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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: December 18th, 2011

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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] RT @rixstepnews: Sigh. Scott Ludlam fights for crucial issues and Gillard keeps @PGarrettMP opening schools and goi ...Dec 18 00:01
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 00:01
*mcinsand has quit (Quit: Page closed)Dec 18 00:07
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsDec 18 00:09
sebsebsebhiDec 18 00:09
MinceRhayDec 18 00:09
sebsebsebschestowitz: oh yeah your birthday just finnished, but Happy Birthday anywayDec 18 00:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Manifestantes exigieron liberación de soldado acusado de filtrar información a WikiLeaks | Telesur 18 00:11
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 00:11
MinceRgnDec 18 00:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] RT @kgosztola: SA Bettencourt says #WikiLeaks solicits submissions, describes most wanted list that was on submission part of site # ...Dec 18 00:21
*abeNd-org has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)Dec 18 00:27
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 00:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Video: John Pilger statement on Assange & WikiLeaks 18 00:31
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 00:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Malachi Martin - Wikipedia 18 00:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Malachi Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 144.07 KBDec 18 00:37
*brendn has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 18 00:42
*gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia 18 00:51
*brendn ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 00:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] ANNOUNCE: WikiLeaks opens global activist social network Friends of WikiLeaks #freebrad #wikileaks #owsDec 18 01:01
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 01:01
*kari has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Dec 18 01:02
*XFaCE gives voice to abeNd-orgDec 18 01:12
scientesHappy Birthday schestowitz Dec 18 01:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Bradley Manning Pre-Trial: Live Blog, Day 2 | FDL 18 01:21
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 01:21
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsDec 18 01:30
*_Goblin ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 01:31
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to _GoblinDec 18 01:33
DaemonFC 18 01:33
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tea party's Mark Meckler arrested on gun charge - CBS News .::. Size~: 118.49 KBDec 18 01:33
*kari ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 01:33
DaemonFCThe Tea Party hasn't been in the news lately, so one of them carries a loaded handgun into an airport to get a news storyDec 18 01:35
DaemonFCnot surprisingDec 18 01:35
DaemonFCthey are attention whoresDec 18 01:35
*brendn doesn't look at the articleDec 18 01:36
DaemonFC 18 01:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News .::. Size~: 117.76 KBDec 18 01:37
DaemonFCbrendn: It would be funny if he went to prison for the full 5 yearsDec 18 01:38
DaemonFCafter figuring they would just fine himDec 18 01:38
brendnI hope soDec 18 01:39
DaemonFC"It's like ATF created or added to the problem so they could be the solution to it and pat themselves on the back," says one law enforcement source familiar with the facts. "It's a circular way of thinking."Dec 18 01:40
DaemonFCSen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, is investigating Fast and Furious, as well as the alleged use of the case to advance gun regulations. "There's plenty of evidence showing that this administration planned to use the tragedies of Fast and Furious as rationale to further their goals of a long gun reporting requirement. But, we've learned from our investigation that reporting multiple long gun sales would do nothing to stop the flow of firearms to Dec 18 01:41
DaemonFCknown straw purchasers because many Federal Firearms Dealers are already voluntarily reporting suspicious transactions. It's pretty clear that the problem isn't lack of burdensome reporting requirements."Dec 18 01:41
DaemonFCyou'd think that since the system is voluntary that they'd learn which dealers were reporting them and go try a different dealerDec 18 01:42
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 01:42
DaemonFCthat's why regulations are neededDec 18 01:42
brendnjust don't give people guns ;/Dec 18 01:43
DaemonFC;videoMetaInfoDec 18 01:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: "Slab City" a desert haven for recession's victims - CBS News .::. Size~: 124.46 KBDec 18 01:44
DaemonFCObamavilles are starting to spring upDec 18 01:44
brendndimcity?Dec 18 01:44
brendnbahahaDec 18 01:45
DaemonFCCalifornia has had high unemployment and record high state taxes for many yearsDec 18 01:45
DaemonFCand the entire state is now teetering on bankruptcyDec 18 01:45
DaemonFCit does not surprise me that "Slab City" has been there for 13 yearsDec 18 01:46
DaemonFCthe state gives all the welfare to illegal MexicansDec 18 01:46
DaemonFCthen lets American citizens live thereDec 18 01:46
scientesDaemonFC is such a trollDec 18 01:46
scientes24/7Dec 18 01:46
brendnmy friend said that one good thing about a recessions is that good books get writtenDec 18 01:46
DaemonFCthere's no reason he doesn't qualify for Section 8Dec 18 01:47
DaemonFCyou see all the people in California on Section 8 and they're all speaking SPanishDec 18 01:47
scienteslol, Great Gatsby was beforeDec 18 01:47
DaemonFCand cramming in their extended families into small apartmentsDec 18 01:47
DaemonFCParents like Vince Neill are simply worried about keeping their families safe. "Twelve-gauge is usually what everybody uses out here," he said, because theft and drugs are part of Slab City life.Dec 18 01:48
DaemonFCthat's more safe than LADec 18 01:48
DaemonFCwhere the government disarms law abiding legal citizensDec 18 01:49
DaemonFCso the Mexican drug dealers with assault rifles can prey on themDec 18 01:49
DaemonFC"Herp derp, have you noticed it's always criminals that have guns!"Dec 18 01:52
DaemonFCYeah, because they're the only ones your gun control laws have failed to disarm yet, you fucks! :)Dec 18 01:52
*XFaCE gives voice to brendnDec 18 01:54
*XFaCE gives channel operator status to DaemonFCDec 18 01:55
*XFaCE gives voice to DaemonFCDec 18 01:55
DaemonFCthere's a reason places like CHicago are not safeDec 18 01:55
XFaCEDaemonFC: youDec 18 01:55
DaemonFCit has nothing to do with the quality of the police departmentDec 18 01:55
XFaCEDaemonFC: It's youDec 18 01:55
DaemonFCor even that there are as many of each type of criminal you'd expect to find thereDec 18 01:55
DaemonFCit's because law abiding citizens have to go through so much red tape to own a gunDec 18 01:55
DaemonFCand the criminals just walk in, shoot everyone, and leaveDec 18 01:56
XFaCElol!Dec 18 01:56
DaemonFCafter you've shot and killed 5-6 people, are you worried about a D Felony gun charge?Dec 18 01:56
XFaCEyes. give everyone guns, instant safety, problem solvedDec 18 01:56
DaemonFCChicago is unsafe because of a far left wing liberal anti-gun agendaDec 18 01:56
DaemonFCand it's only disarming the people who should have themDec 18 01:57
XFaCEFunny how we don't have that thinking in Canada, and nowhere near the amount of proble,sDec 18 01:57
brendnguns are illegal here, and we dont seem to have much in the way of people shooting everyoneDec 18 01:57
DaemonFCWashington DC has similar gun laws and they have the highest unsolved murder rate in the countryDec 18 01:57
DaemonFCas well as the most murders per capita of any major American cityDec 18 01:57
XFaCEbrendn: IndeedDec 18 01:57
DaemonFCand most of them are committed by criminals in violation of the gun control lawsDec 18 01:57
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 01:57
brendnapart from that mass murder which made the laws even stricter Dec 18 01:58
XFaCEDaemonFC: I think the problem isn't gun controlDec 18 01:58
DaemonFCwell, you could have a system like the UKDec 18 01:58
DaemonFCwhere they saw off shotgunsDec 18 01:58
XFaCEDaemonFC: It's because your country has significant problems that encourage behaviourDec 18 01:58
DaemonFCand use big knives if they can't manage to do thatDec 18 01:58
XFaCEDaemonFC: Please explain then why Canada doesn't have these problems to the same degreeDec 18 01:58
XFaCEYour logic is one-sided and sillyDec 18 01:59
DaemonFCif you get shot at close range with a sawed off shotgun, you're not even going to liveDec 18 01:59
DaemonFCthere's not chanceDec 18 01:59
DaemonFCand if you manage to not take the full hit, it will mutilate and disable you for lifeDec 18 01:59
XFaCEAnd your point is what?Dec 18 01:59
DaemonFCso all they do is push people to use makeshift weaponry that's even more deadly and even more disfiguring Dec 18 01:59
DaemonFCthey never stop and look at the fucking mess their gun control laws have madeDec 18 02:00
DaemonFCthey make fun of the US for not bothering to make the same messDec 18 02:01
DaemonFCXFaCE: I'm sure that you'd rather be stabbed by a muggerDec 18 02:01
DaemonFCwhere do you want it? the heart?Dec 18 02:01
DaemonFCa kidney?Dec 18 02:01
DaemonFCliver?Dec 18 02:01
DaemonFCdo you think that's better than being shot?Dec 18 02:01
brendnseems like itDec 18 02:02
DaemonFCthe bullet probably won't tear you up like a few stab wounds willDec 18 02:02
DaemonFCthere's a lot more chance you'll survive being shot than stabbed 2-3 timesDec 18 02:02
brendnthats silly, the amount of stabs can vary just as the amount of shotsDec 18 02:02
DaemonFCfor some reason, in never never land, people never never think about the other alternatives that are out thereDec 18 02:03
brendnknife would probably hurt more?Dec 18 02:03
DaemonFCa typical hunting knife will do more damage per stab than each gunshot wouldDec 18 02:03
DaemonFCit carves through tissueDec 18 02:03
DaemonFCblood vesselsDec 18 02:03
DaemonFCnervesDec 18 02:03
DaemonFCspinal cordDec 18 02:03
DaemonFCyou can tear someone up with a knife much easier than shooting at them from 20-30 feet Dec 18 02:04
brendnat least theres a small chance of being a hero and fighting them backDec 18 02:04
DaemonFCthe people that pass these laws are the same kind of people who legislate the internet and have no understanding how it worksDec 18 02:05
DaemonFC"but they tell me that...."Dec 18 02:05
DaemonFC 18 02:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Joe Arpaio's Jails Off Limits to Federal Immigration Detainees, John Morton Tells Bill Montgomery - Phoenix News - Feathered Bastard .::. Size~: 137.91 KBDec 18 02:08
DaemonFCThe ICE still fails to enforce the immigration lawDec 18 02:08
DaemonFCstill proceeds to police the internet instead, without a legal framework in place to do it with and in violation of the fourth amendmentDec 18 02:09
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Dec 18 02:14
DaemonFC 18 02:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The health care law raises lots of questions that can’t yet be answered - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 106.4 KBDec 18 02:18
DaemonFC 18 02:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Popularity of rental living is building | The Indianapolis Star | .::. Size~: 127.67 KBDec 18 02:20
DaemonFCThe number of people who can't get mortgages who are now living in apartments is driving apartment rental prices upDec 18 02:21
DaemonFCas landlords are less desperate to find tenants to occupy the building and are raising rent prices because they can now get away with itDec 18 02:21
DaemonFCthe "irresponsible home ownership" policies that created the housing bubble also made the apartment vacancy rate go up over 33% higher than it otherwise would have beenDec 18 02:22
DaemonFCand depressed rent prices for several yearsDec 18 02:22
DaemonFCthat was good while it lastedDec 18 02:23
DaemonFCkind of make ME wish that it could have gone on forever so that landlords couldn't make my rent cheap enoughDec 18 02:24
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 02:24
DaemonFCon the other hand, while this housing bubble was dragging along, landlords were busy converting apartments back into houses to sellDec 18 02:24
DaemonFCso around and around we go....Dec 18 02:24
DaemonFCyou can't "right size" anything while the government is busy bankrupting mortgage companies by forcing them into deals with minorities and low income people who are really buying more house than they can affordDec 18 02:26
DaemonFCwhich is really how this all got started, despite the liberal slant that said it was "only greedy banks"Dec 18 02:26
DaemonFCthey hitched a ride after this disastrous policy went into effect and caused it to snowballDec 18 02:26
DaemonFCthe government went in starting while Clinton was in office and told these mortgage companies who were denying a lot of black people solely on credit reports that they couldn't do that anymoreDec 18 02:27
DaemonFCand so they needed to turn away and whistle and sneak enough bad credit minorities under the radar Dec 18 02:27
*brendn has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 18 02:28
DaemonFCthat is how the housing bubble startedDec 18 02:28
DaemonFCalthough I guess since it was Clinton's fault it ever started, you could call it the Housing BubbaDec 18 02:28
DaemonFCnobody ever stopped it until it fell apart because by the time Bush was in office, it was starting to make the US GDP look really good from all the new houses going upDec 18 02:29
DaemonFCBush corectly figured that as long as the housing problem Clinton had started was covering up the damage that the Bush policies were causing to the US economy, he was OK for two elections, where he was term limited anywayDec 18 02:30
DaemonFCeven though he knew it couldn't go on foreverDec 18 02:31
DaemonFCthe truth about it is, that if the government just got out of the housing business, the market would "right size" itself, keep out the bad credit risks from mortgages they couldn't afford, and leave everyone that should just rent an apartment renting an apartmentDec 18 02:33
DaemonFCthere was a time when I was working on salary for about $30,000 a year, which isn't great but it's a lot better than many people manageDec 18 02:34
DaemonFCI started getting mortgage offers, unsolicited ones, left and rightDec 18 02:34
DaemonFCfor like 30-40-50 year adjustable rate crapDec 18 02:34
DaemonFCand I knew because I was smart enough to read it and knowing that "nothing in life is free" that I'd keep it for about a year or two, then they'd invoke a clause to double my mortgage, and I'd just lose the house anywayDec 18 02:35
DaemonFCso the system tried drawing me in too, and I'm just smarter than most people are and know what I can afford to doDec 18 02:35
DaemonFC"Oh look Cleetus, we can live in a McMansion too!!!! GRAW!!!!"Dec 18 02:36
DaemonFC"Kids, pack up the trailer and get mamma her pokin' stick!"Dec 18 02:36
DaemonFCXFaCE: You might find yourself asking....."How can people be THIS stupid!?!?", over a lot of thingsDec 18 02:37
DaemonFCthe correct answer appears to be "Easily and always"Dec 18 02:37
DaemonFCThis is a problem that the Liberal nanny state started that a bunch of corrupt bankers latched onto after it was already in progress and drove to the breaking pointDec 18 02:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] When ████ ███ ███ ███ becomes law, resistance becomes duty 18 02:41
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 02:41
*brendn ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 02:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] SOPA and everyday Americans !effDec 18 02:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: SOPA and everyday Americans - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 28.02 KBDec 18 02:52
DaemonFCDawn has a "Trespassers will be shot without warning" sign on her doorDec 18 02:57
DaemonFCI should change that tto say "shaved"Dec 18 02:57
DaemonFCI know what you're thinking. Is that a Gilette Mach 3 or a Schick Extreme 4?Dec 18 02:58
DaemonFCWell, to be honest, in all this excistement, I kind of lost count...Dec 18 02:58
DaemonFCSo you have to ask yourself a question pal? Do you feel smooth as a baby's bottom?Dec 18 02:59
DaemonFCWell, DO YA!?!? Punk!Dec 18 02:59
DaemonFC 18 03:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Girl shot in back while out with new Facebook friends | The Indianapolis Star | .::. Size~: 132.12 KBDec 18 03:09
DaemonFCDawn with a gun, that's funnyDec 18 03:11
DaemonFCthe blowback from anything mroe than a .22 would probably knock her overDec 18 03:12
DaemonFCteenagersDec 18 03:13
DaemonFCmade of stupidDec 18 03:13
brendna 15 year old accidently sets of a gun>?Dec 18 03:16
DaemonFCyeahDec 18 03:16
DaemonFCfirst off, where the fuck are the parents?Dec 18 03:16
DaemonFCsecond off, where the FUCK are the parents?Dec 18 03:16
DaemonFCand third, those things have a safety lock you fucking moron! :)Dec 18 03:17
DaemonFCkids :)Dec 18 03:17
brendnwhen i was 15 i was stupid enough to have a psychopathic girlfriend, but not stupid enough to go hey a gun! lets see what this trigger doesDec 18 03:17
DaemonFCobviously the parents din't care about the kidDec 18 03:17
Diablo-D3dudeDec 18 03:17
brendni could see a <10 year old doing it but not a 15Dec 18 03:17
DaemonFCor they would have locked it in a gun safeDec 18 03:17
Diablo-D3all girls are psychopathicDec 18 03:17
DaemonFCor put a trigger lock on itDec 18 03:17
brendnDiablo-D3: a.k.a different ;]Dec 18 03:18
DaemonFCthey need to find the 15 year old's parents and charge them with endangerment, assault Dec 18 03:18
brendnyou cant say thatDec 18 03:18
DaemonFCand if that girl dies, criminally negligent homicide Dec 18 03:18
DaemonFCthe parents probably made this entire thing possible, laying guns out in the open while they were busy getting drunk or stoned or somethingDec 18 03:19
brendnsomehow the fact that the date was arranged on facebook is important to the articleDec 18 03:19
DaemonFCif that's the case, the system should hold them partly responsibleDec 18 03:19
brendn"who drove away"Dec 18 03:19
brendnLOLDec 18 03:19
brendnwhat a heroDec 18 03:19
brendnscrew dating a cripple, man lets bailDec 18 03:20
DaemonFCLook up latest Bieber updates. Research Call of Duty XBOX game. Pick up 17 year old girl, accidentally shoot her, and dump her body at hospital. - Things to do on Facebook when you're a bored teenagerDec 18 03:20
DaemonFCGame publishers only stopped doing World War 2 games after everyone was so tired of it and it was already so old that even Matt Groening spoofed it on FuturamaDec 18 03:22
DaemonFCin the year 3000, they were playing virtual reality video games about World War 2Dec 18 03:22
brendn``call of duty was such a success they released it 8 times''Dec 18 03:23
DaemonFCWorld of World War 2, the MMORPGDec 18 03:23
