Join us now at the IRC channel.
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @hazzy: Dear RIAA, you win. I will no longer pirate your music - or even pay for it. I will now support the many indie artists available. | Feb 11 00:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] M$ and Nokia: Two Turkeys do not make one eagle. True, if Nokia embraces M$, it's kiss of death 4 Nokia. | Feb 11 00:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Twitter .::. Size~: 43.16 KB | Feb 11 00:06 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 00:06 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Feb 11 00:07 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 00:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "February 20 is Morocco's Day of Rage" The domino effect continues | Feb 11 00:24 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2011-02-09 February 20 is Morocco's Day of Rage | WL Central .::. Size~: 20.19 KB | Feb 11 00:24 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] Damn, left my tool set at work.....had to pop back to get it... | Feb 11 00:27 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] oh and glad I played the Dead Space 2 demo....I won't be buying it, not impressed. A scripted puzzle/horror game set in space? Disappointed. | Feb 11 00:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Performances from @trash80 @DocPop @crashfaster and @dualcoremusic will stream live on @BAMMtv! | Feb 11 00:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BAMM.TV / Video / EFF - 21st Birthday Party .::. Size~: 19.58 KB | Feb 11 00:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] dear mod_wsgi, thank you for making apache so much nicer to deal with | Feb 11 00:32 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Feb 11 00:42 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[qu1j0t3/@qu1j0t3] "Pinboard runs entirely on a traditional LAMP stack, and it runs amazingly fast" | Feb 11 00:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Hacker Chat: Pinboard Creator Maciej Ceglowski Talks About Why Boring Architecture is Good, and More .::. Size~: 39.72 KB | Feb 11 00:48 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 00:59 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Feb 11 00:59 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 00:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Pierde #Microsoft pariul cu viitorul? #gates #romania | Feb 11 01:02 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Mubarak Refuses to Step Down #mubarak #egypt | Feb 11 01:02 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Bill Gates şi-a vândut în ultimul an acţiuni la Microsoft în valoare de 2,5 miliarde dolari. Pierde Microsoft pariul cu viitorul? | Ziarul Financiar .::. Size~: 44.55 KB | Feb 11 01:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: | Feb 11 01:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] IBM Mira – noul supercomputer face 10 catralioane de calcule pe secundă #ibm #mira | Feb 11 01:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @regsecurity: #Microsoft sends #IE9 'do-not-track' tech to #W3C | Feb 11 01:07 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: IBM Mira – noul supercomputer face 10 catralioane de calcule pe secundă « Digital Trends .::. Size~: 42.12 KB | Feb 11 01:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft sends IE9 'do-not-track' tech to W3C • The Register .::. Size~: 26.19 KB | Feb 11 01:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] It sweetens the coffee and makes my face melt | Feb 11 01:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @meegoblog: Getting Started with MeeGo ( #meego #nokia #gnu #linux #microsoft | Feb 11 01:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: - .::. Size~: 8.35 KB | Feb 11 01:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Getting Started with MeeGo ( [] .::. Size~: 6.16 KB | Feb 11 01:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @meegoblog: We all know Android is Linux, but is it the New Linux? - On Target ... #android #linux #gnu | Feb 11 01:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @meegoblog: HP's tiny Veer debuts with #WebOS power | Mobile Devices | ZDNet UK #hp #gnu #linux | Feb 11 01:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @regsecurity: Free Android encryption comes to Egypt #egypt #android | Feb 11 01:11 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: We all know Android is Linux, but is it the New Linux? - On Target: Embedded Systems .::. Size~: 41.59 KB | Feb 11 01:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: HP's tiny Veer debuts with WebOS power | Mobile Devices | ZDNet UK .::. Size~: 46.73 KB | Feb 11 01:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Free Android encryption comes to Egypt • The Register .::. Size~: 21.99 KB | Feb 11 01:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @didiermisson: RT @Actu_Android: #Android frise le 20% en France: et devrait passer n°1 vers avril-mai | Feb 11 01:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | @: | Feb 11 01:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @agentsmith: M$ and Nokia: Two Turkeys do not make one eagle. True, if Nokia embraces M$, it's kiss of death 4 Nokia. | Feb 11 01:19 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Twitter .::. Size~: 44.14 KB | Feb 11 01:19 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @haris #shared Awesome discovery of the week: Glass melts when it gets too cold [Quantum Mechanics] | Feb 11 01:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: ♻ @slashdot: Security Patch Breaks VMware Users' Windows Desktops > good job, Maritz! | Feb 11 01:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: io9. We come from the future. .::. Size~: 53.92 KB | Feb 11 01:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Security Patch Breaks VMware Users' Windows Desktops - Slashdot .::. Size~: 95.05 KB | Feb 11 01:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] @schestowitz @dangillmor We must firmly ask #LinkedIn to offer section in profile, instead of #Twitter... | Feb 11 01:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dpic/@dpic] Open Hardware Definition 1.0 Released! Next up is deciding on a logo [= !FreedomDefined | Feb 11 01:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting type | Feb 11 01:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[phoronix/@phoronix] A Shake-Up In The Ubuntu 11.04 Release Schedule: Not only did Canonical announce today their relatively unintere... | Feb 11 01:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] A Shake-Up In The Ubuntu 11.04 Release Schedule .::. Size~: 17.54 KB | Feb 11 01:31 |
DaemonFC | "There will be no release candidate for Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal", but an additional beta is now planned for release. " | Feb 11 01:33 |
DaemonFC | what the hell does that mean? | Feb 11 01:33 |
DaemonFC | they called it something else? | Feb 11 01:33 |
DaemonFC | that's a shake-up? | Feb 11 01:33 |
DaemonFC | jono: What do you guys plan to do next? Hold up a spoon and announce that there is no spoon? | Feb 11 01:35 |
DaemonFC | anything to whore for headlines, I swear :) | Feb 11 01:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @Glinner What. The. Fuck. The Daily Star is cheerleading for the EDL! (via @directhex) <<yikes | Feb 11 01:44 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Daily Star champions the English Defence League | Media | .::. Size~: 293.07 KB | Feb 11 01:44 |
DaemonFC | some of the nonfree blobs hanging around in Linux are gratuitous | Feb 11 01:47 |
DaemonFC | Who uses TokenRing and AppleTalk? | Feb 11 01:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] dinner's ready... woo hoo | Feb 11 02:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @f4bs: @filipe: @jacksoncereb: decisão maravilhosa do deputado José Antonio Reguffe: | Feb 11 02:19 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jornal da Comunidade - POLITICA - ESTREIA COM EXEMPLO DE AUSTERIDADE .::. Size~: 19.4 KB | Feb 11 02:19 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Support WikiLeaks by buying our stuff, sale now on: !wl | Feb 11 02:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: WikiLeaks Shop (EU) .::. Size~: 259.46 KB | Feb 11 02:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer his head and his pants are full of sh*t #reasonsmubarakislate | Feb 11 02:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Wifi on the AZ Ave partybus isn't that bad at all | Feb 11 02:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Keep us Strong! Official Opening of WikiLeaks Store, available worldwide and in 7 currencies! !wl | Feb 11 02:37 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: WikiLeaks Shop (EU) .::. Size~: 259.46 KB | Feb 11 02:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] "You will no longer be able to sign in to YouTube without a Google Account." Screw you, pooptube. | Feb 11 02:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Suleiman may have questioned tortured Canadian |G&M !wl | Feb 11 02:42 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Suleiman may have questioned tortured Canadian - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 92.55 KB | Feb 11 02:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @laurelrusswurm good to know you were just off-line. I was growing concerned by your prolonged silence! | Feb 11 02:47 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @schestowitz so said Mandela on his latest birthday :-) | Feb 11 02:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @jwildeboer: Sign of hope. No violence at #Tahrir. Keep the peace, best way to show your teeth to your enemy is to SMILE! #Egypt #Jan25 | Feb 11 02:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] putz, nunca tinha acontecido antes de eu ler errado Band News como Bad News | Feb 11 03:02 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @ovalenzuela: odio las paginas con flash! terminando cachador, enviare correo a los duenos de web con flash, para q las cambien XD | Feb 11 03:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] Polar Bear Excrement Impacts On The Rotary Oscillator – Anonymous Responsible – Again: #Anonmyous #hbgary #lulz | Feb 11 03:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Polar Bear Excrement Impacts On The Rotary Oscillator – Anonymous Responsible – Again | Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 26.64 KB | Feb 11 03:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @kov: Transcrição do pronunciamento da @dilmabr no Blog do Planalto é em .doc gerado pelo Microsoft Word. Me mata de orgulho ♥ :-( | Feb 11 03:16 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia | Feb 11 03:28 | |
*jono has quit (*.net *.split) | Feb 11 03:31 | |
*Thrae has quit (*.net *.split) | Feb 11 03:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @lxoliva I didn't think I would be offline, but my (very old) laptop had great difficulty connecting to the internet | Feb 11 03:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] RT @fauno audio from #Moglen's talk at #FOSDEM !fsf !gnu | Feb 11 03:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: | Feb 11 03:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[qu1j0t3/@qu1j0t3] President of Brazil, Dilma Roussef, has fewer than 170 subscribers! Get in early! @dilmabr | Feb 11 03:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[qu1j0t3/@qu1j0t3] Rousseff* | Feb 11 03:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[sagarun/@sagarun] Transmission is using json-rpc; I thought it was using xml-rpc -my bad | Feb 11 03:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: xml rpc - Creating a logical connection and calling procedures on a XML-RPC server which verifies CSRF tokens - python xmlrpclib - Stack Overflow .::. Size~: 29.81 KB | Feb 11 03:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[qu1j0t3/@qu1j0t3] @lxoliva maybe you can encourage @dilmabr to make all her posts on and auto-post to her twitter! :) | Feb 11 03:44 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 11 03:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] presentation about the hardware assisted x86 instructions for !loongson #godson by @syuu1288 | Feb 11 03:49 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Hardware assited x86 emulation on godson 3 .::. Size~: 77.88 KB | Feb 11 03:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[stumbles/@stumbles] Rock-boxed a friend's two year old iPod. It now runs free software and plays free formats Ogg Vorbis and FLAC! | Feb 11 03:51 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Rockbox - Open Source Jukebox Firmware .::. Size~: 15.91 KB | Feb 11 03:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[sagarun/@sagarun] RT @shakthimaan releases "Dum Ka Biryani, make for each other" presentation, ... | Feb 11 03:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] #rackspace bought #ansolabs ? what does this mean to #openstack... soon to become #opencore ? | Feb 11 03:56 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: /downloads .::. Size~: 24.41 KB | Feb 11 03:56 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @qu1j0t3 I wish. It seems @dilmabr was just for the elections. No evidence that the timeline is as much as read by her or her team. | Feb 11 04:01 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 04:02 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 04:02 | |
*Thrae ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 04:02 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Feb 11 04:22 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] /me will be paying a lot of attention to the live feed on #engadget (Market Capital Day) | Feb 11 04:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] whoops, typo... but hey, the message is clear | Feb 11 04:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[qu1j0t3/@qu1j0t3] @lxoliva 400,000+ followers on twitter and she's only a month into sitting. Amazing. | Feb 11 04:29 | |
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 04:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks/@wikileaks] wikileaks: Keep us Strong! Official Opening of WikiLeaks Store, available worldwide and in 7 currencies! http://... | Feb 11 04:59 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Error processing the URL | Feb 11 04:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Twitter / WikiLeaks: Keep us Strong! Official O ... .::. Size~: 13.02 KB | Feb 11 04:59 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks/@wikileaks] wikileaks: Suleiman may have questioned tortured Canadian |G&M | Feb 11 05:01 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Suleiman may have questioned tortured Canadian - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 92.62 KB | Feb 11 05:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Twitter / WikiLeaks: Suleiman may have question ... .::. Size~: 12.94 KB | Feb 11 05:01 |
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: This is a quitting message) | Feb 11 05:05 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @jayrosen_nyu Firm targeting !WikiLeaks cuts ties with HBGary & apologizes to Salon's @ggreenwald, also a target | Feb 11 05:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] there is nothing like coding some (semi)useful utilities to help learn a new language | Feb 11 05:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Firm targeting WikiLeaks cuts ties with HBGary - apologizes to reporter - Security .::. Size~: 32.91 KB | Feb 11 05:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @wikileaks wikileaks: Suleiman may have questioned tortured Canadian |G&M | Feb 11 05:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @palantir @ggreenwald @Palantir should not be confused w/ @PalantirTech. We support journalism, freedom & open source. #notus !wikileaks | Feb 11 05:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Suleiman may have questioned tortured Canadian - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 94.15 KB | Feb 11 05:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Twitter / WikiLeaks: Suleiman may have question ... .::. Size~: 12.94 KB | Feb 11 05:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] FOX NEWS INSIDER: “Stuff Is Just Made Up” that's what pays #Murdoch | Feb 11 05:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @schestowitz FOX NEWS INSIDER: “Stuff Is Just Made Up” that's what pays #Murdoch | Feb 11 05:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 500 Internal Server Error .::. Size~: 0.79 KB | Feb 11 05:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 500 Internal Server Error .::. Size~: 0.79 KB | Feb 11 05:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] WATCH: "Outfoxed" Director Discusses How Fox News' Lies Alter Americans' Perceptions of Reality #SwitchOffFox | Feb 11 05:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: WATCH: "Outfoxed" Director Discusses How Fox News' Lies Alter Americans' Perceptions of Reality | AlterNet .::. Size~: 79.58 KB | Feb 11 05:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] Well, just bought a #WikiLeaks shirt from the new WikiLeaks store | Feb 11 05:29 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: WikiLeaks Shop (EU) .::. Size~: 259.53 KB | Feb 11 05:29 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @carwinb Group plans to beam free Internet across the globe from space | Raw Story | Feb 11 05:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Group plans to beam free Internet across the globe from space | Raw Story .::. Size~: 28.43 KB | Feb 11 05:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Probably the only wifi network that has faster uploads than downloads = SICSRWLAN #gnunify | Feb 11 05:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @qu1j0t3: Ppl impressed @ Egyptian antipathy to their govt might consider what antipathies are generated by invasions,bombing.. campaigns | Feb 11 05:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody: WebOS could be a Contender - "This is not news that Microsoft wants to hear." #hp #linux | Feb 11 05:54 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: WebOS could be a Contender | ZDNet .::. Size~: 136.52 KB | Feb 11 05:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @silner Colliding galaxies spawn dazzling black hole ring via @newscientist | Feb 11 05:56 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Short Sharp Science: Colliding galaxies spawn dazzling black hole ring .::. Size~: 57.33 KB | Feb 11 05:56 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Blag 140k beta is released. "blag *should* be completely blagified now : no more references to fedora" #freefedora | Feb 11 05:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BLAG :: View topic - Blag 140k beta avialable .::. Size~: 25 KB | Feb 11 05:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @osamak: "Some fight to free slaves, other fight for better slavery conditions." /RD sounds like !FS and OSS, respectively | Feb 11 05:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @themadhatter Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property - The MIT Press: #copyright #patent #ip | Feb 11 06:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @thistleweb #Egypt military apparently involved in torture of protesters, not neutral after all #notsurprised #disturbing | Feb 11 06:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Suleiman may have questioned tortured Canadian what an appalling person. #Egypt - don't settle for Suleimananny | Feb 11 06:01 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property - The MIT Press .::. Size~: 15.55 KB | Feb 11 06:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Suleiman may have questioned tortured Canadian - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 94.53 KB | Feb 11 06:01 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @angelaperry Mubarak. Dude. Egyptians INVENTED writing on the wall. You really should learn to read it. #egypt #facepalm | Feb 11 06:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The way the West (France, UK, US...) built Seuz (aka "Egypt") is basically a military with a tyrant and a country 'around' them. | Feb 11 06:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] !Wikileaks responds to one of the Wikileaks tell all books Daniel Domscheit-Berg a malicious individual? | Feb 11 06:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2011-02-09 Wikileaks responds to one of the Wikileaks tell all books | WL Central .::. Size~: 21.04 KB | Feb 11 06:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @lxoliva @glynmoody I'm excited to see two of the defenses in “Copying and Sharing in Self Defense” tested in court (this and Hotfile) | Feb 11 06:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Domschiet-Berg [..] never a computer scientist, or computer security expert [...] malicious falsifications." | Feb 11 06:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2011-02-09 Wikileaks responds to one of the Wikileaks tell all books | WL Central .::. Size~: 21.04 KB | Feb 11 06:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Will Domscheit-Berg be groomed by all those who suffer from !wikileaks - i.e. those who did bad things? | Feb 11 06:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] So far, 2011 has been the year of #Egypt & the year of struggle for Freedom. This is a good thing. Struggles for democracy preached by West. | Feb 11 06:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The West loves fake democracy at home (corporocracy) and tyrants who obey the West abroad (client states). See #Pinochet | Feb 11 06:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @glynmoody Advanced sign-in security for your #Google account - and not before time #security !privacy | Feb 11 06:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The West values life, unless those lives oppose the status quo, in which case some drone may be dispatched | Feb 11 06:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer Should Nokia partner with MSFT tmrw instead of focusing on MeeGo, I would call it Jurassic park of Mobile phones. | Feb 11 06:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Official Google Blog: Advanced sign-in security for your Google account .::. Size~: 57.51 KB | Feb 11 06:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Microsoft respects competition.... as long as the competition develops something for Windows, SQL Server, etc. | Feb 11 06:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer I am quite sure #KFC would not use this for a new advertising campaign ;-) Egypt police having a break. | Feb 11 06:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer Tyranny, torture, running over people: powered by #KFC | Feb 11 06:14 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 06:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @schestowitz The West values life, unless those lives oppose the status quo, in which case some drone may be dispatched | Feb 11 06:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer there's a symbolic thing here when tear gas cans are "Made in U.S.A." and energy of suppression comes from American food chain | Feb 11 06:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @schestowitz The West loves fake democracy at home (corporocracy) and tyrants who obey the West abroad (client states). See #Pinochet | Feb 11 06:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @schestowitz So far, 2011 has been the year of #Egypt & the year of struggle for Freedom. This is a good thing. Struggles for democra ... | Feb 11 06:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The police in #Egypt is working to keep the American brands in power. "They just hate us cause we have KFC...." | Feb 11 06:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer "We are going to help change lives this yaer and every year" - in action in #Egypt ;-) | Feb 11 06:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @schestowitz ♻ @romroum Freeze all Mubarak's assets, strikes across the country, arrest his son, and end Mubarak rule immediately #Eg ... | Feb 11 06:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: KFC Colonel's Scholars .::. Size~: 7.34 KB | Feb 11 06:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 06:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #SCOny Threatens To Take Legal Action Against Those Who Distribute PS3 Hack; Asks For Names And IPs From Google, Twitter | Feb 11 06:19 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Sony Threatens To Take Legal Action Against Those Who Distribute PS3 Hack; Asks For Names And IPs From Google, Twitter - .::. Size~: 192.27 KB | Feb 11 06:19 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: uh I already read something about that ^ | Feb 11 06:20 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] #Egypt keeps the peace. Army smart enough to be bystanders. Today #Mubarak will have to accept that he has been unfriended by 80M #Egypts. | Feb 11 06:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Why is the UK harbouring the family of a malicious dictator who engages in torture Well, this might explain it? | Feb 11 06:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Tony Blair: Mubarak is 'immensely courageous and a force for good' | World news | .::. Size~: 109.4 KB | Feb 11 06:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @ElizabethMay Join us in standing up for the truth. Stop the CRTC from opening the door to lies. | Feb 11 06:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] First the Lockerbee bomber... now the Mubaraks. I thought the UK was /against/ "terrorism"... I guess it depends whose. | Feb 11 06:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @jwildeboer #Egypt keeps the peace. Army smart enough to be bystanders. Today #Mubarak will have to accept that he has been unfriende ... | Feb 11 06:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Israel also likes to say it's against "terrorism"... until it engages in terrorism against Gaza and Lebanon for example. #hypocrisy | Feb 11 06:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @schestowitz Why is the UK harbouring the family of a malicious dictator who engages in torture Well, this might explain it? http://u ... | Feb 11 06:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Stand up for the truth | Green Party of Canada .::. Size~: 33.55 KB | Feb 11 06:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @schestowitz #Israel also likes to say it's against "terrorism"... until it engages in terrorism against Gaza and Lebanon for example ... | Feb 11 06:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] @schestowitz Donate Mubarak's money to the Bradley Manning defense fund. | Feb 11 06:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Has Obama yet mentioned the words "torture" and all those 'nasty nasty' unspeakable acts in relation to "Mubarak"?Shh..don't tell the public | Feb 11 06:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It's at times like these that Obama should be happy to have Fox 'News' around. They have common goals in Egypt. #harmony #hope | Feb 11 06:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @wikinews030 ♻ @Dima_Khatib Abt 7000 protesters reported arriving at Presidential Palace joining ones who spent the night #jan25 #egypt | Feb 11 06:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @hazzy Donate Mubarak's money to the Bradley Manning defense fund. >> have #Obama & #Cameron ever mentioned #Manning (their citizen)? | Feb 11 06:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] “War does not determine who is right - only who is left.” ~Bertrand Russell | Feb 11 06:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @hazzy Playstation 3: "It only does everything ... except for the stuff that Sony doesn't want you to do" | Feb 11 06:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] I stand by my promise. Next year I will go to #tahrir sq to celebrate the first anniversary of this peaceful revolution. | Feb 11 06:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @hazzy What is #Elop doing? Just look how unpopular Windows Phone 7 is even on #UrbanDictionary #Elopocalypse | Feb 11 06:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Urban Dictionary: windows phone 7 .::. Size~: 20.52 KB | Feb 11 06:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Nokia was top brass in the homeland of Linus Torvalds. After #Elopocalypse even the Finns will have no respect for the #Nokia brand. | Feb 11 06:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Western countries - freeze #Mubaraks accounts. Put all his money in an #Egypt trust. Give the money to the people in Egypt. So simple. | Feb 11 06:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Zeitgeist in Gnome-shell #gnome #gnu #linux #bsd | Feb 11 06:34 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Federico Mena Quintero - February 2011 Activity Log .::. Size~: 4.71 KB | Feb 11 06:34 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @toros Brian Murray: Kickin’ it old school - - Rate songs in #Rhythmbox with the special keys of your keyboard | Feb 11 06:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Let's make #Egypt the world's first Open Country. With full transparency, Open Source and Open Standards. | Feb 11 06:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer but, but... that would be stealing from the rich who stole from the poor. Western govts don't do that! | Feb 11 06:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] TechDirt: UK Commission Explains That Public Tweets Are Public | Feb 11 06:36 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Brian’s Blog » Kickin’ it old school .::. Size~: 12.38 KB | Feb 11 06:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: UK Commission Explains That Public Tweets Are Public | Techdirt .::. Size~: 34.71 KB | Feb 11 06:36 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @jwildeboer #Egypt needs to decide for themselves | Feb 11 06:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @lxoliva Time for #Change :-) | Feb 11 06:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Based on this #Elopocalypse will involve Microsoft, not Google/Android. #Nokia is dead duck then. | Feb 11 06:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer #Egypt 660.000 netizens signed to STAND WITH THE PEOPLE OF EGYPT so far. Don't stop signing! Please RT/RD! | Feb 11 06:39 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Many Brilliant Layers Of Vic Gundotra’s Nokia-Exposing, Microsoft-Bashing Tweet .::. Size~: 58.88 KB | Feb 11 06:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Avaaz - STAND WITH THE PEOPLE OF EGYPT .::. Size~: 39.17 KB | Feb 11 06:39 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @laurelrusswurm Ofcourse! The revolution has been based on openness, I hope this will change the whole country. | Feb 11 06:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Dan Snyder Helps Us Demonstrate The #StreisandEffect In Numbers #DanSnyder #fail #bully | Feb 11 06:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Dan Snyder Helps Us Demonstrate The Streisand Effect In Numbers | Techdirt .::. Size~: 58.4 KB | Feb 11 06:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @carlopiana It would be great if !mustard could work in GNU/Linux. Go, #aliendalvik, go! ;-) << isn't it just for MeeGo now? #Elopocalypse | Feb 11 06:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @ruiseabra @carlopiana go... proprietary sw? #aliendalvik | Feb 11 06:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @carlopiana I was apparently mislead by the fact that #Dalvik is #FS,then Aliendalvik must be as well.But that's not granted w/o #copyleft | Feb 11 06:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @toros Ken VanDine added Unity launcher integration to xchat-gnome-indicator via twitter: | Feb 11 06:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] good night !identica | Feb 11 06:46 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/png type | Feb 11 06:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Twitter .::. Size~: 43.64 KB | Feb 11 06:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] MSFT's new business model? Infilitrate CxO level, bring in MSFT, wait, profit. Seems to work at #Nokia with #Elop. | Feb 11 06:48 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Feb 11 06:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[freemjd/@freemjd] Happy birthday @pvc. You can now complain about contemporary music and fashion. It's great. | Feb 11 06:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] My internet connection doesn't work at the moment. I called my isp and they said that they know about it... :/ | Feb 11 06:51 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 06:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @akwala: @schestowitz KFC is a valid reason to hate us. | Feb 11 06:53 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 06:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @FOSSpatents: @schestowitz It's not even sure what he's going to say. But the part on "leverage huge patent portfolio" will be particularly interesting... | Feb 11 06:54 |
schestowitz | Re Nokia | Feb 11 06:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kernellogauthor/@kernellogauthor] From @gregkh blog: How not to piss off a kernel subsystem maintainer - part 5 | Feb 11 06:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody Open letter demands secret TPPA talks see daylight - #TPPA is the new #ACTA, and needs to be fought #nz | Feb 11 06:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer you know, I still like Free Country with Free People better. Open People with Open Fractures are usually bad | Feb 11 06:54 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: linux kernel monkey log .::. Size~: 3.88 KB | Feb 11 06:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open letter demands secret TPPA talks see daylight « TPP Watch .::. Size~: 21.57 KB | Feb 11 06:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @lxoliva free bullets from free thugs in ones brain are usually bad too. | Feb 11 06:56 | |
*cubezzz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Feb 11 06:57 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] What if Microsoft and Nokia signed a Novell-like deal where Nokia patents pass to a CPTN-type consortium run by Microsoft to attack Android? | Feb 11 06:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Intellectual property is the next software." Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft patent troll | Feb 11 06:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @carlopiana @fabsh they cannot sue on ©,I by no means imply they will u/ any other law.Just curious to see if GOOG will do the right thing | Feb 11 06:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] There is too much collusion in the smartphones market. | Feb 11 06:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Judging by its history including the recent Novell deal, never underestimate Microsoft's market distortion skills. | Feb 11 07:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer "Belfast flight crashes at Cork Airport" 10 passengers, 2 crew - via @czajkowski | Feb 11 07:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Six killed in Cork plane crash - RTÉ News .::. Size~: 90.26 KB | Feb 11 07:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Former #FBI Agent Turned #ACLU Attorney: Feds Routinely Spy on Citizens important point: spying on non-US citizens too! | Feb 11 07:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer just Free your mind, Neo! ;-) | Feb 11 07:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Privacy and Security Fanatic: Former FBI Agent Turned ACLU Attorney: Feds Routinely Spy on Citizens | Network World .::. Size~: 104.92 KB | Feb 11 07:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @nisshh Wow, is way more responsive now, geez, nice work statusnet devs. << same here | Feb 11 07:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer more to the point, don't mistake openness for freedom. the former is much weaker | Feb 11 07:11 | |
*cubezzz ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 07:11 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 07:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Damn Vulnerable Linux is Gone? : linux .::. Size~: 86.78 KB | Feb 11 07:12 |
schestowitz | "Maybe they ran the server off one of the discs?" | Feb 11 07:12 |
schestowitz | LOL | Feb 11 07:12 |
schestowitz | "i guess it was too vulnerable" | Feb 11 07:12 |
schestowitz | "It's not like you need to have the latest release." | Feb 11 07:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #China says #Egypt should decide future on its own but the US wants its cronies to control all countries. #clientstate | Feb 11 07:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @lxoliva Openness and transparency are a prerequisite for freedom. #Egypt needs all of that. | Feb 11 07:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: China says Egypt should decide future on its own | News by Country | Reuters .::. Size~: 37.42 KB | Feb 11 07:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Damn Vulnerable #Linux is Gone? hilarious comments | Feb 11 07:14 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Damn Vulnerable Linux is Gone? : linux .::. Size~: 86.78 KB | Feb 11 07:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Trying to justify imperialism is like the old habit of justifying slavery. The US can cut military budget by $400,000,000,000 _per year_. | Feb 11 07:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Dear #Egypt army, where is your statement #2 you promised late last night? | Feb 11 07:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] OH @HeatSync: "When I lick it, my tongue is covered in crystals" | Feb 11 07:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] LCA2011, Harassment, etc "The speaker & the conference organisers apologised,but of course the matter didn’t end there" | Feb 11 07:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer exactly. why stop short of the final goal? | Feb 11 07:19 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: LCA2011, Harassment, etc | etbe - Russell Coker .::. Size~: 44.18 KB | Feb 11 07:19 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @schestowitz On DVL "No more updates? Not even security updates? I don't think I'd feel safe running an operating system so out of date." :D | Feb 11 07:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Good (TFIF) morning !identiverse :) | Feb 11 07:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Can Android become a $10 billion a year platform? and some people insisted there was no money in free(dom) software.. | Feb 11 07:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Can Android become a $10 billion a year platform? .::. Size~: 85.41 KB | Feb 11 07:21 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 07:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @qu1j0t3: @schestowitz the google/oracle suit is damn ugly. #groklaw | Feb 11 07:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @qu1j0t3 yes, and I fear that #Elopocalypse might be about making it worse by using #Nokia against #Android / #swpats #sco | Feb 11 07:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Oh WOW! @support !identica Youtube links now have a preview! #pure #awesomeness | Feb 11 07:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @lxoliva because ATM there is no openness nor transparency in #Egypt. Step by step towarsd the goal instead of banging head against wall. | Feb 11 07:24 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 07:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Osama Khalid (osamak)'s status on Friday, 11-Feb-11 07:22:13 UTC - @schestowitz I don't think Android as shipped today's a way to gain s/w freedom. It's basically a platform for Google's proprietary s/w. | Feb 11 07:25 |
