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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: December 2nd, 2011

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schestowitz[23:24] <XFaCE> you should ask pruigro, he's the one who witnessed itDec 02 00:31
schestowitz:/Dec 02 00:31
schestowitz 02 01:13
TechrightsSocialCould not fetch pageDec 02 01:13
schestowitz 02 01:14
TechrightsSocialCould not fetch pageDec 02 01:14
schestowitz "Microsoft hatred is so old skool. Adobe has risen to the bottom of the most hated for me. "Dec 02 01:17
TechrightsSocial@: Dec 02 01:17
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 02 02:00
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 02 04:19
qu1j0t3old skool? did microsoft go away while I was getting old? didn't think so.Dec 02 07:35
qu1j0t3call me when they're goneDec 02 07:35
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 02 07:38
schestowitz"Most important link there:  "Dec 02 07:56
schestowitz 02 07:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: How to Get the Cops to Protect You  |  Naomi Wolf .::. Size~: 50.89 KBDec 02 07:56
TechrightsSocial@: Dec 02 07:56
schestowitzqu1j0t3: yeahDec 02 07:56
schestowitzI've looked at the logs. This format that a client chose for them is less verbose then some, so user-agent, for example, does not show up to indicate if a bot grabbed a lot of paged or perhaps a human did.  The B and C blocks of the IP addresses show some similarity and it seems possible that some misbehaving spider decided to go hard on the server.Dec 02 08:03
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 02 11:19
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Dec 02 11:19
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 02 11:19
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 02 14:10
*XFaCE (znc@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 02 14:54
schestowitz"Dec 02 15:13
schestowitz> That's impressive. I admire people who use their potential, knowledgeDec 02 15:13
schestowitz> and experience to help and support others. It does take a lot of drive,Dec 02 15:13
schestowitz> determination and time. I think all the great people have to sacrifice aDec 02 15:13
schestowitz> part of them/ their life, thats just the way things are.Dec 02 15:13
schestowitzIt helps to find other people who are like this because unlike the ultra-conformists/consumerists, it is them who are able to appreciate value -- not value as measured in dollar or pound signs. Frankly, knowing one's modus operandi is beneficial to the environment is a gift money cannot buy.Dec 02 15:13
schestowitz> Well this is the world we created.. its so rare that research work,Dec 02 15:13
schestowitz> studies are being funded and supported if they dont bring certainDec 02 15:13
schestowitz> publicity to the University, etc.Dec 02 15:13
schestowitz> But I am still a great believer in good cause and outcomes and even if IDec 02 15:13
schestowitz> dont fully agree with what my company is about, I do my job according toDec 02 15:13
schestowitz> my set of rules and morals, which I believe in.Dec 02 15:13
schestowitzCompanies with particular goals use as excuse the money motive (e.g. it's "to maximise shareholders' value") to do things they would never /rationally/ do. Groupthink can lead to that too. The most difficult thing is to explain to people what companies and groups really are, not in superficial terms, and what their effect on their surroundings can be. I am not a PR person and I can be crude at times, more so from an academic Dec 02 15:13
schestowitzpoint of view where nothing is taken for granted. This can rub some people the wrong way, but they are usually not fence-sitters to begin with, in which case they are not a target audience, either.Dec 02 15:13
schestowitz"Dec 02 15:13
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)Dec 02 15:16
schestowitz 02 15:47
schestowitzMinceR:  ^^Dec 02 15:47
