26 21:07
DaemonFCthat's why you see states refusing to enforce federal marijuana lawsJan 26 21:08
DaemonFCand passing laws that allow it in some casesJan 26 21:08
DaemonFCthe state law enforcement is only going to enforce the state law in those casesJan 26 21:08
DaemonFCif the feds want it, they have to send in the DEAJan 26 21:08
DaemonFCMinceR, If I get caught with an ounce of pot in Massachusetts by local police forces, it's a $100 civil infraction and I'm free to goJan 26 21:09
DaemonFCif I get caught by the feds, I can spend up to 5 years in prisonJan 26 21:10
DaemonFCit hasn't happened because the feds don't want minor busts like that, but it's conceivably possibleJan 26 21:10
DaemonFCthat's what having shared sovereignty gives you, two layers of legal systemJan 26 21:11
DaemonFCcool huh? :)Jan 26 21:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "#Bush Officials Illegally Used Taxpayer Dollars to Engage in Electioneering" 26 21:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bush Officials Illegally Used Taxpayer Dollars to Engage in Electioneering | AlterNet .::. Size~: 68.27 KBJan 26 21:11
DaemonFCalso, technically under certain cases, you could be charged with the same crime twice and not have it called double jeopardyJan 26 21:12
DaemonFCsay I go out and shoot someone, the state arrests me, I'm found Not Guilty, the state can't try me againJan 26 21:12
MinceRDaemonFC: doesn't sound cool at allJan 26 21:13
DaemonFCbut for whatever reason, say the circumstances of the murder also touches the federal statute, I could be hauled into federal court, tried, and found guiltyJan 26 21:13
MinceRkind of harms the whole "rule of law" thingJan 26 21:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[opensourceway/@opensourceway] Spotlight on our community | 26 21:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Spotlight on our community | .::. Size~: 32.33 KBJan 26 21:13
DaemonFCyeah, so in some cases the feds kick things to the state so if you don't get found guilty there, they can try you again in federal court laterJan 26 21:13
DaemonFCfor the same crimeJan 26 21:13
DaemonFCand even if you get found guilty of the state crime, the feds can try you again when you get out of prisonJan 26 21:14
DaemonFCcase law gives them an end run around the constitutional double jeopardy protectionsJan 26 21:15
DaemonFCMinceR, I've studied the list of misdemeanors and infractions at state law pretty extensivelyJan 26 21:16
DaemonFCit's helped me get out of two misdemeanors and three traffic infractionsJan 26 21:16
DaemonFCit's worth knowing :)Jan 26 21:16
DaemonFCin a police state, it's worth knowing what powers the police actually haveJan 26 21:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rt @marketmentat @theJusticeDept wants coffee shops 2 track ur WiFi use Next it'll be browser history; then passwords. 26 21:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Justice Department seeks mandatory data retention | Privacy Inc. - CNET News .::. Size~: 163.15 KBJan 26 21:18
DaemonFCfor example, if a roommate allows the police in, the search is legal, but only of the roommates possessions and living areasJan 26 21:18
DaemonFCeven if the police find your drugs in plain site, you could challenge them and get them thrown outJan 26 21:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Nice to be at the Hackerspace in Chandler, AZ called #fbJan 26 21:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Gangplank - A Collaborative coworking and event space .::. Size~: 17.39 KBJan 26 21:20
DaemonFCthe best idea though is to not keep things in plain sightJan 26 21:20
DaemonFCmakes it harder to justify the searchJan 26 21:20
DaemonFCexample, police knock, I let them in, they see drugs, I get arrestedJan 26 21:20
DaemonFCbut if they're in a closed drawer and the police have to open that drawer to find them, it's not admissibleJan 26 21:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] The Death of Wintel, Rebirth of Cross-Platform Computing - IT Business Edge 26 21:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google News .::. Size~: 355.59 KBJan 26 21:21
DaemonFClocks also helpJan 26 21:21
DaemonFCMinceR, Say I get pulled over, the police find some reason to search my car, they get to a toolbox, they open it and find a gun, I get arrestedJan 26 21:22
DaemonFCI could have solved that problem by putting a $5 padlock on the toolboxJan 26 21:22