DaemonFCthey haven't actually done that yetDec 18 03:23
brendnanyone got some new ideas? hmmm nup, zombies again? yeah!Dec 18 03:23
DaemonFCZombie werewolf vampire ladies of the SSDec 18 03:24
Diablo-D3hehDec 18 03:24
Diablo-D3CoD sucksDec 18 03:24
Diablo-D3I dont get why anyone finds it funDec 18 03:25
Diablo-D3its slow, its obsessed with fake realism, and the weapons are inefficient at killingDec 18 03:25
DaemonFCBella: You want to suck on my WHAT? *slap* "You're a pervert!" "I can't believe we had to go through this much innuendo to get to that!"Dec 18 03:25
brendn 18 03:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Why Modern War FPS Games All Look the Same [CHART] | .::. Size~: 166.3 KBDec 18 03:26
DaemonFC 18 03:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Deleted "Twilight" Sex Scene - CollegeHumor Video .::. Size~: 75 KBDec 18 03:27
brendni used to play black ops on my friends xbox, and because so good with the pistol i could flick and shoot people across the map better than anyone could with a sniperDec 18 03:27
brendnthe snipers intentionally bounce around, in their attempt to ruin 'quick scoping'Dec 18 03:27
Diablo-D3thats another thingDec 18 03:27
Diablo-D3why the fuck does ANYTHING have iron sightsDec 18 03:27
Diablo-D3or why the fuck does it need snipersDec 18 03:27
Diablo-D3or why the fuck does the xbox use a gamepad instead of a mouseDec 18 03:27
Diablo-D3why the fuck would you even NOT play an fps with a mouseDec 18 03:27
brendngamepad?Dec 18 03:27
Diablo-D3its nonsensicalDec 18 03:27
Diablo-D3fpses require mice.Dec 18 03:28
Diablo-D3its a rule.Dec 18 03:28
brendnwhen everyone else is just as crippled as you are playing it evens it out ;]Dec 18 03:28
Diablo-D3but it makes me very angryDec 18 03:29
Diablo-D3you know what upsurps a sniper rifle? a mouse.Dec 18 03:29
brendnupsurps?Dec 18 03:29
Diablo-D3I put too many ps in that.Dec 18 03:29
DaemonFC 18 03:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Hardly Working: Man Baby       - YouTube .::. Size~: 140.16 KBDec 18 03:30
Diablo-D3brendn: seriously thoughDec 18 03:30
DaemonFChe should get Social SecurityDec 18 03:30
Diablo-D3why the fuck would ANYONE need a sniper rifle on a map that smallDec 18 03:30
Diablo-D3even the biggest maps in these games arent sniper materialDec 18 03:30
Diablo-D3marksman type shit at bestDec 18 03:30
brendn 18 03:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: A Review of the Pirated Copy of Windows 7 I Bought On eBay  | .::. Size~: 127.43 KBDec 18 03:31
brendnlolDec 18 03:31
brendni know its filthyDec 18 03:32
brendni wish there were lots of good free software gamesDec 18 03:32
DaemonFC 18 03:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: collegehumor's Channel       - YouTube .::. Size~: 224.67 KBDec 18 03:32
brendnlike most people im obsesses with fancy graphicsDec 18 03:32
Diablo-D3we only need one.Dec 18 03:33
Diablo-D3xonotic.Dec 18 03:33
brendni used to play red eclipse every now and thenDec 18 03:33
Diablo-D3its open source AND it looks good.Dec 18 03:33
Diablo-D3Ive been meaning to try red eclipseDec 18 03:33
brendngrab the svnDec 18 03:34
DaemonFC"Tell my husband that at least when I'm sitting on the washing machine, I cum!"Dec 18 03:34
DaemonFClolDec 18 03:34
Diablo-D3one of the red eclipse devs hangs out in #darkplaces which is the engine nexuiz/xonotic usesDec 18 03:35
Diablo-D3he periodically reminds me to try itDec 18 03:35
DaemonFC 18 03:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: collegehumor's Channel       - YouTube .::. Size~: 224.2 KBDec 18 03:36
brendnit is simplerDec 18 03:37
brendna not quite as cool unreal tournament 2004Dec 18 03:37
Diablo-D3woah woah woahDec 18 03:38
Diablo-D3hold on hereDec 18 03:38
Diablo-D3the entire UT series is a failureDec 18 03:38
Diablo-D3it will NEVER be as good as quakeworld.Dec 18 03:39
DaemonFC 18 03:39
TechrightsBot-trTitle: collegehumor's Channel       - YouTube .::. Size~: 224.44 KBDec 18 03:39
Diablo-D3xonotic at least tries.Dec 18 03:39
Diablo-D3it helps it runs on a quake1 engin.Dec 18 03:39
Diablo-D3+eDec 18 03:39
brendnwhy?Dec 18 03:42
brendni was kinda just echoing my friends opiniongDec 18 03:42
brendni dont really know what i think, im just biased towards liking what ever is freeDec 18 03:42
Diablo-D3Im biased towards whatever pisses me off the least.Dec 18 03:43
Diablo-D3hell, I was even playing quakelive for awhileDec 18 03:43
DaemonFC 18 03:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: collegehumor's Channel       - YouTube .::. Size~: 224.44 KBDec 18 03:45
brendndownloading xonotic source nowDec 18 03:47
DaemonFC 18 03:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: collegehumor's Channel       - YouTube .::. Size~: 224.35 KBDec 18 03:47
Diablo-D3its out of dateDec 18 03:48
Diablo-D3stable releases are infrequentDec 18 03:48
Diablo-D3I use it from gitDec 18 03:49
DaemonFC 18 03:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Matrix Runs on Windows XP       - YouTube .::. Size~: 24.13 KBDec 18 03:51
DaemonFC 18 03:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Grammar Nazis       - YouTube .::. Size~: 144.05 KBDec 18 03:55
brendnlooks like it takes a bit of work to install it from gitDec 18 03:55
*scientes has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Dec 18 03:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] !tzag !identiverse Just noticed that Google seems to have done away with advanced image search for !cc licensesDec 18 03:59
DaemonFC 18 03:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: GoldenEye Stand-Off       - YouTube .::. Size~: 143.46 KBDec 18 03:59
DaemonFC 18 04:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Independence Day Extended Scene       - YouTube .::. Size~: 139.65 KBDec 18 04:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] In other words the last reason I had to use Google to search for anything is gone. I expect G+ didn't want to send people to FlickrDec 18 04:02
brendni finished golden eye on 64 not long ago on 007Dec 18 04:03
brendnthen started to do it all with enemies with rocketsDec 18 04:03
brendnDiablo-D3: master the james bond nintendo controls and you will be able to use any aiming sytem ;]Dec 18 04:04
DaemonFC 18 04:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Honest Twister Commercial       - YouTube .::. Size~: 141.41 KBDec 18 04:05
DaemonFC 18 04:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google Earth Guys       - YouTube .::. Size~: 149.24 KBDec 18 04:06
brendnapparently i need to sign in to watch one of themDec 18 04:08
DaemonFCThe UKDec 18 04:09
DaemonFC"Bangers and mash"Dec 18 04:09
DaemonFC"Deep fried ugly teeth"Dec 18 04:09
DaemonFC"Soccer is called football...."Dec 18 04:09
DaemonFCheheDec 18 04:09
DaemonFC 18 04:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google Street View Guys       - YouTube .::. Size~: 24.34 KBDec 18 04:10
DaemonFC"We;re in Detroit.... Drive drive drive drive drive......Can you please lock the doors?"Dec 18 04:12
DaemonFCheheDec 18 04:12
DaemonFC 18 04:13
brendnmatrix one kinda suckedDec 18 04:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Anti-Terrorism Honor System       - YouTube .::. Size~: 138.39 KBDec 18 04:13
DaemonFC 18 04:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dating: It's Complicated - The Cartoon       - YouTube .::. Size~: 23.75 KBDec 18 04:16
DaemonFC 18 04:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dating: It's Complicated - Cat Person       - YouTube .::. Size~: 24.36 KBDec 18 04:19
*scientes ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 04:27
*scientes has quit (Changing host)Dec 18 04:27
*scientes (~scientes@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #techrightsDec 18 04:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] There are 2 cracking android apps called Tinyshark for streaming and downloading Grooveshark music.Dec 18 04:29
*scientes has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Dec 18 04:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk let me try it out :)Dec 18 04:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk (although much better, brain is still in low gear; took me a minute to realise ddg = duckduckgo :)Dec 18 04:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk in ddg I tried "flowers !cc" which took me to ... not what i had in mind :(Dec 18 04:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CC Search .::. Size~: 22.57 KBDec 18 04:42
DaemonFC 18 04:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Female Armor Sucks       - YouTube .::. Size~: 138.41 KBDec 18 04:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk although good and handy, cc isn't the only license out there either. Note 2 of the choices on cc page are googleDec 18 04:47
DaemonFC 18 04:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] catching up on !freeBradley reading @carwinb's twitter feed:!/carwinbDec 18 04:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: John Stamos' Guide To Cuddling       - YouTube .::. Size~: 141.4 KBDec 18 04:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter .::. Size~: 148.94 KBDec 18 04:52
DaemonFC 18 04:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Guy Fieri At Hogwarts       - YouTube .::. Size~: 136.07 KBDec 18 04:56
DaemonFC 18 04:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Parents Just Don't Understand: Dad's New Phone       - YouTube .::. Size~: 147.96 KBDec 18 04:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] RT @sjsf Last U.S. Troops leave #Iraq. CNN: #USTroopsDec 18 04:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Last U.S. troops leave Iraq - .::. Size~: 47.28 KBDec 18 04:59
DaemonFC 18 05:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Religious People Are Nerds       - YouTube .::. Size~: 137.98 KBDec 18 05:01
DaemonFC 18 05:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Legalize Shrooms       - YouTube .::. Size~: 139.72 KBDec 18 05:09
DaemonFC 18 05:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nintendo Wii Rejected Game Concepts       - YouTube .::. Size~: 137.15 KBDec 18 05:10
DaemonFC 18 05:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Apple "i"       - YouTube .::. Size~: 138.78 KBDec 18 05:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] reading @carwinb's twitter feed, it is disturbing that important witnesses are testifying via telephone !freeBradleyDec 18 05:19
*brendn no longer understands squaresDec 18 05:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] !listening to #MuhalRichardAbrams "Afrisong" (1975) !jazz !pianoDec 18 05:22
DaemonFC 18 05:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Officials: Video cameras, helicopters, undercover cops will be watching during Super Bowl week - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 111.33 KBDec 18 05:25
DaemonFCThe area around the superbowl will be like LondonDec 18 05:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] reading @carwinb's twitter feed: perhaps when prosecution is political, conviction a foregone conclusion, slapdash evidence OK !freeBradleyDec 18 05:27
DaemonFC 18 05:28
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Police eye mob in Massachusetts mansion murders of Jack and Geraldine Magee   - NY Daily News .::. Size~: 140.14 KBDec 18 05:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] md @carwinb And while we are at it, why is gallery and theater nearly empty. Journalists too grandiose to go in as public. <dangerous storyDec 18 05:34
*koolhead17|zzZZ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 18 05:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] enjoy @parlementum !tzafDec 18 05:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rd @carwinb IMO, this case is a move to try to checkmate #WikiLeaks. #Manning is a pawn. << isolation a brainwashing technique !freeBradleyDec 18 05:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @t1mdp eerst wachten tot het uit is dus ;)Dec 18 05:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @t1mdp hoe ga je dan nog wordfeud spelen?Dec 18 05:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @t1mdp hij zal wellicht niet met 2 op een kamer liggen. Laten we daarvan uitgaan. /cc @TuinslakDec 18 05:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @jenssegers je antwoordt niet op de vraagDec 18 05:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @Tuinslak moet ge niet dronken zijn?Dec 18 05:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Bradley Manning Trial In Depth: Notes from a Courtroom Viewer in Bradley Manning’s Article 32 Hearing !FreeBradleyDec 18 05:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bradley Manning Support Network » Bradley Manning Trial In Depth: Notes from a Courtroom Viewer in Bradley Manning’s Article 32 Hearing .::. Size~: 46.6 KBDec 18 05:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] I've just noticed the existence of the Viber app. It is like Skype but better as your phone number is your ID, no messing about with names.Dec 18 05:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] OccupySFAction #OccupySF just re-occupied in the financial district! 10 tents up at Sue Bierman park! We need support, 2nite! #ows #ooDec 18 05:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @magicfab #OccupyMontreal Traduction: Donne une arme à un homme et il peut voler une banque, donne une ban... #owsDec 18 05:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Traduction: Donne... | Facebook .::. Size~: 32.06 KBDec 18 05:57
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 06:03
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] there needs to be a "complete newbies guide to bit torrent" under a CC license with all the ways to piss off the RIAA & their cohortsDec 18 06:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] it could include legal template responses to shakedown demands, facts behind how spear fish for chumps, full encryption, proxies etcDec 18 06:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] As a reasonable person, not in the employ of the US Gov't, knowing the facts it is most likely to believe #Almanza is biased. !FreeBradleyDec 18 06:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Is #Almanza is more interested in being famous (like Pontius Pilate) than impartial? Should recus himself. !FreeBradleyDec 18 06:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bradley Manning Support Network » Bradley Manning Trial In Depth: Notes from a Courtroom Viewer in Bradley Manning’s Article 32 Hearing .::. Size~: 46.6 KBDec 18 06:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rd @ourrighttoknow2 Follow @carwinb for very important Manning trial details #Manning & #WikiLeaks hashtag aren't showing her tweetsDec 18 07:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] as #FOSS folks we need to ensure Ballmer stays at the head of #Microsoft, if they oust him, he may be replaced with someone competentDec 18 07:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Incredible... justice s/b blind, not ignorant rd @carwinb IO has no idea what the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative is. #Manning !WikiLeaksDec 18 07:16
*koolhead17 (~atul@unaffiliated/koolhead17) has joined #techrightsDec 18 07:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] rd @birgittaj HaPpy BirthDay Bradley #Manning. Almost Gone: a song written for him. Please make this go viral. 18 07:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Almost Gone by Graham Nash and James Raymond       - YouTube .::. Size~: 130.92 KBDec 18 07:34
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 18 07:34
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsDec 18 07:50
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 18 07:51
brendnhmm DaemonFC so you reckon addblock really would be taking deals to allow adds?Dec 18 07:53
brendni cants see any indication beyond them only caring about removing annoyanceDec 18 07:53
DaemonFCyeah, but their argument is we should support sites that give us useful thingsDec 18 07:55
DaemonFCso they go and unblock a parking page company?Dec 18 07:55
DaemonFCright....Dec 18 07:55
brendngood pointDec 18 07:56
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::17) has joined #techrightsDec 18 07:56
DaemonFCI used to use Opera as adwareDec 18 07:56
DaemonFCthey gave you a choice between banners or text ads from GoogleDec 18 07:56
DaemonFCthe text ads from Google weren't annoyingDec 18 07:57
DaemonFCand used very little bandwidthDec 18 07:57
DaemonFCand it got me out of paying $40 for OperaDec 18 07:57
DaemonFCOpera rigged up some kind of layer between themselves and the ad serverDec 18 07:57
DaemonFCso that the ad company couldn't see where the ads were goingDec 18 07:57
DaemonFCand they had a strict policy that the only things allowed in the ads were an image or a hyperlinkDec 18 07:58
DaemonFCno active contentDec 18 07:58
DaemonFCno Flash Dec 18 07:58
DaemonFCno scriptsDec 18 07:58
DaemonFCetc.Dec 18 07:58
DaemonFC 18 07:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] Building The Linux Kernel In 60 Seconds .::. Size~: 20.1 KBDec 18 07:58
DaemonFCwhoaDec 18 07:58
brendnit would probably be practical for me to browse most sites simply by stripping all the html and everything down to plain textDec 18 08:02
brendnhow long does it take to compile linux on an average computer?Dec 18 08:03
Diablo-D3brendn: adp isnt taking "deals"Dec 18 08:04
Diablo-D3they're giving a deal to the ad companiesDec 18 08:04
Diablo-D3task themselves to produce ads that arent annoying, then they get to be on a default whitelistDec 18 08:05
Diablo-D3said whitelist can be added to block, its just a list like the restDec 18 08:05
Diablo-D3adp isnt making you view adsDec 18 08:05
Diablo-D3its just trying to stop the arms war thats doing dumb shit like adp-proof paywallsDec 18 08:05
brendnhow do they benefit?Dec 18 08:06
Diablo-D3how does WHO benefit?Dec 18 08:07
brendnaddblock peepsDec 18 08:08
*kari_ ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 08:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] Linux preview of Spotify packaged for Debian and Fedora... so, where is the Fedora version???Dec 18 08:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Spotify Linux - Spotify Wine - Download Spotify - Spotify .::. Size~: 16.66 KBDec 18 08:16
*kari has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 18 08:16
DaemonFCThere's never been this much anti-meth legislation on the books or this much meth on the street (because the vast majority comes from Mexico anywayDec 18 08:28
DaemonFCall it means for me is that it's hard to get cold pills when my allergies flare upDec 18 08:28
brendnlolDec 18 08:33
brendn[    0.000000] DMI: To be filled by O.E.M. To be filled by O.E.M./To be filled by O.E.M., BIOS Spring Peak 01/25/2011Dec 18 08:33
DaemonFCthat's quite commonDec 18 08:33
brendndid the oem forget something? Dec 18 08:33
DaemonFCnoDec 18 08:33
DaemonFCthey just don't bother to fill in their namesDec 18 08:33
brendnfair enoughDec 18 08:33
