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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: November 25th, 2011

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Ziomatrixschestowitz: what do you think of the changes going on at Canonical?  Is the migration of many to Mint justified?Nov 25 00:01
Ziomatrixsorry about the rant, I guess I should have stuck that in #boycottnovell-socialNov 25 00:03
schestowitz 25 00:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Adobe's new pricing plan: Ouch, users say | Deep Tech - CNET News .::. Size~: 73.61 KBNov 25 00:11
schestowitzZiomatrix: i don't know if there's a migrationNov 25 00:12
schestowitzUbuntu is listed in DW along with Kubuntu, Lubuntu , etc.Nov 25 00:12
schestowitzYou need to combine theseNov 25 00:12
schestowitzAlso, Mint has a new release right about now, thus increased interestNov 25 00:12
Ziomatrixschestowitz: true, but I'm wondering if Ubuntu dropping CouchDB affects all of their distros?Nov 25 00:18
schestowitzMaybe derivativesNov 25 00:18
Ziomatrixschestowitz: would you consider Canonical moving in a positive direction regarding depending upon open standards over potential lawsuit traps?Nov 25 00:22
schestowitzThey say they dropped mono because of size and performance issuesNov 25 00:23
schestowitzTheir man who said yes to Mono is no longer at CanonicalNov 25 00:23
schestowitzScott Remnant IIRC... he movd to GoogleNov 25 00:23
Ziomatrixschestowitz: Was he responsible for the push for Ubuntu to abandone Mono from within? Can Oracle cause problems for MySQL as they have allude to for Java?Nov 25 00:26
*Ziomatrix has quit (Quit: Ziomatrix)Nov 25 00:30
*Ziomatrix ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 00:32
*lenngray has quit (Quit: Leaving)Nov 25 00:39
*kari_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 25 00:39
schestowitzyes, probablyNov 25 00:42
schestowitzTrying to make money out of it while reducing interest in it, IMHONov 25 00:42
schestowitz "Nov 25 01:01
TechrightsBot-tr@: Nov 25 01:01
schestowitzFew people can see/experience with out an e/o, e.g., right/wrong.Nov 25 01:01
schestowitzI'm even a little unsettled about assisting those who refuse to evolve their consciousness.Nov 25 01:01
schestowitz"Nov 25 01:01
Ziomatrixschestowitz: I read rumors that Oracle may acquire HP assets if only for the patents, of course that is all heresayNov 25 01:02
Ziomatrixschestowitz: who is the diaspora?Nov 25 01:02
schestowitz 25 01:14
TechrightsBot-tr@FFII: @jwildeboer #swpat foes should be aware of #FFII activities in the second half of the 2000-2010 decade #compat #epla #euepla ...Nov 25 01:14
TechrightsBot-tr@FFII: @jwildeboer #swpat foes should be aware of #FFII activities in the second half of the 2000-2010 decade #compat #epla #euepla ...Nov 25 01:14
schestowitzZiomatrix: google diaspora :-)Nov 25 01:15
Ziomatrixschestowitz: people leave Google!? No! Really? :-oNov 25 01:18
Ziomatrixschestowitz: you mean Google is just another place to work at and not this golden city on top of a hill to everyone who works there?Nov 25 01:18
schestowitznoNov 25 01:22
schestowitzthe site/software diasporaNov 25 01:22
schestowitzlost in translation thereNov 25 01:22
schestowitz 25 01:27
TechrightsBot-tr@: Nov 25 01:27
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Nov 25 01:28
*kari_ ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 01:29
schestowitz 25 01:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Links 24/11/2011: Doom Code, Atmos Storage for Linux 25 01:29
TechrightsBot-tr@: Nov 25 01:29
Ziomatrix 25 01:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Great American Disconnect-Political Comments: The Arizona Shooter---Jared Loughtner---His FBI Mug Shot---RELOADED! .::. Size~: 62.85 KBNov 25 01:30
Ziomatrixthe best way to ridicule egomaniacs who commit atrocities to fulfill an inflated purpose or sheer fame is to be mocked Nov 25 01:31
Ziomatrixnothing hurts their validity more then doubting the seriousness of their appearance and cause while still being mindful of the aforementioned of what they committed.  Nov 25 01:32
Ziomatrixoops wrong channelNov 25 01:32
ZiomatrixI'm really tired todayNov 25 01:32
ZiomatrixBut its also why I like Techrights so much, it not only explains the seriousness of the situation but mocks the sincerity of those attributing to itNov 25 01:33
schestowitz:-)Nov 25 01:37
schestowitzi need to get sleep, it's narly 2amNov 25 01:38
*abeNd-org has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)Nov 25 01:50
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 01:52
*abeNd-org has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Nov 25 01:57
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 01:58
Ziomatrixschestowitz: same, even if it isn't 2am where I am. It feels like it though.Nov 25 02:08
*Ziomatrix has quit (Quit: Ziomatrix)Nov 25 02:13
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection timed out)Nov 25 02:22
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 02:24
prurigrohey allNov 25 03:07
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsNov 25 03:13
DaemonFC 25 03:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dell's Misleading Graphics Card Buying Advice - Slashdot .::. Size~: 226.4 KBNov 25 03:17
DaemonFC 25 03:19
DaemonFCnot badNov 25 03:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Shell Shocker Deal.  Exclusive Jaw Dropping Savings on PC Components and Electronics. .::. Size~: 139.12 KBNov 25 03:19
DaemonFCfor $15Nov 25 03:20
Brendan_T:oNov 25 03:37
abeNd-orgmeh, mail in rebateNov 25 03:49
abeNd-orgmost people forget to send them in, of the rest most forget to track them & the company never sends them :PNov 25 03:51
DaemonFC"according to a 2005 article in BusinessWeek, a full 40-60% of rebates are never redeemed"Nov 25 03:52
*koolhead17 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Nov 25 03:53
abeNd-orgno doubtNov 25 03:53
DaemonFCWalmart's Black Friday ad is full of crapNov 25 04:14
DaemonFCthere's only 1 or 2 things I'd consioder and they'll probably have 3 of each and 1,000 people that want oneNov 25 04:14
abeNd-orgwas looking at some of the stuff, the lg bd640 for the in-laws, but its cheaper on amazon with free shipping...hehNov 25 04:15
DaemonFCcheap pajamasNov 25 04:17
DaemonFCthere you goNov 25 04:17
DaemonFCnobody is crazy enough to fight over pajamasNov 25 04:17
DaemonFCI'll go get some pajamasNov 25 04:17
DaemonFChaha suckersNov 25 04:17
DaemonFC:PNov 25 04:17
DaemonFCAndroid totally dominates their mobile adsNov 25 04:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] top 5 C libraries, go! @speeddefrost, and anyone else still aliveNov 25 04:30
DaemonFC 25 04:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Arizona lawmakers say they will build border fence      | The Salt Lake Tribune .::. Size~: 122.07 KBNov 25 04:44
DaemonFCArizona is using prison labor to put up a border fenceNov 25 04:44
abeNd-orggoodNov 25 04:46
abeNd-orgthey should throw them over once they complete itNov 25 04:46
DaemonFCthey have raised enough to build about half a mile of fenceNov 25 04:47
abeNd-orgthis country is *WAY* too soft on its criminals, blue or white collar...Nov 25 04:47
DaemonFCin 4 monthsNov 25 04:47
DaemonFConly like 600 more miles to go? :)Nov 25 04:47
abeNd-orgsomeone isnt whipping them hard enoughNov 25 04:48
DaemonFCI'd tell them to go fuck themselves if I was one of the prisonersNov 25 04:48
DaemonFC50 cents an hour is less than what people pay the illegal mexicans they're supposedly trying to keep outNov 25 04:48
DaemonFCthey really want to get rid of the illegal immigrants because once they're gone they can rent prisoners out for businesses to exploit cheaperNov 25 04:49
DaemonFCand since it's private companies managing 80% of the prisons in ArizonaNov 25 04:50
abeNd-orgthey are prisoners, they lost their rights when they committed murder/rape/etc, they are worth slightly more than nothing at that pointNov 25 04:50
DaemonFCit means judges will be bribed to throw the book at everyoneNov 25 04:50
DaemonFCand convict as many people as possibleNov 25 04:50
DaemonFCwithout worrying about guilt or innocence Nov 25 04:50
DaemonFCwe've already seen that happen in several states with private prisonsNov 25 04:50
DaemonFCsome of the judges that were caught taking the bribes are prisonNov 25 04:51
DaemonFC:)Nov 25 04:51
abeNd-orgyes, there is the problem with corruptionNov 25 04:51
DaemonFCabeNd-org: All this will do is pack prisons full of innocent people, by corrupt judges, to keep the head count upNov 25 04:51
DaemonFCand the pool of cheap exploitable labor largeNov 25 04:51
DaemonFCthat's what I'm really worried it will turn intoNov 25 04:52
abeNd-orgcorruption is just as bad with or without privately run prisons Nov 25 04:52
DaemonFCnot reallyNov 25 04:52
DaemonFCwhen it's the state running them, the state is not supposed to make a profitNov 25 04:52
DaemonFCwhen they outsource it to companies, with shareholders, those companies will bribe judges to throw the book at everyoneNov 25 04:53
DaemonFCand to not care who is innocentNov 25 04:53
DaemonFCyou'll start seeing people with 5 years for spitting on the sidewalkNov 25 04:53
DaemonFCor people in there that didn't do anything at all because the judge want a bigger commission for keeping the prison fullNov 25 04:54
abeNd-orgwould that really be all that bad?Nov 25 04:54
abeNd-orgget all the slime off the street, literally Nov 25 04:54
DaemonFCno, unacceptable Nov 25 04:54
DaemonFCif you're talking about some rapist or murderer, that's one thingNov 25 04:54
DaemonFCbut people getting mandatory minimum sentencing for petty crimes is something elseNov 25 04:55
abeNd-orglemme guess, you are a pot growing/using hippie?Nov 25 04:55
DaemonFCnoNov 25 04:55
DaemonFCbut I don't think people should go to prison for itNov 25 04:55
DaemonFCif we send people to prison for smoking marijuana, we should send people there for fermenting plant matter and drinking the resultNov 25 04:55
DaemonFCbecause that is a dangerous drug too Nov 25 04:56
DaemonFCand it puts other people in dangerNov 25 04:56
abeNd-orgyou are right, they really should clean out the prisons (rapists/murderers/etc) & just "disappear" themNov 25 04:56
DaemonFCwe tried that once, it was a disasterNov 25 04:56
DaemonFCyou might remember :)Nov 25 04:56
