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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 12th, 2011

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*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 12 00:38
schestowitzMinceR: would you like to be a blogger in TR?Apr 12 11:56
schestowitzI've just asked another person.Apr 12 11:56
schestowitz"Apr 12 11:56
schestowitz> When you post your invitation on Groklaw to people there, it would beApr 12 11:56
schestowitz> nice if the Techrights site could handle a larger volume of messages.Apr 12 11:56
schestowitz> That might mean a migration to other blog software.Apr 12 11:56
schestowitzBack in 2008 we had about 100 comments per day, at least on the good month. In mid 2008 we moved a lot of the core activity to IRC and in 2009 we eliminated SLAPPing by starting to accept comments from registered accounts only. To me, volume of comments does not matter so much (IRC logs are fine as they are). Back in the days I spent hours per day replying to comments, including unpleasant comments which sometimes came from novell.Apr 12 11:56
schestowitzcom IP addresses.Apr 12 11:57
schestowitz Apr 12 11:57
schestowitz> It'd be a bonus if you could work out an endorsement or recommendationApr 12 11:57
schestowitz> from PJ on her way out.Apr 12 11:57
schestowitzShe may not agree with what my belief that we've been defamed more majorly than Groklaw ever was; you see, Groklaw took on one fairly small (but vicious) company. When it took on the big fish (2008 onwards) the likes of Byfield and Novell staff started attacking Groklaw; see for example the backlash it got for doing articles on Mono. I wrote about that. Marbux and I used to exchange many messages and he too got *loads* of defamationApr 12 11:57
schestowitzfor daring to take on IBM. It's some really ugly business and you don't know how serious it is because I try to keep it away from readers' eyes, as PJ once advised me. Basically, I don't feed my attackers; I don't mention all the threats, either (as that can escalate things).Apr 12 11:57
schestowitz> AFAIK Techrights is the only freedom fighter site left.  Maybe SlashdotApr 12 11:57
schestowitz> could be taken back into the fold, but that would require buy-in fromApr 12 11:57
schestowitz> the editors.Apr 12 11:57
schestowitzPeter Brown left the FSF last month. This made me worried as RMS had told me that FSF donations declined (Brown left right after their appeal for donations). The FSF too has been de-legitimises, mostly by the likes of those who tie RMS with rape or sexism -- a fake dispute for sure.Apr 12 11:57
schestowitzI would like to invite you to help us in Techrights. I can create a blog account for you to write under a handle of choice and make up for the fact that I spend a lot of my time these days programming (research, post-doc).Apr 12 11:57
schestowitz"Apr 12 11:57
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 12 12:16
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Apr 12 12:16
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 12 12:16
schestowitzMinceR: let me know if you want to blog with usApr 12 12:27
schestowitzThe other person is not ready for it yetApr 12 12:27
schestowitz>>... 2009 we eliminated SLAPPing ...Apr 12 12:27
schestowitz>Apr 12 12:27
schestowitz> What's that acronym mean?Apr 12 12:27
schestowitz 12 12:27
schestowitz"A strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition."Apr 12 12:27
TechrightsBotTitle: Strategic lawsuit against public participation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 68.51 KBApr 12 12:27
schestowitz Apr 12 12:27
schestowitz>> by starting to accept comments fromApr 12 12:27
schestowitz>> registered accounts only. To me, volume of comments does not matter soApr 12 12:27
schestowitz>> much (IRC logs are fine as they are). Back in the days I spent hours perApr 12 12:27
schestowitz>> day replying to comments, including unpleasant comments which sometimesApr 12 12:28
schestowitz>> came from IP addresses.Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> If the Groklaw community or part of it could be enticed or sent over,Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> then they could take much of that load.  I wouldn't worry about askingApr 12 12:28
schestowitz> for a comparison of you v PJ or Techrights v Groklaw as much as aApr 12 12:28
schestowitz> pointer to those freedom fighters wishing to continue the effortApr 12 12:28
schestowitz> post-Groklaw.Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> It'd also be nice to have Grokdocs or Comes v Microsoft ported over toApr 12 12:28