DaemonFCso the stock BIOS code says "Ro be filled in by O.E.M."Dec 18 08:34
DaemonFCand they jsut leave it thereDec 18 08:34
DaemonFC*ToDec 18 08:34
DaemonFCsomething like 26% of the systems that report to SMOLT are from VendorName "To be filled in by OEM"Dec 18 08:35
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 08:35
brendnim delighted to read "bogoMIPS". seems even better than "teraFLOP"Dec 18 08:36
DaemonFCso roughly a fourth of the motherboards out there are from vendors who don't bother filling in their nameDec 18 08:36
brendnsuppose it doesnt really matter?Dec 18 08:37
DaemonFCit makes no difference at all in how the BIOS performsDec 18 08:37
DaemonFCit's not something that most userspace software cares aboutDec 18 08:37
DaemonFCbut when you read the BIOS information using something like ksysinfo or even Everest on Windows, you see To be filled in by OEMDec 18 08:38
DaemonFCas the name of the OEM that made the boardDec 18 08:38
DaemonFCthe OS kernel tends not to care who made the board eitherDec 18 08:39
DaemonFCit can't because so many vendors don't properly fill in their name or model number of the board ;)Dec 18 08:39
DaemonFCso it just configures each separate piece of hardware that's in the motherboard or plugged into it one at a timeDec 18 08:40
DaemonFCthose fields were intended to make it easy for an OS to know what board it was running on, and then the OEMs responded by simply not using those fields properly and leaving it up to the OS to guess how to configure the board itself without immediately knowing what it was running onDec 18 08:41
brendnwonderfulDec 18 08:41
DaemonFCso the biggest effect those fields have is to confuse the person who runs into the To be filled in by OEM string Dec 18 08:42
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 08:42
brendnI also see a Missing Free Firmware and some stuff about bluetooth but im not supposed to have a bluetooth card in this laptopDec 18 08:43
DaemonFCwell, you do if it detects oneDec 18 08:43
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 08:43
DaemonFCyou're probably using some kernel the freetards autobotchedDec 18 08:44
DaemonFC;)Dec 18 08:44
brendnlinux-libreDec 18 08:44
DaemonFCif it comes stock from and you have a recent linux-firmware collection, you don't typically get complaints and hardware that won't workDec 18 08:44
DaemonFClinux-fucktardsDec 18 08:45
DaemonFCheheDec 18 08:45
brendnlol?Dec 18 08:45
brendnnot a fan of it?Dec 18 08:45
DaemonFCthat linux-libre script takes a fully functional Linux kernel and turns it into some retarded broken messDec 18 08:45
DaemonFCno, not a fanDec 18 08:45
DaemonFC 18 08:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: No sir, I didn't like it.       - YouTube .::. Size~: 139.55 KBDec 18 08:46
brendnwell it gets rid of all the nonfree crapDec 18 08:46
DaemonFCnoDec 18 08:46
DaemonFCit gets rid of device firmwareDec 18 08:46
DaemonFCwhich cripples the kernelDec 18 08:46
DaemonFCarguing with these people is like having a debate with the kitchen tableDec 18 08:47
DaemonFCI'm just saying I view it as a pointless way to make sure your kernel can't run most hardware out thereDec 18 08:47
DaemonFCespecially wifi, nic, graphics cards...Dec 18 08:48
brendnwell they just consider nonfree firmware to be nonfree softwareDec 18 08:48
DaemonFCwith graphics cards you can get partial support without firmwareDec 18 08:48
DaemonFCbut you can't initialize the 3d engineDec 18 08:48
DaemonFCthey doDec 18 08:48
DaemonFCI don't give a shitDec 18 08:48
DaemonFCif they want no wifi, half the ethernet support gone, and non-accelerated 2d-only video then it's their systemDec 18 08:49
DaemonFCthey can run it however they likeDec 18 08:49
brendnthey dontDec 18 08:49
DaemonFCI'm not willing to compromise everything on my computer over 15 KB of firmware that only runs on those devicesDec 18 08:49
brendn;/Dec 18 08:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] triphasic sleep going well, only 2 hours until I get to nap again!Dec 18 08:51
DaemonFCif the same code was baked into the hardware and couldn't be fixed if bugs were found, RMS would say it was alrightDec 18 08:51
DaemonFCI just don't get his hangupsDec 18 08:51
DaemonFCmaybe it's different in battle dwarf land where he comes fromDec 18 08:52
brendnmakes sense if you understand the goalDec 18 08:52
DaemonFCI understand he's a tyrant that you can't cooperate with on any terms but his ownDec 18 08:52
DaemonFCand IDec 18 08:52
DaemonFCI'm glad he has no say over how I run my computerDec 18 08:53
DaemonFC 18 08:53
DaemonFClolDec 18 08:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Canadian Ned       - YouTube .::. Size~: 128.88 KBDec 18 08:53
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Smithers! Release the hounds....and the robotic Richard Simmons! :))Dec 18 09:02
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsDec 18 09:03
brendnkids are funnyDec 18 09:05
DaemonFCkids are stupidDec 18 09:06
brendnthe now- most highest rated chess player in the world can be found on youtube as a highschool kid standing on a table playing with a lightDec 18 09:07
DaemonFCdepending what age they are, they seem to insist on sticking their finger in a light socket or getting pregnant/getting someone pregnantDec 18 09:07
brendnwho caresDec 18 09:07
brendnwait, ignore thatDec 18 09:07
DaemonFCI don't reallyDec 18 09:08
DaemonFCsince I don't have anyDec 18 09:08
brendni just mean to say, kids can learn so much better than adultsDec 18 09:08
brendnendlessly people are calling kids 'prodigies'Dec 18 09:08
brendnwhen really its the natural way for all kidsDec 18 09:08
brendnthey learn like crazy as their brain is developingDec 18 09:08
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Smithers! Release the hounds....and the robotic Richard Simmons! :))Dec 18 09:09
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsDec 18 09:09
brendnthere is also a kid called bobby cheng who was the best in the world for his age group at age 8Dec 18 09:10
brendnbut apparently he never looked happy, as if his parents shoved it down his throat or somethingDec 18 09:10
*brendn is going to quit saying 'or something'Dec 18 09:10
DaemonFCthis multiarch crap caused a huge messDec 18 09:15
DaemonFCthey removed wine:i386's dependency on ia32-libsDec 18 09:17
DaemonFCand made new dependencies on packages that don't existDec 18 09:17
*DaemonFC gives up and kills everyoneDec 18 09:17
brendnspare meDec 18 09:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] !listening to #Fugees - The Score & the All Star album, my sunday is now officially "good" #npDec 18 09:19
DaemonFCif you tell it to install Wine, it installs Wine64Dec 18 09:20
DaemonFCwhich doesn't always run Win32 software rightDec 18 09:20
*iophk (~unknown@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsDec 18 09:23
brendnMem:          7663       7314        349          0         20       1046Dec 18 09:24
brendnand i thought having more ram would be so coolDec 18 09:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] bowing out for the night.... !tzaf !identiverseDec 18 09:27
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Dec 18 09:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #RIAA and Homeland Security Caught Downloading Torrents - this was inevitable #hypocrisyDec 18 09:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: RIAA and Homeland Security Caught Downloading Torrents | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 29.92 KBDec 18 09:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Wikipedia's latest annual report: the way the world tells its story - Wael Ghonim: ‘Our revolution is like Wikipedia…’Dec 18 09:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Wikimedia blog » Our latest annual report: the way the world tells its story .::. Size~: 17.73 KBDec 18 09:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] FSF: We want to do more for you! - the perfect geek prezzie...Dec 18 09:39
TechrightsBot-trTitle: We want to do more for you! — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 28.52 KBDec 18 09:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Facebook For #Android Finally Has More Daily Active Users Than #Facebook For #iPhone - another data pointDec 18 09:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook For Android Finally Has More Daily Active Users Than Facebook For iPhone | TechCrunch .::. Size~: 62.37 KBDec 18 09:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] This one should have been called propping up !capitalism 18 09:42
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeDec 18 09:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Sleep tight.Dec 18 09:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Listening to 'From the Beginning' Small FacesDec 18 09:51
*schestowitz recovering from boozeDec 18 09:52
schestowitzsebsebseb: thanks for the wishesDec 18 09:53
schestowitzslept 10 hours now.... the most I did I think since I was like 10Dec 18 09:53
schestowitz[19:34] <iophk> Blackduck is trolling /.Dec 18 09:54
schestowitzhe doesDec 18 09:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] 炒米... looks so much like hand full of 虫子... 18 09:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 11.18 KBDec 18 09:57
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Dec 18 10:02
DaemonFCI wonder what the best way to handle this WINE packaging problem Dec 18 10:07
DaemonFC*isDec 18 10:07
DaemonFC 18 10:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Manning's sexual orientation raised at hearing - Video .::. Size~: 88.44 KBDec 18 10:10
DaemonFCtrying to turn the public against him by implying that he's gayDec 18 10:11
DaemonFCdisgustingDec 18 10:11
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 18 10:16
DaemonFCThe following packages have unmet dependencies:Dec 18 10:19
DaemonFC wine1.3:i386 : Depends: procps:i386 but it is not going to be installedDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Depends: libgettextpo0:i386Dec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Depends: libgphoto2-2:i386 (>= but it is not going to be installedDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Depends: libgphoto2-port0:i386 (>= but it is not going to be installedDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Depends: libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0:i386 (>= 0.10.22) but it is not going to be installedDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Depends: libgstreamer0.10-0:i386 (>= 0.10.26) but it is not going to be installedDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Depends: libxml2:i386 (>= 2.7.4) but it is not going to be installedDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Recommends: cups-bsd:i386 but it is not going to be installedDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Recommends: gnome-exe-thumbnailer:i386 but it is not installable orDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                            kdebase-runtime:i386 but it is not installableDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Recommends: ttf-droid:i386 but it is not installableDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Recommends: ttf-liberation:i386 but it is not installableDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Recommends: ttf-mscorefonts-installer:i386 but it is not installableDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Recommends: ttf-umefont:i386 but it is not installableDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Recommends: ttf-unfonts-core:i386 but it is not installableDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Recommends: winbind:i386 but it is not going to be installedDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Recommends: winetricks:i386 but it is not going to be installedDec 18 10:19
DaemonFC                Recommends: xdg-utils:i386 but it is not installableDec 18 10:19
DaemonFCE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.Dec 18 10:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] really qutie tired, hoping I can keep awake for the last 40 minsDec 18 10:21
*iophk (~unknown@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsDec 18 10:33
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] How #SOPA Affects Students, Educators, and Libraries - #OCW, #OER and #fairuse all at riskDec 18 10:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How SOPA Affects Students, Educators, and Libraries | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 34.7 KBDec 18 10:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] The ambitious plans of the U.S. military to use Iraq to dominate the Middle East militarily and politically had been foiled by the very.....Dec 18 10:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] regime the United States had installed, and the officials behind the U.S. scheme.....Dec 18 10:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] had been clueless about what was happening until it was too late. 18 10:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: How Iraq Maneuvered the US Exit .::. Size~: 53.23 KBDec 18 10:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] For Chinese #诺基亚 / #Nokia !N9 users: enable #GTalk, #Skype and #Flickr after following these instructions for the #N950: 18 10:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Install Nokia N9 Skype UI on N950 - MeeGo Harmattan .::. Size~: 51.61 KBDec 18 10:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gbraad/@gbraad] New firmware images of #NemoMobile for Nokia !N900, !N950 and #ia32 /cc: !Mer !MeeGoDec 18 10:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: MeeGo-Handset New weekly Nemo Mobile Release 0.20111208.2.CE.2011-12-15.1 Available for N900, N950 and ia32 .::. Size~: 50.4 KBDec 18 10:51
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Smithers! Release the hounds....and the robotic Richard Simmons! :))Dec 18 10:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Russia #oil spills wreak devastation - depressing story; good reporting (v @asteris) #environment #energyDec 18 11:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: AP Enterprise: Russia oil spills wreak devastation .::. Size~: 113.83 KBDec 18 11:04
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsDec 18 11:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Back to listening to 'Oracular Spectacular' by MGMT #recommended #musicDec 18 12:01
iophk1% of the oil product is spilled as waste.Dec 18 12:02
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsDec 18 12:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dyfet/@dyfet] Today we released ucommon 5.1.0, and a second api and utilities snapshot for what will eventually become GNU Bayonne 3.0.Dec 18 12:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Help fight for the 1st amendment 18 12:21
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 12:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dyfet/@dyfet] I do not know if I am speaking at it as yet, but I have already made plans to attend LibrePlanet2012.Dec 18 12:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Gringrich who said Assange should be decared an 'enemy combatant' now wants the President to effectively rule by decree 18 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 12:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] The vocals on MGMT song 'Pieces of What' have been tormenting me by reminding me of someone else. Then it hit me.... Johnny Thunders.Dec 18 12:32
MinceRhow are you gentlemen !!Dec 18 12:34
DaemonFCoh I'm superDec 18 12:34
DaemonFCthanks for asking :)Dec 18 12:34
MinceR 18 12:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fort Worth Facing An ‘Act Of God’ Over Street Light « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth .::. Size~: 208.28 KBDec 18 12:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wildcard/@wildcard] RT @glynmoody How #SOPA Affects Students, Educators, and Libraries - #OCW, #OER and #fairuse all at riskDec 18 12:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How SOPA Affects Students, Educators, and Libraries | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 34.7 KBDec 18 12:42
DaemonFC"Under Texas law, the city isn’t responsible for the damage. Rather, it’s considered an act of God."Dec 18 12:43
DaemonFCglad to see God can take time from running the universe and smash someone's car with a street light now and thenDec 18 12:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wildcard/@wildcard] RT @glynmoody #RIAA and Homeland Security Caught Downloading Torrents - this was inevitable #hypocrisyDec 18 12:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wildcard/@wildcard] RT @laurelrusswurm rd @birgittaj HaPpy BirthDay Bradley #Manning. Almost Gone: a song written for him. Please make this go viral. http:/ ...Dec 18 12:44
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 12:44
DaemonFCMinceR: Repent or I shall surely smite thine horseless carriage!Dec 18 12:45
MinceR:>Dec 18 12:45
DaemonFC 18 12:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: X.Org Server 1.11.3 Officially Releasd .::. Size~: 36.46 KBDec 18 12:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Good afternoon.Dec 18 12:52
DaemonFC 18 12:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Adblock Plus • View topic - Allowing acceptable ads in Adblock Plus .::. Size~: 25.3 KBDec 18 12:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] RD: @identicats: Vote for !GNU :DDec 18 13:02
DaemonFCMinceR: You notice that Wladimir Palant has admitted he doesn't care what his users think of what his software does?Dec 18 13:03
DaemonFCthen he disables comments for his blog postsDec 18 13:03
DaemonFCwell, that's all nice and open isn't it?Dec 18 13:03
DaemonFChe openly admits that you can use his open source software as is or sit on it and rotateDec 18 13:03
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 13:03
DaemonFCsomeone needs to fork thatDec 18 13:04
DaemonFClike, noDec 18 13:04
DaemonFC*nowDec 18 13:04
DaemonFCbefore it gets any worseDec 18 13:04
MinceRyou can :>Dec 18 13:04
DaemonFChe does seem to be using gitDec 18 13:04
DaemonFCso it probably wouldn't be TOO difficult to set up a github account, pull his source code, and remove anything I don't likeDec 18 13:04
DaemonFCat least not initiallyDec 18 13:05
DaemonFCthat's the thing about forksDec 18 13:05
DaemonFCit gets harder to maintain the longer it goes onDec 18 13:05
DaemonFCunless the fork picks up enough support to kill off its upstream and become the replacementDec 18 13:05
DaemonFCmost forks can't get that kind of backing and die offDec 18 13:06
DaemonFCthe ones that do get that kind of backing, get it because the project they forked from has gotten so bad that nobody is willing to tolerate it anymoreDec 18 13:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Apple's struggle to defeat Amazon set to be exposed by European ebook inquiry | Books | The Observer 18 13:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Apple's struggle to defeat Amazon set to be exposed by European ebook inquiry | Books | The Observer .::. Size~: 132.08 KBDec 18 13:09