abeNd-orgyes, corruption was the problem then as wellNov 25 04:56
DaemonFCany drug can be abusedNov 25 04:57
DaemonFCI'm sure you'll find some way to rationalize raging alcoholicsNov 25 04:57
DaemonFCwho crash their cars into peopleNov 25 04:57
DaemonFCwhile saying potheads should have the book thrown at themNov 25 04:57
DaemonFCmost people do thatNov 25 04:58
abeNd-orgi see no logic in trying to rationalize a raging alcoholicNov 25 04:58
DaemonFCand it's amusing because their argument falls apart when they try to say some mind altering drugs are OK and others aren'tNov 25 04:58
DaemonFCwhen one is clearly as bad as the otherNov 25 04:58
abeNd-orgmurder is murder, if you use a gun/knife, or your worthless drunk self to run someone over, even accidentallyNov 25 04:58
DaemonFCI say, I don't care what happens to a rapistNov 25 04:58
DaemonFCor a serial killerNov 25 04:59
DaemonFCtoss them in there and I hope they never come back outNov 25 04:59
DaemonFCa child molester, sameNov 25 04:59
abeNd-orgor those creepy "kiddie" related crimes, those people should be "disappeared" on the spotNov 25 04:59
DaemonFCyeah, but there are lesser crimes for a reasonNov 25 04:59
DaemonFCor at least there wereNov 25 05:00
DaemonFCthere's getting to be fewer and fewer of themNov 25 05:00
DaemonFCbecause they're being bumped up to felonies to keep prisons fullNov 25 05:00
abeNd-orgim just tired of reading blotters of people getting away with 12+ smallish crimes they have been in prison for here & there, then murder someoneNov 25 05:00
DaemonFCit doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of sense to pack prisons full of potheads and then parole the rapists and murderers to make more roomNov 25 05:01
abeNd-orgwhy wasnt that person "disappeared" well before then, from their record you knew it was just a matter of timeNov 25 05:01
DaemonFCbut a lot of states do thatNov 25 05:01
abeNd-orgdont parole them, "disappear them"Nov 25 05:01
DaemonFCabeNd-org: degrees of murder, there's an interesting thoughtNov 25 05:01
abeNd-orgthey are a useless drain on society, why keep them aroundNov 25 05:01
DaemonFCyou know what the difference is between murder and manslaughter?Nov 25 05:02
DaemonFCwhich lawyer you can affordNov 25 05:02
DaemonFCthat'Nov 25 05:02
DaemonFCthat's itNov 25 05:02
DaemonFCmy aunt works at a prison for sex offendersNov 25 05:02
DaemonFCthey segregate them based on what they were convicted ofNov 25 05:02
DaemonFCshe says it's bullshitNov 25 05:02
abeNd-orgthat must be a scary jobNov 25 05:02
DaemonFCbecause what they were convicted of depends entirely on which lawyer they could affordNov 25 05:03
abeNd-orgthat is done because of all the bullshit political correctness Nov 25 05:03
DaemonFCyou have violent rapists on the lower levelsNov 25 05:03
DaemonFCbecause they have better lawyersNov 25 05:03
abeNd-org"oh feel sorry for them, they had a rough childhood"Nov 25 05:03
DaemonFCit's not political correctnessNov 25 05:03
DaemonFCthe more money you have, the less wrong you're capable of doingNov 25 05:03
DaemonFCin our societyNov 25 05:04
DaemonFCplain and simpleNov 25 05:04
abeNd-orgits a little bit of both, more so with political correctless for the non-lawyersNov 25 05:04
DaemonFCif you're poor and commit a crime, better get ready to be someone's prison bitchNov 25 05:04
DaemonFCrich and commit a crime?Nov 25 05:04
DaemonFCget half as much time at a nicer prisonNov 25 05:04
DaemonFCthat's all it isNov 25 05:04
abeNd-orgjust disappear them, done, who cares who you are or how much you can payNov 25 05:04
DaemonFCin an ideal system, the rich guy would be getting raped by the skinheads every night right next to the poor person who committed the same crimeNov 25 05:05
DaemonFCbut they make special resort prisons for the richNov 25 05:05
abeNd-orgthe only special prison they should have would be 6ft underNov 25 05:06
DaemonFCyou can steal something from Walmart that costs $20 and do more time in a worse prison than Bernie MadoffNov 25 05:06
DaemonFCis that justice?Nov 25 05:06
abeNd-orgnope, but to make a true just system, you are going to have to stamp out corruption firstNov 25 05:07
DaemonFCI'm not arguing in favor of theftNov 25 05:07
DaemonFCI'm saying the guy that stole $20 should do 6 months in a county jail somewhereNov 25 05:07
DaemonFCand Bernie Madoff should be sent to one of the less pleasant federal prisonsNov 25 05:07
abeNd-organd id love to hear a theory on actually stamping out & keeping corruption out of the systemNov 25 05:07
DaemonFCabeNd-org: When you privatize any government functionNov 25 05:08
DaemonFCit will cost moreNov 25 05:08
DaemonFCand there will be more waste, fraud, and abuseNov 25 05:08
DaemonFCthe government is not always efficient, but for profit companies have incentive to be as wasteful as they can be to get as much money from you as they canNov 25 05:08
abeNd-orgstill plenty of corruption in govt obviouslyNov 25 05:09
DaemonFCwe had this debate a while back in town where the mayor wanted to privatize trash pickupNov 25 05:09
Brendan_TDaemonFC: did you hear about the prisons that were had cleaning up that big oil spill?Nov 25 05:10
DaemonFCso they did a cost-benefit analysis and found that privatizing it would up the cost per home about 40%Nov 25 05:10
Brendan_TprisonersNov 25 05:10
DaemonFCand that's just municipal trash removalNov 25 05:10
DaemonFCsmall government Republicans are really just wanting to throw the wool over your eyesNov 25 05:11
Brendan_Tthey were dressed in regular clothes to hide them, but the fact that they were all black kinda gave it awayNov 25 05:11
DaemonFCand give a big multi-million dollar contract to some companyNov 25 05:11
DaemonFCwhich will cost you more in the long runNov 25 05:11
DaemonFCBrendan_T: That's kind of racistNov 25 05:11
DaemonFC:)Nov 25 05:11
DaemonFCdo you know how much white trash is out there cooking meth and shit?Nov 25 05:12
abeNd-orgOMG racism!Nov 25 05:12
Brendan_Tno, because the town that it was at was populated mostly by white peopleNov 25 05:12
DaemonFCtrash is trashNov 25 05:12
abeNd-orgugh...race card, abusedNov 25 05:12
abeNd-orgdispose of the trashNov 25 05:13
DaemonFCyou want to see some white trash?Nov 25 05:13
DaemonFCgo to Alabama for the weekNov 25 05:13
DaemonFCmeth labs and knocked up teenagersNov 25 05:13
DaemonFCbut they all love Jesus :)Nov 25 05:13
DaemonFCthat's what I don't getNov 25 05:14
DaemonFCit's all fine and good when millions of white people live like thatNov 25 05:14
DaemonFCbut then you're like "ZOMG, black people, watch you!"Nov 25 05:14
DaemonFC:PNov 25 05:14
abeNd-orgso why doesnt the world support disposing of the trash? i mean, get rid of that kind of thing & that would make the world a better placeNov 25 05:15
DaemonFCI think we should deport our criminals to MexicoNov 25 05:16
DaemonFCthey already have criminals down there that hack peoples heads offNov 25 05:16
Diablo-D3because people are fucking faggots.Nov 25 05:16
DaemonFCand hang their bodies over freewaysNov 25 05:16
Diablo-D3I dont know what you're talking about, but I suspect my answer covers it.Nov 25 05:16
DaemonFCwait until our criminals get a load of thatNov 25 05:16
abeNd-orgthey really need to start disposing of the trash before our society degrades furtherNov 25 05:17
Diablo-D3lets start with president bushNov 25 05:17
Diablo-D3actually wait, I dont think anyone is accepting any more toxic waste at this timeNov 25 05:17
abeNd-orgall joking aside, they really do need to start "taking out the trash"Nov 25 05:20
abeNd-orgjust do it, no more political correctnessNov 25 05:20
Brendan_TabeNd-org: because people have "rights"Nov 25 05:21
abeNd-orgthey commit crime, they lose those rightsNov 25 05:21
abeNd-orgdoneNov 25 05:21
abeNd-org& they should be goneNov 25 05:21
DaemonFC 25 05:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nazi surplus store scene from Falling Down!       - YouTube .::. Size~: 92 KBNov 25 05:22
DaemonFCI think that is Diablo-D3Nov 25 05:23
abeNd-orgBrendan_T: you sound like you are a political correctness lover, who doesnt care that the murderer who killed someone took away their right to a life, "oh the poor sad person had a hard life, feel sorry for them, dont be hard on them"Nov 25 05:24
Brendan_Tyour mixing up the 'law' with 'rights'Nov 25 05:26
abeNd-orgso either way you are saying feel sorry for the killer, the one they murdered doesnt matterNov 25 05:27
Brendan_Ti didnt mean to suggest anything beyond rights being a dodgy conceptNov 25 05:33
abeNd-orgim just really tired of shitty peopleNov 25 05:34
abeNd-orgi see no reason, if they do not contribute to society, that they should even existNov 25 05:35
Brendan_Tsounds like a very strange ideaNov 25 05:36
abeNd-orgwhat, you think rapists/child molesters are great people to keep around?Nov 25 05:36
Brendan_TnoNov 25 05:37
abeNd-orgthen they should no longer exisNov 25 05:37
abeNd-org^tNov 25 05:37
Brendan_Tuhuh....Nov 25 05:37
Brendan_Tyour jumping between some odd extremesNov 25 05:37
abeNd-orgso why should they continue to exist?Nov 25 05:37
Brendan_Twhy should you continue to exist?Nov 25 05:37
abeNd-orgyou tell me why you think someone who would kill you/your wife or molest your child should exist, & perhaps i will put a few seconds of thought as to why i should continue to existNov 25 05:40
Brendan_Tthere is no reason they should exist, just as there is no reason they shouldnt existNov 25 05:40
Brendan_Tthere is only our personal preferencesNov 25 05:41
Brendan_Tyou dont want these people to exist because they affect your life in a way you dont like. this does not mean they shouldnt existNov 25 05:42
abeNd-orgso your buddy the child molester is someone you think should continue to exist & ply their craft?Nov 25 05:43
Brendan_Ta majority vote doesnt bring about a 'should' either, nor a law or constitutionNov 25 05:43
Brendan_Tyou dont seem to understand... I'm rejecting the idea that anything should anything..Nov 25 05:44
abeNd-orgyou seem quite friendly with the child molesters.....Nov 25 05:44
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 25 05:44
Brendan_Tyou seem to be able to conjure up some strange ideasNov 25 05:45
Brendan_Tim not friendly with them at allNov 25 05:45
abeNd-orghey, im not the one defending child molesters as you are Nov 25 05:45
Brendan_Tim not defending child molestersNov 25 05:46