schestowitz> an active site.Apr 12 12:28
schestowitzDefinitely. Will you help use the Comes archive in Groklaw (massively long pages without page summaries, bad SEO-wise)? We have basic structure in the TR wiki already; Groklaw reused some of my own work (I transcribed the good ones), so we can use theirs too, then do posts about them. I'm low on new material, so now would be a great time to cover Comes again. Doing Comes stuff was the most exciting thing I ever did in TR. There's Apr 12 12:28
schestowitzloads more where it came from...Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz>>> It'd be a bonus if you could work out an endorsement or recommendationApr 12 12:28
schestowitz>>> from PJ on her way out.Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz>> Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz>> ... When it took on the big fish (2008 onwards) theApr 12 12:28
schestowitz>> likes of Byfield and Novell staff started attacking Groklaw; see forApr 12 12:28
schestowitz>> example the backlash it got for doing articles on Mono. ...Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> Hence Byfield's sour slam on Groklaw under the guise of a Eulogy.  IApr 12 12:28
schestowitz> used to admire his technical articles but that was years ago before heApr 12 12:28
schestowitz> started what appears to be a grudge against software freedom.Apr 12 12:28
schestowitzHe still writes good technical articles.Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz>> I would like to invite you to help us in Techrights. I can create a blogApr 12 12:28
schestowitz>> account for you to write under a handle of choice ...Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> I have the handle [...], but have not been feeling well enoughApr 12 12:28
schestowitz> or articulate enough to resume posting yet.Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz>> ... and make up for theApr 12 12:28
schestowitz>> fact that I spend a lot of my time these days programming (research,Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz>> post-doc).Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> Apr 12 12:28
schestowitz> You truly rock.  Be sure to keep hitting the gym, too.Apr 12 12:28
schestowitzI use it more than ever now (some days for 4 hours). It's a social thing.Apr 12 12:28
schestowitzI will also ask goforbesApr 12 12:29
schestowitz>> Definitely. Will you help use the Comes archive in GroklawApr 12 13:00
schestowitz> Apr 12 13:00
schestowitz> I've transcribed a few dozen so far and recently tried approaching aApr 12 13:00
schestowitz> remote contact with Google in hopes of piquing their interest.  I'd likeApr 12 13:00
schestowitz> to see Google take up the digitization for several reasons, not theApr 12 13:00
schestowitz> least of which is the potential to scan and digitize similar cases asApr 12 13:00
schestowitz> they come up.Apr 12 13:00
schestowitz> Apr 12 13:00
schestowitz> I think that many lawsuits will fade away if the public records are madeApr 12 13:00
schestowitz> public online, not just on paper.Apr 12 13:00
schestowitz> Apr 12 13:00
schestowitz>> (massivelyApr 12 13:00
schestowitz>> long pages without page summaries, bad SEO-wise)?Apr 12 13:00
schestowitz> Apr 12 13:00
schestowitz> To be sure, keywords are needed, if for no other reason than to helpApr 12 13:00
schestowitz> compensate for misspellings in the body of the document. Those areApr 12 13:00
schestowitz> low-cost to add.  Summaries are much harder to create or be accurate with.Apr 12 13:00
schestowitz> Apr 12 13:01
schestowitz> FWIW, could you spell names correctly, too?  Misspelling the names makesApr 12 13:01
schestowitz> it easier to sort in the search engine, if the misspelling is known orApr 12 13:01
schestowitz> widely used.  Otherwise it helps bury the page it is one.  I'm thinkingApr 12 13:01
schestowitz> specifically of Paul "Traul" Allen or Paul "Patent Troll" Allen.Apr 12 13:01
schestowitz> Apr 12 13:01
schestowitz>> We have basicApr 12 13:01
schestowitz>> structure in the TR wiki already; Groklaw reused some of my own work (IApr 12 13:01
schestowitz>> transcribed the good ones), so we can use theirs too, then do postsApr 12 13:01
schestowitz>> about them. I'm low on new material, so now would be a great time toApr 12 13:01
schestowitz>> cover Comes again. Doing Comes stuff was the most exciting thing I everApr 12 13:01
schestowitz>> did in TR. There's loads more where it came from...Apr 12 13:01
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Apr 12 13:25
schestowitz> IMHO Using Mono/C# is like digital sharecropping.Apr 12 13:25
*Ender_nothome ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 12 13:45
