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*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Sep 01 02:19 | |
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*ender_2600 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Sep 01 06:56 | |
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schestowitz | " | Sep 01 11:46 |
schestowitz | "This" is also more evidence that the patent system simply doesn't work. Acacia has been telling me that they are not the "bad guys", and that they get justice for people who get ripped off. Although I don't consider Acacia a vehicle to justice...I do see them as a means to get revenge. They are actually sort of friendly. Open Source is supposed to be the true "good guys" but as the saying goes "justice delayed is justice denied | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | . | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | You have written a lot about what boils down to good versus evil. And I have been enjoying the things you have been saying about wikileaks and especially the SEC. My brain isn't working at this hour but I even wrote to harry markopoulos(???) at one point ...the guy who exposed bernie madoff. The SEC is like a fancy hood ornament. Just between the two of us...I have sort of lost faith in the american government and in most of | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | the people on this side of the atlantic. I don't think they care about right versus wrong. | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | Groklaw wrote the other day "what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive". Groklaw and others have been writing about HP and Web OS in the past few days. In the summer & autumn of 2009 Palm approached me to acquire my patents...knowing Web OS was of questionable legality as it infringed some members of my portfolio. I did not pursue discussion with them very far. But in 2010 when Palm was sold to HP it is | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | highly unlikely they disclosed the fact that they approached me but failed. They therefore may have committed SEC fraud in concealing hidden risk with Web OS to HP. But even before that, around Christmas of 2007 I told Palm's founder Jeff Hawkins my story and urged him to get Palm to fight Apple. Jeff already left Palm but told me he would make sure they knew. I also told Palms management team directly. And they spent the bulk of | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | 2008 cloning the iPhone and creating Web OS. | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | Similarly in summer of 2010 I approached Nokia and urged them to stand up to Apple/Google/Msft. They were extremely nice...then suddenly Bill gates installed his man steven elop at nokia...a microsoft puppet...and then Nokia suddenly didn't want to talk anymore. Bill Gates has killed Nokia. Maybe people don't see it yet, but he has. By contaminating Nokia's ability to tell the truth and by enslaving them to Microsoft...Bill Gates | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | has destroyed Nokia. | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | There is a bloody trail of destruction created by all the american companies who have conspired to suppress the truth. Palm is dead, HP has withdrawn from markets it could be viable in if the truth behind Steve Jobs fiction were exposed. Nokia has its hands tied by obstruction of justice instigated by Microsoft. Weil Gotshal & Manges not only filed my patents for me but has sued Motorola on behalf of Apple, for "stealing the | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | iPhone" (according to Apple itself) and Weil Gotshal & Manges also represents Samsung...yet concealed my work as prior art from Samsung.....forcing them to cite Stanley Kubrick sci-fi props for prior art, when they could be citing issued patents. Do a search under "developed by weil gotshal notetalk" and you will see how weil gotshal kicked me out as a client in 2000-2001 in order to test tablets for microsoft and "develop" | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | components to go into tablets, for and with microsoft via a proxy company in Redmond called the Leszinsky Group. That was why I ran to steve jobs and larry ellison in get them to fight off the microsoft/weil gotshal criminal collaboration. And look how far this contamination has spread today. And the common thread is concealment of the story behind it all. | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | With each passing day I get more and more scared the Linux-Open Source Community might inadvertently retrace the path Palm and Nokia did. (Not identical to them but similar in silence). If they do, it will be a mammoth tragedy because the truth can do so much for them but there seems to be a sort of black hole with demonic powers that somehow causes everyone to retrace the same trajectory until irreversible damage is done. And | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | people wish they hadn't but their hands are already tied. This must not happen to Open Source/Linux. | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | " | Sep 01 11:47 |
schestowitz | No doubt the market is rogue. What would be most valuable to Techrights is a summary which takes all the messages sent, comdensing these to explain the whole saga from stat to finish so that it can be published to thousands of readers and documented for future reference. As I do not know what's confidential and what's not, the person who best knows the story needs to write this and submit for publication. | Sep 01 11:49 |
schestowitz | There new obsessed trolls harassing Techrights now.. | Sep 01 12:14 |
schestowitz | > Roy, | Sep 01 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Sep 01 12:14 |
schestowitz | > I've been watching your comments on the Snit troll in COLA. Yes, he is a piece of work. It is why that I helped Steve Carroll and Sandman with adding 50 more quotes to the pathological lies quoter and providing substantial links to the quotes. | Sep 01 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Sep 01 12:14 |
schestowitz | > The guy is an out and out liar. I've proved him a liar on his nymshifting in CSMA, particularly with his Rhino Plastee sock, which Wally provided additional proof. I also proved he nymshifted as Joel Crump in COLA, which Don Ziegler further substantiated. Sandman proved that he nymshifted as Steve Carroll's Dog and Omar Murad Asfour. Jim MacKay and Tim Adams proved his other nymshifts. Peter Kohlmann substantiated ceed as a sock. | Sep 01 12:14 |
schestowitz | This is why all of us are on his hit list of lies. | Sep 01 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Sep 01 12:14 |
schestowitz | > Then add flatfish Gary Stewart and Duane Arnold with their outright lying spins. I've provided proof of their lies, but they return to post the same lies, rinse, repeat. AFAIK, troll providers AIOE, Xprivat and Eternal-September do not support TOR. Flatfish has been limited to single IP's shown as encrypted host with these, but lies that my rule observations are incorrect I don't know its him. | Sep 01 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Sep 01 12:14 |
schestowitz | > These 3 trolls are the most amoral, debased bunch I have ever met. | Sep 01 12:14 |
*ender_2600 ( has joined #boycottnovell | Sep 01 13:48 | |
*benJIman has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Sep 01 16:53 | |
*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovell | Sep 01 16:57 | |
schestowitz | " | Sep 01 21:10 |
schestowitz | Down below afterr the "...."'s is most of an email I sent roy in the middle of the night yesterday. | Sep 01 21:10 |
schestowitz | I saw groklaw report today that samsung and apple may settle out of court, their dispute leading to the samsung tablet injunction. | Sep 01 21:10 |
schestowitz | If they do so...while that may be a common practice, but in view of samsungs likely ability to overturn apple's injunction anyway by exposing damning prior art and info about what steve jobs did... Well that just plain wreaks of cover-up and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Weil Gotshal & Manges represents Samsung alongside Apple. And if that's not bad enough they seem to be acting as racketeering Grand Central orchestrating the | Sep 01 21:10 |
schestowitz | interplay between apple and samsung. | Sep 01 21:10 |
schestowitz | .......Below is something I sent roy schestowitz late in the night...... | Sep 01 21:10 |
schestowitz | " | Sep 01 21:10 |
schestowitz | Interesting... | Sep 01 21:10 |
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