schestowitz | true, and ads | Feb 11 07:25 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @alextootchie: RT @xizhizhu: As Nokia is hiring designers for #MeeGo (, how could you believe WP7 is to be adopted? | Feb 11 07:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @agentsmith @schestowitz I believe Nvidia will backtrack on the non support decision on Wayland. Linux's becoming a strong brand. | Feb 11 07:26 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Interaction / Visual Designer — MeeGo at Nokia in Sunnyvale, CA | LinkedIn .::. Size~: 25.54 KB | Feb 11 07:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] If Nokia sides with MSFT, will Elop shout "Mission Accomplished"? So obvious, so wrong. So un-Nokia. | Feb 11 07:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] #Mubarak and #Suleiman are heroes. They know how to motivate the #Egypt people to go for the full monty! ;-) | Feb 11 07:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Someone must have made a fortune selling #Egypt flags to the protestors! | Feb 11 07:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @themadhatter RT @karinlow: Bohemian Rhapsody on ukulele. It's really gorgeous. #hibernationbreak | Feb 11 07:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Protestors supposedly heading to Jurassic Park in #Cairo, AKA the presidential palace. #Egypt #Jan25 | Feb 11 07:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody The Campaign for the Public University "to defend and promote the idea of the university as a public good" | Feb 11 07:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @glynmoody important stuff. Universities and esp. research these days are funded by corporations to merely serve them (lies, indoctrination) | Feb 11 07:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jake Shimabukuro plays "Bohemian Rhapsody" | Video on .::. Size~: 37.31 KB | Feb 11 07:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Campaign for the Public University | .::. Size~: 31.16 KB | Feb 11 07:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @lewmoorman @gbraad i assure you opencore is not in the cards. we just guaranteed the great minds of anso will remain on #openstack | Feb 11 07:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @serk01 "How one man tracked down #Anonymous—and paid a heavy price" from | Feb 11 07:36 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: How one man tracked down Anonymous—and paid a heavy price .::. Size~: 39.43 KB | Feb 11 07:36 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @ninapaley: Mimi and Eunice: Stop Learning & Start Churning << "machine men with machine hearts..." | Feb 11 07:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Stop Learning & Start Churning « Mimi and Eunice .::. Size~: 68.01 KB | Feb 11 07:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer re "Back to my old profile pic." > same here. Seems like !Wikileaks made it through the storm in ~January. | Feb 11 07:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Newspapers cannot describe Assange as "criminal" and at the same time use the material he publishes to gain readership and profit | Feb 11 07:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Freedom to Read, Freedom to Write: Celebrating Document Freedom Day 2011 #odf #standards | Feb 11 07:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] UK government acknowledges that Digital Economy Act may keep net access from the poor might help staff the army,instead | Feb 11 07:41 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Freedom to Read, Freedom to Write: Celebrating Document Freedom Day 2011 | .::. Size~: 43.63 KB | Feb 11 07:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Slightly Right of Centre: UK government acknowledges that Digital Economy Act may keep net access from the poor .::. Size~: 80.53 KB | Feb 11 07:41 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] There are famous quotations from war criminals who admit that limiting access to knowledge among the population is an essential ingredient. | Feb 11 07:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @qole My worst fears confirmed. So what happens now to !MeeGo? | Feb 11 07:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @joabj 'Guitar Hero' Dead (Rolling Stone): (via @techmeme) << so less intellectual monopolies & bullying, I gather? | Feb 11 07:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wildcard RT @tante “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.” George Orwell !q | Feb 11 07:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 'Guitar Hero' Dead | Rolling Stone Culture | Gear Up | Entertainment Technology, Gadgets, Product Reviews and Trends .::. Size~: 33.38 KB | Feb 11 07:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Can cable block the Google TV revolution? will there be collusion against Linux- and IP-powered TVs? | Feb 11 07:49 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Can cable block the Google TV revolution? .::. Size~: 40.01 KB | Feb 11 07:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Interim #Apple Chief Under Fire After Unveiling Grotesque New MacBook (The Onion) | Feb 11 07:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] a bit more ruby lurnin for me #shamelessselfpromo | Feb 11 07:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Interim Apple Chief Under Fire After Unveiling Grotesque New MacBook | The Onion - America's Finest News Source .::. Size~: 37.96 KB | Feb 11 07:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: updating my dynamic IP DNS information with Ruby .::. Size~: 31.1 KB | Feb 11 07:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] RT @jwildeboer If Nokia sides with MSFT, will Elop shout "Mission Accomplished"? So obvious, so wrong. So un-Nokia. | Feb 11 07:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Diet soda tied to higher risk for stroke "higher risk of vascular events" -- the cost of diets... | Feb 11 07:54 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Daily diet soda tied to higher heart attack risk - Health - Diet and nutrition - .::. Size~: 80.76 KB | Feb 11 07:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Still drinking diet soda? Don’t be a fashion victim! | Grist .::. Size~: 77.92 KB | Feb 11 07:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @thistleweb Thanks. :) | Feb 11 07:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @thistleweb I also used extent twice following each other.... :/ | Feb 11 07:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @segphault Q: How many Elops does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: None, he has Steve Ballmer do it because he's too busy screwing ... | Feb 11 07:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer Why Windows Phone 7 will loose - they have no cheap phones. #Android has. << that's why MSFT wants #swpats | Feb 11 07:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: China-based white-box vendors to offer below US$100 Android smartphones for emerging markets .::. Size~: 75.32 KB | Feb 11 07:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @stskeeps !MeeGo will place increased emphasis on longer-term market exploration of next-gen devices, platforms and user experience | Feb 11 07:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] LOL. People are now figuring out that Nokia is screwed? I've been saying that for nearly a year now and been shouted at... | Feb 11 07:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Anybody who is genuinely surprised by this Elop stuff obviously was confusing their hopes with reality. | Feb 11 07:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @webupd8 Play YouTube Videos Without Flash [From /tmp, Works With Adobe Flash 10.2] << I stream in #Kaffeine | Feb 11 08:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Saddened that the good people behind Meego are now all becoming MSDN members and are forced to take Visual Studio training ;-) #Nokia | Feb 11 08:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Play YouTube Videos Without Flash [From /tmp, Works With Adobe Flash 10.2] ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 56.04 KB | Feb 11 08:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] My suggestion; #scrape the good bits of #MeeGo and join !Fedora ;-) | Feb 11 08:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] The comments show a clear pattern. Nokia + Microsoft != #FTW - | Feb 11 08:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @gbraad wait untill MSFT claims patents over QT. After Mono it will be QT next. | Feb 11 08:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open Letter from CEO Stephen Elop, Nokia and CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft | Nokia Conversations - The official Nokia Blog .::. Size~: 130.78 KB | Feb 11 08:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @jwildeboer: @gbraad wait untill MSFT claims patents over QT. After Mono it will be QT next. | Feb 11 08:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] A year later: Has #SCOracle ruined or saved Sun? #sun #takeover | Feb 11 08:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] @jwildeboer told it already some time ago, we will see .NET language bindings for Qt and Nokia will just do services and a GUI library | Feb 11 08:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @fabsh BING! Nokia has just become Ballmer's bitch. | Feb 11 08:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Nokia Confirms #Microsoft Partnership, New Leadership Team, Organizational Changes - so, will the gamble work? | Feb 11 08:11 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: A year later: Has Oracle ruined or saved Sun? | The Industry Standard - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 97.71 KB | Feb 11 08:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Confirms Microsoft Partnership, New Leadership Team, Organizational Changes .::. Size~: 63.88 KB | Feb 11 08:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxnews/@lxnews] Windows Phone Now Nokia's Primary Smartphone Platform | Feb 11 08:14 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Windows Phone Now Nokia’s Primary Smartphone Platform .::. Size~: 27.93 KB | Feb 11 08:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] !lo ♺ @lxnews: Windows Phone Now Nokia's Primary Smartphone Platform | Feb 11 08:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Palm oil giant vows to spare most valuable Indonesian rainforest - another glimmer of hope #indonesia #rainforests | Feb 11 08:16 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Windows Phone Now Nokia’s Primary Smartphone Platform .::. Size~: 27.93 KB | Feb 11 08:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Palm oil giant vows to spare most valuable Indonesian rainforest | Environment | .::. Size~: 147.48 KB | Feb 11 08:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer nothing against step by step, just about advertising as a goal a mere prerequisite | Feb 11 08:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer for it induces people to forget what the final goal is | Feb 11 08:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[phoronix/@phoronix] A Batch Of Graphics Cards On Gallium3D: Yesterday the results for the Intel Core i5 2500K graphics on Linux were... | Feb 11 08:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] A Batch Of Graphics Cards On Gallium3D .::. Size~: 24.55 KB | Feb 11 08:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @gerrymoth: Nokia to use windows phone 7, as promised I'll be closing nokiaaddict soon :( | Feb 11 08:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] I have to agree with that... Nokia killed by an inside job... RT @khertan: @qole Ouch ! Worst than #Symbian !!! #Elop is trojan ! | Feb 11 08:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] Time to fork #Qt I guess RT @khertan: @thp4 Indeed ! Hope they will not burn Qt too ! | Feb 11 08:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @natfriedman #Nokia and #Microsoft join forces like two drowning men, each trying to use the other for support. | Feb 11 08:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @fabsh So the Linux Outlaws could have a spin-off called "Young Guns" :) | Feb 11 08:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] I think #Nokia has nothing to win from the alliance with Microsoft whereas they gain fabulous hardware to differentiate WP7 #Elop | Feb 11 08:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Nokia set full speed for iceberg, worst kept secret announced; Microsoft partnership another one bites the dust | Feb 11 08:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] @fabsh Intel? maybe see how the community react first... will #MeeGo really take off as a community OS? | Feb 11 08:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @jwildeboer: @gbraad wait untill MSFT claims patents over QT. After Mono it will be QT next. | Feb 11 08:26 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC News - Nokia and Microsoft form partnership .::. Size~: 54.85 KB | Feb 11 08:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: European Wafaa | Smeegol NoGo MeeGo GoGo .::. Size~: 13.34 KB | Feb 11 08:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Anti-virus software is losing the battle, and the war - inevitable, really... #windows | Feb 11 08:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] Looks like the #Nokia #N900 is my last Nokia device. Going out with a bang sure but still I absolutely hate what they just did #elop #fail | Feb 11 08:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Anti-virus software is losing the battle, and the war- The Inquirer .::. Size~: 72.85 KB | Feb 11 08:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @gbraad Nope, it won't. Mark my words. | Feb 11 08:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] I get that #Nokia want to distinguish themselves from the #Android nation, but they had #Meego, not confuse the anvil for the liferaft | Feb 11 08:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] how many tech news outlets mention he's former Microsoft now Nokia? News story with past and present employer in merger, relevant info | Feb 11 08:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] @fabsh took the good bits... and see how some of it fits into #Fedora. like #madde and other toolchain stuff | Feb 11 08:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] s/took/take | Feb 11 08:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] No 'tipping point' for Arctic sea ice - latest science - let's hope so, or we are truly stuffed #climatechange | Feb 11 08:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @gbraad Meego is doomed. The buzzword is Android from tablets to smartphones, and Netbooks will soon be dead. | Feb 11 08:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: No 'tipping point' for Arctic sea ice - latest science • The Register .::. Size~: 22.98 KB | Feb 11 08:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxnews/@lxnews] Microsoft-driven Reorganisation of Nokia Executives Under Way | Feb 11 08:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft-driven Reorganisation of Nokia Executives Under Way .::. Size~: 28.07 KB | Feb 11 08:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @tante: #Nokia dropped the ball years ago when they didn't turn their market dominance into innovation. | Feb 11 08:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @bergie RT @mdominic !MeeGo is not dead. It's "community supported" now. | Feb 11 08:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @allaboutmeego: Nokia's new strategy and structure, Symbian to be a "franchise platform" | Feb 11 08:34 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia's new strategy and structure, Symbian to be a "franchise platform", MeeGo still in long term plans - All About MeeGo .::. Size~: 14.7 KB | Feb 11 08:34 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @gbraad Hahahahahaha...... The community around MeeGo is laughable from all I've seen. After the merger it all just plummeted... | Feb 11 08:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @richslxh With Bon Jovi doing the soundtrack? | Feb 11 08:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @fabsh He he! :) | Feb 11 08:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] Ballmers says they will integrate all the services people like: #Bing, #Office and #deathbox Live... < I never liked those! | Feb 11 08:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] WeGo | Feb 11 08:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] UN Secretary Rice On #Facebook And #Twitter: “Governments Are Increasingly Cognizant Of Their Power” - yes, but... | Feb 11 08:39 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: UN Secretary Rice On Facebook And Twitter: “Governments Are Increasingly Cognizant Of Their Power” [Video] .::. Size~: 55.63 KB | Feb 11 08:39 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] @fabsh hmm, that reply has come through 5 times now, must be trying to make a point ;P | Feb 11 08:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Sarcasm. - obvious but still funny #html5 | Feb 11 08:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Sarcasm. .::. Size~: 79.26 KB | Feb 11 08:43 |
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 08:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] My dream !debian !linux future: Debian Smartphone, Tablet and Server. I think desktops/netbooks/laptops are on the way out. | Feb 11 08:44 | |
gnufreex | Is this enought for antitrust case? | Feb 11 08:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: It's official: Nokia bets on Microsoft for smartphones • The Register .::. Size~: 24 KB | Feb 11 08:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Nokia done gone and killed 'emselves. Blowed the top of his head right orrf... #OutlawAnalysis | Feb 11 08:48 | |
sebsebseb | gnufreex: you should read what the people had to say here: | Feb 11 08:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Live blog: running PC Pro on Ubuntu | PC Pro blog .::. Size~: 129.9 KB | Feb 11 08:48 |
sebsebseb | | Feb 11 08:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Live blog: running PC Pro on Ubuntu | PC Pro blog .::. Size~: 129.9 KB | Feb 11 08:48 |
gnufreex | Thanks | Feb 11 08:49 |
sebsebseb | gnufreex: you're welcome :) | Feb 11 08:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ex-MS pres == ♺ @lxnews: WinPhoney Now Nokia's Primary Smartphone | Feb 11 08:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Credit to @jwildeboer who called this outcome the second they appointed Elop. | Feb 11 08:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @graziano: #nokia and #microsoft partnerships: time to trash your nokia buy android, install !replicant | Feb 11 08:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] hihihih #evil #troublemaker #idea came up | Feb 11 08:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] @fabsh scratch that repeat dent, it appears to have been #Pino caught in a loop, fixed after a restart #Windows-styleee | Feb 11 08:49 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Windows Phone Now Nokia’s Primary Smartphone Platform .::. Size~: 28.31 KB | Feb 11 08:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open Letter from CEO Stephen Elop, Nokia and CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft | Nokia Conversations - The official Nokia Blog .::. Size~: 212.23 KB | Feb 11 08:49 |
gnufreex | schestowitz: This is about ubuntu... what exactly shoud I look? | Feb 11 08:50 |
gnufreex | (I don't have time to waste on Ubuntu) | Feb 11 08:50 |
sebsebseb | gnufreex: well the commetns at the bottom | Feb 11 08:50 |
sebsebseb | anyway Nokia going for Windows makes sense, since the ex Microsoft employee | Feb 11 08:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @ruiseabra I love those! :P | Feb 11 08:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Not happy about commercial plugins being added to wordpress repos without something that says it's not free. | Feb 11 08:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] SXSW 2011 on BitTorrent: 4.49 GB of Free Music - wow #music #free | Feb 11 08:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] it'd be hilarious to see #Microsoft fail at everything, be left smiling with a huge patent portfolio just as they're abolished in law lol | Feb 11 08:51 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: EZWebPlayer – Add Videos on Website, Streaming Flash Player for your Site, Video Hosting Site .::. Size~: 16.77 KB | Feb 11 08:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: SXSW 2011 on BitTorrent: 4.49 GB of Free Music | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 41.75 KB | Feb 11 08:51 |
sebsebseb | however going with Android or something would have been better | Feb 11 08:51 |
gnufreex | sebsebseb: I don't know if it is legal for company to send its spies to destroy other companies. If it is legal, it should become illegal. | Feb 11 08:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @opensourcegeek: UK people! Im considering moving from Orange to Three but I have heard bad things about them in the past - what ya think? | Feb 11 08:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Nokia has just Eloped with Microsoft. #dadumptsh | Feb 11 08:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @gbraad Bing steals from Google, Office is overpriced and shit. Ballmer is on another planet. | Feb 11 08:53 | |
sebsebseb | gnufreex: well if Nokia are going for Windows phone 7, they have just become a company that I don't think is as good, as I thought they were before | Feb 11 08:54 |
sebsebseb | I mean Nokia used to be this great mobile phone company or whatever, but now they aren't | Feb 11 08:54 |
gnufreex | They anounced, they are going Vista Phony 7 | Feb 11 08:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @lxoliva You should team up with @fosspatents for continued twisting of words. I NEVER said Openness/Transparency is a goal. | Feb 11 08:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @fabsh: @thistleweb I also used extent twice following each other.... :/ @support <<is this dent caught in a loop? I get it every update | Feb 11 08:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @lxoliva I ALWAYS said that on the way to true freedom you must make sure you do it right, not hastily. | Feb 11 08:54 | |
gnufreex | And they fired some MeeGo folks | Feb 11 08:54 |
gnufreex | They will probably poison MeeGo with MSFT tech even more. | Feb 11 08:55 |
sebsebseb | thing is | Feb 11 08:55 |
sebsebseb | Nokia own QT don't they still? | Feb 11 08:55 |
gnufreex | Yes | Feb 11 08:55 |
sebsebseb | hmm | Feb 11 08:55 |
gnufreex | I don't know what they will do with it | Feb 11 08:55 |
gnufreex | VP7 is .NET only AFAIK | Feb 11 08:55 |
gnufreex | And SilverBlight | Feb 11 08:56 |
sebsebseb | yeah that's a point | Feb 11 08:56 |
sebsebseb | Windows phone 7 | Feb 11 08:56 |
sebsebseb | still has support for silverlight | Feb 11 08:56 |
sebsebseb | on desktop they are killing it off though Micrsooft are :) | Feb 11 08:56 |
MinceR | r4wr | Feb 11 08:59 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: | Feb 11 09:00 |
sebsebseb | | Feb 11 09:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Live blog: running PC Pro on Ubuntu | PC Pro blog .::. Size~: 130.54 KB | Feb 11 09:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Live blog: running PC Pro on Ubuntu | PC Pro blog .::. Size~: 130.54 KB | Feb 11 09:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Imagine having Super Mario Bros painted around your bedroom wall! #coolpaint | Feb 11 09:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Hahahaha! @mjjzf is right: That porting Dalvik to MeeGo stuff wasn't even hot news for a week. :D | Feb 11 09:01 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Father Hand-Paints Super Mario Bros. Mural in Son's Bedroom - Parenting Handbook - Curbed National .::. Size~: 38.83 KB | Feb 11 09:01 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] You know, in hindsight I am now quite hapy Nokia wanted that phone back from @methoddan. :) | Feb 11 09:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @janole: Nokia can only be saved if @RovioMobile announces Angry Birds for WP7 today! #NokMsft | Feb 11 09:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @mjjzf: Of course, maybe Big Mark is going to see it and announce he is dumping Wayland and Unity for a Meego-based system... | Feb 11 09:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] @fabsh oh, you will love this one ;) | Feb 11 09:04 | |
MinceR | i see nokia is dead | Feb 11 09:04 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: dead? | Feb 11 09:05 |
sebsebseb | not quite | Feb 11 09:05 |
sebsebseb | however I did read stuff about going with Windows phone may not be a very good idea and what not | Feb 11 09:06 |
MinceR | (hu) | Feb 11 09:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: PORTFOLIO.HU - Online gazdasági újság .::. Size~: 2.78 KB | Feb 11 09:06 |
MinceR | their main platform will be kin7, according to this | Feb 11 09:06 |
sebsebseb | kin? | Feb 11 09:06 |
MinceR | from official announcement | Feb 11 09:06 |
MinceR | winblows phone 7 | Feb 11 09:06 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: yeah me and gnufreex were just talking about this | Feb 11 09:06 |
MinceR | whatever they call winblows ce in this second | Feb 11 09:06 |
sebsebseb | only a fool would buy Windows phone 7 today by choice I guess, well in a way | Feb 11 09:07 |
gnufreex | Nokia will go bust within a year | Feb 11 09:07 |
sebsebseb | and things are mainly about Android and Iphone now, when it comes to mobiles | Feb 11 09:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @ruiseabra I always wanted to get a tattoo that says "troublemaker" in Mandarin. | Feb 11 09:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] Damn greylisting... | Feb 11 09:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @lovenemesis Thanks to #Nokia, now M$ has a chance to wage a long-awaited patent war against Qt4. #sarcasm | Feb 11 09:08 | |
sebsebseb | ok Nokia you used to be a great company or whatever, but not anymore, same for you or whatever as well Canonical | Feb 11 09:08 |
MinceR | indeed | Feb 11 09:08 |
sebsebseb | yeah that dent that came in | Feb 11 09:08 |
sebsebseb | exactly QT | Feb 11 09:08 |
sebsebseb | if Microsoft get their hands on that hmm | Feb 11 09:08 |
sebsebseb | or kind of get their hands on it even | Feb 11 09:08 |
MinceR | at least Qt can be forked and there's sufficient user and developer base for it to survive | Feb 11 09:09 |
MinceR | MeeGo needs support from mobile phone manufacturers | Feb 11 09:09 |
gnufreex | Microsoft proably paid bilions to nokia for this | Feb 11 09:09 |
MinceR | now that nokia is being killed by m$, i'm not sure who will do it | Feb 11 09:09 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: well yeah exactly QT can be forked if neassrey | Feb 11 09:09 |
gnufreex | It is brain dead decision | Feb 11 09:09 |
MinceR | this decision only makes sense for m$ | Feb 11 09:09 |
MinceR | and their slave, elop | Feb 11 09:09 |
gnufreex | Money is best way to kill the brain | Feb 11 09:09 |
sebsebseb | MeeGo will probably end up pretty much dieing or at least, when it comes to it going main streame any time soon if ever | Feb 11 09:09 |
gnufreex | They canceled MeeGO device recently | Feb 11 09:10 |
gnufreex | N9 | Feb 11 09:10 |
gnufreex | They say they will make something at end of year | Feb 11 09:10 |
gnufreex | They'll probably cancel that too when time comes | Feb 11 09:11 |
sebsebseb | N9? | Feb 11 09:11 |
sebsebseb | what's that? | Feb 11 09:11 |
gnufreex | Or make it crappy so they can say it is a failure | Feb 11 09:11 |
gnufreex | | Feb 11 09:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia cancels N9-00 MeeGo phone before even launching | ZDNet .::. Size~: 110.04 KB | Feb 11 09:11 |
sebsebseb | ok thought you mean the N900 or something | Feb 11 09:12 |
sebsebseb | thought you emant | Feb 11 09:12 |
sebsebseb | times changes | Feb 11 09:12 |
sebsebseb | companies go bad | Feb 11 09:12 |
sebsebseb | etc | Feb 11 09:12 |
sebsebseb | and yeah that's how it is | Feb 11 09:12 |
sebsebseb | so looks like Nokia is another victum of the times changing | Feb 11 09:12 |
gnufreex | Microsoft only destroys, never creates anyting | Feb 11 09:12 |
gnufreex | When they stacked VMware | Feb 11 09:13 |
MinceR | nokia is another victim of people not being watchful of m$ spies and apologists | Feb 11 09:13 |
MinceR | this is what happens if you believe the lies of m$ and their supporters | Feb 11 09:13 |
gnufreex | First thing Maritz did as VMware CEO is unGPL DM Application Server. | Feb 11 09:13 |
gnufreex | He relicensed it unde EPL and donated to Eclipse | Feb 11 09:13 |
sebsebseb | DM ? | Feb 11 09:13 |
gnufreex | Virgo project | Feb 11 09:14 |
gnufreex | Now, it is pretty much dead | Feb 11 09:14 |
gnufreex | DM AS, that is what it was called | Feb 11 09:14 |
MinceR | i don't care for vmware | Feb 11 09:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @baltha: The second most important Nokia announcement of the day: "Yakety Sax" chosen for the official corporate anthem. #lo | Feb 11 09:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] Canonicals Hardware Catalog is a joke... | Feb 11 09:14 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Canonical Puts Out A Hardware List, But It Falls Short .::. Size~: 24.19 KB | Feb 11 09:14 |
MinceR | i've never seen any product from them that wasn't a complete pile of shit | Feb 11 09:14 |
gnufreex | MinceR: That was not VMware stuff, it was from SpringSource | Feb 11 09:14 |
gnufreex | An aquisition | Feb 11 09:15 |
MinceR | including vmware server and the unusable remote console | Feb 11 09:15 |
MinceR | which requires days of hacking just to get it to run | Feb 11 09:15 |
sebsebseb | Nokia going with Windows Phone 7 uhmm | Feb 11 09:15 |
sebsebseb | let's see uhmm | Feb 11 09:15 |
MinceR | let's see how long it takes for nokia to die | Feb 11 09:15 |
sebsebseb | 1. to get it out to a lot of average consumers who don't really care about technology | Feb 11 09:15 |
gnufreex | Then Belluzzo idiot that killed SGI IRIX and MIPS | Feb 11 09:15 |
sebsebseb | well they need some good marketting | Feb 11 09:15 |
sebsebseb | and such | Feb 11 09:15 |
gnufreex | And Palmer at DEC who destroyed DEC | Feb 11 09:15 |
sebsebseb | 2. to people who actsualley know quite a bit about phones and so on, are unlikely to buy that | Feb 11 09:15 |
gnufreex | in favour at Microsoft | Feb 11 09:16 |
gnufreex | of course | Feb 11 09:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxnews/@lxnews] GTK+ 3 Released | Feb 11 09:16 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: GTK+ 3 Released .::. Size~: 28.49 KB | Feb 11 09:16 |
sebsebseb | oh GTK+3 is out nice | Feb 11 09:16 |
MinceR | found an english article, though you might have seen one already >> | Feb 11 09:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: YEP: NOKIA GOING WINDOWS .::. Size~: 115.98 KB | Feb 11 09:17 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] Letter to Developers about Today’s News /cc: !MeeGo !Qt | Feb 11 09:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] RT @segphault The Microsoft and Nokia deal is truly groundbreaking. By groundbreaking, I mean they are using a shovel to dig Nokia a sha ... | Feb 11 09:18 | |
MinceR | i doubt that any amount of marketing is going to sell kin7 | Feb 11 09:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Developer News | Letter to Developers about Today’s News .::. Size~: 57.46 KB | Feb 11 09:18 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: why do you call it kin? | Feb 11 09:18 |
MinceR | because it's a reskinned kin, just like vista7 is a reskinned vista | Feb 11 09:18 |
MinceR | m$ likes to rename products every day to make it seem as though they've come up with something new | Feb 11 09:18 |
sebsebseb | well yeah with Windows they been selling a lot of the same code, for a lot of years now | Feb 11 09:20 |
sebsebseb | some new branding and such | Feb 11 09:20 |
sebsebseb | and yep a new release | Feb 11 09:20 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] I wish OMGUbuntu would just be honest about stuff rather han just praising a pile of shit. (Canonical's Hardware Catalog) !linux | Feb 11 09:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] Heh, me likey | Feb 11 09:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Exclude Spammy Sites From Google With This Custom Search Engine | Lifehacker Australia .::. Size~: 40.13 KB | Feb 11 09:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @lovenemesis Maybe we should do sth to protect the community !Qt projects. At least we're in a better position than #Mono. !KDE guys? | Feb 11 09:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @tante: RT @CharlyKuehnast: Ich muss dabei immer an denken... #nokia #microsoft #nichtlustig | Feb 11 09:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Geek & Poke - What we need Part 1: Google for open tabs | Feb 11 09:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] Microsoft's sinking ship joins the Nokia sinking ship? Are they sinking? Certainly leaked memo from Nokia doesn't suggest great times. | Feb 11 09:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @nisshh +1 | Feb 11 09:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NICHTLUSTIG .::. Size~: 41.82 KB | Feb 11 09:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Geek And Poke: What We Need - Part 1 .::. Size~: 42.63 KB | Feb 11 09:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #ZDNet: #Nokia adopts #Windows Phone 7 as 'primary platform' | Feb 11 09:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] ♻ @lovenemesis Maybe we should do something to protect the community !Qt projects. At least we're in a better position than #Mono.!KDE guys? | Feb 11 09:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] ♻ @gbraad Letter to Developers about Today’s News /cc: !MeeGo !Qt | Feb 11 09:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] (An unmatched left parenthesis creates an unresolved tension that will stay with you all day | Feb 11 09:24 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia adopts Windows Phone 7 as 'primary platform' | ZDNet UK .::. Size~: 47.03 KB | Feb 11 09:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Developer News | Letter to Developers about Today’s News .::. Size~: 58.24 KB | Feb 11 09:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: xkcd: ( .::. Size~: 8.2 KB | Feb 11 09:24 |
gnufreex | Nokia will even merge app store with Microsoft? | Feb 11 09:25 |
gnufreex | Qt is dead then | Feb 11 09:25 |
MinceR | Qt isn't dead until KDE is dead | Feb 11 09:26 |
sebsebseb | yeah true | Feb 11 09:26 |
sebsebseb | loads of KDE people would fork QT | Feb 11 09:26 |
sebsebseb | if neassrey | Feb 11 09:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] ChipX86 invented port knocking? | Feb 11 09:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxnews/@lxnews] Android 2.3.3 Announced | Feb 11 09:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] ♻ @methoddan RT @fabsh Nokia has just Eloped with Microsoft. #dadumptsh | Feb 11 09:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] #Nokia partners with #Microsoft "existing smartphone OS's gradually sidelined" | Feb 11 09:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Jonathan Thomas: Utils, Utils, Utils… The QApt GStreamer Helper | Feb 11 09:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: ChipLog » Blog Archive » I Invented Port Knocking .::. Size~: 39.13 KB | Feb 11 09:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Android 2.3.3 Announced .::. Size~: 25.83 KB | Feb 11 09:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC News - Nokia and Microsoft form partnership .::. Size~: 56.86 KB | Feb 11 09:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Utils, Utils, Utils… « Jonathan's Blog .::. Size~: 31.64 KB | Feb 11 09:28 |
gnufreex | Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft Fuck Microsoft | Feb 11 09:28 |
sebsebseb | Hmm at all this Nokia news coming in on the dents :D | Feb 11 09:28 |
sebsebseb | anyway Microsoft is really a software company | Feb 11 09:29 |
sebsebseb | and Nokia is really a hardware company | Feb 11 09:29 |
sebsebseb | so makes sense those two getting together really I guess | Feb 11 09:29 |
gnufreex | Microsoft is criminal orgainizaton | Feb 11 09:29 |
gnufreex | It doesn't make any sense | Feb 11 09:29 |
gnufreex | Stop saying nonsense | Feb 11 09:29 |
sebsebseb | it does when Nokia's own OS's have failed really | Feb 11 09:29 |
gnufreex | What OS failed? | Feb 11 09:29 |
gnufreex | You have to put OS on the phone to fail or not? | Feb 11 09:30 |
sebsebseb | they haven't made a good smartphone OS, from article I just read basicalely | Feb 11 09:30 |
gnufreex | They didn't put MeeGo on any phone | Feb 11 09:30 |
sebsebseb | anyway uhmm mobile phones I don't care that much about them personally | Feb 11 09:30 |
sebsebseb | for me they are rather propritary | Feb 11 09:30 |
sebsebseb | /commerical | Feb 11 09:30 |
sebsebseb | even if they run Android | Feb 11 09:30 |
gnufreex | That is all MS sponsored spin | Feb 11 09:30 |
gnufreex | And all that trashing Elop wrote with burning Memo | Feb 11 09:31 |
gnufreex | that is all just to set up the turf | Feb 11 09:31 |
sebsebseb | I mean people have to pay for the phone, and then before they can use it as a phone, they have to yep pay for the phone service, unless maybe they work for a mobile phone company or something | Feb 11 09:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Prakash Advani: !Ubuntu Developer Day a huge success | Feb 11 09:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Busiest Friday, a ton of urgent things, new boatload of docs to read on top of it. #WTF, why not a shallow gaussian distribution for once? | Feb 11 09:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Ubuntu Developer Day a huge success | Prakash Advani's Blog .::. Size~: 60.9 KB | Feb 11 09:31 |
gnufreex | To convince people that there is no other option | Feb 11 09:31 |
sebsebseb | also phones don't exactly help educate people about technology useualley | Feb 11 09:31 |
gnufreex | Finland should prosecute Elop for treason | Feb 11 09:31 |
gnufreex | And execute him on electric chair | Feb 11 09:31 |
sebsebseb | oh the memo not read it yet | Feb 11 09:32 |
MinceR | sebsebseb: nokia used to be able to develop hardware and software that didn't completely suck | Feb 11 09:32 |
MinceR | m$ never could do either | Feb 11 09:32 |
gnufreex | Symbian is way better than any MS OS | Feb 11 09:32 |
MinceR | all m$ could do is steal others' stuff and sell it | Feb 11 09:32 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: Ubuntu developers used to make an absoutly great distro, now things have gone rather hmm | Feb 11 09:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] colleague of mine: "it is FInn-ished!" #LOL | Feb 11 09:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @qole: Apparently, in this war of ecosystems, you need to scare off your existing developers as your first move. #elopocalypse | Feb 11 09:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Yet another Wordpress video-plugin surprise *sigh* | Feb 11 09:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♺ @karsten: #Nokia partners with #Microsoft "existing smartphone OS's gradually sidelined"<least surprise ever, #fail | Feb 11 09:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Fully Hosted Video Platform - Free Trial | Kaltura: Open Source Video Platform .::. Size~: 31.67 KB | Feb 11 09:33 |
gnufreex | And elop wrote in memo that it is "too hard to develop for symbian" | Feb 11 09:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC News - Nokia and Microsoft form partnership .::. Size~: 56.89 KB | Feb 11 09:33 |
MinceR | sebsebseb: indeed | Feb 11 09:33 |
gnufreex | That is not true anymore | Feb 11 09:33 |
gnufreex | Since QT | Feb 11 09:33 |
MinceR | i don't care how hard it is to develop for symbian | Feb 11 09:33 |
gnufreex | You can port QT app to symbian easily | Feb 11 09:33 |
MinceR | they have MeeGo and they could put it on all their phones | Feb 11 09:33 |
gnufreex | It is hard without QT | Feb 11 09:33 |
gnufreex | that means that Elop is aiming to kill QT | Feb 11 09:33 |
MinceR | if they didn't have a criminal for a CEO | Feb 11 09:33 |
sebsebseb | Symbian isn't really inovating anymore or whatever I read before | Feb 11 09:34 |
gnufreex | And M$ is inovating? | Feb 11 09:34 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] ♺ @gbraad: RT @qole: Apparently, in this war of ecosystems, you need to scare off your existing developers as your first move. #elopocalypse | Feb 11 09:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Well, screw you Nokia... | Feb 11 09:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Sorry, I meant "fuck you, Nokia" | Feb 11 09:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #Nokia and #Microsoft Announce Plans for a Broad Strategic Partnership to Build a New Global Mobile Ecosystem | Feb 11 09:34 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia and Microsoft Announce Plans for a Broad Strategic Partnership to Build a New Global Mobile Ecosystem: Companies plan to combine assets and develop innovative mobile products on an unprecedented scale. .::. Size~: 64.84 KB | Feb 11 09:34 |
sebsebseb | gnufreex: hmm and I mention inovation and look what happens right after ^ | Feb 11 09:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxnews/@lxnews] Nokia Getting Rid of Qt for Development | Feb 11 09:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Nokia partners with Microsoft: can a drowner help another drowner? Two irrelevant players in SP business, anyway. #fail | Feb 11 09:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @robmyers: They just made themselves the OS/2 of the phone world. And for all you OS/2 fans out there, I don't mean that in a good way, | Feb 11 09:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] Gah, bloody typo's... | Feb 11 09:36 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Getting Rid of Qt for Development .::. Size~: 27.13 KB | Feb 11 09:36 |
sebsebseb | uhmm of course they will get rid of QT for development | Feb 11 09:36 |
sebsebseb | now that they have partnered with Microsoft | Feb 11 09:37 |
sebsebseb | ^ | Feb 11 09:37 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @andyc: The fantastic thing about the word 'suboptimal' is that it covers the entire range from 'absolutely crap' to 'almost perfect'. | Feb 11 09:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Ah, by the way, echo #elopocalypse >> previous message ;-) | Feb 11 09:38 | |
MinceR | they could have even put Dalvik on top of MeeGo and beat everyone ever at application support | Feb 11 09:38 |
sebsebseb | also it looks like Microsoft will give away Visual Studio and such to developers who want to make for Windows 7 phones | Feb 11 09:39 |
sebsebseb | yep that's like Microsoft | Feb 11 09:39 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @macno: #fail + #fail = #fail² #elopocalypse | Feb 11 09:39 | |
sebsebseb | giving away software for free, when it works for their advantage properly | Feb 11 09:39 |
sebsebseb | to students and yeah | Feb 11 09:39 |
sebsebseb | going by the above article mentioend in the dent | Feb 11 09:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Getting Rid of Qt for Development .::. Size~: 27.13 KB | Feb 11 09:40 |
MinceR | i wonder who will want to use visual studio if they aren't getting paid to use that load of crap | Feb 11 09:40 |
sebsebseb | however QT will also be used a bit | Feb 11 09:40 |
sebsebseb | for Symbain | Feb 11 09:41 |
sebsebseb | and such | Feb 11 09:41 |
MinceR | sometimes i can type an entire method in vs before even its first character is drawn on screen | Feb 11 09:41 |
sebsebseb | anyway Nokia has just gone rather propritary | Feb 11 09:41 |
sebsebseb | they were more open before | Feb 11 09:41 |
sebsebseb | however at the end of the day | Feb 11 09:42 |
sebsebseb | opensource/closedsource uhmm they won't care that much I guess | Feb 11 09:42 |
sebsebseb | as long as they are making a lot of money | Feb 11 09:42 |
sebsebseb | I mean many companies use opensource now to save money and that's their main reason for doing so | Feb 11 09:42 |
MinceR | but they won't be making a lot of money | Feb 11 09:42 |
MinceR | symbian is dying, kin7 is dead on arrival | Feb 11 09:42 |
MinceR | featurephones are going away | Feb 11 09:42 |
MinceR | nokia is killing their last chance to prosper | Feb 11 09:43 |
sebsebseb | well bye bye Nokia then | Feb 11 09:43 |
sebsebseb | or whatever | Feb 11 09:43 |
sebsebseb | ah well | Feb 11 09:43 |
sebsebseb | times change | Feb 11 09:43 |
sebsebseb | altough if Nokia pretty much dies, I guess Android and Iphone will become much more popular | Feb 11 09:43 |
MinceR | perhaps it's the curse of the mobile phone industry that we'll never get a really good, open phone | Feb 11 09:43 |
sebsebseb | yeah maybe | Feb 11 09:44 |
