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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: March 8th, 2012

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schestowitzLOL, dentedMar 08 00:00
schestowitz 08 00:37
schestowitz"The larger the corporation the more they want a cut from the little guy. Rich people don't get to be rich by being nice..."Mar 08 00:37
TechrightsSocialTitle: Apple Wants ‘Linux Tax’, OIN Still Unable to Do Much | Techrights - Digg .::. Size~: 37.28 KBMar 08 00:37
schestowitz\ "Patents are a business concept. Microsoft is a business with it's own category on Digg. Extortion is a legal/political matter not a technological one. Since the folks at Digg have created the business, microsoft, and politics categories, why is this posted to technology..."Mar 08 00:40
TechrightsSocialTitle: World’s Biggest Patent Troll, a Microsoft Offshoot, Takes Extortion Public Again | Techrights - Digg .::. Size~: 39.91 KBMar 08 00:40
schestowitzGood pointMar 08 00:40
schestowitz 08 00:42
TechrightsSocialTitle: Photos: Maroon 5 at IBM Pulse conference | Blog | Bob Sutor .::. Size~: 51.75 KBMar 08 00:42
schestowitzMoron 5Mar 08 00:42
*scientes ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMar 08 00:55
*scientes has quit (Changing host)Mar 08 00:55
*scientes (~scientes@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #boycottnovell-socialMar 08 00:55
qu1j0t3Sign our petition demanding the Obama administration produce the internal memos and legal justification for their targeted execution program.Mar 08 02:12
qu1j0t3Click here to sign: 08 02:12
TechrightsSocialTitle:  |  Demand the Obama Administration Release the Execution Memos .::. Size~: 15.01 KBMar 08 02:12
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMar 08 02:25
qu1j0t3!/qu1j0t3/status/177587920075628544Mar 08 02:57
TechrightsSocial@qu1j0t3: Harper & cronies celebrated weakening of Canadian gun laws with cocktail party for gun lobbyists. Outrage! #StopHarperMar 08 02:57
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Tories: Making Gun Policy Weaker Does Not Warrant a Cocktail Party - The Petition Site .::. Size~: 93.88 KBMar 08 02:57
XFaCEReady the baseball batMar 08 03:33
qu1j0t3schestowitz: dogwhistle electioneering at its best-- "There are good, decent men and women who work hard every day and put their skills to the test that aren't taught by some liberal college professor," Santorum said during a gathering organised by Americans for Prosperity, a political action group. "That's why he wants you to go to college. He wants to remake you in his image."Mar 08 03:57
*scientes has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Mar 08 08:45
schestowitz 08 09:26
schestowitzAFAIK it isMar 08 09:26
TechrightsSocial@ClaudioM (claudiom)'s status on Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 20:34:24 UTC - This is nice! How new is this distribution?Mar 08 09:26
schestowitz 08 09:27
TechrightsSocial@agittr: nice! Apple AirTunes/AirPlay support in mythtv RT @schestowitz: MythTV 0.25 Will Finally Be Released Next Month #mythtvMar 08 09:27
TechrightsSocial-> Title: [Phoronix] MythTV 0.25 Will Finally Be Released Next Month .::. Size~: 17.56 KBMar 08 09:27
schestowitz 08 09:28
TechrightsSocial@koolhead17: @schestowitz hehehe. Hope so, i assume they have much bigger gameplan/interest :)Mar 08 09:28
*puppywatch has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 08 09:45
*libertybox_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 08 09:45
*libertybox_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMar 08 09:48
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMar 08 09:48
MinceR 08 09:50
TechrightsSocialTitle: Kate Savage - Google+ - I'm sick of hearing about the new iPad/iPhone and all the… .::. Size~: 355.7 KBMar 08 09:50
schestowitzyeahMar 08 10:00
schestowitzI went to earlierMar 08 10:00
schestowitzthey had it there like front page newsMar 08 10:00
schestowitzand some Linux sites get carries away by this Apple hype, tooMar 08 10:01
schestowitz"more-of-the-same products"Mar 08 10:01
schestowitzNo, not the sameMar 08 10:01
schestowitzNEW NUMBER!!Mar 08 10:01
schestowitzMaybe a newer processor that they just happen to make at the factoryMar 08 10:01
MinceRsometimes not even the number is newMar 08 10:02
schestowitzNumber my s!!Mar 08 10:02
schestowitzDoing Splunk today, some debugging of PDF reporting issue. I've researched this for a while and I checked to ensure that PDF printing had been installed correctly. It seems to be like it is mis-configured and a connection cannot be established because no server is specified.Mar 08 10:54
