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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: July 1st, 2011

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*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 01 03:22
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 01 04:03
*Quadrescence has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jul 01 04:33
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 01 04:46
*Quadrescence has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jul 01 05:01
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 01 05:13
*Quadrescence has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jul 01 05:34
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 01 05:48
*Quadrescence has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jul 01 05:51
*Quadrescence (~Quad@unaffiliated/quadrescence) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 01 06:07
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 01 06:12
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 01 08:04
*Quadrescence has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 01 08:46
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 01 10:00
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Jul 01 10:00
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 01 10:00
*ender_33 has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Jul 01 14:45
schestowitz 01 15:55
TechrightsSocial@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz What you call bias is simply realism based on an understanding of the industry landscape. Turkeys don't vote for Christmas.Jul 01 15:55
schestowitzNot the point. What you do is pressure Google and apologise for Microsoft.Jul 01 15:55
MinceRnow he admits he roots for m$ because he makes money from sw patent bullshitJul 01 15:55
schestowitz 01 15:55
TechrightsSocial@bestnokiathemes: RT @schestowitz Nokia Will Ditch Users For Microsoft? www.s60v5themes.comJul 01 15:55
schestowitz 01 15:56
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Windows Phone 7 to ship on all future Nokia handsets | New Gadget Review .::. Size~: 19.57 KBJul 01 15:56
TechrightsSocial-> Title: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.26 KBJul 01 15:56
schestowitzArs has nothing left to offer pro-FOSS readersJul 01 15:56
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Twitter / Schestowitz: Nokia Will Ditch Users For ... .::. Size~: 13.35 KBJul 01 15:56
TechrightsSocial@nj3ma: @schestowitz Sad indeed. Did like Ars Technica. Before Conde Nast.Jul 01 15:56
schestowitz 01 15:56
TechrightsSocial@galoppini: @esrtweet is right, floss is a loosy term #opensource RT @schestowitz Do you FOSS or do you FLOSS? 01 15:56
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Armed and Dangerous  » Blog Archive   » Please forget to FLOSS .::. Size~: 47.96 KBJul 01 15:56
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Do you FOSS or do you FLOSS? | LPI COMMUNITY CORNER .::. Size~: 64.96 KBJul 01 15:56
schestowitz 01 15:57
TechrightsSocial@agente_smithe: @schestowitz What ??? Oh, no, I was hoping Google would get those patents. And Google would pay more, about 9bi. Now, Android's dead.Jul 01 15:57
schestowitzNo, it's not. What a ludicrous claim.Jul 01 15:57
schestowitzLOL sapmmer jives in 01 15:57
TechrightsSocial@Lucilletlrqp: @agente_smithe Phone dead? Trade it in for cash here: @schestowitz What ??? Oh, no, I was ... 01 15:57
schestowitz 01 15:58
TechrightsSocial-> Title: - Recycling Pays .::. Size~: 0.35 KBJul 01 15:58
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Twitter / Agent Smith: @schestowitz What ??? Oh,  ... .::. Size~: 13.3 KBJul 01 15:58
TechrightsSocial@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz It's not about defending anyone. It's about where software patent critics should expect the ball to get rolling.Jul 01 15:58
schestowitzLOL. Your dishonesty is rich. You could be a comedian. So endorsing patents as you do is what the FFII should do? No thanks.Jul 01 15:58
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 01 16:15
*msb__ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jul 01 16:24
*msb_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 01 16:42
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 01 17:26
sebsebseb Jul 01 17:26
schestowitz 01 19:05
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 01 19:05
qu1j0t3ABORTINGJul 01 19:05
schestowitz 01 19:06
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 01 19:06
schestowitzLOL 01 19:07
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 01 19:07
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: I didn't quite want you to leave #techrights so you can come back if you want :DJul 01 23:11
qu1j0t3sebsebseb: sudo rm is pretty effective...Jul 01 23:12
