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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: January 29th, 2011

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sebsebsebgnufreex: hiJan 29 00:03
gnufreexhiJan 29 00:03
sebsebsebgnufreex: looks pretty impressive doesn't it really?  the time table?Jan 29 00:03
sebsebseb 29 00:03
sebsebseb 29 00:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ubuntu User Days - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 27.9 KBJan 29 00:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ubuntu User Days - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 27.9 KBJan 29 00:03
gnufreexWhat is that about?Jan 29 00:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @themadhatter oh, you're saying it's better if i have passed on than passed out? Hah!Jan 29 00:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @laurelrusswurm Not before you finish the novel!Jan 29 00:05
sebsebsebgnufreex: sessions on IRCJan 29 00:06
sebsebsebabout stuff to  do with Ubuntu by loads of peopleJan 29 00:06
sebsebseband then people can ask questions on IRC as wellJan 29 00:07
sebsebsebgnufreex: starts in about eight hours and a halfJan 29 00:07
gnufreexmehJan 29 00:07
sebsebseblike Ubuntu Open Week after a new releaseJan 29 00:07
sebsebseb,but a lot of sessions in a day, well more than one day depending time zonesJan 29 00:08
sebsebsebdepending on time zonesJan 29 00:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @themadhatter I ought to be uploading tonight (got distracted by !StopUBB last nightJan 29 00:08
gnufreexgnJan 29 00:10
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 29 00:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] off to eat soup (away from keyboard)Jan 29 00:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[opensourceway/@opensourceway] Who won the People's Choice Award? | 29 00:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: People's Choice Award winner: Máirín Duffy | .::. Size~: 40.7 KBJan 29 00:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @ioerror: Sec Clinton calls on General Washington to engage with King George III in implementing reforms #jan25Jan 29 00:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Hillary Clinton on the Egypt protests – video | World news |  .::. Size~: 81.06 KBJan 29 00:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻@ioerror Egypt is repressing free speech with the help of an American company. Tell Congress to investigate: #jan25Jan 29 00:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: | Egypt's Internet Crackdown .::. Size~: 12.96 KBJan 29 00:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @ioerror: Let's stop calling it an 'internet kill switch' and start calling it "the Egypt option for the internet"Jan 29 00:33
*hazzy has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 29 00:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Alshaheeed: Phonecall with protester in #Egypt tells different story than U.S. media. Hear audio. #Jan25Jan 29 00:45
*hazzy (44293ae8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 29 00:49
hazzyEver since I saw zekopeko trolling on the Ubuntu forums in favor of mono, I keep seeing him all over the web, seemingly going out of his way just to "refute" negative points about monoJan 29 00:51
*ramp__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 29 00:54
*ramp__ ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 00:56
sebsebsebhazzy: wellJan 29 00:58
sebsebsebhazzy: ever since that Ubuntu Community Member trolled techrights people, and I look at omgubuntu and the comments, well I notice him a lotJan 29 00:58
sebsebseboh and Benjamin is posting some interesting stuff on there recently,  from the thing in AustralliaJan 29 00:59
hazzyWell, I mean this site; you may agree, it seems somewhat obscure: 29 00:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Get the facts on mono | Guy Van Sanden's Home .::. Size~: 64.23 KBJan 29 00:59
hazzySee *many* of his commentsJan 29 01:00
sebsebsebhazzy: I am in the middle when it comes to Mono, but also Canonica's UnityJan 29 01:00
sebsebsebI mean if they are a good or bad thingJan 29 01:00
sebsebsebI see it from both sidesJan 29 01:00
sebsebsebhow they are good, because... and how they are bad, because...Jan 29 01:00
hazzyAhJan 29 01:00
sebsebsebin the case of Mono though, its more like yes some good apps are made with it really such as Banshee adn F-Spot that can be replaced with other apps that aern't MonoJan 29 01:01
sebsebsebandJan 29 01:01
sebsebsebyes Mono may cause problems  later on for Desktop LinuxJan 29 01:01
sebsebseb,but the Ubuntu Technical Board seem to think its ok to provide Mono stuff by default, because no one has been sued about it yetJan 29 01:01
sebsebsebso they think its safe at the momentJan 29 01:02
hazzyWell, the way I see it is; it will only completely ruin any shred of good reputation that Microsoft has is they pursue legal actionJan 29 01:02
hazzys/is/if/Jan 29 01:02
*ramp__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 29 01:02
sebsebsebpersonalley when it comes to Mono and Unity and things like that, I am in the middle, I see both sides, and as a result not 100% sure what I personalley think about themJan 29 01:02
*ramp__ ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 01:02
sebsebsebjust got to wait for the future, and yeahJan 29 01:02
sebsebsebwith Unity I think, well need something differnet probably really to gain more average users, but they aren't being like a proper upstreamJan 29 01:03
sebsebsebhence their copyright assignments for a startJan 29 01:03
sebsebseband how other distros can't just provide Unity easilly at the moment and that kind of thingJan 29 01:03
sebsebsebhazzy: Mono apps, wel there is no amazing app made with Mono right now, and that's probably a rather good thing indeed really as wellJan 29 01:04
hazzyYeah, but I don't expect Canonical to push changes upstream tbhJan 29 01:04
hazzyIf they don't it will promote more innovation among the distributionsJan 29 01:04
sebsebseband some people think Mono is ok, and these people are wrong who think Mono is all bad, and just worried, because of their hate for MicrsooftJan 29 01:05
sebsebsebwell things aren't really like that, for many people who don't trust Mono,  yes ok that could be a big reason why, but they don't neassailey hate MicrsooftJan 29 01:05
sebsebsebjust distrustJan 29 01:05
sebsebsebhere and thereJan 29 01:05
hazzyYes, that's a big thingJan 29 01:05
sebsebsebas for Unity it can be forked, but other distros shoudn't need to fork it, so that they can contribute code, without Canonical for example being able to relisence it as propritary softwareJan 29 01:06
sebsebsebCanonical should play nice with the other distrosJan 29 01:06
sebsebsebif they are going to be more than just a distro,  and be more like an upstream, they should play nice with loads of  distros, like upstreams tend to do, Gnome and KDE and so onJan 29 01:06
sebsebsebhazzy: also whilst it has copyright assignments upstrem Gnome can't adopt UnityJan 29 01:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] Why do I always feel the need to use a bloated IDE to write java code?Jan 29 01:07
sebsebsebhazzy: also there's a Unity session later :DJan 29 01:07
sebsebsebhazzy: where can ask Jorge Castro questions about itJan 29 01:07
hazzyI'm kinda on the fence about UnityJan 29 01:07
sebsebsebI have been thinking about what I want to ask, and how I would word things,  so that 1. it makes sense and 2.  so that it fits in, when the bot copys the question inJan 29 01:08
sebsebsebhazzy: yep its user days soon againJan 29 01:08
sebsebseboh and the time table looks rather impressiveJan 29 01:08
sebsebsebhazzy: on the fence you mean like me, not sure if it is a good or bad thing?Jan 29 01:08
sebsebseb 29 01:08
sebsebseb 29 01:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ubuntu User Days - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 27.9 KBJan 29 01:08
hazzyI mean, I don't know that I would rather use that over Gnome, or KDEJan 29 01:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ubuntu User Days - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 27.9 KBJan 29 01:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wildcard/@wildcard] RT @jezra Why do I always feel the need to use a bloated IDE to write java code?Jan 29 01:08
sebsebsebhazzy: I am ok with Unity as a choiceJan 29 01:08
sebsebseb,butJan 29 01:08
sebsebsebthat is a choice that is done rightJan 29 01:09
sebsebsebso yep I guess no copyrigth assignments for a start, and  Canonical even helping other distros to provide Unity sometimesJan 29 01:09
hazzyYes, a choice is goodJan 29 01:09
sebsebseband the Ubuntu community people developersJan 29 01:09
sebsebsebhazzy: at the moment it is not a choiceJan 29 01:09
sebsebsebat the moment its only a choice for Ubuntu basicalleyJan 29 01:09
sebsebsebone or two or so Fedora guys have been trying to provide it as an option for Fedora, but have had issues, because of stuff that it usesJan 29 01:10
sebsebsebnon upstream or whateverJan 29 01:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wildcard/@wildcard] @jezra this is so true, Java: Eclipse, pretty much anything else: $EDITORJan 29 01:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Time for Ham Radio Operators to provide the vital comms in and out of #Egypt! #fbJan 29 01:10
sebsebsebplus if they contribute code well Canonical own all the rights to itJan 29 01:10
sebsebsebas I was sayingJan 29 01:10
hazzyOh, that might be something that could be quite problematicJan 29 01:10
sebsebsebyep was quite a lot about that before the copyright assignments, when Unity got mentioendJan 29 01:11
sebsebseboh FSF has them to, but that's differnet, that's  FSF,  they aren't going to maybe relisense the code as propritary software or somethingJan 29 01:11
hazzyYesJan 29 01:11
hazzyExactlyJan 29 01:11
sebsebsebCanonical is a for profit companyJan 29 01:11
sebsebseband we shoudn't really trust any for profit company 100%Jan 29 01:12
sebsebseband Ubuntu is their product, not a project, notice the difference?Jan 29 01:12
sebsebsebUbuntu is a product really, not a projectJan 29 01:12
hazzyYes, I seeJan 29 01:12
sebsebseb100% communty distros for example, yep  those are projects, not products :)Jan 29 01:12
hazzyThose are the kind that I preferJan 29 01:13
sebsebsebsame hereJan 29 01:13
sebsebsebit seemsJan 29 01:13
hazzyWhich is why I use ArchJan 29 01:13
sebsebsebnow daysJan 29 01:13
sebsebsebnow that Canonical have messed Ubuntu up for me, since their badly done Gnome patching and so onJan 29 01:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Interesting automated tool to test your ISP speed - #fbJan 29 01:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: #hamradio #morsecode from #Egypt: "[today] marks a great day [for] egypt"; ~00:30 UTC 7078.70 kHz, full msg here: 29 01:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] @wildcard perhaps the reason so many people dislike java is because the java IDEs are so slow?Jan 29 01:13
sebsebsebhazzy: Linux Mint based on Ubuntu is still good thoughJan 29 01:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube       - Broadcast Yourself.    .::. Size~: 22.5 KBJan 29 01:13
hazzyYes, I've used that in the pastJan 29 01:14
sebsebsebyeah like Ubuntu, butJan 29 01:15
hazzyOh, is AT&T abandoning WP7?Jan 29 01:15
sebsebsebwithout the features I don't like :) well most of themJan 29 01:15
sebsebsebI don't knowJan 29 01:15
hazzyI used to see commercials of them exclusively advertising WP7Jan 29 01:15
sebsebseband then Mint also has added user freindly the mint menu, and the nicer backgrounds and such :)Jan 29 01:15
hazzyBut now, they are advertising Android at a "low price"Jan 29 01:15
hazzyYes, Mint artwork is awesome tooJan 29 01:16
sebsebsebindeed it isJan 29 01:16
sebsebsebhazzy: anyway Mageia :)Jan 29 01:16
sebsebsebCome on Mageia!Jan 29 01:16
sebsebsebshame about alpha 1 thoughJan 29 01:16
sebsebsebhow wellJan 29 01:16
hazzyShame...?Jan 29 01:16
sebsebsebhazzy: yeah not released yet, butJan 29 01:17
hazzyOh, rightJan 29 01:17
sebsebsebhazzy: its going to be a very basic development releaseJan 29 01:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Shuttle to theSummit on the Hill party on Terence level at 8:30PM! #shmoocon #effJan 29 01:17
sebsebsebno GUIJan 29 01:17
sebsebseba shell and that's about itJan 29 01:17
hazzyAhJan 29 01:17
hazzyNot for me yet thenJan 29 01:17
sebsebsebhazzy: and now its delayed again, and as a result of this, I don't care that much about when it comes out now :DJan 29 01:17
sebsebsebI mean that it won't be what I thought it would have beenJan 29 01:17
sebsebsebhazzy: right, but this is a brand new projectJan 29 01:17
sebsebsebthey haven't had any release so farJan 29 01:17
hazzyYes, I knowJan 29 01:18
hazzyI meanJan 29 01:18
hazzyI will skip that releaseJan 29 01:18
sebsebsebhazzy: I will virtual machine itJan 29 01:18
sebsebseb,butJan 29 01:18
sebsebsebwell that will be about itJan 29 01:18
sebsebsebhazzy: I may not even change the topic in my Mageia channel to mention itJan 29 01:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wildcard/@wildcard] @jezra I don't really dislike Java, and on my system, Eclipse works rather well. But an IDE with autocomplete is a must, too much typing ..Jan 29 01:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wildcard/@wildcard] @jezra .. otherwiseJan 29 01:18
sebsebsebhazzy: it will be quite a useless virtual machine, but i'll still do itJan 29 01:19
hazzyWellJan 29 01:19
sebsebsebI think GNome and KDE can  probably be installed into it though, because they are in the reposJan 29 01:19
hazzyI was gonna sayJan 29 01:19
hazzyYeaJan 29 01:19
sebsebsebhazzy: however its just really stuff from Mandriva Cooker, with re brandingJan 29 01:19
*ramp__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 29 01:19
sebsebsebfinal release for ISO 0 will be like that as wellJan 29 01:19
hazzyIs it going to have a default DE?Jan 29 01:19
sebsebsebso it will be very similar to Mandriva 2011Jan 29 01:19
sebsebsebno it will be like Mandriva, and so the default DE's if you like,  are  KDE 4.6 and Gnome 2.32.1Jan 29 01:20
sebsebsebyep it will have the later KDE  and the last Gnome 2Jan 29 01:20
hazzyI need to try the latest KDEJan 29 01:20
sebsebsebhazzy: the first release is really a test of the build system and  the teams and thatJan 29 01:20
hazzyLooks niceJan 29 01:20
hazzyAhJan 29 01:20
sebsebsebthen after they release that one,  I think Mageia will start to improve quite a bit :)Jan 29 01:21
sebsebsebhazzy: however I think the other computer will stay Mandriva for even longer for sureJan 29 01:21
sebsebsebfirst release isn't really meant to be general audiance ready from what I have read on wikiJan 29 01:21
sebsebseband yeah it seems, it won't really offer any proper advantage from a user point of view over MandrivaJan 29 01:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wildcard/@wildcard] @jezra coding Java always gave me the feeling that this is what it would feel to wear a straightjacket ;)Jan 29 01:22
sebsebsebhazzy: that's first stable release above, when I say first releaseJan 29 01:22
sebsebsebhazzy: its an interesting project to follow a bit here and there and be invovled with I think :)Jan 29 01:22
sebsebseb,butJan 29 01:22
hazzyYehJan 29 01:22
sebsebsebI think it will take about a year or soJan 29 01:23
sebsebsebbeforeJan 29 01:23
sebsebsebmaybe two years evenJan 29 01:23
sebsebsebor a year and a half or something, untillJan 29 01:23
hazzyThe roadmap said like April or something?Jan 29 01:23
sebsebsebit starts to gain quite a lot more users and all that :)Jan 29 01:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] RT @curthopkins: Al Jazeera Releases Egypt Coverage Under Creative Commons: #CC BY-NC-NDJan 29 01:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Alshaheeed: BBC Reporter in Tahrir sq now says Protesters & Army in complete harmony, chatting, eating & laughing together #Jan25 #EgyptJan 29 01:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Al Jazeera Releases Egypt Coverage Under Creative Commons (UPDATED)  .::. Size~: 51.68 KBJan 29 01:23
sebsebsebhazzy: last time I looked roadmap needs updatingJan 29 01:23
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJan 29 01:24
hazzyOh, maybe that's the caseJan 29 01:24
*jono_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 29 01:24
sebsebsebhopefuly it will be able to give Ubuntu some nice competition in the future though :)Jan 29 01:24
sebsebsebproper competition I mean as wellJan 29 01:24
sebsebsebhazzy: however they will also work with Ubuntu sometimes it seems,  for example  using the Ubuntu Software Centre or something similarJan 29 01:24
sebsebsebnot just Mageia though, but other distros as wellJan 29 01:24
sebsebsebFedora and so on probablyJan 29 01:24
hazzyI dunno, I think the major contenders will be Ubuntu and Fedora for quite a whileJan 29 01:25
sebsebsebFedora isnt' for newbies really thoughJan 29 01:25
sebsebsebMageia will be :)Jan 29 01:25
sebsebsebas well as expereinced usersJan 29 01:25
sebsebsebI should be be linking to the group not  the tag really, for what I want you to seeJan 29 01:26
sebsebseb,butJan 29 01:26
sebsebsebproblem is,  things keep on ending up only in the tag and not the group :(Jan 29 01:26
sebsebsebso yeahJan 29 01:26
sebsebsebwell you can get onto the blog link about what I am on about, as well as two others, from hereJan 29 01:26
sebsebseb 29 01:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Notices tagged with mageia - .::. Size~: 37.8 KBJan 29 01:27
sebsebseb 29 01:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] Need to reference a CC license on the go? Check out this handy reference app for the iPhone: 29 01:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Notices tagged with mageia - .::. Size~: 37.8 KBJan 29 01:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CCLicenses for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store .::. Size~: 18.05 KBJan 29 01:27
sebsebsebhazzy: theres a video about cross distro calloborationJan 29 01:27
sebsebsebthat I stil haven't seen properly just yetJan 29 01:27
sebsebsebfound it on Google the  other night, when I Google'd something, and then soon after,  mentioned on the blog, and in the last Mageia packaging meeting as wellJan 29 01:27
sebsebsebwhich has a log as wellJan 29 01:27
sebsebseband is a good readJan 29 01:28
sebsebsebhazzy: I haven't dented anything on identi,ca for quite a while now, but been looking at it a bit here and there, but I will start again soonJan 29 01:28
sebsebsebone guy even missed me :)  someone I only had contact with, got a dm from him, well that's nice :)Jan 29 01:28
sebsebsebits nice to be missed by people :)Jan 29 01:29
hazzyLolJan 29 01:29
hazzyOh, found blog linkJan 29 01:29
sebsebsebwell he basically sent one,  said things are quite andJan 29 01:29
sebsebsebfrom meJan 29 01:29
sebsebseband asked if things were ok stillJan 29 01:29
sebsebsebhazzy: right, but theres another two links as well the one on webupdbJan 29 01:30
sebsebsebthe latest dentJan 29 01:30
sebsebsebandJan 29 01:30
sebsebsebthe other one as well,  can get onto all that from the tag linkJan 29 01:30
sebsebsebso it's three linksJan 29 01:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Privacy matters! Happy international privacy day #privacy #dpd2011 #netfreedom #jan25Jan 29 01:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights .::. Size~: 61.08 KBJan 29 01:30
sebsebsebuh the Ubuntu Font in a London art museum hmmJan 29 01:30
hazzyOh, I seeJan 29 01:31
sebsebsebhazzy: 29 01:31
sebsebseb 29 01:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Ubuntu font comes to London Design Museum .::. Size~: 32.22 KBJan 29 01:31
sebsebsebhmm @ thatJan 29 01:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Ubuntu font comes to London Design Museum .::. Size~: 31.72 KBJan 29 01:31
hazzyInterestingJan 29 01:32
sebsebsebI am not sure about this,  I mean if morally it is the right thing to do or whateverJan 29 01:33
sebsebseb,but wellJan 29 01:33
sebsebsebsure one way to get the general public interested in Ubuntu I suppouseJan 29 01:33
sebsebseband they even use Twitter to do it, hmm about to see what that isJan 29 01:33
sebsebsebthe pageJan 29 01:33
sebsebsebthe thing on Twitter, but hmmJan 29 01:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: Telecomix is still receiving morse, most probably from #Egypt: #hamradio #hamr #cwJan 29 01:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Malaysian OSS Community Survey 2011 on awareness of OSS Certification and Education #fbJan 29 01:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: two sticks, dash, cake with a stick down <perhaps  .::. Size~: 20.05 KBJan 29 01:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Malaysia OSS Community Survey 2011 on Awareness of OSS Certification and Education - Malaysia Open Source Community Survey Portal .::. Size~: 17.26 KBJan 29 01:33
sebsebsebhazzy: we need strong good alternative distros to UbuntuJan 29 01:34
sebsebsebhazzy: and that aren't based on itJan 29 01:34
hazzyYes, agreedJan 29 01:34
sebsebseband that are suitable for newbiesJan 29 01:34
sebsebseband that have a great communityJan 29 01:34
hazzyWellJan 29 01:34
hazzyI've foundJan 29 01:34
sebsebsebclosest we got is Mandriva reallyJan 29 01:34
sebsebseb,butJan 29 01:34
hazzyA community as good as Ubuntu's has a lot of Microsoft trollsJan 29 01:34
sebsebsebthe community for Mandriva is,  not quite good enough for the main streame I guessJan 29 01:35
sebsebsebfor a startJan 29 01:35
sebsebsebplus Mandriva has a bit of a bad reputation, because of the company issuesJan 29 01:35
sebsebseband all that, so yeahJan 29 01:35
sebsebseb,but Mageia will be differnetJan 29 01:35
sebsebsebits not just a load of ex Mandriva peopleJan 29 01:35
sebsebsebwhen the time is right for it, I think it has a chance at gaining quite a few new users :)Jan 29 01:36
hazzyYea, lots of new volunteersJan 29 01:36
sebsebseband ideally hopefuly enough I guess, for it to be the number 2 most used Desktop Linux distroJan 29 01:36
sebsebsebI mean after UbuntuJan 29 01:36
sebsebseblet's be realistic  the Ubuntu hype and all that, it's to strongJan 29 01:36
hazzyYesJan 29 01:37
sebsebseband some of these big moves Canonical are starting to do,  us experienced  users may be like hmm, this is maybe a bad idea, because...Jan 29 01:37
sebsebseb,but the newbies be like wowJan 29 01:37
sebsebsebwill be like wowJan 29 01:37
sebsebsebso yeah it would take a lot for another distro to become number one instead of Ubuntu on the desktop,  unless they majorely mess up some howJan 29 01:37
sebsebsebfor the newbiesJan 29 01:37
sebsebseband expereincedJan 29 01:37
sebsebsebso yeah come on Mageia get developed and hopefuly become a great Desktop Linux market share,  number 2, distro :)Jan 29 01:38
sebsebsebhazzy: and newbies tend to just use, what they are told to use as wellJan 29 01:38
hazzyYou think Canonical will eventually (if everything goes right) become a public company?Jan 29 01:39
sebsebsebI think give it maybe another 10 yearsJan 29 01:39
sebsebsebandJan 29 01:39
sebsebsebthey might have gone main streameJan 29 01:39
sebsebsebunless things really do start to mess up properly for them of courseJan 29 01:39
sebsebsebanyway I kind of like the idea ofJan 29 01:40
sebsebseba commerical distro as number one, but only if it works nicely enough with the other distros as wellJan 29 01:40
sebsebseblike for example when it comes to them playing upstream,  like with Unity for exampleJan 29 01:40
sebsebsebmaking it so that other distros can easilly provide it as well, without any strings attachedJan 29 01:41
sebsebsebas the  saying goesJan 29 01:41
sebsebsebso yeah no copyright assignment issues and that kind of thingJan 29 01:41
hazzyYeaJan 29 01:41