iophkPrice gouging on e-booksDec 18 13:11
MinceRwell, you do say the original project is so bad :>Dec 18 13:12
DaemonFCI doDec 18 13:13
DaemonFCmost people will probably passively accept itDec 18 13:13
DaemonFCother popular "open source" has told their users that they don't care what they think and survived itDec 18 13:14
DaemonFCUbuntuDec 18 13:14
MinceRwe'll see :>Dec 18 13:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @Suiadan heb hetzelfde gevoel, en ik ben boos dat ik nu minder tijd heb. Maar soit. Uitgerust.Dec 18 13:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @jenssegers Maja, zo'n dingen kunnen we doen hé Jens. 1 question away ;)Dec 18 13:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @openOV :D /cc @iRailDec 18 13:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] "Well she wore big knickers and she worked on't sewage farm" One of the more memorable starts to a song.Dec 18 13:29
DaemonFC 18 13:30
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server ErrorDec 18 13:30
DaemonFCI wonder what else is in there that hasn't been disabled due to public scandal Dec 18 13:31
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 13:31
MinceR:>Dec 18 13:32
MinceRor what has been put on there to replace Carrier IQDec 18 13:32
DaemonFCwe fixed the problem?Dec 18 13:36
DaemonFChow? it's not called Carrier IQ anymoreDec 18 13:36
DaemonFC:DDec 18 13:36
MinceRah, the tried and proven micro$oft solutionDec 18 13:36
MinceR"call it something else"Dec 18 13:37
brendnto be fair many others have thought of that before themDec 18 13:39
DaemonFCyeah like Comcast renaming themselves XFinityDec 18 13:39
DaemonFCbecause that's how long you have to wait for a service appointment I guessDec 18 13:39
DaemonFCI don't know :)Dec 18 13:39
brendnalmost funnyDec 18 13:41
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 18 13:41
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsDec 18 13:42
DaemonFC 18 13:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Seite nicht gefunden | Martin’s Blog .::. Size~: 15.56 KBDec 18 13:54
DaemonFCLOLDec 18 13:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] RD: @sandersch: @expatpaul I also don't like snowmen. If you let them inside they piss all over the place and then leave.Dec 18 13:56
MinceRthat's a pityDec 18 13:58
MinceRsounded like a good ideaDec 18 13:58
MinceRmaybe they can fix source compatibility using macros or typedefs, thoughDec 18 13:58
DaemonFCapparently they've introduced a lot of bugs that were never present in KDE 3.5.10Dec 18 14:00
MinceRas for turning off compositing under kde4 kwin: it's horribly glitchy, i wouldn't recommend that in their place, i wouldn't be proud of it in their placeDec 18 14:00
DaemonFCand broken source and binary compatibilityDec 18 14:00
MinceRit's a mess, just so they could put another bullet point on the listDec 18 14:00
DaemonFCOpenGL ES works a lot better than the OpenGL backendDec 18 14:00
MinceRprobably not a difficult featDec 18 14:01
DaemonFCthe mixed quality of Linux/X11 video drivers is probably the biggest reason to disable compositing by defaultDec 18 14:02
DaemonFCMutter doesn't have a legacy backend you can use with poorly performing drivers and hardwareDec 18 14:03
DaemonFCso fglrx and most Intel users get choppy performance just trying to drag windowsDec 18 14:03
DaemonFCkwin actually has four compositing backends right nowDec 18 14:04
DaemonFCOpenGL ES 2, OpenGL 2, OpenGL 1, and XRenderDec 18 14:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Anyone remember Carter USM? Still sounds good. #musicDec 18 14:04
DaemonFCit tries to figure out what the best one you can run on the current hardware and driver isDec 18 14:04
DaemonFCbut right now, you have to compile it for OpenGL -or- ESDec 18 14:05
DaemonFCcan't have support for both in the same binaryDec 18 14:05
DaemonFCyetDec 18 14:05
DaemonFCin Kubuntu it's a simple matter to installing kde-window-manager-gles and restarting XDec 18 14:06
DaemonFCit will automatically remove the kwin compiled for OpenGLDec 18 14:06
DaemonFCno other compositing manager seems to even support OpenGL 2, much less ESDec 18 14:08
DaemonFCwell, Mutter does in a very limited sense, support OpenGL 2Dec 18 14:08
DaemonFCjust because Compiz is stuck using 1.5 and shaders through arb_shader extensionsDec 18 14:10
DaemonFCwhich pretty much only gives it access to the shader capabilities that were in the very first version of GLSLDec 18 14:10
DaemonFCMinceR: You want to talk major fucked up messDec 18 14:12
DaemonFCCompizDec 18 14:12
DaemonFCand it has only gotten worse since Canonical started maintaining itDec 18 14:13
oiaohmDaemonFC: Only one compistor I know of supports ESDec 18 14:14
oiaohmDaemonFC: waylandDec 18 14:14
DaemonFCkwin supports OpenGL ESDec 18 14:14
oiaohmDaemonFC: Not 100 percent happly.Dec 18 14:15
DaemonFCthrough EGLDec 18 14:15
oiaohmEGL yep to wayland.Dec 18 14:15
MinceRyeah, compiz is another messDec 18 14:15
oiaohmcompiz should die.Dec 18 14:15
DaemonFCit's not wonder Ubuntu users are jumping shipDec 18 14:15
DaemonFCevery few minutes compiz crashesDec 18 14:16
DaemonFCthat alone would set me offDec 18 14:16
MinceRor it locks your mouse pointer into a cageDec 18 14:16
oiaohmDaemonFC: kwin picked up Opengl ES support by EGL as it added wayland compadiblity.Dec 18 14:16
MinceR(if you try to use realtime zoom on a dual-head system)Dec 18 14:16
DaemonFCThis package contains KWin, the KDE window manager, featuring hardware-accelerated compositing effects.Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFCThis package was compiled with support for OpenGL ES 2.0, before installing please make sure your video driver supports it. This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFCryan@ryan-MS-7501:~$ es2_info Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFCEGL_VERSION = 1.4 (Gallium)Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFCEGL_VENDOR = Mesa ProjectDec 18 14:17
DaemonFCEGL_EXTENSIONS = EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_reusable_sync EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_surfaceless_gles1 EGL_KHR_surfaceless_gles2 EGL_KHR_surfaceless_opengl EGL_NOK_swap_region Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFCEGL_CLIENT_APIS = OpenGL OpenGL_ES OpenGL_ES2 OpenVG Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFCGL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 7.12-develDec 18 14:17
DaemonFCGL_RENDERER: Gallium 0.4 on AMD REDWOODDec 18 14:17
DaemonFCGL_EXTENSIONS:Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFC    GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFC    GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1, Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFC    GL_OES_draw_texture, GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888, GL_OES_depth24, Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFC    GL_OES_element_index_uint, GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap, GL_OES_mapbuffer, Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFC    GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8, GL_OES_standard_derivatives, GL_OES_stencil8, Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFC    GL_OES_texture_3D, GL_OES_texture_npot, GL_OES_EGL_image, Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFC    GL_OES_depth_texture, GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil, Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFC    GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV, GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments, Dec 18 14:17
DaemonFC    GL_OES_EGL_image_external, GL_NV_draw_buffersDec 18 14:18
MinceRlearn how to use pastebinDec 18 14:18
oiaohmMinceR: or you learn to use op powers fasterDec 18 14:18
brendnnobody cares ;)Dec 18 14:18
MinceRoiaohm: no, that is not a viable alternativeDec 18 14:18
oiaohmMinceR: only have to do it a few times for people to get hint.Dec 18 14:19
oiaohmwinehq we sorted out by a op botDec 18 14:19
MinceRmy experience tells otherwiseDec 18 14:19
oiaohmThat picked on people doing that.Dec 18 14:19
MinceRpeople in general don't get hintsDec 18 14:19
MinceRorban certainly doesn't get hintsDec 18 14:19
oiaohmMinceR: 24 hour auto management bans.Dec 18 14:19
oiaohmWorks perfectly.Dec 18 14:19
MinceRtalk to Roy about automatic bans and kicks.Dec 18 14:19
DaemonFCwine usually just fails to start anything I try Dec 18 14:19
oiaohmIt rare you see anyone not using paste bin.Dec 18 14:20
DaemonFCor runs it for a few seconds and crashes itDec 18 14:20
DaemonFCor freezes XDec 18 14:20
oiaohmDaemonFC: Using open source video card drivers right?Dec 18 14:20
DaemonFCit's not reliable with any video drivers I've usedDec 18 14:20
oiaohmI cannot wait until mesa can do at least opengl 3.3Dec 18 14:20
DaemonFCnvidia, fglrx, or radeonDec 18 14:20
oiaohmDaemonFC: was you nvidia better than opengl 3.3Dec 18 14:21
oiaohmLets call wine picky.Dec 18 14:21
oiaohmReally old nvidia cards did not get up above 3.2Dec 18 14:21
oiaohmAnd wine hate them.Dec 18 14:21
DaemonFCwhy would that matter?Dec 18 14:21
DaemonFCDirectX 9 is freaking oldDec 18 14:22
DaemonFCand that's all anything on Windows usesDec 18 14:22
oiaohmTurns out to emulate some Direct X 9 features you need opengl 3.3Dec 18 14:22
DaemonFCjust bringing up the installer for Command & Conquer: The First Decade now causes Wine to freeze XDec 18 14:23
oiaohmAlso remember wine did not like compistors either.Dec 18 14:23
oiaohmModern wine is a little more tolerernt.Dec 18 14:23
oiaohmDaemonFC: that one has been a pain in but for a long timeDec 18 14:26
oiaohmAnd no one has reported anything recent with it.Dec 18 14:26
oiaohmDaemonFC: maybe you jsut like programs taht hate wine.Dec 18 14:27
DaemonFCturning off the compositor doesn't helpDec 18 14:27
oiaohmAlso no attached bug reports means odds of rapid improvement will be low.Dec 18 14:27
oiaohmDoes the game have a demo that does the same thing.  DaemonFCDec 18 14:28
oiaohmIe games with demos that fail the same way get fixed faster.Dec 18 14:28
DaemonFCnoDec 18 14:29
DaemonFCit's a compilationDec 18 14:29
oiaohmDaemonFC: does a demo by the same maker have the same problem.Dec 18 14:29
oiaohmie sharing common engine somewhere.Dec 18 14:29
oiaohmYes demos there are some developers in wine who hobies include playing demos.Dec 18 14:30
oiaohmDaemonFC: Its how I got my favorate game working in wineDec 18 14:38
oiaohmRollcage I found the demo and got it to the developer with demo focuseDec 18 14:38
oiaohmAlong the way I found a few hidden features that appear in direct x debuging mode only.Dec 18 14:38
oiaohmLike painted lines on the tracks marking the fastest way round.Dec 18 14:39
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)Dec 18 14:40
DaemonFC"OS/2 threads support"Dec 18 14:43
DaemonFCone of the new features of ffmpeg 0.9Dec 18 14:43
DaemonFCwtfDec 18 14:43
DaemonFCa little late for adding OS/2 features isn't it? :)Dec 18 14:43
DaemonFCmost projects that still have OS/2 code somewhere are busy ripping it outDec 18 14:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @janbart Binnenkort schakelen we dankzij @fdenkens en @combell over op een betere host waardoor we dit http://ur1. ...Dec 18 14:47
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @janbart onze host laat het even afweten. Nog maar net. @Tuinslak & @driesharnie brengen dit zo ...Dec 18 14:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: V2.0 .::. Size~: 7.18 KBDec 18 14:47
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 18 14:48
*chunckle (5acbfd4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsDec 18 14:59
chuncklehey royDec 18 14:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] GOP chairman expects Obama to sign #SOPA - and disgrace that he is, he will, sadly (v @howardknopf)Dec 18 15:01
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 15:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @janbart voila! Alles weer up ;)Dec 18 15:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] RT @ #techrights log #boycottnovell log #boycottnovell-social log #techbytes log Enter the IRC channels nowDec 18 15:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: New article from me "Taking care of the #internet" on 18 15:22
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 15:22
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 15:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] !sr Is vpcivil UID514632 spam or just annoying promotion?Dec 18 15:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Army’s “Spiritual Fitness” Test Comes Under Fire | Truthout (Jan2011) - #mic #usa #nwo #xfiles 18 15:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] Trying out Google+. Not yet sure how it'll fit into my communication habits. 18 15:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Army’s “Spiritual Fitness” Test Comes Under Fire | Truthout .::. Size~: 79.69 KBDec 18 15:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Georg Greve - Google+ - Yesterday's route with the family car. Completed @ just… .::. Size~: 51.62 KBDec 18 15:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Since I broke a laptop dc connector, I do this to keep the strain off the socket, just MDF 2 mm thick it does the job. 18 15:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 11.15 KBDec 18 15:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Sun !Java To Be Removed from !Ubuntu repositories and, more surprisingly, Uninstalled from User Machines 18 15:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Recover Data Like a #Forensics Expert Using an #Ubuntu Live CD - How-To Geek - #tips #gnulinux 18 15:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Java To Be Removed from Ubuntu, Uninstalled from User Machines .::. Size~: 68.57 KBDec 18 15:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Recover Data Like a Forensics Expert Using an Ubuntu Live CD - How-To Geek .::. Size~: 86.29 KBDec 18 15:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] I went to same school as Julian #Assange, but we learned different lessons - fascinating analysis: do read #occupyDec 18 15:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Cracks in the Foundation (PHP Advent) 18 15:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Bucky-Gandhi Design Institution › I went to the same school as Julian Assange, but we learned different lessons .::. Size~: 37.18 KBDec 18 15:46
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cracks in the Foundation (PHP Advent) [] .::. Size~: 8.35 KBDec 18 15:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Anatomy Of An Idea - yup, that's how we do it these days (v @leashless) #research #linksDec 18 15:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] BootMed Live Cd - Help Diagnose and Repair a Damaged Windows Install | Technibble - #tips #distros #gnulinux #mswindows 18 15:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Anatomy Of An Idea .::. Size~: 58.65 KBDec 18 15:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BootMed Live Cd - Help Diagnose and Repair a Damaged Windows Install | Technibble .::. Size~: 40.82 KBDec 18 15:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Errant #NATO Airstrikes in #Libya: 13 Cases - Interactive - #stateterrorism 18 15:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Errant NATO Airstrikes in Libya: 13 Cases - Interactive - .::. Size~: 132.49 KBDec 18 15:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Samurai Web Testing Framework - #tips #gnulinux #distros 18 15:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Beloved !webOS Twitter app #Carbon coming to !Android By Phil Nickinson 18 15:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RT @douglasawh @lnxwalt280 the sad thing about SOPA is that trademark infringement is a huge deal in some countries. do 18 15:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Samurai Web Testing Framework .::. Size~: 16.69 KBDec 18 15:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Beloved webOS Twitter app Carbon coming to Android | Android Central .::. Size~: 85.5 KBDec 18 15:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Silner (silner)'s status on Sunday, 18-Dec-11 15:53:14 UTC - silner .::. Size~: 11.9 KBDec 18 15:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Liberating software — RT | Richard Stallman – Software Freedom Activist - #rms #gnulinux #floss 18 15:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Liberating software — RT .::. Size~: 42.26 KBDec 18 15:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[forteller/@forteller] Interesting! RT @wikileaks: ANNOUNCE: !WikiLeaks opens global activist social network "Friends of WikiLeaks" 18 16:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Welcome to FoWL: Friends of WikiLeaks! .::. Size~: 4.12 KBDec 18 16:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Executive Director of The Economic Opportunity Institute Slams #Microsoft for Not Paying Tax #taxDec 18 16:14
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Executive Director of The Economic Opportunity Institute Slams Microsoft for Not Paying Tax | Techrights .::. Size~: 86.93 KBDec 18 16:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] This is terrible. Woman burned alive inside lift by man dressed as pest exterminator. 18 16:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Woman burned alive inside lift | World news | .::. Size~: 88.95 KBDec 18 16:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] good morning !identiverse !tzagDec 18 16:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Assange's treament says a lot about us | SMH 18 16:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] "When men stop believing in God they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything."~G. K. Chesterton, 1936 !q via #MissFollyDec 18 16:22
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 16:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] 73 prominant Australians, including former Prime Minister Frazer, demand protection for Assange 18 16:31
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 16:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Updates on #Novell and Other FOSS Taxers #foss #microsoftDec 18 16:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Updates on Novell and Other FOSS Taxers | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.74 KBDec 18 16:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] damn, this is some tasty coffeeDec 18 16:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Full text of Assange open letter to @KRudd from prominant figures includng Chomsky @KRudd | PDF 18 16:41