MinceRschestowitz: i'm not that good at writingApr 12 14:35
schestowitzyou are actuallyApr 12 14:35
MinceRi don't write long stuffApr 12 14:36
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 12 15:44
schestowitz> Is it feasible to make the files much smaller?  Monophonic with a slowerApr 12 16:40
schestowitz> sample rate and lower resolution?Apr 12 16:40
schestowitzI have spent the past hour experimenting with audacity and ffmpeg. I ran a series of tests where p[parameters in the encoders are changed and I then listened to the results. The VOIP recording we do is at 16khz, compared to the 128 which we used to encode this in (huge waste of space for no gain in quality). Eventually I found that even without using the command line, e.g. ffmpeg -ab 16k -ar 11025, I could rely on audacity to handleApr 12 16:40
schestowitzboth mp3 and ogg to produce files about a quarter of the size they used to be. The only drawback of that is that when we have music tracks (of higher sampling resolution) they lose quality. Since the vast majority of the track is talk, that ought to be worth the compromise and smaller files would also make storage and bandwidth less of an issue. I will ask Tim and Gordon for their opinion.Apr 12 16:40
Ender_nothomeyou can drop the sample rate tooApr 12 16:51
Ender_nothomewww.cuttingthroughthematrix.comApr 12 16:51
Ender_nothomeuse this guy as an exampleApr 12 16:51
Ender_nothomehis shows are 11mb large for about 50 minutes of talkingApr 12 16:51
Ender_nothomeits conspiracy related but the technical details can be copiedApr 12 16:52
schestowitz> Are you aware of any particularly good exhibits that have not beenApr 12 17:16
schestowitz> transcribed yet?Apr 12 17:16
schestowitzIf I knew them, I'd do them. But Pam highlighted a few. The trick is knowing what's done and what's not, then get it a lot of exposure (e.g. Slashdot effect).Apr 12 17:16
schestowitzEnder_nothome: yes, I've reduced both, but..Apr 12 17:17
schestowitzThe GUI does not give as many options as ffmpeg doesApr 12 17:17
schestowitzI'll use the GUI because export is not as lossy as converting from one format to anotherApr 12 17:17
schestowitzI used to make ogg, then convert to mp3Apr 12 17:17
schestowitzIt's probably OK when I was over-sampling a poor quality recordingApr 12 17:18
schestowitz>> If I knew them, I'd do them. But Pam highlighted a few. The trick isApr 12 18:22
schestowitz>> knowing what's done and what's not, then get it a lot of exposure (e.g.Apr 12 18:22
schestowitz>> Slashdot effect).Apr 12 18:22
schestowitz> Apr 12 18:22
schestowitz> I've been picking them at random and have transcribed a few dozen.  NotApr 12 18:22
schestowitz> a lot of gems but each has a good point or two if summarized.Apr 12 18:22
schestowitz> Apr 12 18:22
schestowitz> If there are any that PJ highlighted that are not under way orApr 12 18:22
schestowitz> completed, then I might be able to take a crack at them.Apr 12 18:22
schestowitz> Apr 12 18:22
schestowitz> Speaking of Slashdot, it would be nice to wrest it back to the FOSSApr 12 18:22
schestowitz> orientation it used to have.Apr 12 18:22
schestowitzI gave up on it in 2008.Apr 12 18:22
schestowitz>>> Speaking of Slashdot, it would be nice to wrest it back to the FOSSApr 12 18:46
schestowitz>>> orientation it used to have.Apr 12 18:46
schestowitz>> Apr 12 18:46
schestowitz>> I gave up on it in 2008.Apr 12 18:46
schestowitz> Apr 12 18:46
schestowitz> I gave up on it last year, but if a portion of the Groklaw communityApr 12 18:46
schestowitz> moves over to it, it might be possible to effect a change. Apr 12 18:46
schestowitzI don't think the GL community is large enough to have such an effect.Apr 12 18:46
schestowitz> I suspect itApr 12 18:46
schestowitz> would be easier to recruit to TechRights instead though.  I wouldApr 12 18:46
schestowitz> propose posting as a Groklaw comment or, better as an article, a fewApr 12 18:46
schestowitz> paragraphs on a position statement (like you've done in the last  monthApr 12 18:47
schestowitz> on TechRights) and a paragraph or two about where the overlap is betweenApr 12 18:47
schestowitz> Groklaw and TechRights.Apr 12 18:47
schestowitzA comment in Groklaw would seem rude as it might seem like poaching and I respect PJ too much to do that (well, actually I never thought at all about attracting GL talent until you and Updegrioe said so). But I suppose I should write a 2011 summary of what we are, what we do, and how people operate. I will not name Groklaw as a target and in general such a page can used generically as a primer to anyone who is new. G. Forbes Apr 12 18:47