Brendan_Tthat is another thing you are making upNov 25 05:46
*koolhead17 (~atul@unaffiliated/koolhead17) has joined #techrightsNov 25 06:49
prurigroheyhey, anyone up?Nov 25 06:50
*prurigro gives voice to cubezzzNov 25 06:50
*prurigro gives voice to Diablo-D3Nov 25 06:50
MinceRhay hayNov 25 06:55
prurigrohow goes?Nov 25 06:57
MinceRsleepilNov 25 06:57
MinceRyNov 25 06:57
prurigrowho no sleep if sleepy?Nov 25 06:59
*MinceR Nov 25 06:59
prurigrololNov 25 07:00
prurigroMinceR sleepy, MinceR requires sleepNov 25 07:00
*Brendan_T listens to the tv saying all parents should 'catch up' and use facebook tooNov 25 08:13
prurigrololNov 25 08:18
prurigrofacebook requires your dataNov 25 08:18
Brendan_Tsure doesNov 25 08:21
prurigro 25 08:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: MainPage -   phantom -    Wiki for the Phantom anonymization project. -   System for generic, decentralized, unstoppable internet anonymity - Google Project Hosting .::. Size~: 17.72 KBNov 25 08:21
prurigrowas recently pointed hereNov 25 08:22
prurigroin the venue of privacyNov 25 08:22
Brendan_Tsounds pretty hard coreNov 25 08:29
prurigrohaha, tooNov 25 08:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: cjdelisle/cjdns - GitHub .::. Size~: 50.64 KBNov 25 08:29
prurigrothough that last one is still in the worksNov 25 08:33
Brendan_Tno idea how they workNov 25 08:34
prurigrohahaNov 25 08:38
prurigroI've been in the channel for the second oneNov 25 08:38
prurigrowhich is looking interestingNov 25 08:38
prurigrowithout going into too much detailNov 25 08:39
prurigroits essentially a darknet that rides ipv6 quietlyNov 25 08:39
*abeNd-org has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)Nov 25 08:44
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 08:45
Brendan_Trides ipv6 quietly?Nov 25 08:49
prurigrothere's a packet in ipv6 reserved for special use that nothing really claims atmNov 25 08:52
prurigrocjdns is gonna ride that packetNov 25 08:53
prurigroto the end user though, its gonna look like an entirely separate network deviceNov 25 08:53
prurigrothat acts just like a normal oneNov 25 08:53
prurigroshould be pretty cool :)Nov 25 08:53
Brendan_Tseems a bit over my headNov 25 08:59
Brendan_Tdont really know how protocols workNov 25 08:59
prurigrowell think about it this way thenNov 25 08:59
prurigroyou'll have what looks like another network device listed after eth0Nov 25 08:59
prurigrothat device will let you connect to a network via a friendly node on the webNov 25 09:00
prurigroor, you can connect directly to a friendly node over wifiNov 25 09:00
prurigroessentially making a HAM radio style dark net, and/or a dark net over the internet like the dark net functionality in freenetNov 25 09:01
*koolhead17 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 25 09:02
Brendan_Tawesome, and what does it allow you to do? bypass filters and such?Nov 25 09:02
prurigroits an entirely separate internetNov 25 09:03
prurigrothat travels from friend to friendNov 25 09:03
*Brendan_T doesnt even understand the internet :)Nov 25 09:03
Brendan_Tits a series of tubes isnt it?Nov 25 09:04
prurigroyou can setup a small network between your friends, connect it to a larger network of peersNov 25 09:05
prurigrothe biggest issue with post-internet dark net planning is getting it overseas or across large open spacesNov 25 09:05
prurigrosince you need people every step of the wayNov 25 09:05
prurigrothis system can piggyback on the internetNov 25 09:05
Brendan_Tso the 'internet' is just tcp/ip network?Nov 25 09:05
prurigroso you could have an entire neighbourhood connected to eachother, and then connected to another in a different country with only one person in each connected to the actual internetNov 25 09:05
prurigrothe 'internet' yea, is the separate equivalent to this that's been piped into our housesNov 25 09:06
prurigroand lol, 'tubes'Nov 25 09:06
Brendan_Tyou know about that thing?Nov 25 09:07
MinceRgeekingsNov 25 09:07
Brendan_Tsome guy back in the day described as that, because he had no ideaNov 25 09:08
prurigrolol, was that gore?Nov 25 09:09
Brendan_T 25 09:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Series of Tubes       - YouTube .::. Size~: 93.47 KBNov 25 09:10
Brendan_Tso what does this network allow you to do that the internet cant?>Nov 25 09:13
prurigrololNov 25 09:16
prurigrothere should have been gigglingNov 25 09:16
prurigroas he said "a series of tubes"Nov 25 09:16
Brendan_Tlol bank stocks going to shit. let em burn!Nov 25 09:20
prurigrololNov 25 09:27
prurigroshame we have to burn with them till things reorganizeNov 25 09:27
Brendan_Treorganise?Nov 25 09:28
prurigrowell, depending on how bad it isNov 25 09:28
prurigrountil the economy figures out a new way of running?Nov 25 09:29
Brendan_Tgood luckNov 25 09:29
prurigrololNov 25 09:29
prurigroyou tooNov 25 09:29
prurigroyou're in america eh?Nov 25 09:29
Brendan_TaustraliaNov 25 09:29
prurigrooh trueNov 25 09:29
Brendan_Ta good spot for both economy and climate changeNov 25 09:29
prurigrohow could I forgetNov 25 09:29
Brendan_Tyoull die, then china, then us :)Nov 25 09:29
prurigrohaha, I dunno, I have faith in canadaNov 25 09:30
prurigrowe have resourcesNov 25 09:30
Brendan_Twell alot relies on chinas exportsNov 25 09:30
prurigroof?Nov 25 09:31
Brendan_Tand australia depends on china having money to buy our minerals and suchNov 25 09:31
Brendan_Tcountries. look around you and you will find all your things have 'made in china' written on itNov 25 09:31
Brendan_Tso if the world cant sustain china, china cant sustain usNov 25 09:34
Brendan_Tthought i'm no expert in economix :)Nov 25 09:34
Brendan_Tthough*Nov 25 09:34
prurigrohahaNov 25 09:40
prurigroyesNov 25 09:40
prurigrothat is trueNov 25 09:40
prurigrothough slowly they're changing their focusNov 25 09:40
*abeNd-org has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)Nov 25 09:40
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 09:42
Brendan_Tchina?Nov 25 09:42
prurigroyeaNov 25 09:46
Brendan_Twhat are they shifting focus too?Nov 25 09:47
prurigroa stronger internal economyNov 25 09:47
prurigrorather than purely based on exportNov 25 09:47
Brendan_Toh okNov 25 09:47
prurigrothen againNov 25 09:48
prurigroif you need australia's vegemite shipments to continueNov 25 09:49
Brendan_Tloll vegemiteNov 25 09:49
prurigroclearly you still require an external economyNov 25 09:49
prurigrolol, I was trying to think "what does Australia produce?"Nov 25 09:49
Brendan_TuraniumNov 25 09:49
Brendan_Teveryone loves uraniumNov 25 09:50
prurigrolol, doesn't that come in small %s from earth pretty much everywhere?Nov 25 09:51
prurigroor is it just Australia, Canada and reactor meltdown locations?Nov 25 09:51
Brendan_Ti dont really know, i just know im pretty sure we sell bunches to chinaNov 25 09:54
Brendan_T 25 09:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Uranium mining in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 94.73 KBNov 25 09:54
prurigrohmm well there you goNov 25 09:54
*abushcrafter has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Nov 25 09:59
prurigrostill around Brendan_T?Nov 25 10:07
Brendan_TyesNov 25 10:09
Brendan_Tim just annoyed because ive been spending so much time trying to work out something that should be fairly simple - setting up an email serverNov 25 10:09
*abushcrafter (~root@ has joined #techrightsNov 25 10:16
prurigrooh manNov 25 10:21
prurigrowhat kind?Nov 25 10:21
prurigroand hmm, I was gonna ask if you had any thoughts as to which linux distro I should set my stepdad up with?Nov 25 10:22
prurigroI was hoping for a user friendly rolling release, probably with KDE since he's a windows userNov 25 10:23
prurigrobut the vast majority of distros that meet that description are buggy as hellNov 25 10:23
Brendan_Ti dont really know what 'type' it is. one to replace gmail (dont need the web interface though)_Nov 25 10:23
prurigrooh oh, like, get your email online?Nov 25 10:24
prurigronot so much /usr/bin/sendmail eh?Nov 25 10:24
Brendan_Tjust a server to send recieve and store mail in that i can hook up to a mail client like anythingNov 25 10:24
prurigrooh ok, you are looking for a local solution?Nov 25 10:24
Brendan_Tseems postfix is in fashion nowadaysNov 25 10:24
Brendan_Tto run on a vpsNov 25 10:24
prurigrothis one seems relatively easy 25 10:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Courier Email Server - ArchWiki .::. Size~: 15.63 KBNov 25 10:25
Brendan_Twell does your stepdad value freedom :PNov 25 10:25
prurigroimap, sslNov 25 10:25
prurigroand lol, nope- he doesn't know what freedom isNov 25 10:26
prurigroI was half thinking fedoraNov 25 10:26
prurigrobut I'd prefer a rolling releaseNov 25 10:26
prurigroI figure that does limit my options to some extent thoughNov 25 10:26
Brendan_Tthe vps runs debianNov 25 10:27
Brendan_Tsabayon?Nov 25 10:28
Brendan_TGentoo based, but preconfigured, rolling and has variety of desktop choicesNov 25 10:28
Brendan_Tit seems to be less popular than it should beNov 25 10:28
Brendan_Tthe furthers derivative down the ubuntu lines always good for convenience. linux mint is in fashion these daysNov 25 10:31
Brendan_TfurthestNov 25 10:31
*abeNd-org has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)Nov 25 10:32
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 10:34
prurigrohmm, yea, I was kinda half thinking mint, if not fedoraNov 25 10:47
prurigroI mean, setup is something I can doNov 25 10:48
Brendan_Tnever really been attracted to fedoraNov 25 10:48
prurigrobut maintenance would need to be easyNov 25 10:48
prurigroand yea, me either tbh- it was mostly DaemonFC that had made me consider thatNov 25 10:48
Brendan_Tfedora seems to have a fetish for including new things the moment their almost stable enough not to set a computer on fireNov 25 10:49
prurigrore:mail server did you see this? 25 10:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Simple Virtual User Mail System - ArchWiki .::. Size~: 35.18 KBNov 25 10:49
prurigroand lolNov 25 10:50
prurigrosame with arch, in that respectNov 25 10:50
prurigrothough fedora is more in house stuff in that directionNov 25 10:50
prurigroI supposeNov 25 10:50
Brendan_Ti have a little, but the server is debianNov 25 10:50
prurigroand if they're still on a release cycleNov 25 10:50
Brendan_Tdunno how much it all appliesNov 25 10:50