DaemonFCthat also applies if it's my toolbox in someone elses car, if it's locked, they can't consent to the search of my toolbox :)Jan 26 21:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "Vision: How We Can Beat Conservatives With Progressive Culture" 26 21:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Vision: How We Can Beat Conservatives With Progressive Culture | Culture | AlterNet .::. Size~: 105.4 KBJan 26 21:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] If Search Engines Played Jeopardy, Which One Would Win? (TechCrunch): 26 21:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Parody isn't protected under Canadian Law [still waiting for the Roddenberry estate to sue CBC for Wayne & Shuster Star Trek] !copyrightJan 26 21:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   If Search Engines Played Jeopardy, Which One Would Win?  .::. Size~: 63.61 KBJan 26 21:26
DaemonFCBing would win because it always tends to leave you with another questionJan 26 21:27
DaemonFCduh :)Jan 26 21:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Activist Richard Esguerra discusses mandatory data retention on G4's Attack of the Show tonight at 7 EST / 4 PST 26 21:30
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URLJan 26 21:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] #LibreOffice 3.3 Final Released « #oooJan 26 21:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @LinuxMagazines: How to force uninstall Ubuntu without difficulty? 26 21:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @planetfedora: Remi Collet: Firefox 4.0 Beta 10: 26 21:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @vertexsymphony: First release of #LibreOffice arrives with improvements over OOo | 26 21:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LibreOffice 3.3 Final Released « .::. Size~: 35.08 KBJan 26 21:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How to force uninstall Ubuntu without difficulty? | LINUX MAGAZINES .::. Size~: 17.17 KBJan 26 21:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Firefox 4.0 Beta 10 - Les RPM de Remi - Blog .::. Size~: 16.58 KBJan 26 21:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: First release of LibreOffice arrives with improvements over OOo .::. Size~: 31.91 KBJan 26 21:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] #FreeSpeech⇒ Egypt: Canada: #peacefulprotest #democracy #cdnpoli #onpoliJan 26 21:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  صورة أيقونية ليوم الغضب الثاني ست... on Twitpic  .::. Size~: 21.06 KBJan 26 21:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: People Boxed in at Queen and Spadina | Flickr - Photo Sharing! .::. Size~: 202.7 KBJan 26 21:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: Should !Techrights Watch #Facebook ? 26 21:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @RedHatNews: "The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advantage" session starts in 15! #redhatJan 26 21:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @fedorasecurity: asterisk- - #voipJan 26 21:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Home Accounting: Your Personal Accountant On #Ubuntu #gnu #linux "If you are a GNU/Linux user, then it's easier, too."Jan 26 21:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Should Techrights Watch Facebook? | Techrights .::. Size~: 95.25 KBJan 26 21:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Agenda: Red Hat Virtual Experience .::. Size~: 30.53 KBJan 26 21:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: asterisk- .::. Size~: 27.34 KBJan 26 21:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Home Accounting: Your Personal Accountant On Ubuntu | Muktware .::. Size~: 28.85 KBJan 26 21:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: Red Hat Mogul Sued for $30 Million Matthew Szulik of course...Jan 26 21:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: #RedHat Pops On Upgrade almost $50 nowJan 26 21:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @jwildeboer I have, and it will be published tonight.Jan 26 21:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Courthouse News Service .::. Size~: 17.23 KBJan 26 21:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Red Hat Pops On Upgrade - Eric Savitz - Tech Musings - Forbes .::. Size~: 90.18 KBJan 26 21:40
*GoForbes28 (~freakazoi@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 21:40
GoForbes28helloJan 26 21:41
*DaemonFC finally got to test out the 7.1 channel surround sound support in libvorbisJan 26 21:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: #KDE 4.6.0 Has Arrived #gnu #linuxJan 26 21:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @glynmoody: #Samba 4 'will break desktop monopoly' - "biggest shift in the development of the software"Jan 26 21:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] KDE 4.6.0 Has Arrived .::. Size~: 16.6 KBJan 26 21:41
