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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: May 20th, 2011

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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The #MSBBC & the Bought Bot (Bott) try to pretend that user installing malware on own PC (manually) is same as Windows infected autonomouslyMay 20 00:00
*GoForbes28 ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 00:00
GoForbes28hi allMay 20 00:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Louis Suárez-Potts: But what about the Novell effort on the office suite? #novell #attachMSFT #liquidationMay 20 00:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ooo-speak: But what about the Novell effort on the office suite? .::. Size~: 76.18 KBMay 20 00:01
GoForbes28hi schestowitzMay 20 00:02
schestowitzschesMay 20 00:03
schestowitz:-pMay 20 00:03
schestowitzbrbMay 20 00:03
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 00:12
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 00:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Eric Schmidt: Anti-piracy Laws Disastrous for Free Speech 20 00:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Eric Schmidt: Anti-piracy Laws Disastrous for Free Speech .::. Size~: 33.16 KBMay 20 00:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Hotot's Chrome extenesion is pretty goodMay 20 00:20
_Goblinthere.....posted.May 20 00:22
sebsebseb_Goblin: what was?May 20 00:23
sebsebsebanyway haveMay 20 00:23
sebsebsebyou seen the last two V's yet?May 20 00:23
_Goblin 20 00:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Looking at 11.04 Natty/Unity – Good or bad? « OpenBytes .::. Size~: 40.25 KBMay 20 00:24
sebsebsebabsoutly awesomeMay 20 00:24
sebsebsebthey wereMay 20 00:24
_Goblinno....lost track of the epsMay 20 00:24
sebsebsebwell the last episode way more so than the one beforeMay 20 00:24
_Goblinhavent had enough timeMay 20 00:24
_Goblinmanaged to watch the Tunnel thoughMay 20 00:24
sebsebsebhmm well you been recording them or?May 20 00:24
sebsebsebthe Tunnel?May 20 00:24
_Goblina CC title on Vodo.....May 20 00:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] OPENBYTES: Looking at 11.04 Natty/Unity – Good or bad? !unity !ubuntu !linux !fossMay 20 00:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Hotot though has the same odd behaviour, where it comes up and asks you to sign in to each account at start up. Not smart reallyMay 20 00:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Looking at 11.04 Natty/Unity – Good or bad? « OpenBytes .::. Size~: 39.61 KBMay 20 00:26
sebsebseb_Goblin: uh I  was going to say about technical stuff why people aren't keen on Unity earlier, but you disappeared on me or wahteverMay 20 00:27
sebsebsebthere is way more to it to Unity, than what the user see'sMay 20 00:27
sebsebsebwhen it comes to what people think about itMay 20 00:27
sebsebseb_Goblin: also since it has Copyright assignments many people  are worried about that really, and most distro's should go with Gnome 3's Gnome Shell by default really, because that's the proper upstreamMay 20 00:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] The Hotot devs have done a nice job and then spoiled it with some really odd ways of working. It's nice to have Identica in my browser thoMay 20 00:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] I'll also need to work out what !identica's search api is to use Hotot's search, because it seems to use Twitter search as the defaultMay 20 00:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 19/5/2011: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 is Out, Linux 2.6.39 is Near !techrightsMay 20 00:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Links 19/5/2011: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 is Out, Linux 2.6.39 is Near #techrightsMay 20 00:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] @fontana Nice! Anything published?May 20 00:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 19/5/2011: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 is Out, Linux 2.6.39 is Near | Techrights .::. Size~: 129.11 KBMay 20 00:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 19/5/2011: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 is Out, Linux 2.6.39 is Near | Techrights .::. Size~: 129.11 KBMay 20 00:37
_Goblinsebsebseb, to be fair, my first concern with new software is that it is actually fit for purpose.....its no good being "free" if it doesn't function as you require...conversely the same can be said with proprietaryMay 20 00:37
_GoblinI don't know about anyone else, but when I make a decision to use FOSS, its because its BETTER than the proprietary alternative....the fact its oss is an added bonus NOT a primary reason for using.May 20 00:38
_Goblinas much as I would love to praise foss software, there is little point if I'm settling for second best as a result.  I praise my FOSS choices because they are better, not because they are foss.May 20 00:39
_Goblinand lets be honest, there are some proprietary apps that do offer better functionality for some than foss.May 20 00:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Looking at 11.04 Natty/Unity – Good or bad? #canonical #unity #ubuntu #gnu #linuxMay 20 00:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Looking at 11.04 Natty/Unity – Good or bad? « OpenBytes .::. Size~: 39.57 KBMay 20 00:41
_GoblinI know artists who have tried GIMP and would never leave Photoshop...they have a plethora of reasons why and fair play to that case PS is better for them..its all about personal choice.  Where proprietary is harmful is if its deployed to the detriment of free choice....Diversity in choice and freedom of choice is what I promote.May 20 00:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] @clacke see 20 00:43
TechrightsBot-tr@Richard Fontana (fontana)'s status on Thursday, 19-May-11 16:43:22 UTC - @lxoliva 20 00:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Maintaining Permissive-Licensed Files in a GPL-Licensed Project: Guidelines for Developers - Software Freedom Law Center .::. Size~: 43.3 KBMay 20 00:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] Thanks should of course properly go to @kowey for bringing the subject up.May 20 00:45
DaemonFC_Goblin, Lots of possible reasons, including the ever-popular "I paid for it so it must be better"May 20 00:45
DaemonFCI think Firefox managed to overcome that one for a couple of reasons. (1) Very few people who have actually used IE are going to say it's a good (or even passable) web browser and (2) Microsoft manages to claim it's freeware, not something you paid for when you got Windows.May 20 00:47
DaemonFCOther free/libre software hasn't gotten over that humpMay 20 00:47
DaemonFCit's not just GIMPMay 20 00:47
DaemonFCTheir ZOMGAMAZING IE 9 just barely (and only barely) manages to tow the line May 20 00:48
DaemonFCbut few Microsoft products are ever really better than anyone else'sMay 20 00:48
DaemonFCAdobe is sailing on the same breeze that Microsoft isMay 20 00:49
DaemonFCthey have a few products that are household names that have lock-in and are difficult to fully replace May 20 00:49
DaemonFC:)May 20 00:49
DaemonFC_Goblin, There was a version of GIMP a while back that had a GUI layout similar to Photoshop, I hear that's making a comeback in the official GIMPMay 20 00:50
DaemonFCas an optionMay 20 00:50
DaemonFCit could silence the "But it doesn't look like Photoshop, now leave me alone with my $500 program" crowd May 20 00:51
DaemonFCthen there's the issue of people that simply pirate it and crack it, so Photoshop is free too :PMay 20 00:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @maymaym: Fantastic new..references #Obama's "a nation of laws" remark on @SaveBradley: Go watch! /cc @kstrelMay 20 00:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪RAP NEWS 8: Osamacide‬‏ .::. Size~: 123.29 KBMay 20 00:51
DaemonFCI've never really liked Photoshop, the only experience I have with it is that it was part of a course I took at one pointMay 20 00:53
DaemonFCI really don't see what there is to it. It costs a fortune and it's huge May 20 00:53
DaemonFC:)May 20 00:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] @fontana Awesome.May 20 00:53
cubezzzyou're missing the broader philosophical issue of closed vs openMay 20 00:53
DaemonFCI about pissed myself when Adobe said they were going to make a crippleware Photoshop to compete with Paint.NET and GIMP and it would "only" cost $85May 20 00:54
cubezzzsome people want all the source code... which isn't possible with abodeMay 20 00:54
cubezzzdoes Adobe have _anything_ open?May 20 00:54
DaemonFCand that version does NOT have the full feature set of GIMPMay 20 00:54
DaemonFCcubezzz, I'm focusing more on the price gougingMay 20 00:54
DaemonFCthe code bloatMay 20 00:54
DaemonFCand that it doesn't do that much more than GIMPMay 20 00:55
DaemonFCand certainly not things most people will use it forMay 20 00:55
DaemonFCcubezzz, Adobe has some open-ish specificationsMay 20 00:55
DaemonFCusually done as a token to get their crapware approved by governmentsMay 20 00:55
DaemonFCkind of like Microsoft May 20 00:55
cubezzzwow, that's appealingMay 20 00:56
DaemonFCsome of Flash is documented, PDF isMay 20 00:56
DaemonFCDRM'd Flash and PDF stuff isn't going to work in free software, everMay 20 00:56
DaemonFCobviouslyMay 20 00:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] @clacke Remains my favorite #SFLC publication, although now not sure some of its recommendations are best practiceMay 20 00:56
DaemonFCcubezzz, You can see how well documented Flash is by how many alternative implementations actually do anything at all (or more than just play Youtube and crash your browser on every other site)May 20 00:57
DaemonFC:)May 20 00:57
cubezzzI do image manipulation quite often and ImageMagick does the job for meMay 20 00:58
cubezzzand bios image manipulation...May 20 00:58
DaemonFCI don't like anything Adobe has or does or offersMay 20 00:58
DaemonFCI mean, they're below Microsoft in some waysMay 20 00:58
DaemonFCthen there's that stupid proprietary Adobe AIR platform to make cross platform applications withMay 20 00:59
DaemonFCyou know, KDE can do those with QT and a little Javascript May 20 00:59
DaemonFC:)May 20 00:59
DaemonFCjust imagine how powerful KDE would be if they used V8May 20 00:59
DaemonFCGNOME has their own JIT compiler for JavascriptMay 20 01:00
DaemonFCbut it's slow May 20 01:00
cubezzzI see techrights talked about KDE 3.5 May 20 01:00
DaemonFCand it tends to abuse the CPUMay 20 01:00
DaemonFCcubezzz, Trinity KDEMay 20 01:01
cubezzzfor CRC and embroidery machines... they still use old old legacy hardwareMay 20 01:01
DaemonFCas in KDE 3.5 with hacksMay 20 01:01
cubezzzyeah I tried TrinityMay 20 01:01
cubezzzhad it running on Debian LennyMay 20 01:02
DaemonFCThey announced that Trinity releases will no longer be tied to any particular version of Ubuntu, so no there's no way to run Natty with Trinity aside from installing it with Maverick and using an unsupported upgrade procedure May 20 01:02
DaemonFCthat is completely stupidMay 20 01:02
cubezzzI even audio blogged about it :)May 20 01:03
_Goblincubezzz: sorry I was Code comment...I entirely agree, but FOSS should exist as a alternative to proprietary not instead of, to seek to enforce FOSS on all software would be as bad forcing proprietary.  As long as theres fair play and freedom of choice, then its up to the end-user to make their own informed decisions.May 20 01:03
DaemonFCI don't see what the big deal is. KDE 4 runs well on machines that I was running KDE 3 onMay 20 01:03
cubezzz 20 01:03
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: This is a quitting message)May 20 01:04
cubezzzthe big deal is it's sloooowMay 20 01:04
cubezzzsome of us still like p3 you knowMay 20 01:04
DaemonFC_Goblin, So you actually agree with me that stuffing a distro full of nonfree software like a thanksgiving turkey and no telling the user there's options is badMay 20 01:05
DaemonFC:)May 20 01:05
_GoblinDaemonFC, no...because last time I checked there were one or two other distro's you could choose from.May 20 01:05
_GoblinDaemonFC, and if you want, you can always remove that which you don't want.May 20 01:05
DaemonFCI think Fedora is more like my line of thinking, start clean and let the user decide what they think is important enough to be worth installing themselvesMay 20 01:06
cubezzzinkscape is goodMay 20 01:06
cubezzzI simply don't need proprietary graphics softwareMay 20 01:06
DaemonFCit's not like Fedora will stop you from using nonfree softwareMay 20 01:06
DaemonFCthey just don't provide or encourage itMay 20 01:06
_Goblinand again, thats great...freedom of choice...leave it up to the end-userMay 20 01:06
*Ender_nothome has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)May 20 01:06
cubezzzbut then I use closed source Amiga games... so that's my achilles heelMay 20 01:07
_Goblinand theres no problem....its your choice.....May 20 01:07
DaemonFCthere's been some interesting homebrew stuff for those old systems May 20 01:07
cubezzz_Goblin, another example.... service manuals for old hardware... that hurts us May 20 01:07
cubezzzwe can't fix our old amiga devicesMay 20 01:07
DaemonFCand how would you?May 20 01:07
cubezzznot available for download...May 20 01:07
DaemonFCthose things tend to use custom parts that nobody makes anymoreMay 20 01:08
DaemonFCright?May 20 01:08
cubezzzno... I can fix bad solder jointsMay 20 01:08
*TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 20 01:08
cubezzzbut I need to know the best way to dis-assemble the monitor or whateverMay 20 01:08
DaemonFCthe only way to service things like that is to find another broken unit and salvage the partsMay 20 01:08
cubezzzno, some parts are availableMay 20 01:08
cubezzzlike resistors, rca sockets etcMay 20 01:09
cubezzzswitches...May 20 01:09
cubezzza switch is a switchMay 20 01:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] WKS swan song: "Di Whitley Road Prison, air-nya biru, Di situ tinggal satu mas Selamat, yang dulu lari!" #sgpolitics (via DYadav)May 20 01:10
cubezzzand stuff like amiga diskette drives, you can cross-reference May 20 01:11
cubezzzCommodore doesn't make diskette drives, they adapt themMay 20 01:11
cubezzze.g. TEAC, Alps, Panasonic etc etcMay 20 01:12
*oiaohm ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 01:12
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)May 20 01:12
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsMay 20 01:12
cubezzzor didn't I should sayMay 20 01:12
oiaohm cubezzzMay 20 01:12
oiaohmNow this is a funny turn of events.May 20 01:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Peter Gabriel & Youssou Ndour - Shakin' The Tree #qualityMay 20 01:13
cubezzzwas VB6 the last of VB?May 20 01:14
oiaohmLast VB before VB.NetMay 20 01:15
cubezzzI just used Microsoft Basic the other day... but it was Microsoft Amiga BasicMay 20 01:16
cubezzzthe only Microsoft product for the Amiga :-PMay 20 01:16
oiaohmMight be useful to wine.May 20 01:16
oiaohmFor those vb applications that just don't want to run.May 20 01:17
*TechrightsBot-tr (~b0t@ has joined #techrightsMay 20 01:17
TechrightsBot-trHello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.53May 20 01:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Main Page - Techrights .::. Size~: 38.88 KBMay 20 01:17
cubezzzoiaohm, does wine work with usb?May 20 01:17
schestowitz vb6May 20 01:17
schestowitzLOLMay 20 01:17
cubezzzI never got that to work, I only got rs232 stuff to workMay 20 01:17
schestowitzwhat next? open source dos6?May 20 01:18
schestowitzms-dos I meanMay 20 01:18
cubezzzschestowitz, we have that sort of... with freedosMay 20 01:18
oiaohmcubezzz: usb is still for wine outside main line due to being to big of a mess.May 20 01:18
schestowitzparty like it's 1993May 20 01:18
oiaohmschestowitz:  vb6 is 1998May 20 01:18
schestowitzi meant msdosMay 20 01:18
cubezzzha. with amigados 1.3 I got speech synth on startupMay 20 01:19
oiaohmYou are also forgetting the version of dos under windows 98 schestowitzMay 20 01:19
cubezzzah, I need an ADF sender for linux stillMay 20 01:19
oiaohmFor emulation of windows 9x and windows 3.xx if MS would release the source code it would be nice.May 20 01:20
*Ziomatrix ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 01:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] We've got a good crowd to discuss Twitter and the Arab Spring tomorrow in the SF Mission! 20 01:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Tell #G8 to Protect the Net! Say NO to #censorship & YES to #privacy & #net neutrality! Sign @accessnow petition 20 01:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: EFF Action: .::. Size~: 8.35 KBMay 20 01:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Campaign | Access  |  G8: Protect the Net .::. Size~: 48.23 KBMay 20 01:22
oiaohmcubezzz: issue is that a lot put up other protocals as solutions to it.  Is the ADF format documented anywhere.May 20 01:27
*Ziomatrix has quit (Quit: Ziomatrix)May 20 01:28
DaemonFC 20 01:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open-Source AMD Fusion Driver Stabilizes .::. Size~: 42.14 KBMay 20 01:28
DaemonFCroflMay 20 01:28
DaemonFCDave Airlie comments on the inaccuracies and lies in PhoronixMay 20 01:29
DaemonFC"You really need to learn how to research something instead of writing unfounded unresearched articles."May 20 01:29
DaemonFCthe guy self-references more than schestowitz, but at least 2/3rds of Techrights isn't covered in adsMay 20 01:30
DaemonFC(which is why Phoronix does it)May 20 01:30
*Ziomatrix ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 01:30
DaemonFCthe only time I post links to Phoronix is when I'm satisfied that that particular article is at least mostly accurate May 20 01:31
DaemonFCthere's a lot of yellow journalism, repeats of well known news, and daily "ZOMG, the kernel has a bug, WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!" stuffMay 20 01:32
DaemonFCalong with random benchmarks that he does using a poorly optimized setupMay 20 01:32
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 23.1.1)May 20 01:33
*Ziomatrix has quit (Quit: Ziomatrix)May 20 01:35
*Ziomatrix ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 01:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Being a leader is also being a good follower - #sgpoliticsMay 20 01:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy‬‏ .::. Size~: 112.64 KBMay 20 01:36
GoForbes28hi schestowitzMay 20 01:38
schestowitzDaemonFC: I saw some unrestMay 20 01:38
schestowitzbut I'm friends with MichaelMay 20 01:38
schestowitzSomeone recently slagged both Phoronix and techrights offMay 20 01:38
schestowitzBut Michael's benchmarks are the best we haveMay 20 01:39
schestowitzback in the days I offered him some ideas about itMay 20 01:39
schestowitzIf you can produce better benchmarks, go for itMay 20 01:39
schestowitzUntil then, have a nice cup of...May 20 01:39
schestowitzBTWMay 20 01:39
schestowitzToday I did some benchmarks of my ownMay 20 01:39
schestowitzMany ROC curvesMay 20 01:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] Top 6 Ubuntu 11.04 Themes to Make Natty Narwhal Look a Lot More Attractive !ubuntu !linux !natty !unityMay 20 01:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Top 6 Ubuntu 11.04 Themes to Make Natty Narwhal Look a Lot More Attractive | Tech Drive-in .::. Size~: 53.97 KBMay 20 01:40
DaemonFCAMD has benchmarking tools that are better than hisMay 20 01:40
DaemonFChe tried to claim credit even though they didn't use any of the same code May 20 01:40
DaemonFChe did it in such a way that he could back out when called out May 20 01:41
DaemonFC:)May 20 01:41
DaemonFCsomething like "It's their version of the Phoronix Test Suite" then "No, that's not what I meant. I meant it is like the Phoronix Test Suite"May 20 01:41
DaemonFCtrying to slip one in under the radar, got caught, explained his way outMay 20 01:42
DaemonFCschestowitz, You're friends with a guy who has Microsoft skyscraper Flash ads on his siteMay 20 01:43
DaemonFC:)May 20 01:43
DaemonFCat least he did the last time I went there without adblocking on (whoops)May 20 01:43
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 20 01:43
*Ziomatrix has quit (Quit: Ziomatrix)May 20 01:45
schestowitzDaemonFC: that's IDGMay 20 01:45
schestowitzHe became a partnerMay 20 01:45
DaemonFCto sing the praises of the TCO of Windows Server B-)May 20 01:46
cubezzzoiaohm, yes there's unadfMay 20 01:51
cubezzzbut there's no linux utility to send the ADF to the amiga and write each track to the disk as it comesMay 20 01:52
cubezzzI'm using ADFSender.exe under wine to do itMay 20 01:52
cubezzzthe idea is to get a bootable amiga diskette May 20 01:52
cubezzzand opening vb6 seems to be a rumour, not confirmed by MicrosoftMay 20 01:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] Right. Just finishing watching The Tunnel - you can download it (legally) free at and I'm sure there will be a mention on TechBytesMay 20 01:58
DaemonFCcubezzz, Free VB6! Say thanks to Uncle Fester!May 20 02:17
cubezzzDaemonFC, there was a time long ago I paid for microsoft productsMay 20 02:31
cubezzzI bought MASM, QuickC, a probably a couple of othersMay 20 02:31
DaemonFC 20 02:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Confirmed: Microsoft Said It Will Open Source VB6 -- Redmond Developer News .::. Size~: 80.37 KBMay 20 02:32
cubezzzDaemonFC, it says right at the bottom it's not confirmedMay 20 02:32
cubezzzbut really so what :)May 20 02:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] I am low :(May 20 02:33
cubezzzI'm not going back to thatMay 20 02:33
DaemonFCwell, now LUNIX can benefit from the GREATEST MICROSOFT INNOVATION.......EVER!May 20 02:33
DaemonFC(except of course Windows Vista)May 20 02:33
DaemonFC 20 02:35
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/gif typeMay 20 02:35
DaemonFCand thatMay 20 02:35
cubezzzlolMay 20 02:35
abeNd-orgwhy even bother to opensource vb6, thats like opensourcing OS2 at this point in time...May 20 02:37
DaemonFCnoMay 20 02:39
DaemonFCOS/2 would possibly be interesting to some people and might have real world use casesMay 20 02:39
DaemonFCB-)May 20 02:39
DaemonFCMicrosoft will never open source anything they can make money on, and certainly not if it's going to do their competition any goodMay 20 02:40
DaemonFCand even if they do open source VB6, it might be under that license that says it can only run on WindowsMay 20 02:40
DaemonFCI can't think of anyone who would want VB6, even if they released a functional product and not just the language May 20 02:41
DaemonFCI think you can already use VB.NET with MonoMay 20 02:42