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting application/pdf typeDec 18 16:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jrepin/@jrepin] Examining the usability of KDE Plasma, Gnome and Unity → 18 16:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] !Midori Gets Faster Startup, GTK3 Improvements in Lastest Release 18 16:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: What's the best Linux desktop environment? | News | TechRadar .::. Size~: 71.97 KBDec 18 16:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Midori Gets Faster Startup, GTK3 Improvements in Lastest Release .::. Size~: 35.36 KBDec 18 16:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] You've made me glad I left, if that helpsDec 18 16:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Australia: Mr. Rudd-protect Assange now! 18 16:51
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 16:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Quick Mention: Ryan’s Blog might be of interest to someDec 18 16:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Quick Mention: Ryan’s Blog | Techrights .::. Size~: 81.61 KBDec 18 16:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Cream crackered, can't stop yawning. I may be asleep in an hour. 6 hours beauty sleep.Dec 18 17:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Yes I am, thanks :)Dec 18 17:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[docufoundation/@docufoundation] LibreOffice 3.4.5 RC1 and 3.5 Beta 1 available for testing: !libo !tdfDec 18 17:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Download QA builds » LibreOffice .::. Size~: 485.47 KBDec 18 17:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Australia: New AG Nicola Roxon lobbied over Assange | Australian 18 17:11
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 17:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Groklaw on MOSAID (Patent Troll for Microsoft) #MOSAIDDec 18 17:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Groklaw on MOSAID (Patent Troll for Microsoft) | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.69 KBDec 18 17:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @pensadorlouco Apple’s Patent War on Linux Turns Back Against Apple, Which Allegedly Resorts to Using Patent Trolls - ...Dec 18 17:14
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 404 Not FoundDec 18 17:14
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsDec 18 17:16
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*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRDec 18 17:20
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceRDec 18 17:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] From Rogue To Vogue: Megaupload and Kim Dotcom - the real story of #megasong from the man behind itDec 18 17:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: From Rogue To Vogue: Megaupload and Kim Dotcom | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 38.13 KBDec 18 17:29
*chunckle has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Dec 18 17:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @robmyers A glitch Max Headroom - #glitch #maxheadroomDec 18 17:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @glynmoody From Rogue To Vogue: Megaupload and Kim Dotcom - the real story of #megasong from the man behind itDec 18 17:39
TechrightsBot-trTitle: (The-Church-of-CyberPunk) .::. Size~: 53.01 KBDec 18 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 17:39
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Australia: Frazer urges protection of Assange | The Age 18 17:41
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 17:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] p2pnet: last post - good luck with new venture, Jon Newton - and thanks for all your workDec 18 17:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: p2pnet news  » Blog Archive   » p2pnet: last post .::. Size~: 46.75 KBDec 18 17:44
*bluebomber has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 18 17:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @openOV kan ik automatisch uitzoomen? Dan tweet ik dat even met iRail :)Dec 18 17:52
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 17:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Tweets from Manning hearing by @kgosztola show day 3 continues with attempts to nail Assange-Manning connection 18 18:01
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 18:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jezra/@jezra] #sip_and_click house shoesDec 18 18:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: coffee.jezra: a coffee a day photo project | 2011-12-18 .::. Size~: 5.49 KBDec 18 18:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Government Panel Can Reportedly Put Americans on a ‘Kill List’ | - #obama #usa #policestate 18 18:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Government Panel Can Reportedly Put Americans on a ‘Kill List’ | .::. Size~: 228.89 KBDec 18 18:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] !sr anyone read turkish? karahank UID 487890 same MO as spammers (bitly redirects and all). Is this spam?Dec 18 18:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[torproject/@torproject] The Cyber Security Industrial Complex, 18 18:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Cyber Security Industrial Complex - Technology Review .::. Size~: 39.83 KBDec 18 18:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] here's a nice image to cut out and keep - (v @StopActaNow) #acta #sopa #hadopi #deactDec 18 18:14
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeDec 18 18:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #PaleoBabble » #Dogon Debunking from an Unlikely Source - #xfiles 18 18:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PaleoBabble    » Dogon Debunking from an Unlikely Source .::. Size~: 45.79 KBDec 18 18:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dogon Alien “Mystery” Demystified , page 1 .::. Size~: 134.36 KBDec 18 18:22
MinceRnot Vogon?Dec 18 18:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] RT @torproject The Cyber Security Industrial Complex, 18 18:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Cyber Security Industrial Complex - Technology Review .::. Size~: 39.81 KBDec 18 18:24
*XFaCE gives voice to amarsh04Dec 18 18:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #PaleoBabble » Maya 2012 Calendar Text Mistranslated? - #plainlogical #xfiles 18 18:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PaleoBabble    » Maya 2012 Calendar Text Mistranslated? .::. Size~: 47.45 KBDec 18 18:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mayan 2012 Apocalypse Prediction Might Have Been Mistranslated | Death and Taxes .::. Size~: 36.12 KBDec 18 18:31
MinceR 18 18:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Gingrich: I’ll ‘ignore’ any Supreme Court ruling I disagree with | The Raw Story .::. Size~: 56.79 KBDec 18 18:31
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 18:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Holdout Juror Was Convinced Microsoft Was Guilty of Anticompetitive Behavior - like all the othersDec 18 18:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Groklaw - Holdout Juror Was Convinced Microsoft Was Guilty of Anticompetitive Behavior .::. Size~: 26.09 KBDec 18 18:36
*XFaCE gives channel operator status to Diablo-D3Dec 18 18:39
*XFaCE gives voice to Diablo-D3Dec 18 18:39
*XFaCE gives voice to koolhead17Dec 18 18:39
*XFaCE gives voice to gde33Dec 18 18:39
*XFaCE gives voice to iophkDec 18 18:39
XFaCEschestowitz: "RYAN from Techrights (he is considered the jester in the IRC channels)"Dec 18 18:41
schestowitzyeahDec 18 18:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] RT @kgosztola: Manning prosecution now has routine of asking if ever searched for #WikiLeaks, Iceland, Reykjavik, Julian Assange, etcDec 18 18:41
schestowitzbeenz said thatDec 18 18:41
XFaCELol, I guess my comic relief comment went farDec 18 18:41
schestowitzI thought that was an apt descriptionDec 18 18:41
schestowitzAnd I don't think ryan would mind the label, eitherDec 18 18:41
XFaCEWell, I outright said that (more or less) yesterdayDec 18 18:42
XFaCERemember, the comment part of which was that Diablo-D3 was wise or something?Dec 18 18:42
MinceR"the voice of reason" :DDec 18 18:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] RT @cwebber It looks like we'll be starting a python !ostatus library alongside !mediagoblin named #kuneco #highhopesDec 18 18:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [GMG-Devel] Kicking off "Kuneco": an atom and ostatus library forpython .::. Size~: 4.75 KBDec 18 18:44
XFaCEMinceR: Right, that :)Dec 18 18:45
XFaCEschestowitz: Can't wait for you to reference Diablo-D3 in a post :DDec 18 18:45
XFaCE"Diablo-D3, our resident grouch and voice of reason..."Dec 18 18:46
*MinceR bursts out laughingDec 18 18:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] After a year spin US government admits Iraq and Afghan war logs could not have ever compromised key US sources 18 18:51
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 18:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] RT @tmarble You are going to find yourself immersed in legal issues #FAIF !FOSDEM 18 18:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: You are going to find yourself immersed in legal issues .::. Size~: 5.28 KBDec 18 18:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Creating and Using a self signed #SSL Certificates in #debian - #tips 18 18:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Creating and Using a self signed  SSL Certificates in debian .::. Size~: 88.96 KBDec 18 18:56
koolhead17hi allDec 18 18:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] How to Install S/MIME (and PGP) Encryption Certificates into Major Email Programs | LuxSci FYI - #crypto #tips 18 18:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How to Install S/MIME (and PGP) Encryption Certificates into Major Email Programs | LuxSci FYI .::. Size~: 55.14 KBDec 18 18:57
XFaCEkoolhead17: hiDec 18 19:00
*XFaCE is now playing: Genesis - The BrazilianDec 18 19:00
*MinceR is listening to: Marcel Donne - Phantoms Of The AsteroidDec 18 19:00
XFaCEMinceR: Well played. That song sounds like it would be amazing.Dec 18 19:01
MinceRit's pretty goodDec 18 19:01
XFaCEclassical?Dec 18 19:01
MinceRreminds me of some Jean-Michel Jarre song :)Dec 18 19:01
XFaCEerr, don't know who that isDec 18 19:02
XFaCEso uh, not classical?Dec 18 19:02
MinceRnopeDec 18 19:02
koolhead17XFaCE: wassupDec 18 19:03
XFaCEMinceR: nope, it is classical, or yes, it's not classical>Dec 18 19:03
MinceRXFaCE: 18 19:03
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenDec 18 19:03
XFaCEkoolhead17: Studying statistics for examDec 18 19:03
XFaCEand then info sys for another exam on tuesdayDec 18 19:03
koolhead17stats nice, r u using RDec 18 19:03
XFaCER?Dec 18 19:05
XFaCEMinceR:Dec 18 19:06
MinceRXFaCE: 18 19:06
*XFaCE is now playing: Gustav Holst - The Planets Suite, Op. 32: I. Mars, The Bringer Of WarDec 18 19:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The R Project for Statistical Computing .::. Size~: 0.74 KBDec 18 19:06
*MinceR is listening to: The Crowded Hour - ShogunDec 18 19:06
XFaCEI win this round I thinkDec 18 19:06
MinceReveryone tends to think soDec 18 19:06
iophkXFaCE: 18 19:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Comprehensive R Archive Network .::. Size~: 0.7 KBDec 18 19:06
XFaCEoooo neatDec 18 19:07
XFaCEI wish I used thatDec 18 19:07
XFaCEkoolhead17: Unfortunately, proprietary crap like minitab is the name of the game hereDec 18 19:08
XFaCEWe don't use it on the exam thoughDec 18 19:08
XFaCEonly a formula sheet and a calculatorDec 18 19:08
XFaCEand pencils and paperDec 18 19:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] PressTV - Twelve biggest US #lies of 2011 - #usa #mic 18 19:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PressTV - Twelve biggest US lies of 2011 .::. Size~: 19.06 KBDec 18 19:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The 14 Biggest Lies of 2011 - By David J. Rothkopf | Foreign Policy .::. Size~: 118.7 KBDec 18 19:09
*MinceR used R to test the distribution of polyhedral die rollsDec 18 19:10
MinceR(and bias)Dec 18 19:10
schestowitz[18:45] <XFaCE> schestowitz: Can't wait for you to reference Diablo-D3 in a post :DDec 18 19:10
schestowitzI don't post in 4chanDec 18 19:10
XFaCEOoo Snap!Dec 18 19:10
XFaCEschestowitz: And f**k you, Rule 1 and 2 bitch!Dec 18 19:11
XFaCElolDec 18 19:11
MinceRlolDec 18 19:11
*MinceR is listening to: Chronblom - The house Jack built (Ping-Pong version)Dec 18 19:12
schestowitzhaDec 18 19:12
koolhead17XFaCE: :(Dec 18 19:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Manning pretrial: US Gov refuses to compel two key military witnesses to testify | FDL 18 19:14
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 19:14
*XFaCE is now playing: Jeff Danna - Theme from Kung FuDec 18 19:14
XFaCE"I am Kane. I will help you"Dec 18 19:15
MinceRare you from Nod? :>Dec 18 19:15
XFaCEMinceR: what?Dec 18 19:15
iophk 18 19:15
TechrightsBot-trMissing content type. Ignoring.Dec 18 19:15
XFaCEiophk: Thanks Debbie Downer :PDec 18 19:15
MinceRXFaCE: 18 19:15
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenDec 18 19:15
MinceR:>Dec 18 19:16
koolhead17schestowitz sirDec 18 19:16
iophk"the perennially frozen ground known as permafrost, which underlies nearly a quarter of the Northern Hemisphere, contains twice as much carbon as the entire atmosphere."Dec 18 19:16
XFaCEMinceR: Uh, no. David Carridine? Kung Fu?Dec 18 19:16
XFaCESpecifically, Kung Fu: The Legend ContinuesDec 18 19:16
*XFaCE is now playing: Jeff Danna - A Place of Light and SongDec 18 19:17
MinceRXFaCE: that one is spelled differently, afaik :>Dec 18 19:17
*MinceR is listening to: DJ Skitz - R1D1 (Funky Gibbon Mix)Dec 18 19:17
schestowitzkoolhead17: hey, my friendDec 18 19:17
XFaCEMinceR: 18 19:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Kung Fu The Legend Continues opening       - YouTube .::. Size~: 128.7 KBDec 18 19:18
koolhead17schestowitz how have u been? Dec 18 19:19
schestowitzI already got 3 blog posts for tomorrow morningDec 18 19:19
XFaCEMinceR: You're right, it's supposed to be "Caine"Dec 18 19:19
XFaCE:PDec 18 19:19
koolhead17coolDec 18 19:19
schestowitzthen two appointments with potential clients... going there with a mateDec 18 19:19
schestowitzwe use only FOSSDec 18 19:19
iophksweetDec 18 19:19
koolhead17schestowitz let me know if u need helping hand. :DDec 18 19:20
schestowitzBrits have an unhealthy addiction to .NET crapDec 18 19:20
schestowitzwe can beat that on price and qualityDec 18 19:20
koolhead17;-)indeedDec 18 19:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] You can now join Friends of WikiLeaks in your area 18 19:21
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 19:21
iophk.NET is a pox, it should be easy to beat if there are not ideological barriers.Dec 18 19:21
*MinceR is listening to: Chronblom - Geo-Matrix (Schizophonic version)Dec 18 19:23
schestowitziophk: it's also expensiveDec 18 19:23
schestowitzwhen you get .NET everything is pay-basedDec 18 19:24
schestowitzEven Web statsDec 18 19:24
schestowitzin FOSS you get the full monty in one packageDec 18 19:24
iophkIt costs twice, it costs once up front, then again when you try to use it for anything.Dec 18 19:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Who runs #Russia? - - hummm just like in #usa , #eu #china, etc #globalkleptocracy rules 18 19:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Who runs Russia? - .::. Size~: 73.26 KBDec 18 19:24
schestowitzfreedombox, phpnuke, other stuff that maximises bundling of free code... even LAMP lumps are already very self-contained and integrate well. In some hosters I saw that when you install wordpress from the intaller script they now bundle many plugins by default tooDec 18 19:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻@htgamal: "What makes this worse than #mubarak days is that the historical relationship of people & army has been destroyed" 18 19:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mrdenticator/@mrdenticator] Yesterday top #statustician is jpope from with 76 dents!Dec 18 19:29
*puppywatch has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 18 19:32
schestowitzok, testing lxde...Dec 18 19:32
*puppywatch ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 19:34
*puppywatch has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 18 19:34
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsDec 18 19:34
*puppywatch ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 19:35
*XFaCE gives channel operator status to DaemonFCDec 18 19:36
*XFaCE gives voice to DaemonFCDec 18 19:36
XFaCEDaemonFC: 18 19:42
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeDec 18 19:42
XFaCEniceDec 18 19:42
MinceRProblem ExplorerDec 18 19:44
XFaCEDaemonFC: Why did you link to Kubuntu?Dec 18 19:44
DaemonFCI hate Internet ExplorerDec 18 19:44
XFaCEDaemonFC: We all doDec 18 19:44
XFaCEand this guyDec 18 19:45
XFaCE 18 19:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Internet Explorer is EVIL! .::. Size~: 6.53 KBDec 18 19:45
DaemonFCI actually emailed him several years ago, like 2006 I thinkDec 18 19:45
DaemonFCasked him to take some shots of Ubuntu 6.10Dec 18 19:46
DaemonFChe replied with something like "Ubuntu is a fad and will probably die down"Dec 18 19:46
DaemonFChe now has screen shots of at least three versions iircDec 18 19:46
XFaCEDaemonFC: two versions, but stillDec 18 19:47
DaemonFChe had 7.04, 10,04, and 11.04 last I lookedDec 18 19:47
XFaCEDaemonFC: He seems to still favour opensuseDec 18 19:47
XFaCEDaemonFC: Just 7 and 11Dec 18 19:47
iophkHasn't caught on that it's MS-linuxDec 18 19:47
iophk?Dec 18 19:47
XFaCEDaemonFC: N/m, you're rightDec 18 19:47
XFaCEdisregardDec 18 19:47
XFaCEiophk: apparentlyDec 18 19:48
XFaCEiophk: I'm not sure he is still suse-oriented, just going by what is on his websiteDec 18 19:48
DaemonFC 18 19:48
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mandrake Linux 9.0 with KDE 3.0.3 .::. Size~: 10.4 KBDec 18 19:48
DaemonFChe has no suse screenshotsDec 18 19:48
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Private copying levy: societies "did not do enough", rules French court - bonkers #franceDec 18 19:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The 1709 Blog: Private copying levy: societies "did not do enough", rules French court .::. Size~: 86.68 KBDec 18 19:49
DaemonFC 18 19:49
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeDec 18 19:49
iophk 18 19:49
DaemonFCIRIX has a "dumpster" as a joke about XFSDec 18 19:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux / Unix .::. Size~: 6.57 KBDec 18 19:49
DaemonFCwhich was designed for massive filesDec 18 19:50
DaemonFC 18 19:51
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeDec 18 19:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] Vets returning home to dismal job market. [NYTimes] #iraqwarDec 18 19:51
DaemonFCwhoever is taking these screenshots is logged into IRIX as rootDec 18 19:51
TechrightsBot-trMissing content type. Ignoring.Dec 18 19:51
DaemonFC 18 19:51
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeDec 18 19:51
DaemonFCIRIX using the Netscape Communicator web browserDec 18 19:51