sebsebsebhazzy: if Unity does become popular other distros can fork it, but as jono would say, forking should be a last resort, and well indeed at thatJan 29 01:41
hazzyYeapJan 29 01:42
sebsebsebif Canonical play nicely with the other distros propelry nicelyJan 29 01:42
sebsebsebthere shoudn't be a need for them to fork itJan 29 01:42
hazzyAt least to include as a choiceJan 29 01:43
sebsebsebright now we are in a situation where, Unity may get rather popular, and the best thing developers of other distros can do really, is fork itJan 29 01:43
sebsebsebexactly if Unity is really a choiceJan 29 01:43
hazzyPersonally, not my cup of tea, but I won't deny people the choiceJan 29 01:43
sebsebsebthen it should be for the other distros as well, not just UbuntuJan 29 01:43
sebsebsebI am not that keen on it myself from what I seen, I prefer Gnome Shell, not trtied later Gnome Shell's yetJan 29 01:43
sebsebseb,but yeah choice :)Jan 29 01:43
sebsebsebhazzy: software centre has copyright assignments as well I thinkJan 29 01:44
hazzyFehhJan 29 01:44
hazzyThat's not goodJan 29 01:44
sebsebseband this is the other link I wanted you to seeJan 29 01:44
sebsebseb 29 01:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Other Distros May Adopt Ubuntu Software Center | Muktware .::. Size~: 30.91 KBJan 29 01:44
sebsebseb 29 01:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Other Distros May Adopt Ubuntu Software Center | Muktware .::. Size~: 30.91 KBJan 29 01:44
sebsebsebhazzy: on the subject of Unity thoughJan 29 01:45
sebsebsebOMGUbuntu recently posted a good blog entryJan 29 01:45
sebsebsebuhmm Benjamin interviewing one of the first Canonical guys, who later left them after about two years, and thenJan 29 01:45
sebsebsebhelped upstream GnomeJan 29 01:45
sebsebsebhazzy: and oh yeah you so should read that as wellJan 29 01:45
sebsebseband well loads of other people, but also me, are currrently waiting for him to put up his interview with Linus Torvalds :)Jan 29 01:46
hazzyAnd meJan 29 01:47
sebsebseboh you knew about that?Jan 29 01:47
hazzyI didn't know he did an interview with LinusJan 29 01:47
hazzyNopeJan 29 01:47
sebsebsebyeah me either untill I read it this morningJan 29 01:47
sebsebsebthat he hadJan 29 01:47
hazzyBut heard about it just nowJan 29 01:47
hazzyFrom youJan 29 01:47
sebsebsebor yesterday morning in a way,  since now its early hours of morningJan 29 01:47
sebsebsebin this time zone nearly 2amJan 29 01:48
hazzyYea you and schestowitz either stay up really late or get up really earlyJan 29 01:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: END OF COMMUNICATION from #Egypt on #hamradio. all we decoded here: curtesy of HAMGuy #cw #hamrJan 29 01:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: two sticks, dash, cake with a stick down <perhaps  .::. Size~: 20.83 KBJan 29 01:48
sebsebsebhazzy: no I don't get up really earlyJan 29 01:48
sebsebsebhazzy: schestowitz does though sometiemsJan 29 01:49
sebsebseb5am or somethingJan 29 01:49
sebsebsebabout 5am or something yeahJan 29 01:49
sebsebsebhazzy: I got rather messed up sleepingJan 29 01:49
hazzyLol me too but I'm supposed to; I'm a teenager :PJan 29 01:49
sebsebsebgot worse the last two yearsJan 29 01:49
sebsebseb,but I have had sleep issues since well 2006/7Jan 29 01:50
sebsebseb2007/6Jan 29 01:50
sebsebsebhazzy: oh and I don't tend to feel tired anymore eitherJan 29 01:50
sebsebsebunless maybe I been awake about 24 hours, but I don't tend to do thatJan 29 01:50
hazzyYeaJan 29 01:51
sebsebsebor maybe 17 or 19 hours or so depends I guessJan 29 01:51
hazzyMe neitherJan 29 01:51
sebsebseband then its just basicallyJan 29 01:51
sebsebsebsleep when I want toJan 29 01:51
sebsebseband sleep once comfortable enough in bedJan 29 01:51
sebsebseband then sleep a normal amount normalely,  you know six hours, eight hours that kind of thing,  a little waking up in between probably, some good dreams probably as wellJan 29 01:51
sebsebsebso yeah things are hmmJan 29 01:52
hazzyYeaJan 29 01:52
hazzyI can assumeJan 29 01:53
sebsebsebhazzy: and I want to start becoming more of a day person again really I guessJan 29 01:55
sebsebsebsince 2011 I am planning on having as a year of change for me, for the better :)Jan 29 01:55
sebsebseb,but with the sleep issues, things aren't so simpleJan 29 01:55
sebsebsebhazzy: oh yeah being up all night or most of  the night, is great fun at first for many of us, but when we do it to often,  it doesn't become that fun anymoreJan 29 01:56
hazzyYes, good New Years resolutionJan 29 01:57
hazzyOh, agreedJan 29 01:57
sebsebsebhazzy: well I got life goals, andJan 29 01:59
sebsebsebwith how things currently are,  I mean, when awake and when asleep, I am not going to acheive them as suchJan 29 02:00
sebsebsebhazzy:  its been a few years now, since I last had a driivng lesson for example, but I want to sort that thorey out this year, no silly excuses and not bothering, and back to lessonsJan 29 02:00
sebsebseband all that, and then :)Jan 29 02:01
sebsebsebhazzy: of course my lessons when I do that again, will be in day or evening, so uhmm  yeah this current sleeping is no goodJan 29 02:01
hazzyRightJan 29 02:01
sebsebsebplus other things I will start doing later on, will mean more of a reason to be up in dayJan 29 02:02
sebsebsebso yeahJan 29 02:02
sebsebsebhazzy: I think its common these days, for a lot of younger people such as ourselves, to get sleep issuesJan 29 02:03
sebsebseb,but for a long period of time, oh yes things can get annoyingJan 29 02:03
hazzyI was under the impression that you were much older than IJan 29 02:03
sebsebsebhazzy: your 17 aren't you?Jan 29 02:03
hazzyNope, 19Jan 29 02:04
sebsebsebhazzy: I am a bit older than youJan 29 02:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @EFF: Privacy matters! Happy international privacy day #privacy #dpd2011 #netfreedom #jan25Jan 29 02:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights .::. Size~: 61.08 KBJan 29 02:05
sebsebsebhazzy: I find it hard to get certain things done, that I want to do really, when  I am not sleeping when I want to,  or  even  out of bed when I want to,  I mean  it can be nice to stay in bed a bit longer and think about stuff for exampleJan 29 02:05
hazzyYes, I agreeJan 29 02:07
sebsebsebhazzy: schestowitz is kind of amazing in a way I meanJan 29 02:08
sebsebsebhe has a jobJan 29 02:08
sebsebseban actsual paid job, I am not sure what exactlyJan 29 02:08
sebsebseb,but still does his blog and techbytes as wellJan 29 02:08
sebsebseband identica and twitter stuffJan 29 02:08
hazzyYeahJan 29 02:08
sebsebsebthink of all the timeJan 29 02:08
hazzyHe isJan 29 02:08
sebsebsebhe must spendJan 29 02:09
sebsebsebonJan 29 02:09
sebsebsebloads of stuffJan 29 02:09
sebsebseband some how does itJan 29 02:09
hazzyI got let go from my job like 2 weeks agoJan 29 02:09
sebsebseb,but sure, if things are done by a proper time table or scheduled or whatever, and its stuck to, then sure,  loads of stuff can be doneJan 29 02:09
sebsebseboh you lost your job?Jan 29 02:09
hazzyWell, temporarilyJan 29 02:09
sebsebsebohJan 29 02:09
sebsebsebhazzy: me well I can get sucked into just one thing on the computer, and then find it hard to do something else, or two thingsJan 29 02:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] ♻ @themadhatter RT @EFF: Privacy matters! Happy international privacy day #privacy #dpd2011 #netfreedom #jan25Jan 29 02:10
sebsebseb,but schestowitz must multi task a lot on the computer and quite effectivelyJan 29 02:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights .::. Size~: 61.08 KBJan 29 02:10
hazzyYea, sometimes me tooJan 29 02:11
sebsebsebhazzy: IRC is a great time waster for exampleJan 29 02:11
sebsebsebsame thing for IdenticaJan 29 02:11
sebsebsebsometimes something great happens on both, but you know what I mean, I thinkJan 29 02:11
hazzyWell, eventually, I plan to release trance music under a CC licenseJan 29 02:12
hazzyThat's what I do on my spare timeJan 29 02:12
sebsebsebhazzy: I mean this convo is nice sure, but what are we actsually achieveing from it that is proper, well nothing at all I guessJan 29 02:12
sebsebsebhazzy: for exampleJan 29 02:12
sebsebsebwe will be making the Internet bigger thoughJan 29 02:12
sebsebsebby having this convoJan 29 02:12
sebsebsebwell kind ofJan 29 02:12
sebsebsebwell yeah we will really, its just the log page will go up anywayJan 29 02:13
hazzyYepJan 29 02:13
sebsebsebhazzy: yeah the web on its own hmmJan 29 02:14
sebsebsebthe contentJan 29 02:14
sebsebsebprobably way more, than the pshyicall world nowJan 29 02:14
sebsebsebI mean like, webpages, compared to say books and magazines and anything else that is pshyical that can get info fromJan 29 02:14
sebsebsebeven with some print outs of webpages, what I said, would still apply I guessJan 29 02:15
hazzyBytes are easier to reproduceJan 29 02:15
*DaemonFC (~ryan@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 02:15
sebsebsebanyway uhmm we might be dead before this convo disappears from the Internet, hmm, or one of us, hmmJan 29 02:15
sebsebsebhazzy: computer stuff can live on a very long time indeedJan 29 02:16
sebsebsebHey DaemonFC ready to make some Internet history?Jan 29 02:16
sebsebsebThis Line Of Text will be part of Internet history, once the public log, is put on the website later on!Jan 29 02:18
sebsebsebhazzy: so enjoying your free time so far? I mean no jobJan 29 02:19
sebsebsebso free time?Jan 29 02:19
hazzyYeah, kind of, I might start again on Monday though (not holding my breath)Jan 29 02:20
sebsebsebhazzy: well yeah better to have a job really, then have loads of time at homeJan 29 02:20
hazzyWell, like I saidJan 29 02:21
hazzyI'm trying to master trance music compositionJan 29 02:21
hazzySo I can become a DJJan 29 02:21
sebsebsebhazzy: oh yeah something that would be worrying as wellJan 29 02:23
sebsebsebwould beJan 29 02:23
sebsebsebwell Ubuntu adverts proper Ubuntu adverts for the general publicJan 29 02:23
sebsebsebon TV and suchJan 29 02:23
sebsebseb,but none for other distros!Jan 29 02:23
hazzyYea, agreedJan 29 02:23
sebsebsebalso really Canonical played nice, and cared properly about opensource/freesoftware why not have an advert from them, that mentions a few distros?Jan 29 02:23
sebsebseband we know the answer to that oneJan 29 02:23
sebsebseb,because they want people locked in to Ubuntu reallyJan 29 02:23
sebsebseband even more so, if they will pay for Canonica's stuffJan 29 02:24
sebsebsebhazzy: opensource/freesoftware companies with money and quite a lot of it, aren't neassairely a bad thingJan 29 02:24
sebsebsebI mean look at Redhat for exampleJan 29 02:24
sebsebsebwhat bad do they do for opensource/freesoftware?Jan 29 02:24
nisshhsebsebseb, wow, 80% of my scrollback is you talking :)Jan 29 02:25
sebsebsebother then maybe  not adveritsing it to the general public some how, but then again, they don't really have a distro for that anywayJan 29 02:25
sebsebsebnisshh: uhmm sure, plus how I typeJan 29 02:25
sebsebsebhazzy: that London Musem thing I linked to earlier,  I am thinking hmm to that, mixture of good and bad feelingsJan 29 02:26
sebsebsebbad and good I should sayJan 29 02:26
hazzyYea, now that you put it that wayJan 29 02:27
sebsebsebon one hand, they seem to be telling some people from the general public about Ubuntu which is sort of a good thing, so they know there is more to computers than WindowsJan 29 02:27
sebsebseband MacJan 29 02:27
sebsebsebon the other hand, well they are telling them about an alternative, but only one of those type of alternative, I mean only Ubuntu, rather than a few distrosJan 29 02:28
sebsebsebI belive in give the user some choice, and let them choice, so when it comes to distros, mention a few, and give them http://www.distrowatch.comJan 29 02:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. .::. Size~: 141.24 KBJan 29 02:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rt @SexCigarsBooze It has recently been discovered that research causes cancer in rats.Jan 29 02:28
sebsebsebhazzy: once I recommended a few distros to someone who was using Ubuntu,  and I thought he would go for one of those,  or I was recommending Mndriva and something else, well whatever, anyway I also gave distrowatch, but he didn't go for what I suggested, he went for OpenSuseJan 29 02:29
sebsebsebok so for that one, things didn't quite go how I wanted, but well at least he picked his own distro to tryJan 29 02:29
sebsebsebI think at the time distrowatch may have been saying good stuff about opensuse, but anywayJan 29 02:29
hazzyYea, OpenSUSE, ughJan 29 02:29
sebsebsebhazzy: and many people are biased when it comes to UbuntuJan 29 02:30
sebsebsebthey think its the bestJan 29 02:30
sebsebsebbasicalleyJan 29 02:30
sebsebsebto recommend to people and all that, and no,  I totally disagree nowJan 29 02:30
sebsebsebsince 10.04Jan 29 02:31
sebsebsebLinux Mint is one of the best to recommend, totally :)  and probably either Ubuntu based version or Debian,  but Mandriva and PC LInux OS are quite good to recommend as well really I guess, and so onJan 29 02:31
sebsebsebhazzy: Ubuntu has been hyped up since 2004, so yeah how things are todayJan 29 02:32
hazzyI Linux at Ubuntu; HardyJan 29 02:32
hazzyErJan 29 02:32
sebsebsebhazzy: apparnatly a lot of LUG's are hijacked by Ubuntu people as well,  I have been told this before on IRCJan 29 02:32
sebsebsebbasicalelyJan 29 02:32
hazzy'I started Linux*Jan 29 02:32
sebsebsebalso Ubuntu community and Canonical don't educate  users who want to know,  what this kind of software is really about, why it exists and all thatJan 29 02:33
sebsebsebhazzy: I think in a way Canonical probably want most Ubuntu users, to just be consumers really of their product, who don't know that much about it, and will pay for their stuff sometimesJan 29 02:34
hazzyYehJan 29 02:34
sebsebseband you know whatJan 29 02:35
sebsebsebmost of those kind of people in a wayJan 29 02:35
sebsebsebshould just continue to use Windows or start using Mac OS X or somethingJan 29 02:35
sebsebsebto be honest once security is dealt with properly on Windows, which can be done, its not that bad reallyJan 29 02:35
sebsebsebfrom a user point of viewJan 29 02:35
sebsebsebhazzy: I used to want Ubuntu to go mainstreame, I don't think I do anymore,  yeah main streame would mean like, people like my older brother, who well,  oh sure they'll use a distro if its set up for them, but they may never do anything more than just very basic stuff with it, and they won't learn what it is all about eitherJan 29 02:36
sebsebsebI mean like what's happended with Linux Mint on his older lap top, I set it up for him, but he doesn't seem to want to learn what kind of stuff that can be done with it, he just wants to use Firefox mainlyJan 29 02:37
sebsebsebFacebook and yeahJan 29 02:37
sebsebsebhazzy: and I helped out loads of people from that big Ubuntu channel, spent hours with some, spent way more than hours with a few lucky few even,  and most just well use for support,  they don't seem to think like, oh this guy is awesome,  he spent all this time with me, trying to help,  I so got to build up a online friendship with himJan 29 02:38
sebsebsebthey just use for support most of themJan 29 02:38
sebsebseband that's it, then back to their lives you knowJan 29 02:38
sebsebseband some will whine a lot, and threaten to go back to Windows, if things aren't quite working out for themJan 29 02:39
sebsebsebI am not sure if I want a lot of these people, the main streame, the masses,  type people, who don't really care much about technology, to be using a Linux distro, to be honest with you.  I used to really want that, but then so did Canonical it seems, and well the distro started to stop being what I wanted really, and yeah.Jan 29 02:40
sebsebsebSo yeah things are very hmm for Desktop LinuxJan 29 02:40
sebsebsebright now,  in my view, what I think. I have so many mixed feelingsJan 29 02:40
hazzyI just say "The Linux community doesn't want someone like you. Go back to Windows then"Jan 29 02:40
sebsebsebhazzy: do you say that?Jan 29 02:41
hazzyTo myselfJan 29 02:41
hazzyNot to themJan 29 02:41
sebsebsebhehJan 29 02:41
sebsebsebthere's Windows and Mac OS X already, for those who, don't  really care about technology, and to be honest, both do a pretty good job at dealing with tehse people, with help from pepole who make programs for them of courseJan 29 02:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] ♻ @herlo Don't be late to the venue! Take a FUDCon Tour! #fbJan 29 02:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Sexy Sexy Penguins   » Want to get to FUDCon Tempe on time? Take a Tour! .::. Size~: 38.27 KBJan 29 02:42
sebsebsebyes it would be nice to have more people aware of alternatives, but there are so many reasons why,  Linux distros on the desktop aren't main stremae yet,  so many obstacles that haven't been over come yetJan 29 02:42
sebsebsebfrom programs that don't just work on it,  to even user interfaces I guessJan 29 02:42
DaemonFCso Firefox 4 brings with it some broken MySQL packages just so everyone is warnedJan 29 02:43
DaemonFCand these cause Amarok to crash :)Jan 29 02:43
sebsebseblet's take Gnome 2 and KDE, compared to the user interfaces of Windows and Mac OS X,  what is in Gnome 2 or KDE, that will make the average user think wow, this looks so much better than Windows or Mac OS X?  I can't think of anythingJan 29 02:43
sebsebsebKDE 4  looks more like Windows, then is horrible to customise I findJan 29 02:43
sebsebsebGnome 2 is a bit more like Mac OS XJan 29 02:43
sebsebsebso I do think,  that Gnome Shell is a good thing,  and from a user point of view, and such, Unity as well reallyJan 29 02:44
DaemonFCok, forcing the bad mysql packages out and bringing in the old ones makes Amarok work againJan 29 02:44
DaemonFCthe compatibility libraries for MySQL 5.1 seem, incomplete :(Jan 29 02:44
sebsebsebfrom a technical point of view,  when it comes to Unity I have some issues, and already explained about that earlierJan 29 02:44
sebsebsebhazzy: I think if any Linux distro is to go main streame, it needs stuff that will properly impress most average usersJan 29 02:45
sebsebseband no Compiz so isn't it, but maybe with Unity it can be, for exampleJan 29 02:45
sebsebseb,but I  mean like normal Compiz, the wobberly windows, and cubes, that may look great at first, to quite a lot of people, espesailly younger ones, but then it gets boring or annoying or whateverJan 29 02:46
sebsebsebhazzy: we have a great backend, for most Linux distro, an absoutly great backend, compared to WindowsJan 29 02:46
sebsebsebyou know stability security and all that, how things are made and done :)Jan 29 02:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Book sprint results in "An Open Web" 29 02:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Book sprint results in "An Open Web"  [] .::. Size~: 7.28 KBJan 29 02:47
*DaemonFC (~ryan@ has left #techrights ("Leaving.")Jan 29 02:47
sebsebseb,but to attract the proper average end user, things need to look good, for what they want to do, simple as that, and properly good,  so yeah Gnome 2 and KDE 4,  uhmm no I don't think so,  you won't make Desktop Linux go main streameJan 29 02:47
sebsebsebhazzy: and be easy for them to use and all that, and well  give it time, and I think both Gnome Shell and Unity, may become that :)Jan 29 02:47
sebsebseband yeah I typed a lot, but I think you read all or most of it, so :)Jan 29 02:48
*hazzy has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 29 02:48
sebsebseboh lost hazzy ah wellJan 29 02:48
sebsebsebnisshh: oh isn't touch typing great, only thing is, can maybe sometimes type a bit to much, such as maybe above for example :D ^  ,but ah wellJan 29 02:49
nisshhheheJan 29 02:52
sebsebsebnisshh: its going to be  Ubuntu Users Days soon by the wayJan 29 02:52
nisshhand?Jan 29 02:52
sebsebseband you know about it?Jan 29 02:53
sebsebseband some of the sessions will be pretty good I thinkJan 29 02:53
nisshhyes?Jan 29 02:53
nisshhfor a newbie, yesJan 29 02:53
nisshhim no newbieJan 29 02:53
sebsebsebwell yeah me eitherJan 29 02:53
sebsebseb,butJan 29 02:53
sebsebsebI think some of the sessions will be good for more expereinced users as wellJan 29 02:53
nisshhsuch as?Jan 29 02:53
sebsebsebwell the Unity session maybe?Jan 29 02:53
nisshhnahJan 29 02:54
nisshhim certainly not interestedJan 29 02:54
sebsebsebnisshh: well now you have to be interested and help out if you can, or they take away your Ubuntu Membership :DJan 29 02:54
nisshhtoo many newbies asking too many silly questions that a simple google search would turn upJan 29 02:54
nisshhsebsebseb, yes, i help out, i just dont do the whole "spend all my time helping newbies" thingJan 29 02:55
sebsebsebthat was a joke now hence the :DJan 29 02:55
nisshhi realiseJan 29 02:55
sebsebseband I used to spend quite a lot of time helping loads of newbies from that big ubuntu chanenlJan 29 02:55
nisshhthats why i didnt quit IRC right thenJan 29 02:55
sebsebsebeventually wellJan 29 02:56
nisshhyeah, i did that for about 5 minutes before deciding to be a programmer insteadJan 29 02:56
sebsebsebUbuntu started to go down hill to much for my likeingJan 29 02:56
sebsebsebandJan 29 02:56
sebsebsebthe distroJan 29 02:56
sebsebsebthe Gnome patching and so onJan 29 02:56
sebsebseband I started to get annoyed how could spend hours with quite a lot of people, but most would just use for supportJan 29 02:56
sebsebsebanywayJan 29 02:56
sebsebsebno online friendship nothingJan 29 02:56
nisshhyeahJan 29 02:57
sebsebsebno like, oh wow this guy is great, want to stay in touch?  unless maybe they wanted to use for even more support of courseJan 29 02:57
nisshhyeahJan 29 02:57
nisshhsupport leechersJan 29 02:57
nisshhhate thoseJan 29 02:57
sebsebsebwell most just use for support,  and that's it really, that use Ubuntu and get supportJan 29 02:57
sebsebsebthen back to their livesJan 29 02:57
nisshhyeahJan 29 02:58
sebsebseband never really learn, what the type of software is really aboutJan 29 02:58
nisshhanyway dude, i have to go clean out my guttersJan 29 02:58
sebsebsebabout upstreams, and other distros, and all that, you knowJan 29 02:58
nisshhill cya a bit laterJan 29 02:58
sebsebsebnisshh: hold onJan 29 02:58
sebsebseba minJan 29 02:58
sebsebsebnisshh: what do you do for Ubuntu anyway?Jan 29 02:58
nisshhcode, docs, etcJan 29 02:58
nisshhbug triageJan 29 02:58
sebsebsebman pages?Jan 29 02:58
nisshhnoJan 29 02:58
nisshhUbuntu ManualJan 29 02:58
nisshhUbuntu Developer ManualJan 29 02:58
sebsebseboh your on the Ubuntu Manual team?Jan 29 02:58
nisshhQuickly docsJan 29 02:58
nisshhetcJan 29 02:59
nisshhyeahJan 29 02:59
sebsebsebwhat's Quickly?Jan 29 02:59
nisshhim part of the core teamJan 29 02:59
sebsebsebhmm I have been in the manual chanenl a few times before, maybe I seen you there before, but forgotJan 29 02:59
nisshhQuickly the app devel frameworkJan 29 02:59
nisshhyeah, ive seen you in thereJan 29 02:59
sebsebsebnisshh: hmm so you do help newbies, but not in that channel and not the forums either I guessJan 29 02:59
nisshhwellJan 29 03:00
nisshhi dont help newbies with hardware/Ubuntu newbie issuesJan 29 03:00
sebsebsebno, but you help make the users manualJan 29 03:00
sebsebsebUbuntu Manual I should sayJan 29 03:00
sebsebsebso in that way, you help newbiesJan 29 03:00
nisshhbut say, if they are having an issue that is preventing them from contributing to a project i work on, then yes i help themJan 29 03:00
nisshhthats indirectlyJan 29 03:00
sebsebsebnisshh: hmmJan 29 03:01
nisshhsebsebseb, im super frustrated that newbies dont think to use google though, 99% of my issues are solved with googleJan 29 03:01
nisshhi constantly say GIYFJan 29 03:01
nisshhits like my mantra nowJan 29 03:01
sebsebsebnisshh: what does that mean?Jan 29 03:02
nisshhGoogle Is Your FriendJan 29 03:02
nisshhanywayJan 29 03:03
nisshhill bblJan 29 03:03
nisshhcyaJan 29 03:03