DaemonFCthere's a difference between a community and punting code over a wallMay 20 02:43
DaemonFCso I think VB6 will just land wherever it lands and never be touched againMay 20 02:44
abeNd-orgheh, nice, mother in law calls it "Mozzarella Firefox"May 20 02:47
DaemonFCAt least she doesn't use Limburger Explorer  May 20 02:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] WikiLeaks: Bulgarian nationalist under US diplomatic fire 20 02:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011-05-19 WikiLeaks: Bulgarian Nationalist under US Diplomatic Fire | WL Central .::. Size~: 21.53 KBMay 20 02:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Do your friends give a buck about the Internet? Just hours left for EFF on @philanthropr #giveabuck 20 03:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Philanthroper  - Internet Rights Aren't Just for Geeks .::. Size~: 18.74 KBMay 20 03:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[copiesofcopies/@copiesofcopies] @fontana patches welcome.May 20 03:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] urru! terminei de configurar a rede da GVT, telefone vai ser portado amanhã, e aí, bye bye Virtua, NET Fone e TelefonicaMay 20 03:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] WikiLeaks releases The Pakistan Papers 20 03:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] @copiesofcopies Document was heavily written by me (tho' initial draft by Matt #Norwood) & heavily influenced by discussions w/ @bkuhn ...May 20 03:38
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URLMay 20 03:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] @copiesofcopies ... & not sure if some of @bkuhn - derived policy recommendations are best; still undecided after all this time.May 20 03:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Putting together the Pakistan Papers 20 03:43
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URLMay 20 03:44
*GoForbes28 ( has left #techrightsMay 20 03:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] !linuxlibre 2.6.39-libre-lemote binaries for !gnewsense mipsel !yeeloong now availableMay 20 03:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Israel told US Putin sabotaged Iranian nuclear program 20 03:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Russia sabotaged Iran nuclear programme: report - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 157.52 KBMay 20 03:54
DaemonFC 20 03:55
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/gif typeMay 20 03:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] I am no longer part of !TechBytes. I wish Roy & Tim every success with the showMay 20 03:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] uptime doesn't take into account that the system can actually run for more than 24 hours !jslinux 20 04:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 10.55 KBMay 20 04:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] RT @ashcrow ♻ @bean2f1fan they should just call the jboss alphabet: [a-z]ar. :-). < wow, yeah. Seems like it!May 20 04:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] China's Great Firewall designer 'hit by shoe' !OnlyInChinaMay 20 04:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - China's Great Firewall designer 'hit by shoe' .::. Size~: 58.92 KBMay 20 04:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @wayneborean I'm self hosting. Fun wow :)May 20 04:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] dinner break stretched watching fabulous indie film The Brothers Bloom <reminiscent of early coen bros #greatMovieMay 20 04:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Brothers Bloom (2008) - IMDb .::. Size~: 90.31 KBMay 20 04:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @lovenemesis A !Chinese #iOS app which only sells you fake US education diploma !OnlyInChina //#Apple verificatio ...May 20 04:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] RT @lovenemesis A !Chinese #iOS app which only sells you fake US education diploma !OnlyInChina //#Apple verificatio ...May 20 04:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: iTunes App Store 的 iPhone,iPod touch和 iPad【办证】全美高校文凭 .::. Size~: 19.24 KBMay 20 04:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: iTunes App Store 的 iPhone,iPod touch和 iPad【办证】全美高校文凭 .::. Size~: 19.24 KBMay 20 04:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] I guess the Rapture Detector came out too late for the PAP #sgpoliticsMay 20 05:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: App of the Week: The Rapture Detector - Techland - .::. Size~: 68.97 KBMay 20 05:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Wondering if EVA can be used instead of GDP in Singapore #sgpoliticsMay 20 05:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: EVA Momentum - Wiki .::. Size~: 29.69 KBMay 20 05:38
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 20 05:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[piracy/@piracy] UN expert: Cutting Web access 'disproportionate' #tpn #anon #piracy #threestrikes #hadopiMay 20 06:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: AP News : Daily Press .::. Size~: 24.96 KBMay 20 06:30
MinceRthey've retracted it already >> 20 06:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CORRECTED: Microsoft Strongly Denies VB 6 Open Source Rumors, Sources Retract Statement -- Redmond Developer News .::. Size~: 78.83 KBMay 20 06:31
*jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)May 20 06:41
*MadRobot (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsMay 20 06:50
*MadRobot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 20 06:50
*Roderick_ ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 07:03
*Roderick has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 20 07:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kernellogauthor/@kernellogauthor] Linus merged the first 602 Patches for 2.6.40. Related quote from him: "I would like to keep 2.6.40 small and simple." 20 07:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Gmane Loom .::. Size~: 0.49 KBMay 20 07:05
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 07:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aseigo/@aseigo] the field across the street has been grower redder each day with wild poppy flowers as they emerge into the sunshine en mass.May 20 07:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aseigo/@aseigo] RT @leinir Experimental Plasma Active installed on the !MeeGo 1.2 on an ExoPC... Looking pretty swish already! :) !kde !qt #MeeGoConfMay 20 07:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kernellogauthor/@kernellogauthor] #git announced 20 07:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Gmane Loom .::. Size~: 0.47 KBMay 20 07:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Working on the first episode of !Creepers.May 20 07:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @yamanickill: 200 page document on how the NSA secure RHEL to their standards. Its interesting reading. 20 07:43
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting application/pdf typeMay 20 07:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] Now this looks useful: Wiki for pay-as-you-go SIM cards w/ data plan for various countries (via @netzpolitik)May 20 07:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Pay as you go sim with data Wiki .::. Size~: 53.08 KBMay 20 07:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] To my knowledge, this is the first smartphone app review to quote Walter Benjamin - nice take 20 07:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Digital photography: Being there | The Economist .::. Size~: 80.54 KBMay 20 07:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] ♺ @karsten: Now this looks useful: Wiki for pay-as-you-go SIM cards w/ data plan for various countries via @netzpolitikMay 20 08:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Pay as you go sim with data Wiki .::. Size~: 53.08 KBMay 20 08:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @MeeGoExperts: MeeGoExperts Birmingham UK Meetup – June. Come and join in :-) #MeeGo #Maemo #Developer #Linux #IntelMay 20 08:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: MeeGoExperts Birmingham UK Meetup - MeeGo .::. Size~: 53.23 KBMay 20 08:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @qtbynokia: #Qt #Labs Blog - Qt Quick 3D Downloads Available - Its been well over a year since I blogged here abou... 20 08:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @My_Maemo: SIP Witch - secure p2p VoIP server for the N900: 20 08:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @My_Maemo: GetMeWheels for the N900 displays available car2go project cars: 20 08:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @My_Maemo: N900 X-Ray converts your N900 to an X-Ray scanner: 20 08:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @My_Maemo: QNetMan - Qt based network manager for the N900: 20 08:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @My_Maemo: N900 Developer Edition (DE) San Francisco build coming! 20 08:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Qt Quick 3D Downloads Available .::. Size~: 47.19 KBMay 20 08:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Nokia N900 / Maemo 5 Software and News .::. Size~: 29.94 KBMay 20 08:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Nokia N900 / Maemo 5 Software and News .::. Size~: 29.85 KBMay 20 08:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Nokia N900 / Maemo 5 Software and News .::. Size~: 29.84 KBMay 20 08:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Nokia N900 / Maemo 5 Software and News .::. Size~: 29.86 KBMay 20 08:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Nokia N900 / Maemo 5 Software and News .::. Size~: 30.44 KBMay 20 08:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Wenn ein Staat Schulden hat, hat er seine Bürger verpfändet. #einfachaberwahrMay 20 08:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] RT @jwildeboer Wenn ein Staat Schulden hat, hat er seine Bürger verpfändet. #einfachaberwahrMay 20 08:30
schestowitzHm.. second day in a row my alarm clock does not wake me upMay 20 08:36
schestowitzThe loud music is perceived to be just part of a dream... might have to rethink the classics channel :-)May 20 08:37
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: This is a quitting message)May 20 08:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Xubuntu 11.04 Review / Thoughts 20 08:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @martenmickos: ''Capitalism is good for Communism'' heard in ChinaMay 20 08:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @martenmickos: looking forward to visiting customers in China in early June.May 20 08:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪Xubuntu 11.04 Review / Thoughts‬‏ .::. Size~: 120.14 KBMay 20 08:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Pulling gtk-engine-equinox from AUR.May 20 08:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 2010 Free Software Awards announced "This year, it was given to Rob Savoye. Savoye is a long-time free software hacker"May 20 09:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2010 Free Software Awards announced — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.73 KBMay 20 09:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The rise and fall of #CentOS "I'm writing this as my first Scientific Linux install executes" #ScientificLinux #RHELMay 20 09:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The rise and fall of CentOS - 2ndQuadrant, Professional PostgreSQL .::. Size~: 43.42 KBMay 20 09:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[docufoundation/@docufoundation] RT @floeff Good-Day Inc. welcomes and cooperates with LibreOffice and The Document Foundation: !libo !tdfMay 20 09:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: We welcome and cooperate the LibreOffice and The Document Foundation - 株式会社 グッデイ .::. Size~: 5.05 KBMay 20 09:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #MeeGo 1.2 Released Steven and Stephen (Ballmer and Elop) couldn't quite assassinate Free software projects. #nokiaMay 20 09:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] ♺ @rkallensee: RT @piwik: In next Piwik release.... No more Flash graphs... we move to Javascript + canvas!! :) < REJOICE!!May 20 09:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: MeeGo 1.2 Released | Muktware .::. Size~: 34.87 KBMay 20 09:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] To Eat and Survive in LA: On Track for a Million Food Stamp Users while the bankers are doing quite all right :-)May 20 09:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: To Eat and Survive in LA: On Track for a Million Food Food Stamp Users | .::. Size~: 18.04 KBMay 20 09:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] RT @jwildeboer ♺ @rkallensee: RT @piwik: In next Piwik release.... No more Flash graphs... we move to Javascript + canvas!! :) < REJOICE!!May 20 09:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @amanjpro The #Ballmer peak, That is how #Microsoft could produce the #Windows #Me version :-D #xkcdMay 20 09:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] ♺ @jwildeboer @rkallensee @piwik: In next Piwik release.... No more Flash graphs... we move to Javascript + canvas!! :) < REJOICE!!May 20 09:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @aurele Work on a free software GPRS/EDGE stack! :: #FSF #GNU #osmocombbMay 20 09:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: xkcd: Ballmer Peak .::. Size~: 8.67 KBMay 20 09:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Work on a free software GPRS/EDGE stack! — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 28.02 KBMay 20 09:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] #wind "your option will be active in 24 hour. After a month it's still pending. #failMay 20 09:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Yay!!! ♺ @jwildeboer ♺ @rkallensee: RT @piwik: In next Piwik release.... No more Flash graphs... we move to Javascript + canvas!! :)May 20 09:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] New Zealand Libraries Considering Shutting Off Public Internet Access To Avoid Three Strikes Law - not thought this outMay 20 09:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 5 #Skype alternatives for #Linux users @sjvn gives timely advice. I'm working on a similar article re #SIP clients.May 20 09:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: New Zealand Libraries Considering Shutting Off Public Internet Access To Avoid Three Strikes Law | Techdirt .::. Size~: 36.59 KBMay 20 09:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 5 Skype alternatives for Linux users | ITworld .::. Size~: 121.96 KBMay 20 09:17
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 09:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Google shuts down newspaper scanning project - even #google has its limitsMay 20 09:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Insecurity and the #spanishrevolution - interesting reference to #leysinde #15m (v @SinkDeep) #spain #copyrightMay 20 09:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google shuts down newspaper scanning project - Google .::. Size~: 81.36 KBMay 20 09:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Insecurity and the #spanishrevolution « Safer Cities? .::. Size~: 25.21 KBMay 20 09:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsfe/@fsfe] Answers of the Bremen parties, a strange understanding of competition: (de)May 20 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Dear #wind: your e-care web services are a nightmare, probably designed by a monkey on crack.May 20 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Put on your new Red Hat Linux @sjvn says a little more about yesterday's release. #rhel #redhat #gnu #linux #serverMay 20 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[firefoxmilestones/@firefoxmilestones] #Firefox4 reached 171 million downloads on 2011-05-20 08:17 UTCMay 20 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @einfeldt: RT @craigary: Rapture prank: On Saturday, take some of your unwanted clothes and shoes and leave sets of them arranged...May 20 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @wikileaks: WikiLeaks: Bulgarian nationalist under US diplomatic fire 20 09:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Befragung zu Freier Software in Bremen: Parteien zeigen seltsames Wettbewerbsverständnis .::. Size~: 9.67 KBMay 20 09:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Put on your new Red Hat Linux | ZDNet .::. Size~: 135.03 KBMay 20 09:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 2011-05-19 WikiLeaks: Bulgarian Nationalist under US Diplomatic Fire | WL Central .::. Size~: 21.59 KBMay 20 09:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Amazon Hasn’t Yet Reached UK Digital Books Tipping Point - in contrast to US #ebooksMay 20 09:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Amazon Hasn’t Yet Reached UK Digital Books Tipping Point                                                    |  paidContent:UK .::. Size~: 34.47 KBMay 20 09:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Google Summer of Code: Where are the students? - wow, look at #india's contingent... #socMay 20 09:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] New laws to widen #ASIO spy powers !wikileaks against #policestate in #australiaMay 20 09:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google Summer of Code: Where are the students? - Google Open Source Blog .::. Size~: 37.47 KBMay 20 09:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: New laws to widen ASIO spy powers .::. Size~: 102.9 KBMay 20 09:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @glynmoody #Google Summer of Code: Where are the students? - wow, look at #india's contingent... #socMay 20 09:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google Summer of Code: Where are the students? - Google Open Source Blog .::. Size~: 37.47 KBMay 20 09:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #XKCD: Temperature 20 09:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #WebUpd8: The Unarchiver: Finally A Free Software Tool To Extract RARv3 Archives 20 09:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: xkcd: Temperature .::. Size~: 7.99 KBMay 20 09:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Unarchiver: Finally A Free Software Tool To Extract RARv3 Archives ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 69.75 KBMay 20 09:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Geek&Poke: When I Was Young 20 09:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Geek And Poke: When I Was Young .::. Size~: 42.52 KBMay 20 09:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Will new SUSE mgmt focus on strengths of their own product or continue to with non-official RHEL support w MSFT via 20 09:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @tdobson: Comedy gold. Telemarketing call to my TPS registered landline. I ask them to wait, leave the phone off the hook & leave the flatMay 20 09:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] RT @bkuhn @kevingranade,I agree ∃ serious problems in #Google's openness re: !Android. But conflating that w/ !GPL violation is just cou ...May 20 09:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !Chromium blog: ChromeVox: Built-In Spoken Feedback For Chrome OS 20 09:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Chromium Blog: ChromeVox: Built-In Spoken Feedback For Chrome OS .::. Size~: 26.14 KBMay 20 09:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Exporting the first episode of !BunchOfCreepers. Now brewing another coffee and doing some uni work....May 20 09:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] RT @richslxh02 @speeddefrost The Psalm: !linuxMay 20 09:48
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeMay 20 09:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Jewish community granted injunction blocking all anti-Semitic Google search suggestions - and if every group did it?May 20 09:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] I'm on the verge of being forced to start blogging here ... #fishingMay 20 09:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jewish community granted injunction blocking all anti-Semitic Google search suggestions - Google .::. Size~: 80.08 KBMay 20 09:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Australian Government To Widen Spy Agency Powers, Again - when are we all going to say "enough"? #surveillanceMay 20 09:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Australian Government To Widen Spy Agency Powers, Again - Slashdot .::. Size~: 114.2 KBMay 20 09:52
MinceRgeekingsMay 20 09:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Gmail Chat & #AIM Are Now Interoperable - it took *this* long? #interoperabilityMay 20 09:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] "You typed L..... Did you mean Linux Outlaws?"May 20 09:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Gmail Chat & AIM Are Now Interoperable .::. Size~: 97.81 KBMay 20 09:53
schestowitz 20 09:54
TechrightsBot-tr@CajunTechie: @schestowitz #SIP is a fantastic alternative to #Skype but not a true solution since nothing allows SIP to Skype communication yet.May 20 09:54
MinceRthe true solution is to use SIP and set up your router correctlyMay 20 09:54
MinceRand tell the bot owners to switchMay 20 09:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] ... which, to #Naughton's credit, is an important point. @swashbuckler @bkuhnMay 20 09:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aseigo/@aseigo] ripped through a ton of the libplasma2 entries on icescrum today. need to focus on active shell things next it seems.May 20 09:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Humanity’s newest low: we’re #multitasking our leisure time now - no: it's using pap as fodder for *real* interactionsMay 20 09:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] RT @fontana Thanks to @bkuhn's blog post I have learned about the existence of #JQS5 which may b ...May 20 09:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Humanity’s newest low: we’re multi-tasking our leisure time now. - TNW Lifehacks .::. Size~: 78.54 KBMay 20 09:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Germany Trip: Samba XP Keynote and LinuxTag Keynote - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn ) .::. Size~: 25.06 KBMay 20 09:58
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8 typeMay 20 09:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @dickturpin: @ultraturquoise This is not true! "Horses sweat, Men perspire and Women glow" :-)May 20 10:00