DaemonFC 18 19:52
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/gif typeDec 18 19:52
DaemonFCRed Hat Linux 5 running Netscape CommunicatorDec 18 19:52
DaemonFCthey were at least decent enough to set the pref in the prefs,js to remove the stupid AOL "Shop" buttonDec 18 19:53
DaemonFCwhich AOL had placed next to the Stop buttonDec 18 19:53
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 19:53
DaemonFCthe idea being that the user would eventually click on it by accident no doubtDec 18 19:53
DaemonFCI used to maintain a manual for using Netscape Navigator/CommunicatorDec 18 19:54
DaemonFCand it included the prefs.js tweaks that Netscape did not documentDec 18 19:54
DaemonFCthere were quite a fewDec 18 19:54
DaemonFCremoving the Shop button was just what I considered to be most important as I did accidentally click it a few timesDec 18 19:55
DaemonFCI also made a custom installer using Netscape's ISP customization kitDec 18 19:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RT @markmackinnon #Kazakhstan unrest spreads to regional capital as death toll rises: >>could this ignite the country?Dec 18 19:56
DaemonFCmine came with no AOL Instant Messenger, no Winamp, no unrelated bundled software at all, no "Headspace Beatnik" media plug-inDec 18 19:56
DaemonFCthe Shop button turned offDec 18 19:56
DaemonFCa bunch of toggled preferences for better performance Dec 18 19:56
schestowitz 18 19:57
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 19:57
DaemonFCsince the ISP customization kit's license allowed all of that, Netscape couldn't complain about distributing it like thatDec 18 19:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] YouTube to mp3 Converter - #tips ; even better Convert audio to the OGG format 18 19:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Addons - YouTube mp3 .::. Size~: 2.11 KBDec 18 19:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Online OGG converter .::. Size~: 25.82 KBDec 18 19:57
DaemonFCBeatnik played odd audio file formats like midi files embedded in pages, which I found incredibly annoying anywayDec 18 19:58
DaemonFCand it was written in Java 1 which called up the Netscape Navigator JREDec 18 19:58
DaemonFCso over a midi file in a web page you got the entire browser freezing up declaring "Starting Java...."Dec 18 19:59
DaemonFCthen maybe ten seconds later if it didn't crash, it would play the annoying midi fileDec 18 19:59
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 19:59
DaemonFCJava back then was slower than Java is now, I'm talking the JRE software, that's not even considering that PCs were like 20 times slower with 50 times less RAMDec 18 20:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] UK Music statement on copyright proposals - rich: calls minor rebalancing "ideologically driven changes" (v @hugonaut)Dec 18 20:01
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Latest News .::. Size~: 11.45 KBDec 18 20:01
DaemonFCloading the JRE to play a midi file, was a tad much to ask of a 200 Mhz Pentium with 32 MB of RAMDec 18 20:01
DaemonFC 18 20:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linspire Five-O .::. Size~: 11.81 KBDec 18 20:02
*puppywatch has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 18 20:02
DaemonFCHe gives Linspire 5 a good reviewDec 18 20:02
DaemonFCI have to admit, I do like the theme they did with KDE, but I wouldn't go out and pay $100 for a copy of it plus the CNR software repository subscription feeDec 18 20:03
DaemonFChe makes no mention of the fact that this is one of the versions that logs everyone in as rootDec 18 20:03
DaemonFCit only stopped doing that in Linspire 6, which was based on Kubuntu 7.04Dec 18 20:04
DaemonFCshortly after Linspire 6 came out, Michael Robertson decided he was never going to make the kind of money he wanted to with Linspire, while Ubuntu was being given away freelyDec 18 20:05
DaemonFCthis was followed by a bizarre turn of events at Linspire Inc., including sackings of their employees and CEODec 18 20:05
DaemonFCand Michael Robertson illegally selling the entire company to Xandros without holding a majority share of the stockDec 18 20:06
DaemonFCXandros hasn't made a release of anything in so long they are effectively a parking pageDec 18 20:07
DaemonFC 18 20:07
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeDec 18 20:07
DaemonFCeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeDec 18 20:07
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 20:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] From Mind Control to Superstardom: The Meaning of Lady Gaga's "Marry the Night" | The Vigilant Citizen #vc #xfiles 18 20:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: From Mind Control to Superstardom: The Meaning of Lady Gaga's "Marry the Night" | The Vigilant Citizen .::. Size~: 125.85 KBDec 18 20:07
DaemonFC 18 20:09
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeDec 18 20:09
DaemonFCThere's a SUSE screenshot running Microsoft Word and Excel 2000 under WineDec 18 20:09
DaemonFC 18 20:11
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeDec 18 20:11
DaemonFCthere was a game for Linux called xbill that Fedora refused to package because it is disrespectful to Microsoft Dec 18 20:11
DaemonFC 18 20:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fedora-legal-list -- List to discuss Fedora Legal issues.  () .::. Size~: 21.32 KBDec 18 20:12
MinceRwhy the hell did they want to be respectful to m$?Dec 18 20:14
Diablo-D3[02:09:56] <schestowitz> [18:45] <XFaCE> schestowitz: Can't wait for you to reference Diablo-D3 in a post :DDec 18 20:15
Diablo-D3[02:10:01] <schestowitz> I don't post in 4chanDec 18 20:15
Diablo-D3I dont post on 4chan, at least, not in the areas you refer toDec 18 20:15
DaemonFCMinceR: Apparently there's a "new Microsoft" out there that "cooperates" with open sourceDec 18 20:18
MinceRyeah, rightDec 18 20:19
DaemonFCMiguel de Icaza broke the news a few years ago but they must have yet to go publicDec 18 20:19
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 20:19
DaemonFCI guess if the definition of "cooperation" has been altered to mean "files lawsuits against", they fit the description Dec 18 20:19
Diablo-D3I dontDec 18 20:20
Diablo-D3I think /b/ and friends are utter trashDec 18 20:20
XFaCEDaemonFC: They cooperate fully... with the lawsuit process.Dec 18 20:20
Diablo-D3And I rarely visit /m/ anymoreDec 18 20:20
DaemonFCisn't Microsoft openly harassing Android enough without an unapproved  .NET runtime on it?Dec 18 20:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Head MPAA shill reduced to outright lies in bid to make the case for SOPA !effDec 18 20:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] RIAA and DHS are hives of depraved piracy !effDec 18 20:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Head MPAA shill reduced to outright lies in bid to make the case for SOPA - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 28.22 KBDec 18 20:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: RIAA and DHS are hives of depraved piracy - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 27.39 KBDec 18 20:21
XFaCEMPAA: We lose eleventeen zillion dollas!Dec 18 20:21
iophk"The entire film industry of Spain, Egypt and Sweden are gone." — haDec 18 20:22
XFaCEiophk: WowDec 18 20:22
DaemonFCwait.Dec 18 20:22
DaemonFCThey had a film industry?Dec 18 20:22
MinceRprobably. but usians have almost certainly not heard of them. :>Dec 18 20:22
DaemonFCor do they mean the MPAA is losing royalties coming in from countries that don't care?Dec 18 20:22
iophkgtgDec 18 20:24
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 18 20:24
DaemonFCMinceR: Camel documentaries and Swedish "cooking" shows? :)Dec 18 20:26
DaemonFCbork bork borkDec 18 20:26
XFaCEquarkDec 18 20:28
XFaCEborgDec 18 20:28
XFaCEikeaDec 18 20:28
XFaCEsaabbDec 18 20:28
XFaCEvolvoDec 18 20:28
Diablo-D3quark is a spacejew, not a swedish.Dec 18 20:29
DaemonFCFerengis, heheDec 18 20:29
DaemonFCyes, I liked the comic relief he provided to DS9 thoughDec 18 20:29
DaemonFCin his frequent run ins with OdoDec 18 20:29
MinceRspacejew?Dec 18 20:29
DaemonFCMinceR: They Jew youDec 18 20:30
DaemonFConly, in spaceDec 18 20:30
Diablo-D3a ferengi.Dec 18 20:30
Diablo-D3they were meant to be spacejewsDec 18 20:30
Diablo-D3klingons, spaceafricansDec 18 20:30
MinceRoh, there was a ferengi called quarkDec 18 20:30
MinceRgot itDec 18 20:30
DaemonFCMinceR is a little slow on the upchuck ;)Dec 18 20:31
XFaCEDiablo-D3: Actually, early Klingons looks and behaved similar to early asian culturesDec 18 20:31
MinceRDaemonFC: i didn't see much of ST yetDec 18 20:31
DaemonFCJews in SPAAAAAAAAAACE!!!Dec 18 20:31
Diablo-D3vulcans and romulans representative of middle eastern conflicts as a whole (both sides exactly the same, but very minor differences and love to murder each other over them)Dec 18 20:31
XFaCEDiablo-D3: Err vulcan didn't want to murder romulansDec 18 20:32
XFaCEstop pulling shit from your assDec 18 20:32
Diablo-D3XFaCE: no, romulans wanted to murder vulcansDec 18 20:32
XFaCEThe Romulans were the cold war Soviet equivalent if anythingDec 18 20:32
Diablo-D3and romulans were originaly FROM vulcanDec 18 20:32
Diablo-D3no, the romulan/federation thing is the cold warDec 18 20:32
XFaCE"love to murder *each other* over them" (Emphasis mine)Dec 18 20:32
Diablo-D3infact, it was a cold war literallyDec 18 20:32
Diablo-D3no shots were fired and eventually they found a bigger enemy to go fightDec 18 20:33
XFaCEAnd the Klingons were like the Soviet Union as wellDec 18 20:33
XFaCEStar Trek VIDec 18 20:33
Diablo-D3yes, but no one quotes shakespere in the original russian.Dec 18 20:33
XFaCEDiablo-D3: I guess...Dec 18 20:33
XFaCEIt'd probably be Tolstoy or somethingDec 18 20:34
XFaCEbblDec 18 20:34
Diablo-D3in before someone misattributes "in the winter of our discount tent"Dec 18 20:34
DaemonFC 18 20:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Swedish Chef - Meatballs       - YouTube .::. Size~: 119.83 KBDec 18 20:35
DaemonFC 18 20:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Muppets: Cårven Der Pümpkîn       - YouTube .::. Size~: 139.53 KBDec 18 20:36
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] BT sues Google over patents allegedly infringed by Android - all of them risible, e.g.: "navigation information system"Dec 18 20:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FOSS Patents: British Telecom sues Google over six U.S. patents allegedly infringed by Android and various Google services .::. Size~: 74.1 KBDec 18 20:37
DaemonFC[15:34] <Diablo-D3> in before someone misattributes "in the winter of our discount tent"Dec 18 20:40
DaemonFCYeah, Obama has been kind of a let down, hasn't he? Dec 18 20:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aseigo/@aseigo] "When all's said and done, though, every one of our testers was floored by KDE 4.7 across all devices." 18 20:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: What's the best Linux desktop environment? | News | TechRadar .::. Size~: 72.19 KBDec 18 20:41
schestowitz[20:22] <iophk> "The entire film industry of Spain, Egypt and Sweden are gone." — ha  <<  oh noes! They confiscated all cameras and smartphones?Dec 18 20:43
Diablo-D3he was quoting from my linkDec 18 20:43
Diablo-D3[03:20:49] -TRIdentica/#techrights- [diablod3/@diablod3] Head MPAA shill reduced to outright lies in bid to make the case for SOPA !effDec 18 20:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Head MPAA shill reduced to outright lies in bid to make the case for SOPA - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 28.38 KBDec 18 20:44
DaemonFCcan there be a web browser that doesn't make me head desk right after I think I got it set up right?Dec 18 20:45
DaemonFCGAH!!!Dec 18 20:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aseigo/@aseigo] tomorrow i speak at ETH in Zürich on the topic of F/OSS, KDE and motivations of contributors. then a meeting about Plasma Active servicesDec 18 20:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Holdout Juror Was Convinced #Microsoft Was Guilty of Anticompetitive Behavior ~pj 18 20:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Groklaw - Holdout Juror Was Convinced Microsoft Was Guilty of Anticompetitive Behavior ~pj .::. Size~: 30.99 KBDec 18 20:56
DaemonFC 18 20:57
DaemonFChehDec 18 20:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: KDE has tea with RMS - Freehackers .::. Size~: 16.71 KBDec 18 20:57
DaemonFCChromium 18 seems to have bumped up its support for HTML 5 quite a lotDec 18 20:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Welsh support call for WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning #freebrad | BBC 18 21:01
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 21:01
MinceRwhat about support for not crashing?Dec 18 21:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] It is amazing how much difference a short sleep can make.Dec 18 21:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] I have just made my first communication through 'Viber' I am pretty sure it will not be my last.Dec 18 21:04
*DiabloD3 ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 21:04
DaemonFC 18 21:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google: Universal lied about its private kill-switch for YouTube videos - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 25.34 KBDec 18 21:05
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Dec 18 21:06
DaemonFCYoutube has been in the crapper ever since Google bought themDec 18 21:06
DaemonFCand started complying with the MAFIAA's frivolous DMCA crapDec 18 21:07
koolhead17DaemonFC: good stuff :)Dec 18 21:07
DaemonFCcomplying with the law is one thingDec 18 21:08
DaemonFCpassively complying with whatever the MAFIAA asks for and making it easier to file complaints than what the law mandates is something elseDec 18 21:08
DaemonFCand Google seems to be doing thatDec 18 21:08
DaemonFCif I was running a site, I'd make them file DMCA complaints by certified mail onlyDec 18 21:10
DaemonFCwith someone's signature on itDec 18 21:11
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Frazer backs call to protect Assange | ABC 18 21:11
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 21:11
DaemonFCdoing so is, unlikely to be considered an undue burden on outfits like the MPAADec 18 21:11
DaemonFCit makes someone responsible for the DMCA notice if it turns out to be bogusDec 18 21:11
DaemonFCand it costs them $5 to mail each one of themDec 18 21:11
schestowitzthey try to appease mafiaaDec 18 21:12
schestowitzafter the viacom lawsuit and allDec 18 21:12
DaemonFCif Google started demanding that, it would cost the MAFIAA well over $100,000 a year just in postage aloneDec 18 21:12
schestowitzI wouldn't fault Google for being super cautiousDec 18 21:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Well ain't that cute - the Pope talks about a need for redistribution of wealth. practice what you preach, plz? 18 21:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Pope Benedict Peace Message Calls For Wealth Redistribution  | Disinformation .::. Size~: 47.7 KBDec 18 21:12
DaemonFCIsn't that the one that they inherited from before they bought Youtube?Dec 18 21:13
schestowitznoDec 18 21:13
schestowitzafaikDec 18 21:13
schestowitz!google viacom sues googleDec 18 21:14
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Viacom sues Google over YouTube clips - CNET News | 18 21:14
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Viacom Sues Google Over YouTube Video Clips - New York Times | 18 21:14
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Viacom Sues Google/YouTube-KQED-"This Week in Northern CA ... | 18 21:14
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Viacom Drops a $1 Billion Nuke on Google | TechCrunch | 18 21:14
schestowitzsee dateDec 18 21:14
schestowitz!google google buys youtubeDec 18 21:14
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Google To Acquire YouTube for $1.65 Billion in Stock – News from ... | 18 21:14
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Google buys YouTube for $1.65 billion - Business - US business ... | 18 21:14
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Google buying YouTube - Oct. 9, 2006 | 18 21:14
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Google Buys | 18 21:14
schestowitzOne year apartDec 18 21:15
schestowitzI read about Google "making web-based media player" before there was Gogle Video and before youtubeDec 18 21:15
schestowitzI was rather excited cause web video was one of the barriers I had to using linuxDec 18 21:15
schestowitzit was usually realplayer or embedded wmpDec 18 21:16
schestowitzback around 2003Dec 18 21:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #VirginMedia's '#censorship gone mad' - this is a joke, right? (v @tim)Dec 18 21:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Virgin Media's 'censorship gone mad' - The Media Blog .::. Size~: 40.53 KBDec 18 21:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Yay for #Telecomix! #Datalove all around <3 18 21:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Kazakhstan Disables the Internet , Telecomix Restores - Slashdot .::. Size~: 226.26 KBDec 18 21:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Australian government should stand by Julian Assange - Greg Barnes | ABC 18 21:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] How to indefinitely detain JPMorgan Chase CEO/President/Chairman Jamie Dimon for acts of terrorism !effDec 18 21:21
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 21:21
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How to Indefinitely Detain Jamie Dimon | emptywheel .::. Size~: 54.51 KBDec 18 21:21
DiabloD3:3Dec 18 21:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] "Two guys walk into a bar. You think the second one would've noticed and avoided it" #AntiJoke !lolDec 18 21:22
DaemonFCinteresting that Richard Stallman asked KDE to do things like WxWindowsDec 18 21:24
DaemonFCewwwDec 18 21:24
DaemonFCI hate that toolkitDec 18 21:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Whitehouse dot gov petition to veto SOPA !effDec 18 21:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: We the People: Your Voice in Our Government | The White House .::. Size~: 63.06 KBDec 18 21:24
DaemonFCso bloated yet manages to do so littleDec 18 21:24
DaemonFCand does so little, yet does it so wrongDec 18 21:24
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 21:24
schestowitz 18 21:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: M$ Attacks Slated at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 40.62 KBDec 18 21:25
DaemonFCtheir WxWidgets toolkit I meanDec 18 21:25
schestowitzprobably saw me mention that in TR...Dec 18 21:25
schestowitzSee the commentsDec 18 21:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Reddit admin: "If SOPA passes it would almost certainly mean the end of reddit" !effDec 18 21:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: hueypriest comments on Do you guys realize this might mean Reddit might go down? .::. Size~: 42.19 KBDec 18 21:26