schestowitzBased on similar issues that people have had, e.g. , localhost possibly needs to be addressed explicitly on HTTPS if it's supported, e.g. - I suggested that this is done under /manager/search/admin/alert_actions/email?action=edit in "Remote PDF Report Server URL" (I don'Mar 08 10:54
TechrightsSocialTitle: PDF Server timing out during scheduled dashboard PDF generation - Splunk Community .::. Size~: 39.39 KBMar 08 10:54
TechrightsSocialcouldn't connect to host ( )Mar 08 10:54
schestowitzt want to change this myself as I cannot test the outcome either).Mar 08 10:54
schestowitzHaving debugged this ( B/debug/pdf ) - I am seeing "" in the generated PDF - port 8000 again, HTTP, no SSL. "PDF server is installed True; PDF server is enabled True; SMTP server set True" - splunkd is definitely running: ps aux | grep splunkd | wcMar 08 10:54
schestowitz> <>Mar 08 11:16
TechrightsSocialTitle: 404 - Page Not Found .::. Size~: 2.73 KBMar 08 11:16
schestowitz> Mar 08 11:16
schestowitz> <quote>Mar 08 11:16
schestowitz> Apple has unveiled a new iPad with a high-definition screen.Mar 08 11:16
schestowitz> Mar 08 11:16
schestowitz> ...Mar 08 11:17
schestowitz> Mar 08 11:17
schestowitz> Apple dominates the market but should face a fresh challenge laterMar 08 11:17
schestowitz> this year when tablets running the full Windows 8 system are expectedMar 08 11:17
schestowitz> to go on sale.Mar 08 11:17
schestowitz> </quote>Mar 08 11:17
schestowitz> Mar 08 11:17
schestowitz> 62% and falling is hardly dominating when they started with overMar 08 11:17
schestowitz> 90%. As for Windows 8 being a challenge, don't these idiots realiseMar 08 11:17
schestowitz> that Microsoft is nowhere in the mobile market? In fact recent figuresMar 08 11:17
schestowitz> show Windows smartphones falling another 1%.Mar 08 11:17
schestowitzLOLMar 08 11:17
schestowitzDoes the BBC ignore AndroidMar 08 11:17
schestowitzpretending that vapourware is the only challenge to hypePad?Mar 08 11:17
schestowitzthey only published this months ago: 08 11:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: BBC News - Android's share of tablet market jumps .::. Size~: 65.49 KBMar 08 11:18
schestowitzamazingMar 08 11:18
schestowitzthey cover hypePadMar 08 11:18
schestowitzpromote MS vapoiurwareMar 08 11:18
schestowitzand "forget" to mention what actually topples hypePad: Android/LinuxMar 08 11:18
schestowitzmore BBC trashMar 08 11:18
schestowitzRemember marbux?Mar 08 12:05
schestowitz 08 12:05
TechrightsSocialTitle: Paul Merrell - Google+ .::. Size~: 89.05 KBMar 08 12:05
schestowitzand his fellows... Mar 08 12:05
schestowitz 08 12:05
TechrightsSocialTitle: Gary Edwards - About - Google+ .::. Size~: 160.87 KBMar 08 12:06
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Mar 08 12:29
schestowitz"I like a lot of the links you share but you tend to not add any of your own commentary to it so it feels more like a RSS feed than actual posts. Do you plan to maybe add some comment to it?"Mar 08 12:48
schestowitzSometimes I discuss the postings in the comments, I also try to add my own views in the postings, as long as I have something meaningful to add.Mar 08 12:49
XFaCEqu1j0t3: What will Harper due today?Mar 08 15:00
XFaCEUghMar 08 15:01
XFaCEgrammer naw goood tdayMar 08 15:01
schestowitz[15:00] <XFaCE> qu1j0t3: What will Harper due today?Mar 08 15:05
schestowitzThis eerily resembles the famous line from Pinky and the BrainMar 08 15:05
schestowitzSame thing we do every night... takre over the worldMar 08 15:06
schestowitzThey're  Pinky and the Brain...  Pinky and the Brain... one is Oda, the other Insane (harper)Mar 08 15:06
XFaCElolMar 08 15:07
XFaCEthe problem is that Harper has enough intelligent to be a good schemerMar 08 15:08
XFaCEhe isn't stupid in that senseMar 08 15:08
schestowitzthey did good work on imageMar 08 15:18
schestowitzwhen I first saw him I thought he was a nice guyMar 08 15:18
XFaCEschestowitz: really?Mar 08 15:21
XFaCEI never got that senseMar 08 15:21
XFaCEEverMar 08 15:21
XFaCEI instead got the impression of an artificial personMar 08 15:21
schestowitzmaybe I was misinformedMar 08 15:22
schestowitzit's one of those lawyersMar 08 15:22
XFaCEqu1j0t3: would you agree?Mar 08 15:22
schestowitzpretty boy types who want to go to court or politics to give a showMar 08 15:22
schestowitzus geeks grow beards insteadMar 08 15:22
XFaCEschestowitz: you don't have a beard...Mar 08 15:25
XFaCEschestowitz: Actually, Harper was never a lawyerMar 08 15:25
schestowitzwhat is he a? A doc?Mar 08 15:32
schestowitzor just a crook?Mar 08 15:32
XFaCEno, just a politicianMar 08 15:32
XFaCEand nothing elseMar 08 15:33
XFaCEEverMar 08 15:33
schestowitzhard to believeMar 08 16:42