schestowitzMinceR: bot owner?May 20 10:03
schestowitzskype users?May 20 10:03
MinceRindeedMay 20 10:03
schestowitzsupernodesMay 20 10:03
MinceRwell, "bot host" would be a better termMay 20 10:03
schestowitzAKA voluntary zombies PCsMay 20 10:03
schestowitz*zombieMay 20 10:03
schestowitzdented something related to thisMay 20 10:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mozilla/@mozilla] Knight-Mozilla Initiative: ‘Hacking the Future of Journalism’ at University of Dundee (fuel provided by Irn Bru... 20 10:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft-Skype deal is a joining of the Internet's two largest botnets: Windows Update and Skype. Yes, both act like botnets, technically.May 20 10:05
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 404 Not FoundMay 20 10:05
schestowitz 20 10:05
TechrightsBot-tr@Gordon Sinclair (thistleweb)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 01:30:14 UTC - I am low :(May 20 10:05
schestowitzBeter low than BlowMay 20 10:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Listening to #TINAP 4 aka "The Mumble Show"May 20 10:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @stshank Sony just got patent: Web browsing with consumer electronics devices with limited h/w abilities >>patheticMay 20 10:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] @fabsh: exactly: there is no limit to the idea...May 20 10:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: United States Patent Application: 0110119602 .::. Size~: 56.05 KBMay 20 10:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Live feedback FTW! #TINAPMay 20 10:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] @fabsh: and the tl;dl reason is...?May 20 10:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Turpial, microblogging client from South America #freeswMay 20 10:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: » Linuxaria Turpial, microblogging client from South America .::. Size~: 68 KBMay 20 10:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] I share my birthday with @aukondk and my good buddy RedjenMay 20 10:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @jezra Today?May 20 10:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #RedHat "NEEDS" #Fedora 16 theme artists! "discussions about art works sometimes get a bad reputation" by @mairinMay 20 10:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Design team imageboard test server and WE NEED Fedora 16 theme artists! «  Máirín Duffy .::. Size~: 47.88 KBMay 20 10:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] @fabsh yes sir, May 20. Although to be honest, I've been celebrating since the 17th and the actual party party doesn't happen til the 21stMay 20 10:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Tablets Tip Future To First Digital Profit - interesting - that it's so hard... #publishingMay 20 10:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "The OSI's role might change depending on what the new stake holders do." ~ @webmink (Phipps) of #OSI // but not all stake holders are OSS!May 20 10:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Top Games for Linux! #games #fun #gnu #linuxMay 20 10:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tablets Tip Future To First Digital Profit                                                    |  paidContent:UK .::. Size~: 35.95 KBMay 20 10:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux and Free software: Top Games for Linux! .::. Size~: 88.86 KBMay 20 10:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] #TINAP needs Flattr! GET IN THERE!!!May 20 10:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Happy birthday @jezra! You rock, dude! Stay as you are!!May 20 10:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !Android Developers blog: A Bright Idea: Android Open Accessories 20 10:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @jezra: @theru thanks buddy. May your coffee be dark and rich. May your beer be dark and rich as well. ;)May 20 10:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #Androinica: Google !Android is king; sales of Android devices 6 times more than last year 20 10:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Lessons learned from Munich's migration to #GNU #Linux "At the moment, 6200 desktops have been migrated..Linux desktops"May 20 10:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Android Developers Blog: A Bright Idea: Android Open Accessories .::. Size~: 86.84 KBMay 20 10:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Androinica  » Google Android is king; sales of Android devices 6 times more than last year .::. Size~: 49.58 KBMay 20 10:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Lessons learned from Munich's migration to Linux | FOSSBazaar .::. Size~: 14.87 KBMay 20 10:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] "We don't want bloody micropayments.... We want MEGAPAYMENTS!!!" - #TINAPMay 20 10:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] the posting for a good few hours...loads of stuff to arrange, including an interview for Sunday on !techbytesMay 20 10:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] @fabsh: makes sense - thanksMay 20 10:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Will Microsoft release source code for MS-DOS 6? I hereby donate the contents of my wastebasket. [sarcasm /] #PR #Microsoft #openwashingMay 20 10:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #Androinica: New Documents to Go Update Now Supports Desktop Sync on !Android #Honeycomb 20 10:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] @fabsh I'll see what I can do, but time and the passage of years seem to have different plans for me. those bastards!May 20 10:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Unity 2D to enter GNOME:Ayatana soon… #gnome #unity #ubuntu #canonicalMay 20 10:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #China warns of 'urgent problems' facing Three Gorges dam - gosh: nobody saw *that* coming... #hubrisMay 20 10:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Androinica  » New Documents to Go Update Now Supports Desktop Sync on Honeycomb .::. Size~: 45.33 KBMay 20 10:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: openSUSE Lizards .::. Size~: 63.27 KBMay 20 10:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: China warns of 'urgent problems' facing Three Gorges dam | Environment | The Guardian .::. Size~: 237.36 KBMay 20 10:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #DNASTAR announces release of #SeqMan #NGen Linux Software because a lot of people /worldwide/ use #gnu #linuxMay 20 10:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PharmaLive: DNASTAR announces release of SeqMan NGen Linux Software .::. Size~: 43.62 KBMay 20 10:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Revisited: #SimplyMEPIS 11.0 "I don't think SimplyMEPIS is a good distribution for users who are new to Linux" #mepisMay 20 10:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Das U-Blog by Prashanth: Revisited: SimplyMEPIS 11.0 .::. Size~: 102.69 KBMay 20 10:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @jezra LOL. You're a great bloke! Enjoy today! :)May 20 10:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Plasma Components #kde #kde4May 20 10:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CodeCereal: Plasma Components .::. Size~: 43.32 KBMay 20 10:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] KDE4 & Plasma after version 4.4 is like a dream. I've run the same KDE /session/ without interruptions 24/7 for two months. Login forgotten.May 20 10:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] time for bed. A weekend of celebration, followed by a 3 day meego conference is really going to mess with my sleep scheduleMay 20 10:30
schestowitzkdm is process ID 1223... I'm not up to around 35,000 processesMay 20 10:31
schestowitzNew recordMay 20 10:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @jezra You're going to MeeGo Conf? Cool. Keep us posted!May 20 10:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #DOD Releases Open Source Development Guide [...]May 20 10:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: DOD Releases Open Source Development Guide -- InformationWeek .::. Size~: 80.67 KBMay 20 10:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Imagine if only the manufacturer of a rifle were allowed to clean, fix, modify, or upgrade that rifle" ~US government report, not @rms ;-)May 20 10:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] #WebUpd8: GIMP And Inkscape Plugins To Publish Images To DeviantArt 20 10:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Jorge Castro: Cleaning up after ourselves... 20 10:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: GIMP And Inkscape Plugins To Publish Images To DeviantArt ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 70.18 KBMay 20 10:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cleaning up after ourselves... .::. Size~: 10.28 KBMay 20 10:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Clarification on Android, its (Lack of) Copyleft-ness, and #GPL Enforcement #android #gplviolations #linux #hardwareMay 20 10:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Clarification on Android, its (Lack of) Copyleft-ness, and GPL Enforcement - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn ) .::. Size~: 20.21 KBMay 20 10:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "cloud" hype does not only help companies take away program binaries from users. It also lets them take data/mail 20 10:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft bests Google, IBM to land S.F. email deal : The Technology Chronicles .::. Size~: 69.59 KBMay 20 10:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Fabien Tassin: !Chromium channels: bye-bye #Hardy and #Karmic 20 10:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[carlopiana/@carlopiana] Life's good. May be too short, but good. :-)May 20 10:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Chromium channels: bye-bye Hardy and Karmic « Fabien Tassin's blog .::. Size~: 34.79 KBMay 20 10:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 Screenshots #rhel #serverMay 20 10:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Screwing the end user and seeing how far you get "Linux today is a far more appealing solution than Microsoft Windows."May 20 10:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dyfet/@dyfet] I think GNU uCommon 5.0 will get released this weekendMay 20 10:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 Screenshots | Linux, BSD, Solaris & Other OS Screenshots | The Leader in Linux, BSD, Solaris & Other OS Screenshots | Screen Shots of Linux Distributions, BSD, Solaris & Other OSes | Linux, BSD, Solaris & Other OS Screenshot Gallery .::. Size~: 28.62 KBMay 20 10:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Screwing the end user and seeing how far you get  - exclusive       .::. Size~: 19.04 KBMay 20 10:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Windows is a poor man's Linux... does a lot less, but comes automatically with most computers. Windows is not yet ready for the desktop.May 20 10:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Pirate Bay Heads Norwegian Domain Blocking List - regulatory capture spreads #censorship #norwayMay 20 10:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Pirate Bay Heads Norwegian Domain Blocking List | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 25.94 KBMay 20 10:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #HTML5: It's Last Call for Comments - </hurry, hurry, hurry>May 20 10:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: HTML5: It's Last Call for Comments .::. Size~: 52.48 KBMay 20 10:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Journalist arrested at IT security conference #policestate #securityMay 20 11:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ben Grubb Arrested For Writing Article At IT Security Conference .::. Size~: 136.72 KBMay 20 11:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] New UK Executive Director of Digital appointed: @MTBracken - let's hope he is allowed to shake things upMay 20 11:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: New Executive Director of Digital appointed  | Cabinet Office .::. Size~: 22.76 KBMay 20 11:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Richard Dawkins's science book for kids, illustrated by Dave McKean nice book title. Dawkins turns 70 soon #scienceMay 20 11:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Richard Dawkins's science book for kids, illustrated by Dave McKean - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 122.91 KBMay 20 11:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Righthaven hit with class-action counterclaim #copyright troll gets blowbackMay 20 11:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Righthaven hit with class-action counterclaim - VEGAS INC .::. Size~: 73.83 KBMay 20 11:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Reducing plastic marine litter in Mediterranean: a "Fishing for Litter" campaign in France - got to be way forwardMay 20 11:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Reducing plastic marine litter in Mediterranean: a "Fishing for Litter" campaign in France .::. Size~: 28.31 KBMay 20 11:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Can't wait to see @opensourcegeek again! :)May 20 11:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 'Like' Button Follows Web Users so does Internet Explorer (since version 7), spying on the user, phoning MicrosoftMay 20 11:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 'Like' Button Follows Web Users - .::. Size~: 201.83 KBMay 20 11:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Thx 2 all my followers, you made my life worthy. But tmrw all will end, so enjoy! #rapture is near ;-)May 20 11:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How May 21, 2011, Was Calculated to Be Judgment Day - TIME NewsFeed .::. Size~: 73.71 KBMay 20 11:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Bradley M. Kuhn: Clarification on !Android, its (Lack of) Copyleft-ness, and GPL Enforcement 20 11:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Clarification on Android, its (Lack of) Copyleft-ness, and GPL Enforcement - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn ) .::. Size~: 20.21 KBMay 20 11:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Linux 2.6.39 assists firewalls, speeds up #Ext4 more analysis of what's new #kernel #gplMay 20 12:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Launchpad News: Nikki and the Robots 20 12:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux 2.6.39 assists firewalls, speeds up Ext4 - News - Linux for Devices .::. Size~: 57.92 KBMay 20 12:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux 2.6.39 Debuts with Improved Performance — .::. Size~: 55.7 KBMay 20 12:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Launchpad Blog .::. Size~: 8.29 KBMay 20 12:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] David Mandala: More on the Panda Build system 20 12:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: More on the Panda Build system | dmtechtalk .::. Size~: 24.92 KBMay 20 12:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "demand for Linux-related jobs has jumped unexpectedly high in the last couple of years" #gnu #linux works betterMay 20 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr@: May 20 12:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Fedora switching to new contributor agreement 'retiring our old Individual Contributor License Agreement' -Tom CallawayMay 20 12:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fedora project switching to new contributor agreement [] .::. Size~: 22.44 KBMay 20 12:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Open Virtualization Alliance Aims to Spread the KVM Gospel more #linux and more #gplMay 20 12:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Virtualization Alliance Aims to Spread the KVM Gospel | The VAR Guy .::. Size~: 63.31 KBMay 20 12:07
schestowitzre Linux demand 20 12:13
TechrightsBot-tr@jwildeboer: @schestowitz what is unexpected about that? ;-)May 20 12:13
schestowitzmy 5 or so jobs are all based around LinuxMay 20 12:14
MinceRmy 1 job is based around GNU+LinuxMay 20 12:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Judge Puts All #Righthaven's Colorado Cases On Ice - "wants to determine whether Righthaven has standing to sue"May 20 12:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Judge Puts All Righthaven’s Colorado Cases On Ice                                                    |  paidContent .::. Size~: 37.66 KBMay 20 12:20
schestowitz 20 12:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪DeathByMentos1‬‏ .::. Size~: 111.67 KBMay 20 12:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Apple denies that 'app store' is a generic term !Crapple 20 12:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Apple denies that 'app store' is a generic term- The Inquirer .::. Size~: 54.94 KBMay 20 12:23
schestowitzWeird Dutch commercial 20 12:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪Schattigste baby ooooooooooittt!! Niet te geloven!‬‏ .::. Size~: 105.77 KBMay 20 12:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Sir Alex Ferguson could take !ManUtd players off Twitter, asks them to read a book instead 20 12:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: #ff @wdmmg @joi @eleninieuws @opencorporatesMay 20 12:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[karsten/@karsten] "no surprise that Fuller fought the law and the law won, as armed robbery is a Class 2 Felony. " Hey, it's #fridayMay 20 12:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Sir Alex Ferguson could take Manchester United players off Twitter | Football | .::. Size~: 98.78 KBMay 20 12:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Pop Music Police Blotter. .::. Size~: 17.84 KBMay 20 12:27
*hemimaniac has quit (Quit: I got raided by CSIS and all i got to keep was this lousy QUIT message!!)May 20 12:35
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 12:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] Máirín Duffy: Design team imageboard test server and WE NEED !Fedora 16 theme artists! 20 12:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Design team imageboard test server and WE NEED Fedora 16 theme artists! «  Máirín Duffy .::. Size~: 47.9 KBMay 20 12:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] How to get the baby phone toy to curse #lolMay 20 12:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 20/5/2011: Linux Kernel 2.6.39, MeeGo 1.2 Released !techrightsMay 20 12:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Links 20/5/2011: Linux Kernel 2.6.39, MeeGo 1.2 Released #techrightsMay 20 12:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @techdirt: EU And China Harmonize Their Approach On Censorship 20 12:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪How to get the baby phone toy to curse‬‏ .::. Size~: 110.23 KBMay 20 12:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 20/5/2011: Linux Kernel 2.6.39, MeeGo 1.2 Released | Techrights .::. Size~: 145.62 KBMay 20 12:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Links 20/5/2011: Linux Kernel 2.6.39, MeeGo 1.2 Released | Techrights .::. Size~: 145.62 KBMay 20 12:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: EU And China Harmonize Their Approach On Censorship | Techdirt .::. Size~: 31.33 KBMay 20 12:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] !GNOME 3 Photo Competition - the winning pictures 20 12:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] @fontana When is deriv not transitive? When C derives only from B original work, nothing of A retained? Intersects with GPL/MIT-patch convo?May 20 12:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: GNOME 3 Photo Competition | afaik .::. Size~: 24.74 KBMay 20 12:45
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 12:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] While Shuttleworth moves Ubuntu/Canonical into Copyright Transfer mode, Fedora removes such clauses. #FreedomMay 20 12:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Legal:Fedora Project Contributor Agreement - FedoraProject .::. Size~: 28.21 KBMay 20 12:55
*gnufreex_ ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 12:57
*gnufreex has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)May 20 12:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Seems France requested sth from german police which led to full shutdown of german pirate party IT. Strangeness. (DE)May 20 12:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Piratenpartei-Server “auf polizeiliche Anweisung” offline » .::. Size~: 102.5 KBMay 20 12:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] My conspiracy gut feeling tells me german pirate party going offline will be related to supposed child abuse. #justsayin #heyitsfriday ;-)May 20 13:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] ♻ @jwildeboer While Shuttleworth moves Ubuntu/Canonical into Copyright Transfer mode, Fedora removes them. #FreedomMay 20 13:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Legal:Fedora Project Contributor Agreement - FedoraProject .::. Size~: 28.21 KBMay 20 13:02
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 13:02
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Seems "IPR" doesn't really deliver. Read this: cc @open_sourcing @glynmoodyMay 20 13:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Intellectual Property Office - Independent Review of IP and Growth .::. Size~: 7.37 KBMay 20 13:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] #mussolini #fascism #facebook #freedomofspeech #seewhatididthere #guiltbyassociationMay 20 13:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Modern History Sourcebook: Mussolini: What is Fascism, 1932 .::. Size~: 7.37 KBMay 20 13:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook Says It May Be Allowing 'Too Much' Free Speech In Some Nations .::. Size~: 293.07 KBMay 20 13:05
*gnufreex_ ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 13:08