prurigrothe server type shouldn't matter too muchNov 25 10:51
Brendan_Tyou can always set auto updates of some kindNov 25 10:51
prurigroI used arch guides on an ubuntu server before, and ubuntu guides via archNov 25 10:51
prurigrothere are a few differences, but if you know your way around linux you shouldn't have an issueNov 25 10:51
Brendan_Tmmk ill have another go soonNov 25 10:55
prurigrohaha, taking a break eh?Nov 25 10:55
prurigrowhy the switch away from gmail?Nov 25 10:56
Brendan_Tbecause of the revulting privacy issuesNov 25 10:56
prurigrohaha, touche ehNov 25 10:59
prurigrothough, isn't that pretty much the same with any email service?Nov 25 10:59
Brendan_Tapart from mineNov 25 10:59
prurigrotoucheNov 25 11:00
prurigrohave a domain to forward to?Nov 25 11:00
Brendan_Ttiddles.meNov 25 11:00
Brendan_T:PNov 25 11:00
prurigrololNov 25 11:00
Brendan_Tnever could think of a cool oneNov 25 11:00
Brendan_Tlast name is TildesleyNov 25 11:00
prurigroahh coolNov 25 11:00
prurigroand I guess you have some form of server as well?Nov 25 11:01
Brendan_Ti said, just a vps with gandi.netNov 25 11:01
Brendan_Tits too expensive though =/Nov 25 11:01
prurigrooh true, I missed thatNov 25 11:02
prurigrohow much?Nov 25 11:02
Brendan_T20 dollars a month i thinkNov 25 11:02
prurigroahh, same as linodeNov 25 11:02
prurigro(what I use)Nov 25 11:02
prurigroseems like the going rateNov 25 11:02
prurigrofor a xen boxNov 25 11:02
Brendan_Ti chose gandi over linode because of my 'price-tage-princial' ;]Nov 25 11:03
Brendan_Ttag*Nov 25 11:03
prurigro?Nov 25 11:03
Brendan_Tif it is a number like $19.95 I will avoid it if i canNov 25 11:03
prurigrooh hrm, how come?Nov 25 11:04
Brendan_TAlso, if there is a picture of some rack hardware, or a person smiling at me ill try not to eitherNov 25 11:04
Brendan_Tbecause of the reason its doneNov 25 11:04
prurigrowell there was a timeNov 25 11:05
prurigrowhen a company would have actually considered such thingsNov 25 11:05
prurigrobut now days I suspect this is simply the defaultNov 25 11:05
prurigroI agree with your other rules thoughNov 25 11:05
prurigroand linode breaks not any of thoseNov 25 11:06
*Brendan_T has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 25 11:06
*Brendan_T ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 11:07
Brendan_Tlow battery warning wasnt bluffing...Nov 25 11:07
prurigrolol!Nov 25 11:07
Brendan_Tits only a minor trick but the motive is to make people read the number as being smaller than it isNov 25 11:08
Brendan_Tso it annoys meNov 25 11:08
prurigrohmm I suppose ehNov 25 11:08
prurigroto be honest, I'm so trained for it that I actually thought it said $20 before going back to checkNov 25 11:08
Brendan_Twell doneNov 25 11:09
Brendan_Ti have found one cool webhost, but no good vps providers yetNov 25 11:09
prurigrowhat's wrong with yours?Nov 25 11:09
Brendan_Tdunno reallyNov 25 11:10
Brendan_T 25 11:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NearlyFreeSpeech.NET Web Hosting .::. Size~: 2.79 KBNov 25 11:11
Brendan_Tthis is a webhost that looks respectable straight upNov 25 11:11
Brendan_Tgandi has a big shiny bloated website that takes about 5 to 10 seconds to load oftenNov 25 11:12
Brendan_Talso they use a pre-paid, paid for what you use type of systemNov 25 11:12
Brendan_Tfee based ones sap on unused services and calculate a healthy overselling rateNov 25 11:13
prurigrohmm, paid for what you use eh?Nov 25 11:16
prurigroso if you use 20gigs of upload, you use less of your prepayment than if you use 200?Nov 25 11:17
Brendan_TyepNov 25 11:17
prurigrointeresting!Nov 25 11:17
Brendan_Tyou can run a site for years on 0.01 dollarsNov 25 11:17
prurigrohahaNov 25 11:17
Brendan_Tprovided you use less than 4mb or what ever it isNov 25 11:17
prurigrowhich is like nothingNov 25 11:18
prurigrobut fair enough ehNov 25 11:18
Brendan_Tyep, once you hit that limit your site will go offline, simple as thatNov 25 11:18
Brendan_Tso you can protect from attacks by keeping your account lowNov 25 11:18
Brendan_Tinstead of huge fines for going over the limitNov 25 11:18
Brendan_Ttheir software is quite out of date tho - guile 1.6 and suchNov 25 11:19
prurigrooh dearNov 25 11:19
Brendan_Tthey are bsd folksNov 25 11:19
prurigrothat's why I like xen boxesNov 25 11:19
prurigrosetup your environment how you like it, you know?Nov 25 11:20
Brendan_Tyeah well with linode you can install any osNov 25 11:20
Brendan_Ti thought i could do it with gandi but it turns out i cantNov 25 11:20
prurigrohmm yea, apparently linode created the original setupNov 25 11:21
prurigroand claims they still have the bestNov 25 11:21
Brendan_Tthe original setup?Nov 25 11:21
prurigrolike, they say they were the first to do a host like thatNov 25 11:24
prurigrocustom os via xenNov 25 11:24
Brendan_Toh okNov 25 11:24
Brendan_Ti dont know any others that doNov 25 11:24
Brendan_Ti suppose i should switch to it so i can use parabolaNov 25 11:25
Brendan_Ti am annoyed that i have already handed over a bunch of cash for this monthNov 25 11:26
Brendan_Tthere smallest vps is still 20 dollars though, and is still quite limitedNov 25 11:27
prurigrowhat are the specs?Nov 25 11:28
Brendan_Tits on home pageNov 25 11:28
prurigroor likeNov 25 11:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linode - Xen VPS Hosting .::. Size~: 13.14 KBNov 25 11:28
prurigrooh, yea, I know linode'sNov 25 11:28
prurigrooh, you weren't happy with linode's smallest setup?Nov 25 11:29
Brendan_Ti guess so yeaNov 25 11:29
prurigrohows it compare to yours?Nov 25 11:29
Brendan_Tim acustom to cheap dodgy onesNov 25 11:29
Diablo-D3bahNov 25 11:29
Diablo-D3rapidxen > linodeNov 25 11:29
Brendan_Tmine is similar only i dont think it limits the bandwitchNov 25 11:29
*Brendan_T has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.6)Nov 25 11:29
*Brendan_T ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 11:30
prurigroahh interesting, yea, 200 gigs seems small in some respectsNov 25 11:30
Brendan_Tdoes rapidxen support custom os?Nov 25 11:30
prurigrothough that's purely uploadNov 25 11:30
prurigrono ideaNov 25 11:30
Diablo-D3Brendan_T: its xenNov 25 11:30
prurigrolooks like itNov 25 11:31
Diablo-D3Brendan_T: most os hate xen.Nov 25 11:31
Brendan_Ti had a 9 dollar one with 2gb ram and 4tb bandwitdhNov 25 11:31
Brendan_Thaving xen doesnt mean you can put anything on it though?Nov 25 11:31
prurigrocustom os of course, requires a custom version of each os to be supplied by the vendorNov 25 11:31
Diablo-D3btw, re bandwidthNov 25 11:31
prurigroboth linode and rapidxen can do archNov 25 11:31
Diablo-D3rapidxen does 2mbps 95%Nov 25 11:32
prurigrowhich you can convert to parabola if you make sure the kernel isn't replacedNov 25 11:32
prurigrohmmNov 25 11:32
prurigroI've gotten 40megs a second down to linodeNov 25 11:32
prurigrohaven't see what it's capable of upNov 25 11:32
Diablo-D3prurigro: which has nothing to do with anythingNov 25 11:32
Diablo-D32mbps 95% is a very specific thing.Nov 25 11:32
prurigrowhich?Nov 25 11:32
Brendan_Tare this bits or bytes?Nov 25 11:32
prurigrobytesNov 25 11:33
prurigrofor mineNov 25 11:33
Diablo-D3it does not mean you can only go 2mbpsNov 25 11:33
prurigroDiablo-D3: continue?Nov 25 11:33
Diablo-D3its how bandwidth contracts are normally writtenNov 25 11:33
Diablo-D3it means you have to be below 2mbps average 95% of the time.Nov 25 11:33
*abeNd-org has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)Nov 25 11:33
prurigroohh, hmmNov 25 11:35
prurigroI see what you're sayingNov 25 11:35
prurigroand that's not a good thingNov 25 11:35
prurigrois it up to you to maintain that?Nov 25 11:35
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 11:35
Brendan_T"RapidXen is not interested in facilitating copyright and legal violations. "Nov 25 11:36
Brendan_Twell thats no funNov 25 11:36
prurigrohaha linode's statement is like "we'll respond to any copyright notices by asking you to cease"Nov 25 11:37
prurigroonce again feeling good about linodeNov 25 11:37
prurigroanyway, time to get ready for workNov 25 11:37
prurigrobrbNov 25 11:37
Diablo-D3prurigro: linode sucksNov 25 11:40
Diablo-D3they oversell their serviceNov 25 11:40
Diablo-D3[06:35:25] <prurigro> and that's not a good thingNov 25 11:40
Diablo-D3[06:35:34] <prurigro> is it up to you to maintain that?Nov 25 11:40
Diablo-D3yet again you fail at math.Nov 25 11:40
Diablo-D3thats 5Tb/moNov 25 11:40
Brendan_Tive seen benchmarks showing linode raping everything elseNov 25 11:42
Diablo-D3yeah, benchmarks means squat shit.Nov 25 11:51
Diablo-D3linode has been known to fake those.Nov 25 11:51
Diablo-D3rapidxen, btw, is founded and ran by a well known FOSS authorNov 25 11:52
Diablo-D3so Im not sure why you'd really go with anyone elseNov 25 11:52
Diablo-D3the irc network you're currently connected to? the ircd freenode uses was written by him.Nov 25 11:53
Brendan_Tnenolod?Nov 25 12:04
*abeNd-org has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)Nov 25 12:05
prurigroif you wanna test linode's actual speed/ping vs yourself, I can make you an account on mine to play withNov 25 12:05
Diablo-D3Brendan_T: the glorious nenolod!Nov 25 12:06
*riddic-ArmBox has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 25 12:06
prurigrootherwise, Diablo-D3 presents a good argument for rapid, tho I dunno if I like the speed capNov 25 12:07
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Diablo-D3prurigro: its not a _speed_ capNov 25 12:07
Diablo-D3this is why I wish people would have to go to school before getting a VPSNov 25 12:07
Diablo-D3these are standard industrial termsNov 25 12:07
Diablo-D3Ive hit >100mbps on rapdixen before, its not a capNov 25 12:07
prurigrosorry, I'm on my phone so I'm trying to type in fewer wordsNov 25 12:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Deutsche knacken #HDTV-Kopierschutz - well, that was inevitableNov 25 12:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Netzwelt-Ticker: Deutsche knacken HDTV-Kopierschutz - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt .::. Size~: 62.79 KBNov 25 12:08
prurigroyou did explain that its a speed to limit yourself to 95% of the time tho, yeaNov 25 12:09
*riddic-ArmBox (~tux@ has joined #techrightsNov 25 12:09
prurigrodoes it auto limit you if you're not watching?Nov 25 12:09
prurigroif it does, I have no issues with itNov 25 12:10