sebsebsebnisshh: Ubuntu get's a lot of people who would say yes to someone remote connecting to help for example, even if they don't know who they actsaully areJan 29 03:03
sebsebsebnisshh: so hmm really, are these the kind of people we want using Linux distros, hmm I wonderJan 29 03:03
sebsebsebthose who want support the very easiest wayJan 29 03:04
nisshhyeahJan 29 03:04
sebsebsebbe that being told what to do by someone,  or what I just said for exampleJan 29 03:04
sebsebsebnisshh: yeah to what?Jan 29 03:04
nisshhim agreeing with you :)Jan 29 03:04
sebsebsebconsumersJan 29 03:05
sebsebsebbasicalelyJan 29 03:05
sebsebsebmost Ubuntu usersJan 29 03:05
sebsebsebthey jus want to consume the product, and get help from other people if needed, and not put  much effort into solveing an issue them selves muchJan 29 03:05
sebsebsebnisshh: and Canonical probably know it to, hence more money making services for them now, aimed at consumers, including in the distro itself such as  Ubuntu One and Music StoreJan 29 03:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] New Critical Bug In All Current Windows Versions #windows #microsoft #security via @encyclomundiJan 29 03:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: New Critical Bug In All Current Windows Versions - Slashdot .::. Size~: 111.47 KBJan 29 03:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] Windows critical bug. #microsoft #securityJan 29 03:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Warns of MHTML Bug in Windows | threatpost .::. Size~: 52.69 KBJan 29 03:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Of course the original Digimon theme song was far better than the pathetic Pokemon theme song.Jan 29 04:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @neilhimself: RT @dxferris: #zombiesongs "Pulling Muscles From Michelle"Jan 29 04:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @neilhimself: RT @RobTyrie: Take the last Brain to Clarksville #zombiesongsJan 29 04:05
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 29 04:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @hazzy "2011-01-27 Pirate Party statement concerning Anonymous arrests" 29 04:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011-01-27 Pirate Party statement concerning Anonymous arrests | WL Central .::. Size~: 17.49 KBJan 29 04:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @themadhatter RT @EFF: Privacy matters! Happy international privacy day #privacy #dpd2011 #netfreedom #jan25Jan 29 04:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights .::. Size~: 61.08 KBJan 29 04:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @laurelrusswurm oh come on, the digimon theme was way better than pokemon s1....Jan 29 04:43
*hemimaniac has quit (Quit: I was raided by the FBI and all I got to keep was this lousy quit message!)Jan 29 04:46
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 04:52
*GoForbes28 ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 04:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nhi/@nhi] [NHI]330's blog: FUDcon day -1 29 05:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FUDcon day -1 « Free Your Software/Culture and the Rest Will Follow .::. Size~: 73.28 KBJan 29 05:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] "I'm Batman!"Jan 29 05:02
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 05:03
DaemonFCThe question I want answered is does mono have a bacon-sharp dependency, and if not, why not?Jan 29 05:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk The original digimon theme. The switched it & became ... ahem... drekJan 29 05:05
GoForbes28helloJan 29 05:09
DaemonFCschestowitz: Have you figured out a way to associate Magnet links with a program using KDE?Jan 29 05:09
DaemonFCor anyone for that matterJan 29 05:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] What I really liked was the theme to Dudley the Dragon.... 29 05:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - The Adventures of Dudley the Dragon - Opening Theme    .::. Size~: 130.15 KBJan 29 05:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] my brain is no longer safe for operating heavy equipment or doing important things, so it's time to say sweet dreams !identicatsJan 29 05:15
*GoForbes28 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 29 05:18
*GoForbes28 ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 05:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] Um, ok, just had a user i was helping in my loco channel try and sell shit to me. What. The. Fuck.Jan 29 05:38
schestowitzNovell Mono lackey befriends mobbyist 29 05:41
TechrightsBot-tr@jstedfast: @FOSSpatents I find it hilarious that techrights trolls attack your provenance when combined they have less experience in the field than youJan 29 05:41
DaemonFCschestowitz: Mono isn't really threatening anyone exccept the outfits that are stupid enough to ship itJan 29 05:42
DaemonFCHow much of a loss is it really if we lose a few me too distros like Ubuntu?Jan 29 05:42
schestowitz"Jan 29 05:42
schestowitzWe recently experienced a directed attack on SourceForge infrastructureJan 29 05:42
schestowitz( and so we areJan 29 05:42
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 503 Service UnavailableJan 29 05:42
schestowitzresetting all passwords in the database -- just in case.  We'reJan 29 05:42
schestowitze-mailing all registered account holders to let you know about thisJan 29 05:42
schestowitzchange to your account.Jan 29 05:42
schestowitz"Jan 29 05:42
schestowitz"We are unable to display the page you requested."Jan 29 05:43
schestowitz"For updates, follow us on twitter or check the status dashboard. "Jan 29 05:44
schestowitzNo identicaJan 29 05:44
schestowitz"about 8 hours ago we said, We’re performing some database maintenance that should last approximately 30 minutes. This may impact site performance and/or availability."Jan 29 05:44
schestowitzSo they tell me to change password, but the system to do so is downJan 29 05:45
DaemonFCschestowitz: Fuduntu......Jan 29 05:45
schestowitzSome lins** dudeJan 29 05:45
DaemonFCsome guy going by fewt is....Jan 29 05:45
DaemonFCyeahJan 29 05:45
DaemonFCI thought thatJan 29 05:45
schestowitzfutileJan 29 05:45
*GoForbes28 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 29 05:51
*GoForbes28 ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 05:51
GoForbes28hiJan 29 05:54
schestowitzHi thereJan 29 05:56
GoForbes28anything to report?Jan 29 05:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Tor is out important and even vital to #egyptJan 29 05:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tor is out | The Tor Blog .::. Size~: 11.26 KBJan 29 05:58
schestowitzGoForbes28: wanna do a post?Jan 29 05:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] !WikiLeaks Truth Just Lost In This American Noise Machine /v @hazzyJan 29 06:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: WikiLeak’s Truth Just Lost In This American Noise Machine | QC Mississippi Mud .::. Size~: 25.4 KBJan 29 06:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] I have to keep telling this to facility management"A workaround is not a solution!"Jan 29 06:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] IMO the hack on Sourceforge is another case that shows how vulnerable open source projects are without decentralization.Jan 29 06:05
GoForbes28not right nowJan 29 06:06
GoForbes28just doing some final stuff before sleepJan 29 06:06
GoForbes28i need my remJan 29 06:07
schestowitzOKJan 29 06:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "This Country Is Moving In The Direction Of An Oligarchy!" -Senator Bernie Sanders 29 06:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - "This Country Is Moving In The Direction Of An Oligarchy!" Senator Bernie Sanders    .::. Size~: 126.12 KBJan 29 06:13
DaemonFC 29 06:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Endangered Species Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 134.03 KBJan 29 06:15
DaemonFCrofl @ "shoot, shovel, and shut up"Jan 29 06:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @diablod3 Iran is executing more pro-democracy dissidents 29 06:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Iran: two ‘green wave’ leaders hanged – Common American Journal .::. Size~: 151.84 KBJan 29 06:17
DaemonFCIran likes to hang peopleJan 29 06:17
DaemonFCI liked that Iranian bowling video clip that was shown on Tosh.0Jan 29 06:18
DaemonFC"Praise Allah, a strike! To be fair, that probably is the highest achievement of a woman in that country"Jan 29 06:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 We will soon release numerous cables on Egypt. !wlJan 29 06:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @lxoliva @fabsh that depends on the unreasonable assumption that free software is a product, but it's a philosophyJan 29 06:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] !Wikileaks infrastructure is based on Free software. Free means more secure.Jan 29 06:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @lxoliva @fabsh “!freesoftware is not for you” means “you don't deserve (sw) freedom”. is freedom IYO a product with a target audience?Jan 29 06:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Biden says Assange is a "terrorist" and Mubarak is "no dictator"--and should not step down. Biden is a dangerous fool.Jan 29 06:22
DaemonFCit figures that Oxygen-GTK comes at a point where I use like two GTK+ appsJan 29 06:23
DaemonFCwhy couldn't they have not looked like crap when I had to stare at Firefox for hours a day? :)Jan 29 06:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @rysiek ♻ @jilliancyork: Shame on VP Joe Biden for putting Israel before Egyptians. #jan25Jan 29 06:23
schestowitzDaemonFC: there's firefox with qtJan 29 06:25
schestowitzMaybe you use a ubuntu base and not kubuntu-desktop (iirc you're on ubuntu)Jan 29 06:26
DaemonFCFedoraJan 29 06:26
DaemonFCUbuntu chokes on the version of hplip I need, so I gave upJan 29 06:26
*DaemonFC loves having /home on it's own partitionJan 29 06:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @mairin how dare anyone say that free software is NOT for any given group of people. that's elitism. #angryJan 29 06:27
DaemonFCI consider GIMP and Pidgin unimpeachableJan 29 06:27
DaemonFCanything else I'm willing to negotiate :)Jan 29 06:27
DaemonFCPidgin actually makes a really nice IRC client if you add the IRC helper plug-insJan 29 06:28
DaemonFCmakes me wonder why those features aren't just there alreadyJan 29 06:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @lxoliva @fabsh or rather they're being taught not to mind censorship, torture, propaganda, handcuffs << exactlyJan 29 06:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The advantages of free software — GNU Project — Free Software Foundation (FSF) .::. Size~: 12.61 KBJan 29 06:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @lxoliva people are taught inquisition=bad, Gitmo=civilised. Fox 'News' causes brain damage.Jan 29 06:30
GoForbes28ok signing offJan 29 06:31
schestowitz0/Jan 29 06:31
GoForbes28huh?Jan 29 06:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] I'll limit my # of dents about #egypt not because it's unimportant but because many wonderful people already do so. Help the Egyptians.Jan 29 06:32
GoForbes280/?Jan 29 06:33
schestowitzGoForbes28: it's a man wavingJan 29 06:33
DaemonFCI tried out the free ati driver today out of curiosity, with Mesa 7.9Jan 29 06:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Becoming an #Ubuntu Developer: a short guide #gnu #linuxJan 29 06:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jargon think about it. US bombs & bullets didn't bring change to the mideast. a single leak of US cables did. !wikileaks #BradleyManningJan 29 06:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jargon the byte is mightier than the sword. !wikileaks #TGIEF (Thank God It's Egyptian Friday)Jan 29 06:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Becoming an Ubuntu Developer: a short guide     .::. Size~: 7.9 KBJan 29 06:33
DaemonFCit actually does have some opengl acceleration support, although it's really slow and a number of kwin plug-ins refused to loadJan 29 06:34
DaemonFCit's encouraging though, a few months ago there was no 3d support at all on this cardJan 29 06:34
GoForbes28ohJan 29 06:34
GoForbes28and roy, can you identi me any news regarding the next techbytes episode?Jan 29 06:35
DaemonFCthat's the last really big nonfree thing I can't seem to get rid ofJan 29 06:35
GoForbes28I may have time again tomorrowJan 29 06:35
DaemonFCbinary video driverJan 29 06:35
schestowitzGoForbes28: sure!Jan 29 06:36
schestowitzI'll know on Monday, I thinkJan 29 06:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer ♺ @villagetelco: #jan25 is evidence why alternative, autonomous, user-owned telephone and Internet infrastructure is importantJan 29 06:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer RD @sarahraslan: Egyptian Christians said they will guard the Muslims from security while they pray today. United against govJan 29 06:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft's booster from Murdoch's rag has new headline: "Nokia CEO Elop Lays Groundwork for New Strategy, Hints May Be Open to OS Switch"Jan 29 06:40
GoForbes28kkJan 29 06:42
GoForbes28till then]Jan 29 06:42
*GoForbes28 ( has left #techrightsJan 29 06:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Senator Kerry's secret Egypt briefing !wlJan 29 06:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cable Viewer .::. Size~: 65.9 KBJan 29 06:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons - nice idea, but sad that it's necessaryJan 29 06:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: tweetCC | Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons .::. Size~: 6.61 KBJan 29 06:45
*Ender2070 ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 06:45
DaemonFCschestowitz: I finally managed to convince my bank to let users in who weren't on Firefox, IE, or Safari on Windows or Mac.Jan 29 06:48
DaemonFCseemed like everything else got you to upgrade your browser page :/Jan 29 06:49
DaemonFCwhat year is this? :)Jan 29 06:49
DaemonFCI bounce between Opera and Rekonq depending on what mood I'm in :PJan 29 06:51
DaemonFCso I'm used to having to spoof the user agent for stupid sites like thatJan 29 06:51
schestowitzYeahJan 29 06:52
schestowitzGood job thenJan 29 06:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] First taste of Honeycomb: #Android 3.0 user interface preview "not have to wait long before Android 3.0 arrives..."Jan 29 06:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: First taste of Honeycomb: Android 3.0 user interface preview .::. Size~: 39.68 KBJan 29 06:52
schestowitzThey are afraid of unknownJan 29 06:52
schestowitzMy bank was accessed online by Perl script back around 2002Jan 29 06:52
schestowitzI remember trying to operate a Perl script that would log on to the bank and download the reports to save timeJan 29 06:53
schestowitzThey needed to block thatJan 29 06:53
schestowitzBut sniffing browsers ain't simple and some go further with proprietary junk (like ActiveX) to check what browser it isJan 29 06:53
schestowitz 29 06:54
TechrightsBot-tr@Metztli_IT: ♺ @schestowitz ♺ @jargon ☛ US bombs & bullets didn't bring change to the mideast. a single leak of US cables did. #wikileaks #BradleyManningJan 29 06:54
DaemonFCyeah, Opera ended up telling Wells Fargo it was Firefox on Windows by defaultJan 29 06:54
DaemonFCafter the bank refused to change their sniffingJan 29 06:54
schestowitzWin/IE should be the one for BANKS TO BLOCKJan 29 06:54
schestowitzThese re the least secure clientsJan 29 06:54
schestowitzBut instead they spread wide and say to zombies, come get usJan 29 06:55
DaemonFCyeah, but the pitch is, for your security, please come back in IE 6+ or Firefox 2 :)Jan 29 06:55
DaemonFCisn't it funny they never update those?Jan 29 06:55
schestowitzsome still ask for netscapeJan 29 06:55
schestowitzProbably old disgruntled devs who rightly leftJan 29 06:55
schestowitzNew code monkeys don't bother changing itJan 29 06:55
DaemonFCat the very least, they should block all versions of IE <8Jan 29 06:56
DaemonFCno bank should allow IE 6 under any circumstancesJan 29 06:56
schestowitz 29 06:57
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server ErrorJan 29 06:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Scot's Newsletter Forums > Mayor of Oklahoma and CentOS .::. Size~: 9.83 KBJan 29 06:57
DaemonFCNetscape 7.x was OK, then AOL torpedoed their last employees and ended up getting some Canadians to write the bastard child of IE and Firefox as Netscape 8 and making it Windows onlyJan 29 06:57
DaemonFC:)Jan 29 06:57
DaemonFCthen there was Netscape 9, which was Firefox with a skin and supported for all of about 6 monthsJan 29 06:57
DaemonFCnow doesn't even exist except as a redirect to AOL's websiteJan 29 06:58
DaemonFCThat was money well spent....Jan 29 06:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 WikiLeaks releases first batch of new Egyption cables !wlJan 29 06:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Egypt Leaves the Internet - Renesys Blog .::. Size~: 203.2 KBJan 29 06:58
DaemonFCschestowitz: My laptop came preloaded with Netscape 8 as the default browserJan 29 06:59
DaemonFCI toyed around with it for a little while until I got sick of it changing between IE and Firefox at randomJan 29 07:00
DaemonFCit was supposed to be "safe sites" as determined by AOL got rendered in IE "for compatibility"Jan 29 07:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 New cable on Egyptian police brutality !wlJan 29 07:00
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 07:00
DaemonFCin practice it ended up being that some sites loaded fast (Gecko), some loaded slow (IE), some had antialiased fonts (Gecko), some didn't (IE), some had smooth scrolling on (IE), some didn't (firefox) and on and onJan 29 07:01
DaemonFC:DJan 29 07:01
DaemonFCIt's the worst thing to ever come out of CanadaJan 29 07:01
DaemonFCand I say that even with regard to hockey hairJan 29 07:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Viewing cable 09CAIRO326, SENATOR LIEBERMAN’S FEBRUARY 17 MEETING WITH GAMAL MUBARAK #egypt // Will Biden visit Manning?Jan 29 07:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @jargon: Arab Revolution. The REAL "Yes, We Can!"Jan 29 07:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cable Viewer .::. Size~: 54.26 KBJan 29 07:03
DaemonFCschestowitz: I'd like to see Rekonq get promoted from Extragear and replace KonquerorJan 29 07:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] SCENESETTER FOR GENERAL SCHWARTZ "Egypt military relationship is strong" > meaning: we supply weapons at US tax expenseJan 29 07:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cable Viewer .::. Size~: 57.2 KBJan 29 07:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 "Welcome to Washington, President Mubarack..." !wlJan 29 07:07
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 07:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Viewing cable 09CAIRO1468, NDP INSIDER: MILITARY WILL ENSURE TRANSFER OF POWER "Egyptian military and security services"Jan 29 07:08
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 07:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] One has to wonder how many such #cablegate items will show that there are clients states and "our endorsed" dictators in south America. !wlJan 29 07:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It is reported that in Brazil there are new cronies trying to pass Hollywood-style copyright regime. Would Biden approve? Sure he would.Jan 29 07:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Cable: "Mubarak's terror against writers, bloggers and journalists" !wlJan 29 07:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "GOE broad powers to arrest individuals without charge and to detain them indefinitely." !wl #ifwl #EgyptJan 29 07:13
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 07:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cable Viewer .::. Size~: 54.78 KBJan 29 07:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "police brutality continues to be a pervasive, daily occurrence in GOE detention centers," #cablegate #egypt #ifwlJan 29 07:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cable Viewer .::. Size~: 51.66 KBJan 29 07:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer: Seemingly only DNS servers are blocked in #Egypt - switch to public DNS like Google's at IP and - Please RTJan 29 07:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Cable: "Welcome to Egypt, FBI's what's going on" !wlJan 29 07:18
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 07:18
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@ has left #techrights ("Leaving.")Jan 29 07:19
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 07:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Cable: "Welcome to Egypt, Admiral... here's what's going on." !wlJan 29 07:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Had fun tonight at the first day of !FUDCon ! Met a ton of people, and had fun at party and aftergaming with the gang.Jan 29 07:20
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 07:20
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 29 07:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Cable: "A new round of political arrests..." !wl // #egypt #dissentJan 29 07:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cable Viewer .::. Size~: 57.28 KBJan 29 07:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The cables of #egypt help provide clue re any country whole authority receives instructions from an outside authority & thus becomes clientJan 29 07:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @schestowitz ♺ @jwildeboer: Seemingly only DNS servers are blocked in #Egypt - switch to public DNS like Google's at IP and 8 ...Jan 29 07:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @schestowitz ♺ @glynmoody Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons - nice idea, but sad that it's necessaryJan 29 07:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: tweetCC | Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons .::. Size~: 6.61 KBJan 29 07:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @schestowitz Microsoft's booster from Murdoch's rag has new headline: "Nokia CEO Elop Lays Groundwork for New Strategy, Hints May Be ...Jan 29 07:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Cable: "10 Yemeni children were trafficked to Egypt for organ harvesting" !wlJan 29 07:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @stickster To all #FUDCon folks: so great to have you here! See you at CDN 60. Remember, guides leaving the Courtyard lobby starting ...Jan 29 07:27
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 07:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh ♺ @jargon "A Message to Anonymous from inside Egypt" #TGIEFJan 29 07:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] To borrow the phrase from Western authority, do #Vodafone #linkDSL and #TEData have "blood in their hands"? #censorship #collusionJan 29 07:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: A message to Anon from inside Egypt. - Imgur  .::. Size~: 8.43 KBJan 29 07:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Help us spread the last two days of cables into Egypt through neighboring media and sat tv. !wl > !techrights will host copiesJan 29 07:30
schestowitz[07:04] <DaemonFC> schestowitz: I'd like to see Rekonq get promoted from Extragear and replace KonquerorJan 29 07:31
