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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: February 19th, 2011

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MinceRpeople watching bluray rips downloaded via bittorrent will be unaffectedFeb 19 00:00
MinceRway to make copyright infringement an even better deal than the paid, "legal" option, movie industryFeb 19 00:00
MinceRit's like they're in it for the chances to whine, not the moneyFeb 19 00:00
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 00:01
qu1j0t3it's hard to understand how people who've paid good money for the equipment and the titles wouldn't feel insulted by this kind of garbage.Feb 19 00:10
qu1j0t3so yeah -- no sympathyFeb 19 00:10
qu1j0t3(for the industry)Feb 19 00:13
oiaohmBoy qu1j0t3 one of the most usesless mode ever.Feb 19 00:37
oiaohmhdmi encryption is busted.  qu1j0t3Feb 19 00:38
MinceRbut hey, at least some consumers will sufferFeb 19 00:43
MinceRmaybe someone realized they haven't sold as many hdtvs as they wantedFeb 19 00:43
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 19 00:47
qu1j0t3schestowitz:  Feb 19 02:54
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Adactio: Journal—Erase and rewind .::. Size~: 21.74 KBFeb 19 02:54
qu1j0t3schestowitz: that Monbiot Africa article mentions James Goldsmith..........Feb 19 03:11
qu1j0t3schestowitz: and not exactly in flattering company.Feb 19 03:11
qu1j0t3 19 03:23
TechrightsBot-scTitle:      YouTube         - Bahrain's army deliberately kills peaceful protesters with live rounds ( automatic weapon )    .::. Size~: 133.92 KBFeb 19 03:23
schestowitzqu1j0t3: 19 05:24
TechrightsBot-sc@rcweir: @schestowitz You're not originally from Toronto, are you ?Feb 19 05:24
schestowitzI don't get itFeb 19 05:24
schestowitzContext: 19 05:24
TechrightsBot-sc@rcweir: @schestowitz You're not originally from Toronto, are you ?Feb 19 05:24
qu1j0t3weirFeb 19 05:24
qu1j0t3dFeb 19 05:24
qu1j0t3schestowitz: Feb 19 05:24
schestowitzI don't get the reference...Feb 19 05:25
qu1j0t3oh it reads better if you put the emphasis on the right wordsFeb 19 05:25
qu1j0t3i.e. say it and emphasise TorontoFeb 19 05:25
qu1j0t3you probably RT a lot of my canada/toronto stuffFeb 19 05:25
schestowitzOh, that...Feb 19 05:28
schestowitzI thought Trebek might be from Toronto...Feb 19 05:29
schestowitzme: "@rcweir No, but I have some friends from that area :-)"Feb 19 05:29
qu1j0t3fair enoughFeb 19 05:30
schestowitz Feb 19 05:30
TechrightsBot-sc@ender2070: @schestowitz only when you turn the hubble around and burn people to death like ants. I support #skynet :)Feb 19 05:30
TechrightsBot-sc@ender2070: @schestowitz what if we design a machine that solves global warming without raising taxes? I know #heresy for a #socialistFeb 19 05:30
TechrightsBot-sc@ender2070: @schestowitz fuck off - #watson is an achievement (if it didn't already exist as black budget)Feb 19 05:30
schestowitz'turn the hubble around and burn people to death like ants."Feb 19 05:31
qu1j0t3"solves global warming without raising taxes"Feb 19 05:32
qu1j0t3isn't that the job of the magical Free MarketFeb 19 05:32
qu1j0t3but it's a giveaway he uses the term 'global warming'Feb 19 05:33
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 19 06:28
oiaohmqu1j0t3: Solving global warming is very hard process.   Taxes maybe part of the require mix.   A raw land tax would be kinda evil.  qu1j0t3Feb 19 08:44
oiaohmIe land automatically tax at  X level and having the area setup to reduce polution reduces tax rate.Feb 19 08:44
oiaohmThen underground houses could become popular.Feb 19 08:45
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 19 10:02
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 10:03
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 19 11:45
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 11:48
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Feb 19 12:32
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 12:34
