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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: January 4th, 2012

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*abeNd-org1 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 04 00:29
*abeNd-org has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 04 00:32
XFaCEqu1j0t3: Why is it that the US political system seems more akin to a component of a contrived movie plot?Jan 04 00:32
qu1j0t3XFaCE: that's a good question but i think it can be answered... Jan 04 00:56
schestowitz "Thanks for the posts, Doc -- they're always cool to read.Jan 04 01:09
TechrightsSocial@: Jan 04 01:09
schestowitz:-DJan 04 01:09
XFaCEschestowitz: Keep up the good work, Doc RoyJan 04 01:36
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 04 02:02
*abeNd-org1 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 04 02:03
*abeNd-org has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 04 02:44
schestowitz> Interesting, that adds importance to the article.  I have to admitJan 04 10:24
schestowitz> that I have trouble anymore tracking who's who though I know theJan 04 10:24
schestowitz> reputation of OSNews as a pro-MS site.  As I read through the articleJan 04 10:24
schestowitz> I was sure he was going to mention Karin Sandler's talkJan 04 10:24
schestowitz> Jan 04 10:24
schestowitz> 04 10:24
schestowitz> Jan 04 10:24
TechrightsSocialTitle: How the open source community could save your life | .::. Size~: 47.7 KBJan 04 10:24
schestowitz> I was surprised that he didn't though he did an excellent job anyway.Jan 04 10:24
schestowitz> Jan 04 10:24
schestowitz> I'm more than a little concerned about the presence or growth ofJan 04 10:24
schestowitz> anti-FOSS sentiment in the Ubuntu forums, especially among privilegedJan 04 10:24
schestowitz> members.Jan 04 10:24
schestowitzCanonical and Ubuntu are losing importance these days. Debian and Mint are gaining and the latter is even more "pragmatic" than Ubuntu.Jan 04 10:24
schestowitz> The Ubuntu Forums seem to have only a fraction of the traffic they hadJan 04 10:41
schestowitz> a few years ago.  I would speculate that the move away from theJan 04 10:41
schestowitz> ideals, and the Mono incident, lost and is losing them a user base.Jan 04 10:41
schestowitzBansheegate did not help, either. Jono does not even want to talk about these issues. IMHO, Ubuntu is jumping the shark. Google/Android has a bit to do with it.Jan 04 10:41
schestowitz> It's still embarrassing for them, among other things they gotJan 04 11:56
schestowitz> infiltrated and abused by 'Softers.  But ignoring it won't make itJan 04 11:56
schestowitz> better.  Also, how it was handled and the fact that it went on for soJan 04 11:56
schestowitz> long lost them both face and credibility.  They have a chance to earnJan 04 11:56
schestowitz> some of both back with 12.04, but only if they make an effort to poundJan 04 11:56
schestowitz> the drum a little.Jan 04 11:56
schestowitzUbuntu is a niche player now and that's quite OK. The nature of Linux+GNU is changing.Jan 04 11:56
schestowitz[cinnamon] 04 13:09
TechrightsSocial@latentexistence: @schestowitz It should bring back sensible desktop interfaces alongside unity and gnome 3.Jan 04 13:09
schestowitz> mode (+o Diablo-D3) by XFaCEJan 04 15:55
schestowitz> 3:40Jan 04 15:55
schestowitz> mode (+o Diablo-D3) by XFaCEJan 04 15:55
schestowitz> 3:40Jan 04 15:55
schestowitz> mode (+o Diablo-D3) by XFaCEJan 04 15:55
schestowitz> 3:40Jan 04 15:55
schestowitz> mode (+o Diablo-D3) by XFaCEJan 04 15:55
schestowitz> 3:40Jan 04 15:55
schestowitz> mode (+v Diablo-D3) by XFaCEJan 04 15:55
schestowitz 04 15:56
TechrightsSocial@satipera (satipera)'s status on Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 13:38:59 UTC - @Schestowisaitz As my Granddad  said to me there is nothing as strange as people. SJ is as he was. He did his little bit and now he is dead.Jan 04 15:56
schestowitzSteve JobsJan 04 15:56