schestowitzKonq is goodJan 29 07:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Joe Biden says Mubarak isn't a dictator, questions legitimacy of protesters' demands #clientstateJan 29 07:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Protests are being digitalised. Policing cannot keep up.Jan 29 07:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Joe Biden says Mubarak isn't a dictator, questions legitimacy of protesters' demands - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 140.01 KBJan 29 07:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Why #Android will win the tablet wars like it does in phones... #linuxJan 29 07:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Why Android will win the tablet wars - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 44.72 KBJan 29 07:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Fox News and Sara Palin - a great comedy routine. #fbJan 29 07:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Cable: "Shin Bet talks Gaza economics..." !wlJan 29 07:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Cable: "Rogue Egyptian priests feed US adoption racket" !wlJan 29 07:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Sarah Palin | Sputnik WTF Moment | Video | Mediaite .::. Size~: 91.53 KBJan 29 07:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cable Viewer .::. Size~: 57.45 KBJan 29 07:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cable Viewer .::. Size~: 51.08 KBJan 29 07:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The Egyptian "people blame America" now for their plight. so that's why !wikileaks is "bad"?Jan 29 07:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] A competitor to Palin? #fbJan 29 07:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cable Viewer .::. Size~: 65.9 KBJan 29 07:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Michele Bachmann Response Gets Straightened Out By TeaPartyHD .::. Size~: 323.32 KBJan 29 07:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @ml2mst Introducing Microsoft NL's latest Astorturfing "Technical Evangelist" #failJan 29 07:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Webwereld .::. Size~: 42.72 KBJan 29 07:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @schestowitz ♺ @ml2mst Introducing Microsoft NL's latest Astorturfing "Technical Evangelist" #failJan 29 07:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Cable: Egypt detained Christian blogger for criticizing Islam !wl << not reported by the mediaJan 29 07:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] DE: Freiburg: open source office three to four times cheaper #germany #freesoftware #osorJan 29 07:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Webwereld .::. Size~: 42.72 KBJan 29 07:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cable Viewer .::. Size~: 53.91 KBJan 29 07:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: DE: Freiburg: open source office three to four times cheaper —  .::. Size~: 29.53 KBJan 29 07:45
*bob4linux (b634c5a7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 29 07:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @danny_at_cpj This is what Egypt's cutoff from the Net looks like: << too much truth on the Web?Jan 29 07:47
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJan 29 07:47
*bob4linux has quit (Client Quit)Jan 29 07:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Egypt: "Police will round up 40 to 50 suspects and hang them by their arms from the ceiling for weeks" 29 07:50
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 07:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 Cable: "Torture and police brutality in Egypt are endemic and widespread" !wlJan 29 07:52
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 07:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @ml2mst I believe that we should take this to EU parliamentary level 29 08:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Italy sues Microsoft for box-bundling bungling • Channel Register .::. Size~: 22.7 KBJan 29 08:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @baderkamal: As Egypt Erupts, Al Jazeera Offers Its News for Free to Other Networks < Sharing is better!Jan 29 08:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: As Egypt Erupts, Al Jazeera Offers Its News for Free to Other Networks | Epicenter | .::. Size~: 78.07 KBJan 29 08:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer To the #Egypt people - stay strong. The world is watching. Wish I could do more. #Jan25Jan 29 08:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @CarlosLatuff: (Cartoon) Khaled Said, your death wasn't in vain! #jan25Jan 29 08:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  (Cartoon) We are all Khaled Said #Jan25 on Twitpic  .::. Size~: 13.18 KBJan 29 08:12
*cubezzz ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 08:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer RD @jrug: Something changed today. This became a full blown uprising against Mubarak rule cutting across social dividesJan 29 08:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer Lesson for dictators after #Jan25: Cutting off Internet/SMS == More people on the street == you #fail.Jan 29 08:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer re "Build your own decentralized communication" > but one country has the root servers (for WWW/HTTP for example)Jan 29 08:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer Can we continue to use Vodafone etc here in EU after they cut off #Egypt from communication? cc @NeelieKroesEUJan 29 08:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer Surprising how western media called Mubarak a president a few days ago and now dictator. #hipocrisy #Jan25 #EgyptJan 29 08:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer it's my understanding that he is a strong leader(elected by the West)who ensures security in the region at expense of populationJan 29 08:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer it's a tactical region because of Suez tunnel ($$$) and it's like an outpost for the West (like post-Saddam Iraq and Israel)Jan 29 08:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer IOW, when weapons are shipped to these countries, they are actually shipped to themselves (their imperialistic outposts)Jan 29 08:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer historically speaking, ain't it nice when you give weapons for others to give you their "cannon fodder" (people operating arms)?Jan 29 08:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Live streaming from #Egypt from Aljazeera - "the revolution is not televised, but streamed" #fbJan 29 08:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[phoronix/@phoronix] Version 1.0 Of Enlightenment Foundation Libraries: If you missed it this Friday night, version 1.0 of the core E... 29 08:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  AJE - Al Jazeera English  .::. Size~: 174.21 KBJan 29 08:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] Version 1.0 Of Enlightenment Foundation Libraries .::. Size~: 18.08 KBJan 29 08:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Maybe Google won't censor "bittorrent". Maybe it's an accident; after all, everything at Google is always in Beta{tm}. #censorshipJan 29 08:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @avinunu: Dad: "let's go out and get lunch." Me: "But the revolution in on TV." Dad: "By the time we come back, Mubarak will be gone."Jan 29 08:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @telecomix: An anonymous dialup service provided by on +33172890150 login toto password toto #JAN25 #Egypte RT plz relay INFOJan 29 08:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @schestowitz ♻ @telecomix: An anonymous dialup service provided by on +33172890150 login toto password toto #JAN25 #Egypte ...Jan 29 08:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh BTW, all you anti-gun control people: What you are seeing in #Egypt is that people are able to oppose their government without gunsJan 29 08:33
schestowitz 29 08:34
TechrightsBot-tr@soulstyce_mpls: @harishpillay‎ @schestowitz @jwildeboer they pulled their routes. dns requires routes. game over. 29 08:34
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title:  Telecom Egypt Leaving the Internet  .::. Size~: 1.82 KBJan 29 08:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Teachers Back Away From Evolution In Class why fake 'debates' (PR hacks) breed fear of discussion (c/f climate change)Jan 29 08:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] For those who hadn't heard,, a microblogging service heavily tied to personal identity, closed their service earlier this month.Jan 29 08:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Teachers Back Away From Evolution In Class - International Business Times .::. Size~: 75.92 KBJan 29 08:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh BBC reporting that secret police is now targetting journalists. Bleeding BBC journalist on TV. #EgyptJan 29 08:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @fabsh it's the same inside the UKJan 29 08:37
*ramp ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 08:37
DaemonFCWhy has Mono dropped .Net 1.1 support?Jan 29 08:37
DaemonFCthat's still in the latest .Net bundle :)Jan 29 08:38
*ramp_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 08:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] "This is Red Hat intern confidential"Jan 29 08:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @joabj Apache CouchDB 1.0.2 released: 29 08:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Apache CouchDB: Downloads .::. Size~: 16.67 KBJan 29 08:40
*ramp has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 29 08:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The events in #Egypt will promote decentralisation (given the risk just demonstrated) and by extension free software. !fsfJan 29 08:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Egypt - Evidence of torture and repression by Mubarak´s Police #torture #clientstate #securityJan 29 08:43
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 08:43
schestowitz"-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] If my GVMT cut my Internet connection I would be in the streets with a loaded shotgun. #FTW #jan25"Jan 29 08:44
schestowitzHm...Jan 29 08:44
schestowitzDoesn't sound right for a lawyer to say thatJan 29 08:44
cubezzzvery foolishJan 29 08:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Egypt - Egyptian Military Succession Plans Told to US Embassy more evidence of #clientstate #ifwl !wikileaksJan 29 08:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @monaeltahawy: RT @beleidy Vodafone is back again, gmail is working now #Egypt #Jan25Jan 29 08:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Egyptian Military Succession Plans Told to US Embassy .::. Size~: 46.89 KBJan 29 08:47
DaemonFCschestowitz: I propose a moment of silence in mourning of the passing of J#Jan 29 08:47
DaemonFC:)Jan 29 08:47
cubezzzI still say freenets are the way to goJan 29 08:47
cubezzzif at all possible where one livesJan 29 08:47
cubezzzredundant internet connections are nice to have tooJan 29 08:48
DaemonFCI wonder when MonoDevelop will ditch support for it since Mono can't run it anymoreJan 29 08:48
DaemonFCor if it even matters since I don't know that it was ever used anywayJan 29 08:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @joabj Apache jackrabbit 2.2.2 released: 29 08:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] People who had nothing to do w/ #egypt protests and may have even opposed them left w/o Internet connection. This only leads to *more* angerJan 29 08:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Downloads .::. Size~: 18.8 KBJan 29 08:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Mubarack has just met Barbara Streisand (effect) 29 08:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Streisand me ! .::. Size~: 4.33 KBJan 29 08:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @dirkriehle: German public radio station BR5, in their weekly open source software session, dropped OpenOffice in favor of LibreOfficeJan 29 08:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Most iconic picture of #Egypt #Jan25 29 08:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  The most subversive protest of all: An Egyptian protester kis... on Twitpic  .::. Size~: 0.97 KBJan 29 08:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ [from yesterday] @exiledsurfer: tanks rolling into suez as of 20 mins ago after protesters had taken over the cityJan 29 08:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer Most iconic picture of #Egypt #Jan25 29 08:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  The most subversive protest of all: An Egyptian protester kis... on Twitpic  .::. Size~: 0.96 KBJan 29 08:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @dirkriehle: German public radio station BR5, in their weekly open source software session, dropped OpenOffice in favor of LibreOfficeJan 29 08:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh Protest continuing. Police headquarters on fire. #EgyptJan 29 08:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @Mayousef The People just ousted Mubarak as the mayor of Egypt on @foursquare #jan25 #4sqJan 29 08:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh The ruling party headquarters is ablaze in Cairo. #EgyptJan 29 08:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh CNN criticising the US foreign policy now. Nice to hear some sane voices from inside the US. #EgyptJan 29 08:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer The Hague should prepare for a lot of work. #Mubarak deploying army on his own people is a crime IMHO.Jan 29 09:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Journalists and bloggers struggle to report out of Egypt when the Internet is switched off (total darkness)Jan 29 09:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Ubuntu cannot print on Tuesdays 29 09:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @rysiek ♻ @telecomix: Armoured personnel carriers in Suez: #Egypt #jan25Jan 29 09:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh Protesters now taking over army emplacements in #Cairo. #EgyptJan 29 09:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bug #248619 in file (Ubuntu): “file incorrectly labeled as Erlang JAM file” .::. Size~: 120.42 KBJan 29 09:04
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJan 29 09:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Thousands protest in #Jordan "demanding the country's prime minister step down"Jan 29 09:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Thousands protest in Jordan - Middle East - Al Jazeera English  .::. Size~: 86.76 KBJan 29 09:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 "The Age of WikiLeaks" first WL book in english. Order now! !wlJan 29 09:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @exiledsurfer: Can i repeat myself? This is the beginning of the end of American influence in the Middle East. It's over. #Jan25Jan 29 09:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: THE AGE OF WIKILEAKS | By GREG MITCHELL | Blurb  .::. Size~: 58.75 KBJan 29 09:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @richslxh Breaking Al Jazeera: Thousands of protestors attempt to storm Egypt TV & Radio HQ in CairoJan 29 09:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @emptywheel Again, US govt calls on others to stop interfering w/social networks. So will they explain why Visa, MC, AMZN shut down WL?Jan 29 09:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @poissonjensen Apparently I'm not crazy... All this is happening... #Revolution is coming to a country near you soon. #Egypt !wikileaksJan 29 09:13
*ramp__ ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 09:16
schestowitz 29 09:16
TechrightsBot-tr@Osama Khalid (osamak)'s status on Saturday, 29-Jan-11 09:08:16 UTC - @schestowitz I hope so, but it definitely won't happen by itself. It didn't happen when IR & CN blocked Twitter. We must take the chance.Jan 29 09:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @laurelrusswurm ♺ @exiledsurfer ♺@SultanAlQassemi Clinton press conference. It's just not good enough. #Jan25 #jan28 #egyptJan 29 09:17
*ramp_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 29 09:17
schestowitz 29 09:21
TechrightsBot-tr@osvaldo (osvaldo)'s status on Saturday, 29-Jan-11 09:15:44 UTC - @schestowitz Hum... in the 90's we had descentralization on the web. Mass engagement requires inv. in PR and advertisement. Monopolies do itJan 29 09:21
schestowitz 29 09:21
TechrightsBot-tr@Sander (sandersch)'s status on Saturday, 29-Jan-11 09:17:33 UTC - ♻ @schestowitz Al Jazeera releasing #Egypt coverage under !CC licenses. Thanks @mohamed This is progressive, important: 29 09:21
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title:  Al Jazeera Releases Egypt Coverage Under Creative Commons (UPDATED)  .::. Size~: 53.23 KBJan 29 09:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @telecomix: incredible images of #Egypt protests #jan25 // some [NSFW]Jan 29 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] "Microsoft loses Office 365 man - Yet another cloudy exec bites dust" #MSFTJan 29 09:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   The Egypt Protests >> TotallyCoolPix .::. Size~: 92.44 KBJan 29 09:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft loses Office 365 man • Channel Register .::. Size~: 23.9 KBJan 29 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @martinbogo: In #Egypt a network of BBS's are coming to life to combat closure of ISP access. UUCP, FIDOnet nodes up an running.Jan 29 09:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] US-Egypt military chiefs meet in Washington 29 09:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      US-Egypt military chiefs meet in Washington | News by Country | Reuters  .::. Size~: 35.93 KBJan 29 09:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @martinbogo In #Egypt a network of BBS's are coming to life to combat closure of ISP access. UUCP, FIDOnet nodes up an running.Jan 29 09:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @GregMitch Nic Robertson just now on CNN: in Alexandria army joining protesters, embracing them, "incredible scene"Jan 29 09:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @exiledsurfer: "Mr. Mubarak, tear down this firewall." -Quote: @anildash || #jan25 #jan28 #EgyptJan 29 09:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Open-source challenge to Microsoft Exchange gains steam another Microsoft VP has just quit. Details shortly...Jan 29 09:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open-source challenge to Microsoft Exchange gains steam .::. Size~: 122.54 KBJan 29 09:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @laurelrusswurm rd @digimer Let this be the decade where fear is no longer an excuse 4 oppression. Courage is contagious!Jan 29 09:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @telecomix: #telecomix #hamradio activists are reviecing signal in morse code from egypt. when countries block web we evolve. #jan25Jan 29 09:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @richslxh Free Press has just discovered one American company, Boeing-owned Narus has sold Egypt "Deep Packet Inspection" (DPI) equipmentJan 29 09:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @agentsmith In these dark days we're living on, who will stand for justice,freedom,and PEACE?I will.I support the end of tyranny in Egypt.Jan 29 09:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @rysiek ♻ @ioerror: NO #CNN !!!! Muslim Brothers didn't call for today's protests! #Stopspreadingyournonsense #Egypt #Jan25Jan 29 09:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Egypt should now that CNN is not there to help - it serves the Establishment which supports the current regime in Egypt.Jan 29 09:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Ethical Engineering - Programmers, engineers - refuse to work on projects that promote censorship, repression.Jan 29 09:45
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@ has left #techrights ("Leaving.")Jan 29 09:46
schestowitz 29 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr@Osama Khalid (osamak)'s status on Saturday, 29-Jan-11 09:37:04 UTC - @schestowitz doesn't #Choqok support identica's built-in repeat?Jan 29 09:47
schestowitz 29 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Saturday, 29-Jan-11 09:44:34 UTC - @osamak it does, but I am catching up with items in html formJan 29 09:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @joabj Microsoft is notorious 4 lifting ideas, yet with open source it "stays away like a bear confronted by a skunk" 29 09:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] How ironic. CNN spreads FUD, Al Jazeera reports objectively. For years we were told it is the other way round. #Egypt #Jan25Jan 29 09:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle:            Microsoft Phone 7 Is Dead in the Water | John C. Dvorak |       .::. Size~: 84.59 KBJan 29 09:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @lars_akerhaug: Army pickup truck just arrived to the Tahrir square, they did let protestors hitch hike with them. Bad omen for Mubarak.Jan 29 09:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @rysiek ♻ @bencnn: Teenager showed me teargas canister "made in USA". Saw the same thing in Tunisia. Time to reconsider US exports?Jan 29 09:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer How ironic. CNN spreads FUD, Al Jazeera reports objectively. For years we were told it is the other way round. #Egypt #Jan25Jan 29 09:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Watch CNN comparing !wikileaks to terrorism #lol #propagandaJan 29 09:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jessica Yellin, WikiLeaks | Video Cafe .::. Size~: 40.31 KBJan 29 09:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @ioerror While Muslim Protestors prayed today Christian Egyptians formed human chains to protect them. Solidarity, strength, co-existenceJan 29 10:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] !WikiLeaks cables show close US relationship with Egyptian president 29 10:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] US reported 'routine' police brutality in Egypt, !WikiLeaks cables show also see 29 10:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  WikiLeaks cables show close US relationship with Egyptian president | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 99.09 KBJan 29 10:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  US reported 'routine' police brutality in Egypt, WikiLeaks cables show | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 97.86 KBJan 29 10:02
TechrightsBot-trSSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:Jan 29 10:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @ioerror: Vodafone is now saying that all phone companies received instructions from gov to cut all communications in Egypt #jan25 #egyptJan 29 10:05
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 10:06
DaemonFCI forgot I had left message signing turned on and I got a reply from my aunt about all the "gibberish" in an email I sent her :)Jan 29 10:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] There is a disinformation campaign suggesting that Egypt has a religious revolution when it fact it's a people's revolution. Correct FUD.Jan 29 10:08
schestowitz> It was a though day but I could let it go without sending you:Jan 29 10:09
schestowitz>Jan 29 10:09
schestowitz> uspto_prominetly_broken_ESJan 29 10:09
schestowitz>Jan 29 10:09
schestowitz> Remember it's not that MS is breeding patent trolls, It is the FATHERJan 29 10:09
schestowitz> OF THE PATENT TROLLS.Jan 29 10:09
DaemonFCI think Facebook exists so you can get random "friend" requests from creepy old menJan 29 10:12
DaemonFC"Something about this guy screams cabin in the woods"Jan 29 10:12