sebsebseb | or probably | Feb 11 09:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Now I wait to hear "Nokia + WinPhone7 is the platform of the '10s". #kissofdeath #elopocalypse | Feb 11 09:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @alphaque: Wonders if the new default Nokia theme will be the Blue Screen of Death. #NokiaMSFT #fb | Feb 11 09:44 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR: to open though, and well it's harder for them to lock people into their paid stuff or whatever I guess | Feb 11 09:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting audio/x-wav type | Feb 11 09:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] engadget: #Nokia to developers: no #Qt for Windows Phone development | Feb 11 09:46 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia to developers: no Qt for Windows Phone development -- Engadget .::. Size~: 73.12 KB | Feb 11 09:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] ♻ @padams: New blog post: Big Don ( > Dude! | Feb 11 09:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] #Nokia becomes the new #Novell? Maybe the statements about Nokias demise weren't premature, after all. #foolmeoncefail | Feb 11 09:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] So, basically instead of killing MeeGo, they're going to #pullasymbian on it. Fuck you, nokia, you've fucked up yet again. | Feb 11 09:49 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Big Don « Green Eggs and Ham .::. Size~: 49.54 KB | Feb 11 09:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC News - Nokia and Microsoft form partnership .::. Size~: 56.91 KB | Feb 11 09:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] This is maemo all over again, but with less intel, more MSFT. | Feb 11 09:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] Guess that happens when putting a person with Microsoft goggles in charge. Feel sorry for all people doing good work at Nokia. #elopocalypse | Feb 11 09:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Thanks @klanger for the link to Debian mobile. Here is !debian !linux on the Nexus One smartphone | Feb 11 09:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: How to run Debian with X11 on your Nexus One | Android Devs .::. Size~: 64.33 KB | Feb 11 09:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] @ !identica #lazyweb Looking for a simple Youtube-alike website platform for hosted videos. Any suggestions? Preferably Free. | Feb 11 09:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] Hey @fabsh and @methoddan, if you send me a meego netbook, I'll make like Nokia, and put Windows on it #zing | Feb 11 09:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @jezra LOL! You are right. We still haven't given these things away. I wonder if people still want them... @methoddan | Feb 11 09:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] RT @andyc @richslxh Listen I don't want '+1'. I don't want 'Repeated by'. I don't want 'RD:' I want '♥'. I want to be loved. I want to b ... | Feb 11 09:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] @greve "quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius" #elopocalypse | Feb 11 10:01 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie .::. Size~: 6.98 KB | Feb 11 10:01 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] It's raining now. Fitting weather for the tech news of the day. | Feb 11 10:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] So #Egpyt Army sides with Suleiman/Mubarak. Wants people to go home, have a shisha and promises they will sort it out. #Tahrir wont buy it. | Feb 11 10:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] RT @macno Everybody ♥ @andyc | Feb 11 10:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] If Nokia loses more market share, shareholders will pressure it to find "other" sources of revenue. Patent trolling, anyone? | Feb 11 10:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] A strange kind of love for @andyc (love his messages, I think he means, but we love him too, oh well, YKWIM) ;-) | Feb 11 10:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] @carlopiana Sic. Going down this very route destroyed every company before Nokia. Today's soundtrack by Sucidial Tendencies? #elopocalypse | Feb 11 10:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] Time for bed; I need get up bright and early to make a conspiracy theory about Elop being a mole who still works for Microsoft #subterfuge | Feb 11 10:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I love Al Jazeera's images of shoes in the air at #Tahrir. | Feb 11 10:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] So Nokia will also not support #webm, paving the way for h264 dominance on the (windows) mobile market. | Feb 11 10:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] RT @yamatt Nokia, like an ex, we loved you, but now I've found a smarter, more beautiful person to go out with. And you just died your h ... | Feb 11 10:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] Dear Mr Elop. Having read your memo, I thought the point was to jump into the water and *NOT* the flames? ;) #nokia #elopocalypse | Feb 11 10:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Nokia stock down 8% and falling: | Feb 11 10:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NOKIA Share Price | NOA3.DE- Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance .::. Size~: 33.36 KB | Feb 11 10:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @greve Turns out the water is on fire too. If you wait too long after an oil spill, that's what happens... | Feb 11 10:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] Already seeing the first messages saying "Dear#Nokia devs, we're hiring" #elopocalypse | Feb 11 10:23 | |
gnufreex | Does anyone have specifics of the deal? Is there patents invlolved? | Feb 11 10:26 |
gnufreex | Will EU investigate? | Feb 11 10:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] Announcing a focus on Windows Phoney 7 leads to... ♺ @fabsh: Nokia stock down 8% and falling: | Feb 11 10:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsfe/@fsfe] RT @documentfreedom: Today is #FollowFriday for Document Freedom Day! RT this msg and make #DFD bigger in 2011! #dfd2011 #fs | Feb 11 10:26 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NOKIA Share Price | NOA3.DE- Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance .::. Size~: 32.67 KB | Feb 11 10:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] When I first opened I was sure I landed on a Microsoft site. But it's Nokia acc to domain name. What am I doing wrong? | Feb 11 10:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] @fabsh those things are still decent machines with a decent OS. It's not the machines fault that Elop threw the community under a bus. | Feb 11 10:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open Letter from CEO Stephen Elop, Nokia and CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft | Nokia Conversations - The official Nokia Blog .::. Size~: 392.44 KB | Feb 11 10:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] RT @fsfe RT @documentfreedom: Today is #FollowFriday for Document Freedom Day! RT this msg and make #DFD bigger in 2011! #dfd2011 #fs | Feb 11 10:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] ♻ @ghabuntu: Today is not a good day. SElop & Mubarak are both saying what no one wants to hear! #Nokia #Egypt | Feb 11 10:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] ♻ @ghabuntu: poor Nokia. After a bunch of missteps and delays: a stupid agreement, further missteps and delays. | Feb 11 10:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @ghabuntu RT @greve Guess that happens when putting a person with Microsoft goggles in charge. Feel sorry for all people doing good w ... | Feb 11 10:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @ghabuntu RT @segphault Q: How many Elops does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: None, he has Steve Ballmer do it because he's too ... | Feb 11 10:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @harishpillay RT @alphaque: Wonders if the new default Nokia theme will be the Blue Screen of Death. #NokiaMSFT #fb | Feb 11 10:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @ghabuntu RT @segphault My current smartphone is an Android-powered Samsung Captivate. By this time next year, I might be using a Win ... | Feb 11 10:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @ghabuntu RT @rrix Well, screw you Nokia... | Feb 11 10:33 | |
*fanta01 ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 10:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Now that I've pissed off Red Hat equally, does that mean I'm employable by Canonical again? LOL... :D | Feb 11 10:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @ghabuntu RT @lucasr Anyway, the #elopocalypse is the definitive proof that leaving Nokia back in 2008 was the best decision I ever made. | Feb 11 10:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] I wouldn't trust DDB and his #LOLcat to responsibly handle confidential material. Will not buy his book, will not care abt openleaks. Done. | Feb 11 10:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♺ @documentfreedom: Today is #FollowFriday for Document Freedom Day! RT this msg and make #DFD bigger in 2011! #dfd2011 #fs | Feb 11 10:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !OMG !Ubuntu: Ubuntu #Natty to drop Release Candidate, get Beta 2 | Feb 11 10:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer So #Egpyt Army sides with Suleiman/Mubarak. Wants people to go home, have a shisha and promises they will sort it out. | Feb 11 10:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @jwildeboer +1 That cat reference was just weird. That guy just can't deal with Julian being better looking IMHO. ;) | Feb 11 10:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Ubuntu 11.04 to drop Release Candidate, get Beta 2 .::. Size~: 25.05 KB | Feb 11 10:38 |
*hemimaniac has quit (Quit: I was raided by the FBI and all I got to keep was this lousy quit message!) | Feb 11 10:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I believe we need to upgrade the crap alert for the next !LO. This #Nokia business introduces whole new levels of crap to the equation. | Feb 11 10:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #FollowFriday @freemjd @flameeyes @tuxradar @goforbes28 @jargon @lxnews | Feb 11 10:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @greve Dear Mr Elop. Having read your memo, I thought the point was to jump into the water and *NOT* the flames? ;) #nokia #elopocalypse | Feb 11 10:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @greve #Nokia becomes the new #Novell? Maybe the statements about Nokias demise weren't premature, after all. | Feb 11 10:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] @fabsh you pissed off a redhatter, not redhat :P | Feb 11 10:39 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC News - Nokia and Microsoft form partnership .::. Size~: 58.25 KB | Feb 11 10:39 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] #Nokia is in a world of hurt just now: -- now wonder this was announced on a Friday. | Feb 11 10:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Nokia has been polluted. Quick, somebody call Poison Control. | Feb 11 10:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !Ubuntu #Natty Schedule Adjustments (Beta 2 added, Release Candidate dropped) | Feb 11 10:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @toros engadget: #Nokia to developers: no #Qt for Windows Phone development | Feb 11 10:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @carlopiana Now I wait to hear "Nokia + WinPhone7 is the platform of the '10s". #kissofdeath #elopocalypse | Feb 11 10:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Ha, ha, the farce of the Linux USB vulnerability | Feb 11 10:41 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NOKIA Share Price Chart | NOA3.DE - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance .::. Size~: 35 KB | Feb 11 10:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Natty Schedule Adjustments (Beta 2 added, Release Candidate dropped) .::. Size~: 3.2 KB | Feb 11 10:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia to developers: no Qt for Windows Phone development -- Engadget .::. Size~: 73.04 KB | Feb 11 10:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting audio/x-wav type | Feb 11 10:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Once Upon A Time, There Was A USB Vulnerability In Linux | Muktware .::. Size~: 27.76 KB | Feb 11 10:41 |
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 10:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Microsoft remains the king of market distortion. #nokia #novell #yahoo #xandros #corel | Feb 11 10:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh Nokia stock down 8% and falling: <the deal didn't need to make sense, it needed to make Ballmer richer | Feb 11 10:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @schestowitz ♺ @greve Dear Mr Elop. Having read your memo, I thought the point was to jump into the water and *NOT* the flames? ;) #n ... | Feb 11 10:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NOKIA Share Price | NOA3.DE- Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance .::. Size~: 32.68 KB | Feb 11 10:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Nokia is down 10% now and the country of Linus Torvalds should finally realise that Microsoft is doom #entryism | Feb 11 10:44 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia and Finland: A Mystery Behind OOXML and Silverlight | Techrights .::. Size~: 113.68 KB | Feb 11 10:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @alphaque Wonders if the new default Nokia theme will be the Blue Screen of Death. #NokiaMSFT #fb | Feb 11 10:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @macno: #fail + #fail = #fail² #elopocalypse | Feb 11 10:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @lxnews Nokia Getting Rid of Qt for Development < Microsoft President #Elop kills a toolkit of #KDE ? #entryism | Feb 11 10:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] @schestowitz well, now the quotation has changed: Nokia is down 9.56 :-( #elopocalypse while writing this dent: 9.89 | Feb 11 10:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] This just in! Nokia enters drug/alcohol market, targeting ex-MeeGo developers! Stock prices are up, company's future becomes bright! | Feb 11 10:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @gbraad colleague of mine: "it is FInn-ished!" #LOL | Feb 11 10:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @gbraad ♺ @qole: Apparently, in this war of ecosystems, you need to scare off your existing developers as your first move. #elopocalypse | Feb 11 10:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @gbraad Letter to Developers about Today’s News /cc: !MeeGo !Qt | Feb 11 10:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Getting Rid of Qt for Development .::. Size~: 27.13 KB | Feb 11 10:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Developer News | Letter to Developers about Today’s News .::. Size~: 77.18 KB | Feb 11 10:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Nokia is taking a nose dive. I think it's gonna be suspended very soon: -10.02% #elopocalypse | Feb 11 10:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @segphault The Microsoft and Nokia deal is truly groundbreaking. By groundbreaking, I mean they are using a shovel to dig Nokia a sha ... | Feb 11 10:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @carlopiana: @schestowitz well, now the quotation has changed: Nokia is down 9.56 :-( #elopocalypse while writing this dent: 9.89 | Feb 11 10:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It's not a deal between Microsoft and Nokia. It's a deal between Microsoft (Elop) and Microsoft. #entryism | Feb 11 10:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @lovenemesis Thanks to #Nokia, now M$ has a chance to wage a long-awaited patent war against Qt4. #sarcasm | Feb 11 10:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh Nokia has just Eloped with Microsoft. #dadumptsh | Feb 11 10:51 | |
fanta01 | does anyone knows anything regarding the future of Meego? | Feb 11 10:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh Nokia done gone and killed 'emselves. Blowed the top of his head right orrf... #OutlawAnalysis | Feb 11 10:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] #Nokia now down more than 10% - | Feb 11 10:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @fabsh Nokia did not kill itself. Microsoft killed Nokia. Elop is the assassin. | Feb 11 10:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Nokia returns to its roots. But as OEM it has to compete with China. Times have changed. This deal does not help Nokia in any way AFAICS. | Feb 11 10:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NOKIA Share Price | NOA3.DE- Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance .::. Size~: 33.36 KB | Feb 11 10:53 |
fanta01 | ie can Nokia kill it? or can it be forked or developed independently? | Feb 11 10:53 |
*the_hemimaniac ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 10:54 | |
gnufreex | MeeGo can be forked but Nokia owns name | Feb 11 10:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @bergie RT @mdominic !MeeGo is not dead. It's "community supported" now. | Feb 11 10:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @andyc: Thank God I'm not sitting on NOK options watching them in freefall. | Feb 11 10:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @meegoportal Looks like the #Nokia #N900 is my last Nokia device. ... I absolutely hate what they just did #elop #fail | Feb 11 10:54 | |
gnufreex | With Qt, same except Nokia also owns copyrights | Feb 11 10:55 |
*hemimaniac has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Feb 11 10:55 | |
*the_hemimaniac has quit (Client Quit) | Feb 11 10:55 | |
gnufreex | And stupid Linux Foundation endorses MeeGo as "fighting fragmentation" platform. | Feb 11 10:55 |
gnufreex | While in fact, MeeGo is like RHEL | Feb 11 10:56 |
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 10:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @schestowitz They got him in. They also tried to kill themselves a lot before over the last few years... | Feb 11 10:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] ♻ @qtbynokia: Everyone who asked about #Qt 's future, please stay tuned. We need to understand things better and will come back to you. | Feb 11 10:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] OpenSite initiative is live :: TalkWeb | Feb 11 10:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: OpenSite initiative is live :: TalkWeb .::. Size~: 14.87 KB | Feb 11 10:58 |
MinceR | Qt is licensed under LGPL | Feb 11 10:59 |
MinceR | so nokia can't kill it | Feb 11 10:59 |
*oiaohm ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 10:59 | |
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host) | Feb 11 10:59 | |
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 10:59 | |
gnufreex | It is commercail distro, which is fine | Feb 11 10:59 |
gnufreex | But non-profit foundation shouldn't support it | Feb 11 10:59 |
gnufreex | And shouldn't advertise it's trademark | Feb 11 10:59 |
gnufreex | because it is not community thng | Feb 11 10:59 |
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 11 10:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @speeddefrost Despite what they said about Gtk+, the future for Qt isn't looking so great now that Nokia is now officially MSFT's bitch. | Feb 11 10:59 | |
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 10:59 | |
oiaohm | schestowitz see this. | Feb 11 11:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia - Show Press Release .::. Size~: 50.58 KB | Feb 11 11:00 |
fanta01 | gnufreex, but it was the closest thing to a real linux smartphone | Feb 11 11:00 |
oiaohm | I really don't know what nokia thinks Windows Phone 7 is really going to do for them. | Feb 11 11:00 |
gnufreex | Elop came with specific mission, to trash Nokia. Read his memo, that was setting up the turf | Feb 11 11:01 |
MinceR | i doubt that nokia's stockholders think at all | Feb 11 11:01 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The only relief I can find in this market distortion from #Microsoft is that they're not getting Nokia's patents. | Feb 11 11:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] I guess than now we can safely assume that committing corporate suicide can be said "to pull an Elop" #elopocalypse | Feb 11 11:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Nokia is one of the biggest contributors to Linux at the moment. Now we need to want Nokia to fail. It spreads Windows, OOXML, XAML... | Feb 11 11:01 | |
MinceR | elop has m$'s agenda, of course; the others seem to be asleep | Feb 11 11:01 |
gnufreex | He come to push Nokia into icy waters | Feb 11 11:01 |
gnufreex | And Microsfot set up sharks down | Feb 11 11:02 |
gnufreex | throwed them some meet to rally them | Feb 11 11:02 |
gnufreex | He fired the others MinceR | Feb 11 11:02 |
MinceR | the stockholders could have fired him | Feb 11 11:02 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Nokia is the new Novell. And no regulatory body has a rule to target and ban "market distortion". | Feb 11 11:03 | |
gnufreex | He did Stalin like cleanup | Feb 11 11:03 |
MinceR | better yet, they could have decided not to hire anyone from m$ | Feb 11 11:03 |
MinceR | but they hired him and he's still CEO | Feb 11 11:03 |
Diablo-D3 | I dunno why Roy is freaking out about this | Feb 11 11:03 |
Diablo-D3 | Microsoft has killed every partner they've ever had | Feb 11 11:03 |
MinceR | so basically nokia's stockholders are shoveling their money into the fire | Feb 11 11:03 |
Diablo-D3 | Nokia will be dead within 5 years | Feb 11 11:03 |
MinceR | of course | Feb 11 11:03 |
Diablo-D3 | Its kind of sad really | Feb 11 11:04 |
MinceR | what we're worried about (i think) is the future of MeeGo | Feb 11 11:04 |
Diablo-D3 | I thought Nokia had promise | Feb 11 11:04 |
MinceR | (and GNU/Linux smartphones) | Feb 11 11:04 |
Diablo-D3 | MinceR: oh dont worry | Feb 11 11:04 |
Diablo-D3 | MeeGo is dead | Feb 11 11:04 |
gnufreex | I wanted to break keyboard when I heard this news. | Feb 11 11:04 |
Diablo-D3 | it was dead the moment it was born | Feb 11 11:04 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: wrong. | Feb 11 11:04 |
MinceR | Intel and AMD might push it, but it's uncertain now | Feb 11 11:04 |
Diablo-D3 | No one wants Qt powered shit | Feb 11 11:04 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: Meego is doing very well for in vehicle. | Feb 11 11:04 |
Diablo-D3 | now Maemo, that has promise | Feb 11 11:04 |
MinceR | Maemo is dead | Feb 11 11:04 |
MinceR | it's been superceded by MeeGo | Feb 11 11:04 |
gnufreex | MeeGo also can have GTK+ | Feb 11 11:05 |
oiaohm | Meego is also turning up on other zones as well. | Feb 11 11:05 |
Diablo-D3 | Maemo wasnt killed by MeeGo | Feb 11 11:05 |
gnufreex | GTK+ apps that is | Feb 11 11:05 |
MinceR | also, your baseless Qt hatred is without merit and we don't care about it | Feb 11 11:05 |
Diablo-D3 | too many people are interested in Maemo and not MeeGo | Feb 11 11:05 |
MinceR | who? | Feb 11 11:05 |
Diablo-D3 | infact, most people rejected Meego | Feb 11 11:05 |
MinceR | who did? | Feb 11 11:05 |
Diablo-D3 | anyhone who gave a fuck, MinceR | Feb 11 11:05 |
MinceR | [avoid weasel words] | Feb 11 11:05 |
MinceR | [citation needed] | Feb 11 11:05 |
gnufreex | <Diablo-D3> too many people are interested in Maemo and not MeeGo | Feb 11 11:05 |
gnufreex | that is because there are Meaemo devices and none MeeGo devices | Feb 11 11:05 |
Diablo-D3 | I have no interest in meego | Feb 11 11:06 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: Really maemo was rejected for in car usage and table usage. | Feb 11 11:06 |
MinceR | Diablo-D3: nobody cares about you | Feb 11 11:06 |
Diablo-D3 | MinceR: bwhahahahaha | Feb 11 11:06 |
Diablo-D3 | wow, troll much? | Feb 11 11:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @carlopiana: I guess than now we can safely assume that committing corporate suicide can be said "to pull an Elop" #elopocalypse | Feb 11 11:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Let's stop calling the #Nokia + #Microsoft deal a partnership and name it for what it really is: assisted suicide. | Feb 11 11:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @thistleweb it'd be hilarious to see #Microsoft fail at everything, be left smiling with a huge patent portfolio just as they're ... | Feb 11 11:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] seems borked, any good substitute? | Feb 11 11:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Nokia + Microsoft: it's called "Kevorkian maneuver" | Feb 11 11:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Nokia will go bust within a year" ~ @gnufreex (Microsoft would love that, too) | Feb 11 11:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @fabsh: ♺ @andyc: @dazfuller Love the 10 million 'SELL' orders when the market opened today ! | Feb 11 11:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Microsoft only destroys, never creates anything" ~ @gnufreex | Feb 11 11:06 | |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: Basically meego is having success in particular markets. | Feb 11 11:06 |
MinceR | Diablo-D3: yes, that's what you're doing | Feb 11 11:06 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: markets _no one cares about_ | Feb 11 11:06 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: Now handset not so much. | Feb 11 11:06 |
Diablo-D3 | like, "in vehicle" | Feb 11 11:06 |
MinceR | no one cares about tablets? that's new. | Feb 11 11:06 |
Diablo-D3 | I'd like to see ANY in vehicle computers banned | Feb 11 11:06 |
Diablo-D3 | its a driver distraction | Feb 11 11:06 |
Diablo-D3 | no cell phones, no gps devices, no DVD players, no fancy touch displays | Feb 11 11:07 |
oiaohm | Even ones that maker sure drivers can see where they are trying to park. | Feb 11 11:07 |
oiaohm | And don't run you kids over. | Feb 11 11:07 |
Diablo-D3 | maybe if idiots would get off their fucking cell phones, they could pay attention long enough to not park on their kids | Feb 11 11:07 |
gnufreex | oh dear... I just saw OSnews coverage on this news. Thom Holwerda is WP7 shill indeed. | Feb 11 11:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] @fabsh but to be very impressed, just see the 5-d graph: #elopocalypse (note how it was already down on rumors) | Feb 11 11:08 | |
oiaohm | Cars have blind spots. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NOKIA Share Price Chart | NOA3.DE - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance .::. Size~: 35 KB | Feb 11 11:08 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: cars that can stop on a dime when someone passes behind it dont | Feb 11 11:08 |
Diablo-D3 | you dont need to see what the car sees to use that feature. | Feb 11 11:08 |
Diablo-D3 | cars need to be designed to minimize driver distractions | Feb 11 11:08 |
oiaohm | Note I said about blind spots. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:08 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: cars with that feature _dont_ have blind spots. | Feb 11 11:09 |
oiaohm | How can driver stop if they have not even seen you. | Feb 11 11:09 |
Diablo-D3 | because the car stops | Feb 11 11:09 |
Diablo-D3 | [06:07:00] <Diablo-D3> oiaohm: cars that can stop on a dime when someone passes behind it dont | Feb 11 11:09 |
oiaohm | All cars have blind spots you idiot. | Feb 11 11:09 |
Diablo-D3 | the car stops, not the driver. | Feb 11 11:09 |
MinceR | 120534 < Diablo-D3> I'd like to see ANY in vehicle computers banned | Feb 11 11:09 |
schestowitz | [11:01] <MinceR> i doubt that nokia's stockholders think at all | Feb 11 11:09 |
schestowitz | Don't worry what they think, they rarely do :-0 | Feb 11 11:09 |
MinceR | i'd like to start with the one that controls ignition in your car | Feb 11 11:09 |
oiaohm | Take away the features out the car and the car still will have all the blind spots in its design. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:09 |
oiaohm | If you don't want blind spots people have to drive motor bikes. | Feb 11 11:10 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: why? I dont have to see what the car sees for that feature to work. | Feb 11 11:10 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: you dont even know what the fuck you're talking about | Feb 11 11:10 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: shut the fuck up, dude | Feb 11 11:10 |
MinceR | 120633 < Diablo-D3> maybe if idiots would get off their fucking cell phones, they could pay attention long enough to not park on their kids | Feb 11 11:10 |
oiaohm | I do Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:10 |
MinceR | and that's called "natural selection" | Feb 11 11:10 |
oiaohm | I do know what I am talking about. | Feb 11 11:10 |
Diablo-D3 | MinceR: yes, and my taxes subsidize it. | Feb 11 11:10 |
MinceR | better than subsidizing reproduction. | Feb 11 11:10 |
Diablo-D3 | MinceR: why the fuck do my taxes have to keep paying for this shit | Feb 11 11:10 |
oiaohm | Worst job I ever did was corpse clean up. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:10 |
MinceR | Diablo-D3: because you have government. | Feb 11 11:11 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: dude, read what I am saying: they make cars that will stop when someone passes behind it when backing up | Feb 11 11:11 |
oiaohm | So Yes I do know acdeent investagors and why lot of harm happened. | Feb 11 11:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Hey Mr. Elop, the plan was to jump on the water, not in bed with M$. That's what one gets when beaurecrats take over technology companies | Feb 11 11:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @agentsmith Let's stop calling the #Nokia + #Microsoft deal a partnership and name it for what it really is: assisted suicide. | Feb 11 11:11 | |
MinceR | (a.k.a. the most popular form of organized crime, with a focus on armed robbery) | Feb 11 11:11 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: you dont see what the car sees, the car handles it for you | Feb 11 11:11 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: less driver distractions == better. | Feb 11 11:11 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: guess what cars that stop because someone passes behind them. | Feb 11 11:11 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: your mother. | Feb 11 11:11 |
MinceR | lol | Feb 11 11:11 |
oiaohm | Persons still at times need to see what is in the blind spot. | Feb 11 11:11 |
MinceR | so eloquent | Feb 11 11:12 |
oiaohm | Just in case its a loss garbage bag. or someonething else tricking the sensors. | Feb 11 11:12 |
Diablo-D3 | I dont care who ships the feature | Feb 11 11:12 |
oiaohm | Or someone pranked the sensor. | Feb 11 11:12 |
Diablo-D3 | thats not relevant to the fact they've been shipping that feature for years | Feb 11 11:12 |
oiaohm | Yes stick a bit of duct tape over the sensor and the car will refuse to reverse | Feb 11 11:12 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: and guess what douchenuts, if the driver is distracted, they're still not going to pay attention to the rear camera. | Feb 11 11:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @agentsmith Nokia + Microsoft: it's called "Kevorkian maneuver" << they did this to Novell and Yahoo as well. | Feb 11 11:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @carlopiana Yeah.... | Feb 11 11:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] @schestowitz the way shares are dropping either elop is fired or #microsoft shows cards and buys #nokia | Feb 11 11:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RD @moondowner: #KDE community should remain strong (strong in collaboration not in bashing Nokia) and support #Qt in every single way | Feb 11 11:13 | |
oiaohm | but drive forward perfectly in some models. | Feb 11 11:13 |
oiaohm | Yes that cause a nasty little crash at times. | Feb 11 11:13 |
oiaohm | Note a single rear camera is not enough to cover all the points that are blind in most cars. | Feb 11 11:13 |
MinceR | Diablo-D3: untrained and/or incapable drivers should not get driver's licenses. | Feb 11 11:13 |
Diablo-D3 | MinceR: THATS HALF OF AMERICA | Feb 11 11:14 |
MinceR | i know, right? | Feb 11 11:14 |
MinceR | same thing here | Feb 11 11:14 |
MinceR | except maybe even more | Feb 11 11:14 |
Diablo-D3 | but get rid of all this fucking shit in cars | Feb 11 11:14 |
Diablo-D3 | and I bet you that stupidity will go down | Feb 11 11:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @agentsmith Stephen Kevorkian. Stephen helped the other Stephen (Ballmer) 'help' his late, estranged wife. | Feb 11 11:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @schestowitz Yeah, Nokia should know better, for the past examples(Novell, Yahoo, Xandros, Corel...) | Feb 11 11:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @ruiseabra @schestowitz the way shares are dropping either elop is fired or #microsoft shows cards and buys #nokia | Feb 11 11:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[serk01/@serk01] The miracle of #tahrir square #egypt | Feb 11 11:14 | |
oiaohm | Also some are also forward facing for IR. | Feb 11 11:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: For Egypt, this is the miracle of Tahrir Square | Slavoj Žižek | Comment is free | The Guardian .::. Size~: 254.24 KB | Feb 11 11:14 |
MinceR | and you'll lose | Feb 11 11:14 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 11:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @qu1j0t3: @schestowitz Wow, you guys really think the storm is over? Not me. Those bastards will never give up. @jwildeboer | Feb 11 11:14 |
MinceR | if someone doesn't want to pay attention to driving, they'll find a way not to | Feb 11 11:14 |
Diablo-D3 | no cell phones, no dvds, no children, no news papers, no hamburgers | Feb 11 11:15 |
oiaohm | To extend what can be sean in fog or night. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:15 |
Diablo-D3 | no das blinkenlights | Feb 11 11:15 |
MinceR | but i'll keep my cell phone, radio and navigation system, thank-you-very-much. | Feb 11 11:15 |
oiaohm | Basically hardware can see better than us in a lot of conditions. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:15 |
Diablo-D3 | and no fucking gps. | Feb 11 11:15 |
Diablo-D3 | and no fucking music | Feb 11 11:15 |
MinceR | try driving in hungary, the land where street signs are considered a luxury. | Feb 11 11:15 |
oiaohm | GPS is better than person trying to drive and read a map. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:15 |
MinceR | you'll learn appreciation for GPS. | Feb 11 11:15 |
Diablo-D3 | and no maps. | Feb 11 11:15 |
oiaohm | I have seen the crashes with the dead with map. | Feb 11 11:15 |
oiaohm | Not prity. | Feb 11 11:16 |
Diablo-D3 | anything that causes the driver to look anywhere but the road needs to be removed | Feb 11 11:16 |
oiaohm | GPS unit does not have to display map. | Feb 11 11:16 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: yes, and dumbfucks have died because of gps | Feb 11 11:16 |
MinceR | so remove the dashboard | Feb 11 11:16 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: your argument is invalid | Feb 11 11:16 |
MinceR | also remove signs | Feb 11 11:16 |
oiaohm | I have sean less die with GPS than without. | Feb 11 11:16 |
MinceR | and remove all the cars and pedestrians | Feb 11 11:16 |
Diablo-D3 | MinceR: you know wha | Feb 11 11:17 |
oiaohm | I have seen some people get complete lost and call police because of GPS. But they are not dead. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:17 |
Diablo-D3 | most people dont even need cars | Feb 11 11:17 |
MinceR | that's true | Feb 11 11:17 |
MinceR | most people aren't even needed | Feb 11 11:17 |
Diablo-D3 | I can name companies full of people that arent needed | Feb 11 11:17 |
Diablo-D3 | lets start purging Microsoft first | Feb 11 11:17 |
oiaohm | Map biggest problem was that it was a lose item in car. | Feb 11 11:17 |
MinceR | so can i | Feb 11 11:17 |
MinceR | and yes, that's a good starting point | Feb 11 11:17 |
oiaohm | So could completely block person view. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] I'm just trying !Firefox beta & ive 2 say this: using !Chrome 4 so long made me forget browsers crash. FF just reminded me :( | Feb 11 11:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Will Nokia bully #Android device makers now, using patents? #elopocalypse #nokia #microsoft #swpats #hardware | Feb 11 11:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] !Opensource's emerging opportunity in BI discussed at InfoWorld | Feb 11 11:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open source's emerging opportunity in BI | Open Source - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 97.04 KB | Feb 11 11:18 |
oiaohm | Basically more gps less maps in cars less crashes. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:18 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: its still a distraction. | Feb 11 11:18 |
MinceR | so is trying to find your way without a navigation system | Feb 11 11:18 |
MinceR | except the navigation system is less of a distraction | Feb 11 11:18 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: is it more of a destriction that the person sitting next to you giving directions and getting confused? | Feb 11 11:19 |
MinceR | the person sitting next to you is likely to have less knowledge of the road | Feb 11 11:19 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RD @marjoleink: thousands in public Friday prayers in Alexandria #egypt | Feb 11 11:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] So much is being written about the #elopocalypse - I'll try to avoid it for now & cover other issues, as normal. Summary: Market.Distortion. | Feb 11 11:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] That's not really a very fair thing to say about a beta I know !Firefox | Feb 11 11:19 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Watch Now - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 84.36 KB | Feb 11 11:19 |
MinceR | bbl | Feb 11 11:20 |
oiaohm | Yes Ideal is of course not driver looking at gps but person sitting next to driver looking at gps making sure that its right. | Feb 11 11:20 |
oiaohm | I have also had the case of a dead driver because the person using the map in the seat next to the driver hit the driver. | Feb 11 11:20 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: multiple people shouldnt even be allowed in cars | Feb 11 11:21 |
Diablo-D3 | especially no fucking children | Feb 11 11:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @schestowitz I guess crApple could have the $$$ to do it, not M$. Or even, in a bold move, pair crApple with Oracle and buy Nokia. | Feb 11 11:21 | |
Diablo-D3 | and no women | Feb 11 11:21 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: There are items I do disagree with. GPS has it place to give person no reason to put map in car. GPS has the maps so don't be stupid. | Feb 11 11:22 |
oiaohm | Of course how the GPS is done could be improved. | Feb 11 11:22 |
oiaohm | Displayed center console is most likely wrong. | Feb 11 11:23 |
oiaohm | Head up display would have to be done carefully of course. | Feb 11 11:23 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: Have you ever had to pick up the mess of people driving and inconstant speed. | Feb 11 11:24 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: Note its not the one driving at inconstant speed that gets harmed. | Feb 11 11:24 |
oiaohm | It other people. | Feb 11 11:24 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Nokia still interested in Meego despite Microsoft links | Feb 11 11:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #WebUpd8: !Unity 2D Gets A Workspace Switcher Too | Feb 11 11:24 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: "Longer-term market exploration" for MeeGo at Nokia - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 39.63 KB | Feb 11 11:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Unity 2D Gets A Workspace Switcher Too ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 54.1 KB | Feb 11 11:24 |
oiaohm | GPS reduces number of people going up and down speed because they are lost as well. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:25 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: I do agree that sound systems and radios and video playbacks(other than blind spot cams) Should be restricted. | Feb 11 11:25 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @splitbrain: Link: Fuck Sony Entertainment - Sid der Liedermacher - | Feb 11 11:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RT @marjoleink: 'Military guarantees end of emergency law' but does not specify under what conditions #egypt | Feb 11 11:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RT @marjoleink: it also seems sum individual soldiers have defected & joined the protesters #egypt | Feb 11 11:26 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: YouTube - Fuck Sony Entertainment - Sid der Liedermacher .::. Size~: 134.48 KB | Feb 11 11:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Watch Now - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 84.36 KB | Feb 11 11:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Watch Now - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 84.36 KB | Feb 11 11:26 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: Have you ever had to work in body collection? | Feb 11 11:26 |
oiaohm | MinceR: is it just me or everytime Diablo-D3 picks a bad arguement he fails to respond? | Feb 11 11:28 |
Diablo-D3 | How is driver safety a bad argument? | Feb 11 11:28 |
Diablo-D3 | schestowitz: help Im being trolled | Feb 11 11:29 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: Some tech items help a person drive safer. | Feb 11 11:30 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: Yet somehow you think throw them all out will improve things. | Feb 11 11:30 |
Diablo-D3 | anything that takes the driver's eyes off the road is not one of them | Feb 11 11:30 |
oiaohm | Good speaking GPS's normally keep the drivers eyes on the road more. | Feb 11 11:31 |
oiaohm | Ie driver looking around for land marks because they are lost is also really bad. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:31 |
oiaohm | Destractions are not only inside the car. Being lost is a destraction. | Feb 11 11:31 |
Diablo-D3 | talking GPSes? thats even worse. | Feb 11 11:32 |