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kirschner/@kirschner] Freie-Software-Wahlprüfsteine !fs in Bremen: #CDU – Zero Points !fsfe !gnuMay 20 13:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Freie-Software-Wahlprüfsteine in Bremen: CDU – Zero Points «  I love it here .::. Size~: 12.81 KBMay 20 13:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Fixed !RantOFabKuhn album art #opendesign CC @bkuhn 20 13:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 10.78 KBMay 20 13:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @Glinner Tomorrow is day to commit 'the perfect murder' if your victim is an Evangelical Christian & you're excellent at hiding bodies.May 20 13:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It’s Not a Virus If the User Needs to Actually Install It #windows #android #linux #fud #nsa #fbi #malwareMay 20 13:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: It’s Not a Virus If the User Needs to Actually Install It | Techrights .::. Size~: 94.82 KBMay 20 13:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @thepiratenation @smarimc german #pirateparty is offline after police raid on behalf of french government. #tpn #anon #worldrevolutionMay 20 13:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] It’s Not a Virus If the User Needs to Actually Install It #zdnet #security #microsoft #msbbcMay 20 13:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: It’s Not a Virus If the User Needs to Actually Install It | Techrights .::. Size~: 94.82 KBMay 20 13:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Quand Nicolas #Sarkozy ne voulait pas aider les cyberdissidents - quelle surprise (v @jerezim @martelf) #censorshipMay 20 13:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Quand Nicolas Sarkozy ne voulait pas aider les cyberdissidents | TIC et Net .::. Size~: 53.88 KBMay 20 13:30
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)May 20 13:35
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 13:42
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Man..... I love summer rain!May 20 13:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Brazil forms 'crisis cabinet' following unexpected #deforestation surge - looks like #soya & bad laws to blameMay 20 13:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Brazil forms 'crisis cabinet' following unexpected deforestation surge | Environment | .::. Size~: 136.92 KBMay 20 13:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Bill Gates Started the World’s Biggest Pyramid Scheme With Patents #swpats #eu #lobbying #extortion #fraudMay 20 14:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Bill Gates Started the World’s Biggest Pyramid Scheme With Patents #law #us #plutocracy #corruptionMay 20 14:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bill Gates Started the World’s Biggest Pyramid Scheme With Patents | Techrights .::. Size~: 93.33 KBMay 20 14:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bill Gates Started the World’s Biggest Pyramid Scheme With Patents | Techrights .::. Size~: 93.33 KBMay 20 14:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] RT @linuxkernel Linux kernel 2.6.39 ( stable) has been released - #linux #kernelMay 20 14:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Linux Kernel Archives .::. Size~: 38.14 KBMay 20 14:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[opensourceway/@opensourceway] The M-word | #leadership #management #innovation #hackmanagementMay 20 14:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The M-word | .::. Size~: 54.81 KBMay 20 14:03
*gnufreex has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 20 14:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Police investigating thefts inside Westminster this is what happens when MPs have to provide receipts, they're desperateMay 20 14:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - Laptop and iPad stolen from MP Keith Vaz's office .::. Size~: 54.97 KBMay 20 14:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] ♺ @fabsh: Man..... I love summer rain! << Summer rain rocks.May 20 14:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Open data: can it help councils create more efficient services? - "grizzling away"? really? (v @Mark_Antony) #opendataMay 20 14:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] good morning !identiverseMay 20 14:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @clacke @mjog 20 14:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open data: can it help councils create more efficient services? | Local government network | Guardian Professional .::. Size~: 94.38 KBMay 20 14:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Spam - StatusNet .::. Size~: 30.58 KBMay 20 14:17
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 20 14:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @EU_Commission @NeelieKroesEU Twitter lists: Commissioners Depts offices 20 14:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter .::. Size~: 42.11 KBMay 20 14:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter .::. Size~: 42.11 KBMay 20 14:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter .::. Size~: 42.11 KBMay 20 14:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nsisodiya/@nsisodiya] RT @schestowitz Lessons learned from Munich's migration to #GNU #Linux "At the moment, 6200 desktops have been migra ...May 20 14:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Lessons learned from Munich's migration to Linux | FOSSBazaar .::. Size~: 15.92 KBMay 20 14:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Superinjunctions: Modern technology out of control, says lord chief justice - who happens to be septuagenarianMay 20 14:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Superinjunctions: Modern technology is completely out of control, says lord chief justice | Law | .::. Size~: 98.93 KBMay 20 14:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] G8: Protect the Net - help stop the censorship lockdown: please sign and RT (v @PoliceStateUK)May 20 14:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] Random 1990s !fs source file legal notice: "This software ... may be exported to any country or planet"May 20 14:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Campaign | Access  |  G8: Protect the Net .::. Size~: 48.26 KBMay 20 14:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Google Spends $4.9 Million On Modu Patent Portfolio - regrettable, if understandable #patents #smartphonesMay 20 14:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google Spends $4.9 Million On Modu Patent Portfolio .::. Size~: 33.07 KBMay 20 14:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #France's #G8 Focuses on Control and Restrictions to Online Freedoms - this could be seriously bad news #censorshipMay 20 14:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] Open Source Data Grid, Infinispan 5.0.0.CR3 released. Amazing progress. 20 14:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: France's G8 Focuses on Control and Restrictions to Online Freedoms | La Quadrature du Net .::. Size~: 28.56 KBMay 20 14:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Infinispan: Another release candidate this week .::. Size~: 87.31 KBMay 20 14:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] RT @glynmoody G8: Protect the Net - help stop the censorship lockdown: please sign and RT (v @PoliceStateUK)May 20 14:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Campaign | Access  |  G8: Protect the Net .::. Size~: 48.23 KBMay 20 14:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Mickos: Amazon and Eucalyptus still rule the cloud (Register): 20 14:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mickos: Amazon and Eucalyptus still rule the cloud • The Register .::. Size~: 21.11 KBMay 20 14:40
schestowitz 20 14:41
TechrightsBot-tr@mairin: @schestowitz um, no, #redhat needs no such thing. it's all #fedora.May 20 14:41
schestowitzFedora is Red Hat and you too work for them. Yes, I know the PR and all...May 20 14:42
schestowitzI'm on her side on this, but I'm not willing to delude myself for Red Hat's 'reputation'May 20 14:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 released (H): 20 14:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] SUSE’s Future Explained: Less Mono, Hopefully More Rebuttals to SCO (Whose Employees End up in Microsoft) #mono #scoMay 20 14:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] #SUSE ’s Future Explained: Less Mono, Hopefully More Rebuttals to SCO (Whose Employees End up in Microsoft) #swpatsMay 20 14:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 released - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 41.45 KBMay 20 14:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: SUSE’s Future Explained: Less Mono, Hopefully More Rebuttals to SCO (Whose Employees End up in Microsoft) | Techrights .::. Size~: 95.57 KBMay 20 14:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: SUSE’s Future Explained: Less Mono, Hopefully More Rebuttals to SCO (Whose Employees End up in Microsoft) | Techrights .::. Size~: 95.57 KBMay 20 14:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @techsoc SPOILER ALERT. When world did not end as predicted in 1956, believers argued that strength of their faith had saved the world.May 20 14:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Map to Nowhere: The FCC has now failed twice at producing good broadband data. Time to give someone else a try: 20 14:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thomaszander/@thomaszander] RT @frederik: Got a list speaking for the first time. #Qt will be accessible on Linux. Soon. Really soon now.May 20 14:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] HTML5: It's Last Call for Comments (RWW): (via @techmeme)May 20 14:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thomaszander/@thomaszander] RT @aseigo: participation based systems are highly efficient. the challenge is educating communities how to participate. a lost art for manyMay 20 14:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Netflix impact on Internet overstated (IT World): 20 14:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Broadband data from the FCC is notoriously inaccurate. Measurement Lab can fix that. - By Benjamin Lennett and Sascha Meinrath - Slate Magazine .::. Size~: 48.73 KBMay 20 14:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: HTML5: It's Last Call for Comments .::. Size~: 52.48 KBMay 20 14:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Netflix isn't swamping the Internet; ISPs are overstating their congestion problems | ITworld .::. Size~: 128.82 KBMay 20 14:48
*jono ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 14:49
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMay 20 14:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[evan/@evan] RT @evan codebase is now Open Source: Cool!May 20 14:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[evan/@evan] @joabj Who run Cloud-town? EMBARGO ON!May 20 14:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Tech Ed 2011: The Wide-Open Road, at 55 MPH (BrustBlog): 20 14:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] OMG! Ubuntu!: Add Ubuntu One style dark toolbars to all apps in Ubuntu 20 14:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: AboutUs/jyte - GitHub .::. Size~: 38.44 KBMay 20 14:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tech Ed 2011: The Wide-Open Road, at 55 MPH .::. Size~: 35.05 KBMay 20 14:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Add Ubuntu One style dark toolbars to  all apps in UBuntu .::. Size~: 34.14 KBMay 20 14:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Desktop Summit 2011 conference program announced 20 14:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Desktop Summit 2011 conference program announced [] .::. Size~: 6.37 KBMay 20 14:53
*hemimaniac has quit (Quit: I got raided by CSIS and all i got to keep was this lousy QUIT message!!)May 20 14:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[copiesofcopies/@copiesofcopies] @fontana I know you wrote it; I assume that's why it's your favorite. But if you do have suggestions for improvement, please send them.May 20 14:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] [$] Scale Fail (part 2) 20 14:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #Apple cares, it really does, although not about those who paid them money, they REALLY care about their own reputation 20 14:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] Phew, hell of a busy post-UDS week this week. Got lots done. Thank god it is Friday though, ready for the weekend. All good peeps?May 20 14:58
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved TemporarilyMay 20 14:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: AppleCare Reps Told To Skirt Malware Questions - Slashdot .::. Size~: 144.62 KBMay 20 14:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] Today at 4.30pm UTC, Rick Spencer, Ubuntu Eng. Director is doing a live IRC based Q+A session - see for details! #ubuntuMay 20 15:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Congress Just Sold You Out: Leadership Plans To Extend Patriot Act For Four Years With NO Concessions 20 15:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: WeeklyQandA - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 8.89 KBMay 20 15:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Congress Just Sold You Out: Leadership Plans To Extend Patriot Act For Four Years With NO Concessions | Techdirt .::. Size~: 82.47 KBMay 20 15:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] So, um, how is it that #RPM5 is #LGPL when the project it forked from is !GPL? !puzzledMay 20 15:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Major Labels Shamed Into Promising To Give Some Of $105 Million Limewire Settlement To Artists 20 15:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Report warns Windows Phone 7 suffers from the "Your-dad-uses-it" syndrome (Computerworld): 20 15:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Major Labels Shamed Into Promising To Give Some Of $105 Million Limewire Settlement To Artists | Techdirt .::. Size~: 86.41 KBMay 20 15:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Report warns Windows Phone 7 suffers from the "Your-dad-uses-it" syndrome - Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 78.97 KBMay 20 15:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Big vendors look to challenge VMware with open source (InfoWorld): 20 15:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Big vendors look to challenge VMware with open source | Virtualization - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 91.04 KBMay 20 15:07
*koolhead17 (~atul@unaffiliated/koolhead17) has joined #techrightsMay 20 15:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Working on releasing !LO 208.May 20 15:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] DHS's ICE Group Accused Of Lying To Court About Expense Of Complying With FOI Request 20 15:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: DHS's ICE Group Accused Of Lying To Court About Expense Of Complying With FOI Request | Techdirt .::. Size~: 61.91 KBMay 20 15:10
koolhead17hi allMay 20 15:13
schestowitz 20 15:14
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 13:54:24 UTC - @schestowitz if you believe that I'm speaking for Red Hat when I make a post in my personal blog, I will shut my blog down right now.May 20 15:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[evan/@evan] RT @mairin [i like] my words being taken out of context and spread around.May 20 15:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] RT @diablomarcus Omg, the art for !rantofabkuhn is sick.May 20 15:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @evan Oh god...... Poor @mairin. :/May 20 15:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Run !Chrome OS From a USB Stick or as a Virtual Machine - TechSpot Guides 20 15:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Run Chrome OS From a USB Stick or as a Virtual Machine - TechSpot Guides .::. Size~: 44.39 KBMay 20 15:15
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsMay 20 15:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Good Panel on WikiLeaks twitter log 20 15:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: swf136 - Icerocket Twitter Search .::. Size~: 63.19 KBMay 20 15:18
schestowitz 20 15:18
TechrightsBot-tr@mairin: @schestowitz of course this leads me to ask, if i happen to work for company x, where is it that i can go to speak my mind as a human being?May 20 15:18
schestowitz 20 15:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: @mairin that's a fair point. I believe that if people work for like-minded companies, they can act and speak freely.May 20 15:20
schestowitz 20 15:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: @mairin I don't (& cannot) delude myself into believing in lines of separation b/w personal & work or community & corporate.May 20 15:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: @mairin One brain=one mind. Any company is, essentially, a collection of people. I am not being abrasive, just realistic.May 20 15:20
MinceRsebsebseb: May 20 15:21
sebsebsebMinceR:  May 20 15:21
sebsebsebMinceR:  May 20 15:21
sebsebsebMinceR:  May 20 15:21
sebsebsebMinceR:  May 20 15:21
MinceRcut it outMay 20 15:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @copiesofcopies Hahaha.... I just facilitate the @bkuhn rants, really... :DMay 20 15:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @glynmoody #France's #G8 Focuses on Control and Restrictions to Online Freedoms - this could be seriously bad ne ...May 20 15:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I am like the graphite moderator of Chernobyl.May 20 15:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] RT @diablomarcus Really glad to hear new CC-BY-SA policy of #SFLC. Thanks!May 20 15:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: France's G8 Focuses on Control and Restrictions to Online Freedoms | La Quadrature du Net .::. Size~: 29.07 KBMay 20 15:22
MinceRfabsh will catch fire in a major catastrophe? :>May 20 15:23
schestowitzMinceR: HehMay 20 15:23
schestowitz 20 15:23
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 14:12:07 UTC - @evan ;-) (or should that be [>];-[(]? I'm so confused...May 20 15:23
schestowitz 20 15:24
TechrightsBot-tr@Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 14:19:52 UTC - @mairin Red Hat is excellent company in that regard. As @fontana and @lxoliva pointed out in a chat last year, they have lots of freedom.May 20 15:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @glynmoody Big Content rips into Google, the "corporate imperialist" - unlike Big Content, of course... #wipo #t ...May 20 15:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Big Content rips into Google, the "corporate imperialist" .::. Size~: 35.76 KBMay 20 15:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ml2mst/@ml2mst] Ubuntu Power Users: taking Ubuntu further #ubuntu #cool #funMay 20 15:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Craven Newspaper Editor Apologizes for Story on Lesbian Moms - "savor the absolute debasement of #journalism"May 20 15:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ubuntu Power Users: taking Ubuntu further .::. Size~: 83.75 KBMay 20 15:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Craven Newspaper Editor Apologizes for Story on Lesbian Moms .::. Size~: 86.72 KBMay 20 15:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] I am blocked from because I use #BT , which spies on all its customers, builds profiles on them, then sells those for profitMay 20 15:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] WikiLeaks: Pakistani airman sabotaging US supplied F-16's fighter jets 20 15:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: WikiLeaks: Pakistani airmen sabotaging F-16s .::. Size~: 74.39 KBMay 20 15:38
schestowitz 20 15:41
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 14:35:48 UTC - @schestowitz Please do not attribute my words to Red Hat. I do not work in the PR dept. and I have no auth to speak on the company's behalf.May 20 15:41
schestowitz 20 15:41
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 14:36:45 UTC - @schestowitz when I make a blog post about Fedora's design team I make the post as the leader of that team, not a Red Hat employee.May 20 15:41
schestowitzFedora's design team is funded by Red Hat AFAIK.May 20 15:41
schestowitz 20 15:42
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 14:37:00 UTC - @schestowitz I will make good on my threat to shut the blog down if you continue this behavior.May 20 15:42
schestowitzThat would just be incitation of colleagues against someone. I know that trick. I'll refrain from attributing this in the future, you overreact here.May 20 15:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @vinzv: German police appears to have stuck its penis into a hornet's nest: #Anonymous: & DOWN! #Servergate #PiratePadMay 20 15:43
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: This is a quitting message)May 20 15:46
schestowitz 20 15:48
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 14:43:24 UTC - @schestowitz No. How does one 'fund' a desktop wallpaper? You must not know much about Fedora's design team?May 20 15:48
schestowitzRed Hat funds Fedora and assigns staff to it. Some of that staff, in turn, helps manage volunteers (packagers, wallpaper producers, etc.)May 20 15:49
schestowitz 20 15:50
oiaohmRedhat works a bit like googleMay 20 15:50
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 14:44:14 UTC - @schestowitz Thank you, I appreciate it. I don't want the responsibility to speak on Red Hat's behalf and would like to keep it that way.May 20 15:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] To avoid misunderstandings, my earlier dent about #Fedora design should be treated as one's personal opinion, w/o the Red Hat staff hat on.May 20 15:50
oiaohmStaff are allowed so much time on fedora expermenting with stuff.May 20 15:50
schestowitz"wish we could do it over voice as my dent which was intended to promote your word was wrongly perceived as hostile"May 20 15:50
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, but not the pointMay 20 15:50
schestowitz 20 15:51
oiaohmAlso section of the fedora design team is from cern.May 20 15:51
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 14:45:10 UTC - @schestowitz It's not a trick. If you're in someone's sights, best thing to do is to get out of them!May 20 15:51
oiaohmThere are a few different parties in the fedora mix these days.May 20 15:51
schestowitzFair point. Like I said, I will assume I must not attribute your blog's work to Red Hat staff time.May 20 15:51
schestowitz 20 15:52
TechrightsBot-tr@Fabian Scherschel (fabsh)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 14:45:44 UTC - @schestowitz I've never received a cent from Red Hat. The Fedora Design team is a volunteer effort except @mairin's salary.May 20 15:52
schestowitzRight.May 20 15:52
oiaohmNot exactly right.May 20 15:52