DaemonFC:)Jan 29 10:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ES:El Trolls de Patentes de Microsoft: Intelectual Ventures y la Intervalo Extorsióna y Demanda por Poder y Directamente 29 10:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ES: El Trolls de Patentes de Microsoft: Intelectual Ventures y la Intervalo Extorsióna y Demanda por Poder y Directamente | Techrights .::. Size~: 107.17 KBJan 29 10:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[invi/@invi] !fotolibre !hacktivistas !wikileaks Juan Gómez-Jurado: "La piratería no existe" 29 10:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Juan Gómez-Jurado: «La piratería no existe»  en  ALT1040 (Derechos de Autor) .::. Size~: 114.67 KBJan 29 10:20
schestowitzTechnically, Ray Niro is considered the father of patent trolling, Microsoft is just riding this wave by hacking the systemJan 29 10:21
DaemonFC"So Dell has put together a tool calledbiosdevname that renames network interfaces according to the BIOS names of the devices. This ensures that devices get the same name every time."Jan 29 10:23
DaemonFCisn't this just what the BSDs have been doing since forever?Jan 29 10:23
schestowitz> Please can you ask Mr. Wayne if I can translate his: "The ProvenanceJan 29 10:23
schestowitz> of Microsoft Florian" for publication in our site? I think the SpanishJan 29 10:23
schestowitz> speaking people need to be informed who really is this individual, andJan 29 10:23
schestowitz> Mr. Wayne's article just fits perfect for the task to unmask him.Jan 29 10:23
schestowitz>Jan 29 10:23
schestowitz> If so I will send it to you  tomorrow. Thank you very much.Jan 29 10:23
schestowitz>Jan 29 10:23
schestowitz> By the way, please send him my respects.Jan 29 10:23
schestowitzHeheheJan 29 10:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @themadhatter can we publish a Spanish version of your post on provenance?Jan 29 10:23
DaemonFCyes, work with a system that has half a dozen network cards and tell me how much you love the ethX naming systemJan 29 10:24
DaemonFCthen reboot and tell me how much you love it :DJan 29 10:24
DaemonFCfinally Fedora rises above the "If you change this you'll break a script somewhere" bitching and fixes the %#*%#* problemJan 29 10:25
DaemonFCyayJan 29 10:25
DaemonFCThis is the pinnacle of working around a problem, spending 20 years making defective scripts to deal with the bad naming convention for NICsJan 29 10:26
DaemonFCthen of course, complain when someone comes along, fixes the problem, and in so doing, knocks down your house of cardsJan 29 10:27
DaemonFCschestowitz: Comical, yes? :DJan 29 10:27
*Tallken ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 10:29
*Tallken has quit (Changing host)Jan 29 10:29
*Tallken (~Tallken@unaffiliated/tallken) has joined #techrightsJan 29 10:29
DaemonFCI remember when Linux had no way of dealing with wifi, so drivers came along that just told it they were ethernet devicesJan 29 10:29
DaemonFCI'm just glad that didn't catch onJan 29 10:29
DaemonFCsometimes my wifi was eth0, and my NIC was eth1, and then it would switch them on me the next time I went to reboot and the system would try to connect to my router using my NICJan 29 10:31
DaemonFCthen of course complain and fail and make me sort it all out myself (I didn't reboot much because of that)Jan 29 10:31
DaemonFC"there is a blueprint for integrating this in Ubuntu 11.04"Jan 29 10:33
DaemonFCLet Fedora do all the legwork, break the world, and fix it all up nicely, and then complain they didn't gift wrap it.Jan 29 10:34
DaemonFCas they scamper away with more free stuffJan 29 10:34
DaemonFCschestowitz: I was annoyed by the fact that Fedora was holding out on Grub 2, until I got dumped to its shell instead of my system booting one dayJan 29 10:35
DaemonFCand amazingly it's even less fun to figure out what to do with it than with the old GRUBJan 29 10:36
DaemonFCit would be nice if random package updates could just leave their hands off the bootloader, it's like they're trying to see how many times they can slap it around gratuitously before it gets brokenJan 29 10:37
schestowitzI had that happen last weekJan 29 10:40
schestowitzLogged on, got sheel in f14Jan 29 10:40
schestowitzjust rebooting fixed itJan 29 10:40
schestowitz*shellJan 29 10:40
DaemonFCyeah, if Ubuntu really wants to pretty up the user experience, they can work on making GRUB a little less cryptic when the user gets dumped thereJan 29 10:42
DaemonFCtheir whole stated point on dumbing down their desktop is so grandma can use itJan 29 10:43
DaemonFCwhat's grandma gonna do when the black screen comes up and says "grub>"? :DJan 29 10:43
schestowitz 29 10:43
TechrightsBot-tr@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Saturday, 29-Jan-11 09:23:38 UTC - ♺ @losinggeneration Oh, the new tree view for Documents in Kate is a very welcomed addition !KDE 4.6 #awesomenessJan 29 10:44
schestowitzDaemonFC: same with OS X and WindowsJan 29 10:44
schestowitzThey too fail sometimesJan 29 10:44
DaemonFC"grub>" is to be feared, for it means that the GRUBlins have struckJan 29 10:44
DaemonFCI guess...Jan 29 10:44
DaemonFCI've had the Windows bootloader get messed up beforeJan 29 10:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Protesters back on #Egypt streets, death toll now more than 50. 29 10:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Military officer saying that troops would "not fire a single bullet on Egyptians", regardless of where the orders to do so come from. #EgyptJan 29 10:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Protesters back on Egypt streets - Middle East - Al Jazeera English  .::. Size~: 76.3 KBJan 29 10:45
DaemonFCthe automated recovery console automated the recoveryJan 29 10:45
DaemonFC:/Jan 29 10:45
amarsh04np: Graeme Koehne's "Ringtone Cycle" for iphone, piano trio and sopranoJan 29 10:46
DaemonFCit would be nice to just boot off the install disc, hit "repair" and rebootJan 29 10:46
DaemonFCI've never seen a Linux distro do thisJan 29 10:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Reuters reported that the police "fired shots" on the protesters in Cairo. An independent confirmation of that report is awaited. #EgyptJan 29 10:47
DaemonFChasn't this particular dictator been around for a while?Jan 29 10:47
DaemonFCI follow the news badly, but why are they pissed all of a sudden?Jan 29 10:48
DaemonFCis the CIA involved?Jan 29 10:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Bodies of 23 protesters had been received at the local morgue, some of them brutally disfigured. #Egypt #AlJazeeraJan 29 10:48
DaemonFCrevolution, revolution!!! <6 weeks later> Now there's a new dictator selling oil more favorably to western governments as the people continue to starveJan 29 10:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Ruling party headquarters reportedly still ablaze in Cairo. #EgyptJan 29 10:50
MinceRgeekingsJan 29 10:55
*DaemonFC installs Fuduntu on MinceR's PCJan 29 10:56
DaemonFC:)Jan 29 10:57
*MinceR denies accessJan 29 10:57
*DaemonFC does agree with fewt on a couple pointsJan 29 10:57
DaemonFCchief among them is that Empathy is worthless and should be removedJan 29 10:58
DaemonFCIt's like Pidgin, only with 10% of the features and 5,000% of the crashes :DJan 29 10:58
DaemonFCI think some of the GNOME people are on crack latelyJan 29 11:00
DaemonFCfor it to have devolved this muchJan 29 11:01
MinceRi think they've been on crack for a long timeJan 29 11:02
MinceRthatJan 29 11:02
MinceRthat't probably the reason why they switched from copying KDE to copying MacOSJan 29 11:02
DaemonFCwhen did they copy KDE?Jan 29 11:02
DaemonFCI do kind of understand why Ubuntu is doing Unity and not GNOME Shell, Clutter is the biggest pile of crap everJan 29 11:04
DaemonFCthey probably figured that it if it wouldn't work for half the people that do have proprietary drivers, it wasn't worth havingJan 29 11:04
DaemonFCtry firing it up on ATI card, free or fglrx driver and you'll see what I meanJan 29 11:05
DaemonFCabout the only people it actually works for are those on Nvidia and using the nonfree driverJan 29 11:05
MinceRwhen they startedJan 29 11:06
DaemonFCwhy go to that much trouble to make something that almost nobody can actually use?Jan 29 11:06
DaemonFCKDE has a built-in compositor, which is nice, but if you don't have the hardware or drivers for it, you're not missing any featuresJan 29 11:07
DaemonFCdesktop compositors should be like dessert, they're nice but not necessaryJan 29 11:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @lars_akerhaug: Army pickup truck just arrived to the Tahrir square, they did let protestors hitch hike with them. Bad omen for Mubarak.Jan 29 11:08
DaemonFCMinceR: Why are there two versions of Unity? That's the funny part.Jan 29 11:09
DaemonFCthe one 3d support is GTK+ and the one that is 2d is written in QTJan 29 11:09
MinceRlolJan 29 11:10
DaemonFCI wonder what gets thrown off the livecd to make way for thisJan 29 11:10
schestowitzthe people who spread FUD in UBUNTU Forums make FUDBUNTUJan 29 11:10
DaemonFC*withJan 29 11:10
schestowitzBut references to fedora/FUDconJan 29 11:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @jwildeboer Most iconic picture of #Egypt #Jan25 29 11:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Another Microsoft Vice President (Office 365/BPOS Chief) Quits Microsoft ~10 major ppl left in 01/11 29 11:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  The most subversive protest of all: An Egyptian protester kis... on Twitpic  .::. Size~: 0.96 KBJan 29 11:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Another Microsoft Vice President (Office 365/BPOS Chief) Quits Microsoft | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.42 KBJan 29 11:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft - Major Departure - Techrights .::. Size~: 29.97 KBJan 29 11:10
DaemonFCwhat better way to symbolize unity than with this duplication of effort to have something built with another toolkit by different people? :)Jan 29 11:11
*Tallken has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 29 11:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Will Elop Choose the Future ( #Linux ) or His Past ( #Microsoft ) for Nokia? #android #wp7Jan 29 11:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Will Elop Choose the Future ( #Linux ) or His Past ( #Microsoft ) for Nokia? 29 11:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Will Elop Choose the Future (Linux) or His Past (Microsoft) for Nokia? | Techrights .::. Size~: 103.13 KBJan 29 11:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Will Elop Choose the Future (Linux) or His Past (Microsoft) for Nokia? | Techrights .::. Size~: 103.13 KBJan 29 11:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Another Microsoft Vice President (Office 365/BPOS Chief) Quits Microsoft 9 major ppl left in 01/11 29 11:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Another Microsoft Vice President (Office 365/BPOS Chief) Quits Microsoft | Techrights .::. Size~: 99.86 KBJan 29 11:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft - Major Departure - Techrights .::. Size~: 29.97 KBJan 29 11:32
MinceRwhat happened to MeeGo, then?Jan 29 11:32
DaemonFCSamsung is using Android on some phones and Vista Phone 7 on othersJan 29 11:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♻ @netzturbine RT @telecomix Transcribed Telecomix incoming #hamradio transmissions from #Egypt ...Jan 29 11:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Egypt/Main Page - We Re-Build .::. Size~: 26.04 KBJan 29 11:34
DaemonFCMono has dropped support for s390Jan 29 11:34
DaemonFCI notice that nobody with an @redhat or @fedoraproject email ever touches anything Mono-related in their build systemJan 29 11:35
DaemonFCwhy are they even allowing it there?Jan 29 11:36
DaemonFCit's clear they don't want to touch itJan 29 11:36
MinceRprobably because that way it adds compatibility but doesn't add dependencyJan 29 11:37
MinceRif someone wants to run mono, they can; if m$ starts suing, they can just drop the packages and nothing important breaksJan 29 11:37
DaemonFCtheir build of Mono is broken anywayJan 29 11:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] The roads of Beijing feel like in the old time (well, 3 years ago maybe)... but supermarkets? Where did they all come from?!?Jan 29 11:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] @schestowitz really? Suggests other OS? Where did you hear that? #lasttimeIcheckedJan 29 11:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] OMG! Ubuntu!'s exclusive interview with Linus Torvalds !linuxJan 29 11:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Our exclusive interview with Linus Torvalds .::. Size~: 40.44 KBJan 29 11:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @netzturbine: glued to @ajenglish watching live pics from #egypt - lots of ppl on the streets not faltering in their protest #jan25Jan 29 11:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @netzturbine: RT @telecomix Al Jazeera reports cell phones are up in #Egypt. Still no internet though. #jan25 #jan26Jan 29 11:55
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsJan 29 11:57
*amarsh04 is catching up on 29 11:59
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 11:59
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 29 11:59
schestowitz 29 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr@Lolo Sailing (lolosailing)'s status on Saturday, 29-Jan-11 11:32:39 UTC - @schestowitz not sure. ppl prefers centralisation. weird but stupid human habit. Look how many ppl use twitter for #egypt how many statusJan 29 12:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] #Microsoft Site Hacked and the Company is Apparently Faking Financial Reports, Again #finance #sec #windowsJan 29 12:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft Site Hacked and the Company is Apparently Faking Financial Reports, Again #vista7Jan 29 12:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Site Hacked and the Company is Apparently Faking Financial Reports, Again | Techrights .::. Size~: 104.07 KBJan 29 12:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Site Hacked and the Company is Apparently Faking Financial Reports, Again | Techrights .::. Size~: 104.07 KBJan 29 12:04
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRJan 29 12:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The Deeper Significance of #LibreOffice 3.3 important points from @glynmoody #fragmentation #fud !fsJan 29 12:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Deeper Significance of LibreOffice 3.3 - Open Enterprise .::. Size~: 66.45 KBJan 29 12:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #LibreOffice 3.3 – Advancing Without Oracle as good as anything 29 12:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LibreOffice 3.3 – Advancing Without Oracle « Revelations From An Unwashed Brain .::. Size~: 57.92 KBJan 29 12:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LibreOffice – A Free Office Suite For Windows, Linux & Mac .::. Size~: 41.9 KBJan 29 12:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #KDE SC 4.6 Review "Is KDE SC 4.6 a good release? It is indeed." also see 29 12:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Linux Experience: KDE SC 4.6 Review .::. Size~: 81.78 KBJan 29 12:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Linux Experience: KDE SC 4.6 Review .::. Size~: 81.78 KBJan 29 12:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Nearly done with the !LO 188 edit. Now of into town for a shopping day with the girlfriend.Jan 29 12:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 2012 venue announced "to be held at Ballarat University in Victoria"Jan 29 12:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #LCA 2011: Keynote speaker censured over sexual images also /cc @maymaymJan 29 12:23
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 12:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Day Four | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 46.74 KBJan 29 12:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Modest dress code from Linus Torvalds at #LCA 29 12:28
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJan 29 12:28
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJan 29 12:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh Reuters reported that the police "fired shots" on the protesters in Cairo. An independent confirmation of that report is awaited.Jan 29 12:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh Bodies of 23 protesters had been received at the local morgue, some of them brutally disfigured. #Egypt #AlJazeeraJan 29 12:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Freedom is not free. It's best to never lose freedom in the first place, or let civil liberties erode (which in turn usually leads to death)Jan 29 12:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @pietercolpaert Elop is said to have hinted at that after the results had been released; see the external links I gaveJan 29 12:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Are Apple and Microsoft improving our freedom? One must think about it. What does Linux do to GNU? Or Android to Linux? #SocietyClosingJan 29 12:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Legislation Back in Play no, no, that's not news from Egypt! That's about Mubarak's bosses.Jan 29 12:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Legislation Back in Play | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 133.54 KBJan 29 12:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Plan D" - How To Disrupt the U.S.A.'s Internet Lauren Weinstein insightful and vigilant as everJan 29 12:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Lauren Weinstein's Blog: "Plan D" - How To Disrupt the U.S.A.'s Internet .::. Size~: 12.97 KBJan 29 12:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] How the Internet went out in Egypt it's a tech issue. Throttling: Surveillance: 29 12:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How the Internet went out in Egypt | ZDNet  .::. Size~: 100.59 KBJan 29 12:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle:        FCC seeks to dismiss challenges to Internet rules | Reuters  .::. Size~: 73.29 KBJan 29 12:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Big Brother on the Internet? (week in review) | Business Tech - CNET News .::. Size~: 99.47 KBJan 29 12:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Bush suggesting his job would be easier if he were a dictator." -"Bush Dictator (2nd time he said it)"Jan 29 12:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - Bush Dictator (2nd time he said it)    .::. Size~: 121.56 KBJan 29 12:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @jrug: Freedom sq filled up with thousands. Several hundred swarming round tanks. #Jan25 #Egypt #c4newsJan 29 12:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Editor's Note: Replacing KDE4 always odd to me. #KDE 4 does everything 3 did... and much more... and better.Jan 29 12:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Linux Plays well with Others #fairness #ethics #linuxJan 29 12:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux Today - Editor's Note: Replacing KDE4 .::. Size~: 73.33 KBJan 29 12:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Thoughts on Technology: Linux Plays well with Others .::. Size~: 70.7 KBJan 29 12:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @dredeyedick: WLCentral: 2011-01-28 In #Jordan Thousands Demand New Government #WikiLeaks #jan25 #Cablegate 29 12:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011-01-28 In Jordan Thousands Demand New Government | WL Central .::. Size~: 17.05 KBJan 29 12:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RD @jrug Freedom sq filled up with thousands. Several hundred swarming round tanks. #Jan25 #Egypt #c4newsJan 29 12:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] When tanks (and army) 'invade' their own country it means that the people are nearly getting their way, history remembers. #china #TiananmenJan 29 12:48
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@ has left #techrights ("Leaving.")Jan 29 12:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Just released: "JORDAN: IAF ISSUES STRONG FATWA AGAINST EGYPTIAN WALL IN GAZA" 29 12:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: Thank you Echelon IO for the generous donation of a Tor exits at ~100mbps! #GoodISPJan 29 12:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @jwildeboer: RD @dredeyedick: WLCentral: 2011-01-28 In #Jordan Thousands Demand New Government #WikiLeaks #Cablegate 29 12:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 10AMMAN302: JORDAN: IAF ISSUES STRONG FATWA AGAINST EGYPTIAN .::. Size~: 7.93 KBJan 29 12:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011-01-28 In Jordan Thousands Demand New Government | WL Central .::. Size~: 17.05 KBJan 29 12:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: People who have old modems and old landline connections are welcome to to verify numbers we collect.Jan 29 12:52
TechrightsBot-tr@:Jan 29 12:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Released Sunday: "JORDAN: PREVIEW OF AFGHANISTAN SUPPORT OFFER IN UPCOMING WASHINGTON MEETINGS" #cablegate !wikileaksJan 29 12:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: Telecomix will brief other media for free in this channel #egyptJan 29 12:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 10AMMAN219: JORDAN: PREVIEW OF AFGHANISTAN SUPPORT OFFER IN .::. Size~: 13.81 KBJan 29 12:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Telecomix Web IRC (qwebirc) .::. Size~: 1.77 KBJan 29 12:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Open Source’s 7 Lucky Forecasts for 2011 !fsJan 29 12:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: need european #hamradio 4 comms w/ #egypt ASAP #hamr #cw #cq #dx #telephreakJan 29 12:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @rysiek ♻ @telecomix: Thank you Echelon IO for the generous donation of a Tor exits at ~100mbps! #GoodISPJan 29 12:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: Receiving live #hamradio from #egypt european recievers needed ASAP #hamr #cw #cq #dxJan 29 12:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Source’s 7 Lucky Forecasts for 2011 | Brajeshwar .::. Size~: 20.73 KBJan 29 12:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Telecomix Web IRC (qwebirc) .::. Size~: 1.77 KBJan 29 12:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Telecomix Web IRC (qwebirc) .::. Size~: 1.77 KBJan 29 12:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @dekaminski: RT @almightycasey cell networks are up in #egypt expect massive barrage of photos hitting the net #jan25Jan 29 12:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @ioerror: At least 95 death yesterday, curfew now at 16h, 50k pl on Tahrir square now, El Baradei will defy house arrest.Go #Egypt! #Jan25Jan 29 12:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @rysiek ♻ @dekaminski: RT @almightycasey cell networks are up in #egypt expect massive barrage of photos hitting the net #jan25Jan 29 13:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Alshaheeed: Citizen arrests! Al Jazeera: Protesters arrest police officers caught looting & hand them over to army officials #jan25Jan 29 13:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @ioerror: At least 95 death yesterday, curfew now at 16h, 50k pl on Tahrir square now, El Baradei will defy house arrest.Go #Egypt! #Jan25Jan 29 13:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @davidgerard: We can thank the Egypt gov't for showing us the terrific uses to which an Internet kill switch can be put.Jan 29 13:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @davidgerard: And now, a word from Anonymous in Egypt. 29 13:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Will Army remove #Mubarak from his post? It *could* happen that army stands up to defend their own people. Which would be HUGE. #Jan25Jan 29 13:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @Alshaheeed: Citizen arrests! Al Jazeera: Protesters arrest police officers caught looting & hand them over to army officials #jan25Jan 29 13:03