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 26 21:41
DaemonFCit's not badJan 26 21:41
*GoForbes28 (~freakazoi@ has left #techrightsJan 26 21:42
*GoForbes28 (~freakazoi@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 21:42
DaemonFCwonder if KDE 4.6 will make it onto Fedora 14 at allJan 26 21:42
DaemonFCI'll be waiting a long time if not because of ATI not supporting f15 for like 2-3 monthsJan 26 21:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @thp4: #gPodder 2.12-1 promoted to #Maemo 5 Extras today. Should appear as update on your #N900 in a few hours. Thanks to the testers :)Jan 26 21:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] The Word Robot is 90 Years Old Today (Gearlog): 26 21:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Word Robot is 90 Years Old Today - Gearlog .::. Size~: 57.89 KBJan 26 21:43
DaemonFC 26 21:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] Has AMD Finally Fixed Tearing With Its Linux Driver? .::. Size~: 19.36 KBJan 26 21:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Google Chrome blog: Living on the web with the Chrome Web Store (and the Cr-48!) 26 21:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !Android 3.0 Platform Preview and Updated SDK Tools 26 21:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RD @quaid A whiteboard can make for collaborative presentations, unlike any other medium. From: @harishpillay #fbJan 26 21:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !OMG !Kubuntu: #KDE 4.6 released; ready to install in Ubuntu 10.10 #maverick 26 21:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google Chrome Blog: Living on the web with the Chrome Web Store (and the Cr-48!) .::. Size~: 23.73 KBJan 26 21:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Android Developers Blog: Android 3.0 Platform Preview and Updated SDK Tools  .::. Size~: 79.27 KBJan 26 21:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: KDE 4.6 released; ready to install in Ubuntu 10.10 .::. Size~: 66.46 KBJan 26 21:45
DaemonFCThey don't say how much extra memory the tear free vsync support takesJan 26 21:45
DaemonFCbut I fo have 1 GB on the card, so I may try it outJan 26 21:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Seif Lotfy: Apologies to !GNOME 26 21:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Apologies to GNOME | Seilo @ Geeky Ogre .::. Size~: 18.54 KBJan 26 21:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #WebUpd8: Install KDE SC 4.6 In Ubuntu 10.10 (With Redesigned Activities System, Faster KWin) !kubuntuJan 26 21:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Journal of Universal Rejection #lolJan 26 21:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Install KDE SC 4.6 In Ubuntu 10.10 (With Redesigned Activities System, Faster KWin) ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 55.47 KBJan 26 21:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Journal of Universal Rejection .::. Size~: 4.3 KBJan 26 21:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Natan Yellin: !GNOME #Zeitgeist is NOT a file manager 26 21:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @laurelrusswurm You might want to try Moon OS with the E17 desktop, it's really nice.Jan 26 21:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   GNOME Zeitgeist is NOT a file manager | Natan Yellin's blog .::. Size~: 29.46 KBJan 26 21:50
DaemonFCdidn't GNOME ditch Zeitgeist?Jan 26 21:52
DaemonFCCanonical wants to use it to spy on people using Ubuntu 11.04Jan 26 21:53
*GoForbes28 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 26 21:53
DaemonFCWell, some would say it's not spying, but I don't want my IP address associated with the programs I install and what menus in what programs I click onJan 26 21:53
DaemonFCeven if they promise confidentialityJan 26 21:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @themadhatter ulp... What you said os way over my head; you tech people have no idea how intimidating just a simple OS shift is... babystepsJan 26 21:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] I've just initiated the install of #LibreOffice on a network of about 1000 workstations. Works great, kudos to all developers! #romaniaJan 26 21:58
DaemonFCLibreOffice works fairly wellJan 26 22:01
gnufreexdoes it have OOXML?Jan 26 22:01
DaemonFCit has import and export filters, but it uses and encourages ODFJan 26 22:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @toros: #Android 3.0 Platform Preview and Updated #SDK Tools 26 22:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @glynmoody: #Samba 4 'will break desktop monopoly' - "biggest shift in the development of the software" #gnu #freeJan 26 22:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Android Developers Blog: Android 3.0 Platform Preview and Updated SDK Tools  .::. Size~: 79.27 KBJan 26 22:01