DaemonFCI have this nasty habit of running trunk builds of a lot of software that interests meDec 18 21:27
DaemonFCso I get all the new features, but always run into interesting bugs :)Dec 18 21:27
DaemonFCit would be nice if Google open sourced their Chrome crash reporter and made it a per-incident option to report crashes instead of opt-in or opt-out of all reportsDec 18 21:28
DaemonFCas it stands there is no good way to report Chromium crashesDec 18 21:28
DaemonFCit's obviously done to discourage users from pulling builds of Chromium and to use a Chrome channel insteadDec 18 21:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] New Blog Post | On Reflection #fbDec 18 21:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[aseigo/@aseigo] you can't learn if you misinterpret the lesson. accurate history (institutional, community or grand social) is therefore critical.Dec 18 21:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: On Reflection | The Digital Prism .::. Size~: 20.66 KBDec 18 21:29
DaemonFCmaybe if I have a tab open where I'm reading news or something, I don't care if it sends a crash reportDec 18 21:29
DaemonFCbut if I have my bank's website loaded, I don't want toDec 18 21:29
DaemonFCthat's the problem with automated crash reporting, I always turn it off because you never know where you'll be when the software decides to crashDec 18 21:30
MinceRthey don't want crash reports because it would clog their pipes :>Dec 18 21:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] that's why I keep all my e-mails locally and use my gmail mainly as a spam account. I got my real accounts on my own servers 18 21:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Calls for the Australian Government to protect the human rights of #wikileaks founder Julian Assange (audio). 18 21:31
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting audio/mpeg typeDec 18 21:31
DaemonFCMinceR: The thing about trunk builds is that nobody has tested themDec 18 21:31
DaemonFCthey are simply built as-isDec 18 21:31
DaemonFCif it crashes, it's not like you can complain that a stable release ate all your workDec 18 21:32
MinceRlet the knowledge that a stable release wouldn't have fared much better either comfort you, then :>Dec 18 21:32
DaemonFC 18 21:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BuildBot: Chromium .::. Size~: 626.41 KBDec 18 21:38
DaemonFCthat usually gives you an idea if a build will at least workDec 18 21:38
DaemonFCif it is failing the automated tests, you probably don't want the new build that dayDec 18 21:38
DaemonFCI tend to pull a build, disable the PPA, and then re-enable the PPA every so often and pull a new build provided it isn't failing the regression testingDec 18 21:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Australia: Make friends & support WikiLeaks: Join Friends of WikiLeaks 18 21:41
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 21:41
DaemonFCthey tend to develop chromium pretty fastDec 18 21:43
DaemonFCand not everything they do to it is interesting enough to risk a bad build overDec 18 21:44
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 21:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] oh wow this guys is good - Ron Paul for America 2012 seems cooler and cooler :) 18 21:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Channel 5 in Britain keep interrupting the adverts with a small amount of programming.Dec 18 21:47
*scientes (~scientes@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #techrightsDec 18 21:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] 50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe - #usa #collapseDec 18 21:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] What on earth has happened to @Openbytes?Dec 18 21:49
*puppywatch ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 21:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Land of the Free, Home to the Brave... teen girl-tazing policemen. USA! USA! USA! 18 21:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] RT @BernardKeane: about to join ABC News Breakfast to discuss the open letter to Kevin Rudd about Julian AssangeDec 18 21:51
schestowitzhey schestowitz_logDec 18 21:52
schestowitzscientes: Dec 18 21:52
scientesyesDec 18 21:52
scienteslol talking to your logDec 18 21:52
scienteswhat's up?Dec 18 21:52
schestowitzautocomplete on "sc"Dec 18 21:52
scientesi know, i knowDec 18 21:52
schestowitzI don't always talk to my logDec 18 21:53
schestowitzBut when I do, I SHOUTDec 18 21:53
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Christopher Hitchens on Afterlife !atheismDec 18 21:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] 50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe - #usa #collapse 18 21:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe .::. Size~: 169.32 KBDec 18 21:54
DaemonFC 18 21:54
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenDec 18 21:54
DaemonFChehDec 18 21:54
DaemonFCwhat makes RSS useless is when you get sites like Phoronix that only put the first paragraph into the RSS feedDec 18 21:55
DaemonFCbecause they want you to load skyscraper Microsoft ads in Flash on their websiteDec 18 21:55
schestowitz 18 21:56
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenDec 18 21:56
schestowitzniceDec 18 21:56
schestowitz"Hi, I'm Jamie Zawinski. I'm the proprietor of DNA Lounge, an award-winning all ages dance club and live music venue in San Francisco, and of DNA Pizza, the 24 hour cafe and pizzaria next door."Dec 18 21:57
schestowitz 18 21:57
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenDec 18 21:57
schestowitz"I was interviewed for Glyn Moody's 2001 book,  Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution."Dec 18 21:57
schestowitz 18 21:58
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Browser coder Jamie Zawinski is no longer Internet famous .::. Size~: 96.82 KBDec 18 21:58
schestowitz"The press corps may have forgotten Zawinski, but fans of his screensaver for Linux and Unix systems, XScreenSaver, haven't. One suggested that Google use Zawinski's Pipes screensaver for Chrome's "about:internets" Easter egg, which displays a series of tubes. If you don't get the joke, you probably don't remember who Jamie Zawinski is, either."Dec 18 21:59
MinceRit's a pity that he lost his mind in 2005Dec 18 22:00
schestowitz 18 22:00
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenDec 18 22:00
schestowitzpepper sprayDec 18 22:00
MinceR 18 22:00
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenDec 18 22:00
DaemonFCnext it will be Lego Fascist Police the video gameDec 18 22:00
MinceRnow an ad for macos and hypeTunesDec 18 22:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Dear @telecomix, will you have your awesum stickets at #28C3? the ones I got went like hot buns in Polish #hacktivist community. :)Dec 18 22:01
DaemonFCactually, he's made so many amusing complaints about OS X, it has gotten deeper than his complaints over 9 year old Linux distributions ever didDec 18 22:02
MinceRi've never seen those complaintsDec 18 22:02
DaemonFChe mentioned an OS X kernel bug that he reported in detail to Apple as of OS X 10.5Dec 18 22:02
DaemonFCthat's still there in 10.7Dec 18 22:02
MinceRi can mention an OSX kernel bug: it's the entire OSX "kernel"Dec 18 22:03
DaemonFChe's also made a lot of complaints about Safari doing stupid thingsDec 18 22:04
DaemonFCyet uses that anywayDec 18 22:04
DaemonFCand a lot of complaints about iTunes, but uses it anywayDec 18 22:04
MinceRand raving about the hypePadDec 18 22:04
DaemonFCand the Apple store price gouging developers who give their software away for freeDec 18 22:04
MinceRwhich came out after the Android tablets and is inferior to every one of themDec 18 22:04
DaemonFCbut continues to publish his software thereDec 18 22:04
MinceR(not to mention full-featured Tablet PCs...)Dec 18 22:05
DaemonFCOrigami? :DDec 18 22:05
MinceRnopeDec 18 22:05
DaemonFC 18 22:06
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenDec 18 22:06
DaemonFC" it seems to like to default to putting things in ``Documents'' instead of back in whatever directory they came from. Or something like that."Dec 18 22:07
DaemonFCKDE has a Documents fetishDec 18 22:07
DaemonFCit likes to try saving downloads into DocumentsDec 18 22:07
MinceRcan't tell which was the first Tablet PC, but IBM started them pretty earlyDec 18 22:07
DaemonFC"Yes, that RPM is a document"Dec 18 22:07
DaemonFC"It should go in the Documents folder"Dec 18 22:07
MinceRstop crying and tell it where to save alreadyDec 18 22:08
DaemonFCDownloads should maybe go into DownloadsDec 18 22:08
DaemonFCalso, applications that save pictures, KDE tries to save them in Documents instead of PicturesDec 18 22:08
DaemonFCand it tries to save Videos in Documents instead of VideosDec 18 22:08
DaemonFCWelcome to the K Documents EnvironmentDec 18 22:09
DaemonFCwhere everything is....a DocumentDec 18 22:09
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 22:09
MinceRalso, RISC OS solved jwz's complaint ages agoDec 18 22:09
MinceRit's called drag-and-drop savingDec 18 22:09
DaemonFCwell, for every one thing that KDE does to piss me off, GNOME does at least 5 and Unity does at least 10Dec 18 22:10
MinceRbtw, afaik everything that isn't a system file or part of an application or library that was already installed _is_ a document :>Dec 18 22:10
DaemonFCjust a rule of thumbDec 18 22:10
MinceRdo you like to suffer?Dec 18 22:10
DaemonFCnot really, but every piece of software does SOMETHING stupidDec 18 22:10
MinceRthen why do you torture yourself with Unity, GNOME and KDE, when there's XFCE and a buttload of traditional WMs?Dec 18 22:10
DaemonFCit's probably because they use Microsoft Windows and Apple as their template for how to build a user interface Dec 18 22:11
DaemonFCGTK+ actually scares me worse right now than QtDec 18 22:11
DaemonFCnot only because you need two incompatible versions of it installed side by sideDec 18 22:12
DaemonFCbut that's a good startDec 18 22:12
MinceRi even got over the GTK+ bug where it puts automatically selected text into selectionDec 18 22:12
MinceRi just dig it out of klipper if i need whatever i put thereDec 18 22:12
MinceRi might throw klipper away in favor of a lighter clipboard managerDec 18 22:13
MinceRlike ParcelliteDec 18 22:13
MinceR(also, a less crash-prone one)Dec 18 22:14
scienteswhy does TechrightsBot-tr always have so much troubleDec 18 22:14
scienteswhat's his useragent?Dec 18 22:14
DaemonFCQt has a better deprecation model than GTKDec 18 22:15
DaemonFCqt4-qt3support for exampleDec 18 22:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Ahh, "The Avalanches" - "Frontier Psychiatrist" - hadn't seen that for a while, nice to remind myself of it. :) 18 22:16
DaemonFCa collection of the most used qt3 classes so that you can move to Qt4 easily and then take your time getting rid of those dependencies Dec 18 22:16
DaemonFCit's why GTK+ 2 will be around for the next 10 yearsDec 18 22:16
DaemonFCand almost nobody uses Qt3 anymoreDec 18 22:16
scientesI HATE THAT DIALOGUEDec 18 22:17
*dyfet ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 22:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] "It seems that every day we are hearing about a new game coming out for !Linux" 18 22:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @fontana not surprising, also I believe that clang != llvmDec 18 22:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] @fontana it USES llvm thoughDec 18 22:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Another day, another first person shooter game! « ubertechpress .::. Size~: 39.66 KBDec 18 22:17
DaemonFCthe need for both Qt3 and Qt4 to be installed went away during the first year of KDE 4Dec 18 22:18
DaemonFCI can see GTK 2 being installed on most GNOME desktops for several yearsDec 18 22:18
DaemonFCjust because there's no big fire lit under anyone's ass to port to GTK 3Dec 18 22:18
DaemonFCand it's a lot of work for very little payoffDec 18 22:18
dyfetdaemonfc: Yes...I agree...and we have still usable gtk 2 desktops which are not migrating right away (xfce4 for example)Dec 18 22:20
DaemonFC 18 22:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Qt3Support Module | Docs | Qt Developer Network .::. Size~: 75.98 KBDec 18 22:20
DaemonFCdyfet: Red Hat is going to have to support GNOME 2 and GTK+ 2 for a long timeDec 18 22:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Manning case: Closed sessions, absurdly biased judicial officer and 3 grey faced suits on the prosecution who refuse to identify themselves.Dec 18 22:21
DaemonFCyou notice how GTK+ 2.24 just keeps getting update after updateDec 18 22:21
DaemonFCit's because none of the enterprise Linux distributions are using GTK 3 yetDec 18 22:21
DaemonFCand neither is DebianDec 18 22:21
dyfetDaemonFC: and things like chrome is not migrating to gtk 3 toolkits either....Dec 18 22:22
MinceRat least gtk+2 already has antialiased fonts so it doesn't make my eyes bleed like gtk+1 :>Dec 18 22:23
dyfetI like debian squeeze, at least for xfce, since its right before some key applications started migrating.  After that, it becomes clumsier....Dec 18 22:23
DaemonFCMinceR: GTK+ 1 looks more like Motif than anythingDec 18 22:24
DaemonFCthat's enough to make my eyes bleedDec 18 22:24
cubezzzhey, I still use gtk1 sometimes :)Dec 18 22:24
MinceRyou can make it look different from MotifDec 18 22:24
MinceRbut it won't render antialiased fonts :>Dec 18 22:24
cubezzzI still use Motif too ;->Dec 18 22:25
MinceRi do too -- at work :>Dec 18 22:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RIAA files amended complaint in its case against Grooveshark, document not available in PACER 18 22:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] Hi! Nothing at all... Very busy over the last month, I will be back on form very shortly!Dec 18 22:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[dyfet/@dyfet] #gnutelephony plans for 2012 18 22:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Recording Industry vs. The People .::. Size~: 106.07 KBDec 18 22:26
TechrightsBot-trTitle: GNU Telephony  » Blog Archive   » GNU Telephony plans for 2012 .::. Size~: 7.54 KBDec 18 22:26
DaemonFClatest GTK+ 2 is 2.24.8Dec 18 22:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] Starting with (finally) my departure from O2 to Sky as my ISP.Dec 18 22:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] British Telecom is the latest to sue !Google over !Android, other services -- Engadget 18 22:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: British Telecom is the latest to sue Google over Android, other services -- Engadget .::. Size~: 62.23 KBDec 18 22:27
DaemonFC 663543  Huge memory leak while using MS-Windows theme (gtk-demo)Dec 18 22:28
DaemonFClolDec 18 22:28
DaemonFCit really is trying to blend in, isn't it?Dec 18 22:28
MinceR:>Dec 18 22:29
DaemonFCFedora 16 jumped the gun and shipped with a beta of Qt 4.8Dec 18 22:29
MinceRi guess that's what they call "look and feel"Dec 18 22:29
DaemonFCwhich has, a lot of......peculiarities? :)Dec 18 22:30
DaemonFCmaybe they've updated to the release by nowDec 18 22:30
brendnive never understood why the most popular themes are xp or windows 7/vista or mac themesDec 18 22:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Let the US national security state defile the values of Madison & Jefferson, let burn all that is sacred and choke on the ash.Dec 18 22:31
MinceRbecause people have no tasteDec 18 22:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] I'd like to see more Linux games, even htough I very rarely play them. Because it helps plug one of the FOSS world's biggest gapsDec 18 22:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Exploit for new !Java flaw spotted in attack kits - IT News from 18 22:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Exploit for new Java flaw spotted in attack kits - IT News from .::. Size~: 90.7 KBDec 18 22:32
DaemonFCUnity is a great way to "get things done"Dec 18 22:34
MinceRwhat things would that be?Dec 18 22:34
DaemonFCthat's why it crapfloods half the menu with random shit you *could* installDec 18 22:34
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 22:34
DaemonFCthere's now a pref to turn that off I thinkDec 18 22:35
DaemonFCbut you need to use gconf editor Dec 18 22:35
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 22:35
DaemonFC 18 22:36
DaemonFCoh look :)Dec 18 22:36
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bug #857409 in unity-lens-applications: “Random available apps does not belong to selected category” .::. Size~: 75.45 KBDec 18 22:36
DaemonFCfor a while they couldn't even offer apps in the active menu category Dec 18 22:36
DaemonFC 18 22:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] :) I await the "switch over" apparently on 30th Dec....both my landline and ISP are changing to Sky.Dec 18 22:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [ubuntu] How to remove apps available for download from Unity ? - Ubuntu Forums .::. Size~: 105.83 KBDec 18 22:37
DaemonFCkiki kiki kiki!!!!Dec 18 22:38
DaemonFCI want your siri in my kiki!!!Dec 18 22:38
DaemonFCheheDec 18 22:38
DaemonFCMinceR: Remember MS Agent?Dec 18 22:38
DaemonFCthat framework to make annoying "assistants" like the dog or wizard in Windows XPDec 18 22:39
DaemonFCToshiba licensed Woody Woodpecker and used him as an MS Agent assistantDec 18 22:39
DaemonFCone exercise was learning to use the mouseDec 18 22:39
DaemonFC....Dec 18 22:39
DaemonFC"Catch woody and make him do tricks"Dec 18 22:40
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 22:40
MinceRlolDec 18 22:40
schestowitztechrights jesterDec 18 22:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] It's not the first time they've tried to sue over broad and vague patents. They lost a US case a few years ago; similarly unfoundedDec 18 22:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Australia: Excellent: The great war over Assange (video) | Pilger 18 22:41
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 22:41
DaemonFCschestowitz: It looks like you're trying to crack wise!Dec 18 22:41
DaemonFCWant some help? :DDec 18 22:41
schestowitzover Xmas I hope to do a Novell, Gates, and Cablegate catchupDec 18 22:41
schestowitzthe latter, cablagete, might still have some good findings in thereDec 18 22:42
*schestowitz clicks DaemonFC's XDec 18 22:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[openbytes/@openbytes] lol....Forgot about that.... In the interests of faster more reliable connection, I will forget my morals! ;)Dec 18 22:42
schestowitzthe x is so tiny on floating objectsDec 18 22:43
*DaemonFC freezes and brings down schestowitz's Windows MeDec 18 22:43
DaemonFC:DDec 18 22:43
schestowitzNooooooooooooooooooo!Dec 18 22:43
DaemonFCBlocked element:Dec 18 22:44
DaemonFC<DIVDec 18 22:44
DaemonFCid="B11_1207_AKc" >Dec 18 22:44