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJan 29 13:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @schestowitz That's why I use CC2.5 :)Jan 29 13:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #ubuntu 11.04 Alpha-2 coming next week #gnu #linux #nattyJan 29 13:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @themadhatter I'll tell our guy from the Spanish portal of !techrights - he also asked me to thank youJan 29 13:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Alpha-2 coming next week «  Ubuntu Release Blog .::. Size~: 4.27 KBJan 29 13:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @schestowitz He should look at the Microsoft Death Watch tag as well, he might find some of it useful.Jan 29 13:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @pmoharper: RT @JohnCollison: CBC News - Edmonton - Police officer guilty of assault - How many now?Jan 29 13:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CBC News - Edmonton - Police officer guilty of assault  .::. Size~: 36.63 KBJan 29 13:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @schestowitz: ♻ @Alshaheeed: Al Jazeera: Protesters arrest police officers caught looting & hand them over to army officials #Jan25Jan 29 13:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] FI: City of Helsinki to start open source desktop pilot few details at this early stage.Will they use Linus' .fi kernel?Jan 29 13:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @amandapalmer @neilhimself "do you swear to eat the brain the whole brain and nothing but the brain so help your zombie ass" #zombiesongsJan 29 13:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FI: City of Helsinki to start open source desktop pilot —  .::. Size~: 29.92 KBJan 29 13:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft pushing for 16-core Atom CPUs: something to do with Linux? "Linux is already the strongest player [in DCs]"Jan 29 13:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft pushing for 16-core Atom CPUs: something to do with Linux? « sola's blog .::. Size~: 39.14 KBJan 29 13:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @DemocracyCanada: RT @derekmcb: Our government supports freedom of speech & peaceful protest more in Tunisia and Egypt than in Toronto...Jan 29 13:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @themadhatter 29 13:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: > Dear Doctor Roy,  >   > Please can you ask Mr. W .::. Size~: 18.6 KBJan 29 13:17
schestowitz 29 13:17
TechrightsBot-tr@Lolo Sailing (lolosailing)'s status on Saturday, 29-Jan-11 11:32:39 UTC - @schestowitz not sure. ppl prefers centralisation. weird but stupid human habit. Look how many ppl use twitter for #egypt how many statusJan 29 13:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @schestowitz I do have one request, could he link the articles too each other, in case someone coming to my site needs espanol translationJan 29 13:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] dear !lazyweb - does anybody know what's up with !Mozilla #Firefox Mobile aka #Fennec? I'm stuck at v4.0b3 on !n900, anything newer out?Jan 29 13:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "TASMANIAN POLICE PEPPER SPRAY A 13 YR-OLD BOY" !playogg (language warning)Jan 29 13:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: TASMANIAN POLICE PEPPER SPRAY A 13 YR-OLD BOY .::. Size~: 5.43 KBJan 29 13:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @jwildeboer: ♻ @Alshaheeed: Al Jazeera: Protesters arrest police officers caught looting & hand them over to army officials #Jan25Jan 29 13:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @jwildeboer: Will Army remove #Mubarak from his post? It *could* happen that army stands up to defend their own people. Would be HUGE.Jan 29 13:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] The BBC are gradually starting to cover #Egypt story from USA point of view, that is how it will affect Israel. #occupation !PalestineJan 29 13:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @SultanAlQassemi: Egyptian civilian directing traffic in Cairo after total absence of police on the streets. 29 13:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Yfrog Photo :  - Shared by SultanAlQassemi .::. Size~: 40.29 KBJan 29 13:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @MideastYouth: Video from today Military Prevents Confrontation between Protesters and Police in Cairo #Jan25Jan 29 13:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - Military Prevents Confrontation between Protesters and Police in Cairo    .::. Size~: 115.96 KBJan 29 13:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @grep: Young men of #Alexandria form chains to protect people and buildings, and army troops will not be violent. #Egypt.Jan 29 13:33
schestowitz 29 13:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - Unix - Capitulo 1 La Historia (ETR FRANCISCO FAJARDO)    .::. Size~: 110.54 KBJan 29 13:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @satipera The BBC are gradually starting to cover #Egypt story from USA point of view, that is how it will affect Israel.Jan 29 13:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @SultanAlQassemi: Egyptian civilian directing traffic in Cairo after total absence of police on the streets. 29 13:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Yfrog Photo :  - Shared by SultanAlQassemi .::. Size~: 40.29 KBJan 29 13:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] I hear the phrase "atop" more and more recently, I think "on" might stick around :-)Jan 29 13:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @SultanAlQassemi: BREAKING BBC Arabic: Army has given orders to police in Mahalla Kubra to hand over all their weapons ...Jan 29 13:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] #Egypt. Speculation by pundit that Egyptian elite will insist Mubarak names a v/president goes mid term and excludes his son from power.Jan 29 13:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @laurelrusswurm StopUBB is a great resource.Jan 29 13:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @SultanAlQassemi BREAKING BBC Arabic: Army has given orders to police in Mahalla Kubra to hand over all their weapons ...Jan 29 14:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @satipera Speculation by pundit that Egyptian elite will insist Mubarak names a v/president goes mid term and excludes his son from power.Jan 29 14:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] #Security Flaw Accepts Passwords That Are Close, But Not Exact ≈ Packet Storm 29 14:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Security Flaw Accepts Passwords That Are Close, But Not Exact ≈ Packet Storm .::. Size~: 2.97 KBJan 29 14:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @jwildeboer:... Video from today Military Prevents Confrontation between Protesters and Police in Cairo #Jan25Jan 29 14:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @jwildeboer: RD @SultanAlQassemi: BREAKING BBC Arabic: Army has given orders to police in Mahalla Kubra to hand over all their weapons ...Jan 29 14:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - Military Prevents Confrontation between Protesters and Police in Cairo    .::. Size~: 119.11 KBJan 29 14:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] What's the difference between the Toronto Maple Leafs and a cigarette vending machine? The cigarette vending machine has Players.Jan 29 14:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 29/1/2011: KDE SC 4.6 Reviewed, 2012 Planned to Reach Ballarat University !techrightsJan 29 14:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Links: KDE SC 4.6 Reviewed, 2012 Planned to Reach Ballarat University 29 14:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 29/1/2011: KDE SC 4.6 Reviewed, 2012 Planned to Reach Ballarat University | Techrights .::. Size~: 160.84 KBJan 29 14:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 29/1/2011: KDE SC 4.6 Reviewed, 2012 Planned to Reach Ballarat University | Techrights .::. Size~: 160.84 KBJan 29 14:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] RT @telecomix News finds a way around Egyptian blockage #jan25Jan 29 14:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: News finds way around Egyptian blockage | Infrastructure | ZDNet UK .::. Size~: 42.82 KBJan 29 14:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I've just checked in at Café Goldbraun #4sqJan 29 14:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: foursquare       :: Café Goldbraun               .::. Size~: 21.08 KBJan 29 14:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Curfew in #Egypt now again in effect. @telecomix, any info on what's up on the streets? #jan25Jan 29 14:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] #Egypt Military curfew started 25 mins ago and is being ignored, so far no effort is being made by millitary to enforce it.Jan 29 14:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @laurelrusswurm They should come to Canada and try this on Rogers and Bell: 29 14:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - Prank on a Belgian call center  (with captions in English)    .::. Size~: 130.49 KBJan 29 14:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @sharifkouddous: People are cleaning up trash on the streets. Amazing. I have never seen anything like this. #EgyptJan 29 14:32
schestowitz 29 14:33
TechrightsBot-tr@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Saturday, 29-Jan-11 13:05:12 UTC - Spanish Language Support in Fedora 14 (KDE) I'll use Fedora 14 tomorrow, might try another distro on Tuesday, will blogJan 29 14:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: It’s A Binary World 2.0 » Spanish Language Support in Fedora 14 (KDE) .::. Size~: 105.26 KBJan 29 14:33
amarsh04back in a few...Jan 29 14:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @hammametsou: 100s of people in egyptian embassy 26 South Street, London W1K 1DW #egypt 29 14:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Yfrog Photo :  - Shared by hammametsou .::. Size~: 41 KBJan 29 14:33
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 29 14:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Front page of CNN (pro-Mubarak bias): "Breaking News: Egyptian government resigns; protesters, army, on streets"Jan 29 14:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Why does CNN bring Muslim Brotherhood into it? 29 14:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: After Mubarak, will Egypt face a void? - .::. Size~: 63.04 KBJan 29 14:38
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #techrightsJan 29 14:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @schestowitz Beeb are doing it as well.Jan 29 14:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] Meeting minutes of !Fedora #FAmSCo meeting for 29th of January 2011: 29 14:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @exiledsurfer: look at the tens of thousands of people obeying curfew #egyptian style" in #tahrir square #egypt 29 14:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] One more day of work then two days off.....great stuff!Jan 29 14:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: #fedora-meeting: FAmSCo 2011-01-29 .::. Size~: 5.92 KBJan 29 14:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Yfrog Photo :  - Shared by exiledsurfer .::. Size~: 40.54 KBJan 29 14:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webupd8/@webupd8] Sublime Text 2 Is A Nice TextMate Alternative For Linux (As Well As Windows And Mac OSX) 29 14:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Sublime Text 2 Is A Nice TextMate Alternative For Linux (As Well As Windows And Mac OSX) ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 55.85 KBJan 29 14:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Torontonamo: #G20 accused decries detention conditions - Toronto Star 29 14:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  G20 accused decries detention conditions -  .::. Size~: 104.47 KBJan 29 14:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ GNU Telephony to Obama on his fight against civil rights, privacy and liberty a must read, via @schestowitzJan 29 15:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: GNU Telephony Addresses President Obama | Techrights .::. Size~: 107.31 KBJan 29 15:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jankusanagi/@jankusanagi] Just saw the TV ad for the #wolkswagen !Amarok :D !KDEJan 29 15:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Reuters: "Microsoft shares fall on Windows, PC weakness [...] Microsoft shares down more than 4 pct, hit six-week low"Jan 29 15:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Latest Reuters headlines:"Egyptians defy curfew to call for Mubarak to go"; "Obama tells Mubarak to deliver promised reforms". Hope to whom?Jan 29 15:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] For Obama to impose his will on another nation while ignoring the will of people in that nation is imperialistic, not smart diplomacy.Jan 29 15:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The "Most Popular" box in the sidebar of Reuters has dupes ("WikiLeaks founder says enjoys making banks squirm"=there twice) #Reuters #errorJan 29 15:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @anthroworks: Sometimes humanity gets it right. The human wall protecting Cairo museum. So beautiful #Jan25Jan 29 15:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Yfrog Photo :  - Shared by theplayethic .::. Size~: 40.02 KBJan 29 15:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] RD @schestowitz: Google's new motto: do not torrent /RD I think it's “do not torr” ;-)Jan 29 15:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] #OPENMESH Is Seeking Alternatives To #Egypt Style Internet Blackouts 29 15:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   OPENMESH Is Seeking Alternatives To Egypt-Style Internet Blackouts  .::. Size~: 62.1 KBJan 29 15:18
sebsebsebschestowitz: hmm he's done it againJan 29 15:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @umairh: #Egypt: the young desperately fighting for a better future. #Davos: old rich dudes fighting savagely against it. cc @JeffJarvisJan 29 15:20
schestowitzWho did?Jan 29 15:20
sebsebsebschestowitz: oh I meanJan 29 15:20
sebsebsebschestowitz: omgubuntu guy doesn't seem to know user days is on today, nothing on their blog about itJan 29 15:20
sebsebsebI could tip them off like I did last time, but hmmJan 29 15:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 3 Projects to Create a Government-less Internet #OLPC listed there. #egypt did consider it at one point (but w/ Windows)Jan 29 15:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Ah! So Novell is bringing in odd software bits from Microsoft to betray Free Software!" #faq #libreoffice #ooxmlJan 29 15:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle:    3 Projects to Create a Government-less Internet - ReadWriteCloud  .::. Size~: 52.94 KBJan 29 15:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LibreOffice OOXML - The Document Foundation Wiki .::. Size~: 27.09 KBJan 29 15:22
*seculert (50b21f07@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 29 15:24
sebsebsebschestowitz: ,but then again why I should I this timeJan 29 15:25
sebsebsebnot like I fully like Ubuntu anymore anywayJan 29 15:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @gnutonian: Got a #windowstax refund from Asus after 2,5 months: 29 15:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @sharifkouddous: Muslim Brotherhood chanting Allah Akbar.Crowd stopped them chanting louder: Muslim, Christian, we're all Egyptian #EgyptJan 29 15:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Indigetes Dii .::. Size~: 12.46 KBJan 29 15:25
sebsebsebin fact I would rather have loads of newbies using Mint now,  probably the Debian version really, but Ubuntu version not that badJan 29 15:25
sebsebseband then yeah later one when it's more ready, you know what :)Jan 29 15:26
sebsebsebschestowitz: maybe you should say that I mentioned it in techrights, and thought they should know on Twitter or something heh hehJan 29 15:26
sebsebsebschestowitz: after all you think they troll them or somethingJan 29 15:26
sebsebsebthey thinkJan 29 15:26
sebsebsebafter all they think you troll them on your blog or somethingJan 29 15:26
sebsebseband I don't  really use Twitter, even though I have had an account for a while now, but that's mainly since the name I got isn't really what I want to useJan 29 15:27
sebsebseband is :)  and yeah i'll start denting on that againJan 29 15:27
sebsebsebtommorow maybe or somethingJan 29 15:27
sebsebsebschestowitz: MinceR  Jcastro is running a session about Unity later, and I been thinking about asking, something about the copyright assignments and how other distros can't just provide it, because of how its made, and if Canonical may play upstream nicely, by sorting these issues out, so other distros can use it easier and even contribute without issuesJan 29 15:29
sebsebseb,but wellJan 29 15:29
sebsebsebI guess it would be a bit like asking Jono Bacon,  and he would be like, its not my decisionJan 29 15:30
MinceR:>Jan 29 15:30
schestowitz:-)Jan 29 15:30
sebsebseboh and tipping omgubuntu off about user days, would go against what I am doing now reallyJan 29 15:31
sebsebsebwhich is to not spread Ubuntu news :)Jan 29 15:31
sebsebsebor well I normally woudn't spread it, maybe mention some here at times for example, and another small channel on here maybe, but other then that probalby notJan 29 15:32
sebsebsebI don't want to dent about it and such on I mean :)Jan 29 15:32
sebsebseband if they haven't been told about user days from some Ubuntu community member or whatever, that's there problem reallyJan 29 15:32
sebsebseblast summer I mainly did it, since I wanted to be mentioned on the blog :D I guess that was why, and then yep I wasJan 29 15:33
sebsebsebnow I don't really care that much about omgubuntu howeverJan 29 15:33
sebsebsebBenjamin has been doing some good interfviews recently, and he's got the one up now with Linus Torvalds as wellJan 29 15:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] While arab people take their freedom back, our western governments take more and more freedom away.Jan 29 15:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Sarcasm: So the protesters in #Egypt are the evil muslims our western governments hope to protect us from by taking away our freedom?Jan 29 15:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] For any writer's who feel like doing something silly: #chainstory #fantasyfactionJan 29 15:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @doctorow: The shopping experience at #HMV is the best advertising the #PirateBay ever hadJan 29 15:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Recruiting for Beta Group .::. Size~: 37.02 KBJan 29 15:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] RD @schestowitz: in Brazil there are new cronies trying to pass Hollywood-style copyright regime /cc @dilmabrJan 29 15:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @jwildeboer: RD @umairh: #Egypt: the young desperately fighting for a better future. #Davos: old rich dudes fighting savagely against it.Jan 29 15:42
*GoForbes28 ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 15:43
GoForbes28helloJan 29 15:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @schestowitz I wonder if @dilmabr is going to fix this or take the hit when the cables about it leak to the publicJan 29 15:43
*ramp__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 29 15:44
*ramp__ ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 15:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Egypt gov member on ALJ: "Mobs on the street, looting, president perfect symbol of democracy" Reminds me of Iraq Information Minister.Jan 29 15:53
GoForbes28hello?Jan 29 15:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] British Foreign Secretary raises scare of Muslim Brotherhood Government in #Egypt (2 mins ago)Jan 29 15:57
amarsh04hi GoForbes28Jan 29 16:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] RD @jwildeboer: CNN spreads FUD, Al Jazeera reports objectively. For years we were told it is the other way round /RD you believed it?Jan 29 16:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[sagarun/@sagarun] cat /var/log/secure|grep "failure"|cut -d" " -f14|sort|uniq|cut -d"=" -f2Jan 29 16:02
*hemimaniac has quit (Quit: I was raided by the FBI and all I got to keep was this lousy quit message!)Jan 29 16:06
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 16:07
*seculert has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 29 16:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] !FUDCon is kicking off! Max is wearing a silly hat. :3Jan 29 16:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @mdim: Welcome @documentfreedom! This year, Document Freedom Day is on 30th of March. !fsflaJan 29 16:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] ♺ @jwildeboer: While arab people take their freedom back, the western governments take more and more freedom away.Jan 29 16:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Document Freedom Day .::. Size~: 4.6 KBJan 29 16:18
*ramp ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 16:23
*ramp__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 29 16:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @jwildeboer:... Sometimes humanity gets it right. The human wall protecting Cairo museum. So beautiful #Jan25Jan 29 16:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Yfrog Photo :  - Shared by theplayethic .::. Size~: 40.02 KBJan 29 16:27
GoForbes28hiJan 29 16:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] GWT has CSRF protection: #shmoocon Attacking GWT talkJan 29 16:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] GWTParse, a python based get fuzzer #shmoocon Attacking GWT talkJan 29 16:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I've just checked in at Starbucks am Friedensplatz #4sqJan 29 16:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] would a 1-char symbol for patents be good when you're limited to 140, even though it would validate a harmful umbrella term?Jan 29 16:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: foursquare       :: Starbucks am Friedensplatz       :: Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen        .::. Size~: 22.82 KBJan 29 16:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Gds burp API for automated fuzzing #shmoocon Attacking GWT talkJan 29 16:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @themadhatter @laurelrusswurm They should come to Canada and try this on Rogers and Bell: 29 16:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @lxoliva ⒸⓇⒶⓅ would hopefully not legitimize the umbrella term, but what would the Ⓐ stand for? Ⓐttorneys? Ⓐuthorities?Jan 29 16:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @themadhatter That was priceless. I'm thinking of sticking it on the StopUBB blog for the catharsis :DJan 29 16:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle:      YouTube         - Prank on a Belgian call center  (with captions in English)    .::. Size~: 130.78 KBJan 29 16:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] That was priceless. I'm thinking of sticking it on the !StopUBB blog for the catharsis :DJan 29 16:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I've just checked in at Ümit Markt #4sqJan 29 16:47