schestowitzfinishes his exams soon and he may help us edit articles.Apr 12 18:47
*cubezzz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 12 19:53
*cubezzz ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 12 19:53
schestowitz 12 22:21
TechrightsBot@directhex: @albuxton - search on "mono". Background: PyPy dev joined Mono IRC channel, looking for explanation of Mono's new GC.Apr 12 22:21
TechrightsBot-> Title: IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: April 11th, 2011 .::. Size~: 541.41 KBApr 12 22:21
schestowitzThe mono boosters found each other... bad neighbourhood. 12 22:22
TechrightsBot@verofakto: @directhex @FOSSpatents I guess calling Roy and his friends "nuts" is regarded as lack of time and personal issues ROFL Go #Techrights!Apr 12 22:22
schestowitz 12 22:24
TechrightsBot@XTZGZoReX: @directhex Roy who?Apr 12 22:24
TechrightsBot@directhex: @XTZGZoReX Professor Doctor the Royal Revend Roy Schestowitz Esquire. Saviour of Software Freedom.Apr 12 22:24
schestowitz 12 22:24
TechrightsBot@FOSSpatents: @verofakto But if you've seen Updegrove's piece on Groklaw, he's #BoycottBoy-like: he's sure "PJ" is real but only had electronic communic.Apr 12 22:24
schestowitz\Apr 12 22:24
TechrightsBotNot a tweet?Apr 12 22:24
schestowitz 12 22:24
TechrightsBot@FOSSpatents: @verofakto @directhex It's probably hard for #BoycottBoy to find contributors willing to destroy their reputation by being involved with himApr 12 22:24
schestowitzBS. We have many involevd.Apr 12 22:25
schestowitzMono camp seems concerned, they would ignore if they were not concerned, IMHOApr 12 22:25
TechrightsBot@verofakto: @directhex When the going gets rough, #BoycottBoy is forever alone. Otherwise it's one [allegedly] enormous happy family.Apr 12 22:25
schestowitzLOL he says PJ is a dude 12 22:29
TechrightsBot@FOSSpatents: @russellmcormond He's a pro-free software guy with a email address but tries hard to do a serious journalistic job.Apr 12 22:29
schestowitz 12 22:31
TechrightsBot@FOSSpatents: @johnobeto cc: @Enderle There's a Groklaw & TechRights supporter who even admits on his blog that he's, well, mentally somewhat different...Apr 12 22:31
schestowitzCharacter assassin...Apr 12 22:31
schestowitzHe chats a lot with Enderle this afternoonApr 12 22:31
*Ender_nothome has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Apr 12 22:32
MinceREnder LeApr 12 22:33
MinceR:>Apr 12 22:33
schestowitz   Yeah :-)Apr 12 22:35
schestowitzWhen I first saw his name I saw he was mocking rob the president and principal CEO founder thing of Enderle Enderle of Enderle Industires one-man operationApr 12 22:35
schestowitz 12 22:36
TechrightsBot@_p178: @schestowitz  Hey Come check out ClubPenguinSocial, Its a Pretty Cool Network. :)Apr 12 22:36
TechrightsBotError processing the URLApr 12 22:36
schestowitzHis latest tweets are all about us, e.g.:Apr 12 22:38
schestowitz 12 22:38
TechrightsBot@FOSSpatents: @verofakto @directhex Just imagine you apply for a job and the company finds out you wrote for TR, and then looks at what else is there.Apr 12 22:38
schestowitz 12 22:39
TechrightsBot@FOSSpatents: @verofakto @directhex 'twitter', 'gnufreex' and MadHatter may have nothing to lose in that regard. But they can't contribute anything eitherApr 12 22:39
schestowitz 12 22:39
TechrightsBot@FOSSpatents: @verofakto @directhex The whole thing looks like a parody of Free Software GNU/Linux/Android activism. Maybe the 20,000th post will admit itApr 12 22:39
schestowitzAnd this afternoon he was doing anti-Groklaw, seems like he's moving on to attacking us with his mono friendsApr 12 22:39
schestowitz 12 22:39
TechrightsBot@FOSSpatents: @Enderle That's shocking. Really. I only had online disagreements with Groklaw and its sectarian group of rabid, hard-core followers.Apr 12 22:39
schestowitzFor all I can tell, he's only reminding people of our existence, which has the opposite effect to what he intended to do (harm)Apr 12 22:40
MinceRi wonder if he thinks that everyone who saw SCO for what it was is "sectarian", "rabid", etc.Apr 12 22:56
MinceRand if he thinks that the Linux kernel really contains code owned by SCOApr 12 22:57
schestowitzHe spreads Google copyright FUD, tooApr 12 23:07
schestowitzThe whole "Google stole code" lineApr 12 23:08
schestowitzBTW, you must (IMHO) read the Twitter feed of Florian because it reevalsApr 12 23:19
schestowitzso much about who he works with, what agenda he has, and how obsessed heApr 12 23:19
schestowitzis with Groklaw, which means that Groklaw is a real risk to that sameApr 12 23:19
schestowitzagenda he promotes in Twitter.Apr 12 23:19

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