Diablo-D3 | they should figure out how to overlay driving instructions on the windshield | Feb 11 11:32 |
oiaohm | No talking gps saying left in so much distance is no differnet than a rally driver level of destraction. | Feb 11 11:32 |
Diablo-D3 | its two different inputs at once | Feb 11 11:32 |
oiaohm | Over layed instructiosn on windshield done wrong. | Feb 11 11:33 |
Diablo-D3 | thats bad design | Feb 11 11:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Nokia is Getting Rid of !Qt for Development, according to Lxnews | Feb 11 11:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Getting Rid of Qt for Development .::. Size~: 27.13 KB | Feb 11 11:33 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: not at all | Feb 11 11:33 |
oiaohm | Blocks person from being able to see stuff Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:33 |
Diablo-D3 | nope | Feb 11 11:33 |
oiaohm | Note I said done wrong. | Feb 11 11:33 |
Diablo-D3 | it doesnt block people's vision | Feb 11 11:33 |
oiaohm | It does in a really bad way. | Feb 11 11:33 |
Diablo-D3 | the kind I'm talking about is molded to what the driver sees | Feb 11 11:33 |
oiaohm | The survace on the glass reflecting the head up display done wrong hit by light at the right angle can white out. | Feb 11 11:34 |
oiaohm | So completely blinding the driver. | Feb 11 11:34 |
Diablo-D3 | you're complaining about a specific years old implementation | Feb 11 11:34 |
Diablo-D3 | not interested in hearing about it | Feb 11 11:34 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Missed this yesterday: World's first programmable nanoprocessor unveiled - TechEye | Feb 11 11:34 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: World's first programmable nanoprocessor unveiled - A Quantum Leap for computing | TechEye .::. Size~: 22.64 KB | Feb 11 11:34 |
oiaohm | Even modern day ones. Damaged get that effect. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:35 |
oiaohm | Most common cause of damage in incorrect cleaning products. | Feb 11 11:35 |
Diablo-D3 | then dont use incorrect cleaning products | Feb 11 11:35 |
Diablo-D3 | problem solved. | Feb 11 11:35 |
oiaohm | Problem is some of the incorrect cleaning products are labeled windscrean cleaner. | Feb 11 11:36 |
oiaohm | Yes we have idiots. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:36 |
Diablo-D3 | then the car owner has a suit against the manufacturer | Feb 11 11:36 |
Diablo-D3 | problem solved | Feb 11 11:36 |
Diablo-D3 | er, manufacturer of the cleaner | Feb 11 11:36 |
oiaohm | And the cleaner has a way out since head up display screen is techically not wind screen. | Feb 11 11:37 |
oiaohm | I would like to see more head up display as a option yes it would improve things. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:37 |
Diablo-D3 | not when the manufacturer of the car rapes them in court too. | Feb 11 11:37 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @speeddefrost If Microsoft buys Nokia, I'll probably die of laughter. | Feb 11 11:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] First analysis of the MS/Nokia merge #elopocalypse #Nokia | Feb 11 11:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Communities Dominate Brands: First Analysis of Nokia-Microsoft Alliance - Wow this is good for Microsoft .::. Size~: 102.42 KB | Feb 11 11:38 |
oiaohm | But we need a better material for the head up display that is more chemical tollerent. Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 11:38 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 11:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @GuamGuy: @schestowitz Major Android makers like Samsung, LG and Motorola are deep in patents. The rest are covered by Qualcomm. | Feb 11 11:38 |
Diablo-D3 | oiaohm: and no | Feb 11 11:38 |
Diablo-D3 | they should use gorilla glass and shit like that like everyone else | Feb 11 11:38 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 11:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @JLove_Mediator: @schestowitz Americans want liberty and justice for all. We voted our "cronies" out, and u will too! Our hearts r w/ u. | Feb 11 11:39 |
schestowitz | I distinguish between a country's government and people. The American people are good, but not given options of real representatives | Feb 11 11:39 |
Diablo-D3 | anyhow, Im going to bed | Feb 11 11:40 |
Diablo-D3 | night all | Feb 11 11:40 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: Sorry to say gorilla glass does not work for head up displays. | Feb 11 11:40 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 11:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @FOSSpatents: @schestowitz You should've gone there (if they recognized you as a member of the press) to ask if they'll assert patents against GNU/Linux. | Feb 11 11:40 |
oiaohm | Diablo-D3: but something releated to gorilla glass that works would be ideal. | Feb 11 11:41 |
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Feb 11 11:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody #Canonical Releases World’s Most Comprehensive, Up-to-Date Component Catalogue for #Linux - | Feb 11 11:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Component catalog | Ubuntu .::. Size~: 15.15 KB | Feb 11 11:48 |
*fanta01 has quit (Quit: ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)) | Feb 11 11:48 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 11:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @schestowitz: @Ender2070 feel free to apologise for accusing me of spreading incorrect predications about #Elopocalypse :-/ !Techrights predicted right... | Feb 11 11:49 |
gnufreex | Did Elop move to Finland? I heard he is moving Nokia HQ to USA instead. Probably to avoid getting arested. | Feb 11 11:50 |
schestowitz | Hehe | Feb 11 11:51 |
schestowitz | His family moved a lot | Feb 11 11:51 |
schestowitz | IIRC he has like 4 or 5 kids | Feb 11 11:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @Mark_Antony ...the pilot is way overweight, give you a complete MS stack, and cost £plenty to tell you to do what everyone else does! | Feb 11 11:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Open source software gains ground in higher education #Education #Freedom | Feb 11 11:51 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open source software gains ground in higher education | .::. Size~: 48.93 KB | Feb 11 11:51 |
schestowitz | He travels to find money, I suppose... | Feb 11 11:51 |
schestowitz | Ethics don't matter | Feb 11 11:51 |
schestowitz | Elop still works for Stephen (Ballmer) | Feb 11 11:51 |
gnufreex | Seriosuly, he can get jailed for intentionaly destroying companies in Finland. It is not wild west like USA. | Feb 11 11:54 |
gnufreex | What MSFT is doing to Nokia would be illegal in most european countries. | Feb 11 11:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @mustard: !mustard 0.1.12c pushed to market. It fixes notification issue and other few bugs | Feb 11 11:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "boycott by readers and bloggers on the Left, claiming that Huffington sold it out by taking a fortune at their expense" | Feb 11 11:54 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: AOL-HuffPo: Arianna And The Free Blog Economy | paidContent .::. Size~: 38.3 KB | Feb 11 11:54 |
gnufreex | They are practicaly overtaking company for 0$ | Feb 11 11:55 |
gnufreex | This is hostile takeover. | Feb 11 11:55 |
gnufreex | They stole entire company. | Feb 11 11:55 |
oiaohm | schestowitz: really one good thing could come out of nokia supporting windows phone 7. When it fails. MS will not be able to blame anyone. | Feb 11 11:56 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @willsmith:a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Symbian fanboys suddenly cried out in terror & were suddenly silenced. #fb | Feb 11 11:56 | |
gnufreex | oiaohm: They will blame that one MeeGo device (that is slated for end of year) for Noka failure | Feb 11 11:56 |
gnufreex | "they poured money in Linux, so failed" | Feb 11 11:57 |
oiaohm | gnufreex: There are already other Meego Devices out there. | Feb 11 11:57 |
schestowitz | I say, pour gasoline not on MeeGo | Feb 11 11:57 |
schestowitz | I have better places for the gasoline Elop spoke about | Feb 11 11:57 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Forged Comment Letters Sent to U.S. Regulators Writing Derivative Rules "“cartel-like control” of the $583 trillion..." | Feb 11 11:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] ♺ @willsmith:a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Symbian fanboys suddenly cried out in terror & were suddenly silenced. #fb | Feb 11 11:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Forged Comment Letters Sent to U.S. Regulators Writing Derivative Rules - Bloomberg .::. Size~: 61.43 KB | Feb 11 11:58 |
gnufreex | oiaohm: What meego devices? I didn't see any device from Nokia | Feb 11 11:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @harishpillay Darth Ballmer: "I am your father, Nokia" :-) | Feb 11 11:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] RT @mustard !mustard 0.1.12c pushed to market. It fixes notification issue and other few bugs | Feb 11 11:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] Let's call out against WinPhoneys from Nokia !meego fans should spread the word to friends/family. | Feb 11 11:59 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Meego away from Win Phoney .::. Size~: 7.56 KB | Feb 11 12:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "What MSFT is doing to Nokia would be illegal in most European countries. They are practically overtaking company for 0$" ~ @gnufreex #yahoo | Feb 11 12:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "This is hostile takeover. They stole entire company." ~ @gnufreex -- like they did #corel #novell #yahoo and several others. #entryism | Feb 11 12:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RT @dazfuller: #nokia share price tanks, or "death by association" | Feb 11 12:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer @harishpillay Darth Ballmer: "I am your father, Nokia" :-) // | grep s/Nokia/Stephen Elop/ | Feb 11 12:01 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia’s Shares Tank After Microsoft Announcement - Parmy Olson - Disruptors - Forbes .::. Size~: 97.33 KB | Feb 11 12:01 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @willsmith:a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Symbian fanboys suddenly cried out in terror & were suddenly silenced. | Feb 11 12:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @ruiseabra Let's call out against WinPhoneys from Nokia !meego fans should spread the word to friends/family. | Feb 11 12:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] 2005 flashback: MS & Palm jv FAIL! - #fb | Feb 11 12:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Meego away from Win Phoney .::. Size~: 7.56 KB | Feb 11 12:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Palm and Microsoft Join to Bring the Palm Experience to Windows Mobile; Verizon Wireless First to Market with New Treo Smartphone: Strategic alliance to accelerate the Smartphone market segment with a new device for mobile professionals and businesses. .::. Size~: 67.31 KB | Feb 11 12:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Oh, Dear God, Elop's is in a burning platform, and he's using gasoline to extinguish the fire... Poor fool... | Feb 11 12:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] When is the @LinuxFoundation in all this, having preached co-existence with #Microsoft and backed Moblin, then #MeeGo w/ #LSB ? | Feb 11 12:04 | |
oiaohm | Seen this one gnufreex ? | Feb 11 12:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Indamixx 2 Music Tablet Goes With MeeGo, Atom CPU - HotHardware .::. Size~: 30.15 KB | Feb 11 12:05 |
gnufreex | oiaohmL But that is not from Nokia... they made none. | Feb 11 12:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] RT @hook Dunno why everyone hates Mondays. Fridays are ones where the whole week topples onto you and says "Screw your weekend! You're s ... | Feb 11 12:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Will Intel take over MeeGo? What does Intel have to say (owing to Moblin)? What about AMD which joined? #Elopocalype #entryism #distortion | Feb 11 12:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @schestowitz TBH I start to think #Berlusconi *is* #Mubaraks son ;-) | Feb 11 12:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] LGPL enforced in Germany (DE) - Compliance is easy, but you have to want it | Feb 11 12:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @joabj Vatican Bans iOS Confessional App (App Whisperer): | Feb 11 12:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: heise online - Anspruch auf Schadensersatz bei LGPL-Verletzung .::. Size~: 47.86 KB | Feb 11 12:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Vatican Bans iOS Confessional App .::. Size~: 37.54 KB | Feb 11 12:06 |
oiaohm | gnufreex: There have been meego deviese just not from nokia. | Feb 11 12:07 |
gnufreex | oiaohm: But who owns trademark? Is it Intel or Nokia? | Feb 11 12:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer everything is possible when they sleep with teenagers | Feb 11 12:08 | |
gnufreex | If Nokia, then Intel has to do rename | Feb 11 12:08 |
gnufreex | Microsoft will not let them use it | Feb 11 12:08 |
schestowitz | Maybe the LF | Feb 11 12:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @jwildeboer Maybe Berlusconi, Mubarak and Elop should have a jerk party today... | Feb 11 12:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] RT @jwildeboer ♺ @willsmith:a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Symbian fanboys suddenly cried out in terror & were sudd ... | Feb 11 12:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Minister destroys national identity register it's like shredding Big Brother | Feb 11 12:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] Antitrust authorities better start preparing. Ballmer: "There are other mobile ecosystems. We will disrupt them." #elopocalypse | Feb 11 12:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] LOL! :D ♺ @thaoverlord: @fabsh Bernd: | Feb 11 12:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Minister destroys national identity register | Guardian Government Computing | Guardian Professional .::. Size~: 107.35 KB | Feb 11 12:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: YouTube - Neues aus der Anstalt - Rainald Grebe - Bernd (Stiftunwarentest) .::. Size~: 123.1 KB | Feb 11 12:09 |
oiaohm | Linux foundation holds the Meego trademark. gnufreex and schestowitz | Feb 11 12:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] "Kritische Kunden haben kritische Haare." LOL | Feb 11 12:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody - | Feb 11 12:11 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: | Free, legal art for open source game projects .::. Size~: 66.49 KB | Feb 11 12:11 |
gnufreex | oiaohm: How come Nokia sent C&D letter to Smeegol ? | Feb 11 12:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It's a dark and very cold day in Helsinki today. No, it really is #nokia #death #suicide #entryism | Feb 11 12:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Will #Egypt protests culminate in march from #Tahrir to president palace? It's a long walk. Could become legend. | Feb 11 12:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC Weather | Helsinki .::. Size~: 56.25 KB | Feb 11 12:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] "It's been said that Bill Gates named his company after his dick..." !q | Feb 11 12:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Nokia is a #swpats booster - pushing for them in the #UK and also fighting against #Ogg - for shame | Feb 11 12:14 | |
gnufreex | It turns out that it was LF that sent C&D letter oiaohm | Feb 11 12:14 |
gnufreex | So LF owns trademark after all. | Feb 11 12:15 |
oiaohm | gnufreex: I was just about to tell you off over that with the link to the LF letter. | Feb 11 12:15 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Could become relevant again. Remember what happened to Palm after they partnered with MSFT? #Nokia | Feb 11 12:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Q: How many Microsoft Devs does it take to change a lightbulb ? A: None, they just define Darkness™ as the new industry standard. !q | Feb 11 12:16 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Palm and Microsoft Join to Bring the Palm Experience to Windows Mobile; Verizon Wireless First to Market with New Treo Smartphone: Strategic alliance to accelerate the Smartphone market segment with a new device for mobile professionals and businesses. .::. Size~: 67.37 KB | Feb 11 12:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @rrix Who's going to camp kde...? not sure I want to go right now, mr | Feb 11 12:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Think how many companies Microsoft has destroyed. Now, think of many patent-trolling firms it created... inc. IV. | Feb 11 12:18 | |
oiaohm | gnufreex: some of it could be that LF with might not be heading down a exculsive app store solutions. | Feb 11 12:18 |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Feb 11 12:19 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 12:21 | |
oiaohm | gnufreex: the Smeegol C&D was more over the miss use of Meego (tm) on there site. Ie not mentioning that Meego was not theirs. | Feb 11 12:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webupd8/@webupd8] Ubuntu 11.04 Release Schedule Changed | Feb 11 12:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webupd8/@webupd8] Unity 2D Gets A Workspace Switcher Too | Feb 11 12:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] RT @jonkulp my son to me: "what's the point of complaining if no one hears me?"(after I told him to go to his room if he wanted to keep ... | Feb 11 12:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] I bet that over the coming week Linux news will be flooded by #Nokia news as journos get all distracted. Sandboxing it is hard. | Feb 11 12:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Ubuntu 11.04 Release Schedule Changed ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 52.3 KB | Feb 11 12:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Unity 2D Gets A Workspace Switcher Too ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 54.1 KB | Feb 11 12:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] Prevent #elopocalypse! Pledge not to buy or develop for Nokia WinPhoneys! | Feb 11 12:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Meego away from Win Phoney .::. Size~: 7.56 KB | Feb 11 12:23 |
schestowitz | oiaohm: and mono | Feb 11 12:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Nominet asks what you think of police domain grab we're losing control of the #WWW to the #mafiaa and government zeal | Feb 11 12:24 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nominet asks what you think of police domain grab • The Register .::. Size~: 21.22 KB | Feb 11 12:24 |
oiaohm | Really Nokia move could be a good thing for meego. | Feb 11 12:25 |
oiaohm | Since lot of mono supportors could pull out. | Feb 11 12:25 |
gnufreex | Mono suporters will push harder now | Feb 11 12:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RT @schestowitz: I bet that ovr the coming week Linux news will B flooded by #Nokia news as journos get all distracted. Sandboxing its hard. | Feb 11 12:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Russian volunteer army to fight 'dangerous content' online more #censorship on the #www -- soon enough it's state-owned | Feb 11 12:26 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Russian volunteer army to fight 'dangerous content' online • The Register .::. Size~: 22.24 KB | Feb 11 12:26 |
gnufreex | They feel like their Jihad is suceding | Feb 11 12:26 |
gnufreex | ANd that whole world will convert to .NET | Feb 11 12:26 |
gnufreex | So they will keep claiming that everyone who doens't like .NET is crazy and stupid | Feb 11 12:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RT @intercoolo: PlayStation Hacker Must Hand His Hard Drive ovr 2 Sony [Hacks] #tech #gadgets < Idiotic!!! | Feb 11 12:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide .::. Size~: 53.64 KB | Feb 11 12:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @ruiseabra Never gonna happen. This ship has sailed... | Feb 11 12:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] From KIN to Nokia are only two letters! First Nokia smartphone can be delivered in a matter of days! Rebranded Kins! #Nokia #Microsoft | Feb 11 12:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Was ist eigentlich der Deal mit der deutschen Linke und Israel? Das ist so ziemlich der rechteste demokratische Staat, den es gibt. | Feb 11 12:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Ações da Nokia caem 10% após anúncio de fusão com a Microsoft Por que será? | Feb 11 12:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer then please don't confuse the audience promoting and celebrating openness when the goal is freedom | Feb 11 12:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: - Mercado - Ação da Nokia cai 10% após anúncio de nova estratégia - 11/02/2011 .::. Size~: 62.66 KB | Feb 11 12:31 |
*fanta01 ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 12:32 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♻ @tante There's gonna be a spinjob on the KDE website soon. Just lean back and enjoy it. | Feb 11 12:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] @fabsh I never even knew there was a link? | Feb 11 12:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RT @tante @timpritlove: #Microsoft: We will save #Nokia. As we did with #Palm | Feb 11 12:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer “Free Country” is well known, and what they're after. “Open Country” is divisive, for those who'll settle for less | Feb 11 12:34 | |
MinceR | oiaohm: he's trolling, as usual | Feb 11 12:36 |
MinceR | 121857 < oiaohm> Yes Ideal is of course not driver looking at gps but person sitting next to driver looking at gps making sure that its right. | Feb 11 12:36 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @silner I talked with David Rovics about this too, he's as dismayed at this as I am. | Feb 11 12:36 | |
gnufreex | | Feb 11 12:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 12:36 |
MinceR | they come with speech synthesis | Feb 11 12:36 |
MinceR | so you don't need to look at them | Feb 11 12:36 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] Prevent #elopocalypse! ♺ @fabsh: @ruiseabra Never gonna happen. This ship has sailed... | Feb 11 12:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] @fabsh It is very odd. I'll have to try and research it. Any links would be valued. Quite interested in politics, in my non Linux time :) | Feb 11 12:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 Found | Feb 11 12:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @silner It's very easy: they think because of Nazi Germany we now have to be on Israel's side for eternity. No matter how many innocent die. | Feb 11 12:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] #LibreOffice 3.3.1 Release Candidate available #ooo #oracle #microsoft #office | Feb 11 12:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @rsandu Cisco feels heat from HP, Juniper as margins crimped #cisco #hp #juniper <-juniper run by former Microsofters | Feb 11 12:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Download QA builds » LibreOffice .::. Size~: 255.43 KB | Feb 11 12:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Cisco feels heat from HP, Juniper as margins crimped | ZDNet .::. Size~: 108.25 KB | Feb 11 12:43 |
gnufreex | <MinceR> oiaohm: he's trolling, as usual | Feb 11 12:43 |
gnufreex | who? Me? | Feb 11 12:43 |
oiaohm | MinceR: Head up display is a little better. If there was not defects in the matterials. | Feb 11 12:43 |
MinceR | gnufreex: no, diablo-d3 | Feb 11 12:43 |
oiaohm | No gnufreex diablo-d3 | Feb 11 12:43 |
gnufreex | oh | Feb 11 12:43 |
MinceR | oiaohm: perhaps a combination of the two | Feb 11 12:44 |
oiaohm | diablo-d3 tried to make out that GPS unit in car increase risk of car crash gnufreex | Feb 11 12:44 |
oiaohm | gnufreex: problem is that is 100 percent not true. | Feb 11 12:44 |
oiaohm | GPS units reduce crashes. | Feb 11 12:44 |
oiaohm | Some more than others. | Feb 11 12:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @WebUpd8: Jeff Waugh: The Elopocalypse: Nokia chooses Microsoft | Feb 11 12:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] @fabsh Ah gotcha - I suppose that explains it, even if it doesn't justify it | Feb 11 12:44 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Elopocalypse: Nokia chooses Microsoft | Be the signal .::. Size~: 32.03 KB | Feb 11 12:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Shortly after cancelling all #MeeGo phones #Nokia unveils new #Windows phones [IMG] | Feb 11 12:46 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 12:46 |
oiaohm | MinceR: basically GPS is cars is a good start to sanity. Of course I don't know how diablo-3d would take to the idea of self driving cars. | Feb 11 12:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] "What's Hot: | Nokia Strategy 2011 | Windows Phone | Microsoft | Stephen Elop | Almanac" - from #nuffsaid #Nokia | Feb 11 12:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @fabsh not raining here. can I please get better news to match? :-) :-( | Feb 11 12:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open Letter from CEO Stephen Elop, Nokia and CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft | Nokia Conversations - The official Nokia Blog .::. Size~: 465.84 KB | Feb 11 12:48 |
MinceR | oiaohm: he'd foam at the mouth | Feb 11 12:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @lxoliva LOL! ;) | Feb 11 12:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @tante: First #nokia phone running Windows Phone 7: | Feb 11 12:49 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 12:49 |
oiaohm | MinceR: Really in a lot of ways it the best solution to human behind wheel problem. | Feb 11 12:50 |
MinceR | unless the car runs winblows | Feb 11 12:50 |
MinceR | audi, for example. | Feb 11 12:50 |
oiaohm | MinceR: Lot of aircraft these day are basically fly by computer unless something goes wrong. | Feb 11 12:50 |
MinceR | in which case it's a cruise missile on wheels. | Feb 11 12:50 |
oiaohm | Of course not windows. | Feb 11 12:50 |
oiaohm | Linux systems than can restart in under 1 secound. | Feb 11 12:50 |
oiaohm | Some how I have never seen windows do that. | Feb 11 12:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @jwildeboer: @schestowitz TBH I start to think #Berlusconi *is* #Mubaraks son ;-) | Feb 11 12:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: Shortly after cancelling all #MeeGo phones #Nokia unveils new #Windows phones [IMG] | Feb 11 12:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Sarkozy under pressure as French judges take to the streets "judges take to the streets" > so rare it must be serious | Feb 11 12:51 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 12:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Sarkozy under pressure as French judges take to the streets | World news | The Guardian .::. Size~: 89.42 KB | Feb 11 12:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @nandaweiden: RT @documentfreedom:Hoje é #FollowFriday para Document Freedom Day! RT p/ fazer DFD muito maior em 2011! #dfd2011 | Feb 11 12:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] RT @fabsh I believe we need to upgrade the crap alert for the next !LO. This #Nokia business introduces whole new levels of crap to the ... | Feb 11 12:56 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 12:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @GuamGuy: @schestowitz Nokia - Microsoft will be quickly forgotten when the next iPad 2 rumor comes out. | Feb 11 12:56 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @fabsh: One thing I truely respect Red Hat for is its culture of letting people speak their mind. That is awesome. | Feb 11 12:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer so basically, you're the @jonobacon of RHT? | Feb 11 12:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Chevenga: Philosopher in Arms : The Hayel-fight through the Marble Palace #Chevenga #weblit #fantasy #worthreading | Feb 11 12:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 435 - That is power | C H E V E N G A • L I V E S • H E R E .::. Size~: 55.96 KB | Feb 11 12:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer #Egypt's Information minister reminds me of Baghdad-Bob "There are no american forces in Baghdad!" #Jan25 | Feb 11 12:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] RT @tante First #nokia phone running Windows Phone 7: | Feb 11 12:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer depends what "forces" means. There are many forces at play (influences), fuelling the country's military, tear gas, Mubarak... | Feb 11 12:59 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 12:59 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @AnonymousIRC: May we suggest you follow @AnonymousLeaks from now on? We believe he will provide interesting tweets. Just a gut feeling. | Feb 11 13:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The United States uses Egypt (& Israel) as cannon fodder to serve as outpost for ME/Africa coordination. They give weapons,Egypt gives flesh | Feb 11 13:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @schestowitz Nope, I don't write books and I don't like Metal. I suck at guitar playing and my hair is longer ;-) | Feb 11 13:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] ^X^C q quit :q ^C end x exit ZZ ^D ^Z ^K^B ? help | Feb 11 13:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @schestowitz And you won't hear me use "rocking" and "awesome" all the time ;-) | Feb 11 13:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @stshank Elop says agreement "allows Nokia to jointly drive future of Windows Phone." Will Samsung, HTC, etc bother with WP7 in future? | Feb 11 13:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] RT @jwildeboer ♺ @willsmith:a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Symbian fanboys suddenly cried out in terror & were sudd ... | Feb 11 13:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] #facebook'ers can also help prevent #elopcalypse | Feb 11 13:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Login | Facebook .::. Size~: 15.87 KB | Feb 11 13:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @silner Arduino IDE (via Planet #Fedora ) | Feb 11 13:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Arduino IDE .::. Size~: 19.58 KB | Feb 11 13:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Vryka: EC 435 Wanking 101 #weblit #webfic #fantasy #Minis #reading #healthysex | Feb 11 13:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Nothing has happened so far today that was not _expected_, so it makes sense to carry on covering Linux news and Egypt's struggle 4 freedom | Feb 11 13:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Seif Lotfy: #Zeitgeist Project to go for stable release cycles | Feb 11 13:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @neilhimself: RT @Anonymoosh: Uninstalling dictator ... 99% complete ███████████████████████████░ Error 404 Freedom not Found | Feb 11 13:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Who Are This Year's Free Software Heroes? #drupal deserved kudos | Feb 11 13:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Eclipse Court .::. Size~: 189.52 KB | Feb 11 13:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Zeitgeist Project to go for stable release cycles | Seilo @ Geeky Ogre .::. Size~: 22.08 KB | Feb 11 13:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Linux News: Community: Who Are This Year's Free Software Heroes? .::. Size~: 60.24 KB | Feb 11 13:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Whether #Mubarak exits now or later does not matter as much as *who* (or *what*) replaces him? A rebadged Mubarak is no achievement. #egypt | Feb 11 13:11 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 13:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Friday, 11-Feb-11 13:04:45 UTC - @jwildeboer snap! | Feb 11 13:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @joabj TIOBE Index: Python more popular than PHP (H) | Feb 11 13:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Mexico #drug violence not an 'emergency,' White House says - riiight (v @SanhoTree @TransformDrugs) | Feb 11 13:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: TIOBE Index: Python more popular than PHP - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 41.4 KB | Feb 11 13:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Mexico violence not 'emergency,' White House says - U.S. news - Security - .::. Size~: 94.84 KB | Feb 11 13:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] Putting out fire... with ga-so-liiiiiiiiiine! #elopcalypse | Feb 11 13:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] 1998/99: SGI CEO makes WinNT on it's systems - then leaves and joins MS - #fb | Feb 11 13:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Apple will bring out a budget #Iphone to battle #Android - understandable, but how to square with #Apple's cachet? | Feb 11 13:14 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | @: | Feb 11 13:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Details of SGI's Windows NT workstations emerging - CNET News .::. Size~: 60.53 KB | Feb 11 13:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Departing SGI chief may join Microsoft - CNET News .::. Size~: 58.02 KB | Feb 11 13:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Apple will bring out a budget iphone to battle android- The Inquirer .::. Size~: 60.55 KB | Feb 11 13:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @toros #WebUpd8: Install #Transmission #BitTorrent Client 2.21 In !Ubuntu !PPA available: | Feb 11 13:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @schestowitz @gnufreex I “blame” it on the GPL. MS has “innovate” on methods to kill businesses without buying GPL obligations | Feb 11 13:16 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Install Transmission BitTorrent Client 2.21 In Ubuntu (PPA) ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 54.16 KB | Feb 11 13:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Stable builds : “transmissionbt” team .::. Size~: 21.86 KB | Feb 11 13:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer So will UAE become Jurassic park of dictators from arab region? #Egpyt #Jan25 | Feb 11 13:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer you realise that Tiller and @fontana are not pro-abolition of #swpats - right? | Feb 11 13:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] RT @jwildeboer @willsmith Darth Ballmer: "I am your father, Elop" *drumroll* *Starwarstheme* ;-) | Feb 11 13:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @schestowitz Who Are This Year's Free Software Heroes? #drupal deserved kudos | Feb 11 13:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] Microsoft Nokia, MicroNokia, MicNok, MiNo, Mna mna do dooo, do do do, Mna mna, d-do do do. :) #M$ #Nokia #Muppets | Feb 11 13:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @lxoliva Microsoft is a champion of market distortion. In fact, its co-founder Gates is now creating new market distorters like IV and B&M F | Feb 11 13:19 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Linux News: Community: Who Are This Year's Free Software Heroes? .::. Size~: 60.17 KB | Feb 11 13:19 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Ryan Giggs has made more Manchester derby appearances (33) than the 11 players who started for Manchester City last weekend (31) !mufc | Feb 11 13:21 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 13:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @LuÃs Souto Graña (spectrumgomas)'s status on Friday, 11-Feb-11 13:15:58 UTC - Bueno, al menos @schestowitz ha sido coherente, ha comparado #Nokia con el satán #Novell: . #ironíasdelavida | Feb 11 13:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Twitter .::. Size~: 44.43 KB | Feb 11 13:21 |
*amarsh04_ (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 13:22 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Feb 11 13:22 | |
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04 | Feb 11 13:22 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Canonical Puts Out A Hardware List, But It Falls Short also see #ubuntu | Feb 11 13:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Canonical Puts Out A Hardware List, But It Falls Short .::. Size~: 24.17 KB | Feb 11 13:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Canonical makes certified components list public | jonathan carter .::. Size~: 36.73 KB | Feb 11 13:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Canonical launch list of Ubuntu-compatible PC components .::. Size~: 58.34 KB | Feb 11 13:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mozilla/@mozilla] Jolicloud – a web standards based OS | Feb 11 13:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Listening to @methoddan's "Fight On" again. #Egypt | Feb 11 13:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Microsoft just bought Nokia for $0" | Feb 11 13:26 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jolicloud – a web standards based OS ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog .::. Size~: 23.27 KB | Feb 11 13:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Trouble In Egypt | .::. Size~: 23.22 KB | Feb 11 13:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft just bought Nokia for $0 | .::. Size~: 8.85 KB | Feb 11 13:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @jospoortvliet Zomg, leaked image of #Nokia running WP7: RT @tante via @fabsh on #elopcalypse #feb11 | Feb 11 13:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 13:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @toros #GTK+ 3 is here #gnome | Feb 11 13:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @grep: #Mubarak.. you are insane! | Feb 11 13:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Falkvinge: RT @hadeelalsh: Egyptian companies run ads in papers today denying connection to Mubarak family #egypt #Jan25 | Feb 11 13:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] /me has not programmed with GTK since 2002. | Feb 11 13:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: News » GTK+ 3 is here .::. Size~: 13.3 KB | Feb 11 13:31 |