oiaohmThat must be a redhat point of view.May 20 15:52
schestowitzwell..May 20 15:52
schestowitzI don't want a fightMay 20 15:53
schestowitzMairin picked a boneMay 20 15:53
schestowitzTo make me look badMay 20 15:53
schestowitzused 'threats of blog shutdown'May 20 15:53
oiaohmScientific LinuxMay 20 15:53
oiaohmFrom cern has some full time staff.May 20 15:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @fabsh Right.May 20 15:53
oiaohmThat to redhat volunteer on the Design team.May 20 15:53
oiaohmIe not exactly volunteer since they are cern staff.May 20 15:54
oiaohmYes different companies points of view.May 20 15:54
oiaohmTo one company you are a volunteer to another company you are a paid staff member doing it.May 20 15:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @vinzv: A Capella Aufnahme aus der Rechenzentrum des BKA aufgetaucht: #servergateMay 20 15:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪"Don't Bring Me Down" (A Cappella) by Voices In Your Head from UChicago‬‏ .::. Size~: 109.54 KBMay 20 15:55
oiaohmschestowitz: basically you walked into an area I call a hornets nest.May 20 15:55
schestowitzThe Guardian starts suckingMay 20 15:55
schestowitzThey used to criticise GatesMay 20 15:56
schestowitzSo Gates' minions bribes the GuardianMay 20 15:56
schestowitzGave them enough money to cause self censorshipMay 20 15:56
schestowitzHow corrupt is thatMay 20 15:56
oiaohmReally the battles are on going.May 20 15:56
schestowitzoiaohm: yesMay 20 15:56
oiaohmAnd wasting money that way will not help Gates long term.May 20 15:56
schestowitzto them it's sluash fundsMay 20 15:57
schestowitzIt lets him hoard big budgetsMay 20 15:57
schestowitzLike US educationMay 20 15:57
schestowitzIt's cheap to bribe a journalistMay 20 15:57
schestowitzGates does this in retal quantitiesMay 20 15:57
oiaohmDefine cheapMay 20 15:58
oiaohmBribe one fineMay 20 15:58
schestowitzBecoming some idiots fondling his egoMay 20 15:58
oiaohmBut then you have to bribe more.May 20 15:58
schestowitzthey pay for entire networksMay 20 15:58
oiaohmThen you start blieving the false PRMay 20 15:58
oiaohmThen you are doomed.May 20 15:58
schestowitzIt's a "package deal"May 20 15:59
schestowitzoiaohm: well, that's what happensMay 20 15:59
oiaohmAll because you turned everyone into yes men and no longer knew exactly what you were doing wrong.May 20 15:59
schestowitzNot just GatesMay 20 15:59
schestowitzTrump has sucky PRMay 20 15:59
schestowitzPeople don't like himMay 20 15:59
schestowitzI don't think he cares enough to be liked, eitherMay 20 15:59
oiaohmTrump really does not care if he is hated.May 20 15:59
oiaohmI heard one of his interviews where he said it was better to have people hate you than love you.May 20 16:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @vinzv: RT @smBlogger Eins, zwei Polizei, drei, vier, 404 #servergateMay 20 16:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @tdobson: RT @piratenpartei Police confiscate German Pirate Party’s servers: #pirateparty #piratenpartei #servergateMay 20 16:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Not saying I support illegal activities, but I gotta say..... Go Anonymous!May 20 16:00
oiaohmEven better truefully hate you and tell you what you are doing wrong.May 20 16:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Polizei beschlagnahmt Server der Piratenpartei Deutschland (Deutsch/English/Française) | Portal des Bundesvorstandes .::. Size~: 76.29 KBMay 20 16:00
oiaohmTrump is in a lot of ways a better business man than gates.May 20 16:00
schestowitz 20 16:02
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 14:53:48 UTC - @schestowitz I didn't see it as hostile, just wrong. I do very much appreciate your re-denting my posts 99% of the time :)May 20 16:02
schestowitzThanks, Mairin :-)May 20 16:02
schestowitzThanks, Mairin :-)May 20 16:02
schestowitzoops. just pasted hereMay 20 16:03
schestowitzWe made upMay 20 16:03
schestowitz 20 16:03
TechrightsBot-tr@explodingwalrus: #ff anyone who's into Linux should follow @schestowitz  :)May 20 16:03
schestowitz 20 16:03
TechrightsBot-tr@mairin: @schestowitz Nope, you don't know about it I can see. I started as leader of that team when I worked on RHN! In my spare time.May 20 16:03
schestowitz 20 16:03
TechrightsBot-tr@mairin: @schestowitz The Fedora design team has very few Red Hat employees, actually we just hired a community memberMay 20 16:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] The Ubuntu Power Users team is rocking the wiki - #ubuntuMay 20 16:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PowerUsers - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 10.31 KBMay 20 16:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Ubuntu must be the only Linux distribution that actually needs a "power user team". Oo *shakes head*May 20 16:05
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 20 16:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Would all you Jesus people please make your mind up when the world is going to end? I'd like to pepare accordingly. This isn't helping.May 20 16:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Twitter Inc., Unknown Posters, Sued by ‘CTB’ at U.K. High Court - getting heavy (v @Asher_Wolf) #superinjunctionsMay 20 16:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Europe’s Peanut Gallery Wants Software Patents #eu #swpats #europe #siemens #philips #lobbying #eupatent #greedMay 20 16:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] Europe’s Peanut Gallery Wants Software Patents #monopoly #uspto #epo #ukipo #law #protectionism #softwareMay 20 16:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter Inc., Unknown Posters, Sued by ‘CTB’ at U.K. High Court - Businessweek .::. Size~: 54.31 KBMay 20 16:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Europe’s Peanut Gallery Wants Software Patents | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.16 KBMay 20 16:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Europe’s Peanut Gallery Wants Software Patents | Techrights .::. Size~: 98.16 KBMay 20 16:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It is disheartening to see how people lose their ability to speak freely due to paymaster.Minds do not separate,unless one is schizophrenic.May 20 16:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] My employers never resisted my strong views, even when they challenged governance, existing laws, norms etc. It was agreed upon in advance.May 20 16:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The world would be a dark place if *patriotic* Americans did not voice support for !wikileaks and expressed disgust w/ #swpats for exampleMay 20 16:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] If nothing you ever said upset *someone*, you probably failed to drive real progress. All changes have detractors. Compliance gets ignored.May 20 16:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Software Patents in Europe - page brought up to date 20 16:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Software Patents in Europe - Techrights .::. Size~: 50.37 KBMay 20 16:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] Tell #G8 to Protect the Net! Say NO to #censorship & YES to #privacy & #net neutrality! Sign @accessnow petition 20 16:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Quick response to latest lies from #mono cult: I *never* developed proprietary, I don't deal with patents,I develop metrics for medical appsMay 20 16:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Gnome a new OS or just taking advantages of some systemd features? #GNOME already *is* an OS in some sensesMay 20 16:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] CPS gave woman's phone number to her alleged stalker 20 16:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Campaign | Access  |  G8: Protect the Net .::. Size~: 48.23 KBMay 20 16:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Gnome a new OS or just taking advantages of some systemd features? 1 .::. Size~: 23.6 KBMay 20 16:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - CPS gave woman's phone number to her alleged stalker .::. Size~: 65.77 KBMay 20 16:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Developers for #hypeOS / #hypePhone / #hypePad / #hypeStore will hopefully learn from #Lodsys that Apple=patent aggressor, part of problemMay 20 16:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Should #Microsoft Be Losing Sleep Over Chrome OS? hasn't it *already*? (new article by @noyesk ) #google #linux #prepayMay 20 16:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux News: Community: Should Microsoft Be Losing Sleep Over Chrome OS? .::. Size~: 61.52 KBMay 20 16:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] And you thought the #PATRIOTAct was bad: EFF sues to uncover secret DOJ legal opinion expanding FBI spy powers 20 16:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Chrome OS is what Microsoft hoped for Windows to become several years ago. But #Linux is always one step ahead.May 20 16:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: EFF Demands Answers About Secret Surveillance Law Memo | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 13.97 KBMay 20 16:32
sebsebsebMinceR: nisshh jono schestowitz OpenSuse and Unity update: May 20 16:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: openSUSE Lizards .::. Size~: 63.27 KBMay 20 16:33
sebsebseb May 20 16:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: openSUSE Lizards .::. Size~: 63.27 KBMay 20 16:33
MinceRi care about suse even less than i care about ubuntu :>May 20 16:34
sebsebsebOh?May 20 16:34
sebsebsebwell same hereMay 20 16:34
sebsebsebOpenSuse  doesn't  really have that big of a user baseMay 20 16:34
sebsebseband most of the Desktop Linux hype at the moment  is about Ubuntu, so yeahMay 20 16:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] In an hour, join Rick Spencer, the Ubuntu Engineering Director for a live Q+A! See for detailsMay 20 16:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Quick Mention: Microsoft Sued by MasterObjects for Patent Violations we need more such lawsuits to get #Microsoft wakupMay 20 16:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: WeeklyQandA - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 8.89 KBMay 20 16:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Quick Mention: Microsoft Sued by MasterObjects for Patent Violations | Techrights .::. Size~: 88.72 KBMay 20 16:35
schestowitz[16:35] [Notice] -TRIdentica to #techrights- [jonobacon/@jonobacon] In an hour, join Rick Spencer, the Ubuntu Engineering Director for a live Q+A! See May 20 16:36
schestowitzI have a question to RickMay 20 16:36
schestowitzActually, I have manyMay 20 16:36
schestowitzLike, "whose idea was it to go with unity and what was the motive?" (I did read blogs at the time, never got a compelling answer except Mark's announcement IIRC)May 20 16:36
schestowitzIMHO, if he had stayed at Microsoft, maybe a unitycalypse would implode inside MSFT HQ, not UbuntuMay 20 16:37
MinceRi don't use hype, i use an operating system :>May 20 16:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 10 Things That Make Ubuntu The Best Alternative Operating System #gnu #linux is not an "Alternative Operating System"May 20 16:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @vinzv: "Das Schweigen der etablierten Parteien ist eine Schande." /via @csickendieck #servergateMay 20 16:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[codepope/@codepope] From 89, PCW, under an assumed name... I wrote the Unix column as David EvnullMay 20 16:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: LXer: 10 Things That Make Ubuntu The Best Alternative Operating System .::. Size~: 18.87 KBMay 20 16:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Warum die Beschlagnahme der Piratenserver ein Angriff auf unser Grundgesetz ist » F!XMBR .::. Size~: 23.13 KBMay 20 16:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] If we called Hispanics "Aleternative Citizens", how would they feel? And speaking of which, GNU/Linux has bigger market than Apple.May 20 16:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] it's about time I got control of my weight, today I resisted buy any sweet stuff at #Tesco as I usually would, it's a start #fbMay 20 16:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Someone withing the German police needs a rusty, spiked metal dildo up their arse. This is a disgrace. #AshamedToBeGermanMay 20 16:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Windows is not a "Primary OS", it is something OEMs are paid #kickbacks to throw on a machine to suppress competition. "Primary drugs..."May 20 16:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mozilla/@mozilla] LessChrome HD: More space to browse 20 16:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mozilla Labs » Prospector  » Blog Archive   » LessChrome HD: More space to browse .::. Size~: 17.39 KBMay 20 16:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[copiesofcopies/@copiesofcopies] I would not at all despair if Mitch Daniels spent 4 years in the White House: 20 16:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mitch Daniels Is the Tea Party's Dream Candidate - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic .::. Size~: 109.11 KBMay 20 16:47
koolhead17schestowitz MinceR hey guysMay 20 16:48
schestowitz 20 16:48
TechrightsBot-tr@explodingwalrus: @schestowitz damn so am i apparently :(May 20 16:48
schestowitzTracked by PhormMay 20 16:48
MinceRhayMay 20 16:49
schestowitzplasma has just exploded. restarting konversationMay 20 16:50
MinceRkde4 still not stable? :>May 20 16:51
schestowitzit's a rare crash :->May 20 16:51
schestowitzso notification area defaults to ugly yellowMay 20 16:51
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 20 16:52
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)May 20 16:52
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsMay 20 16:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] !Listening to @Allison_Crowe's cover of John Lennon's "Imagine" 20 16:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxfoundation/@linuxfoundation] Pls help us support Japan relief efforts. All new ind. membership dues will go to support through May 31. Sign up: 20 16:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Imagine | Allison Crowe .::. Size~: 46.65 KBMay 20 16:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Individual Membership | The Linux Foundation .::. Size~: 39.8 KBMay 20 16:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Whenever I even approach being proud of my country and what it has achieved, the German state comes along and fucks us all in the arse. Gah!May 20 17:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] @fabsh Disappointing but not surprising, sadly.May 20 17:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @fabsh that seems to be every countryMay 20 17:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I hope the Pirate Party is thinking about getting the #BVerfG involved. Seems to me they have a case.May 20 17:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @fabsh Would all you Jesus people please make your mind up when the world is going to end? I'd like to pepare accordingly. This isn't ...May 20 17:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @thisisabore ♺ @ungarage: Résistance créative au G8 du contrôle du Net! Résister c'est créer. Créer, c'est rési ...May 20 17:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: G8 vs INTERNET .::. Size~: 32.37 KBMay 20 17:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @greg 127,000 DMCA takedowns in the last 3-4 years by a single (big name) publisher.May 20 17:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @cwebber @greg One DMCA takedown per childMay 20 17:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @clacke @cwebber No child left behindMay 20 17:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk :DMay 20 17:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @jamie_love @doctorow Many NGOs believe Bill Gates has advised pharma companies to ignore the medicines patent pool >>shocking, if trueMay 20 17:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @aurele: #kernel #linuxlibre 2.6.39.deb is now available at #fsfla i've just finish to build and push it!May 20 17:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[zotz/@zotz] @fontana missed space ships, space stations, moons, L5 colonies, etc.May 20 17:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[zotz/@zotz] @clacke "No child left behind" aka "No child can get ahead"?May 20 17:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] ⇒ if Saturday is the end of the world, it MUST BE time to >PARTY< !!! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/May 20 17:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Guardian page 1 phrasing hilarious: "Website faces privacy action after users purported to reveal name of player who allegedly had affair"May 20 17:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] with some luck the rapture asshats will bankrupt themselves assuming they won't need to repay, which leaves them no cash to lobby govtMay 20 17:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] .... back to pretending i am capable of customizing a blog theme... :DMay 20 17:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @thistleweb with some luck the rapture asshats will bankrupt themselves assuming they won't need to repay, which leaves them no cash ...May 20 17:22
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)May 20 17:24
*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #techrightsMay 20 17:25
MinceRplasma decided to swap wallpapers between the two displaysMay 20 17:27
schestowitzfigure;May 20 17:31
schestowitzimshow(image_before_masking_previous(:,:,3), [histmin,histmax]);May 20 17:31
schestowitz00psMay 20 17:31
schestowitzwrong windowMay 20 17:31
schestowitz 20 17:31
TechrightsBot-tr@Michael Knepher (mknepher)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 16:27:01 UTC - @schestowitz Scare quotes around "NEEDS" added a lot of neg. connotations. Inference was that Red Hat wanted to exploit designers for free.May 20 17:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] More info at #ubuntuMay 20 17:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @miguelsvieira:, mas... prefiro a revolução em que eu não precise logar nem no Google nem no FacebookMay 20 17:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: WeeklyQandA - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 8.89 KBMay 20 17:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] Why does think that I want a Russian UI?May 20 17:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Apps - Android Market .::. Size~: 221.59 KBMay 20 17:35
*chrilleh (5cce6cbb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsMay 20 17:36
schestowitzThese are not scare quotes. By convention here, " is quotes and ' is for scare quotes. Sorry if that was misunderstood & apologies to @mairinMay 20 17:38
*chrilleh has quit (Client Quit)May 20 17:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @fontana RPM5 GPL->LGPL how? maybe they took contributions to Fedora under MIT/X11 :-DMay 20 17:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] Exodos filmmakers make a short video on why you should screen their CC BY-NC-SA licensed film: 20 17:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Some (quite a lot) thoughts about Private-Public Screenings | Exodos .::. Size~: 15.32 KBMay 20 17:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] the beast has risen; release the hounds!May 20 17:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] it's odd to see only half of discussions of people I follow. @mairin, was the temp block not lifted yet? missing @fabsh too ;-)May 20 17:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @prenass: Ontem 19mai CCTCI: DepFederal EduardoAzeredo apresentou parecer pró #AI5Digital #cibercrimes #MegaNãoMay 20 17:45
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved TemporarilyMay 20 17:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[agentsmith/@agentsmith] Has any1 seen the XOOM ads ? Cool ad, with a nerdy guy trying to look cool. I 4 one found it awesomeMay 20 17:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] viva cada dia como se fosse o último; de repente amanhã você acertaMay 20 17:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] isso! é escolher e agir mesmo invadindo liberdade alheia! ♻ @f4bs: Livre arbítrio não é o mesmo que liberdade.May 20 17:52
*twitter ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 17:52
twitterhi hoMay 20 17:52
twitterdid you see where PJ linked to IV investors?May 20 17:52
twitter 20 17:54
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting application/pdf typeMay 20 17:54
twitterall of the companies on that list should be ashamed of wasting investor moneyMay 20 17:55
twitteras Apple found out, they can be sued anyway because IV is free to sell off the patents to another troll May 20 17:56
twitterso IV is a pure shakedown with no upside.May 20 17:57
schestowitzApple was a major funderMay 20 18:08
schestowitzNot just part of the poolMay 20 18:08
schestowitzWSJ IIRC reevaled it IIRCMay 20 18:08
schestowitzApple vassals should be raging against AppleMay 20 18:09
schestowitz[17:56] <twitter> as Apple found out, they can be sued anyway because IV is free to sell off the patents to another troll May 20 18:09
schestowitzThat's how pyramid schemes workMay 20 18:09
schestowitzShould be pursued by the govt. with the same veracity as the mafiaMay 20 18:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] Interview (NL) by @NeelieKroesEU, partly on blocking/throttling/speed fact finding ( A task for crowd-sourcing?May 20 18:10
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 404 Not FoundMay 20 18:10
schestowitzAnd the ringleaders investigated, maybe arrested (not that it would happen where God is printer on money :-) )May 20 18:10
twitterI think Apple was looking to join a cartel for their money.  It's funny how quickly they were betrayed. May 20 18:10
twitterebay was on the investor list.May 20 18:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] "We block child [porn] because of the harm its production does to children" That does not explain blocking cartoons.May 20 18:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Using the internet in the People's Republic of China • The Register .::. Size~: 21.73 KBMay 20 18:12
twitterso were some large banksMay 20 18:12
schestowitzwaitMay 20 18:12
schestowitzApple was not betrayedMay 20 18:12
twitterIf "Intellectual property is the next software" the game is up quickly.May 20 18:12