*ramp has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 29 16:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: foursquare       :: Ümit Markt       :: Bonn, Germany        .::. Size~: 21.44 KBJan 29 16:47
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 16:47
*ramp ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 16:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] if client doesn't display ⒸⓇⒶⓅ properly, it's letters C, R, A and P with circles around each of them. ©®AP, you know?Jan 29 16:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @themadhatter Started writing back in 2009 when I first heard about the possibility of !UBB...Jan 29 16:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Stop Usage Based Billing .::. Size~: 124.08 KBJan 29 16:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] not that I have anything about trademarks or attorneys, mind you. only those that are abused and work on ©®AP, respectivelyJan 29 16:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @themadhatter ...I couldn't believe that anything so ridiculous as Bell charging !UBB to their competition's customers could be allowed...Jan 29 16:52
*seculert (50b21f07@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 29 16:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ⒸⓄⓊⓅ (COUP) or ⒸⓄⓅ (COP) might be more appropriate, given monopolistic and authoritarian expansions for O and U as wellJan 29 16:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @themadhatter But I didn't reckon on the CRTC; are they corrupt or incompetent? Either way !UBB screws !Canada #cdnpoliJan 29 16:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dissolve the CRTC .::. Size~: 15.82 KBJan 29 16:57
*pieterc ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 16:57
pietercschestowitz: A couple of weeks ago I spoke to the marketing manager of Nokia BelgiumJan 29 16:57
pietercschestowitz: I asked him the question why they would not use the android OS as a base for a new and better nokia user experienceJan 29 16:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] and #FUDCon 2011 is on! The pitches have been made, the voting is happening now. #fbJan 29 16:58
pietercschestowitz: aparently he was quite offended by the question and he claims that meego for tablets/reallysmart phone will outbetter android, their 'biggest opponents'Jan 29 16:59
pietercschestowitz: apart from that they're still pretty proud of their Symbian system (do'nt ask me why, although Qt is pretty awesome)Jan 29 17:00
gnufreexNice. So they will put mego on mainstream phones, not just high endJan 29 17:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] "At times like this, I wish the truth was more easily accessible." — DexterJan 29 17:00
pietercgnufreex: they have their 'smartphones', which run symbianJan 29 17:01
pietercgnufreex: and then they have the computer-phones which will run meegoJan 29 17:01
gnufreexWell... question is at what price point computer-phones start.Jan 29 17:02
pietercschestowitz: so that's why I was amazed by the assumption that they would ever contribute to androidJan 29 17:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Http:// #shmoocon Advanced data recovery talkJan 29 17:02
gnufreexI am more concerned that with Elop. He might try to push .NET or even WP7Jan 29 17:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rd @Omega_ I'd like to know why #Bell continuously misuses terminology & rhetoric with UBB. They never present the facts. !StopUBBJan 29 17:03
gnufreexBut if they don't consider android, then they shouldn't WP7 eitherJan 29 17:04
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 17:05
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 29 17:06
pietercgnufreex: I believe at 400EUR - trueJan 29 17:06
gnufreexThat is now, AFAIK. I was hoping they push it down so and make computer-phones more high-volume.Jan 29 17:08
pietercgnufreex: we get a lot of testing hardware from Nokia - if they give us a WP7 prototype I'll send it back immeadiatly - promise ;-)Jan 29 17:08
gnufreexcool :-)Jan 29 17:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] New problem with hard drive bearings, the sieze #shmoocon Advanced data recovery talkJan 29 17:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] the platters are getting heavier, so more pressure on spindle #shmoocon Advanced data recovery talkJan 29 17:08
pietercgnufreex: no - they have high hopes on the "normalpeople"phonesJan 29 17:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @laurelrusswurm How about both Corrupt and Incompetent - after all the two are not mutually exclusive. #crtcJan 29 17:10
*seculert has quit (Quit: Page closed)Jan 29 17:11
gnufreexBut what is happening with Symbian foundation?Jan 29 17:12
gnufreexI heard it is brokeJan 29 17:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] #Egypt. Military using snipers to kill protesters trying to get into Ministry of Interior building, 4 dead.Jan 29 17:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @doctorow: How to parse science claims in the press by @bengoldacre #badscience #dailyfailJan 29 17:12
gnufreexnJan 29 17:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Using a BS detector on popular science reporting - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 25.31 KBJan 29 17:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @themadhatter True; just I have no means of determining why #CRTC is selling out citizens they exist to protect with approval of !UBBJan 29 17:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] The bearing will heat up and sieze, so you have to move the platters #shmoocon Advanced data recovery talkJan 29 17:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] "Finding a needle in a haystack isn't hard when every straw is computerised." — DexterJan 29 17:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] fdb replaced ball bearings in the past few years, IBM and others #shmoocon Advanced data recovery talkJan 29 17:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] fdb bearings can take some time to warm up in cold temps #shmoocon Advanced data recovery talkJan 29 17:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] fdb quieter than ball bearings #shmoocon Advanced data recovery talkJan 29 17:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] The trick is to loosen the platters from base, get the bearing out of the middle keeping spindle #shmoocon Advanced data recovery talkJan 29 17:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] You can use a one time press and other parts ($100)to move the drive, #shmoocon Advanced data recovery talkJan 29 17:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] !ubuntu natty had to roll kernel back from display problems.Jan 29 17:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Or Scott can anyway, it's a very complex, delicate process... #shmoocon Advanced data recovery talkJan 29 17:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] RT @allsystemsarego #Mono troll attempts to infect my !Linux distro of choice with MS bloat - Keep !ArchLinux !monofree !!!Jan 29 17:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] Leaked U.S. Military Manual: "How to Train Death Squads and Quash Revolutions from San Salvador to Iraq" 29 17:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   US Special Forces counterinsurgency manual leaked  :  Information Clearing House - ICH  .::. Size~: 118.07 KBJan 29 17:55
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #techrightsJan 29 17:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] League One !football isnt enjoyable to watch at all :P !MUFCJan 29 18:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Only interesting thing in the stadium is the bloke in the Stormtrooper costume !mufcJan 29 18:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] the multiupload swf in #dokuwiki appears to be totally borked, all I get is either "session expired" or "i/o error" on every fileJan 29 18:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] I installed the Ubuntu Countdown Widget on my Android phone: #Natty Narwhal will be released in 89 days... :)Jan 29 18:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ubuntu Countdown Widget for Android released .::. Size~: 35 KBJan 29 18:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] HALF-TIME Southampton 1-0 !ManUtd . Great ! Just Brilliant :|Jan 29 18:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Live and learn I had no idea there are at least 6 mediterranean seas. #geographyJan 29 18:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] #Egypt prisoners take control of a Cairo prison.Jan 29 18:18
*_goblin ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 18:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] BBC Sport, you baiters, how is it _breaking_ transfer news if Inter Milan have "GIVEN UP" on their pursuit of Gareth Bale !footballJan 29 18:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Tell @StateDept: Demand Mubarak resign and hold democratic elections ASAP. Take action: 29 18:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  A pro-democracy activist asks Americans: If not now, when?  .::. Size~: 18.92 KBJan 29 18:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fedora/@fedora] RT @stickster Hey !FUDCon folks: dmalcolm and dwalsh have swapped talk times & locations. -- Agenda has been updated.Jan 29 18:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FUDCon:Tempe 2011 - FedoraProject .::. Size~: 145.32 KBJan 29 18:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Netbeans 7 drops Ruby support... but doesn't everyone use Eclipse anyhow? Better third party lang on JVM support !javaJan 29 18:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ruby Dropped In Netbeans 7 - Slashdot .::. Size~: 123.19 KBJan 29 18:37
*GoForbes28 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 29 18:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "2011-01-29 No Internet? No Problem! Anonymous Faxes Egypt" #lolJan 29 18:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011-01-29 No Internet? No Problem! Anonymous Faxes Egypt | WL Central .::. Size~: 19.71 KBJan 29 18:44
*GoForbes28 ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 18:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Mickey Owen makes it 1-1 !mufcJan 29 18:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @grep: several #Egypt secret police personnel held by young men for ROBBERY!Jan 29 18:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Egyptian army and protestors storms museum to protect from looters 29 18:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] we are totally shit and we are 2-1 up !mufcJan 29 18:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle:         Egyptian army storms museum to protect from looters -      .::. Size~: 79.84 KBJan 29 18:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I've just checked in at Ocean Paradise #4sqJan 29 18:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @ShereefAbbas: Residents caught 2 thugs driving a truck with shit in it & handed them to nearby army tank #Jan25 #EgyptJan 29 18:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] None of this 4-3-3 crap anymore please ? !mufcJan 29 18:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: foursquare       :: Ocean Paradise       :: Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia        .::. Size~: 21.54 KBJan 29 18:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] After #Egypt, Will U.S. Get 'Internet Kill Switch'? | News & Opinion | 29 19:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle:            After Egypt, Will U.S. Get 'Internet Kill Switch'? | News & Opinion  |       .::. Size~: 75.15 KBJan 29 19:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] #Egypt Protestors Fight Photos at the original leak site, Cryptome 29 19:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Egypt Protestors Fight Photos .::. Size~: 16.05 KBJan 29 19:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @grep: At least 3 protesters killed around Interior Ministry. #Egypt.Jan 29 19:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @JawazSafar: its true National Museum broke into, but all looted items were retrieved by Protesters and thieves has been arrested #Jan25Jan 29 19:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] To those opposing net neutrality: Look what #Egypt teaches you. You take away freedom of communication, you loose. It *is* that simple.Jan 29 19:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Most printers have disks #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Hp printers typically have 3 passwords #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Web, telnet and pjl passwords, which are really weak #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Most hp printers havesnmp backdoors #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Large MVP printers may have 40 gig drives #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Pjl is printer job language #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] ♻ @lxoliva ♻ @mdim: Welcome @documentfreedom! This year, Document Freedom Day is on 30th of March. !fsflaJan 29 19:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Pjl has commands for upload, download, message, delete, list #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Document Freedom Day .::. Size~: 4.6 KBJan 29 19:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] ♻ @planetfedora Niels de Vos: Connect automatically (and immediately) to a hidden WiFi: A minor annoyance on with wi... 29 19:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Printed a python tool for covert file systems on hp printers #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nixpanic's Blog: Connect automatically (and immediately) to a hidden WiFi .::. Size~: 38.58 KBJan 29 19:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @NiemanLab: Al Jazeera is letting others use their Egypt coverage under Creative Commons #Jan25Jan 29 19:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] PrintFs is python tool for covert file systems on hp printers #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Al Jazeera Releases Egypt Coverage Under Creative Commons (UPDATED)  .::. Size~: 53.23 KBJan 29 19:17
GoForbes28roy?Jan 29 19:18
schestowitzpieterc: Meego is better than AndroidJan 29 19:18
schestowitzBut it lacks as many apps and OEM momentumJan 29 19:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @ovigia ♺ @jwildeboer:... Sometimes humanity gets it right. The human wall protecting Cairo museum. So beautiful 29 19:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Yfrog Photo :  - Shared by theplayethic .::. Size~: 40.02 KBJan 29 19:18
schestowitz[17:12] <gnufreex> I heard it is brokeJan 29 19:19
schestowitzYes, the FOSS dressing is stripped offJan 29 19:19
gnufreexIt was never FOSS to begin with. It won't compile with GCCJan 29 19:20
gnufreexAnd you need proprietary cmpilerJan 29 19:20
gnufreexWhich has very nasty eulaJan 29 19:20
MinceRschestowitz: pretty much any app you run on your desktop can also run on MeeGo :>Jan 29 19:20
gnufreexYOu have to sign papersJan 29 19:20
gnufreexI was talking about symbianJan 29 19:21
gnufreexAnd Symbian FoundationJan 29 19:21
schestowitzMinceR: indeedJan 29 19:21
schestowitzlsbJan 29 19:21
schestowitzMinceR: and vice versaJan 29 19:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @DavieChiro oil+suez canal=friend << exactlyJan 29 19:22
schestowitzIt's why it's better for tablets than AndroidJan 29 19:22
schestowitzbigger screen+desktop Linux compat'Jan 29 19:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Wow, what an amazing game there. Totally gave me a heart attack. Southampton 1-2 !ManUtd ..... oh wait :|Jan 29 19:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Admins tend to use same passwords for all printers, so crack one and others will quickly be revealed #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:25
GoForbes28hi royJan 29 19:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "China has blocked the word 'Egypt' from the country's wildly popular Twitter-like service" #censorship #china #egyptJan 29 19:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Mass printer attacks: mass reboot, mass lock, mass LCD messages, mass raw print #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Egypt not trending in China - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English  .::. Size~: 84.96 KBJan 29 19:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] RT @diesch Fox News doesn't know where Egypt is: 29 19:28
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server ErrorJan 29 19:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Bradley #Manning as (possible) British citizen - at 1.30; could be interesting to watch if confirmed #wikileaksJan 29 19:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The WikiLeaks News & Views Blog -- Special Weekend Edition! | The Nation .::. Size~: 62.29 KBJan 29 19:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Printfs can't read files being printed though.... #schmoocon printers talkJan 29 19:32
schestowitzGoForbes28: I have some posts brewingJan 29 19:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[qu1j0t3/@qu1j0t3] @schestowitz Tragically, this didn't happen in Baghdad. The US destroyed thousands of years of history, without giving a damn.Jan 29 19:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @qu1j0t3 They knew their priorities in Iraq, they guarded the Oil Ministry building while cultural treasures were looted #rednecksJan 29 19:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @satipera ha!Jan 29 19:43
GoForbes28kkJan 29 19:45
GoForbes28anything else to report?Jan 29 19:45
Ender2070[14:15] <schestowitz> But it lacks as many apps and OEM momentumJan 29 19:48
Ender2070have you ever even used it?Jan 29 19:48
Ender2070it'll run all the gnome and kde apps fineJan 29 19:48
Ender2070a lot more useful of an interface for a netbook than androidJan 29 19:49
schestowitzYeah, it's a distroJan 29 19:50
Ender2070you can install meego on fedora and opensuse, and probably others tooJan 29 19:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] WikiLeaks news update !wlJan 29 19:50
schestowitzAndroid comes from bear to fruitJan 29 19:50
schestowitzLike iOSJan 29 19:50
schestowitzMoblin is the oppositeJan 29 19:50
Ender2070meego is just a user interfaceJan 29 19:51
Ender2070it integrates with some appsJan 29 19:51
schestowitzit doesn't have a strong brandJan 29 19:51
schestowitzThey try all sorts of sites to build reputation for itJan 29 19:51
Ender2070no but its probably better than androidJan 29 19:51
Ender2070for a PCJan 29 19:51
Ender2070probably too bulky for a phoneJan 29 19:52
schestowitzI don't participate in it since Elop got in... I don't trust himJan 29 19:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ES: La Procedencia De #Microsoft Florian By Wayne Borean aka @themadhatter and translated by Eduardo LandaveriJan 29 19:52
schestowitzdepends *what* phoneJan 29 19:52
Ender2070Elop is a danger to Qt too but that doesn't stop me from using KDEJan 29 19:52
schestowitzFor now they use symbian on low-end phonesJan 29 19:52
schestowitzPhones get faster over timeJan 29 19:52
schestowitzsome years ago 3daccel was not foreseeableJan 29 19:53
schestowitznow there's tegraJan 29 19:53
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URLJan 29 19:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ES: La Procedencia De Microsoft Florian | Techrights .::. Size~: 109.43 KBJan 29 19:53
Ender2070im more or less thinking the small screensJan 29 19:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @schestowitz: ES: La Procedencia De #Microsoft Florian By W. Borean aka @themadhatter translated by Eduardo LandaveriJan 29 19:53
Ender2070i think meego would be great for a netbook or tabletJan 29 19:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ES: La Procedencia De Microsoft Florian | Techrights .::. Size~: 109.43 KBJan 29 19:54
schestowitzUnless Nokia blows itJan 29 19:54
Ender2070my netboko has jolicloud on it right nowJan 29 19:54
schestowitzIntel helps itJan 29 19:54
Ender2070netbookJan 29 19:54
schestowitzIt adds it to cars nowJan 29 19:55
schestowitzCause it had built a consortiumJan 29 19:55
schestowitzThey're afraid of ARM, so AMD is joining too nowJan 29 19:55
schestowitzBut MeeGo became ARM-friendly tooJan 29 19:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] The New York Times vs. WikiLeaks !wlJan 29 19:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @qu1j0t3 "mission accomplished", that's what matteredJan 29 19:55
schestowitzI found that surprising, but ARM uses Intel for fabsJan 29 19:55
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URLJan 29 19:56
Ender2070meh i don't care too muchJan 29 19:56
MinceRafaik ARM only licenses stuffJan 29 19:56
MinceRdoes not directly make processorsJan 29 19:57
Ender2070the only time I use ARM is when I use a Nintendo handheldJan 29 19:57
GoForbes28roy: anything else besides new draft articles?Jan 29 19:57
MinceREnder2070: what's in your phone?Jan 29 19:57
Ender2070no ideaJan 29 19:57
MinceRprobably ARM :>Jan 29 19:57
Ender2070its a blackberryJan 29 19:57
Ender2070maybe in my phoneJan 29 19:57
schestowitzGoForbes28: not yetJan 29 19:58
Ender2070hm, 500 for a pandroa or 399 for a 3DSJan 29 19:58
schestowitzGoForbes28: got time to edit a bit? I can pass stuff to wiki...Jan 29 19:58
Ender2070pandoraJan 29 19:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @MihaiScorobete: Egypt Cracks Down on Protesters - 29 19:58
TechrightsBot-trSSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:Jan 29 19:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Romanian e-Government software has serious security bugs #security #romania #software #indeco #egovt #freeJan 29 20:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @rsandu ♺ @MihaiScorobete: Egypt Cracks Down on Protesters - 29 20:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google Traducere .::. Size~: 1.52 KBJan 29 20:00
TechrightsBot-trSSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:Jan 29 20:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @rsandu #Egypt news should be treated with caution when arriving from #NYTimes -- don't get the news about the ME from Pentagon spinners.Jan 29 20:02
GoForbes28okJan 29 20:03
Ender2070think im gonna fight with my broadcom-wl todayJan 29 20:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mrdenticator/@mrdenticator] Yesterday top #statustician is schestowitz with 267 dents!Jan 29 20:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] Ok, im bored, its 4am and isohunt is down. Dammit.Jan 29 20:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Oh man. Edu session, and also I gave Max a new Tee shirt. !FUDConJan 29 20:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @silner #Egypt Protestors Fight Photos at the original leak site, Cryptome 29 20:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Egypt Protestors Fight Photos .::. Size~: 17.77 KBJan 29 20:05
schestowitzGoForbes28: incoming.....Jan 29 20:06
*tessier has quit (Changing host)Jan 29 20:06
*tessier (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #techrightsJan 29 20:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Ce poti face cu CNP-ul patronului Indeco Soft #romania #security #egovtJan 29 20:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @wikileaks: WikiLeaks news update 29 20:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @wikileaks: The New York Times vs. WikiLeaks 29 20:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ​EXCLUSIV Ce poti face cu CNP-ul patronului Indeco Soft, firma care a creat soft-ul pentru, aplicatia de plata online a taxelor la nivel national - Telecom - .::. Size~: 192.77 KBJan 29 20:07