qu1j0t3sebsebseb: i see you're still uisng the icon i made for youJul 01 23:12
sebsebsebyep :)Jul 01 23:12
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: not someone who will be changing the avater much anyway, if at all reallyJul 01 23:13
sebsebseband it's quite good really :)Jul 01 23:13
qu1j0t3:) coolJul 01 23:14
schestowitzthat's how I visualise SebsianJul 01 23:16
schestowitz*asJul 01 23:16
schestowitz*tianJul 01 23:16
sebsebsebschestowitz: uh rightJul 01 23:16
schestowitzsebsebseb: did you see all the !mageia items I post?Jul 01 23:16
sebsebsebschestowitz: of courseJul 01 23:16
schestowitzbecause you asked for thatJul 01 23:17
sebsebsebyeah :)Jul 01 23:17
schestowitzyou do a good job advocating it and organising fanboys like meJul 01 23:17
sebsebsebschestowitz: shame that doesn't send to Identica anymore :(  Twitter is still getting news thoughJul 01 23:17
TechrightsSocialTitle: Mageia (mageia) - .::. Size~: 43.17 KBJul 01 23:17
sebsebsebschestowitz: I got some people to subscribe to the group, and then send to it sometimes, when they should have really,  but shame the like Mageia founders and such don't take Identica seriosuly enoughJul 01 23:18
sebsebsebonly TwitterJul 01 23:18
sebsebsebin fact they stopped mentioning Identica on the website, when Mageia 1 came out or around that timeJul 01 23:18
sebsebseband yep still no logo for the Identica group after all this time, even though the user had one for a long time nowJul 01 23:18
sebsebsebschestowitz: and it was suggested I complained to the marketing or web team mailing list about this kind  of thing as I told you before, but I don't think such a email would do much good really anywayJul 01 23:19
sebsebsebschestowitz: ,but then if you look at Twitter,  you see it has much  more people subscribed to Mageia on there, than what Identica hasJul 01 23:19
sebsebsebso hmmJul 01 23:20
sebsebsebhowever they should take Identica reasoanbly seriously for Mageia stuff as a well, and at least send news to the  group really, and give it an avatarJul 01 23:20
sebsebsebschestowitz: plus two of the founders were negative to my social channel,  at least two really, two that I know were,  thought it was a bit pointless.   however other than these things,  I guess things are ok really at the moment for Mageia when it comes to community and  the distro itselfJul 01 23:21
sebsebsebschestowitz: anyway I want the most relivent Mageia stuff on Identica,  newswise and such, to go to the group, simple as that reallyJul 01 23:22
sebsebseband  even if it's in another good langauge, if the blog post is pretty good, like quite a few of the Spannish ones were,  I made sure  that some of them were mentioend in the group as well, but now the guy himself will do that probably it seems :).Jul 01 23:23
sebsebsebeven if it's in another langauge, and good, aboveJul 01 23:23
qu1j0t3FLOOD............Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3                .c                                          Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3                .k                                          Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 ;c;,co  c:,;cc .K:;,:l.                                    Jul 01 23:28
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: yep floodJul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 co:'.  dx,,,,Oc.O    ,O                                    Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3   ..:k.xl....,..k    '0                                    Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 lc,,;,,:l '0:;,;d. '0,                                Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3   ..      ..       .    ,M:                                Jul 01 23:28
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: uh don't be silly and flood like that thoughJul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3    ....        ....     ,M:  ....                          Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 '0KdllxXO.  .xKklldKO,  ,Mxxxolo0Kl                        Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 kW'     l, .Nx      cWl ,MX.     ;Wk                       Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 .kK0dc;'   xMdlllllllNN ,Mc       xM'                      Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3    .':lONl kN;,,,,,,,,, ,M:       xM'   .                  Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 l,      kM.;Wc      .kc ,MK.     .NK   dMM.                Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 dNx:,,;xXc  ;XOl,,;oXd  ;M00l;,,lNk.   dMM.                Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3  .,:lc;'      .;cl:,    .,  ':lc;.     dMM.                Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3                                        dMM.                Jul 01 23:28