schestowitzApple was not sued, eitherMay 20 18:12
twitterno? May 20 18:13
schestowitzNoMay 20 18:13
schestowitzCheck the lawsuitMay 20 18:13
twitterI thought someone was recently sued with a patent sold off from IVMay 20 18:13
twitterand I thought it was appleMay 20 18:13
schestowitzsued many app devsMay 20 18:13
twitterI'll check.May 20 18:13
schestowitzand Apple didn't indemnifyMay 20 18:13
schestowitzJust 'damage control' ("we're looking into it...")May 20 18:14
schestowitzI have another long post about this lawsuitMay 20 18:14
schestowitzbut I've got to do some other work, ROC curves and stuffMay 20 18:14
twittercoolMay 20 18:14
schestowitz 20 18:15
TechrightsBot-tr@Michael Knepher (mknepher)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 16:38:24 UTC - @schestowitz I'd argue that that 'distinction' is probably lost on most people. ;)May 20 18:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nsisodiya/@nsisodiya] Just came from movie "Love ka PanchNama" I really recommend this movie... (specially poor IITians) :)May 20 18:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nsisodiya/@nsisodiya] RT @shakthimaan Python practice problems from #pythonMay 20 18:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Python Bibliotheca .::. Size~: 3.1 KBMay 20 18:15
schestowitzI remember back around 2003 I had to actually look up the different conventions re scare quotes, as I too was baffledMay 20 18:15
twitterPaul Allen is suing Apple.  I get the cases confused because it's all Microsoft to me. 20 18:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Groklaw - Google et al respond to Paul Allen with Motions to Dismiss, Sever - A Whole Lot of Shakin' Goin' On .::. Size~: 176.12 KBMay 20 18:15
schestowitznice nice lady from fedora did not understand my dentMay 20 18:16
schestowitzThought that I was taking the p*ssMay 20 18:16
schestowitzI used "quotes", thought it was scare quotes it seemsMay 20 18:16
schestowitzf* non-verbal communication :-)May 20 18:16
schestowitztwitter: I have that Traul item in the draftMay 20 18:17
schestowitzNot enough time ATMMay 20 18:17
schestowitzbrbMay 20 18:17
schestowitztoo many new windows in desktop 8 (work)May 20 18:17
twittertake your time.  I'll put what I find here for you later.May 20 18:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Great post from @ggreenwald on the #PATRIOTAct deal, EFF's latest case, and "the bipartisan Surveillance State" 20 18:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The always-expanding bipartisan Surveillance State - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 82.43 KBMay 20 18:18
twitterOf course, an attack on Apple developers is an attack on Apple the same way Apple's attacks against the Android supply chain are attacks against Google.May 20 18:20
schestowitzit's not about brands, thoughMay 20 18:24
schestowitzI couldn't care much less about just apple vs AndroidMay 20 18:24
twitterit is to the participantsMay 20 18:24
schestowitzThe press plays this supersicial angleMay 20 18:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] With #RHEL 6.1, Red Hat's Partnerships And Cloud-based Goals Beckon 20 18:25
schestowitzTribalism, like football teams (with foreign palyers anyway)May 20 18:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: With RHEL 6.1, Red Hat's Partnerships And Cloud-based Goals Beckon .::. Size~: 36.13 KBMay 20 18:25
twitterpr guided writing May 20 18:25
schestowitzpj guised writing is betterMay 20 18:27
schestowitz*dedMay 20 18:27
twitterthe authors are often not aware of the forces applied to them, like that Wired reporter who was accidentally handed his Microsoft fileMay 20 18:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Put on your new Red Hat Linux #redhat #gnu #linux #centos #fedora #softwareMay 20 18:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Put on your new Red Hat Linux | ZDNet .::. Size~: 138.81 KBMay 20 18:28
twitterah, found it.  Lodsys is suing apple developersMay 20 18:28
twitter-> " There's no allegation that any app developer copied Lodsys technology or patents, or benefitted from its "inventions" in any way. And there's nothing to stop someone else with a similar patent from coming along and asking for a similar sum....May 20 18:29
twitter Corporate documents from the Texas Secretary of State show that Lodsys was formed on January 21, 2010. The company's only listed "member" is a Delaware LLC, which is a kind of "shell-inside-a-shell" system used by some Texas patent holders to hide the identity of those who invest in patent litigation. -"May 20 18:29
twitter 20 18:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: More On Legal Threats To Apple Developers: Lodsys Explains Itself                                                    |  paidContent .::. Size~: 40.88 KBMay 20 18:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[clacke/@clacke] #Nepal Shutdown Showdown! ISPs strike against government #surveillance and #censorship. Sign the petition: 20 18:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] The Pros and Cons of SSD in the Enterprise #ssd #storage #enterpriseMay 20 18:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Campaign | Access  |  Nepal: Shutdown Showdown .::. Size~: 47.41 KBMay 20 18:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Pros and Cons of SSD in the Enterprise — .::. Size~: 58.17 KBMay 20 18:30
twitterMyhrvold was embarrassed 20 18:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Myhrvold’s Intellectual Ventures distances itself from iOS in-app patent dustup - GeekWire .::. Size~: 74.11 KBMay 20 18:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Prinţul Charles a inaugurat la Viscri "prima staţie de epurare ecologică din Romania" #romania #monarchy #architectureMay 20 18:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Prinţul Charles a inaugurat la Viscri "prima staţie de epurare ecologică din Romania" | Romania Libera .::. Size~: 76.83 KBMay 20 18:32
twitterthe trashbags 20 18:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Q: Why is Lodsys contacting Application publishers and website publishers rather than Operating system vendors, or device manufacturers? - Lodsys, LLC .::. Size~: 9.58 KBMay 20 18:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] [VIDEO] Secvențe de la conferința #AGORA despre #Software Liber în #România #gnu #linux #video #romania #vreme #itcMay 20 18:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Source / Free Software | .::. Size~: 36.5 KBMay 20 18:33
twitterSlashdot coverage was useless.May 20 18:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Prințul de Wales în vizită la Familia Regală română, la Palatul Elisabeta #romania #monarchy #uk #bucharestMay 20 18:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Principele de Wales la Palatul Elisabeta «  Romania. Altfel .::. Size~: 10.19 KBMay 20 18:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] @fabsh ahhh @lefty the man named after his favourite testicle ;PMay 20 18:37
*ThistleWind ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 18:37
*ThistleWind has quit (Changing host)May 20 18:37
*ThistleWind (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrightsMay 20 18:37
schestowitz[18:28] <twitter> ah, found it.  Lodsys is suing apple developersMay 20 18:38
schestowitzNoMay 20 18:38
schestowitzNot Apple developersMay 20 18:38
schestowitzDevelopers who are raising the value of Apple's centralised DRM repoMay 20 18:38
schestowitzApp developers yesMay 20 18:39
schestowitzNot Apple developers (common deception)May 20 18:39
schestowitz[18:34] <twitter> Slashdot coverage was useless.May 20 18:39
schestowitz /s/coverage//May 20 18:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Linux #job #portal launched: #gnu #linuxMay 20 18:40
TechrightsBot-tr@: May 20 18:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Are we in danger from a rogue planet? (Discover): 20 18:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Are we in danger from a rogue planet? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine .::. Size~: 141.11 KBMay 20 18:42
schestowitz 20 18:42
TechrightsBot-tr@Michael Knepher (mknepher)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 17:27:12 UTC - @schestowitz: Is this an convention? Not one I've ever seen in any other context (speaking as former copy editor/proofreader).May 20 18:42
twitterOK, Apple's pawns and one night stands.  It's still a betrayal for a major investor. May 20 18:42
schestowitzFrom what I can recall, British English typically uses ' for scare quotes, American the opposite. Iffy stuff like the Oxford CommaMay 20 18:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] In this episode, the sparks fly and the true colors are shown.May 20 18:43
schestowitztwitter: do Americans consider "this" scare quotes?May 20 18:44
twitterit depends on how much they want to smear youMay 20 18:44
schestowitz 20 18:44
TechrightsBot-tr@Mag Neito (magneito)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 17:39:55 UTC - @schestowitz How cute Roi - You defend yourself in IRC in front of all your cult members instead of in public...May 20 18:44
schestowitz^^ Mono boosterMay 20 18:44
schestowitzLongtime oneMay 20 18:44
schestowitzMinutes agoMay 20 18:45
schestowitzHe posted a whole rant in USENET yesterdayMay 20 18:45
schestowitzProbably put hours into itMay 20 18:45
twitterI'm not sure what he thinks is publicMay 20 18:45
schestowitzDelving into everything I do (or don't do) to incite people against the mono criticismMay 20 18:45
twitterthis place is open to anyone and the logs are publishedMay 20 18:45
schestowitzThey feel as though by assassinating prominent mono critics or their message they will put an end to the legitimacy of the critic9ismMay 20 18:46
schestowitzSo they attack me dozens of times per day nowMay 20 18:46
twitterthat he's willing to dismiss the entire Techrights community as "cult members" shows where he's coming from - those are Microsoft talking points.May 20 18:46
schestowitzAnd then they want me to wrestle in public, which would only encourage themMay 20 18:46
twitterthey want to waste your time May 20 18:47
schestowitzso you saw that message too?May 20 18:47
schestowitzCalling us "cult"May 20 18:47
twitteryou put it aboveMay 20 18:47
schestowitzI read what they sayMay 20 18:47
schestowitzI'm respectfulMay 20 18:47
schestowitzI don't curseMay 20 18:47
schestowitzBut they don't address logical rgumentsMay 20 18:47
schestowitzThey just insultMay 20 18:48
twitterright, pure smearMay 20 18:48
schestowitzhad they tried to have a real discussion about the issue, I'd be inMay 20 18:48
twitterIf you make a point, they will ignore it and get back to insultsMay 20 18:48
schestowitzThey want mus-slinging, I don't need my followers to start following utter garbage with low entopyMay 20 18:48
schestowitz*ropyMay 20 18:48
twittergood for youMay 20 18:48
schestowitzActually, I link to their stuffMay 20 18:51
schestowitzI quite like these as they validate my pointsMay 20 18:51
schestowitzThey show that I don't get ignored, I just get smearedMay 20 18:51
schestowitz3 outcomesMay 20 18:51
schestowitz1: you make nonsense points, nobody pays attentionMay 20 18:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[johnsu01/@johnsu01] RT @asheeshlaroia Spent the morning doing outreach for women+friends crash course for #scalathon in July, . Trying t ...May 20 18:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] phones will resume shortly #sip_and_clickMay 20 18:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Scala crash course for women and their friends -  PHASE: Philly Area Scala Enthusiasts (Philadelphia, PA) - Meetup .::. Size~: 61.79 KBMay 20 18:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: coffee.jezra: a coffee a day photo project | 2011-05-20 .::. Size~: 3.72 KBMay 20 18:52
schestowitz2. you make good points, people attack the messager (cannot rebut the points)May 20 18:52
schestowitz3. You make valid points, people ignore (they don't want attention drawn to real issues)May 20 18:52
twitteroh wow.  "@glynmoody It just goes to show that you love #communism but are too scared to admit it"May 20 18:52
schestowitzBy choosing (2) they only add visibility to valid pointMay 20 18:52
schestowitzthere's no (4) because people don't tend to pay attention to nonsenseMay 20 18:53
schestowitzLike if I wrote Microsoft owns Red Hat...May 20 18:53
twitterpeople like that always try to distract from the issues and drag things back to insults May 20 18:53
schestowitz[18:52] <twitter> oh wow.  "@glynmoody It just goes to show that you love #communism but are too scared to admit it"May 20 18:53
schestowitzwho said that?May 20 18:54
twitterthat mono boosterMay 20 18:54
schestowitzHeheMay 20 18:54
schestowitzHold on.May 20 18:54
twitter 20 18:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 17.8 KBMay 20 18:54
twitterthey seem to be big on calling people communistsMay 20 18:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Flaming #Mono booster says: "@glynmoody It just goes to show that you love #communism but are too scared to admit it" < that'smono for ya!May 20 18:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Open Virtualization Alliance announcement is creating quite a buzz this week #kvm #virtualization #gnu #linuxMay 20 18:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: open virtualization alliance - Google News .::. Size~: 83.48 KBMay 20 18:57
twitterthe thread is just weird, looks like a PR person looking for dirt like those boycott boycott people May 20 18:57
schestowitz 20 18:57
TechrightsBot-tr@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz I must admit I discovered on your blog the German ruling against the bread crumbs navigation patent. That is indeed good stuff.May 20 18:57
schestowitzPJ thinks he's sucking up now because of the Facebook thingMay 20 18:57
schestowitzHe's afraid of getting caughtMay 20 18:58
schestowitz 20 18:58
TechrightsBot-tr@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz But I don't get your point about Naughton. He said one of his clients got the Lodsys letter. I'm sure that client isn't MSFT.May 20 18:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] As I always say in IRC, I would love to debate pro- #mono people about the issues. Problem is, all they offer is childish personal attacks.May 20 18:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[sebsebseb/@sebsebseb] Good evening !Identiverse earlier I unsubscribed from the #ubuntu group, that should keep my time line down by quite a lot :)!May 20 18:58
schestowitz"OK, but that's not a point I was making at all. You are rebutting an imaginary allegation."May 20 18:58
twitterho ho, lodsys is on his mindMay 20 18:59
schestowitzhe spins it vs AndroidMay 20 18:59
schestowitzAs I showed in my first post about lodsysMay 20 18:59
koolhead17schestowitz whats going on sir!! :)May 20 18:59
schestowitzApple store developers attacked -> Google in troubleMay 20 19:00
koolhead17hehMay 20 19:00
schestowitzAlthough, IIRC, lodsys also targets some Android devs with lawsuitsMay 20 19:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] TONIGHT Activist Sammi Ben Gharabia recounts the role of social media in the Tunisian revolution at EFF's new building 20 19:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @FOSSpatents OK, but that's not a point I was making at all. You are rebutting an imaginary allegation.May 20 19:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Electronic Frontier Foundation | Defending Freedom in the Digital World .::. Size~: 15.25 KBMay 20 19:00
schestowitzkoolhead17: it's all right... but I'm taking a little break, soon getting distractedMay 20 19:00
twitterit is funny that IV's little troll company went after hypePhone instead of AndroidMay 20 19:01
koolhead17hey twitter suppMay 20 19:01
koolhead17schestowitz as you say  :PMay 20 19:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @schestowitz: With #RHEL 6.1, Red Hat's Partnerships And Cloud-based Goals Beckon 20 19:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @linuxfoundation: Linux Kernel 2.6.39: Ding Dong, the Big Kernel Lock is Dead: << by @jzbMay 20 19:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] ♺ @ubuntuone: We've stabilized the database servers and now our focus is on making hardware upgrades to increase performance.May 20 19:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: With RHEL 6.1, Red Hat's Partnerships And Cloud-based Goals Beckon .::. Size~: 36.13 KBMay 20 19:02
TechrightsBot-tr@: May 20 19:02
twitterperhaps the IV investors are trying to make a little case law ... May 20 19:02
twitterIV and lodsys are up, koolhead17, got any thoughts?May 20 19:03
koolhead17twitter: not following it. tell me more pleaseMay 20 19:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Windows Phone 7 suffers from the "Your-dad-uses-it" syndrome #microsoft #windows #mobile #software #wp7May 20 19:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Report warns Windows Phone 7 suffers from the "Your-dad-uses-it" syndrome - Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 78.7 KBMay 20 19:05
twitterRoy's got a story on the way.  I thought it was an embarrassing betrayal of Apple, a major IV investor, to have Apple's App developers shaken down. May 20 19:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] How to clean up and remove menu items from the Grub menu in Ubuntu 10.04 #grub #gnu #linux #softwareMay 20 19:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How to clean up and remove menu items from the Grub menu in Ubuntu 10.04 .::. Size~: 15.9 KBMay 20 19:07
twitterit sort of makes the whole point of IV uselessMay 20 19:07
twittergot some work to do bblMay 20 19:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Domain seizures: it’s good to talk - bad stuff happening behind closed doors in the UK #censorshipMay 20 19:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Back home.... Now back at working on LO....May 20 19:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Rights Group | Domain seizures .::. Size~: 13.16 KBMay 20 19:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] easily Googleable un-named footballer introduced to the Streisand effect 20 19:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Guess it's time to move on that smartphone. 20 19:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter faces legal action by footballer over privacy | Media | .::. Size~: 94.23 KBMay 20 19:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Verizon to swap unlimited data plans for tiers, shared family plans .::. Size~: 33.36 KBMay 20 19:12
schestowitzsame with OINMay 20 19:12
schestowitzGoogle sued by OracleMay 20 19:12
schestowitzBut OIN is not a business per se, unlike Pyramid VenturesMay 20 19:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Friday's security advisories 20 19:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Friday's security advisories [] .::. Size~: 5.84 KBMay 20 19:17
koolhead17heh May 20 19:18
koolhead17l00serMay 20 19:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] can the rapture asshats please give an exact time for the event, countdowns add a sense of occasion, like New Year, then it's 1 per timezoneMay 20 19:18
schestowitz 20 19:19
TechrightsBot-tr@Michael Knepher (mknepher)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 17:57:14 UTC - @schestowitz: Actually, nothing to do with scare quotes. Top-level quotes in US Eng are double, embedded quotes are single. UK is opposite.May 20 19:19
schestowitzDifferent from what I once readMay 20 19:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Community team? ;) ♺ @biglesp: I've just applied for a job at Canonical...lets see what happens. #loMay 20 19:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Watching #Castle while working on !LO show notes....May 20 19:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Which #TV Shows Are People Talking About? SocialGuide Will Tell You - shape of #media consumption to come #socialnwsMay 20 19:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] Guh, I'm so pissy today. What for? #fuckitolMay 20 19:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Which TV Shows Are People Talking About? SocialGuide Will Tell You: Online Video News « .::. Size~: 64.86 KBMay 20 19:22
*ThistleWind has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)May 20 19:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @WireUpdate @asteris Japan: Tepco chief resigns after posting historic $15 billion loss >>nuclear power, anyone?May 20 19:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nsisodiya/@nsisodiya] [Video in Hindi] Kids enjoying Linux - SchoolOS at NCERT - Summer 2011 20 19:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Seven militants killed by security forces in Russia’s North Caucasus » Breaking News | Wire Update News | News Wires - .::. Size~: 43.44 KBMay 20 19:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪Kids enjoying Linux - SchoolOS at NCERT - Summer 2011‬‏ .::. Size~: 94.42 KBMay 20 19:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @rkallensee: This is insane. #servergate [...] Official German Pirate Party Board statement on server raid: 20 19:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Polizei beschlagnahmt Server der Piratenpartei Deutschland (Deutsch/English/Française) | Portal des Bundesvorstandes .::. Size~: 49.19 KBMay 20 19:25
schestowitz 20 19:28
TechrightsBot-tr@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz It wasn't a rebuttal. It was meant to point out that there's nothing wrong with answering and RT'ing his Lodsys-related tweet.May 20 19:28
schestowitz 20 19:28