Brendan_Tno idea what to thunk about himNov 25 12:10
prurigrowell, freenode certainly worksNov 25 12:12
prurigroDiablo-D3: is there an upload limit with rapid?Nov 25 12:12
prurigroif not, and if it self regulates its 2mbps 95% of the time (rather than charging or disconnecting), I'd say that'd be the better deal if all other stats were about the sameNov 25 12:14
Brendan_The seems to have a shit load of computery skiils, but his opinions about free software come from this so i cant understand themNov 25 12:15
prurigroBrendan_T: nenolod?Nov 25 12:16
Brendan_TyeahNov 25 12:17
Brendan_Ti talked to him about it and he basically told me a whole bunch of stuff i had never even heard aboutNov 25 12:17
prurigrololNov 25 12:17
Brendan_Tso i just kinda followed a longNov 25 12:17
prurigrointeresting- stuff on how the hosting service works you mean right?Nov 25 12:19
prurigroanything Diablo-D3 might know if you copy/pasted? (if he's still around)Nov 25 12:19
Brendan_TnoNov 25 12:19
Brendan_Till show youNov 25 12:19
prurigroohh hmmNov 25 12:19
prurigrokkNov 25 12:19
prurigrolooks like psf is a portable sound format for ps2Nov 25 12:23
prurigroand peops is pete, a plugin dev for psx emulation 25 12:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: P.E.Op.S. | Free System Administration software downloads at .::. Size~: 31.87 KBNov 25 12:24
prurigrops1 as well*Nov 25 12:24
Brendan_Tit has a no commercial clause in it, but i think its being fixedNov 25 12:25
Brendan_Ti had to remove it from audacious in parabolaNov 25 12:25
prurigrohmm, wine isn't free eh?Nov 25 12:29
prurigromaybe winelib would be a better offerNov 25 12:29
Brendan_Tisnt it?Nov 25 12:29
prurigrothat kinda trumps our emulator question though Nov 25 12:29
prurigronenolod told you it wasn'tNov 25 12:30
Brendan_TohNov 25 12:30
Brendan_Tyeah i believed him on that for a bit but then i found it it doenst seem to beNov 25 12:30
prurigrooh no?Nov 25 12:30
prurigroIm only half way, should I finish?Nov 25 12:31
Brendan_Twell the free software directory list it atleastNov 25 12:31
Brendan_Tall the bits about fsf and such are the important bitsNov 25 12:32
prurigrohmm interesting- does it list zsnes, out of curiosity?Nov 25 12:32
Brendan_Tnope but it has a front end that claims to work with itNov 25 12:33
Brendan_Tclaiming that its about ego and such thoNov 25 12:35
Brendan_Tits pretty important that i analyse the crap he talks aboutNov 25 12:36
prurigrohmm, I see what he's sayingNov 25 12:41
prurigroparabola would need to recompile the entire arch repo thoughNov 25 12:41
Brendan_The says just after that companies need to do some kind of 'quality assurance'Nov 25 12:43
Brendan_Twhich costs alotNov 25 12:43
Brendan_Tand workarounds for tivoization?Nov 25 12:43
prurigrothe nvidia stuff you mean?Nov 25 12:44
prurigrotivoization, Im guessing means tivo did something similar to boxee, and used linux + some FOSS projects with their own propriatary crap to get their configurationNov 25 12:45
prurigrobut yea, if you mean the Q and A stuff ala nvidia, I believe he's talking about how they could compile the blob end of their driver for the ABI via alpine, uClibc and glibc, they need to test them allNov 25 12:49
prurigrobut* they'd* need to test them allNov 25 12:49
prurigroso theyre likely only going to support the big one: glibcNov 25 12:50
Brendan_Ti find it hard to believe that it could completely destroy nonfree softwareNov 25 12:51
Brendan_Tby scattering things outNov 25 12:51
Brendan_Tbut he is probably rightNov 25 12:51
prurigrowell think about how much work it was to get linux support for anythingNov 25 12:52
prurigronow we need linux support ala glibc + muslNov 25 12:52
prurigrouClibc likely isn't going to change much in that respect though, since its purpose is to be small for tiny systems like a wrt firmwareNov 25 12:53
prurigroso there are now 2, and only one has corporate supportNov 25 12:54
prurigroalso, it makes sense to me that alpine would have licensed their ABM to only allow FOSS stuff compile against, but he didn't mention that this was the case- I can't see why they wouldn't have tho...Nov 25 12:55
Brendan_TABM?Nov 25 12:57
prurigroerr ABI- sorry, phone :)Nov 25 12:58
prurigrothumb typing n allNov 25 12:58
Brendan_Ti suppose this is where the different opinions come inNov 25 12:59
prurigrohm?Nov 25 12:59
prurigrothe low overhead is attractiveNov 25 12:59
prurigroI wonder what the tradeoffs areNov 25 12:59
Brendan_Tnenolod mentions gpl as creating cartels, wheras ISC allows a level playing fieldNov 25 13:00
*iophk (~unknown@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsNov 25 13:00
prurigrouClibc has a lower overhead and specifically states that its not appropriate for a full installNov 25 13:00
Brendan_Tfull install?Nov 25 13:01
prurigroor like a desktop vs embedded deviceNov 25 13:01
Brendan_Twhere did you read that fromNov 25 13:02
Brendan_T 25 13:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: uClibc .::. Size~: 7.41 KBNov 25 13:02
prurigroI was researching it a month or so back, from their site tho yeaNov 25 13:02
prurigro 25 13:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: uClibc .::. Size~: 35.36 KBNov 25 13:04
prurigroso maybe I misunderstood slightly on that noteNov 25 13:04
prurigroon targets it builds for, it might actually be an optionNov 25 13:05
*XFaCE (~XFaCE@ has joined #techrightsNov 25 13:07
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XFaCEDiablo-D3: How did you become dhanop again?Nov 25 13:33
XFaCE*chanopNov 25 13:33
Brendan_The is only voiced?Nov 25 13:42
MinceRyes.Nov 25 13:45
Brendan_Ti was voiced too aat some pointNov 25 13:46
schestowitz 25 13:56
TechrightsBot-tr@fcassia: Firefox has encountered an unexpected problem with windows... cc/ @schestowitz @wegotblanketsNov 25 13:56
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeNov 25 13:56
Diablo-D3XFaCE: Im notNov 25 13:58
Diablo-D3Im only voicedNov 25 13:58
XFaCEDiablo-D3: What does that actaully mean?Nov 25 13:58
Diablo-D3it means if the channel is moderated I can still talkNov 25 13:59
Diablo-D3which is basically a 20 year old conceptNov 25 13:59
Diablo-D3basically its now used to recognize people without giving them powerNov 25 13:59
Brendan_Tits to make people like Diablo-D3 feel good about themselves, so they dont get grumpyNov 25 14:00
*prurigro gives channel operator status to XFaCENov 25 14:01
prurigroHey XFaCE, how goes? I've been voicing the regulars who know a lot about some direction concerning tech rights on the off chance someone new happens in and isn't sure who's been followingNov 25 14:06
prurigroI can stop (or even give up op powers) if you want thoughNov 25 14:06
XFaCEprurigro: no opness is coolNov 25 14:07
XFaCEaghNov 25 14:07
XFaCEI stil lcan't see what I'mm t ypingNov 25 14:07
prurigroxchat fail?Nov 25 14:07
XFaCEprurigro: YeahNov 25 14:07
*prurigro gives voice to Brendan_TNov 25 14:07
XFaCESimply overiding excisting filesNov 25 14:08
XFaCEdidn't work wellNov 25 14:08
prurigroXFaCE: It's a sign, time to more to linux ;)Nov 25 14:08
XFaCEyesNov 25 14:08
prurigromove*Nov 25 14:08
XFaCEAfter examps and projectsNov 25 14:08
prurigrohahaNov 25 14:08
prurigroprobably for the bestNov 25 14:08
prurigroI always start projects like this before exams and projectsNov 25 14:08
XFaCESo you've implemnted new irc policy eh?Nov 25 14:08
XFaCEI knew making you a room op would lead to good things :)Nov 25 14:09
XFaCEI'm fine with being an opNov 25 14:09
prurigrohaha, glad you approve :)  thxNov 25 14:09
XFaCEprurigro: You and I should wright some TR articles in the futureNov 25 14:09
prurigrosure, that could be fun- I'll keep my eyes open for stuff to write about that wouldn't simply be editorializing actual newsNov 25 14:11
XFaCEBut that's what TR is...Nov 25 14:11
XFaCESort ofNov 25 14:12
prurigroBrendan_T just got some original stuff that might be worth writing about actuallyNov 25 14:12
XFaCEhmmmNov 25 14:12
XFaCEI was hoping  to write an article on the Canadian copyright laws and their effect of Free softwareNov 25 14:12
prurigroan online 'interview' with nonolod about free software and a different angle he suggests tkingNov 25 14:12
XFaCEsince software patents have not been such a threat Nov 25 14:13
prurigrohmm, that'd be a good one tooNov 25 14:13
XFaCE"nonolod"?Nov 25 14:13
XFaCEprurigro: I've editted article for roy before,, but never a full articleNov 25 14:13
*digitteqnohippie has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Nov 25 14:13
prurigroif I understood correctly via the log on my phone earlier, Diablo-D3 said he's the one who wrote the irc daemon for freenode + manages freenodeNov 25 14:14
XFaCEI think he told me that tooNov 25 14:14
prurigroand hmm, think he'd be up to spinning off a bit? If he was final edit?Nov 25 14:14
XFaCEBTW you may want to make schestowitz and msb__  voicers tooNov 25 14:14
XFaCEschestowitz: just in caseNov 25 14:15
Brendan_Ti think he works on alpine tooNov 25 14:15
XFaCEand msb__  is a pretty cool guyNov 25 14:15
Brendan_Tand a million other thingsNov 25 14:15
prurigroBrendan_T: interestingNov 25 14:15
XFaCEBrendan_T: indeedNov 25 14:15
prurigroyou should paste XFaCE the chat logNov 25 14:16
Brendan_Ti didnt paste it public because he makes me look stupid ;]Nov 25 14:16
prurigroXFaCE: I wasn't sure if schestowitz should be op or voice, and apparently ChanServ could make him op- but yea, lets voice him whenever he's nothingNov 25 14:16
MinceRhe's nothing? :>Nov 25 14:17
prurigroBrendan_T: I wouldn't say that, but I'd say it'd be a good source to write an article fromNov 25 14:17
*prurigro gives voice to schestowitzNov 25 14:17
*prurigro gives voice to msb__Nov 25 14:17
prurigrothereNov 25 14:17
Brendan_Tid be keen to try learn about the things he seems to knowNov 25 14:17
XFaCEMinceR: When he isn't in a superhero capeNov 25 14:17
prurigroBrendan_T: maybe summarizing the conversation into an article presenting his point of view would be a good way to more fully understand what he was saying?Nov 25 14:18
prurigroand you could have a couple of us review it, to make sure we agree with your interpretationNov 25 14:19
XFaCEprurigro: Finally, since you have cubezzz, you can aslo give voice to cubefc1  since they are the same personNov 25 14:19
prurigroI think his point of view is an interesting one, and one I haven't really heard much ofNov 25 14:19