*fanta01 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 11 13:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @stephwho: @jwildeboer actually the thing with the hair should be changed ASAP... | Feb 11 13:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @laurelrusswurm re "It was interesting, but I can't talk about the hearing due to a gag order" < sounds like you visited #Mubarak :-D | Feb 11 13:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #FAIL #bigmistake: Nokia you just shoot yourself not in the foot but right in the head! | Feb 11 13:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @glynmoody: Why the #Arduino Won and Why It’s Here to Stay - useful analysis #openhardware | Feb 11 13:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] ♻ @jospoortvliet: Zomg, leaked image of #Nokia running WP7: RT @tante via @fabsh on #elopocalypse #feb11 | Feb 11 13:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Make: Online » Why the Arduino Won and Why It’s Here to Stay .::. Size~: 118.7 KB | Feb 11 13:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 13:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer Did they mix up the tapes at state TV? Did they show the wrong speech of #Mubarak? | Feb 11 13:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh Yeah. Sure. Now the Israelis meddle again. The only country worse than the US in messing with other countries... | Feb 11 13:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] Anyone remember this? Glad people thought ahead: A great reminder why we need freedom to fork! #qt #nokia | Feb 11 13:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @fabsh #Egypt #Jan25 #MubarakMustLeave #nopasaran | Feb 11 13:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[sagarun/@sagarun] Oh yeah! Nokia just jumped from a burning platform to a shark-infested water. | Feb 11 13:39 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: KDE - KDE Free Qt Foundation .::. Size~: 14.45 KB | Feb 11 13:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Trouble In Egypt | .::. Size~: 23.22 KB | Feb 11 13:39 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: ♺ @toros #GTK+ 3 is here #gnome | Feb 11 13:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Another Novell bites the dust. Now, it's Novkia... Sad for Finland. | Feb 11 13:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer Dear #Mubarak, you want to sentence those that brought violence over the protestors? Start with the man in the mirror. | Feb 11 13:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @schestowitz: @laurelrusswurm is taking about the Canadian Justice system. I suspect the gag order is to prevent embarrassment to the crown. | Feb 11 13:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Neil Gaiman On Internet Piracy: "It's People Lending Books" #sharing #abundance | Feb 11 13:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @TonyClement_MP: Shout out to fellow Aquarian @jordanowen, who celebrates 63rd birthday on weekend! #twitteraccuracy | Feb 11 13:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @TonyClement_MP: Oops. Seems I left out a letter: it's @jordanowens... | Feb 11 13:41 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: News » GTK+ 3 is here .::. Size~: 13.3 KB | Feb 11 13:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Neil Gaiman On Internet Piracy: "It's People Lending Books" - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews .::. Size~: 86.76 KB | Feb 11 13:41 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺@glynmoody: @stshank Elop says agreement "allows Nokia to jointly drive future of Windows Phone." Will Samsung, HTC, etc bother with WP7... | Feb 11 13:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @TonyClement_MP: Soon to be in Huntsville, to tape my monthly Cogeco cable access show. Party on, excellent. | Feb 11 13:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer Sign of hope. No violence at #Tahrir. Keep the peace. Remember, best way to show your teeth to your enemy is to SMILE! #Egypt | Feb 11 13:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "If you're going to kill someone... just pull the trigger... We need to smile at #Novell while we pull the trigger." -Former Microsoft VP | Feb 11 13:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @themadhatter it's to show that something is amiss. Excepting family/personal life, secrecy often implies misconduct. | Feb 11 13:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Neil Gaiman On Internet #Piracy: "It's People Lending Books" - which drives more sales (v @schestowitz) #sharing | Feb 11 13:44 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Neil Gaiman On Internet Piracy: "It's People Lending Books" - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews .::. Size~: 86.76 KB | Feb 11 13:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @greve: ♻ @jospoortvliet: Zomg, leaked image of #Nokia running WP7: RT @tante via @fabsh | Feb 11 13:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Published yesterday by "Getting Started with MeeGo (" MSFT's Elop: "Pouring Gasoline on MeeGo" | Feb 11 13:46 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 13:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Getting Started with MeeGo ( [] .::. Size~: 6.52 KB | Feb 11 13:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webupd8/@webupd8] Fix DPKG Error "Trying to Overwrite X Which Is Also In Package Y" In Ubuntu [Quick Tip] | Feb 11 13:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @jwildeboer Army should arrest #Mubarak. Send him to The Hague. NOW. | Feb 11 13:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @schestowitz Secrecy in the Byron Sonne case is to hide malfeasance by the Crown. Gag dies when case is over, can't wait... | Feb 11 13:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[docufoundation/@docufoundation] RT @floeff LibreOffice 3.3.1 Release Candidate available: !libo !tdf | Feb 11 13:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Fix DPKG Error "Trying to Overwrite X Which Is Also In Package Y" In Ubuntu [Quick Tip] ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 54.14 KB | Feb 11 13:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: LibreOffice 3.3.1 Release Candidate available « The Document Foundation Blog .::. Size~: 25.7 KB | Feb 11 13:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Security quotes "Okay, so he's an idiot. And a bastard. [...] That's simply no way to run a free country." -- Schneier | Feb 11 13:49 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Security quotes of the week [] .::. Size~: 5.99 KB | Feb 11 13:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] RT @greve Anyone remember this? Glad people thought ahead: A great reminder why we need freedom to fork! #qt #nokia | Feb 11 13:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @schestowitz: @jwildeboer Why would you want to torture The Hague by sending #Mubarak to them? #Jan25 | Feb 11 13:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #Nokia you guys should have looked at #HP...but with a Trojan Horse for's difficult to make good decisions! | Feb 11 13:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @jospoortvliet @bulldog98 @arnebab why... If N9 is success & first wp7 phones suc they might fire mr #epocalypse but he won't change ... | Feb 11 13:51 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: KDE - KDE Free Qt Foundation .::. Size~: 14.45 KB | Feb 11 13:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @: | Feb 11 13:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @themadhatter but "gag order" is also what #Mubarak calls it when he sends his private police to gag (as in torture) critical bloggers :-/ | Feb 11 13:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @themadhatter we dutch people love that kind of shit ;-) cc @schestowitz | Feb 11 13:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @laurelrusswurm RT @marjoleink people waving shoes... in my thoughts I wave my shoes as well #egypt << /methinks | Feb 11 13:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @jwildeboer can you deport some of Mubarak's neighbours too? Many of them also need to visit the Hague. #Corruption and #warcrime galore. | Feb 11 13:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Palantir Apologizes For #WikiLeaks Attack Proposal, Cuts Ties With HBGary - thus confirming it was *true*; amazing | Feb 11 13:54 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: YouTube - Bush Dodges Shoes Thrown by Iraqi Journalist .::. Size~: 127.55 KB | Feb 11 13:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Palantir Apologizes For WikiLeaks Attack Proposal, Cuts Ties With HBGary - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes .::. Size~: 105.25 KB | Feb 11 13:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @jwildeboer U think u could get the entire nation to wave their shoes as #mubarak 's plane lands? | Feb 11 13:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @themadhatter maybe he can pay his $40,000,000,000 bail (allegedly his assets), to be redistributed in Europe ;-) | Feb 11 13:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @laurelrusswurm That's what dictators do... they threaten citizens, and rule by fear. I'm very impressed with the citizens of #egypt | Feb 11 13:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Anonymous Operation Goya: anti-’Sinde’ law - should help get the word out about this bad law #spain | Feb 11 13:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The military in #egypt does not need to take "sides", as corporate media reports. The military *is* Mubarak, see his bio and money funnels. | Feb 11 13:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: p2pnet news » Blog Archive » Anonymous Operation Goya: anti-’Sinde’ law .::. Size~: 45.59 KB | Feb 11 13:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxnews/@lxnews] Nokia Stock in Free Fall after the Microsoft Announcement | Feb 11 13:59 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Stock in Free Fall after the Microsoft Announcement .::. Size~: 26.87 KB | Feb 11 14:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The battle in Egypt is a battle to get rid of a Western outpost in North Africa/Middle East.Defending Colonialism is like defending slavery. | Feb 11 14:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] Cool. #economist just arrived, with 3D printing as the title topic | Feb 11 14:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[opensourceway/@opensourceway] Democratizing fashion | #opensource #polyvore | Feb 11 14:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] People used to justify slavery using (1) the bible (self justifying) & (2) claiming the slaves enjoyed being slaves; how about imperialism? | Feb 11 14:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The #Smartphone Wars: #Nokia’s Suicide Note - ESR on failure "to resolve Nokia’s drift & lack of a strategic focus" | Feb 11 14:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Democratizing fashion | .::. Size~: 42.33 KB | Feb 11 14:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Armed and Dangerous » Blog Archive » The Smartphone Wars: Nokia’s Suicide Note .::. Size~: 25.39 KB | Feb 11 14:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺@glynmoody: Palantir Apologizes For #WikiLeaks Attack Proposal, Cuts Ties With HBGary thus confirming it was *true*... | Feb 11 14:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] I installed mustard on my android phone. Let's see how it works... | Feb 11 14:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Asking slave owners (e.g. US southerners a century+ ago) about slavery is like asking the West (empire) if client states deserve this abuse. | Feb 11 14:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @Texrat RT @mece66 #elopocalypse is a gigantic slap in the face to developers who have invested their time in Qt and MeeGo. #nokia #fail | Feb 11 14:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @lxnews: Nokia Stock in Free Fall after the Microsoft Announcement | Feb 11 14:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Did you know that the ministers in #Egypt are worth billions (each) and in Egypt a lot of the population lives on $2/day? #Colony #Fail | Feb 11 14:04 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Palantir Apologizes For WikiLeaks Attack Proposal, Cuts Ties With HBGary - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes .::. Size~: 104.81 KB | Feb 11 14:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Stock in Free Fall after the Microsoft Announcement .::. Size~: 27.19 KB | Feb 11 14:04 |
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 11 14:05 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Mustard seems to be much faster than statusnet android was. The interface of statusnet android was nicer, though... | Feb 11 14:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] Freaking hilarious - Wall Street Journal is printing 1st para of PJ's latest article, with a link to #Groklaw - | Feb 11 14:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] RT @lxnews Nokia Stock in Free Fall after the Microsoft Announcement | Feb 11 14:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Law - Judge Illston Alters Some of Her Order; Iss… .::. Size~: 13.09 KB | Feb 11 14:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Stock in Free Fall after the Microsoft Announcement .::. Size~: 27.19 KB | Feb 11 14:06 |
gnufreex | BSA fascists again | Feb 11 14:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BSA nabs Chester MS software pirate • Channel Register .::. Size~: 22.02 KB | Feb 11 14:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gouki/@gouki] !wl goodies for sale: | Feb 11 14:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: WikiLeaks Shop (EU) .::. Size~: 259.59 KB | Feb 11 14:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] I don't need to defend porn to fight the UK net filtering proposals - excellent points #censorship | Feb 11 14:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] OK. Uni stuff done, !LO edited.... Now off for a shower and then I've got housework to do.... | Feb 11 14:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Slightly Right of Centre: I don't need to defend porn to fight the UK net filtering proposals .::. Size~: 87.78 KB | Feb 11 14:09 |
schestowitz | heh. "Defying the will of the people that have come out in their millions throughout Egypt in premature celebration of President Mubarak's widely rumored resignation." | Feb 11 14:13 |
schestowitz | gnufreex: good | Feb 11 14:14 |
schestowitz | I hope they crack down hard | Feb 11 14:14 |
schestowitz | I just hate their lobbying | Feb 11 14:14 |
schestowitz | They're not supposed to lobby, but they di | Feb 11 14:14 |
schestowitz | *do | Feb 11 14:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @glynmoody: I don't need to defend porn to fight the UK net filtering proposals - excellent points #censorship | Feb 11 14:14 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Slightly Right of Centre: I don't need to defend porn to fight the UK net filtering proposals .::. Size~: 87.78 KB | Feb 11 14:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Acc to NDP officials, #Mubarak has indeed moved to Sharm El Sheich. Can aonyone confirm? #Egypt #Jan25 | Feb 11 14:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @laurelrusswurm ♺ @jimmorgan Bangladesh: Teenage girl who died after punishment prescribed by the Qur'an bled to death | Feb 11 14:16 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Bangladesh: Teenage girl who died after punishment prescribed by the Qur'an bled to death - Jihad Watch .::. Size~: 54.69 KB | Feb 11 14:16 |
*nokianews (185baa56@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | Feb 11 14:17 | |
nokianews | stopping by real quick in case you hadn't seen the news about nokia | Feb 11 14:17 |
nokianews | goingwith windows phone 7 | Feb 11 14:18 |
nokianews | | Feb 11 14:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia and Microsoft Announce Plans for a Broad Strategic Partnership to Build a New Global Mobile Ecosystem: Companies plan to combine assets and develop innovative mobile products on an unprecedented scale. .::. Size~: 64.77 KB | Feb 11 14:18 |
nokianews | "Nokia would adopt Windows Phone as its principal smartphone strategy, innovating on top of the platform in areas such as imaging, where Nokia is a market leader." | Feb 11 14:18 |
MinceR | we've discussed it | Feb 11 14:18 |
nokianews | ah, ok | Feb 11 14:18 |
MinceR | nokia is dead | Feb 11 14:18 |
MinceR | i wonder how many victims do people need before they'll see that it's not a good idea to associate with m$ | Feb 11 14:19 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @silner This was always going to happen once !Android took off: Anger with #Apple pushes firms to Android | Feb 11 14:20 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @satipera BBC newsnight major piece ... how botnets are easy to deploy. Easier to deploy than mentioning real problem, MS software. | Feb 11 14:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Anger with Apple pushes firms to Android - National News - National - General - Barossa & Light Herald .::. Size~: 80.26 KB | Feb 11 14:20 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "In private a government delegate compared Microsoft’s public affairs methods with the #scientology cult." #nokia #elop | Feb 11 14:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @wikileaks2 NPR: Keep Assange Free, Keep Internet Free !wl | Feb 11 14:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open Parliament - NoOOXML .::. Size~: 27.54 KB | Feb 11 14:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Foreign Policy: Keep Assange Free, Keep Internet Free : NPR .::. Size~: 60.2 KB | Feb 11 14:21 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Feb 11 14:22 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] People of #Egypt, you reached an important milestone with your peaceful protest: #Mubarak left Cairo. This is WOW. #jan25 | Feb 11 14:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] To many smart Americans !wikileaks is not shocking because they dodged the corporate media's bubble; others are shocked, want Julian lynched | Feb 11 14:23 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 14:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Microsoft sends IE9 'do-not-track' tech to W3C • The Register | Feb 11 14:24 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft sends IE9 'do-not-track' tech to W3C • The Register .::. Size~: 26.23 KB | Feb 11 14:24 |
schestowitz | nokianews: hi | Feb 11 14:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] #Nokia #Microsoft #Mustread for developers: Say bye to #QT - | Feb 11 14:26 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Page not found – Nokia Nordic Blog for developers .::. Size~: 22.53 KB | Feb 11 14:26 |
schestowitz | re the girl's death: | Feb 11 14:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @sinaisix: @schestowitz I'll hold my comment on the outright stupid post and the glaring idiocy displayed. There's a diff b/n law & interpretation | Feb 11 14:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @themadhatter Good News – Victory for trans human rights! Bill C-389 passes third reading in 143-135 vote - #cdnpoli | Feb 11 14:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Weird, CTM office notified me of a new application that has very little or no overlapping with my clients' ™ | Feb 11 14:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Good News – Victory for trans human rights! Bill C-389 passes third reading in 143-135 vote | Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 23.46 KB | Feb 11 14:28 |
schestowitz | "yes, I know. Basically,all biblical works in some away encourage death even for work on day when these days people are paid DOUBLE" | Feb 11 14:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @jwildeboer: People of #Egypt, you reached an important milestone with your peaceful protest: #Mubarak left Cairo. This is WOW. #jan25 | Feb 11 14:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] @lxnews Wow! This is suicide for Nokia, something like Jonestown at least | Feb 11 14:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @jwildeboer: #Nokia #Microsoft #Mustread for developers: Say bye to #QT - | Feb 11 14:29 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Page not found – Nokia Nordic Blog for developers .::. Size~: 22.53 KB | Feb 11 14:29 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] RT @schestowitz ♺ @satipera BBC newsnight major piece ... how botnets are easy to deploy. Easier to deploy than mentioning real problem, ... | Feb 11 14:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @laurelrusswurm Suleiman thinks satellite TV & the internet is bad... like he thinks the people of #egypt aren't smart enough to know... | Feb 11 14:31 | |
MinceR | i didn't know transgender and transsexual were transhuman | Feb 11 14:32 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @hazzy Dear RIAA, you win. I will no longer pirate your music ... or even pay for it. I will now support the many independent artists... | Feb 11 14:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @gbraad: #Intel: “We’re Not Blinking on !MeeGo” by @mspoonauer | Feb 11 14:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @LinaroTech MO - !OpenWRT now supports !Linaro #gcc: !arm | Feb 11 14:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] cd Public/src/!emacs; !bzr pull; make bootstrap | Feb 11 14:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @hazzy yes, exactly. That's what would hurt them the most as they would no longer be part of popular culture (network effect). #mafiaa | Feb 11 14:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] RIP Symbian, #Meego. Those slides are telling. #Nokia, I pity you. | Feb 11 14:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] .@fontana is there someone with enough clout to change it? | Feb 11 14:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Intel: “We’re Not Blinking on MeeGo” .::. Size~: 61.33 KB | Feb 11 14:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: | Feb 11 14:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: RIP: Symbian -- Engadget .::. Size~: 66.17 KB | Feb 11 14:33 |
schestowitz | MinceR: transcendental | Feb 11 14:34 |
MinceR | o rly | Feb 11 14:34 |
schestowitz | Tim ORLY | Feb 11 14:35 |
MinceR | bill ORLY | Feb 11 14:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @fontana: @schestowitz I am *personally* in favor of #swpats abolition. Red Hat corporate position is different: | Feb 11 14:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] My keyboard just went crazy and I had a spinning desktop crube for about fifteen seconds; pretty crazy !compiz #dell_keyboard_sucks | Feb 11 14:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] On the "Success" stories of corps that teamed with MSFT in teh mobile space. #JurassicPark? - #Nokia | Feb 11 14:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] .@fontana if Red Hat gets sold tomorrow, will the patent promise be carved in stone? Will Red Hat's patents self-destruct? If not, too bad. | Feb 11 14:36 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: | Red Hat Patent Policy .::. Size~: 18.59 KB | Feb 11 14:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: In memoriam: Microsoft’s previous strategic mobile partners | asymco .::. Size~: 37.02 KB | Feb 11 14:36 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] ♺ @nicubunu: ♺ @fabsh: ♺ @tante: First #nokia phone running Windows Phone 7: | Feb 11 14:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 14:38 |
schestowitz | re ""In private a government delegate compared Microsoft’s public affairs methods with the #scientology cult." #nokia #elop" | Feb 11 14:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @ch_s: @schestowitz : that would not be the first time I hear that... | Feb 11 14:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open Parliament - NoOOXML .::. Size~: 27.54 KB | Feb 11 14:39 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] ♺ @davehi: Is the Finish National Animal the Lemming? Nokia + MS=Cliff #android #lo | Feb 11 14:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @FFII .. So Nokia will also not support #webm, paving the way for h264 dominance on the (windows) mobile market. | Feb 11 14:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @jospoortvliet @greve we don't need to fork it, why? Unless there is an issue, we can do it there and then. see !Qt | Feb 11 14:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] I'm seriously pissed off for the very good #symbian guys (& girls) I know, they don't deserve this [cens.] | Feb 11 14:39 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Opengov] Open Governance continues .::. Size~: 2.66 KB | Feb 11 14:39 |
MinceR | quote is not at the linked page | Feb 11 14:39 |
MinceR | wait, it just needed javascript | Feb 11 14:40 |
MinceR | i hate wikia forums | Feb 11 14:40 |
schestowitz | It still exists? | Feb 11 14:41 |
MinceR | it does | Feb 11 14:42 |
MinceR | you linked to them :> | Feb 11 14:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @carlopiana I'm seriously pissed off for the very good #symbian guys (& girls) I know, they don't deserve this [cens.] | Feb 11 14:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] @carlopiana I agree. #Symbian received a lot of bad publicity which was unnecessary. | Feb 11 14:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 'Kids main victims of US-led Afghan war' via @qu1j0t3 | Feb 11 14:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] "Jumping off a burning platform", visualized with #Nokia stock price. - 11% ATM. Congrats, Elop. </sarcasm> | Feb 11 14:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #msnokia: ♺ @schestowitz: ♻ @FFII .. So Nokia will also not support #webm, paving the way for h264 dominance on the (windows) mobile market. | Feb 11 14:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @jwildeboer: On the "Success" stories of corps that teamed with MSFT in teh mobile space. #JurassicPark? #msnokia | Feb 11 14:43 | |
schestowitz | Did I....? | Feb 11 14:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.26 KB | Feb 11 14:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NOKIA CORPORATION: BIT:NOK1V quotes & news - Google Finance .::. Size~: 57.33 KB | Feb 11 14:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: In memoriam: Microsoft’s previous strategic mobile partners | asymco .::. Size~: 37.02 KB | Feb 11 14:43 |
gnufreex | Microsoft is comming to Finnish | Feb 11 14:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @jwildeboer: RIP Symbian, #Meego. Those slides are telling. #Nokia, I pity you. #msnokia | Feb 11 14:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @ruiseabra: ♺ @jwildeboer: #Nokia #Microsoft #Mustread for developers: Say bye to #QT - #msnokia | Feb 11 14:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] @gbraad and it ended up with a stab in its back, for good measure, by its own creator. Or so they think (!FS has many lives) #symbian | Feb 11 14:44 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: RIP: Symbian -- Engadget .::. Size~: 66.24 KB | Feb 11 14:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Page not found – Nokia Nordic Blog for developers .::. Size~: 22.53 KB | Feb 11 14:44 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 14:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Friday, 11-Feb-11 12:54:37 UTC - ♺ @jwildeboer with a RHT employment comes great responsibility for community relationship. If s/o misbehaves, I will gladly "evangelise" | Feb 11 14:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Grief and disbelief greet Elop's Nokia revolution • The Register | Feb 11 14:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] @carlopiana #Symbian was refined by #Nokia, not created... #psion. it went wrong when they killed the Symbian Foundation. | Feb 11 14:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Grief and disbelief greet Elop's Nokia revolution • The Register .::. Size~: 22.99 KB | Feb 11 14:48 |
*nokianews has quit (Quit: Page closed) | Feb 11 14:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] Prevent #elopocalypse! WinPhoneys not for countries with US software export restrictions Nokia abandoning markets? | Feb 11 14:51 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 Found | Feb 11 14:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[phoronix/@phoronix] Nokia & Microsoft Get In Bed, Qt & MeeGo Take A Back: As many were expecting, Nokia and Microsoft this morning a... | Feb 11 14:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] #FF @fosspatents to learn HOWTO spread FUD and attack Android ecosystem by screaming Patents! Patents! Weakness! | Feb 11 14:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] #Nokia keeps falling down, already almost 13% | Feb 11 14:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] If this continues, it'll be over 20% lost (perhaps as much as 30) in one day... #nokia #elopcalypse | Feb 11 14:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Nokia & Microsoft Get In Bed, Qt & MeeGo Take A Back .::. Size~: 17.49 KB | Feb 11 14:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NOKIA Share Price | NOA3.DE- Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance .::. Size~: 32.67 KB | Feb 11 14:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @Texrat wearing my !MeeGo scarf to work. Last minor act of defiance. Well, maybe not last. #WeAreMeeGo < for #Intel and @linuxfoundation | Feb 11 14:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @teknolog !MeeGo is nowhere near ready. They reset the UI when they canned Symbian 4 in October. #Qt was a good strategy. It failed. | Feb 11 14:56 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 14:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Billy (seeds)'s status on Friday, 11-Feb-11 14:42:49 UTC - @schestowitz crazy people man. | Feb 11 14:58 |
*fanta01 ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:00 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 15:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Richard Fontana (fontana)'s status on Friday, 11-Feb-11 14:55:07 UTC - @schestowitz impossible for patents to self-destruct; courts could conclude promise has permanent effects (probably what you mean). | Feb 11 15:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Hell, #Nokia is now really taking the plunge, so that's what #elocalypse meant? Lost 13% of share value over yesterday | Feb 11 15:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] "I wanna go to that River of Change..." !Bruce in NYC. Unforgettable. #TenthAvenueFreezeOut | Feb 11 15:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] Groklaw And The Wall Street Journal - - Which proves that even the MSM can eventually get it. | Feb 11 15:01 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NOKIA CORPORATION: BIT:NOK1V quotes & news - Google Finance .::. Size~: 57.45 KB | Feb 11 15:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Groklaw And The Wall Street Journal | Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 19.88 KB | Feb 11 15:01 |
schestowitz | Yes, it was a rhetorical question, urging Red Hat to stop what it's doing by focusing on "bad patents" rather than "software patents" | Feb 11 15:01 |
*Faither ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:02 | |
Faither | hey | Feb 11 15:02 |
schestowitz | Nokiasoft | Feb 11 15:02 |
schestowitz | All people talk about today.. | Feb 11 15:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @lewmoorman we're open to adjustments. our interest to have community input and ownership. get feedback to @jbryce #rackspace #openstack | Feb 11 15:03 | |
schestowitz | Elop's transaction now complete | Feb 11 15:03 |
Faither | Yeh... really sad to read officially about it | Feb 11 15:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] RIP Danny Federici. I miss you, man! | Feb 11 15:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] ♺ @threethirty: "man walks into doctors, 'doc i think im addicted to twitter' doc: sorry i dont follow you.. #imhereallweek" | Feb 11 15:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] Dammit! (wrong-type-argument stringp quote) !emacs | Feb 11 15:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thomaszander/@thomaszander] Going for a weekend cruise soon, with my love L and friends. Offline all weekend. Beers soon! | Feb 11 15:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Average person is bombarded with 174 newspapers worth of information a day (Telegraph): | Feb 11 15:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: We have an expression n #egypt whn someone ignores&disrespects some1 this much "he kept them barking" as tho thy were dogs! | Feb 11 15:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Welcome to the information age – 174 newspapers a day - Telegraph .::. Size~: 71.61 KB | Feb 11 15:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[opensourceway/@opensourceway] sprout: Reclaiming #science as a creative craft | #opensource #openedu science | Feb 11 15:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: sprout: Reclaiming science as a creative craft | .::. Size~: 44.72 KB | Feb 11 15:08 |
gnufreex | Troll does damage control | Feb 11 15:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Grief and disbelief greet Elop's Nokia revolution • The Register .::. Size~: 23.07 KB | Feb 11 15:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Leaked: Nokia's new Windows 7 phone pix! :-) | Feb 11 15:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] @themadhatter Yep. With original klompen! The wooden shoes! | Feb 11 15:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @mgeist: Saving the Best for Last: Bell's Network Congestion Admission at the #UBB hearing | Feb 11 15:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 15:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @: | Feb 11 15:09 |
Faither | I like the closing arguments from: | Feb 11 15:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open Letter from CEO Stephen Elop, Nokia and CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft | Nokia Conversations - The official Nokia Blog .::. Size~: 539.69 KB | Feb 11 15:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @sandersch Mubarak and family are now in Sharm el-Sheikh #Egypt. There will be an important statement from prez palace.....hope | Feb 11 15:11 | |
Faither | There are other mobile ecosystems. We will disrupt them. | Feb 11 15:11 |
Faither | There will be challenges. We will overcome them. | Feb 11 15:11 |
Faither | Success requires speed. We will be swift. | Feb 11 15:11 |
Faither | Together, we see the opportunity, and we have the will, the resources and the drive to succeed. | Feb 11 15:11 |
MinceR | they are wrong | Feb 11 15:12 |
MinceR | they can't fight phones with shit | Feb 11 15:12 |
MinceR | and eventually m$ will run out of spies and money | Feb 11 15:12 |
gnufreex | Nokia would "have had problems differentiating," with Android, said Elop. "The commoditization risk was very high… prices and profits are coming down and the value is moving out to Google." | Feb 11 15:12 |
gnufreex | This is sooo wrong | Feb 11 15:12 |
gnufreex | That actualy aplies for WP7 | Feb 11 15:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @default50 I'm sad about #NokMsft news. I was hoping to replace my !N900 with a !MeeGo phone this year. I'll just have to use this ht ... | Feb 11 15:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[qu1j0t3/@qu1j0t3] @schestowitz He never will; just as Gates will never speak of #war. It's not in their job descriptions. | Feb 11 15:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @charlesschulz S.Elop leaves #Microsoft 6 months ago to lead #Nokia and then Nokia inks a strategic partnership with Microsoft. Anyon ... | Feb 11 15:13 | |
gnufreex | Not for android | Feb 11 15:13 |
MinceR | well, kin7 is different | Feb 11 15:13 |
MinceR | in that it's worse than most others, if not all | Feb 11 15:13 |
gnufreex | Lo | Feb 11 15:13 |
gnufreex | l | Feb 11 15:13 |
Faither | but you can run antivirus software on Phony 7 xD | Feb 11 15:13 |
MinceR | worked for crApple | Feb 11 15:13 |
MinceR | but m$ forgets that their cult isn't so numerous | Feb 11 15:14 |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Feb 11 15:20 | |
*MinceR ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:20 | |
*MinceR has quit (Changing host) | Feb 11 15:20 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:20 | |
MinceR | what's the last line from me that got through? | Feb 11 15:20 |
*varna has quit (*.net *.split) | Feb 11 15:21 | |
*gnufreex has quit (*.net *.split) | Feb 11 15:21 | |
*TRT has quit (*.net *.split) | Feb 11 15:21 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (*.net *.split) | Feb 11 15:21 | |
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*tessier has quit (*.net *.split) | Feb 11 15:21 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (*.net *.split) | Feb 11 15:21 | |
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:23 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::2d) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:23 | |
*TRT (~twitfolk@ has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:23 | |
*tessier (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:23 | |
*txdv (~bentkus@ has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:23 | |
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:23 | |
*TRIdentica (~twitfolk@ has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:23 | |
*varna ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Spot the similarities between: and #fb | Feb 11 15:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] LOL ♺ @jibbybot: #Nokia should set @fabsh in charge of their phone business... #LastHope | Feb 11 15:26 | |
*schestowitz has quit (*.net *.split) | Feb 11 15:26 | |
Faither | <MinceR> but m$ forgets that their cult isn't so numerous | Feb 11 15:26 |
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:26 | |
Faither | was the last | Feb 11 15:27 |
MinceR | ah, then everything got through | Feb 11 15:27 |
*roy_ is now known as schestowitz | Feb 11 15:27 | |
MinceR | well, i hope that intel and amd won't let their big chance to get into the mobile phone business sink just because m$ can't stand competition | Feb 11 15:27 |
schestowitz | They don't sell phone though | Feb 11 15:28 |
schestowitz | They sell chips to phone makers | Feb 11 15:28 |
*Aondo is now known as 84XABLTEM | Feb 11 15:28 | |
*Aondo (~stian@ has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:28 | |
schestowitz | And if Nokia is the big whale and won't use their platform, then.. | Feb 11 15:28 |
MinceR | then the dozens of asian manufacturers who'd like to have nokia's place will? | Feb 11 15:29 |
schestowitz | Maybe | Feb 11 15:29 |
schestowitz | But not as much as Nokia for a safe bet | Feb 11 15:29 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Understanding a #linux #Kernel OOPS instructional stuff | Feb 11 15:31 | |
*84XABLTEM has quit (Write error: Broken pipe) | Feb 11 15:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Ballmer and Hovsepian image - Photo: Microsoft, Novell shake hands on Linux - CNET News .::. Size~: 40.75 KB | Feb 11 15:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC News - Nokia's Elop and Microsoft's Ballmer on phone deal .::. Size~: 59.85 KB | Feb 11 15:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Understanding a Kernel OOPS – LINUX For You Magazine .::. Size~: 112.4 KB | Feb 11 15:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] referee opens count to $E7EN for #kNokiout | Feb 11 15:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] @harishpillay #Steve Ballmer never has a honest smile or never looks good on a photo? | Feb 11 15:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 15:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 11 15:33 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:34 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Feb 11 15:34 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] I just saw #Nokia shares reaching a -14.03 % drop in light of the #Microsoft #elopcalypse | Feb 11 15:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Nokia + Microsoft: Allied for the LULZ | Feb 11 15:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] “More than a thousand employees” walk out of #Nokia offices - probably all rushing to buy Windows Phone 7 mobiles | Feb 11 15:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #LinuxMint 10 #KDE RC released! With screenshots Tour #gnu #linux (low res) | Feb 11 15:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] First #openhardware definition has been released | Feb 11 15:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] Has anyone seen any reaction from #Intel following the announcement? #nokia #nokiafail #elopocalypse | Feb 11 15:36 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: “More than a thousand employees” walk out of Nokia offices .::. Size~: 75.43 KB | Feb 11 15:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @: | Feb 11 15:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: First open hardware definition has been released | .::. Size~: 42.38 KB | Feb 11 15:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Arduino Blog » Blog Archive » Open Source Hardware definition v.1.0 released .::. Size~: 27.51 KB | Feb 11 15:36 |
Faither | schestowitz: Intel is planning to ship a meego phone though according to (got this from heiku's dent) | Feb 11 15:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Intel: “We’re Not Blinking on MeeGo” .::. Size~: 61.41 KB | Feb 11 15:37 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 15:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @ircolle: @schestowitz Do you tweet in your sleep? Do you sleep? | Feb 11 15:37 |
schestowitz | @ircolle ~6 hours | Feb 11 15:37 |
Faither | nvm | Feb 11 15:37 |
*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #techrights | Feb 11 15:37 | |
Faither | misread it | Feb 11 15:37 |
schestowitz | Faither: but when did they publish this? | Feb 11 15:37 |
Faither | just the chips | Feb 11 15:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @ruiseabra: I just saw #Nokia shares reaching a -14.03 % drop in light of the #Microsoft #elopcalypse | Feb 11 15:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] @gbraad not quite. try again. | Feb 11 15:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Why Browser 'Do Not Track' Features Won't Work it's becoming tricky. And some Google sites strictly require JS enabled. | Feb 11 15:38 | |
Faither | inside the phones | Feb 11 15:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Why Browser 'Do Not Track' Features Won't Work - PCWorld Business Center .::. Size~: 71.35 KB | Feb 11 15:38 |
schestowitz | Intel made this sort of announcement recently, before the Elopocalpse | Feb 11 15:38 |
MinceR | nice | Feb 11 15:39 |
Faither | there was some sort of inofficial device showcasing meego on phones and I believe it was from intel | Feb 11 15:39 |
Faither | i'll try to find something on this | Feb 11 15:39 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] #Nokia shares down just over 14% now! #elopocalypse | Feb 11 15:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] Listening Tindersticks, Falling Down a Mountain, dedicated to #nokia's #elopcalypse (over 14% now) | Feb 11 15:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ml2mst/@ml2mst] Wow! Bullchat is gigantisch verbeterd. Werkt nu ook prima onder Linux, Firefox, webcam volledig ondersteund. #gay | Feb 11 15:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @aidanbiggins Any #Nokia software engineers need a job? We're hiring: #bigG #google | Feb 11 15:39 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NOKIA Share Price | NOA3.DE- Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance .::. Size~: 31.43 KB | Feb 11 15:39 |
Faither | | Feb 11 15:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: YouTube - MeeGo 1.1 on Intel Moorestown Phone .::. Size~: 141.67 KB | Feb 11 15:40 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @ruiseabra: Listening Tindersticks, Falling Down a Mountain, dedicated to #nokia's #elopcalypse (over 14% now) | Feb 11 15:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Nokia is renaming to NoKIN. #brand | Feb 11 15:41 | |
Faither | It seems LG picked it up | Feb 11 15:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] @harishpillay everything he touches turns into gold? ;-) | Feb 11 15:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @FFII: Who put the "No" in #Nokia? #negative #elocalypse | Feb 11 15:43 | |
schestowitz | Yeah | Feb 11 15:43 |
schestowitz | Last year | Feb 11 15:43 |
schestowitz | But LG pays Microsoft for Linux | Feb 11 15:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nisshh/@nisshh] Just got an update for the Ubuntu font, sadly it doesnt have a fixed-width version yet. :( !ubuntu | Feb 11 15:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @qu1j0t3: Remember the black, choking 1980s Romania? Seen China &Hong Kong today,the soot-blackened walls of South/Latin America? | Feb 11 15:44 | |
MinceR | i still prefer m$ linux to kin7 | Feb 11 15:44 |
MinceR | and probably to most mobile OSes | Feb 11 15:44 |
MinceR | they're so crap i'm tired of them | Feb 11 15:45 |
MinceR | even symbian | Feb 11 15:45 |
schestowitz | Symbian has DLLs | Feb 11 15:46 |
MinceR | i'm tired of weeks spent looking for a spreadsheet app for mobile because the damn platform can't run gnumeric | Feb 11 15:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[zotz/@zotz] @jwildeboer has got me wondering. just getting ready to release something and now this... | Feb 11 15:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @StopActaNow Pidamos amablemente a @lajornadaonline publique los cables con tag #KIPR y añada #cableamigo #ACTA | Feb 11 15:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Don't bother asking what #Nokia was thinking; it wasn't. | Feb 11 15:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @jwildeboer "IT LOOKS, in a way, like a stealth takeover." - #Economist on #Nokia #MSFT at | Feb 11 15:46 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | @: | Feb 11 15:46 |
MinceR | only overpriced nonfree shit that fails at basic functionmality | Feb 11 15:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Mobile handset-makers: Nokia falls into the arms of Microsoft | The Economist .::. Size~: 83.83 KB | Feb 11 15:46 |