TechrightsSocial@: Dec 02 15:47
MinceRlolDec 02 15:48
MinceR"oh my me!"Dec 02 15:48
schestowitz 02 15:48
TechrightsSocial@: Dec 02 15:48
schestowitzphotoshop..  or GIMP 02 15:50
TechrightsSocial@: Dec 02 15:50
schestowitz 02 15:50
TechrightsSocial@: Dec 02 15:50
schestowitz "My hatred of Microsoft is not irrational. Microsoft # 1, Adobe # 2. "Dec 02 16:19
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Dec 02 16:22
schestowitzMinceR: 02 17:10
schestowitz "Dec 02 17:17
schestowitzIt all goes in cycles, guys. Dec 02 17:17
schestowitzSomehow, in this social environment, arseholes rise to the top.Dec 02 17:17
schestowitzIt used to be IBM before M$.Dec 02 17:17
schestowitz"Dec 02 17:17
schestowitz 02 18:03
*TechrightsSocial (~b0t@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 02 18:04
TechrightsSocialHello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.53Dec 02 18:04
TechrightsSocialTitle: Main Page - Techrights .::. Size~: 39.57 KBDec 02 18:04
schestowitz 02 18:44
TechrightsSocial@latorredebabel: #Linux is for #freedom and for science. #Apple is for obedience and #anti-Microsoft sentiment: 02 18:44
TechrightsSocial@: Dec 02 18:44
schestowitzwatch robertson 02 19:35
TechrightsSocialTitle: OBAMA HATES GOD? (And Star Trek?)       - YouTube .::. Size~: 118.81 KBDec 02 19:35
schestowitzThis one is good 02 19:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: AMERICA: The Greatest?       - YouTube .::. Size~: 143.44 KBDec 02 19:48
schestowitz 02 19:54
TechrightsSocialTitle: Fox News Misreports Pepper Spray Legality?       - YouTube .::. Size~: 123.82 KBDec 02 19:54
schestowitz>> Tell the Linux advocate his desktop system is at 1 percent and thenDec 02 20:54
schestowitz>> ask him to prove you wrong.Dec 02 20:54
schestowitz> Dec 02 20:54
schestowitz> That rather set me wondering - why do the Detractors no longer point us toDec 02 20:54
schestowitz> Net Applications?Dec 02 20:54
schestowitz> Dec 02 20:54
schestowitz> Granted, "One swallow does not a Summer make", and one must be very cautiousDec 02 20:54
schestowitz> with *all* webclient statistics, especially over the short term, but when IDec 02 20:54
schestowitz> looked, I think I found the answer to my question:-Dec 02 20:54
schestowitz>   Jul  0.97%Dec 02 20:54
schestowitz>   Aug  1.07%Dec 02 20:55
schestowitz>   Sep  1.11%Dec 02 20:55
schestowitz>   Oct  1.19%Dec 02 20:55
schestowitz>   Nov  1.31%Dec 02 20:55
schestowitz> Dec 02 20:55
schestowitz> I wonder - how many samples does it take to show a trend?Dec 02 20:55
schestowitz> (The above are % of *desktop* of course, no Android etc.  Net ApplicationsDec 02 20:55
schestowitz> now shows separate figures for £desktop" and "mobile")Dec 02 20:55
schestowitz> Dec 02 20:55
schestowitz> 02 20:55
TechrightsSocialTitle: Market share for mobile, browsers, operating systems and search engines | NetMarketShare .::. Size~: 33.79 KBDec 02 20:55
schestowitz> share.aspx?qprid=9&qpcustomb=0Dec 02 20:55
schestowitz> 02 20:55
TechrightsSocialTitle: Operating system market share .::. Size~: 48.15 KBDec 02 20:55
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 02 21:09
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 02 21:09
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 02 21:09
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 02 21:09
schestowitz "At this point in my 2 days in dealing with M$ support for a exchange online issue, I just want the company email to work again..."Dec 02 22:53
TechrightsSocial@: Dec 02 22:53
schestowitzMinceR: pingDec 02 23:47
schestowitzThis whole mystcism BS is very armful and inffectisous. I'm finding myself having to bite my tongue too much when people spout out nonsense and the "right" thing to do is just go "yes, ... yes... ok... interesting". Had charlatans and liars not spread their utter nonsense, there would be no self-censorship for those who use reason. /endrandDec 02 23:49

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