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 22:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] The Register takes up the story: Homeland Sec., #RIAA #Torrent lists published 18 22:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Homland Sec., RIAA Torrent lists published • The Register .::. Size~: 25.19 KBDec 18 22:44
DaemonFCthat got rid of that Wikipedia bannerDec 18 22:44
DaemonFCThe filter, which can be changed on the Options page:Dec 18 22:45
DaemonFCDIV[id="B11_1207_AKc"]Dec 18 22:45
MinceRit seems that ABP or NoScript blocked that for me alreadyDec 18 22:45
DaemonFClets see if I can make it a little more specific without nuking any Wikipedia contentDec 18 22:45
DaemonFCDIV[id="centralNotice"][class="expanded cn-fundraising"]Dec 18 22:47
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 22:47
schestowitzclick the XDec 18 22:48
schestowitzI think it uses cookies to remember those settingsDec 18 22:48
DaemonFCnow I can browse Wikipedia without Jimbo Wales or that blind Filipino dude staring at meDec 18 22:48
schestowitzLOLDec 18 22:49
schestowitzI google image'd walesDec 18 22:49
schestowitzand found an image I was looking forDec 18 22:49
schestowitzand it to techrights of all placesDec 18 22:49
scientesif you hit the x once and have cookies it goes awqayDec 18 22:49
schestowitzwe're ranked so wellDec 18 22:49
scientesbut i always had problems with that thing cause i was fanatic about blocking cookiesDec 18 22:50
DaemonFCyou delete your cookies and it comes backDec 18 22:50
schestowitz,r:Dec 18 22:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Google Image Result for .::. Size~: 13.06 KBDec 18 22:50
schestowitz42,s:0&tx=98&ty=64Dec 18 22:50
DaemonFCyou ad one rule to adblock and it goes away foreverDec 18 22:50
DaemonFChmmmDec 18 22:50
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 22:50
scientesadblock is greatDec 18 22:50
DaemonFCMozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/11.10 Chromium/17.0.963.12 Chrome/17.0.963.12 Safari/535.11Dec 18 22:51
DaemonFC:DDec 18 22:51
DaemonFCI have a bunch of override flagsDec 18 22:51
schestowitz 18 22:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: wales dysfgunction - Google Search .::. Size~: 661.92 KBDec 18 22:52
DaemonFCbecause they seem to not want to be bothered to test free software video drivers regularlyDec 18 22:52
DaemonFCand block all Mesa versions because it didn't work right with Chromium 8 months agoDec 18 22:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] Michael Moore issues blistering call for support of Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks 18 22:52
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 22:52
DaemonFCoh, but they did unblock FGLRX this monthDec 18 22:53
DaemonFCwhich still crashes Chrome a lotDec 18 22:53
schestowitz has 93,800 pages indexed in GoogleDec 18 22:53
DaemonFCand is a security hazardDec 18 22:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Main Page - Techrights .::. Size~: 38.95 KBDec 18 22:53
DaemonFCit just goes to show what money buys I guessDec 18 22:53
scientesDaemonFC, chrome, yuck!Dec 18 22:53
schestowitzMy site has 184,000Dec 18 22:53
DaemonFCChromiumDec 18 22:54
scienteswhy it say chromeDec 18 22:54
schestowitz 18 22:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: MDL GUI .::. Size~: 1.54 KBDec 18 22:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] RT @silner British Telecom is the latest to sue !Google over !Android, other services -- Engadget 18 22:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: British Telecom is the latest to sue Google over Android, other services -- Engadget .::. Size~: 62.4 KBDec 18 22:54
DaemonFCno ideaDec 18 22:55
DaemonFCprobably so sites don't go nuts because they don't know what Chromium isDec 18 22:55
MinceRprobably so that the dumb people who parse UserAgent strings will handle chromium properlyDec 18 22:55
*schestowitz tries 18 22:56
TechrightsBot-trError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 404 Not FoundDec 18 22:56
DaemonFCMinceR: User agents are never wrongDec 18 22:56
DaemonFCbecause they can't be changed by the userDec 18 22:56
MinceRlolDec 18 22:56
DaemonFCand the browser vendor never lies! :)Dec 18 22:56
MinceRyou almost had me thereDec 18 22:56
DaemonFCif you just set your sniffer to detect "Mozilla", then anything floatsDec 18 22:57
DaemonFCexcept OperaDec 18 22:57
DaemonFCand who cares?Dec 18 22:57
DaemonFCam I right? :DDec 18 22:57
DaemonFCOpera has a javascript file that rewrites bits of broken sitesDec 18 22:58
DaemonFCto get them to work right in OperaDec 18 22:58
DaemonFCyou can read through it and see that a lot of major sites are really fucked upDec 18 22:58
schestowitzsatipera has indexed techrights with it, he saidDec 18 22:58
DaemonFCthat's amazing, worse results than BingDec 18 23:00
DaemonFChehDec 18 23:00
DaemonFCnextDec 18 23:00
MinceRdo you even know what YaCy is? :>Dec 18 23:01
DaemonFCyeah, apparently it's less usable than BingDec 18 23:01
DaemonFC:DDec 18 23:01
DaemonFCI insert a search term, it comes back with mostly foreign language gibberish that seems totally random and has little or nothing to do with what I searched forDec 18 23:02
DaemonFCsome demoDec 18 23:02
MinceRwell, they need more nodesDec 18 23:03
DaemonFCobviously Dec 18 23:04
DaemonFCit's totally anonymous and decentralized Dec 18 23:05
DaemonFCit would be even better if it workedDec 18 23:05
DaemonFC:DDec 18 23:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[freemjd/@freemjd] !Jamendo seems pretty fundamentally borked for > 1 week now. Suggestions for other sources of !freemusic?Dec 18 23:11
schestowitzbong is neitherDec 18 23:16
schestowitzGoogle worksDec 18 23:16
schestowitzbut it's not  anonymous and decentralized Dec 18 23:16
schestowitzFFS, systemupdate on Debian takes like 2-3 hours so farDec 18 23:17
schestowitzon one crapy coreDec 18 23:17
schestowitzshould it take like 80% CPU while running?Dec 18 23:17
schestowitzupdate-managerDec 18 23:17
brendnyacy isnt entirely anonymous, searches are simply hashed and i dont think they've solved it yet. either way the node you connect to knows what you're searchingDec 18 23:17
MinceRstill more anonymous than using google without a proxy :>Dec 18 23:18
schestowitzyou made that souns like sex w/i condomDec 18 23:18
MinceRthat's facebookDec 18 23:19
MinceR"i will fuck them... probably in the ear"Dec 18 23:19
brendnoh jesusDec 18 23:19
brendnit just lagged me out pretty hardDec 18 23:19
MinceR"he came, he saw, he lagged out"Dec 18 23:19
brendnram out of ram and windows xp crashed ;pDec 18 23:19
brendnranDec 18 23:20
schestowitz!google zuckerberg is a dumb fuckDec 18 23:20
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won't Help Facebook's Privacy ... | 18 23:20
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - "Embarrassing And Damaging" Zuckerberg IMs Confirmed By ... | 18 23:20
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Mark Zuckerberg is a dumb fuck | Facebook | 18 23:20
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Facebook CEO Called Trusting Users ''Dumb F***s'' |,news-6794.htmlDec 18 23:20
MinceRwinblows xp crashing -- now that's something you don't see every day ;)Dec 18 23:20
brendnwasnt really its fault, unless you blame it for using 3gb of ramDec 18 23:20
schestowitzI saw some winfails recentlyDec 18 23:20
schestowitzI love themDec 18 23:20
schestowitzThey amuse meDec 18 23:20
schestowitzsometimes it's officefailDec 18 23:21
schestowitzlike outlook after crashesDec 18 23:21
MinceRi don't enjoy them so muchDec 18 23:21
brendnhave you seen how windows do email?Dec 18 23:21
schestowitzslaughtering the CPU for like an hour... had a chat about it on the phone todayDec 18 23:21
MinceRlike when i try to resize a window and winblows gets distracted, aborts the resize and resets the window to its original sizeDec 18 23:21
MinceR"oooh, what's that?"Dec 18 23:21
MinceRoutlook and exchange are another two levels of brain damageDec 18 23:22
schestowitzWindows bothers me when some remote node or something is acting up and it impedes my work or a colleague's work. Like some people her say, win32 has a huge economic impacrDec 18 23:22
schestowitzOutlook...Dec 18 23:22
schestowitzthey have an outlookDec 18 23:22
schestowitzOne day it might workDec 18 23:22
dyfetI worry when one speaks of medical uses...Dec 18 23:22
schestowitzThere's that outlookDec 18 23:22
brendn 18 23:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Top 5 Most Common Windows 7 Problems and How to Fix Them .::. Size~: 93.79 KBDec 18 23:22
brendn1. Windows 7 seems slowDec 18 23:23
brendn:)Dec 18 23:23
MinceRthat's not an illusionDec 18 23:23
schestowitzI got that winmail.dat file or whatever some days agoDec 18 23:23
cubezzzI said that about windows 2.0 over 20 years agoDec 18 23:23
schestowitzsome iduiot user resent a mail outlook couldn't sendDec 18 23:23
schestowitzAnd the resend was a binary doucheDec 18 23:23
schestowitzIt is regretful that outlook makes its users look unprofessional and dumbDec 18 23:24
MinceRthe people who force people use outlook and/or exchange are indeed unprofessional and dumbDec 18 23:24
cubezzzI haven't touched that stuff in a long timeDec 18 23:25
schestowitz0.00Dec 18 23:25
schestowitzoopsDec 18 23:25
cubezzza lot of people use gmail nowDec 18 23:25
schestowitz 18 23:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  » Blog Archive   » Outlook Discourages E-mail Correspondence .::. Size~: 32.79 KBDec 18 23:25
MinceRoutlook fails at replying to mailDec 18 23:26
cubezzzschestowitz, did you know microsoft hotmail adds ads to the emails?Dec 18 23:26
MinceRand the ribbon makes it even less usableDec 18 23:26
schestowitzgmail... yo dawg - I herd you want to have google scan and profile your mail, so that eric can read your email while you read your emailDec 18 23:26
MinceRexchange and outlook both mangle emailsDec 18 23:26
MinceRexchange also likes to mangle attachmentsDec 18 23:26
cubezzzit should be text basedDec 18 23:26
MinceR(and does not support any open protocols properly)Dec 18 23:26
schestowitzcubezzz: and blacklists legit serversDec 18 23:27
schestowitzlike it did last weekDec 18 23:27
schestowitzand ruined a relation that I had with a personDec 18 23:27
cubezzzyeah that's a problemDec 18 23:27
cubezzzmy email server sometimes gets blocked, but it's rareDec 18 23:27
schestowitzI found an awesome thunderbird pluginDec 18 23:27
schestowitzit lets me set alarms that trigger nice popups with images, previews, sounds, commands, etc.Dec 18 23:28
schestowitzDepending on box/filtersDec 18 23:28
cubezzzemail has been kind of ruinedDec 18 23:28
DaemonFC 18 23:28
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeDec 18 23:28
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] A crumpet without butter is not very exciting. I must use a shopping list.Dec 18 23:32
*hemimaniac ( has joined #techrightsDec 18 23:35
DaemonFC"Just 51 percent of all adults who are 18 and older are married, placing them on the brink of becoming a minority, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of census statistics to be released Wednesday. That represents a steep drop from 57 percent who were married in 2000… In 1960, for example, when most baby boomers were children, 72 percent of all adults were married. The median age for brides was barely 20, and the grooms were just a Dec 18 23:35
DaemonFCcouple of years older."Dec 18 23:35
DaemonFC 18 23:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Marriage on the Decline - Chart Porn .::. Size~: 24.24 KBDec 18 23:35
schestowitzI think I saw that beforeDec 18 23:36
schestowitzthe venn diagramDec 18 23:36
schestowitzis this how it's spelled?Dec 18 23:36
schestowitzabout marriage, I heard about that some weeks agoDec 18 23:36
schestowitzmaybe marriage in the religios sense will be phased outDec 18 23:37
cubezzzJohn Venn, yesDec 18 23:37
schestowitzrendering pressure for couples to create exist carrier obsoleteDec 18 23:37
schestowitzexitDec 18 23:37
schestowitzin the UK, people can tax breaks for marrying and having kidsDec 18 23:37
schestowitznot just the sharing of a houseDec 18 23:37
schestowitzI get a 25% discount from City Council for living on my ownDec 18 23:38
schestowitznot 50%Dec 18 23:38
schestowitzso a couple still saves a lot on just thatDec 18 23:38
schestowitzand sharing heating billsDec 18 23:38
DaemonFCyeah, but for the efficiency of bill paying, you don't have to be marriedDec 18 23:39
DaemonFCnow, for government handouts for being married and having kids....Dec 18 23:39
DaemonFCthat's another storyDec 18 23:39
schestowitzI hate switching those on... warming up the whole house for just one resident is very uneconomic... and more people also share the heat emitted from their bodies (exhalation, body temperature)Dec 18 23:39
schestowitzDaemonFC: you feed jabba foodDec 18 23:39
MinceRwhat do Hutts eat anyway?Dec 18 23:39
DaemonFCI consider anyone who takes a child tax care credit to be on welfareDec 18 23:39
schestowitzhe converts it to hat by combustionDec 18 23:39
cubezzzpizza? :)Dec 18 23:40
DaemonFCwhether they want to call it that or notDec 18 23:40
MinceR:)Dec 18 23:40
schestowitzmaybe he hats up your house... he's one heck of a fluffy lanternDec 18 23:40
DaemonFC 18 23:40
cubezzzcats like the heat of the CRTDec 18 23:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Find the Best Checkout Line - .::. Size~: 202.09 KBDec 18 23:40
schestowitzcooking also helps heat things upDec 18 23:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] For democracy to function at all, you need lots of ignorant people blindly siding with the majority 18 23:41
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Democracy needs ignorant people, says science .::. Size~: 85.78 KBDec 18 23:41
schestowitzor making a hot brew...ironing...Dec 18 23:41
schestowitznearby apartmentsDec 18 23:41
schestowitzYou got Dawn's brothel... always hot and heavy thereDec 18 23:41
cubezzzyou get enough computers in one room it will heat it upDec 18 23:42
schestowitz"Do not disturb"Dec 18 23:42
schestowitz"Generator room. Do not enter."Dec 18 23:42
MinceRWookieepedia says Hutts are omnivorousDec 18 23:42
schestowitzin Manchester Computing all the heat in my office came from the datacentreDec 18 23:42
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] From BBC's 'Him & Her' "Do you actually find that funny?" This gets to the bottom of a brave but slightly derivative comedy. #TheRoyleFamilyDec 18 23:42
schestowitzThey channel off the heat of the servers to warm up the building with a cunning tunneling systemDec 18 23:43
schestowitzbut it's impossible to turn off when it gets too hot, which became a problemDec 18 23:43
schestowitz 18 23:43
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jabba The Hutt Cat – Sci-Fi .::. Size~: 40.65 KBDec 18 23:44
MinceR:DDec 18 23:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] What has changed in Identica? The flood of spam in the public feed has been stemmed.Dec 18 23:49
schestowitz 18 23:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jabba The Hutt Cat – Sci-Fi .::. Size~: 40.65 KBDec 18 23:50
DaemonFC"Whenever a programmer thinks, "Hey, skins, what a cool idea", their computer's speakers should create some sort of cock-shaped soundwave and plunge it repeatedly through their skulls."Dec 18 23:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wikileaks2/@wikileaks2] RT @JLLLOW: The letter from Julian Assange's solicitor, Gareth Peirce that @KRuddMP ignored: 18 23:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Joe Rogan on The War Pigs! - YouTube - #usa #mic BRILLIANT! 18 23:51
TechrightsBot-tr@: Dec 18 23:51
DaemonFClolDec 18 23:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Joe Rogan on The War Pigs!       - YouTube .::. Size~: 116.66 KBDec 18 23:51
schestowitzIt looks like Ryan when he was overweight... 18 23:51
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jabba the Hutt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 154.68 KBDec 18 23:51
schestowitz"Jabba the Hutt is a fictional character in George Lucas's space opera film saga Star Wars. Designed as a large, slug-like[2] alien, his appearance has been described by film critic Roger Ebert as "Dickensian," a cross between a toad and the Cheshire Cat"Dec 18 23:52
schestowitzWikipedia covers fictional; charactersDec 18 23:52
schestowitzNOTABLE! AyeDec 18 23:52
schestowitzJimmy approvesDec 18 23:52
schestowitzSee the References sectionDec 18 23:53
schestowitz60+ referencesDec 18 23:53
schestowitzfor a functional toad-like RyanDec 18 23:53
MinceRactually there is a way to do skins properly, it's called pixmapped themesDec 18 23:54
MinceR(GUI-wide, not app-specific)Dec 18 23:54
MinceR:>Dec 18 23:54
*DaemonFC lock schestowitz in a room with Windows Vista, IE 7, and MircDec 18 23:54
DaemonFCtranslation: fuck youDec 18 23:54
DaemonFC:)Dec 18 23:54
cubezzzwouldn't IE 6.0 be even more distasteful? :)Dec 18 23:54
DiabloD3nein!Dec 18 23:55
DaemonFCyou'd think soDec 18 23:55
DiabloD3ie 1!Dec 18 23:55
DaemonFCbut noDec 18 23:55
DaemonFCIE 6 and 7 are really basically the same thingDec 18 23:55
DiabloD3o/~ lets do the time warp agaaaiinn o/~Dec 18 23:55
MinceRwasn't ie 1 just mosaic with a different name?Dec 18 23:55
DaemonFCIE 7 is just a skin that makes IE 6 look more like Firefox 2Dec 18 23:55
DiabloD3somewhatDec 18 23:55
cubezzzspyglassDec 18 23:55
cubezzzI forget what they called it originallyDec 18 23:55
MinceRm$ didn't have so much time to fuck the code up back thenDec 18 23:56
MinceR:>Dec 18 23:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Activist Post: British #Propaganda Aims at Triggering Syrian Genocide - #uk #medialies #nato #syria 18 23:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[tekk/@tekk] RT @x11r5 @jpope Are you on my debian...Dec 18 23:56
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Activist Post: British Propaganda Aims at Triggering Syrian Genocide .::. Size~: 195.56 KBDec 18 23:56
DaemonFCthe only significant different in Trident between IE 6 and IE 7 is that they finally fixed the IE CSS box model bugDec 18 23:56
DaemonFCbut don't use the correct behavior unless the doctype declaration says the page is using "strict" standards complianceDec 18 23:57
DaemonFCin which case, IE 7 will find a way to fuck something else upDec 18 23:57
cubezzzah, it was just called Spyglass MosiacDec 18 23:58
cubezzzbefore Microsoft turned it into IEDec 18 23:59
DiabloD3cubezzzy: yeah, ots mosaicDec 18 23:59
DaemonFCSpyglass Mosaic with a Windows logoDec 18 23:59
DiabloD3*itsDec 18 23:59
DaemonFCwhich referred to itself as IEDec 18 23:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] RT @ovigia Activist Post: British #Propaganda Aims at Triggering Syrian Genocide - #uk #medialies #nato #syria 18 23:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Activist Post: British Propaganda Aims at Triggering Syrian Genocide .::. Size~: 195.56 KBDec 18 23:59
DiabloD3it took a few years to finally confirm they eradicated any original mosiac codeDec 18 23:59
DiabloD3I think msie7 was the first that didnt list the mosiac copyright in the about boxDec 18 23:59

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