schestowitz "One more time, its important to give donation to big actors of the #freesoftware and the #openweb. There is no massive information campaign without money. And people like us are the pillars af this #opensociety. No financial involvement = no future. Or at least a very different future..."Jan 04 15:59
schestowitz"I like Gnome 3 very much :-)" 04 16:00
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 04 16:03
qu1j0t3schestowitz: slashdot publishes a sympathy-garnering story for Stratfor -- as if they are the good guys and the hackers are the bad guys.Jan 04 18:21
qu1j0t3pure PR Jan 04 18:21
MinceRthose aren't even "hackers", are they? :>Jan 04 18:37
qu1j0t3MinceR: well it was definitely an illegal intrusionJan 04 18:45
qu1j0t3heheJan 04 18:46
MinceRhacking isn't about intrusions, it's about playful clevernessJan 04 18:46
qu1j0t3oh, right. well.Jan 04 18:46
qu1j0t3hehJan 04 18:46
qu1j0t3the word isn't only used for thatJan 04 18:46
qu1j0t3as you knowJan 04 18:46
qu1j0t3it's an overloaded wordJan 04 18:46
MinceRit's a word that is commonly misused, i know :>Jan 04 18:47
schestowitz  "Dr. Roy Schestowitz - Hey Roy - Brian Dunning is nothing but a common criminal"Jan 04 20:14
schestowitz"I tried a pear install for a couple of days. Seemed reasonably quick and worked OK using Ubuntu links for codecs etc. Felt quite apple like, in an unrefined way. " 04 20:16
schestowitz"Had many a chat with Glyn. Got his mental act together. " 04 20:17
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 04 21:24
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 04 21:25
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 04 21:25
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 04 21:25
schestowitz 04 23:13
schestowitz"Jan 04 23:13
schestowitzI've been using linux on my main computer for about a year or two now - and not looking back either! I've pretty much abandoned most of my Windows dependencies (with remaining exceptions used via virtual machines or spare computers).Jan 04 23:13
schestowitzHad an argument with my friends recently over what games to use at a LAN party (since all their games are windows based) - I guess I'll be researching and blogging about cross-platform LAN games soon.Jan 04 23:13
schestowitz"Jan 04 23:13
schestowitz"@Colin Nash - you might like to try Alien Arena and Nexuiz if you want 3D shooters, FreeCiv for turn-based strategy."Jan 04 23:13
schestowitz"Jan 04 23:13
schestowitzMain PC running #DebianJan 04 23:13
schestowitzLaptop just Installed #Backtrack5 (I had LMDE before)Jan 04 23:13
schestowitzRouter #Linksys #WRT300NJan 04 23:13
schestowitzMedia Server running #XBMCJan 04 23:13
schestowitzNetbook running #LMDEJan 04 23:13
schestowitzAnd last but not least,Jan 04 23:13
schestowitz#Nokia #N900 running #Maemo5Jan 04 23:14
schestowitzso I proudly sayJan 04 23:14
schestowitz100% GNU/Linux :)Jan 04 23:14
schestowitz"Jan 04 23:14
schestowitz"Jan 04 23:14
schestowitzI LIKE windows XP (run in classic mode) and it's only my determination to broaden my horizons and that I no longer game that made me start using linux. In my area of work there is only one office suite that is acceptable, all others delivering inconsistent documents to the professional world, rendering themselves of no use. I also run OSX, for my sins, but won't that mistake again.Jan 04 23:14
schestowitzBut my phone's Android and my home PC is Sabayon. ;-)Jan 04 23:14
schestowitz"Jan 04 23:14
schestowitz "@Colin also #AssaultCube is a pretty good game I've been playing it for a week now, and is really fun oh and don't forget about #Hedgewars :D"Jan 04 23:21
*TechrightsSocial (~b0t@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 04 23:27
TechrightsSocialHello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.53Jan 04 23:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: Main Page - Techrights .::. Size~: 38.37 KBJan 04 23:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: freenode: frequently-asked questions .::. Size~: 87.46 KBJan 04 23:27

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