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 15:15
*trmanco has quit (Changing host)Feb 19 15:15
*trmanco (~trmanco@unaffiliated/trmanco) has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 15:15
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 15:42
sebsebsebHiFeb 19 15:42
schestowitzo/Feb 19 15:51
sebsebsebschestowitz: hiFeb 19 15:51
trmancohey schestowitz :)Feb 19 15:53
schestowitz0/Feb 19 16:14
trmanco\OFeb 19 16:22
trmancobblFeb 19 16:26
*trmanco has quit (Quit: Leaving)Feb 19 16:26
schestowitz 19 16:54
TechrightsBot-scTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: Foo Fighters - Generator .::. Size~: 5.39 KBFeb 19 16:54
schestowitz 19 17:13
TechrightsBot-scTitle:      YouTube         - Reasonably Certain.    .::. Size~: 134.64 KBFeb 19 17:13
schestowitzThe Onion smearing FOSS again: 19 17:18
TechrightsBot-sc@FOSSpatents: Skyhook vs. Google (Android geolocation patent suit + unfair competition suit): a defense of open source principles? 19 17:18
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: FOSS Patents: Skyhook vs. Google: a defense of open source principles? .::. Size~: 71.95 KBFeb 19 17:18
schestowitzI don't get it: 19 17:19
TechrightsBot-sc@FFII: Software built on open standards – including open source - are no longer the preserve of computer geeks.Feb 19 17:19
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 18:03
*trmanco has quit (Changing host)Feb 19 18:03
*trmanco (~trmanco@unaffiliated/trmanco) has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 18:03
qu1j0t3schestowitz: is there another planet i can live on? 19 18:47
TechrightsBot-scTitle: US Navy Breaks Laser Record - Slashdot .::. Size~: 131.05 KBFeb 19 18:47
qu1j0t3trmanco: helloFeb 19 18:47
trmancohello qu1j0t3 Feb 19 18:48
trmanco 19 18:48
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Black ops: how HBGary wrote backdoors for the government .::. Size~: 39.51 KBFeb 19 18:48
qu1j0t3haFeb 19 18:49
qu1j0t3aren't Ars bad guys now?Feb 19 18:50
trmancowhat do you mean?Feb 19 18:51
qu1j0t3Ars TechnicaFeb 19 18:52
qu1j0t3isn't it run by a microsoftie?Feb 19 18:52
trmancoDunno, but that's not relevant in that article...Feb 19 18:53
MinceRArse TechnicaFeb 19 18:54
qu1j0t3trmanco: hmFeb 19 18:56
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Feb 19 19:01
*trmanco has quit (Quit: Leaving)Feb 19 20:06
schestowitzPain in the Technica :-)Feb 19 20:54
schestowitzNate Anderson is actually their best writerFeb 19 20:54
schestowitzLots of articles about MAFIAA FUD and rebuttalsFeb 19 20:58
*qu1j0t3 has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.2.6)Feb 19 21:38
*qu1j0t3 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 21:38
oiaohmcompared to a lot of news groups ars technica reporting is not as MS bias as some.Feb 19 22:14
schestowitzIt has a Microsoft sectionFeb 19 22:32
schestowitzBut it's less accommodated nowFeb 19 22:32
schestowitzEmil seems to have leftFeb 19 22:32
oiaohmArs Technica rules.  Microsoft people have to report in MS products.Feb 19 22:41
oiaohmLinux people have to reprot on Linux products.Feb 19 22:41
oiaohmAnd so on.Feb 19 22:41
oiaohmI am not sure Emil has left but what products has Emil had to talk about.Feb 19 22:41
schestowitzMicrosoft spinFeb 19 22:44
schestowitzPeter took some of that from him...Feb 19 22:44
schestowitzPaul doesn't write as much as he used toFeb 19 22:44
schestowitzgnFeb 19 22:44
MinceRm$ people shouldn't report on anythingFeb 19 22:53
MinceRthey're too stupid to liveFeb 19 22:53
oiaohmReally there a idiots on all sides.Feb 19 22:58
oiaohmThe important thing is the MS idiots don't try reporting Linux and Mac storiesFeb 19 22:59
oiaohmBecause as soon as they do you see the bias teeth come out.Feb 19 22:59
MinceRthe bias is there even if they report m$ crapFeb 19 23:16
oiaohmMinceR: But a sales person is ment to be so far biasFeb 19 23:17
*liberius ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 19 23:26

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