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 26 22:01
gnufreexThey use Microsfotian methods in restrictiong choiceJan 26 22:02
gnufreexYOu can't have both LibreOffice and OpenOFficeJan 26 22:02
gnufreexthey conflictJan 26 22:02
DaemonFCso?Jan 26 22:02
gnufreexAnd some distros won't even package OOo anymoreJan 26 22:03
DaemonFCyou can on Windows, they just install to different foldersJan 26 22:03
gnufreexso, I don't want to use LOJan 26 22:03
DaemonFCbut they both try using the same path on LinuxJan 26 22:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #WebUpd8: Google Announces !Android 3.0 "Honeycomb" Platform Highlights 26 22:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @stav @zach I have become a double-space nazi. Whenever I get a document, I do a universal find and replace of ". " with ". " hahaJan 26 22:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google Announces Android 3.0 "Honeycomb" Platform Highlights ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 56.2 KBJan 26 22:03
gnufreexWhy LO folks don't use other path... because they want to make trouble for OOJan 26 22:04
DaemonFCLibreOffice is going to be the default in Fedora 15Jan 26 22:04
DaemonFCI assume they're going to have to overwrite existing OOo installs with itJan 26 22:04
gnufreexThose Novell punks must destroy everything.Jan 26 22:05
gnufreexI don't know how they bamboozled everybody into thinking that Novell Office is freer than OpenOffice.Jan 26 22:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] #Cisco Updates Small Business Networking Gear #network #smbJan 26 22:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] 6 Popular VOIP Software for #Linux that You Might Not Know #gnu #free #voipJan 26 22:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cisco Updates Small Business Networking Gear - .::. Size~: 66.76 KBJan 26 22:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 6 Popular VOIP Software for Linux that You Might Not Know .::. Size~: 47.73 KBJan 26 22:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Intel developing #security 'game-changer' - Computerworld « "won't be signature-based, like so much security is today" 26 22:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Intel developing security 'game-changer' - Computerworld .::. Size~: 127.81 KBJan 26 22:13
DaemonFCgnufreex, I usually export to PDFJan 26 22:14
DaemonFCit's more interchangeable than ODF <> OOXMLJan 26 22:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Sounds too much like that mythical magic bullet but you never knowJan 26 22:15
*GoForbes28 (~freakazoi@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 22:16
DaemonFCit's not a perfect world, the need for GPL should prove thatJan 26 22:16
GoForbes28is plymouth in debian, and is there a backport of a newer Linux kernel, preferably version 35?Jan 26 22:17
sebsebsebDaemonFC: Libre Office has been default in Ubuntu 11.04 for a while nowJan 26 22:17
DaemonFCI prefer LibreOffice because it has a bunch of nice things Oracle won't include in OOoJan 26 22:17
DaemonFCfrom speed improvements, to fixing spreadsheet formatting bugsJan 26 22:17
DaemonFC:)Jan 26 22:17
sebsebsebDaemonFC: its got GO OOO ( or whatever its called) stuff in it or whatever, still haven't tried itJan 26 22:18
sebsebsebLibre Office that isJan 26 22:18
*GoForbes28 (~freakazoi@ has left #techrightsJan 26 22:18
DaemonFCThere's nothing wrong with Go-OOJan 26 22:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Off to bed.Jan 26 22:18
DaemonFCsome people jsut don't like it because Novell rebrands it and pays protection money for it as Novell OfficeJan 26 22:18
DaemonFCdoesn't mean that there aren't improvements from OOo in itJan 26 22:19
DaemonFCif people want to be ridiculous and pay Microsoft to use Linux and OOo, let themJan 26 22:19
DaemonFCit's their moneyJan 26 22:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] LibreOffice - s-a separat! #libreoffice #lo #ooo #openofficeJan 26 22:20
DaemonFCsure it's easier for Microsoft to slither around and threaten to sue than it would be to sue and probably loseJan 26 22:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LibreOffice | Fii liber! Folosește programe libere! .::. Size~: 28.84 KBJan 26 22:20
DaemonFCI'm not a fan of OOXML mainly because what's described as the ISO standard and what Microsoft actually uses in Office are two different thingsJan 26 22:21
DaemonFCand now they're trying to rebrand their broken version as OOXML TransitionalJan 26 22:21