schestowitzlet me check, unless his parents were politicians tooMar 08 16:42
schestowitz 08 16:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: Stephen Harper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 499.96 KBMar 08 16:43
schestowitzSon of "Harris Harper, an accountant at Imperial Oil"Mar 08 16:44
schestowitz"He graduated in 1978, and was a member of Richview Collegiate's team on Reach for the Top, a television quiz show for Canadian high school students.[5] Harper then enrolled at the University of Toronto but dropped out after two months."Mar 08 16:44
schestowitz"found work in the mail room at Imperial Oil"Mar 08 16:45
schestowitzImperialMar 08 16:45
schestowitzOilMar 08 16:45
schestowitzqu1j0t3 must love thatMar 08 16:45
schestowitztwo generations for empire and oilMar 08 16:45
schestowitzwhich are pretty much synonymousMar 08 16:45
schestowitz"completed a bachelor's degree in economics. He later returned there to earn a master's degree in economics, completed in 1993. Harper has kept strong links to the University of Calgary, and often lectured there. He is the most recent prime minister since Joe Clark without a law degree."Mar 08 16:46
schestowitz"completed a bachelor's degree in economics. He later returned there to earn a master's degree in economics, completed in 1993. Harper has kept strong links to the University of Calgary, and often lectured there. He is the most recent prime minister since Joe Clark without a law degree."Mar 08 16:47
schestowitzLiberalsMar 08 16:47
schestowitzmaybe like "no regulation" "liberals"Mar 08 16:47
schestowitzXFaCE: did his wife finish all the bleach in the pharmacy? 08 16:51
TechrightsSocialTitle: Laureen Harper - Prime Minister of Canada .::. Size~: 108.27 KBMar 08 16:52
XFaCEschestowitz: lolMar 08 18:21
XFaCEand the kids tooMar 08 18:21
schestowitzreally? Links?Mar 08 21:11
XFaCE 08 21:33
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeMar 08 21:33
qu1j0t3even the url is disturbing!Mar 08 21:41
XFaCEqu1j0t3: 08 22:25
TechrightsSocialTitle: Canadians To Prime Minister: Don't Censor Our Scientists | Techdirt .::. Size~: 53.74 KBMar 08 22:25
qu1j0t3!/tw1tt3rart/status/177883662094831617Mar 08 22:30
TechrightsSocial@tw1tt3rart: ▂╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲┈┈┈┈┈┈♀ ╲┊┊┊╱▔╲┊┊▕┈┈┈┈Happy ┈▏┊┊▏┊▕┊┊▕┈┈International ┈▏┊┊╲▂╱┊┊▕┈┈┈Women's ┈▏┊┊━╋━┊┊▕┈┈┈┈┈Day ┈▏┊┊┊┃┊┊┊▕┈┈┈┈┈┈ ┈╲▂▂▂▂▂▂▂╱┈┈┈┈┈┈Mar 08 22:30
schestowitz 08 22:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: Apple Wants ‘Linux Tax’, OIN Still Unable to Do Much | Techrights - Digg .::. Size~: 42.87 KBMar 08 22:56
schestowitz"Mar 08 22:56
schestowitzFunny you should mention that... Some people will go out of their way to deny the manipulative nature of a lot of rich people. A number of my ex-girlfriends just couldn't accept this. Their attitude was rich guys were always good guys otherwise people wouldn't give them their money. Of course after they had affairs with rich guys (which is why they are my ex-girlfriends) they figured out part of their mistake. Oh well... A Mar 08 22:56
schestowitzlesson learned too late to do any good.Mar 08 22:56
schestowitzContinuing on... I do know some rich guys who know when enough is enough. So it's not all rich people who are like this. These are the ones who pointed me in the direction I took with my initial comment. These guys can't stand to hang around other rich guys just for that reason.Mar 08 22:56
schestowitzIn terms of corporations we have to look at their reason for being. The purpose behind a corporation is to make money. If they were there to lose money then they could (at least in Canadian law) stay a small business. In the end large corporations are there to squeeze every penny out of the consumer. They will find as many ways as are allowed under the law to do so. If Apple wants a cut of the profits generated by the Mar 08 22:56
schestowitzprofessional use of Linux, I don't think they understand the nature of Open Source and are not going to get very far.Mar 08 22:56
schestowitz"Mar 08 22:57
*puppywatch has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 08 23:36
*libertybox_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 08 23:36
*libertybox_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMar 08 23:38
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMar 08 23:38
XFaCEq 08 23:41
TechrightsSocialTitle: 2012: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 580.97 KBMar 08 23:41
schestowitzsutor shows his curiousity 08 23:41
TechrightsSocialTitle: Daily links for 03/08/2012 – Apple (new) iPad (3) Edition | Blog | Bob Sutor .::. Size~: 57.98 KBMar 08 23:41

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