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 20:08
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URLJan 29 20:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @gusteru: RT @mandrivausersro: Bun venit pe blogul în românește! 29 20:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Egypt (video): Army intervenes to protect protesters from police !wlJan 29 20:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[qu1j0t3/@qu1j0t3] RT @schestowitz @rsandu #Egypt news should be treated with caution when arriving from #NYTimes -- don't get the news about the ME from P ...Jan 29 20:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @mapopa: RT @fiiliber Desenăm elemente pentru hărți RPG cu #Inkscape pe #fiiliber 29 20:08
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URLJan 29 20:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bun venit pe blogul în românește! | .::. Size~: 27.6 KBJan 29 20:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Egypt (video): Army intervenes to protect protesters from police - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 22.98 KBJan 29 20:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Desenăm elemente pentru hărți RPG cu Inkscape | Fii liber! Folosește programe libere! .::. Size~: 34.6 KBJan 29 20:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @LinuxMagazines: 10.2" Google Android 2.1 Tablet PC WiFi #google #android #gnu #linuxJan 29 20:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 10.2″ Google Android 2.1 Tablet PC WiFi | LINUX MAGAZINES .::. Size~: 15.66 KBJan 29 20:10
gnufreex 29 20:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Patent Baristas » Stop Me If You’ve Heard This Before…There’s a Patent Reform Act of 2011 .::. Size~: 49.88 KBJan 29 20:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aurele/@aurele] Urgent appeal from the Free Software Foundation !wikileaks !fs !lo !acta !wikinews !lhc !q !dbd !eu #FreedomJan 29 20:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Watching @mairin talking about gelato :P #donthurtmetoomuchJan 29 20:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Urgent appeal from the Free Software Foundation — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 28.64 KBJan 29 20:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] #Egypt news should be treated with caution when arriving from #NYTimes -- don't get the news about the ME from Pentagon spinners.Jan 29 20:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] @schestowitz: Thanks, got it. :)Jan 29 20:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Gid = "fb" # shmoocon surbo evite hacking talkJan 29 20:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @pegwole: If the pope-mobile has engine problems and spews white smoke do they replace the car or the guy inside it? #randomthoughtJan 29 20:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @didiermisson: @rsandu lol "Twinkle is the most popular Linux based SIP software" : I know all 5 other, but not Twinkle :p I must try it.Jan 29 20:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Chrome inspect can reveal everyones email address on evite page #shmoocon turbo talkJan 29 20:15
schestowitzGoForbes28: 29 20:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The cash carrier crisis - Techrights .::. Size~: 15.72 KBJan 29 20:15
schestowitzGoForbes28: have a look...Jan 29 20:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] With eids you can masquerade as users #shmoocon evite talkJan 29 20:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Uninvite the host from the party... #shmoocon evite talkJan 29 20:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] You can email everyone on list w/o being the host.. #shmoocon evite talkJan 29 20:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Will Microsoft Remove DOC Format Support? #microsoft #ooo #ooxml #lo #libreofficeJan 29 20:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj], the json parser. #shmoocon evite talkJan 29 20:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Will Microsoft Remove DOC Format Support? .::. Size~: 43.69 KBJan 29 20:25
schestowitzGoForbes28: this one too 29 20:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LibreOffice Document Foundation and OOXML - Techrights .::. Size~: 15.65 KBJan 29 20:27
schestowitzWe need to publish these todayJan 29 20:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webupd8/@webupd8] Displex-Indicator Reaches Version 0.4, Adds Metacity Compositing And Disper Support 29 20:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Displex-Indicator Reaches Version 0.4, Adds Metacity Compositing And Disper Support ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 54.5 KBJan 29 20:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Sony DMCA'ed two github users over PS3 stuff, could be used for fixing Other OS support for !Linux 29 20:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Yes, we may have helped Tunisia, Egypt. But let us not forget the elephant in the room: Al Jazeera + sat dishes !wlJan 29 20:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] You can use * any* authenticated cookie to send message from the host #shmoocon evite talkJan 29 20:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011-01-27-sony.markdown at master from github's dmca - GitHub .::. Size~: 30.16 KBJan 29 20:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] You can see guests, send messages, invite, uninvite, add comments, all for private and public events... #shmoocon evite talkJan 29 20:37
amarsh04in Australia, Toys R Us has been forced to pay AUD$1 million divided amongst 1000 current and past employees that were underpaidJan 29 20:37
schestowitz 29 20:39
TechrightsBot-trTitle: TSMC more upbeat on sales, chip market outlook for 2011 .::. Size~: 78.36 KBJan 29 20:39
GoForbes28still here; taking a lookJan 29 20:40
schestowitzthanks, expand it too if you can...Jan 29 20:41
*_goblin has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 29 20:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @wikileaks2 Yes, we may have helped Tunisia, Egypt. But let us not forget the elephant in the room: Al Jazeera + sat dishes !wlJan 29 20:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @jargon i don't get it. why is china blocking #Egypt tag from twitter? are they worried about 1billion ppl rising up?Jan 29 20:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Ask evite for user info for email, it will return zip code, birth date #shmoocon evite talkJan 29 20:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Mitchel's WL blog is worth reading !wlJan 29 20:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The WikiLeaks News & Views Blog -- Special Weekend Edition! | The Nation .::. Size~: 63.06 KBJan 29 20:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Lower Attach Rates #Linux preinstalls rate seems to have surged in #ChinaJan 29 20:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @qu1j0t3: #G20 detention "worse than any prison"; case reopened, new evidence contradicts police on assaults 29 20:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @qu1j0t3: @schestowitz Tragically, this didn't happen in Baghdad. The US destroyed thousands of years of history, without giving a damn.Jan 29 20:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Lower Attach Rates at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 36.04 KBJan 29 20:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  G20 accused decries detention conditions -  .::. Size~: 103.89 KBJan 29 20:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] RD @osamak: RT @grep Eyewitnesses: Looters are government-powered. /RD CNN paints them as agitators, big surprise!Jan 29 20:52
GoForbes28yo royJan 29 20:52
Diablo-D3damnitJan 29 20:52
Diablo-D3cnn is not painting them as protestorsJan 29 20:52
GoForbes28Maybe I should try calling you through sip communicatorJan 29 20:52
Diablo-D3I was watching CNN when they claimed they could be government plantsJan 29 20:52
GoForbes28Meh, all american news corps are a let down in at least one areaJan 29 20:53
GoForbes28and Canadian news may  be the same soonJan 29 20:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @schestowitz well, no, they also had to make it *seem* like Iraqis were incredibly happy about being invadedJan 29 20:53
sebsebsebnice some not so technical woman, doing PC Linux OS LXDE as her first distro :)Jan 29 20:55
GoForbes28roy?Jan 29 20:55
*Judas_PhD has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jan 29 21:06
schestowitz 29 21:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Integration Watch: Java EE: The dead man walking - SD Times: Software Development News  .::. Size~: 135.87 KBJan 29 21:06
schestowitzGoForbes28: sureJan 29 21:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] 1999 Eiswein FTWJan 29 21:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] 1999 Eiswein FTWJan 29 21:07
schestowitzDiablo-D3: 50,000+ 'agents'?Jan 29 21:08
schestowitzAnd what would CNN say the plot is?Jan 29 21:08
schestowitzObama paying millions of people to covertly replace Hosni with a _more_docile marionette?Jan 29 21:08
GoForbes28ok, so which address should I try Roy?>Jan 29 21:14
schestowitzbut why now and not monday?Jan 29 21:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] pessoal do Egito se animou com a revolução popular Ben Ali pertinho, na Tunísia, aí arM[o]ubarak no próprio país #prontofaleiJan 29 21:15
GoForbes28cause monday is a busy dayJan 29 21:15
GoForbes28Don't worry, I'm still looking at the articlesJan 29 21:16
schestowitz < heh. Editor chose funny headlineJan 29 21:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: IBM claims its big blue tools penetrate markets • The Register .::. Size~: 26.44 KBJan 29 21:16
GoForbes28lolJan 29 21:18
GoForbes28I think I'll go and buy some big blue tools for penetration purposes.Jan 29 21:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @f4bs: quer ajudar as vítimas das enchentes e não sabe como? vá à cruz vermelha da sua cidade e ajude a separar e encaminhar doaçõesJan 29 21:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @guardiannews: Voting reform bill: peers threaten 'mass revolt' over guillotine attempt 29 21:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @f4bs: quer fazer doações em $$ para uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que não explora a tragédia alheia para se promover? 29 21:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Voting reform bill: peers threaten 'mass revolt' over guillotine attempt | Politics | The Observer  .::. Size~: 133.23 KBJan 29 21:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: :: Cruz Vermelha Brasileira - Filial do Estado de São Paulo :: .::. Size~: 0.53 KBJan 29 21:20
GoForbes28and won't it only take a second?Jan 29 21:20
GoForbes28Hello - > goodbye - > the end?Jan 29 21:21
GoForbes28We don't need a full-on conversationJan 29 21:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Wish I could see pam and @fontana but I'm so tired, I'm starting a !FUDCon nap track in an extra room. D:Jan 29 21:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♻ @stav People of #Egypt. The world stands with you. We wish you peace.Jan 29 21:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] divertido ver tanta gente que conheço pessoalmente num mesmo programa da Globo News; até Maddog explicando Free Software! #cpbr4Jan 29 21:23
gnufreexOh... Mac is really over the top this time 29 21:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Memo to Microsoft, RIM, Nokia: Quit copying Apple! • The Register .::. Size~: 25.07 KBJan 29 21:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @lxoliva será que o povo vai entender que o “diretor da Linux International” não criou o Linux? (nem o GNU, do qual ele não falou :-(Jan 29 21:27
schestowitzGoForbes28: yeah, but no issue to bring upJan 29 21:28
GoForbes28pardon?Jan 29 21:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Lower Attach Rates #Linux preinstalls rate seems to have surged in #China #gnuJan 29 21:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle:   Lower Attach Rates at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 36.04 KBJan 29 21:29
schestowitzno agenda to addressJan 29 21:29
GoForbes28this is just a test to see if the communcation worksJan 29 21:31
GoForbes28you could just say test and I say testJan 29 21:31
GoForbes28no need to discuss anythingJan 29 21:31
GoForbes28so when TechBytes does happen, we're not fiddling around with SIP communicator and wasting timeJan 29 21:31
GoForbes28if it doesn't workJan 29 21:32
schestowitzthere is fallbackJan 29 21:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] #Phonehacking scandal hits #Murdoch business as investors grow restless 29 21:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[invi/@invi] !wikileaks El ejército egipcio interviene para proteger a la población civil de la policía 29 21:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  Phone-hacking scandal hits Murdoch business as investors grow restless | Media | The Observer  .::. Size~: 99.42 KBJan 29 21:39
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Egypt (video): Army intervenes to protect protesters from police - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 28.59 KBJan 29 21:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] Some really nice things appearing on Diaspora lately, makes it even nicer to use.Jan 29 21:40
GoForbes28yeah, but I think it should be a important goal to make the fallback as much of a last resort as possible rather than the lazy/easy alternativeJan 29 21:42
GoForbes28besides, I'm personally curious to see if it works :)Jan 29 21:42
GoForbes28can we do it?Jan 29 21:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Just sayin' (cc @herlo ) !FUDCon 29 21:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #wikipedia random: In #Firefox Alt-Shift+X loads a random page :)Jan 29 21:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] #EFL 1.0 is out hopefully this year, E17 as well!Jan 29 21:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 8.61 KBJan 29 21:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Enlightenment Download .::. Size~: 27.24 KBJan 29 21:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[invi/@invi] !fotolibre !hacktivistas !wikileaks Francis Ford Coppola, copyfighter 29 21:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Francis Ford Coppola, copyfighter - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 49.26 KBJan 29 21:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @grep: some #Egyptian writers say government-related traitors move these looting gangs along #Egypt. #Jan25Jan 29 21:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @turimunthe: JUST IN from @demotix contrib: military checking private airports to catch fleeing politicians #egypt #Jan25Jan 29 21:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @grep: Another group of #Egypt secret police personnel held by protesters for looting, shooting and shaking security.Jan 29 21:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @seiflotfy: al jazeera : the looters that have been arrested by the protesters in alexandria are from the secret policeJan 29 21:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @Jan25voices: Most of Heliopolis is now being policed by youth with makeshift weapons and all apts have lights on for visibility #jan25Jan 29 21:58
gnufreex 29 21:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Urgent appeal from the Free Software Foundation — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 28.64 KBJan 29 21:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] CRTC Ruling In Favor of Usage Based Billing May Kill Bell And Rogers - #cdnpoliJan 29 22:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CRTC Ruling In Favor of Usage Based Billing May Kill Bell And Rogers | Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 21.86 KBJan 29 22:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♻ @Jan25voices: Most of Heliopolis is now being policed by youth with makeshift weapons and all apts have lights on for visibility #jan25Jan 29 22:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♻ @seiflotfy: al jazeera : the looters that have been arrested by the protesters in alexandria are from the secret policeJan 29 22:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♻ @turimunthe: JUST IN from @demotix contrib: military checking private airports to catch fleeing politicians #egypt #Jan25Jan 29 22:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] Hah, now i know how geeks date, they flirt with code snippets.Jan 29 22:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] CNN has switched to use the word "Uprising" for #Egypt. About time.Jan 29 22:18
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @f4bs: quer também ajudar uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que promove o !softwarelivre? doe pra, campanha vai até 31/01Jan 29 22:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] FSFE's @kgerloff on Power and Freedom (and !fs) at TEDx, excellent! via @hook @iurieJan 29 22:25
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 301 Moved PermanentlyJan 29 22:25
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Listening to Mervyn King from the 25th, to distil for you, because more countries are behaving as greedily as we are it is causing problems.Jan 29 22:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] From Mervyn King wages in 2011 will only reach in real terms those of 2005. (Britain)Jan 29 22:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #tips #freedomtools: "The MVPS HOSTS file was recently updated" [January-13-2011] 29 22:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Seemingly the #Mubarak Fanbois are burning down #Egypt. Sure sign of defeat. The people will win IMHO. But the price gets higher and higher.Jan 29 22:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] When are we going to balance our consumption (globally) with something sensible like the ability of the planet to meet it? #realeconomicsJan 29 22:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @grep: #Cairo airport confirms the leave of 19 private jets carrying families of #Egyptian and #Arab businessmen. #Jan25Jan 29 22:38
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] The Apple Patent Song - 29 22:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @mairin: we're having a !freesoftware design track in room 270 tomm. meet @tatadbb, @schendje, and me and we'll teach you design stuff!Jan 29 22:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] These competition druggies are going to leave this planet a frazzled cinder.Jan 29 22:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @jwildeboer @grep you and your people are paying a high price for freedom and democracy. U're all heroes. Let's hope it soon becomes peaceJan 29 22:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] British PM stood in front of WEA Davos and said that each time the EU makes a law it should scrap an old one. Excuse my anglo saxon. Wanker!Jan 29 22:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Assange full extradition case will start Tues Feb 7 Belmarsh Magistrates Court !wlJan 29 22:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Those that took from the #Egypt people are leaving in private jets. Leaving their fellow countrymen to the thugs that are looting. #failJan 29 22:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Hm. Compare and - Same hosting company. #GoDaddyJan 29 22:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] US State Department shifting its stated views on Mubarack !wlJan 29 22:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♻ @jwildeboer RD @grep: LIVE #CAIRO: SNIPERS ON THE ROOF OF INTERIOR MINISTRY SHOOTING LIVE BULLETS AT THE PROTESTERS.Jan 29 22:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @McAndrew Open Letter to Tarek Kamel, Minister of Communications #Egypt: For your legacy & Egypts future, re-connect. 29 23:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @jwildeboer Let's be honest, I'd be fleeing too if I could.Jan 29 23:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @schestowitz take a look at the latter part of Cameron's Davos speech it must be important to British attitudes to #swpats and IM'sJan 29 23:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RD @ioerror: Vodafone restores Voice service: #egypt #Jan25Jan 29 23:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] #Egypt's #Mubarak could end up as Nero of egypt, burning his country for nothing but grief. Sad.Jan 29 23:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @fabsh huh? as part of the fleeing dominant class, or as someone not interested in taking part in overthrowing it?Jan 29 23:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @lxoliva If I could flee with my family to protect them, I would. Fuck the country, it's just a place.Jan 29 23:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @fabsh if too many people thought like you, there would soon be no place left for you to flee to. more power to @grep et al!Jan 29 23:13
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] to avoid misinterpretation: “more power to @grep et al!” as in, my heart and my mind are with @grep et al, and wish them successJan 29 23:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Sorry to hear your lad is not well, thinking about him and your family, hoping NHS will have him back wearing you and your mrs out very soonJan 29 23:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @fabsh I hope my daughter will learn to tell me “fuck off, I'll stay and fight” if I ever suggest her to “flee to protect herself”Jan 29 23:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @fabsh if you flee rather than fight for freedom, you're taking advantage of those who fought for it where you end upJan 29 23:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @fabsh and if you return home when things settle down, you're also taking advantage of those who fought to keep freedom at your homelandJan 29 23:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @fabsh or rather to restore freedomJan 29 23:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] 'Radical Redesign' Urged for Future Computers - (PCWorld): 29 23:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] Microsoft Death Watch - 10Q Partial Update - #MicrosoftJan 29 23:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] HP’s New Plan: No More Worthless Hype (Technogizer): 29 23:25
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Watching PMQ's . Clegg looks paralysed, he sits there like a vallium addict wishing it would all go away.Jan 29 23:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] A Metric Shitload of new 365 Posts, from day 68 to 77. 29 23:50
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks/@wikileaks] wikileaks: Assange full extradition case will start Tues Feb 7 Belmarsh Magistrates Court 29 23:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks/@wikileaks] wikileaks: US State Department shifting its stated views on Mubarack 29 23:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] We've also released footage from #Egypt and #Tunisia under the !cc license: - Please @ us if you use it /by @AJEnglish:Jan 29 23:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] The boy Cameron takes the piss out of Gerry Adams. I really can't describe my feelings about this.Jan 29 23:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] Heh, most of my timeline is filled with people who dent with !identicurse now, rather than just 4-5 poeple.Jan 29 23:58

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