Brendan_Titd probably be a better idea just to contact him againNov 25 14:19
prurigroXFaCE: kk haha, why two users?Nov 25 14:19
*prurigro gives voice to cubefc1Nov 25 14:19
XFaCEprurigro: And schestowitz  TechrightsBot-tr  and TRIdentica Nov 25 14:19
XFaCEprurigro: Work and homeNov 25 14:19
XFaCEI thinkNov 25 14:20
prurigroschestowitz_log?Nov 25 14:20
XFaCEyeahNov 25 14:20
*prurigro gives voice to schestowitz_log TechrightsBot-tr TRIdenticaNov 25 14:20
MinceRno, TechrightsBot-tr and TRIdentica are botsNov 25 14:20
XFaCEthe autobots on this channelNov 25 14:20
MinceRschestowitz_log is probably an extra client that is used for loggingNov 25 14:20
XFaCEMinceR: And we would alwas want them to have voicwNov 25 14:20
MinceRas you wishNov 25 14:21
prurigroif they don't logout, that shouldn't be too much work :)Nov 25 14:21
XFaCEI think we are good now :)Nov 25 14:21
XFaCEis TRT a user or a bot?Nov 25 14:21
prurigroXFaCE: kk- you know how to voice too, right?Nov 25 14:21
XFaCEoh yeah, I could have done all that :PNov 25 14:21
Brendan_Twoohoo! authority!Nov 25 14:22
prurigrokk, I didn't mind or anything-- just wanted to make sure hahaNov 25 14:22
*XFaCE gives voice to TRTNov 25 14:22
prurigroand lolNov 25 14:22
*oddpuck (~me@unaffiliated/oddball33) has joined #techrightsNov 25 14:22
prurigrowhat's TRT's purpose? as a bot?Nov 25 14:22
XFaCEyeah, the twiiter botNov 25 14:22
prurigroahh funNov 25 14:22
XFaCEhte counterpart to riddic-ArmBox Nov 25 14:22
XFaCEok, that didnt' come out right at all :PNov 25 14:23
XFaCEthe counterpart to TRIdentica Nov 25 14:23
prurigroso that should be voiced as well?Nov 25 14:23
XFaCEalready isNov 25 14:23
prurigrooh, my list must be out of dateNov 25 14:23
prurigroriddic-ArmBox?Nov 25 14:23
XFaCEno idea who he isNov 25 14:24
XFaCEor what he isNov 25 14:24
prurigroohh, you'd just tabbed their name instead of TRIdentica?Nov 25 14:24
prurigrosounds good if that's the caseNov 25 14:25
XFaCEyes, that's what happnedNov 25 14:25
XFaCE!google ABINov 25 14:25
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - American Bankruptcy Institute | Home | 25 14:25
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Applied Biosystems by Life Technologies | 25 14:25
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Application binary interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 25 14:25
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - ABI Research - Technology Market Research | 25 14:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] indeed...Nov 25 14:26
XFaCERemeber kids, speak well, and you too can ge tvoiceNov 25 14:28
XFaCE*ironyNov 25 14:28
Brendan_Tabi is like gblibc and suchNov 25 14:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] music makes /me happy!Nov 25 14:30
Diablo-D3[09:13:54] <prurigro> if I understood correctly via the log on my phone earlier, Diablo-D3 said he's the one who wrote the irc daemon for freenode + manages freenodeNov 25 14:31
Diablo-D3yes, nenolod didNov 25 14:31
MinceRi didn't know he manages freenodeNov 25 14:32
Diablo-D3he doesnt manage itNov 25 14:33
Diablo-D3he only wrote the ircdNov 25 14:33
Diablo-D3ALTHOUGHNov 25 14:33
Diablo-D3hes been very important to freenode over the yearsNov 25 14:34
Diablo-D3hes met a lot of staff over the yearsNov 25 14:34
Brendan_Tglibc*Nov 25 14:34
Diablo-D3although he also was the one that made it public that lilo was cooking pdpc's books and doing tax fraud, but heyNov 25 14:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The scandal of publisher-forbidden textmining: The vision denied - gives great background to my @techdirt post #oaNov 25 14:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics, Cambridge - The scandal of publisher-forbidden textmining: The vision denied «  petermr's blog .::. Size~: 30.36 KBNov 25 14:35
XFaCEDiablo-D3: And he works on Alpine?Nov 25 14:35
Diablo-D3XFaCE: yupNov 25 14:35
Diablo-D3and he wrote audaciousNov 25 14:35
Brendan_The is op in #alpine-linuxNov 25 14:35
Brendan_This opinions on software freedom are what i'm concerned about thoughNov 25 14:35
Diablo-D3and he runs rapidxen, and he VCs startup companies, and etcNov 25 14:35
Diablo-D3Brendan_T: he has opinions.Nov 25 14:36
MinceRwho doesn't?Nov 25 14:36
Brendan_Ti knowNov 25 14:36
Diablo-D3I mean, as in, he can shit on the GPL and not think twice.Nov 25 14:36
Brendan_Tand thats the concernNov 25 14:37
Diablo-D3well, its not like the GPL is perfectNov 25 14:39
XFaCEDiablo-D3: Makes me wonder why he doesn't develop BSDNov 25 14:39
prurigroI think the GPL is important because its something good we've all agreed uponNov 25 14:39
Diablo-D3BSD-style vs GPL-style license design is never going to end as an argumentNov 25 14:39
Diablo-D3XFaCE: because BSD is a fucking pile of shitNov 25 14:39
XFaCEprurigro: At least the majority has, don't want to use a  an absolute :)Nov 25 14:39
Diablo-D3and freebsd still cant get their fucking shit to work as dom0Nov 25 14:40
Diablo-D3HEY, WE'RE FBSD, WE CAN DO DOM0 NOWNov 25 14:40
Diablo-D3no the fuck you cantNov 25 14:40
XFaCELol, you sound like DaemonFC on this issue, but yeahNov 25 14:40
XFaCEBSD is err datedNov 25 14:40
Brendan_Tinteresting, they seemed to have the image of good quality codeNov 25 14:40
Diablo-D3Brendan_T: thats how they get youNov 25 14:40
MinceRsadly image is all they haveNov 25 14:40
Diablo-D3at least linux is honest about linux being a pile of shitNov 25 14:40
prurigroyea, I think, on that note, that nenolod's points were validNov 25 14:40
XFaCEIF we were judging licenses on the software projects they have been used withNov 25 14:41
Brendan_Tlets go install hurd :)Nov 25 14:41
MinceRand most of their statements about *bsd are meant only about the base system, which is nearly nothingNov 25 14:41
Diablo-D3the shittyness of linux is documented in depth and possible workarounds listedNov 25 14:41
prurigroand lol, Diablo-D3, you have a way with words :)Nov 25 14:41
prurigrobrbNov 25 14:41
XFaCEdesu: This isn't fucking [insert work here[Nov 25 14:41
Diablo-D3which is not that bad of a solution in the long runNov 25 14:41
XFaCEaghNov 25 14:41
Diablo-D3I mean like, yes, linux has a fucking retarded thread schedulerNov 25 14:41
Diablo-D3so what? use BFS and stfu.Nov 25 14:41
XFaCEDiablo-D3: Do you think Linux would be as successful with a BSD license?Nov 25 14:42
Brendan_Tsettle downNov 25 14:42
Diablo-D3I cant help Linus is a cunt who is trying to kill Linux on the desktop, its open sourceNov 25 14:42
Diablo-D3XFaCE: that question is invalidNov 25 14:42
Diablo-D3the license didnt make the OSNov 25 14:42
XFaCEyes, but it's makes the circumstances for which the kernel will be approachedNov 25 14:42
Diablo-D3if RMS wouldnt have humped Linux, someone else would haveNov 25 14:42
Diablo-D3RMS needed a kernel, Linux needed a userlandNov 25 14:42
Diablo-D3the kernel is the hard part, not the userlandNov 25 14:43
XFaCEala busybox?Nov 25 14:44
Diablo-D3yeahNov 25 14:44
Diablo-D3or osx the problem and use the bsd userlandNov 25 14:44
XFaCEosx, the problem, lolNov 25 14:44
Diablo-D3people are going to use whatever sucks the leastNov 25 14:45
MinceRGPL might have contributed to the success of Linux (the kernel)Nov 25 14:45
Diablo-D3notice I didnt say "use what works best"Nov 25 14:45
Diablo-D3because nothing works bestNov 25 14:45
XFaCEDiablo-D3: That doesn't explain why they use Windows ;PNov 25 14:45
Diablo-D3it just isnt going to happenNov 25 14:45
MinceRit forced companies that built on it to contribute their codeNov 25 14:45
Diablo-D3XFaCE: honestly, I have thought about building a windows box just for games.Nov 25 14:45
XFaCEDiablo-D3: I think the developers should strive for that goal thoughNov 25 14:45
XFaCEDiablo-D3: You haven't been honest up till now?Nov 25 14:46
Diablo-D3MinceR: excepttt.....Nov 25 14:46
Diablo-D3BSD doesnt _prevent_ that.Nov 25 14:46
XFaCEDiablo-D3: Yeah, but it doesn't discourage it eitherNov 25 14:46
XFaCE*encourageNov 25 14:46
Diablo-D3its somewhat false to claim that because BSD doesnt have the viral clause it somehow diminishes the number of companies that release sourceNov 25 14:46
MinceRDiablo-D3: i know it doesn't prevent itNov 25 14:46
MinceRbut it also doesn't enforce itNov 25 14:47
Diablo-D3some of the most important code is BSD and released by companiesNov 25 14:47
XFaCEDiablo-D3: after some harsh wordsNov 25 14:47
XFaCE*cough*appple*cough/8Nov 25 14:47
MinceRalso remember the OpenSSL team's complaints about getting nothing back from companies selling OpenSSL in products :>Nov 25 14:47
MinceRoopsNov 25 14:48
MinceRs/SSL/SSH/Nov 25 14:48
MinceRs/SSL/SSH/gNov 25 14:48
XFaCEcan't read what you're typing either? :PNov 25 14:48
prurigroDiablo-D3 is right about nothing working best-- we're just doing what's sucked the least so farNov 25 14:50
MinceRhad a minor brain fart.Nov 25 14:51
XFaCEBut developers should have the opposite equivalent approachNov 25 14:51
XFaCEit's economicsNov 25 14:51
MinceRwell, in this field "X sucks less" is a major achievement, it seems :>Nov 25 14:51
XFaCEsort ofNov 25 14:51
MinceR(the field being IT in general)Nov 25 14:52
prurigrowhatever sucks the least is also the best, but acknowledging that something we haven't thought of yet could potentially be a million times betterNov 25 14:53
XFaCEI guess the IT department just had negative attitudesNov 25 14:53
XFaCEhasNov 25 14:54
prurigrohaha, its all about perspective, isn't itNov 25 14:54
prurigroI like the idea that everything we currently have is up to be outdone thoughNov 25 14:54
prurigrofeels less stagnant in the long runNov 25 14:55
XFaCEtotally off-tpic, what is adult contemporary music?Nov 25 14:57
MinceRby definition, whatever music humans of at least 18 years of age are making nowadays :>Nov 25 14:57
XFaCEick, dont' listen to that :PNov 25 14:58
prurigrolol, that's a lotta musicNov 25 14:58
XFaCEprurigro: And the vast majority scuskNov 25 14:59
prurigrowould that exclude all common subsets of music that have a separate category?Nov 25 14:59
XFaCElolNov 25 14:59
prurigroand lol, toucheNov 25 14:59 has some good music :)Nov 25 14:59
*iophk1 ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 14:59
XFaCEwho now what else has good music?Nov 25 15:00
prurigrothe psy trance channel a personal favNov 25 15:00
XFaCE*youNov 25 15:00
prurigrotho if you like videogame music, chiptunesNov 25 15:00