MinceR | s/nm/n/ | Feb 11 15:46 |
MinceR | my n97 came with a trial version of QuickOffice that claims numbers can't fit in the place in one of my spreadsheets, even though there's clearly enough room | Feb 11 15:47 |
schestowitz | @ircolle "I would SO buy that phone in the pic. Panels on a non-touchscreen? Hells yes. " | Feb 11 15:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @ircolle: @schestowitz - Best comment on Microsoft/Nokia marriage so far: "The Hindenburg meets the Titanic". via @gadgetlab | Feb 11 15:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Nokia Kills Symbian, Teams Up With Microsoft For Windows Phone 7 | Gadget Lab | .::. Size~: 81.08 KB | Feb 11 15:47 |
MinceR | it displays a string of "#"-s even if i resize the column to fill the screen | Feb 11 15:47 |
MinceR | i'm tired of getting offers along the lines of "now you can pay $$$ to get application that does one-hundredth of what the free and gratis application you're used to on the desktop can do!" | Feb 11 15:48 |
Faither | and cold potentially be deleted like from the crappstore from this fruit vendor | Feb 11 15:49 |
MinceR | or you get an install package that may install now, but eventually the certificate it's signed with will expire | Feb 11 15:49 |
MinceR | and then your phone will refuse to install it | Feb 11 15:49 |
MinceR | all because "herp derp mandatory app signing makes the OS soooooo omg-secure" | Feb 11 15:49 |
MinceR | (it doesn't) | Feb 11 15:49 |
Faither | yeh fun times | Feb 11 15:49 |
schestowitz | fund times | Feb 11 15:51 |
schestowitz | DRM... | Feb 11 15:51 |
schestowitz | You pay for licence to run | Feb 11 15:51 |
Faither | for a limited time only though... | Feb 11 15:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Terrific Visualization of Digital Information Explosion - now imagine what proportion of that is unauthorised copies | Feb 11 15:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] Looks like #Intel has spoken on the subject of #Nokia abandonning the #MeeGo ship #elopocalypse | Feb 11 15:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] @gbraad Fool's Gold though. Hovsepian's history. Next chapter is reserved for Elop. | Feb 11 15:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #KDE 4.6 Review Follow-Up: A Feature I Forgot to Mention "Little things like this add the polish.." | Feb 11 15:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[phoronix/@phoronix] Nouveau Page-Flipping For NV50/Fermi Is Flipped On: While we are only half-way into the Linux 2.6.38 kernel deve... | Feb 11 15:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Support a firm, simple declaration against ACTA - "ACTA must not use the propaganda term 'intellectual property'..." | Feb 11 15:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 'UK government committed to open source' so is Microsoft... | Feb 11 15:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Terrific Visualization of Digital Information Explosion .::. Size~: 32.83 KB | Feb 11 15:53 |
MinceR | or until the lord of the platform decides he no longer wants to let you run it | Feb 11 15:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Intel: “We’re Not Blinking on MeeGo” .::. Size~: 60.92 KB | Feb 11 15:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: KDE 4.6 Review Follow-Up: A Feature I Forgot to Mention | Adventures in Linux .::. Size~: 14.58 KB | Feb 11 15:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Nouveau Page-Flipping For NV50/Fermi Is Flipped On .::. Size~: 18.3 KB | Feb 11 15:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Support a firm, simple declaration against ACTA — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 42.17 KB | Feb 11 15:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 'UK government committed to open source' — .::. Size~: 30.07 KB | Feb 11 15:53 |
Faither | that's what i was hinting at | Feb 11 15:53 |
Faither | I'm really interested about what is going to happen once M$ will officially stop supporting vista and xp | Feb 11 15:55 |
MinceR | it's enough for them to stop supporting xp | Feb 11 15:55 |
MinceR | nobody cares about vista :> | Feb 11 15:55 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @christinacaci @EthanZ for Uganda news and updates, follow @RosebellK @AndrewMwenda @UgandaTalks >>ooh, is #Uganda the new #Egypt? | Feb 11 15:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] Tindersticks, Falling Down a Mountain: #Nokia #elopcalypse | Feb 11 15:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] LSE and Canada's TMX to merge and share their Linux-based systems will former Microsoft exec join&"pour gasoline" there? | Feb 11 15:56 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: YouTube - TINDERSTICKS - 01 - Falling Down A Mountain .::. Size~: 120.63 KB | Feb 11 15:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: LSE and Canada's TMX to merge and share their Linux-based trading systems - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 39.18 KB | Feb 11 15:56 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] OMG, since my ringtone is the intro of this song, now I will *always* remember #Nokia #Elopcalypse (Tindersticks, Falling Down a Mountain). | Feb 11 15:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] @harishpillay Elop will be heralded by #Microsoft's Darth Sidious with 'A job well done'. | Feb 11 15:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Cuba presents Linux-based operating system #cube #gnu #linux download @ (503'ing on me ATM) | Feb 11 16:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @gbraad @harishpillay Elop will be heralded by #Microsoft's Darth Sidious with 'A job well done'. | Feb 11 16:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @gbraad it's so much harder and much more work creating decent products than to "pour gasoline" on the competitors' | Feb 11 16:01 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Cuba presents Linux-based operating system « Cuba Standard, your best source for Cuban business news .::. Size~: 30.54 KB | Feb 11 16:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 Found | Feb 11 16:01 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @monkchips come on chaps - petition to save forests hasn't broken the 500k sig. barrier yet. pl. do sign it >>+1 | Feb 11 16:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] ars technica - Capitulation: #Nokia adopts #Windows #Phone7 | Feb 11 16:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Winner of the day is Stephen "Pour Gasoline" #Elop for walking boldly and leaping over the fence to enemy territory, setting fire to rivals | Feb 11 16:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @schestowitz: Cuba presents Linux-based operating system #cube #gnu #linux download @ ... | Feb 11 16:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 38 Degrees | Save Our Forests .::. Size~: 13.77 KB | Feb 11 16:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Capitulation: Nokia adopts Windows Phone 7 .::. Size~: 33.23 KB | Feb 11 16:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Cuba presents Linux-based operating system « Cuba Standard, your best source for Cuban business news .::. Size~: 30.54 KB | Feb 11 16:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 Found | Feb 11 16:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @nokia: #MeeGo will be an opp to learn/explore future disruptive platforms, devices & experiences. Expect a device before end of 2011 | Feb 11 16:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] Do I see -15%? No, not yet. But at this rate it will get there pretty soon now. #Nokia #Elopcalypse. | Feb 11 16:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] /me nominates Microsoft for market leader in market distortion. Ballmer should be appointed CEO of Blackwater. | Feb 11 16:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺@glynmoody: Support a firm, simple declaration against ACTA " must not use the propaganda term 'intellectual property' | Feb 11 16:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] For those who can't remember, #Corel became a huge threat to Windows because of Linux+Wine, so Microsoft took over, overhauled Corel w/ .NET | Feb 11 16:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Kannasaver 1.2 for #KDE 4 Released #gnu #linux | Feb 11 16:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Cuba presents Linux-based operating system #cuba #gnu #linux | Feb 11 16:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Support a firm, simple declaration against ACTA — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 42.17 KB | Feb 11 16:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Kannasaver 1.2 for KDE 4 Released « looks blo .::. Size~: 24.38 KB | Feb 11 16:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Cuba presents Linux-based operating system « Cuba Standard, your best source for Cuban business news .::. Size~: 30.54 KB | Feb 11 16:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: HES GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #egypt #jan25 #tahrir | Feb 11 16:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @mgeist: Bell on ADSL-CO: gives ISPs "ability to fully differentiate their service from ours - and there goes UBB" | Feb 11 16:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | @: | Feb 11 16:08 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Blog of Helios: Know Thy Machine... .::. Size~: 91.26 KB | Feb 11 16:08 |
schestowitz | Clueless users | Feb 11 16:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Asa from Mozilla: internet explorer nine - why microsoft still sucks and some people accused him of pimping B0ng search | Feb 11 16:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] #Nokia Q&A reveals more !MeeGo details and tablet plans | Feb 11 16:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] wow, Mubarak actually stepped down, handing power over to the army. where will the army take Egypt now? | Feb 11 16:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Asa Dotzler: Firefox and more: internet explorer nine - why microsoft still sucks .::. Size~: 46.29 KB | Feb 11 16:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Q&A reveals more MeeGo details and tablet plans -- says Android 'risk of commodification was very high' -- Engadget .::. Size~: 69.01 KB | Feb 11 16:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Mubarak 'leaves Cairo' - great; but what happens now? #egypt | Feb 11 16:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @themadhatter RT @Farrah3m: HES GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #egypt #jan25 #tahrir | Feb 11 16:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] It has happened. Mubarak stpped down. #Egypt explodes! CONGRATS! | Feb 11 16:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Each #Android User Will Make #Google $9.85 per Year in 2012 | Feb 11 16:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @jwildeboer: It has happened. Mubarak stpped down. #Egypt explodes! CONGRATS! | Feb 11 16:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] .@Farrah3m we worried about you vanishing | Feb 11 16:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @glynmoody: Support a firm, simple declaration against ACTA - | Feb 11 16:11 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Mubarak 'leaves Cairo' - live updates | World news | .::. Size~: 265.14 KB | Feb 11 16:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Each Android User Will Make Google $9.85 per Year in 2012 .::. Size~: 51.25 KB | Feb 11 16:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Support a firm, simple declaration against ACTA — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 42.17 KB | Feb 11 16:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @Farrah3m MABROUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #jan25 #egypt #mubarak | Feb 11 16:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: WE'RE FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #jan25 #egypt #tahrir #mubarak | Feb 11 16:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @Farrah3m 3 million in #tahrir and streets leading to tahrir!! #jan25 #egypt #mubarak | Feb 11 16:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @jimmac: Scary rundown of previous MSFT strategic partners. | Feb 11 16:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: In memoriam: Microsoft’s previous strategic mobile partners | asymco .::. Size~: 37.02 KB | Feb 11 16:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] I bow my head in respect for the people of #Egypt. 18 days of peaceful protest. Thugs, Police, noone stopped it. YOU HAVE WON! | Feb 11 16:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Egypt protests intensify as Mubarak leaves Cairo #EGYPT - you're winning! Congrats! | Feb 11 16:14 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @johnkoetsier: Dear #Nokia fans: you’re nuts! — Scobleizer | Feb 11 16:14 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CBC News - World - Egypt protests intensify as Mubarak leaves Cairo .::. Size~: 40.36 KB | Feb 11 16:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Dear Nokia fans: you’re nuts! — Scobleizer .::. Size~: 62.59 KB | Feb 11 16:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] MUBARAK HAS RESIGNED!!! YES!!!! #Egypt | Feb 11 16:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] ♺ @campus_notes: Tuition protesters arrive at !UNC BOG but meeting is already over. Whoops! | Feb 11 16:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] And there we go! #Nokia #Elopcalypse already dragged them down to Down 1.23 (15.06%) | Feb 11 16:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] PEOPLE ARE EVEN PROTESTING UNDERWATER??! #jan25 #egypt #mubarak | Feb 11 16:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: PEOPLE ARE EVEN PROTESTING UNDERWATER??! #jan25 #egypt #mubarak on Twitpic .::. Size~: 11.81 KB | Feb 11 16:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] @trashbird1240: this was caused by the new cautious loading of themes over-writing my .emacs-custom.el !emacs | Feb 11 16:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @jwildeboer: I bow my head in respect for the people of Egypt. 18 days of peaceful protest. Thugs, Police, noone stopped it. YOU HAVE WON! | Feb 11 16:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @TonyClement_MP: At 1030ET my wife's aunt, Jessie Current, left the bonds of earth for the hands of God, at the age of 108. | Feb 11 16:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak steps down thanks to all the heroes who made this happen. #egypt | Feb 11 16:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Associated Press: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak steps down .::. Size~: 16.31 KB | Feb 11 16:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @jwildeboer: I bow my head in respect 4 the people of #Egypt. 18 days of peaceful protest. Thugs, Police, no one stopped it. YOU HAVE WON | Feb 11 16:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] ♺ @unhammer: #zotero evangelists @dittaeva | Feb 11 16:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @jwildeboer CNN translates people's chanting as “Egypt is Free!”. “Egypt is Open!” wouldn't quite cut it, would it? ;-P | Feb 11 16:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Zotero Blog » Blog Archive » Do you teach Zotero? Add your name and help the cause! .::. Size~: 17.65 KB | Feb 11 16:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @jwildeboer: I bow my head in respect for the people of Egypt. 18 days of peaceful protest. Thugs, Police, noone stopped it. YOU HAVE WON! | Feb 11 16:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @GuidoPuddi: RT @djinnxter: 2 all the martyrs who gave their life 4 this. 4 all the protesters and the #Egypt-ians. We did it!!! #Jan25 | Feb 11 16:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxnews/@lxnews] Mubarak Resignes | Feb 11 16:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @lxoliva @jwildeboer CNN translates people's chanting as “Egypt is Free!”. “Egypt is Open!” wouldn't quite cut it, would it? ;-P | Feb 11 16:24 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @lxoliva great point, sir | Feb 11 16:24 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Mubarak Resignes .::. Size~: 27.31 KB | Feb 11 16:24 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] woo hoo! Congratulations #Egypt ⇒ President Hosni Mubarak is gone !!! | Feb 11 16:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @schestowitz ♻ @jwildeboer: I bow my head in respect for the people of Egypt. 18 days of peaceful protest. Thugs, Police, noone stopp ... | Feb 11 16:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @seeds ♺ @schestowitz: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak steps down thanks to all the heroes who made this happen. ... | Feb 11 16:26 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Associated Press: Mubarak resigns, hands power to military .::. Size~: 22.59 KB | Feb 11 16:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The leaked campaign to attack #WikiLeaks & its supporters - fascinating, important post about what's really at stake | Feb 11 16:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Switching off the Internet and using police thugs against the people only proved #Mubarak hated his real country and it backfired. #freedom | Feb 11 16:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @russellmcormond: RT @acurrie: Anyone else think #Google should open #Android R&D centre in Finland? Soon-to-be laid off talent there... | Feb 11 16:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.85 KB | Feb 11 16:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @skhaen Hosni Mubarak resigns as president and hands over power to the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces: #Egypt | Feb 11 16:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] "I can not promise you life everlasting. But I can promise you life..... RIGHT NOW!" ~ Bruce Springsteen | Feb 11 16:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Egypt freed on the same day that Nokia becomes a zombie 'company'... | Feb 11 16:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] #nokia #elopcalypse | Feb 11 16:29 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Hosni Mubarak resigns as president - Middle East - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 93.77 KB | Feb 11 16:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia workers walk out in protest after Microsoft news – Cell Phones & Mobile Device Technology News & Updates | .::. Size~: 60.75 KB | Feb 11 16:29 |
schestowitz | @ | Feb 11 16:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Friday, 11-Feb-11 15:20:02 UTC - Why are there so many #Linux distros? why are there so many cars brands? And meals? Damn, let's have just one, right? | Feb 11 16:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Why are there so many Linux distros? | News | TechRadar UK .::. Size~: 79.78 KB | Feb 11 16:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Friday, 11-Feb-11 15:17:20 UTC - #Opera releases two open source projects #openwashing hype with Apple these days | Feb 11 16:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Opera releases two open source projects .::. Size~: 31.58 KB | Feb 11 16:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Opera now used by over 100 million mobile surfers, dominates iOS browser .::. Size~: 63.5 KB | Feb 11 16:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Friday, 11-Feb-11 15:14:24 UTC - @qu1j0t3 indeed... | Feb 11 16:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Friday, 11-Feb-11 15:14:05 UTC - The Versions of #ODF | Feb 11 16:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: The Versions of ODF .::. Size~: 30.45 KB | Feb 11 16:32 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @nikolaj @monkchips perfect trojan strategy: msoft puts elop w nokia; nokia embraces windows phone; nokia shares tank; msoft buys nokia | Feb 11 16:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @prvcyovruld ♺ @rallaf Number of ex-presidents in the Arab world: TWO! ... And counting. 2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply | Feb 11 16:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] GOOD morning !identica ! :D | Feb 11 16:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] «a thousand workers marched out today» protested | Feb 11 16:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] 113 months ago, peoples froze in terror. today, a new 11th brings us hope of peace and freedom. people of Egypt, thank you! | Feb 11 16:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #MPEG LA Announces Call for #Patents Essential to# VP8 Video Codec - wow, on the road to litigation? (v @cdaffara) | Feb 11 16:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] "I am so proud... I am so proud... everything now seems possible" #egypt #jan25 | Feb 11 16:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @renata Uninstalling dictator ... 100% complete ██████████████████████████ #Egypt #jan25 #Feb12 | Feb 11 16:34 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: MPEG LA - The Standard for Standards - VP8 .::. Size~: 28.17 KB | Feb 11 16:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Watch Now - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 84.21 KB | Feb 11 16:34 |
*hemimaniac has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Feb 11 16:37 | |
gnufreex | ESR wrote about debacle | Feb 11 16:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Armed and Dangerous » Blog Archive » The Smartphone Wars: Nokia’s Suicide Note .::. Size~: 43.34 KB | Feb 11 16:37 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @skhaen Hosni Mubarak resigns as president and hands over power to the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces: #Egypt | Feb 11 16:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Congratulations #Egypt! People power won! yay! #fb | Feb 11 16:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @laurelrusswurm RD @prvcyovruld ♺ @rallaf Number of ex-presidents in the Arab world: TWO! ... And counting. | Feb 11 16:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @laurelrusswurm "GOOD morning" stranger ಠ_ಠ | Feb 11 16:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Mubarak Resigns! Live video stream on AlJazeera: #fb | Feb 11 16:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Hosni Mubarak resigns as president - Middle East - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 93.77 KB | Feb 11 16:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Watch Now - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 84.21 KB | Feb 11 16:38 |
gnufreex | And he earlier sadi that fears of Elop leading Nokia to Wp7 are unfounded... | Feb 11 16:38 |
gnufreex | He used strogner word | Feb 11 16:38 |
schestowitz | Hehe | Feb 11 16:38 |
gnufreex | crazy | Feb 11 16:38 |
schestowitz | Naive IMHO | Feb 11 16:38 |
gnufreex | or some such | Feb 11 16:38 |
gnufreex | Now he says the same | Feb 11 16:39 |
gnufreex | That nokia commited suicide | Feb 11 16:39 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @glynmoody RT @nikolaj @monkchips perfect trojan strategy: msoft puts elop w nokia; nokia embraces windows phone; nokia shares tank; ... | Feb 11 16:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @lxoliva 113 months ago, peoples froze in terror. today, a new 11th brings us hope of peace and freedom. people of Egypt, thank you! | Feb 11 16:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @renata Uninstalling dictator ... 100% complete ██████████████████████████ #Egypt #jan25 #Feb12 | Feb 11 16:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @x1101 Good news for the people of #Egypt. Mubarak has resigned. | Feb 11 16:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @schestowitz Switching off the Internet and using police thugs against the people only proved #Mubarak hated his real country and it ... | Feb 11 16:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @jwildeboer I think we can assume now that the jet leaving this morning *was* Mubarak. | Feb 11 16:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @nikolaj @monkchips perfect trojan strategy: msoft puts elop w nokia; nokia embraces windows phone; nokia shares tank; msoft buys nokia | Feb 11 16:39 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Mubarak Resignes .::. Size~: 27.31 KB | Feb 11 16:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @: | Feb 11 16:39 |
schestowitz |  | Feb 11 16:40 |
schestowitz | [16:39] <gnufreex> That nokia commited suicide | Feb 11 16:40 |
schestowitz | Euthanasia | Feb 11 16:40 |
schestowitz | Like Stphen^2 (Elop, Ballmer) want | Feb 11 16:40 |
gnufreex | I would love to see this go to court, and to see Microsoft internal emails... I thnk EU should investigate it. | Feb 11 16:41 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Just wondering if Nokia selling out to Microsoft was the final straw that broke Mubarak's back :-). #fb | Feb 11 16:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody #MPEG LA Announces Call for #Patents Essential to# VP8 Video Codec - wow, on the road to litigation? | Feb 11 16:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @glynmoody @nikolaj @monkchips Microsoft might want just Nokia's patents (like CPTN-Novell) to attack Android with | Feb 11 16:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @renata: Uninstalling dictator ... 100% complete ██████████████████████████ #Egypt #jan25 #Feb12 | Feb 11 16:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @glynmoody The leaked campaign to attack !WikiLeaks & its supporters Important post about what's really at stake | Feb 11 16:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft used against #Yahoo the same sort of tactics. Microsoft is not a company, it's a vulture that feeds on the flesh of real companies | Feb 11 16:41 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: MPEG LA - The Standard for Standards - VP8 .::. Size~: 28.17 KB | Feb 11 16:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.88 KB | Feb 11 16:41 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Nokia is not Even Stephen (Ballmer+Elop). Are they distinguishable anymore? | Feb 11 16:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I have deep respect before the youth of #Egypt now. I wish we could've been that strong in Germany 70 years ago. | Feb 11 16:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "I would love to see this go to court, and to see Microsoft internal emails... I thnk EU should investigate it." ~ @gnufreex #nokia #elop | Feb 11 16:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Al Jazeera: Hosni Mubarak resigns as president | Feb 11 16:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @harishpillay Just wondering if Nokia selling out to Microsoft was the final straw that broke Mubarak's back :-). #fb | Feb 11 16:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Hosni Mubarak resigns as president - Middle East - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 94.34 KB | Feb 11 16:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Nokia is not connecting people. Democracy's blessing is connecting people... in #Egypt | Feb 11 16:44 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 16:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @harishpillay: @schestowitz Maybe their new name will be Stephen Ballocks. | Feb 11 16:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @glynmoody: #MPEG LA Announces Call for #Patents Essential to# VP8 Video Codec - wow, on the road to litigation? ... | Feb 11 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] ♺ @ruiseabra: #nokia #elopcalypse | Feb 11 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @harishpillay Mubarak Resigns! Live video stream on AlJazeera: #fb | Feb 11 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @schestowitz ♺ @lxoliva 113 months ago, peoples froze in terror. today, a new 11th brings us hope of peace and freedom. people of E ... | Feb 11 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @schestowitz ♺ @skhaen Hosni Mubarak resigns as president and hands over power to the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces: http://aj ... | Feb 11 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @harishpillay Just wondering if Nokia selling out to Microsoft was the final straw that broke Mubarak's back :-). #fb | Feb 11 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @schestowitz @glynmoody @nikolaj @monkchips Microsoft might want just Nokia's patents (like CPTN-Novell) to attack Android with | Feb 11 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] @schestowitz Maybe their new name will be Stephen Ballocks. | Feb 11 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @schestowitz Microsoft used against #Yahoo the same sort of tactics. Microsoft is not a company, it's a vulture that feeds on the fle ... | Feb 11 16:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: MPEG LA - The Standard for Standards - VP8 .::. Size~: 28.17 KB | Feb 11 16:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jankusanagi/@jankusanagi] Stephen Elop: "Joined Nokia on September 21, 2010" <- he just came to #Nokia to sell it out to MS, basically... !Qt #shame | Feb 11 16:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia workers walk out in protest after Microsoft news – Cell Phones & Mobile Device Technology News & Updates | .::. Size~: 63.75 KB | Feb 11 16:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Watch Now - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 84.21 KB | Feb 11 16:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Error processing the URL | Feb 11 16:48 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 16:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @glynmoody: @schestowitz @nikolaj @monkchips certainly, the patent angle is very worrying | Feb 11 16:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] "...threaten the careers of journalists and activists to punish and deter their advocacy is self-evidently pernicious;" | Feb 11 16:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @fabsh ♺ @renata: Uninstalling dictator ... 100% complete ██████████████████████████ #Egypt #jan25 #Feb12 | Feb 11 16:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] ♺ @nikolaj @monkchips perfect trojan strategy: msoft puts elop w nokia; nokia embraces windows phone; nokia shares tank; msoft buys nokia | Feb 11 16:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @hgfernan Now it's time to get rid of the Mubarak's regime. Long live the Egyptian people. Long live the revolution. Via @3arabawy # ... | Feb 11 16:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♺ @harishpillay: Mubarak Resigns! Live video stream on AlJazeera: #fb < Very, very glad! :-) | Feb 11 16:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @fabsh I have deep respect before the youth of #Egypt now. I wish we could've been that strong in Germany 70 years ago. | Feb 11 16:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @fabsh back then I'm not sure it was the youth that was against Hitler | Feb 11 16:49 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.85 KB | Feb 11 16:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Watch Now - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 84.2 KB | Feb 11 16:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @schestowitz :D | Feb 11 16:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @jankusanagi Stephen Elop: "Joined Nokia on September 21, 2010" <- he just came to #Nokia to sell it out to MS, basically... !Qt #shame | Feb 11 16:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @schestowitz very cool eyeballs | Feb 11 16:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] [$] FOSDEM: Icing the robot | Feb 11 16:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Former #Microsoft Vet Chris Weber To Lead #Nokia’s USA Business, Louison Is Out - probably just a coincidence... | Feb 11 16:51 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily | Feb 11 16:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Former Microsoft Vet Chris Weber To Lead Nokia’s USA Business, Louison Is Out .::. Size~: 54.89 KB | Feb 11 16:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @glynmoody Former Microsoft Vet Weber To Lead #Nokia’s USA Business, Louison Is Out probably just a coincidence... | Feb 11 16:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[copiesofcopies/@copiesofcopies] Sleazy: [ ] E-mail me my Fandango Ticket Confirmation and Fandango FanMail. (To only receive your ticket confirmation, uncheck this box.) | Feb 11 16:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Former Microsoft Vet Chris Weber To Lead Nokia’s USA Business, Louison Is Out .::. Size~: 54.88 KB | Feb 11 16:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] RD @glynmoody: MPEG LA Announces Call for Patents Essential to VP8 Video Codec /RD still nothing | Feb 11 16:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @glynmoody: The leaked campaign to attack #WikiLeaks & its supporters - important post about what's really at stake | Feb 11 16:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @schestowitz ♺ @glynmoody Former Microsoft Vet Weber To Lead #Nokia’s USA Business, Louison Is Out probably jus ... | Feb 11 16:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[serk01/@serk01] Getting emotional over #egypt's #revolution. | Feb 11 16:54 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: MPEG LA - The Standard for Standards - VP8 .::. Size~: 28.17 KB | Feb 11 16:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: blogs/lxo/2010-05-26-calling-on-mpegla-bluff.en .::. Size~: 13.12 KB | Feb 11 16:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.85 KB | Feb 11 16:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Former Microsoft Vet Chris Weber To Lead Nokia’s USA Business, Louison Is Out .::. Size~: 54.88 KB | Feb 11 16:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[serk01/@serk01] Getting emotional over egyptian #revolution. #egypt | Feb 11 16:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jra/@jra] I've just given a talk on Open Source/Free Software in the "War Room" of the USA State Dept. "Oh the times, they are a changin'" | Feb 11 16:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @renata: Uninstalling dictator ... 100% complete ██████████████████████████ // you can now remove the media and restart? | Feb 11 16:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♺ @jra: I've just given a talk on Open Source/Free Software in the "War Room" of the USA State Dept. "Oh the times, they are a changin'" | Feb 11 17:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @lxoliva 113 months ago, peoples froze in terror. today, a new 11th brings us hope of peace and freedom. people of Egypt, thank you! | Feb 11 17:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @lxoliva wow, Mubarak actually stepped down, handing power over to the army. where will the army take Egypt now? | Feb 11 17:01 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Feb 11 17:05 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @gamerchick02 RT @gamerchick02 Love love love. | Feb 11 17:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] How The Social Network Should Have Ended #facebook | Feb 11 17:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @ioerror The Egyptian people want to put Mubarak on trial and return his plundered loot to the people. #egypt #jan25 | Feb 11 17:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It is becoming clear why Ari left #Nokia and joined HP/Palm/WebOS development | Feb 11 17:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @_matilda__ ♺ @Sandmonkey FIREWORKS, CELEBRATIONS, FUN! JUBILATION! I AM NOT MAKING SENSE. I AM HEADING TO TAHRIR! #JAN25 | Feb 11 17:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: TinyOgg - Watch: How The Social Network Should Have Ended .::. Size~: 10.93 KB | Feb 11 17:06 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 17:06 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Feb 11 17:06 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 17:06 | |
Faither | [17:07] <schestowitz> | Feb 11 17:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Blog of Helios: Know Thy Machine... .::. Size~: 91.26 KB | Feb 11 17:06 |
Faither | It's exactly those users I one needs to educate to see the light to not go down further the M$ road | Feb 11 17:07 |
Faither | If the computer is "becomming too slow" they buy a new one | Feb 11 17:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @linuxcanuck Fixing #Canada's Uncompetitive Internet | Feb 11 17:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] 'Jeopardy!' champs compete against computer - (USA Today): | Feb 11 17:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] RT @caostheory Version 1.0 of the Open Hardware Definition has been released. | Feb 11 17:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Tyee – Fixing Canada's Uncompetitive Internet .::. Size~: 55.81 KB | Feb 11 17:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 'Jeopardy!' champs compete against computer - .::. Size~: 49.38 KB | Feb 11 17:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open Hardware Definition 1.0 RELEASED! | Open Hardware Summit .::. Size~: 19.72 KB | Feb 11 17:08 |
Faither | And of course it will again be shipped with this strange OS and they'll start the circle anew | Feb 11 17:08 |
fanta01 | buying a new comp is a better solution for most than learning a new OS | Feb 11 17:09 |
Faither | Malware Virus and autostart overflow, machin takes ages - buy a new one | Feb 11 17:09 |
Faither | that's another term I HATE: "learning a new OS" | Feb 11 17:10 |
Faither | For browsing, writing an e-mail you don't need to learn an OS | Feb 11 17:11 |
fanta01 | yo do | Feb 11 17:11 |
fanta01 | *you | Feb 11 17:12 |
Faither | To grasp the concept of copy&paste you need to learn the OS? | Feb 11 17:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♺ @schestowitz: It is becoming clear why Ari left #Nokia and joined HP/Palm/WebOS development <#AriRulez! | Feb 11 17:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] MUST READ: "...crimes...that serve the Government's agenda & target its opponents are permitted and even encouraged..." | Feb 11 17:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] To give myself credit, in a private brainstorming session w/ clients on mobile, I had predicted #Nokia to sink Linux in 6 months #optimism | Feb 11 17:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The Daily vanishes into the memory hole - important issue of archiving digital news | Feb 11 17:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @kinkymal ♺ @SinkDeep Please wait while uninstalling rest of corrupted governments of the world:<blink> █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ #egypt #jan25 | Feb 11 17:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.7 KB | Feb 11 17:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Daily vanishes into the memory hole — Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard .::. Size~: 30.7 KB | Feb 11 17:13 |
fanta01 | to switch from Outlook/Explorer/Word and the rest to Firefox/Thunderbird/Open Office | Feb 11 17:13 |
Faither | That's a huge problem here. the icons look different | Feb 11 17:15 |
fanta01 | most people simple will not want to relearn | Feb 11 17:15 |
fanta01 | at least thats my experience | Feb 11 17:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Anonymous Ready To Dump More HBGary E-mails, Launch AnonLeaks - wonder where they got that idea? #wikileaks | Feb 11 17:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @curlyrbr It's a good day in class when I can reference Calvin and Hobbes. << awesome :D | Feb 11 17:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 11/2/2011: Cuban GNU/Linux Distro, Canonical Publishes Certified Components List !techrights | Feb 11 17:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Links 11/2/2011: Cuban GNU/Linux Distro, Canonical Publishes Certified Components List #techrights | Feb 11 17:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @Farrah3m: @schestowitz yes! I had to disable my account, and come back cuz i could have been arrested due to the emergency law! NO MORE! | Feb 11 17:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] "Those with proximity to government power and who serve and/or control it are free from the constraints of law..." | Feb 11 17:16 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Anonymous Ready To Dump More HBGary E-mails, Launch AnonLeaks - Parmy Olson - Disruptors - Forbes .::. Size~: 98.04 KB | Feb 11 17:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Links 11/2/2011: Cuban GNU/Linux Distro, Canonical Publishes Certified Components List | Techrights .::. Size~: 171.03 KB | Feb 11 17:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Links 11/2/2011: Cuban GNU/Linux Distro, Canonical Publishes Certified Components List | Techrights .::. Size~: 171.03 KB | Feb 11 17:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.7 KB | Feb 11 17:16 |
Faither | rather than playing memory searching for icons they should ask what they'd like to do and read the screen content | Feb 11 17:17 |
schestowitz | [17:10] <Faither> that's another term I HATE: "learning a new OS" | Feb 11 17:17 |
schestowitz | They should teach them std. keyboards | Feb 11 17:17 |
schestowitz | And computers | Feb 11 17:17 |
schestowitz | Not Windows and Office | Feb 11 17:17 |
schestowitz | Dummy generation bred by the Vole | Feb 11 17:17 |
Faither | They aren't even teaching windows - at least over here | Feb 11 17:17 |
schestowitz | Gotta go in a moment BTW | Feb 11 17:17 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @carlopiana indeed | Feb 11 17:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] "... those who threaten or subvert [government power] have the full weight of law come crashing down upon them." | Feb 11 17:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @ajakesully: RT @ch_s ♺ @schestowitz: ♺ @renata Uninstalling preval ... 0% complete ██████████████████████████ #haiti #now #unknow #egypt | Feb 11 17:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.7 KB | Feb 11 17:18 |
Faither | they teach you what pressing this icon will have what action | Feb 11 17:18 |
Faither | for this specific application | Feb 11 17:18 |
schestowitz | Hehe | Feb 11 17:18 |
Faither | you don't get taught anything other than searching for small images | Feb 11 17:19 |