DaemonFCWho needs time to transition to the standard they proposed? :)Jan 26 22:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] KAndrei: #LibreOffice 3.3 #loJan 26 22:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LibreOffice 3.3 - .::. Size~: 31.83 KBJan 26 22:21
DaemonFCso what's really in OOo is just another proprietary format that's not documented and the only reference implementation is Microsoft OfficeJan 26 22:22
DaemonFCit stinksJan 26 22:22
DaemonFCerrrJan 26 22:22
DaemonFCreally in OOXMLJan 26 22:22
DaemonFCMiguel de Icaza can't hope to actually defend something as a standard when the standard can't be implemented and the only working reference that is anything like it is a proprietary program that isn't documentedJan 26 22:23
DaemonFCit's a carnival act every time he makes a blog postJan 26 22:24
DaemonFCand even if you pay Novell for their MS Office compatible OOo, it's not really compatibleJan 26 22:24
DaemonFCthe formatting of every document you share with a MS Office user is still botchedJan 26 22:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[phoronix/@phoronix] KDE 4.6.0 Has Arrived: Besides today being an exciting day in that AMD has finally fixed the screen tearing issu... 26 22:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] KDE 4.6.0 Has Arrived .::. Size~: 16.57 KBJan 26 22:25
DaemonFCyes, I think the idea of OOXML export filters in LibreOffice is a bad idea for the sheer point of encouraging users to use something that's guaranteed to be brokenJan 26 22:26
DaemonFCat the very least it should warn anyone using them that MS Office is likely to break their document anywayJan 26 22:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ender2070/@ender2070] #Bell Canada is Terribad Part Two - 26 22:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bell Canada is Terribad Part Two « disgruntledcanadian .::. Size~: 35.09 KBJan 26 22:26
DaemonFCthen again, if you actually want real ODF support, your only options are OOo or something based on itJan 26 22:27
DaemonFCother office software has marginal or broken support at bestJan 26 22:27
DaemonFCthe closest runner up was Koffice which now supports like 80-some percent of ODF featuresJan 26 22:28
*GoForbes28 (~freakazoi@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 22:28
DaemonFCand AbiWord crashes if you use tables or embedded spreadsheet dataJan 26 22:28
DaemonFCthat's why the ODF plug-in for MS Office is just the core of OOo running inside MS OfficeJan 26 22:29
DaemonFCthe relationship of ODF to OOo is like XUL to GeckoJan 26 22:29
*GoForbes28 (~freakazoi@ has left #techrightsJan 26 22:31
*GoForbes28 (~freakazoi@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 22:32
GoForbes28heya, sorry about thatJan 26 22:33
GoForbes28did anyone answer my questions after I crashed?Jan 26 22:33
DaemonFCyou're going to have to build your own kernel I thinkJan 26 22:34
DaemonFCbrbJan 26 22:35
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 26 22:35
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*DaemonFC has quit (Client Quit)Jan 26 22:36
*DaemonFC (~ryan@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 22:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Jorge Castro: User Days: !Unity Q+A and other sessions 26 22:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: User Days: Unity Q+A and other sessions .::. Size~: 7.6 KBJan 26 22:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Shane Fagan: Creating an #Ayatana for streamling development? 26 22:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Creating an Ayatana for streamling development? | Shane Fagan .::. Size~: 17.7 KBJan 26 22:43
MinceRdidn't Go-OO rely on mono?Jan 26 22:45
DaemonFCnoJan 26 22:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ex deputy PM under Blair, John Prescott winging about a lack of enquiry of NOW over phone hacking, pot meet kettle #Iraq #IllegalWar #LiesJan 26 22:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Proprietary Leadership Over Free/Libre and Open Source Projects #blackduck #novellJan 26 22:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Proprietary Leadership Over Free/Libre and Open Source Projects | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.39 KBJan 26 22:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @laurelrusswurm Moon OS is a Ubuntu variant. It has a nicer interface in my opinion, and runs fine on a P3-733 laptop I have.Jan 26 22:48
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 26 22:50