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Nov 25 15:00
prurigrowhat's at?Nov 25 15:00
XFaCERush RadioNov 25 15:01
XFaCE:)Nov 25 15:01
prurigrowhat genres/era?Nov 25 15:01
XFaCERushNov 25 15:01
prurigrolol, all Rush, all the time?Nov 25 15:01
XFaCEYes!Nov 25 15:01
prurigrohaha you don't sayNov 25 15:02
prurigrohave a link? I'll add it to my streaming radio collection-- sounds like a good way to finally expose myself to RushNov 25 15:02
XFaCE 25 15:03
TechrightsBot-tr@: Nov 25 15:03
*neildarlow ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 15:03
XFaCEf-ing gogleNov 25 15:03 25 15:03
prurigrolol, I'm on a tablet at workNov 25 15:03
XFaCEnot affiliated with that other rush...Nov 25 15:03
prurigroeasier to harass you, sadly :(Nov 25 15:04
XFaCEThe fat, ignorat, stupid, and drug-addicted oneNov 25 15:04
prurigrololNov 25 15:04
prurigrowait, there are two?Nov 25 15:04
XFaCEyeah, see EDNov 25 15:04
XFaCE*encyclopedia dramaticaNov 25 15:05
XFaCEhow have you harrassed me? :SNov 25 15:06
XFaCEhow have you harrassed me?(prNov 25 15:06
XFaCEoopsNov 25 15:06
XFaCEprurigro: Nov 25 15:06
prurigrolol, asking you to google for me ;)Nov 25 15:09
prurigroand hmm, xchat fscking?Nov 25 15:10
XFaCEpeople do that here all the timeNov 25 15:10
XFaCEand yeahNov 25 15:10
XFaCEWill need to fixNov 25 15:10
XFaCECan't keep doing thisNov 25 15:10
*oddpuck has quit (Quit: later, y'all)Nov 25 15:19
XFaCElol "intellectual rights"Nov 25 15:25
XFaCEJust heard this in a business presnetaitonNov 25 15:25
XFaCEpresentationNov 25 15:25
*neildarlow has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 25 15:25
XFaCEHas anyone here tried Haiku OS?Nov 25 15:27
prurigrolol, "intellectual rights" is so doublespeakNov 25 15:30
prurigroand word, I've used BeOS- I'd be curious to hear how haiku turns out to be tooNov 25 15:31
prurigromaybe its time for a spin in a VMNov 25 15:31
XFaCEit;s at aplha 3Nov 25 15:34
prurigroI wonder how hardware support isNov 25 15:36
prurigrosomeone here was saying that its code base was off of BeOS' open source portion the other day I think?Nov 25 15:36
riddic-ArmBox <-- *facepalm*Nov 25 15:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: No wonder country is f..ked - .::. Size~: 108.77 KBNov 25 15:37
*gde33 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 25 15:41
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 15:42
XFaCEprurigro: correctNov 25 15:52
XFaCEhhence why it is surprisingly stable despite being alphaNov 25 15:52
prurigroXFaCE: its also been in alpha for like 7 years hahaNov 25 16:08
prurigro 25 16:08
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeNov 25 16:08
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Nov 25 16:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Enterprise #linux leads the marketplace as the fastest growing subsegment in the OS market #gnu #ibmNov 25 16:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Enterprise Linux OS Leads the Marketplace  |   OneStopClick .::. Size~: 105.86 KBNov 25 16:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] it was nothing special, b made a blue pixel, r made a red one, l was black, etc. Don't recall whether I ever actually could save or notNov 25 16:30
*iophk1 ( has left #techrightsNov 25 16:34
*iophk (~unknown@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsNov 25 16:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] While Thanking and Celebrating Independence, Freedom… #techrightsNov 25 16:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: While Thanking and Celebrating Independence, Freedom… | Techrights .::. Size~: 94.02 KBNov 25 16:47
schestowitz 25 16:48
TechrightsBot-tr@Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Friday, 25-Nov-11 15:56:44 UTC - If Patents Are Property #ip #propaganda #metaphorNov 25 16:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: If Patents Are Property | Techrights .::. Size~: 86.99 KBNov 25 16:48
TechrightsBot-tr@Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Friday, 25-Nov-11 15:46:53 UTC - Access to Knowledge in the Age of Sharing #patent #informationNov 25 16:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Access to Knowledge in the Age of Sharing | Techrights .::. Size~: 87.85 KBNov 25 16:48
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsNov 25 16:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Wikipedia defines Thanksgiving Day as the "annual holiday celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year, 25 16:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] RT @ Wikipedia defines Thanksgiving Day as the "annual holiday celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year, http://ur1. ...Nov 25 16:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: While Thanking and Celebrating Independence, Freedom… | Techrights .::. Size~: 94.02 KBNov 25 16:52
abeNd-orgshesh another walmart trample death :/Nov 25 16:53
oiaohmabeNd-org: Really that is not the way to go.Nov 25 16:54
abeNd-orgno, not even from opening the doors this time, the mad mob brown down the doorsNov 25 16:56
XFaCEschestowitz: We taking over you interwebsNov 25 16:57
XFaCEbblNov 25 16:57
*XFaCE gives voice to oiaohmNov 25 16:57
oiaohmabeNd-org: humans and cattle crowds have a lot in common Nov 25 16:59
oiaohmabeNd-org: everything fine until they decide to rush somewhere.Nov 25 16:59
abeNd-orgheh, especially considering most of them are obese & the size of cattle these days...Nov 25 16:59
oiaohmabeNd-org: Here is the funny one.Nov 25 17:01
oiaohmWith cattle when I am holding them for a while I am required by law to provide food and water.Nov 25 17:02
abeNd-org 25 17:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: U.S. News - Black Friday violence: 2 shot in armed robberies, 15 others pepper-sprayed .::. Size~: 319.95 KBNov 25 17:02
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Nov 25 17:02
oiaohmYet you can hold a crowd of humans a long as you like without providing anything.Nov 25 17:02
oiaohmWhat reason are we required to feed and water the cattle.Nov 25 17:02
abeNd-orghumans can usually decide to leave on their ownNov 25 17:02
oiaohmNot to keep them in good health Nov 25 17:02
oiaohmSo that when you open gate you don't end up hooffed to death.Nov 25 17:03
oiaohmOr worse cattle go straight through fence to get food and water.Nov 25 17:03
oiaohmYes cattle can choose to leave of there own free will as well abeNd-orgNov 25 17:04
oiaohmWe have to obey saintaty with cattle handling.  abeNd-orgNov 25 17:05
abeNd-orgbut humans usually have modes of transportation & money to buy food/waterNov 25 17:05
oiaohmabeNd-org: Those are not worth much when they are trapped in a crowd.Nov 25 17:06
oiaohmabeNd-org: You have not worked with cattle enough.Nov 25 17:06
oiaohmabeNd-org:  a fence is only good enough to stop a few cattle alone.Nov 25 17:06
abeNd-orgive worked on enough farmsNov 25 17:07
oiaohmOf a group decide to have crack at the fence because they are desprate for food and water.Nov 25 17:07
oiaohmIt will not hold.Nov 25 17:07
abeNd-orgyes, but cattle are only doing that for survival, humans are doing that for a $200 ps3...Nov 25 17:07
oiaohmYes and no.Nov 25 17:08
oiaohmThe more desprate for food and water humans get the more focused humans get on completing objectives.Nov 25 17:08
oiaohmSo yes some of the crowd driver to be abusive for like a $200 ps3 is that they were forced to wait too long with food and water.Nov 25 17:09
oiaohmI remember with ticket tek here and highly poplular events.  Setting up for mobile vendors to be in the waiting crouds reduced the fighting at the ticket booths.Nov 25 17:10
abeNd-orghumans can bring provisions, if they were smart enough, cattle cant bring bottles of water & bags of snacksNov 25 17:10
oiaohmabeNd-org: Issue humans are normally not smart enough to bring enough provisions.Nov 25 17:10
abeNd-orgyepNov 25 17:10
abeNd-orgstupid humansNov 25 17:11
abeNd-orgno disagreement thereNov 25 17:11
oiaohmSo to keep crowd of humans sane.Nov 25 17:11
oiaohmProviding a way to refill their supplies is critical.Nov 25 17:11
oiaohmYet law does not require this.Nov 25 17:11
oiaohmNot like the store has to be out of profit doing it.Nov 25 17:12
abeNd-orgyes, but how long were those people out there waiting, 1/2hr? 2hrs perhaps? not a weekNov 25 17:12
oiaohmIe humans the items don't have to be free.Nov 25 17:12
oiaohmticket tek big events people can be there for 48 hours waiting.Nov 25 17:13
oiaohmYep the scary form of crowd the one that will camp.Nov 25 17:13
oiaohmBut shorter time frame humans are worse.  abeNd-orgNov 25 17:14
oiaohmOn prep.Nov 25 17:14
abeNd-orgthat is their decision to line up, cattle don't usually make a conscious decision to get herded up & head on over to the slaughterhouseNov 25 17:14
oiaohmAnd more likely to putt of food and water because they will live but still get location despration.Nov 25 17:14
oiaohmabeNd-org: we did a lot of work with cattle so they would come into yards willing without having to herded them.Nov 25 17:15
abeNd-orgyes, but for 2 hours you are not going to die for lack of food/water, and there is no need to trample some poor guy to death to break down the doors to get a $200 ps3, that is not life threatening eitherNov 25 17:15
oiaohmSome buyers pay extra for stress free meet.  abeNd-orgNov 25 17:16
abeNd-orgsure they will round themselves up in that respect, but they dont know they are heading off to the slaughterhouse :)Nov 25 17:16
abeNd-orghumans know kicking down doors & trampling someone will probably kill that personNov 25 17:17
oiaohm2 hours after when you would have otherwise normally eaten or would normally be eating is not good.Nov 25 17:17
oiaohmYes sale of 200 dollar PS3 at midday is most likely insnae.Nov 25 17:17
abeNd-orgeasier to just stay out of those crowdsNov 25 17:18
oiaohmStupid point is the safest way to run a sale is like that was run here due to fire rules.Nov 25 17:18
oiaohmFirst X number at the door will get in and that is it.Nov 25 17:18
oiaohmCaps the size the crowd can grow to.Nov 25 17:19
oiaohmAnd due to counting in the entrace into shop is not a rush.Nov 25 17:19
oiaohmBasically odds of dead humans due to croud crush in Australia is low due to the fire rules.Nov 25 17:20