Faither | If they can't find their icons they can't operate anything | Feb 11 17:19 |
schestowitz | I know, or memorising menu items | Feb 11 17:19 |
fanta01 | wasnt that the point of GUI apps? | Feb 11 17:19 |
schestowitz | "Mummy, I know where SAVE is!!" | Feb 11 17:19 |
schestowitz | "I'm a compie guri" | Feb 11 17:19 |
schestowitz | fanta01: yes, abstractions | Feb 11 17:20 |
schestowitz | So they learn mataphors | Feb 11 17:20 |
schestowitz | And not computers | Feb 11 17:20 |
schestowitz | Like operating an ATM | Feb 11 17:20 |
schestowitz | Let me tweet it.. : | Feb 11 17:20 |
Faither | that's why iOS is so successful | Feb 11 17:20 |
Faither | Lagre icons | Feb 11 17:20 |
fanta01 | Faither: yes because Jobs understood that a long time ago :) | Feb 11 17:21 |
schestowitz | He aims for a different market | Feb 11 17:21 |
schestowitz | Like Linpus | Feb 11 17:21 |
schestowitz | I found a way to quickly play videos in KDE, without flash | Feb 11 17:22 |
schestowitz | I mean YOUTUBE videos | Feb 11 17:22 |
Faither | minitube? | Feb 11 17:22 |
schestowitz | No | Feb 11 17:22 |
schestowitz | It doesn't work for me | Feb 11 17:22 |
Faither | | Feb 11 17:22 |
schestowitz | It's also an old version in the repo | Feb 11 17:22 |
schestowitz | And the binary from the site is broken | Feb 11 17:23 |
Faither | | Feb 11 17:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Nokia Microsoft is like #Yahoo Bing – Nokia’s days as innovator are over - good analysis: "Elop is Nokia’s Bartz" | Feb 11 17:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @jra: I've just given a talk on Open Source/Free Software in the "War Room" of the USA State Dept. "Oh the times, they are a changin'" | Feb 11 17:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @gomerx: Cairo's Tahrir square looks like Times Square on New Year's eve. #Egypt | Feb 11 17:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] To be honest, if I was Elop, I would have done the same move. If I was I, and CEO of Nokia, I would have not, for all the gold on Earth | Feb 11 17:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] "... we got rid of Mubarak but now we need to get rid of the Mubarak dictatorship..." | Feb 11 17:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ROFL!!! #nichtlustig | Feb 11 17:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @glynmoody Anonymous Ready To Dump More HBGary E-mails, Launch AnonLeaks - wonder where they got that idea? #wik ... | Feb 11 17:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] Is LibreOffice Open-By-Rule?: Charles-H Schulz from The Document Foundation submitted the data for a benchmark e... | Feb 11 17:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] "These massive corporations and the firms that serve them have no fear of law or government because they control each. " | Feb 11 17:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Microsoft is like Yahoo Bing – Nokia’s days as innovator are over .::. Size~: 42.38 KB | Feb 11 17:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Watch Now - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 84.32 KB | Feb 11 17:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NICHTLUSTIG .::. Size~: 42.42 KB | Feb 11 17:23 |
schestowitz | gtg | Feb 11 17:23 |
schestowitz | bbl | Feb 11 17:23 |
Faither | cya | Feb 11 17:23 |
Faither | t'care | Feb 11 17:23 |
schestowitz | Will cover Nokia tonight | Feb 11 17:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Anonymous Ready To Dump More HBGary E-mails, Launch AnonLeaks - Parmy Olson - Disruptors - Forbes .::. Size~: 103.21 KB | Feb 11 17:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Is LibreOffice Open-By-Rule? « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 57.56 KB | Feb 11 17:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.7 KB | Feb 11 17:24 |
schestowitz | Lots of material accumulated for research since morning... | Feb 11 17:24 |
Faither | it sure did every one is talking about it ^^ | Feb 11 17:24 |
Faither | <schestowitz> It's also an old version in the repo | Feb 11 17:25 |
Faither | One thing you would love about using archlinux and the AUR ^^ | Feb 11 17:25 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Teaching children how to operate Microsoft GUIs is as educational as training bank clerks by showing them how to use an ATM. | Feb 11 17:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I love it! ♺ @8: @fabsh Fabs law - the first person to mention Godwin's law loses the argument | Feb 11 17:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mattl/@mattl] How's everyone doing today? I'm having someone walk me through installing #replicant on my Android phone. | Feb 11 17:26 | |
Faither | wget <tarball>, tar xf <tarball>, cd <tarball>, makepkg -scir, done ^^ | Feb 11 17:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @Queen_UK OK people, time to walk like an Egyptian. It's Friday night and it's Gin O'Clock. Pens down. (via @GaeMar01) << rofl | Feb 11 17:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Fabalanche ahoy..... Sorry. :/ | Feb 11 17:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Best dent all day! ♺ @th3k4ty: i love getting information about other ppl on facebook. obviously my brother is in a relationship now. aha. | Feb 11 17:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @forteller Democracy Now! is also covering #Egypt live. Less overwhelming feelings, chanting, but more great info. Recommended http: ... | Feb 11 17:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] @mjasay speaks sense on #Apple misbehaving, but asks the wrong question We !FS guys ARE in rage. EG: | Feb 11 17:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Enough with the Apple App Store apathy • The Register .::. Size~: 25.04 KB | Feb 11 17:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Apple Locks Down iPad App Market, Opens Up Legal Woes | TPMDC .::. Size~: 39.63 KB | Feb 11 17:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @mattl Doing good since I haven't owned a Nokia phone since 2001. ;) | Feb 11 17:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Live from #Egypt on #fb | Feb 11 17:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @creepcops ♺ @MarkReiley Former middle eastern leader. Exp. in police brutality, corruption, crushing dissent. Available for weddings... | Feb 11 17:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: A daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 900 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the United States. .::. Size~: 52.1 KB | Feb 11 17:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rd @poissonjensen Once again the cradle of civilization is in the Middle East. Show the west how to make Democracy 2.0 #Egypt #jan25 | Feb 11 17:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Robbie Williamson to Host the !Ubuntu Weekly Q&A Session Today | Feb 11 17:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mattl/@mattl] @fabsh I think my Nokia phone from 2001 still works. Last Nokia phone I got was an E61. | Feb 11 17:36 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♺ @harishpillay: Live from #Egypt on | Feb 11 17:36 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Robbie Williamson to Host the Ubuntu Weekly Q&A Session Today / Amber Graner: You in Ubuntu / Blogs / Online / Home - Ubuntu User .::. Size~: 80.12 KB | Feb 11 17:36 |
MinceR | is there a collection of examples of m$ entryism somewhere? | Feb 11 17:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: A daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 900 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the United States. .::. Size~: 52.1 KB | Feb 11 17:36 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] Nokia Commits Corporate Suicide: #Nokia #Microsoft | Feb 11 17:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[forteller/@forteller] RT @theyesmen: Firm hired by Chamber of Commerce plots to forge emails of labor groups?? Yet another amazing !Wikileaks | Feb 11 17:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @mattl You won't be getting another one, I'd wager... | Feb 11 17:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Commits Corporate Suicide | Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 18.37 KB | Feb 11 17:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: ThinkProgress » EXCLUSIVE: US Chamber’s Lobbyists Solicited Hackers To Sabotage Unions, Smear Chamber’s Political Opponents .::. Size~: 122.24 KB | Feb 11 17:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @laurelrusswurm: Please wait while uninstalling rest of corrupted governments of the world:<blink> █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ #egypt #jan25 | Feb 11 17:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @GuidoPuddi: Dictator successfully uninstalled.. ███████████████████ 100% - Would you like to restart now? | Feb 11 17:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @stonemirror: Nokia adopts Windows Phone 7 {Heh. "Titanic Forms Strategic Business Alliance with Iceberg".} | Feb 11 17:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] IBM Watson taps university smarts ahead of Jeopardy! battle (Network World): | Feb 11 17:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Capitulation: Nokia adopts Windows Phone 7 .::. Size~: 32.93 KB | Feb 11 17:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Layer 8: IBM Watson taps university smarts ahead of Jeopardy! battle | Network World .::. Size~: 94.51 KB | Feb 11 17:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: EL SHA3B ASKAT EL NEZAAM! PEOPLE HAVE TOPPLED THE REGIME! This is the proudest day of my entire life. #jan25 #egypt #mubarak | Feb 11 17:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: CANT STOP CRYING!!!!!!!! ALHAMDULILAH!!!!!!! #jan25 #EGYPT #mubarak | Feb 11 17:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: as said by N'sync BYE BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #mubarak #jan25 #egypt | Feb 11 17:44 | |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Feb 11 17:52 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 17:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: 3 speeches, 18 days of uprising, 326 Martyrs, and 1000s injured people to get rid of Mubarak THE COST OF FREEDOM #egypt #jan25 | Feb 11 17:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] RT @thistleweb it'd be hilarious to see #Microsoft fail at everything, be left smiling with a huge patent portfolio just as they're abol ... | Feb 11 17:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] RT @themadhatter Nokia Commits Corporate Suicide: #Nokia #Microsoft | Feb 11 17:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mattl/@mattl] @fabsh Certainly not another one running Windows. | Feb 11 17:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: WE WILL REBUILD OUR COUNTRY WITH OUR HANDS!WE WILL PROTECT IT WITH OUR BLOOD!WE WILL PRAY FOR IT WITH EVERY BREATH!#egypt | Feb 11 17:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: FIREWORKS IN BEIRUT FOR EGYPT! THANK YOU HABAYBY!!!!!! #egypt #jan25 #mubarak | Feb 11 17:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] Is LibreOffice Open-By-Rule?: Charles-H Schulz from The Document Foundation submitted the data for a benchmark e... | Feb 11 17:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @mairin one thousand nokia employees walk out | Feb 11 17:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia Commits Corporate Suicide | Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 18.37 KB | Feb 11 17:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: ☆ Is LibreOffice Open-By-Rule? « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 57.91 KB | Feb 11 17:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide .::. Size~: 53.67 KB | Feb 11 17:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @schestowitz RE Elop you did call that one. Bye bye Nokia. | Feb 11 17:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @themadhatter RT @Farrah3m: THANK U 2 EVERY EGYPTIAN & NON-EGYPTIAN THAT SUPPORTED THIS REVOLUTION & SUPPORTED THEIR BROS & SISTERS I ... | Feb 11 17:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @ashledombos #elopocalypse IBM made the hw (IBM PC), MS give the OS, IBM is out. Sega made the hw (dreamcast), MS give the OS, Sega i ... | Feb 11 17:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @themadhatter RT @Farrah3m: THANK U 2 EVERY EGYPTIAN & NON-EGYPTIAN THAT SUPPORTED THIS REVOLUTION & SUPPORTED THEIR BROS & SISTERS I ... | Feb 11 18:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @ludost RT @MTLGirlGeeks February Montreal Girl Geek Event details are up!! Women in the Free Software Movement with @ludost11 http:/ ... | Feb 11 18:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @Lord_Sugar: I hope this Egypt thing does not give people in other countries the idea to try to over throw govs. (v @DavidAllenGreen) | Feb 11 18:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "Swiss freeze possible Mubarak assets" Excellent. What a glorious day! | Feb 11 18:01 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Swiss freeze possible Mubarak assets | Reuters .::. Size~: 66.65 KB | Feb 11 18:01 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] #Nokia had an awesome opportunity with #Meego: Exciting community w/ Android's apps as cherry on top. Unfortunately it eloped them. (SCNR) | Feb 11 18:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] #Intel stands to gain from this and has already declared it'll continue #Meego. Any bets on who'll produce the first exciting Meego device? | Feb 11 18:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @Glinner Jesus Christ. RT @Lord_Sugar: I hope this Egypt thing does not give people in other countries the idea to try to over throw gov | Feb 11 18:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Are Nokia really going to offer only Windows Phone 7? If so it is madness. | Feb 11 18:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @nolanjazeera if ur not watching @AymanM analyse these historic events on AJE, u should! Awesome reporting from truly great correspondent | Feb 11 18:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #Mubarak steps down, I wonder if the #US have lined up their replacement sock puppet, or whether they will overthrow the democratic choice | Feb 11 18:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @p2pnet Mubarak resigns. ‘Today, we, are all Egyptians’. 'Today you lift our hearts' | Feb 11 18:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: p2pnet news » Blog Archive » Mubarak resigns. ‘Today, we, are all Egyptians’ .::. Size~: 43.9 KB | Feb 11 18:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @thistleweb #Mubarak steps down, I wonder if the #US have lined up their replacement sock puppet, or whether they will overthrow the ... | Feb 11 18:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @sharifkouddous "Lift your head up, you're Egyptian!" - the chant of victory in #Tahrir #Egypt #jan25 | Feb 11 18:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] Congratulations egypt, you made it. You've worked for week for this and now it's here, now you get to experience the hard part.... | Feb 11 18:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @mettaben ♻ @fsf !FSF tells the US Trade Rep. to reject ACTA -- you can join us! !gnu !lp | Feb 11 18:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Tell the USTR to reject ACTA — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 32.92 KB | Feb 11 18:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Not Dead Yet: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Java - interesting graphs #java | Feb 11 18:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Tents in Liberation Square remind me of Megaton in Fallout 3. | Feb 11 18:19 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Not Dead Yet: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Java – tecosystems .::. Size~: 59.96 KB | Feb 11 18:19 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The repeal bill: what's left in, what's left out - the Curate's Egg, as expected #civilliberties | Feb 11 18:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The repeal bill: what's left in, what's left out • The Register .::. Size~: 25.33 KB | Feb 11 18:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Why Is President Obama Setting Up IP Enforcement Committees Rather Than IP Effectiveness Committees? - yup | Feb 11 18:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Why Is President Obama Setting Up IP Enforcement Committees Rather Than IP Effectiveness Committees? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 66.78 KB | Feb 11 18:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Global data storage calculated at 295 exabytes - IOW, a USB's worth in a few years' time... #storage | Feb 11 18:29 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC News - Global data storage calculated at 295 exabytes .::. Size~: 56.84 KB | Feb 11 18:29 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Blackberry Playbook rumored to run #Android apps - se non e' vero, e' ben trovato... | Feb 11 18:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] @satipera last throw of the dice from a company who's smartphone presence was all but dead anyway, at best #WP7 is a blip on the flatline | Feb 11 18:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Blackberry Playbook rumored to run Android apps | TG Daily .::. Size~: 40.18 KB | Feb 11 18:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] yes, I am still going to attend the MeeGo conference in May #shitsandgiggles | Feb 11 18:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Goldsmith on #Assange, WikiLeaks, the First Amendment & Press Freedoms - no easy option for US | Feb 11 18:36 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Goldsmith on Assange, WikiLeaks, the First Amendment & Press Freedoms .::. Size~: 36.78 KB | Feb 11 18:36 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @thistleweb if you tie your firm to a sinking platform apparently your shares drop 12% in a day. | Feb 11 18:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Meanwhile, in the #Nokia boardroom… - hard...but fair | Feb 11 18:39 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Meanwhile, in the Nokia boardroom… .::. Size~: 80.73 KB | Feb 11 18:39 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] RT @glynmoody Meanwhile, in the #Nokia boardroom… - hard...but fair | Feb 11 18:41 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Meanwhile, in the Nokia boardroom… .::. Size~: 80.73 KB | Feb 11 18:41 |
*Faither has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 11 18:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] @satipera #elop does seem to be the captain of the #nokia liner spotting an iceberg and ordering the liner to head for it | Feb 11 18:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] @satipera although that'd imply #nokie were flourishing before him, which isn't anywhere near the case | Feb 11 18:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] @ender2070 Here's a good one: | Feb 11 18:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.6 KB | Feb 11 18:48 |
*Faither ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 18:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @glynmoody Why Is President Obama Setting Up IP Enforcement Committees Rather Than IP Effectiveness Committees? - ... | Feb 11 18:54 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting type | Feb 11 18:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] MPEG LA Announces Call for Patents Essential to VP8 Video Codec | Feb 11 18:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ender2070/@ender2070] - preaching to the choir or does it just cause folie à plusieurs ? | Feb 11 18:56 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: MPEG LA Announces Call for Patents Essential to VP8 Video Codec [] .::. Size~: 6.66 KB | Feb 11 18:56 |
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 18:57 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Listening to "Trouble in Egypt" again in honour of all the brave people of #Egypt who won a big victory today. | Feb 11 18:58 | |
*fanta01 has quit (Quit: ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)) | Feb 11 19:02 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Feb 11 19:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @jonkulp my son to me: "what's the point of complaining if no one hears me?"(after I told him to go to his room if he wanted to keep ... | Feb 11 19:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] - LOL! Check out the video at 4:05 :D !lo | Feb 11 19:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: .::. Size~: 22.9 KB | Feb 11 19:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @nailuj: !lo forums post of the day: | Feb 11 19:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] OK, I'm off to a party. Enjoy the #FOSDEM special, everyone. A lot of cool content there... :) | Feb 11 19:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Linux Outlaws Forums • View topic - Linux Outlaws 190 - Special: MeeGo .::. Size~: 41.49 KB | Feb 11 19:09 |
*DaemonFC ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 19:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Church doing what the Church always does, protecting paedophiles among it's a members from legal justice surprised? | Feb 11 19:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC News - Cardinal Ad Simonis accused of protecting abuser priest .::. Size~: 55.46 KB | Feb 11 19:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] OpenLeaks Founder 'Crippled' !WikiLeaks, Daniel Domscheit-Berg is next Anonymous target | Feb 11 19:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Incredible journey: Can we reach the stars without breaking the bank? !science | Feb 11 19:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: WikiLeaks crippled by ex-associates, sources say | Reuters .::. Size~: 73.28 KB | Feb 11 19:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Incredible journey: Can we reach the stars without breaking the bank? - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 50.6 KB | Feb 11 19:28 |
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Feb 11 19:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♻ @glynmoody Meanwhile, in the #Nokia boardroom… - hard...but fair | Feb 11 19:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Meanwhile, in the Nokia boardroom… .::. Size~: 80.38 KB | Feb 11 19:31 |
DaemonFC | Is there a way to ban an entire artist or genre in Last FM? | Feb 11 19:32 |
DaemonFC | It keeps slipping in Christian Rock into my recommended radio | Feb 11 19:32 |
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 19:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] MPEG LA Attempts To Start VP8 Patent Pool, Google is laughing the whole way to the bank | Feb 11 19:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Glenn Greenwald on being targeted in an anti-!Wikileaks dirty tricks campaign | Feb 11 19:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: MPEG LA Attempts To Start VP8 Patent Pool - Slashdot .::. Size~: 137.76 KB | Feb 11 19:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Glenn Greenwald on being targeted in an anti-Wikileaks dirty tricks campaign - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 46.69 KB | Feb 11 19:33 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: They have to make sure they control those open standards, like who can use them and who gets what pricing | Feb 11 19:34 |
DaemonFC | :) | Feb 11 19:34 |
schestowitz | MPEG? | Feb 11 19:34 |
schestowitz | I just got back... | Feb 11 19:34 |
DaemonFC | yeah | Feb 11 19:34 |
schestowitz | Yeah, and they use newer patents | Feb 11 19:34 |
schestowitz | It means they're losing | Feb 11 19:34 |
DaemonFC | like their Free Crack Promise on h264 for web streaming | Feb 11 19:34 |
DaemonFC | 5 whole years then pay up | Feb 11 19:35 |
schestowitz | Hold on, let me catch up with 2 hours.. | Feb 11 19:35 |
DaemonFC | if h264 becomes the de facto codec for web video then we have bigger problems than Flash | Feb 11 19:36 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] World's total CPU power: one human brain (Ars): | Feb 11 19:36 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: World's total CPU power: one human brain .::. Size~: 34.95 KB | Feb 11 19:36 |
DaemonFC | this would be like making RAR 3.0 the only compression format you could use for files and trying to convince everyone it's an open standard just because someone defines what RAR is | Feb 11 19:37 |
schestowitz | [17:27] <Faither> wget <tarball>, tar xf <tarball>, cd <tarball>, makepkg -scir, done ^^ | Feb 11 19:38 |
schestowitz | I still use yum and apt-get | Feb 11 19:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Friday's security advisories | Feb 11 19:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Friday's security advisories [] .::. Size~: 6.49 KB | Feb 11 19:38 |
schestowitz | So fast! | Feb 11 19:38 |
Faither | xD | Feb 11 19:38 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: RAR 3 is a major problem because it always forces the user to use nonfree software to unpack it | Feb 11 19:38 |
Faither | this will take care of downloading source files, compiling, packaging, cleaning up the make dir and installing it via pacman | Feb 11 19:39 |
DaemonFC | are there any projects going to reverse engineer the format? | Feb 11 19:39 |
DaemonFC | If I see something that hyas redistribution rights granted that's packed as RAR 3, I try to convert it into a 7zip archive and upload it someplace else | Feb 11 19:40 |
DaemonFC | the proliferation of RAR really disgusts me | Feb 11 19:40 |
DaemonFC | it's amazing how something becomes widely used when it's proprietary freeware that actually underperforms a FOSS equivalent | Feb 11 19:41 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] May have to unsubb from kde and meego groups, too much poison flowin from them today. | Feb 11 19:41 | |
DaemonFC | so many people don't care as long as they don't have to pay to use it right at the moment | Feb 11 19:41 |
schestowitz | rar is rare now | Feb 11 19:41 |
schestowitz | I last had it sent to me in 2005 | Feb 11 19:41 |
DaemonFC | I still find them sometimes | Feb 11 19:41 |
schestowitz | It used to be widely used for gamez in BBS | Feb 11 19:41 |
DaemonFC | it's common enough that I have unrar installed | Feb 11 19:42 |
schestowitz | ok | Feb 11 19:42 |
schestowitz | remember arj? | Feb 11 19:42 |
schestowitz | ARJ.EXE? | Feb 11 19:42 |
DaemonFC | I've only ever ran into a couple of them | Feb 11 19:42 |
schestowitz | As a kid I learned how to use the command line tool | Feb 11 19:42 |
DaemonFC | and the unpacker, for DOS, was included in the directory :) | Feb 11 19:42 |
schestowitz | These days kids learn to click Blue Es | Feb 11 19:42 |
schestowitz | Maybe you're too young | Feb 11 19:43 |
DaemonFC | I registered PKZIP for DOS | Feb 11 19:43 |
DaemonFC | :P | Feb 11 19:43 |
schestowitz | It was popular when I was like 10, briefly | Feb 11 19:43 |
DaemonFC | at the time I really liked DOS and deleted Windows because it was using disk space that I could use for DOS programs | Feb 11 19:43 |
DaemonFC | :) | Feb 11 19:43 |
DaemonFC | it took them until 1995 just to have a passable GUI, when others had them out in the 80s | Feb 11 19:44 |
DaemonFC | it's not saying much, Microsoft has always followed | Feb 11 19:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] oops, Flame Off... #fantasticfour | Feb 11 19:44 | |
Faither | Atari ST 1040 with TOS! xD | Feb 11 19:45 |
DaemonFC | WordPerfect had DOS and Windows versions and the only real difference was in Windows you got to hear your system run out of memory and attack the swap file | Feb 11 19:45 |
Faither | I learned how to program Basic on that Computer when I was a kid | Feb 11 19:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] What I like about the new !Debian is that I don't need to update my older Lenny any soon | Feb 11 19:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] CC tools and PSI: Supporting attribution, protecting reputation, preserving integrity, via @epsiplatform - | Feb 11 19:46 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Debian -- News -- Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" released .::. Size~: 16.06 KB | Feb 11 19:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CC tools and PSI: Supporting attribution, protecting reputation, and preserving integrity - Creative Commons .::. Size~: 21.81 KB | Feb 11 19:46 |
DaemonFC | yeah, I was mainly using DOS, then Windows, then dual booting, then just installing Windows now and then to see what it's doing lately | Feb 11 19:46 |
DaemonFC | I dabbled with Slackware that I got in a book in the early 90s :) | Feb 11 19:46 |
DaemonFC | I have an MSDN account that is mainly just there to collect dust and amuse me (someone I know got X amount of logins for the fee and gave me one) | Feb 11 19:47 |
DaemonFC | that's the only reason I even know what Windows 7 looks like | Feb 11 19:48 |
Faither | I run around 'fixing' Computers in my spare time and have to deal with Win7 on a regular basis now... | Feb 11 19:49 |
DaemonFC | Faither: DOS had qbasic, it was an interpreter but it wouldn't compile anything | Feb 11 19:49 |
DaemonFC | :P | Feb 11 19:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jra/@jra] Did Rick Belluzzo start working at Nokia when I wasn't looking? | Feb 11 19:49 | |
Faither | I quit programming basic as soon as I had seen qubasic | Feb 11 19:50 |
Faither | qbasic^ | Feb 11 19:50 |
DaemonFC | I made a few little games and such with qbasic just to play around with it | Feb 11 19:50 |
Faither | Was too spoiled from the Atari Version GFA Basic | Feb 11 19:50 |
Faither | I guess it was called | Feb 11 19:50 |
Faither | and it came with a compiler ^^ | Feb 11 19:51 |
DaemonFC | Borland had the best IDE's and compilers at that time | Feb 11 19:51 |
DaemonFC | for C and TurboPASCAL mainly | Feb 11 19:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mrdenticator/@mrdenticator] Yesterday top #statustician is fabsh with 228 dents! | Feb 11 19:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Microsoft suddenly becomes a mobile behemoth --- Nokia chooses Windows Phone 7 (Computerworld): | Feb 11 19:51 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft suddenly becomes a mobile behemoth --- Nokia chooses Windows Phone 7 - Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 71.05 KB | Feb 11 19:51 |
DaemonFC | there was also Delphi, I think that lives on in gcc | Feb 11 19:51 |
Faither | ^^ | Feb 11 19:52 |
DaemonFC | Delphi was all Borland, TurboPASCAL was just Borland extensions to PASCAL that gave it some of the nice things about C | Feb 11 19:52 |
DaemonFC | I made a checkers game in Delphi | Feb 11 19:52 |
DaemonFC | I remember I did not like Delphi that much | Feb 11 19:52 |
DaemonFC | TurboPASCAL was nice | Feb 11 19:53 |
schestowitz | I used that | Feb 11 19:53 |
schestowitz | brb gotta make some posts | Feb 11 19:53 |
Faither | I still have tp around somewhere.... | Feb 11 19:53 |
DaemonFC | there's some FOSS compilers around that are TurboPASCAL compatible | Feb 11 19:54 |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Feb 11 19:54 | |
DaemonFC | I think gcc only implements the ISO version | Feb 11 19:54 |
DaemonFC | at one time there were two definitions of PASCAL that were mutually incompatible | Feb 11 19:54 |
DaemonFC | ANSI had one, and ISO had the other :) | Feb 11 19:54 |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 19:54 | |
DaemonFC | and then Borland had their incompatible nonstandard version | Feb 11 19:55 |
DaemonFC | ANSI PASCAL is now just a stub that points to the ISO definition | Feb 11 19:55 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] The 5 Weirdest Ways Music Can Mess With the Human Brain | | Feb 11 19:56 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The 5 Weirdest Ways Music Can Mess With the Human Brain | .::. Size~: 124.4 KB | Feb 11 19:56 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] California retailers can't ask patrons for ZIP Codes, court rules (LA Times): | Feb 11 19:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Credit cards, ZIP Codes: California retailers can't ask patrons for ZIP Codes, court rules - .::. Size~: 174.67 KB | Feb 11 19:58 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: "MPEG Cartel starts Patent Racket on VP8 to Leech on Other People's Work" | Feb 11 19:59 |
DaemonFC | how's that? | Feb 11 19:59 |
DaemonFC | :P | Feb 11 19:59 |
DaemonFC | | Feb 11 20:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Amazon Pulling Out of Texas Over $269 Million Tax Bill - Slashdot .::. Size~: 169.13 KB | Feb 11 20:01 |
DaemonFC | This time taxes really did kill jobs, lots of them | Feb 11 20:01 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Mubarak has stepped down as President, I wish #Egypt luck on their new democratic government | Feb 11 20:01 | |
DaemonFC | It would be nice if the states could just agree to a collective sales tax authority | Feb 11 20:02 |
DaemonFC | to prevent companies from cheating on their taxes and moving to other states when the bill comes | Feb 11 20:02 |
DaemonFC | | Feb 11 20:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Obama's Goal: 98% of US Covered By 4G - Slashdot .::. Size~: 134.31 KB | Feb 11 20:03 |
DaemonFC | Including the families in their cardboard boxes from the housing scam? | Feb 11 20:03 |
DaemonFC | There's also an article wondering why smartphones aren't in everyone's pockets | Feb 11 20:05 |
DaemonFC | Because not everybody needs one? | Feb 11 20:05 |
DaemonFC | Slashdot's quality has really gone to shit | Feb 11 20:05 |
MinceR | long ago | Feb 11 20:06 |
sebsebseb | DaemonFC: What do you think about the Nokia thing? | Feb 11 20:06 |
DaemonFC | it used to be geeky, now it's just a pitch platform for the latest Microsoft and Apple products | Feb 11 20:06 |
MinceR | also, people don't even understand what smartphones are | Feb 11 20:06 |
MinceR | they go around calling crap like hypePhone and kin7 "smartphones" | Feb 11 20:06 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: What are smartphones? PD | Feb 11 20:06 |
sebsebseb | :D | Feb 11 20:06 |
DaemonFC | sebsebseb: If they want to go with Vista Phone 7, let them | Feb 11 20:07 |
DaemonFC | they're digging their own grave | Feb 11 20:07 |
MinceR | mobile phones with full PDA capability (or with everything except a touchscreen) | Feb 11 20:07 |
sebsebseb | oh | Feb 11 20:07 |
sebsebseb | DaemonFC: they were failing as a company anyway, from a business point of view it makes sense I guess, plus the CEO used to work for Micrsooft | Feb 11 20:07 |
DaemonFC | id it's anything like Windows Mobile 6.x, the rep would have me laughing out of the store | Feb 11 20:07 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: it's not | Feb 11 20:07 |
Faither | smart phones are generally phones that do stuff on their own, like sending data over your 3g connection, deleting apps, or spying on you | Feb 11 20:08 |
sebsebseb | DaemonFC: from a Linux and such geek point of view, well yeah things are a bit worrying | Feb 11 20:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] central updated page / site of #FOSS events from #TuxRadar excellent idea | Feb 11 20:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Intel defends MeeGo after Nokia defection • The Register | Feb 11 20:08 | |
MinceR | DaemonFC: wm6 is a lot less shitty than kin7 | Feb 11 20:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Intel defends MeeGo after Nokia defection • The Register .::. Size~: 21.78 KB | Feb 11 20:08 |
DaemonFC | right, Kin is a stripped down toy, whereas WM 6 is a toy | Feb 11 20:08 |
DaemonFC | :) | Feb 11 20:08 |
MinceR | they've thrown everything they had away to invent something that combines the weaknesses of hypeOS with the weaknesses of android | Feb 11 20:08 |
MinceR | oh, and the weaknesses of winblows ce, of course | Feb 11 20:08 |
DaemonFC | no apps and not cool? | Feb 11 20:08 |
DaemonFC | :) | Feb 11 20:09 |
MinceR | no native code, no multitasking, no copy/paste | Feb 11 20:09 |
*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #techrights | Feb 11 20:09 | |
MinceR | and probably they still haven't discovered how to code an alarm that actually works | Feb 11 20:09 |
DaemonFC | what is this? Palm OS 2011? | Feb 11 20:09 |
DaemonFC | :D | Feb 11 20:09 |
MinceR | palmos had copy/paste | Feb 11 20:09 |
MinceR | :> | Feb 11 20:09 |
DaemonFC | damnh | Feb 11 20:09 |
DaemonFC | hehe | Feb 11 20:09 |
MinceR | and support for native code apps | Feb 11 20:09 |
MinceR | even if most of the stuff you run on an ARM palm is on a motorola dragonball(?) cpu emulator | Feb 11 20:10 |
DaemonFC | I'd like to say I don't care about technical details as much as does it do what I want, but I'd still lose on both counts | Feb 11 20:10 |
DaemonFC | all the apps on my phone are Java applets | Feb 11 20:11 |
DaemonFC | it works well enough | Feb 11 20:11 |
MinceR | except they're slow | Feb 11 20:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: 10AM TOMORROW EVERYONE TO TAHRIR FOR CLEANUP, BRING GLOVES, PLASTIC BAGS & WIPES! #jan25 #egypt | Feb 11 20:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Farrah3m: RT @TiloJung: @Farrah3m Sure thing! Tell Hosni he can crash on my couch for a few days! | Feb 11 20:11 | |
MinceR | and if they're J2ME, then they're also horribly limited in capability | Feb 11 20:11 |
MinceR | J2ME doesn't even allow applications to read/write each others' files | Feb 11 20:11 |
DaemonFC | Opera managed to do a good job within the limits of J2ME | Feb 11 20:11 |
MinceR | except much of opera mini runs on opera's servers | Feb 11 20:12 |
MinceR | if not most of it | Feb 11 20:12 |
abeNd-org | opera mini on palmos running in j2me was great | Feb 11 20:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[themadhatter/@themadhatter] RT @Vryka: EC 436 Candidates make hay. #weblit #webfic #fantasy #Minis #fetish #reading | Feb 11 20:13 | |
MinceR | i prefer opera mobile on symbian | Feb 11 20:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Eclipse Court .::. Size~: 198.03 KB | Feb 11 20:13 |
MinceR | it certainly beats BrowserNG which crashes all the time, even on wikipedia pages | Feb 11 20:13 |
DaemonFC | KHTML crashes X sometimes when there's a PNG in the web page | Feb 11 20:13 |
DaemonFC | but I noticed this only happens on FGLRX :) | Feb 11 20:14 |
MinceR | i don't think i've seen that before | Feb 11 20:14 |
MinceR | oh. | Feb 11 20:14 |
MinceR | that explains why i haven't seen it :> | Feb 11 20:14 |
DaemonFC | if I switch to kwebkitpart, it goes away | Feb 11 20:14 |
DaemonFC | I switched to kwebkitpart to get it to stop crashing | Feb 11 20:14 |
DaemonFC | at least until the bug is fixed in their driver | Feb 11 20:15 |
DaemonFC | that's the great thing about binary drivers, occasionally they drink the blood of puppies and only the hardware manufacturer knows why | Feb 11 20:15 |
MinceR | and often they're far behind on features | Feb 11 20:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] In addition to the ePSI blog series, check out the CC topic report just published, via @epsiplatform - | Feb 11 20:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] #Egypt: Now See The 11 Countries That Could Become Democratic | Feb 11 20:16 | |
MinceR | "KMS? say, what is that?" | Feb 11 20:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CC ePSIplatform topic report published - Creative Commons .::. Size~: 14.47 KB | Feb 11 20:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Now See The 11 Countries At Risk Of Becoming The Next Egypt .::. Size~: 179.51 KB | Feb 11 20:16 |
DaemonFC | it would be nice if there was a way to switch drivers on the fly | Feb 11 20:17 |
DaemonFC | use the stable FOSS one for my desktop stuff and switch to FGLRX when I want to start a game | Feb 11 20:17 |
DaemonFC | the FOSS one is stable but it is slooooooooooow | Feb 11 20:17 |
DaemonFC | and it doesn't support OpenGL past 2.1 | Feb 11 20:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Tell President Obama: stop supporting Monsanto, start supporting organics | Feb 11 20:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft’s Chokehold is Gradually Coming to Its End many reasons to be happy today. I'll cover Nokia (bad) later. | Feb 11 20:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Microsoft’s Chokehold is Gradually Coming to Its End #windows #eu #france #antitrust #racketware #oem | Feb 11 20:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Republicans are coming after NPR and PBS. They want to zero out their funding. Help stop them (again). | Feb 11 20:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Tell President Obama: Stand up for me, not Monsanto .::. Size~: 20.81 KB | Feb 11 20:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft’s Chokehold is Gradually Coming to Its End | Techrights .::. Size~: 87.02 KB | Feb 11 20:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft’s Chokehold is Gradually Coming to Its End | Techrights .::. Size~: 87.02 KB | Feb 11 20:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Political Action: Save NPR and PBS (Again) .::. Size~: 16.21 KB | Feb 11 20:18 |
DaemonFC | I agree that not crashing the system trumps faster performance, but it seems like all they care about is getting it to a state suitable for someone pecking away at a RHEL workstation | Feb 11 20:19 |
*fanta01 ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 20:22 | |
DaemonFC | I might put my bedroom PC on nightly builds of stuff so I know kinda sorta what state r600g is in | Feb 11 20:23 |
DaemonFC | turn that into my canary system since I don't game on it | Feb 11 20:24 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Linux Supercomputer is a Contestant on Jeopardy (LinuxPlanet) | Feb 11 20:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "Microsoft Is Paying Nokia "Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars" To Go With Windows" | Feb 11 20:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] I can't be the only who thinks that entering 7,8 or 9 digit strings into a phone just to join a conference call is archaic. Seems primitive. | Feb 11 20:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Linux Supercomputer is a Contestant on Jeopardy (LinuxPlanet) [] .::. Size~: 6.12 KB | Feb 11 20:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft Is Paying Nokia "Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars" To Go With Windows .::. Size~: 120.07 KB | Feb 11 20:28 |
Faither | brb - I hope xD | Feb 11 20:31 |