*DaemonFC (~ryan@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 22:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Alleged Attack Site of Darl McBride Gets Suspended #scoJan 26 22:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Alleged Attack Site of Darl McBride Gets Suspended 26 22:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Alleged Attack Site of Darl McBride Gets Suspended | Techrights .::. Size~: 96.98 KBJan 26 22:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Alleged Attack Site of Darl McBride Gets Suspended | Techrights .::. Size~: 96.98 KBJan 26 22:53
*GoForbes28 has quit (Quit: GoForbes28)Jan 26 22:54
gnufreex 26 22:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Oracle fails to keep Hudson creator's trust - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 39.2 KBJan 26 22:56
MinceRgnJan 26 23:01
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 26 23:01
*DaemonFC ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 23:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #OOXML in #Australia a #Novell / #GNOME Deja Vu 26 23:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: OOXML in Australia a Novell/GNOME Deja Vu | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.54 KBJan 26 23:06
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 26 23:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] OOXML in Australia a #Novell / #GNOME Deja Vu #odf #auJan 26 23:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mozilla/@mozilla] Towards Browse-Based Browsing with Home Dash 26 23:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: OOXML in Australia a Novell/GNOME Deja Vu | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.54 KBJan 26 23:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mozilla Labs » Prospector  » Blog Archive   » Towards Browse-Based Browsing with Home Dash .::. Size~: 19.56 KBJan 26 23:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] #Microsoft Becoming an Embargo Company #itc #datel #xboxJan 26 23:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Microsoft Becoming an Embargo Company #itc #datel #xbox360 #patents #banJan 26 23:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Becoming an Embargo Company | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.57 KBJan 26 23:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Becoming an Embargo Company | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.57 KBJan 26 23:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jamesm/@jamesm] Watching Cerf LCA keynote - - love the term he used for the evolution of the net: "permissionless innovation"Jan 26 23:25
TechrightsBot-trconnect() timed out! ( )Jan 26 23:25
*DaemonFC ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 23:26
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*DaemonFC ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 23:28
*DaemonFC wonders why Pidgin likes to log to HTMLJan 26 23:30
DaemonFCthat seems liek a fantastic waste of storage spaceJan 26 23:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aseigo/@aseigo] any other !kde and/or !foss enthusiasts in !vancouver: feel free to join for a celebratory drink @ Cat's Social House, 19:00 ...Jan 26 23:35
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 26 23:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mozilla/@mozilla] The new Socorro 26 23:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The new Socorro «  Mozilla Webdev .::. Size~: 24.6 KBJan 26 23:46
DaemonFCare there any KDE 4.6 RPMs for Fedora 14?Jan 26 23:49
DaemonFC:/Jan 26 23:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Judge Napolitano on Fox News: "KGB-like tactics being used on Bradley Manning are obscenely Un-American" | !wlJan 26 23:55
TechrightsBot-trEmpty reply from server ( )Jan 26 23:55
DaemonFCevery government has a black helicopters division I thinkJan 26 23:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[phoronix/@phoronix] Introducing AppStream, Multi-Distro App Framework: Recently in Germany there was a cross-distribution meeting am... 26 23:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] Introducing AppStream, Multi-Distro App Framework .::. Size~: 17.65 KBJan 26 23:56
DaemonFClong long ago in a galaxy far far away (2007)......Jan 26 23:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "2011-01-27 WikiLeaks barrister Geoffrey Robertson receives NY Bar Association award, warns US" 26 23:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011-01-27 WikiLeaks barrister Geoffrey Robertson receives NY Bar Association award, warns US | WL Central .::. Size~: 16.2 KBJan 26 23:58
DaemonFCThey tried this idea already, it was called Click and Run, and it flopped, even though they conned Mark Shuttleworth into promoting LinspireJan 26 23:58
DaemonFCbrieflyJan 26 23:58

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