abeNd-orgyea, but people who think it is their right to that ps3 even though they are further back in the line than you will be the ones who lead the trampling rushNov 25 17:21
abeNd-orgthe lady with the pepper spray had the right idea ;) disperse the crowdNov 25 17:21
*XFaCE (~freakazoi@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrightsNov 25 17:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: #followfriday #ff want to comment on my speeches? or see what others think of them? foll 25 17:21
TechrightsBot-tr@: Nov 25 17:21
oiaohmabeNd-org: No its the wave effect.Nov 25 17:22
oiaohmabeNd-org: the crush starts at the frount as the front start moving.Nov 25 17:22
oiaohmabeNd-org: so everyone starts moving.  The big issue is stoping moving crowdNov 25 17:22
oiaohmIt don't happen too good if you let them up speed.Nov 25 17:23
oiaohmYes restricting flow into shop to like 1 to 4 people at a time can also prevent it.Nov 25 17:23
oiaohmdue to flow rate not being fast enough to create wave.Nov 25 17:23
msb__Nuke them from above -- it's the only way to be sure.Nov 25 17:24
oiaohmmsb__: there are all rules for crowd management you learn for cattle hurd management.Nov 25 17:24
oiaohmIe big gates are a no no.Nov 25 17:24
oiaohmLook at the front of USA shops.Nov 25 17:24
oiaohmHuge door ways leading in.Nov 25 17:25
oiaohmabeNd-org: basically I don't blame the crowd 100 percent for those deaths.  The issue is part shops managements of crowds being done poorly.Nov 25 17:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Hands on: Motorola Xoom 2 review #motorola #android #romania #mobile #tabletNov 25 17:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Hands on: Motorola Xoom 2 review | News | TechRadar .::. Size~: 77.16 KBNov 25 17:32
*XFaCE has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 25 17:37
*koolhead17 (~atul@unaffiliated/koolhead17) has joined #techrightsNov 25 17:38
*iophk has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Nov 25 17:46
*iophk (~unknown@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsNov 25 17:51
schestowitzoiaohm: ahoyNov 25 17:52
schestowitzbeen hearing about you from JeffM in USENETNov 25 17:52
*koolhead17 bows to schestowitzNov 25 17:52
schestowitzkoolhead17: hey buddyNov 25 17:52
schestowitzhow are you?Nov 25 17:52
koolhead17am awesome.Nov 25 17:52
koolhead17how are things here?Nov 25 17:52
schestowitzfantastic!Nov 25 17:52
koolhead17glad to knowNov 25 17:53
schestowitzI wasn't in IRC much today, strange dayNov 25 17:53
schestowitzI am catching up with IRC logs ATMNov 25 17:53
schestowitzTakes a long time, almost an hour for the whole dayNov 25 17:53
schestowitzprurigro is coolNov 25 17:53
schestowitzyou're just... koolNov 25 17:53
koolhead17our American friends are busy buying on black fiday it seems :DNov 25 17:54
schestowitzthere is also a GTK2-based versionNov 25 17:54
schestowitzIt's call goolNov 25 17:54
schestowitz*calledNov 25 17:54
koolhead17 25 17:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: STEVE BALLMER'S NIGHTMARE: How Microsoft's Business Actually Could Collapse .::. Size~: 269.89 KBNov 25 17:54
schestowitzMade by a company in German, called GoolAGNov 25 17:54
koolhead17most read article :DNov 25 17:54
oiaohmschestowitz: Hmm at some point have to get back into USENETNov 25 17:55
schestowitzoiaohm: seems like many people in the Linux world recognise you by name]Nov 25 17:55
schestowitzkoolhead17: will look in a moment, I'm still at 2PM for IRC logsNov 25 17:55
koolhead17hahahahNov 25 17:56
schestowitzI see that prurigro got the channel organised in case of surprise trollingNov 25 17:56
schestowitzso we can immediately must trusted from not verifiedNov 25 17:57
schestowitz*maskNov 25 17:57
oiaohmschestowitz: Mostly for being logically annoying.Nov 25 17:57
schestowitznoNov 25 17:57
schestowitzyour comments in some articlesNov 25 17:57
schestowitzYour "Battleground" is not there I thinkNov 25 17:57
schestowitzwas it on blogspot?Nov 25 17:57
schestowitzAnd I never saw those 40 pages (plus) that you said you wroteNov 25 17:58
oiaohmschestowitz: I have never put up my full background.Nov 25 17:58
oiaohmNormal problem with MS trolls they try to build a background to know where you are weak.Nov 25 17:59
oiaohmschestowitz: I have to get back those 40 pages I found a design issue.Nov 25 17:59
oiaohmIe a costly design issue due to the way current day hardware is made.Nov 25 18:00
koolhead17oiaohm: heyNov 25 18:02
oiaohmschestowitz:  My battleground site is still there just I need to do posts to it. 25 18:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Oiaohm Battle Ground .::. Size~: 60.03 KBNov 25 18:02
oiaohmkoolhead17: hiNov 25 18:02
koolhead17whois oiaohmNov 25 18:03
*koolhead17 kicks KryczekNov 25 18:03
oiaohmschestowitz: really might do one up on endianness and the issues of it just for something really from left field.Nov 25 18:05
oiaohmArm processes are bi-endian and we don't take advantage of it.Nov 25 18:06
oiaohmOff to bedNov 25 18:08
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)Nov 25 18:08
*lenngray_ ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 18:10
*koolhead17 has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 25 18:30
*koolhead17 (~atul@unaffiliated/koolhead17) has joined #techrightsNov 25 18:42
*_Goblin ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 18:43
Kryczekkoolhead17: HEYNov 25 18:48
koolhead17Kryczek: where the hell have you been?Nov 25 18:48
koolhead17hidingNov 25 18:48
KryczekhehNov 25 18:48
Kryczekup in the airNov 25 18:48
KryczekI'm in Ireland nowNov 25 18:49
Kryczekand I am *hungry*Nov 25 18:49
koolhead17Kryczek: last time you were in US/UKNov 25 18:52
koolhead17sudden shift?Nov 25 18:53
Kryczekno noNov 25 18:54
KryczekI live in EnglandNov 25 18:54
KryczekI'm just travellingNov 25 18:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Buy Nothing Day Confronts the Economic Meltdown via @luciansavluc #blackfriday #christmas #shopping #owsNov 25 18:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Buy Nothing Day Confronts the Economic Meltdown | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters .::. Size~: 59.1 KBNov 25 18:56
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 25 19:06
MinceR180138 <+oiaohm> abeNd-org: humans and cattle crowds have a lot in common Nov 25 19:06
MinceRyes, total intelligence, for exampleNov 25 19:06
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsNov 25 19:06
sebsebsebHiNov 25 19:06
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to _GoblinNov 25 19:07
MinceR 25 19:07
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeNov 25 19:07
MinceR 25 19:07
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeNov 25 19:07
abushcrafter 25 19:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jimmac:Organic .::. Size~: 5.61 KBNov 25 19:09
abushcrafter 25 19:11
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting application/ogg typeNov 25 19:11
abushcrafter 25 19:12
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting application/ogg typeNov 25 19:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Nov. 23, 1963: Doctor Who Materializes on BBC - hmm, looks familiar... #drwhoNov 25 19:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nov. 23, 1963: Doctor Who Materializes on BBC | This Day In Tech | .::. Size~: 57.06 KBNov 25 19:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Android tops BlackBerry among enterprise users, says one study - huge if trueNov 25 19:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Android tops BlackBerry among enterprise users, says one study | Digital Media - CNET News .::. Size~: 71.57 KBNov 25 19:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] RT @glynmoody Android tops BlackBerry among enterprise users, says one study - huge if trueNov 25 19:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Android tops BlackBerry among enterprise users, says one study | Digital Media - CNET News .::. Size~: 73.08 KBNov 25 19:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Turkey Institutes "Voluntary" Internet Filtering - I fear this will end badlyNov 25 19:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Turkey Institutes "Voluntary" Internet Filtering .::. Size~: 55.89 KBNov 25 19:31
*digitteknohippi1 ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 19:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] RT @glynmoody Android tops BlackBerry among enterprise users, says one study - huge if trueNov 25 20:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Android tops BlackBerry among enterprise users, says one study | Digital Media - CNET News .::. Size~: 69.32 KBNov 25 20:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Au eutanasiat întâi umanitatea? #romania #euthanasy #dogNov 25 20:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bucureştean |  » Au eutanasiat întâi umanitatea? » Bucureştean .::. Size~: 52.76 KBNov 25 20:10
*abushcrafter has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 25 20:19
*abushcrafter (~root@ has joined #techrightsNov 25 20:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] you can come to the channel I frequent :D(and also #freetard is active)Nov 25 20:33
*XFaCE (~XFaCE@ has joined #techrightsNov 25 21:05
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*lenngray_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)Nov 25 21:10
sebsebsebHi _GoblinNov 25 22:00
sebsebsebHi XFaCENov 25 22:00
XFaCEhiNov 25 22:00
sebsebsebXFaCE: I am in a happy mood now, you'll see soon  why that is here :DNov 25 22:00
XFaCEokNov 25 22:00
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Nov 25 22:18
*XFaCE (~XFaCE@ has joined #techrightsNov 25 22:21
*XFaCE has quit (Changing host)Nov 25 22:21
*XFaCE (~XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrightsNov 25 22:21
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*goblin__ ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 22:26
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 25 22:27
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*digitteknohippi1 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Nov 25 22:31
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abushcrafterdoes the new beagleboard's graphics need a proprietary driver?Nov 25 22:53
*digitteknohippi1 ( has joined #techrightsNov 25 23:44
MinceRgnNov 25 23:46

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