TechrightsBot-tr@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz He appears to do work for different clients and it's important that everything that comes out about Lodsys is shared publicly.May 20 19:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @aurele: Linux Libre Kernel 2.6.39.deb is now available at Free your Debian.May 20 19:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Free Software Corsica | Association Pour la Promotion du Logiciel Libre en Corse .::. Size~: 11.48 KBMay 20 19:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] This sucks: every time I go to add a feature to my code it only takes a few minutes; I miss the programmer's highMay 20 19:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Open Virtualization Alliance 20 19:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Virtualization Alliance [] .::. Size~: 6.28 KBMay 20 19:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[appelond/@appelond] I just want to watch #Fringe nothing else...May 20 19:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Life’s deliberate typos - potentially big: "need to pay equal attention to the transcriptome" (v @NESCent @BoraZ) #dnaMay 20 19:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] RT @robmyers market rationality is the strong anthropic principle of economics, the post-rationalization of randomization...May 20 19:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Life’s deliberate typos | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine .::. Size~: 90.49 KBMay 20 19:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Apple Should Stand Up and Defend its Developers: 20 19:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Apple Should Stand Up and Defend its Developers | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 20.3 KBMay 20 19:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ROFL! "He's a twin with glasses.... That's the worst costume since Clark Kent! You believe him??" - CastleMay 20 19:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Kuhn: Clarification on Android, its (Lack of) Copyleft-ness, and GPL Enforcement 20 19:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Kuhn: Clarification on Android, its (Lack of) Copyleft-ness, and GPL Enforcement [] .::. Size~: 6.17 KBMay 20 19:40
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 20 19:40
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMay 20 19:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] TV: "Wenn du kein iPhone hast...... dann hast du kein iPhone." Ich: Jau. Hab' Android. :) - schlechteste Werbung ever.... OoMay 20 19:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Cop chick: "What do you want me to blame on him? That he is a twin?" Castle: "An EVIL twin!" LOL!May 20 19:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Honeycomb Has Hidden Gingerbread Interface! "holding the Honeycomb code ... bad experience for users."May 20 19:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Honeycomb Has Hidden Gingerbread Interface!   | Muktware .::. Size~: 35.34 KBMay 20 19:53
*oddpuck (~me@unaffiliated/oddball33) has joined #techrightsMay 20 19:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @daeaves great news. Let's fix the license. RT @curryb @TonyclementCPC promises to support #opendata >> #canada tooMay 20 19:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tony Clement vows to make government more transparent with online data - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 98.86 KBMay 20 19:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[johnsu01/@johnsu01] Bad news, Kindle ebooks outselling print books: !dbd #drmMay 20 20:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] RT @johnsu01 Bad news, Kindle ebooks outselling print books: !dbd #drmMay 20 20:03
TechrightsBot-trMissing content type. Ignoring.May 20 20:03
TechrightsBot-trMissing content type. Ignoring.May 20 20:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @johnsu01 not SO bad, they only outsell amazon books, which, if you care about drm, you're probably already boycotting them ;)May 20 20:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[johnsu01/@johnsu01] Note that the #Kindle number does include "singles", which wouldn't be sold as print books anyway. !dbdMay 20 20:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] On the turntable: The Final Cut by #pink_floyd; simply beautifulMay 20 20:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #followfriday @explodingwalrus @jonobacon @sandersch @bigbrovar @nsisodiya @mairin @linuxfoundation @openbytesMay 20 20:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #IBM Is Now Worth More Than #Microsoft - who's next? #google or #oracle?May 20 20:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BOOM: IBM Is Now Worth More Than Microsoft .::. Size~: 104.11 KBMay 20 20:10
twitternice.  I never thought Microsoft was worth much.May 20 20:16
MinceRunfortunately investors seem to think it is worth muchMay 20 20:17
MinceRit's a bubbleMay 20 20:17
twitterthey got deflated with the other dot bombs but never properly defused.  May 20 20:19
twittertheir worth was all about politics, they bought news coverage and convinced institutional investors to buy it.May 20 20:20
twitterso many 401k's are filled with that toxic asset.  May 20 20:20
twittertypically Microsoft shops made their employees suffer twiceMay 20 20:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[firefoxmilestones/@firefoxmilestones] #Firefox4 reached 172 million downloads on 2011-05-20 19:17 UTCMay 20 20:22
schestowitzMinceR: it *IS* a bubbleMay 20 20:27
schestowitzFraudStreet is all based on overvaluationMay 20 20:27
MinceRthat's what i saidMay 20 20:27
schestowitzIt's the only way to 'win'May 20 20:27
MinceRthere was supposed to be another wayMay 20 20:28
schestowitzThey compete to see who makes more loans to poorer and poorer people with higher loan risksMay 20 20:28
MinceRdelivering superior products and/or servicesMay 20 20:28
MinceRbut that way is mostly forgotten in favor of crimeMay 20 20:28
schestowitzThen it blows up and they take rescue funds from those sane people and their children (and grandchildren)May 20 20:28
schestowitzIf you were to start a business and pretend it was worth a million euros you'd be able to grow it fatserMay 20 20:28
schestowitzEven if it all collapsesMay 20 20:29
schestowitzFraudStreet is the sameMay 20 20:29
schestowitzOne big bubble and dependency cascading out of nowhere. Money out of nothing, loans, massive inflation, and of course secrecy (cause if people found out... :-) )May 20 20:29
schestowitz"That's a stunner for anybody who remembers the tech landscape in the early 1990s, when Microsoft's embrace of the PC revolution sent IBM into a tailspin."May 20 20:31
schestowitz"@schestowitz if you believe that I'm speaking for Red Hat when I make a post in my personal blog, I will shut my blog down right now."May 20 20:31
schestowitz 20 20:31
TechrightsBot-tr@Marvin Vek (onedot)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 19:17:45 UTC - @mairin @schestowitz if it's that simple, it shouldn't be there anyway. Please shut it down, thanks!May 20 20:31
schestowitz"@onedot I think this was partly due to miscommunication. I'm a longtime fedora user & love @mairin 's work on artwork.Tried to promote her."May 20 20:32
schestowitzShe put up a sceneMay 20 20:32
schestowitzPlaying hostage with the blogMay 20 20:32
schestowitzA bit like lost lovers who threaten suicide if the other side does not obey or something..May 20 20:33
schestowitz"my blog will be destroyed because of YOU!!!! And everyone will lose..."May 20 20:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @@glynmoody #IBM Is Now Worth More Than #Microsoft - who's next? #google or #oracle?May 20 20:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BOOM: IBM Is Now Worth More Than Microsoft .::. Size~: 104.12 KBMay 20 20:33
schestowitzI fixed so many bugs today..May 20 20:34
schestowitzIt was depressing at timeMay 20 20:34
schestowitz*timesMay 20 20:35
schestowitz 20 20:38
TechrightsBot-tr@CajunTechie: #FF recommendation: @schestowitz because he's a tireless advocate for open source and a vocal critic of @Microsoft.May 20 20:38
schestowitzwow. /me thankful.May 20 20:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mrdenticator/@mrdenticator] Yesterday top #statustician is fabsh with 97 dents!May 20 20:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #LinuxMint 201104 #Xfce "Rating: 4.5/5"May 20 20:38
twitterbug fixing is goodMay 20 20:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux Mint 201104 Xfce Review | Desktop Linux Reviews .::. Size~: 115.81 KBMay 20 20:38
twitter:-DMay 20 20:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] Awesome to see more work from the Ubuntu Power Users community - this time, defining it's identity: #ubuntuMay 20 20:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] @evan is it? I thought it had already been packaged...May 20 20:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PowerUsers/LogoSubmission - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 12.61 KBMay 20 20:40
schestowitztwitter: had to clean upMay 20 20:40
schestowitzrecent days had some pressure to run experiment and produce resultsMay 20 20:40
schestowitzSo had to do it with buggy codeMay 20 20:40
schestowitzLast night I gave some publishable results, so I can afford several days without much outputMay 20 20:41
twitterresults are always niceMay 20 20:41
schestowitzif they are goodMay 20 20:41
schestowitzat first I ran with buggy codeMay 20 20:41
schestowitzAnd it looked atrociousMay 20 20:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] What's Coming Up For GNOME 3.2? Microsoft harps about ARM support (*soooo* yesterday) while #FreeDesktop boasts featuresMay 20 20:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] What's Coming Up For GNOME 3.2? .::. Size~: 18.38 KBMay 20 20:42
schestowitzI compared wrong axesMay 20 20:42
twitteras long as they are not disastrously wrong, they are helpful.  May 20 20:42
schestowitzBasically, I compared datasets from the wrong directionMay 20 20:42
schestowitzSideways, not frontalMay 20 20:42
twitterwell, you can run it again and correct on peer reviewMay 20 20:42
twitterkeep others from wasting their time if the first result set is really wrong.  sometimes doing things wrong accidentally brings interesting resultsMay 20 20:44
schestowitzNot the point in this case..May 20 20:44
schestowitzI actually exposed some other groups not sticking to protocolsMay 20 20:44
schestowitzAnd they tried to weasel out by not giving me access to data on which their published results were basedMay 20 20:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nsisodiya/@nsisodiya] Next few weeks, I will be working on S5-HTML5-jQuery-SVG-Canvas-MathML-PopCornJS slideshow. Hope something great will come. Eduvid ReloadedMay 20 20:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Ubuntu 11.04: an OS for your mum @openbytes says his wife found #unity to be positive changeMay 20 20:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] That Ubuntu orange is so terrible. It looks like baby poop. The old brown / bright orange was so much better.... OoMay 20 20:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Ubuntu 11.04: an OS for your mum - Pocket-lint .::. Size~: 55.97 KBMay 20 20:45
schestowitz 20 20:46
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 19:42:32 UTC - @mknepher @schestowitz to be fair, the 'NEEDS' caps was my doing,connotation comes out different in a short dent I think! No ill-will meant.May 20 20:46
schestowitz"shocking that it came to me being described as threat to your blog's existence :-)"May 20 20:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] RT @johnsu01 Over 500 *non-DRMed* books by @rms sold in the 2 weeks since their announcement: !fsf !dbdMay 20 20:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♻ @nsisodiya: Next few weeks, I will be working on S5-HTML5-jQuery-SVG-Canvas-MathML-PopCornJS slideshow. Hope something great will come.May 20 20:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FSF announces publication of two new books by Richard Stallman — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.98 KBMay 20 20:47
schestowitz"@fabsh some think of Ubuntu palette as soil. Many things are brown, different upbringings accompanied by different connotations."May 20 20:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @fabsh some think of Ubuntu palette as soil. Many things are brown, different upbringings accompanied by different connotations.May 20 20:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Join EFF in telling California police to come back with a warrant before searching recent arrestees' cell phones! 20 20:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Join EFF in Supporting California Bill That Requires Police to Get a Warrant Before Searching Cell Phones | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 21.53 KBMay 20 20:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Coffee helps.May 20 20:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Desktop Linux:the final frontier let's hope Lucy Sherriff returns to writing more for El Reg. She's awesome. #gnu #linuxMay 20 20:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #GNOME and #KDE 2011 Desktop Summit programme published a unity of desktop environments. Wait, did I say unity? :-)May 20 20:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Desktop Linux: the final frontier • The Register .::. Size~: 24.81 KBMay 20 20:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: GNOME and KDE 2011 Desktop Summit programme published - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 41.67 KBMay 20 20:52
schestowitz 20 20:53
TechrightsBot-tr@Fabian Scherschel (fabsh)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 19:49:09 UTC - @schestowitz That orange doesn't exist in nature. It's a crime against the spectrum!May 20 20:53
schestowitzLOLMay 20 20:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft (197x-2015): abusive monopolist, software imitator, patent troll, botnet legend, Skype ownerMay 20 20:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @fabsh LOLMay 20 20:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Why #ubuntu likes brown and some people like it //cc @fabshMay 20 20:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: On Being Open: Universal Writ .::. Size~: 90.45 KBMay 20 20:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Purple vs Orange  |  jonathan carter .::. Size~: 47.57 KBMay 20 20:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Questioning the Norm: Comux 010010 .::. Size~: 54.01 KBMay 20 20:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] How to Encrypt All Internet Use on Your !Android Phone - Lifehacker 20 20:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @fabshMay 20 20:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] @fabsh 20 20:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How to Encrypt All Internet Use on Your Android Phone .::. Size~: 73.26 KBMay 20 20:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: color brown ubuntu - Google Search .::. Size~: 79.61 KBMay 20 20:58
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 21:00
*oddpuck has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 20 21:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ruiseabra/@ruiseabra] RT @jerezim RT @UnGarage: New contributions online on! Warm your pixelz up and contribute!! #eG8 #censorship #SarkozyMay 20 21:05
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URLMay 20 21:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Full Keyboard Experience for !Android - Android Police 20 21:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Hacker’s Keyboard Brings A Full Keyboard Experience To Android | Android News, Reviews, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets, Tips, Mods, Videos, Tutorials - Android Police .::. Size~: 211.57 KBMay 20 21:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] #KVM is going to be an Open Standard • by Frederic Hornain 20 21:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] I am now changing my last !identicurse to @richslxh02 and will be using !lxhica CC !identiverse :)May 20 21:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: KVM is going to be an Open Standard «  Ce n’est plus ce que c’était ! ça fonctionne maintenant. .::. Size~: 34.6 KBMay 20 21:08
schestowitz 20 21:15
TechrightsBot-tr@agentsmith's status on Friday, 20-May-11 19:59:47 UTC - @schestowitz Oh, how I want to see that grave stone...May 20 21:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "So how much longer will Microsoft stick with Steve Ballmer before it has to [fire him]?" -A Microsoft booster (D.I.M.) 20 21:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Legislative analysis: Kerry-McCain #privacy would strip away many hard-won state-level privacy protections. 20 21:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BOOM: IBM Is Now Worth More Than Microsoft .::. Size~: 112.91 KBMay 20 21:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How Would the Kerry-McCain "Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights" Affect State Security and Privacy Laws? | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 24.53 KBMay 20 21:18
*oddpuck (~me@unaffiliated/oddball33) has joined #techrightsMay 20 21:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richslxh/@richslxh] ctrl+a 6 vim .identicurse :s/richslxh/richslxh02/g :)May 20 21:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Macho Man Randy Savage is dead 20 21:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Vice speaker of Ukrainian Parliament throttles deputy 20 21:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Antihydrogen Trapped For 1000 Seconds  - Technology Review .::. Size~: 39.39 KBMay 20 21:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Vice speaker of Ukrainian Parliament throttles deputy - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 53.36 KBMay 20 21:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Firm that Microsoft paid to attack #Linux with 'studies' is now belittling Office rivals pay to say?May 20 21:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Clarification on !Android, its (Lack of) Copyleft-ness, and !GPL Enforcement - /by @bkuhn 20 21:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Office alternatives: Adoption low, but interest and impact high, new study shows - GeekWire .::. Size~: 79.54 KBMay 20 21:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Forrester - Techrights .::. Size~: 13.43 KBMay 20 21:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Clarification on Android, its (Lack of) Copyleft-ness, and GPL Enforcement - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn ) .::. Size~: 20.21 KBMay 20 21:23
schestowitzDiablo-D3: wrong URLMay 20 21:26
schestowitz"Macho Man Randy Savage is dead"May 20 21:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.26 KBMay 20 21:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] [Phoronix] What's Coming Up For !GNOME 3.2? 20 21:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It would be nice if more journals were receptive to papers which tarnish other people's deliberately biased results. Integrity matters.May 20 21:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] DeviantArt publishes API, !GIMP and !Inkscape reply with supporting it - Libre Graphics World 20 21:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] What's Coming Up For GNOME 3.2? .::. Size~: 18.38 KBMay 20 21:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: News: DeviantArt publishes API, GIMP and Inkscape reply with supporting it - Libre Graphics World .::. Size~: 17.86 KBMay 20 21:27
Diablo-D3schestowitz: except that url is about a week old, wtfMay 20 21:28
schestowitzi'll rt the other oneMay 20 21:28
schestowitzvery funny videoMay 20 21:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Macho Man Randy Savage is dead 20 21:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] #Wisconsin: 14-year-old can be sentenced to life in prison with no parole in slaying 20 21:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Macho Man Randy Savage Dead -- Dies In Car Accident | .::. Size~: 92.29 KBMay 20 21:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Wis. Supreme Court: 14-year-old can be sentenced to life in prison with no parole in slaying - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 91.8 KBMay 20 21:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Paper Claims Chamber Of Commerce faked it's endorsement to back a Republican candidate 20 21:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Paper Claims Chamber Of Commerce Faked Its Endorsement To Boost GOP In NY-26 | TPMDC .::. Size~: 38.19 KBMay 20 21:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] What is a browser (in America) ? #browser #web #us #america #funMay 20 21:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪What is a Browser?‬‏ .::. Size~: 115.83 KBMay 20 21:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] @fabsh whatMay 20 21:38
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrightsMay 20 21:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[appelond/@appelond] Finally Olivia is back... #FringeMay 20 21:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] What is a browser (in Europe) ? #browser #web #eu #funMay 20 21:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] @rrix Context.May 20 21:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fedora/@fedora] "Fedora 15 Boosts Linux Security" 20 21:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪What's a Browser? -Rotterdam‬‏ .::. Size~: 109.48 KBMay 20 21:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fedora 15 Boosts Linux Security - .::. Size~: 56.19 KBMay 20 21:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] Twitching nervously waiting for my first LWN article to go live.May 20 21:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ***PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT*** It's come to my attention that some people on here haven't seen - you need to. ASAP!May 20 21:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) - IMDb .::. Size~: 89.91 KBMay 20 21:47
schestowitzAsayroll: 20 21:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Oracle: Quit messin' and marry Hadoop! • Channel Register .::. Size~: 20.83 KBMay 20 21:50
schestowitz 20 21:51
TechrightsBot-tr@Máirín (mairin)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 20:36:05 UTC - @schestowitz well it's a thin line, and sometimes when i see stuff quoted a certain away i'm terrified to continue toeing it :)May 20 21:51
schestowitzConsidering some of the stuff @lxoliva dents, it is clear that Red Hat has unusual toleranceMay 20 21:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] sounds like #Sony are desperately trying to lose all credibility in being able to run a secure web based serviceMay 20 21:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @diablod3 Vice speaker of Ukrainian Parliament throttles deputy 20 21:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Vice speaker of Ukrainian Parliament throttles deputy - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 57.81 KBMay 20 21:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @Develop4AppUp: This weekend's #MeeGoConf 2011 forecast: #MeeGo with chance of HW. #appupMay 20 21:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Participate and Learn at our Developer Events | Intel AppUp(SM) developer program .::. Size~: 156.02 KBMay 20 21:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rrix/@rrix] @fabsh lol, nevermindMay 20 21:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] I love the new Google Calendar favicon. Such a small thing, but so awesome! :DMay 20 21:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] Disappear Here by Hybrid looks as if it was actually designed as Rapture Day listening: 20 22:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Disappear Here: Hybrid: MP3 Downloads .::. Size~: 384.09 KBMay 20 22:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] if #MeeGo fails do they rename it MeeGone? .....maybe not, that'd involve some rebranding of the corpse, which'd be disrespectfulMay 20 22:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] !LO ♺ @sixgun Just released: Linux Outlaws 208 - Mint for Pillow? > / finally, the Outlaws are back with a regular episodeMay 20 22:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux Outlaws 208 - Mint for Pillow? — we aim to misbehave .::. Size~: 19.81 KBMay 20 22:03