sebsebsebschestowitz: ^Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3   'oOXWMMWX0d'        ;x0NMMMX0x,      dMM. :xKNMMWKk:     Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 .0MWx:,'',cxWM0.    lNMKl;,',:dKMX:    dMMxNXo;,.,;oXMXl   Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 lMMc        ,00l   kMX;         cWMx   dMMWl         oMMo  Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 :MM0,             dMW.           oMM;  dMMl           xMW. Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3  ,xNMWX0xoc,.    .WMNddddddddddddkMMx  dMM.           'MMo Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3     .;ldkKNMMXo. .MMXkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk:  dMM.           .MMd Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3            .lNMX. KM0                  dMM,           :MMc Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 ll,          dMM, :WMc           oNX'  dMM0.         .KMX  Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 KMN;        ;NMK.  cWWx'       .kMWc   dMMWK;       'KMN'  Jul 01 23:28
qu1j0t3 .dNMNOxddxOXM0c     .kNMNOxddkXMXd.    xM0.oXNOxddxKWNd.   Jul 01 23:29
qu1j0t3    .:odkdoc,.          'coxkdl:.       ','   .:odxol'      Jul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqqqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqqqqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqqqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqJul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Yuo got me started ^Jul 01 23:29
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: ,but I woudn't really want to flood this channel being silly, like was just doneJul 01 23:30
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:30
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:30
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:30
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:30
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:30
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:30
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:30
sebsebsebqu1j0t3: Jul 01 23:30
sebsebsebok enough :)Jul 01 23:30
schestowitzshh..Jul 01 23:30
sebsebsebschestowitz: at both?Jul 01 23:31
sebsebsebor me?Jul 01 23:31
schestowitzI was jokingJul 01 23:31
schestowitzIt says SEBJul 01 23:31
schestowitzBut I don't use monosixed fontsJul 01 23:31
schestowitz*sizedJul 01 23:31
schestowitz 01 23:32
TechrightsSocial@swapnilbhartiya: @schestowitz can you send some images of yours to go with the interview?Jul 01 23:32
schestowitzSure..Jul 01 23:32
sebsebsebuh where what? my irc nick?Jul 01 23:32
sebsebsebschestowitz: "mono"Jul 01 23:32
sebsebsebyou like mono, but the other kind :DJul 01 23:32
sebsebsebnot the fonts monoJul 01 23:32
schestowitzI guess if there's pagination there's motivation for thatJul 01 23:32
sebsebsebschestowitz: no Mandriva until August 29th or whateverJul 01 23:33
sebsebsebwell that's a bit lateJul 01 23:33
sebsebsebMandriva 2011Jul 01 23:33
sebsebsebhowever going to keep the other computer on Mandriva 2010.2 anywayJul 01 23:33
sebsebsebso doesn't matter that much to meJul 01 23:33
sebsebseb,but yep keep it on Mandriva 2010.2 for nowJul 01 23:34
schestowitzSent...Jul 01 23:45
schestowitzMaybe I'll dent for a bitJul 01 23:45
sebsebsebschestowitz: uh what was sent?Jul 01 23:45
schestowitzsome interview stuffJul 01 23:47
schestowitzIn Indian news site..Jul 01 23:47
sebsebsebschestowitz: I was trying to do some support in the mageia channel, to do with getting Mageia on a USB stick, but I feel uselessJul 01 23:47
schestowitzI'll rpost this in Techrights at some stageJul 01 23:47
schestowitzsebsebseb: Jul 01 23:47
schestowitz!google mageia usb installJul 01 23:47
TechrightsSocial[1] - Mageia forum • View topic - [Beta 2] Install on USB Disk | 01 23:47
TechrightsSocial[2] - Mageia Installation Media - Mageia | 01 23:47
TechrightsSocial[3] - [Mageia-dev] Suggestion: what to do with iso? | 01 23:47
TechrightsSocial[4] - Creating Mageia Live USB | | 01 23:47
schestowitzI saw some HOWTOs earlier this weekJul 01 23:48
schestowitzJust point them to some, hold their handsJul 01 23:48
sebsebsebschestowitz: ah haJul 01 23:48
schestowitzmost questions people have will have been answeredJul 01 23:48
schestowitzBut they want an answer in real time from a humanJul 01 23:48
schestowitzLots of jobs are like thatJul 01 23:49
schestowitzI had one like that in Manchester CmputingJul 01 23:49
schestowitzEasy moneyJul 01 23:49
schestowitzAnd one that I have now pays about $100 per hour of actual work doing supportJul 01 23:49
sebsebsebschestowitz: well I tried to help,  and that's all I can do reallyJul 01 23:51

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