*Faither has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Feb 11 20:33 | |
*Faither ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 20:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wildcard/@wildcard] RT @blondinrikard RT/RD @fscons The program for #fscons @GoOpen is now up at (room 5, FSCONS) #localfscons | Feb 11 20:36 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: GoOpen | Program .::. Size~: 23.42 KB | Feb 11 20:36 |
*Neology (5eab64d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | Feb 11 20:37 | |
Neology | any1 know where I can get help with CSS3? | Feb 11 20:38 |
schestowitz | Hi, Faither | Feb 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | How are you? | Feb 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | I caught up now | Feb 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | I'm gonna do my Nokia post | Feb 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | Neology: maybe | Feb 11 20:52 |
*Neology has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Feb 11 20:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Lobbyists From #Microsoft , #Apple , and #Nokia Are Backing Potential Patent Lawsuit Against Google/WebM #mpegla | Feb 11 20:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Lobbyists From #Microsoft , #Apple , and #Nokia Are Backing Potential Patent Lawsuit Against Google/WebM #swpats #webm | Feb 11 20:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] ♺ @diablod3 Tell President Obama: stop supporting Monsanto, start supporting organics | Feb 11 20:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Lobbyists From Microsoft, Apple, and Nokia Are Backing Potential Patent Lawsuit Against Google/WebM | Techrights .::. Size~: 90.05 KB | Feb 11 20:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Lobbyists From Microsoft, Apple, and Nokia Are Backing Potential Patent Lawsuit Against Google/WebM | Techrights .::. Size~: 90.05 KB | Feb 11 20:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Tell President Obama: Stand up for me, not Monsanto .::. Size~: 20.81 KB | Feb 11 20:53 |
Faither | Heya I'm fine thx how are you? | Feb 11 20:53 |
*wulfric (~wulfric@ has joined #techrights | Feb 11 21:03 | |
wulfric | "Open source guru Miguel de Icaza "psyched" about Microsoft/Nokia deal" | Feb 11 21:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft, Google and cloud tech news: Open source guru Miguel de Icaza "psyched" about Microsoft/Nokia deal | Network World .::. Size~: 81.74 KB | Feb 11 21:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] #Microsoft seems to be building quite a reputation as a patent troll #webm #vp8 #google #mpegla | Feb 11 21:11 | |
wulfric | What a snake! RMS was too civil calling him 'traitor' I would pick something less printable Guess its time to #Boycott Mokia then! | Feb 11 21:13 |
*wulfric has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Feb 11 21:13 | |
MinceR | why boycott a company that refuses to manufacture products you'd like to buy anyway? :> | Feb 11 21:19 |
gnufreex | RMS said something about Nokia? | Feb 11 21:20 |
gnufreex | Ah, you are talking de Icaza | Feb 11 21:21 |
MinceR | who the hell calls de icaza an "open source guru"? | Feb 11 21:21 |
MinceR | traitor is fitting, though | Feb 11 21:21 |
gnufreex | Novell toilet cleaner | Feb 11 21:22 |
gnufreex | Microsoft zealot | Feb 11 21:22 |
gnufreex | Balmer cock gobbler | Feb 11 21:22 |
*fanta01 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 11 21:30 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Open Source Hardware Definition 1.0 published (The H) | Feb 11 21:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Open Source Hardware Definition 1.0 published (The H) [] .::. Size~: 6.18 KB | Feb 11 21:31 |
gnufreex | All those "analyst recomendations" to for Nokia, the burning memo, all that is set as historical reference, to say that Nokia had no choice and that market wanted Microsoft. | Feb 11 21:43 |
MinceR | only the cultists will believe that | Feb 11 21:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gnufreex/@gnufreex] "Analyst recomendations", the burning memo.. it seems all that was set by MSFT to later claim that "nokia did what market asked" | Feb 11 21:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] RT @ghabuntu Intel Stands behind #MeeGo in the Multi-device Ecosystem #Intel #Nokia #NokMsft #Linux #MWC (via @MeeGoExp ... | Feb 11 21:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Intel Stands behind MeeGo in the Multi-device Ecosystem .::. Size~: 38.03 KB | Feb 11 21:48 |
gnufreex | Yeah, but cultist repeat it ad infinitum because that is their job | Feb 11 21:48 |
MinceR | at least i've certainly read more calls for nokia to use android than to use kin7 | Feb 11 21:48 |
gnufreex | So they get clueless people to beleive that | Feb 11 21:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Geek & Poke: A Geek Is Born | Feb 11 21:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] smspillaz: Better Shadows #compiz | Feb 11 21:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @laurelrusswurm RT @lxoliva 113 months ago, peoples froze in terror. today, a new 11th brings us hope of peace and freedom. people ... | Feb 11 21:49 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Geek And Poke: A Geek Is Born .::. Size~: 42.56 KB | Feb 11 21:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Better Shadows | be careful, he might break your display .::. Size~: 30.77 KB | Feb 11 21:49 |
gnufreex | Microsoft bastards | Feb 11 21:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft says exec took secret 'trove' to Salesforce • Channel Register .::. Size~: 22.78 KB | Feb 11 21:50 |
gnufreex | They sue employee who won't spy for them | Feb 11 21:50 |
gnufreex | Claim they stole someting | Feb 11 21:51 |
gnufreex | Elop didn't steal anything | Feb 11 21:51 |
schestowitz | 'Stole' | Feb 11 21:51 |
schestowitz | Elop does a fine job | Feb 11 21:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] On Sunday it will be two solid years of saying profanities and nonsense on by @carlopiana, human being, a passable one. Cheers! | Feb 11 21:51 | |
schestowitz | [for Microsoft] | Feb 11 21:51 |
MinceR | just not for his de jure employers | Feb 11 21:51 |
MinceR | (nokia shareholders) | Feb 11 21:51 |
gnufreex | yeah, they expected this Salesforce guy to do the same | Feb 11 21:51 |
gnufreex | If not, then he's a thief | Feb 11 21:51 |
gnufreex | You shall not leave Microsfot without bringing victim to the altar | Feb 11 21:52 |
schestowitz | This guy is a lobbyist IIRC | Feb 11 21:53 |
gnufreex | Elop brought Nokia | Feb 11 21:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Microsoft’s Nokia ‘Deal’ is More Like a Takeover, Patents Pose a Problem #nokia #elopocalypse #swpats | Feb 11 21:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft’s Nokia ‘Deal’ is More Like a Takeover, Patents Pose a Problem #Microsoft #entryism #meego #linux | Feb 11 21:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] "The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive." -Thomas Jefferson | Feb 11 21:53 | |
schestowitz | To sell governments lockin | Feb 11 21:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft’s Nokia ‘Deal’ is More Like a Takeover, Patents Pose a Problem | Techrights .::. Size~: 105.84 KB | Feb 11 21:53 |
schestowitz | Wrapped as "cloud" | Feb 11 21:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft’s Nokia ‘Deal’ is More Like a Takeover, Patents Pose a Problem | Techrights .::. Size~: 105.84 KB | Feb 11 21:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @themadhatter RT @stonemirror: Nokia adopts Windows Phone 7 {Heh. "Titanic Forms Strategic Business Alliance with ... | Feb 11 21:54 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Capitulation: Nokia adopts Windows Phone 7 .::. Size~: 33 KB | Feb 11 21:54 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 21:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @andydipro: Bills dumps his Microsoft shares. WTH!!! me nah waste my time with MS. | Feb 11 21:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Bill Gates Dumps His Microsoft Shares and Buys Shares Of Goldman Sachs, Monsanto, and Exxon Mobil | Techrights .::. Size~: 117.04 KB | Feb 11 21:56 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft MVP Miguel de Icaza "psyched" about Microsoft/Nokia deal can we put de Icaza in a wastebasket? | Feb 11 21:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @laurelrusswurm RT @themadhatter RT @Farrah3m: THANK U 2 EVERY EGYPTIAN & NON-EGYPTIAN THAT SUPPORTED THIS REVOLUTION & SUPPORTED THE ... | Feb 11 21:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @harishpillay RT @ashledombos #elopocalypse IBM made the hw (IBM PC), MS give the OS, IBM is out. Sega made the hw (dreamcast), MS gi ... | Feb 11 21:56 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft, Google and cloud tech news: Open source guru Miguel de Icaza "psyched" about Microsoft/Nokia deal | Network World .::. Size~: 84.51 KB | Feb 11 21:56 |
schestowitz | Someone told me about | Feb 11 21:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @dohbee: Also, I think people have been spending too much time listening to #boycottboy. These Nokia+MS jokes are worse than the Novell+MS ones. | Feb 11 21:57 |
schestowitz | I got some mono boosters pinging me | Feb 11 21:57 |
schestowitz | Trying to daemonise me for seeing in advance the Nokia thing, think | Feb 11 21:57 |
schestowitz | It wasn't written in English, so I'm not sure... | Feb 11 21:57 |
gnufreex | It is english... ? | Feb 11 21:57 |
schestowitz | E.g. | Feb 11 21:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @CharlieCraneyka: RT @RuiSeabra: @schestowitz the way shares are dropping either elop is fired or #microsoft shows cards and buys #nokia #bieber | Feb 11 21:58 |
schestowitz | oops | Feb 11 21:58 |
schestowitz | wrong URL... | Feb 11 21:58 |
schestowitz | Hm... it's outside my view now | Feb 11 21:58 |
schestowitz | Got too many replies today... | Feb 11 21:58 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia | Feb 11 21:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @satipera Dude, That Elop is a beaurecrat, he's not a visionary, Nokia needs a visionary, like Jobs. Elop will act like Hovsepian and will | Feb 11 21:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @satipera sink Nokia even deeper. | Feb 11 21:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] AOL Buys HuffPo: You've Got News! (Funny or Die): | Feb 11 21:59 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: AOL Buys HuffPo: You've Got News! from FOD Team, Alex Fernie, Brian Lane, and allyhord .::. Size~: 291.63 KB | Feb 11 21:59 |
schestowitz | "Microsoft minion De Icaza shows once again where his loyalty lies. Saying that WP7 will "save Nokia" is laughable, it only shows how blind his zealotry for Microsoft is. " | Feb 11 22:00 |
schestowitz | From the comments BTW | Feb 11 22:00 |
schestowitz | "Nokia just signed death sentence, abandoned two very solid open platforms for one crappy proprietary OS which it doesn't own and which already got rejected by the market. " | Feb 11 22:00 |
*Ziomatrix ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 22:00 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Feb 11 22:02 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @agentsmith That Elop is a beaurecrat, he's not a visionary, Nokia needs a visionary, like Jobs. Elop will act like Hovsepian and will | Feb 11 22:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @laurelrusswurm RT @themadhatter RT @Farrah3m: THANK U 2 EVERY EGYPTIAN & NON-EGYPTIAN THAT SUPPORTED THIS REVOLUTION & SUPPORTED THE ... | Feb 11 22:03 | |
*DaemonFC ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 22:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] #westham who wants to watch a football match with a bloody running track around it? | Feb 11 22:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @gnufreex Agree | Feb 11 22:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @agentsmith Elop seems to be the pre bankruptcy administrator. | Feb 11 22:08 | |
gnufreex | | Feb 11 22:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft to make mobile phones as frustrating as PCs .::. Size~: 32.06 KB | Feb 11 22:09 |
schestowitz | Old one, no? | Feb 11 22:10 |
schestowitz | Either way, I got distracted by the Nokia thing, more than I expected | Feb 11 22:10 |
schestowitz | It's not like it was a surpise | Feb 11 22:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Mmmm time for a gammon and banana sarnie with mustard. | Feb 11 22:11 | |
Ziomatrix | gnufreex: no offense but Android has been unintentionally doing that just fine. | Feb 11 22:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gnufreex/@gnufreex] Elop takes sisu away from nokia #elopolypse | Feb 11 22:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] @satipera Couldn't agree more | Feb 11 22:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Sisu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 44.26 KB | Feb 11 22:13 |
gnufreex | Ziomatrix: I don't really like Android... but it is better than Vista Phony | Feb 11 22:14 |
Ziomatrix | gnufreex: I blame certain manufacturers such as Motorola for that debacle. Speaking of which this news from HP made me mad: | Feb 11 22:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: HP hears you on the OTA update issue, working on "something to make things right" | | The #1 Palm Pre and Pixi Community .::. Size~: 69.77 KB | Feb 11 22:14 |
Ziomatrix | gnufreex: me too, its just that carriers (at least in the US) and manufacturers tend to muck it up | Feb 11 22:15 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: sad to see Nokia going to the dark side, I hope Meego with Intel's muscle can find another partner | Feb 11 22:15 |
MinceR | hopefully they'll find several partners | Feb 11 22:16 |
MinceR | so m$ will have no single point to attack | Feb 11 22:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Is Egypt really out of the hole? Sums up what I feared long before Muburakyoulikeahurricane fled. | Feb 11 22:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: jwbernier2 comments on MUBARAK STEPS DOWN .::. Size~: 77.14 KB | Feb 11 22:18 |
gnufreex | When I think better... I don't want Intel MeeGo | Feb 11 22:18 |
gnufreex | It will come with Atom | Feb 11 22:18 |
Ziomatrix | MinceR: maybe with Android app compatibility it will make a better sale to those who want the market but not Google's requirements and software requirement baggage, sadly. | Feb 11 22:18 |
gnufreex | I hope ARM will jump in | Feb 11 22:18 |
MinceR | Ziomatrix: i don't understand | Feb 11 22:18 |
MinceR | gnufreex: so do i | Feb 11 22:18 |
gnufreex | I think ARM already has some people working meego | Feb 11 22:18 |
Ziomatrix | gnufreex: doubt it, Apple has gotten a lionshare of the ARM Consortium | Feb 11 22:18 |
MinceR | or preferably a choice between ARM and Atom | Feb 11 22:19 |
gnufreex | No, I mixed up. They work on Linaro | Feb 11 22:19 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @Ghonim Dear Western Governments, You've been silent 30 years supporting the regime oppressing us. Please don't get involved now #Jan25 | Feb 11 22:19 | |
MinceR | what's Linaro? | Feb 11 22:19 |
gnufreex | Development distro for ARM | Feb 11 22:20 |
gnufreex | Based on Buntu | Feb 11 22:20 |
MinceR | for mobile phones? | Feb 11 22:20 |
Ziomatrix | gnufreex: with Mono? | Feb 11 22:20 |
gnufreex | I don't if has mono | Feb 11 22:20 |
gnufreex | But it is not real product | Feb 11 22:20 |
gnufreex | just development platform | Feb 11 22:20 |
gnufreex | Skunkworks | Feb 11 22:20 |
gnufreex | For hadware enablement | Feb 11 22:20 |
schestowitz | "Yeah. Right. Sure. Once upon a time Nokia delivered great products. In technology years that’s decades ago. Since then, first RIM’s BlackBerries, then Apple’s iPhones, and now a variety of Google’s Android phones have left Nokia eating their dust." | Feb 11 22:22 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 22:22 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nokia jumps from one burning platform to another with Windows Phone 7 | ZDNet .::. Size~: 134.45 KB | Feb 11 22:22 |
Ziomatrix | gnufreex: you mean like that Tablet optimized distro Fedora has been working on? | Feb 11 22:22 |
MinceR | even dingleberries are java-only, afaik | Feb 11 22:22 |
Ziomatrix | at least HP wants to still make amends with developers: | Feb 11 22:22 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: HP donates a hefty server to homebrew WebOS Internals Group | | The #1 Palm Pre and Pixi Community .::. Size~: 69.19 KB | Feb 11 22:22 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[evan/@evan] So, now things feel even faster, I think. We moved some more files from the main servers to the CDN. | Feb 11 22:23 | |
Ziomatrix | Perhaps this means HP is working behind carriers' backs to bring the latest WebOS to current devices. | Feb 11 22:23 |
MinceR | when will HP make amends with users? | Feb 11 22:23 |
Ziomatrix | MinceR: Good question, at least they know they aren't top dog anymore | Feb 11 22:23 |
schestowitz | [22:18] <gnufreex> I hope ARM will jump in << AMD and ARM already work on MeeGo or with MeeGo | Feb 11 22:23 |
MinceR | i haven't seen any proposed MeeGo/ARM phones except from nokia | Feb 11 22:24 |
Ziomatrix | MinceR: I still think HP is better then certain Android manufacturers and especially Apple in regards to homebrew. | Feb 11 22:24 |
gnufreex | Ziomatrix: Something like that. But linaro is company/consortium that is funded by IBM, ARM, and ARM CPU makers. And few device makers. | Feb 11 22:24 |
schestowitz | WebOS is proprietary with a lot of foggy computing for user data | Feb 11 22:24 |
MinceR | Ziomatrix: they're certainly better than crApple | Feb 11 22:24 |
MinceR | pretty much everything is better than crApple | Feb 11 22:25 |
Ziomatrix | lol | Feb 11 22:25 |
MinceR | except maybe kin7 | Feb 11 22:25 |
gnufreex | | Feb 11 22:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Linaro - Software foundations for an open digital world .::. Size~: 12.39 KB | Feb 11 22:25 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: well Android is primarily fog based too in key features | Feb 11 22:25 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 22:25 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Feb 11 22:25 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 22:25 | |
gnufreex | schestowitz: Are you sure that ARM works on MeeGo? I know AMD does. | Feb 11 22:25 |
schestowitz | NOKIN is probably out of the game, I hope the shareholders sue, kick Stephen Kavorkian out, and regain MeeGo | Feb 11 22:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @renata @Ciper empieza a publicar sobre los #ChileLeaks #Cablegate #Wikileaks | Feb 11 22:26 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CIPER Chile » Blog Archive » Wikileaks: Los duros mensajes sobre Piñera que transmitió a EE.UU. el actual embajador chileno en la OEA .::. Size~: 45.69 KB | Feb 11 22:26 |
schestowitz | gnufreex: it's compatible at the least | Feb 11 22:26 |
Ziomatrix | gnufreex: so is Linaro IBM and others' efforts to reign in ARM from Apple? | Feb 11 22:26 |
schestowitz | I read about it last year, briefly | Feb 11 22:26 |
schestowitz | It surprised me that Intel allowed it, I reckoned it came from Nokia mostly | Feb 11 22:26 |
schestowitz | Apple doesn't reign in ARM | Feb 11 22:27 |
schestowitz | Apple reigns in rich and stupid people's market, esp. in US & Japan | Feb 11 22:27 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: it does stink when a company spends so much money to help develop something only to dump it at a wag of the finger from the new boss and short sellers. | Feb 11 22:27 |
gnufreex | Ziomatrix: Linaro will never make a product. It just develops stuff and pushes upstream. In that sense, it is better than Android which pushes nothing upstream. But no products from Linaro Consortium will ever come out. | Feb 11 22:28 |
MinceR | so Linaro is the anti-Canonical? :> | Feb 11 22:28 |
gnufreex | But on the bright side, if they do good job, you can run Debian or Fedora on your phone. | Feb 11 22:28 |
Ziomatrix | gnufreex: but can the sourcecode still be distributed to others who will? | Feb 11 22:28 |
gnufreex | MinceR: yes | Feb 11 22:28 |
gnufreex | MinceR: exactly what I thought. | Feb 11 22:28 |
MinceR | :> | Feb 11 22:29 |
gnufreex | Ziomatrix: Yeah, they push all upstream | Feb 11 22:29 |
schestowitz | So she said... | Feb 11 22:29 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: well thats part of why they want to profit off of ARM licensing. | Feb 11 22:29 |
gnufreex | Ziomatrix: And whole thing is free but you need to bootstrap it.. it is hacker distro. | Feb 11 22:29 |
Ziomatrix | gnufreex: ahh much like the defunk OpenMoko project | Feb 11 22:30 |
schestowitz | defunct? | Feb 11 22:30 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: well not defunct, but seriously downsized since the business end collapsed. Its devs can still carry on, but how much of a base is there now? | Feb 11 22:31 |
schestowitz | educatonal | Feb 11 22:31 |
schestowitz | Brazil... | Feb 11 22:32 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: really? | Feb 11 22:32 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporter !wl | Feb 11 22:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.38 KB | Feb 11 22:33 |
schestowitz | So I heard in 2009 | Feb 11 22:33 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: I'm all for distros and OSs re-inventing their aim and revitalizing themselves. Are there any articles on recent Openmoko developments? I just see news since April on the Wikireader they were developing. | Feb 11 22:34 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "China... allocated a budget of CNY10 trillion (US$1.52 trillion) over the next five years for investment." #chinarising | Feb 11 22:34 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: China looks to leverage strength of domestic market in 12th Five-Year Plan, says new report from Digitimes Research .::. Size~: 76 KB | Feb 11 22:34 |
Ziomatrix | China still uses 5 year plans? Thats news to me | Feb 11 22:35 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 22:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Egypt: 2011-2-11 at Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 31.16 KB | Feb 11 22:35 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 22:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Egypt: 2011-2-10 at Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 31.18 KB | Feb 11 22:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @seeds new blog post | Feb 11 22:36 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Egypt and .. - seedsofamadnessflower .::. Size~: 21.8 KB | Feb 11 22:36 |
Ziomatrix | you heard Mubarak resigned and his formally appointed Vice Prez has not stepped in, so the army is effectively taking over | Feb 11 22:36 |
schestowitz | Yes, good | Feb 11 22:37 |
schestowitz | THe VP is a puppet too | Feb 11 22:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 1,000 Nokia workers walk out in Finland #google will take them. Power to #Linux - prison for Elop (one would hope) | Feb 11 22:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 1,000 Nokia workers walk out in Finland | thinq_ .::. Size~: 24.56 KB | Feb 11 22:38 |
schestowitz | There needs to be candidate from the public | Feb 11 22:38 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: thats certainly true, but I wouldn't breathe a sigh of relief just yet. We just have to is if and how picky the army is in allowing what kind of civil government to form. | Feb 11 22:38 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: if I am not mistaken its higher ups in the army (with supposed input from former opposition leaders) are drafting the new constitution. | Feb 11 22:39 |
schestowitz | Yeah, well... it's important that people feel in power again | Feb 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | That country was always based on the miltary | Feb 11 22:40 |
Ziomatrix | it may not be an entirely new one but rather based on the existing with much more limits on executive aka President. | Feb 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | Becuase it's subsidised by you | Feb 11 22:41 |
schestowitz | (US taxpayers) | Feb 11 22:41 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: true, but not entirely military, also wheat and barely subsidies | Feb 11 22:41 |
schestowitz | tourism | Feb 11 22:42 |
schestowitz | Until recently | Feb 11 22:42 |
schestowitz | Although if it stablises after all that publicity they could get many tourists | Feb 11 22:42 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: well I wouldn't call that a subsidy but an integral part of their economy | Feb 11 22:42 |
schestowitz | But why would US citizens buy them weapons? | Feb 11 22:43 |
*Faither has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Feb 11 22:43 | |
schestowitz | Sure, it's just like 0.2% of the whole budget :-) | Feb 11 22:44 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: the main issue is Egypt can't rely just on that, there are too many people with other valuable skills who aren't getting the work to match their education. | Feb 11 22:44 |
*Faither ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 22:44 | |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: they also produce a lot of notepads and jeans | Feb 11 22:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Will tourism in #egypt flourish after all that publicity and hopefully increased stability now? Let us hope so... | Feb 11 22:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gnufreex/@gnufreex] In memoriam: Microsfot's previous victims | Feb 11 22:44 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: In memoriam: Microsoft’s previous strategic mobile partners | asymco .::. Size~: 38.5 KB | Feb 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | Heh | Feb 11 22:46 |
schestowitz | Ballmer must be the angel of death then | Feb 11 22:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @gnufreex In memoriam: Microsfot's previous victims | Feb 11 22:46 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: In memoriam: Microsoft’s previous strategic mobile partners | asymco .::. Size~: 38.5 KB | Feb 11 22:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] New !StopUBB post: "Why I am happy with my Independent ISP" #TekSavvy #300GB #WOW | Feb 11 22:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Chomsky: Why the Mideast Turmoil Is a Direct Threat to the American Empire What the host really hates is independence | Feb 11 22:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Why I am happy with my Independent ISP « Stop Usage Based Billing .::. Size~: 59.46 KB | Feb 11 22:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Chomsky: Why the Mideast Turmoil Is a Direct Threat to the American Empire | | AlterNet .::. Size~: 105.53 KB | Feb 11 22:48 |
*_Goblin ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 22:49 | |
_Goblin | good evening all | Feb 11 22:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Sign the petition: No Nokia winblow$ phoneys | Feb 11 22:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Teacher 'urged pupils to skip class' protests getting you fired now? #uk | Feb 11 22:49 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Meego away from Win Phoney .::. Size~: 7.56 KB | Feb 11 22:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Teacher 'urged pupils to skip class' - Education News, Education - The Independent .::. Size~: 93.03 KB | Feb 11 22:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] RT @gnufreex In memoriam: Microsfot's previous victims ... | Feb 11 22:51 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: In memoriam: Microsoft’s previous strategic mobile partners | asymco .::. Size~: 38.5 KB | Feb 11 22:51 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: actually to augment its not about lack of opportunity of those that are educated, its also those that aren't, also the government was lax on international business when it came to following safety requirements their fore bearers established. There was even a strike at a cement plant by largely pro-Mubarak folks oddly enough due to it. | Feb 11 22:51 |
schestowitz | Hi, _Goblin | Feb 11 22:52 |
schestowitz | they were paid thugs | Feb 11 22:52 |
Ziomatrix | oh hi, I was distracted :P | Feb 11 22:52 |
schestowitz | Ziomatrix: paid for being 'supporters' | Feb 11 22:52 |
schestowitz | And create a crisis by violence | Feb 11 22:52 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: but also those who felt Mubarak was the only source of order and safety in the country | Feb 11 22:53 |
schestowitz | Deterring protesters, asking for protection from the government | Feb 11 22:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The leaked campaign to attack !WikiLeaks and its supporters bad, bad people... fighting against truth-tellers | Feb 11 22:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 86.42 KB | Feb 11 22:53 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: its hard on where to draw the line considering the opposition certainly has some backing from a rather large organization. | Feb 11 22:54 |
Diablo-D3 | schestowitz: redent my dent about toyota | Feb 11 22:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Paul Wolfowitz on the telly says #Egypt events are a danger for Iran not Israel, he says Saudi Arabia is not like Egypt. #warondemocracy | Feb 11 22:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[hazzy/@hazzy] @schestowitz At this point, I welcome the destruction of the American empire if it'll get me my constitutional rights back. | Feb 11 22:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Brutal Crackdown in Belarus feeling the pressure, leaders sweat, come to grips with need to harm/gag/obey their people | Feb 11 22:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The "Egypt/Tunisia effect" may lead to new preventive legislation being passed elsewhere but also motivate protest organisers. #Power2People | Feb 11 22:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Brutal Crackdown in Belarus - IPS .::. Size~: 60.99 KB | Feb 11 22:58 |
schestowitz | Egypt can now regain a lot of rights | Feb 11 22:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @hazzy nice of you to say so.If people make concessions simultaneously, they can live more peacefully, globally.See how happy Egypt is today | Feb 11 22:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Is china still censoring news about #Egypt? #fb | Feb 11 22:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RD @DemocracyCanada "Toronto police are out of control," or, The Continuing Adventures of Officer Bubbles: #G20 | Feb 11 22:59 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Toronto Police are out of control .::. Size~: 18.28 KB | Feb 11 22:59 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: we shall see, I don't think citizens of that country had ever a chance to really take advantage of them going from one crisis to another. | Feb 11 23:00 |
Ziomatrix | schestowitz: I wouldn't though blame it entirely on external situations though as that government had a lot of power vested in the executive leadership that took full advantage of it. | Feb 11 23:01 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gnufreex/@gnufreex] Pun of the day: Nokia is Finish[ed] company. | Feb 11 23:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @satipera hahaha. Well, in any event, regardless of that theory, a revolution in #Iran would be progress. It failed last time (Nadia et al). | Feb 11 23:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @harishpillay Is china still censoring news about #Egypt? #fb | Feb 11 23:01 | |
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 11 23:02 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @harishpillay I reckon Chinese answerers cannot read (and answer) your question with that #hashtag ;-) | Feb 11 23:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @gnufreex Pun of the day: Nokia is Finish[ed] company. | Feb 11 23:03 | |
_Goblin | schestowitz: :) we've got some good stuff to talk about for the next show... | Feb 11 23:04 |
schestowitz | indeed | Feb 11 23:04 |
schestowitz | What day? | Feb 11 23:04 |
_Goblin | mmm | Feb 11 23:04 |
_Goblin | maybe tomorrow if everyones able | Feb 11 23:04 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Dr. Microsoft Kavorkian will kill a major job base for FInnish engineers, who often go to work for Nokia after grad. Linus needs to help out | Feb 11 23:04 | |
_Goblin | otherwise sunday | Feb 11 23:04 |
_Goblin | it depends on if the wife is wanting me to paint tomorrow. | Feb 11 23:05 |
_Goblin | oh and theres a trip into the loft planned | Feb 11 23:05 |
schestowitz | Paint a Wagon? | Feb 11 23:07 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 23:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Congress warned over states' bankruptcies - Business News, Business - The Independent .::. Size~: 104.27 KB | Feb 11 23:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @schestowitz Iran's biggest crime (like a lot of countries) as far as west is concerned is disobedience. Obedience trumps democracy | Feb 11 23:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] How to kill education: Measure clears way for teaching of 'intelligent design' | Feb 11 23:09 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Measure clears way for teaching of 'intelligent design' - The Santa Fe New Mexican .::. Size~: 81.26 KB | Feb 11 23:09 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 23:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Colorado Springs teen with pot prescription tangled in red-tape nightmare | Colorado Independent .::. Size~: 71.92 KB | Feb 11 23:10 |
*Faither has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 11 23:10 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] @schestowitz hey, Kavorkian is a good man, don't insult him by associating his name with thugs. | Feb 11 23:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @satipera their executions there ought to be stopped, too. Egypt had abuses like torture and assassination -- not civilised | Feb 11 23:13 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: I can't verify this other than it's what my dad told me, but he said a lot of those government Windows computers that get hacked are actually honeypots | Feb 11 23:13 |
DaemonFC | filled with disinformation | Feb 11 23:13 |
_Goblin | schestowitz: paint a staircase! | Feb 11 23:14 |
schestowitz | To Heaven? | Feb 11 23:14 |
_Goblin | or Hell | Feb 11 23:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] This is why #Egypt needs reform (dark heart of Egypt's torture machine) - military involved: | Feb 11 23:14 | |
_Goblin | no sorry, that was Highway to Hell | Feb 11 23:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @schestowitz Yes, but my point is they would be tolerated by west if they were obedient. | Feb 11 23:14 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 28 hours in the dark heart of Egypt's torture machine | World news | The Guardian .::. Size~: 109.67 KB | Feb 11 23:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Egypt's army 'involved in detentions and torture' | World news | The Guardian .::. Size~: 110.31 KB | Feb 11 23:15 |
schestowitz | Stairway :-) | Feb 11 23:15 |
schestowitz | | Feb 11 23:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: YouTube - Frank Zappa - Stairway To Heaven .::. Size~: 126.2 KB | Feb 11 23:15 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: If you play that backwards, Satan pops out and says booga booga booga | Feb 11 23:16 |
DaemonFC | true story :) | Feb 11 23:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] @EFF commends Congresswoman Jackie Speier for new #privacy bills, including Do Not Track Me Online Act #DNTrack | Feb 11 23:16 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Congresswoman Jackie Speier : Press Releases : Speier Introduces Consumer Privacy Package .::. Size~: 20.47 KB | Feb 11 23:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @EFF commends Congresswoman Jackie Speier for new #privacy bills, including Do Not Track Me Online Act #DNTrack | Feb 11 23:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Congresswoman Jackie Speier : Press Releases : Speier Introduces Consumer Privacy Package .::. Size~: 20.47 KB | Feb 11 23:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It seems as though owing to the Internet, more and more Americans understand *real* American values and take back their nation from brutes | Feb 11 23:19 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: Have you noticed that a lot of free software Wikipedia articles have no English translation? | Feb 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | Nope | Feb 11 23:20 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @satipera yes, like Saddam when he was gassing the Kurds. Did you watch this? | Feb 11 23:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: YouTube - WikiLeaks: Ron Paul Reveals Secret Baghdad Embassy Cable to Congress .::. Size~: 145.06 KB | Feb 11 23:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @schestowitz Just watched familiar with main points.Not 1st time USA has done this Argentina thought USA had given OK for Malvinas invasion | Feb 11 23:31 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: I was reading a thing Ulrich Drepper posted a while ago about how recent UNIX standard revisions have been mainly to add features from GNU and Linux | Feb 11 23:34 |
DaemonFC | that gave me a chuckle | Feb 11 23:34 |
DaemonFC | you can't lead and follow | Feb 11 23:34 |
cubezzz | Unix came first, I used Unix System V before Linux ever existed | Feb 11 23:36 |
DaemonFC | Apple had their own UNIX that was unreleated to OS X | Feb 11 23:37 |
MinceR | GNU/Linux is a Unix | Feb 11 23:37 |
DaemonFC | as I recall it was poorly supported then abandoned | Feb 11 23:37 |
DaemonFC | *unrelated | Feb 11 23:37 |
MinceR | and if the open group talk shit about that, they can go to hell | Feb 11 23:37 |
cubezzz | Xenix didn't last very long either | Feb 11 23:37 |
MinceR | also, afaik proprietary unix has been behind for quite a while | Feb 11 23:38 |
DaemonFC | I've used Xenix | Feb 11 23:38 |
cubezzz | yeah, I'd never go back to proprietary Unix | Feb 11 23:38 |
DaemonFC | Radio Shack was offering it at one point | Feb 11 23:38 |
cubezzz | they ran it in the stores if I recall correctly (in the past) | Feb 11 23:38 |
DaemonFC | yeah | Feb 11 23:38 |
DaemonFC | I've also used SCO UNIX :P | Feb 11 23:39 |
DaemonFC | it was the OS on the last revision of the handheld RF scanners at Walmart | Feb 11 23:39 |
DaemonFC | it was more reliable than the Windows CE ones that replaced them | Feb 11 23:39 |
DaemonFC | the Windows CE units like to lose the signal or just freeze up | Feb 11 23:40 |
cubezzz | older can be better sometimes | Feb 11 23:40 |
cubezzz | I like p3 better than p4 for example | Feb 11 23:40 |
MinceR | also, wm5/6 is more powerful than kin7 | Feb 11 23:40 |
MinceR | :> | Feb 11 23:40 |
DaemonFC | the Windows CE units were a downgrade from UNIX | Feb 11 23:40 |
DaemonFC | one hell of a downgrade, they even managed to be slower even with better processors and more RAM | Feb 11 23:41 |
MinceR | like i say, they carry the warning label, people should notice | Feb 11 23:41 |
MinceR | the warning label says "microsoft" | Feb 11 23:41 |
cubezzz | it is | Feb 11 23:41 |
cubezzz | that's why I don't even bother with big box stores | Feb 11 23:41 |
cubezzz | unless I want cdr's | Feb 11 23:42 |
DaemonFC | I pick those 100 count spindles from Newegg | Feb 11 23:42 |
DaemonFC | cheapest I've found them | Feb 11 23:42 |
DaemonFC | that's all I use Newegg for really anymore | Feb 11 23:42 |
cubezzz | in the old days we had computerland for up-scale stuff | Feb 11 23:42 |
cubezzz | pretty sure that's long gone now | Feb 11 23:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @agouveia: Minha esposa foi evangelizada, esta a utilizar Ubuntu no portátil. Ela: "Agora abre até mais rápido, estou mesmo a gostar" lol. | Feb 11 23:43 | |
DaemonFC | those computer superstore places screw you on pricing | Feb 11 23:43 |
cubezzz | oh and tigerdirect sells that EEE Box which isn't too bad | Feb 11 23:43 |
cubezzz | but it's got Red Flag on it | Feb 11 23:43 |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Feb 11 23:44 | |
cubezzz | pass the vodka comrades :) | Feb 11 23:44 |
DaemonFC | isn't that the Chinese one that logs you in as root and looks like Windows XP? | Feb 11 23:44 |
DaemonFC | B-) | Feb 11 23:44 |
cubezzz | don't know. never used it | Feb 11 23:44 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 23:44 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Feb 11 23:44 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Feb 11 23:44 | |
DaemonFC | graphical root logins are a bad bad bad bad thing | Feb 11 23:45 |
DaemonFC | :) | Feb 11 23:45 |
cubezzz | you would think Russian would be more anti-Microsoft | Feb 11 23:45 |
DaemonFC | Mandrake used to allow it but it would turn the desktop wallpaper to solid red | Feb 11 23:45 |
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Quit: do coders dream of sheep()?) | Feb 11 23:45 | |
DaemonFC | and give you a scary warning message | Feb 11 23:45 |
*DiabloD3 ( has joined #techrights | Feb 11 23:46 | |
DaemonFC | but it was possible to disable the message, change the wallpaper, and use root as your day to day account | Feb 11 23:46 |
DaemonFC | that should never have been allowed | Feb 11 23:46 |
*DiabloD3 is now known as Diablo-D3 | Feb 11 23:47 | |
cubezzz | so I delete Red Flag and put something else on it | Feb 11 23:47 |
DaemonFC | most display managers default to not allowing it now unless you find their obscure setting to override it | Feb 11 23:47 |
cubezzz | no big deal | Feb 11 23:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] ♻ @schestowitz ♺ @gnufreex Pun of the day: Nokia is Finish[ed] company. #fb | Feb 11 23:48 | |
DaemonFC | I gave in and set up sudo in Fedora | Feb 11 23:48 |
DaemonFC | less typing | Feb 11 23:48 |
DaemonFC | less chance of staying as root and doing something stupid with no confirmation :) | Feb 11 23:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks/@wikileaks] wikileaks: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporter | Feb 11 23:49 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 88.14 KB | Feb 11 23:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Twitter / WikiLeaks: The leaked campaign to att ... .::. Size~: 12.95 KB | Feb 11 23:49 |
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