schestowitz 20 22:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Autonomy Corporation PLC Acquisition - .::. Size~: 145.13 KBMay 20 22:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] [$] and contributor agreements 20 22:17
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved TemporarilyMay 20 22:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Phone-hacking investigation uncovers hundreds more examples of practice #NoWMay 20 22:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Phone-hacking investigation uncovers hundreds more examples of practice | Media | The Guardian .::. Size~: 82.96 KBMay 20 22:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] ☝ OO.o, TDF and CLAs: Having read LWN’s (currently paywalled) interview with Mark Shuttleworth, where he is quot... 20 22:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[appelond/@appelond] When will Peter ever be happy again? #FringeMay 20 22:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ☝ OO.o, TDF and CLAs « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 55.41 KBMay 20 22:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] I feel so blessed by how awesome the Ubuntu community is. Surrounded by friends and fun. Good times. #ubuntuMay 20 22:23
schestowitzTrojarin has gone quiet... 20 22:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Xamarin Founder Goes from Layoff to Launch — In 12 Days: Tech News and Analysis « .::. Size~: 69.89 KBMay 20 22:26
schestowitz 20 22:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: OIN announces 70 new licensees - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 41.15 KBMay 20 22:27
schestowitzGeeeez.. this one is incoherent.. 20 22:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open Sauce and McSoft Fries (An Intro to Buss. Models) | ZDNet UK .::. Size~: 48.05 KBMay 20 22:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[meegoportal/@meegoportal] RT @Develop4AppUp Get smart about rapid app development with #Intel #AppUp SDK session on May 23 at 2:30 #MeeGoConf 20 22:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] RT @jonobacon I feel so blessed by how awesome the Ubuntu community is. Surrounded by friends and fun. Good times. #ubuntuMay 20 22:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Program | MeeGo Conference San Francisco May 23-25, 2011 .::. Size~: 13.71 KBMay 20 22:30
schestowitz 20 22:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cisco: We're Not Giving Up on the Company - Seeking Alpha .::. Size~: 104.54 KBMay 20 22:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Survival Kit Contents Check! 20 22:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Windows debugging made easy: The latest tips from MS guru Mark Russinovich (Network World): 20 22:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪Dr. Strangelove: Check List‬‏ .::. Size~: 107.24 KBMay 20 22:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Windows debugging made easy .::. Size~: 116.23 KBMay 20 22:38
schestowitzcrapstorm... 20 22:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 46.55 KBMay 20 22:40
schestowitz 20 22:40
TechrightsBot-tr@Jeff Spaleta (jspaleta)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 20:53:49 UTC - @schestowitz So by that logic I'm a Red Hat employee?May 20 22:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] LWN said it was OK to blog direct links to my Shuttleworth rebuttal so non-LWN subscribers can read both articles too: 20 22:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ☝ OO.o, TDF and CLAs « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 53.5 KBMay 20 22:40
schestowitz 20 22:40
TechrightsBot-tr@Rahul Sundaram (rahulsundaram)'s status on Friday, 20-May-11 20:58:07 UTC - @schestowitz  Red Hat plays a key role in !Fedora but most Fedora contributors are volunteers.  Equating them both as one is over simplyingMay 20 22:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Precious Bodily Fluids! 20 22:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: YouTube         - ‪Dr. Strangelove - Precious Bodily Fluids‬‏ .::. Size~: 120.77 KBMay 20 22:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[docufoundation/@docufoundation] RT @floeff @webmink on OOo, TDF and CLAs: !libo !tdfMay 20 22:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ☝ OO.o, TDF and CLAs « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 51.07 KBMay 20 22:43
schestowitz 20 22:46
TechrightsBot-tr@mairin: @schestowitz is the stuff that he says quoted as being from 'red hat' rather than from himself?May 20 22:46
schestowitzHe does not blog/dent about Red Hat or Fedora. Strange, but true.May 20 22:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Server backup done for the !miners server.May 20 22:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ♺ @rcweir Far from Flanders fields, the last cross of the lost generation is planted in Australia: 20 22:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Remembering Claude - The West Australian .::. Size~: 64.91 KBMay 20 22:47
schestowitz 20 22:48
TechrightsBot-tr@FOSSpatents: I love patents that have already expired. RT @HistoryDay: On this day in 1873 Levi Strauss & Jacob Davis received a patent for blue jeans.May 20 22:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[toros/@toros] ars technica: #Mozilla follows #Chrome with add-on to hide navigation bar 20 22:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mozilla follows Chrome with add-on to hide navigation bar .::. Size~: 33.01 KBMay 20 22:48
schestowitz 20 22:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CHART OF THE DAY: Netflix Now Has More Subscribers Than Comcast (And Every Other Cable Company) .::. Size~: 117.08 KBMay 20 22:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Rendering server map now..... !minersMay 20 22:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Linutop announces its fourth generation of #Linux #Nettop smaller & cheaper than the box of #Vista7 CDsMay 20 22:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linutop announces its fourth generation of Linux Nettop «  Akihabara News .::. Size~: 82.08 KBMay 20 22:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Modders Make Android Work the Way You Want because they can...May 20 22:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Modders Make Android Work the Way You Want | Gadget Lab | .::. Size~: 971.4 KBMay 20 22:57
*oddpuck has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 20 22:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @mcgrof: "Thou Shall Not End the World Sober" #31:101 -- An important #endoftheworld message brought to you by @VGG313May 20 23:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Sixgun HQ Command Centre 20 23:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jonobacon/@jonobacon] Everytime I read someone else's email and Facebook messages it amazes me how many conspiracy theorists there are.May 20 23:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 10.15 KBMay 20 23:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] yay, recovered the btrfs where my latest bittorrent state was; back to seeding several FS distros and other Free works!May 20 23:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mozilla/@mozilla] Firefox Beta Channel: New updates available for desktop and mobile devices 20 23:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mozilla Developer News  » Blog Archive   » Firefox Beta Channel: New updates available for desktop and mobile devices .::. Size~: 24 KBMay 20 23:05
twitter 20 23:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Patent Images .::. Size~: 7.47 KBMay 20 23:09
twitterI am unable to see this because I do not have flash.  Thanks, Uncle Sam, you suck again.May 20 23:09
twitterwoops, Konqueror worksMay 20 23:09
schestowitzopenlogic pushes this into the news 20 23:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Developers Prefer GPL, Enterprises Prefer Apache .::. Size~: 40.91 KBMay 20 23:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxfoundation/@linuxfoundation] Keep your baby "cool" this summer with Friday's Featured Merchandise from the Store: #linuxMay 20 23:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Store .::. Size~: 45.75 KBMay 20 23:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #OSI open reformation begins in earnest #opensourceMay 20 23:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: OSI open reformation begins in earnest - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 43.2 KBMay 20 23:17
*_Goblin ( has joined #techrightsMay 20 23:18
_GoblinGood evening everyone....May 20 23:19
MinceRo haiMay 20 23:19
_Goblin:)May 20 23:20
_Goblinanything exciting been happening?May 20 23:20
twitterGentlemen prefer blonds and  NCC 1701 ran on Honywell FORTRAN.  what BS.  ->  (03:14:51 PM) TechrightsBot-tr: Title: Developers Prefer GPL, Enterprises Prefer ApacheMay 20 23:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] RT @floeff @webmink on OOo, TDF and CLAs: !libo !tdfMay 20 23:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ☝ OO.o, TDF and CLAs « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 53.07 KBMay 20 23:22
twitterat least they admit that coders like GPL and pit it as a battle between makers and users of software on one hand and those who would be owners and abusers on the other hand. May 20 23:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] Right back on the some good stuff coming up for !techbytes hopefully this weekend.May 20 23:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] Sad to have Gordon leaving the show, however hopefully he will have time to visit as a guest in the future. All the best Gordon!May 20 23:25
twitterbut really, I think most businesses also like GPLMay 20 23:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] S.W.A.T. is not a bad movie, actually..... :)May 20 23:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] Hey SF Bay Area friends: We're back June 13 w/another awesome CC Salon! Great panel on openness in education: 20 23:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: San Francisco Salon - CC Wiki .::. Size~: 18.59 KBMay 20 23:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] !Fedora 15 Boosts Linux !Security - esecurityplanet 20 23:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fedora 15 Boosts Linux Security - .::. Size~: 56.19 KBMay 20 23:28
schestowitztwitter: they could make any of claim of interest and find a way to 'prove' itMay 20 23:29
schestowitzI don't trustn themMay 20 23:29
schestowitzIt's run by a Microsoft dudeMay 20 23:29
twitterthat says it allMay 20 23:30
_GoblinHi Roy.May 20 23:30
twitterwhy do they call Apache "liberal"  ?May 20 23:30
twitterit is free software, just not copy leftMay 20 23:31
twitterI suppose they avoid FSF language and precision to work on people's emotions with words like "liberal"May 20 23:31
twitterOh, it's more "Viral" FUD.May 20 23:32
twitterWhite is Black and Black is White.May 20 23:32
twittertrying to paint GPL as restrictive and non free software as liberating.May 20 23:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Oracle v. !Google - Sweating the details 20 23:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Groklaw - Oracle v. Google - Sweating the details .::. Size~: 60.6 KBMay 20 23:33
twitter" companies often try to avoid using open source licenses due to concerns about copyleft requirements and the impact on their own intellectual property" <- What company?May 20 23:33
MinceRWar is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is StrengthMay 20 23:34
MinceRtwitter: m$ and crAppleMay 20 23:34
twitter" the GPL is a “viral” license ...  the GPL’s applicability, and it hasn’t been tried much in courts of law ...  the GPL license “taints” your work in such a way that the whole thing must be GPL’ed" <- FEAR, Uncertainty, FEAR May 20 23:35
schestowitz[23:33] <twitter> " companies often try to avoid using open source licenses due to concerns about copyleft requirements and the impact on their own intellectual property" <- What company?May 20 23:36
schestowitzThat's what openlogic doesMay 20 23:36
schestowitzIt sells fearsMay 20 23:36
schestowitzthey try to hush me by mailing me after I criticise themMay 20 23:36
twitterwell, it's total BSMay 20 23:36
schestowitzProtecode does the sameMay 20 23:36
twitterYou should publish their mailMay 20 23:37
schestowitztwitter: did they call it viral?May 20 23:37
twitteryesMay 20 23:37
schestowitzwhat?May 20 23:37
twitterthey called it viralMay 20 23:37
twitter" It’s important to remember that the GPL is a “viral” license:"May 20 23:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] A Step Towards a Secure Internet: !Google Developers Make Progress with #SSL False Start 20 23:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: A Step Towards a Secure Internet: Google Developers Make Progress with SSL False Start .::. Size~: 53.78 KBMay 20 23:38
twitterthey also tried to say that developers don't really prefer GPL and freedom, they just GPL their work out of fear that a library they used "tainted" the whole thing.  May 20 23:39
schestowitzAh, that's what Scott saysMay 20 23:40
schestowitzNot ClosedLogicMay 20 23:40
schestowitzI know Scott from the WordPress communityMay 20 23:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @evan: Screw you, computer software. I'm going to go eat pizza and play with my kids.May 20 23:40
schestowitzHe was pro-DebianMay 20 23:40
twitterthe argument is stupidMay 20 23:40
twitterthe fact of the matter is that people can make code easily from GPL'd parts, doing so makes them grateful for freedom not fearful of it.May 20 23:41
_GoblinRight sebsebseb.... You said yesterday that there were some technical issues which were problematic with Unity....I didn't see the points at the time and a Wintroll pointed it out in COLA about you raise them now? :) It will be nice to hear anothers views of Unity.May 20 23:41
sebsebsebthe copyright assignment issue, is an issue for some people when it comes to Unity,  the main issue reallyMay 20 23:43
twitterit's obvious that problems come from software owners who want to put restrictions onto other people's workMay 20 23:43
twitterI'm not sure about Unity,  I'm still fuming about OpenLogic nonsenseMay 20 23:43
_GoblinRight....  I think its a matter of choice though.  If a user selects Linux and decides to stuff it full of proprietary software, does that make them any less of a linux user than someone who goes with totally free software solutions?May 20 23:44
_GoblinAs long as people make a decision from a basis of an informed choice theres no problem...May 20 23:44
sebsebsebwell it's open source, but it's got copyright assignemtns, so basicaly anyone contributes code, and Canonical own the rights to all that code, from my understanding of what I have read onlineMay 20 23:45
twitterOpenLogic tries to claim that people don't use GPL because they like it and that GPL's vast popularity masks some kind of resentment for freedom rather than apreciation.May 20 23:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Checking the first episode of !Creepers before uploading it. recording isn't perfect, dropped frames. Need to optimise for next time....May 20 23:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @newbintraining: I love Arch. That is all.May 20 23:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mozilla/@mozilla] Subscribe to Add-on Compatibility Announcements 20 23:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Subscribe to Add-on Compatibility Announcements | Mozilla Add-ons Blog .::. Size~: 14.36 KBMay 20 23:45
_Goblinsebsebseb, and as I say, thats choice.  People are aware and can make an informed decision.May 20 23:45
twitterThe only reason people avoid GPL is because they hate your freedom.May 20 23:46
_Goblinand just as the end user has the option to shy away from closed source, the developer has a right to release their works in whatever way they want....surely?May 20 23:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] ♺ @nybill: TO THE GRILL! Burger night in the rain.May 20 23:47
schestowitzor want power over the usersMay 20 23:47
_Goblinthis is where "rights" and "freedom" become muddied......May 20 23:47
schestowitzPower they do not deserveMay 20 23:47
twitterthey go out of their way and reinvent wheels just so they can exert some power over users.  developers can try that and I'll ignore them because there is plenty of free code that does betterMay 20 23:47
schestowitz_Goblin: indeedMay 20 23:47
_Goblinif we agree its fair to say that a user should not be restricted or locked in.....we also have to say that a developer can release their software with whatever provision they choose....There can't be freedom for one and not the other.May 20 23:48
twitterthat's like saying I should be free to own youMay 20 23:48
schestowitznot so simpleMay 20 23:48
schestowitzSome people are not offered the choiceMay 20 23:48
schestowitzE.g. Windows bundlingMay 20 23:48
_Goblinas long as one does not stiffle or impede the other and as long as the end-user has freedom to choose, then I don't see a problem.May 20 23:48
schestowitzEmploy using Fog computingMay 20 23:48
schestowitzColleague sending a photoshop fileMay 20 23:48
schestowitzSoftare is a network thingMay 20 23:49
schestowitzWhat you use impacts your neighbourMay 20 23:49
twittershould I be "free" to sell myself into slavery?  May 20 23:49
schestowitzruthless developers exploit thatMay 20 23:49
twitteror worse, pay my way into slavery?May 20 23:49
schestowitzby avoiding standards, spreading gratis stuff for students to get locked in and 'addicted'..May 20 23:49
_Goblinwell if we are getting into the spirit of "freedom" you should be free to do whatever you want within the confines of the law of the land.May 20 23:49
twitterdevelopers don't set out to enslave their neighbors, a small number of investors and software owners do.May 20 23:50
schestowitzthat's bsd freedomMay 20 23:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Interview with Miguel de Icaza: Xamarin, Attachmate Layoffs, Future of Mono, More -- Application Development Trends 20 23:50
schestowitzYou can also have a freedom to shoot people?May 20 23:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Interview with Miguel de Icaza: Xamarin, Attachmate Layoffs, Future of Mono, More -- Application Development Trends .::. Size~: 93.75 KBMay 20 23:50
schestowitzor maybe we can define freedom as a social contract?May 20 23:50
twitterpeople protect each other from predation with laws, but laws are not guides to morality only imperfect analogs May 20 23:50
schestowitztrojarin interview...May 20 23:50
schestowitzIn the Microsoft press, of course...May 20 23:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Programmer Heads to Prison After Planting Cash-Spitting Malware on ATMs 20 23:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Programmer Heads to Prison After Planting Cash-Spitting Malware on ATMs | SecurityWeek.Com .::. Size~: 35.56 KBMay 20 23:52
twitterIn the future, people might protect each other from non free software because of all the problems we now have with malicious features.  The take down of patent medicine is a crude analogy. May 20 23:52
_Goblinsebsebseb, The other thing I should mention was that when I looked at Unity, I put aside the "side" issues as I wanted to concentrate on the topic which has received so much press. May 20 23:52
_Goblinand that was Unity itself, how it functioned, was it any good, was it a good idea of Canonicals.May 20 23:53
twitterOne upon a time, people were free to make medical claims for brand names of concoctions that had no specified ingredients.  Often the results were more harmful than the disease and it's symptoms. May 20 23:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jamesm/@jamesm] Linux Security Summit 2011 - CFP closes in one week - 20 23:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux Security Summit 2011 – CFP closes in one week. | James Morris .::. Size~: 32.88 KBMay 20 23:53
twitterNon free software has much in common with that.May 20 23:53
twitterDoes Unity do ssh forwarding?May 20 23:54
_Goblintwitter: really? Those "magic" medicines never worked though did they? Like it or not Adobe Photoshop does work.May 20 23:55
_GoblinI don't personally see the connectionMay 20 23:55
twitteryes they did, actually.  they had morphine and other active ingredients that made people feel better.May 20 23:55
twittersome are with us today.  Cough syrup, for example. May 20 23:56
_Goblinsorry, I thought you were talking about the travelling medicine man types....the trickstersMay 20 23:56
twitterI am talking about those peopleMay 20 23:56
_Goblinthe miracle cures...May 20 23:56
twitterWindows promises many miracle cures, modern advertising has it's foundations in patent medicine May 20 23:57
_GoblinI saw some quite bizzare claims in history books about them, I doubt many of the miracle cures worked....May 20 23:57
twitterwikipedia has an excellent write upMay 20 23:57
twittergoogle has a few great booksMay 20 23:57
schestowitzgoogle has books? :/May 20 23:57
_Goblinbut then to be fair to Microsoft, what did you expect......? Microsoft to turn round and say "Hey, Don't bother with Windows, you'll be better off with Linux"May 20 23:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fabsh/@fabsh] Uploading video to YouTube.....May 20 23:58
twitterMicrosoft routinely exploits children, emotions and makes false premisses.  I'm as fair to them as any other fraud. May 20 23:59
_GoblinAnd whilst the experience (in my view) is not as good as Linux.....Windows does function....if it was a complete lie and had no functionality I don't think they would be in business long.May 20 23:59
twitterthey won't be in business longMay 20 23:59

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